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Chapter 1

Structural Health MonitoringAn

Introduction and Definitions
Christian Boller
Saarland University & Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing, Saarbrucken, Germany
(and formerly of The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK)

(although not expressed like this at the time) possibly

1 Background 1 dates back much earlier than the 1980s when the
2 Loads Monitoring 2 combination of words was created. Indeed, it may
date back to the origins of structural engineering.
3 Damage Monitoring 11
Engineering structures are designed to be safe. The
4 Sensor System Implementation difficulty one trading in this regard is the desire to
Strategies 13 construct something for a specific purpose out of a
5 SHM Potential Determination 16 material of which one can never know enough in
6 Conclusions 21 terms of the materials properties as well as the envi-
Acknowledgments 22 ronment the structure is going to operate in. We are
References 22 happy with the knowledge we can gain in this regard
Further Reading 23 and all we do not know needs to be covered by a
safety factor that we have to assume at best guess. The
less we know about the operational conditions of a
structure and the performance of materials and struc-
1 BACKGROUND tures, the higher the safety factor will have to be. This
is the risk and dilemma structural engineering is in.
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a combination Engineering structures are designed to withstand
of words that has emerged around the late 1980s. loads. These loads can be mechanical loads of a
It is very much associated with what we are accus- static and/or dynamic nature. Loads can, however,
tomed with in the classical medical and health sector, also be of an environmental nature such as temper-
combines it possibly with what we are accustomed to ature, humidity or chemical, and again the structure
in control (monitoring) and links it to what we are can be exposed to these loads in either a static or
truly considering here: engineering structures. SHM even very short term and thus dynamic condition
such as a thermo shock. Knowledge of loads applied
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by to a structure has to come from experience. This
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 experience has been either gathered on similar struc-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. tures in the past or from assumptions. The safest
2 Introduction

way to design a structure is to design it against an combining the sensors through

ultimate design limit load, which is the maximum advanced microelectronics and possibly
load ever experienced with such a structure added by wireless technology with
a safety margin. Designing a structure against this advanced microprocessors and
load, however, makes the structure heavy. Often, the advanced signal processing?
maximum load of a structure may just occur once in
the structures life, if ever at all. In that case one may If one would try to give an answer to all these,
start to question the extreme safety built in, specifi- the answer could somehow result in SHM, and a
cally if the maximum load applied would not result definition for SHM could possibly be the following.
in any observable damage. SHM is the integration of sensing and possibly also
Loads applied to a structure are the reason for actuation devices to allow the loading and damaging
structural deterioration and hence resulting damage. conditions of a structure to be recorded, analyzed,
This damage may be generated at a microscopic level localized, and predicted in a way that nondestruc-
and may gradually progress until it becomes observ- tive testing (NDT ) becomes an integral part of the
able and critical. Trading with this observability and structure and a material.
criticality is the art of damage tolerant design, which As a consequence, SHM requires to look at loads
has allowed structures to become lighter weight. The as well as damage monitoring with respect to their
way the damage accumulates is of a fairly random sensing and assessment algorithms and needs to get
nature, and scatter of a factor of 2 in operational life those merged in a holistic process such that the
is absolutely normal. This requires a careful means health of a structure can be accompanied during the
and procedure of inspection at well-defined intervals. complete life cycle process of the structure consid-
The booming development of sensing technology ered. How this has emerged and could be further
in terms of sensors decreasing in size and cost, and achieved is described as the holistic process in the
the combination with microprocessors with increasing following articles with further details to be found
power and enhanced materials design and manu- throughout the wide range of articles being provided
facturing in terms of functional materials or even throughout this encyclopedia.
electronic textiles have opened avenues in merging
structural design and maintenance with those advan-
ced sensing, signal processing, and materials manu- 2 LOADS MONITORING
facturing technologies. Taking advantage of this Design of engineering structures is at least based
lateral integration is what SHM is about. The central on static strength. This is the way structures have
set of questions in this field is therefore been designed since the past mainly by applying a
Without compromising safety, could we make our test load that exceeds the maximum operational load
structures by a safety factor to be defined or by designing
better available the structure against the expected maximum load
lighter weight times the safety factor, or possibly both. The problem
more cost efficient and of fatigue in structures became apparent with the
more reliable upcoming railway industry in the second half of the
nineteenth century. August Wohler [1] was possibly
by making sensors (and possibly also actuators) to
the first to determine that componentsand in his
become an integral part of the structure?
case railway axleswould fracture at loads much
What about
lower than the ultimate tensile load if the components
looking at advanced cheap sensors, which are were exposed to a repetitive loading. Wohler further-
continuously becoming more determined that the number of cycles to fracture
smaller is related to the level of the repetitive load being
lighter and applied. This resulted in the effect of materials fatigue
cheaper? to be established and has been mainly described in
making the sensors an integral part of the struc- the form of a fatiguelife curve also often denom-
tural component? inated as SN or Wohler curve. SN curves were
An Introduction and Definitions 3

and are therefore used to determine the allowable Parallel to fatigue analysis, the other wide area
loads of railway axles compared to static loads, which of fracture mechanics was initiated during the early
were now named fatigue loads. This principle is well twentieth century, mainly driven by people such as
applicable because fatigue loads on railway axles are Griffith [5] initially. Fracture mechanics was further
fairly constant over the life cycle and hence can developed since that time and specifically during
be considered constant amplitude. Wohlers principle WW2, which led to an enhanced understanding of
was shortly expanded to other railway applications the fatigue process. Furthermore, the combination of
such as frames or boogies of railway engines and fatigue loading and fracture mechanics allowed the
carriages as well as even railway steel bridges. new principle of damage tolerant design to be estab-
Constant amplitude loading is not the way struc- lished. Damage tolerant design as opposed to safe
tures are conventionally loaded while operating in life design, which is shown in Figure 2, is a principle
service. Most of them are more loaded in accor- that allows damages such as cracks to be present in a
dance to a randomized nature where small loads structure as long as the overall integrity of the struc-
follow a high load or vice versa such as the different ture is not compromised. This is achieved by either
time domain signals shown in Figure 1. Ernst Ganer monitoring slow crack growth through well-defined
[2] was possibly the first to recognize in the 1930s inspection intervals or building in load redundancy
that service loading of structures had to be treated in a way such that when a component is due to
different from constant amplitude loading or in other fracture another component is still able to take over
words constant amplitude loading to be a specific the load without compromising the overall struc-
condition within the frame of in-service loading. ture itself. Considering damage tolerance in struc-
Fatiguelife curves for in-service loading were there- tures has allowed those structures to become much
fore defined in terms of the maximum load applied more lighter weight when compared to the traditional
in the in-service spectrum versus the number of safe life design. Damage tolerant design has there-
loading cycles sustained until fracture. Palmgren [3] fore become mainly the standard for designing civil
from Sweden published his damage accumulation rule aviation metallic structures nowadays, with military
(published later in English by Miner [4]) seeming and even jet engine structures to gradually move
initially trivial for constant amplitude loading, which towards those design principles as well. However,
however became not only more attractive to be there are also other areas that have taken advantage
applied for randomized in-service loading but also an of the damage tolerance principle such as marine and
issue for wide scientific discussion until even today. offshore structures.

Rear axle of a car
Pressure in a condensation chamber of a reactor

s Stresses on a car wheel

Momentum generated by the engine of a milling

MD machine

Bending moment at the stub axle of a car

Acceleration in the center of gravity of a fighter
nz airplane

p Pressure in a pipeline
Acceleration in the center of gravity of a
nz transport aircraft

Figure 1. Time domain signals for different in-service random loads.
4 Introduction

Fatigue design

How much
Safe life design Damage tolerant design
potential left?

Slow crack
Fail safe

Crack stopper
load path

Figure 2. Principles in engineering structural design.

Aircraft structures are hence designed to be either the major airframe fatigue test (MAFT) to be
safe life or damage tolerant for a service loading introduced where a full-scale aircraft structure is
spectrum to be defined during the design of the tested under in-service loading conditions on the
aircraft. Safe life means that the structure is not ground and this being ahead of the so-called fleet
allowed to fracture for the loading spectrum defined leader (the aircraft in a fleet having the most flight
and up to a given service life. Irrespective of its cycles accumulated) in terms of flight cycles; and
condition, the component will have to be replaced by operational loads monitoring devices to be consid-
a new component after its service life achievement. ered for aircraft in general.
Damage tolerance is however the alternative to safe
life design where a crack is allowed to grow in the While the former two consequences can be attribu-
structure over a significantly long period of time such ted to structural design, the latter can be clearly
that it can be detected during that period safely and attributed to SHM. Although nobody was using the
does not lead to a critical hazard. expression of SHM at the time, it was clearly shown
The first aircraft to possibly ever seriously consider that a more precise knowledge of operational loads
damage tolerant design was the De Havilland Comet would be highly essential. This led to the UK Royal
designed and built in the early 1950s, which was Air Force to design a mechanical device that was inte-
first flown in 1952. This aircraft was possibly the grated around the center of gravity of fighter airplanes
ever most challenging aircraft built in civil aviation in the late 1950s and was based on a set of accelerom-
history. The design did not just include damage eters being set at different acceleration thresholds
tolerance but also a pressurized fuselage as well as (Figure 3). Whenever the aircraft would exceed one
jet engines integrated into the wing. This extreme of the thresholds, the counter would count those as
innovation push however led to some serious crashes a measure of exceedances. Hence the numbers being
in 1953/1954, which resulted from a crack having recorded by the different accelerometers would repre-
generated from one of the corner of the windows sent the actual load spectrum of the aircraft at the time
where the crack had initiated due to underestimation of recording. The following formula for calculating a
of the window corners notch combined with the flight (or better fatigue) index was introduced
continuous pressurization cycles during each flight.
The consequences of this accident were immediate Flight index (F I ) = K2 S1 (2.31A + 0.03B
and led to
+ 0.001C + 0.001D + 0.28E
the shape of the windows being near to rectan-
+ 3.43F + 10.36G + 18.63H
gular at the time to be changed to the more ovoid
shape we have nowadays; + 1.16W L) (1)
An Introduction and Definitions 5

where K2 , S1 , and W L denote the mission coef-

ficient, stores configuration coefficient and landing
coefficient, respectively, while A to H represents the
readings from the different accelerometers.
Ganer, who had introduced the eight-step block
program sequence as a first step in in-service load
sequence analysis [6], continued to determine in-
service load sequences for automobiles where a load
cycle counting system was developed as shown in
Figure 4. Tests performed with this system on various
types of roads resulted in a variety of load spectra as
shown in Figure 5. This further led to the develop-
ment of a variety of standard load sequences such as
the Gau and linear distribution spectrum for random
loading [7].
Further development was ongoing into a variety of
random load sequences such as for transport aircraft
(Transport WIng STandard (TWIST)) [9], fighter
aircraft (FALSTAFF) [10], helicopters (HELIX
FELIX) [11], wind energy structures (WISPER) [12],
and possibly much more. Figure 6 shows the TWIST
random load sequence for the wing attachment of
a transport aircraft as an example. It can be seen
that this load sequence is not just composed of a
Figure 3. Acceleration exceedance monitoring system randomization of loads but also of a randomization
introduced in the Royal Air Force in the 1950s. of different flight types.



1 2 3 . . . . . . . 10

Figure 4. Ganers loads monitoring system used in the late 1950s and early 1960s for monitoring road transport load
sequences [8].
6 Introduction

500-km tour

Pet hole course
Steering rod force


0 25-km tar course


4000 60-km part tours

103 102 101 100 101 102 103
Exceedances per kilometer
Figure 5. Different road transport load sequences for different road conditions [7].

Flight spectrum
Load/mean load []

0.1 10 1000 100 000

Taxi spectrum

Flight Number of Cycles per step Cycles per

type flights I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X flight
A 1 1 1 1 4 8 18 64 112 391 900 1500
B 1 1 1 2 5 11 39 76 366 899 1400
C 3 1 1 2 7 22 61 277 879 1250
D 9 1 1 2 14 44 208 680 950
E 24 1 1 6 24 165 603 800
F 60 1 3 19 115 512 650
G 181 1 7 70 412 490
H 420 1 16 233 250
I 1090 1 69 70
J 2211 25 25
Total cycles in all 1 2 5 18 52 152 800 4170 34 800 358 665
exceedances 1 3 8 26 78 230 1030 5200 40 000 398 665

Figure 6. TWIST random load spectrum [9].

What can be concluded from that development in been again a driver in getting those loads moni-
the 1930s to 1980s is that the need for better under- toring systems integrated. Besides the Royal Air
standing the true operational loads has been essen- Force (RAF) accelerometer system mentioned above,
tial. Besides developing standard load sequences, this the Panavia Tornado fighter airplane was possibly one
has been gradually achieved through implementing of the first ones getting an Operational Loads Moni-
load monitoring sensors into structures. Aviation has toring System called OLMOS onboard [13] (see also
An Introduction and Definitions 7

Usage Management of Military Aircraft Struc- civil engineering structures (see The Influence of
tures). To minimize the number of additional sensors Environmental Factors), electronic systems (see
to be implemented, this system was mainly based on Health Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Prognostics
monitoring flight parameters only and constructing of Avionic Systems), or mechanical systems such as
the operational loads sequence from these with a jet engines (see Monitoring of Aircraft Engines).
few strain gauges to be implemented for verifica- The big advantage of monitoring mechanical loads
tion. The system allows overloads to be well detected or even loads in general is not just limited to detecting
as well as the usage of the different aircraft in a loads exceeding the design limits but also to feed the
fleet in general. However, it lacks in allowing the information recorded back into the different models
load sequence detected to be used for any further of structural assessment being used. Since most of the
more detailed fatigue analysis. A lot of discussion recent structures are designed on the basis of a digital
centered around the question if either flight parame- model using Computer Aided Design (CAD), Finite
ters or strain gauge based monitoring would be the Element Method (FEM), and Computer Aided Manu-
better solution for operational loads monitoring. The facturing (CAM) or Computer Aided Engineering
Canadian Air Force introduced a strain gauge based (CAE) in general, where a wide gallery of software
system in some of their CF-18 [14], which was then tools is provided, it becomes more and more easy
explored by others as well. This discussion culmi- to simulate the behavior of structures mainly online.
nated in the operational loads monitoring system used This simulation allows to predict where damage
on the Eurofighter Typhoon where a flight param- might be most likely to accumulate and finally to
eter as well as a strain gauge based operational loads occur in form of a crack, corrosion, a delamination
monitoring system has been implemented [15]. This or any other sort of deterioration. This is therefore
is currently possibly the most advanced operational the transition from loads to damage or from new to
loads monitoring system being available on an aircraft aged as one may express this in structural terms. A
in general. Similar activities were ongoing on the civil new structure is by definition designed to be damage
aviation side with an Airbus A320 [16], which never free as long as no unpredictable accident occurs and
matured due to lack of clarity regarding the opera- will have to face damage once the structure ages.
tional benefits to be achieved. However, with aircraft Since structures are designed for a finite life damage
nowadays increasingly flying into smaller airports is likely to occur beyond that life, which is a conse-
with partially severe weather conditions and possibly quence of the randomness of damage initiation and
associated with fairly short runways and full payload the resulting scatter, and can lead to damage to occur
has led to an enhanced probability of hard landings, twice as late than initially predicted. This is the reason
which resulted in the development of hard landing why a large number of structures is still used far
monitoring devices as described in Video Landing beyond their design life.
Parameter Surveys; Landing Gear. A good example with regard to aging structures
What can be summarized from all this is that is aircraft. Aircraft are normally considered as aging
all aircraft structures are designed such that they when they are 15 years old or more. Damage resulting
are able to withstand damage resulting from fatigue from aging of an aircraft does not necessarily have to
and static loads as long as the loads do not exceed result at the locations where this has been expected
the design loads. This has been and is validated to happen, which is a consequence of a certain
by numeric analysis and possibly also by destruc- randomness of the damaging process and the scatter
tive materials and component testing, the latter even in materials properties. This randomness is also the
exceeding to a full-scale fatigue test. As for mechan- reason why structural inspections are scheduled at
ical loading, a similar design philosophy also applies least half of an expected residual life or even less.
with regard to impact or environmental damage (i.e., Many of the aircraft designed and built in the
corrosion). In this case, the operational loads would past or today are conceived to be still used for
have to be determined in terms of distributions of many decades in the future. Although their design
possible impact loads or sequences of temperature or life is definite, they are often used much longer
humidity at different locations around the structure, and possibly even more extensive than this was
which is indeed done in the context of monitoring initially planned. Figure 7 gives an overview of some
8 Introduction

Boeing 757
Boeing 767 2002
Airbus A310 2000
Lockheed L-1011
Boeing 747 classic
Airbus A300
Boeing MD-80
Boeing 737-300/400/500
BAe 146
Fokker F-28
Boeing 737-100/200
Boeing 727
Boeing 707/720
BAC one-eleven
0 50 100 150 200 250
% of usage
Figure 7. Change of usage of fleet leaders between 2000 and 2002 for different western built aircraft.

typical aircraft types built in the western world and used today, a conversion into design tools of the
the usage of their fleet leader (the aircraft having twenty-first century may be required as well, such
been flown most within the fleet) recorded in two that the structures integrity can be managed. Looking
different years. It can be observed that for many of therefore at the management of the structural integrity
the aircraft types the original design life has been of old engineering structures in terms of keeping them
exceeded and that there seems to be a trend in contin- ageless poses a variety of questions as follows:
uously expanding the usage of these aircraft in case
How to handle structures designed in the past in
the demand for aircraft and, thus, air transportation terms of digital modeling?
increases. Another extreme example is the US Air What are the load spectra the structure is currently
Force B-52 bomber, which was designed and built exposed to?
just after WW2 and of which the US Air Force does How to know the degree of damage of an aging
not plan to take out of service before the year 2045. A structure?
set of further examples from the defense environment Where is damage likely to occur on the structure?
can be found in Figure 8. When and where will it be useful to implement
Aircraft operational lives of around a century sensors on the structure?
can hardly avoid a structure to be deteriorated by
environmental hazards or threats, nor to be used in a An answer to these different questions is given in
a first approach below and in further details within
way different from the one it was originally designed
various articles of this encyclopedia.
for. Examples include conversions from passenger
to cargo aircraft or different weapon loads due to
different flight missions of a fighter airplane. In any 2.1 Digital modeling
of the cases, additional information is required that
will allow the operational conditions such as the In the light of a younger generation taking over
loads that the structure has been exposed to and the in designing engineering structures, the availability
resulting damage to be known. Since the structure of CAD and finite element (FE) models becomes
may have been designed quite far in the past where a must. This infrastructure does not exist per se
design tools were significantly different from those for aircraft, trains, ships, automobiles, buildings, or
An Introduction and Definitions 9

Aircraft type First service flight Total in service Average age

Boeing F/A-18 A/B/C/D hornet/super hornet 1978/1983/1987 1203 13.6
Boeing B-52 A/B/H stratofortress 1952/1955/1962 94 46.6
Boeing KC-135 E/R/T stratotanker 1956 568 49/47 (E/R)
Dassault mirage F1 /C/CR/CT/D/E 19731992 309
Dassault/Dornier alpha jet 1978 348
Fairchild A-10 A/C thunderbolt 1997/2007 364
Lockheed-martin C-130 A/B/E hercules 1956/1959/1962 1338 44 (E)
Lockheed-martin C-5 A/B galaxy 1969/1980 111 37/20 (A/B)
Lockheed-martin F-16 A/C/D falcon 1979/1981/1989/1994 2982 16.7
Lockheed-martin P-3 orion 1959 368 28.5 (US Navy)
Lockheed-martin U-2 dragonlady 1956 33
McDonnel douglas F-15 eagle 1974 968 25.5
McDonnel douglas F-4 phantom 1958 725
MiG-21 (many variants) 1958 (chinese version) 1528
MiG-29 (many variants) 1985 1047
Northrop T-38 /A/C 1959/1961 636
Panavia tornado IDS 1974 505

Figure 8. Aging military aircraft overview.

bridges having been designed 20 years or more in the reaction be more appropriate? To find this out requires
past. This infrastructure therefore needs to be gener- an iteration process between loads simulation and
ated. Means in that regard have been provided in experimental verification to be initiated. Analysis of
doing such a conversion from solid-state hardware the loading influence on the structure can now be
to a digital model by using a laser scanning device. done for each of the loads individually with the
A laser-based projector produces a light stripe on resulting stress distribution for the load case being
an object where the light stripe is then recorded by obtained from superposition and the resulting figure
a camera and converted into a digital point cloud showing the distribution of stresses and strains. The
that can be recorded as an initial digital informa- stress and strain distribution calculated will allow in a
tion. This point cloud is then further converted into a first instance to identify the locations where sensors
polygon mesh, from there into Non-Uniform Rational may be placed best to identify loads applied to the
B-Spline (NURBS) patches and finally into the structure. Since loading of a structure is however
desired CAD model. Scanning can be either done often not solely composed of a single set of loads only
manually or automatically by using a robot arm. The but is rather the result of an accumulation of different
digital model up to a coarse-meshed FE model is thus loads, the analysis done for a single load needs to
obtained. be performed for all the loads applied on the struc-
ture followed by a superposition of the stress analysis
results of all these single loading cases, which finally
2.2 Operational loads results in the complete picture of the stress distribu-
tion for one of the structures specific loading combi-
Monitoring operational loads can become a highly nations. This procedure demonstrates the complexity
complex subject. It results from the multitude of of the loads monitoring and simulation problem and
different loads that can apply and the reactions they requires a clear strategic approach to be determined
can have with respect to their variation in height when considering the application of loads monitoring
and occurrence. An additional problem in simula- for structures of higher complexity such as aircraft.
tion exists with respect to the correct simulation of To experimentally verify the stress distribution
the reaction forces, i.e., can the structure be rigidly simulated requires a loads monitoring system that
clamped or will a spring and possibly even damper can be equipped to the structure considered. The
10 Introduction

be certainly considerable for larger structures with a

high asset value such as aircraft where either cost
DI/DO and/or size of the SHM system may not have such a
dominant impact.
Net Ch3
Status Ch4
2.3 Damage accumulation
The ability to monitor loads also allows load sequen-
ces to be monitored, which is the sequence of loads
Figure 9. 4-channel loads monitoring system MATCH-
II-4 by SWIFT GmbH based on electrical strain gauge over time and is mainly characterized by peaks and
monitoring. troughs. As shown in Figure 10, each loading cycle
can be characterized in terms of load amplitude
system must be relatively small, light weight, robust, and mean load in accordance to the rainflow cycle
and service proven. Examples of such systems being counting method, and the number of cycles with a
commercially available could be the MATCH-II-4 specific mean load versus load amplitude charac-
box from SWIFT GmbH in Germany [17], which is teristic is stored in a rainflow matrix. A rainflow
a 4-channel digital data recorder shown in Figure 9. matrix can therefore be used to characterize a specific
It is designed as a small solid box of 400 g in maneuver or mission such as the flight mission of a
mass that can be attached to a structure easily and specific aircraft. The rainflow matrix shown in the
contains a power supply, a CPU with external digital lower left part of Figure 10 is an output from the
I/O, and a communication interface. The CPU has software provided with the SWIFT MATCH-II-4 box.
a 16-bit microprocessor and a Flash-ROM 256 kB The availability of an FE loads model and a load
memory, which can be reprogramed and stores data spectrum in terms of a rainflow matrix now allows
up to 864 kB. The I/O can communicate with a a fatiguelife evaluation analysis to be performed.
standard PC via a RS232C interface. Different types Knowing the stress distribution through the FE
of these boxes can be linked to a network that allows analysis enables fatigue damage accumulation to be
for a multichannel recording of structures of higher calculated at virtually any location of the structure
complexity. A remote link is further provided as considered. FE fatigue from nCode [18] is a tool that
an option. There are larger systems of this kind reads the model and results from an FE code, and
with airworthiness certification made available for writes the fatigue results to a postprocessor. Measured
helicopter monitoring where further details can be or synthesized load data from a rainflow matrix is
found in [17]. imported. A database of around 200 standard mate-
Different options of strain measurement exist rial fatigue properties or the provision of own fatigue
where electrical strain gauges are devices that are data allows a fatigue analysis to be performed for
very well established for loads measurement. How- each loading cycle of the spectrum and for each
ever, each of the sensors has to be connected by single element of the structure. Either stresslife or
individual wires, which make the situation highly strainlife methods can be used. Damage for each
complex in case a variety of sensors is involved. loading cycle and element is accumulated over the
A much more elegant and thus smarter solution load spectrum and finally leads to a picture shown on
would exist with the application of optical fiber Bragg the lower right-hand side of Figure 10.
grating sensors where virtually tens and hundreds of The damage distribution figure can so far only be
sensors could be attached to in accordance to the loca- considered as a qualitative one should the compo-
tions worth to be monitored on the structure consid- nent to be analyzed be an aging component where
ered. All sensors could be virtually connected with only limited knowledge of the past would be avail-
one single fiber and could be recorded individually able. The information being available includes the
by one single piece of equipment. However, such a material type, the material properties, the current load
type of loads monitoring equipment of adequate size distribution, and the current load spectrum. From this
and of required cost currently does not exist but may knowledge, an experimental quantification could now
An Introduction and Definitions 11

I. Load signal II. Counting

load cycles
B D Max B D

Time Time

C C IV. Fatigue

III. Rainflow matrix

Figure 10. Damage accumulation calculation based on loads monitoring and an FE model.

be made in accordance to the procedure schematically for fatigue testing from other locations of the compo-
sketched in Figure 11 by cutting off material from the nent where the amount of damage has been estimated
component considered and exposing this material to to be higher.
a fatigue test. The fatiguelife obtained from these
tests is the residual fatiguelife of the component at
the location where the material was taken from. The 3 DAMAGE MONITORING
amount of damage could therefore be determined as
the ratio (Nf Nr )Nf , where Nf is the number of All what has been discussed so far could be solved
cycles to failure for the pristine material that can be with loads monitoring only. The other major element
obtained from handbooks and Nr is the number of of SHM is damage monitoring where different other
cycles determined in the experiment. To further prove disciplines come into play. One of them is structural
this concept, more material specimens could be taken dynamics where the area of condition monitoring has


life Life used


K t = 1.0
Experiment done on aged material
Figure 11. Experimental estimation of aged materials residual life.
12 Introduction

a long tradition. Dynamically loaded structures such therefore one of the other major elements contributing
as rotating machinery are usually loaded at relatively to SHM.
high frequencies with a loading spectrum that can Coming back to the structural assessment made
often be determined to be constant amplitude. Hence, so far in terms of loads monitoring and fatiguelife
if a frequency such as an eigenfrequency (a mode) has evaluation, the damage accumulation plot shown
turned out to be relevant, it has to be filtered out of in the lower right of Figure 10 is an indication
a highly randomized and thus possibly noisy signal. regarding where damage accumulates most and is
The characteristics of these signals may therefore thus most likely to occur. It is related to the loading
change upon the change of a structures condition. configuration set and may change if the loading
Hence a crack in a rotating shaft or a gear or a configuration changes as well. However a structure
change in a gears or bearings surface condition usually follows a specific loading pattern (spectrum)
might be easily recognized through the change in the that can be described analytically.
frequency characteristics. Owing to the complexity A next question of relevance with respect to
of the signals, structural dynamics has provided a damage assessment is related to the incident when
multitude of signal processing algorithms of which damage is likely to occur. As mentioned before
a large number is presented in Section 3 of this fatiguelife can easily vary by a factor of 2 or even
encyclopedia. more. Hence, the incident of crack initiation can only
Besides using vibrations for monitoring damage in be determined by continuous inspection where NDT
materials and structures, there is a multitude of other and specific sensing technologies come into play.
physical parameters and principles for monitoring This can be done, in terms of SHM, by integrating
damage as well. Those principles include acoustics, sensing elements around the areas of the structure
temperature, electrical or magnetic fields to just name where damage is most likely to occur first.
a few and they are all covered in the wide area Figure 12 shows how the principle can be applied
of NDT. NDT has provided not only the physical by using acousto-ultrasonics as the monitoring tech-
damage monitoring principles discussed in Section nique. In this case a burst acoustic signal is sent
2 but also the variety of sensors to be applied, under a Hanning window through some piezoelectric
which are widely described in Section 5. NDT is element actuators into the structure and the signals

Frequency 60 KHz

Actuator Actuators

Time (s)

Multiplexer Sensors

Frequency 60 KHz


Time (s)
Figure 12. Acousto-ultrasonics damage monitoring principle applied damage critical areas of components.
An Introduction and Definitions 13



Smart layer
with 12 transducers Smart suitcase

Smart sensing system with one input and output

Figure 13. Logic for a sensing system within SHM.

are recorded again by another set of piezoelectric as shown in Figure 13. This system now only has
elements acting as sensors. Differences in the signal a single interface between the remaining engineering
received will then indicate when damage has been system, such as an aircraft, for which the require-
initiated and repair or replacement of the component ments in terms of input and output as well as relia-
is required. bility can be clearly defined and controlled. Hence,
whatever is inside the sensing system is not relevant
as long as the system meets the requirements set at
4 SENSOR SYSTEM the interface to the engineering structure or system.
Problems of reliability and redundancy are there-
IMPLEMENTATION fore transferred to the SHM system supplier similar
STRATEGIES to the approach applied for any avionic or engine
system in aviation. Virtually, the biological analogy
4.1 Sensor or sensor system? would be indeed applicable under these conditions,
provided the sensing system would meet the require-
There is a general reluctance in implementing sensors ments accordingly.
into engineering structures. The reasons for this Besides the system shown in Figure 13, there is
are understandable since there is no sensor where a multitude of other systems being proposed, which
100% reliability can be guaranteed for. Hence, the are widely described in Section 6. What a holistic
overall reliability of a system may decrease with an SHM system might have idealistically to consist of
increasing number of sensors if the sensors do not would be loads monitoring on the one side and
provide a significantly additional amount of relia- damage monitoring on the other. How this might
bility for the overall engineering structure consid- be achievable would require some further strategic
ered. Consequently, copying the principle of nature considerations, which are subject of the following
such as the human body, where billions of sensors sections in this article.
continuously monitor the body itself, may be worth
revisiting. As an overriding principle, the number of
sensors in an engineering structure is therefore mainly
minimized. Minimization of sensors also means that 4.2 Structural damage classification by
sensors should only be usedand thus possibly also MSG-3 process
just be implementedwhen they are truly required.
However, the number of transducers becomes There is a variety of ways SHM might be imple-
irrelevant when the complete signal generation and mented in an engineering structure. This very much
processing unit becomes a part of a sensor system, depends on the way the structure has been designed,
in practical terms when becoming a sensing system the way it can be inspected, and a variety of other
14 Introduction

regulations being associated to the structures opera- through accident, environment, or fatigue. Figure 15
tional environment and life cycle. Each area of appli- shows the logic of this process combined with the
cation has its specifics. One of them to be described steps where SHM could virtually play a role.
here again comes from civil aviation where more
examples and specifics are provided in Section 7.
As regards the structural integrity of aircraft struc- 4.3 SHM implementation decision
tures, a clear route has been identified through the
Maintenance Steering Group (MSG), which consists Accidental damage is something that is unpredictable
of representatives from the aircraft manufacturers, and can thus occur from day 1 of an aircrafts life.
operators, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) Environmental damage is partially accounted for by
organizations, and the airworthiness authorities. A design but difficult to handle. Hence environmental
procedure known as MSG-3 [18] is now widely damage may be considered from day 1 of an aircrafts
applied, whose backbone is shown in Figure 14. life in cases where a large variation in damage initi-
The MSG-3 procedure mainly tries to find out ation can be expected and a corrosion prevention
if a component has to be considered as a structure and protection plan may not exist. Fatigue damage
significant item (SSI) or not. If this is the case, then is however covered through damage tolerance and is
damage can be either introduced to the component not due to occur before half of the aircrafts design

Aircraft structure
Define aircraft zones or areas
Define aircraft structural items

relevant D1
Is item a
structural No
significant item

items Yes
Categorize and list as SSI

No Yes

Safe life FD AD/ED/CPCP Analysis

AD/ED analysis
limit analysis analysis of other
analysis D6 D10 (metallic) structure
D4, P10 P14
P15 P16 P18 D3, P7 P9 D2, P4 P6

P19 P19
Airworthness Consolidated structural maintenance
limitations tasks and intervals

Figure 14. Selection of damage critical aircraft components in accordance to MSG-3 [18].
An Introduction and Definitions 15

Principal structural elements

Fatigue Environmental Accidental and discrete

damage damage damage

Damage Corrosion Typical Discrete

tolerance Safe life inspection accidental source

Integrated corrosion Types of Types of

Types of
prevention program inspections inspection

DTR evaluations EDR evaluations ADR evaluations

Approved initial inspection and maintenance program

SHM relevant
ADR Accidental damage requirement
DTR Damage tolerance requirement
EDR Environmental damage requirement
Figure 15. MSG-3 classification of structural damage [18].

life. Fatigue damage monitoring sensors are there-

fore not due to be implemented before midlife of
the aircraft. Consequently, the aircraft manufacturers
are following a strategy by looking at sensing acci-
dental and critical environmental damage first which
might result in damage monitoring locations as shown
in Figure 16. Here, specifically, the locations around
passenger and cargo doors are critical where uncon-
trolled collisions with ground vehicles are likely.
Other environmentally critical areas are floor beams
and frames close to galleys and lavatories where
water spillage combined with corrosion is most likely.
Galleys and lavatories Pylons
As discussed earlier, loads monitoring using advan-
ced sensing and combining this with a digital model
for assessing damage accumulation is the other useful
SHM option to be implemented into an aircraft from Doors
day 1.
All components being prone to fatigue damage are
most likely not to be equipped with SHM systems
from the very beginning of an aircrafts operational
life since current design rules have been established Figure 16. Potential locations for initial damage moni-
such that any critical fatigue damage is avoided until toring on aircraft.
the end of the next structural inspection interval
defined. Introducing an SHM system would only aircrafts life cycle cost (LCC). This however needs
make sense in case an inspection could be postponed to be proven before the SHM system is implemented.
beyond the end of the next inspection interval and this The randomness of fatigue damage otherwise will
would lead to significant cost savings in terms of the not make prediction of the damage locations and
16 Introduction

specifically their incident easy. Determining these in shortening the inspection and thus the maintenance
locations and incidents therefore requires a close link process.
to analyzing inspection protocols and here specifically A major source along the MSG-3 process where
those of the fleet leaders, being the aircraft having the maintenance process is documented for each
accumulated the highest number of flight cycles in a aircraft type and where structural inspection tasks
specific fleet. Once these locations and components are found is the Maintenance Planning Document
have been determined, the economic potentials of (MPD). Assigned to each task is a description of
implementing SHM have to be evaluated for which a the structural location and the nature of inspection (a
procedure is described further below. special detailed inspection (SDI) or a general visual
inspection (GVI)), the threshold of the inspection
(when the initial inspection could be undertaken)
5 SHM POTENTIAL along with the inspection interval (frequency of the
inspection), and the estimated time to carry out the
DETERMINATION task. Optimization and simulation of maintenance
processes based on the MPD allowing time critical
5.1 Background tasks to be highlighted that may have the potential of
being replaced by SHM in terms of maintenance time
A major issue of SHM for aircraft applications is reduction is therefore what is addressed here. This is
the monitoring of a structures condition by automa- demonstrated along with a generic example.
tion. SHM systems have progressively matured but
the question of where to implement those onboard
an aircraft to harvest the economic benefits resulting
from automated inspection has still to be addressed. 5.2 Structure of maintenance process and
Schmidt et al. [19] proposed four different areas problem definition
where SHM could be implemented based on potential
fatigue-prone areas over a typical airframe fuselage. A maintenance process can be described by depicting
Areas identified were stringers, frames, and skins the operational life of the aircraft as shown in
to identify cracks. Schmidt et al. also assessed the Figure 17. An aircraft can be in service (white area)
trade-off relationship that exists between structural or out of service within a maintenance phase (shaded
weight and frequency of inspections. With increased area). The maintenance process can be considered as
inspection opportunities gained with SHM, additional the entire maintenance undertaken over the aircrafts
damage characteristics could be incorporated into life and is segmented into maintenance phases, tasks,
the aircraft design stage, increasing allowable design and jobs, respectively.
stresses on components that could result in a reduc- Two types of maintenance phases exist: scheduled
tion in weight. Alternatively, the increased informa- and unscheduled maintenance. Tasks that belong to
tion gained could provide for an extension in the scheduled maintenance phases are specified within
inspection interval, i.e., how frequent the component the MPD and are those to be analyzed. A mainte-
is inspected. nance task is an action that specifies the action in
Schmidts approach is definitely well applicable general providing a description of the area involved,
with regard to the design of future aircraft. However, i.e., inspection of frame 47 for cracks. Maintenance
with the fleet of existing aircraft, the benefits gained tasks can be segmented further into jobs. Maintenance
from SHM have to be seen within the frame jobs are more specific actions that make up a main-
of automating the inspection process. Inspection tenance task. However, they have to be undertaken
automation is, however, only beneficial if it shortens in a particular order. Maintenance jobs include the
the time of inspection and enhances the availability following: preparation, access gain, removal, inspec-
of the aircraft to be inspected. Hence, what needs tion, reporting, and reassembly.
to be identified are the structural components along With the MPD only specifying the maintenance
the critical path of the maintenance process and what interval and threshold inspection, commercial airline
implications the implementation of SHM would have operators have the freedom to allocate maintenance
An Introduction and Definitions 17

Time Scheduled maintenance Unscheduled maintenance

phase phase
Operation start

Operation end


Figure 17. Maintenance process in its entirety and its components.

tasks to a phase in accordance to the allowable main- is a discrete event process simulation software that
tenance intervals. This results in different inspection has the ability to analyze and predict process perfor-
tasks in different maintenance phases, which ulti- mance. A process is modeled in blocks in accordance
mately influences the critical path. to a flow chart. Each of the blocks contains the neces-
Also with changes to how maintenance is executed sary data that describes the discrete event in terms of
(i.e., number of laborers on site and the sequence of a process element, a decision, or something else. A
tasks executed) changes in the critical path is immi- process element is analogous to a maintenance action
nent. Additionally, critical path changes can occur along the process.
due to changes in times that exist for a maintenance Once the process is defined, described, and vali-
job. In reality, the duration time of a job is even dated, a simulation run can be initiated. A simulation
often unlikely to be deterministic. With more complex is based on entities that pass through discrete events
maintenance phases, there may be a tendency for (i.e., process blocks, etc.). For the purpose of the
changes in the critical path with changes in job times. study, an entity is allocated as the aircraft to be main-
This nondeterministic situation requires optimization tained. The aircraft to which attributes are assigned,
procedures that allow for effective maintenance plan- virtually moves along the flow chart. The number
ning as well as reliable identification of structural of entities, i.e., aircraft, can be increased, which
components being those most likely to positively allows maintenance in an aircraft hangar to be simu-
affect the inspection and maintenance process through
lated and thus the maximum of aircraft maintained
integration of SHM. It has to be noted in that regard
to be determined under the constraints of the mainte-
that any component being identified for SHM may
nance process. These constraints mainly include the
lead to a change in the critical path of the maintenance
number of workers, tools and maintenance space, and
process, hence also leading to a sequential iteration
the organization of the maintenance process itself.
process. How such an optimization could be achieved
is therefore explained in the following paragraphs. The constraints such as the number of workers and
tools required can be optimized as well. Finally,
the process is optimized in its sequence such that a
5.3 An integrated methodology for maximum of aircraft is put through the maintenance
effective maintenance planning process at a minimum of time. This simulation will
therefore help to determine the maximum of aircraft
For simulation of the maintenance processes, a operability gained from enhancing the aircraft main-
commercial software named Arena has been used tenance process just from a logistical perspective. To
[20], which has been successfully applied in post- obtain the complete picture simulation, runs are done
depot maintenance of helicopters before [21]. Arena over the complete life cycle of an aircraft.
18 Introduction

For optimizing a maintenance process in accor- 5. Remodeling of maintenance phases with the
dance to the objectives set before, the following five inclusion of SHM
steps can be defined: Remodel the complete maintenance process with the
SHM solutions included. This requires going back
1. Formation of inspection phases and consol- to step 2 (or possibly even step 1) and redoing
idation of tasks from MPD based on airliners the complete process again. It may lead to new
operation critical paths with new components to be identified
Following the inspection phases defined by the oper- where SHM might be applied. This remodeling is
ator in accordance to the operational conditions, the repeated until no further potentials can be identified.
different maintenance phases mentioned in the MPD Comparison of the existing maintenance method to a
are allocated with regard to MSG-3 [18], which SHM scenario will finally demonstrate the potential
is different when compared to the traditional letter gained.
checks [22].
The method has also been summarized in
2. Optimization (minimization) of maintenance Figure 18.
tasks at each inspection phase
To provide a consistent benchmark against SHM
and avoid changes in the critical path via different 5.4 Case study
approaches, maintenance tasks in a phase are rear-
ranged in an optimal fashion to a set number of main- To demonstrate the method described, assume the
tenance staff. Scheduling jobs to laborers to minimize maintenance phase to consist of inspection of Gan-
maintenance phase times allows time critical tasks to tries (task 1) and Frame 47 (task 2) both depicted in
be determined with fixed times (i.e., those that lie Figure 19. Gantries and Frame 47 are highly loaded
on the critical path). The need to schedule inspection structures in an aircrafts center fuselage section
tasks to a set number of laborers fits very closely that serve as load carriers for fuselage bending and
to the flexible job shop problem (FJSP), which is of twisting forces mainly, partially superimposed by
current interest in the manufacturing sector. A number passenger payload and cabin pressure. Their loading
of approaches have been applied to the FJSP. Gao is therefore complex and they are prone to cracking
et al. [23] have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) over lifetime. Hence they require inspections at
approach that has been used to successfully solve the certain time intervals specified in the maintenance
FJSP in the manufacturing industry, which has been document such as an MPD.
remodified here for optimizing maintenance down- To highlight optimization of the maintenance
time in a maintenance phase. phase, an initial inspection phase interval of 5000 FH
was taken, which only consisted of the two main-
3. Identification of critical maintenance tasks tenance tasks mentioned in more detail below. The
Once each maintenance phase has been optimized in objective was to arrange maintenance jobs with a
terms of downtime, a critical path analysis is under- given number of laborers to minimize the makespan
taken at each maintenance phase. Uncertainties in of the maintenance phase (the makespan is defined as
duration of each task are addressed through statis- the difference between end time of the last remaining
tical variations in job times and the effect it has on job and start time of the first job, i.e., the maintenance
the critical path, using the discrete event simulation phase duration). For each task, the three maintenance
option with Arena . jobs were removal, inspection, and reinstallation. It
was assumed that four labor pairs existed L1 , L2 , L3 ,
4. Analysis to suitability of SHM and L4 . L1 , and L2 were labor pairs that could only
Highlight tasks being related to the integrity of undertake access and removal jobs. Labor pairs L3
structural components and that lie on a maintenance and L4 were only designated to undertake inspections.
phases critical path, which may be suitable for SHM. Figure 20 highlights the problem domain.
Assess if a suitable SHM solution can be achieved for Job times (ptj l ) related to inspections were gathered
the component. from the MPD. Times associated to access were
An Introduction and Definitions 19

Time 1. Formation of generic maintenance phases

from MPD and aircraft usage

Operation end
Operation start

Process iterated from step 2

2. Optimization of maintenance phases

5. Remodel maintenance phase with

3. Identification of critical SHM alternative
maintenance tasks
4. Analysis of suitability of SHM
Figure 18. Overview of method for the determination of SHM potentials.

Gantries Gantry

Frame 47

Plug Transducer

(a) (b)
Figure 19. Components considered for case study (a) and proposed SHM solution (b).

assumed based on indications given by maintainers etc.) to provide better solutions after each genera-
and documentation. Table 1 shows the assumed labor tion governed by an objective function. The problem
times for each job. required a suitable permutation representation, which
The GA procedure was then used to determine was adopted from Gao et al. [23] who were successful
the optimal sequence of maintenance jobs to laborers in solving similar type problems in manufacturing.
that provides the minimum makespan, i.e., downtime The GA developed in Matlab was run and each
of the maintenance phase. GAs are an optimiza- solution was decoded to a schedule where it was
tion method that are based on an initial random evaluated by the objective function (total duration
population, which is manipulated through evolu- time). The GA converged to a minimum makespan
tionary mechanisms (selection, crossover, mutation, of 6.3 h for a solution shown in Figure 21, which
20 Introduction

Maintenance tasks

Labor groups
Maintenance phase

T1 L1
Labor pairs
L2 L4
J11 J12 J13

J21 J22 J23



Figure 20. Illustration of the problem domain for 5000 FH maintenance phase.

resulted to around 120 h for the aircrafts complete mean duration times could further be considered in
life cycle. the Arena simulation. However, this did not make a
The critical path could be established from the change in the path criticality of the case considered
minimum schedule, which is the one related to task 1. here. The model in Arena is shown in Figure 22.
Uncertainties of a standard deviation of 10% of the A SHM solution was developed as shown in
Figure 19(b). Feeding this one back into the opti-
Table 1. Maintenance tasks in 5000 FH phase mization process allowed task 1 duration to shrink
Description Job L1 L2 L3 L4 by roughly a factor of 6 over the life cycle, leading
to a saving of around 100 h of aircraft availability
Access task A J11 2.1 2.1
Inspection task A J12 2.1 2.1
and let task 2 now to be on the critical path with
Reinstallation task A J13 2.1 2.1 around 36 h over the life cycle. Implementing an
Access task B J21 0.72 0.72 SHM solution to Frame 47 allowed the total inspec-
Inspection task B J22 0.72 0.72 tion time to be reduced to 22 h, hence enhance-
Reinstallation task B J23 0.72 0.72 ment of 100 h in aircraft availability could be made
L1, L2: two access staff; L3, L4: two NDT inspectors. All by implementing SHM on both the Gantries and
job times specified in unit hours. Frame 47.

L4 J12
Laborer sets (L)


L2 J11 J13

L1 J21 J23

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Time (h)
Figure 21. Optimized labor schedule determined by GA.
An Introduction and Definitions 21

Level 1

Task A
Aircraft Jobs 0
0 Tasks Phase Stats Aircraft
arrival executed Original
end time leaves
0 grouped recorded 0
0 Duplicate
Task B


Level 2
Duration A

Start A Access Inspect Install

End A
0 0 0

Duration B

Access Inspect Install

Start B B End B
0 0 0

Figure 22. Simulated model of generic 5000 FH maintenance window.

6 CONCLUSIONS predicted in accordance to the operational needs.

This will only allow current design and maintenance
SHM is a topic that has gained a significant high principles to be included, which is a major necessity
attention in the meantime. The reason is that it should SHM find some promising application. SHM
integrates a variety of classical disciplines on a lateral might further change design principles in a way that
basis. This does not only include materials science, it could extend the damage tolerance design principle,
fracture, fatigue, strength, NDT, structural dynamics, so far applied with success in civil aviation and also
or design but also include areas such as maintenance in other areas as well. This however requires SHM
logistics, economics, and possibly others. SHM as systems operating at highest reliability, which is an
a result is therefore not just sensors, electronics, or area where still a lot of effort needs to be invested.
signal processing but rather a system. Such a system Although the examples being described here have
must result into something that is shown for a rail been mainly related to aviation, SHM is by far being
axle system in Figure 23. It must consist of a sensor limited to this only. The same logic can be principally
or sensor network, some onboard electronics and a applied into any other field in engineering such
data transmitter possibly in the form of an antenna as automotive, naval, railway, civil engineering, the
that does allow to link into the maintenance logistics. processing, or the heavy machinery industry. Many
SHM is not just limited to monitoring damage of those are addressed in the various articles of this
only. It also needs to encompass monitoring of encyclopedia.
operational loads, which in combination with the A big need with SHM is also that whatever will
various prognostic simulation tools being available be developed is well integrated into the maintenance
today will allow the locations of damage to be concept of the engineering system considered. With
22 Introduction

Intelligent acoustic
sensor system (IASS)


Acoustic sensor
acoustic emission

Figure 23. SHM system for train wheel monitoring [24].

regard to aircraft, this requires to follow maintenance ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

principles used for avionics or engines since those are
possibly further ahead when compared to structures The author wants to acknowledge the contributions
so far. This also includes the way prognostic mainte- made by Mr. Hrshi Kapoor and Dr. Marilyu Goh to
nance will be done and presented to the operator and the case study while his stay at the University of
maintainer specifically. Sheffield.
A major discussion centers around the question of
when SHM should be implemented best along the life
cycle of an engineering structure. Implementation at REFERENCES
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such as an aircraft. A procedure on how to determine Jahrbuch der Deutschen Luftfahrtforschung: Mun-
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[9] de Jonge B, Schutz D, Lowak H, Schijve J. A Stan- Edition. McGraw Hill, New York, 2002.
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[10] van Dijk GM, de Jonge JB. Introduction to a Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB,
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[11] Edwards PR, Darts J (eds). Standardised Fatigue [23] Gao J, et al. A hybrid of genetic algorithm and
Loading Sequences for Helicopter rotorsHelix and bottleneck shifting for mutiobjective flexible Job
FelixPart 1: Background and fatigue evaluation shop scheduling problems. Proceedings of the
Part 2: Final Definition of Helix and Felix, NLR TR 8th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolu-
84043 U, 1984. tionary Computation, ACM Publishers, 2007;
[12] ten Have AA. WISPER and WISPERXFinal Defini- pp. 11571164.
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[13] Krau A. Betriebslastenermittlung fur Flugzeugen- railroad wheels. 10th SPIE Annual International
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[14] Zgela MB, Madley WB. Durability and Damage
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[15] Hunt SG, Hebden IG. Validation of the Eurofighter
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[16] Ladda V and Meyer H-J. The Operational Loads Zeit-Funktion fur Betriebsfestigkeitsversuche. Fort-
Monitoring System OLMS, NATO AGARD-CP-506, schritte Ber. VDI-Z Reihe, 1970; Vol. 5(30) (in
1991 Paper 15. German).
Chapter 2
Free and Forced Vibration Models
Muhammad Haroon
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

structural damage identification, as demonstrated

1 Introduction 1 later in this section. Modal information (natural
2 Framework of Vibrations-based SHM frequencies and mode shapes), including properties
(Newtons Law) 2 derived from modal information (modal curvature,
3 Damage Identification 6 model strain energy, etc.), has long been used for
damage identification. Changes in natural frequen-
4 Summary 22
cies were among the earliest avenues of investiga-
References 23 tion and considerable work has been done in this
Further Reading 28 regard; Salawu [1] provides a review of work in
this area.
In studying the vibrations-based dynamic behavior
of systems, modal properties are the obvious choice
1 INTRODUCTION for system health analysis because these properties
Vibrations-based structural health monitoring (SHM) are directly affected by changes in a systems phys-
is the process of identifying the health of mechan- ical parameters (mass, stiffness, and damping) and
ical systems and structures based on changes in the are straightforward to estimate once models have
dynamic behavior caused by damage. The process been developed. Thus, model identification or system
includes loads identification, damage detection, loca- identification plays a role in SHM, especially when
tion, characterization, quantification, and life predic- modal properties are used. A model for the system
tion. Vibrations-based methods are a natural choice has to be assumed along with the assumptions about
because the vibration signature of mechanical systems structural behavior, e.g., linear, time invariant, etc.
is a known function of the systems physical param- Mechanical damage (e.g., cracks, delamination, and
eters. In addition, the data-acquisition process and loose bolts) can be related to changes in stiffness
associated technology are well developed for system and/or damping, which directly affect the system
identification and relatively easy to apply. The global modal properties. Modal parameterbased methods,
nature of vibration data also offers advantages in such as those using natural frequency shifts, are some-
times insensitive to damage and often corrupted by
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by measurement variability, which hinder their general
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 applicability. Many other categories of features can
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. be estimated from vibration data that cover the whole
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

range of possible damage scenarios, operating condi- and N [x(t), x(t)] represents nonlinearities in the
tions, structure types, and applications. The subcate- structural system.
gories of vibrations-based SHM techniques include This single equation, or set of equations, provides
those exploiting linear or nonlinear changes and all of the information for the numerous diverse
methods utilizing features in the time or frequency techniques and approaches for vibrations-based SHM.
domain. The diversity in the available data, infor- Equation (1) contains the kinematic quantities that
mation, and features from vibrations-based system can be measured in order to interrogate the health of
interrogation points to the power and versatility of a mechanical system.
this class of SHM methodologies. Doebling et al. [2] Acceleration measurements are the most conve-
and Sohn et al. [3] have provided thorough reviews nient to make and commercial piezoelectric accelero-
of vibrations-based SHM research. meters are commonly used to measure dynamic
The aim of vibrations-based SHM is to combine response. Acceleration can be integrated to obtain
experimental vibration data, e.g., acceleration, with velocity and displacement, as long as care is exer-
vibration models for damage identification (detec- cised in the integration, and then used directly for
tion, location, characterization, and quantification) various SHM techniques [57].
and ultimately develop damage models for predic- The relative motion between structural elements
tion. The models can range from simplistic lumped changes with damage and load redistribution accom-
parameter models to complex finite element (FE) panying damage and, hence, relative displacements
or numerical models. Therefore, model development, can be monitored to examine the integrity of struc-
validation, updating, and uncertainty quantification
tures (e.g., this is the primary damage-sensitive
are important steps in the process.
feature of interest for buildings subjected to earth-
In the next section, the framework for general
quake damage referred to as interstory drift [8]).
vibrations-based SHM is provided followed by a
Displacement can be obtained from acceleration
discussion of a number of vibrations-based data
measurements via time- and frequency-domain inte-
interrogation techniques applied to numerical and
gration but there are drawbacks to this approach
experimental data. A number of practical examples
[9] including loss of the dc component, which can
are presented that step through the four stages of
contain important information for SHM; for example,
SHM as outlined by Rytter [4]: detection, location,
quantification, and damage models for prediction. quadratic nonlinearities cause dc components to
appear in the system response. Laser Doppler vibrom-
etry (LDV), a noncontact method, has been used to
directly measure displacements [10, 11], including
2 FRAMEWORK continuously scanning laser Doppler vibrometers
OF VIBRATIONS-BASED SHM (CSLDVs) [12]. Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) trans-
(NEWTONS LAW) ducers are extensively used to measure structural
displacement. Martin et al. [13] provide a compar-
Vibrations-based SHM has its basis in Newtons ison of different types of piezoelectric transducers for
second law of motion for a constant mass, F = ma. measuring structural displacement.
This simple equation provides the framework for Strain measurements are also often used for SHM,
damage identification, including parameters, loads, especially in civil applications such as bridge and
damage indicators, and various types of vibrations- building health monitoring. The strains can be corre-
based SHM techniques. It is used to derive the lated with deformation and loads on structures in
equations of motion for a lumped parameter system, operation [14]. Fiber-optic strain gauges [15, 16],
fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors [17, 18], and
[M]X + [C]X + [K]X + N [X(t), X(t)] = F (1) even electromagnetic sensors [19] have been used
to monitor strain on structures. Because strain is a
where M is the mass, C is the damping, K is localized measurement, a large number of sensors
the stiffness, X, X, X, and F are the acceleration, need to be mounted to monitor possible defect loca-
velocity, displacement, and force vectors respectively, tions on structures. Low-cost thin-film piezoelectric
Free and Forced Vibration Models 3

(polyvinyldene fluoride (PVDF)) patches have been clearly illuminate the classes of vibration-based SHM
proposed to measure strain [20]. approaches that are possible:
External loads need to be measured or esti-
mated for many vibrations-based SHM techniques, [ M] X = [C] X [K] X N [ X (t), X (t) ] + F
for example, frequency response function (FRF)-
Convenient Linear or nonlinear Active
based damage-identification algorithms [2123]. In measurement or
many realistic mechanical systems, inputs are not Internal loads
readily measured, as in automotive road vehicle data,
for which the input to the tire patch of the tires from
the road is neither measurable nor easy to estimate.
For example, consider the equation of motion of a 2.1 Internal loads
single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system with base
excitation, The displacement- and velocity-dependent terms in
equation (3) represent the internal loads with which
M x + C x + Kx = C xb + Kxb (2) a mechanical system or component resists the inertial
motion caused by excitation forces. The damage
where xb is the base excitation. In this case, the causes changes in the system parameters (linear
input is a function of the base motions and system and nonlinear), and these changes alter the internal
parameters. In such cases, passive methods, which loading of the components of mechanical systems.
are those relying on output measurements only, need It is important to track such changes for reliable
to be utilized for SHM. diagnosis and prognosis in these structural systems.
The unmeasured external inputs to a system can The magnitude and directionality of the internal loads
be modeled, for example, as a stationary stochastic dictates the rate at which the damage progresses, and
process [24]. Considerable work has been done on if and when the structure will fail. Consequently, the
indirect estimation of the input forces, including the damage and internal loads together determine how
use of Markov parameters [25, 26], the sum of damage progresses in mechanical systems (Figure 1).
weighted acceleration technique [27], and the inverse- Although every SHM method works to iden-
FRF approach [28, 29]. The inverse-FRF approach tify features that are influenced by changes in the
suffers from the problem of ill-conditioning. Stites system dynamics, including internal loads, a limited
[30] used an overdetermined inverse problem to over- amount of work has been done on identifying the
come the ill-conditioning issue for estimating impact actual internal loads in mechanical systems. Neural
loads on mechanical structures. Seydel and Chang networks and regression models have been used to
[31, 32] developed a real-time technique for determi- identify operating loads on helicopter components
nation of force location and time history using piezo- [3740]. Uhl and Pieczara [41] presented a method
ceramic sensors and modeling of the system response. for identification of operational loading forces for
Wheel force transducers have been used for wheel mechanical structures. The method has two major
force estimation [33]. Considerable work has been requirements that impose limitations on its practical
done on estimating moving vehicle loads on struc- applicability in an industrial setting:
tures such as bridges. A number of approaches have 1. A known and verified finite element model of the
been taken that involve some form of modeling of the structure is available.
bridge deck [3436]. Stites [30] provides a survey of 2. Responses of the structure to any load vector can
the latest developments in indirect force estimation. be simulated.
Time- and frequency-domain analyses of equa-
tion (1) define the modal properties that can be used Internal Diagnosis/
for damage identification such as natural frequen- Damage
loads prognosis
cies, FRFs, antiresonances, modal vectors, dynamic
flexibility, Ritz vectors, etc. [2, 3]. It is also the
basis of most other vibrations-based SHM techniques.
This equation can be rearranged as follows to more Figure 1. Diagnostic/prognostic methodology.
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Haroon and Adams [42, 43] presented a time- characterized by the restoring forces within a system.
domain technique for loads identification that uses The area entrained by a restoring force curve is
system acceleration operating response data. Force- proportional to the magnitude of the internal load and
state maps are used to characterize the internal can be estimated to quantify the loads.
loading (linear and nonlinear) on components of
vehicle suspension systems and to track changes in
the loads with damage for damage identification. 2.2 Linear or nonlinear
Force-state maps, which represent the displacement-
Damage often causes changes in the nonlinear char-
and velocity-dependent internal forces with which
acteristics of mechanical systems or causes a struc-
a system resists inertial motions, have their origin
ture that responds in a linear manner to exhibit
in the work of Masri et al. [4447] on nonpara-
nonlinear response characteristics (e.g., loose connec-
metric identification of nonlinear systems. Restoring
tions and cracks). Consequently, nonlinear identi-
force curves are projections of the force-state maps
fication can provide useful information for SHM
onto the force-velocity or the force-displacement (Brandon [49, 50]). In the past few years, consider-
plane and represent the load characteristics of a able work has been done to identify damage by iden-
system/component as a function of its mechanical tifying the nonlinear effects accompanying damage,
state [48]. The forcevelocity curves represent the such as cracks, using frequency harmonics [51]
damping loads and the forcedisplacement curves and nonlinear output frequency response functions
represent the stiffness loads of a system. These curves (NOFRFs) [52]. Nonlinear frequency correlations are
allow visualization of the internal loads. An example also useful for detecting the appearance and propa-
of a restoring force curve is shown in Figure 2. It gation of damage. Higher order spectra, specifically
is a plot of the displacement versus the acceleration bispectra, are useful for crack detection and machine
(which is the force scaled by the mass, F = ma) of condition monitoring because the nonlinear changes
an SDOF system with linear and nonlinear cubic stiff- can lead to changes in nonlinear frequency corre-
ness. The nonlinearity can be characterized by its lations [5356]. Adams and Farrar [57] developed
distinct restoring force curve. Individual nonlinear- frequency-domain autoregressive exogenous (ARX)
ities have particular restoring forces; therefore, the models by considering nonlinearities as internal
nonlinear nature of the internal forces can also be feedback forces, which contribute to the forced

Acceleration (m s2)

0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
(a) Displacement (m)

Acceleration (m s2)

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
(b) Displacement (m)
Figure 2. Single degree-of-freedom displacement-restoring force curve; (a) linear stiffness and (b) cubic stiffness.
Free and Forced Vibration Models 5

response of the system. The nonlinear components identify damage. Such methods work well in cases
change with damage and can be used for damage where the inputs are difficult to measure, for example
identification. The nonlinear changes in restoring in bridge health monitoring, or where restrictions on
forces can also be used for nonlinear damage detec- space and cost hinder the use of actuators to excite
tion [58]. Along the same lines of regression of structures, but passive methods have the following
one state variable in terms of another state variable, limitations:
global phase-space representations of the dynamics
of systems have also been used for damage iden- 1. There is no guarantee that the excitations are
tification. Nonlinear time-series analysis was used persistent enough or at the frequency required to
to analyze chaotic attractor properties and damage accentuate the damage, and as such small defects
metrics were developed [5961], which are sensitive may be difficult to detect.
to subtle changes in systems and robust to operational 2. Variability in the unmeasured excitation forces
variability. In an example of linear phase-plane anal- makes the interpretation of the damage features
ysis, Stites et al. [62] used phase-plane maps to detect more challenging.
and quantify damage in gas turbine wire harness 3. Damage cannot be quantified in a physically
connectors under harmonic excitation. Other linear meaningful way.
health-monitoring techniques include methods based
on modal properties [13] and methods based on
linear FRFs [2123], including experimental sensi- A variety of methods are used to excite the struc-
tivity functions [21], which detect and quantify ture in active SHM, including shakers, modal impacts,
damage by comparing the sensitivity of FRFs to and piezoelectric transducers. Specifically, piezoelec-
system parameters to measured changes in the FRFs. tric transducers (Figure 3) are part of a rich and
Ackers et al. [63] used linear FRF analysis to detect highly active research area for active SHM. Piezoac-
cracks in a metal spindle housed deep within a vehicle tuators are used to excite structures at high frequen-
end assembly. It is prudent to mention here that the cies, where the dynamic response is often more
sensitivity of damage features, such as those based on sensitive to local changes within a structure. Elec-
FRFs, to environmental and operational variability is tromechanical impedance (EMI) techniques rely on
an important consideration for SHM. Cornwell et al. the electromechanical coupling between the electric
[64] discussed the variability in modal properties of impedance of piezoelectric materials and the local
a bridge with environmental and operational condi- mechanical impedance of the structure and use the
tions. Kess and Adams [65] presented a study of PZT materials to both actuate and sense [6971].
the effects of environmental and operational vari- A number of techniques have been developed that
ability on FRFs and transmissibility functions, and use piezoelectric actuators/sensors to interrogate the
showed that frequency bands can be identified where health of structures [7274], with the view to develop
variability is minimum and the possibility of getting embedded sensor technologies. White et al. [75, 76]
false-positive/-negative indications is minimized. have used piezoactuator/sensor pairs (Figure 4) in the
development of the virtual forces technique for SHM.

2.3 Active or passive

In cases where the external inputs cannot be measured
or estimated accurately, passive methods, which use
only measurements of the structural response to
external (operational) forces for damage identifica-
tion, are employed for health monitoring. Trans-
missibility functions [66, 67], restoring forces [43],
phase-plane methods [5962], and output-only modal
parameter estimation techniques [68] are examples of
methods that utilize only response measurements to Figure 3. Piezoelectric transducer.
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

[2123], bispectra [5356], and frequency-domain

ARX models [57], come under this classification. On
the flip side, methods that require a narrow frequency
range in the input include restoring forces [42, 43] and
phase-plane methods [62], which require harmonic

In this section, numerical and experimental exam-
ples of the process of damage identification are
presented. Internal loads identification, damage detec-
tion, location, and quantification using the classes
of vibrations-based damage identification discussed
in the previous section are covered, leading up to
the development of vibration-based damage prognosis
models for prediction of growth of fatigue damage to
failure. It is shown that vibration loads and damage
Figure 4. Piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair for SHM.
[Reproduced with permission from Ref. 72 & 73, SPIE, information can be combined to develop damage
2000.] prognosis models.

2.4 Time- and frequency-domain analysis

3.1 Internal loads identification
Vibration-based SHM techniques can also be clas-
sified according to the domain of analysis, time The internal loads, the forces with which a system
or frequency. Restoring force curves and auto- resists inertial motion, are a function of the linear and
regressive moving average (ARMA) models are nonlinear parameters of the system. Consequently, the
examples of time-domain techniques. In ARMA internal loads change with the onset and progression
modeling, response time histories of structural res- of damage and can be estimated for damage identi-
ponse are fit and the coefficients and residual errors fication. Restoring force curves can be used to iden-
are the damage-sensitive features [7779]. In addi- tify internal system loads [42, 43]. Response accel-
tion, timefrequency analysis can be used to analyze eration measurements from two response locations
any nonstationary events localized in the time domain are required to estimate the internal loads between
[3]. Spectrograms (short-term Fourier transform), the two locations. A two degree-of-freedom quarter
wavelet analysis, and the HilbertHuang transform car model (Figure 5) has been used to identify the
[80] are examples of time-series analysis techniques. internal loads in the strut of a passenger vehicle [86].
Wavelet transforms have been extensively used for Acceleration measurements at the spindle and strut-
damage identification, especially in rotating structures body mount from full-vehicle two-post shaker tests
[8185]. (Figure 6) were used to estimate the restoring forces
in the strut. The equation for the sprung mass, M2 ,
can be written using Newtons Law as
2.5 Excitation frequency content
M2 x2 = C2 (x2 x1 ) K2 (x2 x1 ) K3 x2
Vibrations-based SHM techniques can also be classi-
fied on the basis of frequency content of the excita- + N1 [x1 (t), x2 (t), x1 (t), x2 (t)] (4)
tion. Broadband techniques require frequency content
over a broad range. Modal parameter estimation where xk (t) are the displacements of the unsprung
techniques [1, 2] and methods requiring spectra of and sprung masses, Mk , C2 is the suspension viscous
measurements, for example, those based on FRFs damping coefficient, Kk are the stiffness elements in
Free and Forced Vibration Models 7


M2 Sprung mass

Nonlinear element(s) m2 Suspension

K2 C2
M1 Unsprung mass

Nonlinear element(s) m1 K1 C1 Tire


Input (unknown)

Figure 5. Two degree-of-freedom quarter car model.

the suspension and vehicle body, and N1 [x1 (t), x2 (t), curves show hysteresis with backlash and the
x1 (t)x2 (t)] denotes the nonlinear forces in the suspen- velocity-dependent curves show a piecewise linear
sion. Because restoring force curves need to be characteristic.
generated at discrete frequencies, slow sine sweep The internal loads of a sway bar link while
(narrow-band) tests were run and the acceleration subjected to tensiontension fatigue tests were also
signals were numerically integrated to obtain the estimated by measuring the axial acceleration at the
velocities and displacements. The relative velocity two ends (Figure 10). The measurements at the two
and relative displacement across the suspension were ends were used to estimate the internal loads. The
plotted against the acceleration of the sprung mass to velocity-dependent internal load has hysteresis and
generate the restoring force curves and identify the the displacement-dependent load is linear (Figure 11).
internal loads. Figure 7 shows the frequency charac- This example is used throughout the following section
teristic of the velocity-dependent internal loads and to demonstrate the process of damage identification,
Figure 8 shows the same result for the displacement- leading up to the development of a prognostic model.
dependent internal loads.
The velocity-dependent force (Figure 7) initially
3.2 Damage detection
exhibits primarily hysteresis, but as the frequency
increases the force takes on the shape of a Coulomb A wide variety of vibrations-based methods can be
friction curve, then a piecewise linear characteristic used for damage identification, depending on the
(typical of vehicle shocks), and finally it becomes available data, the system, and the damage [2, 3].
primarily linear with some hysteresis. The displace- Shifts in resonant frequencies are the most basic
ment-dependent force (Figure 8) shows primarily means of detecting damage. Consider a four degree-
hysteresis with backlash at certain frequencies. As an of-freedom lumped parameter model (Figure 12)
example of comparison of models with experiments, simulated in Matlab Simulink . Damage is intro-
the same restoring forces were also generated from duced in the system in the form of a reduction
simulations of a full-vehicle numerical model. The in stiffness between degrees of freedom 2 and 3.
ADAMS model with linear stiffness and nonlinear The estimated FRFs for the damaged and undam-
shock damping is shown in Figure 9. As with aged cases are shown in Figure 13. There are clear
the experimental results, the displacement-dependent shifts downward in the second and fourth resonance
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

Figure 6. Two-post shaker setup and accelerometer locations.

peaks, which represent the change in system modal can be used to detect damage. Bolt loosening leads to
properties with damage (- - - -). Similarly, damage in nonlinear changes associated with Coulomb friction.
realistic structural systems affects the system param- This damage mechanism was simulated in a building
eters, which can be detected with the changes in model [57] and identified using frequency-domain
structural natural frequencies [1]. ARX models. Consider the two degree-of-freedom
The antiresonances of an FRF are more sensitive quarter car model (Figure 5) with cubic stiffness
to local dynamics and, hence, can provide a better nonlinearity between the sprung and unsprung mass.
indication of damage in certain cases. For example, A first-order linear ARX model can be used,
modal impact testing of a helicopter blade (Figure 14)
with localized damage (change in stiffness) in the 
form of a gradually tightened strap, which modified Y (k) = B(k)U (k) + Aj (k)Y (k j ) (5)
the chord stiffness, showed that the antiresonances j =1=0
are more sensitive to a change in system dynamic
properties in this case because the damage is more where the response is considered to be caused by the
localized (Figure 15). input at the driving frequency and feedback corre-
Damage can also cause nonlinear changes in lation with one frequency above and one frequency
mechanical systems, in which case nonlinear methods below the input frequency. A damage index can be
Free and Forced Vibration Models 9

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
Acceleration, z 2 ddot (m s2)

0.5 0.5

1 1
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 0.01 0.005 0 0.005 0.01
(a) 103 (b)

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
0.04 0.02 0 0.02 0.04 4 2 0 2 4
(c) (d) 103
Relative velocity, z 3 dotz2 dot (m s1)
Figure 7. Frequency characteristic of vertical velocity-dependent internal force in the strut: (a) 4.05 Hz, (b) 4.17 Hz,
(c) 6.67 Hz, and (d) 12.5 Hz.

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
Acceleration, z 2 ddot (m s2)

0.5 0.5

1 1
1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 5 0 5
(a) 104 (b) 104

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 4 2 0 2 4 6
(c) 104 (d) 105
Relative displacement, z 3z 2 (m)
Figure 8. Frequency characteristic of vertical displacement-dependent internal force in the strut: (a) 4.05 Hz, (b) 4.5 Hz,
(c) 6.67 Hz, and (d) 12.5 Hz.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

Acceleration of strut body correction

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
(a) Relative displacement across strut 103

0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
(b) Relative velocity across strut
Figure 9. Simulated strut-restoring forces (ADAMS numerical model): (a) displacement-dependent force at 3.7 Hz and
(b) velocity-dependent force at 3.7 Hz.

Figure 10. Fatigue testing of sway bar link.

Free and Forced Vibration Models 11

Acceleration (m s2)

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
(a) Relative velocity (m s1) 103


2 1 0 1 2 3
(b) Relative displacement (m) 104
Figure 11. (a) Velocity- and (b) displacement-restoring force in the sway bar link under a tensile load of 7000 N; 14.5 Hz.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5

C1 M1 C2 M2 C3 M3 C4 M4 C5

Figure 12. Four degree-of-freedom system.

developed using the nonlinear autoregressive coeffi- is removed because the source of the increased fric-
cients, A(k). If the damage is assumed to cause a tion is no longer present.
change in the nonlinear parameter, the damage indi- Farrar et al. [87] provide a substantial set of
cator can be used to detect that change. Figure 16 examples of nonlinear feature extraction for damage
shows that the indicator captures the simulated detection, including linearity checks on bridge FRF
increase in the nonlinearity with damage. measurements [88], waveform distortion in rotating
Similarly, damage simulated by gradual loosening machinery [86, 87], time-series analysis [8993], and
of the lower ball joint in a vehicle suspension higher order spectra [94, 95].
(Figure 17) was identified using these damage models Because the internal loads change with damage,
[7, 86]. Figure 18 shows that as the bolt is loos- they can also be used to detect damage. The internal
ened the nonlinear correlations increase owing to the loads across the path containing the bolt damage in
increased friction between the bolt and the ball joint the vehicle suspension were also estimated as the
caused by relative motion (undamaged torque was damage progressed (bolt loosening) (Figure 19). The
400 lb-in). The nonlinearity decreases when the bolt damage causes a change in frequency characteristics
12 Physical Monitoring Principles


FRF magnitude


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 13. Change in resonant frequencies with damage represented by reduction in stiffness between degrees of freedom
2 and 3; undamaged ( ) and damaged (- - - - ).

input amplitudes. Thus, changes in the characteristic

of the nonlinear internal loads can be used to detect
The fatigue testing of the sway bar link in
Figure 10 led to the appearance of a circumferential
fatigue crack at the lower weld location (Figure 20).
The transmissibility across the link and the internal
load were used to detect the damage. The transmissi-
bility shows a shift in the level and peak (Figure 21)
and the internal loads show an increase in magni-
tude as the area of the velocity-dependent curve
increases (Figure 22). The displacement-dependent
internal load shows a decrease in slope, which repre-
sents a decrease in stiffness with damage as the link
Figure 14. Strap to simulate damage, causing change in weakens.
stiffness of helicopter blade.

of the velocity-dependent restoring force with the pro- 3.3 Damage location
gression of damage. The system moves out of the
hysteresis loop at different frequencies because of the Damage localization requires the use of techniques
damage. The intermediate cases (loosened bolts, 250 that are sensitive to local changes in a system
in-lb ( . . . ) and 100 in-lb (- - - -)) change at higher dynamics properties, such as the transmissibility
frequencies (the frequency at which the restoring functions. Transmissibility functions are like FRFs in
force corresponding to 100 in-lb bolt torque changes many ways, but they are ratios of the same variable
is the highest) compared to the undamaged case, and (acceleration to acceleration, etc.). This nondimen-
the most severe damage case (bolt removed) changes sional property tends to suppress global effects of
at a lower frequency compared to the undamaged damage and, thus, enhances the local effects because
case. This same behavior is observed for different transmissibilities only contain the zeros, and not the
Free and Forced Vibration Models 13

FRF magnitude



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 15. FRFs for helicopter blade damage showing greater sensitivity of antiresonances to localized damage;
undamaged ( ), damaged level 1 (- - - - ), and damaged level 2 ( . . . . ).

Magnitude of nonlinear damage indicator


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 16. Simulated nonlinear indicator from first-order linear ARX model showing increase in cubic stiffness
nonlinearity in the two degree-of-freedom quarter car model; undamaged ( ) and damaged (- - - - ).

poles, of discrete FRFs, and therefore contain infor- (Figure 23). The transmissibility functions for the
mation about more localized regions of structures response pairs, which have the damage in the path
[67]. Consider once again the four degree-of-freedom between them (Figure 23a and d), clearly indicate the
system in Figure 12. Suppose damage is introduced change in system dynamics with damage, while the
in the form of a reduction in stiffness between masses response pairs that do not have the damage in the path
1 and 2. Transmissibility functions between different between them (Figure 23b and c) show no significant
response pairs can be used to locate the damage change with damage.
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

them. It is clear that there are no significant changes

in the nonlinear correlations in the path between these
two points. This analysis located the damage at the
lower ball joint.
A number of other techniques have been developed
for damage location. These include methods based
on active piezoactuation and sensing, which use
traveling, guided waves to sense and locate damage
in structures [74, 96], wavelets [97, 98], and strain
energybased methods [98, 99].

3.4 Damage quantification

Quantification is important for developing prognosis

models to predict damage growth and failure. Damage
Figure 17. Ball joint connecting lower control arm to the indices based on the various damage-identification
steering knuckle. techniques can be used to track the growth of damage
and thresholds can be defined to quantify damage.
The bolt damage in Figure 16 can be located For example, the level of the index based on the
in a similar manner. The frequency-domain ARX frequency-domain ARX model (Figure 18) can be
model in equation (5) is an output-only formulation used, and similarly an index based on transmissibility
and, hence, is similar to transmissibility functions. functions can be developed [67]. However, quan-
Consequently, it is more sensitive to local changes in tification of damage in a manner that has physical
dynamic properties. The model in equation (5) was engineering significance is more useful. For example,
applied to data from locations that did not have the if it can be stated that a crack has caused a certain
damage in their path. Figure 24 shows the estimated change in the stiffness of a structure, the affect of
indicator 1 |Ajd /Ajun | for the data from points that damage on the performance of the structure will be
did not have the damage location in the path between clearer.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 18. Nonlinear indicator 1-Mag(A1d ()/A1un ()) for bolt loosening damage; 250 in-lb torque (- - - - ), 100 in-lb
torque ( . . . . ) and no bolt (..).
Free and Forced Vibration Models 15

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
Acceleration, z2 ddot (m s2)

0.5 0.5

1 1
6 4 2 0 2 4 0.01 0.005 0 0.005 0.01
(a) 103 (b)

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
(c) (d)
Relative velocity, z3 dotz2 dot (m s1)
Figure 19. Change in frequency characteristic of vertical damping internal force in the strut with damage (0.5 mm). Bolt
torques: undamaged 400 in-lb (- - - - ), 250 in-lb ( . . . . ), 100 in-lb (- - - - ), and no bolt (..). Frequency: (a) 4.09 Hz,
(b) 4.17 Hz, (c) 4.26 Hz, and (d) 4.67 Hz.

model in Figure 5. Suppose that damage causes a

change in the stiffness, K2 , between the sprung and
unsprung masses. Estimated or, in the experimental
case, measured FRFs can be used to quantify the
change in stiffness caused by the damage as

H11 ()
[H11 () H12 ()][H11 () H12 ()]
The subscript 12 describes the location of the
damaged element. The denominator is called the
sensitivity of the FRF to a change in the stiffness K12 ,
H11 ()/K12 . Let us take an example of damage
Figure 20. Initial circumferential crack in sway bar link causing a 10% (2500 N m1 ) decrease in the stiff-
under cyclic loading. ness. Using the estimated FRFs in equation (6) to
estimate the change in stiffness gives the result in
Experimental sensitivity functions [21] provide Figure 25. The frequency region between the two
a method that can be used to quantify damage resonant frequencies provides an estimated change
in terms of discrete changes in mass, stiffness, or in stiffness of 2476 N m1 , which is approximately
damping. This method requires a measure of the input the same as the actual change. Similarly, mechan-
force. Consider the two degree-of-freedom quarter car ical system damage can be related to a parametric
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

Magnitude of transmissibility (m m1) 1.6







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 21. Change in transmissibility with the appearance of the initial circumferential crack in link; undamaged ( )
and initial crack (- - - - ).

Acceleration (m s2)

0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
(a) Relative velocity (m s1)


2 1 0 1 2 3
(b) Relative displacement (m) 104
Figure 22. Change in restoring forces with the appearance of the initial circumferential crack in link; undamaged ( )
and initial crack (- - - - ).
Free and Forced Vibration Models 17

102 102

Transmissibility magnitude


102 101
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(c) Frequency (Hz) (d) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 23. Transmissibility functions between different response location pairs for undamaged ( ) and stiffness
damage (- - - - ) cases in four degree-of-freedom system: (a) x1 and x2 , (b) x2 and x3 , (c) x3 and x4 , and (d) x1 and x4 .



1-Mag(A1d /A1un)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 24. Nonlinear indicator 1-Mag(A1d ()/A1un ()) for first-order linear ARX model applied to points with no damage
in their path; 250 in-lb torque (- - - - ), 100 in-lb torque ( . . . . ), and no bolt (..).

change in the structure properties to attach a physical change in area of the velocity-dependent internal load
significance to the observed damage in the system. of the sway bar link (Figure 10) as the circumferential
Changes in the restoring force area, which is crack grew to failure was estimated to quantify the
proportional to internal system load magnitude, can change in internal load with damage (Figure 26 and
also be used to quantify damage. The progressive Table 1). It is clear that the area of the curves, and
18 Physical Monitoring Principles






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 25. Estimated change in stiffness of the two degree-of-freedom system with damage; stiffness sensitivity
H11 ()/K12 ( ), change in FRF, H11 ( . . . . ), and change in stiffness, K12 (- - - - ).



Acceleration (m s2)




0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Relative velocity (m s1)
Figure 26. Change in velocity-dependent restoring force with appearance and progressive growth of circumferential crack
to failure in a sway bar link under tensiontension fatigue loading; undamaged ( ), initial crack (- - - - ), progression 1
( . . . . ), progression 2 (..), just before failure (+++), and after failure ( ).

the load, increases progressively with the damage. internal loads provide a quantifiable change with
The velocity-dependent restoring force also shows damage and an indication of impending failure.
an indication of the approaching failure. Immediately Some of the other techniques developed for
before complete failure, the restoring force becomes damage quantification include those based on
multiply connected (Figure 26 (+++)). The elemental modal strain energy [100] and methods
Free and Forced Vibration Models 19

Table 1. Changing velocity-dependent restoring force areas with the appearance and progress of circumferential crack in
a sway bar link
Undamaged Undamaged 2 Crack visible Progression 1 Progression 2 Just before failure
5000 cycles 10 000 cycles 12 500 cycles 15 000 cycles
Restoring force 0.0074 0.0073 0.0088 0.0149 0.0246 0.0028
area (mm3 s2 )

based on finite element model updating [101], prediction using an energy method [106]. Inman
which iteratively minimize the differences between et al. [107] provide an overview of the technology
measured and predicted parameters. of prognosis.
Haroon [86] developed empirical mechanical
damage growth models, which combine internal
3.5 Prognosis loads identification and damage diagnosis. Crack
growth laws, which predict the growth of cracks
The ultimate aim of SHM is to combine load and based on the current length of crack and the stress
damage models that can be used to predict the growth distribution around it, are used as motivation. Damage
of damage and ultimately failure. And loads identifi- information from a transmissibility functionbased
cation is an important component of the prognosis damage index and internal loads quantification from
process (Figure 1). Information about the current restoring force curve areas are combined to develop
status of damage (health monitoring) alone is not prognosis models of the form,
sufficient for accurate prediction of future trends; the
nature of system loads (usage monitoring) is also d(D)
= C|D|m |L|n (7)
needed for prognosis [102]. A vast amount of work dN
has been done on fatigue and fracture analysis for
prognosis, including extensive development of crack where D represents the damage, L is the
propagation laws. But these laws require localized changing internal component load, and C, m, and
information like geometry of the component, orien- n are empirical constants that depend on material
tation of damage (cracks), and local loading. One properties, material geometry, boundary conditions,
of the goals of vibrations-based SHM is to utilize external loading, and damage mechanism. The
global vibration measurements to identify damage to models in equation (7) are used to predict the growth
the system without the need for localized informa- of fatigue cracks in the front sway bar link of
tion, which would make the data-acquisition process a passenger vehicle under tensiontension cyclic
prohibitively complex, time consuming, and expen- fatigue loading (Figure 10). Loads (Figure 26) and
sive. Prognosis of structural damage at the system damage (Figure 27) information are combined in this
level is not a well-developed area and basic research model to predict the growth of damage in terms of
is being conducted. Having said that, damage-based change in the transmissibility-based index, D = T
prognostics in the helicopter industry is quite well (Figure 28).
developed with the advent of the health and usage
monitoring system (HUMS) [103]. Risk assessment 
|Re(ln(Tk (i ))) Re(ln(Tk1 (i )))|
is another form of damage prognosis. Seismic prob-
abilistic risk assessment (PRA) has been applied DI k =
to commercial power plants. The annual probability
of damage as a result of some future earthquake (8)
is obtained [104]. Preliminary work on the use of where Tk is the transmissibility at the kth measure-
hidden Markov models for damage prognosis has ment, Tk1 is the previous measurement, ln is the
also been presented [105]. Another example of initial natural log, is the frequency, and i is the index
work on damage prognosis is fatigue crack growth that determines the range of frequencies (a to b) over
20 Physical Monitoring Principles

Magnitude of transmissibility (m m1)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 27. Change in transmissibility with progressive growth of fatigue crack to failure in sway bar link under
tensiontension fatigue loading; initial crack ( ), progression 1 (- - - - ), progression 2 ( . . . . ), and just before
failure (..).


d(T )/dN


d(T )/dN = 5.6822*|T |0.9*|(RF area)|0.4


0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Test cycles, N 104
Figure 28. Empirical regression model relating estimated change in transmissibility to change in restoring force area for
experimental circumferential crack damage in a sway bar link.

which the change is summed and Nf is the total line). The empirical model follows the same trend as
number of frequencies. the damage indicator; hence, it predicts the growth of
In this case, m = 0.9, n = 0.4, and C = 5.6822. damage and the associated damage indicator.
As Figure 28 shows, this model produces the same In order to demonstrate that the models actually
rate of change of the damage indicator (darker line) predict the growth of damage, tests were run on three
as the actual change in the damage indicator (lighter links with the same material properties, geometries,
Free and Forced Vibration Models 21



d(T )/dN

d(T )/dN = 1.15*|T |1.1*|(RFarea)|0.02


3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 000 11 000 12 000
Test cycles, N
Figure 29. Empirical damage prognosis model for experimental fatigue crack damage in a sway bar link; m = 1.1,
n = 0.02, and C = 1.15.



d(T )/dN


d(T )/dN = 1.15*|T |1.1*|(RFarea)|0.02



3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 000 11 000 12 000
Test cycles, N
Figure 30. Prediction of growth of experimental fatigue crack damage in sway bar link to failure; Link 1.
22 Physical Monitoring Principles


0.25 T

d(T )/dN


d(T )/dN = 1.15*|T |1.1*|(RF area)|0.02



3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10 000 11 000 12 000
Test cycles, N
Figure 31. Prediction of growth of experimental fatigue crack damage in sway bar link to failure; Link 2.

loading, and crack mechanism. The model developed It is important to mention that the crack laws
using the first link (Figure 29) was used to predict the require localized information about the loading
growth of damage in the other two links (Figures 30 (stress) and damage (crack length), and it is not
and 31). It is clear that for the same component, feasible to instrument every potential crack initiation
material, boundary conditions, loading, and damage region to collect this localized information. On the
mechanism, there exists an empirical relationship other hand, the vibrations-based damage prognosis
between load and damage that predicts the growth models in [86] only require component-level vibra-
of damage to failure. The only error in the prognoses tion measurements and this global nature make them
is offsets, which can be attributed to the variability more practical for SHM.
in the placement of the links in the test fixture,
variability in the loading, and the fact that all three
links had different usage levels; the first two links 4 SUMMARY
were 14 years old and had been extensively tested in Vibrations-based SHM is a class of techniques that
full-vehicle tests and the last link was new and had have their basis in Newtons Law. Global vibration
never been tested prior to the fatigue testing. This measurements at the system or component level can
difference in usage is also the primary reason that the be used to interrogate the health of structures. Quite
damage indicator (or damage) grows differently for diverse and wide-ranging techniques come under the
the three links; but the same empirical model predicts umbrella of vibrations-based SHM based on the type
the growth of damage once it has been initiated. It of data, analysis domain, nature of systems, etc.
should be noted that the reason the damage indicator This collection of techniques points to the power
does not have a growing trend is that the change in the and versatility of this class of SHM methodologies.
transmissibility has been considered rather than the The available data ranges from acceleration and
absolute value. The important factor is the empirical force to strain, with acceleration being the most
model that fits the damage indicator behavior. convenient measurement, and the techniques can be
Free and Forced Vibration Models 23

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experiments for identifying incipient bead damage Vibration Digest 2005 37(2):83105.
using time, frequency, and phase-plane analysis [97] Peng G, Yuan S-F, Xu Y. Damage location of two-
(invited paper). Proceedings of the Society of dimensional structure based on wavelet transform
Automotive Engineering World Congress, SAE , and active monitoring technology of lamb wave.
Detroit, MI, Paper No. 2006-01-1621, ISBN No. Proceedings of SPIENondestructive Evaluation
0-7680-1768-8, 2006. and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials and
[86] Haroon M. A Methodology for Mechanical Diag- Composites III , San Diego, CA, 2004; Vol. 5393,
nostics and Prognostics to Assess Durability of pp. 151160.
Ground Vehicle Suspension Systems, Ph.D. Disser- [98] Doebling SW, Hemez FM, Peterson LD, Farhat C.
tation. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Improved damage location accuracy using strain
Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN, 2007. energy based on mode selection criteria. AIAA
[87] Farrar CR, Worden K, Todd MC, Park G, Journal 1997 35(4):693699.
Nichols J, Adams DE, Bement MT, Farinholt K. [99] Shi ZY, Law SS, Zhang LM. Structural damage
Nonlinear System Identification for Damage Iden- localization from modal strain energy change.
tification, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report Journal of Sound and Vibration 1998 218(5):
LA-14353-MS. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 825844.
November 2007.
[100] Shi ZY, Law SS, Zhang LM. Improved damage
[88] Farrar CR, Cornwell PJ, Doebling SW, Prime MB. quantification from elemental modal strain energy
Structural Health Monitoring Studies of the change. Journal of Engineering and Mechanics
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[89] Mitchell JS. Introduction to Machinery Analysis and tions. Computers and Structures 2002 80(25):
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[90] Rao JS. Vibratory Condition Monitoring of Machi- [102] Farrar CR, Lieven NAJ. Damage prognosis: the
nes. CRC Press, 2000. future of structural health monitoring. Philosoph-
[91] Fugate ML, Sohn H, Farrar CR. Vibration-based ical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2007
damage detection using statistical process control. 365:623632.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2001 [103] Silverman H. T-HUMSAH64 lead the fleet
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NARMAX models on a modal base. Journal of 2005.
Sound and Vibration 1996 189(2):193213. [104] Ellingwood B. Validation of Seismic Probabilistic
[93] Billings SA, Chen S, Backhouse RJ. Identifica- Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants. Division
tion of linear and nonlinear models of a of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory
28 Physical Monitoring Principles

Research, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, [107] Inman J, Farrar CR, Lopes V, Steffen V. Damage
1994. Prognosis for Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical
[105] Rammohan R, Taha MR. Exploratory investiga- Systems. John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2005.
tions for intelligent damage prognosis using hidden
Markov models. IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Waikoloa, 2005;
Vol. 2, pp. 15241529. FURTHER READING
[106] Liu KC, Wang JA. An energy method for predicting Rucka M, Wilde K. Damage location in beam and plate
fatigue life, crack orientation, and crack growth structures by wavelet analysis of experimentally deter-
under multiaxial loading conditions. International mined mode shapes. Key Engineering Materials 2005
Journal of Fatigue 2001 23:129134. 293294:313320.
Chapter 3
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves
in Solids
Carlos E. S. Cesnik and Ajay Raghavan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

They have also demonstrated suitability for SHM

1 Introduction 1 applications having an onboard, preferably built-
2 Fundamentals of Elastic Wave in, sensor and actuator network to assess the state
Propagation 3 of a structure during operation. The actuatorsen-
sor pair in GW testing has a large coverage area,
3 Concluding Remarks 17 resulting in fewer units distributed over the
Related Articles 18 structure.
References 19 GWs can be defined as stress waves forced to
follow a path defined by the material boundaries of
the structure. For example, when a beam is excited
at high frequency, stress waves travel in the beam
1 INTRODUCTION along its axis away from the excitation source, i.e.,
the beam guides the waves along its axis. Similarly,
Unlike passive structural health monitoring (SHM) in a plate, the two free surfaces of the plate guide
methods, active schemes are capable of exciting the the waves in the plane of the plate. In GW SHM,
structure, and in a repeatable, prescribed manner, they an actuator generating GWs is excited by some high-
can quickly examine it for damage, where and when frequency pulse signal (typically a modulated sinu-
required. Guided-wave (GW) testing has emerged as soidal toneburst of some limited number of cycles).
a promising option among active schemes. It can In general, when a GW field is incident on a struc-
offer an effective method to estimate the location, tural discontinuity, which has a size comparable to the
severity, and type of damage, and it is a well- GW wavelength, the wave scatters GWs in all direc-
established practice in the nondestructive evalua- tions. The structural discontinuity could be damage
tion and testing (NDE/NDT) industry. There, GWs in the structure such as a crack or delamination; a
are excited and received in a structure using hand- structural feature (such as a stiffener); or a struc-
held transducers for scheduled, offline maintenance. tural boundary. Therefore, to be able to distinguish
between damage and structural features, one needs
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by prior information about the structure in its undamaged
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 state. This prior information is typically in the form
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. of a baseline signal obtained for the healthy state
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

and is used as reference for comparison with the test From various characteristics of the received signal,
case. There are two approaches commonly used in such as delay in time of transit, amplitude, frequency
GW SHM: pulse echo and pitchcatch. In the former, content, etc., information about the damage can be
after exciting the structure with a narrow bandwidth obtained. Thus, the pitchcatch approach cannot be
pulse, a sensor collocated with the actuator is used to used to locate the defect unless a dense network
listen for echoes of the pulse coming from disconti- of transducers is used. In either approach, damage-
nuities. Since the boundaries and the wave speed for a
sensitive features are extracted from the signal
given center actuation frequency of the toneburst are
using some signal-processing algorithm (see Signal
known, the signals from the structural features can
Processing for Damage Detection; Wavelet Anal-
be filtered out (alternatively, one could subtract the
test signal from the baseline signal). One is then left ysis; Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang
with signals from the defects (if present). From these Transform), and then a pattern-recognition tech-
signals, defects can be located using the wave speed. nique (see Statistical Pattern Recognition; Machine
In the pitchcatch approach, a pulse signal is sent Learning Techniques; Artificial Neural Networks)
across the specimen under interrogation and a sensor is required to classify the damage and estimate
at the other end of the specimen receives the signal. its severity. These steps involved in GW

Structure Signal

Surface axial strain



Transducer 1.5

10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)

Feature extraction
Pattern recognition
600 A0 reflection
Output S0 reflection from Notch 1
layer S0 reflection from Notch 2
Frequency (kHz)

from Notch 1

20 30 40
Time (s)
Figure 1. The four essential steps in GW SHM.
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 3

SHM are illustrated in Figure 1. Another crucial point 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELASTIC

to note is that GW SHM always involves the use of
some threshold value to decide whether damage is
present in the structure. The choice of the threshold is The problem of wave propagation is presented below
usually application dependent and typically relies on in three steps. First, one-dimensional (1D) wave
some false-positive probability estimation. A detailed propagation in a string under tension is introduced to
survey paper on this technology, outlining efforts by establish some of the basic principles and nomencla-
various researchers in different aspects of this tech- ture used in the field. This analysis is followed by
nology and application areas, is presented in [1]. a general 3D representation of an isotropic solid
There are several application areas for GWs in and analysis of free GWs in an infinite plate. GW
solids such as seismology, inspection, material char- excitation by finite-dimensional piezos in isotropic
acterization, electronic delay lines, etc., and conse- plates is covered next. Finally, wave propagation in
quently, they have been a subject of much study transversely isotropic solids is analyzed and wave
[25]. A very important class among these areas is solutions are found for the GW modes in a multi-
that of Lamb waves, which can propagate in a solid layered laminated plate.
plate (or shell) with free surfaces. Because of the
abundance of plate- and shell-like structural config-
urations, this class of GWs has been the subject of 2.1 1D wave propagation
much scrutiny. Another class of GW modes is also
possible in plates, i.e., the horizontally polarized shear 2.1.1 Introduction
or SH modes. Other classes of GWs have also been
examined in the literature. Among them is that of To understand some basic concepts on wave prop-
Rayleigh waves [6], which propagate close to the agation, consider the 1D wave propagation problem
free surface of elastic solids. Other examples are along the x direction. The problem of waves in a taut
Love [7], Stoneley [8], and Scholte [9] waves that string serves as a good model problem for 1D wave
travel at material interfaces. Lamb waves were first propagation, as illustrated in Figure 2. Consider the
predicted mathematically and described by Horace following assumptions:
Lamb [10]. Gazis [11] developed and analyzed the
dispersion equations for GWs in hollow cylinders. 1. The restoring force in the string is due to the
However, neither was able to produce GWs experi- tension T .
mentally. This was first done by Worlton [12], who 2. The deflections w are small as are the angles of
was probably also the first person to recognize the the string with respect to the horizontal at various
potential of GWs for NDE. points.
GW testing can become complex owing to the 3. T is much larger in magnitude than the dynamic
multimodal and dispersive (dependence of wave strain fluctuations.
speed on frequency) nature of these waves. In
anisotropic structures, additionally, there can be From the equilibrium of an infinitesimal piece of
significant dependence of wave speed on the direc- the string, one obtains
tion of propagation and steering (the tendency of
2 w 2 w
waves to move in a direction different from the T + q = L (1)
launched direction). Hence, a fundamental under- x 2 t 2
standing of wave propagation is essential for the
successful application of this method. This under- q (x,t ) (axial force)
rL (density)
standing can also be very useful for better imple-
mentation of acoustic emission (which is a passive T T
SHM method see Acoustic Emission), where sensors (tensile force)
on the structure are tuned to sense GWs excited by w (x,t ) (string deflection)
damage initiation or growth. Figure 2. String under tension.
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

For the free vibrations case, q = 0 and equation (1) After inserting these conditions into DAlemberts
simplifies to solution, equation (3) yields

2w 1 2w T w(x, t)|t=0 = f (x) + g(x) = U (x) (7)

= 0; v2 = (2)
x 2 v 2 t 2 L  
w(x, t)|t=0 = v(f (x) + g (x)) = V (x) (8)
where v represents the square of the wave speed.
where ( ) represents the derivative with respect to x.
2.1.2 DAlemberts solution for an infinite These two equations yield
string 1
w(x, t) = [U (x vt) + U (x + vt)]
One can show that 2
w(x, t) = f (x vt) + g(x + vt) (3) + V (s) ds (9)
2v xvt
is a solution of equation (2), where f and g are
To aid visualization, consider the simple case
arbitrary functions. This solution can be verified by
V (x) = 0, U (x) = He(x a) He(x + a), where
direct substitution:
He( ) is the Heaviside function. This case is illus-
2 f (x vt) 2 f (x vt) trated in Figure 3.
= f  ; = v 2 f  (4)
x 2 t 2
Therefore, 2.1.3 Reflection from a fixed boundary

1 2  Consider a string fixed at one end and a wave pulse

LHS = (v f + v 2 g  ) = f  + g  = RHS (5) f (x vt) approaching the fixed end from . One
can solve for the reflected wave from the fixed end
This solution for the 1D wave equation, known at x = 0, which imposes the condition w(0, t) = 0,
as DAlemberts solution, can thus be used to solve by creating an imaginary wave in the +x axis. For
initial value problems on infinite strings. For example, this condition, as illustrated in Figure 4, imagine
consider the following initial conditions: the string to be extended symmetrically to + and
further consider a negative (of equal magnitude as
w(x, 0) = U (x); w(x, 0) = V (x) (6) the original pulse, but opposite in sign) wave pulse

t=0 1
a 1
t= 2

3a x

t a
2 a 3a
2 5a
Figure 3. Simple example of transient wave propagation in a 1D string.
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 5

f (x vt ) String

w (0,t ) = 0 Image w (0,t ) = w0eiwt x

x L

f (x + vt ) Figure 6. Buildup of waves in a finite string.

w(0, t) = w0 eit ; w(L, t) = 0 (10)

Before the rightward wave arrives at the fixed

end, it propagates as if it were in an infinite string.
Therefore, for the transient wave, DAlemberts solu-
tion for an infinite string applies for this case for
t < L/v.
The reflection coefficients s at x = 0 and e at
x = L are defined as follows:
w  w 
s = reflected  ; e = reflected  (11)
wincident x=0 wincident x=L
Reflection coefficient = 1
Figure 4. Reflection of a wave pulse in a string from a Since the boundary at x = L is fixed, e = 1.
fixed boundary. Further, since only rightward propagating waves are
w(x, t) = f (x vt) (12)
Free Spring Damper
k c
Now using the boundary condition at x = 0,
w x=0 = 0 Tw x =0 = kw Tw x =0 = cw x = 0
x =0
w(0, t) = f (vt) = w0 eit (13)
Figure 5. Other boundary conditions for the string
problem. One can identify the unknown function f as

approaching the fixed end simultaneous to the original f ( ) = w0 e i v ( ) (14)
pulse. As the two waves approach the fixed end,
their superposition will ensure the satisfaction of and, therefore, until vt < L,
the fixed boundary condition at that end. Since the
superposition of the two waves is a feasible solution,
w(x, t) = w0 ei( xt) ; = for x < vt
by the uniqueness condition, it is indeed the solution. v (15)
This solution is illustrated in Figure 4. As shown =0 for x > vt
there, for a fixed end, the incident wave packet simply The symbols , , and v introduced here are
bounces off with its sign reversed. Other boundary commonly encountered when analyzing harmonic
conditions are described in Figure 5. waves in a medium. is called the angular frequency,
and is related to the frequency of harmonic oscilla-
2.1.4 Reflection and buildup of standing waves tions f by the relation
in finite domains
= 2f (16)
Consider a finite string of length L with one end fixed
and the other being harmonically excited, as shown is the wavenumber and is related to the spatial
in Figure 6. Thus, its boundary conditions are wavelength w of the wave by the following relation:
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

2 For the steady-state solution, the sum of an infinite

= (17) number of these terms is needed, and this can be
expressed using the formula for geometric series
As can be seen from equation (17), the wavenum- yielding
ber is proportional to the number of wavelengths per
unit distance. v (also denoted by vph ) is called the ei x + e ei(2Lx) it
phase speed and is the speed at which the harmonic w(x, t) = w0 e (22)
1 e s e2i L
wave propagates through the medium. Note that here
the wave speed is independent of frequency. It is
related to and by the equation Note that the same steady-state solution could have
been reached by a much simpler approach. Assume a
solution of the form
= (18)
w(x, t) = Aei x + Bei x eit (23)
When the disturbance reaches the fixed end at
x = L (at t = L/v) for the first time, the solution
and impose w(0, t) = w0 eit , w(L, t) = 0 to find
must be augmented by a leftward wave according to
the constants A and B. However, the earlier approach
what was described in Section 2.1.4. Therefore, the
was adopted to provide an insight into how transients
total solution for t > L/v is
build up into the steady-state solution. A key lesson
to learn from the above analysis is that the solu-
w1total = ( w0eixx + w0geeixL eix(xL) )eiwt tion for the infinite string holds for the finite string
for analyzing the transient waves. This will even-
tually prove useful in the analysis for GW testing,
Rightward wave Leftward wave where essentially transient waves are used, partic-
(19) ularly the transmitted pulse and first few echoes.
The first factor ei L of the new second term Hence, an infinite plate wave solution can be used
appearing in the expression for w is needed to cancel as part of the transient wave analysis in finite
out the first term (i.e., maintain w = 0 at x = L plates.
as imposed by the boundary condition). The second
factor of the second term ei(xL) is the resultant
leftward wave that has just started. 2.2 Wave propagation in isotropic solids
Once the wave travels all the way back to the left
(length L), it will arrive at x = 0 at t = 2L/v. Again, The equations governing wave propagation in isotro-
to satisfy the boundary condition at this point, yet pic plates are presented next. The 1D equations
another wave is introduced, so that the new resultant discussed above are first generalized to a 3D solid
wave is and then particularized for an infinite plate (or semi-
infinite solid).
wtotal = wtotal
+ s e w0 e2i L ei( xt) (20)
2.2.1 Isotropic linear elastic 3D solid
This goes on, and each time the wave hits one
of the string boundaries, a new term is added. The The general 3D equilibrium equations of motion for
terms of this expression are in geometric progression elastic solids are given by
and can be written as
+ f = u (24)

w(x, t) = w0 ei x + e ei(2Lx) + s e ei(2L+x)
or equivalently by
+ s e2 ei(4Lx)

+ s2 e2 ei(4L+x) + eit (21) ij,j + fi = ui (25)
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 7

where the indices i, j , k can assume values 13, The substitution of equations (29) and (30) into
is the stress tensor, is the density of the solid, equation (31) yields
f is the body force per unit volume and u is the
acceleration vector. For simplicity, consider the case ( + ) [( + H)]
of a linear elastic isotropic medium. For this medium,
the constitutive relations are given by + 2 ( + H)
= + H (32)
ij = kk ij + 2ij (26)
This can be rewritten as
where and are Lames constants for the isotropic
medium, ij is the Kronecker delta, and ij are

the components of the strain tensor. To complete ( + 2) 2 + 2 H H = 0

the set of elasticity equations, the kinematical rela- (33)
tions for the case of geometrically linear deforma- Applying the operators ( ) and ( ) on equa-
tion (33), one gets
tions are  
ij = 12 ui,j + uj,i (27)
( + 2) 2 = 0; 2 H H = 0 (34)
Combining these three sets of equations, one
can reach the Naviers equation for a 3D isotropic or
1 1
body: 2 = ; 2H = H (35)
vp2 vs2
( + )u + 2 u + f = u (28)
Therefore, the original elastodynamic vector equa-
2.2.2 The Helmholtz decomposition for tion, equation (31), is decomposed into a scalar
wave equation for and a vector wave equation
isotropic media
for H. vp and vs are the wave speeds of the two
Consider a decomposition for the displacement vector possible bulk waves in an isotropic unbounded solid,
u into a scalar potential and a vector H. The viz., the longitudinal wave (a.k.a. P or dilata-
physical meaning of these will become evident in due tional wave; these are characterized by displace-
course. This decomposition eases the solution of the ments normal to the propagation direction) and shear
problem of wave propagation in a 3D elastic linear wave (a.k.a. S or distortional wave; these are
isotropic medium. Thus, let the displacement vector characterized by displacements normal to the prop-
be expressed as follows: agation direction).

u = + H (29)
2.2.3 RayleighLamb wave equation for an
Furthermore, for uniqueness of the solution, infinite plate
impose the divergence-free condition on H:
Consider an infinite plate of thickness 2b, i.e., the
domain D: (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (, ) (, )
H = 0 (30)
(b, b)} with free surfaces (Figure 7). Waves of
interest are in the x1 x3 plane, and there are no
Such a decomposition is always possible and
variations along x2 , i.e., (/x2 ) = 0.
unique, since there are four equations and four
For this case, Helmholtzs decomposition yields
unknowns ( and the three components of H) for
a given displacement field. Again recalling Naviers H2 H2
elastodynamic equation of motion for zero body u1 = + ; u3 = (36)
x1 x3 x3 x1
force, equation (28), we have
H1 H3 H1 H3
u2 = + ; + = 0 (37)
( + )u + u = u
(31) x3 x1 x1 x3
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

Free surface x3 = b
x1 s33 = s13 = 0

Cross-sectional view


Free surface x3 = +b
s33 = s13 = 0
Infinite isotropic plate
Figure 7. Infinite plate with free surfaces.

Since the boundaries x3 = +b and x3 = b are Case II

stress-free, one has In this case the governing equation is

33 = 0; 13 = 31 = 0; 1
2 u2 = u (44)
vs2 2
23 = 32 = 0 at x3 = b (38)
The surface condition is
Using equations (26), (27), and (36), these stress
components can be written as 32 |x2 =b = 0 (45)

2 2 H2 As indicated by the previous equations, while
33 = ( + 2) 2 2 + (39)
x12 x1 x3 the equations (42) are uncoupled, their solutions are
2 2 2 coupled through the surface traction-free conditions.
H2 H2 As a result, the combination of waves governed
31 = 2 + (40)
x1 x3 x32 x12 by equations (42) in a plate (known as Lamb
2 waves) is always dispersive, i.e., the wave velocity
H1 2 H3
32 = + (41) depends on the frequency of the traveling wave.
x32 x1 x3
On the other hand, for the waves governed by
equation (44), called SH or horizontal shear waves,
which will eventually be equated to zero at the plates
there exists a fundamental dispersionless mode at all
free surfaces to find the governing equations. It is
interesting to note here that u1 , u3 , 33 , and 31
To derive the equations for Lamb waves, consider
depend only on and H2 , while u2 and 32 depend
first the governing equations in terms of the Helm-
only on H1 and H3 . Thus, it suffices to consider the
holtz scalar and vector potentials, i.e., equations (42).
following two cases separately:
Seeking plane wave solutions in the x1 x3 plane for
Case I waves propagating along the +x1 direction, assume
In this case u2 = 0 and the governing equations are solutions of the form
1 1 = f x3 ei( x1 t) ; H2 = h2 x3 ei( x1 t) (46)
= 2 ;
H2 = 2 H2
vp vs
Using equations (46) and (42), one gets
The surface conditions are 
d2 f 2
+ 2 f = 0;
33 |x3 =b = 0; 13 |x3 =b = 0 (43) dx32 vp2
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 9

This gives
d2 h2 2
+ h2 = 0
dx32 vs2  2
tan b 2 2
= (55)
Let tan b 4 2
2 2
2 2 ; 2 2 (48)
vp2 vs2 Therefore, given a certain isotropic material, equa-
tions (52) and (55) can be solved numerically to find
The solutions to the differential equations in (47) the relation between the driving angular frequency
are and the wavenumber from which the corre-
  sponding phase speed vph can be found. This relation
f x3 = A sin x3 + B cos x3 ; is plotted in Figure 8(a) for an aluminum alloy (mate-
h2 x3 = C sin x3 + D cos x3 (49) rial properties used: Youngs modulus E = 70 GPa;
Poissons ratio = 0.33; density = 2700 kg m3 ).
Substituting these solutions into equations (39), Consequently, a finite time-span pulse (which would
(40), and (46) and enforcing the conditions given by have a Fourier transform with a certain spread in the
equations (43), two possible solutions result: frequency domain) will be distorted as it propagates
owing to the different phase speeds of its individual
1. Symmetric modes
frequency components. Another important character-
2 cos b  2i cos
istic is the group speed dispersion curve (Figure 8b).
2i sin b sin b
2 2 The magnitude of the group velocity for an isotropic
    medium (denoted by vgr ) is the derivative of the
B 0 angular frequency with respect to the wavenumber
= (50)
C 0 and its direction is coincident with that of the phase
Nontrivial solutions for the constants B and C exist velocity. Its magnitude gives a very good approxi-
if and only if mation to the speed of the peak of the modulation
envelope of a narrow frequency bandwidth pulse.
2 cos b 2i cos b This approximation improves in accuracy as the pulse
det   =0
2i sin b 2 2 sin b moves further away from the source or if the GW
(51) mode becomes less dispersive. The procedure above,
where det[ ] refers to the determinant of the matrix. although for a simple structure, can be generalized
This expression gives to obtain dispersion curves for complex structures
(see e.g., Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultra-
tan b 4 2 sonic Guided Waves; Multiwire Strands).
= 2 (52)
tan b 2 2 The resulting displacement components are
given by
2. Antisymmetric modes
  2   u1 = i A sin x3 + B cos x3
2 sin b  2i sin b  

2i cos b 2 2 cos b + C cos x3 D sin x3 ei( x1 t)

A 0 u3 = A cos x3 B sin x3
= (53)
D 0  

i C sin x3 + D cos x3 ei( x1 t) (56)

Nontrivial solutions for the constants A and D exist
if and only if For A = D = 0; B, C  = 0, one has symmetric
  2   Lamb modes, i.e., symmetric u1 and antisymmetric
2 sin b 2i sin b
det   =0 u3 about x3 = 0. For A, D  = 0; B = C = 0, one
2i cos b 2 2 cos b
has antisymmetric Lamb modes, i.e., antisymmetric
(54) u1 and symmetric u3 about x3 = 0. The discussion
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

10 6 A0 mode S0 mode
A0 mode S0 mode

Group speed (km s1)

Phase speed (km s1)

A1 mode S1 mode 5 A1 mode S1 mode

2 1
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
(a) Frequencyplate thickness product (MHz) (b) Frequency plate thickness product (MHz)
Figure 8. Dispersion curves for Lamb modes in an isotropic aluminum plate structure: (a) phase speed and
(b) group speed.

x3 x1
x2 x1 x2
Piezo (1) (2)
sensor 2a 2 2 a1
x2 x3 x1 2a 2 2a 1
plate 2b z Rectangular
Arbitrary piezo MFC
shape piezo r
actuator ai ao

Figure 9. Infinite isotropic plate with arbitrary shape surface-bonded piezo actuator and piezo sensor and the three specific
piezo shapes considered.

till this point has only covered free bulk waves the x3 axis is normal to the plate surface. The
and GWs. The next subsection covers GW excita- starting point is the equations of elasticity in terms
tion by piezoelectric wafer transducers (see Piezo- of the Helmholtz components, i.e., equations (35).
ceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling; However, for this problem, the 3D elasticity equations
Piezoelectricity Principles and Materials; Piezo- of motion cannot be simplified by ignoring variations
electric Wafer Active Sensors; Integrated Sensor along one direction in the plane of the plate.
Durability and Reliability), which are among the Harmonic excitation at angular frequency is
more commonly used GW SHM transducers. assumed. The response to any transient excitation
signal can then be found by superimposing the indi-
2.2.4 GW excitation by finite-dimensional vidual responses to the harmonic components of that
piezoelectric wafer transducers in plates signal. The 2D spatial Fourier transform is applied to
equations (35) in the spatial domain along x1 and x2 .
In this section, general expressions for the GW field For a generic variable , it is defined by (denoting
excited by an arbitrary shape (finite-dimensional) the wavenumber components along x1 and x2 by 1
piezoelectric wafer (called piezo here) actuator and 2 , respectively)
surface bonded on an infinite isotropic plate are
presented. Consider an actuator bonded on the surface    
x3 = +b, as illustrated in Figure 9. The origin is 1 , 2 = x1 , x2 ei(1 x1 +2 x2 ) dx1 dx2

located midway through the plate thickness and (57)
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 11

and the inverse transform is given by domain:

  1   0 i.ei(1 x1 +2 x2 t)
x1 , x2 = 1 , 2 u3 =
4 2 4 2 DS ( )
i(1 x1 +2 x2 )
e d1 d2 (58) 2 sin b cos b + ( 2 2 ) sin b cos b
This yields the stresses and displacements in 1 F1 1 , 2 + 2 F2 1 , 2 d1 d2 (61)
the Fourier wavenumber domain in terms of eight
free constants. Similar to the analysis in the previous where
section, the problem can be decomposed into two
independent problems involving four constants each 2 = 12 + 22 ; 2 = 12 22 + 2 ;
corresponding to symmetric and antisymmetric GW vp
modes. Then, one enforces the forcing condition   2
due to the surface-bonded piezo actuator. This is 2 = 12 22 + 2
modeled as causing shear traction normal to its
 2 2
free edge along its boundary on the free surface DS ( ) = 2 cos b sin b
to which it is bonded. Thus, on the surface
x3 = b, + 4 2 sin b cos b
    The integral form results from applying the inverse
31 = 0 F1 x1 , x2 32 = 0 F2 x1 , x2
2D Fourier transform in the wavenumber domain.
33 = 0 (59) This integrand is singular at the points corresponding
to the real roots of DS = 0. The integrands for
where F1 and F2 are functions that are zero every- u1 or u2 can also be singular at the roots of
where except around the edge of the piezo actuator sin b = 0 depending on the actuator shape. The
and 0 is the magnitude of the shear traction (linearly former corresponds to the wavenumbers, S , from
proportional to the product of the piezos piezo- the solutions of the RayleighLamb equation for
electric constant d31 or d33 and in-plane Youngs symmetric modes at frequency , i.e., equation (52).
modulus). This assumes uncoupled dynamics between The latter corresponds to the wavenumbers of SH
the actuator and plate. For example, for a rectan- waves. While in the above derivation only symmetric
gular actuator of dimensions 2a1 and 2a2 along the modes were considered, the contribution from anti-
x1 and x2 axes, with its center aligned with the symmetric modes can be found analogously and the
in-plane location of the origin of the coordinate complete solution would be a superposition of these
system, two modal contributions.
     To illustrate the inversion process in the integral
F1 = x1 a1 x1 + a1 expression for u3 , equations (60) and (61) can be
     rewritten as
He x2 + a2 He x2 a2  
     TS ( )
F2 = He x1 + a1 He x1 a1 u3 = 20 eit
     DS ( )
x 2 a2 x2 + a2 (60)    
sin a1 cos sin a2 sin

where ( ) is the Kronecker delta function and sin cos
He( ) is the Heaviside function. Equating the external ei (x1 cos +x2 sin ) d d (62)
forcing conditions would give three equations in
four unknowns. The fourth equation results from with TS ( ) = 2 ( 2 2 ) cos b sin b 2 2 cos
the divergence condition on H, applied on b sin b. Here the Cartesian wavenumbers 1 and 2
x3 = b. Solving for the constants yields the following have been replaced by the polar wavenumber coor-
equation for out-of-plane displacement in the spatial dinates and . To obtain the 2D spatial inverse
12 Physical Monitoring Principles


Fourier transform, residue calculus is used. For 1 +/2 TS S
convenience, the integral in equation (62) is rewritten I1 =  
1 /2 S DS S
0 it 2 TS ( ) i S r1 cos( 1 )t
u3 = e e
4 2 0 0 DS ( ) d (66)
 i a cos   sin cos
e 1 ei a1 cos ei a2 sin ei a2 sin
where ( ) indicates a derivative with respect to .
sin cos A similar approach can be used to solve the other
ei (x1 cos + x2 sin ) d d three integrals in equation (63), to finally yield the
  expression for u3 . Expressions for ring-shaped piezo

0 it 2
TS ( ) actuators have also been derived in [14]. The GW
= e
4 2 0 0 DS ( ) field excited by anisotropic piezocomposites, such as
 macro fiber composite (MFC) actuators, consisting of
ei ((x1 a1 ) cos + (x2 a2 ) sin t)

d d + piezo fibers in an epoxy matrix, has been derived for

sin cos isotropic plates, hollow cylinders, and rectangular-
sectional beams in [13, 15]. These have also been
extensively validated by numerical and experimental
The . . . indicates that there are three other similar results (see, e.g., Figure 10).
integrals. Consider the first of the four integrals in
the second line of equation (63), say I1 . It is further
rewritten as follows: 2.3 Wave propagation in anisotropic
 1 +/2  solids
TS ( ) ei( r1 cos( 1 )t)
I1 = d d
1 /2 DS ( ) sin cos Fiber-reinforced composite materials are becoming
  (64) increasingly common in aerospace and other
 1 = tan x 2 a /x
2 1 a 1 and r 1 = structures owing to their superior stiffness-to-mass
((x1 a1 )2 + (x2 a2 )2 ). This form ensures that ratio and corrosion resistance compared to metals
the coefficient of in the exponent remains positive (see Lamb Wave-based SHM for Laminated
over the domain of integration. The inner integral Composite Structures; Commercial Fixed-wing
along the real axis is solved by considering a Aircraft). Therefore, it is useful to have a basic
contour integral in the lower half of the complex understanding of bulk elastic waves in transversely
plane, the semicircular portion C with radius | | = isotropic solids with uniform density, which serve
R . Using the residue theorem for the inner inte- as a useful model for unidirectional fiber-reinforced
gral in equation (64) yields in this case (assuming I composites. This model is most effective if the
is the integrand in I1 ) wavelength is large compared to the fiber diameter
and interfiber spacing. This is then used to build the
      solution for GWs in multilayered laminated plates
I d + I d = i Res I S (65) (Figure 11).

2.3.1 Transversely isotropic elastic 3D solid

where S are the roots of the RayleighLamb equa-
tion for symmetric modes (DS = 0). It can be shown First, consider the general solution for bulk waves in
that the contribution over the semicircular portion a generic anisotropic medium with uniform density .
C of the contour vanishes (see [13] for details). The equations of motion for the bulk medium
Therefore, are
c T u = u (67)
I d = 0; I d = i Res I S where u is the local displacement vector (later the
C global displacement vector u will be introduced for

Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 13

0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.1 0.1

0.2 0.2

0.3 0.3

0.4 0.4
(a) t = 150 s (b) t = 150 s

Figure 10. Surface plots showing out-of-plane velocity signals over a 20 20 cm2 quarter section of an aluminum plate
excited by macro fiber composites (the striped portion in the upper left corner) in the A0 mode using a 30 kHz, 3.5 cycle
windowed toneburst: (a) Using the model from [13] and (b) experimental plot obtained using laser vibrometry. Both plots
are normalized to the respective peak values over all time instants.


x1 Layer # 1
N X2



(a) (b)
Figure 11. (a) Infinite transversely isotropic solid and (b) multilayered laminated composite plate.

the laminate), c is the stiffness matrix and the operator for the transversely isotropic material are
is defined as
11 u1,1
22 u2,2

33 u3,3
=c ;
0 0 0 23 u2,3 + u3,2
x1 x3 x2 u + u
31 1,3 3,1
u2,1 + u1,2
0 0 0 12
x2 x3 x1
c11 c12 c12 0 0 0
0 0 0 c12 c22 c23 0 0 0
x3 x2 x1
c c c 0 0 0
(68) c = 12 23 22 ,
0 0 0 c44 0 0
For a unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite, if 0 0 0 0 c55 0
the fibers are oriented along the 1-direction in the 0 0 0 0 0 c55
local coordinate system (x1 , x2 , x3 ) of the material, c c23
the stressstrain relation and the stiffness matrix c with c44 = 22 (69)
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

Here ij , with i and j taking integer values and quasi-shear waves (characterized by displace-
from 1 to 3, are the local stress components. Next, ments dominantly normal to the wave propagation
constants are introduced that correspond to the direction but with small components along it; see [3]).
squares of bulk wave speeds possible along the prin- The wavenumbers in the thickness direction corre-
cipal directions: sponding to these four roots are, respectively

a1 = (longitudinal wave normal to the 12 = 22 + b1 ; 22 = 22 + b2

fiber direction)
b1 = ;
c 2 2
a2 = 11 (longitudinal wave along the 

fiber direction) b2 = + (73)
  2 2
c12 + c55
a3 = (shear wave in the = a1 a 5 ;
= a1 a2 + a52 a32 12 2 a1 + a5 ;
plane of isotropy) (70)   
  = a2 12 2 a5 12 2
c c23 c
a4 = 22 = 44 (shear wave along
The third pair of roots corresponds to quasi-shear
the fiber direction)
waves and their through-thickness wavenumbers are
a5 = 55 (shear wave in the plane of isotropy) given by
a5 12
3 = 2 +
2 2
Viscoelastic damping can be modeled by the use of a4
complex stiffness constants. Suppose the wavenumber
components are 1 , 2 , and along the 1-, 2-, and 3- The displacement eigenvectors resulting from
local directions, respectively. Furthermore, without equation (72) corresponding to these roots are
loss of generality, consider harmonic excitation at  T
angular frequency . Then the wave field is of the e1 = i1 q11 i2 q21 i1 q21 ;
form  T
i(1 x1 +2 x2 + x3 t) e2 = i1 q12 i2 q22 i2 q22 ;
u = e (71)
e3 = 0 i3 i2 (75)
where  is a linear superposition of the possible
eigenvectors. Then, from equations (6771), one where
obtains the Christoffel equation:

c11 12 + c55 22 + 2 c12 + c55 1 2 c + c55 1 1

c + c55 1 2 c55 12 + c22 22 + c44 2 c23 + c44 2
2 = 
2 2 (72)
 12    3
c12 + c55 1 c23 + c44 2 c55 1 + c44 2 + c22
2 2 2 3 

For fixed values of 1 , 2 , and , there are q11 = a3 b1 ; q21 = 2 a2 12 a5 b1 ;

six possible roots i , i = 13, of this equa-
tion. The first two pairs of roots correspond to q21 = a3 b2 ; q22 = 2 a2 12 a5 b2 (76)
pairs of quasi-longitudinal waves (characterized by
displacements dominantly along the wave propaga- The other three eigenvectors e4 , e5 , and e6 are
tion direction but with small components normal to it) obtained by replacing i by i (i 0). The general
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 15

solution for the displacement vector is then Lm (with m being the angle between the X1 and x1m
given by axes):

u = C1+ e1 ei1 x3 + C2+ e2 ei2 x3 + C3+ e3 ei3 x3 u m = Lm u m
cos m sin m 0
+ C1 e4 ei1 x3 + C2 e5 ei2 x3
where L =
sin m cos m 0

+ C3 e6 ei3 x3 ei(1 x1 +2 x2 t) 0 0 1
  E+ x3 0 (79)
= Q11 Q12   Using global wavenumbers K1 and K2 along the
0 E x3
  X1 and X2 directions, plane wave solutions of the
C+ i(1 x1 +2 x2 t) following form are assumed:
e (77)
u m = U m X3 ei(K1 X1 +K2 X2 t) ;
where Ci , i = 13, are free constants, and  
m =  m X3 ei(K1 X1 +K2 X2 t) (80)
Q11 = e1 e2 e3 ; Q12 = e4 e5 e6
    The global wavenumbers K1 and K2 are related
E+ x3 = Diag ei1 x3 , ei2 x3 , ei3 x3 (78) to the local wavenumbers 1 and 2 in each layer
    through the following relation:
E x3 = Diag ei1 x3 , ei2 x3 , ei3 x3
1 cos ( m ) sin ( m ) K1
= (81)
2.3.2 GWs in multilayered laminated plates 2 sin ( m ) cos ( m ) K2

With the general solution for the bulk medium in Traction and displacement continuity must be
place, one can then solve for free GWs in multilay- maintained across the interfaces between the different
ered laminated plates. The equations in this particular layers. Therefore, it is convenient to work with a
subsection are adapted from [16] and details can displacementstress vector S m defined by
be found there. Each ply is a unidirectional fiber-     m  
reinforced composite whose fibers are in the plane of S m X3 = U m X3 i3 X3 (82)
the plate.
Owing to the different orientations of the fibers Then, from equations (69), (77), and (79)
in the different layers, it is useful to work with a  m  m 
global coordinate system (X1 , X2 , X3 ) distinct from   L 0 Q11 Q12 m
S m X3 = m m
the local coordinate system, for which the x1m axis of 0 Lm Q21 Q22
the mth ply (m being between 1 and N ) is aligned  m   m
E+ X3 0 C+
with the fiber direction. However, the X3 and x3m axes  
0 Em X3 Cm
are coincident and the two coordinate systems differ  
only in the plane of the plate. One can relate the Q m X3 C m (83)
displacement vector u in the global system and um
in the local system using the transformation matrix where

a5 1 1 q11 + q21 a5 1 2 q12 + q22 a5 1 2
Q21 = 2a4 2 1 q21 2a4 2 2 q22 a4 2 32
1 2 2a4 2 3 (84)
a5 1 1 q11 + q21 a5 1 2 q12 + q22 a5 1 2
Q22 = 2a4 2 1 q21 2a4 2 2 q22 a4 2 32
1 2 2a4 2 3
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

1 = a5 a3 12 q11 a1 2a4 where Q1 = L1 Q21
L1 Q22
E1 ;
22 q21 a1 12 q21 Q+N = LN Q21
2 = a5 a3 12 q12 a1 2a4
 The matrices Q correspond to the lower half of
22 q22 a1 12 q22 Q relating to stress. The system of equations is
   then solved by assembling equations (86) and (87)
E+m X3 = Diag ei1 (X3 X3 ) ,
together into a 6N 6N banded matrix (called the
 global matrix, say G, which, for a given laminate, is
ei2 (X3 X3 ) , ei3 (X3 X3 )
m1 m1
(85) a function of , K1 , and K2 ):

Q 1
0 1
Q+1 Q2 0 C2 0
C 0

0 Q+m1 Qm 0 (88)
. = .
0 Q+m Qm+1 0 .. ..

0 Q+N1 Q N
C 0
0 Q+N

Alternatively, if the layup is symmetric about
Em X3 = Diag ei1 (X3 X3 ) ,

the midplane of the plate, then the system can be

solved for the symmetric and antisymmetric modes
ei2 (X3 X3 ) , ei3 (X3 X3 )
m m

separately, thereby saving some computational time.

C m = { C+m Cm } Then, traction-free surface condition and continuity
conditions up to the interface between layers N/2
with X3m being the X3 coordinate of the interface and (N/2) 1 are enforced along with conditions
between layers m and (m 1). Q21 m
and Q22m
are of symmetry (u3 , 32 , and 31 being zero at the
matrices whose columns are the stress eigenvectors midplane) or antisymmetry (u1 , u2 , and 33 being
for the mth layer corresponding to wavenumbers zero at the midplane). The problem is thus reduced
along the 3-axis, i and i , respectively. These are to two systems, each of complexity 3N 3N . Then,
obtained from the displacement eigenvectors using for nontrivial values of the constants,
equation (68). The interface continuity conditions can  
then be expressed as det G , K1 , K2 = 0 (89)

Q+m C m = Qm+1 C m+1 For a given excitation

 angular frequency and
  angle  = tan1 K2 /K1 between the global Carte-
where Q+m = Q m X3m+1 ; sian wavenumbers, one can

equation(89) for
Qm+1 = Q m+1 X3m+1 (86) the radial wavenumber K = K12 + K22 , which
is related to the phase velocity along that direction
These equations ensure continuity of all displace- (K = /vph ). Thus, the phase velocity also depends
ment and traction components at the interface across on the direction of propagation along with excita-
two layers. The surface traction-free conditions can tion frequency. This directional dependence is usually
be expressed as presented in the form of a slowness curve, which
is a polar plot of the inverse of phase velocity
Q1 C1 = 0; Q+N C+N = 0 versus propagation angle. This curve is shown in
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 17

90 90 0.0015
120 60 120 60
150 30 150 30
0.0004 0.0005

Slowness (s m1)
Slowness (s m1)


180 0 180 0

210 330 210 330

240 300 240 300

270 270
Angle () Angle ()
A0 mode A0 mode
(a) S0 mode (b) S0 mode

Figure 12. Slowness surfaces (plot of inverse of phase velocity versus direction) in (a) a 1-mm-thick unidirectional
graphiteepoxy composite plate at 500 kHz (with graphite fibers along 0 /180 ) and (b) a quasi-isotropic [0 /45 /-45 /90 ]s
laminate with each ply being 0.11-mm thick at 200 kHz.

Figure 12(a) for a single-layered unidirectional in Auld [3] in more detail. Semi-analytical expres-
fiber-reinforced composite and in Figure 12(b) for sions for the GW field excited by finite-dimensional
a quasi-isotropic layup. As seen there, in quasi- piezos in multilayered composite plates are also
isotropic layups, the S0 mode is approximately derived in [17].
isotropic at low frequency-thickness products (up to
around 700 kHz for a 1-mm laminate thickness). In
composite plates, owing to the anisotropy of phase 3 CONCLUDING REMARKS
velocity, the modulation envelope of the GW is 2D
and the group velocity is given by the expression A brief introduction to active GW SHM methods was
given. The discussion then delved into the rudimen-
(det G) tary concepts of elastic waves using the example of
vgr = i + j = K (90)
K1 K2 (det G)/ 1D wave propagation in taut strings. This example
was followed by the governing equations for elastic
where i and j are unit vectors along the X1 and X2 waves in 3D isotropic elastic solids and a discussion
directions. The second form of the formula above of the GW modes in isotropic plates. The equations
is more useful, since the relation between , K1 , for GW excitation by finite-dimensional piezos were
and K2 is only available in implicit form of the then presented. Finally, the more generic governing
global matrix determinant. This implies that the group equations for elastic waves in transversely isotropic
velocity vgr is along the normal to the slowness solids were covered and this was used to solve for
curve (Figure 13a). Thus, the phase velocity and the GW modes in multilayered laminated composite
group velocity vectors are, in general, not coinci- plates. With this basic understanding of GW theory,
dent for anisotropic media. This implies that a plane one is in a much better position to explore other
GW is steered in a direction (along the group issues in active GW and acoustic emission SHM. In
velocity) different from the direction along which it designing effective GW SHM systems, it is impor-
was launched by a source (which defines the phase tant to at least account for the caveats associated
velocity), as shown in Figure 13(b). This is explained with GW propagation discussed, such as the presence
18 Physical Monitoring Principles

dvph /d
K2 y = tan1
w vph

K K (det G )
vgr () = Sensor
w (det G )/w vgr

GW pulse

Slowness curve
det G (w, K1, K2) = 0
(a) (b) Actuator
Figure 13. (a) Relation between group velocity and slowness curve and (b) steering in anisotropic media.

of multiple modes, dispersiveness, and steering in 22 Experimental (cycle 1 heat) Experimental (cycle 1 cool)
anisotropic materials. Experimental (cycle 2 heat) Experimental (cycle 2 cool)
Beyond these phenomena, depending on the appli- 21.5
Time of flight (s)

cation in question, there may be further challenges

to tackle. Apart from the modeling and validation
work for GW excitation by finite-dimensional piezos 20.5
summarized here, the authors efforts in the past have
focused on a variety of research issues in active 20
GW SHM for aerospace structures. An advanced
signal processing using chirplet matching pursuits
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
[18] and mode identification has also been devel-
Temperature (C)
oped, which can distinguish between and identify
the modes of overlapping, multimodal GW reflections Figure 15. Variation in time of flight with temperature
from multiple damage sites (Figure 14). Modeling the in pitchcatch tests (without damage) using piezoelectric
effects of elevated temperature (up to 150 C) on GW wafer transducers in an aluminum plate specimen from [19].
SHM has been addressed in [19] (e.g., see Figure 15).
This temperature is representative of the maximum
limit seen in internal spacecraft structures. Present
efforts are directed toward developing/manufacturing
600 A0 reflection
0 of anisotropic piezocomposite transducers and radar-
S0 reflection from Notch 1
S0 reflection from Notch 2 5 scanning array configurations. As outlined in the
from Notch 1 review paper by Raghavan and Cesnik [1], much
Frequency (kHz)

400 10
more work is still required before this technology sees
widespread field deployment.
200 20


0 30 dB
20 30 40
Time (s) Applications of Acoustic Emission for SHM: A
Figure 14. Sample result from the GW signal-processing
algorithm in [18] showing its capability to resolve over- Ultrasonic Methods
lapped GW reflections in the timefrequency plane and Guided-wave Array Methods
identify their modes.
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids 19

Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1959
Stanford MultiactuatorReceiver Transduction
(SMART) Layer Technology and Its Applications [12] Worlton DC. Experimental confirmation of Lamb
waves at megacycle frequencies. Journal of Applied
Development of an Active Smart Patch for Aircraft Physics 1961 32:967971.
[13] Raghavan A, Cesnik CES. 3-D elasticity-based
Wind Turbines modeling of anisotropic piezocomposite transducers
for guided-wave structural health monitoring.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of
the ASME 2007 129:739751. Special issue on
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[6] Rayleigh JWS. On waves propagated along the plane [17] Raghavan A, Cesnik CES. Modeling of guided-
surface of an elastic solid. Proceedings of the London wave excitation by finite-dimensional piezoelectric
Mathematical Society 1887 17:411. transducers in composite plates. Presented at
[7] Love AEH. Some Problems of Geodynamics. the 15th AIAA/ASME/ASC Adaptive Structures
Cambridge University Press, 1926. Conference, Paper 2007-1725. Honolulu, HI, 2326
April 2007.
[8] Stoneley R. Elastic waves at the surface of separation
of two solids. Proceedings of the Royal Society of [18] Raghavan A, Cesnik CES. Guided-wave signal
London, Series A 1924 106:416428. processing using chirplet matching pursuits and mode
correlation for structural health monitoring. Smart
[9] Scholte JG. On the Stoneley wave equation. Proceed- Materials and Structures 2007 16:355366.
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Wetenschappen 1942 45(2025):159164. [19] Raghavan A, Cesnik CES. Studies on effects of
elevated temperature for guided-wave structural
[10] Lamb H. On waves in an elastic plate. Proceedings health monitoring. Presented at the 14th SPIE
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93(651):293312. Paper 6529-9. San Diego, CA, 1822 March 2008 (to
[11] Gazis DC. Three-dimensional investigation of the appear in the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
propagation of waves in hollow circular cylinders. and Structures, 2008).
Chapter 5
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling

Andrei N. Zagrai1 and Victor Giurgiutiu2

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, USA
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA

One distinct SHM methodology facilitated by

1 Introduction 1 PWAS is the electromechanical (EM) impedance
2 Piezoelectric Impedance Sensors 2 method [3]. Electromechanical impedance (EMI) is
3 Electromechanical Impedance Model a measure of opposition to the mechanical motion
for 1D Structures 9 of an electrically excited piezoelectric element. The
4 Electromechanical Impedance Model EMI of the embedded PWAS includes contribu-
for 2D Structures 13 tions of the piezoelectric element and a host struc-
5 Impedance Modeling: Current Status ture. Consequently, the EMI method utilizes local
and Future Perspectives 17 structural dynamic characteristics obtained through
References 18 impedance measurements for the assessment of
structural condition (see Piezoelectric Impedance
Methods for Damage Detection and Sensor Vali-
1 INTRODUCTION dation) in the immediate vicinity of the sensor
[4]. In this respect, [5], the EMI methodology
Thin piezoelectric wafers have received consider- complements embedded ultrasonics, employing the
able attention as active elements of structural health same sensors for long-range inspection. The EMI
monitoring (SHM) systems [1]. Direct and converse method assesses the local structural response at rela-
piezoelectric effects (see Piezoelectricity Principles tively high frequencies, ranging from a few kilo-
and Materials) intrinsic to the wafers material
hertz to hundreds of kilohertz. This is in contrast to
enable a broad spectrum of SHM applications ranging
vibration methods that explore low-frequency struc-
from passive sensing to active generation of elastic
waves [2]. To reflect the versatility of embeddable tural responses involving global motion. Monitoring
piezoelectrics, in this article, the term piezoelectric of the structural condition at such high frequen-
wafer active sensors (PWAS) is used (see Piezoelec- cies yields several advantages. The high-frequency
tric Wafer Active Sensors). response is little affected by global conditions such
as flight loads and ambient vibrations; compensa-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by tion algorithms are employed to address variation
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 of environmental parameters. In addition, because
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. the wavelength of the interrogation signal at high
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

frequencies is relatively small, the EMI method structural dynamics. To gain insights into the physical
allows for monitoring small-scale phenomena (i.e., mechanisms governing the EMI method, theoretical
cracks, delamination, disbonds), whose contribution underpinnings of the sensor and structural dynamic
to the global structural dynamics may not be notice- behavior need to be studied. This is the subject of the
able or detectable by other methods. article.
It is important to note that the complexity of
the EMI spectra depends on structural geometry
and constitution. The admittance signatures reflect 2 PIEZOELECTRIC IMPEDANCE
the resonance behavior and, for structures with
simple geometry, yield well separated peaks in the
low-frequency range. The impedance is inversely Piezoelectric wafer active sensors are typically fabri-
proportional to admittance and therefore indicates cated from lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic. For
a frequency-dependent structural resistance to the small changes in mechanical and electrical parame-
applied excitation. An example of the impedance ters, a linear theory of piezoelectricity [6] is appli-
spectrum of a simple structural element, an aluminum cable and the piezoelectric ceramic is described by
circular plate, is shown in Figure 1. The evolution the following pair of equations in tensor notation.
of the spectrum due to a circumferential crack
introduced with a jet cutting tool at different Sij = sijEkl Tkl + dkij Ek
distances from the sensor is also presented in the
figure. The crack changes the structural condition Dj = dj kl Tkl + jTk Ek (1)
in the area adjacent to the sensor and this is
manifested in an increasing complexity of the Equations (1) signify a relationship between mech-
impedance spectra. However, the intact (undamaged) anical strain, Sij , mechanical stress, Tkl , electrical
structure reveals dynamic characteristics that can field, Ek , and electrical displacement Dj that are
be modeled analytically using the principles of coupled through mechanical compliance measured at

Distance between
crack and PWAS

Pristine Group 0
40 mm Group 1

25 mm Group 2
10 000

10 mm Group 3
Re Z ()

100 3 mm Group 4

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (kHz)
Figure 1. Dependence of the electromechanical impedance spectra on the location of damage.
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 3

zero electric field (E = 0), sijEkl ; dielectric permit- S1 = s11

T1 + d31 E3
tivity measured at zero mechanical stress (T = 0),
D3 = d31 T1 + 33
E3 (2)
jTk ; and the piezoelectric coefficient, dkij . In general,
the tensorial representation in equations (1) would
result in nine equations corresponding to respective Using Newtons law of motion, T1 = u1 , and
strain components and polarization directions. Simpli- the straindisplacement relation, S1 = u1 , the first of
fication of the constitutive equations is achieved equations (2) yields the classical wave equation:
by considering particularities of the piezoelectric
sensor configuration and its interaction with the host u1 = c2 u1 (3)
where () = ( )/t and ( ) = ( )/x, while c2 =
1/a s11 is the wave speed and a is the density of
2.1 1D PWAS model piezoelectric material. The solution to the equation
of motion (3), is separated into temporal and spatial
One of the most widely used sensor configurations components:
is a thin piezoelectric strip, plate, or disk with the
polarization vector parallel to the thickness direc-
u1 (x, t) = u1 (x)eit
tion. Effectively, this permits a separation of the
sensor geometry into one-dimensional (1D) and two- where
dimensional (2D) classes. The discussion is provided  
u1 (x) = C1 sin x + C2 cos x (4)
on an analytical description of the 1D case as the
most effective avenue for understanding the modeling
aspects of the piezoelectric wafer EMI sensor. In equation (4), u1 (x) is the amplitude of the
Consider a thin piezoelectric strip with a length spatial solution presented in terms of harmonic func-
la , width ba , and thickness ta . Figure 2 indicates the tions, the wave number = /c, and the constants
sensor geometry, coordinate system, and poling direc- C1 and C2 are dependent on the boundary conditions.
tion E3 . The harmonic voltage V (t) = V eit with The classical set of boundary conditions includes
amplitude V applied across continuous electrodes free and clamped mechanical terminals. A reader
results in a spatially uniform (E/x1 = 0) electric may consult the work of Ikeda [7] for the derivation
field E = V /ta inducing sensor displacements, u1 , of solutions for classical boundary conditions. Prac-
u2 , u3 . A one-dimensional case is achieved when tical applications of piezoelectric impedance sensors
thickness and width dimensions are much smaller imply a more complex form of boundary condi-
than the length of the sensor (ta  ba  la ) and tions. The embedded or bonded sensors are essentially
corresponding displacement components are practi- constrained by structural elements and, therefore,
cally decoupled. The indicated assumptions allow for elastic boundary conditions must be considered. The
reducing the number of equations participating in elastically constrained case opens a path toward the
equations (1) and extensional (longitudinal) motion analysis of the complete sensorstructure dynamics
along the dominant dimension is described by the because it represents a generic scenario asymptot-
following system. ically approaching freefree and clamped sets as
the constraint becomes vanishingly soft, or infinitely
stiff [8].
Poling direction In the 1D case, a bonded piezoelectric sensor is
represented as a piezoelectric strip constrained by
Surface electrodes 1
structural stiffness. The symmetry of the problem
yields the constraints of 2kstr at each side of the
ta 2 sensor. Figure 3 provides a schematic of the elasti-
ba cally constrained sensor. A spring reaction force at the
ends of the sensor is connected with internal stresses
Figure 2. PWAS schematics. according to the following expressions.
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Polarization, x3 Hence,
x1, u1 C1 = 12 uISA /( cos + r() sin ) (11)
2kstr Length l, thickness t, 2kstr
width b The solution of the wave equation (4) is now
expressed as
Figure 3. PWAS constrained by the structural stiffness.
sin x
u1 (x) = 12 uISA (12)
    ( cos + r() sin )
l l
T1 a ba ta = 2kstr u1 a
2 2 In EMI diagnostics, electrical measurements are
    conducted at the terminals of the sensor. The mea-
la la
T1 ba ta = 2kstr u1 (5) sured impedance reflects both the electrical and
2 2 mechanical responses. Modeling of the EM transfor-
mation enabled by the sensor is achieved by utilizing
Expressing the quasistatic stiffness of the impe-
the solution (equation 12) in conjunction with the
dance sensor as kPWAS = Aa /s11
la and introducing the
second equation in the system (2). According to the
dynamic stiffness ratio
first expression in equations (2), the stress function
kstr () T1 depends on the mechanical strain and the electric
r() = (6) field:
kPWAS 1  
T1 = E S1 d31 E3 (13)
one obtains
    This leads to electrical displacement
la r() l
u1 + la u1 a = SISA
2 2
2 d31 u1 2
d31 E3
    D3 = + 33
E3 (14)
 la r() la E
s11 E
u1 la u1 = SISA (7)
2 2
2 When mechanical stress is applied to the piezoele-
ment, it results in an electrical charge that can be
where SISA = d31 E3 = uISA /la is the induced strain
obtained by integrating the electrical displacement
and uISA is the induced displacement with the ampli-
(equation 14) over the electrode area
tude uISA = d31 E3 la .
Considering a general solution in the form of  +
la  +
equation (4) and denoting = 12 la , one arrives at Q() =
2 2
D3 dx dy
la ba

2 2
( cos + r() sin ) C1  la  ba 
+ +
2 d312
2 E3 d31 u1
( sin r() cos ) C2 = 1
2 ISA = l b
33 E3 E + E dx dy
a a s11 s11
2 2
( cos + r() sin ) C1  la
d31 E3 ba la ba d31 u1  + 2
+ ( sin r() cos ) C2 = 12 uISA (8) = 33 E3 ba la
s11 E
s11  la
Constants C1 and C2 are obtained by subtracting d2 E b l
the first of equations (8) from the second = 33
E3 ba la 31 E3 a a
2 ( sin r() cos )C2 = 0 (9) ba d31 uISA sin eit
+ E ( cos + r() sin )
which yields C2 = 0, and on adding the two equations
where equation (12) was utilized to express displace-
2 ( cos + r() sin )C1 = uISA (10) ment u1 (x) and the argument of the harmonic
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 5

functions is = 12 la . Defining the resultant voltage and

V () = E3 eit /ta , capacitance at zero mechan-   1
1 1
ical stress C = 33 T
b l /t , the EM coupling coeffi- Z() = 1 2
31 1
aa a i C cot + r()
cient 13 = d31 / s11 E T
33 , and uISA = d31 E3 la , one
arrives at
To illustrate the application of the presented
   approach to modeling of the impedance sensors,
1 consider a sensor with freefree boundary conditions.
Q() = V () C 1 2
31 1
cot + r() Understanding this case is important in the sensor-
(16) characterization process before installation on a
The time derivative of the charge (equation 16) host structure. The generic admittance equation
(19) is used with a notion that r() = 0 for the
yields an electric current contributing to expressions
unconstrained sensor. This formula is used for mode-
for EM admittance and impedance:
ling piezoelectric sensors that measure vibrations
along the dominant in-plane dimension. Results
I () for sensor geometries ranging from a rectangular
Y () =
V () wafer with a 1 : 1 aspect ratio to a piezoelectric
   strip with the aspect ratio 4 : 1 are presented in
= i C 1 31
1 (17) Figure 4. Analysis of the high aspect ratio case
cot + r() is important for verifying the validity of the
Z() = [Y ()]1 (18) 1D model, while consideration of the low aspect
ratio is useful from a practical point of view,
as the popular geometry of the impedance sensor
Formulations (17) and (18) reveal that the elec- is a rectangular piezoelectric wafer. Difficulties in
trical response of the impedance sensor is dominated analytical modeling of the unconstrained rectangular
by the capacitance, C. The mechanical response, piezoelectric wafers arise from the absence of the
reflected through the term containing the EM coup- close-form solution for this essentially 2D case.
ling coefficient 13 , includes the sensor resonance Applying equation (19) for calculating admittance
term cot and the contribution of the host structure of the square plate sensor yields the admittance
dynamics participating in the dynamic stiffness ratio spectrum presented in Figure 4(a). The length, width,
r(). Therefore, the ratio r() allows for the mani- and thickness of the sensor are la = 6.99 mm,
festation of structural resonances in the admittance ba = 6.56 mm, and ta = 0.215 mm respectively;
spectrum of the bonded or embedded piezoelectric the parameters of the piezoelectric ceramic are
sensor. T
33 = 15.470 109 F m1 , s11 E
= 15.3 1012 Pa1 ,
12 1
The admittance and impedance formulations in d31 = 175 10 m V , 31 = 0.36. Theoretical
equations (17) and (18) cover a complete frequency resonance frequencies identifiable in Figure 4(a)
range and include the dynamics of both the sensor include 208 kHz (1L), 222 kHz (1 W), 621 kHz (2L),
element and the host structure. Derivation of these 663 kHz (2 W), 1038 kHz (3L), 1108 kHz (3 W),
expressions has been presented without considera- and 1451 kHz (4L). The experimental admittance
tion of the dissipative effects. Dissipation via struc- responses obtained with the impedance analyzer is
tural damping can be introduced by utilizing a also presented in the figure. Comparison of theoretical
complex representation of sensor and structural mate- and experimental spectra reveals relatively high errors
rial parameters, e.g., complex mechanical compliance (19 and 37%) for the first length (1L) and width
(1 W) modes. Discrepancy between experimental and
s11 = s11
(1 + i ), where i = 1 and is the
calculated responses arises from the 2D stiffening
damping constant. It follows that
effect typical of low-aspect ratio in-plane vibrations.
   This effect is not captured by the 1D theory. However,
1 higher vibration modes, which are less affected
Y () = i C 1 31
1 (19)
cot + r() by the 2D stiffening, show favorable agreement
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

1 Experimental 1 Experimental
Calculated Calculated
0.1 0.1
Re Y (S) (Log scale)

Re Y (S) (Log scale)

0.01 0.01

0.001 0.001

0.0001 0.0001

0.00001 0.00001
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

1 Experimental
Re Y (S) (Log scale)



10 mm
(1 : 1) (2 : 1) (4 : 1)
0 500 1000 1500
(c) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 4. Experimental and calculated admittance spectra of PWAS with the following aspect ratios: (a) 1 : 1square
wafer, (b) 2 : 1half-width wafer, and (c) 4 : 1quarter-width wafer.

between experimental and theoretical results. Hence, the prediction accuracy as the sensor geometry
with the exception of the first modes, a reasonable approaches the 1D case.
approximation can be achieved by utilizing a 1D
analytical formulation.
Agreement between theoretically calculated and 2.2 2D PWAS model
practically measured resonances improves consid-
erably for the piezoelectric wafers with increasing The one-dimensional modeling approach shows good
aspect ratio. Figure 4(b,c) provides a pictorial repre- agreement between the results of analytical calcu-
sentation of this fact for piezoelectric sensors with lation and experimental data for sensor geometries
aspect ratios of 2 : 1 and 4 : 1. For instance, predictions with well separated length, width, and thickness
for the half-width sensor suggest less than 2% error dimensions. However, the majority of structural iden-
for 1L and 1B resonances. A quarter-width sensor tification and health monitoring applications of the
manifests outstanding agreement with the theory for impedance method feature sensors of rectangular
vibration modes below 1 MHz. In addition to clearly or circular configurations. As was indicated in the
identifiable vibration modes, several other peaks are previous section, no close-form solutions exist for
present in the experimental curve. These modes are the unconstrained rectangular (e.g., square) sensors
attributed to the edge roughness producing secondary and inferring the sensor response using numer-
vibration effects. Analysis of the admittance spectra ical analysis is recommended. For two-dimensional
in Figure 4 suggests a clear trend toward improving (2D) modeling of the impedance sensors, consider
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 7

and stress relationships inferred from the first two of

PWAS sensor
Radius ra, stiffness ka equations (21),
kstr 1 ur ur d E
Trr = E + E 31 z (24)
Ez r, ur
s11 (1 )
2 r r s11 (1 )
1 ur ur d E
T = E + E 31 z (25)
kstr s11 (1 )
2 r r s11 (1 )

Structure kstr (w) one obtains an equation of motion in terms of the

sensor radial displacement, ur ,

2 ur 1 ur ur 1 2 ur
Figure 5. A circular impedance sensor constrained by the + =0 (26)
structural stiffness, kstr (). r 2 r r r2 c2 t 2

circular plate piezoelectric wafers. This sensor geom- where c = 1/ a s11 E
(1 a2 ) is the speed of axially
etry allows for the consideration of the axisym- symmetric extensional waves. Assuming a harmonic
metric problem and, hence, significantly simplifies solution of equation (26) in the form
the analysis procedure. The geometry of the circular
PWAS bonded to the host structure is presented ur (r, t) = ur (r) eit (27)
in Figure 5. The coordinate system with radial (r),
circumferential (), and vertical (z) variables is rearrangement and multiplication by r 2 yields
adopted for describing the sensor response. The  
symmetry of the problem implies that derivatives 2 ur u 2 r 2
r2 2
+ r r + ur 1 =0 (28)
with respect to the circumferential variable are r r c2
zero. This results in the reduced set of equations
in the system (1). Assuming the in-plane isotropy of It can be shown that equation (28) is analogous to
the elastic and piezoelectric constants, one arrives at the Bessel differential equation [9] whose solution is
the following [6]: readily obtained in terms of a linear combination of
Bessel functions of the first and second kinds:

Srr = s11
Trr + s12
T + d31 Ez ur (r) = A J1 + B Y1 (29)
c c
S = s12
Trr + s11
T + d31 Ez
Since the displacement of the plate is always finite,
Dz = d31 (Trr + T ) + 33
Ez (21)
even as r approaches zero, one must choose B = 0.
The final solution is
The analysis of the system (21) follows a proce-
dure outlined for the previously discussed 1D case. It ur (r) = A J1 (30)
can be shown that the equation of motion for a thin c
circular plate is The coefficient A is determined from the boundary
conditions. For bonded or embedded piezoelectric
Trr T T 2 ur wafers, these boundary conditions reflect the contri-
+ rr = a (22)
r r t 2 bution of the structural stiffness. Figure 5 provides
an illustration of the sensor constrained by the adja-
Using the definition of radial and circumferential cent structure. Therefore, the force relationship at
strains, r = ra is
u u
Srr = r , S = r (23) Na (ra ) = kstr () ur (ra ) (31)
r r
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

Equation (31) is used to calculate radial and (1 + a ) d31 E0

tangential stress components of the sensor:
ra (1a ()(1+a ))
J J1
c 0 c ra c
Na (ra ) kstr ()uPWAS (ra ) (36)
Trr (ra ) = =
ta ta The third of equations (21) yields the electrical
  displacement Dz :
1 ur (ra )
T (ra ) = E s12 E
Trr (ra ) d31 Ez (32)
s11 ra d31 (1 + a )
Dz = AJ
Substituting the stress equations into the first exp- s11 (1 a2 ) c
E 0
ression in equation (21), one obtains as follows [5]:  
2d 2
E 31 + 33
E0 (37)
s11 (1 a )
ur (ra ) E kstr () ur (ra ) sE
= s11 + 12E
r ta s11 Equation (37), the electrical displacement, is inte-
  grated to obtain the charge
ur (ra ) E kstr () ur (ra )
s12 d31 Ez
ra ta  2  ra

+ d31 Ez (33) Q= d Dz r dr
0 0

A dynamic stiffness ratio is defined as = ra2 33
E0 eit 1 kp2 + kp2
kstr () 
() = (34) (1 + a )J1 (a )
a J0 (a )(1a () (1+a )) J1 (a )
where the static stiffness of the circular plate impe- (38)
dance sensor is kPWAS = ta /[ra s11
(1 a )]. where the planar coupling factor kp =

Incorporating the dynamic stiffness ratio equa- 2
2d31 E
/[s11 (1 a )33
] is introduced to account for
tion (34) into equation (33) leads to the EM coupling and a = ra /c.
Differentiation of the charge in equation (38) with
ur (ra ) u (r ) u (r )
= () (1 + ) r a r a respect to time results in the electrical current I =
r ra ra i Q participating in the final expression for admit-
+ (1 + )d31 Ez (35) tance

kp2 (1 + a )J1 (a )
Y () = iC(1 kp2 ) 1+ (39)
1 kp a J0 (a ) (1 a )J1 (a ) + ()(1 + a )J1 (a )

where a = s12 E E
/s11 is the Poisson ratio. The con- It should be noted that the admittance in equa-
stant A in the general solution, equation (30), is tion (39) accounts for the dynamics of the sensor
obtained by the direct substitution of equation (30) element (through a ) and the dynamics of the host
into equation (35): structure (through ()).
The impedance Z() is defined as

kp2 (1 + a )J1 (a )
Z() = iC(1 kp2 ) 1+ (40)
1 kp2 a J0 (a ) (1 a )J1 (a ) + ()(1 + a )J1 (a )
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 9

It is worth noting that equation (40) represents 3 ELECTROMECHANICAL

a general formulation for vibration of an elasti-
cally constrained piezoelectric disk and provides a
theoretical description of the impedance response STRUCTURES
seen by the impedance analyzer at the piezoelectric
3.1 Analytical model for 1D
sensor terminals. Hence, expression (40) facilitates
the comparison of the experimental and theoretical
sensor/structure interaction
impedance signatures of 2D axisymmetric circular Previous sections discussed modeling of the impe-
structures. dance sensor elastically constrained by the adja-
Equation (39), with () = 0, was utilized to cent structure. According to expressions (20) and
simulate an admittance response of an uncon- (40), the sensor impedance contains contributions
strained piezoelectric circular wafer with diam- of both sensor dynamics and structural dynamics.
eter da = 6.98 mm and thickness ta = 0.216 mm. The latter participates in the cumulative impedance
The following properties of piezoelectric material response through the dynamic stiffness ratios. There-
were considered: 33 T
= 15.470 109 F m1 , s11
= fore, to model the impedance measured across termi-
12 1 12 1
18 10 Pa , d31 = 175 10 m V , kp = nals of the sensor bonded to the structural surface or
0.63. No damping was introduced in this simulation. embedded into the host structure, an expression for
Figure 6 shows experimentally obtained and theo- the dynamic structural stiffness must first be deter-
retically calculated admittance. The figure presents mined. This can be achieved by considering mecha-
the dynamic behavior of the sensor below 1.5 MHz. nisms underlying structural excitation and sensing.
Within this frequency range, three in-plane radial When an active sensor is bonded to the host struc-
modes are clearly identifiable: 300, 784, and ture as presented in Figure 7, the applied alternating
1247 kHz. The calculated response closely follows voltage results in expansions and contractions of the
the experimental data. The maximum discrepancy sensor, which induce elastic waves traveling in the
between measured and predicted natural frequen- structure. Reflections of the elastic waves produce
cies did not exceed 2.1%. Therefore, the suggested standing wave patterns associated with structural
modeling approach can be employed to predict EMI vibration modes. Finally, the dynamic deformation
and admittance responses of the 2D axisymmetric of the structural element during vibrations affects
structures. the sensor and, hence, is reflected in its impedance
To illustrate the EMI modeling approach, consider
a 1D elastic structure (a beam or a rod) with
the bonded piezoelectric sensor. In the suggested
1 representation depicted in Figure 7, the PWAS lies
between points xa and xa + la on the structural
0.1 surface; la is the assumed length of the sensor. Expan-
sion and contraction of the sensor produce a reaction
IY I (S)

Na Na
Xa Xa + la
0 500 1000 1500 E, r, L, b, h
Frequency (kHz) u, Longitudinal displacement
w, Transverse displacement
Figure 6. Experimental and calculated admittance res-
ponses of an unconstrained circular wafer impedance Figure 7. Forces and moments produced as a result of
sensor. interaction between PWAS and a host structure.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

force FPWAS from the beam onto the sensor and an where Up (x) are orthonormal mode shapes satisfying
equal and opposite force from the sensor onto the Uq (x)Up (x) dx = qp , with qp = 1 for q = p,
beam. The sign of FPWAS depends on the sign of and 0 otherwise. The modal participation factor Bp
the voltage applied to the piezoelectric. It is trans- controls the amplitudes of vibration modes. Following
parent from Figure 7 that the dynamic force FPWAS = the separation of variables solution procedure and
FPWAS eit induced by the sensor onto the beam results utilizing the expression for naturalfrequencies, c2
in the following axial force and bending moment [8]: Up (x) = p2 Up (x), with c = E/, resulting
from the consideration of the homogeneous equation
h A u(x, t) EA u (x, t) = 0, upon multiplication
Ma = FPWAS , Na = FPWAS (41)
2 by Uq (x) and integration over the length of the beam,
L, one obtains
The spatial distribution of this axial force and
bending moment is controlled by the sensor and
can be expressed in terms of a Heaviside function, Uq (x)Na (x) dx
H (x xa ) = 1 for xa < x; 0 otherwise. Bp = 0
A (p2 2 )

Na (x, t) = Na [H (x xa ) Na [Up (xa + la ) Up (xa )]

= (46)
A (p2 2 )
+ H (x xa la )] eit (42)
Ma (x, t) = Ma [H (x xa ) Expression (46) is derived for undamped vibra-
tions. In practice, damping is always present in any
+ H (x xa la )] eit (43) dynamic system. To account for the energy dissipa-
tion, viscous damping with the factor p is introduced.
It follows that the force induced by the impedance The modal participation factor of the damped beam is
sensor produces both extensional (longitudinal) and
transverse (flexural) vibrations. The initial work of Na [Up (xa + la ) Up (xa )]
Liang et al. [10] discussed flexural vibrations of an Bp = (47)
A p2 + 2ip p 2
elastic beam. Park et al. [11] considered longitu-
dinal modes but neglected flexural vibrations. In the
Substituting equation (47) into the modal expan-
following analysis, a unified treatment of longitudinal
sion (45), the longitudinal displacement can be
and flexural behavior is presented.
expressed as

3.1.1 Extensional vibrations of 1D structure Na  [Up (xa + la ) Up (xa )]
u(x, t) =
A p=0 p2 + 2ip p 2
It can be shown [8] that in the presence of an
additional axial force acting on the infinitesimal Up (x) eit (48)
element of the beam, in-plane displacement u(x, t)
is described by the following equation: 3.1.2 Transverse vibrations of 1D structure

A u(x, t) EA u (x, t) = Na (x, t) (44) The EulerBernoulli model of a beam is considered
in this section. Flexural vibrations are excited by
the bending moments because of expansion and
Equation (44) includes parameters of the beam:
contraction of the impedance sensor. The resulting
cross-sectional area A, density , and modulus of
equation of motion is
elasticity E. The solution is sought in terms of modal
expansion [12]
A w(x, t) EI w  (x, t) = Ma (x, t) (49)

u(x, t) = Bp Up (x) eit (45) The solution for transverse displacement is the
p=0 modal expansion
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 11

 uPZT (x, t) = uB (x, t) uA (x, t)
w(x, t) = Cs Ws (x) eit (50)
= u(xa + la , t) u(xa , t)
where Ws (x) are the orthonormal flexural mode w (xa + la , t) w  (xa , t) (55)
shapes satisfying the homogeneous differential equa-
tion EI Ws (x) = s2 A Ws (x). Substitution of On substituting equations (48) and (52) into equa-
Ws (x) in terms of Ws (x), multiplication by Wv (x) tion (55) and using formulation (41), uPWAS ()
and integration over the length of the beam gives the becomes
modal participation factor

 L F  [Up (xa + la ) Up (xa )]2
Ws (x)Ma (x) dx uPWAS () = PWAS
A p=0
p2 + 2ip p 2
Cs = 0

A (s2 + 2is s 2 )  2 

h [Ws (xa + la ) Ws (xa )]2
Ma [Ws (xa ) Ws (xa + la )] +
= (51) 2 s=0 s2 + 2is s 2
A (s2 + 2is s 2 )
where a damping ratio s is introduced to account for The representation of the structural response in
energy dissipation. terms of the frequency response function (FRF) to the
Therefore, the expression for the flexural displace- single input single output (SISO) excitation applied
ment is by PWAS can be achieved by dividing equation (56)
by FPWAS . Therefore, the cumulative FRF consists

Ma  [Ws (xa ) Ws (xa + la )] of longitudinal and flexural components H () =
w(x, t) = Hu () + Hw ():
A s=0 s2 + 2is s 2

Ws (x) eit (52)

1  [Up (xa + la ) Up (xa )]2
H () =
A p=0
p2 + 2ip p 2
3.1.3 Cumulative structural response

The dynamic structural stiffness, kstr (), presented by h [Ws (xa + la ) Ws (xa )]2
the structure to PWAS can be represented as 2 s=0 s2 + 2is s 2
kstr () = (53) The structural response can be presented using the
uPWAS () dynamic stiffness
where uPWAS () is the displacement amplitude at
frequency and FPWAS () is the amplitude of the kstr () = [H ()]1 (58)
reaction force. Consider a generic point P on the
surface of the beam; the horizontal displacement of
this point is determined by contributions of longitu- 3.1.4 Boundary conditions for the elastic beam
dinal and flexural components:
The mode shapes in the definition of FRF and
h  dynamic structural stiffness depend on the boundary
uP (x, t) = u(x, t) w (x, t) (54) conditions of the host structure. Practical imple-
mentation of freefree boundary conditions is rela-
where u(x, t) and w(x, t) are displacements defined tively straightforward and in further development it is
by equations (48) and (52), respectively. Letting P attractive to consider an elastic beam with free ends.
be A and B, as presented in Figure 7, and taking the The mode shapes of an extensionally vibrating
difference, one determines the elongation freefree elastic beam are governed by the following
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

expression [12]: Beam #2

Up (x) = Ap cos(p x), p = , p = p c,
PWAS: la = 7 mm,
c= E

, p = 1, 2, . . . (59) ba = 7 mm, ta = 0.22 mm

where the scale factor Ap = 2/L is determined
through a normalization process. Beam #1
The mode shape functions for the transverse vibra- Figure 8. Experimental specimens representing one-
tions include harmonic and hyperbolic functions: dimensional structures.

Ws (x) = As cosh s x + cos s x fabricated from steel with nominal E = 200 GPa

s (sinh s x + sin s x) (60) and = 7750 kg m3 . The beams were of the same
length and width, L = 100 mm and b = 8 mm, but

where wave speed cw = /A, frequency s =
EI of different thicknesses: h1 = 2.6 mm and h2 =
L 5.2 mm. The double-thickness beam was fabricated
and scale factor As = 1/ 0 Ws2 (x) dx partic-
s2 cw ,
by gluing two single-thickness specimens back-
ipate in the definition. Numerical values of L s
to-back. This configuration was introduced to simu-
and s for s 5 can be calculated; for s > 5, s =
1/L(2s + 1)/2 and s = 1. The expressions above late the effect of corrosion in metallic structures
allow for modeling a 1D structure (elastic beam) with and disbonding/delamination in composite structures.
freefree boundary conditions. However, it needs to Noticeable in Figure 8, both specimens were instru-
be mentioned that equations (57) and (58) are generic mented with the impedance sensors placed at xa =
and permit incorporation of other sets of boundary 40 mm from the left end.
conditions. The numerical simulation was performed by
coding equations (58) and (20) in the mathematical
software. The viscous damping of p = s = 1%
3.2 Experimental verification of the 1D was introduced for steel beams. A frequency range
impedance model that contains the first set of natural frequencies
of the experimental specimens was considered and
The model of the structural response introduced freefree boundary conditions were simulated using
in the previous section plays an important role common foam. The real part of the structural
in determining the cumulative impedance of the system impedance was measured with the HP
sensor/structure system. In effect, the model suggests 4194A Impedance Analyzer. The results of the
that the impedance signature measured by the impe- theoretical calculations and experimental testing are
dance analyzer at the sensor terminals presents not presented in Figure 9. For the single-thickness beam,
only the sensor characteristic, but also structural discrepancy in the position of the experimental and
dynamic features reflected in the dynamic stiff- calculated impedance peaks is within 4% for the first
ness (equation 58) and, hence, in the dynamic stiff- five frequencies. Consistent with the experimental
ness ratio r(). Therefore, expression (58) can be observation, the model predicts five flexural peaks.
utilized in conjunction with equations (19) and (20) The seventh peak in the impedance spectrum in
to predict impedance or admittance responses of the Figure 9(a) is attributed to the longitudinal vibrations.
sensor/structure system and allow for direct compar- It is observable at approximately 25 kHz in the
ison between theoretical and experimental data. single thickness specimen, causing peak splitting
To determine the validity of the presented 1D due to the close proximity of the flexural and
impedance model, a set of experiments involving longitudinal frequency contributions. As expected
small steel beams has been conducted. Simulation from the theoretical analysis, the longitudinal peak
parameters were selected to represent experimental has the same 25 kHz location on the impedance
specimens depicted in Figure 8. The specimens were spectrum of the double-thickness specimen presented
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 13

10 000


Re Z ()



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(a) Frequency (kHz)

10 000


Re Z ()



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(b) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 9. Experimental and calculated impedances of (a) single-thickness beam (beam #1) and (b) double-thickness beam
(beam #2).

in Figure 9(b). The figure reveals a doubled period 4 ELECTROMECHANICAL

for the impedance peaks, which is in agreement with
the theory for transverse vibrations. However, the
discrepancy between the experimental and calculated STRUCTURES
data increases at higher frequencies and reaches
almost 17% for the fifth impedance peak. It is 4.1 Analytical model for 2D
likely that this discrepancy is caused by the adhesive sensor/structure interaction
layer between the two identical single-thickness
beams. Even though the errors seem larger for An axisymmetric two-dimensional geometry provides
the double-thickness beam, the confirmation of a straightforward modeling approach for the impe-
theoretical predictions by the experimental results is dance sensor of a circular configuration. To take
apparent. For the single-thickness beam, the errors advantage of symmetry, the sensor is assumed to be
between calculated and measured impedance peaks bonded to the center of the circular plate. In this
are small, and within the range normally accepted in setting, the center of the circular plate coincides with
experimental modal analysis. the center of the sensor as presented in Figure 10.
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

modulus of elasticity, is the Poisson ratio, is

Circular plate density, and h is the thickness of the plate.
Assuming the solution for the in-plane displace-
PWAS ment that satisfies the homogeneous form of equation
(63), one expresses u(r, t) in terms of orthonormal
FPWAS mode shape functions Rk (r).

u(r, t) = Pk Rk (r) eit (64)

where Pk is the modal participation factor for the

extensional vibrations. Mode shapes Rk (r) satisfy the
Figure 10. Excitation of a circular plate by PWAS. orthonormalization condition
 2  a
Following considerations for the force and moment h Rk (r)Rl (r)r dr d
excitations discussed in the preceding section, the 0 0

effect of the active sensor on the structure can 1 k=l
be presented in terms of the following harmonic = h a kl = h a
2 2
0 k = l
Separation of the time- and space-dependent vari-
Na (r, t) = Na [H (ra r) + H (r)] eit (61)
ables leads to the equation for natural frequencies
Ma (r, t) = Ma [H (ra r) H (r)] eit (62)  
E  1  1
R (r) + R (r) R (r)
Owing to the axially symmetric geometry, no (1 2 ) k
r k r2 k
circumferential component is entered into expres- 1
sions (61) and (62). = k2 (66)
Rk (r)

4.1.1 Extensional vibrations of 2D structure Substituting solution equation (64) into equa-
tion (63), taking into consideration equation (66),
Extensional vibrations are generated by a harmonic multiplying by Rl (r) and applying equation (65)
axial force exerted by a piezoelectric sensor on a gives a formulation for the modal participation
structural element. Adding this force to the balance factor Pk :
of forces results in the equation of motion with an
additional forcing component:  2  a
Rk (r) (Na + Na /r)r dr d
Eh Pk = 0 0
(u (r, t) + u (r, t)/r u(r, t)/r 2 ) a 2 h (k2 2 )
1 2
h u(r, t) = (Na + Na /r) (63) The contribution of the force Na is accounted
for by substituting the excitation equation (61) into
where () = ( )/t, ( ) = ( )/r and u(r, t) is the equation (67). Introducing viscous damping via k ,
in-plane displacement of a circular plate, E is the one obtains

2 Na ra Rk (ra ) Rk (r)(H (ra r) H (r)) dr
Pk = (68)
a 2 h (k2 + 2ik k 2 )
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 15

Considering the modal participation factor (68) and and participate in the equation for natural
expansion (64), one arrives at the expression for the frequencies
in-plane displacement of the circular plate,

 r R (r
a k a ) Rk (r)(H (ra r) H (r)) dr
2Na 0
u(r, t) = Rk (r) eit (69)
a 2 h k=0
(k2 + 2ik k 2 )

4.1.2 Transverse vibrations of 2D structure

D 4 Ym (r) = m
h Ym (r) (73)
The problem of transverse vibrations of circular plates
is very popular in engineering analysis owing to the
Substitution of the solution given by equation (71)
large number of practical applications. In the partic-
into the equation of motion (70), enables one to
ular geometry presented in Figure 10, the piezoelec-
apply the separation of variables solution procedure
tric sensor expands (and contracts) axisymmetrically
outlined in the preceding sections. Utilizing formula-
producing a symmetric bending moment Ma (r, t).
tion (73) in conjunction with the effect of damping,
Hence, in the following derivation, the symmetric
multiplying the result by Yn (r) and applying equa-
loading and boundary conditions are considered. It
follows that for a plate continuous in the circum- tion (72), upon integration over the area of the plate,
ferential direction (i.e., 0 2), the load is one obtains an expression for the modal participation
-independent, and boundary conditions do not vary factor
around the circumference. Adding moment Ma (r, t)  
2 a
to the equilibrium of bending moments acting on the
Ym (r) (Ma + 2Ma /r)r dr d
element of the plate, one arrives at the equation of
Gm = 0 0
motion describing transverse vibrations of a circular h a 2 m2 + 2i 2
m m
plate under the action of the piezoelectric impedance
Substitution of the modal participation factor (74)
into the solution equation (71) and consideration of
D 4 w(r, t) + h w(r, t) = Ma + 2Ma /r (70)
the expression for moment load (equation 62) yields
the final form of the transverse displacement
where D = Eh3 /12(1 2 ) is the flexural rigidity
of a plate; for the particular axisymmetric case
4 w(r, t) = w  (r, t) + 2 w  (r, t)/r w  (r, t)/ 2Ma
r 2 + w  (r, t)/r 3 . w(r, t) =
h a 2
The solution for transverse vibrations is presented
in terms of superposition of modes ra Ym (ra ) Ym (ra ) + Ym (0)
m2 + 2i 2
m=0 m m

w(r, t) = Gm Ym (r) eit (71) Ym (r) eit (75)

Axisymmetric mode shape functions Ym (r) satisfy

the orthonormalization condition 4.1.3 Structural response of the circular plate
 2  a
The dynamic structural stiffness in terms of the force
h Yn (r) Ym (r)r dr d and displacement of the piezoelectric impedance
0 0 
1 m=n sensor is given in expression (53). Since the displace-
= h a 2 mn = h a 2 (72)
0 m = n ment of the sensor at the center of the plate is zero,
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

the total displacement containing in-plane and out-of- amplitude constant Ak :

plane (transverse) components is
h Ak = [J12 (k a) J0 (k a)J2 (k a)] 2 (82)
uPWAS (r, t) = u(ra , t) w  (ra , t) (76)
Transverse vibration modes are described by Liessa
Therefore, a frequency-dependent amplitude uPZT [13]
() can be obtained by substituting extensional
(equation 69) and transverse (equation 75) displace- Ym (r) = Am [J0 (m r) + Cm I0 (m r)] (83)
ments of the circular plate into equation (76). Using
kstr () = FPWAS ()/uPWAS (), it follows that the Note that expression (83) is valid for the case
dynamic structural stiffness of a circular plate is when the nodal diameters are absent, which arises for

  a  1
r R
 a k a(r ) Rk (r)(H (ra r) H (r)) dr Rk (ra )

(k2 + 2ik k 2 )
kstr () = a 2 h k=0 (77)

h  [ra Ym (ra ) Ym (ra ) + Ym (0)]Ym (ra )
+ 2 + 2i 2 )
2 m=0 (m m m

4.1.4 Boundary conditions for the circular axisymmetric vibrations under the applied symmetric
plate load as suggested in Figure 10. In equation (83), m
represents a mode shape number and is related to a
To facilitate comparison of experimental and theore- number of nodal circles. The frequency equation for
tical results, it is attractive to consider a thin circular transverse vibrations of the circular plate with a free
plate with free edges. Extensional vibration modes edge is relatively complex. Numerical procedures are
of a circular plate are governed by the following employed to solve for m , Cm , and Am . Tabulation
expression involving Bessel functions of the first of these parameters for a particular case of free
kind: edge boundary conditions was presented by Itao
Rk (r) = Ak J1 (k r) (78) and Crandall [14]. The availability of eigenvalues
m allows for the calculation of flexural natural
where k is determined from the frequency equation frequencies according to the formulation
J1 (a) 
(1 ) = J0 (a) (79) 2 D
a m = m2 (84)
a h
With the first five roots
where a is a radius of the circular plate.
k a = 2.05, 5.39, 8.57, 11.73, 14.88. k = 1, 2, . . .
Using equation (80), one determines natural fre- 4.2 Experimental verification of the 2D
quencies corresponding to extensional vibrations of a impedance model
circular plate with a free edge:
Experiments were conducted to investigate the dyna-
k = c k (81) mic behavior of thin circular plates subjected to free
 boundary conditions and the loading described in
where c = E (1 2 ). Implementation of the Figure 10. The experimental specimen was fabricated
condition of equation (65) gives an expression for the from aircraft-grade aluminum with E = 70.3 GPa,
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 17

1 105
Axis-symmetric modes

1 104
Re Z () (Log scale)

1 103



Non-axis-symmetric modes
Aluminum plate 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(a) (b) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 11. (a) An aluminum circular plate specimen featuring centrally located PWAS; (b) theoretical and experimental
electromechanical impedances of a circular plate in (a).

= 2.8 103 kg m3 , and = 0.345. The thickness boundary constraints. Theoretical consideration of
of the plate was 0.8 mm and the diameter was a free edge boundary condition for the afore-
100 mm. A circular PWAS (see Section 2.2 for details mentioned plate and sensor geometries resulted
on sensor parameters) was installed at the center of in the impedance response featuring seven flex-
the aluminum plate. An attempt was made to match ural peaks and one extensional peak. Damping
the center of the plate with the center of the sensor was accounted for by assuming the extensional
as closely as possible to realize the axisymmetric vibrations damping factor k = 0.07% and the
geometry and load conditions considered in the theo- transverse vibrations damping factor m = 0.4%.
retical development. Commercially available foam Figure 11(b) indicates a good agreement between
was utilized to imitate free edge boundary conditions. theoretically calculated and experimentally deter-
Figure 11(a) presents the configuration of the exper- mined impedances. Comparison of the experimental
imental specimen and the position of the impedance and theoretical impedance data suggests validity of
sensor. the presented modeling approach and advocates the
The impedance of the 2D sensor/structure system importance of analytical procedures in improving
was measured with an HP 4194A Impedance our understanding of the EMI response of complex
Analyzer. The experimental impedance is presented structures.
in Figure 11(b) along with the impedance calcu-
lated using expression (40). This expression describes
an impedance of the sensor as measured at 5 IMPEDANCE MODELING:
the electrical terminals and explicitly incorpo-
rates the structural dynamic stiffness from equa- CURRENT STATUS AND
tion (77), reflecting the contribution of free edge FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
boundary condition via equations (7884). Notice-
able from equations (40) and (77), the present model Over the past decade, EMI modeling has evolved
includes dynamics of a 2D impedance sensor and dramatically from the 1D approach pioneered by
dynamics of the 2D structure with the generic Liang et al. [10] to coupled numericalanalytical
18 Physical Monitoring Principles

techniques employed for 3D structures by Madhav REFERENCES

and Soh [15]. Although it is probably impossible
to provide a complete list of contributions, authors [1] Crawley EF, de Luis J. Use of piezoelectric actuators
as elements of intelligent structures. AIAA Journal
of this article would like to highlight some recent
1987 25(10):13731385.
modeling efforts that may be of interest to researchers
in this area. [2] Giurgiutiu V, Cuc A. Embedded non-destructive
evaluation for structural health monitoring, damage
The discussed EMI modeling approach incorpo-
detection, and failure prevention. The Shock and
rates both the dynamics of a piezoelectric impedance Vibration Digest 2005 37(2):83105.
sensor and dynamics of the host structure. The latter
[3] Liang C, Sun FP, Rogers CA. An impedance method
includes longitudinal (extensional) and flexural vibra-
for dynamic analysis of active material systems. Pro-
tions. In this respect, the 1D development presented ceedings, 34th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC SDM
in this article further extends the work of Liang Conference. LaJolla, CA, 1993; pp. 35873599.
et al. [10]. Noticeably, this and most of the other
[4] Park G, Sohn H, Farrar CR, Inman D. Overview of
models assume perfect bonding between the sensor piezoelectric impedance-based health monitoring and
and the host structure. Xu and Liu [16] introduced path forward. The Shock and Vibration Digest 2003
the impedance of a bonding layer and Bhalla and Soh 35(6):451463.
[17] further advanced the model to include an effect [5] Zagrai AN, Giurgiutiu V. Electro-mechanical impe-
of the shear lag. dance method for crack detection in thin plates.
Fundamental aspects of 2D impedance modeling Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Struc-
were considered by Zhou et al. [18], who presented tures 2001 12(10):709718.
an analytical formulation for the rectangular geom- [6] ANSI/IEEE Std 176-1987 IEEE Standard on
etry of the sensor and a thin plate; interaction Piezoelectricity.
of a sensor and the host structure via bending [7] Ikeda T. Fundamentals of Piezoelectricity. Oxford
moments produced flexural vibrations of a plate. The Science Publications: 1996.
impedance modeling for axisymmetric 2D structures
[8] Giurgiutiu V, Zagrai AN. Embedded self-sensing
was presented in this paper and in [5]. Dynamic piezoelectric active sensors for on-line structural
behaviors of the sensor and a host structure were identification. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
included, as well as extensional and transverse struc- 2002 124(1):116125.
tural vibrations. Bhalla and Soh [19] introduced the [9] Abramowitz M, Stegun I. Handbook of Mathemat-
concept of the effective impedance to address diffi- ical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathe-
culties in model validation for complex structures. matical Tables. Dover Publications: 1964.
In a recent paper [15], the authors numerical [10] Liang C, Sun FP, Rogers CA. Coupled electrome-
analytical procedure was extended into the 3D geom- chanical analysis of adaptive material systems
etry. Cheng and Lin [20] developed a model that determination of the actuator power consumption
includes interaction of multiple impedance sensors and system energy transfer, impedance modeling of
and their respective masses. Addressing integra- active material systems. Journal of Intelligent Mate-
tion of the custom-built electronic circuitry into rial Systems and Structures 1994 5:1220.
the impedance testing, several EMI models based [11] Park G, Cudney HH, Inman DJ. An integrated health
on electrical circuit analysis [21, 22] have been monitoring technique using structural impedance
suggested and validated against experimental data sensors. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and
and established analytical formulations. There is Structures 2000 11(6):448455.
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will witness further improvements in the accu- Edition, McGraw-Hill: 1986.
racy of impedance modeling, development of the [13] Liessa A. Vibration of Plates. Acoustical Society of
EMI representations for structures of significant America: 1993.
geometrical complexity, and increasing integration or [14] Itao K, Crandall SH. Natural modes and natural
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simulations, and experimental testing. Journal of Applied Mechanics 1979 46:448453.
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling 19

[15] Madhav AVG, Soh CK. An electromechanical actuator-driven structures. Journal of Vibration and
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[16] Xu YG, Liu GR. A modified electromechanical
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patches. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and ators. Sensors and Actuators, A 2005 118:116126.
Structures 2002 133(6):389405. [21] Zagrai A. Electro-mechanical analogies for modeling
[17] Bhalla S, Soh CK. Electromechanical impedance the structural impedance response. Proceeding of
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system modeling approach for induced strain Health Monitoring 2007 6:8194.
Chapter 4
Acoustic Emission

Michael R. Gorman
Digital Wave Corporation, Englewood, CO, USA

assurance procedures. For example, most pressure

1 Introduction 1 vessels are routinely proofed as part of the manu-
2 Modeling MAE Waves 4 facturing process. An advantage of AE is that it
can be used to monitor structures in service and
3 Brief Treatments of Other Important
serve as an early warning of impending failure.
Topics 10
AE signals in engineering structures can reveal the
4 Example of Pressure Vessel Testing 11 presence of growing flaws, detect impacts, locate
5 Example of Composite Rocket Motor leaks, locate frictional interferences, and, with the
Case 12 right setup, provide the precise load at the onset of
6 Summary and Additional Material 14 fracture.
References 21 AE as an NDE technique has progressed to modal
acoustic emission (MAE), which operates on a good
physical basis. MAE is conceptually similar to seis-
mology, SONAR and other branches of mechanics
1 INTRODUCTION and acoustics. AE waveforms can be predicted by
normal mode vibration solutions for finite plates.
Acoustic emission (AE) is a transient mechan- Wave modes allow identification of sources. This
ical wave produced by some disturbance, such as use of normal modes for interpreting AE wave-
a crack that suddenly grows when a material is forms significantly reduces the number of false
stressed. The AE technique is one of the nonde- calls that typically occur in amplitude/duration/counts
structive evaluation (NDE) techniques recognized by (so-called AE parameters) techniques used in the
American society for nondestructive testing (ASNT). past.
The material needs to be stressed in order to use There were several problems with parameter AE,
AE. The stress level should be low enough to be the major problem being that most of the infor-
nondestructive; it should not compromise structural mation in the waves was filtered out by the reso-
use. AE can be applied as part of routine quality nant transducer, 100300 kHz frequency filter, and
AE analyzer circuits that reduced the signals
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by to a handful of numbers thought to be repre-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 sentative of the AE wave. Dr Goranson, former
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. Head of Structures at Boeing, in his paper titled
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

Jet Transport Structures Performance Monitoring, to guided waves in plates, which provides ample
Structural Health Monitoring, Current Status and material since aircraft, pipelines, pressure vessels,
Perspectives, Proceedings of the International Work- storage tanks, spacecraft, and so on, are constructed
shop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford with platelike sections. MAE waves in plates propa-
University, CA, September 1820, 1997, stated: gate for most practical purposes in just two modes.
One mode is called the extensional, or E, wave, and
Classical AE data consists of various parameters the other mode is called the flexural, or F , wave.
intended to represent the AE waveform. The param- The term mode has a meaning similar to vibrational
eters characterizing a given waveform are not neces-
modes but that aspect is not important here.
sarily unique to that waveform and could be the same
for other waves generated by other types of sources. It was shown in [1] that there is a simple and
direct connection between a source and the waves
The MAE approach eliminates the nonuniqueness excited in plate. An ordinary pencil lead, broken on
problem pointed out by Dr Goranson. the surface of a plate, creates a large F wave and very
Another major problem practitioners soon discov- small E wave. A pencil lead break on the edge results
ered was that there were often significant errors in the in a much larger E wave. The F wave amplitude
source location as well. Source location is arguably may still be quite large, depending on how near to
the most critical part of AE. To date, source location the centroidal plane the lead is broken. A crack is
is not part of any American society of mechanical generally an in-plane feature, so this source must
engineers (ASME) codes. In contrast, SONAR and produce an E wave. This general characteristic of
seismological methodologies focus on determining cracks is the basic principle behind the practical use
source location. of MAE.
The language of MAE is much different than the The theoretical study of elastic waves excited by
old parameter or counts AE. The method uses fracture sources has great importance in the field of
familiar engineering terms and theoretically based AE [2]. Without this understanding, it would not
Newtonian physics. This engineering language makes be known how to properly set up a test and the
it easier to explain to personnel charged with deciding meaning of any waves captured would likely be unin-
the fate of a given structure. The connections between telligible to the observer. Numerous solutions have
sources and waves make physical sense, just as they been proposed to calculate the elastic waves excited
do in seismology. in an infinite plate for various AE sources [37]
MAE has renewed interest in AE as an NDE using complicated transform and inverse transform
technique. It has built confidence in its results. The integrals. Although those solutions found use in cali-
main ideas of the waves are described in this article. brating AE sensors [8], they are difficult to extend for
Examples of waves in plates are given, which show studying AE waveforms in finite plates where arbi-
the variation in the mode shapes and frequencies trary source and receiver positions and edge reflec-
encountered as the plate thickness increases. This tions must be considered.
variation with plate thickness is probably the least If the normal mode solution to the classical plate
understood part of MAE. Actual fracture waves in a bending equation could be used to compute the flex-
steel pressure vessel are compared with theoretically ural wave excited by a step-function surface load on
predicted waves, and crack depth is obtained. Also, a finite thin plate, then reflections could be accounted
a new formula is presented for calculating front end for and, due to the simplicity of the equations, there
frequency. Finally, a summary is provided with some would be a possibility of extending the solutions to
further thoughts about using MAE in structural health composite materials. This calculation was done in [9].
monitoring (SHM). The solutions obtained were simple explicit forms
that showed good agreement with the low-frequency
part of an experimentally measured pencil lead break
1.1 MAE background signal, including the reflections. It is well known,
however, that the solutions of the classical plate
The physical material in which a wave propagates is bending equation are invalid at higher frequencies,
called the medium. The discussion here is confined so the calculations did not give zero displacement
Acoustic Emission 3

in the received waveform prior to the arrival of the Given a velocity of 5920 ms1 in steel, the wave-
Rayleigh surface wave. In addition, classical plate length is 1.2 mm. This value is much smaller than the
theory cannot be used to describe the dispersive dimensions of the steel parts typically measured with
behavior of the extensional mode. To overcome those an ultrasonic thickness gauge.
limitations, a higher-order Mindlin plate theory [10, The E wave is dispersive, so the plate velocity
11] was used to compute the elastic wave solutions only holds absolutely at zero frequency but is useful
using the same normal mode expansion approach for for estimating mode presence. At a frequency of
a finite plate [12, 13]. These solutions give very good 100 kHz, a typical MAE frequency, the wavelength
agreement with experimentally measured E and F is 5.1 mm. This is larger than the thickness of many
waves excited by various sources. structural sections. At 50 kHz, = 10.2 mm in steel.
Phenomenologically speaking, the E and F waves For completeness of this present discussion, the
are similar to the longitudinal (P or L) and shear E and F waves in plates are also known as the
(S) waves that are familiar in earthquake engineering lowest-order Lamb modes, S0 and A0 . S stands for
(P, S) and in ultrasound (L, S), but there is a very symmetric and A stands for antisymmetric. Again,
important difference: L and S waves do not change the plane of symmetry is the midplane of the plate.
shape as they propagate; E and F waves do. L and The inherent symmetry of a stretching motion was
S are bulk waves; they propagate in media whose noted above. The inherent antisymmetry of a bending
dimensions are large compared to the wavelength. motion is also straightforward to visualize with the
Once the wavelength is on the order of one of the eraser. There are an infinite number of Lamb modes
dimensions of the medium, like the thickness of corresponding to the infinite number of sinusoidal
a plate, the geometry of the part affects the wave standing waves (these are the modes) that are possible
motion considerably. to imagine existing across the thickness of the plate.
The E wave in a plate has its largest particle Because the waves expected from crack growth
displacement in the plane of the plate, basically a can be predicted theoretically, the use of MAE is
stretching motion, while the F wave is a bending not dependent on a database of repeated tests on
identical specimens. The need for such a database
motion with its largest displacement out of plane or
has often been a barrier to the use of the tech-
perpendicular to the plates surface. The stretching
nique in the past. With the counting techniques
motion of the E wave in the plane of the plate
for example, merely changing the gain changed the
produces a motion of the surfaces of the plate, that
results and required a whole new database. Different
is, the surfaces undergo a Poisson contraction toward
manufacturers equipment counted differently. This
each other. Visualizing the stretching of a rubber
limitation was extremely frustrating, to say the least.
eraser in its long direction gives the correct image.
It also demonstrates the inherent symmetric nature,
with respect to the midplane. E and F waves have
1.2 Practical testing
been observed in impacts on rods and plates (see [14]
and [15] and the references therein). The main goal of MAE for SHM is to locate and
The E wave has a plate velocity of around identify indications for follow-up NDE techniques to
5080 ms1 in steel; the L wave has a velocity of characterize so that stress and fracture analysts can
5920 ms1 . As noted above, the Fourier frequencies assess the importance of flaws.
in an L wave pulse stay together as they propagate, To perform a test, broadband transducers are
that is, they all travel at the same speed and thus an L coupled to a part, the part is stressed appropriately,
wave does not change its shape. This property makes and the waves are recorded. An AE transducer is
the L wave useful for measuring the thickness of a about the size and weight of a standard accelerom-
material. A typical L wave frequency is 5 MHz. The eter and can be mounted on about any structure.
wavelength is related to the frequency by An MAE recorder is essentially a multichannel
digital oscilloscope with some specialized software.
c The frequency spectrum of AE waves ranges from
= (1)
f the high sonic frequency, about 5 kHz, to the low
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

ultrasonic frequency, about 2 MHz. Frequencies in practical testing over the past 10 years, is how shapes
large structures rarely exceed a megahertz. Detection of the E and F waves change dramatically when
equipment is now inexpensive enough to be used for going from 5-mm-thick aircraft skins to 50-mm-thick
continuous monitoring for fail-safe applications. pipelines and pressure vessels. Consequently, we
Briefly put, the waves expected to propagate in a show higher-order plate theory solutions for several
given test can be predicted in advance with reasonable plate thicknesses here. Both surface impulses and
accuracy. If the measured waves have the right shape edge impulses are calculated. The impulse forcing
and frequencies, the source can be attributed to function is an important case. Solutions for other
crack growth (or delaminations, fiber breaks, etc., in functions can then be found by convolution. In
composite materials). The tester should be very aware practice, it has been found that the impulse source
that waves created by noise will also propagate as produces waveforms that match measured waveforms
E and F waves. Noise waves will, in general, look well enough to guide the data analyst to correct
different from crack waves, i.e., their shapes and conclusions without knowing the exact source time
frequency spectra will be different. There are all sorts and spatial functional dependence.
of sources of noise that can be introduced by direct The calculations were performed using the tool
contact or through the air. WavePredictor , which contains the higher-order
Once the basic concepts and techniques are plate theory governing equations described in [12]
mastered for a given type of test, the technique is and [13]. The software tool allows selection of
straightforward to apply and interpret. In fact, it is plate geometry, forcing function, source and receiver
now regularly and routinely applied by technicians positions, transducer size, and digital recorder setup.
in the United States and Canada. In repetitive type WavePredictor is a Windows -based software tool
tests, test technicians have been trained to recognize and a trademark of Digital Wave Corporation.
noise waves and crack waves. Handling new test Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
situations requires more extensive training, and final The source motion and position directly influence
interpretation of test results often requires significant the wave motion. Cracks open up in the plane of
expertise; a radiologist checks human X ray and MRI the plate and create an E wave. If the crack is
readings because the human brain is still the best at symmetrically located about the centroidal axis, no
dealing with the complex mix of factors that go into bending moment is present and the wave motion is
the correct diagnosis. purely extensional, or an E, wave. When the crack tip
is above or below the centroidal plane, crack growth
generates both E and F waves. The F wave usually
2 MODELING MAE WAVES appears much larger on the recorder display because
its motion is strongly out of plane and waves are
2.1 Effect of plate thickness usually measured with a normally sensitive transducer
that is mounted on the plate surface.
It is well known that there are two parts to the solution The graph of phase velocity against frequency is a
to the wave equations governing plates. The homoge- useful way of viewing the dispersion curve because
neous equation results when the forcing function is set it allows the tester, or the software, to determine the
to zero. The solution yields the dispersion equation. A speed for a given frequency component in the FFT of
dispersion plot shows how wave velocity varies with a captured wave. If the arrival times are determined
frequency for each mode of propagation. The inho- using the wave of that frequency, then the correct
mogeneous equation, or forced vibration problem, velocity can be used to calculate the source location.
gives the displacements, i.e., the actual waveforms, Source location determined in this manner will be
for a given source. Just as in seismology and vibra- accurate. For composite materials, the velocity varies
tions, closely matching the shape of AE waves to the as a function of the angle with respect to the main
predicted shape is critical for correct interpretation. fiber axis. This is in addition to the variation of
Many examples of MAE waves in very thin plates velocity with frequency. Effectively, a new dispersion
( < h, h = plate thickness) are now out in the litera- curve is generated at each angle. A computer program
ture. What is not well known, but has been critical in can compute the source position accurately only if it
Acoustic Emission 5

has the ability to properly account for all of these source location is the group velocity because that is
possibilities. the velocity at which the energy of a narrow range, or
Dispersion curves are well known, but one is group, of frequencies propagates. The double-valued
shown here for completeness. It has the typical shape nature of the velocities means that those frequency
for an E wave. Figure 1 shows a dispersion curve groups will mix. The bottom of the group velocity
for an E wave in a 0.635 mm-thick aluminum plate. trough is an important point to keep in mind. These
The velocity at zero frequency is called the plate groups are moving more slowly than certain groups
velocity. Its value is very close to 5200 ms1 . This is in the flexural mode and will, thus, arrive later. This
to be compared with the bulk longitudinal velocity of can be confusing, if not understood, because it distorts
6300 m s1 in aluminum. the standard look of the E and F wave arrivals. The
There are several interesting points about this effect is particularly severe in thicker plate sections.
figure. First of all, there are two curves. The upper one
is the phase velocity and the lower one is the group
velocity. At the lower frequencies, both the phase 2.2 Sources normal to the plane of the
and group velocities vary slowly with frequency and plate
then drop rather quickly. Then they nearly level off
once again at the higher frequencies. The intermediate Figures 24 show waves in aluminum plates of
range is said to be highly dispersive. The mildly standard US thicknesses of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 in.
dispersive range at the lower frequencies is very All other dimensions below are in meters. The waves
useful for estimating wavelength. This is the longest were excited by an impulse source normal to the
wavelength wave because it is the fastest; it will plate and on the upper surface where the receiver
arrive before any other wave. The velocity used in is also mounted. These cases are shown because the

Velocity (m s1)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600
Frequency (kHz)
Upper curve : Phase velocity Lower curve : Group velocity

Figure 1. E wave dispersion curve for aluminum plate 0.0635 m (0.25 in.) thick.
6 Physical Monitoring Principles



0.00 51.20 102.40 153.60 204.80
T (s)
Figure 2. Wave in a 0.25-in.-thick Al plate excited by an impulsive source normal to the upper surface. The front-end
frequency is about 180 kHz. Reflections are superposed on the low-frequency portion of the F wave. Small ripples at front
are artifacts of calculation.



0.00 51.20 102.40 153.60 204.80
T (s)
Figure 3. Wave in a 0.50-in.-thick Al plate excited by an impulsive source normal to the upper surface. The front-end
frequency is about 100 kHz. Reflections are superposed on the low-frequency portion of the F wave.

pencil lead break source is the most used source and fixed at (0.4, 0.4, h/2) m. The digitization rate was
the break is almost always done on the surface of chosen to be 5 MHz. Low-pass filtering was applied
the plate. In contrast, the crack source, which is the so the essential features, particularly the front-end
source to be detected and located, is usually in-plane arrival and shape, were more prominent. A 20-kHz
and not on the surface. The waves from this source high-pass filter was applied. There were 1024 sample
are shown in the next section. points, which gives 204.8 s in the wave window.
The lateral plate dimensions were chosen to be Owing to the digital nature of the calculation, small
0.8 m 0.6 m in the x and y directions, respectively. ripples can show up at early times. These ripples
The impulsive source was placed at (0.2, 0.2, h/2) m, should be ignored. Voltage versus time is shown just
where h is the plate thickness, and the receiver was as would be observed on a digital oscilloscope screen.
Acoustic Emission 7

1.000 1


0.00 51.20 102.40 153.60 204.80
T (s)
Figure 4. Wave in a 0.75-in.-thick Al plate excited by an impulsive source normal to the upper surface. Reflections are
superposed on the low-frequency portion of the F wave. The front-end frequency is about 70 kHz.

The essential features to be observed in Figure 2 where c is the plate wave speed for the material
are the arrival of the E wave, with its low frequen- and h is the plate thickness [16]. This formula was
cies merging into higher frequencies, followed by determined by plotting the measured time between the
the much larger F wave, with its high frequencies first two peaks in a well-formed E wave against the
arriving before its lower frequencies. The front end thickness of plates of different thicknesses. It gives
of the E wave is very clean, which is to say that only an approximate value of the front-end frequency
there are no reflections superposed on it. It gradually for a certain source to receiver distance at which the
merges into the F wave front end, unless the prop- modes are well formed, which usually occurs at about
agation distance is large enough for the two modes 2040h for a wide range of structural materials. This
to separate, which is not the case here. The F wave formula can be used to determine quickly, on the spot
invariably has reflections, or in the case of pressure so to speak, if a tester is looking at plate waves.
vessels, wrap waves, superposed on it. Remember
that the front end, or low frequency, part of the E
wave travels about twice as fast as the fastest compo- 2.3 Sources parallel to the plane of the
nents in the F wave, so these E wave frequency plate
components will speed around a vessel and will inter-
fere with various parts of the direct wave depending The impulse source on the edge is considered next.
on the source receiver distance. The front-end frequency is slightly lower for the
Figures 3 and 4 show similar features for the in-plane source compared to the out-of-plane source.
thicker plates of the same lateral dimensions. The E The effects of different source locations on the edge
wave reflection is interfering with the F wave. The of a 0.25-in.-thick plate, relative to the midplane of
reflection is more dispersed than the direct E wave. the plate, are also studied. The effects are very notice-
For a 1-in.-thick plate, the front-end frequency is able and differences in the waveforms due to different
about 50 kHz. For a 2-in.-thick plate, the front-end source positions can give an idea of the length of the
frequency is about 25 kHz. crack. For example, crack growth in a pressure vessel
A formula that provides a straightforward means of usually starts on the inner diameter (ID) surface
calculating the front-end frequency of a pencil lead and progresses, with pressure cycling, toward the
break on the surface of a material is outer diameter (OD). Initially the F wave is excited
c with very large energy compared to the E wave.
f = (2) As the crack tip progresses toward the midplane of
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

the plate, the relative energies in the modes changes source is at (0, 0.2, z), where z is in the thickness
dramatically. At the midplane the F wave energy direction. z = 0 is at the midplane. The receiver is
vanishes entirely. As a crack progresses to through- mounted on the upper plate face, as in most AE tests.
wall, the modes change again. This knowledge has Again, voltage versus time is shown just as would be
been used for some years to determine crack posi- observed on an oscilloscope.
tion and length in pressure vessels, and an example Figure 5 shows the waves excited for an impulsive
is given in Section 4. source normal to the edge and at the midplane. The
For Figures 58 the plate dimensions are the same wave is purely extensional. Figures 6 and 7 show
as above for the surface source. Now, however, the waves that result from the same type of impulsive



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 5. Waves due to impulsive source at midplane on the edge of a 0.25-in.-thick aluminum plate. Front-end frequency
is about 100 kHz.



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 6. Same plate as Figure 5, only the source is at 0.00127 m up from center edge.
Acoustic Emission 9



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 7. Same plate as Figure 5, but with source at 0.00127 m. Note the inversion of the F wave compared to the one
seen in Figure 6.



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 8. A 0.25-in.-thick aluminum plate. Source at 0.002875 m on edge. SR04. This is the 10% notch case. Note that
E wave is far less prominent than when source is deeper but the front-end frequency is still critical and distinguishable.

source at identical positions above and below the this case represents the 10% notch situation. Now
midplane. The differences should be carefully noted. the E wave energy is a small fraction of the F wave
The E wave is identical in both figures but the F energy. The bending moment is much greater than
waves are 180 out of phase as expected. A growing when the source was near the midplane and thus the
crack would exhibit the same information and the F wave is excited to a greater degree. Although, the
inversion of the F wave would occur as the crack tip E wave energy is less, it is nevertheless observable
passed the midplane, thus revealing its progress from, and the front-end frequency, of which little has been
say, ID to OD if it were in a pressure vessel. said yet in this section, is still distinguishable. It is
Figure 8 shows the same type of source near the critical to verify the front-end frequency in order
upper surface but still on the edge of the plate. In fact, to confirm the crack growth. Noise sources are far
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

Table 1. Aluminum plate front-end frequencies for an acoustical events are generated and propagated in
in-plane source structures. These unwanted events are referred to
Thickness Front-end as noise. Of great significance is the ability of
frequency (kHz) MAE to identify noise events. Mechanical noise will
propagate as plate modes. A resonant transducer
0.006350 m (0.250 in.) 140
0.012700 m (0.500 in.) 80 and narrow bandwidth filter combination often make
0.019050 m (0.75 in.) 60 noise difficult to distinguish from fracture events (see
0.02540 m (1.0 in.) 47 the quote by Dr Goranson above).
Noise events can mislead a tester to conclude
whether a part is defective or even failing. Wave
less likely to have the same impulsive nature as a
modes are the key to separating fracture sounds
crack. The first arrival frequency has been used over
and over in MAE testing to distinguish crack growth from noise (unwanted sounds). This separation can
from noise. It is observed in a later section of this be difficult; noise can be loud and is produced by a
work that, in cyclic work, the presence of a crack number of sources, particularly frictional rubbing on
can be observed by frictional emission emanating and in a material. The key to identifying noise is to
from interference of the crack faces, particularly as check for the front-end frequencies and mode shapes
they close like teeth. This frictional-type emission calculated using wave mechanics.
is very repeatable and locates at precisely the same
position in the specimen until the length of the crack
macroscopically increases. 3.2 Beneficial frictional emission
Table 1 gives the front-end E wave frequencies for
an in-plane source (simulating a crack) for various Sometimes mechanical rubbing can be useful. For
thicknesses of 6061 aluminum plate. example, the emissions produced by fretting of a
These numbers are only approximate and corre- cracks surface can be identified in many cases and
spond to a given source to receiver distance. They are used to accurately locate a crack in, say, a metallic
displayed here to give an idea of what to expect in wing skin. Frictional emission in composite materials
various thickness plates. The calculation (or measure- can be used to accurately identify the location of
ment) for the actual source to receiver distance should delaminations. Relative amounts of frictional emis-
be used for analysis of data. These numbers can be sion may be useful for characterizing damage in
obtained for steel and various composites as well composites. The advantage of frictional emission is
using the program WavePredictor . that it is a repeatable source.
Note that, for greater than 0.25-in. wall, the
frequency ranges above are not within the 100
300 kHz range commonly used in AE testing and 3.3 Source location
called for in every american society for testing and
materials (ASTM) and ASME standard. This is espe- Source location is extremely important [1720]. It is
cially true for the thicker materials typically tested. also the most definite result that can be obtained from
Also, note that the front-end frequency is lower for AE methods. Source identification may not always
an in-plane source than for an out-of-plane source. be possible due to distortion or propagation losses
This is very useful for source identification. but source location can usually be achieved. The
critical nature of a source depends on its location
on a structure. Source location accuracy can also be
3 BRIEF TREATMENTS OF limited by distortion, but only severe distortion makes
the front end, or some definite phase point, difficult
OTHER IMPORTANT TOPICS to determine with accuracy at the various arrival
3.1 Noise positions. The typical cause of severe distortion is
an inhomogeneous propagation path. Placing a sensor
Noise must be mentioned to complete the sketch on the outer bolted cap to a flange rather than on the
of MAE being given here. All sorts of unwanted vessel itself would result in a wave path with multiple
Acoustic Emission 11

reflections that would result in severe distortion of the wave that triggers the threshold crossing. However,
wave. However, the severity of these reflections needs the E wave is the one to look for when trying to
to be determined on a case-by-case basis. detect crack growth. The only way to get around
Usually the source can be located accurately only this discrepancy is to calibrate on the E wave created
if the waves are used. Fixed thresholds often do by a lead break or some source better suited to the
not lead to accurate source location. With digital vessel under test. The E wave created by a pencil lead
wave recorders, this disadvantage of fixed threshold break will be very small but still visible 40 ft away
recorders can be eliminated. on the other end of a trailer tube. For thicker vessels,
Figure 9 shows the same wave as captured at like metallic structures greater than 2-in. thick, and
two different positions. It also shows two horizontal composite vessels greater than even 0.50-in. thick,
dotted red lines in each wave window. These are the pencil lead break does not excite the appropriate
threshold crossing lines at an arbitrary 40 mV level. lower frequencies with sufficient energy and another
It can be readily seen that the waves cross the fixed type of source is recommended such as a tap. Various
threshold at very different phase points. The arrival devices that provide a predictable tap with the right
time difference by threshold crossing is 46 s. The frequency content can and should be improvised.
correct time difference calculated from the front ends For composite materials, any noticeable anisotropy
of the waves is 18 s. On the basis of a velocity in the velocity curves must be taken into account.
of 5.4 mm s1 , the error is 151 mm. The distance
between the sensors was 152 mm. Adjusting the
threshold for this particular case would mean it will
be incorrect for another source position. Thus, source 4 EXAMPLE OF PRESSURE
location based on fixed threshold crossings is to be VESSEL TESTING
avoided. Only source location based on methods of
picking similar phase points on the waves themselves A DOT 3AA specification tube (steel, wall thick-
is to be considered acceptable. nesses of 0.590 in.) had an internal notch introduced
Another point to mention is the use of pencil lead by cutting one into the original seamless pipe and
breaks to set up source location. The pencil lead then forging the domes (Figure 10). The tube was
break is usually done on the surface of a vessel, then hydrostatically fatigued to grow a crack at the
thus creating a large F wave. Usually, it is this notch location.



0.00 51.20 102.40 153.60 204.80
T (s)


0.00 51.20 102.40 153.60 204.80
T (s)
Figure 9. Waves from same source captured at two different positions. Inner most dotted horizontal lines represent positive
and negative fixed voltage thresholds, both negative and positive.
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

This event occurred near sensor number 2. As the

wave propagated out from the crack growth, the plate
modes began to form. The modes had not formed
yet at sensors 1 and 2, because they were close to
the source. It takes approximately 2040 plate thick-
nesses for the modes to begin to clearly form [4].
The modes are clearly seen at sensor 3, while
at sensor 4, the extensional mode is just begin-
ning to separate from the flexural mode in the
displayed A-scan. These points in time are noted
in the figure. Figures 1116 show the theoretically
predicted waveforms from crack growth at various
depths for a plate of the same thickness as the
3AA flask. It can be seen that the near-surface
cracks (Figures 11 and 12) match the signal from the
crack growth the closest. As the crack grew deeper
(Figures 1315) the extensional mode became larger,
while the flexural mode decreased. Thus, by direct
comparison of the crack growth signal to the theoret-
ically predicted signals, the crack growth shown in
Figure 11 is only 12-mm deep.
Figure 17 shows an event from corrosion on the
outside diameter of a flask popping off the cylinder.
Because there is no depth through the wall from
Figure 10. DOT spec 3AA tube undergoing cyclic the source, the waveform is purely flexural with
fatigue. Ellipse shows position of crack near the center. no extensional components. Thus, by monitoring the
MAE transducers are at the ends of small white wires. A wave modes, source can be identified, and follow-up
3T tube, seen at the right, was also tested. Good crack inspections could be limited to those areas exhibiting
growth data were obtained.
flaw signals of interest.

A fracture wave detector (Digital Wave Corpo-

ration, DWC) was used to record the wave signals 5 EXAMPLE OF COMPOSITE
from the sensors. The sensors used were DWC B225
sensors. These sensors have broad frequency response ROCKET MOTOR CASE
over the range of 50350 kHz with a sensitivity Rocket motor cases are simply pressure vessels
of greater than 1 V m1 . PA2040 amplifiers and a (Figure 18). They have two domes on the ends
filter/conditioning module (DWC) provided amplifi- connected by a cylindrical section. Skirts cover up
cation and filtering. Two sensors were located near the domes, so the entire component looks like a long
the notch, while two other sensors were located near tube. The pressure vessel is designed to contain the
the domes of the flask. pressure of the gas created when the fuel is ignited.
The 3AA cylinder was monitored with MAE equip- Composite cases are usually filament wound on large
ment for 400 cycles from cycle 9001 to 9400. mandrels. Some are very large. Others are quite small.
Figure 6 shows a typical waveform of a signal The case shown here was made of graphite/epoxy.
obtained for crack growth in the cylinder. It was The case was impacted by a blunt-nosed tup
deduced that this event came from the crack because with a large mass attached just behind the nose.
it arrived at sensors 1 and 2 first (there were no By varying the impact velocity, damaged areas of
other possible sources near these sensors), it occurred different sizes were created. Damage area was deter-
near the peak pressure of the cyclic pressure, and mined by an ultrasonic mapping that gave the extent
the correct wave mode (extensional) was formed. of the damage.
Acoustic Emission 13

0.500 1


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
0.500 2


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
0.500 3


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
0.500 4
Extensional mode


Flexural mode
0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
Figure 11. Waveform from actual crack growth in 3AA tube.

After a case is made, it is then moved into a was confirmed by ultrasonic methods. The delamina-
hydrotest bay where it is filled with water and pres- tion waves had very large flexural modes associated
surized to ensure that it can withstand the pressure with them. The energy of the delamination wave
expected during actual firing of the motor, if it were was determined and a correlation with delamination
loaded with propellant. growth area was observed. In fact, once this relation-
In this instance, the case was a test article. It was ship was developed, the ultrasound confirmed it in
being studied to see the effect of impact of various every case. It became a dependable diagnostic tool.
energies, which is described here. The case was hydrotested to observe the effect of
The case had wideband MAE sensors coupled to impact. A case of such large size could be impacted at
it and MAE waves were recorded as the case was several locations without interaction between impact
pressurized. It is not the intent here to document all sites. It was observed that increasing impactor ener-
the details of the test. The intent here is to show some gies created increasing damage in the composite.
of the waves and describe their characteristics as they Delamination growth was detected by MAE and
relate to the growth of delaminations in the case. confirmed with ultrasound. An example from one of
During pressurization, waves with both E and F the impact sites is shown in Figure 19.
waves were observed. The pressure was increased to The delamination growth mapped by posttest ultra-
a certain point, held for a specified period and then the sound closely matched the source location map
case was depressurized. Every time events with large of MAE events. Following the ordinate upwards
enough energy were observed, delamination growth (increasing pressure), one can see the events begin
14 Physical Monitoring Principles



0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.80
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.80
T (s)
Extensional mode

Flexural mode
0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.80
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.80
T (s)
Figure 12. 0.04-in. (1-mm)-deep crack from OD. The modes have been identified on the waveform on channel 3. The
waveforms show that the amplitude difference between the extensional mode and flexural mode is quite large. This is
expected for near-surface cracks.

to spread outward on the composite laminate. Larger associated with the smaller energy events was too
energies are also present. small to be observed ultrasonically. These are thought
Waveforms from the delamination growth are to be due to crack growth in the matrix that did
shown in Figures 2024. Large flexural modes are not lead to observable growth in the delamination
observed with measurable delamination growth. This boundaries.
is to be expected because delamination growth is
caused by interlaminar shear stresses between the
delaminating layers. These double couples create 6 SUMMARY AND ADDITIONAL
bending waves, i.e., the flexural waves. These forces MATERIAL
can be visualized as two typical pencil lead breaks
displaced a small distance apart on opposite surfaces AE as a nondestructive test technique has progressed
of the plate. Of course, the actual delamination source to MAE, which operates on a good physical basis.
is somewhere in the plates interior. This is why very It must be understood at the outset that even the
large delaminations actually bulge out and are easily language of MAE is much different than the old
observed visually. parameter or counts AE. This language is very
The waves shown in Figure 24 are those associated important. The method is easier to explain both
with damage growth at the impact site. The damage to technical and managerial personnel because it
Acoustic Emission 15



0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
0.063 2


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
Figure 13. 0.079-in. (2-mm)-deep crack from OD. The extensional mode is now larger. This particular waveform seems
to match the crack growth waveform the closest. The large offset in channels 1 and 2 is due to the numerical simulation.

contains familiar engineering terms that make a direct An understanding of the material and its fracture
connection with related engineering fields. behavior is very important. Cracks usually generate
Waves are either bulk or guided. Bulk waves sharp pulses. Some materials fail by ductile tearing.
are important for MAE tests of thick structures Stroking the plates surface with a finger generates
where the source to receiver distance is short and lower frequency waves.
direct. Large engineering structures are built with The frequencies are created by the source. Those
platelike sections, so most of the practical MAE captured are influenced by the material. Higher
testing is concerned with plate wave propagation. frequency components present at the source may be
The source motion and position directly influence the rapidly attenuated by the material and not detected far
wave motion. An understanding of the material and away. This aspect is where experience plays a role in
its fracture behavior is very important. setting up a test. A few wave propagation checks with
As a crack propagates, from the ID to the OD of a various sound sources are usually carried out prior to
pressure vessel, it generates both E and F waves. No loading a structure. Coverage of an entire structure
E wave means the signal is not from a crack and is can usually be achieved with a reasonable number of
some form of noise. sensors because plate waves are guided waves and
MAE waves are broadband, that is, they contain a travel great distances on the order of several meters
broad spectrum of frequencies (Fourier frequencies) depending on the material and geometry, and the pres-
depending on the source. A very sharp pulse consists ence of reflective surfaces or inhomogeneities that
of more and higher frequencies than a slower pulse. cause scattering.
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

0.125 1


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
Figure 14. 0.12-in. (3-mm)-deep crack from OD. As the crack grows deeper, the extensional mode to flexural mode ratio
gets larger.

Plate waves are dispersive meaning that they produced. Some think that the digital aspect is
change shape as they propagate. This is because the whole difference between the old style AE and
theory predicts that each Fourier component has a MAE. Nothing could be further from the truth. One
different velocity. A graph of phase velocity against method of AE is theoretically based, the other is not.
frequency is called a dispersion curve. In practice, the Fewer specimens are needed with MAE and design
two waves look almost like inversions of each other changes can be handled theoretically, which means
in that the low-frequency components of the E wave that a whole new series of tests can be eliminated.
arrive before its high-frequency components, while Waveforms created by crack growth in a pressure
the high-frequency components of the F wave arrive vessel and delamination growth in composite rocket
before its low-frequency components. It is important motor case were presented and briefly discussed.
to use multiple channels in a test so that the dispersion These examples demonstrate the power of the MAE
behavior can be confirmed. technique to precisely identify and locate the source
MAE is a predictive science that elucidates of emission. The defect growth was confirmed by
the direct connection between source and waves ultrasound.
Acoustic Emission 17



0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
0.125 2


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)

0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
Figure 15. A 0.16-in. (4-mm)-deep crack from OD.

It is important to use multiple channels in a test so Like sonar, seismology, room acoustics, etc.,
that the dispersion behavior can be confirmed. further improvements in technology are still possible.
Examples of noise were given. Noise is under- The research areas are divided into three main areas:
stood as sound waves that are undesirable in a given sources, sensors, and digital signal processing. The
test. Frictional sounds produced by two parts rubbing front-end frequency can be predicted only approxi-
together are very common. The waves created are mately for real sources. The exact time function of
usually narrowband and consist of low-frequency most real sources is not known especially in new
components. On the other hand, electromagnetic testing situations. The impulse has worked well for
interference (EMI) is usually very high frequency fracture sources in steel and graphite/epoxy compos-
but even this is not universal. Electromagnetic fields ites. The spatial part of the driving function depends
exhibit variations, too. Importantly, EMI does not on the stress state near the crack. This state is
exhibit modal propagation characteristics so EMI known inexactly. Theoretically, it is possible to deter-
waves do not look like propagating plate waves. This mine crack length from AE waveforms as described
is another reason why it is important to use more than in the text and given in the example on pressure
one channel in any test. vessel testing. Transducers have not had much fresh
It is important to capture the front end of the wave. insight since the national institute for standards and
This means allowing enough time in the pretrigger technology (NIST) work in the early 1980s. Signal
portion of the digital memory. Location analysis processing in MAE work is still in its infancy.
should be done with the front part of the E wave if The opportunity is taken here to point out to the
possible. This is often the only undistorted part of the skeptics who have had negative experiences with AE
wave. The front-end frequency and its associated in the past, and there are many, that the AE method
velocity give the most accurate location. developed a checkered past as attempts to use it for
18 Physical Monitoring Principles



0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)


0.00 409.60 819.20 1228.80 1638.40
T (s)
Figure 16. A 0.29-in. (7.5-mm)-deep crack from OD. This waveform is purely extensional, since it is at the midplane of
the tube wall.

SHM without fundamental understanding resulted in knowing what type music was to be recorded and
disappointment, particularly in pressure vessels and in what setting? The test equipment should be digital
aircraft. Practical testing is now on a firm theoret- recorders set so the waves can be captured with clean
ical footing. (Not all have learned from Goransons front ends. Transducers should be of the appropriate
experienceeven as this paper was being written, size (diameter) and frequency range for the waves
a new standard was being balloted with the same expected. (Are all sonar receivers the same?)
old one size fits all approacha resonant trans- All analysis should be done, so the physics of
ducer and 100300 kHz bandpasswhich is found in source and wave is clear. The results should be as
nearly every Code and Standard extant regardless of definitive and quantitative as possible. For source
the test article material and geometry. Professor Pao location, experimentally measuring wave velocity
once pointed out with respect to an ASME standard with an artificial source like a pencil lead break is
balloted long ago Were there not serious reserva- acceptable in simple cases like isotropic linear source
tions expressed by concerned engineers, our honored location on a tube trailer tube, but confirmation of the
society would have been burdened with a code that velocity with frequency on a theoretically predicted
had no theoretical foundation [2].) dispersion curve will lead to better results with a
To aid the buyer of SHM methods, no AE test real crack source because the waves produced are
should be performed unless the types of waves that different. This result means that the material proper-
will be measured are predicted and justified on ties used were correct and can be used in calculating
fundamental theoretical grounds in advance. How the wave shapes, which, in turn, enables the tester to
would a good recording of music be made without show the direct and physical meaning of the results
Acoustic Emission 19



0.000 1024.00 2048.00 3072.00 4096.00
T (s)


431.43 651.05 870.66 1090.27 1309.00
T (s)
Figure 17. Waveform from corrosion on the outside of the tube. Channel 2 has been expanded to show the details in the
waveform. Note the higher-to-lower frequency content as a function of increasing time. This is a characteristic of a flexural
mode. Also, no extensional mode component is seen in channel 1. The extensional mode would have separated from the
flexural mode component over the propagation distance, if it had been present, and been observed easily.



Velocity flag
Displacement slit

Figure 18. This shows a portion of a composite rocket motor case and how it was impacted. A rocket case is essentially
a pressure vessel. Figure kindly supplied by D.S. Gardiner, Alliant Techsystems Inc.
20 Physical Monitoring Principles

AE location first hydrotest: impact #8

Energy 010
Energy 1050
Pressure (psi)

Energy 5080



4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Impact Energy Max load Displacement UT prehydro UT posthydro

# (ft-lb) (lbf) (in.) (in.2) (in.2)
0.5 MHz 1.5 MHz 1.5 MHz
K522-08 50.4 2028 0.413 1.08 0.89 10.74
Figure 19. A map of the delamination growth at impact site #8 during hydrotest. Figure kindly supplied by D.S. Gardiner,
Alliant Techsystems Inc.



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 20. Typical wave from small delamination growth in the composite rocket motor case shown in Figure 18.



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 21. Two small delamination events in the composite rocket motor case shown in Figure 18.
Acoustic Emission 21



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 22. Medium energy delamination event in the composite rocket motor case shown in Figure 18.



0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)


0.00 102.40 204.80 307.20 409.60
T (s)
Figure 23. Large delamination event in the composite rocket motor case shown in Figure 18. The waves were so energetic
that they saturated the amplifiers.

to the end user of the information. That is the kind [4] Weaver RL, Pao YH. Axisymmetric elastic waves
of SHM information in which engineers and plant excited by a point source in a plate. Journal of
managers can have confidence. Applied Mechanics 1982 49:821.
[5] Vasudevan N, Mal AK. Response of an elastic plate
to localized transient sources. Journal of Applied
REFERENCES Mechanics 1985 52:356.
[1] Gorman MR. Plate wave acoustic emission. Journal [6] Mindlin, RD. Influence of rotary inertia and shear on
of the Acoustical Society of America 1991 90(1): flexural motions of isotropic elastic plates. Journal
358364. of Applied Mechanics 1951 18:31.
[2] Pao YH. Theory of acoustic emission. Elastic Waves
[7] Lih S-S, Mal AK. On the accuracy of approximation
and Non-Destructive Testing of Materials. ASME,
1978; AMD-Vol. 29, p. 107. plate theories for wave field calculations in composite
laminates. Wave Motion 1995 21:17.
[3] Ceranoglu AN, Pao YH. Propagation of elastic pulse
and acoustic emission in a plate. Journal of Applied [8] Proctor TM, Breckenridge FR, Pao YH. Transient
Mechanics 1981 48:125. waves in an elastic plate: theory and experiment
22 Physical Monitoring Principles

Typical AE waveforms of different energies


Amplitude (V)

46.0 energy
19.0 energy
2 12.2 energy
5.0 energy
2.0 energy
1 1.0 energy
0.2 energy

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (s)
Figure 24. Energies in AE events in the composite rocket motor case shown in Figure 18. Relative energy scale. The
two largest energies were from measurable delaminations, confirmed by ultrasound scans. Figure kindly supplied by D.S.
Gardiner, Alliant Techsystems Inc.

compared. Journal of the Acoustical Society of [11] Mindlin RD, Medick MA. Extensional vibrations of
America 1983 74:1905. elastic plates. Journal of Applied Mechanics 1959
[9] Gorman MR, Prosser WH. Application of normal 26:561.
mode expansion to acoustic emission waves in [12] Huang W. Review of Progress in Quantitative
finite plates. Journal of Applied Mechanics 1996 Nondestructive Evaluation. Plenum press, New York,
63:555. 1998; Vol. 17.
[10] Mindlin RD. Influence of rotatory inertia and shear [13] Huang W, Ziola SM, Gorman MR. Review of
on flexural motions of isotropic elastic plates. Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation.
Journal of Applied Mechanics 1951 18:38. Plenum press, New York, 1999; Vol. 18.
Acoustic Emission 23

[14] Kolsky H. Stress Waves in Solids. Dover Publica- [18] Ziola SM, Gorman MR. Plate waves produced by
tions: New York, 1963. transverse matrix cracking. Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America 1991 90(5):25512556.
[15] Graff KF. Wave Motion in Elastic Solids. Dover
Publications: New York, 1991. [19] Searle I, Ziola SM, Rutherford P. SPIEThe Inter-
national Society for Optical Engineering. SPIE:
[16] Gorman MR, Ziola SM. Digital Wave Corporation. Bellingham, WA, 1995; Vol. 2444, pp. 212223.
Internal Report. 2002.
[20] Martin CA, VanWay CB, Lockyer AJ, Kudva JN,
[17] Gorman MR, Ziola SM. Plate waves produced Ziola SM. SPIEThe International Society for
by transverse matrix cracking. Ultrasonics 1991 Optical Engineering. SPIE: Bellingham, WA, 1995;
29:245251. Vol. 2444, pp. 204211.
Chapter 6
Thermomechanical Models
Minh P. Luong
LMS CNRS UMR7649, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

significant when mass inertia is not negligible, due

to the flux of heat generated through the boundary
1 Introduction 1 of the body, or if the material is loaded beyond its
2 Background of Thermomechanical stable reversible limit. The relevance of coupled ther-
Coupling in Solids 2 momechanical analysis has been demonstrated for a
3 Thermal Phenomena 3 variety of problems, such as fault analysis of nuclear
4 Conduction Phenomena 4 reactors, damping of stress wave propagation, defor-
mation localization after bifurcation, and strength
5 Thermoelastic Coupling in Solids 4
softening of material due to the heat generated by
6 Occurrence and Detection of Damage 7 repeated plastic deformations.
7 Concluding Remarks 15 Internal energy dissipation was recognized by a
References 16 number of well-known scientists [13]. By carrying
out experiments on the cyclic twisting of cylindrical
bars, Dillon [4] identified the work done to the system
by plastic deformation as the major contribution to the
heat effect, and proposed an internal dissipation rate
D related to plastic strain rate. The thermal effect due
1 INTRODUCTION to thermomechanical coupling at the tip of a moving
crack has been investigated [5] within the framework
of thermodynamics, taking into account stress and
Thermomechanical coupling effects in engineering
strain singularities. The heat generated owing to
materials and structural components have tradition-
plastic deformation causes a large local temperature
ally been neglected in thermal stress analyses. The
increase, which is expected to affect the selection
temperature field and the deformation induced by
of failure modes during dynamic fracture and thus
thermal dilation and mechanical loads were solved
influence the fracture toughness of the material. Well-
separately; however, this effect could become
developed empirical theories of plastic deformation
in metals allowed engineers to successfully predict
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by the behavior of a variety of structures and machine
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 elements loaded beyond the elastic limit for purposes
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. of design.
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

2 BACKGROUND OF law of thermodynamics expressed in the above

THERMOMECHANICAL 3. The constitutive relations that describe the mate-
COUPLING IN SOLIDS rial response and assure the compatibility of the
constitutive equations with the fundamental equa-
Infrared thermography is a convenient technique for tions of mechanics.
producing heat images from the invisible radiant
energy emitted from stationary or moving objects When restricting the analysis to perfectly
at a distance and without surface contact or in any viscoelasticplastic material and small perturbation
way influencing the actual surface temperature of assumption, this leads to the following coupled ther-
the objects viewed. The temperature rise ahead of momechanical equation:
a fatigue crack has been measured using a thermo-
graphic camera to demonstrate the local heating at the Cv ,t = r + div(k grad) ( : D : Ee,t )
tip. Attempts have been made to measure and char-
acterize the heat generated during the cyclic straining + S : EI,t (1)
of composite materials. The scanning infrared camera
has been used to visualize the surface-temperature where (kg1 m3 ) denotes the mass density,
field on steel [6], wood [7], engineering materials Cv (J kg1 K1 ) the specific heat at constant defor-
[8], and fiberglassepoxy composite samples during mation, ,t (K s1 ) the time derivative of the absolute
fatigue tests. Recently, this infrared thermographic temperature, r the heat sources, div the divergence
technique has been applied in sports engineering [9]. operator, k (W m1 K1 ) the thermal conductivity,
A consistent theoretical framework is necessary to grad the gradient operator, (K1 ) the coefficient
correctly interpret the thermal images. of the thermal expansion matrix, : the scalar product
The development of the thermoelasticviscoplasti- operator, D the fourth-order elastic stiffness tensor,
city governing equations requires three types of basic Ee,t the time derivative of the elastic strain tensor, S
assumptions [1013]. the second PiolaKirchhoff stress tensor, and finally
EI the inelastic strain tensor. The volumetric heat
1. The basic thermomechanical quantities comple- capacity C = Cv of the material is the energy
tely describing the thermodynamic processes required to raise the temperature of a unit volume
with time: the motion x, the second PiolaKirch- by 1 C (or 1 K).
hoff stress tensor S, the body force per unit Since the physical process underlying the problem
mass b, the Helmholtz free energy , the specific is highly diversified, the modeling is thus approached
entropy s, the heat supply r, the mass density in from a purely phenomenological point of view. Such
the reference configuration, the absolute temper- an approach can be useful in the interpretation of
ature T , the heat flux vector per unit area q, the the energetics of the thermoelasticplastic behavior.
elastic strain tensor Ee , the inelastic strain tensor The classical theory of rate-independent isotropic or
EI , and a set of internal state variables IV = (I) kinematic hardening plasticity is considered to be an
characterizing the material irreversible behavior. adequate basis for such modeling as it offers the
All these quantities are functions of the reference simplest constitutive model for elastic behavior of the
position vector X and the time t. It is note- material while still allowing consistent inclusion of
worthy that the inelastic strain rate can be omitted two-way thermomechanical coupling effects.
from the aforementioned list, to be recovered as When using internal state variables that describe
an internal state variable. However, the internal structural changes in materials, the right-hand side
state variables (IVs) provide useful information member will be completed by other terms repre-
on the microscopic state and on the microstruc- senting the cross-coupling effects [10]. These effects
tural defects, while the inelastic strain provides influence the evolution of temperature through the
information only on the current geometry. second-order terms when compared with the internal
2. The fundamental equations of mechanics defining dissipation term. Their contribution to internal heating
balance laws of linear momentum, angular mom- during the adiabatic process is small and so they are
entum, mass, and energy, as well as the second sometimes neglected.
Thermomechanical Models 3

This coupled thermomechanical equation suggests

the potential applications of the infrared scanning
technique in diverse engineering domains: detection
of fluid leakage [14, 15], nondestructive testing using 2
thermal conduction phenomena, elastic stress meas-
urements [16], and localization of dissipative pheno- 1
mena [1719]. Thus the detected temperature change,
resulting from four quite distinctive phenomena, must
be correctly discriminated by particular test condi-
tions and/or specific data reduction. This analysis is
the principal difficulty when interpreting the thermal
images obtained from experiments under the usual
conditions. (a)

The first term on the right-hand side of equation (1)
is related to the existence of sources or heat sinks
in the scanning field [20]. The surface heat patterns
displayed on the scanned specimen may result from (b)
either external heating, referred to in the literature 0.8
as passive heating where local differences in thermal 0.7
conductivity cause variations on isothermal patterns, 0.6
or internally generated heat referred to as active 0.5
heating [21]. 0.3
3.1 Application to pharmacodynamics 0.0
This term has been recently exploited in a noninva-
sive technique to detect variations in skin temper- 0.4
ature and thus to analyze the pharmacodynamic 0.5
properties of topical corticosteroids using vasocon- 0.6
striction as a marker [22]. Several subjective and
objective methods are available to categorize the (c)
potency of topical corticosteroids on healthy skin.
Figure 1. (a) Application of corticosteroids on a forearm
They are based on analysis of the vasoconstriction to evaluate their bioavailability; (b) change in temperature
caused by corticosteroids. The parameters that have of a forearm obtained by subtraction between two heat
been studied involved changes in skin color. In this images before and 5 min after application of betametha-
work, cutaneous thermal images were recorded in real sone dipropionate cream; and (c) temperature change scale
time. A single application of short-duration test was ( C).
performed without massage or occlusion. A prede-
termined 1.2-cm-radius template surface was used burns, tumors, and microangiopathy [23]. However,
for all tests in order to standardize the results with when used according to the standard method, this
those of the standard skin-blanching test that was technique has been considered insufficiently sensitive
performed after occlusion according to McKenzies to detect slight changes in superficial blood flow
protocol (Figure 1). induced by topical corticosteroids relative to heat
Several skin disorders have been studied by infra- emitted from underlying vascularization [24]. This
red thermography, including allergies, skin infections, work proposed differential imaging that makes the
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

technique more sensitive. The possibility of analyzing 3.2 Leakage detection on structural
thermograms recorded by subtraction of thermal components
images (differential thermography) allows for the
distinction of changes in temperature by subtracting Infrared thermography is particularly useful when
the areas, which do not change, similar to the radio- applied to the detection of thermal phenomena related
logical concept of quantitative or subtractive imaging. to gas flow through holes in metallic walls. In
Moreover, when subtraction is performed as a func- these cases, calorific diffusion of the thermal gradient
tion of time, the rate of variations in temperature caused by the expansion or the compression of a gas
(from t = 0 to tx ) over time, can be assessed, and during its passage through the hole is readily detected
the rate of change (acceleration between time points: with an infrared camera. A short-duration test has
tx to tx+1 to tx+2 ), can be calculated by subtracting the been performed with success on large components of
images from various time points. Differential infrared missile-jet tubes (Figure 2ac). The results obtained
thermography, therefore, permits continuous quan- confirmed that the infrared thermography is an excel-
lent means of ready control, without contact, and can
titative evaluation of cooling in real time, without
be easily set up for the detection of well-localized
Four topical corticosteroids (reference: French
classification: Class I (ultrapotent anti-inflammatory
activity), Class II (potent anti-inflammatory activity), 4 CONDUCTION PHENOMENA
Class III (moderate anti-inflammatory activity), and
Class IV (mild anti-inflammatory activity)) were The second term on the right-hand side of the ther-
tested simultaneously at different sites on the forearm momechanical equation governs the heat transfer by
to obtain as constant a background microcirculation thermal conduction in which the heat passes through
as possible, as the background circulation depends the material leading to a uniform specimen tempera-
on ambient skin temperature, resting state, and limb ture. The second-order tensorial nature of the thermal
positioning [25]. The initial results reveal temperature conductivity, k, may sometimes be used for the detec-
changes in the first 3 h for each topical corticos- tion of anisotropy in heavily loaded materials.
teroid after a single application without occlusion Variations in thermal conductivity may arise
(Figure 1b and c). In contrast, standard testing of because of local inhomogeneities or flaws in the
vasoconstriction evaluates skin blanching after 6 h material [28]. Where an unsteady state exists, the
[26], as this is the minimum period accepted to date to thermal behavior is governed not only by its thermal
obtain clear discrimination between topical corticos- conductivity but also by its heat capacity. The ratio of
these two properties is termed the thermal diffusivity,
teroids. An interval of 16 h is often used because the
= k/C (m2 s1 ), which becomes the governing
patches can be applied in the evening for evaluation
parameter in such a state. A high value of the
the following day.
thermal diffusivity implies a capability for rapid and
The reference methods for evaluation of vasocon-
considerable changes in temperature (Figure 3). It is
strictive activity are based on the presence or absence important to bear in mind that two materials may
of skin blanching, evaluated by attributing an arbi- have very dissimilar thermal conductivities but, at the
trary score from 0 to 3 or 4 by a trained reader, and same time, they may have very similar diffusivities.
it is, therefore, operator dependent [27]. The main A pulsed heat flux has been used to characterize a
value of differential infrared thermography compared delamination within a composite by the discontinuity
to these methods is that of a measurable objective caused in the temperature time history [29].
In conclusion, differential infrared thermography
has two notable advantages: (i) it provides a measur- 5 THERMOELASTIC COUPLING
able objective parameter and (ii) it allows evaluation
of the kinetics of topical corticosteroids shortly after
application, well before the appearance of the skin- The third term illustrates the thermoelastic coupling
blanching effect. effect. The thermoelastic behavior of materials is
Thermomechanical Models 5

2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 AGEMA

(a) (b)

2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 AGEMA

Figure 2. (a) Localization of gas leakage on a large component of missiles-jet tube; (b) leakage location #4 detected with
a difference pressure of 2.5 kPa between the two faces (temperature full scale 2 C); and (c) leakage location #5 detected
with a difference pressure of 5 kPa between the two faces (temperature full scale 2 C).



Figure 3. Thermal diffusivity characteristics of the front face of the royal palace in Fes Marocco.
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

revealed by everyday experience in the form of

linear or bulk expansions and contractions under the
effect of temperature changes and in the applica-
tions of the elastic properties of metals and even
polymers in the production of springs, pins, clips,
and the like. From a phenomenological point of
view, thermoelasticity is thereby linked to a notion
of reversibility. The material responds to mechan-
ical or thermal excitation in an instantaneous manner
and, when the excitation is removed, returns to its
initial state without showing any memory of the
recent changes. Within the linear elastic range and
when subjected to tensile or compressive stresses, a
material experiences a reversible conversion between
mechanical and thermal energy causing temperature (a)
change. Provided adiabatic conditions are maintained,
the relationship between the change in the sum of 1.1
principal stresses and the corresponding change in 1.0

temperature is linear and independent of loading 0.9

frequency [16]. This thermoelastic coupling term may
be significant in cases of isentropic loading where
no energy is added and no energy losses occur. A
stress analysis technique is known as stress pattern
analysis by thermal emissions (SPATE) that measures
the temperature due to the thermoelastic heating and 0.3
cooling of a body under cyclic loading [30]. 0.2
Experience shows thermoelasticity to be a common 0.1
type of behavior. It is characterized by reversibility 0.0
of the response of the material to the excitation it 0.1
undergoes. Thermoelastic behavior is modeled by 0.2
assuming that current values of the temperature and 0.3
strain tensor in the material element are sufficient 0.3
to define its physical state. The free energy arises (b)
as the thermodynamic potential, a function of the Figure 4. (a) Reduced scale model of a double-winged
current values of the temperature and strain tensor. aircraft and (b) elastic stress concentration recorded on the
The stress tensor is obtained by differentiating with test specimen (temperature scale is given in degrees Celsius).
respect to the strain tensor. In an isotropic mate-
rial undergoing small perturbations, linear thermoe- in order to evaluate the weakness zones around
lasticity is characterized by two elastic constants connections between the two wings themselves and
and one thermal expansion coefficient. Elastic and the two wings with the fuselage (Figure 4b). The
thermal strains can be uncoupled as follows: total double-wing design is assumed to lead to greater
strain = elastic strain + thermal strain. In practice, maneuverability. The big disadvantage of the biplane
the thermoelastic equilibrium problem is solved layout was that the two wings interfered with
by using the superposition principle. The problem each other aerodynamically, each reducing the lift
consists of adding together the solutions (i) of the produced by the other. This interference meant that
isothermal problem with excitations and (ii) of the for a given wing area the biplane produced more drag
purely thermal problem [31]. and less lift than a monoplane. This mechanical state-
A vibratory test was performed on a reduced ment is supported by the hot locations on the wings
scale model of a double-winged aircraft (Figure 4a) caused by stress concentrations.
Thermomechanical Models 7

6 OCCURRENCE AND Table 1. Thermomechanical coupling models reported in

Postulates and internal Internal energy
The last term defines the energy dissipation generated variable IV dissipation rate
by plasticity and/or viscosity [32]. Internal energy Dillon [4] Plastic power
dissipation has been recognized by many scientists IV = plastic strain rate
[33]. The work done to the system by plastic defor- Lee [36] 90100% of plastic power
mation is identified as the major contribution to the IV = plastic power
heat effect. In thermoelasticplasticity, there exists Nied and Battermann [37] A part of plastic power
a general acceptance that not all mechanical work IV = a function of dislocation
energy per unit length
produced by the plastic deformation can be converted Raniecki and Sawczuk [38] A function of IV
to the thermal energy in the solid. A significant IV = work hardening
portion of the work is believed to have been spent Mroz and Raniecki [39] A function of IV
in the change of material microscopic structure. The IV = work hardening
work done in plastic deformation per unit volume can Lehmann [3] A part of plastic power
be evaluated by integrating the material stressstrain IV = a part of plastic power
curve. This internal dissipation term constitutes an
important part of the nonlinear coupled thermome- several months required when using the standard
chanical analysis. staircase method [40].
The quantification of this intrinsic dissipation for
engineering materials is an extremely difficult task
without infrared thermography [34]. 6.1 Mechanical evaluation of wood
The infrared thermographic technique is mainly construction materials
concerned with temperature differences (or thermal
gradients) that exist in the material rather than with Damage and failure behavior of wood in tensile,
the absolute values of temperature. It conveniently compressive, or shear loading is an important consid-
detects the dissipation regime of the material under eration in connection with designs or regulations
loading. of wooden structures subjected to high allowable
Ignoring the significance of the coupled thermo- working stresses.
mechanical equation, an unsuccessful attempt [35]
has been made to monitor thermoemissions during
fatigue crack propagation tests. The technique used
was unable to quantitatively detect the changes in
thermoemission caused by small and slow crack-tip
Experimental evidence shows that only part of
the input plastic deformation power is expended to
change the materials microstructure; the other part
is dissipated in the form of heat (Table 1).
In materials testing in an industrial environment,
thermal noise often generated by gripping systems
may sometimes obscure the intrinsic dissipation of
the tested specimen. This difficulty can be over-
come when using thermal image subtraction or (a) (b) Radial
differential thermography as shown, for instance, in
Figure 5. (a) Pine wood specimen sampled in the radial
the case of an XC55 steel specimen subjected to direction and (b) localization of intrinsic dissipation in
rotatingbending fatigue testing. This procedure of wood specimen sampled in the radial direction (each
thermal image processing provides the fatigue limit color hue corresponds to 0.2 C) evidencing the failure
of steel materials within a few hours instead of the mechanism.
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

Several series of monotonic unconfined compres- A reason for their widespread use and continued
sion tests have been conducted on square specimens growth of applications for wood trusses concerns the
of pinewood, prepared along its anisotropy direc- efficiency and effectiveness of punched-metal-plate
tions (longitudinal L, radial R, and transverse T). The connectors. Extensive engineering design services
wood specimens were especially designed (cross support an almost unlimited variety of components
section S0 = 256 mm2 , h0 = 20 mm) with enlarged that can be assembled with plates and dimension
ends to prevent sliding, bending, or premature buck- lumber (Figure 6b).
ling, caused by heterogeneity, bad alignment of Failure modes including the teeth pulling out of the
compression loading, or other significant end effects wood, failure of the wood member within the plated
(Figure 5a). The thermography testing allowed obser- region, yielding of the plate loading, and buckling of
vations of the physical process of failure (Figure 5b). the plate in gaps between wood members are depicted
In several architectural applications, there is a by thermal images (Figure 6c) before failure.
need for development of high-ductility connections
for braced frame systems and energy dissipating 6.2 Application to plain concrete
connections for antiseismic applications. Metal-plate- specimens
connected wood trusses are widely used in residential
constructions (Figure 6a) and are increasingly used Concrete materials present a low thermomechan-
in agricultural and other commercial constructions. ical conversion under monotonic loading. Plastic


0.5 (b)

Figure 6. (a) Metal-plate-connected wood trusses; (b) splice joint under tension; and (c) intrinsic dissipation on
metal-plate connection.
Thermomechanical Models 9

deformation (whereby microcracking and slips occur 1. Under a vibratory excitation, between 25 and
creating permanent changes globally or locally) is one 50% of the nominal uniaxial compression N =
of the most efficient heat production mechanisms. F /S0 , the heat dissipation, detected for 2000 load
Most of the energy required to cause such plastic cycles, is small, even at the hottest location.
deformations is dissipated as heat. Such heat gener- 2. When 0.50 /N 0.75, stress concentrations
ation is more easily observed when it is produced around cracks or defects are readily detected at
in a fixed location by reversed applied loads. These the 1000th load cycle.
considerations define the use of vibrothermography 3. For 0.63 /N 0.88, cracking occurs incre-
as a nondestructive and noncontact technique for asingly in the reduced section part of the
observing the damage process of concrete mate- specimen.
rials [41].
In the laboratory, the high-frequency servo-hydra-
ulic test machine provides a means of vibration Infrared thermography readily depicts intrinsic
and dynamic testing of engineering materials. A dissipation localization, announcing quite different
vibratory loading at 100 Hz, applied to the specimen mechanisms of damage preceding concrete failure
subjected to a given static compression, exhibits, (Figure 7a). The different phases of heat dissipa-
in a nondestructive manner, the irreversible plastic tion, operating during an unstable failure, are readily
strain concentrations around gaps or cracks. The described by heat patterns. When defects or weakness
contribution of the plasticity term is revealed by the zones are present on the specimen, infrared observa-
rapid evolution of heat dissipation once the stable tions evidence the progressive mechanism of defect
reversible stress domain is exceeded, demonstrating coalescence (Figure 7b). The rate of heat generation
the occurrence of an unstable crack propagation at the hottest location is used to detect the threshold
or coalescence of flaws existing in the concrete of the failure process if compared with the traditional
specimen. Experimental results have already shown stressstrain curve. These results have been readily
the following: extended to rock materials [42].

1.6 W

R Flaws
1.2 Y

R 0.4 G

0 H

(a) (b)
Figure 7. Plain concrete specimen subject to a nominal uniaxial vibratory compression N between 63 and 88% of peak
resistance. (a) Thermal image of the specimen and (b) examination of the specimen after test.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

6.3 Rapid evaluation of the endurance images using the function subtraction of images.
limit of plain concrete The resulting subtracted image shows the tempera-
ture change between two compared images, obtained
In accordance with the coupled thermomechanical under nearly identical test conditions. This image
equation, the analysis of thermal images consists processing provides quantitative values of intrinsic
of isolating the intrinsic dissipation from thermal dissipation.
noises by simply subtracting the thermal image This procedure is applied for each load step.
at a reference time from the thermal image at The manifestation of the fatigue damage mechanism
1000 load cycles. Computer-assisted thermography is revealed by a break in the intrinsic dissipation
software allows for data reduction of the thermal regime. The starting load level must be chosen below


Intrinsic dissipation (C)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized stress
Figure 8. The endurance limit of the concrete specimen under compressive loading is graphically determined by an abrupt
change of the dissipative regime.

Figure 9. Experimental reinforced concrete structure under seismic-type loading.

Thermomechanical Models 11


>29.4 1.2
29.2 1.1
29.0 1.0
28.9 1.0
28.7 0.9
28.5 0.8
28.4 0.7
28.2 0.6
28.0 0.5
27.9 0.5
27.7 0.4
27.6 0.3
27.4 0.2
27.2 0.1
27.1 0.0
26.9 0.1
<26.7 0.1
(b) (c)

1.2 1.3
1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.8 0.7
0.7 0.6
0.6 0.5
0.5 0.4
0.4 0.3
0.4 0.1
0.3 0.0
0.2 0.1
0.1 0.2
0.0 0.3
0.0 0.4
0.1 0.5
(d) (e)
Figure 10. (a) Thermal image of a column base of the reinforced concrete structure before seismic-type loading;
(b) thermal image of a column base of the reinforced concrete structure after N load cycles; (c) intrinsic dissipation
located at the column base obtained by thermal images subtraction; and (d) intrinsic dissipation due to N = 270 load
cycles; (e) intrinsic dissipation due to N = 360 load cycles.
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

the fatigue limit. It depends significantly upon the their engineering performance. Information about
concrete characteristics. For example, assume that a the location and significance of structural defects
test is begun at a stress level of about 20% of failure as a basis for maintenance decisions, including
nominal stress, then 30%, 40%, etc. This testing is the extreme case of removal from service, can
continued until the temperature rise attains several be obtained through inspection and nondestructive
degrees Celsius. For each load step, an averaging evaluation.
treatment (among 4, 8, 16, or 32 thermograms) The proposed infrared thermographic procedure
provides more stable thermal images. involves careful examination of those areas where
Experimental results are summarized in Figure 8, defects are most likely to occur. Analyzing the struc-
which illustrates how the endurance limit (EL) ture and the service histories of similar structures in
is determined using a graphical procedure. The similar environments can identify the critical areas.
threshold of critical thermal dissipation is roughly The application of infrared scanning to inspection of
the same for different chosen number of load cycles. concrete structure relies on the fact that the energy is
The threshold corresponds approximately to the value dissipated during the process of accumulative damage
deduced from standard procedures. These experi- when internal cracks or flaws develop. The most
ments have shown that the infrared thermographic likely severe earthquake can be withstood if the
technique can provide the EL of concrete within a members are sufficiently ductile to absorb and dissi-
few hours instead of several months needed when pate seismic energy by inelastic deformations with
using the traditional standard staircase method. These little decrease in strength.
results are consistent with those obtained on concrete Under seismic-like loading, simulated by a rotating
prisms subjected to compressive fatigue testing [43].
mass exciter placed on the top of the building, plastic
hinges form progressively at the column bases where
6.4 Infrared thermographic scanning heat dissipation mainly occurs in the overstressed
of a full-scale earthquake resistant steel reinforcements. The heat, flowing out through
concrete structure the crushed concrete, can be observed using infrared
thermography as a function of the number of load
The damaged areas are located and highlighted by cycles (Figure 9).
heat patterns. These results support and validate Computer assisted thermography software allows
the assumptions to be taken into consideration in the data reduction of thermal images using the func-
numerical procedures for stability and integrity asses- tion subtraction of images and shows the progres-
sment of concrete structures. The phenomenological sive evolution of heat dissipation at a column base
behavior in consideration is therefore the standard of before crack lines become visible. The resulting
reference, allowing the use of the methods and results image is a subtracted image showing the temperature
of continuum mechanics for analyzing and modeling change between the reference time and after N

10 000
Number of load cycles




0 2 4 6 8
Intrinsic dissipation (C)
Figure 11. Endurance lifetime evaluation of a column base of the steel reinforced concrete structure subjected to
seismic-type loading.
Thermomechanical Models 13

load cycles (Figure 10ac). This image processing

provides quantitative values of intrinsic dissipation
corresponding to different numbers N of load cycles.
The results obtained after 270 load cycles
(Figure 10d) and after 360 load cycles (Figure 10e)
lead to a (log N intrinsic dissipation) plot (Figure 11)
that allows evaluation of fatigue lifetime of a column
base of the experimental reinforced concrete structure
subjected to seismic-type loading.
The above data processing (heat image subtraction)
applied for the overall structure under solicitations
readily provides useful information about localization
of dissipation or damageable zones.

6.5 Infrared observations of energy

dissipation on concrete structures
subject to shaking table loading
Load-bearing walls in reinforced concrete struc-
tures are commonly used worldwide. The research
described hereafter was done within the framework
of the European Consortium of Earthquake Shaking
Tables and the Innovative Seismic Design New and
Existing Structures, Topic 5 Shear wall structures
research project, which is supported by the European
Commission. Two large-scale 360 MN specimens
(SPECIMEN A and SPECIMEN B) representing one-
third scale five-story buildings were tested under
dynamic seismic-like loading on the large shaking
table Azalee at the Commissariat a lEnergie Atom-
ique Saclay (French Atomic Energy Agency, Saclay,
France). The loading input signal is an artificial
accelerogram (far-field earthquake) characterized by
its peak ground acceleration (PGA) values.
The mock-up tests performed aimed at demon-
strating the major influence of boundary conditions
at the base of the model, and the feasibility of Figure 12. Experimental reduced scale structure in steel
optimizing low ratio and adequate distribution of rein- reinforced concrete SPECIMEN A tested on the shaking
forcements to obtain multicracking zones (multifuse table of CEA Saclay.
concept) in opposition with the traditional pseudo-
plastic hinge localized at the base of a steel reinforced as recommended in Eurocode 8 allowing a plastic
wall (monofuse concept). hinge at the base. Special attention has been paid
to the influence of different reinforcement ratios and
6.5.1 SPECIMEN A highlighting the effects boundary conditions. During the tests performed,
SPECIMEN A mock-up suffered high damage levels.
of reinforcement ratios
Its behavior was mostly conditioned by its flexural
SPECIMEN A, composed of two lightly reinforced bending. Examination after tests evidenced failure of
walls anchored to the shaking table, is designed steel reinforcements (Figure 12).
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

1.7 Thus, infrared thermography readily evidenced and

0.4 localized, on the scanned wall surface, the plasticity
0.4 of steel reinforcements with a delay due to heat
0.3 conduction characteristics of concrete (Figure 13a
and b).
6.5.2 SPECIMEN B highlighting the effects
0.1 of boundary conditions
0.0 SPECIMEN B, composed of two lightly reinforced
0.0 walls, was designed according to French seismic
0.0 code PS92 recommendations and simply rested on
0.1 a 40-cm-thick sand layer (Figure 14). This test aimed
to reproduce the phenomena of uplift and the fact
that such a nonlinear phenomenon was capable of
isolating the structure from ground-borne excitation.
1.7 In this case, it is expected that soft boundary condi-
tions will determine the seismic behavior of structural




Figure 13. (a) Intrinsic dissipation caused by plasticity
of the steel reinforcements after testing at peak ground
acceleration PGA = 8.0 m s2 (temperature changes T are
given in degrees Celsius) and (b) visualization of dissipa-
tion mechanism due to plasticity of steel reinforcements.

In this case, the dissipation mechanism caused by

plasticity of steel reinforcements can be considered
as an internal parameter so that equation (1) has to
be completed with two supplementary terms repre-
senting the cross-coupling effects, where the former
is caused by the dependence of the stress tensor on
temperature (reversible) while the latter is induced by
the same dependence of the generalized force conju-
gated to the internal state vector (irreversible). This
phenomenon appeared on the concrete surface with
a delay depending on the depth of reinforcements. Figure 14. SPECIMEN B resting on a fine sand layer.
Thermomechanical Models 15


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 15. (a) Dissipation due to slippage of steel reinforcements recorded 6 min after seismic test at PGA = 11 m s2
during 30 s; (b) dissipation due to slippage of steel reinforcements recorded 10 min after seismic test at PGA = 11 m s2
during 30 s; and (c) heat changes are given in degree Celsius.

Table 2. Magnitude order of temperature change

Dissipative mechanisms Range of temperature Time delay
Plasticity of concrete under compression Up to 10 C In real time
Plasticity of steel reinforcements Some degrees Celsius Several minutes of delay
Slippage between steel reinforcements Tenths of degrees Celsius A delay of tens of minutes
and concrete matrix

As in the above case, infrared thermography provided the interesting discriminative characteristics
evidenced friction between steel reinforcements and of temperature changes as in Table 2.
concrete matrix with a delay necessitated by heat
conduction through the concrete layer (Figure 15a
This work has demonstrated that (i) the evolution of
6.5.3 Dissipative mechanisms and their range heat change facilitates the detection of thermobiolog-
of temperature changes ical coupling and (ii) the dissipativity of engineering
materials or structures under solicitations is a highly
Experimental results showed that the discrimina- sensitive and accurate manifestation of damage.
tion of the involved dissipative mechanisms is very Thanks to the thermomechanical coupling, infrared
delicate. Fortunately, this work, originally intended thermography provides a nondestructive, noncontact,
to validate diverse different dissipative mechanisms, and real-time test to observe the physical process of
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

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Chapter 7
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for
Structural Health Monitoring
Udo Peil
Institute for Steel Structures, University of Technology Carolo-Wilhelmina at Braunschweig, Braunschweig,

very reliable. Differences between theoretically calcu-

1 Introduction 1 lated and observed lifetimes may differ by one order
2 Weak-point Assessment and Inherent of magnitude [1]. Lifetime assessment by means of
Damage 3 parallel SHM can considerably improve the accuracy
of the prediction [2, 3]. SHM enables the determina-
3 Load Models for System Identification 3
tion of a wide range of monitoring measures including
4 Load Models for Lifetime Prediction 12
5 Conclusions 25 deflections and strains, e.g., of newly built struc-
References 25 tures due to special test loads to compare measur-
Further Reading 27 ed and theoretical results;
system behavior for system identification;
threshold crossings;
input values for the assessment of the lifetime of
1 INTRODUCTION structures;
maintenance planning; and
The present and the future behavior of structures traffic analysis and control.
in the civil, mechanical, or aerospace engineering
field can often be precisely assessed by means of Any SHM measure is based on a precise know-
certain monitoring measures. Structural health moni- ledge of the system. The knowledge may be gained by
toring (SHM) is a general method that can be used conscientiously performed theoretical investigations,
for the assessment of local or global damage, the e.g., by means of the finite-element method (FEM),
evolution of damage, and the prediction of the life- taking into account the actual system parameters and
time of a structure under certain loading conditions. boundary conditions based on thorough inspections
Conventional lifetime assessment methods are not of the structure. The modeling must be done with
high accuracy, since an oversimplified model of a
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by structure may hide or fake weak points in the struc-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 ture. Because it is difficult to determine certain system
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. parameters precisely, e.g., boundary conditions (grade
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

of a fixed connection) and material parameters (stiff- precisely describe reality in terms of time dependency
ness, mass, or damping), the theoretical results must and amplitudes and their statistics. These load models
be verified. are included in the block titled Load model II in
Verification is accomplished by means of system Figure 1.
identification. Defined loads are applied to the struc- The prediction of future system behavior and/or
ture, and the response is monitored. The results can the lifetime of a structure only makes sense if the
be used to update the physical model parameters. future actions are predictable, as with traffic on
This type of identification is called parametric iden- a bridge or wind or wave loads on a structure.
tification. Nonparametric identification is used if the Unpredictable events such as earthquakes, tsunamis,
system model is unknown. In this case, simple black- and blast loads are not suitable for monitoring and
box models, e.g., fitted least-square functions, can be lifetime prediction. Wind effects due to vortex or
used to describe the system behavior. The system self-excited vibrations on structures lead to the same
identification procedure is based on a comparison of lack of predictability. Since these types of loads are
the system response to a given action. The type of always dangerous events for a structure, which could
action needed depends on the response of interest. For cause very early fatigue damage, these loads must be
example, a concrete structure only reacts to chemicals prevented, e.g., by adding damping to the structure
if there is a special reaction between the chemical [4]. Therefore, these unpredictable events do not play
substances and the surface of the structure. In any a role in SHM and are not discussed here.
case, before establishing an SHM measure, the system In this article, both types of loads mentioned in
must be identified by certain monitoring measures to Figure 1 are briefly discussed:
begin a lifetime assessment with the best knowledge
regarding the structure. For this purpose, precisely load model I: loads for system identification;
defined loads are needed. In Figure 1, the block titled load model II: realistic loads (traffic, turbu-
Load model I reflects this knowledge. lent wind) for the description of realistic future
To be able to predict the lifetime of the structure, a actions.
suitable load model, which may cause future damage,
is required to describe the future actions on the Load model I is usually needed for a single test
structure because they may cause future damage. The when an SHM measure is being selected. It can
models of codes are not usable, in general, because be used again if, after a couple of years, changes
they describe ultimate load situations, which usually in the structural parameter are being assessed, for
never occur in reality. Lifetime predictions must be instance, to check the predicted lifetime provided by
formulated under typical actions, which are able to Load model II. If any change in the system behavior
is to be assessed, e.g., because of damage evolu-
System behavior tion, repeated or continuous measurements must be
identification performed. With the aid of the updated measurement
results, the system damage prediction models can
Load model I
be adapted to the modified situation (and, if neces-
sary, verified using a procedure that applies load
model I). These system damage prediction models are
then called adaptive or smart models [2]. They can
SH-monitoring be identical to classical system or damage models,
but the models are often much simpler because they
only need to predict over a short period of time,
System behavior e.g., up to the next measurement. Since the adaptive
system or damage models can take into account any
system change or change in expected actions, they
Load model II are more reliable than theoretical prediction models,
which predict the system behavior over a long time
Figure 1. Use of load models. period starting at t = 0 s.
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 3

2 WEAK-POINT ASSESSMENT When the weak points are determined, the material
state near the weak points must then be checked
AND INHERENT DAMAGE using nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques, such
Irrespective of the type of structure to be monitored, as ultrasonic, X-ray, magnetic tests, etc. NDT can find
the assessment of critical weak points is one of macrodamage in an order of magnitude of a 10th of
the most important steps in the procedure. Weak a millimeter. Much smaller failures, e.g., microcracks
points or weak spots are areas of the structure that due to fatigue loads on a steel structure, are difficult
are prone to damages or where possible damages to measure, although this damage is inherent in any
cause nontolerable consequences. Weak points of older, i.e., not virgin, structure. The assessment of
older structures, usually designed with very different inherent damage is a difficult part of the identification
safety levels, are normally well known and can process. In general, two possibilities are available in
be determined by existing structural calculations or general to determine the damage state: a theoretically,
by experience. They can simply be identified by model-based and an experimentally based procedure
means of theoretical modeling and parallel system (Figure 2). In this figure, three NDT-methods are
identification measures. shown, which seem to be able to give information
New structures, however, show an equally distri- about the inherent damage state. Modeling of former
buted safety level over a large number of critical actions is based on load or action models of the past.
details. The critical details can then be detected This approach is also discussed in the next section.
by means of probabilistic methods, leading to a
smaller number of measuring points. The procedure
for reliability-oriented determination of weak points 3 LOAD MODELS FOR SYSTEM
classifies critical weak points as points that contribute
the largest part to the overall failure probability of the IDENTIFICATION
structure [2, 5, 6]. These points must be monitored. To
3.1 General remarks
determine the failure probability, the description of

limit state functions and limit values; If the overall system response to certain actions is to
stochastic model; be determined, the system must be loaded so that a
mechanical model; and sufficient system response is generated. Therefore, the
analysis of sequences of events and fault trees loads applied must have the same order of magnitude
as the maximum expected loads. In civil engineering,
are prerequisites. For details see [6]. these loads are prescribed by national load codes. The

Determination of
inherent damage

Modeling Measuring
of damage of damage

Modeling of former actions Acoustic

and system response Thermography

Modeling Measuring
of damage of damage

Figure 2. Determination of the inherent damage in a metallic structure.

4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Collapse Collapse due to overstress

d1 d2 Deformation d1 d2 Deformation
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Effect of load and deformation control.

application of large loads may lead to a structural deflection d2 could possibly lead to damage due to
problem. If the structural behavior is completely material overstressing.
unknown, e.g., an old bridge with unknown material Despite the (rare) problems with hardening sys-
behavior, the application of loads in the form of tems, a deformation-controlled test procedure is
large weights (trucks or tanks if a bridge is tested) usually the best way to test a structure, but it is,
may pose a risk of global or local system collapse. in general, more expensive than a force-controlled
Because of gravity, loads act continually, independent procedure, especially if large loads must be applied.
of any deformation due to dynamic loads. This type of Large bridges, for instance, need expensive addi-
loading of a structure is referred to as force controlled. tional foundations for the tension bar elements and
If the gradient of the load deflection curve decreases the hydraulic jacks. The use of trucks or tanks (force
(Figure 3a), which is usual in most cases, a complete controlled) is much less expensive, in general.
collapse could easily occur if the load F2 is larger than
the ultimate load. For example, supposed a single-
span girder is loaded by a rising water level in a 3.2 Static loads
tank. When the full plastic moment of the girder
(or the lateral buckling load) is reached, the girder For investigation of the overall response of large
completely collapses because of the weight of the structures such as the main girders of road bridges,
water still acting during the collapse process. many heavy trucks or tanks are often used. Railway
In such cases, so-called deformation-controlled bridges are loaded by engines (Figure 4). When stat-
loading is required. Deformations can be induced ically undetermined structures are tested, the effect
with hydraulic jacks or the like. The jack force
causes a deflection of the structure. If the struc-
ture becomes weaker because of damage or nonlin-
earities, the force is automatically reduced and the
given deflection is maintained (Figure 3a). This situ-
ation offers the possibility to measure the nonlinear
behavior of a structure. If the deformations of the
structure are increased by means of the hydraulic
jacks, the required hydraulic force is automatically
If the gradient of the load deflection curve increases
(Figure 3b), which is typical for cable structures,
which show a hardening effect during deflection,
then a deformation-controlled procedure with a given Figure 4. Test loading of a railway bridge.
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 5

of the influence lines or areas could be used to shows the final test position. The weight of the truck
increase the response of the structure by spanwise can be increased by 20 t of water to a total load of
adapted loads. When substructures of the system, e.g., up to 100 t. If higher loads are needed, the truck
longitudinal or cross girders of bridges, are investi- must be anchored at both ends by tension bars to
gated, usually one or two trucks or engines may be the supports.
sufficient. One should keep in mind that such loading tests
Of course, the single loads must be known. Thus give good results for the purpose of system iden-
trucks and tanks must be weighted beforehand. The tification. An extrapolation of the system behavior
exact load due to engines is generally known. under ultimate loads is difficult or impossible, owing
In Germany, tests are carried out by building a to the effects of nonlinear system and, in particular,
special bridge loading truck, which is used for the nonlinear material behavior.
large number of small bridges with a span <18 m, Static tests of smaller structures are less expen-
[7, 8]. This truck can strain the bridge with up to sive because the ultimate loads usually decrease. If
100 t. Figure 5 explains the procedure. Figure 5(a) single loads are used, the procedure is straightfor-
shows the special truck on the road. When arriving at ward. The application of (approximately) continuous
the test site, the rear axles are braked and the traction loads is more difficult. These loads can be realized,
engine is pulled out (Figure 5b). In this case, the for instance, by a few hydraulic jacks, which are
bridge is loaded only by a small load. Figure 5(c) hydraulically coupled so that they do have the same

WWW. . de


G = 80 t
(a) L = 22.5 m

WWW. . de



WWW. . de


Bridge Sensor Measurement

base G 100 t
(c) I 18.0 m L 35.5 m
Figure 5. Special loading truck Belfa. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 7. Ernst und Sohn, 2001.]
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

F/8 F/8 F/8 F/8 F/8 F/8 F/8 F/8

Figure 6. Loading with equal single loads.

oil pressure. However, if the jacks show different fric- 3.3 Dynamic loads
tion behavior, the activated loads are different. If a
precise loading situation is needed, a load-distributing 3.3.1 Large structures or global monitoring
system can be used that leads to equal single loads
as shown in Figure 6. Stationary excitation
It is obvious that the loading system becomes more The simplest way to produce a stationary excitation
complicated and expensive as more single loads are is the installation of an electrodynamic exciter. It is
needed, keeping in mind that a stabilization structure the simplest solution if tests could be performed in
must be added to avoid lateral instability. the laboratory, as is typical in the field of mechanical
In such cases, it is much easier to use the hydro- or aeronautical engineering, because those structures
static (or the aerostatic) principle. If the load is are small enough to be tested in the lab. The exciter
applied by means of a pressure cushion, the loading system consists of a signal generator, a power ampli-
system becomes very simple. Figure 7 shows a fier and the exciter itself. In the lab, electromagnetic
beam under uniform loading. The girder is turned exciters with frequencies from 2 to 10 000 Hz, force
upside down. It is loaded at its supports by means amplitudes from 10 to 500 N, and dynamic deflections
of a load-distributing girder and a hydraulic jack. up to 2 cm are used. The exciters can be anchored at
The beam is pressed into a water-filled fire hose the ground or at large masses, which can carry the
[9]. Thus, a perfect continuous constant load is loads by inertia forces. This configuration must, of
produced. The aerostatic principle can be used in a course, be conscientiously dynamically investigated
similar way. before testing.

Figure 7. Constant continuous loading by means of the hydraulic principle.

Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 7

M M2 M1
M2 M1

r r

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Excitation with unbalanced masses.

