E Thesis

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Holy Spirit Integrated School




Education is the process of facilitating, learning, or the acquisition of

knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It gives people the baseline skills to

survive as adults in the world. From 1945 - 2011. Basic Education took ten years to

complete-six years of elementary education and four years of high school

education for children aged six up to sixteen. However, starting in the 2012 2013

school year, the education system of the Philippines was enhanced from the ten

years of basic education to a 12-year program through an initiative called the K-12

Educational Plan sponsored by the Department of Education. The implementation

of it is the key to our nations development. Prior to the implementation of the K-12

curriculum guide, the Philippines was one of only three countries in the world and

the only one in Asia that has only 10 years in Basic Education. This has always

been seen as disadvantage for our students who are competing in an increasingly

global job market. The longer educational cycle of the K-12 curriculum is seen as

critical in giving Filipino students a higher quality of education. While adaptation of

K-12 scheme students are expected to graduate at age a bit older than the past

graduates. This is an advantage according to the Department of Education, as

graduates will be considered as young adults. K-12 system aims to improve

Filipino students mathematical, scientific and linguistic competence. With the new
Holy Spirit Integrated School

curriculum, the Department of Education promised to offer higher quality education

through tracks.

Theoretical Framework

This study is related to Luke Daltons theory.

Luke Daltons theory shows how senior high school students can put

motivational principles from self-determination theory into practice. To explain the

`how to' their perception as of now, he answer seven frequently asked questions

from students: What is your perception in adding two (2) years in basic education?

How does your perception help you decide? Does your perception as a student

mean permissiveness of the Kto12 curriculum? How would you encourage other

students' in studying for two (2) more years? How could your perception help other

students maintain their engagement? How would you solve motivational and

behavioral problems using your perception as a student? How will you support the

new curriculum using your perception? To answer these questions, we recommend

the following classroom practices: take the students' perspective, display patience

to allow time for learning, nurture inner motivational resources, provide explanatory

rationales, rely on non controlling language, expand students knowledge about

Senior High school and acknowledge and accept expressions of negative effect.

This study was anchored on the point of view and theories of the following well-

known authorities, which are closely relevant to the researchers study.

Holy Spirit Integrated School

Conceptual Framework

The following conceptual framework shown in figure II that has a three-part

process undertook the focus of this study: the input, process, and output.


INPUT Listing of:

*Students sources of
Students response in PROCESS
information about K-
terms of:
Gathering, tabulating, 12 program.
1. School
and analyzing *Students reaction
2. Teachers
respondents about the
3. Finance
perceptions based on implementation of the
4. Environment
a standardized program.
5. Parents and
instrument. *How the students
Students perception
perceived the K-12
about Senior High
program in terms of
personal and students

Input These are the Department of Education orders, Legal
Holy Spirit Integrated School

Basis, Related Literature and Theories.

Process In the research process, this includes the students sources of

information about K-12 program, students reaction about the implementation of

the program. How the students perceived the K-12 program in terms of personal

and students welfare. And the students perceived problem regarding the

implementation of the program.

Output This study identified the students reaction of K 12 implementation

and the problems encountered in implementing this program, which can be used to

improve for the better implementation of the K-12 program.

Statement of the Problem

Holy Spirit Integrated School

Specific Questions:

1.) What is your perception about Senior High school?

2.) How did you come up with that perception?

The study wants to know the perceptions of the students about the K-12

program. This is because K-12 program was just recently implemented in the


Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine the students knowledge,

experience and response about the new curriculum. It will encourage them to

visualize their personal thoughts and visions, to work individualistically and find

solutions on their own. And they will be getting lot of benefits; it broadens the goals

of high school education for college preparation. Vocational and technical career

opportunities, as well as creative sports, sports and entrepreneurial employment in

a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized environment. The students are not

the only one whos getting benefit from it, but also the teachers, admins, parents

and the Philippines. They will be getting opportunities to expose themselves to new

learning and teaching methods, which they eventually will impart to their students.

The Department of Education has also improved the salaries of teachers,

standardizing them with national rates, so that teachers will not worry about their

subsistence but will focus more on upgrading their teaching and communication
Holy Spirit Integrated School

skills to students. Unlike the previous education system where parents need to wait

until their children graduate from college or are 18 years, in the K-12 program will

prepare students both employment and entrepreneurship. It will put Filipino

students at par with the rest of the world. Truly, investing in education is the key

toward reaching national growth and development.

