School Brochure V2

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Our School Brochure

About us

At Ash Hill Primary School we are a learning community with a caring and supportive ethos. Our
whole school culture is underpinned by the principles of Growth Mindset which means we believe
that there are no limits to what our children can achieve. We aim to enable all children to develop as
enthusiastic lifelong learners, ensuring everyone can be the best that they can be. Our school motto
is Growing Minds for Learning, Crafting Skills for Life and this is reinforced by our aim to make
learning engaging and challenging for the children. Our school brochure outlines key information
about our school which we hope you find useful.

Our Vision and Values

We aim to Grow Minds in order for children to become lifelong learners by:

Explicitly teaching learning to learn skills and by aiding their understanding about
behaviours for learning
Providing high quality daily teaching and enriched learning opportunities
Developing a creative and engaging curriculum which interests and inspires the children, and
meets their needs
Guiding the children to develop self-regulation skills and to be reflective about their
behaviour and learning
Providing clear routines and consistent expectations for all times of the school day
Challenging the children to improve by always having the highest of expectations in all
aspects of school life
Working in partnership with all members of our school community
Ensuring every child reaches or exceeds the expected standard.

We inspire values and life skills by:

Promoting pupils Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and embedding our 6
core values throughout every aspect of our school life. These are:
o Responsibility
o Determination
o Community Mindedness
o Resilience
o Honesty
o Consideration

Developing childrens emotional literacy skills so that their communication is effective and
Rewarding children for making sensible choices and showing that they are ready to learn
and ready to play consistently

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Being community minded and enabling children to take responsibility for our school learning
Being outward facing; building links within our local community and collaborating with other
schools and organisations
Safeguarding children and ensuring school is a safe environment in which their personal
development can flourish.

Ultimately, we aim to enable our children to develop as enthusiastic lifelong learners well equipped
to take advantage of the opportunities that will shape their futures.

There are approximately 230 children at Ash Hill altogether. The youngest children at our school
are 3 years old (Nursery class), and the oldest are eleven (Year 6). Our Nursery class is housed in the
on-site Children's Centre. The centre provides a range of services and activities for families in the

The Headteacher at Ash Hill is Mrs S Mitchell and the school is organised into three phases:

Early Years (Nursery & Reception) - the Early Years Leader is Mrs Shears.
Lower School (Years 1, 2 & 3) - the Lower School Leader is Miss Savory.
Upper School (Years 4, 5 & 6) - the Upper School Leader is Miss Needham.


Ash Hill Primary School serves a community which is diverse in its cultural, social and economic
constitution. We work for the benefit of all and we believe that every child, every member of staff
and all who come in contact with the school are of equal value.

We are committed to providing equity of opportunity for all pupils and staff, irrespective of
ethnicity, faith, gender, class, social circumstance, ability or disability. We acknowledge the differing
needs of everyone and endeavor to ensure equal and equitable access to all areas of school life.

Racist or sexist behaviour and language will not be tolerated in our school.

Settling your child into school

For many young children school will be the first real experience away from their families outside the
familiar settings of their home. We know all children are individuals and take different amounts of
time to settle in. Our experienced staff will be on hand to discuss your concerns and will work in
partnership with you to ensure that your childs needs are met.

The School Day

The school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:15pm. It is vital that your child attends school
regularly and that they are on time. At the start of the day there is access to the playground 10
minutes earlier, at 8:40am. Registers are taken promptly at 9:00am once the children are in class.
Children who arrive after this time must report to the main office and are marked late. A guide to
school attendance is available on request.

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The start of the day

At the start of the school day supervision is provided from 8:40am. All children and parents should
wait on the playground. At 8:50am the whistle will be blown, at this point children need to line up
with their class teacher. The class teacher will then lead the class line into the school building.

We do not invite parents into the classroom corridors in the morning. This ensures pupils' safety and
enables a prompt start to lessons. Messages can be communicated to class teachers via staff
members on duty before the whistle.

Teachers are available to talk with you every day before the morning whistle and at 3.15pm when
the children are collected.