If the frequencies are much lower (<5 Hz), hydrau- very narrow resonance peaks that are exhibited by
lic jacks are used, which could produce much higher lightly damped systems. Sinusoidal excitation tests
forces and deflections of the structure. This configu- are time consuming as well. After changing the
ration is typically used for earthquake shaking tables. frequency, a new stationary state must be adapted
The excitation could be stationary (harmonic exci- before the measurements can be performed. Owing
tation) or nonstationary (transient signals, swept to feedback effects, it is often difficult to leave the
sine, noise, etc.), depending on the target of the resonance frequency because the rotational frequency
investigation. persists at the resonance, if the power of the engine
Civil engineering structures can often not be tested is not large enough.
in a lab. The use of a hydraulic exciter is often One can reduce some of the above-mentioned
difficult because the exciter could not be anchored disadvantages if a stationary excitation is used that is
against the ground. In such cases, a dynamic exciter not purely sinusoidal but instead is swept sinusoidal
based on unbalanced masses is used to generate a with a frequency that changes slowly with time
stationary dynamic excitation. If just one mass is (Figure 9). This procedure also requires a precisely
used, a rotating radial force occurs. The force has a controlled unbalanced-mass engine and large masses
horizontal and a vertical harmonic component, which if low frequencies are to be applied. The transfer
shows a phase shift of /4 (Figure 8a). It is often function can then no longer be measured directly.
inconvenient to work with two force components. If
two unbalanced forces, rotating in opposite directions
Transient excitation
are used, only one resulting force component occurs
Because of the above-mentioned disadvantages of
and the second one is internally balanced as shown
the method of unbalanced masses, transient (from
in Figure 8(b).
The forces are proportional to the square of the
circular frequency of rotation  (equation 1):
F =M r  2
Stationary excitations have advantages because the 0.4
energy is concentrated on one single frequency, thus 0.2
the ratio between the signal and the noise is large.
0.0 t [s]
Since the transfer function can be measured directly,
the nonlinear behavior of the system or frequency- 0.2
dependent damping can be measured directly. 0.4
The effort can be substantial, in particular, if 0.6
low frequencies must be excited. Since the circular
frequency  is low, large masses are needed to
generate sufficient force components. The rotational 1.0
speed control must be precise enough to localize the Figure 9. Swept sine.
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

1.0 a special impact hammer, is, of course, important,

A if the system identification method requires the time
T = 10 s history as an input.
P (t ) As already mentioned, a short hammer impact
generates a frequency spectrum with high frequencies
T = 7.5 s and low frequencies possess low amounts of energy;
thus, the low eigenfrequencies of the structure are
0.5 only excited a little. Therefore, the hammer impact
T=5s method is used if small structures with higher eigen-
frequencies are investigated.
Large structures are often excited by means of
T = 2.5 s sudden load relief, i.e., a load jump. This approach
T=1s could be implemented, for instance, by cutting an
f (Hz) auxiliary rope under a certain rope force. The
frequency content of such a load relief jump shows
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 large low-frequency content in the spectrum. This can
also be derived from Figure 10. Therefore, it is ideal
Figure 10. Normalized frequency spectra depending on
the duration of a load pulse. for exciting large structures with low frequencies.
If the method with auxiliary ropes is not practi-
cable, other excitation mechanisms must be used. One
latin: trans ire to pass) excitations are used in
possibility is to use special blasting cartridges, which
most cases. Depending on the size of the struc-
generate a reaction like a rocket. If the cartridge is
ture and of its eigenfrequencies, different methods
mounted on a special device, the time history of the
may be used, bearing in mind, however, that short
force could be measured.
time signals cause a broadband frequency response
and vice versa. A short load-time process, there-
fore, causes a broad frequency spectrum with higher Ambient excitation
frequencies, and a long lasting load-time process The use of ambient excitation, such as wind, waves,
causes a narrow frequency spectrum with many low and traffic, is often a very quick and inexpensive
frequencies. Figure 10 shows different normalized method to assess the main dynamic properties of a
frequency spectra depending on the duration of a rect- structure. The main problem is that the excitation
angular load pulse. input is unknown. Keeping in mind that at a resonance
Electromagnetic or hydraulic exciters can be peak only the accompanying eigenmode responds
used in the field as well. These approaches have significantly, the problem can be partly solved.
already been discussed in the section on Stationary Assuming that only one eigenmode responds at the
excitation. resonance frequency and that the damping is small
Smaller structures are usually excited by means as usual, the excitation has no phase shift, thus the
of a hammer impact. Special impact hammers allow imaginary parts of the solution can be neglected. In
the load-time history to be measured. This informa- this case, the response at two points (i.e., two degrees
tion is not necessary, if only eigenfrequencies and of freedom) can be expressed as follows (equations 2
the damping are to be measured. The eigenfrequen- and 3):
cies can easily be determined from the peaks of the
computed frequency spectrum and the damping is ua (j ) = aj yj (i) and ub (j ) = bj yj (i)
estimated from the time history by analyzing the
decrease in amplitude. If more than one eigenfre- (2)
quency is excited, the time history may need to with
be band-pass filtered to determine the frequency-
dependent damping values [10, 11]. The informa- Tj P (i)
yj = (3)
tion of the impact-force time history, measured by i 2 j kj
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 9

as the modal response in the j th eigenfrequency. aj a = 1, 2, 3, . . . degrees of freedom related to a refer-
is the value of the eigenvector j at point a, P is the ence degree of freedom at b [12].
unknown excitation vector, j is the damping value at This relation even holds true if, in the case
the j th eigenfrequency, and kj is the modal stiffness of stochastic excitation, instead of the Fourier-
(equation 4): transformed time histories, the power spectral densi-
ties (PSD) are used. For this purpose, the PSD are
kj = mj j2 (4) determined from the response time history. Informa-
tion about this task can be found in [13]. The peaks
of the PSD locate the eigenfrequencies. The modal
If the ratio masses cannot be determined, because the excitation
forces are unknown.
ua aj
= (5) The damping of the structure at ambient exci-
ub bj tation can be determined from the autocorrelation
function (Figure 11). If the structure is excited by a
is formed, one can see from equation (5) that the stochastic process in a frequency range that contains
modal response, which contains the unknown exci- the main eigenfrequencies of the structure, the system
tation vector P, is eliminated by reduction. Thus, the response depends on its mechanical transfer func-
components of the eigenmode can be determined at tion. If the excitation follows a white noise spectrum,

Load PSD

0.01 0.1 1.0 f (Hz)


Transfer function

2 1 1
H =
k 2 (1h2)2 + (2xh)2

0.01 0.1 1.0 f (Hz)

R(t) R(t)
R(t + 8T )
Response PSD
iFFT t (s)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

0.01 0.1 1.0 f (Hz)

Frequency domain Time domain
Figure 11. Damping assessment at ambient excitation.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

the response function is proportional to the transfer

function due to the multiplication of the load PSD
and the system transfer function. In practice, it is
sufficient that the load PSD is approximately constant
around the eigenfrequencies. It is well known that the
autocorrelation of the system response is the trans-
formation of the PSD of the system response into the
time domain (WienerKhintchine relation [13]). The
autocorrelation of a system, which vibrates mainly at
its main eigenfrequency, looks like a typical damped Figure 12. Impact hammer.
vibration function. Thus, the damping is determined
in the usual manner (equation 6): reactors). In these cases, it could be advantageous to
use piezo elements.
1 R( ) Diverse piezoelectric materials of different dimen-
= ln (6)
k R( + k T ) sions, made as double-sided electroded discs, are
available. The amount of the impact depends on the
where k is the number of cycles with the period size of the piezo element, the direction of polar-
T between the measured amplitudes of u (k = 8 in ization, and on the electrical voltage applied to the
Figure 11). piezo [14, 15]. For monitoring limited areas of flat
In practice, this method is a very powerful one structures, it is recommended to use simple circular
because the damping of large structures can be
discs with a diameter of 1030 mm and a thickness
measured without expensive measurement devices. It
of less than 0.5 mm (Figure 13). A two-component
is important to note that the method is a statistical
epoxy is used to bond the elements with a certain
one, which leads to reliable results only if the law of
pressure to the structure. If the structure is metallic,
large numbers is observed. This law means that the
it can be used as an electrical conductor. In this
measurement period must be long. Large structures
with eigenfrequencies of about 0.4 Hz need measure- case, the epoxy must be made electrically conduc-
ment periods of 1 h or more. If the measurement tive by adding copper powder with a particle size
periods are too short, accidental numbers will be the <100 m. Finite element (FE) simulations show that
result. the thin epoxy layer can be regarded as a stiff
bond [16].
Because of the free boundary conditions at its rear,
3.3.2 Small structures or local monitoring the thickness mode of vibration of the piezo discs
does not affect the structure in any significant way. In
Impact loads
Small structures or local parts of larger structures fact, in this case, the radial component caused by the
can be dynamically excited by a hammer impact as lateral strain of the piezo is important. If the vertical
mentioned above. This is a simple and inexpensive component is used, additional masses at the rear must
procedure. Owing to the higher eigenfrequencies be added to permit a reaction supported by the inertia
of small structures, the higher frequency content forces.
of a hammer impact is perfect for the excitation of The elements can be used as actuators and/or as
these eigenfrequencies. If the hammer allows the tip sensors. This is a great advantage because it reduces
pressure time history to be measured, then the input the costs.
for a parallel calculation of the forced vibration is A hybrid amplifier is used for excitation of
available (Figure 12). the piezo elements [16]. This amplifier meets both
In some cases this method is not optimal, espe- requirements for improved control of the piezos
cially when repeated or continuous measurements are compared to a regular voltage amplifier: with this
scheduled over the lifetime or repeated monitoring equipment, the actuators with a relative small capac-
(and loading) is impossible owing to large heights or itance can be driven with signal frequencies of up to
owing to dangerous environments (the inner parts of 200 kHz.
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 11

Figure 13. Piezo discs.

Ultrasonic loads The excitation sources commonly applied are stan-

Ultrasonically excited infrared thermography (UT) dard high-intensity ultrasonic converters used for
is a relatively new NDT technique for detecting metal and plastic welding [14]. The converters are
flaws and damages in different materials. The under- designed to operate at a single frequency or within
lying idea of the technique is the thermal activa- narrow frequency bands. Typical working frequencies
tion of defective locations, such as cracks, delam- are 20 000, 40 000, and 60 000 Hz. Some special-
inations, and kissing bonds by high-intensity ultra- ized ultrasonic generators allow the converters to
sonic mechanical excitation in the frequency range be operated over a larger frequency range, i.e.,
>20 000 Hz [14]. In the vicinity of defects, the 15 00025 000 Hz. The extension of the frequency
elevated dissipation causes a local rise of the surface range is linked with some technical obstacles because
temperature, which is detected full field and noncon- the converters themselves are optimized to operate
tacting by highly sensitive infrared (IR) cameras [15]. under resonance conditions at a single frequency. For
A defect can clearly be distinguished from the undam- good defect detection, variability of the excitation
aged structure if the presence of the defect causes frequency fU is of special importance. Mechani-
a higher dissipation of mechanical energy than the cally, the system, composed of the component to be
surrounding material. tested and the ultrasonic excitation, constitutes a two-
Numerous potential fields of application for this degree-of-freedom system. Tests showed that similar
innovative NDT technique have been explored in the to lower frequency vibrations, high energy input can
past. This includes flaw detection in laminates and be achieved if the vibration system is operated under
composite materials, crack detection in lightweight resonance conditions. Resonance occurs if the exci-
metal and ceramic structures, as well as application tation frequencies coincide with a natural frequency
in the automotive and aircraft industries. A major of the tested component, a practice that explains the
advantage of ultrasonically excited thermography is selection of high frequencies for defect detection. If
its fast applicability, the full-field resolution, and the only a single frequency is used during excitation,
selectivity in finding defects. Additionally, the equip- a stationary vibration pattern develops. This causes
ment is reasonably lightweight for mobile testing. poor defect detection capabilities of UT in the zero
Despite its early successes, the technique is currently crossings of the vibration mode. The problem can be
still under development. Numerous issues concerning addressed by shifting or wobbling of the ultrasonic
the ultrasound excitation, measurement approach, and frequency during testing.
data processing of the IR images need to be addressed The aim of IR-image data processing is the detec-
prior to a broader application of the technique. The tion and separation of defects from the thermal back-
application and further development of the tech- ground radiation of the remainder of the structure. A
nique for the detection of cracks and fatigue damages promising approach is the so-called lock-in technique.
in metallic civil engineering structures is subject For this purpose, the power output of the excita-
to current research activities. The primary concerns tion source is modulated by a modulation frequency,
involve the optimization of mechanical excitations in fm , which is much smaller than fU . The ampli-
the ultrasonic frequency range and the corresponding tude modulation of the excitation leads to temporal
data processing techniques. periodic variations of the dissipated energy and the
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

corresponding temperature changes in the vicinity of of the structure under the moving load and due to the
defects. This variation of the surface temperature is additional pavement roughness.
captured by an IR-image sequence over a certain In the following section, typical load or action
time interval and is analyzed on-line or off-line with processes and possible models are discussed.
respect to the periodic variations. A discrete Fourier
transformation (DFT) of the temperature evolution of
each pixel can be used to separate the temperature 4.2 Traffic model
changes at the modulation frequency, whereas contri-
butions at other frequencies are filtered out during 4.2.1 Load generation
data processing. The DFT can be used to calculate the The generation of a load sequence of road traffic is
amplitude of the temperature evolution and its phase difficult owing to the stochastic character of the loads,
shift with respect to the modulation cycle; these can the widely scattered traffic behavior, the dependence
be easily displayed as amplitude or phase images. on the local site, and the nonlinear effect caused by
The phase shift, especially, promises good results for feedback of traffic to the drivers. Nonlinear effects
defect recognition because it is not influenced by vari- are usually not taken into account. A sufficient micro-
ations in the local surface emissivity. traffic model should, therefore, take into account the
distribution of vehicle weights
4 LOAD MODELS FOR LIFETIME sequence of vehicle types
time distance between vehicles.
These input values are stochastic variables. The
4.1 General remarks statistical data of vehicle types may be estimated from
vehicle registration data from the authorities. If no
If the lifetime of structures is to be assessed, models data are available, WIM (weigh-in-motion) data can
of the structural behavior are needed. Usually three be measured to get the input data, for instance, for a
types of models are necessary: bridge. WIM, first proposed by Moses [18], has been
applied worldwide for more than 20 years [19]. On
load or action model the other hand, data can be achieved by means of
system model strain measurements of, e.g., cross girders of bridges
damage model. [2022]. If measurements are not available, estimated
load distribution functions must be used.
In this article, the different types of load models Typical vehicle sequences (e.g., clustering of
are discussed. The load or action models can be trucks) and typical temporal distances between
deterministic or stochastic. Usually, nearly all loads vehicles must be taken into account as well [2].
are stochastic, but the variance may be very small, so Experiments have shown that, for instance, the
they appear to be deterministic. Water loads acting on influence of a traffic time history with clustered
gates, for instance, of locks in a canal, do have very trucks is large [2]. The fatigue of a specimen loaded
small variance as the water level changes between with a force time history taking into account typical
the lowest and the highest point. Such loads may be truck clustering is just 50% compared with a force
treated as deterministic. time history, which shows exactly the same statistics,
Wind or wave loads and typical road traffic show but includes stationary distributed trucks over time.
a large variance. The scattering between very light The vehicle statistics (load distribution, clusters, and
vehicles and extremely heavy ones is large, for temporal vehicle distances) depend on the type of
example. The same holds true for railway traffic. road (highway, country road, and city road) and on
Although the sequence of trains is known by the time the local situation. The statistics of a certain road
schedule, the single-axle load is not [17]. type can also be used for other similar cases, e.g.,
The scattering of the loads is increased by the for other bridges of the same road. If the statistical
dynamic system behavior. A load that passes a bridge input is known, artificial loadtime histories can be
causes vibration of the structure due to the deflection generated by means of the Monte Carlo method.
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 13

t23 t31 t11 4 t12 t23 t32 t21 t11

Newton per millimeter square

10 3 23.3


5 11.6

0 1
2 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 1

Figure 14. Time history of traffic and vehicle assignment.

In the first step, the measurement records must be density function of the overall traffic is needed. As
analyzed. Figure 14 shows a small part of a long-term an example, Figure 15 shows the histogram of vehicle
record. Heavy trucks and lighter cars are easy to iden- loads measured at a cross girder of a highway bridge.
tify. In the whole record, four different types of vehi- In the next step, four weighted normal distributions
cles are identified: (i) cars, (ii) light or empty trucks, are used to fit the measured histogram. It is obvious
(iii) ordinary, and (iv) heavy trucks. The question is that the overall traffic can be described well by the
how to separate these different classes. To do this, the sum of four normally distributed vehicle types [2].

q1 = 0.44
sx 1 = 0.65 Cumulative distribution function
x1 = 1.3

1 qi fi (x )
q2 = 0.36 0.5


0.03 sx 2 = 6.85
q3 = 0.15
x2 = 7.8
sx 3 = 3.82 q4 = 0.06
0.02 x3 = 21.1 sx4 = 5.10 0.25
2 x4 = 34.0
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Vehicle weight (t)
Figure 15. Load distribution and fitted combination of density functions.
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

1 2 3 4

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Figure 16. Matrix of sequence densities.

On the basis of the discriminate analysis method, functions of the temporal distances in seconds bet-
e.g. [23], the intersections of the normal distribu- ween two successive vehicles sorted in a similar
tions represent the borders of the four accompanying matrix. The row of a matrix element indicates the
classes. The intersection points in this example are 3, actual vehicle type and the column the next one.
17, and 28.5 t (Figure 15). With this class definition, Elements (3,1) or (4,1) indicate, for example, cars
the traffic stream plotted in Figure 14 can be classified (type 1) waiting impatiently for an opportunity to
into four classes. In the next step, the traffic stream overtake trucks, as the modal value of the distri-
is transposed into a stream of numerals, which define butions in these elements is remarkably low. If n
the adjacent classes, (lower part of Figure 14). sequences of vehicles are to be taken into account,
To classify the sequence and the temporal distances the matrix becomes n-dimensional.
of the traffic (expressed by the numerals), an n- With these data, an artificial traffic stream can be
dimensional matrix can be used. First, the description generated using the Monte Carlo method. A random
of the vehicle subsequence is discussed (Figure 16). generator generates vehicle types that always consider
The rows belong to the class of the first vehicle, the most recent sequence generated on the basis of the
the columns to the subsequent one. The elements densities shown in Figure 16. Temporal distances are
of the matrix then contain a histogram of the four chosen according to the densities in Figure 17. The
vehicle classes. The histogram of element i, j shows actual load of a vehicle is then randomly determined
the probability of occurrence of the next vehicle in on the basis of the corresponding density of the
that sequence. It is obvious that the probability of forecast vehicle type.
occurrence of succeeding trucks is high (see the high
mode of the distributions in elements with a column 4.2.2 Strain-generating procedure
number greater than 1). If n sequences of vehicles are
to be taken into account, the matrix becomes (n 1) Although it is not a typical question of load gener-
dimensional. ation, a few remarks are given about the genera-
A similar approach is used to describe the temporal tion of adjacent strains in a structure, e.g., a bridge
distances of the vehicles. Figure 17 shows the density [24]. The structure is usually modeled by the FEM
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 15

1 2 3 4

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

Figure 17. Matrix of temporal distance densities (time in [s]).

(Figure 18). In a preceding modal analysis, eigen- 1 NSYS

values and eigenmodes are extracted as inputs to
the iterative solution scheme. The different types of
vehicles are idealized as damped 2-mass systems for
each wheel. They consist of a wheel mass, a mass
containing the corresponding part of vehicle body
and payload, spring and damper between both, and
another spring representing the tire tangent stiffness
(Figure 19).
It should be noted that the use of the modal
method implies that the passing vehicle masses are
small compared with the structure mass because the Figure 18. Finite-element model.
vehicle masses are not included in the system modal
parameters. If the loads are high (e.g., railway) and waviness w. Figure 20 shows some PSD functions
the bridge is short, i.e., light, then an expensive full of pavements of different conditions [24].
time history calculation may be necessary. For use in numerical simulations, a discrete real-
A large number of measurements show that it ization of a roughness function is needed. This real-
is permissible to define the roughness of roadway ization can be generated from a finite Fourier series
surfaces to be a Gaussian, stationary, and ergodic with random phase, where the amplitude ui of each
process characterized by a power spectral density Fourier term is determined (equation 8) in accordance
function. In [25] the exponential function with the spectrum
 ui = 2 i (i ) (8)
() = (0 ) (7)
Owing to the higher intensity of roughness at
was proposed. Equation (7) describes the PSD by low circular frequencies (larger wavelengths), the
a reference frequency 0 and the dimensionless smaller frequency interval 0 is chosen at this
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

Generated pavement roughness


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Left wheel 2
m1 1
Right wheel 1

35 36 37 38 39
Figure 19. Wheels as 2-mass systems.

Power spectral density of roughness (cm3) (logarithmic)

500 Asphaltmedium condition

100 Asphaltgood condition

Asphaltvery good condition


0.05 Concretemedium condition

0.01 Concretegood condition

Concretevery good condition

0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.81 2 4 6 8 10 20
Distance circular frequency (1/m) (logarithmic)
Figure 20. Power spectral densities.
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 17

Roughness (cm)
2 Asphaltmedium condition

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
x (m)
Roughness (cm)

2 Asphaltgood condition

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
x (m)
Roughness (cm)

2 Asphaltvery good condition


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
x (m)
Figure 21. Pavement roughness profiles.

point. Figure 21 shows three generated roughness codes, the wind load is statically modeled on the basis
profiles as an example. of an envelope of the maximum-gust wind speed.
Because the system changes at each time step, the This assumption is on the safe side for freestanding
submodels of the bridge and vehicles must be treated structures, as it is the worst-case loading. Thus, it
separately. The coupling forces of both systems are cannot be used for the assessment of the lifetime of
calculated and an iteration must be performed until a structure.
the Euclidean norm of the changes of the interactive Because of the time-dependent wind forces, slender
forces fall below a given threshold. The solution of structures respond with vibrations. Furthermore, even
this iteration is saved for each time step in modal a gust-free, laminar wind can excite vibrations. Exam-
coordinates. Subsequently, displacements, velocities, ples are vortex-induced or self-excited vibrations like
accelerations, or stresses can be calculated from these galloping or flutter. The latter occur if the structure
data for nodes that are of particular interest. is not rigid, but can respond to wind effects with
deformations [4]. The structure itself may then control
the wind force and the problem becomes aeroelastic.
4.3 Wind models Since these events may cause long lasting vibrations
with large amplitudes, they could cause structural
4.3.1 Introduction
collapse or early fatigue damage. Thus, they must be
The natural wind is the most important loading case prevented, e.g., by adding damping to the structure.
for tall structures like skyscrapers, towers, masts, and They do not play a significant role in SHM and thus
chimneys. The wind process is highly dynamical, and will not be discussed here.
the wind forces change in time and in space due to the Vibrating structures, especially those made of steel,
roughness-induced gusts or turbulence [4]. In many are prone to fatigue, even if the stresses are very
18 Physical Monitoring Principles

much lower than the yield stress. Thus, the adequate the superimposed fluctuating part due to turbulence
description and modeling of the stochastic turbulent (equation 9):
wind process is a prerequisite for a lifetime assess-
ment of a structure. u(z, t) = u(z) + u (z, t) (9)

Figure 23 describes the situation: the actual wind

4.3.2 Models for gust-induced vibration
speed is the sum of the mean wind speed and the
Description of the wind process superimposed gusts.
The natural wind changes in time and space. One The increasing profile of the mean wind with height
can illustrate the process by imagining that a constant can be described by a logarithmic or a power law
flow between high- and low-pressure zones is super- [2, 26]. Both profiles are rather similar at lower
imposed by wind balls (gusts) of any diameter and heights (<100 m); over 100 m the power law is
rotation direction near the rough earth surface. The closer to reality [27]. The logarithmic law reads
rougher the surface, the more turbulent or gusty the (equation 10)
wind is and vice versa. Figure 22 shows a measured
wind profile. It is obvious that the wind speed z
increases with height. z0
u(z) = u(10) (10)
The time record of a wind speed is normally 10
split up into two parts: the mean wind speed and z0

344 m 341



30 20 30 40
v (m s1)

Figure 22. Wind field measured over 20 s.

a = 0.40 a = 0.28 a = 0.16

z (m)

300 uG

um um um

Figure 23. Wind speed depending on roughness and height.

Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 19

z is the height at which the speed should be of the structure. It is not the aim of this article
determined, and z0 is a so-called roughness height to deal with the problems of random vibrations;
depending on the roughness of the surface (Table 1). for a description of these, the reader is referred to,
um (10) is the mean reference speed at 10-m height, e.g. [31]. This article discusses just the stochastic load
usually given by codes or meteorologists. For greater characteristics.
heights, the power law is closer to reality, and it reads Figure 24 shows three records of measured wind
as follows (equation 11): speeds. The passing gusts cause a correlation between
 z  the wind speed record at a certain height level
u(z) = u(10) (11) and between the speeds of neighboring levels. The
10 correlations can be described by auto- and cross-
where is an empirical exponent depending on correlation functions. Figure 25 shows auto- and
the roughness on site; its value can be taken from cross-correlation functions as an example. The sym-
Table 1 [28]. meric function is the autocorrelation Rxx ( ) of the
If the influence of the changing roughness is record at level a. The skew functions are the cross-
to be investigated in more detail, the mixing of correlations Rxy ( ). The broader the correlation func-
profiles must be taken into account [29, 30]. In the tion, the longer the signals are correlated, the larger
framework of this short article, no more details can the mean gusts. The maxima of the cross-correlation
be provided. functions are shifted a little. The time shift indi-
The turbulent wind is a stochastic process. For cates the time difference a gust needs to reach the
the lifetime assessment of a (vibrating) structure, other level. Figure 24 illustrates this correlation. The
the statistical input must be known. As already increase of wind speed indicates a gust. The height
mentioned, the wind process is split up into a level 66 m is hit by a gust at about 50 s. The height
constant mean wind speed and a fluctuating speed. level 30 m is reached by the same gust due to the
The structure response due to the mean wind speed ball shape about 4 s later, and both functions show
is purely static. The remaining fluctuating part of the the largest correlation if they are shifted by 4 s.
wind process results in stochastic random vibrations The auto- and the cross-correlations decrease with
increasing time or distance. This trend is the conse-
Table 1. Description of the terrain category quence of the limited gust diameter. The value of
the autocorrelation function at = 0 is the variance
Terrain Description z0 (m) zmin
I Open sea, lakes 0.01 0.13 0.13 2 60
with minimum
5-km free area in
wind direction, 50
flat country
without obstacles
II Terrain with fences, 0.05 0.16 0.26 4 40
single farm
u (m s1)

houses, trees,
III Suburbs, industrial 0.3 0.22 0.37 8 20
or trade areas,
u (66 m) + 20 m s1
IV Cities with a 1 0.3 0.46 16 10
u (48 m) + 10 m s1
minimum 15% of u (30 m)
built-up area with
buildings with a 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
mean height t (s)
more than 15 m
Figure 24. Wind speed records.
20 Physical Monitoring Principles

10 Rxx (t)

f (192 m)
b 5
a (30 m) ab


80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80

r (s)
Figure 25. Measured auto- and cross-correlations.

of the stochastic wind process. For more information 100

about the determination and interpretation of correla-
Normal PSD Sn = Su f /s u2

tion functions, see e.g., [32].

If the correlation functions are Fourier-transformed
into the frequency domain, the PSD function Su is
obtained (WienerKhintchine relation). An estima-
tion of the PSD can be obtained by taking the Fourier Eurocode 1
transform of the measured records and then squaring 102 Von Krmn
the resulting PSD. A PSD describes the frequency- Kaimal
dependent variance of the stochastic process. The Harris
integral over the whole PSD gives the variance of 103
the stochastic wind process. 103 102 101 100 101 102
In the past, many PSD functions Su have been Normal frequency fn = f Lux /U
proposed [4, 26, 27]. Some of them are based on Figure 26. PSD of wind speed.
physical background, some are empirical functions,
and others are limited to small heights (Figure 26).
In this article, it is not possible to go into the details with
of the PSD functions.
The Eurocode [28] prescribes a PSD as follows f1,x Li (zeff )
N1,x = (13)
(equations 12 and 13): u(zeff )

f1,x Su (n1,x ) 6, 8 N1,x where f1,x is the lowest eigenfrequency of the

RN = = structure, v 2 is the variance of the wind process,
u2 (1 + 10, 2 N1,x )5/3
um (zeff ) is the mean wind at the effective height zeff ,
(12) and Li is the integral length scale. The integral length
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 21

scale is the mean gust diameter. It is assessed by If the structure is hit by a turbulent wind at more
integrating the autocorrelation function, i.e., deter- than one point (which is usual), then the cross-
mining the area under the function. This value is correlations between the wind processes between
divided by the maximum at = 0 (equation 14). The these points become important. Coherence is intro-
resulting rectangle has the same area as the autocor- duced as a dimensionless characteristic number of
relation function. the correlation of two spectra. It is given by (equa-
 tion 18):
Rxx ( ) d 

Li (z) = =0 (14)  |Si,j (f )|2
Rxx (0) i,j = (18)
Si (f ) Sj (f )
The integral length scale Li results from (equa-
tion 15) In practical cases, the auto-PSD is available from
codes, but not the cross-PSD. Thus, the coherence
Li (z) = 300 (z/300) (Li , z in meter) must be determined on the basis of a proposal from
for zmin z 300 m Davenport [33] (equation 19):

Li (z) = 300 (zmin /300) (Li , zmin in meter)

f C z
ij (f ) = e u10 (19)
for z zmin (15)
Li (z) = 300 m for z 300 m For the so-called decay constant, C, values between
5 and 12 are used. The coherence can be determined
with in any direction of space. In such cases, the coordi-
. . . Exponent, (Table 1) nate z must be replaced by x or y. The decay
zmin (Table 1). constants depend on the direction [4, 26]. In equa-
The variance v 2 of the wind process can be tion (19), f is the frequency and u10 the mean wind
determined from the turbulence intensity Iu , which is speed at 10-m height.
defined to be the variation coefficient of the stochastic With the known coherence, the cross-PSD can now
process (equation 16): be determined (equation 20):

u (z)

Iu (z) = (16) Sij = ij (f ) Si (f ) Sj (f ) (20)


This function can be expanded as follows (equa- For a structure with more than one point under
tion 17): wind loading, the auto- and cross-PSD are written in
a spectral matrix. Equation (21) gives an example for
 z  three loaded points (Figure 27).
Iu (z) = Iu (10)
1 S11 S12 S13
Iu (10) = (17)
Sij (f ) = S21 S22 S23 (21)
ln(10/z0 )
S31 S32 S33
The turbulence intensity is provided in the codes
[28, 30]. It should be noted that all codes present The tilde shows that the elements are complex
values for the maximum wind load situation. Iffor values and the star indicates the conjugated complex
lifetime assessment calculationseven lower wind values.
speeds are taken into account, the values should In the next step, the wind force must be calculated
be used with some reflection. In [27] values of from the wind speed. Slender, linelike structures
nonextreme wind situations are given. are usually investigated under the assumption of a
22 Physical Monitoring Principles

dynamic behavior of the vibrating system can be

described in the frequency domain by its mechanical
transfer function [35]. Although this is not what
this article focuses on, the methodology is briefly

summarized. The transfer function is determined by
2 calculating the steady dynamic response of a state
variable of a structure under a variable harmonic
load with constant frequency. If the calculation is
performed for every single frequency in the range of
interest, the dynamic transfer function for this state
variable is obtained. The calculation is performed
with standard dynamic analysis methods.
Multiplication of the PSD of the wind load SW (f )
Figure 27. Structure with three correlated wind attacks.
and the dynamic transfer function results in the PSD
quasi-steady theory (equation 22): of the response (equation 25):

SA (f ) = |H (f )|2 SW (f ) (25)
Fw (t) = C A u(t)2 C A u2
2 2
+ C A u u (t) (22) If the mechanical transfer function is determined
for a state variable deflection or for an internal force,
Wind forces due to quadratic terms are neglected. the PSD of the response describes a deflection or an
This model simplifies in practice because it assumes internal force. Because of the influence of the square
that all wind gusts are equally transferred into wind of the mechanical transfer function, resonance peaks
forces. Owing to different gust diameters, which have a considerable effect on the response PSD. As
could be interpreted as different frequencies, the the integral of the wind speed, PSD is equal to the
transfer function is frequency dependent. The smaller variance of the wind speed process, the integral over
the gusts, the lower the resultant wind force, and the the response PSD is equal to the variance of the
faster the gusts pass, the higher the frequency [4, 34]. response process (equation 26). The whole procedure
Thus, the aerodynamic coefficient in the second part is graphically described in Figure 28.
of equation (22) decreases with the frequency. To 
calculate the PSD of the wind forces, the PSD of A2 = SA (f ) df (26)
the wind speed turbulence must be multiplied by the 0
aerodynamic transfer function aero (f ) (equation 23):
The overall response can then be determined by
Siw (f ) = ( C A u) aero (f ) Si (f ) (23)
2 2 addition of the result of the static solution under
mean wind and the dynamic response under turbulent
Investigation in the frequency domain wind (equation 27).
To analyze the effects of wind loading in the
frequency domain, the wind process is decomposed A = A + g A (27)
into a mean wind speed and the superimposed fluc-
tuating part due to turbulence (equation 24): The so-called peak factor g depends on the level
of probability of occurrence of the peak values;
w(z, t) = w(z) + w  (z, t) (24) for extreme wind situations it is usually chosen
to be about 3.5. If lower wind speeds are under
The determination of the system response under investigation, the factor is different.
the static mean wind force w is performed by a static If structures with more than one degree of freedom
calculation and results in a static response A. are to be investigated, the influence of the cross-
The second step is the determination of the system spectra must be taken into account. Equation (25)
response to the dynamic stochastic process. The becomes a matrix formulation in these cases. The
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 23

S V (f ) nonlinearities by means of a nonlinear static calcula-

Turbulence tion. The system parameters of the state under mean
spectrum wind are then used for a linear dynamic calculation,
resulting in a tangential vibration around the opera-
tion point (Figure 29) with W as a wind force and
f as a deflection. If the nonlinearities are small, the
(a) deviation from the real solution is small.
caero (f )
Aerodynamic Investigation in the time domain
admittance Investigations in the time domain are performed
if structural nonlinearities (caused, for instance, by
cable sag of guyed structures, certain material nonlin-
earities, etc.) play a significant role. Any time domain
(b) calculation requires that time-dependent forces be
defined, i.e., wind forces. The wind forces are deter-
S W (f )
Windforce mined from the wind speeds, usually neglecting
spectrum the influence of the frequency-dependent aerody-
namic transfer function, because it is defined in the
frequency domain and not in the time domain. If this
influence is to be taken into account, fitted indicial
(c) functions calculated from the frequency-dependent
aerodynamic transfer function can be used [36]. For
H 2(f ) the generation of an artificial wind speed record, the
admittance whole wind process is split up into a constant mean
wind speed part and a fluctuating one. The following
derivation is focused on the fluctuating part. The total
wind speed record is then achieved by superimposing
the mean wind speed to the fluctuating part.
The process of generating artificial wind speed
SA(f ) records begins with a given statistical input that satis-
Response fies the total wind speed record. Input parameters
include the variance of the process, the mean wind
Resonant response speed, the PSD, and the decay factors of the coher-
ence functions.
Background response
For the generation of wind speed records, many
(e) 0.01 0.1 1.0 10
numerical procedures are available:
f (Hz)
Figure 28. Procedure for the determination of turbulent superposition of harmonic waves with different
wind effects. amplitudes and stochastic phases;
filtering of a white noise with autoregressive filter
general procedure is very similar, and is discussed (AR, ARMA models);
in more detail in [35]. data composition by means of wavelets.
Owing to the assumption that the response contri-
butions at all frequencies can be superimposed, Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
the frequency-domain method is restricted to linear ARMA models required large storage space in the
systems. If the nonlinearities are small, they often can computer, but they are very fast. Wave superposition,
be taken into account by means of linearization. For on the other hand, requires more CPU time, but less
this purpose, the nonlinear response of the mean wind storage space. The effectiveness of ARMA models
load situation is calculated taking into account the strongly depends on the filter order and the chosen
24 Physical Monitoring Principles

Wdyn Wstat f

wind load


0 10 20 30 40 50 f
t (s)
Figure 29. Linearization around the operating point.

time step. The wave superposition method seems to parts of Hj m (fn ) by means of equation (30):
generate time records that correspond better to the
statistical input values. Thus, the wave superposition {Hj m (f )}
method is explained in more detail; it is based on a j m = arctan (30)
{Hj m (f )}
fast algorithm [37, 38].
The wind speed time history at node j results The spectral density matrix for this purpose is
from a type of cascade algorithm, starting from the usually set to be real. Only a phase angle of  = 2
wind process at node i, which depends only on its f x/u is taken into account (Taylors hypoth-
autospectrum. The wind speed process uj (t) at every esis) in equation (28). The phase angle m,n of
other node is generated by the addition of another the mth process with frequency fn in node j is
independent process (equation 28). a uniformly distributed random number between 0
and 2.
The superposition of the harmonic components is


 performed with much less effort if it is done in the
uj (t) = |Hj m (fn )| 2 f cos(2fn t
frequency domain. A summation over all components
m=1 n=1
m results in a Fourier transformation of the time
+ j m (fn ) + m,n ) (28) history in node j (equation 31):

|Hj m (fn )| are the amplitudes of the harmonic compo- cj (fn ) = |cj m (fn )| ei(j m (fn )+m (fn )) (31)
nents at node j , which could be determined from the m=1
spectral density matrix via a Cholesky decomposi-
tion. The elements Hj m (fn ) must meet the condition The back transformation into the time domain
(equation 29) yields (equation 32):

S(f ) = H(f ) HT (f ) (29) uj (t) = cj (fn ) ei2nk/N (32)

In equation (28) f is the frequency distance If the number of Fourier coefficients is a power
between the discrete frequencies fn and fn+1 . The of 2, the calculation can be accelerated using the
phase angle  results from the complex cross-PSD algorithm of Cooley and Tukey [39]. The amplitude
and can be determined from the imaginary and real of the harmonic wave with frequency fn of the wind
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring 25

component of the node m in node j can be determined Finally, the mean wind speed at the different sites
by equation (33): must be superimposed.

|cj m (fn )| = |Hj m (fn )| 2 f (33)
The factor 1/2 results from the spectral function Any monitoring measure needs actions or loads to
defined over the whole two-sided frequency band up produce strains in the structure to be monitored.
to the frequency of In this article, advice and references are given for
the right choice of actions or loads and how to
N 1 model these loads. Two types of loads are generally
f = (34)
T necessary for SHM measures. At the beginning of
the SHM procedure, precise system identification is
with N equal to the number of discrete values in the usually needed to adjust the theoretical model of the
time domain and T equal to the length of the time structure or parts of it. If a life time prediction of the
record (equation 34). structure should be performed, other types of load
The real and imaginary parts of the Fourier coef- models must be used, which take into account the
ficients of the component m in node j are (equa- probability of occurrence of realistic load situations.
tions 35 and 36): Both types are discussed.
In this article, only traffic and wind load models
{cj m (fn )} = 2 |cj m (fn )| cos(j m (fn ) are discussed in detail. Unexpected loads such as
+ m (fn )) earthquakes, blasts, etc., cannot be predicted very
accurately; thus, a lifetime assessment is not feasible.
{cj m (fn )} = 2 |cj m (fn )| sin(j m (fn ) A similar situation exists with wind-induced vibra-
+ m (fn )) (35) tions, e.g., due to vortex shedding, galloping, flutter,
etc. These vibrations are usually always dangerous
with for a structure and may cause heavy fatigue or other
types of damage; therefore, wind-induced vibrations
1 must be prevented rather than predicted.
cj m (fn ) = ({cj m (fn )}) i {cj m (fn )}
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pp. 213228. Jones NP, Shi T, Ellis H, Scalan RH. System-identification
[38] Clobes M. Identifikation und Simulation insta- procedure for system and input parameters in ambient
tionarer Ubertragung der Windturbulenz im Zeit- vibration surveys. Journal of Wind Engineering and
bereich, Dissertation. TU-Braunschweig (Germany), Industrial Aerodynamics 1995 54/55:9199.
2008. Peil U, Nolle H, Wang Zh. Nonlinear dynamic behaviour
[39] Cooley JW, Tukey JW. An algorithm for the of guys and guyed masts under turbulent wind load.
machine calculation of complex Fourier series. Journal of the International Association for Shell and
Mathematics of Computations 1965 19:297301. Spatial Structures 1996 37:7788.
Chapter 8
Static Damage Phenomena and Models
Shankar Sundararaman
Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

(ii) time and frequency-domain models, (iii) linear

1 Introduction 1 and nonlinear models, (iv) elastic, viscoelastic,
2 Damage Detection using Nondestructive plastic, and viscoplastic models (material-based),
Techniques 3 (v) micro, meso, and macromechanical models, and
(vi) analytical models including three-dimensional
3 Schematic Approach to Modeling
elastic, plane strain, and plane stress models,
Damage 6
empirical and numerical models such as finite
4 Structural Damage Phenomena 7 element, finite difference, boundary element, and
5 Static Damage Models 12 cellular models. A detailed description of different
6 Case Study: Sensitivity Analysis of types of structural models is given in [1].
Damage Phenomena 14 Damage phenomena can be analyzed using either
7 Summary 23 static or dynamic models. Dynamic damage models
trace the growth and retardation of damage. The use
Acknowledgments 26
of static damage models enables the study of the
Related Articles 26 structural response to damage while freezing varia-
References 26 tions due to damage growth and/or retardation. By
Further Reading 30 solving the structural inverse problem, measurement
data can be used to extract physical and modeling
parameters that change due to damage.
Most structural models are based on an assumption
1 INTRODUCTION of linear elasticity, which indicates that the stress is
independent of the loading history [1]. Viscoelastic
Models are used to describe the state of a models are based on a cumulative loading history.
structural material/component using a mathematical Both elastic and viscoelastic models are limited to
relationship based on observed measurement data small deformations. Plasticity theory typically incor-
and/or physics-based laws. Structural models can be porates large deformations, usually past the yield
classified as follows: (i) static and dynamic models, criterion, through the use of a deviatoric stress tensor
in addition to elastic volumetric stress, kinetic strain
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by hardening, isotropic strain hardening, and other quan-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 tities. Additionally, plasticity theory describes phys-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. ical mechanisms associated with irreversible behavior
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

observed in real structures, such as loading and 2. Composites, laminated or otherwisedelamina-

unloading conditions leading to different structural tions, debonds, fiber pullout, fiber breakage, and
states, due to changes in dislocation densities. From matrix cracking.
a design viewpoint, plasticity is concerned with iden-
tifying the maximum load that a structure can sustain These damage types are typically identified in
without excessive yielding [2]. Material phenomena the literature by monitoring variations in geometrical
observed in other types of materials often reside dimensions, density, elastic modulus, damping, cyclic
outside the scope of plasticity theories that incor- stress amplitude, wave speed, impedance, microhard-
porate plastic anisotropy, martensitic states, time ness (a quantity based on durability and small-scale
and temperature-dependent plastic strained mate- shear modulus), and/or electrical resistance changes
rials (viscoplastic), elastic hysteresis, and direction- [3]. Each of these monitored quantities produces
ality of strain hardening. Some details regarding different levels of effectiveness in identifying brittle,
these concepts are outlined in Damage Evolution ductile, creep, and fatigue damage. Surveys of models
Phenomena and Models [2, 3]. presented in the literature that describe the cumulative
In the simplest description, the loss of struc- effects of fatigue damage on metals and composites
tural integrity and reduction in performance can be are provided in [4, 5].
identified on the basis of the sensory perception It is important to emphasize that static damage
that a detrimental mechanical change has occurred. can be monitored using static analysis methods
This perception can be visual/optical (for example, such as geometrical measurement and microhard-
large cracks), sonic (for example, brake squeal), ness measurements, as well as strain and dynamic
tactile (for example, surface roughness), or olfac- analysis techniques such as standing wave/vibration
tive (for example, malodorous gas leaks). However, methods and traveling wave methods. The term
the concept of structural integrity as diagnosed by static damage is typically used to refer to electrosta-
these conventional techniques is limited to identi- tic-induced damage or damage caused by static loads
fying only when a component has failed or can no [6]. Here, the term is used in a more general sense
longer be reliably used. The need for developing to refer to all damage models that do not consider
objective indicators to improve safety and reliability growth and retardation of damage. Static damage
of component operation, lower costs, facilitate main- models can be classified as geometrical (associated
tenance scheduling, and monitor inaccessible struc- with spatial changes, including, length, width, thick-
tural locations resulted in the development of several ness), material (associated with modulus, density,
nondestructive techniques. Physics-based structural damping), thermodynamic (humidity, temperature),
models facilitate the continued and iterative devel- and electromagnetic (resistivity, permittivity) models.
opment of these techniques by reconciling the input The focus of most structural models is on geomet-
and response parameters from the experimentally rical and/or material parameters, while the thermo-
observed phenomena. The parameters monitored and dynamic quantities are usually classified as environ-
the structural model studied is ultimately dependent mental factors. However, there has been increasing
on the nondestructive technique used for structural emphasis in the incorporation of thermodynamic and
diagnostics. electromagnetic factors in structural health moni-
toring damage models to reduce model uncertainty.
Apart from damage types, damage models are also
1.1 Static damage models developed on the basis of the nondestructive testing
Broadly, the following macrostructural damage and measure administered to identify damage. Other
defect phenomena are of interest: factors that drive the use of static damage models
include the form of the measured data including
1. Metalscorrosion, cracks (see Free and strain, pressure, and acceleration, and the instru-
Forced Vibration Models, Figure 21), dents, mentation used including strain gauge, accelerom-
manufacturing imperfections, residual stresses, eter, laser vibrometer, linear variable differential
inclusions, and fatigue damage (see Free and transformer, rotary variable differential transformer,
Forced Vibration Models, Figure 12); force transducer, pressure transducer, thermocouple,
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 3

Table 1. Schematic of material and geometrical changes associated with different static damage types (adapted from [7])
Damage Material Geometrical model Material model
Corrosion, M Thickness reduction Density and/or stiffness
oxidation change
Cracks, notch All Moment of inertia, Local damping and
cross-sectional area impedance change
Buckling All Moment of inertia, Global impedance reduction.
cross-sectional area
Creep All Geometrical distortion Modulus change
Fastener preload All Cross-sectional area, length Impedance (stiffness)
loss; joint change
Plastic deformation M Geometrical distortion Stiffness and mass change
Microstructural All Not applicable Local modulus and damping
degradation change
Fiber pullout LC Fiber separation (gaps in fiber Damping, stiffness, and
length) density change
Fiber breakage LC Fiber distortion (changes in Damping, stiffness, and
position of fibers) density change
Matrix cracking LC, Ce Not applicable Damping, stiffness, and
density change
Debonding Co, LC, Layer separation (thickness Impedance reduction
Ce change)
Delamination Co, LC Local layer separation Impedance change
(thickness change)
M, Metals and alloys; LC, Laminated composite; Ce, Ceramic; Co, Generic orthotropic and composite materials
(metallic/ceramic/LC); All = M, LC, Ce, Co.

hygrometer, electromagnetic sensors, X-ray radio- Defect types, mechanisms, and static damage
graphs, infrared cameras, and tomograms. Material models along with suitable references to the litera-
models can be further divided into material property ture and some details of the historical background
models that describe individual changes in physical are provided in the remainder of this article.
parameters and impedance models. In all instances,
there are changes in the stresses and strains that
are manifested as changes in the material property 2 DAMAGE DETECTION USING
matrices. Some of the methods used for modeling
different damage types are described in Table 1.
More details of geometrical and material models of TECHNIQUES
some of these damage types are provided in [7].
Although these models provide an idea of the effect The development of structural models can be traced to
of a particular type of damage, the lack of infor- the need for information on the necessary geometrical
mation of modeling parameters because of uncer- and material parameters such as stiffness and mass
tainties in the material stiffness properties, extent of density that ensure safety and structural integrity.
material anisotropy, spatial spread of defects, and A historical background of structural models from
defect shape often results in insufficient modeling the time of Archimedes to the middle of the twen-
accuracy. tieth century is provided in a review book by
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Timoshenko [8]. This book covers development of Table 2. Nondestructive tests, structural and damage
static and dynamic models associated with elas- models
ticity, material fatigue, brittle fracture, bending, Nondestructive test Structural/damage model
elastic stability, impact, and vibrations. More recent
Liquid penetrant Chemical, geometry
overviews of dynamics-based structural diagnostic testing
methods for wave propagation (see Fundamentals
Electromagnetic testing Geometry, dielectric
of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids) and vibration including eddy constant, magnetic
(see Free and Forced Vibration Models) methods current, magnetic susceptibility, charge
are provided in Damage Measures and in the litera- particle inspection, density, current
ture review articles by Doebling et al. [9] and Sohn magnetic resonance density, electric
et al. [10]. In general, both static and dynamic-based imaging conductivity, electric
structural models make use of changes in mechan-
ical properties associated with geometry, stiffness, Radiographic testing Geometry, mass density,
and tomography radioactive decay,
mass density, and/or damping to model and diagnose wave speed
Modal impact testing Mass, stiffness,
Handbooks on nondestructive testing [11, 12] damping, natural
provide an overview with chronological develop- frequency, geometry
ments of conventional nondestructive testing mea- Ultrasonic testing Mass, stiffness,
sures such as magnetic particle inspection, radio- damping, structural
graphic testing, ultrasonic inspection, eddy-current acoustic wave speed,
testing, thermal infrared, and acoustic emission (AE). impedance, coefficient
In these methods, parametric changes associated of thermal expansion,
with elastic properties (stiffness), tensile proper-
ties (yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, fatigue Infrared and thermal Thermal emissivity,
testing electrical conductivity,
endurance, ductility), hardness, fracture toughness, geometry, mass,
impact resistance, stress intensity factor, SN curves, stiffness, damping,
creep range, thermal properties (specific heat, thermal impedance.
expansion, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity), Leak testing Geometry
electrical properties (resistivity, permittivity, flux),
and optical properties (spectral absorption, refrac-
tive index) are monitored [13]. Additionally, loading through layers having different capacitance (equiv-
(see Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Struc- alently stiffness), inductance (mass), and resistance
tural Health Monitoring), environmental (temper- (damping) [14]. Electromechanical and thermome-
ature, pressure, humidity), and boundary conditions chanical (see Thermomechanical Models; Thermal
Imaging Methods) models rely on the coupling
are also monitored to get a complete picture of struc-
between mechanical quantities with electromagnetic
tural integrity. A summary of some of the structural
and thermodynamic parameters, respectively.
and damage models used in nondestructive tests is
provided in Table 2. More details with a brief liter-
ature review are provided in the subsections that
follows the description below. 2.1 Radiography
It is evident that in most of these tools, damage is
correlated to a visible change in a geometrical param- Radiography methods were some of the earliest tech-
eter. Most of the other parameters can be directly niques used for assessment of structural compo-
or indirectly related to the material properties of nents on an industrial scale. Radiographic testing
the structure such as mass, stiffness, or damping. uses X rays, gamma rays, or neutron rays to inspect
For example, electrical equivalent circuits can be components for identifying surface and hidden non-
constructed wherein a transmission line model is planar flaws in castings, welds [15], and forgings.
used to describe electromagnetic wave propagation Flaws in components are identified on the basis of
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 5

differential absorption of radiation and the resultant 2.4 Vibration-based methods

changes in exposure levels on a radiographic film.
The energy absorbed by the component depends on Adams et al. [26] identified vibration as a tool for
the thickness and density of the material [11, 16]. detecting damage in the form of resin-bound shear
Typical flaws in a weld [11] that can be eval- cracks. The technique was found to be more effec-
uated include cracks that appear as dark, irreg- tive than ultrasonic attenuation or radiographic trans-
ular, linear segments, lack of fusion that appears mission methods. Cawley and Adams [27] located
as sharp edges, incomplete penetration that appears defects in composite structures using changes in
straight, dark, and linear with sharp edges, inclu- natural frequencies through a detailed sensitivity anal-
sions wherein the shade of color is dependent on ysis study. Yao [28] reviewed the techniques used
material properties of the inclusion, and porosity
at that time for studying structural damage and reli-
where the defect region is darker than the surrounding
ability assessment. These and other vibration-based
techniques primarily relate changes in modal param-
eters such as natural frequency, mode shape, and
2.2 Ultrasonic testing damping to the mass, stiffness, and damping param-
eters associated with a structure.
Ultrasonic testing makes use of concentrated high-
energy acoustic waves generated using a pulser
receiver and transducer in frequency ranges typically 2.5 Optical methods
between 1 and 50 MHz to identify flaw existence
and flaw dimensions, determine geometric dimen-
Optical methods include approaches such as
sions, and characterize material properties [1719].
The ultrasonic transducer can be operated in contact photoelasticity, holography, and Moire methods [29].
or noncontact mode and in either pulseecho or These methods identify material changes based
through-transmission modes. In addition to the devel- on variations in transmission intensities and phase
opment of transducer and pulserreceiver technology, changes, diffraction properties, and interference
developments in systems, control, robotics, digiti- fringe patterns. Structural changes associated with
zation, and signal processing have facilitated the delamination, crack, thermal and residual stress,
development of this methodology to active use of creep, and fracture can be studied using this
ultrasonics in the inspection of multiple, large compo- approach.
nents. Ultrasonic testing has been used to detect
defects in welds [20], inspect railroads [21], identify
corrosion and disbonds [22], and estimate material 2.6 Thermography
properties [23].
Thermal methods such as thermography [30, 31] are
2.3 Acoustic emission used to detect and measure the infrared range of
the electromagnetic spectrum emitted from objects.
AE testing uses changes in signal strength associated Structural components and defects have different
with the sudden release of energy emitted because specific heat constants, thermal diffusivity, and ther-
of a changing stress field ([24]; Acoustic Emission). mal conductivity. This difference is amplified when
This changing stress field can be attributed to growth the components are hotter. Thermal wave propa-
in structural damage. Prosser et al. [25] used AE to gation methods such as lock-in thermography [32]
detect damage in cross-ply graphite/epoxy composite and pulsed thermography [33] have been used to
test specimens. Wevers [24] noted that AE provided detect delaminations, corrosion, surface cracks, and
good capabilities to identify fiber breakage, delam- voids. Combined approaches such as vibrothermog-
inations, matrix cracking, and debonds in a loaded raphy where thermal wave propagation is used in
composite as compared to other conventional nonde- conjunction with elastic wave propagation, has been
structive evaluation (NDE) techniques. used to effectively detect microcracks [34].
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

2.7 Electromagnetic testing 3 SCHEMATIC APPROACH

Electromagnetic induction was developed for railroad
inspection in the late 1920s by Drake and Sperry.
In the context of static damage models, a discussion
Electromagnetic techniques [35, 36] make use of
of damage in the linear elastic regime will suffice
induced electric current and/or magnetic field to test
because damage evolution (both time and stress state)
the response of a structural component. Eddy-current
is frozen and the material state can be considered as
testing is one of the widely used electromagnetic
piecewise linear in the operating range of loads and
methods of inspecting structures for surface and near-
induced strains. The dynamics of a structural system
surface cracks [37], corrosion [38], delaminations
with damage, based on the description of Lemaitre
[39], and other structural defects. The technique is
[3] and Fritzen [47], among others, can be written as
used to identify defects in electrically conducting
materials by correlating the measured impedance
with calibrated defect dimensions. In certain cases, M(x, t, qd , qe )x + (x, x, t, qd , qe )x
a pulsed eddy-current method has been used to + (x, x, t, qd , qe )x + (x, x, t, qd , qe )
speed up the process of structural testing using
this technique. Apart from eddy-current methods, = F(x, t, qd , qe ) (1)
other electromagnetic methods [40] have been studied
by researchers. Chen et al. [41] identified corrosion where qd is the material and geometrical damage
in pipelines using a magnetoresistance sensor for parameter vector, qe is the thermodynamic param-
magnetic flux leakage testing. Lewis et al. [35] iden- eter vector, F is the external force applied to the
tified surface-level stress corrosion cracking using system, M is the mass matrix, x is the equiva-
an alternating current field measurement technique. lent elastic stiffness term, x is the equivalent linear
Collins et al. [42] and Michael et al. [43] identified velocity-dependent damping term, and consists of
surface cracks using an alternating current potential the residual restoring forces dependent on the time-
drop method. varying (t) displacement (x) and velocity (x) states.
The damage parameter is obtained using a nonlin-
ear differential equation of the form,
2.8 Magnetic particle inspection
qd =
f(x, x, t, qd , qe , F) (2)
Magnetic particle inspection methods [44] are used
to detect magnetic flux leaks from surface and near- where the damage evolution vector is dependent
surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials. These flux on the states of the system, material and geomet-
leaks can be traced to permeability variations within rical damage parameters, and the cumulative loading
test specimens [45]. Magnetoelastic methods such history. Damage usually evolves at different, usually
as Barkhausen noise are used for detecting damage slower, rates than the static/dynamic mechanical
through inductive measurements of noise-like signals. processes associated with interrogation using external
Sablik et al. [46] modeled a welded specimen to forces [47]. For this reason, the evolution rates
assess creep damage using finite element analysis and of these parameters are set to zero (for example,
identified that the heat-affected zone in welds have qd = 0). Static damage models facilitate the interpre-
reduced permeability resulting in lower electromo- tation of measurement data by providing an under-
tive force (emf) than the parent material while creep standing of the geometrical and material property
damage produces additional emf reduction. While variations associated with damage. The variation
most of the magnetic particle methods have focused in the response variables such as displacement x,
on ferromagnetic metals, researchers have also iden- velocity x, and/or acceleration x for the damaged
tified damage in ceramic and composite compos- component with respect to a baseline response vari-
ites using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy able for the undamaged component is used for diag-
methods. nosing damage. The response due to the presence of
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 7

damage is often identified by computing the differ- 5. modeling of the damage mechanism and model
ence response, y, validation through experimental comparisons of
healthy and damaged specimens;
y = ydamage ybaseline (3) 6. sensitivity study of variations in damage param-
eters, including material properties such as stiff-
where y refers to one or more of the response ness and mass and geometrical parameters such
parameter variables (x, x, and/or x). as shape, size, and location of defect within the
On the basis of the above description, equation (1) context of the model.
can be simplified to obtain the well-known linear Variations to the above schema abound in the liter-
dynamic model, ature. For instance, thermomechanical models such
as the techniques described in Thermomechanical
Mx + Cx + Kx = F(x, t, qd ) (4)
Models could start out with a description of empir-
where M is the mass matrix, C and K are the linear ical structural models and progress toward damage
elastic damping and stiffness matrices respectively, identification based on correlation of phenomeno-
and F is the external force. Damage is modeled as logical observations with known thermomechanical
small changes in the mass (M), stiffness (K), models; for example, variations in thermal conduc-
and/or damping (C) matrices. tivity and thermal dissipativity because of local inho-
mogeneities in the form of flaws. While it is not
necessary to follow each step outlined above for the
3.1 Schema for modeling structural successful implementation of damage models, it is
important to note that these models need to be vali-
dated adequately using experimental methods (in the
The choice of the schema for different modeling lab and/or field) to improve reliability, iteratively
approaches is based on the phenomena modeled. modify model parameters and/or model techniques,
A typical schema for model development can be identify potential roadblocks, and identify bounds for
described as model applicability.

1. identification of the damage mechanism such

as cracking and/or corrosion that needs to be 4 STRUCTURAL DAMAGE
diagnosed and the nondestructive methodology PHENOMENA
such as vibration analysis that is adopted;
2. identification of mechanical (stiffness, density, Models for damage can be determined by either
geometry), electromagnetic and thermal param- solving the forward problem sequentially in a feed-
eters, loading conditions including tensile or back cycle or by solving the inverse problem and
compressive loads, and other constraint factors predicting the material, thermal, electromagnetic, and
such as boundary conditions associated with the geometrical parameters that affect measured data.
structure of interest (for example, a steel plate Several techniques are available in the literature for
specimen of dimensions 1 1 0.02 m3 ) in the estimating the material properties of a structure and
context of the modeling method (for example, that of the damage site. These include vibration-based
lumped mass and distributed stiffness vibration methods such as embedded sensitivity functions [48],
model); restoring force models [49], and ultrasonic-based [23,
3. modeling of structure and preliminary model 50, 51] material property determination techniques.
validation through experimental comparisons
such as modal testing using analytical or numer- 4.1 Corrosion
ical approaches including lumped parameter,
Rayleigh Ritz, and finite element approaches; Corrosion is an environment-induced deterioration
4. sensitivity study of the model through model of a structure that primarily occurs through elec-
variations, including variations in thickness, trochemical reactions [52, 53]. Corrosion is clas-
material properties, and boundary conditions; sified according to geometry as uneven and even
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

global corrosion (also called uniform corrosion) in stress concentrations resulting in the initiation of
and local corrosion (wide, medium, and narrow cracks.
pits; crevices in the interior of a structural compo- Researchers have investigated the use of different
nent). It is also classified according to the forms static damage models for studying corrosion. The
of corrosion as galvanic corrosion (potential differ- electrochemical nature of corrosion suggests that
ences between components), high-temperature corro- it can be monitored using electrochemical energy
sion, stress corrosion cracking (accompanied by little methods such as variations in electrical resistivity.
material loss but with loss of strength), and fret- Brown and Barnard [56] used a three-dimensional
ting corrosion. Corrosion can also be classified on finite difference model based on the electrochemical
the basis of the environmental conditions, which can relations to model localized corrosion in a zinc
consist of atmospheric (reinforcing corrosion includes aluminum galvanized steel alloy. Terrien et al. [57],
suspended salts and water vapour) conditions, under- among others, modeled corrosion as a small notch and
ground (soil) conditions, suspensions in liquid, or studied the interaction of Lamb waves with different
high temperatures. The most common form of corro- types of notch-like defects using a two-dimensional
sion is rust, which is caused by the electrochem- finite element analysis. In fact, corrosion is most often
ical oxidation of iron. Corrosion can be investigated modeled as a mass loss or a geometrical change
using visual, X-ray (geometric details of subsurface (for example, thickness reduction). Other aspects,
flaws), ultrasonic (geometric discontinuities, material including the energy sink behavior of corrosion spots,
impedance variations, which include flaw detection, can be modeled as localized impedance increases
thickness determination, pulseecho, transmission, around the corrosion spot (local impedance is calcu-
lated as the ratio of input force to the velocity Z() =
and resonance), electromagnetic (based on electrical
C + j (M K/)) due to increases in damping in
and magnetic properties of the fluid), liquid pene-
the corroded region. Apart from density and geomet-
trant, and magnetic particle inspection.
rical changes, the wave speed across a corrosion spot
Corrosion reactions consist of oxidation (loss of
also changes because of local changes in mass.
electrons with increase in positive charge) or reduc-
There are certain considerations that must be kept
tion (gain of electrons with increase in negative
in mind when modeling corrosion damage. Some
charge) reactions involving an exchange of electrons
researchers model corrosion as a mass or a density
that occur in an electrolyte medium. For instance, change. It is important to note that a reduction
metals and alloys corrode when exposed to humidity in mass does not translate to an equivalent reduc-
and oxygen. Corrosion involves the loss of mate- tion in density and changes in the two parameters
rial associated with the metal reacting with hydroxyl have differing trends [58]. In fact, corrosion models
ions (or, equivalently water and oxygen) and typi- based on density changes need to incorporate changes
cally results in the formation of localized regions in both geometry and density. The type of model
with loss of material in the form of a pit. Apart needs to reflect the response variable being analyzed
from oxygen and water, other favorable environ- and the nature of the analysis techniques used. For
mental conditions that tend to accelerate corrosion instance, microhardness measurements require appro-
rates include the presence of metal cations, urea priate microstructural models, which consider local-
(and nitrogen oxide groups), sulfide (and sulfur oxide ized variations in shear modulus, to adequately recon-
groups), bicarbonate, and halide groups [54, 55], cile the experimental observations. The differences
increased temperature, increased pressure (indirect in micromechanic and macromechanic behavior will
influence through increased solubility of gases in then need to be suitably incorporated into the model.
liquids), and the presence of microorganisms. In
favorable environments, external factors such as
high temperatures and severe tensile stresses tend 4.2 Cracks
to accelerate the rate of corrosion. The alkalinity
or acidity of the medium surrounding the struc- Cracks (see Free and Forced Vibration Models,
tural material of interest also influences corrosion. Figure 21) can be caused by multiple factors ranging
Localized corrosion spots can also lead to changes from large cycles of loads during normal operation
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 9

to spikes in loading cycles due to sudden events of a multilayered component [53]. Studies of delam-
in defective materials (for example, built-up residual ination mechanics have typically focused on damage
stresses during manufacturing, the adoption of incor- growth models based on the descriptions provided
rect manufacturing methods, corroded spots, and/or by fracture mechanics models [6769] such as J -
dislocations). Cracks tend to initiate and propagate integral [70] and virtual crack closure [71] techniques
as microcracks or dislocation densities (initial flaws) and damage mechanics models [72] such as cohe-
from regions of high stress concentration. Signifi- sive zone models [73]. An example of delamination
cant focus of the work on crack modeling has been is illustrated in Figure 1. From the point of view of a
carried out in relation to fracture mechanics with a static damage model, the delaminated (and debonded)
focus on crack initiation, crack growth, and accelera- site is modeled as a separation accompanied with
tion of crack growth [5961]. Most of these methods an air gap between two material layers. This aspect
monitor crack growth associated with plastic defor- suggests that there is a loss of mass, stiffness, and
mation at the crack tip and the effects of fatigue damping in the layer of interest and geometrical
loading applied to a cracked structure in the form of deformity in the overall structure. A delamination
cycles of tensile and compressive loading. From the model should, in addition, include bending stiffnesses
point of view of a static damage model (including in a direction transverse to the plane of the layer
propagating and standing wave models), a crack is to ensure that the model is different from that of a
associated with a localized geometrical discontinuity, damage model for void space in material layers and
mass change, stiffness loss, and/or damping change. to take into account the effect of stretched layers.
Changes in the material and geometrical properties
also affect the impedance (including attenuation and
amplitude changes) and speed of the propagating 4.4 Fiber pullout, fiber breakage
waveform. On the basis of the observed changes in and matrix cracking
one or more of these parameters, the actual changes in
physical parameters such as stiffness and damping can Matrix cracks are frequently observed flaws in
be obtained. Several crack models are available in the composite specimens associated with pit-like indenta-
literature. The reader is referred to Damage Evolu- tions along the surface of the specimens [66]. In most
tion Phenomena and Models for additional details.

4.3 Delamination and debonding

Delamination and/or debonding can be caused by
the loss of adhesion of adjacent layers of curved Impact
sections such as laminated sections of tubular sections damage
and shells, abrupt changes of section properties such
as those associated with bonded and bolted joints, (c)
residual stress buildup due to differential thermal and
hygroscopic (moisture) expansion/contraction rates,
imperfect curing procedures during manufacturing,
or the application of severe loads during opera-
tion [6266]. The distinction between delamina-
tion and debonding is contextual. Delamination or
debonding refers to the separation of layers of a (a) (d)
layered composite material due to the inability of the
Figure 1. (a) Filament wound composite cylinder with
specimen to resist the bending stiffness and loading impact damage, (b) laminated composite with delamination
conditions. Debonding can viewed as the surface seed [Adapted from Purekar, 2006; reproduced by permis-
separation of multilayered components, while delam- sion of A. Purekar], (c) fiber breakage, and (d) matrix
ination can refer to the separation of an internal layer cracking.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

instances, matrix cracks are not defects that compro- under loading associated with Coulomb friction [75].
mise the structural integrity of the specimen. In lami- More details about this damage type are discussed in
nated composites, impact loading or manufacturing Free and Forced Vibration Models [75].
flaws can result in fiber pullout, fiber breakage, and
matrix cracking. High tensile loads can lead to fiber
separation and result in loss of structural integrity at 4.6 Creep
the fiber pullout location. Fiber breakage (Figure 1c)
can also result in similar phenomena except that Creep is a deformation mechanism associated with
there is no real separation, but there is, instead, a the long-term stress accumulation that results in
loss of stiffness along some of the in-plane dimen- permanent structural deformation. Creep is dependent
sions (assuming fibers are primarily in one plane). on time, temperature, and the stress applied and
The damage due to matrix cracking, fiber breakage
is often associated with structural systems that are
and fiber pullout leads to a modification of the
subjected to high-temperature loads. Because of
VoightReuss mixing criterion and result in a lower
the nature of creep and the timescales involved,
matrix or fiber volume and altered stiffness [53].
the effects of creep deformation can best be
modeled through dynamic damage models or through
the incorporation of residual stresses in static
4.5 Fretting in crevices: slips, loose damage models. Additional details are discussed in
joints, and fasteners Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models.
In nonunitized structures, the more prevalent forms
of damage include loosening and cracking of bolted
joints and fasteners. The presence of fasteners tends 4.7 Buckling
to increase rubbing or fretting during component
operation, leading to the formation of slips due to Buckling is an elastic instability mode associated
material degradation in the form of a loss of mate- with the failure of a material when it is subjected to
rial in threaded joints, erosion, microcracking, loss compressive loads. Buckling is typically accelerated
of preload, etc. The built-up stresses during loading in the presence of material and/or load eccentricity
cycles create tension loads on the bolt and compres- [76]. The prominent forms of buckling include
sion loads on the joints. Threaded connections can columnar buckling, thermoelastic buckling due to
give rise to a number of defects in the joints including differential heating, and dynamic buckling (including
thread failures, corrosion, and loose joints because nonlinear snap-through and snapback buckling
of insufficient torque at the time of threading in (Figure 2, [77])). Modeling of buckling requires large
the components. Loose joints result in lowered stiff- displacement analysis and often piecewise linear
ness (translational and torsional) and greater damping models are employed to model buckling one load step
at the connection due to the loss in preload and at a time to avoid numerical instabilities associated
increase in the nonlinear nature of the restoring with modeling large displacements. For example,
forces. Damage in the bolt results in a stiffness finite element models are used to perform a load-
reduction and can be associated with decreased cross- controlled step-by-step analysis of models wherein
sectional areas, increased region of contact and an the specimen curvature is changed at the end of each
amplification of sliding tendencies of the bolt in step. Buckling can also be modeled as a reduction
the connection. Abrasion or cracking due to fret- in axial direction stiffness of cryogenic vessels that
ting/rubbing could also occur in the joints themselves. are subjected to permanent damage due to imposed
This aspect can potentially increase tendencies for off-axis shock loading [7]. Buckling is also modeled
bolt impacts within the connection joint leading to as a small change in curvature (with the change in
further bolt and connection damage. The gap between curvature affecting the natural frequency [78]) and the
the fastener and the connection can also be modeled wave speed [79]. The reader is referred to Damage
as a change in damping. Bolt loosening, loose joints, Evolution Phenomena and Models for additional
and damage at fasteners leads to nonlinear changes details.
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 11

(a) (b)

Load Load

(c) Displacement (d) Displacement
Figure 2. Snapshot of the gamma TiAl sheet with the reflected light at the center of the specimen showing the two
different states of the specimen: (a) concave up and (b) convex up [77] (c,d) snap-through and snap-back buckling schematic.
(adapted from [77]).

4.8 Penetration and plastic deformation parts through welding because much of the damage
at crevices can be minimized. Welding involves the
Plastic deformation, as the name suggests, is a large permanent joining or fusing of two metallic speci-
displacement that leads to irreversible material and mens [81]. Welding results in thickness changes at
geometric changes. In the context of a static model, the interface associated with the weld as well as a
plastically deformed specimens can be modeled as buildup of stresses at the weld interface and phase-
materials with different geometrical and material transformations with changes in the grain structure in
properties in the localized plastic zone region. Plastic the welded region (thermomechanically affected and
deformation is induced by large acoustic, vibration, heat-affected zones are created). The changes in phase
or thermal loads such as hail and extreme heat result in small changes in the overall impedance and
that lead to irreversible changes in the specimen more significant changes in the residual stresses asso-
structure. Figure 3 shows an example of this type of ciated with the weld formation. Welding also results
damage [80]. in geometrical distortion of the welded specimen and
increased/decreased volume of material in the weld
zone. Additionally, improper weld formations in the
4.9 Welds, weld defects form of metallic inclusions, voids, porosities, slag
inclusions, spatter, and other defects such as cracks,
Two metal pieces can be joined together by either rough weld formations, under-cut and excessive rein-
riveting or welding. In general, it is preferable to join forcements can be introduced during welding because
of exposure to the environment and the foreign mate-
rials used during welding. The influence of welds
and weld defects can be modeled using changes in
geometry, stiffness, density, and damping in suitable
analytical and numerical analysis methods.

4.10 Residual stresses

Figure 3. Plastic deformation and penetration resulting The measurement and modeling of residual stresses
from impact damage [White, 2006; Reproduced by permis- is difficult. To select the proper residual stress
sion of J.R. White]. model, measurement data are needed. Dilthey et al.
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

[82] provided a summary of work in the use of the effects of damage at different points during
finite element simulations for the measurement of the cycle of a component and correlate it with
residual stresses. In the NDE context, residual stress models. Cohesive zone models, used for simulating
measurements are evaluated either on the basis of the crack initiation and growth in fracture mechanics
second-order mean stress effects or through thermal applications, describe the cohesive forces/tractions
techniques such as thermal evaluation for residual that occur when a material is stressed using an
stress analysis (TERSA). TERSA is carried out by approach that deals with the nonlinear zone ahead
heating with a laser, which provides a pseudodynamic of the structural discontinuity. For example, the
signal [83]. The results from this analysis can then formulation by Yang and Cox [92] is used to describe
be used to incorporate residual stresses in models. tractions directly instead of by the use of springs,
Sundararaman and Adams [84] modeled a plate with thereby avoiding potential traction concentrations at
a center weld and incorporated the changes associated mesh discontinuities. In addition to modeling crack
with residual stresses as a small change in the material growth, these models can also be used to model
stiffness and density, on the basis of the assumption delaminations and other structural deformations such
that the thickness of the welded region is identical to as microbuckling. While useful information can be
that of the parent material. gleaned from these growth models for identifying
damage, a more realistic approach for modeling static
damage is to directly incorporate local changes in
5 STATIC DAMAGE MODELS stiffness and mass and to employ suitable structural
The methods used for nondestructive testing can models. Christides and Barr [93] modeled a cracked
be associated with a change in geometric, mate- beam using a reduced stiffness EI. The stiffness
rial, electrical, and/or thermodynamic parameters. reduction in the cracked region was expressed using
Damage models can make use of multiple studies of
healthy and damage cases based on analytical, exper- EI0
imental or numerical (finite difference [85], finite EI (x) =
1 + (I0 IC )I0 /IC exp(2|x xC |/d)
element, boundary element, spectral element [86], and
meshless methods [87]) approaches. Detailed litera- (5)
ture surveys of nondestructive models that use finite where I0 and IC are the second moments of areas
element approaches are provided in [8890]. Damage associated with the undamaged beam and at the
can also be studied using discrimination models that crack, respectively, d is the crack depth, is an
focus on differences between a baseline and expected experimentally derived constant and set to 0.667 here,
behavior due to the presence of a defect. Examples x is the position along the beam, and xC is the crack
of such discrimination methods include the expres- position. Alternatively, the region associated with the
sion in equation (3) to the more detailed descriptions crack can be modeled using a localized reduction in
presented in Thermomechanical Models and [91]. stiffness extending only to the cracked region or over
Typically, damage studies make use of a combination a triangular region in the localized neighborhood of
of discrimination models in conjunction with struc- the crack [94]. Friswell and Penny [95] considered
tural models of healthy and damage cases. some of the above crack models and compared the
A diverse set of models discussed in the literature model results with experimental vibration data and
are included in the section below as an illustration of observed that despite the inherent simplicity of the
different types of damage models and their applica- models, these models adequately modeled the effects
bility to identify different damage phenomena. of a crack. A typical approach used to identify
structural damage at a specific element, j , can be
described by studying the kth frequency and can be
5.1 Example 1: modeling cracks using obtained using [96],
stiffness models
Damage growth models such as linear elastic fracture fk 1 {}Tk [kj ]{}k
= (6)
mechanics and cohesive zone models consider j 8 2 fk {}Tk [M]{}k
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 13

where, fk is the kth frequency, j describes the evaluated by estimating multiple moisture diffusiv-
change in a suitable parameter, [kj ] is the stiffness ities at different states of laminate cracking. Static
matrix, M is the mass matrix, and {}k is the kth damage estimates can then be obtained at different
eigen vector of the structural system. Data for this points in the usage cycle.
approach can be obtained from structural models in
standardized finite element packages. Apart from the
expression in equation (6), other approaches can also 5.3 Example 3: electrical resistivity
be used to discriminate between baseline and damage as a damage discriminator
states of the structure.
Irving and Thiagarajan [100] and Chung [101]
used an electrical potential technique to characterize
5.2 Example 2: influence of moisture fatigue damage in carbon fiber composite materials.
uptake models to crack densities In the electromechanical analogies presented in the
literature [14], resistance, capacitance, and inductance
Patel [97] provided a model to study the mois- are the corresponding analogs to damping, compli-
ture uptake of a laminated composite with cracks ance, and mass, respectively. Any structural changes
in multiple directions by combining ideas from associated with damage in the fiber or the matrix
continuum damage mechanics and thermodynamics. results in a loss of conduction and an increased resis-
The model represents an extension of the method tance measure. Damage is indicated by an increase in
presented in [98]. The governing equation for diffu- resistivity. This method is used for identifying small
sion is described as damage of the dimensions of the fibers in a laminated
  composite. The resistivity can be described using
= Di (7)
t Xi Xi = RA/L (9)

where R is the sample resistance, A is the cross-

where = s is the chemical potential of the sectional area, and L is the sample length. Irving
moisture in a polymer, s is the mass density of and Thiagarajan [100], in addition, identified that the
the polymeric solid, is the Gibbs potential, Di is longitudinal resistivity was an order of magnitude
the diffusivity in a given direction i, m is the mass, higher than the transverse resistivity.
t is time and fi is the moisture flux. The author, in
addition, considered the presence of only one nonzero
normalized stress. The damage component is based on 5.4 Example 4: thermoelastic models
a damage model for cracks presented by Talreja [99]
as Schmidt and Hattel [102] used a three-dimensional
thermoelastic finite element model to study friction
i (m, T )h2c ii stir welds. The elastic portion of the model comprised
di = , i = 1, 2 (8) of mass density, , damping, c, and stiffness, k,
components as described in the equation,
where i = 1 corresponds to transverse cracking and
i = 2 corresponds to longitudinal cracking, i (m, T ) x + cx + kx = F (10)
is an experimental constraining parameter, hc is the
crack thickness, h is the laminate thickness, and ii is where F is the body force and x is the displace-
the crack density in the direction i. The form of Gibbs ment. The thermal response is expressed using the
potential is obtained from Roy [98] and incorpo- thermomechanical diffusion equation,
rated into the model to obtain the governing equation
for an unstressed orthotropic laminate with uniform cP T = (kT,i ),i + sij ij (11)
temperature and damage distributions. The form of
the equation is dependent on the parameters described where T is the temperature, cP is the specific heat
in equations (7) and (8). Additional constants are then capacity, k is the thermal conductivity, is the plastic
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

energy dissipation fraction, sij is the deviatoric stress has been developed for modeling propagating waves
pl using a cellular model approach to obtain itera-
tensor, and ij is the plastic strain rate tensor. The
surface flux, qsurf = p , where is the friction tive difference relations and is used to illustrate the
coefficient, p is the pressure, and is the slip rate, interaction of interrogating signal waveforms with
is used to describe the contact boundary condition different levels of changes in geometry, stiffness,
at the surface nodes. Suitable expressions are then and density in thin plate specimens. In these spec-
used to appropriately discretize equations (10) and imens, elastic bulk waves interact through multiple
(11). This model can then be used to monitor the reflections between the top and bottom surfaces of
deformation field at different points in time during plate specimens resulting in guided Lamb waves (see
the welding process. For instance, Schmidt and Hattel Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids
[102] monitored the formation of defects such as for additional details).
voids for different parametric states. Note that this
model is a damage evolution model and to glean static
damage results, time-frozen snapshots need to be 6.2 Implementation
captured to evaluate the damage state of the structural
component. The implementation of numerical models requires an
While the above examples provide a flavor for assessment of the model development (description
different damage models that are used to diagnose of suitable material and geometrical models, envi-
different sets of damage, they are by no means ronmental and operating conditions, damage model,
complete. A detailed description requires a full rendi- and sources of input), study of model limitations
tion of the sequential steps outlined in the schema for (stability, accuracy, and convergence), and model
damage models described previously in this article. validation (analytical and experimental validation).
A case study in the form of a sensitivity analysis is The three-dimensional linear elastodynamic equation
presented in the next section involving the use of a for the propagation of bulk waves in orthotropic,
numerical model based on a wave propagation model. inhomogeneous media is the basis for the simulation
model used in this section. The equation of motion
can be described as
l (Sklmn wm,n ) + Fk = wk + k wk
k, l, m, n = 1, 2, 3 (12)
where Sklmn (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is the stiffness tensor, wk (x1 ,
6.1 Numerical modeling using a wave
x2 , x3 , t) is the kth displacement, Fk (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is the
propagation model
body force applied at a local point, (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is the
material density, k (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is the material atten-
The focus of the remainder of this article will
uation factor based on a proportional, viscoelastic
be to study the sensitivity of model parameters
damper, and the comma in wm,n indicates differenti-
to varying material (mass, spring, damping) and
ation. In the absence of a stress field (for example, a
geometrical parameters. These parameters, either
stress field resulting from residual stresses), Sklmn (x1 ,
separately or in combination, are associated with
x2 , x3 ) represents the second-order elastic constants
each of the damage types listed in this article. In
tensor. For an orthotropic solid, the stiffness tensor
this article, component responses are simulated using
can be written as
static damage models based on changes in density,
stiffness, damping and/or geometrical variations at
1 12 13 0 0 0
macrostructural dimensions (>1 mm; >5% variations 12 2 23 0 0 0
in density, stiffness, damping). Specifically, prop-
13 23 3 0 0 0
agating elastic waves are simulated using a local Sklmn = (13)
0 0 0 23 0 0
interaction simulation approach (LISA)/sharp inter- 0 0 0 0 13 0
face method (SIM) [84, 103109]. The LISA/SIM 0 0 0 0 0 12
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 15

where pq and rs are the Lame constants, p is the = 18 a,b,c (a, b, c), (u, v, w) are the displace-
bulk stiffness, and the subscripts p, q, r, and s vary ments in the three directions (x, y, z),
between 1 and 3 and are indicative of the stiffness k = k (a, b, c), 1 = 1 (a, b, c) = 1/x, 2 =
dimension. Each pair of indices (k, l) and (m, n) in 2 (a, b, c) = 1/y and 3 = 3 (a, b, c) = 1/z.
equations (5) and (6) can be replaced by a single Similar expressions hold for other quantities with
index based on the VoightKelvin convention, a tilde.
The discretization parameters for the numerical
V (i, j ) = iij + (1 ij )(9 i j ); model are obtained by ensuring that the minimum
criterion for stable solutions is met. This stability
i k, m; j l, n (14) criterion, referred to as the CourantFriedrichLewy
(CFL) criterion, constrains the grid spacing for a
Propagating waves are modeled by using a discrete given time step by
form of equation (3) and solving for the difference 
relationships using a LISA in conjunction with the 1 1 1
SIM. The iterative difference relations are obtained CFL criterion : cmax t 2
+ 2
+ 1
x y z2
using the method outlined in [105]. The final differ-
ence relation form is obtained for a rectangular cuboid (16)
grid. It was assumed that the displacements and the where cmax is the maximum wave speed (usually the
material properties of the cell are continuous although longitudinal wave speed), t is the time step, and
the adjacent cells at an interface can have signifi- x, y, and z are the spatial steps in the three
cantly different material properties. Note that both Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z.
displacement and stress continuity are maintained
at these interfaces in the LISA/SIM technique. The
three-dimensional relations at each point P (i, j, k) 6.3 Model validation
are obtained for a rectangular cuboid grid. Each
displacement degree of freedom is individually deter- A broadband rectangular pulse with a 2-MHz signal
mined based on the stiffness, density, and geometrical bandwidth was imparted at the center of a 609.6
properties of the neighboring grids using an iterative 609.6 2 mm3 plate with grid dimensions of approx-
difference relation. A typical iterative difference rela- imately 1 1 1 mm3 using the three-dimensional
tion is given by LISA model for a homogeneous, isotropic aluminum
plate. An aluminum plate structure with elastic
modulus 70 GPa, density 2700 kg m3 , and Poissons
q t 2 ratio 0.334 was modeled. Data was collected at
ui,j,k,t+1 = q12 ui,j,k,t1 + 2q1 ui,j,k,t + 1
8 608 nodal locations approximately 1 mm apart along
2u i,j,k,t
1 1 + 2 12 + 32 13
2 the center of the plate structure. The numerical
+ 22 u (1a ) + 22 u 2b  results obtained were then compared with the results
1 1 2 12
obtained analytically from the RayleighLamb dis-
+ 232 13 u (3c )
  persion curves. The results in Figure 4(a) indicate
+ ab + v(6 a
) v a match between the modes obtained numerically
1 2 12 12 b
    and analytically. The lines that emanate backwards
a,b,c= + v(2 v (1 ))
b a and forwards from the right edge in Figure 4(a) are
12 12
  spatially aliased segments of the different dispersion
+ ac1 3 13 + 13 w(5ac ) w curves.
 Next, a plate structure of dimensions 530 306
+ 13 13 (w(3 ) w(1 )) c a
6.5 mm3 was discretized into grids of dimension 1
(15) 1 1.625 mm3 . Dispersion curves were first obtained
where a, b, c = 1, and a, b, c = 1 when a, b, numerically to verify the material properties obtained
c = 1 and a, b, c = 0 when a, b, c = 1, qk = through experimental analysis. A sinc pulse was used
(1 + t/2 a,b,c k /)1 is the transmission factor, as the input in both the experimental and numerical
16 Physical Monitoring Principles


2.5 Aliased segments A0, S0 S2

Frequency (Hz)


1.5 A1


0.5 A0

0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Wavenumber (k/2p m1)
105 105
2 2
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
Frequency (Hz)

1.2 1.2
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 CPT (E = 70 GPa, r = 2711) 0.4
Antisymmetric (E = 70 GPa, r = 2711) CPT (E = 70 GPa, r = 2711)
0.2 Antisymmetric (E = 76 GPa, r = 2711) 0.2 Antisymmetric (E = 70 GPa, r = 2711)
experimental Experimental
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(b) Wavenumber (k/2p m1) (c) Wavenumber (k/2p m1)
Figure 4. Comparisons of analytical RayleighLamb dispersion curves with (a) numerical dispersion curve results for
a 609.6 2 mm2 aluminum section with approximate grid spacing of 1/8 1/8 mm2 , (b) numerical dispersion curve
results for 1-mm sensor spacing in a 530 306 6.5 mm3 aluminum section with grid spacing of 1 1 1.625 mm3
and (c) experimental results for 5-mm sensor spacing.

studies. The sampling frequency was set on the basis is obtained between the antisymmetric (A0 ) mode
of the CFL criterion as 10 MHz and the signal was and the experimentally measured dispersion curves.
input at the left edge and center of the plate spec- However, it is seen in Figure 4(b) that the estimated
imen (5, 153, 0) mm. The results obtained were then stiffness is about 10% higher than the modeled stiff-
compared with the results obtained analytically from ness. This result suggests that the coarse nature of
the RayleighLamb dispersion curves and the clas- the grid structure results in grids with higher stiffness.
sical plate theory. The results indicate that a match The experimental results for the edge of the aluminum
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 17

Table 3. List of specimens used

Plate Al-1 Al-2 Or-1 LC-1
Material Aluminum Aluminum Orthotropic Laminated orthotropic
Dimensions (mm) 300 300 2 400 200 4 450 250 3 400 200 4
Grid (mm) 1 1 0.5 111 111 111
Density (kg m3 ) 2710 2710 1575 1600

Stiffness (GPa) (along 0 )
E 70 70
1 104.5 104.5 85.9 155.43
2 104.5 104.5 85.9 16.34
3 104.5 104.5 16.34 16.34
12 52.1 52.1 3.72 3.72
13 52.1 52.1 6.5 3.72
23 52.1 52.1 6.5 4.96
23 26.2 26.2 6.59 3.37
13 26.2 26.2 6.59 7.48
12 26.2 26.2 7.48 7.48
Laminate n/a n/a n/a [010 /9010 ]S
Sampling frequency 20 10 10 20
Data length 8000 4000 4000 8000
Signal (kHz) 80 40 160 40, 150, 300
(150, 5, 0); (5, 295, 0) (200, 5, 0) (225, 245, 0); (5, 125, 0) (200, 5, 0)
Actuator (mm) 8-mm diameter, modeled as a Gaussian pulse in space.
Hanning window modulated 5 wave sine wave (model in time).
Input signal Directed in the in-plane directions.

plate yielded similar results and, in this instance, 8 mm. The sensor was modeled to extract a response
matched the analytical results (Figure 4c). These measurement as an output average of all points over
comparisons indicate that the numerical methodology a diameter of 8 mm. The sampling frequency was
can be used to model real specimens. chosen based on the CFL criterion (equation 16). A
listing of the classes of damage studied is provided
in Table 4.
6.4 Damage simulation studies conducted The damage sites in the studies described in this
work were identified by using the difference data as
The damage simulation studies were conducted on calculated in equation (3) because the damage sites
four different specimens. Elemental cells were de- involve localized changes in stiffness, density, and
fined on the basis of the material properties listed in damping with dimensions smaller than a wavelength
Table 3. Additional grid points equivalent to one extra of the interrogating waveform.
cell surrounding the entire medium were defined with
the material properties of air (density 1.3 kg m3 and
stiffnesses of 1/10 000th of that of the surrounding 6.5 Discussion
medium) to denote a traction-free boundary. The
actuator was modeled such that a Gaussian pulse An excitation was introduced at Actuator-1 in a
was sent into the plate structure over a diameter of plate with dimensions 300 300 2 mm3 (Al-1).
18 Physical Monitoring Principles

Table 4. Parametric sensitivity analysis study of damage in specimens

Figure Description
Al-1: 300 300 2 mm3 aluminum plate with 1 1 0.5 mm3 grids
6 Baseline studies.
7 [Cases 12]multiple-site damage at two actuator locations
D1 (150, 79, 0); D2 (80, 157, 0); D3 (248, 248, 0) mm. Changes in stiffness (D1: +10%,
D2, D3: 0.01%) and change in density (D1: +5%, D2: 0.05%).
8 [Cases 38]superposition of the above multiple-site damage at two actuator locations
9(a, b) [Cases 912]surface damage: damage size study (length: 39 mm in steps of 2 mm
width: 3 mm thickness: 1 mm); location (60, 125, 0.5) mm; surface notch modeled with
material properties of air.
9(c, d) [Cases 1316]interior damage: change in stiffness and/or density; location (60, 125, 1)
mm; 1.2 stiffness, 0.8 stiffness, 1.2 stiffness 0.9 density, 1.3 density.
Al-2: 400 200 4 mm3 aluminum plate with 1 1 1 mm3 grids
7 [Case 25]multiple site damage at (170, 79, 0); (80, 157, 0); and (318, 108, 0) mm grids.
10 [Cases 1719]through the thickness damage: damping change at (240, 125, 2) mm (cases
13: 0.95, 0.95, 0.9 transmission factors as described in equation (15)); Case-2 damping
study also includes 0.9 stiffness and 0.9 density.
Or-1: 450 250 3 mm3 orthotropic plate with 1 1 1 mm3 grids.
11 [Cases 2021]multiple site surface damage at two actuator locations (140, 104, 0); (250,
25, 0) and (340, 175, 0) mm.
LC-1: 400 200 4 mm3 laminated composite plate with 1 1 1 mm3 grids
12 [Cases 2224]impedance change at three frequencies (40, 150, and 300 kHz; single site
subsurface damage with material properties of air) (240, 125, 1) mm.

The out-of-plane displacement responses at different and wave speed, resulting in waveform distortion.
sensor locations are shown in Figure 5(a). Addition- Figures 7(b), (c), (e), and (f) have directional conical
ally, the x-, y-, and z-displacement responses at spread signal patterns rather than the expected circu-
one sensor location (200, 5, 2) mm are shown in larly symmetric patterns. This aspect can be traced
Figure 5(b). The incident and reflected waveforms to the dependence of a signal response at a particular
are clearly seen in the out-of-displacement response point in the spatial domain on the original signals
pattern, while it is not easy to discern the different response profile at that instant. In other words, at
waveforms from the in-plane displacement profiles. 120 s, the original signal (Figure 6a, d) was directed
A second aluminum plate with dimensions 400 toward the top boundary with some reflected profiles
200 4 mm3 (Al-2) was also studied. The response radiating in from the left- and right-hand bound-
at 120 s captured for Al-1 (Figure 6a) is also shown aries. The difference response shares this pattern and
for Al-2 (Figure 6d). The differences in the two was primarily illuminated along the excitation leading
profiles were observed here. The effects of multiple- to directional difference profiles. Another reason for
site damage centered at three locations (Cases 1 the lack of circular symmetry can be traced to the
(Al-1), 25 (Al-2); Table 4), interrogated using the effects of discretization. Only five grid points were
actuator at (150, 5, 0) mm (Al-1) and (200, 5, 0) used along the thickness dimension in the simula-
mm (Al-2) and after a difference response has been tion because of computational restrictions (runtime,
computed, are shown in Figure 6(b), (c), (e), and (f). memory, hard-disk space) even though the preferred
Local changes in stiffness and density were expected number of grid points along the thickness dimension
to result in corresponding changes in the impedance is between 8 and 20. Any reduction in accuracy is a
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 19

Actuator [150,5] mm

[150,55,0] mm

[150,105,0] mm

[150,150,0] mm

[100,5,0] mm

[100,5,2] mm

[200,5,0] mm

[200,5,2] mm

[150,295,0] mm

[5,295,0] mm

0 100 200 300 400

(a) Time (s)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

(b) Time (s)

Figure 5. Displacement profiles at (a) different sensor locations and (b) at (200, 5, 2) mm in a 300 300 2 mm3
aluminum plate subjected to a Hanning window excitation.

trade-off for modeling large specimens using three- response shows visible differences for the different
dimensional analysis in serial computers. types of damage in the plate. The patterns observed in
The three damage sites considered in Figure 6 Figure 7(a) indicate that the difference responses for
were then modeled separately and the difference each damage site were distinct and that the damage
patterns were recomputed for each case. The sensed site closest to the actuator responds first followed
20 Physical Monitoring Principles

120 s 80 s 120 s
300 300 300

250 250 250

200 200 200

Width (mm)

Width (mm)

Width (mm)
150 150 150

100 100 100

50 50 50

0 0 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
(a) Length (mm) (b) Length (mm) (c) Length (mm)
120 s 80 s 120 s
200 200 200
150 150 150
Width (mm)

Width (mm)

Width (mm)
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(d) Length (mm) (e) Length (mm) (f) Length (mm)
Figure 6. Damage identification through difference data. Time slices in 300 300 2 mm3 (80 kHz) and 400 200
4 mm3 (40 kHz) aluminum plates. (a, d) baseline data at 120 s, (bf) difference data at 80 and 120 s.

by other locations in increasing distances from the (Figure 7d). This aspect is seen because the differ-
actuator location. The relative amplitude levels of ence response of the cumulative damage from the
individual damage sites were dependent on the extent multiple damage instances is less than that of the
of damage and the closeness of the damage site to the single damage site. However, the constructive and
actuator and sensor locations and the boundaries of destructive influence of signals from the damage sites
the specimen. The differences from the three damage (treating damage as a secondary source) were not
sites were summed and the results were compared considered, nor was the choice of the damage metric
with the multiple-site damage study in Figure 6. (here, peak amplitude), the location of the sensor, or
When the difference results were scaled by a factor of the cumulative sum of the displacements in all three
10, it was found that the results in Figure 7(b) were dimensions (both y- and z-difference responses are
significantly higher. This shows that the presence of significantly higher). These aspects need to be kept
any imperfections in a specimen makes it difficult to in mind when using sensor responses to correlate with
identify additional damage sites. damage.
The peak difference response (both out of plane To study the influence of the size of damage, a
and in plane) at two sensor locations were then rectangular damage region was introduced in plate
studied for all four cases (three damage sites individu- Al-1 and the local stiffness and density were modi-
ally and multiple-site damage instance) and the results fied. The results were then computed for both in-plane
are shown in Figure 7(c) and (d). The out-of-plane and out-of-plane displacements. All three displace-
damage site showed the anticipated linear trends at ment components showed linear increases in damage
both sensor locations. However, the characteristics with increasing size of damage (Figure 8a, b, Cases
of the in-plane difference responses showed slightly 912). The slope of this trend was higher for
different trends. For instance, the x-displacement the x-displacement than either the y- or the z-
response showed a trend reversal for the multiple-site displacements. This result was obtained because the
damage instance from the single site damage at D3 damage site varied linearly along the x dimension. In
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 21

0.2 Damage-3





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

(a) Time (Ms)

0.4 Damage-123
10 difference


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
(b) Time (Ms)

80 50
Amplitude 103 mm
Amplitude 103 mm

y-displacement 40
60 z-displacement
20 y-displacement
0 0
Damage-1 Damage-2 Damage-3 Damage-123 Damage-1 Damage-2 Damage-3 Damage-123
(c) (d)
Figure 7. Single site damage for 300 300 2 mm isotropic plate studying the superposition effects of damage

identification using (a, b) an out-of-plane displacement comparison, (c, d) peak in-plane and out-of-plane displacements;
(a, b, c) sensor at (295, 5, 0) mm and (d) sensor at (5, 245, 0) mm; actuator at (150, 5, 0) mm.

this instance, the study was carried out at a sensor actuator, resulting in negligible variation in the peak
location, which is positioned along different x and y y-displacement response with increases in damage
dimensions than the actuator and damage locations. along the x dimension.
In the study by Sundararaman and Adams [107], the Next, the influence of changes in local mate-
sensor was placed along the same y dimension as the rial properties was studied for a given size of
22 Physical Monitoring Principles

y-displacement Location (60,125,0.5) mm
Amplitude 107 m
Stiffness 0.01% medium
20 Density 0.1% medium
Damage Dimensions (mm)
15 1 (3,3,1)
2 (5,3,1)
10 3 (7,3,1)
4 (9,3,1)
Damage-1 Damage-2 Damage-3 Damage-4
(a) (b)

Amplitude 107 m

Location (60,125,0.25) mm
x-displacement Dimensions: (9,3,0.5) mm
y-displacement Damage Stiffness Density
1 120% Same
2 80% Same
3 120% 90%
4 Same 130%
Damage-1 Damage-2 Damage-3 Damage-4 Change in material properties in
relation to the rest of plate.
(c) (d)

Figure 8. Peak in-plane and out-of-plane displacement comparisons in a 300 300 2 mm3 aluminum plate for
(a) impedance study, (b) damage sizing study. (c,d) Tables of parameters used for generating the results displayed in
Figure 9 (a,b) respectivrly. Sensor at (5, 245, 0) mm; actuator at (150, 5, 0) mm.

damage (Figure 8c,d, Cases 1316). The peak in in the transmission factor resulted in a significantly
the difference in displacement response indicated higher amplitude change than changes associated with
increasing trends for the damage sequence described stiffness and/or density. Two transmission factors
in Figure 8(d) for the y- and the z-displacements. were studied (Figure 9, Cases 1719 in Table 4) with
On the other hand, the response in Figure 8(c) for one of the transmission factors also accompanied by a
the x-displacement indicated a decrease in the ampli- decrease in both stiffness and density. It was observed
tude of the peak difference displacement for the last that the net decrease in both stiffness and density
damage case. This result is similar to the result in accompanied by a decrease in the transmission factor
[107] and highlights the influence of sensor loca- resulted in an overall decrease in the peak differ-
tion on the ability to discern actual trends asso- ence amplitude for both sensor locations. In general,
ciated with a given damage site. Overall, the net decreasing the transmission factor drastically altered
change in displacement patterns suggested that an the peak difference amplitude response.
increase in density leads to a greater change than a The effects of damage identification in an
similar percent increase in stiffness. The results in orthotropic plate (Or-1) of dimensions 450 250
Figure 8(a) and (c) also indicated that the in-plane 3 mm3 involving changes in unit cell properties
displacements were dependent on changes in the as described in Tables 3 and 4 were also studied.
wave speed although the out-of-plane displacement The results from actuators located at (5, 125,
was strongly dependent on the mechanical impedance 0) mm and (225, 245, 0) mm are shown in
(product of the density and the wave speed). Figure 10(a)(c) and Figure 10(d)(f) respectively.
Next, to study the effect of damping, the local The in-plane difference waveforms had highly
transmission factors were modified in a 400 200 directional responses with elliptical patterns, while
4 mm3 aluminum plate. It was evident that a change the out-of-plane difference waveforms exhibited
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 23

70 70
x-displacement x-displacement
y-displacement y-displacement
60 z-displacement 60 z-displacement
Amplitude 108 m

Amplitude 108 m
50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20
dc = 0.05

dc = 0.05

dc = 0.1

dc = 0.05

dc = 0.05

dc = 0.1
dK = 0.1

dK = 0.1
dr = 0.1

dr = 0.1
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Peak in-plane and out-of-plane displacement comparisons in a 400 200 4 mm3 aluminum plate for damping
transmission factor variations with actuator located at (200, 5, 0) mm and sensors located at (a) (395, 5, 0) mm and (b) (200,
55, 4) mm.

circular patterns. The results described in Figure 10 amplitude was higher for the out-of-plane displace-
were further exaggerated because of the grid ments than the in-plane displacements. Additionally,
profile chosen with no grid description at the out-of-plane time slices were also displayed as shown
center of the plate specimen. In general, it is not in Figure 11(d)(f). The initial wavefront with slight
advisable to model guided waves without a center directionality at 40 kHz gave way to circular wave-
grid point; here, the results were used more for fronts at 150 kHz and circular wavefronts with more
illustration of an exaggerated case of anisotropy. complex patterns at 300 kHz. This aspect indicated
While the directionality observed was not surprising, that for subsurface defects, the higher frequencies
the out-of-plane displacement response indicating (with more complex mode behavior) were more effec-
circular profiles was somewhat counterintuitive. tive for damage identification.
Within individual circular and elliptical profiles,
the amplitude levels along different directions were
different, depending on the location of the source 7 SUMMARY
signal at a certain point in time.
Finally, a laminated composite plate (LC-1) of This article provides a brief introduction into nonde-
dimensions 400 200 4 mm3 involving changes in structive testing and variables of interest, damage
unit cell properties as described in Tables 3 and mechanisms of interest, and examples that illustrate
4 was studied. Excitations at three different signal the use of different damage models. Additionally, it
frequencies (40, 150, and 300 kHz) were studied to incorporates a detailed sensitivity analysis study that
investigate the influence of different modes. Single models damage as changes associated with localized
site damage was introduced into the plate spec- material and geometrical properties.
imen with no additional change introduced due to The sensitivity analysis study is carried out using
damping and involved subsurface damage in the a time-domain numerical model based on the LISA/
form of an air gap between layers to mimic a SIM that models propagating waves based on material
separation mechanism such as delamination. It was property and geometrical changes. This exercise
observed that changes in signal frequency resulted is undertaken without consideration of thermody-
in significant increases in the peak difference ampli- namic fluctuations (temperature, humidity) and large
tude response (Figure 11ac) along all three displace- displacement considerations, models of which req-
ments. The rate of increase in the peak difference uires additional input parameters and the use of
24 Physical Monitoring Principles

75 s 75 s
250 250
200 200
Width (mm)

Width (mm)
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(a) Length (mm) (d) Length (mm)
75 s 75 s
250 250
200 200
Width (mm)

150 Width (mm) 150

100 100
50 50
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(b) Length (mm) (e) Length (mm)
75 s 75 s
250 250
200 200
Width (mm)

Width (mm)

150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
(c) Length (mm) (f) Length (mm)
Figure 10. 450 250 3 mm3 orthotropic plate specimen showing the displacement profiles of the difference between
a damaged specimen and a pristine specimen subject to an excitation at 160 kHz corresponding to an actuator at (a, b, c)
(5, 125, 0) mm and (d, e, f) (225, 245, 0) mm. Responses are obtained for all three displacements i.e., (a, d) are the
x-displacements, (b, e) are the y-displacements and (c, f) are the z-displacements.

other modeling techniques. These changes in mate- to identify the extent of damage using time slices over
rial and geometrical properties can be used to the entire plate or through sensor locations at different
potentially improve the capabilities of a structural points on the plate specimen. Different actuation,
health monitoring methodology (for example, sensor sensor and damage locations, and plate dimensions
and actuator location, displacement direction moni- are considered. The effect of damage size is depen-
tored). Localized changes are expressed in terms dent on the sensor, actuator, and damage position in
of changes in stiffness, density, and damping with addition to the relative size of the damage to the
geometrical dimensions not exceeding the wavelength wavelength of the excited waveform. Multiple-site
of the waveform excited were considered in four damage is studied and the interaction of responses
different plate specimens. The four plate specimens reflected and/or diffracted from the damage site is
consisted of plates of different sizes and material shown to be sometimes greater than small changes in
properties (isotropic, orthotropic, and heterogeneous stiffness and density. The benefits of using a three-
orthotropic). It is shown that the models can be used dimensional model are shown by the differing trends
Static Damage Phenomena and Models 25

25 y-displacement 120 s
Amplitude 108 m


20 150

Width (mm)
15 100

0 100 200 300 400
Sensor [200,195] Sensor [400,5] Sensor [200,105] Sensor [105,195] Length (mm)
(a) (d)
y-displacement 120 s
Amplitude 108 m

30 z-displacement

Width (mm)

20 100

15 50

0 100 200 300 400
Sensor [200,195] Sensor [400,5] Sensor [200,105] Sensor [105,195] Length (mm)
(b) (e)
60 y-displacement 120 s
Amplitude 108 m

Width (mm)

0 100 200 300 400
Sensor [200,195] Sensor [400,5] Sensor [200,105] Sensor [105,195] Length (mm)
(c) (f)
Figure 11. Laminated composite multimodal study for separation identification based on the difference out-of-plane
displacements. (a, d) 40 kHz, (b, e) 150 kHz, (c, f) 300 kHz in all three directions, (ac) peak difference in amplitude at
four sensor locations, (df) time slice results.

due to changes in stiffness, density, and damping. the same as that of an orthotropic material (graphite
Damage studies are also carried out in heterogeneous epoxy).
specimens. Structural heterogeneities are introduced The case study is organized along the lines of the
into the plate specimen in the form of laminates along general schema for modeling static damage. Specifi-
the out-of-plane dimensions. Here, the material prop- cally, this case study illustrates the need for validating
erty of the laminated heterogeneity is modeled to be models using experimental testing. One benefit of
26 Physical Monitoring Principles

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Static Damage Phenomena and Models 31

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Chapter 9
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models
Alten F. Grandt Jr.
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Periodic inspections provide a second defense by

1 Introduction 1 determining the maximum size of life-limiting defects
2 Overview of Structural Failure Modes 1 that could be present at a given time. Since struc-
tural damage can grow during service, inspection
3 Fatigue Damage Models 4
intervals are based on the time it would take for
4 Load History Effects 8 undetected damage to grow to failure under the antic-
5 Proposed Witness Sample Approach for ipated service loads. Thus, failure prevention must
SHM 12 consider not only the current damage state but also the
6 Concluding Remarks 14 expected rate of damage growth due to future loading
End Notes 15 conditions (including environmental influences). The
References 15 latter task would include SHM of accumulated loads
and environmental exposure experienced in service.

Although structural failures are rare, those that FAILURE MODES
do occur are often related to preexistent manufac-
turing or service-induced damage and/or more severe Typical failure modes are briefly outlined below with
service usage than anticipated. Such failures can be the goal of setting the context for SHM require-
prevented though a combination of damage tolerant ments. It is important here to distinguish between
design, nondestructive inspections, and structural pristine structures manufactured to ideal standards
health monitoring (SHM). Damage tolerance is the and components that have been subjected to service
ability of a structure to resist fracture from preex- wear and tear or those that could contain initial
istent cracks for a given period of time and is manufacturing defects. Indeed, the initial structural
the first line of defense for insuring that unantic- and material condition has a tremendous influence
ipated damage does not lead to premature failure. on which failure modes limit structural performance.
Since one must expect damage to develop and grow
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by in service, an initially perfect structure will likely
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 develop fatigue cracks, corrosion, or some other form
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. of trauma that could ultimately lead to failure. The
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

fact that the limiting failure modes often change with mathematically, yield occurs when
use must be considered by SHM.
max material constant = (1)
2.1 Deformation and creep
Here the material constant is half the tensile yield
All structures are made from deformable materials strength ys , and max is the maximum shear stress
that lead to changes in component dimensions caused determined at the point of interest. It is readily shown,
by applied loads. Many materials behave in an elastic for example, that max = 12 |1 3 |, where 1 and
manner when forces are small and this results in 3 are the largest and smallest of the three principal
deflections that are readily predicted by concepts stresses at the given point.
governing the strength of materials [14]. These The von Mises yield criterion states that yield
elastic deformations are controlled by the stiffness of occurs when the following condition is met.

(x y )2 + (y z )2 + (x z )2 + 6(xy
2 + 2 + 2 )
xz yz 2ys

= (1 2 )2 + (1 3 )2 + (2 3 )2 2ys (2)

the material and are recoverable when the component Here again ys is the tensile yield strength, (x , y ,
is unloaded (i.e., it returns to its original dimensions). z , xy , xz , yz ) are the six components of stress at
Although elastic deformations are often not fatal by the point of interest, and 1 , 2 , and 3 , are the three
themselves, there are many instances when they can principal stresses at that point.
lead to structural failure. Excessive deformations Creep is a time-dependent distortion that occurs
can, for example, eliminate tight clearances, resulting when a member continues to deform under extended
in interference between moving components that application of a sustained static load. When the
prevent a machine from performing properly. Another load is removed, some elongations may be recovered
example is the aerodynamic flutter that can result (elastic), whereas some deformations may remain at
in resonant vibrations that deteriorate to unstable zero load (inelastic). These latter changes in dimen-
conditions and/or lead to fatigue cracking. sion may be permanent or the member may grad-
If the applied forces exceed a given value for a ually return to its original state after an additional
particular material, the loaded member may continue period of time as these deformations continue to
to deform without fracturing and experience addi- relax. Creep is an important failure mode for metal
tional inelastic deformations that lead to perma- components that operate for long periods at elevated
nent changes in shape. The maximum load that can temperatures and high loads (e.g., turbine engine
be applied without causing inelastic deformation is blades). In addition, many polymers creep at room
related to the material yield strength. Although most temperature.
structures are designed to prevent yielding, it should
be noted that the component may continue to carry
additional load and that inelastic deformations often 2.2 Buckling
provide a safety factor that is important for damage
tolerant structures. Buckling is a failure mode unique to slender members
In many structural metals, yielding is specified by loaded in compression or shear. In this case, an
the maximum shear stress (Tresca) or von Mises instability develops that results in lateral deflec-
yield criteria. The maximum shear stress (Tresca) tions that, in turn, cause an additional bending
criterion assumes that yield occurs in a ductile moment that leads to further deflections and increased
material when the maximum shear stress at the point bending. Buckling can occur at very small elastic
of interest exceeds a critical material value. Stated loads and is controlled by the material stiffness, the
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 3

unsupported length, the component cross-sectional in conjunction with static or cyclic loading (e.g.,
moment of inertia, and the type of end support. stress corrosion or corrosion fatigue) to represent a
Buckling is an important failure mode for thin, particularly dangerous failure mode. Detecting the
compression-dominated structures (e.g., upper wing accumulation of corrosive fluids and/or break down
skins in aircraft, building support columns). Although of environmental protection systems would be key
there are several forms of elastic and inelastic buck- SHM tasks.
ling, insight into this failure mode is given by
examination of the elastic Euler buckling equation
given by 2.4 Fatigue
2 EI
Pcr = (3) Cyclic fatigue is the failure mode associated with
(kL)2 repeated loading and is one of the main life-
limiting factors for mechanical devices. Consider, for
Here Pcr is the critical buckling force, E is the
example, a structural member that is subjected to
elastic modulus, I is the moment of inertia for
repeated application and removal of remotely applied
the column cross section, L is the unsupported
load cycles, as shown in Figure 1. Although the peak
column length, and k is a dimensionless coefficient
values of the maximum and minimum load per cycle
that depends on the constraint applied to the ends
may be tension or compression and may change
of the specimen. In general, k decreases as more
during the component life (i.e., variable-amplitude
constraint is provided at the column ends. Note that
loading), no single load application is large enough
the column buckling load increases linearly with the
to fracture new components.
elastic modulus E and the cross-sectional moment of
After repeated load cycles, however, small cracks
inertia I but is inversely related to the square of kL
will form, often at multiple locations in the structure.
(known as the effective column length). Thus, buck-
At the outset these cracks may be benign, but they do
ling resistance is greatly increased by shortening the
extend slowly after repeated cycling, and eventually
column length and/or increasing the end constraint. some coalesce into a dominant crack(s) that continues
Detecting loss of end constraint would be an impor- to grow in a stable manner. Finally, the dominant
tant SHM task. crack reaches a size that causes fracture, and the
member fails in a sudden, catastrophic manner. The
2.3 Corrosion s

Corrosion is material degradation due to chemical

Stress, s

attack and can occur in several forms: galvanic Crack

(dissimilar metal), pitting, exfoliation, intergranular a
attack, filiform, or, when combined with the pres-
ence of a tensile stress, stress corrosion cracking. This
time-dependent failure mechanism is highly depen- s Time
dent on the particular combination of structural mate-
rial and environment combination in question and is Fracture
often accelerated by increasing temperature. Corro-
Crack length, a

sion is a complex chemical phenomenon that can

Preexistent crack
cause general thickness loss (and a corresponding ao
increase in stress) as well as stress concentrations Crack formation
(i.e., pits and other localized areas of attack) that Crack growth
lead to fatigue cracking or fracture. Corrosion is diffi-
cult to predict, and its prevention requires careful Elapsed cycles, N
materials selection, protective coatings, and peri- Figure 1. Schematic representation of fatigue failure
odic maintenance. Although corrosion can occur mechanism, showing crack formation and propagation
independent of applied loading, it frequently acts following a period of cyclic loading.
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

final fracture surface often exhibits a brittle appear- behavior without evidence of plasticity and is a partic-
ance and may demonstrate characteristic markings ularly dangerous failure mode. The fracture resistance
that are remnants of the crack tip position at various of a material is characterized by its toughness,
stages in life. These beach marks are visible to the a quantity that can be a function of temperature
naked eye and are one of the distinguishing character- and loading rate, as well as geometric constraint to
istics of a fatigue fracture. More detailed examination yielding (e.g., specimen thickness).
of the fracture surface under a microscope may reveal
additional patterns of closely spaced lines, or stria-
tions, that record the crack tip position after each 3 FATIGUE DAMAGE MODELS
cycle of loading. The striation spacing is the local
fatigue crack growth rate, and if present, striations This section briefly outlines life prediction models for
offer conclusive proof of a fatigue failure. the fatigue damage mechanism. The stresslife and
The fatigue failure mode is one of the main strainlife methods are crack nucleation approac-
concerns for SHM, and is emphasized in this article. hes that assume crack-free structures, and focus on
Note several points about this important failure mech- the time that it would take for a fatigue crack
anism. First, fatigue requires cyclic loading to occur. to form. The damage tolerance or fatigue crack
The number of cycles that can be applied before frac- growth approach assumes that the component already
ture takes place (i.e., the fatigue life) depends on contains a subcritical crack, and one is interested in
the amplitude and mean value of the cyclic load, the determining the number of cycles that it takes for it
sequence of applied loads (when variable-amplitude to grow to final fracture. The initial crack size is a
load histories are involved), and the component shape key for these analyses and is often based on the size
and material. The condition of the specimen surface that could be missed by a nondestructive inspection.
is extremely important, as rough surfaces, notches, or As will be seen, fatigue life depends strongly on
material impurities can rapidly lead to cracks, elim- the applied stresses, and, in addition to component
inating the crack formation portion of the fatigue condition, determination of the actual load history is
life. Thus, SHM should report evidence of structural an important parameter to be obtained from SHM.
or material trauma that could lead to fatigue cracking.
Residual stresses can also have a significant influ-
ence on the fatigue life. Intentional introduction of 3.1 Crack nucleation
compressive residual stresses by shot peening or cold
working can be quite beneficial, for example, and is The stresslife method is the original approach
a common technique for extending the fatigue life to fatigue developed during the latter portion of
of a component. On the other hand, residual tensile the nineteenth century. The stresslife or SN
stresses, such as those introduced by manufacturing curve shown in Figure 2 is obtained from subjecting
processes, can be extremely detrimental to fatigue. smooth specimens to a constant-amplitude stress.
Here the applied stress amplitude is plotted against
the measured fatigue life Nf , which could be the
number of cycles to form a detectable crack, but
2.5 Fracture is often simply the total number of cycles to fracture
the small test coupon.
Final catastrophic failure results when the member Some materials (steels in particular) demonstrate
cleaves into two or more parts. Although fracture an endurance limit Se , defined as the largest stress
may occur in pristine structures subjected to over- amplitude that can be applied without having a
loads, it is frequently initiated at smaller loads by fatigue failure. It must be emphasized, however, that
preexistent flaws or by service-induced damage (e.g., while endurance limits are an important measure of
fatigue cracking and/or corrosion). Fracture can occur fatigue resistance, this property is measured in small,
in a ductile manner that requires considerable expen- polished specimens subjected to constant-amplitude
diture of energy, but can also happen suddenly with loading, and may not accurately reflect the fatigue
little warning. This latter result may exhibit brittle behavior of large components that contain initial
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 5

Stress-controlled fatigue test deformation encountered during low cycle fatigue

(LCF). This method involves testing smooth speci-
mens under constant-amplitude strain control, and
measuring the number of reversals to failure 2Nf .
Although the applied strain amplitude /2 is kept
constant, the corresponding stress amplitude /2
needed to maintain the strain limits may change as
Stress, S

S the material undergoes inelastic deformation. Mate-

rials may initially cyclically soften or cyclically
harden, although stable stressstrain behavior is
Time usually observed by mid-fatigue life.
The cyclic stressstrain curve relates the steady-
S/2 state stress amplitude /2 with the completely
reversed applied strain amplitude /2 for a series
Endurance limit of tests. It may be modeled for subsequent fatigue
analyses by dividing the total applied strain amplitude
/2 into elastic and plastic components.
Run-outs  elastic plastic
= + (5)
2 2 2
Log cyclic life, N f
Equation (4) and Hookes law give the elastic
Figure 2. Schematic stresslife (S N ) curve showing
component of strain in equation (6), where E is the
relationship between applied stress amplitude S/2 and
fatigue life N in small specimen subjected to constant- elastic modulus:
amplitude loading.
= = f (2Nf )b (6)
material and/or structural imperfections, residual stre- 2 2E E
sses, variable-amplitude loads, and so on.
Test data above the endurance limit (i.e., the finite Now, solving for the plastic strain amplitude and
life regime) may be modeled by equation (4). relating it to the stable stress amplitude / 2 with
another power law defines the empirical constants K 
 (cyclic strength coefficient) and n (cyclic strength
=  f (2Nf )b (4) exponent) in equation (7).

Here  is the applied stress amplitudea , 2Nf  n

2  plastic
is the fatigue life measured in reversals (1 cycle = = K (7)
2 2
2 reversals), and f (fatigue strength coefficient) and
b (fatigue strength exponent) are empirically deter-
Equations (57) are now combined to give the
mined material constants. Since the basic SN curve
cyclic stressstrain curve:
is obtained from small, polished specimens subjected
to completely reversed constant-amplitude loading,  1/n
this expression is quite limited in scope, and in   
= + (8)
practice one must account for specimen size, stress 2 2E 2K 
gradients, surface condition, mean stress, notches, and
variable-amplitude loading for most practical applica- Fatigue life behavior is obtained by relating the
tions [36]. total applied strain amplitude or the plastic strain
The strainlife approach was developed in the amplitude to the lives of individual test speci-
1950s and 1960s [7, 8] to handle shortcomings mens. The plastic strain amplitude plastic /2 may be
of the stresslife method associated with plastic empirically related to fatigue life (given in reversals
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

2Nf ) as follows: beneficial and tensile means detrimental. Notches

also significantly influence fatigue behavior, and are
plastic problematic for fatigue analysis. Further discussion
= f (2Nf )c (9)
2 of mean stress on fatigue behavior, along with
complications of notches is, however, beyond the
This expression defines the fatigue ductility coef- scope of this paper (see [36]).
ficient f and the fatigue ductility exponent c. Now,
as given by equation (10) and shown schematically in
Figure 3, combining expressions gives the total strain 3.2 Fatigue crack propagation
amplitude in terms of fatigue life.
This section overviews linear elastic fracture mecha-
= f (2Nf )b + f (2Nf )c (10) nics (LEFM) concepts for crack growth analysis and
2 E describes the use of the stress intensity factor to
This summation is the key to the powerful strain characterize critical and subcritical crack growth. The
life approach to fatigue, and effectively combines stress intensity factor K is the LEFM parameter
the original SN curve with the plastic strainlife that relates remote load, crack size, and structural
approach. In the LCF regime, elastic strains are small geometry, and may be expressed in the form
and fatigue life is dominated by the plastic strain.
In the high cycle fatigue (HCF) regime, the applied K = a (11)
loads are much smaller and the plastic strains are
negligible, so that fatigue behavior is controlled by Here is the applied stress, a is the crack length,
the elastic strain term. and is a dimensionless factor that depends on crack
So far, discussion has been limited to completely length and component geometry.
reversed cycling of smooth specimens without It should be emphasized that the LEFM stress
the presence of mean stresses. Mean stress does, intensity factor K used in the study of the strength
however, influence both stresslife and strainlife of materials. (Note that the stress intensity factor
behavior, with compressive mean stresses being has units of stress length1/2 while the stress
concentration factor Kt is the dimensionless ratio
Strain is controlled Stress is monitored of local stress at a notch divided by the remote
e stress.) The stress intensity factor has a rigorous
mathematical definition in the context of elastic crack
e = constant s tip stress fields and is based on the fact that all cracks
e have a characteristic square root singularity at the
Time crack tip [4, 9]. For practical engineering analysis
purposes, stress intensity factor solutions have been

e s f obtained for many crack geometries, and several
= (2N f)b + e (2N f)c
2 E f handbook compilations are available [1012].
Log strain amplitudes

As a fracture criterion, LEFM employs the exper-

= e (2N f)c
2 f imental observation that brittle materials fracture
eelastic s f when the stress intensity factor reaches a critical
= (2N f)b
2 E value:

LCF HCF K = a = Kc = constant at fracture (12)

2N t = Transition life Log 2N f Here Kc is a thickness-dependent material property

Figure 3. Schematic strainlife curve showing relation-
called the fracture toughness of the material and is
ship between elastic, plastic, and total strain amplitude the limiting value of the stress intensity factor that
with fatigue life 2Nf in small specimen subjected to causes catastrophic fracture in all components made
constant-amplitude loading. from the same material. Fracture toughness values
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 7

for many structural materials are reported in material

handbooks [13]. Note that since K relates load, crack Stage III
length, and structural geometry this simple fracture (onset of
criterion allows one to correlate fracture measure- fracture)
ments from laboratory specimens with fracture of
actual structural components.
Stage II
The fracture mechanics approach to fatigue is

Log da /dN
(steady state)
based on work by Paris [14], who demonstrated that
the cyclic range in stress intensity factor K controls
the fatigue crack growth rate per cycle da/dN . Here
K is the difference between the maximum and
minimum stress intensity factors applied during a
Stage I
particular cycle of loading and is given by K th (near threshold) Kc

K = Kmax Kmin
= max min a Log K
Figure 4. Schematic representation of sigmoidal relation-
=  a (13)
ship between fatigue crack growth rate and the cyclic stress
intensity factor.
Now  is the cyclic stress range, a is the current
crack length, and is a dimensionless function of crack growth behavior in that region by equation (14).
crack size and geometry as before.
Standard procedures [15] are available to estab- da
= CK m (14)
lish the relationship between the applied K and the dN
measured fatigue crack growth rate per cycle da/dN
in constant-amplitude fatigue tests with small labo- Here C and m are empirical material constants
ratory specimens. This experimentally determined obtained for a particular set of material data. Many
da/dN K curve may be effectively treated as other more general crack growth equations have been
a material property and is also recorded in mate- employed to relate da/dN with K [4], yielding
rial handbooks [13]. Note that the K parameter equations of the following form:
accounts for the stress range, crack size, and crack
geometry (i.e., the term) for the problem of interest. da
= F (K) (15)
When collected over a wide range of crack growth dN
rates, da/dN K curves for many materials have
the characteristic sigmoidal shape shown schemati- Here F (K) is a mathematical expression that fits
cally in Figure 4. A vertical asymptote is observed da/dN over an appropriate range of K values,
when Kmax = Kc since fracture occurs at that point. including the upper and lower asymptotes. These
There may also be an asymptote at low K levels, crack growth models may also account for other load-
designated as the fatigue threshold stress intensity ing variables, such as mean stress and temperature.
factor K th . Below K th cracks do not extend Returning now to the original objective of predic-
by cyclic loading (da/dN = 0), and the specimen ting the fatigue crack growth life, it is a simple task to
would have infinite life. The K th value is the integrate equation (15) for the total cycles Nf required
fatigue crack growth analog to the endurance limit to grow an initial crack of length a0 to some final size
Se measured in uncracked fatigue specimens. af . Solving for the cyclic life gives
A linear relation between log da/dN and log  af
K is often observed between the upper and lower da
Nf = (16)
asymptotes. Paris and Erdogan [14] expressed the ao F (K)
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

It is important to recognize limitations to the stress influence environment plays on fatigue life depends
intensity factor approach described here. It is assumed on the cyclic frequency, the shape of the curve of
that K is a valid crack parameter and that crack applied load versus time (i.e., the waveform), the
tip plasticity effects are negligible [4]. Large peak temperature, the environment, the crack orientation
loads applied during the fatigue cycling can introduce (with respect to material axes), and, of course, the
large plastic zones, for example, which significantly particular material of interest [4].
influence subsequent fatigue crack growth (cause
fatigue crack retardation as described in the following
section). Sophisticated life analysis procedures have, 4 LOAD HISTORY EFFECTS
however, been developed to analyze peak overloads,
mean stress, temperature, and environmental influ- Local crack tip plasticity often limits application of
ences (i.e., corrosion fatigue) that may occur in the stresslife, strainlife, and LEFM methods, and
service. For variable-amplitude loading, for example, leads to some peculiar crack growth behavior that
equation (16) cannot be integrated directly, but life can be important for SHM. Consider, for example,
is obtained by a cycle-by-cycle summation of crack the fatigue crack retardation phenomenon shown
growth rates for individual loading cycles. Additional schematically in Figure 5, where application of large
details of those procedures are presented in [4]. tensile overloads can actually increase cyclic life.
The LEFM approach may also be applied to the Note that this increase in life (or reduction in da/dN )
stress corrosion problem where cracks can form and is not predicted by the fatigue crack growth rate
extend under the combined influence of a sustained models discussed in the previous section. Although
tensile stress and an aggressive chemical environ-
ment. Again, laboratory tests are used to correlate
the stress corrosion crack growth rate da/dt as a
function of the applied stress intensity factor K. In
Applied stress, s

this case, K results from a sustained tensile stress

rather than a cyclic load as in fatigue, and crack
growth is measured as a function of elapsed time (i.e.,
hours, days) rather than cycles. Again the curve of
log da/dt versus log K assumes a sigmoidal shape
between a lower (KISCC ) and upper (Kc ) asymptote.
As before, these data can be represented by the empir-
ical equation
da Time
= f (K) (17)
dt Without overload

where f (K) is some convenient mathematical func-

tion chosen to represent the test data. Now, the total
time tf required to grow a crack from length a0 to af
is given by  af
Crack length, a

tf = (18)
a0 f (K)
With overload
Note that different crack geometries and compo-
nent materials are treated in a manner analogous to
computing fatigue crack growth lives.
It is important here to also note the significant
effect environment has when combined with cyclic
loading. In general, corrosion fatigue crack growth Elapsed cycles, N
rates can be considerably faster than those observed Figure 5. Schematic representation of fatigue crack retar-
for cyclic loading in an inert environment. The dation phenomenon.
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 9

the amount of crack delay depends on the partic- in the absence of peak overloads the fatigue life
ular test material in general, more ductility leads to for a center-cracked specimen was less than 10
larger crack tip plastic zones and more retardation. blocks of 4001 constant-amplitude cycles. Here the
Increasing the magnitude or number of the overloads constant-amplitude loading during each block varied
can also increase the fatigue life and, in some cases, between 2.7 and 8.0 ksi (18.3 and 55.2 MPa) remote
it may be possible to permanently stop subsequent stress. When one cycle per block was changed to
crack growth. (It is assumed here, of course, that vary between 2.7 and 14.4 ksi (18.3 and 99.3 MPa),
Kmax < Kc during the overload cycle, so that it does however, the life increased to approximately 480
not cause fracture.) blocks (a 50-fold increase in life).
Test data showing the influence of overloads on The sign and sequence of the overload can have
fatigue crack growth lives in 7075-T6 aluminum a tremendous influence on life, as shown in Figure 7
specimens are given in Figure 6 [16]. Note that [17]. Here fatigue crack growth curves are given for


Constant amplitude 6.4 mm

3 102 mm
max = 55.2 MPa
Half crack length, a (cm)

s = 18.3 MPa A B
min 2a
1 cyclic block =
2.5 4001 cycles 1 cycle
OL = 99.3 MPa
Test specimen: s = 55.2 MPa
2 center crack

s = 18.3 MPa
1 cyclic block = min

4000 cycles

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Number of applied cyclic blocks, N
Figure 6. Fatigue crack retardation produced by a single peak overload in aluminum alloy 7075-T6 [16].


+/ OL cycle /+ OL cycle

a (mm)


Smin = 40
of OL cycle
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Life, kc

Figure 7. Test data showing the effect of two different overload cycles on fatigue crack growth in 2024-T3 aluminum.
Mean stress is 80 MPa in all cases. Stress amplitude is 25 MPa for constant-amplitude cycles and 120 MPa for overload
cycles [17].
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

three center-cracked 2024-T3 aluminum specimens. n2

Compare the crack growth behavior after a 0.4-in. n1 Si
(10-mm) crack length for these three cases. In the
first instance, constant-amplitude cycling continued ni
between 8.0 and 15.2 ksi (55 and 105 MPa) remote
stress, and failure occurred within 50 000 additional Time
cycles (curve CA in Figure 7). Another specimen,
however, was subjected to a single peak under load
of 5.9 ksi (40 MPa) followed by a minimum peak Miners rule: (ni /Ni f) = 1
overload of +29 ksi (200 MPa) at that time and then ni = number of applied cycles of stress range Si
returned to the original constant-amplitude cycling. Ni f = fatigue life for Si cycling only
Note that this specimen lasted nearly 700 000 more Figure 8. Definition of Miners rule for variable-
cycles, an order-of-magnitude life increase compared amplitude loading.
to the original specimen without the overload cycle.
When a third specimen was subjected to an over- known as linear cumulative damage or Miners rule.
load cycle that was identical to that applied to
the second specimen, except that the order of the  n
=1 (19)
5.8 ksi and the +29 ksi (40 MPa and +200 MPa) Nif
underload/overload peaks were reversed, the retarda-
tion effect was nearly eliminated, and the specimen As shown in Figure 8, ni is the number of
had approximately the same life as for the orig- applied cycles with the ith loading block that has
inal constant-amplitude loading. Thus, subtle changes a given stress range Si and mean stress, and
in load sequencing can be very significant when Nif is the fatigue life that would result if only
the fatigue crack retardation phenomenon is present the ith block of loading were applied to the spec-
and pose a particular challenge for SHM (i.e., both imen. Basically, equation (16) states that ni /Nif is
magnitude and sequence of applied loads need to be the percentage of fatigue life exhausted for the ith
considered). loading block, and that when the damage summa-
Now consider the important issue of variable- tion for all blocks equals 1 (i.e., 100%), the total
amplitude fatigue life prediction by the stresslife fatigue life is expended. Note that Nif for the ith
or strainlife methods. Although this topic might block incorporates the effect of both mean stress and
best be approached by fatigue tests with the actual stress range but does not include potential load history
load history of interest, such experiments are cost effects (i.e., residual stresses) that could be devel-
prohibitive for all possible loadings, so there is great oped by prior loading blocks. Miners rule can also
interest in predictive methods that employ the basic, be employed with the strainlife approach by simply
completely reversed constant-amplitude data. Again, expressing the fatigue lives in terms of reversals (i.e.,
however, variable-amplitude fatigue analysis is a 2ni and 2Nif ) and using the strainlife relationship
complex subject that can only be overviewed here, (equation 10) to compute the percentage of damage
and the reader is referred to [36] for additional accumulated during each loading block.
details. Although Miners rule has seen wide use in
Recall that the effects of constant-amplitude load- industry, it has significant limitations that can lead
ing are described by equations (4) and (5) for the to inaccurate results. The chief shortcoming is the
stresslife and strainlife approaches. Now consider failure to recognize that the sequence in which loads
the more general case where the applied load consists are applied can have a significant influence on life
of various blocks with different stress amplitudes and through development of residual stresses. Recalling
mean stresses (or strains) or, in the limit, completely the load history effects associated with fatigue crack
random loading. The simplest approach here is to growth, it is not surprising that similar issues also
assume that fatigue damage accumulates in a linear exist for the fatigue nucleation phenomena.
manner that is independent of load history. This Crews [18], for example, reports the results
assumption may be stated by equation (19) and is of fatigue tests with 12 35-in. (30 87.5-cm)
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 11

S before the load amplitude was decreased. This subtle

change in loading sequence had a large influence,
however, on fatigue life. When 20 reversals of
0 20 ksi 40 ksi (138 MPa) were applied before reducing to
the 020 ksi (0138 MPa) load after the last large
compressive (40 ksi = 276 MPa) peak, the specimen
had a fatigue life of 126 000 reversals, less than
230 000 reversals t the reference case without the large preloads. In a
third specimen, the highlow load transition was
made after the last 40-ksi (138-MPa) tensile peak
and only involved 19 reversals of the larger preload.
40 ksi
That specimen resisted 920 000 additional 020 ksi
0 20 ksi (0138-MPa) reversals, over seven times as many
as the prior sequence, and four times as long as
the reference 020 ksi (0138 MPa) loading. Thus,
t the large preloads actually increased the fatigue life
as compared to the original case without the large
126 000 reversals loads. Clearly, load sequence effects play a significant
influence on fatigue life that is not predicted by
20 reversals Miners rule, which would give essentially the same
(b) total life for both highlow load sequences.
As shown schematically in Figure 10, the high
low load block sequencing phenomenon results from
S mean stresses created by overloads. Here two comple-
40 ksi tely reversed strain blocks are applied to a smooth test
specimen, and the resulting stress history required to
0 20 ksi maintain the strain peaks is shown. Note that the first
large strain block develops a stable hysteresis loop,
and continued cycling about this loop results in the
large, completely reversed stress history shown.
920 000 reversals
Applied strain, e
19 reversals
(c) A
Figure 9. Stresstime histories showing effect of load
sequence on fatigue life for notched aluminum specimens
tested by Crews.
s A A
2024-T3 aluminum plates that contained 2-in.
(5-cm) diameter open holes. As shown in Figure 9, C C
one reference specimen subjected to a constant- e t
amplitude remote stress that varied from 0 to 20 ksi
(0138 MPa) had a fatigue life of 230 000 reversals.
Two identical specimens were subsequently tested Compressive
to the same stress history, except for a few initial mean stress
reversals of 40 ksi (275 MPa) stress. Although Figure 10. Strainlife sequence showing development of
similar, these two highlow block loads differed compressive mean stress under highlow strain loading
in one critical detail: the sign of the last large peak sequence where the last large strain peak is tensile.
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

However, when the strain amplitude is reduced applied loading, making fatigue monitoring problem-
after a tension peak (i.e., the ABC sequence shown atic for SHM.
in Figure 10), subsequent strain-controlled cycling SHM uses data acquisition and reduction tools
follows the smaller hysteresis loop BC contained to measure loads applied to individual structures to
in the original large loop. Note that this sequence predict potential damage in key structural compo-
develops a compressive mean stress for subsequent nents. Current tracking techniques employ mechan-
completely reversed cycling at the smaller strain ical and electronic strain gauges, acoustic emission
amplitude. This compressive mean stress will increase monitors, counting accelerometers, flight load record-
the fatigue life for the small-amplitude strain block. ers, pilot logs and other devices to measure and
If, instead, the sequence for changing from high to record applied loads. This load information must
low strain amplitudes is reversed, so that the last then be analyzed by complicated computer algorithms
large peak before changing amplitude is compressive, to determine the extent of fatigue damage seen by
a deleterious tensile mean stress is created [4]. the structure. These techniques require large capital,
Thus, it is possible to develop tensile or compres- extensive effort, and many assumptions to reduce the
sive mean stresses during sequences of completely data to fatigue life, and could introduce errors that
reversed strain cycling. These mean stresses may be lead to inspection intervals that are either too long
estimated by the cyclic stressstrain curve (equa- or too short. Thus, a simplified SHM approach that
tion 8) for simple block loadings and incorporated is sensitive to parameters that control fatigue life
into Miners rule by modifying the Nif term in is needed.
the denominator of equation (19) to account for the One method proposed by the author for SHM
presence of a tensile or compressive mean stress. is the witness sample or fatigue crack gauge
Details for these types of calculations are given in concept [2025] for real time assessment of the
[3, 5]. Although not discussed here, cycle counting potential for imminent failure due to service-induced
methods are another important aspect of this proce- damage accumulation. As shown schematically in
dure for determining variable-amplitude fatigue lives Figure 11, the witness sample technique is a poten-
(see [3, 19]). tially simple and inexpensive prognosis sensor. The
witness sample is simply a precracked coupon that
is attached to a load bearing component. Since the
crack gauge receives a predictable fraction of the
5 PROPOSED WITNESS SAMPLE component loads, it is also subjected to damage
APPROACH FOR SHM accumulation scaled to that seen by the parent struc-
ture. Moreover, since the gauge and structure are
One goal of SHM programs is to ensure damage toler- subjected to the same thermochemical environment,
ance and durability by refining inspection and main- corrosive aspects of crack growth are automatically
tenance intervals based on actual usage. Although accounted for.
those intervals often employ design load assump- Now the crack gauge effectively acts as an analog
tions, experience has shown that actual service differs computer that measures loads applied to the struc-
significantly from that projected during design. The ture, determines their effect on fatigue crack growth,
fact that individual members within a fleet may and responds with an output (gauge crack extension)
encounter large variations in load severity, combined that is directly related to damage formation in the
with sequencing effects, indicates that individual component of interest. Thus, monitoring the gauge
structures will accumulate fatigue damage at signif- crack length gives a real time measure of the poten-
icantly different rates. This issue is further compli- tial for crack growth in the structural member. It
cated by the wide variation in the thermalchemical should be emphasized that although the gauge crack is
environments encountered during service, so that the physically present, the structural crack is a fictitious
potential for corrosion and/or corrosion fatigue can metric whose initial size and location are chosen to
also vary significantly. As discussed in the previous be consistent with the fracture mechanics worst-case
section, fatigue damage accumulation is particu- initial crack assumption specified by the appropriate
larly sensitive to the magnitude and sequence of damage tolerant design criteria.
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 13



Crack gauge

aS member

Structure e crack length, aS

Gauge crack length, aG

Figure 11. Schematic view of crack gauge mounted to structural component and transfer function relating measured gauge
crack growth with extension of assumed structural flaw.

The theoretical basis for the fracture mechanics and material properties, but not on the stress level.
based transfer functions to relate gauge and struc- The load transfer function can be found by stress
tural cracks is discussed in [2025] along with tech- analysis, based on either theoretical or experimental
niques for designing a crack gauge to give a desired techniques. Noting that at any point in time the gauge
response for the application of interest. Extensive and structure have witnessed the same number of
laboratory testing has verified the transfer function cycles, N , equation (16) can be solved for cyclic
calculations and has shown the crack gauge approach life, N :
to have a firm foundation in fracture mechanics
theory. Briefly, the theoretical model assumes the  afS  afG
da da
coupon is attached to the structure (by adhesive N= = (21)
aiS FS (K) aiG FG (K)
bonding, for example) in such a way that when
a remote stress, S , is applied to the structure, an
effective stress, G , is transferred to the gauge. This Here a is crack length, the subscripts i and f refer
relationship can be represented by to initial and final crack lengths, and the subscripts
S and G refer to structure and gauge, respectively.
G = f S (20) In particular, afG would be the current crack length
measured in the witness sample, and afS is the
It has been shown that the load transfer function, corresponding crack length in the structure (i.e., the
f , depends on parameters such as gauge geometry SHM metric of interest).
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

Assuming the Paris law of equation (14) for the witness samples to determine the current length of
crack growth rate function F (K), equations (20) the assumed structural crack. The advantage of this
and (21) give approach is that more general fatigue crack growth
 afS models may be employed for subsequent analysis
da than the limited Paris law.
N= mS
aiS CS (S aS )
= mG
aiG C G (f S aG )
The objective of this article has been to intro-
Note that crack length a is the variable of integra-
duce some of the challenges dealing with damage
tion and neither f nor depends on the cyclic load
formation and growth that must be considered when
S . Now if the gauge and structure have the same
designing an SHM system. Guaranteeing structural
crack growth exponent, mS = mG = m (a reasonable
integrity requires anticipation of all possible failure
assumption if the gauge and structure are made of
mechanisms and then providing adequate resistance
similar materials), S cancels and equation (22)
to these various threats. Whereas every effort is
reduces to
made to ensure high-quality construction, experience
 afS  afG
da da has shown that it is impossible to build complex
= (23) mechanical devices that are free of initial manu-
aiS C S ( aS ) aiG C G (f aG )m
facturing or material flaws. Moreover, accidental
While this expression no longer determines the damage may occur during use, along with fatigue,
cyclic life, N , it can be numerically integrated to corrosion, or other forms of material degradation.
provide information on the current structure crack Although damage tolerant designs protect against
length (afS ) provided an initial structural crack length such trauma by keeping stress levels small, employing
is assumed (i.e., the usual initial damage tolerant damage resistant materials, and providing crack-
analysis assumption). Thus, equation (23) provides arresting structural features, continued SHM during
a transfer function that relates measured crack service is an important step for scheduling mainte-
length in the coupon (afG aG ) with the current nance actions in the most cost-effective manner.
length (afS aS ) of an assumed structural crack as The foundations for structural integrity have been
shown schematically in Figure 11. Note that all stress compared with the stability provided by a three-
level terms effectively cancel, so that the relationship legged stool. One leg is a rigorous inspection
between the gauge and structure crack lengths is program that locates manufacturing or service-
independent of loading. Indeed, a distinct advantage induced damage before it can lead to failure. Another
of this model over current fatigue tracking methods leg is superior residual strength that ensures the
is that it requires no knowledge of the load history catastrophic fracture load always exceeds the largest
(i.e., the current gauge crack length afG is a measure applied service load. The third leg of the damage
of the actual applied load history). Experimental data tolerance stool is a long subcritical crack growth life
verifying the accuracy of equation (23) as a transfer that gives many opportunities to locate and repair
function are given in [2025]. any damage that does develop before it grows to a
An alternate version of the witness sample transfer size that causes final fracture. These three legs work
function model that employs two crack gauges is together to ensure structural integrity throughout the
described in [24]. This double gauge procedure planned service life.
entails matching the output from two independent Since individual usage can fluctuate widely from
witness samples. In this case, however, one knows the fleet average, however, different damage states
the current crack length in both coupons, and can can develop in particular structures at a given time,
solve equation (22) for an effective stress S that leading to a variation in required inspection intervals.
has been experienced by the structure. Once this Fatigue damage is especially sensitive to actual usage,
effective stress has been determined, one would and is difficult to predict without detailed knowledge
again use the output from one (or both) of the of the unique service loads experienced by a given
Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models 15

component. SHM provides an extra dimension to [12] Murakami Y (ed). Stress Intensity Factors Hand-
the three-legged stool by providing the means to book. Pergamon: New York, 1987.
tailor inspection intervals and maintenance actions [13] Skinn DA, Gallagher JP, Berens AP, Huber PD,
to individual members. Thus, SHM provides the Smith J. Damage Tolerant Design Handbook, A
means to maintain integrity in the most cost-effective Compilation of Fracture and Crack Growth Data
manner. for High Strength Alloys. CINDAS/JSAF CRDA
Handbooks Operation, Purdue University: West
Lafayette, IN, 1994.
END NOTES [14] Paris P, Erdogan F. A critical analysis of crack
propagation laws. Journal of Basic Engineering 1963
Here the engineering stress S is replaced with the 85:528534.
corresponding true stress (see [35]).
[15] ASTM Standard E 647, Standard test method for
measurement of fatigue crack growth rates. Annual
Book of ASTM Standards. American Society for
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Mechanics 1979 12(3):407441.
[2] Gere JM. Mechanics of Materials, Fifth Edition.
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amplitude loading. ASM Handbook, Fatigue and
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Fracture. ASM International: Materials Park, OH,
Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and
1996; Vol. 19, pp. 110133.
Fatigue, Third Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
[18] Crews Jr JH. Crack initiation at stress concentrations
[4] Grandt Jr AF. Fundamentals of Structural Integrity:
as influenced by prior local plasticity. Achievement
Damage Tolerant Design and Nondestructive Evalu-
of High Fatigue Resistance in Metals and Alloys,
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tals of Metal Fatigue Analysis. Prentice-Hall: Engle-
[19] ASTM Designation E-1049-85, Standard practice
wood Cliffs, NJ, 1990.
for cycle counting in fatigue analysis. Annual Book
[6] Stephens RI, Fatemi A, Stephens RR, Fuchs HO. of ASTM Standards, MetalsMechanical Testing:
Metal Fatigue in Engineering, Second Edition. John Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallog-
Wiley & Sons: New York, 2000. raphy. American Society for Testing and Materials:
[7] Tavernelli JF, Coffin Jr LF. Experimental support West Conshohocken, PA, 2000; Vol. 03.01.
for generalized equation predicting low cycle [20] Gallagher JP, Grandt Jr AF, Crane RL. Tracking
fatigue. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Basic crack growth damage in US Air Force Aircraft.
Engineering 1962 84(4):533. Journal of Aircraft 1978 15(7):435442.
[8] Manson SS. Discussion of Reference 7 above. [21] Ashbaugh NE, Grandt Jr AF. Single-edge-cracked
Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Basic crack growth gauge for monitoring possible fatigue
Engineering 1962 84(4):537. crack growth. Service Fatigue Loads Monitoring,
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[10] Tada H, Paris P, Irwin G. The Stress Analysis of growth gauge. Fracture Mechanics 1979 ASTM STP
Cracks Handbook. Paris Productions: St. Louis, MO, 677:533549.
1985. [23] Dumanis-Modan A, Grandt Jr AF. Development of
[11] Rooke DP, Cartwright DJ. Compendium of Stress a side-grooved crack gauge for fleet tracking of
Intensity Factors. Her Majestys Stationary Office: fatigue damage. Engineering Fracture Mechanics
London, 1976. 1987 26(1):95104.
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

[24] Dumanis, A, Grandt Jr AF. Development of a [25] Gates MD, Grandt Jr AF. Crack gauge approach
double crack growth gauge algorithm for application to monitoring fatigue damage potential in aircraft.
to fleet tracking of fatigue damage. Proceedings 1997 Society for Experimental Mechanics Spring
International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue Conference on Experimental and Applied Mech-
21st Conference, 15th Symposium. Jerusalem, Israel, anics. Bellevue, Washington, DC, 24 June
June 1989. 1997.
Chapter 10
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials

Kumar V. Jata1 , Ajit Roy1 and Triplicane A. Parthasarathy1,2

Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, USA
UES Incorporated, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton,

environments are still not well understood. The topic

1 General Remarks on Failure Process 1 is too broad to cover in this article and, therefore, the
2 Physics of Failure of Metals 3 discussion is restricted to laboratory coupon research
in metals and OMCs.
3 Failure Characteristics in Polymer
Many of the structural components in use today
Matrix Composites 12
are manufactured from metallic alloys. Aluminum
4 Summary 16 alloys are most commonly used as airframe materials
References 17 although the recent trend has been to use compos-
ites. Ti alloys are also used but in hotter sections of
the airframe, and also as fan and compressor blades
in turbine engines. Ni-based alloys (single crystals
1 GENERAL REMARKS ON and equiaxed microstructures) are used in the high-
FAILURE PROCESS temperature section of the turbine engine. In case
of metals, it is important to have a good knowl-
Substantial research has been performed in the last
edge of chemical composition, primary processing
few decades on understanding of nucleation and
and secondary processing methods used to produce
growth of cracks in materials, and as a result, failure
the material and components, grain size and inclu-
modes on laboratory coupons are well understood
sion (impurity) content, and the morphology, shape,
for metallic alloys, ceramics, ceramic matrix compos-
and size of strengthening precipitates. Grain size has
ites (CMCs), organic matrix composites (OMCs), and
a major role in determining the strength, ductility,
carboncarbon (CC) composites. However, fail-
fracture toughness, threshold for fatigue crack prop-
ures in the actual components in near-operational
agation rate, and creep. Strengthening precipitates
determine strength, low-cycle fatigue life, fatigue
crack growth resistance, and environmental fracture
This article is a US government work and is in the public resistance. Inclusion content depends on the purity
domain in the United States of America. Copyright 2009 of an alloy. Large inclusion size is detrimental to
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd in the rest of the world. ISBN: fatigue crack initiation and result in low fracture
978-0-470-05822-0. toughness.
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

The 7000-series and 2000-series aluminum alloys loading conditions. In very high pure alloys, slip
are commonly used as structural materials for air- bands can take over the nucleation of fatigue cracks.
frame fuselage construction and wing structure. The The load range then influences further crack growth.
7000 series is high in strength and the 2000 series The later sections elaborate these points. The thick-
belongs to the damage tolerant class. Zn, Mg, and Cu ness of the structure can also play a role by
are the strengthening elements for the 7000 series, influencing whether the structure would be under
whereas Mg and Cu are for the 2000 series; for both plane-strain or plane-stress conditions. Plane-strain
alloys Ti and Cr/Zr/Mn control grain size. Ti controls conditions reduce the strain required for fracture.
grain size during casting the ingot and Cr/Zr/Mn Industrial applications, therefore, minimize the use
controls grain size during primary processing and of thick structures to avoid plane-strain conditions
solution heat treatment. unless required for load-carrying purposes. However,
In aluminum alloys, primary processing varies in some cases such as airframe bulkheads of fighter
depending on whether the product form is a forging, aircraft, it is not possible to avoid thick structures.
sheet, or a thick plate. Depending on this primary Fatigue cracks initiate from the bolt-holes and the
processing, fracture varies. For example, in the case critical crack length to fracture (the crack length
of a thick plate, commonly employed for bulkheads that corresponds to fracture toughness of the alloy)
and wing structure, grain size and chemical composi- must be evaluated on thick sections of the alloy
tion from the mid thickness of the plate to the top or rather than thin sections. In the case of thin struc-
bottom surface can result in a strength variation and tures where plane-stress conditions exist, failure mode
crack propagation direction. will shift from a catastrophic plane strain (with very
Secondary processing refers to the solution heat little ductility) to a more slant fracture or a ductile
treatment temperature (400550 C depending on the fracture.
alloy) and the aging treatment applied (120170 C Gaseous species in the environment accentuate
depending on the alloy and desired temper) to attain fracture. A very common static fracture that occurs
desirable strength and damage tolerant characteristics is in the case of landing gear steels, where an
in precipitation-hardened alloys. The solution treat- improper electroplating process can lead to hydrogen
ment temperature, along with the amount of grain embrittlement. (Hydrogen is adsorbed/absorbed into
size refining elements listed above, can affect recrys- an alloy, such as steels, during electroplating and thus
tallization and grain growth. Also, different aging must be removed by a post-heat-treatment process.)
temperatures and times can affect the precipitate Some alloys, high-strength aluminum alloys and high-
distribution, size, and coherency of the precipitate. All strength steels, are susceptible to stress corrosion
these factors, i.e., grain size and precipitates, affect cracking (SCC) in the presence of aqueous envi-
the strength, fracture toughness, and crack growth ronments such as high humidity and sodium chlo-
properties of the material. ride solution. A premature and unpredictable fracture
The impurity content in alloys, primarily Si, and Fe may also occur when the structure is under fatigue
in Al alloys, greatly affects ductility, fracture tough- load and environment-assisted crack growth (corro-
ness, and nucleation of fatigue cracks. Obviously, sion fatigue) can rapidly occur.
higher impurity content results in inferior properties. Airframe structures also employ Ti-6Al-4V and
Besides the chemistry and heat treatments, defects Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloys but on a much smaller
arising from improper machining during component scale owing to prohibitive cost. Currently, a number
manufacturing can play havoc in failures. If sharp of Ti alloy airframe applications require welding
radii are present in the structure, stress concentration and the welding process of large structures for
results causing fatigue crack nucleation if the struc- service conditions is difficult. During welding, tensile
ture is under fatigue loading or can become sites for residual stresses are introduced. Their removal is crit-
promotion of brittle fracture during static loading in ical as they promote unpredictable failures. Nickel
an otherwise ductile material. alloys, used as engine materials, are much more
In almost all metallic structures, large inclusions complex than the aluminum class of alloys used in
such as those formed from impurity content can the airframe. Extensive database covering the failure
give rise to premature crack nucleation under fatigue modes for in-service environments are discussed
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 3

at length in handbooks such as the ASM Metals 2.1.2 Fracture

Handbook on fractography.
Fracture is a very broad term; however, at a higher
In the following section, physics of failures for
level it can be classified as static, dynamic, and
metals is introduced and summarized.
creep rupture. Static fracture occurs when the load
is applied monotonically, thus overloading or over-
stressing the material. Cyclic loads are absent in static
2 PHYSICS OF FAILURE fracture situations. Creep rupture (not deformation
OF METALS as discussed above) is the second major mode of
failure that occurs in high-temperature components.
2.1 High-level classification Rotating engine parts such as turbine blades are influ-
enced by centrifugal forces at high temperatures for
At a high level, failure modes in metals or alloys prolonged periods. Excessive creep deformation may
can be broadly classified under three categories: initially occur but continued exposure may lead to
(i) deformation, (ii) fracture, and (iii) material loss creep rupture, which may be owing to either a poor
(Table 1). selection of materials or a poor definition of the oper-
ational environment. Creep rupture is a parameter
2.1.1 Deformation commonly employed in the design of pipes carrying
liquid through a boiler or a nuclear reactor. Creep
A metallic alloy can fail to perform an assigned func- in the pipe not only reduces the cross section of the
tion owing to excessive deformation either arising pipe but also promotes the formation of small cavities
from low-yield strength or through creep at high over time at the operating temperature. The cavities
temperatures. Most of the plasticity associated with form either intragranularly or at the grain boundaries,
yield is athermal, whereas in the case of creep it is which eventually link up resulting in failure through
thermal. In both cases, plasticity plays a key role as creep rupture. The formation of cavities is a thermally
a failure mode even though fracture has not occurred activated process.
because the component is prevented from performing
its function. Creep deformation resulting from applied
2.1.3 Dynamic fatigue
stress and high temperature is a function of time.
Many of the components that undergo creep deforma- Major attention has been focused over the last few
tion are designed not to exceed a certain amount of decades on the field of fatigue as the majority
deformation under a given applied load over a spec- of failures occur under fatigue loading. When a
ified time interval. The amount of creep deformation component is subjected to cyclic stress, fatigue failure
allowed in a design can lie in either the primary creep occurs with plasticity accumulation. Fatigue proper-
regime or secondary regime. ties can be determined by using smooth bars that

Table 1. Classification of Failure Modes in Metallic Alloys

Deformation Yield Athermal plasticity f (stress)
Creep Thermally activated f (temperature, time, stress)
Fracture Static Athermal/acyclic fracture f (stress)
Creep Thermally activated f (temperature, time, stress)
rupture cavitation leading to
Dynamic Cyclic plasticity leading to f (cyclic stress, cycle#)
fatigue nucleation/growth of
Material Corrosion Athermal loss of material f (time, environment)
Loss Oxidation Thermally activated f (time, temperature, O2 pres)
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

can be subjected either to stress-controlled or strain- case, loss of material could be rapid as compared
controlled cyclic loads. Smooth bars represent failure to the material loss experienced in the corrosion
in the absence of cracks in the structure. In stress- process.
controlled fatigue testing (high-cycle fatigue), applied
stress is below the yield stress and very little plas-
ticity is accumulated. In the case of strain-controlled 2.2 Second-level classification
fatigue (also known as low-cycle fatigue), applied
stresses are beyond the yield stress of the mate- In this section, the factors associated with the first-
rial and the accumulated plasticity is considerably level failure mechanisms, namely, yield, creep, static
higher than that in high-cycle fatigue, resulting in fracture, creep rupture, dynamic fatigue, corrosion,
fewer cycles to failure. Fracture mechanics tests are and oxidation, are discussed. Here, the goal is to
conducted for the evaluation of fatigue crack resis- provide a discussion of the microstructural param-
tance in the presence of a sharp crack. Current eters such as grain size, strengthening precipitates,
fracture mechanics approaches use atomically sharp and second-phase particle content that control these
cracks or microstructural inhomogeneities as crack material failure modes.
nucleation sites. In all fatigue situations, the applied
stress range (maximum stress minus minimum stress) 2.2.1 Deformation
plays a key role. However, in the fracture mechanics
Depending on the service temperature, the two mate-
approach, the stress intensity range is the parameter
rial properties that can lead to failure are the yield
that extends the crack and crack growth rates, which
strength and creep resistance. If one needs to monitor
dictate the remaining life. The number of cycles to
failures due to large plastic deformation, then the
failure are computed for a given crack size to reach
athermal plasticity of the material in question must
a critical size. The presence of small cracks (equiva-
be considered. From the microstructure point of view,
lent to the size of a microstructure unit such as grain
the logical question is what material factors control
size) is detrimental to engine components; therefore,
the athermal plasticity? For traditional structural
much attention has been focused in the literature on
engineering materials, the yield strength is inversely
studying small crack behavior in engine component
proportional to the square root of the grain size
(a fundamental microstructure parameter) through the
HallPetch relation:
2.1.4 Material loss
y = 0 + kd n (1)
The last failure mode listed in Table 1 is the loss
of material that can occur owing to either corro- where y is the yield strength, 0 is the yield strength
sion or high-temperature oxidation. Loss of material of a single crystal, d is the grain size, k is the
in a corrosive environment is referred to as general HallPetch coefficient, and n is the HallPetch slope,
or uniform corrosion and is strongly dependent on typically equal to 0.5.
the environment and time of exposure. Many times, In conventional airframe materials such as the
components undergoing such corrosion are either aerospace aluminum alloys, grain size is controlled
repaired by grinding out the corrosion or replaced by special alloying elements [1], which have a low
after a certain amount of material loss has occurred solid solubility limit at high temperatures and, hence,
beyond the amount allowed in the design of the precipitate out during casting of the alloys. For
component. Note that the time of exposure in corro- example, titanium is normally added to castings to
sive environments is a key parameter. Many other control the grain size. In addition, small amounts of
corrosion mechanisms exist and these are discussed manganese, chromium, scandium, and zirconium are
in the next level of failure processes. Material loss added to control grain size and grain shape. Zirco-
at high temperatures usually involves material oxida- nium and scandium are the most effective elements
tion. For a first-order approximation, material loss by because they form coherent dispersoids; for example,
such a mechanism depends on the partial pressure Al3 Zr dispersoid is a second phase that is dispersed in
of O2 and time and temperature of exposure. In this the matrix. They are also very effective in preventing
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 5

recrystallization. Apart from the grain size, a second aluminum alloys, for example, this loss in strength
factor that controls plastic deformation is the pres- can occur at prolonged exposures to high temperature
ence of second-phase particles. These second-phase (approximately 150 C) owing to severe coarsening
particles are termed strengthening phases or precip- of the precipitates (severe over aging), with the
itates. Additions of zinc and copper in combination level of coarsening dependent on the individual alloy
with magnesium result in the formation of precip- and the precipitate-forming elements. Many of the
itates that provide the necessary strengthening in designated tempers such as T3, T6, T8, and T7
aluminum alloys. Many high-strength alloys (7xxx refer to the extent to which the alloys have been
and 2xxx series) used in military and commercial aged at temperatures prior to use. Each temper thus
aircrafts contain these elements. corresponds to a prescribed strength, and each temper
Dislocations are line defects, which propagate is suitable for different applications. However, at
resulting in plastic deformation. In an alloy with present, an on-line monitoring approach for structures
precipitates, the dislocations either cut through these that accounts for differences in these factors does not
obstacles or bypass them by leaving loops of dislo- exist.
cations around them. When dislocations shear these
precipitates, the strength of a material increases
with the increase in volume fraction and radius of 2.2.2 Creep deformation and rupture
the precipitate. When the precipitate size exceeds a Failures at high temperatures (<0.5 of melting point
cutoff radius, it is too large to be cut by dislo- of material in kelvin) due to excessive deforma-
cations. This causes the dislocations to bypass the tion caused by creep are not uncommon. Compo-
precipitates during deformation resulting in lower nents are not usually permitted to deform beyond a
strength. The strength in the cutting regime (i.e., the certain amount of strain or thermal plasticity over
regime where dislocation cuts through the precipi- a specific period of time under load. However, in
tate) is determined by a variety of factors. The most some instances the amount of creep is not critical, but
prominent effect arises from the antiphase boundary failure due to creep rupture has to be avoided (such
(APB) energy in the case of ordered precipitates. as in the case of a pipe carrying a hot fluid where a
The coherency strain (mismatch in lattice param- certain amount of deformation can be tolerated, but
eter between matrix and precipitate) plays a signif- not rupture of the pipe). Creep rupture data, i.e., stress
icant role in some systems. Other factors include versus time to creep rupture, at desired temperatures
the volume fraction, size of the precipitates, and are typically used. As shown in Table 1, to avoid
friction stress in the matrix and precipitate. Equa- such failures, stress, time, and temperature are key
tions describing these multiple effects can be quite
variables, and their effects need to be understood.
complex. In the case of the bypass regime, the
The dominance of a specific creep mechanism in
strength is dependent on fewer factors as given
any alloy is dependent on the applied stress and
temperature [2]. Constitutive equations for each creep
Gb mechanism are readily available, and by solving
y = (2)
l these equations for a desired temperature and stress
2r range, the strain rates can be plotted as isostrain rate
l = 0.5 (3) contours in an Ashby map (Figure 1).
At high stress and high temperatures, creep rates
where l is the distance between precipitates, r is are determined by a power law, or dislocation
the radius of the precipitates, f is the volume creep, regime where the creep rates vary with stress
fraction, a is a geometrical factor typically equal rapidly, as given by
to 0.5, G is the shear modulus, and b is the Burgers  
vector of the dislocation, typically half the lattice d Q
= A exp ( th )n (4)
parameter. dt RT
Thus, the second-phase/precipitate particles lose
their ability to contribute to yield strength of the where is the creep strain, t is the time, A is
material when they exceed a certain size. In many a material constant, Q is the activation energy for
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

1.E01 the boundaries that delineate different creep mech-

anisms. Figure 1 shows that at low stresses and
high temperatures, NabarroHerring creep deforma-
Shear stress/shear modulus

Conventional plastic flow

1.E02 tion dominates, where atomic diffusion takes place
Core Dislocation creep from boundaries normal to the stress axis to bound-
diffusion aries parallel to the stress axis. Vacancies diffuse in
1.E03 strength
the opposite direction, i.e., from boundaries parallel
diffusion to the stress axis to boundaries perpendicular to the
Boundary stress axis. It is important to note here that the
diffusion microstructural factor that governs the creep strain
1.E04 Elastic
regime Diffusional creep rate in this regime is proportional to 1/d 2 . Even
Bulk at lower stresses, creep deformation occurs through
diffusion vacancy migration but along grain boundaries, and
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
the strain rate is very sensitive to the number of
grain boundaries through a 1/d 3 relationship. There
Temperature/melting point
is no dislocation motion in the high-temperature and
Figure 1. A notional creep deformation mechanism map low-stress regimes, and no grain elongation occurs.
showing isocreep strain rate contours, and creep mecha-
nisms that can occur in metallic alloys under applied stress
Grains, however, do rotate resulting in loss of the
and temperature. original texture and sliding of grain boundaries occur.
At higher stress levels, creep is controlled by disloca-
tion movement and is independent of grain size; this
creep, R is the universal gas constant, is the applied aspect is indicated as the dislocation creep regime in
stress, and th is a threshold stress that depends on Figure 1. Grains here elongate and new textures form.
the microstructural state of the material. Currently, in order to decipher the specific mech-
At lower stresses, creep rates vary linearly with anism that is occurring in a component, specimens
stress and are said to be undergoing diffusion creep. from the component are sectioned and prepared for
Within this regime, at higher temperatures, the creep scanning or transmission electron microscopy. Voids,
rate is determined by grain size/orientation modification, and formation of
  new textures can then be studied and documented
d  Q 1 for any material component after the failure has
= 10 DL,o exp L (5) occurred.
dt kT RT d 2

where  is the atomic volume, k is the Boltzmanns

constant, DL,o is the preexponent for bulk diffusion of 2.2.3 Static fracture
atoms, QL is the activation energy for bulk diffusion,
and d is the grain size. At lower temperatures, the In aircrafts, there are very few metallic components
creep is limited by Coble creep and the rate is that fail purely owing to a static overload mechanism.
given by However, overload fracture can occur after a crack
has first grown by a different fracture mechanism, for
d  Qb 1 example, by stress corrosion. In such a case, a crack
= 47 ( D ) exp (6) grows to a critical size by such a mechanism, and
dt kT b b,o RT d 3
then the final fracture occurs by overload. Rather than
where Db,o is the preexponent for grain-boundary using percent elongation or percent area reduction,
diffusion, b is the grain-boundary width, and Qb is fracture toughness (K1c ) is used as an engineering
the activation energy for grain-boundary diffusion. indicator for a materials ability to withstand over-
The isostrain rate contours in a plot of applied shear loads under brittle conditions or plane-strain loading
stress (normalized with respect to shear modulus) conditions.
versus operating temperature (normalized with In order to obtain K1c , a sharp crack is imbedded in
respect to melting temperature in kelvin) represent a fracture mechanics specimen and fracture toughness
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 7

is evaluated using an approach outlined in the Amer- inclusions) decrease toughness through promotion of
ican Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM) Stan- brittle fracture. Thus, grain size, strengthening phases,
dard E399. J1c (elasticplastic fracture mechanics and second-phase particle distribution play a key role
parameter) is used when the material exhibits consid- in fracture initiation, and crack growth toughness of
erable plasticity during loading and crack extension; many engineering alloys.
therefore, linear elastic fracture mechanics is not
applicable. The tearing modulus defined as dJ/da
represents crack growth toughness and has been eval-
2.2.4 Fatigue
uated recently as an additional parameter to evaluate Fatigue is one of the dominant modes of failure, and
material fracture resistance. For thin sheet materials, has been investigated more thoroughly than any other
such as the gauge used for aircraft fuselage, R-curves fracture mechanism; numerous papers have been
(crack resistance behavior) are generated on very published in the technical literature. When a stress-
large specimens according to the ASTM standards. controlled or high-cycle fatigue test is performed
Figure 2 summarizes various microstructural on a smooth or notched specimen, the number of
parameters that govern the fracture toughness and fatigue cycles to failure represents the fatigue life.
tearing modulus for precipitation-hardened aluminum The cycles to failure normally depend on the R-ratio
alloys routinely used for aircraft structures [3]. It (the ratio of minimum to maximum applied stress
may be observed that fracture initiation toughness in a cycle = min /max ). In the case of high-cycle
(K1c , J1c ) and crack growth toughness (also known fatigue, the maximum applied stress is kept below the
as tearing modulus, Tr ) decrease with an increase yield stress of the material. Cracks usually initiate on
in yield strength. The figure also attempts to illus- the surface either at the site of a large inclusion(s)
trate that for constant yield strength, as microstruc- or at a grinding or a tool mark due to improper
tural parameters such as grain size, strengthening machining of the component. In high-cycle fatigue
precipitates, and impurity content are refined (reduced applications, compressive residual stresses are usually
in size or extent), K1c , J1c , and Tr increase. Fine induced on the surface either through shot peening or
second-phase particles improve homogeneity of slip, most recently by laser shock peening to increase the
thereby improving fracture toughness parameters. component life; however, the compressive residual
Homogeneity of slip also promotes ductile failure, stresses usually decay with fatigue cycling, so shot
void nucleation, and growth. Larger grain-boundary peening is not a permanent solution to the fatigue
precipitates and impurity particles (also known as failure problem. Research has shown that the key

(Underaged alloys)
Increasing homogenous slip
Refinements in grain size,
grain boundary precipitate,
microstructure and impurities
tearing modulus
Crack growth
toughness or


(Yield strength curve)

(Peak-aged alloys)
Ductile fracture
Brittle fracture
(caused by grain boundary
Fracture toughness, K1c or J1c

Figure 2. Relationship of crack initiation toughness and tearing modulus (or crack growth toughness) to various
microstructural parameters in precipitation-hardened Al alloys.
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

microstructural parameter in high-cycle fatigue is the

size of the largest inclusion or the range of size of
inclusions that participate in the initiation of fatigue Z
In strain-controlled fatigue, a specimen is cycled
within a prescribed strain range that could be below
or above the yield of the material. Cyclic plasticity
is accumulated as the specimen is cycled and the
total accumulated plastic deformation dictates the Figure 3. Aircraft lap joint, splice plates with a corner
(low-cycle) cycles to failure. Here, the plasticity is crack near the fastener.
accumulated through slip or dislocation movement
from the bulk of the material to the surface. Cracks of the same material as the multilayers. All these
initiate in slip bands and eventually link up causing factors make the detection, location, and sizing of
failure. The CoffinManson law relates the applied the cracks extremely difficult, particularly when the
plastic strain amplitude, (p /2), to the number NDE inspection is performed without disassembling
of strain reversals to failure, 2Nf , as given by the the structure.
equation Unlike airframe structures, a small flaw present
= f (2Nf )c (7) in a rotating turbine engine component can create a
2 major loss of the entire engine or even loss of the
aircraft. Thus, the study of small cracks (cracks whose
where f is the fatigue ductility coefficient (the value dimensions are of the same order as that of the grain
of the plastic strain amplitude when failure occurs
size of the material or less) is of extreme importance
in one strain reversal) and c is the fatigue ductility
in materials that are used for gas turbine engines.
exponent (obtained by the slope of the line that relates
A number of investigations have been performed to
the plastic strain amplitude to the cycles to failure).
understand the growth behavior of small cracks with
However, a more important problem in structural
respect to microstructure, residual stress, and grain
fatigue is failure through fatigue crack propagation.
size. The reader is referred to the article, [4], as a
Here, the assumption is that when a component is
starting point on this subject. Fatigue crack growth
inserted into service after nondestructive evaluation
rates (da/dN , where da is the increment in crack
(NDE) inspection, a crack population below the reso-
size and dN is the increment in number of applied
lution limit of the NDE equipment or due to human
error will go undetected. Cracks below the resolu- load cycles) for larger cracks for a few common mate-
tion limit of the NDE equipment are assumed to be rials are shown in Figure 4 as a function of the stress
present in the structure and then the fatigue crack intensity range (K =  a), also termed the
growth law for that particular material in question crack driving force [2]. When the crack growth rate
is applied to estimate the number of cycles that decreases to very small values below 1010 m/cycle,
will be needed to grow the crack or cracks to a the corresponding stress intensity range is designated
critical crack size and cause failure. For airframe as Kth and known as the fatigue threshold stress
structures, it is common to assume that cracks below intensity range. In Figure 4, the curve designated
the size of 30 mil (0.762 mm) will go undetected. as striation model refers to the Paris law and is
This number usually gets larger when the structure determined by equation (7). Many aircraft structural
becomes complex from the point of view of number components are designed for fatigue crack growth
of material layers and the presence of sealants. As rates corresponding to those in Region II of the
shown in Figure 3, many complex aerospace struc- fatigue crack growth curve where Paris law is obeyed
tures can be made up of multiple layers, sometimes up and the fatigue crack extends by a striation mecha-
to five, separated by corrosion prevention compounds nism given by equation (9) below,
known as sealants. In addition, the multilayers can
also be separated by shims with the structure held da
together by fasteners, which may or may not consist = (K)m (8)
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 9


Crack growth rate, da/dN (m/cycle)


High-strength Al alloy

Striation model

1.00E10 High-strength steel

1 10 100
Stress intensity range, K (MPa-m)
Figure 4. Fatigue crack growth rate versus stress intensity range of a number of materials. Striation models use the Paris
law equation.

K 2 a uniform grain size, fatigue crack growth resistance
= (9) is superior when strengthening phases are coherent
(underaged alloys) and is inferior when they are inco-
herent (overaged Al alloys). These effects of strength-
where is the crack-tip opening displacement related
ening phases are related to slip characteristics and
to crack growth rate per cycle in the material and
nonlinearity of the crack path in the material. When
is a constant. In Figure 4, brittle materials such as
particles are coherent, crack-tip plasticity is accumu-
amorphous glass and alumina exhibit very small crack
opening displacement and, hence, need lower driving lated through planar slip and the fatigue cracks follow
force or stress intensity range to extend the fatigue the slip planes resulting in a path that has many tilts.
crack. In the case of materials such as high-strength In the case of incoherent particles, nonplanar slip
steels and aluminum alloys, the stress intensity range dominates, which results in a relatively straight crack
for the cracks to grow is larger. Note that the crack path. The out-of-plane crack path (made up of tilted
opening displacement for a given stress intensity cracks) provides a higher fatigue crack growth resis-
range is related to elastic modulus (E) and yield tance. Similarly, the fatigue threshold stress intensity
strength (ys ) of the material. range has also been shown to have a direct correla-
As discussed above, for the lower end of the tion with particle spacing and particle volume frac-
stress intensity range, crack growth rates asymptot- tion. Particles with lower volume fractions and larger
ically decrease to very small values (1011 m/cycle) spacing decrease out-of-plane cracking resulting in
and the stress intensity range reaches a fatigue larger fatigue thresholds [57].
threshold stress intensity Kth . In this regime, Recently, a comparative study of grain size effects
fatigue crack growth rates are strongly influenced on crack propagation in nickel was performed [8].
by microstructural parameters such as grain size The study showed that nickel containing nanosize
and second-phase particles. In engineering materials, grains had the least amount of nonlinearity in the
it is often difficult to isolate the effects of grain crack path and exhibited the fastest crack propagation
size from other microstructural parameters such as rates. Fatigue cracks in microcrystalline and conven-
second-phase particles. Nevertheless, in precipitation- tional nickel with larger grains propagated with much
hardened aluminum alloys, it has been shown that for more out-of-plane tilts providing slower fatigue crack
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

growth rates. In addition, fatigue threshold intensity pitting, environmentally assisted cracking (EAC), and
factors for a number of important engineering alloys intergranular corrosion. SCC, corrosion fatigue, and
were compiled and analyzed and it was shown that hydrogen embrittlement fall under the category of
the threshold stress intensity range increases with EAC and, when they occur, can lead to very costly
grain size [9]. Thus, the subject of fatigue is vast failures.
and the microstructural relationship to fatigue crack In the case of SCC, an existing crack in a mate-
growth rate is clearly material dependent. Therefore, rial propagates under the combined influence of stress
for prognosis, it is essential to know the material and a corrosive environment. The fracture toughness
and its microstructural state so that the fatigue crack of the material is not altered owing to the environ-
growth law corresponding to that particular material ment but an existing crack can reach the critical crack

and material state in question can be applied. size (K1C = acr ) through the combined influ-
ence of stress and environment. Fracture mechanics
test methods exist to evaluate the threshold, K1scc or
2.2.5 Corrosion
K1EAC (where EAC refers to environmentally assisted
Uniform corrosion is the term that is used in the cracking, and the subscript 1 refers to crack opening
corrosion literature and does not necessarily imply mode 1, below which stress corrosion cracks will not
the loss of material through chemical reactions. The propagate). The two regimes, Region I and Region
term is used even though the material loss is different II, of SCC in fracture mechanics specimens or struc-
at different locations. The corrosion does not impact tures containing atomically sharp cracks are shown
structural integrity initially, but can do so if a large in Figure 5. Numerous reports exist in the literature
amount of material loss occurs. There are at least for Al and Ti alloys where microstructure has been
seven forms of corrosion [10] and of these the shown to play a dominant role in controlling the frac-
ones that affect the engineering structures include ture mode. High-strength aerospace aluminum alloys

Al-Zn-Mg alloys
105 T6 tempers

Region II-Plateau region, constant velocity regime

Al-Zn-Mg alloys
da /dt (m s1)

T7 temper

Effect of over aging a 7xxx alloy

Region I, velocities asymptotically decrease


0 50
K (MPa-m)
Figure 5. A schematic showing stress corrosion crack growth velocities as a function of stress intensity in high-strength
Al alloys. Also stress corrosion crack growth rates are compared in T6 and T7 tempers for 7xxx alloys (notional).
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 11

have been investigated thoroughly for SCC in 3.5% branch out; however, careful analysis and experience
NaCl (sodium chloride) solution. This electrolyte is of are required to distinguish these cracks from others.
much interest since chloride ions contained in NaCl Many of the fracture mechanisms and example frac-
solution degrade these alloys significantly. A compi- tographs can be found in [2, 10].
lation of stress corrosion crack growth rates for 7079, Hydrogen can also affect crack growth rates
7039, 7049, 7075, and 7050 shows that the crack in many alloys including Ti-based alloys, which
growth velocities (da/dt in m s1 ) are almost similar are of interest to the aerospace industry. In these
in the T7 temper, approximately 8 1010 m s1 . alloys, hydrogen can accelerate crack growth rates
T7 is the overaged temper. However, many of the by lowering the cleavage fracture stress and/or by
older aircraft (aging aircraft) used 7049, 7079, and forming titanium hydrides. The amount of hydrogen
7075 in T6 temper that corresponds to a high-strength required to embrittle the Ti-based alloys depends on
condition (peak aged) and were not optimized for the volume fractions of various phases, stress state at
SCC. In alloy 7079-T6, the SCC cracks grow at the crack tip, temperature, and crack-tip strain rate.
105 m s1 and at 108 m s1 in 7075-T7. Note that A large body of information on this subject has been
in this temper the stress corrosion crack velocity is published between 1973 and 1990 and the reader is
much faster than 8 1010 m s1 . referred to the textbooks referenced in this article.
However, the literature shows that the effect of
aging (of aerospace aluminum alloys) on the SCC
2.2.6 Oxidation
resistance is not that straightforward. It depends
on the chemical composition of the alloy. For In metallic alloys, material loss at low tempera-
example, in some high-strength aerospace aluminum tures is dominated by the chemical action of the
alloys, it has been shown that overaging (i.e., environment as discussed under corrosion. At higher
microstructure containing incoherent precipitates) can temperatures, oxidation is the primary source of mate-
improve SCC thresholds, whereas in some alloys rial loss. The rate at which a metal oxidizes varies
the thresholds were not affected; instead the plateau from one metal to another depending upon the chem-
velocity in Region II (Figure 5) of the stress corro- istry of elements that make up the alloy. In addition,
sion crack growth rate versus stress intensity was the microstructural features also affect the oxida-
drastically improved [11]. For aluminumlithium tion rate. In a well-engineered alloy, the compo-
(AlLi) alloys, the addition of trace elements (zinc sition is tailored in order to form a very dense,
or indium) has been shown to improve corrosion tenacious, and adherent oxide film on the surface
resistance or K1scc . The overaged alloys also exhibit that prevents further oxidation by forming a physical
improved fatigue endurance limits under high-cycle barrier between the oxygen and the underlying mate-
fatigue (stress-controlled fatigue) conditions. Under rial. For example, aluminum oxide has a very low
corrosion-fatigue conditions in fracture mechanics permeability for oxygen. However, aluminum itself
samples, crack growth rates are found to be a function is a low-melting metal. Nickel has a high melting
of cycling frequency. At low frequencies, environ- point and retains strength at higher temperatures, but
mental contributions increase and the crack growth nickel oxide is not a good barrier to oxygen owing
rate increases. Recently, for Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V alloys in to high permeability. Thus, an alloy of nickel and
3.5% NaCl solution, it has been shown through anal- aluminum was conceived of in order to take advan-
ysis of corrosion-fatigue data that the environmental tage of the high-temperature capability of nickel and
contribution to fatigue increases as the frequency the oxidation barrier formation property of aluminum.
decreases [12]. A parameter that represents envi- Real engineering alloys are much more complex
ronmental contribution was plotted as a function of than just containing two elements. Thus, the oxidation
frequency and it was noticed that this parameter behavior is quite sensitive to actual composition as
increased linearly as the frequency decreased from well as the microstructure of an alloy. During service,
15 to 3 Hz. At 3 Hz, the environmental contribu- the alloy may change in composition, especially at
tion parameter leveled off. This value was found to the surface and in the microstructure throughout the
be equivalent to the SCC threshold, K1scc , of the material. For example, an engineering alloy of molyb-
alloy. Stress corrosion cracks can be identified as they denum and silicon with boron additions makes use of
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

the high-temperature capability of molybdenum and interfaces resulting in complex failure modes, such
the low permeability of oxide of silica for the barrier as matrix failure, fiber breakage, fibermatrix inter-
[13, 14]. The silica barrier is formed using the silicon face failure, etc. The relative degree of the difference
in the alloy, thus depleting the surface of the alloy in the fiber and matrix moduli and strength, along
in silicon. If the silica surface layer is damaged, the with their geometric configuration, dictates the initi-
silicon content in the substrate may be insufficient to ation of these different failure modes. It is known
form a barrier once again to protect the base mate- that the interface response (either at the fibermatrix
rial. If a method by which the composition of the or interply level of layered or three-dimensionally
substrate underneath an oxide layer can be measured, reinforced composites) critically influences the failure
then it is possible to predict the remaining life of process. Engineered fibermatrix interfaces are also
the alloy. Properties that are sensitive to chemistry implemented with controlled chemistry, and more
need to be identified and technologies that are suit- recently with nanoengineering, to control the failure
able for measurement need to be invented for such process more effectively. There have been extensive
applications. studies to analyze and to understand the physics of the
In the current generation of nickel-based superal- failure process and failure modes of PMC since 1960s
loys, the alloys are protected against oxidation by [1518]. Although a great deal of understanding
a layer of zirconia. This layer is, however, perme- has been generated in the literature in developing
able to oxygen. The oxygen reacts and forms alumina PMC failure theories, the past development of PMC
beneath the thermal barrier. As this alumina layer failure theories, due to the complex nature of the
grows in thickness, the thermal barrier becomes competing failure modes in composites, rely heavily
unstable and eventually spalls. Obviously, this spal- on the extensive material testing, in which many a
ling results in overheating of the Ni-based alloy case becomes cost prohibitive for material insertion
underneath. It would be of great use if a method in structural components. Thus, recent research thrust
to measure the thickness of the alumina that forms on PMC failure understanding is toward developing
under the thermal barrier layer becomes available. phenomenological failure theories, minimizing mate-
The dependence of the alumina layer thickness on the rial testing. A brief summary of the physics of the
remaining life of the barrier layer is already known; past and recent PMC failure theory development is
thus, what remains is to come up with a method to discussed below.
measure in situ the alumina thickness beneath the Unlike metals, PMCs hardly exhibit any plasticity.
thermal barrier layer. The primary mechanism of energy absorption in
PMC, beyond its usual elastic deformation, is through
damage accumulation in the form matrix cracking,
3 FAILURE CHARACTERISTICS delamination between the lamina (plies) interfaces,
IN POLYMER MATRIX and fiber breakage. A representative failure scenario
in PMC of matrix cracks, delamination initiation,
COMPOSITES and fiber breakage, due to a tensile load, is illus-
Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are primarily trated in Figure 6. Typically in monotonous loading,
made of two or more material phases of which the matrix crack, visible at the midsection at the
the reinforcing phase in the form of fibers is held bottom of the micrograph in Figure 6, grows with
together by the binding material, commonly called loading increase and hits the lamina interface and gets
as matrix material. Besides the fiber and matrix diverted at the lamina interface to initiate fracture
phases, other phases (such as nanoconstituents, inter- surface at the lamina interface (known as delami-
leave, fibermatrix interface, etc.) are sometimes nation), as indicated in Figure 6. The presence of
incorporated in composites for tailoring their specific any large area of delaminated fracture surface at
properties or strength. The fiber and matrix mate- the lamina interface impairs composite performance
rials possess distinctly different material character- (degrades structural rigidity and buckling resistance),
istics, both in modulus and strength. Their distinctly especially under compressive and fatigue loadings.
different respective material properties cause stress The accumulation of fiber breakage accelerates the
concentration in the vicinity of the fiber and matrix failure process in PMCs and thus needs to be avoided
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 13

determined by a few tests utilizing the directional

Strain: 1.10%
material strength data as outlined in [19]. The
TsaiWu failure criterion is considered to be a macro-
scopic failure criterion, mostly used for predicting
laminate failure strength. Also, the criterion utilizes
an interactive factor that is usually set empirically,
requiring significant material testing.
Delamination The stress field in laminated composites (or PMC)
initiation in the vicinity of cutouts, open hole, or free edges, is
not uniform. The material property disparity between
0.1 mm the lamina near the lamina interface causes gradient
stress field (in other words causes stress concentra-
Figure 6. Damage in a [902 /02 ]s , laminate under a tensile tion) and at the free edge (the surface containing
load at a strain level of 1.1% indicating matrix cracks, the thickness) of the laminate the stress components
initiation of delamination, and progression of fiber cracking acting perpendicular to the lamina surface, z (3 ),
prior to final failure. and xz (5 ), of the stress field become singular. An
accurate prediction of such gradient and singular
while designing structural components with PMC. For stress field is essential for reliable prediction of
designing composite parts, appropriate failure theo- composite failure with open hole or bolted hole.
ries are required to quantify the damage accumulation Pagano and Pipes [20] provided the analytical solu-
process and assess these competing failure modes tion to perform stress analysis to accurately capture
effect on the final failure. the free-edge stress field. The nature of stress gradient
Owing to the presence of multiple phases in such as the free-edge stress field for a [30/30/90]s
composites, the prediction of failure in PMC is laminate, known to cause a highly gradient free-edge
rather much more involved than that of mono- stress field, is shown in Figure 7. The true value of the
lithic materials. The maximum stress and maximum free-edge stress is, however, influenced by the local
strain criteria are very popular in predicting matrix material properties at the vicinity of the lamina inter-
cracking phenomena. The shear-lag theory is also face, which is known to be somewhat different from
commonly used in predicting the accumulation of that of the bulk lamina. Thus, even with sophisticated
the matrix cracking damage. Quantifying the delam- predictive tool developed by Pagano and Pipes [20],
ination damage in PMC is rather a complex stress the use of pointwise failure criteria, such as TsaiWu,
analysis problem. Fracture mechanics approach as maximum stress, or maximum strain, becomes unre-
well as composites failure under combined stress or liable in open hole or bolted hole failure prediction,
strain components have been developed extensively i.e., failure prediction in the presence of gradient
to predict delamination in composites [15, 18]. stress field. To overcome this difficulty, Whitney
It is observed that the failure in composites under and Nuismer [21] in 1974 introduced a criterion to
combined loading, especially under combination of average the gradient stress field over a character-
shear and normal stress components, the maximum istic length for predicting failure. This criterion is
stress or strain criteria are often not able to predict popularly known as WhitneyNuismer criterion. The
failure accurately. Tsai and Wu [19] in 1965 proposed characteristic length in WhitneyNuismer criterion
interactive failure criteria, especially to predict failure is determined empirically through testing series of
under combined loading. The TsaiWu interactive specimens of similar characteristic materials configu-
failure criteria is expressed as ration. Thus, the utility of WhitneyNuismer criterion
is now in question owing to extensive materials and
Fij i j + Fi i 1 = 0 (10) testing cost involved in developing strength allowable
of materials.
where, i or j (i, j = 1, . . . , 6) are the six stress Recently, Iarve et al. [22], to quantify the
components. The stress coefficients, Fij , are WhitneyNuismer characteristic length more rigor-
dependent on the material properties and are to be ously, introduced the critical failure volume (CFV)
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

sZ sZ
20 20 tXZ 50 tXZ
30 30 30

Stress, 103 P0

Stress, 103 P0
30 30 30
Z 103 P0

10 90 10 90 25 90

0.25 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.75

0 0 0
Y Y 0.25 0.50 0.75

2 2 5
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 7. Interlaminar normal and shear stress distribution at ply interfaces of [30/30/90]s laminates containing free
edge under uniaxial tension loading. (a) [90/90], (b) [30/90], and (c) [30/30] interfaces. [Reproduced from Ref. 20.
Sage Publications, 1970.]

element concept. In order to minimize the empiricism concentration. Thus, determination of the interface
in predicting failure in the presence of gradient strength from fiber pullout test is often inaccurate.
stress field, they employed the Weibull statistics to Recently, Tandon et al. [2325] developed a unique
tensile strength prediction in laminated composites test using cruciform specimen geometry to determine
with open holes. The statistical variability that is the fibermatrix interface strength. The cruciform
expected to exist in gradient stress field arising from specimen configuration eliminates the stress concen-
the expected variability in the material properties is tration at the failure surface and failure takes place
captured through the Weibull distribution concept. under a single stress component (radial stress) when
The CFV concept is based on the fact that a material the winged arm of the cruciform specimen is perpen-
sample under the applied load of a given volume has dicular to the applied load [23]. The winged arm of
the following probability of failure under stress . the cruciform specimen can be oriented to any angle,
other than 90 , to impose combined stress field on
V known ratio, as shown in Figure 8. The angle of
B( )
f (, V ) = 1 e V0 (11) the winged arm of the specimen is changed to apply
combined normal and shear loading to determine the
The CFV concept provides a systematic approach failure envelope, as shown in Figure 9. The experi-
toward a methodology of predicting PMC failure in mental determination of such a failure envelope helps
the presence of stress concentration and minimizing validation of failure criteria applicable to combined
the volume of material testing in developing strength stress field, such as proposed by Gosse [26].
Fibermatrix interface failure is one of the promi-
nent failure mechanisms influencing failures in 3.1 Failure in three-dimensional
PMCs. Even if the physics of the failure process composites (3D PMC)
is known through proper material characterization,
unless an accurate value of the interface failure In spite of the superior strength-to-weight ratio advan-
strength is known, optimizing the interface perfor- tage of PMC over metals, one of the weaknesses
mance for tailored material design of PMC is not in laminated PMC is its poor interlaminar strength
achievable. Traditional fibermatrix interface testing due to lack of fiber reinforcement through its thick-
is performed through fiber pullout, where inter- ness. The advent of textile composites utilizing the
face failure happens under a combined shear and weaving and stitching (Z-pinning, etc.) technology
normal stress field and in the presence of stress overcomes this deficiency. PMC of three-dimensional
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 15

Figure 10. Lamina interface failure due to matrix shrin-

kage in three-dimensionally reinforced PMC.

interface failure, as shown in Figure 10. Appropriate

stress analysis is required to understand the inter-
Figure 8. Geometry of cruciform specimen for fiber face cracking phenomena. Sihn and Roy [27, 28]
matrix interface strength test. The white line at the center of and others have been developing three-dimensional
the specimen reveals interface failure away from free-edge stress analysis techniques to understand the matrix
stress field.
cracking process in 3D PMC. Accurate stress analysis
tools are essential before one can apply failure criteria
to understand the physics of the failure process in
30.0 3D PMC.
Shear stress (MPa)

3.2 Effect of gradient interface
morphology in failure
5.0 The interface morphology tailoring between the
0.0 constituent phases in composites (e.g., fibermatrix,
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 interlamina, interyarn, nanoconstituents-matrix, etc.)
Normal stress (MPa) is essential in optimizing composite properties. As
Figure 9. Failure envelope generated from cruciform
discussed earlier, in the case of composite strength,
tests. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 24. Begell the mismatch of properties between the phases causes
House Inc., 2004.] stress concentration at the interfaces, which, in turn,
causes the initiation of damage and failure. A way of
reinforcement (known as 3D PMC ) offers composite minimizing the mismatch of properties at the interface
structures of complex shapes and contoured parts. is demonstrated to reduce the interface stress concen-
Though the three-dimensional reinforcement offers tration [29], and hence delay the damage initiation
improved through-the-thickness strength attributes, it process together with improving composite strength.
imposes a complex failure scenario in the composite. A gradient interface material morphology is thus
During process curing of PMC, the matrix shrinks. desirable to enhance strength as well as other proper-
In the case of laminated composites, such matrix ties (e.g., thermal) of composites. Incorporation of
shrinkage does not cause a major problem because the nanoconstituents in composites, at present, poten-
lamina is mostly able to accommodate the shrinkage, tially enable us to implement the gradient interface
thus avoiding the lamina interface failure. However, morphology at multiple scale level, from nanometer
in the case of 3D PMC, the interlocking effect (nanoconstituent interface) to laminate ply interlayer
imposed by the 3D reinforcement causes the lamina (micrometer scale) [30, 31].
16 Physical Monitoring Principles



Figure 11. Carbon nanotubes grown on carbon fiber to

introduce interface gradient morphology. Figure 13. Qualitative characterization of fibermatrix
interface material property with electron emission loss spec-
troscopy (EELS) by correlating plasmon energy with mate-
rial modulus. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 31.
The current success of growing nanotubes on fiber AIAA, 2007.].
is a possible mechanism of introducing gradient
morphology at the fibermatrix interface (Figure 11). 4 SUMMARY
The in situ polymerization of matrix (thermoset resin)
with proper surface functionalization of fibers may Preventing failure of components is an important
provide gradient interface properties, as well. The in engineering function in several applications. It is well
situ polymerization of functionalized nanofiber inter- known that such failures are caused by progressive
face in epoxy matrix is shown to produce gradient degradation of materials the components are made
epoxy modulus (qualitatively characterized by elec- of (see Static Damage Phenomena and Models;
tron emission loss spectroscopy (EELS), Figure 13) Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models). For
resulting in suppressing failure at the fibermatrix safety and cost considerations, early detection of
interface, as shown in Figure 12. One of the chal- material damage and monitoring its progression
lenges is in quantifying the gradient material modulus are of primary importance in vehicle or compo-
at the fibermatrix interface (of thickness in the order nent health monitoring (see Nonlinear Acoustic
of 2030 nm), without which the benefit of interface Methods; Timefrequency Analysis; Nonlinear
gradient morphology cannot be truly determined. Features for SHM Applications; Nondestructive

Acc.V spot magn Det WD Exp 2 m

15.0 kV 3.0 10000x SE 10.5 1 PR-24-PS, 4wt. % 1862
KLfrac.4a 4.0kV x50.0k 2/28/03 1.00m

Not functionalized Functionalized

Figure 12. Micrographs of the failure surface of unfunctionalized and functionalized nanofibers in Epon 828. The strength
for the case of functionalized fiber apparently increased by 140%. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 31. AIAA,
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials 17

Evaluation/Nondestructive Testing/Nondestructive mechanisms involve fibermatrix interface degrada-

Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI) SensorsEddy Cur- tion through environmental attack and fiber degrada-
rent, Ultrasonic, and Acoustic Emission Sensors). tion through grain growth.
The detection methodologies have been the subject In an effort to provide an understanding of the
of extensive studies by a community of NDE experts improvement of failure strength of composites, a
that are different from those that study materials brief description of the physics of damage initia-
and their damage leading to failure (materials engi- tion and failure process in PMC was discussed. In a
neering). In this article, the authors assume that if nutshell, the existence of material property (especially
the key principles of each discipline are understood the modulus) mismatch of the different phases (i.e.,
by the others, a synergistic contribution to health fiber, matrix, or other constituents), under any loading
conditions, causes stress rise (stress concentration)
monitoring is possible. This article presents the funda-
at the constituent interfaces. This interface stress
mental principles behind failure of engineering mate-
concentration is the primary driver of the damage
rials as introductory material for those who have
initiation and complex failure modes in PMC, in the
expertise in NDE and wish to apply their expertise
form of matrix cracking, fibermatrix failure, fiber
to the advancement of detecting material failures. breakage, etc. Development of failure theories to reli-
Briefly, engineering materials can be classified into ably predict the complex failure modes in composites
metals, ceramics, and polymers. has evolved over the last three decades. In a quest
Advanced engineering metallic alloys are often to understand the physics of the complex failure
limited by plastic deformation by yield at low temper- modes more accurately, probabilistic failure theories
ature or by creep at high temperatures. In some are recently being developed to capture the effect of
applications, the metallic materials develop sufficient statistical property distribution of the constituent in
damage under stress and temperature through cavita- composite failure. It is quite obvious that the gradient
tion that results in premature failure. Thus, methods morphology at the material interface, to minimize the
to detect plastic distortion and internal cavity damage interface stress concentration, provides an opportunity
would be of primary interest. In addition, environ- of enhancing composite failure strength. The inclu-
mental attack often results in the reduction of section sion of nanoscale constituents (such as, nanotubes,
resulting in enhanced local stresses leading to failure. nanofibers, etc.) through nanotechnology is expected
Monitoring the extent of environmental attack could to offer such an opportunity.
possibly be conducted through clever measurements
of products of the environmental attack. Similarly,
developing structural health monitoring methods to REFERENCES
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Chapter 13
Applications of Acoustic Emission for
SHM: A Review
Martine Wevers and Kasper Lambrighs
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

of timber in mineshafts, the crying of tin, the

1 Introduction 1 cracking of rocks, and the breaking of bones are
some examples. The vibrations produced inside a
2 Historical Background 2
material are a naturally occurring phenomenon and
3 Types of Acoustic Emission 2
are called acoustic emission (AE). These vibrations
4 Wave Propagation 3 are produced when strain energy is suddenly released
5 Detection 4 owing to the occurrence of microstructural changes,
6 Kaiser Effect and Felicity Ratio 4 resulting in transient elastic waves.
7 Signal Analysis 5 The sources of AE are, generally speaking, local
8 Localization 6 instabilities where transient elastic waves are released
because of changes in the local stress field. The AE
9 Discrimination Methods 7
continues until a local equilibrium is reached. The
10 Applications of AE for Structural
energy to produce the stress waves comes from the
Health Monitoring 8
stored elastic energy that is redistributed. Only a small
11 Future Prospects of AE 10 part of this released energy is transformed into AE.
Related Articles 10 When the elastic stress waves reach the surface
References 10 of the specimen, small displacements are produced
that can be detected by a sensitive piezoelectric
transducer. The signals from one or more sensors are
amplified and measured to produce data for display
1 INTRODUCTION and interpretation. The process of generation and
detection is illustrated in Figure 1.
It is a well-known phenomenon that materials can By applying AE it should be possible to say
produce audible sound at high loads. The cracking when something is happening (detection), where it
is happening (localization), and what is happening
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by (discrimination). In general, detection and localiza-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 tion are possible at this moment. In some specific
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. applications, discrimination methods are available.
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

Measurement electronics 2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

and signal analysis
It is generally accepted that the research of the
Sensor German scientist Kaiser [2] in the early 1950s repre-
sents the beginning of AE as it is known today. He
Applied Acoustic emission Applied was the first to carry out a systematic investigation
stress stress wave stress of the noises that are generated when materials
are deformed. He also discovered the phenomenon
of nonrecovery of noises during repeated loading,
known as the Kaiser effect. Further, he established
Figure 1. Working principle of the AE method. the relations between the stresses during deformation
and the intensity and amplitude of AE waves, which
were found to be characteristic for each material. In
The AE technique is somewhat different from Kaisers work, it was already shown that not only
other nondestructive test (NDT) methods. The most stresses to which the material was subjected earlier
important differences are as follows [1]: but also residual stresses, changes in structure, phase
transitions, stress relaxation, and decrease in elonga-
The AE technique is a passive method; the tech- tion in creep play an important role.
nique only detects defects when they are acti- In 1954, Schofield became aware of Kaisers early
vated by applying a stress that is adequately work and initiated the first research program in the
large. This means the defects have to produce the United States on material engineering applications of
signals themselves and it is necessary to put an AE [3]. He detected, for example, the two different
amount of energy into the material to activate the types of AE: continuous and burst emission.
defects. Approximately at the same time, fundamental
The AE technique does not give direct informa- research on the AE phenomenon began in France as
tion on the severity of the defects. well. In 1958, a first work devoted to the origin of
Defects that are not activated by the applied stress AE waves during the deformation of mild steel was
will not be detected. Only the most critical defects published [4]. It was established that the generation
for the applied loading condition will be activated. of AE waves begins in the neighborhood of the yield
It is not necessary to place the sensor close to the zone and also prior to failure [5, 6].
defect; detection up to tens of meters is possible In the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
sometimes. This makes AE suitable for structural the first applications of AE were connected with the
health monitoring (SHM) applications. prediction of coal and gas outbursts in collieries.
Here, the seismoacoustic methods for investigating
the state of a coal massif in the course of its
For SHM, AE is mostly combined with other
underground mining were developed. Later, scientific
NDT methods. The AE technique detects and local-
works were published both in the Union of Soviet
izes the critical defects, following which other tech-
Socialist Republics and abroad [711].
niques are used for the characterization of the
On the basis of the results of the theoretical and
experimental investigations mentioned above, the AE
To date, AE analysis is being used success-
technique found its application in industry from the
fully in a wide range of applications including
early 1960s on [1214].
SHM; detection of leaks in storage tanks or piping
systems; monitoring welding and other processes;
monitoring chemical reactions including corrosion 3 TYPES OF ACOUSTIC
monitoring; and analysis of partial discharges from EMISSION
components subjected to a high voltage. As such,
one of the main advantages of AE is its relative The AE produced by a source is phenomena and
sensitivity to a range of phenomena leading to de- material dependent. The emitted transient elastic
gradation. waves are basically pulselike. The width and height
Applications of Acoustic Emission for SHM 3

of the primitive pulse depends on the dynamics Table 1. Factors influencing the AE detectability [1]
of the source process. Source processes such as Factors resulting in higher Factors resulting in lower
microscopic crack jumps and precipitate fractures are amplitude signals amplitude signals
often completed in a few microseconds or fractions
of a microsecond, so the primitive pulse has a High strength Low strength
High strain rate Low strain rate
correspondingly short duration. The amplitude and Cleavage fracture Shear fracture
energy of the primitive pulse vary over an enormous Crack propagation Plastic deformation
range from submicroscopic dislocation movements to Anisotropy Isotropy
gross crack jumps. A distinction can be made between Nonhomogeneity Homogeneity
the two types of AE: continuous emission and burst Thick section Thin section
emission (Figure 2). Twinning
In continuous emission, which is of low energy, Lower temperatures High temperatures
Flawed material Unflawed material
the stress wave bursts are irresolvable. Moreover, the Martensitic phase Diffusion controlled
amplitude of the emission increases with increasing transformations transformations
load. This type of emission can, for instance, be Cast structures Wrought structure
correlated with dislocation movements in metals. In Coarse grains Fine grains
some cases, it becomes necessary to monitor the
continuous emission (leak testing).
Burst emission refers to a form of emission of
much higher amplitude and energy in which the 4 WAVE PROPAGATION
individual stress wave bursts are seen. It occurs when
sources of higher energy are operating. Crack growth The elastic stress waves generated by each AE
is an important example of such a source. source propagate through the material and any other
One can identify different factors that influence the path toward the AE sensor. This propagation greatly
detectability (amplitude) of the AE. These factors are influences the resulting electrical signal from the
summarized in Table 1 and can give an indication sensor. Aspects of stress wave propagation that signif-
whether to use the AE technique for a particular icantly influence the electrical signal are geometric
material [1]. spreading, losses due to material absorption, direct
AE, in the proper sense, covers the audible frequen- and indirect reflected paths from the AE source to
cies up into the high ultrasonic range. Only a part the sensor, and different speeds of propagation along
of this range is used for measurementsnormally with the dispersion of the stress waves.
the ultrasonic frequencies between 50 kHz and 2 MHz Geometric spreading is the loss in signal amplitude
are the easiest to detect. At higher frequencies, the owing to the fact that, as the wave travels away from
intensity of the AE signal is low because of attenua- the AE point source in a two- or three-dimensional
tion and electronic field disturbance signals. At lower medium, the total area of material through which
frequencies, the measurement is generally disturbed the wave front is passing increases. Conservation of
by background noise, e.g., vibrations from vehicles energy can be used to calculate the resulting change
and noise from pumps or flowing media. in amplitude.

Continuous emission Burst emission


Figure 2. Continuous emission and burst emission.
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Loss due to material absorption of the stress wave formed; these can be picked up by a sensitive
energy results in an attenuation of the amplitude of piezoelectric transducer (see Piezoelectricity Prin-
the wave as it propagates. This attenuation is more ciples and Materials), which is placed on a surface.
severe for the stress waves at higher frequencies and The key element in an AE resonant sensor is a
in viscoelastic materials. piezoelectric crystal that converts movement into an
The different paths, direct and reflected, of the electrical voltage. When temperature, strong electrical
stress wave in the material can lead to long signal fields, high mechanical stresses, or radiation influence
durations measured by the sensor. This means the the piezoelectric properties of the sensor by depolar-
signal duration primarily results from the continued ization, wave guides (rods or wires fabricated from
bouncing around of the stress wave in the material. steel, aluminum, or platinum) can be used.
AE stress waves have several components: longitu- The choice of a sensor depends on its resonance
dinal, transverse, surface (Rayleigh waves), and plate frequency band, the temperature, and its noise level.
waves (Lamb waves). These components propagate For sensitivity purposes, one often chooses a reso-
at different speeds and their existence depends on the nant sensor in a certain frequency domain coinciding
geometry of the specimen (depending on the thick- with the frequency content of the AE signals. Broad-
ness of the specimen and the wavelength of the AE band sensors with a flat frequency response over a
stress waves). Typically, two wave packets can be wide frequency domain are often used for frequency
distinguished on the basis of wave speed: a generally analysis of the AE signals.
lower amplitude first arrival and a higher amplitude The AE sensor has to be calibrated to allow
second arrival. signal analysis techniques. The sensor calibration
For Lamb waves specifically, the plate wave theory method most widely used is excitation with a standard
states that mechanical waves propagate through plates broadband sensor and noting the resulting frequency
in two modes: the symmetric or extensional mode and response. A great deal of effort has gone into
the antisymmetric or flexural mode. The main particle using mechanical sources such as fracture of lead
displacement is in the plane of the plate for the exten- pencils (HsuNielsen source), calculating the transfer
sional mode and perpendicular to the plane of the function from the source to the sensor locations,
plate for the flexural mode. The extensional mode and comparing these to the transducer output. The
generally travels at the highest velocity and is nondis- HsuNielsen source is widely accepted as a device
persive in nature, meaning that all frequency compo- to simulate an AE signal.
nents of this mode travel at the same velocity. The
flexural mode travels at a lower velocity and is disper-
sive with the square root of frequency, meaning that 6 KAISER EFFECT AND
the higher frequency components propagate faster FELICITY RATIO
than the lower frequency components. In practice,
this will lead to a gradual decrease in the amplitude When a sample is loaded and on producing AE,
of the flexural mode as it propagates, owing to the unloaded, and then reloaded in the same direc-
spatial separation of the different frequency compo- tion as the original load, AE often does not begin
nents [15]. upon reloading until the previously achieved stress
The dispersion of stress waves refers to the propa- is reached. This phenomenon was first reported by
gation of different frequency components at different Kaiser [2] and is known as the Kaiser effect. The
speeds. The net result of dispersion is a spreading in physical basis for this effect is straightforward. AE
the time domain of the stress wave as a function of is usually created by the formation or propagation of
the traveled distance. a defect under an applied stress, such as a crack, an
avalanche of dislocations, decohesion of an interface,
a twin, or a martensitic transformation. If the stress
5 DETECTION to form or propagate such a defect is not reached
in the original loading, it will not be reached in the
When a physical phenomenon suddenly releases a reloading until the applied stress exceeds the initial
certain amount of elastic energy, elastic waves are stress.
Applications of Acoustic Emission for SHM 5

Dunegan and Tetelman [16] showed that for

materials that obey the Kaiser effect, emission on
reloading is still possible, which indicates that struc-
tural damage occurred between the first loading and Threshold
the repeat. Recent test strategies pay much attention

to emission that occurs at loads below the previous AE signal
maximum and to emission that continues when the
load is held at a constant level. The evidence is
that structurally significant defects will produce AE
at reloading before the previously achieved stress is
reached. AE that is related to the stabilization of the
structure, such as the relief of residual stresses, will
tend not to recur upon reloading. Threshold-crossing pulses
The Kaiser effect is observed in a general sense
for many materials. The absence of the Kaiser
effect is often expressed in the Felicity ratio. This
is the ratio between the applied load at which Figure 3. Principle of AE signal detection.
the AE activity reappears during the subsequent
application of loading and the previous maximum of each hit, that is, each AE signal that crosses
applied load. It is important to note that the Felicity the threshold. A digital description of each hit
ratio can decrease when the material approaches is generated by front-end hardware and is passed
failure. in sequence with other hit descriptions through a
Careful attention must be paid to the loading computer system.
schedule if AE testing is to be successful. Procedures The five most widely used signal measurement
for an AE test typically specify the loads that must parameters are counts (Figure 3), amplitude, duration,
be applied (relative to the working load or design rise time, and the measured area under the rectified
load) and the upper and lower limits on the loading signal envelope (MARSE) (Figure 4). Some tests are
rate [1720]. performed with fewer parameters, and some tests use
others, such as true energy, counts to peak, average
frequency, or spectral moment.
7 SIGNAL ANALYSIS Along with these signal parameters, the hit descrip-
tion passed to the computer typically includes impor-
Once the AE signal has been detected, it is a general tant external variables, such as the time of detection,
procedure to amplify, possibly filter, and then employ the current value of the applied load, the cycle count
some type of signal processing to format and present (if it is a cyclic fatigue test), and the current level of
the AE data for analysis (see Signal Processing for continuous background noise.
Damage Detection). The amplitude is the highest peak value attained by
The oldest and easiest way to conduct data analysis the AE waveform. This is a very important param-
is by using a comparator circuit, which generates a eter because it directly determines the detectability
digital output pulse whenever the AE signal exceeds of an AE signal. Acoustic emission amplitudes are
a fixed threshold voltage. The relationship between directly related to the magnitude of the source, and
signal, threshold, and threshold-crossing pulses is they vary over an extremely wide range from micro-
shown in Figure 3. The threshold level is usually volts to volts.
set by the operator; this is a key variable that The counts are the threshold-crossing pulses dis-
determines test sensitivity. Depending on instrument cussed above (also called ringdown counts).
design, sensitivity may also be controlled by adjusting The MARSE, also called energy counts, is preferred
the amplifier gain. over counts because it is sensitive to amplitude as
A more complex and extended way of data anal- well as duration, and it is less dependent on threshold
yses involves the measurement of key parameters setting and operating frequency.
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

Duration hits from one source can either be retained for the
purposes of source location or discarded to keep the
Rise time data clean and simple.
For the presentation and analysis of the AE data,
many types of graphs are possible. Broadly, they can

be defined as follows:
Threshold history plots that show the course of the test from
start to finish;
distribution functions that show statistical proper-
ties of the emission;
channel plots showing the distribution of detected

emissions by channel;
location displays that show the position of the AE
point plots showing the correlation between
different AE parameters;
MARSE diagnostic plots showing the severity of AE indi-
cations from different parts of the structure.

More information on the presentation of AE data

can be found in the ASM Handbooks online [21].

Figure 4. Key parameters of an AE burst signal. 8 LOCALIZATION
If an AE source present in a material produces burst
The duration is the elapsed time from the first emission when loaded, localization of this source is
threshold crossing to the last and is directly measured possible. Source localization comes in handy when
in microseconds. This parameter depends on source large structures are tested in which AE inspection
magnitude, structural acoustics, and reverberation in is used to identify active regions and other NDTs
approximately the same way as counts. are used to perform a more precise investigation.
The rise time is the elapsed time from the first Large cost savings have been realized through this
threshold crossing to the signal peak. combination of global AE inspection and focused
The counts are normally used for detection inspection by other methods.
purposes, the time of detection for localization and There are two different types of source localization:
the other parameters for discrimination purposes. zone location and point location.
When the continuous emission is of interest (e.g., Zone location only accepts the counts of a sensor
leak testing), it is sufficient to use AE instrumentation that come in first. Hereby, all the activities of a
that measures the root mean square (RMS) voltage of zone around each sensor will be assigned to that
the AE in a certain time window. sensor.
When a multichannel system is used, caution is The reliability of this method is very good but an
needed for the interpretation of the received signals. additional investigation with other NDTs is necessary
An individual AE signal may hit just one channel or to determine the exact location of the source.
it may hit many channels, depending on the strength Point location places the source precisely, by
of the signal, the wave attenuation in the structure, calculating from the relative arrival times of the AE
and the sensor spacing. Therefore, an early task for wave at several sensors. Wave velocity is involved in
the multichannel system is to determine whether a these calculations. The attainable accuracy depends
group of closely spaced hits on different channels is on the wave propagation processes by factors such
from the same source. The second, third, and later as geometry, plate thickness, and contained fluids.
Applications of Acoustic Emission for SHM 7

These factors alter the wave velocity, leading to errors can be calculated using equations (2) and (3).
in source location. In favorable cases, the attainable 
accuracy is better than 1% of the sensor spacing; in s2 s1 = s21 = ct21
s21 , s23
unfavorable cases, worse than 10% [21]. s2 s3 = s23 = ct23
For the readers convenience, the basic principles (2)
of a localization procedure are described using a 
s1 = (l12 y)2 + x 2 = s2 s21
similar example by Vink [1]. In this example, three 
s3 = (l23 x)2 + y 2 = s2 s23 x, y (3)
sensors are attached to a structure in the form of 
a right-angled triangle as shown in Figure 5. It is s2 = x 2 + y 2
important to note that for some applications other For SHM applications, the amount of data that
configurations can be more useful. has to be analyzed can be reduced drastically by
A calibration method has to be performed first to using a structural neural system (SNS), without loss
measure the wave velocity. An artificial AE wave is of information (see Artificial Neural Networks).
produced at a known location (the distances between The SNS provides an architecture to connect n
the source and the different sensors are known). From sensor nodes in series to form neurons, and the
the measured time difference between the excitation neurons in turn interact and pass signals similar
of the different sensors, the wave velocity, c, can be to the way in which the biological neural system
calculated using equation (1). functions [2224].
When the source location is not accurate enough,
 AE tomography [25, 26] can be used, leading to
s2 s1 = s21 = ct21
c (1) a better source location. AE tomography uses a
s2 s3 = s23 = ct23
wavespeed map of the structure rather than the
average wavespeed. To apply this method, accurate
When this sensor configuration is used for source sensor location, a large number of sensors, and the
localization, the difference in arrival time between wavepath duration (time for a signal to travel from
sensors 1 and 2 (t21 ) and between sensors 2 and 3 the source to the sensor) are required as an input for
(t23 ) have to be measured. This data can be used a specialized iterative AE localization algorithm.
to construct lines with a constant t (hyperbola, not When the requirements for AE tomography are
given in Figure 5). When the order in which the AE unsuitable for a specific structure or environment,
wave reaches the different sensors is registered, only Delta T source location can be used [27]. The Delta
one intersection of the hyperbola remains, indicating T source location provides a novel approach for over-
the location of the AE source. The AE source location coming particular problems associated with source
location in complex structures. This method uses an
artificial source to record differences in arrival times
from a number of locations to reduce the location
Y error.
Sensor 1
+ s1
By applying discrimination methods, it is possible to
l 1,2 distinguish different kinds of AE sources. Discrim-
y s3 ination methods can be divided into statistical and
s2 pattern-recognition techniques on one side and source
Sensor 3 characterization techniques, where the change of
+ + X signal between the source and the sensor is calculated
Sensor 2 x in, on the other side [28]. For pattern recognition, the
l 2,3
AE waveforms can be used to get more information
Figure 5. Basic principle of point localization. about the source and the transmission path [29].
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

A good example of source discrimination can be When AE tests are performed, it is important to
found in composite structures, where fiber fracture, load the structure in such a way that all the struc-
delamination, matrix cracking, and debonding can be turally significant defects are activated. The contin-
discriminated successfully [15, 30]. uous monitoring of a structure in service is possible
as well, although it is difficult because a small amount
of AE from defect growth must be separated from a
10 APPLICATIONS OF AE FOR large amount of noise over a long time period. On
STRUCTURAL HEALTH the other hand, this approach guarantees the proper
loading of the structure.
MONITORING The stimulation of the structure by a controlled
There are a number of successful applications of load is more commonly used and can be performed in
SHM via AE, such as the structural testing of a short time, typically during maintenance operations.
aircraft, spacecraft, bridges (see Long-term Moni- In most cases, this is satisfactorily accomplished by
toring of Dynamic Loads on the Brandenburg going somewhat above the normally apparent service
Gate; Development of a Monitoring System for loads. Attention is needed to the type, magnitude, and
a Long-span Cantilever Truss Bridge; Modular rate of the applied load because previously applied
Architecture of SHM System for Cable-supported stresses will have a very strong influence on the
Bridges; Monitoring of Bridges in Korea; Bridge observed AE. Further, it is important to note that this
Monitoring in Japan; Continuous Vibration Moni- approach does not always work, e.g., when the defects
toring and Progressive Damage Testing on the Z24 are activated thermally instead of mechanically.
Bridge; Continuous Monitoring of the resund When AE is used for SHM, one should always
Bridge: Data Acquisition and Operational Modal follow standard test procedures [17, 20].
Analysis; Condition Compensation in Frequency
Analysesa Basis for Damage Detection; Modal
Testing of the Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal), 10.1 Corrosion monitoring
bucket trucks, buildings (see Construction Process
Monitoring at the New Berlin Main Station; SHM It is shown that AE monitoring of stainless steel
Actions on the Holy Shroud Chapel in Torino; is capable of detecting early stages of stress corro-
SHM of a Tall Building; Dynamic Response of sion cracking prior to the growth of a single domi-
Buildings of the Cultural Heritage; Suspended nant crack. By measuring AE parameters such as
Roof of Braga Sports Stadium, Portugal), dams event rate, amplitude, counts, and energy counts, the
(see Dams), military vehicles, mines piping systems, transition from crack initiation and short crack growth
pipelines, pressure vessels, railroad tank cars, rotating to rapid growth of dominant cracks can be seen
machinery (see Wind Turbines; Large Rotating clearly [31, 32].
Machines; Gas Turbine Engines), storage tanks, and Pitting corrosion can be detected by AE in an
other structures. The goal of structural AE testing austenitic stainless steel. It is hard to detect the
is to find defects and to assess or ensure structural initiation process, but once the pits propagate, the
integrity. AE activity increases [33]. Rise time and counts are
SHM via AE is applied to highlight the regions seen as discriminating AE parameters for monitoring
that threaten the integrity of the structure. When a pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless steel. Time
full-scale test with fixed sensors is performed, AE delay and event rate are found to be in very good
is normally complemented by other NDT methods, agreement with the sensitivity of the material toward
which are used to assist in determining the type and pitting and with the polarization procedure [34].
severity of structural significant defects. Storage tanks from the chemical and petrochemical
A major advantage compared to other NDT industry are very often subjected to high stresses,
methods is that it does not require access to the whole fatigue, aging, and corrosion, reducing their lifespan.
structure. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely Corrosion phenomena related to the aggressiveness
remove insulation or internal process fluids, which is of the stored chemical products is often the origin
typically a major expense in other NDT methods. of leaks in these storage tanks. Although successful
Applications of Acoustic Emission for SHM 9

online corrosion monitoring of storage tanks is yet cracking in the bearing metal under cyclic contact
to be reported, there are some indications that it is stressing.
feasible. It is already experimentally validated that Counts and peak amplitude are conventionally
the AE produced by the cracking and delamination known as good parameters for the detection of defects
of the formed corrosion products can be successfully in rotating machinery [4143]. It is also reported that
distinguished from noise [35, 36]. the RMS voltage, used to monitor continuous emis-
Nowadays, the testing of storage tanks with AE is sion, is a good parameter to monitor bearings [44].
limited to maintenance purposes whereby the struc-
ture is overloaded and the AE produced gives an idea
of the damage present [37, 38]. 10.3 Pressure vessels and pipes
The deterioration of high-strength steel tendons of
prestressed concrete bridges (see Long-term Moni- The testing of pressure vessels and pipes is normally
toring of Dynamic Loads on the Brandenburg done by overloading the structure so that the defects
Gate; Development of a Monitoring System for present will be activated and produce AE. This allows
a Long-span Cantilever Truss Bridge; Modular defect detection and localization, after which the
Architecture of SHM System for Cable-supported defects can be validated by other NDT methods and,
Bridges; Monitoring of Bridges in Korea; Bridge depending on the criticality of the defect, be repaired.
Monitoring in Japan; Continuous Vibration Moni- The failures of metal pressure vessels and pipes
toring and Progressive Damage Testing on the Z24 are mostly attributed to corrosion [45, 46] or crack
Bridge; Continuous Monitoring of the resund growth [4749]. The measurement of corrosion by
Bridge: Data Acquisition and Operational Modal AE has already been described. For the measurement
Analysis; Condition Compensation in Frequency of crack growth in pressure vessel steels, it has been
Analysesa Basis for Damage Detection; Modal shown that the counts, the amplitude, the rise time,
Testing of the Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal) the average frequency, and the duration are important
progresses because of aging. The failures have been parameters for AE detection [49].
mostly attributed to corrosion because of a severe
environment, such as salt attack. In theory, the
corrosion process can be monitored by AE owing 10.4 Concrete/buildings
to the fact that elastic waves are produced due
to the cracking and delamination of the corrosion The AE technique has been employed for many
products. In practice, however, these AE signals years to study damage and microcrack nucleation
are hard to distinguish from the environmental in concrete materials [5059]. Here it is shown that
noise (traffic). Therefore, the monitoring of high- AE analysis is, in principle, an effective method of
strength steel tendons of prestressed concrete struc- damage assessment in concrete structures. Never-
tures is possible only by detecting individual wire theless, due to the complexity of most civil engi-
breaks, for which detection and localization is already neering structures, the applicability is limited to some
successful [39, 40]. isolated cases such as concrete bridges [39, 60, 61]
(see Long-term Monitoring of Dynamic Loads on
the Brandenburg Gate; Modal Testing of the Vasco
da Gama Bridge, Portugal).
10.2 Rotating machinery The most important AE parameters that correlate
with the cracking process in concrete are counts,
Rolling element bearing condition monitoring has re- energy, and duration, together with the frequency
ceived considerable attention for many years because characteristics [62]. For reinforced concrete, the most
the majority of problems in rotating machines are important AE parameters are peak amplitude and
caused by faulty bearings. The classical failure mode energy [56].
of rolling element bearings is localized defects, Recently, some reports were published on the use
in which a sizable piece of the contact surface of AE methods for successful damage assessment
is dislodged during operation, mostly by fatigue of historical buildings (see Construction Process
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

Monitoring at the New Berlin Main Station; SHM AE for SHM were too high. It seems that the relations
Actions on the Holy Shroud Chapel in Torino; between the detected AE signal and the AE source are
SHM of a Tall Building; Dynamic Response of far more complicated than had been assumed before.
Buildings of the Cultural Heritage; Suspended It will be necessary to fully understand the effects that
Roof of Braga Sports Stadium, Portugal). A new influence the AE signal, such as characteristics of the
methodology is proposed, based on the counting of AE source, the wave propagation in the material, and
events, to determine the released energy and therefore the wave propagation at the interface of the sensor.
the conditions of stability or the risk due to the A part of the research on AE currently focuses on
spreading of discrete cracks [6163]. source discrimination methods with artificial intelli-
gence techniques, where the system is trained to
recognize certain parts of AE signals and connect
10.5 Composites them to an AE source. An example of such a system is
a neural network (see Artificial Neural Networks),
A lot of studies have already been done on the use an area in which a lot of research is being carried out
of AE for composite materials. Not only localization at present.
but also discrimination of the AE sources is found The development of new sensors for AE with a
possible. It is reported that fiber fracture, delamina- higher sensitivity and robustness could lead to more
tion, matrix cracking, and debonding can be discrim- applications for real-time health monitoring of struc-
inated successfully [15, 30]. AE energy has shown tures in their total life cycle. An example of such
good general correlation with parameters deduced a sensor is the fiber-optic sensor (see Fiber-optic
from stressstrain curves, damage identified with Sensor Principles; Fiber-optic Sensors) with the
ultrasonic C-scanning, and microscopic analysis of following advantages over conventional piezoelectric
specimens subjected to static and fatigue testing [64]. sensors: small diameter and light weight, flexibility,
The most important application of composite mate- high strength, heat resistance, immunity to electro-
rials is in aviation. The condition monitoring and magnetic interference, durability, and resistance to
life prediction of the main structures of aircraft corrosion. Further these sensors are believed to have a
have received considerable attention because they very high sensitivity in an extremely broad frequency
are closely related to flight safety. The early detec- range [67].
tion of fatigue crack initiation and growth is, in
general, beyond the capability of various conven-
tional NDT means; AE, however, is more suitable
to undertake the task. Although the AE technique is
a generally accepted method for testing articles made Acoustic Emission
of composite materials, a number of problems arise Lamb Wave-based SHM for Laminated Composite
with its practical application. So far, there are no test Structures
methods that ensure the real-time localization of AE
signals in large composite complex-shaped structures.
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Chapter 12
Data Interrogation Approaches with Strain
and Load Gauge Sensor Arrays
Michael D. Todd
Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA

and type of damage. This is known as the Rytter

1 Introduction 1 taxonomy [1]. One may couple such a strategy for
SHM to a damage prognosis strategy by employing
2 Hardware Technology Overview 2
operational and environmental monitoring, a proba-
3 Data Interrogation Strategies 8 bilistic expected loading model, and an appropriate
Related Articles 9 failure or degradation model for any such mechanism
References 10 being targeted for assessment and prediction.
This overall approach clearly relies on both
hardware (sensors and actuators, as appropriate)
and software (data processing for feature extrac-
1 INTRODUCTION tion, statistical classification, model implementa-
tion/comparison, etc.) for execution. Both play critical
Any structural health monitoring (SHM) strategy for roles: one certainly needs a means to observe system
any application invariably must employ three funda- behavior (the role of sensors and measurement
mental components: (i) a sensor array that captures systems in hardware). However, there is no such thing
some form of local or global kinematic or kinetic as a damage sensor or a condition assessment
response of the system at hand (such as a vibra- sensor; all types of sensors do nothing but measure
tion response); (ii) a series of algorithms that process a systems field response, such as acceleration, pres-
the raw sensor array data in such a way to extract sure, strain, temperature, etc., to stimuli. To perform
features that convey meaningful information about SHM with the goal of current state assessmentat
the condition or performance of the system; and any level of the Rytter taxonomyone must mine
(iii) statistical modeling tools that appropriately clas- information from the sensors field measurements
sify these extracted features into assessment cate- (the role of algorithms in software). Inevitably,
gories, ordered by increasing complexity: detection this sensor data mining relies on pattern-recognition
of damage, location of damage, level of damage, methods, where one must draw a comparison in
some way between baseline data sets and test data
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by sets. Such comparisons may be broadly classified
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 into two classes: (i) direct waveform comparison or
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. (ii) comparison between baseline and fitted model
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

parameters or between baseline and test residual community has commercialized variations on the
error when using a fixed baseline model. The former resistive theme as well, but their sensitivity to other
class involves extracting direct features from raw measurands, mounting requirements, and complex
waveform data obtained in both a baseline or refer- circuitry have limited their application. Bulk optical
ence condition and a test condition. Such features methods, taking advantage of interference patterns
could be something as simple as a single peak or produced by optical flats, are very accurate and
rms value over a given time window or a more highly sensitive, but these techniques are delicate
complex signal-processing scheme such as a bispec- and cannot withstand industrial applications in many
tral construction. The latter class involves fitting some cases. Finally, it is important to mention piezoelectric
sort of model to the data sets and comparing how patches, which are increasingly being used as strain
a model fitted appropriately to a baseline data set sensors. However, their initial uses were primarily
compares to the same kind of model fitted to a test in actuation or impedance measurement, and this
data set. Alternatively, one may fit a model to a refer- architecture is not considered in this section.
ence or baseline data set only and then use it as
a predictor for future data sets, using the resulting
residual error as the primary feature set on which to
2.1.1 Resistive strain gauges
make comparisons. The typical foil resistive-type gauge consists of a wire
This section begins with a technology review grid network (the resistor) embedded on an elastic
of strain gauges and load cells primarily used in layer, which in turn is bonded with an epoxy layer
SHM today, and it follows with a presentation of on to the object of interest. When the object deforms
data interrogation approaches used with these sensor under load, the deformation is transferred to the wire
modalities. network, causing resistive changes in the material.
Typical materials include coppernickel alloys, plat-
inum alloys (usually tungsten), nickeliron alloys,
2 HARDWARE TECHNOLOGY or nickelchrome alloys, foils, or semiconductor
OVERVIEW materials. The most popular alloys used for strain
gauges are coppernickel alloys and nickelchrome
2.1 Strain gauges alloys. Two further improvements in strain gauge
technology include the thin-film strain gauge and
Strain measurements are likely the second-most diffused semiconductor gauges, but despite these
commonly used data type (after acceleration, which alternative piezoresistive designs, bonded metallic
is considered in another section) for SHM. Strain is resistance strain gauges have the best reputation and
a nondimensional measure of an objects deforma- are the most widely used. They are relatively inex-
tion resulting from an applied stress. More formally, pensive, can achieve overall accuracy of better than
strain is defined as the displacement per unit length 0.10%, are available in a short gauge length, have
of the object; strain gauges have a finite gauge length high primary sensitivity, and have only moderate
that serves as a normalizing factor. As such, the thermal sensitivity. One may operate these gauges
strain gauge actually gives an average strain reading in temperatures ranging from cryogenic to those
over the length of the gauge. Strain gauges, at least found in jet engine turbines. One may also use them
in their mature forms used most commonly, gener- to measure both static and dynamic strain, as the
ally fall into two categories: (i) resistive foil gauges inherent time constants in the material are negligibly
and their variants and (ii) fiber-optic gauges. The small.
most common strain gauge technology is the resis- The changes in the resistive characteristics of
tive foil kind; in 1856, Lord Kelvin first noted that metallic foil gauges to applied strain are very small,
the resistive properties of some metallic conductors requiring signal processing to convert these changes
change as a function of applied strain; this effect into voltages that normal data acquisition systems
was put into practical use by the 1930s. In practice, may detect and process. The most popular detection
other properties such as capacitance or inductance networks are the Wheatstone bridge, Chevron bridge,
also change with applied strain, and the hardware and four-wire ohm circuit, all shown in Figure 1.
Data Interrogation with Strain and Load Gauge Sensor Arrays 3

Typical foil gauge

R4 or Rg R1
R1 Constant
voltage (VIN)
power A R1
VIN B VOUT D supply 0 Rg1 Rg2
R1 .1
R2 DVM D V R1 Rg
R3 E
(VOUT) .2
A R2 R3 3 Current Voltmeter
Rg2 R1
R3 R2 source
R3+Rg R1+R2

Wheatstone bridge Chevron bridge Four-wire ohm circuit

Four-wire leads Multiplexer, conditioner, A/D,

(per channel) temperature compensation Power supply

Figure 1. Common signal-processing networks for resistive strain gauges.

2.1.2 Fiber-optic strain gauges doping, is absorptive in the ultraviolet optical range,
and such irradiation of the fiber core will cause
Although foil resistive gauges dominate current an essentially permanent change in the refractive
market usage, an explosion of commercially available properties of the core. If the irradiation is performed
fiber-optic solutions for strain measurement has in a spatially periodic fashion, then a series of
occurred over the last few years. The fiber-optic gratings (a periodic change in refractive index) is
communications revolution of the late 1990s led introduced in the fiber core, and these act like a
to great improvement in component technologies at local bandstop optical filter. The physical periodicity
lower costs, and the sensor development community is chosen so that when broadband light in the infrared
piggy-backed on these advances. The two dominant range (13001600 nm) is propagated down the fiber
fiber-optic technologies are direct fiber interferometry core, a narrowband component (width 0.2 nm) is
and fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) [2]. The former rejected and reflected. The central wavelength of this
method is older, but its relative complexity (despite narrowband component is directly proportional to
several orders of magnitude sensitivity improvement the spacing in the FBG at that location; so, as that
over foil gauges) and low multiplexing capability has spacing physically changes (because of strain), the
limited its use to specialized military and industrial reflected wavelength shifts in proportion. In this way,
applications. Most commercial systems today take tremendous multiplexing may be achieved: several
advantage of FBG technology. FBGs may be individually photowritten into a single
FBGs are intrinsic structures that may be photo- optical fiber with each one written to reflect at a
written into the fiber. Silica glass, with germanium unique wavelength (Figure 2).
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Fiber Bragg gratings Fiber cladding

Fiber core

l1 = 2n1 l2 = 2n2 l3 = 2n3
optical input
spectrum Intensity

~50 nm bandwidth Wavelength Transmission

= 44 000 microstrain spectra

Figure 2. FBG wavelength-encoded multiplexing.

Thus, tracking the individual reflected wavelength order of less than 1 microstrain; in some variations
shifts allows a direct measurement of strain at the on this architecture, strain resolutions on the orders
various locations. There are several architectures of tens of nanostrain have been reported [3]. This is
possible for doing this interrogation, but a domi- several orders of magnitude more sensitive than the
nant approach is shown in Figure 3. Here, broadband best foil resistive gauge, but the costs of FBG systems
light is inserted in an FBG array via a superlumi- (and specifically, the FBGs themselves, which are
nescent diode, and the reflections from the array $150200 per sensor) have limited deep market
are coupled back through a FabryPerot filter. This penetration. However, since FBG systems are insen-
device passes only a narrowband wavelength of light sitive to electromagnetic interference, do not create a
(designed to be commensurate with the FBG reflec- spark source, are extremely lightweight and nonin-
tion width of 0.2 nm) dependent upon the spacing trusive, and are highly multiplexible, many appli-
between mirrors in the device. This spacing, and cation areasparticularly in aerospace structural
thus the passband, is controlled by applying a rapidly monitoringare emerging.
stepped voltage to a piezoelectric driver controlling
the mirrors. The passed light signal is sent to a
2.1.3 Strain sensing challenges
photodetector and differentiated; the zero crossings of
the differentiated signal correspond to the peak wave- Despite significant commercialization and use, strain
lengths of the reflected light, and correlation between gauges of both types pose some challenges, partic-
the ramp voltage level and shifts in the zero-crossings ularly if being used to supply raw strain data to
results in obtaining the strain for each FBG sensor. an SHM or damage prognosis algorithm suite. First,
The resolution of the voltage ramp and the spectral one must apply both strain gauge types to the host
range of the filter primarily determine the optimal material with some form of epoxy. Such epoxies
strain resolution, which has been demonstrated on the are typically not stiffness-matched with either the
Data Interrogation with Strain and Load Gauge Sensor Arrays 5

Fiber Bragg gratings


Tunable fiber
filter d/dt

Driving signal Zero-crossing


cooler Voltage to Compare

conversion Voltage

Figure 3. Tunable FabryPerot filter FBG interrogation.

gauge material or the host material, which means over the length scales of the structure, this is a
that strain does not completely transfer between host big problem, as the thermal correction map cannot
material and gauge. Typically, the epoxy bond layer accurately couple with the mechanical map, but in
will partially absorb some of the material-induced many small-scale applications or any application with
strain in a shear lag effect, leading to a reduced negligible spatial temperature gradients, this is an
strain reading at the gauge. For simple gauge/host acceptable solution. Finally, in the case of fiber-
geometries, the community has developed shear lag optic gauges, the issue of potential embeddability
correction models [4], but these models effectively poses some unique challenges. Because of their small
have their use limited to simple load states and size and self-contained design, fiber gauges may
stationary environmental conditions. So, while one be placed inside composite materials during their
may find shear lag correction factors for a sensor fabrication. However, such a benefit leads to prob-
array during a laboratory calibration step, it is very lems of ingress/egress reliability, fiber microbending
common for these factors to change with load level, that leads to signal degradation, and the possibility
load application rate, temperature, and humidity, of compromising the host structures integrity. A
rendering inaccurate strain readings that may intro- number of studies are addressing these issues in fiber
duce errors in subsequent data processing algorithms. sensing [58].
Second, all strain gauges and their associated interro-
gation hardware are inherently sensitive themselves to
extraneous measurands, such as temperature. Decou-
pling of mechanical and thermal strain is a critical 2.2 Load/force gauges
issue, and one usually makes recourse to a dummy
gauge approach whereby a number of gauges are left The measurement of force or load is a very impor-
mechanically debonded from the host structure (thus tant component, particularly while doing damage
free to measure temperature alone). Of course, such prognosis since loading information is required for
an approach effectively doubles the sensor require- developing and updating predictive capability. Load
ment, so only a few dummy gauges are typically sensors (cells) fall into two broad classes, both of
deployed. For structures such as space-deployable which enjoy significant market penetration: (i) strain
ones where large thermal gradients are observed gauge and (ii) piezoelectric. Vibrating wire load cells
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

Single bending beam Bending S beam Shear beam

Figure 4. Some typical strain gauge load cell transducer designs.

are a third design, but these are primarily used in

geotechnical applications rather than SHM. Housing Binding post

2.2.1 Strain gauge load cells Inertial mass/

material damping block
The first load cell class is exactly as one may
surmise from its label: it consists of a strain gauge,
operated as reviewed above, bonded to a special- Contact
ized transducer that deforms predictably under load. plate
The deformation in the transducer induces strain,
which is calibrated through the transducer geometry Input motion
to applied force. Popular transducer types include
bending beam, multiple beam, shear beam, double Figure 5. Generic piezoelectric sensor design.
shear beam, column, membrane, and ring. Some
of these designs are shown in Figure 4. One may High-impedance designs require a charge ampli-
optimize designs for force detection below a few fier or external impedance converter for charge-
pound-force up to several thousand pound-force to-voltage conversion. The charge amplifier consists
with resolutions dependent upon strain gauge reso- of a high-gain inverting voltage amplifier with an
lution determined by signal processing. Measurement Field-Effect Transistor (FET) at its input for high
bandwidth ranges from static timescales (with drift insulation resistance. Low-impedance designs use
compensation) up to whatever sampling limits the the same piezoelectric sensing element as high-
data acquisition hardware can sustain. impedance units, but they also incorporate a miniatur-
ized built-in charge-to-voltage converter. They also
require an external power supply coupler, which
2.2.2 Piezoelectric load cells provides the constant current excitation required for
linear operation over a wide voltage range and also
Piezoelectric load cells operate using piezoelectric decouples the bias voltage from the output. Both
crystals. Piezoelectric crystals are made from ferro- the power into and the signal out of the sensor are
electric materials (such as lead zirconate titanate, transmitted over this cable. These designs are shown
PZT) that induce electric charge (electric dipoles at in Figure 6.
the molecular level) when mechanically strained. The Piezoelectric crystals produce an electrical output
inertially induced strain on the crystal is contained only when they experience a change in load; this
within a damping block and an inertial seismic mass means they cannot detect true static measurements.
for frequency response tuning, and the resulting Essentially the sensor behaves as a single-degree-of-
charge is picked up by wiring (Figure 5). freedom underdamped oscillator. This means that the
Signal processing is required to amplify and sensor is subject to resonance phenomena (frequency-
detect this charge, and there are two general archi- dependent sensitivity in the resonance band, phase
tectures: high impedance and low impedance [9]. distortion, etc.) and operates well as a load cell in a
Data Interrogation with Strain and Load Gauge Sensor Arrays 7

High impedance
Low impedance

1 Vo 2 3
Vi S

Rr Individual G 4
transducer Cq 5
Cr Rt
q +
A Cr CG 6
q Ct Cc Ri

1 2 Internal charge-to-voltage converter

External charge amplifier

Power supply
Bias decoupling

Coaxial Coaxial
cable cable
Multiplexer, conditioner, A/D

Figure 6. Signal processing for piezoelectric sensors.

finite frequency band below the resonant region, but done with either wax (for temporary measuring), an
not all the way to static time scales. Furthermore, epoxy (for semipermanent measuring), or through
these systems have characteristic time constants, a mounting block (using fasteners). The latter is
which are defined to be the discharge time of the most desirable, assuming the mounting blocks own
corresponding ac circuit. Time constants are usually dynamic response does not interfere with the desired
partially selectable by resistors in the control circuit, measurement band. The primary issues with any
although this depends on the design (low-impedance mounting type are (i) maintaining good force transfer
vs high-impedance). Systems may be designed to from host to sensor and (ii) ensuring that cross-
measure responses up to many kilohertz with micro-g axis sensitivity is minimized. In the latter issue, a
sensitivity, so these sensors are used very frequently sensor that is mounted slightly off of its primary
in SHM for measuring small dynamic forces. These sensing axis (or out of alignment with the desired
load cells work on exactly the same principle as measurement direction) will not measure what is
piezoelectric accelerometers, which are the most actually being experienced and will also detect out-
prolific sensor in current use for SHM applications. of-direction inputs, both of which can significantly
corrupt the desired signal.
One other significant challenge with strain gauge
2.2.3 Load sensing challenges
load cells is fatigue, which is the accumulation
Load cells present their own challenges for effective of plastic (unrecoverable) deformation in the strain
use. Strain gauge load cells, of course, are subject to gauge as load cycles accumulate. All strain gauges
the same challenges as pure strain gauges described suffer from this, but strain gauges used in the direct
above. There is an added complexity due to the mode (as above) are not typically used in a highly
transducer, since the strain gauge itself is affixed dynamic, cyclical sensing mode, so fatigue is not
to the transducer, but the transducer in turn must as prevalent (other than possible low-cycle, high-
be affixed to the system of interest. This is often amplitude fatigue). However, the dynamic usage
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

of load cells implies that such sensors have a (Figure 7). Feature extraction methods have received
finite useful life before readings become increasingly a tremendous amount of attention in the literature, and
inaccurate, distorted, hysteretic, and/or nonlinear. some good reviews may be found in two Los Alamos
Piezoelectric load cells do not suffer from strain technical reports [11, 12] and in recent proceed-
gauge-related issues, but one must still mount them ings of the International and European Workshops
to the host system in the same ways, so those issues on Structural Health Monitoring [13, 14]. Statistical
remain. The biggest issue with piezoelectric load cells modeling for feature discrimination and classification
is their use outside of their calibrated measurement has received significantly less attention in the litera-
range. As mentioned, these sensors are ac coupled ture, but the references just cited contain a review of
on the low-frequency end (there is significant low- these approaches as well.
frequency attenuation) and nonlinear beyond a critical Also, as mentioned, feature extraction methods fall
high frequency (because of resonance). One has to into either direct waveform comparisons of some
ensure that force inputs are occurring on time scales kind or model usage of some kind. The following
commensurate with this frequency range. subsections will consider some examples of these
two general types of feature extraction applied to
strain/load data.
3.1 Direct waveform comparison
As mentioned in the introductory remarks, SHM
involves more than merely collecting sensor data The majority of data interrogation methods with
such as that obtained from a strain gauge or load strain/load gauges fall into this group. This is
cell network. One must mine the sensor data for primarily because of two reasons: (i) in general,
actual information (features) that directly relates to direct waveform comparison techniques are less
the damage being assessed. This implies that SHM computationally burdensome and are more readily
may be considered as a pattern-recognition problem interpretable and adaptable and (ii) strain and load
whereby these features are compared by statistical measurements are more directly related to damage
testing between baseline data sets and test data sets. realizations (strain or loath path changes, for example,
In the context of this section, strain and/or load when cracks develop and propagate) and existing
gauges provide dynamic response baseline and test prognosis models, which often use strain or load
condition data, the same feature extraction algo- as input variables. The civil structural domainand
rithm(s) are applied to these data, and the features most notably bridgeshas been a prominent appli-
are compared via statistical modeling tools [10] cation area in this regard [15, 16]. Many bridge

Baseline condition


Test condition Distributed Feature Comparison

sensor extraction
Figure 7. Statistical pattern-recognition approach for SHM.
Data Interrogation with Strain and Load Gauge Sensor Arrays 9

applications have involved directly embedding strain have used both model classes with strain/load
gauges (typically fiber optic, because of their prop- measurements in a variety of applications, such
erties), usually inside specialized tubes [8] that are as detecting loosened bolts in jointed connections
themselves subsequently placed inside concrete load- [2426], detecting leaks in composite tanks [27],
bearing members during fabrication. The raw static identifying degradation in bridge girders [2830], and
strain readings are then tracked over time to discover detecting impact-induced delamination in a composite
trends, such as seasonal thermal cycling that can lead Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) wing [31].
to wear [17], localized plastic damage due to overload Prognosis models are physics-based or empirical
[18], or evidence of a fracture [19]. (historically based data) models that relate measur-
Researchers have also used direct strain array able variables to failure criteria for a given failure
readings to detect cracks or bond strength verification mode [32], e.g., yielding, fatigue, creep, etc. Most
in composite joints and repair patches (doublers) yielding theories (Rankine, TrescaGuest, St Venant,
for aerospace structures [20, 21] and for localizing strain energy, Von MisesHuber), for example,
impacts on composite panels [22]. A number of directly encode strain or stress measurements, so
aerospace applications may be found in [23]. strain and load gauges are needed. High-cycle fatigue
models also require stress/strain amplitude and cycle
knowledge, so again strain/load gauges are most
3.2 Model usage for assessment and appropriate. Because of the nonstationary nature of
prognosis fatigue-inducing stresses, however, several cumula-
tive damage laws (Miner, Henry, Gatts) and subse-
This category involves mining raw strain/load infor- quent fatigue crack propagation theories (e.g., Paris)
mation for damage-sensitive features (rather than have been postulated, all of which require stress as
directly comparing the waveforms themselves), which an input variable.
often employs using a model of some sort. Model Using damage laws such as these and combining
parameters are then compared between baseline and them with current structural health assessments to
test conditions, or, alternatively, a single model is create damage prognosis technology is relatively new
fit to the baseline and used as a predictor for future as of this writing. Some recent examples of such
test cases, with the resulting error being the feature integrated technology include using linear cumulative
of interest (i.e., increasing error indicates increasing damage laws for assessment of solid rocket motor
change to the system). While such techniques typi- casing [33], stress cycle curves for detection and
cally require more complex computational analysis, prognosis of aircraft landing gear damage [34], and an
they are often tailored for specific damage identi- energy method for fatigue crack detection and growth
fication in an application, so they are often more prediction [35].
sensitive. Such models may also be coupled to prog-
nosis models, which are models used to predict
future system states given the current state and a
probabilistic future loading state.
Health assessment models take many forms, Signal Processing for Damage Detection
e.g., autoregressive models of directly measured
time series, modal models of structural response, Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection
state space models, mechanics models, or neural Piezoelectricity Principles and Materials
networks. These models are broadly classified into
physics-based and data-based classes. In the former Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors
class, physical first principles are applied to create Piezoelectric Paint Sensors for Ultrasonics-based
deterministic relationships among variables that are Damage Detection
fitted or tested with data from the sensor arrays.
Conversely, data-based models create heuristic rela- Fiber-optic Sensor Principles
tionships among measured data that are tested against Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
each other or a baseline model over time. Researchers
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

Novel Fiber-optic Sensors vibration-based structural health monitoring. In

Structural Health Monitoring 2000, Chang F-K (ed).
Wireless Sensor Network Platforms
Technomic Publications, 1999.
Sensor Placement Optimization
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Sensor Network Paradigms Damage identification and health monitoring of
Hybrid PZT/FBG Sensor System structural and mechanical systems from changes
Loads Monitoring in Aerospace Structures in their vibration characteristics: a literature
review. LA-13070-MS, Los Alamos National
Loads and Temperature Effects on a Bridge Laboratory Report. 1996 (may be found at
[12] Sohn H, Farrar CR, Hemez FM, Shunk DD, Stine-
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Chapter 11
ModalVibration-based Damage
Keith Worden1 and Michael I. Friswell2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

of a sequence of fictitious single degree-of-freedom

1 Introduction 1 (SDOF) systems [1]. The modal parameters are the
2 Natural Frequencies and Modeshapes 2 SDOF system-damping ratios and natural frequencies,
together with the coefficients of the terms in the
3 The Strain Energy Method 9
expansion that form the modeshapes. Vibration-based
4 Linear-algebraic Methods 15 SHM does not solely use the modal quantities, it also
5 Parametric Model Updating 21 uses the physical parameter matrices and quantities
6 Potential Problems in Damage such as frequency response functions (FRFs) and
Identification Using Vibration Data 31 transmissibilities considerably. The objective of this
7 Conclusions 34 article is to describe the use of modal and general
References 34 vibration-based quantities for SHM. It is not intended
as a comprehensive review by any means. In fact,
such a review already exists in the form of the
extensive literature surveys carried out by researchers
1 INTRODUCTION at Los Alamos National Laboratories in the United
States [2, 3]. For a much more comprehensive
Structural health monitoring (SHM) arguably emer- overview, the reader is directed to these documents.
ged as a subdiscipline of structural dynamics with This article is intended to illustrate the use of a
an emphasis on determining the health or condition small number of vibration-based methods by the
of a given structure on the basis of the sort of consideration of case studies. The specific methods
measurements that are commonly available from for illustration here are chosen simply by the
structural dynamic testing. The standard for a particular tastes of the authors.
structural dynamic test is an application of modal The rationale for vibration-based SHM is the long-
analysis, where the measurements correspond to a held belief that any damage occurring within a struc-
modal modelan expansion of the system in terms ture will be reflected in a change in its dynamic
properties. The problem of damage identification is
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by then to translate the changes in the measured quan-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 tities into a diagnosis. This diagnosis may simply
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. be a yes/no indication of the presence of damage
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

or may give more detailed information like location between the normal condition of the structure and
and severity. In any case, some degree of mathemat- any damaged state. Such a feature allows level
ical processing is required to translate the measure- one damage identification under Rytters generally
ments into a diagnosis. At present, there are two main accepted hierarchy [4]; this is simply detection. More
frameworks for carrying out this translation. The first advanced features allow one to advance further and
is based on the linear-algebraic solution of the iden- potentially localize and quantify the damage.
tification problem considered as an inverse problem. The basic features that one can use for damage
The second is based on concepts of machine learning detection are the natural frequencies. These have
and pattern recognition. This article concentrates the advantage that they can be acquired without
on the former, as the pattern-recognition approach recourse to a full modal test; a basic spectral
is adequately represented in other chapters of this analysis from a single random excitation test with
Encyclopedia (see Statistical Pattern Recognition; one response sensor can suffice. A further advan-
Machine Learning Techniques; Artificial Neural tage of the natural frequencies is that they can
Networks; and Novelty Detection). The omission be estimated quite accurately, typically to within
of pattern-recognition approaches implies that this 1%. The use of natural frequencies dates back to
article does not consider methods based on passing the seminal paper of Cawley and Adams [5]. A
vibration-based features into neural networks and change in the natural frequency can be taken as
other learning algorithms. an indication of damage within the system. If one
The breakdown of this article is as follows: considers the changes in many natural frequencies,
Section 2 describes the basic use of modal features one can potentially deduce further characteristics of
in detecting and locating damage. Only basic signal the damage.
processing operations are considered at this stage. Modeshapes can be considered rather than fre-
In addition to natural frequencies and modeshapes, quencies as they are well known to suffer local
derived featurescurvatures and Yuen functions changes in the presence of localized damage. Thus,
are also dealt with. Section 3 expands on the they may prove more effective in locating damage.
use of curvatures by discussing the modal strain The price one pays for the extra flexibility provided
energy method in some detail, the application of the by the modeshapes is the expense of carrying out a
method is illustrated by use of a detailed exper- full modal test with multiple response sensors and the
imental case study. Section 4 deals with more associated instrumentation. A further problem with
advanced algorithms for the processing of data modeshapes is that it is not possible to measure them
based on the consideration of damage as an inverse with the same accuracy as natural frequencies. Test
problem: the predominant methodology is that of errors in the range of 510% are typical.
linear algebra or matrix analysis. Section 5 takes The use of natural frequency and modeshape
a more detailed look at the methodology of finite features is demonstrated here using case studies based
element (FE) updating and Section 6 contains a on comparatively simple structures. The structures
discussion of some of the issues that arise in devel- under investigation here are FE models of a beam
oping a credible SHM methodology based on vibra- and plate. To investigate the possibilities of further
tion measurements. data processing, the curvatures of the modeshapes
are also computed and used as features for network
training, as are the diagnostic functions proposed by
2 NATURAL FREQUENCIES Yuen [6]. It is shown that the features computed
by further processing of the basic modal quantities
AND MODESHAPES provide higher-level identification for the damaged
A fundamental requirement for SHM is that measure-
ments that are sensitive to the presence of damage
must be available from a structural test. Such 2.1 A cantilever beam structure
measurements are, in the terminology of pattern
recognition, called features. A basic requirement of FE simulation of the beam was carried out using
any feature for SHM is that it should distinguish the package LUSAS [7]. To allow experimental
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 3

validation of the model, the properties of a cantilever Where this is possible, several frequencies are needed
beam currently in use in the laboratory were adopted. because the position of the damage affects each
This was of aluminum with dimensions 920 50 frequency differently, as described above. Also, if
12.5 mm3 . Fifteen Timoshenko beam elements were higher frequency, more local, modes are used, there
used to model the system and the first five natural is potential for damage location, if a higher frequency
frequencies and modeshapes of the system were and more local modes are used, there is potential
obtained. The value of each modeshape was spec- for damage location [5]. However, higher modes
ified at 16 nodes along the beam. Comparison of are not always available because of the high sensor
the predicted natural frequencies with those from density required and the associated instrumentation
the experimental beam showed almost perfect agree- cost.
ment. Damage to the structure at a given location As a means of progressing beyond detection, one
was simulated by reducing the Youngs modulus of can consider the modeshapes of the structure. When
the corresponding element and consequently reducing the most severe level of damage (75% reduction in E)
its stiffness. The results presented here are for 25, 50, is induced in the model here at element 5, again, the
and 75% reductions in Youngs modulus (and hence resulting modeshapes are shown in Figure 1 (as solid
stiffness) for the appropriate elements. lines) together with the modes for the undamaged
The first features to consider are the natural structure (dashed). There is only a small distortion,
frequencies. These are tabulated below (Table 1 for even for this severely damaged condition. While it
a stiffness reduction in the fifth element from the is true that distortion becomes more marked in the
cantilever root. (The precisions given is a reflec- higher modes, these would not usually be available.
tion of the fact that the frequencies are derived from It is assumed in the following that only the first few
simulation.) modeshapes are available. The low level of distortion
It is noted that increasing severity of damage suggests that it might be useful to consider further
causes a progressive reduction in all the natural processing of the modeshapes to obtain features that
frequencies. The extent of the reduction of a specific are known to give at least a clear visual indication of
frequency depends on the position of the damage rela- the damage location. The derived quantities examined
tive to the nodes of the corresponding modeshape. In below are the Yuen functions [6] and the mode
this case, the largest relative decrease is for the first curvatures.
mode. The frequencies appear to provide an effective
indication of damage. One problem with using natural
frequencies as a damage indicator is the fact that the 2.1.1 Yuen functions
frequencies may also change for a structure under
varying environmental or operational conditions [8]. These are functions defined over the length of the
This matter is discussed in Statistical Pattern Recog- beam, and constructed from the eigenvectors and
nition. Generally speaking, as the natural frequencies eigenvalues for the damaged and undamaged system.
are global properties of a structure, it is difficult Suppose {}i is the ith eigenvector of the undam-
to use them to progress beyond simple detection. aged system and i is the corresponding eigenvalue.

Table 1. First five natural frequencies of the cantilever beam under various damage
Stiffness Natural frequencies
reduction (%)
1 2 3 4 5
0 12.15 76.05 212.7 415.9 686.0
25 11.96 75.71 208.9 413.1 683.6
50 11.62 75.08 202.6 408.7 679.1
75 11.30 74.53 197.6 405.2 675.0
Maximum % change 7.0% 2.0% 7.1% 2.6% 1.6%
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Mode 1


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Node number

Mode 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Node number

Mode 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Node number
Figure 1. The first three modeshapes for the cantilever beam: undamaged (solid) and damaged (dashed).

Furthermore, suppose {  }i and  i are the corre- the damaged and undamaged modeshape if the fault
sponding quantities for the damaged system. Then is in this region.
the ith Yuen function is defined by

{  }i {}i 2.1.2 Modeshape curvatures

{Y }i = (1)
 i i
Another possibility for a damage-sensitive feature is
The rationale behind these functions is given in [6], data obtained by taking derivatives of the modeshapes
and their properties are most easily summarized in a with respect to the position along the beam. This
diagrammatic form. Figure 2 shows the function {Y }1 has the effect of amplifying any discontinuities in
(i.e., from the first mode) for each of five damage the modeshape caused by the localized damage. If
locations (elements: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, with 75% the beam stiffness is small in a region, bending is
reduction in stiffness). The location of the damage large in that region, and, as a consequence, the beam
is signaled quite clearly as the node at which the curvature is high locally. The second derivative with
function first becomes nonzero. respect to position is used here as an approximation
Note that the discontinuity in the function becomes to the curvature. One of the first papers to use
less marked toward the free end of the beam; this is curvatures for damage detection was [9]. In this
expected as very little strain energy is concentrated in study, the differentiation is carried out by using a
this region for vibrations at the first natural frequency. centered difference in the main body of the beam
As a consequence, it is difficult to distinguish between with backward and forward differences for the ends.
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 5

Damage: element 2
Damage: element 4
Damage: element 6
Damage: element 8
6 Damage: element 10

Yuen function

0 5 10 15
Node number
Figure 2. The first Yuen function for the cantilever beam for various different locations of damage.

Figure 3 shows the first mode curvatures when ratio of 1.5 was chosen to have a check on the
a 75% stiffness reduction is enforced at the five results from the FE model; for this value, Leissa [11]
elements considered for the Yuen function. A clear provided estimates of the first six natural frequen-
maximum occurs near the location of the damage. cies, namely, 23.7, 79.5, 147.3, 269.0, 367.0, and
This maximum is present for all fault locations. 422.3 Hz. The FE mesh was composed of 20 20
However, as with the Yuen functions, damage in the elements; however, as such dense sensor networks
neighborhood of the free end is poorly indicated. are not usually available, it was decided to also esti-
The effect of the damage can be amplified by mate the modeshapes on a regular 4 4 subgrid. The
subtracting the modeshape curvature of the undam- simulated faults were located within the areas defined
aged structure as in Figure 4. by the coarse grid. Faults were simulated by lowering
An interesting approach related to curvature mode- the stiffness of the elements as before; in this case,
shapes was developed by Ratcliffe in [10]. the Youngs Modulus was reduced to 1% of its usual
value. To give faults of different severities, different
groups of elements were deleted. Only the most
2.2 A cantilever plate structure severe case is considered here, where a 3 3 group
of elements was deleted to give the fault.
To illustrate the use of the modeshapederived For the FE model, eight-node semiloof elements
features in a slightly more realistic situation, a two- were used, although this was a little time consuming,
dimensional cantilever plate structure was consid- the results justified the expenditure. The estimated
ered. The plate was modeled using LUSAS in much natural frequencies were 23.5, 79.4, 146.2, 364.6,
the same way as the beam structure. The material and 419.2 Hz, agreeing with [11] to well within its
constants of aluminum were used and the dimensions stated confidence interval. Figure 5 shows the first
chosen were 300 200 2.5 mm3 ; the built-in end modeshape for the undamaged system as a surface
was taken along one of the short sides. The aspect and in contour-map form.
6 Physical Monitoring Principles


Damage: element 2
Damage: element 4
0.025 Damage: element 6
Damage: element 8
Damage: element 10
Mode curvature




0 5 10 15
Node number
Figure 3. First modeshape curvature for cantilever beam for various different locations of damage.

Damage: element 2
Damage: element 4
6 Damage: element 6
Background corrected mode curvature

Damage: element 8
Damage: element 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Node number
Figure 4. Background-corrected modeshape curvature for cantilever beam for various different locations of damage.
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 7


1 250

Modeshape 1


y (mm)

0 100
200 50
100 100
y (mm) 50 50 x (mm)
0 0
0 0 50 100 150 200
(a) (b) x (mm)
Figure 5. The first modeshape for the undamaged cantilever plate. (a) Surface and (b) contour.

First, the modeshape is considered as a feature chosen:

for damage detection. When damage is induced in
one of the edge cells nearest the clamped edge, =   (3)
there proves to be very little indication of damage
in the modeshape. There is some improvement if the where
modeshape of the undamaged plate is subtracted. The 
result is shown in Figure 6.  2  2

As in the case of the cantilever beam, the mode-  = + (4)
shape itself gives very little indication of the damage; x y
note that Figure 6 shows the modeshape over the fine
explains the use of the norm  . A simple centered
mesh. Over the coarse mesh, which would repre-
difference was used to estimate the partial derivatives.
sent a more realistic situation, there is very little
To amplify the disturbance due to the fault, the
discrimination. This is motivation for considering
quantities derived from the modeshapes once more. curvatures corresponding to the undamaged state
As the modeshape curvatures proved useful in the are subtracted throughout. Figure 7 shows the first
one-dimensional case, they are considered here. mode curvature for a fault at the same location
The curvatures proved a little more involved in as previously. The position of the fault is clearly
this case; as the modal displacement {} was now a visible, whereas it was not at all discernable in the
function of both x and y (convenient coordinates on modeshape.
the plate), the derivative was replaced by the gradient A legitimate criticism at this point would be that
vector, the curvatures would usually be estimated from the
data on the measurement grid and therefore would not
be available with the accuracy shown here. In fact,
= , (2) the process of double differentiation to generate the
x y
modeshape curvatures is badly influenced by noise,
As some scalar analog of the curvature was still and it was shown in [12] that numerical analysis
required for visualization, the following quantity was gives unacceptable errors. However, it was shown
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

Background corrected mode 1








10 15
y (mm) 10
x (mm)
0 0
Figure 6. Background-corrected modeshape for the damaged cantilever plate.

1.5 18

1 16
Mode 1 curvature

0.5 12
y (mm)

2 8
250 6
150 200 4
100 150
100 2
50 50
y (mm) 0 0 x (mm) 5 10 15 20
(a) (b) x (mm)
Figure 7. First modeshape curvature for damaged cantilever plate. (a) Surface and (b) contour.
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 9

in the same study that strain measurements make 3 THE STRAIN ENERGY METHOD
an acceptable proxy for the curvatures as long as
the sensor density is reasonably high. The feasi- The approach considered here was developed by
bility was demonstrated on an experimental cantilever Stubbs and Kim [13, 16] and is based on modal
beam with a machined element simulating a crack. strain energy. It has been applied in a number of
Assuming that strain measurements are available, it experimental studies over the years, including an
analysis of a full-scale bridge structure [17]. The
will still not be possible to use the sort of sensor
method has mainly been applied to beamlike or one-
density implicit in Figure 7. If the coarse 4 4 mesh
dimensional structures. In fact, as the object of the
is used, which would require 16 sensors, the curva-
exercise here is to identify and localize damage
tures of Figure 8 are obtained.
along an aircraft panel stringer, this is sufficient.
The results are less impressive, but the vicinity of
The extension to two-dimensional structures was
the damage is indicated. Before leaving the subject made in [18].
of modeshape features, it should be remarked that the
modeshape curvatures play an important part in the
damage index or strain energy method of Stubbs and 3.1 Theory
Kim [13]. In Refs. 14 and 15, the authors compared
a number of damage detection methods using the The analysis here closely follows that of [18].
example of a road bridge with a concrete deck and Consider a beamlike structure discretized into a
steel supports. The strain energy method proved the number of elements labeled by j = 1, . . . , Ne , and
most promising, and a detailed discussion is provided suppose that measured modal data is available for
in the next section. Nm modes.
The strain energy of an EulerBernoulli beam of
length L is given by
1 L
d2 w
U= dx(EI) (5)
2 0 dx 2
where w(x) is the displacement profile of the beam
and EI is the structural rigidity. The fraction of the
200 energy associated with a given modeshape i (x) is
1 L
d2 i
y (mm)

150 Ui = dx(EI) (6)

2 0 dx 2

If one further divides the energy among the Ne

100 elements, one finds for element j ,
1 aj
d2 i
Uij = dx(EI)j (7)
2 aj 1 dx 2

where aj 1 and aj are the endpoints of element j .

(The nodes at the ends of the beam are a0 and aNe .)
0 The proportion of modal energy in the j th
0 50 100 150 200
element is
x (mm)
Figure 8. Background-corrected modeshape curvature Uij
Fij = (8)
for the damaged cantilever plate: coarse mesh. Ui
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

and The quantity ik is the damage index associated

with mode i and element k. It is assumed that damage

to an element manifests itself in a decrease in the
Fij = 1 (9) flexural rigidity and a consequent increase in the
j =1
index. To eliminate possible problems due to near-
zero values of the denominator, a slightly modified
If the system is damaged, there is a redistribution
version is used here.
or scaling of the strain energy and the analogous
quantities can be defined as fik + 1
ik = (17)
 2 fik + 1

1 L
d2 i
Ui = dx(EI) (10) To obtain a more robust diagnostic, one can inte-
0 2 dx 2
grate the information across all the measured modes
1 aj d2 i and form

Uij = dx(EI)j (11)
2 aj 1 dx 2 
fik + 1
Fij = (12) k =
fik + 1
where again i=1

Ne As in most statistical detection methods, it is
Fij = 1 (13) important to have a threshold, which asserts that
j =1 there is a significant departure from unity for the
damage index. In [19] and [18], it is assumed that
If the elements are small enough, the flexural the statistics can be obtained by taking the mean
rigidity is constant on the elements, and, if it is further and standard deviation over all the elements. If the
assumed that (EI) and (EI) are constant and equal for index is assumed to have a Gaussian distribution,
the purposes of evaluating Ui and Ui , then then one can assert that indices more than two
 standard deviations above the mean can be associated
aj  2
dx d2 i /dx 2 with possible damage locations. Alternatively, if the
(EI)j aj 1 (EI)j normalized index Zk is used, where
Fij =  = fij
(EI) L  2 (EI)
dx d2 i /dx 2 k
0 Zk = 2 (19)
with a similar definition for the undamaged quantity.
then potential damage sites are associated with posi-
Now, suppose that the damage is only in element
tive Zk . Note that, if the statistics are estimated from
k and that all the undamaged elements store the
index values on a damaged structure, this threshold is
same fraction of modal strain energy before and after
equivalent to using an inclusive discordancy measure
damage i.e., Fij = Fij j  = k. It follows from (9) and
to detect outliers of the index [20]. In practice, the
(13) that Fik = Fik or
statistics of Zk are unlikely to be Gaussian and this
(EI)k (EI)k means that the decision rule above will not usually
fik = f (15) give 97% confidence in the diagnosis as would
(EI) (EI) ik
be expected from the two standard deviations rule.
so, Whether the decision rule is conservative or not will
depend on the true statistics of Zk . A more rigorous
(EI)k fik approach to determining the threshold could be by
= = ik (16)
means of probability density estimation.
(EI)k fik
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 11

3.2 The experimental panel and data resonant piezoelectric accelerometers and sampled
capture using a DIFA/Scadas acquisition system running LMS
software under the control of an HP computer. The
The panel was constructed to the following specifi- DIFA system was also used to form the random
cations. The upper surface was 750 500 3 mm3 excitation.
aluminum sheet (Figure 9 shows a schematic figure). The object of the experiment was to carry out
This was stiffened by the addition of two ribs a complete top surface modal analysis using 19
composed of lengths of C-channel riveted to the short measurement points (Figure 10) for each stage of
edges. Two stiffening stringers composed of angle damage (location 1 is the shaker attachment point,
section ran along the length of the sheet. The tests points 220 are the accelerometer positions). How-
were all conducted with freefree boundary condi- ever, for the purposes of this illustration, only the data
tions for the panel, which was suspended from a measured along the line of the stringer is relevant.
substantial frame using springs and nylon line.
Damage was simulated by the introduction of a
saw cut in the outside stringer, 125 mm from the edge 3.3 Results from the strain energy
of the panel (Figure 9). Nine levels of damage were method
investigated from 10% depth to 90%. As the stringer
is 1 in. (25.4 mm) in depth, each level corresponds to For the strain energy method, the analysis required
2.5 mm of damage. the measurement of modeshapes from the structure.
The system was excited using a Gearing and This was accomplished by using the LMS modal
Watson electrodynamic shaker driven by broadband analysis package. The sensor layout was as shown
white noise amplified by a Gearing and Watson power in Figure 10. To use the 1D formulation of the
amplifier. The responses were measured using PCB strain energy method, only the modeshapes along the

Top sheet 3-mm-thick aluminum 100 mm

Ribs and stringers 0.32-mm-thick aluminum
200 mm
125 mm

750 mm 200 mm

25.4 mm

25.4 mm
50.8 mm

25.4 mm

RibsC channel Stringersangle

secured with rivets secured with bolts at
at 30 mm centers 30 mm centers
Figure 9. Schematic of the simulated skin panel.
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

Figure 10. Modal analysis measurement points.

stringer are used in what follows i.e., those at sensors damage, and the second mode was not much different.
210. Mode 3 showed no variation until the damage level
The frequency interval up to 150 Hz contained reached 90%, when there was a perturbation in the
eight distinguishable modes. These were selected vicinity of sensor 9, which is closest to the damage
for the analysis. A time-domain curve-fitting tech- site. Mode 4 showed a degree of variation, but, given
nique was used to extract modal parameters from the that this mode was consistently difficult to iden-
measured FRFs; broadband excitation was used. A tify, this may be a manifestation of a repeatability
modal analysis was carried out for the normal condi- problem. Modes 5 and 6 both displayed some system-
tion and for all nine levels of damage. The natural atic variation with the level of damage. Modes 7
frequencies of the eight modes of interest are given and 8 showed the most marked variation with damage
in Table 2 as a function of the damage level. (Figures 11 and 12, the highest levels are highlighted
Only modes 6 and 8 show any significant system- using dotted and dashed lines); in fact, the four
atic variation in their frequencies as the damage highest levels for mode 7 can be distinguished by
increases. Mode 4 was difficult to identify and in one the eye.
case (damage level 50%) the curve fitting and subse- It is rather surprising that there is not more corre-
quent stability analysis failed to identify it at all. lation between the extent of the variation for natural
Figures 11 and 12 show some of the modeshapes frequency and that for modeshape. In particular, mode
along the stringer for each level of damage. The 7 shows by far the greatest change in modeshape
modeshapes are normalized so that ||i || = 1. The while retaining a constant natural frequency over the
first mode appeared to be completely insensitive to different levels of damage.

Table 2. Natural frequencies from modal tests

Mode Natural frequency (Hz)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
1 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2
2 30.9 30.8 31.0 31.0 31.0 30.2 30.9 31.0 30.8 30.7
3 65.1 65.0 64.9 65.0 65.1 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.1 65.1
4 79.7 80.9 79.8 79.8 79.8 79.6 79.8 79.6 79.4
5 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.6 86.8
6 108.5 108.6 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.3 108.0 107.7 106.4 103.5
7 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.2 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3
8 118.4 118.4 118.3 118.0 117.5 116.6 115.1 114.0 111.9 110.8
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 13

0.75 0.75

Levels 050%
0.50 Level 60% Levels 0 70%
Level 70% Level 80%
Level 80% Level 90%
Level 90%
0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

0.25 0.25

0.50 0.50
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Transducer number Transducer number
Figure 11. Measured modeshapes for mode 7 for all Figure 12. Measured modeshapes for mode 8 for all
levels of damage. levels of damage.

e.g., see Figure 13 for mode 2. This behavior is

The damage indices for all modes were computed
consistent with the fact that the first five modes
using equation (17) and normalized as in equa-
showed little or no systematic variation with the
tion (19). As the data stands, there are only nine
damage. The results for the three highest modes were
measurement points per modeshape and it is there-
far more encouraging. Each signaled damage: mode
fore impossible to localize the damage at a nonsensor
location. To increase the resolution, a cubic convolu- 6 from the 80% extent onward and modes 7 and 8
tion polynomial interpolation was used to estimate from the 60% level onward. Figure 14 shows the
the modeshape at 19 regularly spaced points between indices for mode 8. More importantly, there were
the sensors. This gave an array of 161 pseudosensor no spurious excursions above the threshold. One of
values for the modeshape. This, in turn, gave 160 the main reasons for using the strain energy method
elements. The differentiations that were needed to was to locate the damage. The peaks in the index
estimate the curvatures d2 i /dx 2 were carried out for mode 8, which is the clearest, are consistently
using a centered difference in the main body of the over element 139. Note that this is the location of
array and forward and backward differences at the sensor 9. In reality, the damage is in element 134.
ends. The computation was carried out in Matlab to As each element is 4.24 mm wide, this amounts to
take advantage of the built-in interpolation routines. a location error of 21.25 mm. However, note that the
For the modal damage indices, modes 15 gave index is not above the threshold at a single point; each
poor results; only the highest level of damage was excursion signals damage over an interval. The extent
flagged for modes 1, 3, and 5. (The statistics for of the intervals for mode 8 are given in Table 3. A
normalizing the indices were computed for each star in Table 3 indicates that the identified interval
mode individually, but averaging over all damage includes the damage location.
levels. Missing data from mode 4 at the 50% level It can be seen from Table 3 that the correct damage
was approximated by the corresponding 60% level element is included from the 80% extent onward. The
data.) More worryingly, these indices showed many starred values in the table indicate that the end effects
excursions above threshold at non-damaged locations from the interpolation routine have created a plateau,
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

6.0 Table 3. Damage location inter-

vals for mode 8 index
Levels 10 70% Level (%) Interval
4.0 Level 80%
Level 90% 60 136140
70 135141
2.0 80 132160
90 132160
Damage index

which causes the index to be above threshold over
the whole region between the index maximum and
2.0 the final element. This appears to be due to the cubic
nature of the interpolation and might be avoided by
passing to a higher-order interpolant. This plateau is
4.0 also visible in the results of [21]. The plateaus can
be eliminated by using a cubic spline; however, this
option reduces the sensitivity to damage.
Multimode damage indices were also computed
using equation (18). When all the modes were used,
8.0 the two highest damage levels were detected and
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 located in the correct vicinity (the plateau was present
Element number again). Unfortunately, there was a small indication
Figure 13. Damage indices for mode 2 for all levels of of damage at a spurious location. Figure 15 shows
damage. the multimode index computed using modes 68; the

Levels 10 50%
Levels 1050% Level 60%
Level 60% 4.0 Level 70%
4.0 Level 70% Level 80%
Level 80% Level 90%
Level 90% 2.0
Damage index
Damage index




4.0 6.0

6.0 8.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Element number Element number
Figure 14. Damage indices for mode 8 for all levels of Figure 15. Damage indices for modes 6 to 8 for all levels
damage. of damage.
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 15

results are much better, damage is detected from the (2di [Md ] + di [Cd ] + [Kd ]){di } = 0 (21)
60% level onward, the location accuracy is the same
as before, and the most probable location appears to If one assumes, for simplicity, that damage only
be at sensor 9. affects the stiffness matrix, then one can summarize
the change between the undamaged and damaged
systems by the simple expression
The methods described so far are quite basic in the [Kd ] = [Ku ] + [K] (22)
sense that they require only simple numerical opera-
tions (simple in nature, if not always in implementa- and the problem of damage identification is reduced
tion) on single modeshapes. The object of this section to the problem of computing the update matrix
is to look at methods based on more sophisticated [K]. One makes use of equation (21), which now
numerical processing and involving more detailed takes the form (noting that [Md ] = [Mu ] and [Cd ] =
specifications of the structure. If, for example, the [Cu ]),
modal and/or physical matrices for the structure
are obtainable in the undamaged and (potentially) {Bi } = [2di [Mu ] + di [Cu ] + [Ku ]]{di }
damaged states, it will be possible to make a compar-
= [K]{di } i = 1, . . . , r (23)
ison and this may allow one to identify the location
and severity of the damage. All of the methods
described in the section make critical use of the fact where r is the number of measured modal properties.
that baseline data is available for the undamaged The vector {Bi } can be tested to see whether it departs
structure. There is an extensive literature on the appli- significantly from zero and this provides a detection
cation of linear algebra in the context of SHM, and method for damage. If the damage is local, one can
no attempt is made here to provide anything like a further infer the location of the damage from the
review. Only a small selection of the available tech- position of the nonzero entries within the vector {Bi }.
niques is presented here. The interested reader can Various methods of computing the physical matrices
consult the comprehensive reviews [2, 3] for a more or their perturbations have been investigated and the
complete coverage of the field. One linear-algebraic reader is referred to [2] for a discussion under the
approach, the method of FE updating, has received a title Matrix update methods.
great deal of attention. Because this method is used To illustrate the method, data were generated from
extensively, it is described in detail in the following a simple synthetic system. The system was a linear
section. chain of 20 identical masses m, connected in series
by identical springs of stiffness k. The two end
masses were connected to the ground by two further
4.1 A direct-update method springs of stiffness k. The damping of the system
was assumed to be zero. Values of m = 1 kg and
To apply this method, one must assume that one or k = 104 N m1 were used to generate the system
more of the natural frequencies and corresponding matrices and solve the associated eigenvalue equation
modeshapes have been measured. Suppose [Mu ], for the natural frequencies and modeshapes.
[Cu ], and [Ku ] are the mass, damping, and stiff- To simulate damage in the system, the stiffness
ness matrices of the undamaged structure and that ui of the spring joining masses 5 and 6 was reduced by
and {ui } denote the ith natural frequency and corre- 50%. When the residual vector {Bi } was computed for
sponding modeshape vector. The eigenvalue equation the first three modes using equation (23), the results
for the structure gives shown in Figure 16 were obtained.
The results are perfect and locate the damage to
(2ui [Mu ] + ui [Cu ] + [Ku ]){ui } = 0 (20) be between the fifth and sixth masses. However,
one should be aware that the data used so far is
For the corresponding quantities of the damaged also perfect as it has been generated from numerical
structure (indicated by a subscript d), one has simulation. To investigate the effects of noise, the
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

Residual mode 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Residual mode 2



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Residual mode 3



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 16. Residual vectors for the first three modes of the damaged system.

modeshapes from the damaged system were perturbed perturbation, if it is to truly reflect a local change,
by Gaussian noise. The noise level was taken as 5% must be mainly zero with only a small number of
of the maximum modeshape value, which is a realistic elements being nonzero. Unfortunately, the update
level. The natural frequencies, which can be measured method shown above has no such constraint and the
more accurately, were left clean. The residual vectors result is that the effect of the damage is smeared
for the noisy modes are given in Figure 17. The across the residuals. Zimmerman and Kaouk [22, 23]
average residual vector is also given, taken over the proposed that one way to enforce locality within the
three modes. perturbation matrix would be to demand that it had a
Although the location is still indicated, the results low rank. The method proceeds by computing
are not as good. The problem is that the update with
the noisy modeshape vectors has smeared the stiffness
[B] = [Mu ][d ][ d ]2 + [Cu ][d ][ d ]
change over the whole stiffness matrix. One possible
solution to this problem is given by the next method + [Kd ][d ] = [K][d ] (24)
where [d ] = [{d1 }{d2 } . . . {dr }] and [ d ] = diag
[d1 , d2 , . . . , dr ]. Zimmerman and Kaouk showed
4.2 A minimum-rank update method
that the minimum-rank solution to equation (24) is
[22, 23],
Generally, one would wish to add a constraint to the
computation of the residual vectors {Bi } or pertur-
bation matrix [K]. This is the requirement that the [K] = [B]([B]T [d ])1 [B]T (25)
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 17

Residual 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Residual 2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Residual 3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Mean residual


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 17. Residual vectors for the first three noisy modes of the damaged system.