Scope and Limitation

This study will be conducted at Holy Spirit Integrated School. Respondents

are the Grade 11 students school year 2016 2017.

The study will focus on the knowledge and response of the students on

additional two years in Basic Education.

Definition of terms

For the better understanding of the research study, the researchers provided

Definitions of the technical terms used in the study. The terms were operationally

and contextually defined using the proper lexicons as follows.

Acquisition. Is the learning developing of a skill, habit or quality.

K-12. A term used in education and educational technology in the United States,

Canada, possibly in other countries, is a short form for the publicly supported
Holy Spirit Integrated School

school grades prior to college. These grades are Kindergarten (K). And the 1st

through the 12th grade (1-12).

Basic Education. Is an evolving program of instruction that is intended to provide

students with the opportunity to become responsible and respectful global citizens,

to contribute to their economic well-being and that of their families and

communities to explore and understand different perspectives, and to enjoy

productive and satisfying lives.

Department of Education. Is the agency of the federal government that

establishes policy for, administers and coordinates most federal assistance to


Curriculum. The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

Perception. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the

Holy Spirit Integrated School


Review Related Literature

Foreign Literature

The review of the literature provided several viewpoints on K-12. A literature

review provided context for the proposed study and demonstrated why it was

important and timely to study this phenomenon. A thoughtful and insightful review

of related literature helped us gain an understanding about how educational reform

has developed over the years (Marshall & Rossman, 2006). While educational

transformation takes place at all different levels, a closer look was needed to

address how students are describing their experiences with curriculum reform.

Educational reform takes place at all different levels, a closer look was needed to

address how students are describing their experiences with curriculum reform.

Educational reform comes from different levels; national, state, and local initiatives

can learn reform, and understanding the participants in these reforms was

significant to this study.

Additionally, the history of education reform is vital to understanding the

impact curriculum had on local educators and students in the classroom. Recent

years have witnessed vigorous and sustained efforts from policymakers to reform

the quality of the classroom experience (Walshaw & Anthony, 2007). As education

transformed over the last century, understanding the past movement of

educational reform is a topic of this review.

Holy Spirit Integrated School

The history of reform and education leads us to our current reality, which is

national legislation titled No child, left behind, enacted in 2002 under one

presidential administration followed by an historic federal stimulus initiative enacted

under the 2009 American Resurgence and Recovery Act (ARRA). This initiative

was to escalate the impact of federal reform efforts in specific areas, i.e: teacher

and leader quality, standards and assessments, data to support instruction, and

turning around the lowest achieving schools (Lips, 2010). This latest federal reform

initiative awarded states that provided a solid researched-based and sustainable

plan to address all four areas with a significant federal investment to expand and

scale-up-and-state-level work already established and showing promise in the four

target area. While this latest in a series of federal reform acts is too knew to

discuss in terms of impact on student outcomes, it has already produced significant

changes in state legislation to meet the prerequisites for states to be considered as

viable applicants for funding awards. This review will discuss the legislative impact

of this new federal initiative, called Race to the Top (RTTT) and link its four focus

areas to NCLB and other federal reform acts.

While the Obama administration has been busy rolling out its new version of

educational reform under the RTTT position of ARRA, No Child Left Behind

legislation remains in place, with the likelihood that the next of reauthorization

activity will include some revisions to improve the alignment between NCLB and
Holy Spirit Integrated School

RTTT, thus this review took a closer look at No Child Left Behind and how this has

directly impacted educational reform in the United States.

Local Literature

Marston (2011) conducted a related study about the perception of the

students involved in Primary to Secondary School Transition Program. Transition

programs of different programs and complexities based on both Australian and

international research has been introduced in some schools to facilitate transition.

The aims of this research was to investigate and compare the perception of the

students, parents, and teachers involved in several of these programs and to

examine the extent to which transition programs can alleviate issues associated

with transition between primary and secondary schools. Although executive staff

and teachers also provided valuable information and perceptions.

Manalo (2012) conducted a study about the Enhanced K 12 program as

perceived by the parents of Grade Six pupils at Baao District, Baao Camarines

Sur, School Year 2011-2012, this study is related to h researchers study because

this focuses on the perception of students and reactions on K-12 implementation

only differ on the respondents because this study has a wider respondents than

the researchers study.

Holy Spirit Integrated School

Foreign Studies

The students perceptions of their education environment have been studied

at all the levels of education system. 3, 4, 10, 13, 14 Because of the recent

imperatives towards enhanced quality assessment monitoring and the commitment

of the health profession education towards student-centered teaching and learning.