The end of the day

The school gates are on a timer and open at 3:00pm. The school entrance is opened shortly before
the end of the school day and children in years 2-6 are brought out to the area in front of the school
building by their class teachers, where they are collected by their parents or carers. Children in the
Reception class and Year 1 can be picked up from their classroom from 3:10pm.

It is important to be punctual when picking up your child from school. Children can become
distressed when everyone else has gone. It is important that children and staff are clear about the
collection arrangements that you have arranged.

Children who are not collected on time are then brought to the school foyer by their class teacher,
and you will be contacted.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day; it sets the children up for the learning that
lies ahead. We run a Breakfast Club for the children from 8:00am 8:45am providing children with a
healthy breakfast, term time only, at a small charge. We operate a daily pay as you go system so
there is no need to book in advance, for more details contact the school office.


All Children have a morning playtime at 10:30am. We encourage all children to bring in a healthy
snack such as a piece of fruit or cereal bar. We are a nut free school, so please ensure that snacks do
not contain nuts.

Children go out to play every day so please ensure your children are appropriately clothed for the
weather. In winter time a coat is essential. During the summer months we encourage children to
keep covered. Shaded areas are provided. However, it is desirable to apply sun screen in the
morning before school and to provide your child with a sun hat.

Our Curriculum

Our whole school curriculum is planned for creatively, and is driven by the foundation subjects. This
means that subjects such as science, geography history and the arts provide a context for our
learning. We enhance this further by planning a variety of trips and real-life experiences. This
approach enables our children to learn skills at a deeper level, within a meaningful and engaging

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context. Our creative approach to planning our curriculum is engaging for the children and aims to
ensure that learning is accessible and fun.

The Foundation Stage Curriculum (Nursery & Reception)

To a young child there is no separation between play and learning. Children learn best through first
hand play experiences, using their imagination and thoughts to make sense of the world around
them. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum uses a very broad range of planned play activities
and situations to develop the childs ability to learn.

All learning activities are carefully planned to extend and develop the childs strengths and interests
across the whole curriculum. These are described under six Areas of Learning

Personal, social and emotional development

Creative development
Physical development
Language and Literacy
Knowledge and understanding of the world

Nursery and Reception provision both indoors and outside includes: role play, sand & water, clay &
dough, painting and modelling, construction, small world play, cooking, climbing and other physical
activities, riding bikes, pushing and pulling equipment, music and movement, mark making and
books, games and puzzles and much, much more!

Key Stage 1 & 2

The school follows the National Curriculum, which consists of the four core subjects of English,
Mathematics, Science and Computing, plus Design and Technology, History, Geography, Religious
Education, Music, Art and Physical Education the Foundation Subjects of the National Curriculum.

To ensure the development of the whole child, the curriculum also makes provision for personal,
social, health and education (PSHE) this also includes aspects of sex education. As far as possible the
school uses an integrated approach through our creative curriculum, this ensures maximum
coverage, skill development and effective use of time.

The children are taught in mixed ability classes where the work is differentiated to meet their
individual needs.

Bilingual Learners

For a child for whom English is their second language, extra support and advice is given by
experienced staff and the needs of the child are met through high quality daily teaching and
appropriate differentiation.

Special Educational Needs

Ash Hill Primary School is committed to providing children with Special Educational Needs the
greatest possible access to a broad and balanced curriculum differentiated to meet their needs. This
allows every child the opportunity to develop towards their full potential. The school follows the
SEND Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs (SEND).

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Together with the Local Authority the school works very hard to see that the needs of the children
are met. Our local offer (what is available to support the progress of children with identified needs)
is closely monitored and tracked to ensure appropriate strategies are put in place. Parents and
Carers are kept informed at all stages of their childs development. Partnership working is key to the
development of all children. Full details of the school and countys local offer can be found on the


All staff at our school understand that safeguarding children is everyones responsibility. Any
member of staff, volunteer or visitor to the school who receives a disclosure of abuse, an allegation,
or suspects that abuse may have occurred will report it immediately to the Designated Safeguarding
Leads, these are as follows:
Mrs Lord (Inclusion Leader)
Mrs Mitchell (Headteacher)
Miss Savory (Assistant Headteacher)
If you ever have a concern about the safety of a child, please ensure that you speak to a member of
school staff immediately.