To illustrate this approach, data from the same to estimate the change in its inverse, namely, the
simulated 20-DOF system as before was used. The flexibility matrix [G] = [K]1 . In terms of modal
perturbation matrix for the damaged system in equa- quantities, the flexibility is given by
tion (25) was computed using all of the clean
modeshapes. The resulting perturbation is shown in n
Figure 18. [G] = [][ ][]T = 2
{i }{i }T (26)

i=1 i
The advantage of the minimum-rank update app-
roach is shown clearly when the method is then
or, if only the first r modes are measured,
applied to the noisy modeshapes. The results are as
shown in Figure 19. r
The position and size of the damage is shown just [G] 2
{i }{i }T (27)
as clearly in Figure 19 as in Figure 18. Kaouk and
i=1 i
Zimmerman further extended the approach so that
it could simultaneously estimate perturbations to the It is clear from these expressions that the lowest
mass, damping, and stiffness matrices [24]. modes have the most influence on the flexibility
matrix. Pandey and Biswas [25] proposed a damage
indicator based on the difference between the
4.3 Flexibilities measured flexibilities of the damaged and undamaged
Rather than trying to estimate the change in the
stiffness matrix, it is sometimes more straightforward [G] = [Gu ] [Gd ] (28)
18 Physical Monitoring Principles


104 18
1 16

0.5 14
Delta K

Index j
1 6
15 20 4
10 15
5 10 2
Index j 5
0 0 Index i 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(a) (b) Index i
Figure 18. Perturbation matrix from the minimum-rank update for the damaged 20-DOF system: clean data. (a) Surface
and (b) contour.

6000 18
4000 16
Delta K

Index j

20 6
15 20
10 15 4
Index j 5 5 2
0 0 Index i
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(a) Surface (b) Contour Index i
Figure 19. Perturbation matrix from the minimum-rank update for the damaged 20-DOF system: noisy data.

where, of course, damaged system was computed using (all of) the
clean modeshapes and is displayed as a contour map
1 in Figure 20.
[Gu ] 2
{ui }{ui }T (29)
The results of this method are often presented as a
plot of selected columns of the flexibility difference,
and and the location of the damage is evident from the
plot shown in Figure 21.
1 If the noisy modeshapes from the simulation are
[Gd ] 2
{di }{di }T (30)
used to compute the flexibility change, there is
i=1 di
not much degradation in diagnostic performance, as
The use of this measure can be illustrated using shown in Figures 22 and 23. Although there is some
the data from the simulated 20-DOF system intro- distortion in the plots, the features that indicate the
duced earlier. The change in flexibility for the location of damage are still present.
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 19





Index J


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Index I
Figure 20. Computed flexibility matrix for the damaged 20-DOF system: clean modes.


Delta C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Index J
Figure 21. Column 6 of the computed flexibility matrix for the damaged 20-DOF system: clean modes.
20 Physical Monitoring Principles





Index J


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Index I
Figure 22. Computed flexibility matrix for the damaged 20-DOF system: noisy modes.


Delta C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Index J
Figure 23. Column 6 of the computed flexibility matrix for the damaged 20-DOF system: noisy modes.
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 21

5 PARAMETRIC MODEL 5.2 Sensitivity methods

UPDATING Sensitivity-based methods allow a wide choice of
physically meaningful parameters, and these advan-
The alternative to the algebraic approach to model
tages have led to their widespread use in model
updating described in the previous section is updating. The approach is very general and relies on
sensitivity-type methods that rely on a parametric minimizing a penalty function, which usually consists
model of the structure and the minimization of some of the error between the measured quantities and the
penalty function based on the error between the corresponding predictions from the model. Param-
measured data and the predictions from the model. eters are then chosen that are assumed uncertain,
These methods offer a wide range of parameters to and these are usually estimated by approximating the
be updated that have physical meaning and allow a penalty function using a truncated Taylor series and
degree of control over the optimization process. iterating to obtain a converged solution. If there are
sufficient measurements and a restricted set of param-
eters, then the identification may be well conditioned.
5.1 Objective functions Often, some form of regularization must be applied.
This is considered in detail later. Other optimization
methods may be used such as quadratic programming
Friswell and Mottershead [26] have discussed
and simulated annealing or genetic algorithms, but
sensitivity-based methods in detail. The approach
these are not considered further in this article. Prob-
minimizes the difference between modal quantities
lems also arise if an incorrect or incomplete set of
(usually natural frequencies and less often mode-
parameters is chosen or, even worse, if the structure
shapes) of the measured data and model predictions.
of the model is wrong.
This problem may be expressed as the minimization
The modal residual in equation (31) is a nonlinear
of J , where
function of the parameters and the minimization is

2 solved using a truncated linear Taylor series and
J () =
{zm } {z({})}
= {}T {} (31) iteration. Thus, the Taylor series is

and {zm } = {zj } + [Sj ]{j } + higher-order terms

{} = {zm } {z({})} (32) where

Here {zm } and {z({})} are the measured and {zj } = {z({j })}, [Sj ] = [S({j })],
computed modal vectors, {} is a vector of all {j } = {m } {j } (34)
unknown parameters, and {} is the modal residual
vector. The modal vectors may consist of both natural The matrix [Sj ] consists of the first derivatives of
frequencies and modeshapes, although often mode- the modal quantities with respect to the model param-
shapes are only used to pair individual modes. If eters; index j denotes the j th iteration and {m } is
modeshapes are included, then they must be carefully the parameter vector that gives the measured outputs.
normalized, the sensor locations must be carefully Standard methods exist to calculate the modal deriva-
matched to the FE degrees of freedom, and weighting tives required [26, 28]. By neglecting higher-order
should be applied to equation (31). terms in equation (33), an iterative scheme may be
FRFs may also be used, although a model of derived using the linear approximation
damping is required, and the penalty function is often
a very complicated function of the parameters with {zj } = [Sj ]{j } (35)
many local minima, making the optimization very
difficult. dos Santos et al. [27] present an example of where {zj } = {zm } {zj } and {j } = {j +1 } {j }.
such a method for damage in a composite structure. Often, for damage location studies, only the residual
22 Physical Monitoring Principles

and sensitivity matrix for the initial model are used. Dimarogonas [30] and Ostachowicz and Krawczuk
Avoiding iteration reduces the computation required, [31] gave comprehensive surveys of crack modeling
particularly where multiple parameter sets have to approaches. The simplest methods for FE models
be estimated. However, particularly if the damage reduce the stiffness locally, for example, by reducing
is severe, there is a risk that the wrong location is a complete element stiffness to simulate a small crack
identified. in that element [32]. This approach suffers from prob-
As indicated above, one of the problems with lems in matching damage severity to crack depth,
sensitivity methods is the need for a parametric model and is affected by the mesh density. An improved
of the damage. Mottershead et al. [29] proposed method introduces local flexibility based on phys-
an approach where the system was constrained so ically based stiffness reductions, where the crack
that unknown stiffnesses are replaced with rigid position may be used as a parameter for identifica-
connections. The constraint is not imposed physically, tion purposes. The second class of methods divides
but the behavior is inferred from the unconstrained a beam-type structure into two parts that are pinned
measurements. The best fit between the measured and at the crack location and the crack is simulated by
predicted data is obtained when the damage is located the addition of a rotational spring. These approaches
in the substructure that is made rigid. are a gross simplification of the crack dynamics and
do not involve the crack size and location directly.
The alternative, using beam theory, is to model
5.3 Model parameters the dynamics close to the crack more accurately,
for example, by producing a closed-form solution
One of the key aspects of a model-based identifica- giving the natural frequencies and modeshapes of
tion method is the parameterization of the candidate cracked beam directly or using differential equations
damage. Since inverse approaches rely on a model of with compatible boundary conditions satisfying the
the damage, the success of the estimation is depen- crack conditions [3335]. Friswell and Penny [36]
dent on the quality of the model used. The type of compared several of the simple crack models that
model used depends on the type of structure and the may be used for health monitoring for both the linear
damage mechanism, which leads to an increase either and nonlinear response. Alternatively, two- or three-
in local or the distributed flexibility. The damage dimensional FE meshes for beam-type structures with
model may be simple or complex. For example, a a crack may be used. Meshless approaches may
cracked beam may be modeled as a reduction in stiff- also be used, but are more suited to crack propa-
ness in a large FE or substructure, or alternatively gation studies. No element connectivity is required
using a very detailed model from fracture mechanics. and so the task of remeshing as the crack grows
Whether such a detailed model is justified often is avoided, and a growing crack is modeled by
depends on the requirements of the estimation proce- extending the free surfaces corresponding to the crack
dure and the quality of the measured data. Using a [37]. However, the computational cost of these mesh-
measured modal model consisting of the lower natural less methods generally exceeds that of conventional
frequencies and associated modeshapes means that finite element analysis (FEA). Rao and Rahman [38]
only a coarse model of the damage may be identified. avoided this difficulty by coupling a meshless region
The simple example used for illustration uses element near the crack with an FEA model in the remainder
stiffnesses as the parameters and is the simplest form of the structure. The two- and three-dimensional
of an equivalent model for the damage. approaches produce detailed and accurate models
but are a complicated and computational intensive
approaches to model simple structures like beams,
5.3.1 Crack models
and are unlikely to lead to practical algorithms for
The modeling of cracks in beam structures and damage identification.
rotating shafts has been a significant topic for Although the geometry of a crack can be very
research. The models fall into three main categories: complicated, for low frequency vibration only an
local stiffness reduction, discrete spring models, effective reduction in stiffness is required. Thus, for
and complex models in two or three dimensions. comparison, a simple model of an open crack, which
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 23

is essentially a saw cut, is used. This allows the The approaches to crack modeling are compared
comparison of models using beam elements with using a simple example of a steel cantilever beam
those using plate elements. Only a selection of beam 1 m long, with cross section 25 50 mm2 . Bending
models are used, which illustrates the fact that many in the more flexible plane is considered. The crack
beam models are able to model the effect of the crack is assumed to be located at a distance of 200 mm
at low frequencies. In the first approach, the stiffness from the fixed end, and has a constant depth of 10 mm
of a single element is reduced, which requires a fine across the beam width. The beam is modeled using 20
mesh, and also the derivation of the effect of a crack EulerBernoulli beam elements, and gives the natural
on the element stiffness. In the second approach, frequencies shown in Table 4. For the plate elements,
the beam is separated into two halves at the crack the length is split into 401 elements and the depth into
location. The beam sections are then pinned together 10 elements. Thus, the elements are approximately
and a rotational spring is used to model the increased 2.5 mm2 . A large number of elements is required
flexibility due to the crack. Translational springs may because an element with linear shape functions is
also be used in place of the pinned constraint. The used. Table 4 shows the estimated natural frequencies
major difficulties with this approach are that an FE using the Quad4 element in the structural dynamics
node must be placed at the crack location, requiring toolbox [39]. The damaged beam was modeled using
remeshing for health monitoring applications, and the the approaches discussed earlier, and the results are
relationship between the spring stiffness and crack shown in Table 5. All the beam models contain 20
depth needs to be derived. The third method is
elements, and the nodes are arranged such that the
the model of Sinha et al. [34], which is based on
crack occurs in the middle of an element. Of course,
the work of Christides and Barr [33]. The fourth
in the case of the discrete rotational spring, a node
model is based on fracture mechanics [35]. In the
is placed at the crack location. The reduction in the
final model, the open crack is modeled using plate
element stiffness is adjusted so that the percentage
elements, and elements are removed where the crack
change in the first natural frequency is the same as
is located.
that for the plate model. The other beam models are
adjusted in a similar way. In the plate model, the
crack is simulated by removing four elements and thus
Table 4. Natural frequencies (Hz) for the
undamaged beam represents a saw cut 10 mm deep. The row of elements
below the crack is also made thinner, so that the crack
Number DOF Beam Plate has negligible width. The differences in the lower
40 13 233
natural frequencies are very similar for all models,
1 20.709 20.707 and these differences are smaller than the changes that
2 129.78 129.39 would occur due to small modeling errors, or changes
Modes 3 363.40 360.62 due to environmental effects. Of course, the accuracy
4 712.16 701.96
5 1177.4 1150.6
at higher frequencies becomes less since the modes are
influenced more by local stiffness variations.

Table 5. The percentage changes in the natural frequencies for the damaged beam
Beam Plate

Element Discrete Sinha Lee and

stiffness spring et al. [34] Chung [35]
1 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18
2 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.04
Modes 3 1.24 1.23 1.24 1.20 1.22
4 2.99 3.08 2.98 2.99 3.07
5 2.37 2.45 2.37 2.34 2.69
24 Physical Monitoring Principles

5.3.2 Composite structures some modes split to give two closely spaced natural
Composite structures have an excellent performance,
although this deteriorates significantly with damage.
Unfortunately, damage, due to impact events for 5.3.3 Joint models and generic elements
example, is difficult to detect visually, and hence One major difficulty in parametric approaches is that a
some method of nondestructive testing of these model is required that accurately reflects the effect of
structures is required. Zou et al. [40] reviewed the damage on the mass and stiffness matrices. To some
vibration-based methods that are available to monitor extent, using low-frequency vibration measurements
composite structures. Since this article considers is of help because any local stiffness reduction will
inverse methods for damage estimation, this section have a very similar effect on the dynamic response.
only considers the parameterization of the damage in Thus, it is possible to use equivalent parameters, such
composite structures, and, in particular, the modeling as element stiffnesses, to model the damage. Generic
of delaminations. Although composite structures have elements [45, 46] take this approach further by
other modes of failure, such as matrix cracking, allowing changes to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
fiber breakage, or fiber-matrix debonding [31], these of the stiffness matrices of structural elements or
damage mechanisms produce similar changes in substructures. These changes are usually constrained
the vibration response to that obtained for damage so that properties such as the rigid body modes and
in metallic structures. However, delamination is a the geometric symmetry are retained.
serious problem in composite structures, and has Generic elements introduce flexibility into the
no parallel to damage mechanisms in other mate- joint in a controlled way. Other equivalent models,
rials. Once the damage is parameterized, then inverse such as discrete rotational springs, offset parame-
methods, such as sensitivity analysis, may be applied. ters, or changing element properties may also be
Zou et al. [40] reviewed methods to model delam- used, although generic parameters do have advan-
inations. Here the focus is on simple models. For tages [46]. In particular, all models prejudge how the
example, if a structure is modeled with beam or damage will affect the full model of the structure,
plate elements, then only beam or plate elements whereas the generic element approach automatically
should be used to model the structure with delam- finds the likely low-frequency motion of the joint.
inations. Delamination occurs when adjacent plies Consider a two-dimensional T-joint constructed from
in a laminated composite debond. For beam struc- three beam elements. Each node has three degrees of
tures, the simplest case of a through-width delam- freedom and, since the substructure has four nodes,
ination, parallel to the beam surface, was modeled the substructure stiffness matrix has three rigid body
using four beam segments [41, 42]. Separate beam eigenvectors and nine flexible eigenvectors [47]. The
elements were used above and below the delamina- lower eigenvectors have much simpler deformation
tion, and the constraints to join these elements to shapes that are more likely to represent the motion
those of the undamaged parts of the beam needed to the substructure would undergo in many of the global
be applied carefully. Zou et al. [40] detailed further modes of the structure. Thus, reducing the eigen-
development of these models. One difficulty with values corresponding to these eigenvectors makes
using these models for parameter-based identification the joint substructure more flexible in the frequency
is that changing the length and position of a delamina- range of the global dynamics, and may be used to
tion requires the model to be remeshed, and care must model damage. Higher frequency eigenvectors of the
be exercised in calculating the associated sensitivity substructure may also be included if the motion of the
matrices. The techniques detailed by Sinha et al. [34] joint is more complex; however, the lower eigenvec-
for the position of cracks might be extended to this tors of the joint are likely to adequately characterize
case. Paolozzi and Peroni [43] highlighted that the the low-frequency dynamics of the structure.
most sensitive modes are those whose wavelength is Generic elements have been developed for use in
approximately the same size as the delamination. Luo model updating and may be considered as equiva-
and Hanagud [44] used a sensitivity-based method to lent models of elements or substructures [45]. Law
detect delaminations, and they also discovered that et al. [48] applied generic elements to the FE model
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 25

updating of the Tsing Ma bridge in Hong Kong. Wang to fit the data. Many optimization procedures result
et al. [49] used generic elements in damage detec- in the solution of linear equations for the unknown
tion, dealing with the simulated problem of damage parameters. The use of the singular value decompo-
detection in a frame structure with flexible L-shaped sition (SVD) [53] for these linear equations enables
and T-shaped structural joints. Titurus et al. [47, 50] ill-conditioning to be identified and quantified. The
used generic elements and subset selection for model options are then to increase the available data, which
updating and damage location of an experimental is often difficult and costly, or to provide extra condi-
frame structure. tions on the parameters. These can take the form
of smoothness conditions (for example, the truncated
5.3.4 Distributed damage SVD), minimum norm parameter values (Tikhonov
regularization), or minimum changes from the initial
Teughels et al. [51] presented a sensitivity-based estimates of the parameters [54, 55].
FE updating method for damage assessment that However, there are significant differences in the
minimized differences between the experimental and application of these methods in model updating
predicted modal data. The parameterization of the and damage location, which necessitates different
damage (both localization and quantification) was methods of regularization. In both cases, the number
represented by a reduction factor of the element of potential parameters is very large and the esti-
bending stiffness. The number of unknown variables mation process is likely to be ill-conditioned unless
was reduced to obtain a physically meaningful result the physical understanding can be used to introduce
by using a set of damage functions to determine the extra information. In model updating, the number of
spatial bending stiffness distribution. The updating parameters may be reduced by only including those
parameters were then the multiplication factors of parameters that are likely to be in error. Thus, if a
the damage functions. The procedure was illustrated frame structure is updated, the beams are likely to be
on a reinforced concrete beam and on a highway
modeled accurately but the joints are more difficult to
bridge [52].
model. It would therefore be sensible to concentrate
the uncertain parameters to those associated with the
5.4 Optimization procedures and joints. Even so, a large number of potential param-
eters may be generated, the measurements may still
be reproduced, and the parameters are unlikely to be
When the parameters of a model are unknown, they identified uniquely. In this situation, all the parame-
must be estimated using measured data. Usually, ters are changed, and regularization must be applied
the measured response is a nonlinear function of to generate a unique solution [46]. Regularization
the parameters. In these cases, minimizing the error generally applies extra constraints to the parameter
between the measured and the predicted response estimation problem to ensure a unique solution.
produces a nonlinear optimization problem, with the Applying the standard MoorePenrose pseudoin-
usual questions about convergence and local minima. verse is a type of regularization where the param-
The most common approach is to linearize the resid- eter vector with the minimum norm is chosen. The
uals, obtain a least squares solution, and iterate. If parameter changes may be weighted separately to
the identification problem is well posed, then this give a weighted least squares problem, where the
simple approach is adequate. The usual response to penalty function is a weighted sum of squares of
problems encountered in the optimization is to try the measurement errors and the parameter changes.
more advanced algorithms, but often the issue is that Such weighting may also be extended to include mini-
the estimation problem has not been posed correctly, mizing the difference between equivalent parameters
and including some physical insight into the problem that are nominally equal in different substructures
provides a much better solution. such as joints. Although using parametric models can
Probably the most important difficulty in parameter reduce the number of parameters considerably, for
estimation is ill-conditioning. In the worst case, this damage location there will still be a large number
can mean that there is no unique solution to the esti- of parameters. Most regularization techniques rely on
mation problem, and many sets of parameters are able minimum-norm-type solutions that tend to spread the
26 Physical Monitoring Principles

identified damage over a large number of parame- with nonlinear damage mechanisms easily. Models
ters. Using subset selection, where only the optimum are still required to provide the training cases for
subset of the parameters are used for the estimation the networks, and this is a major problem. There are
[56], has been used for model updating and also for always systematic errors between the model used for
damage location. training and the actual structure. For success, neural
Black box methods are often not considered as networks require that the essential features in the
model-based approaches. However, any simulation damaged structure are represented in the training data.
of an inputoutput relationship must make some
assumptions about the underlying process, and hence
essentially has an underlying model. For example, 5.4.1 Regularization with side constraints
a neural network is essentially a very sophisticated
curve-fitting algorithm, and ill-conditioning is a major Model updating often leads to an ill-conditioned
problem, evidenced by overfitting and a lack of parameter estimation problem, and an effective form
generalization. The advantage of neural networks is of regularization is to place constraints on the param-
that the class of inputoutput relationships that may eters. This could be that the deviation between the
be fitted is huge. However, better results are always parameters of the updated and the initial model are
obtained if physical insight is used to guide the minimized, or differences between parameters could
modeling and estimation process. Indeed, there is be minimized. For example, in a frame structure,
often a need to reduce the number of input nodes a number of T joints may exist that are nomi-
to present to a neural network, and understanding nally identical. Owing to manufacturing tolerances,
is vital to obtain the correct feature extraction and the parameters of these joints are slightly different,
data reduction. Another use of physical models is although these differences are small. Therefore, a side
the generation of training or test data for these constraint is placed on the parameters, so that both the
identification schemes. Typically, experimental data residual and the differences between nominally iden-
for a sufficient range of events is difficult or expensive tical parameters are minimized. Thus, if equation (31)
to obtain. Since running a model many times is generates the residual, the parameter that minimizes
relatively easy and cheap, these simulations may the quadratic cost function is sought,
be used to increase the quantity of the test data.

However, it is vital that this simulated data correctly J ({}) =
{zm } {z({})}
+ 2 [C]{} {d}2
reproduces the important features of the real structure,
and hence requires a validated and, if necessary,
for some matrix [C], vector {d}, and regularization
updated model.
Neural networks and genetic algorithms have been parameter . The regularization parameter is chosen
viewed as potential saviors for the solution of the to give a suitable balance between the residual and
difficult problems in damage location. Although these the side constraint. An example of the choice of [C]
methods may be useful in some circumstances, they is when there are only two parameters, which are
do not deal with the root cause of the problem. nominally equal, then
Genetic algorithms have some advantage in finding
a global minimum in very difficult optimization [C] = [1 1] (37)
problems, particularly where there are many local
minima as is often the case in damage location. Equation (36) is usually linearized using the sensi-
That said, the method still requires that the dynamics tivity matrix to give the regularized penalty function
of the structure changes sufficiently and predictably corresponding to equation (35). The resulting set of
enough for the optimization to be meaningful. The linear equations is often well conditioned. Indeed, the
crucial decision and difficulty is often regarding constraints should be chosen to satisfy Morozovs
what to optimize, not the optimization method used. complementation condition,
Neural networks are able to treat damage mechanisms
implicitly, so that it is not necessary to model the [Sj ]
Rank =p (38)
structure in so much detail. The method can also deal [C]
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 27

where p is the number of unknown parameters, which of parameters evaluating all subsets of even two
ensures that the coefficient matrix is full rank. or three parameters can become daunting. Thus,
suboptimal methods must be used to derive good, but
not necessarily the best, subsets of the parameters.
5.4.2 Regularization using subset selection
In the forward approach, parameters are chosen one
One solution to the problem of ill-conditioning is to at a time, and the parameters selected previously
select only a subset of the parameters for updating are retained. However, there is no guarantee that
[56]. The parameters that are chosen are those to the optimal subset will be found. The number of
which the response data is sensitive, but the param- candidate damage locations may be controlled on
eters must also be able to correct the errors in the the basis of the expected reduction in the residual
model. Parameter subset selection is a technique that [57]. The addition of a parameter to a previously
selects the best subset of parameters from a candi- selected subset inevitably reduces the residual terms,
date set, utilizing some application-dependent cost and thus there is a trade-off between the number
function that provides a measure of goodness of each of parameters selected and the magnitude of the
subset. Often, these techniques only obtain a subop- residual. Often, only a single damage location is
timal estimate of the best subsets in some sense due required, in which case the optimal parameter may be
to the excessive computational burden posed by the determined. Often, a reasonable number of parameter
original problem. These techniques are firmly rooted subsets (say between 3 and 20) are selected for a
in statistics and related fields [57], although recently more detailed study [57]. Friswell et al. [56] reviewed
applications in structural mechanics have appeared. the relationship between subset selection and matrix
Friswell et al. [56] gave an overview of subset selec- decomposition, and also expanded the methods to
tion and also proposed the use of this technique for parameter groups using subspace angles.
damage detection. They suggested an approach based The process of subset selection is now described.
on forward parameter subset selection, which is espe- It should be highlighted that the standard approach
cially suited to local damage, and applied the method to subset selection is not iterative, but only uses
to a simulated cantilever beam example with physical the sensitivity equation (35) evaluated at the initial
parameters corresponding to either element or node parameter values. For ease of notation this equation
properties. Different selection and iteration strategies is written as
were evaluated, and the case where multiple measure-
ment sets are available was handled by computing
[A]{x} = {b} (39)
the principal angles between two vector subspaces.
Fritzen al. [58] used a orthogonalization scheme for
subset selection. It would be possible to update each candidate
In damage location, statistical methods and perfor- parameter set until convergence, and then compare
mance measures have been used that work on a the performance of the different subsets, although,
similar principle [5, 59, 60]. Only a limited number in practice, the computational cost is prohibitive.
of sites are assumed to be damaged, and the model is As the model parameters are usually local in nature
updated based on the reduced number of parameters. and may also allow for different damage mecha-
This process is repeated for all possible combinations nisms, parameter subset selection selects parameters
of damage sites, and possibly even damage mecha- from {x} that identify both the damage location and
nisms. The results from all the updated models are mechanism. This formulation requires the selection
compared and the one that best matches the measured of the optimum parameter subset from {x}. The
data is chosen. most straightforward approach is to use an exhaus-
The major problem with both subset selection and tive search where all (2p 1) possible cases have
the statistical type approach is that many smaller to be searched. The number of cases renders this
model-updating exercises have to be performed. To approach computationally intensive and thus imprac-
optimally derive the best set of parameters, or the tical in many real situations. Consequently, subop-
best damage location, requires the evaluation of timal schemes have to be used. An additional problem
many subsets of parameters. With a large number is that the addition of a parameter to a previously
28 Physical Monitoring Principles

selected subset inevitably reduces the residual gener- defined by columns of [A], but orthogonal to {aj1 }.
ated by equation (39). Thus, there is a trade-off The modified problem is defined as [56]
between the number of parameters selected and the
magnitude of the residual. {aj } {aj } j {aj1 }, {b} {b} xj1 {aj1 }
Equation (39) may be written as
[A]{x} = [{a1 }, {a2 }, . . . , {ap }]{x} = {b} (40) where

The case of a single damage location leads to a {aj1 }T {aj }
simplified version of the above philosophy. When j =  (46)
{aj1 }T {aj1 }
only one parameter is selected, the optimum param-
eter is that which best fits the changes due to damage
characterized by the vector {b} in equation (40). Thus, A second parameter may now be selected by means
the goal is to find the column {aj } of matrix [A] that of the modified problem defined by equation (45),
minimizes where j  = j1 . Further parameters may be selected

2 in the same way. An algorithm is thus created to

search for the best parameter subset, denoted by
J =
{b} {aj }xj
[xj1 , xj2 , . . . , xjr ], that minimizes the cost function,
where xj is the least squares estimate of the j th



parameter in {x}. Friswell et al. [56] showed that

Jr =
{b} xji {aji }
minimizing equation (41) is equivalent to finding the

column of [A] that minimizes the angle with {b}.
Hence, the best parameter is the j th and is found by This cost function is also employed in Efroymsons
  algorithm for forward subset selection that focuses on
min 1 , 2 , . . . , p === xj , {aj } (42) adding or removing parameter selections from chosen
subsets. Thus, the number of candidate damage loca-
where tions may be controlled on the basis of the expected
 2 reduction in the residual [56, 57]. Since only single
{ai }T {b} damage location cases are examined in detail here,
cos i = 
 , i = 1, 2, . . . , p
{ai }T {ai } {b} {b} this subject is not considered further.
and i is the angle between vectors {ai } and {b}.
This step is part of a general technique used in 5.5 A simple cantilever beam example
damage detection [56] and is called forward param-
eter subset selection. This is a suboptimal technique A simulated cantilever beam example is used to
of subset selection, starting with the above step and demonstrate some of the problems. Although the
continuing by additional parameter searches where example is somewhat artificial, it highlights how
the already selected parameters are retained. For easily methods fail even on very simple structures.
subsequent steps, a new modified problem is created, Any practical method would have to be robust and
respecting the previous parameter selections. Suppose should therefore succeed on simple structures, even
the single parameter with index j1 has been chosen, though some systematic errors are included. This
then the parameter estimate xj1 and residual {} are example also demonstrates the use of simulation in
damage identification. Not all of the methods are
{aj1 }T {b} tried and this example is not supposed to represent
xj1 = === {} = {b} xj1 {aj1 } an extensive scientific evaluation of the methods. It
{aj1 }T {aj1 }
is used here for the purpose of illustration.
(44) The beam has a cross section of 25 50 mm2 , a
Note that {} is orthogonal to {aj1 }. A new param- length of 1m, and is assumed to be rigidly clamped
eter is then sought by considering the subspace at one end. Only motion in the plane of the thinner
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 29

beam dimension is considered. The beam has a 10

Youngs modulus of 210 GN m2 and a mass density

Stiffness change (%)

of 7800 kg m3 .
The first test of any method is its application 0
to a simulated example with no noise or system-
atic errors. Any parameter changes in the model
should be identified exactly. The simulated measure- 10
ments are assumed to be the relative changes in
the lower natural frequencies of the beam and are
taken from a model with 20 elements. The undam- 1 5 10 15 20
aged natural frequencies are taken from the uniform Element number
beam, while the damaged frequencies are derived Figure 24. The change in element stiffness estimated for
from a model where the stiffness of element 4 has the cantilever beam example with no noise and a minimum
been reduced by 30%. Table 6 gives the damaged norm constraint.
and undamaged natural frequencies, showing that the
30% damage only results in a 2.4% change in natural is spread over the whole beam, and there are some
frequency at most. These small frequency changes significant increases in stiffness. Note that this is the
are typical in damage location and are one of the ideal case with no measurement noise or modeling
major difficulties in the identification of the loca- errors. Suppose, by some means, the damage is
tion of damage. Measurement noise, environmental known to be somewhere in the eight elements closest
factors, and structure nonstationarity can easily lead to the fixed end. The number of parameters is now
to incorrect conclusions on damage location. reduced to eight, the same as the number of natural
The standard sensitivity approach based on modal frequencies. There is now a unique solution to the
data is now used to identify the damage. The set estimation problem, and this solution is given in
of candidate parameters is chosen to be relatively Figure 25. Note that the stiffness of elements 920
large and consists of the stiffness of each of the 20 cannot change, but are included in Figure 25 for easy
elements. If the relative changes to the first eight comparison. The damage has clearly been correctly
natural frequencies are used as the measurements, located to element 4. However, the magnitude of the
then the identification of the parameters is underdeter- damage is incorrect because the estimation is based
mined. In this case, some form of regularization must on the sensitivity matrix, which is a linear approx-
be employed. Figure 24 shows the change in element imation to the residual. The other seven parameters
stiffness required to reproduce the damaged natural are nonzero for the same reason.
frequencies, using a minimum norm constraint on This simple cantilever beam is now used to demon-
the parameter changes. Although the largest stiffness strate some of the properties of the subset selection
change occurs at element 4, the identified damage
Stiffness change (%)

Table 6. Natural frequencies of the simulated undamaged

and damaged beam
Mode Undamaged Damaged Difference
number (Hz) (Hz) (%)
1 20.96 20.45 2.39
2 131.3 131.1 0.15
3 367.7 366.6 0.31 40
4 720.6 711.3 1.29 1 5 10 15 20
5 1191 1172 1.61 Element number
6 1780 1762 1.02
7 2487 2479 0.32 Figure 25. The change in element stiffness estimated for
8 3313 3303 0.30 the cantilever beam example with no noise, but only eight
nonzero parameters.
30 Physical Monitoring Principles

Element stiffness Discrete stiffness

80 Element mass Discrete mass

Subspace angle ()




E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Element or node number
Figure 26. Subspace angles for a 30% change in the stiffness of element 4.

methods. Candidate parameters include element mass, parameters at more than one location cause the same
and discrete mass and springs, as well as the element changes in the lower natural frequencies.
stiffness. Figure 26 shows the angles between the Subset selection is next demonstrated in an example
columns of the sensitivity matrix of the initial FE where damage is introduced at two locations. A 0.1 kg
model and the vector of the relative changes in the mass is added to node 12, in addition to the 30%
first eight natural frequencies due to the damage. stiffness change to element 4. This example does not
Clearly, the column relating to the stiffness of element include any measurement noise or modeling errors.
4 has a small angle, although it is not zero because Table 7 shows the results when the best subsets of 1,
the method is based on a first-order approxima- 2, and 3 parameters are chosen. The parameters are
tion and the extent of the damage (30%) is large. specified by type and element or node number. Thus,
Changing the mass of element 17 also enables the (A)17 is the mass/unit length of element 17, (EI)4
modeling of the measured changes accurately. This is is the stiffness of element 4, k1 is a discrete spring
a problem that relates to the symmetry of the beam, at node 1, and m12 is a discrete mass at node 12. At
and the fact than no spatial information is incor- each stage, the two best parameters are chosen. The
porated into the measurements. Modeshapes could residuals under the first two parameters relate to the
also be incorporated into the measurement vector, values when a subset of size 1 or 2 is selected. Also
although the accuracy with which they could be shown are the residuals after convergence based on
measured may be insufficient to show a change in optimizing the values of the chosen parameters. From
modeshape due to damage. This is an example of the the values of the residuals, it is clear that the two
more general problem, where damage or changes in correct parameters should be selected. A number of

Table 7. The selection of three parameters for the beam example

Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3

Residual Converged Residual Converged Residual Converged

m12 1.49 0.782 m8 1.21 0.701
(A)17 154.6 160.4 (A)12 1.48 0.286
m8 8.70 4.76 m12 1.21 0.701
(A)12 8.68 4.75
m12 1.49 0.000 m8 1.20 0.000
(EI)4 154.7 160.5 (A)12 1.48 0.000
m8 8.70 5.40 m12 1.20 0.000
(A)12 8.69 5.35
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 31

other parameter subsets have small residuals and the Obviously, the quality of the damage location assess-
addition of random noise would make the selection ment is critically dependent upon the updated model
of the best subset more difficult. being physically meaningful [46, 61]. Generally, this
requires model validation using a control set of data
not used for the updating. The second alternative
6 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS IN uses differences between the damaged and undam-
aged response data in the damage location algorithm
[50, 62]. To first order, any error in the undam-
USING VIBRATION DATA aged model of the structure that is also present in
the damaged structure will be removed. This relies
The discussion thus far has indicated some of on the structure remaining unchanged, except for the
the problems with damage identification. There are damage, between the two sets of measurements.
always errors in the measured data and the numerical Another potential source of error is the mismatch
model that affect all of the algorithms. These errors, between the measurement locations and the model
and the adequacy of the data, are now discussed. degrees of freedom. Such a mismatch makes the
Damage identification algorithms should always be direct comparison of FRFs and modeshapes impos-
tested on realistic experimental examples, as many sible, and the generation of residuals inaccurate. The
methods that work well on simulated data often fail
magnitude of the errors involved depends on the mesh
due to the problems highlighted in this section. As
density in the sensor region and the complexity of the
a first step, methods may be tested using simulated
modeshapes. The best solution is to ensure that nodes
data, but even then realistic systematic errors should
in the model exist at the sensor locations. Alterna-
be incorporated.
tively, interpolation techniques may be used.

6.1 Modeling errors

6.2 Environmental and other
One of the major problems in damage location is nonstationary effects
the reliance on the FE model. This model is also
important because the incomplete set of measured One very difficult aspect of damage assessment is
data requires extra information from the model to the change in the measured data due to environ-
enable identification of the damage location. There mental effects. This is one undesirable nonstationary
will undoubtedly be errors even in the model of the effect and makes damage location very difficult. Of
undamaged structure. Thus, if the measurements on course, progressive damage is also a nonstationary
the damaged structure are used to identify damage phenomenon, and damage can be difficult to identify
locations, the methods will have great difficulty in if other nonstationary effects are also present. Typical
distinguishing between the actual damage sites and environmental effects are demonstrated by highway
the location of errors in the original model. If suit- bridges, especially those constructed using concrete,
able parameters are not included to allow for the which have been the subject of many studies in
undamaged model errors, then this will the result damage location. For example, temperature changes
in a systematic error between the model and the can cause the stiffness properties of a bridge to change
data. Identification schemes generally have consid- significantly, and the difficulty is to predict the effects
erable difficulty with systematic errors. It is very of temperature from readily available measurements.
likely that the original errors in the model will Peeters and de Roeck [63] reported on measure-
produce frequency changes that are far greater than ments of the Z24 bridge over a whole year and
those produced by the damage. There are two basic suggested a black box model to predict the tempera-
approaches to reducing this problem, although both ture variation. Sohn et al. [64] considered the effect
rely on having measured data from an undamaged of temperature on the Alamosa Canyon Bridge. Sohn
structure. The first is to update the FE model of the et al. [65] used a combination of time series analysis,
undamaged structure to produce a reliable model [26]. neural networks, and statistical inference to determine
32 Physical Monitoring Principles

the damage state for structures affected by envi- the spatial wavelengths of the modes. Using high-
ronmental conditions. Mickens et al. [66] corrected frequency excitation uses very local modes, which
FRF measurements by assuming that the temperature are able to accurately locate damage, but only very
affected the global stiffness of the structure. On a close to the sensor and actuator position. Estimating
highway bridge, the changing traffic conditions cause accurate models at these high-frequency ranges is also
different mass loading effects that can change the very difficult, and often changes in the response are
natural frequencies by as much as 1% [67]. There used for damage identification. For example, Park
are further difficulties with highway bridges because et al. [69, 70] used changes in measured impedance
they are highly damped with low natural frequencies. to identify damage in civil structures and pipeline
They are in a noisy environment and are difficult to systems. Schulz et al. [71] used high-frequency trans-
excite. The frequency resolution in the measurements missibility to detect delaminations in composite
is invariably quite low, leading to considerable diffi- structures.
culties in detecting small frequency changes due to Moving to even higher frequencies can also yield
damage. good results. Acoustic emission [72] is a transient
Typical of environmental effects are those on elastic wave, typically in the region of 50500 kHz,
highway bridges. These bridges have been the subject and is able, for example, to detect the energy released
of many studies in damage location, but, in the United when cracks propagate. One approach to damage
Kingdom, where most bridges are constructed using assessment is to use physical models to deduce
concrete, such identification has considerable prob- quantitative relationships between measured acoustic
lems with changes due to environmental factors [68]. emission signals and the damage mechanism that
For example, concrete absorbs considerable moisture cause them. Significant research has been under-
during damp weather, which considerably increases taken to obtain a physical understanding of various
the mass of the bridge. Temperature changes the source mechanisms [73] and the radiation pattern of
stiffness properties of the road surface, known as bulk shear and longitudinal acoustic waves that they
the black-top, significantly. On a hot summers day in produce [74]. The difficulty in using these models in
the United Kingdom, the road surface provides little inverse estimation procedures is the accuracy of these
stiffness, but, on a cold winters day, the stiffness high-frequency models, and the huge computational
contribution is considerable. The difficulty is trying requirements. In recent years, a pattern-recognition
to predict the effects of temperature and moisture philosophy has dominated, that relies on using large
absorption from readily available measurements. databases of empirical data from which correla-
tions between measured acoustic emission signals and
damage mechanisms are inferred. Many advanced
6.3 The effect of frequency range signal-processing algorithms have been employed
to interpret experimental data. Damage location is
The range of frequencies employed in damage loca- often determined using time of flight methods, which
tion has a great influence on the resolution of the require the events to be well separated in time, the
results and also the physical range of application. wave speed to be approximately equal in all parts of
The great advantage in using low-frequency vibra- the structure, and the effects of reflection and refrac-
tion measurements is that the low-frequency modes tion to be insignificant.
are generally global and so the vibration sensors may
be mounted remotely from the damage site; equally,
fewer sensors may be used. The problem with low- 6.4 Damage magnitude
frequency modes is that the spatial wavelengths of the
modes are large, and are typically far larger than the A frequent problem that arises in model- and
extent of the damage. The spatial resolution of the vibration-based damage detection, whether parametric
damage identification scheme requires that there is or nonparametric, is the need for a very accurate
a significant change in response between two adja- mathematical model, so that it correctly captures the
cent potential damage sites. If low-frequency modes actual structural dynamic behavior in some predeter-
are used, then this resolution is closely related to mined frequency range. Often, in SHM, the changes
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification 33

in the measured quantities caused by structural Sinusoidal forcing tends to emphasize the nonlin-
damage are smaller than those observed between the earity, thus damage detection methods based on
healthy (i.e., undamaged) structure and the mathemat- detecting harmonics of the forcing frequency have
ical model. Consequently, it becomes almost impos- been proposed [82]. In rotor dynamic applications,
sible to discern between inadequate modeling and these approaches are useful because the forcing is
actual changes due to damage. There are two alterna- inherently sinusoidal [30]. However, in SHM appli-
tive approaches to this problem. The first is to update cations, this approach requires considerable hard-
the healthy model so that the correlation between ware and software to implement, and also requires a
the model and the measured data is improved. This lengthy experiment. Johnson et al. [83] used a trans-
approach requires that the errors that remain after missibility approach that was insensitive to boundary
updating are smaller in magnitude than the changes condition nonlinearities. Neild et al. [84] investigated
due to the damage. Furthermore, the changes to the the potential of a timefrequency analysis procedure
model should be physically meaningful, so that the to identify damage in concrete beams.
updating process corrects actual model errors, and Although using the nonlinear response has a huge
does not merely reproduce the measured data. The potential in health monitoring, model-based inverse
second approach is based on the use of (relative) approaches have a number of difficulties because of
differences between data measured on healthy and the high number of degrees of freedom required,
potentially damaged structure. In this case, assuming and therefore the computational burden imposed. In
that the only changes in the structure are due to practice, any realistic multiple degree of freedom
damage, the problem may be reduced to finding those nonlinear analysis would have to be based on a
parameters that reproduce the measured changes. reduced order model of the structure. Furthermore,
many of the difficulties outlined in this section for
linear systems are also a problem for nonlinear
6.5 Nonlinearity systems.

Many forms of damage cause a change in the stiff-

ness nonlinearity that qualitatively and quantitatively 6.6 Prognosis
affects the dynamic response of a structure. For
example, Nichols et al. [75, 76] used the features of Rytter [4] gave prognosis as the fourth level of
the chaotic response of a structure to detect changes damage estimation and Farrar et al. [85] gave a
in a joint. Adams and Nataraju [77] gave a variety summary of the state of the art. The philosophy of
of features based on the nonlinear dynamic response. damage detection using measured vibration data is
Kerschen et al. [78] considered model-based estima- based on the premise that the damage will change
tion methods and identified the form of nonlinearity the stiffness of the structure. In some instances,
that is most likely present in the measured data. there is a significant difference between strength
Meyer and Link [79] identified a parametric nonlinear and stiffness. Indeed, estimating the remaining useful
model using harmonic balance and a model-updating life of a component based on conclusions from
approach. A breathing crack, which opens and closes, a dynamic analysis is very difficult. For example,
can produce interesting and complicated nonlinear a concrete highway bridge has steel reinforcement
dynamics. Brandon [80] and Kisa and Brandon [81] cables running in channels in the concrete. The cables
gave an overview of some of the techniques that are tensioned, either before or after the concrete has
may be applied. Many techniques to analyze the set, to ensure that the concrete remains in compres-
resulting nonlinear dynamics are based on approxi- sion. One major failure mechanism is by the corrosion
mating the bilinear stiffness when the crack opens of these cables. Once the cables have failed, the
and closes. Linear approaches to damage estima- concrete has no strength in tension and therefore the
tion approximates a local reduction in the stiffness bridge is liable to collapse. Unfortunately, the stiff-
matrix of the beam. Since the nonlinearity intro- ness of the bridge is mainly due to the concrete,
duced by a crack is often weak, many of the common and therefore the progressive corrosion of the cables
testing techniques tend to linearize the response [36]. is very difficult to identify from stiffness changes.
34 Physical Monitoring Principles

Essentially, the dynamics of the bridge changes very The overall judgment must surely be that vibration-
little until it collapses. Even for metallic structures, based approaches have their place in the SHM canon,
the estimation of remaining life requires an estimate but that they have limitations. Arguably, the main
of the damage present, an assessment of the prob- limitation is the resolution or minimum level of
able future loads, and an accurate model of how the detectable damage. If the damage is small compared
damage may develop and the structure might fail. to the spatial wavelength of the modal vibrations, then
Although this process is very difficult, the use of there is likely to be a problem. Another remark worth
inverse methods to generate a physically meaningful making here is that vibration-based damage identifi-
model offers a route to prognosis. cation arguably works best when the damage causes a
change in the load path. Therefore, it would likely be
good for the failure of a member in a truss, but not so
6.7 The role of simulation and physical good for a crack in a plate. (The authors would like
testing to thank Dr Chuck Farrar of the Los Alamos National
Laboratories in the United States for this observation.)
Many of the algorithms suggested for damage loca- In the situation in which one is effectively below the
tion are tested on simulated data. It is necessary to diffraction limit for detection by vibration-based
fully test any method on both simulated and real methods, one would always have recourse to higher
data. The simulated tests are able to fully exer- frequency wave-based approaches as used commonly
cise the location methods, with the benefit that the by the NDT (nondestructive testing) community.
answer is known. In simulation, far more damage For example, Lamb wave inspection has proved a
cases may be used and the effect of errors may be powerful technique in platelike areas of structures.
fully investigated. The need for real testing arises Such approaches are discussed in some detail else-
because experimental work always produces errors where in this encyclopedia.
and problems that are unexpected. For simulation to
be useful, the errors that might be expected in real
structures must be simulated. Thus, adding random REFERENCES
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Chapter 15
Nonlinear Acoustic Methods
Dimitri M. Donskoy
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA

reflections effectively masking the signals associated

1 Introduction 1 with the damage. One possible approach to circum-
2 Nonlinear Acoustic Methods for vent these limitations is to explore the nonlinear
Damage Detection 3 nature of the material damage by utilizing nonlinear
acoustic methods for damage detection.
3 Fatigue Damage Accumulation
Numerous experimental and theoretical studies
Monitoring 7
[158] demonstrate that damaged or fatigued mate-
4 Conclusion 9 rials exhibit noticeable nonlinear properties (nonli-
References 10 near stressstrain relationship) because of micro/
meso and macro defects. Strong nonlinearities have
been observed for defects having contact interfaces
such as cracks, delaminations, and disbonds. This
1 INTRODUCTION type of contact acoustic nonlinearity is explained by
clapping and rubbing of the interfacial rough
Traditional active acoustic/ultrasonic methods utilize
surfaces subjected to vibrations [2, 510]. The phys-
the linear effects of reflection, scattering, transmis-
ical nature of the contact nonlinearity can be under-
sion, and attenuation of the elastic waves by structural
stood by considering a contact defect (crack) as a
inhomogeneities to identify damage (see Ultrasonic planar interface that separates two elastic materials
Methods). Despite the practical utility and success of with the surfaces in intimate contact but with no
these methods, there are inherent limitations. One of traction forces across the interface [2]. As a longitu-
the major limitations includes difficulties in detecting dinally polarized elastic wave (vibration) is applied to
a small-scale incipient damage of the size comparable the interface, the surfaces are pressed together during
to or smaller than the wavelength of the transmitted the compression phase of the wave and then sepa-
wave. Another difficulty is distinguishing between rate under the tensile phase (Figure 1a). The elastic
the actual damage and structural features of compa- deformation of the medium containing such a defect
rable or greater size, such as notches, holes, borders, will be different for tension and compression leading
and other structural features, which produce multiple to a bilinear (nonlinear) stressstrain relationship, as
illustrated in Figure 1(b).
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by A more realistic model considers a defects
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 interface as two rough elastic surfaces with Hertzian
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. contact at surface microasperities (Figure 2a). The
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

Stress subharmonics, intermodulation, and even chaotic

behavior of highly nonlinear contact interfaces
Strain All of these phenomena have been explored
for nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E)
(a) (b) of different materials and structures. The resulting
Figure 1. (a) Clapping defect and (b) its stressstrain nonlinear methods have advantages and disadvan-
bilinear dependence. tages depending on the particular application. The
principal advantage of all these methods is their
applied stress varies the asperity contact area highly selective sensitivity to flaws with nonlinear
leading to nonlinear elastic deformation of the defect properties. Another important feature of the nonlinear
(Figure 2b) [10, 11, 50]. Microasperity contacts techniques is their ability to detect flaws in highly
may exhibit even more complicated nonlinear nonhomogeneous and complicated geometries/struc-
tures, because structural inhomogeneities and features
behavior such as hysteresis (Figure 2c) [12, 13],
(holes, voids, channels, bonded laminations, bound-
nonlinear thermal dissipation [14, 15], and nonlinear
aries, etc.) are linear and have no or little effect on
friction [33].
the nonlinear readouts.
Another type of material degradation associated
The NATs are not without limitations. One of
with increased nonlinearity is micro- and mesoscopic
the primary problems with their practical imple-
fatigue damage accumulation. Here the stronger
mentations for NDT&E is the need for a well-
nonlinearity is due to dislocations, hysteresis, forma-
established reference. There are structural (nonflaw)
tion of slip planes, and microcrack development and sources of contact nonlinearity: structural supports
clustering [1624]. and connections, inserts, etc.; all of these nonlineari-
It has to be understood, however, that not all types ties contribute to the nonlinear response. There could
of material or structural flaws are characterized by also be instrumentation and measurement nonlin-
strong nonlinearity. Large voids and porosity, dents, earities, which may contribute to the background
cuts and scratches, loss of material due to corrosion, nonlinear readouts as well. Therefore, the background
breakage of structural components (cable wires, for nonlinearity must be determined for a reference
example), and other flaws may not exhibit appre- structure and particular measurement setup and then
ciable (or any) nonlinearity and, therefore, cannot compared with the structure undergoing NDT&E. For
be detected and characterized with nonlinear acoustic many applications it is not easy to characterize this
technique (NAT). background nonlinearity. This drawback is, perhaps,
There are various acoustic manifestations of one of the primary reasons that the nonlinear methods
material and structural nonlinearities: generation of most reported till date are still experimental and are
second- and higher-order harmonics [16, 24, 32], not yet established as practical and reliable defect
dependence of time-of-flight on applied external detection and characterization tools.
stress [25, 26], amplitude dependence of the reso- In contrast to NDT&E, structural health moni-
nance spectrum [27, 28], and the frequency mixing toring (SHM) detects (monitors) changes in the mate-
and modulation of high-frequency ultrasound by rials/structure over time, so the initial measurements
low-frequency vibration [7, 1931]. Very intensive could be used as a reference for the very same
acoustic excitation may lead to the generation of structure. This approach makes SHM applications

Stress Stress

Strain Strain

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. A defect with rough contact surfaces (a) and its stressstrain dependencies: Hertzian (b) and hysteretic (c).
Nonlinear Acoustic Methods 3

extremely attractive for nonlinear techniques offering the degree of damage regardless of the particular
high sensitivity to the initiation and development of nonlinear mechanism involved: classical nonlinear
defects with a built-in nonlinear reference obtained elasticity, contact nonlinearity, hysteretic, thermal,
from initial measurements on the healthy structure. frictional, slow dynamics, or any other yet-to-be-
discovered nonlinearity.

2.1 Harmonic distortion methods
DETECTION Historically, one of the first methods to characterize
the acoustic nonlinearity is to measure the degree of
Among the number of different nonlinear methods the nonlinear (harmonic) distortion of a sinusoidal
mentioned above, there are two that are practically acoustic (vibration) signal. This approach has been
viable and most widely used: harmonic distortion and widely used for the characterization of nonlinearity in
modulation methods. A simplified graphical illustra- fluids, biological media, electromechanical systems,
tion of these two methods is presented in Figure 3. and material nonlinearity of solids. The essence of
These methods rely on the experimental observa- the method is illustrated in Figure 3. An input signal
tions that the nonlinear response is proportional to is a sinusoidal waveform with frequency f1 and

Harmonic distortion method

Input waveform Test object Output

Input spectrum
A3 A

f1 Frequency f1 2f1 3f1 4f1

Modulation method
Input waveforms Test object Output


Input spectrum
A0 A1
A A+

f0 f1 f0 f1 f0 f1 f1 + f0

Figure 3. Illustrative diagrams of the harmonic distortion and modulation methods.

4 Physical Monitoring Principles

amplitude A1 . The nonlinearity distorts the waveform,

so its spectrum contains additional harmonics. Typi-
20 dB
cally, these are higher harmonics with frequencies
2f1 , 3f1 , . . . and, respectively, diminishing ampli-
tudes A1 > A2 > A3 > . Because of this decrease
in amplitude, most of the studies consider only the
second harmonic for characterization of the defects
nonlinearity. The second-harmonic approach has been
used for evaluation of fatigue cracks [13, 36], adhe-
sive joints [5, 25, 26, 3742], diffusion-bonded inter-
faces [43, 44], cracks in concrete [45], dislocations,
and other fatigue damage [18, 24, 4648, 5658]. 200 400 600 800
Very strong contact nonlinearity coupled with very f (Hz)
large acoustic excitation may lead to much more Figure 4. Harmonic distortion of sinusoidal vibration due
pronounced nonlinear distortion with an appreciable to disbond.
level of higher-order harmonics and intermodulation
and subharmonics [3235]. Some of these high- as is evident in the vibration spectrum shown in
Figure 4.
order distortions could be localized in the vicinity
The stiffness of the elastic layer with the clapping
of a defect, so the authors used a scanning laser
disbond is modeled as a bilinear spring (Figure 1b):
vibrometer to visualize the location of the defect.
The range of frequencies and type of acoustic/vib- 
ration waves vary significantly depending on the K() =
S  if < 0 (1)
S S0 if 0
specific applications: type of material, size of struc-
ture, and type and size of flaws. Thus, the reported where is the stiffness per unit area of the elastic
frequencies used for the nonlinear detection span layer without the defect, S is the full area of the
from hundreds of hertz to tens of megahertz. Flexural layer, S0 is the area of a disbond, and is the local
and torsional vibrations, longitudinal, shear, surface, strain at the elastic layer: negative corresponds to
and guided acoustic waves were utilized. compression (full closure of the disbond) and positive
Two examples of investigations utilizing the is for tension (opening of the disbond).
second-harmonic method are presented here. Both Using a simple spring-mass oscillator model with
investigations deal with the detection and characteri- the nonlinear stiffness (equation 1), the steady-state
zation of disbonds in adhesive joints using very nonlinear solution (higher harmonics) of the oscil-
low-frequency vibrations, f1 = 190 Hz [5], and high- lators equation with nonlinear spring K() was
frequency ultrasound f1 = 1.85 MHz [37]. In both found [5], using BogolyubovMitropolskys pertur-
examples, the nonlinear measurements provided more bation method. The results showed that the amplitude
sensitive evaluations when compared to the linear of the second harmonic A2 is proportional to the area
acoustic techniques. S0 of the disbond:
The first exemplary study investigates the bonding
quality of a thermoprotective coating (tiles) of a space A2 A (2)
shuttle [5]. The coating consists of the relatively rigid S 1
tiles attached to the ships metal skin through an where A1 is the amplitude of the fundamental (first)
elastic bonding layer. The tiles (ceramic fiber) and the harmonic oscillation of the solid layer. This result is
elastic bonding layer are so absorptive for the acoustic in good agreement with the experiment showing that
(ultrasonic) signals that only very low-frequency the ratio of the amplitude of the second harmonic to
vibrations could be used. Then harmonic vibration the first may serve as a quantitative indicator of the
was applied to the structure (and its level exceeds the defect.
static stress at the disbonded interface initiating its It is interesting to note that the unique feature of
clapping), the tiles vibration was noticeably distorted the bilinear system is a linear dependence between
Nonlinear Acoustic Methods 5

the second and the fundamental harmonic amplitudes and f1 . The defects nonlinearity leads to mixing of
(equation 2). For systems with a quadratic non- these two signals resulting in a new signal with the
linearity, the second harmonic is proportional to A1 2 . combination frequencies f1 f0 . Typically, the VM
The challenging problem of evaluating kissing method employs lower frequency modulating and
bonds in aluminumaluminum adhesive joints using higher frequency probing signals: f0  f1 [810,
a second-harmonic measurement is reported in [37]. 2831, 51]. Applied lower frequency vibration varies
Kissing bonds are disbonds between two compres- the contact area within a defect or damaged area
sively loaded disbonded surfaces creating contact, (Figure 2a), effectively modulating the amplitude of
which is difficult to detect with conventional linear the higher frequency probing wave passing through
ultrasonic techniques. The result of this study demon- the varying contacts. In the frequency domain, the
strated a high sensitivity of the nonlinear distortion result of this modulation manifests itself as the
technique to the disbond at a relatively low contact sideband spectral components, f1 f0 , as shown
load. At higher compressive load, the disbond contact in Figures 3 and 5. The defect or damage can be
nonlinearity was reduced and overwhelmed by the detected and characterized by the amplitude of the
inherent system nonlinearity [37] from the equip- sideband components or, better, the modulation index
ment and measurement setup. (MI) (in decibel scale):
The latter is a typical example highlighting the  
challenges in implementing the harmonic measure- A + A+
MI = 20 log10
ment approach: system nonlinearities from electronic 2A1
and electromechanical equipment, such as signal  
A + A+
generators, amplifiers, and transducers, generate a = 20 log10 20 log A1 (3)
certain level of the harmonic distortion in the first 2
place. This background level in the nonlinear signal
In reality, the modulation phenomenon is more
limits the sensitivity of the method to defects with
complicated because of the complexity of the
smaller nonlinearities.
nonlinear mechanisms at the interface as mentioned
in the previous section of this article. Strong defect
2.2 Modulation methods nonlinearities may lead to the occurrence of numerous
sideband components with the frequencies f1 mf0 ,
The modulation methods utilize the effect of the where m = 1, 2, . . . as evident from Figure 5(b) and
nonlinear interaction of acoustic/vibration waves in other experimental observations [8, 9, 15]. In practice,
the presence of the nonlinear defects. There are however, only the first sidebands (m = 1) are used as
two modifications of the method: vibromodulation a reliable indicator of a damage.
(VM) and impact modulation (IM). The VM method The IM method uses impact-excited low-frequency
utilizes two sinusoidal waves with the frequencies f0 vibration modes as the modulating signal for the

30 30
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)


10 10
A A+

30 30

50 50
186 188 190 192 194 186 188 190 192 194
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 5. Spectra of a high-frequency ultrasonic signal modulated by a low-frequency vibration: (a) undamaged section
of the steel pipe and (b) the same pipe section with stress-corrosion cracks.
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

high-frequency ultrasound [810, 49, 51]. The main [52] demonstrated that reliable damage detection and
advantage of IM over the VM approach is the ease characterization could be achieved with frequency
of excitation of the low-frequency signal: a simple averaging as follows:
hammer can be used instead of an electronically
controlled low-frequency vibration/acoustic source. MI = 20 log10
IM works well, however, only for structures with     
1  A+ fn + f0 + A fn f0
low vibration damping. The impact-excited vibra-
tion modes should ring long enough, so that the N n=1 2A1 fn
resulting sideband component of the modulated ultra-
sonic signal can be resolved using Fourier spectrum (4)
analysis. At a minimum, the quality factor of the where fn = Fstart + nF is the fundamental ultra-
resonating vibration modes should be greater than 4 sonic frequency swept in steps n over the frequency
to resolve the sidebands. Calibration of the impact- range Fstart + N F , with Fstart being the starting
excited vibration could also be a problem for compar- frequency, F the frequency step, and N the total
ative testing. number of steps. The choice of F is determined by
The modulation methods could be implemented the density of the resonances of the particular struc-
using a continuous wave (CW) or a sequence of tures frequency response in the chosen frequency
burst ultrasonic signals [51]. CW implementations range. For proper averaging, F should be less than
of the VM (CW-VM) and IM (CW-IM) methods the frequency separations between the resonances.
showed that the choice of the ultrasonic frequency, The number of frequency steps should be at least 30,
f1 , may have a significant impact on the MI, often preferably 100.
leading to the erroneous interpretation of the test In the burst implementation of the vibromodula-
result. As seen from the recorded structural frequency tion method (B-VM), a sufficiently long sequence
responses of the probing ultrasonic signal and its side- of bursts with the central frequency f1 for each
bands (Figure 6), MI could vary as much as 40 dB burst and the repetition frequency FR > 2f0 is
depending on the choice of the primary frequency, used instead of a CW ultrasonic signal. The bursts
f1 . This variation is due to resonances and antireso- are effectively sampling the modulating envelope,
nances of the structure. Theoretical analysis [9] and as shown in Figure 7. The B-VM method does
numerous tests with various structures and materials not require frequency averaging. Another significant

A1(f )


MI (dB)
40.00 MI1 = 50 dB
MI2 = 10 dB




160 Frequency, f (kHz) 190

Figure 6. Frequency response (A1 (f ) upper curve, in decibels) of 0.5-m-long steel beam for the high-frequency ultrasonic
signal f1 swept the frequency range f : 160190 kHz. Lower two curves are the corresponding frequency responses of the
sidebands A (f ) (also in decibel scale) at the frequencies f = f1 250 Hz recorded as f1 is swept. MI is the modulation
index (in decibels). It is graphically defined as a difference between the linearly averaged value of two lower curves and
the upper curve. As can be seen, MI could vary as much 40 dB (MI 1 MI 2 ) simply due to resonances and antiresonances
of the frequency response.
Nonlinear Acoustic Methods 7

in multiple parts of the same kind is the calibration

of the modulating vibration. In order to achieve
repeatability and high sensitivity, the modulating
stress applied to the damaged area should be constant
or measured so that the MI can be normalized with
respect to the modulating stress. It is not usually
possible to measure this stress. Thus, if the modu-
lating vibration utilizes resonating structural modes
(this is always the case for IM methods and the
Figure 7. Burst VM method: sequence of ultrasonic most effective modulating signal for VM), the modes
bursts modulated by low-frequency vibration. frequencies and their quality factors could vary from
part to part respectively varying the stress. If the posi-
advantage of the B-VM method is an ability to tion of the defect also varies from part to part and is
localize a damage area and, because of localization, unknown, there is no way to calibrate the modulating
reduce the background nonlinearity contributed by stress applied to the defect. This limitation, however,
structural connections and supports. However, the may not be so critical for SHM applications, which
B-VM method may not work at all if there is no suffi- monitor changes in the same structure.
cient reflection from the damage (kissing bonds, for It should be mentioned that fatigue defects are
example) or there are significant reflections (rever- developed in stress concentration areas most often
beration) from the test objects structural elements, caused by structural vibrations. Therefore, dynamic
inhomogeneities and boundaries. The B-VM method stresses provide the best modulation conditions for
is more complicated to implement, requiring more the probing ultrasonic signal because the stresses are
elaborate signal collection and processing. concentrated exactly in the damaged area. In effect,
There are numerous examples of damage detec- this stress concentration enhances the nonlinear inter-
tion and characterization using modulation methods. action between high- and low-frequency waves and
Examples of CW-VM and CW-IM methods (using improves damage detectability. This aspect, which is
longitudinal ultrasonic waves with frequencies up to often overlooked, creates an interesting opportunity
200 kHz) to detect fatigue cracks and characterize for SHM applications: VM techniques can utilize the
their size in steel pipes and beams can be found in structures own vibration during its normal operation
[29] and [52]. The B-VM method utilizing 5 MHz as a modulating signal. For example, aircraft in-flight
surface acoustic waves has been used to characterize VM SHM could use engine and fuselage vibrations;
fatigue crack growth during a fatigue test of Al 2024- VM monitoring of a bridge could utilize vibration due
T3 alloy plate [31]. Some other examples of the VM to traffic and wind, etc.
tests include detection of fatigue cracks in automo-
tive aluminum alloy casting parts [52], airframe [22],
combustion engine parts [28], cracks in Plexiglas 3 FATIGUE DAMAGE
and other polymer materials [28, 34], stress-corrosion ACCUMULATION MONITORING
cracks in steel pipes, and cracks in concrete initiated
by rebar corrosion [54]. The most challenging task for assessment and moni-
Compared to the harmonic distortion method, the toring of structural health is the characterization of
modulation methods are not influenced by nonlin- damage at the smallest possible scale often even
earities in the signal-generating electronic equipment before macrofracture is developed (see Fatigue Life
because the sources of the probe and modulating Assessment of Structures). The sensitivity of linear
signals are independent. The use of low-frequency ultrasonic testing (UT) significantly degrades as the
vibrations, especially flexural resonance vibrations, damage size gets smaller. Being orders of magnitudes
significantly amplifies nonlinearity of the defect, thus more sensitive to micro- and mesoscopic damages,
increasing the sensitivity of the measurements. [12, 1719, 24] nonlinear acoustics offers a unique
One of the problems implementing VM and, espe- opportunity to monitor and characterize the damage
cially IM methods, for NDT&E screening for damage accumulation at these scales.
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

There are growing numbers of studies devoted excitation signal was used to fatigue the article as
to characterization of precracking fatigue damage well as to measure the degree of nonlinear distortion.
using nonlinear acoustics. Thus, a substantial increase The setup enabled fatigue stresses up to 450 MPa. A
of the nonlinear parameter during transition from strong nonlinear behavior was observed showing a
micro- to macrodamage was reported in [55] using the 900 and 800% increase in the nonlinear parameter of
VM technique. The harmonic distortion method was the fatigued titanium alloy and duraluminum samples,
utilized to study the nonlinear acoustic response of respectively. These are compared to only a 0.8 and
metals (steel, aluminum, and titanium alloys) during 1.4% change in linear response (resonance frequency
fatigue tests [24, 47, 48, 5658]. These investigations shift) for the respective samples.
clearly demonstrated strong quantitative relationships Donskoy et al. [1923] conducted a series of
between the nonlinear parameter measured with the CW-VM tests to characterize micro- and mesoscale
second harmonic (and even third [58]) and fatigue damage accumulation during dynamic fatigue of
damage. Al 2024 T-4. The samples were fatigued at 10 Hz
Cantrell and Yost [24] investigated the effect of using the strain-control three-point bending test.
the dislocation dipoles on the nonlinear response The same dynamic load was used as a modulating
of the aluminum 2024-T4 alloy. The authors meas- stress. A specially developed correlation algorithm
ured the nonlinear parameter of the specimens sub- allowed for measuring and calculating an averaged
jected to an increasing number of fatigue cycles MI (equation 4) every 18 s during the fatigue loading
and suggested a relationship between the nonlinear enabling essentially real-time continuous monitoring
acoustic parameter and the volume fraction of the of the damage index (DI in decibels), defined as
persistent slip band consisting of dislocation dipoles.
DI = MIdamaged MIintact . Over 100 samples were
A model describing the contribution of the disloca-
tested under different load condition demonstrating
tion dipoles to the nonlinear acoustic parameter was
near linear dependency of the damage index versus
proposed, and the theoretical predictions indicated
number of fatigue cycles to failure. This obser-
reasonable agreement with the experimental data.
vation suggests that the linear damage accumula-
Jhang and Kim [56] measured the second harmonic
tion rule, a familiar concept in fracture mechanics,
of 5 MHz longitudinal ultrasonic wave to assess
may be reformulated in terms of the nonlinear
the damage accumulation in stainless steel samples
acoustic data to enable prediction of the specimens
subjected to static and dynamic tensile load. The test
demonstrated proportionality between the measured remaining fatigue life. To confirm that the nonlinear
nonlinear parameter and the fatigue load be it static acoustic damage index is responsive to the micro-
or dynamic. and mesoscale structural changes, a microscopic anal-
Frouin et al. [57] discussed the real-time finite ysis of the fatigue samples using a scanning acoustic
amplitude measurements of the nonlinear acoustic microscope (SAM) and a scanning electron micro-
parameter in titanium alloys subjected to low-cycle scope (SEM) were conducted. The images depicting
and the high-cycle fatigue. The authors used special material in the damage accumulation area and the
grips and a transducer holder to enable acoustic corresponding nonlinear damage index as a func-
measurements during the fatigue test. High-frequency tion of the number of fatigue cycles are shown
transducers operating at 10 and 20 MHz were used to in Figure 8. Under the cyclic fatigue load, the
transmit a fundamental frequency signal and measure material transitions from a consistent microstructure
the material response at the second harmonic. Results to zones of extensive plastic deformation. During
obtained for both high-cycle and low-cycle regimes various stages of this transformation, SEM micro-
show stable growth of the nonlinear acoustic param- graphs reveal nucleation of microdefects, formation
eter at initial stages of the material deterioration. of slip planes and striation marks, and development
Campos-Pozuelo et al. [58] developed a testing and clustering of microcracks. The coalescence of
procedure for assessment of the fatigue behavior of microfailures finally results in propagation of one
titanium alloys and duraluminum using a very high or several macrocracks, which cause ultimate mate-
intensity 22-kHz ultrasonic signal. Tuned to the test rial fracture. The damage index presented in Figure 8
articles flexural or longitudinal resonances, the same shows a gradual increase at all stages of the fracture
Nonlinear Acoustic Methods 9

Scanning acoustic microscope images

Fatigue degradation 0% 40% 70% 90%

500 m

Scanning electron microscope images

Fatigue degradation 0% 40% 70% 90%

100 m


Damage index (dB)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of kilocycles
Figure 8. Nonlinear acoustic damage index versus number of fatigue cycles and corresponding sequential stages of the
fracture processSAM and SEM micrographs.

process and rapid growth just before the macroscale wood, and concrete. There are two primary and
cracking. most widely used NATs: harmonic distortion and
modulation. The first correlates the amplitude of the
second harmonic (sometimes higher-order harmonics
4 CONCLUSION and even intermodulation and subharmonics) with the
Investigations of the nonlinear dynamics of materials presence and severity of the damage. The modula-
with contact-type macrodefects (cracks, disbonds, tion methods employ the nonlinear interaction of two
delaminations) as well as fatigued materials with signals: typically lower frequency modulating vibra-
micro- and mesoscale damages reveal their unusually tion and higher frequency probing ultrasound. The
high acoustic nonlinearities, often orders of magni- strong low-frequency signal varies interface condi-
tude greater than found in undamaged materials. tions at the damaged area. These variations effectively
This phenomenon is utilized for detection and char- modulate the high-frequency signal passing through:
acterization of the nonlinear damages in a broad the greater the damage, the greater the modulation
spectrum of materials: different metals, composites, effect.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

Advantages of the NAT include much higher [6] Solodov Yu. Ultrasonics of non-linear contacts:
nonlinear response contrast between damaged/un- propagation, reflection and NDE applications.
damaged materials: studies report hundreds of per- Ultrasonics 1998 36:383390.
cents change in the nonlinear response versus only a [7] Tohjirna E, Sato T. Nonlinear acoustical sounding
fraction of a percent in the linear response for the system for detection of defects in pipelike objects.
same damage. Being responsive to only nonlinear The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
defects, the NAT can be used in structures with 1988 83(4):16611666.
complicated geometries in which multiple reflec- [8] Donskoy DM, Sutin AM. Vibro-acoustic modulation
tions (reverberation) often preclude the use of the nondestructive technique. Journal of Intelligent
linear UT. Material Systems and Structures 1999 9:765771.
One of the difficulties in implementing NAT for [9] Donskoy DM, Sutin AM, Ekimov A. Nonlinear
many NDT&E applications is the requirement for acoustic interaction on contact interfaces and its use
a well-established nonlinear background reference for nondestructive testing. NDT International 2001
for a particular structure. However, because SHM 34:231238.
detects (monitors) changes in the materials/structure [10] Zaitsev VY, Sutin AM, Belyaeva IY, Nazarov VE.
over time, the initial measurements could be used as a Nonlinear interaction of acoustical waves due to
reference for the very same structure. This reference, cracks and its possible usage for cracks detection.
coupled with the extremely high responsiveness to Journal of Vibration and Control 1995 1:335344.
changes due to damage, makes the NAT highly [11] Baltazar A, Rokhlin SI, Pecorari C. On the rela-
attractive for SHM applications. Additionally, many tionship between ultrasonic and micromechanical
implementations of the NAT are perfectly suited for properties of contacting rough surfaces. Journal
monitoring of large portions of a structure using just of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2002
a few sensors in fixed locations not requiring sensor 50:13971416.
spatial scanning. We believe these advantages are the [12] Nazarov VE, Ostrovsky LA, Soustova IA, Sut-
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techniques in some SHM applications. media. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
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Chapter 14
Ultrasonic Methods
Wolfgang Hillger
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig, Germany

NDT started in 1900 when Roentgen discovered his

1 Introduction 1 X rays. Another old NDT method is the testing with
2 Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Testing 1 sound; internal defects in forgings can be detected by
changes in the sound when they are hammered. The
3 Ultrasonic Testing 5
beginning of ultrasonic testing (UT) started in 1929.
4 Automatic Ultrasonic Systems 9 Sokolow [1, 2] detected defects in components by
5 Mobile Ultrasonic Inspection System applying UT-through-transmission techniques.
MUSE 13 The UT is the most used NDT method without
6 Air-coupled Techniques 14 any negative impact on the environment. UT is a true
7 Visualization of Lamb Wave NDT method because no loading and no chemical
Propagation 15 agents are necessary. There is no limit to the number
References 17 of times that the UT testing can be carried out
(recurring testing of components).

Nondestructive testing (NDT) means to test materials OF ULTRASONIC TESTING
and components in a way so that its later usage is not
affected. NDT methods do not directly indicate flaws 2.1 Wave propagation and wave modes
but only the variation of physical values. Therefore,
it is the challenge to interpret flaws out of these vari- 2.1.1 Wave propagation
ations. Reference standards (i.e., a test specimen with This article presents the basic principles of UT.
artificially inserted defects like flat bottom bore holes) Additional information can be found in the literature
are required for a calibration and a system check. [36] and on websites [7, 8]. UT is based on
Applications of NDT are quality control, determina- elastic waves contrary to X-ray testing that uses
tion of material properties, and defect detection. electromagnetic waves. Contrary to electromagnetic
waves, acoustic waves do not propagate in a vacuum.
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by A mechanical wave consists of mechanical vibra-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 tions of the particles in a material. This peri-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. odic movement is identified as an oscillation. The
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

recording of the movement versus time indicates a If all particles of a plan in a component (by
sinus curve: excitation of an actuator) are vibrating sinuslike with
the same clock, the outcome is an elastic wave.
x(t) = r sin (1a) This excitation is propagating with the characteristic
where velocity v of the material. This velocity depends
on the elastic properties of the material and can be
= t (1b) determined out of measurements of the sound path s
and its time of flight t:
x(t) identifies the oscillation motion, t the time,
r the amplitude, = t the phase, and the angular v = s/t (4)
speed. An important factor of material testing is the
T is the oscillation period and indicates the time wavelength . The wavelength is given by the regular
between two zero crossings. The number of oscilla- spaces of the particles with the same vibration phases
tions per seconds is called frequency f (Figure 1) and can be calculated by equation (5):
f = 1/T (2) = v/f (5)

The angular frequency is given by The wavelength can be selected by the exciting
(test) frequency f . For testing of homogeneous
= 2f = 2/T (3) materials, frequencies in a range of 0.520 MHz

Mode Vibration of particles Velocity


Longitudinal wave (1 m)
nL =
r (1 + m)(1 2m)

Shear wave
E 1
nT =
r 2(1 + m)

Dilatational wave nD =

Bending wave
2w E I
nB =
l r F

Surface wave l
n O = 0.87 + 1.12 m n

Figure 1. Elastic wave modes in solid materials.

Ultrasonic Methods 3

are mostly used. The wavelength is situated in the Lamb discovered these dispersive plate waves,
millimeter range. which are propagating in solid plate with free bound-
aries [9]. For a plate with a thickness of 2 h, the
symmetrical and the antisymmetrical modes can be
2.1.2 Wave modes expressed by [10]
The most used wave mode of the UT testing is the
longitudinal wave (Figure 1). (k 2 + s 2 )2 cosh(qh) sinh(sh)
It is characterized by the vibration of the particles
4k 2 qs sinh(qh) cosh(sh) = 0 (6)
in propagation direction. The longitudinal wave has
the largest velocity of all elastic wave modes. The (k 2 + s 2 )2 sinh(qh) cosh(sh)
sound waves in air are longitudinal waves. Also,
4k 2 qs cosh(qh) sinh(sh) = 0 (7)
propagation in solids and in water is possible.
The equations in Figure 1 present the correlation
with q 2 = k 2 kl 2 and s 2 = k 2 kt 2 .
between the velocities of the different wave modes
k indicates the wavenumber, kl and kt are wave-
and the elastic properties: the dynamic E modulus
numbers for longitudinal and shear waves.
Edyn , Poissons ratio dyn , as well as the density .
It is important to know that there exist multiple
In solids, a propagation of shear (transverse) waves
wave modes that satisfy equations (1a) and (1b).
is possible, too. The oscillation of the particles is
A dispersion diagram (see Modeling of Lamb
perpendicular to the wave propagation. An excitation
Waves in Composite Structures) presents a plot of
is possible by a periodic shearing force on the surface
the phase velocities versus the product of frequency
of the component so that the particles are periodically
and plate thickness. Using a broadband excitation, the
moved up and down. In solids, a shear force can be
different frequency components travel with different
propagated to the next layer so that propagation in
speeds through the material. As a result, the shape
the material is possible.
of the wave package changes during propagation and
In air and in liquids, no thrusts power can be
the receiver signals are difficult to evaluate.
carried so that propagation of shear waves is not
In a defined frequency-thickness product only two
possible. Using the same test frequency, the wave-
fundamental modes exist; a symmetrical mode and an
length of shear wave is half of those ones of longitu-
antisymmetrical one, which are widely separated by
dinal waves because vT = 0.5 vL .
different phase velocities. Lamb wave testing should
Bending wave propagate in bars if the length is
be carried out in this low-frequency range.
not larger than the wavelength, the diameter smaller
than . In dependence of the excitation with longitu-
dinal or shear waves, dilatational waves or bending 2.1.3 Properties of the sound field
waves are generated.
Surface or Rayleigh waves only propagate at the An important factor of the sound field is the acoustic
interfaces of components. These waves are very pressure (excess pressure) p. Bergmann [6] described
sensitive to surface defects. the acoustic pressure and deflection of particles in
There are different plate waves such as Lamb the case of plane waves and spherical waves in the
waves (see Modeling of Lamb Waves in Compo- following correlation:
site Structures) which are used for damage detection.
Guided waves like Lamb waves can penetrate large p = v (8)
areas and interact with defects and structural inhomo-
geneities. In contrary to UT, the sensors and actuators The product of density and velocity v refers to
are permanently applied to the structure. This long- the acoustical impedance z:
range ultrasonics enable a damage detection and
SHM without time-consuming scanning. The most z = v (9)
used guided waves are surface waves like Rayleigh
waves and Lamb waves. These types of waves Materials having high acoustic impedance are
interact with defects and material discontinuities. called reverberant.
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Example For copper, the acoustic impedance zc can R (reflection coefficient) and D (transmission coef-
be calculated as follows: ficient) can be calculated out of the impedances z1
c = 8.9 103 kg m3 , vL = 4700 m s1 , zc = and z2 :
8.9 kg m3 103 4.7 103 m s1 = 41.8
106 kg m2 s1 = 41.8 106 Ns m3 = 41.8 MRayl R = (z2 z1 )/(z2 + z1 ) (13)
The intensity J is proportional to the square of the D = 2z2 /(z2 + z1 ) (14)
acoustic pressure.
Reflection coefficient R and transmission coeffi-
J = 1/2p 2 /z = 1/2z2 2 (10) cient D are referred to the sound pressure, which
is measured by transducers. The following equations
UT transducers deliver an output voltage propor- describe the relationships between the different sound
tional to the acoustic pressure. pressures and R and D:
For the determination of the intensity, the output
voltage has to be squared. pe + pr = pd (15)

2.2 Sound waves at plane boundaries or

2.2.1 Normal incidence 1+R =D (16)

For the testing of materials, the behavior of sound
For the different intensities J , equation (15) calcu-
waves at boundaries and interfaces with different
lated the balance
acoustic impedances is very important. Boundaries
can be external surfaces of components and defects
such as cavities in the component. A sleek boundary Je = Jr + Jd (17)
delivers a reflection, whereas a rough one delivers
a scattering. The scale for sleek and rough is the Equations (16) and (17) calculate the percentile
wavelength. parts of the reflected (r: reflection factor) and trans-
If a plane wave with a sound pressure pe mitted sound intensities (d: transmission factor) at a
perpendicularly reaches a sleek plane boundary, one plane interface:
part of the plane wave propagates the boundary
(pd ), whereas the other one (pr ) is being reflected r = [(z2 z1 )/(z2 + z1 )]2 (18)
(Figure 2). The reflected part is contrarily propagating
to the invading one. d = 4z2 z1 /(z2 + z1 ) 2

R = pr /pe (11) Because of the energy balance,

r +d =1 (20)
D = pd /pe (12)
Note that in the literature there are different defi-
nitions for transmission factor d, transmission coef-
pe pr ficient D, and reflection coefficient R, and reflection
Material 1 factor r. In order to prevent confusions, both possi-
z1 bilities are listed here.
z2 The transducers deliver an electrical voltage, which
Material 2 pd is proportional to the sound pressure; therefore, it
is more useful to use equations (11) and (12). The
information about the phase (prefix of R) is loosening
Figure 2. Perpendicular incidence on a flat interface. by calculating with intensities because J p 2 .
Ultrasonic Methods 5

The sound attenuation can be divided into two


ae ar = a + s (24)
Material 1 v1 where a identifies the absorption and s the scat-
Material 2 v2 tering coefficient.
The absorption increases nearly proportionally to
ad the test frequency. The reason is the conversion of
acoustical energy into heat. The absorption can be
settled by a higher transmitter voltage and/or a higher
gain of the receiver amplifier and also by a lower test
Figure 3. Reflection and refraction of a plane wave with frequency.
angular incidence at a boundary between two materials. Contrary to the absorption, the scattering cannot
be settled by a higher amplification. It is useful to
2.2.2 Angular incidence compare scattering to the effect of fog on a car driver
The incoming wave with the angle e to the perpen- who is dazzled by his own headlamps. Scattering
dicular is reflected with the same angle. A part is does not only provide attenuation but also several
penetrating material 2 with the angle d (Figure 3). small additional echoes with different times of flight.
The relationship between these angles and the veloc- Scattering is performed by inhomogeneities in the
ities describes Snells law: material, which are smaller than the wavelength.
Inhomogeneities are interfaces at which the sound
sin e / sin d = v1 /v2 (21) impedance is excursively changing.
Inhomogeneities that have a diameter below 1%
Using equation (21), it is possible to provide a of the wavelength do not produce scattering. With
conversion from one wave mode with a velocity v1 increasing diameter, the scattering increases with the
to another one with v2 . Also, it is possible to select a third power of the diameter and the fourth power of
defined mode. the frequency [11]:

s dk 3f 4 (25)
2.3 Sound propagation
In order to reach a high-resolution UT, the test
The amplitude of the spherical wave is inversely frequency spectrum (which defines the band of wave-
proportional to the distance from the transmitter. lengths) has to be optimized carefully, especially for
Besides this material-independent sound attenuation, inhomogeneous materials. Using UT, it is not possible
there are also material-dependant influences like scat- to distinguish between s and a because the resulting
tering and absorption. Both terms are summarized in sound attenuation defines the sound pressure at the
attenuation. The sound pressure decreases exponen- receiver.
tially as

p(x) = p0 ex (22) 3 ULTRASONIC TESTING

where p0 identifies the sound pressure at the initial 3.1 Transducers

location, p(x) the sound pressure in a distance x from
3.1.1 Normal incidence
the source, and the sound attenuation.
It is also possible to refer to the sound intensity. Transducers are used as a sender and a receiver
Because of J p 2 , equation (21) delivers for UT of materials. They are manufactured for a
wide range of applications with different element
J = 2 (23) diameters, center frequencies, bandwidths, and couple
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

techniques like immersion technique, water split, where D is the element diameter, is the wavelength
and squirter [6, 7]. Mostly, transducers provide in the material, and c is the velocity in the material.
normal incidence to the surface of the component. The sound pressure decreases inversely to the
Such a contact transducer is shown schematically in distance z, because the sound energy is distributed
Figure 4. These types of transducers are used for to even larger areas. Figure 5 shows the principle
hand manipulating with hand-held ultrasonic flaw characteristic of the sound field of a flat cirque
detectors. The active element consists, in most cases, transducer, which is simultaneously used as a sender
of a piezoelectric crystal (see Piezoceramic Mate- and receiver (echo technique). The smallest beam
rialsPhenomena and Modeling; Piezoelectricity diameter can be found at the near-field distance N ; for
Principles and Materials). It is well protected in a large distances the field is opened by the divergence
rugged casing and with a wear plate, which is also angle .
used as a matching layer to the material.
In order to get a short pulse response, the active 3.1.3 Focused transducer
element is damped by a backing that reduces the
ringing and increases the bandwidth. The bandwidth By bending the active element (polyvinylidene
of the transducer (up to 100% of the center frequency) fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric polymer film) or by
is inversely proportional to the pulse duration, which applying a length the sound field can be focused.
means that a high bandwidth provides a short pulse Focusing increases the lateral resolution and provides
response of the transducer. the detection of small flaws. A focusing always
reduces the near-field length.
Figure 6 shows the focal distances of the same
3.1.2 Sound field transducer in water without test specimen (left-hand
side) and with test specimen (right-hand side). The
The sound field of a transducer consists of a near velocity in the test specimen is higher than that
field, which is characterized by interferences and a in water; as a result, refraction reduces the focal
far field. The near-field length is given by (26) [3] distance.
The length of the water path calculates equa-
D 2 2 D 2 f tion (27) [12, 13]
N= (26)
4 4c
lw = F lm (27)
Housing where lw is the water path, lm is the focal distance
from the surface, cm is the material sound velocity,
Backing cw is the water sound velocity, and F is the focus in
Active element water.
Wear plate
3.1.4 Phased array transducers
Figure 4. Construction of a normal incidence contact Contrary to single-element transducers, phased array
transducer. transducers (Figure 7) consist of 8256 small

D g

Figure 5. Sound field of a flat transducer.
Ultrasonic Methods 7



Figure 6. Focal distances in water and in material.

For manual testing, a coupling paste or gel is

Immersion technique means that the component
and the transducer are in a water tank (Figure 8).
The transducer is moved by an XY scanning system,
which provides automatic testing. An additional
Z axis can be used for adjusting the water delay
between the transducer and the component in order
to set the focal point into the component. For curved
components, additional axis is necessary for a normal
Figure 7. Phased array transducer (linear array with 64
elements, product of R/D-Tech/Olympus). incidence.
Squirter technique [15] is characterized by a plastic
housing with a built-in transducer and a nozzle
individual elements. Each element can be pulsed (Figure 9). The nozzle forms a guide for the water
and received separately with sophisticated computer- jet, which carries the ultrasound to the component.
based instruments.
The elements can be fired in groups where indi-
vidual delays provide beam steering, sector scan,
and linear scanning. The first application of these
software-controlled transducers was in medical ultra-
sonic diagnostics. Because of the fast-developing
electronic devices, computer systems, and the big
drop of prices for hardware and software, the phased
array technique is largely used for material testing
[1214]. More articles concerning phased array
techniques can be found in the online journal [8].

3.1.5 Coupling techniques

For a reproducible UT, it is important to have a
constant coupling between the transducer and the
component. Because of the high-impedance mis-
match, air in the sound path would produce a
reflection back to the transducer (see Section 6). Figure 8. Immersion technique (DLR FA, Germany).
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

characterized by two transducers (one used as a trans-

mitter, the other one used as a receiver) on opposite
sides of the component. Contrary to the echo tech-
nique, the penetration of the material is only on
time, but a double sides access of the component
is necessary. An evaluation of the amplitude of the
transmitted signal and a time-of-flight measurement
are possible. The amplitude is dependant on the sound
attenuation of the material.
Defects principally produce an amplitude decrease
and an increase in time of flight.
Measurements of the relative changes of ampli-
Figure 9. Inspection of a CFRP cylinder using squirter tudes (A1 , A2 ) caused by flaws or different attenu-
technique. (DLR FA, Germany). ations can be calculated in dB (decibel):

Air bubbles and turbulences in the jet decrease the

dB = 20 log10 (A1 /A2 ) (28)
signal-to-noise ratio.
Water gap coupling also provides a reproducible
coupling for automatic testing. The transducer is
mounted on a carrier, which is guided by rollers on 3.2.2 Pulse-echo technique
the surface of the component so that simply curved
The most used testing method is pulse-echo tech-
components can be tested with two-axis scanners.
nique, which provides a single-sided access. Only one
Figure 10 shows the testing of a curved carbon fibre
transducer is necessary, which is simultaneously used
reinforced plastic (CFRP) component with a water
as a transmitter and a receiver. This method is based
gap coupling device with rollers and a cardanic
on radar techniques and was a breakthrough for UT
in the late 1940s.
Figure 11 demonstrates the echo technique. After a
3.2 Ultrasonic testing methods short excitation, the transducer converts the electrical
signal to a longitudinal wave pulse, which propa-
3.2.1 Through-transmission technique gates into the test object. The wave is reflected at
the backwall of the transducer, which converts the
Through-transmission technique is useful for mate- acoustic wave back to an electrical signal, which is
rials with high sound attenuation. This method is
amplified and displayed. A defect in the test objects
causes an additional reflection. Its time of flight (t2 ) is
smaller than that of the backwall (t1 ). Time-of-flight
measurements can be used for the determination of
the material velocity (l: length of the test object):

v = 2l/t (29)

and/or of the measurement of the distance d of the

defect from the surface (defect depth).

d = vt/2 (30)
Figure 10. Water gap coupling for curved CFRP compo-
nents, the transducer is mounted on a carrier with rollers and In dependence of the size and reflectivity of the
cardanic adapter to the scanning axis (DLR FA, Germany). defect, the amplitude of the backwall echo decreases.
Ultrasonic Methods 9

Component Component with flaw

Pulser T


l1 l2

Figure 11. Principle of echo technique.

3.2.3 Immersion technique For automatic testing and ultrasonic imaging, the
echoes have to be evaluated automatically.
Immersion technique is often combined with echo
Therefore, different gates are used: gate A for
technique and a well-known method for automatic
the interface echo, B for the defect echo, C for the
testing with ultrasonic imaging. The transducer and
backwall echo, and D for the tank echo. The methods
the test object are situated in the water tank
of imaging are described in Section 4.3.
(Figure 12).
It is also possible to use through-transmission tech-
The receiver signal displayed on the screen of the
nique in immersion technique. For this application, a
ultrasonic system consists of
u-shaped fixture for the two transducers is necessary.
1. interface echo
2. defect echo
3. backwall echo and 4 AUTOMATIC ULTRASONIC
4. tank echo.
It should be noted that there are multiple reflections
from the interface and, in some cases, form the 4.1 Survey
defect(s), too. Therefore, the time of flight of the
second reflection of the interface echo must be larger Figure 13 shows the block diagram of an ultra-
than the time of flight of the tank bottom echo. sonic imaging system [16], with immersion technique


1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 W A B C D


(a) (b)
Figure 12. Principle of immersion technique: (a) test object (T) with transducer in water, F: defect and (b) echoes and
gates versus time.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

Pulser/ RF
receiver ADC
PRF Timing 14 bit Monitor

Transducer Keyboard

x y z Software Software LAN

peakdetector 1 peakdetector 2
lin./log. 50 dB lin./log. 50 dB

Specimen Software Software Data recording

time-interval real-time A-, B-, C-, D- and
measurement A-scan full-wave-scan

x Trigger Imaging and

Software Software
Scanner evaluation
y gate generator scanner control
controller software

Figure 13. Block diagram of an ultrasonic imaging system.

consisting of a scanner with controller, immersion high-frequency applications (f > 20 MHz), the FET
tank, a transducer with fixture, a pulser/receiver unit, should be replaced by an Avalanche transistor, which
an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a timing unit provides switching times lower than 1 ns. Also, for
for the trigger generation and a computer with ultra- high-frequency application, the pulser/preamplifier
sonic software, which provides the control of the unit should be built in a separate case and mounted
system, the data capture, procession, evaluation, and nearby the transducer in order to get short cable to the
imaging. transducer and to avoid electromagnetic noise (HFUS
2000 system [18]).
If a high-power excitation is required (for materials
4.2 Hardware with a high sound attenuation, thick components, and
others), a square pulser or a tone-burst pulser is the
4.2.1 Pulser/receiver unit best solution. Such a device can also be a PC-board
The pulser/receiver unit consists of a pulser that [18]. The energy of such a pulse is more concentrated
generates the excitation for the transducer, an ampli- on a smaller frequency range. Such kind of pulsers
fier, a high- and a low-pass filter section, and a timing is useful for applications in a frequency range from
unit for the system trigger. This unit can be built on 20 kHz up to 3 MHz.
a Personal Computer PC-board [17]. Spike pulsers, The receiver consists of an amplifier, a gain setting
which provide a broadband excitation and the shortest and a high- and low-pass filter unit. Because of the
pulse responses, are the most used type of pulsers large dynamic range of the input signals (>100 dB),
in ultrasonic systems. A capacity C is loaded and the amplifier is separated in an input attenuator, a
discharged by an electronic switch such as a field- preamplifier, a fine-stepped attenuator and a main
effect transistor (FET) via a resistor R. With a short amplifier and a high- and low-pass filter unit. In order
switching time of the FET, the frequency spectrum to get a constant sensitivity, for the inspection of thick
starts at 0 Hz and decreases (3 dB) at components, a distance amplitude control unit (DAC)
is intended.
f = 1/2RC (31) The amplified signal is given to a high- and low-
pass filter unit, which suppresses unwanted frequency
Usually, the resistor is chosen near the impedance parts and provides an antialiasing filter for the ADC
of the cable to the transducer (5075 ), the board. The filter unit eliminates electromagnetic noise
capacity determines the maximum frequency. For as well as the noise produced by ultrasonic scattering.
Ultrasonic Methods 11

4.2.2 Analog-to-digital converter can be separated into two parts in order to have an
additional fast Fourier transform (FFT) display.
An ADC converts the preprocessed analog receiver
Figure 15 shows the possibilities for ultrasonic
signal to a digital one (to a digital number). The
imaging. The A-scan presents the amplitude as a
digital signal cannot be influenced by noise and can
function of time (oscilloscope display of the echo
easily be stored, digital processed, evaluated, and
displayed by a computer system. There are two most signals), a B-scan gives a cross-sectional view of the
important ADC features: the sampling frequency fs component, whereas the amplitude is displayed along
(MHz) or sample rate (M samples per second) and the the vertical axis and the position of the transducer
amplitude resolution (number of bits). The Shannon is displayed along the horizontal axis, a C-scan is a
theorem says that for continuous signals, the sample plan-type view or top view of the component with
frequency fs must be larger than twice the input all flaws (two-dimensional amplitude presentation).
bandwidth B. For a C-scan, the amplitude of the flaw echo or the
For ultrasonic applications, the sampling frequency amplitude of the backwall echo has to be evaluated.
is used up to 10 times larger than the maximum Therefore, a precise gate setting is required in which
ultrasonic frequency in order to get a more precise the amplitude measurement is carried out. A D-scan
amplitude and time-of-flight measurements. A low- also provides a plan-type view; however, contrary to
cost ADC provides 8-bit amplitude resolution, 28 a C-scan, the time of flight is displayed. A D-scan is
gives 256 levels of vertical resolution. Because of able to display the depths of the flaws or the thickness
the bipolar ultrasonic (RF) signal, 128 steps are used of the component.
for the positive amplitudes and 128 for the negative Figure 16 demonstrates the possibilities of ultra-
ones. An input range of 1 Vpp (peak to peak) provides sonic imaging using an impacted CFRP panel. The
a resolution of 3.906 mV. C-scan of the defect echo is presented in Figure 16(a).
Ultrasonic systems like USPC 3040 typically For this presentation, the amplitude in gate B situ-
comprehend ADCs with 14 bits, which give 16 284 ated between the interface and the backwall echo is
steps and 200-MHz sampling frequency. For exam- evaluated in a logarithmic scale (dB). The highest
ple, if the maximum input voltage is 1 Vss , the amplitude (100% in an A-scan) is calibrated to 0 dB
lowest step is 0.125 m Vss = 125 Vss , which means and mapped to the color black in the C-scan. A
a dynamic range of about 78 dB. Therefore, it makes defect is characterized by a higher amplitude than
no sense to use high-gain preamplifiers, which only the natural noise caused by scattering at inho-
generate noise levels at their outputs much greater mogeneities. The black area indicates the delami-
than the lowest amplitude step of the ADC. The nated area. A C-scan of the backwall echo is given
higher the dynamic range, the better are the possibil- in Figure 16(b). This one presents the acoustic
ities for digital signal processing after data capturing. shadow of the defect. Therefore, a defect causes
smaller echo amplitudes than its surroundings. The
delaminated area is indicated by the lighter region in
4.3 Software the C-scan.
The software not only controls the scanner and A D-scan of the defect echo shown in Figure 16(c)
the ultrasonic hardware and displays the results but presents the different distances of the delamina-
also replaces a lot of hardware. Examples are the tions from the surface. The black area presents a
gated peak detector (linear or logarithmic mode, distance of 0 mm (no defect) and white areas nearly
70-dB single-shot dynamic range) and the time- 4 mm. It is shown that the damaged area consists
interval measurement system (resolution of 5 ns). of different delaminations in different depths, which
These software solutions are more flexible than those means that they are situated between different layers.
of the hardware. The accuracy of these parts is given This information can also be received from a B-scan
by the ADC. The user interface of the software is (Figure 16d), which presents a view into the mate-
shown in Figure 14 [18]. The tap sheets on the left rial along a selected line out of a C-scan. Not only
hand side provide the instrumentation settings; a large the different depths of the delaminations are indicated
A-scan display is useful during the system setup. It but also horizontal lines, which present layer echoes.
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

Hillgus for Windows - Scan aus Datei: D:\DLR\Demo_Dat\Vol.Daten LQS244\LQS 244_2_Vol.hgy

Fill View Prooftask Hardware Help

X (mm) X (mm) X (mm)

130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

40 40 40

50 50 50

60 60 60
Y (mm)

Y (mm)

Y (mm)
70 70 70

80 80 80

90 90 90

100 100 100

49 dB 0 dB 49 dB 0 dB 0.58 s 3,35 s
Backwall echo Defectecho Defect depth
Display Gates Calibration Scanner IIR Filter Transmitter Receiver 100 Amp.(Backwall echo) 6 dB
Position Start Stop Delta 50 35 20 5
50 31 dB
(mm) 204,250 124,250 204,000 79,750 Amp.(Defectecho)

Y 0 50 35 20 5
(mm) 103,000 31,500 103,000 71,500
TOF (Laufzeit)
50 61,580
TOF (Bauteildicke)
2,660 s
60,5 61,5 62,5 63,5 64,5 65,5 66,5 67,5 68,5 TOF (Defect depth)
[%] [s] s

Adjusting Mode C/D/F-Bild Reference File: CC_ohne Filter 1.hgy

Start Hillgus for Windows 21:38

Figure 14. User interface of the software Hillgus for windows.


C- and D-scan
Figure 15. Ultrasonic imaging techniques: A-, B-, C-, and D-scans.
Ultrasonic Methods 13

X (mm) X (mm)
130 140 150 160 170 180 190 130 140 150 160 170 180 190

60 60

70 70

80 80
Y (mm)

Y (mm)
90 90

100 100

110 110

40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0
(a) (dB) (b) (dB)

X (mm)
130 140 150 160 170 180 190

Y (mm)

90 23


110 220 230 240 250

(d) mm

1 2 3
(c) (mm)
Figure 16. Ultrasonic imaging of an impacted CFRP panel. (a) C-scan defect echo, (b) C-scan backwall echo, (c) D-scan
defect echo, and (d) B-scan.

These indications require a high-quality laminate and The manual scanning is time consuming and a
a well-optimized UT. reproducible coupling is difficult to achieve. There-
fore, the mobile ultrasonic inspection system mobile
ultrasonic equipment (MUSE) has been developed
[19]. The manipulator is attached to the component
5 MOBILE ULTRASONIC with sucking devices. This system shown in Figure 17
INSPECTION SYSTEM MUSE consists of a motor-driven manipulation system, a
water-circulation system for the coupling, and the
For in-service inspections of built-in aerospace com- PC-board-based ultrasonic system USPC built into
ponents, a mobile equipment is necessary. a portable computer. The manipulator is attached to
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

MUSE manipulator with Water circulation system Flaw detector with built-in
adapter for transducer motor controller
Figure 17. MUSE system for in-field inspections.

the component with sucking devices and provides to 24 dB in the water. At least the amplitude on
an inspection area of 200300 mm2 , a resolution of the receiver becomes 18 dB. This small amplitude
0.020 mm and a maximum speed of 200 mm s1 . The difference between transducer and receiver can easily
test frequency range for the MUSE is 0.0535 MHz. be compensated by amplification.
Ultrasonic imaging is possible in A-, B-, C-, and D- In the case of air coupling, the amplitude difference
scans. between transmitter and receiver reaches 156 dB.
The coupling technique developed for the MUSE The extreme high differences between the impedance
(local immersion technique) provides the applica- of air (zair = 0.0004 MRayl) and of the lead zirconate
tion of focused transducers without problems with air titanate (PZT) material cause a decrease of 93 dB and
bubbles so that the high resolution is also available also the interface between CFRP and air (75 dB). In
for field inspections. The local immersion technique this very simple model, only the transmission factors
is also useful for laboratory investigations because no are calculated and no losses of sound attenuation and
water tanks are required and the components stay dry. sound divergences have been regarded.
Therefore, standard flaw detectors with standard
transducers cannot be used for air coupling. Special
6 AIR-COUPLED TECHNIQUES transducers, transmitter and receiver electronics are
required. Since 15 years, more papers have been
Air-coupled ultrasonic testing (AC-UT) is a very describing the air-coupled technique [6]. Normally,
attractive noncontact technique, which avoids the the investigations are carried out in through-transmis-
disadvantages of the coupling liquid (water, squirter, sion technique.
and immersion technique) or coupling paste [2022]. In order to get better signal-to-noise ratio special
However, the large impedance mismatch between transducers, an optimized excitation, ultralow noise
solids and gas (air) produces an amplitude loss preamplifier, and a signal processing are necessary.
of more than 150 dB using through-transmission An example of a modular system is the USPC 4000
technique with separate standard transducers as a AirTech [15], which was used for the recording of
transmitter and a receiver on the opposite sides of the right hand side C-scan in Figure 6.
a CFRP component [19]. Figure 19 shows two C-scans of an impacted sand-
Figure 18 shows the amplitude differences between wich component consisting of two CFRP skins each
water and air coupling using through-transmission 0.5 and 15-mm-thick honeycomb cores. The C-scan
technique with different transmitter and receiver in Figure 19(a) was recorded in echo technique
transducers on the opposite sides of a thin CFRP spec- using a broadband transducer (2.2 MHz) with water
imen. We set the amplitude on the transmitter to 0 dB. gab coupling. In order to get a high signal-to-noise
Using water coupling, the sound pressure decreases ratio, a square-pulse transmitter is used. The software
to 21 dB in the water because of the differences receiver filter provides a center frequency of the back-
in the acoustic impedance of piezoelectric material wall echo (back skin) of 700 kHz. This frequency
(zpiezo = 35 MRayl) and water (zwater = 1.5 MRayl). enables the detection of defects in the skins and
The amplitude on the CFRP surface (zCFRP = 4.5 core, demonstrated by the impact indication in the
MRayl) increases to 18 dB and decreases again C-scan [8].
Ultrasonic Methods 15


Transmitter z piezo = 35 MR z piezo Receiver

z (air) = 0.0004 MR

z (water) = 1.5 MR 2z2

z (CFRP) = 4.5 MR T=
z2 + z1
21 dB 3 dB 18 dB
6 dB 24 dB 6 dB 18 dB Immersion


87 dB
93 dB 6 dB
Air coupling

75 dB

162 dB 6 dB 156 dB


Figure 18. Sound pressure curves between transmitter and receiver probe using water and air coupling.
370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450

30 25 20 15 10 5
50 40 30 20 10

X (mm)














(a) Y (mm) (b)

Figure 19. C-scans of an impacted CFRP sandwich component. (a) Echo technique with water gab coupling and
(b) air-coupled ultrasonic testing.

The C-scan in Figure 19(b) of the same compo- 7 VISUALIZATION OF LAMB

nent is carried out by air coupling and gives a
much clearer presentation. The reason for the better
resolution using air coupling is the smaller velocity The knowledge of the propagation of different Lamb
in air in comparison with water, which provides wave modes and their complex interactions with
a smaller wavelength andusing focused trans- structure elements, discontinuities, and defects is a
ducersa smaller beam size. requirement for interpreting the complex receiver
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

signals and for optimizing all the parameters of Lamb is used, which is smaller than a tenth of the Lamb
wave system such as test frequency, design, number, wavelength. In order to get a reproducible acoustic
and distribution of the transducers, required signal coupling between the sensor and the component, a
procession and evaluation. Only for simple geome- water split coupling is used.
tries, the Lamb wave propagation can be calculated. During scanning at each point of the scanning
Therefore, experimental methods are used in order to grid, a full-wave Lamb wave A-scan is recorded.
get this important information. This 3-D recorded data file consists of a number
One actuator at a fixed position on the bottom of B-scans along the y axis (scanning axis). In x
of the specimen has been used as a transmitter direction the index axis is situated, the time of flight
(Figure 20) [23, 24]. The excitation is carried out by in z direction. A scanning area of 400 mm 500 mm
a burst generator. Because of the harmonics a filter with a scanning grid of 2 mm delivers the information
on the receiver side is used, which provides a desired of more than 50 000 virtual sensors.
narrow band signal. Out of the 3-D- data files several presentations can
A second PZT patch is moved by an XY scanner in be calculated and presented [23]:
a meander track. Using a two-axis scanning system,
the curve of the component can be compensated by a 2-D amplitude images, showing the maximal
cardanic sensor holder. The scanning grid of 1.5 mm amplitude during a selected gate [t1 , t2 ] (C-scan);

R Scanning piezopatch
Water film for coupling
USPC 5000 Specimen

Fixed piezopatch

Figure 20. Experimental arrangement for the visualization of the Lamb wave propagation.

X (scan) X (scan) X (scan)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 0 0

100 100 100

200 200 200

Y (index)
Y (index)

Y (index)

300 300 300

400 400 400

500 500 500

67.2 s 204 s 465 s

Figure 21. Video snap shots with excitation of PZT T4 situated on the skin between two stringers.
Ultrasonic Methods 17

2-D time-of-flight images within a certain gate composite plate. Journal of Sound and Vibration
[t1 , t2 ] (D-scan); 2007 302:5056.
Lamb wave A-scans at any recorded position [11] Akashi T. On the measurement of loss in ultrasonic
together with spectral analysis; pulse in concrete. Proceedings of 2nd Japan
B-scans [x, t], [y, t]; and Congress Testing Materials. STM, Kyoto, 1959, pp.
Video animations showing the wave propagation. 165168.
Figure 21 presents three snap shots of a video panametrics-UT.en.pdf.
animation with excitation of T4 situated on the skin. [13] Wustenberg H, Erhard A, Schenk G. Scanning
There are two wave modes generated on fast mode modes at the application of ultrasonic phased
with a wavelength of 105 mm (s0 ) propagating mainly array inspection systems. WCNDT Roma 2000 .
on the stringers with a phase velocity of 5250 m s1 . Roma, 2000, Conference Proceedings, also avail-
The wavelength of the slower mode (a0 ) propagating able on:
between the stringers was measured to 15 mm with a idn193/idn193.htm.
phase velocity of 750 m s1 . [14] Maurer A, Haase W, De Odorico W. Phased array
The circular propagation in the skin is influenced application in industrial scanning systems. ECNDT
by reflections from the stringers, so that after a 2006 . Berlin, 2006, paper Mo.2.1.3, Conference
time of flight of about 100 s more interferences Proceedings on CD, also available on: http://www.
are indicated. After 465 s, a chaotic wave field is
visible. [15] Deutsch WAK, Schulte P, Joswig M, Kattwinkel R.
Automatic inspection of welded pipes with ultra-
sound. ECNDT 2006 . Berlin, 2006, paper Tu.2.3.1,
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components). Elektrische Nachrichten-Technik 1929 (ICA 2007). Madrid, 27 September 2007, Special
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[2] Mclntire R. Akustische Zeitschrift 1938 3:132136. ISBN: 84-87985-12-2.
[3] Krautkraemer J, Krautkraemer H. Ultrasonic Testing [17] Hillger W. Ultrasonic PC- boards for different appli-
of Materials. Springer, 1990. cations. 7th ECNDT 1998, Conference Proceedings.
Copenhagen, 2629 May 1998; pp. 31133119.
[4] American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
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[5] Lynnworth LC. Ultrasonic Measurements for Pro- laboratory research to in-field inspections. 15th
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1521 October 2000, Conference Proceedings on CD
[6] Bergmann L. Der Ultraschall (The Ultrasound), 6.
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[7] flash.htm. [20] Grandia WA, Fortunko SM. NDE applications of
air-coupled ultrasonic transducers. 1995 IEEE
[8] International Ultrasonic Symposium, Conference
[9] Lamb H. On waves in an elastic plate. Proceedings Proceedings. Seattle, WA, 1995; pp. 697709.
of the Royal Society of London, Series A containing [21] Bhardhwaj MC. High efficiency non-contact trans-
papers of mathematical and physical character 1917 ducers and very high coupling piezoelectric
39(651):114129. composite. 16th World Conference on Non-destruc-
[10] Park HW, Sohn H, Law KH, Farrar CR. Time tive Testing. Montreal, 30 August3 September
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18 Physical Monitoring Principles

[22] Hillger W, Meier R, Henrich R. Inspection of CFRP [24] Hillger W. Visualisation and animation of the
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[23] Hillger W, Pfeiffer U. Structural health monitoring Health Monitoring 2007 . Stanford University,
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destructive Testing. Berlin, 2529 September 2006, pp. 145152.
published on CD.
Chapter 16
Guided-wave Array Methods
Paul D. Wilcox
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

than the fabrication of the arrays themselves. In

1 Introduction 1 NDE, there are a number of different reasons for
2 Background 2 using arrays. First, they enable multiple conven-
tional inspections (e.g., with ultrasonic probes at
3 Compact Arrays for 1D Waveguide
different angles) to be performed simultaneously,
Structures 4
hence reducing inspection time and possibly inspec-
4 Compact Arrays for 2D Waveguide tion complexity. Second, they enable some form of
Structures 9 scanning to take place without any physical move-
5 Sparse Distributed Arrays 14 ment of the device. This can be exploited to scan
6 Conclusions 18 the interior of a complex component from a range of
End Notes 18 angles from one transducer position or to reduce the
References 19 number of mechanical scanning dimensions in a raster
scanning system. These two reasons for using arrays
are essentially concerned with reducing the cost of
NDE by performing an inspection more efficiently
1 INTRODUCTION with an array. The third reason is somewhat different
and is only just starting to be realized. This is the fact
Ultrasonic array transducers for bulk waves were that arrays can potentially provide much richer infor-
developed originally for medical imaging applica- mation about a component than conventional NDE.
tions in the 1950s. In the last few decades, this A comprehensive review of the current state of the
technology has been taken up in the nondestructive art in array-based NDE may be found in [1].
evaluation (NDE) community as a superior alter- Digital electronics and computational power have
native to conventional ultrasonic techniques using also been key enabling technologies for long-range
monolithic transducers. The enabling technology that guided-wave NDE systems using arrays. The most
has lead to the rapid growth in array-based systems commercially successful of these have been for the
for NDE has been in digital electronics and data inspection of pipelines. Such systems allow the rapid
processing in the supporting instrumentation, rather inspection of long lengths of pipeline from a single
access point and are now in widespread industrial use
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by throughout the petrochemical industry and elsewhere.
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 A review of applications may be found in [2]. Despite
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. the success on pipeline inspection, there has been
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

very little commercial use of guided-wave NDE the bulk wave formulation is most appropriate, but
systems for large area inspection to date, although if the wavelength is comparable or greater than the
the technology has been demonstrated in research dimensions of the waveguide a guided-wave solu-
laboratories. Guided-wave NDE systems are based tion is generally more useful. The ratio of waveg-
on the concept of a device that can be deployed on uide dimension to bulk wavelength is therefore an
a structure when inspection is required. In principle, important parameter, and for this reason, the various
the same devices could be permanently attached to properties of guided waves in a particular shape of
a structure to form the basis of a structural health waveguide are often considered as functions of the
monitoring (SHM) system, but this is not necessarily product of a characteristic waveguide cross-section
an economic solution because of the complexity dimension and frequency (since this is inversely
of the arrays used. It is fair to say that guided- proportional to the bulk wavelength). Further details
wave arrays specifically designed to be permanently on the physics of guided waves may be found in
attached for use in an SHM system are still a long Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids
way from widespread industrial usage. and Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Struc-
This article begins with a brief overview of the tures.
salient features of guided waves and their applica- Key characteristics of guided waves are the pres-
tion to damage detection. It then examines the various ence of multiple modes of propagation, which gener-
types of guided-wave arrays in use in NDE applica- ally have frequency-dependent (i.e., dispersive)
tions, beginning with those for one-dimensional (1D) velocities. Associated with each mode at each fre-
waveguides such as pipes. The article compares and quency is a characteristic pattern of particle displace-
contrasts these with devices to perform inspection on ments and stresses through the cross section of the
two-dimensional (2D) platelike structures. The final waveguide that is referred to as the mode shape. By
section is on sparse distributed arrays specifically for definition, the mode shape of a particular guided-
SHM applications. wave mode at a particular frequency is invariant as
the wave propagates along the waveguide, although
the amplitude may diminish because of attenuation.
2 BACKGROUND The interest in the use of guided waves for long-
range NDE and SHM is their potential for detecting
2.1 Guided-wave terminology damage remote from the location of a sensor, an
essential attribute if a limited number of sensors
Guided waves are elastic waves that propagate along are required to detect damage at any location in
structures, their energy guided by the boundaries of a large structure. From a guided-wave perspective,
the structure. In guided-wave terminology, the struc- structures can be divided into 2D waveguides where
ture is referred to as the waveguide, and guided waves the structural elements are platelike (e.g., aircraft
include waves on free surfaces (Rayleigh waves), fuselages, ships hulls, storage vessels, etc.) and 1D
waves in plates (Lamb waves and shear-horizontal or waveguides (e.g., pipes, rails, etc.). The two types are
SH waves), waves in rods, and many others. Guided- shown schematically in Figure 1.
wave phenomena exist over a wide frequency range In 2D platelike structures, the guided waves
from <1-Hz seismic waves generated by earthquakes are Lamb and SH modes, and the salient dimen-
to >100-MHz surface waves used in acoustic micro- sion is the plate thickness. To give an idea of
scopes. There is sometimes debate about whether the numbers involved for typical engineering mate-
guided waves or bulk waves exist in a particular situ- rials (steel, aluminum, many composites), a typical
ation, but this is a misleading argument. The actual operating point for an SHM or NDE system is
wavefield that exists is the solution that satisfies the around 1 MHz mm (i.e., 1 MHz in a 1-mm-thick
governing partial differential equations and boundary plate, 500 kHz in a 2-mm-thick plate, etc.). Up to
conditions. The guided or bulk wave distinction is around 2 MHz mm, only three fundamental modes
about the most appropriate way to formulate the (the A0 and S0 Lamb modes and the fundamental
solution. If the wavelength of bulk waves is small SH mode, SH 0 ) exist in platelike structures of such
compared with the dimensions of the structure then materials; above this value, higher order guided-wave
Guided-wave Array Methods 3

propagation Guided-wave propagation
directions directions

(a) (b)
Figure 1. Schematic diagrams of typical (a) 1D and (b) 2D waveguides.

S1 S2
Group velocity (mm s1)

A1 A2



0 10
Frequency thickness (MHz mm)
Figure 2. Group velocity dispersion curves for steel plate.

modes begin to appear and by 10 MHz mm there are directions to be separated, with the ultimate goal
some 15 possible modes. Example group velocity of localizing and characterizing damage by the
dispersion curves for steel are shown in Figure 2. guided waves scattered from that damage. Modal
The usable propagation distances of guided waves and directional selectivity can be achieved by various
for SHM or NDE in 2D waveguide structures are monolithic devices, including wedge transducers [3],
of the order of meters. The waves will actually electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) [4, 5],
propagate much further than this, but the complexity interdigital transducers (IDTs) [6], and comb trans-
introduced by interactions with structural features ducers [7]. Examples of some of these devices are
make signal interpretation increasingly difficult. In illustrated in Figure 3. The limitation of these devices
1D waveguide structures, such as pipes and rails, long is that they must be mechanically moved to obtain
lengths of uninterrupted structure may be present and selectivity in different directions and need to be
interpretable guided-wave signals may be obtained physically altered to obtain selectivity to different
even after propagation over distances of tens or even modes. The advantage of a correctly designed array
hundreds of meters. is that this functionality can be obtained in postpro-
cessing without any physical change to the array or
its position.
2.2 Overview of guided-wave arrays
2.2.1 Monolithic devices versus arrays 2.2.2 Compact versus sparse distributed arrays
The reason for using arrays for guided-wave testing A distinction should be made between compact arrays
is to allow waves from different modes and different where all the elements are in close proximity to
4 Physical Monitoring Principles


Bulk wave transducer magnet

netic field
Coupling wedge
(e.g., water, perspex)

Pancake coil

Surface tractions
(a) Guided waves (b) applied to structure


Piezoelectric layer

Figure 3. Monolithic transducers for guided waves: (a) wedge transducer, (b) EMAT [Reproduced from Ref. 5. IEEE,
2005.] and (c) IDT. [Reproduced from Ref. 6. Elsevier, 1997.]

one another, often in a single unit, and sparse one or more of the phase velocity, group velocity, or
distributed arrays. Deployable systems for NDE are mode-shape properties. Differences in group velocity
generally compact arrays, while permanently attached correspond to differences in arrival time and have
systems may be either. The reason for using a limited use in deployable systems where there is often
compact array in a deployable system is to allow no a priori information about the location of scat-
the reflected signals from multiple structural features terers. Measurements of differences in mode shape
to be resolved spatially. Without this attribute, it is require access to different points in the cross section
generally impossible to reliably separate signals from of the waveguide and are therefore generally not
damage, other than in structures with very low feature applicable to 2D waveguides, but are used exten-
density or in laboratory experiments, where the loca- sively for mode separation in 1D waveguides. The
tion of damage can be controlled. In the case of a measurement of differences in phase velocity (or
permanently attached system, the situation is poten- wavenumber) is the fundamental basis of directional
tially somewhat different, since subsequent data can selectivity in guided-wave arrays. Phase velocity
be directly compared with the reference data. For this differences can also be used for modal selectivity if
reason, the use of sparse distributed arrays is possible the phase velocities of the guided-wave modes are
and may be a more economic solution than perma- well separated.
nent attachment of compact arrays. Sparse distributed The requirements and means of achieving modal
arrays are discussed separately in Section 5. and directional selectivity with compact arrays are
somewhat different in the case of 1D and 2D wave-
guides as will be discussed in the following sections.
2.2.3 General requirements for compact arrays
To localize and characterize damage with a compact
array, it is necessary to separate different guided- 3 COMPACT ARRAYS FOR 1D
wave modes propagating in different directions. To WAVEGUIDE STRUCTURES
achieve modal or directional selectivity, it is neces-
sary to find a distinguishing guided-wave property In a 1D waveguide, the number of possible propa-
that can be measured. Fundamentally, this must be gation directions for guided waves is precisely two.
Guided-wave Array Methods 5

Group velocity (mm s1)





) 3











0 Frequency (kHz) 100
0 Frequency thickness (MHz mm) 0.55
Figure 4. Group velocity dispersion curves for a 5.5-mm-thick steel pipe with internal diameter 76 mm, and also showing
the equivalent frequency-thickness axis. [Reproduced from Ref. 9. Elsevier, 1998.]

However, at useful operating frequencies for damage 1D waveguide, directional selectivity is achieved by
detection the number of possible guided-wave modes exploiting differences in phase velocity and modal
is high. For example, Figure 4 shows the dispersion selectivity by exploiting differences in phase velocity
curves for a 5.5-mm-thick steel pipe with an internal and/or mode shapes. In a 1D waveguide, differences
diameter of 76 mm. Although the frequency-thickness in mode shape can be easily exploited as an array
range in Figure 4 is much lower than that of the can contain multiple elements distributed around the
dispersion curves for steel plate shown in Figure 2, perimeter of the waveguide cross section. In fact, the
there are now many more modes. This is because task of obtaining modal and directional selectivity can
of the additional constraint of periodicity around the be generalized, but in the first instance the two are
circumference of the pipe, leading to the concept of considered separately for the example case of a pipe.
angular order. A zero angular order mode has an
axisymmetric and a first angular order mode has mode
shape that is a sinusoidal distribution of displace- 3.1 Modal selectivity
ments around the circumference with one period. In
this article, the naming convention used for guided- The mode shapes of guided waves in pipes are
wave modes in a pipe follows that described in [8]. characterized by various parameters, including the
The first numerical index refers to the order of the angular order. Of great importance in guided-wave
periodicity of the mode shape in the angular direc- NDE is the separation of modes with different angular
tion and the second refers to the through-thickness orders, most commonly zero and one, as this provides
order of the mode. The prefix letters L and T are used valuable information about the nature of reflectors.
to highlight axisymmetric (i.e., zero angular order) Consider a pipe instrumented with an array of
modes with through-thickness mode shapes similar four point transducers, identified by subscripts j =
to Lamb (L) or SH (T) type waves in a flat plate and 14, evenly distributed around the outer perimeter as
the prefix letter F is used for all nonaxisymmetric shown in Figure 5(a).
modes. An angular datum is defined at the 12 oclock
The key to producing signals that can be readily position. As an example, it is assumed that under a
interpreted is to achieve both modal and directional particular set of operating conditions (i.e., frequency,
selectivity and this attribute is shared by all commer- transducer element type) only two modes of guided-
cially successful guided-wave systems for NDE. In a wave propagation are possible, the first M0 , denoted
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

q q



(a) 3 (b) 3
Figure 5. Schematic diagrams of pipe transducer arrays for modal selectivity based on angular order: (a) array of four
transducers and (b) array of 32 transducers connected in quadrants.

by (0) superscripts, with angular order zero and the at the transducer locations:
second, M1 , denoted by (1) superscripts, of angular
order one. At a particular instant, the incident field on
A(0) = u
the array consists of quantities A(0) and A(1) of the 4 j =1 j
two modes. The modal amplitudes are assumed to be 
defined in such a way that the particle displacement  2 2
1   4
associated with each of the modes at a particular
A(1) =  uj cos j + uj sin j
angular position, , around the circumference is 2 j =1 j =1
expressed as
The two terms under the square root sign in
u (0)
the second expression relate to two perpendicular
u(1) = A(1) cos + (1) (1) polarizations of the M1 mode, the first term polarized
in the vertical (0180 ) direction and the second
polarized in the horizontal (90270 ) direction. For
where (1) is the polarization angle of the mode axisymmetric structures such as pipes, this type of
M1 (i.e., the angle at which its peak displacement Fourier approach can be extended to separating higher
occurs) with respect to the angular datum. Hence angular orders of modes in a straightforward manner.
the associated particle displacement seen by the j th However, for waveguides with more complex cross
transducer in the array is sections, a more general approach is necessary. With
this in mind, situation in the previous example can be
  described in matrix form:
uj = A(0) + A(1) cos j + (1) (2)

u1 1 1 0  (0) 
where j = (j 1)/2 is the angle of the j th trans- u2 1 0 1
= A(1v) (4)
ducer. The objective of mode separation is to deduce u3 1 1 0
the mode amplitudes A(0) and A(1) from the measured u4 1 0 1
displacements uj . In this case, the natural orthogo-
nality of the different angular periodicity of M0 and where A(1v) and A(1h) refer to the components of the
M1 can be exploited. This means that the mode ampli- M1 mode in the vertical and horizontal polarization
tudes can be extracted effectively from the first two directions and hence its overall amplitude is
terms of the discrete Fourier transform performed 
 2  2
around the circumference with four sampling points A (1)
= A(1h) + A(1v) (5)
Guided-wave Array Methods 7

The matrix equation (4) describes an overdetermined two different axial positions. As an example, consider
set of linear equations, and the matrix is referred to the situation where harmonic waves of frequency
as the mode-shape matrix. Each column in the mode- of the same mode are propagating in both directions
shape matrix refers to the displacement of a mode at along a 1D waveguide. Let x be the distance along
each of the transducer locations. The overdetermined the waveguide, and A(+) and A() be the (complex)
system of equations can be solved in a manner that amplitudes of the wave propagating in the positive
minimizes the least squares error by the application and negative x directions respectively. The measured
of the MoorePenrose inversion technique [10]. This displacement, Uj , at an axial position xj along the
technique yields waveguide is therefore

 (0)    u1 Uj = A(+) ei(kxj t ) + A() ei(kxj t ) (7)
A 1 1 1 1 1 u
A(1v) = 2 0 2 0 2
u3 (6) where k is the wavenumber of the mode at the
A(1h) 4 0 2 0 2 u4 frequency . The problem is to deduce the values
of A(+) and A() from the measured displacements,
It is easy to see that this equation is equivalent of which there must clearly be at least two. For
to equation (3). However, this is a more general the case of two transducers at locations x1 and x2
formulation that can be applied to 1D waveguides (x2 > x1 ), the previous expression can be written in
of arbitrary cross section. The requirement is that matrix form as
there must be more transducer positions than there    ik   ikx 
U1 e eik e 0 A(+)
are modes, and that the resulting mode-shape matrix = (8)
U2 eik eik eikx0 A()
is not ill-conditioned. Note that in the case of the
pipe example, the mode-shape matrix is frequency where 2x0 = x1 + x2 and 2 = x2 x1 and the time-
independent and the mode separation technique could harmonic term has been omitted for clarity. The
be applied in either the time or the frequency domain. complex exponential terms containing x0 are grouped
However, this is not the case in general and if the with the unknown amplitudes A(+) and A() , since
mode-shape matrix is frequency dependent it should these are the unknown phase shifts due to propagation
strictly be recalculated for each frequency present in from the source of the waves (i.e., a reflector) and
the signals and applied in the frequency domain. the center of the array. Once again, the solution is
It should be noted that in 1D waveguides such obtained by inversion of the matrix
as pipes the number of modes is potentially quite  ikx   ik  
high because of the large number of angular orders e 0 A(+) 1 e eik U1
possible. However, if higher order modes are not eikx0 A() 2i sin 2k eik eik U2
to be used for testing then they can be suppressed
by the array design itself. For example, an array
If 2k = n (n, an integer), then the matrix is
with 32 physical elements around the perimeter of
singular, and the closer 2k is to n + /2 the
a pipe could have groups of eight adjacent elements
more stable the inversion. Practically, this means that
connected in parallel to form four quadrants as shown
the optimum spacing between transducers is 1/4,
in Figure 5(b). Although this would only allow zero
3/4, etc. For nondispersive modes, the complex
and first-order modes to be used for testing it would
exponential terms in the matrix act as time shifts,
still suppress modes up to 16th order.
but for accurate directional selectivity of dispersive
modes, the procedure should again be applied in the
frequency domain.
3.2 Directional selectivity
Point measurements at a single axial location along a 3.3 Generalized problem
1D waveguide can be used to separate modes but not
directions.a To separate directions of propagation, it is From the preceding sections, it can be seen that the
necessary to measure the relative phase of a wave at mathematical basis for separating received modes and
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

directions are very similar, and both can be combined 3.4 Examplepipe inspection
in general form:
Pipe inspection is the most successful example of
U() = M()A() (10) any type of long-range guided-wave inspection. At
least three companies, Guided Ultrasonics Ltd [12],
where the vector U represents the measured displace- Pipeline Integrity Ltd [13], and MKCNDT [14],
ments, M is the mode-shape matrix and A is the supply commercial guided-wave systems for pipe
vector of unknown amplitudes. In this general formu- inspection, primarily targeted at the petrochemical
lation U now contains measurements both around the industry. The fundamental principles of these systems
perimeter of the waveguide and along its axis. Simi- is similar, the main differences lie in the type of
larly M contains both mode-shape information and transducer elements used with guided ultrasonics
phase according to the axial position of the associ- and pipeline integrity favoring piezoelectric devices,
ated transducer and the coefficients in A are for each while MKCNDT use magnetostrictive sensors. A
possible mode in each direction. Again, the matrix M typical result obtained using the guided ultrasonics
needs to be inverted using an appropriate technique. system is shown in Figure 6 as an example, which
The discussion thus far has considered reception illustrates the key aspects of long-range guided-wave
only. The same arguments can be applied in trans- NDE. The data is presented in the form of an A-
mission to determine what amplitude and phasing of scan, with the abscissa indicating range measured
transducers is required to transmit a particular mode from the test location and the ordinate axis repre-
in a particular direction. By virtue of reciprocity, the senting reflected signal amplitude. An array is used
quantities turn out to be precisely the same as those to transmit an axisymmetric torsional mode, T(0,1),
required to receive the same mode in that direction. into the pipe and then to separate received signals
The most general form of the combined transmit and into those that return as the same mode, and those
receive situation can be written in the same way as that have been mode converted to a mode with
equation (10), except that the displacement vector U angular order one, F(1,2). The directly reflected
now has N 2 elements (N being the total number of T(0,1) signals are indicated by the black line and the
elements in the array) and each element in U now mode converted T(0,1) to F(1,2) signals are indicated
corresponds to the signal transmitted and received by the gray line. The dominant features in the black
between that pair of elements. This type of approach signal are a series of regularly spaced reflections from
has been used to perform the processing in 1D waveg- butt welds between pipe sections. The challenge is
uides such as rails [11] that support multiple modes. discriminating between signals from benign structural

F3 F2 F1 +F1+F2 +F3

Reflection from
Amp (mV)


10.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
Distance (m)
Figure 6. Example of results obtained from guided-wave pipe inspection system. [Reproduced with permission from
Guided Ultrasonics Ltd.]
Guided-wave Array Methods 9

features such as these and defects. In pipe inspec- that a guided-wave array is in the middle of the
tion, this is the reason for using multiple modes. wavefield rather than being at a boundary. This means
The axisymmetric butt welds do not cause any mode that any consideration of directionality for guided-
conversion of the incident T(0,1) wave and hence wave arrays must consider the wavefield in all 360
there are no corresponding peaks in the gray mode about the array, even if the array is only designed
converted signal. However a patch of localized corro- to detect damage over a limited range of angles.
sion at a distance of approximately 5 m produces For example, the wavefield in front of a linear array
a peak in both the reflected T(0,1) mode and the comprising a single row of elements on the surface
F(1,2) mode, indicating a nonaxisymmetric feature of a unimodal 2D waveguide will be very similar to
and possible defect. the wavefield from an equivalent linear array for bulk
waves. The crucial difference is that the guided-wave
array will also emit an identical wavefield behind the
4 COMPACT ARRAYS FOR 2D array as well and it is impossible to subsequently
distinguish which side of the array a reflector is on.
This means that linear guided-wave arrays with a
In a 2D waveguide structure, access is generally single row of elements have little practical use with
restricted to one surface of the waveguide and 2D waveguides, although they have been used as
differences in mode shape cannot be used to sepa- a research tool in controlled laboratory experiments
rate different modes.b Instead, modal and directional [1719].
selectivity must be achieved by exploiting differ-
ences in the phase of waves at different points on
the surface. This is much more similar to the case of 4.1 Omni-directional inspection
a bulk wave ultrasonic array transducer, but with two
important differences. A generic application for 2D waveguide arrays is
First, there are the usual complicating properties to interrogate the surrounding area of a structure
of guided waves, such as dispersion and multiple in all directions. This suggests a layout of array
modes. However, the issue of modal selectivity is elements that is approximately (i.e., as far as the
often overstated in the case of 2D waveguides, where discretization into elements will allow) axisymmetric.
there are only three possible modes (A0 , S0 , and SH0 ) In such a design, the elements themselves should
at typical operating frequencies below 2 MHz mm. exhibit omnidirectional selectivity. For such arrays, it
These modes have significantly different properties is useful to describe performance in terms of a polar
and unwanted modes can generally be suppressed by coordinate system with its origin at the center of the
the careful design of array elements themselves. For array. Figure 7(ac) shows some candidate designs
example, a piezoelectric disc operating in through- for 2D arrays, including two that are axisymmetric
thickness mode is an order of magnitude more sensi- and one gridlike design that is not.
tive to A0 than S0 and completely insensitive to SH0 . The expression for the intensity, I , of a point in an
Similarly, EMAT elements can be designed to be image using data from a bulk wave array is given by
much more sensitive to S0 than A0 [5]. A general the delay and sum equation:
procedure for modeling the sensitivity of guided-
wave transducers to different guided-wave modes 
I (r) = A r, d(m) , dn h(m)n
in isotropic and anisotropic 2D waveguides using a
m=1 n=1
Greens function formulation is described in [15].   
The problem of dispersion is actually not a problem; t = r, d(m) , dn (11)
as long as the dispersive properties of the waveg-
uide are known, all processing can be performed in where h(m)n (t) is the time (t) domain recorded when
the frequency domain and dispersion compensation the mth element acts as a transmitter and the nth
[16] applied. element acts as a receiver, r is the point in the
The second and more important complication for image, A is the amplitude factor, is the delay,
guided-wave arrays over bulk wave arrays is the fact d(m) is the position of the transmitter element, and
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

l l l
(a) (b) (c)


x x x

Sidelobes Sidelobes
(d) (e) (f)

x x x

Signals due
Signals due to second
to second mode mode

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 7. (ac) Possible 2D array designs for omni-directional inspection of 2D waveguides showing the target
wavelength; (df) associated PSFs for a reflector at the location marked x assuming a nondispersive unimodal system;
(gi) associated PSFs assuming a nondispersive bimodal system where the unwanted second mode has half the wavelength
of the first mode. In (di) the signal used is a Gaussian windowed toneburst with an 80% bandwidth at 40 dB and the
gray scale is from 0 dB (black) to 40 dB (white).

dn is the position vector of the receiver element. The necessary:

summations are performed over the N elements in
the array, assuming in this case that each element
I (r) = A r, d(m) , dn , H(m)n () d
acts both as transmitter and receiver, although this is
m=1 n=1
not a necessity. This expression is applicable to all (12)
linear imaging algorithms, the difference being in the where H(m)n is the Fourier transform of the signal
choice of coefficients, A, and delays, [1]. received when the mth element is transmitting and
Equation (11) is also valid for a guided-wave the nth element is receiving, and A is now a complex
array if the waves are nondispersive, but is more coefficient that includes phase and amplitude compo-
usefully written in the frequency domain, as this nents. The challenge is the selection of coefficients,
allows for frequency-dependent time delays to be A, to give the best imaging performance. In terms
applied (as phase shifts in the frequency domain) if of characterizing the imaging performance, both the
Guided-wave Array Methods 11

approaches of beam profile and point spread function To improve the situation with an array that is not
(PSF) modeling may be employed [1]. fully populated such as that shown in Figure 7(c),
The most conceptually simple choice of coeffi- it is necessary to choose different coefficients, A,
cients, A, is to select those which make the mode than those suggested by equation (13). The problem
of interest arrive in phase when the array is focused with equation (13) is that the coefficients are chosen
at each point, r, in the image. In this case, simply to maximize the signal due to the desired
mode at each point in the image, r, in turn; what
A r, d(m) , dn , = eik()(|rd(m) |+|rdn |) (13) occurs elsewhere in the image as a consequence of
this is ignored. Conceptually this can be written as
where k() is the wavenumber of the guided-wave
|I (r)|2
mode. This is analogous to the total focusing algo-   max
rithm for bulk wave arrays [20]. The larger the ratio of |A r, d(m) , dn , |2
the overall dimension of the array to the wavelength m,n
of the guided-wave mode, the better the resolution.
PSFs calculated using this approach for the arrays A more sophisticated choice of coefficients must
shown in Figure 7(ac) are shown in Figure 7(df). in some way consider the overall image. One possi-
In all cases, it is assumed that there is one nondis- bility that can be applied to axisymmetric element
persive mode present with the wavelength indicated configurations is to use angular deconvolution [21].
in the figure. This is because the PSF of such an array is angu-
There are two reasons why this approach does larly invariant, hence the angular content of an image
not necessarily give good results in the case of a obtained using equations (12) and (13) is the angular
2D guided-wave array. First, there is the potential convolution of a number of delta functions with the
problem of multiple modes. If the elements are angular PSF of the array. Conventional deconvolution
sensitive to more than one mode, then application of techniques can therefore be applied and this is most
equations (12) and (13) to one mode may cause an easily performed in the Fourier domain. Here, the
unwanted mode to be steered in a different direction. angular Fourier transform of an image obtained using
If this happens, phantom signals appear at incorrect equations (12) and (13) is divided by the angular
positions in the PSF at different radial distances Fourier transform of the PSF and the final image is
(because of the velocity differences between modes) the inverse angular Fourier transform of the result.
and different angular positions. Whether this occurs The deconvolution technique does not allow perfect
depends on both the element configuration and the delta functions to be observed in the final image, as
relative wavenumbers of the guided-wave modes the angular Fourier transform of the PSF from a finite
involved. Example PSFs for the arrays shown in sized array only contains information up to a limited
Figure 7(ac) operating in a bimodal environment number of angular orders. Division of angular spectra
are shown in Figure 7(gi). The second potential beyond this point results in extreme sensitivity to
problem, that occurs even in a unimodal environment noise in the original data and hence some form of
is the appearance of large sidelobes in the PSF over angular order filter must be applied. However, as long
a wide range of angular positions, which can be as the angular spectrum of the PSF from the array
seen to varying degrees in all of Figure 7(df). A does not contain any zeros up to this point, the final
fully populated circular array, Figure 7(b), comes result is a PSF that resembles that which would be
close to providing optimum performance as shown obtained by direct application of equations (12) and
in Figure 7(e). If the array only consists of the (13) to data from a fully populated array of the same
perimeter elements, Figure 7(c), then there is a severe size.
degradation of the PSF as shown in Figure 7(f). The A more general approach that can be applied to any
reason why the design shown in Figure 7(c) is of array configuration is the maximization of contrast
interest is because of the significantly reduced number technique [22]. This seeks to maximize the signal at
of elements compared with a fully populated array of the focal point relative to the total signal elsewhere
the same diameter. in the image and can be written as
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

|I (r)|2 problem for 1D waveguide arrays, described in

 max (15) Section 3.3. Finally, it should be noted that the maxi-
|I (r )|2 dr mization of contrast techniques can, in principle, be
readily extended to dealing with the suppression of
Unfortunately, direct application of this technique unwanted modes. This is performed by extending
leads to an unstable solution, where a small amount the denominator of equation (16) to include the
of random noise in data leads to a major dete- integrations over the images from unwanted mode
rioration in image quality. This is because equa- combinations.
tion (15) implies that the array can be focused at
a single point that cannot be physically achieved
with an array of finite dimensions. This is analo- 4.2 Examples
gous to performing the previously described angular
deconvolution without a filter. An enhancement that 4.2.1 Deployable arrays
improves stability is to perform the following opti-
mization instead: In 2000, Wilcox et al. [17] demonstrated a proto-
 type design for a fully populated 2D array with
16 elements, as shown in Figure 8. The array used
|I (r )|2 dr
5-mm-diameter piezoelectric elements operating in
max (16) the through-thickness mode to excite and detect the
|I (r )|2 dr A0 Lamb wave mode. The array was able to achieve
a signal to coherent noise ratio of more than 30 dB
where r + is a region in the image in the vicinity when deployed on a large 5-mm-thick aluminum plate
of the focusing point. The choice of the size of is and was able to detect the signal scattered from a
made with knowledge of the best resolution that the bonded mass simulating the presence of a localized
array can achieve. Again, the final result is a PSF defect. It was recognized that in many practical situ-
close to that which would be obtained from a fully ations the A0 mode is not a suitable choice because
populated array with the same overall dimensions. of its high attenuation, if the plate is in contact with
If the integrals in equations (15) and (16) are liquid on one or both sides.
instead considered as summations over finite numbers To widen the application scope, the same authors
of angular directions, it can also be shown that subsequently developed a deployable omnidirection
the maximization of contrast technique is the same array using EMAT elements to perform 2D inspection
as the MoorePenrose solution to the generalized using the S0 Lamb wave mode [23]. The EMAT

Edge of plate
2 m


16 piezoelectric Noise Defect

discs: 5-mm
2-mm thick
28 mm

(a) (b) 3m
Figure 8. Example of use of deployable circular array from [17] showing (a) layout of array and (b) example results from
a 2.5 m by 1.25 m by 5-mm-thick aluminum plate with a bonded mass simulating a defect. The gray scale in (b) is from
0 dB (black) to 30 dB (white). [Reproduced from Ref. 17. American Institute of Physics, 2000.]
Guided-wave Array Methods 13

elements have the unique property of acting as omni- 4.2.2 Permanently attached arrays
directional sources and receivers of this mode. They
also have the advantage of being noncontact and Subsequently, Fromme et al. [24] refined the A0
so do not require a couplant. It was shown [5] array concept of [17] to make a compact self-
that the EMAT diameter required to optimize the S0 contained device designed for permanent installa-
sensitivity was considerably more than the maximum tion on offshore structures. The device is shown in
interelement spacing needed in an array to prevent Figure 10(a) and (b) and some example results from
spatial aliasing. As a result, it was necessary to a 5-mm-thick steel plate are shown in Figure 10(c).
overlap adjacent elements, an obstacle that was only The device achieved a superior angular resolution to
surmountable because the EMAT coils could be that described in [17] by first, using 32 rather than 16
printed onto a multilayer printed circuit board. The elements, and second, by arranging these in a ring and
layout of elements is shown in Figure 9(a) and using the angular deconvolution algorithm to suppress
example results in Figure 9(b). sidelobes.

32 receivers
164 mm


Decibel scale
1.8 m
16 transmitters

First layer (bottom)

Second layer
Plate edge
Third layer
30 dB
(a) Fourth layer (top) (b) 2.3 m

Figure 9. Example of deployable array from [23] with EMAT elements showing (a) array layout and (b) example results
from a 6-mm-thick steel plate containing multiple artificial defects. [Reproduced from Ref. 23. IEEE, 2005.]

f5 mm
0.3 m

f10 mm
Array f10 mm
Decibel scale

f10 mm
f18.5 mm
0.7 m


(b) (c) 0.9 m 1.1 m
Figure 10. Prototype circular array from [24] showing (a) array, (b) multiplexing circuitry, and (c) example results from
a 2 m 1 m 5 mm thick steel plate containing a number of artificially introduced defects. [Reproduced from Ref. 24.
IEEE, 2006.]
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

Giurgiutiu et al. [18] have also built permanently Reference should also be made to the work of
attached arrays, this time using so-called piezo Sicard et al. [26] who have exploited array-based
wafer active sensors (PWASs) as the array elements processing techniques with scanned guided-wave
(see Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors). The thin probes to perform defect characterization and Rose
PWAS devices provide shear tractions on the surface et al. [7] who have used comb type transducers for
of the waveguide and are hence particularly sensi- mode selection.
tive to S0 Lamb waves, if bonded to the surface.
Figure 11(a) shows the layout of a simple linear array
of nine PWASs and Figure 11(b) shows example 5 SPARSE DISTRIBUTED ARRAYS
results where a crack was detected within the field For a permanently attached guided-wave system for
of view of the array. Note that the linear array damage detection, it is possible to exploit differences
has no directionality about its centerline, hence the in the response of the structure over the course of
clarity of the image shown relies on the absence of time due to the appearance of damage. This approach
any reflectors behind the array. Diamanti et al. [19] is referred to as reference signal comparison. In the
have also published results from a linear array, this context of reference signal comparison, the compact
time using the A0 mode at low frequency (20 kHz) arrays described previously are not necessarily the
in a composite plate to detect impact damage in a best solution, since the ability to detect damage by
composite plate. In this case, the array was mounted spatially resolving it from structural features is no
close to an edge of the plate, hence eliminating the longer required. Instead, the array needs only to
problem of backward propagating waves. be able to locate the signal from a single scatterer
The previous examples have all considered the (the damage). The assumption of only one damage
plates as isotropic. In principle, many of the concepts location occurring at any one time is a perfectly
can be applied to highly anisotropic composite plates, valid starting point in most practical situations where
but these introduce some additional complexity. First, the occurrence of any damage is a fundamentally
the choice of guided-wave mode in composites infrequent event.
becomes more critical, as the attenuation of certain
modes at certain frequencies can be prohibitively
high. Secondly, the anisotropic material properties 5.1 Localization
mean that guided-wave propagation is different in
different directions. Rajagopalan et al. [25] have If it is assumed a priori that there is only one scatterer
attempted to solve this problem through the adap- present then localization is a trivial problem that can
tation of the basic imaging equation to account for be achieved with as few as three sensing elements, by
directionally dependent wavenumbers. direct application of equations (12) and (13). The data



7 mm
7 mm

9 mm
0.6 0 0.6
(a) (b)
Figure 11. Permanently attached linear array using piezo wafer active sensors (PWASs) from [18] showing (a) array,
(b) example results obtained on a 1-mm-thick aluminum plate containing a 19-mm-long machined crack. [Reproduced from
Ref. 18. Sage Publications, 2005.]
Guided-wave Array Methods 15

from a pair of sensors in the array produces an ellipse robustly performing the comparison itself, whether
in the image with the sensors at the foci [27]. The this is performed by simple subtraction or by more
intersection point of the ellipses from three or more complicated methods. The problem is that the refer-
pairs of sensors (i.e., at least three separate sensors ence signal is likely to contain multiple large signals
acting in pitchcatch mode) defines the damage due to reflections from structural features, while the
location. This is illustrated with simulated data in size of potential signals scattered from damage is
Figure 12(a). Note that the success of the approach is much smaller. Whatever method of comparison is
predicated on there being only one scatterer present, used, the signals from structural features must be
hence its use in conjunction with reference signal suppressed by a significant amount, the remnants of
comparison. If there are multiple scatterers present, these signals constituting the noise of the system
then the image rapidly becomes too complex to [28]. If the noise is greater than the size of signals
interpret, as shown in the example in Figure 12(b) from damage, then the damage cannot be reliably
where reflections from eight additional structural
detected. The following simple calculation gives an
features as well as the direct transmission between
idea of the numbers involved and the degree of noise
transducer pairs have been added. The reflectors
suppression necessary. A straight edge of a struc-
represent the edge and corner reflections from a
ture is the largest reflector likely to be encountered
rectangular plate.
in practice, and has a 100% reflection coefficient
for normally incident S0 and A0 guided waves. If
5.2 Reference signal comparison a pointlike transducer emits a guided wave, then in
the absence of material losses, the amplitude of the
The far bigger challenge for any permanently installed wave decreases in proportion to the square root of
system that relies on reference signal comparison is the propagation distance. The amplitude, Arefl , of

Sensor Sensor

Defect Defect
location location

x x

Edge of plate

40 34 40 0
(a) dB scale (b) dB scale
Figure 12. Localization using pitchcatch data from a sparse distributed array of three sensors in (a) the presence of a
single scatterer and (b) multiple scatterers from the structural features indicated.
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

a received signal reflected back from an edge of structural features. Unfortunately, the signals from
the structure at a distance d from the transducer is structural features do not remain precisely the same
therefore due to environmental changes such as temperature,
Arefl = (17) which perturb the velocity of guided waves.
2d For signal comparison based on subtraction, it
is straightforward to show that, if the temperature
where A is the amplitude of the outgoing wave changes, the fraction of a signal from a struc-
at unit distance. The fact that these signals decay tural feature remaining after subtraction increases
with root distance dependence is very important. A in proportion to the propagation distance, d. This,
signal reflected from damage will undergo secondary combined with equations (17) and (18), means that
scattering and the received amplitude, Adamage , will the overall signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) decreases with
be of the form: d 3/2 . Without performing some sort of temperature
AR compensation, it can be shown [28] that the inter-
Adamage = (18) sensor spacing needed to reliably monitor a structure
is very small indeed. As a consequence of the d 3/2
where R is the backscattering reflection coefficient of signal to noise dependence, it can further be shown
the damage. Although at this stage R is not known, it that each 15 dB improvement in the SNR corre-
is already clear from equations (17) and (18) that the sponds to an order of magnitude reduction in the
anticipated signal amplitude as a function of distance number of sensors required to monitor a given area
from a particular type of damage decreases at a faster of the structure. Hence, any improvement in the SNR
rate than that from large structural features. In other is very valuable. Croxford et al. [29] demonstrated
words, the ratio of signals from damage to signals two candidate temperature compensation techniques
from features is expected to decrease with d 1/2 . that both gave SNR improvements of around 30 dB
This in itself would not be a problem if the compar- under varying temperature conditions, as shown in
ison process perfectly suppressed all signals due to Figure 13. One technique was inspired by the work

Direct RF subtraction

unoise /u0 (dB)

Optimal stretch

Optimal baseline subtraction


20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (h)
Figure 13. Measurement of remnant signal (unoise ) amplitude after performing reference signal comparison by subtraction
under cyclic temperature variations of 10 C. The reductions in noise level obtained by the application of two candidate
compensation techniques (optimal stretch and optimal reference subtraction) are also shown. [Reproduced with permission
from Ref. 29. SPIE, 2007.]
Guided-wave Array Methods 17

of Lu and Michaels [30], where the best matched is used to detect changes between reference and
reference signal from an ensemble of signals recorded subsequent signals and uses this information to
at different ambient temperatures was selected. The produce a map of potential damage locations in a
second is based on the optimization of a simple math- structure. As the sensor pitch is around 100 mm, the
ematical dilation operation applied to the reference number of sensors required to instrument the whole
signal that mimics the effect of the change in guided- of a large structure is very large and the system is
wave velocity due to temperature variations. presumably designed for damage detection in known
hot-spot regions. A picture of the transducer layer
is shown in Figure 14. The advantage of a small
5.3 Examples sensor pitch is, for the reasons described previously,
a combination of increased sensitivity to damage
Acellent Technologies Inc. [31] manufacture one of
(since the damage will necessarily be nearer to
the few commercially available guided-wave SHM
systems (see Stanford MultiactuatorReceiver a sensor) and reduced sensitivity to temperature.
Transduction (SMART) Layer Technology and Its Demonstration results have been obtained on a variety
Applications). Their product utilizes a distributed of components, including metals [32] and composites
array of piezoelectric devices (the SMART layer) [33], but routine deployment in industrial situations
in a grid pattern mounted on a flexible sheet that has not yet occurred.
can be either embedded or mounted to the surface Konstantinidis et al. [27] and Lu and Michaels [30]
of a component. Guided-wave signals are transmitted both attempt to use widely spaced arrays of sensors
between pairs of transducers. Proprietary software for damage detection, although the subsequent

Piezoelectric Connection Dielectric

transducer wire film

Figure 14. Picture of the Acellent SMART layer device. [Reproduced from Ref. 27. Institute of Physics Publishing,

1.2 30 dB

Decibel relative to
edge reflection

Signal from

0 40 dB
0 1.5
Figure 15. Results obtained by Konstantinidis et al. [27] on a 1.5 m 1.25 m 3 mm thick aluminum plate using an
array of three piezoelectric transducers and optimal reference subtraction. [Reproduced from Ref. 32. Institute of Physics
Publishing, 2006.]
18 Physical Monitoring Principles

processing methodology is different. The former of using an array is to enable signals from defects
simply use the earlier part of the timedomain signal to be resolved from signals due to benign features.
recorded from different sensor pairs and effectively This resolution is generally achieved spatially, but
isolate the signal directly scattered from a defect. can also be achieved by separating different types of
Lu and Michaels use information in the diffuse field interaction with guided waves, using the information
that occurs over a much longer time period. Both in multiple modes. However, even with state-of-the-
groups of workers use reference signal comparison art spatial resolution, long-range guided-wave NDE is
to identify changes in the structural response, with fundamentally limited to structures with low feature
Konstantinidis et al. opting for a direct subtraction density such as pipes. For this reason, widespread use
and Lu and Michaels using an integrated root mean of guided-wave NDE devices for complex structures,
square approach. The reference signal comparison such as aircraft fuselages, is unlikely to ever occur,
methods are both sensitive to temperature fluctuations as interpretation of signals is too difficult.
and similar temperature compensation schemes based Demonstrator SHM systems operating on the same
on ensembles of reference signals are used. Example principles as the NDE devices have been built, but
results obtained by Konstantinidis et al. are shown in there has been little or no commercial take up to date.
Figure 15. The reason for this is that such systems remain limited
It is appropriate to mention the use fiber Bragg to geometrically simple structures with low feature
gratings (FBGs) as detectors of guided-wave signals. density, and the cost and complexity of such systems
The advantage is the relative ease with which a is prohibitively high for most suitable applications.
distributed network of such sensors can be embedded However, within the SHM paradigm of a permanently
in a composite structure. The principle is that installed system, the obstacle of structural complexity
multiple FBGs can be etched onto the same fiber may be surmountable in the future. This is because
and interrogated separately either using temporal or comparison with reference signals can be performed,
(optical) wavenumber multiplexing. Betz et al. [34, that, in principle, enables signals due to structural
35] have studied the sensitivity of such sensors to features to be eliminated. If this can be achieved,
Lamb waves, and the sensors appear to be ideal for the requirements for array processing become trivial,
use as a distributed array of guided-wave receivers. since the a priori assumption that there is only one
It should be stressed that FBGs do not overcome any scatterer present (the defect) can be made.
of the other difficulties associated with distributed Unfortunately, the suppression of signals from
guided-wave arrays, and still require a different structural features using a reference signal is a very
device, such as a piezoelectric one to act as a trans- difficult problem, because of environmental fluctu-
mitter. The latter point is a rather major limitation, ations. Even temperature changes of a few degrees
since if the transmitters in an array still need to be have been shown to cause changes in signals that
piezoelectric elements, the advantage of using FBG are much larger than those due to defects. Robustly
receivers is somewhat reduced. discriminating between environmental changes and
signals from defects is one of the grand challenges
for guided-wave SHM that must be surmounted
6 CONCLUSIONS before such systems can be used commercially.
Recently, quantitative experiments and modeling are
The physical principles of array operation and providing a better understanding of environmental
processing have been reviewed with specific effects and initial concepts for temperature compen-
reference to the use of guided-wave arrays for NDE sation schemes appear promising.
and SHM applications. The reason for using arrays
in these applications is to improve the detection,
localization, and characterization of defects. In all END NOTES
cases, the factor that ultimately limits detectability is
coherent noise because of interaction between guided Directional selectivity by mode shape is theoret-
waves and benign features in the structure. In the case ically possible from a single point if the relative
of deployable arrays for NDE, the primary purpose phase of displacements in different directions can
Guided-wave Array Methods 19

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bottom surfaces of a plate can be used to a limited [11] Wilcox PD, Evans MJ, Pavlakovic BN, Alleyne DN,
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Chapter 18
Piezoelectric Impedance Methods for
Damage Detection and Sensor Validation
Gyuhae Park and Charles R. Farrar
Engineering Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA

This characteristic makes PZT devices ideal for use

1 Introduction 1 in structural health monitoring (SHM) for systems
2 Principle of Impedance Method 2 that do not contain natural excitation forces or for
diagnostic algorithms that require a known, well-
3 Signal Processing of Impedance
controlled excitation. An SHM technique, which
Method 3
utilizes the benefits of PZT materials and shows great
4 Experimental Studies 4 promise for SHM systems, is the impedance-based
5 Sensor Self-Diagnostics and Validation health monitoring method.
Using Impedance Measurements 6 The basic principle of the impedance method
6 Summary 12 is to use high-frequency vibrations to monitor a
References 12 local area of a structure for changes in mechanical
impedance that would indicate damage or immi-
nent damage. This concept is implemented using
PZT sensors/actuators whose electrical impedance is
1 INTRODUCTION directly related to the mechanical impedance of the
structure. The impedance measurements are corre-
Piezoelectric (PZT) materials produce an electric lated with changes in mechanical parameters, such
charge when mechanically stressed and a strain when as resonant frequencies or damping, which enables
an electric field is applied across them. This elec- damage to be detected and located. The impedance
tromechanical coupling property is extremely useful method also has applications in the field of sensor
because it can be used to develop a transducer self-diagnostics in determining the operational status
that serves both as a sensor and an actuator. An of PZT active sensors used in SHM.
important characteristic of PZT materials is that they This chapter provides a brief overview on research
provide an unobtrusive, integrated, and distributed work on the impedance method. The first part of this
way to add actuation and sensing to a structure. section deals with theoretical background and exper-
imental investigations of impedance-based SHM. A
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by sensor diagnostics and validation process based on
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 impedance measurements that performs in situ moni-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. toring of the operational status of PZT active sensors
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

in SHM applications is then presented. This section to its mechanical impedance, and these changes
also includes an investigation into the effects of the will be observed through changes in the electrical
sensor/structure bonding defects on high-frequency impedance of the PZT materials. In order to ensure
SHM techniques, including Lamb wave propaga- high sensitivity of the electrical impedance to small
tion and impedance methods. It has been found that defects in a structure, the impedance measurements
the effects are remarkable, modifying the phase and are usually made at higher frequency ranges, typically
amplitude of propagated waves and changing the greater than 30 kHz. At such high-frequency ranges,
measured impedance spectrum, which could lead to the dynamic response of the host structure is gener-
false indications of structural conditions. ally concentrated in a local area near the PZT device.
PZT patches require very low level voltages, typically
less than 1 V, to exert high-frequency excitations on
2 PRINCIPLE OF IMPEDANCE the host structure.
An electromechanical model, which quantitatively
METHOD describes the impedance measurement process, is
The application of impedance measurements to SHM presented in Figure 1. Assuming that an axial PZT
has its theoretical development first proposed by actuator is attached to one end of a single degree-of-
Liang et al. [1] and substantially developed by freedom mass-spring system, whereas the other end
Chaudhry et al. [2, 3], Sun et al. [4], Park et al. is fixed, Liang et al. [1] showed that the electrical
admittance Y (), which is the inverse of the elec-
[59], Peairs et al. [10], Giurgiutiu et al. [1113],
trical impedance, of the PZT actuator is a combined
Giurgiutiu and Zagrai [14, 15], Soh et al. [16],
function of the mechanical impedance of the PZT
Bhalla and Soh [1720], Park et al. [2123] and
actuator Za () and that of the host structure Z():
their coworkers. The reader is referred to (see
Electromechanical Impedance Modeling) of the 
wl Za ()
Encyclopedia for more details on the underlying Y () = i 33 T d31 2 YpE +
tc Za () + Zs ()
theory. This chapter provides an overview of the  
experimental implementation of impedance-based tan kl
d31 2 YpE (1)
damage detection. kl
When measurements from a damaged structure
are compared with baseline measurements from the where V is the input voltage, and I is the output
undamaged structure, the damaged structure will current from the PZT transducer. a, d3x , Yxx E , and
exhibit changes in its stiffness and damping character- 33 are the geometry constant, PZT coupling constant,
istics that affect the mechanical impedance. Because Youngs modulus, and complex dielectric constant of
direct measurements of the mechanical impedance of the PZT transducer, respectively. The wavenumber of
a structure are difficult to obtain, the electromechan- the PZT patch, k, is defined as
ical coupling effect of PZT materials is utilized to 

estimate this impedance in the impedance method. k= (2)
Any damage to a host structure will result in changes YpE

Coupled electromechanical
admittance Y = Re(Y ) + j Im(Y )
I = i sin(wt + f)

V = v sin(wt ) PZT M

Figure 1. Single degree-of-freedom model used to represent a PZT-driven dynamic structural system.
Piezoelectric Impedance in Damage Detection and Sensor Validation 3

where is the mass density of the PZT material. The much larger than those of local ultrasonic or eddy
term tanklkl is close to 1 when the frequency range current sensors, which are usually moved to scan
of excitation is much smaller than the first resonant over certain areas to detect damage in a structure.
frequency of the PZT patch. Detailed comparisons between the impedance method
Because all parameters except Zs , the mechanical and other NDE approaches can be found in the liter-
impedance of the host structure, are properties of the ature [6, 9, 13].
PZT material, only the mechanical impedance of a
structure uniquely defines the electrical impedance
of the PZT transducer. As a result, the electrical 3 SIGNAL PROCESSING OF
impedance signature of the PZT transducer is affected
by changes in the mechanical impedance of the
host structure. Therefore, by monitoring the elec- Although the impedance response plots provide a
trical impedance and comparing this impedance to qualitative approach for damage identification, the
a baseline impedance measurement, one can deter- quantitative assessment of damage is traditionally
mine when structural damage has either occurred made using a scalar damage metric. In [4], a
or is imminent. The variation in the PZT electrical simple statistical algorithm is used that is based on
impedance over a range of frequencies is analogous frequency-by-frequency comparisons, referred to as
to that of the frequency response functions of a struc- the root mean square deviation (RMSD),
ture, which contains vital information regarding the

health of the structure. Bhalla and Soh [18] extended n  

  Re Zi,1 Re Zi,2 2
the 1D impedance model, which is expressed in equa- M= 

2 (3)
tion (1), to the 2D governing equation for the PZT i=1 Re Zi,1
electrical impedance.
The impedance method tracks changes in the where M represents the damage metric, Zi,1 is the
mechanical properties of structures as in global impedance of the PZT measured in a healthy struc-
vibration-based methods. However, impedance mea- tural condition, and Zi,2 is the impedance in a new
surements are made at much higher frequencies than structural condition for comparison with the baseline
those used in global vibration-based methods, which measurement in frequency interval i. In a RMSD
are described in (see Free and Forced Vibration damage metric chart, larger numerical values of
Models and ModalVibration-based Damage Iden- the metric correspond to larger differences between
tification) leading to greater sensitivity to localized the baseline reading and the comparison reading
damage. Ultrasonic methods, acoustic emission, eddy indicating the presence of damage in a structure.
current, or any other high-frequency testing method Another scalar damage metric, referred to as the
can provide detailed information regarding anomalies cross-correlation metric, can be used to interpret
in some structures, but these methods usually require and quantify the information from different data sets.
complex instrumentation and expertise to interpret the The correlation coefficient between two data sets
measured data. Most of these methods must also be determines the relationship between two impedance
applied when structures are out of service, or can signatures, and provides an aesthetic metric chart. In
be applied only at certain time intervals, which may most cases, the results with the correlating metric
not be suitable for autonomous on-line SHM. The are consistent with those of RMSD, in which the
sensitivity of the impedance method to minor defects metric values increase when there is an increase in
is comparable to that of ultrasonic methods, but the the severity of damage.
method does not require experienced technicians to Temperature changes, among all other ambient
discern the details. With the development of low-cost conditions, significantly affect the electric impedance
impedance measuring circuits, the cost required for signatures. Some PZT material parameters, such as
impedance hardware and sensors/actuators is also the dielectric and strain constants are strongly depen-
less than the cost for equipment needed to imple- dent on temperature. Generally speaking, an increase
ment other non-destructive evaluation (NDE) tech- in temperature causes a decrease in the magnitude
niques. The sensing regions of impedance sensors are of electric impedance, and leftward shifting of the
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

real part of the electric impedances. The RMSD space truss [4], an aircraft structure [2], complex
and cross-correlation based damage metrics do not precision parts [31], temperature varying applica-
account for these variations. Park et al. [5] used a tions [5], spot-welded structural joints [11], civil
modified RMSD metric, which compensates for hori- structural components [6], concrete structures [17],
zontal and vertical shifts of the impedance in order a reinforced concrete bridge [16], composite rein-
to minimize the impedance signature drifts caused by forced polymers [32], civil pipelines [8], prestress
the temperature or other normal variations. monitoring [33], and corrosion detection [34, 35].
Lopes et al. [24] incorporated neural network A complete review summarizing experimental results
features with the impedance method for somewhat using the impedance method can be found in [9].
quantitative damage analysis. The authors proposed Only a few case studies are described here in order
a two-step damage identification scheme. In the to illustrate how the impedance method can be used
first step, the impedance-based method detects and to monitor the conditions of structures.
locates structural damage and provides an indica- A built-in pipeline structure has been investi-
tion of damage in a green/red light form with the gated by Park et al. [8], as shown in Figure 2. The
use of the modified RMSD. When damage is iden- objective of this investigation was to utilize the
tified, the neural networks, which are trained for impedance method for identifying structural damage
specific damage levels, are then used to estimate in areas where rapid condition monitoring is urgently
the severity of damage. Zagrai and Giurgiutiu [25] needed, such as in a postearthquake analysis. One
investigated several statistics-based damage metrics, PZT sensor/actuator (15 mm 15 mm 0.2 mm) is
including RMSD, mean absolute percentage deviation bonded on each joint to monitor the conditions of
(MAPD), covariance change, and correlation coeffi- this structure. The impedance measurements of a
cient deviation. It was found that the third power of PZT transducer at the joint with three levels of local
the correlation coefficient deviation, (1 R 2 )3 , was damage are shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that,
the most successful damage indicator, which tends with increasing the level of damage, the impedance
to linearly decrease as the location of a crack in a signature shows a relatively large change in shape
thin plate moves further away from the sensor. Tseng and is clearly indicative of imminent damage. For
and Naidu [26] also investigated the performance of the first level of damage (loosening two bolts), only
RMSD, MAPD, covariance and correlation coeffi- a small variation along the original signal (curve
cients as indicators of damage. The RMSD and the for undamaged condition) was observed. When four
MAPD were found to be suitable for characterizing bolts have been loosened, the impedance showed
the growth and the location of damage, whereas the more pronounced variations as compared to previous
covariance and the correlation coefficient were effi- readings, and finally, when eight bolts have been
cient in quantifying the increase in damage size at a loosened, it showed a distinct change in the signa-
fixed location. ture pattern, i.e., new peaks and valleys appear
A debonding detection method for composite in the entire frequency range. This change occurs
patches was proposed based on the coupled use of because the damage modifies the apparent stiffness
the impedance method and hybrid genetic algorithms and damping of the joint, which results in changes in
[27]. The impedance methods were also used with an electric impedance of the PZT transducer.
outlier detection framework [28], principle compo- Giurgiutiu et al. [11] presented health monitoring
nent analysis [29], and frequency-domain autoregres- results of spot-welded structural joints. The impe-
sive model for nonlinear feature identification in a dance signature was recorded up to 1100 kHz. The
structure [30] for improved damage identification initiation and propagation of damage were success-
performance. fully correlated with the impedance measurements.
In addition, through the use of multisite impedance
measurements, the sensitivity to minor cracks, local-
4 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ization of damage, and rejection properties to far-field
changes have been observed.
Impedance-based SHM has been successfully imple- Monitoring of a massive built-in bridge structure
mented on several complex structures; a four bay using impedance sensors are shown in Figure 3. The
Piezoelectric Impedance in Damage Detection and Sensor Validation 5

Two bolts loosened

Impedance (V/A)


81.5 84 86.5 89 91.5 94 96.5
Frequency (kHz)

13 13
Undamaged Undamaged
12 12
Four bolts loosened Eight bolts loosened
Impedance (V/A)
Impedance (V/A)

11 11

10 10

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6
81.5 84 86.5 89 91.5 94 96.5 81.5 84 86.5 89 91.5 94 96.5
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 2. Pipeline experimental results. The impedance variation became more pronounced as the extent of damage

Damage 3
70 Damage 1
60 Damage 2
Damage 3
Damage metric

Damage 2 PZT 1
Damage 1
Figure 3. A 1/4 scale steel bridge section. The damage metric shows the localized effect of the impedance method.

bridge model consists of steel angles, channels, plates, addition of a mass, and application of low-frequency
and joints connected by over 200 bolts. The struc- vibrations. As can be seen in the damage metric
ture was 1.8-m tall and it weighed over 250 kg. values of Figure 3, these conditions resulted in
Some environmental condition changes were imposed relatively small variations and would be considered as
on this structure including changes in temperature, minor changes. The first 14 variations are those from
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

the change in environmental conditions. Damage minor defects in a structure and not affected by
was simulated by loosening connection bolts at the any far-field changes. Recognizing that damage is a
selected locations, as shown in the figure. Damage 1 local phenomenon and that one often knows where to
is believed to be well out of sensing range of both expect damage (either from previous testing or from
PZT 1 and PZT 2. Hence, only a small increase in geometry, such as joints), the impedance method is
damage metric is shown for both PZT transducers. ideal for tracking and on-line monitoring of critical
Damage 2 is located close to the PZT 2 and Damage 3 sections in various structures.
is within sensing region of the PZT 1. Hence the
increase in damage metric values are the highest for
both PZTs. Note that the effect of loosening a single 5 SENSOR SELF-DIAGNOSTICS
bolt on the entire structure is minor, and thus damage AND VALIDATION USING
can be detected in its early stage [6].
Yang et al. [36] investigated the use of PZT
impedance sensors with fiber-optic sensors for One critical aspect of PZT active-sensing technolo-
damage assessment and load history monitoring of gies is that large numbers of distributed sensors and
underground structures, including rock samples. A actuators are usually needed to monitor the condition
fuzzy probabilistic damage model was proposed of a structure. In addition, the structures in question
to quantify damage in rock based on the signal are usually subjected to various external loading and
captured by piezo-impedance transducers. Soh and environmental condition changes that may adversely
Balla [37] also investigated the possibility of moni- affect the functionality of SHM sensors and actua-
toring concrete strength gain during its curing pro- tors. The PZT active sensor diagnostic and validation
cess. The stiffness of the concrete was well correlated process, where the sensors/actuators are confirmed
with variations in impedance peaks, where the peaks to be operational, is therefore a critical component
shifted rightward and became sharper progressively to successfully implement SHM. Because piezoce-
with time, suggesting that the stiffness was increasing. ramic materials are brittle, sensor fracture and subse-
The integration of impedance methods with wave quent degradation of mechanical/electrical properties
propagation-based SHM techniques was also inves- are the most common types of sensor/actuator fail-
tigated by many researchers [12, 13, 3840]. Most ures. In addition, the integrity of bonds between a
of the wave propagation approaches utilize the PZT patch and the host structure must be maintained
sensing and actuation capability of the PZT patches, and monitored throughout their service lives because
which can be nicely integrated with the impedance degradation in bonds modifies the strain and stress
method. In addition, the waves usually travel long transfer mechanism.
distances and cover a relatively large area, which For PZT sensors, Saint-Pierre et al. [41], Pacou
complement the strengths of impedance-based health et al. [42], and Giurgiutiu et al. [15] proposed a
monitoring. Some studies include damage detection debonding identification algorithm by monitoring the
in the near-field with impedance methods and in resonance of a PZT sensor based on the electrical
the far-field using wave propagation [12, 13], while impedances. As the debonding area between the PZT
others utilize different sensitivities to different types wafer and the host increased, the shape of the reso-
of damage [39]. For instance, in pipeline monitoring, nance of the PZT wafer became sharper and more
the impedance methods are used to detect structural distinctive, and the magnitudes of the host resonances
damage occurring at pipeline connection joints, while decreased. This method requires a high-frequency
the Lamb wave propagation measurements identify data-acquisition system because even the first reso-
cracks and corrosion along the surface and through nance of PZT wafers in SHM applications usually
the wall thickness of the pipeline structure [40]. lies in the range of hundreds of kilohertz. In addition,
As described in this chapter, the impedance-based this method is not able to account for sensor fracture,
health monitoring technique has been successfully which may simultaneously occur with debonding,
applied to various structures ranging from aerospace as the sensor breakage would apparently generate
to civil structures. Because of the high frequen- changes in the resonances of a PZT sensor. Bhalla
cies employed, the method is very sensitive to and Soh [18] investigated the effect of shear-lag loss
Piezoelectric Impedance in Damage Detection and Sensor Validation 7

on electromechanical impedance measurements. They I wl T

Yfree () = = i 33 (1 i) (4)
found that the bond layer can significantly modify V tc
the measured admittance signatures, and suggested
the use of adhesives with high-shear modulus, the where w, l, tc is the width, length, and thickness of a
smallest practicable bond thickness, and small-sized PZT transducer, respectively, and is the dielectric
PZT transducers in order to minimize the influence loss tangent of the PZT wafer. When a PZT patch
of the bond layer. They also suggested that the is surface bonded to a structure, it was shown in
imaginary part of the electrical admittance of PZT equation (1) that the electrical admittance of the PZT
transducers may play a meaningful role in detecting transducer is a combined function of the mechanical
deterioration of the bond layer. However, by concen- impedance of the host structure and that of the PZT
trating on the effects of bond layers on the elec- wafer.
tromechanical impedance spectrums only, the metrics The sensor diagnostic process is based on equa-
that can be used for bond quality assessment was not tions (1) and (4). The electrical admittance is clearly
clearly identified, and the ability to discriminate bond a function of its geometry constants (w, l, tc ), mec-
failures from structural damage was not thoroughly hanical properties (YpE ), and electrical properties
investigated. (33 T, d31 , ) of the PZT transducer. It is also obvious
In general, a completely broken PZT active sensor from the equations that the changes in these prop-
can be easily identified if a sensor does not produce erties are manifested more distinctly in the imagi-
any meaningful output or an actuator does not nary part of the electrical admittance. Therefore, the
reasonably respond to applied signals. However, breakage of the sensor and the degradation of the
if only a small fracture or debonding occurs, the sensors quality can be identified by monitoring
sensors/actuators are still able to perform adequately the imaginary part of the electrical admittance. The
(with distorted signals after the sensor fracture), breakage/degradation of the sensor quality would
potentially leading to false indications of the struc- cause a downward shift in the slope of the admit-
tural condition. In order to fully implement current tance (i.e., decrease in the capacitive value) because
active-sensing systems into SHM practice beyond the the effective size of the sensor would decrease
proof-of-concept demonstration, an efficient sensor with breakage and the values of dielectric constants
self-diagnostic procedure should be adopted in the and PZT coupling constants would decrease with
SHM process. increasing degradation.
Another significant observation that can be made
from equations (1) and (4) is that one can identify
the effect of the bonding layer on the measured
5.1 Sensor diagnostics and validation electrical admittance. The effect of the bonding layer
process obtained by assuming the mechanical impedance of
a structure is much larger than that of the PZT
The premise of the sensor self-diagnostic process transducer in equation (1), which makes the last
is to track changes in the capacitive value of PZT term in equation (1) close to zero. The result is as
materials, which is manifested in the imaginary part follows:
of the measured electrical admittances of the PZT
wl T

material. It has been found that the degradation of Yb () = i 33 (1 i) d31 2 YpE

the mechanical/electrical properties of the PZT sensor tc
and its attachment to the external structure produces wl 2 E

measurable and distinct changes in the capacitance of = Yfree () i d Y (5)

tc 31 p
PZT materials [4345]. This section briefly describes
the sensor diagnostic procedure. It is clear from equations (4) and (5) that the elec-
The electrical admittance of a PZT transducer, trical admittance of the same PZT patch is different
which is defined as the ratio of the energizing voltage if it is under a freefree or surface-bonded (or
to the resulting current, under a freefree boundary commonly referred to as blocked ) condition. The
condition is given in the following relation, blocked condition would cause a downward shift in
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

the slope of the electrical admittance (decrease in value of the PZT material, was changed from 29.1
the capacitive value) of a free PZT with the factor to 18 nF resulting in a 38% reduction. Therefore,
of wl d 2 Y E . The assumptions that led this result
tc 31 p
the sensor functionality including sensor breakage
are usually valid, especially at lower frequencies and the degradation of the bonding condition can
(<20 kHz), because the mechanical impedance of be assessed by monitoring the imaginary part of
the structure is usually several orders of magnitude the admittances (capacitance) of the PZT mate-
greater than that of a PZT transducer. Even though rials. Figure 4 also graphically describes the effects
this derivation does not explicitly consider the param- of sensor failures, both the sensor fracture and
eters of bonding materials (such as thickness or shear the bonding defects, on the measured electrical
modulus), it is obvious from equation (5) that the admittance.
use of a PZT transducer with lower YpE and smaller
dimensions, such as a small PVDF patch, will reduce
the effect of the bonding layer on the measured 5.2 Operational status validation of
admittance, which is consistent with the shear-lag sensing network and the effects of
analysis available in the literature [18, 46]. The bonding defects on Lamb wave
importance of equation (5) is that the bonding layer propagations
also contributes to the overall admittance (capaci-
tance) of PZT patches bonded to a structure. A series of experimental results are presented to
Figure 4 illustrates the measured admittance of demonstrate the performance of the sensor diag-
free and surface-bonded PZT patches. The 5A PZT nostics and validation process. This sensor diag-
materials with dimensions of 20 mm 20 mm nostic process is applied to confirm the operational
0.25 mm are used. The admittances of three free PZT status of a PZT sensing network right after the
patches were measured in the frequency range of installation on an aluminum plate and a bolted
4020 000 Hz using an Agilent 4294A impedance washer. The effects of faulty sensors, in particular
analyzer. These PZT patches were then surface- the bonding defects, on Lamb wave propagations and
mounted to a thick aluminum beam and plate using electromechanical impedance measurements are also
superglue. The admittance measurements were then presented.
repeated. For SHM approaches based on the use of Lamb
As can be seen in Figure 4, the downward shifting wave propagation, a single sensor failure creates
effect of the bonding layer is remarkable. The major problems including failure of signal processing
slope of the imaginary part, which is the capacitive algorithms, or at a minimum, the lack of inspec-
tion in a large area of a structure. Sensors can fail
103 owing to extreme operational condition, such as an
6 impact by foreign objects. However, the sensor failure
can also occur due to improper installation of the
5 sensors, including imperfect bonding or accidental
Bonding sensor breakage during handling. The sensor diag-
4 defects
Imaginary part

Free PZTs nostic process described in the previous section can

be efficiently used to determine the operational status
of the sensing network immediately after the instal-
lation, as shown in the following example.
The test structure shown in Figure 5 is an alumi-
Surface-bonded PZTs num plate (1200 mm 1200 mm 2 mm). Nine cir-
cular PZT patches are mounted using superglue on
Fracture, degradation in sensor quality
one surface with a 3 3 array with equal distances
0 5 10 15 20 in all directions. The locations and the numbering
Frequency (kHz) schemes of these actuators/sensors are also shown
Figure 4. Electrical admittance measurement from PZT in Figure 5. The circular PZT patch is 5.5 mm
patches under free and surface-bonded conditions. in diameter with 0.2-mm thickness. Admittance
Piezoelectric Impedance in Damage Detection and Sensor Validation 9

30 cm 30 cm 30 cm 30 cm

30 cm
1 2 3
1 2 3

30 cm
4 5 6 4 5 6

30 cm

7 8 9 7 8 9

30 cm

Figure 5. An aluminum plate with PZT transducers attached.

104 104

2 2
Admittance (imaginary, )

Admittance (imaginary, )



1 1

Freefree PZT 5 Freefree PZT 5


0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(a) Frequency (Hz) 104 (b) Frequency (Hz) 104
Figure 6. Admittance measurements (imaginary part) from PZT transducers. (a) PZT patches under freefree and healthy
conditions and (b) PZT patches under healthy and faulty conditions.

measurements in the frequency range of 120 kHz described, the small or almost no change in the slope
were made at each PZT patch before and after could be an indication of imperfect bonding condi-
the installation using an Agilent 4294A impedance tion. Therefore, these two sensors are classified as
analyzer. faulty by the sensor diagnostic method. This poor
The admittance measurements of PZT transducers bonding will be problematic because the condition
before and after the installation are shown in can be easily degraded during the operation.
Figure 6(a). For most PZT patches, the downward The effect of bonding defects on the Lamb wave
shifting effect caused by bonding is evident. The propagation was also investigated. First, the wave
slope of the imaginary part, analogous to the capac- propagation (at 100 kHz) in the paths consisting
itive value of the PZT wafer, results in a 4.5% of sensors with the good bonding condition were
reduction. However, for PZT 1, virtually no change measured (between PZT 2 and 3, PZT 3 and 5, PZT 4
in the slope of the imaginary part of admittance was and 8, and PZT 5 and 9) and are plotted in Figure 7.
observed as shown in Figure 6(b). Further, for PZT 6, Because the paths are of equal distance and traverse
only a 2% change in the slope was observed. As the same materials, the propagated waves show the
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

2 4
0.1 48
1 2 3

4 5 6


7 8 9 0.1

1 2 3
Time 104
Figure 7. Lamb wave propagations between healthy sensors.

0.1 35
1 2 3 59
0.05 15

4 5 6


7 8 9 0.1

1 2 3
Time 104
Figure 8. Lamb wave propagations between healthy sensors and faulty sensors.

same characteristics. The arrival times of the first example, the sensor diagnostic method can be used to
So and Ao mode are evident and they also exhibit monitor the operational status of the PZT transducers
similar magnitudes. Figure 8 shows the overlap of immediately after their installation. Furthermore, the
propagating waves in the path between PZT 1 and 5. degradation of bonding conditions over the service
PZT 1 was identified as a faulty sensor by the sensor life of the PZT sensors could also be identified by
diagnostic process. There is a remarkable change in tracking changes in the admittance measurements.
the measured response. There is a clear change in
the magnitude, and further, the arrival time changes
significantly. It should be noted that the effects of 5.3 Bonding condition assessment and
bonding defects are very similar to those caused by effects of bonding defects on
structural damage. If signal processing methods based electromechanical impedance
on the wave attenuation or time of flight are used measurements
and the bonding defect occurs during operation, these
changes can be mistakenly considered as structural In lower vibration frequency ranges, several studies
damage, which points to the importance of sensor [47, 48] have shown that the bonding layer plays a
diagnostics in real-world operation. As shown in this critical role in determining the measured dynamics,
Piezoelectric Impedance in Damage Detection and Sensor Validation 11

resulting in changes to the measured modal frequen- 0.012

cies and damping ratios. Because the frequency range Freefree PZ T sensor
Thermobonded PZ T

Admittance (imaginary, )
of the impedance method is much higher, the effects 0.01
Superglued PZ T
of the bonding layer could be much more significant
and should be well understood for this method to be
successfully applied in practical applications.
A set of experimental tests were performed using
different bonding conditions of the PZT patches. In 0.004
order to assess the effects of different sensor bonding
conditions on measured impedance, an aluminum 0.002
hexagonal washer (with geometry 25.4-mm high, and
31.75 mm across the flats with a 12.7-mm diameter 0
5 10 15 20
hole) was instrumented with two circular PZT patches Frequency (kHz)
(12.7-mm diameter, 0.2-mm thickness), each on a
Figure 10. Admittance measurements from different bon-
different face, as shown in Figure 9. The patches were ding conditions from an aluminum washer.
attached to the plates using two different bonding
techniques to simulate both good and poor bonding
conditions. One bonding condition was achieved by 45
using 3M thermo bond film for a temporary (and Superglued PZT
poor) bond, whereas the other was achieved using Thermobonded PZT
superglue to produce a more permanent bonding 35
Impedance (real, )

condition. 30
Figure 10 shows the imaginary part of the admit-
tance of each of the sensors bonded to the aluminum
hexagonal washer in the frequency range up to 20
20 kHz. This plot also includes an admittance meas- 15
urement for an unbonded 11-mm-diameter PZT patch. 10
The quality of the bond can be determined based on
the changes in the slope steepness of the admittance 5
measurement. From Figure 10, one can see that the 0
80 82 84 86 88
superglued sensor demonstrates the lower slope, and
Frequency (kHz)
therefore, can be considered to have a better bonding
condition. Figure 11. Impedance measurement (real part) under
different bonding condition.

The impedance measurements (the real part) under

the different conditions are shown in Figure 11. It
is clear from the figure that the PZT bonded with
the superglue shows resonances near 84 and 87 kHz
to be at least an order of magnitude greater than
the sensor bonded with the thermo film. From the
measurements, it once again confirms that the magni-
tude of the resonance is affected by the bonding
conditions. The poor bonding condition may result
in erroneous or misleading results as the stress/strain
transfer mechanism is modified by the changed elec-
Figure 9. An aluminum washer with two PZT patches tromechanical interaction between the structure and
installed with different bonding conditions. PZT patches. Furthermore, near the frequency range
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

at 83 kHz, the PZT active sensor with the thermo- REFERENCES

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Chapter 19
Thermal Imaging Methods
Daniel L. Balageas
Structure and Damage Mechanics Department, ONERA (The French Aerospace Lab), Chatillon, France

of the occurrence of a damage. Until recently, the

1 Introduction 1 thermomechanical approach was scarcely applied in
2 Recall on Temperature Measurement by experimental mechanics, partly due to the lack of
Radiometry 2 sensitivity of the temperature detection hardware.
3 Infrared Thermography 2 In recent years, infrared (IR) detectors and data
processing techniques have achieved considerable
4 Structural Health Monitoring Using
improvements, opening new possibilities in this field.
Infrared Thermography 5
The other approach for structural health monitoring
5 Conclusions 12 (SHM) comes from classical nondestructive evalu-
Related Articles 12 ation (NDE). Damages are detected, localized, and
References 12 characterized by the disturbance they introduce in
the local physical properties of the structure. These
properties are not mechanical, but their evolution can
be correlated to a loss of mechanical performance.
1 INTRODUCTION The variety of physical phenomena used in NDE to
The analysis of the space distribution and time evolu- detect these damages is very wide. Among them, the
tion of the surface temperature of a structure can thermal properties (heat conduction, heat diffusion,
permit the establishment of a diagnostic of the struc- heat capacity, effusivity, interface thermal resistance)
tural health of the structure. This analysis is based on are currently used.
the fact that all mechanical phenomena are accom- Thermal NDE techniques are essentially applied
panied by correlated thermal effects (thermomechan- with the help of IR radiometry, although there
ical coupling). These effects can be reversible or are several other means of measuring temperature:
irreversible. The reversible thermal phenomena are thermoelectric effect (thermocouples), thermoresis-
linked to the strain (and stress) state of the structure. tive effect [1], thermochromic liquid crystals [2, 3],
Mapping the thermal state of the structure is a means thermocolor or heat-sensitive paints [4], fluorescence
to detect abnormalities in its mechanical behavior. [5], etc. The present article focuses on IR radiometry,
Generally, irreversible phenomena are the signature more particularly on IR thermography, the most prac-
tical way to easily map surface temperature fields of
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by structures, without any contact, with very high band-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 pass and sensitivity, allowing a detailed analysis of
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. space and time distributions.
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

In the present article, the physical principle of IR the spectral domain for which the thermal emission
radiometry and state of the art of IR thermography are is maximum is the IR between 5 and 15 m.
recalled. The analysis of the thermographic process For real materials, the thermal emission can be
shows how to perform a quantitative measurement, different from the blackbody radiation. The ratio of
a requisite for the identification of structural health this thermal emission to the blackbody emission is
and characterization of damages. Different ways to the spectral emissivity. A first approximation consists
perform SHM with IR thermography are finally in supposing that the emissivity is independent of
detailed: diagnostic elaboration based on a thermome- the wavelength and direction of emission. A body
chanical analysis (strain mapping and fatigue detec- that satisfies this condition is called a gray body. In
tion), and damage detection and characterization by practice, when measuring the thermal emission by
stimulated thermography. radiometry, very often this assumption is assumed to
have been verified.
If the real body differs strongly from a gray body,
2 RECALL ON TEMPERATURE to be quantitative, radiometry requires knowledge of
the value of the spectral emissivity in the spectral
MEASUREMENT BY domain of measurement. With regard to the influence
RADIOMETRY of the direction of emission, in general, radiometric
measurements are performed following lines of sight
All materials emit and absorb energy by radiation. corresponding to angles < 50 , making the direc-
The amount of energy and the spectral domain of the tional effect negligible and validating the Lambertian
emitted radiations strongly depend on temperature. assumption.
This thermal emission may also vary with the direc- Radiometry consists of detecting and measuring
tion of emission. Thermal emission has been modeled radiant electromagnetic energy. These tasks are achie-
by introducing the concept of the blackbody or ved by conjugating an element in the region of
perfect radiator. The radiations emitted by the black- thermal activity with a radiation detector and with the
body are a function of its absolute temperature, T , help of lenses. The energy received can be related to
and their magnitudes are a function of the wavelength, the temperature of the emitter, at least in the simpler
, but are independent of the direction (isotropically case (see Section 3). If a calibration is made, the
diffuse or Lambertian surface). For a given temper- radiometer signal can measure the emitter temper-
ature and wavelength, no other surface can emit ature. Generally, the measurement is performed in
more energy. This ideal concept is approached by the IR domain (see above). For more details on the
real blackbodies: isothermal cavities and corrugated subject, please refer to DeWitt and Nutter [6].
blackened isothermal surfaces.
Plancks law describes blackbody emission. It
expresses the power irradiated per unit surface, unit
solid angle, and unit wavelength domain (W m2
m1 sr1 ). This power is called the spectral radi- If a scanning system is included between the lenses
ance, L , and is given by the following formula: and the detector, or if there is an array of detectors
   1 instead of a unique detector, it is possible to measure
hc0 the temperature in a certain field of view and to
L (, T ) = 2hc02 5 exp 1 (1)
KT build a thermal image. Such an instrument is a
thermographic imager, also called infrared camera.
where c0 is the speed of light in vacuum (2.9979 Figure 1 presents two types of cameras. The first type
108 m s1 ), h the Planck constant (6.626076 1034 is the single detector camera with an optomechanical
Js), and K the Boltzmann constant (1.380658 scanning system allowing to successively image all
1023 J K1 ). the points of the region and to build an image with
Wiens law expresses the wavelength of the the help of video-type scanning. This type of camera
maximum emission as a function of the temperature: is less in use and is now being replaced by the
max = 2897.7/T . For near-ambient temperatures, focal plane array (FPA) cameras. In the FPA camera,
Thermal Imaging Methods 3

Single detector camera



10 7

1 9

1 Analyzed scene 6 Infrared detector

2 Instantaneous position of the imaged point 7 Signals for the control of the scanning
3 Video-type scanning 8 Signal delivered by the detector
4 Scanning system 9 Digitization and control electronics
5 Lens 10 Monitor

Focal plane array (FPA) camera

1 Analyzed scene
2 Lens
5 3 Array of detectors
4 Control unit
5 Monitor
1 4

2 3

Figure 1. The two types of infrared cameras: single detector cameras and focal plane array (FPA) cameras.

there is no scanning device. Using lenses, the region temperature remains difficult. This result is shown in
is imaged onto an array of detectors. This type of Figure 2.
camera is much simpler, and the electronics does The radiant energy received by the camera is a
not need a high bandpass as in the single detector complex function of the temperatures of the object,
cameras; this leads to a higher signal-to-noise ratio To , surroundings, Tamb , and atmosphere, Tatm , of
and consequently a higher sensitivity. More details the emissivity of the object, o , and of the trans-
can be found in the books by Gaussorge [7] and by missivity of the atmosphere, atm . The simplest
Maldague [8]. caseradiometric signal only depending on the
temperature of the objectis obtained when o and
atm are both equal to 1. The second assumption is
3.1 Complexity of a quantitative absolute generally satisfied when the cameraobject distance
thermographic measurement is of the order of a few meters. To satisfy the
first assumption, black coatings are often applied
Measuring the distribution of temperature in space on the object. Another realistic condition can lead
and its evolution with time is then possible with to simple interpretation: the object is assimilable
a thermographic instrument. Nevertheless, the quan- to a gray body with a temperature notably higher
titative measurement of the absolute value of the than the ambient temperature. Then the radiometric
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

Monitored the time resolution. A third possibility that recently

object appeared is applicable when the monitored thermal
To eo I Atmosphere phenomena are periodic. In these cases, a lock-in
e Tatm thermographic system permits imaging the modulated
o) Ia part of the thermal field, in amplitude and phase,
mb ta
ta tm eo I with an NETD, which can be better than 1 mK,
tm (1 o Infrared depending on the number of raw images considered
e camera
Iamb o) Ia
t mb by the data processing [11]. Lock-in thermography
Tamb atm )
Ia is particularly useful for experimental mechanics and
Surroundings tm
NDE applications.

Figure 2. The complexity of the energy balance in a

thermographic measurement. 3.3 Analysis of the thermographic
signal depends only on the temperature and the
The procedure for performing a thermography is
emissivity of the object. These considerations explain
presented in Figure 3. There are three actors in
why measurements of absolute temperatures by ther-
this process: the thermographer, the thermographic
mography are not very accurate. Generally, the abso-
system used, and the monitored structure. The ther-
lute temperature accuracy is near 2 K or 2% of the
mographer can be passive, just monitoring the steady
range [9]. Hopefully, in most of the applications the
state or the time evolution of the structure. This
measurement is relative: the interesting information is
structure state, permanent or evolving, is governed
the difference of temperature, T , between the moni-
by the interactions with the surroundings. These
tored point and a reference one, which can be another
interactions are the heat transfer, which takes place
point of the structure that is supposedly sound, or the
by conduction, convection, and radiation. A second
same point at a different time, for instance, before
possibility for the thermographer consists in stimu-
stimulation in active thermography.
lating the structure with the aim of monitoring its
reaction to the stimulation. The result of the stimula-
tion must be thermal (heat sources) to be detected
3.2 Thermographic hardware by thermography, but the nature of the stimula-
Today, two main types of FPA cameras exist: cameras tion can be extremely varied because heat is the
with cooled quantum detectors and bolometric came- degraded form of all energies: mechanical, electro-
ras. The first type has the best noise equivalent magnetic, thermal, etc. The information recovered
temperature difference (NETD), the most important by the thermographic system is the space distri-
characteristic for T measurements. Typically, the bution and/or the time evolution of the structures
NETD is near 20 mK. The second type has a NETD surface (assuming the structure is composed of
of roughly 100 mK, but does not require a cooling opaque materials). The surface temperature depends
system and its cost is lower. The size of the array is a
Internal or external stimulation (mechanical, Thermographed
second discriminating parameter because it influences thermal, electromagnetic, etc.), under system
the space resolution of the thermal images. There control (active method) or out
of control (passive method)
are now large size arrays, such as 320 256 or of the thermographer
640 512, and it is possible to make windowing with Heat
Heat transfer
by conduction
a correlative frame rate increase (several thousands of sources
frames per second).
Heat transfer
It is possible to enhance the NETD by simple data by convection
processing [10]: mean value of adjacent pixels (3 Thermographic Information Heat transfer
coming from by radiation
3, 5 5, . . .) or mean image of successive images. system
the surface Surroundings
The NETD is improved in both cases, but with the
drawback of respectively decreasing the space or Figure 3. The process of performing thermography.
Thermal Imaging Methods 5

on (i) the internal structure, (ii) its thermal proper- density, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity. On
ties, (iii) its other properties governing the relations the left side of this equation, two terms describe the
existing between the stimulating phenomena and the changes of temperature versus time and space that
heat production, and (iv) the possible abnormalities can be measured by an IR camera. This left side is in
or damages existing inside the structure. fact the heat diffusion equation without sources. On
From this analysis we can conclude that (i) to the right side, the energy production terms (sources)
achieve an appropriate and quantitative diagnostic are found. The first two terms represent the ther-
result, the thermographer must have a basic knowl- momechanical coupling sources. Sometimes, these
edge of heat transfer science; (ii) an active attitude, terms are called the reversible coupling between heat
when possible, is more efficient for establishing a sources and mechanical sources. The first term is
diagnosis; (iii) using mechanical stimulation (pres- linked to the time derivative of the strain and repre-
sure, static or dynamic loads, vibrations, waves, etc.) sents the heat produced by the change of local strain.
may allow the identification of possible abnormali- The second term, introducing the parameter , is
ties of mechanical parameters of the structure, which linked to the internal properties of the material. It may
is useful information to judge the structural health;
exist and it represents possible interactions between
and (iv) using varied types of stimulations, it is
temperature and microstructure. Let us call the sum of
possible to detect thermal abnormalities induced by
these two terms wctm , the thermomechanical coupling
the presence of defects such as voids, delaminations,
source term. The third and fourth terms are linked to
debonds, cracks, etc. The last two points are devel-
dissipative sources (mainly the plastic energy). The
oped next.
third term, linked to the rate of change of strain, is the
product of stress by strain. The fourth term is linked
4 STRUCTURAL HEALTH to internal variable describing internal phenomena.
The sum of these two terms, d1 , is the dissipative
MONITORING USING source term. The last term, re , represents all external
To solve the heat diffusion equation easily, the
4.1 Diagnostic based on following hypotheses are required: the material is
thermomechanical analysis thermally linear (thermal properties not depending on
temperature) and isotropic (thermal and mechanical
The basics of thermomechanical coupling are derived
properties independent of the direction). Instead of
from thermodynamics. We use the generalized stan-
using the absolute temperatures, T , the changes in
dard materials formalism to derive the local heat
temperature, , can be considered. In this case, the
equation [12]. The equilibrium state of each volume
material element is characterized by a set of n state left side of the heat equation can be simplified using
variables: T , the absolute temperature, , a strain the Laplacian of the temperature change:
tensor, and (1 , . . . , n2 ), the n 2 scalar compo-
nents of the vector of internal variables that C k = d1 + wctm + r (3)
characterize the microstructural state of the material.
Combining both the first and second principles of
thermodynamics, the local heat equation is obtained In equation (3), temperature and energy are not
as follows: simply linked, but are related to time and space.
To solve this equation, the question of how to link
2 2 more simply the local value of temperature and
C T div(kgradT) = T : + T
T T the density of energy must be answered. An extra
hypothesis is required: the condition of adiabaticity,
+ : + re (2) which assumes that the rate of stress change is

such that the conduction inside the material can be
where , the thermodynamic potential, is the Helm- considered negligible compared to the rate of heat
holtz free energy, and , C, and k, respectively, the production. In these conditions, the heat conduction
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

equation becomes very simple: minimum frequencies, in particular, using windowing

options for the highest frequencies.
C = d1 + wctm + r (4)
4.1.1 Thermoelasticity and strain measurement
The change of temperature is directly linked to
the production of energy by the different sources. Let us consider the simple case of thermoelasticity.
This result also supposes that the heat losses in the The heat equation is
environment are negligible. Under these conditions,
variations in temperature are, in fact, equivalent to C = wctm (5)
energy variations. The key question is how can we
practically extract energy production from tempera- The thermoelastic coupling term of the local heat
ture data? There are two ways to solve the problem: equation, considering an isotropic standard material,
(i) standard thermography, which requires recording in adiabatic conditions, with harmonic loads and
the full field of the surface temperature, precisely Young modulus independent of temperature, reduces
knowing the limit conditions, working on thermally to a simple expression in which is the thermal
thin specimens, and controlling all heat transfer not expansion coefficient:
connected to the mechanical loading; and (ii) periodic
loading and lock-in thermography, which enables one d(tr( ))
wctm = T (6)
to directly measure energy variations, eliminating all dt
external sources.
Standard thermography gives temperature varia- Solving the heat equation leads to the simple
tions with time for every pixel. With lock-in ther- following expression for the amplitude, , of the
mography, the reference parameter is not time but modulated part of the temperature induced by the
the applied load. Lock-in thermography gives temper- harmonic loading:
ature as a function of load. The second solution
is more interesting. In periodic regimes (angular  = KM T tr( ) (7)
frequency ), adiabaticity is verified if the thermal
diffusion length in the specimen, LD = (2/)1/2 , which shows that the variation of the temperature
being the diffusivity, is smaller than the spatial is linked to the variation of the applied load or
resolution of the thermographic system in the more exactly to the variation of the sum of the prin-
test conditions. This result leads to a condition cipal stresses. This relationship introduces the ther-
on the modulation frequency, which depends on moelastic coefficient of the material, KM = /(C).
instrumentation, test conditions, and the specimen Table 2 presents values of the thermoelastic coeffi-
thermal properties: f  /( 2 ). Critical frequen- cient for some usual metallic materials.
cies calculated using this formula are given in For composite materials, which are often ortho-
Table 1. Increasing the space resolution requires tropic, the relationship is
changing the lens and increasing the modulation  
frequency of the applied loads at the same time. It 12
 = KM T 11 + 12 (8)
is possible with modern cameras to respect these 11

Table 1. Critical frequencies to obtain adiabaticity in periodic thermomechanical regime

Critical frequency Material
for adiabaticity (Hz)
Carbon/epoxy Stainless steel Aluminum
= 1.2 106 m2 s1 = 7.4 106 m2 s1 = 9.8 105 m2 s1
Spatial resolution (mm) 0.50 1.5 9.0 125
0.15 17 105 1400
Thermal Imaging Methods 7

Table 2. Thermoelastic coefficient of some usual metallic materials

Material Cast iron Iron Steel Aluminum
KM MPa1 2.6 10 5
3.5 10 6
3.1 10 6
2.0 106

with KM = 11 /(C), showing that the temperature a turbine blade. All images are obtained with an
change is a linear combination of the principal equal processing time of 7 s. A localized damage
stresses along the material orthotropic axes on the mechanism would be easily detected and it could be
surface. possible to compare the images corresponding to the
It is then possible to obtain maps of stresses different modes to deduce information on the size of
and, consequently, by comparing the experimental the defective area.
values to references values (theory or experiment
on sound structures), to establish a diagnosis of the
structural health, and to detect and localize defective 4.1.2 Dissipative phenomena and fatigue
areas. In practice, strain maps can be obtained with Structures in service are often subject to fluctuating
varied types of mechanical loading: static, periodical, stresses. Repeated loads, which may or may not be
random, etc. Figure 4 presents a stress distribution periodic, change and degrade the material properties
measured by a thermoelastic stress analyzer CEDIP and may lead, in the long term, to failure (fatigue
Infrared System. The system comprises of (i) a JADE damage). This phenomenon occurs at levels of stress
IR camera, with a frame rate between 170 Hz and significantly lower than the resistance limit measured
23 kHz (windowing) and a thermal resolution of 20 in static conditions, and even lower than the yield
mK; (ii) a real-time lock-in module with a frequency strength. Fatigue phenomena produce a continuous
range of 019 kHz giving a stress resolution of 2 MPa degradation of the microstructure. Intracrystalline
for steel and an adiabatic spatial resolution down microcracks first appear, gradually evolving because
to 10 m; and (iii) a dedicated software, Altair-Li. the stress in their vicinity can be much higher than the
Stresses are measured during a fatigue test of the mean stress level. Then, they cross the grains when
structure (a steering knuckle). The load frequency the number of cycles increases (nucleation phase) and
is 5 Hz. Four types of images are produced: (i) a eventually coalesce to form a macrocrack oriented
thermal image presenting the mean value of the abso- in the maximum shear stress direction. Later in the
lute temperature, in a gray scale; (ii) the peak-to-peak growth phase, the macrocrack propagates perpendic-
value of the modulated part of temperature, in false ularly to the maximum tensile stress direction, until
colors; (iii) the phase in a color spectrum between it reaches a critical size at which the cracked part
blue (areas in tension) and red (areas in compression), becomes unstable. The crack then propagates rapidly,
black areas corresponding to pixels where ampli- leading to catastrophic failure.
tudes are null and phases have no sense and are Generally, damage occurs without any previous
not calculated; and (iv) the local stress distribution. visible modification of shape or aspect. That is why
This last image is based on the knowledge of the fatigue failure is so threatening. Therefore, there is
thermoelastic coefficients and the absolute tempera- an interest, in the frame of the SHM approach, for
ture distribution. It is clear that thanks to the good the early detection of damage and also for evaluation
signal-to-noise ratio of this image the presence of a of the residual life. This need in SHM is why
damage, a crack, for instance, would produce a very thermomechanical coupling analysis by means of
local stress contrast, which would be easily detected thermography is a promising technique [13].
in the fourth image. These irreversible processes correspond to heat
An illustration of the technique at higher frequen- sources described by the term dl of equation (2).
cies is given in Figure 5. The camera integration During the mechanical loading of a structure, thermal
time is lower than 100 s permitting frequency explo- effects related to these dissipative phenomena can be
ration up to 10 kHz. The same system produces stress measured. Let us consider the application of a peri-
distributions for the first four modes of vibration of odic load. The total temperature change, T , results
23.03 0.402
22.94 0.362
22.85 0.322
22.77 0.281
22.68 0.241
22.60 0.201
22.51 0.161
22.42 0.121
Physical Monitoring Principles

22.34 0.080
22.25 0.040
22.17 0.000
0 0
(a) (b)

177.039 299.991
144.593 245.443
112.148 190.895
79.703 136.347
47.263 81.799
14.817 27.252
17.628 27.296
50.074 81.844
82.514 136.392
114.959 190.940
147.405 245.488
179.845 300.01
0 0
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Images of a steering knuckle obtained with a thermographic stress analyzer. (a) Raw thermal image, (b) modulated temperature amplitude,
(c) phase image, and (d) stress map. [Reproduced by permission of CEDIP Infrared System.]
Thermal Imaging Methods 9

from the superposition of temperature variations due

Figure 5. Visualization of the thermoelastic coupling linked to the first modes of a turbine blade. [Reproduced by permission of CEDIP Infrared System.]
to the thermoelastic effect, Tel , the dissipated heat,
Tdiss , and the heat energy losses to the environ-


ment. Figure 6 schematically presents the variation

of the material temperature, T , during a sinu-
soidal mechanical loading process. Just after the
start of the mechanical loading (short-term loading),
Fourth mode

the time-dependent temperature increase is adiabatic

5911 Hz

(no influence of the heat losses) and the dissipa-

tive contribution, Tdiss , is linear with time. The
mean slope of the curve only depends on dissipa-
tion, defining a thermal parameter characteristic of
these irreversible phenomena: diss , the temperature
change due to heat dissipation per single mechan-



ical loading cycle (diss = Tdiss /N , where N is


the number of initial cycles). The slope progres-

sively decreases and finally becomes zero when an
equilibrium is reached between the internal gener-
Third mode

ation of heat and the heat losses. Measuring this

3418 Hz

initial slope with standard thermography is a possible

technique to monitor the damage process. Rosner
et al. [14] applied a 30-Hz-cyclic loading (alt =
400 MPa, mean = 468 MPa) to Ti6Al4V speci-
mens and monitored the temperature evolution with
an IR camera. The chosen stress amplitude led



to failure after about 8 104 cycles. Temperature

increased continuously until failure occurred. After
stopping the cyclic loading and then reloading, the
new diss was shown to be an increasing func-
Second mode

tion of the number of already applied stress cycles.

2136 Hz

Initial slope
Temperature increase, T



Final equilibrium

First mode

717 Hz

Initial adiabatic

Time, t
Figure 6. Temperaturetime variation during short-term
mechanical loading and evaluation of the initial slope.
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

applied with standard thermographic systems, and the

modulated technique, one requiring lock-in thermo-
tdiss (mK /cycle1)

graphic systems.

1 Pulsed or transient photothermal thermography

tdiss for pristine material Using thermal models [1618] developed for photo-
thermal radiometry at the end of the 1980s and
0.1 inversion methods [1923], the first quantitative ther-
10 100 mographic works appeared at the beginning of the
Dimished fatigue life (%) 1990s. During this period, this approach was the
Figure 7. Comparison of the thermal parameter measured subject of numerous works and led to robust proce-
on several specimens with varied percentage of diminished dures allowing the production of depthgrams (equiv-
fatigue life. alent to an ultrasonic D-scan) and evaluation of the
equivalent thermal resistance for defects parallel to
Thus, heat dissipation measurement yields informa- the structure surface [2427].
tion about the residual life of the structure Figure 7). With such inversion procedures, pulsed photo-
The same authors later demonstrated that for heat thermal thermography has become a well-established
dissipation measurements, short-term loading with a technique in NDE, very attractive for the rapid obtain-
reduced stress could be applied too. For this purpose, ment of extended images. The comparison of such a
they applied both a tensile stressing at 30 Hz and an technique [25] with a very different NDE technique
ultrasonic excitation at 20 kHz [15]. (Compton backscatter) is presented in Figure 8 to
show the ability of thermography to recover the exact
shape of delaminations inside a complex composite
4.2 Damage detection by stimulated structure.
In the previous section of this article, thermographic Modulated or lock-in photothermal thermography
techniques used in experimental mechanics were Lock-in thermography has a similar history, with its
presented as candidate techniques for SHM. They basis coming from photothermal radiometry in the
have the potential of assessing the distribution of 1980s [28]. Very soon, it appeared that the problem
stresses and dissipative heat sources. of the lack of rapidity of the measurements due to
Another approach in the use of thermography point-by-point scanning could be solved by a lock-
for SHM consists of detecting the damage itself in thermography technique [2931]. In the 1990s
acting as a heterogeneity of thermal properties or several groups actively developed this technique and
a discontinuity in the internal structure arrangement. correlated inversion procedures for NDE purposes
This approach comes from classical NDE. The tech- [3235].
nique involved in this approach is called stimulated An example of application of the technique to an
thermography. The stimulation is generally a flux of aircraft, the Dornier Do328, is given in Figure 9. The
photons (photothermal thermography). This type of modulation frequency is 0.015 Hz. The area of the
technique is described in the following section. aircraft monitored is the tail core. The stiffeners are
A new and promising way to monitor defects very visible on the phase image obtained. The image
consists of propagating ultrasound in the structure confirms the integrity of the structure. Of course,
and detecting the heat sources generated by their the analysis of this IR image requires a thorough
interaction with the defects. This approach is very knowledge of the internal structure.
briefly mentioned here. Both techniques, pulsed and modulated, have their
advantages and drawbacks. The lock-in technique,
thanks to the production of phase images, does not
4.2.1 Photothermal thermography
have the problem of normalization caused by the
There are mainly two types of photothermal ther- unavoidable nonuniformity of practical heat deposi-
mography: the pulsed technique, which can be tions, but requires several experiments when the depth
Thermal Imaging Methods 11

1601 27
Depth image (m) Thermal resistance image
(micrometer of air)

600 11

400 7

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Defects in the external thermal barrier of the Hermes space shuttle (C/C and SiC impregnated C/C composites)
as seen by (a) Compton backscatter and (b, c) pulsed photothermal thermography techniques.


(b) (c)
Figure 9. Inspection of the tail of an aircraft using lock-in thermography NDE. (a) Thermographic image showing the
in-depth structure of the base of the tail of the Dornier Do328 aircraft, (b) full view of the aircraft, and (c) lock-in
thermography setup during ground tests showing, in particular, the bank of high intensity lamps powered by an electric
current with a tension modulated at very low frequency (<1 Hz). Images taken from [36]. [Reproduced by permission of

of the damage is unknown. Furthermore, the inverse is required. The most accurate solution consists of
problem is not simple. On the contrary, the pulsed using the early detection of the thermal contrast [26]
technique permits finding with a unique test a damage and not the maximum contrast as commonly used by
site lying at an unknown depth; the inverse problem is most of the experimenters.
more simple, allowing the use of analytical algorithms More recently, a hybrid approach was proposed
to deduce the depth and equivalent thermal resistance [37]: the pulsed thermogram is analyzed by a Fourier
of the damage [19]. In compensation, normalization transform, which permits the establishment of phase
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

images not requiring normalization. This technique, RELATED ARTICLES

called pulsed phase thermography, is frequently
used nowadays, but until now no really objective Static Damage Phenomena and Models
and quantitative comparative studies between this
technique and the other two have been done. Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models

Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials

4.2.2 Ultrasonic vibrothermography
Ultrasonic vibrothermography is an NDE technique
based on the application of modulated mechanical
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Chapter 20
Eddy-current Methods
Neil Goldfine, Andrew Washabaugh, Yanko Sheiretov
and Mark Windoloski
JENTEK Sensors, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA

a prescribed shape in time (i.e., a pulse), creates

1 Introduction 1 a time-varying magnetic field that induces an eddy
2 Background 2 current in the material with a pattern that follows
the drive coil geometry. The electrical conductivity,
3 Electromagnetic Testing Methods 4
magnetic permeability, and thicknesses of material
4 POD Studies, Noise Issues, Calibration, layers (or process-affected zones), as well as the
and Performance Verification 5
sensor proximity to the surface (i.e., the liftoff), affect
5 Conventional ET Methods 7 the sensed response at the terminals of the drive coil
6 Advanced ET Method Example: The or at the terminals of one or more sensing elements.
MWM -Array 10 Sensing elements can be inductive coils that respond
7 Real-crack Standards 15 to time-varying fields or alternative field sensors, e.g.,
8 Summary and Conclusions 15 magnetoresistive sensors. The sensitivity of different
End Notes 20 sensing element types is not as important as the actual
signal to noise achievable for a given application. The
References 20
signal to noise is a measure of the sensor response to a
change in specific material condition or to a specific
flaw type and size of interest compared to all rele-
1 INTRODUCTION vant sources of noise/errors. This comparison must be
made under actual (or at least representative) inspec-
Eddy-current testing (ET) is a nondestructive testing tion conditions. The presence of a flaw (e.g., crack,
(NDT) technique that uses time-varying magnetic inclusion, and porosity) or a variation in a material
fields to induce eddy currents in a conducting mate- condition (e.g., residual stress effects on magnetic
rial. ET is used to assess the material under test permeability) is sensed by the ET sensor (one sensing
conditions or to detect flaws. A time-varying current element) or ET array (multiple sensing elements) in
in a drive coil, at a prescribed frequency or with the region immediately under the sensor. Thus, ET is
a local measurement, but ET can provide rapid wide
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by area coverage using manual or automated scanners.
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 In the context of structural health monitoring
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. (SHM), ET is one of several techniques that the
2 Physical Monitoring Principles

maintainers of high-value assets can select as part standards when using NDT methods and provides
of an asset life management program. In this article, an overview of ET methods for the SHM encyclo-
conventional ET and advanced ET methods are pedia, because surface-mounted ET sensors offer a new
described. The focus is on scanning and point-by- method for generating real-crack standards.
point ET using handheld or automated systems.
In a companion article on eddy-current in situ
sensors (see Eddy-current in situ Sensors for 2 BACKGROUND
SHM), the focus is on surface-mounted and em-
This encyclopedia of SHM is designed to provide
bedded sensors for SHM, using onboard instrumen-
a foundation for maintainers and operators of high-
tation or portable data-acquisition units. Using a
value assets to select the appropriate solution for
portable data-acquisition system with onboard ET
asset life management. Historically, SHM has been
sensors is a direct replacement for conventional ET
limited to measurement of usage states such as strain,
(NDT), but with the advantage that difficult-to-access temperature, and vibrations. However, direct moni-
locations can be inspected without disassembly to toring capabilities for fatigue and corrosion damage
gain access. However, as described in this and the are now becoming available. In this transition period,
companion article, the achievable signal-to-noise ratio for the next decade or so, a balance between conven-
will vary for three types of ET: (i) single inspec- tional NDT, advanced NDT, and SHM solutions will
tions with point-by-point measurements or scanning most often be appropriate. Even in the long term,
arrays, (ii) embedded or surface-mounted sensors SHM is not expected to replace NDT completely
with portable instruments for scheduled or unsched- for legacy or even next-generation aircraft, ships,
uled inspections of difficult-to-access locations, and pipelines, bridges, and other high-value assets. Thus,
(iii) continuous monitoring of onboard sensors with a comprehensive adaptive life management (ALM)
onboard instrumentation. approach would incorporate both SHM and NDT data
This article, in combination with the in situ sensor for decision support.
article see Eddy-current in situ Sensors for SHM, Furthermore, diagnostic methods that temporarily
is designed to help operators and maintainers make place and/or monitor sensors on structures, e.g., for
intelligent decisions based on the realistic capabilities stress or temperature sensing, offer valuable solutions
of todays NDT and SHM solutions, as well as for some applications, such as bridge assessments and
the anticipated new NDT and SHM developments machinery testing, without providing an integrated
expected within the near future. It is particularly SHM capability. New magnetic stress gauges and
important to remember that NDT capabilities are not guided-wave ultrasonic methods offer new promise
stagnant and continue to evolve. Thus, future SHM for such diagnostic needs, without requiring signifi-
developments should be compared to anticipated cant surface preparation and with limited interference
advances in NDT and not only current methods. with asset availability.
This article is organized as follows: (i) Section 2 NDT has clear advantages over SHM for some
provides the authors perspective on the roles of NDT applications. For example, advanced NDT methods
and SHM in life management of legacy and new assets; such as locally applied phased array ultrasonics
(ii) Section 3 lists different electromagnetic methods, or meandering winding magnetometer (MWM) and
such as magnetic flux leakage (MFL) and remote MWM-Array ET are highly sensitive and reliable for
field eddy-current methods, and explains how these scanning of large areas and for detecting relatively
methods relate to ET; (iii) Section 4 describes the small cracks. Currently available wide area SHM
important issues that must be addressed when selecting methods cannot match the sensitivity and reliability of
and applying ET methods; (iv) Section 5 provides a these advanced NDT methods, but new methods such
brief introduction to ET as a foundation for under- as guided-wave ultrasonic testing (GWUT) may offer
standing the new capabilities offered by advanced solutions for some wide area inspection needs. Other
methods; (v) Section 6 describes the MWM -Array local SHM methods, such as surface-mounted ET,
ET method, as an advanced ET method that addresses may offer high sensitivity, but still will not offer all
many of the limitations of conventional ET; and of the advantages and reliability of scanning methods
(vi) Section 7 describes the importance of real-crack for all applications.
Eddy-current Methods 3

This is an important practical distinction. Highly from foreign object damage (FOD) in flight. Thus,
sensitive results have been demonstrated in recent onboard vibration sensing or other sensing modes for
years by SHM tests performed in a laboratory envi- rapid (and large) damage evolution offer immediate
ronment, but this sensitivity does not always trans- benefits for avoiding catastrophic failures from such
late into achievable measurement capabilities for unpredictable events.
installed systems on aircraft. Controlled laboratory Thus, before selecting an onboard sensor solution
testing over relatively short periods does not capture for SHM, it is important to consider the advance-
the realistic conditions encountered when monitoring ments of ET and other NDT methods. Many of these
components over years or decades in service (e.g., advances have been aimed at increasing the relia-
cable and sensor degradation and instrumentation bility of the measurement. Unfortunately, the range
drift). For example, one advantage of continuous of performance offered by different sensor designs
fatigue monitoring in a laboratory is that permanently and data analysis methods has broadened, making
mounted sensors (e.g., ET or ultrasonic testing (UT)) it increasingly difficult to define ET capabilities
can monitor response changes over relatively short in general terms. Although probability of detection
periods (such as hours or days) avoiding substantial (POD) studies on real-crack specimens are recom-
instrumentation variations, while continuously moni- mended, in practice, the costs and convenience of
toring the crack growth without interruption. such studies are not always practical. Many studies
In practice, continuous monitoring with SHM use electrical discharge machined (EDM) notches or
requires highly reliable, in situ (i.e., on aircraft) other simulated flaws (flat bottom holes) that are far
instrumentation. This is necessary to avoid gaps in from representative of actual damage. Care should be
health monitoring, during which damage can grow taken to assess the actual achievable signal-to-noise
substantially (or an event, e.g., overload or impact, ratio for in-service generated flaws, before setting
can occur) reducing the reliability of such onboard safety margins based on POD performance on simu-
methods for monitoring a specific defect initia- lated flaws. This is often difficult.
tion and growth. The problem with SHM is that This article does not attempt to provide a compre-
onboard sensors can lose their reference frame if hensive history or catalog of methods; instead, the
cracks or other damage can grow when data is not goal is to provide a perspective on the advances of
being acquired. For NDT, neighboring areas with no the last decade and the promise of improved capabili-
damage can usually be scanned for comparisons (it is ties in the next decade. Conventional ET methods are
not always sufficient to add channels in areas that do being increasingly used in the aerospace, automotive,
not experience damage, since, for example, channel energy, infrastructure, and manufacturing sectors. In
drift may vary). In the near term (over the next five many cases, these methods have demonstrated high
years) before onboard instrumentation is widely avail- reliability compared to visual inspection and other
able, SHM using direct damage monitoring sensors, NDT methods, resulting in wide acceptance for in-
such as ET and UT or even GWUT, will rely on service inspection and manufacturing quality assur-
portable data-acquisition units for most implementa- ance. However, anecdotal stories about conventional
tions; thus, performance will be similar or possibly NDT performance failures are common and perfor-
substantially worse than that achievable with conven- mance in-service is often well below the expecta-
tional or advanced NDT scanning methods. tions set by POD studies. It is not unusual to hear
Consequently, the main advantage of direct comments from world renowned NDT/POD experts
damage monitoring SHM in the near term will such as sometimes . . . we are performing inspec-
be access to difficult-to-access locations without tion ceremonies, or from high-level military officials,
requiring substantial disassembly. This is a big saying its as if it was never inspected after large
advantage in many applications in which a few cracks were found on multiple aircraft in a fleet, even
(up to 50) critical locations must be inspected to after repeated inspections.
enable life extension/sustainment of legacy fleets. The growing divide between the performance that
There are, however, many applications that cannot can be achieved with a modern automated method
be addressed by NDT. For example, NDT methods and that which can be achieved with a conven-
cannot protect against rapid damage evolution, e.g., tional operator-driven ET or UT method further
4 Physical Monitoring Principles

confuses this issue. For many applications, conven- methods offer substantial savings in reduced labor
tional methods are more than adequate. However, for costs, increased reliability, and reduced false indica-
some applications, such as critical engine component tion rates. Furthermore, even conventional implemen-
and landing gear inspection of shot peened surfaces, tations of NDT by original equipment manufacturers
conventional methods simply do not work reliably (OEM)s are often considered proprietary; thus, the
(for detection of relatively small cracksas now apparent advantages of conventional (open access)
required in many cases, to ensure safety), and more methods are more perceived than real.
advanced methods are needed. Another common misconception is that very sensi-
Furthermore, conventional ET methods require tive methods will detect defects so small that too
different training than automated ET methods, not many good parts will be retired. Modern methods
only for operation but also for assessment. Under- such as the MWM-Array ET method, described
standing how to use a conventional ET method, later, offer new size thresholding capabilities that
even for Level II and Level III practitioners, can suppress detection of defects below a prescribed
is not necessarily adequate background for assessing threshold, while more reliably detecting flaws with
advanced methods. At times, this makes it difficult sizes above the threshold. This discrimination capa-
for senior management to obtain correct assessments bility will actually result in retirement of far fewer
from their NDT departments regarding the capabil- good parts, and dramatically reduce the most
ities of advanced NDT methods, especially when important safety risk, i.e., missing large defects.
compared to the conventional methods that these The goal of this article is to provide the reader with
practitioners are most comfortable with. Unbiased an understanding of the capabilities of both conven-
management oversight is absolutely needed to ensure tional and advanced/automated ET methods. This is
that the best solutions are used for each application. not intended to replace training in specific methods.
Entrenched practices that give comfort to manage- Any NDT method must be qualified for each appli-
ment (and continuity with historical practice) and do cation by an experienced professional. Even fully
not evolve with changing mission requirements are automated NDT methods require training to enable
common and can result in significant lapses in safety, proper interpretation of results for life management
and sometimes huge increases in life cycle costs decision support.
(i.e., when large component populations are unneces-
sarily retired, or when undetected damage progresses
to levels requiring far more expensive repairs than 3 ELECTROMAGNETIC TESTING
necessary). METHODS
It is a common perception that there is value
in maintaining the consistency of future inspec- Electromagnetic fields are commonly used in NDT to
tions with historical ET and UT databases even detect defects and characterize material conditions,
though the performance of such methods may be including manufacturing quality and serviceability.
far inferior to that achievable with newer advanced Electromagnetic NDT methods can be divided into
methods. This can be avoided. Historical ET and UT three groups: those that operate in the dynamic
data can be replaced with modern methods without regime (typically above 100 MHz), those that operate
losing continuity by providing an overlap period in the quasistatic regime (typically between 10 Hz
during which both methods are employed. This is and 50 MHz), and those that use constant fields
already happening in isolated cases. Fortunately, we (generated by permanent magnets or direct current
expect this to be the rule moving forwardnot the (dc) sources) [1, 2]:
Electromagnetic methods in the dynamic regime
Still, advanced methods must be proven before
they are introduced widely. One often misstated
disadvantage of advanced NDT methods is that they ground penetrating radar (GPR, frequency
are proprietary and therefore will result in higher range: 303000 MHz);
costs. This is simply untrue and the evidence strongly visual inspection (frequencies of order
indicates that many implementations of advanced 1015 Hz);
Eddy-current Methods 5

microwave (frequency range: 300 MHz to sensor signals that are larger than noise levels of
300 GHz). existing instruments. Thus, using differential coils to
Electromagnetic methods that operate in the reduce the impact of instrumentation noise no longer
quasistatic regime include impacts performance for most advanced applications
of modern eddy-current systems. Instead, the focus
low-frequency and high-frequency ET (10 Hz
to 40 MHz); and is now on reducing material noise and other noise
capacitive sensing (i.e., dielectric spec- sources (e.g., from edges, roughness, and other inter-
troscopy; 0.0001 Hz to 10 MHz). ferences).
Also, continuous wave versus pulsed ET modes are
The quasistatic regime also includes electromag- often discussed. Continuous wave methods use one
netic methods that use constant fields such as or more frequencies for the input current to the ET
MFL, which uses a permanent magnetic drive winding. In general, these single and multiple
source; and frequency methods offer substantial advantages over
magnetic particle inspection (MPI), which pulsed ET methods that excite time domain signals.
magnetizes ferromagnetic components. Historically, it was less expensive to use pulsed ET
Some methods can operate in both the quasistatic methods. One inherent disadvantage of pulsed ET
or constant field modes. For example, some methods methods is the wide bandwidth of frequency content
use inductive coils to excite either time-varying (alter- excited in a pulsed ET mode. Because pulsed ET
nating current, ac source) or constant fields (dc signals include high-frequency and low-frequency
source) and use sensors that measure field intensity content, these methods excite noise sources in a
(i.e., using Hall sensors or magnetoresistive sensors) material or construct (e.g., near-surface anomalies
instead of coils that sense the rate of change of the or inconsequential structure behind layers) that can
field (as accomplished in a conventional ET method). otherwise be suppressed in a multiple frequency
This article describes methods that operate in continuous wave method. Also, efforts to decon-
the quasistatic mode, called magneto-quasistatics volve pulsed ET data have been ongoing for decades.
[1]. This mode includes both quasistatic, time- Researchers often state that it is an advantage to take
varying magnetic fields and constant magnetic fields. all the multiple frequency data at the same time. This
Magneto-quasistatics is defined as the regime within is actually a substantial disadvantage because numer-
which the wavelength of traveling waves is signif-
ically, when one combines information and then
icantly longer than the characteristic dimensions of
tries to deconvolve it, noise will increase. Thus,
the sensor, coatings/process-affected zone, liftoff, or
when possible, continuous wave methods are gener-
other system dimensions.a This includes ET, MFL,
ally recommended. However, in some limited appli-
MPI, and other methods that take advantage of time-
cations, pulsed ET can actually reduce noise levels
varying or constant field sources in the quasistatic
(pulsed ET methods are not discussed in detail here).
In any case, selection of methods and performance
The choices of winding constructs are broad and
it is no longer practical to divide these methods comparisons should always be based on achievable
into narrowly defined categories such as remote signal to noise (and other reliability metrics) for
field ET or MFL or reflectance probes or even specific applications, not on anecdotal perceptions.
remote field ET. There are clear strengths and limi-
tations to coil designs, however. For example, the
use of conventional differential coils was driven, 4 POD STUDIES, NOISE ISSUES,
over a decade ago, by the need to reduce noise and
increase sensitivity for crack detection. Today, much
of this motivation for such differential designs no PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION
longer exists. Improvements in cable designs and
instrumentation have reduced many electrical noise Performance assessment for both NDT and SHM
sources so that material noise from grains, inclusions, solutions should be divided into two key areas
and inconsequential defects can produce eddy-current including:
6 Physical Monitoring Principles

logistics (data format convenience, throughput, systems can provide this capability. This is particu-
portability, required support equipment, size/wei- larly important for curved component surfaces and
ght, scanning/coverage, ease of use, training req- rough (e.g., shot peened) or fretted regions. Thus,
uirements, operator capability/experience require- recording the actual liftoff at each location within
ments, cost, etc.) and an inspection area is one way of ensuring proper
reliability (reproducibility, signal to noise/sens- performance.
itivity, selectivity/robustness/classification of def- Consistent evaluation criteria are critical to
ects, etc.). selection of NDT/SHM solutions. Performance for
The use of POD studies can play an integral role in the specific problem being addressed may be very
providing a performance assessment of NDT systems. different from performance in a generic POD
Unfortunately, the common practice of using POD study sample set. Generic round robin POD
studies, performed under unrealistic conditions and studies often avoid the most important challenges
on unrealistic test specimens, has confused the prac- of specific field and depot inspection applications.
tical assessment of actual NDT capabilities. It is Eliminating these challenges makes it impossible
essential that actual performance on service-generated to assess the advantages of advanced methods,
damage (e.g., cracks) is verified whenever practical. often making methods look essentially equivalent in
Inspection of actual components is practical, at least performance. Also, advanced methods may require
to evaluate noise levels, for all applications. For more customization, so low-cost comparisons are
example, the first 10 or more components inspected generally not possible. This is another reason that,
should provide a basis for an initial assessment of sometimes, inferior conventional methods continue to
inherent noise levels under actual inspection condi- receive more use than far-superior advanced methods.
tions. No system should be considered qualified for Fortunately, this is also changing.
a specific application before scanning on actual hard- Many mistakes are common in anecdotal compar-
ware to assess noise levels. It is not relevant to isons of ET methods; these include (i) focusing on
test on a large set of cracks or EDM notch spec- signal and not on signal to noise, i.e., using ferrite
imens that do not have representative noise levels
cores and lots of turns in drive and sensing elements,
and the likely variety of noise sources. For example,
at the expense of model-based predictability of ET
flat and smooth specimens are often used to assess
responsethis is one example where performance
ET capability, when varied curvatures and surface
would be improved on flat smooth specimens but
roughness variations are two of the major sources
not be realized on actual components, (ii) assuming
of ET sensor noise and consequently, performance
that the response to an EDM notch is related in
Also, calibration is extremely important. It must any relevant way to the response on an actual
be possible to verify that the ET calibration and cracknote for relatively large cracks or buried
signal to noise achieved in an actual inspection is cracks this may be a good assumption, but for rela-
practically the same as that in the POD study. Other- tively small and tight surface-breaking flaws this is
wise, the POD study results should not be referenced not a good assumption, and (iii) assuming that noise
when making NDT/SHM decisions. For example, sources from the field or depot can be represented
all ET methods are sensitive to liftoff (proximity sufficiently in laboratory studiesand not including
to the surface) variations. Thus, if performance on evaluations on actual components early in compar-
the test samples is limited to a fixed liftoff range isons of advanced and conventional methods. These
(i.e., the test specimens are smooth and flat), and and other mistakes can result in poor selection of
the actual service-exposed components have higher NDT/SHM solutions.
levels of roughness or curvature, then the resulting One area of critical importance is the inspec-
higher liftoffs can substantially reduce detection tion of shot peened components in landing gear and
performance. engines. It is a mistake to assume that NDT perfor-
This introduces a paradox, since most conven- mance for EDM notches or even for real cracks
tional ET methods cannot accurately record liftoff at grown in specimens that are not shot peened (even
each inspection location. Fortunately, new advanced for cracks grown from EDM notches in shot peened
Eddy-current Methods 7

specimens) will be useful for performance evalua- crack in the material. For condition/quality assess-
tions. Shot peening and other cold working methods, ment (also referred to as material characterization),
such as burnishing, and laser shock processing intro- the properties of the material or a coating/process-
duce compressive stresses at the surface; this extends affected layer are measured and related to a prop-
fatigue life. Thus, if a fatigue crack grows in the erty of interest such as heat-affected zone thick-
service of a shot peened part, when the part is at ness or cold-work (shot peenb ) quality. Conventional
rest, then the crack will be tight, because it will be ET can be used to examine both nonferrous and
under compression. Thus, ET or UT or other NDT ferrous metals. However, protective coatings, such
methods must be tested with real cracks under the as cadmium plating, and surface processing, such as
same conditions. shot peening, traditionally lead to difficulties and poor
The generation of real-crack standards is addressed performance for ferrous alloy inspection.
near the end of this article. Today, methods are Historically, ET developed from numerous scien-
available to generate real-crack specimens in shot tific investigations involving electricity and magnet-
peened components without using starter notches, ism that started in the nineteenth century. For
at a comparable cost to EDM notches. Thus, it example, Han Christian Oersted discovered the pres-
is no longer necessary to make compromises in ence of a magnetic field in the vicinity of a current-
performance testing that are so unrealistic. carrying wire. This was followed shortly thereafter
The focus in future developments of advanced by Michael Faraday demonstrating electromagnetic
ET should be on reducing the impact of mate- induction, in which current could be induced in a
rial noise. Two ways to address material noise (the coil by the motion of magnet relative to the coil or
primary limitation for some advanced ET methods) by passing a time-varying current through an adjacent
are (i) to use spatial filters, multiple frequencies and coil. Mathematical formulations for electromagnetic
two- and three-dimensional defect models, and to induction were developed by Heinrich Friedrich Lenz
enable discrimination between signals from different and Hermann L. von Helmholtz, with James Clerk
noise sources and defects of interest and (ii) to Maxwell ultimately developing the basic expressions
use time-based filtering, if possible, to image the governing electromagnetic phenomenon.
material before damage occurs, and then subtract Three simple applications of conventional ET
or otherwise filter out the impact of material noise are briefly described: (i) conventional ET-based
that is not associated with the evolution of the crack detection, (ii) conventional ET-based conduc-
damage/defect of interest. Of course, the latter only tivity measurement, and (iii) conventional ET-based
works for in-service defect generation, as opposed coating thickness measurement.
to manufacturing-induced defects for which precrack
imaging may not be possible.
5.1 Conventional ET crack detection

5 CONVENTIONAL ET METHODS For crack detection, conventional ET methods use

impedance plane analysis to compensate for liftoff.
This section briefly reviews some of the capabilities As shown in Figure 1, the liftoff response is rotated
of conventional ET methods, but the focus is on to the horizontal axis and the crack signal is measured
the limitations of these conventional methods to lay in the vertical direction. An operator views the
the foundation for understanding the advantages of impedance plane, and cracks above a given threshold
advanced ET methods and ET-based SHM. There are are determined to be crack indications. To cali-
other more comprehensive references on conventional brate, first the liftoff direction is determined and
ET methods [3]. then the scale is typically set using an EDM notch
NDT methods use sensors to inspect a material (e.g., 0.03 in. long by 0.015 in. deep, and a few
for defects or condition/quality. ET uses time-varying thousandths wide). For example, the EDM notch
magnetic fields to induce eddy currents in a material response may be set to 80% of the scale and any
under test. For crack detection, the induced eddy- ET response above 50% may be recorded as a crack
current pattern is interrupted by the presence of a indication.
8 Physical Monitoring Principles

conformable sensors and other means to substantially

Vertical axis (relative scale)

limit these response variations.

Crack 3. Human error

These can manifest themselves in a variety of forms.
Conventional methods do little to avoid such errors.
These errors include (i) selecting the wrong probe,
(ii) not verifying the noise level on the standard,
Liftoff direction both away from flaws and by multiple repeated
measurements both before and after an inspec-
Horizontal axis (relative scale) tion, (iii) improper setting of displays and scales,
Figure 1. Typical impedance representation of a crack (iv) scanning at speeds above that used in the POD
response. study, (iv) tilting the probe, (v) not scanning the
entire surface of interest (for manual scanning)
There are many concerns with conventional ET
or scanning with less sensor overlap on succes-
methods for crack detection; some are listed below:
sive incremental scans, (vi) calibrating on the wrong
1. Calibration verification crack/EDM notch standard, and (vi) not accounting
Detection sensitivity of the probe is assumed to be well for temperature variations in the standards and
the same as that of a different probe used, perhaps in in the component under test. There are also many less
a POD study. If the sensor is significantly different obvious human error sources.
(as indicated by Auld and Moulder [4], where the
fields from conventional ET probes were shown to 4. Tight cracks in shot peened surfaces
vary by as much as 35% even when the terminal This is a severe limitation of conventional methods.
response was essentially identical), then the signal- Conventional ET probes cannot reliably detect tight
to-noise level may be much lower than expected, cracks in shot peened specimens. As described in
producing significant false indications even though Section 6, a linear drive design has advantages over
the signal level for a given EDM notch has been conventional (more circular) coil designs, and use
set to the same value as for the POD study. Also, of higher frequencies is often necessary to achieve
if the conditions change from calibration on the test sufficient sensitivity.
block to measurement on the part (e.g., temperature
shifts, roughness differences, curvature variations, 5. Limited frequency range
probe cable damage, or just cable motion), there Most ET probes have a limited frequency range
is no method to verify that the correct calibration of operation (e.g., 15 kHz, 50500 kHz, or 12.5
is sustained throughout the actual inspection. For MHz). This narrow frequency range is a limitation
example, a conventional ET probe calibrated in a ship for crack-depth sizing using two frequency methods.
bay at room temperature will respond substantially Furthermore, conventional ET instruments and probes
differently when the same probe is used in more are typically limited to operation below 5 MHz. Some
extreme temperatures shipboard. advanced probes have extended this range, but only
a few provide reliable operation at these elevated
2. Curvature, roughness, and paint thickness frequencies. For example, high frequencies above
Variations in the material under test curvature, surface 10 MHz and high reliability are needed to detect small
roughness, paint thickness, and other effects such as cracks in shot peened superalloy components (e.g.,
probe tilt will each reduce sensitivity significantly 0.016 in. length by 0.008 in. depth).
compared to performance on a flat, smooth, and
unpainted calibration or test specimen. Although this 6. Throughput
is also the case for advanced methods, some advanced Conventional ET probes are limited in their ability
methods enable the operator to verify that these vari- to provide rapid imaging capability compared to
ations are maintained to within acceptable levels to array-based solutions that can scan wide areas with
insure acceptable performance, and some methods use 1050 times the throughput. Fully parallel instrument
Eddy-current Methods 9

channels are needed to provide reliable throughput liftoff value or the effective conductivity measure-
increases with complete and uniform coverage ments on the material under test are within a range
control. Some instruments that use excessive that would indicate proper performance. This issue
multiplexing during scanning have most channels has been addressed by some advanced ET methods.
turned off at any one time. This introduces concerns
about the uniformity of coverage of the inspected 11. Other limitations
area, compared to that in the POD study. It is Many ET sensor arrays consist of a collection of
essential that these are the same or better on a conventional ET coils (with individual drive and
component if the POD performance is to be assumed. sensing elements). These arrays have several major
Furthermore, even arrays of conventional ET probes limitations:
are limited in that the crack signal varies dramatically
across the sensor and between sensing elements. (a) Cross talk between sensing elements
Some advanced eddy-current arrays have solved these Neighboring drives produce signals that are not
issues, but most are plagued by poor reliability in only captured by the associated sensing element
actual implementations. but also by neighboring sensing elements. One
common practice is to multiplex the sensors
7. Poor sensitivity to tight cracks in an array to avoid measuring on neighboring
sensing elements, reducing cross-talk effects. This
For both shot peened surfaces and for detection
approach introduces concerns regarding coverage
of smaller (shallow) cracks, circular drive winding
and must be performed with care to ensure POD
configurations are typically less sensitive than some
performance is maintained. Other advanced arrays
more advanced linear drive designs.
such as the MWM-Array use linear drive wires that
eliminate this cross-talk issue entirely.
8. Sensitivity to mechanical damage
This is a major weakness that dramatically increases
(b) Variable sensing element responses
false indications. Scratches, nicks, and dings can
Arrays of conventional ET sensors and variability
produce false indications for conventional ET, forcing
in lead configurations for each sensing element
detection thresholds to be raised to avoid costly false
cause variability in the individual sensing element
indications. This is particularly difficult in regions
responses to cracks. This makes it difficult to assess
with fretting damage, e.g., for engine disk slots and
POD performance using a conventional ET array.
bolt holes.
Advanced flexible arrays use microfabrication
methods to produce nearly identical sensing
9. Severe scanner and alignment requirements
elements but many of these designs still suffer
The high sensitivity of conventional ET probes to
from sensing element response variations due to
tilt and liftoff variations and the need to scan large
variability in instrumentation and leads. MWM-
areas with a single coil have introduced severe
Array methods address this need by using a
scanner requirements. Huge steel gantry structures are
patented calibration methodology that corrects for
common for costly ET scanners. The high cost and
these element-to-element variations, while using
large footprints of these scanners can be avoided by
microfabrication and a linear drive to limit the
using modern conformable ET array technologies and severity of these variations. It is anticipated that
using self-diagnostics to ensure proper performance. arrays such as the MWM-Array that address these
This is true both for depot/production ET scanners concerns will become more and more widely used
and for portable field scanners. in the near future.
10. No self-diagnostics capability
Conventional ET, using either differential or absolute 5.2 Conventional ET conductivity
coils and calibrating on crack standards, is inherently measurement
a relative method (i.e., measurement amplitudes are
relative to the reference standard properties). Thus, Conventional ET conductivity measurements use one
there is no mechanism for verifying that either the or more conductivity reference standards to calibrate
10 Physical Monitoring Principles

the instrumentation. The standards have an electrical a limited performance range and eliminates much
conductivity comparable to the expected conductivity of the potential for self-diagnostics. More important,
of the material to be examined and preferably bracket however, is that conventional ET coating property
the measured conductivity. Depending upon the probe measurements require that the conductivity of the
and instrument configuration, the standards can be coating standards and the conductivity of the actual
used to determine the liftoff direction as with ET coating being tested are essentially the same (i.e.,
crack detection. Many of the limitations described close enough to ensure that the thickness measure-
above are also relevant for single sensing element ment is sufficiently accurate). Advanced methods,
methods or array-based methods for conductivity performed in accordance with ASTM E2338 [5],
measurement. The use of conductivity standards to offer substantial improvements by enabling calibra-
calibrate conventional ET sensors introduces opportu- tion without coating standards and by independently
nities for human error and eliminates the capability to measuring the coating conductivity and thickness.
provide self-diagnostics by verifying performance on This is an enabling feature not only for coating thick-
a conductivity standard instead of calibrating on such ness measurement but also for detection of cracks
a standard. Also, such methods are typically limited in components with coatings, for identification of
by the available range of conductivity standards. coating thermal aging, and for detection of manu-
In most applications, conventional ET examina- facturing quality lapses, e.g., excessive porosity.
tions use a circular coil. This creates a rotationally
symmetric magnetic field so that the probe response
is independent of orientation on the material surface. 6 ADVANCED ET METHOD
As a consequence, anisotropic (directional) conduc- EXAMPLE: THE MWM -ARRAY
tivity variations cannot be measured. While this can
be an advantage because it removes sensitivity to such The MWM-Array is a conformable ET array that
variations, in some situations this anisotropy is in was specifically designed for model-based inverse
itself the material variation of interest for quality or methods. Multivariate inverse methods convert the
degradation assessments. For example, for the roller sensor response into absolute property estimates.
burnishing quality inspection of the C-130 and P-3 Multiple sensor responses, for each individual sensing
propellers, the conductivity is measured in two direc- element at each location in an image, are converted
tions (using an MWM sensor) and the ratio is used into estimates of several material properties at each
to assess the roller burnishing quality. location along the inspected surface of the material
Advanced methods, which do not require the under test. These methods can also be used to esti-
use of standards for calibration and are calibrated mate geometric parameters (e.g., liftoff or coating
using model-based methods, offer wider range of thicknesses) and other dependent properties, such as
conductivity measurement reliability and robustness. stress (typically related to either magnetic perme-
Furthermore, the use of air as a calibration mate- ability or electrical conductivity) and temperature
rial, as described in ASTM E2338 [5], offers a (typically related to electrical conductivity).
self-diagnostic capability that can allow the sensor The MWM-Array addresses most of the limita-
performance to be verified on a reference standard for tions listed above for crack detection, conductivity
each individual sensing element in an ET array. This imaging, and coating characterization. For example,
ASTM standard describes the air calibration method the MWM-Array is currently used by the US mili-
in detail. tary for detection of fretting fatigue cracks in engine
disk slots. Direct comparison of performance between
this advanced method and conventional ET and liquid
5.3 Conventional ET coating thickness penetrant inspection (LPI) for actual implementations
measurement illustrates the dramatic advances that are possible.
Also, this method and the JENTEK Sensors, Inc.,
For coating thickness measurements, conventional ET Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Navy, and
requires a set of coating thickness reference standards Air Force team members were selected for the FAA
[6]. As with the conductivity measurement, this yields 2007 Better Way Award, specifically for engine
Eddy-current Methods 11

component automated disk and blade dovetail inspec- (in this case 22) to be acquired over the crack. Other
tion solutions. references describe how this same method can be
In one direct comparison, on a US Navy engine used for more unknowns (e.g., for the thickness and
population, over 3000 engine disk slots were conductivity of a coating, as well as the substrate
inspected during an 18-month period at a Navy conductivity and liftoff).
Depot using a 36-channel MWM-Array with a fully As shown in the upper left of Figure 2, a conduc-
parallel architecture JENTEK impedance instrument. tivity image is created using a precomputed database
The automated MWM-Array system performed these of sensor responses called a measurement grid. This
inspections and (i) there were zero false indications, database enables the rapid conversion of ET data
(ii) the speed achieved was less than 1 min per into both conductivity and liftoff values, at each
slot, (iii) over 9 disks in over 130 were detected location along the surface being inspected. Multiple
with cracks, (iv) all detected cracks were verified frequencies can be used to obtain effective conduc-
by destructive testing, i.e., fractography, or other tivity measurements at each applied frequency. As
means, and (v) most of these cracks were missed by shown on the bottom left of Figure 2, a typical ET
conventional ET and LPI. impedance plane response, similar to those obtained
Of course, this unusual level of performance reli- for conventional ET methods, is produced. However,
ability (POD and false indication rate) cannot be here the software automatically interprets the raw
expected in all applications of the MWM-Array. sensor data and builds images in near real time.
However, such advanced automated ET systems are The key to making this method practical is the
now available at a fraction of the cost of previous design of sensors, such as the MWM-Array, that elim-
automated solutions and with substantial improve- inate most unmodeled dynamics and enable calibra-
ments in ease of use, inspection throughput (e.g., tion in air without the use of crack, conductivity, or
1 min per slot vs 20 min per slot); they offer substan- coating standards. The next three subsections describe
tially smaller system footprint, and in some cases are three brief case studies that illustrate this capability
semiportable. for engine disk slot inspection, blade dovetail inspec-
This is an important example because it high- tion, and bolt-hole inspections.
lights the difficulty of managing NDT decisions and
selecting solutions. Conventional NDT (ET and LPI)
are expected to perform reliably; however, instances 6.1 Case study I: engine disk slot
continue to occur where the original performance inspection
expectations (based on POD studies that may not
have represented realistic conditions) are not being Figure 3 shows a photograph of the MWM-Array
sustained in service. This highlights the need to systems at a NAVAIR Depot (Cherry Point) used for
improve performance evaluation methods. engine disk slot inspection, along with conductivity
Figure 2 illustrates measurement data using an and liftoff image results. The engine disks are placed
advanced ET method that enables rapid conversion onto the conical supports and the sensor arrays are
of sensor data into conductivity and liftoff data. The scanned through complex-shaped slots in the disks.
bottom right shows a model-based predicted sensor The performance of these two systems is summarized
response as the conductivity and liftoff of a test below:
material are varied. The sensor response, expressed in in use at NAVAIR Depot, Cherry Point, since
complex notation in terms of the real (in-phase) and April 2005;
imaginary (out-of-phase) components, depends upon nine disks with cracks detected, several of these
the conductivity and liftoff in a nonlinear fashion. large and small cracks not detected by conven-
The measurement data for a single channel of a tional ET and LPI;
sensor array shows liftoff variation as the sensor array all crack detections verified by destructive testing
is scanned over the part, as well as the presence or other means;
of a crack. Using advanced instrumentation, the no false indications on 131 disks (over 3000 slots
acquisition rate for the data can be fast compared inspected with zero false calls resulting in a false
to the scan speed, which allows multiple data points call rate per slot of <0.03%);
(~1500 points)


Imaginary (H)
12 Physical Monitoring Principles

Real (H)

Imaginary (H)
05 7.08 7.11 7.14 7.17 7.20 7.23 7.26 7.29 7
Real (H)
1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18
X = 7.3025, Y = 1.0025 Value: 1.0834 %IACS C = 25

Conductivity Lift-Off Set 10 Conductivity Liftoff

0.034 Full grid
Crack 0.036

(22 points)
Crack 0.033 0.034 Conductivity




Imaginary (H)
Imaginary (H)
0.026 Liftoff
0.029 0.024
0.075 0.072 0.069 0.066 0.063 0.060 0.057 0.080 0.075 0.070 0.065 0.060 0.055 0.050 0.045
Liftoff Real (H) Real (H)

Figure 2. Example of rapid data processing using grid methods (precomputed databases), to convert impedance data for each MWM-Array channel (sense
element) into conductivity and liftoff at each point in the image (patents issued and pending).
Eddy-current Methods 13


Conductivity Liftoff
Conductivity scan at 15.84 MHz, Scan 5 Liftoff scan at 15.84 MHz, Scan 5
K norm Liftoff
1.25 32
Slot 6 1.20
1.15 29
Average: 1.0053 %IACS
1.10 28
Minimum: 0.7564 %IACS 27
1.05 Maximum: 1.1520 %IACS
1.00 Crack Box geometry: 25
0.95 Left: 7.1816
Bottom: 1.0158 24
Width: 0.1588
6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Height: 0.1211 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6

1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.17 1.20 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
%IACS mils
X = 7.3404, Y = 1.0158 Value: 1.1285 %IACS
Conductivity scan at 15.84 MHz, Scan 5 Liftoff scan at 15.84 MHz, Scan 5
x norm Liftoff
1.5 1.5
1.2 1.2 30
0.9 0.9
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.23 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
%IACS mils

Liftoff scan at 15.84 MHz, Scan 5

x norm Liftoff
0.6 0.6 15
0.3 0.3

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.23 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
%IACS mils

(b) (c)
Figure 3. (a) Two automated GridStation Systems at NAVAIR Depot, Cherry Point, for engine disk slot inspection,
(b) 37-channel, MWM-Array eddy-current sensor inspecting an engine disk slot, and (c) conductivity and liftoff images of
MWM-Array results.

all disks now subjected to mandatory inspection This data continues to be accumulated on this
using the MWM-Array system during engine particular engine disk slot population. This data
processing at this depot. is a valuable asset for developing next generation
14 Physical Monitoring Principles

(a) (b) (c)

20-mil crack 15-mil crack 15-mil crack

30 30
27 27
24 Scan paths of individual 24
21 sensing elements 21
18 18
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Custom Table: Filtered Signal scan at 6.309 MHz - GLAM0195 (3)

18 18
15 Corner 1 Corner 4
12 12
9 9
6 6
Individual sensing 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

(d) (e)
Figure 4. (a) Early design for automated blade dovetail inspection system; (b, c) photograph and detail of system delivered
to the US Navy in 2007; (d) close-up of blade dovetail and liftoff image showing scan paths of individual sensing elements
and acceptable liftoff values (indicted by green on a green-to-yellow-to-red color scale for liftoff); and (e) MWM-Array
results with cracks indicated in the conductivity image (blue), verified by optical microscopy, and mapped onto a 3D image
of the blade dovetail.

ALM approaches, i.e., as disks are reinspected after 6.2 Case study II: blade dovetail
years in service, damage evolution history can be inspection
The images in Figure 3(b) and (c) are for conduc- The inspection of blade dovetails has been funded by
tivity and liftoff respectively. These liftoff images NAVAIR under a similar effort. Pilot line testing is
enable real-time self-diagnostics by verifying that the ongoing at NAS, Jacksonville. Figure 4(ac) shows
liftoff is within an acceptable range. And the blue the JENTEK Blade Dovetail Carousel and GridSta-
conductivity images further confirm that the abso- tion System for automated inspection of an entire
lute conductivity is within an acceptable range. The blade set in about 1 h. In this system, the sensor
combination of these two absolute measurements at array is scanned over the complex-shaped dovetail of
each of thousands of locations within an engine disk the blades. A pneumatic actuator clamps the sensor
slot offers a built-in verification of sensor perfor- array to the dovetail so that the surfaces on both
mance for each slot. Furthermore, this inspection is sides are examined at the same time. Figure 4(d) and
performed using an air/shunt calibration as described (e) shows where the dovetail is inspected with the
in ASTM Standard E2338. conformable MWM-Array sensor (which is shown in
Eddy-current Methods 15

imaging with the bolt-hole MWM-Arrays. This allows

for very efficient generation of time-sequenced NDT
(scanning) images at various damage levels, and
significantly reduces the costs and labor needed to
generate empirical NDT databases.
As illustrated in Figure 8, the surface-mounted
Row of
sensing MWM-Arrays detected the fatigue crack long before
Drive elements it reached a crack length of 0.0175 in. Also, the high
winding signal to noise for the scanning MWM-Array data in
Figure 7 makes it likely that much smaller cracks can
Sense be detected and the damage progression tracked.

Plate 5. MWM-Array used for disk slot and blade dove-

tail inspections of regions experiencing fretting damage, for 7 REAL-CRACK STANDARDS
case studies I and II (patents issued and pending). MWM
is a registered trademark of JENTEK Sensors, Inc. There are several practical methods available for
generating real-crack specimens. Figures 7 and 8
Figure 5 and is the same sensor used for the disk slot illustrate one such method that uses advanced ET
inspection shown in Figure 3) and resulting MWM- arrays either mounted permanently on the specimen
Array images with associated crack indications. or scanned periodically across the specimen during
fatigue coupon testing. The configuration in Figures 7
and 8 is for bolt holes. Figure 9 shows a similar
6.3 Case study III: bolt holes capability for generating real cracks in curved and
shot peened or coated components. In this example,
Bolt-hole inspection is also possible with MWM- mechanical damage in the form of a ding is included
Arrays. This demonstration illustrates the capability to illustrate the generation of real-crack specimens
to inspect bolt holes and track crack-growth behavior. with crack initiation at a mechanical damage site.
Figure 6(a) and (b), respectively, shows the bolt- Thus, generation of real-crack specimens for NDT
hole scanning apparatus and MWM-Array sensor POD studies are no longer significantly more expen-
used for this demonstration. Figure 6(c) provides an
sive than that of specimens with EDM notches. Crack
example of conductivity (blue, with red crack indica-
specimens with real cracks can be generated without
tion) and liftoff (green-to-yellow-to-red color scale,
starter notches in bolt holes and curved surfaces. This
where green indicates acceptable liftoff). Note that
can be accomplished for shot peened surfaces and
the conductivity images are cut off when the liftoff is
even with coatings. Thus, it is no longer necessary
above a specified level, automatically indicating the
to use EDM notches to perform POD studies for ET
edge location.
methods on surface-breaking flaws.
Figure 7 provides the filtered response and the
corresponding images of a crack (in a bolt hole) at
three different stages of growth during a coupon test.
This data might be stored for multiple coupon tests in
a database (empirically generated) and then searched The fundamental developments of advanced ET
and calibrated using results from service components methods that can address the limitations of conven-
to enable not only estimation of crack sizes but also tional ET are the following:
as a means for estimating damage evolution behavior
(e.g., the probability of a failure occurring before the 1. Low-cost processing power this enables the
next inspection). generation of precomputed databases of sensor
Figure 8 shows the response of a surface-mounted responses and/or real-time processing of large
MWM-Array used during the coupon test. These volumes of sensor digital sensor data.
arrays provide real-time, continuous fatigue test 2. Digital signal-processing chips these enable
monitoring and are used to schedule the C-Scan the development of highly accurate, absolute,
Conductivity scan at 15.84 MHz - Low (6)
x norm Liftoff
16 Physical Monitoring Principles

1 Conductivity
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330

0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10
Lift-off scan at 15.84 MHz - Low (6)

1 Liftoff
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330

3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6. (a) Bolt-hole scanning apparatus, (b) close-up view of MWM-Array sensor scanning a fatigue coupon with a hole (see Eddy-current in situ
Sensors for SHM, Figure 3(c) for schematic of 7-channel sensor), and (c) MWM-Array conductivity (blue) and liftoff (green) images.
Eddy-current Methods 17

0.24 6

Filtered conductivity
24 840 cycles 0.15 4
0.018 in. long 0.12 3
( 0.009 deep) 0.09 2
0.06 1
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70

0.0 0.2 0.4 Position (in.)


0.24 6

Filtered conductivity
25 348 cycles 0.15
0.020 in. long 0.12 3
( 0.010 deep) 0.09 2
0.06 1
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70
Position (in.)
0.0 0.2 0.4

0.24 6
Filtered conductivity

25 907 cycles 0.15 4
0.026 in. long 0.12 3
( 0.013 deep) 0.09 2
0.06 1
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70

0.0 0.2 0.4 Position (in.)


Figure 7. Spatially filtered MWM-Array scan images of a crack produced inside a hole in a Ti-6Al-4V fatigue coupon
with two holes. Data are from scans of the hole with the MWM-Array FA43 sensor (see Eddy-current in situ Sensors
for SHM, Figure 3(c) for photo) at various stages of the fatigue test. Crack photomicrographs on the left are from acetate
replicas taken after each MWM-Array scan.

high-throughput parallel architecture impedance of sensor digital sensor data using model-based
instrumentation that is suitable for use with inverse methods.
model-based inverse methods (that require such 5. Rapid multivariate inverse methodsthese en-
highly accurate, absolute impedance measure- able the rapid processing of sensor data without
ments). running the model successively. This alone has
3. Low-cost instrumentation fabricationthis a huge impact on throughput and reliability.
enables the fabrication of relatively low-cost, 6. ET sensor designs that can be accurately repre-
portable, and powerful high-throughput parallel sented by rapid models >these combined
architecture and high-fidelity impedance instru- with the rapid inverse methods enable many
mentation. of the features needed by advanced methods
4. Rapid modeling methodsthese combined to overcome the limitations of conventional
with processing power enable the generation methods.
of precomputed databases of sensor responses 7. Flexible ET arrays with no sensing element
and/or real-time processing of large volumes cross talkthis is required to enable rapid
18 Physical Monitoring Principles

1.00 Channel 10
Normalized conductivity Channel 11


0.96 Channel 9


Channel 8

10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000

Fatigue cycles

(a) 0.0175 in. 0.0205 in. 0.0259 in.

Channels Channels
Channels 19 24 1318
7 8 9 10 1112

0.393 Channels
712 Channels
1 6

1 2 34 56

(b) (c)
Figure 8. (a) MWM-Array data for the same Ti-6Al-4V coupon as shown in Figure 7, (b) photograph and schematic of
the FA75 MWM-Array demonstrating how it was mounted in the two holes, and (c) setup for fatigue coupon testing.

wide area scanning of complex curved 9. Self-diagnosticsby reliably measuring condu-

surfaces. Many advanced ET arrays use ctivity and liftoff at all noncrack locations
more conventional designs for which each within and ET image to ensure that performance
sensing element responds differently and do not of at each inspection location remains within
provide consistent responses for each element the assumed range and that the sensor
in the array, making detection reliability and instrumentation continue to perform
unpredictable. properly.
8. Air calibration methodsas described in 10. Linear drive configurationsthese provide a
ASTM Standard E2338-04 that enable reliable high-density eddy-current flow in the direc-
calibration of ET arrays and single sensing tion perpendicular to the crack (for improved
element ET sensors and also provide the crack detection sensitivity, particularly for shot
foundation for inherent self-diagnostics. peened components) and to provide a reduced
Eddy-current Methods 19

3982 cycles 5166 cycles 5431 cycles

Crack not visible in replica Crack Crack

Sense elements
away from dimple
Normalized conductivity

0 cycles
1693 cycles
1961 cycles
2614 cycles
Sense elements
Dimple 3155 cycles on dimple

3982 cycles
0.9 Scanning
sensor data
Surface mounted 5166 cycles
sensor data
5431 cycles

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Figure 9. Progression of fatigue damage in Ti6Al4V captured by three different methods(top) optical microscopy
of acetate replicas, (solid lines) output of surface-mounted MWM-Arrays, and (purple images) eight C-scan images from
periodic inspection with a scanning MWM-Array. At 5166 cycles, the crack length outside the dimple was 0.006 in. (left
side) and 0.005 in. (right side). At 5431 both cracks were approximately 0.008 in. in length along the surface. The distance
from tip to tip at 5431 cycles was 0.054 in.

sensitivity to crack position within the footprint, capability to monitor damage at a single location
as well as a substantial reduction of edge effects before and after damage initiation. This enables
associated with drive position relative to the removal of component-to-component variations and
edge. use of the undamaged material response as a refer-
11. High frequencies and wide dynamic range ence for damage detection.
this is required to enable improved coating Conventional NDT solutions have, historically,
characterization, high sensitivity to tight cracks, not offered either the reproducibility or the digital
and measurement of crack depths (although archiving necessary to enable such comparisons
accurate crack-depth measurement remains a of component conditions before and after damage
difficult problem when crack morphologies vary initiation. In the next decade, this will change dramat-
significantly or cracks occur in clusters). ically, since both advanced (scanning) NDT methods
(with newly achieved levels of repeatability) and
Furthermore, repeated imaging to map and track onboard sensors can monitor the damage sites both
early damage growth is a new practice in NDT that before and after damage occurs. The relative perfor-
is expected to be used more and more as NDT mance of each method will thus depend on the
methods are upgraded. This will be complementary reproducibility and overall reliability of this repeated
to the evolution of SHM and is expected to result in measurement data over long periods of time (weeks
an integrated suite of advanced NDT/SHM solutions and months in some cases, to many years in other
over time. cases).
One advantage of using embedded SHM sensors There are many factors that will introduce noise
compared to conventional NDT solutions is the (structured and random) in both advanced NDT and
20 Physical Monitoring Principles

SHM sensor data. Thus, in every application, the REFERENCES

relative performance of each should be evaluated.
In some cases, reduction of uncertainty to required [1] Haus HA, Melcher JR. Electromagnetic Fields and
levels will require a combined solution to accommo- Energy. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
date anticipated random and deterministic error/noise [2] Goldfine N. Magnetometers for improved materials
sources. characterization in aerospace applications. ASNT
Materials Evaluation 1993 51(3):396405.
[3] Udpa SS (Technical editor), Moore PO (eds). Electro-
magnetic testing. In Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
END NOTES Third Edition. American Society for Nondestructive
Testing: Columbus, OH, May 2004; Vol. 5.
WavelengthIn dynamics, the wavelength is [4] Auld BA, Moulder JC. Review of advances in quanti-
determined by the velocity of an electromagnetic trav- tative eddy current nondestructive evaluation. Journal
eling wave in a medium divided by the oscillation of Nondestructive Evaluation 1999 18(1):336.
frequency. For example, the wavelength of a traveling [5] ASTM E2338-06, Standard Practice for Characteri-
wave at 13 MHz in air is 23 m. In quasistatics, this zation of Coatings Using Conformable Eddy-Current
wavelength is long compared to the relevant system Sensors without Coating Reference Standards. ASTM
dimensions. International, Book of Standards, 2006; Vol. 03.
Shot peening is a cold working method that [6] ASTM E376-06, Standard Practice for Measuring
induces residual stresses at the surface of a compo- Coating Thickness by Magnetic Field or Eddy-
nent to extend fatigue life. Cold working processes Current (Electromagnetic) Examination Methods.
include shot peening, burnishing, and laser shock ASTM International, Book of Standards, 2006;
processing. Vol. 03.
Chapter 65
Full-field Sensing: Three-dimensional
Computer Vision and Digital Image
Correlation for Noncontacting Shape
and Deformation Measurements
Michael A. Sutton
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA


1 Introduction 1 1.1 Area of application

2 Key Technologies Used in Three- The area of application is known as three-dimensio-
dimensional Computer Vision (3D-DIC) nal digital image correlation (3D-DIC), a noncon-
for Structural Measurements 4 tacting measurement method capable of accurately
3 Basic Concepts in Three-dimensional quantifying small or large three-dimensional surface
Computer Vision (3D-DIC) for displacements and surface strains on specimens ran-
Structural Measurements of ging from a 103 to 10 m or larger.
Deformation and Shape 5
4 Application of the Technique for Large
Component Measurements 10
5 Conclusions and Remarks 12 1.2 Motivation
Acknowledgments 13 With the increase in computer processing speed,
End Notes 13 the ability to computationally predict a wide range
References 13 of complex phenomena has increased dramati-
cally (see Free and Forced Vibration Models;
Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves in
Solids; Acoustic Emission; Electromechanical
Impedance Modeling; Thermomechanical Models;
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 Health Monitoring; Static Damage Phenomena
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. and Models; Damage Evolution Phenomena and
2 Sensors

106 Optical diffraction limit

Estimated strain resolution

Extended sample limit



2-D and 3-D Sample limit

Optical image correlation



1.0 1
10 1.0 101 102 103 104 105 106
Object length scale (m)
Figure 1. Schematic relating strain resolution to object dimensions. The graph focuses primarily on small-scale 2-D
measurements. IC denotes image correlation, which appears to be a viable method for measurements over several orders
of magnitude in out length scale. Optical IC includes both 2-D and 3-D methods. (The graph shown is a modified version
of one developed by Prof. K.S. Kim, Brown University.)

Models; Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials; directly compared with theoretical predictions to
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements; Finite provide quantitative measures of the quality of the
Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic and Magne- predictions:
tostrictive Sensors and Actuators; A Simpli-
fied Damage Model for SHM Metallic and load-crack extension
Composite Structures; Modeling for Detection of crack-tip strain field during crack extension
Degraded Zones in Metallic and Composite Struc- crack opening displacement.
tures; Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures).
Phenomena such as stable crack growth, dynamic
crack growth, mechanical response of complex struc- Figure 1 presents one viewa of the relationship
tures, impact and blast loading, as well as a wide between strain sensitivity and specimen length scale
range of other phenomenon can be simulated with for digital image correlation (IC) methods. As shown
modern computational algorithms and associated in this figure, for structural measurements on compo-
software. nents on the order of 100 m or larger, optical
Until recent years, the ability to obtain accu- IC methods offer investigators the ability to quan-
rate, full-field measurements under general conditions tify strains on the order of 104 or larger. Though
including (i) three-dimensional motions, (ii) large de- originally developed for 2-D measurement methods
formations, and (iii) high rate loading has been (e.g., 2-D IC), stereovision concepts have been
limited by the methods available. To validate the used to formulate a general, noncontacting method
simulations, one approach is to compare specific designated three-dimensional digital image correla-
predictions to experimental measurements. For exam- tion (3D-DIC) that has an accuracy similar to that
ple, if a fracture criterion is assumed as part of two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D-
of a simulation (see Static Damage Phenomena DIC), while extending the capability to 3-D motion
and Models; Damage Evolution Phenomena and measurements on 3-D objects. Applications in the
Models; Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials), past two decades have shown conclusively that
then measurements such as the following can be 3D-DIC is capable of making full-field deformation
Full-field Sensing: 3-D Computer Vision/Digital Image Correlation 3

measurements on curved or planar specimens in a and Models; Damage Evolution Phenomena and
wide range of applications, with strain accuracy on Models; Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials;
the order of 104 . Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements; Finite
Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic and Magne-
tostrictive Sensors and Actuators; A Simpli-
fied Damage Model for SHM Metallic and
1.3 Historical background Composite Structures; Modeling for Detection
of Degraded Zones in Metallic and Composite
A cursory review of the literature indicates that Structures; Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures)
the earliest developments in image-based shape are typical examples of the type of measurement
measurements resulted in the formation of the field techniques developed for use with coherent light
of photogrammetry. Originally focused on extracting sources. In all cases except fiber optic sensing,
height/shape information through comparative photo- the measurement data (surface slopes and displace-
graphy, it appears that some of the first work in the ments) was most often embedded in the photo-
area of image correlation was performed by Gilbert graphic medium, typically in the form of a fringe
Hobrough in the 1950s. Hobrough compared analog pattern. Since the photographic recording process
representations for photographs to register features is generally nonlinear, resulting in difficulties in
from various views [1], and later designed and built extracting partial fringe positions with high accu-
an instrument to correlate high-resolution recon- racy, the most common process employed by experi-
naissance photography with high precision survey mental mechanicians was a laborious determination
photography in order to enable more precise measure- of estimates for fringe center locations at a few
ment of changeable ground conditions [2], thereby points.
being one of the first investigators to attempt a form Given the difficulties encountered by experimental
of digital IC to extract height information from the mechanicians during the postprocessing of photo-
IC/matching process. graphically recorded measurement data, it was natural
As digitized images became available in the 1960s for researchers to employ recent progress in digital
and 1970s, researchers in artificial intelligence and imaging technology and develop (i) methods for digi-
robotics began to develop vision-based algorithms tally recording images containing measurement data,
and stereovision methodologies in parallel with (ii) algorithms to analyze the digital images and
photogrammetry applications in aerial photography extract the measurement data, and (iii) approaches for
(see Rosenfeld [3] for an extensive bibliography). automating the entire process.
As noted by Rosenfeld, engineering applications One of the earliest papers that proposed the use
for shape and deformation measurements using of computer-based image acquisition and deformation
digital images were either nonexistent or rare up measurements in material systems was written by
to 1980. Peters and Ranson in 1982 [15]. Originally envisioned
While digital image analysis methods were under- as a method for use with ultrasonic waves, the
going explosive growth in many areas, much of the authors suggested comparing small regions (known
field of experimental solid mechanics was focused as subsets) from each of the digitally recorded
on applying recently developed laser technology. ultrasonic images before and after deformation.
Holography [46], laser speckle [7], laser speckle Using fundamental continuum mechanics concepts
photography [8, 9], laser speckle interferometry [10], governing the deformation of small areas, subset
speckle shearing interferometry [11], moire methods matching throughout each image was proposed to
[12, 13], holographic interferometry [14] and fiber obtain a dense set of full-field, two-dimensional
optic sensors (see Free and Forced Vibration displacement measurements. Over the next decade,
Models; Fundamentals of Guided Elastic Waves the basic concepts were extended and applied to
in Solids; Acoustic Emission; Electromechanical optical images of an undeformed and deformed
Impedance Modeling; Thermomechanical Models; object. The proposed methodology was modified and
Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural refined, resulting in a set of numerical algorithms
Health Monitoring; Static Damage Phenomena that were validated through a combination of
4 Sensors

experimental and computational studies [1623]. 2 KEY TECHNOLOGIES USED IN

The 2D-DIC method has been used to measure
crack-tip strain fields [2427], creep deformations at
elevated temperature [28], and tensile deformations COMPUTER VISION (3D-DIC)
of thin paper sheets [29, 30]; a high contrast FOR STRUCTURAL
random pattern was applied to the paper sheets
using Xerox toner power. For these measurements, MEASUREMENTS
a random pattern and incoherent illumination were Figure 2 shows several actual stereovision systems
used to obtain high-contrast, white-light speckle that have been used successfully to measure 3-D
images. By selecting subsets from the pattern shape and 3-D displacement fields. Key technolo-
and comparing deformed and undeformed patterns, gies used to construct 3D-DIC measurement systems
the matching process is used to obtain full-field include the following:
More recently, investigators have begun to probe High-resolution, scientific-grade, charge coupled
the fundamentals of the image-matching process and device (CCD) or complementary metal oxide
quantify the potential accuracy of the method. For semiconductor (CMOS) cameras
example, Schreier et al. [31] showed that inten-
sity interpolation must be performed to improve Typical cameras record in monochrome with
the accuracy of the displacement measurements. 8 bits.
In follow-on on studies, Schreier and Sutton [32] Spatial resolution is on the order of 1024
have shown that quadratic shape functions provide 1024 pixels.
some advantages when performing the matching Pixels are square in physical dimension.
process, especially for nonuniform strain fields. Rela-
tive to the importance of distortions in pattern Quality optical lenses for imaging during experi-
matching, Schreier et al. [33] developed and applied ments
nonparametric distortion measurement and removal Nikon, Canon, Sigma, and Schneider lenses
methodologies. are typical brands used.
Since 2D-DIC requires predominantly in-plane Lenses with focal lengths in the range from
displacements and strains, relatively small out-of- f19 to f200 are commonly used.
plane motion of the object will change the magni-
fication and introduces errors in the measured in- Stable, durable camera support structures
plane displacement. To overcome this limitation,
stereovision principles developed for robotics, Heavy-duty tripods, or equally strong struc-
photogrammetry, and other shape and motion tures, to support the cameras.
measurement applications were modified and used Rigid cross members to maintain the rela-
by Chao et al. to successfully develop and apply a tive positions of cameras during an
two-camera stereovision system for the measure- experiment.
ment of three-dimensional crack-tip deformations
[3436]. To overcome some of the key limita- Translation stages to adjust camera position(s)
tions of the method (square subsets remained square Digitally controlled stages for automation
in both cameras, mismatch in the triangulation of of adjustment process have been used
corresponding points, and a calibration process that successfully.
was laborious and time consuming), the stereovi- Rigid cross members with cameras attached
sion method was modified to include (i) the effects can be moved as a unit without affecting the
of perspective on subset shape and (ii) constraints calibration.
on the analysis to include the presence of epipolar
lines [37]. The method has been used success- Temporal synchronization unit for simultaneous
fully in several small- and large-scale applications multicamera image acquisition during calibration
[3840]. and experiment
Full-field Sensing: 3-D Computer Vision/Digital Image Correlation 5



0.3 m
0.3 m
Digital camera

(c) (d)
Figure 2. Typical stereovision systems used for laboratory measurements; (a) Pulnix cameras attached to 3-m gantry
structure to view 1-m-wide specimen in 300-kips (1334 kN) loading frame; (b) Q-imaging cameras mounted to loading
frames via translation stages to view specimenthe small angle between the cameras is due to space constraints for this
application; (c) Pulnix cameras viewing rivet holes in 0.3-m-wide specimen undergoing tensile loading; and (d) high-speed
Phantom V7.1 cameras viewing specimen mounted inside drop tower.

