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The Editor BMJ mouths than controls.

Li and Let practice nurses

BMA House, Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JR
This week colleagues (p 18) carried out a
population based case-control tell partners about
T + 44 (0)20 7387 4499
F + 44 (0)20 7383 6418
in the BMJ study with mothers or
caretakers of 185 babies
BMA members inquiries whose deaths were attributed
020 7383 6599
Role of to the syndrome and 312
randomly selected controls
BMJ careers advertising gastro-oesophageal matched for race, ethnicity,
020 7383 6531
reflux treatment and age. After known
confounders were adjusted
Display advertising for chronic cough for, the odds ratio for SIDS in
020 7383 6350 may be in doubt infants who used a dummy
during their last sleep was

Reprints 0.08 (95% CI 0.03 to 0.21)
020 8346 1339 compared with infants not
Subscriptions given dummies. Use of a
BMA Members
dummy may reduce the For people with chlamydia infections diagnosed in
+ 44 (0)20 7383 6955 influence of known risk
primary care, a strategy of
Non-BMA Members
factors in the sleep
practice-based partner environment, say the
notification by trained nurses
+ 44 (0)20 7383 6270 authors.
with telephone follow-up by
For Who is Who at the BMJ health advisers may be more
effective than specialist
For advice to contributors see referral. In a randomised Interventions to reduce
To submit an article go to chronic cough associated with Clarithromycin in controlled trial of 140 adults
gastro-oesophageal reflux with chlamydia infection, Low
may be less beneficial than
stable coronary and colleagues (p 14) found
international guidelines heart disease may that 47 out of 72 participants
whose partners were notified
suggest because trialists may increase mortality by practice nurses had at least
have misdiagnosed chronic
non-specific cough. In a one partner treated,
systematic review and compared with only 39
meta-analysis of randomised partners out of 68
controlled trials, Chang and participants referred to a
The BMJ is published by BMJ
Publishing Group Ltd, a wholly owned colleagues (p 11) found that genitourinary clinic, where 21
subsidiary of the British Medical
this uncertainty sheds doubt participants never turned up.
on the effectiveness of proton The cost was the same for
The BMA grants editorial freedom to
the Editor of the BMJ. The views pump inhibitors for treating both strategies.
expressed in the journal are those of
cough associated with

the authors and may not necessarily

comply with BMA policy. gastro-oesophageal reflux
The BMJ follows guidelines on editorial disease.
independence produced by the World
Association of Medical Editors
What works for
independence) and the code on good Short term treatment with the migraine
publication practice produced by the
Committee on Publication Ethics
Use of a dummy is macrolide antibiotic
Recent advances in clinical
clarithromycin in patients with
associated with stable coronary heart disease
research and basic
reduced risk of neuroscience are improving
may raise the risk of dying of
our understanding of migraine
SIDS cardiovascular causes. In a
and are delivering new
randomised controlled
treatments, says Goadsby on p
multicentre trial by Jespersen 25. Though the future seems
and colleagues (p 22), more positive, some unmet needs
than 4300 patients with remain, such as new preventive
BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2006.
myocardial infarction or therapies, treatments for
All Rights Reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored
angina pectoris received non-vascular acute attack, and
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in either clarithromycin 500 new strategies to manage
any form or by any other means, mg/day or placebo for two
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, patients with intractable
recording, or otherwise, without prior weeks. All cause mortality was migraine. This clinical review

permission, in writing, of the BMJ higher in the clarithromycin summarises developments in

US second class postage paid at arm (hazard ratio 1.27, 95% diagnosis, classification,
Rahway, NJ. Postmaster: send address
changes to BMJ, c/o Mercury CI 1.03 to 1.54), and patients pathophysiological
Airfreight International Ltd Inc, Infants who died of sudden in this group were understanding, and treatment
365 Blair Road, Avenel, NJ 07001,
USA. $640. Weekly
infant death syndrome (SIDS) significantly more likely to strategies for migraine, and
Printed by Precision Colour
were less likely to sleep with have died from cardiovascular discusses strengths and
Printing Limited dummies (pacifiers) in their causes (1.45, 1.09 to 1.92). weaknesses of current research.


