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My SWOT analysis on MMM

Being among one of the prerequisite for becoming a guilder, I hereby present a swot analysis thus:

MMM can be treated as a good mechanism for financial independence.

It can be treated as an education program for financial independence
It does not discriminate rich or poor. All who give money to the pyramid are treated as equals.
MMM creates no barriers between people because of their financial status.

The ideology of MMM is not followed by hundred percent of members. If you have a desire to
create more money for MMM, then you need to help to support the constant flow of money into
the system.
There is no physical office for the platform which means no trust for the company.
People capitalize on the negative background of MMM.
People who try to get rich in the short terms try to get money out of the pyramid as early as its
If MMM does not get new participants or new money flows into the system it`s impossible to
pay the debts for the old members of the system. Therefore, old members should also create some
constant money investments to the system.

People can change their financial status with MMM. The closer you are to the pyramid top, the
greater the chances that you can get the biggest piece of the pie.
Freedom of transaction. People can transfer the inner currency of the pyramid freely.
No extra charges for transferring the money.
MMM has a system and a well-organized data base.
According to the dreams of Mavrodi. MMM can become a collapse of the old banking system.

The government can become a major threat for MMM when it starts to show clear signs that it`s
the Ponzi scheme.
Financial institution of the country may seize any running operation of the pyramid.
MMM starts treating like Ponzi Scheme and people connected to MMM will be arrested.
MMM ends paying the debts, and thousands of people will lose their money.
MMM creators and bosses might leave the country, and middle agents of the pyramid will stay to
face trial.


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