Computer practice, the computer control system may also serve

as (a) the image storage device and (b) the platform
Image acquisition and storage. for postprocessing and data analysis.
Postprocessing of images.

Image acquisition.
Postprocessing of images. THREE-DIMENSIONAL
Profile, displacement, and strain measure- COMPUTER VISION (3D-DIC)
Graphical presentation of measurements. FOR STRUCTURAL
Lighting to maintain adequate pattern contrast
during calibration and experimentation. DEFORMATION AND SHAPE
Figure 3 presents a flow chart for a typical exper- A stereovision system consists of at least two views
iment using a two-camera stereovision system to of the object from different orientations and positions.
acquire images of an object subjected to known Figure 4 presents a schematic containing the key
mechanical loading and environmental conditions. In parameters related to the imaging process.
6 Sensors

Mechanical Computer control Environmental

loading system variables


Lighting Lighting
camera support camera support
translation Camera 1 Camera 2 translation
stages stages

Image storage
postprocessing software
data presentation

Figure 3. Flow chart for acquisition of synchronized images using a typical stereovision system.

Camera 2
Camera 1 World

Sensor 1 YS YS
system p2
XS Sensor 2 XS
(C1x, C1y) system
(C 2x, C 2y)

Epipolar lines f2
Baseline vector

Camera 2
Q1 system
Camera 1

Figure 4. Actual stereovision system and schematic showing pinhole camera models for each camera.; the parameters in
the model must be determined to convert the image positions (p1 and p2 ) into an accurate 3-D location of the point P.
Full-field Sensing: 3-D Computer Vision/Digital Image Correlation 7

In this study, each image system is modeled as a Since equation (1) assumes an ideal, undistorted
pinhole camera. Intrinsic parameters for each camera imaging system, improved accuracy in the measured
include (i) the focal length, f , (ii) the image plane positions can be obtained by including the effect of
center, (Cx , Cy ), (iii) lens distortion coefficient, , radial lens distortion at any point in the sensor plane.
and (iv) scale factors, x and y relating metric Such distortions are typically defined as the differ-
distance on the object to pixel position in the image ence between undistorted and distorted sensor plane
plane. Extrinsic parameters for each camera include position using a cubic function of the radial distance
(i) three independent components of the rotation from the image center. Defining the distortion vector,
matrix [R] and (ii) three components of the trans- d, and the distorted image position by (X d S , Y d S ),
lation vector to orient the world coordinate system then the corrected position, (XS , YS ), can be written
(WCS), with axes (XW , YW , ZW ), relative to a camera as follows:
coordinate system (CCS) located at a camera pinhole,
either Q1 and/or Q2 . (XS , YS ) = (XSd dx , YSd dy )
In practice, the WCS axes oftentimes are defined to
be at a specific object position during the calibration dx = [(XSd Cx )2 + (YSd Cy )2 ]3/2 cos( )
process. For example, if a two-dimensional planar
dy = [(Xsd Cx )2 + (YSd Cy )2 ]3/2 sin( )
grid is used for calibration then (i) the plane of
the grid lines can be assumed to be the plane r(p) = [|r| cos( )]ex + [|r| sin( )]ey
(XW , YW , 0), (ii) the grid intersection at the lower left
= vector location of point p relative
corner can be defined to be the origin (0, 0, 0), and
(iii) the ZW axis is perpendicular to the planar grid. to image center (Cx , Cy )
In a similar manner, each CCS is generally located
= counterclockwise polar angle from
at the pinhole, Q. In many cases, the ZC axis is
aligned with the optical axis through the points QC, XS axis, with origin at (Cx , Cy )
while XC and YC are oriented to align with the camera
sensor axes. with ( < )
The final coordinate system defines the sensor = ratial distortion coefficient
coordinate system (SCS) with (XS , YS ) aligned with
the row and column directions of the sensor plane, (ex , ey ) = unit vectors in XS and YS
and ZS perpendicular to the sensor plane. Located in directions, respectively (2)
the retinal or image plane of the pinhole camera, the
SCS has units of pixels for (XS , YS ) to define sensor It is worth noting that all digitized intensity
locations. patterns are recorded at integer pixel locations. Since
Assuming the rows and columns in the sensor plane the distortion-corrected positions typically form a
are orthogonal, transformations among the WCS, nonuniform grid at noninteger pixel positions, inter-
CCS, and SCS are performed to develop the rela- polation of the pixel values is required to make
tionship between sensor plane coordinates (XS , YS ) measurements with optimal, subpixel accuracy.
of point p and a 3-D position of a point P at
(XW , YW , ZW ). The resulting scalar form can be
written as 3.1 Camera calibration
R11 XW +R12 YW +R13 ZW +tx

X = C +f

S x x
R X +R Y +R Z +t As shown in equations (1 and 2), there are 11 inde-
31 W 32 W 33 W z
pendent parameters for each camera to be deter-

R X +R22 YW +R23 ZW +ty

YS = Cy +f y 21 W mined during the calibration process; six extrinsic
R31 XW +R32 YW +R33 ZW +tz parameters (tx , ty , tz , x , y , and z ) and five intrinsic
(1) parameters (Cx , Cy , f x , f y , and k). A typical
In equation (1), [R] is the rotation matrix and has camera-calibration process uses a calibration target
three independent angles to define all components with known grid spacing. During the calibration
in [R]. process, the target is translated and/or rotated in three
8 Sensors

dimensions, with images acquired by both cameras 3.3 Image-based correlation for subset
at each position during the motion sequence. By matching
locating at least three noncollinear points in each
deformed image, the extrinsic parameters for each To determine the corresponding image location
view (orientation and translation) are estimated and (XS , YS ) in the sensor plane of each camera with
used to give initial locations for corresponding grid utmost accuracy (this is essential for accurate 3-D
points throughout the view. measurement), the procedure used in this study is to
Defining an image-based objective function in the perform optimal matching of image plane subsets;
form this is shown schematically in Figure 5. Defining
an image of the object in one of the cameras (e.g.,

N camera 1 in Figure 1) as the reference image, the
ij ij
E= {(XS measured XS model )2 matching process is typically completed by selecting
i=1 j =1 a dense set of subregions (subsets) in the refer-
ij ij ence image and performing digital IC to identify
+ (YS measured YS model ) }
(3) the corresponding intensity pattern for each subset
in (i) the other view of the undeformed object and
where XS model and YS model are given by equa- (ii) both views of the deformed object (see Statis-
tions (1) and (2), and the measured locations of tical Pattern Recognition for pattern recognition
features in the calibration standard (X d S ij , Y d S ij ) are concepts).
extracted from j = 1, 2, . . . , N pixel locations by Though a variety of matching metrics can be used
analyzing all i = 1, 2, . . . , M images of the cali- to optimally locate the point, a normalized cross-
bration standard. Though several approaches have correlation is oftentimes used. Since a nonlinear
been used to perform the nonlinear optimization of search process is required to locate the best match,
equation (3) for each camera, approaches such as most applications use an initial estimate for the
steepest descent, NewtonRaphson, or a combined parameters to initiate the search process. Typically,
method such as LevenbergMarquardt, have been initial estimates for the rotation and translations of a
used effectively. subset are determined visually by locating the pixel
positions for at least three, noncollinear, matching
points and using these approximate matches to initiate
the search process. As with the camera-calibration
3.2 Three-dimensional measurements problem, a wide range of optimization methods have
been used successfully.
If one considers a specific point, P, with position
(XW , YW , ZW ), then equation (1) relates this position
3.4 Overall procedure for 3D
to the corresponding image location (XS , YS ) in the
sensor plane for each camera; the image points are
vision-based measurements
denoted by p1 and p2 for cameras 1 and 2, respec-
The following procedure is typical for most practical
tively, in Figure 4. When equation (1) is applied to situations:
both calibrated cameras, there are four equations with
three unknowns, specifically the 3-D position of the 1. Set up the stereovision system in preparation for
point P. An optimal solution can be obtained through the actual experiment. Cameras and lenses are
a least-square process to locate the best estimate for selected to obtain high spatial resolution over the
the position (XW , YW , ZW ). By repeating this process required visual field of view. For a stereovision
for each position of interest, a full field of 3-D points system, the cameras and lenses typically are
can be determined at each load level. The difference matched to simplify the setup and calibration
between the initial position, P0 , and the deformed procedures.
position at time t, P0 (t), is the displacement vector 2. Arrange the cameras to meet the physical cons-
with components {(U (P; t), V (P; t), W (P; t))}. traints in the application. In many cases, the
Full-field Sensing: 3-D Computer Vision/Digital Image Correlation 9

Deformed image Deformed image

Cam 1 view Deformed Cam 2 view


Undeformed image Undeformed image

Cam 1 as reference Cam 2 view
Figure 5. Schematic of image-matching process required to obtain the 3-D position of the object given corresponding
images in different views. Camera 1 and camera 2 undeformed views are used to obtain initial 3-D shape of the object.
Camera 1 and camera 2 deformed views are combined with camera 1 reference view to obtain the deformed 3-D position
of the object.

position of the cameras is dictated by the layout Section 3.2 is used to obtain a dense set of 3-D
(e.g., laboratory configuration). points to define the initial object shape. For each
3. Carry out a complete calibration of the stereo- loading state, cross-camera image matching and
vision system, using several motions of a cali- 3-D point generation also obtains the object shape
bration target. During this process, it is recom- in any configuration.
mended that image acquisition be synchronized 7. To determine the true 3-D position of a deformed
between both cameras. body (see Figure 5, all four images are used as
4. Remove the calibration grid, install the shown), subsets are selected in camera 1 and
specimen in the loading system, and verify IC is performed (i) to locate the matching posi-
that the loading is synchronized with the tion in the initial image for camera 2, (ii) to
image acquisition process so that both cameras
locate the matching position in the deformed state
acquire images simultaneously during the
as viewed by camera 1, and (iii) to locate the
matching position in the same deformed image
5. Postprocess all images to determine shape and
as viewed by camera 2. Using the dense set of
deformations. After acquiring N pairs of images
during the loading process, the analysis process center-point locations obtained by the correlation
requires that the images from one camera be process, the procedure described in Section 3.2
designated as the reference images (e.g., is used to obtain a dense set of 3-D points for
camera 1). points in both the initial and deformed configura-
6. To determine the initial shape (see Figure 5), tions. These are used to define the 3-D displace-
subsets are selected in camera 1 and IC is ment vector for each point P after undergoing
performed to locate the matching position in deformation. For each loading state, the process
the initial image for camera 2. Using the dense is repeated to obtain the displacement field
set of center-point locations obtained by the for each deformed state, generating {(U (P; t),
correlation process, the procedure described in V (P; t), W (P; t))}.
10 Sensors

4 APPLICATION OF THE specimen in these previous experiments is shown in

Figure 2(a).
TECHNIQUE FOR LARGE Canon lenses with a focal length of 28 mm were
COMPONENT MEASUREMENTS attached to Pulnix 9701 cameras with 8-bit intensity
resolution and 768 484 spatial resolution, and used
Figure 6 shows (i) a 305-mm-wide, 2.3-mm-thick, to image the specimen. As shown in Figure 6, the
center-notched Al2024-T3 sheet with notch length/ cameras were separated horizontally with a viewing
specimen width, a/w = 1/3, in the LT orientation, angle difference of 53 . To obtain similar spatial
as well as the tensile grip components, (ii) speckle resolution in the horizontal and vertical directions,
pattern on the bottom half of the specimen as viewed the camera bodies were rotated 90 so that 768
by the left camera, and (iii) the stereocamera arrange- pixels in the CCD sensor are aligned with the
ment for acquiring 3-D shape and deformation data longer vertical direction of the sheet. Magnification is
on the specimen as it is subjected to far-field tensile 1.5 pixels/mm. Owing to specimen size, the global
loading in a 446-kN tensile loading frame. References speckle patterns were applied using a self-adhesive
[3840] provide details for similar experiments on a vinyl sheet with a random pattern of appropriate size
0.61-m-wide panel; the configuration of cameras and for the magnification printed on the visible surface.

2w 101.6 mm
direction Panel
2h Specimen edge
Clamping bolt


Grip detail Grip

(a) (b)
Global camera Loading stage Vertical centerline
system support columns

Global camera
Y, V support

53 0.305 m
X, U

Z, W
Global computer
Translation stage

(c) (d)

Figure 6. (a) Uniaxial tensile specimen with grips; in this work, w = 0.1525 m, h = 0.330 m, and a/w = 1/3; (b) speckle
pattern on the bottom half of the specimen as viewed by the left camera; (c) specimen-based coordinate system to display
output results; and (d) schematic of camera arrangement for the experiment. The cameras are mounted horizontal to the
gantry system, at a distance of 1.2 m from specimen.
Full-field Sensing: 3-D Computer Vision/Digital Image Correlation 11

Camera calibration is performed using images of completing the calibration process, both CCS were
a calibration grid with known grid spacing. Owing transferred to the specimen shown in Figure 6(d).
to the physical size of the specimen field of view, The experiment was conducted using grip displace-
a specially designed glass grid with grid spacing ment control with a ramp rate of 2.83 m s1 . The
of 101.6 mm is used. To simplify the calibration experiment was paused each time the axial load
process, the large glass grid is held stationary and increased by an increment of 2.22 kN, to acquire
the camera is moved approximately perpendicular to image data. This process was continued until the
its sensor plane to acquire additional image(s). Using panel failed, at a load just beyond 116 kN. Load
(i) the known spacing of the grid, (ii) the known and ram displacement data were recorded every 5 s
movement(s) of the camera, and (iii) the location of throughout the experiment.
the grid intersections, as extracted from the calibra-
tion images, nonlinear optimization is used to find
the camera parameters that best describe the posi- 4.1 Results
tion and operating characteristics of the camera. The
process is then repeated, without moving the grid, Figure 7 presents the applied loadvertical displace-
for the second camera. With this reduced motion ment data for the specimen, where the axial displace-
process, measurement error had a standard devi- ment is obtained by averaging the vision-based
ation of 0.01 mm (0.015 pixels) with peak-to- vertical displacement along the horizontal grip line
peak values of 0.05 mm (0.075 pixels)c . After located near the bottom of speckled image in Figure 6.

V (mm): 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0


100 1.9 V 1.9

VIC-3D 2.2 2.2
Tensile load

Y (mm)


Finite element 200
results 2.5
Load versus. 3D-DIC vertical
displacement measurement 2.7
20 300
0 100 0 100
0 1 2 3 (e) 0.1 mm contours X (mm)
Grip displacement (mm)

0.4 1.9 V 1.9 W
100 0.2 100 100 3
2.2 2.2
Y (mm)

Y (mm)

Y (mm)

0 2.5 0
200 200 200 1

U 2.8
300 300 300
100 0 100 100 0 100 100 0 100
(b) X (mm) (c) X (mm) (d) X (mm)
Figure 7. (a) Measured loaddisplacement data for specimen; (bd) measured full-field horizontal (U ), vertical (V ),
and out-of-plane (W ) displacement fields at maximum tensile load (116 kN); (e) finite element prediction for vertical
displacement field (V (x, y)) at maximum tensile load, assuming uniform displacement along lower boundary. All
displacements are in millimeters. Measurement region is the lower half of specimen shown in Figure 6.
12 Sensors

Inspection shows that the loaddisplacement data is specimen remains within the depth of field for both
slightly nonlinear for P > 50 kN, coinciding with the cameras, the method is capable of measuring full-field
onset of increased out-of-plane displacements along 3-D shape, 3-D displacements, and surface strains on
the notch line. planar or curved specimen surfaces. The method has
Also shown in Figure 7 are the full-field plots been used to make measurements in a wide range of
of the displacement components in the lower half applications including the following:
of the sheet, with (i) U , parallel to the notch line; 1. surface strains in excess of 100% on a highly
(ii) V , perpendicular to the notch line; and (iii) W , ductile elasticplastic metallic materials;
perpendicular to the specimen surface. 2. thermal strains on metallic specimens heated to
As expected, the U -displacement field is antisym- 700 C (see Thermal Imaging Methods for ther-
metric relative to the Y axis, with both sides of mal imaging methods, Gas Turbine Engines);
the sheet moving approximately 0.40 mm toward the 3. thermal and mechanical strains on specimens
centerline. The V -displacement field is symmetric being imaged in a scanning electron microscope;
relative to the Y axis and nominally negative, 4. deformations on curved fuselage structure during
since the bottom edge of the specimen undergoes both internal pressurization and external dynamic
applied downward displacement (see Figure 6(c)). As impact (see Civil Infrastructure Load Models
expected, the bottom edge of the specimen under- for Structural Health Monitoring; Static
goes nearly constant displacement, confirming that Damage Phenomena and Models; Damage
the rigid grip was performing as expected. The W - Evolution Phenomena and Models; Failure
displacement field is also symmetric relative to the Modes of Aerospace Materials; A Simpli-
Y axis, with maximum out-of-plane motion of 6 mm fied Damage Model for SHM Metallic
occurring along the centerline. and Composite Structures; Fatigue Life
To show that the measured displacement fields are Assessment of Structures; Nondestructive
consistent with model predictions, Figure 7(e) shows Evaluation/Nondestructive Testing/
a direct comparison between the V -displacement Nondestructive Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI)
fields obtained by finite element analysis and stereovi- SensorsEddy Current, Ultrasonic, and
sion measurements; similar comparisons are obtained Acoustic Emission Sensors; Damage Pres-
for all displacement components. ence/Growth Monitoring Sensors; Principles
of Structural Degradation Monitoring; Design
Principles for Aerospace Structures; Design
5 CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS Principles for Civil Structures; Risk Moni-
toring of Aircraft Fatigue Damage Evolu-
At the time of this article, both software and tion at Critical Locations; Risk Monitoring of
hardware are available commercially; Hardware Civil Structures; Environmental Monitoring
costs include (i) scientific grade, 812 bit digital of Aircraft; Maintenance Principles for Civil
camera with 1000 1000 pixel array ($40006000); Structures; Use of Leave-in-place Sensors
(ii) heavy-duty support structures for camera ($1000); and SHM Methods to Improve Assessments
(iii) commercial-grade, two-dimensional computer of Aging Structures; Usage Management of
vision software and computer with data-acquisition, Military Aircraft Structures; Usage Manage-
data-analysis, and data-presentation capability ment of Civil Structures; Value Assessment
($10 00020 000); and (iv) commercial-grade, three- Approaches for Structural Life Management;
dimensional computer vision software and computer Commercial Fixed-wing Aircraft; History of
with data-acquisition, data-analysis, and data- SHM for Commercial Transport Aircraft;
presentation capability ($40 00065 000). Fatigue Monitoring in Military Fixed-wing
The combination of modern digital image proces- Aircraft; Agile Military Aircraft; Unmanned
sing with stereovision imaging offers a unique oppor- Aerial Vehicles; Health and Usage Monitoring
tunity to obtain quantitative deformation data on Systems (HUM Systems) for Helicopters:
specimens that are undergoing a combination of in- Architecture and Performance; Validation of
plane and out-of-plane deformations. As long as the SHM Sensors in Airbus A380 Full-scale
Full-field Sensing: 3-D Computer Vision/Digital Image Correlation 13

Fatigue Test; Design, Analysis, and SHM of this manuscript is deeply appreciated. The financial
Bonded Composite Repair and Substructure; support of (i) Dr Charles E. Harris, Dr Robert S.
Monitoring of Solid Rocket Motors.) Piascik, and Dr James C. Newman, Jr. at NASA
5. concrete, asphalt, polymers, and fiber-reinforced Langley Research Center, (ii) Dr Oscar Dillon, Dr
composites during mechanical loading (see Clifford Astill, and Dr Albert S. Kobayashi, former
Lamb Wave-based SHM for Laminated NSF Solid Mechanics and Materials Program Direc-
Composite Structures; Modeling Aspects in tors, (iii) Dr Bruce LaMattina at the Army Research
Finite Elements; Design, Analysis, and SHM of Office through several grants including ARO 50408-
Bonded Composite Repair and Substructure; EG-DPS, (iv) Dr Kenneth Chong through NSF CMS-
Fatigue Monitoring in Nuclear Power Plants). 0201345, and (v) the University of South Carolina,
6. civil engineering structures including bridges Office of Research, are gratefully acknowledged.
and joints (see Applications of Acoustic Emis- Finally, the support provided by Correlated Solutions,
sion for SHM: A Review; Design Princi- Inc., through the granting of access to their commer-
ples for Civil Structures; Risk Monitoring cial software for our internal use is deeply appreci-
of Civil Structures; Maintenance Princi- ated. Through the unwavering technical and financial
ples for Civil Structures; Long-term Moni- assistance of all these individuals and organizations,
toring of Dynamic Loads on the Bran- the true potential of image correlation methods is now
denburg Gate; Development of a Moni- being realized.
toring System for a Long-span Cantilever
Truss Bridge; Modular Architecture of SHM
System for Cable-supported Bridges; Moni- END NOTES
toring of Bridges in Korea; Bridge Moni- a.
toring in Japan; Continuous Vibration Moni- The original version was developed by Prof. K.S.
toring and Progressive Damage Testing on the Kim, Brown University, with emphasis on methods
Z24 Bridge; Continuous Monitoring of the available for measurements on reduced-length scale
resund Bridge: Data Acquisition and Oper- specimens.
ational Modal Analysis; Condition Compen- All image analysis in this work was performed
sation in Frequency Analysesa Basis for using VIC-2D and VIC-3D software developed by
Damage Detection; Modal Testing of the Correlated Solutions Inc.; 120 Kaminer Way,
Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal; Multiple- Columbia, SC 29205,
model Structural Identification; Construction Modifications to this procedure have been devel-
Process Monitoring at the New Berlin Main oped and converted into commercial code. In the
Station; SHM Actions on the Holy Shroud version developed by Correlated Solutions, Inc., the
Chapel in Torino; SHM of a Tall Building; grid can be moved and rotated freely, acquiring
Dynamic Response of Buildings of the images simultaneously by all stereo cameras and
Cultural Heritage; Suspended Roof of Braga using equation (3) to efficiently convert grid images
Sports Stadium, Portugal; Dams; Condamine into calibration parameter sets for both cameras.
Floating Dock, Monaco; SoilStructure Inter-
action and Seismic Effects; System Identifica-
tion for Soilstructure Interaction). REFERENCES
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Chapter 63
Electric and Electromagnetic Properties
Michel B. Lemistre
Laboratoire SATIE/CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Cachan, France

to use and generally give poor results, these kinds

1 Introduction 1 of structures being either purely dielectric or poor
2 Theoretical Considerations 2 conductors (e.g., carbon epoxy). However, another
method also based on eddy currents, but using a
3 Electrical Capacitance Sensors 6
low frequency holographic technique [24], gives
4 Electromagnetic Sensors for Composite good results on carbonepoxy structures; neverthe-
Materials 7 less, this method is not easily transposable into the
5 Conclusion 11 SHM domain, the external equipment required being
Related Articles 11 too complicated. However, there is a possible applica-
References 11 tion for SHM by measurement of electrical resistance
or electrical potential [5, 6]. One other possibility is
a dynamic capacitive method [7, 8] uniquely used in
the domain of civil engineering.
1 INTRODUCTION A new family of electromagnetic techniques, which
makes it possible to obtain good information on
In the domain of aeronautics, particularly in the the health of structures made of composite (i.e.,
area concerning composite structures, electromag- carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) and glass
netic techniques are little used for structural health fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP)) has been devel-
monitoring (SHM). This could be explained by the oped. These techniques consist of determining the
fact that the main researchers working in the field state of the health of a structure by measurement
of SHM have mechanical engineering training. One of its two electrical parameters, the electric conduc-
possible exception concerns eddy currents techniques, tivity and/or the dielectric permittivity , since
but these are mainly used for metallic structures [1]. damages induces locally significant variations of
In fact, in the case of composite structures, eddy these parameters. The goal of this article is to
currents techniques are impossible or very difficult explain these techniques and to give their field
of application.
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by First, we shall provide a recall of the electro-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 magnetic theory necessary for gaining a full under-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. standing of the electromagnetic techniques developed.
2 Sensors

Next, the various techniques will be explained with the index of the material is given by
examples of application. The transposition of these
techniques in the domain of SHM are fully explained
N2 = r = r j (2)
in The HELP-Layer System. 0

If one considers the material as a good conductive

2 THEORETICAL material (i.e.,  j ), N2 can be reduced to the

N2 = j (3)
2.1 Surface impedance 0

Let us consider a plane structure made of a material then the relation (1) becomes
having the following electrical properties:
magnetic permeability = 0 ; sin 2 = sin 1 (4)
dielectric permittivity = 0 r ;
electric conductivity ; or
thickness d.
  2 1
The structure is illuminated by a plane wave with 1 2
an inclined incidence (see Figure 1). cos 2 = 1 2
sin 1
Electric and magnetic components of the incident
wave pi are Ei and Hi respectively, Er and Hr being  1
the components of the refracted wave pr ; 1 and 2 are = 1 + j 0 sin2 1 (5)
the angles of incidence and refraction, respectively;
N1 is the refractive index of the external medium and For good conductive materials, neglecting the
N2 is the refractive index of the structure. 1 and 2 second term of the parenthesis, the relation (5) yields
are linked by the following relation:
cos 2
=1 (6)
N1 sin 1 = N2 sin 2 (1)

If one considers that the external medium is in free Therefore, the wave penetrates through the material
space, N1 = 1. Taking into account the complex rela- perpendicular to the surface of the structure (2 = 0).
tive permittivity of the material r =  r j  r , N2 Figure 2 shows the fields configuration inside the

The two fields E(z) and H (z) can be written as
Ei follows:

E(z) = Ea exp( z) + Eb exp(+ z) (7a)
  exp( z)
H (z) = n Ea
q2 Z
  exp(+ z)
pr + n Eb (7b)
with Z being the wave impedance inside the material
N1 N2 defined by the relation
0 f j +1
Z= = (j + 1) = (8)
Figure 1. Illumination of a conductive material.
Electric and Electromagnetic Properties Sensing 3

d Relations (11a) and (11b) yield

E2 1 
x E1
Ea E1 = E2 = Etg = J (14)
H2 d s
n1 n2
z na Etg being the electric field tangential to the surface
Eb of the structure, it is now possible to define the surface
y H1
impedance Zs as
Etg = Zs Js (15)

Figure 2. Field configuration inside a structure of thick- with

ness d. 1
Zs = (16)
and the propagation constant given by
One can see that at low frequencies, the current
  j +1 density is distributed uniformly in the material. One
= j 0 = (j + 1) f = (9)
can then neglect the skin effect and resonances inside
the material. The condition | d|  1 (or > d)
where n is the unit vector in the z direction (i.e., defines the domain of application of the concept
the thickness of the material), f the frequency of the of surface impedance; the material is then called
incident wave, and the skin depth defined by the electrically thin. In the case of < d, the material is
following relation: called electrically thick ; losses by attenuation inside
the material and by reflection are then the main
= (10) phenomena.
f The surface impedance is given in square ohm
Electric and magnetic fields tangential to the struc- (symbol c ); it is the impedance of an electrically
ture, on each one of its faces, E1 , H1 and E2 , thin square sample, having a conductivity . One
can represent the equivalent electric diagram to the
H2 (Figure 2), are given by the following equations:
surface impedance by Figure 3.
E1 = n H1 + n H2 (11a)
th( d) 1 sh( d) 2
2.2 Diffraction by a circular aperture
E2 = n H1 + n H2 (11b)
sh( d) 1 th( d) 2 For an incident plane wave, Bethe [9] has given
an approximate analytical representation of diffracted
One can define a surface current density Js , which
is the integral of the volume current density J in the
thickness of the structure. One can write the boundary V
Js = n1 H1 H2 = n2 H2 H1 (12) I
For low frequencies such as d  , that is,
| d|  1, one can write the following approxi- d
sh( d)
= d (13a) R=
if a = b R=
= Z,
I sbd sd
and Figure 3. Equivalent electric diagram of the surface
th( d)
= d (13b) impedance.
4 Sensors

fields by a small circular aperture in a structure that is where e and m are the electric polarizability and
considered as infinitely conductive (a good conduc- the magnetic polarizability, respectively, given by an
tive metal such as aluminum can be considered as aperture of radius a.
infinitely conductive), having an infinite surface (i.e., The polarizability depends on the geometry of the
large compared with the diameter of the aperture), structure and the aperture. For a plane aperture of
with the following assumptions: any geometry, the electric polarizability is a scalar
number and the magnetic polarizability is a tensor of
The size of the aperture is small compared with rank 1. For a plane circular aperture of radius a, the
the wavelength of the incident field. magnetic polarizability is a diagonal tensor with the
The fields are calculated at a large distance two diagonal terms being equal.
compared with the size of the aperture.
2 3
Bethe has given the concept of short-circuit fields e = a (19a)
Ecc and Hcc , which represent the fields on the aperture
mxy = myx = 0 (19b)
loaded by a perfectly conductive material. These
fields are defined in the following manner: 4 3
mxx = myy = m = a (19c)
Ecc = 2E0 (17a)
With Bethes assumptions, Casey [10] has calcu-
and lated the moment of the magnetic dipole for a plane
circular aperture having a radius a, loaded by a
Hcc = 2H0 (17b)
nonperfect conductive material such as carbon epoxy.
Casey defines a resistance of electrical gasket Rg as
where E0 and H0 are the orthogonal electric compo-
the contact resistance between the conductive struc-
nent and the tangential magnetic component of the
ture and the material loading the aperture. Rg is
incident field, respectively. The diffracted fields by
given by the product ohm meter (length of contact
the aperture are the sum of the radiated fields by an
between the material and the structure). Caseys
electric dipole having a moment Pe and a magnetic
method involves the solution of an integral equation.
dipole having a moment Pm . These two dipoles model Two solutions are proposedthe first one being exact
the orthogonal and tangential fields, respectively as leads to a semianalytical expression of the magnetic
shown in Figure 4. dipole, including a coefficient that must be calculated
Let us introduce the concept of polarizability; the numerically; the second one, obtained by an approx-
dipolar moments are related to short-circuit fields by imate method, leads to the dipolar moment Pm under
the following relations: the form of the transfer function of a first order low
pass filter.
Pe = e Ecc (18a) Pm 1
= (20)

Pm0 f
and 1+j
Pm = m Hcc (18b)
In this expression, Pm0 is the magnetic dipolar
H moment given by a free aperture, f represents the
E H frequency of the incident wave, and fc is the cutoff
frequency given by the following relation:
(a) (b) (c) (d) 3 Zs Rg
fc = 1+ (21)
Figure 4. Incident fields and equivalent dipoles: (a) 80 a aZs
orthogonal electric field, (b) tangential magnetic field,
(c) equivalent electric dipole, and (d) equivalent magnetic It should be noted here that the cut-off frequency
dipole. is a function of the surface impedance Zs and thus
Electric and Electromagnetic Properties Sensing 5

the conductivity of the material (relation 16). This Orientation polarization can occur in materials
cutoff frequency is called Caseys frequency. composed of molecules that have permanent elec-
tric dipoles. The alignment of these dipoles depends
on temperature and leads to an orientational polar-
2.3 Polarization of dielectrics izability per molecule o = 3KT , where p is the
permanent dipolar moment per molecule, K is the
All materials that have a conductivity 1020 Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature.
Sm1 at room temperature (300 K) are called Because of the different nature of these three
dielectrics. On a large scale, dielectrics seem to be polarization processes, the response of a dielectric
electrically neutral. However, on a microscopic scale, solid to an applied electric field will strongly depend
dielectrics show an assembly of elementary electric on the frequency of the field. The resonance of the
dipoles having a random space orientation. For a electronic excitation takes place in the ultraviolet part
large number of dipoles, one can consider dielectrics of the electromagnetic spectrum; the characteristic
as statistically neutral. If a dielectric material is frequency of the ions vibration is located in the
subjected to an electric field, elementary dipoles tend infrared, while the orientation of dipoles requires
to orient in the direction of the incident electric field; fields of much lower frequencies (below 109 Hz). This
one can define a polarization vector per unit volume response to electric field of different frequencies is
P as shown in Figure 5.
P = N q  (22) For a low-frequency excitation (i.e., 1 kHz to
10 MHz), one can consider the response of the dielec-
with q elementary charges (per atom or molecule), tric medium to be quasi-static. So, it is possible to
separated by a distance  and N the number of describe the electric field inside the dielectric by the
atoms (or molecules) per unit volume. The product q  following equation:
represents the elementary dipolar moment p for each
l + p
atom (or molecule); this dipolar moment is related to E = (24)
the local electric field E0 by p = E0 . In this relation, 0
the proportionality factor is called polarizability,
and it is a function of the electrical characteristics of where l is the free charge density and p an appa-
the medium (i.e., the dielectric) and more precisely rent density of charges due to the polarization
of its dielectric relative permittivity r , defined by the phenomenon. The field E can be considered as the
ClausiusMossotis relation [11]: resultant of two components: the field resulting from
  the free charges Ef and the field resulting from the
3 r 1 polarization phenomenon Ep , that is, E = Ef + Ep .
= (23)
4N r + 2
Real part of
The polarization phenomenon in dielectric medium polarizability
results from three different sources: electronic polar-
ization, ionic polarization, and orientation polariza-
tion. These three sources admit polarizability coef- Ionic
ficients e , i , and o , respectively; the real part of
the coefficient is the sum of the three real parts of
elementary polarizability. Electronic
Electronic polarization arises because the center
of local electronic charge cloud around the nucleus
is displaced under the action of the electric field 1 MHz 1 GHz 1 THz 1 PHz

Pe = N e E0 .
Ionic polarization occurs in ionic materials because Figure 5. Frequency dependence of the different contri-
the electric field displaces positives and negatives bution to polarizability. From Handbook of Chemistry and
ions in opposite directions Pi = N i E0 . Physics.
6 Sensors

Then p Measurement point

E = Ef + (25)

One can define a polarization vector P by p = Excitation

P (see [12]). Equation (25) can be rewritten as Incident field

P P El
E = Ef + (26)
material Induced polarization
The vector P is linked with the incident field Ei vector
by the following relation: Figure 6. Configuration of measurement applied to diele-
ctric materials.
P = e 0 Ei (27)

where e is the electric susceptibility and is linked frequency of the orientation polarization phenomenon
with the relative electric permittivity r by the expres- (i.e., 10 MHz).
sion This method can be applied to all dielectric
r = 1 + e (28) composite materials such as GFRP, sandwich, etc.
An electric sensor has been designed [13] allowing
Taking into account relations (2628), one has to detect some defects in dielectric composites. This

sensor performs a differential measurement between
E = Ef + r 1 Ei (29) two adjacent zones (Figure 7).
Figure 8 shows an example of detection performed
However, in most of dielectrics, the term due to on a sample of glass epoxy sandwich with a lack
the free charges can be neglected and the value of of foam in the middle of the lower part. Figure 8(b)
the electric field E is reduced to the polarization term shows the electric image obtained by scanning the
(r 1)Ei . material.
This sensor allows designing a system of SHM
dedicated to glass epoxy or sandwich structures and
3 ELECTRICAL CAPACITANCE more generally all dielectric composite structures
SENSORS (see The HELP-Layer System).

Let us consider a dielectric material having an electric

relative permittivity r , in the presence of an electric
Excitation electrodes
field Ei , the material being considered in a macro-
scopic manner (i.e., quasi-isotropic). The electric field
Ei induces a phenomenon of polarization inside the
material (see Section 2.3), characterized by the vector
P . The total electric field ET measured at point A
(Figure 6) can be written as


ET = Ei + = Ei + r 1 Ei (30)

Differential measurement
After subtraction of the incident electric field Ei , electrodes
one can obtain directly the value of r . Note that, the Figure 7. Differential electric capacitive sensor for detec-
frequency of excitation must be lower than the cutoff tion of damages.
Electric and Electromagnetic Properties Sensing 7

8 mm 3 mm

1 mm

(a) (b)
Lack of foam
Figure 8. Example of damage detection in a sandwich structure.

4 ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSORS Let us now consider a local excitation by a near

magnetic field (e.g., with a Hertz loop), and a local
FOR COMPOSITE MATERIALS measurement of the resulting magnetic field, as shown
in Figure 9; one can omit the infinite conductive plane
4.1 Magnetic sensor and the contact resistance Rg .
An analytical calculus gives a new transfer function
The conductive materials such as metallic structures between H and H0 :
having a conductivity between 107 and 108 Sm1
will not be considered here. For such materials, the 
H (f, r)  r 2  32 u2
effectiveness of classical methods using eddy currents = 1+
is well established and is not necessary to demonstrate H0 (f, r) a 0
here. Here we consider composite materials having a fc
mean conductivity about 104 Sm1 such as CFRP, r
so-called nonperfectly conductive materials. J1 (u) eu a du (32)
One has seen, in Section 2.2 that the magnetic
dipolar moment Pm of an aperture loaded by a with r being the distance between the two loops, a
nonperfectly conductive material, can be represented the radius of the emission loop, and J1 the Bessel
in the form of a transfer function of a first-order function of first order, and the cutoff frequency fc
low pass filter. The dipolar moment being directly
proportional to the magnetic field, the terms Pm and r
Pm0 can be replaced by H and H0 , respectively in
relation (20):
H 1 Material
= (31)
H0 f
1+j Emission loop
a x
where H0 is the magnetic field measured through a
free aperture and H is the magnetic field measured Reception loop
through a loaded aperture by a conductive material. d
The cut-off frequency fc being a function of the
surface impedance Zs , one has direct access to the
value of the conductivity of the considered material
by using the relation (21). Figure 9. Excitation with near magnetic field.
8 Sensors

having the following expression: of a material under test, but to detect damages
inducing a local variation of this conductivity. A
1.4 differential sensor [13, 14] measuring the contrast
fc = (33)
0 ae of the conductivity between two adjacent zones has
been designed (Figure 11). This sensor compares the
where a represents the radius of the emission loop magnitude of the magnetic field between the two
and e the thickness of the material. The distance zones, 1 and 2 (Figure 11); when the two magnetic
between the emission loop and the material d has fields are different, the voltage Vout is nonzero.
no influence on the transfer function; it is possible The excitation frequency f is set between two
to put the material immediately after the reception characteristic frequencies: the skin frequency fs and
loop as shown in Figure 10that is, allowing to test the Caseys frequency fc (relation 33). The excitation
the material only on a single face. frequency must be smaller than the skin frequency
However, in this case, the transfer function H /H0 fs but greater than the Caseys frequency fc to
is given by the sum of the two following terms T1 have a significant variation of the measured magnetic
and T2 : field due to the variation of the local conductivity
(relation 34). Figure 12 shows the evolution of these
  r 2  32 two frequencies as a function of the thickness of a
1+ quasi-isotropic carbonepoxy multilayer structure.
T1 = 1 (34a) By scanning a structure, one can build an image in
  2  32
2d r which damaged areas appear clearly; an example is
1+ given in Figure 13. This figure shows the magnetic
  r 2  32 2
T2 = 1 + 1
a f
u+j Emission loop
J1 (u)eu a du (34b)

One can state that when f tends toward infinity,

the function T1 + T2 tends toward the constant T1 .
So, if the distance d increases, the value of the
constant T1 becomes close to the value of the transfer
function before attenuation (i.e., f < fc ); this is the
problem of the lift-off well known in the eddy Differential reception
current techniques. loop
The goal of this kind of analysis is not neces- Figure 11. Differential magnetic sensor.
sarily to measure the exact value of the conductivity
1 108
r fc
1 107
f (Hz)

Reception loop
a x 1 106

Emission loop
Material 1 105
d 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
d (m)
Figure 12. Evolution of fs and fc as a function of the
Figure 10. Excitation and measurement on a single face. thickness d.
Electric and Electromagnetic Properties Sensing 9

60 in the resin epoxy. Let us consider the quasi-static

hypothesis, frequency below 107 Hz (i.e., below the
cutoff frequency of the orientational polarization
phenomenon); taking into account equation (26), the
measured local electric field Em can be written as
40 follows:
Em = c + (36)

where P is the polarization vector due to the resin

20 epoxy. With the relation (29) one can write


Em = c + El r 1 (37)

0 So the measured electric field Em is a function

0 20 40 60 of the conductivity of the medium and also of
Figure 13. Magnetic image performed on a carbon its relative dielectric permittivity r . This technique
epoxy sample including a delamination. based on the magnetic induction (i.e., eddy currents)
and on the analysis of the resulting electric field is
image (i.e., contrast) performed on a quasi-isotropic called hybrid electromagnetic method.
carbonepoxy multilayer sample of 60 mm60 mm The possibility to have simultaneous access to the
2 mm dimension, including a delamination and fiber main electric properties of the medium presents a
break. The delamination has been performed by a great potential for carbonepoxy structures used in
calibrated impact with energy 3 J. the aeronautical domain, for detecting main damages
that are found in these structures. These damages can
be classified into three categories:
4.2 Hybrid electromagnetic sensor
The damages having a mechanical originthey
One can consider that a carbonepoxy structure are provoked by impacts, inducing delamina-
is made up of two different media: a conduc- tions and generally, fiber breakage. These critical
tive medium, the carbon fibers (conductivity damages are common for carbon (fibers); so in
104 Sm1 ), and a dielectric medium, the resin (rela- term of electrical properties, they induce uniquely
tive dielectric permittivity r 4). a local variation of the conductivity.
The local electric field El induced inside a conduc- The thermal damages arise either from proximity
tive structure by a magnetic induction B,  can be to a hot body or from an electrical impact (i.e.,
represented by the following Maxwells equation: spark, lightning). In the first case, one can detect
the damage uniquely by conductivity variation.
B In the second case, if the burn is light, there
El = (35) is not much variation, but only significant r
variation due to the pyrolysis phenomenon of the
This electric field itself induces a current density resin. Nevertheless, this kind of damage generally
J = El . However, in a carbonepoxy media, the affects the two electrical parameters.
current density J is the sum of two terms: J = The damages resulting from liquid ingress (water,
Jc + Jd . The first term Jc (conductive current density) oil, fuel) can be critical because of the fact
is due to the conductivity of the carbon fibers; the that the liquid can start a chemical reaction
second one Jd (displacement current density) is a and weaken the structure. This kind of damage
transient term due to the polarization phenomenon induces uniquely a variation in r due to the
10 Sensors

presence of a new medium having a different (i.e., 50 ), for the entire frequency domain, from
dielectric permittivity (i.e., the liquid). 100 kHz to 10 MHz. The measurement unit appears
as double crossed dipole (Figure 14d) that allows to
From this hybrid concept, a new sensor has been perform differential measurements with a sensitivity
designed [15]. This sensor can be considered as a to the two orthogonal components of the tangential
combination of the electric capacitance sensor and electric field Ex and Ey .
the magnetic sensor, including some improvements. The operating frequency f is not submitted to
Figure 14(a) presents a photograph of a probe based the same imperative as magnetic measurement. It is
on this technique, designed with a dielectric paral- only necessary to operate with a frequency below
lelepiped (3 cm 3 cm 1 cm) including on one face the orientational polarization phenomenon cutoff (i.e.,
an inductive coil and a differential dipole for the f < 107 Hz). However, the magnitude of the electric
measurement of the electric field on the opposite face. field induced inside the material is directly propor-
Figure 14(b) shows a schematic view of this probe. tional to the frequency of the inductive magnetic
The inductive coil appears as a Moebius loop made field (equation 35), and it is preferable to use a
with a hard coaxial cable (Figure 14c). frequency as high as possible. Nevertheless, too high
This geometry allows the formation of a double a frequency does not allow penetration through the
induction loop with preservation of real impedance total thickness of the material such as carbonepoxy
equal to the characteristic impedance of the coaxial multilayer, due to the skin effect. For this kind

Differential dipole



(a) Coaxial (b)



50 Inductive Ev Electric
Ev field

z = z0 = 50
(c) (d) Em

Figure 14. Hybrid electromagnetic probe: (a) photograph of the probe, (b) global view, (c) inductive coil, and (d) electric
field sensor.
Electric and Electromagnetic Properties Sensing 11

(a) (b)
Figure 15. Investigation of a composite sample including various burns: (a) electromagnetic image and (b) ultrasonic
C-scan image.

of material, the good frequency domain is between without fiber breaking, because of the fact that there
100 kHz and 10 MHz. is no variation of electric conductivity and the very
Figure 15(a) shows the electromagnetic image of weak variation of dielectric permittivity induced by
a quasi-isotropic sample of carbon epoxy (200 mm the air layer of the delamination is not significant.
150 mm 4 mm) with various burns. These results Conversely, these techniques show greatest sensitivity
are compared with a C-scan ultrasonic image shown as regards to other kinds of damages (i.e., thermal
in Figure 15(b). Only the electromagnetic hybrid damages, liquid ingress, etc.). One of the interests
investigation is able to detect light burns. of these methods lies in the fact that it is very easy
to transpose them in the domain of SHM and it is
possible to design a fully integrated SHM system for
5 CONCLUSION composite structures.
The examples presented are results of various
methods of signal processing used to extract relevant
information, particularly the methods using wavelet RELATED ARTICLES
transform. It is a fact that the resulting signal is
very weak and the signal/noise ratio is close to 1. Piezoelectric Paint Sensors for Ultrasonics-based
So, the main process for data reduction consists of Damage Detection
performing a noise reduction by discrete wavelet Fiber-optic Sensor Principles
transform (DWT) by using Donohos method [16].
With regard to electromagnetic techniques, one can
say that it is possible to detect practically all kinds REFERENCES
of damage and their severity. However, the sensi-
tivity of these methods is lower than the classical [1] Goldfine NJ, Zilberstein VA, Schlicker DE, Sheir-
ultrasonic C-scan method as regards damages having etov Y, Walrath K, Washabaugh AP, Van Otterloo S.
a mechanical origin, such as light delaminations Surface mounted periodic field eddy currents sensors
12 Sensors

for Structural Health Monitoring. Proceedings of [8] Iaquinta J. Contribution of capacitance probes for the
SPIE 2001 4335:2034. inspection of external prestressing ducts. Proceedings
[2] Madaoui N, Savin A, Premel D, Venard O, Grim- of the 16th World Conference on Nondestructive
berg R. An approach for quantitative nondestructive Testing. Montreal, Canada, 2004.
evaluation of discontinuities in flat conductive mate- [9] Bethe HA. Theory of diffraction by small holes.
rials using eddy currents. 5th International Workshop Physical Review 1944 78:163175.
on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation. IA, [10] Casey KF. Low frequency electromagnetic pene-
August 1999. tration of loaded apertures. IEEE Transaction
[3] Grimberg R, Savin A, Premel D, Mihalache O. on Electromagnetic Compatibility 1981 23(4):
Nondestructive evaluation of the severity of 367377.
discontinuities in flat conductive materials using [11] Coelho R, Aladenize B. Les Dielectriques. Hermes:
eddy currents transducer with orthogonal coils. IEEE Paris, 1993.
Transaction on Magnetics 2000 35(1):299331.
[12] Feynman RP. Electromagnetisme. InterEditions:
[4] Grimberg R, Premel D, Lemistre MB, Balageas DL, Paris, 1984; Vol. 2, 217227.
Placko D. Compared NDE of damages in graphite
epoxy composites by electromagnetic methods. [13] Lemistre MB. Electromagnetic structural health
Proceedings of SPIE 2001 4336:6572. monitoring for composite materials. In Struc-
tural Health Monitoring, The Demands and Chal-
[5] Salvia M, Abry J.C. SHM using electrical resis- lenges, Chang FK (ed). CRC Press, 2001,
tance. In Structural Health Monitoring, Balageas D, 12811290.
Fritzen CP, Guemes A (eds). ISTE: London, 2006;
Chapter 5, pp. 379405. [14] Lemistre MB, Gouyon R, Balageas D. Electromag-
netic localization of defects in carbon epoxy mate-
[6] Abry J.C, Choi YK, Chateauminois A, Dalloz B,
rials. Proceedings of SPIE 1998 3399:8996.
Giraud G, Salvia M. In situ monitoring of damage
in CFRP laminates by means of AC and DC [15] Lemistre MB, Deom A. Detection de brulures dans
measurements. Composite Science and Technology les composites a base de carbone. In Nouvelles
2001 61(6):855864. Methodes Dinstrumentation, Lavoisier H (ed). 2004;
Vol. 2, 305312.
[7] Derobert X, Iaquinta J. Capacitive Methods for
Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Engineering. [16] Donoho D, Johnstone I. Ideal Denoising in an
In Structural Health Monitoring, Balageas D, Frit- Orthonormal Basis Chosen from a library of Bases.
zen CP, Guemes A (eds). ISTE: London, 2006; C.R. French Academy of Science: Paris, 1994;
Chapter 7, pp. 463489. Serie I.
Chapter 59
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles
Kara Peters
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,

do not present an ignition hazard, are lightweight,

1 Introduction 1 relatively unobtrusive, and are durable and resistant
2 Lightwave Propagation in Optical to corrosion (with appropriate coatings). Additionally,
Fibers 1 a large number of sensors can be multiplexed into a
single optical fiber, drastically reducing the amount
3 Lightwave Sources 5 of cabling required to access the sensors. This can be
4 Sensing Mechanisms 7 an important weight and fire hazard reduction. This
5 Mechanical Properties of Optical Fibers 9 article presents the fundamental principles common
6 Integration of Optical Fiber Sensors in to all optical fiber sensors, as well as general issues
Structural Components 11 concerning their application to structural health moni-
7 Conclusions 14 toring systems. More detailed descriptions of specific
optical fiber sensors can be found in Intensity-,
End Notes 14
Interferometric-, and Scattering-based Optical-
Related Articles 14 fiber Sensors and Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors.
References 15

Optical fibers generally consist of a fused silica
Optical fiber sensors present numerous advantages (SiO2 ) core and cladding. During drawing of the
for the measurement of strain, temperature, humidity, optical fiber, dopants are added to the silica to provide
pressure, and other parameters. For a review of an index of refraction distribution throughout the
their application to structural health monitoring, see cross section of the optical fiber [2]. Typical core
Measures [1] and Fiber-optic Sensors. Optical fiber diameters are 510 m for single-mode optical fibers
sensors are immune to electromagnetic interference, and greater than 50200 m for multimode optical
fibers. The cladding diameter for almost all optical
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by fibers is standardized at 125 m to permit standard-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 ized couplers. Small diameter fibers (80 m) have
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. also been developed for sensing applications [3]. The
2 Sensors

small diameter makes the fiber sensor less invasive

when the fiber is embedded in a host material system
and increases the sensitivity of the sensor to applied
Standard optical fibers are coated with a UV- b
cured acrylate to prevent moisture from entering the
fiber and make the fiber more durable for handling.
Humidity can induce microcracking in the fiber and
cause premature failure of the fiber. A standard diam-
eter for acrylate coatings is 250 m. For optical fiber 2a
sensors, different coatings may be applied such as
polyimide, which is stiffer, to provide better protec-
tion and strain transfer and is able to withstand higher
working temperatures. Removal of the polyimide Cladding
coating for connectors is considerably more difficult, Coating
however, than removal of acrylate coatings. Sensing Figure 1. Cross section of step-index optical fiber. Figure
applications also often require bare optical fibers or not to scale.
coatings that are specially fabricated to increase sensi-
tivity of the optical fiber to outside parameters such as where is the energy distribution in the plane
humidity (see Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors) [47]. perpendicular to the propagation direction, is the
angular frequency ( = 2c/ where c is the speed
of light in a vacuum and is the free space wave-
2.1 Step-index fibers length of the lightwave), and is the propagation
The cross section of a step-index optical fiber is constant of the mode (phase shift per unit length). We
shown in Figure 1. The index of refraction distribu- assume an infinite diameter cladding and solve over
tion is only a function of the radius with equation (2) in each of the index of refraction regions
defined by equation (1). Next, we apply continuity
n(r, ) = n1 ra conditions at r = a and find a number of distinct
guided modes,a which are commonly referred to as
n(r, ) = n2 r>a (1)
the linearly polarized (LP) modes.
In order for propagation of guided lightwaves to occur The energy distribution of the LPm mode in the
n1 > n2 . cross section of the fiber can be written as
The index of refraction difference between the 
A0 [J (pr)/J (pa)] cos() r < a
core and cladding is typically less than 1%, there- (r, ) = (3)
fore we can use the weakly guiding assumption to A0 [K ( r)/K ( a)] cos() r > a
describe lightwave propagation through the fiber [8].
This assumption states that lightwave can be divided where J (r) is the Bessel function of the first kind
into transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic of order , K (r) is the modified
 Bessel function of
(TM) fields that are orthogonal to one another as they the first kind of order , p = 4 2 n21 /2 2 and
propagate. The two fields also have the same prop- 
agation constant, i.e., phase shift per unit distance. = 2 4 2 n22 /2 [8]. For each choice of , there
Therefore, we can study either the TE or TM mode exists zero, one, or multiple solutions to within
individually and apply the same results to the other the guided range n2 < ()/(2) < n1 . We order
component. Applying the weakly guiding assumption, these solutions beginning with the highest value, and
each component of the lightwave propagating along thus the LPm corresponds to the mth solution. The
the fiber in the z direction satisfies the scalar wave energy distribution of equation (3) is different for
equation, each mode, due to the different values of and there-
fore p and . The intensity distribution, I (r, ) =
(r, , z, t) = (r, ) ei(tz) (2) |(r, )|2 , for several of the lowest propagating
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 3

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
y /a

y /a
0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1

1.5 1.5
1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x /a x /a
LP01 LP11

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
y /a

y /a

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1

1.5 1.5
1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
x /a x /a
LP02 LP21

Figure 2. Intensity distribution plots for first four modes (LP01 , LP11 , LP02 , and LP21 ) for step-index fiber. Radius of core
is a. White area represents maximum intensity. [Reproduced from Ref. 2. Cambridge University Press, 1998.]

modes are plotted in Figure 2. For each propagating The number of modes that can propagate at a
mode, we can also define an effective index of particular wavelength depends upon the normalized
refraction, neff = /(2), where neff corresponds frequency at that wavelength, V ,
to the index of refraction of an equivalent homo-
geneous material for which the planar wave would 
propagate with the same propagation constant as V = n21 n22 (4)

through the step-index fiber above. For guided modes,
n2 < neff < n1 . The effective index of refraction, or
Figure 3 plots a normalized propagation con-
mode propagation constant , will play a critical
stant b,
role in the response of many optical fiber sensors
(see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-
based Optical-fiber Sensors; Fiber Bragg Grating n2eff n22
b= (5)
Sensors). n21 n22
4 Sensors



21 02




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 3. Propagation constant versus normalized frequency for modes LP01 , LP11 , LP21 , LP02 , LP12 , and LP22 of a
step-index fiber [2].

for the first six modes of a step-index fiber as a and the modes are more spread out throughout the
function of the normalized frequency. The normaliza- fiber cross section (see Intensity-, Interferometric-,
tion allows one to apply Figure 3 to any step-index and Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors)
fiber parameters. As can be seen in Figure 3, each [914]. As the normalized natural frequency V
mode has a cutoff value of V such that it will not increases, the number of modes rapidly increases,
propagate at any value of V lower than the cutoff with a good approximation of N  V 2 /2 for V  1.
value. The cutoff value for the LP11 mode is at Therefore, when a large number of modes are present,
V = 2.4048. Below this value only one mode, the one can assume a uniform distribution of energy
LP01 mode, can propagate through the fiber. Under throughout the cross section [8].
these conditions, the fiber is referred to as a single- Finally, as the cladding diameter is not actu-
mode fiber. The LP01 is referred to as the fundamental ally infinite, additional mode solutions are possible
mode as it has the highest power density in the core due to the interface condition between the outer
of the optical fiber. For many sensing applications, it diameter of the fiber and the surrounding medium.
is important to utilize fibers that are single mode at The form of these modes depends upon the index
the wavelength to be interrogated so that the mode of of refraction of the surrounding medium, n3 . First,
propagation and coupling is well defined. Addition- consider the case of n3 < n2 such as when the fiber
ally, the fundamental mode is the least affected by has been stripped of any coating and is exposed
bending losses, as the energy is concentrated in the to air. Solving equation (2), taking into account the
center of the fiber. The input light is then coupled to cladding diameter yields additional discrete guided
individual modes. modes, called cladding modes, with values below
For optical fibers operating at V > 2.4048, input those of the guided modes. The power distributions
lightwaves are coupled into multiple modes. The of the cladding modes are spread over a much larger
specific power distribution between the multiple area of the cross section of the optical fiber, there-
modes is a function of the coupling. Multimode fore they are far more sensitive to imperfections and
sensors do exist and are generally easier to practically microbends in the drawn silica. The cladding modes
couple to instrumentation as the fiber core is larger can be excited locally in long period grating sensors
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 5

and exploited for the measurement of cure moni- fiber. These orthogonal modes can be used to inde-
toring, chemical or environmental sensing (see Fiber pendently measure multiple parameters (see Fiber
Bragg Grating Sensors) [15]. Bragg Grating Sensors). The fiber types shown in
Figure 5 can be divided into two categories. The
first group shown in Figure 5(a) and (b), the ellip-
2.2 Other fiber types tical core fiber and D-fiber, are PM fibers owing
to the fact that the fibers are not geometrically
Although the step-index fiber is the easiest for which axisymmetric. These fibers are considered mechan-
to analyze mode propagation, most commercially ically homogeneous. The second group of fibers
available optical fibers have different index distribu- shown in Figure 5(ce) achieve birefringence due to
tions as shown in Figure 4 [2]. Such index distribu- the lack of geometric symmetry as well as residual
tions provide better dispersion properties, important stresses induced by the stress-applying portion (SAP)
for long-haul telecommunication networks. While surrounding the core. This SAP has different mechan-
most optical fiber manufacturers do not provide ical and thermal expansion properties than the fused
detailed information on the index distributions, they silica, inducing large residual stresses on the fiber
do provide data such as the core radius, design oper- core during cooling of the fiber after it is drawn.
ating wavelength, and neff at common wavelengths The residual stresses induce birefringence at the
(see, for example, [16]). From this information, the core through the photoelastic effect. The magni-
user can calculate the response of the optical fiber tude of birefringence due to the residual stresses is
sensor using the same principles as for the step- much higher than the geometric effect, and therefore
index fiber (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and the fiber types of Figure 5(ce) are more suitable
Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors). for sensor applications as the measurands will be
A second important class of optical fibers applied easier to distinguish. Owing to the presence of the
for sensing is high-birefringence fibers, also referred SAP, these fibers are considered to be mechanically
to as polarization maintaining (PM) fibers (see inhomogeneous.
examples in Figure 5) [17]. PM fibers propagate
two separate, LP fundamental modes (LP01 ) at two
separate propagation constants, 1 and 2 . The modes 3 LIGHTWAVE SOURCES
are polarized about orthogonal axes, referred to as
the fast and slow axes. As the polarization axes are Lightwave sources for optical fiber sensors gener-
orthogonal, the two modes do not interfere with ally fall into three categories: light emitting diodes
one another as they propagate along the optical (LEDs), laser diodes, and superluminescent diodes

Step-index Linear gradient-index

n n

n2 n2
r r
a a a a

Parabolic gradient-index Depressed step-index

n n

n1 n1

n2 n2
r r
a a a a
Figure 4. Common fiber index of refraction profiles.
6 Sensors



Slow axis

P Fast axis
(a) 5 (b) 5


53 18
5 40 28
5 62.5

2.5 62.5

(c) 22 (d) 60 (e)

Figure 5. Geometry of common PM fiber types: (a) elliptical core fiber; (b) D-fiber; (c) elliptical core SAP fiber;
(d) bow-tie fiber; and (e) panda fiber. The slow and fast axes are also indicated. All dimensions are shown in micrometers.

(SLDs). A summary of each of these is provided in not suitable for interferometric applications other
this section; for further information, see [1, 2, 18]. than low-coherence interferometry. LEDs exist in
Each of these light sources has advantages and disad- two forms: surface emitting diodes and edge emit-
vantages based on the output bandwidth, power, ting diodes. The surface emitting diodes provide
coherence length, and cost. The coherence length is an output spectrum that is difficult to focus in a
defined as the distance over which the amplitude single direction. Therefore, they are more suitable for
modulation falls off to a certain percentage of the coupling to large core size multimode optical fibers
original lightwave amplitude and can be estimated by than to single-mode fibers. Edge emitting diodes
provide a more easily focused output for coupling
c into optical fibers; however, the total amount of
Lc = (6)
dv optical power input to the optical fiber tends to
be low.
where d is the spectral frequency width of the light SLDs operate on the principle of amplified spon-
source. The coherence length determines the optical taneous emission and also provide a broadband spec-
path length difference that can be allowed when inter- trum, however, at much higher output power than
fering with multiple lightwaves from the same orig- LEDs. The angular narrowing of the output of the
inal source (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and SLD also allows improved coupling into single-mode
Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors). Additional optical fibers, with output powers on the order of
light sources exist such as gas lasers; however, it is 8 mW.
not practical to couple them into optical fibers for Laser diodes emit a very narrow bandwidth spec-
field applications. trum with a large coherence length at high output
LEDs provide a broad spectral output at a rela- powers. Laser diodes sources are highly susceptible
tively low cost and low sensitivity to back reflections. to back reflections; however, these can be reduced
LEDs are most suitable for intensity-based sensors. or eliminated by applying antireflection coatings to
However, their low-coherence length makes them or angling the end of the coupled optical fiber or
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 7

through optical isolators. Laser diodes also require fundamental mode to other nonguided modes, fracture
accurate temperature control to control the spectral of the optical fiber or a change in power coupled
output. One of the advantages of laser diodes is that into the fiber (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and
they can be coupled with single-mode optical fibers Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors). In general,
through microlenses to produce fiber laser diodes that the input power entering the optical fiber is held
operate with high output powers, on the order of constant, while the intensity of the light transmitted
10 mW. By combining the fiber laser diode with a through the fiber or reflected back to the input of the
FabryPerot cavity, one can produce an extremely fiber is measured with a photodetector. Measuring
strong, narrow bandwidth output. Additionally, the the intensity of the propagating lightwave is rela-
cavity length can be scanned to provide a laser with tively simple; however, light sources themselves often
a narrow bandwidth, wavelength tunable output. fluctuate in intensity. Feedback control loops can be
applied to reduce these fluctuations, or the illumi-
nating lightwave divided to create a reference inten-
4 SENSING MECHANISMS sity, as shown in Figure 7(a). Intensity-based sensors
provide absolute measurements, meaning that they
External sensing parameters are generally encoded are insensitive to power interruptions between data
into information within lightwaves propagating collections. One drawback to intensity-based sensors,
through an optical fiber in one of four manners, however, is that they cannot be multiplexed for sensor
summarized in Figure 6. networks.

4.1 Intensity modulation 4.2 Phase modulation

The intensity of the lightwave propagating through an The application of strain or temperature to an optical
optical fiber can be modified through microbending fiber changes the optical path length traversed by
of the optical fiber, a change in coupling from the the lightwave propagating through the fiber, neff L

Intensity modulation Phase modulation


Intensity (t )

Intensity (t )

t Time Time

Wavelength modulation Polarization modulation

Intensity (t )

Fast axis
Wavelength (t )

Intensity (l)

Intensity (t )

Slow axis
t Wavelength, l

Figure 6. Output signals of optical fiber sensors using four primary sensing mechanisms.
8 Sensors

1 2 coupler
Laser source Sensor



Three-way circulator
Tunable laser source
(2) Sensor

Broadband laser source
(1) filter


(b) Spectrum analyzer

Figure 7. Sensor interrogation schemes for (a) intensity-based sensors and (b) wavelength (frequency) based sensors. For
(b), three different possible schemes are shown. See text for details.

(see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering- 4.3 Spectral modulation

based Optical-fiber Sensors). As the phase of the
lightwave cannot be measured directly, the light- External sensing parameters can also be converted
wave is generally recombined with a reference light- into spectral information of the lightwave, for
wave from the same laser source (so that the two example, using fiber Bragg gratings (see Fiber Bragg
are coherent). When the reference lightwave is not Grating Sensors) or FabryPerot interferometers
exposed to the external parameters, their relative (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-
phase shift between the signals can be related to based Optical-fiber Sensors). Such sensors typically
the applied strain or temperature. The phase modu- act as filters, transmitting certain wavelengths and
lation is extremely sensitive to strain and there- radiating or reflecting others. Changes in external
fore can provide very accurate measurements [1]; parameters are therefore converted into a wavelength
however, the measurement of phase shift is not abso- shift of the transmitted or reflected spectrum of the
lute owing to the signal periodicity and is there- sensor. A typical signal is shown in the example
fore affected by power interruptions between data of Figure 6, for which the reflected wavelength
collections. Additionally, fluctuations in the laser is changing with time. The wavelength encoded
source intensity can be misinterpreted as phase signal must then be interpreted, which is commonly
shifts. Several systems are now commercially avail- performed in using one of three methods: (i) by
able to alleviate these problems, each with rela- launching a broadband of light into the fiber
tive advantages and disadvantages (see Intensity-, and applying a spectrum analyzer to select the
Interferometric-, and Scattering-based Optical- reflected wavelength; (ii) by applying a tunable laser
fiber Sensors). Interferometric measurements also for which the output wavelength can be scanned
cannot generally be multiplexed. The reference signal while the reflected intensity is measured by a
can be completely sheltered from external parameters photodetector; or (iii) by launching a broadband of
or used for compensation of unwanted measurands light and using a wavelength-dependent filter to
such as temperature. identify the reflected wavelength (Figure 7b). Other,
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 9

more complex methods based on three-way couplers of a fiber of length L at an applied axial stress level
or fast Fourier transforms are also available for S is therefore
data acquisition at higher scan rates or multiplexing   m  
sensors (see Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors). S L
P (S, L) = exp (7)
S0 L0

where m is the material Weibull parameter and S0 is

4.4 Polarization modulation
the inert strength of the fiber (under pristine condi-
tions), measured for a length of fiber L0 and a survival
A final method to encode sensing information for
probability of 36.8% [22]. The medial strength, med
transmission through an optical fiber is through
corresponds to a failure probability P = 0.5. Another
the polarization state of the propagating lightwave
important material property is the corrosion suscep-
[1, 19, 20]. For the example shown in Figure 6, the
tibility, n, which determines the growth rate of a
power of a lightwave propagating through a PM fiber
microcrack in the fiber,
is transferred between the mode polarized about the
fast axis and the mode polarized about the slow dw
axis. The power in each mode can be determined = AKIn (8)
by applying a polarizing filter to the output signal.
As mentioned above, the two modes propagating where w is the crack length and A is a constant.
through a PM fiber do not normally transfer power as Typical measured values for standard silica optical
they propagate since they are orthogonally polarized. fibers are m = 112, n = 14, med = 5.13 GPa [23].
However, external stimuli such as pressure or twisting Kapron and Yuce [22] tested a large set of stan-
of the optical fiber will induce transfer between the dard optical fibers in static and dynamic fatigue. The
two modes. bending strength of optical fibers can be described
similarly by a Weibull distribution; however, a
general rule is that standard silica sensor fibers can
5 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES be safely bent to a radius of 5 mm [24].
A second common material class used for optical
OF OPTICAL FIBERS fibers is polymers. Polymer optical fibers (POFs) have
It is important to know the strength and attenua- considerably lower stiffness than silica fibers, with
tion characteristics of optical fibers to apply them for E = 2.43.0 GPa, = 0.34 [25]. Their stressstrain
sensing applications where severe loading conditions response is also extremely sensitive to strain rate,
may occur. This is particularly true for many struc- temperature, humidity, and hysteresis effects. POFs
tural health monitoring applications. Additionally, are more flexible in bending those silica fibers;
attenuation properties often determine the maximum therefore, they can be handled and embedded without
number of sensors that can be applied in a single a protective coating.
network or the physical distance over which the
network may span.
5.2 Attenuation and dispersion
The two major factors that determine the maximum
5.1 Stiffness and strength length of signal transmission in an optical fiber are
the attenuation and dispersion properties of the fiber.
Standard fused silica fibers are linear elastic until For a fixed length of optical fiber, the attenuation, ,
failure with the following material properties: the is defined as the ratio of power input, Pi , to the power
elastic modulus, E = 72 GPa, Poissons ratio, = output, Po , of a given length of optical fiber and is
0.20, and thermal expansion coefficient, = 5.5 measured in decibels [2],
107 / C [21]. Fused silica optical fibers are extreme-
ly brittle and their tensile strength follows a Weibull Pi
= 10 log10 (9)
distribution. The cumulative survival probability, P , Po
10 Sensors

On the other hand, dispersion (or broadening 100

of propagating pulses) is generally due to the 50
wavelength-dependent properties of silica and,

Loss (dB km1)

therefore, the wavelength-dependent propagation 10 Infrared
5 absorption
constants. For telecommunication applications these tail
factors limit the length of an optical fiber that can
be used; however, for sensing applications these 0.5
limits are rarely an issue, except for large structural Rayleigh scattering
applications. 0.1
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
For fused silica optical fibers, three main pheno-
Wavelength (m)
mena contribute to attenuation [2, 8]:
Figure 8. Material attenuation losses as a function of
Rayleigh scattering occurs owing to inhomo- wavelength for fused silica (SiO2 ) [2]. [Reproduced with
permission from Ref. 2. Cambridge University Press,
geneities in the amorphous glasslike silica. The
resulting attenuation is proportional to 4 .
The infrared absorption properties of silica essen- POF sensors typically operate in the visible wave-
tially prevent transmission at wavelengths above length ranges rather than in the infrared ranges. Most
1600 nm. commercially available POFs are multimode fibers
OH impurities in the fused silica create water in the visible wavelengths; however, recent advances
absorption peaks at wavelengths of 950, 1240, and in fabrication techniques have produced single-mode
1390 nm. POFs for visible wavelength transmission [2629]
(see Novel Fiber-optic Sensors).
The resulting attenuation spectrum of a silica
Other important factors contributing to signal
optical fiber can be seen in Figure 8. Three
losses in optical fiber sensors are splice losses,
primary transmission windows are therefore used in
component losses, and bending losses. Splice losses
telecommunication applications: (i) around 850 nm
depend upon the type of splice applied; fusion splices
with an approximate attenuation of 2 dB km1 ;
yield much lower losses than mechanical splices
(ii) around 1300 nm with an approximate attenuation
for example. Component losses appear in network
of 0.4 dB km1 (here the material dispersion is
components such as couplers or circulators. Finally,
practically zero); and (iii) around 1550 nm with
one important difference between optical fiber sensor
an approximate attenuation of 0.25 dB km1 . The
networks and electrical sensor networks is that the
transmission windows at 1550 and 1300 nm are most
optical fiber cannot be bent to an arbitrary radius of
commonly used since the attenuation is the lowest
curvature. The bend loss in a step-index fiber per unit
of the three windows at 1550 nm, and at 1300 nm the
material dispersion is practically zero. The same three
transmissions windows are typically used for optical
fiber sensors owing to the relative low cost, wide 0.20
selection and high quality of components including
a (dB m1)

optical fibers, couplers, and laser sources available 0.15

for telecommunications applications.
POFs considerably demonstrate different attenua- 0.10
tion characteristics than fused silica. Most noticeably,
the magnitude of attenuation is orders of magnitude
larger than that of silica [25]. Therefore, POFs are 0
most often used for short connector applications that 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
require a flexible fiber. Secondly, whereas the atten- Rc (cm)
uation of silica decreases with wavelength in the Figure 9. Bending loss as a function of bend radius
infrared region, the attenuation of the polymer mate- of curvature (a = 4 m, = 1550 nm, n1 = 1.460, and
rials rapidly increases with wavelength. Therefore, n2 = 1.453).
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 11

fiber length can be approximated by [31, 32] or maximize the measurement capabili-
ties of embedded sensors considering induced strains
 1/2  2 and their criticality for damage initiation [33]. For
pa 1
= 4.343 composites with other than polymer matrices, surface
4aRc K1 ( a) ( a)3/2
  bonding of the optical sensor is often possible. For
2( a)3 example, Figure 10 shows a gold coated silica optical
exp 2 3 2 Rc (10)
3k0 a n1 fiber bonded to a titanium matrix composite using a
Ni-based plasma spray.
where Rc is the radius of curvature of the bent One of the challenges to apply embedded optical
fiber and p and were defined for equation (3) [2]. fibers for structural health monitoring applications
Equation (10) is plotted for typical single-mode fiber is to calculate the stressstrain state in the host
properties in Figure 9, from which one can see that material as a function of the stressstrain state in the
the bending loss increases exponentially for small optical fiber sensor. A variety of models have been
radii of curvature. developed for the stressstrain transfer to optical
fiber sensors with and without coatings embedded
in isotropic materials [3538]. These models are
6 INTEGRATION OF OPTICAL based on shear-lag analysis, originally derived for
stress transfer between reinforcing fibers in fiber
FIBER SENSORS IN reinforced composites. Li et al. [39] and LeBlanc
STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS [40, 41] extended the shear-lag analysis to include
plastic yielding of the coating and debonding at the
In this section, we summarize the general issues coatingfiber interface. For the application of optical
to consider when integrating sensors into struc- fiber sensors embedded in orthotropic materials, Van
tural components, particularly embedded sensors. Steenkiste and Springer [42] treated the optical fiber
These include coating options, material compatibil- as an inclusion in the composite cross section and
ities, strain transfer, and structural integrity. Specific applied elasticity to calculate the relationship between
issues related to composite laminates and concrete the strain in the host material and strain in the optical
structures are included. fiber. Each of these approaches assumes that the strain
Various coating materials have been applied for field is slowly varying; therefore, the average strain
embedded applications including the standard acry- at the location of the sensor is sufficient to predict
late, which is relatively pliable and allows the fiber
to slide within the coating, to reduce crimping of the
fiber. However, the acrylate coating does not provide
good strain transfer between the sensor and the host
material owing to the low stiffness of the coating
and the fact that the fiber debonds from the coating
well before failure occurs in the host material [30].
As an alternative, polyimide coatings are stiffer and
well bonded to the optical fiber. Polyimide coatings
provide excellent strain transfer and excellent dura-
bility of the sensor during high temperature (up to
600 C) and high-pressure fabrication conditions [21].
The main disadvantage to polyimide coatings is that
removal of the coating for coupling, splicing, etc.
must be done chemically. Bare optical fibers have also
Figure 10. Gold coated silica optical fiber surface bonded
been embedded for good stressstrain transfer when to titanium matrix composite with silicon carbide rein-
durability concerns are not as important. Several forcing fibers using Ni-based plasma spray (image scale
researchers have calculated optimal coating proper- 32) [34]. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 34.
ties to minimize the obtrusivity of embedded sensors Cambridge University Press, 1998.]
12 Sensors

its response. For more rapidly varying strain fields otherwise appear at the ingress or egress points since
such as near the location of damage, Prabhugoud the optical fibers are extremely fragile in bending.
and Peters [43] incorporated the shear-lag theory to Commonly, this can be accomplished using polymer
predict the response of a sensor located near matrix cabling; however, for some structural applications
cracking in a unidirectional composite ply. more advanced strategies are required [44].
Finally, one of the major advantages of optical fiber
sensors for structural health monitoring of composite
structures is that large networks of sensors can be 6.1 Laminated composites
relatively unobtrusively embedded into the laminate
for measurement throughout the lifetime of the struc- Optical fiber sensors are well suited for strain moni-
ture. Owing to their high multiplexing capability toring in polymer matrixfiber reinforced compos-
(see Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors), a single optical ites because the failure strain of the optical fiber is
fiber strand can contain a large number of sensors, significantly larger than that of typical reinforcing
requiring only a single ingress and egress loca- fibers such as carbon [45]. A typical carbonfiber
tion. It is necessary to protect the optical fiber well reinforced epoxy composite has carbon reinforcing
and eliminate strong stress concentrations that would fibers of 510 m diameter and ply thicknesses

No optical fiber Optical fiber at 0 to fiber

Optical fiber at 30 to fiber Optical fiber at 45 to fiber

Optical fiber at 60 to fiber Optical fiber at 90 to fiber

Figure 11. Micrograph of embedded optical fibers at different orientation to reinforcing fibers. Air voids next to optical
fibers can be seen for orientations at 60 and 90 [47]. [Reproduced from Ref. 47. Sage Publications, 2006.]
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 13

of 120140 m. Therefore, the optical fiber size

Optical fiber Matrix-rich region
(without coating) is on the order of one-ply thickness.
When embedded between partially cured (prepreg)
plies during the lamination fabrication, the presence
of the optical fiber therefore introduces a perturbation
to the local material system, typically resulting in a
resin-rich zone referred to as a resin eye which forms
around the fiber as seen in Figure 11. This resin eye
enhances the local stresses surrounding the optical
fiber and potentially induces local matrix cracking in Acrylate coating
adjacent plies or delamination [31]. For optical fiber
sensors embedded within a single ply, the interphase Carbon fibers
region between the host epoxy and the embedded 100 m
sensor can also play a significant role in the dura-
bility of the composite. Sirkis and Lu [46] used
electron backscatter and acoustic emission to measure Figure 12. Optical micrograph of embedded optical
interphase thicknesses. They also determined that the fiber with acrylate coating in two-dimensional woven
graphiteepoxy composite after impact loading. Optical
residual stresses present in the optical fiber sensor fiber has fractured during polishing, therefore all of surface
after laminate fabrication can be significant. is not visible.
Sirkis and Lu [46] and Jensen et al. [48, 49]
demonstrated that optical fibers embedded parallel fiber as can be seen in Figure 12. Lebid et al. [54]
to the reinforcing fibers do not degrade the axial measured varying residual stresses along the optical
tensile strength of the laminate; however, the lami- fiber due to the undulations and observed that this
nate transverse tensile strength and axial compressive must be accounted for when interpreting the sensor
strength are reduced by 2070%. Embedding optical response. Optical fiber sensors do survive when
fibers at orientations other than parallel to the rein- embedded in woven composites when high temper-
forcing plies does decrease the axial tensile strength ature and pressure are applied during the laminate
of the composite [50, 51]. Kim et al. [51] demon- fabrication, although the transmission losses due to
strated that there was not a significant decrease in the undulations are more significant than those for
axial tensile strength until the relative angle reached nonwoven laminates [55].
45 , after which point the strength decreases rapidly Finally, researchers have also demonstrated the
with relative angle. They attributed this decrease advantages of embedding optical fiber sensors in
in strength to the aspect ratio of the resin eye, composite laminates for impact detection and identifi-
which increased with relative angle. This was later cation of the resulting internal damage. Similar to the
confirmed by Shivakumar [47] (Figure 11) who also previous loading conditions, optical fibers embedded
observed the presence of air voids next to the optical parallel to the reinforcing fibers showed little or
fiber at high relative angles. Similar observations on marginal effects on the extent and form of damage
the laminate strengths have been made for fatigue induced in the laminates [5557]. Fibers embedded
loading conditions. The presence of the optical fiber perpendicular to the reinforcing fibers increased the
does not noticeably reduce the fatigue life for lami- extent of damage, once again due to the presence of
nates in tensiontension fatigue [52, 53], however, large matrix-rich regions [57].
does create a significant decrease in fatigue life for
tensioncompression fatigue [53].
Optical fiber sensors embedded between multiple 6.2 Concrete infrastructures
plies of two-dimensional woven composites demon-
strate additional challenges. In addition to the resin Another promising application for optical fiber
eye formation, the presence of the optical fiber also sensors is for long-term monitoring of civil infras-
introduces additional stresses owing to the undu- tructures, specifically concrete structures. Researchers
lations in the woven plies surrounding the optical have demonstrated that optical fiber sensors can
14 Sensors

Figure 13. Regular and corrugated preembedded concrete bar sensors [67]. [Reproduced from Ref. 67. Elsevier, 2000.]

be embedded during casting of concrete structures rapidly with moisture and demonstrated that they are
and provide accurate strain measurements under a compatible with concrete.
variety of conditions [58, 59]. In addition to strain
measurements, optical fiber sensors have been used
for the measurement of crack opening displace- 7 CONCLUSIONS
ments [60] and chloride penetration [61]. The prop-
erties of concrete are significantly different than Fiber-optic sensors are versatile sensors for structural
those of polymer matrix composites; therefore several health monitoring applications owing to the fact that
different issues become important. they are durable, immune to electromagnetic inter-
For example, the gauge length of the optical fiber ference and corrosion, can be multiplexed into large
sensor must be chosen to be larger than the aggre- sensor networks, and can be embedded in a variety of
gate size so as to provide useful measurements [62]. materials including composite laminates and concrete.
Bending of the optical fiber around the individual External parameters for sensing are generally encoded
aggregates can also induce significant signal loss over in the lightwave signal through intensity, polarization
long sections of the optical fiber [63]. Another chal- states, wavelength or phase information. A variety of
lenge to embedding optical fiber sensors in concrete optical fiber types and coatings have been applied for
can be the placement and protection of the sensor structural health monitoring applications. The predic-
during the casting process, particularly for large-scale tion of the response of optical sensors to external
structures. Researchers have bonded optical fibers to parameters requires an understanding of the basic
principles of lightwave propagation and its sensitivity
rebars prior to casting to prevent movement of the
to physical changes applied to the optical fiber, which
optical fiber during cure of the concrete [6466]. An
have been introduced in this chapter. For the analysis
alternative idea is to precast the sensor into smaller
of specific optical fiber sensors such as fiber-optic
concrete blocks and then place these precast blocks
interferometers, fiber Bragg gratings, and Brillouin
into the larger structure [67]. Such blocks can be cast
scattering sensors see Intensity-, Interferometric-,
with a variety of surface features to improve bonding
and Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors and
between the precast block and the concrete structure
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors. For more recent tech-
as shown in Figure 13.
nologies for fiber-optic sensors, see Novel Fiber-
Another significant challenge to embedding optical
optic Sensors.
fiber sensors in concrete structures is the high alkali
and moisture content of the concrete, which can
degrade the coating and fiber-coating bonding over
time [63, 68]. Further, once the coating has been
removed, the hydroxide ions diffuse into the optical a.
By guided we mean that the energy remains
fiber surface and induce microcracking, leading to confined within the optical fiber as it propagates.
eventual failure of the optical fiber. Habel et al. [69]
and Leung et al. [68] studied the long-term perfor-
mance of potential optical fiber coatings including RELATED ARTICLES
acrylate, which was rapidly degraded, and polyimide
and Tefzelsilicone, which provided excellent long- Lamb Wave-based SHM for Laminated Composite
term protection for the sensor. Alternatively, Kuang Structures
et al. [70] embedded POFs, which do not degrade as Reliable Use of Fiber-optic Sensors
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles 15

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Chapter 61
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
Kara Peters
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA

variety of structural health monitoring applications

1 Introduction 1 including spacecraft [1, 2], bonded aircraft repairs
[35], cryogenic composite tanks [6, 7], highway and
2 Fiber Bragg Grating Parameters 2
railway bridges [8, 9], fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)
3 Fabrication and Strength of Fiber
composite bridges [10], FRP strengthened concrete
Bragg Grating Sensors 4
[11], offshore platforms [12], and nuclear reactors
4 Multiplexing and Interrogation of FBG [13]. Researchers have also applied FBG sensors
Sensor Networks 5 for modal-based damage identification [14, 15], the
5 Multiple Axis Sensing 6 identification of multiple failure modes in composite
6 Nonuniform Sensing 8 laminates [1618], and monitoring of welded and
7 Long Period Gratings 10 composite joints [19, 20].
The FBG sensor, shown in Figure 1, is a permanent
8 Conclusions 10
periodical perturbation in the index of refraction of
Related Articles 11 the optical fiber core. This index modulation can be
References 11 written mathematically as
neff (z) = neff + neff 1 + cos + (z) (1)

where is the fringe visibility,  the grating period,
Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have many advan- (z) the grating chirp function (which describes any
tages for strain sensing in structural health moni- variation in the grating period), neff the effective index
toring applications including their small size, the of refraction of the fiber for the fundamental mode,
potential to multiplex hundreds of sensors with a and neff the dc average index change [21]. Hill
single ingress/egress fiber, their immunity to elec- et al. [22] first fabricated permanent Bragg gratings
tromagnetic interference, and their corrosion resis- in an optical fiber as a filter for telecommunication
tance [1]. FBG sensors have been applied for a applications.
The FBG sensor acts as a wavelength-dependent
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by filter as shown in Figure 1. When a broad spectrum
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 of wavelengths is passed through the FBG, a narrow
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. bandwidth of wavelengths is reflected, while all
2 Sensors

Input spectrum

Bragg grating
RI z

S0 R0
Optical fiber
e=0 core
IR(l) e = e0 IT(l)
e=0 e = e0
Reflected spectrum Transmitted spectrum

Figure 1. Optical fiber Bragg grating sensor. Reflected and transmitted spectra are shown for a broadband input spectrum.
Dashed line is for unstrained FBG and solid line is for strained FBG. [Reproduced with permission. Springer, 2002.]

others are transmitted. The wavelength at maximum dS

reflectivity is referred to as the Bragg wavelength, B , = i S(z) iR(z) (3)
and is determined by the condition
where R(z) and S(z) are the amplitudes of the
B = 2neff  (2) forward and backward propagating lightwaves, res-
pectively, and z is the coordinate along the axis of
As axial strain, , is applied to the FBG, the Bragg the fiber [21]. The coefficients and are defined as
wavelength shifts to lower wavelengths (compres-
sion) or higher wavelengths (tension). The applied 2   1 d
= neff + neff
strain is thus encoded in the FBG Bragg wavelength  2 dz
shift. If the applied axial strain is not constant along
= neff (4)
the length of the grating, the spectrum will distort
as well as shift. Section 6 describes how this distor-
tion can be interpreted to measure the applied strain where is the wavelength of the propagating light-
distribution along the FBG. waves.
For a grating with a constant period (i.e., nonchir-
ped grating), we have a constant grating chirp func-
2 FIBER BRAGG GRATING tion, (z) = 0 . Therefore, the parameters and
are constants and equation (3) can be solved analyt-
PARAMETERS ically. We find the solution to equation (3) for the
The phenomenon of wavelength selective reflection reflectivity coefficient,
is due to coupling between various modes prop- 
  sinh2 L 2 2
agating through the FBG. For short period FBGs  S(L/2) 2

r=  =
( < 1 m), coupling occurs between a forward R(L/2)   2
propagating fundamental (LP01 ) mode and a back- cosh2 L 2 2 2
ward propagating LP01 mode (see Fiber-optic Sensor
Principles). The coupling condition can be described (5)
through the coupled mode equations This solution is plotted for different values of
L in Figure 2. One can see in Figure 2 that for
dR the case of strong coupling (L = 6) the grating is
= i R(z) + iS(z) supersaturated. For sensing applications, FBGs with a
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 3

1 write,
kL = 2
0.8 kL = 6 = (1 pe ) (10)
Reflectivity, r

Thus, the shift in Bragg wavelength is linearly related
0.4 to the applied axial strain. Typical values for silica
optical fibers are p11 = 0.12, p12 = 0.27, and pe =
0.2 0.22 [24].
Similar to electrical resistance strain gauges, FBG
0 sensors are also sensitive to temperature through
Wavelength, l
Figure 2. Reflectivity as a function of wavelength for
B neff 
FBG with coupling coefficients L = 2 and L = 6 (neff = =2  + n
T = ( + )
1.46, neff = 3 106 , = 1, B = 1550 nm).
B T 0 T eff
where is the thermal expansion coefficient and
narrow bandwidth and high reflectivity (i.e., L = 2 is the thermo-optic coefficient of the optical
in Figure 2) produce the largest signal-to-noise ratio. fiber material. A typical value for fused silica
The maximum reflectivity of the grating, rmax , and is ( + ) = 6.67 106 / C [24]. It is important
bandwidth between the first zero crossings,
0 , are to note that the thermal sensitivity of an FBG
found from equation (5), sensor is considerably higher than that of its elec-
trical strain gauge counterpart, increasing the need
rmax = tanh2 (L) (6) for thermal compensation for strain measurement

n 2 2 One method of temperature compensation is to

= eff
+ (7)
B neff L write two FBGs at different Bragg wavelengths,
B1 and B2 , and to measure the Bragg wavelength
Procedures such apodization are often applied to shifts in each grating due to the applied strain and
the FBG sensor during fabrication to reduce the temperature. The strain and temperature can thus be
secondary peaks and narrow the bandwidth [23]. independently determined from the equation
As strain is applied to the FBG sensor, the Bragg
wavelength shifts according to
1 K1 KT 1
= (12)
2 K2 KT 2

B = 2
neff 0 + neff
0 (8)

neff is due to the strainoptic effect and
0 where the K terms are the sensitivities of each grating
is due to the change in period of the grating. For to strain and temperature. Xu et al. [25] fabricated
the specific case of pure axial loading we find (see a two FBG sensor with B1 = 850 nm and B2 =
Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-based 1300 nm. Experimental measurements demonstrated a
Optical-fiber Sensors), 6.5% difference in K, and a 9.8% difference in KT
for the two FBGs. One difficulty with this approach
n2eff is that B1 and B2 must be sufficiently far apart

B = B 1 (p12 p12 p11 ) (9) to obtain a significant difference in the FBG sensi-
tivities and therefore an accurate calculation of the
in terms of the Pockels constants of silica, p11 and strain and temperature when inverting equation (12).
p12 . Defining the effective photoelastic constant for This often requires two separate laser sources for the
axial strain, pe = n2eff (p12 p11 p12 )/2 we can sensor interrogation.
4 Sensors


q q
Several methods are commonly used for the fabri-
cation of FBGs, each based on the exposure of the
optical fiber core to ultraviolet (UV) laser light [26].
The UV exposure increases the index of refraction
of the silica locally through the process of photo-
sensitivity. Prior to exposure, the optical fiber is Core
typically doped to increase the photosensitivity of the
silica, e.g., through high-pressure hydrogen loading of Optical fiber
the fiber. Molecular hydrogen diffuses in the central
core region due to its small size. This increase in Interference fringes
photosensitivity is not a permanent effect since the
hydrogen diffuses out over time. However, if the fiber
Figure 3. Bulk interferometer arrangement for the fabri-
is exposed to UV radiation during this period, the
cation of fiber Bragg gratings.
hydrogen molecules react in the silica SiOGe sites
forming OH species and UV bleachable germanium
oxygen deficiency centers, which are responsible for lUV
the enhanced photosensitivity [23].
Several fabrication techniques are commonly
applied for FBG sensors. For excellent reviews see
[23] and [27]. The interferometric technique is based Phase mask
on a bulk interferometer that splits the incoming UV
light into two beams and then recombines them to
form an interference pattern that is focused onto the
optical fiber core (Figure 3). The interference pattern Core
exposure induces a refractive index modulation in
the fiber core. The periodicity of the refractive index
modulation is related to the UV source wavelength, = 1 pm Optical fiber
UV , by Interference fringes
UV Figure 4. Phase mask arrangement for the fabrication of
= (13) fiber Bragg gratings.
2 sin(/2)

By changing the intersecting angle between the two The simplicity of the phase mask writing technique
writing beams, it is possible to write Bragg gratings provides a robust and inherently stable method for
for almost any wavelength. However, the stability producing FBGs. Since the fiber is usually placed
of the interference pattern is extremely difficult to close to the mask, the sensitivity to mechanical
maintain due to mechanical vibrations that may be vibrations is minimized. The main disadvantage of
present in the bulk interferometer. the phase mask technique, however, is the need to
Because of its simplicity, the phase mask technique produce a phase mask for each desired wavelength.
is the most widely used method of FBG fabrication This limitation can be partially overcome by applying
(see Figure 4). The phase masks themselves may be tension to the phase mask to vary the period and
formed holographically or by electron-beam lithog- provide a range of possible Bragg wavelengths (typi-
raphy from fused silica. A near-field fringe pattern is cally 5% of the original Bragg wavelength).
produced by the interference of the plus and minus Stripping the coating from an optical fiber prior
first-order diffracted beams. The period of the fringes to writing the FBG is necessary as the coating will
produced is one-half of the phase mask period, pm . reduce the amount of UV light arriving at the optical
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 5

Table 1. Summary of FBG fabrication methods and resulting strengths

Reference Fiber Bragg grating fabrication method med (Gpa) m
Wei et al. [28] Pristine fiber 4.95 66.6
Fiber after chemical stripping 3.38 3.1
Pulsed laser exposure + chemical stripping 2.52 3.2
Varelas et al. [29] Pristine fiber + chemical stripping 5.13 112
Continuous wave UV exposure + chemical stripping >5 57
Askins et al. [30] Pristine reference fiber (Corning SMF-28) 5.6 6.0 90
Single pulse exposure, writing during draw tower process 5.4 45
prior to coating
Gu et al. [31] One-step process of writing through polysiloxane buffer, 3.76 13.2
no stripping required
Han et al. [32] LPG fabrication via residual stress relaxation with CO2 4.9 10.5
laser (no UV irradiation required)

fiber core. However, mechanical stripping of the lead cables is a notable advantage because it can
coating introduces microcracks at the surface of the significantly reduce the weight of the lead cables and
optical fiber and can significantly reduce the strength disruptions to the structure itself [1].
of the fiber at the location of the FBG. Researchers Several approaches to multiplexing large FBG
have developed several techniques to increase the sensor networks have been applied in which the
strength of FBGs, including chemically stripping the sensors are interrogated using wavelength division
coating from the optical fiber and writing the grating multiplexing (WDM), time division multiplexing
in the optical fiber during the drawing of the fiber (TDM), and combinations thereof (see Fiber-optic
prior to coating. A summary of the resulting FBG Sensor Principles). For single FBG sensors, the most
strength properties taken from the literature is listed common method to measure the peak shifts is to
in Table 1. For definitions of the Weibull modulus and pass the reflected signal from the FBG through a
median strength, see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles. wavelength-dependent filter that outputs a different
Additionally, description of common coating types intensity based on the input wavelength. Examples
for FBG sensors for durability in structural health of wavelength-dependent filters include FabryPerot
monitoring applications are provided in Fiber-optic cavities [33], acousto-optic filters [34], chirped Bragg
Sensor Principles. gratings [35, 36], long period gratings (LPGs) [37],
and WDM couplers [38, 39]. These techniques have
been expanded to WDM FBG sensor networks by
4 MULTIPLEXING AND scanning the filters to cover the peak wavelengths
INTERROGATION OF FBG of multiple sensors. For example, Davis et al. [40]
demonstrated interrogation of 60 FBGs in 2.5 s with
SENSOR NETWORKS 50 averages per sensor.
One of the strongest advantages of FBG sensors The interrogation of a large number of FBGs along
over other available strain or temperature sensors a single optical fiber is limited by the power reflected
for structural health monitoring applications (see from each grating, since each FBG reflects a portion
Nondestructive Evaluation/Nondestructive Test- of the wavelengths in the vicinity of the Bragg
ing/Nondestructive Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI) wavelength. For WDM applications, reducing the
SensorsEddy Current, Ultrasonic, and Acoustic spacing between each FBG reduces the time required
Emission Sensors; Piezoelectric Paint Sensors to scan the network; however, it also increases the
for Ultrasonics-based Damage Detection; Directed cross talk losses between FBGs. For TDM appli-
Energy Sensors/Actuators) is the fact that they cations, low reflectivity gratings (rmax = 1%) should
can be multiplexed into a large sensor network. be used to allow for a large number of multiplexed
For structural health monitoring applications, having sensors. By combining WDM with TDM, as shown
only a single or limited ingress/egress points and in Figure 5, one can reduce the power loss per FBG,
6 Sensors

Bragg gratings
l1 l2 l3
FO #1
1 N coupler FO #2
l1 l2 l3
Laser source

l1 l2 l3

Three-way circulator
interrogation system Time N

Time 2
Time 1
Figure 5. Combined wavelength division multiplexing and time domain multiplexing for FBG sensor network.

as well reduce the total wavelength range that must through the birefringence that occurs in the optical
be scanned to interrogate the entire network [24]. In fiber due to applied transverse loads. Figure 6 shows
this case, each parallel network of FBGs has the same an example of three independent loads applied to the
wavelength range, while the laser output is pulsed and optical fiber, along with the resulting three principal
the particular network being interrogated determined strain components at the center of the fiber core. The
by the time of arrival of the signal. effect of the axial load (P1 ) is to shift the reflected
Alternative approaches to interrogating FBG sensor peak to higher or lower wavelengths; however, the
networks include expanding the output-reflected spec- effect of the transverse loads (P2 and P3 ) is to create
trum via a plane grating or prism to a linear charge- peak splitting due to the fast and slow axes that
coupled device (CCD) array that would then operate develop in the optical fiber (for a discussion of bire-
as a CCD spectrometer. In this manner, Askins et al. fringence, see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles). A
[41] achieved interrogation of 20 sensors at 3.5 kHz. typical example of peak-splitting behavior is also
A network of FBG sensors that have the same initial shown in Figure 6.
Bragg wavelength can also be interrogated quasi- In general, FBGs written in polarization main-
statically through interpretation of the inverse Fourier taining (PM) optical fibers exhibit enhanced discrim-
transformation of the reflected spectrum [42]. Finally, ination between multiple loading components due
interferometric methods have also been applied for to geometrical and stress-induced birefringence in
high-speed interrogation of FBG sensor networks the fibers (see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles). The
[4345]. stress-induced portion of the birefringence can be
due to residual stresses and/or the applied trans-
verse loading components. This birefringence effect
5 MULTIPLE AXIS SENSING has been exploited for the independent measurement
of multiple strain components and/or temperature
One unique characteristic of the FBG as a strain changes using single or multiple Bragg gratings [48].
sensor is its ability to measure and distinguish This capability makes the FBG sensor ideal for the
between multiple strain components. Researchers monitoring of residual stresses during curing of FRP
have fabricated FBG rosettes, following the same laminated composites as well as further monitoring
strategy as for electrical resistance strain gauges of internal stresses during loading of the laminates
[46, 47]. However, the FBG itself can also be used [17, 4952]. Additionally, by writing two FBGs with
to monitor axial and transverse strain components different Bragg wavelengths, B1 and B2 , at the same
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 7


P2 0.6 Increasing

e2 P3 0.2

P1 e3
e1 0
Wavelength, l
Figure 6. Multiaxis loading applied to FBG sensor written into bow-tie PM fiber. The graph plots the effects of the
multiaxis loading on a single FBG (the peak on the left-hand side is the initial peak before load is applied).

location and monitoring the peak wavelength shifts the FBG can also be increased through the simul-
for the fast and slow axes of each grating, one can taneous measurement of the response of both the
independently calculate the three principle strains as fundamental LP01 and LP11 modes; however, propa-
well as a uniform temperature change applied to the gating the LP11 mode in the FBG presents substantial
sensor [48], challenges [56].
To predict the response of an FBG written in a PM

1f K11f K12f K13f K1Tf 1 fiber to transverse loading, Kim et al. [57] considered

1s K11s K12s K13s K1T s 2 the PM fiber to be optically and mechanically homo-

2f K21f K22f K23f K2Tf 3 geneous with orthotropic material properties. As in

2s K21s K22f K23f K2T s
T later models, the assumption is made that most of the
(14) energy of the fundamental mode propagating in the
Generally, the relative sensitivities of the FBG fiber is contained in the core; therefore, the principal
written in a PM fiber are calibrated because of strains at the center of the fiber are sufficient to esti-
the complexity of predicting these sensitivities and mate the wavelength shift. Sirkis [58] later related
the lack of detailed material information for the the change in Bragg wavelengths,
B1 and
B2 ,
particular PM fibers used. Urbanczyk et al. [53], to the principal strains at the center of the core: 1 ,
Chehura et al. [54], Lawrence et al. [48], and Bosia 2 , and 3 (see Figure 6),
et al. [55] performed experimental measurements
of the wavelength shifts in FBGs due to multi-
B1 1  
axis loading in various PM fiber types. Chehura = 1 n2eff p11 2 + p12 3 + p12 1
B1 2
et al. [54] also performed a comparative experimental
study of various PM fiber types to determine which
B2 1  
= 1 n2eff p12 2 + p11 3 + p12 1 (15)
fiber type was optimal for multiaxis strain sensing B2 2
and temperature monitoring. The authors determined
that amongst the specific, commercially available Lawrence et al. [48] and later Bosia et al. [55]
PM fibers studied, the elliptical core stress-applying modeled the mechanical inhomogeneities in the
portion (SAP) fiber provided the maximum sensi- optical fiber due to the SAP and applied the finite
tivity to transverse loading, while the Panda fiber element method to calculate the strains at the center
provided the maximum sensitivity to temperature of the fiber due to transverse loading. Both the exper-
loading. However, the particular elliptical core SAP imental and numerical studies of Lawrence et al.
fiber used had a significantly smaller cladding diam- [48] and Bosia et al. [55] demonstrate that for a
eter than the other fibers, which the authors note was PM fiber, the shift in Bragg wavelength is nonlinear
the cause of the increased transverse load sensitivity. with transverse load for certain loading angles. Prab-
The transverse load and temperature sensitivities of hugoud and Peters [59, 60] performed finite element
8 Sensors

analyses of FBGs written in PM fibers analysis incor- applied strain over the gauge length. This section
porating the photoelastic-induced index distribution presents both the forward prediction of the FBG
throughout the cross section of the optical fiber spectral response due to the applied nonuniform strain
and calculating its contribution to the wavelength field and the reverse calculation of the applied strain
shift of the FBG. Comparison of this method with field from the spectral response.
the previous assumption of principal strains at the
center of the core in equation (15) for a variety of
PM fiber types and loading cases reveals that the 6.1 Prediction of FBG response
approximation of equation (15) is sufficient for most
loading cases; however, its accuracy varies between The T-matrix approximation, first introduced by
the different fiber types. Yamada and Sakuda [75], is widely used to
model Bragg gratings with nonconstant properties as
explained in Figure 8. The primary advantage of the
6 NONUNIFORM SENSING T-matrix method is that it is computationally efficient
as compared to direct numerical integration of
Distortion of the grating spectrum due to strain equation (3) [21]. This approach divides the grating
gradients has been observed in several applications into M smaller sections each with uniform coupling
of embedded FBG sensors [6174]. An example of properties. Defining Ri and Si to be the amplitudes
experimentally measured spectral distortion due to R(z) and S(z) after each lightwave traverses the ith
the highly nonuniform strain field near a notch tip section, the propagation through this uniform section
is shown in Figure 7 [61]. This sensitivity of the can be described in the form of a transfer matrix
sensor response to the form of the strain profile is    
unique to the optical FBG since other strain gauges Ri Ri1
= Fi (16)
(e.g., the classical electrical strain gauge) average the Si Si1

Transmission (%)


P = 46 N
Location of 1557 1557.5 1558 1558.5 1559
40 FBG Wavelength (nm)

100 100
Transmission (%)
Transmission (%)

90 90

80 80

70 70
P = 90 N P = 109 N
60 60
1557 1557.5 1558 1558.5 1559 1557.5 1558.5 1559.5
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
Figure 7. Response of FBG embedded in a compact tension specimen. Location of 10-mm grating is shown in the sketch
of the specimen. Experimental grating spectral data in transmission (solid lines) are shown for three load levels (P ). The
simulated spectra calculated using the transfer matrix method are also plotted (dashed lines). [Reproduced with permission.
Springer, 2001.]
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 9

Actual strain distribution strain gradients. For an arbitrary nonuniform strain

Assumed strain distribution field one can enter the strain field into the coupled
mode equations or transfer matrix through an equiv-
z alent period that accounts for both geometrical and
photoelastic effects,
(z) = 0 1 + (1 pe )(z) + (1 pe )z (z) (19)

Ri Ri +1
where ( ) refers the derivative with respect to z [78].
A similar expression for the equivalent period for
Si 1 Si cases where the grating is originally chirped can be
found in Prabhugoud and Peters [78].
Figure 8. Schematic of transfer matrix approximation for
FBG subjected to nonuniform strain field. [Reproduced with 6.2 Inversion of measured spectrum
permission. Springer, 2001.].
When the axial strain applied to the sensor is
The optical transfer matrix can be derived as nonconstant along its gauge length, one can no longer

z) i sinh(B
z) i sinh B
Fi =   (17)
i sinh(B
z) cosh(B
z) + i sinh B

where B = 2 2 and
z is the length of the simply measure the shift in wavelength at maximum
section. For the entire grating, the combined optical reflectivity to obtain useful strain data. Rather, the
transfer matrix can then be written as calculation of the applied strain profile from the
    spectral response becomes an inverse problem. The
R(L/2) R(L/2)
=F (18) most commonly used inversion techniques for optical
S(L/2) S(L/2)
FBG strain sensor spectra are reviewed by Huang
where F = FM FM1 . . . F1 . The reflectivity as a et al. [76]. The simplest technique is the intensity-
function of wavelength can be calculated from equa- spectrum-based approach, which requires only the
tion (18). A limitation of the T-matrix approximation, amplitude information from the complex reflected
however, is that the number of sections M cannot spectrum. Although suitable for some applications,
be arbitrarily large since several grating periods are this technique is only valid for monotonically varying
required for complete coupling. However, M = 100 strain fields and averages out rapidly changing strain
is typically more than sufficient to accurately model fields. A second approach based on the Fourier
chirped gratings. transform is more suitable to invert nonmonotonic
For axial strain-sensing applications, the T-matrix strain profiles. However, this technique requires
method was first applied to a Bragg grating subjected both intensity and phase information from the
to a nonuniform strain distribution by Huang et al. reflected spectrum, which significantly increases
[76]. Huang et al. [76] approximated the applied the cost and complexity of sensor data collection.
strain as a piecewise continuous function, calculating Several other techniques to invert the spectral
the average period in each grating segment due to the information based on heuristic approaches have
applied strain and substituting this local period into been developed, including iterative solutions to the
the coupling coefficient for the T-matrix method. The coupled mode equations (3) [79], inverse scattering
validity of this approximation was later demonstrated algorithms (see Timefrequency Analysis) [8082],
by Peters et al. [77] for various nonuniform strain timefrequency transform methods [83], neural
fields. Prabhugoud and Peters [78] demonstrated that networks (see Artificial Neural Networks) [84], and
this prediction works well for small magnitudes of genetic algorithms [85, 86]. Such techniques do not
10 Sensors

identify the direction of the strain profile; however, 1

Kitcher et al. [87] have demonstrated the presence of
directional dependent losses in FBGs, which could be

Transmission coefficient
Core mode
used to identify the orientation of the strain field. 0.8
Cladding modes


While short period FBGs reflect or transmit
lightwaves at certain wavelengths based on coupling 0.4 Near-IR region

between counterpropagating core modes, LPG 0.3

sensors are based on coupling between the forward
propagating core mode and forward propagating Wavelength (nm)
cladding modes (see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles
for a description of cladding modes). While both Figure 9. Theoretical transmission spectrum for long
period FBG. Portion of spectrum in near-IR region is
of these and other coupling phenomena occur for indicated.
both types of grating sensors, the large period of
the LPG (100 m <  < 1 mm) results in cladding chemical parameters because of their strong sensi-
mode coupling at wavelengths in the near-IR tivity to the index of refraction of the surrounding
range. Because of the fact that cladding modes material system, researchers have also combined them
attenuate rapidly in optical fibers, the LPG coupling with other optical fiber sensors for multiple parameter
is not measurable from the reflected spectrum, sensing. LPGs react to applied strain and temperature
but rather appears as multiple loss peaks in the fields in much the same manner as short period FBGs,
transmission spectrum (see Figure 9). The phase
including peak splitting due to transverse loading.
matching condition for each of these loss peaks is
A significant difference between the two sensors is
given by  that the temperature sensitivity of LPGs typically
i = neff n(i)
clad  (20) ranges from 3 nm/100 C to 10 nm/100 C, an order
of magnitude greater than that of FBGs [88]. Addi-
where n(i)
clad is the effective index of refraction of the
tionally, the strain and temperature sensitivity can
ith cladding mode [88]. The maximum transmission be tuned by writing LPGs with different properties.
loss for the ith cladding mode is given by Bhatia et al. [95] designed a strain insensitive LPG
for which the photoelastic effects, Poisson contrac-
Ti = 1 sin2 (i L) (21) tion, and period extension as a function of strain
canceled each other out, leading to an independent
where i is the coupling coefficient for the mode temperature sensor. Patrick et al. [96] fabricated a
(similar to for the short period FBG). hybrid FBG/LPG sensor for independent strain and
Because of the larger scale of the LPG features temperature measurements. Kim et al. [97] fabri-
as compared to that of short period FBGs, a variety cated a hybrid LPG/FabryPerot interferometer (see
of fabrication procedures have been demonstrated Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-based
to write LPGs in silica fibers including photosensi- Optical-fiber Sensors) for the simultaneous measure-
tivity [89], electric arc discharge [90], etching of the ment of refractive index and temperature.
fiber using hydrofluoric acid [91], and CO2 lasers
[92]. Additionally, nonpermanent LPGs have been
fabricated in optical fibers by applying mechanical 8 CONCLUSIONS
pressure to the fiber with an undulating surface to
create a photoelastic effectinduced change in index FBGs are versatile and lightweight sensors that
within the fiber core [93, 94]. can be multiplexed into sensor networks and
While LPG sensors themselves have primarily been embedded into various material systems for the
applied to the measurement of environmental or measurement of strain and temperature. For structural
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 11

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Chapter 62
Novel Fiber-optic Sensors

Kara Peters
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,

(see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-

1 Introduction 1 based Optical-fiber Sensors; Fiber Bragg Grating
Sensors). The goal of this article is to present recent,
2 Extreme Temperature Sensors 1
novel concepts for fiber-optic sensors. Most of these
3 Polymer Large-deformation Sensors 3 sensors are based on recent advances in optical fiber
4 Microstructured Fiber Sensors 6 technology, including single-crystal sapphire, single-
5 Multicore Optical Fiber Sensors 8 mode polymer, and microstructured and multicore
6 MEMS Optical Fiber Sensors 9 optical fibers. Such advances allow the use of optical
7 Conclusions 10 fiber sensors for high-temperature and large-strain
Related Articles 10
References 10
1 INTRODUCTION A variety of factors limit the usable temperature
range for fiber-optic sensors including the material
Fiber-optic sensors have been applied for a variety
limits of the optical fibers themselves and temperature
of structural health monitoring applications because
limits for any adhesives used in packaging. Another
of their immunity to electromagnetic interference, important limit for FBG sensors (see Fiber Bragg
low weight, small size, and multiplexing capa- Grating Sensors) is that the index modulation in the
bilities (see Fiber-optic Sensors). Some of the FBG written through photosensitivity can be erased at
articles in this encyclopedia review optical fiber approximately 200 C. This limitation could be impor-
concepts useful for understanding fiber-optic sensors tant for many composite applications, as processing
(see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles), as well as the temperatures of polymer matrixbased composites
basic operating principles for intensity-based, inter- may exceed this limit. Other matrix materials have
ferometric, and fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors even higher processing temperatures. Coating the
optical fiber with polyimide does increase the temper-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by ature survival range for the FBG to 500 C [1];
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 however, this may not be suitable for many high-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. temperature applications. The temperature limit for
2 Sensors

FBG erasing is well below the material limit for fused demonstrated a single-crystal sapphire fiber tempe-
silica, typically 10001100 C. As one solution, Luo rature sensor based on blackbody radiation for high-
et al. [1] developed a Bragg stack by depositing temperature applications; however, they discovered
quarter-wavelength-thickness layers on the end of a that surface contamination can significantly degrade
polyimide-coated silica optical fiber. The alternating the measurements at high temperatures. Wang et al.
layers of silicon nitrite and silicon-rich silicon nitrite [3] and Xiao et al. [5] designed extrinsic FabryPerot
acted as a Bragg diffraction grating, which could be white-light interferometer sensors, coupling the light-
interrogated in reflection through the optical fiber. wave from a single mode to a multimode sapphire
The Bragg stack was applied as a temperature sensor fiber and achieving a strain resolution of 0.2 micros-
and was demonstrated to survive to at least 800 C train up to 1004 C. Zhu and Wang [6] later extended
with a 2 C temperature resolution. the sapphire fiber sensor by bonding the single-
An alternative fabrication method was applied by crystal sapphire fiber to the surface of a sapphire
Lowder et al. [2], who fabricated FBGs through first wafer whose optical path length through the thick-
etching a significant portion of the cladding on the flat ness changes with temperature. By further splicing
surface of a D-fiber. Then a surface relief FBG close the sapphire fiber to the standard silica fiber lead,
to the core of the optical fiber was etched. Similar removing the need for optical adhesives, the authors
methods have been applied to write long period grat- demonstrated a temperature resolution of 0.4 C up to
ings (see Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors). As the FBG 1170 C.
is created mechanically, rather than chemically as in At the other end of the usable temperature range
the case of photosensitive FBGs, the FBG can with- for fiber-optic sensors, Zeisberger et al. [7] demon-
stand significantly higher temperatures. Lowder et al. strated that FBGs can be applied for accurate strain
[2] demonstrated the linearity of the sensor up to measurements at extremely low temperatures, specif-
1100 C. ically in the temperature range of 30300 K. The
To overcome the temperature limit of the silica measured wavelength shift of an FBG due to only the
itself, researchers have also developed optical fiber thermo-optic effect reported by the authors is plotted
sensors based on single-crystal sapphire fibers, which in Figure 1. For these measurements, the FBG was
have a melting point of 2050 C [35]. Tong et al. [4] constrained so as to not permit thermal expansion.


822.1 Sensor 4 (T-effect)



4 (nm)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T1 (K)
Figure 1. Measured Bragg wavelength of FBG as a function of temperature (change due to thermo-optic effect only).
[Reproduced with permission from Ref. 7. 2005, IEEE.]
Novel Fiber-optic Sensors 3

The response of the FBG to temperature is linear to performance has not been comparable. At the same
approximately 250 K, and then strongly nonlinear at time, intrinsic material losses in polymers are orders
lower temperatures. of magnitude higher than for silica. Therefore, POFs
have primarily been used for short, flexible optical
connections and as sensors operating through bending
3 POLYMER or environmental intensity losses. However, recent
LARGE-DEFORMATION advances in the fabrication of single-mode POFs with
minimal attenuation levels have changed the potential
SENSORS for POF sensors [913].
As demonstrated by the large number of optical Figure 2 plots the inherent material losses for
fiber sensors and their applications (see Intensity-, several optical polymers and silica. The material
Interferometric-, and Scattering-based Optical- losses in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) gener-
fiber Sensors; Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors; Fiber- ally increases with wavelength, and therefore POFs
optic Sensors), optical fiber sensors are extremely are often designed to operate at wavelengths below
versatile. However, the brittle nature of silica limits the near-IR wavelengths used with silica fibers.
their maximum strain range to approximately 12%, Fabricating single-mode fibers at these lower wave-
particularly for FBGs [8]. This measurement range is lengths requires smaller core diameters in order to
comparable with electrical resistance strain gauges. keep the normalized frequency, V , in the single-
Polymer optical fibers (POFs) on the other hand mode range (see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles).
offer a much larger potential strain measurement Kuzyk et al. [9] first fabricated PMMA optical fibers
range. In general, the fabrication of POFs is not as with a dye-doped core that were single mode at
well controlled as for silica fibers; therefore, their an operating wavelength, = 1300 nm. These fibers



Attenuation loss (dB km1)


100 (current level)



300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 2. Transmission loss spectra for various polymer optical fiber materials: PMMA, D-PMMA (deuterated), CYTOP,
and PCS. Loss spectra for silica is also plotted for comparison. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 14. 2001,
4 Sensors

demonstrated attenuation levels of approximately 160

0.3 dB cm1 , close to the intrinsic material attenua- 3.05 min1
tion for PMMA at that wavelength. Bosc and Toinen

True stress (MPa)

[10] later fabricated single-mode PMMA optical
0.01 min1
fibers with attenuation levels of 0.25 dB cm1 at =
1550 nm and 0.05 dB cm1 at = 850 nm. Finally, 80
Garvey et al. [11] improved the process to create Increasing strain rate
single-mode POFs at = 1060 nm with an attenu- 40
ation level of 0.18 dB cm1 .

0 10 20 30
3.1 Sensing properties of POFs Strain (%)
Figure 3. Measured true stressstrain curves for PMMA
Silva-Lopez et al. [15] first measured the sensitivity POF at various strain rates. Strain rates plotted are 0.01,
of dye-doped single-mode POFs to strain and temper- 0.30, 0.60, 0.90, 1.22, and 3.05 min1 . [Reproduced with
ature. The POFs were designed to be single mode at permission from Ref. 16. IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2007.]
850 nm with an acrylic cladding (n = 1.4905) and
doped PMMA core (n = 1.4923). The authors ope- a formulation to predict the phase sensitivity to strain
rated the fibers with a visible light source at = of the dye-doped PMMA POF for the full usable
632 nm, outside of the single-mode region; however, range of the sensor ( =06%) and measured the
they only observed the fundamental, LP01 , mode mechanical properties of the fiber in this range. The
propagating through the fiber. Using a MachZender formulation includes both the finite deformation of
interferometer arrangement and loading the optical the optical fiber and nonlinear photoelastic effects,
fiber on a translation stage, they measured a phase both potentially significantly important over the
sensitivity to displacement of 131 105 rad m1 and usable strain range. The measured true stressstrain
temperature sensitivity of 212 rad m1 K1 . The response curve of the PMMA POF is plotted in
phase sensitivity to displacement measured is in good Figure 3 for multiple strain rates in the range of
agreement with the properties of bulk PMMA. When 0.013.05 min1 . One can see from Figure 3 that
compared with silica optical fibers, the sensitivity the response of the sensor is very sensitive to strain
to displacement of the PMMA fiber is 14% higher rate and that the yield strain increases with strain,
than that of the silica, which is an advantage for typical of polymer fibers [13]. The failure strain of
strain sensing. The difference is primarily due to the the POF was around 30%, while transmission of
large difference in Poissons ratio and the photo- the coherent lightwave for sensing was demonstrated
elastic constants (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, to be 15.8%, well beyond the yield strain of the
and Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors). On POF [17]. Using the mechanical properties measured
the other hand, the temperature sensitivity of the from the single-mode POF samples, Kiesel et al.
PMMA fiber is negative, whereas the temperature [16] predicted the phase sensitivity of the POF over
sensitivity of silica optical fibers is positive. The a strain range of 06%. This sensitivity is plotted
temperature sensitivity was also about 25% more than in Figure 4 with the response of a silica fiber for
predicted. The maximum operating temperature for comparison. The important differences between POF
the fiber was predicted to be in the 80120 C range. sensor and silica sensor from Figure 4 are as follows:
The measurements of Silva-Lopez et al. [15] (i) the PMMA has a high strain sensitivity throughout
provide useful information on the behavior of POF the strain range, (ii) the nonlinearity in the PMMA
sensors and can be used to predict the response phase response is of the opposite sign and an order
of a variety of sensors based on them. However, of magnitude greater than for silica, and (iii) the
the measurements were made in the strain range of importance of including the nonlinearity in the phase
00.04% strain, which is a limited portion of the response is evident at a much lower strain value
strain range over which they have potential to be (
=1%) for PMMA than for silica ( =3%). Additional
applied. For this reason, Kiesel et al. [16] derived effects are expected to be important when applying
Novel Fiber-optic Sensors 5

of the polymer. Peng and Chu [12] wrote FBGs

operating in near-IR wavelengths (B
0.08 Linear j
= 1570 nm)
Nonlinear j with reflectivities >80% and a bandwidth of 1 nm.
(2p/l) Ln0

0.06 By applying strain to the FBG, the authors shifted


the Bragg wavelength by a total of 73 nm (Figure 5),

which is an order of magnitude larger than that
previously achieved with FBGs in silica optical fibers.
The large wavelength shift was partially due to the
0 increased sensitivity of the POF described in the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 previous section and partially due to the large yield
Axial elongation, el (%) strain of the POF (Peng and Chu report 6.1% yield
Figure 4. Predicted normalized phase shift of silica strain for the fiber used [12]). Applying thermal
optical fiber and PMMA POF, applying linear and nonlinear loading, the authors tuned the FBG over 20 nm;
deformation [16]. For specific material parameters used in however, erasing of the FBG occurred when the
calculation, see. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 16. grating was exposed to thermal loads for extended
IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2007.] periods of time [18].
Liu et al. [19] later wrote FBGs in CYTOP optical
POFs as large-strain sensors, including material fibers, which have a lower intrinsic material loss than
hysteresis, creep effects (especially at elevated PMMA (Figure 2). The sensitivity of the FBGs in
temperatures), and the anisotropy of the polymer. CYTOP fibers was not as high as for those in PMMA
fibers, for example, the gratings could only be tuned
thermally over 10 nm. However, thermal erasing of
3.2 Fiber Bragg gratings in POFs the gratings did not occur when they were exposed
to thermal loads for long durations.
Peng and Chu [12] first demonstrated the writing Liu et al. [18] combined FBG sensors in silica
of FBGs in POFs through the same photosensitivity and PMMA optical fibers in series to independently
process used for writing FBGs in silica optical fibers. measure strain and temperature, through the equation
The FBGs were fabricated by UV exposure of PMMA     
single-mode optical fibers (fabricated by the authors) p Kp KT p
= (1)
with dye-doped cores to increase the photosensitivity s Ks KT s T


Bragg resonance wavelength (nm)







0 1 2 3 4 5
Strain (%)
Figure 5. Measured Bragg wavelength shift due to axial strain for FBG written in polymer optical fiber. [Reproduced
with permission from Ref. 12. Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 2000.]
6 Sensors

where the K matrix is constructed of the sensiti-

vities of the Bragg wavelength of the FBGs in the
polymer (p ) and silica (s ) fibers to strain and Silica
temperature (see Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors).
These measurements are significantly better than
those previously obtained using two FBGs in silica
fibers at different wavelengths (see Fiber Bragg
Grating Sensors) due to the fact that the sensitivity
to strain and temperature is very different for the
polymer and silica. The measured strain sensitivities
were K1 = 1.48 pm 1 for the PMMA FBG and
K2 = 1.15 pm 1 for the silica FBG. Additionally,
the temperature sensitivity of the silica FBG is posi-
tive, while the temperature sensitivity of the PMMA
FBG is negative. Air hole
Challenges to applying polymer FBGs for large-
strain sensing include high attenuation in the fibers, 2005 IEEE
difficulties in preparing the fibers for coupling, and Figure 6. Schematic representation of a typical micro-
thermal erasing of the gratings. This last challenge structured holey optical fiber.  and d are the hole pitch and
could be important for many structural health moni- diameter respectively. [Reproduced with permission from
toring applications, but is still not fully understood. Ref. 24. IOP Publishing Ltd., 2005.]
Similar to the writing process for FBGs in silica
fibers, the grating depth increases with exposure in the cladding region reduce the effective index of
time until a threshold is reached, at which point the cladding and therefore provide much stronger
damage to the polymer fiber occurs and transmis- confinement of the lightwave as it propagates through
sion losses are introduced in the fiber [20]. On the the fiber [22]. Such microstructured optical fibers are
other hand, Liu et al. [21] observed that, when FBGs typically fabricated by drawing a preform consisting
were written with lower power UV exposures, the of capillary tubes with a solid silica rod replacing
FBG peak depth increased, reached a maximum, the center tube to form the solid core. The complex
remained constant, then began to erase during the geometry of these holey fibers provides both new
exposure time. Once the FBG was completely erased, sensing possibilities and enhanced response charac-
the UV exposure was stopped and the FBG reap- teristics for conventional fiber-optic sensors applied
peared over a period of 8 h, then was permanent and to these fibers. For example, Ju et al. [23] fabricated
stable. The authors speculate that the heating of the an interferometric sensor based on a holey fiber and
fiber during the UV exposure temporarily changed the observed a nonmonotonic temperature dependence on
index of refraction, counteracting the change due to wavelength.
photosensitivity. Nasilowski et al. [25] and Bock et al. [26] applied
microstructured holey fibers for the measurement of
temperature and pressure. Through measurement of
4 MICROSTRUCTURED FIBER the group refractive index change, Bock et al. [26]
SENSORS estimated the temperature, axial strain, and pressure
sensitivity of such fibers. The primary differences
Microstructured optical fibers, also referred to as observed as compared to conventional fibers were
photonic crystal fibers, have been fabricated in a that the reduced Poisson contraction of the cross
variety of forms including solid core, holey fibers, section (i) reduced the strain sensitivity slightly and
as shown in Figure 6. For a first approximation, the (ii) changed the pressure sensitivity to be negative
holey fiber acts as an index-guiding waveguide in rather than positive as for solid fibers. Nasilowski
the same manner as conventional solid optical fibers et al. [25] applied a high-birefringence holey fiber,
(see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles). The air holes created by introducing several defects to form a
Novel Fiber-optic Sensors 7


Fixed end Free end

Figure 7. Scanning-electron-microscope image of the (b)

core of high-birefringence holey fiber showing the triple Figure 8. Schematic of CO2 laser carved LPG (a) before
defect core. [Reproduced with permission from Ref.23. and (b) after axial force is applied to the fiber. , D, and, W
Springer Verlag, 2005.] are the grating pitch, depth, and, width of the grooves,
respectively. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 27.
OSA Publishing, 2006.]
noncircular core, as a pressure sensor. An image of
the fiber core and surrounding region is shown in strain. Demonstrating the fabrication of grating
Figure 7. An important feature of high-birefringence structures through photosensitivity, Dobb et al. [30]
holey fibers is that strong birefringence can be successfully wrote FBGs in PMMA holey fibers
obtained without inducing thermal residual stresses operating at B = 1569 nm with a 0.5 nm bandwidth.
through a different material region in the fiber (see The FBGs were fabricated in both few-mode and
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles). From a sensing single-mode holey fibers.
perspective, this birefringence is therefore stable with Zou et al. [31] demonstrated independent strain
temperature and does not introduce temperature errors and temperature measurements through stimulated
into high-birefringence sensors [25]. Brillouin scattering in microstructured optical fibers
Several researchers have written long period (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-
fiber Bragg gratings (LPGs) in microstructured based Optical-fiber Sensors). In contrast to scat-
fibers through CO2 laser or electric arc etching tering in conventional solid fibers, several peaks
[2729]. These LPGs demonstrate an excellent were observed in the scattered frequency spectrum
strain sensitivity, with little or no temperature due to independent interactions between the light-
sensitivity, meaning that temperature compensation wave and stimulated acoustic waves occurring in the
is not required [27, 29]. When bending the graded-Ge-doped core region, the intermediate silica
optical fiber, He et al. [28] observed mode region, and the microstructured cladding region. The
splitting and bending directional dependence in response of the peak in the core region was the same
the output of the LPG, phenomena not observed as for a doped solid optical fiber; however, the other
with LPGs written in conventional solid silica peaks had differing sensitivities to temperature and
optical fibers. The directional dependence is due strain.
to the fact that the in-plane stiffness of the One final example of a microstructured fiber sensor
cross section has been significantly weakened is the tapered holey fiber sensor demonstrated by
due to the presence of the holes. The response Villatoro et al. [32]. The authors tapered the middle
of the LPG does appear to strongly depend section of a holey fiber to a diameter of 28 m (the
on the fabrication method, as Petrovic et al. original diameter was 125 m), which caused the
[29] did not observe such phenomena in similar holes to collapse in the cross section. The output
tests. Wang et al. [27] also found that, during lightwave intensity from the optical fiber was then
axial stretching of the optical fiber, the periodic an interference pattern between the multiple modes
grooves in the LPGs created local microbending of the tapered waist [33]. These interference peaks
around the grooves (Figure 8). This microbending shifted linearly with strain and were insensitive to
increased the sensitivity of the LPG to axial temperature up to 180 C.
8 Sensors

5 MULTICORE OPTICAL FIBER for Doppler differential velocimetry [36] and pitch
and roll sensing [35].
SENSORS Blanchard et al. [34] first demonstrated strain and
curvature measurements using a multicore optical
Multicore optical fibers have great potential for the
fiber. They fabricated a three-core holey fiber by
measurement of strains and curvatures over large,
drawing silica capillary tubes with silica rods intro-
flexible structures such as aircraft wings or towed
duced for the cores, shown in Figure 10. The cores
hydrophone arrays. When multiplexed, these local
were placed sufficiently far apart such that each core
strain and curvature measurements can be used to
acted as a separate single-mode waveguide with no
determine the shape of the flexible structure. The
coupling between propagating lightwaves (assuming
concept for curvature measurements based on diffe-
that no twisting is applied). Light was launched into
rential strain measurements between core pairs is
the optical fiber, creating a far-field interface pattern
shown in Figure 9 for a four-core optical fiber. The
at the end of the 23-cm sensor length, which was
presence of multiple cores within a single fiber
then projected onto a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
can provide more stable curvature measurements
camera. The optical phase difference of each core was
than those from separate single-mode fibers because
extracted from the Fourier transform of the interfer-
more accurate spacing is maintained between the
ence pattern. On the basis of the differential phase
cores [34]. The choice of spacing between the cores
differences, the sensor demonstrated a strain resolu-
can be an important design consideration for multi-
tion of 7.4 n and bend angle resolution of 100 rad.
core sensors. Close spacing of the cores makes the MacPherson et al. [38] later demonstrated that the
sensor more compact as well as less sensitive to phase sensitivity to displacement (/L) of the
temperature gradients across the fiber cross section. multicore holey fiber is approximately the same as a
However, reducing the core spacing also increases solid fiber. Using only a two-core holey fiber, they
the coupling between modes propagating through the obtained a bend angle resolution of 170 rad.
cores and reduces the accuracy of curvature measure- MacPherson et al. [37] wrote FBGs into each of the
ments [35]. Methods to couple the multicore fiber cores of the four-core solid optical fiber of Figure 9
to multiple single-mode fibers for data acquisition
include graded index (GRIN) lenses and fan-outs
[35]. Multicore optical fibers have also been applied

125 m fiber 50 m core

diameter spacing

Outer FBG

Core separation
50 m
Inner FBG
Figure 9. Cross section of multicore fiber illuminated Figure 10. SEM image of the end of a photonic crystal
with white light and principle of curvature measurement fiber near-field pattern at the output of the three-core fiber
from FBG pairs in different cores. [Reproduced with with all cores illuminated at 633 nm. [Reproduced with
permission from Ref. [37]. IOP Publishing Ltd., 2006.] permission from Ref. 34. IOP Publishing Ltd., 2000.]
Novel Fiber-optic Sensors 9

for shape monitoring of a tunnel structure. Multi-

plexing a large number of FBGs along the length of
the optical fiber allows for a distributed measurement
of the curvature, which can be integrated to obtain
the shape of the structure [39]. MacPherson et al.
obtained a shape resolution of 0.1 mm between
two sets of FBGs spaced over a length of 5 mm
along the fiber. Flockhart et al. [40] and Cranch et al.
[41] used the same fiber configuration, but wrote
sets of FBG pairs in each core to act as a low-
finesse FabryPerot interferometer to enhance the
static and dynamic resolution of the shape measure-
ment. Applying differential interferometric demodu- 00064887 30 m
lation between the grating pairs, the authors obtained (a)
a strain resolution of 0.6 n Hz1/2 and curvature
resolution of 0.012 km1 Hz1/2 for measurement Diaphragm
frequencies above 1 Hz, a 30 times improvement over
the previous curvature measurements.


The ability to multiplex a large number of sensors
into a single optical fiber is one of the key advan-
tages to optical fiber sensors for structural health
monitoring. Additionally, their relatively small size
makes them reasonable to embed or surface mount X 0.500 Y 0.500 D 0.707B
to a variety of structures (see Fiber-optic Sensor (b)
Principles). However, more and more sensors are Figure 11. (a) A 70-m-diameter cavity ablated into the
being developed for applications where size is critical, end of a single-core fiber and (b) photograph of the side
thus, necessitating microelectromechanical systems view of a single-core fiber sensor (the inset shows the top
(MEMSs) fabrication techniques. To date, MEMS view). [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 42. OSA
technology has primarily been applied to optical Publishing, 2006.]
fiber sensors for FabryPerot temperature and pres-
sure sensors (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and produced a good quality cavity; however, the authors
Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors). Watson encountered some difficulties due to tearing of the
et al. [42] reviews the state of the art for low-profile diaphragm during bonding and poor adhesion of the
external FabryPerot diaphragm sensors. However, diaphragm.
due to their extrinsic nature, the outside diam- The requirement to adhere the diaphragm with
eters of these sensors are generally larger than an adhesive glue also limits the temperature range
the outside diameter of the optical fiber itself. over which such MEMS sensors can be applied
To reduce the outside sensor diameter of end- [43]. Abeysinghe et al. [43], therefore, developed a
face FabryPerot pressure sensors, Watson et al. FabryPerot temperature and pressure sensor without
[42] fabricated a MEMS FabryPerot sensor. The adhesives, also applying a MEMS fabrication tech-
authors ablated the end of an optical fiber with an nology. They micromachined the end of the optical
excimer laser, and then bonded an aluminized poly- fiber through wet etching to create a cavity similar
carbonate foil diaphragm to the end of the fiber, to the last example, but then bonded a crystalline
which can be seen in Figure 11. The laser ablation silicone membrane to the end face of the optical
10 Sensors

fiber-optic sensors are also presented. These advances

have extended the range for optical fiber sensors
such that they can now be uniquely applied for
structural health monitoring applications in extreme

Lamb Wave-based SHM for Laminated Composite
50 m Reliable Use of Fiber-optic Sensors

Figure 12. Scanning-electron-microscopy image of the

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Chapter 60
Intensity-, Interferometric-, and
Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors
Kara Peters
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,

lightwave can be used to determine the strain

1 Introduction 1 or temperature profile along the fiber through the
2 Intensity-based Optical-fiber Sensors 1 photoelastic effect. In comparison, fiber Bragg grat-
ings and other optical-fiber sensors are reviewed in
3 Interferometric Optical Fiber Sensors 2
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and Novel Fiber-
4 Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors 11 optic Sensors.
5 Conclusions 12 A summary of the fundamental principles for
Related Articles 12 optical fibers, useful to understand the sensing pheno-
References 13 mena described in this article, can be found in Fiber-
optic Sensor Principles. General issues concerning
the application of all the sensors described in this
article to structural health-monitoring systems are
1 INTRODUCTION also presented in Fiber-optic Sensor Principles and
Fiber-optic Sensors.
Optical-fiber sensors present numerous advantages
for the measurement of strain, temperature, humidity,
pressure, and other parameters. This article focuses 2 INTENSITY-BASED
on sensors that use the intrinsic properties of optical
fibers themselves as a transducer. By evaluating OPTICAL-FIBER SENSORS
the behavior of a lightwave propagating through Intensity-based optical-fiber sensors are potentially
an optical fiber, strain and temperature fields can the simplest in-fiber sensors to apply. Typically,
thus be inferred from microbending, microfracture, these are based on the measurement of the loss
or scattering losses that occur along the fiber. of intensity transmitted through an optical fiber.
Alternatively, the phase shift of the propagating Such sensors can be interrogated with low-cost
lightwave sources and detection systems such as
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photodetectors.
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 Measures et al. [1, 2] presented the first example
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. of an intensity-based optical-fiber sensor for the
2 Sensors

Magnified view of damage therefore determine the extent of damage within the
sensitized optical fiber composite.
Intensity-based sensors that load the optical fiber
Special etched
through microbending have been developed for the
section of optical fiber measurement of strain, temperature, pressure, or other
parameters [47]. Significant microbending along
Light source
Photodetector the optical fiber creates transmission losses that
increase rapidly with the bend radius of curvature (see
Fiber-optic Sensor Principles). Figure 2 presents
a schematic of a typical microbend sensor design.
As tensile strain is applied (for the example of
Figure 2), the microbending applied to the optical
Figure 1. Intensity-based damage-sensitized optical fiber fiber is reduced and therefore the transmitted inten-
embedded as a two-dimensional sensor network in a sity increases. Conversely, if compressive strain is
composite aircraft wing. [Reproduced with permission from applied, the transmitted intensity is reduced. To
Ref. 3. Elsevier, 2001.] prevent errors due to fluctuations in the intensity
of the light source, a reference optical fiber and a
measurement of structural damage. As shown in dual photodetector are also included. While relatively
Figure 1, the authors sensitized discrete regions of inexpensive, the accuracy of intensity-based sensors
the optical fiber by etching the cladding to reduce can be limited.
the diameter of the optical fiber. The optical fibers
were then embedded to form a two-dimensional
grid network in an aircraft wing. The optical fiber 3 INTERFEROMETRIC OPTICAL
in these regions was thus sensitive to damage at FIBER SENSORS
approximately the same level as the surrounding
aramid fiber reinforced composite. During impact Butter and Hocker [8] designed and demonstrated the
testing of the wing, microfractures in the optical first in-fiber strain sensor. This fiber-optics strain
fiber produced the bleeding of light from the fibers. gauge was based on the measurement of the change
By measuring the total intensity of the lightwave in phase shift of a lightwave propagating through
transmitted through each fiber, the researchers could an optical fiber due to axial strain applied to the

3-dB Multimode
coupler optical fibers



Spot welds Gauge

strain gauge
Dual photodetector
Monitored structure
Figure 2. Schematic of a typical intensity-based microbend. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 3. Elsevier, 2001.]
Optical-fiber Sensors 3

optical fiber. This section derives the change in phase

shift of the lightwave due to mechanical and thermal
loads and presents common interferometer configu-
rations for the measurement of this change in phase
shift. Finally, more recent distributed interferometer
sensor devices based on low-coherence interferom-
etery and stimulated Brillouin scattering are also 1

3.1 Strain and temperature sensitivity

We assume that the optical-fiber material is an opti- g
cally isotropic single crystal with an index of refrac- 2
tion in the unstressed state of n0 (this would be the
effective index of refraction of the fundamental mode, p
see Fiber-optic Sensor Principles). Since the fiber
cross section is a two-dimensional surface, we define
the orthogonal coordinate system with the axes p and
q shown in Figure 3. These axes are the principal
optical axes, which correspond to the propagation
axes for the fiber. We write the field vector for an
electromagnetic plane wave of wavelength , propa- Figure 3. Sketch of optical fiber with coordinate systems
gating in the axial, 1, direction (Figure 3) as highlighted on an arbitrary cross section (p q are the prin-
cipal optical axes; 123 are the applied strain directions).
E = Ap Sp sin t x1 which is directly related to the index of refraction

  of the material.
+ A S sin t
q q
x (1)  
1 B1 B6 B5
B= B6 B2 B4 (3)
where Sp and Sq are orthogonal unit vectors in the B5 B4 B3
23 plane in the direction of the principle optical
axes, is the angular frequency of the lightwave, For an isotropic material, B1 = B2 = B3 = n0 ,
and Ap and Aq are the amplitudes of the orthogonal B4 = B5 = B6 = 0 [10]. Since the vector field is
components [9]. The propagating lightwave is thus propagating in the 1 direction, E has spatial
split into two orthogonal lightwaves, both with the components in the 2 and 3 directions, E =
same wavelength and frequency as the original wave, (0, E2 , E3 ). Substituting E and R into equation (2)
but each experiencing a separate index of refraction, and expanding yields the two equations
np and nq .   
The vector field, E, must satisfy the planar wave B2 1/n2 B4 E2
=0 (4)
equation B4 B3 1/n2 E3

1 Nontrivial solutions for E2 and E3 occur only when

R (R BE) + E=0 (2)
n2 the determinate of the matrix on the left-hand side is
zero. Applying this condition and solving for n yields
where n is the index of refraction experienced by
the field and R is the unit vector in the direction of 
propagation; in this case, R = (1, 0, 0). The tensor 1 (B2 + B3 ) (B2 B3 )2 + 4B42
B is the material dielectric impermeability tensor, = (5)
n2 2
4 Sensors

In general, there are therefore two solutions to n, can be applied to the optical fiber; more specific
which we previously labeled as np and nq . For loading cases will be considered later. The terms Wi
the isotropic fiber, we simply have np = nq = n0 ; are the changes in Bi due to temperature measured at
therefore, there is only one propagation solution. a constant stress state, Wi = Bi /T | =const. . The
The next step is to calculate the change in phase components of the p matrix are commonly referred
shift of the lightwave propagating through a length L to as the Pockels constants for the material. For an
of the optical fiber. As the lightwave, E, propagates isotropic material, p has the form [10]
through the optical fiber, it experiences a total phase
shift, , p11 p12 p12 0 0 0
2 p12 p11 p12 0 0 0
= L = nL (6)
p12 p12 p11 0 0 0

p= 0 (p11 p12 )
0 0 0 0
is thus the propagation constant or phase shift 0 0 0 0 (p11 p12 )
per unit length, = 2n/. Once strain or thermal 2
(p11 p12 )
0 0 0 0 0 2
loading is applied to the optical fiber, both the length
of the fiber and the effective index of refraction (10)
change, altering the phase shift of the propagating Similarly, for an isotropic material,
lightwave [8], 2 dn
n30 dT
 = (nL + nL) (7) 2 dn

n30 dT

The change in length of the optical fiber is directly W = 2 dn0 (11)

related to the axial strain, 1 , and the coefficient of n3 dT
thermal expansion, , as L = 1 L + T . 0

We now calculate the term n of equation (7). 0
The photoelastic effect describes the change in optical
properties of the material due to strain and temper- 0
ature. Since the components of the tensor B are Typical values for fused silica fibers are p11 =
dependent on the material indices of refraction, we 0.17, p12 = 0.36, dn0 /dT = 1.2 105 / C [9].
can write Bi = Bi0 + Bi and apply this to equa- Combining equations (811), we find the general
tion (5). Simplifying this expression and using the expression for the index change due to strain and
isotropic values for Bi0 , we find temperature loading
1 1 1 1 (p + p12 )
= 2 = 2 + p12 1 + 11 (1 + 2 )
n n0 n2 n0 2
(B2 + B3 ) (B2 B3 )2 + 4B42 (p p12 )
11 (2 3 )2 + 442
+ 2
2 dn
(8) 3 0 T T (p11 + 2p12 ) (12)
Assuming the applied strains are small, we can n0 dT
apply the linear thermoelastic strain-optic effect,
where the strain components are the total strain due
which can be written as to both the thermal and mechanical loading.
Considering the specific case of pure axial tension
Bi = pij (j j T ) + Wi T (9) without thermal loading, for which 1 = , 2 = 3 =
, we find
where the summation convention is applied and the
strain components are written in compact notation [9]. 1 1  
= 2 + p12 (p11 + p12 ) (13)
Here we consider that all six components of strain n n0
Optical-fiber Sensors 5

Calculating n n0 and linearizing with respect to these components could be significant for sensors
strain, we find embedded in materials. Details on the inclusion of
these strain components for embedded sensors can
1   be found in [9, 12].
n = n30 p12 (p11 + p12 ) (14)
and substituting into equation (7),
3.2 Conventional interferometers
2 1 2 
 = n L 1 n0 p12 (p11 + p12 ) Interferometric sensors present an extremely high
0 2 sensitivity to external parameters. Additionally, as
2 the optical fiber itself is used as the measurement
= n L(1 pe ) (15)
0 device, such sensors are beneficial for simplicity
and cost as compared to other optical fiberbased
where pe is referred to as the effective photoelastic sensors. When using an optical fiber as strain sensor,
constant for applied axial strain [8]. The phase shift is it is not possible to measure the phase shift directly,
therefore linearly proportional to the change in length and therefore we typically measure the interference
of the optical fiber, or the applied strain. between the sensor fiber and a second, reference
Adding the effect of a temperature change T to fiber, which is not exposed to the environmental
equation (15), where the axial elongation is now changes and therefore has a constant phase shift.
the total axial elongation, we find Additionally, this second fiber can be exposed to only
 some of the loading, for example, temperature, so as
2 1  
 = n0 L n20 p12 (p11 + p12 ) to provide compensation during the measurements.
2 The interferometric measurement of phase shifts for
 in-fiber sensors parallels that for classical free-space
1 dn0 n2
+ T + 0 (p11 + 2p12 )T (16) interferometers. The two most commonly applied
n0 dT 2
interferometric arrangements are the MachZehnder
[9]. Typical material property values for fused silica and Michelson interferometers [13]. Figures 4 and 5
are = 0.16 and = 0.5 106 / C. show each of these classical interferometers and their
The above equations consider a constant strain field equivalent for in-fiber sensors.
applied along the gauge length of the optical fiber. In Assuming that the light source has a high coher-
general, the fiber can be mounted in any orientation ence length and polarization effects are compensated
on a surface; therefore, these strain components can between the two fibers, the average intensity of the
also vary along the length of the gauge. Sirkis and interference pattern varies sinusoidally, as shown in
Haslach [11] first calculated the total phase shift, , Figure 6. The cyclic form of the intensity measure-
in the optical fiber due to a known strain field. We ment presents two challenges when the intensity
define the variable s to be the variable along the path is near one of the quadrature points, i.e., where
length of the fiber. We find the total phase shift by dI /d = 0. The first challenge is that the direction of
integrating the local phase shift along the optical fiber fringe movement cannot be determined at the quadra-
ture point (directional ambiguity) and the second
 L   is that the measurement sensitivity goes to zero at
= ds the same point (signal fading). A variety of signal-
0 ds
  processing techniques have been applied to remove
2 these difficulties, generally categorized into passive
= n0 (1 pe )(1 + n ) ds (17)
and active demodulation. Each of these categories
can be further divided on the basis of whether the
where n is the strain component tangent to the fiber output signal is divided into multiple branches at
path at each location. Sirkis and Haslach also showed the same frequency (homodyne) or different frequen-
that transfer of shear stress and transverse stresses cies (heterodyne) [14]. One example of a passive
was negligible for surface-mounted sensors; however, homodyne demodulation is shown in Figure 6. For
6 Sensors

Beam splitter

Optical cell

Reference cell Photodetector

(a) Beam splitter

Sensor fiber

2 1 coupler

2 1 coupler
Reference fiber
Figure 4. Schematic of MachZehnder interferometer: (a) free-space optics version measures the difference in optical
path length through the optical cell and reference cell and (b) in-fiber version measures the difference in optical path length
through sensor fiber and reference fiber.



Laser Beam splitter

Intensity, I

dI90 dI0
Movable mirror

(a) Fixed mirror dI0

Sensor fiber
dj dj
2 2 coupler Phase difference, f
Figure 6. Intensity signals as a function of interferometer
phase difference for two sensor signals, phase shifted by
0 and 90 . When one signal is as a quadrature point
Photodetector Mirror
(dI/d = 0), the other is at the location of maximum
sensitivity. [Reproduced from Ref. 14. John Wiley &
(b) Reference fiber Sons Inc., 2006.]
Figure 5. Schematic of Michelson interferometer: (a) free-
space optics version and (b) in-fiber version. the other is at the point of maximum sensitivity,
removing both the signal fading and directional ambi-
this example, the sensor lightwave is divided into guity issues. A second popular example of passive
two channels, with one phase shifted by 90 , and demodulation is the use of a 3 3 coupler, exploiting
interfered with the reference lightwave. As seen in the phase shifts between the various outputs [15].
Figure 6, when one signal is near a quadrature point, Active homodyne demodulation involves actively
Optical-fiber Sensors 7

loading the reference fiber to keep the interferometer scanning interferometer). A typical low-coherence
signal 90 from the quadrature point (or at the interferometer configuration for optical-fiber sensors
quadrature point for some examples), for example, is shown in Figure 7. Interference fringes are observed
by wrapping the reference fiber around a piezoelec- only when the optical path difference in the scan-
tric cylinder [16]. Kersey [17] reviews multiplexing ning interferometer is within the coherence length of
strategies for interferometric optical-fiber sensors, the laser or when the optical path difference between
including time-division multiplexing and frequency- the two interferometers is within the same coherence
division multiplexing examples. length. By selecting a laser source with an extremely
The measurement of phase shift is not an absolute low-coherence length such as a superluminescent
measurement. Specifically, in order to know the diode or multimode laser diode, the displacement of
current strain level, the system must be continually the sensing interferometer can be determined within
operated throughout the lifetime of the structure. a reasonable precision [21].
This presents significant challenges for monitoring of The interference between two beams from a low-
structures since power interruptions could invalidate coherence source can be described by
all later measurements. One solution to this problem   
is through low-coherence interferometry, which is 2
I = I0 1 + V (nx) cos nx (18)
described in the following section.

where nx is the optical path difference in the inter-

ferometer, I0 is the mean intensity, and V is the
3.3 Low-coherence interferometers variation in fringe visibility as a function of optical
path difference for the laser source (typically a Gaus-
One technique to provide an absolute measurement
sian profile) [22]. This equation yields a wave packet
is through the use of low-coherence interferometry,
whose width is approximately equal to the coherence
also referred to as white-light interferometry. This
length and centered around the condition nx = 0, as
measurement technique is particularly useful for large
seen in Figure 8. For the interferometer of Figure 7,
structural applications as the spatial resolution is
the optical path difference in the sensing interfer-
significantly less than the previous interferometers.
ometer to be measured is L1 . The movable mirror
However, the system would not be affected by power
in the scanning interferometer is displaced while the
interruptions that may occur over the lifetime of the
interference pattern between the two interferometers
is measured. When L2
structure. Until recently, low-coherence interferom-
= 0, the strongest interfer-
etry had also been limited to quasi-static applications; ence occurs (as seen in Figure 8), and this condition
however, it has been demonstrated successfully in is used as a reference point. For L2 = +L1 , the
many field applications. Bock et al. [18] applied low phase imbalance in the sensing interferometer is offset
coherence in high-birefringence fibers (see Fiber- by the phase imbalance of the scanning interferom-
optic Sensor Principles) for the measurement of eter for a portion of the lightwave. Thus, interference
pressure. Inaudi et al. [19] embedded low-coherence also occurs at a lower maximum intensity. From
interferometric sensors in a concrete structure to these two measurements, L1 can be determined,
measure shrinkage of the concrete during cure and which is the optical path difference in the original
later strain during loading of the structure. Yuan sensing interferometer. As in the previous section,
and Ansari [20] applied a similar embedded low- this optical path difference can then be converted into
coherence interferometric sensor to measure crack-tip the physical change in length of the sensing fiber, L,
openings in a concrete structure. through [19]
The fundamental measurement concept applied to
low-coherence interferometric sensors is to inter- L1
rogate a primary interferometer consisting of a L = (19)
n0 (1 pe )
sensor and reference arm (referred to as the sensing
interferometer) with a second similar interferom- Inaudi et al. [19] demonstrated a low-coherence
eter for which the optical path difference between optical-fiber sensor using a LED with a coher-
the two arms can be scanned (referred to as the ence length of 30 m. By calculating the center of
8 Sensors

Sensing interferometer, L1 Low-coherence

Mirror 2 2 coupler light source
Sensor fiber

Mirror Reference fiber

Scanning interferometer, L2

Mirror 2 2 coupler

Mirror Photodetector

Translation stage
Lock-in amplifier

PC controller

Figure 7. Typical low-coherence in-fiber interferometer configuration. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 19.
Elsevier, 1994.]

1.4 for the scanning mirror by wrapping an optical fiber

around a piezoelectric cylinder. Therefore, the optical
1.2 path difference could be scanned by applying an elec-
trical current to the cylinder, without the need for
externally moving components.

To increase the spatial resolution of the basic low-
coherence interferometer for structural measurements,
L1 L1 Inaudi [24] implemented partial reflectors along the
sensing arm to provide multiple interference lengths.
20 10 0 10 20 By placing the reflectors sufficiently apart and scan-
Optical path difference, L2 (m) ning all possible interference distances, it is possible
to use the same interrogation system for multiple
Figure 8. Interference signal from double Michelson
interferometer with low-coherence source shown in
sensors. A typical output from this system, demon-
Figure 7. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 19. strating the interference lengths for each sensor, is
Elsevier, 1994.] shown in Figure 9. Later, Yuan and Ansari [25] multi-
plexed several sensing lengths using partial reflectors
gravity of the interference pattern, they were able and a low-coherence source; however, they applied
to increase the displacement resolution to 10 m. N balance arms for N sensors and switched between
Rao and Jackson [23] provide an excellent review of the balance arms to measure each sensor. Most
signal processing for low-coherence interferometric recently, Lloret et al. [26] applied amplitude modu-
sensors, as well as methods to increase the accuracy lation of the low-coherence light source at high
of the maximum point on the interference envelope. frequencies to obtain dynamic strain measurements
Meggitt et al. [22] replaced the translational stage up to 100 Hz.
Optical-fiber Sensors 9

Reflector #3

Reflector #3

Reflector #1
Intensity (au)

Reflector #1

Reflector #2 Reflector #2

16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00
Delay (ps)
Figure 9. Interference signal from multiplexed low-coherence interferometric sensors (only envelope of demodulation
signal is plotted). [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 24. SPIE, 1995.]

3.4 FabryPerot interferometers the FPI acts as a multipass interferometer whose

transmission characteristics are wavelength depen-
A second absolute interferometer configuration is the dent. We can assume that no losses are incurred
FabryPerot interferometer (FPI), first demonstrated at the reflectors so that the transmissivities t1 =
by Murphy et al. [27]. FPI sensors provide local 1 r1 and t2 = 1 r2 . The cavity itself can be a
strain and temperature measurements. FPI sensors section of the optical fiber (as shown in Figure 10a)
have been surface mounted on composites for the for which the sensor is termed intrinsic. Extrinsic
measurement of acoustic emission signals [28] and FPIs can be formed using external air gaps or
impact detection [29]. They have also been embedded other mediums to be analyzed. An example of an
in composite structures for the detection and measure- extrinsic FabryPerot interferometer (EFPI) is shown
ment of fatigue crack propagation in bonded compo- in Figure 10(b). Extrinsic FPI sensors are larger
site patch repairs [30], delamination and buckling than intrinsic sensors and therefore more intrusive;
[31], process-induced residual stresses [32], and the however, they are easier to fabricate and have less
development of impact damage [33]. They have also inherent noise. They also demonstrate low trans-
been combined with fiber Bragg grating sensors for verse strain sensitivities and low apparent thermal
the independent measurement of strain and temper- strains [36].
ature [34] (see Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors). The To calculate the response of the FPI, we define
miniaturization of FPI sensors is also discussed in the index of refraction of the cavity medium as n.
Novel Fiber-optic Sensors. Considering a plane wave (arriving from the left
A schematic of a FabryPerot in an optical fiber is in Figure 10a) that has passed through the first
shown in Figure 10(a). The sensor cavity of length L reflector, we can write its time-averaged (or steady-
is formed between two partial reflectors with reflec- state) amplitude as E = E0 exp(iz) (see Fiber-
tivities r1 and r2 . These partial reflectors are typi- optic Sensor Principles). When this wave reaches
cally partial mirrors, but fiber Bragg gratings have the second partial reflector E = E0 exp(iL), the
also been used [35]. For high reflectivity values, transmitted and reflected portions of the waves are
10 Sensors

Optical fiber core

z Medium with index n

E0e ibz E0t2eibL

E0 E0r2eibL
ER E0r1r2ei2bL E0t2r1r2ei3bL
Partial reflector with Partial reflector with
(a) reflectivity r1 reflectivity r2

I0 s

I1 I2

(b) Air gap Glass tube Adhesion

Figure 10. (a) Representation of multipass interference in a FabryPerot interferometer and (b) extrinsic FabryPerot
interferometer. [Reproduced from Ref. 31. Sage Publications, 2000.]

Et = t2 E0 exp(iL) and Er = r2 E0 exp(iL) respec- where 0 is the permittivity of the vacuum (0 =

tively. The reflected portion then reaches the first 8.854 1012 F m1 ), c is the speed of light in a
partial reflector, at which point E = r2 E0 exp(i2L). vacuum, R 2 = r1 r2 , and I0 = 0 cE02 /2 is the intensity
The reflected portion of this wave reaches the second of the input lightwave. The coefficient F is referred to
reflector, at which point Et = t2 r1 r2 E0 exp(i2L) and as the coefficient of finesse of the FPI and determines
Er = r1 r22 E0 exp(i2L). the response characteristics of the FPI. F is given by
Continuing these calculations for an infinite num- the expression
ber of passes, we find the total lightwave exiting the 4R
F= (22)
FPI to the right, (1 R)2

ET = t2 E0 exp(iL) 1 + r1 r2 exp(2iL) Figure 11 plots the normalized transmitted inten-
 sity of the FPI as a function of wavelength. The
+ r12 r22 exp (4iL) +
peaks in the transmission spectrum correspond to
E0 t2 exp(iL) the condition L = m/2n, where m is an integer.
= (20)
1 r1 r2 exp(2iL) By measuring the wavelength location of one of
these peaks, one can determine the length of the
We could also calculate the total lightwave refl- cavity and therefore the applied strain, displace-
ected from the cavity, ER = E0 ET . The intensity ment, pressure, or temperature. For this measurement
of the transmitted lightwave is then strategy, it is best to have high finesse values to
narrow the peaks as much as possible [37]. Spectral
1 I0 t22 measurements provide absolute strain or temperature
IT = 0 c|ET |2 = measurements without the problems of directional
2 (1 R)2 [1 + F sin2 (L)]
(21) ambiguity and signal fading previously described.
Optical-fiber Sensors 11

methods have been applied to remove the direction

ambiguity including quadrature phase shifted signals
[27], path-matched differential interferometry [39],
and low-coherence interferometry [40, 41].
IT (1 R) 2

A final property of optical fibers that has been
Wavelength (l) exploited for the measurement of strain and temper-
R = 0.3, = 2.4 ature is the intrinsic scattering property of the fused
R = 0.5, = 8.0 silica material. As a lightwave propagates through the
R = 0.9, = 360 optical fiber, an extremely small portion is backscat-
tered owing to local inhomogeneities in the material
Figure 11. Typical normalized transmitted intensity spec-
trum for a FabryPerot interferometer. Three different and therefore the index of refraction. Several forms of
finesse values are plotted. scattered waves can be detected, including Rayleigh,
Brillouin, and Raman components. Figure 13 shows
a typical scattering spectrum for an optical fiber. As
can be seen, the Rayleigh component is the largest
component of the scattering spectrum. Brillouin scat-
tering occurs due to interactions with acoustic waves
known as phonons and is therefore frequency shifted
(through the Doppler effect) as compared to the
Rayleigh scattering component. This frequency shift

is dependent upon the local density of the fused

silica and is therefore linearly related to applied
strain or temperature [42]. The Brillouin backscat-
tered light is an extremely weak signal and difficult
to measure outside of the laboratory; however, this
Displacement (L) scattering can be amplified by stimulating acoustic
Figure 12. Transmitted intensity for a low-finesse Fabry waves through the use of a second pulsed laser
Perot interferometer as a function of displacement of one connected to the opposite end of the optical fiber.
of the reflectors (R = 0.1, F = 0.49). By scanning the frequency of the pulsed laser, the
relative frequency shifts at which the stimulated
High-speed interrogation of spectral sensors is dis-
cussed in Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors. Rao [38]
presents a review of multiplexing and signal interro- Anti-Stokes Stokes
gation of FPI sensors. components Rayleigh components
Alternatively, low-finesse FPI sensors can also be Brillouin Brillouin
applied for high-resolution, dynamic strain sensing Raman Raman
[27]. For very low values of reflectivity (and finesse),
the FPI acts as essentially a two-beam interfer-
ometer. A plot of the response of a low-finesse
FPI as a function of the displacement of one l0
of the mirrors is shown in Figure 12. For small Wavelength
displacements, this sensor can be interrogated similar Figure 13. Spectrum of intrinsic material scattering for
to the MachZehnder or Michelson configurations fused silica. Stokes and anti-Stokes components are
previously described. Various signal interrogation indicated.
12 Sensors

Pump laser EOM


DC supply Fiber under

DC bias test
Microwave filter
To DET acquisition
pulse T1

Figure 14. Experimental setup for distributed Brillouin gain spectrum analysis. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 43.
1996, OSA Publishing.]

Brillouin scattering occurs can be identified and 5 CONCLUSIONS

converted into the applied strain or temperature. To
determine the location of each Brillouin scattering As reviewed in this chapter, optical fibers can be
event, the time of arrival of the scattered light is applied as strain and temperature sensors through
interrogated. In this manner, the strain or temperature their intrinsic properties. Intensity-based optical-fiber
distribution along an optical fiber can be measured. sensors offer low-cost, simple solutions to complete
A schematic of a typical stimulated Brillouin scat- optical measurements. For more precise measure-
tering data-acquisition system is shown in Figure 14. ments, a variety of interferometer configurations and
Bao et al. [42] first demonstrated the use of stimu- interrogation methods are also available, including
lated Brillouin scattering as a temperature and strain variations for high-speed and absolute measurements.
sensor, achieving a strain and temperature resolution Finally, low-coherence interferometry and stimulated
of 20 and 2 C with a spatial resolution of 5 m, Brillouin scatteringbased sensors permit distributed
over a sensing length of 22 km. Later, Nikles et al. measurements for large structural applications. As
[43] improved the strain and temperature resolution to compared to their electrical counterparts, optical-fiber
5 and 0.25 C using a single laser source, however, sensors can require more complicated and expen-
with a spatial resolution of 35 m. sive instrumentation. On the other hand, they can be
Brillouin scatteringbased optical-fiber sensors readily multiplexed into large sensor networks with
provide a unique distributed sensing capability using a single data-acquisition system and can therefore
only the intrinsic properties of the optical fiber be less obtrusive to the structure. Additionally, the
itself. Generally, such sensors have been applied distributed examples discussed in this article empha-
for the monitoring of large-scale structures due size that simple optical fibers can be used to instru-
to the limits on the spatial resolution. Example ment large structures without the need to monitor a
applications include composite cure sensing [44], large number of sensors.
monitoring of steel beam and composite fuselage
structures [45, 46], and damage identification in sand-
wich composites [47]. At the same time, researchers
have recently applied signal-processing techniques
and hardware configurations to reduce the spatial RELATED ARTICLES
resolution substantially. For example, Song et al.
[48] recently demonstrated a spatial resolution of Lamb Wave-based SHM for Laminated Composite
1.6 mm, applying Brillouin optical correlation domain Structures
analysis. Reliable Use of Fiber-optic Sensors
Optical-fiber Sensors 13

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Chapter 55
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors

Lingyu Yu and Victor Giurgiutiu

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA

as well as for damage detection with Lamb wave

1 Introduction 1 propagation has been pursued by many researchers
[1]. PWAS are no more expensive than conven-
2 PWAS Principles 2
tional high-quality resistance strain gauges. However,
3 PWAS Ultrasonic Transducers 4 PWAS performance by far exceeds that of conven-
4 PWAS High-frequency Modal Sensors 9 tional resistance strain gauges because they can be
5 Novel PWAS Under Development 12 used as active interrogators. PWAS can be used in
6 Summary and Conclusions 14 high-frequency applications at hundreds of kilohertz
References 14 and beyond. In summary, PWAS can be used in
several ways:
1. Piezoelectric resonator
A PWAS has the property of performing mechanical
1 INTRODUCTION resonances under direct electrical excitation; thus,
very precise frequency standards can be created
In recent years, piezoelectric wafer active sensors with a simple setup consisting of the PWAS and a
(PWAS) permanently attached to the host struc- signal generator. The resonant frequencies depend
tures have been used for guided-wave generation only on the wave speed in the PWAS material
and detection during the structural health monitoring and the geometric dimensions. Precise frequency
(SHM) process. PWAS are inexpensive transducers values can be obtained through machining the PWAS
that operate on the piezoelectric principle. PWAS geometry.
are used for SHM employing the following three
methods: (i) modal analysis and transfer function; (ii) 2. High bandwidth strain exciter and detector
electromechanical (E/M) impedance; and (iii) wave As an exciter, a PWAS directly converts electrical
propagation. The use of PWAS for high-frequency energy into mechanical energy; thus, it can easily
local modal sensing with the E/M impedance method induce vibrations and waves in the substrate mate-
rial. PWAS acts very well as an embedded generator
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by of waves and vibration. High-frequency waves and
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 vibrations are easily excited with input signals as
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. low as 10 V. As a sensor, PWAS directly converts
2 Sensors

mechanical energy to electrical energy. The conver- 2.1 1D PWAS analysis

sion effectiveness increases with the signal frequency.
In the kilohertz range, signals of the order of Consider a PWAS of length la , width ba , and thick-
hundreds of millivolt are easily obtained. No condi- ness ta that is undergoing longitudinal expansion (u1 )
tioning amplifiers are needed; the PWAS can be induced by the thickness polarization electric field
directly connected to a high-impedance measurement (E3 ), as shown in Figure 1(b). The electric field is
instrument, such as a digitizing oscilloscope. These produced by the application of a harmonic voltage,
dual-sensing and excitation characteristics of PWAS V (t) = V ej t , between the top and bottom surfaces
justify their name of active sensors. A particu- (electrodes). The resulting electric field, E3 = V /t,
larly fruitful application is the PWAS phased-array is assumed to be uniform over the PWAS. Assume
approach, which uses steered guided waves to effec- that h, b, l have widely separated values (h  b  l)
tively scan large areas of thin-wall structures from a such that the length, width, and thickness motions
single location. are practically uncoupled. The motion predominantly
in the longitudinal direction (x1 ) will be considered
3. High-frequency modal sensor (1D assumption). PWAS operate on the piezoelectric
The PWAS can directly measure the high-frequency principle that couples the electrical and mechanical
modal spectrum of the support structure. This is variables in the material in the form
achieved with the E/M impedance method, which
reflects the mechanical impedance of the support
structure into the real part of the electrical impedance S1 = s11
T1 + d31 E3 (1)
measured at PWAS terminals. The high-frequency D3 = d31 T1 + T
33 E3 (2)
characteristic of this method, which has been proven
to operate at hundreds of kilohertz and beyond, cannot
where S1 is the strain, T1 is the stress, D3 is the
be achieved with conventional modal instrumenta- E
electrical displacement (charge per unit area), s11
tion techniques. Thus, PWAS are the sensors of T
choice for high-frequency modal measurement and is the mechanical compliance at zero field, 33 is
analysis. the dielectric constant at zero stress, and d31 is the
induced strain coefficient (mechanical strain per unit
electric field). When PWAS is bonded to the structure,
2 PWAS PRINCIPLES the structure constrains the PWAS motion with a
structural stiffness (kstr ); that is to say, PWAS are
This section addresses the behavior of a bonded elastically constrained as shown in Figure 1(b). In this
(constrained) PWAS when excited by an alternating model, the overall structural stiffness applied to the
electric voltage. As shown in Figure 1(a), PWAS PWAS is split into two equal components, 2kstr each,
are small and unobtrusive and utilize the coupling applied to the ends of the PWAS, such that
between in-plane strain and transverse electric field. A
5 mm 5 mm 0.2 mm square PWAS weighs about  1  1 1
50 mg and costs about $10. ktotal = 2kstr + 2kstr = kstr (3)

Electric field, E3
2kstr 2kstr
x1, u1

2 in (50 mm) (length la, thickness ta, width ba)

(a) (b) V(t ) = V0 sin(t )

Figure 1. Embedded piezoelectric wafer active sensors: (a) a phased array composed of 10 PWAS, each 5-mm square,
permanently attached to the host structure and (b) a one-dimensional bonded PWAS under electric excitation, constrained
by structural stiffness kstr .
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors 3

Note that the effective structural stiffness, kstr , is a with = l/2, k31 2
= d312 E T
/(s11 33 ) (E/M coupling
frequency-dependent complex quantity reflecting the coefficient), C = 33 ba la /ta (stress-free PWAS capa-
structural dynamics. The boundary conditions applied citance), and r as the structural stiffness ratio. For free
at the ends of the PWAS balance the resulting stress PWAS, r = 0 (kstr = 0) and full constrained PWAS,
(T1 ba ta ) with the spring reaction force (2kstr u1 ) r (kstr ). When the oscillation frequency
    is so low that the dynamic effects inside the PWAS
l l are negligible, quasi-static conditions are encountered
T1 a ba ta = 2kstr u1 a ,
2 2 with = 0, i.e., l = 0.
l l
T1 a ba ta = 2kstr u1 a (4)
2 2
2.1.2 PWAS resonances
Using the Newtons law of motion (T1 = u1 ) and
The determinant in equation (7) is zero when the first
the strain-displacement relation (S1 = u1 ), the axial
or second parenthesis is zero, corresponding to two
wave equation can be obtained:
types of PWAS resonances, mechanical resonances
( sin r cos = 0) or E/M resonances ( cos +
u1 = ca2 u1 (5)
r sin = 0). The E/M resonances are specific to
piezoelectric materials. They reflect the coupling
2.1.1 PWAS responses between the mechanical and electrical variables.
Introduce the notations: induced strain SISA = d31 E3 , During E/M resonances, there are two possibilities
that arise:
displacement uISA = SISA l = (d31 E3 )l; wave number
, = /c; wavelength , = cT = c/f , f = /
2, quasi-static PWAS stiffness kPWAS = Aa /s11 E
la , Resonance, when Y ; that is, Z = 0. This
piezoelectric material wave speed ca2 = 1/s11 E
, and resonance is associated with the situation in which

( ) = ( ) , t ( ) = ( ), the general solution u1 (x, t) a device draws very large current when excited
= u(x)ej t of equation (5) can be obtained as harmonically with a constant voltage at a given
Antiresonance, when Y = 0; that is, Z .
1 sin x This antiresonance is associated with the situation
u(x) = uISA (6)
2 l cos( l/2)/2 + sin ( l/2) in which a device under constant voltage excita-
tion draws almost no current.
if the system determinant is nonzero (  = 0)
 cos + r sin ( sin r cos ) 
=   2.2 2D circular PWAS
cos + r sin ( sin r cos ) 
= 2( cos + r sin )( sin r cos ) (7) The 2D constrained PWAS behavior can be analyzed
using constitutive equations in cylindrical coordinates
The electrical responses of PWAS under harmonic (r, , z),
electric excitation can be represented as the admit-
tance (Y ), which is defined as the ratio between the Srr = s11
Trr + s12
T + d31 Ez (10)
current and the voltage and the admittance (Z), which
is the inverse of admittance. S = E
s12 +
Trr E
s11+ d31 Ez
T (11)
I 1 Dz = d31 Trr + T + 33
Ez (12)
Y = = j C 1 k31 2
1 (8)
V r + cot
   1 The wave equation in polar coordinates is
V 1 1
Z= = 1 k31
I j C r + cot 2 ur 1 ur ur 1 2 ur
+ = (13)
(9) r 2 r r r2 cp t 2
4 Sensors

where cp = 1/[s11 E
(1 a2 )], a2 = s12
/s11 . Equa- 3 PWAS ULTRASONIC
tion (13) provides a general solution in terms of TRANSDUCERS
Bessel functions of the first kind (J1 ) in the form
For embedded nondestructive evaluation (NDE) app-
wr lications, PWAS can be used as embedded ultrasonic
ur (r, t) = AJ1 ej t (14) transducers. PWAS act as both Lamb wave exciters
c and detectors (Figure 2). PWAS couple their in-plane
motion with the particle motion of Lamb waves on
where the coefficient A is determined from the the material surface. The in-plane PWAS motion is
boundary conditions. When PWAS is bonded to excited by the applied oscillatory voltage thought the
a structure, at the boundary r = ra , the boundary d31 piezoelectric coupling.
condition is The PWAS ultrasonic transducer operation is fun-
damentally different from that of conventional ultra-
    sonic probes
Trr ra ta = kstr () ur ra (15)
1. PWAS achieve Lamb wave excitation and sens-
ing through surface pinching (in-plane strains),
The electric impedance is calculated as the ratio while conventional ultrasonic probes excite thro-
between voltage and current amplitudes ugh surface tapping (normal stress).

  kp2 (1 + a )J1 (a )
Z() = j C 1 kp2 1+ (16)
1 kp2 a J0 (a ) (1 a )J1 (a ) ()(1 + a )J1 (a )

with a = ra /c, () = kstr ()/kPWAS (dynamic 2. PWAS are strongly coupled with the structure and
stiffness factor), and kp2 = 2d31
2 E
/[s11 (1 a )33
] (pla- follow the structural dynamics, while conven-
nar coupling factor). Equation (16) predicts that the tional ultrasonic probes are relatively free from
E/M impedance spectrum can be measured by the the structure and follow their own dynamics.
impedance analyzer at the embedded PWAS termi- 3. PWAS are nonresonant wideband devices, while
nals during an SHM process and it allows for conventional ultrasonic probes are narrowband
direct comparison between calculated predictions resonators.
and experimental results. The structural dynamics Optimum Lamb wave excitation and detection happen
is reflected in equation (16) through the dynamic when the PWAS length is an odd multiple of the
stiffness factor (), which is a measure of the half wavelength of particle wave modes. Geometric
dynamic stiffness of the structure. tuning can be obtained through matching between

PWAS V (t ) PWAS V (t )
h = 2d
h = 2d

l/2 l/2
(a) (b)
Figure 2. PWAS interaction with Lamb waves in a plate: (a) S0 mode and (b) A0 mode.
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors 5

their characteristic direction and the half wave- displacement,

length of the excited Lamb wave mode. Circular  
PWAS excite omnidirectional Lamb waves that prop- x sinh x
ua (x) = a +
agate in circular wave fronts. Omnidirectional Lamb + ISA a (a) cosh a
waves are also generated by square PWAS, though (17)
their pattern is somewhat irregular in proximity to the interfacial shear stress in bonding layer,
the PWAS. At far enough distance (r  a), the  
wave front generated by square PWAS is prac- ta sinh x
(x) = E a (18)
tically identical with that generated by circular a + a ISA cosh a
and the structural displacement at the surface,
x sinh x
3.1 Shear-layer interaction between u(x) = ISA a (19)
+ a (a) cosh a
PWAS and the host structure
where = (Et)/(Ea ta ), and is a parameter that
The transmission of actuation and sensing between depends on the stress and strain distribution across the
the PWAS and the structure is achieved through the thickness. Under static and low-frequency dynamic
adhesive layer. The adhesive layer acts as a shear conditions (i.e., uniform stress and strain for the
layer, in which the mechanical effects are transmitted symmetric deformation and linear stress and strain
through shear effects. As shown in Figure 3(a), a thin- for antisymmetric deformation), elementary analysis
wall structure of thickness t and elastic modulus E yields = 4. For Lamb wave modes, which have
is attached with a PWAS of thickness ta and elastic complex stress and strain distributions across the
modulus Ea to the upper surface through a bonding thickness, the parameter varies from mode to mode.
layer of thickness tb and shear modulus Gb . The These equations apply for |x| < . The shear-lag
PWAS length is la while the half length is a = la /2. parameter [ 2 = (Gb /Ea )(1/ta tb )(( + )/)] con-
In addition, t = 2d. Upon application of an electric trols the x distribution. The effect of the PWAS is
voltage, the PWAS experiences an induced strain of transmitted to the structure through the interfacial
I SA = d31 V /t. The induced strain is transmitted to shear stress of the bonding layer. A small shear-
the structure through the bonding layer interfacial stress value in the bonding layer produces a gradual
shear stress ( ). Upon analysis, we obtain the PWAS transfer of strain from the PWAS to the structure,

10 m
Interfacial shear (MPa)

tb t (x ) ei wt 1
y = +d
100 m

t x 0

y = d 1 m
a +a

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) (b) Normalized position
Figure 3. Shear-lag interaction between PWAS and structure: (a) interaction between the PWAS and the structure and
(b) variation of shear-lag transfer mechanism with bond thickness.
6 Sensors

whereas a large shear stress produces a rapid transfer. of modes exist, corresponding to the solutions of
Because the PWAS ends are stress free, the build the RayleighLamb equation. The symmetric Lamb
up of strain takes place at the ends, and it is more waves resemble the axial waves while the antisym-
rapid when the shear stress is more intense. For metric Lamb waves resemble the flexural waves.
large value of a, the shear transfer process becomes Lamb waves are highly dispersive and their speed
concentrated toward the PWAS ends. Figure 3(b) depends on the product of frequency and the plate
presents the results of the simulations on an APC- thickness. Details of Lamb wave theory can be found
850 PWAS (Ea = 63 GPa, ta = 0.2 mm, la = 7 mm, in [1, 2]. Traditional generation of Lamb waves has
and d31 = 175 mm kV1 ) bonded to a thin-wall been through a wedge probe, and modification of
aluminum structure (E = 70 GPa and t = 1 mm) the wedge angle and excitation frequency allows
using cynoacrylate adhesive (Gb = 2 GPa) of various the selective tuning of various Lamb wave modes.
thicknesses, tb = 1, 10, 100 m. It reveals that a Another traditional way is to cause excitation through
relatively thick bonding layer produces a low a a comb probe, in which the comb pitch is matched
valuea slow transfer over the entire span of the with the half wavelength of the targeted Lamb mode.
PWAS (the 100-m curves)whereas, a very thin However, both the wedge and comb probes are rela-
bonding layer produces a very rapid transfer (the tively large and expensive and not appropriate for
1-m curves) that is confined to the ends, i.e., installation in large numbers in an aerospace struc-
ture as part of an SHM system. Being smaller, lighter,
(x) = a0 [(x a) (x + a)] (20) more affordable, PWAS could be deployed into the
structure being permanently wired and could interro-
The shear-lag analysis indicates that in the limit, gate at will.
as a , all the load transfer can be assumed to
take place at the PWAS actuator ends. This leads to
the concept of ideal bonding, also known as the pin- 3.2.1 Lamb wave excitation by PWAS
force model, in which all the load transfer takes place
over an infinitesimal region at the PWAS ends, and The excitation of Lamb waves with PWAS is studied
the induced-strain action is assumed to consist of a by considering the excitation applied by the PWAS
pair of concentrated forces applied at the ends. The through a surface stress = 0 (x)ej t applied to the
ideal bonding stress is then given by upper surface of a plate in the form of shear-lag
adhesion stresses over the interval (a, +a). App-
(x) = aa [(x a) (x + a)] (21) lying a space domain Fourier transform analysis of
the basic Lamb wave equations to yield the strain
Using the shear-lag model, the energy transferred wave and displacement wave solutions [3], we have
from PWAS to the structure can be found by  
analyzing either the elastic energy in the structure a0    NS S
or work done by the shear stresses at the structural x (x, t)|y=d = i sin S a  

ei ( xt )
+ sin A a
3.2 PWAS Lamb waves excitation A
and reception  
NA A i ( A xt )
  A e
Lamb waves, also known as guided plate waves, are DA
a type of ultrasonic waves and are guided between
two parallel free surfaces, such as the upper and NS = 2 + 2 cos(d) cos(d),
lower surfaces of a plate (see Fundamentals of  2
Guided Elastic Waves in Solids). Lamb waves DS = 2 2 cos (d) sin(d)
can exist in two basic types: symmetric (desig-
+ 4 2 sin(d) cos(d)
nated as S0 , S1 , . . . .) and antisymmetric (designated  
as A0 , A1 , . . . .). For each propagation type, a number NA = 2 + 2 sin(d) sin(d),
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors 7

 2 installed on 1.07-mm-thick 2024-T3 aluminum alloy

DA = 2 2 sin(d) cos(d)
plate. Note that the efficient PWAS length for a
+ 4 2 cos(d) sin(d) (22) 7-mm PWAS has been verified as 6.4 mm [5]. Equa-
tion (22) contains the sin( a) behavior that displays
where S and A are the zeros of DS and DA , maxima when the PWAS length la = 2a equals an
respectively. We can note that these are the solu- odd multiple of the half wavelength, and minima
tions of the RayleighLamb equation. Raghavan and when it equals an even multiple of the half wave-
Cesnik [4] extended these results to the case of length. A complex pattern of such maxima and
a circular transducer coupled with circular-crested minima emerges, since several Lamb modes, each
Lamb waves and proposed corresponding tuning with its own different wavelength, coexist at the same
prediction formulae based on Bessel functions: time. The plot in Figure 4(a) shows that at 210 kHz,
the amplitude of the A0 mode goes through zero,
0 a it   S  S NS S while that of the S0 is close to its peak. This repre-
r (r, t)|z=d = e J1 a   sents an excitation sweet spot for S0 Lamb waves.
S Experimental results confirming this prediction are
 S    A  A presented in Figure 4(b).
H1(2) r + J1 a
NA A   3.3 PWAS Lamb wave structural health
  A  H1(2) A r (23) monitoring
As active sensors, PWAS interact directly with the
structure and find its state of health and reliability
3.2.2 PWAS Lamb wave tuning through the use of ultrasonic Lamb waves [6]. Similar
An important characteristic of PWAS, which distin- to the conventional ultrasonic transducers, PWAS can
guishes them from conventional ultrasonic trans- operate in pitchcatch, pulseecho, or be wired into
ducers, is their capability of tuning into various phased array to implement structural scanning.
guided-wave modes. A comprehensive study of these
prediction formulae in comparison with experimental 3.3.1 Pitchcatch method
results has recently been performed by Bottai and
Giurgiutiu [5]. Simulation plot of the equation (22) is The pitchcatch method detects damage from the
presented in Figure 4(a) using a 7-mm square PWAS changes in the Lamb waves traveling through a

6.4-mm square PWAS 10
A0 9
Volts (mV)

0.25 S0
0.2 4
0.15 3

0.1 2

1 A0 S0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 4. PWAS Lamb wave tuning using a 7-mm square PWAS placed on 1.07-mm 2024-T3 aluminum alloy plate:
(a) prediction with equation (22) for 6.4-mm effective sensor length and (b) experimental results.
8 Sensors

damaged region. The method uses the transducers in plate using 7-mm round PWAS. The result of S0
pairs: one as transmitter, and the other as receiver. mode excitation at 290 kHz is shown in Figure 5(b)
The pitchcatch SHM method has been used exten- with noticeable residual waves, while the result of
sively [710]. Changes occurring owing to damage A0 mode at 30 kHz in Figure 5(c) demonstrating no
in the properties of the transmitted medium induce residual wave packets beside the reconstructed wave.
changes in the signal transmitted through the medium.
Of particular interest is the time reversal of the
3.3.2 Pulseecho crack detection
pitchcatch SHM method. In the PWAS time reversal
procedure [11], an input signal is reconstructed at an The embedded PWAS pulseecho method follows
exciter point if an output signal recorded at a receiver the general principles of conventional Lamb wave
point is reversed in time domain and emitted back to NDE. A PWAS transducer attached to the structure
the original source point. The reversion is conducted acts as both transmitter and detector of guided Lamb
in the frequency domain and depends on the structure waves traveling in the structure. The wave sent by
transfer function G(). When the reversed signal is the PWAS is partially reflected at the crack. The
reconstructed, it is compared with the original trans- echo is captured at the same PWAS, which acts as
mission signal to detect the damage occurrence along receiver. To ensure the crack detection, an appropriate
the transmissionreception line. Figure 5(a) shows Lamb wave mode must be selected. It has been
the block diagram of PWAS Lamb wave time reversal verified that the S0 Lamb waves can give much better
procedure. With the time reversal method, the original reflections from the through-the-thickness cracks than
status of the structure is no longer needed for damage the A0 Lamb waves [3]. The selection of such a
detection, so it is known as a baseline-free method- wave is achieved through the Lamb wave tuning. A
ology. In PWAS time reversal procedure, it is impor- wave propagation experiment was conducted on an
tant to use a single Lamb mode such that the transfer aircraft panel to illustrate crack detection through the
function G() can remain constant [12]. A simulation pulseecho method (Figure 6). A baseline signal was
with 16-count Hanning window smoothed transmis- first collected, and then after the simulated crack was
sion signal has been conducted in a 1-mm aluminum added, another reading was recorded. By comparing

V x (t )
Tone burst input
Vin(t ) Structure
equation: Time reversal
IFFT G (x, w) = S (w)ei xx

V y (t )
Reconstructed tone burst.
(a) Vout (t )

10 20
Reconstructed wave
Reconstructed wave
Voltage (mV)
Voltage (mV)

5 10

0.05 0 0.05 0.1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

5 Time (ms) 10 Time (ms)
Residual wave
Residual wave
(b) 10 (c) 20
Figure 5. PWAS Lamb wave time reversal procedure. (a) Flowchart block diagram; (b) S0 mode time reversal at 290 kHz
showing residuals; and (c) A0 mode time reversal at 30 kHz with no residual wave packets present.
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors 9

Pulseecho signal (mV)

First row of Piezoelectric Reflection
20 Reflections from
horizontal rivets active sensor from rivets
plate edges
at 100 mm
12.7-mm EDM hairline 100 mm 0 20 40 60 80 100
slit (simulated crack) 10
starting from top rivet 200 mm
t (s)
(a) (b)

Pulseecho signal (mV)

Reflection Reflections from
Pulseecho signal (mV)

20 from plate edges 20

crack and rivets from crack
10 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60
10 10
t (s) t (s)
20 20
(c) (d)
Figure 6. PWAS pulseecho crack-detection experiment: (a) plate with built-in rivets and a simulated 12.7-mm crack;
(b) baseline signal containing reflections from the plate edges and the rivets at 100 mm; (c) reading containing reflections
from the crack, plate edges, and rivets; and (d) subtracted signal containing reflection from the crack alone.

the difference between the reading and baseline, the the drawback of real-time multichannel phased
reflection caused by the crack could be extracted and excitation equipment. Whereas real-time phased-array
detected. transducers require heavy and complex multichannel
phasing equipment, the virtual-time approach adopted
by the EUSR method can be carried out with only
3.3.3 Phased arrays for large area imaging
one channel and very simple equipment. Figure 7(a)
PWAS can also be wired as phased arrays to detect shows the typical setup of using a nine 7-mm square
damage in thin-wall structures (see Guided-wave PWAS array to detect a broadside crack in a 1-mm-
Array Methods). Using guided-wave PWAS phased- thick aluminum plate. On the investigated structure,
array methods, wide coverage could be achieved from the EUSR method captures and stores signals of
a single location. PWAS phased arrays have been an M-PWAS array in a round-robin fashion, i.e.,
developed for thin-wall structures (e.g., aircraft shells, one PWAS being activated as transmitter, while all
storage tanks, large pipes, etc.) that use Lamb waves the other PWAS act as receivers. Thus a matrix of
to cover a large surface area through beam steering M M elemental signals is generated. In the post-
from a central location [13]. Its principle of operation processing phase, the elemental signals are assembled
is derived from two general concepts: into the synthetic beamforming response using the
synthetic beamforming algorithm and the scanning
1. the generation of tuned guided Lamb wave with result is given as a 2D planar image (Figure 7b).
2. the principles of conventional phased-array radar.
The embedded ultrasonic structural radar (EUSR)
algorithm [13] using PWAS is different from the MODAL SENSORS
conventional phased-array approach in two aspects:
Modal analysis and dynamic structural identification
1. it uses structurally embedded PWAS transducers; are an intrinsic part of current engineering practice.
2. it works in virtual time, not in real time. Structural frequencies, damping, and modes shapes
identified through this process are subsequently used
The latter observation is very important for SHM, to predict dynamic response, avoid resonance, and
because it allows the phased-array benefits without even monitor structural change that are indicative of
10 Sensors

Phased array of HP-33120A signal TDS-210 digital 0.6

nine PWAS generator oscilloscope 0.5

Broadside 0


Data acquisition PC

aluminum plate
(a) (b)
Figure 7. EUSR PWAS phased-array damage detection: (a) equipment setup and (b) EUSR scanning image.

incipient failure. The advantage of using PWAS for from the beam onto the PWAS and an equal and oppo-
damage detection resides in their very high frequency site force from PWAS onto the beam (Figure 8b).
capability, which exceeds by orders of magnitudes The force excites the beam. As the PWAS is electri-
the frequency capability of conventional modal anal- cally excited with a high-frequency harmonic signal,
ysis sensors. They can be permanently attached to the it induces elastic waves into the beam structure. The
structural surface and could form sensor and actu- elastic waves travel sideways into the beam structure
ator arrays that permit effective modal identification and set it into oscillation. In a steady-state regime, the
in a wide frequency band. Thus PWAS are able to structure oscillates at the PWAS excitation frequency.
detect subtle changes in the high-frequency struc- The dynamic stiffness presented by the structure to
tural dynamics at local scales. Such local changes the PWAS depends on the internal state of the struc-
in the high-frequency structural dynamics are asso- ture, excitation frequency, and the boundary condi-
ciated with the presence of incipient damage, which tions as
would not be detected by conventional modal analysis F ()
kstr () = PWAS (24)
sensors that operate at low frequencies. uPWAS ()

where FPWAS () is the reaction force and uPWAS ()

4.1 Analytical model is the displacement amplitude at frequency . The
symbol signifies the complex amplitude of a time-
Consider a 1D structure with a PWAS attached to varying function. Because the size of the PWAS is
its surface (Figure 8a). Upon activation, the PWAS very small with respect to the size of the struc-
expands by PWAS , generating a reaction force FPWAS ture, equation (24) represents a pointwise structure




Beam structure Na Na

x = xa x = xa + la ,q = dw/dx
(a) (b) Ma Ma
Figure 8. Interaction between a PWAS and a beamlike structural substrate: (a) geometry and (b) forces and moments.
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors 11

stiffness. The response of the structural substrate structural identification. Numerical simulations were
to the PWAS excitation can be deduced from the performed with steel beams assuming damping coeffi-
general theory of beam vibrations. However, note cient at 1% over a modal subspace that incorporated
that the PWAS excitation departs from the typical all modal frequencies in the frequency bandwidth
textbook formulation since it activates a pair of self- of interest. Finite element method (FEM) was
equilibrating axial forces and bending moments that also conducted to predict the structural natural
are separated by a small finite distance lPWAS . Kine- frequencies using (i) the purely mechanical response
matic analysis finally gives the dynamic structural via conventional structural elements and (ii) directly
stiffness as the E/M response via coupled-field elements [14].
     The stiffness kstr in equation (25) is used to
 Un xa + la Un xa 2 get the structural stiffness and calculate the E/M
kstr () = A u u

n2u + 2j nu nu 2 impedance. Subsequent experiments were performed
to verify these predictions using a small steel beam
 2       21 (100 8 2.6, in millimeter) (E = 200 GPa, =
h Wnw xa + la Wn w xa
+ 7750 kg m3 ) instrumented with 7-mm square PWAS
2 n
n2w + 2j nw nw 2 (ta = 0.22 mm) placed at xa = 40 mm from one

(25) end (Figure 9(a) and (b)). During the experiments,

where nu , nu , Unu (x) and nw , nw , Unw (x) represent recording of the E/M impedance real part spectra was
the axial and flexural vibrations frequencies and mode performed with the HP4194A impedance analyzer
shapes, respectively. in the 1 30 kHz range. Numerical and FEM
simulations and experimental results are given in
Figure 9(c) and (d). Note that the experimental
4.2 Simulation and experimental results results are consistent with the predictions regarding
the natural frequencies. Comparing the two FEM
The analytical model was used to perform numerical methods, it is noted that the impedance data obtained
simulations that directly predict the E/M impedance from the coupled-field analysis was more close to the
and admittance signature at PWAS terminals during experimental data, validating the possibility of using

PWAS (7 mm 7 mm 0.2 mm)

(a) b = 8 mm, l = 100 mm, h = 2.6 (b)

1 104 1 104
1 103 1 103

100 100
Re(Z )

Re(Z )

10 10

1 1
0.1 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(c) 103 f (d) 103 f
Figure 9. 1D structure simulation and experiments: (a) narrow-beam specimen; (b) beam structure layout for simulation
analysis; (c) real part impedance spectra using structure FEM method; and (d) real part impedance spectra using
coupled-field FEM method.
12 Sensors

Distance between
crack and PWAS

EDM slit Pristine Group 0

40 mm Group 1

25 mm Group 2
10 000
10 mm Group 3
Re Z ()


100 3 mm Group 4

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(a) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 10. Experiments on dependence of the E/M impedance spectra on the location of damage on metallic plate
specimen, E/M impedance in 0.5 40 kHz frequency range: (a) the aluminum plate specimen with PWAS installed in the
center and (b) E/M impedance spectra at various crack situations.

this method to analyze and simulate the structure with potential for many other applications such as
PWAS [14]. biomedical applications (bio-PWAS) for in vivo
monitoring of the bodily reaction to implants [18].
However, the bonded interface between the PWAS
4.3 Damage detection with PWAS modal and the structure is often the durability weak link for
sensors SHM applications. The bonding layer is susceptible
to environmental ingression that may lead to loss
PWAS and the associated structural dynamics iden- of contact with the structural substrate. The bonding
tification methodology based on the E/M impedance layer may also induce acoustic impedance mismatch
response are ideally suited for small machinery parts with detrimental effects on damage detection.
that have natural frequencies in the kilohertz range Additionally, prefabricated piezoelectric sensors such
[1517]. PWAS are able to detect subtle changes in as PWAS do not fit well on surfaces with complex
the high-frequency structural dynamics at local scales. geometry. Better durability may be obtained from
Such local changes in the high-frequency structural a built-in sensor that is incorporated into the
dynamics are associated with the presence of incipient structure.
damage, which would not be detected by conventional
modal analysis sensors that operate at low frequen-
cies. The E/M impedance of a 7-mm round PWAS has 5.1 In situ fabricated PWAS
been measured with an HP4194A impedance analyzer
at various crack situations on an aluminum metallic Polymer-based piezoelectric paints have been inves-
plate to assess the crack-detection capabilities, as tigated as a potential substitute for PWAS in certain
shown in Figure 10. sensing applications. A new type of smart material,
piezoelectric paint that cures at ambient tempera-
ture, has been developed by Zhang and Li [19]
5 NOVEL PWAS UNDER as sensing material for ultrasonic-based NDE (see
DEVELOPMENT Piezoelectric Paint Sensors for Ultrasonics-based
Damage Detection). Piezoelectric paint is a compo-
PWAS transducers have been proven to be valuable site piezoelectric material that is composed of tiny
enablers of SHM systems. As a small embedded piezoelectric particles randomly dispersed within
sensing device, PWAS have also shown great a polymer matrix phase with adjustable material
Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors 13

properties that are not easily attainable in a single- common piezoceramics. In addition, the thin films
phase material. Through judicious selection of the require much smaller poling voltage/power. Thin film
polymer matrix, the composite properties of the can get the same strain as that obtained by the PWAS
piezoelectric paint can be tailored to meet the specific with a much lower voltage, and through layering, the
requirements of an application condition. Because power of the device can be amplified many times.
of its ease of application, piezoelectric paint can Figure 11 illustrates the thin-film multilayer PWAS
be easily deposited onto the complex surface of development process [20]. C-axial preferred oriented
host structures; the paint uniformly cures at ambient ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin films have been success-
temperature. On the basis of the preliminary results fully fabricated on Ni metal tapes with a thin NiO
from the experimental study and finite element buffered layer by pulsed laser ablation. Ferroelectric
simulation, piezoelectric paint sensor appears to have polarization measurements have shown the hysteresis
a great potential for use as distributed sensors for loop at room temperature in the film with a large
fatigue crack monitoring in metallic structures. remnant polarization, indicating that the ferroelectric
domains have been created in the as-deposited BTO
films. These excellent properties in this piezoelectric
5.2 Thin-film nano-PWAS thin film indicate that the as-fabricated BTO films
show promise in the development of SHM systems.
An alternative way to incorporate PWAS into the Hudak et al. [21] successfully pursued the alterna-
structure is the ferroelectric thin-film PWAS that uses tive path of magnetostrictive thin-film PWAS and
nanofabrication technology to produce the sensors achieved enhanced thin-film performance by opti-
directly on the structural substrate [20]. Ferroelectric mizing architecture through multilayered films, which
thin films have been shown to have piezoelec- demonstrated a 4 times stronger receiving signal
tric properties that are those of single-crystal ferro- in pulseecho experiments. The guided waves have
electrics, which are an order of magnitude better than been used in pulseecho mode to clearly detect

Note: The vertical scale is exaggerated in

One layer with electrodes these sketches. The resulting multilayer
thin-film PWAS should not exceed 3-m

Two layers with electrodes

Multilayer thin film

PWAS with electrodes
(expanded vertical scale)

Multilayer thin film PWAS

array with electrodes
(expanded vertical scale)

Tag antenna

Figure 11. Blueprint of multilayer thin-film PWAS array.

14 Sensors

1.52 mm 7.62 mm defects in laboratory specimen achieved. The durability of this bond under extended
at temperatures up to 554 F. environmental exposure must be determined. Last,
but not least, the signal analysis methods must be
developed to achieve probability of detection values
6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS at least comparable with that of conventional NDE
This article has presented the use of PWAS as reso-
nators, ultrasonic transducers, and high-frequency
modal sensors for ultrasonic SHM. The PWAS REFERENCES
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Chapter 146
Sensor Technologies for Direct Health
Monitoring of Tires

Ronald D. Moffitt1, Scott M. Bland2, Mohammad R. Sunny2

and Rakesh K. Kapania2
Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Danville, VA, USA
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,

force. It makes a tire prone to catastrophic failure

1 Introduction 1 in different complex modes. Underinflation causes
excessive sidewall flexing, heat generation and conse-
2 Discussion of Direct Tire Health
quent tread separation, and sudden blowout. Overin-
Monitoring Sensors 6
flation and overloading result in excessive pressure
References 6 and strain and make the tire more vulnerable to
damage due to uneven surface. Manufacturing defects
result in poor adhesion between tread and belt and
may result in tread separation and blowout. These
1 INTRODUCTION necessitate the development of a real-time structural
health monitoring system for tire. Detailed under-
An online structural health monitoring system provi-
standing of tirevehicle system dynamic behavior,
des information about the integrity of the structures
development of a multifunctional sensor system,
in use in a real-time basis. This is very important to
development of a wireless communication, among
the end user, as it allows an optimal use and reduces
others are major challenges in the development of
the probability of catastrophic failure, and also to the a tire structural health monitoring system [1].
manufacturer as it helps in decision making regarding The development of tire pressure monitoring sys-
the improvement of the product. Even in normal tems (TPMSs) has allowed for indirect monitoring of
operating conditions, both automobile and aircraft tire health by analyzing both pressure and tempera-
tires experience large strain, pressure, and impact ture data. The accuracy of indirect tire health moni-
toring based on tire pressures and temperatures is
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by low due to the complexity of the tire structure and
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 various operating conditions that a tire commonly
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. encounters. To provide a more accurate means of
2 Other Applications

accessing overall tire health, a variety of new sensing has two magnetized strips incorporated in the tire
technologies have been developed and employed to rubber on the inner sidewall and two sensors mounted
measure various characteristics of the tire such as the on the chassis of the vehicle to measure the magnetic
longitudinal/lateral forces, friction between the tire field strength from these strips on the tire. On the
and the roadway, deformation and displacement of basis of phase changes in the upper and lower sensor
the tire during operation, strain in the tire, acoustic signals and variations in magnetic field intensity
signatures, accelerations, etc. By measuring these between the two sensors, the deformation of the
quantities, we can get a much more accurate descrip- tire in the longitudinal and lateral directions can
tion of the mechanical response of the tire, and be determined and the forces acting on the tire can
therefore a more accurate view of the tires overall be estimated. This system was initially designed to be
health. The various tire health monitoring sensors used for antilock brake and electronic stability control
can be separated into two groups: noncontacting and systems, but work is continuing to allow for detection
embedded. The embedded sensors are either bonded of tire defects based on changes in the magnetic
to the inner liner of the tire or are embedded into sensor signals.
the tire during manufacture. Noncontacting tire health The Apollo project for Intelligent Tyre for Acci-
monitoring sensors commonly utilize optical, elec- dent-free Traffic [3] developed an optical positioning
tromagnetic, or acoustic phenomena to measure tire sensor, which used infrared (IR) diodes as a light
deformations, wheel speed, temperature, and friction. emitter bonded to various locations on the inner liner
Noncontacting systems are generally desirable since of the tire and a position-sensing diode mounted on
they are not mechanically coupled to the tire, which the wheel. A schematic of the optical positioning
improves reliability and other operational factors, but sensor is shown in Figure 1.
these systems can be large and may not be appro- The displacement of the contact patch relative to
priate for some service environments. Another issue the rim can be measured using this sensor. A light
for some noncontacting measurements is the need beam emitted from the IR diode is focused onto
for complex signal processing in order to evaluate the Position Sensitive Diode (PSD) chip through a
sensor data, which increases cost and complexity lens. On the basis of changes in the current at the
of the system. Embedded sensors allow for direct corners of the PSD generated from the light from the
measurement of the mechanical response such as IR diodes, the movement of the light beams can be
temperature, strain, displacement, accelerations, etc. determined. This information can then be processed to
of the tire, but must operate in a harsh environ- determine the distance from the rim to the inner liner.
ment, and transmit data from the tire into the vehicle.
There is also some concern about the presence of Z X
embedded sensors reducing the structural integrity I3
of the tire due to localized stress phenomena. The UI I2 I1
following section discusses various sensor technolo- PSD
gies that are currently being investigated for use in a linse I4
tire health monitoring system. There is currently no
widely accepted sensor technology that has proven to
be the best for tire health monitoring applications,
but significant advances in measurement accuracy, IR diode

reliability, size, power consumption, and cost are Y

continually being made, which will allow adoption
of these sensor technologies in the near future.

1.1 Noncontacting sensors Figure 1. Schematic of optical positioning sensor and

location of IR diode and PSD in the tire (image from Apollo
A sidewall torsion sensor developed by Continental final report). [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 3. ,
Inc. [2] utilizes a specially manufactured tire, which APOLLO, 2005.]
Sensor Technologies for Direct Health Monitoring of Tires 3


R2 R1 a =
O (tread, 0)
0 Processor, 1 Vehicle
Radar alarm or O2(tread, 0) control
display system
R1 O1(tread, 90)
Processor, Vehicle
Radar alarm or O2(tread, 90) control
display system

(b) Ground

Figure 2. (a) Image of Model R-1 UWB Impulse Radar from McEwan Technologies (picture from: http://www. and (b) MIR-based tire health monitoring system from patent application [5].

Preliminary results showed that this sensor performed An image of the MIR and schematic of the tire health
well for measuring the displacement of the contact monitoring system are shown in Figure 2. The system
patch, but the diodes consumed a significant amount makes use of a signal processor to analyze the signal
of power, which could limit its applicability because generated by the MIR to detect the onset of various
the sensor is mounted between the tire and the rim. tire anomalies. This signal processor compares the
A German company, Optimess, has developed a reflected radio frequency (RF) signal energies over
laser-sensing system, which is mounted on the chassis various frequency bands to detect the existence of
of the vehicle to perform noncontact scanning of a tire anomaly. Testing showed that this system was
the tire tread surface during vehicle operation. This sensitive to tire wear and tread separation, but careful
system performs scans over the entire tread surface selection of the appropriate frequency bands was
after fixed driving intervals, and can detect tread required to ensure accurate detection.
wear as well as tire expansion during high-speed UWB radar-based tire health monitoring has not
operation. Another application of the laser sensor been fully investigated to determine its reliability
could be placed on the rim to measure the contact and accuracy, but initial results show that this is
patch displacement of the tire or measure the road a promising technology. Some complications that
surface conditions during vehicle operation. may arise during the implementation of this type of
Micropower impulse radar (MIR) developed in the system are limitations on the power of the UWB
early 1990s as a form of ultra wideband (UWB) radar by the Federal Communications Commission
radar is capable of high-resolution tire deformation (FCC) in the United States in order to minimize
measurements by utilizing small, low-power radar potential interference. Currently, UWB radar use is
transmitter/receivers mounted externally, in close not approved for use outside of the United States,
proximity to the tire. A recent patent by Michelin which may also hinder potential widespread use of
[4] discusses an MIR-based tire health monitoring this technology.
system, which utilizes a 24-GHz pulse Doppler radar Tekgenuity Limited has developed chromasonic
from McEwan Technologies [5] to detect tire abnor- sensors [6], which utilize acoustic emissions from the
malities such as tread delamination, uneven tread tire/road interface to identify tire anomalies. Various
wear, foreign object detection, and sidewall bulging. acoustic sensors such as microphones, strain gauges,
4 Other Applications

and optical microphones can by utilized in an array

on the chassis of the vehicle around the tire to
measure the acoustic emissions. Signal processing
using Gabor transforms is then performed to extract
important information from the sensor signals. The
chromasonic sensors have shown the ability to detect
pressure loss in tires, change in tracking angle,
damage to tread area, objects embedded in tire, and
changes in tire tread wear. Figure 3. MEMS accelerometer bonded to the inner liner
of the tire using silicone rubber (image from Apollo final
report [3]).
1.2 Embedded sensors
A significant issue with the use of accelerometers
Embedded sensors for tire health monitoring are for tire health monitoring is that they detect all
required to meet a number of performance require- accelerations including rotational, gravitational, and
ments. They should have a wide frequency response vibrations from the mounting point, which requires
and dynamic range, high resolution, and acceptable significant signal processing to extract desired accel-
nonlinear characteristics. These sensors also must eration data. Another complication is the temperature
be compact, light, robust, and consume as little dependence of the accelerometers, which can become
power as possible. Given all these requirements, a significant issue for sensors embedded in the tread
very few current sensor technologies are acceptable due to frictional heating.
for tire health monitoring, but rapid advances are
being made and sensor performance is constantly 1.2.2 Force/friction sensing
increasing. The following sections discuss current
embedded sensor technologies for tire health moni- A sensor system developed by Darmstadt Univer-
toring applications. sity of Technology uses magnets placed in the tread
block of the tire and a Hall sensor to monitor
movements of the magnet [7]. The position sensor
1.2.1 Acceleration sensing utilizes four monolithically integrated Hall crosses
The use of microelectromechanical systems and an additional temperature sensor. This sensor
(MEMSs) technology has drastically reduced the size allows movements of the tread block due to friction
of numerous sensor packages. MEMS accelerome- and forces of the tire/road contact to be measured.
ters, which are both small and inexpensive, have Test stand experiments have shown the potential
become commercially available in common inte- to measure tire pressure, wheel load, and longi-
grated circuit platforms. Owing to these benefits, tudinal/lateral forces. Miniaturization of the sensor
MEMS accelerometers have been investigated for makes it possible to integrate the chip and magnet
use as an embedded tire health monitoring sensor. into a single tread lug, so that sensor measurements
The Apollo project investigated the use of custom- can be made without interference from steel belts in
designed accelerometer circuits [3] to be embedded radial tire applications. Another tire friction sensor
in the tire tread as well as bonded to the tire inner is also being developed by Siemens in collaboration
liner (Figure 3). with Continental and Darmstadt University of Tech-
Results from testing of these sensors showed nology, which utilizes surface acoustic wave-sensing
that they perform reliably and consume relatively technology [7, 8].
low power, but these sensors were only capable of
providing useful data in the radial direction of the 1.2.3 Strain sensing
tire. This type of sensor information could be used
to estimate the wheel loads and possibly the contact The direct measurement of strain in the tire would
patch length, but this information would be diffi- be very useful because tire degradation and tread
cult to utilize for tire health monitoring applications. separation can be directly related to high strains in
Sensor Technologies for Direct Health Monitoring of Tires 5

various locations on the tire. Owing to the impor- radio signals. The modulation due to the wire over-
tance of strain measurements in tires, there have rides all other vibration effects since the wire acts as
been numerous approaches, but few are applicable an antenna, with its length selected in accordance to
for tire health monitoring applications. The Apollo the high-frequency radio signal. No research currently
project [3] evaluated the use of piezoelectric strain exists, which discusses the performance of this sensor
sensors made of Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), for tire health monitoring applications. It does not
which were bonded to the inner liner of the tire. seem likely that this sensor could be embedded in
These strain sensors were capable of monitoring the the tire rubber without compromising the tire, and
longitudinal and lateral strains in the tire during oper- there are questions regarding the durability over long
ation. These strain measurements could be used to time periods.
estimate the contact patch length, possibly road condi- Other more exotic strain sensors have also been
tions by analyzing the variations in strain signals. The proposed such as MetalRubber by NanoSonic, Inc.
interpretation of the strain signals was also gener- (NanoSonic), a novel and innovative new product
ally simpler to interpret than the accelerometer data that is a freestanding, conductive, elastomeric mate-
since only local deformations around the strain sensor rial based on electrostatic self-assembly comprising
were sensed. The PVDF material was highly sensi- multiple alternating layers of electrostatically deposi-
tive to temperature variations in the tire, and this ted monolayer metal and latex layers. The material
required temperature compensation to ensure reason- can be cyclically stretched in uniaxial strain to more
able accuracy of the measured responses. There were than 200% with good elastic recovery, exhibiting
also questions regarding the reliability of this strain electrical resistivity as low as 105 cm, and remains
sensor for use in commercial scale production. viable over the temperature range bracketing the tire
An alternative strain-sensing method was devel- vulcanization process. MetalRubber may be capable
oped by Luna Innovations [9], which utilized fiber- of measuring very large strains (greater than 200%),
optic strain sensors embedded in the tire or bonded but this material is very new, developmental, and
to the inner liner of the tire after manufacture. it remains as a part of this research to prove the
This sensing technology allows for numerous strain reliability and survivability of this material in the
sensors on a single optical fiber using extrinsic hostile environment of a radial tire. Another poten-
FabryPerot interferometry. Owing to the small size tial challenge is the creation of a strain sensor that
of the optical fiber, the effects of embedding the minimizes the mismatch in material moduli between
sensor on the structural integrity of the tire were small the rubber and the sensor material. Because the
and strain sensor is less sensitive to temperature vari- rubber is significantly less stiff than most sensor
ations than other technologies such as PVDF strain materials, there may be difficulty in determining the
sensors. Significant issues exist for using this tech- strain state in rubber with conventional sensors. These
nology on a commercial basis, such as the cost and technical challenges could be significantly mitigated
size of signal conditioning and processing hardware if the material from which the structure has been
and efficient methods for condensing and transmitting fabricated could be used as a matrix to incorporate
sensed data. The durability of the optical fibers in the conductive particles, such as high-aspect ratio single-
harsh environments in which tires frequently operate wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and/or multiwall
also need further study. carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) to facilitate the fabri-
Another feasible strain-sensing technology, which cation of a matched-compliance, conductive, elas-
has not been fully tested for tire health monitoring tomeric strain sensor that could be cured in situ
applications, is the vibrating string sensor. This tech- as part of the tire tread, in the vicinity of the
nology, developed by Vibstring [7], uses a thin wire steel belt edges of a tire, where tread separation
set in a plastic tube and a standard microwave radio initiates.
transceiver. Vibrations of the wire were found to
modulate the RF. When strain is applied to the wire,
1.2.4 Capacitance sensing
the natural frequency of the wire changes. These
changes in natural frequency, and therefore strain, Recently, another form of embedded sensing for tire
can be determined by demodulating the modulated health monitoring has been developed, which is based
6 Other Applications

on capacitance changes to measure global strain in three major reasons: avoiding the harsh operational
the tire. Virtually all these techniques employ the environment inside and on the tire, avoid reducing
wires in the steel belts used in radial tire construction the structural integrity or changing performance of
as electrodes in a circuit to monitor belt separation the tire by introducing a sensor, and limited means
through changes in electrical circuit capacitance. An for powering sensors inside the tire. Noncontact
important feature and benefit of these systems is that sensors offer the ability to measure the deformation
the tire construction serves as the sensor. Therefore, of the tire during operation using various electromag-
no additional sensing elements are necessary that netic, optical, and acoustic methods. These methods
could induce a mechanical flaw and compromise currently appear to be the most commercially viable
tire structural integrity. Some examples of applied since they avoid the aforementioned issues, but do
circuitry vary as follows: suffer some drawbacks themselves. These noncon-
tact sensors can be susceptible to poor performance
1. Connecting the steel wires as a condenser within in driving conditions such as rain, dirt, and mud.
a Hartley-type oscillating circuit whereby the Noncontact sensor systems also rely heavily on
changes in the frequency of the circuit correspond signal-processing systems to extract meaningful data
to changes in the wire-to-wire capacitance [10]. from the raw sensor signals that may be expensive
This technique has been demonstrated success- or bulky. Noncontact sensors also do not have the
fully in both wired and wireless signal trans- capability to measure the same quantities such as
mission modes but requires an external power strain, tire forces, and friction, which may reduce
source such as a battery to generate the oscil- their ability to perform tire damage identification
lating circuit. and provides less information for tire life prediction
2. Connecting the steel wires as a condenser in methods.
an inductancecapacitance LC resonator circuit,
whereby the changes in the frequency of the
passive filter circuit correspond to changes in REFERENCES
the wire-to-wire capacitance [11]. The change in
[1] Makinen T, Wunderlich H. Intelligent tyre promo-
the capacitance causes a change in the filtering ting accident-free traffic. The IEE 5th International
frequency of a radio wave passed through the Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
filter circuit, which provides a wireless measure Singapore, 36 September 2002.
of strain in the tire tread.
[2] Gill J. Continental Teves and Team of Developers
3. Connecting the steel wires as a condenser in a Working Hard to Ready Intelligent Tire for Mass
temperature-compensated capacitanceresistance Production. PRNewswire, 1999.
CR resonator circuit, whereby the changes in the
[3] Technical Research Centre of Finland, Project
frequency of the circuit correspond to changes in IST-2001-34372, Final Report Including Technical
the wire-to-wire capacitance [12]. Wireless strain Implementation Plan (Annex) Deliverable 22/23.
measurements are possible for cyclic loading APOLLO: Intelligent Tyre for Accident-free Traffic,
rates between 1 and 10 Hz. Static compression July 25, 2005.
and dynamic rotation tests confirm the method- [4] Radar Monitoring System for Tires and Wheels, US
ology to be applicable to deployment in commer- Patent Application Publication # 2002/0189336 A1,
cial radial tires. 2001.
[5] Thiesen J, Obrien GP. Doppler radar for detecting
tire abnormalities, US Patent No. 7,082,819 B2.
[6] Todd R. Chromasonic technology: a new method-
HEALTH MONITORING ology for the analysis of acoustic signatures for
SENSORS condition monitoring and early stage fault detection.
White Paper on Chromasonic Technology, Cheshire,
Numerous sensing technologies exist for tire health 2003.
monitoring applications. In general, it would be desir- [7] Technical Research Centre of Finland, Project IST-
able to isolate the sensors from the tire itself for 2001-34372, Intelligent Tyre SystemsState of the
Sensor Technologies for Direct Health Monitoring of Tires 7

Art and Potential Technologies, Deliverable D7 . [10] Todoroki A, Myatani S, Shimamura Y. Wireless
APOLLO: Intelligent Tyre for Accident-free Traffic, strain monitoring using electrical capacitance change
2003. of tire: part Iwith oscillating circuit. Smart
[8] Pohl A, Steindl R, Reindl L. The intelligent tire Materials and Structures 2003 12:403409.
utilizing passive saw sensorsmeasurement of tire [11] Todoroki A, Myatani S, Shimamura Y. Wireless
friction. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and strain monitoring using electrical capacitance change
Measurement 1999 48:10411046. of tire: part IIpassive. Smart Materials and
[9] Palmer M, Boyd C, McManus J, Meller S. Wireless Structures 2003 12:410416.
smart-tires for road friction measurement and self [12] Matasuzaki R, Todorok A. Wireless strain moni-
state determination 43rd AIAA structures. Structural toring of tires using electrical capacitance changes
Dynamics, and Materials Conference. AIAA 2002- with an oscillating circuit. Sensors and Actuators A
1548, Denver, CO, 2225 April 2002. 2005 119:323331.
Chapter 144
Ship and Offshore Structures

Myung Hyun Kim1 and Do Hyung Kim2

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea
Research and Development, Lloyds Register Asia, Busan, Korea

total of 99 bulk carriers were lost with the death of

1 Introduction 1 654 people. Even the large tanker accidents, including
2 Hull Monitoring System Recommended Erika and Prestige, occurred relatively in recent
by Classification Societies 2 years. Figure 1 shows the accident of the tanker Pres-
tige (Single hull oil tanker, 81 000 ton) in the coast
3 Typical Hull Monitoring System 3
of Spain.
4 Emerging Technologies for Ship Hull
In this regard, International Maritime Organiza-
Monitoring 5
tion (IMO), International Association of Classifi-
5 Future Trends 8 cation Societies (IACS), and individual Classifica-
6 Summary and Conclusions 8 tion Societies (Lloyds Register of Shipping, LR;
Related Articles 8 Det Norske Veritas, DNV; and American Bureau
References 9 of Shipping, ABS) have recommended the use of
Further Reading 9 hull stress monitoring systems for bulk carriers of
20 000 dwt and above to reduce the risks of struc-
tural failure since 1994. More recently, there is
an increasing demand for documentation of safety
and hull conditions for ships carrying oil and gas
owing to the oil and gas sectors movement toward
1 INTRODUCTION harsher environment. For example, as the offshore
oil production moves from the North Sea toward
In the 1980s and early 1990s, a number of losses the Barents/Kara Sea in Russian Arctic, LNG (lique-
of tankers and bulk carriers resulted in the environ- fied natural gas) ships, FPSO (floating production
mental pollution owing to oil spills and the loss of storage and offload vessels), and shuttle tankers have
lives. For example, from 1990 to mid-May 1997, a to withstand longer, harsher winters and fatigue
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by Hull monitoring system enables the operator of the
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 vessel to monitor all relevant responses (motions,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. accelerations, loads, bending moments, stresses,
2 Other Applications


The basic rule requirements of HSMS are in accor-
dance with IMO recommendations for fitting of
HSMS (MSC/Circ.646 6th June 1994, Maritime
Safety Committee). The major classification soci-
eties such as LR, DNV, and ABS not only provide
similar monitoring guidance for minimum parame-
ters to be monitored but also recognize the fitting
of enhanced and more comprehensive monitoring
Figure 1. The accident of tanker Prestige (November
systems through notations. The notations and require-
ments of classification societies concerning the provi-
sion of the typical monitoring for bulk carrier and
etc.) and provides rational guidance as preventive tankers are summarized in Table 1.
measures in heavy weather conditions. The hull Bulk carrier and tanker hulls could be instrumented
stress monitoring system (HSMS) is a system that with four sensors on the main deck to monitor the
provides real-time information such as motions and dominating sagging and hogging motion. The system
global stress experienced by the ship to crew of the monitors the longitudinal bending moments within
ship while navigating as well as during loading and the structure and compares permissible values that
unloading operations. are predetermined by the class rules in conjunction
Hull monitoring system consists of an affordable with ship designer. Additional sensors are available
number of strain, temperature, or acceleration sensors to meet higher specifications required by some classi-
placed in carefully selected positions on the structure. fication societies notations, such as DNV HMON-2
The sensors are connected to a central processing and ABS HM3 [1]. The number of sensors that are
unit that converts the sensor signals into digital data, required depends on the complexity of the structure
which are analyzed by the computer on the ships and the level of ambition of the owner. More number
navigation deck, allowing an operator to monitor hull of sensors enables more advanced analyses and the
stresses even under altering sea states. The system monitoring of more bending modes. The level of
alarms when there is a risk of damage to the hull analysis can vary from simply monitoring the stress
structures or cargo caused by improper loading or levels and issuing alarms if they approach dangerous
high stress in heavy weather. The lifetime history of levels. Additionally, the level of analysis can be
the ship recorded by the monitoring system assists the
Table 1. Notations and requirement of the classification
operator in determining hull condition evaluation and societies
fatigue life assessment, thus providing the possibility
to prevent cracking and severe casualties. In addition, Class Notation Gauges
recorded data is useful when planning hull inspections LR SEA (HSS-4) 4 LBSG, 1 bow
and maintenance. vertical
Recently, new ideas have been proposed, and accelerometer
advanced techniques have been developed for various DNV HMON-1 4 LBSG, 1 bow
measurements and applications. Some hull moni- accelerometer,
toring systems (HMS) have been already commer- 1 midship
cialized and user interface computation modules run accelerometer
over a distributed network system. ABS HM2 + R 4 LBSG, 1 bow
This article presents examples of current integrated vertical
HMS, as well as examples of innovative sensor
systems. LBSG, long-based strain gauge.
Ship and Offshore Structures 3

extended to determining overall loads on the structure monitors indicate the amount of usage of the initial
by converting strains and stresses to global moments, fatigue strength over time relative to the approved
as well as to closely monitoring the fatigue cycles on scantlings by use of Miners rule in conjunction
selected structural details and thereby gather informa- with rainflow counting. It is recommended that the
tion about the fatigue status. measured data can also be used later for crack growth
calculations using a method submitted for review. The
data is also required to be recorded for later analysis
3 TYPICAL HULL MONITORING and for new shipbuilding.
In practice, a typical installation for a large bulk 3.1 Long-based strain gauge (LBSG)
carrier or tanker consists of four long-based strain
gauges (LBSGs) and an accelerometer linked to a The LBSG measures the hull girder response of the
display monitor, which is illustrated in Figure 2. vertical still water bending moment (SWBM) and
Hull monitoring system gives global hull stress wave-induced bending moment (WIBM) at selected
response and provides alarm warnings to ship staffs points along the vessel. Figure 3 shows an exagger-
if stress measurement values approach a prespeci- ation of how a ship bends owing to these loads. The
fied level at which corrective action is advisable. permissible bending moment for both sea and harbor
The system supports the graphical confirmation that condition is provided by classification rules.
the corrective action has produced the desired reduc- By means of continuous measurements and
tion in stress levels. Stress signals from the sensors displays in real time using LBSG, the longitudinal
are analyzed in several minutes. Each channel passes stresses at strategic locations on the hull girder are
through the routine for statistical data analysis, which simultaneously monitored in real time. A minimum
calculates mean stress, maximum peak stress, stan- of four LBSGs are fitted: two at midship and two
dard deviation, peak-to-peak, and mean zero up- at approximately 25% from the bow and stern. The
crossing periods. Fatigue strength is represented precise location may vary per different ships. The
by the number of cumulative stress cycles up to LBSG consists of about 2-m stainless steel rod, fixed
measuring time. The counting is carried out using the at one end and free to move against a displacement
rainflow method, and stress range are divided into a transducer at the other end. The electrical transducer
number of blocks with a constant stress range. Fatigue is a liner variable differential transformer (LVDT).

display/recorder Uninterruptible power supply

Aft long-based Midship port long-based Forward long-based

Signal strain gauge
conditioning strain gauge strain gauge

Midship starboard long-based Accelerometer

Zener strain gauge forward

Pressure transducer
Figure 2. Typical hull monitoring system for a bulk carrier.
4 Other Applications

Hull girder bending moments

Figure 3. The bending moment display for a bulk carrier.

The end mountings are bolted to plates welded to the

deck with centers about 2 m apart and located along
a longitudinal deck. The unit is waterproof and fitted
with a protective cover. Figure 4 shows the mounting
plate with a strain gauge rod and a protect cover.

3.2 Accelerometer
The accelerometer with the range of 2 g is used to
measure the vertical acceleration at the bow. It is used
to give an indication of the probability of slamming
in heavy weather. It operates via a line amplifier
that provides output signal to the display logger unit. Figure 5. The accelerometer unit.
The accelerometer unit shown in Figure 5 should be
attached to the bracket that is welded to a secure
structural member of the ship. In addition, the system
should calculate and store the impact energy of a
slamming by calculating area under the acceleration
versus displacement curve.

3.3 Additional sensors

In addition to the typical specification of four LBSG
and one bow accelerometer, additional sensors could
(a) be added to extend the functionality to meet client-
specific requirements, or the higher rules of the certi-
LBSG fying authorities. The following lists some examples
of sensors that may be installed:

strain gauge: measures localized stress, e.g., for

(b) ice loadings on the bow and stern structures.
Figure 4. Long-based strain gauges (LBSG). (a) LBSG Strain gauges are typically required to have accu-
installed at an actual ship (KR 2004) and (b) LBSG racy better than 5 microstrain and be capable of
mounted on a SUS304 rod. measuring in the 05-Hz frequency range;
Ship and Offshore Structures 5

six degree of motion sensor: roll, sway, heave, cores and claddings, and the refractive index of the
pitch, yaw, and surge accelerations; cladding is lower than that of the core to satisfy the
pressure transducer: measures pressures on the condition of Snells law for total internal reflection
bow or stern and the depth of water at the bow and and thus confine the propagation of the light along
gives indication of draft as well as the detection the fiber core only. The outer layer of a FOS, called
of the bow leaving the water at the onset of jacket, is usually made of plastic to provide the
slamming. fiber with appropriate mechanical strength and protect
it from damage or moisture absorption. In some
sensing applications, a specialized jacket is required
4 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES to enhance the fibers measurement sensitivity and to
accommodate the host structure.
FOR SHIP HULL MONITORING There are a number of different concepts for
In recent years, HMS has attracted much attention in turning optical fiber into a sensor. The new structure
new technology. Fiber-optic sensor (FOS), acoustic monitoring systems use fiber-optic sensors based on
emission (AE) sensor, and crack monitoring sensor Bragg gratings (FBG), which is shown in Figure 6.
are promising sensing alternatives in HMS. New FBG is such a sensor technology, creating an
HMS was developed to describe and predict how optical strain gauge within the core of an optical fiber
damage evolves in structures before their reliability through the use of a wavelength-specific filter. As the
can be accurately forecasted in real time. This intelli- FBG experiences induced strain along its major axis,
gent system offers services in onshore data manage- its light signal indicates the amount of strain with
ment to help the maintenance planners and other great accuracy and sensitivity. In FBG applications,
onshore personnel manage the assets in an optimal where loading may occur in all directions, complex
way. Reports, which summarize the hull condition, changes take place in the FBG signal.
are available based on the data from the HMS. Data The generalized strainoptic relationship between
can be transferred for onshore analysis by automatic the optical path length (l ) and the axial strain, xx ,
e-mails or by backup media. In addition, the trans- induced over the gauge length of a single segment of
ferred data is useful when planning hull inspections the optical fiber is given below:
and maintenance.
Monitoring contributes to increased safety and l = neff Lxx (1)
may facilitate an increase in fatigue lifetime for
the structure. In the case of offshore structures, the and
problem is also compounded by harsh marine envi- 1 
neff = n P12 f (P11 + P12 ) (2)
ronment. Offshore structures must withstand cyclic 2
wave loading, severe storms, sea quakes, and the
corrosive effects of sea water, particularly for long
period of time. Furthermore, the process of visually
inspecting marine structures, especially those in deep
water, is much more difficult than that for land-based

4.1 Fiber-optic sensor (FOS)

One of the new methods for measuring the hull stress
and the health of ship hulls is to apply FOS. Optical
fibers, which usually consist of three layers: fiber
core, cladding, and jacket, are dielectric devices used
to confine and guide light. The majority of optical Figure 6. Typical fiber-optic sensors based on Bragg grat-
fibers used in sensing applications have silica glass ings (FBG).
6 Other Applications

where P11 and P12 are Pockels constant, f is the 4.2 Acoustic emission (AE) sensor
Poissons ratio, n is the refractive index of the fiber,
and L is the length (gauge length) of the optical fiber Crack growth due to fatigue and stress corrosion is
to which the strain is applied. normally a slow degradation process up to a point,
The FOS have a number of advantages over beyond which failure may be sudden and catastrophic.
the electrical alternatives, especially in harsh envi- Detection as early as possible during this initial period
ronments: small size, light weight, immunity to of crack growth is essential if the consequences of an
electromagnetic interference (EMI), passive compo- unexpected failure are to be avoided.
sition, high-temperature performance, large band- AE monitoring can overcome many of the difficul-
width, higher sensitivity as compared to existing ties with crack detection in service and is potentially a
monitoring techniques, and multiplexing capabilities. most powerful method of inspection. It is sensitive to
Multiplexing of Bragg grating sensor would allow the propagating cracks, that is, the structurally signif-
for a number of strain measurements along one fiber, icant defects, and provides information on growth
which is shown in Figure 7. This arrangement maxi- rate under service loading conditions, guiding inspec-
mizes the multiplexing potential of Bragg gratings tion and repair work for maximum cost-effective
and keeps system cost to a minimum. maintenance.
Application of fiber Bragg grating sensors for Examination of the microstructure of fatigue and
the purpose of ship hull monitoring is reported by stress corrosion cracks, see Figure 8(a), reveals that
Norwegian Defense Research Establishment. FOS are fracture on a microscale involves crack steps of
embedded in composite hull, and real-time strains magnitude comparable to the grain size of the
as well as global loads are measured in actual material. In the case of stable crack growth due
sea-keeping tests [2]. to fatigue, the crack will extend only if the stress

Sensor array

l Grating 1 Grating 2 Grating 3

Output l1 l2 l3

l1 l2 l3 l
Figure 7. Schematic for multiplexing of Bragg grating fiber-optic sensor.

u Crack growth


(a) (b)
Figure 8. Schematic representation of extremes of fracture behavior. (a) Microstructure of a fatigue crack and (b) fast
brittle crack advance in poor toughness material.
Ship and Offshore Structures 7

concentration is sufficient for the material to yield transducer produces an electrical pulse that can be
over a short distance ahead of the crack tip. This analyzed to provide information about the original
distance is referred to as the threshold plastic zone AE source and, hence, facts about the structure.
This monitoring technology can provide improved
assurance of overall integrity, justifying the additional 4.3 Fatigue crack monitoring sensor
work and cost involved. By continuously monitoring
a vessel or offshore structure for a period of time, Fatigue crack monitoring sensors are developed for
usually several weeks or months, depending on the detecting fatigue cracks occurring in welded struc-
minimum acceptable defect size, enhanced assurance tures. These sensors are cheap, small in size, and
of structural integrity can be obtained. The under- made of thin metal pieces as shown in Figure 10.
water sensor shown in Figure 9 is attached to a This type of fatigue crack sensors can be placed in
marine structure (ballast tank in vessel or jack-up front of stress-concentrated area for detecting fatigue
platform), which is the most effective sensor for cracks, particularly in welded joints.
monitoring. When fatigue crack propagates through the surface
The period of monitoring must be predetermined as of the sensor due to repeated fatigue loadings, the
adequate for a measurable amount of crack growth to sensor can be used for measuring the fatigue crack
occur. It is typically specified by the minimum size of length. The crack length information then can be
structurally significant size defects (e.g. propagating used for calculating the remaining fatigue life of the
fatigue cracks) that can be identified. By relating welded joint using the following equation:
crack growth to the loading and environmental forces
driving the crack and the stress concentration due to a
geometry, it is possible to model the crack growth Ds = (3)
accurately. In addition, the effectiveness of different
methods of inhibiting or arresting crack growth can be Here, a0 and a denote the initial crack length and
evaluated by continuing the monitoring for a period the crack propagation, respectively. Ds = 0 indicates
of time. intact state, while Ds = 1 indicates fatigue fracture.
Sources of AE are defect-related processes such This type of fatigue crack sensors can be placed
as crack extension and plasticization of material in in many fatigue-prone locations and can be used
the highly stressed zone adjacent to the crack tip. for monitoring fatigue cracks in ships and offshore
In general, the form of the primitive wave changes structures.
during propagation through the medium, and the
amplified signal from a resonant piezoelectric sensor
bears little resemblance to the original pulse. The

Figure 9. A new AE sensor for use on underwater marine

structure. Figure 10. Fatigue crack monitoring sensor.
8 Other Applications

5 FUTURE TRENDS damage-prone locations. Besides, they operate at

very harsh environment. Also, it is complicated to
The consumption of LNG is increasing and the distinguish the structural response between those due
market for oil transport for cold climate (ice/arctic) to wave loading and damages. Therefore, health
is expanding at an unprecedented pace. As there is monitoring technique would be an ideal candidate
increase in the size of vessels and cargo containment for this type of application since the frequency range
systems, navigating in new region and the demands of interest is much higher than the environmental
on the classification societies are also very chal- excitation.
lenging. At the same time there is increasing demand With the increasing market demand for vessels
for documentation of safety and, in particular, of hull operating in cryogenic environment, such as LNG
conditions for ships carrying oil and gas. and arctic ships, new and more effective health
Sloshing-induced impact load can cause a crit- monitoring techniques should be developed.
ical damage on tank structure. Sloshing is especially
troublesome in LNG cargo tank. A sloshing moni-
toring system should measure impact pressure and 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
strain in large LNG carriers. A new line of FOS has
been recently developed for monitoring the sloshing In this article, various techniques for monitoring
pressure in low-temperature insulation tanks. Tradi- structural integrity of ship and offshore structures
tional pressure sensor cannot be used for measuring are discussed. Typical HMS with common sensor
pressure inside the containment system owing to the locations are introduced as well as measurement
cryogenic environment. The newly developed sensors parameters to be monitored are discussed. LBSG
are applicable to LNG cargo containment systems at is typically installed at the deck of midship and at
163 C and offer the possibility to measure sloshing quarter length of vessels for monitoring hull girder
pressures in nonintrusive manner without penetrating strength. Ship motion and slamming pressures are
the primary membrane. The pressure sensors may be measured by accelerometers and pressure sensors
fitted with integrated temperature sensors and may be located at the bow of vessels. Different requirements
combined with fiber-optic stress sensors on the tank for hull monitoring system are summarized for each
walls. classification societies. This is followed by a review
As the oil and gas sector moves to cold on the introduction of emerging new technologies
climate environments, the infrastructure must take that are applicable for ship and offshore structures.
an increasing load. Ice load as a phenomenon is The basic principles and the application of FOS,
largely statistical in nature. The arctic provides a AE sensors, and crack detection sensors (CD) are
harsh environment to survive in. Cold temperatures, reviewed. Finally, new requirements and future trends
ice, snow, and freezing fog pose additional factors in terms of structural health monitoring in marine
for ship design, construction, and operation. Hull industries are introduced. In particular, the impor-
monitoring system is an integral part to ensure the tance of structural health monitoring technology that
vessels capability to survive and to give a measure is applicable in cryogenic environment is presented.
of safety when navigating in ice water. In conclusion, structural health monitoring technique
The ice load monitoring system is always tailor- is an integral system for ensuring the safety of ships
made according to the particular needs of each and offshore structures as well as for protecting
project. The system is based on large amount of environment.
previous field-testing. The system shows ice load,
trend, severity measure, and prediction for the crew.
The measured data is stored in the system, and RELATED ARTICLES
it can be downloaded from the storage for further
analysis. Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
For offshore structures, there are many locations
Monitoring Marine Structures
that are difficult to access, and therefore it is not
an easy task, if not impossible, to inspect all the Fatigue Monitoring in Nuclear Power Plants
Ship and Offshore Structures 9

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Part 6, Chapter 11, pp. 17. sensors to health monitoring in civil engineering. Engi-
[2] Wang G, Pran K, Sagvolden G, Havsgard GB, neering Structures 2004 26:16471657.
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ture monitoring using fibre optic sensors. Smart Mate- 14.
rials and Structures 2001 10:472478.
McKenzie I Jones R, Marshall IH, Galea S. Optical fibre
sensors for health monitoring of bonded repair systems.
Composite Structures 2000 50:405416.
Qing XP, Chana HL, Beard SJ, Ooi TK, Marotta SA.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Guide for Hull Condi- Effect of adhesive on the performance of piezoelectric
tion Monitoring Systems, December 2003, 119. elements used to monitor structural health. International
Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2006 26:622628. 2003.
Roberts TM, Talebzadeh M. Acoustic emission monitoring 2007.
of fatigue crack propagation. Journal Of Constructional
International Maritime Organization (IMO), Recommenda- Steel Research 2003 59:695712.
tions for the Fitting of Hull Stress Monitoring Systems,
Rogers LM. Structural and Engineering Monitoring by
MSC/Circ.646, June 1994.
Acoustic Emission MethodsFundamentals and Applica-
Kersey AD. A review of resent developments in fiber tions Report of LR Technical Investigation Department,
optic sensor technology. Optical Fiber Technology 1996 September 2001.
Staveley C. Application of optical fibre sensors to struc-
Kim DH, Kim MH, Kang SW. Development of ship struc- tural health monitoring, optimisation and life-cycle cost
ture health monitoring system using fiber optic sensors. control for oil and gas infrastructures. Business Briefing,
Proceedings of the Annual Autumn Meeting. SNAK, Exploration and Production, the Oil and Gas Review,
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and Vibration 2002 9:329339. Thin-Walled Structures 2005 43:553563.
Chapter 64
Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators
James L. Blackshire
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA

Of course, the characterization of surface proper-

1 Introduction 1 ties alone represents a somewhat limited capability
for understanding the structural health state of a mate-
2 Physical Principles 3
rial system. With the fundamental scientific discovery
3 Directed Energy Sensing Methods 8 in the mid-seventeenth century that the electromag-
4 Conclusions 14 netic spectrum is actually a continuum of frequen-
References 14 cies/wavelengths, and the subsequent discovery of
X rays [2], microwaves [3], and radar [4], the material
penetration capabilities of electromagnetic radiation
were revealed with profound implications. In partic-
1 INTRODUCTION ular, the ability to see into or through a visibly
opaque material became possible using radiography at
The interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter high frequencies (1018 Hz) and microwave imaging
represents one of the most common and useful at low frequencies (1011 Hz).
methods for inspecting and assessing a material or The present article is concerned with the use of
structure. Visual inspections, in fact, continue to be directed energy as an inspection tool for use in
one of the most widely used and effective methods structural health monitoring applications. Directed
for characterizing the surface properties of a material energy sensing can be loosely defined as the
or system [1]. By studying the reflective properties of controlled insertion of electromagnetic energy into
a surface, for example, structural damage in the form a material or system, where the observation of
of surface-breaking cracks, corrosion, and disbonds electromagneticmaterial interactions is used to char-
can be distinguished from undamaged areas based on acterize the structural health of the system. At the
surface roughness or topographic variations, which core of this definition is the electromagneticmaterial
tend to reflect visible light differently, providing a interaction, which uses the changes induced in an
simple means for detecting damage easily with the electromagnetic wave/field by a material system as its
naked eye. measurand. These changes can involve phase, ampli-
tude, frequency, directionality, polarization, time of
This article is a US government work and is in the public flight, and many other phenomena that are usually
domain in the United States of America. Copyright 2009 associated with wave phenomenon. It is in this
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd in the rest of the world. ISBN: basic theme that the article is organized, where
978-0-470-05822-0. fundamental principles related to electromagnetic
2 Sensors

fields/waves, directed energy beam characteristics, magnetic fields, electric charges, and electric currents,
radiationmaterial interactions, and damage sensing forming the foundation of classical electromagnetism
are covered. An initial historical overview is first and electrodynamics. The material property concepts
given followed by a brief description of the state- of permittivity, permeability, and complex dielectric
of-the-art directed energy sensing methods. A general were also defined, providing a means for charac-
overview of each of the major directed energy inspec- terizing electromagneticmaterial interactions, where
tion methods is then provided, where physical princi- Maxwells equations can be used in conjunction with
ples of each method are covered along with specific the dielectric properties of a material to understand
measurement examples. how light interacts with a material in a classical
Around this same time (1860), the term black-
1.1 Historical background
body was introduced by Kirchhoff [16], which relates
Electromagnetic radiation has been at the forefront the electromagnetic radiation emission properties of
of scientific discovery for several millenniums. What an object at increasing temperatures. In effect, the
began as a need for understanding the stars and amount of electromagnetic radiation (and its corre-
heavens has grown to a scientific and technological sponding wavelength) emitted by a black body source
discipline, which touches every part of human life is directly related to its temperature. Black bodies
and existence. Much of what we know about visible above 700 K (430 C) produce radiation at visible
light and its interaction with materials was first wavelengths starting at red, going through orange,
studied in the Renaissance period (fourteenth to yellow, and white before ending up at blue as the
seventeenth centuries) by Descartes [5], Newton temperature increases. This discovery represented a
[6], Fermat [7], Snell [8], Huygens [9], Fresnel key connection between electromagnetic and thermo-
[10], and others [1113]. The principles of light dynamic physics (see Thermal Imaging Methods).
reflection, refraction, scattering, and diffraction were The early work of Hertz [17] and Roentgen [2]
identified and systematically studied in much of in the 1880s1890s extended the useful range of the
this early work. The concept of light waves electromagnetic spectrum to radio frequencies and to
versus light particles was also debated during X-ray frequencies, respectively. Earlier in 1886, Hertz
this period, which is currently known as the developed the dipole antenna receiver, which helped
wave-particle duality of electromagnetic waves and to establish the photoelectric effect, and represented
photons of energy [14]. Both of these concepts the first practical instrument for producing and
play an important role in directed energy sensing receiving electromagnetic wave energy (at ultra
methods. high frequency (UHF) radio frequencies). At the
For the next 200 years, theoretical and experi- other end of the electromagnetic spectrum, Roentgen
mental work defined the inner workings of electro- discovered X rays on November 8, 1895 when he
magnetism, culminating in the work of Maxwell [15] observed a fluorescent glow from crystals near a
who demonstrated mathematically that electric and cathode-ray tube. His systematic characterization of
magnetic fields travel through space, in the form the penetrating nature of the radiation emitted by
of waves, and at the constant speed of light. In cathode-ray tubes ushered in the scientific field of
1861, Maxwell wrote his four-part publication in the radiography. The first practical use of electromagnetic
Philosophical Magazine called On Physical Lines of energy as an inspection tool soon followed when
Force, where he first proposed that light was a form X-ray fluoroscopes were used in 1896 to inspect
of energy composed of both electric and magnetic postal packages, porcelain materials, precious stones,
phenomena [15]. This fundamental discovery made and simple metal welds [2] (see Nondestructive
the basic connection between electromagnetic waves Evaluation/Nondestructive Testing/Nondestructive
and electronic material states possible, where elec- Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI) SensorsEddy Cur-
tromagnetic fields exert a force (the Lorentz force) rent, Ultrasonic, and Acoustic Emission Sensors).
on the charged particles in a material system. The In 1900, Planck presented a paper at the
set of four equations known as Maxwells equations German Physical Society in which he proposed
describes this interrelationship between electric fields, the revolutionary scientific thought of quantum
Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators 3

mechanics, which describes submicron particles terahertz time-domain spectroscopy [26]), which
as being composed of discrete states of energy have recently shown capabilities for probing mate-
[18]. In that work, Planck used the blackbody rials with thicknesses of more than 25.4 cm
radiation concepts of Kirchhoff [16] and Wien (10 in.) (e.g., ceramic foams) and at spatial reso-
[19] to mathematically describe the distribution lutions approaching 1 m [27] (see Nondestructive
of electromagnetic energy emitted by the different Evaluation/Nondestructive Testing/Nondestructive
modes of charged oscillators in matterwhat is Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI) SensorsEddy Cur-
known today as Plancks law for blackbody radiation. rent, Ultrasonic, and Acoustic Emission Sensors).
Building on these original ideas, in 1905 Einstein The detailed characterization of surface and near-
proposed that light can act as individual, discrete surface damage (e.g., surface-breaking cracks) using
energy stateswhat we now know to be quantum laser ultrasound [28], thermosonics [29], and optical
of radiant energy or photons [20]. Einstein further coherence tomography [24] methods have also pro-
described a new relationship between the energy duced damage sensitivity levels, which now permit
and frequency of a photon as E = h, where h is damage initiation, damage growth, and damage pre-
known as Plancks constant [20]. The foundation of cursor indications to be measured. The whole-
electromagneticmaterial interactions at a quantum field imaging of structural microcracks using ther-
mechanical level was based on these early ideas, mosonics, in particular, has been shown to be a
which were verified by the end of the 1920s by powerful tool for imaging cracks, disbonds, and
Bohr, Born, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, De Broglie, delaminations in complex geometry aerospace struc-
Pauli, Dirac, and others. The work of Bohr, in tures with damage features approaching 10 m in
particular, set forth in 1913 the fundamental quantum size [29] (see Full-field Sensing: Three-dimensional
mechanical relationship between atomic states and Computer Vision and Digital Image Correla-
electromagnetic energy emission and absorption, tion for Noncontacting Shape and Deformation
where he predicted the wavelengths of emission Measurements).
for a hydrogen atom [21]. The light emitted (and The detection of hidden damage has also been
absorbed) by an atom, molecule, or material is now reported recently using penetrating, nonionizing radi-
understood to arise from the transition of electrons ation in the terahertz [26], microwave [30], and
between discrete energy states in a material system, millimeter-wave frequency bands, where damage
where electromagnetic energy is either given to or hidden beneath aerospace coatings, insulation, com-
taken from the system. The fundamental nature of posite, and ceramic materials has been reported
electromagneticmaterial interactions was, therefore, [26, 30]. Significant advances in active and passive
found to be both discrete in naturequantum thermography have also been made in a large part due
mechanics and photon energiesand continuous to improvements in focal plane array camera tech-
in natureelectromagnetic wave interactions with nologies, which have dramatically improved spatial
dielectric material properties (see Electric and resolution, thermal sensitivity, and noise rejection
Electromagnetic Properties Sensing). levels [3133] (see Thermal Imaging Methods).

1.2 State of the art 2 PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES

The use of directed energy methods for mate- Directed energy sensing fundamentally involves the
rial inspections and structural health monitoring has interaction of electromagnetic energy with a material
seen significant progress and advancement in the system. The sensing process can involve a number
past decade. The state of the art now permits of different physical processes depending on the
detailed characterization of numerous materials with type of electromagnetic radiation used and the
unprecedented spatial resolutions and damage sensi- specific characteristics of the materials involved (see
tivity levels [22]. Perhaps, the most impressive Electric and Electromagnetic Properties Sensing).
are the three-dimensional imaging approaches (X- A decrease in X-ray beam intensity, for example,
ray computed tomography [23], optical coherence can be attributed to an increase in material density
tomography [24], microwave holography [25], and or sample thickness based on material absorption
4 Sensors

principles, while a phase shift in a reflected distance from a point on one cycle to the corre-
laser beam at visible wavelengths may be due to sponding point on the next cycle) or its frequency
surface motions of a vibrating material surface. (the number of oscillations per second). In a vacuum,
In this section, a description of the physical all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed,
principles involved in directed energy sensing is the speed of light, c = 299 792 458 m s1 . The wave-
given, where similarities and differences between the length, , and frequency, , of an electromagnetic
electromagnetic frequencies are highlighted. wave are related by the equation
= (1)

2.1 Electromagnetic radiation which holds true for all forms of electromagnetic
radiation. The energy of an electromagnetic wave
Electromagnetic radiation propagates through space is related to its frequency and wavelength by the
as an oscillating electric and magnetic field. The two relationship
field components are in phase, and oscillate at right c
angles to each other and to the direction of propaga- E = h = h (2)
tion. In 1861, Maxwell derived what is referred to as
the electromagnetic wave equation, which governs the where h is a constant known as Plancks constant.
propagation of electromagnetic energy in free space
and within a given material [34]. In general, elec- 2.2 Radiation and matter
tromagnetic radiation can be classified according to
the frequency of the wave: radio waves, millimeter Depending on the frequency used, electromagnetic
waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radi- energy can interact with matter in very different
ation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and X rays. ways. In a classical sense, electromagnetic energy
Figure 1 shows a diagram of the electromagnetic interacts with materials as a localized field or wave
spectrum, where key frequency ranges are high- phenomenon through material properties like the
lighted along with technologies associated with each complex dielectric, the index of refraction, and the
frequency range. absorption coefficient. In a quantum mechanical
An electromagnetic wave, like other wave pheno- sense, photons of electromagnetic energy interact
mena, can be characterized by its wavelength (the with specific energy states in a material through

800 nm 700 nm 600 nm 500 nm 400 nm

(m) 103 102 101 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012

Radio Humans
Infrared Light Atoms
tower emission bulb Molecules
X rays
Buildings Radar
Infrared Ultra violet
Radio waves Visible
Microwaves Hard X rays
Terahertz Soft X rays

(Hz) 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020

Photon energy
(eV) 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Figure 1. Electromagnetic spectrum with associated length scales and technologies.

Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators 5

probability functions and allowable transitions. Both wavelength in free space. For a plane electromag-
of these concepts play a role in directed energy netic wave traveling through a thickness, d, of
sensing (see Electric and Electromagnetic Proper- material, the product d determines the amount
ties Sensing). of attenuation and phase shift that the wave will
In the classical approach, matter consists of a posi- experience [30].
tive charge centers surrounded by clouds of negative When an electromagnetic wave traverses a
charge [35]. In the presence of an electromagnetic boundary between two media, the concept of index
field, the charge cloud distorts, which constitutes a of refraction becomes useful. Similar to the complex
simple dipole through the dipole moment. Mathemat- dielectric concept, the complex refractive index of
ically, this process can be described using the dielec- a material determines how much the wave speed is
tric properties of the material through a complex reduced inside a medium and how much absorption
quantity denoted by loss occurs through the expression
n = n ik (5)
=  j , r = r jr , = (3)
where n is the index of refraction, k is the extinc-
where is called the absolute complex dielectric tion coefficient, and n is related to the materials
constant of the medium, r is the relative complex relative permittivity, r , and relative permeability, r ,
dielectric constant,  is the permittivity (the ability
through the expression n = r r . The mathemat-
of the material to store electromagnetic energy),  is ical expressions describing the electromagnetic wave
the dielectric loss factor (the ability of the material to reflection and transmission at a boundary are referred
absorb electromagnetic energy), and 0 = 8.85419 to as the law of reflection and Snells law, which
1012 (F m1 ) is the permittivity of free space [30]. are depicted schematically in Figure 2, and are given
For a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in by the expressions: i = r and ni sin i = nt sin t ,
the z direction and polarized along the x axis inside respectively, and where i,r,t are the angles of inci-
a medium with a dielectric constant of r = r dence, reflectance, and transmission.
jr , the electric field intensity at any point can be In addition to the reflection, refraction, and trans-
described by the relationship [30] mission of light, the absorption and scattering of
electromagnetic energy by a material represents a

E(z) = E0 e(+j)z ax = E0 e z ax , key aspect of most directed energy measurement
approaches (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and
= k0 |I m{ r }| = k0 Re{ r } (4)
Scattering-based Optical-fiber Sensors). In partic-
where E0 is the electric field intensity at z = 0, is ular, the scattering of wave energy becomes important
the absorption constant, is the phase constant, = when the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave
+ j is the propagation constant, and k0 = 2/0 approaches (Mie scattering), or becomes larger than
is the wave number in free space, and 0 is the (Rayleigh scattering), the size of a scattering object.

Normal Normal Incident

qi qr material

nt > ni

qt Transmitted
Law of reflection Snells law
q i = qr n i sin qi = n t sin qt
Figure 2. Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic radiation at a material interface.
6 Sensors

For an electromagnetic wave incident on a single of an atom/molecular system. During this process,
small scattering object, the intensity, I , of the scat- the X ray can give up all of its energy to the
tered light can be written as follows: electron (photoionization), or it can give up part
   2  6 of its energy (Compton scattering). A third possi-
1 + cos2 2 4 n2 1 d
I= I0 (6) bility also exists if the X ray has sufficient energy,
2R 2 n +2
2 2 resulting in the creation of an electronpositron
where R is the distance from the particle, is the pair. A few electron volts of photon energy are
scattering angle, n is the refractive index of the scatte- typically required to eject an electron and ionize
ring object, and d is the nominal size of the object. An an atom, which places the threshold for ionization
important feature of equation (6) is the intensity of somewhere in the ultraviolet region of the elec-
the scattered energy scaling inversely with the fourth tromagnetic spectrum. The X-ray wavelength range
power of the wavelength. is 10 nm and shorter, while the frequency range
The absorption of electromagnetic energy by a is 3 1016 Hz or greater. X-ray energies below
material is traditionally described by Beers law, 10 keV are typically referred to as soft X rays,
which states that a logarithmic dependence exists which are used for porous or thin material measure-
between the transmission of light through a substance, ments, while more energetic X rays above 10 keV are
the concentration/density of the substance, and the referred to as hard X rays for dense, thick material
length of material that the light travels through. If the measurements.
linear absorption (or attenuation) coefficient is defined
as , then Beers law can be written as follows:
2.2.2 Visible and ultraviolet light interactions
Iz = I0 exp [z] (7)
The quantum energy of visible and ultraviolet photons
where Iz is the intensity of the beam at a distance is in the range 1.65124 eV, which is the domi-
z and I0 is the intensity at the specimen surface. nant range of energies for elevating bound electrons
The primary factor that determines how radiation to higher energy levels within an atomic or molecular
will be absorbed by a material is based on the system [3639]. There are typically many available
atoms and molecules that make up the material. At states in most material systems, so visible and ultra-
a very fundamental level, the energy of an atomic violet light are strongly absorbed by most materials.
and molecular system is quantized (i.e., made up of The shorter ultraviolet wavelengths can reach the
discrete levels). If a particular electromagnetic radia- ionization energy for some molecules, which permits
tion energy matches one of these quantized energy them to act in a similar fashion to soft X rays, while
states, then a strong interaction will result (e.g., the net result of an absorption event by nonionizing
absorption, reflection, refraction, and scattering), and visible radiation is generally just to heat the material
if there are no available energy levels that match sample. The wavelength range for visibleultraviolet
the energy of the incident radiation, then the mate- radiation is from 750 to 10 nm, while the frequency
rial will typically be transparent to that radiation. In range is from 4 1014 to 3 1016 Hz.
the following subsections, this basic concept is built
upon, where the major features of each frequency
range are covered. 2.2.3 Infrared interactions
The quantum energy of infrared photons is in the
2.2.1 X-ray interactions range 0.0011.7 eV, which corresponds to the range
of energies required for separating the quantum states
The quantum energy of X-ray photons is 124 eV of molecular vibrations [3639]. Infrared radiation
and greater, which is much too high to be absorbed is typically absorbed more strongly than terahertz
in electron transitions between states for most atoms and microwave frequencies, but less strongly than
and molecules [3639]. Because of this fact, most X visible light. The result of an infrared absorption
rays penetrate through materials, with only the occa- event is the heating of the material due to increased
sional X ray knocking an electron completely out molecular vibrational activity. Infrared radiation can
Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators 7

penetrate further into most materials relative to visible The wavelength range for terahertz radiation is from
light due in part to its longer wavelength and in 30 m to 1 mm, while the frequency range is from
part to the reduced number of available quantum 3 1011 to 1 1012 Hz. The wavelength range
states for infrared energy coupling with the material. for microwave (and millimeter-waves) radiation is
The wavelength range for infrared radiation is from 1 mm and greater, while the frequency range is
30 m to 750 nm, while the frequency range is 3 1011 Hz and smaller.
0.0034 1014 Hz.
In addition to the absorption of electromagnetic
energy, infrared energy can flow or move within a 2.3 Directed energy measurements
material (thermal diffusion), and it can be radiated
or emitted by a material according to Plancks law As stated earlier, directed energy sensing methods
for blackbody radiation. The thermal transport or use electromagnetic energy to probe and characterize
diffusion of heat energy within a material is impor- a material or structure. In most cases, active illu-
tant for infrared directed energy measurements, where mination is used to irradiate the material at some
active heating is used (e.g., pulsed thermography). standoff distance, and a light-sensitive detector is
For passive measurements, the emission of thermal used to collect the transmitted, reflected, or scattered
radiation from a material is important. This emis- electromagnetic energy from the material system
sivity depends on factors such as temperature, emis- (see Intensity-, Interferometric-, and Scattering-
sion angle, and wavelength [3133] (see Thermal based Optical-fiber Sensors). Material characteriza-
Imaging Methods). tion or damage identification is then accomplished
by analyzing the collected signals and applying the
appropriate physics to extract material information of
2.2.4 Terahertz, microwave, and
millimeter-wave interactions
Figure 3 depicts the three primary approaches used
The quantum energy of terahertz, microwave, in directed energy sensing measurements. If the elec-
and millimeter-wave photons is in the range tromagnetic radiation is not transmissive (or partially
0.000010.001 eV, which is in the range of transmissive), then single-sided measurements are
quantum state energies for molecular rotation and typically used (Figure 3a and b), where electromag-
torsion [26, 30, 3639]. Terahertz energy is absorbed netic energy reflected from the material surface or
more strongly than microwaves, but less strongly than scattered from within the near-surface region of the
infrared light. The interaction of terahertz/microwave material is collected and analyzed. Most ultraviolet,
radiation with matter results in the rotation of visible, and infrared wavelength methods fall into this
molecules and the production of heat as a result of category. Some terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
that molecular motion. Conductors strongly absorb and near-field microwave methods also use the single-
microwaves (and lower frequencies) because they sided detection method depicted in Figure 3(a). If
cause electric currents to form, which quickly heats the electromagnetic radiation is transmissive, then
the material. Most dielectric materials are largely volumetric measurements are possible using the
transparent to both terahertz and microwaves ener- through-transmission measurement approach depicted
gies/frequencies. Because the quantum energies of in Figure 3(c).
terahertz and microwave radiation are approximately A wide variety of sources are available from
million times lower than those of X rays, they do not broadband radiating sources (e.g., thermal radiation
produce ionization and are, therefore, a safer method blackbody sources as previously described), to X-ray
for characterizing materials when depth penetration is tubes, to microwave horns, to laser sources. An
needed. Most microwave applications fall in the range equally broad range of detectors are also available
300030 000 MHz (330 GHz). Current microwave from semiconductor diodes, photomultiplier tubes,
ovens operate at a nominal frequency of 2450 MHz, to photosensitive films and electronic imaging
a band assigned by the Federal Communications arrays. In most cases, the goal of a directed
Commission (FCC). There are also some amateur energy measurement is to collect the electromagnetic
and radio navigation uses of the 330 GHz range. radiation energy and convert it to an electrical
8 Sensors

Array detector/
Electromagnetic source
imaging camera


Incident Scattered
energy beam energy Reflected/scattered
Incident energy
y x area illumination
z y x

(a) (b)


y x illumination

Array detector/
imaging camera
Figure 3. Directed energy measurement approaches: (a) single-sided, single-point measurement; (b) single-sided, imaging
measurement; and (c) through-transmission, volumetric measurement.

signal, which can then be further analyzed. Simple 3 DIRECTED ENERGY SENSING
measurements involve detecting raw intensity, while
more sophisticated measurements keep track of
phase, amplitude, and frequency. Two-dimensional
imaging systems and three-dimensional computed In this section, a variety of directed energy measure-
tomographic systems also keep track of spatial ment examples are provided for electromagnetic
position. Raster scanning of the single-point energy in the X-ray, visible, infrared, terahertz, and
measurement system depicted in Figure 3(a) permits microwave frequency bands. The examples show only
two-dimensional information to be obtained, while a very small sampling of the available directed energy
lenses and other beam manipulation systems permit methods, which currently number in the hundreds
whole-field images to be captured. to thousands. The interested reader is encouraged to
Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators 9

refer to the numerous cited articles, and also to the a Phillips MGC-03 film radiography system, which
books by Cartz [40], Demtroder [41], Scruby and represents a medium-resolution X-ray capability with
Drain [28], Mittleman [26], and Zoughi [42] for addi- a nominal 0.4-mm focal spot size [46]. The current,
tional methods and more detailed information. exposure time, and distance for the measurements
depicted in Figure 4 correspond to 5 mA, 1.5 min, and
1.016 m (40 in.), respectively. The material sample
3.1 Radiographic methods (a laser-machined reference standard) was placed on
Radiography is one of the five traditional nondestruc- the film and exposed to the X rays at a certain kilovolt
tive evaluation methods [40] (see Nondestructive energy level. The X-ray film was subsequently digi-
Evaluation/Nondestructive Testing/Nondestructive tized. The image on the far left was taken at 55 kV
Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI) SensorsEddy Cur- energy level, and shows a series of laser-machined
rent, Ultrasonic, and Acoustic Emission Sensors). triangle features with increasing sizes and depths. The
In recent years, technological advances in sources, five images on the right correspond to a magnified
detectors, and analysis methods have resulted in view of the smallest (1 mm) and deepest (260 m)
significant improvements in spatial resolution and triangle taken at increasing kilovolt energy levels
sensitivity levels [43]. In addition, computed tomo- (5580 kV). As the kilovolt energy level increased,
graphic approaches have provided unmatched three- the signal-to-noise ratio decreased from 27.11 at
dimensional measurement capabilities for complex 55 kV to 2.7 at 80 kV, while the image contrast
geometry structures and dense material samples [44]. remained almost constant at a ratio of 1.2 : 1.0.
Although different types and levels of radiographic The ability to create fully three-dimensional char-
energy can be used, X rays are most often used acterizations of solid structures represents one of
for most materials, while film radiography is quickly the most important capabilities for radiography,
being replaced by electronic detector systems. where X-ray computed tomography can be used.
In most X-ray measurements, the basic setup An example of an X-ray computed tomography
depicted in Figure 3(c) is used, where the output measurement is provided in Figure 5(a), where a
signal is related to the material density according cross-sectional cut is depicted for the reference
to an expression similar to equation (7). Subtle vari- standard depicted in Figure 4. In this case, an
ations in material composition can also be charac- ARACOR Tomoscope system was used, which uses
terized when dual-energy approaches are used [45]. a 225-kV, 50-m microfocus X-ray source, and a
Figure 4 depicts a series of measurements taken with fiber-optic scintillator/charge-coupled device (CCD)

1.25 mm

55 kV 55 kV 60 kV 65 kV 70 kV 80 kV

Figure 4. Radiographic through-transmission images of laser-machined triangle reference sample.

1 mm

(a) (b)
Figure 5. (a) Radiographic computer tomography measurement result showing a cross-section image through the
laser-machined triangle sample and (b) X-ray measurement of corrosion.
10 Sensors

image sensor system for detection. Thickness changes the lower right image field due to increased vibration
as small as 2% of the equivalent thickness were levels near the crack [47].
measured with an accuracy of 1%. Figure 5(b) The crack image in Figure 7 was made by raster
shows a similar measurement capability, where 15% scanning the laser probe position in a two-dimen-
corrosion material loss has been characterized [46]. sional manner, similar to the depiction in Figure 3(a).
At each scan position, the out-of-plane motions were
captured by the laser interferometry system, which
3.2 Visible radiation and laser methods was collected and analyzed to provide a displace-
ment versus time signal level at each position on
Visible radiation represents one of the most prolific the material surface. Similar measurements have been
directed energy methods in use today. Spectroscopic made with a moderate intensity pulsed laser to excite
measurements, in particular, provide a particularly elastic waves in the material. This type of directed
useful characterization tool for identifying atomic energy measurement system is termed laser ultra-
and molecular states for a wide range of appli- sound, which has found use recently as an effective
cations. As a material and system health moni- means for assessing the structural health status of
toring capability, visible wavelength radiation has composite materials. Similar to other directed energy
found use in a number of methods. Optical inter- methods, the laser ultrasound approach provides a
ferometry and holography, for example, provide a noncontact measurement capability that can be done
means for measuring surface topography and dynamic at a standoff distance.
vibrations in a noncontact manner (see Intensity-,
Interferometric-, and Scattering-based Optical-
fiber Sensors). Figure 6 provides an example of 3.3 Infrared methods
an interferometric measurement system capable of
measuring vibration features on a material surface Thermographic imaging is a relatively new nonde-
with micron spatial resolution levels in the 25 kHz structive evaluation (NDE) technology, which uses
to 20 MHz frequency bandwidth range. thermal differences between a material defect and its
When combined with an ultrasonic wave or vibra- local surroundings as a noncontact and full-field NDE
tion source, the system depicted in Figure 6 can be measurement tool (see Thermal Imaging Methods).
used to characterize surface damage with microscopic Infrared cameras with higher sensitivities and resolu-
precision. An example of such a measurement is tions are currently helping to transition the technology
provided in Figure 7, where the motion field of a from a novelty to a comprehensive and quantitative
surface-acoustic wave (SAW) has been imaged with NDE measurement tool. Materials are characterized
the laser vibrometry system to detect and characterize based on variations in thermal absorption, transport,
a microscopic surface-breaking crack feature. The diffusion, and emission. In a passive thermography
crack feature is measured as a brightness increase in measurement, the material surface naturally radiates,

Surface- Material
Polarizing Polarizing 1/4 plate Lens acoustic substrate
beamsplitter beamsplitter wave

Mirror Polarizing PIN diode


Figure 6. Laser interferometry system for measuring surface vibrations and displacements.
Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators 11


1 mm Digital
50 mm

Laser beam Displacement

5 nm

3.75 nm
Sharp, planar,
2.5 nm
Incident SAW
y x 1.25 nm
0 nm

Figure 7. Laser interferometry measurement of surface-acoustic wave interaction with crack.

scatters, and reflects infrared energy that can be sonic-IR uses an infrared camera to monitor the local
imaged by the thermal camera. Differences in thermal heating that can occur in a material when vibrational
emissivity are imaged as differences in brightness energy causes frictional rubbing of surfaces at
by the camera, allowing corrosion, voids, and other crack boundaries or disbonded/delamination loca-
damage to be detected and characterized. tions. Figure 9(a) depicts a typical thermosonics
In certain instances, thermographic measurements system, which was used to detect a microscopic
can be made in a spectral band-pass window that fatigue crack (Figure 9c) in a turbine engine blade
allows the infrared energy to propagate efficiently (Figure 9b).
through a coating layer to probe the material
substrate underneath [48]. This in fact is the case for
many aerospace coating materials. Figure 8 depicts
3.4 Terahertz methods and microwave
a spectral transmission window for a 3-mil-thick methods
paint layer (75 microns) between the 2 and 12 m Terahertz and microwave measurement systems, like
wavelength range, which occurred between 3.5 and thermal imaging systems, are relatively new tech-
5.8 m, peaking at 5.2 m. By using a midwave nologies. For directed energy measurements, terahertz
infrared camera sensitive to 35 m thermal energies, and microwave methods provide a unique ability
and/or using band-pass filters in that wavelength for penetrating through most dielectric materials.
range, damage (e.g., hidden corrosion) can be imaged When this is the case, both methods can provide a
directly through the paint with a simple mid-IR volumetric measurement capability similar to X-ray
camera system (Figure 8a). measurements without the safety hazard problems.
The combination of ultrasonics and thermal In addition, simple and effective imaging capabil-
imaging has also recently shown promise as a new ities may be possible soon, where direct imaging
directed energy sensing method for detecting micro- through various dielectric material layers may be
scopic cracks, composite disbonds, and delamina- possible with the appropriate choice of directed
tions [29]. The method termed thermosonics or energy frequency/wavelength.
12 Sensors


Transmission (%)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(a) (b) Wavelength (m)

Topographic Mid-infrared
image image

Figure 8. (a) Midinfrared camera system, (b) midinfrared transmission window through aerospace coating, and (c) passive
infrared image of corrosion feature hidden under the coating.

Blade Ultrasonic
IR camera horn Crack


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9. (a) Thermosonics system, (b) turbine engine blades, and (c) crack measurements.

An example of an evanescent microwave probe and had a sharp coupling tip that permitted
measurement taken through an aerospace coating is near-surface, evanescent field measurements, which
provided in Figure 10. An evanescent microwave enhanced spatial resolution levels and measurement
probe is a coaxial resonator system that operates sensitivity [48]. By raster scanning the probe over
nominally at 14-GHz frequencies. The probe the sample surface, an image can be produced,
depicted in Figure 10(a) was resonant at 2.485 GHz, which represents changes in dielectric properties of
Directed Energy Sensors/Actuators 13

EMP frequency shift (MHz)

3 mm 1.6
Topographic 1.4 Without paint
With paint
Noncoated 0.6
microwave 0.4
probe 0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Coated Position (mm)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 10. (a) Evanescent microwave probe system, (b) microwave measurements taken with and without coating layer
present, and (c) comparison of response signals across corrosion pit.

