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Objective To familiarize the students with the concepts of entrepreneurship

and entrepreneurial functions. The course is also intended to develop the
knowledge of the students in the management of projects, project formulation
and the various tools and techniques for project appraisal and control.
Pedagogy Lectures, Assignments, Practical exercises, Case discussion , Seminars etc
Core Course 4 Credits 4 teaching hrs. per week 3 Hrs. End Sem. Exam : 80 Marks

Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurial development- Views of economists, Sociologists, psychologists and
managers on the making of an entrepreneur- Factors influencing entrepreneurship: Individual factors-
Environmental factors- Socio-cultural factors- Support systems- Entrepreneurial motivation.
Functions of an entrepreneur- Types of entrepreneurs- Entrepreneur- Intrapreneur and Professional
manager. Women Entrepreneur: Concept and functions of women entrepreneurs- Problems of women
entrepreneurs- Developing women entrepreneurs recent trends
Entrepreneurial Development Programmes (EDPs): Need and objectives of EDP- Small Entrepreneurs:
Government Policy for small scale industries (SSIs). Institutional Support systems for small entrepreneurs-
Role of DIC, SFCs, Commercial Banks, SIDBI, Entrepreneurship Development Institutes (EDIs).
Concept of a Project & Project Management- Characteristic features of a project- Proj ect life cycle and its
different phases- Project feasibility study- Market feasibility- Technical feasibility-Financial feasibility-
Prerequisites for successful implementation of projects.
Network models PERT and CPM Steps of PERT/CPM techniques PERT/CPM network components
and precedence relationships Rules for network construction Critical path analysis Determining the
critical path determining the floats and slacks crashing of activities .
Evaluation and appraisal of projects- Project appraisal techniques- Proj ect Control- Reasons for ineffective
project control- Technique of project control- Preparation of project proposals.

Text Books:
1. Innovation & Entrepreneurship : Peter F.Drucker
2. Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Development : Vasant Desai.
3. Project Management : Prasanna Chandra

Ref erence Books:

1. Entrepreneurship: New venture Creation : David H Holt
2. New vistas of Entrepreneurship:
Challenges & Opportunities : A.Sahay and M.S.Chikkara
3. Entrepreneurship Development : SS Khanka
4. Lead like an Entrepreneur : Neal Thornberry
5. Project Management and Control : P C K Rao
6. Project Management : Bhavesh M Patel
7. Project Management : K.Nagarajan


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