Manage Your Manual Tests With Test Studio

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Manage Your Manual Tests More Effectively

with Test Studio

Jim Holmes
Testing Tools Evangelist

Stop me if youve heard or experienced this story before:

youre starting off a new project, and your team doesnt have
any test automation skills. Ergo, you spend a large amount
of time writing up manual test cases so that you can ensure Executing a large-scale test pass with these manual test
youre getting the proper test coverage in place. plans is pure pain: you have to allocate out the test cases,
and its difficult to understand the status of the overall
You start using Excel to track your test cases because ev- test run. Consolidating pass/fail metrics is pure misery.
eryones familiar with Excel, and its tabular format lends
The effort youve invested writing those manual test
itself to writing up simple step-validation scenarios. Soon cases is lost when you want to move them to your auto-
youve got huge Excel workbooks, or combinations of mated testing approach.
workbooks, tracking hundreds, if not thousands of manual
Every manual test case requires you to spend an ex-
test cases. traordinary amount of time setting up prerequisites for
You soon realize youre in a bad spot because: the test.
Versioning the Excel files can be difficult depending on Ive been there, and Ive suffered through these problems
your source control system. Lets not even begin to dis- and more. I once worked at a job where we had thousands
cuss multiple people working on different test cases in of test cases in Excel worksheets. Those bullet points in the
the same file and trying to merge the results
list above? I lived those!
Youre not able to easily track the pass/fail status of the
test suite you have in Excel. History trends are even Manual test cases are a fact of life in many organizations,
worse. so youve got to learn how to deal with them effectively.
You cant easily validate the pass/fail status or history of Test Studio can help you with exactly these problems: Test
the manual test suite for previous releases. Studio can get your manual test cases under control by
You cant easily track specific test case versioning back helping you bring them in to its environment where you
to builds or releases. can easily version existing cases, write new ones, execute
test runs, track history, and even automate painfully repeti-
tive portions of your manual test cases.

Write New Manual Tests, or Use Test Studios Fast Forward
Import Existing Ones to Handle Prerequisite Steps
Use Test Studios new Manual Test type to create new Ive suffered through many manual tests where the actual
tests as you need. Make them as verbose or concise as you test took me 30 seconds of typing and clicking; however,
need. You can even add notes and images to the test cases the work involved with setting up the prerequisites for
to help ensure your validation steps are crystal clear. that test took well over five minutes.
Have existing tests you want to bring in to Test Studio? Use For example, if Im testing forum software and want to
the Excel Import feature to pull in test steps from your cur- check that a user can respond to a forum post from an-
rent manual tests! other user, heres the list of setup steps Id have to take:
1) Create original poster user (OP)
Version Your Tests
2) Create a forum for original poster to navigate to
Test Studio uses simple file structures for all its tests and
3) Log on as the original poster
artifacts. Its a snap to integrate in to any version control
4) Navigate to the new forum
system you usewhich means youre quickly versioning
your tests, test run results, and historical data. Your tests 5) Create a post
and data now tie directly to your softwares codebase! 6) Create a second user (the user were testing as)
7) Log on as that user
Get Stats and History for Your Tests 8) Navigate to the new forum
Bringing your manual test cases in to Test Studio gives you 9) Find the OPs forum post
a tremendous win over the effort of tracking the status 10) Reply to the post
and history of your test runs. Your manual tests fit right in
11) Confirm the reply has been stored in the system and
to the same reporting UX youre used to working with for
renders properly
your automated tests.
Thats 11 steps, and only the last two matter for this spe-
This particular feature is of great personal value to mein
cific test! Thats an awful value tradeoff!
previous jobs Ive had to write custom .NET Office Automa-
tion applications to extract data from Excel worksheets, Using Test Studios Fast Forward feature I can quickly auto-
massage that data, then report it. I enjoy building helpful mate those first ten steps I can even make use of already
tools for my teams, but that effort was always sheer pain existing automation! Now I can focus on the specific, gran-
to keep working! ular portion of the test that I really care about.

Ease Your Transition to Automated Tests Ease Your Manual Test

Management with Test Studio
Manual tests will always be needed, but they should be mi-
grated to automated tests whenever feasible. Test Studios Manual tests have their valuable place in a projects overall
Manual Test type gives you a great starting point to get approach to quality. The key is, as with your automation, to
your features or bugs acceptance criteria documented. keep a good value proposition around the effort needed
Once youre at that point you can start recording or writing to create, manage, execute, and track status of your man-
test steps within that test. In short order youve got a fully ual tests.
automated test built off your bug reports validation crite- Test Studio will help you ensure youre able to focus on the
ria, or the acceptance criteria/spec youve created with the valuable parts of your manual tests instead of suffering
rest of your team! through trying to deal with them!

Get started with Test Studio today. Jim Holmes

Download a free 30-day trial with priority support. Testing Tools Evangelist


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