2.34 THz
15 THz 5 THz 3 THz 2 THz
Polysulfide (IR)
Transmission (%)

50 Polyeurathane (IR)
Polysulfide (THz)
Polyeurathane (THz)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Wavelength (m)
(a) (b)

4 Reference
Through tile
110 130 150 170 190 210
(c) ps
Figure 11. (a) Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system, (b) terahertz spectral transmission through aerospace coatings
near 2.3 THz, and (c) terahertz transmission through foam material.

the material according to equations (3) and (4). The spectroscopy systems, in particular, have recently
presence of a hidden corrosion pit feature through an shown promise for measuring damage and mate-
aerospace coating is depicted in Figure 10(b) and (c). rial state through coatings, foam materials, ceramics,
Terahertz measurement systems have also become and composites [48]. Figure 11 depicts a typical
available recently, with the promise of microwave- time-domain spectroscopy system along with two
type penetration capabilities in reduced sizes and with measurement examples showing terahertz transmis-
improved spatial resolutions. Terahertz time-domain sion properties through aerospace coating materials
14 Sensors

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improved noncontact inspection capabilities for many [17] Buchwald JZ. The Creation of Scientific Effects:
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Chapter 145
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic
Guided Waves

Piervincenzo Rizzo1, Stefano Coccia2, Ivan Bartoli2 and

Francesco Lanza di Scalea2
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA

responsible for 541 derailments and $91 million in

1 Introduction 1 cost during the same time period. Transverse defects
2 Wave Propagation Modeling 2 are cracks developing in a direction perpendicular
to the rail running direction, and include transverse
3 Wave Propagation Results 4
fissures (TFs, initiating in a location internal to the rail
4 Noncontact Ultrasonic Rail Inspection 6 head) and detail fractures (DFs, initiating at the head
5 Field Tests 8 surface as rolling contact fatigue defects) (Figure 1).
6 Conclusions 12 The most common methods of rail inspection are
Acknowledgments 12 magnetic induction and contact ultrasonic testing
References 13 [2, 3]. The first method is affected by environmental
magnetic noise and it requires a small liftoff distance
for the sensors to produce adequate sensitivity. Ultra-
sonic testing is conventionally performed from the top
1 INTRODUCTION of the rail head in a pulse-echo configuration. Such an
approach suffers from a limited inspection speed and
Safety statistics data from the US Federal Railroad from other drawbacks associated with the requirement
Administration (FRA) [1] indicate that train acci- for contact between the rail and the inspection wheel.
dents caused by track failures including rail, joint More importantly, horizontal surface cracks such
bars, and anchoring resulted in 2700 derailments as shelling and head checks can prevent the ultra-
and $441 million in direct costs during the decade sonic beams from reaching the internal defects (IDs),
19922002. The primary cause of these accidents resulting in false negative readings. These problems
is the transverse-type defects that was found were highlighted in the derailments of Superior, WI,
USA, in 1991 and Hatfield, UK, in 2000.
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by Guided ultrasonic waves are being considered in
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 recent years for rail inspections as an improvement
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. over wheel-type ultrasonic methods [411]. Guided
2 Other Applications


Figure 1. Transverse defects in rail: a transverse fissure (TF) and a detail fracture (DF).

waves propagate along, rather than across the rail, noise suppression, theoretical solutions of waves
and are thus ideal for detecting the critical transverse propagating in rails have been obtained below 6 kHz
defects. Guided waves are also potentially not sensi- using beam theories [17]. For ultrasonic testing, these
tive to surface shelling since they can run underneath solutions have been extended to 50 kHz by using
this discontinuity. semianalytical finite element (SAFE) methods [18],
Techniques that do not require contact with the rail and up to 350 kHz by using finite element analyses
are being investigated to generate and detect guided with cyclic symmetry [6]. The arbitrary shape of the
waves. Noncontact rail testing has been demonstrated cross section of a rail lends itself to SAFE modeling,
by the use of pulsed lasers and air-coupled trans- where only a 2D mesh is required.
ducers [7, 11], electromechanical acoustic transducers In the SAFE method, at each frequency , a
[7, 12, 13], and laser vibrometers [6]. However, the discrete number of guided modes is obtained. For
drawback of any noncontact ultrasonic testing is a the given frequency, each mode is characterized by
reduced signal-to-noise ratio of the defect detection a wavenumber , and by a displacement distribution
procedure when compared with conventional contact over the cross section (mode shape). The SAFE algo-
testing. The use of signal processing based on the rithm used here is based on the three-dimensional
discrete wavelet transform (DWT) helps overcoming theory of linear viscoelasticity. For a Cartesian refer-
this problem, as recently demonstrated [11, 1416]. ence system, the waveguide cross section is set in
This article describes a rail inspection system based the yz plane while the x axis is parallel to the
on guided ultrasonic waves generated and detected in waveguide length. Subdividing the cross section via
a noncontact manner. The system uses a pulsed laser finite elements, the approximated displacement at a
and an array of air-coupled sensors. Defects in the rail point u = u(x, y, z, t) is given by
head are detected by monitoring changes in the energy
strength of the transmitted waves. The raw ultrasonic
u = NU(e) ei( xt) (1)
signals are processed by the DWT in pseudo-real-
time for increasing the defect detection reliability.
Laboratory and field results of this system will be where N = N(y, z) is the matrix of the shape func-
presented. tions, U(e) is the nodal displacement vector for the eth
element, t is the time variable, and i the imaginary
unit. It can be noted that the displacement is described
2 WAVE PROPAGATION by the product of an approximated finite element field
over the waveguide cross section and the exact time
MODELING harmonic function, exp[i( x t)], in the propaga-
Proper modeling of guided waves propagating in tion direction x. The compatibility and constitutive
the rail is important to identify modes, enhance equations can be written in synthetic matrix forms as
sensitivity to certain defects, and select low-loss follows:
modefrequency combinations. In the context of = Du, = C (2)
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic Guided Waves 3

where and are the strain and stress vector, where the subscript 2M indicates the dimension of
respectively, D is the compatibility operator, and C the problem, with M the number of total degrees of
is the complex constitutive linear viscoelastic tensor. freedom of the cross-sectional mesh. Details on the
More details on the compatibility operator can be complex matrices A,B, and vector p can be found in
found in [19]. The principle of virtual works with [18]. By setting p = 0 in equation (4), the associated
the compatibility and constitutive laws (equation 2) eigenvalue problem can be solved as (). For each
leads to the following energy balance equation: frequency , 2M complex eigenvalues, m , and 2M
complex eigenvectors, Qm , are obtained. The solution
   is symmetric, i.e., for each pair (m Qm ), repre-
uT t d = uT ( u) dV + (uD)T C Du dV senting a forward guided mode, a pair exists repre-
 V V
senting the corresponding backward mode. The first
M components of Qm describe the cross-sectional
where  is the waveguide cross-section area, V is the
mode shapes of the mth mode. Once m is known, the
waveguide volume, t is the external traction vector,
dispersion curves can be easily computed. The phase
and the overdot means time derivative. The finite
velocity can be evaluated by the expression cph =
element procedure reduces equation (3) to a set of
/real , where real is the real part of the wavenumber.
algebraic equations:
The imaginary part of the wavenumber is the atten-
uation, att = imag , in nepers per meter. As reported
[A B]2M Q = p (4) in [20], for damped waveguides, the group velocity

10 000 6000

Energy velocity (m s1)
Phase velocity (m s1)



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Attenuation (Np m1)



0 10 20 30 40 50 y x
(c) Frequency (kHz) z
Figure 2. Dispersion results for a 115-lb AREMA viscoelastic rail for waves propagating along the rail running direction:
(a) phase velocity, (b) energy velocity, and (c) attenuation.
4 Other Applications

does not coincide with the speed of propagation. In and having the following properties: density
this case, the energy velocity, Ve , is the physically = 7932 kg m3 , bulk longitudinal velocity cL =
meaningful parameter. Energy velocity can be also 5960 m s1 , bulk shear velocity cT = 3260 m s1 ,
readily calculated from the SAFE eigenvalues [18]. longitudinal attenuation L = 0.003 Np/wavelength,
and shear attenuation T = 0.043 Np/wavelength.
The mesh of the rail cross section, shown in
3 WAVE PROPAGATION RESULTS Figure 2 and generated by MATLABs pdetool,
used 81 nodes for 106 triangular elements with linear
The rail considered in this study is a typical 115-lb interpolation displacement functions.
American Railway Engineering and Maintenance- The dispersion results are shown in this figure
of-way Association (AREMA) section, modeled up to a frequency of 50 kHz. The complexity of
as an isotropic material with hysteretic damping, the modes is evident. However, these results are

6000 m1

Phase velocity (m s1)





0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (kHz)

m2 m3


Figure 3. Dispersion results for a 115-lb AREMA viscoelastic rail: phase velocity for frequencies below 10 kHz, and
first five cross-sectional mode shapes at 5 kHz, where , mode m1; , mode m2; , mode m3; , mode m4; , mode m5;
ooooo, symmetric mode; , antisymmetric modes.
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic Guided Waves 5

f = 219.9822 kHz f = 221.6116 kHz

cP = 3.0552 Km/s cP = 3.078 Km/s 10

f = 226.6601 kHz f = 230.9491 kHz
cP = 3.1484 Km/s cP = 3.2081 Km/s 10


Figure 4. Axial displacement mode shapes for various symmetrical modes at frequencies around 200 kHz. The mesh used
for the SAFE analysis is also shown.
6 Other Applications

useful to design an efficient NDE system, which uses National Instruments unit running under LabVIEW
modefrequency combinations sensitive to given has been assembled and programmed to perform laser
defects. A zoom into the low-frequency phase velo- control, data acquisition, processing, and reporting.
city curves is shown in Figure 3, along with the first A laptop is used in conjunction with the PXI unit
five cross-sectional mode shapes at 5 kHz. It can be to form a clientserver Ethernet-linked platform. The
seen that modes m1, m2, and m4 are antisymmetric server (PXI unit) controls the laser operation and the
with respect to the xz plane, while modes m3 and acquisition, processing, and display of the measure-
m5 are symmetric. It can also be seen that some of ments by the air-coupled sensors. Data from a posi-
the modes excite preferably a certain portion of the tioning system are constantly acquired by the server.
rail, either the head or the base. Hence defects located From the serial port (RS-232), the server triggers
at various locations in the rail section can be targeted the laser to start the data acquisition. The ultrasonic
selectively. signals detected by the air-coupled sensors are digi-
Figure 4 shows the displacement mode shapes (x tized through the analog input boards, processed, and
component) for the first four symmetric modes at logged into the server. On the client end (laptop),
high frequency values, around 200 kHz. The character the user is able to start and stop the acquisition,
of these high-frequency modes is that of Rayleigh- adjust the laser power, change the lasing frequency,
surface waves, where the penetration depth is roughly modify the ultrasonic and signal-processing settings,
equal to the wavelength. These surface modes monitor the results in real time, and open a report
in rails were examined in depth in [6]. The plots window.
in Figure 4 were obtained using 1118 triangular The defect detection strategy is based on trans-
elements with a total number of degrees of freedom mission rather than on reflection measurements.
of 1815 (see mesh in the figure). In the transmission mode, a defect is detected by
The laser/air-coupled system presented in the monitoring the attenuation of the wave as it travels
following sections uses high-frequency, surface-type past the flaw. In its simplest implementation, two air-
waves in the frequency range of 50 kHz to 1 MHz coupled sensors can be used as shown in Figure 5.
of the type shown in Figure 4 to detect transverse In the prototype, a damage index (DI) is calculated
defects in the rail head. in real time as the ratio between certain features of
the signal detected by the sensor closer to the laser
source Fsens 1 , over the same features from the sensor
4 NONCONTACT ULTRASONIC further from the laser source Fsens 2 :
Fsens 1
DI = (5)
4.1 Inspection prototype Fsens 2

The University of California at San Diego (UCSD) If a defect is located in the section of rail between
rail inspection prototype is based on laser excitation the two sensors, Fsens 2 will be smaller than Fsens 1 and
and air-coupled detection. The laser generator is a
Nd:YAG, Q-switched type, lasing at 1064 nm with L1 d L2 Defect
a 10-ns pulse duration. When illuminating the rail
head, it generates broadband symmetric waves of Laser
#1 #2 crack
the type shown in Figure 4. An array of air-coupled pulse
sensors is used to receive the waves. The sensors h S S s
are inclined at an angle of 6 to maximize the
sensitivity to the Rayleigh-type phase velocity owing
to Snells law. The air-coupled sensors are located at Ld
distances larger than 50.8 mm (2 in.) from the top of L
the rail head, thus satisfying the clearance envelope Figure 5. Laser/air-coupled system for detecting trans-
recommended by the railroad industry for inspection verse defects in the rail head (sensor arrangement in the
systems claiming noncontact operation. A portable, transmission mode).
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic Guided Waves 7

the DI will increase compared with its normal, defect- vectors were computed. The reconstructions of the
free value (nominally one). The DI in equation (5) is signal received from both sensor #1 and sensor #2
also expected to increase with increasing defect size. were then processed through the fast-Fourier trans-
form (FFT) and the Hilbert transform (HT). The
following additional features were finally extracted:
4.2 Laboratory tests the peak amplitude and the area below the FFT
frequency spectrum, in addition to the peak and posi-
A number of laboratory tests were conducted on tion of the amplitude of the HT.
52-kg (115-lb) AREMA rail sections donated by Nine different damage conditions, ranging from
San Diego Trolley with simulated surface defects of pristine structure to s = 8.5 mm were monitored.
increasing depths. The results from the laboratory Figure 6 shows a component of the DI vector
tests have been discussed extensively in recent publi- calculated from equation (5) using the variance of
cations [11, 15, 16]. A summary of these is presented the thresholded wavelet coefficients, along with a
here. picture of the defect. Notice that for these results the
The cracks were simulated by narrow notches that inverse of the relation in equation (5) was used, thus
were machined at depths (s in Figure 5) ranging from DI decreases with increasing defect size. The mean
a minimum of 0.5 mm to a maximum of 8.5 mm, all value of 10 measurements is plotted as a function of
corresponding to a cross-sectional area reduction of the crack depth and the extension of the vertical line
the rail head (% Head Area (HA) reduction) below is equal to 2 SD. The monotonic decrease in the DI
20%. with increasing defect size shows the potential for
The ultrasonic signals were acquired at a 5-MHz crack sizing.
sampling rate from 10 laser pulse generations at each The defect sizes were subdivided into three classes
damage condition. DWT processing (Daubechies 10 (classes 1, 2, and 3), corresponding to % HA reduc-
mother wavelet) was applied in real time to the tion in the ranges 01.1% (pristine condition),
raw measurements. The wavelet coefficients at detail 1.59.9%, and 1020%. Each class was coded with
levels 3, 4, and 5 were considered to retain the a two-digit binary number. A feed-forward, back-
frequency band of interest. A transmission DI vector propagation artificial neural network with three layers
was used as a defect indicator. Thresholds equal to was employed. Five of 10 acquisitions for each
70, 50, and 80% of the maximum coefficient ampli- damage condition were used as training data, while
tude of detail levels 3, 4, and 5, respectively, were the remaining data were used as testing data. The
applied in this case. The features of variance, root learning rate and additional momentum were equal
mean square (RMS), peak amplitude, and peak-to- to 0.2 and 0.5, respectively. Figure 7(a) and (b)
peak amplitude of the thresholded wavelet coefficient illustrate, respectively, representative classification

DI (Variance of wavelet coefficients) [sens 2/sens 1]






0 2 4 6 8 10
(a) (b) Crack depth (mm)
Figure 6. (a) A surface-breaking transverse head crack and (b) measured damage index (variance of wavelet coefficients)
as a function of crack depth.
8 Other Applications

95 100
100 1.0
Correctly classified (%)

Inspection reliability
80 Class 1 0.8
Class 2
AREMA recommendations
60 Class 3 0.6 Experimental results

40 0.4

20 10 0.2
0 0 0 0
0 0.0
01.1% 1.59.9% 1020% 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Crack size class (% rail HA reduction) (b) Crack size (% rail HA reduction)
Figure 7. (a) Defect classification performance as a function of size classes; (b) inspection reliability of proposed defect
detection method compared with AREMA standards.

results and a comparison with the AREMA recom-

mendations for rail inspection reliability.
A parametric analysis identified the following four
features providing the best classification performance:
the variance, the RMS, the peak amplitude of the
wavelet coefficient vectors, and the area below the
FFT spectrum of the reconstructions. Classes 1, 2,
and 3 were properly classified in 90, 95, and 100%
of the cases, respectively. Thus all defects larger
than 10% HA reduction were properly classified. The
algorithm gave a total of 10% false positives and only
a total of 5% false negatives.

Figure 8. Laser head (inside black box) and air-coupled

5 FIELD TESTS sensors on cart at the Gettysburg test site.
The first field test of the prototype was conducted in
March 2006 with the technical support of ENSCO, equal to 63 mm (2.5 in.). The sp1 was placed right
Inc. ENSCOs support consisted of the design and above the center of the rail head, whereas the sp2
construction of a cart hosting the prototype elements was placed closer to the rail gauge-side corner. The
and managing the use of the FRAs hy-railer to tow lateral offset between the two pairs was around 19 mm
the cart over the test track. (0.75 in.).
A picture of the laser and air-coupled sensors
installed on the cart is shown in Figure 8. The black
metallic box was devised to protect the laser head 5.1 Test site layout
and the optics from accidental impacts and dust; in
addition, the box avoided accidental reflections of the The test site (Figure 10) was located near Gettysburg,
laser beam. PA, and consisted of a dismissed portion of railroad.
The sensor layout used in the field tests is schema- In total, a length of 61 m (200 ft) was tested.
tized in Figure 9. The minimum distance between the A total of six joints were present along the test
first sensor (#1) and the laser was chosen so as to section; some of them created a gap as large as 0.50
avoid the superposition between the air shock and in. between two rail sections. Three, 1.8-m (6-ft) long,
the ultrasound traveling in the rail. Sensors #1 and #3 139-lb AREMA sections with known IDs in the head
formed the first pair, hereafter indicated as sensor pair were inserted in the inspected portion of the rail and
1 (sp1); sensors #2 and #4 formed the sensor pair 2 fixed by joint bars. From ultrasonic hand mapping
(sp2). The sensor liftoff distance h was maintained prior to the tests, the three IDs were determined to
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic Guided Waves 9

5.0 5.0 8.0 2.5
#4 #3 #2 #1

h q h q h q h q

Figure 9. Laser/air-coupled sensor layout for the field tests (dimension in inches; drawing not to scale).

i.e., ultrasound was generated by the laser pulse

irradiating the dry surface of the rail head. In
the other tests, the rail was wetted by using a
water pressure sprayer during the tests. Wetting was
performed to examine the effect of increasing the
ultrasound generation power of the laser under abla-
tive regime.
As representative data, Figures 11 and 12 present
the recordings from tests 1 and 2, respectively. The
results are shown for the portion of the rail between
76 and 120 ft where the IDs and the SCs were
located. Notice that no oblique cuts (OCs) were
present in these runs as these were machined later
in the tests. Each figure displays the DI recorded as
Figure 10. Test site near Gettysburg, PA. a function of position (ft) by the two sensor pairs
and for two different filtering bandwidths, namely,
extend, respectively, for 80, 10, and 40% HA. All IDs (a) high-frequency DI for sensor pair 1 (HF-DI sp1),
were believed to be primarily transverse to the rail (b) low-frequency DI for sensor pair 1 (LF-DI sp1),
running direction. Two surface cuts (SCs) were also (c) high-frequency DI for sensor pair 2 (HF-DI sp2),
machined perpendicular to the rail running direction and (d) low-frequency DI for sensor pair 2 (LF-DI
causing 5 and 2% HA reductions, respectively. Two sp2). The plot (e) is included to ease in the visual-
oblique SCs (45 inclination from the running direc- ization of the position of each of the discontinuities.
tion) were also added, at a size corresponding to about In this plot (e) the joints are placed at ordinate 5, the
3.5% HA. transverse SCs at ordinate 4, the IDs at ordinate 3,
and the flaking at ordinate 1. In the four DI plots,
successfully detected joints (J), SCs, or IDs are high-
5.2 Test results lighted with circles. Since the two sensor pairs and
filtering bandwidths cover complementary regions of
A total of 32 tests were conducted in two days. Some the rail head, a defect should be considered success-
of the tests were performed under dry conditions, fully detected if any of the four DI plots shows an
10 Other Applications

Test 01
35 J
High-frequency sp1

15 J
10 SC J
(a) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
30 J
Low-frequency sp1

20 J J
(b) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
10 J
High-frequency sp2

4 J J
(c) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
Low-frequency sp2

3 J
False positive
(d) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
5 Joint
4 Surface cut
3 Internal defect
1 Flaking
(e) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
Position (ft)
Figure 11. Results of field test no. 1 (J, joint; SC, surface cut; ID, internal defect).

index clearly above the baseline (defect-free) value. relative changes in DI from the baseline value are
For example, Figure 12 shows that all major defects, monitored to detect a potential defect.
with the exception of the third ID, were detected by A probability of detection (POD) was estimated
at least one of the four DI plots. from a total of 30 tests. As discussed earlier, a
The fact that the baseline DI values in Figures 11 defect was considered successfully detected if at least
and 12 are not necessarily those as theoretically one of the four DI (HF-DI sp1, LF-DI sp1, HF-DI
expected from equation (5) is simply due to the sp2, or LF-DI sp2) was activated. The results are
practical impossibility of obtaining exactly the same shown in the histogram in Figure 13. In summary,
sensitivities from the two sensors in each pair. This, it was found that the system performed very well
however, does not constitute a problem since only in detecting the two SCs, two of the three IDs
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic Guided Waves 11

Test 02
30 J
High-frequency sp1

20 J J J
15 ID
(a) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120

25 J
Low-frequency sp1

20 J
15 J J J J
10 ID ID
(b) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120

High-frequency sp2

8 J
6 J
4 ID J
(c) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120

Low-frequency sp2

4 J
(d) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120

5 Joint
4 Surface cut
3 Internal defect
1 Flaking
(e) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120
Position (ft)
Figure 12. Results of field test no. 2 (J, joint; SC, surface cut; ID, internal defect).

(80 and 10% HA), and the second oblique SC. The demonstrated that the 10% HA detectability limit also
detection performance was poor for the third ID applies to internal flaws. It is unclear why ID 3
(40% HA) and the first oblique SC. The fact that (40% HA) was seldom detected. Hand remapping of
the SCs 1 and 2 (5 and 2% HA, respectively) were this flaw is being scheduled to verify its dimensions
successfully detected demonstrated the ability of the prior to the second field test.
system to target defects well below the 10% HA In terms of dry versus wet surface, it was found
limit commonly used by railroad owners to consider that wetting the rail surface increased the POD for
removing the rail from service. The fact that the IDs all defects (with the exception of oblique SC 2). The
1 and 2 (80 and 10% HA) were successfully detected improvement from the water, although significant,
12 Other Applications

Dry rail

Probability of detection (%) 80 Wet rail




SC 1 SC 2 ID 1 ID 2 ID 3 OC 1 OC 2
Figure 13. Probability of detection results obtained during field test under either dry or wet conditions of the rail surface
(SC, surface cut; ID, internal defect; OC, oblique cut).

was not dramatic. In the end, a compromise must be type, whose penetration depth is related to their
struck between the burden of carrying a water supply wavelength. Hence, defect sizing is possible by
and an acceptable level of POD. monitoring different frequency bands of the propa-
The defect discrimination based on detection gating waves.
frequency band was generally successful. The Waves from 50 kHz to 1 MHz range are used in
SCs were predominantly detected by the HF-DIs the prototype, which also employs a pulsed laser and
mostly sensitive to surface features. Similarly, ID 1 air-coupled sensors for noncontact probing of the
was predominantly detected by the LF-DIs mostly rail head. Software has been developed to denoise
sensitive to features deeper inside the rail head. the measurements by DWT processing, and then
Interestingly, ID 2 was primarily detected by the compute a DI based on transmission measurements.
HF-DIs, suggesting that the flaw was very close to The DI is related to the size and the position of trans-
breaking the surface. This hypothesis was confirmed verse defects within the rail head (whether at the
by an independent hand mapping performed on this surface or internal) through its magnitude and asso-
defect prior to the tests. ciated frequency band. Laboratory tests showed that
the prototype yields defect detection reliability for
surface-breaking cracks comparable to or better than
6 CONCLUSIONS industry (AREMA) standards. Field tests also showed
large probabilities of detection for both surface and
This article discusses the topic of guided-wave IDs, with some exceptions. A second field test of an
defect detection in rails, and it presents in partic- improved version of the prototype will be carried out
ular a prototype under development for noncontact to validate the defect detection performance, particu-
testing. Guided waves are excellent candidates for larly at normal testing speeds.
interacting with the dangerous transverse defects
in rails. However, their multimode and dispersive
behavior complicates signal interpretation and inspec- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tion design. A SAFE method is an ideal tool
for modeling these waves because of the lack of This work was performed under research grant
high-frequency (above 6 kHz) theoretical solutions DTFR53-02-G-00011 awarded by the Federal Rail-
for waveguides of arbitrary cross section such as road Administration (FRA) of the US Department of
rails. This modeling was used to generate dispersion Transportation. The authors are grateful to Mahmood
curves, attenuation curves, and mode shapes of 115-lb Fateh, the FRAs Technical Representative, for his
AREMA rails. It was confirmed that high-frequency technical guidance and valuable comments during all
waves (200 kHz) are predominant Rayleigh-wave phases of this research, and to Gary Carr, Senior
Noncontact Rail Monitoring by Ultrasonic Guided Waves 13

Mechanical Engineer of ENSCO during the field tests, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation International
and now FRAs Chief of Track Research Division, 2005 38:325334.
for providing technical and logistic support during [11] Lanza di Scalea F, Bartoli I, Rizzo P, Fateh M.
the prototype assembling and field testing. High-speed defect detection in rails by non-
contact guided ultrasonic testing. Journal of
the Transportation Research Board, Transportation
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for future developments. Nondestructive Testing and defects in the railhead using ultrasonic surface waves.
Evaluation International 2004 37:111118. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation International
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Testing: Columbus, OH, 2007, pp. 916. discrete wavelet transform. Materials Evaluation
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Condition Monitoring 2003 45:413420. sonic inspection of rails and signal processing
[5] Cawley P, Lowe MJS, Alleyne D, Pavlakovic B, for automatic defect detection and classification.
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2003 61:6674. [16] Rizzo P, Lanza di Scalea F. Wavelet-based unsu-
[6] Hesse D, Cawley P. Surface wave modes in rails. pervised and supervised learning algorithms for
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[7] Rose JL, Avioli MJ, Mudge P, Sanderson R. Guided
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[8] Rose JL, Avioli MJ, Song WJ. Application and
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Non-destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Modeling wave propagation in damped waveguides
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to the long-range defect detection in railroad tracks. Society of America 2001 110:186196.
Chapter 21
Signal Processing for Damage Detection
Wieslaw J. Staszewski and Keith Worden
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

lifetime of the structure; monitoring is the process

1 Introduction 1 of diagnosis and prognosis, and damage is a mate-
2 Measurements and Data Acquisition 3 rial, structural, or functional failure. Also, in this
context, structural integrity is the boundary condition
3 Data Preprocessing 3
between safety and failure of engineering components
4 Feature Extraction, Selection, and structures.
and Compression 3
SHM, damage detection/monitoring, and nonde-
5 Pattern Recognition and Machine structive testing (NDT) are often used interchange-
Learning 5 ably to describe the process of nondestructively
6 Reliability and Statistical Analysis 6 evaluating the structural condition. However, only
7 Uncertainties and Information Gaps 7 SHM defines the entire process of implementing
8 Summary 7 a strategy, which includes the five most important
References 7 identification elements (or levels). These are [1];
detection, classification, localization, assessment, and
prognosis, as illustrated in Figure 1. In this context,
detection gives a qualitative indication that damage
might be present, classification gives information
1 INTRODUCTION about the damage type, localization gives information
about the probable position of damage, assessment
Structural health monitoring (SHM) has become an estimates the severity of damage, and finally prog-
important element of all maintenance activities in nosis estimates the residual structural life. All these
operation of aerospace, mechanical, and civil infras- elements require various levels of data, signal, and/or
tructures. Damage, health, and monitoring of struc- information processing. What distinguishes SHM
tures can be described using various definitions. In from NDT is the global and on-line implementation of
general, health is the ability to function/perform and various damage-detection technologies, which require
maintain the structural integrity throughout the entire periodically spaced measurements (or observations),
as accurately pointed out in [2]. This process of
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by on-line implementation needs more advanced signal
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 processing for reliable damage detection than clas-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. sical NDT techniques.
2 Signal Processing

Detection Prediction

Classification Assessment

Figure 1. Damage identification levels in SHM.

Most SHM methods can be classified into model- in damage detection [3, 4]. Figure 2 shows exam-
based and signal-based (data-based) approaches. ples of advanced methods and techniques developed
Vibration-based methods often utilize physical and/or over many years of research investigations. Some
modal parameters, obtained from physical models, of these methods are well established and widely
for damage detection. Models are also essential used, whereas others are more advanced and recently
when loads are monitored to obtain information developed. There are six major areas where signal
about structural usage. Signal-based methods rely processing has an important role to play in SHM.
on various types of direct measurements such as These are as follows:
noise, vibration, ultrasound, and temperature. Both
model-based and signal-based approaches require measurements and data acquisition;
signal-processing techniques, the former to develop data preprocessing;
appropriate models and to analyze changes in these feature extraction, selection, and compression;
models that are relevant to damage, and the latter to pattern recognition and machine learning;
extract features and establish a relationship between reliability and statistical analysis;
these features and possible damage. uncertainties and information gaps.
In summary, it appears that signal processing is
essential for implementation of any SHM system. All these elements are briefly discussed below and
There exist various signal-processing techniques that relevant references are given to subsequent articles in
are currently used and are considered for application the Encyclopedia for more reading.

Novelty detection Learning

Neural networks Neural networks
Kernel density support vector machines
Gaussian mixture models fuzzy logic

Time-variant analysis Pattern recognition

Signal processing
Timefrequency methods tools Statistical syntactic
wavelet analysis neural networks

Clustering and visualization Combinatorial optimization

Genetic algorithms simulation
Principal components annealing ant colony
Sammon mapping cellular automata
Swarm intelligence
Figure 2. Selection of advanced signal-processing tools used for damage detection.
Signal Processing for Damage Detection 3

2 MEASUREMENTS AND DATA the data can be reduced by local and/or global aver-
aging, smoothing, and denoising procedures. Filtering
ACQUISITION removes certain parts of the data within specific
frequency ranges. The operations can be performed in
Various types of signals can be used for health
the time, frequency, or spatial domains. Some filters
monitoring, as illustrated throughout different sect-
can be used for smoothing and denoising. Resampling
ions of this encyclopedia. Measurements are perform-
is used to reduce the frequency range of the acquired
ed using contact and noncontact approaches, which
data. Finally, bad-quality data can be rejected before
require selecting the number and locations of mea-
or even after preprocessing on the basis of indi-
suring points. Signal processing can be used to
vidual experience and judgments and may be due
enhance this selection process. Numerous optimiza-
to, for example, loose sensor mounting, poor connec-
tion techniques have been developed for optimal
tions, failure of acquisition hardware, or human error.
sensor location. This includes classical optimization
Signals that are far from expected observations are
techniques and various combinatorial approaches, as
often called outliers. Outliers can often be eliminated
illustrated in Optimization Techniques for Damage
using standard statistical analysis.
Detection. The information content of features can be
A variety of different signal preprocessing methods
also used for assessing different types of sensors, their
are illustrated in Figure 3. More details related to
performance regarding required features, and their
different procedures can be found in Data Prepro-
location regarding desired information, as discussed
cessing for Damage Detection.
in Sensor Placement Optimization.
A number of measures have been developed to
assess informativeness. For example, mutual infor- 4 FEATURE EXTRACTION,
mation, based on Shannon entropy, can reduce the
dimensionality of the space by eliminating sensors SELECTION,
(or locations of sensors) with low information content AND COMPRESSION
or with high redundancy with respect to other
sensors. Time histories acquired from sensors are very rarely
used for damage detection. Most health monitoring
techniques are indirect methods; in other words,
3 DATA PREPROCESSING measurements used in the form of different types
of signals need to be transformed into features that
Once data from various sensors are acquired (and can indicate possible damage. Various approaches can
optionally stored), preprocessing is the first impor- then be used. Trending analysis employing different
tant element of the entire signal-processing analysis. parametersoften called damage indices can be
It involves two major operations, namely, normaliza- applied. The value of damage index is then plotted
tion and cleansing. The former is required to simplify against lifetime to reveal gradual degradation. The
and present the data collected under varying condi- maximum amplitude of Lamb wave response plotted
tions to separate effects related to possible damage against fatigue cycles is an example. Alternatively,
from operational and environmental conditions. The time histories are mapped directly into patterns
latter involves (i) various procedures to remove unde- describing various damage conditions. For example,
sired features from data such as trends or noise; strain, widely used in many engineering applications,
(ii) filtering and resampling; and (iii) selection proce- needs to be mapped into loads in order to obtain infor-
dures that either accept or reject data before further mation about usage. Often sets of features in both
analysis is performed. approaches are compared with baseline measurements
Trends show unwanted temporal relationships in representing the no-damage condition.
the data. Trend analysis and removal requires some Various features can be used to indicate damage.
kind of model of the data. Noise is unwanted, a Features are any parameters extracted from the
meaningless spectral part of the data, which does not measurements through signal processing. There exist
carry any desired information. It is usually associ- different types of features used for damage detec-
ated with higher frequencies. The level of noise in tion. Dimensionality of the features and complexity
4 Signal Processing

Data Data selection



Resampling Removal of undesired Filtering


Detrending Averaging Smoothing

Denoising Filtering

Figure 3. Data preprocessing procedures used for damage detection.

of signal processing decide the possible applications. in Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM. A
Simple features, such as statistical parameters (e.g., variant on the spectrumthe cepstrum (see
maximum value, average value, root-mean-square Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis)
level, and kurtosis), can be used to detect severe has been applied successfully in the context
damage. However, information for early detection of of condition monitoring and may prove to
incipient or small damage severity requires advanced be of value for SHM. This is discussed in
signal-processing procedures. Such procedures often Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis.
result in simple one-dimensional characteristics (e.g., Higher order spectral analysis can reveal various
set of principal components) or lead to more complex, nonlinear interactions in data that prove to be of
multidimensional representations (e.g., timescale value in indicating damage (see Higher Order
wavelet plots). In general, the choice of features is Statistical Signal Processing). Instantaneous phase
a trade-off between computational feasibility asso- and amplitude characteristics are often useful and
ciated with low-level features and extensive signal can be obtained using the Hilbert transform, as
processing required for high-level features. discussed in Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instan-
Feature extraction, selection, and compression has taneous Phase, and Frequency. The combination of
received considerable attention in signal-processing the Hilbert transform with so-called empirical mode
research related to damage detection and has led to decomposition has led to the HilbertHuang trans-
many different techniques and approaches. Sensor form, which has applications in nonstationary signals
measurements can be analyzed in the time, frequency, (see Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang
combined timefrequency, and spatial domains. Transform). The analysis of nonstationary signals, in
Various statistical parameters (e.g., mean and maxi- general, requires specific techniques that go beyond
mum value) and probability distributions can be the classical Fourier approach. There have been major
used to analyze signal amplitudes. Time histo- developments in the area of timevariant analysis
ries can be also analyzed using discrete-time over the past 20 years. Currently, there exist many
models. Time-domain measurements are often different methods, which can be classified into two
transformed to another domain; various linear major groups, i.e., those based on timefrequency
and nonlinear transformations are used in prac- analysis (see Timefrequency Analysis) and those
tice. Spectral analysis can be applied to obtain based on timescale analysis, as discussed in Wavelet
frequency content of analyzed signals, as shown Analysis. The latter approach leads to wavelet
Signal Processing for Damage Detection 5

analysis, which has received major attention in recent the N-dimensional data into a two-dimensional
mathematical and signal-processing developments. (2-D) space preserving all interpoint distances, i.e.,
Various procedures have been developed for the anal- two samples that are close to each other in the original
ysis of nonlinear systems (see Nonlinear Features space remain close in the new space. The objec-
for SHM Applications). Altogether, transformation tive is to reveal the underlying structure of the data
of data can not only reveal specific characteris- preserving the original topology. The general problem
tics/features related to damage but can also lead of dimensionality reduction is discussed in the context
to data reduction and preferable statistical proper- of SHM in Dimensionality Reduction Using Linear
ties/parameters. and Nonlinear Transformation.
Transformed signals are often inappropriate for Dimensionality reduction can be also achieved
analysis owing to redundancy or high degree of corre- using data compression. Recent developments in this
lation. Additionally, such analysis does not neces- area include applications of wavelets. The wavelet
sarily lead to reduced dimensionality. There exist transform can give a compression basis, which is
different procedures that are used to deal with this independent of the data set, and can reveal local
problem. Altogether these procedures condense infor- temporal correlations in the data.
mation, i.e., combine existing features into new
features, select subsets of features, and map signals
(features) into smaller sets of features or compress 5 PATTERN RECOGNITION
signals (features). AND MACHINE LEARNING
A number of measures have been developed to
assess the informativeness of features. Mutual infor- Time histories obtained through various measure-
mation, based on entropy, is an example. The method ments and features, which result from signal process-
based on Fishers linear discriminant performs an ing, form data sets that can be seen as patterns. This
optimal linear dimensionality reduction based on the leads to damage detection based on pattern recogni-
magnitude of the discriminant vector. It leads to tion. Patterns are continuous, discrete or binary, or
maximum class separation in the output space. The combined variables, which are formed in vector or
classification binary tree uses a binary decision tree matrix notation. In a damage detection approach, the
based on KolmogorovSmirnov minimization crite- assumption is that patterns represent different damage
rion of the Bayesian probability. The goodness of conditions. Various pattern-recognition techniques
features for damage identification can also be esti- can be used to indicate whether a structure is undam-
mated on the basis of the Fisher information matrix. aged or damaged and then to assess the severity
This matrix is the inverse of the covariance matrix of possible deterioration. Classical approaches to
associated with the analyzed features. Maximizing pattern recognition can be categorized as statistical
the trace or determinant and minimizing the condi- and syntactic methods. Syntactic pattern recognition
tion number of the Fisher information matrix corre- classifies data according to its structural description,
sponds to the process of feature selection. Applica- whereas statistical pattern recognition (SPR) assigns
tions of this principle can be found in the section features to different classes using statistical density
on sensor optimization (see Sensor Placement Opti- functions. Applications of structural pattern recogni-
mization). tion to SHM vary and SPR is the general approach as
Mapping techniques are capable of reducing the discussed in Statistical Pattern Recognition. Recent
point dimensionality of data. Principal component advancements in pattern recognition include applica-
analysis (PCA) is one of the most commonly used tions of artificial neural networks (ANN), which have
linear techniques for dimensionality reduction. PCA proved fruitful in the context of SHM as described in
is a classical multivariate statistics technique that Artificial Neural Networks.
maps the original data to a space of reduced dimen- Pattern recognition itself forms a subdiscipline
sion using a linear transformation. The procedure of the broader field of machine learning, which is
seeks to retain the variance in the analyzed data as currently receiving considerable attention for SHM,
much as possible. Sammon mapping is a nonlinear and Machine Learning Techniques gives a brief
equivalent of the PCA technique. The method projects overview of the field. The discipline of machine
6 Signal Processing

learning is characterized by the fact that computa- of approaches to novelty detection are discussed in
tional rules are inferred or learned on the basis of Novelty Detection.
observational evidence. This contrasts with the clas- A powerful approach to the handling of disparate
sical view of computation where the algorithmic sources of information is given by the class of
rules are imposed in the form of a sequence of seri- data fusion algorithms. Data fusion can operate at
ally enacted instructions. It is sometimes stated that a number of levels within the SHM context. At a
learning theory is designed to address three main basic level, one can use the methodology to combine
problems [5]: features into finer features for diagnostics. At a higher
level, fusion can be used to combine the results of
Classification, i.e., the association of a class or set disparate classifiers in order to refine the decision
label with a set or vector of measured quantities. process. The basic methodology of data fusion is
The set of observations may be sparse and/or described in Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from
noisy. This is very often applied in the context of the Sensor Network.
damage location, where the structure of interest
is divided into a number of substructures and a
class label is assigned to each. 6 RELIABILITY
Regression, i.e., the construction of a map AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
between a group of continuous input variables
and a continuous output variable on the basis One of the basic problems in SHM is the
of a set of (again, potentially noisy) samples. fact that many of the quantities of interest for
This can also be used in damage localization by diagnosing damage as well as the damage states
attempting to predict the real-valued coordinates themselves are often random variables. This means
of the damage; it can also be used for the problem that the appropriate analysis is usually within a
of severity assessment. probabilistic context. At the lowest level, even
Density estimation, i.e., the estimation of the models constructed for model-based diagnosis
probability density functions from samples of will have to incorporate random variables in
measured data. This is one of the approaches the form of unmeasured effects like noise and
to damage detection via novelty detection as environmental variations. Statistical analysis has
discussed below. developed a number of very powerful techniques for
building models under uncertain circumstances and
A further division of learning algorithms may be some of the foremost approaches are discussed in
made between unsupervised and supervised learning. Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for
The former is concerned with characterizing a set on Change and Damage Detection.
the basis of measurements and perhaps determining A major problem is that the features extracted
underlying structure. The latter requires examples from measured data to accomplish diagnosis are
of input and output data for a postulated relation- also random variables. This means that classifier
ship so that associations might be learnt and errors design is best carried out within a principled statis-
corrected. This approach presents serious problems tical framework like SPR as discussed above (see
in the SHM context as it is very rarely possible to Statistical Pattern Recognition). SPR is able to
acquire sufficient data covering the various possible accommodate the fact that classes will sometimes
damage states. Although it is not universally so, overlap, i.e., there will be situations where a given
regression and classification problems usually require set of features may or may not indicate damage. SPR
supervised learning, while density estimation can allows one to assign a probability to the diagnosis
be conducted in an unsupervised framework. In and this is critical when one needs to make a decision
general, novelty detection can be carried out in on the basis of the diagnosis. In the case of regres-
an unsupervised context. This is the basic process sion analysis, a principled statistical approach allows
of distinguishing data from data measured in the one to assign a confidence interval or error band to
normal condition of the structure of interest and a prediction and, again, this can prove invaluable in
thus serves as a method of detection. A number the decision process.
Signal Processing for Damage Detection 7

7 UNCERTAINTIES number of the alternative uncertainty theories are

described in the context of SHM in Uncertainty
AND INFORMATION GAPS Analysis, which also presents case study material.
There are essentially two types of uncertainty in
general. The first is aleatory or irreducible uncer-
tainty. This is the type of uncertainty associated 8 SUMMARY
with, for example, the microscopic variation of mate-
Whatever the specialism of the SHM researcher or
rial properties within a structure. The uncertainty
practitioner, few would argue that signal processing
may be characterized by a probability distribution
is a crucial ingredient in the SHM process and will be
and is irreducible to the extent that there exists no
a vital ingredient in moving SHM from the research
possible program of experimentation that can reduce
laboratory to everyday maintenance practice. The
the uncertainty, e.g., to allow better prediction of
object of the article here is to present the basic facts
the pointwise value of a material property. Another
regarding signal processing as applied in the context
source of aleatory uncertainty is in the predicted
of SHM. While much of the material is textbook
future loading of a given structure or component.
in terms of its basic development, it is included
Both these examples of uncertainty present problems
here so that the reader can see it exposed in the
in terms of damage prognosis or level five of the
damage identification context. Other materials will
damage identification hierarchy. At the lower levels
certainly be unfamiliar as it is only very recently
of damage identification like localization, the uncer-
beginning to penetrate the SHM literature. Overall,
tainty is partly addressed by adopting a principled
this article is intended to be exhaustive only in the
framework like SPR. The second type of uncertainty
sense of introducing relevant technologies; however,
is epistemic or reducible uncertainty. In this case, the references within each section are intended to
the uncertainty is caused by a lack of knowledge, provide comprehensive guidance for further reading
which could potentially be acquired by, say, more at greater depth.
careful modeling or by experimental campaign. The
precision limits of instrumentation are a potential
cause of epistemic uncertainty as it may be possible
to acquire more precise instrumentation. It is clear
that SHM damage identification will potentially suffer [1] Rytter A. Vibration Based Inspection of Civil Engi-
from the presence of both flavors of uncertainty and neering Structures, Ph.D. Thesis. Department of
this must somehow be accommodated within the data- Building Technology and Structural Engineering,
to-decision process, which leads from measurements University of Aalborg: Denmark, Aalborg, 1993.
to a decision. [2] Adams DE. Health Monitoring of Structural Materials
The problem of uncertainty is sometimes only opti- and Components. John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
mally addressed in the probabilistic context on the [3] Staszewski WJ, Worden K. Signal processing for
assumption that certain a priori information is avail- damage detection. In Health Monitoring for Aerospace
able. Where such information is not available, an Structures, Staszewski WJ, Boller C, Tomlinson GR
information gap or ignorance occurs and it may be (eds). John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
that probability theory is suboptimal. A number of [4] Worden K, Staszewski WJ. Data fusion the role of
other uncertainty frameworks are available, which signal processing for smart structures and systems.
offer the possibility of accommodating ignorance in In Smart Technologies, Worden K, Bullough WA,
a potentially more conservative manner than prob- Haywood J (eds). World Scientific, 2003.
ability theory. It is useful to have such techniques [5] Cherkassky V, Mulier F. Learning from Data,
available for SHM analysis as there are many sources Concepts, Theory and Methods. Wiley Interscience,
of uncertainty in the data-to-decision process. A 1998.
Chapter 22
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection
Andrew Halfpenny
nCode International Ltd., Innovation Technology Centre, Rotherham, UK

as voltage, current, charge, or resistance. Examples

1 Introductionthe Signal Path and the include strainconverted to electrical resistance, or
Source of Measurement Errors 1 temperatureconverted to electrical voltage (also
2 SHM System ErrorsCalibration see Section 14 in the encyclopedia).
and System Faults 3 The signal conditioning unit takes the low-level
electrical signal and conditions it ready for anal-
3 Signal Noise 9
ysis. Typical conditioning steps include amplifying,
4 Noise in Rotating Machinery 16 filtering, and any necessary conversion of current,
5 Conclusion 18 charge, resistance, or pulse frequency to an analog
References 19 voltage.
The analog-to-digital converter (ADC ) takes the
amplified analog signal from the signal conditioning
unit and converts it to a digital form suitable for
1 INTRODUCTIONTHE SIGNAL computer-based analysis. This is a two-stage process.
The ADC first samples the stream of continuous
PATH AND THE SOURCE OF analog data selecting discrete values from the stream
MEASUREMENT ERRORS at periodic intervals. This stage is called sampling and
the frequency at which samples are taken is called the
Measurement errors and erroneous noise are intro- sample rate. In the second stage, the discrete analog
duced along the signal path between the measure- values are converted to a digital representation. This
ment transducer and the structural health monitoring is referred to as digitization or quantization.
(SHM) processor. A typical signal path for SHM In smaller SHM systems, the ADC converter is
measurement data is illustrated in Figure 1. often integrated in the SHM processor unit and
A transducer or sensor takes a physically sensors are connected directly to the unit. However,
measurable quantity such as strain or temperature in larger systems, this arrangement is impractical due
and converts it to an electrical signal that can be to the number of analog cables required to connect
processed. The electrical signal is usually expressed all the transducers, and also the effect of electrical
interference on low-level analog signals. A digital
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by communication network requires only one cable and
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 is far more tolerant of electrical interference. Several
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. digital communication standards are commonly used
2 Signal Processing

more suitable for longer distances and can replace the

sensor wired network. Proprietary remote wireless telemetry
systems are also common.
A good account of sensor technology and digital
communication systems used in automotive engi-
neering is presented by Hillier et al. [2] and also
Bosch [3].
The SHM processor unit collates data from each
sensor and performs the damage-detection analysis.
ADC This is usually done by a digital computer or,
converter in some smaller SHM systems, a digital signal
processor (DSP) or field-programmable gate array
Other sensors

(FPGA). A good review of the various technologies

is given in [4]. Data is often stored by the SHM
network processor for off-line analysis; this is known as data
controller logging. Before performing the damage calculation,
the SHM processor must validate all the measured
data to ensure that errors and noise are adequately
suppressed. Most cases of false damage detection are
Communication bus
attributable to errors and noise in the measurement
data. In this article, we are particularly interested in
network the types of noise and error present in the data, and
controller we investigate methods of detection and cleansing.
The article is concerned with the following errors:

System errorscalibration and system faults

processor frequency sampling errorsamplitude atten-
uation, aliasing, phase lag, and downsampling
Figure 1. The signal path.
quantization error, overflow error, and under-
flow error
for SHM and are discussed in [1]. The controller calibration errorspolarity, gain, offset, and
area network (CAN) and Ethernet systems are most linearity
commonly used for wired networking although others signal clipping, saturation, and dropout errors
can be found. The CAN is preferred over short transmission lag and asynchronous channel
distances in very noisy conditions such as engines phase lag
and electromechanical machinery. Ethernet is more
common for larger networks in less noisy conditions. Signal noise
Both standards divide the data into small packets,
which are transmitted along the cable. The packets Gaussian noise, tonal noise, and ac power-line
are received by other nodes on the network and interference
reassembled to represent the original signal. They transducer resonance and mounting resonance
are known as asynchronous communication because inductive coupling, capacitive coupling, and
each sensor samples, digitizes, and transmits its signal ground loops
independently, so data points in one channel are not low-frequency signal drift
sampled simultaneously with data points in another. signal spikes
Wireless networking standards are also common and Noise in rotating machinery
include Bluetooth and WiFi. Bluetooth is most
commonly used for short range (<10 m) commu- pulse-transducer errorsrunt pulse and pulse
nication between remote sensors, whereas WiFi is spike
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 3

Gaussian noise in rotating machinery vehicle, then most of the vibration energy is in the
order analysis of rotating machinery. very low frequency range (typically 035 Hz). There-
fore, in this case, we are not interested in the higher
frequency ranges. According to the NyquistShannon
2 SHM SYSTEM sampling theory [5, 6], we need to set a sample rate
ERRORSCALIBRATION of at least twice the desired frequency range. In our
example, we therefore require a sample rate of at least
AND SYSTEM FAULTS 70 Hz. Although the NyquistShannon theory does
provide sufficient data for assessing the frequency
In this section, we look at errors associated with
content of the data, it is not adequate for representing
system configuration and describe how these can be
the true amplitude.
detected and avoided. It is important to eliminate
these errors because they will affect the SHM anal- Amplitude attenuation errors occur when there are
ysis. We cover the following errors: insufficient samples to adequately define the peaks
and troughs in the signal. Consider the simple time
1. frequency sampling errorsamplitude attenua- signal illustrated in Figure 2(a). This signal is made
tion, aliasing, phase lag, and downsampling; by summing two sinusoidal waves of similar ampli-
2. quantization error, overflow error, and underflow tude: the first has a frequency of 5 Hz and the second
error; 35 Hz. If the signal were sampled at only 75 Hz as
3. calibration errorspolarity, gain, offset, and in Figure 2(b), we see that the amplitude peaks are
linearity; not captured by the digitized signal. Amplitude atten-
4. signal clipping, saturation, and dropout errors; uation errors are reduced significantly by increasing
5. transmission lag and asynchronous channel the sample rate to 510 times the highest frequency
phase lag. component in the measured signal (i.e., 350 Hz). This
ensures an adequate representation of the peaks and
troughs as illustrated in Figure 2(a).
2.1 Frequency sampling Aliasing errors are illustrated in Figure 2(c) and
errorsamplitude attenuation, (d). According to the NyquistShannon sampling
aliasing, phase lag, theory, the maximum frequency range contained in
and downsampling a sampled signal is equal to half its sample rate. This
is commonly referred to as the Nyquist frequency. The
Frequency sampling occurs at the ADC stage. The Nyquist frequency is the highest frequency we can see
ADC converter periodically samples a continuous in a sampled signal. A question therefore arises, when
stream of analog data and then digitizes each sampled we sample a continuous stream of data at a given
value. The rate at which the analog signal is sampled sample rate, what happens to frequencies, which
is called the sample rate and is expressed in hertz exceed the Nyquist frequency? This effect is called
(i.e., samples per second). Selecting a very high aliasing and the higher frequencies are effectively
sample rate ensures a good approximation to the reflected back into the lower frequency data causing
analog signal; however, the quantity of data collected undesirable and erroneous noise. Figure 2(c) and (d)
can quickly swamp the communication network or illustrate the effect of aliasing. In Figure 2(c), the
the SHM processor and quickly fill the available signal is sampled at 70 Hz, so the Nyquist frequency
memory if data logging is required. Conversely, coincides with the high-frequency sine wave (35 Hz)
setting a low value can introduce several serious and, consequently, the digitized points miss the 35-Hz
and irrecoverable errors in the signal. It is therefore wave completely. In Figure 2(d), the high-frequency
important to establish an appropriate sample rate and sine wave (35 Hz) is sampled at only 60 Hz. This
provide means to avoiding errors. gives a Nyquist frequency of only 30 Hz, so the 35 Hz
To establish an ideal sample rate, we should first wave is reflected back in the low-frequency region
look at the process being measured and the anal- causing a false wave at 25 Hz. This is also illustrated
ysis required. For example, if we are concerned with in the frequency domain by showing a plot of the
damage accumulation on the chassis of a ground amplitude versus frequency. In this plot, we see, more
4 Signal Processing

Time signal comprising two superimposed sine Frequency spectrum of

waves of frequency 10 Hz and 35 Hz, respectively. sampled data

5 35
(a) Time Frequency

5 35
(b) Time Frequency

5 35
(c) Time Frequency

5 25 35
(d) Time Frequency
Figure 2. Illustration of amplitude attenuation and aliasing. (a) Data is sampled at 350 Hz (i.e., 10 times maximum
frequency) and shows good amplitude and frequency resolution. (b) Data is sampled at 75 Hz; therefore, the Nyquist
frequency is 75/2 = 37.5 Hz. The sampled data therefore shows adequate frequency, but very poor amplitude definition
around the peaks. (c) Data is sampled at 70 Hz with a Nyquist frequency equal to the 35 Hz sine wave. The sampled data
only shows the 10-Hz component and misses the 35 Hz wave. (d) Data is sampled at 60 Hz therefore the Nyquist frequency
is 30 Hz. The 35-Hz wave is now reflected causing an erroneous sine component of 25 Hz.

clearly, how the high-frequency data is reflected back are several commonly used hardware filters available
to corrupt the low-frequency signal. including Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filters.
Aliasing errors cannot be corrected after the ADC More information on data acquisition and hardware
stage and are very difficult to detect from the digitized filtering is given in [7].
data. It is, therefore, very important to filter out all
frequencies greater than the Nyquist frequency in the Phase lag
analog signal before the ADC sampling stage. This Antialiasing filters often introduce a phase lag bet-
is accomplished using a hardware antialiasing filter. ween the input signal and the filtered output. The
This filter uses an analog electronic circuit that allows extent of differential phase lag between channels is
low frequencies to pass while higher frequencies are an important concern when developing SHM damage
attenuated. It is known as a low-pass filter. There algorithms. For example, if we wanted to calculate
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 5

the torque in an electric motor by dividing the power 2.2 Quantization error, overflow error,
by the speed, differential phase lag between the and underflow error
two channels could introduce errors in the calcu-
lated values. It is, therefore, important to maintain Quantization errors (or rounding errors) occur at the
relative phase between channels by using the same ADC stage when the analog signal is converted to a
antialiasing filter configuration. This implies using digital representation of ones and zeros. Quantization
the same sampling rate for all measured channels. is the process of approximating a continuous range
In many SHM systems, this is not practical and so of analog values to a small set of discrete values.
phase errors are likely to occur (Section 2.5). The quantization error is the difference between the
true analog value and the approximated (or rounded)
Downsampling errors digital value. The effect is illustrated in Figure 3.
Very often it is necessary that we further down- The straight line in Figure 3 represents the true
sample the digitized data on the SHM unit to relationship between voltage measured at the trans-
improve data storage or calculation efficiency. All ducer and, in this example, the calibrated acceleration
of the errors discussed above are equally appli- response. However, the ADC converts this into a
cable when downsampling digitized data. We must, digital representation. The quality of this represen-
first of all, filter the data using a low-pass filter tation is governed by the number of bits used. If an
and then resample the filtered signal. In the case 8 bit representation is used over an acceleration range
of software filtering, it is common to use Fourier 50g, then the maximum quantization resolution is
transformbased filters, or Butterworth, or Cheby- given by equation (1).
shev time-domain filters. In the latter case, we often
eliminate phase-lag errors by applying a two-pass 100g
approach. The first filter introduces a phase lag as Quantisation resolution = = 0.391g (1)
we discussed earlier, so during the second stage we
pass the filtered data back through the filter in reverse In this case, the SHM configuration is unable to
order. This gives an equal and opposite phase lag, detect any change in acceleration less than 0.391g.
which negates the effect. This two-stage filtering The resolution can be improved by increasing the
process is only possible in software and is not appro- number of bits (12 bit ADC gives 0.024g resolution)
priate for in-line hardware filtering of analog data; it or decreasing the full-scale accelerometer range (5g
is therefore unsuitable for the antialiasing filter. with an 8-bit ADC gives 0.0391g resolution). A

Accelerometer range 50g

2.0 Voltage range 10 V
Gain 50g /10 V = 5g / V

1.5 Quantization resolution:

Number of addressable values by 8-bit representation: 28 = 256
Precision resolution 100g/256 = 0.391g
Output, g


0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11 0.391 = 4.301g
Input voltage

Theoretical analog response

Actual digitized response
Figure 3. The effect of quantization resolution.
6 Signal Processing

Acceleration, g

Acceleration, g

Acceleration, g

0 100 200 300

(a) Time (s) (b) Number of recorded values (c) Number of recorded values
Figure 4. Checking for an adequate quantization resolution. (a) Time signal quantized with 8-bit resolution over a full-scale
range 50g. (b) Histogram of point values with 8-bit resolution. All histogram bins contain data. (c) Histogram of point
values with 12-bit resolution. Many histogram bins contain no data.

process called dithering can also be used prior to 1 00000000

the ADC stage to improve the apparent resolution. 0 11111111
In this case, random noise is added to the analog
signal and the signal is sampled at a much higher
rate than is actually required (oversampling). The This bit is
high-frequency signal is then filtered through a low- truncated
pass filter and downsampled through averaging. This
1001001 01
randomizes the quantization errors and significantly
increases the apparent resolution. A detailed review
of dithering is offered in [8]. These bits are
The quantization resolution should be established truncated
during the design of the SHM system. This error
cannot be properly corrected by digital signal Figure 5. Illustration of overflow and underflow errors.
processing during service operation. Digital filtering (a) Overflow error: bit representation truncated and misses
most significant bits. (b) Underflow error: bit representation
and signal smoothing appear to improve the truncated and misses least significant bits.
resolution, but they merely interpolate between the
values and cannot adequately resolve peak values in
it becomes quite clear from the irregular profile of
the signal.
the amplitude probability distribution function (PDF)
If we are worried about quantization errors, a
and the kurtosis statistic. If the least significant bits
simple histogram of point values can be used. Calcu-
are missed then this is referred to as an underflow
late the histogram of point values using the desired
error and the quantization resolution is significantly
resolution; if all the histogram bins are filled, then
reduced as illustrated in Figure 5(b). Although it is
the quantization resolution is satisfactory; if there are
possible to correct overflow errors, it is very unde-
significant bins containing no points, then the quan-
sirable and so care should be taken when specifying
tization resolution is less than that required. This is
the SHM system to avoid these. It is not possible to
illustrated in Figure 4.
Overflow and underflow errors are also associated correct underflow errors as these lead to quantization
with quantization. These usually occur at the digital error as discussed previously.
communication or the SHM stage when the bit reso-
lution is inadvertently reduced. For example, a 12-bit
value is recoded to 8 bit. If the most significant bits 2.3 Calibration errorspolarity, gain,
are missed, then this is referred to as an overflow error offset, and linearity
and results in the time signal being reflected back
to zero as shown in Figure 5(a). It is often difficult In a well-calibrated system, the digital signal reaching
to identify this error from the time signal; however, the SHM processor is proportional to the physical
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 7

measurement at the sensor. Most individual compo- 2.0

nents along the signal path are calibrated individually,
but very often we prefer to adjust this calibration at 1.5 Gain error
the SHM processor to account for the overall system

Output, g
calibration. 1.0
Polarity is the most simple calibration param-
eter. With the correct polarity, an increasing physical
measurement should correspond with an increasing
digital signal. Although this sounds trivial, it is unfor-
tunately very common to reverse the polarity during
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
installation. One common problem is associated with
poor communication of the axis convention between 2.0
the system designer and those installing the equip-
ment. The error is usually identified during full- 1.5
system calibration testing. Rather than rewiring or
changing the transducer, the effect is more easily 1.0
remedied at the SHM processor by negating the input Offset error
signal (or multiplying the signal by 1.0).
Gain and offset are two factors used to estab-
lish the linear transfer function between input signal
and output in the physical units (e.g., acceleration in
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
g or temperature in K). The simple linear transfer
function is expressed in equation (2). The gain and 2.0
offset values are usually established from the full-
scale range of the transducer. 1.5
Output measurement = (input signal gain) 1.0
+ offset (2)
Nonlinearity errors occur when the transducer
output is not linearly related to the desired measure-
ment parameter. In most cases, this is handled by 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
software at the ADC stage or analog circuitry in Input voltage
the signal conditioning unit. However, it can also Figure 6. Calibration gain, offset, and nonlinearity.
be performed by the SHM processor through simple
arithmetic manipulation. The most common nonlinear 2.4 Signal clipping, saturation, and
calibration is via a look-up table or a calibration curve
that is usually expressed as a polynomial transfer
function as illustrated in equation (3). The effect of
Signal clipping occurs when a measured value exce-
gain, offset, and linearity is illustrated graphically in
eds the full-scale range of the SHM sensor. At this
Figure 6.
point, we are unable to predict the real physical
measurement, so damage diagnosis and prognosis
are impossible. It is not possible to correct these
Output measurement = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + a3 x 3
errors and a change in the hardware configuration
+ + an x n (3) is required. Clipping can also indicate a damaged
component, so it is always important to address
where x is the input voltage and an are the nonlinear clipping errors unless they are attributable to an
coefficients. erroneous data spike (Section 3.5). Clipping can
8 Signal Processing


Figure 7. Illustration of clipped data and signal dropout. (a) Example of clipped data. Although it is difficult to detect
by simply visualizing the whole time signal, it is clearly visible from the amplitude probability density function (PDF) as
peaks at the extreme range. (b) Example of data drop out when the values periodically fall to zero. This can be difficult to
detect from the time signal unless you can zoom in on the problematic area of data; however, it is clearly visible from the
amplitude probability density function (PDF) as an irregular zero amplitude peak.

be detected by monitoring data values exceeding a The most revealing detection is offered by the ampli-
particular threshold amplitude. They are also easily tude PDF as illustrated in Figure 7(b). Dropout is
identified using the amplitude PDF as illustrated in indicated by an irregular zero amplitude peak.
Figure 7(a). The clipped values create a discontinuity Signal dropout can also occur due to digital
in the PDF at the extremities. communication errors such as priority override where
Signal dropout can occur through circuit failure the channel priority is low on a busy communication
or communication failure. In this case, the measured bus. In these cases, the SHM usually logs the time of
channel can read full scale or zero depending on the arriving data packet and can, therefore, asses the
the type of sensor and the configuration. Intermittent last valid data point. Subsequent points usually retain
dropout is usually quite easy to detect as the signal the last valid point.
suddenly changes values (to zero or full scale) and
then just as suddenly reacquires the value. In these
2.5 Transmission lag errors and
cases, it is easy to locate the erroneous segments but
asynchronous channel phase lag
it is impossible to ascertain what the correct values
should have been. Damage detection and prognostic Transmission lag affects data transmitted by asyn-
algorithms are usually designed to be tolerant of chronous packet-based digital communication. Each
these types of error. They usually interpolate between sensor periodically tries to broadcast its data along
the correct data and increase the damage parame- the communication bus. When the data is ready, it
ters proportionally. A fault should be logged when checks to make sure the bus is free. If it is busy,
dropout or saturation becomes too frequent as data then it usually waits for the current transmission to
analysis is unreliable. It can be difficult to determine finish before trying again. When the bus is free,
dropout in data, which spends long periods at zero. the sensor starts to transmit a data packet. The data
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 9

packet usually starts with the senders address. As than the earlier ones. This offers an antialiasing
the address is transmitted, the sender listens to the capability.
bus to see if another channel happened to start trans- If damage-detection algorithms require simulta-
mission at exactly the same instance in time. With an neous values from several channels, then this asyn-
Ethernet-based system, both senders would stop and chronous form of communication can lead to spikes
wait a random period before trying to retransmit. In a and dropout in the derived data. It is, therefore, impor-
CAN-based system, the sender with a lower priority tant that these errors are also detected and cleansed
stops and waits for the higher priority signal to finish before the derived data is used in diagnostic algo-
before trying to transmit again. The lower priority rithms (Sections 3.5 and 2.4).
sensor notices a higher priority channel because it
detects a bit being transmitted in the higher priority
address when it, having a lower priority, contains a 3 SIGNAL NOISE
null bit. This approach to communication is known as In this section, we look at the effect of interference
collision-based and means that there is often a short noise in the signal. We categorize these effects and
delay between the data being read and the packets present signal-processing techniques appropriate for
being received by the SHM processor. Also, the delay denoising the signal. The types of noise considered
is not consistent and data received by each channel is include
not synchronized, i.e., not simultaneously sampled.
To mitigate these transmission errors, the SHM 1. Gaussian noise, tonal noise, and ac power-line
processor usually resamples the channels using a interference
pseudosimultaneous sample and hold function as 2. transducer resonance and mounting resonance
illustrated in Figure 8. 3. inductive coupling, capacitive coupling, and gro-
The sample-and-hold buffer monitors the commu- und loops
nication bus for transmission of the required sensor 4. low-frequency signal drift
channel. This is then held in the buffer awaiting a 5. signal spikes.
request from the trigger to present the value. If the
buffer is not refreshed between triggers, then the
previous value held in the buffer is returned again.
3.1 Gaussian noise, tonal noise, and ac
If the buffer is refreshed several times between trig-
power-line interference
gers, then either the final buffer value is returned or The term noise is generically used to describe an
the value returned is the weighted mean of the values undesirable component within the signal. Noise is
based on recent values having a greater relevance very subjective and depends on what we want to
find from the measured signal. For example, we
Trigger might want to measure the torque on a vehicle
signal drive shaft from the gearbox. In this case, we are
interested in a fairly low frequency signal and we
Communication bus

might consider the higher frequencies as inconve-
nient noise that should be removed. However, if we
were looking for the progressive fretting of gear teeth,
Output then it is the high-frequency signal that is impor-
time tant and the low-frequency components are now the
noise. It is fairly easy to separate frequency-delimited
noise using a simple low-pass or high-pass filter. In
this example, the low-pass filter isolates the torque
Figure 8. Illustration of pseudosimultaneous sample and
hold for nonsynchronous digital communication. Buffers
component, while the high-pass filter isolates the fret-
monitor and store communication signals as they arrive on ting. However, it is much more complicated when the
the bus in an asynchronous fashion. The buffers are then frequencies start to overlap. Figure 9 illustrates the
read simultaneously based on a periodic trigger signal. effect of Gaussian noise on a signal.
10 Signal Processing

Joint timefrequency plot





Time PSD

Measured time signal

Time signal with noise removed

Figure 9. Illustration of Gaussian noise superimposed on an underlying signal.

Gaussian noise is a broadband random noise that 3.1.1 Frequency-delimited noisehigh-pass,

is superimposed on the desired signal. It is represen- low-pass, band-pass, and band-reject
tative of general background noise when no single filters
source is dominant. It is usually assumed to cover
the entire frequency spectrum with constant ampli- When the important signal and the noise occur over
tude and is quantified by the signal-to-noise ratio separate frequency ranges, we can separate one from
(SNR). This is the ratio of the signal power to the the other using simple block filters. In the above
noise power and is usually expressed in decibels as example, we can isolate the torque signal from the
equation (4): high-frequency noise by using a low-pass filter, which
allows only the lower frequencies to pass through
  while the higher frequencies are attenuated. The four
signal power
SNR = 10 log10 (4) common block filters are illustrated in Figure 10. In
noise power practice, it is undesirable to create very steep filters
like these and the attenuation rate is rather lower than
Tonal noise is narrow band and usually determin- the plots suggest. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure
istic in nature. It is representative of a single source an adequate frequency separation between the signal
of harmonic interference. The most common form of and noise. An excellent introduction to digital filters
tonal noise is due to ac power-line interference. is offered by Hamming [9].
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 11

Low pass
Median smoothing involves taking a buffer of
n data points and replacing the midpoint with the
median value of the buffer. The buffer is then
advanced by one point and the process is repeated.
It is a simple and robust filter and is unlikely to be
affected by spurious data points making it ideal for
Frequency (Hz)
spike removal (Section 3.5). However, it does tend
Low High frequencies cut to excessively smooth over some sharp features in
the data and can also give an irregular and stepped
profile to the data. This can cause problems in subse-
High pass
quent analysis and is illustrated in Figure 11(a).
Moving average is similar to median smoothing
except that the midpoint is now replaced with the
mean or the weighted mean of n data points in a
buffer. The weighted mean is often preferred as this
Frequency (Hz)

Low High
frequencies frequencies
cut pass

Band pass

Frequency (Hz)

This band of
pass, all others
are cut
Band reject

Frequency (Hz)

This band of
are cut, all
others pass
Figure 10. Standard block filters.

Frequency filtering offers a fine control on which (b)

frequencies are extracted from the data. A more
Figure 11. The effect of median smoothing and Gaus-
generic approach to removing high-frequency noise
sian-weighted moving averages. (a) Median smoothing on a
and attenuating spikes is also offered by median sample of data containing high-frequency noise and spike.
smoothing, moving average, or the Loess smoothing (b) Gaussian weighted moving average on a sample of data
approach. containing high-frequency noise and spike.
12 Signal Processing

lends bias to the values in the immediate vicinity of drift. By selecting shorter intervals, we can offer an
the point. The most commonly used bias function, equivalent low-pass filter as illustrated in Figure 12.
(also known as kernel ), is the Gaussian distribution
centered on the point of interest. This approach leads
to a smooth data curve that effectively removes high- 3.1.2 Frequency overlapping noise
frequency noise as illustrated in Figure 11(b). It is
very similar in application to a time-domain low- If the frequency of the noise coincides with the under-
pass filter and, in most cases, the low-pass filter is lying signal, then we cannot use the simple block
preferred as it allows the engineer to select the noise- filters discussed earlier. In this case, a wavelet-based
frequency delimitation. approach is preferred. Using an orthogonal wavelet
Loess smoothing is based on fitting a polynomial transform, like the Daubechies D10 wavelet, we can
regression curve through each local region of the represent the measured time signal in the wavelet
data. By choosing a long period, we can successfully domain. We then perform the filtering operations and
isolate low-frequency contributions such as mean inverse transform back to the time domain.
There are two types of wavelet filtering known
as scale thresholding and magnitude thresholding.
Each wavelet scale pertains to a particular range of
frequencies and scale thresholding involves setting
all values in a particular scale to zero. This is
directly analogous to frequency filtering. Magnitude
thresholding involves looking through all the wavelet
coefficients and setting those values below a given
threshold to zero. This allows us to remove low-
energy noise from the signal even though it coincides
with the same frequency as the underlying good data.
There are two approaches to magnitude thresholding
called hard and soft thresholding. Hard thresholding
simply sets the values below the threshold to zero
(a) and leaves the higher values untouched. Soft thresh-
olding again sets the values below threshold to zero
but also reduces the larger values by the threshold
With both methods, it is important to establish a
suitable threshold that extracts noise while leaving
the good signal intact. Determining this threshold
is usually done through trial and error by visually
comparing the filtered signal. Another approach is to
compare the mean square error between the filtered
signal and the original. As the threshold increases,
the mean square error also rises. As we approach the
optimal threshold, we notice a pronounced increase
in the mean square error. A more general approach
is the use of the universal threshold. This offers
a simple and convenient way of estimating a suit-
Figure 12. The effect of Loess smoothing for drift correc- able threshold for most practical applications. The
tion and high-frequency noise attenuation. (a) Loess smoo-
thing over a long time period can be used to identify the
universal threshold is determined using equation (5).
mean drift component in a signal. (b) Loess smoothing over An excellent introduction to wavelet thresholding
a short period can be used for removing high-frequency can be found in Addison [10], while Mallat [11]
noise and attenuating spikes. offers a thorough development of the subject (see
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 13

Wavelet Analysis). interference, then the amplifier will not amplify any
of the interference noise.
U = (2 ln(N ))1/2 (5) Earth looping (ground loop) is where multiple earth
points occur and can be the cause of seemingly
where is the standard deviation of the noise. random drift as both earth points may be at a different
potential. This source of error can be eliminated by
ensuring only a single earth.
3.2 Transducer resonance and mounting Capacitive coupling is caused by capacitance
resonance error between the conductor and nearby power cables
or earth. This type of noise can be reduced by
Transducer resonance occurs when the frequency adequate screening of signals using earthed enclo-
range of loading starts to excite the natural reso- sures and coaxial cabling. Although the screen should
nant frequencies of the transducer or the transducer be earthed, this can give rise to earth loops, so care
mounting assembly. Resonance errors are minimized is required to ensure that cables are earthed at only
by ensuring that the resonant frequencies of the trans- one end.
ducer or mounting assembly are at least three times Channel cross talk is where a signal transmitted
greater than the maximum loading frequency. in one channel has an undesirable effect on another.
It is seldom possible to correct a signal containing This can occur through poor screening. Cross-talk
transducer resonance unless the resonant frequency interference is a mixture of inductive and capacitive
and the damping ratio are known. In some cases, this interference. In most cases, the cross-talk component
can be determined with reference to the measured will be low compared with the required signal and
frequency response function (FRF). Where these are the wavelet-based denoising approach is sufficient to
known, it is possible to construct a Fourier trans- remove the noise component.
formbased filter to reduce the amplitude of the
resonance from the signal.
3.4 Low-frequency signal drift
errorsmean drift and dc drift
3.3 Analog conductor noiseinductive
coupling, capacitive coupling, earth Drift is the term used to describe a signal whose mean
looping (ground looping), and cross level is slowly changing over time as illustrated in
talk Figure 13. Signal drift can occur for many reasons,
such as the differential thermal expansion of a strain
There are three types of noise associated with analog gauge with respect to the component it is measuring,
wiring: inductive coupling, capacitive coupling, and or ground looping.
ground looping. An excellent account of these is Drift is easily detectable by eye and also from
presented by Bolton [12] and Putten [13]. trends in the ensemble mean. It is also often possible
Inductive coupling is caused by a changing current to detect drift using the skewness statistic and
in a nearby circuit causing a magnetic field, which the shape of the amplitude probability distribution.
induces an electromotive force (emf) on the conduc- Mean drift can be easily corrected through frequency
tors in the analog wiring. This type of noise can be filtering, regression analysis, or by using a wavelet-
significantly reduced by using twisted pair cabling. based approach.
The magnetic field induces an opposite emf in each Where the drift frequency is low compared with
loop, which negates the interference effect. Radio the frequency content of the measured signal, we can
interference is also fairly common and can be signif- use a high-pass filter to remove the low-frequency
icantly attenuated by using an Radio Frequency drift component. Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel
suppressor. Differential amplifiers can also be used to filters are all suitable for software implementation.
considerably reduce noise. This is where the required However, they become progressively less suitable as
data is obtained by amplifying the difference between the drift frequency becomes very low (typically less
the two signals. If both signals contain the same than 1% of sample rate), or where there is a significant
14 Signal Processing

originate from communication errors and capacitive

and inductive noise in the analog signal path.
Figure 14 illustrates three cases of spike.

Extreme amplitude spikes

In many cases, a spike will have an extreme ampli-
tude, which approaches full scale. In this case, it is
quite easy to detect and remove the spike. An ampli-
tude threshold is established within which all data is
determined as clean. Points exceeding this threshold
are classified as spikes and are replaced with inter-
polated values based on the adjacent data points.
Figure 13. Illustration of mean drift. Measured strain data The threshold values are easily determined using an
containing very low frequency drift due to differential amplitude PDF as shown in Figure 14(a). This clearly
thermal expansion of the strain gauge. Calculate polynomial differentiates between the range of good data and
regression line though data and subtract to two signals to
recreate the corrected response.
the apparent spikes. The presence of high-amplitude
spikes also affects the kurtosis and crest factor statis-
low-frequency component in the real signal that tics of the data. It is, therefore, possible to monitor
makes it difficult to isolate the drift frequency changes in the ensemble statistics to quickly locate
from that of real data. Fourier-based filtering tech- areas of spikes and then process them using the spike
niques should be avoided because the buffer must be cleansing routine described here. Extreme amplitude
larger than the drift period, which often makes them spikes are very similar to clipping but spikes are
impractical. usually recognized as erroneous data, whereas clip-
For very low frequency drift, it is more appropriate ping is real data.
to fit a statistical regression curve through the data
and then extract the values from the original data as Extreme gradient spikes
illustrated in Figure 13. The Loess smoothing tech- Some spikes do not have an extreme amplitude,
nique is often most suitable in identifying the appro- which is distinguishable from the amplitude PDF
priate regression curve. Loess smoothing is based on used above. In these cases, the spike amplitude is
fitting a polynomial regression curve through each still clearly different from that of the surrounding
local region of the data. By choosing a long period, data; however, it is not outside the amplitude PDF
we can successfully isolate low-frequency drift and of the real data. These are typical of erroneous
then subtract this from the original measured signal. communication packets where the erroneous data is
Wavelet-scale thresholding can also be used to often replaced with a zero value. This is the same
remove the low-frequency drift. Each wavelet scale phenomenon as dropout. In these cases, we can
pertains to a particular range of frequencies and scale usually look at the instantaneous gradient of the data
thresholding involves setting all values in a particular (derivative of the data). Spikes are usually classified
scale to zero. This is directly analogous to frequency by abnormal gradients and can be seen quite clearly
filtering. Wavelet filtering is based on the Fourier from the gradient PDF as illustrated in Figure 14(b).
transform and will require a buffer that is longer than A simple running calculation can be performed to
the period of the drift; this often renders the approach calculate the gradient of each point and identify those
impractical. exceeding the threshold. The spikes are then replaced
with data based on interpolation of the clean data that
surrounds them as before.
3.5 Signal spikes
Running standard deviation
A spike is usually defined as a freak data point This method calculates the standard deviation over
whose amplitude is significantly different from that a short window of data and identifies a spike as
of the immediate surrounding data. Spikes can the point that exceeds a specified multiple of the
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 15



Figure 14. Illustration of spike-detection algorithms. (a) Extreme amplitude spikes: Amplitude of spikes significantly
exceed amplitude of real data. Determine threshold amplitude using amplitude probability distribution. (b) Extreme gradient
spikes: Gradient of spikes significantly exceed gradient of real data. Determine threshold gradient using probability
distribution of gradient. (c) Running standard deviation: Calculated the running standard deviation. A spike is detected
when a value passes through a specified multiple of this value.

standard deviation. The buffer is then advanced by Important note

one point and the standard deviation is recalculated. Data spikes are easily detectable provided that the
In this way, spikes can be identified on the basis data has not been filtered using a low-pass filter or a
of a combination of amplitude and gradient. The smoothing technique beforehand. Low-pass filtering
window varies in length and is often defined by a not only attenuates the amplitude of the spike but
decaying function where neighboring points are most also rescales the adjacent points and consequentially
influential and more distant points are less influential. smooths the signal. The smoothed spike is unde-
A Gaussian kernel function is often used in this tectable using these algorithms and so it is important
application. A problem with this approach occurs to remove spikes prior to using any low-pass filter.
when the signal remains at a constant value for some Although low-pass filtering and smoothing atten-
time: the standard deviation then tends to zero, so uate the spike amplitude, the amplitude can still
any departure from the constant would be falsely incur significant errors in prognostic and diagnostic
identified as a spike. A gate value is then applied, SHM algorithms, especially where damage is expo-
which represents the minimum amplitude change for nentially related to cycle amplitude. It is, therefore,
the spike-detection algorithm. An analogous approach preferable to remove the spike rather than simply
based on the running crest factor might also be used. smoothing it.
16 Signal Processing

4 NOISE IN ROTATING Location tooth

In this section, we look at specific techniques for
removing noise and errors in signals recorded from
rotating machinery. In particular, we consider

1. pulse-transducer errorsrunt pulse and pulse

2. Gaussian noise in rotating machinery
3. order analysis of rotating machinery.

4.1 Pulse-transducer errorsrunt pulse

and pulse spike Hall-effect sensor

Many pulse-train transducers such as Hall-effect and

variable-reluctance transducers are used for rotational
speed and position sensing. These transmit a digital Analog voltage
pulse as a toothed gear approaches and then retreats
from the transducer. The rotational speed can be
determined by either measuring the number of pulses Digital pulse
seen over a fixed period of time, or alternatively by
measuring the time elapsed between two successive
pulses. Where rotational position is also required,
there are several methods of locating the reference
point and these are discussed by Gyorki [7] and
Hillier et al. [2]. A cost-effective and commonly
used approach uses a missing tooth as the reference
Pulse spike
point. A typical system is illustrated in Figure 15.
When rotational direction is also important, a second
transducer can be placed out of phase with the first
one. The phase difference between the two pulse
trains then indicates direction of revolution. This is
known as quadrature position measurement.
When rotation speed is measured by frequency,
i.e., by counting the number of pulses that arrive
in a specified period of time; errors in resolution Runt pulse/
location marker
are caused at low speed when only a few pulses
arrive. For instance, a slowly rotating shaft gives an
average pulse count of 4.5 pulses per period. This
results in 4 pulses in the first period followed by
Figure 15. Illustration of pulse spike and runt pulse errors.
5 in the second, etc. This leads to low resolution
at lower rotational speeds. The resolution problem
is less problematic as the rotational speeds increase. When rotation speed is measured by taking the time
We can improve resolution by increasing the size between successive pulses, a very accurate low-speed
of the window; however, that means a longer time resolution is achievable; however, this is reduced as
period and therefore a reduced time resolution. This is the rotation speed increases and the time between
directly analogous to quantization error (Section 2.2). pulses is shorter. When the pulse rate approaches half
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 17

the clock rate, errors will start to increase. When the the Gaussian noise component. This process is called
pulse rate exceeds half the clock rate, aliasing will time synchronous averaging (TSA).
occur Section 2.1. TSA requires that we simultaneously measure the
A runt pulse is defined as a pulse that is too rotation angle of the machine as well as the actual
small to be detected by the transducer. This is fairly signal required. We can then filter the measured signal
common in exposed sensors where debris can build as follows:
up between the teeth and reduce the pulse definition.
A pulse spike is the opposite problem where a false 1. choose a set of desired rotation angles (e.g., 0, 1,
pulse is detected owing to electrical interference in 2,. . ., 359 );
the system or contact bounce in the signal. 2. interpolate the rotation angle signal to find the
Where speed is measured by counting the number times at which the required angle is encountered;
of pulses passing over a specified period, runt pulses 3. interpolate the measured signal at the times
derived above and extract the values;
and spikes result in a slowly building inaccuracy
4. perform a running average (or median smoo-
that depends on the ratio of erroneous pulses to
thing) on the extracted values to establish the
the average number of pulses counted. When speed
clean signal; and
is measured by counting the time elapsed between
5. increment the angle in step 1 and recalculate steps
successive pulses, the errors result in large and
immediate spikes in the observed speed. In this
case, it is easy to identify and locate the erroneous In many cases, the results in the angle domain from
pulse using the spike-detection methods described step 5 will be suitable for SHM analysis directly;
earlier (Section 3.5). This approach is hampered when however, if we need to reconstruct a constant sample
rotational position is also coded using a missing tooth rate time signal, then we would need to interpo-
because this has the same effect as the runt pulse. It late the filtered values between successive rotation
is, therefore, necessary to differentiate between the angles over the constant sample rate. This stage is
correct position reference and the runt pulse. If this often computationally intensive and care is required
error occurs, then the system will generally require to avoid aliasing errors introduced by resampling the
maintenance. data over a limited set of angles. Assuming that we
want to obtain a new time signal with the same
sample rate as the original time series, the minimum
4.2 Gaussian noise from rotating number of angle increments is determined from equa-
machinerytime synchronous tion (6). We can then downsample the time signal by
averaging low-pass filtering and resampling if required.

Number angle increments >

Many signals measured from rotating machinery
show strong correlation in the angle domain. For Sample Rate
example, suppose we want to measure the cylinder Minimum rotational speed (rps)
pressure in a petrol engine; if we sample the cylinder
pressure at a constant sample rate, we observe the
pressure variations with respect to time along with 4.3 Order analysis from rotating
a superimposed Gaussian noise. However, if we machineryVoldKalman order
consider how the pressure varies over time at only one tracking
particular crank angle, say 10 , we see a much steadier
variation of pressure. The Gaussian noise effectively When we review the measured data recorded off
introduces a symmetric random scatter to the steady complex rotating machinery, we often observe domi-
underlying signal. We can, therefore, remove this nant harmonics of the rotor frequency. For example,
noise by simply averaging the constant angle values. a four-cylinder, four-stroke engine fires twice with
So, for any particular rotation angle, we can compute each rotation of the crank giving a dominant vibration
the running average of the measured values to remove at twice the engine speed. Similarly, the cam turns
18 Signal Processing

Sixth order



Engine speed (rpm)





0 50 100 150 200

Frequency (Hz)

Vibration measured on crank case, g

Engine speed (rpm)

58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96
Time (s)

Figure 16. Rotational order analysis of a four-cylinder, four-stroke engine.

once for every two rotations of the crank and various speed. The VoldKalman order tracking filter is often
pumps may rotate several times. It is often desirable used for this purpose. It is an adaptive band-pass
for SHM analysis to look at trends in the harmonic filter in which the pass-band varies with respect to
response and this is called order analysis. The first the engine speed and the order required.
order is the engine frequency, while the nth order is
defined as n engine speed, where the engine speed is
usually expressed in hertz (or revolutions per second 5 CONCLUSION
(rps)). The vibration response measured on a typical
four-cylinder engine is illustrated in Figure 16. This article has described how measurement errors
In many cases, we are only interested in the signal and noise are introduced to SHM signals between the
pertaining to a particular order and ideally we should transducer and the SHM processor. The errors are
filter out the other frequencies to make any trend in classified in terms of system errorsincluding cali-
the desired order more pronounced. In this case, we bration and system configuration errors and signal
could use a band-pass filter but the filter frequency noise interference along the signal path. It has
must continually change with respect to the engine described the physical cause of the errors and
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection 19

identified how the symptoms can be identified within [5] Nyquist H. Certain topics in telegraph transmission
the signal, using basic signal-processing analysis. theory. AIEE 1928 47:617644, Reprinted IEEE
Wherever possible, algorithms are described, which 2002 90(2).
can remove the erroneous artifacts and effectively [6] Luke H. The origins of the sampling theorem.
denoise the signal. Many methods are discussed IEEE Communications Magazine 1999 37:
ranging from real-time cleansing of data spikes and 106108.
frequency extraction to more complicated wavelet- [7] Gyorki J. Signal Conditioning and PC-Based Data
based techniques. Acquisition Handbook. IOtech Inc, 2004, ISBN
[8] Schuchman L. Dither signals and their effect
REFERENCES on quantization noise. IEEE Transactions on
[1] Vachtsevanos G, Lewis F, Roemer M, Hess A, Communications 1964 12(4):162165.
Wu B. Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for [9] Hamming R. Digital Filters. Dover Publications,
Engineering Systems. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. 1998.
[2] Hillier V, Coombes P, Rogers D. Hilliers Funda- [10] Addison P. The Illustrated Wavelet Handbook.
mentals of Motor Vehicle TechnologyPowertrain Institute of Physics, 2002.
Electronics. Nelson Thornes Ltd: Cheltenham,
2006. [11] Mallat S. A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing.
Academic Press, 1998.
[3] Bosch R. Automotive Handbook, Sixth Edition.
Robert Bosch GmbH, ISBN 1-86058-474-8. [12] Bolton W. Instrumentation and Measurement Pocket
Book. Newnes, 2001.
[4] Stranneby D, Walker W. Digital Signal Processing
and Applications, Second Edition. Elsevier Science, [13] Putten A. Electronic Measurement Systems. Prentice-
2004. Hall, 1988.
Chapter 23
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM

Spilios D. Fassois and John S. Sakellariou

Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Patras,
Patras, Greece

Matrix transposition is indicated by the super-

script T.
1 Introduction 1
A functional argument in parentheses designates
2 The Workframe 2 function of a real variable; for instance, x(t) is a
3 Statistical Time Series Models 4 function of analog time t .
4 Identification of Time Series Models 6 A functional argument in brackets designates func-
5 Nonparametric Time Series Methods 7 tion of an integer variable; for instance, x[t] is a
6 Parametric Time Series Methods 12 function of normalized discrete time (t = 1, 2, . . .).
The conversion from discrete normalized time to
7 Application of the Methods to Fault
analog time is based upon (t 1)Ts , with Ts desig-
Diagnosis on a Laboratory Structure 20
nating the sampling period.
8 Concluding Remarks 23 A functional argument including the imaginary unit
Related Articles 25 j designates complex function; for instance, X(j )
References 25 is a complex function of .
Appendix: Central Limit Theorem and A hat designates estimator/estimate of the indicated
Statistical Distributions Associated with quantity; for instance, 
is an estimator/estimate of .
the Normal 28

Statistical time series methods for structural health
Important Conventions monitoring utilize (i) random excitation and/or vibra-
tion response signals (time series), (ii) statistical
Bold-face upper/lower case symbols designate matrix/ model building, and (iii) statistical decision making
columnvector quantities, respectively. for inferring the health state of a structure. This
includes fault detection, identification (localization),
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by and magnitude estimation, which may be collec-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 tively referred to as fault diagnosis. As with all
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. vibration-based methods, the fundamental principle
2 Signal Processing

upon which they are founded is that small changes adequate expertise on part of the user, potentially
(faults) in a structure cause discrepancies in its vibra- limited physical insight, and sensitivity expectedly
tion response, which may be detected and associated lower than that of local nondestructive testing-type
with a specific cause (fault type and magnitude). See methods.
references [111] for overviews of general vibration- In this article, an overview of the main classes
based methods; also see [12, 13]. Statistical time of statistical time series methods for structural
series methods are discussed in references such as health monitoring is presented. Parametric and
[1419]see [20] for a recent overview. nonparametric methods in either time or frequency
Statistical time series methods for structural health domains are outlined for the excitationresponse and
monitoring use random excitation and/or response response-only cases. The focus is on periodic inspec-
(displacement or velocity or acceleration) signals tion, although extensions to continuous monitoring
from the structure in its healthy state, as well as are possiblea simple generalization may be based
from a number of potential faulty states, identifying on the continuous repetition of the inspection phase
suitable (parametric or nonparametric) statistical time with data corresponding to a moving time window.
series models describing the structure in each state, The focus is also on time-invariant (stationary) linear
and extracting a statistical quantity (characteristic structures in Gaussian environments, although certain
quantity) characterizing the structural state in each versions of the methods are available for alterna-
case (baseline phase). When the structure is to be tive cases and pertinent references are provided in
inspected for faults, the procedure is repeated under the bibliographical remarks. For simplicity of presen-
the current conditions, and the current characteristic tation, the scalar vibration response signal case is
quantity is obtained. Fault detection, identification, treated.
and estimation are then accomplished via statistical
decision making consisting of comparing, in a
statistical sense, the current characteristic quantity
with that of each potential state as determined in the Let So designate the structure under consideration in
baseline phase (inspection phase). its nominal (healthy) state, SA , SB , . . . the structure
Statistical time series methods are fundamentally of under fault of type (mode) A, B, . . . , and so on, and
the inverse type, as the models used are data based Su the structure in an unknown (to be determined)
rather than physics based, and inherently account state. Each fault type includes a continuum of faults,
for uncertainty. In addition to the main features of which are characterized by common nature or loca-
general vibration-based methods (no need for visual tion but distinct magnitudes (for instance, damage of
inspection, global coverage of the structure, time various magnitudes in a specific structural element).
and cost effectiveness, and automation capability), The structure under a fault of type, say V, and magni-
statistical time series methods offer further unique tude k is designated as SkV , while the fault itself is
advantages such as (i) no need for physics-based or designated as FVk .
finite element models; (ii) no need for complete struc- Statistical time series methods are based on
tural modelsin fact, partial models and a limited discretized excitation x[t] and/or response y[t] (for
number of excitation-response signals are often used; t = 1, 2, . . . , N ) random vibration data records. Note
(iii) inherent accounting of (environmental, measure- that t refers to discrete time, with the corresponding
ment, and so on) uncertainty; (iv) statistical decision actual time instant being (t 1)Ts , where Ts stands
making with specified performance characteristics; for the sampling period. Let the complete excitation
and (v) effective use of natural random vibration data and response signals be represented as X and Y ,
records (no need to interrupt normal operation). respectively, or collectively as Z, that is, Z = (X, Y ).
On the other hand, as complete structural models Like before, a subscript (o, A, B, . . . , u) is used for
are not employed, time series methods may identify designating the corresponding state of the structure
(locate) a fault only to the extent allowed by the that provided the signals.
type of model employed. Other limitations include Note that all collected signals need to be suit-
the need for extensive training in the baseline phase ably preprocessed [3, 21, 22]. This may include low-
(necessary for fault identification and estimation), or band-pass filtering within the frequency range
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 3

Table 1. Workframe setup: structural state, vibration signals used, and the estimated characteristic quantity
(baseline and inspection phases)
Structural state Vibration signals Estimated
characteristic quantity
Baseline phase
So (healthy structure) zo [t] = (xo [t], yo [t]) t = 1, 2, . . . , N Zo = (Xo , Yo ) o
SA (fault A)(a) zA [t] = (xA [t], yA [t]) t = 1, 2, . . . , N ZA = (XA , YA ) A
SB (fault B)(a) zB [t] = (xB [t], yB [t]) t = 1, 2, . . . , N ZB = (XB , YB ) B
.. .. ..
. . .
Inspection phase
Su (current structure) zu [t] = (xu [t], yu [t]) t = 1, 2, . . . , N Zu = (Xu , Yu ) u
(unknown state)
Normally various fault magnitudes are considered.

of interest, signal subsampling (in case the origi- quantity Q is extracted (Q  ,Q  ,Q  , . . . in the base-
o A B
nally used sampling frequency is too high), estimated 
line phase; Qu in the inspection phasesee Table 1).
mean subtraction, as well as proper scaling. The Fault detection is then based on proper comparison
latter is not only used for numerical reasons but also of the true (but not precisely known) Qu to the
for counteractingto the extent possibledifferent true (but also not precisely known) Qo via a binary
operating (including excitation levels) and/or environ- composite statistical hypothesis test that uses the
mental conditions. In the case of linear time-invariant corresponding estimatessee Table 2 in which
structures, the estimated mean for each signal is indicates a proper relationship (such as equality,
typically subtracted, and the signal is scaled (being inequality, and so on). Fault identification is similarly
divided) by its estimated standard deviation. In case based on the proper comparison of Qu to each of
of multiple excitations, care should be exercised QA , QB , . . . via a multiple statistical hypothesis test
in order to ensure minimal cross-correlation among that also uses the corresponding estimates, and fault
them. estimation is based on interval estimation techniques
The obtained data are subsequently analyzed by (Table 2). The workframe of a general statistical time
parametric or nonparametric time series methods series method is illustrated in Figure 1.
and appropriate models are identified and validated Note that the design of a binary statistical hypoth-
[2326]. Such models are identified on the basis of esis test is generally based on the probabilities of
data Zo , ZA , ZB , . . . in the baseline or training phase type I and type II error, or else the false alarm () and
(normally data sets corresponding to various fault missed fault () probabilities. The designs presented
magnitudes per fault type are used), and based on herein are based on the false alarm probability. In
data Zu in the inspection phase. From each estimated selecting it should be born in mind that as
model, the corresponding estimate of a characteristic decreases (increases) increases (decreases). The

Table 2. The fault detection, identification, and estimation subproblems

Fault detection H0 : Qu Qo Null hypothesishealthy structure
H1 : Qu  Qo Alternative hypothesisfaulty structure
Fault identification HA : Qu QA Hypothesis Afault type A
HB : Qu QB Hypothesis Bfault type B
.. ..
. .
Fault estimation Estimate k given the fault type
4 Signal Processing

Estimation of characteristic
quantity Q for each state

x [t ] y [t ] Q : healthy state
QA : fault A

QB : fault B
Experiments ..
Baseline phase Time series modeling

Inspection phase Fault detection

Statistical decision
Fault identification
Fault estimation
Estimation of current
xu [t ] yu [t ]
Structure characteristic quantity

Experiment Time series modeling

Figure 1. Workframe for statistical time series fault detection, identification, and estimation methods (in the baseline
phase Q is normally estimated for various fault magnitudes per fault type).

reader is referred to references such as [27, subsec- provided within the bibliographical remarks made
tion 4.2]; [28, subsection 3.3] for details on statistical within the presentation of the methods (Sections 5
hypothesis testing. and 6).
Statistical time series methods may be classified Let h[t] designate the time-discretized impulse
as parametric or nonparametric, depending upon response function describing the causality relation-
whether the characteristic quantity Q is based on ship between an excitation and a response loca-
a parametric or nonparametric statistical model; see tion on a linear time-invariant structure (Figure 2).
Section 3. Section 4 discusses model identification. Also let n[t] designate a stationary Gaussian noise
Nonparametric methods tend to be simpler and corrupting the response signal. The noise is generally
computationally more efficientthey are treated in assumed to be zero mean but of unknown autocovari-
Section 5. Parametric methods may offer superior ance (or auto power spectral density) and mutually
performancethey are treated in Section 6. Statis- uncorrelated with the excitation x[t]. The convolu-
tical time series methods may be also classified tion summation plus noise expression relating these
as excitationresponse, where both excitation and signals is
response signals are used, or response-only, where

only response signals are used. Both types are treated
y[t] = h[t]  x[t] + n[t] = h[ ] x[t ] + n[t]
in the present article. The application of the methods
for fault detection, identification, and magnitude esti-
mation on a laboratory structure is illustrated in (1)
Section 7. with  designating discrete convolution. Alterna-
tively, using the backshift operator B (Bi y[t] =


x [t ] Structure
Time series models for linear timeinvariant + y [t ]
h [t ]
(stationary) structures operating in a Gaussian envi-
ronment are briefly reviewed in this section. Refer- Figure 2. Time-domain representation of a linear time-
ence to models applicable to alternative cases are invariant structure with additive response noise.
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 5

y[t i]): the expressions [25, pp. 455456]:

y[t] = H (B) x[t] + n[t] (2) y = H (j )|=0 x (4)

 yx [ ] = xx [ ]  h[ ]
H (B) = h[ ] B (3)
=0 yy [ ] = yx [ ]  h[ ] + nn [ ] (5)

with H (B) designating the discrete-time structural Syx (j ) = H (j ) Sxx ()
transfer function. Syy () = H  (j ) Syx (j ) + Snn () ===
Syy () = |H (j )|2 Sxx () + Snn ()
3.1 Nonparametric models (6)
|Syx (j )|2
Assuming x[t] to be a random stationary excitation, Coherence: () = 2
y[t] will also be stationary in the steady state. In addi- Sxx () Syy ()
tion, y[t] will be Gaussian if x[t] and n[t] are jointly 1
Gaussian. Then each signal is fully characterized by [0, 1] (7)
Snn ()
its first two moments, mean and autocovariance func- 1+
|H (j )|2 Sxx ()
tion (acf)or its normalized version, or its Fourier
transform referred to as the auto power spectral where  designates discrete convolution, the super-
density (psd) [24, p. 3], [25, pp. 3940], as shown in script  complex conjugation, | | complex magnitude,
Table 3. Note that E{} designates statistical expecta- H (j ) = H (B)|B=ej Ts is the corresponding struc-
tion, j the imaginary unit, time lag, [0, 2/Ts ] tural frequency response function (frf), Snn () the
frequency in rad/s, and Ts the sampling period. noise auto psd, and the last expression defines the
In the excitationresponse case, a complete joint (squared) coherence function [29, p. 196].
description of the excitation and response signals is
given in terms of the means and the acfs/cross covari-
ance function (ccf)or their normalized versions, or 3.2 Parametric models
the auto psds and the cross spectral density (csd), as
indicated in Table 4. Parametric models may be obtained via proper
Note that the characteristics of the response are parametrizations of equation (1). In the response-
related to those of the excitation and the noise through only case it is assumed, without loss of generality,

Table 3. Nonparametric response-only models

Mean y = E{y[t]} Autocovariance function (acf): yy [ ] = E{y[t] y[t ]}
or normalized acf: yy [ ] = yy [ ]/yy [0] [1, 1] or

auto psd: Syy () = yy [ ] ej Ts

y[t] = y[t] y .

Table 4. Nonparametric excitationresponse models

Means x y
acfs and ccf xx [ ] yy [ ] yx [ ] = E{y[t] x[t ]}

xx [ ] yy [ ] yx [ ] = yx [ ]/ xx [0] yy [0] [1, 1]

auto psd and csd Sxx () Syy () Syx (j ) = yx [ ] ej Ts

x[t] = x[t] x , y[t] = y[t] y .

6 Signal Processing

Table 5. Parametric response-only models

ARMA model y[t] + ai y[t i] = w[t] + ci w[t i] A(B) = 1 + a i Bi
i=1 i=1 i=1
 A(B) y[t] = C(B) w[t] C(B) = 1 + c i Bi
w[t] i.i.d. N(0, w2 ) na, nc : AR, MA orders
State space (SS) [t + 1] = A [t] + v[t] [t] : state vector
y[t] = C [t] v[t] i.i.d. N(0,  v )
A: system matrix
C: output matrix

that the excitation is white (uncorrelated, that is, signals x[t] = x[t] x and y[t] = y[t] y are
xx [ ] = 0 for  = 0, in which case the signal is typically used (also see the related comment on
often designated as w[t]) and n[t] 0. The signals signal preprocessing in Section 2). w[t] coincides
are assumed zero mean; to comply with this require- with the model-based one-step-ahead prediction error
ment, the signal y[t] = y[t] y is typically used and is, in this case as well, referred to as residual or
(also see the related comment on signal prepro- innovations.
cessing in Section 2). This leads to the autoregressive
moving average (ARMA) model [25, pp. 5253],
which may be alternatively set into state-space form 4 IDENTIFICATION OF TIME
[25, pp. 163164]; [30, p. 157] consisting of a set SERIES MODELS
of first-order state equations plus an output equa-
tion (Table 5). Note that in the ARMA expres- The term identification refers to the estimation of
sion, ai and ci are the autoregressive (AR) and statistical time series models based on (properly
moving average (MA) parameters, respectively, while preprocessed) excitation x[t] and/or response y[t]
w[t] coincides with the model-based one-step-ahead (for t = 1, 2, . . . , N ) random vibration data records,
prediction error, and is also referred to as the model collectively designated as Z = (X, Y ). This is done
residual or innovations [25, p. 134], [26, p. 70]. i.i.d. via estimators, which operate on the data records
stands for identically independently distributed, and to provide estimates of the quantities of interest.
N(, ) designates normal distribution with the indi- Let Q  designate the estimator of a quantity Q.
cated mean and variance/covariance. The estimator is a function of the data Z, Q  = g(Z).
In the excitationresponse case, various parametri- Considering each data point as the observed value
zations of equation (1) lead to a number of of an underlying random variable, the estimator is a
models, including the autoregressive with exogenous function of the data random variables, and therefore
excitation (ARX) and autoregressive moving average a random variable by itself.
As such, the estimator Q  is characterized by a
with exogenous excitation (ARMAX) models [22],
[26, pp. 8183]; [30, p. 149151], the BoxJenkins probability density function f Q , and by (at least)

model [22], [26, p. 87]; [30, p. 152], the output its first- and second-order moments  Q = E[Q],
 = E[(Q
var[Q]  ) ]. If the distribution is Gaus-
error (OE) model [26, pp. 8586]; [22] which 
represents the structural dynamics by a rational sian, one writes Q  N( , var[Q]).
 An estimator

transfer function but leaves the noise unmodeled, is called unbiased if its mean coincides with the
and the state-space model consisting of a set of true value of the quantity under estimation, that is,

Q = E[Q] = Q. Oftentimes, the determination of
first-order state equations plus an output equation 
(see [26, pp. 97101] for additional versions). These the probability density function for an estimator is
are shown in Table 6. Like before, the signals done asymptotically, as the data record length (in
are assumed zero mean; to comply with this, the samples) tends to infinity (N ).
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 7

Table 6. Parametric excitationresponse models

ARX model A(B) y[t] = B(B) x[t] + w[t] na, nb: AR, X orders

A(B) = 1 + a i Bi
B(B) = b0 + b i Bi
ARMAX model A(B) y[t] = B(B) x[t] + C(B) w[t] na, nb, nc: AR, X, MA orders

C(B) = 1 + c i Bi

B(B) C(B) 
BoxJenkins model y[t] = x[t] + w[t] D(B) = 1 + d i Bi
A(B) D(B) i=1
Output error (OE) y[t] = x[t] + n[t] n[t]: autocorrelated zero mean
model A(B)

State space (SS) [t + 1] = A [t] + B x[t] + v[t] [t]: state vector

y[t] = C [t] + D x[t] v[t] i.i.d. N(0,  v )
A: system matrix, B: input matrix
C: output matrix, D: dir. transm. matrix

w[t] i.i.d. N(0, w2 ).

Some of the estimators for nonparametric time 5 NONPARAMETRIC TIME

series models, along with certain of their properties,
are summarized in Table 7.
The estimation of parametric time series models Nonparametric time series methods are those in which
involves parameter and structure estimation. The the characteristic quantity Q is constructed on the
parameter vector of a selected model (for example, basis of nonparametric time series models. Three
= [coefA, coefB, coefC] for an ARMAX model such methods that operate in the frequency domain
coef designating the coefficients of the indicated poly- are presented. For alternative methods that employ a
nomial) is estimated on the basis of an appropriate novelty measure, see [3234].
estimation method. Typical methods include predic-
tion error (PE) and least square (LS), maximum like-
lihood (ML), correlation, and subspace methods [22], 5.1 Power spectral density (psd)-based
[26, Chapter 7]; [30, Chapters 78]. method
Model structure estimation (referring, for instance,
to the determination of the AR, X, and MA orders This methods characteristic quantity is the auto psd
for an ARMAX model) is more complicated, and is of the vibration response signal, Q = Syy () = S();
typically achieved by fitting increasingly higher order hence it is appropriate for the response-only case.
models to the data until no further improvementin The main idea is on the comparison of the current
a proper senseis observed. Improvement may be structures response psd Su () to that of the healthy
judged via order-selection criteria, such as the Akaike structures, So ()or, in fact, to that corresponding
information criterion (AIC) or the Bayesian informa- to any other structural condition. It should be noted
tion criterion (BIC), but additional practical criteria, that response signal scaling is important in order to
such as modal frequency stabilization diagrams, are properly account for potentially different excitation
useful [22], [26, pp. 505507], [30, pp. 442443]. levels.
8 Signal Processing

Table 7. Estimation of nonparametric time series characteristics

Quantity Estimator Properties Comments/references
y = y[t] 
y N y , yy [s ] [23, p. 319]; [31,
N t N2 =1 s=1 p. 213]

Normalized yy [ ] = 
yy [ ]/
yy [0] yy [ ] N yy [ ], var
yy [ ] For N
 1 q

y [t] = y[t]  y var yy [ ] 1+2 2
yy [i] yy [ ] = 0 for > q
1  i=1
yy [ ] =
  y [t ]
y [t] [25, pp. 3034];
N t [31, pp. 214215]

Normalized yx [ ] = 
yx [ ]/ xx [0]yy [0] E{ yx [ ]} = yx [ ] For N
ccf 1   [31, p. 398]
yx [ ] =
  x [t ]
y [t] var yx [ ] : see [25, pp. 411415] [25, pp. 411415];
N t [23, p. 693]

1  i 2K 
 Li (j ) Syy ()
Power Syy () = Y (j )Y 2 (2K) Welch method (no
spectral K i=1 L Syy () overlap) [24, p. 76]
density  L
(psd) i (j ) = 1
Y y i [t] ej tTs
a[t] K: number of data
L t=1 segments

y i [t] = y i [t] 
y a[t]: time window
(ith segment of length L) [31, pp. 352353];
[29, p. 309]

1  i
Syx (j ) = Li (j )
Y (j )X E{|
Syx (j )|} |Syx (j )| Welch method (no
spectral K i=1 L overlap)
|Syx (j )| 2
density var[|
Syx (j )|] For N , a[t] = 1
(csd) 2 ()K

x i [t] = x i [t] 
x E{arg Syx (j )} argSyx (j ) 2 () 1 or K
1 2 ()
(ith segment of length L) var[argSyx (j )] 2 [29, pp. 318, 320,
()2K 325326]
Frequency (j ) = 
H Syx (j )/
Sxx () (j )|} |H (j )|
E{|H Welch method (no
response overlap)
function 1 2 ()
(frf) (j )|]
var[|H |H (j )|2 For N , a[t] = 1
2 ()2K
2 () 1 or K
[29, pp. 329, 338]
(Squared) 2 () = |
Syx (j )|2 /
Sxx ()
Syy () 2 ()} 2 () +
E{ [1 2 ()]2 Welch method (no
Coherence K overlap)
2 2 ()
2 ()]
var[ [1 2 ()]2 For N , a[t] = 1,
[29, pp. 333335]

x [t], 
y [t]: sample versions of x[t], y[t].
arg designates argument (angle) of the indicated complex quantity.
[0, 2/Ts ] stands for frequency in radian per second. j stands for the imaginary unit. K stands for the number of
segments used in Welch spectral estimation.
The frequency-domain estimator distributions may be approximated as Gaussian for small relative errors (that is,
2 () 1 or K ) [29, pp. 274275].
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 9

The following hypothesis testing problem is then Note that fault identification may be similarly
formulated for fault detection: achieved, while fault estimation may be achieved by
possibly associating specific quantitative changes in
H0 : Su () = So () the psd with specific fault magnitudes.
(null hypothesishealthy structure) Bibliographical remarks. See [35] for the appli-
cation of the method to fault detection in a railway
H1 : Su ()  = So () vehicle suspension. In the nonstationary or nonlinear
(alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) (8) cases, timefrequency, polyspectra, or wavelet-based
models may be used [3642].
As the true psds, Su (), So (), are unknown, their
estimates Su (), So () obtained via the Welch
method (with K nonoverlapping segments; refer to
5.2 Frequency response function
Table 7) are used. Then the quantity F , given in the (frf)based method
subsequent text, follows F distribution with (2K, 2K)
This method is similar to the psd method, the
degrees of freedom (as each of the numerator and
difference being in that the excitationresponse frf
denominator follow normalized 2 distribution with
magnitude is used as the characteristic quantity,
2K degrees of freedom; refer to Table 7 and the
Q = |H (j )|. It is thus appropriate for the excita-
tionresponse case, although it may also be used

So ()/So () in case the excitation is unavailable but more than
F = F (2K, 2K) (9) one responses are available [43]. The main idea is

S ()/S ()
u u
on the comparison of the frf magnitude |Hu (j )| of
Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis the true psds the current structure to that of the healthy structure
coincide, Su () = So (), and therefore F equals |Ho (j )|or, in fact, to that corresponding to any

So ()/ Su (). This should be then in the range other structural condition.
[f/2 , f1/2 ] with probability 1 , and decision The following hypothesis testing problem is then
making is as follows at the risk level (type I error formulated for fault detection:
probability of ):
H0 : |H (j )| = |Ho (j )| |Hu (j )| = 0
f (2K, 2K) F f1 (2K, 2K) () (null hypothesishealthy structure)
2 2
=== H0 is accepted (healthy structure) H1 : |H (j )| = |Ho (j )| |Hu (j )|  = 0
Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (10) (alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) (11)

with f(/2) , f1(/2) designating the F distributions As the true frf s, Hu (j ) and Ho (j ), are un-
/2 and 1 (/2) critical points (f is defined such known, their respective estimates H  (j ) and
that Prob(F f ) = ; Figure 3). 
Ho (j ) obtained as indicated in Table 7 are used.


0 fa/2 f1a/2

H1 accepted H0 accepted H1 accepted

(fault) (no fault) (fault)
Figure 3. Statistical hypothesis testing based on an F distributed statistic (two-tailed test).
10 Signal Processing

The frf magnitude estimator may, asymptotically Note that fault identification may be similarly
(N ), be considered as approximately following achieved, while fault estimation may be achieved by
Gaussian distribution (refer to Table 7). Owing to possibly associating specific quantitative changes in
the mutual independence of the Zu and Zo data the frf magnitude with specific fault magnitudes.
records, the two frf magnitude estimators are mutually
independent, and thus their difference is Gaussian
with mean equal to the true magnitude difference, 5.3 Coherence measurebased method
|Ho (j )| |Hu (j )|, and variance equal to the sum
This method is based on the heuristic premise
of the two variances.
that, under constant experimental and environmental
Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis, the true frf magni-
conditions, the integral of the coherence over fre-
tudes coincide (|Hu (j )| = |Ho (j )|), hence
quency decreases with fault occurrence. This can
(j )| = |H
Under H0 : |H  (j )| |H
 (j )| be justified by the nonlinear effects introduced,
o u
or strengthened, with fault occurrence. Like the
N(0, 2o2 ()) (12) previous method, this method pertains to the exci-
tationresponse case.
The variance o2 () = var[|H  (j )|] is generally The coherence measure defined over the discrete
unknown, but may be estimated in the baseline phase frequencies i (i = 1, 2, . . . , n; frequency resolution
via the expressions of Table 7. Treating this estimator ):
as a fixed quantity, that is a quantity characterized
by negligible variability (which is reasonable for 

estimation based on long data records), the equality = 2 [i ] (14)

of the two frf magnitudes may be examined at
the (type I) risk level through the statistical test is used in approximating the coherence integral, and
(Figure 4): constitutes the methods characteristic quantity Q.
Fault detection is then based on the confirmation
Z = ||H(j )||/ 2 o2 () Z1 () of a statistically significant reduction in the coherence
measure u of the current structure (compared to
=== H0 is accepted (healthy structure) o of its healthy counterpart) through the statistical
Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (13) hypothesis testing problem:

with Z1(/2) designating the standard normal H0 : = o u = 0

distributions 1 (/2) critical point. Alternatively, (null hypothesishealthy structure)
treating o2 () as a random variable leads to a
t-distribution-based testthis approaches the above H1 : = o u > 0
normal test for long data records (see Appendix). (alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) (15)


a/2 a/2
Za/2 0 Z1a/2

H1 accepted H0 accepted H1 accepted

(fault) (no fault) (fault)
Figure 4. Statistical hypothesis testing based on a Gaussian distributed statistic (two-tailed test).
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 11

As the true u and o are unknown, their respective Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis = o u 0
estimates are employed. and 2 = 2( 2 )o , thus
Owing to the properties of the Welch-based coher-
ence estimator of Table 7 and the central limit
Under H0 : 
u N( , 2( 2 )o )
theorem [44, p. 273] (also see Appendix), the corre-
sponding coherence measure estimator approximately ( 0) (18)
follows, for a large number of discrete frequencies
(n ), Gaussian distribution, that is,
The variance ( 2 )o is unknown, but may be
estimated in the baseline phase. Treating this esti-

N( , 2 ) mator as a fixed quantity, the equality (null) hypoth-
with esis for the two coherence measures may be examined

n at the (type I) risk level through the statistical test
2 = ()2 2 [i ]]
var[ (16) (Figure 5):

with designating the coherence measures true Z =  2 )o Z1
/ 2(
value. Notice that in obtaining this expression, the === H0 is accepted (healthy structure)
bias terms present in the coherence estimator (refer
to Table 7) are neglected, which is justified for either Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (19)
large number of segments K or for true coherence
close to unity. Furthermore, the variance of  is
with Z1 designating the standard normal distribu-
equal to the sum of the individual coherence estimator
tions 1 critical point.
variances due to the fact that the coherence estimators
Note that the method is not appropriate for
at different frequencies are mutually independent
fault identification, as different types of faults may
random variables [45, p. 204].
cause similar or identical reduction in the coherence
Furthermore, as  u and  o are mutually indep-
measure. Assuming that only one type of fault is
endent and Gaussian,  will be Gaussian as
possible, fault estimation may be possible by associ-
ating specific quantitative reductions in the coherence
measure with specific fault magnitudes.
= u N( , 2 ) Bibliographical remark. The method was intro-
duced and applied for skin damage detection and
restoration quality assessment in aircraft
= o u , 2 = ( 2 )o + ( 2 )u (17) panels [46].


0 Z1a

H0 accepted H1 accepted
(no fault) (fault)
Figure 5. Statistical hypothesis testing based on a Gaussian distributed statistic (one-tailed test).
12 Signal Processing

6 PARAMETRIC TIME SERIES difference between the two parameter vector estima-
tors also follows Gaussian distribution:
Parametric time series methods are those in which the 
u N( , P )
characteristic quantity Q is constructed on the basis with
of parametric time series models. They are applicable
to both the response-only and excitationresponse = o u , P = P o + P u (22)
cases, as each situation may be dealt with through
the use of proper models [14], [27, subsection 6.2], where P o , P u designate the corresponding covariance
[47, subsection 4.2]. Parametric methods may operate matrices. Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis  = o

u N(0, 2P o ) and the quantity , below, follows
on either time or frequency domains, with the
former being more frequently used and being in the 2 distribution with d (parameter vector dimension-
focus of the present article. Parametric methods may ality) degrees of freedom (as it may be shown to
be further classified into a number of categories, be the sum of squares of independent standardized
including model parameterbased methods, residual- Gaussian variables [26, p. 558]also see Appendix):
based methods, and functional model (FM)based
Under H0 : X2 = 
P 1 
methods. 2 (d)

6.1 Model parameterbased methods
P = 2P o (23)
These perform fault detection and identification by
As the covariance matrix P o corresponding to the
using a characteristic quantity Q = f ( ), which is a
healthy structure is unavailable, its estimated version
function of the parameter vector of a parametric  is used. Treating it as a quantity characterized by
time series model (Q = in the typical case). o
negligible variability (which is reasonable for large
designate a proper estimator of the parameter
N ) leads to the following test constructed at the
vector [22], [26, pp. 212213]; [30, pp. 198199].
(type I) risk level (Figure 6; see [26, p. 559] for an
For sufficiently long signals (N large), the estimator
alternative approach based on the F distribution):
is (under mild assumptions) Gaussian distributed with
mean equal to its true value and a certain covariance
X2 1
P [30, pp. 205207]:
=== H0 is accepted (healthy structure)

N( , P ) (20) Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (24)

Fault detection is based on testing for statisti- 2

with 1 (d) designating the 2 distributions 1
cally significant changes in the parameter vector critical point.
between the nominal and current structures through Fault identification may be based on the multiple
the hypothesis testing problem: hypotheses testing problem of Table 2, comparing the
current parameter vector  u to those corresponding
H0 : = o u = 0 to different fault types,  A, 
B , . . . . Nevertheless,
this is expected to work only for faults of specific
(null hypothesishealthy structure) magnitudes and cannot generally account for the
H1 : = o u  = 0 continuum of fault magnitudes possible within each
fault type. A geometric method that aims at circum-
(alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) (21) venting this difficulty and also used for fault estima-
tion is presented in [43, 48, 49].
Toward this end observe that, owing to the mutual Bibliographical remarks. The principles of this
independence of the Zu and Zo data records, the method have been used in a number of studies. Sohn
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 13


0 1a

H0 accepted H1 accepted
(no fault) (fault)
Figure 6. Statistical hypothesis testing based on a 2 distributed statistic (one-tailed test).

and Farrar [16] use the parameters of an AR model 6.2 Model residualbased methods
and statistical process control charts for fault detec-
tion in a concrete bridge column, as the column These methods base fault detection, identification,
is progressively damaged. Sakellariou and Fassois and estimation on characteristic quantities that
[43] use the parameter vector of an OE model for are functions of residual sequences obtained by
fault detection in a six-story building model under driving the current signal(s) Zu through prede-
earthquake excitation. Adams and Farrar [50] use terminedin the baseline phasemodels Mo , MA ,
ARX models in the frequency domain for fault detec- MB , . . . , each one corresponding to a particular
tion and estimation in a simulated structural system state of the structure. The general idea is that the
and in a three-story building model. Wei et al. [51]
residual sequence obtained by a model that truly
use nonlinear autoregressive moving average with
reflects the actual (current) state of the structure
exogenous excitation (NARMAX) models for fault
will possess some distinct properties, and will be
detection and identification in carbon fiber-reinforced
thus possible to distinguish. An advantage of the
epoxy plates based on a deterministic index, which
methods is that no model identification is performed
mirrors changes incurred in the model parameters.
in the inspection phase. The methods have a relatively
Nair et al. [52] employ ARMA models, a damage-
sensitive feature that depends on certain AR parame- long historymainly within the general context of
ters, and statistical hypothesis testing to detect and engineering systems; for instance, see [14, 27, 47,
localize (identify) faults in an ASCE benchmark 5660].
structure consisting of a four-story steel-braced frame. Let MV designate the model representing the struc-
In a follow-up study, Nair and Kiremidjian [53] ture in its V state (V = o or V = A, B, . . . under
employ Gaussian mixture modeling of the feature specific fault magnitudes). Also, let the residual series
vector. Carden and Brownjohn [19] use ARMA obtained by driving the current signals Zu through
model parameters for fault detection and localization each one of the above-mentioned models be desig-
(identification) in the IASC-ASCE benchmark four- nated as eou [t], eAu [t], eBu [t], . . . and be characterized
2 2 2
story frame structure, in the Z24 bridge, and in the by respective variances ou , Au , Bu , . . .notice that
MalaysiaSingapore Second Link bridge. It should the first subscript designates the model employed and
be noted that model parameterbased methods may the second the structural state corresponding to the
be also used with alternative models, such as modal current excitation and/or response signal(s) used.
models. In this case, fault detection and identifica- Fault detection, identification, and estimation may
tion are based on the detection of changes incurred be then based on the fact that under the HV hypothesis
in the structures modal parameters [1, 2, 6, 39, 46, (that is, the structure being in its V state, for V = o
54, 55]also see Subsection 6.2.4. This topic has or V = A, B, . . . under specific fault magnitudes),
attracted considerable interest, although not neces- the residual series generated by driving the current
sarily in a statistical framework. signal(s) Zu through the model MV possesses the
14 Signal Processing

property: distributions with Nu and No d degrees of freedom,

respectively (sum of squares of independent standard-
Under HV : eVu [t] i.i.d. N(0, Vu
) ized Gaussian random variablessee Appendix).
with Note that No and Nu designate the number of samples
used in estimating the residual variance in the healthy
Vu 2
< Wu for any state W  = V (25) and current cases, respectively (typically No = Nu =
It is tacitly assumed that under HV Vu 2
= VV
, N ), and d designates the dimensionality of the model
implying that the excitation and environmental condi- parameter vector. Also note that Nu and No should be
tions are the same in the baseline and inspection adjusted to Nu 1 and No 1, respectively, in case
phases. Descriptions of four model residualbased each estimated mean is subtracted from each residual
methods follow. series. Consequently, the following statistic follows
F distribution with (Nu , No d) degrees of freedom
(ratio of two independent and normalized 2 random
6.2.1 Residual variance-based method variablessee Appendix):
In this method, the characteristic quantity is the Nu 2
residual variance. Fault detection is based on the fact 2N
that the residual series eou [t], obtained by driving the Under H0 : F = u
current signal(s) Zu through the model Mo corre- (No d) 2
sponding to the nominal (healthy) structure, should 2 (N d)
oo o
be characterized by variance ou , which becomes
minimal (specifically equal to oo 2
) if and only if the F (Nu , No d) (27)
current structure is healthy (Su = So ). 2
The following hypothesis testing problem is then The following test is then constructed at the
set up: (type I) risk level (Figure 7):
H0 : oo = ou
(null hypothesishealthy structure) F f1 (Nu , No d)
2 2
H1 : oo < ou (alternative hypothesisfaulty === H0 is accepted (healthy structure)
structure) (26) Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (28)
Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis, the residuals eou [t] with f1 (Nu , No d) designating the corresponding
are (just like the residuals eoo [t]) i.i.d. zero mean F distributions 1 critical point.
Gaussian with variance oo . Hence the quantities Fault identification may be similarly achieved via
Nuou /oo and (No d)
2 2 2 2
oo /oo follow (central) 2 pairwise tests. An alternative possibility may be based


0 f1a

H0 accepted H1 accepted
(no fault) (fault)
Figure 7. Statistical hypothesis testing based on an F distributed statistic (one-tailed test).
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 15

on obtaining the residual series eAu [t], eBu [t],. . ., testing problem considered is
estimating their variances, and declaring as current
fault that corresponding to minimal residual variance. H0 : o = u (null hypothesishealthy structure)
Notice that by including eou [t], fault detection may H1 : o  = u (alternative hypothesisfaulty structure)
be also treated. Fault estimation may possibly be
achieved in the limited case of a single type of faults, (29)
with o , u designating the parameter vectors
by associating specific values of the residual variance
corresponding to the healthy and current structure,
with specific fault magnitudes.
respectively. Assuming independence of the residual
Bibliographical remarks. Similar methods, that
sequence, the Gaussian likelihood function for the
combine AR and ARX models, are used by Sohn and
data Y given X is [25, p. 226]:
Farrar [61] and Sohn et al. [62] for fault detection in
an eight degree-of-freedom mass-spring system and N  2 
1 e [t, ]
in a fast patrol boat. In a similar framework, Sohn Ly (Y, /X) = exp
2 2 2 2
et al. [63] explore the use of extreme value statis- t=1
tics. Fugate et al. [17] use an X-bar control chart 1  2
for detecting changes in the mean and variance of = exp 2 e [t, ]
AR model residual series for the continuous moni- ( 2 2 )N 2 t=1
toring of a concrete bridge column, as the column is (30)
progressively damaged. Yan et al. [18] use an X-bar with e[t, ] designating the model residual (one-step-
control chart on state-space model residuals for fault ahead prediction error) characterized by zero mean
detection and identification in an aircraft skeleton and variance 2 .
and the Z24 bridge benchmark. Lu and Gao [64] Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis, the residual series
use an ARX model and the standard deviation of eou [t] generated by driving the current signal(s)
its residuals for fault detection and localization in a through the nominal model Mo is (just like eoo [t])
two and an eight degree-of-freedom simulated mass- 2
i.i.d. Gaussian with zero mean and variance oo . Deci-
spring system. Zhang [65] explores data normal- sion making may be then based on the likelihood
ization procedures and a probability-based measure function under H0 evaluated for the current data, by
expressing changes in ARX residual variance for fault requiring it to be larger or equal to a threshold l
detection and identification in a three-span contin- (which is to be selected) in order for the null (H0 )
uous girder bridge simulation model. A time-varying hypothesis to be accepted:
autoregressive with exogenous excitation (TARX)
Ly (Y, o /X) l
model along with statistical hypothesis testing on
its residual variance is used by Poulimenos and === H0 is accepted (healthy structure)
Fassois [66] for the detection of faults in a time- Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (31)
varying, bridgelike, laboratory structure. Additional
statistical modes (such as the mean, skewness, and The evaluation of the likelihood Ly (Y, o /X)
kurtosis) of the residuals associated with a vector requires knowledge of the true innovations variance
AR model are explored by Mattson and Pandit [67]. oo . If this quantity is known, or may be estimated
Methods employing neural network type nonlinear with good accuracy in the baseline phase (which is
models and deterministic decision making based on reasonable for estimation using a large number of
the response error (residual) are presented in [55, samples N ), it may be treated as a fixed quantity
68, 69]. (negligible variability). The above decision making
rule may be then reexpressed as

6.2.2 Likelihood function-based method N 2

eou [t] Nou2
X2N = = l

oo  2
In this method, fault detection is based on the like-
lihood function under the null (H0 ) hypothesis of a === H0 is accepted (healthy structure)
healthy structure [47, pp. 119120]. The hypothesis Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (32)
16 Signal Processing

where l designates the corresponding (to be selected) H0 : [ ] = 0 = 1, 2, . . . , r

threshold. (null hypothesishealthy structure)
Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis, the statistic X2N
follows 2 distribution with N degrees of freedom H1 : [ ]  = 0 for some
(sum of squares of mutually independent standardized (alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) (34)
Gaussian variablessee Appendix), and this leads to
the following test at the risk level (Figure 6):
with [ ] designating the normalized autocovariance
2 (or else correlation coefficientrefer to Table 7) of the
X2N = 1
(N ) eou [t] residual sequence. The methods characteristic
oo quantity thus is Q = [[1] [2] . . . [r]]T , with r
=== H0 is accepted (healthy structure) being a design variable.
Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis, eou [t] is i.i.d.
Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (33) (white) Gaussian with zero mean, and the statistic
X2 below follows 2 distribution with r degrees
with 1 (N ) designating the 2 distributions 1 of freedom (r 1 in case the estimated mean is
critical point. subtracted from the residual series) [25, p. 314]:
Note that N should be adjusted to N 1 in case
the estimated mean is subtracted from the residual 
series eou [t]. Also note that the above decision making Under H0 : X2 = N (N + 2) (N )1
2 [ ]
is similar to that of the previous (residual variance =1
based) method. The essential difference is that the
variability of the estimator  2
oo is accounted for in the
residual variancebased method, thus leading to an
F distribution of the pertinent statistic. Of course, the [ ] designating the estimator of [ ]. Decision
two tests coincide for No in equation (27), as making is then based on the following test at the
the F distribution then approaches the 2 distribution (type I) risk level (Figure 6):
[44, p. 523] (also see Appendix).
Fault identification may be achieved by computing X2 1
the likelihood function for the current signal(s) for the
various values of ( A , B , . . .) and accepting the === H0 is accepted (healthy structure)
hypothesis that corresponds to the maximum value Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure) (36)
of the likelihoodby including o fault detection
may be also treated. Fault estimation may be possibly
achieved in the limited case of a single type of faults,
with 1 (r) designating the 2 distributions 1
by associating specific values of the likelihood with critical point.
specific fault magnitudes. Fault identification may be achieved by similarly
examining which one of the eVu [t] (for V = A, B, . . .)
residual series is uncorrelated. As with the previous
methods, only faults of specific magnitudes (but
6.2.3 Residual-uncorrelatedness-based method not the continuum of fault magnitudes) may be
considered. On the other hand, the method, as such,
This method is based on the fact that the residual
is not suitable for fault estimation.
sequence eou [t] (eVu [t]) obtained by driving the
current signal(s) Zu through the model Mo (MV )
will be uncorrelated (white) if and only if the current 6.2.4 Method based on residuals associated
structure is in its nominal (healthy) So (SV ) state (see with subspace identification
equation (25)).
Fault detection may be then based on the hypoth- This method is motivated by stochastic subspace
esis testing problem: identification (the response-only case is presently
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 17

treated; see [15] for details). It performs fault detec- and

tion in the modal space by considering the parameter
S T W 1 Op+1 ( o ) = 0 (41)
with s = (p + 1)r n (r designating the vibra-
= (37)
vec  tion response vector dimensionality). Notice that the
matrix S is not unique. It may be, for instance,
where designates the vector containing the eigen- obtained through the singular value decomposition
values of a discrete-time structural model (the eigen- (SVD) of W 1 Op+1 ( o ), and implicitly depends upon
values of the system matrix A in the state-space the parameter vector o ; hence it may be designated
representation),  the matrix with columns being the as S( o ). The block Hankel matrix corresponding to
vectors where = C , with being the corre- the same system should then satisfy the following
sponding eigenvectors, and C the output matrix in property:
the state-space model (Table 5). The vec of a matrix
designates the vector formed by stacking the columns S T ( o ) W 1 Hp+1,q W T2 = 0 (42)
of the indicated matrix one underneath the other.
Fault detection is based on the fact that for a
given state-space model (characterized by a given ), with W 2 being an additional selectable invertible
the systems (p + 1)th order (p selected sufficiently weighting matrix.
large) observability matrix: Given data Yu from the current system (with
parameter vector designated as u ), the residual signal
(compare with equation (42)):

Op+1 () =
... (38)

N ( o ) = N vec S T ( o ) W 1 H p+1,q W 2

where H  is the estimated (sample) block Hankel
with  = diag() (diagonal matrix with the system p+1,q
eigenvalues), and the structures block Hankel matrix: matrix obtained from the current data Yu , will have
zero mean under H0 ( u = o ) and nonzero mean
[0] yy [1] . . . yy [q 1] under H1 ( u  = o ) (in fact, it should be zero
under H0 if the theoretical block Hankel matrix is
yy [1] yy [2] ... yy [q]
Hp+1,q =
.. .. .. ..

usedsee equation (42)).
. . . . Testing whether the current structure (with param-
yy [p] yy [p + 1] . . . yy [p + q 1] eter vector u and associated with the estimated
block Hankel matrix) coincides with the healthy (with
= Hank(yy ) (39) parameter vector o ) is based on a statistical local
approach, according to which the following close
hypotheses are considered:
with q selected such that q p + 1, and yy [ ]
designating the responses theoretical autocovariance,
H0 : u = o
have the same left kernel space.
Let o designate the parameter vector corre- (null hypothesishealthy structure)
sponding to the healthy structure. Pick an orthonormal 1
basis of the left kernel space of the matrix H1 : u = o +
W 1 Op+1 ( o ) (W 1 is a selectable invertible weighting N
matrix), in terms of the columns of a matrix S of (alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) (44)
co-rank n (the system order) such that
with designating an unknown but fixed error
ST S = I (40) vector.
18 Signal Processing

Let M( o ) be the Jacobian matrix desig- detection, identification, and magnitude estimation
nating the mean sensitivity of N , and ( o ) = subproblems in the common and practically important
limN Eo { N TN }, with Eo {} designating the case of a double continuum of fault types (locations)
expectation operator when the actual system param- and magnitudes [7274]. An important aim is over-
eter is o (these matrices do not depend upon the coming the limitation of identifying faults of a limited
sample size N and may be estimated from the healthy number of prespecified types and magnitudes, while
structure during the baseline phase). Provided that allowing for the correct identification and magnitude
( o ) is positive definite, the residual N ( o ) of estimation for faults of any magnitude.
equation (43) asymptotically follows Gaussian distri- The cornerstone of the methods is their unique
bution: ability to accurately represent a structure for its
double continuum of fault types (locations) and
N N 0, ( o ) under H0 magnitudes via a single FM. FMs, or more precisely
N ( o ) 

N M( o ) , ( o ) under H1 referred to as functionally pooled (FP) models,

(45) as they are based on pooling together multiple
Now let M  and   be consistent estimates of data records, assume various forms, and in the
M( o ) (assumed to be full column rank) and ( o ), general case, are explicitly parametrized in terms
respectively, obtained in the baseline phase (details in of both fault type (location) and magnitude [74].
[15]). Under the null (H0 ) hypothesis, the statistic X2 , An infinite number of fault types and magnitudes
below, follows 2 distribution with rank M degrees can thus be accommodated by a single model.
of freedom, that is, In the simpler case where only a small, finite
number of fault types is considered, the parametriza-
tion may be in terms of fault magnitude alone
1 M(
Under H0 : X2 = TN ( o )  M 1 M)
T  1
[72]a single model is then limited to a single fault
M 1 ( ) 2 (rank M)
T type.
N o
Consider, for the sake of clarity, the simpler case
(46) of fault magnitude parametrization. Letting the fault
and decision making may be accomplished by exam- magnitude (within a particular fault mode V) be
iningat a certain risk levelwhether the residual represented by k  (typically k = 0 is selected to,
sequence has mean that is significantly different from without loss of generality, correspond to the healthy
zero (similar to the previous method). structure), a suitable linear model for the struc-
Fault identification could be similarly based on ture under fault mode V is the functionally pooled
consecutive tests of the above-mentioned form, each autoregressive with exogenous excitation (FP-ARX)
one corresponding to each one of the parameter model:
vectors A , B , . . .. Nevertheless, as with most
methods, this may only work with faults of specific

magnitudes but not for the continuum of fault MV (aij , bij , w2 (k)) : yk [t] + ai (k) yk [t i]
magnitudes possible within each fault type. Finally, i=1
note that the method is not immediately suitable for 
fault magnitude estimation. = bi (k) xk [t i] + wk [t] (47)
Bibliographical remark. The method has been i=0
effectively used in various structures, including the
Z24 bridge benchmark [70] and a steel-quake bench- wk [t] i.i.d. N(0, w2 (k)),
mark [71].

ai (k) = aij Gj (k),
j =1
6.3 Functional modelbased methods

Functional model (FM)-based methods provide a bi (k) = bij Gj (k), k (48)
framework for the combined treatment of the fault j =1
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 19

In this model, xk [t], yk [t], and wk [t] are the exci- 1  2

tation, response, and innovations (prediction error) 
e2u = 
e [t] (52)
N t=1 u
signals, respectively, corresponding to a particular
fault magnitude k. Note that the FP-ARX model
resembles a conventional ARX model (refer to Assuming that the structure is indeed under a
Table 6), but explicitly accounts for the continuum fault belonging to the V fault mode (or healthy),
of fault magnitudes (within the particular fault mode) the estimator may be shown to be asymptotically
by allowing its parameters and innovations variance (N ) Gaussian distributed, with mean equal to
to be functions of the fault magnitude k. In fact, the its true value and variance equal to that provided by
model parameters belong to a p-dimensional func- the CramerRao lower bound [72]:
tional subspace spanned by the mutually independent

k N(k, k2 ) (53)
functions G1 (k), . . . , Gp (k) (functional basis), while
the constants aij and bij designate the models AR
and X, respectively, coefficients of projection. A suit- Then t, below, follows t distribution with N 1
able FM, corresponding to each particular fault mode, degrees of freedom (which should be adjusted to
is estimated in the baseline phase using data obtained N 2 in case the estimated mean is subtracted from
from the structure under various fault magnitudes the residual series in the computation of k2 ). This is
(details in [72, 74]). due to the fact that it is the ratio of a standardized
In the inspection phase, given the current signals normal random variable over the square root of an
Zu = (Xu , Yu ), fault detection is based on the FP- independent and normalized 2 random variable with
ARX model of any (e.g. V ) fault mode. This model N 1 degrees of freedom (see Appendix):
is reparametrized in terms of the currently unknown
fault magnitude k and the innovations variance e2u t = k t (N 1)
k/ (54)
(the coefficients of projection being replaced by
estimates available from the baseline phase; eu [t] which leads to the following test at the (type I) risk
represents the reparametrized models innovations): level (Figure 8):

na t (N 1) t t1 (N 1)
MV (k, e2u ) : yu [t] + ai (k) yu [t i] 2 2

i=1 === H0 is accepted (healthy structure)

nb Else === H1 is accepted (faulty structure)
= bi (k) xu [t i] + eu [t] (49)
with t and t1(/2) designating the t distributions
The following hypothesis testing problem is then corresponding critical points.
formulated: Once a fault is detected, its identification is
achieved through successive estimation (using the
current data Zu ) and validation of the reparametrized
H0 : k = 0 (null hypothesishealthy structure)
models MV (k, e2u ) (equation 49) for V = A, B, . . .
H1 : k  = 0 (alternative hypothesisfaulty structure) corresponding to the various fault types. The proce-
dure stops as soon as a particular model is success-
fully validated, with the corresponding fault mode
Estimates of k, e2u are obtained on the basis of
being identified as current. Model validation may be
the current data Zu and the nonlinear least squares
based on statistical tests examining the hypothesis
(NLLS) estimator (refer to [26, pp. 327329] for
of excitation and residual sequence uncrosscorrelat-
details on NLLS estimation):
edness and/or residual uncorrelatedness (see Subsec-
tion 6.2.3).


k = arg min eu2 [t] (51) An interval estimate (at the risk level) of the
k fault magnitude k is finally constructed on the basis
20 Signal Processing


a/2 a/2
ta/2 0 t1a/2

H1 accepted H0 accepted H1 accepted

(fault) (no fault) (fault)
Figure 8. Statistical hypothesis testing based on a t distributed statistic (two-tailed test).

of the point estimate 

k and 
k2 : the Garteur SM-AG19 specifications. The structure
consists of six solid beams representing the aircraft
k interval estimate: fuselage, the wings, the horizontal and vertical stabi-
  lizers, and the right and left wing tips. All elements
k+t (N 1) k , 
k+t1 (N 1) 
k (56)
2 2
are constructed from standard aluminum and are
joined together via steel plates and screws (total
skeleton mass 50 kgalso see [72]).
7 APPLICATION OF THE The faults considered correspond to the placement
of a potentially variable number of small masses
METHODS TO FAULT (simulating local elasticity reductions) at point B
DIAGNOSIS ON A (right wing tip) or point E (horizontal stabilizer;
LABORATORY STRUCTURE Figure 9). Each fault is designated as FBk or FEk ,
with k representing the fault magnitude in gram of
Consider the scale aircraft skeleton structure of added mass and B or E the fault type (location). Four
Figure 9, which has been constructed according to test cases are considered (Table 8). The structure is

Point E

Point B

Point A

Figure 9. Aircraft scale skeleton structure and the experimental setup. The force/vibration measurement location (point A)
and the fault locations (points B and E) are marked.
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 21

Table 8. The considered test cases frf-based method (risk level = 0.001) provides
Test case Structural Description clearer detection than the psd-based method (risk
state level = 0.05).
2. Parametric methods. The model parameter-,
I k=0 Healthy structure (no mass
residual variance-, likelihood function-, and
II FB8.1 Mass (8.1 g) at point B
residual uncorrelatednessbased methods use
III FB24.4 Mass (24.4 g) at point B excitationresponse ARX modeling and a
IV FE16.3 Mass (16.3 g) at point E Prediction Error (PE) estimator based on
N = 5000 samplelong signal records. The
identification procedure leads to an ARX(62,62)
healthy in test case I, under type B faults in test cases model, which is selected as adequate. Fault
II and III, and under a type E fault in test case IV. detection results are presented in Figure 11,
Fault detection, identification, and estimation (fault with the combined AR/X parameter vector used
diagnosis) are based on vibration data records as the characteristic quantity in the model
obtained under freefree boundary conditions. parameterbased method. Evidently, correct
A white (uncorrelated) random Gaussian force detection is obtained in each case and by all
excitation is applied vertically at the right wing four methods, as the test statistic is shown not
tip (point A) through an electromechanical shaker to exceed (exceed) the critical point (at the =
equipped with a stinger. The exerted force and 0.01 risk level) in the healthy (faulty) cases. As
the resulting vertical vibration acceleration are expected, the residual variance and likelihood
measured via an impedance head and a lightweight functionbased results are similar. The remote
accelerometer at point A (sampling frequency fs = fault (test case IV) is clearly detected by all
256 Hz, signal bandwidth 3100 Hz, signal length parametric methods, in particular, by the model
N = 5000 samples). The estimated mean is also parameter and residual uncorrelatednessbased
subtracted from each signal, plus scaling by the ones.
signals estimated standard deviation is implemented. 3. The functional modelbased method. This
Note that while the type B faults occur close to the method uses N = 4000 sample-long excita-
measurement location, the type E fault is remote, tionresponse signals in both the baseline and
and thus potentially harder to detect. inspection phases. The modeling of fault mode
Results obtained by most of the presented methods FB (type B faults) is based on signals obtained
are shown in the sequelnote that the coherence from 11 experiments (for k [0, 81.32] g; incre-
measurebased method is not applicable as the nature ment k 8.132 g). FPARX(n, n) modeling
of the considered faults does not lead to nonlinear leads to an FP-ARX(62,62) representation with
dynamics behavior. unity excitationresponse delay and functional
basis consisting of the first p = 11 Chebyshev II
polynomials [75, p. 782]. Fault detection results
7.1 Fault diagnosis are presented in Figure 12(a)(d): A fault is
detected if the point k = 0 lies outside the
1. Nonparametric methods. The psd- and frf-based shaded zone (which is equivalent to the t statistic
methods use Welch spectral estimates (signal exceeding the critical values) at the = 0.05 risk
length N = 5000 samples, segment length L = level. Evidently, the detection results are very
500 samples, number of segments K = 10, zero accurate; no fault is detected in test case I, while
overlaprefer to Table 7). Fault detection results a fault is detected in every other case, including
are presented in Figure 10. Evidently, correct very clear detection for the remote fault of test
detection is obtained in each case and by both case IV.
methods, as the test statistic is shown not to
exceed (exceed) the critical point in the healthy Once a fault is detected, its identification (local-
(faulty) cases. This is true for the remote fault ization) is based on the residual uncorrelatedness test
(test case IV) as well. Rather expectedly, the of Figure 12(e): the pertinent statistic must be below
22 Signal Processing

3 PSD-based method 3 PSD-based method

F statistic

F statistic
2 2

1 1

0 0
(a) 0 20 40 60 80 (b) 0 20 40 60 80
3 PSD-based method PSD-based method
F statistic

F statistic

1 1

0 0
(c) 0 20 40 60 80 (d) 0 20 40 60 80

5 5
FRF-based method FRF-based method
4 4
Z statistic

Z statistic

3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
(e) (f)

60 60
FRF-based method FRF-based method
Z statistic

Z statistic

40 40

20 20

0 0
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
(g) Frequency (Hz) (h) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 10. Fault detection results via nonparametric methods. (ad) PSD-based method (risk level = 0.05); (eh)
frf-based method (risk level = 0.001). A fault is detected if the test statistic exceeds the critical points (dashed horizontal

the critical value (dashed horizontal line; risk level belonging to it (note that the healthy structure by
= 0.05) for a fault to belong to fault mode (loca- definition belongs to any fault mode). For the faults
tion) B. Evidently, all faults are correctly identified: confirmed as belonging to the modeled fault mode B
the faults in test cases IIII are properly identified (test cases IIII, but not test case IV), the shaded
as belonging to fault mode B, while the fault in test zones in Figure 12(ac) then correspond to fault
case IV is very clearly and properly identified as not magnitude interval estimates (at the = 0.05 risk
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 23

4000 2
Model parameter Residual variance
3000 based method 1.5
X 2q statistic

based method

F statistic
2000 1

1000 0.5

0 0
(a) (b)
Likelihood function Residual uncorrelatedness
1.5 10000
X 2N Statistic

X 2r statistic
based method based method

0 0
I: Healthy II: 8.1g III: 24.4g IV: 16.3g I: Healthy II: 8.1g III: 24.4g IV: 16.3g
(c) Test cases (d) Test cases
Figure 11. Fault detection results via parametric methods. (a) Model parameter; (b) residual variance; (c) likelihood
function; and (d) residual uncorrelatedness-based methods. A fault is detected if the test statistic (bar) exceeds the critical
point (dashed line; risk level = 0.01).

level), with the point estimates ( k) indicated by the (v) effective use of natural random vibration
middle solid vertical line. The accuracy achieved in data records for in-operation structural health
fault magnitude estimation is very goodit is worth- monitoring.
while observing that the true fault magnitudes (dashed On the other hand, statistical time series methods
vertical lines) lie within the interval estimates. may identify a fault only to the extent allowed by
the type of model used, require adequate expertise
on part of the user, may offer limited physical
8 CONCLUDING REMARKS insight, and sensitivity lower than that of local
nondestructive testing-type methods.
Statistical time series methods for structural
Statistical time series methods may be either of
health monitoring achieve fault detection, iden-
the nonparametric or parametric types. The latter
tification (localization), and estimation based on
are generally more elaborate, but offer improved
(i) random excitation and/or vibration response
capabilities particularly for the fault identification
signals, (ii) statistical model building, and (iii)
statistical decision making under uncertainty. and estimation subproblems.
The methods are data based, inverse type, and Further research is necessary, in particular, for
thus of quite general applicability. exploring the limits and limitations of the
In addition to sharing the benefits of general methods, as well as for tackling the less-studied
vibration-based methodsno visual inspection, fault identification (localization) and estimation
global coverage, time and cost effectiveness, subproblems.
automation capabilitystatistical time series Research should be also devoted to attaining
methods offer a number of unique advantages: robustness under substantial uncertainty and
(i) No need for physicsbased or finite element varying environmental or operating conditions,
models; (ii) no need for complete structural achieving high levels of automation, the capability
models (partial models and a limited number to work with large arrays of sensors, adaptation
of responses suffice); (iii) inherent accounting to real-time operation, as well as effective
of uncertainty; (iv) statistical decision making operation under nonGaussian environments and
with specified performance characteristics; and with nonlinear and time-varying structures.
Fault detection results

35 26.32
21.055 Test case
34 Fault
33 0 24.4
24 Signal Processing

FB 21.054 FB
FB 70.38


Estimation criterion
Test case Test case Test case
I II III 70.37
0.04 0.02 0 0.02 0.04 8.05 8.1 8.15 8.2 24.3 24.35 24.4 24.45 24.5 14.2 14.25 14.3 14.35
(a) parameter k (g) (b) parameter k (g) (c) parameter k (g) (d) parameter k (g)

Fault identification results

Test case

r = 50, a = 5%

X N statistic

Test case I Test case II Test case III

0 8.1 24.4 16.6

Figure 12. Fault detection, identification, and estimation results via the functional modelbased method. (ad) Fault detection results: a fault is detected
if k = 0 lies outside the shaded zone ( = 0.05). The curve shown is the estimation criterion as a function of the fault magnitude k. (e) Fault identification
results: each fault is accepted as type B if the test statistic (bar) lies below the critical point (dashed horizontal line; = 0.05). For such faults, each shaded
zone above then corresponds to the fault magnitude interval estimate at the = 0.05 risk levelthe point estimate being indicated by the middle solid line
and the true magnitude by the dashed line.
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 25

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The central limit theorem (CLT) For n the 2 (n) distribution tends to
normality [44, p. 523].

([28, p. 46]; [44, p. 273], [76, Vol. I p. 420]).
The sum X = nk=1 Zk2 /k2 is said to follow
Let Z1 , Z2 , . . . Zn designate mutually independent
noncentral 2 distribution with n degrees of freedom
random variables each with mean k and (finite) vari-
and noncentrality parameter = 2k /k2 . This
ance k2 . Then, for n the distribution of the
distribution is designated as 2 (n; ) [76, Vol. II
random variable X = nk=1 Zk approaches n the Gaus- p. 33].
sian distribution with  mean E{X} = k=1 k and
Let x n follow n-variate normal distribution
variance var(X) = nk=1 k2 .
with zero mean and covariance  (x N(0, )).
Then the quantity x T  1 x follows (central) 2 distri-
The 2 distribution bution with n degrees of freedom [30, p. 557]; [44,
pp. 486487], [47, p. 120].
Let Z1 , Z2 , . . . Zn designate mutually independent,
normally distributed, random variables, each with
mean k and standard deviation k . Then the The Students t distribution
Let Z be the standard (zero mean and unit variance)
 2 normal variable. Let X follow a (central) 2 distribu-
Zk k
X= (A.1) tion with n degrees of freedom and be independent
k=1 of Z. Then the ratio

is said to follow a (central) 2 distribution with n Z

T = (A.2)
degrees of freedom (X 2 (n)). Its mean and vari- X/n
ance are E{X} = n and var(X) = 2n, respectively.
Notice that imposing p equality constraints among is said to follow a Students or t (central) distri-
the random variables Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zn reduces the sets bution with n degrees of freedom (central because
effective dimensionality, and thus the number of it is based on a central 2 distribution; [76, Vol. II
degrees of freedom, by p [44, pp. 506507]. p. 34]). Its mean and variance are E{T } = 0 (n > 1)
Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM 29

and var(T ) = n/(n 2) (n > 2), respectively [44, is said to follow a (central) F distribution with
p. 513]. n1 , n2 degrees of freedom (F F (n1 , n2 )) (central
The (central) t distribution approaches the standard because it is based on central 2 distributions; [76,
normal distribution N(0, 1) as n [44, p. 523]. Vol. II p. 34]). Its mean and variance are E{F }
= n2 /(n2 2) (n2 > 2) and var(F ) = 2n22 (n1 + n2
2)/(n1 (n2 2)2 (n2 4)) (n2 > 4), respectively
The Fishers F distribution [44, p. 518].
Let X1 , X2 be mutually independent random vari- Note that for the distributions 1 critical point
ables following (central) 2 distributions with n1 , n2 f1 (n1 , n2 ) = 1/f (n2 , n1 ).
degrees of freedom, respectively. Then the ratio The (central) F distribution approaches normality
as n1 , n2 . For n2 n1 F approaches a
X1 /n1 (central) 2 distribution with n1 degrees of freedom
F = (A.3)
X2 /n2 [44, p. 523].
Chapter 24
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal
Robert B. Randall
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,

was defined as the inverse Fourier transform of the

1 Introduction 1 complex logarithm of the complex spectrum [2], this
2 The Cepstrum of Structural Transfer being reversible to a time function, and, for example,
Functions 2 permitting removal of echoes from a time signal.
This article uses the complex cepstrum, and other
3 Modal Analysis Using the Cepstrum of
versions that have the same property of retaining
Response Signals 3
phase information from the spectrum. It is shown
4 MIMO Situation 8 below that the complex cepstrum of minimum-phase
5 Conclusion 13 functions can be obtained from the power cepstrum,
References 14 since the phase is determined by the log amplitude.
Thus, for a time signal f (t), its complex cepstrum is
defined as

1 INTRODUCTION C( ) = 1 {log(F (f ))}

The cepstrum was originally proposed by Bogert = 1 {ln(A(f )) + j (f )} (1)
et al. [1] as a better alternative to the autocorrelation
function for detecting echo delay times, specifically where
for seismic signals. At that time, it was defined as
the power spectrum of the logarithm of the power F (f ) = {f (t)} = A(f ) ej (f ) (2)
spectrum. The power cepstrum was later redefined
[2] as the inverse Fourier transform of the log power in terms of the amplitude and phase of the spectrum of
spectrum, partly because it is more logical to use the f (t). The phase function (f ) must be unwrapped to
inverse transform between a function of frequency a continuous function of frequency. The independent
and a function of time, and partly because it is then variable of the cepstrum has the dimensions of
reversible to the power spectrum (e.g., after editing). time but is known as quefrency. It is analogous
At about the same time, the complex cepstrum to the time variable of the autocorrelation function,
and represents lag time or periodic time rather than
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by absolute time. It is worth noting that the complex
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 cepstrum is real, because the log amplitude of the
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. spectrum is even, and the phase spectrum is odd.
2 Signal Processing

For SIMO (single input, multiple output) systems, Of these terms, the first four are useful in clarifying
any output signal is the convolution of the input that the operations or features refer to the cepstrum,
signal with the impulse response function of the rather than the spectrum or time signal, and are still
transmission path, and this convolutive relationship regularly used in the literature as well as in this
is converted to an addition by the cepstrum operation article. Note that the autocorrelation function is also
as follows: a spectrum of a spectrum, so the distinctive feature
If of the cepstrum is the log conversion of the spectrum.

y(t) = f (t) h(t) (3)

Y (f ) = F (f )H (f ) (4) FUNCTIONS
log(Y (f )) = log(F (f )) + log(H (f )) (5) To determine the cepstrum of structural transfer
functions, it is convenient to assume that all signals
and are digitized, so that the Fourier transform can be
replaced by the Z transform. For a general impulse
1 {log(Y (f ))} = 1 {log(F (f ))} response function,

+ 1 {log(H (f ))} (6) 

h(n) = Ai esi nt = Ai zin (7)
The cepstrum is said to have homomorphic i=1 i=1
properties since it converts a convolution into an
where the Ai are residues, si and zi poles in the
addition, meaning that deconvolution can be achieved
by linear filtering (subtraction) [3]. S plane and Z plane, respectively, and t the time
It is this property that makes the cepstrum inter- sample spacing, the transfer function in the Z plane
esting for determining the dynamic properties of is given by
structures (modal analysis), since in the cepstrum of

the response these are added to the cepstrum of the Bzr 1 ai z1 1 bi z
forcing function, under certain conditions in disparate i=1 i=1
regions, thus allowing separation without full knowl- H (z) = (8)

edge of the force. 1 ci z1 1 di z
i=1 i=1

1.1 Terminology where the ci and ai are poles and zeros inside
the unit circle in the Z plane, respectively, and
In their original paper [1], Bogert et al. coined the the di and bi are the (reciprocals of the) poles
word cepstrum by reversing the first syllable of and zeros outside the unit circle, respectively (so
spectrum, the justification being that it was a spec- that |ai |, |bi |, |ci |, |di | < 1). Oppenheim and Schafer
trum of a spectrum. Similarly, the word quefrency [3] showed that for this transfer function H (z) the
was obtained from frequency, and the authors also cepstrum can be represented as
suggested a number of others, including
Ch (n) = ln(B), n=0
rahmonic from harmonic a n c n

lifter from filter Ch (n) = i

+ i
, n>0
n i
short-pass lifter from low-pass filter
long-pass lifter from high-pass filter  bn  d n
gamnitude from magnitude Ch (n) = i
, n<0 (9)
saphe from phase i
n i
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis 3

Here, the discretized time variable n represents Chd (n) = bin din , n<0 (12)
quefrency, and the time delay represented by zr in i i
equation (8) should first be removed.
The development is illustrated by taking the log of Note that in [4] these equations are given for
the ci terms (poles inside the unit circle) as follows: quefrency displaced by one sample (0 1), but the
zero origin has been maintained here to emphasize

cn the similarity with the complex cepstrum.
log(1 ci z1 ) = i
zn It will be recognized that the form of the differen-
i=1 i=1 n=1
tial cepstrum (sums of complex exponentials) is the

cn same as that of the impulse response function, and
= i
zn = Z i
(10) this can be used for parameter extraction as shown
n n
n=1 i=1 i=1 below.
Another advantage of the differential cepstrum is
so that the cepstrum for
those terms is given by the that it can be directly calculated from a time signal as
inverse Z transform as N i n
i=1 (ci /n), as in equation (9),
and the other terms are completely analogous.
1 {n x(n)}
From equation (9) it can be seen that for minimum- Chd (n) =  (13)
phase functions, with no zeros or poles outside
the unit circle, the cepstrum is zero for negative which avoids the necessity to unwrap the phase of
quefrency, and is thus causal. For this reason, the the spectrum.
real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform of Another version proposed by Antoni et al. [5] is
the cepstrum of minimum-phase functions (i.e., the the mean differential cepstrum (MDC), which is
log amplitude and phase of the spectrum) are related formally defined in terms of the partial derivative
by a Hilbert transform, so the complex cepstrum of the logarithm of the spectral correlation function,
can be obtained from the log amplitude spectrum but can be calculated by a formula similar to equa-
alone, avoiding the necessity to measure or unwrap tion (11), to which it reverts for a single realization:
the phase [3]. The real, even cepstrum obtained
by inverse transforming the log amplitude spec-

E[H  (f ) H (f )]
trum is converted into the complex cepstrum of the Chmd ( ) = 1 (14)
E[H (f ) H (f )]
minimum-phase function by doubling the value of
positive quefrency components, and setting negative
This permits averaging over a number of realiza-
quefrency components to zero (i.e., by multiplying it
tions, for example, of the response of a system excited
by 2H ( ) where H is the Heaviside function).
by a burst random sequence and Antoni demonstrates
There is another related function with homomor-
in [5] that this gives a more repeatable result.
phic properties known as the differential cepstrum
[4], which is defined as the inverse transform of the
derivative of the log spectrum; thus,

Cd ( ) = Z1 [log H (z)] = Z1
dz H (z) SIGNALS
Since taking the derivative in one domain corre- Where the log spectrum of the excitation is rela-
sponds to multiplication by the independent variable tively smooth and flat (e.g., excitation by an impulse),
in the other domain, the differential cepstrum can be its cepstrum is very short and the higher quefrency
written in terms of the poles and zeros in the Z plane part of the cepstrum of the response is completely
(cf equation 9) as dominated by the structural function. It is possible to
curve fit this part of the cepstrum for the poles and
Chd (n) = ain + cin , n>0 zeros of the transfer function as illustrated in Figure 1
i i (from [6]).
4 Signal Processing

Force cepstrum concentrated here

Dominated by transfer function

Point 1
Autospectrum (dB)


Cepstrum (Np)
75 Measured


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 25 50

(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Quefrency (ms)
Figure 1. Extraction of the complex cepstrum of a transfer function from the response autospectrum of a beam excited by
a hammer blow (a) driving point response autospectrum (b) measured and regenerated cepstra. [Reproduced from Ref. 6.
Elsevier, 1996.]

Figure 1(a) shows the response autospectrum at the In [7], it is described how this information can
driving point (one end) of a freefree beam excited be obtained by other means from earlier or similar
by a hammer blow. Noise in the response is negli- FRFs, for example, a finite element (FE) model of the
gible. Figure 1(b) shows the cepstrum derived from structure. Neither of the two above factors is sensitive
this and the cepstrum of the transfer function obtained to small changes in the exact pole and zero positions,
from it assuming minimum-phase properties. Equa- and so it is possible to track slow changes in the
tions of the form of (7) were curve fitted for the dynamic properties (such as from a developing crack)
poles and zeros inside the unit circle using a least or update the FE model to have the correct (measured)
squares optimization (LevenbergMarquardt) method in-band poles and zeros.
[6]. The cepstrum of the transfer function was then Figure 2 illustrates the results of both types of
regenerated using equation (7). It is seen that the model updating on the freefree beam excited by
regenerated and measured cepstra correspond almost hammer blows [7]. Since these FRFs have minimum-
perfectly at the higher quefrencies dominated by the phase properties, the autospectra were used for gener-
transfer function. Equally good results were obtained ating the cepstra. The particular result shown is for
in [6] by curve fitting the differential cepstrum, using excitation at one end and response measured near
both the LevenbergMarquardt method and the ITD the middle, giving a number of zeros approximately
(Ibrahim time domain) method originally developed half the number of poles. In [7], it is shown that
for extracting impulse responses from free decay the amount of correction required by the equalization
vibration signals. function depends on the imbalance of zeros and poles
When an attempt was made to regenerate the in the (truncated) out-of-band region. For a driving
frequency response functions (FRFs) from the curve- point measurement, with the same number of poles
fitted poles and zeros, it was realized that there are and zeros, the correction required is minimal, since
two pieces of information that are lacking to fully
the poles and zeros can be arranged in pairs that
restore them:
almost balance each other in terms of amplitude and
1. an overall scaling factor that is part of the zero phase correction.
quefrency value of the cepstrum, which is not The advantage of the cepstral method of regen-
curve fitted and erating FRFs, compared with other methods from
2. an equalization curve due to the lack of residual response measurements only, is that the zeros contain
information from out-of-band modes that are much of the information in the residues of the FRF,
excluded from the measured cepstrum. and when combined with the scaling and equalization
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis 5

Log FRF (dB)

Log FRF (dB)

25 20

0 0

0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 2. Use of the cepstrum to update FRFs from response measurements of a freefree beam excited by hammer
blows (dashed linemeasured and solid lineregenerated). [Reproduced from Ref. 7. Elsevier, 1996.] (a) Updated FE
model from cepstrum of response autospectrum and (b) model further updated to track the effects of a slot in the middle
of the beam affecting the symmetric modes. Note the reduction in frequency of the odd-numbered modes.

information give the possibility of obtaining fully inertial properties for freefree systems or static stiff-
scaled modes that can be used for predicting forced ness properties for restrained systems. Later, it was
response. Figure 2(a) was obtained by combining the realized that both corrections could be obtained by
in-band poles and zeros extracted from the measured the simple expedient of comparing the amplitudes
autospectra with equalization and scaling information of the regenerated FRFs (on log scales) using only
obtained from an approximate FE model of the beam the in-band poles and zeros, with close estimates
as discussed below. Figure 2(b) also illustrates that of the true FRF based on a similar measurement or
these methods can be used to track changes due to an approximate FE model. The dB difference curve,
increasing damage (in this case a deepening slot), and smoothed by short-pass liftering to remove high-
the same scaling and equalization information could quefrency errors gives a good estimate of the scaled
be used for this further development, illustrating its equalization curve. Figure 4 gives an example from
insensitivity to the detailed positions of the poles and [10] showing an equalization curve generated in this
zeros. As discussed in the next section, it is possible way, together with the two curves from which it was
to extract scaled mode shapes with accurate natural derived and the corrected estimate. It will be noted
frequencies, and changes in either or both could be that the equalization curve in that example has some
used to track the development of the crack. This ripple, which represents the major source of error in
indicates a potential application to structural health the final estimate, but it should be possible to reduce
monitoring. this by using an improved smoothing, as well as
Figure 3 (from [7]) illustrates the changes in adding an estimated mass line (from static prop-
natural frequencies due to the increasing slot, which erties) to the FRF calculated from the in-band poles
were tracked by the cepstral method. and zeros.
Note that the compensation given by the equal-
ization curve is purely for out-of-band modes and is
3.1 Obtaining scaled modes virtually independent of the color of the excitation as
from response measurements long as the spectrum of the latter is reasonably smooth
and flat. This obviates the requirement of many opera-
In [7], the equalization was done using phantom tional modal analysis techniques where the excitation
zeros [8], extra in-band zeros added to a transfer is assumed white.
function to compensate for missing out-of-band The procedure proposed in [10] for obtaining
poles and zeros, as commonly done in modal anal- scaled mode shapes is illustrated in Figure 5.
ysis curve-fitting software [9] to obtain a match The FE model to be used for equalization and
between measured data and theoretical models. The scaling should first be updated using resonance (pole)
overall scaling was done on the basis of low- information from any operational modal analysis
frequency values, which can be inferred from static (OMA) technique, including the cepstral techniques
6 Signal Processing


Log FRF (dB) 40


Log FRF (dB)




Log FRF (dB)


0 500 1000 1500
(c) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3. Changes in the FRFs between one end of a freefree beam and (a) the same point, (b) near the middle, and
(c) the other end due to a slot cut progressively in the middle of the beam to a final depth of half the thickness.

proposed here. Note that most FE model updating example from [10] where after updating there are still
techniques (e.g., [11]) use only resonance informa- discrepancies at high frequencies, and in the estimated
tion. The resulting FRFs should be more accurate than damping.
the original estimates at low frequencies, which is The equalization curves from the updated FE
important for the scaling. For freefree objects, the model are used to obtain scaled FRFs using the (in-
mass matrix should be reasonably well estimated band) pole and zero information from the cepstral
even before updating, but for constrained objects the curve-fitting method. Figure 7 gives two examples of
original stiffness matrix will usually suffer from poor the corrected FRFs from [10] using this approach.
estimates of joint stiffness, etc., and a good fit to the There are two main errors evident in these results:
lowest modes will go a long way toward improving
the stiffness matrix and the estimates of static stiffness
that are important for scaling. 1. Local amplitude deviations coming from the
Otherwise, the updated model does not have to be ripple referred to above, the reduction of which
perfect to obtain good results. Figure 6 shows the should be possible.
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis 7

8 8

6 6
Log magnitude

Log magnitude
4 4

2 2

0 0

2 2

4 4
0 1000 2000 0 1000 2000
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4. Typical FRFs (a) reference (solid line), regenerated ( . . . .) and scaled ( ), and the corresponding
equalization curve (b). [Reproduced from Ref. 10. Elsevier, 2007.]

Response measurements
from system in operation

Generate FRFs from

updated FE model and
Obtain resonances from use these to calculate the
curve fit of cyclic equalization curves

Scale OMA FRFs using

equalization curves from
Update finite element updated FE model
model using resonance

Figure 5. Procedure for obtaining scaled mode shapes from FE model updating. [Reproduced from Ref. 10. Elsevier,

103 2. Differences in frequency of the modes, most

evident at the higher frequencies. These are
purely the result of the fact that the measurement
object in this case was a steel beam excited by
Log magnitude (m s2)

101 two small shakers, so that the identified reso-

nances were those of the beam plus shaker
moving elements, somewhat lower than those of
the beam alone. This is a problem common to
any OMA technique, but exacerbated in many
laboratory experiments as opposed to real prac-
tical situations where the actual excitation does
103 not give added mass.
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 6. Comparison of the driving point FRF from

measurement (solid line) and from the updated finite Despite these minor errors, the resulting mode
element model (dashed line). [Reproduced from Ref. 10. shapes compared very well with the true measured
Elsevier, 2007.] ones, including with respect to scaling.
8 Signal Processing

103 103

Magnitude (m s2)
Magnitude (m s2)




0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7. Comparison of correctly scaled FRFs from OMA (dashed line) and measured (solid line); driving point (a) and
typical transfer measurement (b). [Reproduced from Ref. 10. Elsevier, 2007.]





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
(a) (Hz)
Detrended phase
Minimum phase


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
(b) (Hz)
Figure 8. Nonminimum phase FRF recovered using the MDC. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 5. KUL, 2000.]

3.2 The mean differential cepstrum 4 MIMO SITUATION

Antoni et al. in [5] have shown that mixed-phase In the above cases, there was only one effective exci-
FRFs can be obtained using the MDC even in the tation force applied in one degree of freedom (DOF).
presence of noise in the signals. A typical result is In most cases, in practice, there are several sources
shown in Figure 8. acting simultaneously, which gives a MIMO (multiple
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis 9

input, multiple output) situation. In that case, the 106

response at any point is a sum of convolutions, so
Total signal
that equation (6) no longer applies. It is necessary to
separate out the response(s) to a single source applied
in a single DOF. Several ways of achieving this have
been attempted. 102

4.1 Periodic impulsive excitation
Since the excitation must have a flat spectrum, it 0 200 400 600 800 1000
must either be impulsive or broadband random. If (a) Frequency (Hz)
a periodic impulse can be applied in one DOF, the 104
response to it can be extracted by synchronous aver-
aging. Experiments were made on a freefree beam 102
with two excitations, one periodic impulsive and the
other broadband random, applied by small shakers
[12]. The intended application was to the determi-
nation of the modal properties of a rail vehicle, by Periodic part
mounting one wheel with a flat. (one period)
Figure 9(a) shows a typical response spectrum,
where the apparently shaded area is actually sepa- 0 200 400 600 800 1000
rate harmonic lines of the periodic part, with a (b) Frequency (Hz)
separation of 1 Hz. The continuous part of the spec- 104
trum at the base is dominated by the random part. Random part
Figure 9(b) shows the spectrum of the periodic part
(one period only, so that the spectrum appears contin- 102
uous), which was extracted by synchronous aver-
aging. Figure 9(c) shows the averaged power spec-
trum of the residual random signal. Each individual 100
spectrum in the average has four times better reso-
lution than that of the periodic part, as does the
averaged spectrum. 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Since the spectrum of the periodic part has limited (c) Frequency (Hz)
resolution, determined by the fundamental frequency, Figure 9. Response spectra with periodic impulsive and
it was proposed that it could be used to determine random excitation [12]. (a) Total signal (b) spectrum of
the residues (and/or zeros) of the SIMO FRF repre- periodic part (one period) (c) average spectrum of the
senting the response to the periodic excitation only, random part after the periodic part has been subtracted.
and possibly the frequencies of the poles, but, in [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 5. KUL, 2002.]
particular, the accuracy of the damping would be
limited by the resolution. thus implicitly the residues) are obtained using the
On the other hand, since the frequencies and cepstrum on the periodic part.
damping of the poles are global values, they can
be determined with more accuracy from the broad-
band part of the spectrum, even if they corre- 4.2 Cyclostationary input
spond to MIMO or distributed excitation. In [13], a
number of methods are compared for determining the An nth-order cyclostationary signal is defined as
frequency and damping of the poles from the broad- one whose nth-order statistics are periodic. Thus, a
band residual spectrum, after the poles and zeros (and first-order cyclostationary signal has a periodic mean
10 Signal Processing

value (e.g., a periodic signal plus noise), while a convenient to use the asymmetrical version of equa-
second-order cyclostationary signal has a periodic tion (16)
variance (e.g., a white noise modulated by a sinusoid).
Many practical signals have cyclostationary proper- 1
Sy (f ) = lim E{YW (f )YW (f )} (17)
ties, and if only one of the excitations in an MIMO W W
situation has second-order cyclostationary properties
at a particular cyclic frequency, it is possible to sepa- Substituting the relationship Y (f ) = H (f )X(f )
rate out the response to it at each measurement point, into equation (17) gives
thus reducing the problem to SIMO, and allowing the
use of cepstral techniques to separate the forcing and Sy (f ) = H (f )H (f )Sx (f ) (18)
transfer functions.
The so-called spectral correlation function allows Taking the log and inverse Fourier transform to
signals to be separated into periodic, stationary obtain the cepstrum
random, and cyclostationary components. It can be
obtained from the generalized autocorrelation func- Cy ( ) = Ch ( ) + Ch ( ) ej 2 + Cx ( ) (19)
tion defined as
meaning that the response cepstrum at cyclic fre-
Ryy (t, ) = E[y(t /2)y(t + /2)] (15) quency contains the cepstrum of the transfer func-
tion and only the input at cyclic frequency .
by a two-dimensional Fourier transform with respect Moreover, for minimum-phase systems the ceps-
to lag (into normal frequency f ) and time t (into trum is zero for negative quefrency and for broadband
cyclic frequency ). Thus, the Fourier transform in excitation functions has a short cepstrum equal to zero
the direction gives continuous spectra from the for | | > 0 . Thus
transformation of a transient, while the Fourier trans-
form in the t direction (actually a Fourier series) gives Cy ( ) = Ch ( ), > 0 (20)
discrete components at the harmonics of the cyclic
frequency because of the periodicity in this direc- In [14], it is shown that a somewhat more
tion. Note that periodic (or first-order cyclostationary) complex procedure can be used for nonminimum
signals have a spectral correlation function, which is phase systems, where both the positive and negative
discrete in both directions (a bed of nails), but if quefrency parts of the cyclic cepstrum are used. The
the mean value is first subtracted only second-order symmetric definition of the spectral correlation (equa-
components are left. These can be separated from tion 16) can then be used, where the cyclic cepstrum
stationary random components, which only appear at will be phase shifted for both positive and negative
zero cyclic frequency because they do not vary with quefrencies.
time, by definition. The minimum-phase approach was applied in [14]
The spectral correlation can also be directly calcu- to vehicles driven by internal combustion engines,
lated in the frequency domain using the formula such as diesel railcars, a result from which is
presented in Figure 10, although the excitation in that
1      case was a burst random signal applied by a shaker.
Sy (f ) = lim E YW f + YW f
W W 2 2 Figure 10 shows the spectral correlation (cyclic spec-
(16) trum) for a typical response measurement.
where second-order cyclostationarity is assumed at The spectral correlation at cyclic frequency =
cyclic frequency . Note that at = 0 the normal 1/T was analyzed using the cyclic cepstrum as one
autospectrum is obtained. of a number of SIMO responses, and gave scaled
It can be shown as in [14] that the struc- mode shapes very similar to those measured directly
tural dynamic properties are contained in the spec- (see Figure 11 for an example).
tral correlation of a response signal y(t) at cyclic Many naturally occurring signals are cyclosta-
frequency . For minimum-phase systems, it is tionary rather than periodic, so it is possible that this
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis 11

Magnitude (dB)




4 /T
3 /T
2 /T 64
Cy 1/T
cli 0
re 1/T 32
qu 2 /T z)
cy 3 /T uency (H
4 /T 0 Freq

Figure 10. Cyclic spectrum of a response measurement from a passenger rail vehicle. [Reproduced from Ref. 14.
Elsevier, 2007.].

as represented by the equation:

Y(tn ) = h X(tn ) where h = [hij ]NM (21)

the matrix of impulse response elements hij as a

mixing system convolved with the source signals.
Figure 11. Comparison of mode shapes from cyclic The (Fourier transformed) FRF matrix h can be
cepstrum analysis (OMA) and direct experimental modal decomposed by SVD (singular value decomposition)
analysis (EMA). as

technique might be applicable to OMA of structures h = UDV (22)

excited by such signals.
where U and V are unitary (rotational) matrices, and
D is a diagonal (scaling) matrix. U and V have the
4.3 Blind source separation property that UUH = VVH = I, the identity matrix
(superscript H means Hermitian transpose).
In recent years, there has been a steady develop- From the response vector Y, it is possible to form
ment in the topic of blind source separation (BSS), the cross spectral matrix:
initially with applications in telecommunications, but
later increasingly with applications in mechanical
problems [15, 16]. The idea is to separate out the S = E[Y YH ] (23)
responses to a number of sources at a number of
measurement points, with no direct knowledge of the and substituting equation (22) in the frequency
sources or transmission paths, but based solely on the domain (multiplicative) gives
assumption that the different sources are statistically
independent. S = E[UDVX XH VH DH UH ]
In most mechanical problems, there is a vari-
able transmission path from each source to each
measurement point, and the mixing is convolutive, = UD2 UH (24)
12 Signal Processing

6 6
4 4
Log amplitude

Log amplitude
6 4

8 6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 12. Reconstruction of an FRF using SVD and cepstral curve fitting. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 17.
KUL, 1998.] (a) Comparison of first principal autospectrum with the corresponding FRF and (b) comparison of measured
and regenerated FRFs.

since the source vector X has independent compo- averages. Moreover, because the reconstructed FRFs
nents and without loss of generality can be taken to were scaled, it was possible to perform a modal
be spatially white (any differences in gain can be analysis with scaled modes.
assigned to the transfer functions). Thus, U and D
can be found by SVD, but not the further rotational
matrix V required to determine h completely. 4.3.2 Separation by other means

Currently, a number of studies are under way to

4.3.1 Separation by SVD alone effect true blind separation using other means. It is
In [17], it was found purely empirically that if one necessary to use further information to determine
of the sources was dominant, i.e., with rms value the unknown rotational matrix V. One possibility
greater than the others by a factor of at least 4, then discussed in [15] is to use higher order statistical
SVD alone gave a reasonable separation, at least in (HOS) properties (such as different kurtosis) to effect
terms of the zeros of the autospectrum of the first the separation, but this limits the sources (except
principal component obtained by SVD. Figure 12(a) possibly one) to be non-Gaussian since the HOS prop-
compares the extracted principal autospectrum with erties of Gaussian signals are zero (see Higher Order
the FRF between the dominant forcing function and Statistical Signal Processing). A problem with many
the measurement point corresponding to the autospec- of the methods that have been developed to date (for
trum. In this case, the measurement object was a steel example, for applications in telecommunications) is
frame excited by two broadband sources in different that the number of sources must be known in advance,
points, one four times stronger than the other. It is and each must be independent and applied in a single
seen that the poles and zeros coincide, even though DOF. Many mechanical excitations are distributed
the forcing spectrum was not completely white, but and/or correlated at different excitation points, so the
rolling off by about 15 dB toward the higher frequen- best potential appears to be the methods that sepa-
cies. Figure 12(b) shows that the FRF reconstructed rate out the response to a single source (among an
by the same method as Figure 2 corresponds very unknown number), which is independent of the others
well with that measured directly, using the forces that and applied in a single DOF. Note that the convolu-
were measured at the same time as the responses. tive mixing of equation (21) becomes multiplicative
Note that the cepstral curve fitting was able to in the frequency domain, giving the possibility to use
determine accurate pole and zero values (by least methods developed for the case of simple multiplica-
squares optimization) even in the presence of noise tive mixtures, e.g., independent components analysis
in the autospectrum caused by the limited number of (ICA). However, these suffer from three problems:
Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis 13

1. An unknown gain factor between the compo- The same assumptions are made as for equa-
nents. This corresponds to an unknown filter in tion (24) and, in addition, the purely imaginary time
the convolutive mixture, but is not a big problem . 
shift constants . . j C can be arbitrarily set to zero
where only the responses to each source are to
because response signals have no zero time reference.
be separated and not the sources themselves.
This is seen to result in a matrix differential
After separation to a SIMO situation, the cepstral
equation (DE) in h for which there is no closed-
methods can determine the filter functions.
2. An unknown permutation of the separated com- form solution, but can be solved numerically by finite
ponents at each frequency, which must be resol- difference methods. A recent PhD thesis [19] has
ved before all frequency components can be examined this possibility in some depth, but problems
combined to form time signals. A method is still remain. In [19], the matrix DE is developed
proposed in [18]. further to give a similar matrix DE in terms of the
3. The fact that frequency analysis into narrow unknown unitary matrix V, which is somewhat more
bands tends to make any signal more Gaussian well behaved than h, and thus easier to solve for
and thus more difficult to be separated by HOS by numerical means. Since the solution of the DE is
techniques. This is influenced by the resolution propagative from one frequency to the next (starting
of the practical fast Fourier transform (FFT) from known static values near zero frequency) the
analysis, and the spectral kurtosis can be used permutation problem is resolved. One result from [19]
as a guide to the choice of resolution [18]. is that if the matrix method is collapsed to a scalar
problem, the propagative method gives an alternative
way of producing the MDC, which may be found to
4.4 MIMO version of the mean have advantages in some situations.
differential cepstrum Despite suffering from noise problems at this stage,
these matrix methods are presented because they may
In [5], Antoni proposed a MIMO version of the be further developed in the future.
MDC, without developing it further. By analogy with
equation (14) a matrix version of it is proposed,
which does not use the logarithm explicitly. The basic
derivation is as follows: 5 CONCLUSION
Dyy = E Y YH E YYH The cepstrum has valuable properties for determining
   modal properties from response measurements, since
= E h X + h X XH hH in the SIMO case the contributions of the forcing
  1 and transfer functions are additive. In addition, if
E [h X] XH hH
the force spectrum is smooth and flat (impulsive or
= h E XXH hH + h E X XH hH broadband random), its cepstrum is short, and the
      remainder of the response cepstrum can be curve
I . .  fitted for the poles and zeros of the transfer function.
.j C
With some a priori information, this gives the possi-
  H  H 1
h E XX h bility of obtaining scaled modal properties, which is
   very difficult with other methods. Since operational
measurements normally represent an MIMO situation,
various methods are discussed to effect BSS, so as
 .    H 1
Dyy = h hH +h . . j C hH hh to convert the MIMO situation to a sum of SIMOs
(or at least extract one SIMO system of interest) and
Dyy hhH = h hH + h . . j C hH thus permit the cepstral methods to be used more
.  While not yet specifically applied to structural
Dyy h = h + h . . j C
health monitoring, the successful tracking of the
h Dyy h = 0 (25) development of a slot in a beam (simulating a crack)
14 Signal Processing

indicates the potential of these methods for this [10] Hanson D, Randall RB, Antoni J, Thompson DJ,
purpose. Waters TP, Ford RAJ. Cyclostationarity and the
cepstrum for operational modal analysis of mimo
systemspart II: obtaining scaled mode shapes
through finite element model updating. Mechan-
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[14] Hanson D, Randall RB, Antoni J, Thompson DJ,
[4] Polydoros A, Fam AT. The differential cepstrum: Waters TP, Ford RAJ. Cyclostationarity and the
definitions and properties. Proceedings of the IEEE cepstrum for operational modal analysis of mimo
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[5] Antoni J, Guillet F, Daniere J. Identification of non- 21(6):24412458.
minimum phase transfer functions from output-only
[15] Haykin S. Unsupervised Adaptive Filtering Volume I:
measurements. ISMA25 Conference. KUL: Leuven,
Blind Source Separation. John Wiley & Sons: New
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[6] Gao Y, Randall RB. Determination of frequency
[16] Antoni J, Braun S (eds). Special issue: blind source
response functions from response measurements.
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the 3rd IMAC . Orlando, 1985; pp. 390397. through UNSW Library.
Chapter 25
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous
Phase, and Frequency
Michael Feldman
TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

processing, vibration analysis, dynamic system moni-

1 Introduction 1 toring, diagnostics, and identification. The HT was
2 Notation 1 first introduced to signal theory by Denis Gabor in
1946. He defined a generalization of the well-known
3 Properties of the HT 2 Euler formula eiz = cos(z) + i sin(z) in the form of
4 Digital Hilbert Transformers 2 the complex function Y (t) = u(t) + iv(t), where v(t)
5 HT and Dynamic Systems 3 is the HT of u(t) [1]. In signal processing, when the
6 Analytic Signal 4 independent variable is time, this associated complex
7 HT and Vibration Signals 4 function is known as the analytic signal and the HT
v(t) is called quadrature (or conjugate) function of
8 Signal Envelope 5
u(t). The application of the HT to the initial signal
9 Instantaneous Phase 5 provides some additional information about ampli-
10 Instantaneous Frequency 6 tude, instantaneous phase, and frequency of vibra-
11 Narrow- and Wideband Signals 8 tions. This information can be useful when applied to
12 Mono- and Multicomponent Signals 8 analysis of vibration motions, including a decompo-
13 HT Signal Decomposition 10 sition of the signal into its simplest components and
an inverse problem of vibration system identification.
14 HT Nonlinear System Identification 12
15 Conclusion 16
References 16 2 NOTATION
The HT of the function x(t) is defined by an integral
transform [1]:

H [x(t)] = x(t) = 1 d (1)
The Hilbert transform (HT), as a kind of inte- Because of the possible singularity at t = , the
gral transformation, plays a significant role in signal integral is to be considered as a Cauchy principal
value. The HT is equivalent to a special kind of
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by filter, in which all the amplitudes of the spectral
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 components are left unchanged, but their phases are
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. shifted by /2 (Figure 1).
2 Signal Processing

A (t )
x (t )

x (t )

A (t )

x (t )

x (t )
Figure 1. The initial signal x(t), the Hilbert transform x(t), and the envelope A(t): quasi-harmonics (a); nonstationary
square wave (b).

3 PROPERTIES OF THE HT cube of the harmonics x 3 = (A cos )3 is equal to

H [x 3 (t)] = H [x 2 (t)x(t)] = A3 (3 sin + sin 3)/4.
The HT of a real-valued function x(t) extending
from to + is a real-valued function defined
by equation (1). Thus, x(t) is the convolution inte- 4 DIGITAL HILBERT
gral of x(t) with (t)1 , written as x(t) = x(t) TRANSFORMERS
(t)1 . The HT of a constant is zero. The double
HT (the HT of a HT) yields the original func- We can form the HT by designing a filter with
tion having the opposite sign, and hence it carries the frequency response corresponding to the impulse
out a shifting of the initial signal by . The HT response (t)1 . This response is H () = isgn().
used four times on the same real function gives us This frequency response describes an ideal wideband
the original function back. The power (or energy) 90 phase shifter, the positive frequencies of which
of a signal and its HT are equal. A function and are shifted by 90 (/2) and negative frequencies
by +90 (/2). There are mainly two methods for
 HT are orthogonal over the infinite interval obtaining a real approximate Hilbert transformer:
x(t)x(t) dt = 0. The HT of the derivative of a frequency domain and time domain.
function is equivalent to the derivative of the HT of
the function.
For n(t) low-pass and x(t) high-pass signals
4.1 Frequency domain
with nonoverlapping spectra, H [n(t)x(t)] = n(t)x(t).
More generally, the HT of the product of two arbitrary This technique is based on computing the Fourier
functions with overlapping spectra can be written in transform of a signal. If x(t) is the real input
the form of a sum of two parts [1]: H {n(t)x(t)} = data record of length N , then the analytic
H {[n(t) + n1 (t)]x(t)} = n(t)x(t) + n1 (t)x(t), where signal X(t) = x(t) + i x(t) can be obtained by:
n(t) is the slow (low-pass) signal component, n1 (t) X(t) = IFFT{B(n) FFT[x(t)]}, where B(n) = 2 for
is the fast (high-pass) signal component, and n1 (t) n = {0, (N/(2 1))} and B(n) = 0 for n = {N/2,
is the HT of the fast component n1 (t). The proof of (N 1)}. FFT is the fast Fourier transform and IFFT
the decomposition of a signal into a sum of low- and is the inverse fast Fourier transform. The imaginary
high-pass terms is based on Bedrosians theorem for portion of X(t) contains the HT projection x(t) and
the HT of a product. For example, the HT of the the real portion contains the real input signal x(t).
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 3

Windowing and/or zero padding may have to be used relations [2]. The properties connect the real and
to avoid ringing. imaginary parts of any complex analytic function in
the upper half plane. We can associate the imaginary
part of a complex frequency response function as the
4.2 Time domain HT of the real part of the function. In other words,
the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function
The phase shift can be implemented by a convo- form a Hilbert pair. The imaginary part of a response
lution filter, obtainable by the convolution theorem function describes how a system dissipates energy,
relating convolution to multiplication in the frequency since it is out of phase with the driving force. These
domain. The finite impulse response (FIR) digital relations imply that observing the dissipative response
Hilbert transformers (Figure 2) have the advantage of a system is sufficient to determine its in-phase
of providing exactly linear phase, but at the expense (reactive) response, and vice versa. Any departure
of requiring a higher filter order as compared to the from an initial linear frequency response function,
infinite impulse response (IIR) designs, to achieve a i.e., distortion, can be attributed to nonlinear effects.
given negative frequency attenuation level.

5.2 Hysteretic damping

Most real materials show an energy loss per cycle
5.1 KramersKronig relations with a less pronounced dependency on frequency.
In fact, many materials indicate forcedeformation
For a causal function, the HT presents interesting relations that are independent of the deformation
mathematical properties named the KramersKronig rate amplitudeso-called hysteretic relations. A



Impulse response





10 20 30 40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(a) Filter points (b) Relative frequency
Figure 2. Length 39 Hilbert transformer (digital filter). Impulse response (a) and frequency response function
(b)magnitude ( ) and phase (- - - -).
4 Signal Processing

known mechanical element model shows frequency- Im X (t )

independent storage and loss moduli. This implies
that the Fourier transforms of both the element force
A (t )
F () and the element deformation () satisfy x(t )
F (i) = k[1 + isgn()](i), where k is the stiff-
ness and is the loss factor (ratio of the loss and
storage moduli of element). In this model, the dissi-
pated energy in a harmonic deformation cycle of y(t )
constant amplitude is independent of the frequency
x (t )
of deformation. Only the HT gives a correct time Re X (t )
domain expression for the concept of linear hysteretic
damping [3]. This transform can be used to replace
complex-valued coefficients in differential equations
modeling mechanical elements.

6 ANALYTIC SIGNAL Figure 3. Analytic signal representation.

The complex signal whose imaginary part is the HT

one can determine its instantaneous amplitude (enve-
(equation 2) of the real part is called the analytic
lope, magnitude, modulus)
or quadrature signal [1]. Such a signal is a two-
dimensional signal whose value at some instant in 
time is specified by two parts, the real and the imagi- A(t) = |X(t)| = x 2 (t) + x 2 (t) = eRe[ln X(t)] (3)
nary part: X(t) = x(t) + i x(t), where x(t) is related
to x(t) by the HT. To return from a complex form of
and its instantaneous phase
the analytic signal X(t) back to the real function x(t),
one has to use the substitution x(t) = 0.5[X(t) +
X (t)], where X (t) is the complex conjugate signal (t) = arctan
= Im[ln X(t)] (4)
of X(t). The analytic signal has a one-sided spectrum x(t)
of positive frequencies. The conjugate analytic signal
has a one-sided spectrum of negative frequencies. The change of coordinates from rectangular (x, x)
to polar (A, ) gives x(t) = A(t) cos (t) and
x(t) = A(t) sin (t).
6.1 Polar notation
According to analytic signal theory, a real vibration
process x(t), measured by, say, a transducer, is only 7 HT AND VIBRATION SIGNALS
one of possible projections (the real part) of some
analytic signal X(t). Then the second or quadrature The analytic signal method is equally applicable to
projection of the same signal (the imaginary part) x(t) deterministic and random processes, although, gener-
will be conjugated according to the HT. The analytic ally speaking, it does not divide them into two sepa-
signal has a geometrical representation in the form rate groups. It enables us to investigate any oscillating
of a phasor rotating in the complex plane, as shown
time function from a general point of view. The
in Figure 3. Using the traditional representation of
method is also good for solving problems concerning
the analytic signal in its trigonometric or exponential
linear and nonlinear vibration systems, stationary and
nonstationary vibrations, as well as narrow- and/or
wideband signals. It also allows precise analysis
X(t) = |X(t)|[cos (t) + j sin (t)]
of the dissipation of vibration energy and vibration
= A(t) ej (t) (2) effects on machine durability.
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 5

7.1 Signal differentiation and integration envelope. The plus sign of the root square corre-
sponds to the upper positive envelope and the minus
The analytic signal notion (equation 2) allows us to sign corresponds to the lower negative envelope, so
describe a relationship between an initial
 they are always in antiphase relation. The envelope
signal and its first derivative as X = X (A/A) + i . function contains important information about the
The second
 derivative of the signal takes the form energy of the signal. By using the HT, the rapid
X = X (A/A) 2 + 2i A + i . Integration of oscillations can be removed from the amplitude-
analytic signals may also be of importance for signal modulated (AM) signal to produce a direct repre-
processing. A complex function of a real variable t sentation of the slow envelope alone. For example,
is an integral of the analytic signal if the real and the impulse response of a linear single-degree-of-
the imaginary parts of the function are corresponding freedom (SDOF) system is an exponentially damped
integrals forming a pair of the HT. sinusoid. The envelope of the signal is determined by
the monotonic exponent decay rate.
AM signals can be described with the constant
7.2 Signal demodulation carrier frequency 0 . Then the initial complex signal
(equation 2) will be given by X(t) = A0 ej (t) =
Traditional Fourier analysis simply assumes that the A0 ej 0 (t) ej 0 t , where A0 ej 0 (t) introduces a new
signal is the sum of a number of sine waves. The complex expression as the complex envelope. The
HT allows a complex demodulation analysis, adapted spectrum of the complex envelope can be obtained by
to signals of the form of a single, but modulated shifting an initial signal spectrum to the left toward
(perturbed), sine wave. As a vibration signal is the origin of axes.
exactly of the model that the method assumes, it is
no wonder that in some cases the HT performs better
than the Fourier analysis. Demodulation removes the 8.1 Average values and amplitude
modulation from a signal to get the original baseband
distribution function
signal back. For example, an envelope detector based
on the HT takes a high-frequency signal as input, and The mean value of the envelope takes the form
provides an output that is the envelope of the original
A = A(t) dt. The mean value of the square
 the 2time-derivative of the envelope is [A(t)] =
of 2

A (t) dt. This quantity determines the level of

7.3 Fatigue estimation the envelope variation (A = 1).
The envelope probability density p(A) is related to
The HT approach can be used to count fatigue cycles  probability density function p(x): p(x) =
the signal
in an arbitrary loading waveform. It processes a time 1 |x| p(A) dA/(A2 x 2 )1/2 . As an example of
history representing the random wideband loading this relation, a typical classical Gaussian (normal)
condition to generate the number of cycle counts form of the probability density of the random vibra-
with their corresponding amplitudes. The approach tion that conforms to the Rayleigh probability density
is general, is accurate within any desirable degree of the vibration envelope is shown in Figure 4.
of accuracy, and is amenable to modern signal
8 SIGNAL ENVELOPE The instantaneous phase notation (equation 4) indi-
cates the multibranch character of the function, as
The amplitude of the oscillation can vary with time, shown in Figure 5, line 2, when the phase angle
and the shape of such time variation is called the jumps between and . These phase jumps can be
envelope A(t) (equation 3). The initial signal and its unwrapped into a monotone function by an artificial
envelope have common tangents at points of contact changing of the phase values (Figure 5, line 1). The
(extrema points), but the signal never crosses the instantaneous relative phase shift in the case of two
6 Signal Processing

A (t )

p (A)

p (x)
x (t )

Figure 4. Random signal with envelope and their distributions.

done when finding the instantaneous frequency (IF)

by differentiation of the signal itself:
x(t)x(t) X(t)
(t) = = Im (5)
A2 (t) X(t)

The IF (t) measures the rate of phasor rotation in

the complex plane. Naturally, for a simple monohar-
p monic signal, the envelope and the IF are constant,
and the phase angle increases linearly with time. In
0 the general case, the IF of the signal is a varying
function of time. Moreover, the IF in some cases
t may change sign in some time intervals. This corre-
Figure 5. Instantaneous phase: unwrapped (1) and wrap- sponds to the change of rotation of the phasor from
ped (2). the counterclockwise to the clockwise direction. The
IF always has physical meaning and is nothing more
different real signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) can be estimated than just the varying speed (rate) of the phasor rota-
as the instantaneous relative phase between them, tion in polar axes. In the time domain, the negative
according to the formula 2 (t) 1 (t) = arctan IF corresponds to the appearance of a complex riding
(x1 (t)x2 (t) x(t)x2 (t))/(x1 (t)x2 (t) + x1 (t)x2 (t)). cycle (complicated cycle of an alternating signal).

10 INSTANTANEOUS FREQUENCY 10.1 Average values, central frequency,

and distribution function
The first derivative of the instantaneous phase (equa-
tion 4) as a function of time (t) = (t), called the The instantaneous amplitude and frequency of com-
instantaneous angular frequency, plays an important plicated vibration signals are nonconstant; they vary
role. The angular frequency (t) = 2f (t) has the in time. While the IF is a positive function, the signal
dimension radian per second and the cycle frequency itself has the same numbers of zero crossings and
f (t) has the dimension hertz. There is a simple way to extrema. When the IF has a negative value, the signal
avoid the whole phase-unwrapping problem. It can be has one or multiple extrema between successive
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 7

zero crossings. The mean value of the IF 0 = the relative filter width p[(t) < 0] = 2 /14402 ,

= (t)A2 (t) dt = (m1 /m0 ), equal to the first where 0 is the central filter frequency and  is
normalized moment of the signal spectrum, is called the filter width. This indicates that after any narrow-
the central frequency (here mi is the ith moment of band filtering, the random signal will still have the
the spectrum) [4]. The mean value
 of the modulus negative value of the IF. However, for very small
of the IF given by || = |(t)|A2 (t) dt = widths like (/0 ) 0.01, the probability will be
(m2 /m0 )1/2 is equal to the number of the signal zero less than one in a million, and the IF can be practically
crossing.  considered as always positive. From equation (6) it
The mean value of the IF squared 2 = 2 (t) follows, for example, that the probability of a nega-
A2 (t) dt = (m2 /m0 ) A2 (t) determines the level of tive value of the IF of random vibration of the SDOF
the IF variation. Some typical examples of the central system (Table 1) is proportional to the system viscous
frequency estimation based on the IF are shown in damping coefficient.
Table 1.
It is notable that, in the case of the SDOF vibra-
tion system, its free vibration natural frequency value 10.2 Signal bandwidth
equal to (02 h2 )1/2 0 (h2 /20 ), where h is
There are several techniques for estimation of the
the viscous damping, lies between these central
spectrum bandwidth. Probably the most familiar and
moments of the IF (Table 1).
simplest is the half peak level width. Also, the
As the IF may be considered to be the average
spectrum bandwidth could be estimated as a width
of the signal frequency at a given time instant, it
of a hypothetical square  with the same energy and
seems reasonable to inquire about the probability
density function or spread at that time. For the the peak value 1 = 0 S() d/Smax . In the case
random normal narrowband signal, the probability of the IF analysis, it is useful to introduce one more
density function of the IF was derived by Bunimovich width parameter that is equal to the mean absolute
[4] p() = (2 )/(2(2 + 2 )3/2 ). From the last value of the IF deviation from its central value
formula, a probabilistic prerequisite to the formation plus the envelope variations. By summing up the IF
of the negative value of the IF is as follows: variation around the mean value and the envelope
 variations, we obtain the average spectrum bandwidth
of the signal 2 [5]:
p[(t) < 0] = 0.5 1 (6)
22 = ( 0 )2 S() d = 2 + A2 (t) 2
For example, the probability of a negative value 0
of the IF of a random signal after an ideal rect-  2
m m1
angular narrowband filter is directly proportional to = 2 (7)
m0 m0
Table 1. The spectral central frequencies
where, again, mi is the ith moment of the spectrum
Vibration signal Central frequency S(). Equation (7) is derived from Parsevals energy
Mean Mean identity relation for time and frequency domains. It
value modulus ||
indicates that the signal spectrum bandwidth is equal
to the sum of the IF and the envelope variations. For
Harmonics cos 0 t 0 0 AM signals, the spectral bandwidth is equal to the
Random vibration of the 0 0 mean square value of the velocity of the amplitude
system change. For signals which are only frequency modu-
y + 2hy + 02 y = F (t)  lated, the spectral bandwidth is equal to the mean
2 square value of the IF.
Narrowband random noise 0 0 1 +
1 2402 Some typical examples of the spectral bandwidth
0  < <
2 estimation are shown in Table 2.
0 +  Taking into account these representations of ana-
2 lytic signals enables one to consider a vibration
8 Signal Processing

Table 2. The spectral bandwidth Such a detrended vibration signal will always alter-
Vibration signal Spectral bandwidth nate around zero. In the narrowband case, its envelope
coincides with the local maxima function. More-
Energy IF over, the envelope and the opposite sign envelope
equivalent deviation for narrowband signals are always in antiphase. In the
1 2 wideband case, the negative IF and the corresponding
 complicated riding cycle indicate the existence of
h0 1/2
Random vibration of the h 2 the local negative maximum or the local positive
minimum of the signal.
y + 2hy + 02 y = F (t)
Narrowband random noise 
1 6 11.1 Example of two harmonics
0  < <
1 If a signal composition is a sum of two harmonics:
0 + 
2 x(t) = A1 (t) cos 1 t + A2 (t) cos 2 t, the envelope
A(t) (equation 3) of the double-component signal
process, at any moment of time, as a quasihar- composition could be written as A(t) = [A21 + A22 +
monic oscillation, amplitude and frequency modu- 2A1 A2 cos(2 1 )t]1/2 . The signal envelope A(t)
lated by time-varying
t functions A(t) and (t) : consists of two different parts, that is, a slow varying
x(t) = A(t) cos 0 (t) dt. The instantaneous param- part, including the sum of the component amplitudes
eters are functions of time and can be estimated at squared, and a rapidly varying part, oscillating with
any point of the vibration signal. The total number a new frequency equal to the difference between the
of these points, which map the vibration, is much component frequencies.
greater than that of the peak points of the signal. The IF (t) (equation 5) of the double-component
This opens the way for averaging and for other statis- composition is as follows:
tical processing procedures, making vibration analysis
more precise. (2 1 )[A22 + 2A1 A2 cos(2 1 )t]
(t) = 1 +
A2 (t)
The IF of the two tones considered in equation (8)
11 NARROW- AND WIDEBAND is generally time-varying and exhibits asymmetrical
SIGNALS deviations about the frequency 1 of the largest
harmonics. In addition, these deviations always force
Classically, the relations between the spectral band- the IF beyond the frequency range of the signal
width and the central frequency divide vibration components. The IF, in principle, consists of two
signals into two groups: narrowband (  ) different parts, that is, a frequency of the first largest
and wideband (  ) signals. Also a vibration- component 1 and a rapidly varying asymmetrical
detrended (centered) signal can be considered a oscillating part. For large amplitude of the second
narrowband signal if its IF and envelope are always harmonics when (A2 /A1 ) > 1 1 (1 /2 ), the
positive ((t) > 0, A(t) > 0), and the vibration IF of the composition becomes negative.
signal with zero or negative IF is considered a wide-
band signal ((t) 0). A slow frequency-modulated
signal is a typical example of the narrowband signal. 12 MONO- AND
With this definition, the narrowband signal in each
cycle, defined by the central frequency, involves only
one mode of oscillation; no complex riding waves In the simple case, a nonstationary signal has constant
are allowed [6]. In effect, in this case the IF will or slow varying amplitude and a slow varying positive
not have the fast fluctuations induced by asymmetric IF. This kind of signal is often referred to as a
waveforms. single- (mono-) component or monochromatic signal.
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 9

The term monocomponent signal corresponds to the For a signal formed from the summation of
intrinsic mode function (IMF) and is suggested in many components, we can invoke the generalized
[6]. Monocomponent signals belong to the group of triangle inequality property for complex functions.
narrowband signals whose IF is always greater than The triangle inequality states that the sum of the
zero. However, not every narrowband signal is a moduli of complex numbers is greater than the
simple monocomponent signal. For example, a slow modulus
the sum of these complex numbers:
AM signal is a narrowband signal, but it is not a | N C
l=1 l | N
l=1 |Cl |. In our case, the modulus on
monocomponent, because it can be separated into the left-hand side is the signal envelope A(t) of
three simpler components. Often, measured signals the composition X(t), and the sum of the moduli
can be represented by a composition (sum) of a small on the right-hand side is the sum of the component
number of the monocomponent signals [7]: envelopes, thus yielding

x(t) = Al (t) cos l (t) dt (9)

Aenv (t) Al ej l (10)
where Al (t) is the instantaneous amplitude and l (t)
is the angular radian IF of the l component. In other A new term, envelope of the envelope (EoE)
words, the signal consists of l monocomponents, Aenv (t), is defined as the tangent curve to the local
where each has a constant or a slowly varying extrema, which touches only maximum points during
amplitude Al (t) and the IF l (t). every longest period of the composition. The EoE
The multicomponent signal can be defined as represents the acting maximum height (intensity) of
follows: an asymptotic signal is referred to as a the signal and forms the shape of the time varia-
multicomponent composition if there exists even a tion of the acting extreme points. The EoE varies
single narrowband component such that its extraction much more slowly with time than the signal enve-
from the composition decreases the average spectrum lope itself. To estimate the EoE, we first need to
bandwidth of the remainder signal. This definition produce a decomposition of the signal and then to
means that, after breaking up a signal into its simplest construct the algebraic summation of the envelopes
components and taking out any component, the enve- of all the decomposed components. Such successive
lope and the IF of a residue part will have smaller signal decomposition (disassembling) and the subse-
deviations in time. The signal example considered in quent summation (reassembling) of the component
Section 11.1 can be decomposed into pure harmonic envelopes generate the desirable EoE as a slow func-
components, each one without a deviation and with a tion of time. The EoE function plays an important
zero spectrum bandwidth. role in the precise identification of nonlinear vibra-
tion systems by taking into consideration their high-
frequency nonlinear components [8].
12.1 Upper and lower amplitude bounds
(envelope of the envelope)
In the case of the multicomponent signal, its enve- 12.2 Average frequency and the largest
lope sometimes exceeds the signal local maxima. energy component
To estimate the acting upper and lower bounds
of the signal, consider a general l-component real For combination of two harmonics (see Example
signal x(t) with the amplitudes and the instantaneous in Section 11.1) the IF consists of two different
frequencies according to equation (9). Naturally, this parts, that is, a slow varying frequency of the first
N phasor as a composition X(t) = component 1 and a rapidly varying asymmetrical
j l (t) j l (t)t oscillating part. However, the rapidly varying asym-
l=1 l (t)e e will have a more complicated
and faster varying envelope function. Here X(t) is metrical oscillating part of the IF has an important
the signal in the analytic form and Al (t)ej l (t) is the feature. If we now integrate the oscillating part with
complex amplitude (envelope) of every component. the integration limits corresponding to the full period
10 Signal Processing

of the difference frequency 0 T = 2/(2 1 ) , or differ at most by one; and (ii) at any point, the
mean value of the envelope defined by the local
maxima and the envelope defined by the local minima
 T (2 1 ) a22 + 2a1 a2 cos (2 1 ) dt is zero. The EMD algorithm requires the following
procedures at every iteration step: (i) estimation of all
0 a 2 (t)
extrema; (ii) spline fitting of all minima and maxima,
dt = 0 (11) ending up with two extrema functions; (iii) compu-
tation of the average function between maxima and
we get the definite integral equal to zero. This minima; (iv) extraction of the average from the initial
means that the average value of the first moment signal; and (v) iteration on the residual (the sifting
of the IF (equation 8) is just equal to the frequency procedure). When applied to a nonstationary signal
of the largest harmonics (t) = 1 (t) + 0 (t) = mixture, the EMD algorithm yields efficient estimates
1 (t) + 0. This interesting property of the IF offers for the instantaneous amplitude and frequency signals
the simplest and most direct way of estimating the of each component.
frequency of an a priori unknown largest signal For illustration purposes, let the signal be a
component [9]. In the more general case of three composition of two nonstationary harmonics, each
and more quasi-harmonics in the composition, the IF one with a varying amplitude (Figure 6a). The
will take a more complicated form, but again, the EMD method successfully decomposes both the
averaging or the low-pass filtering will extract only amplitude and frequency of each intrinsic function
the IF of the largest energy component. (Figure 6b, c) from the initial wideband signals, but
it cannot decompose the narrowband bi-harmonics
signal [10, 11].
HT decomposition methods allow any complicated
data set to be decomposed into a finite and often 13.2 Global HVD method
small number of IMFs. Recently, Huang et al. [6, 7]
proposed the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) The important property of the IF (equation 11) offers
method to extract monocomponent and symmetric the simplest and most direct way of estimating the
components, known as IMF, from nonlinear and frequency of an a priori unknown largest signal
nonstationary signals (see also Damage Detection component. If we replace the integration of the IF
Using the HilbertHuang Transform). The term by convolution with a low-pass filter instead of aver-
empirical chosen by the authors emphasizes the aging, we will cut down the asymmetrical oscillations
empirical essence of the proposed identification of and leave only the slow varying frequency of the main
the IMF by their characteristic timescales in the component. Thus, the IF becomes a useful function
initial complicated data. Some years later, a different
technique, called the Hilbert vibration decomposition
(HVD) method, dedicated to the same problem of
decomposition of nonstationary wideband vibration,
was developed in [9]. The global HVD method is (a)
based on the HT presentation of the IF and does not
involve spline fitting.

13.1 Local EMD method

The EMD method [6] automatically generates a
collection of IMFs that satisfy two conditions: (i) in (c)
the complete data set, the number of extrema and Figure 6. EMD signal decomposition: initial signal (a)
the number of zero crossings must either be equal and nonstationary components (b and c).
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 11

enabling detection of the largest energy component. will be separated if the difference between their
A low-pass filter will eliminate all high-frequency frequencies is greater than the cutoff frequency value.
components outside of the cutoff frequency, leaving For illustration purposes, let the carrier signal be
the low-frequency components of the IF without a harmonic cos t, and let the modulation also be a
modification. Such low-pass filtering of the IF corre- single but nonstationary tone with decreasing modula-
sponds to the narrowband filtering of the signal tion index and with increasing modulated frequency.
around its central frequency, and the cutoff frequency The signal waveform is shown in Figure 7(a) and the
of the IF is equal to the relative bandwidth frequency decomposed components according to the proposed
of the signal. HVD method are shown together in Figure 7(b).
The HVD method [9] at every iteration step
requires the following procedures: (i) estimation of
the IF of the largest component by low-pass filtering 13.3 Comparison of the HT
of the signal IF; (ii) detection of the corresponding decomposition methods
envelope of the largest component; and (iii) subtrac-
tion of the largest component from the composi- 13.3.1 Local versus global
tion. At each iteration step, the corresponding slow
varying vibration component is extracted using the A varying signal can be described by different signal
low-pass filtering of the IF. Correspondingly, on attributes that change over time. To estimate attributes
each iteration step the residual contains the lower- such as amplitude or frequency, any procedure will
energy components. As a result, we automatically need some measurements during a definite time.
separate the initial composition into several slowly Generally two approaches exist for such estimation: a
varying oscillating components. At each iteration step local approach that measures attributes at each instant
after subtracting the largest component, the IF of the without knowing the entire function of the process
residual will be filtered again, and the components and a global approach that depends on the whole

x (t )


(a) 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850



350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
(b) Time (s)
Figure 7. HVD signal decomposition: initial signal (a) and nonstationary components (b).
12 Signal Processing

signal waveform during a long (theoretically infi- method is more and more widely applied for analysis
nite) measuring time. An example of the local (or and identification of nonlinear dynamic structures.
differential, microscopic) approach is the estimation
of a frequency by measuring the interval (spacing)
between two successive zero crossings. Examples 14.1 Elastic nonlinearities in vibration
of the global (or integral, macroscopic) approach systems
are estimating the average frequency by taking the
first moment of the spectral density, estimating the The important type of nonlinearity arises when the
envelope or the IF. In other words, local estima- restoring force of a spring is not proportional to
tions consider the signal locally, i.e., in a very small its deformation. There are several known types
interval around the instant of analysis. Quite to the of static force characteristics (loaddisplacement
contrary, global estimations have to use the whole real curve) representing different types of nonlinearity in
signal. The global versus local estimations provide elastic springs: backlash, preloaded (precompressed),
different precisions and resolutions depending on impact, and polynomial ones. In most nonlinear vibra-
many conditions, primarily noise distortions and tion systems, the natural frequency will depend deci-
random flicker phase modulation in a signal [4, 5]. sively on amplitude of the vibrations (Figure 8).
Every typical nonlinearity in a spring has its unique
form of skeleton (backbone) curve [8, 12]. The unique
topography of the skeleton curve is essential for the
14 HT NONLINEAR SYSTEM properties evaluation of the tested vibrating system,
IDENTIFICATION e.g., in reconstructing characteristics of the nonlinear
elastic forces.
By observation (experiment), we acquire knowledge
of the position and/or velocity of the object as well 14.1.1 Small-amplitude nonlinear behavior:
as the excitation at several known instants of time. preloading and backlash
The nonparametric identification will determine the
initial nonlinear restoring and damping forces. In There are cases where vibration systems show their
the case of free vibration, we have only the output specific nonlinear behavior only in a small-amplitude
signalthe vibration of the oscillatorswhereas in range of vibrations. Such a system is a spring
the case of forced vibration we also deal with the backlash (clearance). For small vibration ampli-
input excitation. In modern signal processing, the HT tudes, the system will display its nonlinear properties
Spring force


4 2



(a) (b) Frequency

Figure 8. Characteristics of typical nonlinear vibration systems (hardening (1), softening (2), backlash (3), preloaded (4)):
backbones (a) and static elastic force (b).
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 13

where natural frequency decreases with decreasing of range, depending on the type of nonlinear damping
amplitude. force characteristics. As an example of a small-
Another typical example of nonlinearity in the amplitude nonlinear behavior, we mention a system
small-amplitude range is a vibration mechanical with Coulomb (dry) friction, whose plot of loga-
system with preloaded (pretensioned) restoring force. rithmic decrement versus vibration amplitude is a
Only for small amplitudes of vibration motion com- monotonic hyperbola [12]. In some other cases, like
mensurable to a preloaded deformation the natural nonlinear turbulent friction, the nonlinear damping
frequency will increase extremely with decreasing of behavior appears in the large-amplitude range. But
amplitude. in practice, the real small damping forces practically
have no effect on the mechanical system backbones.
14.1.2 Large-amplitude nonlinear behavior:
polynomial model
Most of the known cases of nonlinear manifestation 14.3 Theoretical bases of nonlinear
occur in the large-amplitude range of oscillation, system identification
like a nonlinear spring element with hardening
or softening restoring force, or nonlinear friction The time-domain techniques, based on the HT, allow
quadratic or cubic force. These typical nonlinear direct extraction of linear and nonlinear systems
spring elements of a mechanical vibration system parameters from a measured time signal of input and
could be expressed as a power series k(x) = (1 + output of the vibration system [12]. The HT methods,
3 x 2 + 5 x 4 + )x. In general, a second-order namely, free vibration (FREEVIB) and forced vibra-
conservative system with a nonlinear restoring force tion (FORCEVIB), of free and forced vibration anal-
k(x) and a solution x(t) = A cos t takes a simple ysis determine instantaneous modal parameters, even
form x + k(x) = 0. Applying the multiplication if an input signal is a high-sweep frequency signal.
property of the HT for overlapping functions Such direct determination of a relationship between
[12] to the last equation, we obtain a new amplitude and natural frequency, which characterizes
form of time-varying equation of motion x + elastic properties, and a relationship between ampli-
j (t)x + 02 (t)x = 0, where 0 (t) is the fast- tude and damping characteristics, enables an efficient
varying natural frequency function and (t) is nonlinear system testing without long forced response
the fast-varying fictitious damping function. If we analysis.
consider only the mean value of the varying A second-order conservative system with a non-
natural frequency function square, T we get an linear restoring force k(x), a nonlinear damping
important result [12] 02 = T 1 0 02 (t) dt = 1 + force h(x)x, and a solution x(t) = A(t) cos[(t)t]
(3/4)3 A2 + (5/8)5 A4 + , which proves that can be represented in a general form x + h(x)x +
the averaged natural frequency has, correct to k(x) = 0. In the first stage of the identification
the polynomial constant coefficients, the same technique, the envelope A(t) and the instantaneous
expression as the initial nonlinear restoring force frequency (t) are extracted from the vibration and
k(x). This general result means that the estimated excitation signals on the base of the HT signal
average natural frequency, and hence the system processing. In the next stage, by applying the
skeleton curve (backbone) A(0 ), includes the multiplication property of the HT for overlapping
main information about the initial characteristics of functions to the equation of motion, the instanta-
nonlinear elastics and can be used for nonlinear neous undamped natural frequency and the instan-
system identification. taneous damping coefficient are calculated according
to formulas [12]
14.2 Damping nonlinearities in vibration
A 2A2 A
systems 02 (t) = 2 + 2 + ;
Vibration systems also can show their damping A
nonlinearities only in a small- or a large-amplitude h0 (t) = (12)
A 2
14 Signal Processing

where A(t) and (t) are the envelope of the IF of 14.4 Considering high harmonics
the vibration. for identification
In the last stage of low-pass filtering, the set of
duplet modal parameters (the instantaneous natural The modern vibration decomposition approaches
frequency 02 (t) and instantaneous damping h(t) ) [6, 9] divide the real multicomponent motion into
of each natural mode of vibration are defined. As a a number of separated principal and high-frequency
result of the HT method, the corresponded set of the superharmonics. These approaches, considering the
duplet modal parameters as functions of the envelope high superharmonics, yield more precise identifica-
(the skeleton and the damping curves) of each natural tion of nonlinear systems, including the nonlinear
mode of vibration describe the dynamic behavior of elastic and the damping static force characteris-
the structure. tics. Theoretically, summarizing an infinitive number
It is notable that for linear systems with a constant of partial static force characteristics will provide
natural frequency f0 the damping coefficient h0 (t) the exact initial static force characteristics of the
(equation 12) depends only on the varying enve- nonlinear system. To precisely reconstruct the initial
lope. By estimation of the average damping coeffi- nonlinear force characteristics, we deduce the form
cient as an integral in the interval of time, we will of each oscillating function by using the EoE
get the well-known approximate formula for the (equation 10).
logarithmic decrement from the decay envelope: In the first stage of the identification technique
 considering high harmonics, the signal envelope,
t2 A
h 1 A(t) together with the instantaneous undamped natural
= dt = n1 ln i+n
f0 (t1 t2 )f0 t1 A(t) Ai frequency and the instantaneous damping coefficient,


15 20 25 30 35
Time (s)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (s)
Figure 9. Nonlinear spring free vibration: the displacement ( ), the envelope ( ), the envelope of the
displacement envelope (smoothed bold line ).
Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency 15

is extracted from the vibration and excitation signals and a linear damping characteristic x + 0.05x + x +
based on HT signal processing [8]. In the next stage, 0.01x 3 = 0; x0 = 10, x0 = 0. A simulation of the free
the EoE is generated by considering nonlinear high vibration signal was carried out by using an initial
harmonics for every obtained instantaneous func- displacement as shown in Figure 9. A part of the
tion, according to equation (10). In the final stage, displacement envelope is shown separately with zoom
the precise nonlinear static elastic and the damping to emphasize its oscillating behavior.
force characteristics are constructed as a multipli- The obtained results of the HT identification
cation of two corresponding EoEs (for example, are shown in Figure 10. The fast-varying instanta-
displacement and stiffness) according to the tech- neous natural frequency (before the decomposition) is
nique described in [8]. It is convenient to represent plotted against the envelope as a fast-changing spiral
the final result of HT identification in a standard (Figure 10a, thin line). The same figure includes also
form that includes the skeleton curves with the initial the low-pass filtered skeleton curve (dashed line) that
static force characteristics of the nonlinear vibration only approximately restores nonlinear forces correct
system. to the first term of motion. The final precise enve-
lope skeleton curve, which considers, in addition,
14.5 Example of nonlinear spring two high superharmonics, is shown in Figure 10(a)
identification with a bold line. The resultant identified spring data
and damping force characteristics completely coin-
As an example of a nonlinear elastic force, we refer to cide with the initial cubic spring static force charac-
the classic Duffing equation with a hardening spring teristics k(x) = 1 + 0.01x 3 (Figure 10b, dashed line)

7 8
6 6

5 4
Spring force

2 4
1 6
0 8
0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 5 0 5
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Displacement

0.05 0.3

0.04 0.2
Damping coefficient

Friction force

0.01 0.2

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 5
(c) Velocity amplitude (d) Velocity
Figure 10. Identified nonlinear spring. The backbone (a): instantaneous ( ), averaged (- - - -), with high harmonics
( ); The static spring force characteristics (b): initial (--), with high harmonics ( ); The damping curve (c):
initial (--), averaged (- - - -), with high harmonics ( ); The static friction force characteristics (d): initial (--), with
high harmonics ( ).
16 Signal Processing

and the initial trivial straight friction force character- [2] Pandey JN. The Hilbert Transform of Schwartz
istics (Figure 10c and d, dashed line). Distributions and Applications. John Wiley & Sons:
New York, 1996.
[3] Inaudi JA, Kelly JM. Linear hysteretic damping
15 CONCLUSION and the Hilbert transform. Journal of Engineering
Mechanics 1995 121:626632.
The HT is accepted as a standard procedure in the
[4] Vainshtein L, Vakman D. Frequency Separation in
field of signal processing and has been used for
the Theory of Vibration and Waves (in Russian).
more than 60 years. The application of the HT to Nauka: Moscow, 1983, p. 288.
the initial signal provides some additional information
about instantaneous amplitude, phase, and frequency. [5] Vakman D. Signals, Oscillations, and Waves. Artech
House: Boston, 1998.
This important information was valid when applied
to monitoring and analysis of varying signals. [6] Huang NE, Shen Z, Long SR. New view of
Two known HT signal decomposition methods nonlinear water waves: the Hilbert spectrum. Annual
(the EMD and the HVD) allow automatic and Review of Fluid Mechanics 1999 31:417457.
adaptive extraction of a priori unknown narrow- [7] Huang NE, Shen SSP, (eds). The Hilbert-Huang
band components from the nonstationary composi- Transform and its Applications. World Scientific
tion. The HT decomposition methods are dedicated Publishing, 2005.
primarily to decomposition of quasi and almost peri- [8] Feldman M. Considering high harmonics for identi-
odic oscillating-like signals. Such oscillating types fication of nonlinear systems by Hilbert transform.
could be, for example, multicomponent nonstationary Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2007
modulated vibrations similar to rotor start-up or shut- 21/2:943958.
down vibration, or motion of nonlinear dynamic [9] Feldman M. Time-varying vibration decomposition
system. and analysis based on the hilbert transform. Journal
The instantaneous amplitude, phase, and frequency of Sound and Vibration 2006 295/35:518530.
have valuable properties for determining changes
[10] Rilling G, Flandrin P. One or two frequencies? The
from signal measurements. Not only this but also
empirical mode decomposition answers. IEEE Trans-
the instantaneous parameters are able to solve an actions on Signal Processing 2008 56(1):8595.
inverse problemthe problem of identification of
dynamic nonlinear systems. The HT-based technique [11] Feldman M. Theoretical analysis and comparison
facilitates direct estimation of system instantaneous of the Hilbert transform decomposition methods.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2008
dynamic parameters (i.e., natural frequencies and
damping characteristics) as well as their dependence
on vibration amplitude and frequency. [12] Feldman M. Non-linear free vibration identification
via the Hilbert transform. Journal of Sound and
Vibration 1997 208(3):475489.
[1] Hahn SL. Hilbert Transforms in Signal Processing.
Artech House, 1996, p. 305.
Chapter 26
Timefrequency Analysis
Rosario Ceravolo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

Though a huge variety of plausible theories and

1 Introduction 1 perspectives has been proposed for timefrequency
analysis, one method cannot be claimed to be superior
2 Joint Timefrequency Representation 2
to the others under all conditions. The benefits of each
3 Timefrequency Representation of timefrequency approach should be highlighted and
Stochastic Processes 8 demonstrated by referring to specific applications. In
4 Timefrequency Estimation and Best the particular field of structural health monitoring
Windowing 10 (SHM), many authors have applied linear tools, such
5 Model-based Timefrequency as the short-time Fourier transform and the wavelet
Estimation 12 transform, or in some cases their squared magni-
6 Examples 15 tudes, known as spectrogram (SPEC) and scalo-
7 Achievements and Perspectives in gram (SCAL), respectively. Others have appealed to
SHM Applications 20 quadratic structures, since energy is a quadratic signal
References 21
The adoption of a quadratic representation makes it
possible to overcome limitations due to the timefre-
quency resolution, since energetic and correlative
transforms are not based on signal segmentation.
1 INTRODUCTION Specifically, among the quadratic transforms, those
belonging to the Cohen class [1] are characterized by
Interest in timefrequency representation is moti- their invariance to time and frequency shifts. Shift
vated by the limitations of classical spectral estima- invariance is of great importance when processing
tion techniques in analyzing strongly nonstationary signals measured on mechanical systems and justifies
behaviors [1]. Owing to the importance of nonsta- the interest that many researchers have shown for this
tionary components in vibration signals, several approach.
studies have proposed the adoption of timefrequ- The present article is intended as a compre-
ency analysis in structural diagnostics [2, 3] and hensive overview of some recent advances in the
machine fault detection [4]. field of timefrequency analysis for structural iden-
tification. We focus on the shift-invariant class,
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by including the SPEC. Other timefrequency analysis
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 techniques include, but are not limited to, wavelet
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. analysis (see Wavelet Analysis) and empirical mode
2 Signal Processing

decomposition combined with Hilbert transform frequency. Tx (t, f ) is referred to as timefrequency

(see Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang representation (TFR) of the signal x(t).
In more detail, the exposition starts with a brief
review of the main timefrequency transforms, laying 2.1 Linear timefrequency transforms
a special emphasis on properties that are desirable
2.1.1 Short-time Fourier transform (STFT)
in SHM applications. Timefrequency analysis is
then discussed from the stochastic perspective, which In order to introduce the time localization of frequ-
entails the definition of time-dependent spectra that ency components, a simple solution is obtained by
reflect the time evolution of the second-order prop- prewindowing the signal around a particular time t, as
erties of the processes. Much of the practical interest shown in Figure 1, calculating its Fourier transform,
in stochastic formulation lies in defining proper and doing that for each time instant t. Accordingly,
timefrequency estimators for output-only system the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of a signal
identification. Structural dynamics models are then x(t  ) is defined as [5, 6]
introduced in formulations, so as to support data  +

x(t  ) (t t  ) ejft dt  (1)
( )
analysis of time series and, specifically, linear and STFT X (t, f ) =
nonlinear identification techniques.
The article concludes with a numerical example where (t) is a short-time analysis window cen-
showing the identification of a simple nonlinear tered around t. The superscript denotes complex
system, and with an experimental application to the conjugation.
dynamic characterization of a real reinforced concrete Since multiplication by the relatively short window
building. (t  t) effectively suppresses the signal outside a
neighborhood around the analysis time point t  = t,
the STFT is a local spectrum of the signal x(t  )
REPRESENTATION The STFT is evidently linear and is complex-
valued, in general. Provided that the short-time
The main advantage of timefrequency domain anal- window is of finite energy, the STFT is invertible
ysis is its ability to handle nonstationary waveform through
signals, which are very common when structural  +  +
defects and machinery faults occur. STFT X (t  , f  )g(t t  )
( )
x(t) =
As an example, let us consider a signal that
features a time localization of spectral components. e jf  t
dt  df  (2)
The Fourier transform is not suited for the anal-
ysis of such components, since it projects the signal 1.5
on infinite harmonics, which are not localized in
time. If at any time instant only a single frequency 1
is present, an instantaneous frequency may be vari-
Acceleration (m s2)

ously defined; this quantity is commonly identified 0.5

with the rate of phase change in the analytic signal
(see Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous 0

Phase, and Frequency; Damage Detection Using

the HilbertHuang Transform). Such a definition
is capable of describing the time localization of a 1
specific class of signals, but proves to be unsuitable
for multicomponent ones. 1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
In all cases where monodimensional representa-
tions are inadequate, one can turn to bidimensional Time (s)

(joint) functions Tx (t, f ) of the variables time and Figure 1. Prewindowing of a nonstationary signal.
Timefrequency Analysis 3

with g(t) (t) dt = 1. Equation (2) implies that the Hence, the frequency resolution of the STFT is
total signal can be decomposed as a weighted sum of proportional to the effective bandwidth of the analysis
elementary waveforms window . As a consequence, for the STFT, we have
a trade-off between time and frequency resolutions:

gt,f (t  ) = g(t  t)e jft (3) while a good time resolution requires a short window
, a good frequency resolution requires a narrow-
which can be interpreted as atoms. Each atom is band filter i.e., a long window. This limitation is
obtained from the window g(t) by a shift in time and a consequence of the HeisenbergGabor inequality
frequency (modulation). [1, 9]:
The STFT may also be expressed in terms of signal T B 1 (7)
and window spectra:
 where T is the signals temporal length and B is the
  bandwidth. The lower bound of the product is reached
STFT ( )
x (t, f ) = X(f ) (f f )
for Gaussian functions.

f )t
ej (f df  (4)
2.1.3 Discrete STFT
where X and  are the Fourier transform of x
and , respectively. Accordingly, the STFT can be Equation (1) can be sampled on a rectangular grid:
interpreted as the result of passing the signal through
a filter with frequency response (f  f ) and is, x (n, m) = STFT x
STFT ( ) ( )
nt0 , mf0
therefore, deduced from a mother filter (f ) by a  +
translation of f . The STFT is thus similar to a bank = x(t  ) t  nt0 ej 2mf0 t dt 
of band-pass filters with constant bandwidth.
The STFT preserves timefrequency shift (prop- (8)
erty P2 in Table 1). Such transform, as well as its where n and m are integers.
squared magnitude, the SPEC, is frequently used in The problem is then to choose the sampling period
many application fields, including modal decoupling, t0 and frequency f0 so as to minimize the STFT
system identification (e.g., [7, 8]), group velocity, inherent redundancy without losing any information
speech recognition, etc. [6, 10]. For a sampled signal x[n] whose sampling
period is noted t, t0 has to be chosen as a multiple
of t such that t0 f0 1. We then have the following
2.1.2 Timefrequency resolution analysis and synthesis formulae [6]:
The time resolution of the STFT can be obtained by 
considering for x a Dirac impulse: x [n, m] =
STFT (w) x[k] [k n] ej 2mk
x(t) = (t t0 ) STFT ( )
x (t, f ) 1 1
for m (9)
= ejft 0 (t t0 ) (5) 
2 2
x[k] = x [n, m]g[k n]
STFT (w)
Thus, the time resolution of the STFT is proportional n m
to the effective duration of the analysis window . e j 2mk
Similarly, to obtain the frequency resolution, we have
to consider a complex sinusoid (an impulse in the
frequency domain) Equations (9) and (10) can be implemented effi-
ciently by means of overlap fast Fourier transform
(FFT) techniques.
x(t) = ej 2f0 t STFT ( )
x (t, f ) Alternatively, a filter-bank implementation is pos-
= ej 2f0 t (t t0 ) (6) sible, based on sampling equation (4).
4 Signal Processing

Table 1. Properties satisfied by timefrequency transforms and corresponding kernel conditions

Property Condition on the kernel
P0 Nonnegativity:
Tx (t, f ) 0 t f g(, ) is the AF(a) of some f (t)
P1 Realness:
Tx (t, f ) = Tx (t, f ) g(, ) = g (, )
P2 Timefrequency shift:
y(t) = x(t t0 ) Ty (t, f ) = Tx (t t0 , f ) g(, ) independent of t and f
y(t) = x(t) e2f0 t Ty (t, f ) = Tx (t, f f0 )
P3 Time
 + marginal:
Tx (t, f ) df = |x(t)|2 g(, 0) = 1

P4 Frequency marginal:
Tx (t, f ) dt = |X(f )|2 g(0, ) = 1

P5 Instantaneous
 + frequency:
f Tx (t, f ) df 
d (g(, )) 
 + = {arg(x(t))}  = 0
dt =0
Tx (t, f ) df

P6 Group
 + delay:
tTx (t, f ) dt 
d (g(, )) 
 + = {arg(X(f ))}  = 0
dt =0
Tx (t, f ) dt

P7 Finite time support:
x(t) = 0 if |t| T
(t, ) = 0 | | < 2|t|
Tx (t, f ) = 0 per |t| T
P8 Finite frequency support:  +
X(f ) = 0 if |f | B
g(, ) ej 2f d || < 2|f |
Tx (t, f ) = 0 if |f | B
P9 Reduced interference g(, ) is a low-pass filter type in (, ) plane
AF, ambiguity function.

2.1.4 Wavelet transform center frequency of (t). The WT was originally

introduced as a timescale representation and, in fact,
Another important TFR is the timefrequency ver-
retains the important property of preserving time
sion of the Wavelet transform (WT) defined as
shifts and timescaling. It does not, however, preserve
[5, 6, 11]
frequency shifts.
    The WTs time and frequency resolutions are
f  f 
W Tx (t, f ) = x(t )  
(t t) dt  related via the HeisenbergGabor inequality, like in
t fc fc the STFT case. However, while the STFTs resolution
(11) is the same for each analysis frequency, the WTs
where (t) is a real or a complex band-pass function frequency resolution (respectively time resolution)
centered around t = 0 in the time domain. The becomes poorer (respectively better) as the analysis
parameter fc in equation (11) corresponds to the frequency grows.
Timefrequency Analysis 5

Scale shift invariance makes the WT, or its The last two terms in equation (16) are the cross
squared magnitude, the SCAL, a frequent choice in terms or interference terms. The interference terms
pattern recognition and many other application fields, are oscillatory structures, which are restricted to
including ridge and phase estimation (e.g., [12, 13]) those regions of the timefrequency plane where the
and SHM (e.g., see the list of references in [24]). autoterms (or authentic terms) overlap. In the specific
Details on the WT and its application to SHM are cases of the SPEC and the SCAL, if two components
found in Wavelet Analysis. are sufficiently far apart in the timefrequency plane,
then their interference terms are virtually nil.
Quadratic representations have recently served as
2.2 Quadratic timefrequency transforms an effective tool in structural diagnostics and machine
fault detection [24].
Although linearity is a desirable property, quadratic
TFRs [5, 14] allow for interpreting the distributions
from an energy point of view. This interpretation is
2.2.1 The autocorrelation form and the
expressed by the so-called marginal properties: WignerVille transform
 + A general approach to deriving time-dependent spec-
Tx (t, f ) df = |x(t)|2 ; tra is by generalizing the WienerKhintchine theo-
rem: the correlation function and the power spectrum
 + form Fourier transform pair (see Higher Order
Tx (t, f ) dt = |X(f )|2 (12) Statistical Signal Processing). By assuming the

symmetric form for the instantaneous temporal and
having defined the instantaneous power |x(t)|2 and spectral autocorrelation, which are also functions of
the spectral energy density |X(f )|2 . Consequently, the time lag and the frequency lag , respectively,
the signal energy is

 +  + rx (, t) = x t x t+ (17)
2 2
Ex = |x(t)|2 dt = |X(f )|2 df

rx (, t) = X f X f+ (18)
 +  + 2 2
= Tx (t, f ) dt df (13) and by transforming equations (17) and (18) one

obtains [1]
The marginal properties are not sufficient to identify

an energy density at every point in the timefreq-

j 2f
uency plane, since the uncertainty principle does not Wx (t, f ) = x t+ x t e d
2 2
allow such a notion. Vice versa, many quadratic TFRs  +

j 2t
may loosely support an energetic interpretation even = X f+ X f e d
if they do not satisfy the marginal properties, among 2 2
them the SPEC and the SCAL. (19)
Equation (19) gives the Wigner distribution
x (t, f ) = |STFT x (t, f )|
SPEC ( ) ( )
(14) (WD), a transformation well known in quantum
mechanics, whose signal-processing version is often
x (t, f ) = |W Tx (t, f )|
SCAL() ()
referred to as WignerVille distribution.
In equation (14) the linearity structure of the STFT By taking the instantaneous cross correlation bet-
is violated, and, in fact, any quadratic TFR satisfies ween two signals, x1 (t) and x2 (t), the WD assumes
the quadratic superposition principle: the following more general form:

x(t) = c1 x1 (t) + c2 x2 (t)


Wx1 x2 (t, f ) = x1 t +
Tx (t, f ) = |c1 |2 Tx1 (t, f ) + |c2 |2 Tx2 (t, f )

+ c1 c2 Tx1 x2 (t, f ) + c2 c1 Tx2 x1 (t, f ) (16) x2 t ej 2f d
6 Signal Processing

the invariance of its members to time and frequency
= X1 f + shifts (P2 in Table 1), a property that is desirable for

j 2t correlating the signal characteristics to phenomena
X2 f e d (20) that take place in the mechanical system, which
2 generates the signal. Cohen demonstrated that every
The WD satisfies a large number of desirable prop- member of the shift-invariant class is a filtered
erties (Tables 1 and 2), in particular, marginals, version of the WD, and that it is possible to use
shift invariance, and real-valuedness. The instanta- a general formula for describing all of them [1].
neous frequency (see Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Indeed, equivalent formulas can be written in four
Instantaneous Phase, and Frequency; Damage different domains: temporal correlation domain (t, ),
Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform) timefrequency domain (t, f ), AF domain (, ),
and the group delay can be evaluated using the local and spectral correlation domain (, f ) [15, 16]. For
first-order moments of the WD [1]. instance, the following relation holds in the temporal
Among the dual class of correlative TFRs, which correlation domain:
combine temporal and spectral correlations, an impor-  +  +
tant role is played by the ambiguity function Tx (t, f ) = rx (t  , )(t t  , )

(AF) [5]
j 2f
 e dt  d


j 2t  +
Ax1 ,x2 (, ) = x1 t + x2 t e dt (t, ) = g(, ) ej 2t d (22)
2 2


= X1 f + where g(, ) is the kernel that uniquely identifies the

specific TFR (g(, ) = 1 for the WD).

X2 f ej 2f df (21)
2.2.3 Desirable properties of the tf
The AF may be viewed as a joint timefrequency distributions
correlation function. Along = 0 and = 0 axes, A standard set of desirable properties is usually
AF reduces to the time correlation function and the referred [1, 5, 16] to compare the performance of
frequency correlation function, respectively (correla- different transforms. Herein, we consider a subset
tive marginal properties). that contains the main characteristics that are of
interest in the application context under discussion.
2.2.2 Cohen class of transforms In Table 1, properties are related to the corresponding
requirements on the kernel. Table 2 reports the prop-
Among quadratic transforms, those belonging to the erties of eight important shift-invariant transforms,
Cohen (or shift-invariant) class are characterized by including the SPEC. The SPEC is, in fact, a member

Table 2. List of desirable properties satisfied by different quadratic transforms

Transforms P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

Spectrogram (SPEC)
Wigner distribution (WD)
Alias-free Wigner
Smoothed pseudo-Wigner
Reduced interference (a) (a)
ChoiWilliams distribution (CWD)
Not in a strict sense, but only approximately.
Timefrequency Analysis 7

of Cohens class, but, since it does not offer inde- different transforms to three sinusoidal components
pendence of temporal and spectral resolutions, it is and two delta functions. Figure 3 [17] reports
generally classed as linear [1]. It is worthy to note that the contour plots obtained by applying the WD
only the SPEC satisfies P0, while sacrificing nonneg- and the ChoiWilliams transform (CWT) to
ativity is mandatory in order to gain timefrequency an accelerometric signal recorded on a simply
resolution. supported alloy beam in free vibration. It clearly
The WD does not satisfy P9 (reduced interference), outlines the interference term filtering operated by
which is a desirable property, as it preserves only the CWT.
the authentic (e.g., modal) components. Figure 2(af) Detailed theoretical discussions on different TFRs
[17] shows the results obtained by applying may be found in the specialized literature [15, 16, 18].

Frequency (Hz)

(a) (b)

Frequency (Hz)

(c) (d)

Frequency (Hz)

0 80 0 80
(e) Time (ms) (f) Time (ms)
Figure 2. Comparison of different timefrequency transforms to a signal constituted by three sinusoidal components and
two delta functions [17]. (a) Spectrogram, (b) Wigner, (c) smoothed pseudo-Wigner, (d) ChoiWilliams, (e) conekernel,
(f) reduced interference distribution. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 17. Elsevier, 1997.]
8 Signal Processing

0 processes. In fact, introducing the autocovariance

function of a process F, CF (t, ) = E{rF (t, )}, and
taking the expectation in both sides of equation (19),
we obtain the Wigner spectrum [11, 19]:

Frequency (Hz)


E{W DF (t, f )} = CF t + , t
2 2
exp(j 2f ) d (23)

In the stationary case, the quantity expressed in

equation (23) is independent of t and reduces to
the usual spectral density E{W DF (t, f )} = SF (f )
3200 [11, 19]. In this situation, in fact, the covariance oper-
0 20
ator is a convolution operator, which is known to be
(a) Time (ms)
diagonalized by the complex exponential functions.
Unfortunately, in practical applications, a limited
number of signals is available. If the process is
ergodic, a WD estimate of the spectral density may be
obtained from a single realization x(t) by averaging
Frequency (Hz)

over time instantaneous spectra [20]:

1 2
VB (f ) = B
|W Dx (t, f )| dt (24)

On the basis of equation (24), it also proves

possible to quantify the degree of nonstationarity of
a stochastic process on the given time interval via a
0 20 distance measure [20]
(b) Time (ms)
Figure 3. Comparison of (a) Wigner and (b) Choi 1 2
Williams distributions obtained by processing a signal dB2 (f ) = B
|W Dx (t, f )|2 dt Sx2 (t, f ) (25)
recorded during the impulsive loading of an alloy beam. 2
[Reproduced with permission from Ref. 17. Elsevier,
1997.] If the process is stationary dB reduces to zero.
In multicomponent signals, however, the Wigner
3 TIMEFREQUENCY representation of a single realization of the process is
affected by interference terms, which can be filtered
REPRESENTATION OF out in the AF domain but at the cost of losing
STOCHASTIC PROCESSES resolution. There is, in fact, a tradeoff between cross-
term filtering and timefrequency resolution, and
3.1 Stationary processes hence the representation is kernel dependent. Another
problem is that the Wigner transform misses the desir-
The notion of spectral density, which is well consol- able property of nonnegativity over the t f plane
idated in the field of stationary processes, may [21]. These two aspects may have some negative
constitute a valuable starting point for approaching implications in the definition of instantaneous esti-
nonstationary problems. mators to be used in the analysis of deterministic
One of the reasons of the popularity of the signals.
Wigner transform is its desirable property to preserve Going back to linear TFRs, the square modulus of
the instantaneous spectral information in stationary the STFT, or SPEC, of a stationary process may be
Timefrequency Analysis 9

written in the form [11] The question on how to adapt the analyzing
window (or the kernel, in the case of a Cohen class
( )
E SPEC F (t, f ) =  f f 2 S (f ) df  transform) to the stationarity length of process is still
open [11]. Several techniques have been formulated
(26) to select the best strategy and often they are based
where (f ) is the spectrum of a window func- on optimization procedures. For instance, Kozek
tion (t), such that (f ) = 1 and SF (f ) is the [24] proposed a minimum bias optimization criterion
spectral density associated with the process. Equa- based on support properties of the AF. In principle,
tion (26) shows that the value of the spectrum at f these methods are conceived to deal with stochastic
is a weighted average of the spectral density, when processes or with a proper number of sample realiza-
f f  . As long as the Fourier transform of the tions and are not suitable to deal with a single signal.
window is still localized near the origin, the spec- Some new ideas may arise when working with
trogram provides, for each fixed f , information on random fluctuations produced by mechanical systems,
the part of the original signal, which comes from the which typically change slowly with time or space.
frequency contributions localized near f . These type of signals can be generally consid-
If one were to work with a sample realization x(t), ered as locally stationary, since they appear in
by assuming the ergodicity of the signal, an estimator the timefrequency plane as a sum of modulated
of the spectral density may be defined as follows [11]: harmonics concentrated at the modal frequencies.
In this case, the instantaneous spectrum of a single
1 2 realization may reflect and be associated with some
VB (f ) = B
SPEC ( )
x (t, f ) dt (27) physical parameters, whose consistency is an indirect
indicator of the transform suitability.
Owing to the weighting average operation, the A simple case of locally stationary process is
spectral function expressed by equation (27) is a a uniformly modulated process that is constructed
biased estimator. A spectral function that supports a as x(t) = c(t)x0 (t), where c(t) is a slowly varying
weighted average interpretation may be also defined modulation function and x0 (t) some stationary pro-
for the SCAL [11]. cess. The time evolutions of such a process are
depicted correctly by the following time-varying
spectrum [25]:
3.2 Locally stationary processes
PF (t, f ) = c2 (t)SF0 (f ) (28)
When a process is nonstationary, the covariance oper-
ator may have complicated time-varying properties When dealing with more general classes of oscil-
and its estimation is arduous because we do not know latory processes, a description of temporal evolu-
a priori how to diagonalize them. In the following, tions of spectral components, frequency by frequency,
we focus on the particular class of locally stationary produces
processes, i.e., processes whose covariance operators  +
are approximately convolutions. x(t) = Ax (t)X(f ) e j2f t df (29)
Recently, researchers have turned their attention to
locally stationary processes as a tool to model systems thus leading to Priestleys evolutionary spectrum
where the behavior varies as a function of time (e.g., [25, 26]
Mallat et al. [22], Dahlhaus [23]). Though in the
timefrequency plane the concept of local stationarity PF (t, f ) = |AF (t, f )|2 SF (f ) (30)
is easily grasped, it does not exist as a universally
accepted definition, to date. In order to support an The modulation function AF (t, f ) is supposed to
intuitive idea, suppose that for any t0 the Wigner undergo a slow time evolution, which ensures an
spectrum varies very little within an interval [t0 , almost orthogonal decomposition. Priestleys spec-
t0 + ]. Such a parameter > 0 is called the station- trum retains satisfactory properties (e.g., nonnega-
arity length and, in general, its value depends on t0 . tivity) but misses uniqueness.
10 Signal Processing

In locally stationary conditions, evolutionary repre- over time. In fact, modal signals are characterized
sentation supports an interesting timefrequency by amplitude and phase relationships that are not
inputoutput relationship [27] time-dependent and, therefore, their modal shape
 is constant over time. The identification of modal
frequencies, therefore, reduces to a search for the
y(t) = H (t, f )Ax (t, f )X(f ) ej 2f t df (31)
particular values f = fk for which the estimators
remain constant with respect to the time variable, in
where H (t, f ) is the transfer function of a time- general, by resorting to multiple criteria techniques.
varying filter. The important result is that the output In frequency intervals where a single modal compo-
is a modulated form of the filter (or system) transfer nent is predominant, the estimators tend to lead to a
function. This is analogous to one-dimensional filter- constant value in time. This property is progressively
ing in the frequency domain Y (f ) = H (f )X(f ). more closely satisfied up to an actual constant value
Finally, it is worthwhile noting that there is a at the modal frequencies.
theoretical link between evolutionary spectra and By referring to the shear-type frame reported in
members of Cohen class of transforms [26] and, what Figure 4 [28], modal frequencies may be identified
is more, for slowly varying processes the Wigner as minima in standard deviation plots (Figure 5)
spectrum approaches the evolutionary spectrum. defined as
 T 2
PH ij (t, f ) PH dt (34)
where T is the length of the analyzed signal and PH
WINDOWING indicates the mean value.
An attractive idea is to extend by analogy some Once the modal frequencies have been identi-
properties of stationarity to local stationarity. For fied, equations (33) supply the temporal evolution of
instance, an estimator for the time-varying spectrum the amplitude and phase ratios. Alternatively, modal
of a locally stationary process, TF (t, f ), may be shape estimators can be taken as
obtained from a single realization x(t) by selecting  
 T (k) (t, f ) 
a proper analysis window/kernel and posing B =  xi z 
ARij (t, f )|f =fk = 
in equations (24) and (27):  Txj z(k) (t, f ) 
f =fk

VF (t, f ) = |Tx (t, f )| (32)

where Tx (t, f ) is any quadratic TFR. It is likewise

possible to track instantaneous relationships between
signals. For instance, in multichannel measurements
on structures, instantaneous estimators of amplitude
ratio and phase difference between channels may be
defined as follows [28, 29]:

Txi (t, f )
ARij (t, f ) = ; PH ij (t, f )
Txj (t, f )

= phase Txi ,xj (t, f ) (33)

In linear time-invariant systems, equation (33) can

support output-only modal identification procedures,
as stability of such estimators discriminates modal Figure 4. Model of a shear-type frame. [Reproduced with
components from exogenous frequency components permission Ref. 28. Elsevier, 2000.]
Timefrequency Analysis 11
phase difference (a.u.)
Standard deviation

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5. Standard deviation plots of the phase difference between the channel (equation 34) corresponding to the second
story of the simulated structure and the reference channel (first story) as a function of frequency [28]. (a) Case with sine
sweep excitation; (b) case of seismic excitation. [Reproduced with permission Ref. 28. Elsevier, 2000.]

Modal frequency = 1.25 Hz



200 1
PD (deg)

100 0
0.5 2s
0 Time
(b) Time 2s (c) Modal amplitude
Figure 6. Evolution through time of modal amplitude ratios (a) and modal phase differences (b), as determined with
respect to the reference channel (first story) for the second and third storys (sine weep excitation). Data refer to the second
mode. The light and dark lines indicate the amplitude ratio and phase difference computed for the second and third story,
respectively. Plot (c) shows the time evolution of the second modal shape estimate according to equation (35). [Reproduced
with permission Ref. 28. Elsevier, 2000.]

 4.1 Best windowing
Txi z() (t, f ) 
PH ij (t, f )|f =fk = phase 
Txj z() (t, f ) 
f =fk Typical questions about timefrequency estimation
(35) are how to select the optimal representation and
where z(k) (t) is a signal generated as a sinusoid with window analysis and how many realizations of the
frequency equal to the kth modal frequency. The process are needed to obtain an accurate estimate for
procedure is then repeated for all the signals at the TF (t, f ).
ith and j th position. Figure 6 depicts the modal shape While quadratic representations are very useful in
estimators (equation 35) for the second mode of the analyzing strongly nonstationary signals, choosing the
frame. These plots were all obtained using a CWD best kernel for a particular application appears to
with = 0.5. This corresponds to applying the kernel be a challenging task, as relationships with dynamic
g(, ) = exp( 2 2 / ) in equation (22) [30]. response characteristics are far from being trivial.
12 Signal Processing

An alternative idea may consist of being satisfied chart may be of practical use when representing the
with linear representations, which lend themselves response of structures under ambient excitation. The
to a clearer interpretation, and accepting the errors choice of the optimal length for the STFT analyzing
due to the fact that linear TFRs cause, in general, a window, based on Figure 9, is conditioned by the
distortion in the representation of the instantaneous availability of a raw estimate of damping.
power of stationary stochastic processes.
In principle, a suitable choice for the window of
an STFT should be a function compactly supported in 5 MODEL-BASED
the interval [t0 , t0 + ], and may vary according TIMEFREQUENCY
to a temporal law matched to the stationarity length
of the process. Unfortunately, in most practical appli- ESTIMATION
cations, the stationarity length is unknown. While linear representations, which permit a filter-
Numerical studies have been performed in order bank interpretation, clearly allow reconstruction of
to identify the influence of the analysis window on the signal (e.g., equation 2), for energy decom-
instantaneous spectral estimation via a STFT spectral positions the same property is less obvious. For
function (equation 27). To this aim, an extensive Cohen class of transforms, the inversion is obtained
set of dynamic response signals has been created from [31]
numerically by exciting simple linear oscillators by
 +  +  +
means of white noise. The results reported here will Tx (u, f )
focus on the following factors: type of window, x(t  ) x(t) = 
g(, t t )
window length (in samples), and decorrelation length  
of the process (related to damping) [8]. ej 2f (tt )+j 2[u(tt )/2] du df d
Equation (26) shows that the window may cause (36)
an error in the estimate and that the latter, when the By taking a particular value of t  , for instance, zero,
number of realizations approaches infinity, decreases we have
with increasing window temporal length. The effect  +  +  +
of the window length (Figure 7) as well as the type 1 Tx (u, f )
x(t) =
of window has been examined. x(0) g(, t t  )
Charts were then created to illustrate the accu-
ej 2f t+j 2(ut/2) du df d (37)
racy of curve fitting as a function of the length
of the windows in samples. The results, shown in
One can easily notice that, according to equa-
Figure 8, indicate that, averaging over a finite number
tion (37), the signal can be recovered but only to
of realizations (in this case 30 demonstrated to be
within a constant phase factor.
sufficient for a virtually exact fitting), windows of
optimal length exist for the estimate of the frequency
response function (FRF) and hence for the identifi- 5.1 Signal synthesis
cation of modal parameters via linear TFRs. Such
lengths are identified by minimum points in charts of In many practical applications, e.g., earthquake acce-
the type shown in Figure 8. lerogram generation, the main interest is in synthe-
In stationary conditions, the parameter that may sizing signals with specific timefrequency features,
affect the quality of timefrequency representation rather than in signal reconstruction. Synthesis algori-
demonstrated to be the decorrelation length, and thms can also be used to perform time-varying
hence damping, while other factors such as the filtering, multicomponent signal separation, and win-
window shape were seen to be less relevant, at least dow and filter design. In this perspective, one might
for typical analysis windows [8]. Figure 9, which has envisage filtering in the t f plane with [16, 18, 32]:
been obtained from simulated examples, shows the
evolution of the optimal length that the windows T (t, f ) = (t, f )T (t, f ) (38)
should have as a function of damping level (in
this case for a Hanning-type window). This type of where (t, f ) is referred to as timefrequency mask.
Timefrequency Analysis 13

50 points rectangular window 100 points rectangular window

Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)

40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s) Time (s)

0.2 0.2

STFT (t, f )
STFT (t, f )

0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

150 points rectangular window 200 points rectangular window

Frequency (Hz)

Frequency (Hz)

40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s) Time (s)

0.2 0.2
STFT (t, f )

STFT (t, f )

0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7. FRF estimation from STFT representations (average over 30 realizations) as a function of the window length
(rectangular window). In sample instantaneous sections: original instantaneous spectrum (thin line) and estimated one (thick
line). [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier, 2004.]

A major problem of the masking approach is that Tx (t, f ) to be synthesized [1, 16, 32]
not all two-dimensional functions are valid TFRs.
Instead, it is natural to resort to optimization tech- x = Tx (t, f ) T (t, f ) min (39)
niques (e.g., least square methods), in order to find
a timefrequency decomposition that best fits a Since for WD and other shift-invariant transforms the
timefrequency model. solution of the optimization process is not unique
Synthesis algorithms are usually formulated to find (e.g., x(t) and x(t)ej have the same Wigner repre-
a signal x(t) that minimizes the error x between a sentation), the algorithm often contains a step to find
given model, T (t, f ), and the transform of the signal the optimum phase factor.
14 Signal Processing

7 Such a formulation is certainly valid for linear

Hamming window dynamic systems, whose response is a sum of modal
6 Hanning window components.
Rectangular window

5.2 Model identification

Error (%)

3 A formulation similar to that of equation (39) may

be used also in solving the inverse problem, namely,
finding a model that produces the same distribution
1 as a measured signal.
When x(t) is measured on a linear structure and
0 we want to identify the dynamic model, a modal
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
decomposition form is indicated for T (t, f ). As an
Length of window (samples)
example, a model identification can be obtained from
Figure 8. Error in the curve fitting performed on STFT as the following unconstrained minimization:
a function of window length (average over 30 realizations).  
[Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier,   
2004.] x =  k l Tkl (t, f ) Tx (t, f ) min
k l
300 (41)
fc = 50 where p is the global vector of parameters, which
Optimal window length (in samples)

fc = 100
250 fc = 250 may contain terms as well as other parameters of
the model.
200 In some applications, as in structural control, the
optimization can be performed on an online basis. For
150 instance, a block-by-block synthesis/identification
algorithm is performed on local, finite record inter-
100 vals, whose length depends necessarily on the time
frequency analysis window or kernel. When param-
50 eters to be estimated retain a temporal significance
(e.g., time-varying systems [33] or output-only iden-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tification), it may prove advantageous to perform an
Damping (%) instantaneous minimization so as to obtain a punctual
Figure 9. Optimal length in samples of the STFT estimate of p
(Hanning window) as a function of systems damping: 
curves obtained for three different values of sampling 
x (t) =  T (t, f ) Tx (t, f ) df  min
frequency. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. p
Elsevier, 2004.] (42)
The most convenient minimization form and algo-
Under particular conditions, it proves advantageous rithm depends on the specific application. In the
to represent x(t) in an orthonormal basis. Thus, by implementation of equations (39)(42), the analytic
assuming a quadratic TFR, equation (39) becomes signal is usually preferred to the real one, since it
avoids cross-term interference between positive and
 negative frequencies.
x(t) = k qk (t),
  5.2.1 Output-only identification of linear
x =  k l Tkl (t, f ) T (t, f ) min
k l Natural excitation of flexible structures (buildings,
(40) bridges, antennas, etc.) is characterized by slow
Timefrequency Analysis 15

energy supply. Also based on the time-varying In equation (46), X(f ) and Y (f ) are the Fourier
filter interpretation evoked in equation (31), in the transforms of the systems excitation and response,
timefrequency representation of locally stationary Y1 (f ) and Y2 (f ) are the Fourier transforms of the
signals, we expect energy to concentrate around linear contribution and the quadratic contribution of
modal frequencies and be modulated according to the the system response, and H1 (f ) and H2 (f1 , f2 ) are
evolution of the TFR of the modulating waveform the systems linear and quadratic FRFs:
[28]. Consequently, the timefrequency model in
equation (42) may be given the following (nonnega-
tive) form [8]: H1 (f ) =   (47)
 4 2 m f 2
+ i2ffn + fn2
T (t, f ) = k (t)l (t)Hk (f )Hl (f ) (43)      
k l
H2 f1 , f2 = k2 H1 f1 H1 f2
where Hk (f ) is a scaled version the kth modes FRF. H1 f1 + f2 (48)
In particular, for viscously damped dynamic systems
the following expression holds:
where m is the mass, n = 2fn = k/m the natural
 1 frequency, = c/(2 n m) the damping coefficient,
Hk (f ) = fk2 + 2j k ffk f 2 (44)
and k2 the quadratic stiffness.
If the assigned TFR has a stochastic nature (possibly Assuming the signal y(t) has been detected during
obtained by ensemble averaging) and its modal N instants with a given sampling rate t, the
components are uncorrelated, the cross terms vanish responses STFT (model) has the following discrete
from equations (41) and (42). Correspondingly, also expression [35]:
TF (t, f ) tends to nonnegativity in accordance with
the model in equation (43). 
It is noteworthy that interference term suppression, 
T [n, m] = H1 [k]X[k] [k m] ej N
as operated on deterministic signals by specific TFRs
(property P9 in Table 2), appears to produce in equa-
tions (41) and (42) effects that are similar to those 
N1  2kn
produced by a stochastic identification. +f0 H2 [r, s]X[r]X[s] [k m]ej N
k=0 r+s=k

6 EXAMPLES where (f ) is a window function defined in the
6.1 Identification of a system with frequency domain, such that (f ) 2 = 1 and f0 is
an appropriate sampling frequency.
polynomial nonlinearity in the
Let p be the vector of the unknown parameters
of equation (45) and let us introduce the following
Let us consider a nonlinear system with a quadratic objective function to be minimized at each time
stiffness, as described by the following equation of step n:
my + cy + ky + k2 y 2 = x(t) (45)  
y [n] =  T [n, m] SPEC y [n, m] 
( )
The input/output relationship is approximated by the
following truncated Volterra series [34]: min (50)
pT ={fn ,,k2 }

Y (f ) = Y1 (f ) + Y2 (f )
 + The system parameters are as listed in Table 3.
= H1 (f )X(f ) + H2 f f1 , f1 Assuming that the mass is known, p contains three
parameters to be identified: fn , , and k2 . Minimiza-
X f f1 X f1 df1 (46) tion is performed on an online basis, by starting from
16 Signal Processing

Table 3. Parameters of the nonlinear 0

system to be identified [35]
m (kg) 10 5
(%) 5
fn (Hz) 3

Frequency (Hz)
k2 (N m2 ) 2 00 000 10

Reproduced with permission from

Ref. 35. Trans Tech Publications, 15
values obtained in the previous time step. A rough
estimate of frequency and damping (e.g., obtained
from a linear identification session) is needed for
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
parameter initialization.
Time (s)
Let us consider the case of a measured Gaus-
sian excitation with linearly modulated amplitude Figure 11. Spectrogram plot of the systems acceleration
(Figure 10). Before proceeding with the identifica- response (Hamming window, window length in samples:
140). [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 35. Trans
tion, a parametric analysis on similar systems was Tech Publications, 2005.]
performed in order to determine the best window
length for the evaluation of the STFT and it was be the most adversely affected by the presence of
ascertained that a Hamming window with about 140 noise.
samples length was optimal. Figure 11 shows a STFT
representation of system response over the first 40 s.
In order to assess the performance of the method in 6.2 Output-only linear identification
the presence of noisy measurements, numerical anal- of a real building
yses are conducted by introducing white Gaussian
noise into the signals. Even in the presence of noise This paragraph examines an application of time
in both input and output, instantaneous estimators frequency instantaneous estimators to the identifica-
give rise to a robust estimation of system parame- tion of a real concrete building, namely, the Luciani
ters (Figures 1214). The estimate of k2 is seen to Hospital of Caracas (Figure 15) [8].

5 1.5


Output (m s2)

Input (N)

0 0



5 1.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 10. Excitation and response of the nonlinear system. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 35. Trans Tech
Publications, 2005.]
Timefrequency Analysis 17

RMSn/RMSi = 0.2%
Damping instantaneous estimator () RMSn/RMSi = 0.4%
RMSn/RMSi = 1.5%
RMSn/RMSi = 15%
RMSn/RMSi = 80%





80 80.5 81 81.5 82
Time (s)
Figure 12. Nonlinear system identification: instantaneous estimator of damping for different RMS noise levels in the
response. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 35. Trans Tech Publications, 2005.]

RMSn/RMSi = 0.2%
Frequency instantaneous estimator (Hz)

RMSn/RMSi = 0.4%
3.04 RMSn/RMSi = 1.5%
RMSn/RMSi = 15%
RMSn/RMSi = 80%



80 80.5 81 81.5 82
Time (s)
Figure 13. Nonlinear system identification: instantaneous estimator of frequency for different RMS noise levels in the
response. [Reproduced with permission from aRef. 35. Trans Tech Publications, 2005.]

On the basis of signals acquired in ambient exci- For modal frequencies and shapes, the results yielded
tation conditions, a preliminary structural identifica- by the two methods were virtually the same.
tion was performed through a time-domain method, Another type of dynamic test was performed by
the ERA (eigensystem realization algorithm) [36] imposing an initial displacement of the structure with
applied to random decrement functions [37] and the aid of a hydraulic actuator positioned at roof
a timefrequency instantaneous estimator (TFIE) level in an eccentric position. This type of excitation
method, based on equations (34) and (35) [28, 29]. made it possible to work out, by means of current
18 Signal Processing


k2 instantaneous estimator (N m2)



RMSn/RMSi = 0.2%
RMSn/RMSi = 0.4%
0.5 RMSn/RMSi = 1.5%
RMSn/RMSi = 15%
RMSn/RMSi = 80%

80 80.5 81 81.5 82
Time (s)
Figure 14. Nonlinear system identification: instantaneous estimator of quadratic stiffness coefficient k2 for different rms
noise levels in the response. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 35. Trans Tech Publications, 2005.]

Figure 15. View of Luciani Hospital in Caracas. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier, 2004.]

techniques, a reliable assessment of damping that The instantaneous identification was performed
served as a useful term of comparison with the results according to equations (42) and (43), with p vector
yielded by the methods employed in ambient exci- containing all modal quantities k , fk and k at a
tation conditions. It is known, in fact, that the latter generic time t = nt
situation is more critical, as it generally requires more
complex identification tools leading to less accurate   

results. x (n) =  k l Hk [m]Hl [m]

With reference to Figure 9 and in view of the m=0 k l

damping level expected, the analyzing window selec- 

ted for a STFT analysis was a Hanning-type window SPEC x [n, m]  min
( )
with length = 100 samples. Figure 16 shows the  p

SPEC of two signals measured along the two

principal directions of the building. with p = { 1 2 .. f1 f2 .. 1 2 .. }.
Timefrequency Analysis 19

6 6

5 5

Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)
Figure 16. Structural identification of a large reinforced concrete building: spectrograms of two signals measured in
(a) EW and (b) NS directions, respectively. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier, 2004.]

Frequency (Hz)

Instantaneous estimates
Frequency (Hz)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Damping (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (s)
Figure 17. Instantaneous estimators calculated for the third vibration mode on a signal measured under ambient excitation.
[Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier, 2004.]
20 Signal Processing

Figure 17, centered on the third identified mode, Table 5. Results of identification procedure in free decay
which involved a strong torsional component, shows conditions [8]
the instantaneous estimators obtained from one of the Mode Frequencies (Hz) Damping (%)
signals relating to ambient excitation. In this figure,
the typical SPEC representation is complemented by 1 2.35 2.71
2 2.68 2.78
a contour plot showing the position of the ridge. 3 3.21 3.15
The identification of the ridge of a surface depends
on its definition [12], in our case it is identified by the Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier, 2004.
path of frequency, f3 (n), as determined from equa-
tion (51). Other diagrams plot the punctual values
of amplitude 3 and equivalent viscous damping 3 , We can conclude that in this application the accu-
associated with the third vibration mode. We can see racy afforded by the damping estimation method
that the estimates turn out to be very good, espe- based on timefrequency instantaneous estimators
cially in the time segments where the amplitude of was seen to be appreciably higher than the accu-
the modal component to be identified is greater. racy offered by current output-only identifica-
As a matter of fact, the estimation accuracy of tion methods. Conversely, the main drawback of
equation (51) was seen to depend on the relative ener- timefrequency techniques is increased complexity
getic importance of the modes. A possible solution and computational cost.
can be the introduction of functions allowing for the
relative energetic importance of the kth mode as a
function of time. In this example, a final estimate 7 ACHIEVEMENTS AND
for the kth modal damping resulted from a weighted PERSPECTIVES IN SHM
average over different signals, based on the following
weighting function: APPLICATIONS
Difficulties encountered in SHM applications mostly
k (t)|Hk (fk )| arise due to the lack of accurate models to interpret
wk (t) =   (52)
 the dynamic response of a system. More recently,

k (t)l (t)Hk (fk )Hl (fk ) however, diagnostic methods have been supported
k l by data processing tools, which possess considerable
potential in treating and correlating large amounts of
Both in the instantaneous optimization (equation 51) data. Timefrequency analysis has, therefore, been
and in weighted average (equation 52), parameters used as an effective tool for practitioners, especially
to be optimized were initialized with values of the in dynamics, where it naturally provides information
preliminary identification. Results of damping identi- on the temporal behavior of vibrations.
fication, in ambient excitation and free decay condi- Many successful applications of timefrequency
tions respectively, are summarized in Tables 4 and 5. tools to SHM have been reported. Most of them,
including damage feature extraction, singularity dete-
Table 4. Structural identification of Domingo Luciani ction, denoising, etc., circumvent modeling difficul-
Hospital building from ambient excitation signals: modal
frequencies and damping identified with ERA and TFIE
ties, since they do not require the system to be
methods [8] identified. The SHM strategy often reduces to the
evaluation of symptoms reflecting the presence and
ERA TFIE the nature of the defect.
When a model or certain features of the system
Frequencies Damping Frequencies Damping
(Hz) (%) (Hz) (%) dynamics are known a priori, timefrequency algo-
rithms admit their embedding into structural iden-
1 2.37 2.51 2.35 2.76 tification procedures. Accurate identification results,
2 2.70 2.18 2.68 2.97 as those supplied by timefrequency methods, may
3 3.25 3.79 3.30 3.21
constitute the basis for periodic and continuous SHM
Reproduced with permission from Ref. 8. Elsevier, 2004. systems.
Timefrequency Analysis 21

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41:750766. Use of cross time-frequency estimators for the
22 Signal Processing

structural identification in non-stationary conditions [33] Ceravolo R, Demarie GV, Erlicher S. Instantaneous
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[29] Bonato P, Ceravolo R, De Stefano A, Molinari F. Materials 2007 347:331338.
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Chapter 27
Wavelet Analysis

Amy N. Robertson1 and Biswajit Basu2

IMTECH, Boulder, CO, USA
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Hence, like Fourier transforms, it decomposes a

1 Introduction 1 signal into its constituent parts using a set of basis
2 Review of Literature 2 functions. However, unlike Fourier transforms, the
choice of the bases is not limited to sinusoids.
3 Types of Wavelet Transforms 3
Sinusoids are not localized in time and thus, a
4 Choice of Wavelet Method 7 Fourier transform is unable to extract timefrequency
5 Examples of Wavelet Analysis 10 information from signals. To achieve this, a short-
6 Conclusions 14 time Fourier transform (STFT) is used as a variation
References 15 of the conventional Fourier transform. It uses a
Further Reading 16 fixed window time function to obtain information
on how the frequencies in the signal are changing
in time. Wavelet basis functions, on the other hand,
are localized both in time and frequency and can
1 INTRODUCTION be dilated (compressed or stretched) and translated
along a signal to extract both time and frequency
Timefrequency analysis provides information on information.
how the spectral content of a signal evolves The advantage of the WT over the STFT is
in time, which is important when analyzing the ability to achieve flexible windowing time
and interpreting nonstationary signals (see also corresponding to the desired frequency information.
Timefrequency Analysis; Damage Detection Higher frequencies have better time resolution and
Using the HilbertHuang Transform). The wavelet lower frequencies have better frequency resolution
transform (WT) has been gaining in popularity as (Figure 1). Variable resolution is often beneficial
the timefrequency transform of choice since its first as it allows the low-frequency components, which
influx into mainstream mathematics and engineering usually give a signal its main characteristics or
in the early 1990s. A WT is an integral transform. identity (such as modes), to be distinguished from
one another in terms of frequency content, while
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by providing an excellent temporal resolution of the
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 high-frequency components, which add the nuances
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. to the signals behavior.
2 Signal Processing





Time Time
Figure 1. Timefrequency atoms of the STFT and WT.

The WT is readily applicable to the field of Wang and McFadden [2] in this area used wavelet
structural health monitoring (SHM) because of its analysis to detect local faults in machineries. A
timefrequency localization property. SHM involves continuous wavelet transform (CWT) with a Morlet
the observation of a system over time/space using basis function was used for the studies. Several other
periodically sampled dynamic response measure- researchers have carried out the investigations on the
ments from an array of sensors. There are two detection of damage based on changes in wavelet
different ways of assessing the health of the system: coefficients of time-domain responses. Melhem and
the knowledge-based approach and the signal-based Kim [3] carried out research to detect damage
approach. on full-scale concrete structures using a CWT and
The knowledge-based approach involves creating wavelet ridges. Kim and Melhem [4] have focused on
a model of the system under analysis. Damage is reviewing the research carried out on damage detec-
then identified by a change in this model. The basic tion in beams, mechanical gears, and rollers by the
premise is that damage will alter the stiffness, mass, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and CWT, using
or energy dissipation properties of the system, which, a Gabor, a low-oscillation Gaussian, and a Mexican
in turn, will alter the dynamic response of the system. hat basis function. Hou et al. [5] studied accumu-
Most of the research under this approach leads lated damage occurrences due to the San Fernando
to system identification. The signal-based approach earthquake excitations, and identified the change in
relies on the extraction of damage-sensitive features structural stiffness from spikes in the wavelet coeffi-
from the measured response signals. Analysis and cients using multiresolution analysis (MRA). A DWT
processing of these features are then used to deter- was used by Moyo and Brownjohn [6] to detect the
mine the current state of health of the system. This anomalous behavior of a bridge structure from the
category includes research related to advanced signal abrupt changes in the wavelet coefficients. Damage
processing, statistical analysis, and pattern recogni- assessment of bridges based on energy calculation
tion. The next section summarizes some of the papers was carried out by Sun and Chang [7] using a wavelet
that describe the use of wavelet analysis in SHM packet transform and neural networks. A CWT with
using both the knowledge-based and the signal-based a LittlewoodPaley (LP) basis was used by Basu
approaches. [8] to detect stiffness degradation in structures, and
by Goggins et al. [9] to study the seismic response
of concentrically braced frames, by correlating the
2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE wavelet coefficients at different scales. Gurley et al.
[10] detected first and higher order correlation by
Recently, timefrequency and timescale analysis using a CWT to construct filtered wavelet coherence
tools, particularly the wavelet analysis technique, and bicoherence maps to monitor offshore structures.
have been proven to be powerful methods for assess- There has also been significant development, in
ment of structural health and fault monitoring. Early the recent years, on wavelet-based damage detec-
investigations by Staszewski and Tomlinson [1] and tion associated with identifying singularities in the
Wavelet Analysis 3

response signal either in time or in space, or any et al. [32] have used WT packets to identify stiffness
of their derivatives. Singularity detection through variation in structural systems.
wavelets has been discussed in detail by Mallat [11]. A different approach was used by Tian et al.
Some of the key research in this area has been [33], who analyzed the flexural waves in beams
carried out by Robertson et al. [12], who identified using a CWT (Morlet wavelet), and detected damage
a rattle in a structure using wavelet-based Holder by considering the lag of the waves. Other papers
exponents. Damage detection in beams using spatial include the work by Staszewski et al. [34] on damage
wavelet analysis is also a problem of singularity detection based on Lamb waves using both the
detection. Gentile and Messina [13] have investigated CWT and orthogonal DWT, and a recent review on
the selection criteria for a wavelet basis function timefrequency and timescale analysis for SHM by
in the presence of measurement noise and demon- Staszewski and Robertson [35].
strated the performance of Gaussian and Symlet
wavelets. Okafor and Dutta [14], Chang and Chen
[15], Loutridis et al. [16], Liew and Wang [17], 3 TYPES OF WAVELET
and Wang and Deng [18] have used the spatial TRANSFORMS
response data for beam structures to detect damage
by applying different wavelets (both the CWT and The WT is a timescale transform, which provides
DWT). Spanos et al. [19] have used a CWT modulus information about how the spectral content of a signal
map for spatial wavelet analysis in damaged beams is changing in time. WTs can be categorized into three
by suppressing boundary effects. Zhu and Law [20] main types: the continuous, discrete, and orthogonal
have diagnosed damage in bridges without inter- transform.
rupting operations by using the CWT and relating
the damage to the variation in the wavelet coefficient.
Other researches related to spatial damage identifica- 3.1 Continuous wavelet transform
tion include those by Patsias and Staszewski [21] on
the use of video camerabased dynamic shape iden- The CWT, WT (u, s), is obtained by convolving the
tification, Lam et al. [22] on a Bayesian approach for signal f (t) with a set of basis functions created from
detection of crack in the presence of an obstruction, the translations (u) and dilations (s) of a mother
Kim et al. [23] on the use of 2-D MRA-based Haar wavelet :
wavelets on plates, and Pakrashi et al. [24] on the   
1 t u
waveletkurtosis-based damage detection and cali- W T (u, s) = f (t) dt (1)
s s
bration, showing the effectiveness of the Coiflet 4
wavelet. Most of the research work discussed so These basis functions are defined as
far broadly covers the category of the signal-based
approach to SHM, since it involves signal processing 1 t u
with pattern recognition/feature identification. u,s (t) = (2)
s s
Wavelet analysis has also been used for
identification of systems (knowledge-based approach) where u defines the time shift and s defines the scale.
including nonstationary and nonlinear systems. The analyzing functions or basis functions of a
Staszewski [25, 26], Kyprianou and Staszewski [27] WT are called wavelets. The wavelets are scaled to
have used the CWT to identify nonlinear systems and obtain a range of frequencies. They are also translated
damping in dynamical systems. Other applications of to provide the time information in the transform.
the CWT include identification of modal parameters A typical wavelet basis with translated and dilated
by Ruzzene et al. [28], extraction of impulse response versions is shown in Figure 2. This wavelet is called a
functions by Robertson et al. [29], and identification Mexican hat, and is obtained by the second derivative
of dynamic modal parameters of a bridge by Piombo of the Gaussian function. The WT works as a filter,
et al. [30]. Identification of parameters of time- allowing only a certain time and frequency content
varying systems has been carried out by Ghanem through. Any given atom in the timefrequency
and Romeo [31] using an orthogonal DWT. Basu map of the WT (Figure 1) represents the correlation
4 Signal Processing

1 1

0.5 0.5

y u ,s ( t )
y ( t)

0 0

0.5 0.5
10 0 10 10 0 10
(a) t (b) t

1 1

0.5 0.5
y u, s( t )

y u ,s ( t )
0 0

0.5 0.5
10 0 10 10 0 10
(c) t (d) t
Figure 2. Dilations and translation of a mother wavelet. (a) A typical mother wavelet, (b) translated wavelet, (c) dilated
wavelet (compressed) and (d) dilated wavelet (stretched).

between the wavelet basis function at that frequency The CWT gets its name from the fact that the
dilation and the signal in that time segment. The mother wavelet is continuously shifted across the
frequency content of the WT is represented in terms length of the data being analyzed. This smooth
of scales, which are inversely related to frequencies. shifting means that the time/frequency atoms shown
The squared amplitude of the CWT is therefore called in Figure 1 overlap one another, providing redundant
the scalogram. The relationship between scales and information. A representation of this overlapping in
frequencies is easily found and a timefrequency map the scales/frequencies is shown in Figure 3.
can be formed from the scalogram. The variable windowing feature of wavelet analysis
Since the WT works in a manner similar to the leads to an important property exhibiting constant-Q
STFT, by convolving the signal with a function factor (defined as the ratio of the center frequency
that varies both in time and frequency, it suffers to bandwidth) analysis. For STFT, at an analyzing
from similar limitations in the resolution of the frequency 0 , changing the window width increases
timefrequency map. Both transforms are confined or decreases the number of cycles of 0 inside
by the uncertainty principle, which limits the area of the window. In the case of WTs, with the change
a timefrequency atom in the overall timefrequency in window width, mean dilation or compression of
map (Figure 1). The biggest difference between the the wavelet function changes. Hence, the carrier
two transforms is that the atoms in the WT map frequency becomes 0 /a, for a window width
are not a constant shape. In the lower frequen- changing from T to aT. However, the number of
cies, the atoms are fatter, providing a better reso- cycles inside the window remains constant.
lution in frequency and worse resolution in time, The frequency resolution is proportional to the
whereas in the upper frequencies the atoms are window width both in the case of STFT and WT.
taller, providing better time resolution and worse However, for WT, a center frequency shift necessarily
frequency resolution. This variable resolution can accompanies a window width change (timescaling).
be advantageous in the analysis of structural time Thus, Q factor is invariant with respect to wavelet
response data. dilation and these dilated wavelets may be considered
Wavelet Analysis 5

Figure 3. Continuous WT.

as constant-Q band-pass filters giving rise to the that the discrete transform obtains only a subset of
frequency selectivity of the CWT. the time/scale wavelet atoms that are found using the
Since the WT is an alternative representation of a CWT, thus providing a more compact representation
signal, it should retain the characteristics of the signal of the signal.
including the energy content in the signal. Thus, there The discrete grid on the timescale plane corre-
should exist a similar relation to Parsevals theorem, sponds to a discrete set of continuous functions. The
which provides the energy relationship in the Fourier higher the subsampling of the grid, the smaller the
domain. The total energy of a signal in wavelet redundancy of the WT. Dyadic discretization is one
domain representation is [36] way of obtaining a countable subset, and is the most
  commonly used. This is the discretization shown in

1 ds du Figure 1.
Ef = |WT (u, s)|2 (3)
C s2 The DWT is defined at discrete points j, k using
the formula
where, C is a scalar constant related to the Fourier 

transform of the wavelet basis (called admissibility DWT (j, k) = f (t)j,k (t) dt (4)
constant). The wavelet basis functions can be normal-

ized in a way such that it can attain a value of unity.

The differential energy of the signal in the differen-
tial tile of scale-translation plane in wavelet domain is 1 t kus0
|W T (u, s)|2 (ds du/s 2 ), which leads to the construc- j,k (t) =  j
tion of the scalogram. s0
j s0

If s0 is chosen to be two, then the frequency

3.2 Discrete wavelet transform sampling is called dyadic.

The major difference between the CWT and DWT

3.2.1 Multiresolution analysis
comes in the way that the transforms are performed.
With the CWT, the signal is projected on to a contin- A more common way of representing the DWT is
uous set of frequency bands; and, the original can through an MRA approach. This approach was first
be reconstructed from all the frequency components. suggested by Mallat [11], as a fast algorithm for
The DWT discretizes the time and scale parameters performing the WT. The MRA approach can also be
to eliminate redundancy while retaining the ability to used to examine a signal at different resolutions or
recover the original signal without loss. This means scales.
6 Signal Processing

x(t ) Length = 32

Low pass High pass

A1 D1 Length = 16

Low pass High pass D1

A2 D2 Length = 8

Low pass High pass D3

A3 D3 Length = 4

Figure 4. Filtering approach used for performing DWT.