Reporting to Parents

Close cooperation between school and home is essential for the wellbeing and progress of your
child. Teachers are always pleased to speak to parents at a mutually convenient time.

Parents evenings are held twice a year (in the autumn and spring term, and we hold an Open
Evening during the summer term). However, if you have a concern or require assistance in between
these times you are encouraged to arrange a meeting at a time that is appropriate for you and the
teacher. The first point of contact is always the class teacher, however, if a concern persists please
contact the phase leader. This is: Mrs Shears for nursery or reception, Miss Savory for years 1-3 and
Miss Needham for years 4-6.

A written report is sent to parents termly and there is an opportunity to discuss this with the class
teacher at the Open Evening.

Extra-curricular Opportunities

The range and variety of extra-curricular activities reflect the interests, strengths and enthusiasm of
the staff. We are proud to offer an extensive range of enrichment activities.

Activities, which regularly feature include:

Sports clubs, such as: Athletics, Cricket, Rounders, Football, Netball
Digital Animation
Ballroom dancing
Hama Beads and creative design

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School Council

The School Council consists of representatives from each class, and is led by the Assistant
Headeachers. They meet monthly and discuss ideas, projects and concerns that have arisen out of
their class discussions. The School Council plays an important role in involving children in decisions
about the school environment, the running of the school and recruitment of new members of staff.

Learning Council

Our Learning Council is led by our Headteacher. Children can apply to be part of the Learning Council
by filling in a detailed application form, outlining the skills and attributes that they will bring to the
role. The Learning council meets once every half-term and is solely focused on learning, in particular
how we can make the learning experience even better for our learners at Ash Hill.

School Trips and Enrichment Activities

We organise special events that are a valuable part of your child's education. These might include
visits to museums and theatres etc. or require special visitors to attend our school to lead
experiences. In order to fund these events we ask for a voluntary contribution to cover necessary
costs such as travel and entrance fees. We naturally try to keep these to a minimum. You will always
be informed in good time of any trips and we look forward to your support for this valuable part of
your child's education. Often, such trips can only take place if we have additional adults to
accompany a group. If you are able to help, please inform the school via your childs class teacher.

Residential trips

The school offers all Year 6 pupils the opportunity to participate in a residential trip. This is a
fantastic opportunity for our children to learn new skills and to develop valuable collaborative and
team work abilities.This is carefully related to National Curriculum programme of study and offers a
wide range of interesting activities. Safety is given the highest priority. There is 24-hour supervision,
and all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure that the children are never at risk. Parents are
invited to pre-residential briefings which outline procedures and expectations.

Home Learning

Home learning is set by your childs class teacher. You will be informed each term on the curriculum
news which days of the week these will be set and the days of the week these are due in for
marking. We also expect all children to read regularly, ideally every day.


Children are continually being assessed, both formally and informally, in order that their progress
and achievements can be noted and the next steps in their learning planned appropriately. Pupils
are encouraged to be involved in their own assessments and to draw up individual targets for
improving the standard of their learning.

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Assembly / Collective Worship

In accordance with the Education Reform Act there is a daily act of collective, contemporary
worship. During assemblies we enjoy music, share news, celebrate childrens achievements and
consider moral issues. We arrange for visitors of many faiths, school staff and pupils to lead our
assemblies. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship.

Parental Involvement

At Ash Hill Primary School we believe that communication between school and parents/carers is
vital. We aim to keep you as fully informed as possible through the school brochure, curriculum
newsletters, Parents Evenings, Weekly Bulletin, letters, website, Facebook/twitter feeds, text
messages , Parent/Carers Booklets and attendance at class assemblies.

All the children in the school are actively encouraged to take learning home. You can help your child
by: -
Showing an interest in the work they do and understanding their needs and concerns

Providing a quiet area for your child to work in

Sharing books

Helping them to learn spellings

Helping them to learn their times tables and number facts

Encouraging them to find information for their work at school.

We welcome your help, both in and out of school, in the classroom, at school functions, on school
visits, in the library and with work sent home. If you have a special skill, why not share it with us.
Please contact the class teacher or Headteacher at school.

