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GE Energy GE Power & Water

O&M Flash
Features and Installation

Digital O&M Manual | Online O&M Manual | PDF-Based O&M Manual

Printed in MexicoCreated 2012
GE Power & Water GE Energy

Notes: Notes:

r y Contents

rted 1
Digital O&M Manual Features..4
Customizable User Interface...4
Improved Search Capabilities.4
Export Functionality...5
Digital O&M Manual System Requirements.6
Digital O&M Manual Installation...7
Digital O&M Manual Launching the Application and
Accessing the O&M Manuals....11
Digital O&M Manual Selection....12
Digital O&M Manual Interface....13
Digital O&M Manual Help Section......14

Online O&M Manual Features..16
Online O&M Manual System Requirements.17
Online O&M Manual Links.18

Section sed 19
PDF-Based O&M Manual Features.20
PDF-Based O&M Manual System Requirements21
PDF-Based O&M Manual Open Without Installing..22
PDF-Based O&M Manual Complete Installation.23

GE 3RZHU :DWHU PDF-Based O&M Manual

Notes: 7. Select the start menu program folder to create a shortcut

or create a new one, then click Next.
Figure 4-E

8. Once installation is complete select Finish.

Figure 4-F

III 25
PDF-Based O&M Manual Section 1

5. The Choose Destination Location window will open. The

file data can be stored in a custom location. By default,
the software will create a folder on the computers hard
drive. Choose a storage location or use default settings,
then click Next.
Figure 4-C

Getting Started

6. Select Full Install then click Next.

Figure 4-D

24 1
Getting Started PDF-Based O&M Manual

The O&M Flash provides access to all GEs software based Complete Installation
O&M Manual applications. To learn more about the Digital
Administrative rights are only required for the initial setup of
O&M Manual, Online O&M Manual or PDF-Based O&M Manu-
the PDF-Based O&M Manual application. If you are unsure of
al review the sections within this booklet.
your administrative rights, contact your local IT Help Desk.
Follow the steps below to access the O&M Manual for the
subject unit(s):
1. Follow the Getting Started procedure on page 2 of this
1. Insert the O&M Flash into a USB port. If the AutoPlay win-
dow opens, proceed to item 2. If the AutoPlay window
does not open, proceed to item 3. 2. Select the Install icon for the PDF-Based O&M Manual

2. Select GEOMM-Get_Started.cmd. Proceed to item 5. 3. The PDF-Based O&M Manual data setup will launch. Fol-
low the onscreen instructions to complete the setup.
3. Depending on the computers system configurations, the
Figure 4-A
AutoPlay window may not be displayed. In this case go to
My Computer and open the drive for the O&M Flash.
4. Open GEOMM-Getting_Started.cmd in the main O&M
Flash folder.
5. Review the features and select from the O&M Manual op-
tions. Figure 1-A

4. The License Agreement will open. Select Yes or No

Figure 4-B

2 23
PDF-Based O&M Manual Section 2

Open Without Installing

The PDF-Based O&M Manual can be used without installing
the file data to the hard drive. This feature requires the O&M
Flash to be connected to USB port during use.
1. Follow the Getting Started procedure on page 2 of this
2. Select the Open icon for the PDF-Based O&M Manual.
Digital O&M Manual

22 3
Digital O&M Manual PDF-Based O&M Manual

Featur tomizable User Interface System Requirements

Highly Customizable Interface: Users can customize 486/66 PC with 16 MB of memory (32 MB preferred)
windows within Digital Manual, i.e. tile or layer multiple 20 MB of available hard drive memory for Reader Installa-
windows with the ability to detach and drag any win- tion
dow from the main program window over additional
Up to 650 MB of available hard drive memory for full in-
Multi-Document Interface: Ability to open multiple docu-
ments for easy cross-referencing. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4 Service Pack 2
or higher
Table of Contents (TOC) Locator: Highlights location of
Adobe Acrobat Reader
the selected document within the Main TOC. The search
function also utilizes this feature.
Enhanced Magnifier Feature: Magnifier Glass allows en-
largement of a specific document section without
zooming. Pan Window indicates position of magnifier
within the document.
Featur roved Sear
Search Engine: Provides full text search supporting
complex queries (i.e. Boolean-and/or/not, etc).
Search Scope Options: Ability to search complete O&M
Manual content or limit search to TOC text.
Multiple Search Windows: Ability to conduct and display
multiple searches at the same time.