The process works as shown in Figure 4. The while the mother wavelet is used as the high-pass
original signal, x(t), passes through two comple- filter, and is defined as
mentary filters, a low-pass and a high-pass filter,
resulting in two signals. The signal, a, that emerges  
t 2j k
from the low-pass filter contains the low-frequency j,k = 2j/2 (7)
content, or approximations of the signal. The signal, 2j
d, that emerges from the high-pass filter contains
the high-frequency content, or details of the signal. The j indexes the scale and the k indexes the
This procedure is then repeated on the signal a, thus translation. These functions are used to compute the
removing more of the high-frequency content with approximations and details as
each application. The result of the successive appli-
cations of the filters is a series of approximations 
of the signal with progressively more of the detail aj,k = x(t)j,k (t) dt (8)
removed. Also obtained are a series of details of the

signal, which constitutes the DWT, as demonstrated
in Figure 4. Each application of the filters results in dj,k = x(t)j,k (t) dt (9)
a different level of resolution, and these levels can
be examined independently or in comparison for the
extraction of damage-sensitive features. A signal, x(t), can then be represented as a
The filters are based on both a mother and a father weighted sum of the scaling and wavelet functions
wavelet. The father wavelet is used as a low-pass up to a scale J :
filter or scaling function, defined as
t 2j k x(t) = aJ,k J,k (t) + dj,k j,k (t) (10)
j,k = 2j/2 (6)
2j k j =1 k
Wavelet Analysis 7

3.3 Orthogonal wavelet transform band. This generalization of MRA produces outputs
called wavelet packets. This is a deviation from
An orthogonal WT is created from a wavelet whose constant-Q analysis and achieves desired frequency
dilations and translations form a set of orthogonal resolution at high-frequency bands. Wavelet packets
basis functions. When an orthonormal set of basis through arbitrary band splitting can choose the most
functions are used, there is no redundancy in the suitable resolution to represent a signal.
transform. A lack of redundancy means that the The resolution of signals with wavelet packets is
transformed signal can be recovered with the least not only possible using MRA-based frequency filters
information possible. in the time domain (starting with Haar wavelets)
Orthogonality means that the inner product but also in the frequency domain. For the arbitrary
j,k , j  ,k   satisfies the condition [37] resolution using frequency-domain-based filters, the
construction for wavelet packets should be based
j,k , j  ,k   >= 1 for j = j and k = k (11)
on a modified LP wavelet basis. The application
0 otherwise of wavelet packets is particularly useful in system
identification and damage detection for SHM where
By choosing a0 = 2 and b0 = 1, a discretization finer resolution at higher frequency is desired.
based on a dyadic grid is obtained. The wavelets
therefore assume the form

j,k (t) = 2j/2 2j t k (12)
The discretization on the dyadic grid leads to
the dyadic WT. If there is a wavelet function that 4.1 Type of transform
yields an orthonormal wavelet decomposition, then
it can be shown that the wavelet coefficients for The redundancy and time efficiency of the contin-
an orthonormal DWT are simply the samples of the uous wavelet transform and DWTs largely dictate
CWT on the dyadic grid. what applications they are best used for. The CWT
Nonorthogonal wavelet functions tend to artifi- offers improved resolution, which creates an increase
cially add in energy (due to the overlap) and require in computational time and memory required to calcu-
renormalization to conserve the information. The late the coefficients. Therefore, the CWT is better
major drawback of using orthogonal wavelets is that used for analysis where one is trying to draw out
localization of signal features is not possible. features in a signal. The DWT is very time efficient,
even faster than the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
With improved time efficiency, however, comes a
3.4 Wavelet packets very sparse representation of the signal, which is not
good for finding features in a signal. It is best used
While the constant-Q factor and coarser frequency for compression (storage), denoising, and fast calcula-
resolution at high frequencies make the wavelet tions such as matrix multiplications. Fast calculations
analysis computationally efficient, this may be a can be very advantageous when trying to perform
disadvantage for analysis of some signals for SHM. on-line health monitoring.
Better resolution at high frequencies can be obtained
by wavelet packet construction.
The DWT based on MRA splits the signal into two 4.2 Mother wavelet
bands, a higher band (by using a high-pass filter) and
a lower band (by using a low-pass filter). The lower Each type of WT requires the choice of a mother
band is subsequently again split in two bands. This wavelet from which the basis functions are created.
concept can be generalized by splitting the signal into There are an infinite number of mother wavelets that
several bands each time. In addition, there could be can be used. To be classified as a mother wavelet, the
further splitting of higher bands too, not just the lower function must first satisfy the following conditions:
8 Signal Processing

1. The function must have zero mean: |(t)| wavelet is similar to a sine function with a Gaussian
dt = 0.
2. Admissibility condition: 0 (|()|2 /) d <
t i2f0 t)
2 2
, where () is the Fourier transform of . (t) = e( (14)

Basically, these properties mean that a wavelet is The term f0 is the center frequency of the sinusoid
a function that must oscillate (hence the term wave), and determines the width of the frequency band.
and that the oscillations must eventually damp out to Also,
t is the time variable and i the imaginary value
zero. 1.
Any given atom in the timefrequency map of the Orthogonal wavelets offer a representation of
WT (Figure 1) represents the correlation between the the signal with as little information as is
wavelet basis function at that frequency dilation and possible, and without redundancy. These features
the signal in that time segment. Therefore, if a basis are very useful in denoising and in matrix
function is used that is very similar to a feature of multiplications. The best-known orthogonal wavelets
interest, the correlation between the wavelet and the are the Daubechies wavelets. Daubechies found a
signal at the point where the feature exists is very countable set of dyadic wavelets for the orthogonal
high. This is how wavelets can be used to draw out decomposition that also has compact support. Other
features in a signal. One can actually tailor a wavelet orthogonal wavelets include Coiflet, Symlet, and
to resemble a feature of interest. B-Spline. BattleLemarie and Meyer wavelets have
The most basic wavelet is the Gabor wavelet. It is orthonormal bases. Biorthogonal wavelets are special
simply a Fourier transform, which uses a Gaussian cases of discrete wavelets. They consist of two
window to obtain time information [11]: wavelet sets: one for decomposition and another for
(t) = g(t) eit (13) Other features of the wavelet that are important
in choosing the correct one are regularity, vanishing
2 2
where g(t) = (1/( 2 )1/4 )e(t /2 ) is the Gaussian moments, and timefrequency localization. These
window. features, however, are beyond the scope of this
The choice of which mother wavelet to use for article. As stated by Staszewski [37], the proper use
analysis can greatly affect the results. For compres- and interpretation are far more important in wavelet
sion or denoising, it is important to choose a wavelet analysis than the choice of wavelet.
that closely resembles the function that is being
analyzed. If this is achieved, only very few of the
wavelet coefficients will be nonzero. If the function 4.3 Wavelet features
is smooth, a higher order wavelet is more appropriate.
A lower order wavelet (such as the Haar wavelet) is After the type of WT has been decided upon, the
good for identifying discontinuities in a signal. For task of interpreting the wavelet data arises. Many
feature extraction, one sometimes uses a wavelet that different approaches exist, and are based on the type
resembles the feature of interest. of structure being examined and the type of damage
When trying to obtain a good timefrequency that is being monitored. This section goes over some
representation of a signal, a continuous wavelet of the approaches and features that can be extracted
is usually the best. The most commonly used from the wavelet data.
continuous wavelet is the GrossmanMorlet wavelet. When using a CWT, damage-sensitive features are
This wavelet is complex valued. A complex- usually extracted from the scalogram. The scalogram
valued wavelet can be helpful when performing is the squared modulus of the WT, represented in a
a convolution since it has the same convolution two-dimensional plot. For a structural system, most
properties as the Fourier transform, meaning that a of the energy in the scalogram is concentrated at
convolution becomes just a simple multiplication. the modes of vibration. One can also examine the
A complex-valued wavelet can also provide phase power spectrum of the WT, which is the scalogram
information about the signal. The GrossmanMorlet integrated over time. The power spectrum is similar
Wavelet Analysis 9

Time (s)

0 50 100 150 200 250




0 50 100 150 200 250
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5. Wavelet transform and scalogram of an 8-DOF system.

to an FFT-based power spectrum and provides a one- changing in time, the ridge is no longer a straight line,
dimensional view of the energy distribution in the but it is curved. The skeleton is then the values of the
signal across the frequencies. The variable window WT restricted to its ridge. By examining the ridges
size of the WT means that the resolution of the power and skeletons, one can identify information about
spectrum is greater at the low frequencies, which can the amplitude and frequency modulation of a signal,
be useful in identifying the modes of a structure. which is useful for the identification of nonstationary
Figure 5 shows the scalogram and wavelet-based and nonlinear systems, and for damping estimates
power spectrum of the time response of an 8-DOF [25, 26].
(degree of freedom) spring-mass system subjected to The presence of spikes in the high-frequency
random excitation. Notice that the structural modes region of a scalogram can indicate the presence of
in the lower frequencies are easily identifiable as a discontinuity in the signal. Mallat [11] first intro-
vertical lines in the scalogram, whereas the higher duced a method for detecting singularities in a signal
frequency modes are indistinguishable owing to both by examining the evolution of the modulus maxima
the resolution of the WT in the high frequencies and (large magnitude coefficients) of the WT across the
the sampling rate of the data. scales. The decay of this maxima line can be used
Sometimes the modes of a system change during to determine the regularity (Holder exponent) of the
time. This variation is easily seen in a timefrequency signal at the given time point. A signal with low regu-
representation of the structural response. Methods larity can indicate a discontinuity in the signal, which
have been developed to extract the needed data from can be caused by the opening and closing of cracks
the wavelet scalogram to exactly determine how or by a rattle resulting from the loss of preload in a
the modes are changing. The concept of ridges and bolted connection (see [29] for further discussion).
skeletons of the WT was developed by Tchamitchian When using a DWT or an orthogonal WT, damage
and Torresani [38], and involves the extraction of the is found by examining either the scalogram or the
instantaneous amplitude and frequency content from individual levels of the WT, as shown in the multires-
a signal. A ridge is a string of high-magnitude wavelet olution approach. The process of denoising, for
coefficients, such as the ones seen in Figure 5, which example, involves retaining only those values in the
represent a mode of the structure. If a mode is DWT scalogram that are above a certain value. Noise
10 Signal Processing

does correlate well with the wavelet basis functions can travel long distances through a material. By
and therefore shows up as low-level values in the propagating such waves through composite materials,
scalogram. Inverse wavelet transforming the retained faults or damage in the material can be located. The
values results in a time signal with the noise removed. Lamb wave propagation method works as follows.
See the examples below for a demonstration of how An array of Piezoelectric Transducers (PZT) sensors
the DWT levels can be used for damage identification. are placed on the plate as shown in Figure 6. One
PZT is activated as an actuator to launch elastic
waves (the input) through the plate, and responses
5 EXAMPLES OF WAVELET are measured by other PZT patches acting as sensors
or possibly some other device. The structure can be
systematically surveyed by sequentially using each
5.1 Continuous wavelet transform of the PZT patches as an actuator and the remaining
PZT patches as sensors. The technique looks for the
Identifying and quantifying the level of damage in possibility of damage by tracking changes in the
composite materials is becoming a large area of PZT responses from a baseline undamaged signal.
research in SHM. The most common forms of damage Features that might indicate damage include signal
for composites include matrix breakage, debonding attenuation, delay, or reflection. These features are
between matrix and fibers, and fiber delamination. difficult to locate by examining the time response
Quite often, damage is not readily visible and must be signals, and so tools such as the WT are used to draw
identified using nondestructive evaluation techniques out these features.
(NDTs). A number of different NDT approaches exist, Staszewski [37] provides a wonderful example
including acoustic emission, electrical impedance, of wavelet analysis of Lamb wave data. Lamb
and Lamb wave propagation. waves were launched into a 600-mm2 plate using
In this example, Lamb wave propagation is used conventional PZTs, and monitored using an em-
to detect the presence of a delamination in a carbon bedded optical fiber connected to a MachZehnder
fiber composite plate. The Lamb wave is a high- interferometer [37]. Figure 7(a) shows normalized S0
frequency (megahertz)-guided longitudinal wave that Lamb wave responses along with power spectra and

Input signal
Actuator 2000

Delamination 0

Sensor 1000

Sensor 2000
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time response signal



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Figure 6. Example of Lamb wave propagation for damage diagnosis: composite plate under examination and input/output
Wavelet Analysis 11

Reflected wave from



2 2

1.5 1.5

Frequency (kHz)

Frequency (kHz)
Scale (log a)

Scale (log a)

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0



0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

2.0 Amplitude (dB) 2.0 Amplitude (dB)



0.0 amplitude 0.0

2.0 2.0
0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0
(b) Time (s) (a) Time (s)

Figure 7. Continuous wavelet transform analysis of Lamb wave reflection data from a composite plate: (a) no damage
present and (b) delamination present. (Staszewski [37], Reproduced by permission of Academic Press.)

contour plots of the WT modulus for a baseline fs

fcj = 2j (15)
undamaged signal. Figure 7(b) then shows the same N
plots for data obtained from the same composite plate
with a delamination present. In Figure 7(b), a wave
where fs is the sampling frequency and N is the
reflection is seen at about 90 s as identified by an
number of time points in the signal.
increase in the WT modulus. The reflection is due
Staszewski [37] used this decomposition to analyze
to a 400-mm2 delamination in the plate, which is
the Lamb wave signal discussed in the previous
about 0.1% of the total area. The visibility of the
section. A Daubechies fourth-order wavelet was
delamination is significantly improved by the WT. A
used for analysis. Figure 8(a) shows the orthogonal
variety of methods can then be used to try to auto-
wavelet decomposition of the Lamb wave response
matically identify the changes in the wavelet modulus
for an undamaged plate, and Figure 8(b) shows the
decomposition of the Lamb wave response from the
plate with a delamination present. The top row in each
of the figures represents the original time response
5.2 Orthogonal discrete wavelet data. The following rows show the eight highest
transform wavelet levels. Examination of these levels reveals
a feature in the damaged data that is not present in
As shown previously, a signal x(t) can be decom- the baseline data. On level 4, a spike in the data at
posed using a DWT into a series of resolution levels. 0.11 ms represents a reflection due to the delamination
By examining an individual level, one can iden- in the plate.
tify the contribution of a given frequency band to Though the applications of continuous and discrete
the overall signal energy. The lower levels corre- (or orthogonal) wavelets are quite often different, this
spond to the lower frequencies and have the smallest Lamb wave example has shown how both transforms
bandwidth. At each increasing level, the central can be used on the same data. The results are
frequency doubles, as well as the bandwidth. The different, but both transforms are able to identify the
central frequency at level j is presence of damage in the composite plate.
12 Signal Processing

Defect free region Delamination

4.0 4.0
0.0 0.0
4.0 4.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.4 0.4
0.0 Level 8 0.0 Level 8
0.4 0.4
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
1.0 1.0
0.0 Level 7 0.0 Level 7
1.0 1.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
4.0 4.0
0.0 Level 6 0.0 Level 6
Amplitude (units)

Amplitude (units)
4.0 4.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
4.0 4.0
0.0 Level 5 0.0 Level 5
4.0 4.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.4 0.4
0.0 Level 4 0.0 Level 4
0.4 0.4
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.4 0.4
0.0 Level 3 0.0 Level 3
0.4 0.4
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.2 0.2
0.0 Level 2 0.0 Level 2
0.2 0.2
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
0.2 0.2
0.0 Level 1 0.0 Level 1
0.2 0.2
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)
Figure 8. Orthogonal wavelet decomposition of Lamb wave data from a composite plate: (a) no damage present and
(b) delamination present. (Staszewski [37], Reproduced by permission of Academic Press.)

5.3 Wavelet packets The temporal variation in the frequency content

of the response signal of a structure modeled as
Structural systems accumulate damage under both a stiffness varying multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF)
service load and environmental excitations. Examples system can be used to obtain the variation of the char-
include fatigue in rotating wind turbine blades or acteristic stiffness of the system. While wavelet anal-
degradation in bridges with opening and closing ysis techniques have been successfully used mostly in
of cracks manifested in the variation of stiffness. off-line identification of the time-varying structural
Under certain loading conditions, structures may also dynamic parameters of a system, it has the poten-
suffer significant damage that changes the dynamical tial for on-line identification, using timefrequency
and mechanical parameters. In all such cases, a localization properties. The on-line identification of
time-varying representation of the stiffness is more system parameters can be achieved in a simple
appropriate. Identification of the modal parameters is and computationally straightforward way by using
vital in assessing the condition of the structure as well wavelet analysis for an adaptive control application.
as for diagnosing its failure. Further, the information A wavelet-based on-line identification of stiffness via
of stiffness and the variation of stiffness with time the identification of modal parameters (assuming the
are of importance in designing control strategies e.g., masses to be known) of a structural system, modeled
for active and semiactive tuned mass dampers. as an MDOF system (shown in Figure 9), has been
Wavelet Analysis 13

k1 m1 k2 mn kn mn

c1 c2 cn
Figure 9. MDOF system.

illustrated through the following example (Basu et al. {(b)}k can be found by
[39]). A modified LP wavelet basis with wavelet
packets has been used in the proposed algorithm. W T xr (b, sj ) rk (b)
It can be shown that for each of the modal rj (b) = = (18)
W T x1 (b, sj ) 1k (b)
equations in an MDOF system, the local energy
content of the modal response zk around the time To illustrate the application of the tracking
t = b can be expressed by a proportional term as methodology, an example of a 2-DOF system has
follows: been considered (see [39]). The masses of the
 first and second floors are m1 = 10 unit and m2 =
1 15 unit, respectively. The stiffness of the first and
Ej zk (b) |W T (u, sj )|2 du (16)
sj b second floors are k1 = 2500 unit and k2 = 4500 unit,
respectively. These parameters lead to the first natural
where, the dilation parameter j is discretized. Since frequency and mode shape as 1 = 9.04 rad s1
the WT localizes information, wavelet coefficients and {11 21 } = {11.37}, respectively. A band-limited
outside the range [b , b + ] do not contribute to white-noise excitation has been simulated and applied
the local energy content around t = b. The modified at the base. The range of frequencies is kept wide
LP function (Basu et al. [39]) has been used as the enough to cover the frequencies of the system to be
wavelet basis for analysis, and is characterized by the identified. The response of the system is simulated
Fourier transform: with 5% of modal damping (proportional). For the
frequency-tracking algorithm, a moving window of
1 400 time steps equal to 4.16 s has been chosen.
() = , F1 || F1 (17) For the identification of the 2-DOF system, the
F1 ( 1)
parameters F1 and are taken as 8.25 rad s1 and
1.2, respectively.
where, F1 is the initial cutoff frequency of the mother Figure 10 shows the tracking of the first natural
wavelet and is a scalar to be chosen by the user frequency and the ratio 21 /11 corresponding to the
to generate nondyadic nonoverlapping (orthogonal) first mode shape (assuming 11 = 1, without loss
frequency bands for wavelet bases generated by of generality). To further observe if the proposed
dilations. method can track a sudden change in the stiffness(es)
For an m-DOF system, the m bands with the m of an MDOF system and follow the restoration
time-varying natural frequency parameters k (b); k = to the original stiffness value(s), the stiffnesses k1
1, . . . , m correspond to m local maxima in the and k2 of the 2-DOF are changed to 5000 and
variation of energy of the rth DOF, Ej xr (b) (or 5200 units, respectively at an instant of 5.72 s in
its proportional quantity (1/sj ) b |W T (u, sj )|2 du) time. Subsequently, the stiffnesses are restored to
with different values of the band parameter j . their original value at 12.48 s. During the changed
Wavelet packets are applied for better resolution phase, the fundamental natural frequency and the
of the modal frequency parameters desired to mode shape are changed to 1 = 11.57 rad s1 and
be obtained with better precision as shown {11 21 } = {11.57}, respectively. Figure 11 shows
by Chakraborty et al. [40]. Once the bands the tracked first natural frequency and the ratio of
corresponding to the m modes with the parameters 21 /11 . As expected, there is a time lag in tracking
k (b) are obtained, the time-varying mode shapes the frequency and mode shape. The change in the
14 Signal Processing

10 15

w1 (rad s1)


0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
(a) t (s) (b) t (s)
Figure 10. On-line tracking of parameters of a 2-DOF (a) fundamental frequency and (b) fundamental mode shape
( actual, - - - - estimated).


w1 (rad s1)



0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
(a) t (s) (b) t (s)
Figure 11. On-line tracking of parameters of a 2-DOF system with sudden change in stiffness (a) fundamental frequency
and (b) fundamental mode shape ( actual, - - - - estimated).

frequency is tracked in (three) steps corresponding The different types of WTs with their mathe-
to the subbands of frequencies considered for the matical basis have been reviewed. The similarities
wavelet packets. and differences of wavelet analysis with STFT have
been highlighted. Further, the constant-Q property of
wavelet analysis and the construction of a scalogram
6 CONCLUSIONS from the CWT have been discussed. The relation
between CWT and DWT has been presented. Also,
The application of wavelet analysis as a timefreque- the construction of an MRA-based fast algorithm for
ncy tool for SHM has been discussed in this article. A calculating the DWT has been discussed. It has been
brief literature review on the use of wavelet analysis shown that the DWT can be considered as a filtering
as a powerful tool for assessment of structural health approach as evidenced by the MRA. The discus-
and fault detection has been presented. sion on orthogonal WT has also revealed that the
Wavelet Analysis 15

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systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2000 wavelet modelling of nonstationary processes. Journal of
4:555576. Engineering Mechanics 1998 124(10):11421150.
Chapter 34
Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications

Jonathan M. Nichols1 and Michael D. Todd2

US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA
Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA

Signal Processing for Damage Detection), involve

1 Introduction 1 features derived from linear models, assumptions,
or signal processing techniques [2, 3]. However,
2 Testing the Definition of Nonlinearity 3
there are several situations where nonlinearity
3 Phase Space Methods 5 plays a role in the damage-detection problem and
4 Higher-order Spectra 7 where the use of nonlinear features is appropriate.
5 Reference-free Approaches to Perhaps the most important of such situations
Nonlinearity Detection 8 is where the healthy structure is appropriately
6 Exploiting Nonlinearity in SHM 9 modeled as linear and where damage causes
7 Identifying the Type of Nonlinearity 10 a nonlinearity. In this case, the problem of
damage detection can be equated with nonlinearity
8 Summary 11
detection. Nonlinear system-identification techniques
References 11 can further be used to indicate both the magnitude
and type of nonlinearity. In other cases, the structure
is appropriately modeled as nonlinear throughout
the damage progression. Nonlinear features can
1 INTRODUCTION improve the ability to track damage in this case.
Still other researchers have used nonlinearity to
A feature is a quantity extracted from measured enhance the sensitivity of a particular damage-
system response data that indicates the presence, detection scheme by tuning the excitation to elicit
location, and/or level of damage present in the a specific structural response, amenable to nonlinear
system [1]. The dominant approaches in the literature, feature-based analysis. Each of these approaches is
covered in previous articles in this collection (see described in what follows, along with the appropriate
This article is a US government work and is in the public It is first useful to define exactly what is meant
domain in the United States of America. Copyright 2009 by a nonlinear feature. Nonlinearity is, of course,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd in the rest of the world. ISBN: a property of the underlying system and not of the
978-0-470-05822-0. data. Rather than saying we have a nonlinear time
2 Signal Processing

series, it is more appropriate to say we have a time second-order statistics are still sufficient to describe
series produced by a nonlinear system. As a result, the linear response provided that the distribution of
a nonlinear feature is one that is designed to take y(t) is also known. It can be shown, for example,
advantage of certain relationships among time series that normalized versions of the higher-order correla-
produced by a nonlinear system. tions can be used effectively to detect nonlinearity in
First, consider a linear, time-invariant single- non-Gaussian processes [5].
degree-of-freedom (DOF) system. The inputoutput Additionally, for the systems described by equa-
relationship for such a system may be modeled via tion (1), certain quantities like natural frequency are
the convolution invariant to the amplitude of excitation. For nonlinear
 systems, this is not true; in fact, tracking the ampli-
y(t) = h()x(t ) d (1) tude varying properties is one way to diagnose the
type of nonlinearity. It should be pointed out that
the focus here is on linear time-invariant systems.
that is to say the response y(t) is a superposi- In much of what follows, the features presented
tion of input impulses, x(t), and the impulse implicitly assume that the practitioner is dealing
response function h(t). The statistical properties of with stationary structural response data. For nonsta-
the output are tionary response data, the estimation of many of these

E[y(t)] = h(t 1 )E[x(1 )] d1

E[y(t)y(t + 1 )] = h(t 1 )h(t + 1 2 )E[x(1 )x(2 )] d1 d2

M1     M1  M1
E y(t + m ) = h(t + m m+1 )E x(m+1 ) dm+1 (0 = 0) (2)
m=0 m=0 m=0 m=0

If the driving signal x(t) is iid, zero-mean features becomes difficult, and fewer methods are
Gaussian noise, all odd-ordered moments vanish, available.
e.g., E[y(t)y(t + 1 )y(t + 2 )] = 0, while the even- In short, there is a large body of literature
ordered expectations become functions of the auto- concerning the use of nonlinear features in structural
covariance E[y(t)y(t + 1 )] [4]. Thus, for a linear, health monitoring (SHM). In the sections that follow,
Gaussian-excited system, the output relationship an effort is made to describe these works and place
E[y(t)y(t + 1 )] is sufficient to characterize the them in context. The list is not exhaustive, but may
response. However, if nonlinearities are present equa- hopefully help the reader appreciate the various tech-
tion (1) does not hold and it is likely that there niques available and the situations in which they have
exist nonzero components in the higher-order correla- been used successfully.
tions, e.g., E[y(t)y(t + 1 )y(t + 2 )]  = 0. A feature The main reason for wanting to use nonlinear
that captures this relationship is, therefore, taking features in SHM is, of course, that often there exists
advantage of the fact that the underlying system a significant amount of nonlinearity in the dynamics
is nonlinear. One feature that targets this third of the structure being monitored. A prime example is
moment, the bispectrum, is explored later (the use of the aforementioned scenario whereby damage causes
other higher-order correlations in detecting damage- a healthy structure that is well described by a linear
induced nonlinearities in a structure is also discussed). model to exhibit nonlinearity. This fact has been
Even if the driving term x(t) is non-Gaussian, exploited by a number of researchers in the field.
Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications 3

A few examples of nonlinear behavior in damaged and has been studied by a number of authors (for
structures are cited here (see Civil Infrastructure example, [21]).
Load Models for Structural Health Monitoring;
Additionally, there are a number of structures that
Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials).
exhibit significant nonlinearity regardless of damage.
Monitoring such structures can therefore be aided
1. Cracking
by the use of nonlinear features. A comprehensive
A cracked structure, for example, is often modeled
look at nonlinearity in structural dynamics has been
as a nonlinearity. For example, Brandon [6] considers
presented by Worden and Tomlinson [22] and also in
both crack and clearance nonlinearities as the damage
a recent review article by Kerschen et al. [23].
mechanism. Friswell and Penny consider the mode-
The following sections in this article describe some
ling of cracks using a bilinear stiffness term [7].
broad classes of where the role of nonlinearity in
Zhang and Testa [8] also explored the nonlinearity
system response is either exploited or imposed to
due to the opening/closing of a crack in an experi-
extract damage-sensitive features. These classes may
mental beam structure.
be grouped as (i) direct tests of the definition of
nonlinearity, (ii) phase space methods, (iii) higher-
2. Impacts and/or rattling order spectra, (iv) the method of surrogate data, and
Impacts, or clearance nonlinearities also present an (v) imposed nonlinearity.
obvious situation where damage equates with nonlin-
earity. Brown and Adams [9], Rutherford et al. [10],
and Nichols et al. [11] have all explored loosening 2 TESTING THE DEFINITION
connections as a nonlinear damage mechanism. This
type of nonlinearity is also referred to in may works OF NONLINEARITY
as backlash (for example, [12, 13]). Probably the most well-known methods of capturing
nonlinearity are adaptations to linear approaches. For
3. Delamination example, traditional linear signal processing (e.g., the
Delamination has also been modeled as a damage- power spectral density) provides information about
induced nonlinearity in composite structures. The second-order statistics in a time series. However, if
work of Schwarts-Givli et al., for example, considers higher-order correlations (nonlinearity) are present,
both contact and geometric nonlinearity in modeling they still show up by violating expected properties
damaged sandwich panels. Earlier work by Hunt of the linear system. Any nonlinear system H is
et al. [14] considered a low-dimensional model of a fundamentally defined by a violation of the following
delaminated strut. The delamination was modeled as rule of homogeneity (scalability) and superposition:
a local buckling resulting in a nonlinear response. A  
similar model was proposed by Murphy et al. and   
was shown to agree well with experiment [15]. A H an xn = an H xn (3)
n n
separate nonlinear model for delaminated beams was
also given in [16]. where the xn are inputs to the system, weighted
by an . Linear systems must fundamentally obey this
4. Stick/slip, rub equation. Considering a single input x1 that results in
In the analysis of rotating machinery, rotorstator a system response y1 and a scaled input x2 = ax1 that
rub is viewed as a damage mechanism. An experi- results in an output y2 , equation (1) becomes
mental study illustrating rub as a source of nonlin- 
earity can be found in [17]. Detection of this
y1 (t) = h()x1 (t ) d
type of damage was studied in [18, 19]. Addi-
tionally, jointed structures often exhibit stickslip 
behavior. Both modeling and simulation of this type y2 (t) = h()x2 (t ) d
of behavior in bolted joints were studied by Song

et al. [20], among others. Fretting wear is another
y1 (t) = h()x1 (t ) d
damage mechanism arising from stickslip behavior
4 Signal Processing

the presence and sometimes the type of nonlinearity.
y2 (t) = h()ax1 (t ) d In damage detection, for example, Adams and Farrar

 used frequency domain Auto-Regressive eXogenous
y1 (t) = h()x1 (t ) d input (ARX) models to capture the influence of
harmonics and use them as a damage indicator [24].

Work by Bovsunovsky and Surace [25] similarly
y2 (t) = a h()x1 (t ) d used superharmonics to diagnose cracks in a beam

structure. Their work showed that changes in the
Y1 () = H ()X1 ()
harmonics were found to be more sensitive to damage
Y2 () = aH ()X1 () (4) than were the changes to the main resonant peak.
Recent work by Parsons and Staszewski [26] also
where the Fourier transform has been taken in the focused on harmonic generation in the detection of
last line to translate into the frequency domain fatigue cracks in an aluminum plate using ultrasonic
(i.e., Y1 (), H (), and X1 () are the Fourier trans- techniques. As an example, consider the composite-
forms of y1 (t), h(), and x1 (t), respectively). The to-metal jointed structure shown in Figure 1. A full
frequency response function (FRF) is defined as the description of the system and experiment is given
frequency domain ratio of output to input, in [27]. To detect the bolt loosening, random exci-
 so that for
linear systems, Y2 ()/X2 () = aY1 ()/ aX1 () = tation was applied near the beam center and the
Y1 ()/X1 (). This identity is readily tested in system strain response near the joint was recorded. The bolt
response by merely applying two inputs of different was fully tightened in the undamaged scenario and
magnitude to the system and observing whether the damage was taken as a loosened connection. The
resulting measured FRFs are identical or not. power spectral density of both the undamaged and
Superposition may also be readily tested by apply- damaged response data is also shown in Figure 1. The
ing different inputs individually and then collectively appearance of additional spectral peaks is a signature
to the system, since of nonlinearity, which, in this case, corresponds to
 bolt loosening. Other work by Adams has focused
 on modifying the traditionally linear concept of
y(t) = h() x1 (t ) + x2 (t ) d
a transmissibility function to accommodate nonlin-
 earity in a health monitoring context [28]. Wong
= h()x1 (t ) d and Chen accounted for nonlinearity in a similar
fashion, using the concept of an equivalent lineariza-

tion stiffness matrix to detect and locate damage
+ h()x2 (t ) d

in a simulated 5-DOF structure [29]. DSouza and
Epureanu also viewed nonlinearity as a perturbation
Y () = H ()X1 () + H ()X2 ()
to a linear problem. By identifying the size of the
= Y1 () + Y2 () (5) perturbation, they could identify both the location and
magnitude of nonlinear damage. This method was
The SHM community has long exploited, partic- referred to as rank perturbation, a full description
ularly in applications involving rotating machinery, of which is given in [30]. Still others have captured
a consequence of superposition violations known as nonlinearity by focusing on amplitude dependence
harmonic generation. The response of a linear, single- in system properties (e.g., natural frequency) that
DOF system to broadband Gaussian inputs shows a would be invariant to amplitude under the hypoth-
single resonant peak when viewed in the frequency esis of a linear structure obeying equation (1). Neild
domain; similarly, a linear system excited by a pure et al., for example, looked at the frequency varia-
tone results in a pure tone at that same frequency tions with amplitude in the response of two reinforced
in the output (at steady state). However, if that concrete beams [31] and were able to successfully
same system possesses a nonlinearity, those single deduce the presence of crack damage. Other work
tonal peaks distort, and additional peaks at harmonic by Feldman [32] (to be described later), also showed
frequencies appear. These can be used to diagnose amplitude dependencies in natural frequency in a
Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications 5

7 +
6 ++

Sxx (f ) (e2 Hz1)

5 +

3 + + Harmonics
+ +

1 + +++
+ ++++
++++++++++ +++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0 50 100 150
(a) (b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1. (a) Experimental bolted joint structure and (b) power spectral density estimated from strain response. Both the
fully clamped (undamaged) and loosened (damaged) connections are shown.

cracked structure. Autoregressive, moving average exists an M-DOF structure, governed by the state
models with exogenous inputs (ARMAX models) equations:
are another favorite system-identification procedure x(t) = F (x(t), ) (6)
for linear systems. However, for systems possessing
nonlinearity, the dynamics are more appropriately where F () is a deterministic function of both the
captured using a nonlinear, autoregressive, moving system state and a vector of system parameters . In
average model with exogenous inputs (NARMAX a structural dynamics context, the parameter vector
model). Wei et al. used NARMAX models, relating might consist of stiffness, mass, and damping parame-
input/output data, to detect delamination in an exper- ters. The state vector x(t) (x1 (t), x2 (t), . . . , xM (t))
imental composite structure. Changes in the model consists of all the system variables, e.g., positions and
structure were found to correlate well with damage velocities of lumped mass elements. As the dynamics
[33]. Other tests of linearity definition violation of the system evolve in time, they trace out a unique
include reciprocity checks (testing the symmetry of trajectory in this state space. Under the dissipation
the FRF), nulls in the coherence function, and loss of present in any real system (due to various sources),
identity in Hilbert transformations of the FRF. These all trajectories eventually settle onto a dynamical
methods are extensively reviewed in [22]. attractor, given a deterministic input. The attractor
Finally, we mention an approach for detecting may be viewed as a geometric object in state space.
nonlinearities that cause discontinuities in structural Changes in the system parameters (e.g., stiffness and
response data. The approach is to use estimates of damping) alter the resulting attractor, and thus various
the Holder exponent as damage-sensitive feature. researchers have used attractor properties as a source
This feature measures the degree of differentia- of damage-sensitive features.
bility or smoothness of a function; thus, a small Central to these approaches is the problem of phase
Holder exponent indicates strong discontinuity and space reconstruction. Typically, we cannot measure
vice versa. In [34], a procedure for capturing the time all of the state variables in experiment; thus, we only
varying nature of the Holder exponent has been devel- have access to part of the state space. Fortunately,
oped based on wavelet transforms. This procedure has there exists a technique whereby the variables that
been successfully applied to detect loose components are not observed can be qualitatively reconstructed
in a harmonically excited mechanical system. such that the geometry of the underlying attractor
is preserved. A full discussion of attractor recon-
struction and the theorems that underlie it would
3 PHASE SPACE METHODS be prohibitive. A comprehensive look at the recon-
struction problem is found in [35] for both uni- and
A number of approaches to SHM rely on a phase multivariate data. Assuming a univariate measure-
space analysis of the response data. Assume that there ment (let us say only measurements of acceleration
6 Signal Processing

at one point on the structure are available), the recon- attractor x(n), the correlation integral (as used in prac-
structed state space is given by tice) reads as
x(n) = (x(n), x(n + T ), . . . , x(n + (d 1)T )) (7) C(r) =
N (N 2W 1)
where T is a measure of time delay and d is 
the embedding dimension. Prescriptions for choosing (r x(i) x(j )) (8)
these quantities are found in [35]. If d and T are i=1 j :|ij |>W
chosen properly, the vector x(n) is topologically
equivalent to the true state vector from equa- where () is the Heaviside step function, r is a
tion (6). Figure 2 shows a two-dimensional view of threshold parameter, and W is a Theiler window
attractor reconstructions, formed by embedding an (designed to eliminate temporally correlated points
undamaged and damaged response. The system of from the sum [38]). It should be noted that an estimate
interest in this case was an 8-DOF springmass of the probability density for point i, assuming a
system driven with the output of a chaotic oscillator. stationary, ergodic process, is given by
Details of this approach are given in Section 6 and
a full description of the simulations are documented p(r, x)(i) = (r x(i) x(j )) (9)
in [36]. N j
Once the attractor has been reconstructed, a number
of metrics can be used to identify damage-induced Thus, the correlation integral is related to the average
changes to the dynamics. Most of these metrics probability density of points on an attractor, estimated
are based on the geometry of the attractor and are using length scale r. Probability is, in fact, one
not restricted to looking at a specific temporal rela- example of a measure of a collection of points.
tionship (e.g., covariance). Thus, these methods are The correlation dimension quantifies how C(r) scales
capable of capturing correlations of any order in the with r. Thus, assuming the scaling law C(r) r dc ,
data (see again equation (2)) and are appropriate for the slope of the log(C(r)) versus log(r) plot gives
capturing the effect of structural nonlinearity on the the correlation dimension, dc . Often, damage causes
response. an increase in the dimensionality of the structures
The correlation dimension is one such metric response. By monitoring these changes, one can
frequently used in the nonlinear time series analysis detect damage.
community as a descriptor of nonlinear processes. This metric has been used by Logan and Mathew
This feature effectively quantifies, on average, how [39, 40] for bearing fault diagnosis. Similarly, it has
local probability estimates scale with bin size. been used by Craig et al. [41] in detecting clearance
Although a number of other measures of dimen- nonlinearities, as well as by Wang et al. for detecting
sion exist (e.g., information dimension), the corre- damage in rotating machinery [42]. Trendafilova [43]
lation dimension is probably the most widely used has also made use of this feature in several works.
method for quantifying the geometry of a collection A comparison of the above-described estimator of
of points. More specifically, given a reconstructed dimension to a different estimator (based on the

0.5 0.5 0.5

x (n + 2t)

x (n + 2t)

x (n + 2t)

0 0 0

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
0 0 0 0 0 0
x (n + t) x (n + t) x (n + t)
0.5 0.5 x (n ) 0.5 0.5 x (n ) 0.5 0.5 x (n )
Figure 2. Reconstructed attractors for a fixed-free 3-DOF system described in [37]. Damage was taken as a stiffness
reduction between masses 2 and 3. A number of features may be extracted from these geometric objects for comparison
and thus damage tracking.
Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications 7

principle of maximum likelihood) in the context of mean (first line of equation (2)). Analogously, Fourier
health monitoring was given in [44] in diagnosing a transforms of higher-order cumulants result in higher-
loosening joint. order spectra (see Higher Order Statistical Signal
Still other researchers have focused on attractor- Processing for a more complete discussion). A good
based measures derived straight from the local prob- example of this is the bispectrum or, its normal-
ability structure of the data. Epureanu and Yin [45] ized form, the bicoherence. The bispectrum associ-
computed estimates of the local probability density ated with the measured signal x(t) is defined as the
as given by equation (9) and then used the resulting double Fourier transform of the third moment about
distribution on the attractor as the damage indi- the mean, i.e.,
cating feature. In that study, the structure of interest  
was a nonlinear aeroelastic plate subject to stiffness B(1 , 2 ) = E[(x(t) x)
Trendafilova also looked at the local probability (x(t + 1 ) x)(x(t + 2 ) x)]
structure of data in a health monitoring context
[43]. Todd et al. used the statistics of local neigh- ei(1 1 +2 2 ) d1 d2 (10)
borhoods of points on an attractor to detect stiff- By equation (2), this quantity is nonzero if the
ness degradations in a simulated structure [36]. process is non-Gaussian. Conversely, a linear struc-
More specifically, they looked at the average ratio ture driven with Gaussian noise has a bispectrum
of local attractor variances (ALAVRs) between an which is zero everywhere. Nonlinearity results in
undamaged and damaged attractor. This metric was peaks in the bispectrum, which can be used for
designed to capture damage-induced distortions to purposes of detection (see example below). A normal-
the attractor geometry and showed greater sensi- ized version of the bispectrum, the bicoherence can
tivity to the damage than some other metrics. Other similarly be used to detect nonlinearity in non-
metrics derived from attractors include autoprediction Gaussian processes (e.g., a linear structure driven
error and cross-prediction error [4648]. Hively and with non-Gaussian noise). Rivola and White [51] used
Protopopescu [49] also used a phase space measure the bicoherence to detect cracks in an experimental
of probability to distinguish between healthy and beam structure while Zhang et al. [52] focused on
damaged motor-driven systems. detecting gear faults, both using the bispectrum. The
Additionally, some attention has been given to bispectrum was also used to assess the magnitude of a
using Lyapunov exponents (LEs) as a damage indi- bilinear stiffness nonlinearity, simulating a crack, in a
cating feature. A systems LEs capture the rate at simple springmass system [53]. Other higher-order
which trajectories in phase space diverge or converge spectra (e.g., the trispectrum) have been considered
in each of the phase space directions. The maximal
for damage detection as well [54]; however, the esti-
LE was used in [43] in the analysis of a reinforced
mation of such spectra remains a difficult challenge.
concrete plate subject to increasing static loads. This
An example of bispectral detection of nonlinearity
metric was also used in [13] in detecting back-
is presented graphically in Figure 3. The system of
lash in robot joints. Golnaraghi [50] also used LEs
interest is a 2-DOF springmassdamper structure
(as well as dimension estimates) in detecting gear
with m1 = m2 = 1.0 (kg), k1 = k2 = 1000 (N m1 )
damage. Overbey and Todd [37] considered local LEs
and c1 = c2 = 3.0 [Ns m1 ] and the forcing is taken
(and thus, local attractor stability) as a metric for
as a realization of an iid Gaussian process. The
governing equations are

m1 0 x1 c1 c2 x1
0 m2 x2 c2 c2 x2
When identifying changes to linear system parame-

k1 k2 x1 0
ters, the focus is often on the power spectral density + = (11)
k2 k2 x2 N(0, 1)
of the response data. By the WienerKhintchine
relations, the power spectral density is simply the The stiffness matrix is bilinear in nature,
Fourier transform of the second moment about the described by
8 Signal Processing

4e-05 4e-05
m3 Hz2

m3 Hz2
2e-05 2e-05
4 4
0 0
0 2 0 2
1 1
2 f 2 (Hz) 2 f 2 (Hz)
3 3
4 4
(a) f1 (Hz) 5 0 (b) f1 (Hz) 5 0

Figure 3. Magnitude bispectrum for a Gaussian driven, 2-DOF structure. (a) Result for the linear system and (b) magnitude
bispectrum of the response of the first mass where a bilinear stiffness of 50% was placed in between the masses.

k2 (x2 x1 ) (x2 x1 ) 0 and can be accomplished without comparing newly
k2 (x2 x1 ) = (12)
k2 (x2 x1 ) (x2 x1 ) < 0 acquired features to those extracted from a pristine
structures response. This is important because effects
where the parameter 0 < 1 controls the degree other than damage often cause changes to the feature
of bilinearity in the stiffness element. For a linear being monitored (e.g., temperature and sensor drift).
structure, = 0 and the bispectrum of the mass 1 Methods that rely on baseline data sets tend to see
response is shown in Figure 3. Using a simple crack these changes as damage and, as a result, suffer
model, we allow the damage structure a bilinear stiff- from false positives. In the following approaches, any
ness with = 0.5. The bispectrum for the bilinear changes that do not influence the underlying model
response is also shown in Figure 3. Clearly, the (linear/nonlinear) do not influence the diagnosis.
nonlinearity results in nonzero values for the bispec- One promising approach to nonlinearity detection
tral density, showing peaks at the systems first reso- in SHM is the work of Park et al. [56, 57]. This work
nant frequency. The locations and magnitude of these uses high-frequency Lamb waves to interrogate the
poles can, in fact, be determined analytically and used structure. If the structure is linear, the reflected wave
to establish the Type-I and Type-II errors of such has a certain shape. Damage-induced nonlinearities
a detector [55]. The peak height for the magnitude cause a change in the received signal. The practitioner
bispectrum is, therefore, a useful nonlinear feature, is testing whether or not the reflected wave comes
capable of capturing certain kinds of damage-induced from a linear or nonlinear model. This diagnosis can,
nonlinearity. in principle, be made without referencing back to
previously acquired data. This approach, therefore,
has the benefits mentioned above, namely, the method
5 REFERENCE-FREE is not severely influenced by many sources of envi-
APPROACHES TO ronmental variability.
NONLINEARITY DETECTION There are also several works that make use of
a nonlinearity detection scheme referred to as the
As was stated earlier, damage often results in the pres- method of surrogate data. This approach was devel-
ence of a nonlinearity in a structure whose dynamics oped by the physics community over the last 15
are otherwise better described by a linear model. years and recently applied to the problem of damage
There is a potentially large advantage to casting detection. The idea is to perform a randomization of
damage detection as a problem of nonlinearity detec- the acquired data such that the statistical properties
tion, namely, the practitioner can pose the question of the data associated with a linear, time-invariant
in the absence of a baseline or reference data set. model (the null hypothesis) are preserved while
The null hypothesis of a linear (healthy) structure those associated with nonlinearity are destroyed. One
can be tested at any point in the structures life can then compare an appropriately chosen feature
Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications 9

computed from the data to those computed from some were collected from the beam in a loosened condition
number of surrogates. If the measured data came (either finger-tight or loose). Forty surrogates, each
from a damaged structure, there will be statistically made using the aforementioned DFS algorithm, were
significant differences in these feature values. If the then generated. The bicoherence function was esti-
measured data came from a healthy structure, the mated for both data and surrogates, and the final
surrogate feature values and data feature values will feature was taken as the average of the estimated
be statistically indistinguishable. This approach has bicoherence function over all frequencies. Figure 4
been used by both Trendafilova and Brussel [13] and shows the average bicoherence feature, bavg , for the
Nichols et al. [27, 58] as a damage-detection strategy. data (cross) and surrogates (dot) for each of the
Algorithms for generating surrogate data are collected time series. The ambient temperature for
numerous and are tailored to different null hypo- this experiment, as measured at the beam surface,
theses. The most often used algorithm is the itera- was 40 C. Clearly, the response is consistent with
tive amplitude-adjusted Fourier transform (IAAFT) a linear model until the joint loosens at which
approach of Schreiber [59]; however, this approach point nonlinearity becomes evident. Figure 4 shows
can sometimes lead to a larger than expected number a repeat of the experiment, but with data collected
of false rejections of the null. A separate approach at a surface temperature of 30 C. This temperature
that preserves the correct variance among the surro- shift altered the beams natural frequencies for the
gate population is given by Dolan [60] and is clamped (undamaged) condition, potentially resulting
referred to as the digitally filtered, shuffled (DFS) in false-positive diagnosis for modal-based features.
algorithm. However, the temperature variation does not influ-
Figure 4 shows some sample results from the ence the ability to correctly classify the response as
bolted-joint experiment of Figure 1. The goal was linear (undamaged) or nonlinear (damaged).
to detect the bolt loosening using ambient vibrations
(excitation was a realization of a process described by
the PiersonMoskowitz distribution for wave height) 6 EXPLOITING NONLINEARITY
and in the presence of varying temperature. All data IN SHM
were recorded at a sampling rate of 2 kHz using a
fiber-optic strain sensor located on the beam, near A number of researchers have attempted to use
the joint. Ten separate time series were collected, nonlinearity to their advantage in the damage-
each consisting of 215 points, for the clamped beam detection problem. Yin and Epureanu [61], for
while six time series (also consisting of 215 points) example, used nonlinear feedback to enhance the

0.08 Surrogates Surrogates

Orignal data Loose 0.06 Orignal data Loose

Tight 0.04




0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Trial # Trial #
Figure 4. Average bicoherence feature computed for data and surrogates over 16 separate trials. The first 10 trials were
with the beam in the fully clamped (linear) condition. The last six trials were for data collected in finger-tight or loose
conditions. The data for the two figures were recorded at 40 and 30 C, respectively. Separation of surrogates from data
indicates significant amounts of nonlinearity accompanying the bolt loosening.
10 Signal Processing

sensitivity of their damage-detection approach. The X Y

idea is to create a bifurcation point in the system,
via feedback control, such that a small change to the
parameter of interest (damage) causes a large change
Y = f (X )
in system behavior. This change can then be easily ?
Another recently developed approach works by
tailoring a highly nonlinear forcing function to excite Undamaged Damaged
the structures dynamics. The properties of the forcing response response
data data
are such that damage causes an increase in the
dimension (specifically the information dimension
that is closely related to the aforementioned corre-
lation dimension) of the response. The relationship
between an undamaged and damaged structures
response, in this case, is conjectured to be nonlinear Drive signal
and, thus, is best captured using a nonlinear feature.
Figure 5. Illustration of the functional relationship
Assume the structures dynamics are governed by a between a damaged and an undamaged response
function F () and there exists a separate system used attractor. Capturing the damage-induced changes to this
to force the structure governed by G() and described function has produced several viable SHM techniques.
by the state vector z. The coupled forcing/structure
dynamics are given by of excitation and feature. The approach is appropriate
for linear or nonlinear damage. Other works that focus
x = F (x, ) + Bz on the mapping between an undamaged and damaged
attractor include those of Chelidze et al. [67] and
z = G(z) (13)
Cusumano et al. [68]. In these works, the authors
were able to track the battery discharge in a vibrating
where B is a constant coefficient matrix that simply beam system by tracking changes to the mapping
couples the structure to the forcing. It can be shown between attractors. More recent work by these authors
that if the excitation is deterministic and has a posi- has led to improvements in the approach, referred to
tive LE (the dynamics are chaotic), and the Lyapunov as phase space warping. These works are documented
exponents of the forcing are in the correct range, the in [69, 70].
dimension of the response x changes as the structures
parameter changes. More specifically, a change in
is conjectured to cause a loss of continuity in the 7 IDENTIFYING THE TYPE
function () relating an undamaged response xu (n)
to a damaged response xd (n), i.e., xd (n) = (xu ).
Figure 5 illustrates this approach in schematic form. The problem of nonlinearity detection still poses a
A common drive signal results in two different struc- number of open questions and will no doubt continue
tural responses (one undamaged, one damaged) that to receive attention. However, some researchers
are related by the function . With an appropriately have made progress in identifying the specific type
chosen drive signal, the properties of are altered and magnitude of nonlinearity. This is especially
by damage. The theorems that underlie this approach valuable if the type and degree of damage is
are presented in [6264]. Any metric that can capture required. Feldman [71, 72] and later Staszewski
the degradation in the continuity of is a poten- [73] described an approach for identifying nonlin-
tial damage indicator. To date, several metrics have earity based on the so-called backbone curves
been tried, including Holder exponents [65], conti- for a nonlinear system. These curves are obtained
nuity statistics [66], and prediction error [47]. In some via timefrequency analysis and can be used to
cases, this approach can produce improved results discern the form of the underlying nonlinearity.
over those obtained by more standard combinations Feldman then used this approach to detect damage
Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications 11

104 108 103 Crack depth, a

a b 8
2 5 6
1.9 4
3 4
1.8 2

1.7 1

0 0
1 2
1.5 2 4
1.4 3
4 6
5 8
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Displacement 10 4
(c) Time, t (s)

Figure 6. Estimated force characteristic of a crack and notch structure: (a) backbone curve, (b) spring force characteristic,
and (c) identification of crack depth. [Reprinted with permission.]

in a rotor system, correctly identifying both the REFERENCES

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Chapter 33
Dimensionality Reduction Using Linear
and Nonlinear Transformation
Gaetan Kerschen and Jean-Claude Golinval
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department (LTAS), University of Liege, Liege, Belgium

become an important step of structural health moni-

toring [4].
1 Introduction 1
Many dimensionality reduction techniques have
2 Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 2 been proposed in the statistical literature. The present
3 Nonlinear Generalizations of Proper article is biased toward one popular technique,
Orthogonal Decomposition 5 called proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). This
4 Application Examples 7 method may serve two purposes, namely, order reduc-
5 Conclusion 11 tion by projecting high-dimensional data onto a
References 11 lower dimensional space and feature extraction by
revealing relevant but unexpected structure hidden
in the data. The key idea of the POD is to reduce
a large number of interdependent variables to a
much smaller number of uncorrelated variables while
1 INTRODUCTION retaining as much as possible of the variation in the
original variables. An orthogonal transformation to
In many domains of applied sciences, dealing with the basis of the eigenvectors of the sample covari-
large data sets is a central issue. In structural ance matrix is performed, and the data are projected
dynamics and particularly in large civil infrastructure onto the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors corre-
applications, densely distributed sensors are required sponding to the largest eigenvalues. This transforma-
for reliable health monitoring procedures. With the tion decorrelates the signal components and maxi-
recent advances in communication technology, wire- mizes variance.
less monitoring systems have emerged as a promising The most striking property of the POD is its
and practical solution in this context [13]. There optimality in the sense that it minimizes the average
is, therefore, a clear trend toward very large exper- squared distance between the original signal and
imental data sets, and dimensionality reduction has its reduced linear representation. Although it is
frequently applied to nonlinear problems, it should
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by be borne in mind that the POD only gives the
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 optimal approximating linear manifold in the space
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. represented by the data. As stated in [5], the
2 Signal Processing

POD is a safe haven in the intimidating world of classification of speech data, image processing, and
nonlinearity; it may not do the physical violence of chemical engineering). The first applications of the
linearization methods. POD in the field of structural dynamics date back to
This article is organized as follows. In the next the 1990s [11, 12].
section, the POD method is briefly presented, and the The POD now enjoys various applications in
different means of computing this decomposition are structural dynamics, such as active control [13],
described. Section 3 introduces two nonlinear exten- dynamic characterization [1416], finite element
sions of the POD, namely, a global approach called model updating [17, 18], modal analysis [19, 20],
nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) and model order reduction [2124], and stochastic
a local approach called vector quantization principal structural dynamics [25]. Recently, the POD has also
component analysis (VQPCA). Finally, reduced-order been used for damage detection [2635] and sensor
modeling and damage detection under varying envi- validation [36].
ronmental conditions are discussed in Section 4.

2.2 Mathematical formulation

The mathematical formulation of the POD presented
DECOMPOSITION here closely follows the one in [37]. Let (x, t) be
2.1 Brief historical perspective a random field on a domain . This field is first
decomposed into mean (x) and time varying parts
The POD, also known as the KarhunenLoeve (x, t):
decomposition (KLD), was proposed independently
by several scientists including Karhunen, Kosambi, (x, t) = (x) + (x, t) (1)
Loeve, Obukhov, and Pougachev and was originally
conceived in the framework of continuous second- At time tk , the system displays a snapshot k (x) =
order processes. When restricted to a finite (x, tk ). The POD aims at obtaining the most charac-
dimensional case and truncated after a few terms, the teristic structure (x) of an ensemble of snapshots of
POD is equivalent to principal component analysis the field (x, t). This is equivalent to finding the basis
(PCA) [6]. This latter methodology originated not function (x) that maximizes the ensemble average
only with the work of Pearson [7] as a means of of the inner products between k (x) and (x):
fitting planes by orthogonal least squares but was
also proposed by Hotelling [8]. It is emphasized Maximize |( k , )|2  with 2 = 1 (2)
that the method appears in various guises in the 
literature and is known by other names depending where (f, g) =  f (x)g(x) d denotes the inner
on the area of application, namely, PCA in the product in ;  denotes the averaging operation;
statistical literature, empirical orthogonal function in   = (, )1/2 denotes the norm; and | | denotes the
oceanography and meteorology, and factor analysis modulus. Expression (2) means that if the field
in psychology and economics. The reader can is projected along , the average energy content is
refer to [9, 10] for a detailed discussion about the greater than if the field is projected along any other
equivalence of the POD, PCA, and KLD, and their basis function.
connection with the singular value decomposition The constraint 2 = 1, imposed to make the
(SVD). computation unique, can be taken into account by
Because of the large amount of computations the use of a Lagrange multiplier
required to find the POD modes, the technique was  
virtually unused until the middle of the twentieth J [] = |(, )|2  2 1 (3)
century. Radical changes came with the appearance
of powerful computers. The POD has now gained The extremum is reached when the functional
popularity and is being used in numerous fields (e.g., derivative is equal to zero. Holmes et al. [37] shows
biomedical engineering, forecasting in meteorology, that this condition reduces to the following integral
Dimensionality Reduction with Linear/Nonlinear Transformation 3

eigenvalue problem: We note that a physical interpretation of the POMs

 in a structural dynamics context has been provided in
[38, 39].
 k (x) k (x  )(x  ) dx  = (x) (4)

where  k (x) k (x  ) is the averaged autocorrelation 2.3 Practical computation

The solution of the optimization problem (2) is In practice, the data are discretized in space and time.
thus given by the orthogonal eigenfunctions i (x) of Accordingly, n observations of an m-dimensional
the integral equation (4), called the proper orthogonal vector x are collected, and an (m n) response
modes (POMs) or POD modes. The corresponding matrix is formed:
eigenvalues i (i 0) are the proper orthogonal

values (POVs). The POMs may be used as a basis   x11 x1n

for the decomposition of the field (x, t): X = x1 . . . xn = (6)
xm1 xmn

(x, t) = ai (t)i (x) (5) The purpose of this section is to present several
i=1 means of computing the POD.

where the coefficients ai (t) are uncorrelated, i.e.,

2.3.1 Eigensolutions of the sample covariance
ai (t)aj (t) = ij i , and are determined by ai (t) =
((x, t), i (x)).
The POM associated with the greatest POV is Since the data are now discretized and do not neces-
the optimal vector to characterize the ensemble of sarily have a zero mean, the averaged autocorrela-
snapshots. The POM associated with the second tion function
 is replaced by the covariance matrix
greatest POV is the optimal vector to characterize  = E (x )(x )T , where E[] is the expec-
the ensemble of snapshots but restricted to the space tation, and = E[x] is the mean of the vector x.
orthogonal to the first POM, and so forth. The energy Under the assumption that the process is stationary
contained in the data is defined as the sum of the and ergodic and that the number of time instants is
POVs, i.e., = j j , and the energy percentage large, a reliable estimate of the covariance matrix is
captured by the ith POM is given by i / j j . given by the sample covariance matrix

n  n


x x x1j x

n k=1 1k n k=1 1k

=1 j =1



xmj xmk

n k=1

S = (7)

n n

xmj x

n k=1 mk




 n n 



x x xmj xmk
n 1k
k=1 j =1 k=1
4 Signal Processing

The POMs and POVs are thus characterized by the as the eigenvalues of matrix S , are the square of the
eigensolutions of the sample covariance matrix S . If singular values divided by the number of samples m.
the data have a zero mean, the sample covariance is The main advantage in considering the SVD to
merely given by the following expression: compute the POD instead of the eigenvalue problem
described in Section 2.3.1 is that additional informa-
1 tion is obtained through the matrix V. The column
S = XXT (8)
n vi of matrix V contains the time modulation of the
corresponding POM ui , normalized by the singular
It should be noted that when the number of degrees value i . This information provides important insight
of freedom is much higher than the number of snap- into the system dynamics and plays a prominent role
shots (e.g., in turbulence theory), the computation of in the model updating of nonlinear systems [18].
the sample covariance matrix may become expen-
sive. In this context, the POD modes are most easily
2.3.3 A simple learning rule
computed using the method of snapshots proposed by
Sirovich [40]. Consider the following simple iterative scheme [41]:

y = xT w
2.3.2 Singular value decomposition of the
response matrix w = w(j +1) w(j )
For any real (m n) matrix X (i.e., for our purpose, = y(j ) x(j ) y(j ) 2 w(j ) (11)
the response matrix measured about its mean), there
exists a real factorization called the singular value where x is the vector containing the inputs; w is the
decomposition that can be written as vector containing the weights; y is the output; is
the learning rate controlling the speed of convergence;
X = USVT (9) and . . .(j ) refers to the result of the j th iteration.
After convergence, the expectation of the weight
where U is an (m m) orthonormal matrix update w is equal to zero:
containing the left singular vectors; S is an (m n)
pseudodiagonal and semipositive definite matrix with E[ w] = E[(yx y 2 w)]
diagonal entries containing the singular values i and  
= E xxT w wT xxT ww
V is an (n n) orthonormal matrix containing the  
right singular vectors. = w wT ww = 0 (12)
Reliable algorithms have been developed to
compute the SVD. The SVD may also be calculated and,
by solving two eigenvalue problems, or even one if  
only the left or the right singular vectors are required. w = wT w w = w (13)
where  = E[xxT ] is the covariance matrix of x that
T 2 T is assumed to be zero mean. As can be seen from
equation (13), the weights converge to an eigenvector
XT X = VS2 VT (10) of the covariance matrix; i.e., a POM. In fact, it can
be shown that they approach the eigenvector with
According to equation (10), the singular values of the largest eigenvalue. This scheme can easily be
X are found to be the square roots of the eigenvalues generalized to extract the first k POMs.
of XXT or XT X. In addition, the left and right singular
vectors of X are the eigenvectors of XXT and XT X,
2.3.4 Autoassociative neural networks
respectively. The POMs, defined as the eigenvectors
of the sample covariance matrix S (8), are thus equal The POD can also be computed using autoassocia-
to the left singular vectors of X. The POVs, defined tive neural networks (AANN). An artificial neural
Dimensionality Reduction with Linear/Nonlinear Transformation 5

network is a computational system inspired by the x1 x^1

learning characteristics and the structure of biolog- w1 w1
ical neural networks [42]. The type of neural network
considered here is composed of a series of parallel
layers, each of which contains a number of processing l y
elements analogous to neurons. The neurons are tied
together with weighted connections that are analo- wm wm
gous to synapses. The network has distinguished input xm x^m
and output neurons, and all other neurons are called
Figure 1. An autoassociative neural network with a single
hidden neurons. Each neuron computes a weighted hidden unit with a linear activation function.
sum of its inputs, and its resulting output is a well-
defined function of the weighted sum. The outputs of
and the weight update becomes
the ith layer are used as inputs to the (i + 1)th layer.
If yj(i) is the output of the j th neuron of the ith layer,
(SSE )
then w = = 2(yx y 2 w) (17)

 (i+1) (i) This latter expression is equivalent to learning
(i+1) (i+1) (i+1)
yk = wkj yj + bk (14)
rule (11), which demonstrates the ability of the
neural network to perform the POD. Although neural
networks offer no direct advantage over other means
is the output of the kth neuron of the (i + 1)th
of computing the POD, they suggest an interesting
layer. The elements wkj and bk are referred to as
nonlinear generalization, as detailed in the next
weights and biases, respectively, and () is a linear
or nonlinear transfer function.
AANNs are those in which the target output pattern
is identical to the input pattern. The aim is thus to
approximate, as closely as possible, the input data 3 NONLINEAR
itself. When used with a hidden layer smaller than GENERALIZATIONS OF
the input and output layers, a perfect reconstruction
of all input data is generally not possible.
An AANN with linear activation functions DECOMPOSITION
performs a compression scheme equivalent to the
POD [43]. To this end, let us consider an AANN with The linear nature of the POD may represent a restric-
a single hidden unit and a linear activation function as tion for some data sets. For instance, the covariance
shown in Figure 1. The sum of squares error (SSE) matrix of data sampled from a helix in 3 has full
function for this network is given by the following rank, and the POD requires the use of three variables
equation: for the description of the data. However, the helix
is a one-dimensional manifold and can be smoothly
SSE = 12 (x x)T (x x) parameterized with a single variable.
The POD can thus determine an appropriate embe-
= 12 (x yw)T (x yw) (15) dding space for given data, but it cannot provide
the most efficient description of a data set where
The derivative of the error function is nonlinear dependencies are present. To address this
  issue, researchers in the field of statistics and neural
(SSE ) y w networks have developed alternatives to the POD that
= w+y (x yw)
w w w can take nonlinear correlations between the variables
  into account. NLPCA [44] and VQPCA [45] are two
= xT w + y (x yw)
interesting alternatives that are briefly described in
= 2y(x yw) (16) the following subsections.
6 Signal Processing

Function f Function g

s s

x1 s s l x^1
s s

s s

xm s s l x^m

s s

Layer 1 2 3 4 5
Input Mapping Bottleneck Demapping Output
layer layer layer layer layer
Figure 2. Network architecture for implementation of NLPCA ( = sigmoidal transfer function, l = linear transfer

3.1 A global approach theorem suggests the use of a three-layer network to

recover projection function f and the use of another
Generally speaking, a dimension reduction technique three-layer network to recover expansion function g.
provides an approximation to a data set, which is the The resulting five-layer network, which implements
composition of two functions f and g: NLPCA, is shown in Figure 2.
A crucial step when using a neural network is
x = x + = g(f (x(t))) + (18) the training phase. The neural network parameters
(i.e., the weights and biases) are updated iteratively
The projection function f : m r projects the until the output of the network approximates the
original m-dimensional data onto an r-dimensional input as closely as possible. Eventually, this results
subspace, whereas the expansion function g : r in minimum information loss in the same sense as in
m defines a mapping from an r-dimensional space the POD.
back into the original m-dimensional space with For further details about NLPCA, the reader can
as the residue. Dimensionality reduction involves the refer to [44]. In structural dynamics, NLPCA has
determination of adequate functions f and g. been exploited for separating the structural changes
As the POD can be computed using AANNs with from the changes caused by the environment in a
linear activation functions (Section 2.3.4), the most damage detection context [47], for finite element
obvious generalization of the POD would be to model updating [48] and for sensor validation and
consider nonlinear transfer functions in the hidden reconstruction [49].
layer. However, a much better compression can be
obtained by exploiting a theorem due to Cybenko
[46]. It states that a three-layer neural network with
m input neurons, nonlinear transfer functions in the 3.2 A local approach
second layer, and linear transfer functions in the
third layer of r neurons can approximate to arbi- The POD and NLPCA try to describe all the
trary accuracy any continuous functions from m data using the same global features. An alternative
to r . This is true, provided that the number of paradigm is to capture data complexity by a
neurons in the second layer is sufficiently large. This combination of local linear POD projections. A local
Dimensionality Reduction with Linear/Nonlinear Transformation 7

model implementation of the POD involves a two- The accuracy of the compressed representation
step procedure, i.e., is assessed using the normalized mean square
error (MSE):
1. a clustering of the data space into distinct regions
by vector quantization; E[x x2 ]
2. the construction of separate low-dimensional MSE = (22)
E[x E[x]2 ]
coordinate systems in each local region using the
POD. For further details about VQPCA, the reader can
refer to [45]. In structural dynamics, VQPCA has
The VQPCA algorithm is an extension of a stan-
been exploited for model reduction [51] and for
dard vector quantizer [45]. VQPCA partitions the
separating the structural changes from the changes
input space into a set of regions and approximates
caused by the environment (e.g., temperature) for
each region by a hyperplane defined by the POD,
damage detection purposes [52].
while a standard vector quantizer approximates each
region by a codebook vector. The VQPCA algorithm
is as follows:
1. Partition  into q disjoint regions S1 , . . . , Sq
with a nearest neighbor approach using the Eucli- 4.1 Reduced-order modeling
dean distance as the distortion function (other
A number of studies in the technical literature have
distortion functions can also be used [50]).
shown that the POD provides a suitable basis for
2. For each Voronoi cell Sj and its corresponding
reduced-order modeling in structural dynamics (e.g.,
centroid j , estimate the local covariance matrix
[14, 23]). We also aim to demonstrate herein the effi-
ciency of a nonlinear dimensionality reduction tech-
j = (x j )(x j )T (19) nique such as VQPCA with respect to the classical
Nj xS POD. To this end, the reconstruction of the dynam-
ical response of a nonlinear cantilever beam is taken
where Nj is the number of vectors mapped to Sj . as an example. As shown in Figure 3, the clamped
Next, compute the eigenvectors (pj 1 , . . . , pj r ) of beam is modeled with seven beam elements, and the
each matrix j . local nonlinearity knl is a spring that exhibits a cubic
3. To reduce the dimension of any m-dimensional stiffness. The free vibration of the beam is simulated
vector xi , determine the cell Sj , which contains with an initial displacement given by a static force
the vector and project xi onto the r leading F0 applied at the end of the beam.
eigenvectors to obtain the local linear coordinates The data set consists of seven vertical accelera-
tions measured along the beam. The POD, which is
zi = fj (xi ) = [pj 1 . . . pj r ]T (xi j ) equivalent to VQPCA with a single Voronoi cell, is
T first applied to the data. In a second step, the data
pj 1 (xi j )
are reconstructed using VQPCA with a number of
= . if xi Sj (20)
pj r (xi j )
T Fourth node

The compressed representation of xi consists
of the index j of the Voronoi cell in which
xi lies and the r-dimensional vector zi . The
data are reconstructed from this representation
according to knl

xi = gj (fj (xi )) = gj (zi )

= j + [pj 1 . . . pj r ]zi (21) Figure 3. Model of the nonlinear beam.
8 Signal Processing

Table 1. POD and VQPCA applied to the nonlinear The basic idea of the methodology is to collect
beam example data on the healthy structure during a sufficiently
Number MSE (%) MSE (%) MSE (%) MSE (%) long period of time, so that a reduced-order model
of regions 1 modes 2 modes 3 modes 4 modes capturing the environmental effects can be built.
Eventually, this model can be used for a robust moni-
1 (POD) 31.75 9.15 3.53 0.010
5 17.45 7.30 1.52 0.009 toring of the structural health under varying environ-
10 12.34 5.09 1.18 0.008 mental conditions.
20 6.72 2.85 0.83 0.006 To illustrate the method, a geometric interpretation
30 5.69 2.08 0.60 0.004 is presented in a two-dimensional case, i.e., when
two features (e.g., the first two natural frequencies
regions varying from 5 to 30. Table 1 summarizes y1 , y2 of a structure) are considered. As shown in
the respective performance of the POD and VQPCA Figure 4, the features collected on the healthy struc-
in terms of compression accuracy measured by the ture (represented by circles) are distributed around
MSE. It is clear that VQPCA provides a more accu- their geometric center (point O  ). It is assumed that
rate representation of the system response than POD. environmental variations are mainly responsible for
For instance, for a unimodal representation, VQPCA the dispersion of the features. The application of the
with 20 cells attains about 80% lower error than POD POD to this data set gives two POMs, namely, POM-I
and is still a better approximation than a bimodal and POM-II. We note that the mean is not subtracted
POD representation. from the original data, for reasons explained in [31].
The first POM is associated with the highest singular
value and is responsible for the largest variation of
4.2 Damage detection under varying the features; it corresponds to the main environmental
environmental conditions factor (or a combined effect of several factors).
The second POM represents the effect of secondary
In addition to their dimensionality reduction capabil- factors. Considering point Y as an example, we first
ities, the POD and its nonlinear generalizations may project this 2-D data onto the 1-D space spanned
also be used to eliminate the influence of environ- by the first POM. It results in a scalar equal to the

mental conditions in a damage detection context, and length of segment OX1 . Remapping this data point
this without measuring the environmental variables. into the original 2-D space results in point Y1 , and

y2 Z


X1 (Y1)

X2 (Y2)

O y1

Figure 4. Geometric interpretation of the damage detection procedure under varying environmental conditions.
Dimensionality Reduction with Linear/Nonlinear Transformation 9

the corresponding residual error is measured by the

length of segment Y Y1 .
Let us now examine another set of identified 1.1
features, indicated by the symbol X in Figure 4 1.08
and obtained from the damaged structure, still 1.06
under varying environmental conditions. One inherent
assumption of the proposed methodology is that
the functional relationship between the features and 1.02
damage is different from that between the features and 1
the environmental factors. Considering point Z as an 0.98
example, by using a similar projection process as for
Y , the residual error ZY1 increases significantly with
(a) 0.95 1 1.05 1.1
respect to Y Y1 . In such a comparison between healthy
and damaged states, the effect of the environmental 1.12
factors has therefore been taken into account. 1.1
A damage indicator, the novelty index (NI), can
be defined as the Euclidean norm of the computed
residual error [53]. Defining N I and as the mean 1.06
value and standard deviation of the NI for the predic- 1.04
tion in the reference state, respectively, an X-bar 1.02
control chart is constructed by drawing a centerline at
N I and one additional horizontal line corresponding
to the upper control limit, U CL = N I + 3 , which 0.98
corresponds to a confidence interval of 99.7% in the 0.96
case of a normal distribution. The presence of data
above this control limit is potentially an indication of (b) 0.95 1 1.05 1.1
The POD and VQPCA algorithms were applied
in [52] to experimental data resulting from 305 days 1.1
of continuous monitoring of the Z24 bridge. During
the monitoring period, accelerations were measured
Natural frequency (Hz)

5 0.95
4.6 (c) 0.95 1 1.05 1.1
4.4 Figure 6. Two-dimensional projections of the space span-
4.2 ned by the first four normalized natural frequencies. (ac)
4 First frequency vs. second frequency; first frequency vs.
3.8 third frequency and first frequency vs. fourth frequency.

50 100 150 200 250 300

Day every hour on the structure, and modal parameters
Figure 5. First two natural frequencies of the Z24 bridge were identified automatically. From the first day of
during the monitoring period. monitoring to the 268th day, the structure could be
10 Signal Processing

0.6 0.6 Settlement of Concrete
pier 29.5 cm spalling Tendons
Anchor rupture
0.5 0.5 installation
Tilt of Settlement head
foundation removal failure

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 Reference

0.2 0.2 Outlier limit

0.1 0.1 Average and variation

(95% confidence) of reference data

0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Damage detection results under varying environmental conditions. (a) POD; (b) close-up.

Landslide Concrete

Reference monitoring 0.6 Settlement of Concrete hinge

0.6 pier 29.5 cm spalling failure
Introducing damages Settlement
Tilt of removal
0.5 0.5 installation

0.4 0.4

Reference Anchor Tendons

0.3 0.3 head rupture

0.2 0.2
UCL Outlier limit

0.1 0.1
Average and variation
(95% confidence) of reference data
0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Damage detection results under varying environmental conditions. (a) VQPCA; (b) close-up.

assumed healthy; after the 268th day, the bridge a turning point at 0 C (Figure 6 for two-dimensional
was subjected to a series of realistic damage cases projections of this four-dimensional space).
including pier settlement, concrete spalling, and The POD was first applied to the Z24 bridge data.
tendons rupture. The control chart together with a close-up is shown
One particularly challenging aspect of this appli- in Figure 7. A small incursion above the UCL is
cation example is that the monitoring was performed observed around the 270th day. The NI crosses the
under varying environmental conditions. A close look UCL for good after the 280th day, and the presence of
at the identified vibration features reveals that the a damage is detected. The results are therefore fairly
natural frequencies of the first modes vary signif- satisfactory. However, outliers also appear between
icantly with temperature (Figure 5). It was found the 80th and 90th day, during which very cold
that the asphalt layer on the bridge surface played weather caused freezing of the asphalt layer on the
a different role during warm and cold periods, which, bridge surface.
in turn, caused the observed behavior. More precisely, To improve the results, VQPCA was then applied
the first four natural frequencies were shown to have to the same data. Because of the bilinear relation
a bilinear relation in function of the temperature, with between the first four natural frequencies, the space
Dimensionality Reduction with Linear/Nonlinear Transformation 11

was partitioned into two subregions, as indicated [5] Berkooz G, Holmes P, Lumley JL. The proper
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Chapter 29
Higher Order Statistical Signal Processing
Paul White
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

observed are the consequence of damage and not the

1 Introduction 1 result of benign processes that do not affect a struc-
2 Second-order Statistics 2 tures integrity.
This article considers the extension of classical
3 Higher Order Statistics 3
spectral analysis into the so-called higher orders. Such
4 Other Uses of HOS 9 methods are referred to as HOS, which is an acronym
5 Conclusions 10 taken to interchangeably mean either higher order
End Notes 10 statistics or higher order spectra. Similar to spec-
References 11 tral analysis, HOS is concerned with the analysis of
stationary random processes. Extensions to both spec-
tral analysis (see also Timefrequency Analysis;
Wavelet Analysis) and HOS [1] for nonstationary
1 INTRODUCTION signals exist, but are not considered here.
Classical spectral (and correlation) analysis is
Spectral analysis is one of the most powerful and based on an analysis of a signals power; the power is
widely used tools in engineering (see also Statis- equivalent to the signals variance. For a zero mean
tical Time Series Methods for SHM). Thus, it is signal,a the variance is the average of the square of the
not surprising that it is a key tool in structural health signal; see equation (1). It is because of this squaring
monitoring (SHM). For example, single-channel spe- operation that we refer to classical spectral analysis
ctral analysis of vibration data can allow one to as being based on the signals second-order statistics.
measure modal frequencies and estimate damping HOS extends the principles of spectral and correlation
parameters under the assumption that the excitation analyses to orders higher than 2.
is broadband. Monitoring such response data over In dealing with second-order statistics, spectral
a period of time can allow one to identify changes analysis is intimately linked to stationary Gaussian
within a structure. Identification of such changes random processes. A Gaussian random process is
does not usually lead to an effective SHM method- a signal whose amplitude is distributed according
ology, since it can be difficult to ensure that changes to a Gaussian, or normal, distribution. A jointly
Gaussian process is a signal in which the joint
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by probability density function for pairs of the signal
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 points separated by a fixed interval is also Gaussian.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. One can construct examples of stationary processes
2 Signal Processing

that are Gaussian, but not jointly Gaussian; however, because phase information is discarded when using
such examples are pathological. We shall assume that second-order statistics, which is retained in the HOS.
Gaussianity implies joint Gaussianity. To succeed, such methods require that the under-
Second-order statistics are important to stationary, lying signals be non-Gaussian, so that one needs
zero mean, Gaussian random processes since such to carefully consider whether such an assumption is
processes are completely described through knowl- reasonable for the particular application of interest.
edge of their second-order statistics. The implication
of this is that if a process is Gaussian then the spec-
trum, evaluated with sufficient resolution, completely 2 SECOND-ORDER STATISTICS
characterizes that signal. Hence, considering statistics
of order greater than 2 is only valuable when applied We begin by recapping the important elements of
to non-Gaussian processes. As an illustration of this: second-order spectral analysis. The power, P , of a
it is always possible to construct a Gaussian process signal is defined as
with the same spectrum as a given non-Gaussian
process. Such processes would be indistinguishable P = E[x(t)2 ] (1)
from each other using second-order statistics, but, in
general, their HOS will be different. where x(t) is the signal and E[] is the expectation,
Gaussian signals are examples of stable distribu- or averaging, operator. Accordingly, the correlation
tions [2], meaning that the output of any linear system function, r, is defined as
excited by a Gaussian input is itself Gaussian. Thus,
when analyzing response signals that are Gaussian, r( ) = E[x(t)x(t )]
it is common to assume that the input was Gaussian
and that the system is linear. If the response signal = E[x(t)x(t + )] = r( ) (2)
is non-Gaussian, it is common to model the signal in
one of two ways. Firstly, the signal can be modeled The variable is referred to as the lag variable
as the output of a linear system whose input is non- and clearly r(0) = P . Alternatively, one definition of
Gaussian. Secondly, one might assume that the input the power spectrum is
is Gaussian and the system is nonlinear. Evidently,
there is no physical reason why the input cannot be S(f ) = E[|X(f )|2 ] = E[X(f )X(f ) ]
non-Gaussian and the system nonlinear, but, in prac-
tice, this combination leads to system problems that = E[X(f )X(f )] (3)
are ill-posed, which can only be solved if additional
information is available. where denotes complex conjugation and X(f )
One use of HOS in SHM is based on determining denotes the Fourier transform of x(t). This definition
whether or not a signal is Gaussian. The distinction overlooks some theoretical issues associated with
between Gaussian and non-Gaussian processes can defining the Fourier transform of stationary random
become important in SHM because in many cases processes, which requires one to formally modify
the presence of a fault within a structure may result equation (3), but without changing its essence. The
in the response of the structure being nonlinear. Such form in equation (3) conveys all of the salient aspects,
nonlinearities produce responses that are, in almost all so we choose to sacrifice rigor to enhance clarity;
cases, non-Gaussian. By detecting and characterizing a fully rigorous treatment can be found in many
the non-Gaussianity, it may be possible to provide standard texts including [3, 4].
information regarding the presence/absence of a fault The spectrum and the correlation function are
and some information regarding its nature. It may related via the WienerKhintchine theorem
be possible to exploit such an approach when only 
naturally occurring excitations are available. S(f ) = r( )e2if d
In addition, HOS also offer opportunities to solve

signal-processing problems that are intractable using
r( ) = S(f )e2if df (4)
only second-order statistics. This advantage arises
Higher Order Statistical Signal Processing 3

so that the correlation function and the power spec- orders. The first four cumulants (for four is the highest
trum form a Fourier transform pair. Further, the spec- order commonly considered in HOS analysis) are
trum is a decomposition of the signals power as a
function of frequency, in the sense that the area under Ck = cum{x(t)k } = E[x(t)k ] = Mk k = 1, 2, 3
S(f ) is equal to the power of the signal P :
C4 = cum{x(t)4 } = Mk 3M2 2 (7)

P = S(f ) df (5) Note that, for the first three orders, the moments

and cumulants are identical; it is not until the fourth
In the following sections, we discuss how the order that one needs to distinguish between moments
above-mentioned familiar principles can be extended and cumulants.
to higher orders. The definition of a cumulant used in equation (7)
is an example of a more general form. Specifically
in the above definition, the fourth-order cumulant
considers a product of x(t) with itself four times.
3 HIGHER ORDER STATISTICS This generalizes to the case where we consider the
3.1 Higher order moments and so-called cross cumulants between four variables, say,
yk , k = 1, . . . , 4, in which case
According to equation (1), the power, P , is defined as C4 = cum{y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 }
the variance of the signal, which is the second-order = E[y1 y2 y3 y4 ] E[y1 y2 ]E[y3 y4 ]
momentb of the signal. The definition of the general
nth order moment, Mn , is E[y1 y3 ]E[y2 y4 ] E[y1 y4 ]E[y2 y3 ] (8)

Mn = E[x(t)n ] (6) The above is equivalent to (7) when yk = x(t).

Higher order moments have been used for condi-
tion monitoring purposes for a significant period of
Evidently, P = M2 and the case n = 1 corresponds
time. In particular, the kurtosis, defined as a normal-
to the mean, which we assume to be zero.
ized fourth-order moment, is a well-known measure
If the probability density function for x(t) is
of the impulsiveness of a signal and can be used to
symmetric, then Mn = 0 for all odd values of n. A
indicate various forms of fault [5].
particular example of this is the Gaussian distribution.
It is key to what follows to realize that, for a Gaussian
process, these higher order moments can be expressed
3.2 Higher order moments and cumulant
in terms of the second-order moments, reflecting the
fact that for a Gaussian process all information is functions
contained in the second-order statistics, for example,
The concepts in the preceding section can be extended
for a Gaussian process M4 = 3M22 = 3P 2 and M6 =
to generate higher order extensions of the correlation
15M23 = 15P 3 .
function, r( ). The correlation function is simply the
It is rather unsatisfying that the even numbered
cross moment/cumulant between x(t) and x(t );
higher order moments of a Gaussian process are
see equation (2). Consequently, the nth order moment
nonzero, although they contain no information other
function can be defined as
than that available at second order. To avoid this, one
can work with a modified form of the moments, which
Mn (1 , . . . , n1 ) = E[x(t)x(t 1 )
enjoy further useful properties. These quantities are
referred to as the cumulants. They are defined in x(t 2 ) . . . x(t n1 )] (9)
a manner that ensures that for a Gaussian process
the cumulants are zero for all n > 2, i.e., all higher This is a function of the n 1 lag variables, k .
orders. The cumulants Ck of a particular order are For a Gaussian process, the moment function is only
defined in terms of the moments of that and lower nonzero for even n. For even values of n, the higher
4 Signal Processing

order moment function can be expressed in terms of By extension of the principles discussed earlier,
the correlation function r( ), for example, at fourth the higher order moment spectrum is zero for Gaus-
order sian processes only for odd n, whilst the cumulant
HOS for Gaussian process is zero for all n > 2, for
M4 (1 , 2 , 3 ) = r(1 )r(2 3 ) + r(2 )r(1 3 ) Gaussian signals. The moment spectra can also be
expressed in a form equivalent to equation (3) as
+ r(3 )r(1 2 ) (10)
If the lags are set to zero, k = 0, then equa-
tion (10) simplifies to the earlier result M4 = 3M22 . S(f1 , f2 , . . . , fn1 ) = E[X(f1 )X(f2 ) . . . X(fn1 )
Cumulant functions of a given order can also be X(f1 + f2 + + fn1 ) ]
defined. As before, in the cases where n < 4, the
cumulant and moment functions are identical. For (14)
n = 4, the definition given in equation (8) is used, The cumulant spectrum of third order (and all odd
leading to the fourth-order cumulant function being orders) is identical to the moment spectrum, whereas
defined as the fourth-order cumulant spectrum is as follows:

C4 (1 , 2 , 3 ) = cum{x(t), x(t 1 ), S(f1 , f2 , f3 ) = S(f1 , f2 , f3 )S(f1 )S(f2 )(f2 +f3 )

x(t 2 ), x(t 3 )} S(f2 )S(f3 )(f1 + f3 )
= M4 (1 , 2 , 3 ) r(1 )r(2 3 ) S(f3 )S(f1 )(f1 + f2 ) (15)
r(2 )r(1 3 )r(3 )r(1 2 )
where (f ) is a Kronecker delta function, wherein
(11) (0) = 1 and (f ) = 0 for all f  = 0d .
The higher order spectra of orders 3 and 4 are
referred to using their own terminology. Specifically,
3.3 Higher order moments and cumulant
the third-order spectrum is referred to as the bispec-
functions trum e [6, 7] and the fourth-order spectrum is the
Spectra can be defined on the basis of the moment trispectrum [8, 9]. Note that there are cumulant and
and cumulant functions discussed in the previous moment forms for the trispectrum, whereas the defi-
section. This is realized by taking the multidimen- nition of the bispectrum remains unaffected whether
sional Fourier transforms of the functions Mk () or one chooses to consider it as a moment or a cumulant
Ck () to yield the higher order moment or cumulant spectrum.
spectra respectively. Specifically, the higher order Cumulant spectra or cumulant functions have two
moment spectrum, S( ) is defined as distinct advantages over their moment counterparts.
The first advantage, which we have used to moti-
vate the introduction of the cumulants, is the fact
S n (f1 , f2 , . . .) = ... Mn (1 , 2 , . . . , n1 ) that Gaussian processes have cumulant spectra that

2i(f1 1 +f2 2 ++fn1 n1 )
are identically zero for all orders greater than 2 (all
e d1 d2 . . . dn1 higher orders). The second is that cumulants are
(12) additive, in the sense that if two processes are statis-
and, for the higher order cumulant spectrum, S(), one tically independent then the cumulant of a process
hasc formed when these two processes are added is the
  sum of the constituents cumulants. These two facts
combine to provide one of the key motivations for
Sn (f1 , f2 , . . .) = ... Cn (1 , 2 , . . . , n1 )
employing HOS, specifically, the observation that
2i(f1 1 +f2 2 ++fn1 n1 ) adding Gaussian noise to a signal does not alter its
e d1 d2 . . . dn1
cumulant spectra or cumulant function. Since in many
(13) applications noise is regarded as obeying a Gaussian
Higher Order Statistical Signal Processing 5

distribution, then the use of HOS offers the poten- f2

tial to conduct processing, which is unaffected by the
noise. This theoretical advantage can be undermined
by some of the more practical issues associated with
HOS analyses. Probably the most troublesome aspect f 1 + f 2 = fmax
comes from the fact that to construct robust estimates
of HOS quantities one needs to use long data lengths.
This requirement becomes more stringent as the order
of the HOS increases or if one requires high resolu-
tion in the spectra. Such problems are exacerbated by
the requisite increase in computer resources imposed
by the use of HOS of higher order and/or high
resolution. f1
Figure 1. Possible nonzero values of the bispectrum of a
low-pass signal.
3.4 The bispectrum
The bispectrum is a measure of the third-order f2
statistics of a signal and as such is only nonzero
if the signal has a skewed distribution. Being the
first of the higher order spectra, it is easiest to
deal with, requiring least memory and imposing the
lowest computational burden. The bispectrum can be S* S
expressed in the particular form of equation (14) as
follows: S S

S(f1 , f2 ) = E[X(f1 )X(f2 )X(f1 + f2 ) ] S* S*


= E[X(f1 )X(f2 )X(f1 f2 )] (16) S* S

Consider a low-pass signal, so that X(f ) = 0 for

f > fmax . Then evidently S(f1 , f2 ) = 0 if f1 + f2 >
fmax , so that the bispectrum of a low-pass signal can
only be nonzero in a triangular region, as shown in
Figure 2. Symmetries in the bispectrum.
Figure 1.
There are symmetries inherent within the bispec-
trum. Specifically, it is apparent from the definition valued. In many applications, it is adequate to only
in equation (16) that consider its magnitude.

S(f2 , f1 ) = S(f1 , f2 ) and

S(f1 , f2 ) = S(f1 , f2 ) (17)
3.5 Computation of the bispectrum
The full set of symmetries is depicted in Figure 2
for a low-pass signal. The bispectrum is completely The implementation of the bispectrum on a digital
specified only through its values in the triangular computer requires a formulation in terms of a digital
region, f1 0, f1 f2 , called the principal domain signal. On the basis of equation (16), and assuming
and is shown as a chequered region in Figure 2. ergodicity, one method estimating the bispectrum is
From its definition in equation (16), it is apparent based on dividing the data into overlapping segments
that the bispectrum will, in general, be complex and applying a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to
6 Signal Processing

each segment [10]; specifically, one computes process. In the OT, the digital bispectrum is zero
assuming (i) that the signal is not aliased and (ii) that
M the signal is stationary [11, 12]. It has been proposed
S(k1 , k2 ) = X (k )X (k )X (k + k2 ) that examining the value of the bispectrum within this
M m=1 m 1 m 2 m 1
region provides a test for aliasing and/or stationarity
(18) [11, 13], whereas tests based in the IT have been used
where Xm (k) is the DFT of the data in the mth to test whether a signal is Gaussian or not [7, 14].
segment. Each segment of data contains N consecu- Estimates of the bispectrum based on equation (18)
tive samples; the blocks can be overlapped and maybe are unbiased as long as an adequate block size, N , is
windowed. Such an estimation scheme is a natural used. The variance of this estimator has the following
extension of the segment averaging approach exten- form [7, 15]:
sively employed in classical spectral estimation. The
estimate in equation (18) can be scaled in various var{S(k1 , k2 )} S(k1 )S(k2 )S(k1 + k2 ) (19)
manners, as is the case with classical spectral estima-
tion, but for simplicity we consider the unscaled form
in equation (18). Thus, the variance of the bispectrum estimate is
The general form of bispectrum of a digital signal dependent upon the spectrum of the signal. This can
has additional properties that are not present in produce misleading results. Regions in the bispectrum
the analog formulation (16). Consider the principal can appear large simply because the variance of the
domain as defined in the previous section, i.e., k1 0, estimate is large in that region, only as a consequence
k1 k2 . Then this domain can itself be divided into of the triple product of the spectrum, equation (19),
two regions: the inner triangle (IT) and the outer being large. This effect can be mitigated by normal-
triangle (OT), as shown in Figure 3 [11]. izing the bispectrum, S(k1 , k2 ), using
Inside IT, the arguments of the digital bispectrum
k1 and k2 are such that k1 + k2 < N/2 and so all 1 

the terms in equation (18) are evaluated for frequen- X (k )X (k )X (k + k2 )

M m=1 m 1 m 2 m 1
cies between 0 and fs/2, where fs is the sampling S(k1 , k2 ) =  ,
frequency. Within the IT, for a properly sampled S(k1 )S(k2 )S(k1 + k2 )
signal, the digital bispectrum can provide an unbi-
ased estimate of bispectrum of the underlying analog M
S(k) = |X (k)|2 (20)
M m=1 m

where S(k) is an estimate of the power spectrum

based on segment averaging. The quantity S(k1 , k2 ) is
referred to as the bicoherence [6] and is a normalized
(N /2,N /2) form of the bispectrum. Other normalizations have
been proposed for the bispectrum [10].


3.5.1 Example of the bispectrum for a

simulated cracked beam
IT By way of example, consider data generated by
randomly exciting a piecewise linear model of a
cracked beam. This model is defined as [16, 17]
N /2 k1
Figure 3. Regions in the digital bispectrum: inner triangle d2 y dy
(IT) and outer triangle (OT). 2
+c + (y)y = x(t) (21)
dt dt
Higher Order Statistical Signal Processing 7

where c is the damping coefficient and (y) is to the harmonic frequency is related to the phase
the displacement-dependent stiffness; note that equa- near the resonance [6], whereas in the surrogate data
tion (21) assumes a unit mass. This stiffness is no such correlations exist. These interrelationships
defined such that (y) = 1 for y < 0 and (y) = 2 between different frequency bands are not evident in
for y > 0, where 1 and 2 are constants. We assume the power spectrum because second-order spectra fail
that 1 < 2 , i.e., the beam is stiffer when the crack is to represent phase information.
compressed (closed), and for y < 0, the crack opens Figure 5 depicts normalized and unnormalized
and the beam is less stiff. The proportionate depth bispectra computed for the surrogate and response
of the crack is approximately equal to the ratio of data. These bispectra are computed using an fast
the stiffnesses 1 /2 for small crack depths [18, 19]. Fourier transform (FFT) size (N ) of 256 samples. For
In this simulation, we assume a stiffness ratio of both the unnormalized bispectral estimates, shown
30% and a damping coefficient of 0.1. The excita- in Figure 5(a) and (b), there are horizontal and
tion is band-limited Gaussian noise. White Gaussian vertical lines at a normalized frequency of 0.19.
measurement noise is also added to the response data. These features are present in the bispectra as conse-
For comparison purposes, we generate a surrogate quence of the increase in the power spectrum at the
signal based on this cracked beam response data. The resonance. It is important to recognize that these
surrogate signal consists of Gaussian noise, which peaks are presented in both the surrogate data and
is filtered so that its spectrum matches that of the the response data. Such structure can lead to one
response generated using equation (21). Both signals drawing misleading conclusions from the bispectrum.
are constructed so that they are 100 000 samples By normalizing the bispectrum, the spurious struc-
in duration. This surrogate data, being Gaussian, ture is eliminated. The normalized bispectrum of the
has a bispectrum, which is theoretically zero for all surrogate signal is close to zero everywhere, whereas
frequencies. for the response data there is a strong peak, at the
Figure 4 shows the power spectra of the response bifrequency (0.19, 0.19), indicating that, at frequency
and the surrogate data. The data consists of a reso- 0.38, there is a significant contribution from the
nance at a normalized frequency of 0.19. A harmonic normalized frequency 0.19 interacting with itself.
component at double the resonance frequency can
be seen in the noise-free data, shown as a dotted
line in Figure 4(b), and this harmonic is a conse- 3.6 The trispectrum
quence of the nonlinear nature of the dynamics
described in equation (21). The addition of measure- The fact is that the bispectrum analyses of a signal in
ment noise almost completely obscures the presence terms of its skewness limits its applicability. In most
of this second harmonic in the simulated measured of the applications, the nonlinearities encountered are
data set, as shown by the solid line in Figure 4(b). symmetric and give rise to response data, that is,
A key difference between the response and surrogate they have a symmetric distribution. In such cases,
data is that, for the response data, the phase close the bispectrum is zero. In general, the trispectrum,

0 0
Power spectrum (dB)

Power spectrum (dB)

20 20

40 40

60 60
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
(a) Normalized frequency (b) Normalized frequency
Figure 4. Spectral estimates: (a) spectrum of the surrogate Gaussian signal; (b) solid line: spectrum of the response signal
with added noise and dotted line: spectrum of response signal in the absence of noise.
8 Signal Processing

Normalized frequency

Normalized frequency
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4
(a) Normalized frequency (b) Normalized frequency
Normalized frequency

Normalized frequency
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4
(c) Normalized frequency (d) Normalized frequency
Figure 5. Bispectrum estimates, displayed on a logarithmic color axis with dark shades representing large values (each
plot is individually scaled): (a) unnormalized bispectrum of the surrogate Gaussian signal, (b) unnormalized bispectrum
of the response signal, (c) normalized bispectrum of the surrogate Gaussian signal, and (d) normalized bispectrum of the
response signal.

the fourth-order HOS, is nonzero. It should be noted written as

that the estimation of the trispectrum requires more
data and imposes a greater computational burden than T (f1 , f2 ) = E[|X(f1 )|2 |X(f2 )|2 ] S(f1 )S(f2 )
estimation of the bispectrum. As already discussed,
S(f1 )2 (f1 f2 ) (22)
there are definite theoretical advantages associated
with the use of the cumulant, as opposed to the
This trispectral slice describes the correlations of
moment, form of the trispectrum and so it is only the
the spectral amplitudes, |X(f )|2 , at the two frequen-
cumulant form of the trispectrum that we consider in
cies f1 and f2 . Since the slice is a subset of a cumu-
the following.
lant HOS, by construction, it is zero for stationary
In general, the trispectrum exhibits a set of symme-
Gaussian processes.
tries that parallel those of the bispectrum. The details
of these symmetries can be found elsewhere [9]. The
computation of the trispectrum can be performed in a 3.6.1 Example of the trispectrum for a
manner that is a natural extension of the segmenting simulated nonlinear spring
averaging approach described by equation (18).
To illustrate the use of the trispectrum, we consider
The trispectrum is a function of three frequency
a simulated data set from a system with a nonlinear
variables, which makes displaying it problematic.
stiffness. This system can be regarded as a softening
There are several approaches that can be taken for
spring, i.e., a single degree of freedom system whose
representing the trispectrum; here we shall take the stiffness reduces as displacement away from equilib-
option of considering a specific subset of values, rium increases. The specific system modeled has the
sometimes referred to as a slice of the trispectrum. form:
Specifically, we consider the specific case of equa-
tion (15), where f1 = f2 , so that the cumulant d2 y dy
trispectral slice, T (f1 , f2 )f , discussed here can be 2
+c + k tanh(y/ ) = x(t) (23)
dt dt
Higher Order Statistical Signal Processing 9

The hyperbolic tangent function ensures that for knowledge of the underlying system, these spectra
small displacements the spring stiffness is k. The provide no direct evidence of the nonlinearity. As
scaling constant is included to control the linearity the nonlinearity is increased, the peak at resonance
of the system; for large values of , the system broadens toward the lower frequencies, but this is
behaves in a linear fashion, whilst for small values not necessarily indicative of nonlinearity and could be
the system is highly nonlinear. The particular form explained by a change in the linear dynamics of the
of equation (23) ensures that the stiffness at small system. However, the slices of the normalized trispec-
amplitudes remains unaffected by the value of . trum, shown in Figure 7, betray the increasing levels
The nonlinearity in the system means that, as the of nonlinearity in the system. There is a peak in the
displacement is increased, the stiffness reduces. The slice of the trispectrum, indicating coupling between
consequence is that the response of this system has the spectral amplitudes at the different frequency pairs
a larger fourth-order moment as the value of is close to resonance.
The excitation used for this simulation is band-
limited Gaussian noise. The simulated response lasts
for 100 000 samples. Results are shown for the In this discussion, we have considered the use of HOS
system with the same stiffness parameter, k = 160, for the limited problem of identifying the presence
and damping, c = 0.1, but the value of nonlinearity of a nonlinearity from response-only data. Such an
parameter, , is varied. For large values of , the application can be extremely useful if one only
system has a resonance at a normalized frequency of has output measurements under natural excitations.
0.2. Four different values of are considered: 0.6, However, this is only one of the possible potential
0.3, 0.15, and 0.1. The largest value corresponds to a uses of HOS. There are several possible further uses
case where the system is very close to being linear, of HOS. The most direct application is in situations
whereas for the smallest value there is a high degree where one has access to both input and response
of nonlinearity in the response. Figure 6 shows the data. Then one can use the HOS spectra to construct
spectra of the four response signals. Without explicit estimates of the Wiener or Volterra kernels [20]
Power spectrum (dB)

Power spectrum (dB)

20 20

0 0

20 20

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

(a) Normalized frequency (b) Normalized frequency
Power spectrum (dB)

Power spectrum (dB)

20 20

0 0

20 20

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

(c) Normalized frequency (d) Normalized frequency
Figure 6. Power spectra of the simulated response form softening spring: (a) = 0.6, (b) = 0.3, (c) = 0.15, and
(d) = 0.1.
10 Signal Processing

Normalized frequency

Normalized frequency
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4
(a) Normalized frequency (b) Normalized frequency
Normalized frequency

Normalized frequency
0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4
(c) Normalized frequency (d) Normalized frequency
Figure 7. Estimates of the normalized slices of the trispectrum, displayed on a logarithmic gray scale with dark shades
representing large values: (a) = 0.6, (b) = 0.3, (c) = 0.15, and (d) = 0.1.

that characterize the nonlinear system [21]. This is excitation of nonlinear system. In SHM, this can be
achieved using cross higher order spectra, in a manner of considerable benefit if the structure under investi-
analogous to the way that cross spectra are used to gation is such that nonlinearities are indicative of the
estimate transfer functions in linear systems. presence of a fault.
Further to this, HOS can be used to solve at least
two problems associated with linear systems excited
by non-Gaussian processes. The first of these prob- END NOTES
lems is the estimation of the parameters of a moving
average (MA) system model (or by extension of the Throughout we shall assume that signals of interest
MA component of an autoregressive moving average are zero mean.
(ARMA) system model) [22]. The second problem Moments are commonly discussed in two forms:
that HOS can be used to solve is blind source separa- central and noncentral moments. The distinction
tion [23]. In both these problems, the fact is that using being that the central moments are computed after
the spectrum to represent a signal discards phase the mean of the signal has been subtracted from the
information means that general solutions cannot be data. Since we assume the data to be zero mean, such
obtained, whereas the use of HOS, in which phase a distinction is meaningless and we use the generic
information is preserved, means that solutions can be term moment.
formulated. Note that the notation for spectrum and a higher
order spectrum are both S() and they are distin-
guished by the number of arguments in the func-
tion. This emphasizes the commonality between the
HOS can provide useful information that is not acces- concepts.
sible through the spectrum (or correlation function). On a technical point: deriving (15) by Fourier trans-
This information allows one a more complete descrip- forming (11) yields a solution containing Dirac delta
tion of non-Gaussian processes. These non-Gaussian functions, rather than the Kronecker delta function
processes are normally modeled as a result of non- appearing here. The reason for this difference is a
Gaussian excitation of a linear system or Gaussian consequence of relaxation of rigor in adopting (3), if
Higher Order Statistical Signal Processing 11

that rigor is applied throughout then no inconsistency [11] Hinich MJ, Wolinsky MA. A test for aliasing
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not supposed to indicate that it is some measure of of the discrete bispectrum of a stationary signal.
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Chapter 28
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang
Darryll J. Pines1 and Liming W. Salvino2
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Structures and Composites, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, MD, USA

sandwiched aluminum beam with an internal delam-

1 Introduction 1 ination, and a reinforced concrete slab with different
2 The HilbertHuang Transform 2 degrees of damage. Crack and delamination in homo-
3 EMD Metrics for Damage Detection 11 geneous beams can be located accurately and damage
in the reinforced concrete slab can be identified if
4 Low-velocity Impact Damage 16
it has been previously loaded beyond first crack.
5 Summary 24 Tua et al. [4] used the energy peaks in the Hilbert
Related Articles 25 spectrum corresponding to crack-reflected waves to
References 25 determine accurate flight times and also to estimate
the orientation of the crack. Yang et al. [5] proposed
two damage detection techniques based on the HHT.
The first method based on the EMD extracted damage
1 INTRODUCTION spikes due to a sudden change, whereas the second
Huang et al. [1] introduced a new adaptive method one based on the EMD and the Hilbert transform
for nonlinear and nonstationary data analysis in 1998. was capable of determining the damage time instants
This method consists of the combination of the empir- and determining the natural frequencies and damping
ical mode decomposition (EMD) and the Hilbert ratios of the structure before and after damage. Pines
spectral analysis. Lin et al. [2] showed that the and Salvino [6] showed the ability of the EMD to
HilbertHuang transform (HHT) can be used to iden- extract phase information from transient signals and
tify the structural parameters of a benchmark building used the results to infer damage in a structure. Salvino
and is quite accurate in detecting structural damage et al. [710] also compared the instantaneous phase
locations and severities. Quek et al. [3] illustrated the detection approach with other data-driven damage
suitability of the HHT for damage detection prob- detection methods, such as autoregressive modeling
lems, such as an aluminum beam with a crack, a and nonlinear prediction approach using 2-D frame
structure with multiple damages. Jha et al. [11] inves-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by tigated the HHT to a multilevel structure. They
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 showed that discontinuity in the intrinsic mode func-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. tions (IMFs) indicated the presence and location of
2 Signal Processing

Transmitting Propagation Processing

source medium unit

Disturbance Noise
Figure 1. A common signal-processing system.

a damaging event in a structure monitored continu- the EMD and HHT method affords timefrequency
ously. Bernal and Gunes [12] examined the instanta- analysis of a large class of signals.
neous frequency of the IMFs provided by the EMD
as a damage detection tool. Yu et al. [13] proposed a
method for the fault diagnosis of roller bearings based 2.1 Fundamental concepts
on the HHT. The local Hilbert marginal spectrum is
used to diagnose the faults in a roller bearing and to The Hilbert transform H [x(t)] of a real-valued func-
identify fault patterns. Quek et al. [14] compared the tion x(t) extended from to + is a real-valued
results obtained from the wavelet analysis with results function defined by
from an EMD. The EMD was shown to provide a
more direct method of extracting information needed H [x(t)] = y(t)
for damage detection purposes.  0
This article demonstrates that the use of EMD = lim du
coupled with Hilbert spectral analysis is an effective 0 (t u)
tool for locating and tracking progressive damage x(u)
+ du (1)
0 (t u)
accumulation in a two-dimensional thin composite
plate structure [15]. The next section introduces the

concept of EMD as a new nonstationary time-series Assuming that [x(t)]
dt < , equation (1)
signal-processing approach (Figure 1). can be rewritten as

1 x(u)
H [x(t)] = y(t) = P du (2)
TRANSFORM where P indicates the Cauchy principal value. This
The EMD and HHT method [12] addresses the transform exists for all functions of class Lp , i.e.,
limitations of the traditional Hilbert transform for the space of p-power integrable functions. With this
signal analysis. The fundamental concepts of instan- definition, y(t) forms the complex conjugate of x(t)
taneous frequency and timefrequency analysis are and we can define the analytical signal, z(t), as
first described. The EMD and HHT method can be
divided into two parts. In the first part, the data are z(t) = x(t) + iy(t) (3)
decomposed into a collection of IMFs. This decompo-
sition is viewed as an expansion of the data in terms The advantage of this representation lies in the
of the IMFs. In other words, these IMFs are regarded fact that the possibility arises of uniquely deter-
as the basis of that expansion, which can be linear or mining genuine time-variant variables. These are the
nonlinear as dictated by the data. The IMFs, by defi- instantaneous
 parameters with amplitude as a(t) =
nition, have well-behaved Hilbert transforms. In the x(t)2 + y(t)2 and phase (t) = arctan(y(t)/x(t)).
second part, the corresponding instantaneous frequen- Finally, equation (3) can be rewritten as
cies are calculated. The local energy and the instanta-
neous frequency derived from the Hilbert transforms z(t) = a(t) ei(t) (4)
of IMFs give us a full-energyfrequencytime distri-
bution of the data, and such a representation is desig- In this equation, the polar coordinate expression
nated as the HilbertHuang spectrum. In this manner, further clarifies the local nature of this representation.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 3

It is the best local fit of an amplitude- and phase- 2.2 The empirical mode decomposition
varying trigonometric function to x(t). In this respect,
the Hilbert transform expresses a signal as a harmonic 2.2.1 Intrinsic mode function
with time-dependent amplitude and frequency. The
According to Huang, an intrinsic mode is a function
instantaneous frequency is defined as the rate of phase
change that satisfies two conditions:
1. In the whole data set, the number of extrema and
d 1 d
= and f = (5) the number of zero crossings must either equal
dt 2 dt or differ at most by one;
The definition of the instantaneous frequency 2. At any point, the mean value of the envelope
presented here is the most common form, but it is defined by the local maxima and the envelope
by no means unique. Ville [16] defined another esti- defined by the local minima is zero.
mator for the instantaneous frequency as the first
An example of an IMF is given in Figure 2.
moment of the distribution with respect to frequency.
IMFs represent oscillatory modes embedded within
Cohen [17] defined the instantaneous frequency to
data where each IMF involves only one mode of
be the average of the frequencies that exist in the
oscillation. An IMF can be nonstationary and either
timefrequency plane at a given time. A comprehen-
be amplitude and/or frequency modulated. It has to
sive discussion on the various proposed formulations
be mentioned that, by definition, IMFs always have
may be found in Boashash [18]. Some limitations
positive frequencies, because the oscillations in IMFs
on the data are necessary, since the instantaneous
are symmetric with respect to the local mean.
frequency given in equation (5) is a single value func-
tion of time. The definition implies that at any given
time, there is only one frequency value. This leads 2.2.2 The sifting process
Cohen [19] to introduce the term monocomponent
function, which has been loosely defined as narrow The sifting process aims to decompose any data into
band. Finally, one reasonable and meaningful defi- a set of independent IMF components since most of
nition of the instantaneous frequency could be the the data are not naturally IMFs.
representation of the frequency of the signal at one The decomposition is based on three assumptions:
time, without any information about the signal at
1. the signal has at least two extrema, one maximum
other times. For most multicomponent signals, the
and one minimum;
assumption of a single-frequency component at each
2. the characteristic timescale is defined by the time
time instant is no longer valid, leading to a meaning-
lapse between the extrema; and
less instantaneous frequency. In order to obtain mean-
3. if the data were totally devoid of extrema but
ingful instantaneous frequency, restrictive conditions
contained only inflection points, then it can be
have to be imposed on the data as discussed by Gabor
differentiated once or more times to reveal the
[20] and Cohen [19]: the frequency of the signal
must be positive and the function must be symmetric
locally with the respect to the zero mean level. The sifting process to find the IMFs of a signal
These restrictions lead to the definition of a class consists of several steps. We describe these steps
of functions for which the instantaneous frequency using an arbitrary signal denoted x(t).
can be defined everywhere. A new method needs
therefore to be introduced in order to decompose any 1. Find the positions and amplitudes of all local
signal into a superposition of components with well- maxima and minima in the input signal. These
defined instantaneous frequency. The idea behind are marked by dots in Figure 3.
this decomposition method is to decompose a multi- 2. Create the upper envelope by spline interpolation
component signal into thesum of single-component of the local maxima and the lower envelope by
functions. This new method has been introduced by spline interpolation of the local minima, denoted
Huang in 1998 [1] and is called the empirical mode by emax (t) and emin (t). These are shown as curves
decomposition. in Figure 3.
4 Signal Processing

First intrinsic mode function








0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s) 104
Figure 2. Intrinsic mode function (IMF) example.

3. For each time instant t, calculate the mean of the treated as the data, then
upper envelope and the lower envelope.
h11 = h1 m11 (9)
e (t) + emin (t)
m1 = max (6)
2 We can repeat this sifting procedure k times, until
h1k is an IMF, that is,
This signal is referred to as the envelope mean
and is shown as the black line in Figure 3. h1k = h1(k1) m1k (10)
4. Subtract the envelope mean signal from the input
signal, yielding the results illustrated by dark When the stop criterion is met, the IMF is defined
grey in Figure 3. as

h1 (t) = x(t) m1 (7) c1 = h1k (11)

This is one iteration of the sifting process. The After the IMF c1 is found (illustrated by the dark
next step is to check if the signal h1 (t) is an grey curve in Figure 3), we define the residue
IMF or not. In the original work of Huang, the r1 as the result of subtracting this IMF from the
sifting process stops when the difference between input signal:
two consecutive siftings is smaller than a selected
threshold SD, defined by r1 = x(t) c1 (12)

|(h1(k1) (t) h1k (t))|2 The residue is illustrated by the dark grey curve
SD = (8) in Figure 3.
h21(k1) (t) 6. The next IMF is found by starting over from
step 1, now with the residue as the input signal.
The choice of the stop criterion is crucial and is
discussed further at the end of this section. Steps 16 can be repeated for all the subsequent
5. If h1 (t) is not an IMF, iterate by repeating the rj and the result is
process from step 1 with the resulting signal from
step 4. If in the second sifting process, h1 (t) is r1 c2 = r2 , . . . , rn1 cn = rn (13)
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 5

Original data with the local minima and maxima

Original data

(a) (b)

Result of one iteration in the IMF sifting process

Original signal with the upper envelope in dark grey, (this is still not an IMF)
the lower envelope in light grey and the mean
envelope in black

(c) (d)

The resulting first IMF Residue

(e) (f)
Figure 3. Sifting process illustration: (a) original signal; (b) localization of the local extrema; (c) spline fitting; (d) result
of one iteration of the sifting process; (e) resulting first IMF; and (f) residue function.

The EMD is completed when the residue, ideally, of explaining how the EMD works is that it picks
does not contain any extrema points. This means that out the highest frequency possible that remains in the
it is either a constant or a monotonic function. The signal. The sifting process allows one to decompose
signal can be expressed as the sum of IMFs and the the data into n-empirical modes and a residue. A brief
last residue summary of the EMD procedure is given in Figure 4.
It is important to note that certain features of

n IMFs are algorithm dependent. When more than one
x(t) = c i + rn (14) instantaneous frequency at a specified time exists
i=1 for a complicated signal, its value can be uniquely
assigned to an IMF component i. However, i can
The extracted IMFs are symmetric, have a unique be different for a given time t, depending on the
local frequency, and different IMFs do not exhibit choice of computational parameters. In other words,
the same frequency at the same time. Another way there are different ways to decompose a given signal
6 Signal Processing


Input signal x(t)

r = x(t), n = 1


Identification of all local extrema in x(t)

Construction of the upper envelope emax

and the lower envelope emin

x(t) = h
m = (emax + emin)/2

h = x(t) m x(t) = r

h is an IMF? No


n = n + 1, c(n) = h, r = r c(n)

Is r a monotonic function? No



Figure 4. Flow chart of the EMD.

into IMFs. Different IMF sets can be generated representations of the signal. This feature of EMD
using different sifting parameters such as stoppage method can be used in a constructive way to examine
criterion, maximum number of siftings, end-point data to achieve drastically improved robustness of the
boundary conditions, etc. The obvious, yet important analysis results [10]. Further discussion about this is
question is which set of the many possible choices given in Section 2.5.
of shifting parameters gives a meaningful result and
how to choose the sifting parameters to obtain the
best IMF set. A follow-on work of Huang et al. 2.3 The Hilbert spectral analysis
defines a confidence limit to find a stable range of
stopping criteria for the sifting operation [9]. Within The EMD gives us a set of independent IMF compo-
this stable parameter range, any IMF sets are good nents with meaningful instantaneous frequencies.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 7

Each of the IMF components can be therefore treated spectra presentations can be made. The first one, the
as a signal where the Hilbert transform can be applied. skeleton form, will emphasize frequency variations

of each IMF and will be used if more quantitative
results are desired. A second form, commonly used
c(t) = aj (t) exp i j (t) dt (15)
as a first look, is the smoothed Hilbert spectrum. If
we apply a weighted spatial filter with large enough
After performing the Hilbert transform on each spatial averaging, we obtain a smoothed spectrum
IMF component, the original data x(t) can be similar to what the wavelet analysis would give. Even
expressed as a real part (RE) of the complex if such a smoothing degrades both frequency and time
expansion: resolutions, it could give a better physical interpreta-
tion. Hence, if more qualitative results are desired,

the smoothed presentation is more appropriate. Both
x(t) = RE aj (t) exp i j (t) dt (16) forms of the Hilbert spectrum are shown in Figure 5
j =1 for the example treated in the sifting process section.

The residue rn is omitted on purpose because it is

either a monotonic function or a constant. Here, both
amplitude aj (t) and instantaneous frequency j (t)
2.4 Example of timefrequency response
are functions of time t in contrast with the constant
To show the efficiency of the EMD and the Hilbert
amplitude and frequency in the Fourier expansion.
spectrum, a simple example has been studied and
compared with the most common timefrequency

x(t) = RE aj eij t (17) methods. We consider the case of a simple sine
wave with one frequency suddenly switching to
j =1
another frequency and a Dirac-type impulse occurring
The IMF represents a generalized Fourier expan- at a certain time. This signal s(t) is defined by
sion. equation (18)
Equation (16) enables us to represent the amplitude
and the instantaneous frequency as functions of time s(t) = cos(2f1 t) 0 < t 0.125s
in a three-dimensional plot, in which the amplitude s(t) = cos(2f2 t) + (t = 0.1875s)
can be contoured on the frequencytime plane. This 0.125s < t 0.25s
frequencytime distribution of the amplitude is desig-
nated as the Hilbert amplitude spectrum, H (, t), or This signal has been chosen in order to demon-
simply Hilbert spectrum. Various forms of Hilbert strate the ability of the EMD to separate the different

HilbertHuang spectrum HilbertHuang spectrum

0.2 0.2
0.18 0.18
Normalized frequency

Normalized frequency

0.16 0.16
0.14 0.14
0.12 0.12
0.1 0.1
0.08 0.08
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)
Figure 5. HilbertHuang spectrum: (a) skeleton form and (b) smoothed form.
8 Signal Processing

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
(a) Time (s)




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
(b) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6. Example signal s(t) (a) time-domain signal and (b) frequency spectrum.

frequency components as well as to identify irregu- After analyzing the signal s(t) with the HHT, it is
larities in a signal. The time-domain representation of instructive to process the same signal through other
this signal along with its Fourier spectrum is given in timefrequency methods. A comparison with these
Figure 6. As expected, the two frequencies present in methods will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of
the signal show up in the Fourier spectrum without other timefrequency methods. The spectrogram of
any indication of when it is occurring and for how s(t) corresponding to the short-time Fourier trans-
long these two frequencies are present. The spike in form (STFT) and the scalogram corresponding to the
the signal is undetectable in Fourier spectrum. wavelet transform are plotted in Figure 8. A random
The EMD with the HilbertHuang spectrum gives window size has been chosen for the STFT, that
a high-resolution timefrequency representation. The is, one-fourth of the signal length. A large time
2-D plot provides fine details about the nature of window implies a good frequency resolution and a
the two sine waves as well as the impulse. The poor time resolution. Indeed, we can notice that the
two frequencies can be accurately determined, as two frequency components are overlapping in time
well as their time duration. Both frequency and time around the switch point. Hence, we could believe that
resolutions are excellent. Moreover, there is little, both frequencies are present in the signal during a
if any, leakage at the frequency switch point. The short time period, which is not true. Furthermore, the
impulse appears as a discontinuity in the frequency impulse does not appear in the spectrogram. The main
band. This can be compared with a discontinuity for problem of the STFT is hence underlined. There is
a mathematical function. This discontinuity is well no guarantee that the window size adopted coincides
localized in time and is spread out over the whole with the stationary timescales. The impulse event
frequency range. This makes sense as an impulse in being much localized in time, a narrow window must
the time domain theoretically contains all frequencies. therefore be applied. However, this choice implies a
All these details can be seen in the three-dimensional poor frequency resolution, as shown in Figure 9(a).
plot in Figure 7. The impulse can now be seen but the spectrogram
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 9

HilbertHuang spectrum of s(t)

3-D HilbertHuang spectrum of s(t)

2000 2

Frequency (Hz)

1500 0.5

1000 2000




500 0

0.15 0.1


0.25 Time (s
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Time (s)
Figure 7. HilbertHuang spectrum of s(t).

Spectogram of s(t) with a Gaussian window (N /4) Scalogram of s(t) (Morlet wavelet)
0.45 1.72059
0.4 1.92915
0.35 2.19524
Frequency (Hz)

0.3 2.54648
Scales a

0.25 3.03152
0.2 3.74482
0.15 4.89708
0.1 7.07355
0.05 12.7324
0 63.662
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (or space) b

Figure 8. Spectrogram and scalogram of s(t): (a) spectrogram (N /4) and (b) scalogram.

Spectogram of s(t) with a Gaussian window (N/200) Pseudo WignerVille distribution of s(t)
0.45 0.45
0.4 0.4
0.35 0.35
Frequency (Hz)

Frequency (Hz)

0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)

Figure 9. Similarity between the STFT and the PWVD: (a) spectrogram (N /200) and (b) pseudo WignerVille distribution.
10 Signal Processing

gives a smeared average frequency range over which the HHT. A comparative table (Table 1) summa-
the main wave energies reside. For the analysis of rizes the advantages and shortcomings of these
nonstationary data, the STFT turns out to be very different timefrequency methods based on the above
limited compared to the HHT. Moreover, the pseudo simple observations. The STFT seems to be limited
WignerVille distribution is plotted in Figure 9(b). compared to the wavelet and the HHT in the anal-
In order to get rid of the cross terms and interfer- ysis of nonstationary signals. The wavelet transform
ences, the timefrequency representation has been has been the best available nonstationary data anal-
modified by smoothing in time and frequency. The ysis before the introduction of the HHT. However, the
result is, then, basically that of the STFT anal- analysis of the signal s(t) has proven that the HHT
ysis. The WignerVille distribution therefore suffers offers a better time and frequency resolutions than
all the limitations of the STFT. The wavelet anal- the basic wavelet transform used in this example and
ysis is the best available nonstationary data anal- allows a better physical interpretation of the signal
ysis method prior to the development of HHT. The content. Section 3 is dedicated to the investigation
standard Morlet wavelet analysis identifies the local of the HHT features that could be used to obtain
frequency before and after the frequency switch as robust and efficient metrics for damage detection in
well as the location of the frequency switch, which structures.
is shown in Figure 8(b). At the same time, the result
also shows the leakage of energy to the neighboring
modes. In the HilbertHuang spectrum (Figure 7), 2.5 Summary, discussion, and recent
we can see much sharper frequency definitions and development of EMD
the time location of the frequency switch than those
shown in the scalogram (Morlet wavelet). The range EMD method has been proposed as an adaptive
of variation is insignificant compared with the leakage timefrequency data analysis method by decom-
in the wavelet analysis result. This suggests that the posing a signal into a series of components known
HHT is capable of providing a more crisp indication as IMFs. Each IMF contains only a single-frequency
of the frequencies in the signal. component at any instant in time. Instantaneous
Another interesting observation is that the scalo- frequencies can be calculated using Hilbert transform
gram shows the smearing of the precise time loca- for each IMF function. Taken collectively, the Hilbert
tion of the frequency switch event in the lower spectra of the IMF set yield complete timefrequency
frequency range. If we only look in the low-frequency information about the original signal. This approach,
range, we cannot tell the exact time of the impulse, which has been termed the HilbertHuang transform
whereas it is well localized in the high-frequency (HHT ), makes it possible to apply the Hilbert trans-
range. More generally, to look for definition of a form to an extremely general class of functions and
low-frequency event, we have to look at the high- signals. The HHT method has received considerable
frequency range in the wavelet spectrum. On the attention in a broad range of applications; many of
contrary, the energy of the impulse is well local- these applications can be found in [21]. There are
ized in both time and frequency domains in the also many recent advancements in the EMD and HHT
HilbertHuang spectrum. This illustrates the unique approach. For example, Flandrin et al. [22], and Wu
property of the Hilbert spectrum in elimination of and Huang [23] showed that the EMD algorithm
the spurious harmonic components to represent the is effectively an adaptive dyadic filter bank when
nonstationary data. Another strength of the HHT is its applied to white noise.
ability to resolve the intrawave frequency modulation, One of the major drawbacks of the EMD algo-
while the wavelet can only describe the interwave rithm is the frequent appearance of mode mixing,
frequency modulation. The analyzed signal s(t) does which is defined as an IMF function either consisting
not illustrate this property. Huang demonstrates it of signals of different oscillation scales or a signal
clearly through some examples [1]. of a similar scale residing in different IMF compo-
This relatively simple example has been used nents. Mode mixing is mainly due to time-series
to try to underline the strength as well as weak- intermittency, which is a true physical phenomenon
nesses of the basic wavelet transform, the STFT and of measured systems. To overcome the scale mixed
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 11

Table 1. Comparison of timefrequency methods

STFT Wavelet HilbertHuang
Strength Easy to implement Basis functions obtained by High timefrequency
shifting and scaling a resolution
particular function
Uniform resolution Generalized Fourier
analysis with variable
amplitudes and
Analytic form for the result First local and adaptive
method in
frequencytime analysis
Nonstationary data analysis Can clearly define both
inter- and intrawave
frequency modulations
Feature extraction Robust nonlinear and
nonstationary data
Feature extraction
Weakness Piecewise stationarity of the Uniformly poor resolution End effects due to spline
data assumption not always fitting and the Hilbert
justified transform
Timefrequency resolution Leakage generated by the Cannot separate signals
limited by the Heisenberg limited length of the basic with very close
principle wavelet function frequencies
Nonadaptive nature Nonadaptive nature No physical meaning of
some IMFs
Feature extraction impossible Cannot resolve intrawave No mathematical
frequency modulation formulation
High-frequency range
observation to define local

up between IMF components, a new approach is to help the diagnosis and the prognosis of struc-
developed, termed ensemble empirical mode decom- tures. The structural health monitoring aims at devel-
position (EEMD) [24]. The EEMD utilizes important oping a damage identification method that provides
statistical characteristics of underlying scale separa- complete damage information. Rytter [25] proposed
tion principle of the EMD technique. It enables the a system of classification for damage identification
EMD method to be a truly dyadic filter bank for techniques, which defined four levels of damage iden-
general signal. By adding finite noise, the EEMD tification. The presence of damage, its location, its
eliminates mode mixing in all cases automatically. size, and the prediction of the remaining service
This improvement is significant for real-world signal life of the structure are the different hierarchical
analysis. goals to reach for any damage detection scheme.
An appropriate metric is an essential mechanism to
validate the presence of a structural damage and the
3 EMD METRICS FOR DAMAGE key tool to infer the size of the damage. From
DETECTION the measurement of a specific physical property of
the structure (e.g., damping, stiffness, and energy), a
The EMD with its associated Hilbert spectral anal- metric will give the necessary information to quan-
ysis has shown promising results in the analysis of tify the severity of the damage. On the basis of the
time-series data. This great potential could be applied EMD method, we propose several metrics that can
12 Signal Processing

be applied for damage detection and diagnostics of The residue, which is a mean trend, has been left
a structure. out on purpose. Then, the Hilbert transform is applied
to each IMF and produces the instantaneous phase as
functions of time,
3.1 The Hilbert instantaneous phase

H [ci (t)]
i (t) = arctan (22)
Some researchers have recently suggested exploiting ci (t)
instantaneous phase features of the vibration signals
combined with wave mechanics-based concepts for The total instantaneous phase is the sum of the
damage detection [26]. Compared to the other instantaneous phases corresponding to each IMF and
timefrequency methods, the Hilbert instantaneous is defined as
phase is a unique feature that describes the traveling

structural-wave propagation. Pines and Salvino [6] 

H [ci (t)]
(t) = arctan (23)
have indeed proved the dependency of the phase ci (t)
on the structural parameters as stiffness, mass, and
damping. The Hilbert instantaneous phase has been Because the intrinsic modes have been restricted
shown to have an interesting feature for damage to be symmetrically local with respect to the mean
detection metrics. zero level, the phase can be considered to be local
and to increase monotonically as a function of time.
The continuous phase function is represented using
3.1.1 Description
unwrapped radian phases with changing absolute
The Hilbert transform of a real-valued time-domain jumps greater than and their 2 complements. This
signal x(t) is another real-valued time-domain signal, unwrapped instantaneous Hilbert phase now needs
denoted by H [x(t)], such that z(t) = x(t) + iH [x(t)] to be investigated as a potential damage detection
is an analytic signal, where tool.

1 x(u)
H [x(t)] = du (19) 3.1.2 1-D finite element simulation
t u
Before computing the phase for real undamaged and
We can define an envelope function a(t) describing damaged data, a finite element model has been simu-
the instantaneous amplitudes of the original signal lated in order to understand how the instantaneous
x(t) and a phase function (t) describing the instan- phase can be used to detect damage in structures. A
taneous phase of x(t) versus time using z(t) = x(t) + dynamic finite element model of a clamped-free rod
iH [x(t)] = a(t) ei(t) . These instantaneous parame- was created in order to simulate the 1-D wave propa-
ters are hence defined as gation. Damage was introduced by a loss of stiffness
in an element and the excitation input was a sine
a(t) = [x(t)2 + H [x(t)]2 ]1/2 burst signal. The simulation results are then processed

through the EMD, and the phases for the undamaged
H [x(t)]
and (t) = arctan (20) case and the damaged case are then computed and
x(t) compared.
First, we wish to analyze the response of an undam-
The instantaneous Hilbert phase is therefore
aged rod to a transient load. The problem will be
defined for the real-valued time-domain signal x(t)
that of a rod, fixed at x = 0 and subjected to a tran-
in equation (20). Using superposition, the signal x(t)
sient load f (t) at x = L = 30 m. The goal of the
can be decomposed into n-empirical modes ci (t) and
dynamic finite element model (FEM) simulation is
can be expressed as
to plot the variation of the displacement u(x, t) with

n time for any x along the rod. For the present study
x(t) = ci (t) (21) case, the transient load will be a sine burst at 10 kHz
i=1 frequency applied at the tip, and the displacement at
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 13

Sine burst at 10 kHz
Sensor 0.4
L = 22.5 m
F 0.2
L = 30 m 0.4
(a) 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(b) Time (s) 104
Figure 10. Forced vibrations model of a rod: (a) finite element model and (b) transient load.

x = 22.5 m is evaluated as shown in Figure 10. The

106 Displacement u (x = 22.5, t )undamaged case
wave-propagation solution of this kind of problem is 6
very well known and can be found in Graffs book
[27]. Waves in a rod are nondispersive. This means 4
that their speed of propagation is constant, inde-
pendent of frequency. The mathematical resolution 2
of the wave propagation is therefore facilitated and
the reflection from boundaries can be mathematically 0
predicted. As shown in Graffs book [27], we will
have a displacement reversal at the fixed boundary. 2
This statement can be verified by the result of the
simulation as seen in Figure 11. At first, the sensor 4
detects the traveling wave generated by the tip exci-
tation. The reflection from the clamped boundary is 6
identified later and is reversed as predicted by the 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
wave-propagation theory in a rod. The wave propa- Time (s)

gation in the undamaged rod is depicted in Figure 11. Figure 11. Response of an undamaged clamped-free rod
Reflections of waves may occur at discontinuities to a transient load.
other than a boundary condition. One way to simu-
late damage in a computational model is to create Two damaged models have been created to introduce
a discontinuity in cross section, or material proper- a loss of stiffness in the element located at x =
ties, or both, which is commonly referred to as an 7.5 m such that (i) Edam = Eund /2 for the first case,
impedance change. A loss of stiffness in an element and (ii) Edam = Eund /4 for the second case. Both
is hence introduced in the model, resulting in a wave-propagation simulation results are plotted in
damaged rod. The situation is shown in Figure 12. Figure 13. The reflections from the damage and the

L = 22.5 m

Damaged element
L = 7.5 m
Figure 12. Damaged rod finite element model.
14 Signal Processing

106 Displacement u (x = 22.5, t )damaged case 1 106 Displacement u (x = 22.5, t )damaged case 2
6 6

4 4
E Eund
Edam = und Edam =
2 4
2 2

0 0

2 2

4 4

6 6
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)

Figure 13. Response of a damaged clamped-free rod to a transient load: (a) damaged case 1 and (b) damaged case 2.

edge are clearly visible. The amplitude of these in Figure 14. From this plot, we can conclude that the
reflections increases with an increase in loss of stiff- reflection from the damage is interpreted by a slope
ness in the element. A larger damage releases more change in the Hilbert phase. Physically, any damage
energy in the structure, implying a greater magnitude in a structure alters the speed at which the energy
in the waveform reflection. traverses the structure. Once the wave passed through
A hamming window is applied in order to smooth the damage, the energy speed is no more affected and
the ends of the data to eliminate some aberrations the Hilbert phase behaves in the same manner for
and to allow a better spline interpolation in the EMD both undamaged and damaged cases as depicted in
algorithm. The EMD along with the Hilbert transform Figure 14. Furthermore, the slope change appears to
can now be applied to these signals and the phase be dependent on the size of the damage as seen in
computed. The result for the Hilbert phase of the Figure 14. The energy speed propagation would be
undamaged case and the damaged case is represented therefore altered in a different way depending on the

250 250

Undamaged Undamaged
200 200
Damaged 1 Damaged 1
Damaged 2
150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)

Figure 14. Hilbert phase: (a) damaged case 1 and (b) damaged case 2.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 15

size of the damage. This implies that one can track from damage can be quantitatively estimated through
increasing amount of damage as a function of phase. the energy transported by the reflected wave. The
Thus, the Hilbert phase allows the size and location amplitude of the reflection increases with the size
of damage to be determined. Even if the simulation of the damage. This increase in amplitude should be
results are not perfect and could be improved by revealed locally in the energytimefrequency repre-
augmenting the meshing and discretizing the rod by sentation. We can, therefore, expect to infer the size
more elements, the damages are clearly localized of the damage through the Hilbert energy spectrum.
by the slope change of the Hilbert phase.
3.2.2 The HilbertHuang spectrum as a
damage detection parameter
3.2 The energy metric
A damage index can be introduced in order to
One of the main advantages of the HHT is to quantify the severity of the damage as a function of
provide a high-resolution energytimefrequency reflected energy:
representation. The Hilbert spectrum is capable of
describing, with high precision, the frequency content  
E= |He (t, f )| = |a(t)2 | (24)
of any nonstationary and nonlinear signals. The f t f t
different features embedded in the time-domain signal
can therefore be highlighted and better understood. where He (t, f ) is the energy density spectrum and
For these reasons, the energytimefrequency plot a(t) is the instantaneous amplitude.
provided by the HHT could be used to identify and This damage index is applied to the reflected wave-
assess structural damage. A Hilbert energy spectrum form from the damage, and the result can be displayed
describing the wave energy density can be created and next to each spectrum. As expected, this damage
the severity of the damage inferred from the reflected index increases with the size of the damage and a
energy. trend could be interpolated to infer the increasing
3.2.1 The HilbertHuang spectrum and the In general, it will be difficult to identify the
reflected energy reflections from boundaries and other discontinuities.
The EMD serves this purpose. The ability of the
As seen earlier, after applying the EMD and the EMD to decompose any complicated data into a set
Hilbert transform on the IMFs, a real signal
  x(t) can of simple oscillatory functions would allow extracting
be expressed as x(t) = j =1 aj (t) exp i j (t) dt , embedded reflections.
where aj (t) are the instantaneous amplitudes and To summarize, the objective is first to extract
j (t) are the corresponding instantaneous frequen- signal structures embedded in the data. The EMD is
cies. Because both amplitude and frequency of therefore the fundamental key to reveal the damage
each IMF are a function of time, they can be signatures that may otherwise remain hidden. The
used to define a three-dimensional space or ordered next step is to create the Hilbert energy spectrum for
triplet [t, (t), a(t)]. This space is generalized by both undamaged and damaged cases. At this point,
means of a function of two variables H (, t) to the energy density representation accurately describes
[t, (t), H (, t)], where a(t) = H ((t), t). There- the wave propagation in the structure. The presence
fore, we obtain a three-dimensional plot, in which the of damage can hence be inferred and an estimation
amplitude can be contoured on the frequencytime of the size predicted through the amount of reflected
plane. The amount of energy carried by a wave is energy.
related to its amplitude. This transported energy is
directly proportional to the square of the amplitude
of the wave. Thus, the squared values of amplitude 3.3 The phase shift metric
can be substituted in the Hilbert spectrum to represent
the energy density and to produce the Hilbert energy The high frequency and energy definitions provided
spectrum. The idea behind this is that any reflection by the HHT are used to locate and infer the size of
16 Signal Processing

damage. Another interesting parameter to investigate energy propagation in a structure. The Hilbert phase
is the high time resolution of the HilbertHuang as a damage detection parameter seems to work quite
spectrum. The time of flight is an important feature well for one-dimensional models with nondispersive
that is often used in damage detection schemes. wave propagation. The presence of damage is inter-
The time of flight between the actuator and sensor preted by a slope change in the Hilbert phase plot,
in a structure is directly dependent on the wave- which corresponds to a modification of the speed
propagation properties in the structure. at which the energy traverses the structure. The
The time resolution is therefore explored to obtain finite element simulation as well as the civil building
an accurate time of flight and, consequently, a precise model analysis by Pines and Salvino [6] has shown
position of the structural discontinuity. The track of promising results in the detection and evaluation of
increasing damage would be also possible as long structural damage. Secondly, the energy metric relies
as the initial size of the damage is known. A wave on the high energytimefrequency resolution of the
propagates at a certain speed in a structure. The time Hilbert spectrum. This metric listens to the energy
difference between the initial sensing actuation and release in the structure upon defects growth. The
the reflection from a discontinuity gives the time amount of reflected energy is described and quantified
needed for the wave to travel. The basic formula with the Hilbert energy spectrum and an estimation of
length = speed time locates the damage. When a the severity of the damage can be deduced. Finally,
wave encounters damage, part of the incident wave a phase shift metric is developed on the basis of
front is reflected back while the rest is transmitted the arrival times of reflected waves from damage.
through the damaged region. This reflection occurs Depending on the size of the damage, the wave will
at the beginning of the damage, which implies that need a certain time to travel. This time of flight can
a bigger damage would engender a sooner reflection be exploited along with geometric considerations to
than a smaller damage located at the same position. determine the defect growth from the knowledge of
Hence, the times of flight would be different for the initial damage properties.
damages with different sizes at the same location. Hence, the EMD along with the Hilbert transform
Thus, if the time resolution of the HHT is powerful seems to be the appropriate timefrequency anal-
enough to perceive the small fluctuations of the ysis method for health monitoring of structures. The
different times of flight, an estimation of the severity ability of the EMD to extract embedded oscillation, to
of the damage would be possible. reveal hidden reflections in the data, and to accurately
Assuming that the size and the shape of the initial describe the frequency content of a signal through the
damage are known, simple geometric calculations high-definition Hilbert spectrum make it an ideal tool
would allow one to estimate the growth of the damage for damage detection. The different damage detec-
from the time difference between the initial and the tion schemes discussed in this article must now be
new reflections. The severity of the damage can be investigated for two-dimensional structures where the
thus quantified through the arrival time of the reflec- waves are dispersive and thus more complicated to
tion as long as the initial damage is identified. Hence, describe. The next section describes a low-velocity
the importance of an accurate signal processing for impact experiment on a cross-ply composite plate and
obtaining the flight times cannot be overemphasized. an analysis of the results with the HHT.
Accurate identification of localized events is required
to determine the location of the damage, especially
when complications due to the dispersive nature of 4 LOW-VELOCITY IMPACT
waves in plates exist. DAMAGE
A real-world application is now investigated to
3.4 Summary confirm the real potential of the HHT for a struc-
tural health monitoring system. The most commonly
The EMD and the Hilbert spectrum offer a lot of encountered type of damage is caused by impact due
possibilities for damage detection. First, the Hilbert to the low interlaminar strength of composites. The
phase represents a unique feature describing the mechanical properties can be severely degraded as
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 17

a result of a low-velocity impact even for barely

visible damage. An impact on the structure can induce Cirucular shaft
different type of damages such as matrix cracking,
delaminations, and broken fibers. Such impact can
occur in reality if a worker accidentally drops a tool Shaft collars
or if a bird crashes into the aircraft during takeoff. A
good way to experimentally simulate a low-velocity
impact is to build a swinging pendulum mechanism. Impactor
The energy of the impact could therefore be quanti-
fied through the potential energy and related to the
damage growth.

4.1 Experimental setup

Impactor tip
The experiment was conducted with an eight-ply
composite plate [0/90]s, the setup of which is shown
in Figure 15. The plate was instrumented with a
piezoceramic actuator and a PVDF sensor array.
A 0.635 cm 0.635 cm PZT-5H patch actuator was
bonded to the surface of the laminate at the left edge Figure 16. Swinging pendulum mechanism.
and used to excite the structure with interrogating
A0 waves. A sensor array was bonded at a distance used to avoid unwanted oscillations of the impactor.
of 30.48 cm. from the actuation element. The array Thus, some frictional effects were neglected in this
contained 19 circular sensor elements with a diameter experiment and should be taken into account for a
of 0.3175 cm. and a spacing of 0.635 cm. The plate most accurate estimation of the energy released by
was 88.9 cm. long and 60.96 cm. wide. A tone burst the system. The experimental setup is pictured in
signal of a 40 kHz frequency and five cycles was Figure 17. The horizontal position of the plate was
used to interrogate the plate and the resulting transient chosen in order to avoid any bending after the impact.
responses were observed and saved for each sensor This experiment setup allows systematic impact as
of the array. The pendulum mechanism is shown in desired. For each impact, the response signals are
Figure 16. A hammer type of impactor was conceived gathered without removing the plate. The boundary
and it was able to carry circular masses to increase conditions remain identical for every impact and
the energy impact. The impactor was free to swing thus will not influence the results. A picture of the
around a circular shaft introduced through the two impacted region is also taken after each impact. In this
columns. Instead of a bearing, shaft collars were way, a correlation between the visual inspection (or
local nondestructive evaluation (NDE)) of the plate
and the signal-processing results will be possible.
Each impact starts at zero initial velocity and at a
Piezoceramic certain initial angle. The impact energy comes from
12 0
actuator the gravitational potential energy. The experimental
setup therefore makes pendulum impacts repeatable
with only one varying parameter, the impact energy.
Incident Reflection
4.2 Impact energy quantification
12 8.5
Let us take the zero of potential energy to be at 90
Figure 15. Experimental setup. angle of the swing, as shown in Figure 18. When the
18 Signal Processing

Figure 17. Low-velocity impact experimental setup.


Composite plate

Initial position q = 90 Impact position q = q1

Pendulum mechanism

Figure 18. Potential energy calculation.

pendulum is brought to a certain height before being 2. A picture of the impacted region is taken.
released, it is higher than at the initial position of the 3. The plate is interrogated by a tone burst at 40-
swing, and the potential energy is equal to the weight kHz frequency with five cycles. The response
of the pendulum multiplied by the change in height. signals are observed and saved on a disk.
If the pendulum has length L, the change in height is 4. This set of data is processed by using HHT.
L sin and the potential energy becomes 5. Repeat the process.
The different impact cases with the corresponding
E = mgL sin (25)
potential energy are given in Table 2.
In the study case, the pendulum is not limited
at a single mass but at a hammer impactor with a 4.3 Transient signal analysis
significant weight. Thus, the impactor system will be
replaced for the calculation by a single mass defined A first undamaged set of data is taken as a base-
by its center of mass. The center of mass is defined line. The plate is then impacted and the middle
as the average of the constituting element positions
weighted by their masses. Each time a mass is added Table 2. Summary of the different impact cases
to the system, the center of mass changes. Case # Mass Length Initial Energy
The damage detection methodology follows these m (kg) L (m) angle ( ) (J)
1 0.787 0.422 90 3.27
1. The plate is impacted. Each impact has more 2 3.05 0.601 45 12.7
3 3.05 0.601 90 17.9
energy than the previous one. The initial angle 4 5.32 0.625 45 23.1
is increased or a mass is added for this purpose.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 19

Middle sensor responses Middle sensor responses

1 1
Undamaged Undamaged
0.8 0.8
3.27 J impact 12.7 J impact
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0

0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)

Figure 19. Middle sensor responses for the first two impact cases: (a) impact 1 and; (b) impact 2.

sensor responses are examined to infer the presence of responses are plotted in Figure 19(b). In this case, a
damage in the plate. A first impact of 3.27 J is applied difference can be seen between the undamaged and
and the middle sensor signals for the undamaged and the impacted signals at 0.7 ms. A reflected wave-
impacted plates are compared in Figure 19(a). The form, though weak, shows up as expected in case
location of the impacted region was chosen in order of damage. The Lamb waves encounter a disconti-
for the reflected waveform to be visible in the tran- nuity through the thickness of the plate and part of
sient signals. The pendulum mechanism was therefore the incident wavefront is reflected back. The middle
impacted by the plate at a distance of 21.59 cm. sensor response is able to exhibit this reflection. An
from the middle sensor. If damage is created due impact of 12.7 J damaged the composite plate. A
to the impact, the reflected waveform should appear C-scan examination would precisely determine the
between the top/bottom edges and the right edge type of damage engendered by the impact. This NDE
reflections. The observation of the transient signals technique being unavailable, a visual inspection of the
in Figure 19(a) does not give any information about impacted region may provide some understanding of
the presence of damage due to the first low-velocity the impact consequence on the structure. A picture
impact. The impact energy was then increased by of both impacted region surfaces were taken and are
adding a mass to the impactor and the middle sensor shown in Figure 20. The observation of these pictures

(a) (b)
Figure 20. Impacted region pictures: (a) front surface and (b) back surface.
20 Signal Processing

and a touch examination of the impacted region do case 3 is plotted in Figure 22 along with the picture
not show the presence of any defects in the plate. of the impacted region. Again, a weak reflection is
The common visual inspection technique used for visible for the impacted case around 0.7 ms that is
the structural health monitoring of composite struc- not present for the undamaged case. In order to have
tures would not detect the presence of damage in a better idea of the magnitude of this reflection, the
the plate. However, the transient response detects leftward propagation is also extracted and plotted in
a discontinuity in the structure at the impact loca- Figure 23. The picture of the front surface of the
tion. The reflected waveform localized by the sensor plate clearly shows that the composite structure is
signal is, nevertheless, weak and needs to be effec- damaged. Broken fibers as well as matrix cracking
tively identified as a damage reflection. To accom- can be seen. Compared to the previous impact,
plish this goal, the wavenumber filtering technique the damage is evident by visual inspection of the
is applied to extract the leftward propagating waves. plate. However, the magnitude of the reflected wave-
The damage reflection would be better characterized form shown in Figure 24 slightly increases from the
and quantified with this representation. The leftward 12.7-J impact to the 17.9-J impact, whereas the differ-
propagating waves for the undamaged and the first ence between the shapes of the impacted region is
two impacted cases are plotted in Figure 21. The first obvious. From this observation, two theories can be
impact does not affect the health of the composite assumed. The first theory is that the Lamb wave is
plate. However, the leftward propagating waves for not able to track the increasing damage. The second
the impact of 12.7 J of energy confirm the presence of is that the structural properties of the plate have
damage with a new waveform detected between 0.6 been equally affected by the impacts even though the
and 0.8 ms. Although invisible on both surfaces of the visual inspection leads to different interpretations. A
impacted region, damage is present in the structure. stronger impact analysis will confirm either of these
The source of impact damage may include delamina- assumptions. A mass of 10 lb is added to the hammer
tion between plies, matrix cracking, or broken fibers. system and the swinging impactor is released at a 45
The use of Lamb waves to interrogate composite angle, producing a 23.1-J impact (case 4). The middle
structures enables subsurface damage that is invisible sensor response, along with the leftward propaga-
to the naked eye to be detected. A third impact is used tion, is plotted in Figure 24. Both sensor signal and
to determine whether the damage region grows. The leftward propagating waves show that the magnitude
middle sensor response corresponding to this impact of the damage reflection increases with the applied

Leftward propagating waves




0.1 3.3-J impact

0.1 12.7-J impact


0.3 Reflection from damage

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (ms)
Figure 21. Leftward propagating wavesimpacted cases 1 and 2.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 21

Middle sensor responses

0.8 Undamaged
17.9-J impact
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
(a) Time (ms) (b)
Figure 22. 17.9-J impact case: (a) middle sensor responses and (b) front surface picture.

Leftward propagating waves




0.1 12.7-J impact


17.9-J impact
Reflections from damage

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (ms)
Figure 23. Leftward propagating wavesimpacted cases 2 and 3.

impact energy and thus with the size of the damage. A composite structure can be seriously damaged
The second assumption is therefore the right one. The without any physical signs being shown on the
reflections from the right edge also decay with the surfaces.
increasing energy impact. Before applying the HHT The physical marks of damage and the real
to these signals, several conclusions can be drawn loss in mechanical properties are not
from the transient analysis: related.
The amplitude of the reflection from damage
The Lamb waves are able to detect damage in a increases with the impact energy and therefore
composite plate that is invisible to the naked eye. with the size of the damage.
22 Signal Processing

Middle sensor responses Leftward propagating waves

1 0.4
0.8 Undamaged
23.1-J impact 0.3 12.7-J impact
0.2 0.1 17.9-J impact

0 0
0.2 0.1
0.3 23.1-J impact
0.8 Reflection from damage
1 0.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)
Figure 24. Case 4 analysis (a) middle sensor responses; (b) leftward propagation.

4.4 HilbertHuang spectrum and energy to be more representative of the effective energy
metric involved in damaging the plate. The energy metric
results can therefore be plotted to describe the growth
The EMD is then used to apply the Hilbert transform of damage with respect to the energy impact, as
to the IMFs extracted and to plot the timefrequency seen in Figure 26. The energy released upon the
representation of the data. Once the HilbertHuang damage growth perfectly fits a parabolic interpo-
spectrum is obtained, the energy released by the lation curve. The track of increasing damage is
damage can be quantified and linked to the impact therefore possible for this experiment through the
energy and the size of the damage. The energy energy released by the damage and using only one
metric is applied to the unfiltered set of data. The sensor.
HilbertHuang spectra for the unfiltered undamaged
and damaged (12.7-J impact) are given in Figure 25. Table 3. Energy metric results for the unfiltered data
The results of the Hilbert energy measurement of Potential 0 3.3 12.7 17.9 23.1
the reflected frequency band are given in Table 3. energy
Assuming that each impact weakens the plate and
Released 0.0182 0.1172 0.4946 1.1773 2.8956
contributes to the creation of damage in the next energy
impact, a cumulative energy impact approach seems

0.15 0.15
Normalized frequency

Normalized frequency

Reflection from impacted region Reflection from impacted region

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)
Figure 25. HilbertHuang spectraunfiltered data: (a) undamaged and (b) 12.7-J impact.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 23

Damage released energy versus impact energy spread out in time, has a weaker magnitude, and does
3.5 not exhibit a clear peak. These characteristics can be
3 explained by the fact that the addition of the 10-lb
2.5 mass to the system along with a large initial angle
2 deviated the point of impact and created a second

1.5 damage in the plate. The reflected waveform repre-

1 sented in the energy spectrum therefore encloses two
0.5 adjacent reflections. This assumption is confirmed by
0 the picture of the impacted region in Figure 28 that
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 shows two damages in the plate. Using the group
Cumulative energy (J) wave velocity and the time of flight given by the
Figure 26. Growth of damage with impact energy.
energy spectrum, the location of the damage can be
In order to confirm that the plate has effectively
4.5 Energytime spectrum and phase been damaged by the impact, a cross section cut along
shift metric the damage is realized. As we can see in Figure 29,
the different impacts created matrix crackings, broken
The energytime spectrum aims to localize the fibers, and a delamination.
damage through a precise determination of the time of
flight and to quantify the size of the damage through
the phase shift between the reflected waveforms. The 4.6 The Hilbert phase
energytime spectrum for the low-velocity impact
experiment described in the previous sections is given So far, the Hilbert phase turned out to be not only the
in Figure 27. For a better visibility and readability, most promising feature for delamination detection in
the results have been separated in two distinct plots. composite structures using the HHT but also the most
As expected, the localization in time of the reflected sensitive and difficult to apply. This real-world type
waveform through the energy spectrum turns out to of experiment aspires to confirm the capability of the
be very precise. A phase shift between the reflec- Hilbert phase to describe the changes in the wave-
tions from increasing damage can even be temporally propagation speed energy. The Hilbert phase results
quantified and related to the size of the damage. The are plotted in Figure 30. For case 1, the transient
amplitude of the reflected waveforms also increases analysis and the wavenumber filtering technique did
with the energy impact. However, for case 4 corre- not reveal the presence of damage even though the
sponding to the 23.1-J impact energy, the reflection is energy measurement showed a slight increase. The

3.3-J impact 0.4 Undamaged
0.2 17.9-J impact
12.7-J impact 0.35 23.1-J impact
0.15 Reflection from damage
Reflection from damage 0.25

0.1 0.2
0.05 0.1
0 0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)
Figure 27. Energytime spectra: (a) cases 1 and 2 and (b) cases 3 and 4.
24 Signal Processing

the wave propagation is altered, resulting in a slope

change in the Hilbert phase. The Hilbert phase of
cases 2 and 3 show these deviations. At around
Damage 1
0.7 ms, the undamaged and damaged phases start
to diverge denoting the presence of damage in the
composite plate as seen in Figure 30. The location of
damage can be inferred from the time divergence and
the amount of damage can be quantified by the mean
phase error metric. The behaviors of both impacted
Damage 2 phases are pretty close even if the 17.9-J impact
appears to damage the plate more than the 12.7-J
impact. The Hilbert phase is therefore consistent
with all the previous conclusions and can perfectly
Figure 28. Front surface picturecase 4.
describe the wave propagation and interaction with
damage in the composite plate.

This article has illustrated how the EMD method can
be used to track damage in simple one-dimensional
and thin two-dimensional composite structures. For
thin plates, wave propagation is described in terms
of Lamb waves. The antisymmetric fundamental
transverse wave mode A0 was able to describe the
damage interactions in composite plates. The study
has focused on developing and validating damage
Figure 29. Cross-section picture of the impacted region. detection schemes based on the features of the EMD
and the associated Hilbert spectral analysis. Three
Hilbert phase confirms these results. The phases for damage detection techniques were developed on the
the undamaged case and the 3.3-J impact behave in basis of the energy density, the time of flight, and the
the same way, indicating that there is no discontinuity energy speed propagation. The instantaneous phase
encountered by the wave. In the case of damage, can be used as a damage detection tool. A finite

1400 1400
1200 3.3-J impact 1200 12.7-J impact
17.9-J impact

1000 1000

800 800

600 600

400 400

200 200
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
(a) Time (ms) (b) Time (ms)
Figure 30. Hilbert phase plots: (a) case 1 and (b) cases 2 and 3.
Damage Detection Using the HilbertHuang Transform 25

element model of a rod was used to show the effect Cepstral Methods of Operational Modal Analysis
of a stiffness loss on the phase behavior. The prin- Hilbert Transform, Envelope, Instantaneous
ciple is that any damage in a structure alters the Phase, and Frequency
speed at which the energy traverses the structure.
Timefrequency Analysis
The phase reflects this speed change by a slope
deviation. As a result, the Hilbert phase can not Wavelet Analysis
only detect the presence of the defect in the struc-
ture but also quantify the extent of the damage.
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defect growth can be therefore quantified and used ical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum
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Chapter 36
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing
for Change and Damage Detection
Michele Basseville
IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France

can be seen e.g., from the survey papers [13] and

1 Introduction 1 books [46] among many other references. Early
2 Likelihood Ratio and CUSUM Tests 3 investigations of statistical change detection took
place in the area of quality control and trace back
3 On-line Detection of Changes in the
to the 1930s. More recent applications to industrial
Mean 7
monitoring problems [711] have highlighted the
4 Extension to Additive Jumps 7 relevance of statistical inference approaches to the
5 Changes in the Spectrum 8 problems of fault detection, isolation, and diagnosis.
6 Detecting Small Changes 10 As for vibration-based structural health monitoring
7 Changes in the System Dynamics and (SHM), a number of simulations, laboratory test
Vibration-based SHM 12 beds, and real test cases [1217] have also exhibited
8 Further Issues 13 some interesting properties of algorithms based on
a statistical change detection approach to damage
9 Conclusion 16
detection and localization.
End Notes 16
Related Articles 16
References 17 1.1 Motivations for change detection
Many monitoring problems can be stated as the
problem of detecting and isolating a change in the
1 INTRODUCTION parameters of a static or dynamic stochastic system.
The use of a model of the monitored system is reason-
Detecting changes in signals and dynamical systems able, since many industrial processes rely on physical
has been the topic of a number of both theoretical principles, which are written in terms of (differen-
and practical investigations for about 30 years, as tial) equations, providing us with (dynamical) models.
Moreover, the use of (physical) parameters is manda-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by tory when diagnostics is sought. In the sequel, we
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 equally use the words deviation, change, fault, and
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. damage, considering that all these events are reflected
2 Signal Processing

by a change in the parameter vector of a model of the provides us with the relative size of the estima-
monitored structure or system. tion error with respect to the noises on the system
The change detection framework and method- measurements, the statistical tests described below
ology is one way to approach the analysis of can similarly tell us if the relative size of the param-
nonstationary phenomena. Statistical decision tools eter discrepancy in the monitored system with respect
for detecting and estimating changes are useful for to the accuracy of the reference parameter value
different purposes: is significant or not. These are crucial issues when
addressing real SHM problems.
1. automatic segmentation of signals as a first step
in recognition-oriented signal processing;
2. gain updating in adaptive identification algo- 1.3 Two types of changes
rithms for improving their tracking ability;
3. quality control; Let be the model parameter, and y1 , y2 , . . . , yn a
4. monitoring complex structures and industrial sequence of measurements. In most cases of interest
processes (damage and fault detection and diag- for SHM, both and the yi s are multidimensional.
nosis) for fatigue prevention, aided control, and For both intuitive and mathematical reasons, it is
condition-based maintenance. useful to classify the change detection problems into
two categories: additive changes, such as changes in
Even though this article focuses on the use of the mean value of the measurements, and nonaddi-
change detection for damage detection and isolation, tive (or spectral) changes, which basically affect the
the same methodology and tools apply to the other correlations in the data or the dynamics of the system
problems as well. and associated transfer functions.
The main issue is which function of the data
should be handled for making a decision about the
1.2 Motivations for statistical methods presence of a change. The main lesson is that,
whereas the innovation is convenient for monitoring
It has been widely acknowledged that the fault or additive changes, the innovation is not sufficient for
damage detection and isolation problem can be split monitoring changes in the system dynamics.
into two steps: generation of residuals, which are
ideally close to zero under no-fault conditions, mini-
mally sensitive to noises and disturbances, and maxi- 1.4 Three types of change detection
mally sensitive to faults; and residual evaluation, problems
namely, design of decision rules based on these resid-
uals. The basic statistical approach to residual gener- From now on, we assume that we are given a
ation consists in deriving sufficient statistics, namely, reference value 0 of the model parameter. Generally,
transformations of the measurements, which capture such a reference parameter is identified with data
the entire information about the fault contained in the from the safe system. The monitored system is often
original data. Residual evaluation is typically answer- subject to other types of nonstationarities than the
able to statistical methods, which are basically aimed parameter deviations of interest, typically changes in
at deciding if a residual discrepancy from zero is the functioning modes of a machine, nonstationarities
significant. in the environment of a structure, etc. In such cases,
The main advantage of the statistical approach is the reference value 0 should be identified on long
its ability to perform the early detection of devia- data samples containing as many of these nuisance
tions with respect to a reference undamaged state of changes as possible. The detection problem may
the monitored system (possibly before a deviation be solved on the basis of data samples of smaller
develops into a damage). Another major advantage size. Depending on the relative time constants of the
is its ability to assess the level of significance of system to be monitored, on the sampling of the data,
those deviations with respect to noises and uncer- and on the size, speed and rate of the deviations to
tainties. Whereas the accuracy of parameter estimates be detected, three types of detection problems may
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 3

occur in practice, when processing real data, onboard in the spectrum of scalar signals, in Sections 3, 4,
or not. and 5, respectively. Other tools useful for handling
small changes are introduced in Section 6. Back to the
Model validation model validation point of view, Section 7 addresses
Given, on the one hand, a reference value 0 of the problem of detecting changes in the dynamics
the model parameter and, on the other hand, a new of a linear state-space system, of which vibration-
data sample, the problem is to decide whether or based monitoring is an important instance. Finally, in
not the new data are still well described by this Section 8 some additional issues are addressed, such
parameter value. Of course, this problem may be as damage or fault isolation and diagnostics, robust-
stated either off-line (fixed sample size) or on-line ness in the decision, damage detectability, and sensor
(varying sample size). A fixed-size sliding window positioning.
may be useful. Model validation may be a relevant
issue for onboard processing: for example, batch
processing is appropriate for onboard monitoring of
Off-line change detection
The key detection tools are first introduced for
Given a data sample of size n, the problem is
hypotheses testing, and then for on-line change detec-
to decide whether a change in the parameter has
tion, distinguishing between independent and depen-
occurred, from 0 to 1 , at an unknown time in the
dent observed data.

On-line change detection 2.1 Hypotheses testing

At every time instant n, the problem is to decide
whether a change in the parameter has occurred, The measured data y1 , y2 , . . . , yn are assumed to be
from 0 to 1 , at an unknown time instant < n. random variables with probability distributions p .
Hypotheses about the parameter vector are stated,
Of course, the most difficult problem is the third reflecting the a priori knowledge on the changes to be
one, because in this problem the amount of informa- monitored. Typically, the null (no-change) hypothesis
tion in the data about the new parameter value 1 is is H0 : 0 and the alternative (change) hypoth-
the least. Also, the criteria for designing the detection esis is H1 : 1 . Two types of hypotheses are
algorithms and analyzing their performances depend distinguished. A simple hypothesis is reduced to one
on the detection problem. These are mean time point in the parameter space; typically, the no-change
between false alarms, probability of wrong detection, hypothesis reduces to the reference value of the
mean delay to detection, probability of nondetection, parameter vector: 0 = {0 }, and the change hypoth-
and accuracy of the estimates of the change onset esis to a different value: 1 = {1 }. A composite
time and of the change magnitude. However, even hypothesis is defined by a subset of the parameter
though the decision functions for solving these three space; typically the no-change hypothesis is defined
problems are not the same, they all can be viewed by 0 , and the change hypothesis by 1 .
as different implementations of the same primary
2.1.1 Independent observations
This article is organized as follows. First, in
Section 2, the key detection tools, likelihood ratio Assuming that the parameter is , the probability
and CUSUM (cumulative sum) tests, are introduced of observing the measurement yi is p (yi ) and is
for the model validation and on-line change detection called the likelihood. First, consider the case of
problems, respectively. Then, the on-line detection simple hypotheses. For deciding whether the param-
problem is addressed for changes in the mean of eter vector is more likely to be 1 than 0 , it is natural
scalar signals, additive changes in multidimensional to compute the likelihood ratio p1 (yi )/p0 (yi ). For
independent or dependent time series, and changes computational purposes, it is also useful to handle the
4 Signal Processing

log-likelihood function: l (yi ) = ln p (yi ) and the 7
log-likelihood ratio: 6
def p1 (yi )
si = ln = l1 (yi ) l0 (yi ) (1) 4
p0 (yi )

The basic feature of si , which makes it a good 2

candidate for making the decision, is that 1
E0 (si ) < 0, E1 (si ) > 0 (2) 1
In other words, si reflects the change in by a
change in the sign of its expected value. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
The likelihood of n independent observations Figure 1. A change in the mean of a Gaussian sequence
na vector Y1 , is written as
y1 , . . . , yn , stacked into with constant variance.
a product: p (Y1 ) = i=1 p (yi ). For making the

decision between the two simple hypotheses, relevant

functions of the data to deal with are the likelihood
ratio [18]:

p1 (yi ) 10
def p1 (Y1n ) i=1
n = = (3) 20
p0 (Y1n ) n
p0 (yi )
i=1 30
and the log-likelihood ratio, which is written as a 40
CUSUM: Alarm time

n 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Sn = ln n = si (4) Figure 2. Typical behavior of the log-likelihood ratio Sn :
i=1 negative drift before and positive drift after the change.

A typical behavior of Sn , reflecting the property in

equation (2), is displayed in Figure 2 for the simple
case of a change in the mean of a Gaussian sequence 80
shown in Figure 1. 70
When the hypotheses are simple, the test compa-
ring the likelihood ratio to a threshold,
If n <  : H0 is chosen; If n  : H1 is chosen 40
or equivalently the log-likelihood ratio,
If Sn < h : H0 is chosen; If Sn h : H1 is chosen 10
is optimal (NeymanPearson lemma). This means 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
that for a given probability of wrong rejection of Figure 3. Typical behavior of the CUSUM decision func-
H0 (false alarm), this test minimizes the probability tion gk .
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 5

of making a wrong acceptance of H1 . The threshold 2.2 On-line change detection

(, or h) is determined from a fixed probability of
false alarm. At the current time instant k, it is now assumed that
When the hypotheses are composite, the decision there exists an unknown change time at which the
is based on the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR), parameter of the distribution p changes.
which consists in maximizing the likelihood functions The problem is stated as that of deciding between
with respect to the unknown parameter: the two hypotheses:

sup1 1 p1 (Y1n ) H0 : i, 1 i k, i = 0
sup0 0 p0 (Y1n ) H1 : , 1 k, i = 0 (i < )
and i = 1 (i ) (10)
It is more tricky to precisely state in what ways
this test is optimal. At time k, the null hypothesis H0 enforces obser-
vations y1 , . . . , yk to have the same distribution p0 ,
2.1.2 Dependent observations and the alternative (change) hypothesis H1 assumes
that there exists an unknown change time such that
Assuming that the parameter is , one should use y1 , . . . , y1 have the distribution p0 and y , . . . , yk
the conditional likelihood of yi given the previous have the distribution p1 . The decision on the pres-
data y1 , . . . , yi1 , denoted by p (yi |Y1i1 ) with the ence of a change is made with the aid of a stopping
convention: for i = 1, p (yi |Y1i1 ) = p (y1 ). The (alarm) time:
log-likelihood ratio is written as
ta = min {k 1 : gk h} (11)
def p1 (yi |Y1i1 ) The parameter 0 is assumed to be known, up to
si = ln (6)
p0 (yi |Y1i1 ) an (on-line) estimation. The problem is to design
the decision function gk , namely, the function of the
and has the same basic property as in equation (2). observations with which the decision will be made,
If n observations are recorded, the decision between to tune the threshold h, and to design a change time
two simple hypotheses is to be made with the aid of estimate 
k .
the likelihood ratio:

n 2.2.1 Independent observations
p1 (yi |Y1i1 )
p1 (Y1n ) In the case of simple hypotheses, namely when
def i=1
n = = (7) both 0 and 1 are known, the key detection tool is,
p0 (Y1n ) n
p0 (yi |Y1i1 ) again, the likelihood ratio between the two hypotheses
in equation (10):

since, because of the Bayes rule, the joint likelihood 

p0 (yi ) p1 (yi ) p1 (yi )
is the product of conditional likelihoods: i=1 i= i= def
= = k

k k
p (Y1n ) = p (yi |Y1i1 ) ( = 0, 1) (8) p0 (yi ) p0 (yi )
i=1 i=1 i=

When using the log-likelihood ratio, the CUSUM (12)

property still holds true: The change onset time is estimated by maximizing
the likelihood under H1 , that is,

j 1
Sn = ln n = si (9) def
k = arg max
 p0 (yi ) p1 (yi )
i=1 1j k
i=1 i=j
In case of composite hypotheses, the GLR test
= arg max kj (13)
should involve the conditional probabilities as well. 1j k
6 Signal Processing

where In the case of a composite alternative hypoth-

esis H1 : 1 1 , modified CUSUM algorithms can

p1 (yi ) be designed, based either on a notion of minimum
magnitude of change, or on a weighting of the likeli-
kj = (14) hood with respect to the unknown values of 1 . The

p0 (yi ) GLR methodology can be used as well, resulting in a
double maximization, with respect to the change time
as above, and with respect to the change magnitude.
Equation (13) holds because the denominator in the This is further investigated in Section 3 for a simple
left-hand side of equation (12) does not depend on . case.
def 2.2.2 Dependent observations
Sjk = ln kj (15)
Similar approaches can be used, replacing likeli-
Then, because ln(.) is an increasing function, the
hoods p (yi ) by conditional likelihoods p (yi |Yi1
1 )
estimated change time can be written as
for  = 0, 1. Again, the CUSUM property (equa-
k = arg max Sjk
 (16) tion 17) holds:
1j k

p1 (yi |Y1i1 )
Again, because of the products in equation (14), Sjk = ln (20)
p0 (yi |Y1i1 )
Sjk defined in equation (15) and can be written as a i=j
CUSUM: This is investigated in Section 5 for detecting

p1 (yi ) changes in the spectrum of a signal.
Sjk = ln (17) A major issue is the computational complexity of
p0 (yi ) the resulting algorithms in more sophisticated cases.
Another key difficulty is the performance analysis of
As a decision function gk in equation (11), consi- those algorithms. These are the main motivations for
der the following one, based on Sjk the approach described in Section 6.
gk = max Sjk (18)
1j k 2.2.3 Adaptive thresholds and windows
Thanks to equation (15) and equation (16), this The decision function gk in equation (18) can be
decision function can be also written as easily written as the deviation of the CUSUM S1k with
respect to its minimum value: gk = S1k mk , with
gk = ln kk (19) def j
mk = min1j k S1 . The stopping rule, when written
This is known as the CUSUM algorithm [19], first accordingly, namely,
investigated by Page in the 1950s [20]. A typical ta = min {k 1 : S1k mk + h} (21)
behavior of gk is displayed in Figure 3 for the simple
case of a change in the mean of a Gaussian sequence appears to apply an adaptive threshold to the sum S1k .
shown in Figure 1. Note that the adaptation of the threshold involves mk ,
The CUSUM algorithm can be interpreted as a and is thus based on the entire past of the sequence
repeated sequential probability ratio test (SPRT). It is of observations.
optimal in the sense that it minimizes the mean delay The CUSUM algorithm also involves a random
to detection for a given probability between false size moving window since gk can also be written as
alarms. Different definitions of the delay have been  k +
considered in the literature, and different optimality gk = SkN k +1
results have been proven, where some are asymptotic with
(infinite number of observations) [21] and some are
not [22]. See also [2, 23, 24]. Nk = Nk1 1{gk1 >0} + 1 (23)
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 7

3 ON-LINE DETECTION OF Tuning two parameters m and h might seem

more tricky than tuning a single threshold. However,
CHANGES IN THE MEAN the two choices turn out to be easy since both
parameters are well decoupled in practice. Because
Consider now the problem addressed in Section 2 in
of equation (25), the threshold h should be of the
the simple case where is the mean value of the
form h 2 . In case of unknown , involving a good
distribution p (y) assumed to be Gaussian, namely,
estimate 2 in the threshold may contribute to the
p (y) = 1/( 2)e(y) /2
(24) performances of the algorithm. This approach has
proven useful in many application cases.
Assuming that 1 is known after the change, the The GLR approach maximizes the likelihood ratio
CUSUM Sjk reduces to a data integrator: with respect to the two unknown parameters (change
time and magnitude):
   def k
Sjk = yi 0 = Sj () (25) gk = max sup Sjk () (26)
i=j 2 1j k
The second maximization is explicit in the present
In equation (25), = 1 0 is the change magni- Gaussian case, which results in a quadratic test:
tude and b = / is the change-to-noise ratio, which k 2

is the relevant counterpart of the usual signal-to-noise (y 0 )
i=j i
ratio (SNR). 1
gk = max (27)
Because of equations (22) and 23), the CUSUM 1j k 2(k j + 1)
algorithm (11), (18), and (25) in this case can be seen
as an integration of the observations over a sliding
window with adaptive size. This algorithm is espe-
cially efficient for small change-to-noise ratio b [4].
When 1 is unknown and assumed to belong to a
known set, 1 1 R, several approaches can be JUMPS
used. A weighting of the likelihood with respect to the
These algorithms extend to the multidimensional
unknown 1 may be introduced when some a priori
information about the distribution of 1 is available
[24, 25]. Another approach consists in introducing
a minimum change magnitude m in equation (25), 4.1 Changes in a vector mean
and in running two CUSUM tests in parallel, since
the change direction, namely increase or decrease in First consider the problem of detecting an addi-
tive change in a sequence of independent vector
the mean, is not known either [4, Chapter 2]. This is
Gaussian variables Y1 , . . . , Yk , with mean M and
summarized as
covariance . The hypotheses can now be written as
Decreasing mean follows:
  H0 : i, 1 i k, i = 0
T1k = yi 0 + m
def j
H1 : , 1 k, i = 0 (i < )
Mk = max1j k T1
ta = min {k 1 : Mk T1k h} and i = (i ) (28)
The GLR test for detecting such a deviation in
Increasing mean
k  is written as
S1k = yi 0 m def
gk = max sup Sjk () (29)
2 1j k
def j
mk = min1j k S1 kj +1
= max
ta = min {k 1 : S1k mk h} 1j k 2
8 Signal Processing

kT k Kalman filter, a closed-form expression of (k, )

Yj 1 M(M T 1 M)1 M T 1 Y j (30)
can be derived. Using the transfer function notation,
k def 
where Y j = ki=j Yi /(k j + 1). The test, equa- (k, t0 ) = Kx (z)x (k, t0 ) + Ky (z)y (k, t0 ), straight-
tion (30), is the multidimensional counterpart of forward computations lead, asymptotically for large
equation (27). k, to

Kx (z) = H (zIs F )1
4.2 Additive jumps in state-space models  
Ky (z) = Ir H (zIs F )1 F K
More generally, consider the case of additive jumps def
F = F (Is KH ) (34)
on linear Gaussian state-space systems:
 When using the GLR methodology for detecting
Xk+1 = F Xk + G Uk + Wk + x (k, ) the change in the mean vector of k , the double
Yk = H Xk + J Uk + Vk + y (k, ) maximization with respect to the change time and
magnitude in equation (29) reduces to a single
where X is the unknown state; U, Y are the measured maximization, since the maximization over the fault
input and output vectors, with dimensions s, m, r, vector is again explicit:
respectively; (Wk )k and (Vk )k are independent Gaus- T
sian white noise sequences, with covariance matrices 
Q and R, respectively; x , y are the fault vectors, sup Sjk = T (i, j ) i1 i

with compatible dimensions; and is the jump i=j
onset time. Sensor and actuator faults are important 1
instances of equation (31). k

As shown in [4, Chapter 7] and [26], this problem (i, j ) i (i, j )

T 1

reduces to detecting a change in the mean vector of i=j

the innovation k of system (31), computed with a

Kalman filter, namely, T (i, j ) i1 i (35)

Xk+1|k = F Xk|k + G Uk

(compare with equation 30). An estimate of the
Xk|k = Xk|k1 + Kk k (32)
change onset time is provided by k = arg
= Y H X
k k k|k1 J Uk maxk+1j k Sjk . The information contained in the
change time and magnitude estimates can be used
where the Kalman gain Kk is computed through for updating the Kalman filter after detection [4,
Chapter 7] and [26].
Kk = Pk|k1 H T k1
Pk+1|k = F Pk|k F T + Q
Pk|k = (Is Kk H ) Pk|k1 (33)
For detecting changes in the spectrum of a scalar
Under the hypothesis H0 (k < ), the innova- signal, an intuitive approach is discussed and the
tion k is Gaussian with mean zero and covari- application of the CUSUM and GLR methods is
ance matrix k = H Pk|k1 H T + R. In the presence presented.
of a change, namely under H1 , k is Gaussian
with mean vector (k, ) and covariance k . Actu-
ally, because of the assumption of additive changes 5.1 Monitoring one innovation
in equation (31), the signature of the change on p
the innovation is also additive, and (k, ) can Assuming an AR (autoregressive) model, yk = l=1
be computed recursively. Assuming a steady-state al ykl + ek , the problem is to detect changes in the
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 9

parameter vector T = (a1 . . . ap ). A natural idea is in equation (38) is relevant. Note also that in the
to compute the innovation: AR case it involves second-order statistics, namely
covariances, which is mandatory.

p More generally, a residual for detecting (para-
k () = yk al ykl (36) metric) changes in the dynamics of the system should
l=1 build on a parameter estimating function. This is
further described in Sections 6 and 7.
and compare it with a threshold. From a statistical
inference point of view, however, this type of residual
suffers from two limitations. First, whenever p > 1, 5.2 Monitoring two innovations
the dimension of in equation (36) is smaller than
the dimension of the parameter vector.a This means For detecting changes in the coefficients ai s of an
that the innovation lives in a smaller dimensional AR model, the CUSUM and GLR approaches can be
space than the parameter , and thus might be unable used. Again, since the data are dependent observa-
to discriminate between, if not insensitive to, different tions, the computations should involve the conditional
changes in that vector. Stated otherwise, a statistics likelihoods p (yi |yi1 , . . . , yip )( = 0, 1).
(function of the parameter vector and of the raw In the present scalar AR case, the CUSUM algo-
data) should have at least the same dimension as the rithm (11), (18), (20) runs with
parameter to be inferred and monitored.
Second, is a linear combination of the measured k
i2 (0 ) i2 (1 )
Sjk = (39)
data. Stated otherwise, residual (equation 36) is a 2 2
first-order statistic. When the changes of interest
affect the dynamics (here the AR coefficients ai s), which involves two innovations, and not only one.
using linear combinations of the data is not sufficient The implementation in the (actual) case of unknown
in the statistical sense: a nonnegligible set of spectral 0 and 1 consists in plugging in equation (39) esti-
changes result in no change in either the mean or mates of 0 and 1 computed within a growing
the variance of the innovation [27]. A more complex window and a fixed-size sliding window, respec-
expression in , such as tively. Variations on this theme have resulted in a
  2 ()  CUSUM test based on a function of two innovations
1 (37) different from equation (39) (but equivalent for small
2 deviations) [27]. This algorithm has been shown to
be useful for detecting small spectral changes.
shares the same type of limitations: the statistics in This approach extends to scalar autoregressive
equation (37) is known to be poorly efficient in a moving average (ARMA) processes, although the
number of cases [4, Chapter 8] and [27]. likelihood and innovation computations are more
This does not mean, however, that the innovation involved in that case because of the MA part
should not play any role in detecting changes in [4, Chapter 8].
spectra. Indeed, how to use the prediction error for
parameter estimation is clearly stated in the system
identification literature [28]: a parameter estimate 5.3 Parameterized spectral distance
should be updated with the aid of the gradient of the measures
squared prediction error with respect to the parameter:
Comparing with a threshold the spectral distance
1   between two models estimated on different data
/ kT () k () (38) windows is a natural approach to detecting spectral
changes. Some care should be taken for selecting a
Note that the dimension of that gradient satisfies relevant spectral distance measure [2931].
the above requirement. If the changes affect the Of common use in speech processing, the family of
dynamics of the system, a residual built on the vector log-spectral deviations between two spectral densities
10 Signal Processing

s0 and s1 can be written as follows: two collections of poles zi . Similarly it is not an

  Euclidean distance between the two collections of
dq (s0 , s1 ) =  ln s0 ln s1 q =  
def Fourier spectrum lines.
 s  (40)
1 q

where, for a spectral density s, the q-norm is

defined by
 1/q Consider now more complex situations involving
def 1
sq = |s()| d
(41) nonadditive changes in multidimensional dependent
2 data (signals). For overcoming both computational
Back to the linear prediction framework of the AR and performance analysis issues associated with
process above, namely, for s of the form the likelihood ratio approach, a possible approach
consists in assuming small changes and using basi-
1 def |A(ej )|2 cally a sensitivity analysis relative to various noise
= (42) and uncertainty levels. This approach is known as
s() 2
the statistical local approach.
def p
where A(z) = k=0 ak zk , the cepstral coefficients The capability of performing early detection and
def  isolation of small deviations of a structure or a
(ck )k are defined as ln A(z) = k=1 ck z
satisfy process, with respect to a reference behavior consid-
ered as normal, is most useful in condition-based and
 aging monitoring problems. This is why this approach
ln = ck ej k , is of interest for SHM.
|A(ej )|2 k= The local approach is first introduced in the frame-
def def work of the likelihood function, and then for other
c0 = ln 2 , ck = ck (43)
estimating functions. Indeed, some important moni-
The cepstral distance, defined as the mean toring problems cannot be addressed with the aid
quadratic distance (dq in equation (40) with q = 2), of the likelihood. This is the case of vibration-based
can be written as an Euclidean distance between the SHM addressed in Section 7.
two collections of cepstral coefficients:

 2 6.1 Likelihood: efficient score
d22 (s0 , s1 ) = ck(0) ck(1) (44)
k= A key concept turns out to be very useful for
designing and analyzing hypotheses testing and
of which the finite sum change detection algorithms, under the assumption
 2 of a small change. This is the sensitivity of the
d 2 (L) = ck(0) ck(1) (45) log-likelihood function with respect to the parameter
k=L vector:

is a good approximation. It is important to note l (y |Y ) 
zi = i 1 
that equation (45) is not an Euclidean distance 
between the two collections of AR coefficients ak .
When written in terms of the poles zi , equation (45) also called efficient score. It enjoys a basic sign
becomes change property:
 1   (1) n  2 E0 (zi ) < 0 for 0 = ,
(0) n
d (L) =
z zi (46)
k 2 i=1 i E1 (zi ) > 0 for 1 = + (48)

It is very important to realize that equation (45) which again makes it a good candidate for making
is thus not an Euclidean distance between the the decision about .
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 11

If n observations are recorded, the efficient score to the detection of a change in the mean of the
can be written as follows: (asymptotically) Gaussian vector Z - n . Exactly as in
 equation (30), the test is quadratic in Z - n:
1 ln p (Y1n )  1 
-Zn ( ) def
=  = z
n = n k=1 i - Tn (0 ) I1 (0 ) Z
Z - n (0 )  (54)

(49) This test is distributed as a 2 -variable, with

Again, the CUSUM property holds. The efficient rank(I(0 )) degrees of freedom (dof). From this, a
score is characterized by the key identity: threshold can be deduced, for a given false alarm
probability. The noncentrality parameter under H1 is
- n ( )) = 0
E ( Z = (50) T I(0 ) . This test is asymptotically optimum for
testing the hypothesis of a small change [4].
The expectation of the score is zero if, and only
if, the expectation is computed at the very point
where the derivative is computed. The efficient score
6.2 Other estimating functions
is thus the ML (maximum likelihood) parameter
estimating function. The efficient score is generically The efficient score may not be the relevant function to
different from the innovation. base the decision on. Actually, there are many identi-
The efficient score enjoys the following asymptotic fication algorithms that do not build on the likelihood
property. Consider the hypotheses: function, but on other parameter estimating func-
(Safe) H0 : = 0 tions instead [28, 32]. For such functions, a similar
asymptotic Gaussianity result holds. Let K(, Yk ) be
(Damaged) H1 : = 0 + / n (51) a function of the parameter vector and of the data,
enjoying the property:
where vector is unknown, but fixed. For large n,
hypothesis H1 corresponds to small deviations. E0 K(, Yk ) = 0 = 0 (55)
Thanks to that assumption, the efficient score
- n (0 ) behaves asymptotically as a Gaussian vector
which makes it a good candidate for being the basis
with the same covariance matrix under both hypo- of a parameter estimation algorithm. Define

N(0, I(0 )) 1 
under P0
- n (0 )
Z n (0 ) = K(0 , Yk ) (56)
N(I(0 ) , I(0 )) under P n k=1
+ 0
(52) which can be thought of as a generalized score. Also
where I(0 ) is the covariance matrix of the efficient define the sensitivity and covariance matrices:

def def K(, Yk ) 
I(0 ) = lim In (0 ), M(0 ) = E0  ,
n =0
In (0 ) = E0 Z
- n (0 ) Z
- Tn (0 ) def
(0 ) = lim E0 n (0 ) nT (0 ) (57)
1 2 ln p (Y1n ) 
= E 0  (53) Then, the asymptotic Gaussianity result holds for
n 2 =0
this residual [4, 7, 3335]:
and is known as the Fisher information matrix. 
The efficient score reflects the small change in N(0, (0 )) under P0
as a change in its own mean value: Z - n has zero n (0 ) N(M( ) , ( )) under P
0 0
0 +
mean under H0 , and mean I(0 ) under H1 . Note n
that matrices I(0 ) and (0 ) depend on neither the (58)
sample size n nor the change vector in the hypoth- This asymptotic property holds for a large class of
esis H1 . Thus the detection of a change in reduces (not necessarily Gaussian) random processes. Thus,
12 Signal Processing

as the efficient score does, the residual reflects the An important instance of this problem is the
small change in the parameter vector as a change in detection of changes in the observed eigenstructure
its own mean value. Hence the 2 test: of state-transition matrix F , namely, the (, )s,
where = H , and is the eigenvector of F
 1 T 1
n2 = nT 1 M M T 1 M
M n  associated with the eigenvalue . It is well known
that this is one relevant formulation of the vibration-
(59) based SHM problem [37, 38]. By stacking the modes
where the dependence on 0 has been removed for and mode shapes (, )s into a vector parameter ,
simplicity. damage detection reduces to the problem of detecting
This test is distributed as a 2 variable, with changes in . Assuming that a reference value 0 is
rank(M) dof and noncentrality parameter T M T 1 available, identified on data recorded on the undam-
M . Let F(0 ) be the asymptotic Fisher information aged system, and given a new data sample, the
on 0 contained in n (0 ): problem is to decide whether or not this sample is
still well described by 0 .
F(0 ) = M T (0 ) 1 (0 ) M(0 )
(60) A possible solution consists in using an estimating
function, different from the likelihood, within
Note that if the estimating function K in equations the framework of small changes described in
(55) and (56) is the efficient score in equation (49), Section 6. The estimating function associated with the
namely when using a likelihood-based approach, covariance-driven subspace identification algorithm
both matrices M and in equation (57) equal the is a good candidate, which exploits the following
Fisher matrix I in equation (53), and the 2 test property. Let Ri = E(Yk Yki T
) be the theoretical
(equation 59) reduces to the test in equation (54). covariance matrix for lag i, and
R0 R1 .. Rq1

Hp+1,q = (62)
def R1 R2 .
. .. .. ..
. . . .
Rp Rp+1 . Rp+q1
Consider the multidimensional counterpart of the
problem of detecting changes in a spectrum addressed be the theoretical output covariance and Hankel
in Section 5. This problem can be stated as that matrices, respectively. Introducing the cross-covar-
of detecting changes in the AR part of a multi- iance between the state and the observed outputs,
dimensional ARMA model, and is highly related G = E(Xk YkT ), direct computations of the Ri s from
to vibration-based SHM. More than the computa- (61) lead to Ri = H F i G and to the well-known
tional complexity of the likelihood function for vector factorization [39]:
ARMA processes, a tight coupling between the AR
part (basically the structure) and the MA part (basi- Hp+1,q = Op+1 (H, F ) Cq (F, G) (63)
cally the excitation) prevents the use of a likelihood- where
based approach when the unknown excitation is
nonstationary. H
Another solution resorts to the equivalent repre- def H F
Op+1 (H, F ) =
sentation of any vector ARMA model as a linear
dynamical system [36]. The problem is then to detect HFp
changes in the pair (H, F ) of def
and Cq (F, G) = (G F G F q1 G) (64)

Xk+1 = F Xk + Wk+1
(61) are the observability and controllability matrices,
Yk = H Xk respectively. Note that the observed dynamics (H, F )
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 13

is found in the left-hand side term only. For esti- test cases [42]. A nonparametric version is described
mating the reference 0 , the covariance-driven sub- in [43].
space identification algorithm performs the singular In this section, we have considered a batch-
value decomposition (SVD) of the empirical Hankel wise computation of the residual and an off-line
matrix H0 detection problem statement (equation 58). A sample-
p+1,m computed with data recorded on the
undamaged system. Let 0 be the parameter vector wise computation of n , together with a sample-
resulting from this identification. wise CUSUM-like detection algorithm for solving
The subspace interpretation of the SVD provides an on-line detection problem as in (equation 28), is
the following characterization for 0 : described in [8, 13]. Recent and ongoing research
includes model-based statistical handling of the envi-
N (0 )T H 0
=0 (65) ronmental effects in vibration-based monitoring of
civil engineering structures [43, 44], and of the
where the orthonormal matrix N is subject to complex aeroservoelastic effects underlying the flutter
phenomenon [8, 45].
N (0 )T N (0 ) = I, N (0 )T Op+1 (0 ) = 0 (66)

and matrix Op+1 (0 ) can be computed from 0 . 8 FURTHER ISSUES

Matrix N depends implicitly on parameter and is
not unique. However, it can be treated as a function Several other issues relating to the above-mentioned
of parameter , denoted by N() [40]. statistical framework can be addressed.
Let H p+1,m be the empirical Hankel matrix filled
with the covariances of the new measurements
8.1 Damage isolation and diagnostics
collected on the (possibly damaged) system, and let n
be the length of this new data set. Inspired by the left- In a statistical framework, the fault or damage
hand side of equation (65), it is proposed to base the isolation problem can be addressed from different
decision on the following residual in [40, 41]: points of view. The first issue is to discriminate
  between the components of a Gaussian vector, using
n (0 ) = vec N (0 )T H 1
(67) nuisance elimination methods. This problem is of
wide interest, thanks to the asymptotic Gaussianity
where vec is the column stacking operator. result underlying the design of change detection
Thanks to the local approach in Section 6.2, vector methods presented in Section 6. In practice, focusing
n (0 ) in equation (67) has the asymptotic Gaussian the monitoring on some subsets of components of the
behavior summarized in (58) [40]. A change in , parameter vector is of interest for many purposes.
namely in the system dynamics, is reflected as a For example, in the vibration-based SHM problem in
change in its mean, which switches from zero under Section 7, it may be desirable to monitor a specific
H0 , to M(0 ) under H1 . Since the matrices M(0 ) mode and the associated mode-shape .
and (0 ) depend on neither the sample size n nor A more involved issue is multiple hypotheses
the fault vector in the hypothesis H1 , they can testing, for which the definition of optimality criteria
be estimated prior to testing, using data on the safe is tricky. A still more involved problem is online
system (as the reference 0 ). isolation: the design of both optimality criteria and
The global test n2 in equation (59) to be used optimal algorithms raises several questions and these
performs a sensitivity analysis of the residual to are still not completely resolved.
the damages, relative to uncertainties in the modal Finally, in most SHM applications, a complex
estimates and noises on the available data [41]. It physical system, characterized by a generally
is often necessary to select the threshold for n2 nonidentifiable parameter vector , has to be
experimentally. How to achieve this from histograms monitored using a simple model characterized by
of empirical values obtained on data for undamaged an identifiable parameter vector . A possible direct
cases is explained in [15]. This damage detection solution is sketched for the corresponding diagnostics
algorithm has been run successfully on a number of problem expressed in terms of .
14 Signal Processing

8.1.1 Isolation as nuisance elimination Isolation through rejection Another statistical

solution to the problem of isolating a consists in
The fault or  damage
 vector is now partitioned as viewing parameter b as a nuisance, and using an
follows: = , with a , b of known dimen- existing method for inferring part of the parameters
b while ignoring and being robust to the complementary
sions la , lb , respectively (la + lb = l). The matrices
part. This method is called minmax approach and
M in equation (58) and F in (60) are partitioned
consists in replacing the nuisance parameter compo-
nent b by its least favorable value, namely the value
  that minimizes the power of test t, or equivalently
Faa Fab
M = (Ma Mb ), F = the noncentrality parameter. This is equivalent to the
Fba Fbb
GLR method:
MaT 1 Ma MaT 1 Mb
= (68) maxa ,b pa ,b ( )
MbT 1 Ma MbT 1 Mb ta = 2 ln
maxb p0,b ( )
Matrix M is assumed to be full column rank
(fcr). Let notation F1
a stand for the upper-left term which consists in replacing the nuisance component
of F1 , where Fa = Faa Fab F1 bb Fba , and nota-
b by its ML estimate. This can be written as follows:
tion pa ,b ( ) stands for the density of a Gaussian
vector N(Ma a + Mb b , ). The problem is to ta = aT Fa 1 a (72)
isolate changes either in a or in b , with the
where a =  a Fab F1 
other component being unknown and considered as bb b is called the effective
a nuisance parameter. score. Note that a is the residual from regression
of the partial residual in a on the (nuisance) partial
Isolation through projection A rather intuitive residual in b . This is a fairly intuitive statistical
statistical solution to the isolation problem, called approach, which actually traces back to Neymans
sensitivity approach, assumes b and consists in work in the 1950s [47]. Under both hypotheses,
projecting the deviations in onto the subspace test statistics ta is distributed as a 2 -variable with
generated by the components a to be isolated. The la dof and, under a  = 0, noncentrality parameter
sensitivity test ta for monitoring a is GLR test aT Fa a for all b . The isolation of the damaged
between = (0, 0) and = (a , 0), where a  = 0, component a or b is then performed according to
namely the largest minmax test ta or tb .
The sensitivity (projection) and minmax (rejec-
maxa pa ,0 ( ) tion) tests enjoy a nice relationship. Global test can be
aT F1 
ta = 2 ln aa a (69) written as follows: t = ta +  tb , where the decomposi-
p0,0 ( )
tion is orthogonal in the sense that the two terms are
uncorrelated, namely, cov0 (ta ,  tb ) = cov1 (ta , 
tb ) = 0
where the partial residual
under both safe and faulty hypotheses. This addi-
tive decomposition holds for general distributions and

a = MaT 1
(70) more than two faults, whereas the orthogonal decom-
position holds in the Gaussian case for only two
is nothing but the efficient score with respect to a . faults.
Under both hypotheses, test statistics  ta is distributed The minmax test can be used for designing
as a 2 -variable with la dof, and noncentrality param- damage detection tests insensitive to environmental
eter aT Faa a under a  = 0 if b = 0 actually holds. effects. This has been done in [44], where a simplified
a and 
Note that, for a  = b,  b are correlated, and  ta model of the temperature effect on the structural
might be sensitive to a change in b [46]. The deci- dynamics has been plugged within the minmax
sion about the faulty or damaged component a or rejection test. This approach has been tested on a
b is then taken according to the largest sensitivity simulated bridge deck and a laboratory test case
ta or 
test  tb . within a climatic chamber.
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 15

8.1.2 Isolation as multiple hypotheses testing aggregation of the sensitivities, are performed off-line
at a design stage, whereas the directional tests may
The isolation of multiple (more than two) faults raises
be computed onboard. See [41] for more details and
several issues. The first issue is to distinguish between
[52] for an example.
embedded multiple faults with causality constraints
and independent multiple faults, and to state
the corresponding simultaneous multiple hypotheses
testing problem. The second issue concerns optimality 8.2 Increasing the robustness of the test
criteria, which are the relevant counterpart of
the trade-off between false alarms and detection The main idea for increasing the robustness of
probabilities in the ordinary hypotheses testing the tests with respect to operating conditions, for
(detection) problem. The third issue is to exhibit example, consists in using confidence ellipsoids for
tests performing the isolation in an optimal manner. plugging the uncertainty in the reference parameter 0
It turns out that the above sensitivity and rejection and the a priori information on the changes in the
approaches are relevant, from both theoretical and shape of the hypotheses to be tested, instead of using
experimental points of view. For example, the set of a confidence interval for the decision function itself
all the sensitivity tests monitoring each fault, or the [7]. The hypotheses are then defined by
set of all the rejection tests, solve different multiple
0 = {| T M T 1 M 02 }
hypotheses testing problem, optimally with respect to
different optimality criteria [4850].
1 = {| T M T 1 M 12 }

8.1.3 On-line isolation

In equation (73), = n( 0 ) is the change
The on-line isolation problem requires both on-line vector, 0 is the reference parameter value, and the
detection of a change and on-line discrimination sizes 0 and 1 have to be chosen. Typically, 0
between multiple hypotheses. Several types of perfor- captures uncertainties on the reference value 0 , and
mance indexes can be defined: probabilities of wrong may be chosen by learning on the data while iden-
isolations, mean delay to detection/isolation, etc. For tifying 0 . The other radius 1 reflects a minimum
designing the on-line detection/isolation algorithms, change magnitude to be detected and should be
different optimization problems can be defined, based learned from the data based on the monitoring
on those criteria. A major issue, for which research problem specifications. The GLR test for testing
investigations are still needed, is to define criteria and between the hypotheses in equation (73) consists in
optimization problems, which admit an explicit, and computing
not approximate, optimal solution [2, 51].
2n = min l (n ) min l (n ) (74)
0 1
8.1.4 Damage diagnostics
Considering again the vibration-based SHM problem where l (n ) = (n M )T 1 (n M ). This
of Section 7, damage localization and diagnostics can be easily written as [4, 7]:
can be stated as a detection problem, and not an
(usually ill-posed) inverse estimation problem. This 1 2
problem is addressed by plugging aggregated sensi-
n n
tivities of the modes and mode shapes with respect
( 1 )
for 0
to FEM structural parameters in the above setting of
subspace-based residuals in equation (67) and partial = ( 1 ) + ( 0 ) for 0 1
2 2

residuals such as equation (70). This results in direc- +( 0 )2 for 1
tional tests as in equation (69), which perform the (75)
same type of damage-to-noise sensitivity analysis of where = n / n and n2 is in equation (59).
the residual as for damage detection. The computa- Experiments on real applications have shown that
tion, the analytical-to-experimental matching, and the this simple idea turns out to be a useful tool for
16 Signal Processing

obtaining robustness against both changes in the interest for condition-based and aging monitoring
functioning modes and undermodeling of the system problems, and thus for SHM. When applied to the
to be monitored, which are often reported as being case of vibration-based SHM, the small changes
a crucial issue for model-based onboard fault or detection approach handles a residual that exploits
damage detection algorithms [9, 11]. the left null space of a particular matrix capturing
the nominal (safe) state of the structure, and results
in a damage detection algorithm proven useful on a
8.3 Damage detectability and sensor number of test cases.
positioning Handling nonlinear systems remains a challenging
issue. Computing likelihood or other estimating func-
There are two by-products of the statistical tions may raise numerical and computational prob-
approach: information-based damage detectability lems. Monte Carlo sequential simulation methods, of
and isolability definitions, and criteria for optimizing which a well-known instance is particle filtering, have
the sensor positioning for SHM. been developed [5557]. These types of methods can
Possible detectability definitions are of two types be used for e.g., efficient numerical approximation of
[53]. Intrinsic definitions capture the signature of the the efficient score. Application of these methods to
fault on the system. The signature may be defined fault and damage detection problems is the topic of
in terms of the amount of information about the recent and ongoing works [5860].
fault contained in the observed data. Performance- Finally, the methods described above have a
based definitions may capture, among other perfor- limitation in terms of the number of sensors that
mance indexes, the signature of the fault on residuals. can be handled at a time. This is especially true
Again, the signature may be defined in terms of the with the recent advances in sensors and wireless
amount of information about the fault contained in networking, which allow for a huge amount of
the residual. synchronized distributed measurements. New SHM
The definition of a criterion for assessing the concepts, methods, and algorithms are necessary
quality of a given sensor location for monitoring under such measurement setups.
purposes can be based upon the power (probability of
correct detection) of the statistical tests [54]. Such a
criterion can be used in two ways. For a given sensor END NOTES
pool location (it is not always possible to choose), find
the detectable and diagnosable faults; alternatively, The same situation occurs when the number of
for one given (set of) fault(s), find the sensor pools measured outputs is smaller than the order of the
and locations with which their detection and diagnosis dynamics.
are possible.

Statistical Time Series Methods for SHM
In this article, the key elements in the design of Statistical Pattern Recognition
change detection algorithms have been described. Novelty Detection
Basic concepts (likelihood ratio, estimation, innova-
tion) have been introduced. They involve a number Uncertainty Analysis
of familiar operations (integration, averaging, sensi- Damage Measures
tivity, adaptive thresholds, and windows). It has been
Principles of Structural Degradation Monitoring
suggested that a statistical framework enlightens the
meaning and increases the power of those opera- Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUM
tions. Systems) for Helicopters: Architecture and Perfor-
One of the approaches in that framework is dedi- mance
cated to the detection of small changes that is of Ambient Vibration Monitoring
Model-based Statistical Signal Processing for Change and Damage Detection 17

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Chapter 30
Statistical Pattern Recognition

Hoon Sohn1 and Chang Kook Oh2

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Department of Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA

technique called neural network to take digital pixel

1 Introduction 1 images as inputs and to assign them into different
characters. Although this is a nontrivial problem
2 Feature Extraction 2
owing to the wide variations in handwriting, pattern-
3 Unsupervised Learning 5 recognition techniques currently available can address
4 Supervised Learning 8 such a classification problem. Thanks to their flexi-
5 Data Normalization 12 bility and diverse potential capacities, these pattern-
6 Conclusion 16 recognition techniques have found a variety of
Acknowledgments 16 applications.
One specific application of interest is structural
References 16 health monitoring (SHM). SHM is a process of
evaluating and assessing the integrity and safety
of a structural system based on data autonomously
and continuously collected from sensors [2]. The
1 INTRODUCTION goals of SHM are (i) to identify the presence of
damage (level I), (ii) to locate and quantify the
The problem of searching for patterns in data
damage (levels II and III), and (iii) finally, to
has a long history. Statistical pattern recognition
predict the remaining useful life of the system
(SPR) is concerned with the discovery of regularities
(level IV) [2]. These objectives of SHM can be
in data and subsequent actions such as classi- readily cast in the context of SPR. For instance,
fication [1]. Ample examples of pattern recog- level I damage identification can be viewed as a
nition are available. For instance, recognition of classification problem where a binary output (0 =
handwritten characters employs a machine-learning undamaged and 1 = damaged) is assigned to the input
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by To achieve these goals, an SHM process involves
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 the definition of potential damage scenarios for the
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. system, observation of the system over a period
2 Signal Processing

of time using periodically spaced measurements, particularly if collection and comparison of data sets
extraction of features from these measurements, and over the lifetime of the structure are envisioned
statistical analysis of these features to determine the (see Dimensionality Reduction Using Linear and
current state of the systems health [3]. For long- Nonlinear Transformation). In addition, because
term SHM, the output of this process periodically data may be acquired from a structure over an
updates information regarding the ability of the struc- extended period of time and in an operational
ture to perform its intended function in light of the environment, robust data-reduction techniques must
inevitable aging and degradation resulting from oper- retain the sensitivity of the chosen features to
ational environments. After extreme events, such as the structural damage of interest in the presence
earthquakes or blast loading, SHM is used for a of environmental variability. Damage features that
rapid condition screening and aims to provide, in near are used to distinguish damaged structures from
real time, reliable information regarding the current undamaged ones have received the most attention in
integrity of the structure. the technical literature.
Operational evaluation is the first step required Statistical model development is concerned with
before deploying an SHM system. Operational the implementation of the algorithms that operate
evaluation attempts to provide justifications for on the extracted features to quantify the damage state
implementing an SHM system. In this stage, one of the structure. This statistical modeling can be done
should be able to answer the following questions: in either supervised or unsupervised learning mode.
(i) What are the life-safety and economic motives Unsupervised learning can be applied to data obtained
for deploying an SHM system on the structure of from the undamaged structure, but this approach is
interest? (ii) What are the definitions and types of often limited to level I or II damage classification,
damage that are of most concern for the system which identifies only the presence and locations of
being monitored? (iii) Under what operational and damage. When data are available from both the
environmental conditions does the system function? undamaged and damaged structure, the supervised
(iv) What are the costs and limitations on acquiring learning approach can be taken to move forward
data in such operational environments? Once these to higher-level damage identification to classify and
questions are answered and the deployment of the quantify the damage. Often, numerical simulations
SHM system is justified, we proceed to the second using an analytical model of a structure are employed
stage to design the data acquisition system. to augment the scarce training data associated with
The data acquisition process involves selecting the the damaged structure.
types of sensors to be used, choosing the location Out of these four steps comprising the SHM
where the sensors should be placed, determining the process, the SPR approach is most relevant to feature
number of sensors to be used, and defining the data extraction and statistical modeling processes. There-
acquisition/storage/transmittal hardware. This process fore, the discussion in this article is mainly limited
is application specific, and economic considerations to these two steps of the SHM process. This article
play a major role in these decisions. In this stage, is organized as follows. First, it is discussed how
additional questions such as how to improve the various SPR techniques can be used in the feature-
extraction process. Next, two distinctive statistical
quality of data (data cleansing), how to compress
modeling approachesunsupervised and supervised
the necessary data (data condensation), and how
learningare introduced. Finally, there is a separate
to alleviate undesirable variations of the data due
section on data normalization because of its signifi-
to varying operational and environmental conditions
cance in the field deployment of an SHM system. The
(data normalization) should be addressed.
article concludes with a summary and a discussion on
Feature extraction is a process of mining features
the scope for future work.
that are sensitive to target damage from measured
raw signals. Inherent in the feature selection process
is the condensation of the data. The sensors 2 FEATURE EXTRACTION
employed to perform SHM typically produce a
large amount of data. Therefore, data reduction For most SPR applications, it is advantageous to
is not only advantageous but also necessary, transform the raw data into some new form before
Statistical Pattern Recognition 3

proceeding with statistical modeling; the feature- The best features for damage detection are typically
extraction process is one of the most important factors application specific. Numerous features are often
in determining the successful performance of the identified for a structure and assembled into a feature
statistical modeling described in the next step (see vector. From a statistical discrimination perspective,
Data Preprocessing for Damage Detection). Note a low-dimensional feature vector is desirable, and
that, feature extraction often involves signal prepro- it is also desirable to obtain many samples of the
cessing, data condensation, and data normalization. feature vectors. There are no restrictions on the types
In the simplest form, feature extraction may take the or combinations of data contained in the feature
form of a linear transform of the raw data as shown vector. A variety of methods are employed to iden-
in Figure 1. tify features for damage detection. Past experience
For the sake of discussion, let us assume that with measured data from a system, particularly if
features 1 and 2 in Figure 1 denote the first two damaging events have been previously observed for
fundamental frequencies obtained from undamaged that system, is often the basis for feature selec-
and damaged states of the system. In Figure 1, the tion. Numerical simulation of the damaged systems
data points in a lighter color are associated with response to simulated inputs is another means of
the natural frequencies obtained from the undam- identifying features. The application of engineered
aged state, and the darker data points correspond flaws, similar to the ones expected in actual oper-
to the damaged state. These two-dimensional input ating conditions, to laboratory specimens can identify
data can be projected onto a one-dimensional feature parameters that are sensitive to the expected damage.
space using various linear transforms. In partic- Damage accumulation testing, during which signifi-
ular, it is shown in Figure 1 that the separation (or cant structural components of the system under study
damage sensitivity) of the data can be maximized are subjected to a realistic accumulation of damage,
by projecting the data using a projection technique can also be used to identify appropriate features. A
called Fishers linear discriminant. The description large number of features used for SHM are reported
of Fishers discriminant is provided later. In this in [3, 4].
process, the extraction of a damage-sensitive feature
(the data after projection) and data reduction (from
two-dimensional input data space to one-dimensional 2.1 Curse of dimensionality
feature space) are accomplished simultaneously.
The need for low dimensionality in the feature
15 vectors is referred to as curse of dimensionality
and is discussed in general texts on density func-
tion estimation [5]. As discussed later in this article,
10 statistical modeling requires statistical characteriza-
tion of data, before any statistical inference can be
reached. However, the difficulty of approximating
Feature 2

local behavior of the data in a high-dimensional space

5 is often reported. The problem is that to properly
approximate a distribution of the data, the required
sample size should grow exponentially with respect
to the dimension of the sample space. This is called
Fi jec
sh tio


curse of dimensionality. This term was first coined

er n

by Bellman [6], when he observed the astronomical

growth of computational effort in solving combinato-
rial optimization over many dimensions.
5 0 5 10 15 For one-dimensional feature space, 99.74% of
Feature 1 the data will be inside m 3 if the data have
Figure 1. Simultaneous feature extraction and data con- a normal distribution. Then, for two-dimensional
densation performed on the raw data. feature spaces, only 66% of the data will be within
4 Signal Processing

a circle of m 3 . Therefore, as the feature space 2.2.1 Principal component analysis

expands to a higher dimension, more data are required
The primary goal of principal component analysis
to describe the distribution of the data, and it may
(PCA) is to construct a linear combination of the
impose serious limitations on how the unsupervised
original variables so that the total variance (entropy)
techniques can be used for SHM applications. Some-
of the original variables can be kept as large as
times, it seems to be counterintuitive because we
possible [8]. The variable projected onto the first
often feel that extraction of a higher-dimensional
principal component has the largest variance, and the
feature is better. variables projected using the subsequent projection
The true dimension of multivariate data in a high- components have successively smaller contributions
dimensional space is almost always of dimension less to the total variables. These principal components
than what it seems. Therefore, a parsimonious repre- are found by solving a singular-value problem of
sentation of the underlying structure can be obtained the covariance matrix among the original variables,
by eliminating a significant number of dimensions. and they are extracted in such a way that they are
The distinction between feature extraction and data uncorrelated with each other.
reduction is not always clear cut. Feature extraction Additional techniques often used for data reduction
is the process of identifying damage-sensitive prop- include canonical correlation analysis, multidimen-
erties from the measured response signals, and this sional scaling, project pursuit, clustering analysis,
process often results in some form of data reduction. and independent component analysis [1, 7, 9]. In
Data compression into feature vectors of small dimen- particular, factor analysis and independent component
sion is necessary if accurate estimates of the statistical analysis are similar to PCA in a sense that all of them
distribution of the feature are to be obtained. explore the covariance structure for dimensionality
reduction. For instance, factor analysis focuses on the
common part of the total variance that a specific vari-
able shares with the remaining variables.
2.2 Multivariate analyses for
dimensionality reduction
2.2.2 Nonlinear principal component analysis
To avoid the curse of dimensionality, data are often Multilayer neural networks such as autoassociative
projected onto a lower-dimensional feature space neural network (AANN) can be used to perform
using specially designed mapping functions. This nonlinear dimensionality reduction, overcoming
process is called data reduction or data condensa- some of the limitation of linear techniques [10]
tion. In terms of data reduction, the main reason for
using multivariate analysis is to analyze the simulta- Mapping function G Demapping function H
neous relationship among variables, to minimize the
redundancy among them, and to obtain a parsimo- N N
nious description of the structure underlying a set
y1 N N L y^1
of multivariate data. Furthermore, data condensation L
is often done simultaneously as a part of feature y2 N N L y^2
extraction. For instance, the previously described N N L
illustrative example in Figure 1 can be seen as a L
yn N N L y^n
feature-extraction process, but it is also conducting
data reduction as well. Generally, this can be accom- N N
plished by constructing a linear/nonlinear combina-
Mapping Bottleneck Demapping Output
tion of the original variables [7]. The choice of a layer layer layer layer
multivariate technique for the analysis of interdepen-
Figure 2. A schematic of an autoassociative neural
dent variables is dependent on the nature of the data. network that performs nonlinear principal component
Here, a few examples of multivariate techniques are analysis. [Reproduced with permission from Ref. 10.
introduced. Sage Publications, 2002.]
Statistical Pattern Recognition 5

(see Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications). 3 UNSUPERVISED LEARNING

A typical AANN consists of three layers; mapping,
bottleneck, and demapping layers as shown in Unsupervised learning can be seen as one-class super-
Figure 2. The network is trained so that the outputs vised learning, meaning that training is done using
are simply the input vectors themselves. Because the data only from one class. For SHM applications, this
network attempts to map each input vector onto itself, one class is most likely to be the pristine condition
it is referred to as autoassociative network. In AANN, of the structure. On the basis of the training data sets
the dimension of the mapping and demapping layers obtained from the healthy condition of the structure, a
(the number of neurons in each layer) are identical statistical model of the healthy condition can be built.
(m), but the dimension of the bottleneck layer (d) is Once the statistical model of the healthy condition
designed to be less than those of the mapping and is constructed and a new set of data becomes avail-
demapping layers (m > d). The first mapping layer able, typical unsupervised learning can be viewed as
projects the m-dimensional input space onto a d- two-class hypothesis testing.
dimensional subspace. Similarly, the demapping layer
defines a mapping from the reduced subspace to the H0 : the system is not damaged
original input space. Owing to the reduced dimen- H1 : the system is damaged (2)
sionality of the bottleneck layer, AANN performs
nonlinear PCA [11]. AANN has the advantage of where H0 is the null hypothesis stating that there is
not being limited to linear transforms, but nonlinear no defect in the system. If the new data set supports
optimization techniques are needed to find the param- the null hypothesis, the null hypothesis is accepted.
eters of the network. Similarly, self-organizing maps Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected. As can
can be also viewed as a nonlinear generalization of be seen from this example, hypothesis testing is a
PCA. process of inferring whether a given null hypothesis
is true or not based on the given data set. This
dependency on the data can be explicitly expressed
2.3 Data preprocessingstandardization by employing the following conditional probabilities:
versus whitening
If P (X|H0 ) > P (X|H1 ), accept H0
Typically, data from sensors are measured in different otherwise reject H0 (3)
units and have significantly different variability.
These different scaling and variability in data can where P (X|H0 ) is a conditional probability of
cause the subsequent pattern-recognition algorithms observing the data set X given that the null hypothesis
to weigh input variables differently. To place equal is correct. P (X|H1 ) is defined in a similar manner.
importance for each variable, data can be standard- Most of unsupervised learning techniques can be
ized so that each variable has zero mean and unit viewed as variations of this hypothesis testing.
variance, i.e., z = (x x)/ , where x and are the
mean and the standard deviation of the data, respec-
tively. Using PCA, the data can be further processed 3.1 Type I error versus type II error
so that different variables become uncorrelated. This
operation is called whitening. During hypothesis testing, there are two types of
errors that need to be minimized: type I and II
1 errors. Type I error is also referred to as a false-
z =  2 U T (x x) (1) positive error, and this is the error of rejecting the
null hypothesis when it is, in fact, correct. Type II
where  and U represent diagonal matrices with error is the case where the null hypothesis is accepted
elements of eigenvalues of the data covariance matrix even if it is incorrect and often called a false-
and the orthogonal matrix with columns of eigenvec- negative error. In hypothesis testing, one needs to
tors, respectively. compromise between these two different types of
6 Signal Processing

errors since it is not possible to simultaneously features, before the testing can be performed. This
reduce both errors. Therefore, the users need to make statistical modeling can be done in two different
conscious decisions as to which type of error is more ways: parametric estimation versus nonparametric
critical for their applications. For instance, it might estimation [13]. In parametric estimation, the statis-
be more critical to minimize the false-negative error tical distribution of the data is assumed in advance,
than to reduce the false-positive error for nuclear and the corresponding parameters of the assumed
power plants because an unchecked defect (false- distribution are estimated from the given data. For
negative error) could lead to a catastrophic disaster. instance, the data can be often assumed to have a
On the other hand, frequent false-positive alarms of Gaussian distribution, and the parameters associated
a smoke detector in an ordinary house could lead to with the Gaussian distribution, the mean and stan-
the deactivation of the device. dard deviation of the data, can be estimated from
the given data sets. This type of parametric approach
is advantageous when the available data are scarce
3.2 Fixed-sample test versus sequential because there are only a few parameters that need to
test be estimated. However, there is no guarantee that the
selected distribution type properly captures the char-
On the basis of availability of data or how data acteristics of the data, and it may impose unnecessary
are used, hypothesis testing can be classified into constraints on the data. For instance, a unimodal
fixed-sample hypothesis testing or sequential hypoth- distribution such as a Gaussian distribution can be
esis testing [12]. In fixed-sample hypothesis testing, used, although the data, in fact, have a bimodal
that is, the conventional hypothesis testing, statis- distribution. Therefore, it is important to verify the
tical inference is conducted after all necessary data goodness of fit of the data.
are collected or the sample size is fixed. On the On the other hand, nonparametric estimation tech-
other hand, hypothesis testing is continuously (or niques do not impose unnecessary constraints on the
sequentially) repeated in sequential hypothesis testing data and let the data define their own distribution.
whenever a new set of data becomes available. This nonparametric approach is more desirable when
For instance, an automobile company may want to a plethora of training data is available. However, this
examine the effectiveness of its newly designed air- nonparametric approach may fail to properly present
bag system through actual car-crash tests. In this the distribution of data when only a limited amount
case, the null hypothesis could be that the newly of data is available. Particularly, the nonparametric
designed air-bag system works properly with a certain approach is more susceptible to the curse of dimen-
confidence level. To verify this null hypothesis, the sionality than the parametric approach. Examples of
automobile company could have crashed 10 cars and nonparametric approaches include but are not limited
performed fixed-sample hypothesis testing afterward. to: histogram, naive estimator, k-nearest neighbor
However, it would be more advantageous to repeat- method, and kernel estimator.
edly conduct hypothesis testing whenever another
crash test is conducted, until one can arrive at a
conclusion. For instance, if the air-bag system works 3.4 Normality test
properly five times in a row, probably there might
be no reason to continue to crash the remaining cars. As mentioned previously, the parametric approach
For continuous SHM, sequential testing may be more assumes a known distribution type for an unknown
advantageous than fixed-sample testing. data set. This can yield potential problems for later
damage diagnosis. On the basis of available litera-
ture in SHM, most parametric techniques applied to
3.3 Parametric approach versus SHM assume that the data have a Gaussian distri-
nonparametric approach bution without proper validation of such an assump-
tion. There are techniques available for determining
As shown in equation (3), hypothesis testing requires how close the data are to a normal distribution,
statistical characterization of the data or extracted such as a normal probability plot, skewness and
Statistical Pattern Recognition 7

kurtosis tests, and the KolmogorovSmirnov test. 3.7 Examples of unsupervised learning
It is recommended that users examine whether the techniques
normality assumption of the data is valid before using
a normal distribution for their parametric estimation. 3.7.1 Outlier/novelty analysis
When the data fail these normality tests, there are
The idea of outlier/novelty analysis is to extract
other types of distributions available.
features from the data that characterize only the
normal condition and these are used as a reference.
During monitoring, data are measured, and the appro-
3.5 Establishment of decision boundaries priate features are extracted and compared (in some
sense) with the reference. Any significant deviation
The success of the hypothesis test not only depends
from the reference is considered to signal an outlier.
on the proper characterization of the datas distribu-
Here, an outlier in a data set is an observation that is
tion but it also relies on the appropriate establishment
surprisingly different from the rest of the data in some
of the decision boundary. A decision boundary or a
sense, and therefore is believed to be generated by a
threshold for damage diagnosis is often determined on
different mechanism to the other data. The discor-
the basis of the data distribution type and the given
dancy of a candidate outlier is some measure that
confidence level. For instance, when the training data
can be compared against the corresponding objec-
have a normal distribution, a threshold for outlier
tive criterion, and allows the outlier to be judged as
analysis can be set to be at m 3 with a 99.74%
statistically likely or unlikely to have come from the
confidence. When a new data sample goes beyond this
assumed generating model. For SHM applications,
threshold value, it is likely that the null hypothesis is
the discordancy should be evaluated with respect to
rejected with a 99.74% confidence.
a model constructed from a normal condition of the
system of interest [17].
The case of outlier detection in univariate data is
3.6 Extreme value statistics relatively straightforward in the sense that outliers
will stick out from one end or the other of the
Often the decision boundary for SHM applications data set. There are numerous discordancy tests. One
resides near the tail of the estimated distribution. of the most common, and the one whose extension
Therefore, the errors of misclassification heavily to multivariate data is employed later, is based on
depend on how well the tail of the distribution is deviation statistics given by [18]:
modeled rather than the central population of the
data. In fact, there is a large body of statistical theory x x
that is explicitly concerned with modeling the tails of z = (4)
distributions, and these statistical procedures can be
applied to damage-detection problems. The relevant where x is the potential outlier and x and s are the
field is referred to as extreme value statistics (EVS) mean and standard deviation of the sample, respec-
[14], a branch of order statistics. EVS focuses on tively. The latter two values may be calculated with or
modeling those extreme points near the tails without without the potential outlier in the sample depending
prior knowledge of the parent distributions. It is upon whether inclusive or exclusive measures are
shown that the extreme values can asymptotically preferred. This discordancy value is then compared
follow one of only three possible extreme value distri- with a threshold value and the observation is declared
butions: Gumbel, Weibull, or Frechet. Furthermore, to be an outlier or not.
a generalized extreme value distribution (GEV) can The value of the threshold is critical; unfortunately,
be employed to unify these three distributions, and it is usually necessary to make some assumptions
a process to automatically estimate the associated about the data to establish it. Suppose the normal
parameters is available [15]. It has been demon- condition data are assumed as Gaussian. In this
strated that false alarms resulting from unwarranted case, there is a 95% probability that discordancy,
assumption of data distributions can be reduced by z computed using equation (4) will lie in the range
employing EVS [16]. [1.96, 1.96]. That is, there is only a 5% chance that
8 Signal Processing

the point is a sample from the same normal condition input vector, x, to an output vector y, can be esti-
distribution, but it lies outside this range. mated using given training input and output data.
Once the function is trained, it can be used for classi-
fication with discrete outputs or for regression when
3.7.2 Statistical process control the outputs are continuous variables. Similarly, a
Statistical process control (SPC) is essentially similar conditional probability density function p(y|x) can be
to outlier/novelty analysis. For instance, control chart modeled using the training data set. Often this condi-
analysis, which is the most commonly used SPC tional probability is estimated using Bayes theorem
technique and very suitable for automated continuous in the following form.
system monitoring, is applied for continuous SHM.
When the system of interest experiences abnormal p(x|y)p(y)
p(y|x) = (5)
conditions, the mean and/or variance of the extracted p(x)
features are expected to change. In [19], an X-bar
control chart is employed to monitor the changes in Note that the posterior probability p(y|x) can
the means of the selected features and to identify be directly determined and used for the subsequent
samples that are inconsistent with the past data sets. decision stages. Approaches that model the poste-
Application of the S control chart, which measures the rior probabilities directly are called discriminative
variability of the structure over time, to the current models. In generative models, the conditional prob-
test structure is presented in [20]. Several variations ability p(x|y) and the prior probability p(y) are
of the control charts can be found in [21]. computed first. Then, the posterior probability p(y|x)
is estimated using the above form of Bayes theorem.
The relative merits of these alternatives are further
3.7.3 Clustering discussed in [1].
Cluster analysis is the grouping of sample data in a
population to discover a structure in the data. In this 4.1 Linear models for regression:
article, it is considered as one of the unsupervised
polynomial curve fitting
learning techniques since it explores natural group-
ings present in the data. For example, cluster analysis Here, the basic concepts of the supervised learning
may find out that the data available are from two are illustrated using a polynomial equation since it
distinctive groups (one from an undamaged state and is one of the simplest forms of linear regression
the other from a damaged state) without training. One models used in supervised learning [1]. Note that this
approach of particular interest is a sum-of-squares polynomial equation is linear in terms of the unknown
method. The sum-of-squares method partitions a set parameters wi . Here, the polynomial equation is used
of data samples into a prespecified number of clusters. as a running example through this article to highlight
This method finds partitioning of the data that mini- a number of key concepts. Suppose that a training
mizes within-class distances and maximizes between- data set is composed of N observations of the input
class distances. There are several variations of the variable x together with corresponding observations
sum-of-squares method depending on the choice of of the target variable t. The goal is to exploit the
the distance criteria and the optimization procedure training data set to make a prediction, y, of the target
adopted [22]. variable, t, for a new input variable, xnew , using the
polynomial function of the form.

y = w0 + w1 x + w2 x 2 + + wd x d = wi x i
Now, we turn our attention to supervised learning. i=0
The goal of supervised learning is to approximate (6)
a functional relationship between input and output where d is the order of the polynomial and x i
variables using a set of input and output examples. denotes x raised to the ith power. The coefficients
For instance, a function y = f (x), which maps each of the polynomial are collectively represented by
Statistical Pattern Recognition 9

the coefficient vector w. The coefficient values can the polynomial function also depends on the number
be determined by minimizing an error function that of the available training data. For a fixed model
measures the sum of the squares of the errors between order, the overfitting becomes less severe as data size
the target outputs and the corresponding predictions: increases. A rule of thumb for model selection is that
the number of data points should be at least 5 or 10
N times (or some multiple) larger than that of the free
J (w) = (y tn )2 (7) parameters in the prediction model.
2 n=1 n

xn and tn denote the nth observations of x and t, 4.1.2 Regularization

and yn represents the prediction corresponding to xn .
Because the error function is a quadratic function of One approach often used to avoid overfitting is
w, there exits a unique solution. This solution can be regularization [1, 23, 24]. Regularization introduces
obtained by taking derivatives of the error function a penalty term in the error function to discourage
with respect to w. a model with unnecessary complexity. A simple
example of such a penalty term takes the form of
w = (XT X)1 XT T (8) a sum of squares of the coefficients, leading to a
modified error function.

J (w) = (y tn )2 + wT w (10)
1 x1 x1d 2 n=1 n 2
1 x x2d
X=. .. .. .. and
.. . . . where wT w = w02 + w12 + + wd2 , and the Lag-
1 xN xNd range parameter ( 0) controls the relative impor-
tance of the regularization term in comparison with
T = [ t1 t2 tN ]T (9) the sum-of-squares error term. Note that the sum of
squares of the coefficients typically increases as the
Using this linear prediction model in training, model becomes more complex (or as the order of the
several issues need to be addressed. These issues are polynomial model increases).
discussed below. Another approach to avoid overfitting is to divide
available data into training and validation data sets.
The weight values of a range of models are estimated
4.1.1 Model selection
using the training data, and the prediction perfor-
The first issue is how to determine the order d of mances of the trained models are evaluated using
the polynomial. More generally, this issue is called the validation data. In theory, when the training is
model selection, and it is an issue common to most done properly, the prediction error level for the vali-
of the supervised learning techniques. In general, a dation date should be roughly equivalent to that of
lower-order polynomial gives poor fits to the data the training data. This process can be repeated for an
and does not fully capture the underlying structure increasing order of the model, and the one having the
of the data. As the order increases, the fitness of best predictive performance is selected. Note that the
the model to the data improves. At some point, the use of validation data set is also commonly adopted
polynomial passes exactly through all the data points when an iterative training of the prediction model is
and the error function becomes zero. However, as necessary, such as for neural networks. The predic-
the model order keeps increasing, the fluctuation tion performance for the training and validation data
of the fitted model also increases and the model sets can be evaluated and compared at each iteration
starts fitting the noises rather than the underlying step, and the training can be stopped when the predic-
function. That is, the prediction capability of the fitted tion errors for the validation data start increasing
model deteriorates as the model order increases. This during the iteration. Optionally, a third test set can
behavior is known as overfitting. The behavior of be reserved so that the performance of the selected
10 Signal Processing

model can be finally evaluated after completion of problems for which linear discriminant functions are
training. This process is called early stopping. insufficient, which leads to nonlinear classification
In many applications, the availability of data is methods presented next.
scarce and the accessible data should be taken advan-
tage of as much as possible for training. If the size
of the validation data set is limited, it gives a poor
4.2.2 Neural networks
estimate of predictive performance. One solution to Neural networks, or artificial neural networks (ANN),
this problem is to use cross validation. In cross vali- were developed on the basis of biological neural
dation, the data are partitioned into D groups. Then, networks and classified as two distinct groups,
data only from D 1 groups are used for training and namely, recurrent and feedforward networks, depen-
the remaining data from the remaining group are used ding on whether the form of networks is circled or
to evaluate the predictive capability. This process not, respectively (see Artificial Neural Networks).
is repeated D times for all possible choices of the The most commonly used feedforward network is the
divided training and validation data sets, and the final multilayer perceptron, which consists of the input,
predictive performance is averaged from the D runs. hidden, and output layers with weights that connect
neurons in the layers.
A neural network is trained by using a given
4.2 Examples of supervised learning training data set to minimize a predefined cost func-
techniques tion. This cost function is decided depending on
the task; a popular choice is the mean-squared error
4.2.1 Linear discriminant function
between the given outputs in the training data set
The method using linear discriminant functions div- and the outputs generated from the network. Typi-
ides the given training data sets into the prescribed cally, there is one output node corresponding to each
number of classes of different properties by deter- class, except in a binary classification where there
mining linear separating boundaries. In case of binary is only one output node. The training procedure
classification where the prescribed number of classes with a cost function of mean-squared error consists
is two, i.e., 0 or 1 for undamaged or damaged state of the following steps: (i) to assign initial random
of the structure, respectively, the linear boundary is weights and biases to nodes in the hidden and output
defined as f1 (x) = 0 using equation (11). This linear layers; (ii) to generate outputs through the designed
boundary is called a hyperplane whose unknown networks; (iii) to compare the outputs with the given
parameters such as weight vector w and bias w0 are values in the training data set; (iv) to go back to
estimated through minimizing the training error, for layers to modify the weights and biases if the discrep-
example, the sum-of-squares error. The prediction is ancy is larger than threshold (back-propagation algo-
made for a new data xnew by assigning class C1 if rithm); and (v) to iterate procedures (ii)(iv) until the
f1 (xnew ) > 0 or C2 if f1 (xnew ) < 0. This can be easily network outputs converge.
extended to multiclass cases [23]. When designing neural networks, it is necessary to
decide how many layers and neurons are used. Exces-
f1 (x) = wT x + w0 (11) sive number of layers or neurons causes an overfitting
problem, while insufficient number of them causes an
Instead of using a linear combination, any mono-
underfitting problem. In [25], Bayesian model class
tonic function denoted by g() in equation (12) can
selection was adopted to overcome these problems by
be adopted. This function g() is called an activation
determining the most probable model class based on
function, and a specific choice is the logistic sigmoid
the given data set.
function g(x) = 1/(1 + exp(x)).

f2 (x) = g(wT x + w0 ) (12) 4.2.3 Radial basis function

The separating boundary obtained by equation (12) The Radial basis function (RBF) is a real-valued
is also linear, but it provides the probabilistic inter- function taking the form (x xn ), where ()
pretation on outputs. There are, however, many SHM is a nonlinear function and  is a norm (usually
Statistical Pattern Recognition 11

Euclidean norm). The most commonly used nonlinear is guaranteed to be a global minimum, and usually,
function is the Gaussian, (x) = exp(x2 /(2 2 )), there exists only one such minimum.
where controls the smoothness. The linear sum of Nonlinear separating boundaries can also be com-
M RBFs as shown in equation (13) forms the so- puted by applying the kernel method. This method
called RBF network. enables the same algorithm for the hyperplane eval-
uation to be applied for the nonlinear classifi-

cation problems simply by replacing every dot
f (x) = wi (x ci ) + w0 (13) product with any continuous, symmetric, and posi-
tive definite kernels, k(x, xi ) [26]. The Gaussian
where w, w0 , and ci represent weight vector, bias, kernel k(x, xi ) = exp(x xi 2 /(2 2 )) is one of
and center of the basis functions, respectively, and the frequent choices and the corresponding boundary
M is smaller than the number of training data. has the form
In classification, RBF networks provide the distri-

butions of separate classes instead of estimating sepa- f (x) = i yi k(x, xi ) + 0 = 0 (14)
rating boundaries. This distribution is approximated i=1
by RBF networks as a posterior probability for each
class through Bayes theorem in equation (5) [23]. where i , yi , and 0 are Lagrangian multiplier, class
label, and bias, respectively.
4.2.4 Support vector machine An illustrative example is presented in Figure 4(a).
Classification is performed for 200 randomly gener-
The support vector machine (SVM) is a recently ated data points from two mixtures of two Gaussian
developed state-of-art pattern-recognition method probability density functions (one shown as crosses
[24]. 0SVM determines the separating boundaries and another as dots) using SVM. The circled data
between data of different classes by maximizing the specify support vectors. Only these data play an
margin as well as minimizing the misclassification important role in deciding the separating boundaries.
errors: margin is defined as the distance of the The misclassification rate for SVM classification is
closest point to the hyperplane as shown in Figure 3. 5.5% using 66 support vectors.
The SVM inherently considers regularization via
this margin term to alleviate ill-conditioning, and
the solution is computed by solving a convex 4.2.5 Relevance vector machine
optimization problem. The convex optimization has The relevance vector machine (RVM) is a Bayesian
the advantage that if a local minimum is obtained, it classification methodology using an identical function
form for separating boundary as the SVM described
Hyperplane in equation (15) [27].

f (x) = wi k(x, xi ) + w0 (15)

RVM is known to overcome some of disadvantages

Support vectors of SVM, and a specific prior known as the automatic
relevance determination prior gives a unifying frame-
work to control model complexity, to overcome the
overfitting problem, and to consider regularization as
well [28].
The same dataset previously utilized for SVM
Figure 3. Illustration of SVM as a maximum margin classification is selected to perform RVM classifi-
classifier: SVM algorithm estimates a hyperplane to produce cation and relevance vectors to control a separating
a maximum margin. boundary are circled. As shown in Figure 4(b), RVM
12 Signal Processing

Classification by support vector machine Classification by relevance vector machine

Decision boundary Decision boundary
0.8 SVs
0.8 P+ = 0.8, Po = 0.2

0.6 0.6 P+ = 0.6, Po = 0.4

0.4 0.4 P+ = 0.4, Po = 0.6

P+ = 0.2, Po = 0.8
0.2 0.2
0 0

0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.6
0.8 0.8
1 1
1.2 1.2
0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
(a) x1 (b) x1
Figure 4. Comparison of classification results by SVM (a) and RVM (b) (RVM provides several separating boundaries
according to the corresponding probabilities while SVM yields only one boundary. In Figure 4(b), P+ and Po denote the
probabilities of crosses and dots, respectively. The misclassification rates for SVM and RVM are 5.5% identically but the
number of support vectors and relevant vectors to control the separating boundary is 66 and 4, respectively.)

can provide a probabilistic description on results so result of damage. In reality, structures are subject
that different separating boundaries can be obtained to changing environmental and operational conditions
with the corresponding probabilities. Suppose that the that affect measured signals, and these ambient vari-
crosses and dots in Figure 4 are data extracted from ations of the system can often mask subtle changes
measurements representing undamaged and damaged in the systems response signal caused by damage.
states, respectively. If one wants to decide a sepa- It has been shown that these natural variations of
rating boundary to reduce more critical false-negative the system could lead to false-positive indications of
alarm by imposing higher probabilities to an undam- damage. This might be one of the biggest hurdles for
aged state, for example, probability for undamaged deploying a reliable continuous SHM system to field
state = 0.6, the separating boundary with P+ = 0.6 applications. A procedure to normalize data sets so
and Po = 0.4 in Figure 4(b) can be estimated by that signal changes caused by operational and envi-
RVM. The misclassification rate for RVM classifi- ronmental variations of the system can be separated
cation using the same data set is 5.5% using only from structural changes of interest, such as structural
four relevance vectors. Additional applications in deterioration or degradation is called data normaliza-
SHM and comparison results with SVM are presented tion here. First, reviews of the effects of environ-
in [29]. mental and operational variations on real structures
as reported in literature are presented. Then, research
progresses that have been made in the area of data
5 DATA NORMALIZATION normalization are provided.
Stated in its most basic form, the objective of SHM is Many existing SHM techniques neglect the impor-
to ascertain whether damage is present or not based tant effect of changing environmental and opera-
on measured dynamic or static characteristics of a tional conditions on the underlying structure. For
system to be monitored. Until now, damage diagnosis in-service structures, the variability in dynamic prop-
has been discussed by comparing the data collected erties can be a result of time-varying environmental
from a healthy part of the structure with a new set and operational conditions. Environmental conditions
of data obtained from a potentially damaged part of include wind, temperature, and humidity, while oper-
the system. The basic premise here is that any devi- ational conditions include ambient loading conditions,
ation from the healthy condition of the system is a operational speed, and mass loading. Note that data
Statistical Pattern Recognition 13

normalization materials presented here are mainly natural frequency changes caused by freezing of the
taken from [30]. bridge supports were an order of magnitude larger
than the variation introduced by an artificial saw cut
across the bottom flanges of both girders [35]. In
5.1 Temperature particular, the changing boundary conditions would
impose difficulties on the implementation of SHM
The effects of temperature variability on the measured systems because it is often challenging to directly
dynamic response of structures have been addressed measure the boundary conditions of a structure.
in several studies. It is intuitive that temperature
variation may change the material properties of a
structure. Wood reported that the changes of bridge 5.3 Mass loading
responses were closely related to the structures
temperature based on the vibration test of five bridges Mass loading such as traffic loading would be another
in the United Kingdom [31]. Analyses based on the operational variable that is difficult to precisely
data compiled suggested that the variability of the measure, but might be important for data normal-
asphalt elastic modulus due to temperature effects was ization. The researchers seem to agree that the mass
a major contributor to the changes in the structural loading effect of moving vehicles varies depending
stiffness. Temperature variation not only changes on the vehicles mass relative to the magnitude of the
material stiffness but also alters the boundary condi- bridge. Kim et al. reported that the measured natural
tions of a system. On the basis of a field test frequencies of a 46-m-long simply supported plate
conducted on the Sutton Creek Bridge in Montana, girder bridge decreased by 5.4% because of heavy
USA, Moorty and Roeder reported that the move- traffic [36]. However, for the medium- and long-span
ments obtained from both the analytical model and bridges, changes in the measured natural frequencies
the measured values showed significant expansion due to different types of vehicle loading (heavy vs
of the bridge deck as temperature increased [32]. light) were hardly detectable. Zhang et al. found the
Rohrmann et al. noted that when a bridge structure damping ratios are sensitive to the traffic mass, espe-
was obstructed from expanding or contracting, the cially when the deck vibration exceeded a certain
expansion joints could be closed, significantly altering level [37]. It is believed that damping ratio increases
the boundary conditions [33]. Finally, other studies on because the energy dissipation capacity in the mate-
the influence of temperature variation on in-service rial and at the joint increases at higher traffic loading.
structures have been reported in [30]. In addition, it is speculated that the secondary struc-
turevehicle interaction effects could also influence
the dynamic characteristics of bridge structures.
5.2 Boundary condition
Changes in the structures surroundings or boundary 5.4 Wind-induced vibration
conditions such as thermal expansion can produce
more significant changes in dynamic responses than Wind-induced vibration plays an important role for
damage. Using an analytical model of a cantilever long-span bridges. As a bridge vibrates in the
beam, Cawley compared the effect of crack formation wind, the energy input from the wind-induced vibra-
on the resonant frequency to that of the beams length tion becomes larger than the energy dissipated by
[34]. In this study, the crack was introduced at the damping, causing flutter or buffeting. Fujino and
fixed end of the cantilever beam, and the length of Yoshida observed that the dynamic behavior of cable-
the beam was varied. His results demonstrated that stayed or suspension bridges is amplitude depen-
the resonance frequency change caused by a crack, dent [38]. For instance, the fundamental frequency
which was 2% cut through the depth of the beam, was of a suspension bridge reduced as the wind speed
40 times smaller than that caused by a 2% increase increased.
in the beams length. Alampalli reported that, for a On the other hand, the modal damping increased
6.76 m 5.26 m bridge span that they tested, the when the wind velocity exceeded a certain level.
14 Signal Processing

Mahmoud et al. utilized continuously measured vibr- or operating variability is an issue, there are three
ation data from the Hakucho Suspension Bridge in different situations for data normalization. First, when
Japan to study the dynamic behavior of a suspension direct measurements of the varying environmental or
bridge [39]. It was found that the vertical ampli- operational parameters are available, various kinds
tude of the bridge response was almost a quadratic of regression and interpolation analyses can be
function of the wind speed, and the damping ratio performed to relate measurements relevant to struc-
was dependent on the vibration amplitude. In partic- tural damage and those associated with environmental
ular, the lower natural frequencies were significantly and operation variation of the system [17, 33, 40,
affected by wind speeds. However, the dependency 41]. For example, the dependency of two-dimensional
of mode shapes on the vibration amplitude was features on some environmental variable T can be
mainly observed for higher modes and near the approximated by using regression analysis as shown
tower. in Figure 5(a) when a large set of extracted features
and measured environmental variables are available.
Note that there might be some damage cases that
5.5 Data normalization techniques cannot be distinguished from the undamaged condi-
tions unless the environmental variable is measured:
Because data can be measured under varying condi- for example, the damage case shown in Figure 5(a).
tions, the ability to normalize the data becomes On the other hand, there are situations in which
very important to the SHM process. This section direct measurements of these operational and envi-
contains new technical developments that attempt to ronmental parameters are impractical or difficult
tackle the aforementioned environmental and oper- to achieve and damage produces changes in the
ational issues of SHM. When the environmental extracted features, which are orthogonal to the

Undamaged (T4)
Undamaged (T3)

Undamaged (T2)

Damaged (T1) Change of the feature distribution as a

function of an environmental parameter T

Undamaged (T1)
Need measure of the environmental variable

(a) Two-dimensional feature space

Undamaged (T3) Undamaged (T4)

Undamaged (T2)

Damaged (T2)
Undamaged (T1)
Measurement of the environmental
variable may not be necessary

(b) Two-dimensional feature space

Figure 5. Three conceptional situations exist for data normalization: (a) direct measurements of the varying environmental
or operational parameters are available, (b) direct measurements of these parameters are impractical or difficult to achieve,
but damage produces changes orthogonal to changes caused by the operational and environmental variation, and (c) features
that are mainly sensitive to damage but insensitive to operational and environmental variations can be extracted (not shown
in the figure).
Statistical Pattern Recognition 15

changes caused by the operational and environmental material as well as its electrical characteristics is
variation of the system as shown in Figure 5(b). governed by the polarization direction of the mate-
For this situation, it may be possible to distinguish rial. That is, the sign of the output voltage depends
changes caused by damage from those caused by the on the bending of the PZT with respect to its poling
operational and environmental variation of the system direction.
without measuring the operational and environmental PZTs A and D are collocated on either side of
parameters. Several researchers have tackled this situ- the plate, and PZTs B and C are placed in a similar
ation by implicitly modeling the underlying relation- manner. The arrows in Figure 6(a) show the positive
ship between the environmental variables and the poling direction of each PZT. When the plate is
damage-sensitive features [10, 4244]. Others have in a pristine condition and four identical PZTs are
attempted to divide baseline data sets into subsets, instrumented as shown in Figure 6(a), it is shown
each corresponding to a different operational and that signal AC becomes identical to signal BD as
environmental condition [45, 46]. illustrated in Figure 6(b). Here, signal AC denotes
Finally, there are other researchers who attempt to the response signal measured at PZT C when a
explicitly extract features that are mainly sensitive to toneburst excitation is applied at PZT A, and signal
damage but insensitive to operational and environ- BD is defined in a similar fashion. However, signal
mental variations. In particular, a suite of reference- AC becomes no longer identical to signal BD when
free damage-detection techniques that do not require there is a crack between PZTs A and B (or PZTs
direct comparison with baseline data have been devel- C and D) as shown in Figure 6(c) and (d). Crack
oped to address data normalization [4749]. formation creates Lamb wave mode conversion due
One of the reference-free approaches in [48] to a sudden thickness change in the structure. Note
utilizes the polarization characteristics of the lead that, while the S0 and A0 modes in Figure 6(b) are in-
zirconate titanate (PZT) wafers attached on the both phase, the S0 /A0 and A0 /S0 modes in signals AB and
sides of the structure as shown in Figure 6. PZT CD are fully out-of-phase as shown in Figure 6(d).
materials develop an electrical charge or voltage (S0 , A0 , S0 /A0 , and A0 /S0 are defined in Figure 6.)
when a mechanical pressure is applied. Conversely, Therefore, the modes converted by the crack can
they produce deformation (strain) when exposed to be extracted simply by subtracting signal AC from
an applied electric field. PZTs are crystalline mate- signal BD.
rials that are artificially polarized through a thermal Since this approach relies only on comparison of
poling process. The overall behavior of a piezoelectric two signals instantaneously obtained at the current


A Plate (intact) B BD
S0 A0
(a) An intact plate with four PZT transducers with (b) Comparison of signals AC and BD without
identical polarization directions a crack: the S0 and A0 modes are identical

S0 S0 /A0 A0 /S0 A0

A Plate (damaged) B S0 A0 /S0 S0 /A0 A0
(c) A damaged plate with four PZT transducers (d) Comparison of signals AC and BD with a
with identical polarization directions crack: the S0 /A0 and A0 / S0 modes are out-of-
phase due to the crack
Figure 6. Extraction of the additional Lamb wave modes generated by a crack using the poling directions of the PZT
transducers. (A0 and S0 denote the fundamental symmetric and antisymmetric modes. A0 /S0 denotes an A0 mode converted
from an S0 mode when it passes through a crack. S0 /A0 is defined similarly. Signal AC denotes the response signal measured
at PZT C when the excitation is applied at PZT A. Signal BD is defined similarly.)
16 Signal Processing

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Chapter 32
Artificial Neural Networks
Steve Reed
QinetiQ, Farnborough, UK

and damage detection of structures with minimum

1 Introduction 1 labor involvement. The characteristics of ANNs in
2 ANN Development 2 their ability to learn from experience, generalize from
examples, and identify underlying information from
3 Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
within noisy data mean that they have the potential
Mechanisms 3
to play a leading role in such SHM systems.
4 Multilayer Perceptron 4 Within this article, the development of ANNs
5 Radial Basis Functions 7 and the basic principles behind their functionality,
6 Autoassociative Networks 8 training, and deployment are described. Emphasis
7 Self-organizing Systems 8 is placed upon the multilayer perceptron (MLP),
8 Learning Vector Quantization 9 both as the workhorse of ANN methods and
as a vehicle for describing the principles behind
9 Probabilistic Neural Networks 9
these methods; however, other frequently used
10 Dynamic Neural Networks 9 techniques, including radial basis functions (RBFs)
11 Adaptive and Nonadaptive Systems 10 and self-organizing feature maps (SOFMs), are
12 Applications 10 also detailed. Additionally, the application of ANN
References 12 techniques, including examples of parameter-based
structural usage models and damage detection
methods using ANNs, are presented. The use of
ANN techniques in novelty detection (see Novelty
1 INTRODUCTION Detection), pattern-recognition applications (see
Statistical Pattern Recognition), operational loads
The aim of this article is to describe the development measurement (see Operational Loads Monitoring
and the key elements of artificial neural networks in Military Transport Aircraft and Military
(ANNs) within the context of structural health Derivatives of Civil Aircraft), and fixed-wing
monitoring (SHM). Chang [1] describes the essence fatigue monitoring (see Aerospace Applications
of SHM technology as developing autonomous of SMART Layer Technology) are discussed
systems for the continuous monitoring, inspection, elsewhere. Reference has been made throughout this
article to a wide range of texts. Readers with a desire
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by for further knowledge of ANNs are recommended to
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 investigate [26] as introductory texts and [79] as
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. more seminal works.
2 Signal Processing

Synapse Nucleus
2.1 ANN definition (soma)

There is no universally accepted definition of what Axon

constitutes an ANN. However, a useful definition is
provided by Gurney [2]: Dendrites Direction of
information flow
. . . an interconnected assembly of simple proces-
sing elements, units or nodes, whose functionality is
Figure 1. Illustration of a biological neuron.
loosely based on the animal neuron. The processing
ability of the network is stored in the interunit
connection strengths, or weights, obtained by a Inputs Neuron fires if,
process of adaptation to, or learning from, a set of X1 Weights
training patterns. w i xi > b
W1 i =1
X2 Threshold = b
2.2 Biological inspiration
The origins of ANNs lie primarily in the world of
cognitive science. The human brain is an extremely Wn
complex system, capable of remembering, thinking, Xn
and problem solving. The neuron is the fundamental
Figure 2. Representation of a simple McCullochPitts
unit of the brain and receives and combines signals Neuron.
along input paths (dendrites) from other neurons.
If the combined signal is sufficiently strong, the otherwise it was inhibitory. All excitatory connections
neuron fires and an output is transmitted via the into a neuron had the same weight. Furthermore, each
axon to other neurons. Any signal entering a neuron neuron had a fixed threshold, and if the net input was
passes through a synaptic junction. This is a minute greater than the threshold, it fired. Also, it took one
gap in the dendrite, filled with neurotransmitter fluid time step for a signal to pass over one connection
that accelerates or retards the electrical flow [2]. link. As a single layer, the McCullochPitts neuron
Adjustment to the impedance of the synaptic gap is was only able to solve linearly separable problems.
a critical process linked with memory and learning. However, McCullochPitts neurons are still used
Increasing the synaptic strengths allows the brain to widely in logic circuits today.
learn or retain information (Figure 1).

2.4 Hebbs learning rule

2.3 McCulloch and Pitts neuron
In the late 1940s, Hebb [11] developed the first
While the inspiration may be biological, the devel- learning rule for ANNs. Hebb stated that if two
opment of ANNs has blossomed with the advances neurons were active simultaneously, then the strength
made in computing. The origins of ANNs are gener- of the connection between them should be increased.
ally traced back to the work of McCulloch and Pitts Hebbs rule was adapted by later researchers to allow
[10]. They recognized that combining together many it to be used in computer simulations.
simple neurons was a potential source of increased
computational power. The activation of their neuron
was binary and it either fired (activation of 1) or did 2.5 Rosenblatts perceptron
not fire (activation of 0) (Figure 2).
McCullochPitts neurons were connected to other In the early 1960s, the McCullochPitts neuron was
neurons by directed weighted paths. A connecting developed further by Rosenblatt [12]. Rosenblatts
path excited the connection if the weight was positive; perceptron networks were composed of an input
Artificial Neural Networks 3

layer (retina), a hidden layer (associative layer), content-addressable memory system. Hopfield consi-
and an output layer (decision layer). Rosenblatts dered the output of the neurons as dynamical states
perceptron learning rule used a supervised iterative and identified that a network could be used to store
weight adjustment that used a learning coefficient, patterns that were the stable states of the network. A
a more powerful form of the Hebb rule. Rosenblatt pattern can be retrieved from the network using only
avoided the credit-assignment problem (i.e., how to a subset of the pure pattern. Hopfield is also largely
update the weights between the input and hidden credited with reviving interest in neural network
layers) by only allowing the connections between research.
the decision nodes and the associative nodes to be
adjusted. The connections between the inputs and
hidden (associative) layer were fixed before learning 2.7 Development of the multilayer
commenced (Figure 3). perceptron
The early successes with perceptrons led to enthu-
The development of the MLP is generally attributed
siastic claims [6]. However, the problem was that
to Rumelhart and McClelland [7]. Interestingly, the
the size of the network grew exponentially with the
backpropagation learning algorithm (or the general-
increased dimensions of the problem. Methods were
ized delta rule), the method of solving the credit-
developed to address this issue with restricted connec-
assignment problem, was outlined independently by
tions between nodes, referred to as diameter-limited
Werbos in his 1974 doctoral thesis (published as
perceptrons. Then, in the late 1960s, Minsky and
[15]). Elsewhere in the literature, the independent
Papert [13] published a rigorous investigation into
development of the backpropagation method is also
the capabilities of perceptrons and concluded that
attributed to Parker [16] and LeCun [17].
they were of limited use. Possible solutions proposed
included the use of several hidden layers within the
perceptron but this approach failed over the credit- 3 SUPERVISED AND
assignment problem that Rosenblatt had avoided. The
result of Minsky and Paperts book was that nearly all UNSUPERVISED LEARNING
ANN research was abandoned until Hopfields paper MECHANISMS
[14] led to a rekindling of interest.
3.1 Supervised learning

2.6 Hopfields network ANNs can be subdivided by the methods they use to
learn relationships. In supervised learning methods,
Hopfield [14] used a fully connected recurrent the ANN is presented with inputs and examples
network of McCullochPitts neurons to create a of the required outputs, or targets. The inputs are
multiplied by weights and biases, which are adjusted
Retina Associative Decision by iteration to reduce an error function. This error
layer layer layer function is based upon the difference between the
desired output and that predicted by the network. The
concept is simple but the complexity is in the training
algorithm that is required to converge the training
to a minimum-error solution efficiently. Well-known
examples of supervised learning ANNs include the
Inputs MLP and RBF. Supervised learning is illustrated in
Figure 4.

3.2 Unsupervised learning

Fixed Adjustable
weights weights Unsupervised learning allows the network to deter-
Figure 3. Rosenblatts perceptron. mine the characteristic relationships within the data
4 Signal Processing

Target 4.2 Hidden layer activation functions

An MLP is a feed-forward network and the hidden
layer contains a number of neurons that receive
Artificial Output weighted data from each input node and pass it
Input Compare
neural to the next layer node, via the activation function.
network The function of each of these nonlinear activation
Adjust functions is akin to a mechanical nonlinear gearbox.
weights The relationship between the input and output is
nonlinear but constant. In the network illustrated
Figure 4. Supervised learning schematic for an ANN. in Figure 5, logistic sigmoid functions are used.
Other shaped functions can be used as long as they
without reference to target examples. Information are continuous, differentiable, monotonically nonde-
about the characteristic features of input data is creasing functions. Being able to differentiate the
created during the learning process and stored in activation function is the key element that sepa-
the weights. Output signals describe relationships rates an MLP from previous developments and the
between the current input signals and the weight backpropagation of the error (solving the credit-
vectors. Well-known unsupervised techniques include assignment problem) is dependent upon this facet.
SOFMs and learning vector quantization (LVQ) Consequently, hard-limit functions cannot be used in
(incorporating both unsupervised and supervised an MLP.

4.3 Output layer

4 MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON Data from each neuron in the final hidden layer are
passed to the output layer. Here the output layer is a
4.1 Weights and biases logistic sigmoid function (range 01), again with a
bias. However, simple linear summation, again with
A simplified schematic of an MLP is illustrated in a bias, is often used for an output without range
Figure 5. The normalized inputs are each linked to restriction. The outputs of the two-layer network,
the hidden layer neurons by a weight vector (w) and illustrated in Figure 5, with both layers using logistic
a bias vector (b) is applied to each neuron. These sigmoid activation functions would be calculated by
weights and biases can be thought of as analogous to using equation (1):
the equation used in linear regression (y = mx + c).
The weight can be considered as the gradient (m) and  
y = logistic w2
the bias as the intercept (c). The network in Figure 5
has been illustrated with one output node; however,    
logistic (w1 x + b1 ) + b2 (1)
many output nodes can be used if required.

where, y is the output matrix, logistic describes the

b1 logistic sigmoid activation function (equation 2), x is
W11 bout the input matrix, w1 is the first-layer weight matrix,
12 w2 is the second-layer weight matrix, b1 is the first-
W layer bias vector, and b2 is the second-layer bias
Wm W n2 vector.
4.4 Activation function derivatives
Input layer Hidden layer Output layer
(m nodes) (n nodes) (1 node) (as illustrated) As already discussed, being able to differentiate
Figure 5. Schematic of simplified MLPANN. the activation function is the key element of the
Artificial Neural Networks 5

MLP and the importance of this becomes clear in is usually based upon the difference between the
the following sections. The activation functions and desired output (target) and that predicted by the ANN,
derivatives of the most widely used logistic sigmoid, sometimes with the addition of a regularization term
tangent sigmoid, and linear functions are detailed in to prevent weights from growing too large. Training
equations (24): the ANN can best be visualized by using a simplified
two-dimensional error surface, illustrated in Figure 7.
Logistic sigmoid
Here the aim is to reach the global minimum value in
  1 the error surface without getting stuck in local minima
opj = f net pj = or saddle points.
1 + eknet
    There is insufficient space here to show the
f  net pj = kopj 1 opj (2) derivation of the backpropagation algorithm and
hence the solution is merely stated using the nota-
Tangent sigmoid tion reproduced by Beale and Jackson [3]. Firstly,
  eknet eknet the network output from the initialized weights and
opj = f net pj = knet input values is calculated and compared with the
e + eknet desired output. Then the weights are adjusted starting
f  net pj = k 1 opj
(3) from the output layer and working backward using
equation (5):
  wij (t + 1) = wij (t) + pj opj (5)
opj = f net pj = net pj
  where wij (t) represents the weights from node i to
f  net pj = 1 (4) node j at time t, is the learning rate (01), which is

where wij is the output from pattern p at node j, f

is the internal activation, k is the slope parameter, Local minima Key:
and net pj = wij opj , where opj is the weight from
Start training Successful training
node i to j. This formulation for the derivatives makes Saddle
the computation of the gradient more efficient since points
the output has already been calculated in the forward
pass. Plots of the logistic sigmoid function and its
derivative, used in the MLP illustrated in Figure 5,

are produced in Figure 6. training

4.5 Backpropagation training algorithm error surface
Global minimum
The aim of the training algorithm is to reduce the
error function to a minimum. This error function Figure 7. Simplified schematic of error surface.

Logistic function Derivative of logistic function

1 0.25
0.8 0.2
0.6 0.15
0.4 0.1
0.2 0.05
0 0
5 0 5 5 0 5
Figure 6. Logistic activation function and derivative.
6 Signal Processing

effectively a gain term, pj is an error term for pattern a momentum term modifies equation (5) to produce
p on node j and opj is the output from pattern p at equation (10):
node j. For the output units the error term is expressed
by equation (6): wij (t + 1) = wij (t) + pj opj + wij (t) (10)

pj = f  (net pj )(tpj opj ) (6) where is the momentum coefficient and 0 1.

Other heuristic methods for improving the perfor-
For a logistic sigmoid activation function (equa- mance of MLPs with the backpropagation algorithm
tion 2), this would be represented by equation (7): are described in the literature [6, 8, 9, 18, 19]; many
of these are attributed to Jacobs [20] or seek to
pj = kopj (1 opj )(tpj opj ) (7) address the limitations identified by Jacobs and are
based around adaptation of learning.
For the hidden units, the error term is expressed by
equation (8):
 4.7 Second-order training algorithms
pj = fj (net pj ) pk wjk (8)
Although these developments, which are largely
heuristic, have been shown to improve the speed
where the sum is over the k nodes in the layer of convergence, it is reported that the information
above node j. Again, for a logistic sigmoid activation provided by the first-order local error gradient can
function this would be represented by equation (9): sometimes be an oversimplification of an often highly
 complex error surface [8]. Higher-order information
pj = kopj (1 opj ) pk wjk (9) may be required to produce significant improvements
k in the convergence performance of the MLP [9]. Here
the problem becomes one of numerical optimiza-
The importance of being able to calculate the deri- tion and the main methods used are based around
vatives of the activation functions (equations 24) is conjugate gradient methods and quasi-Newtonian
now evident. Using these relationships, the network methods.
can either be trained in batch mode, where the weight In the conjugate gradient algorithms, a search is
updates are calculated after the entire training data performed along conjugate (i.e., not interfering with
set has passed through the network, or in sequential each other) directions. For most conjugate gradient
mode, where weight updates are carried out after the algorithms, the length of weight update, or step size,
presentation of each training example. is adjusted after each iteration of the algorithm. The
initial step is taken in the steepest descent direc-
tion. Then a line search is performed to determine
4.6 Improvements to the the optimum distance to move along the current
backpropagation algorithm search direction. The next search direction is then
determined so that it is conjugate to previous search
There is a plethora of methods in the literature for directions. The general procedure for determining the
improving the performance of the backpropagation new search direction is to combine the new steepest
algorithm. The addition of a momentum term is descent direction with the previous search direction
widely referenced; this allows previous updates to [8]. The various versions of the conjugate gradient
persist for a period of time. Hence, a large change method are distinguished by the way they calculate
of weights will occur if the changes are large and the step size and the step direction [18, 21].
these will decrease as the changes become smaller. The basis of Newtonian methods is that the change
This means that the network is less likely to get with the next step of the algorithm is equal to
stuck in local minima early in the training, as the the product of the gradient of the error surface
momentum will push the changes over local increases and the inverse Hessian matrix [9], where the
in the error (or energy) function [8]. The inclusion of Hessian matrix is the second derivative of the error
Artificial Neural Networks 7

surface. However, calculation of the inverse Hessian and relatively small networks are used, the risk is
matrix is extremely computationally expensive for often small [8].
large networks, and, in many cases, it may not be
computable (as the Hessian must be nonsingular and
positive definitive). Hence, in quasi-Newtonian (or 4.9 Use of training, test, and validation
secant) methods, an estimate of the Hessian matrix data sets
is calculated at each iteration of the algorithm, using
the error surface gradient information. This estima- Data are divided into training, test, and validation
tion reduces the computational effort significantly sets. Training data are used to optimize the weights
and eliminates the risk of the inverse Hessian being and biases within the model. The statistically similar
incomputable [8]. test data are used to ensure the solution is not overfit-
Alternative approaches have also been suggested. ting to the training data (good generalization). There-
These include the methods developed by MacKay after, the validation data are used for independent
[22]. In this method, a Bayesian framework is estab- assessment of the performance of the model and to
lished and the weights and biases of the ANN are identify solution confidence limits.
assumed to be random variables with specific distri-
butions. The regularization parameters are related to
the unknown variances associated with these distri- 5 RADIAL BASIS FUNCTIONS
butions. Estimates of these parameters are produced
using statistical techniques during training. Whereas the MLP applies a method of optimization
by adjusting weights to vary the network response,
the RBF is more of a curve-fitting approximation
4.8 Limitations of MLP with in high-dimensional space. The learning procedure
backpropagation training involves finding a surface in multidimensional space
that best approximates the training data. Considering
Although the network training may have arrived at the structure of a neural network in this case, the
a local minimum value, there is no guarantee that hidden units provide a set of functions that provide
it is the absolute or global minimum (Figure 7). an arbitrary basis for the input patterns when they
Consequently, the literature is brimming with detail are expanded into the hidden-unit space. Hence these
on the risks of training halting in local minima functions are termed radial basis functions.
and methods to avoid this, although, in practice, In its most basic form, the RBF network consists
by training a reasonably large number of models of three entirely different layersthe input layer
and with the use of the large data sets typical of made up of source nodes (sensory units), the hidden
SHM applications, the risk of training halting in local layer (which serves a different purpose from that
minima is often found to be small [23]. in an MLP), and the output layer (which supplies
Another curse of the MLP is overfitting. This the response of the network). A schematic of an
occurs when the ANN no longer represents the RBF network is shown in Figure 8. As for the MLP,
underlying relationships in the data. The implication the function contained within the RBF units can
is that the ANN maps well the relationships within be varied. For example, these functions could be
the training data, but fails to produce similar results Gaussian, multiquadratic, inverse multiquadratic, thin
on previously unseen data and fails to produce a plate spline, or r4 log r functions [9, 25].
generalized solution. This was illustrated by the now The function of an RBF net can be under-
famous ANN tank detection photographic software stood directly by considering each of the nodes in
that turned out to be a weather forecaster [24]. The the hidden layer. Each one contributes a hump,
literature is full of cautionary examples of the risks of possibly Gaussian, in n dimensions. This hump is
overfitting and how to avoid it, such as early stopping weighted before being blended with others in the
(or test-error activation) techniques, regularization, or network at the output. Therefore, quite complex deci-
the addition of noise. In practice, the risk is very sion regions may be built up from relatively few
problem dependent, and where large training data sets nodes. An example is illustrated in Figure 9.
8 Signal Processing

B RBF networks play very similar roles in that they

N1 both provide techniques for approximating nonlinear
relationships and both are feed-forward networks.
They are also the most common forms of supervised
P2 networks in use.

(P) B An autoassociative network is a modified MLP
whereby the network is trained to predict the inputs.
However, the number of neurons in the hidden layer
Radial basis Output or layers is significantly less than the number of
neurons (N)
inputs (Figure 10in this case, Ny  Px = Mx).
Figure 8. Example radial basis function network. Hence, the network is forced to learn the key under-
lying relationships within the data.
Weighted sum of radial basis transfer functions When used as a data novelty detector [26] (see
1.4 Novelty Detection), new input data are presented
Combination of radial basis functions to this network and the inputs are predicted using
the trained network. If the error in the prediction is
significantly larger than the error seen in training, then
0.8 this indicates that the new input data are outside of the
experience of the network and are hence novel data.



In self-organized or unsupervised learning, the pur-
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
pose of the algorithm is to discover significant
Figure 9. Creation of complex function from Gaussian patterns in the input data without a target set. To
achieve this, the algorithm applies rules of a local
nature, meaning that changes applied to a neuron, in
Training an RBF can be considerably faster than terms of weight variance, are confined to its imme-
training MLP networks. The process usually consists diate neighborhood.
of a two-stage training procedure. In the first stage, A class of ANNs called self-organizing feature
the parameters governing the basis functions are maps is based on this premise. These apply compet-
determined using relatively fast, unsupervised me- itive learning, where the output neurons compete
thods, i.e., without reference to target data. The amongst themselves to be activated or fired. In an
second stage of the training then involves the deter- SOFM, neurons are placed at the nodes of a lattice
mination of the final layer weights, which requires that is one or two dimensional and these become
the solution of a linear problem and is therefore tuned to various input patterns. These tuned neuron
also fast. A set of vectors is applied to represent locations tend to become ordered in such a way that
the input data, usually by minimizing the Euclidean a meaningful coordinate system for different features
distance. A set of weights is then simply adjusted is created over the lattice. Hence, an SOFM is char-
to combine these vectors to represent the target. The acterized by the formation of a topographic map in
Euclidean distance function is sometimes referred to which the spatial locations of the neurons correspond
as the radial distance and is the magnitude of the to intrinsic features of the input patterns.
difference between the input vector and the locations One of the most well known SOFMs is the process
of the centers of the radial functions. MLP and developed by Kohonen [27]. The principal goal of
Artificial Neural Networks 9

P1 B M1

P2 Purelin

Tansig M2
N2 B Purelin
Px B Purelin
Input B
nodes Mx
B B Purelin

Hidden layer of Output

neurons (N) layer
Figure 10. Schematic of an autoassociative network.

the Kohonen SOFM algorithm is to transform an input (feature) vector is used to identify a category
incoming signal pattern of arbitrary dimension into and the network classifiers are trained by being
a 1D or 2D discrete map. shown data of known classifications. The PNN uses
these training data to develop distributions that are
used to estimate the likelihood of a feature vector
8 LEARNING VECTOR being within several given categories. Ideally, this
is combined with a priori knowledge such as the
QUANTIZATION relative frequency of each category.
An LVQ combines supervised and unsupervised
learning methods. The unsupervised competitive layer
classifies the input data into a predetermined number
of subclasses in the input multidimensional space. NETWORKS
This activity is unsupervised, and the mapping is a
Dynamic neural networks include an element of
result of the inherent clustering in the input data.
memory that allows the ANN to exhibit temporal
Thereafter, these subclasses are mapped to the target
behavior that is dependent not only on present inputs
classes, using a supervised learning algorithm. LVQ is
but also on prior inputs. There are two major classes
a nearest-neighbor classification method that has been
of dynamic networks: recurrent neural networks
studied extensively in the field of pattern recognition
(RNNs) and time delayed neural networks (TDNNs).
[27]. Figure 11 is a simplified schematic of an LVQ.

10.1 Recurrent neural networks

NETWORKS RNNs contain internal time delayed feedback connec-
tions. The two most common designs are the Elman
The probabilistic neural network (PNN) [28] is a network [29] and the Jordan network [30]. In an
Bayesian classifier contained within an ANN [5]. An Elman network, the hidden-layer outputs are fed back
10 Signal Processing

Class 1

Class 2

Input nodes Competitive

Unsupervised Supervised
Figure 11. Simplified learning vector quantization example.

through a one-step delay to dummy input nodes. The currently, certification of such a mechanism for a
Elman network can learn temporal patterns as well as safety-related application, such as an aircraft SHM
spatial patterns because it can store information. The system, would be most unlikely [31].
Jordan network is a recurrent architecture similar to
the Elman network, but it feeds back the output layer
rather than the hidden layer. RNN are more difficult 12 APPLICATIONS
to train than conventional networks because of the
feedback connections. ANNs can provide solutions to a variety of SHM-
related problems including regression (mapping),
classification, detection (abnormality), and autoasso-
10.2 Time delay neural networks ciation (reconstruction). This section contains some
examples of the application of ANN technology
TDNNs can learn temporal behavior by using both within SHM systems.
present inputs and past inputs by simply delaying
the input signal. The ANN is usually based upon a
standard MLP, but it can also be an RBF, a PNN, or
12.1 Parametric-based aircraft structural
any other feed-forward network architecture. Since loads and usage prediction
the TDNN has no feedback terms, it is easily trained
Several researchers in the aeronautical arena have
with standard training algorithms [5].
published work using ANNs and similar mathemat-
ical techniques to predict stresses/strains or loads
from flight parameters, to identify loading actions,
11 ADAPTIVE AND or to supplement sparse flight test data. Smiths
NONADAPTIVE SYSTEMS Aerospace are leading exponents of these techniques
and Azzam et al. [3234] and Wallace et al. [35]
Adaptive prediction methods continue to train when have described the use of a mathematical network
it is in service, whereas for nonadaptive methods, the to predict stresses/strains or loads in a coopera-
weight and bias coefficients are fixed after training. tive work program involving Smiths Aerospace, the
Without formal control over the training data set, UK Ministry of Defence, and BAE SYSTEMS.
Artificial Neural Networks 11

Successes reported included excellent correlation Recent papers have illustrated the spread of this
between measured strains and strains predicted from technology with the development of MLPANN
flight parameters. Cumulative fatigue damages from parameter-based fatigue monitoring systems proposed
the predicted strains were reported as being within for the Airbus A330-MRTT (Multi Role Tanker
3.6% of those calculated from measured strains for Transport) [39] and the Boeing F-18 combat aircraft,
two wing locations, the fin, and taileron of the operated by the Finnish Air Force [40]. Other
Tornado combat aircraft. These results were obtained researchers have explored the use of this technology
from more than 1000 sorties, relating to data spread in discrete fields: the synthesis of helicopter loads
over 15 years of recording. Azzam [33] also described was described by Hill et al. [41], in which a back-
the development of methods to predict damage in propagation ANN was used to synthesize strain and
helicopter components and the prediction of high-
fatigue damage in several Lynx helicopter compo-
frequency events, or rare events as they termed them,
nents. Manry and coauthors [42] also applied ANN to
such as buffet loading on the fin of a fixed-wing
flight load synthesis, using Bell helicopter data. The
prediction of strains in the empennage of a Cessna
Reed and Cole [36] and Reed [23, 37, 38] reported
the development of ANN-based fatigue monitors 172P General Aviation aircraft during discrete maneu-
predicting strain from flight parameters for a wide vers, using a backpropagation ANN, was reported by
range of fatigue critical locations for combat, trans- Kim and Marciniak [43]. Additionally, Jacobs and
port, and trainer aircraft under both maneuver and Perez [44] used a hybrid cascade ANN to augment
buffet loading. An example plot comparing a meas- sparse buffet data by predicting the power spectral
ured strain time history with a predicted strain time densities of surface pressures on the vertical tail
history is presented in Figure 12. Fatigue damage of a fighter aircraft, from parametric data. Finally,
calculated from predicted strains was within 6% of Levinski [45] used ANN technology to synthesize
that calculated from the measured strains from unseen loads on the vertical tail of an F/A-18 aircraft, using
data. wind tunnel pressure data.

Target strain
4000 Predicted strain
Microstrain ( )

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Data points 104
4000 R = 0.994
Predicted strain ( )

Microstrain ( )

3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
Target 1000
8.9 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 5000 0 5000
Data points 10 4 Target strain ( )

Figure 12. Example wing strain prediction for a trainer aircraft.