We hold various events and celebrations throughout the year to which we invite parents. Our
weekly bulletin will keep you informed about what is going on.

Friends of Ash Hill

Our home school association, Friends of Ash Hill (FOAH), plays an active role in the life of the school.
Parents and Carers meet, as required, to plan and organise fund raising events that support the
school. These include sponsored events, the tuck shop and Christmas / summer fetes. Keep up to
date with FOAH activities via the website and their newsletter. FOAH would be very happy to
welcome any new volunteers.

Governing Body

Ash Hill Primary School Governing Body is made up of elected parent governors, members of the
community and LEA representatives. The Governing Body meets at least once a term and in addition
to this the various sub-committees meet to discuss relevant issues and policies. Minutes of the
Governing Body meetings are available for all parents/carers to view. The current list of governors
can be found on our website.

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Access to documents

Parents wishing to have access to any school documentation may do so by prior arrangement with
the Headteacher, via the school office.

Complaints Procedure

We trust that your child is happy at Ash Hill Primary School. On occasions, however, a problem or
concern may arise. The great majority of these concerns can be sorted out informally in person or
by telephone. If you think that we have not taken action over a significant problem or we have made
a wrong decision and you now wish to make a complaint the procedure is as follows:

Make an appointment to see class teacher.

If a satisfactory solution is not reached, then make an appointment to see a member of the senior
leadership team via the school office or you may consider whether to make a formal complaint in
writing to the Headteacher.

If the problem is still not resolved then a formal complaint can be made in writing to the Chair of
Governors via the school office.

Charging Policy

School visits and school journeys are a regular feature of the schools work. Parents and carers will
be asked for voluntary contributions. Costs of these visits are kept to a minimum. You will be
notified in advance of the activity being provided and where a charge is to be made.

Unfortunately, if there are an insufficient number of pupils to cover the cost of the activity, the
activity may have to be cancelled. Charges will be made, as appropriate, to cover such items as:-

Pupils travel costs

Entrance fees

Insurance costs

Board and lodging (on the Year 6 residential trip)

Any cost engaging teaching staff specifically for the purpose of providing the activity.

The letter to the parents / carers will give details of the cost involved.

Willful Damage

Deliberate damage to school equipment and books will incur a charge to the parents / carers of the
child concerned.

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Health and Safety

The safety of your child is of paramount importance to us and we will take every reasonable
precaution to minimise any risks. Parents / carers are urged to comply with the request not to bring
their children to school before 8:40am (unless your child is attending breakfast club) as there is no
supervision. Parent / carers must also ensure that children are collected promptly from the premises
at the end of the school day.

Medicines in School

If your child requires medication in school, or has any specific medical needs, we require you to fill
out an Individual Healthcare Plan and an Medication Administration form please see our policy on
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions which can be found on our school website.

Attendance Policy

Children are legally required to attend school. Good attendance and punctuality will have a bearing
on a childs progress and achievements in school. Please follow the schools attendance guidelines. A
copy can be obtained from the office.


Good behaviour is an essential condition for effective teaching and learning to take place. We expect
and encourage children to show consideration and respect for themselves and each other. A copy of
our behaviour policy and anti-bullying policy can be viewed on the policy section of our website.

We recognise that pupils need to be ready to learn in order to maximise their progress. At Ash Hill
we have consistent whole school approach to behaviours for learning, this is called Lets Get Smart
which is a positive approach to promoting the behaviour that we expect. We encourage all pupils to
use words and actions that help everyone to feel safe, learn and be happy. It is the responsibility
of all adults on the school premises, through their work and their manner, to promote this policy.

As a school community we aim to enable all children to:

Achieve their full potential, by providing a calm, predictable learning environment and
supporting their behaviours for learning.
Relax and have fun at playtimes, by providing opportunities to participate in a range of
activities, and supporting their social development and relationships.
Acquire the values, personal qualities, attitudes and skills that will help them to reach their
potential, make a positive contribution to the life of the school and wider community, and
achieve success in later life.
Develop their capacity to prevent and resolve difficulties with learning and relationships, and
so avoid patterns of unhelpful behaviour from developing, by intervening early.

