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Elizabeth's Summer

We really enjoyed having

Elizabeth here for three weeks
this summer. She was such an
encouragement and big help to
us in ministry. She helped tutor
children in English and taught
the bible lessons in Shiya. The
little girls love playing with her
at fun club. She is now helping
her Mamaw Queen adjust to life
after Thomas' dad passed away.
They both are loving their July
as roommates before Elizabeth
goes back to Lee Uni in August.
Please pray for Elizabeth's
school year to honor God and
for her to continue to share
Christ with others.

Churning Away
Jacob had a busy summer break. It came early when he had to leave
two weeks early from school to attend his Papaw Queen's funeral. He
was so honored to get to be a pall bearer though. He did enjoy helping
his Uncle Dennis churn homemade banana ice cream before we left. He
had an awesome school trip with his French class before he headed back
to school in S Africa to begin term 3. Please pray for him to continue to
grow in his faith. Also for his upcoming Cambridge Trial exams in two
A Good Good Father

It was with sad hearts that we

said goodbye to Thomas' father
June 9. We were all blessed to
know him and inspired by his life
of service and sacrifice both to
his country while serving in the
Navy and to the lost as he
shared Christ with others. He
faithfully taught Sunday school
decade after decade and
inspired us all to make disciples
as he did each week. Please
remember Thomas' mother as
see begins her new life without
her dear Ronnie. We know we
serve a good God who will help
us in every way.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

13 believers baptized from Shiyabazali

Sibong kids attending Hilton Baptist VBS and Sunday school faithfully
Steady interpreters this month. Continue to need Lesotho speaker
5 new interns over next 2 weeks


3 Ethembeni interns to finish strong next week. 5 new interns to learn

how to evangelize and grow in Christ.
God to send Hilton Baptist a children's director with a heart for the kids
at Sibong
The Lord to give us favor to continue to teach Christ at Sibongumbomvu.
Continued volunteer support from Hilton Baptist
Pray for Shiya's patient's growth in Christ. Clothing for winter and
Thomas' mom to continue to do well and recover from her eye surgery.
Jacob's trial exams at St. Charles to go well.
Elizabeth to encourage her grandmother. Have a great year at Lee at
dorm chaplain for Sharp/Davis.
Thomas to preach God's message in Northdale this month
Donations make us bounce with joy:

If you would like to help support our family or the

work God has given us to do in S Africa, you can do
this in 3 ways:

1. Send a check to our sending home

church. Just make the check out to
Grove Level Baptist Church. Put
Queens for the King on the memo
line. The check can be sent to:

Grove Level Baptist Church

2802 Cleveland Hwy
Dalton, GA 30721

2. Go online to Select

Online giving tab. Under the Queens
for the King section hit the "Give Now"
tab. Follow instructions as prompted.

3. Go online
to Select
Get Involved tab. Pick Donate on
drop down menu. Then click the secure
link to our churchs website to make
your tax deductible donations

*All donations are tax deductible. Please specify in

the memo line if the donation is for a specific need
placed on your heart.

Check out our website: or

Follow us on our Facebook page at Queens for the King

or On Twitter at: @queens_for

Permanent Address: In-Country Mailing Address:

Thomas and Paige Queen Thomas and Paige Queen

135 Leamington Lane SE Suite H 17
Cleveland, TN 37323 P/Bag X 9118
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

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