4 21
PDF-Based O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Features Featur rt Fu
Easy/basic navigation Custom Content Export: Export complete tabs with asso-
No software to install or administrative privileges re- ciated files or single files to create a customized TOC.
quired Tabs can also be renamed.

Search functionality Easier Document Management System (DMS) Integration:

Enables users to arrange and load files into a DMS.
Can be installed on hard drive or read from flash drive
Structured Output for Transmittal: Enables user to gener-
Multiple documents can be copied and stored as re- ate a custom manual and export to external devices (i.e.
quired flash drive, CD, DVD, tablet PCs, etc). A gauge feature ex-
ists to indicate which external device can support the cre-
ated custom manual.
Export Functionality: Ability to export search results and
TOC to editable formats (i.e. MS Excel or MS Word).

20 5
Digital O&M Manual Section 4

System Requirements
700MB to 4GB of available hard disk space
1 GHz processor required (dual care or better is recom-
2GB RAM (4GB recommended)
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher (for link access on-
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (will need up to 2GB of hard
PDF-Based O&M Manual
disk storage)

6 19
Online O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Links Installation
To access the Online O&M Manual go to: Administrative rights are only required for the initial setup of the Digital O&M Manual application and its prerequisite soft-
ware. If you are unsure of your administrative rights, contact
To access the GE O&M Manual Survey go to: http://
your local IT Help Desk.
p=26674&d=3158120 Procedure
An SSO ID is required before accessing the Online O&M 1. Follow the Getting Started procedure on page 2 of this
Manual or the GE O&M Manual Survey. To register go to: Booklet. 2. Select the Install icon for Digital O&M Manual.
3. Once the Digital Manual Installer window opens, it will
display a list of components to install. Click Install.
Figure 2-A

4. The Digital Manual data setup will launch. Follow the on-
screen instructions to complete the setup.
Figure 2-B

18 7
Digital O&M Manual Online O&M Manual

5. Read the End-User License Agreement. Select I accept System Requirements

or I do not accept and click Next.
Any operating system
Figure 2-C
Personal computer with a 17 or larger display is highly
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0 or 8.0; Mozilla Firefox
Note: When using the Export Table of Contents feature IE
7.0 and higher will generate a .xls file. IE versions lower
than 7.0 will generate a .csv file.
RAM: 512 MB, For optimal performance 1 GB or higher
Broadband Internet connection (E1, T1 or ADSL)
6. Select Custom or Install (default). Most users should Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent software must be
chose Install which installs to the default location. installed in order to print documents, Adobe Acrobat
Custom allows users to choose the location of the in- Reader installer can be obtained at:
stallation and select features to Install.

Figure 2-D

8 17
Online O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Features 7. If Custom Install is selected, follow Figure 2-E through 2-

H. If Install is selected, follow Figure 2-E through 2-G.
Quick and secure access to the latest version of the O&M The installation may take several minutes. When the in-
Manual stallation is complete click Finish (Figure 2-H).
Search functionality
Figure 2-E Figure 2-F
Documents can be downloaded
Automatic updates are provided for most GEI/GEK publi-
cations and GE drawings issued by GE Steam Turbine,
Gas Turbine and Generator Engineering

Figure 2-G Figure 2-H

16 9
Digital O&M Manual Section 3

8. The Digital Manual Viewer Setup will launch if not previ-

ously installed. Follow the onscreen instructions to com-
plete setup (this may take a few minutes). When complete
click Close.
Figure 2-I Figure 2-J

Online O&M Manual

Figure 2-K Figure 2-L

10 15
Digital O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Help Section Launching the Application and Accessing the

To access the Digital O&M Manual Help Section, click the O&M Manuals
icon at the top right corner of the application window.
To launch the application, click the Digital Manual icon locat-
Figure 2-Q
ed on the desktop. The icon is also available through the GE
Power & Water folder on the Start Menu.

Figure 2-M

14 11
Digital O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Manual Selection Interface

To select a manual, choose and click from the list of manuals This screen shows the TOC Navigation Toolbar.
when the application starts. If the list of manuals is not dis-
played, click the Open icon in the upper left-hand side of Figure 2-O
the screen and choose from the list.

Figure 2-N

This screen shows Table of Contents Selection.

