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Anguish was one of the greatest Warriors the Scarlet Crusade had ever seen.

guile and strength in combat was only matched by his need to seek retribution
towards the foul undeath, and scourge that sweeped across the land and claimed
everything that he had once loved. He fought with pride, as the flame burned bright
his chest and within his heart. But something was different about Anguish. With
every grin he made amidst battle, with every enemy felled through fearfully incited
Darkness loomed over his shoulder... something that none of his fellow Crusaders
could exactly distinguish. Was it his madness towards seeking vengeance? Or was it
far more ominous, they wondered.

One fateful evening in the Eastern Plaguelands - as Anguish was challenging his
affinity towards everything sanguine, slaying wave after wave of undead alone
without a moments pause,
the throngs of undead began to cease so he collapsed with fatigue. Within that
moment, the shroud of darkness above him was truly unveiled.

Beltheris the dreadlord emerged, and struck violently. Reaping his soul, for the
glory of the Legion. Beltheris saw the promise within Anguish, knowing his place of
power would be perfect
for corrupting the Scarlet Crusade even further.

Betheris was a dreadlord of pure malice and darkness. Albeit he contained his
otherworldly powers and hid them well amidst the gleaming Scarlet eyes, his will in
battle was now no less than
terrifying, and very percievable. His rends shattered veins, his hamstrings would
obliterate the muscle from the leg. His battleshouts turned into bloodcurdling
roars, that made his adversaries
very blood itself boil and seethe.

Anguish's brothers and sisters in arms were terrified. But they knew only of his
devotion, and praise of the Light, striding through many battles at his side
through hell and back against the
scourge. Through what they feared, they also began to find sanguine clairvoyance.
Knowing his seemingly dark powers were only perpetuated through the Light. Knowing
his power would keep them safe,
through the times of conflict and strife against the undead. If only they knew the
true horror that lurked within their once beloved comrade.

With each fallen enemy, whether it was undead or not - Horde or Alliance, Beltheris
would relinquish their soul if given the chance to subtlely. The life essence he
would amass made him grow in power
more and more, until all that was left were piles of lifeless bones beneath his
feet. Entire towns would perish, and succumb to the burning desire for Beltheris'
conquest of spirit. One morning
by happenstance, amidst the corruption and plague, a Paladin named Mickas stumbled
across the broken skeletons Beltheris had left behind. The Field Marshal was
appalled, but may have seen nothing but
promise for the seemingly over zealous Scarlet Crusader. Alas, he fled the scene,
as Beltheris vaunted maniacally from the shadows. The dreadlord praised his own
prowess of deception across the battlefield,
but something stuck out in his mind. The thought of this Field Marshal being so
shocked at what he had seen. It seared into his mind...

What is there to this appraised Light?

The answer was soon sought, and discovered. Beltheris approached the rise into
Stormwind Keep one night and ascended into the throne room, only to find Anduin
slain upon the ground. He reveled at the
thought of being able to siphon the soul of the great Varian's son, and did so with
a post-haste grin. But as he inhaled the swirls of ethereal vapor, something
changed deep inside of him. Every hope,
dream, admiration and bit of courage the Alliance stood for tore a chasm across his
decrepit mind... Anduin and Varian's love for their people. The pride and valor
they fought to protect.

For the first time, in eons to pass.

Beltheris could see the Light.

He later sought out Mickas, and confided in him greatly. The two spoke much of the
Light, and the Alliance. As he spoke, he stated that one day the crown may befit
Beltheris' temple.
Alas, Beltheris refused in his mind. He knew that a dreadlord such as himself would
only do so through malice, and deceit. Although he was still so dark, the path he
wanted to follow was much brighter.
Perhaps Anguish could have, at one point. But his soul was still so far gone.

Ever since that day. Beltheris renounced his vows to the Legion, and began to truly
fight for the sanctity of the Alliance, and the Scarlet Crusade. He thought to
himself, that maybe one day he can
reverse the corruption his otherworldly brothers had sown into the Scarlet Crusade.
He had heard distant stories of the Army of the Light, and his brother Lothraxion
becoming imbued with the very gift of
light's radiance itself. But his affinity for darkness being so strong, it made him
ponder still just how exactly the light may cleanse him. Regardless, he understood
the profoundness of it, and now wanted
to seek greater clarity. He knew in his mind what was just, and correct. He wanted
to fight to preserve it, whether it be through darkness or not.

in the name of the Light.

For the Alliance.

For the Scarlet Crusade.

Follow the Light. No matter how Dark your path has been, or becomes.

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