Te-I - Question Bank Under Unit-I (Highway Planning & Alignment)

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1. (a) Briefly outline the highway development in India.

(b) What are the various methods of classifying roads?

2. (a) What are the different road network patterns? Explain them in detail with neat sketches.
(b) Explain the necessity and objectives of highway planning?

3. (a) Briefly outline the role played by 20 year plans in road development in our country and
bring out the differences between various twenty year road plans.
(b) What are the various surveys to be carried out before planning a highway system for a
given area? Explain briefly?

4. (a) What are the various requirements of an ideal highway alignment? Discuss briefly?
(b) Explain with sketches the various factors affecting the highway alignment.

5. (a) Briefly explain the engineering surveys needed for a highway project and data to be

6. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Jayakar Committee
(b) Central road fund
(c) Indian Roads Congress
(d) Road Development Vision 2021
(e) Rural Road Development Plan Vision 2025
(f) Drawing and reports

Other Questions asked in JNTU under Unit-I

1) What is the importance of Nagpur road plan in highway planning of our country?
Explain the plan formulae and the salient features of the plan.
2) Explain obligatory points? What are the uses of map study in engineering surveys?
3) What are the different Road Development Plans in India? Discuss them in detail.
4) What are the significant recommendations of jayakar committee report? Mention how
this helped in road development in India?
5) What is the classification of Nagpur road plan? Briefly out line classification based
on location and function.
6) What are the factors controlling alignment?
7) What is the importance of Nagpur road plan in highway planning of our country.
Explain the plan formulae and the salient features of the plan.
8) Discuss the second twenty year road plan of 1961-81 and its salient features.
9) Compare the Nagpur road plan and the second twenty year road plan; discuss the
merits of each.
10) What are the various objectives of preliminary survey for highway alignment?
Enumerate the details to be collected and the various steps in the conventional
11) Discuss about various requirements for a highway alignment.
12) What are the objects of reconnaissance in engineering surveys? Discuss the scope of
aerial survey for the purpose. Also discuss about other survey needed for locating a
new highway.
13) What are the various surveys to be carried out before planning a highway system for a
given area? Explain briefly
14) What are the significant recommendations of Jayakar Committee Report? Mention
how this helped in road development in India.
15) What are the significant recommendations of Jayakar Committee Report?
16) Briefly discuss different road development plans.
17) What are the factors affecting the road alignment? Discuss.
18) Explain obligatory points. With sketches, discuss how these control the alignment.
19) What are the various objectives of preliminary survey for highway alignment?
Enumerate the details to be collected and the various steps in the conventional
20) What are the significant recommendations of Jayakar Committee Report? Mention
how this helped in road development in India.
21) What are the various requirements of an ideal alignment? Discuss briefly.
22) Explain briefly the modified classification of road system in India as per the Third
23) Twenty Year Road Development Plan, 1981-2001.
24) What are the factors affecting the highway alignment.
25) What are the different Road Development Plans in India? Discuss them in detail.
26) Explain the engineering surveys needed for a highway project and data to be
27) What is the importance of Nagpur road plan in highway planning of our country?
Explain the plan formulae and the salient features of the plan.
28) Explain obligatory points? What are the uses of map study in engineering surveys?
29) Bringing out the efforts made in India for planned development of Highway system.
Explain the salient features of Nagpur road plan. What are the various engineering
surveys required for fixing the final alignment of a highway? Explain.
30) Write a note on highway development taken place in India. Explain the significance
of first road development plan India.
31) Explain various highway road network patterns followed in India.
32) Describe various engineering surveys required for highway alignment.
33) Briefly discuss the historical development of road construction?
34) Discuss the special care to be taken while aligning hill roads.
35) What is the importance of Nagpur road plan in highway planning of our country?
Explain the plan formulae and the salient features of the plan?
36) Explain obligatory points? What are the uses of map study in engineering surveys?
37) What are the objectives of Preliminary Survey? Explain the conventional methods of
Preliminary Survey?
38) What are the salient features of third twenty year road development plan?
39) Explain the salient features of the second 20 year plan? Give the formulae for
calculating the lengths of different categories of raods?
40) What are the basic requirements of an ideal alignment?

Write short notes on the following.

i. Classification of Roads
ii. Drawing and reports

Explain the concept of mobility and accessibility. How do you classify the highway system in

What are the different types of road patterns? Draw the neat sketch on road patterns.

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