Figure 2-P

12 13
Digital O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Manual Selection Interface

To select a manual, choose and click from the list of manuals This screen shows the TOC Navigation Toolbar.
when the application starts. If the list of manuals is not dis-
played, click the Open icon in the upper left-hand side of Figure 2-O
the screen and choose from the list.

Figure 2-N

This screen shows Table of Contents Selection.

Figure 2-P

12 13
Digital O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Help Section Launching the Application and Accessing the

To access the Digital O&M Manual Help Section, click the O&M Manuals
icon at the top right corner of the application window.
To launch the application, click the Digital Manual icon locat-
Figure 2-Q
ed on the desktop. The icon is also available through the GE
Energy folder on the Start Menu.

Figure 2-M

14 11
Digital O&M Manual Section 3

8. The Digital Manual Viewer Setup will launch if not previ-

ously installed. Follow the onscreen instructions to com-
plete setup (this may take a few minutes). When complete
click Close.
Figure 2-I Figure 2-J

Online O&M Manual

Figure 2-K Figure 2-L

10 15
Online O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Features 7. If Custom Install is selected, follow Figure 2-E through 2-

H. If Install is selected, follow Figure 2-E through 2-G.
Quick and secure access to the latest version of the O&M The installation may take several minutes. When the in-
Manual stallation is complete click Finish (Figure 2-H).
Search functionality
Figure 2-E Figure 2-F
Documents can be downloaded
Automatic updates are provided for most GEI/GEK publi-
cations and GE drawings issued by GE Steam Turbine,
Gas Turbine and Generator Engineering

Figure 2-G Figure 2-H

16 9
Digital O&M Manual Online O&M Manual

5. Read the End-User License Agreement. Select I accept System Requirements

or I do not accept and click Next.
Any operating system
Figure 2-C
Personal computer with a 17 or larger display is highly
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0 or 8.0; Mozilla Firefox
Note: When using the Export Table of Contents feature IE
7.0 and higher will generate a .xls file. IE versions lower
than 7.0 will generate a .csv file.
RAM: 512 MB, For optimal performance 1 GB or higher
Broadband Internet connection (E1, T1 or ADSL)
6. Select Custom or Install (default). Most users should Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent software must be
chose Install which installs to the default location. installed in order to print documents, Adobe Acrobat
Custom allows users to choose the location of the in- Reader installer can be obtained at:
stallation and select features to Install.

Figure 2-D

8 17
Online O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Links Installation
To access the Online O&M Manual go to: Administrative rights are only required for the initial setup of the Digital O&M Manual application and its prerequisite soft-
ware. If you are unsure of your administrative rights, contact
To access the GE O&M Manual Survey go to: http://
your local IT Help Desk.
p=26674&d=3158120 Procedure
An SSO ID is required before accessing the Online O&M 1. Follow the Getting Started procedure on page 2 of this
Manual or the GE O&M Manual Survey. To register go to: Booklet. 2. Select the Install icon for Digital O&M Manual.
3. Once the Digital Manual Installer window opens, it will
display a list of components to install. Click Install.
Figure 2-A

4. The Digital Manual data setup will launch. Follow the on-
screen instructions to complete the setup.
Figure 2-B

18 7
Digital O&M Manual Section 4

System Requirements
700MB to 4GB of available hard disk space
1 GHz processor required (dual care or better is recom-
2GB RAM (4GB recommended)
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher (for link access on-
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (will need up to 2GB of hard
PDF-Based O&M Manual
disk storage)

6 19
PDF-Based O&M Manual Digital O&M Manual

Features Featur rt Fu
Easy/basic navigation Custom Content Export: Export complete tabs with asso-
No software to install or administrative privileges re- ciated files or single files to create a customized TOC.
quired Tabs can also be renamed.

Search functionality Easier Document Management System (DMS) Integration:

Enables users to arrange and load files into a DMS.
Can be installed on hard drive or read from flash drive
Structured Output for Transmittal: Enables user to gener-
Multiple documents can be copied and stored as re- ate a custom manual and export to external devices (i.e.
quired flash drive, CD, DVD, tablet PCs, etc). A gauge feature ex-
ists to indicate which external device can support the cre-
ated custom manual.
Export Functionality: Ability to export search results and
TOC to editable formats (i.e. MS Excel or MS Word).

