Reportevolumenp2: 123 Main Street Suite #321 City, State 01234

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123 Main Street

Suite #321
City, State 01234
Surface Report Cliente: Client Company

Nombre del proyecto: D:\FRANCO\Instituto Del Descripcin de proyecto:


Fecha del informe: 17/04/2016 19:32:39 Preparado por: Preparer

Area Units:
Linear Units: meter Units:
squareMeter cubicMeter
Surface: ReporteVolumenP2
Description: Descripcin
Area 2D: 3607.959 Area 3D: 3722.837
Elevation Max: 17.618 Elevation Min: -0.753
Number of Triangles:
Number of Points: 412 637
Volume Surface: ReporteVolumenP2
Description: Descripcin
Volume Fill:
Volume Cut: 6.047 Total:
40531.336 40525.289
Compare Surface: S2
Base Surface: S1

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