We have six school values, which reflect the ethos of the school, and are promoted across the school
day, including in assemblies, lessons, and at playtimes. Our values are:


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Our Token System

At Ash Hill we reinforce the expected behaviours by rewarding pupils with tokens. Our school day is
split into six equal parts. In each session pupils have the opportunity to earn a blue token (for
showing positive behaviours for learning) and a green token (for showing community-minded
behaviours). Pupils individual token totals are also recorded by their class teacher. Every Friday we
open our smart cart which gives pupils the opportunity to spend the tokens that they have earned,
they can either purchase tangible rewards (such as stationery, toys or games) or privileges (such as
access to additional clubs and responsibilities).

A copy of our Lets Get Smart class procedure can be found in appendix 3.

School Uniform

All children wear uniform at Ash Hill Primary School. We believe uniform looks smart, is practical and
shows a sign of belonging to our community. We ask parents to ensure that all items of clothing do
not display logos or brand names other than the school emblem and adhere to the uniform
expectations. These can be found in appendix 2.

All items of school uniform should be clearly marked with the childs name

If your child outgrows their uniform but it is still in good condition please could you donate it to the
school, we can always make good use of it.


With the exception of one pair of pierced stud earrings we do not allow jewellery. All jewellery
needs to be removable for P.E. Watches may be worn, but the school accepts no responsibility for
damage or loss. If a parent wishes their child to wear jewellery for religious reasons then a request
needs to be put in writing to the Headteacher.

School Meals

School lunches are provided and paid for in advance on Monday mornings at the office.
Free lunches are available for those in receipt of certain benefits. Please apply to the school office.

Packed Lunches

If you prefer your child to bring a packed lunch we have a few simple recommendations.

All lunches should be brought in a plastic box marked with your childs name

No sweets or chocolates

Drinks should be provided but not in glass bottles

We recommend that all lunches should contain a piece of fruit

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All waste is kept within your childs lunchbox. This allows you to monitor exactly what your child
has eaten.

It is important to provide your child with a healthy, balanced midday meal so that they are ready to
learn during their afternoon classes.

We aim to have covered most relevant information for you with in this brochure. However, for more
information on any aspect of school life at Ash Hill Primary please see the school website or call the
school office.

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Appendix 1: Staff team from September 2016


Head Teacher Mrs S Mitchell*

Assistant Head Miss H Savory (Lower School Leader)*


Miss K Needham (Upper School Leader)*

Inclusion Leader Mrs M Lord*

Nursery Mrs J Hardy

Year R Mrs S Shears (Early Years Leader)* and

Mrs K McLean

Year 1 Miss A Furmston

Year 2 Miss R Goddard

Year 3 Miss J Millar

Year 4 Mrs T Chamberlain and

Miss F Imreen

Year 5 Mr C Anang

Year 6 Miss L Cleere

1-1 Tutors Mrs K Elliott

Mrs H Cousins

Reading Recovery Mrs J Leeds


Learning Assistants

Year R Mrs Y Turner (+ an additional EYP tbc, we are

currently advertising for this post.)

Year 1 Mrs L Belcher

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Year 2 Mrs C Mendy

Year 3 Miss J Chandler

Year 4 Miss K Hardy

Year 5 Miss V Hudson

Year 6 Mrs M Withington

Nursery & Support Staff

Early Years Mrs L Carr


Early Years Assistant Mrs D Saunders

PE Coach & Cover Mr L Bell


Learning Mentor Miss L Harris

Learning Support Mrs N Burmby


Mrs A Fulford

Miss D Oakford

Mrs S Perfect

Miss E Pitt

Miss B Wright

School Business Mrs J Suter*


School Administrator Mr R Davidson

Attendance Officer Mrs L Couch

Midday Supervisors Mrs S Stevenson

Miss S White

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Catering Assistants Miss L White

Miss M Meech

Casual Midday Mrs A Fisher


Miss H Goodchild

Caretaker Mr D Greenaway

Assistant Caretaker Mrs J White

Cleaners Miss H Goodchild

*Members of the Senior Leadership Team

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Appendix 2: School Uniform Expectations from September 2016

Ash Hill has a school uniform and our school colour is burgundy. Visitors often comment on how
smart the pupils look. All pupils in classes Reception-Year 6 are expected to wear school uniform
and we have adopted the following options:

Boys Burgundy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan; white shirt or polo shirt OR burgundy polo

shirt; grey trousers; black closed shoes

Girls Burgundy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan; white shirt or polo shirt OR burgundy polo

shirt; grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers; black closed flat shoes.

