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Expositor: Jorge Luis Ramrez Rubio

Camposol went from being an agricultural company to an agro-industrial

conglomerate of international level, with commercial offices in the United States,
Europe and soon in China. In this conference we noticed the process of growth and
internationalization of Camposol.

Camposol is the leading agroindustrial company in Peru, the largest exporter of

avocado and largest producer of blueberries in the world. It is involved in the
cultivation, processing and marketing of the best quality agricultural and marine
products such as avocados, blueberries, grapes, mangoes, mandarins, prawns, fan
shells and other products, which are exported to Europe, the United States of
America and Asia.

The manager of Camposol Jorge Ramirez Specializing in Finance at Loyola

University in New Orleans, The Us.) and a Masters in Business Administration in

In 2007 the company concentrated in new markets in Europe in especial Germany

and France for the White asparagus.Since the global financial crisis, the company
changed its sales strategies and the system of production and distribution to their
different markets. One of their main changes was to products that did not sell
asparagus and the introduction of new products, mainly blue berries which is now
one of the best-selling fruits in this company.

Mr. Dyer's great expectations about this business are shown as a result of the
creation of a multinational company present in the major markets of the world. Seeks
to increase the number of consumers where their participation can mean gaining
benefits can be the entry of "exotic" foods like all fruits unknown by all countries.

Camposol focuse it's production in fresh products instead of packaged ones that's
why they thought in an attractive value-added production. This sttategy moves in
their success and international recognition. They could develop a system to have
this under control. Another aspect that changes the future business is the association
with the main retailers.

Alexandra Ayala

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