12 Signal Processing

12.2 Damage detection in structures this SHM system were the collection of the training
data and the generation of the optimum MLP network.
There are a great many papers in the literature Compared with these, the time spent in investigating
describing programs to develop or improve damage the sensor network with Lamb waves and generating
detection methods in both metallic and composite the MLP response was considered negligible. Hence,
structures [46]. Advances in ultrasonic techniques, in they concluded that such a system could be effectively
particular, promise significant steps forward in this used for real-time SHM applications.
field [47]. ANN techniques are used within many of
these techniques, primarily undertaking signal condi-
tioning roles (see Statistical Pattern Recognition; REFERENCES
Novelty Detection; Data Fusion of Multiple Signals
[1] Chang F-K. Structural health monitoring 2000. In
from the Sensor Network).
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
For example, Lopes et al. [48] describe a nonmodel Structural Health Monitoring, ISBN 1-56676-881-0,
technique used to detect and locate structural damage Chang F-K (ed). Stanford University: Stanford, CA,
using ANN. The method used piezoelectric sensors 1999.
and actuators (see Piezoelectricity Principles and [2] Gurney K. An Introduction to Neural Networks,
Materials; Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors; ISBN 1-85728-503-4, First Edition. Routledge:
Piezoelectric Paint Sensors for Ultrasonics-based London, 1997.
Damage Detection) with high-frequency structural
[3] Beale R, Jackson T. Neural Computing: An Intro-
excitation (typically >30 kHz) to detect changes in duction, ISBN 0-85274-262-2. Institute of Physics
structural point impedance caused by the presence Publishing: Bristol, 1990.
of damage. The impedance-based technique was
[4] Callan R. The Essence of Neural Networks: From the
very sensitive to minor changes in the near field Essence of Computing Series, ISBN 0-13-908732X.
of the piezoelectric sensor. However, owing to Pearson Education: Essex, 1999.
the difficulties in developing analytical models at
[5] Tsoukalas LH, Uhrig RE. Fuzzy and Neural Appro-
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aches in Engineering, ISBN 0-471-16003-2. John
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the damage. Therefore, a method was developed 0-13-334186-0. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
to combine the impedance-based technique with 1994.
ANN. Two MLPANNs were used to detect, locate,
[7] Rumelhart DE, McClelland JL. Parallel Distributed
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was used here as a way of preprocessing experimental ideas imminent in nervous activity. The Bulletin of
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Chapter 37
Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from the
Sensor Network

Zhongqing Su1 , Xiaoming Wang2 and Lin Ye3

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon,
Hong Kong, China
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,

model that enables us to infer damage parame-

1 Introduction 1 ters based on extracted signal features. Such an
2 Data Fusion Architecture 2 inferential procedure is data fusion. Literately, data
3 Data Fusion Algorithms 3 fusion is a multilevel and multifaceted process of
combining multiple features extracted from a multi-
4 Examples of Data Fusion for SHM 5
tude of spatially distributed independent sources,
5 Concluding Remarks 11
so as to provide capabilities in automatic detection,
Acknowledgments 11 classification, and identification [1]. An appropriate
References 11 data fusion can provide a pathway to quantitatively
describe a damage event (appearance, location, and
severity) and further evaluate the health status of the
structure under inspection.
1 INTRODUCTION Implied by the definition, extracting appropriate
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is somewhat like signal features is the prerequisite for correct data
detective work to catch the criminal the damage fusion. Though application specific, the basic prin-
to a structure. We capture in-field signals using ciple in extracting signal features for data fusion is
a sensor or sensor network, canvas signals with to select those that are most sensitive to the occur-
appropriate processing tools, and propose a suitable rence and alteration of structural health status. There
are other relevant articles on this topic in this ency-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by clopedia (see Signal Processing for Damage Detec-
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 tion; Nonlinear Features for SHM Applications;
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. Novelty Detection).
2 Signal Processing

2 DATA FUSION ARCHITECTURE uncertainty, imprecision, and/or incompleteness,

thereby eroding confidence in the evaluation results.
A single sensor performing local data acquisition A number of spatially distributed sensors form a
may easily fail to provide sufficient information sensor network by communicating with each other
concerning structural health status because of or through a centralized controller, to render the

Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor N

Preprocessing Preprocessing Preprocessing

Feature Feature Feature

extraction extraction extraction

Pattern Pattern Pattern

recognition recognition recognition

Information Data fusion


Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor N

Preprocessing Preprocessing Preprocessing

Feature extraction


Data fusion


Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor N

Preprocessing Preprocessing Preprocessing

Feature Feature Feature

extraction extraction extraction

Pattern recognition

Data fusion

Figure 1. Major data fusion strategies: (a) independent sensor architecture; (b) centralized fusion architecture; and
(c) decentralized fusion architecture [3].
Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from the Sensor Network 3

possibility of aggregating and fusing all captured 3 DATA FUSION ALGORITHMS

information. Basically, data fusion amalgamates
redundant or/and complementary data from a Data fusion is implemented through a specific algo-
multitude of sensors with the objective of making rithm. A popular taxonomy for major data fusion
a robust and reliable decision. In general, the algorithms currently available is displayed in Figure 2
currently prevailing data fusion approaches for [1], including mainly physical models, feature-based
damage identification use one of three architectures, inference techniques, and cognitive-based models.
which are collated in Figure 1. The independent In particular, the feature-based inference plays a
sensor architecture is the simplest scheme, where dominating role and is widely adopted by the
each sensor extracts signal features and carries SHM community. It performs classification and
out recognition independently; the centralized fusion identification by mapping data (such as statistical
architecture is used to fuse the information from knowledge about an object or recognition of an
data preprocessing and then extract features for object) into a declaration of identity, using either
future pattern recognition; and the decentralized parametric techniques or information theoretic tech-
fusion architecture executes feature extraction and niques. Parametric techniques directly map para-
selection for each sensor independently, and then metric data (such as signal features) into a decla-
the data are fused at the pattern recognition level to ration of identity, independent of a physical model.
deliver a posterior recognition. In practice, various Some representative approaches under this cate-
combinations of these three architectures such as the gory are classical inference, Bayesian inference (BI ),
Waterfall and Omnibus strategies [2] are possible for DempsterShafer inference, and generalized evidence
different number of sensors. processing. On the other hand, information theoretic

Detection, classification,
and identification algorithm

Physical Feature-based Cognitive-

models inference based models Logical
techniques templates

(Kalman filtering, Knowledge-
maximum likelihood, based systems
least squares)
Parametric Fuzzy set
Syntactic theoretic

Classical Parametric Cluster

inference templates algorithms

Artificial neural Figures of

Dempster- network merit
Voting Pattern
methods recognition

Entropy Correlation
measures measures

Figure 2. Taxonomy of detection, classification, and identification algorithms for data fusion [1].
4 Signal Processing

Table 1. Comparison of major algorithms of detection, classification, and identification for data fusion
Algorithm Attributes
Classical inference CI, based on a multitude of observations from different sources, gives the
(CI) probability that an observation can be attributed to the presence of an object or
event, given an assumed hypothesis. The major disadvantages of the algorithm
include the difficulty in obtaining the probability density function that describes
the observable used to classify the object, and complexities that arise when
multivariate data are encountered. It has limitation in assessing multiple
hypotheses and inability to take direct advantage of a prior likelihood
probabilities. Examples can be referred to in [1].
Parametric techniques

Bayesian inference BI is a probability-based data fusion discipline. It uses prior knowledge to estimate
(BI) and update the conditional posterior probability of a hypothesis or identify an
event when given supporting evidence. As evidence accumulates, the degree of
belief in the hypothesis becomes high or low, and it persistently modifies the
perceptions when additional information becomes available. The hypothesis is
accepted as true with a very high degree of belief or rejected as false when the
degree of belief goes very low. Such a fusion algorithm can be used to assess
more than two hypotheses. Its major disadvantages include the difficulty in
defining prior probability functions, complexities when there are multiple
potential hypotheses, mutual exclusivity required of competing hypotheses, and
inability to account for general uncertainty. Examples can be referred to in [1, 4].
DempsterShafer DSM was developed under the theory of evidence, to deal with the degree of belief
method (DSM) extracted from multiple evidence sources. Such a rule may represent both
uncertainties and imprecision. The degree of belief on a hypothesis is described
by a mass function. The fusion process takes a union of the mass of all similar
beliefs among sensors through conjunction, also considering information conflict.
The major disadvantages of the algorithm include the need to define the
processes in each sensor that assign mass functions representing the degree of
beliefs for a hypothesis. Examples can be referred to in [1, 3, 4].
Information theoretic techniques

Parametric In this algorithm, multisensor data acquired over a period of time and multisource
templates (PT) information are matched with preselected scenarios, models, or knowledge to
determine if the observations contain evidence to identify an entity. The
algorithm can be applied to event detection, situation assessment, and single
object identification. Examples can be referred to in [1, 5].
Artificial neural ANN is a mathematical model or computational model based on biological neural
network (ANN) networks, which is trained to map input data into selected output categories. The
transformation of the input data into output classifications is performed by
artificial neurons that attempt to emulate processes that occur in biological
nervous systems. By fusing data from a multitude of sources, such an algorithm
can be used to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs or to
find patterns in data. Examples can be referred to in [3, 6, 7].
Cluster algorithm CA groups data into natural sets or clusters that are interpreted by an analyst to see
(CA) if they represent a meaningful object category with similar characteristics or
natures. All CAs need a similarity measure that described the closeness between
any two feature vectors. A CA basically includes steps of sample selection,
definition of features, computation of similarities among the data, use of a cluster
analysis method to create groups of similar entities, and validation of resulting
cluster solution. Examples can be referred to in [1].
Voting method VM fuses information from multiple sensors by weighting each sensors belief as a
(VM) vote to reach overall decision. The weight for each vote may be subjective.
Examples can be referred to in [1, 4].
Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from the Sensor Network 5

Table 1. (continued )
Algorithm Attributes
Entropy measuring EM measures the importance of an event by its probability of occurrence.
(EM) Frequently occurring events or data are of low value while rare events or data
are of higher values. By fusing all available information, EM can be used to
measure the similarity of an event with regard to other similar events. Examples
can be referred to in [1].
Figures of merit FoM is metrics derived from plausible or heuristic arguments that aid in
(FoM) establishing a degree of association between observations and object identity. It
is often used to quantitatively characterize the probability of occurrence of an
event or similarity with regard to other similar events, by fusing information
concerning several variables. For damage identification, FoM is often used to
indicate the probability that a damage event occurs, where, when FoM exceeds a
critical value, damage is suspected. Examples can be referred to in
[1, 8].
Pattern recognition Pattern recognition is the identification of an individual object based on either a
(PR) priori knowledge or on statistical information extracted from a series of patterns
[7], and the term pattern is referred to as an entity to represent an abstract
concept or a physical object. It is a field in the area of machine learning. Since
diverse damage cases can be regarded as patterns that present various symptoms
in a structure, identification of damage falls into the category of pattern
recognition. Statistical and syntactic methods are two major implementations of
pattern recognition. Statistical modeling is based on the statistical
characterizations of patterns, generated by a probabilistic system using statistical
density functions; syntactic recognition classifies data based on structural
interrelationships of features and is not commonly used for damage
identification. Examples can be referred to in [7].
Correlation In probability theory and statistics, correlation indicates the strength and direction
measures (CMs) of a linear relationship between two random variables. In general statistical
usage, correlation reflects the independence of two variables. CMs can be used
for detection, classification, and identification. Examples can be referred to in
[3, 9].

techniques transform or map parametric data into an 4 EXAMPLES OF DATA FUSION

identity declaration based on the concept that simi-
larity in identity is reflected by similarity in observ-
able parameters, and no attempt is made to directly
Various data fusion algorithms have been employed
model the stochastic aspects of the observables
in different damage identification techniques. Four
[1]. Approaches under this category include para-
representative examples are presented here.
metric templates, artificial neural network s (ANN s)
(see Artificial Neural Networks), cluster algorithms,
voting method, entropy measures, figures of merit,
patter recognition, (see Statistical Pattern Recogni- 4.1 Fusion using independent sensor
tion) and correlation measures (CMs). Attributes of architecture
the aforementioned major algorithms are compared in
Table 1. In this case study, each sensor independently extracts
In addition, the cognitive-based models attempt signal features (time-of-flight (ToF)) at the sensor
to emulate the decision-making processes used by level in the form of independent sensor architecture
human analysts; representative approaches under this as illustrated in Figure 1(a). ToF is the time lag
category include logical templates, knowledge-based between two compositions in a signal, which is one
systems, and fuzzy set theory [1]. of the most explicit and important features in a signal
6 Signal Processing

for SHM. In terms of ToFs between the damage- all available information from the sensor network
scattered and incipient energy measured from a multi- provides an effective means of dealing with this
tude of actuatorsensor pairs, the damage can be problem.
triangulated by referring to a benchmark. Pitchcatch Figure 3(a) [9] shows an example of a sensor
and pulseecho are two major implementations of network consisting of 12 lead zirconate titanate
ToF-based approaches, which measure forward and (PZT) elements and embedded in a composite
back scattering of incident energy from the damage, laminate containing delamination and offering
respectively [10]. Structural complication and noise 12 11 = 132 sensing paths (see Piezoceramic
often impairs the reliability and accuracy of the MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling; Sensor
triangulation exercise. Data fusion by combining Network Paradigms; Integrated Sensor Durability

P6 P7
P5 P8

P4 P9

P3 P10

P2 P11
P1 P12

Actual delamination

(a) Region of high probability for the occurrence of delamination

S0 propagating at VS0
Delamination (x, y )
SH0 propagating at VSH0 Delam

S0 propagating at VS0

Figure 3. Damage triangulation in terms of ToF: (a) sensor arrangement and identification results and (b) spatial
relationship of the actuator, sensor, and damage [9].
Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from the Sensor Network 7

and Reliability). In the network, any one pair of of damage prediction is enhanced. Furthermore, the
PZT elements configures an actuatorsensor path, to spatial distribution of the prior beliefs can become
generate and collect Lamb wave signals. A coordinate the basis for assessing the damage size and severity.
system is introduced for each path, where the actuator
is at the origin. In the case that transducer P 1 acts as
4.2 Fusion using correlation measures
the actuator and the damage center is presumed to be
(x, y), it has In this case study, data fusion using CMs picks
LAD LDS L up the location of structural damage in terms of
+ AS = T1i , (i = 2, 3, . . . , 12) damage-induced singularity in the signals. The corre-
VS 0 VSH0Delam VS 0 lation coefficient, xy , of two discretized signals in
  the same length, xi and yi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), is defined
LDS = (x xi )2 +(y yi )2 , LAD = x 2 +y 2 , as [9]

 xy =
LAS = xi2 +yi2 (i = 2, 3, . . . , 12) (1) 
n xi yi xi yi
as elucidated in Figure 3(b), where LAD , LDS , i=1 i=1 i=1
  n 2   n 2
and LAS represent the distances between P 1 and  n  n
the damage center (x, y), the damage center and n xi
xi n yi
the ith sensor, and P 1 and the ith sensor, respec- i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
tively. VSH0 Delam and VS0 are the velocities of the
damage-induced fundamental shear-horizontal Lamb 1 (2)
mode (SH0 ) and the incipient fundamental symmetric When composition in signal xi is correlated (simi-
Lamb mode (S0 ), respectively. T1i denotes the ToF lar) with any in signal yi , the correlation coeffi-
extracted from the signal acquired by sensing path cient reaches a local extremum; and the more the
P 1-P i; and (xi , yi ) stands for the coordinates of the similarity is, the closer to 1 is the value of the
ith transducer. coefficient. In the case that xi = yi , the correla-
Analogously, repeating the above analysis for all tion is autocorrection. The autocorrelation curves
sensing paths in the sensor network, using equa- of two signals acquired from a carbon fibre/epoxy
tion (1), where each actuator, in turn, serves as (CF/EP) composite panel before and after the occur-
the origin in its coordinate system, a nonlinear rence of delamination are compared in Figure 4 [9].
equation group is established. For each equation The time lag between the moment that singularity
(quadratic) in the group, the solutions configure a takes place and the moment that incipient energy is
circular root trajectory, indicating possible locations generated by the actuator, T , can be exactly deter-
of the damage. Any two trajectories lead to an mined from the ratio curve, Figure 4(c). An excep-
intersection and the region containing more inter- tional advantage of the approach is the weakening of
actions has a higher likelihood of occurrence of boundary effect, since the same boundary reflection
damage. Prediction results of the location of delami- remains in all signals, regardless of the existence of
nation in the composite laminate using several major damage.
actuatorsensor paths in the sensor network are In such a procedure, signals captured by individual
shown in Figure 3(a). sensors are correlated with corresponding signals
In the above example, the procedure of two loci from the benchmark, considered as the prior beliefs.
of roots leading to an intersection and indicating a By taking into account all the prior beliefs from
possible damage location is considered as a low-level sensors in the network, an overall belief or a posterior
data fusion based on two pairs of actuatorsensor belief about the difference between the structure
paths. As the number of sensors increases, a higher under inspection and benchmark is depicted.
level data fusion is executed. In such a process, the From the above two examples, it can be seen
prior beliefs or perceptions at low levels are fused into that, upon extraction of interested signal features
a posterior belief. As a consequence, the reliability such as ToF or correlation coefficients, distributed
8 Signal Processing

1.0 Benchmark plate 1.0 Delaminated plate

0.8 0.8

Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

0.0 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.0 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
5.010 1.010 1.510 2.010 2.510 3.010 3.510 5.010 1.010 1.510 2.010 2.510 3.010 3.510
(a) Time difference, T (s) (b) Time difference, T (s)


Ratio of correlation coefficient







0.0 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
5.010 1.010 1.510 2.010 2.510 3.010 3.510
(c) Time difference, T (s)

Figure 4. Correlation coefficient curves of Lamb wave signals acquired from (a) benchmark, (b) delaminated laminates,
and (c) ratio of the curve in (b) to the curve in (a), where the delamination-induced singularity becomes pronounced [9].

sensors first figure out the individual beliefs that fiber to form a neural net. ANN has been devel-
represent their own interpretation and perception on oped as a computational model to mimic such a
the damage event. A fusion process subsequently way to process information based on a loose neural
combines all these beliefs to form a consensus as to construction. ANN is able to explore the mathemat-
the overall view on the damage event and structural ical connection between a series of inputs (condi-
health status. During this procedure, fusion rules can tions) and outputs (outcomes) for a given system,
be different for processing individual signals captured whereby the consequence under an unknown stim-
by distributed sensors. By this method, the fusion ulus can be predicted. A typical ANN is composed of
of multilevel decisions significantly reduces the risk one input layer, single or multiple processing (neural)
caused by the inaccurate and even inappropriate layers, and one output layer, linked by transfer func-
judgment from an individual sensor or decision. tions. Each neuron is weighted in parallel by an
adjustable variable (weight) and offset by a constant
4.3 Fusion using artificial neural network (bias). One ANN developed for damage identification
(ANN) [6] is displayed in Figure 5(a).
In the ANN, the input, output, and two processing
The human nervous system consists of billions of layers host m inputs, n outputs, J and K computing
small cellular units (neurons) connected by nerve units (neurons), respectively; The ith neuron in the
Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from the Sensor Network 9

1 n11 2
w11 n12
w11 T1 T2 w11
in1 n13
b1 b12 T3 o1
in2 n2
n 22 b13
T1 T2
n i3
b2 b22
T3 oi
n l1 nq2 bi3
T1 T2
n n3
bl1 bq2 T3 on
n 1J nK 3 bn3
inm T1 T2 wKn
1 2
wm J wJ k
bJ bK2

Input layer First neural layer Second neural layer Output layer



Figure 5. (a) An ANN designed for Lamb wave-based SHM and (b) prediction results (including location, shape, and
size) of delamination in a CF/EP composite laminate using the well-trained ANN (dotted ellipses stand for the assumed
pattern for ANN training) [6].

neural layer summates all the weighted inputs and where oi denotes the ith output element (i = 1, 2,
biases to give the scalar output, which serves as the . . . , n). n3i is the output of the final output layer,
input for the next layer, in accordance with and likewise, n2q and n1l are the outputs of two
 K  J  m  neural layers. inp denotes the pth input element (p =
oi = T3 T2 T1 inp wpl + bl
1 1 1, 2, . . . , m); wpq represents the weight joining the
q=1 l=1 p=1 pth input element (or neuron) in the rth layer with
    the qth neuron (or output) in the next layer; bqi is
wlq + bq2 3
wqi + bi3 the bias for the qth element in the ith layer. Ti is
the transfer function in the ith layer. A well-trained
(i = 1, 2, . . . , n) (3) ANN is adept at inferring general rules or predicting
10 Signal Processing

consequences from a specific example that has never information becomes available. The hypothesis is
been examined, making it possible to train an ANN accepted as true with a very high degree of belief or
using just a limited number of representative damage rejected as false when the degree of belief goes very
cases. Technically, an ANN network fuses all inputs low, similar to the procedure of making judgments
to produce outputs as described above through a of human beings. The BI theorem is described
black box. by [4]
In one case study [6], up to 120 cases of
delamination (with exclusive locations and geometric P (Ev |Hi )P (Hi ) P (E |H )P (Hi )
identities randomly selected in one-quarter of a quasi- P (Hi |Ev ) = = v i
P (Ev ) [P (Ev |Hi )P (Hi )]
isotropic CF/EP laminate (500 mm 500 mm
1.275 mm)) were simulated in terms of finite element
method (FEM), respectively. For each damage case, (4)
signals were captured using a sensor network of where P (Hi |Ev ) is the posterior probability that
nine piezoelectric elements surface mounted on the hypothesis Hi is true when given evidence Ev .
laminate, and signal features were extracted from the P (Ev |Hi ) is the probability of evidence Ev given that
energy spectra. These extracted signal features were Hi is true, defined as the likelihood function. P (Hi )
used to train the ANN shown in Figure 5(a). Without is the prior probability
given that
hypothesis Hi is
losing generality, the delamination was presumed true and satisfies i P (Hi ) = 1. i P (Ev |Hi )P (Hi )
elliptic, defined with six parameters: presence is the sum of the probability of evidence Ev when
(0 or 1), location ( , ), semimajor/minor axes all mutually exclusive hypotheses Hi are true. The
(, ), and orientation of . The well-trained ANN factor P (Ev |Hi )/P (Ev ) represents the impact of the
was validated by quantitatively evaluating actual new evidence on the degree of belief in the hypoth-
delamination in laminates of the same properties esis; and if the hypothesis is true, this factor becomes
and dimension. Excellent prediction on all six large.
damage parameters has been achieved (Figure 5b). A two-level data fusion scheme using the BI algo-
The results predicted by the ANN do not superpose rithm was proposed for Lamb wave-based SHM
any damage pattern used for ANN training, implying [4]. In the approach, level-one decision fusion was
that the results are ratiocinated rather than obtained based on signal features extracted from individual
by finding the fittest patterns from the training Lamb wave signals rendered by a sensor network
database. to create perceptions of damage status and a knowl-
In data fusion taking advantage of ANN, signals edge database. Hi in equation (4) was the posterior
are acquired by different sensing paths for all the probability for damage occurrence, and P (Ev |Hi )
presumed structural health conditions and prop- estimated the confidence of individual sensor on
erly stacked to form a knowledge database. The the perception of damage existence. Subsequently,
training procedure of ANN in terms of the knowl- the perceptions from each sensor were integrated to
edge database is a kind of data fusion to achieve a represent decision fusion at the second level, to deter-
belief on those concerned damage parameters (ANN mine the detailed description for damage. The predic-
outputs). tion results for through-hole damage in a composite
laminate are displayed in Figure 6.
From the four examples aforementioned, it can
4.4 Fusion using Bayesian inference (BI) be seen that whichever algorithms are used during
data fusing, different criteria or methodologies can
BI is a probability-based data fusion discipline. It be adopted for processing individual signals captured
uses prior knowledge to estimate and update the by distributed sensors, so as to form an indi-
conditional posterior probability of a hypothesis or vidual beliefs that represents their own interpre-
to identify an event when given supporting evidence tation and perception of damage status. All these
[1]. As evidence accumulates, the degree of belief beliefs or knowledge are further fused through one
in the hypothesis becomes high or low, and it of the fusion strategies described in Figure 1 to
persistently modifies the perceptions when additional deliver a comprehensive consensus on the entire
Data Fusion of Multiple Signals from the Sensor Network 11




Error due to
0.6 boundary


0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Figure 6. Damage prediction using BI (probability for the occurrence of damage is represented by grayscalethe lighter,
the higher the possibility) [4].

damage event and health status of the structure under REFERENCES

[1] Klein LA. Sensor and Data Fusion Concepts and
Applications. SPIE Press: Washington, DC, 1999.
[2] Worden K, Dulieu-Barton JM. An overview of
5 CONCLUDING REMARKS intelligent fault detection in systems and structures.
Structural Health Monitoring: An International
Data fusion is a multilevel and multifaceted process Journal 2004 3:8598.
of combining multiple features extracted from a
[3] Staszewski WJ, Boller C, Tomlinson GR. Health
multitude of spatially distributed independent signal Monitoring of Aerospace Structures: Smart Sensor
sources, so as to describe a damage event or health Technologies and Signal Processing. John Wiley &
status of a structure under inspection. Triangulation Sons: New York, 2004.
of a damage site in simple structures can be fulfilled [4] Wang X, Foliente G, Su Z, Ye L. Multilevel decision
cost-effectively by using simple fusion schemes in fusion in a distributed active sensor network
terms of extracted signal features such as ToF or for structural damage detection. Structural Health
correlation. However, an SHM practice pertaining Monitoring: An International Journal 2006 5:4558.
to quantitative evaluation of damage (including size [5] Li CL, Hui KC. Feature recognition by template
assessment) is generally a highly complicated inverse matching. Computers and Graphics 2000 24:
procedure, which can only be implemented through 569582.
appropriate inference-based data fusion. To this end, [6] Su Z, Ye L. Lamb wave-based quantitative identifi-
ANN and BI are two efficient solutions. cation of delamination in CF/EP composite structures
using artificial neural algorithm. Composite Struc-
tures 2004 66(14):627637.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [7] Looney CG. Pattern Recognition Using Neural
Networks. Oxford University Press: New York, 1997.
Z. Su and L. Ye are grateful to the Hong Kong [8] Keilers Jr CH, Chang FK. Identifying delamination
Polytechnic University for Grant A-PA8G and to the in composite beams using built-in piezoelectrics: part
Australian Research Council for a Grant of Discovery Iexperiments and analysis. Journal of Intelligent
Project. Material Systems and Structures 1996 6:649663.
12 Signal Processing

[9] Su Z, Wang X, Chen Z, Ye L, Wang D. A built- [10] Giurgiutiu V, Cuc A. Embedded non-destructive
in active sensor network for health monitoring of evaluation for structural health monitoring, damage
composite structures. Smart Materials and Structures detection, and failure prevention. The Shock and
2006 15:19391949. Vibration Digest 2005 37(2):83105.
Chapter 38
Optimization Techniques for Damage
Keith Worden1, Wieslaw Staszewski1, Graeme Manson1 ,
Aldo Ruotulo2 and Cecilia Surace2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Department of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

a solution. This article summarizes some of the most

1 Introduction 1 commonly used optimization techniques. The focus is
on combinatorial methods, which are computationally
2 Classical Optimization Techniques 2
efficient and widely used in many engineering areas.
3 Simulated Annealing 4 These methods are illustrated by examples related to
4 Genetic Algorithms 7 the problem of determining the optimal location of
5 Differential Evolution 10 sensors in damage detection.
6 More Methods Inspired by Biology 13 In mathematics, optimization is related to finding
7 A Final Case StudyDamage the maximum and/or minimum value of a function
Detection 17 f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) of n (i.e., x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) variables.
This function, often called the objective function,
8 Conclusions 20
describes the optimization problem defined in engi-
References 20 neering. Often a priori limitations (or constraints)
are imposed on the solution leading to constrained
optimization problems. For example, if optimal loca-
tions for transducers are sought, certain locations are
1 INTRODUCTION not possible owing to design constraints. Within this
context, optimization is the task of finding values of
Finding the optimum solution for a given problem variables for which the objective function reaches the
is an important area of research and application extreme value satisfying the constraints. This defi-
in many engineering fields. A variety of different nition points out three important elements of any
optimization problems can be identified in structural optimization problem, i.e., variables, objective func-
health monitoring (SHM); a number of different tion, and constraints. Since the objective function is
possible mathematical tools can be offered to find not always required (for example, in feasibility anal-
ysis), variables form the only essential element for
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by any optimization problem.
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 There exist a variety of different optimization
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. methods used in practice. The method selected for a
2 Signal Processing

given optimization method often depends upon four A good theoretical background of various opti-
major criteria: (i) Is the problem one- or multidi- mization techniques can be found in [13]. In the text
mensional? (ii) Are functions describing the problem that follows, a brief introduction to the most widely
efficiently differentiable? (iii) How noisy is the func- used techniques together with application examples
tion describing the problem? (iv) Is the proposed is given.
optimization algorithm computationally efficient and
cheap? Early optimization techniques, often known as
ad hoc methods, are based on rough and ready ideas
that do not have any theoretical background.
Altogether, optimization algorithms can be clas- TECHNIQUES
sified into various groups. These are (i) local and
global, (ii) one-dimensional and multidimensional, 2.1 Gradient descent
(iii) constrained and unconstrained, (iv) deterministic
and nondeterministic, and (v) linear and nonlinear.
The gradient descent optimization technique finds
The entire classification is not trivial as there is
extreme values by following the gradient of the objec-
substantial overlap between the various groups of
tive function. If the optimization space is represented
methods. Local methods (e.g., gradient descent,
as a surface, finding the maximum value is associ-
Newtons method) are used to find local optimal
ated with going up with the gradient. Therefore,
values in a finite neighborhood of the analyzed
the method is often called hill climbing optimization.
space, whereas global methods (e.g., simplex method,
The mathematical background of the method is
simulated annealing (SA), genetic algorithms (GAs)) very simple. If the objective function f (x) is defined
search for truly global extreme values. Optimization and differentiable, its gradient f always indicates
problems with only one variable can be solved using the direction of the steepest ascent. Thus, when
one-dimensional methods such as simple minimiza- a guess of x0 for the local minimum is assumed
tion techniques (e.g., golden section search, parabolic initially, an improved estimation of the minimum
interpolation). Finding a number of parameters that value is achieved if the negative gradient is followed
optimize the problem is a much harder task and iteratively as
requires multidimensional methods (e.g., downhill
simplex method, GAs). Deterministic optimization
xn+1 = xn n f for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (1)
(gradient descent, simplex method) methods deal
with problems formulated with all known param-
eters. In contrast, nondeterministic methods (e.g., where the parameter n is a value of step size and
Tabu search, SA, GAs) are applied to problems is the standard gradient operator. The step size
with uncertainties. Classical deterministic optimiza- value can change at every iteration. It follows that
tion techniques can be classified into unconstrained the sequence
(e.g., gradient descent, nonlinear conjugate gradient
methods, Newtons methods) and constrained opti- f (x0 ) f (x1 ) f (x2 ) (2)
mization (e.g., method of Lagrange multipliers, GAs)
where the latter involves limitations imposed on converges and finally the minimum value is obtained.
solutions. Classical constrained optimization has a The method is illustrated graphically in Figure 1.
great degree of complexity. When the objective The gradient method is very simple since it requires
function and constraints are linear, the methods only a few steps to find a minimum (or minimum)
involved are often referred to as linear optimiza- value. However, the major drawback is that the
tion (e.g., simplex algorithm) or linear programming. method can get trapped in local extremes and finding
In contrast, nonlinear optimization (e.g., branch and global values depends on the starting point. Also,
bound technique) involves a nonlinear objective func- often large jumps are observed when the gradient
tion or constraints. Nonlinear programming is always descent is performed. Smaller step sizes can reduce
associated with substantial computation. this effect.
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 3

to solve the linear programming problem, which aims

x0 to maximize a linear, real-valued objective function
x1 give in the form

f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = a1 x1 + a2 x2
+ + an xn + a0 (6)

where x is the vector of variables and a is the vector

of coefficients. The maximization is subjected to the
Figure 1. Graphical illustration of gradient descent opti- constraint represented by the inequality
mization method.
Ax b (7)
2.2 Newtons method
where A and b are the matrix and vector of coeffi-
Newtons optimization method originates from the
cients, respectively.
iteration method for the approximate determination
The optimization algorithm used in the above
of zeros of a differentiable function. It is well known
problem utilizes the geometrical concept of a simplex.
that the Taylor expansion of f(x) given by
In geometry, a simplex is a higher-dimensional gener-
1 alization of a triangle. More precisely, an n-simplex
f (x + x) = f (x) + f  (x)x + f  (x)x 2 + is a geometric figure called a polytope built from
a set of n + 1 affinely independent points, i.e.,
a 1-simplex is a line segment, a 2-simplex is a
leads to its extreme when f  (x) is positive and x
triangle and a 3-simplex is a tetrahedron (shown
solves the following equation:
in Figure 2) in Euclidean space. The simplex algo-
rithm defines the objective function given by equa-
f  (x) + f  (x)x = 0 (4)
tion (6) on a polytope. The aim is then to find
a geometrical point where the objective function
Thus, for the multidimensional case and the initial has a maximum value. The process of searching
guess x0 for the minimum value, the optimization
through the polytope vertices leads to the maximum
iterative scheme can be obtained as
value. The simplex algorithm requires that the linear
programming problem is converted into the so-called
xn+1 = xn n [Hf (xn )]1 f (xn ) augmented form by replacing the inequalities with
for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (5) equalities in the constraints.

where Hf (xn ) is the Hessian matrix of the func-

tion f (xn ) representing all its second-order partial
derivatives. The convergence of Newtons method to
the optimal value is much faster than for gradient
descent. However, it is important to note that for
multidimensional problems finding the inverse of the
Hessian matrix is numerically expensive and can lead
to instabilities.

2.3 Simplex method

The simplex algorithm is one of the most widely used
linear optimization techniques. The algorithm is used Figure 2. Example of simplextetrahedron.
4 Signal Processing

3 SIMULATED ANNEALING 3.2 A case study: sensor placement

3.1 Basic theory The algorithm is very simply described. It is also

very straightforward to implement in computer code.
The SA algorithm is arguably the first and simplest The use of the algorithm is illustrated here via a
of the heuristics inspired by physical and biological case studythe optimal placement of sensors on
mechanisms and so it is described here first. It a structure for damage localization. The structure
is based on an analogy with the physical process considered here was a finite element (FE) model of
of annealing. Normal polycrystalline solids have a a cantilever plate; the FE package used here was
microscopic domain structure that is quite disordered; LUSAS. The plate was simulated to be of steel
under equilibrium conditions, the solid is only at and having dimensions of 300 mm 200 mm
a local minimum of energy. However, if the solid 2.5 mm. The fixed edge of the plate was taken on one
is heated to a high temperature and then cooled of the 200-mm edges. The FE mesh used 20 20
slowly, it will arrive at a highly ordered statethe elements to produce results with appropriate accu-
global minimum of energy. Consider a random search racy. A coarser 4 4 cell mesh was used to place
method for optimizationthis attempts moves in the sensors. Each node of the regular coarse mesh
random directions in the search spaceaccepting a was considered as a candidate sensor location, except
trial move only if the objective function decreases. for those nodes on the fixed edge. This gave 20
One can think of the method as moving downward candidate sensor locations indexed between 1 and
gradually on the surface specified by the objective. 20 as shown in any of the figures from this section.
Because the method accepts all downward moves, it Each of the cells of the 4 4 coarse mesh contained
a 5 5 array of FE elements; damage was simu-
will converge to a local minimum if the starting point
lated in each of the coarse cells by deleting the
for the algorithm is within the basin of attraction
9 FE elements in the center of the cell. Deletion,
of that minimum. To escape from local minima,
in this case, corresponded to setting the Youngs
one can modify the algorithm by adding a certain
modulus of the element in question to a very small
amount of thermal motion, which allows the objective
value. The data generated from the FE model was the
to sometimes increase. This is the basis of SA;
mode-shape data for the lowest natural frequencies
the allowed upward movements are large in the
for each possible damage condition of the plate, of
early stages of the algorithm when local minima are
which there were 16. The mode-shape data was then
to be avoided, corresponding to a high-temperature
twice differentiated in both the x and y directions
regime. In the later stages, the thermal motion is
to obtain mode-shape curvature data (as described in
small to allow convergence, corresponding to low
ModalVibration-based Damage Identification). A
temperature. To decide whether an upward movement
centered-difference formula was used in each direc-
is allowed, Boltzman statistics are used. A probability
tion and the magnitude of the resulting vector was
  used as a scalar curvature measure. Only the curva-
E ture values on the coarse mesh (i.e., corresponding
p = exp (8)
T to sensor locations) were saved for damage identi-
fication purposes. The curvature data were used as
is computed, and if less than a uniform random training data to establish a neural network, which
deviate generated in parallel on the interval [0,1], could locate the damage to within a cell of the coarse
the move is accepted. Here, E is the change in mesh. (Neural networks are described in some detail
the objective function (positive), and T is an external in Artificial Neural Networks.) To obtain sufficient
control parameter, the temperature, which decreases data for the neural networks, multiple copies of each
as the algorithm proceeds. Downward movements damage pattern (curvature vector) were made and
are always accepted. The origins of the method each was corrupted with a low rms Gaussian noise
are in the Metropolis algorithm [4], although the vector to simulate the acquisition of real data with
serious development of the method is associated with measurement noise. More details of this case study
Kirkpatrick et al. [5]. can be found in [6].
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 5

The neural network used here as a damage locator decreased by a multiplicative factor of 0.9. Fifty
was a standard multilayer perceptron (MLP) trained temperature steps are taken.
using back propagation learning (see Artificial The first run of the algorithm considered here
Neural Networks). In brief, the network was used as was directed to find a 10-sensor distribution. The
a learning machine that could be trained to indicate algorithm converged after 1350 iterations to a solution
the position of damage within the structure when with a probability of error of 0.0014. In fact, during
presented with a vector of modal curvature values. the run, the algorithm found three solutions with this
The number of input nodes to the network was error and they are given in Table 1.
fixed equal to the number of sensors chosen for The second of these distributions is depicted in
the optimization and there were 16 outputseach Figure 3.
corresponding to a given damage location. The For the second illustration, the best three-sensor
neural network training used a schemethe 1 of distribution was sought. In this case, it was actually
M schemewhich basically generated the posterior feasible to find the optimum by exhaustive search as
probabilities of the 16 possible damage locations there were only 1140 possible candidate distributions.
when presented with the curvatures. When a curvature
pattern is presented, one chooses the highest output as Table 1. Best 10-sen-
the indicator of the damage location. The optimization sor distributions from
problem illustrated here is simply to choose the best simulated annealing
n sensor positions to provide data for the neural 10100001001101111001
network diagnostic. The success of the neural network 10000100101101101011
is judged by considering a set of curvature vectors 11100000001111101010
corresponding to the different damage locations and
simply counting the number of correct and incorrect
19 18 17
diagnoses. These numbers are then converted into a
20 16
single probability of misclassification. Optimization
over the set of sensor distributions corresponds to
minimizing this probability of error.
The implementation of the algorithm SA used here
follows that in [3]. The objective function is the 14 13 12
probability of misclassification described above. The 15 11
initial temperature is chosen of the same order of
magnitude as the probability of error for a randomly
chosen sensor distribution. Each sensor distribution
is encoded as a 20-bit binary vector where a 1 9 8 7
corresponds to the presence of a sensor and a 0 10 6
corresponds to the absence of a sensor. The bits
of the distribution vector correspond to the posi-
tion indices for the sensors indicated in the figures
of this section. SA moves are made by operating 4 3 2
on the bit vectors described previously. If a 10- 5 1
sensor distribution is desired, an initial distribution
is chosen randomly with 10 bits set to 1. Trial
moves involve changing the position of a 1 randomly.
Moves are accepted if they lead to a decrease of
the objective function orin the case of increase
of the objectivethe probability of acceptance leads
to acceptance as described above. Fifty trial moves
are taken at each temperature unless ten moves Figure 3. Best 10-sensor pattern for curvature diagnostic
are accepted, and in each case, the temperature is from simulated annealing.
6 Signal Processing

Figure 4 shows the evolution of the objective function determine the objective function, is that the objective
as the SA algorithm proceeded. is a random variable conditioned on the initial weights
It can be seen that the algorithm found the mini- of the network. This means that the fitness of a given
mum after approximately 700 iterations (although sensor distribution will actually be characterized by
a fluctuation caused a temporary rise afterward). a distribution function. Now, in the case of sensor
This is a considerable saving on exhaustive search. networks with a small number of sensors, one might
Figure 5(a) shows the sensor distribution found by expect that the distribution functions for near-optimal
the algorithm. Figure 5(b) shows the optimum distri- distributions will not overlap. This means that the
bution found by exhaustive search. It is found that probability of finding the true optimum is increased.
the two distributions are mirror images of each other. In the three-sensor example shown here, the best SA
One issue that arises here, as it will with any distribution and that from exhaustive search actually
optimization procedure that uses a neural network to have different objective function values so that it is
the mirror image in the exhaustive search that actually
corresponds to the SA optimum. It may be desirable
0.25 to take into account the random nature of the fitness
Probability of misclassification

values. One way of doing this would be to use a

0.2 different (randomly chosen) initial condition for the
network every time a given sensor pattern occurs in
the process. This was not done here.
The SA algorithm was initially formulated with
combinatorial optimization in mind and that is how
it has been used here. There are variants of the
algorithm that can deal with real-valued optimiza-
tion variables, and one example is discussed in [7].
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 A possible weakness of the algorithm is that it
Iterations operates on a single point at each iteration and is
Figure 4. Progress of the SA algorithm toward the thus more susceptible to getting trapped in a local
optimum three-sensor distribution. minimum. Descriptions of population-based variants

19 18 17 19 18 17
20 16 20 16

14 13 12 14 13 12
15 11 15 11

9 8 7 9 8 7
10 6 10 6

4 3 2 4 3 2
5 1 5 1

(a) (b)
Figure 5. Best three-sensor patterns for curvature diagnostic: (a) SA and (b) exhaustive search.
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 7

of the algorithm that avoid this problem to an extent Having generated a population of random individ-
can be found in [8, 9]. uals, it is necessary to decide which of them are fittest
in the sense of producing the best solutions to the
problem. This is the selection process. To do this,
4 GENETIC ALGORITHMS a fitness function is required, which operates on the
encoded individuals and returns a single number that
4.1 Basic theory provides a measure of the suitability of the solution.
In the SA example of Section 3, the objective func-
GAs are a population-based algorithm motivated by
tion was the probability of misclassification; this was
biology. They were first introduced in their simplest
an object that required minimization; to get a fitness
form by Holland [10]; however, they have been the
subject of considerable research since, and now form function, such an objective should be inverted to give
only one example of a broad class of evolutionary a maximization problem. The fitter individuals are
algorithms [11]. For the sake of brevity, only a used for mating to create the next generation of indi-
short discussion of the simple GA is given here; for viduals, which hopefully provides a better solution
more detail, the reader is referred to the standard to the problem. Individuals are selected for mating
introduction to the subject [12]. based on their fitnesses. One way of implementing
GAs are optimization algorithms that evolve solu- this is so-called roulette-wheel selection; the proba-
tions in a manner analogous to the Darwinian prin- bility of a particular individual being chosen is equal
ciple of natural selection. They differ from the clas- to its fitness divided by the sum of the fitnesses of all
sical gradient-based optimization techniques in that the individuals in the population.
they work on encoded forms of the possible solu- Once sufficient individuals have been selected for
tions like the SA example of Section 3. Each possible mating, they are paired up at random and their
solution i.e., each set of possible parameters in solu- genes combined to produce two new individuals.
tion space is encoded as an individual. The most The most common method of combination used is
usual form for this individual is a binary string called crossover. Here, a position along the individ-
e.g., 00011010110. The first hurdle in setting up a uals is chosen at random and the substrings from
problem for solution by GA methods is working out each individual after the chosen point are switched.
how best to encode the possible solutions as indi- This is illustrated in Figure 6(a). This mechanism is
viduals. In the case of the sensor placement problem termed one-point crossover. In a two-point crossover,
described earlier, a natural coding for the problem a second position is chosen and the individual
is provided by a bit-vector where the occurrences of substrings switched again.
a 1 signal the existence of a sensor, i.e., the indi-
vidual 00100010000000001000 represents a solution
in which transducers are placed at positions 3, 7, 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
and 17.
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
Having decided on a representation, the next step
is to generate, at random, an initial population of
possible solutions. The number of individuals in a 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
population depends on several factors, including the
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
size of each individual, which itself depends on the
dimension of the solution space. For example, if (a)
the problem of interest requires the optimization of
three control parameters, the bit-vector will be in
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
three segments; if each parameter is required to an
accuracy of 1 part in 1000, 10-bits per parameter will
be needed and the overall individual will need 30 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
bits. Larger initial populations will be required if the (b)
individuals are larger to have an appropriate initial Figure 6. The basic genetic operations: (a) crossover and
level of diversity in the population. (b) mutation.
8 Signal Processing

If an individual in a particular generation is

extremely fit, i.e., is very close to the required solu-
1 2 3 4 5 6
tion, it is almost certain to be selected several times
for mating. Each of these matings, however, involves
combining the individual with a less fit individual, so 7 8 9 10 11
the maximum fitness of the population may be lower
in the next generation. To avoid this, a number of the
most-fit individuals can be carried through unchanged 12 13 14 15 16 17
to the next generation. These very fit individuals are
Figure 7. Schematic for sensor positions on a composite
called the elite.
To prevent a population from stagnating, it can
be useful to introduce perturbations into the popula-
The impacts were applied using a PCB instru-
tion. New entirely random individuals may be added
mented hammer. The levels of force applied were
at each generation. Such individuals are referred to
kept below 0.1 N in order not to damage the plate.
as new blood. Also, by analogy with the biolog-
Two sets of measurements were made. The first
ical process of the same name, individuals may be
comprised 80 impacts at random positions on the
mutated by randomly switching one of their binary
plate and was intended for use as network training
digits with a small probability. This latter process is
data. The second set of measurements contained 95
one of the more important ones for the simple GA
impacts placed on a regular grid and these were
and is illustrated in Figure 6(b).
divided between the network validation and test sets:
With genetic methods, it is not always possible to
48 in the former, and 47 in the latter.
say what the fitness of a perfect individual will be.
The strain data were recorded using a DIFA
Thus the iterative process is usually continued until
SCADAS II 24 channel measuring system running
the population is dominated by a few relatively fit
the LMS 3.4.04 data-acquisition software. For each
individuals. One or more of these individuals will
impact, 8192 samples were recorded at a frequency
generally be acceptable as solutions.
of 25 kHz.
To design a neural network that could predict
the impact location, it was important to extract
4.2 A case study: impact location appropriate features that could be used as infor-
mation-rich network inputs. A number of different
As in the case of SA, the simple GA is illustrated on candidates have been considered in the past [13]:
a sensor placement problem. In this case, the best set (i) time after impact of maximum response, (ii) mag-
of sensors is chosen to train an impact-locating neural nitude of maximum response, (iii) peak-to-trough
network. The details of this case study can be found range of the response, and (iv) real and imagi-
in [13]. nary parts of the response spectrum, integrated over
The structure under examination consisted of a frequency. The features were investigated alone and
rectangular 530 mm 300 mm composite plate and in combination, and it was found that the best results
four aluminum channels. The top flanges of the chan- were obtained using features (i) and (ii) in tandem.
nels were attached to the plate by a line of rivets, and This meant that each sensor contributed two features
the bottom flanges were fixed rigidly with screws to and that, if all sensors were used, the dimension of
a pneumatic measuring table. This box structure was the pattern vectors for training was 34. This was the
intended to simulate the skin panel of an aircraft. The maximum, as the object of the exercise was to estab-
composite plate was instrumented with 17 piezoce- lish optimal subsets.
ramics (PZT Sonox P5, 15 mm 15 mm) fixed on As for the SA case study, the neural network
the lower surface of the plate, the impacts being paradigm used for this study was the standard MLP
performed on the upper surface. The piezoceramics trained with backpropagation. A principled approach
were used as strain sensors. Figure 7 shows the total to training demands the availability of three data sets.
distribution of sensors used. The firstthe training setis used to determine
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 9

the network weights. The secondthe validation features and the area error on the validation set
setis used to investigate the optimum structure was obtained; this was inverted to give the fitness.
for the network and the final testing set is used to Distributions with coincident sensors were penal-
assess the effectiveness of the optimized network. The ized. The parameters used for the GA runs were as
number of neurons in the input and output layers of follows: population size of 50, number of genera-
the network was fixed by the number of measure- tions 100, probability of crossover 0.8, and prob-
ment features and diagnostic outputs, respectively. In ability of mutation 0.1. A single member elite
this case, the network needed up to 34 inputs; for was used and two new blood were added at each
impact location, the network was required to signal iteration.
the location of damage and two outputs were required, For the first example, the analysis was restricted
namely, the x and y coordinates of the impact site. In to three-sensor distributions. The reason is that the
principle, only one hidden layer is needed to approx- number of candidate three-sensor distributions is
imate any function; therefore the strategy adopted 684, and it is feasible to compare the results with
here assumed a single hidden layer and optimized those from exhaustive search. Also three sensors
the performance by using all 34 inputs and varying are the minimum number that would be needed to
the number of hidden neurons between 1 and 50. The locate the impact event from time-of-flight data using
network was also optimized over initial conditions triangulation.
and regularization was used (see Artificial Neural Recall that the error of the neural network depends
Networks). The MLP used hyperbolic tangent activa- on the starting conditions. To investigate this, the
tion functions and a bias neuron was connected to all exhaustive search was carried out six times. In each
neurons. In all cases, the number of data presentations case, different random numbers were used for initial-
during training was equal to 100 000. izing the networks and also for calculating the various
For the location problem using all sensor data, the probabilities required by the GA. The best distribu-
optimization procedure produced a minimum error tion from each run is given in Table 2 together with
over the validation set when there were eight neurons the associated percentage error area.
in the hidden layer. When the corresponding network The best three-sensor distribution is shown in
was evaluated on the testing set, the mean (modulus) Figure 8. It agrees strongly with engineering intu-
of the x error was 23.1 mm and the mean y error was ition: the sensors are placed in such a way as to
25.7. This gave an area corresponding to 1.5% of the effectively triangulate over a large area of the plate.
plate area. (The area error was used as the statistic Also, the degradation in performance over the full
for the evaluation of the networks, and the best value 17-sensor distribution is hardly significant: the area
on the validation set was 1.1%.) error is 2.0% instead of 1.1%.
Despite the fact that the description above gave When the GA was applied for the six network start-
the simple GA as applied to a binary bit-vector up conditions, it found the optimal solution in all
representation for the data, it was shown in [6] that cases. In most of the cases, it found them faster than
the exhaustive search. Figure 9 shows the evolution
the binary representation is suboptimal for the sensor
of the fitness functions over the six runs. The solid
optimization problem. As a result, a modified GA is
lines are the maximum fitnesses of each generation
used, where the gene is a vector of integers, each
and the dotted lines are the average fitnesses.
specifying the position of a sensor; i.e., the gene
(2,14,17) represents a three-sensor distribution, with Table 2. Best three-sensor distributions from six
sensors at locations 2, 14, and 17 on the candidate exhaustive searches
mesh. The operations of reproduction, crossover,
and mutation for such a GA are straightforward Search number Distribution Area
modifications of those for a binary GA. 1 3 : 12 : 17 2.16
The initial population for the GA was generated 2 8 : 11 : 12 2.15
randomly as standard. The individualsin this case, 3 1 : 3 : 17 2.15
sensor distributionswere propagated according to 4 3 : 12 : 14 2.19
5 3 : 7 : 11 2.13
their fitness. For a given sensor distribution, a 6 3 : 10 : 12 1.99
neural network was trained using the designated
10 Signal Processing

best algorithm, it is accepted that one might move

a distance away from the biological motivations of
1 2 3 4 5 6
the algorithms. In the case of an optimization, which
requires the search for a number of real parameters, a
7 8 9 10 11 real-coded algorithm is clearly desirable. Although
there are instances of real-coded GAs, the subject
of this section is slightly different. The differential
12 13 14 15 16 17 evolution (DE) algorithm was developed by Storn and
Price [14] and has proved to be an extremely effective
Figure 8. Optimal sensor distribution for impact location
from exhaustive search. heuristic for optimization.
As in the case of the GA, the DE algorithm works
with a population of candidate solutions or individ-
uals. Figure 10 shows diagrammatically the proce-
dure for evolving between subsequent populations.
The process is repeated for each vector within the
0.50 current population being the target vector. Each of
these vectors has an associated cost value (or fitness
value in maximization problems) obtained from the
cost (or fitness) function. This target vector is pitted
against a trial vector in a selection process with
the vector with the lowest cost (or highest fitness)
advancing to the next generation. The process for

constructing the trial vector involves mutation and

0.20 crossover, processes known from the GA to give fast,
robust algorithms when used in conjunction. Mutation
maintains diversity in the population while crossover
0.10 builds new parameter combinations from the existing
vector parameters.
The mutation procedure used here employs vector
0.00 differentials. Two vectors (individuals) (A and B)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Generation number are randomly chosen from the current population to
form a vector differential A B. The mutated vector
Figure 9. The evolution of the fitness for the three-sensor
GA optimizations. is then obtained by adding this differential, multi-
plied by a scaling factor, F , to a further randomly
chosen vector C to give the overall expression for
the mutated vector as C + F (A B). The scaling
factor, F , will have an optimal value for most func-
5.1 Basic theory tions between 0.4 and 1.0.
The trial vector is the child of two vectors, the
The simple GA described in Section 4.1 used a binary target vector and the mutated vector, and is obtained
form to encode the optimization parameters. Although via the crossover process. In this work, the process
this is quite general, it was almost immediately of uniform crossover was used. Uniform crossover
observed that a better encoding of the parameters for decides which of the two parent vectors contributes
a particular problem was actually in terms of integers. to each chromosome of the trial vector by a series
This observation leads to the idea of evolutionary of D 1 binomial experiments. Each experiment,
algorithms in general [11], where the objective is whose outcome is either success or failure, is medi-
simply to generate the best approach to solving a ated by a crossover constant, C, where 0 C 1. If
given engineering problem. In the drive to find the the random number is greater than C, the trial vector
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 11

To from a scaled difference vector To scaled difference vector

Current population

46 92 13 21 102 22 9 23 73 95
Cost value

+ +



Trial vector


Population for
next generation


Figure 10. Schematic for differential evolution.

gets its parameter from the target vector; otherwise receiver or sensor. Once the wave profiles have
the parameter comes from the mutated vector. been established for the normal condition of the
This process of evolving through generations is plate, one can look for evidence of damage in the
repeated until the population becomes swamped by form of scattered and reflected waves in the wave
only a few low-cost (or high-fitness) solutions, any profiles. As before, the optimization problem is the
of which would be suitable. Now that the general problem of placing emitters and receivers to best
procedure for the DE algorithm has been explained, detect damage.
a case study can be considered. The method used to encode the problem variables
as individuals in this case is remarkably straightfor-
ward; each chromosome of the gene is simply an x or
5.2 A case study: sensor placement for y coordinate of one of the sensors. Figure 11 shows
Lamb wave inspection the situation for one possible arrangement of two
emitters and two receivers on a 2 m 1 m plate. An
The case study presented here is based on the eight-chromosome gene uniquely defines the sensor
idea of inspecting plates using high-frequency Lamb arrangement.
waves. The idea is that waves will be launched from Once a procedure for the encoding of sensor
an emitter or actuator and recorded by a distant locations has been devised, the next issue that arises
12 Signal Processing



E1 R2

R1 0.7

E2 0.3



0.2 0.8 1.4 0.3 0.7 0.1 1.6 0.7
E1 R1 E2 R2
Figure 11. DE encoding for Lamb wave sensor placement problem.

concerns the objective function that is going to be Defect, D

optimized using the DE. For the problem at hand,
the maximizing of damage detection coverage on E1
a structure, the approach that will be taken is to
try to minimize a cost function based upon angles
between emitter, receiver, and damage locations. The
reason for this is that the emitter considered here R1
generates a directed wave and the receiver works on
the same principles. This means that the greater the E2
angle that a potential damage location makes with the Figure 12. Schematic for Lamb wave inspection showing
emitter/receiver axis, the less likely that this sensor scattering of waves from a defect.
placement would be to detect said damage. However,
if more than one pair of sensors is being used the so the best pair of sensors is selected in each case.
situation should improve, with the best pair of sensors The process needs to be repeated over a mesh of all
being used for each potential damage location. This possible damage locations for this sensor placement
may be easier explained by referring to Figure 12, to arrive at an overall cost value for the individual
which shows the situation for only one defect location representing the emitter and receiver positions.
and one possible placement of two pairs of emitters The cost function for the two pairs situation may
and receivers on a plate structure. The usefulness of be obtained as the maximum scattering angle between
the E1/R1 combination for the detection of the shown a sensor pair and a defect, with the maximum taken
defect is dependent upon the greater of the two angles, over all possible defect positions and over the two
R1E1D and E1R1D, with the ideal situation being sensor pairs. The extension to different numbers of
that the defect is located on the axis between E1 and sensor pairs is clearly straightforward.
R1. In this case, there exists a second pair of sensors The optimization was carried out for a square
that may be more suitable for detecting the defect and plate with numbers of sensor pairs between one and
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 13

Figure 13. Optimized plate coverage for Lamb wave sensing.

six. Figure 13 shows the solutions obtained from the the algorithmsant-density, ant-quantity, and ant-
DE algorithm for the square plate with directional cyclewere introduced in [15]. Of these basic forms,
emitters and sensors; the grey-scale plots use white the ant-cycle algorithm proved to be the most effec-
to indicate areas where damage is more likely to be tive, and this was renamed ant system and discussed
detected and the darker areas indicate areas where in more detail in [16]. Originally, the algorithms were
detection may be a problem. As expected, in all applied to the travelling salesman problem (TSP), but
cases, the algorithm has placed the sensors at the were then shown to apply to other hard combinatorial
outer edge of the plate. The emitters and receivers optimization problems like the quadratic assignment
associated with one another are obvious from the problem and job-shop scheduling problem. Modifica-
white paths. The range for the scattering angle in tions soon appeared, which could deal with contin-
the plots in Figure 13 are between 0 and 25 . Any uous design spaces [17] and constrained problems
location shown in black indicates an angle of 25 or [18]. The ant algorithms have proved to be a useful
more. For the square plate, the cases for between one addition to the armory of methods, combining aspects
and four pairs of sensors show little surprise with of greedy search with population-based cooperative
sensors being located at opposite corners of the plate search.
to begin with and subsequent pairs trying to remove Real ants are well known to be capable of finding
black spots. It is only the five-pair case that shows the shortest path to a food source from their nest
some departure from this process, only to return to without using visual clues [1921]. This is done
the high level of symmetry in the six-pair case. by exploiting pheromone information. Ants deposit
pheromone as they move and follow pheromone trails
deposited by previous ants. If a trail has higher
6 MORE METHODS INSPIRED pheromone information, an ant will follow it in
BY BIOLOGY preference to other trails with less pheromone. In
other words, an ant will follow a trail with higher
6.1 Ant colony metaphors pheromone, with higher probability.
Consider Figure 14. Initially the ants leave the
Algorithms based on ant colony metaphors are nest and have no preference as to which path they
a comparatively recent addition to the group of will follow and they will choose a path with equal
heuristic optimization algorithms. These are based probability. Assuming that all ants travel with equal
on the cooperative interaction of simple compu- speed, the ants taking the lower path will reach
tational agents termed ants. The basic forms of the food before those taking the upper one. When
14 Signal Processing


Figure 14. Schematic for ant foraging activity.

returning to the nest, they will choose the lower by an edge (i, j ). The ants move around in this
path with higher probability because the upper path graph laying a pheromone trail with intensity (i, j )
ants have not arrived yet to lay trail. This reinforces for each edge (i, j ) they traverse. This trail can be
the pheromone path on the lower trail. When the updated locally as the ants move or can be updated
lower path ants arrive back at the nest, new ants globally at the end of an iteration when all ants
will initially see twice as much trail on the lower have completed a tour. The global updating rule,
path and choose it with higher probability. It is which forms the basis of the ant system algorithm,
not difficult to see that a positive feedback mech- was shown to be superior to local rules [13]. The
anism emerges, which reinforces the desirability of ants are forced to complete a tour by maintaining
the lower trail. Eventually, all ants will follow the a tabu list for each ant; this simply contains a
shorter path. list of the cities that the ant has already visited,
This simple example illustrates the idea behind and the ant is forbidden to revisit any city in the
ant algorithms, which is that simple agents can tabu list.
communicate using distributed memory about the Given a state of the system at time t in a specific
problempheromoneto cooperate and solve an iteration, each ant k is at one of the cities. The
optimization problem. probability that an ant will make the journey from
Because the aim here and elsewhere in the engi- city i to city j is assumed to be
neering literature is to solve an engineering problem
and not to model real ant colonies, various simplifi- [ (i, j )] [(i, j )]
cations are assumed. Artificial ants differ from real Pk (i, j ) =  (9)
[ (i, j )] [(i, j )]
ants in the following ways:
j Jk (t)

1. They are completely blind.

2. They have some memory. where Jk (t) are the allowed cities for ant k at
3. They live in a discrete-time environment. time t i.e., the complement of the tabu list. If
j is not in Jk (t), the transition is forbidden by
To explain the original ant system algorithm, it is setting Pk (i, j ) = 0. In equation (3), (i, j ) is the
convenient to do so in the context of the TSP, which trail intensity associated with the edge (i, j ). The
provided the original motivation for the algorithms. visibility (i, j ) is the inverse of the distance between
The basic TSP is formulated as follows: Given N cities i and j . This is included to allow a degree of
cities distributed randomly within the plane, find greediness in the algorithm; the ants are more likely
the shortest tour that visits each city once only to move to a nearer city at a given step. This is not
and returns to the original city. The distance d(i, j ) guaranteed to lead to a tour with overall minimum
between cities i and j with coordinates (xi , yi ) and length as at step N 1; the ant may be very far from
(xj , yj ) is computed using the standard Euclidean its starting city. The parameters and control the
norm. One can think of the problem in terms of a relative importance of trail and visibility. Note that
graph, where each pair of cities is potentially joined the inclusion of visibility means that the ants are not
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 15

totally blind in this variant of the algorithm. After 100.0

N steps when the ants have completed a tour, the
pheromone levels for each edge are updated using
the rule 80.0

(i, j ) (i, j ) + k (i, j ) (10) 60.0


Q 20.0
k (i, j ) = (11)

if edge (i, j ) is in the tour of the kth ant and 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0
k (i, j ) = 0 otherwise. Q is a user-defined constant x
and Lk is the total tour length for ant k in that Figure 15. Ant algorithm solution to Oliver30 TSP
iteration. The total number of ants is m. The param- problem.
eter is also user defined. A number between
0 and 1, this represents the trail persistence between 6.2 Immune system metaphors
iterations; 1 is a measure of trail evaporation.
This is how the ant system algorithm is used to Algorithms based on immune system metaphors are
solve the TSP. To illustrate an optimization problem another comparatively recent addition to this group of
here, the algorithm was applied to a known TSP algorithms. Unlike GAs or SA, the immune system
problemthe Oliver30 problem. This was chosen has inspired a diverse range of algorithms designed
as it was the problem used in the original paper to address a number of problems including (but
on the ant system algorithm [11]. Overall, 25 runs not restricted to) pattern recognition, anomaly detec-
of the ant system algorithm were carried out. The tion, data analysis, scheduling, machine learning, and
agreement between the runs was impressive. By 500 optimization. Analogies with the biological immune
iterations, 16 of the runs had arrived at the best system have enabled the development of the field
previously known solution, and this had a tour length of immune engineering [22], which encompasses a
of 423.74 (Figure 15). The remaining nine runs had number of algorithms motivated by more or less
arrived at a local minimum with tour length 423.91. detailed aspects of the actual immune system that can
After 1000 iterations, 22 of the runs had arrived at be used for the solution of real engineering prob-
the best solution, with 3 runs remaining at the local lems. The field has developed to the point where
minimum. After 1500 runs, only two of the local the first pedagogical treatment has appeared [23]. In
minima persisted and after 2000 iterations all 25 runs the field of SHM, the main applications of immune
had arrived at the optimum. The fastest run hit the engineering have been in anomaly or novelty detec-
best solution at 27 iterations and the slowest run took tion, examples of which can be found in [2426].
1981 iterations. The best tour obtained using a greedy The object of this section is to consider an optimiza-
nearest neighbor heuristic had a length of 473.33, tion algorithm motivated by the immune systemthe
substantially worse than that from the ant algorithm. clonal selection algorithm (CSA).
Having established that the ant algorithm works The biological immune system is very complex and
well on a difficult problem, it is straightforward to it would be inappropriate to discuss it in detail here;
apply to problems of engineering interest. Elsewhere instead, a brief discussion will explain the motivation
in this encyclopedia (see Sensor Placement Opti- of the algorithm, which is the subject of this article.
mization), an application to the sensor placement Much of this section is a precis of [22] and the
described above in Section 3 is given. The algorithm interested reader can refer to the original reference
is shown to outperform a GA. for far more detail.
16 Signal Processing

The human body has two interrelated components the antigen proliferate by cloning. High levels
for its protection from foreign material. The first of of mutationhypermutation allow the system to
these systems is the innate immune system. The body adapt by maximizing the affinity of the antibodies
is born with the basic ability to recognize certain for the antigen. The initial population of B cells has
invaders and to destroy them. However, this part of sufficient diversity to effectively adapt to the attack
the immune system is not relevant for motivating the of any antigen. The final result of the adaption is
optimization algorithm required here. The relevant a population of cells adapted to the removal of the
mechanism is the adaptive immune system, which is antigen; this population endures in the body in
able to optimize its response to microbial agents by the form of memory cells, which can then form the
modifying certain cells to maximize their ability to defense against a secondary attack involving the same
recognize chemicals on the surface of the invading antigen. Another important ingredient of the process,
cells (called antigens here). The adaptive immune which will not be pursued here, is selfnon-self
system allows the body to learn to recognize any discrimination, which ensures that the antibodies do
given antigen and mobilize the bodys defenses even not evolve into forms that may attack the host cells.
if it has never seen it before. This is important in motivating algorithms for novelty
The adaptive immune system mainly acts through detection [2426].
agents (cells) called lymphocytes. These are a hetero- The engineering version of the adaptive immune
geneous set of cells, their numbers being of the order system is basically constructed by analogy, with the
of 1012 . The complexity of the immune system thus objective of generating the population of memory
rivals that of the brain, which typically contains 1010 cells that are optimized for a given antigen. The
neurons. The lymphocytes can be divided into B cells idea is to begin with an initial population of indi-
and T cells. viduals and then iterate by a process of selec-
The B cells, when activated, differentiate into tion and mutation in much the same way as stan-
plasma cells, which can secrete antibodies. Each B dard evolutionary algorithms. In fact, the algorithm
cell can secrete only one type of antibody. The anti- herethe CSAcan broadly be regarded as a type
bodies are proteins that bind to the antigens and of GA without crossover. The individuals in the algo-
signal other cells to kill, or otherwise deactivate, the rithm will be identified as the antibodies, essentially
invading body. T cells are also vital to the biolog- ignoring the distinctions between the real entities, the
ical immune system; however, one can argue that B cells, plasma cells, and biological antibodies. The
they play a secondary, regulatory role in motivating quantity that is optimized in the real immune system
the engineering algorithm needed for optimization is the affinity between the antibodies and the anti-
problems. gens; the affinity in the CSA is therefore defined as
The antibodies are composed of constant regions the value of the objective function, which must be
and variable regions. The constant regions are respon- maximized. As in the binary GA, the individuals of
sible for a number of functions that are necessary the population here are binary strings that encode the
for the effective functioning of the immune system; parameters to be optimized. The steps in the CSA can
be summarized as follows (see also Figure 16):
however, they are again secondary in motivating the
optimization algorithm. The variable regions are those 1. Define the problemobjective function and
that are subject to frequent mutation and can therefore encoding.
adapt to maximize their ability to bind to the antigen. 2. Generate random initial population of anti-
The actual computational agents or individuals of the bodiesAb1 . The population number of individ-
optimization routine really represent only the variable uals is set at P .
regions of the antibodies. 3. Calculate the affinities. This is the standard
The principle that motivates the optimization process of decoding the individuals and substi-
routine is the clonal selection principle. When tuting into the objective function.
exposed to antigens, the B cells respond by producing 4. Choose the N best individualsbased on their
antibodies. The antigen stimulates the B cells to affinities.
divide and proliferate into the antibody secreting 5. Cloning by taking C copies of each of the best
plasma cells. Only the B cells that recognize individuals; these clones form the set Ab2 . The
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 17




Ab2 Purge



Reselect Ab5

Figure 16. Schematic for the CSA algorithm.

number of clones of an individual can also be The various parameters are balanced to maintain
proportional to its affinity. a constant population size, which gets successively
6. The clones are now subjected to mutation better (has higher average affinity) as the algorithm
applied in the same way as the binary GA by progresses.
flipping bits of the binary string that represents An illustration of the use of the CSA algorithm on
the individual. A high mutation probability is the sensor placement problem considered in Section 3
used. This forms the set Ab3 . of this article can be found in [27].
7. Remove a percentage of the individuals with
lowest affinity from Ab1 this forms the set 7 A FINAL CASE
Ab4 . This step represents the death of the
least-stimulated cells, which is a feature of the STUDYDAMAGE DETECTION
biological immune system. Alternatively, one can In this section, the previously discussed SA algorithm
replace the least-stimulated cells with random and the GA are applied in two cases: first when data
individuals to maintain diversity. obtained from an FE beam simulation with multiple
8. Reselect a proportion of the cells with highest cracks are analyzed; second, when experimental data
affinity from Ab3 to form the set Ab5 (these are measured from three cantilever steel beams with two
the memory cells), which is added to Ab4 to form cracks are examined to estimate depth and posi-
the new population. tions of their cracks. The results obtained with these
9. The process is iterated until some performance optimization techniques are discussed to highlight the
criterion is satisfied. relative merits and drawbacks.
18 Signal Processing

7.1 Optimization approach where nf is the number of considered modes, r0

gives the position of the crack, a its depth, np the
The basis for the damage detection method is to number of measurement points, and ij is the ith
establish a model of the system and then to compute mode shape at the point j ; the superscript (c) refers to
the parameters of the model that gives the best the calculated and the superscript (m) to the measured
(in some sense) correspondence with experimental dynamic characteristics of the structure. According to
data. As usual, one first formulates an objective this method, and assuming a known location r0 , the
function, F (), which gives a scalar measure of the authors obtained a good estimate for the crack depth,
difference between measured and calculated dynamic while they found very poor results trying to evaluate
characteristics of the structure under consideration, both the location and the size of the crack, probably
D(m) and D(c) , respectively. An estimate R(s) of the due to the presence of local minima.
state of damage is the value R for which the function For maximum generality, it was decided here to
F () is a minimum, where use an FE model of the beam in which each element
is potentially cracked [29, 30]; in this way the
number of cracks in the structure is not limited. As a
F (R) = D(m) D(c) (R) (12)
consequence, the stiffness matrix of the structure can
be written as follows:
R(s) can be estimated using various optimization
procedures, but one should be aware that the estimate
of the state of damage given by the numerical K = K(R) (14)
procedure may be quite different from the correct
value. This is usually the case in which the objective where R is a vector representing the state of damage,
function has many local minima and each one is
related to an incorrect state of damage. In general, one R = [r1 r2 r3 . . . rn ]T (15)
would hope that just the global minimum provides an
accurate estimate of the actual state of damage of the
structure. n indicates the number of elements into which the
As an example of damage identification as an structure is subdivided, and ri = ai / h with ai being
optimization problem, Shen and Taylor [28] utilized the depth of the crack in the ith element and h the
a minmax optimization to assess the damage in a height of the beam.
simply supported beam; they used a cost function In general, the problem of local minima can be
with both the natural frequencies and the mode shapes avoided to an extent if more knowledge of the
of the structure, structure physical properties is introduced into the
objective function and some boundary conditions are

nf  2 included to limit the state-of-damage domain [28].
fi(c) (r0 , a) fi(m) To compare the performance of GA with SA the
i=1 following formulation, derived from [29], is used:
+ ij(c) (r0 , a) ij(m) (13) F (R) =
j =1 min g1 (R) + v(R)

Table 3. Simulated damage scenarios

Case First cracked element ri Second cracked element ri

True GA SA True GA SA True GA SA True GA SA

1 5 5 5 0.20 0.197 0.197
2 3 3 3 0.20 0.197 0.197
3 1 1 1 0.15 0.150 0.151 4 4 4 0.10 0.102 0.090
Optimization Techniques for Damage Detection 19

where Case no. 1


fi(m) /fi(m)
g1 (R) = 1 (17) 100
fi(c) (R)/fi(c)

Objective function
with N being the number of natural frequencies.

v(R) = ri (18) 103
denotes the global damage of the structure as the sum
of damage affecting n elements making up the math- 105 1
10 102 103 104
ematical model.

Case no. 2
7.2 Numerical results 101

The procedure for damage assessment described here 100

was applied to identify the damage in a beam, cracked
Objective function

in one or two locations (Table 3), with the following 101

properties: elastic modulus E = 2.06 1011 N m2 ,
mass density = 7850 kg m3 , length L = 0.7 m, 102
and cross-sectional area of 0.020 0.020 m2 . The
beam was discretized in 10 elements. Both GAs and 103
SA were applied to maximize the objective function,
in which was set equal to 80 000; the relative results
are also shown in Table 3 and the evolution of the
105 1
objective function during the optimization has been 10 102 103 104
plotted in Figure 17, where it is evident that with Evaluations
10 000 evaluations of the cost function, it is possible
Case no. 3
to reach the global maximum using both SA and the 101
GA. Furthermore, it may be stated that it is necessary
to run the GA several times (five times here) to 100
properly account for the random initializations of the
Objective function

algorithms. This consideration can be important in 101

assessing damage in more complex structures, where
a greater number of objective function evaluations is
potentially needed to reach an accurate estimate of
the state of damage.

7.3 Experimental results 105 1

10 102 103 104
To validate the damage assessment procedure, data Evaluations
obtained by performing tests on three cantilever steel Figure 17. GA fitness evolution (dashed) and SA fitness
beams have been analyzed. These beams were tested evolution (solid).
both in the undamaged and in the cracked states, so
it was possible to update their FE models in which and elastic modulus of the beam were assumed as
accelerometer mass, stiffness of the clamping device, variables. On completion of the updating task, values
20 Signal Processing

Table 4. Experimental cantilever beams

Case First cracked element ri Second cracked element ri

True GA SA True GA SA True GA SA True GA SA

C1 4 4 4 0.20 0.207 0.213 8 8 8 0.20 0.207 0.206
C2 4 3 3 0.20 0.127 0.174 8 8 8 0.30 0.367 0.349
C3 4 4 4 0.30 0.267 0.267 8 8 8 0.20 0.258 0.255

for fi(c) were computed and introduced into the [6] Worden K, Burrows AP. Optimal sensor placement
for fault diagnosis. Engineering Structures 2001
objective function formulation. The results obtained
by running both SA and genetic algorithms are
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procedures identify the correct state of damage except mizing multimodal functions of continuous vari-
ables with the simulated annealing algorithm. ACM
for beam C2 (where the estimate for the location of
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simulated annealing: a genetic algorithm. Parallel
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use of guided evolutionary simulated annealing.
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is clear that SHM inspires a number of important and 6:290295.
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[10] Holland JH. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial
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heuristics which have been inspired by physical and
tures = Evolution Programs, Thrid Edition. Springer-
biological metaphors and several of these techniques Verlag, 1996.
have been illustrated in this article.
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misation, and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley
Publishing: Reading, MA, 1989.
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[17] Bilchev G, Parmee IC. The ant colony metaphor for rotor system monitoring. Key Engineering Materials
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immunity-inspired novelty detection algorithm for 1997 206:567588.
Chapter 39
Uncertainty Analysis

Graeme Manson1, Keith Worden1, S. Gareth Pierce2

and Thierry Denoeux3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, Compiegne, France

cyclefrom design and prototyping, through produc-

1 Introduction 1 tion planning, manufacture, and in-service monitoring
and ending with a safe decommission. This virtual
2 Theories of Uncertainty 2
approach usually offers clear financial and/or environ-
3 Quantification, Fusion, and Propagation mental advantages. However, a fundamental concern
of Uncertainty 5 is that the modeling process must be robust to uncer-
4 Case Study 1: Assessment of Neural tainty: a high-fidelity model can become worthless
Network Robustness for Damage if there is no understanding of how uncertainty is
Classification 6 propagated through it. To elaborate on the concept of
5 Case Study 2: Evidence-based Damage uncertainty propagation, consider a complex compo-
Classification for an Aircraft Structure 13 nent incorporating inelastic materials, contacts, fric-
6 Conclusions 19 tion, etc. The model requires an initial specification
References 20 of material properties, clearances, and friction coef-
ficients. The response of the model will only be as
Further Reading 22
accurate as these initial values, yet the values may
be subject to large uncertainty; consider the difficulty
in the mechanical characterization of biomaterials or
viscoelastic polymers. In a worst-case analysis, the
1 INTRODUCTION predictions of the model may prove highly sensitive
to variations in the input parameters.
Future engineering will rely increasingly on computer In 1999/2000, members of the Engineering Anal-
simulations and modeling for a wide range of ysis group, amongst others, at Los Alamos National
processes in the design-to-decommissioning life Laboratories (LANL), carried out arguably the most
ambitious calculation in the (short) history of struc-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by tural dynamics. Using one of the most powerful
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 computers in the world at the time, the platform
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. Blue Mountain, the computation essentially attempted
2 Signal Processing

to quantify the propagation of uncertainty through relevance to SHM. In the next section, brief descrip-
a nonlinear finite element (FE) model of a weapon tions of the most popular of the many frameworks
component under blast loading [1]. The calculation for uncertainty representation are given. Section 3
made use of 3968 processors from the available discusses the three main uncertainty-related problems
6000 and used concurrently 4000 ABAQUS/Explicit of relevance to structural dynamics, namely, quantifi-
licenses. The analysis took over 72 h and would have cation, fusion, and propagation. In order to illustrate
required 17.8 years of equivalent single-processor the ideas of the preceding two sections in a realistic
time. scenario, two case studies conducted on an aerospace
The scale of this calculation is testimony to the structure, namely the wing of a Gnat trainer aircraft,
importance that uncertainty quantification and prop- are provided. The first case study, in Section 4,
agation (UQP) is inevitably going to assume in the considers the issue of attaining certification for artifi-
immediate future of structural dynamics and also in cial neural network (ANN) damage classifiers through
the long term. One of the reasons for the LANL the assessment of the networks robustness to uncer-
interest in UQP is that current test bans in the field tainty. This case study involves the propagation of
of nuclear weaponry forbid the type of experimenta- intervals through the network structure and examines
tion which would usually be used to validate phys- whether the networks, which would be considered
as optimal, in the traditional sense, are also most
ical and computational models. Another compelling
robust to uncertainty. In Section 5, the second case
reason for UQP is the fact that the environmental
study considers evidence-based classifiers as an alter-
and operational conditions for certain engineering
native to probabilistic classifiers for the problem of
projects are unknown and cannot be estimated with
damage location. The DempsterShafer (DS) theory
certainty. Alternatively, conditions can be estimated,
is employed to construct neural network classifiers
but cannot be recreated exactly in validation exper- with the potential to admit ignorance, rather than
iments. Consider the design and manufacture of an misclassify. The section considers issues of propa-
in-orbit facility. In this case, aspects of the true envi- gation and fusion in an evidence-based framework
ronment, such as weightlessness and absence of drag, and compares the performance of DS neural networks
can be reproduced to an extent in terrestrial experi- with their probabilistic counterparts. The article ends
ments. However, consider the design of an explo- with some brief conclusions.
ration module intended to operate on the surface of
Venus. Such systems are extremely expensive and
will often have only one chance to succeed. The 2 THEORIES OF UNCERTAINTY
performance of the Hubble telescope or the Mars
Lander Beagle 2 is an object lesson here. There are many frameworks available through which
Another prime motivator for uncertainty analysis is uncertainty may be represented and this section exam-
the need for risk assessment in safety-critical systems. ines some of the more common theories, considers
their pros and cons, and looks for applications in the
In fact, one might argue that the modern origins of
literature of structural dynamics. It is not the inten-
the subject are here with projects like the Nuclear
tion to give an exhaustive review of the literature
Reactor Safety Study [2]. One of the main regulators
and, in particular, the large body of work in the high-
in the design of structural health monitoring (SHM)
frequency/Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) arena is
systems for say, a civil aircraft, will be the need to
eliminate false assertions of damage as a result of
environmental and operational variations. Such false
positives and the ensuing no fault found inspections 2.1 Classical probability theory
would substantially increase the cost of ownership
of the aircraft. Even more critical is the possibility The classical probability theory is well known. In
of a false negative as a result of environmental fact, if the variations in a parameter are random, there
uncertainty, with potential loss of life being the result. is no better specification of the uncertainty than a
The purpose of this article is to introduce the probability distribution. However, in practice, this is
issue of uncertainty analysis in general and also its often not available. Engineering analysis is routinely
Uncertainty Analysis 3

based on small samples and one might only be able to measurespossibility and necessity [9]. Essentially,
estimate the low-order moments of a distribution some proposition e is mapped into the interval [0,1],
mean and variancewith any confidence. Arbitrarily which may be divided into the three intervals: neces-
imposing a known distribution shape e.g., Gaus- sity N (e), necessity of the contrary proposition N (e ),
sian, on the basis of this information is perilous. and ignorance (e). Possibility of the proposition is
In particular, the use of such central statistics may given by P (e) = N (e) + (e) = 1 N (e ). Applica-
result in a distribution radically different in the tails tions of the possibility theory are even rarer than
from the true distribution. In risk analysis, where applications of DS, [6] cites only three. In some ways,
one is concerned with extreme events, the results the possibility theory can be interpreted in terms of
of such a strategy will probably be meaningless. fuzzy sets [10].
Another problem, in general, is that a specification
of a problem will necessarily include a region of
ignorance, and classical probability theory cannot 2.4 Fuzzy logic
accommodate this. In particular, a statement of the
probability of an event automatically fixes the prob- This is one of the elder statesmen of contenders with
ability that it will not occur. The evidence for the probability theory [11]. This extends the classical
occurrence of the event is essentially the same as the probability theory by relaxing one of the fundamental
evidence for nonoccurrence. set-theoretic properties on which it is based. In the
classical set theory, an element x is either a member
of a set A or a member of its complement Ac . In fuzzy
2.2 Evidence theory set theory, x may be associated (with given weight)
with a number of different sets. Fuzzy logic encodes
This can be regarded as an extension of the theory of uncertainty by associating linguistic descriptors with
probability (although this interpretation is contested). a variable x like large or small. x may be a member
The main theory of this sort is DS theory [3, 4], of both sets, large and small, but it is associated
although generalizations exist [5]. Essentially, the to each by a membership function that mediates
single probability is replaced here with two quantities. the likelihood of its membership. There are analogs
The belief, Be, associated with an event is the sum of of all the basic mathematical operations for such
the evidence in favor of the event. The plausibility, fuzzy variables (often based on interval arithmetic)
Pl, is the complement of the evidence against the and it is possible to construct fuzzy analogs of
occurrence of the event. By the fact that these many crisp theories. The most intensive use of
quantities can be different, DS theory accommodates fuzzy logic in engineering is associated with control,
the idea of ignorance. DS theory thus replaces the although the interesting studies [1214] construct a
single probability with an interval [Pl, Be], and these fuzzy version of modal analysis. The same authors
quantities are sometimes called lower and upper have also formulated a fuzzy version of FE analysis
probabilities. Be can be regarded as the best-case [15].
estimate of the probability of an event, corresponding
to the case when all the missing evidence (ignorance)
turns out to be in support of the event. Applications 2.5 Interval methods
in engineering of DS theory are rather few and
far between, [6] cites 12 application references in Rather simply stated, the interval method replaces
total, but interestingly exclude [7, 8] and those that crisp numbers and variables with intervals [x, x]
specifically consider problems of SHM. [16]. Uncertainty in a parameter is encoded in the
statement that it lies somewhere between two given
bounds x and x with certainty. Note that this infor-
2.3 Possibility theory mation could be incorporated in a probabilistic anal-
ysis by giving a distribution for the parameter on
Similar to DS theory, the possibility the interval, e.g., a uniform distribution. However,
theory makes use of two complementary uncertainty interval analysis makes no use of such additional
4 Signal Processing

assumptions. There are again analogs of all the 2.6 Convex models
expected arithmetical operations, which thus allow
the propagation of interval quantities through various In a sense, the convex models can be regarded as a
types of models. There are numerous uses of interval generalization of the interval concept of uncertainty
arithmetic documented in the literature. In terms of (although they are more than this). A given parameter
structural dynamics, the previously cited study on p is associated with a convex set, which may be said
fuzzy modal analysis, [13], made extensive use of to contain the parameter. For example, an ellipsoidal-
interval arithmetic. In [17], there is an independent bound convex model takes the form
attempt to formulate a fuzzy FE analysis in terms of
interval arithmetic. The paper [18] is of interest in (, p) = {p : (p p)T W (p p) < } (1)
that it considers a problem of damage detection. The
problem with interval arithmetic is that it is conserva- where W specifies the axes of the ellipsoid containing
tive in nature and that the bounds on the calculations the data and p is the mean of the data set. This
expand considerably in practical computations. An is a convex set. This approach to uncertainty was
attempt to improve on this behavior is under devel- pioneered by Ben-Haim and has been applied by
opment in the form of affine arithmetic [19]. An him and coworkers in numerous contexts [21]. It is
application to the structural eigenvalue problem can possible to prove numerous theorems such as: if the
be found in [20]. input to a linear system is a convex model, then so is

Closed convex sets of Equivalent Coherent lower and

probability distributions upper previsions

Choquet lower and upper


Choquet capacities of Equivalent Feasible interval-valued

order 2 probability distributions

Choquet capacities of
order 3

Choquet capacities of
order infinity (DS theory)

Sugeno Equivalent
Possibility theory Fuzzy set theory

Interval methods
probability theory

Figure 1. Klir and Smiths hierarchy of theories of uncertainty.

Uncertainty Analysis 5

the output. This property does not hold for a nonlinear 3.1 Quantification
system, but by relaxing the constraints one obtains
an information-gap model and recovers the property Given a parameter a, associate with this a mean-
of invariance under a nonlinear operator [22]. An ingful uncertainty measure with the framework of
interesting formulation of an information-gap model a given uncertainty model. For example, assign a
on a problem of structural dynamics can be found probability in the classical probability theory or a
in [23]. basic probability assignment (BPA) in DS theory. The
process of quantification may involve several steps,
each refining the measure. For example, in [26], the
following process is described within the context of
2.7 Klir and Smiths hierarchy the Bayesian probability theory. A prior distribution is
of uncertainty theories defined, for example, for a given model parameter. If
it exists, expert opinion data are used to update/refine
In a sense, the approaches described above are lower- the priors to obtain a posterior distribution for the
level approaches to modeling uncertainty. In the parameter. This posterior then becomes the prior for
survey [24], Klir and Smith identify a hierarchy of stage 2 whereby the results of computer simulation
theories of uncertainty as shown in Figure 1. are used to update. Finally, the posterior from stage 2
As one moves up the diagram, one encounters becomes the prior for stage 3 where experimental
more general representations of uncertainty. In prac- data are used to update. The multistage process may
tice, none of the theories above DS theory have so far also be thought of as a precursor to fusion.
been applied to engineering problems; however, they
have potential for the future. All the theories above
the classical probability theory are based on a more 3.2 Fusion
general form of measurecapacity [25]. The clas-
sical probability theory has, for disjoint events A and Given a parameter a, which has a set of uncertainty
B, that measures m(a)i associated with different uncertainty
models Ui , how does one refine each measure in the
light of the others? For example, if one is given a
p(A B) = p(A) + p(B) (2)
classical probability 0.75 for an event, and lower
and upper probabilities [0.6, 1.0] from DS theory,
i.e., the measure p is additive. Choquets capacities how can one refine each measure given the other?
g allow Associated with this problem is that of normalization
i.e., which uncertainty measure in the convex model
g(A B) >< g(A) + g(B) (3) theory corresponds to a given probability or BPA? Or
is it even possible to make a quantitative comparison?
i.e., they account for the possibility of mutual coop- This is largely an open problem, although some
eration or inhibition between events. As discussed preliminary results are available; [27] sketches a
above, this freedom has so far been neglected in terms relationship between fuzzy set theory and the classical
of engineering applications. probability theory.

3.3 Propagation
If a parameter a, with a given uncertainty measure
AND PROPAGATION OF m(a), forms the input to a given physical process,
UNCERTAINTY which uncertainty measure should be associated with
the output, or a given aspect of the output? As an
In terms of uncertainty, structural dynamics has example, consider the discussion in [28] a control
arguably three main concerns, which are discussed problem. The aim is to establish, given a system with
briefly in this section. uncertain parameters, the probability that the derived
6 Signal Processing

controller will be stable. An associated problem here it is imperative that the performance of the classifier
is the question of sensitivity, i.e., which parameters, to the most diverse range of inputs is well under-
with their associated uncertainties, are the main cause stood. Poor classifier performance could result in
of variation in the model/system response. catastrophic failure and possible loss of life. Although
a range of techniques have been developed for output
confidence interval predications [32, 3437], they all
4 CASE STUDY 1: ASSESSMENT adopt a probabilistic standpoint and therefore suffer
from the common drawback that since the probability
OF NEURAL NETWORK distributions are usually estimated from the low-order
ROBUSTNESS FOR DAMAGE moments of the data (typically mean and standard
CLASSIFICATION deviation), there is often no representation associated
with the extremes of the distributions. Unfortunately,
The first case study considers the application of it is often the extreme events of the data that are likely
ANN classifiers to the interpretation of data for the to be associated with the unpredictable failure events
purposes of damage location. ANN classifiers have of greatest interest.
found diverse applications in many fields including This case study comprises a novel nonprobabilistic
aircraft wing damage detection [29, 30]. Conventional approach applied to predicting extreme network
network training can be viewed within a framework outputs in the presence of uncertainty in the input
of the global optimization (minimization) of the error data. This technique is based on the theory of convex
function between the network output prediction and models and information-gap uncertainty as pioneered
the true target data. There exist a number of strategies by Ben-Haim [3841]. Interval-based [42] techniques
to locate this minimum, the most common being are extended to investigate the response of a simple
variants of gradient descent such as scaled conjugate multilayer perceptron (MLP) network used for a clas-
gradients [31, 32]. These techniques make use of sification problem to locate damage sites on the wing
the local gradient information of the error surface of a Gnat trainer aircraft. A comparison with conven-
to ascertain the optimum search direction but are tional network training based on cross-validation
susceptible to the danger of locking a solution into is presented. It is shown that the use of interval-
a local minimum rather than locating the true global based network propagation allows a new criterion
minimum. A number of strategies have been devised for network selection to be established. This tech-
to counter this problem [3133], and new techniques nique allows the identification of an ANN classifier,
of searching the error function space are currently which is intrinsically more robust to noise on the
active areas of research, for example, using genetic input data than network solutions obtained by conven-
algorithms (GAs) [32]. tional maximum likelihood training. Furthermore, by
An additional complication to network perfor- virtue of the conservative nature of interval sets,
mance lies in the capability of a network to generalize the reliance on probabilistic-based estimates of confi-
its classification performance to previously unseen dence bounds on network predictions is obviated. The
data. There exists the widely recognized problem of interval-based worst-case error predictions represent
overtraining that can occur such that a network starts an inclusive bounded solution set given a specified
to learn the noise present in data rather than the degree of input noise to the classifier.
underlying data structure. The use of cross-validation
and early stopping [33] using an independent valida-
tion data set are often used as termination criteria for 4.1 Experimental data acquisition
training to help avoid this problem. and signal processing
The problems of network overtraining and lack of
generalization are central to understanding the inertia The work concerns an SHM strategy to the problem
to the practical application of ANNs, especially to of damage location on an aircraft (Gnat) wing
safety-critical applications. If, for example, one envis- located at DSTL Farnborough, as shown in Figure 2.
ages an ANN classifier being used to assess the The wing was instrumented with an array of 12
condition of a major structural airframe component, accelerometers to measure the response to forced
Uncertainty Analysis 7

vibration induced from a shaker mounted to the

underside of the wing. The wing had a series of
C1 nine removable panels (P1P9), which could be
removed and replaced to provide a reproducible and
reversible representation of changing conditions on
the wing structure. In this fashion, damage repre-
C2 sented by a local change in stiffness properties could
CR be simulated.
Data were collected from all 12 accelerometers for
P9 C3 a variety of undamaged (normal condition with all
panels in place) and simulated damage data. Note
from Figure 2 that the accelerometers were posi-
B3 tioned in three distinct groupings (A, B, C) across
P6 the plate. Rather than record the individual accel-
eration responses, the experiment was configured to
AR P4 B1 record the ratio of measured accelerations between
P3 A3 transducer pairs AR/A1, AR/A2, AR/A3, etc. in such
a way that the transmissibilities between transducer
pairs formed the base measurement [29, 30]. In this
P1 fashion, there were a total of nine measurement
A2 variables recorded. Figure 3 illustrates a typical raw
transmissibility measurement with 1024 spectral lines
Figure 2. Detail of Gnat wing, showing position of recorded with 1 Hz width in the frequency range
sensors and removable panels. 10242048 Hz.







1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3. Example of a transmissibility plot spectrum.
8 Signal Processing

By systematic removal of panels P1P9, the effect sets were logarithmically compressed and normalized
of simulated damage on the spectral response of the to 1 to +1 before presentation to the network.
transmissibility functions could be observed. For each
panel removed, 100 individual measurements were
recorded for each of the nine separate transmissi- 4.2 Network topology and training
bilities (labeled T1 through T9) corresponding to
removal of panels P1P9. Two complete runs through The MLP network implementation and training was
the set were completed making a total of 18 runs undertaken in MATLAB using the NETLAB tool-
each with 9 transmissibilities each with 100 measure- box developed by Nabney [32]. The data were
ments; giving a total of 16 200 results. Additionally, presented to a series of MLP networks with different
7 normal condition (undamaged) cases were recorded numbers of hidden nodes. Each network had nine
for each of the 9 transmissibilities, again taking 100 input nodes corresponding to the features F1F9, and
individual measurements for each, thus giving a total nine output nodes corresponding to the classes P1P9
of 6300 results representing normal condition. (Figure 4). The input values were xi , i = 1, . . . , d.
The data were inspected manually to select features The outputs from the second layer were given by
(spectral line windows) from the T spectra (trans-
missibility spectra) that corresponded to particular 
damage events. This problem was simplified by using ak(2) = (2)
wkj tanh wj(1)
i xi + bj(1) + bk(2)
a nonlocal argument with respect to the transducer j =1 i=1
groups [29, 30]. For removal of panels P1P3, only for j = 1, . . . , M and k = 1, . . . , C
the T spectra from T1, T2, T3 (corresponding to
the accelerometers A1A3 and AR) were consid- (5)
ered relevant, and the spectra from transducer groups where w is the weight matrix, b is the bias matrix, M
B and C were ignored. Similarly, for the removal is number of input nodes, and C is number of output
of panels P4P6, only measurements from the B nodes.
set of transducers were considered and likewise only The network output was given by transformation of
measurements from the C set of transducers for the the second layer activations by the output activation
removal of P7P9. function. Since there were a series of C indepen-
From a total of 77 individual features [29, 30], dent output classes, it was appropriate to utilize the
a single feature was selected (by inspection) to softmax function [32]:
correspond to the removal of a single panel. In this
fashion, the feature set was reduced to nine individual exp[ak(2) ]
yk =  (6)
features (F1F9). For each individual feature, the exp[ak(2) ]
data comprised 700 normal condition measurements, k
and 1800 test measurements. An outlier (novelty)
analysis was then performed [43] by computing the The choice of the softmax activation function
Mahalanobis squared distance of the data points with ensured that the outputs always summed to unity, and
respect to the normal condition data. thus could be directly interpreted as class conditional
probability values.
2 = (x )T  1 (x ) (4) The number of hidden nodes in the second layer
was varied between 1 and 15 hidden units. Each
where  is the Mahalanobis distance, x is the data, individual network structure was trained with 100
is the mean of the normal condition data, and  is independent training sessions starting at differently
the covariance matrix of the data. randomly chosen points on the error surface so that a
By performing the novelty analysis for each of the total of 1500 independent networks were evaluated.
nine features, a data matrix of size [1800 by 9] was Up to 1000 iterations of a scaled conjugate gradient
obtained. This was divided into three equal parts to optimization were implemented within a maximum
form separate training, validation, and test data sets likelihood training framework using a small hyperpa-
for subsequent network evaluation. Finally, the data rameter = 0.001 to control weight decay.
Uncertainty Analysis 9

Layer 1 biases Layer 2 biases

bj bk
Layer 1 weights Layer 2 weights
Wji Wkj
x1 W11 y1
x2 y2

x3 y3

Xd yc

Activation function Activation function
tan h exp(ak )/ exp(ak )

Figure 4. Multilayer perceptron network structure.

4.3 Conventionally trained network hidden nodes was likely to possess poor general-
results ization performance. It was for this reason that the
maximum network size considered in the present
analysis was four hidden nodes, which have 22 inde-
Traditional network selection was implemented by
pendent weight and bias components. This choice
dividing the data into three equal portions designated
of network provides reasonable classification perfor-
the training, validation, and test data sets. The training
mance on the validation data, whilst maintaining a
data were used to train the networks; the best network
relatively simple network structure. Using a cross-
was then selected from the 1500 possibilities by
validation [33] approach to network selection, the
finding the best classification rate on the validation
best-performing network (with four hidden nodes)
data set. Finally, the performance of this selected best from the validation set was selected. This network
network was assessed using the test data set. It was gave a classification rate of 92.9% when applied to
found that a network with eight or nine hidden nodes the test data set.
produced an excellent classification performance for
a relatively compact network structure.
However, considering that an eight-hidden-node 4.4 Interval-based classification networks
network structure has 161 independent weight and and network robustness
bias components and the total number of training
examples was 594 (66 examples of each class), it Having established the network performance to crisp
is very likely that the network structure with eight (i.e., single-valued) input data, the next step was
10 Signal Processing

to devise a method to investigate the sensitivity set (defined by choosing an appropriate threshold for
of the classification performance of the network to a performance governing parameter, for example, the
fluctuations in its input data. Quantification of this worst-case error) was just reached; at this point,
performance would allow an estimate of the network attained a critical value CR . A large value of CR
robustness to be evaluated. Perhaps the most obvious was desirable as the network would then be more
way of performing this analysis would be to use a robust [41].
Monte Carlo approach, randomizing the input data Each input value xi of the test data set was
(within certain predefined bounds) and monitoring the intervalized by a parameter such that
associated changes in the output classification perfor-
mance. This technique has a significant drawback, [xia , xib ] = [(xi ), (xi + )] (8)
especially when applied to nonlinear MLP networks,
in that it is impossible to be sure of mapping all Propagation of interval sets through a crisp-valued
possible combinations of variation in input space to ANN weight matrix gives rise to interval number
output space unless an unfeasibly large number of outputs. For a regression problem, this is manifest as a
sample points are used. Since interest lies in under- set of upper and lower bounds around the true output
standing the worst possible performance of the classi- prediction. However, for a classification problem, it is
fier in the presence of input data uncertainty, a Monte necessary to introduce some new definitions for the
Carlo approach would therefore not provide certainty concepts of the confusion matrix and classification
of behavior under all possible input data conditions. rate to be valid.
Similarly, the other techniques discussed in the intro-
duction have a similar flaw in that they generate a
probabilistic view of the likelihood of the classifier 4.4.1 Defining interval classification rates
performance with respect to input data fluctuation. It For crisp-valued outputs, the designation for a correct
was to circumvent this problem that the input data set classification is if the class with the highest class
was redefined as a series of interval number inputs. conditional probability output (the winning class)
Interval numbers [42] occupy a bounded range of the belongs to the correct target class. If this is not
number line, and can be defined as an ordered pair of the case, then a misclassification is assigned. The
real numbers [a, b] with a < b such that overall classification rate is just the percentage of
classifications to total number of data presentations.
[a, b] = {x|a x b} (7) For an intervalized network output with sufficiently
small interval bounds, it would be expected that
Interval numbers have specific rules for the stan- the classification rate would be the same as in
dard arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, the crisp data situation. The class with the highest
multiplication, and division [40]. bound output remains the winning class (correct or
The MATLAB compatible toolbox INTLAB [44] incorrect), and its lower bound is greater than any
was used to implement the interval calculations of the other classes upper bounds. However, as the
required to calculate forward propagation through interval size increases, a point is reached where one
the MLP networks. This toolbox incorporated a (or more) of the losing class upper bounds becomes
rigorous approach to rounding, which was critical equal to or greater than the lower bound of the
when using finite precision calculations in order winning class. (The lower bound of the winning
to preserve the true conservative interval bounds. class is defined as the threshold value for interval-
Formally, with each network, we associated an input based classification.) At this critical point, it becomes
set I () composed of all possible inputs to the impossible to distinguish between the two (or more)
network, the size of the uncertainty was governed by classes, and either (or any) of the classes could be the
the parameter. Having defined the input set I (), winner. The best-case classification rate is defined as
the output response set R() of all network outputs the percentage of correct classifications, regardless of
was computed. It was then possible to quantify the whether these classifications were unambiguous (only
network reliability in terms of how large a para- one class identified) or ambiguous (more than one
meter could be tolerated before a point in the failure class identified). The worst-case classification rate is
Uncertainty Analysis 11

defined as the percentage of unambiguous, correct the input data. For the case of Figure 5, the 80%
classifications. In keeping with the framework of Ben- minimum worst-case classification rate corresponds
Haim [39, 41], opportunity is defined as the best to an uncertainty in the input data of CR = 0.01.
classification rate minus the crisp classification rate. It Since the interval output set is conservative, we can
is clear that, as the interval size increases, the worst- then guarantee that, if the input set remains within
case classification rate decreases, whilst the best-case the bound specified by CR , the output classification
classification rate and the opportunity increase. rate cannot fall below the minimum specified rate of
80%. In this fashion, the interval forward propagation
routine can be used to assess the robustness of an indi-
4.4.2 Interval propagation through
vidual network to uncertainty in the input data [45].
conventionally trained network
The network with four hidden nodes, which was
previously chosen via the cross-validation approach, 4.5 Interval-based network selection
was then subjected to the propagation of intervalized
data in order to investigate its robustness to data Having established the basis for the definition of
uncertainty. The behavior of this network is shown classification rates, worst-case error, opportunity, and
in Figure 5. best-case error applied to interval outputs from an
This is a typical information-gap style plot [40, 41], individual network [28], the technique was extended
where the opportunity is a measure of how much to investigate propagation through multiple networks
performance headroom is available to the system if to appraise the capability of using interval results as
we are prepared to tolerate the presence of uncertainty a basis for network selection. The same networks
in the input data. However, for safety-critical systems, trained using the conventional maximum likelihood
we are more likely to be interested in the worst-case approach detailed above were investigated. For each
classification rate. From such a figure, it is possible particular value of the number of hidden nodes
to decide on a minimum acceptable classification rate (115), the interval forward propagation was eval-
(for example 80%) and then infer the corresponding uated for all 100 individual networks. The range of
interval size, which in turn relates to the spread in interval outputs for the worst-case error, opportunity,

90 Worst-case error
80 Opportunity
Best-case error
Classification rate (%)


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Interval size
Figure 5. Classification rate as a function of interval size for four hidden node network chosen using cross-validation.
12 Signal Processing


90 Worst-case error
Best-case error
Classification rate (%)








0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

Interval size
Figure 6. Interval output classification rates as function of interval size for all 100 of the 4 hidden node networks.

and best-case error were then calculated. The results interval input data, it is possible to determine a
for all 100 of the 4 hidden node networks are more appropriate choice of network selection criteria
shown in Figure 6, where the markers indicate the than is available using the conventional maximum
mean values and the error bars show the range (i.e., likelihood training applied to crisp input data.
the maximum and minimum values) of the three The merit of the interval-based forward propaga-
functions. tion technique lies in two distinct areas. Firstly, it
The most interesting feature of Figure 6 is the allows the definition of a critical size of uncertainty in
large spread in the values of the worst-case error the input data set that guarantees that the output clas-
function. For example, at an interval size of 0.02, the sification performance does not fall below a prede-
worst-case error falls between classification rates of fined level. This is useful to apply to a single network
38.7 and 74.6%. The best-performing network using structure (which could be obtained from any general
conventional cross-validation on crisp data, whilst training technique) to evaluate the robustness of that
not the worst-performing network, was certainly not particular network to uncertainty or noise in the input
the best. The best-performing network in terms of data. Secondly, and more importantly, an extension
highest worst classification rate varied, depending of the first technique can be used as an alternative
upon the interval size but a few networks performed criterion for network selection. It was demonstrated
consistently well over the entire interval range. that the worst-case interval output classification rates
In general, to select the best network in an interval from conventional MLP networks can be used to
tolerant sense, it is required to set a sensible upper find network structures with significantly improved
limit on the input uncertainty (the interval size. The classification performances over their conventional
best network would then be the one giving the crisp-output counterparts in the presence of input
highest worst-case error at this uncertainty level. uncertainty or noise. In general, it seems that prior
It is imperative to then check to ensure that this knowledge of the maximum size of the input uncer-
network also provides good performance at lower tainty is required to select the optimum network
interval values. In this fashion, when considering structure.
Uncertainty Analysis 13

5 CASE STUDY 2: the possibilities of DS theory is that it extends prob-

ability in a number of ways, which are potentially
EVIDENCE-BASED DAMAGE exploitable in an SHM context. The current case study
CLASSIFICATION FOR AN is looking only to demonstrate that the method is
AIRCRAFT STRUCTURE competitive with the probability-based MLP approach
on an experimental case study of an aircraft wing. The
The recent past has seen considerable use of machine DS classifier here is also implemented using a neural
learning techniques for SHM. The basic idea of network structure [48].
the approach is to use data measured from undam-
aged and damaged structures in order to train a
learning machine to assign a condition label to previ- 5.1 DempsterShafer reasoning
ously unseen data. The simplest problem of SHM
DS theory is a means of decision fusion, which is
is arguably damage detection. This is most easily
formulated in terms of probability-like measures but
carried out in the machine-learning context by using
extends probability theory in a number of important
a novelty detector [46]. Novelty detection involves
respects. The basic idea of belief was introduced by
the construction of a model of the normal condition
Dempster in [3] and extended in Shafers treatise [4].
of a system or structure, which can then be used in
The basic model is formulated in similar terms to
a hypothesis test on unseen data to establish whether
probability. In the place of the sample space is the
the new data corresponds to normal condition or not. frame of discernment , which is the set spanning
The advantage of the novelty detection approach is the possible events for observation Ai , where i =
that it can be carried out using unsupervised learning, 1, . . . , N . On the basis of sensor evidence, each event
i.e., with only samples of undamaged data. If a more or union of events is assigned a degree of probability
detailed diagnosis of a system is required, e.g., if it is mass or basic belief assignment (BBA) m such that,
necessary to specify the type or location of damage
in a structure, this can still be done using machine- 0 m(Ai ) 1 Ai  (9)
learning methods. For higher levels of diagnostics,
algorithms based on classification or regression are m() = 0 (10)
applicable; however, these must be applied in a super- 
m(Ai ) = 1 (11)
vised learning context and examples of data from
both the undamaged and damaged conditions can be
used [47]. where is the empty set. (Note that normaliza-
The most popular classifiers for damage location tion, as in equation (11), is not always required in
and quantification so far have been those based on belief function theory.) The difference between this
MLP neural networks [31] (although there is growing evidential theory and probability theory is that the
popularity for classifiers based on the concepts total probability mass need not be exhausted in the
of statistical learning theorylike support vector assignments to individual events. There is allowed
machines [47]). Training of MLP networks as clas- to be a degree of uncertainty or ignorance. This
sifiers is usually accomplished by using the 1 of M is sometimes denoted by a probability mass assign-
strategy [31], which implicitly assumes a Bayesian ment to the whole frame of discernment m() or
probabilistic basis for the classification. Whilst prob- m(A1 . . . AN ).
ability theory is only one (but arguably the most The belief in an event B is denoted by Be(B) and
important) of a group of theories that can quantify and is defined by
propagate uncertainty, other theories of uncertainty, 
perhaps with the exception of fuzzy set theory, have Be(B) = m(Ai ) (12)
been largely unexplored in the context of damage Ai B
identification. The object of this case study is to
design a classifier for damage location based on DS and this is the total probability, which is committed
theory of evidence [3, 4]. The reason for exploring to the support of the proposition that B has occurred.
14 Signal Processing

The doubt in the proposition B is denoted by First of all, if damage occurs at A, it is certainly by
Dou(B) and is defined by delamination and this forces the mass assignment,

Dou(B) = Be(B) (13) 2

m(D) = (15)
i.e., the doubt is the total support for the negation of the remaining mass cannot be assigned with certainty,
the proposition B (negation is denoted by a tilde). so it is assigned to the frame of discernment,
One of the fundamental differences between the DS
and probability theory is that the belief and doubt do 1
not necessarily sum to unity i.e., it is not certain that m() = m(D F ) = (16)
B B is true. This is illustrated diagrammatically
in Figure 7. The belief in the delamination is simply Be(D) = 2/3
The uncertainty Un in the proposition B is that as this is the only basic mass assignment to B. There
portion of the probability mass which does not is no such assignment to F so the belief Be(F ) = 0.
support B or its negation. If further evidence were The plausibility in D is given by
provided, some of the uncertainty could move in
support of B but the mass assigned to the doubt P l(D) = m(D) + m(D F ) = 1 (17)
cannot move. This means that the possible belief in B
is bounded above by the quantity Be(B) + Un(B) = and the plausibility of F is similarly calculated as 1/3.
1 Dou(B) and this quantity is termed the plausi- The uncertainty interval for D is [2/3,1] and that for
bility of B and is denoted by Pl (B). The plausibility F is [0,1/3].
can also be defined by Note that it is not possible to use probability theory
 here directly as the relative probabilities at site B
P l(B) = m(Ai ) (14) are not known. It is possible to construct bounds
Ai B = on the probabilities though. Suppose delamination
were impossible at site B, then the overall probability
A concrete example will be useful at this point. of delamination would be 2/3 and this would be a
lower bound. If delamination were certain at B, the
Example Consider a composite structure which overall probability would be 1. Note that these quan-
may have sustained damage at one of two internal tities are the belief and plausibility respectively. For
sites A and B which are indistinguishable. It is known this reason, the belief and plausibility are sometimes
termed the lower and upper probabilities.
that the only possible damage mechanism at site A
is delamination (denoted D), but site B may fail by
The interpretation of some common instances of
delamination or fiber fracture (denoted F) and the
the uncertainty interval for a proposition B is as
relative probabilities of the damage mechanisms are
unknown. It is further known that failure at A is twice
as likely as failure at B. What can one say about the [0,0] B is impossible.
likely damage type if a fault is found? [1,1] B is certain.
[0.75,0.75] There is no uncertainty. B has a true
Belief Ignorance Doubt probability of 0.75.
[0,1] There is total ignorance regarding B.
[0.25,1] B is plausible, there is no support for B.
[0,0.75] B is plausible, there is no support for B.
[0.25,0.75] Both B and B are plausible.
0 1
Plausibility All this suffices to establish terminology, to explain
how to compute belief functions, and how to inter-
Figure 7. The DempsterShafer uncertainty interval. pret the results. It does not provide a means of data
Uncertainty Analysis 15

fusionthat requires the use of Dempsters combi- to the propositions,

nation rule [49].
Suppose that one has two sensors 1 and 2. BPAs mA (D) mA (F M) mA ()
are possible on the basis of either sensor alone,
mB (D M) D M DM
denoted m1 and m2 . Belief functions Be 1 and Be 2
mB (D F ) D F DF
can be computed. Dempsters rule allows the calcu-
mB () D F M 
lation of an overall probability assignment m+ and a
corresponding overall belief function Be+ , where this and the direct sum m+ assigns support to the propo-
direct sum, sitions D, M, F, D M, D F , F M, and  =
D M F P.
Be+ = Be1 Be2 (18) The belief in delamination is Be+ (D) = 0.075 +
0.15 + 0.075 = 0.3; similarly, Be+ (M) = 0.1,
is induced by m+ . Suppose that sensor 1 makes Be+ (F ) = 0.2, and Be+ (P ) = 0. The plausibility of
assignments m1 (Ai ) to the proposition Ai (which can, delamination D is given by
and usually does, include the frame of discernment),
and sensor 2 makes assignments m2 (Bj ), then Demp- P l+ (D) = m+ (D) + m+ (D M) + m+ (D F )
sters rule makes assignments as follows. = 0.3 + 0.075 + 0.15 = 0.525 (21)
Consider a matrix with row entries labeled by
i and column entries j , then the (i, j )th element similarly,
of the matrix is an assignment of probability mass
m1 (Ai ) m2 (Bj ) to the proposition Ai Bj . P l+ (M) = 0.275, P l+ (F ) = 0.45
This is best understood by an example:
and P l+ (P ) = 0.075 (22)
Example Suppose a classifier is required which
can assign a damage type to data from a composite In summary, the uncertainty intervals for the fused
belief function are
structure. The possible damage types are delamination
D, fiber fracture F, matrix cracking M, or fiber pullout
P. Two different classifiers are trained, A and B, D [0.3,0.525]
which produce different probability mass assignments. M [0.1,0.275]
Classifier A makes the assignments, F [0.2,0.45]
P [0,0.075]
mA (D) = 0.25, mA (F M) = 0.5,
mA () = 0.25 (19) The most plausible diagnosis is clearly delami-
and classifier B returns, In mathematical terms, Dempsters combination
rule is expressed as
mB (D M) = 0.3, mB (D F ) = 0.4, 
m+ (C) = m1 (Ai )m2 (Bj ) (23)
mB () = 0.3 (20) Ai Bj =C

Dempsters rule induces a mass assignment matrix,

mA (D) mA (F M) mA ()
mB (D M) 0.25 0.3 = 0.075 0.25 0.4 = 0.1 0.25 0.3 = 0.075
mB (D F ) 0.5 0.3 = 0.15 0.5 0.4 = 0.2 0.5 0.3 = 0.15
mB () 0.25 0.3 = 0.075 0.25 0.4 = 0.1 0.25 0.3 = 0.075
16 Signal Processing

and and a total mass of 0.15 is lost on the empty set.

 This means that the assignments should be rescaled
Be + (C) = m1 (Ai )m2 (Bj ) (24) by a factor K = 1/0.85 = 1.1765 (to four decimal
Ai Bj =C
places). The mass matrix becomes,

Unfortunately, things are not quite as straightfor- mA (D) mA (F M) mA ()

ward as this. Problems arise in using Dempsters mB (D M) 0.0882 0.1176 0.0882
rule if the intersection between supported proposi- mB (P F ) 0.1765 0.2353 0.1764
tions Ai and Bj is empty. In this circumstance, a mB () 0.0882 0.1176 0.0882
nonzero mass assignment is made to the empty set
and this contradicts the basic definition of the mass and the calculation for the belief functions and uncer-
assignment, which demands that m+ () = 0. In order tainty intervals proceeds exactly as before.
to preserve this rule, Dempsters rule must assign
zero mass to nonoverlapping propositions. However, The differences between the DS approach and the
if this is the case, the probability mass is lost and probabilistic are now manifest. First of all, proba-
the total mass assignment for m+ is less than unity, bilisticor rather Bayesianapproaches are unable
contradicting another rule for probability numbers. A to accommodate ignorance. All probability must be
valid mass assignment is obtained by rescaling m+ assigned to the set of propositions under consid-
to take account of the lost mass. If the mass lost on eration. Secondly, the Bayesian approach is unable
nonoverlapping propositions totals k, the remaining to meaningfully assign probabilities to the union of
mass assignments should be rescaled by a factor propositions. If the uncertainty for all propositions is
K = 1/(1 k). The combination rule (23) is modi- zero and the mass assigned to unions is zero, DS is
fied to reduced to Bayesian probability reasoning.
 There are other frameworks that seek to extend
m+ (C) = K m1 (Ai )m2 (Bj ) (25) Bayesian methods in a similar manner to DS such as
Ai Bj =C the generalized evidence processing (GEP) approach
of [5] and those proposed in [50, 51].
Example Consider the last example. Suppose the
assignments made by sensor A were as before, but
those of sensor B were now,
5.2 The DS neural network
mB (D M) = 0.3, mB (P F ) = 0.4,
The object of this section is to briefly describe
mB () = 0.3 (26) the neural network implementation of the DS-based

Dempsters rule gives the same assignments,

mA (D) mA (F M) mA ()
mB (D M) 0.25 0.3 = 0.075 0.25 0.4 = 0.1 0.25 0.3 = 0.075
mB (P F ) 0.5 0.3 = 0.15 0.5 0.4 = 0.2 0.5 0.3 = 0.15
mB () 0.25 0.3 = 0.075 0.25 0.4 = 0.1 0.25 0.3 = 0.075

but this time to the propositions,

mA (D) mA (F M) mA ()
mB (D M) D M DM
mB (P F ) F P F
mB () D F M 
Uncertainty Analysis 17

classifier. More detail can be found in the original 1. Construct the prototypes p i from the training data
reference [46]. using a clustering algorithm.
The basic idea is to assign one of M classes 2. Given a vector x, compute the distances from the
C1 , . . . , CM (these form the frame of discernment) vector to the prototypes. Using the parameters di
to a feature vector x on the basis of a set of N and uiq , assign a degree of belief for each class q.
training examples x 1 , . . . , x N . Suppose the vector x 3. Use Dempsters combination rule to compute the
is close to a training example x i with respect to an total belief in each class from all the contributing
appropriate distance measure d (di = x x i ). It prototypes.
is then appropriate that the class of the vector x i
influences ones beliefs about the class of x. One The algorithm extends the probabilistic classifier
has evidence about the class of x i . The approach to by also making an assignment to the frame of discern-
the classification taken in [48] is to allocate belief ment and this quantifies the degree of uncertainty of
to the event Cq (the class of x i , according to the the classification. Reference [48] explains how the
distance di ). algorithm can be implemented in terms of a four-
layer neural network. Unlike an MLP, the network is
mi (Cq ) = q (di ) (27) not a simple feed-forward structure.
In order to assign a class to the vector x, one selects
where 0 < < 1 is a constant and q is an appro- that with the largest overall belief assignment induced
priate monotonically decreasing function. Each train- by the training data.
ing vector close to x contributes some degree of
belief. For each training vector, a degree of belief
is also assigned to the whole frame of discernment  5.3 Damage location example
as follows:
The same problem that was investigated in the first
m () = 1 q (di )
(28) case study, namely damage location on a Gnat aircraft
wing (Figure 2), is revisited in order to compare
the evidence-based approach to damage classification
The function used here is the basic Gaussian,
with the probabilistic approach. The only significant
difference between the data acquisition and signal
q (di ) = exp(q (di )2 ) (29) processing methodology outlined in the previous case
study and that used in the current study related to
where q is a positive constant associated with class the number of features used. In the previous study,
q. To simplify matters, one confines the construction the candidate features were reduced to form a feature
of the belief assignment for the vector x to a sum set comprising of nine features. In the current study,
of the beliefs induced by its nearest neighbors. The the candidate features were reduced to form a feature
sum is computed using Dempsters combination rule set of four individual features. The best four features
as described in the previous subsection. Actually, were selected from the initial set using a GA to
a further simplification is made to speed up the optimize the classification error of an MLP classifier
processing. Rather than summing over the nearest [52]. The reduction to four features was made to
neighbors from the whole training set in order to ensure that the MLP network used for comparison
assign the belief, one sums over a set of prototypes with the DS network later was unlikely to suffer from
constructed from the training set by a clustering overtraining.
algorithm. Each prototype p i is assigned a degree By performing the novelty analysis for each of
of membership to the class q denoted by uiq with the the four features, a data matrix of size [1800 4]

constraint M q=1 uq = 1. These are used to compute
was obtained. As before, this was divided into three
the belief in the class q for x given the distances di equal parts to form separate training, validation, and
from the prototypes test data sets for subsequent network evaluation.
Although it is a gross simplification, the algorithm Finally, the data sets were logarithmically compressed
can be summed up as follows: and normalized to 1 to +1 before presentation
18 Signal Processing

Training set Validation set Testing set

Mahalanobis squared distance


1e+ 03

1e+ 02

1e+ 01


1e 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of plate missing
Figure 8. Outlier statistic for all damage states for the novelty detector trained to recognize panel 1 removal.

to the network. Figure 8 shows the results of the procedure as for the MLP [54]. Many neural networks
outlier analysis for a feature that was clearly able were trained with the same training data but with
to recognize the removal of inspection panel 1. differing numbers of prototypes and initial weights.
The plot in Figure 8 shows the discordancy Up to 30 prototypes were considered, and in each
(novelty index) values returned by the novelty case 10 randomly chosen initial conditions were used.
detector over the whole set of damage states. The The best network was selected by observing which of
horizontal dashed lines in the figures are the thresh- them produced the minimum misclassification error
olds for 99% confidence in identifying an outlier; on the validation set. The final judgment of the
they are calculated according to the Monte Carlo network capability was made by using the indepen-
scheme described in [53]. The novelty detector dent testing set.
substantially fires only for the removal of panel for The results for the presentation to the classifier
which it has been trained. The outputs from the are summarized in the confusion matrix given in
four novelty detectors are then used to form the Table 1. The best DS network used 29 prototypes.
data with which the damage location classifiers are The probability of correct classification was 89.7%.
trained. There were four events associated with the frame of
discernment, corresponding to a probability mass of
0.007. This means that, allowing for the fact that the
5.4 DS network results network indicates when it has insufficient evidence
to make a classification, the classification error is
The final stage of the analysis was to produce a 9.6%. The main source of confusion is in locating
classifier based on the DS neural network algorithm, damage to the two smallest panels, 3 and 6, which
which could serve as a damage location system. As was anticipated.
with a standard MLP network, the specification of In order to make a comparison with the standard
the DS network structure requires hyperparameters; approach, the algorithm chosen was a standard MLP
in this case, the number of prototypes (analogous to neural network. The neural network was presented
the number of hidden units in the first layer of the with the same four novelty indices at the input
network) and the starting values of the weights before layer and required to predict the damage class at the
training. These were computed by a cross-validation output layer. The procedure for training the neural
Uncertainty Analysis 19

Table 1. Confusion matrix for the best DS network using four log featurestesting set
Prediction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
True class 1 54 5 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
True class 2 0 63 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1
True class 3 6 1 56 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
True class 4 5 0 1 55 0 3 0 2 0 0
True class 5 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 1 0 0
True class 6 2 2 2 4 0 54 1 0 0 1
True class 7 0 1 1 0 0 0 61 2 1 0
True class 8 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 62 1 1
True class 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 63 0

network again followed the guidelines in [54]. The the point of view of SHM. In fact, the DS network
training set was used to establish weights, whilst shows a slight improvement, giving a classification
the network structure and training time etc. were probability of 89.7% compared to 89.2% for the
optimized using the validation set. The testing set was MLP. One possible advantage of the DS approach
then presented to this optimized network to arrive at is the fact that it can assign patterns to the frame
a final classification error. For the network structure, of discernment and thus indicate to the analyst that
the input layer necessarily had four neurons, one for there is insufficient evidence to make a classification.
each novelty index, and the output layer had nine Another advantage of using the DS approach might
nodes, one for each class. The training phase used be to provide methodological diversity in order to use
the same 1 of M strategy as in the previous case data fusion. In this case, the errors made by the DS
study. network and the MLP network are slightly different
The best neural network had 19 hidden units and and therefore there is some advantage to fusionthis
resulted in a testing classification error of 0.108 i.e., is considered in [55].
89.2% of the patterns were classified correctly. This
means that the misclassification probability is 10.8%.
The confusion matrix is given in Table 2. Again, the 6 CONCLUSIONS
main errors were associated with the two small panels
P3 and P6. The purpose of this article was to introduce the many
The main conclusion here is that the DS approach frameworks for the representation of uncertainty and
to classification implemented as a neural network the three uncertainty-related issues of interest in the
gives comparable results to the standard analysis field of structural dynamics. In order to put these ideas
using an MLP neural network. The data used are into context, and to showcase the merits of nonprob-
from a full-scale experimental test on an aircraft wing abilistic treatments of uncertainty, within the area of
and is therefore a stringent test of algorithms from SHM, two SHM-related case studies were discussed.

Table 2. Confusion matrix for best MLP neural network using four log featurestesting set
Prediction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
True class 1 61 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
True class 2 0 63 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
True class 3 1 0 48 8 0 5 7 2 0
True class 4 0 1 3 56 0 2 0 4 0
True class 5 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 0
True class 6 4 1 0 9 0 52 0 0 0
True class 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 59 5 1
True class 8 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 59 4
True class 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 61
20 Signal Processing

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Chapter 40
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena
and Modeling
Jayabal Kaliappan and Srinivasan M. Sivakumar
Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai,

1 Introduction 1 Transducers such as piezoceramics play the core
role in structural health monitoring (SHM) applica-
2 Behavior CharacteristicsPhenomena 2 tions where a sensing cum actuating element that
3 Phenomena Realized by the above can be embedded to the structure could help. Piezo-
Characteristics of the Ferroelectric ceramics convert mechanical energy into electrical
Material 3 energy, called the direct effect, and electrical to
4 Behavior Under Different Loading mechanical energy, called the converse effect [1].
Conditions 6 Their superiority in being tunable to very high rates
5 Effect of Grain Size, Temperature, and of loading and being shapeable to any arbitrary
Frequency 6 shape dominates the transducer market today, which
6 Models for Ferroelectric Materials 7 is billing over $10 billion worldwide. The aware-
7 Important Design Parameters in ness in the requirement of monitoring a structure
Piezoceramics 9 for its health for both safety and longevity assess-
ment makes these a much sought after material
8 Applications 11 today.
9 Conclusions 13 This article deals with piezoceramics focusing on
Related Articles 13 the behavior characteristics, the phenomena realized
References 13 by these characteristics, the various available forms
of the material, and modeling such phenomena. The
effects of different loading conditions and varieties
of models to describe the reversible and irreversible
effects are also presented. Important parameters
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by pertaining to piezoceramics that play a role in design
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 and how they are computed for various shapes of
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. piezoceramics for various applications are explained.
2 Simulation

Finally, the article closes with throwing some light becomes more stable and at its natural state, the O2
on a few critical issues that mar piezoceramics and ions assume a slightly downward position while the
the research and development efforts that are going Ti4+ assumes an upward position. The separation
on in addressing these issues. that occurs in the two charge centers (for example,
O2 ion charge center and Ti4+ , Ba2+ ions charge
center are separated in the tetragonal state as shown
2 BEHAVIOR CHARACTERIS- in Figure 1) leads to a spontaneous polarization in the
crystal and, therefore, the unit cell. This also induces
TICSPHENOMENA an associated spontaneous strain. An extensive review
In piezoceramics, the piezoelectric property is real- of the underlying materials science of piezoceramic
ized because of the crystal structure the material materials is available in [2, 3].
exhibits. In general, the ABX3 perovskite structure In the example shown in Figure 1, the lattice length
is observed, where A and B represents cations alka- of each side of the cubic structure above the Curie
line earth (Ca, Ba, Sr, etc.) and transition metals (Fe, temperature, TC , is given by ao , while the lattice
Ti, Ni, etc.), respectively, and X is oxide halide ion: lengths of the tetragonal structure that is stable below
for example, BaTiO3 Ti4+ at the center, Ba2+ at the TC , are given by a and c. Assuming that the total
corners and O2 at the center of faces (Figure 1). strain is in the small strain range, the strain that occurs
The centrosymmetric structure with the transition due to spontaneous transformation from the cubic to
metal ion present at the center balances the polariza- the tetragonal stage can be written as spontaneous
tion effects that may occur otherwise. For example, strain = (c ao )/ao .
at higher temperatures, it exhibits, for example, a Such a spontaneous strain is realizable only if all
cubic structure that is of a high symmetry (centrosym- the unit cells are aligned along a single direction.
metry) and exhibits no polarization since the positive In a polycrystal material (described in a later part
metal ion (charge center) coincides with the center in this article), the cumulative sum of the sponta-
of the structure. Such a zero polarization phase is neous strains achievable by means of poling (the
process of poling is explained in a later section) is
called a paraelectric phase. In general, these materials
less than the spontaneous strain. Such a strain in the
exhibit paraelectric state above a certain tempera-
polycrystal after poling is called the remnant strain.
ture called the Curie temperature, TC . Below Curie
The most popular commercially available piezoelec-
temperature, the cubic structure becomes unstable
tric ceramic is the lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) i.e.,
giving way to another crystal structure (for e.g.,
Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 in which the composition with Zr and
tetragonal structure) of lower symmetry, which is
Ti components vary in percentage [2]. Depending on
more stable at such temperatures. These structures
the Zr/Ti ratio, the crystal structure of the ceramic,
are typically noncentrosymmetric. The more stable
the Curie temperature, and the piezoelectric coupling
state (maximum entropic state) is achieved in these
coefficient, i.e., maximum strain to electrical voltage
structures by slight movement away from the center
ratio, vary.
of positive and negative charges leading to remnant
Apart from the PZT ceramics, there are other
polarization. For example, in the barium titanate
compositions that show piezoelectric effect and are
crystals, at low temperatures, a tetragonal structure
used in specific applications or for understanding the
characteristics of the piezo/ferroelectric phenomena.
T > TC T < TC A lanthanum doping is found to improve the piezo
coupling in PZT and such materials are referred to
as PLZT (lead lanthanum zirconate titanate). One of
P the main problems with these materials is the lead
Ti4+ content, which may prevent its application in biocom-
O2 patibility applications. The stability of the composi-
tion in terms of lead erosion in these materials is
Figure 1. Perovskite structure unit cellparaelectric and important in such applications. One such composition
ferroelectric phases. is BaTiO3 (barium titanate).
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling 3

3 PHENOMENA REALIZED BY charge accumulation occurs at the surface of the mate-

rial as in the dielectric material, resulting in an electric
THE ABOVE field. The phenomenon is called the direct piezoelec-
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE tric effect. When the surfaces of positive and negative
FERROELECTRIC MATERIAL charges are connected to a potentiometer, a transient
potential change is observed. This change per unit
The above description of characteristics provides an separation of the surfaces is a measure of the average
understanding of the various ways in which the mate- electric field produced due to the applied stress. The
rial could be stimulated for a particular response. In higher the stress, the higher is the potential change
the following, specific effects that come into play observed. Upon removal of the stress, the charge
at various stimuli conditions and states of material centers are brought back to their original equilibrium
are described. The significant ones are the elec- positions. Thus, this effect is reversible. However, in
trostriction, direct and converse piezoelectric effect, a later section, we have dealt with a critical situation
domain switching, etc. While the electrostriction of high stress during which this reversibility could be
effect is prominent in the paraelectric phase, the other lost resulting in domain switching. This effect is best
effects such as direct and converse piezoelectricity understood as a linear and reversible response, i.e.,
and domain switching take place in the ferroelectric
phase. P = h (or) P =d (1)

where h and d are piezoelectric constants. Invoking

3.1 Direct piezoelectric effect the relation between stress, , and strain, , a rela-
tionship between the constants h and d can be
One of the important effects that has significant role in obtained. This direct piezoelectric effect is used in
the applications is the direct piezoelectric effect. The force/pressure sensor applications owing to noticeable
first demonstration of the direct piezoelectric effect and measurable change in polarization.
was done by the brothers Pierre Curie and Jacques
Curie. They demonstrated the effect using crystals of
tourmaline, quartz, and Rochelle salt. Later, artificial 3.2 Converse piezoelectric effect
piezoelectric materials were developed to improve the
piezoelectric constants many folds and they are called As noted earlier, the converse of the above effect is
ferroelectric materials. also observed in these materials. When an electric
Piezoelectric effect occurs primarily in the ferro- field is applied on a ferroelectric material in its
electric phase in which the remnant polarization is poled ferroelectric phase, a strain is produced because
present in the lattice structure as shown in Figure 1. of increased or decreased charge separation that
The tensile or compressive stress brings about a shift occurs owing to the field (Figure 3). This effect
in the charge center (either in terms of further shift for is often referred to as converse piezoelectric effect.
the tensile stress case or closer shift for the compres- Depending on the direction of remnant polarization
sive stress case). This shift, in turn, alters the polar- in the ferroelectric phase due to poling, the electric
ization in the material (Figure 2). Macroscopically, a field applied may produce positive or negative strain.
It should be noted here that this is a reversible
s effect meaning that once the field is removed, the
strain produced goes to zero. There is, however, a



Figure 2. Direct piezoelectric effect. Figure 3. Converse piezoelectric effect.
4 Simulation

critical value of strain or stress beyond which the e

reversibility may be lost. Such a situation is discussed
separately as domain switching phenomenon in a
forthcoming section. This reversible effect, for a first
approximation, can be mathematically expressed as

= dE (2) E
Figure 4. Electrostrictive effect.
where d is the piezoelectric constant. The linear
relationship between the stain, , and electric field, the original one where the charge centers coincide.
E, is found sufficient in most of the situations to Thus, this effect is reversible even for fairly large
describe the converse piezoelectric effect since the electric fields. Since the reversal of electric field also
strains involved are in the small strain regime. For a produces charge separation from zero separation, the
detailed treatment of classical linear piezoelectricity, resulting configuration due to the applied electric field
the reader is referred to [47]. is always of one sign as shown in Figure 4. Thus,
This effect occurs in the ferroelectric phase, i.e., deformation is the same in both cases for a given
when there is a spontaneous polarization in the unit magnitude of electric field, E. This effect can be
cell (due to an existing separation in the charge expressed by
centers). This charge separation is important in this
effect since a nearly linear and reversible effect is = qE 2 (3)
realized. Depending on the direction of the forcing
electric field, the strain is either positive or negative. where q is the electrostrictive constant. This can
However, this effect is quite different from another be directly derived from the Coulombs law of
effect commonly known as the electrostrictive effect electrostatics.
encountered in these materials in their paraelectric Though the electrostrictive effect is observed in
phase. In the electrostrictive effect, which is described most of the materials, they are too weak for technical
in the next section, strains are always positive, since applications. In some applications, electrostrictive
there is no directional effect found in that phase unlike transducers are preferred over piezoelectric trans-
the directional effect produced by the spontaneous ducers owing to their minimal hysteresis and aging
polarization in the ferroelectric phase. Converse effect effects. However, their temperature-dependent and
is used in many actuator applications. nonlinear saturation effects are to be taken into
account while designing control systems.

3.3 Electrostriction
3.4 Domain switching
Electrostriction is noticed prominently in the para-
electric phase where charge centers coincide even The phenomenon of domain switching described here
without external field. The deformation induced is due plays a major role in the nonlinear and hysteretic
to the separation of the positive and negative charge behavior of the material. When the temperature falls
centers from each other that happens owing to an below the Curie temperature, the material transforms
external electric field under equilibrium conditions. from cubic crystallographic structure to another struc-
It is interesting to note that the reverse phenomenon ture such as tetragonal, orthorhombic, and rhom-
does not occur here, i.e., upon application of a defor- bohedral, depending on the temperature and the
mation, no electric displacement is produced. composition of the material. While the cubic state
When the electric field, E, is applied in one is stable above the Curie temperature, the other less-
direction, the positive and the negative charge centers symmetric state is stable below the Curie tempera-
separate and this separation causes strain in the ture. During this transition, the material transforms
material to maintain equilibrium. When the electric from a paraelectric phase to a ferroelectric phase
field is removed, the configuration reverts back to as described in the introductory section. In general,
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling 5

a single cubic unit cell can transform into any of

multiple configurations of the other less-symmetric
state that is energetically motivated [8]. One such
example involving cubic to tetragonal transformation
180 boundary
is discussed below. In the absence of any forcing
field, electrical and stress, during the transition, every
one of the configurations of the less-symmetric state 90 boundary
formed is a preferred configuration and, therefore, this Figure 6. Domains and their boundaries.
leads to the formation of equal proportions of each of
these configurations leading to a net zero polarization in question. During this process of switching, some
although each of the configurations or the variants amount of energy is dissipated in the movement of
exhibit a spontaneous polarization. Such a state of the the domain walls and related mechanisms.
material is usually referred to as a thermally depoled When the domain switching is induced by the
ferroelectric state. The group of unit cells with the electric field, a domain may switch to any of the
same polarization direction is referred to as a domain. other five domains such that the polarization direction
We use the transition from a cubic to a tetrag- of the switched domain is the most favorable to the
onal state as an example to explain this. When the external electric field. Hence, an electric field can
cubic structure transforms to tetragonal structure, it induce either a 90 switching or a 180 switching in a
can assume any of the six orientations as shown in unit cell depending upon the direction of the electric
Figure 5. Since there is no preference to any one field and the orientation of polarization in the unit
of the orientations under the purely thermal cooling, cell. The electric field at which domain switching
equal proportions of the six orientations are expected. is initiated in a ferroelectric material from a poled
Generally, as noted earlier, groups of unit cells of state is referred to as coercive electric field and it is
the same polarization (domains) form separated by a material-dependent property. However, the electric
domain walls. Domain walls separating two orien- field producing zero net polarization that is easily
tations of opposite polarizations and domain walls obtainable without ambiguity from the experimental
separating domains with polarization 90 apart are plots is often referred to as the coercive electric field
shown in Figure 6. Application of a forcing field in some of the literature [9]. The other way to induce
large enough will induce a domain to switch to domain switching in a ferroelectric material is the
another. This can also be thought of as movement of application of stress. The stress sufficient enough will
the domain wall in the crystal. Such a phenomenon force the domains to reorient in such a way that
is called domain switching. This domain switching their polarization direction is normal to the direction
brings about permanent irreversible change in the net of stress. Hence, unlike the electric field, stress can
polarization and net strain of a group of domains produce only 90 domain switching and for any
given domain all the four 90 switching are equally
probable on application of stress. The compressive
2 stress at which domain switching starts occurring in
the ferroelectric material is called the coercive stress.
This coercive stress is an important property of the
material that should be paid enough attention to while
designing the transducers.
The crystallographic orientation of tetragonal unit
P cell remains the same and only the polarization
direction inside the unit cell reverses during 180
switching. Hence, 180 switching is associated with
only polarization change and the strain due to
switching is zero. However, during 90 switching,
since both the crystallographic orientation and the
Figure 5. Domain switching for a tetragonal lattice. polarization direction of the unit cell change, 90
6 Simulation

switching causes both strain and polarization change 1.50 1.75 0.00 0.75 1.50
4000 4000
[10]. Domain switching is primarily responsible for
nonlinear behavior of ferroelectric material. 3000 3000

e33 (106)
2000 2000

Response of ferroelectric materials under different 0 0

loading conditions assumes significance from a 1.50 1.75 0.00 0.75 1.50
design point of view. When the material is in E3 (MV m1)
a completely depoled state, it can be considered Figure 8. Response regimes and the related switched
to be macroscopically, though not microscopically, domains in the butterfly curve [11].
isotropic. As discussed before, an electric field can
pole the material in a specific direction from a causes the domains to switch in the opposite direction
depoled state. The response of ferroelectric materials causing a macroscopic polarization change. Remnant
under cyclic electric fields with superimposed polarization obtained during reversal of negative
constant stresses are reported in the literature electric field equals the magnitude of the positive
[1012] and one such behavior in terms of electric remnant polarization but with opposite sense. Hence,
displacement versus electric field is shown in the piezoelectric constants determined at the positive
Figure 7. For small electric fields, the ferroelectric and negative remnant polarization states will have the
material behaves linearly and as the electric field same magnitude but opposite sense.
reaches the coercive electric field, nonlinearity is During cyclic electric field, the dependence of
introduced through microscopic domain switching. the normal strain on the applied field is shown in
Once the domain switching saturates, the linear Figure 8 [11]. The virgin state of the material is
relationship is retained again where the increment in taken as the reference state and the subsequent change
polarization is very small with respect to electric field. in dimensions are measured with respect to that
During unloading, the ferroelectric material reaches reference state. For small increments in the field, the
the remnant polarization at zero electric field. In strain is negligible. As the electric field crosses the
this state, the ferroelectric material can be treated coercive electric field, appreciable strain is observed.
to be a transversely isotropic material since the The increment in the normal strain is due to two
plane normal to the remnant polarization direction reasons: irreversible reorientation of unit cells in
of the ferroelectric material is the plane of symmetry the direction of the electric field and the reversible
or the transverse plane. Reversing the electric field piezoelectric effect of the switched domains. After the
switching reaches the saturation state, only reversible
1.50 0.75 0.00 0.75 1.50 strain is present in the material and this is realized
0.30 0.30
during unloading. The strain present in the material
after unloading represents the remnant strain and the
0.15 0.15
ferroelectric material behaves linearly in this state for
D3 (c m2)

small magnitudes of electric field. This property has

0.00 0.00 widely been exploited for transducer applications.

0.15 0.15
1.50 0.75 0.00 0.75 1.50
E3 (MV m1)

Figure 7. Response regimes and the related switched With the advancement that has taken place in
domains in hysteresis response [11]. the manufacturing process, ferroelectrics possessing
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling 7

a variety of grain sizes can be developed. It is temperature. Otherwise, the ferroelectric will lose its
observed that the ferroelectric property depends also piezoelectric behavior resulting in the failure of the
on the grain size. The domains become smaller with device. Increase in the rate of application of electric
decrease in grain size and the width of the domains field results in a higher coercive electric field. With
is roughly proportional to the square root of the grain the loading rate, the hysteresis loop between the
size for a specific range (between 1 and 10 m). polarization and the electric field widens and the
As the grain size decreases, the multiple domain butterfly loop between the strain and electric field
state may become a single domain state. Finer grain gets broader with a decreased strain [17]. The reason
ferroelectrics produce decreased hysteresis and the for the ferroelectrics experiencing lesser strain under
maximum strain value decreases monotonically with higher loading rate than the quasi-static loading is
reduction in grain size for the same electric field due to the less availability of time for the domains
[13, 14]. This may be due to the pinning effect by to switch completely in the former case. Even with
the grain boundaries that prevents the easy move- the mechanical stress, the response is rate dependent,
ment of domain walls. It has been observed in pure i.e., faster the loading rate bigger is the hysteresis in
BaTiO3 at room temperature that when the particle the stressstrain loop [17].
size decreases below a critical value, about 0.2 m, For most compositions of piezoceramics, the diel-
c/a ratio of the tetragonal structure falls drasti- ectric properties do not vary greatly with frequency,
cally and the tetragonality is lost at about 0.12 m but a special type of ferroelectrics called the relaxor
[15]. With reduction in grain size, the electrostric- ferroelectrics has the tendency to vary the permit-
tive strain also decreases in relaxor ferroelectrics tivity as a function of temperature and frequency
(discussed later in this section) for the same applied [18]. The composition of a widely used relaxor
electric field [16]. Hence, the grain size is an impor- ferroelectric is Pb(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O3 (PMN). Relaxor
tant determinant that would influence the electrical ferroelectrics have high permittivity and are hence
and mechanical properties of the ferroelectric and primarily used in compact chip capacitors. Their
high electrostriction coefficient with less hysteretic
efforts are made to control it depending upon the
dissipation renders them more attractive to actuator
requirement. Particle size, chemical composition, and
heating process are primarily responsible for control-
ling grain size and the optimum conditions are to be
experimentally determined. 6 MODELS FOR
As mentioned before, Curie temperature of
ferroelectrics vary depending upon its composition.
Below Curie temperature, with the ferroelectric The response of ferroelectric materials under different
phase, the material has appreciable hysteresis and loading conditions should be accurately predictable
as it moves closer to the paraelectric phase, the to incorporate them in the measurement type devices
hysteresis decreases. On reaching Curie temperature, and precision instruments. Among the many models
the hysteresis completely disappears as shown in proposed for describing the behavior of the material,
Figure 9. Hence, when the ferroelectric phase is used linear models suffice for most of the applications.
in the transducer design for a specific application, For low-to-moderate input fields, the dielectric and
considerable care is to be taken to ensure that strain relations with the electric field and mechanical
the operating temperature does not reach the Curie stress can be considered to be practically linear. The

175 C 65 C 0 C 30 C 90 C 120 C 140 C

Figure 9. Variation of the size of the hysteresis curve with temperature [Courtesy: DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge].
8 Simulation

linear model representing the piezoelectric behavior stress. Owing to complex geometry requirements
is represented by in the design of ferroelectric devices and operating
conditions, the material may be exposed to elec-
Pk = dkij ij + km Em tric field and stress, beyond their critical values,
ij = Sij kl kl + dmij Em (4) affecting the performance of the devices. In addition,
 owing to lack of fracture resistance, the ferroelectric
1 S11 S12 S13 0 0 0  0 0 d31
 ceramic experiences cracks at electrode interfaces,
2 S12 S11 S13 0 0 0  0 0 d31
 0 within the ceramic layers, and near the electrode
3 S13 S13 S33 0 0 0  0 d33
 0 tips. In linear analysis, the effect of switching on
4 0 0 0 S44 0 0  d15 0
 d the fracture toughness of the material is ignored
5 = 0 0 0 0 S44 0  15 0 0
 [19]. Hence, the electromechanical fields that are
6 0 0 0 0 0 S66  0 0 0
 determined using linear analysis are considerably

P1 0 0 0 0 d15 0  11 0 0 different from those of nonlinear analysis since the
0 0 0 d 15 0 0  0
 11 0 latter includes the switching process happening near
P3 d31 d31 d33 0 0 0  0 0 33 the crack tip [2023]. Hence, the nonlinear models
are necessary to capture the ferroelectric behavior
2 more realistically in order to design the ferroelectric

3 devices more accurately.

4 To capture the nonlinearity, many models have

been proposed and reported in literature [9, 24, 25].
5 (5)
6 They can broadly be classified as phenomenological

models and micromechanical models. Phenomenolog-

E1 ical models are generally derived within the frame-
E work of irreversible thermodynamics. The state of
E3 the material is defined by internal variables at any
given time and the evolution of these internal vari-
where S is the elastic compliance tensor, d the piezo-
ables is determined by the kinetic equations [2630].
electric coupling tensor, and the dielectric suscep-
Remnant strain and remnant polarization are the
tibility tensor. As can be seen in equation (4), the
number of constants involved in the material prop- generally used internal variables in this approach
erties is high and they can be considerably reduced and they define the irreversible state of the mate-
by invoking elastic and electric symmetries. For rial. Some of the phenomenological models use plas-
the lowest macroscopic symmetry, i.e., a thermally ticity approach in which the electric yield surface
or electrically depoled state, there are 21 elastic and stress yield surface are developed and the mate-
constants, 18 piezoelectric constants, and 6 dielectric rials macroscopic reversible behavior occurs within
constants considering a tetragonal crystal structure. these surfaces. When domain switching takes place
Since the ferroelectric materials are primarily used in the material, the switching surface displays an
in their piezoelectric region, i.e., after poling is done irreversible change due to variation in the remnant
in a specific direction, they can be considered to be strain and remnant polarization. During switching, the
transversely isotropic, which is a higher symmetry switching surface expands or moves depending upon
state macroscopically. Hence, the total number of the hardening rule that determines the evolution of
constants required in the piezoelectric linear anal- the new surfaces. The phenomenological models are
ysis can be reduced to just 10 consisting of 5 elastic computationally effective and the implementation of
constants, 3 piezoelectric constants, and 2 dielectric these into the finite element formulation is simple.
constants. Thus, the linear relationship for piezoelec- These finite element formulations are then used
tric ceramics described in equation (4) can be repre- to predict the performance of ferroelectric devices
sented in a compact form as given in equation (5). and to analyze the fracture process in the mate-
As discussed earlier, the ferroelectric material rial. The flip side of the phenomenological models
behaves nonlinearly under higher electric field and is that they need experiment-dependent constants as
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling 9

they do not involve microscopic mechanism of the Table 1. Material constants of a few ferroelectric mate-
material. rials widely studied in literature [43]
The other classification of models, micromechan- PZT-4 PZT-5H PZT-6B BaTiO3
ical models, is based on the internal microstruc-
Y11 139 126 168 150
ture and the microscopic switching mechanisms
Y12 77.8 79.1 84.7 65.3
[10, 3135]. In these models, each grain with a Y13 74.0 83.9 84.2 66.2
single domain or multiple domains is considered for Y33 115 117 163 146
modeling and is allowed to switch when the ferro- Y44 25.6 23.0 35.5 43.9
electric grain meets some switching criterion. The Y66 30.6 23.5 41.7 42.4
criterion may be based on work done, total poten- e15 12.7 17 4.6 11.4
tial, Gibbs energy, and internal energy density [10, e31 5.2 6.5 0.9 4.3
e33 15.1 23.3 7.1 17.5
32, 3639]. The driving force for each increment of 11 6.46 15.05 3.60 9.87
electric field and stress is calculated and checked for 33 5.62 13.02 3.42 11.16
the switching criterion and on satisfying the crite- 7500 7500 7550 5700
rion, the existing domains are converted to another
Y , elastic modulus (GPa); e, piezoelectric coefficient
set of domains that are favorable to the external
(C m2 ); , dielectric permittivity (nF m1 ); , density
forcing fields. The macroscopic material behavior (kg m3 ).
is obtained by microscopic averaging of the indi-
vidual grains or domains. Though it is computation- where, e = S1 d T , the modified piezoelectric coup-
ally costly preventing it from being as popular as ling tensor. From equation (6), the stress developed in
phenomenological models, it has some advantages the piezoceramic can be determined when a specific
over the latter models. Since the material constants quantity of strain is restrained. Also, it is apparent
are related to the microstructure of the ferroelectric from equation (6) that the stress in the piezoceramic
materials, the microscopic models are independent of becomes zero when the deformation is allowed to
the experiments. The material response under loading take place freely. Some typical properties of various
conditions that are difficult to conduct in the lab can parameters involved in the constitutive models are
be predicted through these models. A combination of given Table 1.
phenomenological and micromechanical models may
deliver the advantages of both, for instance, the satu-
ration strain and saturation polarization of the ferro-
electric materials under specific loading conditions 7 IMPORTANT DESIGN
are calculated using micromechanical models and are PARAMETERS IN
given as input to the phenomenological models to
gain the computational edge.
However, in general, as discussed earlier, the Many parameters defining the piezoelectric properties
piezoceramics are employed within their linear region relevant to practical applications play an important
only. When unconstrained, the piezoceramic produces role in the piezoelectric devices. A few of those
strain in all the directions under the influence of figures of merit are discussed here [40]. For the
electric field, and hence, the material experiences given applied electric field, E, the value of strain,
no stress; however, as the deformation of the mate- , produced is determined by piezoelectric strain
rial is constrained, it exhibits enormous force on constant, d, which is an important property for
the constraining element, which is used for actu- actuator applications.
ation purposes. By rearranging the linear relation-
ship discussed in the preceding section, the stresses
developed in the piezoceramic can be determined as = dE (7)
The electric field developed in the material due
ij = Sij1kl kl eij k Ek (6) to external stress, , is represented by piezoelec-
tric voltage constant, g, which is used for sensor
10 Simulation

applications. coefficient (max ) can be obtained as

E = g (8) max =

1 (14)
f f2
The relationship between the piezoelectric strain
Mechanical quality factor, Q, is an important
and piezoelectric voltage constants can be obtained
parameter to evaluate the resonant strain and reso-
as g = d/, where is called dielectric permittivity. nance spectrum of the given ceramic. The off-
Another important figure of merit is the electrome- resonance strain can also be determined using the
chanical coupling factor, f , which is defined as the mechanical quality factor at the resonance frequency
ratio of the stored mechanical energy in the piezo- and the inverse of mechanical quality factor defines
electric material to the given input electrical energy. the mechanical loss. The mechanical quality factor is
It can also be defined as the ratio between the stored defined with the resonance frequency, 0 , as
electrical energy and the given mechanical energy
input. For mathematical ease, the electromechanical 0
Q= (15)
coupling factor is taken as 2
When the wave energy is transferred between
f 2 = stored mechanical energy/input two mediums, a part of it is transmitted and the
rest is reflected back. The ratio of reflected energy
electrical energy (9) to transmitted energy depends upon an important
Mechanical energy stored parameter called acoustic impedance, Z, and the
transmission is complete if the acoustic impedance
1 1 2 1
= = = (dE)2 (10) of the materials is matching.
2 2S 2S

Input electrical energy = E 2 (11) Z = M (16)
1 where is the density and M is the elastic stiffness
(dE)2 d2 of the material.
f 2 = 2S = (12) A simple application of piezoelectric ceramic is
1 2 S
E the gas igniter. When force is applied on piezoelec-
tric material, it produces very high voltage that is
sufficient to ignite the gas. Given the resonance time
Electromechanical coupling factor indicates only period of the piezoelectric material considered for
the energy stored in the material and not the useful the igniter, its required length can be determined
work done by it. Hence, another figure of merit is by a simple calculation as follows. The resonance
required to denote the amount of actual work done frequency, r , and the length, L, are related by
for the given input energy and that is referred to as r = 1/L, where r is expressed in kilohertz and L
the energy transmission coefficient, . in meter. For example, if the resonance time period,
tr , is 20 s, then
= output mechanical energy/input
1 1 1
r = = =
electrical energy (or) tr 20 s 20 106 s
= output electrical energy/input = 50 kHz (17)
1 1
mechanical energy (13) L= = = 0.02 m = 20 mm (18)
r 50

The relationship between the electromechanical When the electric field is applied, the piezoelectric
coupling factor (f ) and the energy transmission ceramic experiences a strain, and on alternating the
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling 11

field, the material vibrates. As the frequency of the follows. The displacement of the ferroelectric mate-
driving electric field matches the resonance frequency rial along the axis 1 is used for actuation as the
of the device, the magnitude of the strain of the electric field is applied along the axis 3. The ceramic
ceramic becomes very large and this phenomenon is exhibits strain in all the directions, but the stress will
known as piezoelectric resonance. This phenomenon be developed only along the axis 1, since the actuation
is exploited in vibrators. Piezoelectric resonance is is done in that direction. Hence, the electromechanical
understood due to the accumulation of the input coupling factor for this specific actuation or vibration
energy in the material. The internal energy, U , of the mode can be obtained as
piezoelectric vibrator is the addition of mechanical
and electrical energies. d31 E3 1 d
f31 = 2 = 31 (24)
UTotal = UM + UE 1 1
S 2 33 E32
S11 33
1 1 2 11 1 2
= + PE (19)
2 2 The electromechanical coupling factor for various
resonator shapes under different elastic boundary
Using the linear relationship of and P on E and
conditions are listed in [40]. In piezoelectric vibrators,
as discussed before,
the size and shape of the device are also significant in
1 1 addition to the piezoelectric material and the vibration
UTotal = [S 2 + dE ] + [d E + E 2 ] (20) mode at which the resonance is produced. In general,
2 2
the piezoelectric ceramic with higher mechanical
where, pure mechanical energy, UM , and pure elec- quality factor is desirable for vibrators and hence,
trical energy, UE , are represented by the harder piezoelectric materials.
Current trends in the actuator applications are
1 2 1 2 in exploring and using the electrostrictive effect of
UM = S and UE = E (21)
2 2 high permittivity materials since they have specific
advantages over piezoelectric actuators. As discussed
and the energy transduced, Utrans , from mechanical to earlier, the strain produced by the electrostrictive
electrical or vice versa is represented by effect is always positive irrespective of the direc-
1 tion of the electric field applied. The electrostrictive
Utrans = dE (22) actuators, operating above Curie temperature, do not
2 contain domains and hence, return to their original
The electromechanical coupling factor for piezo- position after the removal of the electric field and do
electric vibrator is defined as not suffer from aging problems. Hence, the materials
showing strong electrostrictive effects are gaining
U more interest despite the fact that their electrostrictive
f = trans (23)
UM UE effect is not as strong as the piezoelectric effect.

For example, the electromechanical coupling factor

with certain elastic boundary conditions for the 8 APPLICATIONS
resonator shape shown in Figure 10 can be derived as
The piezoelectric behavior of ferroelectric ceramics,
i.e., generation of high voltage and detection of
acoustic and ultrasonic energy, are widely exploited
1 in developing electromechanical actuators and sen-
2 sors [8, 40, 41]. A piezoelectric solid-state ceramic
actuator converts the electrical energy directly into
a linear motion. A piezoelectric ceramic sensor
converts the mechanical energy directly into an elec-
Figure 10. Piezoelectric resonator shape. trical charge. Large force actuation, microsecond
12 Simulation

range response, and insensitivity to magnetic field are of the device, which is undesirable in some applica-
some of the major advantages of piezoceramic trans- tions like MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems)
ducers. High-resolution ferroelectric ceramic actua- where the size of the device counts. To overcome the
tors can provide incremental motion ranging from drawback of the low actuation strain in multilayer
a few microns to subnanometers with almost negli- actuators, the piezoelectric plates are bonded with
gible backlash. Micro- and nanopositioning are the the elastic plates to produce large strains utilizing the
key factors in semiconductor industry and in medical bending displacement. In such a bimorph, the ferro-
diagnostics. Another important characteristic of PZT electric beams may be poled in the same direction
actuators is that they exhibit consistent performance or in the opposite direction and the placement of
even after a large number of cycles. Ferroelectric electrodes in between the beams and the measure-
ceramics are used from simple gas igniters to complex ment of voltage through them depends on the way
scanning microscopy and precision machining. The the ferroelectric beams are poled. Bimorph actua-
ultimate usage of piezoceramics lies in SHM, which tors produce more strain than the stack actuators,
is a nondestructive evaluation technique. The recent but with low response time and generative forces.
developments in the piezo devices and piezo compos- A compromise between stack actuation and bimorph
ites cause a remarkable improvement in SHM is obtained through the composite actuator structure
systems [42]. called Moonie, which develops the strain that is one
The main challenge in incorporating the piezoelec- magnitude higher than that of stack actuators and
tric or electrostrictive materials in the actuator devices larger generative forces in less response time when
is the small displacements produced by them on appli- compared to bimorphs.
cation of low or medium electric fields. For example, When the ferroelectric ceramics are used as sen-
1 kV applied across a poled ferroelectric strip of sors, they are generally brought under two major
1 mm thickness with a piezoelectric coupling coef- classes as passive and active sensing/sampling. In
ficient of 0.5 109 C/N will produce only 0.5-m passive sampling, the ferroelectric sensors detect the
displacement. Hence, with these small displacements, perturbations due to ambient conditions that are not
the ferroelectric actuator devices should be able to introduced artificially. These measurements may be
produce the required actuation strain. One way of for a single value that occurs as maximum during the
achieving the more demanding strain is through operation like the maximum strain or a continuously
stacking of ferroelectric materials by connecting varying data like acceleration and ambient frequency
the alternate layers without allowing a short circuit response of dynamic systems. Active-sensing systems
between the adjacent layers as shown in Figure 11. require the externally supplied energy that is gener-
The main advantage of this multilayer arrangement, ated specifically for sensing purpose.
which is widely used in actuator devices, is the gener- An important field effectively using ferroelectric
ation of high displacement with low driving voltage ceramics both as sensors and actuators is nondestruc-
and high electromechanical coupling. tive evaluation techniques. Owing to the impurities
Except for some applications, even this summed up present in the material and the manufacturing process,
displacement is not sufficient to produce the required flaws are likely to occur in the materials and it is
strain. Also, the stack actuation results in larger size mandatory to check for the magnitude of defects
before the material is put in use. Also, when the
material or structure is in service, it is essential to
check for any possible degradation of its performance
to avoid drastic failure of the system. The manu-
facturing process of the material can be optimized
and the quality of service of the structure can be
ensured through nondestructive techniques. Nonde-
structive techniques involving ferroelectric materials
make use of different concepts like ultrasonic, eddy
current, and radiography to examine the state of
Figure 11. Stack actuation. the structure. The piezoceramic transducers may be
Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling 13

pasted on the surface of the material or embedded nonlinear region, under variety of loading conditions,
within the material through complex manufacturing becomes necessary. This also helps in overcoming
process. When the embedded piezoceramic is driven the hesitation in designers approach to dealing with
by an electric pulse, it transmits ultrasonic waves in the nonlinear behavior, providing a new dimension
a wide range of frequency. A conventional scanning to the usage of piezoceramic materials.
probe receives the signal from the structure to check
for flaws developed owing to environmental and oper-
ational reasons. This way, not only the condition of RELATED ARTICLES
the materials under probe but also the piezoceramic
actuators can be checked. In case of radiography, Finite Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic and
a harmonic excitation is given to the piezoceramic Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators
and the thermal field output is visualized through an
infrared camera. In eddy-current method, the actu- Piezoelectricity Principles and Materials
ator, driven by a harmonic electric source, produces Nondestructive Evaluation/Nondestructive Test-
electromagnetic field, which is detectable by external ing/Nondestructive Inspection (NDE/NDT/NDI)
sensors. SensorsEddy Current, Ultrasonic, and Acoustic
SHM is the extension of nondestructive evalua- Emission Sensors
tion techniques and is the process of implementing
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Chapter 41
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive
Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

and this allows a magnetostrictive material to be

1 Introduction 1 used in both actuation and sensing devices. Owing
2 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 3 to magnetostriction and its inverse effect (also called
Villery effect) [1], magnetostrictive materials can be
3 Anhysteretic-coupled Constitutive
used both as an actuator and as a sensor. The
Model 4
theoretical and experimental study of magnetostric-
4 Summary 14 tive materials has been the focus of considerable
Acknowledgments 15 research for many years. However, only with the
References 15 recent development of giant magnetostrictive mate-
Further Reading 15 rials (e.g., Terfenol-D), it is now possible to produce
sufficiently large strains and forces to facilitate the use
of these materials in actuators and sensors. This has
led to the application of magnetostrictive materials to
1 INTRODUCTION devices such as micropositioners, vibration controller,
sonar projectors and insulators, etc. Magnetostrictive
Some magnetic materials show elongation and con- material has found its way in many structural appli-
traction in the magnetization direction owing to an cations such as vibration control, noise control, and
induced magnetic field. This is called magnetostric- structural health monitoring.
tion, which is due to the switching of a large amount The constitutive relationship of magnetostrictive
of magnetic domains caused by spontaneous magne- materials consists of a sensing and an actuation
tization below the Curie point of temperature. Thus, equation. In the sensing equation, magnetic flux
magnetostrictive materials have the ability to convert density is a function of applied magnetic field and
magnetic energy into mechanical energy and vice stress, whereas, in actuation equation, strain is a
versa. This coupling between magnetic and mechan- function of applied magnetic field and stress. Both
ical energies represents the transudation capability sensing and actuation equations are coupled through
applied magnetic field and mechanical stress level.
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by The compliance matrix in the actuation law depends
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 on the magnetic field, while the permeability matrix
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. in the sensing law depends on the measured stress.
2 Simulation

Hence, unlike the piezoceramic material, both the magnetostrictive smart structure considering coupled
sensing and actuation law cannot be uncoupled. For magnetomechanical features. This article deals with
evaluating all the material constants in the constitu- the numerical characterization of the constitutive rela-
tive law, both sensing and actuation laws have to be tionship considering the coupled features of magne-
solved simultaneously. For each magnetic field, there tostrictive materials, which can be directly used in any
are different stressstrain curves and for each stress mathematical/numerical formulation such as finite
level, there are different magnetostrictionmagnetic element method for structures with magnetostrictive
field curves, which are highly nonlinear. There are material considering both magnetic and mechanical
very few works reported in the literature toward this degrees as unknown degrees of freedom. In addition,
direction. Small sets of data provided by the manu- it is shown that the magnetic field is not propor-
facturer [2] are highly inadequate for modeling and tional to applied coil current (which is the assump-
analysis of structures with built-in magnetostrictive tion of the uncoupled model) and depends on the
sensors. Hence, there is need to numerically charac- mechanical stress on the magnetostrictive material.
terize the constitutive model so that the material data This study here also demonstrates how the coupled
can be generated for all magnetic fields and stress model preserves the flux line continuity, which is one
levels. This is the main focus of this article. of the drawbacks of the uncoupled model.
Analysis of smart structures with magnetostric- The constitutive relations of magnetostrictive mate-
tive material is generally performed using uncou- rials are essentially nonlinear [2]. The prediction of
pled models. Uncoupled models are based on the the behavior of magnetostrictive material, in general,
assumption that the magnetic field within the magne- is extremely complicated owing to its hysteretic
tostrictive material is proportional to the electric coil nonlinear character. In structural application, owing
current times the number of coil turns per unit length to these nonlinear material properties, modeling of the
(Ghosh and Gopalakrishnan, 2002). Owing to this system becomes nonlinear, for which exact nonlinear
assumption, the actuation and the sensing equations constitutive relationships are essential. Toupin [5]
get uncoupled. For the actuator, the strain due to and Maugin [6] had done extensive work related to
magnetic field (which is proportional to coil current) electrostrictive and piezoelectric phenomena, which
is incorporated as the equivalent nodal load in the have similarities in form with the magnetostric-
finite element model for calculating the block force. tion phenomena. Earlier study to model uncoupled
Thus, with this procedure, analysis can be carried nonlinear actuation of magnetostrictive material was
out without taking the smart degrees of freedom done by Krishnamurty et al. [7] by considering a
in the finite element model. Similarly, for sensor, fourth-order polynomial of magnetic field for each
where generally coil current is assumed as zero, the stress level. In this approach, for the stress level for
magnetic flux density is proportional to mechanical which the curve is not available, the coefficients of
stress, which can be calculated from the finite element the curve have to be interpolated from the coefficients
results through postprocessing. This assumption on of the nearest upper and lower stress level curves.
magnetic field leads to the violation of flux line conti- The numerical characterization of the nonlinear-
nuity, which is one of the four Maxwells equations in coupled constitutive model can be performed by
electromagnetism. On the other hand, in the coupled expanding the magnetic flux density and strain vari-
model, it is considered that magnetic flux density ations as higher order polynomials, the constants of
and/or strain of the material are functions of stress and which can be computed from the data supplied by
magnetic field, without any additional assumption on the manufacturer [2] for different magnetic fields and
magnetic field, like the uncoupled model. Benbouzid stress levels through an iterative procedure. Alterna-
et al. modeled the static [3] and dynamic [4] behavior tively, the numerical characterization of the constitu-
of the nonlinear magnetoelastic medium for magne- tive law can be performed using a back propagation
tostatic case using finite element method. Magne- (BP) artificial neural network (ANN) and this uses
tomechanical coupling was incorporated considering the data supplied by the manufacturer. This proce-
both permeability and elastic modulus as functions of dure completely avoids the nonlinear iteration, and is
stress and magnetic field. However, all these works readily amenable for implementation alongside any
do not provide a convenient way for analysis of finite element code. Here, one three-layer ANN is
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 3

trained using the data supplied by the manufacturer, approximate any smooth mapping. A typical super-
to get this nonlinear mapping directly. ANN is a vised feedforward multilayer neural network is called
universal approximator, which can give a nonlinear as a back propagation neural network. The structure
parameterized mapping from a given input data to of a BP neural network shown in Figure 1 mainly
an output data. In this study, ANN is used to get includes an input layer for receiving the input data;
the direct mapping for the constitutive relationship some hidden layer for processing data; and an output
of magnetostrictive materials, where inputs in the layer to indicate the identified results. In this study,
network are magnetic field and applied stress level the task of identifying nonlinear magnetostriction
and outputs in the network are the strain and the through ANN is performed by training the neural
magnetic flux density. Hence, nonlinearity in elastic network using the known samples.
modulus and permeability is replaced by this trained
network. Both these approaches are demonstrated in
this article. 2.1 Training of the network
The article is organized as follows. In the next
section, the complete architecture of the ANN devel- The training of a BP neural network is a two-step
oped for this work is explained, which includes the procedure [8]. In the first step, the network propagates
process of training and validation of network. This input through each layer until an output is generated.
is followed by a detailed section on the numerical The error between the output and the target output
characterization of linear and nonlinear coupled and is then computed. In the second step, the calculated
uncoupled constitutive models. Finally, the developed error is transmitted backward from the output layer
models are validated with each other and also with and the weights are adjusted to minimize the error.
available results. The training process is terminated when the error is
sufficiently small for all training samples. In practical
applications of the BP algorithm, learning is the result
from many presentations of these training examples to
2 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL the multilayer perceptron. One complete presentation
NETWORK (ANN) of the entire training set during the learning process
is called an epoch. The learning process is maintained
ANNs can provide nonlinear parameterized mapping on an epoch-by-epoch basis until the synaptic weights
between a set of inputs and a set of outputs with and bias levels of the network stabilize and the
unknown function relationship. A three-layer network averaged squared error over the entire training set
(Figure 1) with the sigmoid activation functions can converges to some minimum value. For a given

Normalized magnetostriction Magnetostriction
Stress stress

Magnetic magnetic
field field

Normalized Magnetic
magnetic flux
flux density

Input layer Hidden layer Output layer

Figure 1. Artificial neural network architecture.
4 Simulation

training set, BP learning can be done in a sequential for different magnetic field level are reproduced in
or batch mode. Figure 3.
The application of magnetic field causes strain
in the magnetostrictive material (Terfenol-D) and
2.2 Validation of trained network hence the stress, which changes magnetization of the
material. As described by Butler [2], Moffett et al.
To validate the trained network, the data set is
separated into two parts, one for training and the other [9], and Hall and Flatau [10], the three-dimensional
for testing the network performance. The network is coupled constitutive relationship between magnetic
trained using training sample and the trained network and mechanical quantities for magnetostrictive mate-
is validated with the test sample. A network is said rial is given by
to generalize well when the inputoutput mapping
computed by the network is corrected with the test {} = [S (H ) ]{ } + [d]T {H } (1)
data that was never used in creating or training {B} = [ ]{H } + [d]{ }

the network. Although the network performs useful
interpolation, because of multilayered perceptrons
with continuous activation functions, it leads to output where {} and { } are strain and stress, respec-
functions that are also continuous. tively. [S (H ) ] represents elastic compliance measured
at constant {H } and [( ) ] represents the perme-
ability measured at constant stress { }. Here, [d] is
3 ANHYSTERETIC-COUPLED the magnetomechanical coupling coefficient, which
provides a measure of the coupling between the
CONSTITUTIVE MODEL mechanical strain and magnetic field. In general, [S],
Here, experimental data is taken from Etrema manual [d], and [] are nonlinear as they depend upon { }
[2] for Terfenol-D, a giant magnetostrictive mate- and {H }. Equation (1) is often referred to as the direct
rial to verify the proposed model. Experimental data effect and equation (2) is known as the converse
of the magnetostriction versus magnetic field for effect. These equations are traditionally used for actu-
different stress level given in the manual is repro- ation and sensing purpose, respectively. It should be
duced in Figure 2 and the stress versus strain curves noted that the elastic constants used correspond to

108 Magnetostriction for different stress levels 108 Magneto mechanical coupling
1.4 3.5 for different stress levels
Magneto mechanical coupling (m A1)

1.2 3 6.9 MPa

1 2.5 17.9

0.8 2

0.6 1.5
6.9 MPa
0.4 9.6 1
0.2 20.7 0.5

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
1) 104 m1) 104
Magnetic field (A m Magnetic field (A
Figure 2. Magnetostriction and magnetomechanical coupling as a function of magnetic field data plotted from Etrema
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 5

107 Stress versus strain for bias fields 1010 Stress versus strain curves for bias fields
14 10
0 Oe
100 Oe
200 Oe 9
12 300 Oe
400 Oe
500 Oe 8
600 Oe
10 700 Oe 7
800 Oe
900 Oe

Modulus (Pa)
Stress (Pa)

1000 Oe
8 1200 Oe
1500 Oe
0 Oe
6 100 Oe
4 200 Oe
300 Oe
400 Oe
3 500 Oe
4 600 Oe
700 Oe
2 800 Oe
900 Oe
2 1000 Oe
1 1200 Oe
1500 Oe

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Strain 108 Strain 108
Figure 3. Stressstrain relationship for different magnetic field data plotted from Etrema data.

the fixed magnetic field values and the permeability is being used as a sensor or an actuator. Owing to
corresponds to the fixed stress values. in-built nonlinearity, the uncoupled model may not
be capable of handling certain applications such as
(i) modeling passive damping circuits in vibration
3.1 Coupled constitutive model control and (ii) development of self-sensing actua-
tors in structural health monitoring. In these appli-
Analysis of smart structures using magnetostrictive cations, the coupled equations require to be solved
materials as either sensors or actuators has tradition- simultaneously. The simultaneous solution of coupled
ally been performed using uncoupled models. Uncou-
equations is a necessity for general-purpose anal-
pled models make the assumption that the magnetic
ysis of adaptive structures built with magnetostrictive
field within the magnetostrictive material is constant
and proportional to the electric coil current times the
In general, the errors that result from using
number of coil turns per unit length [11]. Hence,
uncoupled models, as opposed to coupled ones, are
actuation and sensing problems are solved by two
uncoupled equations, which are given by the last part problem dependent. There are some cases where
of equations (1) and (2), respectively. This makes the very large differences exist in situations where an
analysis relatively simple; however, this method has uncoupled model is used over a coupled model
its limitations. It is quite well known that [S], [d], [11]. In this work, the coupled case is analyzed
and [] all depend on the stress level and magnetic with both linear and nonlinear models. In the linear-
field. In the presence of mechanical loads, the stress coupled model, magnetomechanical coefficient, elas-
changes and so does the magnetic field. Estimating ticity matrix, and permeability matrix are assumed as
the constitutive properties using the uncoupled model constants. In the nonlinear-coupled model, mechan-
in such cases gives inaccurate predictions. Hence, the ical and magnetic nonlinearity are decoupled in their
constitutive model should be represented by a pair of respective domains. The nonlinear stressstrain rela-
coupled equations given by equations (1) and (2) to tionship is generally represented by the modulus of
predict the mechanical and magnetic response. It is elasticity and the nonlinear magnetic fluxmagnetic
therefore necessary to simultaneously solve for both field relationship is represented by the permeability of
the magnetic response and the mechanical response, the material. Magnetomechanical coupling coefficient
regardless of whether the magnetostrictive material is assumed as constant in this case.
6 Simulation

3.1.1 Linear model 1 1 1

Tp = ALQ 2 + ALeH + ALHe
2 2 2
From equation (1) and equation (2), the 3-D consti-
tutive model for the magnetostrictive material can be + ALH H2 IN HA + F L (11)
written as 2
Using Hamiltons principle, two equations in terms
{ } = [Q]{} [e]T {H } (3) of H and can be written as
{B} = [e]{} + [ ]{H } (4) ALQ + ALeH + F L = 0 (12)

where [Q] is elasticity matrix, which is the inverse of ALe + ALeH + F L = 0 (13)
compliance matrix [S], and [ ] is the permeability at
constant strain. [ ] and [e] are related to [Q] through Dividing both equations by AL, the equations will
[e] = [d][Q] (5) F
Q + eH = (14)
[ ] = [ ] [d][Q][d]T (6) A
e + H = (15)
For ordinary magnetic materials, where magne- A
tostrictive coupling coefficients are zero, [ ] = [ ], As the right-hand side of equation (15) is not a
the permeability. function of and the left-hand side is magnetic
Consider a magnetostrictive rod element of length flux density (equation 4), the magnetic flux density
L, area A, with Youngs modulus Q. If a tensile force in this model is not a function of . Hence, it is
F is applied, the rod develops a strain , and hence preserving the flux line continuity. Eliminating H
stress . Total strain energy in the rod is from equation (14) and substituting this in equa-
  tion (15), stressstrain relationship of the magne-
1 1 tostrictive material can be written as follows:
Vs = dv = {Q = eH} dv
2 2
1 H = (Q F/A)/e (16)
= (ALQ2 = ALeH) (7) IN Ae + L F IN eA + F L
2 = =
ALe2 + AL Q AL Q
Magnetic potential energy in the magnetostrictive (17)
rod is From equation (17), the total strain for applied coil
  current I and tensile stress F/A can be written as
1 1
VM = BH dv = {e + H}H dv
2 2 = + (18)
1 1
= ALHe + AL H2 (8)
2 2 where is the strain due to coil current, which is
called the magnetostriction and is the strain due
The magnetic and mechanical external work done to tensile stress (elastic strain).
for N number of coil turns with coil current I is
= (19)
Wm = IN HA, (9) AL A L
We = F L (10) = = (20)

The total potential energy of the system is Let Q be the modified elastic modulus, and
Tp = (Ve We ) + (Vm Wm ) substituting the value of e and from equation (5)
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 7

and equation (6), Q will be written as

Q e 2 r= = (23)
Q = = =Q+ (21) Q
d 2Q
If the value of r is 1, the results of coupled
2 analysis are similar with uncoupled analysis. In
If the value of is much greater than d Q, can Figure 4, the value of r is shown in contour plot
be assumed as equal to and Q can be assumed for different values of constant strain permeability
as equal to Q. If the value of is much greater and modulus of elasticity for coupling coefficient of
than d 2 Q, the total strain of the rod is the same 15 109 m A1 . In Figure 4(a), the value of r is
as for the uncoupled model. The first term in the shown for different values of permeability and elastic
above expression is the strain due to magnetic field, modulus. In Figure 4(b), the value of r is shown
and the second term is the strain due to the applied for different values of permeability and modified
mechanical loading. However, for Terfenol-D [2], the elasticity. In these plots, it is clear that for a partic-
value of d 2 Q is comparable with . Substituting the ular value of elasticity, if the value of permeability
value of strain from equation (17) in equation (16), increases, the value of r will decrease. However, for a
the value of magnetic field is particular value of permeability, if the value of elastic
modulus increases, the value of r will increase. In
  Figure 5, the value of r is shown in contour plot for
H= 1 + (22) different value of permeabilities and coupling coeffi-
Ae L
cient, considering the modulus of elasticity as 15 GPa.
In Figure 5(a), value of r is given for different values
Note that although the magnetostriction value of constant strain permeability and coupling coeffi-
(INd/L) in equation (19) is the same for coupled cient. In Figure 5(b), the value of r is shown for
and uncoupled cases, the value of magnetic field is different values of constant stress permeability and
different. Let r be the ratio of two permeabilities or coupling coefficients. In these plots, it is clear that
two elastic modulii. From equation (21), r can be for a particular value of permeability, if the value

106 Ratio of two permeabilities (r ) 106 Ratio of two permeabilities (r )

13 9
m A1 13
d = 15 10 d = 15 109 m A1

12 1.4 12

11 11
Permeability me (H m1)

Permeability me (H m1)


10 10

9 1.4 1.6 9


8 8

7 2 2.2 7
1.4 1.8
6 6



2.2 2.4


5 5
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) Modulus of elasticity, Q (Pa) 1010 (b) Modified elasticity, Q (Pa) 1010
Figure 4. Ratio of two permeabilities (r): permeability versus modulus of elasticity (a) and permeability versus modified
elasticity (b), for d = 15 109 m A1 .
8 Simulation

106 Ratio of two permeabilities (r ) 105 Ratio of two permeabilities (r )

13 Q = 15 GPa 2.2
Q = 15 GPa


Constant stress permeability ms (H m1)

Constant strain permeability me (H m1)



11 1.8


10 1.6



2.6 2
9 1.4


2.2 2

8 1.2


7 1



6 0.8






5 0.6
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
(a) Coupling coefficient, d (m A1) 108 (b) Coupling coefficient, d (m A1) 108
Figure 5. Ratio of two permeabilities (r): permeability versus coupling coefficients (a) and constant stress versus coupling
coefficients (b), for Q = 15 Gpa.

of coupling coefficient increases the value of r will In Figure 6, the value of r is shown in contour plot
increase. However, for a particular value of coupling for different value of elastic modulus and coupling
coefficient, if the value of permeability increases the coefficient considering constant strain permeability
value of r will decrease. as 7 106 H m1 . In Figure 6(a), the value of r is

1010 Ratio of two permeabilities (r ) 1010 Ratio of two permeabilities (r )

4 18


16 me = 7 106 H/m

3.5 4
Modulus of elasticity, Q (Pa)

Modified elasticity, Q (Pa)

3 12

3 3.

8 2.5
2 6



1.5 2
me = 7 10 H/m 2

1 0
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
(a) Coupling coefficient, d (m A ) 1 108 (b) Coupling coefficient, d (m A1) 108

Figure 6. Ratio of two permeabilities (r): modulus Q versus coupling coefficient (a) and modulus Q versus coupling
coefficient (b), for = 7 106 H m1 .
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 9

given for different values of modulii of elasticity and nonlinear magnetic (magnetic fieldmagnetic flux)
coupling coefficients. In Figure 6(b), the value of r and mechanical (stressstrain) relationships with
is shown for different values of modulii of elasticity linear-coupling coefficient, nonlinear relationships
and coupling coefficients. In these plots, it is clear of magnetostriction cannot be modeled, as it is
that for a particular value of elastic modulus, if the a function of coil current, coil turns per unit
value of coupling coefficient increases, the value of length of actuator, and magnetomechanical coefficient
r will increase. Similarly, for a particular value of (equation (19)). In the next section, we introduce a
coupling coefficient, if the value of elastic modulus nonlinear model with a constant coupling coefficient,
increases, the value of r will increase. which can model the nonlinear constitutive model
From the experimental data given in Etrema exactly for constant magnetic coupling.
manual [2], the best value of Q, , and d is
calculated by minimizing the difference between the
3.1.2 Nonlinear-coupled model
experimental data and the data according to equa-
tion (17), by least square approach. In the first set of The model developed in this section is based on
experimental data, only magnetostriction values were a coupled magnetomechanical formulation, which
reported, which is given in equation (19). The value allows accurate prediction of both the mechanical
of coupling coefficient is calculated by minimizing and magnetic responses of a magnetostrictive device
the total square error error as given by with nonlinear magnetic and mechanical properties.
Nonlinearity in this model is introduced using two
nonlinear curves, one for the stressstrain relation-
error = exp (24)
ship and the second for magnetic fieldmagnetic flux
relation, which enables to decouple the nonlinearity in
Similarly, in the second set of experimental data, the mechanical and magnetic domains. Magnetome-
the strain due to compressive stress ( ) was reported. chanical coefficient is considered as a real parameter
The expression for the value of elastic strain is scalar value. Two-way coupled magnetomechanical
given in equation (20). In this expression, the value theory is used to model magnetostrictive material.
of Q is calculated by minimizing the total square The formulation starts with the constitutive relations.
error error : In the earlier linear-coupled model, stress ( ) and
 2 magnetic flux density (B) were expressed as a func-
error = exp (25) tion of the components of strain () and magnetic
field (H) as per equation (3) and equation (4), respec-
From equation (24), using the first set of exper- tively. A main drawback with such an approach
imental data (plotted in Figure 2), the value of d is that the nonlinearity between magnetic domains
was calculated as 14.8 109 (m A1 ). From equa- () and mechanical domains (Q) is not uncoupled.
tion (25), using the second set of experimental data Hence, it is difficult to model nonlinearity in earlier
(plotted in Figure 3), the value of Q is 33.4 GPa. representations. To address these issues, a different
Assuming that the constant strain permeability ( ) approach is used in which equation (3) and equa-
of the material is 7 106 H m1 , the value of r tion (4) are rearranged in terms of the mechanical
is 1.6, constant stress permeability ( ) is 11.2 strain () and the magnetic flux density (B). In doing
106 H m1 , and Q is 20.8 GPa. From these studies, so, the mechanical nonlinearity is limited to the
it is clear that for a giant magnetostrictive mate- stressstrain relationship and the magnetic nonlin-
rial, like Terfenol-D, the coupled analysis gives better earity is limited to magnetic field and magnetic flux
result than the uncoupled analysis. However, for a relationship. One-dimensional nonlinear modeling is
magnetostrictive material with low coupling coeffi- again studied using one-dimensional experimental
cient, the uncoupled analysis gives a similar result as data from Etrema manual. The constitutive equa-
the coupled analysis. tion can now be rewritten in terms of magnetic flux
The coupled-linear model cannot model the high density (B) and strain (), as
nonlinearity of magnetostriction , which is required
for the design of actuators. Even considering = E f T B (26)
10 Simulation

H = f + gB (27) Dividing by volume AL, equations (34) and (35)

E f B = (36)
g = ( )1 A
f = gdQ = e/ f + gB = (37)

E = Q + Qdf = Q (28)
Eliminating B from equation (36) and substituting
Like the linear case, considering a magnetostrictive this in equation (37), the stressstrain relationship for
rod element of length L, area A, applied tensile force the magnetostrictive material can be obtained as
F , strain , stress , and elastic modulus E, the total
strain energy in the rod is E F/A
B= (38)
1 1
Ve = AL = (E f B) F/A + INf (gL)
2 2 = (39)
E f 2 /g
1 1
= ALE2 ALf B (29)
2 2 Assuming E as the magnetically free elastic
Magnetic potential energy in the magnetostrictive
rod is
E = E f 2 /g Q (40)
1 1
Vm = ALBH = AL(F + bB)H
2 2 Total strain for applied coil current I and tensile
1 1 force F is given as
= ALBf + ALgB2 (30)
2 2
= + (41)
Magnetic external work done for N coil turns with (gLE ) AE
coil current I is
Here E = Q is the elastic modulus for a magnet-
Wm = IN BA (31) ically stiffened rod and Q = E is for magnetically
flexible rod. Magnetically stiffened means that the
Mechanical external work done is magnetic flux B = 0 inside the rod as the rod is
wound by short-circuited coils. Magnetically flexible
WE = F L (32) means the rod is free from any coil. EQ relation can
be obtained form equation (28). To model the one-
Total potential energy of the system is equal dimensional nonlinear magnetostrictive stressstrain
to Tp = Ve Vm + Wm + We , which in expanded and magnetic fieldmagnetic flux relationships, equa-
form becomes tions (26) and (27) can be written as
1 1
Tp = ALE2 + ALf B ALgB2 E() f B = (42)
2 2
+ IN BA + F L IN
(33) f + g(B) = (43)
Using Hamiltons principle, we get two equations
where f is the real parameter of scalar value and
for B and as
E (), B g(B) are two real parameter nonlinear
curves. The basic advantage of this model is that only
ALE + ALf B + F L = 0 (34)
two nonlinear curves are required for representing
ALEf + ALgB + INA = 0 (35) nonlinearity reported in different stress levels. As
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 11

opposed to this approach, in straightforward poly- experimental data given in the Etrema manual [2] and
nomial representation of magnetostriction [7], one equations (42) and (43), nonlinear mechanical and
requires single nonlinear curve for every stress level. magnetic relationships are evaluated. Initial values of
To get the coefficients of two nonlinear curves and modulus of elasticity and f are computed on a trial
the value of real parameter f , experimental data from and error basis.
Etrema manual [2] is used. From strain, applied coil For sensor device, where coil current is assumed
current, and stress level available in the manual, these as zero, strain and the value of magnetic flux due to
coefficients are evaluated. Considering modulus elas- the application of stress are given by
ticity as 30 GPa, and f as 75.3 106 m A1 as an
initial guess, the values of magnetic flux density B B= (44)
are calculated from equation (42). Similarly, from f
equation (43), values of g(B) are evaluated. From g(B)
= (45)
these values of B and g(B), the curve of B g(B) f
is computed.
This curve is used to get the mechanical rela- The magnetic field is approximated by a sixth-order
tionship. Here, the value of B is computed from polynomial of magnetic flux density and the modulus
the B g(B) relationship. From this value of B, is approximated by a sixth-order polynomial of the
using equation (42), value of E() is calculated. From strain, which is given by
the E() and values, the mechanical nonlinear
curve of E() relationship is computed. In g(B) = c5 B5 + + c1 B + c0 (46)
summary, first the magnetic nonlinear curve is eval- B = d5 g(B) + + d1 g(B) + d0 (47)

uated from the mechanical nonlinear curve and the

mechanical nonlinear curve is evaluated from the E() = a6 6 + + a1 + a0 (48)
magnetic nonlinear curve with the help of experi- = b6 E() + + b1 E() + b0 (49)

mental data given in the Etrema manual [2]. This

iteration continues till both the mechanical curve and These curves are shown in Figure 7. Coefficients of
magnetic curve converge. Thus, with the help of these polynomial curves are given in Table 1, where

107 Strain versus stress Magnetic field versus magnetic flux density
5 0.7

4 0.6

3 0.5
Magnetic flux density, B (T)

2 0.4
Stress, Ee (Pa)

1 0.3

0 0.2

1 0.1

2 0

3 Model 0.1 Model


4 0.2
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
(a) Strain (e) 108 (b) Magnetic field g (B) (A m1) 105
Figure 7. Nonlinear stressstrain curves (a) and magnetic flux and magnetic field curves (b).
12 Simulation

Table 1. Coefficients for sixth-order polynomial

c d a b
6 0 0 4.5419e+28 1.5853e50
5 2.1687e+06 1.9526e27 7.6602e+25 6.1288e44
4 1.5211e+06 1.1589e21 4.2662e+22 1.0355e34
3 3.5828e+05 2.0047e16 6.6788e+19 4.0508e27
2 2.1062e+05 2.0096e12 2.3911e+16 1.0806e27
1 2.2754e+05 4.7789e06 1.2539e+13 2.7977e11
0 8.8129e+03 4.4239e02 3.3893e+10 1.9704e05

the unit of B is T, g(B) is A m1 , and E() is Pa. the calculation of magnetic flux and strain from stress
The value of magnetomechanical coupling parameter and coil current is an iterative procedure. Initially,
(f ) is 75.3 106 m A1 , which is the reciprocal of the value of magnetic flux B is assumed as a certain
13.3 109 A m1 . value. From curve B g(B), the value of g(B) is
On the basis of the two curves given by equa- evaluated. From equation (37), the value of strain
tions (46) and (48) and parameter (f ), strain and is evaluated considering the magnetic field as coil
magnetostriction versus applied magnetic field for current times coil turns per unit length of the actu-
different stress levels are plotted in Figure 8. The ator. Using this strain, from the E() curve the
experimental data of strainmagnetic field relation- value of E() can be found. From equation (36), the
ships for different stress levels almost match with this value of B can be determined. If this B value is not
model. Similarly, strain-compressive force and elastic the same as assumed, this iteration will be continued
modulus for different magnetic field levels are plotted until the value converges.
in Figure 9. Elastic modulus initially decreases and
then increases for each magnetic field level, which is 3.1.3 ANN model
also reported in Butler [2]. The magnetic flux, strain,
stress, and coil current are computed as follows. As To avoid the iterative procedure mentioned for the
two nonlinear curves are related in these relationships, nonlinear model, one three-layer ANN is developed,

108 Field versus strain in different stress levels 108 Field versus l in different stress levels
1 1.5
Magnetostriction (l)

Strain (e)

6 MPa
8 MPa
0.2 10 MPa
0.5 12 MPa
0.4 14 MPa
16 MPa
0.6 18 MPa
20 MPa
22 MPa
0.8 Exp 24 MPa

1 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) Magnetic field (A m1) 104 (b) Magnetic field (A m1) 104
Figure 8. Nonlinear strainmagnetic field curves (a) and magnetostrictionmagnetic field curves (b).
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 13

107 Stress versus strain in different field levels 1010 Elastic strain versus modulus in different fields
4 10
0 Amp/m 0 Amp/m
5000 5000
9 10000
3.5 10000
15000 15000
20000 8 20000
25000 25000
Compressive stress (Pa)

3 30000

Elastic modulus (Pa)

7 35000
40000 40000
2.5 6

2 5


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
(a) Elastic compressive strain (e) 108 (b) Elastic strain (e) 108
Figure 9. Nonlinear stressstrain curves (a) and elastic moduluselastic strain curves (b).

which gives direct nonlinear mapping from magnetic 0.203245 103 and 0.106504 102 , respectively.
field and stress to magnetic flux density and strain. In equation (53), the value of Bmean is 0.385126 T
Standard logistic function y = 1/(1 + e1.7159v ) is and the value of (max |B| Bmean ) is 0.319818 and
used in hidden layer as activation function with linear 0.499656 T, respectively. To train this network, some
output layer. Input (stress and magnetic field) and training and validation samples are generated through
output (strain and magnetic flux density) data is the iterative process stated earlier. Weight and bias
normalized for a better performance of network. parameter of the trained network are given in Tables 2
  and 3. Different validation studies are also carried
mean out.
n =   (50)
max | | mean
  Table 2. Connection between input layer and hidden layer
H Hmean
Hn =   (51) Input layer Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden
max |H| Hmean
  Neurons Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
n =   (52) Hn 4.6187 2.1241 0.15066 0.38726
max || mean
  n 1.2866 1.3195 0.43318 0.031765
B Bmean Input bias 2.2483 0.25721 0.61579 0.088719
Bn =   (53)
max |B| Bmean
Table 3. Connection between hidden layer and output
The normalized stress, n , is calculated using layer
equation (50). The value of mean and (max | |
Output layer neurons n Bn
mean ) are 1.57966 107 and 0.830345 108 Pa,
respectively. Similarly, Hn , the normalized magnetic Hidden node 1 0.63447 0.67409
field, is calculated from equation (51). The values Hidden node 2 0.53313 0.23172
of Hmean and (max |H| Hmean ) in equation (51) are Hidden node 3 0.69546 0.071654
both 750 Oe. Normalized strain n is the output of Hidden node 4 0.48235 2.1900
network, from which strain is calculated using equa- Output bias node 0.29930 1.5467
tion (52). The value of mean and (max || mean ) are
14 Simulation

108 Strain in different approaches Flux in different approaches

1.5 1.2
Linear Linear
Polynomial Polynomial

Magnetic flux density (T)

0.5 6.9 MPa

15.1 MPa
0 0.4 6.9 MPa

0.5 24.1 MPa
15.1 MPa
24.1 MPa

1.5 0.4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) Magnetic field (A m1) 104 (b) Magnetic field (A m1) 104
Figure 10. Comparison of different models: strainmagnetic field curves (a) and flux densitymagnetic field curves (b).

3.2 Comparison between different in low magnetic field level, magnetic flux density
coupled models matches with the nonlinear model. For high and low
stress level, the linear model can be used in the
A comparative study of different models is done using average sense.
a magnetostrictive rod with varying magnetic field
and stress level. Three different stress levels (6.9,
15.1, and 24.1 MPa) are used to compute the total 4 SUMMARY
strain and magnetic flux density in the rod for varying
magnetic field levels and shown in Figure 10. In This article is mainly intended for anhysteretic linear
Figure 10(a), total strain is shown according to linear, and nonlinear, coupled constitutive relationships of
polynomial, ANN, and experimental approaches. magnetostrictive material. The coupled model is
Both polynomial and ANN approaches show close studied without assuming any direct relationship of
results with the experimental data throughout the magnetic field unlike the uncoupled model. In the
magnetic field range. As in the case of the linear linear-coupled model, the elastic modulus, perme-
model, the results do not match with the experimental ability, and magnetoelastic constant are considered
data throughout the magnetic field range. However, as constants. However, this model cannot predict the
this model can be used in low magnetic field level highly nonlinear properties of magnetostrictive mate-
for medium stress level, and in medium field level rial. In the nonlinear-coupled model, nonlinearity is
for high stress level. For a low stress level, the decoupled in the magnetic and the mechanical domain
linear model can be used on an average sense. In using two nonlinear curves for stressstrain and
the absence of experimental data (Etrema manual) magnetic flux density and magnetic field intensity.
of magnetic flux density, only computational results In this model, the computation of magnetostriction
are shown in Figure 10(b). Magnetic flux density is requires the value of magnetic flux density, which
shown according to linear, polynomial, and ANN is obtained through an iterative process for nonlin-
approaches. Similar to the strain results, the results of earity of curves. To avoid this iterative computation,
the ANN model and polynomial model are in excel- one three-layer ANN is developed, which will give
lent agreement. However, the results of the linear nonlinear mapping from stress level and magnetic
model do not match throughout the magnetic field field to strain and magnetic flux density. Finally, a
range. In the linear model, for medium stress level comparative study of linear, polynomial, and ANN
Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials 15

approaches is done, which shows that the linear- [8] Rumelhart D, Hinton G, Williams R. Learning repre-
coupled model can predict the constitutive relation- sentations by back propagation error. Nature 1986
ships in an averaged sense only. The nonlinear models 323:533536.
are shown to predict experimental results exactly [9] Moffett MB, Clark AE, Wun-Fogle M, Linberg J,
throughout the magnetic field range. Teter JP, McLaughlin EA. Characterization of TER-
FENOL-D for magnetostrictive transducers. Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America 1989 86:
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [10] Hall D, Flatau A. One-dimensional analytical con-
stant parameter linear electromagnetic magneto-
The author wishes to thank his graduate student mechanical models of a cylindrical magnetostrictive
Dr Debiprasad Ghosh for performing the numerical TERFENOL-D transducer. Proceedings of the
simulation addressed in this article. ICIM94: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent
Materials. Williamsburg, VA, 1994; pp. 605616.
[11] Ghosh DP, Gopalakrishnan S. Structural health
REFERENCES monitoring in a composite beam using magne-
tostrictive material through a new FE formula-
[1] Villery E. Change of magnetization by tension and tion. In Proceedings of SPIE on Smart Materials,
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1865 126:87122. Gopalakrishnan S (eds). SPIE: Bellingham, WA,
[2] Butler JL. Application Manual for the Design 2002; Vol. 5062, pp. 704711.
of TERFENOL-D Magnetostrictive Transducers,
Technical Report TS 2003. Edge Technologies:
[3] Benbouzid MEH, Reyne G, Meunier G. Nonlinear Anjanappa M, Bi J. Magnetostrictive mini actuators for
finite element modeling of giant magnetostric- smart structures applications. Smart Materials and Struc-
tion. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 1993 29: tures 1994 3:383390.
Pelinescu I, Balachandran B. Analytical study of active
[4] Benbouzid MEH, Kvarnsjo L, Engdahl G. Dynamic control of wave transmission through cylindrical struts.
modeling of giant magnetostriction in TERFENOL-D Smart Materials and Structures 2001 10:121136.
rods by the finite element method. IEEE Transactions
Reddy JN, Barbosa JI. On vibration suppression of magne-
on Magnetics 1995 31:18211823.
tostrictive beams. Smart Materials and Structures 2000
[5] Toupin RA. The elastic dielectric. Journal of 9:4958.
Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1956 5:849915. Roy Mahapatra DP, Gopalakrishnan S, Balachandran B.
[6] Maugin GA. Nonlinear Electromechanical Effects Active feedback control of multiple waves in helicopter
and Applications. World Scientific, 1985. gearbox support struts. Smart Materials and Structures
2001 10:10461058.
[7] Krishnamurty AV, Anjanappa M, Wang Z, Chen X.
Sensing of delaminations in composite laminates Saidha E, Naik GN, Gopalakrishnan S. An experimental
using embedded magnetostrictive particle layers. investigation of a smart laminated composite beam with
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Struc- magnetostrictive patch for health monitoring applica-
tures 1999 10:825835. tions. Structural Health Monitoring 2003 2:273292.
Chapter 43
Finite Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic
and Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators
Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

specified for modeling, analysis, and design. With

1 Introduction 1 increasing emphasis on incorporating health moni-
2 Constitutive Models for Smart Sensors toring concepts at the design stage itself for the
and Actuators 2 present-day systems, it is necessary to build a new or
modify the existing FE code to handle this additional
3 Constitutive Model for a Composite
complexity. One of the ways or means to incorpo-
Material with Embedded Piezoelectric
rate the health monitoring concepts at the design
Sensors/Actuators 4
stage itself is by introducing smart material patches
4 Finite Element Modeling 8 anywhere in the structures (if the structure is of lami-
5 Finite Element Modeling of nated composite construction), or select a proper loca-
Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators 13 tion to surface bond these smart material patches. This
6 Summary 19 article deals with the FE modeling of such structures
References 21 with built-in smart material patches. However, this
article only gives a brief outline of how some FEs are
formulated with smart degrees of freedom. Mathemat-
ical aspects of FEs, detailed method of formulation
1 INTRODUCTION of FEs, method of solution of FE equations, etc. can
be obtained from many classic text books in [13].
Finite element (FE) is a powerful numerical tool to Some aspects of modeling of smart sensors and actu-
model any complex system that is governed by a ators using FEs can also be found in [4].
partial differential equation. Modeling and analysis The main function of the smart material patches
of structures through FE procedures are now quite is to introduce additional functionalities, namely, the
well established and matured to such an extent that sensing and actuation functions. Sensing function is
there are many general-purpose FE codes, commer- normally used in the health monitoring application,
cially available, that satisfy most industrial standards whereas in applications such as vibration or noise
control, actuation mechanism is used. Such func-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by tionalities are possible using smart material patches
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 due to the presence of coupling parameter in their
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. constitutive model. Some of the smart materials
2 Simulation

have two different constitutive laws: one is used for These interpolating functions are then substi-
sensing while the other is used for actuation purpose. tuted for the different field variable in the weak
In piezoceramic material, for example, which is a form of the equation and the resulting equation
class of smart material used extensively in struc- is minimized to obtain the discritized equation
tural application, the constitutive law couples the of motion, which involves computing the stiff-
mechanical motion and the electrical field through ness, the mass, and the damping matrices. The
an electromechanical coupling coefficient. Some of discritized governing equations are solved using
the elementary concepts of behavior of smart mate- many standard methods, the details of which can
rials in relation to structures are given in [57]. be obtained from many standard FE text books.
From FE point of view, this additional complexity
arising owing to this coupling results in additional This article is organized as follows. The next
degrees of freedom and hence increased size of the section explains briefly the constitutive law for two
system matrices. However, the general procedure for different classes of smart materials, namely, the
the formulation of FEs and their synthesis remains piezoceramic material and magnetostrictive materials.
the same and these are covered extensively in many Although the detailed treatment of their constitutive
classic text books in [13]. models are dealt in detail in earlier articles (see Piezo-
The general procedure for the formulation of FEs ceramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling;
involves the following: Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Mate-
Develop a suitable constitutive model for the rials), here, only those details that are required for FE
combined material consisting of the host material formulation are given. This section is followed with
(say metallic or laminated composite structure) a detailed derivation of constitutive law for a lami-
and the smart material patch. The constitutive nated composite with embedded piezoelectric mate-
matrix for metallic isotropic structure is quite well rial patch. This method then extends to piezo fiber
known. A laminated composite normally exhibits composites (PFCs). Next, the detailed 1-D and 2-D
anisotropic behavior due to arbitrary orientation FE formulation with embedded smart senor/actuator
of the fiber. The constitutive law for composites patches are outlined, which is followed by some
can be found in [8, 9]. When the composite numerical examples.
constitutive law is coupled with the constitutive
law of the smart material (say piezoceramic), the
resulting matrix, not only couples the different 2 CONSTITUTIVE MODELS
mechanical motions but also the smart degrees of FOR SMART SENSORS
Formulate the weak form of the governing differ-
ential equation. This will involve the energy
2.1 Piezoelectric sensors/actuators
expressions due to elasticity, inertia, surface and
body forces, and external forces. When smart Piezoelectric or magnetostrictive materials have two
material patches are introduced (say piezoceramic constitutive laws, one of which is used for sensing
or magnetostrictive material), then the energy due and the other for actuation purposes. For 2-D state
to electrical or magnetic motion should also be of stress, the constitutive model for the piezoelectric
included in the weak form of the equations.
material is of the form
Decide on the number of degrees of freedom
and assume a suitable interpolating function for { }31 = [C](E)
33 {}31 [e]32 {E}21 (1)
each of the degrees of freedom. Note that if
the structure has smart material patches, then the {D}21 = [e]T23 + []( )
22 {E}21 (2)
smart degree of freedom (say electrical degree of
freedom for piezoceramic material) also needs to The first of this constitutive law is called the actu-
be introduced and interpolated over an element ation law, while the second is called the sensing
using a suitable function, as is done for the other law. Here, { }T = { xx yy xy } is the stress
degrees of freedom. vector; {}T = { xx yy xy } is the strain vector;
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 3

[e] is the matrix of piezoelectric coefficients of size extensively used only as sensor material. With the
3 2, which has a unit of N/V-mm; and {E}T = advent of smart composite structures, a new brand
{Ex Ey } = {Vx /t Vy /t} is the applied field in two of material called piezofiber composite is found to
coordinate directions, where Vx and Vy are the applied be a very effective actuator material for use in
voltages in the two coordinate directions, and t is vibration/noise control applications. The form of the
the thickness parameter. It has a unit of V/mm. [] constitutive model of this material is very similar to
is the permittivity matrix of size 2 2, measured that of the piezoelectric material and since this is
at constant stress and has a unit of N/V/V and always a part of the composite structure, its constitu-
{D}T = {Dx Dy } is the vector of electric displace- tive model is established in this context at a later part
ment in two coordinate directions. This has a unit of of this article.
N/V-mm. [C] is the mechanical constitutive matrix
measured at constant electric field. Equation (1) can
also be written in the form
2.2 Magnetostrictive sensors/actuators

{} = [S]{ } + [d]{E} (3) Some magnetic materials (magnetostrictive) show

elongation and contraction in the magnetization direc-
In the above expression, [S] is the compliance tion due to an induced magnetic field. This is called
matrix, which is the inverse of the mechanical mate- the magnetostriction, which is due to the switching
rial matrix [C] and [d] = [C]1 [e] is the electrome- of a large amount of magnetic domains caused by
chanical coupling matrix, where the elements of this spontaneous magnetization, below the Curie point of
matrix have a unit mm/V and the elements of this temperature. Thus, magnetostrictive materials have
matrix are direction dependent. In most analyses, it the ability to convert magnetic energy into mechan-
is assumed that the mechanical properties will change ical energy and vice versa. This coupling between
very little with the change in the electric field and, as a magnetic and mechanical energies represents what
result, the actuation law (equation 1) can be assumed is called the transudation capability, which allows a
to behave linearly with the electric field, while the magnetostrictive material to be used in both actuation
sensing law (equation 2) can be assumed to behave and sensing applications. The most extensively used
linearly with the stress. This assumption will consid- magnetostrictive material for structural applications is
erably simplify the process of analyses. the Terfenol-D. The constitutive laws (both actuation
The first part of equation (1) represents the stresses and sensing) for magnetostrictive materials such as
developed due to mechanical load, while the second Terfenol-D are much more complex than the piezo-
part of the same equation gives the stresses due to electric materials. They are highly nonlinear and have
voltage input. From equations (1) and (2), it is clear the similar form as that of the piezoelectric material,
that the structure is stressed due to the application which is given by
of electric field even in the absence of mechanical
load. Alternatively, when the mechanical structure {} = [S](H ) { } + [d]T {H } (4)
is loaded, it generates an electric field. In other {B} = [d]{ } + [] {( }
{H } (5)
words, the above constitutive law demonstrates the
electromechanical coupling, which is exploited for Here, [S] is the compliance matrix measured at
a variety of structural applications, such as vibra- constant magnetic field H ; [d] is the magnetome-
tion control, noise control, shape control, or struc- chanical coupling matrix, the elements of which has
tural health monitoring. Piezoceramic materials are a units of meter per ampere; and {B} is the vector of
class of piezoelectric materials, which are available in magnetic flux density in the two coordinate directions.
different forms, namely, ceramic, polymer, or crystal It has a unit called tesla, which is equal to weber per
forms. The most commonly used piezoceramic mate- cubic meter. {H } is the magnetic field intensity vector
rial is the PZT (leadzirconatetitanate) material, in the two coordinate directions and it has a unit
which is extensively used as bulk actuator material called oersted, which is equal to Ampere per meter.
as they have high electromechanical coupling factor. It is related to the ac current (I (t)) through the rela-
Owing to the low electromechanical coupling factor, tion H = nI , where n is the number of turns in the
piezo polymers polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) are actuator. [] is the matrix of magnetic permeability
4 Simulation

measured at constant stress and it has a unit of true for a 3-D laminate with embedded piezoelec-
weber per ampere-meter. As in the case of piezo- tric sensors/actuators. Here, we can take the same
electric material, the first equation (equation 4) is the approach as undertaken to establish the constitutive
actuation constitutive law, while the second equa- model for conventional composite structure. That is,
tion (equation 5) is the sensing law. The stressstrain we first establish the constitutive model at the lamina
relations are different for different magnetic field level in the fiber coordinate system, which is then
intensities. The strain is linear to stress only for transformed to the global coordinate system. These
small magnetic field intensities. For higher magnetic relations are then synthesized for all the laminae
field intensities, both sensing and actuator equa- to establish the constitutive model of the laminate.
tions require to be simultaneously solved to arrive However, additional matrices arise in this case due
at the correct stressstrain relation. This is because to the presence of electromechanical coupling. Consi-
change in the magnetic field changes the stress, which der a lamina with the piezoelectric layer as shown
changes the magnetic permeability. Hence, charac- in Figure 1. The constitutive model in directions
terization of material properties of Terfenol-D is 1, 2, and 3 for such a lamina is given by equa-
more difficult compared to the piezoelectric material. tions (1) and (2), respectively. In matrix form, it is
These aspects were clearly highlighted in the previous given by
article on constitutive model for magnetostrictive     
{ } [C] [e] {}
material. The reader is also encouraged to refer [8, 9] = (6)
{D} [e]T [] {E}
for the constitutive model of the above material.
In this article, we assume only the linear behavior or { } = [C]{} (7)
of these materials and proceed with FE modeling
of these smart sensors and actuators based on this Expanding the above relation, we get

0 0 0 0 0 e31 11
C11 C12 C13

22 C C22 C23 0 0 0 0 0 e32



C C23 C33 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 C44 0 0 0 e24 0 23

31 = 0 0 0 0 C55 0 e15 0 0 31 (8)

0 0 0 0 C66 0 0 0 12

0 0 0 0 e15 0 11 0 0


D 0 0 e24 0 0 0 22 0 E2

D3 e31 e32 e33 0 0 0 0 0 33 E3

assumption. Here, the FE modeling of some of Here, Ei = , where  is the electric potential
the 1-D and 2-D structures with both piezo and vector. The above constitutive model is then trans-
magnetostrictive material patches embedded in a formed to the global x y z coordinate system using
composite material is given.
3, Z

Composite ply X
Piezoelectric patch
Fundamental to any FE modeling is to first estab- Figure 1. Local and global coordinate system for a lamina
lish the constitutive model and this also holds with embedded piezoelectric patch.
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 5

the transformation matrix, which is given by The elements of [C] and [e] are given by
[T11 ] [0] C 11 = 4C66 C 2 S 2 + C 2 (C11 C 2 + C12 S 2 )
[T ] = (9)
[0] [T22 ]
+ S 2 (C12 C 2 + C22 S 2 )
where C 12 = 4C66 C 2 S 2 + S 2 (C11 C 2 + C12 S 2 )
+ C 2 (C12 C 2 + C22 S 2 ),
C2 S2 0 0 0 2CS
S2 C2 0 0 0 2CS
C 13 = C13 C 2 C23 S 2
0 0 1 0 0 0
[T11 ] =
0 0 0 C S 0 C 16 = 2C66 CS(C 2 S 2 )
0 0 0 S C 0
CS CS 0 0 0 C S
2 2 + CS(C11 C 2 +C12 S 2 )CS(C12 C 2 + C22 S 2 ),
(10) C 21 = C 12
C2 S2 0
[T22 ] = S 2 2
C 0 (11) C 22 = 4C66 C 2 S 2 + S 2 (C11 S 2 + C12 C 2 )
0 0 1 + C 2 (C12 S 2 + C22 C 2 ),
C = cos(), S = sin() (12)
C 23 = C23 C 2 + C13 S 2
Here is the fiber orientation of the lamina. The C 26 = 2C66 CS(C 2 S 2 )
constitutive model in the global x y z direction is
+ CS(C11 S 2 +C12 C 2 )CS(C12 S 2 + C22 C 2 ),
then given by
  C 31 = C 13 , C 32 = C 23
[C] [e]
{ } = [T ] T
[T ]{} C 33 = C33 , C 36 = CS(C13 C23 ),
[e]T []
[e] {} C 44 = C44 C 2 + C55 S 2 ,
= [C] (13)
[e] []
C 45 = CS(C55 C44 ),

In expanded form, the above equation becomes C 54 = C 45 , C 55 = C44 S 2 + C55 C 2 ,

C 11 C 12 C 13 0 0 0 0 0 e31
xx xx

C C 22 C 23 0 0 0 0 0 e32




C 13 C 23 C 33 0 0 0 0 0 e33


0 0 0 C 44 0 0 0 e24 0
yz yz
zx = 0 e15 2 (14)

0 0 0 C 55 0 0 0 zx



0 0 xy

x 0 0 0 0 C 66 0 0
E x

0 0 0 0 e15 0 11 0 0


Dz 0 0 0 e24 0 0 0 22 0 Ez
e31 e32 e33 0 0 0 0 0 33
6 Simulation

C 61 = C 16 , C 62 = C 26 , C 63 = C 36 C 45
C55 = C 55
C 66 = C66 (C 2 S 2 )2 + C 2 S 2 (C11 C12 ) C 44
C 2 S 2 (C12 C22 ) 1  
e31 = e31 + e32 C 12 C 66 C 16 C 26

e31 = (e31 C + e32 S ),
2 2
+ e36 C 16 C 22 C 12 C 26
e32 = (e31 S 2 + e31 S 2 ),
e33 = e33 , e14 = (e15 C 2 S + e24 CS 2 ), e32 = e32 + e32 C 23 C 66 C 26 C 36

e24 = (e24 C 3 + e15 S 3 ), e15 = (e15 C 3 e24 S 3 ),  
+ e36 C 36 C 22 C 23 C 26
e25 = (e24 C 2 S e15 CS 2 ),
e36 = CS(e31 e32 ), 11 = 11 C + 22 S ,
4 4 33 = 33 + e36 C 22 C 69 + C 66 C 29

12 = C S (11 + 22 ),
2 2
+ e32 C 29 C 66 C 26 C 69 (17)
22 = 2 C 4 + 11 S 4 , 33 = 33 (15)
In the next subsection, we derive the constitutive
For 2-D analysis, we normally employ either plane of the PFCs, wherein the piezo fibers together with
stress or plane strain assumptions. For plane stress the interdigital electrodes (IDEs) are embedded in
assumption in the x z plane, we substitute yy = the composite structures to perform a variety of
xy = yz = Dx = Dy = 0 in equation (14). Simpli- applications.
fying this, we can write the constitutive model for a
2-D piezoelectric composite as
3.1 Constitutive model for piezofiber
composite (PFC) structures

{ } [C] [e] {} zz
= = PFC sensors and actuators are a class of multifunc-
Dz [e]T Ez xz
tional composites, wherein the piezo fibers, the asso-
ciated IDEs are embedded in the composites at the
C11 C12 0 e31 xx

manufacturing stage as shown in Figure 2. In this
C33 0 e32 zz section, we outline the derivation of the constitutive
0 C55 0
2xz model of PFC sensors and actuators.
e31 e32 0 33 Ez The constitutive model can be derived by consid-
ering a rectangular representative volume element
(RVE) shown in Figure 2. The rectangular cross
section of the fibers can provide maximum volume
1   fraction of ceramic, which is preferable for actuation.
C11 = C 11 + C 12 C 26 C 16 C 66 C 12 The configuration can be obtained using fibers that

  have been tape-cast and diced, extruded, or cast into
+ C 16 C 26 C 16 C 22 C 16 a mould. Figure 3 also shows an actuator element (say
qth) with its host composite structure and having local
1   q q q
coordinate system (Xa , Ya , Za ). The RVE of the two-
C13 = C 13 + C 12 C 26 C 36 C 66 C 23
 phase ceramicmatrix composite system is described
+ C 16 C 26 C 23 C 22 C 36 ) by one quadrant axisymmetric model about the x3
axis. Here, h is the total depth of a single PFC layer,
1   p is the uniform spacing of the IDEs spanning along
C33 = C 33 + C 23 C 26 C 36 C 66 C 23 x1 , and b is the width of each electrode. The constitu-

  tive relations for orthotropic active ceramic bulk form
+ C 36 C 26 C 23 C 22 C 36 [10] can be represented as
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 7

Z qa


Y qa

X qa PZT fiber

Electrode x3 x1
b /2

h /2

P /2

Figure 2. Configuration of piezoelectric fiber composite (PFC) for composite beam actuation.

E4 E3
v4 v3 h
u4 (1,1) (1,1)
3 4 3
v2 (1,1) (1,1)
1 1 2
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Element degrees of freedom and the isoparametric coordinate system.

C 11 C E 12 e31 xx
C E 13 law by considering the volume fraction of the piezo
zz C E 12 C E 22 e32 zz
C E 23 fiber (PZT) to the total volume of the laminate. For
= E

C 13 C E 23 e33
C E 33 xz
pure piezoceramic material, C11 E
= C22E E
, C23 = C13
Dz e31 e32 s 33
e33 Ez e32 = e31 . For matrix phase, all eij are zero, and their
(18) mechanical and dielectric properties are represented
This relation is of a very similar form as that of without superscripts. Assuming negligible distortion
PZT sensor/actuator. This relation can be directly of the equipotential lines and electric fields beneath
used in equation (41) by substituting equation (18) the electrodes, and imposing proper field conti-
for matrices [C] and [e]. For 1-D analysis, this nuity between the ceramic and matrix phases, the
requires reduction into single equivalent constitutive effective unidirectional constitutive law for a PFC
8 Simulation

beam structure can be expressed as 4 FINITE ELEMENT MODELING

zz = C eff 33 zz eeff 33 Ez (19) In this section, FE modeling of laminated composite
structures with embedded/surface-bonded smart sen-
sors/actuators is given. First, a 2-D FE model
for a composite beam with embedded piezoelectric
  sensor/actuator is given. Since the FE formulation
C33 eff = C 33 V1 p + C22 V1 m of PFCs is very similar to the piezoelectric laminate
 2 case, we will not repeat the formulation here. This
V1 p V1 m C12 C 13 is later followed by the modeling of composites with
(20) embedded magnetostrictive sensors/actuators. Some
C22 V1 p + C 11 V1 m numerical examples are also given to demonstrate the
  use of the formulated element.
e31 V1 p V1 m C12 C 13
eeff 33 = e33 V1 p + (21)
C22 V1 p + C 11 V1 m
  4.1 Four-noded isoparametric finite
C 11 = C 33 V2 p + C11 V2 m element formulation
V2 p V2 m C12 C 23 Isoparametric FE formulation is a class of FE formu-
C11 V2 p + C 22 V2 m lation, wherein an arbitrary element shape is mapped
  onto a square of dimension 2 units. Hence, in such
e32 V2 p V2 m C12 C 12
e31 = e31 V2 +
(23) formulation, in addition to mapping the field vari-
C11 V2 p + C 22 V2 m ables (displacements and electric field), the geometry
  is also mapped using the same functions.
e32 V2 p V2 m C12 C 23
e33 = e33 V2 +
(24) Let us consider a 2-D composite laminate under
C11 V2 p + C 22 V2 m plane stress in the x z plane. Let u(x, y, t) and
V3 m e3j e3k w(x, y, t) be its displacement components. The strong
Cj k = Cj k E + (25) form of the governing equation essentially gives the
V3 m 33 + V3 m s 33
governing partial differential equation for the given
33 e3j
e3j = (26) problem. This form of the governing equation is
V3 p 33 V3 m s 33 not readily amenable for numerical solution and, in
addition, the exact analytical solution is available
Here, i and im , for i = 1, 2 represents the length only for a few simple problems. On the other hand,
fraction of ceramic and matrix phase along direction the weak form of solution is readily amenable for
i, respectively, and numerical solution. Both forms can be derived using
the Hamiltons principle. First the strong form of
p the governing differential equation is derived. This
requires that the energy associated with the problem
V3 p = p h  bp (27)
+ 1 V2 p be written in terms of displacements. The kinetic,
h strain, and the electrical energy for the smart lami-
nated having a volume V is given by
represents the volume fraction of ceramic phase in

RVE. The details of the above derivation can be 1
found in [11]. Similar models for uniform packing T = {u}T {u} dV (28)
2 V
circular fiber can be found in [12]. Essentially, these 
models provide dominant electromechanical coupling U= { }T {} dV (29)
in direction 3, which can be aligned along the local 2 V

host beam axis during bonding or embedding. This is 1
unlikely in uniformly electroded PZT plate structure. Ue = E dV (30)
2 V z z
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 9

where Similarly, the force boundary conditions on the

edge parallel to x-axis are
{u}T = {u v} (31)
{ }T = {xx zz xz } (32) u w
C13 + C33 e33 Ez
x z
Here, is the density of the smart composite. = Fcz + e33 Es or w prescribed (36)
The stresses are related to strain using equation (16),  
u w
which can be expressed in terms of displacement C55 + = Fcx or u prescribed (37)
using straindisplacement relationship. Using these z x
energies in the Hamiltons principle, we get the
following strong form of the governing equation and where Fcx and Fcz are the sum of all point loads
its associated boundary conditions in x and z directions, respectively. The main goal
  here is to solve equation (33). These are very difficult
2u 2u 2w 2u 2w to solve exactly. Hence, it is necessary to recast the
C11 2 C13 C55 2
t x xz z xz above equilibrium equation in its weak form and best
Ez E fit an approximate solution using FE procedure.
= Fsx + e31 s
+ e31 The weak form of the governing differential equa-
x x
2 2 2  2  tion is obtained next. This is obtained by performing
w w u w 2u a variational minimization (Hamiltons principle) of
2 C33 2 C13 C55 +
t z xz x 2 xz the total energy, which can be written as

1 t2   
1 t2
1 t2
{u}T {u} dV dt + { }T {} dV dt + Ez Dz dV dt
2 2 t1 V 2 t1 V
t1 t2 V  t2   t2  =0 (38)
+ {u}T {Fc } dt + {u}T {Fs } dS1 dt + Ez Ds dS2 dt
t1 t1 S1 t1 S2

where S1 and S2 are the surfaces in the structure

Ez E where the surface forces and residual displacements
+ e33 = Fsz e33 s
z z act. Substituting for stresses and electrical displace-
u w ments from equation (16), the weak form of the
e31 + e33 + 33 Ez = Ds 33 Es (33)
x z differential equation becomes

where {Fs }T = {Fsx Fsz } is the surface force vector  t2 

in the two directions and Es , Ds are the residual { u}T {u} dV dt
electrical field and the electrical displacement in t1 V
the smart composite. In the above equation, the
first two represent the force equilibrium in the x + {}T [C]{} dV dt
t1 V
and z directions, while the third equation represents  t2 
the equation for electrical field equilibrium. The E[e]T {} dV dt
associated force boundary conditions on the edge t1 V
parallel to z axis are  t2 
+ Ez [e]T {} dV dt
u w t1 V
C11 + C13 e31 Ez = Fcx  t2 
x z
+ Ez Ez dV dt
+ e31 Es or u prescribed (34) t1 V
u w
C55 + = Fcz or w prescribed (35) + {u}T {Fc } dt
z x t1
10 Simulation

of the electrical field. Hence, we assume the electric
+ {u}T {Fs } dS 1 dt field to vary as
t1 S1
+ Ez Ds dS 2 dt = 0 (39) #
t1 S2
Ez (x, y, t) = Ni (, )Ezi (t) (42)
The above equation is the weak form of the
governing equation (equation 33) for a composite
laminate with piezoelectric smart sensors. This is the where the same shape function given in equation (41)
starting point for the FE formulation. is also used here, and Ezi are the nodal electrical
Next, we outline the procedure for formulating a degrees of freedom at the four nodes.
four-node isoparametric plane stress smart composite In isoparametric formulation, we map the actual
FE. The element configuration is shown in Figure 3. geometry of the element to a square of size 2 defined
This element will have two mechanical degrees of in the generalized coordinate system (, ) through a
freedom, namely, the two displacement components Jacobian transformation. This requires the variation of
u(x, y, t) and w(x, y, t), respectively, and a single the coordinate system in the generalized coordinates
electrical degree of freedom Ez (x, y, t) in the z in terms of the nodal coordinates of the actual element
direction. The electric field in this direction will geometry. Hence, one can use the same displacement
induce stresses in the x direction. Thus, this element shape functions to describe this variation and can be
will have a total of 12 degrees of freedom. Here, we written as
adopt isoparametric formulation. Since the proposed
element is four noded, the bilinear shape functions for #
the mechanical displacements will be required, which x(x, y) = Ni (, )xi (43)
can be written as i=1

z(x, y) = Ni (, )zi (44)
u(x, y, t) = Ni (, )ui (t), i=1

The strains are evaluated by using straindisplace-
w(x, y, t) = Ni (, )wi (t) (40) ment relationship. That is,

/x 0 0 $ %
where and are the isoparametric coordinates and xx u
xx 0 /z 0
ui (t) and wi (t) are the nodal mechanical degrees = w (45)
of freedom. The four bilinear shape functions are
/z /x 0
given by Ez 0 0 1

1 1 Using equations (40) and (42) in the above equa-

N1 = (1 )(1 ), (1 + )(1 ),
N2 = tion enables expressing the strains in terms of nodal
4 4
displacement vector {u}e = {u1 w1 u2 w2 u3
1 1
N3 = (1 + )(1 + ), N4 = (1 )(1 + ) w3 u4 w4 }T and electric field vector {Ez }e =
4 4 {Ez1 Ez2 Ez3 Ez3 }T . That is, strain can be
(41) written as
Now to choose the interpolating polynomial for
the electrical degrees of freedom, we look at the  
[B]u(38) 0
strong form of the governing equation (equation 33). {} = [B]{u} = (46)
0 [B]E(14)
By substituting linear variation for the mechanical
degrees of freedom, we find that for consistency of the
displacement field, we also require a bilinear variation where [B] matrix is given by
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 11

N N2 N3 N4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
x x x x
N1 N2 N3 N4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[B] =
z z z z
N1 N1 N2 N2 N3 N3 N4 N4
0 0 0 0
z x z x z x z x
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N1 N2 N3 N4

Using equations (46) and (42) in the weak form integration of these is most difficult to achieve, we
of the equation (equation 24), and performing varia- resort to numerical integration (see [13] for more
tional minimization, we get details). Here, {F }e is the elemental nodal vector and
  {q}e is the elemental charge vector. These matrices
{u}e T [N ]T [N ] dV {u}e are given by
   1  1
+ {u}e T [Bu ]T [C][Bu ] dV {u}e [Muu ] = t [N ]T [N ]|J | d d,
V 1 1
   1  1
{u}e T T
[Bu ] [e][BE ] dV {Ez }e [Kuu ] = t [Bu ]T [C][Bu ]|J | d d,
V 1 1
   1  1
{Ez }e T [BE ]T [e]T [Bu ] dV {u}e [KuE ] = t [Bu ]T [e][BE ]|J | d d,
V 1 1
1 1
{Ez }e T [BE ]T 33 [BE ] dV {Ez }e [KEE ] = t [BE ]T 33 [BE ]|J | d d (50)
V 1 1

{u}e {Fc } {u}e
[N ]T {Fs } dS 1 The elemental load and charge vectors are given by
{Ez }e T [BE ]T Ds dS 2 = 0 (48) {F }e = {F }c + [N ]T {F }s dS 1 (51)

Since {u}e and {Ez }e are arbitrary, the above
{q}e = [N ]T Ds dS2 (52)
expression can be written in a concise matrix form as S2
[Muu ] [0] {u}e The matrices in equation (49) are then assembled
[0] [0] {Ez }e to obtain their global counterparts and solved for
[Kuu ] [KuE ] {u}e {F }e obtaining solutions for displacements and electric
+ = (49) field. Note that it has a zero diagonal block in the
[KuE ]T [KEE ] {Ez }e {q}e
mass matrix. The method of solution for sensing
The above equation is the elemental equilibrium and actuation problem is quite different. For sensing
in the discritized form, where [Muu ] is the mass problem, for a given mechanical loading, we need
matrix, [Kuu ] is the stiffness matrix corresponding to to determine the voltage developed across the smart
mechanical degrees of freedom, [KuE ] is the stiffness patch. This is done by first obtaining the mechanical
matrix due to electromechanical coupling, and [KEE ] displacement due to the given mechanical load, which
is the stiffness matrix due to electrical degrees of is then used to obtain the electric field and hence the
freedom alone. Note that all these matrices require voltage developed in the sensor patch. In order to
the volume integral to be evaluated. Since the exact solve this, the global matrix equation can be expanded
12 Simulation

and written as More details on this formulation can be obtained

from [13].
[Muu ]{u} + [Kuu ]{u} + [KuE ]{Ez } = {F }
[KuE ]T {u} + [KEE ]{Ez } = {q} (53)
4.2 Numerical example
We can write the second part of the above equa-
tion as 4.2.1 Actuation example
The main objective of this example is to demon-
{Ez } = [KEE ]1 {q} [KEE ]1 [KuE ]T {u} (54)
strate the actuation capability of the formulated FE
Using the above equation in the first of equa- with piezoelectric actuators and validate the formu-
tion (53) and simplifying, we get lated element in the process by comparing the results
obtained from the standard published results. Here,
[Muu ]{u} + [K uu ] = {F } (55) a piezoelectric bimorph composite beam is consid-
ered for analysis. Chen [14] presented the compar-
where ative study of the bending of a bimorph beam due
to external applied voltage as a part of verifying
[K uu ] = [Kuu ] [KuE ][KEE ]1 [KuE ]T (56) the accuracy of the piezoelectric FE solution and
this bimorph beam configuration was adopted from
{F } = {F } [KEE ]1 {q} (57) Hwang [15]. In this study, the same configuration
of the bimorph beam is considered. The bimorph
Note that equation (55) is only in terms of mechan- beam consists of two identical PVDF beams lami-
ical displacements, which is solved. Using this solu- nated together with opposite polarities. The schematic
tion, electrical fields are obtained using equation (54), diagram of the bimorph beam is as shown in Figure 4.
from which voltages can be obtained. This proce- The dimensions of the beam are taken as 100 mm
dure is adopted for sensing problem, which is used in 5.0 mm 0.5 mm. The material properties of the
the health monitoring studies. For actuation problem, PVDF bimorph beam are taken same as that of
the voltages and hence the electric field goes as Chen [14] and are as follows: Youngs modulus
input. That is, the second part of equation (49) is not
E11 is equal to 0.2e10 N m2 , shear modulus G12
required. Hence, the equation that requires solution
is equal to 0.775e10 N m2 , Poissons ratio 12 is
equal to 0.29, piezoelectric constant e31 is equal to
0.046 C m2 , and piezoelectric constant e32 is equal to
[Muu ]{u} + [Kuu ]{u} = {F } [KuE ]{Ez } = {F }
e31 . The theoretical solution for transverse displace-
(58) ment for the above problem is given in [14], which

100 mm

0.5 mm

5.0 mm

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the piezoelectric PVDF bimorph cantilever beam.
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 13


Deflection (m)





0 20 40 60 80 100
Longitudinal axis (mm)
Figure 5. Centerline deflections for a PVDF bimorph beam under a unit voltage.


w(x) = 0.375 V (59)
where V is the applied voltage and t is the thick-
ness of the beam. This beam is modeled using 200 Analysis of structures with magnetostrictive sensors/
formulated elements along the x z plane. When an actuators is generally performed using uncoupled
external active voltage is applied across the thick- models. Uncoupled models are based on the assump-
ness, the induced strain generates control forces that tion that the magnetic field within the magnetostric-
bend the bimorph beam. A unit voltage is applied tive material is proportional to the electric coil current
across the thickness and the deflections at the nodes times the number of coil turns per unit length.
are computed. The deflection of the beam along the Owing to this assumption, actuation and sensing
central longitudinal axis obtained from the present equations get uncoupled. For actuator, the strain
formulation is compared with the theoretical value
due to magnetic field (which is proportional to coil
and the works of Chen [14], and Tzou and Tseng
current) is incorporated as the equivalent nodal load
[16], respectively. Figure 5 shows the comparison
in the FE model for calculating the block force.
of deflection along the length of the beam for unit
voltage applied across the thickness. Thus, with this procedure, analysis is carried out
Next, the deflection of the beam is calculated for without taking smart (magnetic) degrees of freedom
different applied voltage in the range of 0100 V. in the FE model. Similarly for sensor, where gener-
The objective here is to actuate the beam to the ally coil current is assumed zero, the magnetic flux
extent so as to make the tip deflection, due to applied density is proportional to mechanical stress, which
load, negligible. This is shown in Figure 6. From can be calculated from the FE results through post-
the figure, we can clearly see that with increase in processing. This assumption on magnetic field, leads
voltage, the tip deflection reduces gradually toward to the violation of flux line continuity, which is one
zero value. of the four Maxwells equations in electromagnetism.
14 Simulation

50 V
100 V
150 V
200 V
Centerline deflection (mm)







0 20 40 60 80 100
Longitudinal axis (mm)
Figure 6. Deflection profile for a PVDF bimorph beam for various voltages.

On the other hand, in coupled model, it is consid- FE formulation begins by writing the associated
ered that magnetic flux density and/or strain of the energy in terms of nodal degrees of freedom by
material are functions of stress and magnetic field, assuming the displacement and magnetic field varia-
without any additional assumption on magnetic field, tion in three coordinate directions over each element.
like in uncoupled model. The procedure to obtain That is, the displacement field can be written as
the constitutive model for a composite with magne-
tostrictive sensors/actuators is very similar to what {U } = { u v w } = [Nu ]{U }e (60)
was derived for the piezoelectric sensors/actuators
and hence is not repeated here. We directly go to Here, u(x, y, z, t), v(x, y, z, t), and w(x, y, z, t)
the FE formulation. are the displacement components in the three coor-
The FE formulation of structures with embedded dinate directions, [Nu ] is the shape functions associ-
magnetostrictive patches differs depending upon ated with mechanical degrees of freedom, and {U }e
whether the constitutive model is coupled or uncou- is the nodal displacement vector. If isoparametric
pled. For the uncoupled model, the magnetic field formulation is used, then the conventional isopara-
is assumed proportional to the coil current and, as metric shape functions in natural coordinate could be
a result, the sensing and actuation constitutive rela- adopted. The strains can be expressed in terms of
tions are solved independently. That is, there is no displacement through straindisplacement relation-
need to have magnetic field as independent degrees ship. That is,
of freedom. However, in a coupled model, both the
sensing and actuation constitutive laws need to be {} = {xx yy zz yz xz xy }T
solved simultaneously, since no explicit variation of
the magnetic field with respect to magnetostrictive = [B]{U }e (61)
patch parameters are available. This requires that the
magnetic field be taken as independent degrees of where [B] is the straindisplacement matrix. For
freedom. Here, we outline the procedure of modeling coupled analysis, we need to take magnetic field as
magnetostrictive sensors/actuators for both uncoupled independent degrees of freedom. In such cases, the
and coupled constitutive law. magnetic field in the three coordinate directions can
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 15

be written as The magnetic potential energy for the system can

be written as
{H } = {H x Hy Hz } = [NH ]{H }e (62) 
where {H }e is the nodal magnetic field vector and Vm = [B]T {H } dV (69)
2 V
[NH ] is the shape function associated with magnetic
field degrees of freedom. Substituting for [B] from equation (4), and {H }
The strain energy in a structure with magnetostric- from equation (62), we can write the magnetic poten-
tive patches over a volume V is given by tial energy as
1 1
Ve = {}T { } dV (63) Vm = {[e]{} + [ ]{H }}T {H } dV (70)
2 V 2 V
Substituting for { } from equation (4), we can Substituting for strains from equation (61), we get
write the above equation in terms of strains and
magnetic field vector. In this equation, the strains 1 1
Vm = {U ]e T [KuH ]T {H }e + {H }e T [KH H ]{H }e
are expressed in terms of displacement using equa- 2 2
tion (61) and magnetic field in terms of nodal (71)
magnetic field vector using equation (62). where,
The resulting expression for the strain energy 
becomes & '
[KH H ] = [NH ]T [ ] NH dV (72)
1 1 V
Ve = {U }e T [Kuu ]{U }e {U }e T [KuH ]{H }e
2 2 When an applied current I ampere (ac or dc) is fed
(64) to the patch having N number of coils, it creates a
where magnetic field, which, in turn, introduces an external

force in the patch. The external work done over a
[Kuu ] = [B]T [Q][B] dV , magnetostrictive patch of area A due to this field is
 given by
[KuH ] = [B]T [e]T [NH ] dV (65) 
Wm = IN [ ]{H } dA (73)
where [Kuu ] is the stiffness matrix associated with A

mechanical degrees of freedom and [KU H ] is the

Here, [ ] is the permeability matrix measured at
coupling stiffness matrix, which couples the mechan- constant stress. It is necessary to convert this area
ical and magnetic degrees of freedom. Kinetic energy integral into a volume integral. If n is the number
is given by of coil turns per unit length and {lc } is the direction
 cosine vector of the coil axis, the above area integral
Te = {U }T {U } dV (66) can be converted into volume integral by replacing
2 V
N by n{lc }T . Substituting for the magnetic field from
Here, {U } is the velocity vector and is the equation (62), equation (73) becomes
average density of the host material. Using equa-
tion (60) in the above equation, we can write the Wm = {FH }T {H }e ,
kinetic energy as 
{FH } = I n{lc }T [ ][NH ] dV (74)
1 V
Te = {U }T [Muu ]{U } (67)
The external mechanical work done owing to body
where [Muu ] is the mass matrix associated only with force or surface traction vector can be written in the
mechanical degrees of freedom and is given by form

[Muu ] = [Nu ]T [Nu ] dV (68) We = {R}T {U }e (75)
16 Simulation

Using Hamiltons principle, t12 (Te Ve + Vm Before solution of equation (78), all the matrices
+ Wm + We ) dt = 0 gives the necessary FE gover- are formed for each element and assembled.
ning equation. This takes a varied form for uncoupled After the computation of nodal displacement and
and coupled models, which are given below. velocities, we can compute the sensor open circuit
In uncoupled model, the magnetic field is assumed voltage. This is particularly of great interest in
proportional to the coil current and hence a variation structural health monitoring studies. The process of
with respect to magnetic field is not performed. computing this for coupled and uncoupled models
That is, the magnetic field is normally equal to is quite different. Using Faradays law, open circuit
H = nI , where n is normally the coil turns per unit voltage Vv in the sensing coil can be calculated from
length of the magnetostrictive material patch. With magnetic flux passing through the sensing patch.
this assumption, the Hamiltons principle gives the In uncoupled model, nodal magnetic field is
equation of motion as assumed constant over the element and with zero
sensor coil current. To get open circuit voltage,
magnetic flux density can be expressed in terms of
[Muu ]{U }e + [Kuu ]{U }e = [KuH ]{H }e {R} (76)
strain from sensing equation (equation 5), which is
given by
where {U }e is the elemental acceleration vector and
the magnetic field in the above equation is obtained {B} = [d]{ } = [d][Q]{} = [e]{} = [e][B]{U }e
by {H }e = ne I with ne being the elemental coil turns
per unit length. (81)
In the case of coupled model, one has to also Now using Faradays law, open circuit voltage
take a variation on the magnetic field as there is of the sensor having NS turns and area A can be
no explicit relation of this with respect to any of calculated from the expression
the parameters. Hence, both mechanical and magnetic 

degrees of freedom are considered as unknown. The Vv = NS {[e]{}} dA (82)
Hamiltons principle gives the following coupled set A t

of equation. The above integral can be converted to volume

   integral as before by multiplying it with the direction
[Muu ] [0] {U }e cosine vector, and the open circuit voltage can now
[0] [0] {H }e be written as
[Kuu ] [KuH ] {U }e {R}
+ = Vv = {Fv }T {Ue } (83)
[KuH ]T [KH H ] {H }e {FH }

(77) {Fv } = ns {lc }
[e][B] dV (84)
Note that the stiffness matrix is not symmetric and V
have a block zero diagonal matrix in the mass matrix
Here, ns is the coil turns per unit length of the
as magnetic field does not contribute to the inertia
of the composite. For effective solution, the above
In the case of coupled model, the magnetic flux
equation is expanded and the magnetic degrees of
density is computed from nodal magnetic field, which
freedom are condensed out. The reduced equation of
is obtained from FE analysis. Thus, open circuit
motion can be written as
voltage in the sensor takes a different expression and
can be calculated from the expression
[Muu ]{U }e + [K uu ]{U }e = {R } (78)

Vv = Ns [ ]{H } dA (85)
where, A t

& ' This can again be converted into volume integral

[K uu ] = [Kuu ] + [KuH ][KH H ]1 [KuH ]T (79)
as before. Substituting for {H } from equation (62),
{R } = [KuH ][KH H ]1 {FH } {R} (80) in terms of nodal magnetic degrees of freedom, for
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 17

which the second part of equation (77) is used and Since the slopes are independent and not derivable
finally after simplification, the open circuit voltage from the lateral displacement, C 0 continuous formu-
can be written as lation is sufficient and hence, we can use linear
polynomials. All the formulated matrices are numeri-
Vv = {Fv }T {Ue } (86) cally integrated. However, this formulation is prone to
  exhibit what is called the shear locking problem. That
{Fv }T = ns {lc }T [ ][NH ] dV is, when this element is used for a beam that is very
V thin, then the shear strains should go to zero. Since
[KH H ] [KuH ]T (87) this element is based on FSDT, this does not happen,
and in the process produces results that are many
The above formulation is a general 3-D composite orders smaller than the actual result. More details
structure with embedded/surface-bonded magnet- on shear locking problems and their alleviation can
ostrictive patches. In the next subsection, we gener- be obtained in [1720]. One of the simplest ways
alize this to a beam structure. to eliminate locking is to reduce the integrated part
of the mechanical stiffness matrix contributed by the
shear stress. This is undertaken in this formulation.
5.1 Modeling of laminated composite The approach is very similar to the formula-
beam with embedded Terfenol-D tion of the quadrilateral element in the previous
patch section. First, using the assumed polynomial for
axial, transverse, and rotation degrees of freedom,
The displacement field for the beam based on first- the shape functions are constructed. Using these,
order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is given by the straindisplacement matrix is constructed, which
relates the strains to the nodal displacements. The
u(x, y, x, t) = u0 (x, t) z(x, t) (88) stiffness and mass matrix is then evaluated using
equations (65) and (68), respectively. Note that while
v(x, y, z, t) = 0 (89)
evaluating the stiffness matrix, isoparametric shape
w(x, y, x, t) = w(x, t) (90) function is used and the matrix is numerically inte-
grated. In addition, to alleviate the shear locking
As before, the magnetic field (H ) is only in the problem, the matrix is reduced integrated. We write
axial direction. Next, we need to assume the neces- down only the final form of elemental matrices
sary polynomials for the mid-plane axial displace- involved. The mechanical stiffness matrix [Kuu ] is
ment u0 , lateral displacement w0 , and the slope . 6 6 and is given by

A15 A15 B11 A11 A15 A15 B11
L L  2 L  L L  2 L 

A55 A55 B15 A15 A55 A55 B15
L  2 L   L   L   2
A55 L A B A B A55 L D11
B15 15 + 11 55 + 15
4 2 L 2 L 4 L
[Kuu ] =

A11 A15 A15 B11

L L  2 L 
A55 A55 B15

L  2 L 
A55 L D
+ B15 + 11
4 L
18 Simulation

where, The mass matrix is given by

2I0 0 2I1 I0 0 I1
[Aij , Bij , Dij ] = 2
Qij [1, z, z ] dA (92) 2I0 0 0 I0 0

2I2 I1 0 I2
[Muu ] =
2I0 0 2I1
The magnetomechanical coupling matrix is given sym 2I0 0
by 2I2
1 e0 11 0 e1 11 e0 11 0 e1 11 where,
[KuH ]T =
2 e0 11 0 e1 11 e0 11 0 e1 11 
(93) [I0 , I1 , I2 ] = [1, z, z2 ] dA (99)

[ e0 11 e1 11 ] = e11 [ 1 z ] dA (94) 5.2 Numerical examples
A composite magnetostrictive bimorph beam shown
Matrix [KH H ] is given by in Figure 7 is analyzed to verify the effectiveness of
the formulated element. A dynamic response anal-
  ysis is performed on this beam to bring out the
L0 2 1 effects of coupling in the constitutive model. Note
[KH H ] = (95)
6 1 2 that the coupling aspects were addressed in detail
 on the article on constitutive model of magnetostric-
0 = dA (96) tive materials. In this beam example, length and
width of the beam are 500 and 50 mm, respec-
tively. The beam is made of 12 layers with thick-
In the case of coupled model, we require force ness of each layer being 0.15 mm. Surface-mounted
vector {FH }, which is given in equation (74). This magnetostrictive patches at the top and bottom layers
vector becomes are considered as sensor and actuator, respectively.
  Elastic modulus of composite is assumed as 181
I n0 L 1 and 10.3 GPa in parallel (E1 ) and perpendicular (E2 )
{FH } = (97)
2 1 direction of fiber. Density () and shear modulus


Magnetostrictive patches


Figure 7. Cantilever magnetostrictive bimorph beam.

FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 19

FFT of current history

Coil current history
90 1

Actuation current (A)

Frequency content


50 0.4

20 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Time (s)

0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8. Sinusoidal input force (50 Hz) of in-time and frequency domain.

(G12 ) of composite are 1.6 g cm3 and 28 GPa, sensor and beam-tip velocity. The time step consid-
respectively. Elastic modulus (Em ), shear modulus ered is equal to 50 ms. Figure 9(a) and (b) shows
(Gm ), and density (m ) of the magnetostrictive mate- the tip velocity for unidirectional laminate (0 ply
rial are taken as 30 GPa, 23 GPa, and 9.25 g cm3 , angle) and 90 cross ply laminate, respectively. The
respectively. Magnetomechanical coupling coefficient figures show the responses for both coupled and
is taken as 15E-09 m A1 . Permeability at vacuum or uncoupled constitutive models for magnetostrictive
air is assumed to be 400 nH m1 . Constant stress material. Following are the observations that can be
relative permeability for magnetostrictive material is made from these figures: (i) for 0 laminate, the effect
assumed to be equal to 10. The number of coil turns of coupling in the constitutive model is not very
per meter (n) in sensor and actuator is assumed to be significant, while in the 90 laminate, we see signifi-
20 000. cant difference; (ii) coupled models tend to give lower
To observe the effects of coupled analysis on amplitudes; and (iii) the coupled model, in addition
structure with magnetostrictive material, time-domain to the given lower amplitudes, also shifts the phase.
analysis is carried out for both low- and high- Next, we compute the open circuit voltage devel-
frequency actuation for the same cantilever composite oped across the sensor patches and this is shown
beam. Here, the structure is actuated through time- in Figure 10(a) and (b), respectively. These figures
domain signal with sinusoidal actuation current I of show that the effect of coupling on the voltages is
0.5-A ac current (I0 ) and 0.5-A bias current (Idc ) at significant for 90 composite. One important aspect to
50-Hz frequency. The equation of current is of the be noticed is that the voltage developed is significant
form (of the order of millivolts) considering that a small
amplitude current was only fed into the actuator.
I = I0 sin(t) + I dc (100)
Figure 8 shows the time and frequency-domain
representation of a 50-Hz sinusoidal signal. In this article, FE modeling of composite structures
Direct transient dynamic analysis is performed for with embedded smart sensors/actuators is presented.
200 time steps to calculate open circuit voltage of the Three different smart sensors/actuators, namely, the
20 Simulation

Velocity history Velocity history

Coupled Coupled
0.4 Uncoupled 0.4 Uncoupled

0.3 0.2

Velocity (m s1)
Velocity (m s1)


0.2 0.6

0.3 0.8
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)
Figure 9. (a) Tip velocity for 0 laminate, (b) tip velocity for 90 laminate.

Open circuit voltage Open circuit voltage

0.2 Coupled Coupled
Uncoupled Uncoupled
0.1 0.2
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)

0.05 0.1

0 0

0.2 0.5
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)
Figure 10. (a) Open circuit voltage for 0 laminate and (b) open circuit voltage for 90 laminate.

PZT, Terfenol-D, and PFCs are considered for FE case and the beam element formulation for the
modeling. The general FE procedure is outlined Terfenol-D sensor/actuator. The efficiency of the
and specialized to a few specific cases such as the formulated element is demonstrated using some
quadrilateral element for the PZT sensor/actuator numerical examples.
FE Modeling with Built-in Smart Sensors and Actuators 21

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[4] Varadan VK, Vinoy KJ, Gopalakrishnan S. Smart control and suppression for intelligent struc-
Material Systems and MEMS: Design and Devel- tures. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1997
opment Methodologies. John Wiley & Sons: UK, 200(2):167177.
2006. [15] Hwang W-S, Park HC. Finite element modeling of
[5] Srinivasan AV, McFarland DM. Smart Structures: piezoelectric sensors and actuators. AIAA Journal
Analysis and Design. Cambridge University, USA 1993 31(5):930937.
Press, 2000. [16] Tzou HS, Tseng CI. Distributed piezoelectric sensor/
[6] Culshaw B. Smart Structures and Materials. Artech actuator design for dynamic measurement/control of
House: UK, 1996. distributed parameter systems: a piezoelectric finite
element approach. Journal of Sound and Vibration
[7] Gandhi MV, Thompson BS. Smart Materials and 1990 138(1):1734.
Structures. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Nether-
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and shear flexible beam element. International
[8] Jones RM. Mechanics of Composites Materials.
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1982
McGraw Hill: New York, 1975.
[9] Tsai SW. Introduction to Composite Materials.
[18] Hughes TGR, Taylor RL, Kanoknukulchal W. A
Technomic Publishing Company: Connecticut,
simple and efficient finite element for plate bending.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in
[10] IEEE Standard 176-1978, IEEE Standard on Engineering 1977 11:15291543.
Piezoelectricity. The Institute of Electrical and
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[11] Roy Mahapatra DR, Spectral Element Models
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Monitoring and Active Control of Waves in Composite quadrilateral family of lagrangian fluid finite
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Bangalore, April 2004. Methods in Engineering 2002 54(5):731761.
Chapter 42
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements

Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Some of the commonly used mathematical models are

1 Introduction 1 the finite element methods (FEMs), spectral element
2 Relationship between Mesh Size, Flaw methods, and boundary element methods. Some of
Size, and Frequency Content of the these techniques are highlighted in articles Finite
Input Signal 3 Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic and Magne-
tostrictive Sensors and Actuators; Modeling for
3 Modeling of Flaws in Finite Element
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic and
Method 8
Composite Structures; Damage Detection Using
4 Numerical Examples 12 Piezoceramic and Magnetostrictive Sensors and
5 Modeling Suggestions for 2-D and 3-D Actuators; Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite
Structures 15 Structures. Among them, FEM is the most powerful
6 Modeling Pitfalls in FEM for SHM method and has great ability to model complex
and Their Remedies 17 geometries with relative ease.
7 Conclusions 18 FEM is a powerful numerical technique to solve
References 18 problems governed by partial differential equations
over complex domains. It is normally adopted to
solve forward problems in structures, that is, for a
given a loading (input), one can easily determine the
1 INTRODUCTION deformations the structures undergo (output). SHM,
however, requires estimating the state of the structure
Modeling is one of the key elements in structural from the measured output (deformation, velocities,
health monitoring (SHM) studies. Proper mathemat- acceleration, voltages, etc.) for a given predefined
ical models are required to postprocess the measured input (force) [1]. Hence, SHM falls under the realm
output to predict the damage location and its extent. of system identification problem. Such problems are
also called the inverse problems.
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by Many researchers have used FEM to model flaws.
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 For example, Yang et al. [2] used FEM to study the
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. Lamb wave propagation in composite plates. Powar
2 Simulation

and Ganguli [3] used FEM to model matrix cracks in an ad hoc manner, the process of analysis of a
in composites beam and to study the performance damaged structure takes significant amount of time.
of a rotating helicopter blade. FEM was used to This article basically gives some ideas as to how to
obtain crack parameters in [4]. A new method to choose the mesh size for a given flaw size or for a
model cracks under the finite element (FE) framework given frequency content of the input signal.
using the Heaveside function is proposed in [5]. Many Another factor that makes the interpretation of the
researchers have used FEs to model cracks to perform signatures obtained from a cracked structure due to
fracture mechanics studies. The related literature is a predefined input difficult is the scattering of waves
very large and hence is not covered in this article. due to boundary reflections.
Performing inverse problems using finite elements Although techniques such as time reversal methods
is not straightforward. This requires the determina- [13, 14] are available for identifying the scattered
tion of frequency response functions (FRFs) directly components of wave response due to boundaries,
from the analysis. FEM, being predominantly a time these methods are difficult to apply under the FE
domain method, is a time-consuming process for the computational frame work. Hence, for the damage
estimation of FRF. Frequency domain methods, such detection to be successful, it is necessary to differen-
as spectral FEMs [6, 7], are ideally suited for solving tiate between the reflections arising due to the damage
inverse problems since FRF, also called the system and the reflections from the boundary so that the
transfer function (STF), which directly relates the boundary reflections are filtered out. Knowing the
input and the output, is a direct by-product of such an speed of the medium, it is possible to locate the flaw
analysis. Hence, for studying SHM problems through location from the filtered measured responses. This
FE, one cannot employ methods requiring the deter- is the most difficult operation to accomplish espe-
mination of STF. cially for the short-duration broadband input signal
Alternatively, one can perform an SHM study by on short finite structures. The problem gets amplified
treating the problem as a forward problem and study if the medium is dispersive wherein the wave forms
the signature of the output to a set of predefined inputs of the input signal change its profile as it propagates,
to characterize the flaw. making it difficult to identify any reflections. If the
Use of modal methods is one such example. There medium is nondispersive, reflection also retains the
are quite a few works in this area [810], wherein input profile and makes identification of these a lot
the damage was predicted on the basis of the change simpler. A tone burst signal, which is essentially a
in the natural frequencies. However, for very small sine wave modulated over a small time window and
damages, the change in stiffness is so insignificant travels nondispersively even in a dispersive medium,
that the changes in the first few natural frequencies helps alleviate this problem to a little extent and hence
are hardly noticeable. In such a case, one has to find is extensively used in SHM studies. Therefore, the
different signatures that are sensitive for small stiff- choice of the type of the predefined input signal also
ness changes. One such signature is to see the change plays a significant role in the SHM studies [7].
in the curvature modes [11, 12]. These modes are very Failure modes in composites are many compared
difficult to determine from the measured responses. to metallic structures. The common failure mecha-
Hence, modal analysisbased methods as such are nisms in composites are the delamination of the plies,
not recommended for predicting very small damages. the fiber breakage, and the matrix cracks. In built-
Damage prediction is successful only if one can up composite structures, debonds are also a common
see a significant change in the output of the structure type of failure. Modeling these flaws efficiently is
in a damaged state compared to the output of the very crucial for their detection using the measured
structure in a healthy state. To entice a change in responses. The most common way of modeling flaws,
the output, especially in structures having very small such as cracks in FEM, is to introduce duplicate nodes
damage, one has to fine-tune the frequency content of along the crack front, which have the same nodal
the predefined input signal. This is required to make coordinates but a different node number. This proce-
the wavelengths comparable to the damage sizes. A dure ensures discontinuity in the medium arising due
change in the frequency content of the signal requires to the presence of a crack. Such modeling procedures
a change in the FE mesh. If all these are performed are extensively used in modeling fracture mechanics
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 3

problems. Although such models can very accurately predict the location and extent of the flaws using a
model the flaw, the huge model size limits its use smaller number of measured sensor responses. The
in real-time health monitoring. One of the important choice of the method depends upon the structure
differences in the response behavior of the cracked geometry, size of the flaw, and the frequency content
structure as compared to the uncracked structures is of the input.
the presence of a phenomenon of mode conversion FE is a powerful modeling tool to solve structure
[15, 16] present in the former. If such a phenomenon problems defined by a partial differential equation
can be built in a simpler model, one can use such over any complex domain. Although modeling flaws
models effectively in SHM studies. One such model such as cracks or delamination are straightforward
is the kinematics-based model, wherein the damaged in FEs (which is addressed in the next section), the
structure is split up into multiple waveguides along stress singularity near the crack tip requires a very
the crack front. This process reduces the cracked fine mesh near the crack tip even for a static loading,
structure into multiply connected framed structures. which makes the model sizes enormously large. If the
By enforcing kinematic relationship among the nodes loading is dynamic, the mesh sizes required are even
of the waveguides, one can eliminate the intermediate larger and it depends on the frequency content of the
nodes of the frame structure, thereby obtaining an FE- predefined input.
type model with a built-in damage. References 17 and Frequency content of the predefined input is yet
18 use such models under a spectral FE environment another parameter that should be carefully chosen,
to study the wave propagation responses in delam- depending upon the flaw sizes. When the flaw sizes
inated beams and beams with fiber breakage. This are larger compared to the dimension of the structure,
method can be readily extended to model structures then even static loading is sufficient. However, such
with such damage under an FE environment. This is flaws will be visible to the naked eye and as such
discussed in detail under the modeling section of this SHM is not needed. However, if the flaws sizes are
article. reasonably small compared to the smallest dimension
This article is organized as follows. First the of the structure, then one requires that the predefined
relationship between the flaw size, frequency content input loading be dynamic in nature and the frequency
of the signal, and the FE mesh is established. This content be of the order of few hundred hertz. Such
is followed by a detailed section on different flaw low-frequency content problem comes under the cate-
models available under FEM. A number of numerical gory of structural dynamics. On the other hand, if the
examples are given to highlight the importance of flaw sizes are very small (not visible to the naked
mesh size, frequency content of the input signal, and eye), then the frequency content of predefined input
the type of forcing function in the SHM studies. signal should be of the order of few hundred kilohertz.
These problems come under the category of wave
propagation. The main difference between these two
2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN is that the latter is a multimodal phenomenon, wherein
phase information becomes very important. Cracks
MESH SIZE, FLAW SIZE, AND in structures act like a boundary and induce a very
FREQUENCY CONTENT OF small impedance mismatch at the crack boundary,
THE INPUT SIGNAL which will induce reflections for a high-frequency
input signal. These reflected signals can be effectively
SHM requires a powerful modeling tool to post- used to characterize, predict, and locate the cracks
process the experimentally measured responses, due in a structure and also its extent. Hence, the choice
to a predefined input (forcing), to predict the loca- between the structural dynamics or wave propagation
tion, extent, and severity of the flaws present in the analysis to be adopted depends upon the frequency
structure. The predefined input is normally triggered content of the input signal, which in turn depends on
through a piezoceramic actuator either statically or the flaw size. All these have a bearing on the mesh
dynamically. To rapidly assess the health of the struc- sizes to be chosen for the FE analysis.
ture, the chosen mathematical model should be of Now, two questions need to be answered: what
smaller size and, in addition, it should be able to should be the mesh size for a given input loading
4 Simulation

and what should be the frequency content of the where f is the frequency in hertz and a is the size
input signal for a given flaw size? For a given of the flaw. From equation (2), substituting the speed
input loading, the mesh sizes should be chosen such of the composite and the aluminum medium, we see
that they are comparable to the wavelength. When that, for inducing a reflection from the damage in
the frequency content of the signal is high, the composites, the frequency content of the input signal
wavelengths are very small and hence the mesh sizes should be 192.5 kHz, while in aluminum medium
have to be small, which in turn increases the problem the frequency content of the predefined input signal
of sizes enormously. To determine the mesh sizes, should be 300 kHz. In addition, if one needs the
first the predefined input signal is transformed into a signal to travel nondispersively, one can create a tone
frequency domain using fast Fourier transform (FFT), burst signal created using a sine wave of the above-
and a plot of the amplitude (in the frequency domain) calculated frequencies. From the above discussion,
and the frequency gives the frequency content of the it is clear that the frequency content of the input
signal. Let us denote this by (radian per second). If pulse and the mesh size are highly dependent upon
C0 is the wave speed of the given wave mode, then the medium in which the waves are propagating.
the wavelength is given by The success of this analysis requires that the
speed of the medium be known. The calculation
2C0 of speed, especially for a dispersive system, is an
= (1)
involved process. The calculation of speed requires
a deep understanding of the spectral analysis. Refer-
Typically, the mesh sizes should be of the order ences 6 and 7 give a good account of deriving the
of /8 [19]. If the mesh sizes are larger than what is dispersion relation (speed vs frequency plots) for
given in equation (1), then the mesh boundaries start metallic and composite structures for both 1-D and
reflecting the input signal, thereby giving spurious 2-D waveguides. In most second-order systems, the
indication of the presence of the crack. waves are usually nondispersive and the speeds do not
Mesh sizes depend on the speed of the medium in vary with the frequencies. However, for fourth-order
which the signal is propagating. In order to make systems like beams, the waves are highly dispersive
this statement clear, let us consider two mediums and hence, at different speeds, the speeds will be
namely aluminum and composite. The wave speed different. Then the question that arises is, at what
in composite is approximately 3850 m s1 , while in frequency should the speed be used in equation (1)
aluminum it is 6000 m s1 . Let these mediums be to compute the mesh sizes? To answer this question,
subjected to an input pulse having a frequency content let us consider the dispersion plot of a composite
of 50 kHz. From equation (1), the wavelength in beam for different ply orientations [6] shown in
composites is about 77 mm, while in aluminum it is Figure 1. The plot shows the group speeds for axial
about 120 mm. Hence, for a given input, composite and bending waves for different ply orientations of
requires a more dense mesh.
a laminated composite beam. The parameter r is
Now, the second question is what should be the
the bendingaxial coupling factor [6] for the beam.
frequency content of the predefined input signal
The speeds are normalized
with the axial speed of
for a given flaw size for such a signal to induce
an isotropic rod (C0 = E/). The three horizontal
an impedance mismatch at the crack boundary and
lines are the axial wave speeds for three different ply
induce a reflection. For this to happen, the wave-
orientations. One can clearly see that the axial speeds
lengths should be comparable to the flaw sizes.
are constant for all frequencies and hence they are
For example, we again consider the same example
nondispersive. The figure also shows three nonlinear
considered previously, that is, aluminum and compos-
curves for the bending wave for three different ply
ites with damage. The wave speed in composite is
orientations. These waves are highly dispersive in
approximately 3850 m s1 , while in aluminum it is
nature and hence their speeds are different at different
6000 m s1 . Let us assume that both these mediums
frequencies. If the input signal is broadbanded, then
have a small crack of size 20 mm. Equation (1) can
the choice of wave speeds to be used in equation (1)
be rewritten as
C becomes very difficult. In such cases, modulated
f = 0 (2) signals are very useful since their active energies are
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 5

Non dimensional group speed 1.8




Cg1/Co, r = 0.0
0.6 Cg1/Co, r = 0.312
Cg1/Co, r = 0.574
0.4 Cg2/Co, r = 0.0
Cg2/Co, r = 0.312
0.2 FFT of input pulse Cg2/Co, r = 0.574
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency (kHz)
Figure 1. Dispersion plot for an elementary composite beam.



Load (N)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (s)
Figure 2. A tone burst signal modulated at 50 kHz frequency.

band limited over a small frequency band. One such plots. Through this superimposition, the wave speeds
modulated signal, also called the tone burst signal, corresponding to 50 kHz can be easily computed for
is shown in Figure 2. This signal is created using a various propagating modes and this value can be used
sine wave of frequency 50 kHz and modulated using in equation (1) for calculating the wave speeds. In
a Hanning window. The FFT amplitude of this signal addition, modulated input pulse can force the wave to
is superimposed in Figure 1 along with the dispersion be nondispersive even in a dispersive medium. It can
6 Simulation

be seen from Figure 1 that the modulated frequency sizes, modal methods, which are extensively used
of the input signal is 50 kHz. That is, such a pulse in SHM studies, are not suitable. One needs wave
excites only those modes that are lying very close propagation analysis.
to 50 kHz and all other modes do not participate in Accuracy of the response to high-frequency input
the response. As a result, the group speeds of the depends on the density of the FE mesh. For a
wave are a function of only a small set of frequen- reasonably dense mesh, the wave response predicted
cies close to the modulated frequency, which forces may be accurate; however, it may show period error.
the response to be nondispersive even in a dispersive To reinforce these ideas better, let us consider a
medium. simple aluminum rod of 2.0 m length and 0.01 m2
An alternate way of fixing the mesh sizes is by cross section, with Youngs Modulus (E) of 70 GPa
looking at the stiffness of the structure. It is well and a density () of 2600 kg m3 . The wave speeds
known that the presence of a flaw reduces the stiffness in the
aluminum can be calculated from the formula
of the structure. This stiffness reduction depends on C0 = E/ = 5189 m s1 . This rod is subjected to
the size of the flaw. If the flaw size is small, it an input signal, as shown in Figure 4 (inset), which
causes an insignificant change in the stiffness of the has a frequency content of 46 kHz. From equation (1),
structure and hence an insignificant change in the first the wavelength can be calculated, which is equal
few natural frequencies of the structure. However, for to 0.11 m. In order to capture the wave behavior
large flaw sizes, the stiffness change is significant, accurately, at least eight elements per wavelength
and hence the modal frequencies. This is shown in are required, that is, an element length of 0.014 m.
Figure 3 for a laminated composite beam of 20 cm Hence, for a length of 2.0 m, at least 145 1-D FEs
length with two different delamination sizes, where are required for modeling. Figure 5 shows the axial
the bending stiffness is plotted as a function of the wave responses at the cantilever tip for different
frequency. For a delamination of 1 cm, one can notice number of elements. We have used 250 1-D rod
the frequency change only beyond 14 kHz, while for a elements to get a fully converged solution, which
delamination of 5 cm one can see that the frequency shows an initial pulse at around 100 s and a reflected
change happens much earlier at 3 kHz. That is, for pulse from the boundary at around 420 s. Figure 5
small flaw sizes, only higher modes get excited and also shows (in the inset) the period error when the
hence, to capture all higher modes accurately, one mesh sizes are inadequate. Inadequate FE mesh for a
needs a very fine mesh. Therefore, for such small flaw high-frequency input pulse results in mass or inertial

109 109
3 4
Without delamination
Without delamination
With delamination
3 With delamination

1 1



1 2


3 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 3. Stiffness changes as a function of frequency for different delamination sizes: (a) 5 cm and (b) 1 cm.
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 7


2 0.8

Load (N)
Frequency amplitude

1.5 0
0 100 200 300
Time (s)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency (kHz)
Figure 4. High-frequency input load with its Fourier transform.

6 elements
8 elements
2 12 elements
250 elements 1-D FE

Axial velocity at tip (ms1)

375 450

0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (s)
Figure 5. Longitudinal wave responses in a rod for different element discretizations.
8 Simulation

distribution not being accurate. As a result, the wave 1. Stiffness reduction method
speeds predicted by FE analysis are highly inaccurate, It is quite well known that the presence of flaws
resulting in period error. In addition, if the mesh sizes causes the reduction of stiffness in the structure. A
are much smaller than what is required, then the mesh simple way of modeling flaws is to incorporate the
boundaries act as a fixed boundary and start reflecting stiffness loss in the region of the flaw by modi-
responses from these boundaries. These are clearly fying the material properties P (where P can signify
seen in Figure 5 for very small mesh density. Hence, Youngs modulus, shear modulus, density, etc.) to
for very high frequency content input pulse, which P where, < 1. This concept is demonstrated in
is normally the case for most SHM problems, a fine Figure 6.
mesh is an absolute necessity. Figure 6(a) shows the actual model of a lami-
nated beam with a through-width delamination and
Figure 6(b) shows the equivalent stiffness-reduced
3 MODELING OF FLAWS IN model. This procedure could be adopted to model
any number of flaws in the structure. However,
FINITE ELEMENT METHOD such a modeling, although good in estimation of
Materials such as composites have many modes the remaining life of the structure, is not suitable
of failures. Among these, delamination and fiber for determining the extent of damage, which is
breakages are the important modes of failure. These paramount in SHM studies. In [20], such a model
failure modes correspond to horizontal and vertical was used to perform SHM studies on large civil
cracks in metallic structures. Modeling of these is structures.
quite different in some of the methods. This section
outlines some of the methods adopted to model 2. Duplicate node method
the above failure modes in composites and metallic A better way of modeling flaws in FE is to completely
structures under an FE environment. These methods model the entire crack front. This can be performed in
can be classified as follows: the following way. Modeling can be done using either
the 1-D beam element or the 2-D plane stress/strain
1. stiffness reduction method (SRM), FEs using the concept of duplicate nodes. In the case
2. duplicate node method (DNM), and of beams, the modeling of a flawlike delamination is
3. kinematics-based method (KBM). done by keeping the two nodes in the same place,
one for the elements above the flaw and the other for
These methods are explained in detail in the subse- those below it. This is shown in Figure 7(a). Here,
quent paragraphs. elements 1 and 2 are at the left part of the flaw,


1 2h1

2 h2


1 2

(b) L1 L2
Material degradation zone
Figure 6. Modeling of flaws using the stiffness reduction method: (a) actual model and (b) stiffness-reduced model.
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 9

10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14
1 2 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24 25 26 27

21 22 23 31 32 33 34 28 29 30

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 7. Modeling of flaws using the duplicate node method: (a) using beam elements and (b) using plane stress/strain

while elements 8 and 9 are to the right part of the nodes. Similarly, nodes 5 and 12, nodes 6 and 13,
flaw. All other elements are in the flawed zone, either and nodes 7 and 14 are duplicate nodes. In the flaw
above or below the flaw. The zone below the flaw zone, the lower part of the elements connects with
is modeled with elements 37 and the one above nodes 4, 5, 6, and 7 and the upper part of the elements
by elements 1014. The flaw is modeled through connects nodes 11, 12, 13, and 14. If these nodes are
proper nodal connectivity of these elements. That is, merged with their corresponding duplicate nodes, the
for the healthy zone, element 1 is connected with beam will be healthy. In addition, with these duplicate
nodes 1 and 2 and element 9 is connected with nodes, different kinds of contact or gap elements can
nodes 9 and 10. All these nodes are in the midplane be used in FE analysis to prevent interpenetration of
of the corresponding beam elements. For elements the crack front.
below the flaw, say, element 3 is connected with A similar procedure could be adopted in modeling
nodes 3 and 4, where nodes 3 and 4 are not in a flaw using 2-D plane stress/strain elements, which
the midplane of this element. This may create high are shown in Figure 7(b) using duplicate nodes.
bendingstretching coupling, which is the objective The figure is self-explanatory. The extending of this
of the modeling process to induce mode conversion. procedure to model fiber breakages and multiple
Similarly, for elements above the delamination, say, delaminations in composites is quite similar and
element 10 is connected through nodes 3 and 11, straightforward.
where nodes 3 and 11 are not in the midplane of
this element. As mentioned earlier, nodes 4 and 11 3. Kinematics-based method
are in the same place and are not connected with This is quite a powerful method for modeling delam-
any direct element. These are termed as duplicate inations, fiber breakage, and multiple delaminations.
10 Simulation

This approach was used under the spectral FE envi- delaminations and fiber breakage are quite different
ronment for modeling and detection of different types and hence described separately.
of damages in 1-D waveguides (see [17, 18, 21]). In
this article, we extend this method to work with FEM. 1. Modeling of single and multiple delamination
Its use in SHM studies till now has been explored Here, let us consider a composite beam with a
only to model delaminations and fiber breakages in delamination, the dimensions of which are shown in
1-D laminated composite structures. This method of Figure 8(a). This delaminated beam is split into base
modeling is limited to through-width straight-line laminates and sublaminates, as shown in Figure 8(b).
cracks. The equivalent beam model with eight nodes makes
The main idea behind this modeling approach is up this delaminated beam. Each subdomain (element)
to cut the beam structure into multiple elements is indicated by a number within a circle. Let each
(domains) along the crack front. The stiffness and node support three degrees of freedom, namely the
mass matrices for each of the subdomains is gener- axial deformation u, the transverse deformation w,
ated. The intermediate nodes away from the crack and the slope . These are represented by a vector
front arising due to this splitting are then connected {u}i , where i represents the domain (element) of
to the nodes along the crack front through rigid links interest. Note that the through-width delamination
in order create a coupling between the axial and lies between nodes 4 and 7. It is assumed in this
transverse displacements. The procedure for modeling modeling that there is no contact action between


1 2


z y
(a) x

1 4 2

(b) h2

3 6
1 2
1 4 7 2
5 8


Figure 8. (a) Original delaminated beam, (b) splitting of the damaged beam into base and sub laminates, and (c) equivalent
beam models.
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 11

the sublaminates at the plane of delaminations and delaminations. Some examples on the use of this
the cross sections are perfectly straight at the inter- model in the context of SHM are given in the next
faces. The connections between nodes 3-4, 4-5, section.
6-7, and 7-8 are made with the help of the rigid
links to simulate the bendingaxial coupling. This 2. Modeling of fiber breakage
model does not take care of crack tip stress singu- Here, we have adopted the same procedure that was
larity as it is not of importance in the context of used for modeling delamination. Let us consider a
damage detection. A similar approach can be adopted beam with a fiber breakage represented in Figure 9(a).
when the laminated composite structures has multiple The split-up model is shown in Figure 9(b) and the


1 2


y Crack depth (d ) = d2 d1

(a) x

9 6 12
1 8 3 4 11 2
3 4 2
1 5 6

7 5 10


9 12
3 4 h3
3 4
1 8 11 2
1 5 6 2
5 h1
7 10

Distributed dynamic contact (DDC)

K (w)

3 4
Figure 9. (a) Original beam with fiber breakage, (b) splitting of the damaged beam into base and sub laminates, and
(c) equivalent beam models.
12 Simulation

beam model representation is shown in Figure 9(c). In the choice of the model entirely depends upon the
this model, we assume that there exists a distributed level of sophistication required for the analysis. The
dynamic contact at crack surfaces and the crack next few paragraphs describe numerical examples
surface remains perfectly straight. The nodes along related to static, free vibration, and wave propagation
the left and the right side of the crack are connected in the context of SHM using the models described
by rigid links to simulate the bendingaxial coupling above.
behavior. That is, nodes 9-8, 8-5, 5-7, 10-6, 6-11,
and 11-122 are connected by a rigid link. Unlike
the previous case of delamination, there is a hanging 4.1 Static and free vibration analysis of a
interface between nodes 3 and 4, which are connected cantilever beam using DNM
by a nonlinear spring to simulate the distributed
dynamic contact. The spring constant had to be Here, two different studies are performed. In the first
chosen in such a manner that this simplified beam case, the results from two different DNM models (1-D
model simulates the actual waveguide behavior at beam and 2-D plane stress models) are compared to
high frequencies. As before, the effects of crack tip see the effectiveness of each of these models for SHM
stress singularity is ignored in this model. Some studies. In the next case, the results from the DNM-
examples of this model usage are given in the next and KBM-based models are compared.
section. Here, a unidirectional 12-layer laminated compo-
site beam of total depth 1.8 mm and length 500 mm is
considered for the study. A through-width delamina-
4 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES tion is symmetrically placed with respect to both top
and bottom and the sides. The lamina is assumed to
A few numerical examples are given in this section, be orthotropic with the Youngs Modulus in the two
wherein some of the modeling methods described perpendicular directions being E1 equal to 181 GPa,
in the previous section are used in the context of E2 equal to 10.3 GPa, and the shear modulus G12
SHM. The main objective of any SHM analysis is to equal to 28 GPa. The FE model details are as shown in
determine the presence of damages and their extent Figure 7 and Table 1 gives the percentage increase in
and severity from the measured responses. For the the tip deflection for a tip unit load. From the results,
above analysis, the SRM method may not be useful. we find that the agreement between the two DNM
If one is required to predict the location and also the models is closer for large delaminations.
extent of damage, then the method based on duplicate Next, a free vibration study is performed to assess
nodes is very useful. In addition, if the flaw is 2-D the performance of the two different DNM models.
in nature, the KBM method is not useful. There These are plotted in Figure 10. Both the models
are many situations wherein the designer wants to (beam and 2-D) show more or less similar results.
estimate the overall life of the structure due to the When the delamination is 10% of the length of
presence of a number of damages, in which case, the the cantilever, the 15th natural frequency reduces
SRM method is quite sufficient for modeling. Hence, 20%, corresponding to the corresponding frequency

Table 1. Comparison of static results for two different DNM models

Delamination (%) Beam DNM model Plane stress DNM model
(% increase in tip deflection) (% increase in tip deflection)
10 0.39 0.08
20 0.91 0.61
30 2.35 2.03
40 5.15 4.80
50 9.77 9.37
60 16.63 16.24
70 26.13 25.75
80 38.90 38.32
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 13

% Reduction of natural frequencies







80 Plane stress
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Delamination (%)
Figure 10. Comparison of free vibration results for two different DNM models.

of the healthy beam. Similarly, for 90% delamination, SHM problems require high-frequency content loads
the first natural frequency reduces 29%, the second for damage detection, which needs wave propagation
natural frequency reduces 40%, and the third natural analysis. This is addressed in the next subsection.
frequency reduces 72%. From these studies, it is quite
clear that beam DNM models can give comparable
results with the plane stress DNM models. This has 4.2 Response analysis of a delaminated
huge implications in SHM studies as beam models cantilever composite beam
can give substantially smaller problem sizes, which
is one of the key requirements for SHM simulations. The aim of this numerical example is to bring out
In the next exercise, the static analysis is performed the differences in the responses predicted by the
using the DNM (plane stress model) and the KBM KBM model as opposed to the DNM model (2-D
model on a metallic cantilever beam of length plane stress model). Here, we consider a delami-
635 mm, width 25.4 mm, depth 25.4 mm, the Youngs nated AS/3505-6 graphite epoxy composite cantilever
modulus of the beam assumed to be 70 GPa, and beam of length 800 mm, with a midplane delamina-
shear modulus 27 GPa. The results are generated for tion of size 50 mm, introduced at 400 mm from the
a given crack length of L/10 located at a different root. The beam is 16 mm thick and 10 mm wide. The
location along and across the beam. The DNM model beam is subjected to a transverse tone burst signal
has 100 elements with due care taken to have a finer of 20 kHz frequency content. The flexural group
mesh near the crack tip. The KBM model has only speed in composites is around 3850 m s1 . As per
four elements, as shown in Figure 8(c). The beam is equation (1), the wavelengths at 20 kHz frequency
subjected to a load of 5000 N. The results of these is around 192.5 mm, which is more than the size of
two models are tabulated in Table 2. From Table 2, the damage of 50 mm. Hence, in order to induce an
it is clear that the four-element KBM model is able impedance mismatch at the crack tip, the frequency
to capture the damaged behavior of the cantilever content of the pulse needs to be increased. Alterna-
metallic beam quite accurately. This again results in tively, the mesh size can be computed by assuming
substantial reduction in problem sizes. However, most the wavelength as 50 mm, which is the size of the
14 Simulation

Table 2. Comparison of static results for DNM and KBM models for different crack locations
Location of the Tip deflection Tip deflection % difference
crack of size L/10 based on plane based on four-element
in the cantilever stress DNM model KBM
beam (mm) (mm)
Crack located symmetrically 1.78 104 1.804 104 1.37
lengthwise and depthwise
Crack located symmetrically 1.778 104 1.90 104 5.92
lengthwise and 17.78 mm
from the bottom
Crack located symmetrically 1.786 104 1.77 104 1.02
depth wise and 228.6 mm
from the fixed end
Crack located symmetrically 1.773 104 1.84 104 3.78
depth wise and 342.9 mm
from the fixed end

damage. For accurate modeling, we require eight objective of this example is to not only to compare the
elements per wavelength, which requires the element responses predicted by these models but to also look
size to be approximately equal to 6.25 mm. In order at the possibility of substituting the detailed KBM
to model 800 mm, one requires a total of 128 beam model with the SRM model for SHM analysis.
elements to model this problem. The KBM model The damage is modeled as a horizontal crack
is simulated using 250 elements, while the DNM (delamination) using the DNM model, where a total
model contains 2560 plane stress triangular elements. of 3500 2-D triangular elements are used. The vertical
A small portion of the 2-D DNM model mesh near crack or the fiber breakage is modeled using the
the crack tip is shown in Figure 11(a). The KBM KBM method, while the SRM model is obtained
model near the crack tip is simulated using rigid from the healthy beam 2-D model by reducing the
connections, as explained in the previous section. stiffness (composite modulus Q11 ) by around 50%.
Figure 11(b) shows the transverse velocities predicted This input has a frequency content of 44 kHz. For this
by these two models. One can clearly see two reflec- force, with a wave speed of 3850 m s1 , it requires
tions: the first from the damage and the second from nearly 320 beam elements. However, this simulation
the fixed boundary. It can be clearly seen that the is performed using 500 elements for the SRM and
KBM model predicts the reflections from the crack KBM models, respectively. The hanging interface in
tip as accurately as the DNM model at a fraction of case of the KBM model of the spring is simulated
the computational cost. with a spring constant of 1 103 times the Q11 .
In this last example, all the three models, namely The different beam configurations with the associated
the SRM, DNM, and KBM, are compared on a damages are shown in Figure 12 and the transverse
composite cantilever beam that was considered in the response histories are shown in Figure 13.
last example, and subjected to a transverse broadband From Figure 13, we can clearly see that each of
impact load shown in Figure 4. Two different damage these models pick up the reflection from the damage
types, namely the delamination and fiber breakage, at around 0.5 ms and the responses show very little
both of which are of 20 mm size, are considered on change between different damage types of the same
this beam and are symmetrically placed as shown in size and location. Hence, it can be concluded that
Figure 12. The beam with 20-mm delamination is the SRM model, which is the easiest to model, can
modeled by the DNM model, while the beam with indeed be used to get the response estimates on a
20-mm fiber breakage is modeled using the KBM damages structure. However, if one needs to further
model. The results from these are compared with the predict the location and extend of damage, more
1-D beam FE model with stiffness reduced by 50% local models such as the DNM method may be
in the small region close to the damage. The main required.
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 15


KBM model
4 2-D FEM

Transverse velocity (mm s1)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
(b) Time (s)
Figure 11. Comparison of wave propagation responses for DNM and KBM models for a delaminated composite beam.
(a) DNM model near the crack tip and (b) transverse response history at the tip.