20 5
Digital O&M Manual PDF-Based O&M Manual

Featur tomizable User Interface System Requirements

Highly Customizable Interface: Users can customize 486/66 PC with 16 MB of memory (32 MB preferred)
windows within Digital Manual, i.e. tile or layer multiple 20 MB of available hard drive memory for Reader Installa-
windows with the ability to detach and drag any win- tion
dow from the main program window over additional
Up to 650 MB of available hard drive memory for full in-
Multi-Document Interface: Ability to open multiple docu-
ments for easy cross-referencing. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4 Service Pack 2
or higher
Table of Contents (TOC) Locator: Highlights location of
Adobe Acrobat Reader
the selected document within the Main TOC. The search
function also utilizes this feature.
Enhanced Magnifier Feature: Magnifier Glass allows en-
largement of a specific document section without
zooming. Pan Window indicates position of magnifier
within the document.
Featur roved Sear
Search Engine: Provides full text search supporting
complex queries (i.e. Boolean-and/or/not, etc).
Search Scope Options: Ability to search complete O&M
Manual content or limit search to TOC text.
Multiple Search Windows: Ability to conduct and display
multiple searches at the same time.

4 21
PDF-Based O&M Manual Section 2

Open Without Installing

The PDF-Based O&M Manual can be used without installing
the file data to the hard drive. This feature requires the O&M
Flash to be connected to USB port during use.
1. Follow the Getting Started procedure on page 2 of this
2. Select the Open icon for the PDF-Based O&M Manual.
Digital O&M Manual

22 3
Getting Started PDF-Based O&M Manual

The O&M Flash provides access to all GEs software based Complete Installation
O&M Manual applications. To learn more about the Digital
Administrative rights are only required for the initial setup of
O&M Manual, Online O&M Manual or PDF-Based O&M Manu-
the PDF-Based O&M Manual application. If you are unsure of
al review the sections within this booklet.
your administrative rights, contact your local IT Help Desk.
Follow the steps below to access the O&M Manual for the
subject unit(s):
1. Follow the Getting Started procedure on page 2 of this
1. Insert the O&M Flash into a USB port. If the AutoPlay win-
dow opens, proceed to item 2. If the AutoPlay window
does not open, proceed to item 3. 2. Select the Install icon for the PDF-Based O&M Manual

2. Select GEOMM-Get_Started.cmd. Proceed to item 5. 3. The PDF-Based O&M Manual data setup will launch. Fol-
low the onscreen instructions to complete the setup.
3. Depending on the computers system configurations, the
Figure 4-A
AutoPlay window may not be displayed. In this case go to
My Computer and open the drive for the O&M Flash.
4. Open GEOMM-Getting_Started.cmd in the main O&M
Flash folder.
5. Review the features and select from the O&M Manual op-
tions. Figure 1-A

4. The License Agreement will open. Select Yes or No

Figure 4-B

2 23
PDF-Based O&M Manual Section 1

5. The Choose Destination Location window will open. The

file data can be stored in a custom location. By default,
the software will create a folder on the computers hard
drive. Choose a storage location or use default settings,
then click Next.
Figure 4-C

Getting Started

6. Select Full Install then click Next.

Figure 4-D

24 1
GE Energy PDF-Based O&M Manual

Notes: 7. Select the start menu program folder to create a shortcut

or create a new one, then click Next.
Figure 4-E

8. Once installation is complete select Finish.

Figure 4-F

III 25
Power & Water Contents

rted 1
Digital O&M Manual Features..4
Customizable User Interface...4
Improved Search Capabilities.4
Export Functionality...5
Digital O&M Manual System Requirements.6
Digital O&M Manual Installation...7
Digital O&M Manual Launching the Application and
Accessing the O&M Manuals....11
Digital O&M Manual Selection....12
Digital O&M Manual Interface....13
Digital O&M Manual Help Section......14

Online O&M Manual Features..16
Online O&M Manual System Requirements.17
Online O&M Manual Links.18

Section sed 19
PDF-Based O&M Manual Features.20
PDF-Based O&M Manual System Requirements21
PDF-Based O&M Manual Open Without Installing..22
PDF-Based O&M Manual Complete Installation.23

GE Energy GE Power & Water

Notes: Notes:

GE Power & Water GE Energy

O&M Flash
Features and Installation

Digital O&M Manual | Online O&M Manual | PDF-Based O&M Manual

Printed in MexicoCreated 2012

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