We are witnessing a revival of interest in this field. 4, 6, 9 the accomplishment and

contentment of students depends upon their learning environment. Learning

environment research seeks to assess the students perceptions of their

environment and can guide medical teachers to introspect, devise, and incorporate

the best teaching strategy for the improvement of the educational environment.

Educational environment research assesses what is happening in a medical

school: 14 it provides complete and detailed information on the education process,

the result of which can be used to enhance students satisfaction and achievement.

3-7, 15

Local Studies

In our research 50% of the students think that K-12 makes the students live

harder than it was. Their perception was against the new curriculum. They say that

it doesnt help them in anyway and they say that it is not necessarily important

because they think that it doesnt really help students decide what they want for

college and its only a burden for them to study two more years in high school. The

other 50% of the students say otherwise, they agreed that it will help them to
Holy Spirit Integrated School

decide what course they will be taking in college and it will uplift the quality of

lifestyle of the Filipino people. They believe that K-12 will help the Filipinos to be

more successful.

Synthesis and Relevance of the Related Literature and Studies

The researchers believe that all literature and studies stated in this research

is reliable and true.

In Foreign Literature, it helped us gain an understanding about how

educational reform has developed over the years. It comes from different levels;

national, state, and local initiatives. The history of it is vital to understanding the

impact curriculum had on local educators and students in the classroom.

In Local Literature, The researchers aim was to investigate and compare the

perception of the students, parents, and teachers involved in several of these

programs and to examine the extent to which transition programs can alleviate

issues associated with transition between primary and secondary schools.

In Local Studies, 50% of the perception of the students think that k-12

program is only a burden and does not help them to decide what they want for

college while the other 50% agrees that k-12 program helps them to decide and

helps the Filipinos to uplift the quality of lifestyles

Secondly, Foreign Studies states that the perceptions of the students

changes by their surroundings or environment.

Holy Spirit Integrated School



The chapter represents the research design of the study, research locale,

instrument, and statistical treatment of the data issued in the study

Research Design

The survey method was used in the study. This method was used in order to

gather data from students; the research outputs were tabulated, analyzed, and

interpreted to achieve the research outputs.

Research Locale

The research study was conducted at Holy Spirit Integrated School. This was

The chosen location since the conducted research was limited to be only inside of

the school grounds.

Holy Spirit Integrated School

Table 1

The Number of Sample Respondents per Section

Sections Number of Percentage Number of

Students Respondents

Ephesus 25 53.25% 25

Euphrates 20 46.75% 20

Total 45 100% 45

Description of the Respondents

This study involved one class of respondents: Grade 11 students of Holy

Spirit Integrated School who are enrolled for the academic year 2016 2017.

1. Students Profile

The profile of every respondent with respect to their age and gender

are presented in the succeeding tables from Tables 2 to

3, Which shows the frequency (F) and the percentage distribution (P)

of the respondents answer.

Holy Spirit Integrated School

Table 2 shows the Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Table 2

Distribution of Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

16 11 24.44%

17 14 31.11%

18 15 33.33%

19 5 11.12%

Total 45 100%

Table 2 shows that the majority or 33.33% of the respondents aged 18 years

old. 16 years old are 24.44% and 17 years old are 13.79% of the population. The

remaining 11.12% of the population is at age 19 years old.

Holy Spirit Integrated School

Table 3 shows the Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

Table 3

Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

Sections Number of Students Percentage

Male 20 46.55%

Female 25 53.46%

Total 45 100%

Table 3 shows that the majority of the respondents are composed of females,

the percentage being 53.45%. While male respondents make about 46.55%.
Holy Spirit Integrated School

The consolidated points from the respondents answer to each item over a

five-point scale were as follows:

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered were tallied, analyzed, and interpreted using certain

statistical tools.

1. Frequencies and Percentage Distribution. The frequency of an item refers

to the total number of respondents who favored a particular item over another

given item. Percentage Distribution refers to a fraction or ratio of an item with

100 understood as the denominator. This is computed by using the following


% = fN x 100


% = Percentage

f = Frequency

N = Number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. The Weighted Mean determines the average response of

the different options provide in the various parts of the survey questionnaire

used (Salvador, Baysa, and Fua Geronimo 2008)

Holy Spirit Integrated School

The formula used is:

X =


X = Weighted Mean

= the sum of all products of f and x, f being the frequency of each weight and

x as the weight of the operation.

n = total number of respondents

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