bmjupdates+ Editors choice
Doing things differently
New drug for gout shows early promise The beginning of a new year is a time to think about
doing things differently. The first BMJ of the new year
Research question Is febuxostat a safe and effective alternative
has several suggestions.
to allopurinol for patients with gout?
If fear of precipitating acute glaucoma has
Answer Febuxostat seems better than a fixed dose of prevented you from dilating a patients pupils before
allopurinol at reducing serum concentrations of urate, but not checking for diabetic retinopathy, stop worrying and
at improving the clinical symptoms of gout. get out the mydriatic eye drops. Gerald Liew and
colleagues (p 3) tell us that you are twice as likely to
Why did the authors do the study? Febuxostat is a new and
spot retinopathy through a dilated pupil and there is
potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor, designed to reduce the
production of uric acid in people with gout. Like allopurinol, it
very little chance of precipitating acute angle closure
is for preventing, not treating, acute attacks of gout. Febuxostat glaucoma, though they do say you should warn the
is the first new drug in this field for several decades. The patient to seek medical attention if symptoms
authors wanted to compare the new drug with the current develop.
standard treatment, allopurinol. Their study was funded and If you have been following guidelines on treating
analysed by a company with close links to the manufacturers chronic cough with empirical treatments for
of febuxostat. gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, stopA B Chang
and colleagues systematic review suggests you should
What did they do? They tested two doses of the new drug
first check that the patient has GORD (p 11). If you
against a fixed dose of allopurinol in a double blind,
have ever thought of giving clarithromycin to patients
randomised trial lasting one year. Of the 760 US adults who
with stable coronary heart disease, dont (p 14).
participated in and contributed to the analysis, most were white
men aged > 50 years, all had chronic gout and hyperuricaemia
And if you have ever frowned on a mother whose
(mean serum urate concentration 585 mol/l at baseline), and baby sucks a dummy or pacifier, think again. De-Kun
44% had already tried allopurinol. Participants took 80 mg or Li and colleagues case-control study indicates that
120 mg febuxostat or 300 mg allopurinol daily for 52 weeks. sleeping with a dummy/pacifier cuts the risk of
They also took colchicine or naproxen as prophylaxis against sudden infant death by more than 90% (p 18). The
acute flare ups of gout for the first eight weeks of the trial. The authors acknowledge the limitations of their study
authors followed up participants regularly and compared their and that only half of eligible women agreed to take
serum concentrations of urate, and their clinical progress by part. They dont claim that dummies prevent sudden
recording flare ups of gout and by measuring the size of gouty infant death, but its a hypothesis worth testing.
tophi in the 156 patients who had them. Any day now we expect the UK government to
announce its plans for reforming primary care, so we
What did they find? After 52 weeks treatment, 62% (154/250)
have asked some thoughtful people for their vision
of participants taking 120 mg febuxostat, 53% (136/255) of
those taking 80 mg febuxostat, and 21% (53/251) of those for primary care in 2015. Most are surprisingly
taking allopurinol had reached the treatment goal of a serum utopian. Despite talking of patients being utterly
urate concentration of < 357 mol/l for the last three months bemused, Peter Lapsely (p 43) sees out of hours work
of the trial. On this measure, both doses of febuxostat worked being made more attractive, linkage to the by now
significantly better than allopurinol. In clinical terms, however, excellent NHS Direct telephone and internet advice
the three treatments were similar: tophi shrank substantially in service, and patients acknowledging that they have
all three groups, and about two thirds of participants in each responsibilities as well as rights. Dougal Jeffries (p 44)
group had at least one flare up of gout (70% (150/215) in the sees recovering morale and an end to competition:
febuxostat 120 mg group, 64% (147/228) in the febuxostat 80 the ruinously costly choose and book fiasco is a
mg group, and 64% (150/234) in the allopurinol group). fading memory. Providers will relearn the simple
Side effects were also similar, although participants taking lessons of cooperation and coordination. Like others,
120 mg febuxostat were significantly more likely to drop out of he sees most care happening outside hospitals and
the trial than those taking allopurinol (98/251 v 66/254,
lots of patients availing themselves of alternative
P = 0.003), and the commonest adverse event leading to
therapies provided within the NHS. Carol Black (p 47)
withdrawal was abnormal liver function (7/251 of those taking
and Mayur Lakhani and Maureen Baker (p 41) are
120 mg febuxostat v 1/254 of those taking allopurinol,
P = 0.04).
aspirational: strong clinical and professional
leadership and medical professionalism will ensure
What does it mean? Febuxostat may prove a reasonable high levels of public trust.
alternative to allopurinol for people with gout, but its too early Alone among our visionaries, Hamish Meldrum is
to say for certain. The favourable laboratory results in this trial underwhelmed by life in 2015 (p 46): Tesco Health
did not translate to a better clinical outcome for patients, has taken over the failing NHS Direct; Connecting for
worries remain about febuxostats long term safety, and it has Health finally integrates the NHS computing systems
not yet been tested against the commonest dose schedule for eight years late and 25bn over budget; patients have
allopurinol (titrated against serum urate concentration rather
less choice because hospitals have closed and local
than fixed).
treatment centres offer only a limited selection of
Becker et al. Febuxostat compared with allopurinol in patients with treatments, and patients are charged for non-essential
hyperuricemia and gout. New England Journal of Medicine 2005;353:2450-61 services including hotel care in hospital. Why is it I
This summarises a paper that has been selected by bmjupdates. To find Meldrums vision the most convincing? Note to
register for bmjupdates (free email alerts about high quality new papers in self for 2006: try to look on the bright side.
your favourite subjects) go to
Fiona Godlee editor (


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