During the summer months girls may wear a red and white checked summer dress; boys and girls
may opt to wear smart, grey shorts.

During the autumn and winter girls may choose to wear ankle or knee-length boots. These must be

black, flat, and be leather or leather-look (no Ugg style boots please). If tights are worn, these need

to be black or grey.

School sweatshirts and cardigans may be purchased from the PMG Schoolwear shop in High
Wycombe. The cost varies according to size but is normally about 9.99. The shop can also supply
burgundy polo shirts, with the school logo. These cost approximately 7.99. All pupils are
expected to wear a branded Ash Hill school sweatshirt or cardigan.

Nursery children may choose to wear burgundy polo shirts or school sweatshirts, and the PMG
shop will supply these items down to age 2-3. However, please note that uniform items for
Nursery are entirely optional.

Jewellery is not part of our school uniform. Pupils are permitted to wear a wristwatch and one pair
of small plain studs for pierced ears.

Long hair must be tied back and extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school.

PE Kit

All children in Reception to Year 6: Black shorts, white tee shirt and plimsolls.

Children in Years R-6 should also have a pair of trainers.

During the winter months children are encouraged to have a plain, dark jogging suit.

In Year 4, the pupils will need appropriate swimming kit, i.e. a towel, swimming trunks for boys and
one-piece swimming costume for girls. Swimming hats are encouraged.

If any of the above is not suitable due to religious observance, parents are encouraged to come to
school to discuss appropriate alternatives with the Headteacher.

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School Shop

The uniform items with the badge on them that are specific to Ash Hill are only available at the
PMG Schoolwear Centre in Church Street, High Wycombe or from their website - The shop also stocks all the non-specific uniform items, though you
are at liberty to buy these items from any outlet. In addition to selling the school sweatshirts etc.,
the following items are also available:

School Caps Reversible fleeces

Book Bags Cardigans

PE Bags

All of the above PMG items are entirely optional. However, it is essential that all children in
Reception to Year 6 have a book bag or other bag that can be used for reading books, homework
and letters.

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Appendix 3: Lets Get Smart (Behaviour System) Class Procedure

Lets Get Smart Class Procedure

When a child is showing good
behaviour and responding
positively to meaningful praise,
then they are clearly Ready to
Learn. By earning their tokens
in each session, children will
contribute to raising awareness
of our values.

If however, a pupil decides that they are

unable to display the required behaviours
then this system of action and support is
offered, to identify the reason and help the
child to move on.

When a child says or does something

that prevents learning like calling out or
refusing to follow instructions, they are
given verbal feedback by the teacher,
to alert them to the fact. The child will
be supported to be ready to learn, for
example by asking them to move place.
If the behaviour continues, the
child is given one minute of
quiet time to help them shift
their thinking and behaviour.

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Appendix 3 continued

If the childs behaviour shows they are still

not ready to learn, they take five minutes
quiet time, at the back of the classroom to
help them to shift their thinking and
behaviour. This should be sufficient to
enable the child to return to their learning.
However, if the child feels, or their behaviour
shows, they are still not ready to learn they
will be sent to the Ready to Learn Station
a) Get back to being
(RTLS). ready to learn
The teacher will provide work for the lesson.
This should take about 15 minutes, after
which time the child should be ready to b) Identify the reason
return to class. If the child is not ready to for the behaviour that
return to class, they will stay at the RTLS prompted them to be
until the end of the session. sent to the RTLS

The work that takes place in this session c) Learn strategies to

will be recorded on a Ready to Learn prevent similar
Station Visit Slip. The child will be given incidents in the future
a copy of the slip, to give to their class
teacher, so that they can support him or
her in the future, by prompting them to
use the strategies.

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