Pylori in The Stomach, Which Leads To Inflammation and Infections. The Second Factor That Causes Peptic

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INTRODUCTION: Dillenia sibuyanensisis an endemic plant from Sibuyan, Romblon in the Philippines.
Under the family of Dilleniaceae, this particular specie doesnt have published studies but has related
studies within its family. Dilleniaceae has wide range of pharmacological use, including anti-ulcerative
properties. In the Philippines, the morbidity rate of Peptic Ulcer disease in 2014 reached 6,234 or 1.20%
of total deaths. One of the factors that causes Peptic ulcer in humans is the presence of Helicobacter
pylori in the stomach, which leads to inflammation and infections. The second factor that causes Peptic
ulcer is the concomitant use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) that causes damage to
the stomach lining.

METHOD: Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Inducing ulcer to Albino mice using NSAID (Mefenamic
acid), Ferrous Iron-Ascorbic Acid, and Ethanol, and performing histopathology to the affected organs to
determine if Dillenia sibuyanensis has a potential anti-ulcer activity.

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