5 MODELING SUGGESTIONS 1. The procedure for deciding mesh sizes and the
frequency content of the input signal for 2-D
FOR 2-D AND 3-D STRUCTURES and 3-D structures is the same as that outlined
in Section 2 of this article. However, the mesh
All the examples shown so far dealt with 1-D size obtained from equation (1) should be applied
waveguides. This is because the modeling concepts for all the dimensions of the structure.
outlined are better understood with 1-D waveguides. 2. For modeling 1-D, straight-line cracks for SHM
However, most practical structures are either two or studies, the KBM method is quite sufficient for
three dimensional in nature. Here we outline some damage detection purposes. However, a more
suggestions for modeling flaws in general and in 2-D detailed DNM model will be required if one
and 3-D structures in particular: needs to perform life estimation studies.
16 Simulation

0.8 m

0.39 m

2 cm
Model taken for comparison

(1) Material degradation

(2) Delamination

(3) Top surface-breaking crack

Figure 12. (a) Basic model showing the damage: (1) SRM model with 50% stiffness reduction in the cracked region,
(2) delamination modeled using DNM, and (3) vertical surface breaking crack modeled using KBM with a spring constant
of 1 103 of Q11 .

3. Deriving FEs based on KBM is not straightfor- seldom use a graded mesh as used in static anal-
ward and hence this method is seldom used in ysis of a cracked structure. We normally choose
2-D or 3-D structures with flaws. However, for very small but equal mesh sizes as dictated
certain crack orientations, some crack functions by equation (1). This was used in some of the
are derived, which capture the mode coupling numerical simulations in the last section (see
aspects in 2-D structures. These functions can Figure 11a).
be readily incorporated into the FE formulation 5. All the examples demonstrated the use of various
to obtain a simplified damage model. This is modeling methods for either perfectly horizontal
outlined in [22]. or perfectly vertical cracks, which is normally
4. If the frequency content of the signal is large, the case in composites. However, in metals,
that is, if the mesh sizes are very small, then we the commonly occurring cracks are inclined in
Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements 17

No damage
Material degradation
0.018 Delamination
Top surface crack


Transverse velocity (m s1)







0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (ms)
Figure 13. Comparison of wave propagation responses for different models.

nature. For such structures with inclined cracks, Unlike in a beam, wherein most damages are
the DNM method is normally used, although the through-width, single-dimension cracks, in most
SRM method may also be employed. However, 2-D and 3-D structures, the damages have an area.
for matrix cracking type in damages, where For modeling these type of flaws, the DNM method
the determination of the location is not that is ideal, although the mesh sizes will be very large.
important, the SRM method is ideally suited. One way to reduce the size of the model is to adopt
reduced-order FE models. Reduced-order FE models
have only a few nodes retained, which correspond to
6 MODELING PITFALLS IN FEM either sensor locations or the locations where forces
FOR SHM AND THEIR are applied, while all other nodes are condensed
out. For static analysis, simple static condensation as
REMEDIES outlined in [23] is sufficient. For dynamic loading,
One of the fundamental objectives of the SHM is many reduced-order models are available, which are
to rapidly obtain the state of the structure. It was outlined in [24]. The procedure to model and its appli-
mentioned earlier that the FE model sizes depend cation to SHM studies are reported in [25].
on the size of the flaw. For very small flaw sizes, Spectral FEM [6] can model very large structures
the frequency content of the signal should be large, with very limited model sizes irrespective of the
which leads to enormously large problem sizes, which frequency content of the input signal. However,
takes many hours to obtain the solution. This aspect modeling arbitrary geometries in spectral FEM is
defeats the very purpose of SHM. This is one of the practically impossible. The solution to such problems
bottlenecks in SHM modeling. is to marry these two methods. For example, in the
18 Simulation

region very close to the crack, FE modeling can be location, extent, and severity. These guidelines are
used and, in the region far away from the crack, not complete by themselves. There are many other
spectral FEM [6] could be used. This is because rules that govern the accuracy of FE solutions under
spectral FEM can model long and straight edge dynamic loading, and these are not covered here. For
surfaces with only one element. Such an approach example, in situations where the gradients of the field
was adopted in [26] to model cracks in isotropic variables such as strains are steep, as in the case
beams. Alternatively, a new FE formulation based of structures with cracks, one needs to have finer
on partition of unity [27] can be used to model mesh discretization near the crack tip. Although one
the zone near the crack and, far away, one can use can use a graded mesh for solving such problems
spectral FEM. Such a method will be very useful for under static loading, for wave propagation problems,
SHM analysis of large-scale structures. it is preferred to have a very small size uniform
A complete SHM analysis requires modeling of mesh so that response distortions do not occur at
flaws, their detection from the measured responses, the mesh boundaries. For structural dynamics and
and their location, extent, and severity. Today, many wave propagation problems involving defects, the
general-purpose modeling tools such as NASTRAN, choice of mass matrix also plays a very important
ANSYS, ABAQUES, and ALGOR are available for part in obtaining accurate damage estimates. If the
modeling cracks using any of the above methods frequency content of input loading is high, as in
described in this article and also for assessing its the case of wave propagation problems, the use of
severity. Some of these software can also perform lumped mass matrix as opposed to consistent mass
optimization studies to decide on the number of matrix is recommended. This would not only reduce
sensors required and their locations. However, most the matrix storage requirement but would also accel-
of these tools cannot perform SHM-centric analysis erate the convergence of the solution. Modal methods
as they do not have the other components of SHM, are seldom used to obtain time histories for prob-
namely the damage-detection algorithms and the lems involving high-frequency content input. This is
signal-processing algorithms. Since SHM concepts because, for such problems, one has to obtain main
are built in the design of todays civil, aerospace, eigen frequencies for response estimation, which will
mechanical, and ship structures, the need of the hour be highly time consuming. Instead, we use time inte-
is to develop SHM-centric FE software that integrates gration methods. In addition to the above, other FE
many different modules and new modeling concepts. rules for node numbering, element numbering, treat-
Such an effort will go a long way toward taking SHM ment of boundaries, choice of solvers, etc. should be
development to a higher level. rigorously followed in modeling.

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Chapter 46
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures
Thomas Bruder
Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF), Darmstadt, Germany

service is impossible, e.g., for structures of big power

1 Introduction 1 plants. Numerical fatigue analyses, load and structural
health monitoring, as well as non-destructive testing
2 Parameters Determining Fatigue Life 3
techniques help to prevent failure of components and
3 Fatigue Strength Assessment 6 systems due to fatigue.
4 Size Effects 9 This article focuses on engineering approaches to
5 Examples 10 fatigue life assessment based on finite element (FE)
6 Conclusions 17 results. Anyhow, by applying these basic methods,
Related Articles 17 many applications of interest in the context of
structural health monitoring (SHM) can be covered,
References 17
such as
detecting fatigue critical areas, which may be the
subject of monitoring;
1 INTRODUCTION assessing fatigue impact of the loading applied;
Fatigue refers to the effect due to which a compo- deriving a relationship between fatigue impact at a
nent fails under repeated or cyclic loading, with the location, which is difficult to access and locations
maximum loads not reaching static strength criteria. where stress or strain data can be acquired.
Even today, components and systems fail because of A general introduction into fatigue and fatigue
fatigue cracks. Failures often happen due to misin- damage models is given in Damage Evolution
terpretation of service loading/usage, the component- Phenomena and Models, which outlines Fatigue
related material strength, or environmental conditions Damage Models in Section 3 and Load History
(e.g., corrosion). Effects in Section 4. For more detailed information,
Evaluating the fatigue life of structures experimen- see Refs. 16. Corrosion, creep, buckling, as well as
tally typically takes a lot of time. Sometimes, compo- global yielding of the components net section is not
nents exist only once and fatigue testing prior to covered in this article. Static Damage Phenomena
and Models describes static damage phenomena.
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by Fatigue damage is especially sensitive to actual
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 usage and is difficult to analyze without detailed
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. knowledge of the service loading experienced by the
2 Simulation

component of interest. For a typical notched compo- powerful tools that are used to derive stresses and
nent manufactured from medium-strength steel, an strains at fatigue-relevant locations.
increase in the loading amplitude by 15% leads to a Generally, various methods are used for numerical
reduction in fatigue life by 50%. Since loading plays fatigue life analysis. Stresses derived by the Theory
an important role in components fatigue life assess- of Elasticity are regarded as a relevant criterion in
ment, this article describes how to deal with loading stresslife methods such as
without loosing the fatigue-relevant content. In this nominal stress approach,
context, fatigue-relevant loads are determined by the structural stress approach and
number, amplitude (size), and mean value (position) local stress approach.
of load cycles.
In general, for deriving service loading, exten- The basis for the first three of the above-mentioned
sive full system tests or simulations should be approaches is the so-called SN curve (Figure 1).
avoided owing to time and cost constraints. A Such a curve is derived by subjecting specimens
common method to reduce efforts is to perform or components to constant-amplitude (CA) loading at
measurements at various specific conditions/events various load levels. Failed specimens are plotted in a
only. Typically, the time histories are transformed double logarithmic diagram, displaying load or stress
to more abstract histograms, which allow efficient amplitude versus the number of cycles to failure.
data handling as well as durability-focused visual- Local elasticplastic stresses and strains (true
ization. The final testing target is then derived by stresses and strains) are taken into account in the
mixing various load scenarios and extrapolating to strainlife method, often called the local strain
longer usage. Such a target statistically represents approach.
the usage of the component during a certain lifetime. Further approaches describes fatigue life by growth
Nondamage relevant parts of the load-time histories and coalescence of initial cracks like linear elastic
are removed and the remaining signal can be used fracture mechanics (LEFM) and elasticplastic frac-
for numerical analyses or be replayed on a test rig ture mechanics (EPFM).
system. The definition of damage depends on the appro-
Since fatigue is a local phenomenon, finite element ach used. For example, the damage D at a certain
or boundary element methods (FEMs/BEMs) are load level may be defined as the ratio between the

Probability of
survival Ps in % : Material
Notch factor, Kt
10 Slope
50 k = log Nf / log sa Stress ratio, R
Stress amplitude, sa (log)


Ts (Nk)

sa (10%)
Failures Scatter T ( N f ) = 1:
sa (90%) Knee point
Run-outs (sk; N k )
l, m, n Number of
run outs

104 2 5 105 2 5 106 2 5 107 2

Cycles to failure, N f (log)

Figure 1. Parameters describing the SN curve.

Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 3

number of applied cycles and the number of cycles diagrams. The level crossing diagram shows how
to failure Di = ni /Ni as well as an increase in crack often the load-time signal passes by a certain load
length. level in one direction (upwards or downwards). The
The most suitable approach for a given application range pair diagram shows how often cycles exceeding
depends on the aim of a structural durability analysis a certain load level or amplitude occur within the load
and the information that is available. The local sequence.
approaches as well as fracture mechanics typically One of the most important histogram types for
use FE results. fatigue-related analysis is the rainflow matrix,
which contains cycles resulting from a so-called
rainflow counting [79]. Rainflow counting reveals
2 PARAMETERS DETERMINING fatigue-relevant eventsthe closed hysteresis loops
FATIGUE LIFE providing amplitude and mean levelin the load-
time signal and stores them in an efficient way. A
Figure 2 shows the main parameters influencing a
graphical representation of a rainflow matrix is shown
structures fatigue life:
in Figure 4.
components shape The rainflow matrix belongs to two-dimensional
loading and (2-D) histograms since it contains two pieces of
material and manufacturing. information for every cycle: from and to level.
A 1-D histogram like the range pair histogram
Since the components shape can be described well contains only the amplitude of the cycles. Range pair
using FE methods, the following sections focus on and level crossing histograms as well as some other
effects due to loading and material.
1-D histograms can be easily derived from the rain-
flow matrix.
2.1 Loading For deriving a rainflow matrix, the total load range
of the time signal is divided equally into a certain
Most often, data acquisition is done as time history number of bins (typically 64 or 100 bins are used).
recording. Although this type of data contains all the Monotonous parts of the signal are removed and a
necessary information, it is inconvenient to handle series of reversal points remain. From this signal,
because of its size. Furthermore, a fatigue-related the closed hysteresis loops are identified and stored
comparison of miscellaneous time histories is diffi- in the rainflow matrix; small loops may be dropped
cult. Therefore, other data representations have been (hysteresis filtering). In the counting procedure, every
developed. They contain only that part of the orig- closed loop is described by its two anchor points:
inal information, which is important for the actual the load level (bin) where it starts (from) and
analysis. Generally, these representations are called the load level (bin) where it ends (to). Thus, the
diagrams or histograms. Figure 3 shows a time fromto representation contains information on
history and the related level crossing and range pair amplitude, mean, and orientation (standing and

FEM results, Measurements, Tests, standards

experiments MBS results databases
Loads Material


Figure 2. Describing fatigue test results with a SN curve, important parameters.

4 Simulation





0 50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000

0.8 2

0.6 1.8
Level crossings
Level crossings 1.4

Load range
Load level

0.2 1

0.4 0.8

0.6 0.6
Range pairs
0.8 0.4

1 0.2

1.2 0
1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05
Level crossing frequency Cumulative frequency

Figure 3. Service loadingLoad-time history and representation by level crossing and range pair diagrams.

To Cycles
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 <= 0
<= 1
352 <= 2
300 <= 4
<= 6
2 <= 11
200 <= 18
4 <= 30
Newton meters

6 0

12 400
14 500
352 200 0 200 400 672
Newton meters
Figure 4. Graphical representation of a rainflow matrix in fromto form.

hanging inside a bigger hysteresis loop) of the bins. Additional physical units, e.g., at the centers
closed hysteresis loops. At the end of the counting, of bins are displayed. The matrix is divided into
the remaining reversal points that have not formed two triangular parts by the empty main diagonal.
a closed loop are stored in a so-called residue. The On lines parallel to this main diagonal, cycles with
residue may become important in further analysis same amplitude but varying mean load are located.
steps like superposition of rainflow matrices. The amplitude varies on lines perpendicular to the
The coordinates of the matrix in Figure 4 are main diagonal. The bubbles in different gray tones
the from (vertical axis) and to (horizontal axis) and sizes represent the number of cycles collected in
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 5

the corresponding cell. The half-cycles that form the is assumed to be linear elastic.
residue are represented by asterisk markers.
Often, load histories (or stress histories derived   1
N k
with respect to a certain location on the component) a = a,k , for N Nk (1)
are analyzed and counted with the rainflow algorithm.
For car body and chassis applications, designing
a durability test based on rainflow matrix methods is Parameters are stress amplitude a , number of
well accepted. Here, typically time histories reflecting cycles to failure N , and inverse slope k; the index
service loading of a vehicle are recorded on proving k denotes the knee point of the curve in a double
grounds or public roads. Proving ground tests are the logarithmic diagram. Instead of stresses a , loads La
result of many years of experience and contain a mix or nominal stresses Sa may be used. In the case of
of test drives (e.g., driving on highway-like as well as a notched rod under axial load Fax , nominal stresses
rough roads under various vehicle-loading conditions) are often defined as S = Fax /A, where A denotes the
and especially designed tests. net area of the cross section.
For durability analyses, axial forces, moments, In the strainlife approach, the cyclic material
displacements, or strains are of interest. Data consol- behavior is described by both the cyclic stressstrain
idation, e.g., removing spikes and drifts is done in curve (CSSC) (according to RambergOsgood
time domain. Transferring load-time histories into [12]) and the strainlife curve (according to
(sets of) rainflow matrices reduces the amount of data MansonCoffinMorrow [1316]). Typically, strain-
and simplifies comparisons and further manipulation. controlled tests are carried out on unnotched samples
Rainflow matrices are edited (e.g., small cycles are at various strain ranges. Stresses, strains, as well as
removed) and extrapolated to longer measurements the associated number of cycles are recorded during
or to extreme usage. The final target for a dura- each test.
bility analysis consists of a superposition of rainflow Ramberg and Osgood have suggested a method for
matrices [10]. Superposition is, roughly speaking, describing the CSSC. The total strain amplitude a is
an addition of the different matrices, which takes divided into elastic (a,e ) and plastic (a,p ) portions
the residues into account. The weighting of different and is described by material parameters like Youngs
events can be accomplished by specifying individual modulus E, cyclic strength coefficient K  , and cyclic
repetition factors. For a rig test, the target in the strain hardening exponent n .
rainflow domain has to be transformed back in time
a  a  n
domain. In case of single channels, this can be
achieved by rainflow reconstruction [11]. In case a = a,e + a,p = + (2)
of multiaxial loading, the final time histories consist
of a number of measured short events (time series). In the strainlife curve, the endurable strain ampli-
Selecting events and adjusting their repetition factors tude a is plotted against the number of cycles to
appropriately allows matching the target. crack initiation of technical size Ni . The subscript
Using rainflow-based data analysis and synthesis i denotes initiation. Often this failure criterion may
methods, a fatigue test can be setup, which preserves be defined by a crack length 2c at the surface of
the fatigue-relevant content but leads to a time reduc- 2c 0.51 mm. Plotting strainlife curves for the
tion compared to using the originally measured time elastic and the plastic portion on a double logarithmic
histories. scale results in straight lines for each, which can be
described according to Manson, Coffin, Morrow with
Youngs modulus E and further material parameters:
2.2 Materials fatigue properties fatigue ductility coefficient f , fatigue strength coeffi-
cient f , fatigue strength exponent b, and the fatigue
Often, CA loading tests are performed to derive the ductility exponent c.
components SN curve or materials N curve,
respectively. These curves form the basis for the f
stresslife approach, in which the material behavior a = a,e + a,p = (2Ni )b + f (2Ni )c (3)
6 Simulation

The cyclic parameters of both the MansonCoffin be derived from strainlife curve
Morrow and the RambergOsgood equations are 
determined using regression analyses of experimental PSWT (N ) = f2 (2N )2b + f2 f2 E(2N )b+c (7)
results. The parameters K  and n can be derived
from the data set using the compatibility condi- To be able to compare results from stress- and
tions [12]: strain-controlled CA tests, even if mean stresses
m are slightly different, the damage param-
f eter PSWT calculated assuming elastic material
K = (4)
(f )n behavioris used:
b PSWT,e = (a + m )a E = (a + m )a (8)
n = (5)

Besides deriving cyclic material data from experi- 3 FATIGUE STRENGTH

ments, they can be found in data books or synthetic ASSESSMENT
data may be used, e.g., from Uniform Material Law
(UML) proposed by Baume1 [17]. A numerical fatigue strength analysis consists of
The stressstrain and strainlife curves are not two major steps: the FE analysis of the component
solely sufficient for fatigue assessment because they behavior when external cyclic load is applied, and a
do not consider the important effect of mean stresses. postprocessing step, which interprets the FE results
A widely spread and accepted parameter to consider in order to derive the number of load cycles, which
mean stresses in the local strain approach is the the component will endure under a defined loading
damage parameter PSWT proposed by Smith, Watson with a certain probability (Figure 5).
and Topper [18]
 3.1 Determination of local stresses using
PSWT = (a + m )a E (6)
with stress amplitude a , mean stress m , and strain Often, the numerical fatigue life assessment is based
amplitude a . The endurable damage parameter values on FE analyses, assuming the linear behavior of mate-
are characterized by the PSWT life curve, which can rials and components. The nonlinearity, like nonlinear

(time histories)
Shape Manufacturing Material
Unit load cases

FE analysis
Local stresses and strains
for relevant unit load cases
(linear, quasi-static)

Time history of
Endurable stresses and strains
local stresses and strains
Damage accumulation


Figure 5. Workflow for fatigue life assessment based on FE results.

Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 7

material behavior, contact, or large deformations, is eigenmode i on the local stresses at a certain point in
neglected. Local stresses derived by the Theory of time t.
Elasticity are referred to as elastic stresses. The elastic stresses e are computed from the linear
For relatively solid components, a static FE anal- combination
ysis can be applied because the lowest eigenfrequency
typically lies far above the frequency range of the e (t) = m e,1 p1 (t) + m e,2 p2 (t)
load-time histories relevant for structural durability.
+ + m e,n pn (t) (11)
In case a single load L(t) varying in time acts on
a component the local elastic stresses, e can be
It is also possible to derive elastic stresses e
computed using the load influence factor c as follows:
based on a combination of basic static modes and
  eigenmodes, as in the CraigBampton approach [19].
e (t) = cL(t) = (cLmax )
e (t) = s e,1 g1 (t) + s e,2 g2 (t)
= e,max f (t) (9)
+ + s e,n gn (t) + m e,n+1 gn+1 (t)
If multiaxial loading is applied, the basic static load + m e,n+2 gn+2 (t) + + m e,n+k gn+k (t)
cases (so-called unit load cases) s e,i (hyperscript s
denotes static) multiplied with the normalized load- (12)
time histories fi (t) are superposed quasi-statically The latter approach has the main advantage that
(Figure 6): typically less modes are needed compared to a solu-
tion using eigenmodes only, whichdepending on
e (t) = s e,1 f1 (t) + s e,2 f2 (t) structure and type of loadingmay require a high
number of modes in order to describe the stresses
+ + s e,n fn (t) (10) with sufficient accuracy.
In an FE-based modal analysis, choosing appro-
For thin-walled structures, such an assumption priate damping can be challenging. Adjusting
may be invalid. Resonances may be excited with damping, based on the results of an experimental
the lowest eigenfrequency lying within the frequency modal analysis, helps in improving the numerical
range of the loading. In the numerical analyses, analysis. For further information on modal anal-
eigenmodes m e,i are determined, starting with the ysis, reference is made to ModalVibration-based
lowest one. In a transient FE analysis, participation Damage Identification.
factor-time histories pi (t) are derived on the basis Furthermore, the workflow of the fatigue post-
of the given eigenmodes and time histories of all processing in the superposition approaches described
loads acting on the structure. The participation factor- in equations (11) and (12) is the same as for
time histories pi (t) describe the influence of each the quasi-static superposition, equation (10), which

Unit load cases

L1 = L1,max L2 = L2,max

Time, t L1

ss ss
e,1 e,2

Normalizing: fi(t) = Li (t)/Li,max

s e( x , t ) = ss
e,1(x) f 1( t ) + ss
e,2(x) f2(t)

Figure 6. Quasi-static superposition of FE unit load cases (load frequency range below first eigenfrequency).
8 Simulation

is supported by commercial fatigue analysis soft- 5. Selection of a damage parameter P .

ware packages, such as ABAQUS fe-safe, LMS 6. Modification factor for consideration of the size
Virtual.Lab Durability, MSC Fatigue, and nCode FE- effect.
Fatigue. 7. Modification factor for surface topography, e.g.,
Apart from the approaches described in equa- following Siebel and Gaier [24].
tions (1012), a transient FE analysis applying all
the loads acting on the structure in time domain may In the following, some of these topics are addressed
be performed. Thus, typically only relatively short in more detail:
events are analyzed due to the effort of calculating Materials data for cyclic loading: The materials
all the stresses and strains of a component for each data for cyclic loading, the stabilized CSSCs, and
time step. On the other hand, it is advantageous that the strainlife curves can be determined using strain-
in a transient analysis even complex contact situations controlled CA tests on residual-stress-free smooth
can be handled. specimens.
For FE analyses with nonlinear material behavior, For notched specimens with a homogeneous cyclic
the elasticplastic behavior may be described by the material behavior over the cross section, Neubers
bilinear kinematic hardening rule of PragerZiegler rule allows to derive the relationship between load
[20]. Bilinear stressstrain curves approximate the and local strains in the notch for many applications
interpolated RambergOsgood stressstrain curves. with sufficient accuracy.
More advanced material laws for fatigue analysis On the basis of the CSSC,
were proposed, e.g., by Mroz [21] and Jiang [22, 23].
= g( ) (13)

3.2 Postprocessing of FEM results Neubers Rule can be simplified as

For the prediction of the fatigue life of components = Kt2 Se (14)

under a high cycle fatigue (HCF) regime, the concept
of the local fatigue limit can be applied, in which a where Kt is the stress concentration factor, S is
purely elastic material behavior is assumed. the nominal stress, and e is the nominal strain.
Typically in finite life design, elasticplastic stres- The relationship between nominal strain and nominal
ses and strains arise at the critical locations of stress is given by the CSSC e = g(S).
a component. In the more general local strain Assuming the elastic behavior of the net section,
approach, elastic and elasticplastic stresses are equation (14) can be further simplified:
computed, and evaluated with regard to the criterion
of crack initiation of technical size. e2
An analysis requires the following input data: = (15)
1. A sequence of reversal points of external load or Equation (15) can then be directly applied to elastic
a sequence of local stresses and strains, respec- stresses derived by FE analysis.
tively: assuming that all loads acting on a struc- The more complex load-notch strain relationship
ture are proportional (Li /Lj = const) or only following Seeger [25] has proved to be more accurate,
a single load is acting (uniaxial loading), a as shown by a very good correlation with the results
sequence of reversal points of the loading or a of the FE analysis.
rainflow matrix is sufficient. In general, for multi- Size effects: For notched bars with identical cyclic
axial loading, time histories of all loads have to behavior of the surface layer and bulk material,
be provided in order to maintain the phase infor- the modification factor for consideration of the size
mation. effect may be determined according to SiebelStieler
2. Materials data for cyclic loading. [26] or the weakest link approach. When using
3. Relation between load and local strain. the SmithWatsonTopper damage parameter PSWT
4. Local macroscopic residual stresses. [18], both the modification factors for size and surface
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 9

roughness are taken into consideration by shifting the deformation behavior of the component is not
the P N curve in the P direction by the respective significantly influenced by the layer and the bulk
factors. material remains almost free of residual stress. Under
these conditions, the total strain of the surface layer
when the component is loaded results from the
3.3 Surface-strengthened components addition of the residual strain RS plus the strain B
that a component without a surface layer would have.
Often, residual stresses can be observed at the Figure 7 schematically illustrates the determination of
surface of components, e.g., due to manufacturing local stresses and strains in a component with a thin
processes like turning or grinding. Furthermore, surface layer of higher strength than the bulk material
surface strengthening techniques such as shot-peening subjected to compressive residual stresses.
or gas nitriding are applied in order to improve fatigue Subsurface crack initiation can be observed under
strength in the HCF regime [27]. an HCF regime [29], especially with thermochem-
If the local residual stresses are known, they may ically surface-strengthened components with low
be considered in the fatigue life assessment using the stress gradients at the site of maximum stress and
thin surface layer model [28]. This model assumes strain.
that the surface layer of a component is of a negligible
thickness with regard to its load-bearing capabilities.
The thin surface layer model describes the release of 4 SIZE EFFECTS
initial residual stress through deformation; and, in a
generalized form, the cyclic hardening or softening In the context of this text, size effect means
of the material (through using stabilized CSSC). thatassuming geometrically similar components
The model does not, however, cover the continuous the allowable nominal stresses S (respectively the
release of residual stresses arising after 1000 or more stresses based on the theory of elasticity e at the
load cycles. Under CA loading, the second cycle critical location) decrease with increasing component
is already stabilized in the calculation model. The size. Kloos [30, 31] introduces a systematic, which
influence of residual stresses upon the deformation classifies size effects as
behavior of the component as a whole is assumed to
be negligible. technological
The surface layer can have cyclic material data stress gradient dependent
and initial residual stresses that diverge from those of statistical and
the bulk material. Owing to its negligible thickness, surface treatment related.


eRS eS,eB

S sS,sB
eS,sS eB,sB

eS,sS eB,sB eS,eB

eS = eB + eRS Bulk Surface

Surface layer material sRS Bulk

Figure 7. Thin surface layer model: stress-strain behavior in the notch root.
10 Simulation

The technologicalthrough use of corresponding The normalized stress gradient is defined as

component dataand the surface treatmentrelated follows:
size effect can be taken into account to a large extent  
in the local strain approach. Usually, the transfer-  1 d 

ability of the P N or S N curve derived from =  (18)
 e,max dx e 
unnotched specimen to the fatigue critical location
of a component has to be ensured. If the highly
where x denotes a coordinate normal to the surface.
stressed component area is very small, e.g., in a
All purely empirical approaches, which describe
sharply notched component, the statistical possibility
the size effect on fatigue properties with a size factor
of finding a failure-causing material defect in the
based on the normalized stress gradient only
highly stressed component area is lower compared to
and which neglect the dimensions of both the refer-
an unnotched specimen with same net section diam-
ence specimen used to derive the materials fatigue
eter (statistical size effect) and type of loading. A
strength and the component considered, have a disad-
variety of methods exist to take into account the
vantage. They are somewhat limited to the dimen-
so-called statistical size effect, as well as the struc-
sions and fatigue properties, which are contained in
ture mechanical size effect. The latter effect describes
the data set used for their derivation.
that stresses derived by the Theory of Elasticity
are reduced, owing to microscopic and macroscopic Another possibility of describing the size effect
yielding in the notch root. In notched components is based on the weakest link model proposed by
made from mild steels, such yielding leads to true Weibull [3335]. Experiencing the scatter of the
stresses below the elastic stresses even at stress levels fatigue resistance for a constant fatigue life, respec-
close to the knee point of the S N curve and thus tively the scatter of fatigue life for constant load
to a better fatigue performance than those that would amplitudes, it is assumed that the distribution of
be expected from the elastic stress level. internal defect sizes of a material (e.g., length of
Owing to their ease of use, empirically derived microscopic cracks) or the local strength corresponds
factors (so-called size factors) are often applied for to a Weibull distribution. The largest defect deter-
the consideration of the size effect. In the HCF mines the component strength; the subcritical crack
regime, e.g., at the knee point of the SN curve, growth or coalescence of cracks is of minor impor-
these size factors n are put in relation to the local tance. Furthermore, it is assumed that the compo-
fatigue strength of the component (calculated by nents compared have the same distribution of internal
the Theory of Elasticity) Kt Sk and the materials defect sizes (e.g., scatter) and show the same failure
fatigue strength k (subscript k denotes the knee mode.
point): Thereafter, the ratio of the fatigue strength of
two components can be determined by comparing
Kt Sk e,k the probability to find an internal defect that causes
n= = (16) failure in each of the individual components. This
k k
probability increases with the size of the highly
For components with uniform cyclic behavior stressed component area.
at the fatigue critical location, the size factor can
be determined using the approaches proposed by
SiebelStieler [26]. Similar formulae are given in the 5 EXAMPLES
(FKM) Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau Guide-
line [32], published by the Research Association for 5.1 Uniaxial loading
the Mechanical Engineering Industry (FKM). Here,
the size factor is derived from diagrams or a formula Fatigue tests were performed on notched, axially
in dependence from the normalized stress gradient loaded specimens. Cyclic material data determined
and the materials strength, e.g., the yield strength Re . from strain-controlled constant-amplitude loading,
residual stress measurements, and FE analyses provi-
n = f ( , Re ) (17) ded the input data for the calculation.
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 11

Figures 10 and 11 show graphs of the numeri-

cally and experimentally determined crack initiation
lives of residual-stress-free specimens. The computed
38 curves are shown with solid or dashed linesthese
correlate well with the experimental results.
The relation between predicted and experimental
results under a Gaussian load sequence corresponds to
22 R4
0 the general experience made with such comparisons
16 in the literature: If the calculation results fit well with
the experimentally determined S N curve, then the


use of the damage parameter according to Vormwald


R2 [36] PJ leads to a slightly conservative prediction
of the fatigue life curve, while the calculation with
the PSWT parameter in conjunction with a PSWT N
curve based on the MansonCoffinMorrow rela-
tionship and ignoring the endurance limit tends to
be somewhat on the unsafe side. Typically, this is
adjusted by choosing an allowable damage value
for variable amplitude (VA) loading DVA lower
than 1.
For analyzing the life of shot-peened specimens
K tz = 2.1 with stress concentration factor Ktz = 2.1, the thin
Figure 8. Shape and dimensions of specimen. surface layer model is used. As the comparison
between the S Ni curves of untreated and shot-
The experiments were performed with German peened samples shows (Figure 12), the influence
grade 42CrMo4 steel (AISI 4040H), quenched of residual stress is predominant in the region of
and tempered at TA = 620 C/2.5 h (ultimate tensile low loads, while with higher load levels a release
strength Rm = 1075 MPa, 0.2% offset yield stress of residual stresses is forced and only the life-
Rp0.2 = 980 MPa, hardness 330 HV 0.3). reducing influence of surface roughness remains.
Figure 8 shows the shape of the notched, axially For the fatigue life curve, the above statements
loaded specimen; the axial stress concentration factors concerning the PSWT parameter apply accordingly.
is Ktz = 2.1, and the equivalent stress concentration Applying the stresslife approach based on exper-
factor (von Mises criterion) is Ktq = 1.9. imentally determined SN curves may lead to even
Tests with constant-amplitude (R = 1) and better accuracy. Please keep in mind that in the
variable-amplitude loading were performed. In the strainlife approach based on cyclic material
data, an SN curve is already a first calculatio
variable-amplitude tests, a random sequence with
Gaussian level crossing distribution, a spectrum block
size H0 = 104 cycles, and a nearly equal number of
mean crossings and turning points was used. For all
samples (with crack initiation at surface), the criterion 5.2 Multiaxial loading
of failure was the reaching of a crack length at a
surface of 2c = 0.5 mm. An assessment of a component under multiaxial
Cyclic material data were determined with strain- loading is illustrated using a forged aluminum
controlled CA tests with axially loaded unnotched knuckle of a cars front suspension as an example
specimens. The description of the thus-received (Figure 13), [37].
experimental results for calculation uses relation- The knuckle is manufactured by forging a wrought
ships following RambergOsgood and Manson aluminum alloy. The materials cyclic properties were
CoffinMorrow (Figure 9). derived using the UML [17].
12 Simulation

sa Quasi-static



(a) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 % 2.5


ea %



5 103
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 N 10
Figure 9. Stabilized CSSC (a) and strainlife (b) curves for steel 42CrMo4.

MPa RS = 1 Crack initiation
Nominal stress amplitude, Sa

800 Run out



200 Steel 42CrMo4

Notch radius R = 2.5 mm
Stress concentration factor, Ktz = 2.09

102 103 104 105 106 107
Number of cycles to failure, Ni

Figure 10. Comparison of numerically and experimentally determined crack initiation life under constant-amplitude
loading. S N curve (RS = 1) of untreated notched specimens.
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 13

MPa Crack initiation
Nominal stress amplitude, Sa


600 PSWT


Steel 42CrMo4
Notch radius, R = 2.5 mm
Stress concentration factor, Ktz = 2.09
103 104 105 106 107
Number of cycles to failure, Ni

Figure 11. Comparison of numerically and experimentally determined crack initiation life: VA loading (Gaussian load
spectrum, (RS = 1) of untreated notched specimens.

Nominal stress amplitude, Sa, Sa

Crack initiation
800 Run out
Shot peened
600 (thin surface layer)

Steel 42CrMo4
Notch radius, R = 2.5 mm
Stress concentration factor, Ktz = 2.09
102 103 104 105 106 107
Number of cycles to failure, Ni, Ni
Figure 12. Comparison of numerically and experimentally determined crack initiation life: CA and VA loading (RS = 1)
of shot-peened notched specimens (axial residual stresses RS = 700 MPa).

The standardized load-time history CARLOS skinning with membrane elements was applied at the
multi [38] is chosen as a nonproportional load surface. Stresses close to the areas of load application
input, which consists of four load channels (longi- depend strongly on the modeling of this area. Owing
tudinal, lateral, and vertical load vectors acting at the to the simplifications made (e.g., rigid element spiders
spindle and braking/accelerating forces acting at the connecting the input points with the solid elements of
tire contact patch) (Figure 14). the component), load input areas are excluded from
The calculation is based on elastic stresses. On further analyses. The stiffness of the brake caliper,
the basis of the CAD geometry, an FE mesh with which is mounted to the knuckle at two points,
quadratic tetrahedral elements was created and a affects the input of brake loads (and subsequently
14 Simulation



z G T

Figure 13. Forged aluminum knuckle and front suspension. [Reproduced from Ref. [37]. Elsevier, 2004.]

Vertical force
1.5 Lateral force
Longitudinal force
Lateral force (normalized)

Braking force 1
Normalized forces



0.5 0.5

1 1
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1E+06 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Number of level crossings per return period (40 000 km) Vertical force (normalized)
Figure 14. Standardized load-time history CARLOS multilevel crossing distributions and an example for statistical
correlations between two channels. [Reproduced from Ref. 38. Fraunhofer-Institut fur Betriebsfestigkeit, 1994.]

the stress distribution in the neighboring area). The basis of the elastic normal stresses in the various
caliper is modeled with beam elements representing planes, the local strain approach is applied [39]
the appropriate stiffness (Figure 15). in combination with the loadnotch strain rela-
Figure 16 shows the von Mises stress plots for the tion proposed by SeegerBeste [25], the damage
four unit load cases applying the respective maximum parameter PSWT [18] and the damage accumulation
load levels of the corresponding CARLOS multi- according to Palmgren and Miner. For the sake of
load-time histories. For all plots, the same scaling simplicity, other influences such as surface roughness,
is applied for the stresses. It is obvious that some statistical size effects, and changes in local mate-
locations exhibit high stress levels due to several load rial properties due to the manufacturing process are
cases, whereas others exhibit these stress levels only neglected.
due to a single load case. The results of the fatigue life assessment, which
For the fatigue life assessment, the critical plane has been performed with the software package
approach is chosen. Local stresses are computed LMS FALANCS [40], are given as damage plots
by quasi-static superposition (equation 10). On the displaying potentially critical locations (Figure 17).
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 15

+ Flong



Tire contact Load case braking
patch 1.00+0a Flat
y z
1.00+00 F

Figure 15. Load input at the knuckle.

Longitudinal load Braking Lateral load Vertical load von Mises


+ + + +

Figure 16. von Mises stresses at the inner side of the knuckle for each unit load case.

Please note that the displayed range of fatigue life stress. The behavior at location 1 is strongly
covers four decades. Numbers 1 and 2 designate the influenced by the vertical loading. The local stress
two most critical locations examined at the knuckle state can be described as nearly uniaxial. The
side pointing to the car center. direction of the maximum principal stress changes
Figure 18 describes the local biaxial stress state only at very low loads. Location 2 lies in a
at the two locations. For the evaluation, the relatively sharp notch, which is loaded mainly
maximum principal stresses at the surface were during braking. The constraint caused by the notch
defined as follows: |1 | > |2 |; 3 = 0. In the leads to a ratio between minimum and maximum
histograms, all principle stresses are normalized by principal stress slightly below Poissons Ratio. With
the absolute maximum principle stress, which occurs high stress values, no significant variation in the
at location 1. The biaxiality ratio is defined as angle of the maximum principal stress can be
ratio between minimum and maximum principal observed.
16 Simulation

of time history


Figure 17. Damage plots.

Location 1 Location 2
0.07 0.25
Minimum normalized
principal stress


0.02 0.12
0.19 0.0 1.00 0.52 0.0 0.88
Maximum normalized principal stress Maximum normalized principal stress
Maximum normalized

1.00 0.88
principal stress

0.19 0.52
1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
Biaxility ratio Biaxility ratio
1.00 0.88
Maximum normalized
principal stress


0.19 0.52
90 0 90 90 0 90
Angle Angle
Figure 18. Local elastic stress states at locations 1 and 2 of the aluminum knuckle under loading with CARLOS multi.
Fatigue Life Assessment of Structures 17

In the present example, the structurea part of RELATED ARTICLES

multilink car suspensionand the design of the
knuckle leads to a separation of the load-transferring Free and Forced Vibration Models
functions, thus limiting nonproportional local stress Civil Infrastructure Load Models for Structural
states. The stress state at the locations analyzed Health Monitoring
turns out to be proportional in spite of the external
Static Damage Phenomena and Models
nonproportional load input, especially with higher
loads. For sign-off testing of a single critical loca- Damage Evolution Phenomena and Models
tion, therefore, a simplified test would be suffi- Failure Modes of Aerospace Materials
cient. If all critical locations on a component or
subsystem have to be detected and analyzed, the full ModalVibration-based Damage Identification
set of multiaxial load input has to be taken into Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements
The example shows
how to detect fatigue critical areas, which may be
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Chapter 45
Modeling for Detection of Degraded Zones
in Metallic and Composite Structures

Wiesaw Ostachowicz1,2 and Marek Krawczuk1,3

Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, PAS, Gdansk, Poland
Faculty of Navigation, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland

present. Since existing nondestructive methods for the

1 Introduction 1 detection of fatigue cracks and delaminations have
failed in many practical cases, vibration methods
2 Continuous Models 1
have been continually used for nearly 20 years for
3 DiscreteContinuous Models 4 the diagnosis of such damage. These methods are
4 Discrete Models 5 based on diagnostic relations between the size and
5 Conclusions 11 location of failures and changes in some dynamic
Related Articles 13 characteristics of construction elements. In order to
References 13 establish such relations, and to identify changes of the
dynamic characteristics, efficient models that facili-
tate the assessment of the influence of fatigue cracks
and delaminations must be established. In this work,
1 INTRODUCTION a review of the existing models used for analyses
of the influence of fatigue cracks and delaminations
Fatigue cracking and delamination are particularly on changes in dynamic characteristics of construction
dangerous and are, at the same time, the most elements has been presented.
common kinds of damages in elements of machines
and structures. It is of great importance for the safe
operation of the elements of machines and structures 2 CONTINUOUS MODELS
to ensure that they are free of any fatigue cracks Historically, the oldest method, proposed by Hetenyi
and delaminations and to determine the extent of [1], is applied for modeling fatigue cracks in construc-
fatigue cracks and delaminations in case they are tion elements made of isotropic materials, in which
a crack in a construction element is represented by
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by some additional external equivalent loads (Figure 1a).
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 This method was originally developed to determine
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. the line of static deflection for beams of a nonconstant
2 Simulation

a c 3

Ma 2
lo Ma
M1 M


(a) (b)
Figure 1. Continuous models of (a) a beam with a transverse fatigue crack (by Thomson [3]) and (b) a thin circular plate
with an internal fatigue crack (by Lee [5]).

cross section. Modifications introduced by Kirsmer (Figure 1b). In order to connect the subdomains,
[2] and Thomson [3] enhanced the method and it additional boundary conditions are introduced. This
is being successfully used for studies of natural approach is applied for isotropic and composite struc-
frequencies of beams with fatigue cracks. In the tures. The method was commonly and successfully
following years, models based on the concept of used to study natural vibrations of thin rectangular
equivalent external loads were further developed by plates. Lynn and Kumbasar [6] used the Greens
Petroski and Glazik [4]. The principal limitation of function approach to obtain the Fredholm integral
these models was the fact that their mathematical equation of the first kind. Stahl and Keer [7] and
description was based on partial differential equations Aggarwala and Ariel [8] have solved the eigenvalue
and then they enabled studies and investigation and problem of simply supported plates by using homoge-
provided results of sufficiently high accuracy only neous Fredholm integral equations of the second kind.
in the case of construction elements of very simple The methods presented in [68] were limited to such
geometry. Therefore, these models were mainly used locations of the crack that enabled the problem to be
for studies of static and dynamic behavior of beams of reduced to a dual series equation. Hirano and Okazaki
constant cross sections. On the other hand, the lack of [9], Neku [10], and Solecki [11] applied fast Fourier
an explicit relation between the size of a fatigue crack transform to the differential equations governing the
and the magnitude of its external equivalent load problem. They obtained a system of integral equations
made it practically inapplicable for the sensitivity possessing the unknown discontinuities of the deflec-
analysis of dynamic characteristics of construction tion and slope across the crack. Lee [5] used a method
elements. Another shortcoming of these models was based on the Rayleigh principle, subsectioning the
also the fact that a singular character of the stress and plates in the determination of the fundamental natural
strain fields around the crack tip was omitted. Owing frequency of the circular plate.
to the above facts, these methods are practically not The model of delaminated beam, based on the
in use anymore. approach described above, is presented in Figure 2.
Another method used in the analysis of continuous Through-width delamination is parallel to the beam
models of construction elements with fatigue cracks surface located arbitrarily in both the spanwise and
or delaminations is the one in which the investi- thicknesswise directions. The delamination divides
gated element is divided into subdomains constrained the beam into four regions. A Euler beam theory
by its boundaries and the line of a discontinuity is applied to each region. Apart from the usual
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic/Composite Structures 3


t X,W

L1 L2 L3

M1 V1 V1 M1
M1 M1 P1 2 D2A2M2 M1
P1 V1 M1
P1 1 D A M P1 P1 4 D4A4M4 P1
1 1 1
3 D3A3M3
V1 V1 P1 P1V1
M1 V V1 M1
L1 L2 L3

Figure 2. Continuous model of delaminated beam (by Tracy and Pardoen [13]).

conditions of continuity of transverse displacements, fundamental frequency was not appreciably reduced
slopes, bending moments, and shear forces, two by the presence of a relatively short delamination, and
additional conditions were considered (the continuity the results were in close agreement with experimental
of axial displacements and forces). This model gives measurements.
good results for determining the modal parameters Also, results obtained by Christidis and Barr [21]
of composite laminate. Zou et al. [12] presented a and by Wauer [22] are of great importance in the
review of papers in which models of delaminated development of continuous models of construction
beams are described. elements with fatigue cracks. Applying the variational
The effects of delamination on buckling and formula of HuWashizu, they derived differential
postbuckling deformation and delamination growth equations governing vibrations of beams [21] and
with various geometrical parameters and loading turbine blades [22] with fatigue cracks. In order to
conditions were studied extensively by Chai et al. model changes in their stiffness due to the cracks,
[14], Botega and Maewal [15], Whitcomb [16], Yin they assumed that the stress field along the length
et al. [17], and Chen [18]. Natural vibrations of of a beam can be approximated by an exponential
delaminated beams were studied by Ramkumar et al. function. However, limitations of this approach are
[19] on the basis of the Timoshenko beam theory. concerned with the fact that the exponent of the func-
The authors, however, did not take into account the tion describing the stress field must be determined
effect of coupling of the transverse vibration with the experimentally. A singular character of the stress
longitudinal wave motion in the upper and lower split function around the crack tip is also not maintained.
layers. Their analytical results predicted significant It should be noted that such a model does not describe
reduction in the fundamental frequency. Wang et al. precisely a fatigue crack but rather represents a notch
[20] used the classical beam theory, but, in contrast to or slot.
Ramkumar et al. [19], they considered the coupling The restrictions of the above-mentioned models
effect. With the inclusion of coupling, the calculated allow one to analyze the vibration of structures
4 Simulation

only in some particular cases. Real engineering and compression modes as well as a coupling term for
constructions are more complex, and the application a thin membrane. Dimarogonas and Massouros [27]
of other techniques follows naturally. derived a formula to calculate compliance of a spring-
like element related to the torsional mode of a beam
of a circular cross section. Anifantis and Dimarog-
3 DISCRETECONTINUOUS onas [28] showed the form of the compliance matrix
MODELS of springlike elements modeling a fatigue crack in a
beam of a circular cross section except for the term
Discretecontinuous models as well as discrete mod- connected to torsion. The full form of this matrix
els are the most commonly used models to study for a beam of a circular cross section can be found in
the dynamic behavior of construction elements with the work of Dimarogonas and Papadopoulos [29] and
fatigue cracks. In the discretecontinuous models that of a beam of a rectangular cross section in the
(see Figure 3), a fatigue crack in a construction ele- work of Krawczuk [30]. The form of the compliance
ment is represented by additional springlike elements, matrix for a beam of a rectangular cross section made
compliance of which is calculated according to the of unidirectional composite material was presented
laws of fracture. In this manner, a system consisting in the work of Nikpour and Dimarogonas [31]. The
of an undamaged element and springlike elements influence of a single transverse fatigue crack on
modeling the crack is created. The undamaged
the stability of composite pillars was analyzed by
element and the elements modeling the fatigue crack
Nikpour [32] who showed that, with increasing slen-
are connected together by introduction of special
derness ratio of the columns and depth of the crack,
boundary conditions. This method can be successfully
the value of the critical force decreases. Recently,
used for modeling fatigue cracks in one-dimensional
Papadopoulos [33] presented a review of papers in
construction elements (rods, beams, shafts, columns,
which discretecontinuous models based on strain
and pipes) or in constructions made of such elements
(frames and trusses) and plates. In the general case, energy release are described.
compliance of springlike elements modeling a fatigue This approach was used in the past in studies
crack in a one-dimensional construction element can of static and dynamic behavior of one-dimensional
be expressed by a 6 6 compliance matrix. construction elements. Liebowitz et al. [24], Okamura
Particular elements of this matrix were studied et al. [25], and Anifantis and Dimarogonas [34]
by many investigators. Liebowitz et al. [24] and applied the discretecontinuous model of fatigue
Okamura et al. [25] found the compliance of a spring- damage to investigate the influence of the size and
like element related to longitudinal deformation of a location of fatigue cracks on changes in the critical
column of a rectangular cross section. Rice and Levy load and stability of columns made of isotropic mate-
[26] determined the compliance related to the bending rial, while Nikpour [32] enhanced these studies by
investigation of columns made of composite mate-
rial. Results on changes in the natural frequencies and
U1 U2 mode shapes of beams calculated by the use of this
discretecontinuous method can be found in the work
k11 of Gudmundson [35], Adams et al. [36], Ju et al.
[37], Springer et al. [38], Cuntze and Hajek [39],
k21 Papaeconomu and Dimarogonas [40], Liang et al.
[41], Ostachowicz and Krawczuk [42], Rajab and
Y1 Y2 AlSabeeh [43], Rytter et al. [44], and Kisa and Arif
L1 [45]. However, this method was applied in studies
of dynamic behavior of rotors with fatigue cracks
most extensively and successfully. The most impor-
tant studies in this area were carried out by Gash et al.
Figure 3. A discretecontinuous model of a shaft (by [46], Grabowski [47], Ignaki et al. [48], Schmied
Papadopoulos and Dimarogonas [23]). and Kramer [49], Bachschmid et al. [50], Dentsoras
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic/Composite Structures 5

and Dimarogonas [51], Papadopoulos and Dimarog- Double nodes

onas [23], Wauer [52], Jun et al. [53], and Lee et al.
[54]. This method was also successfully applied in
studies of fatigue cracking rings by Dimarogonas
[55], as well as in cylindrical shells by Anifantis and
Dimarogonas [56].
This method was used by Khadem and Rezaee [57]
and Mateev and Boginich [5860] for the analysis of
1 2
modal parameters of rectangular cracked plates based
on the Kirchoff approach. 1 2

It should be noted that, apart from the already

mentioned restrictions, this approach is also limited
because it is based on partial differential or integral
equations. Similar to the method of external equiva-
lent loads, this approach enables one to study, inves- Figure 4. Modeling of a fatigue crack by separation of
tigate, and obtain results of sufficiently high accuracy finite-element nodes and by condensation of the mesh
only in the case of construction elements of simple around the crack tip.
geometry like rods, beams, columns, shafts, or rect-
angular plates with typical boundary conditions. the crack depth on changes in dynamic characteristics
cannot be made. A singular character of the stress and
strain fields around the crack tip is also neglected in
4 DISCRETE MODELS these methods.
In general, discrete models of fatigue damage are Another method applied in modeling of fatigue
not restricted geometrically, whereas restriction is cracks in construction elements based on the finite-
one of the biggest disadvantages of the contin- element method is the one in which the nodes of
uous or discretecontinuous models. In order to finite elements are separated along the crack surface
create a discrete model of a construction element and a condensed mesh of finite elements around
with a fatigue crack, the finite-element method is the crack tip is used (Figure 4). The condensed
applied most of the times. Other methods such as the mesh of finite elements enables to model properly a
boundary element method, graph method, transition singular character of the stress and strain fields around
matrix method, and the analog method are also used, the crack tip. Models based on this approach were
but these methods are not as popular and commonly successfully applied by Zastrau [63]. This approach
used as the finite-element method. gives good results and the existing finite-element
software can be effectively used for these studies.
Calculating dynamical parameters of construction
4.1 Finite-element method elements is considerably time consuming.
The simplest method applied to model construction The methods discussed above can be easily modi-
elements with fatigue damage is based on the use fied by the use of finite elements with singular shape
of classical finite elements. In this case, a fatigue functions around the crack tip [64]. Shen and Pierre
crack in the finite element is modeled by reduction of have demonstrated that, for an eight-node quadri-
elastic coefficients of the element [61], by reduction lateral element, by moving the midside nodes near
of its Youngs modulus [62], and by reduction of the the crack tip to the quaterside position (Figure 5a),
cross section area of the element in the crack posi- strain singularities are produced. However, for such
tion [50]. The main disadvantage of these approaches an element, the singularity conditions prevail only
is the fact that the reduced parameters describing a along the edges, and not on an arbitrary ray emanating
fatigue crack are chosen arbitrarily. Generally, their from the crack tip. This problem was later resolved
values are not directly related to the actual size of a by collapsing the nodes 1 and 4 of the eight-node
crack and therefore a precise study of the influence of quadrilateral element in Figure 5(a), resulting in the
6 Simulation

4 7 3

l2 l3
6 6
8 7
l 2/4 1 l 3 /4
l 1/4 5 2 1,4,8 l 1/4 5
Crack tip Crack tip
l1 l1
(a) (b)
Figure 5. (a) Rectangular finite element with midside nodes at quarter points and (b) triangular element with midside
nodes at the quarter points (by Shen and Pierre [64]).

b b S6
db b S8
B S10

S3 S7

S5 S4

Cracked cross sectional area

Figure 6. Fragment of shaft with single-sided crack (by Ostachowicz and Krawczuk [70]).

triangular element in Figure 5(b). Then the singu- axial force. The authors assumed that the crack does
larity prevails on all rays emanating from the crack not propagate and remains open during the beams
tip. Application of such elements does not require vibrations. Admission of a complete opening of the
condensation of the finite-element mesh around the crack in this case was correct because the beam was
crack tip and, consequently, the time required for subjected to the action of a constant axial force.
numerical calculations is significantly shorter. Ostachowicz and Krawczuk also developed a
In the last decade, new finite-element method model of a shaft of constant cross section with a
(FEM)-based models were formulated. Researchers crack. The shaft was modeled by finite elements. The
assumed that a failure appears inside the special crack was considered to be open. The stiffness matrix
finite element. A model of a truss finite element for the element with a crack was formulated. The
with an open one-sided transverse crack was devel- model takes into consideration the torsionalbending
oped by Krawczuk [65]. Models of beam finite interaction in rotor vibration (Figure 6).
elements with fatigue cracks of different types can The curved beam finite element with a transverse,
be found in the work of Haisty and Springer [66], one-edged, nonpropagating, open crack (Figure 7)
Gounaris and Dimarogonas [67], and Chen and Chen was investigated by Krawczuk and Ostachowicz [71].
[68]. Krawczuk and Ostachowicz [69] investigated The authors presented an analysis of the effect of the
a mathematical, FEM-based model of a beam with crack position, and of its location, on the changes in
a crack, loaded at the end with a constant tensile the in-plane natural frequencies and mode shapes of
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic/Composite Structures 7


F4 F5

c h A
a T
b/ F1

F3 F2
b/2 a


Figure 7. A curved beam finite element with transverse, one-edged, nonpropagating open crack (by Krawczuk and
Ostachowicz [71]).

My (x,0)


Mzy (x,0)

Figure 8. A plate finite element with a fatigue crack (by Qian et al. [73]).

the clampedclamped arch. The authors assumed that of the local flexibility. The inertia and stiffness
the crack only changes the stiffness of the element, matrices take into account the effect of flexural
with the mass of the element remaining unchanged. bending deformation due to the crack presence. They
The investigated model of the cracked element is are formulated in closed forms.
restricted to curved beams with a rectangular cross Along with one-dimensional models, special mode-
section. ls of two- or three-dimensional construction elements
A cracked beam finite element, which is based (see Figure 8) with fatigue cracks were also investi-
on elastoplastic fracture mechanics, was formulated gated. The cracks occurring in a plate can be modeled
by Krawczuk et al. [72]. Crack-tip plasticity, at the by the finite-element method in various ways. Plate
cracked cross section, was included in the model finite elements with fatigue cracks were used by
8 Simulation

Qian et al. [73], Krawczuk [74], and Krawczuk and It has been assumed that the crack changes only the
Ostachowicz [75], while a solid finite element with a stiffness of the element, whereas the mass of the
fatigue crack was developed by Krawczuk and Osta- element remains unchanged.
chowicz [76], and a shell element by Krawczuk [77]. A method of creating the stiffness matrix of a
Krawczuk and Ostachowicz presented a method hexahedral eight-node finite element with a single,
of creating the stiffness matrix of a finite plate nonpropagating, transverse, one-edged crack at half
element with a nonpropagating, internal, open crack of its length was investigated by Krawczuk and
(Figure 9). The method is similar to that described Ostachowicz [76] Figure 10. The crack was modeled
by Qian et el. [73] but, contrary to their approach, by adding an additional flexibility matrix to that of
the stiffness matrix of the cracked element was given the noncracked element. The terms of the additional
in a closed form. The additional flexibility matrix was matrix were calculated by using an approximated
calculated by taking into account the additional elastic model of the stress intensity factor.
stress energy due to the occurrence of the crack in Damage models in composite structures have been
the plate. The method is restricted to cracks whose studied extensively by many researchers. Krawczuk
length is smaller than the dimensions of the element. et al. proposed [78] the formulation of a finite

S5 Sd 3
z H /2
a S9

a H
S1 S12
S3 S10
1 4 x
S2 S11
L /2

Figure 9. A four-node plate finite element with a crack (by Krawczuk and Ostachowicz [75]).

S11 S23
4 S12 8
S8 S20
S9 7
S7 S19
p (x, y, L /2)

S2 S14
q (x, y, L /2) H
1 5 S15
S1 z
S5 S17
g S13 B
r (x, y, L /2)
S6 6 S18
S4 S16
Figure 10. Hexahedral finite element with an open crack (by Krawczuk and Ostachowicz [76]).
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic/Composite Structures 9

Fiber is open (i.e., the contact forces between lower and

q1 q3 q5
upper parts are neglected).
a q4 q6 B The delaminated region is modeled by three finite
q2 a
elements, which are connected at the delamination
I II III H crack tip where additional boundary conditions are
applied. Each element has three nodes with three
L /2 L /2 degrees of freedom, which are axial displacements,
c r ,c f transverse displacements, and the independent rota-
u y1 uy 2 tions. In addition to general conditions of beams
theory, two different assumptions were used. One
was that the extensional and bending stiffnesses are
ux 1 ux 2 x uncoupled.
A model of a finite delaminated plate element
dx was developed by Zak et al. [80]. Figures 13 and 14
present a way of modeling the delaminated region
Figure 11. The finite composite beam element with an in a composite plate with delamination. The delami-
open crack (by Krawczuk et al. [78]).
nation is modeled by three-plate finite elements and,
to connect them, additional boundary condition are
composite beam element with an open crack. The applied at the delamination front. Each finite element
damaged part of the beam was modeled by a special has eight nodes with five degrees of freedom.
finite element with a crack (Figure 11), while the
undamaged part was substituted by a three-noded
beam element. The crack was placed in the middle of 4.2 Spectral finite-element method
the element and remained open. The angle between
the fiber and the axis of the element was . The The spectral element method (SEM) is a tech-
element had three nodes. Each of them had two nique that combines the geometric flexibility of finite
degrees of freedom: transverse displacements and
rotations. In the paper [78], only the case of flat
bending was considered. B
Krawczuk et al. [79] investigated a model of a a
layered, delaminated composite beam. The beam was Fiber
modeled by beam finite elements with three nodes and H
three degrees of freedom per node (Figure 12). In the L
delaminated region, additional boundary conditions Figure 13. The multilayer composite plate with delami-
were applied. It was assumed that the delamination nation (by Zak et al. [80]).

q3 a
q2 (1) (2) B
I q1 II y3 III

L /2 L /2

Figure 12. Delamination of a beam modeled by finite elements (by Krawczuk et al. [79]).
10 Simulation

z, w

y, n 2 7

fy 4
fx 1 6
x, u

Figure 14. The region of the delamination modeled by finite elements (by Zak et al. [80]).

elements with the high accuracy of spectral methods. h

This method is widely applied for damage detection h =1
based on analysis of anomalies in elastic waves prop-
agation. In the literature, two main versions of the
method are reported.
The first formulation, called the forward Fourier
transformation (FFT )-based spectral element met-
hod, was proposed by Doyle [81] and developed x
(especially for damage detection) by Gopalakrishnan x = 1 x =1
et al. [82]. This technique is very similar to the tech-
nique of the FEM as far as the assembly and the
solution of the equation of motion are concerned.
Firstly, the excitation signal is transformed into a
number of frequency components using the FFT.
Next, as a part of a big frequency loop (as opposed
h = 1
to a loop overtime in the conventional finite element
(FE) formulation), the dynamic stiffness matrix is Figure 15. Location of nodes in the spectral finite element
generated, transformed, and then a solution is found (time domain formulation) of the sixth order.
for each unit impulse at each frequency. This directly
yields the frequency response function (FRF) of an idea of SEM is very similar to the FEM, except
analyzed problem. The calculated frequency-domain for specific approximation. The element interpolation
responses are then transformed back to the time nodes are placed at the zeros of an appropriate family
domain using the inverse fast Fourier transforma- of orthogonal polynomials (Legendre or Chebyshev)
tion (IFFT). It proves that this technique is well Figure 15. A set of local shape functions consisting
suited for simple one-dimensional problems but is of Lagrange polynomials, which go through this
inefficient when the geometry becomes complex or point, are used. As a consequence, in conjunc-
when two- or three-dimensional problems must be tion with the GaussLobattoLegendre integration
analyzed. This method was applied for analysis of rule, the diagonal mass matrix is obtained. In this
wave propagation in one-dimensional structures with way, the cost of numerical calculation is much less
different kinds of damages like cracks [8385] or than in the case of the classic FE approach. More-
delaminations [8690]. over, the numerical error decreases faster than any
The second formulation of the method, called power of 1/p (spectral convergence), where p is
the time-domain-based spectral element method, was the order of the polynomial expansion. The analysis
proposed by Patera in 1984 [91]. This version is of the influence of different kinds of damages on
much more versatile for the analysis of elastic wave elastic wave propagation in one-dimensional struc-
propagation in structures of complex geometry. The tures are presented in papers [92], whereas two-
method originates from the use of spectral series dimensional problems are described in the following
for solution of partial differential equations. The works [93, 94].
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic/Composite Structures 11

4.3 Boundary element method of construction elements. This method was used
to investigate vibrations of beams with cracks by
The boundary element method is still not being Ibrahim [96] and Ismail et al. [97]. The advantage of
commonly used in studies of the influence of fatigue this method is that the existing software for the graph
damage on dynamic behavior of construction elemen- method can be very effectively used. An example
ts. Despite this, this method is being very successfully of a beam with a fatigue crack modeled by the use
used in studies of static behavior of construction of the graph method is presented in Figure 17. In
elements with cracks such as determination of stress this case, the damage is modeled by substitution
intensity factors, strain or stress fields around the of the crack by equivalent stiffness. Similar to the
crack tip, and similar studies. Also, existing software continuous models and the transition matrix method,
developed for the boundary element method can be the discussed approach does not take into account
effectively used. a singular character of the stress and strain fields
around the crack tip with all the consequences already
4.4 Transition matrix method
An application of the transition matrix method in 4.6 Analog method
modeling and studies of natural frequencies of a
beam with a fatigue crack can be found in the work The analog method was applied in modeling of beams
by Sato [95] (Figure 16). This is the only example and frames with fatigue cracks by Tsyfansky and
available in the literature on the use of this method Beresnevich. [98] and Akgun and Ju [99]. A fatigue
for the investigation of the dynamic behavior of crack in this method is modeled by the decrease
construction elements with fatigue cracks. In the in the electrical resistance representing the bending
model presented by Sato, only a change of the beam stiffness of the beam. Also, in this approach, a
cross section in the place of a crack was considered singular character of stress and strain fields around
and therefore, similar to the continuous models, in the crack tip is neglected. An example of an analog
this model a singular character of the stress and strain system modeling a cantilever beam with several
fields around the crack tip was not maintained. Thus, fatigue cracks is presented in Figure 18.
mathematical models elaborated by the use of the
transition matrix method like the model developed
by Sato describe changes in the stiffness of the beam 5 CONCLUSIONS
caused by a notch rather than by a real fatigue
crack. In this paper, a number of typical models of cracked
and delaminated structures have been described.
There are many challenges in the development of
4.5 Graph method models of structural stiffness loss due to damage.
Typical ones are those that have the ability to identify
The graph method, similar to the boundary element minor changes of stiffness in composite structures.
method and the transition matrix method, is not Analytical methods to predict changes in the stiff-
commonly used in studies relating to the influ- ness parameters become dubious with complex struc-
ence of fatigue damage on the dynamic behavior tures. The difficulties lie in restrictions described in


TMM part FEM part TMM part

Figure 16. A beam with a fatigue crack modeled by the transition matrix method (by Sato [95]).
12 Simulation


21 31 22 32 23 33 24 34 25 35
S I S I S I S I S I SE Translational
1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 99
16 17 26 27 36 37 46 47 56 57
71 91 72 92 73 93 74 94 75 95
Fixed end Free end
TF:n1 TF:n2 TF:n3 TF:n4 TF:n5 TF:n6 TF:n7 TF:n8 TF:n9 TF:n10

81 10 82 20 83 30 84 40 85 50
18 19 28 29 38 39 48 49
61 41 6 42 7 43 8 44 9 45
R I S I S I S I S I Rotational
52 62 53 63 54 64 55 65


C* stiffness at crack location

Figure 17. A cantilever beam with a fatigue crack modeled by the graph method (by Ismail et al. [97]).

L1 L2 Lk +1

a1 ak
2b k1 k2 kk
a1 ak

(a) (b)

E11 Z1 Z1 E12 1/k1 E21 Z2 Z2 E22 1/k2 Ek +1,1 Z Zk +1 Ek +1,2

k +1

M1 Z10 M2 Z20 M3 Mk +1 Zk +1,0

Z10, Z20, Zk +10 resistors for crack modeling
Figure 18. An analog system modeling a cantilever beam with a fatigue crack (by Akgun and Ju [99]).

detail in Section 2. So far, the FEM-based methods of stiffness, a large amount of work is still to be
have been more realistic for application in engi- done.
neering constructions. Current and future work is concentrated on the
Laboratory experiments are often conducted to integration of various models into a uniform system.
ensure the reality of analytical and numerical models. Studies are also being carried out on other failures
Therefore, to develop practical and capable detection that appear in the composite structure.
Detection of Degraded Zones in Metallic/Composite Structures 13

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Chapter 44
A Simplified Damage Model
for SHM Metallic and Composite

N. Hu1 , D. R. Mahapatra2 and Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan2

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

damage identification or structural health monitoring

1 Introduction 1 (SHM) (see Ultrasonic Methods; Guided-wave
2 Field Interpolation 3 Array Methods; Modeling of Lamb Waves in
Composite Structures). Applications of various
3 Weak Formulation in Frequency
numerical approaches or numerical modeling in this
Domain 7
field can be mainly categorized into the following
4 Numerical Implementation 8 three areas: (i) characterization of Lamb waves,
5 Numerical Examples 10 e.g., the dispersion nature; (ii) investigation on
6 Conclusions 15 Lamb wave scattering by damage; and (iii) direction
References 17 application of numerically simulated Lamb wave
signals in damage identification or damage evaluation
(see Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite
Structures). We review these three application areas
one by one as follows.
1 INTRODUCTION The nature of dispersion Lamb waves can provide
a lot of important information for SHM or damage
Wave propagation phenomena in solids have received identification, such as mode selection, nondispersive
a great deal of attention due to their manifestation zone for optimizing the excitation frequency, and
in various engineering problems. For instance, the wave propagation speed, etc. There are numerous
mechanisms of Lamb waves have been rigorously analytical studies on the dispersion nature of Lamb
examined over the years for their application to waves, one of them being the well-known transfer
matrix approach. They are not reviewed here since
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by our focus is on numerical modeling for complex
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 media. Owing to the complexity of Lamb waves
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. in composites, such as the different wave velocities
2 Simulation

for different laminate layouts, the finite element and delaminations [11, 12] in beam structures. The
method (FEM) has been developed in parallel for spectral element method utilizes the exact solution
this purpose. For example, FEM models that allow to the strong form of the elastodynamics for finite
particle displacement to vary as cubic polynomials element (FE) interpolation at discrete frequencies.
in the z direction (through-thickness direction) and Computationally, it is a very efficient and powerful
to vary harmonically in the x direction (span direc- method for analyzing the high-frequency responses.
tion) were developed to evaluate the dispersion nature In the third area, tremendous efforts [1316]
of Lamb waves in carbon fiber/resin composite lami- have been directed to solve the damage identi-
nates [1, 2]. The models are able to simulate hori- fication problem as an inverse pattern-recognition
zontal shear mode (Love wave). problem through comparison between numerical anal-
There have also been a number of studies in the ysis results and experimentally captured signals,
second area of Lamb wave scattering by damages including artificial neural networks. With the use of
in structures, which can provide some fundamental numerical models, most of these techniques do not
information for damage identification, such as reflec- need the experimental baseline data of intact struc-
tion intensity from damage. For instance, for isotropic tures, although they may be referred to, e.g., as in
materials, Karim et al. [3] studied Lamb wave scat- [14]. Techniques of this kind, which provide detailed
tering from cracks and inclusions in a plate due to a information of damage shape or extent, need a careful
vertical Gaussian beam load using a hybrid FEM and verification of the effectiveness of the numerical
normal function expansion method. Mal and Chang models by comparing them with the experimental
[4] investigated the scattering of Lamb waves from data to increase the reliability and accuracy (see
rivet holes and cracks in plates by using hybrid Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Struc-
frequency-domain FEM and normal mode expansion tures).
(called globallocal FEM technique) followed by As stated above, owing to the extreme importance
inverse fast Fourier transformation (FFT) to obtain of numerical modeling or numerical characterization
the scattered field in time domain. Hu et al. [5] of elastic waves (e.g., Lamb waves) in the field
employed a 3-D hybrid FEM to study the Lamb of damage identification and SHM, over the years,
wave scattering caused by a circular hole in metallic many numerical techniques have been developed for
plate, and obtained the relationship between the dealing with elastic wave problems. Such methods
reflection intensity and wave incident angle. In the include: the finite difference method (FDM) [17], the
above studies [35], because of the employment conventional FEM [1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 1820] and the
of the conventional FEM for whole structures or boundary element method (BEM) [21, 22]. These
at least for damaged regions, in general, very fine methods can deal with most complex situations, espe-
meshes should be used, especially in the damaged cially the complex geometry, arbitrary time history
zones. For composite materials, Liu and Achenbach of excitation, and the nonlocal properties. However,
[6] employed the strip element method to model computational solvability and accuracy based on
wave propagation in composite laminates containing these approaches deteriorate dramatically as the
matrix cracks. Aberg and Gudmundson [7] proposed spatial domain becomes larger and as the time dura-
a higher-order beam theory to analyze the transient tion of the excitation becomes shorter. For instance,
waves in laminated beams containing matrix cracks among the versatile computational methods devel-
and fiber breakage. The interaction between Lamb oped till date, the standard hp-FEM can deal with
waves and delaminations has also been investigated most complex situations. However, in the context of
numerically by the conventional 2-D FEM [8] and the wave propagation problem, the main disadvantage
3-D FEM [9]. For instance, the detailed position of such hp-FEM with polynomial interpolation is that,
of a delamination in a laminated beam, where the the higher the frequency, the greater the number of
strongest reflection takes place, was identified for S0 elements required for obtaining accurate results, and,
mode [9], which facilitates a more accurate identifi- consequently, high computational costs.
cation of location of the delamination. Further, some Parallel to the above general approaches, there
recent studies were focused on the improvement of have been quite remarkable progresses on exact
the spectral element method for matrix cracks [10] or seminumerical methods, which rely upon the
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 3

strong form of the boundary value problem (BVP) numerical simulation of elastic wave propagation,
as opposed to its weak form as in the FEM. For especially the wave scattering of structures containing
simple 1-D geometry with general boundary condi- damages, is a key issue for developing highly reliable
tions and for 2-D or 3-D geometries with periodic or and applicable SHM techniques or damage identifica-
semi-infinite boundary conditions, asymptotic solu- tion techniques. Some new numerical approaches are
tions have been employed to develop various numer- still needed to tackle this problem more efficiently
ical methods, namely, the transfer function matrix and with greater flexibility. Keeping this in mind, the
method [23], dynamic stiffness matrix method [24], main objective of this work is to construct a highly
spacetime FEM [25], strip element method [6], accurate element to simulate elastic wave propagation
spectral FEM for beams [1012, 26, 27], and Levy- in 2-D problems of metallic and composite materials
type plate [28]. In general, these methods that are containing damages. Two different types of interpo-
constructed in the frequency domain need much less lation bases are used in two orthogonal directions:
memory storage space for necessary data due to a (i) the superposed harmonic wave-type solution using
lower level of discretization and application of the wave vector (k) from an assumed kinematic theory
exact solution in one direction, which is very effec- (e.g., first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) for
tive for the computation of forced wave motion under the present beam problem) and (ii) the Lagrangian
much higher frequencies. However, it is very difficult family of interpolation. While dealing with the wave
to use them for problems with complex geometries. In propagation problem in complex geometry, the above
general, almost all of above exact or seminumerical description of the displacement field has definite
approaches are built up in the frequency domain and advantage over the exact spectral interpolation. As a
the responses in the time domain should be obtained consequence of the hybrid interpolation using (i) and
through inverse FFT. (ii), a weak formulation of the BVP becomes neces-
Another important approach is a spectral or pseu- sary. Therefore, we employ a frequency-domain vari-
dospectral method in the time domain, which may ational approach and derive the frequency-dependent
have been first proposed by Patera [29], based on dynamic stiffness matrix, the mass matrix, and the
trial functions of the Chebyshev series, for the solu- consistent load vector. Compared with many previous
tion of partial differential equations of laminar flow studies for wave scattering with the conventional
problems. Despite the terminology, this method in the FEM [35, 8, 9], by using a coarse mesh, this
time domain is completely different from the spectral element can effectively model the region having
element methods [1012, 2628] in the frequency various damages, i.e., the interior region, in metallic
domain. An important advantage of this method is and composite materials with high flexibility. Ordi-
that the numerical errors decrease more quickly than nary spectral elements are used to model the exterior
any power of 1/p, i.e., the so-called spectral conver- regions or far-field regions for enhancing computa-
gence, where p is the order of the polynomial used tional efficiency. Displacement continuity and equi-
[30]. At present, the main application fields of this librium of forces between the interior region
pseudospectral method include: fluid dynamics, heat and the exterior region are modeled using the
transfer, acoustics, seismology, and so on. Despite globallocal approach [3, 4, 7]. Numerical examples
its wide application, the available literature suggests are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new
that the use of this pseudospectral method has been element and to study the behavior of wave propaga-
quite limited in the fields of elastic wave propaga- tion in cracked or delaminated beams.
tion in 2-D plate structures, e.g., as described only in
[31, 32], to the best of the authors knowledge. The
idea of the pseudospectral element method is quite 2 FIELD INTERPOLATION
similar to that of FEM except for the specific piece-
wise interpolation functions such as the orthogonal 2.1 Solution to one-dimensional wave
Chebyshev or the Legendre polynomials that it uses dispersion
within elements.
From the above brief review of some limited In this section, the authors give a brief outline of
previous studies, it can be seen that successful the steps involved in obtaining the spectral family of
4 Simulation

y, v

x, u

xL xU
Spectral element Spectral element
New element

Exterior region Interior region Exterior region

Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the problem geometry.

interpolation functions by solving the characteristic parameters are introduced:

system in terms of the wavenumber (k). These func-
tions are then used to interpolate the displacements ka = , kb = m , kr = m (2a)
along the longitudinal direction (x) of the beam (see ca cb cs
Figure 1). In this article, while arriving at the wave   
A11 4 D11 m A55
dispersion model, the authors apply FSDT for the ca = , cb = , cs = (2b)
beam considered as an equivalent single layer. The I0 I0 I0
formulations given by Mahapatra and Gopalakrishnan  
B11 I2
[27] are employed. r= , s1 = m ,
First, cross-sectional stiffness and inertial coeffi- (A11 D11 ) A55
cients of the beam are defined as follows [27]: 
s2 = (2c)
(I0 I2 )
[Akl , Bkl , Dkl ] = Q kl [1, y, y 2 ]bw dy (1a)
i yi For the coupled axialflexural shear deforma-
 yi+1 tion, without the thickness contractional modes, the
[I0 , I1 , I2 ] = [1, y, y 2 ]bw dy (1b) wavenumbers (kj ) associated with the individual
i yi wave modes at frequency m are determined by
solving the following equation:

 2 rk k 2 
 (kj2 ka2 )
s 1 s 2 ka

a j 
 kr kr2 
 0 (kj kr )
2 2
ikj =0 (3)
 rk 2 k 2 kr kj 
2 2

 r j

 k k 2 s1 s2 kr ikj s1 1 4
a b

where y is the thickness coordinate perpendicular to The characteristic system given by equation (3) can
the beam reference plane, bw the width of the beam, be expressed as follows:
the mass density, and Q kl the elastic constitutive
tensor of the ith layer. In addition, the following akj6 + bkj4 + ckj2 + d = 0 (4)
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 5

where the associated wave vector, whose amplitude is the

wavenumber, must have an opposite sign. The real
a = 1 r2 (5a) part of the wave number must have an opposite sign
(the imaginary part is attenuation). Therefore, one
2rs1 s2 ka kb2 s12 kb4
b= (1 r 2 )kr2 (5b) must have: Re[k1 ] = Re[a + ib], Re[k2 ] = Re[a
kr kr2 ka2 ib] = Re[k1 ] = Re[a + ib]. The last equation is a
c = ka2 kr2 2rs1 s2 ka kr kb2 contradiction. Consequently, the assumption that the
bulk wavenumbers are complex is not true.
s12 (1 s22 )ka2 kb4 Depending on the material configuration and geom-
(1 s12 )kb4 + (5c)
kr2 etry, the other modes may have complex wavenum-
bers. Note that the shear mode starts propagating
d = [1 s12 (1 s22 )]ka2 kb4 (5d)
only for frequencies greater than the cutoff frequency
[27], where the term of cutoff frequency means the
The six roots of equation (4) are given by

3 q q 2 p 3 3 q q 2 p 3 b
k1,2 = + + + + (6a)
2 2 2 2 2 2 3a

3 q q 2 p 3 3 q q 2 p 3 b
k3,4 = 2 + + + 1 + (6b)
2 2 2 2 2 2 3a

3 q q 2 p 3 3 q q 2 p 3 b
k5,6 = 1 + + + 2 + (6c)
2 2 2 2 2 2 3a

where frequency below which a specified wave fails to prop-

agate in media.
(27ca 9ab )
2 2
p= , 
27a 3
(27da 2 9abc + 2b2 ) cutoff = (8)
q= (7a) I2 (1 s22 )
27a 3

1 + i 3 1 i 3 When m < cutoff , the shear waves are evanes-
1 = , 2 = (7b) cent in nature. Usually, if there are unsymmetrical
2 2
damages in beams, the components in the reflected
The three pairs of wavenumbers in equation (6ac) waves contain the axial wave mode. However, in
are distinct (except at few frequencies where cross- this article, the authors deal with the damages, which
over may occur), since they represent the axial, are only symmetric with respect to the middle plane
the flexural, and the shear modes, respectively. of the beam of a symmetric stacking sequence. It is
The axial mode must strictly have real wavenum- proper to consider flexural and shear waves only.
bers. The reason can be explained as follows: first
assume that the wavenumbers for axial modes are
complex. Then they should exist in conjugate form, 2.2 Enriched interpolation of the
i.e., k1 = a + ib, k2 = a ib. Since the bulk wave displacement field
equations are of second order, even when they are
coupled with flexural waves, they propagate with After transforming the longitudinal displacement
forward and backward wave components. Hence, u(x, y, t) and the transverse displacement v(x, y, t)
6 Simulation

(see Figure 1) from the time domain to the frequency the displacement field in equation (9) can be traced to
domain, their frequency-domain counterparts are a new and general numerical methodology in recent
expanded as linear combinations of orthogonal basis times, namely, the partition of unity finite element
functions. The bases for interpolation parallel to the method (PUFEM), for solving Helmholtz equations
x axis are the four wave modes i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 [3335], where at each of the FE nodes, the potential
(the forward and the backward propagating flexural is expanded into one or multiple discrete series of
wave modes, and the forward and the backward prop- plane waves. However, no work has been reported for
agating/evanescent shear wave modes). The bases for elastic waves in bounded media. The present element
interpolation parallel to the y axis are the Lagrangian is also termed as PUFEM in the following content.
family of interpolation functions. Thus, the displace- To prevent transverse shear locking while applying
ment components of u and v in the frequency domain FSDT, the order of approximation has to be at least
are expressed as quadratic along the y axis. Therefore, 8- or 12-noded
isoparametric shape functions are used as the old

NW shape functions. Rewriting the enriched interpolation
um (x, y, m ) = Nj (x, y)l (x)Alj (9a) functions as Pj,l = Nj l , the displacement field can
j =1 l=1 be expressed as


v m (x, y, m ) = Nj (x, y)l (x)Bjl (9b) u(x, y, t) 

j = l=1
= ueim t (11)
v(x, y, t)

where Alj and Bjl are the boundary-dependent coeffi- where M is the number of sampling points in the
cients for each of the wave modes l = 1, . . . , 4; n is frequency domain, and
the number of elemental nodes; NW is the number
of used wavenumbers (k1 , k2 , k3 , and k4 ); and Nj are  
1 0 2 0 n 0
the standard FE Lagrangian interpolation functions, = (12)
0 1 0 2 0 n
i.e., the old shape functions. In other words, l are
the spectral enrichment functions over Nj . For the
present beam problem, they are described as
j = [ Pj,1 Pj,2 Pj,NW ] (13)
1 = ei[k1 (xxL )] , 2 = ei[k2 (xU x)] (10a)
3 = ei[k3 (xxL )] , 4 = ei[k4 (xU x)] < cutoff u is a vector consisting of unknown nodal coeffi-
3 = ei[k3 (xxL )] , 4 = ei[k4 (xU x)] cutoff
u = { 1 1 n n }T (14)
where k1 and k2 are the wavenumbers of flexural where
waves, which are positive real, and negative real
numbers, respectively. k3 and k4 are wavenumbers j = { A1j A2j ANW } (15a)
of shear waves, which are positive imaginary and
negative imaginary numbers when the frequencies j = { Bj1 Bj2 BjNW } (15b)
are smaller than cutoff . xL and xU denote the x
coordinates of the left and the right cross sections of In equation (15a and 15b), for the different boun-
the interior region, respectively as shown in Figure 1. dary conditions, careful definition of parameters Anj
Generally, it is convenient to define them in the local and Bjn is needed. For example, for the energy
coordinate system. absorbing boundary condition in the following exam-
The enrichment functions l in equation (10) occur ples, the parameters in Anj and Bjn corresponding to
in pairs, where one member of the pair is the mirror the backward propagating modes should be set to
image of the other. In fact, the origin of this idea for be zero.
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 7

3 WEAK FORMULATION IN To obtain the straindisplacement matrix , the

derivatives in equation (20) are calculated as follows:
Pj,l Nj
With the above description of the enriched displace- = + ikl Nj l (21a)
x x
ment field, the Hamiltonian for the two-dimensional  
elastodynamics is given by Pj,l Nj
= l (21b)
 t2    y y
P = T D dx dy The kinetic energy term in equation (16) can
t1 2 
further be expanded as
qT ds PTk k 1 d T d
S = dx dy dt
k=1 t1 2  dt dt
 T   t2
1 d d 1 d T 
dx dy dt (16) = dx dy 
2  dt dt 2  dt t1
where t1 and t2 are the starting time and ending time,  t2   2
1 d
respectively, D is the elasticity matrix for the plane T 2 dx dy dt (22)
t1 2  dt
stress model adopted here, is a vector containing
the two displacement components and is defined as where
d u 
u d dt 2 
2 M
= (17) um im t
v = = 2
m e
dt 2
The diagonal matrix for mass density can be dt 2
expressed as 

  = 2
m ueim t (23)
= (18) m=1
Subsequently, similar to the displacement field in
The terms Pk and q in equation (16) are the applied equation (11), by employing FFT, the distributed load
concentrated loads and applied distributed loads, q and concentrated load Pk in the time domain are
respectively. The strain vector in equation (16) is described as
defined in the following form 

q(x, y, t) = q(x, y, m )eim t ,



xx v 

= yy = = ueim t Pk (xk , yk , t) = Pk (xk , yk , m )eim t (24)



u + v

y x For the convenience of description, the local

(19) elemental variables are transferred into the structural
where global ones as: u = TU. Finally, equation (16) for an
1 2 n arbitrary element can be rewritten as
0 0 0
x x x  M 
1 2 n 1 T
= 0 P = U TT T DTU dx dy
0 y
y y t1 m=1 2 

1 1 2 2 n n 

y x y x y x qT TU ds Pk k TU
(20) S k=1
8 Simulation

1 2 T T T im t 2
where J is the Jacobian matrix for isoparametric
m U T TU dx dy (e ) dt mapping. The expression f (, ) involves the product
 t2 of the old shape function, their derivatives, etc.
1 d T 
dx dy  (25) In this section, the evaluation of these integrals is
2  dt t1 carried out using higher-order GaussLegendre inte-
gration scheme. At the integration points within an
Using a variational principle, the FE equilibrium element, x of ei(kl x) and ei(km x) in equation (28) can be
equation is obtained as evaluated from the shape functions Nj of the current
element. The number of integration points depends on
(K m
M)U = P (26) the element nodal spacing with respect to the smallest
wavelength (l = 2/kl ) at a given frequency m .
where the complex matrices are expressed as follows: As shown later, only a few of the proposed elements
in the spanwise direction of the beam, and hence,
 a few degrees of freedom can produce sufficient
K= TT T DT dx dy (27a) accuracy even for high-frequency excitation if the
1 proper numerical integration scheme is used. There-
 fore, unlike the Lagrangian FEM, the computational
M= TT T T dx dy (27b) time is mainly consumed at the step of numerical inte-
1 e gration while calculating the dynamic stiffness matrix
K and the mass matrix, but not at the step of FE system
P= qT T ds Pk k T (27c) solution. Numerical implementation of the proposed
1 S k=1 element requires efficient integration algorithms, such
as frequency-dependent and elemental size-dependent
where NE is the number of elements. The main numerical integration schemes. Consider a section
advantage of the above formulation is that a complex with unit length, i.e., x [0, 1], the number of cycles
distribution in the y axis can be modeled easily by of sine and cosine functions within the domain is
Lagangian FE interpolation, and a long but finite span around 0.1k1 . Therefore, to integrate one single cycle
in the x axis can be modeled accurately using a much accurately, at least 30 G integration points are needed.
smaller number of these new elements compared to For example, for more accuracy, if 60 G integration
the standard Lagrangian FE model. Moreover, the points are taken for one cycle of sine and cosine func-
near-exact feature of wave propagation characteristics tions, the number of Gauss integration points (NG)
along the x axis is ensured, which leads to spectral for the element i in the x axis is roughly determined
convergence for interpolation parallel to the x axis. as N Gi = 6Lie k1i (m ), where k1i (m ) is the flexural
Subsequently, the h convergence can be expected for wavenumber of the element i at frequency m , and
interpolation parallel to the y axis, since the wave Lie is the length along the x axis of the element i.
modes are only functions of the x axis. However, the minimum number of Gauss integra-
tion points is set to be 6. Such a consistent choice
of frequency-dependent and elemental size-dependent
4 NUMERICAL integration scheme can efficiently reduce the compu-
tational cost. In the direction parallel to the y axis,
IMPLEMENTATION the number of Gauss integration points is set to be
In the elemental matrices in equation (27ac), the two for an 8-noded element and three for a 12-noded
integrals encountered are of the form element, respectively.
Having obtained U containing Alj and Bjl , the
 1  1 displacements in the frequency domain can be calcu-
Ilm = f (, )ei(kl x) ei(km x) |J|d d lated using equation (9); therefore, the solution in
1 1 the time domain is evaluated simply by applying the
(28) inverse FFT.
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 9

4.1 Assemblage of the interior and the the exterior region. As shown in Figure 1, this new
exterior regions using globallocal element is employed for the smaller interior region,
approach and the ordinary spectral elements are used to model
the exterior region. Another purpose of assembling
As verified later from the numerical examples, the the ordinary spectral element for the uniform exterior
proposed PUFEM is very efficient for quasi-two- region is to reduce the computational cost to a greater
dimensional waves propagation at low, as well extent.
as high frequencies. However, at high frequen- In the globallocal approach, the displacement
cies, the accuracy is not so high when the forward continuity at the boundary of the two regions must be
and the backward propagation exist simultaneously ensured. With the help of equation (9), and by setting
and the propagation distance is long. The main reason Nj = 1, the condition of displacement continuity
is the dissimilar orders in the diagonal elements of the between the interior and the exterior regions (see
stiffness and the mass matrices, which are contributed Figure 1) at the node j in an arbitrary new element
by the exponential terms, i.e., the terms determined by can be expressed as
wavenumbers k3 and k4 . For high-frequency waves,
the components of stiffness and mass matrices, which 

involve 3 = ei[k3 (xxL )] in equation (9) for large x, um (x, y, m ) = l Alj = y(x, m ) (29a)
and 4 = ei[k4 (xU x)] in equation (9) for large xU l=1

and small x, are too small compared to the other 

elements in the matrices. These small elements, espe- v m (x, y, m ) = l Bjl = w(x, m ) (29b)
cially small diagonal elements of the stiffness and l=1
mass matrices, may cause the numerical instability.
For instance, to deal with the boundary conditions where (x, m ) and w(x, m ) are the rotation and
for propagation in both directions, the forward and the transverse displacement degrees of freedom in the
backward terms are coupled at the boundary. When x spectral element on the side of the exterior region (see
is large at the boundary, the forward terms involving [27] for details).
3 = ei[k3 (xxL )] are very small. On the other hand, There exist three different approaches for enforcing
the backward terms involving 4 = ei[k4 (xU x)] are the interface displacement continuity in the context
well conditioned. The numerical instability is thus of globallocal FE analysis. The first approach is
inherent. the direct enforcement of the constraints at the
For the cases of unidirectional propagation of interfaces as reported by Gopalakrishnan and Doyle
waves, e.g., only forward propagation alone, the [36]. The second approach is the weak enforcement
elements of the stiffness matrix and the mass matrix using Lagrange multiplier as reported by Halliday
involve only the term 3 = ei[k3 (xxL )] . As stated and Grosh [37]. Finally, the third approach is the
above, although this term has the similar exponential weak enforcement based on multipoint constraints
characteristics as x increases, by collocating the diag- as reported by Mahapatra and Gopalakrishnan [12].
onal elements corresponding to the exponential decay While using two dissimilar models, e.g., standard
in the matrix (K m 2
M) in a decreasing sequence, Lagrangian FE model for the interior region and
the numerical instability can be effectively removed. the ordinary spectral element model for the exte-
However, this technique is not suited for the cases of rior region, direct enforcement of interface constraints
the simultaneous propagation of forward and back- [36] appears computationally intensive and requires
ward waves. For such double directional propagation cross-checking against numerical convergence.
of high-frequency waves, the PUFEM is only appli- Again, from the authors numerical experience, it
cable for short traveling distance. In fact, from the is found that the penalty function method is not
authors numerical experience, the existence of the efficient while using dissimilar models for the exte-
exponential decay causes many numerical problems. rior and the interior regions, since the choice of
To overcome this problem, the new element needs penalty parameters is very difficult and the introduc-
to be combined with the ordinary spectral element tion of large penalty parameters may result in numer-
model or any other efficient discretized model of ical instability. In the present globallocal approach,
10 Simulation

the Lagrange multiplier method is employed to constants are consistently used in all the examples.
enforce the displacement continuity conditions given The responses at the far ends are assumed to be
in equation (29a and b). zero and the reflected wave modes are eliminated.
To impose such absorbing boundary conditions, the
nodal degrees of freedom corresponding to the back-
5 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES ward propagating modes are set to be zero. It means
that A2j , A4j , Bj2 , and Bj4 in equation (9) are set to
5.1 Comparison with the traditional FEM be zero at all the nodes. Furthermore, A1j , A3j , Bj1 ,
Consider a one-dimensional (1-D) beam shown in and Bj3 in equation (9), which are the degrees of
Figure 2, which is subjected to a transverse load P (t) freedom corresponding to the forward propagation,
at the free end, i.e., x = 0, which is expressed as are set to be zero at the nodes on the far end. Two
measurement points are considered at x = 0.0 mm,
 2f t
t N and at x = 210.0 mm from the source of excitation.

0.5 1 cos sin(2f t) ,
N f Comparison of the time histories of deflections at the
P (t) =

t > N measurement points is shown in Figure 3. This result
0, reveals that the PUFEM can attain very high accu-
(30) racy, although the mesh is very coarse. In fact, the
where f is the central frequency in hertz and N is present method is almost insensitive to the number
the number of sinusoidal cycles within a pulse. of elements when a sufficiently higher-order Gauss
To compare with the traditional FEM, the authors integration scheme is employed in the x axis.
consider the low-frequency excitation case, where
f = 50 Hz and N = 15 cycles. The sample duration
time T is 4.8 s. The Nyquist frequency is Nq /2T , 5.2 Comparison with the throw-off
where the number of sampling points is Nq = 2k , k = spectral element
12, and is used consistently in the several examples
that follow. The traditional 2-D eight-noded isopara- Consider a similar problem as shown in Figure 2. The
metric element is employed for comparison. The high-frequency case, where f = 20 kHz, and N = 5
traditional FEM mesh possesses 84 elements with cycles is investigated. The sample duration time T is
2 elements in the thickness direction and 42 elements 0.012 s. The authors compare the performance of the
in the spanwise direction. Only six eight-noded PUFEM with that of the throw-off spectral element
PUFEMs are used with two elements in the thickness [27], which only tackles the unidirectional wave prop-
direction and three elements in the spanwise direction. agation. It means that in throw-off elements, waves
The same eight-noded elements are used in all the propagate in one direction toward infinity without
examples. The beam is made of aluminum with the any reflections. Unlike the example in Section 5.1,
following properties: E = 73.0 GPa, G = 28.08 GPa, the performance of the PUFEM under a much higher
= 0.3, = 2770 kg m3 . The thickness of the beam excitation frequency is checked here. In this example,
(h) is equal to 10.0 mm. The span of the beam, for the beam is considered to have enough length, i.e.,
the present example, is taken as 1260.0 mm. The 1200.0 mm. The response at the far end is imposed
width of the beam is taken as 10.0 mm. The above to be zero and the reflected wave modes are excluded.

L = 1260 mm

h = 10 mm

O x
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a 1-D problem.
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 11

x = 0 mm (PUFEM) x = 210 mm (PUFEM)
0.4 x = 0 mm (FEM) x = 210 mm (FEM)


Displacement (mm)







0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Time (s)
Figure 3. Deflections of the PUFEM and the traditional FEM at two measurement points.

Therefore, the unknown parameters, i.e., Alj and Bjl the other throw off. The material properties are the
are dealt in the same way as in the previous example. same as in the previous examples, and f = 20 kHz,
The present approach employs 16 elements with 2 and N = 5 cycles are chosen. The length of the
elements in the thickness direction and 8 elements in beam from the fixed end to the point of applica-
the spanwise direction. For high-frequency cases, the tion of transverse load is 2000.0 mm. As shown
amplitude of deflection becomes very small, and here in Figure 5(b), the entire domain in Figure 5(a) is
the transverse velocity is selected for plotting. The divided into three parts, i.e., two finite ordinary spec-
transverse velocities at two measurement points, i.e., tral elements with lengths of 990.0 mm, and one
at x = 0.0 and 100.0 mm are obtained. Comparison interior region with a length of 20 mm, discretized
of the time histories of transverse velocity at these by the PUFEM. Two PUFEMs are employed for the
measurement points is shown in Figure 4. It may be interior region between two normal spectral elements
noted that the result obtained using the PUFEM is in in Figure 5(a), where in the span direction, only one
good agreement with those obtained using the spec- element is used. The comparison of time histories of
tral throw-off element. The influence of the number transverse velocity at the loading point is depicted in
of Gauss integration points on the results is inves- Figure 6. This figure shows both the incident and the
tigated. It was found that the integration number reflected waves clearly. It can also be noted that both
determined by N Gi = 6Lie k1i (m ) can yield the suffi- results, which are based on the meshes in Figure 5(a)
ciently converged results. and (b), are in good agreement. However, there are
some small oscillations while using the globallocal
approach. This phenomenon may be caused by the
5.3 Comparison with the ordinary mismatch between the present elemental dynamic
spectral element stiffness and that of the ordinary spectral element
due to the different assumptions for the displace-
In this section, a cantilever beam as shown in ment field interpolation. The fact is that there is
Figure 5(a) is considered and two ordinary spec- no contraction in the thickness direction considered
tral elements [27] are employed, i.e., one finite and in the ordinary spectral element model. In fact, by
12 Simulation

Velocity (mm s1)

0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004
Time (s)
Thickness = 10 mm
x = 0 mm (PUFEM) x = 100 mm (PUFEM)
x = 0 mm (Spectral x = 100 mm (Spectral
throw-off element) throw-off element)

Figure 4. Transverse velocities of the PUFEM and the throw-off spectral element at two measurement points for a beam
of thickness of 10 mm.

L = 2000 mm

Normal spectral element Throw-off spectral element



L = 2000 mm
L1 = 20 mm
Normal spectral element Normal spectral element Throw-off spectral element



Figure 5. (a) Schematic diagram of a cantilever beam using the spectral element only. (b) Schematic diagram of a
cantilever beam using the hybrid approach.
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 13

Spectral element only
Hybrid approach

Velocity (mm / s)



Incident wave
Reflection from
1.2 fixed end

0.0000 0.0004 0.0008 0.0012 0.0016 0.0020 0.0024 0.0028 0.0032
Time (s)
Figure 6. Transverse velocities of the spectral element only and the hybrid approach at the load point.

observing Figure 4, it can also be found that the neglected. The time histories of transverse velocity
results of the PUFEM do not completely match with of the intact and cracked beams (h1 = 3.0 mm) at
those of the throw-off spectral element. Generally, the loading point are shown in Figure 8. The first
this mismatch does not cause a serious problem in reflection from the cracks can be accurately identified
the low-frequency cases. However, with the increase in Figure 8, which arrives at t = 0.001 s. The first
in the excitation frequency, the effects of mismatch reflection from the fixed end can be identified for both
become more obvious. From the authors numerical the intact and cracked cases. However, the amplitude
experience, increasing the number of the PUFEM of the first reflection from the fixed end in the cracked
along the span and thickness directions to alleviate beam is much lower than that of the intact beam.
the effects of this mismatch is not effective. Furthermore, the second reflection from the fixed end
can also be identified for the cracked beam. Here,
the second reflection is the combination of (i) part
5.4 A cantilever beam with two
of the first reflection from the fixed end, which is
symmetric transverse cracks
reflected by the cracks back to the fixed end and
In this section, another example identical to the (ii) the second reflection stated in (i) by the fixed end,
previous one is considered, except that there are which finally arrives at the measurement point. This
two symmetric transverse cracks having depth h1 as second reflection does not appear in the case of the
shown in Figure 7. Six PUFEMs are employed to intact beam. Moreover, as shown in Figure 9, four
model the interior region. With the PUFEM, the crack transverse cracks are considered. The interior region
geometry can be easily modeled. The placement of is 120-mm long, and the distance between the two
the element nodes at the interior region and the crack sets of transverse cracks is 80 mm. Nine PUFEMs are
surfaces are shown in Figure 7. The crack surfaces employed for the interior region, and the crack depth
essentially form the interelement discontinuity. The h1 = 3.0 mm. Other conditions are identical to the
effect of contact between the two crack surfaces is above example. The transverse velocity at the loading
14 Simulation

Crack surface Crack surface

L = 2000 mm
L1 = 20 mm
Normal spectral element Normal spectral element Throw-off spectral element



Figure 7. Schematic diagram of a cantilever beam with two symmetric transverse cracks.

Two transverse cracks at the same location (h1 = 3.0 mm)
No crack

Velocity (mm / s)


Second reflection
Reflection First reflection
from fixed end
from crack from fixed end
Incident wave

0.0000 0.0004 0.0008 0.0012 0.0016 0.0020 0.0024 0.0028 0.0032
Time (s)
Figure 8. Transverse velocities of intact and cracked beams for h1 = 3.0 mm at the load point.

point is shown in Figure 10. It can be seen that the 5.5 A cross-ply cantilever beam with a
reflections from two sets of cracks overlap due to the delamination at midplane
short distance between the cracks. Compared with the
result of the problem with two transverse cracks in Here, a cross-ply cantilever beam shown in Figure 11
Figure 8, the amplitude of reflection from the four is considered, where a delamination of length of
cracks is higher. However, the reflection from the 25 mm is located at the midplane of the beam.
fixed end has decreased significantly. We consider six-ply laminates with [0/90/0]s in
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 15

L = 2000 mm
L1 = 120 mm Throw-off spectral element

Normal spectral element Normal spectral element
L2 = 80 mm

Figure 9. Schematic diagram of a cantilever beam with four transverse cracks.

Two transverse cracks at the same location (h1 = 3.0 mm)
No crack

Velocity (mm / s)




0.0000 0.0004 0.0008 0.0012 0.0016 0.0020 0.0024 0.0028 0.0032
Time (s)
Figure 10. Transverse velocities of intact and cracked beams at the load point (transverse cracks).

stacking sequence with the following material proper- reveals that the reflection from the delamination can
ties of the lamina: E11 = 145.5 GPa, E22 = 9.69 GPa, be clearly identified.
G12 = G13 = 5.97 GPa, G23 = 2.91 GPa, 12 = 0.32,
= 1550 kg m3 . The lamina thickness is 0.5 mm.
Six PUFEMs, with three elements in the spanwise 6 CONCLUSIONS
direction and two elements in the through-thickness
direction, are employed to model the interior region. This article presents a new globallocal approach
Other conditions are identical to the above examples. to model wave propagation in beams with various
Note that the dispersion relationship in the delamina- types of damages. In this approach, the ordinary
tion area is different from that of the intact portion. spectral element method is employed to simulate
The effect of contact between the two crack surfaces the behavior of wave propagation in the exterior
is neglected. Time histories of transverse velocity at regions, whereas newly proposed elements are used
the loading point for the two different crack lengths to model the interior region containing damages in
are shown in Figure 12 for f = 20 kHz. This figure the form of cracks. Formulation of the proposed
16 Simulation

L = 2000 mm

Normal spectral element Normal spectral element Throw-off spectral element



Figure 11. Schematic diagram of a cantilever beam with a delamination at midplane.

One lateral crack (L1 = 20.0 mm)
One lateral crack (L1 = 60.0 mm)
1.2 No crack

Velocity (mm / s)




0.0000 0.0004 0.0008 0.0012 0.0016 0.0020 0.0024 0.0028 0.0032
Time (s)


Delamination (L1 = 25 mm)
No delamination
Velocity (mm / s)






0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020
Time (s)
Figure 12. Transverse velocities of intact and delaminated beams at the load point (an in-plane delamination).
Simplified Damage Model for Metallic/Composite Structures 17

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Chapter 47
Damage Detection Using Piezoceramic
and Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators
Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

and adopting a suitable patch repair scheme will result

1 Introduction 1 in prolonging the service life of a structure. The area
2 Damage Detection Using Piezoelectric of crack detection in metallic and composite struc-
Sensors/Actuators 3 ture is a well-researched topic world over and large
amount of literature is available on various methods
3 Damage Detection Using
of detecting cracks (or delaminations). This article
Magnetostrictive Sensors/Actuators 10
highlights one such method of detecting cracks using
4 Summary 17 embedded/surface-mounted smart magnetostrictive or
References 17 piezoelectric material patches.
The stringent lightweight design constraints have
forced the manufacturers of next generation aerospace
and automobile vehicles to look for composites as
1 INTRODUCTION structural members. They provide numerous oppor-
tunities to tailor the strength in the required direc-
In recent years, considerable research has been tion and enable the placement of embedded sensors
focused on improving the structural integrity (or and actuators at any critical location to monitor the
increasing the life) of the structure. The structural performance of the structure. This facility is not
integrity and the evolution of lightweight structural available in conventional metallic structures. Damage
design form the two most severe design constraints tolerant design of such structures is an unexplored
a structure has to satisfy throughout its service life. area of research. Unlike the design of metallic struc-
Structural integrity performance of a structure is tures, for composites, this information has not been
affected owing to the presence of minor cracks in fully integrated into design extensively. Although
the structure that are not visible to the naked eye. matrix cracking, fiber breaking, debonding, etc. are
Detecting these cracks early in their service life poses often the initiating failure mechanisms for laminated
a major challenge. An early detection of these cracks composites during its manufacture and in service,
interlaminar crack, or delamination, is the one that
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by is commonly found vulnerable and can grow, thus
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 reducing the life of a structure. Impact is also a major
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. source of delamination in composites. Traditionally,
2 Simulation

conventional nondestructive techniques (NDT) such Reference 11 shows the use of lower order modes for
as ultrasonics, fractography, thermography, or tomog- nondestructive damage detection and sizing of cracks
raphy have been extensively used to detect the pres- in beams. A new method based on the singular value
ence of damage. However, these techniques require decomposition was proposed by them to detect the
that the position of damage is known a priori and structural damage. One of the fundamental difficul-
the region that is being inspected is readily acces- ties with modal methods is that a small delamination
sible [1]. These limitations make them very expen- causes very negligible loss of stiffness in composites.
sive for damage detection in aircraft or spacecraft As a result, the frequency changes are so small that
structures, which need frequent inspection. There- they are very difficult to measure accurately.
fore, in-service damage-detection (health monitoring) Residual force method (damage force method) is
system is essential, which can constantly monitor another technique of determining damage in struc-
the integrity of the structure and also determine the tures. This is done by taking the difference between
location and extent of damage with built-in sensors. the measured damaged model properties with the
Some of the examples of sensors/actuators embedded undamaged (baseline) model properties. The advan-
in composites for damage detection are reported in tage of this method is that one need not solve the
[2, 3]. The authors had embedded the piezoelectric complete system to determine the damage. Refer-
material in composites in the form of wafer, fiber, and ences 12, 13 have shown the use of this technique
powder form. Also, the use of shape memory alloy in the modal domain. Schulz et al. [14] used the
for damage detection is reported in [4]. The use of undamaged stiffness and mass matrix, obtained by the
fiber-optic sensors for damage detection is reported in FEs, to determine the location of damage. Nag et al.
[5]. This article demonstrates one such built-in system [15] modified this method for its use in frequency
with both collocated and noncollocated magnetostric- domain through a spectral element formulation. The
tive and piezoelectric sensor/actuator combination to main advantage of the spectral formulation is that
detect the presence of damage. the system sizes are very small owing to exact
We now review some of the damage-detection mass distribution. Requirement of too many sensor
methods for structural health monitoring. The most measurements is the main disadvantage of the damage
popular approach in structural health monitoring is force method.
to use modal parameters such as natural frequen- The recent trend is to use wave-based techniques
cies, damping ratios, and mode shapes to deter- for health monitoring. Pines [16] showed that damage
mine the existence of damage in structures. It is could be ascertained by looking at the changes in
based on the principle that the presence of damage the local wavenumber of a Lamb wave. In [17], a
will change the natural frequencies of the struc- narrow-band modulated pulse, impacted transversely
ture owing to reduction in its stiffness. Monitoring on a laminated composite beam, was used to detect
the natural frequencies before and after the damage damage. The characteristic of this pulse is that it
can confirm its presence. References 6 and 7 show travels nondispersively even in a dispersive medium.
the use of modal test data for evaluating structural When such a pulse interacts with a crack, it produces
integrity of offshore structures. Crawley and Adams an additional reflection from the crack tip owing to
[8] used the same technique for composite lami- impedance mismatch. This reflection is easily recog-
nates, wherein they showed that the presence of nizable, as it does not change its shape. Knowing the
delamination not only decreases natural frequencies length of travel and speed of the medium, the loca-
but also increases damping in structures. In all the tion of the damage can be assessed. References 15,
above studies, variation of mass matrix, mode shapes, 18 show the use of spectral element model in damage
uncertainty in structural parameters, or instrumenta- modeling and assessment. (See Damage Measures
tion accuracy were not considered. West [9] presented for more details on the methods described in the last
what is possibly the first systematic use of mode few paragraphs.)
shapes for damage detection. A finite element (FE) Next we consider multifunctional composites with
study conducted by Chen and Swamidas [10] on a embedded or surface-bonded piezoceramic patch
cracked cantilever plate showed that the higher order made from lead zirconate titanate (PZT) material. If
modes are least affected by the presence of damage. we strain the structure, the PZT material permittivity
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 3

changes, which generates an electric field across the to a mechanical load. Voltage changes depending
sensor and hence introduces an electrical displace- on the stress condition of the structure. Differ-
ment, which produces a voltage across the sensor, ence in the voltages between the undamaged and
which is called open circuit voltage (OCV). The the damaged configuration indicates the presence of
structure can, in fact, be strained through another damages. Voltage signatures are different for different
PZT embedded/surface-bonded patch, by passing a types of damages, which is helpful to characterize
voltage in the required poled direction. In the pres- the damages. In this section, we use the mathe-
ence of the damage, the OCV changes owing to a matical model based on FEs, which was explained
different stress state. The difference in the OCVs in detail in Piezoceramic MaterialsPhenomena
between the healthy and the damaged structure, which and Modeling on the modeling of piezoelectric
is called damage-induced voltage (DIV), confirms sensors/actuators. Also, only the final equations are
the presence of damage. This is the principle on provided for the sake of completeness. The first step
which this work is based. The same principle is in the development of the mathematical model is to
applied with the help of magnetostrictive material write the constitutive model. As explained in Piezoce-
patch, wherein, one has to apply a magnetic field to ramic MaterialsPhenomena and Modeling, the
strain the material, which causes the permeability of piezoelectric material has two constitutive laws: one
the medium to change, which introduces a magnetic is called the sensing law, which is extensively used
field across the sensor. This changes the magnetic in this section, and the second is the actuation
flux density, which produces a voltage across the law. When the piezoelectric material is embedded
senor, which is the OCV. As stated earlier, the in the composites, the stresses would get coupled,
difference in the OCVs of healthy and damaged resulting in stiffness coupling such as the bending-
state will confirm the presence of damage in the axial coupling, etc. Assuming that the condition of
structure. plane stress exists in the composites, the constitutive
This article is organized as follows. In the next law for piezoelectric composites can be written as
two sections, modeling aspects of the PZT and
Terfenol-D embedded/surface-mounted composites


are addressed. Modeling aspects in general and
{ } [C ] [e] {}
FE modeling in particular have already been = =
Dz [e]T Ez xz

addressed in Modeling Aspects in Finite Elements;
Finite Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic and Dz

Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators. Hence, C11 C12 0 e31

only a brief summary is given here. This is C xx

C33 0 e32 zz
followed by some aspects of experimental study = 13 (1)
undertaken for the analysis of magnetostrictive 0 0 C55 0 2

composites. Next, some numerical examples and e31 e32 0 33 Ez
results are provided, followed by a summary of the
article. where { }T = {xx zz xz} is the stress vector,
{}T = {xx xx xz} is the strain vector, Di is the
electrical displacement, and Ez is the electrical field
2 DAMAGE DETECTION USING in the out-of-plane direction. Cij are the stiffness coef-
PIEZOELECTRIC ficients and eij are the piezoelectric coefficients. The
explicit expression of the stiffness coefficients are
provided in Finite Elements: Modeling of Piezoce-
Damage detection requires a robust mathematical ramic and Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators
model and a number of measured responses. Both on the modeling of piezoelectric sensors/actuators.
baseline (response from the undamaged structure) and A four-noded smart composite FE with two mech-
the response from the damaged structure are required anical degrees of freedom and one electrical degree of
for detection purposes. The detection will be based freedom was derived in Finite Elements: Modeling
on the voltage generated across the sensor owing of Piezoceramic and Magnetostrictive Sensors and
4 Simulation

Actuators. Here, we use this element as the mathe- 2.1 Postprocessing for sensor output
matical model for damage detection. The FE equation signal
is of the form
     The embedded thin piezoelectric patches electroded
[Muu ] [0] {u}e [Kuu ] [KuE ] on the surfaces are modeled using the above FEs.
[0] [0] {Ez }e [KuE ]T [KEE ] The present study is to investigate the feasibility and
    characteristic behavior of these embedded patches
{u}e {F }e for sensing the presence of cracks under static and
= (2)
{Ez }e {q}e dynamic loading in metallic or composite structures.
While embedding the sensors during the wet lay
where, [Muu ] is the mass matrix, [Kuu ] is the stiff- up process or by any other fabrication technique,
ness matrix corresponding to mechanical degrees residual stresses and residual charge may develop.
of freedom, [KuE ] is the stiffness matrix due to However, during sensor calibration, such residual
electromechanical coupling, and [KEE ] is the stiff- charge can be removed by grounding the circuit. The
ness matrix due to electrical degrees of freedom existing residual stresses can be expected to add a
alone. Also, the nodal displacement vector at the bias in the sensor output voltage level without any
four nodes is {u}e = {u1 w1 u2 w2 u3 w3 u4 w4 }T considerable change in the linear transduction char-
and the corresponding electric field vector is {Ez }e = acteristics under transients. Therefore, by assuming
{Ez 1 Ez 2 Ez 3 Ez 3 }T . Here, {F }e is the elemental nodal no residual stresses and no residual charge on the
vector and {q}e is the elemental charge vector. embedded piezoelectric patches, the sensor equation
A detailed expression for these matrices is given at the element level can be written as given in
in Finite Elements: Modeling of Piezoceramic and equation (3).
Magnetostrictive Sensors and Actuators.
The solution of equation (2) begins by expanding
the equation: 2.1.1 Static case
The voltage that develops across each sensor owing
{Ez } = [KEE ]1 {q} [KEE ]1 [KuE ]T {u} (3) to the deformation-induced electric field Ez acting in
the out-of-plane direction is given by
Using the above equation in equation (2) and 
simplifying, we get V = Ez Z (7)

[Muu ]{u} + [K uu ] = {F } (4) where Z is the distance between the pair of element
nodes across the depth. Corresponding charge Q
where stored on the surface of this sensor segment is

[K uu ] = [Kuu ] [KuE ][KEE ]1 [KuE ]T (5) Q= DZ t dx
{F } = {F } [KEE ]1 {q} (6) 
= [e31 xx + e32 zz + 33 Ez ]t dx  (8)
First, equation (4) is solved for the applied actuator
loading {F } to obtain the nodal displacement vector The above equation is obtained after substituting
{u}, which is substituted in equation (3), to get the for electrical displacement from equation (1). The
induced electric field in the sensor patches, which is strains can be expressed in terms of nodal displace-
then postprocessed to get the voltage distribution. The ments using the straindisplacement relationship and
approach to obtain the voltage distribution is quite the electrical field canbe written in terms of nodal
different for the static and dynamic loading cases, electrical field (Ez = Ni Ezi ), where the nodal elec-
which are explained below. trical field is obtained from equation (3). In doing so,
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 5

equation (8) becomes surface  = t x. That is,
Q= [e]T [Bu ]{u}e t dx Va =  (12)

+ 33 [N ]T {Ez }e t dx  (9) 
Q  = 0 (13)

In the above equation, [Bu ] is the straindisplace- The above equations for static and dynamic loading
ment matrix corresponding to normal stress, {u}e cases are used in the examples to follow in the next
is the nodal displacement vector, and {Ez }e is the section to obtain the OCV distribution across the
nodal electrical field vector. Equation (9) is evaluated sensors due to the presence of cracks.
at each of the piezoelectric sensor locations. Since
this sensor segment behaves as a capacitive device
with capacitance C = Q/V , the stored electric energy 2.2 Numerical examples
(1/2CV 2 ) can be equated to obtain the equivalent
open circuit voltage Va measurable as the output To study the effectiveness of piezoelectric mate-
of the distributed sensing. That is, the equivalent rial patch in predicting the presence of cracks, we
OCV accumulated on a single sensor surface  = consider a double cantilever beam (DCB), wherein,
 three piezoelectric sensor patches are embedded, two
t x (having x as the length of individual sensor
elements) can be computed as of them above and below the crack and one in the
line of the crack as shown in Figure 1. The dimen-
 sions of the beam along with the cross section are also
VQ shown in the figure. The structure is a unidirectional
Va =  (10)
Q (0 ) graphite/epoxy beam, whose material properties
are shown in Table 1.
In the chosen configuration, as shown in Figure 1,
Although the mechanical deformation is under
the locations of the piezoelectric sensor patches are
static loading, in actual experiment, the sensor output
fixed and the length of the crack (delamination)
scaled by a charge amplifier is to be measured as
varies from 25 to 50 mm. For the configuration with
the initial transient after closing a resistive capacitive
delamination length 50 mm, the DCB specimen was
circuit. This is because of the leakage of the electro-
discretized with 540 elements (including the sensor
static charge in the surrounding medium.
patch as shown in the deformed mesh in Figure 2)
producing a system size 928 928. The objective
2.1.2 Dynamic case here is to see the variation of the OCV as a function
of crack length. We now consider voltage distribution
In this case, the developed voltage V and charge Q under static loading. Static load of 50 N is distributed
are both time dependent. Equations (79) hold. The
current from each sensor element is Z
Piezoelectric patches Z

Q = [e]T [Bu ]{u}e t dx
1.1 7.5
  X 0.2 Y
 1.1 7.5
+ 33 [N ]T {Ez }e t dx  (11)
z 10 10 45 15
Unlike the capacitive model in the static case, Figure 1. Configuration of a laminated composite double
here the developed electric power P = V Q is to be cantilever beam (DCB) with three embedded piezoelectric
equated to obtain the equivalent open circuit voltage patches ahead of the advancing delamination tip. All dimen-
Va due to distributed sensing over the single sensor sions are in millimeters.
6 Simulation

Table 1. Material property of the double cantilever beam specimen used for numerical
Material property Graphite/epoxy beam PZT
Youngs modulus E11 (GPa) 150 63
Youngs modulus E22 = E33 (GPa) 9 63
Shear modulus G12 (GPa) 7 24.2
Shear modulus G23 = G13 (GPa) 25 24.2
Poissons ratio: 12 = 23 = 13 0.3 0.3
Mass density: (kg m3 ) 1600 7600
Piezoelectric coefficient (1012 m V1 ) d31 254
Piezoelectric coefficient (1012 m V1 ) d32 254
Piezoelectric coefficient (1012 m V1 ) d33 0
Relative permittivity: 11 /0 = 22 /0 = 33 /0 1500


sxx (MPa)



Figure 2. Distribution of stress xx under vertical static 50-N loading. Delamination length is 50 mm. Delamination tip
is midway between the top and bottom sensor patch.

vertically in the opposite direction at the tip cross top, and bottom sensor patches. These are shown in
section of each of the branches of the DCB spec- Figure 3(a) and (b), respectively. The locations of
imen (Figure 1). Such a loading will cause what is the points on the sensor surface at which the volt-
termed in fracture mechanics as mode 1 or opening ages are computed are indicated by their x coordinate
mode loading. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the measured from the fixed end of the DCB specimen.
stresses xx for delamination length of 50 mm, where Equation (10) is used to perform the required post-
the crack tip is midway between the top and bottom processing. It can be seen from Figure 3(a), for the
sensor patches. One can clearly see the high stress in front sensor patch, that for a smaller delamination
the region very close to the crack tip. Locations of the length (delamination tip away from the patch), the
three sensor patches are shown by thick solid lines. voltage distribution is almost constant. For higher
Owing to these distributions of stress field, it is impor- length of delamination (delamination tip entering in
tant to look into the nature of voltages developed the zone surrounding the sensor group), the voltage
between the parallel electroded surfaces of the front, at the front portion of the front sensor patch is higher
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 7

20 30

Voltage (mV)
Voltage (mV)

10 15

0 0
50 440 50
45 438 45 455
40 436 40 453
35 434 ce 35 451
Delam 30 432 surfa De
lam 30
length ination
25 20 430 a t io n of m) len i n 25 447
s u r face
(mm) Loc de, x (m gth atio 20 445 f
ion o (mm)
no (m n c a t
m) Lo ,x
(a) (b) node

Figure 3. Voltage distribution along x under static 50-N loading for increasing the length of delamination: (a) in the front
sensor patch and (b) bottom sensor patch.

than its rear portion. However, the effect of intense length of delamination, the portion of the patch
crack-tip field approaching toward this front sensor toward the free end of the DCB specimen develops
patch could not be captured. This is captured in the higher voltage compared to the portion nears the front
bottom and top sensor patches. Figure 3(b) shows the sensor patch, and this variation is almost linear. Slight
voltage distribution in the bottom sensor patch, where fluctuation compared to this feature is obtained in
the effect of the crack-tip field entering the midway the case of the bottom sensor patch, which is shown
between the top and bottom sensor patches is clear in Figure 4(c). Interestingly, the antisymmetric stress
from the sudden jump in the voltage, first for delam- field xx , which is visible from the spanwise anti-
ination length of 45 mm and then 50 mm. Owing to symmetric voltage distribution in the top as well as
symmetry in the material configuration, geometry and bottom sensor patches, gets perturbed as the delami-
loading, the similar feature (but with opposite sign nation grows toward the sensor group. Also, the effect
in the voltage) was also captured for the top sensor of delaminated surface is dominant here in generating
patch, which is not shown. From these figures, we can the voltage, not the crack-tip field.
clearly see that OCV across the sensor patches can These examples have clearly shown the utility of
be used as a damage measure to detect the presence piezoelectric material patches in detecting the pres-
of damage. ence of damage. Next, we study the voltage distri-
We now change the loading to a vertical load that is bution under dynamic loading. Here, we study the
distributed uniformly across the entire cantilever tip. effects only under shear loading considered previ-
Such a loading, in fracture mechanics terminology, ously. In this study, a triangular pulse of 50-s dura-
causes shear fracture mode or it is also called the tion and peak amplitude of 100 N is applied vertically
mode-II loading. The loading magnitude is kept at at the cross section of the tip of the DCB specimen
100 N. The OCV distribution in the three piezoelectric (Figure 1). Similar high-frequency transient pulse is
sensor patches is shown in Figure 4(ac), respec- typical to many composite structures under impact-
tively. From the voltage distribution in the front type loading, where the damage and structural failure
sensor patch in Figure 4(a), it is clear that the domi- are the most important aspects of structural design
nant stress field xx is antisymmetric about the middle and structural health monitoring [18, 19]. First, the
plane along x axis. Increase in the voltage due to time-dependent distribution of the voltage at the span-
increasing length of delamination is negligible. From wise locations on the front, top, and bottom sensor
the voltage distribution in the top sensor patch in patches are studied. Equations (12) and (13) are used
Figure 4(b), it can be seen that for increasing the for the required postprocessing. Figure 5(a) shows the
8 Simulation

4 0

Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)

0 15
4 445
430 50 447
432 45 449 50
40 De 45
434 35 l
len ami 451 40
Loca 436 30 gth nat 453 35
tion 438 25 nati ) i o 30
f surfa
node of surf 440 20 ami (m n 455 25
tion o (mm)
, x (m ace Del th (mm m)
Loc a
m) leng , x
(a) (b) node


Voltage (V)



5 50
445 45
447 40
449 35
Loca 451 30 tion
tion 453 25 ina )
o f su 455 20 e lam (mm
node D gth
, x (m rface len
(c) m)

Figure 4. Voltage distribution along x under static 100-N shear loading for the increasing length of delamination: (a) in
the front sensor patch, (b) top sensor patch, and (c) bottom sensor patch.

voltage history at the front sensor patch. The points actually the effect of the arrival of the wave at the
along the x direction on the surface of sensor patches 50-mm delamination tip (most severe case). In the
are indicated by the x coordinate measured from the voltage histories for the top as well as the bottom
fixed end of the DCB specimen. Since the loading sensor patches (Figure 5b and c), maximum voltage
is transient in nature, it produces stress waves trav- is generated from the segment confining the delami-
eling with corresponding flexural speed, shear speed, nated faces behind the crack tip.
and phase dispersion. Note that the inertia effect is In summary, two aspects are very clear from these
also included, which makes the dynamic behavior examples. First, it is shown that there is significant
different from the quasi-static case. The first peak in variation in the OCV distribution across the sensor
each time history, as seen in Figure 4(a), corresponds owing to the presence of cracks. These voltage
to the stress waves reaching certain segments of the patterns cannot only tell about the presence of cracks
sensor patch. The second peak in each time history (or delamination) but also give a qualitative nature of
corresponds to the stress waves released from the the damage. Hence, the OCV can indeed be used as
crack tip. It can be observed that the voltage gener- a damage measure. The second aspect that is clear is
ated (second peak in the time history) at the front that piezoelectric material can be effectively used as
end of the front sensor patch is very high, which is a sensor for damage-detection purposes.
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 9

Voltage (V)


438 0.5
436 0.4
S 0.3
coo urface 434
ate nodal 432 0.1
,x (ms)
430 0 Time

Voltage (V)

453 0.5
451 0.4
S 449 0.3
coo urface 0.2
rdin 447
ate nodal 0.1
(mm 445 0 Time
(b) )

Voltage (V)

453 0.5
451 0.4
S 449 0.3
coo urface 0.2
rdin 447
ate nodal 0.1
445 0 Time
(c) )

Figure 5. Voltage distribution along x under dynamic 100-N shear loading for increasing the length of delamination:
(a) in the front sensor patch, (b) top sensor patch, and (c) bottom sensor patch.
10 Simulation

3 DAMAGE DETECTION USING where, is the induced strain, S is the material

compliance measured at constant magnetic field H ,
MAGNETOSTRICTIVE is the induced stress, B is the magnetic flux density,
SENSORS/ACTUATORS and is the permeability of the medium measured at
constant H (see Constitutive Modeling of Magne-
In this section, a simple FE based on uncou- tostrictive Materials for more details on the consti-
pled constitutive model of magnetostrictive mate- tutive models for magnetostrictive materials). In the
rial (Terfenol-D) is considered for modeling of the absence of mechanical forces, the strain and induced
smart material patches. The results of the model are
stress from the actuation law become
compared with the experiments. The details of the
experiments can be found in [20]. Magnetostrictive
(t) = dH (t) (16)
material such as Terfenol-D was thought of as an
actuator material until recently [21]. Compared to (t) = E(t) = E dH (t) (17)
PZT material, they offer large block force and large
free strain. In addition, they are available in powder where E is the Youngs modulus of the material. If
form, which makes it possible to embed them in A is the cross-sectional area of the smart match, the
composites. Reference 22 was perhaps the first work block force experienced by the smart patch owing to
reported on the properties of magnetostrictive particle magnetic field intensity of H is given by
layers that would make them useful for sensing
purposes. Reference 23 showed the use of horseshoe F (t) = E dAH (t) (18)
coil arrangement for creating the magnetic circuit,
which is necessary for damage-sensing application.
An actuation current is an alternating current (I )
The present study uses the above concept to demon-
that generates a magnetic flux (B ) while passing
strate the effectiveness of magnetostrictive material
through one arm of the horseshoe coil and also creates
for damage-sensing purposes. Here, the health moni-
a magnetic field in the layer of smart patch. This
toring is based on the concept that when an ac current
current varies sinusoidally with time as
is passed to the actuation coil, it generates mechan-
ical stress (strain). This stress changes not only with
the change in delamination location but also with its I (t) = I0 sin t (19)
size. This change in stress produces a change in the
magnetic flux, and hence in the voltages across the where I0 is the applied current amplitude and  is
sensing coil. Measuring the change in the voltage the applied current frequency. The magnetic field is
(which is easily measurable quantity compared to related to the current by the expression
strains/stresses) before and after the delamination has
taken place determines the condition of the structure. H (t) = na I (t) (20)
As mentioned earlier, we use the uncoupled consti-
tutive model of Terfenol-D for the FE analysis where na is the number of turns in the actuation coil.
purpose and hence assume the magnetic field as the Using equations (19) and (20) in equation (18), the
product of coil current and the number of turns of the applied force can be written as
coil. From the FE point of view, the magnetic field
can be converted as a block force and lumped on to F (t) = E dAI 0 na sin(t) (21)
the structure. The computation of the block force is
first explained. The obtained force is applied as concentrated force
The magnetostrictive material has the following on the nodes of the patch in the longitudinal direc-
constitutive law. The first law is the actuation law, tion. This force causes the stress across the sensing
while the second is the sensing law. coil. From this, the nodal FE stresses nodal can be
computed. The actual stress is then calculated as
= S (H ) + dH (14)
B = d + ( ) H (15) total = nodal + induced = nodal + E dH (22)
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 11

The sensing constitutive law (equation 15), in the magnetostrictive patch is modeled using one 3-D
presence of pure mechanical load becomes brick element. The complete FE model is shown
in Figure 5. The beam is fixed at one end and the
B = dtotal (23) equivalent block force is applied in the longitudinal
direction of the magnetostrictive patch as shown in
Knowing the stresses from equation (22), and Figure 6. Transient dynamic analysis using Newmark
using this in equation (23), the OCV can be computed time-marching scheme is employed to compute the
from the relation response histories. Stress histories are computed after
dB postprocessing the displacement histories and subse-
V = ns A (24) quently using equation (22). From the stress histo-
ries, the OCV is calculated for different times using
where, ns is the number of turns in the sensing coil. equation (24).
The FE of the beam of size 200 mm 24 mm In order to study the effectiveness of the magne-
2.4 mm is discretized using 1920 3-D brick elements. tostrictive patch as a sensor and its ability to
In the longitudinal direction, it is divided into 20 sense damage, a cantilever beam structure with
segments, in the lateral direction 6 segments, and in both embedded and surface-bonded smart patches is
the thickness direction it is divided into 16 segments. considered. The magnetostrictive patch is bonded (or
The total number nodes in the model is 2499. The embedded) in the specimen at a distance of 23 mm


Magnetostrictive patch


Eight-ply laminated composite

Figure 6. 3-D finite element model for laminated composite beam: (a) plan view of the mesh, (b) enlarged isometric view
of the region near the smart patch, and (c) isometric view of the complete model.
12 Simulation

Actuation coil Sensing coil

Collocated actuatorsensor
Delamination (Teflon film)

L2 Eight ply laminated composite


Actuation coil Sensing coil

Collocated actuatorsensor
Delamination (Teflon film)

L2 Eight ply laminated composite


L = 20 cm, L1 = 2.3 cm, L2 = 4.1 cm, L3 = 6.1 cm, L4 = 17.4 cm, L5 = 19.2 cm
Figure 7. Laminated composite with (a) surface-bonded patch and (b) embedded single patch.

from the root in the longitudinal direction. The delam- Table 2. Material properties for composite laminate and
ination length is varied from 24 to 14 mm. The delam- smart patch used in finite element simulation
ination is placed between the second and third layer Property Laminated Smart
of an eight-layer unidirectional composite. Figure 7 composite patch
shows the position of the magnetostrictive patch. The
Ex (GPa) 53.48 32.7
material properties of the laminate and patch are listed Ey (GPa) 17.92 32.7
in Table 2. It also tells how to induce a magnetic Ez (GPa) 17.92 32.7
circuit using horseshoe coil to create a magnetic field Gxy (GPa) 8.92 12.57
experimentally. The dynamic excitation is provided Gyz (GPa) 8.92 12.57
by the magnetic field generated by an ac current. Gzx (GPa) 3.44 12.57
This current varies sinusoidally with time and hence xy 0.25 0.3
yz 0.25 0.3
the magnetic field as well as the dynamic excitation
xz 0.34 0.3
also varies in a similar manner. The ac current is (kg m3 ) 1500 2330
varied from a frequency range of 100400 Hz. The
current amplitude is varied between 1 and 4 mA. In
each case, the OCV is measured and the DIV, which is computed. Here OCVd is the OCV in a delaminated
is given by beam and OCVh is the OCV in a healthy beam.
First, a beam with surface-mounted patch is
DIV = OCV d OCV h (25) analyzed. For this case, delamination of size 24 mm
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 13

is introduced between the second and third layer and there is excellent agreement of the results with
at a distance of 50 mm from the tip of the sensor the FE prediction. Figure 9(a) and (b) shows the OCV
patch. OCV histories are obtained for varying current and DIV time histories for the same delamination
amplitudes and frequencies. Figure 8 shows the peak configuration at 200-Hz frequency. These figures
voltage (OCV) as the function of current amplitude show that the voltage history exhibits inverted
for a current frequency of 100 Hz. We see from the cosine profile. This is due to the presence of time
figure that OCV increases with the current amplitude derivative for computing magnetic flux intensity (B )



Peak voltage (V)






1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Current (mA)
Figure 8. Comparison of experimental and FEM peak open circuit voltages for a beam with surface-bonded patch at
100-Hz frequency.

1 100
Open circuit

DIV (mV)
voltage (V)

1 200
0.01 0.01
0.008 0.008 1
0.006 2 0.006
2.5 Ti
Ti A) m 0.004 2.5
m 0.004 m e A)
e t( (s m
) 3
n ) 3 n t(
0.002 C ur 0.002 rre
3.5 3.5 Cu
(a) 0 4 (b) 0 4

Figure 9. Surface-bonded patch-current frequency at 100 Hz: (a) OCV histories and (b) DIV histories.
14 Simulation

Table 3. Damage-induced voltage for surface-bonded single patch with delamination size of 24 mm
Frequency (Hz) DIV (mV) (experiment) [20] DIV (mV) (FEM)
1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA 1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA
100 74 82 89 98 72 82 87 97
200 78 87 94 103 77 86 93 102
300 84 92 101 109 82 91 99 108
400 89 96 106 112 90 96 104 113

in equation (23). It is seen that the DIV is in the and the OCV and the DIV or computed. In this case,
order of millivolts, which is easily measurable using three different sets of experiments are performed. In
normal instrumentation. Table 3 gives the comparison the first set, the delamination sizes are varied for
of DIV obtained from experiments and FE analysis a fixed location of 50 mm from the smart patch.
for various frequencies. The table shows that the Three different delamination sizes of 24, 18, and
DIV increases with increase in current amplitudes 14 mm, respectively, are considered for the study.
and current frequencies. These results agree very well These delaminations are again introduced between the
with the FE analysis predictions. second and third layer. OCV histories are obtained
In the next example, the smart Terfenol-D patch for these specimens. Tables 46 give the peak DIV
is embedded in between plies of a composite beam values computed from the peak OCV values of

Table 4. Damage-induced voltage for embedded single patch with delamination size of 24 mm
Frequency (Hz) DIV (mV) (experiment) [20] DIV (mV) (FEM)
1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA 1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA
100 54 67 82 98 52 65 80 95
200 63 77 93 111 62 74 91 107
300 74 89 106 125 73 85 104 120
400 86 102 120 140 86 99 121 138

Table 5. Damage-induced voltage for embedded single patch with delamination size of 18 mm
Frequency (Hz) DIV (mV) (experiment) [20] DIV (mV) (FEM)
1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA 1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA
100 45 58 72 87 46 57 71 87
200 54 68 82 99 53 66 80 98
300 64 79 94 112 65 78 92 109
400 76 91 107 126 75 89 104 121

Table 6. Damage-induced voltage for embedded single patch with delamination size of 14 mm
Frequency (Hz) DIV (mV) (experiment) [20] DIV (mV) (FEM)
1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA 1 mA 2 mA 3 mA 4 mA
100 32 44 57 71 30 42 54 68
200 41 53 66 83 38 52 62 81
300 50 64 78 95 48 61 76 95
400 62 76 90 108 59 73 91 110
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 15

delaminated and healthy beam specimens for different position of the sensor (patch), the current frequencies,
current frequencies and current amplitudes. From and the current amplitudes, all influence the magni-
the tables, we see that, for the delamination of tude of DIV. Here again, the experimental results
size 24 mm, the DIV slightly decreases compared to agree well with the FE solutions. When the delamina-
the surface-bonded case, especially for low current tion size is changed to 18 and 14 mm, respectively, we
frequency. However, at higher current frequencies see that the magnitude of DIV drops with the reduc-
and current amplitudes, DIV is higher than for the tion in the delamination size. This is to be expected,
surface-bonded case. Hence, parameters such as the since smaller the delamination size, smaller will be

Peak voltage (V)

0 1
Del 80
ami 2.5
nati 60 )
o mA
sen n loca 3
nt (
sor tion 40 re
actu from 3.5 Cur
ator c
(mm ollocat 20 4
) ed

Peak voltage (V)

120 1
100 1.5
De 80 2
ina 2.5
tion 60
sen loc 3 A)
sor atio 40 t (m
ac n f 3.5 en
tua rom
tor Curr
c o
(mm lloc 20 4
) ate

Figure 10. Peak OCV for different delamination locations along the length of a laminated composite with embedded
single patch at 100-Hz frequency: (a) experiment and (b) FEM.
16 Simulation

the change in the induced stress, and hence smaller see from the plots that the peak value of the OCV
will be the DIV. As before, DIV increases with the increases with the current amplitude and, as expected,
current frequency and amplitude. FE results, again, the maximum value occurs near the sensor location.
match very well with the experiments [20]. The parameters that govern the sensitivity of the
In the second set of experiments on a single-patch response are the peak values of DIV very close and
collocated sensor/actuator configuration, the location far away from the sensor location. From the figures,
of delamination is varied lengthwise with respect to we see that the peak DIV decreases with the increase
smart patch for a fixed delamination size of 18 mm. in distance between the smart patch and delamination
OCV histories are obtained for five different locations location.
of 30, 50, 70, 90, and 120 mm from the smart patch. In the last set of experiments on single-patch
The peak value of OCV is plotted as a function collocated configuration, the location of delamination
of current amplitude and delamination location at of size 18 mm is varied depthwise by introducing
100-Hz frequency. This is shown in Figure 10. We it at the successive ply levels starting from the

DIV (mV)


1.5 1.5
De 2
lam 1
ina 2.5
loc 3 )
atio 0.5 (mA
n( 3.5 rent
mm 0 Cur
(a) ) 4

DIV (mV)


2 1
1.5 2
Del 1 2.5
ami 3 )
nati mA
on l
oca 0.5
3.5 re nt (
tion Cur
(mm 0 4
(b) )

Figure 11. Peak damage-induced voltage for different delamination locations along depth of a laminated composite with
embedded single patch at 100 Hz frequency: (a) experiment [20] and (b) FEM.
Damage Detection Using Smart Sensors/Actuators 17



120 100 Hz
200 Hz
300 Hz
110 400 Hz
DIV (mV)






1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Current (mA)
Figure 12. Peak values of damage-induced voltage for delamination of 18 mm located in between collocated sensor and

secondthird layer interface. The lengthwise location 4 SUMMARY

of this is at 50 mm from the smart patch. OCV
histories are obtained for these configurations. The This article presents the utility of the smart material
peak DIV values are plotted as a function of current patches, which act as both sensors and actuators, to
amplitudes for a current frequency of 100 Hz. This sense the presence of damage in a composite beam.
is shown in Figure 11. Higher voltages are predicted Two different smart materials, namely, the PZT and
when the delamination is very close to the sensor Terfenol-D, are used in this study. Both these mate-
patch (that is, when the delamination is between rials require baseline measurement in terms of the
the second and third layer). When the delamination OCV across the sensor for predicting the presence of
locations at ply levels are far from the sensor, the damage. This voltage gets perturbed in the presence
induced peak voltage is small and almost constant of damage. Many numerical experiments are used
for all current amplitudes. The next logical step is in this study to demonstrate the concept of damage
to introduce the delamination exactly in between the detection. FEs are used as the mathematical models
collocated sensor and actuator in the second layer. and some results, especially those with magnetostric-
This is done by making the delamination exactly tive patches, are compared with the experiments.
18 mm, which is the size of the smart patch in the
longitudinal direction. Figure 12 gives the peak DIV
values for various current frequencies. These plots
indicate a linear behavior of current amplitudes with REFERENCES
voltages for all the frequencies. The peak values [1] Doebling SW, Farrar CR, Prime MB, Shevitz DW.
of DIV change almost 1.5 times when the current Damage Identification and Health Monitoring of
amplitude changes from 1 to 4 mA. Hence, it can Structural and Mechanical Systems from Changes
be concluded that the lengthwise variation of the in Their Vibration Characteristics: A Literature
delamination has more pronounced effect from the Review , Report LA-13070-MS. Los Alamos National
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Chapter 48
Damage Measures
Massimo Ruzzene
School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

(iv) quantification of its extent, and (v) estimation of

1 Introduction 1 the remaining life of the component under investiga-
2 Vibration-based Damage Measures 2 tion. The definition of an effective measure of damage
responds to the requirements of the first four stages
3 Guided Ultrasonic Waves-based
of the information, and ideally provides inputs to step
Damage Measures 8
number (v). Damage measures proposed in the liter-
4 Conclusions 12 ature from an SHM perspective are meant to identify
Acknowledgments 13 and locate the damage, and, in some cases, provide
Related Articles 13 an indication regarding the extent of the damage and
References 13 its progression.
Many SHM techniques developed over the years
are based on the detection of changes in the dynamic
behavior of the monitored components. Valuable
1 INTRODUCTION reviews of the state of the art in dynamics-based
SHM can be found in [13]. The existing techniques
The objective of a structural health monitoring (SHM) vary on the basis of the type of dynamic response
system is to identify anomalies or damages such signals used for the analysis and on the features or
as cracks, delaminations, and disbonds in structures. parameters considered as damage indicators. Such
The term identification includes the determination features or parameters must obviously be sensitive
of the existence of damages, their location, and to damage and must vary monotonically with the
their size as accurately as possible. In the litera- extent of the damage. Dynamics-based inspection
ture, the amount of information that can be obtained techniques are typically classified as vibration-based
regarding a damaged structure is typically classi- methods and wave-propagation methods. Vibration-
fied into five levels: (i) identification of the presence based damage detection techniques typically monitor
of damage, (ii) determination of the location of the changes in modal frequencies, changes in measured
damage, (iii) classification of the type of damage, mode shapes (and their derivatives), and changes
in measured flexibility coefficients, while wave-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by propagation inspections look for reflections and mode
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 conversion phenomena caused by the presence of
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. damage.
2 Simulation

Early studies in vibration-based techniques evalu- GUW signals. For this reason, significant efforts are
ated the influence on the natural frequencies of local- being devoted to improvements in the defect char-
ized stiffness reductions caused by damage. These acterization procedures. Advanced signal-processing
investigations have shown that natural frequencies are techniques are being employed to highlight signal
damage indicators, which generally show low sensi- features, which are sensitive to the presence of
tivity, and do not allow the determination of the loca- damage and which can be used for its classification
tion of damage. More recent studies have investigated and for the estimation of its extent [5].
the effects of localized and distributed damage on This article is organized in four sections including
mode shapes, operational deflection shapes (ODSs), this introduction. Section 2 presents an overview of
and corresponding curvatures. The detection of small vibration-based damage measures, with specific focus
changes in the deformed configuration of the struc- on a few interesting techniques, while Section 3
ture can be used to localize damage and potentially illustrates research efforts in the area of GUWs-based
estimate its severity. In particular, small variations inspection. Section 4 concludes the article with a
from an undamaged state can be highlighted by short summary.
successive spatial differentiations of the deflections,
as typically required for estimating curvature modes
and associated strain energy. These modal-based 2 VIBRATION-BASED DAMAGE
methods are very attractive, as they provide infor-
mation regarding the general state of health of the
structure. However, they tend to have limited sensi- The analysis of the modal properties of the struc-
tivity and generally they are not accurate enough to ture and their variation due to damage has received
provide detailed information regarding damage type considerable attention from researchers over the last
and extent. 30 years. An excellent and thorough review of the
The lack in sensitivity and capability of discrimi- research in the area can be found in [1]. Most of
nating damage from changes in the operating condi- the damage measures proposed assume the possibility
tions of modal-based methods can be overcome by of comparing current measurements with baseline
applying inspection techniques based on guided ultra- information regarding the undamaged state of the
sonic waves (GUWs) propagation [35]. Guided structure. This is a significant drawback, as it assumes
waves, such as Lamb waves, show sensitivity to a the availability of data on the component under test in
variety of damage types and, as opposed to bulk its pristine state and also that any measured change is
waves used in traditional ultrasonic techniques, have due to damage only, and not due to changing environ-
the ability to travel relatively long distances within mental or boundary conditions applied to the compo-
the structure under investigation. For this reason, nent. The techniques presented below are examples
GUWs are particularly suitable for SHM applications, of solutions proposed over the years, whose practi-
which may employ a built-in sensor/actuator network cality can be significantly improved if coupled with
to interrogate and assess the state of health of the procedures aimed at generating data approximating
structure. In most applications, GUWs are generated the undamaged response of the structure. An example
and received by piezoelectric transducers, which can of such a procedure, proposed in [8], is presented at
both excite the structure and record its response. As the end of this section (Section 2.5).
an alternative, an array of transducers and actuators
can be distributed over the surface of the struc-
ture according to convenient patterns [3, 4, 6, 7]. 2.1 Frequency changes
The fundamentals of this type of operation consist
in evaluating the characteristics of the propagation Modal parameters are global properties of a vibrating
along the wave path between each transducer/receiver structure, and their change can indicate the presence
pair and detecting reflections associated with damage. of a damage without performing direct measurements
The interpretation of the characteristics of the signals at or near the damage site. One of the typical
and the detection of reflections is, however, compli- effects of damage is a localized reduction of stiffness,
cated by the multimodal and dispersive nature of which produces a corresponding change in modal
Damage Measures 3

frequencies. Analytical quantification of the change in according to the following expression:

modal frequencies related to loss of stiffness in simple
beam and plate structures can be found, for example, {n (i )}T [kn ]{n (i )}
i2 = n (4)
in [911], where perturbation methods are applied to {i }T [M]{i }
estimate modal properties in the presence of notch-
type defects. It is nowadays quite accepted that simple where {n (i )} are the nth members deformations
monitoring of frequency changes is not a reliable and computed on the basis of the undamaged mode shapes
sensitive-enough method for early damage detection, i , while [M] and [kn ] describe the mass of the
and cannot easily provide location information [1]. structure and the stiffness of the nth member. This
Noteworthy attempts include the work of Cawley and equation directly relates the effect of damage on a
Adams [12], who investigated frequency shifts due specific component n to the corresponding shift in
to damage in composite materials. The ratio between frequency, under the assumption that the evaluation
shifts at various modes i /j is used to construct of this direct relation can be performed on the basis
an error term, which allows to estimate the damage of predamage modal information. The hypothesis that
location. This technique, which does not account for damage only produces a change in stiffness [K]
multiple damage sites, was revisited in [13, 14] using is exploited in Richardson and Mannan [16], where
the sensitivity of modal frequency changes in terms of the orthogonality properties of the damaged and
local stiffness and mass changes. The following error undamaged structure is used to obtain the following
function for the ith mode and pth structural member sensitivity equation:
was introduced:
{i }T [K]{i } = (i(d) )2 (i(u) )2 (5)
z Fip
eip = i  (1) where it is again assumed that damage causes a
zj Fjp
negligible change in the mode shapes.
j j

where zi is ith term in the array of squared modal

2.2 Mode-shape changes
frequency changes, which is defined as
Mode-shape changes are found to be quite sensi-
{z} = [F ]{} [G]{} (2) tive to damage, especially when higher modes are
considered, and are able to directly provide damage
with [F ] and [G] denoting the changes in elemental location information. The problem associated with
stiffness and mass magnitudes, respectively. The mode-shape monitoring is clearly related to the
member that minimizes the error in equation (1) need of sufficient spatial measurement resolution,
is determined to be the damaged one, again under which complicates the experimental procedures. The
the assumption of single defect. The estimation of required measurement resolution can be easily achie-
the frequency change sensitivity is obviously based ved through the use of a scanning laser Doppler
on the finite element (FE) model of the structure vibrometer (SLDV), which has become an important
under consideration, which may be problematic in tool for dynamic testing. Alternatively, the number
the case of complex structures. Hearn and Testa [15] of measurement locations can be reduced if the FE
employed the FE formulation to introduce a damage model of the structure under investigation is available
severity parameter for structural member n repre- for its use in increasing the information on the struc-
senting the stiffness loss of the element, i.e., tures behavior and for interpolation purposes. Most
of the early work on mode-shape analysis consider
the modal assurance criterion (MAC) to compare
[kn ] = n [kn ] (3) measured, or damaged, modes, with undamaged or
numerical ones. For example, West [17] used the
which, under the assumption of single damage loca- MAC to correlate the modes of an undamaged space
tion, can be directly related to a frequency shift shuttle orbiter body flap with those after the flap
4 Simulation

has been exposed to acoustic loading. Another tech- A-A

nique presented in [18] considered a damage measure Wc
based on changes in the mode shape and mode- H
shape slope. Changes were simulated for stiffness Hc
reductions in each structural member and compared
with measured changes to determine the damage A
location. Other techniques of various nature exploit
comparisons through different types of modal corre- lc A
lation criteria. For example, Fox [19] proposed the l
concept of an MAC based on measurement points (a)
close to a node point for a particular mode (node
line MAC), Kim et al. [20] investigated the use
of the partial modal assurance criterion (PMAC) to 3
compare the MAC values of coordinate subsets of 2
the modal vectors, and Ko et al. [21] presented a 1
method that uses a combination of modal assurance
criterion (COMAC) and sensitivity analysis to detect
damage in steel-framed structures. Finally, a damage 1
signature based on the mode shape normalized by 2
the change in the modal frequency of another mode is
proposed in [22], as a way to combine frequency shift 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
and changes in mode shapes as damage indicators. (b) Distance (mm)
More recent investigations apply the wavelet trans- Figure 1. Configuration of cracked beam (a) and result of
form (WT) as a signal-processing tool to highlight WT decomposition of fourth mode (b) (from [23]).
the presence of discontinuities in the modal deflec-
tions. The spatial information resulting from multi- curvature as good indicators of damage for a beam-
point measurements are fed to wavelet algorithms type structure. They used a central difference-based
to obtain information regarding anomalies related to numerical differentiation technique to compute the
damage in the deformed shapes. Plots obtained upon curvature from numerically obtained mode shapes.
the wavelet analysis localize the damage and may be Their results showed that the absolute changes in
used, after proper calibration, to quantify the extent curvature were localized around the damaged region
of damage [2325]. Figure 1(b) shows, for example, and that damage could be quantified by establishing
the WT analysis of the fourth mode of the cracked a relationship between the changes in curvature and
beam shown in Figure 1(a), as presented in [23]. The the extent of damage. The evaluation of changes
considered WT of the spatial modal signal clearly in the curvature of dynamic deflection shapes as a
locates the damage along the beam length and can tool for damage detection and localization were also
be used to monitor its progression through the thick- investigated in [10] and subsequently in [11]. In these
ness. Results for plates using a similar approach are studies, the dynamic behavior of beams with notch
presented in [24]. defects and delaminations was studied analytically
and experimentally. Analytical models described the
dynamic behavior and the curvature modes of cracked
2.3 Mode-shape curvature changes beams through perturbation of the modal param-
eters of the undamaged beams, so that approxi-
An alternative to using mode shapes to obtain spatial mated analytical expressions for the damaged modes
information about structural changes is using mode- were obtained. The analytical studies were supported
shape derivatives, such as curvatures or strain energy by experimental investigations performed on simple
distributions obtained from spatial integration of beam structures. Their results show the potentials
curvature modes. For example, in 1991 Pandey et al. of the technique when applied to the first mode
[26] demonstrated the use of absolute changes in of the beam. The limitation to a single mode was
Damage Measures 5

mainly dictated by the limited spatial resolution avail- 1 2 k N

able in the accelerometers-based experiments. Ho
and Ewins [27] formulated a damage index defined x x=L
as the quotient squared of the corresponding modal Figure 2. Schematic of beam divisions.
curvatures of the undamaged and damaged structure.
The damage index was found to be highly suscep- as [30] (Figure 2):
tible to noise as measurement errors were amplified

N xk+1
owing to second-derivative computations based on
numerical techniques. They also demonstrated that Ui = EI i2 (x),xx dx
2 k=1 k xk
spatially sparse measurements adversely affect the
performance of the damage index. As an alterna- 

tive, Ho and Ewins [28] investigated the changes in Ui = Ui k (7)

the square of the slope of mode shapes of beams. k=1
Oscillations in the slope computations were reduced
where it is assumed that the flexural rigidity of the
through polynomial fit of the measured mode shape
beam over each region is constant. In addition, it is
as compared to the use of finite difference approxi-
assumed that damage is localized in a single region
mation. They also reported that higher derivatives can
k = p, and that at the damage location,
be more sensitive to damage, but are more subject to
numerical errors. Ui p Uip
Ui Ui
2.4 Damage measure based on energy so that an estimation of the reduction in stiffness
functional distributions rigidity can be obtained as
Other authors have used curvatures for the evaluation  xp+1
of the strain energy distribution over the structure i2 (x),xx dx
EIp Ui xp
under consideration. This approach has been pursued,  = f ip (9)
for example, by Kim and Stubbs [29] to formulate EIp Ui xp+1 2
i (x),xx dx
a damage index based on the comparison of strain xp
energy distributions for damaged and undamaged
structures. In [29], and in the subsequent papers by where the ratio fip is the considered damage measure.
the same authors, the technique is applied to beam The damage measure is expected to be equal to 1
structures using mode shapes, ODSs, or time-domain over the undamaged regions, and different than one
data to obtain information on both damage location over a damaged region. It is, in general, convenient
and extent. The same technique was extended to to combine information obtained from the analysis
plate structures in [30], where accelerometers are of several modes (I ) and therefore to consider a
used to measure the deflections to be interpolated for cumulative damage measure, defined as
successive differentiation. The basis of the technique
can be easily illustrated in the case of a beam in fk = f (10)
bending, for which the strain energy is given by I i=1 ik
1 This cumulative index provides a single piece
Ui = EI (x)i2 (x),xx dx (6)
2 0 of information, which combines the results from
several ODSs and associated strain energy distribu-
with L and EI denoting the beams length and tions. ODSs are not affected by damage because their
flexural stiffness, respectively, while i(x) is the particular location will not contribute, i.e., they will
beams ODS corresponding to its excitation at the give unit contributions, whereas the index for modes
ith natural frequency. The beam is subdivided into N altered by the defect will be combined to provide a
regions so that its total strain energy can be expressed robust indication of a defect.
6 Simulation

2.5 Interpolation of the measured This technique is demonstrated experimentally

response and synthesis of undamaged on a thin aluminum plate with artificially induced
baseline damage. The plate measures 35.6 cm 35.6 cm
0.10 cm (14 14 0.4 ), and it is cantilevered at
The damage index as proposed in [30] is based on a the base. A piezoceramic disc of 2.79 cm (1.1 ) diam-
comparison between damaged and undamaged strain eter and 0.076 cm (0.030 ) thickness is used as an
energy over the considered region of the structure. exciter. The plate, with actuator and damage location,
In practice, however, it may be difficult to have or is shown in Figure 3. The damage is a 3.6 cm (1.41 )-
obtain baseline information from the structures to be long, 1.3 mm (0.05 )-wide, and 0.4 mm (0.015 )-
analyzed. This, in fact, assumes that either an undam- deep groove, which was cut in the plate at the
aged specimen or historical data of the same kind location shown. The forced response at the plates
as those currently being collected are available. This natural frequencies in the excitation range and the
limitation can be overcome in the presence of high corresponding curvatures are evaluated. The modal
spatial resolution of the measurements, as provided, damage measure shown in Figure 4(a) clearly high-
for example, by SLDVs. The technique introduced lights the location of damage in the plate. Some
in [8] synthesizes undamaged information through deviation from unity can be observed at other loca-
spatial decimation of the response. In the proposed tions, one of them being located close to the exciter
approach, the ODSs are measured at several loca- and the other most likely due to measurement and/or
tions over the structure, so that spatial derivatives numerical noise. This spurious information can be
can be accurately estimated through spline interpo- effectively filtered out by considering a cumulative
lation of the measured data. The ODS (x, y) for a index obtained from the superposition of several
plate structure can, for example, be approximated as modal information. The cumulative index obtained
from the superposition of the first five modes of

(x, y)
the plate is shown in Figure 4(b), which provides an
= hp (x)hq (y)p,q (11)
unambiguous indication about damage presence and
where p,q defines the value of the ODS measured The procedure is also demonstrated on the wing
experimentally at the sensor location p, q, or at a skin of an F15 aircraft. The part is a complex
point of an SLDV grid, while hp (x), hq (y) are spline structure with rivet holes, thickness variations, and
basis functions. The curvature estimations can be stiffeners manufactured integrally with the skin. The
obtained by taking derivatives of the spline func-
tions, while keeping the nodal or measured values
as weighting parameters.
Baseline information can be generated by using
a subset of the measurement points. The baseline
interpolated deflection can be expressed as Unexposed surface of test specimen

(x, y)
= hr (x)hs (y)r,s (12)

where r, s are a subset of the measurement grid points

p, q, such that r < p, s < q. The resulting under- Groove
sampling of the data has the purpose of intentionally Piezoceramic
missing any discontinuity or anomaly correspond-
ing to damage, which can generally be detected only
through a refined measurement grid. The baseline
information can be then differentiated and used for
the estimation of the strain energy generically denoted Figure 3. Cantilevered aluminum plate with detail of
as U . actuator and damage locations.
Damage Measures 7

(a) Modal damage index

(b) Cumulative damage index

Figure 4. Modal (a) and cumulative (b) damage index.

material of the part is aluminum, and the base in a region between two stiffeners. The considered
thickness is equal to 3.2 mm (1/8 ). Figure 5 shows damage is a 3.8 cm (1.5 )-long slit, which causes
pictures of the front and back of the component approximately a 30% reduction in the skin thickness.
to highlight its complexity. In the laboratory setup, Modal testing is performed by exciting the skin
the part is hung using elastic bands to fixed rails through a piezoelectric actuator placed at the location
mounted on the ceiling. Damage is artificially created shown in Figure 6(a). The deformed configurations
8 Simulation

(a) (b)
Inspected portion
of outboard
wing skin

Figure 5. F15 wing skin: front (a) and back (b) views, and location of component on the aircraft (c).

obtained are used to evaluate the energy distribution areas possible. The complicating factors are the multi-
over the monitored region and the corresponding modal and dispersive natures of GUW signals, which
damage measure, whereby the decimation of the full require the development of proper interpretation tools.
data set is used to generate baseline information. The The objective is the extraction of relevant features
damage measure map resulting from the combination from the recorded response, which may be related to
of the first 10 modes of the skin is shown in damage.
Figure 6(b). The map clearly shows the presence of
damage, which is highlighted as a dark region on the
white background corresponding to the unit value. 3.1 Signal processing
In this regard, proper signal-processing algorithms
3 GUIDED ULTRASONIC are essential features of GUW-based SHM tech-
niques. Overviews of signal-processing strategies
WAVES-BASED DAMAGE used for GUW interpretation and damage measure
MEASURES formulation can be found in [3, 5]. Time frequency
transforms (TFTs) are well-suited for the anal-
The application of GUWs as inspection tools for ysis, decomposition and denoising of GUW signals,
SHM is receiving attention by a large number of which are typically nonstationary. Short time Fourier
researchers. The most attractive feature is the ability transforms (STFT) [31], WignerVille distributions
of GUWs to travel long distances in plate and shell- (WVD) [32, 33], and, more recently, the Hilbert
like structures, which makes the inspection of large Huang transform (HHT) [34, 35] are examples of
Damage Measures 9

Measured region



Figure 6. Measurement grid considered for modal testing (a) and resulting damage index map (b).

various techniques used to observe the propagation of are taken to construct a six-dimensional damage
various modes, to separate reflections from incident index, which is fed to a neural network (NN), tasked
waves, and to formulate associated damage measures. to evaluate size and location of a notch damage. The
The WT in its various forms is a very important damage index compares features fi (i = 1, . . . , n)
and versatile tool, used extensively for denoising, associated with the reflected signal with the corre-
as well as for feature extraction and selection [3]. sponding ones in the signal traveling from transmitter
The discrete wavelet decomposition is applied, for to receiver:
example, in [36] as part of a feature extraction
and automatic classification framework developed for fi(Reflec)
DI = (13)
GUW inspection of pipes. Reflection measurements fi(Direct)
10 Simulation

Results are presented to show the monotonic vari- based on this concept is currently in the works. The
ation of the damage index in terms of the defect SLDV was also used by Staszewski et al. [42] to
size, and the effectiveness of the considered features investigate maximum amplitudes of low-frequency
as inputs to the NN for classification purposes. The Lamb waves propagating in plate structures. Ampli-
STFT is applied in [37] to select and isolate the first tude reductions and sudden increases across the defect
symmetric mode (S0), known for being particularly were considered as indicators of damage.
sensitive to crack-type damages, and to formulate the
following damage index:
 tf 3.2 Pattern recognition
|Ssc (0 , t)| dt
ti As in [36], signal-processing tools are often com-
DI =

bined with tools that are able to classify the identified
|Sb (0 , t)|2 dt signal features and relate them to damage type and
extent. The most common technique for pattern
where Ssc is the time varying spectral amplitude of recognition is certainly the use of NNs. Examples
the scattered signal, Sb is the corresponding amplitude of their application for GUW SHM can be found
for a baseline signal, 0 is the excitation frequency, in [43], where spectrographic features from Lamb
ti and tf are time bounds, and is a gain factor wave signals in the time-frequency domain were
set to better match experimental fatigue crack growth used to construct a damage parameters database,
trends. The damage measure obtained using built- through which an NN was then trained for its
in piezoceramics showed a good correlation with successive use for the identification of delaminations
crack growth observed by visual inspection, and an in quasi-isotropic composite laminates. A multilayer
alternative formulation based on the energy of the A0 perceptron (MLP) NN is used in [44] as part of a
mode is suggested for the detection of disbonds. novelty detection method. The technique is applied to
A network of sensors is used to construct GUW a thin, isotropic plate, where GUWs are sequentially
tomograms used to inspect anisotropic composite transmitted and captured by eight piezoelectric
plates in [38]. The approach accounts for attenuation patches bonded on the plate to act both as
in the composite material by using the energy of the sensors and actuators. Scattering waveform responses
earliest wave signals as the reconstruction parameter, representing normal and damaged conditions are
and by normalizing the wave energy of the defective transformed into a set of novelty indices that are
sample with respect to that of the undamaged one. fed as inputs to the NN, incorporating the MLP
For quantitative comparisons between tomograms, architecture to compute and predict the damage
a parameter is introduced as the ratio of the location on the plate.
considered values in the defect-free region to that of
the defective region of a tomogram.
Higher dimensional Fourier transforms (FTs), 3.3 Strain energy distribution
transforming the signal in the wavenumber/frequency
domain, are also used to identify wave modes and The technique presented in Section 2.4, can be easily
to investigate mode conversion phenomena caused adapted to transient time signals corresponding to
by crack-like damages [39]. Examples of numerical GUW propagation. The strain energy distribution of
investigations of mode conversion phenomena can equation (9) can be rewritten in terms of displace-
be found in [40]. Recently, Ruzzene [41] has applied ments w(x, t) and corresponding curvatures in the
two-dimensional and three-dimensional FTs as tools time domain:
to decouple incident and reflected waves, and to  L
filter out the incident component from the recorded 1
Ui (t) = EI (x)w,xx (x, t)2 dx (15)
signal. The experimental application of this concept is 2 0
enabled by the application of the SLDV, which easily
provides the spatial measurement resolution needed to Again, undamaged, or baseline, information can be
perform FTs in the spatial domain. A damage measure synthesized through the decimation process described
Damage Measures 11

in Section 2.5, assuming a sufficient number of

measurement locations is available. This formulation
leads to a time-dependent damage measure, which
can be represented as maps that evolve over time
as waves propagate within the structure. The advan-
tages of a time-domain damage measure include the
possibility of limiting the investigation to a partic-
ular time window. In fact, a recognized problem
in wave-propagation-based inspections arises when
the incoming wave hides the presence of damage
and the resulting wave reflections. The analysis of
the trailing part of the wave, after the main pulse
has decayed, is often rich in information regarding
damage location and extent, as damage generally Figure 8. Damage measure evaluated on F15 wing
behaves like a secondary wave source. The consid- through wave-propagation analysis.
ered time-domain formulation allows to select the
time interval, where structural response and associ-
ated energy distribution are most affected by damage.
application of the considered damage measure, on
Examples of results obtained through this approach
the contrary, does not require previous knowledge
are presented in the following. Wave propagation
of the response of the structure, nor does it rely
tests are performed on the F15 wing skin previously
on the availability of a model. It thus represents
considered. A 40 kHz, five-cycle sinusoidal burst
an attractive solution for the analysis of complex
excites the structure through a piezoelectric actuator.
or built-up structures. The damage measure maps
A snapshot of the recorded response is shown in
obtained on the restricted region, defined by the
Figure 7, which demonstrates the complexity of the
results of the modal tests described in Section 2.4,
wavefield as a result of the structural complexity. are shown in Figure 8, which clearly outline the
In particular, it is shown how the stiffeners tend to longitudinal extension and the location of the crack.
reflect the wave and cause it to propagate perpen- Results from the experiments conducted on a 1.3 mm
dicular to their length. Such a behavior makes the (0.050 )-thick metal rib from an F15 aircraft wing
interpretation of the signals through standard time- are also illustrated. The specimen was removed from
of-flight estimation particularly difficult, as it would service because of the hairline crack in the flange,
be almost impossible to differentiate multiple reflec- which can be observed in Figure 9. A piezoceramic
tions from the one associated with the damage. The actuator was mounted at the location shown in the
figure and used to excite elastic waves in the spec-
imen. The excitation is a sinusoidal burst at 35 kHz,
which is a frequency that provides the best compro-
mise between short wavelength and wave attenuation
through the specimen. The time history corresponding
to the propagating elastic wave is recorded at the
scan points represented by the dots in Figure 10.
The measured displacements are then used as a
basis for the interpolation of the response of the
scanned region and for the successive formulation
of the damage measure in the time domain, which
is shown, upon summation over time, in Figure 10.
The contours clearly highlight the hairline crack and
Figure 7. Snapshot of F15 wing skin response resulting vividly outline its shape, thus providing its initial
from excitation at 40 kHz. characterization.
12 Simulation


(a) Detail of the crack

Figure 9. F15 rib.

This article is devoted to vibration-based and wave-
propagation-based inspection techniques and to the
formulation of damage measures. The overview
presents a limited range of solutions proposed in
the last 1520 years, and does not claim to be all-
inclusive and exhaustive, due to the wealth of litera-
ture available in the field. The presented techniques
and the list of references should, however, be suffi-
cient to guide a researcher beginning investigations
in this area. The article does not address nonlinear
(b) DI
techniques, both in the modal and wave-propagation
domains, which, however, are very promising and Figure 10. Detail of crack and time-domain damage
should be considered as natural extensions of most of measure evaluated at 35 kHz.
the techniques presented earlier. Among the nonlinear
techniques, nonlinear acoustics for the evaluation of Future challenges consist in the development of
nonlinear stressstrain parameters as damage precur- novel and robust interpretation algorithms, as well as
sors and indicators is an area that has received much in the implementation of novel actuation and sensing
attention, and that still holds great promises for future strategies. The results presented, in fact, show that
research contributions. detailed spatial measurements provide an enormous
Damage Measures 13

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Chapter 49
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite
Abir Chakraborty
India Science Laboratory, General Motors R & D, Bangalore, India

Further, because of the layered structure of compos-

1 Introduction 1 ites, generated waves get reflected and transmitted
2 Solution of 2-D Elasticity Equation 3 multiple times resulting in a complex wave pattern
and making it difficult to interpret the signal. The
3 Lamb Wave Analysis by Beam/Plate
boundaries are also responsible for the creation of
Theories 8
new kinds of waves. For example, when elastic
4 Propagation of Lamb Wave 9 waves propagate in an isotropic platelike structure,
5 Conclusion 16 they would experience repeated reflections at the top
References 16 and bottom surfaces alternately and a new kind of
wavecalled the Lamb waveis generated from
the original primary and secondary waves. Thus, the
Lamb wave is a guided wave [1] (see Fundamen-
1 INTRODUCTION tals of Guided Elastic Waves in Solids) propagating
The methodology of assessing the integrity of struc- in a domain bounded by two parallel traction-free
tural composites, traditionally based on nondestruc- surfaces. The importance of the Lamb wave in NDT
tive techniques (NDT), has evolved into the generic applications lies in its ability to inspect large areas at
field of structural health monitoring (see Lamb a time by propagating a long distance without atten-
Wave-based SHM for Laminated Composite uation. Hence, the Lamb wave finds immense appli-
Structures). In NDT, propagation of elastic waves cation in structural health monitoring for ultrasonic
in structures is used to probe for the existence of inspection of platelike aircraft components, missile
damage, its location, and its severity. For composite cases, pressure vessels, oil tanks, pipelines, etc (see
structures, complexity increases owing to the aniso- Ultrasonic Methods).
tropic and inhomogeneous nature of the constituent Classical wave analysis begins with the plane-wave
materials and the architecture of the composite itself. assumption (harmonic dependence of the displace-
ment field on the spatial and temporal variables), i.e.,

Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by u(x, y, z, t) = A exp(j (kx x + ky y + kz z t)

Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. = A exp(j (kx t), j 2 = 1 (1)
2 Simulation

where boldface letters denote vectors or matrices. waves can propagate in a 3-D unbounded media.
The unknowns in this case, i.e., the wave amplitude They are called dilatational (primary or P-wave)
vector A and the wavenumbers kx , ky , and kz are and shear (secondary or S-wave) waves. Further,
related to the excitation frequency . Substitution of depending upon the plane of propagation, shear waves
the assumed form of the displacement field in the are categorized as shear vertical (SV) and shear
governing equations horizontal (SH) waves. However, for anisotropic
material, clear distinction between the P and S waves
mn, n = um , mn = Cmnpq pq (2) cannot be made, and they are referred to as quasi-P
and quasi-shear waves.
results in the algebraic form of the governing In the case of singly or doubly bounded media,
equation: where the boundary comes into play, the speeds
become functions of and the waves become disper-
(mn 2 mn )An = 0, mn = Cmnpq kp kq (3) sive, i.e., they cannot retain their shape while prop-
agating. Historically, the dispersion relation for an
which is an eigenvalue problem for . The charac- elastic isotropic plate with infinite extent in plane
teristic polynomial  provides the necessary relation strain state was first derived by Lamb [2], thus
between the wavenumbers and frequency, called the marking the beginning of a new kind of wave. The
dispersion relation. The dispersion relation is also presence of boundary imposes another condition to be
expressed in terms of the frequency and phase speed satisfied by the components of k and . For the anal-
vector (cp ) ysis of 2-D media, this extra condition is sufficient to
calculate k for a given . However, for 3-D geom-
(k) etry, one of the wavenumber components should be
cp = k, k = (kx , ky , kz ) (4) assumed.
The Lamb wave propagates in doubly bounded
and the frequency and group speed vector (cg ) media and traction-free boundary conditions are to
be imposed at the edges. Imposition of this condi-
cg = k (k) (5) tion restricts the freedom of choosing wavenumber
components and only few admissible wavenumbers
For isotropic materials, the group speed vector points exist at a particular frequency. These wavenum-
toward the direction of energy propagation. The group bers constitute the fundamental modes of propaga-
speed is also of higher significance than phase speed tion, similar to the fundamental modes of vibration
as it is related to one of the important parameters of (standing wave). As happens in the latter case, exci-
NDT methods, the time of flight. Thus, the first step tation frequency determines modal participation of
toward wave analysis is finding out the dispersion the Lamb wave modes. Thus, it is necessary to have
relation and the second step is finding out the time- information about the modes in advance to analyze
domain response using this relation. the wave generated by the actuators.
It is to be noted that the governing equation For isotropic materials, it is possible to distinguish
provides only one condition to be satisfied by k between the symmetric and antisymmetric modes
and . However, for the three components of k to (Figure 1). However, for composite materials, as
be completely determined by , it is necessary to stated before, this kind of distinction is hard to make.
have three conditions. In the absence of these extra In the case of symmetric laminates, it is possible
conditions, a few of them are to be assumed, and the
rest are expressed in terms of the assumed ones. Thus,
for the analysis of three-dimensional (3-D) media A A
of infinite extent, two components of k are to be B B
provided, and the third component is solved from the
dispersion relation. In this case, the phase and group (a) (b)
speed are constant, and the waves are nondispersive Figure 1. (a) Symmetric Lamb wave propagation and
in nature. For isotropic material, only two kinds of (b) antisymmetric Lamb wave propagation.
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 3

to separate the Lamb waves into symmetric and is based on simplified geometry like layered media
antisymmetric modes. For symmetric modes, one and the method is not vastly different from the
type is designated as quasi-extensional (qSn ), where transfer-matrix-based method [1618]. However, the
the dominant component of the polarization vector stiffness matrix form, along with the exact repre-
is along the propagation direction, and the other sentation of the layer, makes it more efficient for
type is quasi-horizontal shear (qSH2n ), where the modeling multiple layers and for analyzing high-
polarization vector is mainly parallel to the plane frequency impact loading. The complete solution in
of the plate. Similarly, for the antisymmetric types SFEM is formulated on the basis of the partial wave
of wave modes, the quasi-flexural (qAn ) and quasi- technique (PWT). In the PWT-based method of Lamb
horizontal shear (qSH2n1 ) waves are generated. wave analysis, once the partial waves are found,
In general, there are two theoretical approaches the wave coefficients are made to satisfy the two
to investigate Lamb waves in composites: one is nonzero tractions specified at the top and bottom
the exact solution by 3-D elasticity theory, and the of the layer. In the general case, the formulation
other involves approximate solutions by plate theo- is slightly different, as no specific problem-oriented
ries. For the approach using 3-D elasticity, Nayfeh boundary conditions are imposed. Thus a system
and Chimenti [3] gave dispersion relations of Lamb matrix is established, which relates the tractions at
waves in a composite lamina. Later, Nayfeh [4] the interface to the interfacial displacements. This
developed the transfer matrix technique to obtain the generalization enables the use of the system matrix
dispersion curves for Lamb waves in laminates. In as a finite-element dynamic stiffness matrix, although
this method, the displacements and stresses of one formulated in the frequencywavenumber domain.
interface are related to the other interface by a system These matrices can be assembled to model different
matrix developed from the governing equation and layers of different ply orientation or inhomogeneity,
stress displacement relation. This matrix is assem- which obviates the necessity for the cumbersome
bled for more than one layer, and the resulting system computation associated with multilayer analysis [19].
needs to be solved after imposing the boundary condi- The only shortcoming of the method is that each spec-
tions. A comprehensive review of the theories and tral layer element (SLE) can accommodate only one
applications of Lamb waves is given by Chimenti fiber angle; thus for different ply stacking sequences,
[5]. Although the exact solutions provide accurate the number of elements will be at least equal to the
results, the computation for dispersion characteristics number of different ply angles in the stacking.
of multilayered composites is intensive because of In the next section, the procedure for solving the
the transcendental nature of the equations. To circum- 2-D elastodynamic equation is outlined for arbitrary
vent this problem, approximate solutions are obtained load and boundary conditions. Then, the method of
from higher order laminated plate theories. There are obtaining the Lamb wave modes from the 2-D solu-
other analyticalnumerical approaches for modeling tions is discussed. Next, different beam theories are
Lamb waves, e.g., on the basis of discrete layer theory evaluated to predict Lamb modes, which are subse-
and multiple integral transform [6], coupled finite quently compared with the 2-D solutions. Finally,
element (FE)normal mode expansion method [7], or the propagation of the lower-order Lamb waves is
boundary elementnormal mode expansion method simulated.
[8]. The conventional FE method is suitable only for
wave propagation simulation, and no information can
be obtained for the dispersion relation. 2 SOLUTION OF 2-D ELASTICITY
The assumed form of the displacement field indi- EQUATION
cates an integral transform-based approach for wave-
propagation analysis. The spectral finite element It is assumed that there is no heat conduction in
method (SFEM) is a confluence of the Fourier trans- and out of the system, the displacements are small,
form and conventional FE-based matrix approach, the material is homogeneous and anisotropic, and the
which is an inexpensive way of constructing the domain is 2-D Euclidean space. The general elasto-
Lamb wave modes as well as predicting time-domain dynamic equation of motion for three dimensions is
signals [915]. The SFEM in two dimensions (2-D) given by
4 Simulation

ij,j = (x1 , x2 , x3 )ui , ij = Cij kl (x1 , x2 , x3 )kl We attempt to reduce the governing partial differ-
ential equations (PDEs) to a set of ordinary differen-
(ui,j + uj,i )
ij = (6) tial equations (ODEs). For this, we need to remove
2 two variables out of the system and introduce two
new parameters instead. To achieve this, we take
where comma (,) and dot () denote partial differen-
Fourier transform in time and Fourier series in
tiation with respect to the spatial variables and time,
space. With this assumption, the spectral form of the
displacement field becomes
For 2-D model with orthotropic material construc-
tion, complexity of the above equation can be further
reduced by the following assumptions: the nonzero sin(m x) j n t
displacements are u1 = u and u3 = w in the direction u(x, z, t) = u(z, m , n ) e
cos(m x)
x1 = x and x3 = z, respectively (Figure 2). Then the n=1 m=1

nonzero strains are related to these displacements by (10)

cos(m x) j n t
w(x, z, t) = w(z, m , n ) e
xx = ux , zz = wz , xz = uz + wx (7) sin(m x)
n=1 m=1

The nonzero stresses are then related to the strains by
where n is the discrete angular frequency and m is
the relation
the discrete horizontal wavenumber. As the assumed
field suggests, for M , the model has infinite
xx = Q11 xx + Q13 zz extent in the positive and negative X direction,
zz = Q13 xx + Q33 zz , xz = Q55 xz (8) although the domain is finite in the Z direction, i.e.,
it is a layered structure. In particular, the domain
where Qij s are the stiffness coefficients, which can be written as  = [, +] [0, L], where
depend on the ply lay up, its orientation, and the z L is the thickness of the layer. The boundaries of
coordinate of the layer. Substituting equation (8) in any layer are specified by a fixed value of z. The X
equation (6) and imposing the assumptions, the elas- dependency of the displacement field (sine or cosine)
todynamic equation for 2-D homogeneous orthotropic is determined on the basis of the loading pattern. In all
media is given by subsequent formulation and computation, symmetric
load pattern is considered, i.e., sin(m x) for u and
Q11 uxx + (Q13 + Q55 )wxz + Q55 uzz = u cos(m x) for w. The real computational domain is
c = [XL /2, +XL /2] [0, L], where XL is the
Q55 wxx + (Q13 + Q55 )uxz + Q33 wzz = w (9) X window length. Discrete values of m depend
upon the XL and the number of mode shapes (M)
Tz1 chosen.
This displacement field reduces the governing
equations to a set of ODEs as
u1 X
Au + Bu + Cu = 0 , u = {u w} (12)
Z where prime denotes differentiation with respect to z.
u2 Tx 2
The matrices A, B, and C are
Q55 0
w2 A=
Tz 2 0 Q33
Figure 2. Spectral finite element and the associated 0 (Q13 + Q55 )m
B= (13)
degrees of freedom. (Q13 + Q55 )m 0
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 5

Q11 + n2 0 the coefficients of k 4 , k 2 , and k 0 , respectively, in
C= (14)
0 m
Q55 + n2 equation 18.
There are certain properties of the wavenumbers
The associated boundary conditions are the spec- that will be explored now. As can be seen from equa-
ifications of the stresses zz and xz at the layer tion 18, for m = 0, the equation is readily
interfaces. From equation (8), the stresses are related to give the roots /Q33 and /Q55 . Since
to the unknowns as none of the , Q33 , or Q55 can be negative or zero,
these roots are always real and linear with . When
s = Du + Eu, s = {zz xz } m is not zero, k becomes zero for satisfying
0 Q33
, E=
m Q13 0 4
Q11 Q55 m n2 m
(Q11 + Q55 ) + 2 n4 = 0
Q55 0 0 m Q55
i.e., 2
(Q11 m 2 )(Q55 m
2 ) = 0
The original boundary-value problem reduces to i.e., = m Q11 / , m Q55 / (19)
finding u, which satisfies equation (12) for all z c
and specification of u or s at z = 0 or z = L. Once which are the cutoff frequencies. For frequencies
the solution is obtained for different values of z in the lower than the cutoff frequencies, the roots are imag-
frequencywavenumber domain (Z domain, inary and nonpropagating, and above these frequen-
for given values of n and m ), summation over m cies, the roots are real and propagating. For isotropic
brings the solution back to the Z X domain materials, the cutoff frequencies are given by cp
and inverse Fourier transform brings the solution back and cs [20]. The current expressions for the cutoff
to time domain, i.e., Z X t domain. frequencies are also reducible to that of isotropic
The solution to these ODEs are of the form u0 ej kz materials if we identify Q11 and Q55 with + 2
and w0 ej kz , which yields the polynomial eigenvalue and , respectively, where and are the Lames
problem parameters. If we identify the qP wave with Q33
(or Q11 ) and the qSV wave with Q55 , then, as the
cutoff frequencies suggest, for the same value of
W{u0 } = 0, W = k 2 A j kB + C, {u0 } = {u0 w0 }
m , it is the qSV wave that becomes propagating
(16) first, since Q11 > Q55 . In Figure 3, the wavenum-
where W is the wave matrix given by bers are plotted for three different ply angles, 0 ,
k 2 Q55 m
Q11 + n2 j km (Q13 + Q55 )
W= (17)
j km (Q13 + Q55 ) k Q33 m
2 2
Q55 + n2

The singularity condition of W yields the following 45 , and 90 . For all the ply angles, Q33 and Q55
equation for determining the spectrum relation: are assumed 9.69 and 4.13 GPa, respectively. For
Q11 and Q13 , the following values are assumed. For
Q33 Q55 k 4 + {(Q11 Q33 2Q13 Q55 Q213 )m
2 0 , Q11 = 146.3 GPa and Q13 = 2.98 GPa, for 45 ,
Q11 = 44.62 GPa and Q13 = 1.62 GPa, and for 90 ,
n2 (Q33 + Q55 )}k 2 + {Q11 Q55 m
Q11 = 9.69 GPa and Q13 = 2.54 GPa. In Figure 3,
the imaginary part of the wavenumbers is plotted in
n2 m
(Q11 + Q55 ) + 2 n4 } = 0 (18) the horizontal plane and the real part in the vertical
plane. Further, the imaginary part of the wavenum-
It is to be noted that for each value of m and bers for 0 and 90 are plotted on the positive side,
n , there are four values of k, denoted by klmn , l = whereas for 45 it is plotted on the negative side, for
1, . . . , 4, which are obtained by solving equation 18. distinction. Two different m values are considered.
 solution of the wavenumber k is klnm = The linear variation of the real part of the wavenum-

b b2 4ac/2a, where a, b, and c are bers are for m = 0 and the variation for the rest of
6 Simulation

Real part

80 45
40 2
Ima 20 1.5 4
gin 1 10
par 0 (Hz )
t 0.5
u ency
20 0 Freq

Figure 3. Variation of wavenumber with n (m = 10).

the plots are for m = 10. As discussed previously, Any of these two relations can be used to express one
the slope of the linear portion depends upon Q33 and in terms of the other. Once the four wavenumbers and
Q55 , and as they are equal for all the ply angles, this wave amplitudes are known, the four partial waves
part is common for all the ply angles. The difference can be constructed and the displacement field can be
comes in the imaginary part and the cutoff frequen- written as a linear combination of the partial waves.
cies. Two different cutoff frequencies are seen in the Each partial wave is given by
figure for each ply angle, where the largest value is      
for the 0 ply angle because of the large Q11 value. ai =
R1i j ki z sin(m x) j n t
e e
Further, the shear cutoff frequency is the same for all wi R2i cos(m x)
the ply angles as Q55 is the same for all the cases. i = 1...4 (23)
Once the required wavenumbers k for which the
wave matrix W is singular are obtained, the solution and the total solution is
u0 at frequency n and wavenumber m is

u= C i ai (24)
unm = R11 C1 ej k1 x + R12 C2 ej k2 x i=1

+ R13 C3 ej k3 x + R14 C4 ej k4 x (20) Once the solutions of u and w are obtained in

j k1 x j k2 x the form of equations (20) and (21) for each value
wnm = R21 C1 e + R22 C2 e
of n and m , the same procedure as outlined in the
+ R23 C3 ej k3 x + R24 C4 ej k4 x (21) 1-D element formulation is employed to obtain the
element dynamic stiffness matrix at n and m . Thus,
where Rij are the amplitude coefficients to be deter- the nodal displacements are related to the unknown
mined and they are called wave amplitudes. For any constants by
wavenumber kp , the wave amplitudes R1p and R2p
satisfy the relation {u1nm v1nm u2nm v2nm }T = [T1nm ]{C1 C2 C3 C4 }T
W11 R1p + W12 R2p = 0, W21 R1p + W22 R2p = 0 i.e.,

(22) {u}nm = [T1 ]nm {C}nm (26)

Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 7

Using equation 15, nodal tractions are related to F (x, z, t) = (z zj )

the constants by

{t}nm = [T2 ]nm {C}nm am cos(m x)
fn e (j n t)
m=1 n=0
{t}nm = {zz1 , xz1 , zz2 , xz2 } (27)
where denotes the Dirac delta function, zj is the
where inhomogeneity of the material is used while Z coordinate of the point where the load is applied,
evaluating the tractions at the nodes. and the z dependency is fixed by suitably choosing
Explicit forms of T2nm and T1nm are the node where the load is prescribed. No variation of

R11 R12 R13 R14
R21 R22 R23 R24
T1 = (28)
R11 e(j k1 L) R12 e(j k2 L) R13 e(+j k1 L) R14 e(+j k2 L)
R21 e(j k1 L) R22 e(j k2 L) R23 e(+j k1 L) R24 e (+j k2 L)

T2 (1, p) = Q55 (j R1p kp R2p ) load along the Z direction is allowed in this analysis.
fn are the Fourier transform coefficients of the time-
T2 (2, p) = j Q33 R2p kp Q13 R1p dependent part of the load, which are computed by
T2 (3, p) = Q55 (j R1p kp R2p )e(j kp L) fast Fourier transform (FFT), and am are the Fourier
series coefficients of the x-dependent part of the load.
T2 (4, p) = {j Q33 R2p kp + Q13 R1p }e(j kp L) There are two summations involved in the solution
and the two associated windows, one in time T
and the other in space XL . The discrete frequencies
where p ranges from 1 to 4.
n and the discrete horizontal wavenumber m are
Thus, the dynamic stiffness matrix becomes
related to these windows by the number of data N
and M chosen in each summation, i.e.,
[K]nm = [T2 ]nm [T1 ]1
nm (30)

which is of size 4 4 and has the parameters n and n = 2n/T = 2n/(N t)

m . This matrix represents the dynamics of an entire m = 2(m 1)/XL = 2(m 1)/(M x) (32)
layer of any length L at frequency n and horizontal
wavenumber m . Consequently, this small matrix acts
where t and x are the temporal and spatial sample
as a substitute for the global stiffness matrix of FE
rates, respectively.
modeling, whose size, depending upon the thickness
of the layer, is many orders larger than the size of the
layer element stiffness matrix.
2.2 Determination of Lamb wave modes

2.1 Prescription of boundary conditions As defined earlier, the Lamb waves are guided waves
(Figure 1), propagating in a free plate, and the two
Essential boundary conditions are prescribed in the lateral guiding surfaces are traction free. There are
usual way as is done in FE methods, where the two main approaches to the analysis of the Lamb
nodal displacements are simply arrested or released, waves. The first one is the method of potentials.
depending upon the nature of the boundary condi- In this method, Helmholtz decomposition of the
tions. The applied tractions are to be prescribed at displacement field is obtained and the governing
the nodes. It is assumed that the loading function (for equations are uncoupled and written in terms of the
symmetric loading) can be written as potentials. Solutions are sought for these potentials,
8 Simulation

which contain four arbitrary constants. The displace- (i.e., zz , xz = 0) are prescribed at z = h/2. Using
ment field and the stresses are expressed in terms equation 16, the governing equation for Ci and m
of the potentials, and the imposition of the traction- becomes
free upper and lower surfaces generates the neces-
sary condition for finding the unknown constants and [W2 (m , n )]{C}nm = 0, C = {C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 }
the dispersion equation (see [19]). The advantage of
this method is that the symmetric and antisymmetric
modes can be isolated during formulation (Figure 1a where W2 is another form of the stiffness matrix K
and b). However, the method is applicable only to the and given by
isotropic waveguides.
The second approach is based on the PWT, which W2 (1, p) = (Q110 R(1, p)
is discussed below in detail. In the SLE formulation, j Q130 R(2, p)kp )ej kp h/2
there are two summations in the solutions. The outer
one is over the discrete frequencies and the inner one W2 (2, p) = (Q110 R(1, p)
is over the discrete horizontal wavenumbers. Each j Q130 R(2, p)kp )ej kp h/2
partial wave of equation 24 satisfies the governing
PDEs (equation 9), and the coefficients Ci , as a W2 (3, p) = Q550 (R(1, p)kp + j R(2, p))ej kp h/2
whole, satisfy any prescribed boundary conditions.
As long as the prescribed natural boundary condi- W2 (4, p) = Q550 (R(1, p)kp + j R(2, p))ej kp h/2
tions are nonhomogeneous, no restriction is imposed (35)
upon the horizontal wavenumber and this leads The dispersion relation is det{W2 } = 0, which yields
to a double summation solution of the displacement m (n ) and the phase speed for Lamb waves cnm are
field. However, this is not the case for traction-free given by n /m . Once the values of m are known
boundary conditions on the two surfaces, which are for the desired number of modes, the elements of
the necessary conditions for generating Lamb waves. Cnm are obtained by the technique of singular-value
The governing discrete equation for finite layer (equa- decomposition as described in [17, 18]. Summing
tion 30), in this case, becomes over all the Lamb modes, the solution for each
frequency is obtained.
[K(m , n )]nm {u}nm = 0 (33)

and we are interested in a nontrivial u. Hence, the 3 LAMB WAVE ANALYSIS

stiffness matrix K must be singular, i.e., det(K(m ,
n )) = 0, which gives the required relation between
m and n . Since, n is made to vary independently, As stated before, to avoid the complexity of solving
the above relation must be solved for m to render the classical elasticity equation, Lamb waves are
the stiffness matrix singular, i.e., m cannot vary also constructed from the beam and plate theories.
independently. More precisely, for each value of n , Depending upon the order of the polynomial involved
there is a set of values of horizontal wavenumber in the assumed displacement field, Lamb wave modes
m (one for each mode), and for each value of are captured. Generally, the modes are represented
n and m , there are four vertical wavenumbers well in the low-frequency regime. However, at high
knm . The difference in this case is in the value of frequencies, appearance of the new modes and devia-
m , which is to be solved for, as opposed to its tion from the existing modes become too apparent
expression in equation 32, and M is the number and indicate the boundary of the applicability of
of Lamb modes considered rather than Fourier beam/plate theories.
modes. Now, for each set of (n , m , knml ), l = In this section, two basic beam theories are consid-
1, . . . , 4, K is singular and Cl , l = 1, . . . , 4 is in ered, namely, the classical or EulerBernoulli theory
the null space of K. Now, using equation 24, the (EBT) and first-order shear deformation or the Timo-
total solution can be constructed. Following the shenko beam theory (TBT). It is assumed that
normal practice, the traction-free boundary conditions the boundaries are given by z = z1 and z = z2 and
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 9

the wave is propagating in the X direction. Also the 4 PROPAGATION OF LAMB WAVE
Y dimension is considerably low compared to the
X dimension. The displacement field in terms of X First, the Lamb wave modes are computed by
displacement, U , and Z displacement, W , for each of directly solving the 2-D elasticity equation following
the beam theories is as follows: the procedure outlined in Section 2.2. For this
purpose, AS4/3502 composite lamina with the
EBT: U (x, z, t) = u(x, t) zW (x, t)/x following material properties are considered: E1 =
144.5 GPa, E2,3 = 9.63 GPa, 13,12 = 0.3, 23 =
W (x, z, t) = w(x, t) (36) 0.02, G23,13,12 = 4.12 GPa, and = 1389 kg m3 . An
TBT: U (x, z, t) = u(x, t) z(x, t) angle-ply lamina of 2-mm thickness is considered
for the Lamb wave propagation study. Analysis is
W (x, z, t) = w(x, t) (37) performed for three different fiber directions, 0 , 45 ,
and 90 .
Assuming plane-wave solution for all the unknowns, The dispersion relation (relation between cp = /
i.e., and ) is usually left in the form of a determinant
equal to zero because of its complexity. Hence, solu-
{u, w, }(x, t) = {u, w, } exp(j (kx t)) (38) tion for this kind of implicit equation requires special
treatment. The solution, in particular, is multivalued,
the algebraic form of the governing equation takes unbounded, and complex (although the real part is
the familiar form of interest). One way to solve these equations is to
appeal to the strategies of nonlinear optimization,
W{u0 } = {0} (39) which are based on nonlinear least-square methods.
There are several choices of algorithms, like the trust-
Imposing the condition of nontrivial solutions, i.e., region dogleg method, the GaussNewton method
det(W) = 0, generates the dispersion relation, i.e., with a line search, or a Levenberg-Marquardt method
the k relation. Appealing to the definition of with line search. Here, the MATLAB function f solve
phase (/k) and group speeds (d/dk) the Lamb is used, and the default option for medium-scale
wave modes can be obtained. This method is rela- optimizationthe trust-region dogleg methodis
tively simple, as only polynomial equations are adopted, which is a variant of the Powells dogleg
involved (owing to the assumed polynomial form method [21].
of the displacement field). The number of Lamb Apart from the choice of algorithm, there are
wave modes captured depends upon the number of other subtle issues in root capturing for the solu-
unknowns in each theory. For example, in EBT, the tion of wavenumbers, as the solutions are compli-
first symmetric (u) and antisymmetric (w) modes cated in nature. Moreover, except for the first one
participate, whereas, in the TBT, the second anti- or two modes, all the other roots escape to infinity
symmetric mode is present along with the previously at low frequency. For isotropic materials, these
mentioned modes. cutoff frequencies are known a priori. However, no
It is worth realizing that the governing equations expressions can be found for anisotropic materials
considered in each case are devoid of any distributed and in most cases the modes (solutions) should be
load. Thus the top and bottom surfaces of the beam tracked backward, i.e., from the high-frequency to
are stress free, which is exactly the condition of Lamb the low-frequency region. In general, two strategies
wave propagation. This is why the dispersion relation are essential to capture all the modes within a given
of the beam/plate generates the dispersion relation of frequency band. Initially, the whole region should
the Lamb wave. To extend this idea further, if we be scanned for different values of the initial guess,
are interested in finding the Lamb wave modes for a where the initial guess should remain constant for
pipeline system, the method worth trying would be the whole range of frequency. This sweeping opens
to compute the dispersion relation for shell structure, up all the modes in that region, although they are
rather than directly working with the axi-symmetric not completely traced. Subsequently, each individual
3-D elasticity solution. mode should be followed to the end of the domain
10 Simulation

or to a preset high value of the solution. For this which amounts to a frequency-thickness value of 2.
case, the initial guess should be changed for each This increased thickness is taken because, for this
frequency to the solution of the previous frequency value, at least three modes are excited in all the
step. Also, sometimes it is necessary to reduce the cases, as shown by their respective dispersion curves
frequency step in the vicinity of high gradient of (Figures 4, 8, and 11).
the modes. Once the Lamb modes are generated, In all the dispersion plots of the Lamb modes,
they are fed back into the frequency loop to produce the abscissa is given in terms of frequency times
the frequency-domain solution of the Lamb wave the thickness. Figure 4 shows the first 10 Lamb
propagation, which through inverse Fourier trans- modes for fiber angle 0 . As is seen in the figure,
form produces the time-domain signal. As the Lamb the first antisymmetric mode (mode 1) converges to
modes are generated first, they need to be stored sepa- a value of 1719 m s1 in a range of 1 MHz-mm,
rately. To this end, data are collected from the gener- where all the other modes converge. In analogy to
ated modes at several discrete points in the whole the isotropic case, this is the velocity of the Rayleigh
range of frequency. Next, a cubic spline interpolation surface waves in 0 fiber laminae. The first symmetric
is performed for a very fine frequency step within mode (mode 2) starts above 10 000 m s1 and drops
the same range. While generating the time-domain suddenly at around 1.3 MHz-mm to converge to
data, the interpolation is performed from these finely 1719 m s1 , before which it has a fairly constant
graded data to get the phase speed (hence, ). value. All the other higher order modes escape to
To get the time history of the propagating Lamb infinity at various points in the frequency range. Also,
waves, a modulated pulse of 200-kHz center fre- the symmetric and the antisymmetric pair of each
quency is applied at one end of an infinite plate, and mode escape at almost the same frequency.
the X and Z velocities are measured for a propa- For the 0 ply stacking, Lamb modes are computed
gating distance of 320h, where h is the thickness of by the beam theories and compared with the previous
the plate. While studying the time-domain represen- solutions in Figure 5. As the figure suggests, EBT
tation, the thickness of the plate is taken as 10 mm, fails to predict mode 1, although it predicts mode 2

14 000

12 000

10 000
Phase velocity (m s1)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency thickness (MHz-mm)
Figure 4. Lamb wave modes for 0 ply angle.
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 11




Phase velocity (m s1)



0.4 TBT


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Frequency thickness (MHz-mm)
Figure 5. Lamb wave modes for 0 ply angle: comparison with beam theories.

accurately. On the other hand, TBT predicts mode 1 Next the fiber angle is changed to 45 , and the
and 2 accurately but approximates the second anti- Lamb modes are plotted in Figure 8. Here, the phase
symmetric mode. This prediction can be improved if velocity of mode 1 (a0 ) is lower than the previous
a correction factor is introduced in the shear modulus. values for 0 (1690 m s1 ). Also, the initial phase
Thus, depending upon the order of the beam theory, velocity of mode 2 (s0 ) has come down to less
different Lamb wave modes are captured. than 6000 m s1 in comparison to its 0 counter-
Propagation of these modes are plotted in Figure 6 part (10 000 m s1 ). Further, the cutoff frequencies
and 7 for the first three modes (a0 , s0 , and a1 ), here of all the higher modes are smaller compared to the
referred to as modes 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The previous case. Also, there are considerable differences
Z velocity history is plotted in Figure 6, whereas in these cutoff frequencies for each pair of symmetric
the X velocity history is plotted in Figure 7. The and antisymmetric modes, which is absent in the 0
figures readily show the different propagating modes, case. Further, the number of modes is increased to
each corresponding to one blob. It is to be noted that 11 from 10 in the previous case. The time-domain
the wave propagation velocity is given by the group representations of the propagating waves are shown
speed (and not the phase speed). Hence, Figure 4 in Figures 9 and 10. In this case, however, the second
cannot help us to predict the appearances of different mode has higher group velocity than the first mode,
modes. However, as Figure 6 and 7 suggest, mode 2 and the third mode has the highest group speed.
has a lower group speed than mode 1, and mode 3 Finally, the fiber angle is changed to 90 , and the
has a group speed much higher than both modes 1 resulting dispersion relation is plotted in Figure 11.
and 2. One difference in the u and w history can be The shifting of the modes to the left of the figure
observed. For u, the higher mode generates velocity continues as the number of modes is increased to 12.
of comparatively lesser magnitude, whereas, for w, Further, the first symmetric mode has come down
the magnitude is the highest. to 2600 m s1 and the first antisymmetric mode is
12 Simulation

1 Mode 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Z velocity (m s1)

1 Mode 1 and 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
1 Mode 1, 2, and 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s) 103
Figure 6. Lamb wave propagation for 0 ply angle, transverse mode, L = 320h.

0.2 Mode 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
X velocity (m s1)

0.2 Mode 1 and 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
1 Mode 1, 2, and 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s) 103
Figure 7. Lamb wave propagation for 0 ply angle, longitudinal mode, L = 320h.
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 13

14 000

12 000

10 000
Phase velocity (m s1)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency thickness (MHz-mm)
Figure 8. Lamb wave modes for 45 ply angle.

Mode 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Z velocity (m s1)

2 Mode 1 and 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Mode 1, 2, and 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) 103
Figure 9. Lamb wave propagation for 45 ply angle, transverse mode, L = 320h.
14 Simulation

Mode 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
X velocity (m s1)

Mode 1 and 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Mode 1,2, and 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) 103
Figure 10. Lamb wave propagation for 45 ply angle, longitudinal mode, L = 320h.

14 000

12 000

10 000
Phase velocity (m s1)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency thickness (MHz-mm)
Figure 11. Lamb wave modes for 90 ply angle.
Modeling of Lamb Waves in Composite Structures 15

Mode 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Z velocity (m s1)

2 Mode 1 and 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

2 Mode 1, 2, and 3

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) 103
Figure 12. Lamb wave propagation for 90 ply angle, transverse mode, L = 320h.

1 Mode 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
X velocity (m s1)

1 Mode 1 and 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
1 Mode 1, 2, and 3

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) 103
Figure 13. Lamb Wave propagation for 90 ply angle, longitudinal mode, L = 320h.
16 Simulation

reduced to a converged speed of 1510 m s1 . For interdigital transducers. NDT and E International
these modes, the propagating Lamb wave is plotted in 2002 35(7):437447.
Figures 12 and 13 for u and w, respectively. As the [7] Moulin E, Assaad J, Delebarre C, Grondel S, Bala-
figures suggest, mode 2 again has lower group speed geas D. Modeling of integrated Lamb waves
compared to mode 1, and mode 3 has higher speed generation systems using a coupled finite element
than both modes 1 and 2. However, the difference normal mode expansion method. Ultrasonics 2000
between the mode 3 group speed and mode 2 group
speed is not very high as opposed to the previous [8] Zhao G, Rose J. Boundary element modeling for
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A general procedure is presented to solve the 2-D
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the method of obtaining the Lamb wave modes agation in multiple connected Timoshenko beam.
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the beam solutions and approximations involved in
[11] Gopalakrishnan S, Doyle J. Wave propagation in
various theories are demonstrated. The complexities connected waveguides of varying cross-sections.
involved in obtaining the Lamb wave modes from Journal of Sound and Vibration 1994 175(3):
2-D equations and various strategies to overcome 347363.
them are discussed in detail. The study of Lamb wave [12] Mahapatra DR, Gopalakrishnan S, Shankar T.
propagation reveals some important effects of ply Spectral-element-based solution for wave propaga-
angle. It is observed that the increase in the ply angle tion analysis of multiply connected unsymmetric
increases the number of active modes within a defined laminated composite beams. Journal of Sound and
frequency range and reduces the cutoff frequencies Vibration 2000 237(5):819836.
and the phase speeds of a particular mode. Moreover, [13] Mahapatra DR, Gopalakrishnan S, Shankar T. A
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2003 59(1):6788.
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[15] Chakraborty A, Gopalakrishnan S. Various numer-
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propagation in inhomogeneous one-dimensional
[3] Nayfeh A, Chimenti D. Free wave propagation in waveguides. Acta Mechanica 2003 194:127.
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[16] Rizzi S, Doyle J. A spectral element approach to
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[17] Chakraborty A, Gopalakrishnan S. A spectrally
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1991
formulated plate element for wave propagation
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[5] Chimenti D. Guided waves in plates and their use in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2005
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[6] Veidt M, Liub T, Kitipornchai S. Modelling of Lamb formulated finite element for wave propagation
waves in composite laminated plates excited by analysis in layered composite media. International
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Journal of Solids and Structures 2004 41(1819): [21] Powell M. A Fortran subroutine for solving systems
51555183. of nonlinear algebraic equations. In Numerical
[19] Rose J. Ultrasonic Waves in Solid Media. Cambridge Methods for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, Robi-
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Chapter 7, pp. 115161.
[20] Rizzi S. A Spectral Analysis Approach to Wave
Propagation in Layered Solids, Ph.D. Thesis. Purdue
University: West Lafayette, IN, 1989.
Chapter 50
Probabilistic Approaches to Sensor Layout
Design, Data Processing, and Damage
Sankaran Mahadevan, Xiaomo Jiang and Robert F. Guratzsch
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA

been conducted in the past decade [117], accurate

1 Introduction 1 real-time structural health monitoring (SHM) is still
2 Sensor Layout Design 3 a particularly challenging problem because of several
important issues related to sensors: (i) sensitivity of
3 Denoising Sensor Data 9
damage detection to sensor configuration, (ii) pres-
4 Damage Detection Using Incomplete
ence of noise in the sensor data, (iii) incomplete
Data 10
(missing) nature of the sensor data, and (iv) vari-
5 Damage Detection Under Uncertainty 10 ability in sensor data. This article presents proba-
6 Illustrative Example 12 bilistic methodologies to address these issues.
7 Concluding Remarks 15 The development of an effective SHM system
Acknowledgments 16 for condition assessment depends on two impor-
References 16 tant factors: sensing technology and the associated
signal analysis and interpretation algorithm. Many
Further Reading 20
sensor technologies (e.g., strain gauges, thermocou-
ples, and accelerometers) are available for use of
health monitoring and damage diagnosis [2, 1820].
1 INTRODUCTION These traditional sensors are embedded in or attached
to a structure at selected locations and are used to
This article focuses on uncertainties in sensor perfor- measure the dynamic response of the structure with
mance and data and on methods to address these the purpose of monitoring the structural integrity and
uncertainties and to improve the reliability of struc- performance. Recently, several new sensor technolo-
tural diagnosis. Although substantial research has gies, such as fiber-optic sensors [21], remote wireless
or noncontact sensing technologies [22], and active
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by and passive ultrasonic sensing methods [23], have
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 been developed for SHM. More recently, Black-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. shire and coworkers [2426] developed and applied
2 Simulation

surface-bonded piezoelectric transducers in experi- (e.g., wind), (ii) the incomplete (missing outputs
mental settings for aerospace materials. and/or immeasurable inputs) and noise-contaminated
Upon instrumentation of a structural system with nature of the sensed data, and (iii) the uncertainty
sensors, an enormous amount of response data can be and variability in the sensed data. While signifi-
quickly collected. Information reliability is a critical cant advances are being made in innovative hard-
issue in using the sensor data for damage detection. ware technologies such as sensors and communi-
The data collected by sensors contain imperfections, cation and measurement tools, equally important is
in the form of imprecision (errors, fuzziness, etc.), the development of advanced data processing and
incoherence (conflicting information), and uncertainty damage assessment techniques to take advantage of
(partial knowledge, randomness, etc.), and could also the improvements in hardware. This article pursues a
be affected by sensor performance degradation. Yet, probabilistic data processing methodology (wavelets,
such data do contain a wealth of useful informa- dynamical neural network (NN), fuzzy clustering, and
tion that needs to be mined and interpreted to iden- Bayesian statistics) to achieve this objective.
tify the structural condition. A critical challenge in In general, damage detection is realized by compa-
SHM is how to deal with the data imperfection ring the sensor data collected from the real struc-
and extract useful information in support of deci- tural system with measurements from the healthy
sion making. The focus of this article is to develop or undamaged structure, or against predictions by a
probabilistic methodologies for sensor layout design trained model of the healthy structure. The existing
and sensor data analysis that explicitly address imper- damage detection techniques can be divided into two
fectly sensed vibration data and information uncer- categories: vibration-based and wave-propagation-
tainty and maximize the probability of successfully based methods. The vibration-based technique detects
identifying the structural damage. the damage-induced changes in the dynamic response
Instrumentation of sensors in structures is expen- of the entire structure under external excitations, in
sive, and it is infeasible to instrument the entire struc- either time or frequency domains. Features are usually
ture. Therefore, it is desirable to develop an optimal extracted from the time-series measurement or modal
sensor configuration that can minimize the cost, analysis of the structure for the detection purpose.
while maximizing the reliability of the SHM system. Time-series analysis-based pattern recognition tech-
However, sensed data from real structures is nonde- niques, such as autoregressive and autoregressive
terministic owing to natural variability (described with exogenous inputs prediction models, have been
through stochastic or random processes) and uncer- widely applied for health monitoring and damage
tainties (due to lack of knowledge) in the inspec- detection of various structural systems [7, 27, 28].
tion setup, measurement conditions, and different Recently, modal analysis-based techniques have also
measured quantities of interest. Sensor configura- been developed for detecting loose bolts in space
tion is optimal if, in addition to minimizing cost, operation vehicles [8, 29].
it accounts for both sensor reliability and uncertain- In the wave propagation approach, an impact or
ties in measurement conditions. Ignoring uncertainty excitation is applied to a continuum structure, the
and reliability issues may result in an expensive structure generates dispersive waves, and changes
and ineffective SHM system design that adversely in the wave propagation parameters (i.e., reflection
impacts the real-time condition assessment or damage and transmission coefficients, and wave travel times)
detection after the data is collected. Therefore, one are used to detect damage [3035]. The wave prop-
of the contributions of this article is to present agation parameters are more sensitive to structural
a probabilistic analysis method to optimize sensor damage than mode shapes and frequencies in the
placement. classical vibration-based methods, and therefore have
After instrumentation of a structural system using good potential for damage detection in a continuum
sensors, SHM requires analysis of the sensed data to structure.
detect changes in the global or local conditions of the Sensor data, however, always contain noise. A
structure. This is still a challenging problem owing dilemma is that it is not possible to know with any
to (i) the complicated nonlinear behavior of structural measure of certainty whether and how much the
systems under natural hazards or even ambient effects measured data are corrupted by noise. If denoising
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 3

techniques are indiscriminately applied to data with grouped into two categories and presented. In the first
very little noise, then useful information may be part, a probabilistic analysis approach is presented
removed from the data, leading to erroneous results to address the issue of optimum layout design
[36]. Therefore, it becomes an especially challenging of sensor arrays of SHM systems under uncer-
problem to effectively denoise the sensor data and tainty. The sensor layout optimization combines
improve the accuracy of structural damage detection. probabilistic FEA, damage detection algorithms, and
Recently, Jiang and Mahadevan [17, 37] developed a reliability-based optimization techniques. It is illus-
Bayesian discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) trated for the optimum sensor layout design for a
denoising technique to investigate the effect of noise thermal protection system (TPS) panel of a space
on the accuracy of structural system identification operations vehicle (SOV), using FEA under tran-
and damage detection. A comparative study has sient mechanical and thermal loads, and uncer-
demonstrated that the proposed approach outperforms tainty quantification techniques. The finite element
the existing denoising methods [37]. model is validated with sensor data, accounting
There are two different modeling approaches for for uncertainties in experimental measurements and
structural damage detection: parametric and nonpara- model predictions.
metric methods. Unlike the parametric or physically In the second part, a Bayesian wavelet prob-
based method, the system model in the nonpara- abilistic methodology is presented to address the
metric or nonphysically based approach does not noisy, incomplete, and uncertain characteristics of
represent any physical quantity directly, but it is the sensor data. A Bayesian DWPT-based denoising
trained to approximate a physical structure and approach is employed to perform data cleansing prior
predict its response. As such, the approach does to damage detection. A nonparametric system identifi-
not require complete measurements of the struc- cation method is applied to predict dynamic responses
tural response. In addition, a nonlinear autoregressive of the structure subjected to external excitations.
moving-average approach is commonly used in the Bayesian hypothesis testing is developed to assess
nonparametric methods for mapping the inputoutput the difference between the sensor data and the model
relationship. Thus, the nonparametric approach can prediction. The Bayesian assessment metric is treated
effectively represent a nonlinear structural system as a random variable, and its probability density func-
to address its nonlinear behavior. Nonparametric tion (pdf) is constructed using Monte Carlo simula-
methods, however, usually do not perform damage tion to incorporate possible uncertainties. The method
isolation or quantification. Parametric methods may is validated using the sensor data collected from a
be further utilized to isolate the damage for health five-story test steel frame.
monitoring of a structural system.
Both parametric and nonparametric damage detec-
tion approaches need to account for the nondetermin- 2 SENSOR LAYOUT DESIGN
istic nature of sensor data and the modeling error of
the analytical model. In addition to the uncertainty This section presents a probabilistic methodology for
in the analytical or predictive model, sensor data maximizing the reliability of damage detection by
always contain uncertainty resulting from the inspec- designing the locations of SHM system sensors. This
tion setup, measurement conditions, and different includes the following steps: (i) probabilistic FEA,
measured quantities of interest. Ignoring the uncer- (ii) damage detection, and (iii) sensor placement opti-
tainties may result in an erroneous decision making mization (SPO). The methodology is illustrated for
in the structural condition assessment after the data is layout design of sensor arrays for a TPS panel [42].
collected. Recently, several researchers have pursued Several studies have investigated SPO during
Bayesian probabilistic methods for structural damage recent years. Hiramoto et al. [43] and Abdullah et al.
detection and health monitoring, and addressed data [44] have addressed the need to place actuators in
uncertainty and modeling errors [3841]. an optimal way to control the behavior of dynamic
In the following sections, probabilistic method- structures. Hiramoto et al. use the explicit solution
ologies are presented to address the aforementioned of the algebraic Riccati equation to determine the
challenges. The proposed methodologies have been optimal actuator placement, whereas Abdullah et al.
4 Simulation

utilize genetic algorithms (GAs) to solve the opti- 2.1 Sensor placement optimization
mization. GAs have also been employed to search method
for optimal locations of actuators in active vibration
control [4548]. 2.1.1 Probabilistic analysis
Related more closely to SPO of SHM systems of
next generation flight vehicles, Li et al. [49] proposed Structural model parameters such as distributed
an algorithm that aims to identify modal frequencies loads, and material and geometric properties,
and mode shapes best, as well as increase the signal- have temporal and spatial variability and cannot
be expressed as single random variables, but
to-noise ratio. However, it is not shown that a sensor
must be represented as random processes and
array that best identifies modal frequencies and mode
random fields [54]. Thus random process/field
shapes optimizes more traditional SHM performance
modeling is a key step in probabilistic FEA.
measures such as the probability of correct classifi-
Several methods, such as KarhunenLoeve expan-
cation. Gao and Rose [50, 51] define a probabilistic
sion [55], the PiersonMoskowitz wave spectra [56],
SPO approach, where a probabilistic damage detec-
Sakamotos polynomial chaos decomposition [57],
tion model that describes detection probabilities over
and Shinozukas Gaussian stochastic process formu-
a confident monitoring region with radius R is defined lation [58], have been used to simulate Gaussian
for each sensor of a given sensor set. The entire effec- random processes. Random field realizations can
tiveness of the sensor network is then assumed to be be used to simulate component thickness, mate-
the joint effect of all sensors as estimated at a point rial moduli, and spatially distributed loads such as
by the union probability of all sensors. A covari- thermal and pressure loading. Representing spatially
ance matrix adaptation evolution strategy is used or temporally distributed model inputs through
to search the decision variable domain. Difficulties discretized random process/field realizations allows
arise in defining the probabilistic damage detection the inclusion of their uncertainty in >FEAs.
models and sources for uncertainty are not identified Once the model input parameters are randomly
specifically. A similar SPO framework that addresses generated via the discretization of random processes/
imprecise detection probabilities, as well as uncer- fields and applied as inputs to FEA models, repeated
tain terrain properties, is proposed by Dhillon et al. simulations of the FEA at each realization are used to
[52]; Parker and Frazier [53] address SPO for SHM generate statistical and/or sensitivity information on
based on the concept of observability from the fields model outputs at each possible sensor location. For
of dynamic systems theory and engineering design practical purposes, each node of the FEA model may
optimization. The technique uses a dynamic model represent a possible sensor location.
of the structure in question to obtain performance
measures with respect to damage detection and local-
ization; however, it does not include uncertainty. 2.1.2 Damage detection algorithms
To the authors best knowledge, the issues associ- Damage detection and location identification algo-
ated with SPO under uncertainty for SHM systems rithms of a continuum structure include wavelet-
due to the spatial and temporal stochastic variability based approaches [59], two-stage modal frequency
of material, geometric, and loading parameters have analysis [60], and methods for eddy-current-based
not been sufficiently addressed. The methodology damage detection [61]. Property matrix updating,
presented in this article includes the stochastic nature nonlinear response analysis, and damage detection
of the model input parameters to perform a proba- using NNs are all methods used to manipulate the
bilistic FEA to derive the stochastic characteristics information gathered by SHM systems for decision
of the model outputs, which are used with appro- making. However, most structural damage detec-
priate damage detection algorithms to estimate prob- tion methods and algorithms found in the litera-
abilistic performance measures of a given sensor ture examine the changes in the measured structural
layout. Single-objective and multiobjective functions vibration response and analyze the modal frequen-
that use the probabilistic performance measures indi- cies, mode shapes, and flexibility/stiffness coefficients
vidually and in combination are considered. of the structure [62]. This can be achieved either
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 5

actively or passively, where active damage detection for bound-constrained optimization of noisy objective
algorithms use the system response to an auxiliary functions, which are costly to evaluate because of
excitation and passive methodologies use only the their computational or experimental complexity. The
responses to operational vibrations. A comprehen- major advantage of using Snobfit is that the algorithm
sive review of the state-of-the-art damage detection does not require a previously determined set of
and location identification algorithms is provided in candidate sensor locations, but rather considers the
Doebling et al. [62]. following optimization problem.
The probabilistic FEA in the previous section
quantifies the statistics of the model outputs at min f (x)
all possible sensor locations. Additional analysis is s.t. x [u, v]
needed to estimate the probability of correctly identi-
where x is continuous and [u, v] is a bounded box in
fying the structural state of a component for a given
n with a nonempty interior [70].
sensor layout, x (i.e., P (CD) = P (correct structural
The underlying idea of the optimization formula-
classification|sensor layout x)). This can be accom-
tion is to identify a sensor layout, x, that will maxi-
plished via any appropriate diagnostics signal anal-
mize some performance measure, such as the prob-
ysis procedure (i.e., damage detection algorithm).
ability of correctly classifying the structure as either
The signal analysis procedure employed in this study
healthy or damaged (i.e., classifying the structure as
follows the general concepts of Duda et al. [63] and
healthy when it is indeed healthy and as damaged
utilizes the feature extraction and state classifica-
when it is damaged). Here x represents a vector
tion methodologies defined by DeSimio et al. [64].
containing the coordinates of the SHM sensors for a
Repeated analyses using different realizations of the
given layout. From the reliability analysis described
random inputs to healthy and damaged structural
above and a diagnostics signal analysis procedure, a
FEA models and their respective state classification
performance measure such as P (CD) is known. This
construct a classification matrix from which several
allows the optimization formulation given in equa-
performance measures of the given sensor layout can
tion (1) to be utilized, where f (x) = P (CD) and
be estimated. Further details of such a procedure are
[u, v] are the geometric constraints on x given by the
given in Section 2.2.3.
physical dimensions of the structure.

2.1.3 Sensor placement optimization

2.2 Illustrative example
The SPO problem can be generalized as given a
set of n candidate locations, find a locations, where The proposed methodology is implemented using the
a  n, which provide the best possible performance following example problem for illustrative purposes.
[65] in damage detection. Studies by Padula [6567] The structure under consideration is a simplified TPS
and Raich and Liszkai [68] have examined the prob- component that is described in detail in [71], and
lems and issues involved with SPO. Integer and shown in Figure 1. The test article consists of a heat-
combinatorial optimization methods have been used resistant, 6.35 mm-thick aluminum plate, held in place
to optimize the placement of actuators for vibra- via four 6.35 mm-diameter bolts located 12.7 mm.
tion control and noise attenuation. In addition, GAs from the edges of the plate.
for the optimization of sensor layouts [68] have
been proposed. Multivariate stochastic approximation 2.2.1 Structural simulation and model
using simultaneous perturbation gradient approxima-
tion allows for the inclusion of noise in function
evaluations or experimental measurements and has The structure under consideration is modeled using
been shown to be efficient for large-dimensional the commercial finite element software ANSYS [72].
problems [69]. A portion of the finite element model is shown in
An approach to SPO that includes uncertainty is to Figure 2. Four-noded shell elements (Shell63) and
employ Snobfit (stable noisy optimization by branch two-noded spring elements (Combin14) are utilized
and fit) [70], an optimization scheme that is designed to model the aluminum plate and bolted boundary
6 Simulation

MSP analysis sums factored mode shapes obtained

Bolt 3 from a modal analysis to calculate the dynamic
response [72].
Bolt 4
Piezo 3

Piezo 4 2.2.2 Probabilistic FEA

Piezo 2 In the current example, plate thickness, Youngs
Bolt 2 Piezo 1
modulus, Poisons ratio, and density are modeled as
Gaussian random fields with independent but equal
correlation structures along orthogonal axes. A two-
dimensional stochastic process was generated for
Bolt 1
these model inputs using the spectral representation as
defined in equation (1) via Shinozukas formulation
Figure 1. Experimental setup of TPS test article showing [73] and the WienerKhinchine relations [74]. The
bolts and piezoelectric transducer placement [71]. Gaussian random field go (x1 , x2 , ) can be simulated
by the following series as N1 and N2 approach
ANSYS infinity:
Oct 10 2005
Bolt 1 13:45:26

N1 1 N
2 1 
Bolt 2
go (x1 , x2 , ) = 2 S(k1 )S(k2 )1 2
Piezo 1 k1 =1 k2 =1

cos(k1 x1 + k2 x2 + k1 ,k2 ) (2)

where i = ui /Ni and ki = ki i , for i = 1, 2.

Bolt 4 Here ui is the upper cutoff frequency beyond which
S(ki ) is considered to be zero. S(ki ) is the two-
Bolt 3 sided power spectral density (PSD) function of the
Aluminum TPS test article
random field in the i direction and k1 ,k2 an array
Figure 2. Finite element model of TPS component. containing the independent random phase angles
uniformly distributed between 0 and 2. Ni defines
conditions. Approximately 3300 nodes and 2800 the number of terms to be included in the dual
elements comprise the 19 836 degree of freedom summation in the i direction. The random fields in
(DOF) models. In Figure 2, the four points located this article use the following PSD functions: S(ki ) =
near the corners of the plate simulate the bolted 1/4i2 bi3 k2i exp(bi ki ) for i = 1, 2. Here i is
boundary conditions via 48 spring elements per bolt the standard deviation of the stochastic process in
with varying stiffness coefficients (depending on the i direction and bi its corresponding correlation
which structural state the model simulates), while distance.
the point near the center of the upper left quadrant For the random fields considered as FEA inputs
of the plate simulates the piezoelectric actuator. The to models of the test article, b1 = b2 = 3 and 1 =
analysis is transient and includes a dynamic mechan- 2 = 1, where the magnitude of go (x1 , x2 , ) is scaled
ical load consisting of a sinusoidal frequency sweep, after the test to match the mean and coefficient of
exciting the structure from 0 to 1500 Hz in approxi- variation (COV) of the random field to be simulated.
mately 2.0 s. This excitation represents the auxiliary u1 = u2 = 5, while N1 = N2 = 35. Table 1 lists
input used with active damage detection algorithms. the mean and COV used for each of the random fields
Owing to the high frequency of the excitation func- simulated with equation (2).
tion, a mode superposition (MSP) transient analysis Temperature uncertainty was included as a random
was used to evaluate the FEA model simulations. variable uniformly distributed between 65 and 75 F.
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 7

Table 1. Mean and COV values used for random field

Bolt 1 Bolt 2
Panel Youngs Poisons Density
thickness modulus ratio
Mean 6.24 mm 6.72E04 MPa 0.3 7.169 kg m3 Actuator S2
COV 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

The following temperature effect model was cons-

tructed via a quadratic regression analysis of data by
Kohavi and Provost [75]:

F (t) = (1.151525 106 )t 2 + (2.75775 105 )t

S4 S3
+ 1.00067 (3)

where F (t) is a scale factor for Youngs modulus and

Bolt 3 Bolt 4
t is the plate temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Repeatedly executing deterministic FEAs using
realizations of the model inputs provides data for Figure 3. TPS test plate with typical sensor layout, actu-
statistical analysis of the model responses. For the ator, and fastener damage locations.
example at hand, 500 simulations using 500 real-
izations of the random inputs were executed; 100 where x , y , and xy are the in-plane stress compo-
simulations of the healthy model, 100 simulations nents, which are estimated from the displacement
of the model damaged at bolt 1, 100 simulations of records of the four nearest neighboring nodes. Plane
the model damaged at bold 2, and so on, where a stress conditions are assumed.
damaged bolt refers to a bolt at 25% nominal torque From the estimated von Mises stress records at
(damage was simulated analytically by altering the sensor locations S2, S3, and S4, a set of features
stiffness constants of the spring elements surrounding is extracted. Features are characteristics unique to a
each bolt location). These five sets of simulations and signal generated under a given set of parameters. The
their corresponding response statistics are used for set of features utilized for this example problem is
damage detection. based in the frequency domain and is extracted via the
well-known Welch method [76, 77] from the PSDs of
2.2.3 Damage detection and state classification the signals. This damage detection algorithm is then
applied to testing data, which consists of the second
Figure 3 shows a typical sensor layout, where sensor 50 simulations of each structural state. This yields a
location 1 is the point of input excitation and is classification matrix corresponding to a given sensor
stationary, while sensor locations 2, 3, and 4 are the layout, from which several performance measures
points of sensing and are variable. Also shown in may be estimated. Refer to Guratzsch and Mahadevan
Figure 3 are the locations of the four bolts that hold [42] for details about the feature extraction. A sample
the test structure in place and are the locations of classification matrix is shown in Table 2.
fastener damage. The hatched areas in Figure 3 are Using the information contained in the classifi-
regions where it is infeasible to place SHM sensors. cation matrix one can estimate several probabilistic
From the pool of simulation output of the proba- performance measures of a given sensor layout,
bilistic FEA consisting of temporal displacement data, such as the probability of false alarm (type I
an equivalenced von Mises stress for each possible error), the probability of missed detection (type II
sensor location is calculated by ANSYS 2004 [72]. error), the probability of correct detection (accuracy),
 and the probability of misdetection (1-accuracy) [75].
vM = x2 x y + y2 + 3xy 2 (4) P (false alarm) is defined as the likelihood that the
8 Simulation

Table 2. Sample classification matrix for a given sensor layout

Classified states
Damaged 1 Damaged 2 Damaged 3 Damaged 4 Healthy
True states Damaged 1 1 21 0 0 1
Damaged 2 78 98 0 2 0
Damaged 3 0 1 91 7 1
Damaged 4 0 10 0 89 1
Healthy 0 11 0 1 88

damage detection algorithm classifies a healthy struc-

ture as damaged. P (missed detection) is the proba-
bility that the damage detection method classifies a SL2
damaged structure as healthy. Accuracy is measured SL5

via P (correct detection), which is defined as the prob- SL1

ability that the damage detection method will classify Actuator
a given structure correctly into its proper structural SL4
state (i.e., P (classify structure as i | structural state
is i )). The compliment of P (correct detection) is
P (misdetection). These probabilities can be used to SL4 SL3 SL3
evaluate a given sensor array [42]. The performance
measures are expressed as follows: SL5 SL5

P (false alarm)
Sum of first four elements in row 5 of CM SL2 SL2
Sum of all elements in row 5 of CM SL4
= P (type I) (5)
P (missed detection) Figure 4. Five randomly selected sensor layouts.
Sum of first four elements column 5 of CM
Sum of all elements in column 5 of CM
Table 3. Performance measures corresponding to
= P (type II) (6)
randomly selected sensor layouts of Figure 4
P (correct detection) Sensor P (CD) P (type I) P (type II)
Sum of diagonal elements of CM layout
Sum of all elements of CM SL1 0.916 0.12 0.0075
= P (CD) (7) SL2 0.860 0.08 0.0050
P (misdetection) = 1 P (correct detection) (8) SL3 0.866 0.12 0
SL4 0.894 0.11 0.0025
Evaluating equations (5)(8) for the classi- SL5 0.872 0.10 0.0075
fication matrix shown in Table 2 yields the
following results: P (false alarm) = 0.12; P (missed 2.2.4 Sensor placement optimization
detection) = 0.033; P (correct detection) = 0.89; and
P(misdetection) = 0.11. As an example, the perfor- The software package Snobfit [70], programmed
mance measures for the five randomly selected sensor in Matlab [78], is used to solve the optimization
layouts shown in Figure 4 are shown in Table 3. formulation given by equation (1) iteratively. Table 4
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 9

Table 4. Results: optimal sensor arrays corresponding to different objective functions

Objective function Nite Nobj Optimal solution coordinates E Corresponding performance
f (y) = for sensors (in.) measures

S2 S3 S4 P (CD) P (type I) P (type II)

P (CD) 71 258 8.75, 6.75 6.0, 3.5 3.5, 0.75 0.0104 0.944 0.13 0.0075
P (type I) 12 58 7.0, 8.5 11.73, 0.27 5.75, 1.25 0.0426 0.916 0.01 0
P (type II) n/a n/a 7.0, 8.5 11.73, 0.27 5.75, 1.25 n/a 0.916 0.01 0
0.5P (CD) + 0.25P (type I) 55 268 6.75, 8.75 11.60, 0.40 5.75, 1.25 0.0208 0.932 0.03 0.0025
+ 0.25P (type II)
0.5(1 P (CD)) + 0.25P (type I) 44 196 7.0, 8.5 11.73, 0.27 5.75, 1.25 0.0375 0.916 0.01 0
+ 5.0P (type II)
Units conversion for coordinates of sensors S2, S3 and S4: 1 in. = 25.4 mm

summarizes the optimization results, where Nite is the 3 DENOISING SENSOR DATA
number of Snobfit iterations, Nobj is the number of
objective function evaluations, and E is the measure Suppose that the sensor data is contaminated by an
of accuracy of the quadratic model at the optimal additive white Gaussian noise, (ti ), as follows:
solution as estimated by Snobfit. The coordinates
f (ti ) = g(ti ) + (ti ) i = 1, 2, . . . , N (9)
given are with respect to the bottom left corner of
the plate (Figure 3).
where f (ti ) and g(ti ) represent the noisy and de-
From Table 4, it can be concluded that although
noised sensor data, respectively. The noise term
the solution varies for different objective functions,
(ti ) N (0, 2 ) is a vector of independent, identi-
the optimal sensor arrays corresponding to objective cally distributed (i.i.d.) errors with mean zero and
functions 2 through 5 are nearly identical. Addi- variance 2 . In the DWPT decomposition of the
tionally, it was observed during Snobfits iterations time series, the noise item (ti ) in equation (9) is
that the optimal solutions to objective functions also resolved into a series of corresponding noise
2 through 5 were robust and insensitive to small j k . Then Bayesian hypothesis testing is applied to
changes in the independent variables (i.e., shifting the DWPT coefficients. The goodness of fit of the
sensors S2, S3, and/or S4 by less than 0.25 in. in any denoised time series is measured by its signal-to-
direction, did not significantly alter the performance noise ratio (SNR). It is defined as the ratio of the
measures). However, the solution to the first objec- sum of square of the signals to that of the noise. The
tive function was very sensitive with respect to small thresholded coefficients are then used to reconstruct
changes in the independent variables (i.e., shifting the denoised time series.
sensors S2, S3, and/or S4 by less than 0.25 in. in Figure 5 shows the Bayesian DWPT denoising
any direction, significantly degraded the performance approach done in five steps (identified by numbers
measures). 15 in Figure 5):

Bayesian thresholding

(2) Prior (3) Posterior (4) Bayesian

(1) DWPT (5) DWPT
distributions on distributions on hypothesis
decomposition reconstruction
coefficients coefficients testing

Noisy time Noise-free time

series f (ti) Noise e(ti) series g (ti)

Figure 5. Bayesian discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) denoising procedure for time series.
10 Simulation

1. The measured data is resolved into a series of the fuzzy C-means clustering approach [80]. The
wavelet coefficients by a DWPT decomposition. parameter D is the input dimension or the size of
2. Noninformative prior distributions are imposed the input vector in nonlinear autoregressive moving
on the decomposed coefficients. average with exogenous inputs (NARMAX) approach
3. Posterior distributions of the coefficients are [81]. The parameter M is the number of wavelets,
derived based on Bayes theorem. which is also equal to the number of the fuzzy
4. The noise is removed from the coefficients clusters as well as the number of wavelet nodes
through a Bayesian hypothesis testing. used in the WNN model. The parameters akj  = 0
5. The denoised data is reconstructed through an denote the frequency (or scale) corresponding to the
inverse wavelet transform. multidimensional input vector; wk represents the kth
wavelet coefficient linking the hidden node to the
Refer to Jiang et al. [37] for the details of the output; bj is the weight of the link of the j th input to
Bayesian DWPT denoising method. the output; d is a bias term, and  is the set of real
This denoising approach has been demonstrated numbers. The parameter N is the number of input
to outperform the conventional wavelet-based and vectors.
translation-invariant soft thresholding methods [37]. Unlike conventional NN models such as backprop-
It has the following three features that are advanta- agation NN, the fuzzy WNN model is a dynamic NN
geous in structural damage detection. First, it avoids that preserves the time sequence of the input vectors
the subjective selection of the threshold required and memorizes the past of the time-series data.
in conventional wavelet-based denoising methods. The model is based on the integration of multiple
Second, it can address the uncertainty of noise effec- paradigms including chaos theory (based on nonlinear
tively through Bayesian hypothesis testing. Third, it dynamics theory), wavelets (a signal processing
provides more accurate data denoising, particularly method), and two complementary soft computing
for the sensor data even with low noise, due to methods, i.e., fuzzy logic and NNs. It has been
the adroit integration of the discrete wavelet packets demonstrated to provide more accurate nonlinear
decomposition and Bayesian hypothesis testing. approximation than the conventional NN [79].
Note that the fuzzy WNN model is trained using
the data collected from a healthy structure subjected
4 DAMAGE DETECTION USING to a low-level excitation, using the adaptive
INCOMPLETE DATA LevenbergMarquardt least squares (LM-LS) algo-
rithm [16, 17, 37, 82]. Therefore, the trained model
Nonparametric system identification is used in this represents a structural system without any damage
section for damage detection using incomplete data. such that the predicted outputs should represent the
The nonparametric dynamic fuzzy wavelet neural structural responses without any damage as well.
network (WNN) model developed by Adeli and Jiang The trained model is then used to predict dynamic
[79] is used in this research for nonparametric system responses of the structure with unknown conditions
identification of structures to generate model predic- under a high-level excitation. Both sensor data and
tions. The general dynamic inputoutput mapping in model predictions under the same excitation are used
the model is to assess the health status of the structure based on
  the Bayes metric described in Section 5.
M  D
Xij ckj 
yi = wk + bj Xij + d
k=1 j =1
akj j
i = 1, . . . , N, a , (.) L2 () (10) UNCERTAINTY
where (.) is the nonorthogonal Mexican hat wavelet 5.1 Bayes metric
function; Xij is the j th value in the ith input vector,
Xi , and ckj is the j th value in the kth cluster Structural damage evaluation involves comparing the
of the multidimensional input vector obtained using model prediction (based on original healthy condition
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 11

of a structure) with the experimental result (repre- (i.e., structure is damaged), obtained as follows [86]:
senting current condition of the structure). When
the outputs predicted from the model are compared P (data|H0 : yexp = ypred )
B(ypred ) = (12)
with the sensor data (under some input excitation), P (data|H1 : yexp  = ypred )
the difference between them will be used to detect
the structural damage. The relative root mean square Mahadevan and Rebba [87] showed that, under
(rrms) error has been widely used to measure struc- practical conditions, the Bayes factor simply becomes
tural damage [5, 83, 84]. It is customary to assume the ratio of posterior to prior pdfs of the structural
that structural damage has occurred when the rrms response at yexp = ypred (Figure 6):
error exceeds a predefined threshold level obtained

f (ypred |data) 
by trial and error (for example, 0.6). However, the
rrms error method is not always accurate because two B(ypred ) = =  (13)
other sources also contribute to this error: (i) training h1 f (ypred ) 
yexp =ypred
of the model to approximate the structural properties
and (ii) sensor data, which are imperfect and contain When B(ypred ) is greater than unity, the sensor
measurement noise. As such, the rrms error method data is said to favor the null hypothesis. However,
may be ineffective for structural damage detection if B(ypred ) < 1, it may be inferred that the data
when imperfection and uncertainty in the data are supports the alternative hypothesis that the structure is
considered. damaged. Since B(ypred ) is nonnegative, the value of
In this article, Bayesian hypothesis testing is B(ypred ) is often converted into the logarithm scale for
pursued as a quantitative measure to detect the struc- the convenience of comparison among a large range
tural damage based on the denoised sensor data. Let of values (i.e., b01 = ln[B(ypred )], where ln[.] is a
ytrue be the (usually unknown) true response of the natural logarithm operator with a basis of e). As such,
original healthy structure under the input excitation a positive value of b01 indicates that the structure is
being considered at present, yexp the sensed struc- healthy (i.e., accepting H0 ) while a negative value
tural response under the current (may be unknown) indicates that the structure is damaged (i.e., rejecting
condition, and ypred the prediction output representing H0 ). Kass and Raftery [86] suggest interpreting b01
structural responses under healthy condition. (All between 0 and 1 as weak evidence in favor of H0 ,
three quantitiesytrue , yexp , and ypred are under the between 3 and 5 as strong evidence, and b01 > 5
same input excitation being used for damage detec- as very strong evidence. Negative b01 of the same
tion). Within the context of binary hypothesis testing, magnitude is said to favor H1 by the same amount. A
consider two hypotheses H0 and H1 . The point null key difference from the rrms metric is that the Bayes-
hypothesis (H0 : yexp = ypred ) indicates that the struc- factor metric explicitly accounts for the uncertainty in
ture is healthy. The alternative hypothesis (H1 : yexp  = sensor data during the computation of the posterior
ypred ) indicates that the structure is damaged. Their pdf [87].
prior probabilities of acceptance are denoted by 0 = Assume yexp = {y1,exp , y2,exp , . . . , yn,exp } and ypred
Pr(H0 ) and 1 = Pr(H1 ). On the basis of Bayes = {y1,pred , y2,pred , . . . , yn,pred } to be n samples of
theorem, the relative posterior probabilities of the two
hypotheses are obtained as f (x)
   Prior density
P r(H0 |data) P r(data|H0 ) P r(H0 )
= (11) Posterior density
P r(H1 |data) P r(data|H1 ) P r(H1 )
B = h2/h1
The term in the first set of square brackets on the
right hand side of equation (11) is referred to as the
Bayes factor [85]. Thus, the Bayes factor is the ratio
of probability of observing the data given the null x
hypothesis (i.e., structure is healthy) to the probability
of observing the data given the alternate hypothesis Figure 6. Bayes-factor metric B for damage detection.
12 Simulation

sensor data and model predictions, respectively. Let are not considered. Thus, the Bayesian measure of
ei = yi exp yipred represent the difference between evidence that the structure is healthy may be quanti-
the ith experimental data and the ith model predic- fied by the posterior probability of the null hypothesis
tion, and obs = {e1 , e2 , . . . , en } represent n values of P r(H0 |data), denoted by . Using the Bayes theorem,
the error, which is usually assumed to follow a normal the value of can be derived:
distribution N (, 2 ) with known in this study
(estimated using the data set obs ). Here we do not B(ypred )P (H0 )
= P (H0 |yexp ) = (15)
know the distribution of the difference a priori, so P (H1 ) + B(ypred )P (H0 )
we assume Gaussian as an initial guess, and then do
a Bayesian update. The damage detection problem Equation (15) is used to quantify the confidence
becomes testing H0 : = 0 versus H1 :  = 0 with in accepting the null hypothesis (i.e., the structure is
|H1 N (, 2 ), in which and are two param- healthy) based on the specific experimental data and
eters of the prior density of under the alternative prediction output. Before conducting experiments, it
hypothesis (denoted by f (|H1 )). If no information is usually assumed that P (H0 ) = P (H1 ) = 0.5 owing
on f (|H1 ) is available, the parameters = 0 and to the absence of any prior knowledge about the two
2 = 2 are suggested by Migon and Gamerman [88]. hypotheses. In that case, equation (15) is simplified as
This selection assumes that the amount of informa- = B(ypred )/[1 + B(ypred )], and B(ypred ) 0 indi-
tion in the prior is equal to that in the observation, cates 0% confidence in accepting the null hypothesis,
which is consistent with the Fisher information-based and B(ypred ) indicates 100% confidence.
method [86]. In the stochastic context, the Bayes factor, B(ypred ),
Note that H0 becomes a simple hypothesis with is treated as a random variable to consider the
f (data|H0 ) = f (obs ), which is referred to as the uncertainties in both experimental data and model
marginal likelihood of H0 given data obs . Using prediction. Given the pdf of obs , the M sets of mean
Bayes theorem, Jiang and Mahadevan [17] explicitly () and sum of squared error (SSE) (s) values are
derived an expression to calculate the Bayes factor in created by sampling m error data using Monte Carlo
the logarithm scale as follows: simulation technique (m = 5000 and M = 10 000 are
 2 taken in the example presented in this section). The
1 n + 2 resulting M b01 values by equation (14) are used to
b01 = ln[B(ypred )] = ln
2 2 construct its density distribution function. As such,
  the probability of the event that the structure is
n ( obs )2 2obs healthy (i.e., accepting the null hypothesis) can be
+ (14)
2 n 2 + 2 2 obtained by using the pdf or estimated by finding
the proportion of b01 > 0, i.e., = P r(b01 > 0).
Thus, a value of b larger than 0 indicates that the Thus, the stochastic approach directly provides a
error data obs are judged to support H0 (i.e., the quantitative probability of damage.
structure is healthy). Otherwise, the error data obs are
judged to reject H0 (i.e., the structure is damaged).
5.2 Confidence assessment As an illustrative example, the sensor data used
in the numerical implementation are collected from
On the basis of the Bayes factor calculated using a test five-story steel frame. The proposed proba-
equation (14), quantitative assessment of confidence bilistic methodology has also been illustrated by Jiang
in the structural damage detection result may be and Mahadevan [17] using the sensor data collected
done in two ways: deterministic and stochastic. In from a 38-story concrete building test model. All
the deterministic context, given a set of sensed data sensor data in this example are denoised using the
yexp and model prediction ypred , the likelihood ratio Bayesian DWPT denoising method. A three-level
in the logarithmic scale is calculated using equa- DWPT decomposition is found adequate for signal
tion (14). The uncertainties in data and prediction denoising using the proposed denoising approach
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 13

[37]. Structural damage evaluation is conducted on direction (Figure 7a) are used as both training and
the test structure using both original and denoised testing data sets. The dynamic fuzzy WNN model
data, using the proposed probabilistic evaluation is constructed using the measured inputoutput data
method. under the lower Kobe1 earthquake and then trained
using the adaptive LM-LS algorithm, as described
by Adeli and Jiang [79]. The trained model is then
6.1 Problem description used to represent the structural system and predict the
acceleration responses at the second floor of the test
This structure was tested at the National Center for frame under the other four stronger earthquakes, i.e.,
Research on Earthquake Engineering in Taiwan [5]. Kobe2, Kobe3, Kobe4, and Kobe5.
It is a 3-m long, 2-m wide, and 6.5-m high steel
frame (Figure 7a). This test frame was subjected
to five different levels of excitations, all derived 6.2 Damage detection
from an original Kobe earthquake acceleration time
history, that is, the acceleration amplitudes at 20, All measured data are denoised using the proposed
32, 40, 52, and 60% of the original Kobe time Bayesian DWPT approach. The first 10 000 points
history amplitude. These excitations are denoted as of the pairs of original and denoised experimental
Kobe1, Kobe2, Kobe3, Kobe4, and Kobe5, respec- data obtained at Kobe1 earthquake are used to train
tively. Acceleration responses were measured using the model, one set at a time, resulting in two
acceleration sensors at the four corners of each floor trained models. Each trained model is tested using
in two horizontal directions (x and y directions in the remaining 15 000 points of the denoised data
Figure 7a) over a period of 25 s at increments of and the original experimental data. Furthermore, each
0.001 s. Thus, around 25 000 output data points are trained model is used to predict the original and the
recorded in a single test. All acceleration response denoised acceleration responses under four different
data are normalized to the gravity acceleration (g) levels of excitations (Kobe2 to Kobe5). As such,
to improve computational efficiency in the structural 10 different sets of system identification results are
system identification. As an example, Figure 7(b) produced, including the two testing cases. The rrms
shows the acceleration responses at the first, second, errors and b01 values between the measured and
and third floors of the test frame under Kobe1 earth- predicted output are computed for all 10 test cases
quake. and shown in Table 5. The 10 corresponding proba-
In this example, only the acceleration response bilities in accepting the null hypothesis are calculated
data at the first, second, and third floors in the x using equation (15) and also shown in Table 5.

z y
x 1.0
Third floor
Acceleration, g

Second floor
5@1300 mm

First floor
0 5 10 15 20 25
2000 mm
Time (s)
3000 mm
Figure 7. Five-story test steel frame and its acceleration responses under Kobe1. (a) Test frame structure and (b) sensed
data under Kobe4 earthquake.
14 Simulation

Table 5. Detection results at the second floor of a five-story frame in terms of rrms, b01 , and metrics
Excitation Kobe1 Kobe2 Kobe3 Kobe4 Kobe5
rrms Original 0.12 0.233 0.250 0.207 0.199
Denoised 0.06 0.150 0.162 0.157 0.181
b01 Original 2.757 2.438 0.765 5.469 5.073
Denoised 3.167 1.196 3.917 11.076 9.944
(%) Original 94.0 92.0 31.8 0.4 0.6
Denoised 96.0 76.8 2.0 0.0 0.0
(%) Original 91.8 82.6 40.9 8.6 9.7
Denoised 94.5 65.8 14.7 0.6 1.4

6.2.1 Deterministic case denoising approach followed in this study improves

the accuracy of detection results significantly.
A difference between the prediction output and the As an example, Figure 8 shows the compar-
sensor data is used as an indication of the structural ison of detection results using the original and
damage. Assuming a damage threshold = 0.15, denoised acceleration response data of the second
two observations are made from the results. First, floor subjected to Kobe4 earthquake. Figure 8(a)
all rrms values obtained using four sets of noisy shows the comparison result in the time domain,
data (Kobe2 to Kobe5 in Table 5) are larger than , while Figure 8(b) shows the comparison in the
implying that the frame structure is damaged under frequency domain. The PSDs are used in Figure 8(b)
all four scenarios. However, when the original data because the difference between noisy and denoised
is denoised and then used for structural system iden- response data cannot be identified visually in the
tification and damage evaluation, the rrms values of time-series plots (Figure 8a). The PSD of every time
only the last three scenarios (Kobe3 to Kobe5) are series is calculated through fast Fourier transform
larger than , implying that the structure is damaged with the length 1024. Refer to Stoica and Moses
under only the three scenarios. The experimental [89] for details of spectral analysis. It is observed
observations described by Hung et al. [5] demon- that the difference of PSDs between the original data
strate that there exists distinguishable damage or and the denoised data is significant in the frequency
inelastic structural behavior under only the strong domain.
earthquake Kobe3 to Kobe5. Therefore, it is reason-
ably concluded that the noise in the sensed data
6.2.2 Stochastic case
adversely affects the detection results. Second, the
damage detection results obtained using the Bayesian Using the statistics of the error data (i.e., its mean
metric have further indicated that the Bayesian data and variance) for various scenarios, the value of obs

0.8 0
0.6 50
Magnitude (dB)
Acceleration, g

0.4 data
0.2 100 Denoised Measurements
0 150
0.2 200
0.6 Noisy data Denoised 250
Original data
0.8 300
7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
(a) Time (s) (b) Frequency (kHz)
Figure 8. Comparison of detection results using original and denoised acceleration response data under Kobe4. (a) Time
domain and (b) power spectral densities.
Probabilistic Approaches in SHM 15

0.35 Kobe1

0.15 Kobe5
0.1 Kobe4
25 20 15 10 5 0 5
Figure 9. Simulated results of = Pr(b01 > 0) for various excitation levels in five-story frame: the densities are kernel
density estimates based on samples of size 10 000 from the respective densities in the denoised case.

and 2 are simulated by sampling 5000 data points Further work is required in regard to validating
using Monte Carlo technique. In each scenario, a b01 the proposed probabilistic methodologies for more
value is obtained using equation (14) for the simu- complicated applications. For example, in sensor
lated data, and 10 000 simulations are run to yield a layout optimization, additional investigation is neces-
pdf of b01 . The overall probabilities of accepting the sary to determine the optimum number of sensors.
event that the structure is healthy ( ), i.e., accepting Instead of the fixed number of sensors considered
the null hypothesis, for all 10 scenarios are approxi- in this article, it is more reasonable to assume a
mated by finding the proportion of b01 > 0 from the variable number of sensors to maximize the reli-
simulated results and summarized in Table 5. It is ability of damage detection. As the number of
observed that the probabilistic assessment results lead sensors distributed across the structure increases,
to the same conclusion as obtained from the deter- the estimated SHM performance measures might be
ministic evaluation. As an example, Figure 9 shows expected to improve. However, owing to weight
the pdfs of b01 for five denoised cases (Kobe1 to penalties associated with additional sensors, as well
Kobe5). as complexity constraints with respect to the amount
of data acquired by the sensing system that requires
processing (and therefore processing power), the
7 CONCLUDING REMARKS number of sensors applied to the structure must be
In this article, probabilistic methodologies are pre- Future work needs to account for sensor damage
sented to address several important and challenging and reliability under various environmental and oper-
issues in SHM that are related to sensors. The ating conditions, both in sensor layout design and
methodologies include a probabilistic FEA approach damage detection. A bond graph-based parametric
to optimize sensor placement, a wavelet-based Baye- approach appears to be a promising approach to
sian approach to cleanse sensor data, a nonpara- distinguish between structural and sensor damage
metric model based on NN and fuzzy clustering to [90, 91]. Using the bond graph, a temporal causal
perform structural system identification using incom- graph can be derived to represent the causal rela-
pletely sensed data, and a Bayesian hypothesis testing tions among the structural variables and parame-
approach to assess the structural status, considering ters. The possible causes (either structural damage
uncertainties in both model prediction and experi- or sensor fault) leading to the system damage can be
mental observations. The proposed methodologies are isolated by a damage signature matrix. After isola-
investigated for application in two different disci- tion, the quantification of the amount of damage
plines, namely, aerospace (TPS panel) and civil (five- (parameter estimation) can be done using anal-
story frame structure) engineering. ysis of only the isolated substructure containing the
16 Simulation

damage, leading to computational efficiency. Prelim- Health Monitoring Literature: 19962001 , Tech-
inary results with structural frames are promising; nical Report LA13976MS. Los Alamos National
further work is needed for continuum structures in Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, 2003.
combination with FEA. [8] Derriso MM, Braisted W, Rosenstengel J, De-
Simio M. The structural health monitoring of a
mechanically attached thermal protection system.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials 2004
The research described in this article is partly spon-
[9] Peairs DM, Park G, Inman DI. Improving acces-
sored by the United States Air Force Research sibility of the impedance-based structural health
Laboratory (project monitor: Mark Derriso) through monitoring method. Journal of Intelligent Material
subcontracts to Anteon Corporation and General Systems and Structures 2004 15(2):129139.
Dynamics Information Technology. The authors
[10] Peairs DM, Park G, Inman DI. Practical issues
gratefully acknowledge this support. The authors of activating self-repairing bolted joints. Smart
also gratefully acknowledge valuable discussions and Materials and Structures 2004 13(6):14141423.
help from Dr Steven Olson at University of Dayton
[11] Yuen KV, Au SK, Beck JL. Two-stage structural
Research Institute and Dr Martin DeSimio at Alliant
health monitoring approach for phase I benchmark
Techsystems, Inc., with respect to the TPS panel
studies. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics
example. 2004 130(1):1633.
[12] Yang J, Chang F-K. Verification of a built-in health
monitoring system for bolted thermal protection
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Chapter 51
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage
Detection and Location
Ranjan Ganguli
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

objective is to device algorithms that can predict the

1 Introduction 1 location and size of damage from these patterns (see
2 Fuzzy Logic System 3 Statistical Pattern Recognition). In recent years,
methods such as those based on neural networks
3 Fuzzy Logic System for Damage
(see Artificial Neural Networks), genetic algorithms
Detection 5
(GAs), and system identification have been used
4 Genetic Fuzzy System 9 to solve damage detection problems. An alternative
5 Concluding Remarks 13 method for structural damage detection, which has
Acknowledgments 13 several advantages over the neural network and GA
References 13 approaches, is based on fuzzy logic and is discussed
Further Reading 15 in this article.
As mentioned by Boller in a recent article [1],
there is no need for a health monitoring system
to locate damage to within a few millimeters. The
1 INTRODUCTION cost and effort involved in predicting damage to
a high level of accuracy can be prohibitive. In
Structural damage leads to changes in some measur- addition, because of measurement, model, and signal-
able system properties. In structural health monitoring processing inaccuracies, a health monitoring system
(SHM), we try to detect the damage from such that claims to predict damage with great accuracy
measurable system behavior. The problem of damage is likely to give false alarms and lose the faith
detection becomes complicated because of the pres- of maintenance personnel using it. A better idea is
ence of noise in the measured data and errors in to roughly locate the damage to within about 1 m
modeling. We can visualize that structural damage using a health monitoring system and then to use
causes patterns in the measurement space, and our standard non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods
for a closer analysis of the damage area [1]. Such
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by an approach is well suited to the use of fuzzy logic,
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 which gives linguistic outputs such as large damage
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. at root of beam instead of numerical values.
2 Simulation

For successful SHM, we need to solve the inverse than pure numerical reasoning. Very few researchers
problem relating the change in measurements have used fuzzy logic for structural damage detec-
between the damaged and undamaged structure to tion, primarily because of the lack of familiarity
the presence, location, and size of the structural with fuzzy logic among most structural engineers.
damage (see Damage Presence/Growth Monitoring Some researchers have used fuzzy logic to improve
Sensors). The inverse problem is complicated by neural network approaches for damage detection. For
incomplete information (not all states of the system example, Ramu and Johnson [15] and Nyongesa et al.
are available) and uncertainty in modeling, measure- [16] used fuzzy logic for improving the performance
ment, and signal processing. As mentioned before, of neural networks for damage detection of composite
the inverse problem for structural damage detec- structures. Ramu and Johnson created a fuzzy neural
tion is typically solved by computational intelligence network to detect, classify, and estimate the extent
methods like neural network [27] and GA [810]. of damage in a composite structure from its vibration
GAs used directly for damage detection problems can response. They mention that fuzzy representation was
have some limitations. For example, GA has to run found to be the most efficient means of treating uncer-
each time the structure is evaluated to obtain the tainties. Nyongesa et al. [16] developed an automated
measured dynamic characteristics. This can be very system for feature recognition from shearograms of
time consuming and may not be suitable for on-line composites impacted by damage. The use of shearo-
applications. In contrast, neural networks are compu- grams for impact damage detection in composites is
tationally fast once they have been trained. However, difficult because the fringe patterns for damage such
neural networks have the reputation of being black as a delamination is not clear. The pattern-recognition
boxes that are difficult to understand. problem is noisy and has significant uncertainty. The
Fuzzy systems allow for easier understanding use of a neural network pattern classifier along with a
because they are expressed in terms of linguistic vari- fuzzy logic inference was found to improve damage
ables [11], which are expressed in terms of a set of detection accuracy.
rules. In many ways, a set of rules obtained from A generalized methodology for structural damage
observation and experience is what human experts detection using fuzzy logic is presented by Sawyer
also use for monitoring the health of many structures and Rao [17]. They point out that the development
and for making decisions. Fuzzy systems have a built- of smart structures with built-in damage detection
in fuzzification process at the front end that accounts systems are well suited to automated reasoning tools
for uncertainty and does not need to be trained on such as fuzzy logic. Fuzzy associations between
several cycles of noisy data like neural networks to structural damage and observable system response
account for uncertainty [12]. It is well known that were generated using finite element simulations. They
feedforward neural networks are universal function considered static and dynamic response of structures
approximators [13]. Recently, it has been proved that to determine their health state. Damage was modeled
classical feedforward neural networks can be approx- using the principles of continuum damage mechanics
imated to an arbitrary degree of accuracy by a fuzzy by appropriately reducing the stiffness at the damage
logic system (FLS), without having to go through location. They found that the fuzzy approach is better
the laborious training process needed by a neural suited to tolerate noise and uncertainty than system-
network [14]. Therefore, fuzzy systems share the identification-type methods. Ganguli [18] demon-
universal approximation characteristics with neural strated the use of fuzzy logic for damage detection
networks and can perform any function approxima- and isolation in presence of noise for a BO-105 hinge-
tion or pattern-recognition task that a neural network less helicopter rotor. Fuzzy rules were generated from
can perform. numerical data obtained from finite element simula-
Fuzzy logic is a useful and efficient method for tions. Frequencies were used for damage detection,
modeling complex systems where uncertainty and and it was found that a gross estimate of damage
imprecision can be important, and can be used to location and size could be obtained from the first
solve the damage detection problem. Fuzzy systems four frequencies. He showed that the fuzzy system
address uncertainty directly by using linguistic performed very well even in the presence of noisy
reasoning, which is more robust to uncertainty data. He also pointed out that with the advent of
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 3

embedded and surface-mounted piezoelectric sensors We see that the use of fuzzy logic in SHM has
and actuators in structures, operational health moni- been rather limited, compared to other soft computing
toring of structures from structural response data methods. In this article, an introduction is given for
using FLSs has become possible. developing a fuzzy system using some simple prob-
Sazonov et al. [19] developed a fuzzy logic expert lems. The article is organized as follows. First, a brief
system to automate the process of damage detec- description of fuzzy logic is given. Then an FLS
tion from strain energy mode shapes. They pointed is formulated for structural damage detection. The
out that strain energy mode shapes require curvature example problem used here is damage detection in a
information and are therefore sensitive to measure- cantilever beam, using frequencies. Next, a method of
ment noise, which gets amplified by the double using GA to automate the development of fuzzy rules
differentiation of displacement needed to get curva- is presented. This genetic fuzzy system is illustrated
ture. The peaks in the strain energy mode shapes using a composite thin-walled beam with matrix
are the damage indicators, and false peaks can result cracking as the damage and frequencies as measure-
with noisy data. They developed a set of fuzzy rules ments. Finally, some concluding remarks are made.
from a finite element model of a simple beam. The
fuzzy system was then developed to mimic a human
expert and very accurate damage detection results 2 FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEM
were obtained, using mode shapes acquired by impact
testing and/or noncontact laser vibrometer methods. Before using fuzzy logic for damage detection, we
The traditional fuzzy system is an effective tool introduce the FLS as a function approximation and
for damage detection. However, their rules need to decision making tool. An FLS is a nonlinear mapping
be developed and fine-tuned by the user on the basis of an input feature vector into a scalar output [22, 23].
of the available data. For example, the rules need Fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic provide the frame-
to be regenerated for different structures and for work for the nonlinear mapping. FLSs have been
each time that the set of measurements or the fault widely used in engineering applications because of
changes. The process of rule development is there- the flexibility they offer designers and their ability
fore time consuming, not very accurate, and certainly to handle uncertainty. Only a brief introduction to
not optimal. Therefore, to make the rule generation FLSs is given here. Several books provide a detailed
and tuning process automatic, GA is used in advanced introduction to fuzzy logic [22, 2426].
soft computing techniques, known as the genetic fuzzy A typical multi-input single-output (MISO) FLS
system [20, 21]. These systems combine the approx- performs a mapping from V R m to W R using
imate reasoning capability of fuzzy systems with the four basic components: rules, fuzzifier, inference
learning capabilities of GAs. Recently Pawar and engine, and defuzzifier. Here, f : V R m W R
Ganguli [12] used a GA for automating the process of where V = V1 V2 Vn R m is the input
rule generation for a fuzzy system for application to space and W R is the output space. A typical FLS
structural damage detection. They demonstrated the is shown schematically in Figure 1. Once the rules
algorithm for a beam-type structure and a helicopter driving the FLS have been fixed, the FLS can be
rotor blade modeled using the finite element method. expressed as a mapping of inputs to outputs.
Such a system represents an alternative to the neural Rules can come from experts or can be obtained
network and GA-based methods for structural damage from numerical data. Expert knowledge is typi-
detection problem. cally transformed into fuzzy rules by interviewing

Fuzzy inference
Fuzzifier Defuzzifier
x in V Fuzzy Fuzzy sets y in
sets in V in W W

Fuzzy rule base

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a fuzzy logic system.

4 Simulation

knowledge workers about the problem. Rules from the concept of an ordinary set whose membership
numerical data can be obtained by qualitative analysis function only takes two values, zero and unity.
of the data obtained by parametric study, or by more
formal methods such as GAs as discussed later in this Linguistic variables
article. It is also possible to combine rules obtained A linguistic variable u is used to represent the
from numerical data with those obtained from experts. numerical value x, where x is an element of U . A
Whatever be the approach used to create the rules, linguistic variable is usually decomposed into a set
they are expressed as a collection of IF-THEN state- of terms T (u), which cover its universe of discourse.
ments such as IF u1 is HIGH, and u2 is LOW, THEN
v is LOW. To formulate such a rule we need an Membership functions
understanding of the following: The most commonly used shapes for membership
functions (x) are triangular, trapezoidal, piecewise
1. Linguistic variables versus numerical values of linear, or Gaussian. The designer of the FLS selects
a variable. For example, a height of 190 cm is the type of membership function used. The Gaus-
a numerical value that can be labeled with the sian functions overlap to some degree across all
linguistic variable Tall. Similarly, a frequency fuzzy sets, and therefore allow all fuzzy rules to
change of 5% due to damage can be labeled as fire simultaneously. Therefore, they smooth out the
High. output signal [27]. There is no theoretical requirement
2. Quantifying linguistic variables. For example, u1 that membership functions overlap. However, one of
may have a finite number of linguistic terms asso- the major strengths of fuzzy logic is that member-
ciated with it, such as NEGLIGIBLE, SMALL, ship functions can overlap. FLS systems are robust
MEDIUM, HIGH, and VERY HIGH, which is because decisions are distributed over more than one
done using fuzzy membership functions. input class. For convenience, membership functions
3. Logical connections between linguistic variables are normalized to one, so they take values between 0
(for example, AND, OR, etc.). and 1, and thus define the fuzzy set.
4. Implications such as IF A THEN B. We also
need to understand how to combine more than Inference engine
one rule. Rules for the fuzzy system can be expressed as:

The fuzzifier operates on numerical data and maps Ri : IF x1 is F1 AND x2 is F2 AND . . . xm is Fm

crisp input numbers into fuzzy sets. It is needed to THEN y = Ci , i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , M
activate rules that are expressed in terms of linguistic
variables. The process of transferring numerical data where m and M are the number of input variables
into linguistic variables through the fuzzifier is a and rules, xi and y are the input and output variables,
direct approach to handling uncertainty built-in at the and Fi Vi and Ci W are fuzzy sets character-
front end of the fuzzy system. An inference engine of ized by membership functions Fi (x) and Ci (x),
the FLS maps fuzzy sets to fuzzy sets and determines respectively. Each rule can be viewed as a fuzzy
the way in which the fuzzy sets are combined. In implication F12m = F1 F2 Fm Ci , which
several applications, crisp numbers are needed as an is a fuzzy set in V W = V1 V2 Vm W
output of the FLS. In those cases, a defuzzifier is used with membership function given by
to calculate crisp values from fuzzy values. The key
terms and elements of an FLS are defined next. Ri (x, y) = F1 (x1 ) F2 (x)
Fm (xm ) Ci (y) (1)
Fuzzy sets
A fuzzy set F is defined on a universe of discourse where is the T -norm with x = [x1 x2 xm ] V
U and is characterized by a degree of membership and y W . This sort of rule covers many applica-
(x), which can take on values between 0 and 1. tions. The algebraic product is one of the most widely
Here U represents the set of all possible values that used T -norms in applications, and leads to a product
can be taken by the number x. A fuzzy set generalizes inference engine.
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 5

Defuzzification jl , l = 1, 2 . . . , Kj ) generating class Cj .

Popular defuzzification methods include maximum
matching and centroid defuzzification [28]. While Kj
Dpmax (Cj ) = max Dpjl (3)
centroid defuzzification is widely used for fuzzy l=1
control problems where a crisp output value is
needed, maximum matching is often used for pattern then the system will output class Cj , provided that
matching problems where we need to know the output
class only. In structural damage detection, it is often Dpmax (Cj ) = max Dpmax (Cj ) (4)
better to leave the damage location, size, and other
information in linguistic terms. For example, large If there are two or more classes that achieve the
damage at root is more useful and credible than maximum matching degree, we select the class that
numerical values. In fact, a linguistic output is useful has the largest number of fired fuzzy rules (a fired
for creating maintenance alerts and suggests prog- rule has a matching degree greater than zero) [29].
nostic action.
Suppose there are K fuzzy rules and, among them,
Kj rules (j = 1, 2, . . . , L and L is the number of 3 FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEM
classes) produce class Cj . Let Dpi be the measure-
ments of how the pth pattern matched the antecedent
conditions (IF part) of the ith rule, which is given by The description of the FLS given above may appear
the product of membership grades of the pattern in abstract and mathematical. We illustrate the FLS
the regions that the ith rule occupies. with a simple problem of damage detection in
a cantilever beam using natural frequencies (see

m ModalVibration-based Damage Identification). A
Dpi = li (2) schematic representation of the problem requirement
i=1 is shown in Figure 2. Damage is modeled using
a reduction in element stiffness and a percentage
where m is the number of inputs and li is the damage parameter D is defined such that
degree of membership of measurement l in the fuzzy
regions that the ith rule occupies. Let Dpmax (Cj ) be E undamaged E damaged
the maximum matching degree of the rules (rules D = 100 (5)
E undamaged

Damage location
20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Root Inboard Center Outboard Tip

Undamaged No action

Slight Advisory level

Moderate Advisory level II

Severe Alert

Damage level Warning level

Figure 2. Schematic representation of structural damage detection in a cantilever beam.
6 Simulation

where E is the Youngs modulus of the material. where

The beam is 4.94-m long and has a mass per unit
length of 6.46 kg m1 and a flexural modulus of x = {Root, Inboard, Center, Outboard, Tip}T (8)
103 955.3 N m2 [18].
z = {1 , 2 , 3 , 4 }T (9)
The beam is divided into five uniform segments of
equal lengths. These segments are labeled as root,
Each frequency measurement delta has uncertainty.
inboard, center, outboard, and tip, as shown
in Figure 2. The structural damage in each segment is
modeled by stiffness reductions (D) of 5, 15, and 25%
3.2 Fuzzification
and these three damage sizes are classified as slight
damage, moderate damage, and severe damage, The structural damage locations are crisp numbers.
respectively. Damage sizes below slight damage For example, root ranges from 0 to 20% of the
are classified as undamaged. A damage size larger blade, inboard from 20 to 40%, center from
than severe damage is classified as catastrophic 40 to 60%, outboard from 60 to 80%, and tip
damage. from 80 to 100%, as shown in Figure 2. To get a
From a practical implementation viewpoint, given degree of resolution of the extent of damage, each
a slight damage, the warning issued by the diagnostic of these damage locations is allowed several levels
system is classified as a level I advisory. For a of damage and split into linguistic variables. For
moderate damage, the warning issued is a level II example, consider root as a linguistic variable.
advisory and for severe damage, the maintenance Then it can be decomposed into a set of terms
action is an alert. No warning is issued for an
undamaged beam. This form of classification of the T (root) = {Undamaged, slight damage,
structural damage allows for development of a user-
friendly decision system that can be deployed in a moderate damage, severe damage,
handheld electronic device or field computer. With the catastrophic damage} (10)
requirements of the damage detection system defined,
we proceed to formulate the fuzzy logic behind it. where each term in T (root) is characterized by a fuzzy
set in the universe of discourse U (root) = {0, 30},
in terms of damage variable D. The other structural
3.1 Input and output
damage variables are fuzzified in a similar manner.
Let the beam be divided into five damage locations The measurement deltas 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4
as shown in Figure 2. We want to detect damage are also treated as fuzzy variables. To get a high
in this beam using the first four frequencies. Define degree of resolution, they are further split into
measurement deviations from the undamaged beam linguistic variables. For example, consider 1 as
frequencies as measurement deltas given as a linguistic variable. It can be decomposed into a set
of terms
(u) (d)
 = 100 (6) T (1 ) = {Negligible, very low, low,
low medium, medium, medium high,
Here (u) and (d) correspond to the undamaged
and damaged frequency. Inputs to the FLS devel- high, very high, very very high} (11)
oped for damage detection are then measurement
deltas and outputs are structural damage. We have where each term in T (1 ) is characterized by a
four measurements represented by z and five fault fuzzy set in the universe of discourse U (1 ) =
locations represented by x. The objective is to find a {0, 9}. The other three measurement deltas are defined
functional mapping between z and x, which can be using the same set of terms as 1 . Measurement
represented as deltas larger than those covered by the universe
of discourse will represent an extensive structural
x = F (z) (7) damage indicative of a catastrophic failure.
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 7

Fuzzy sets with Gaussian membership functions 1. Each measurement delta is then assigned to the
are used for the input variables. These fuzzy sets can fuzzy set with the maximum degree of member-
be defined as follows: ship.
2. One rule is obtained for each fault by relating
0.5((xm)/ )2 the measurement deltas with maximum degree
(x) = e (12)
of membership to a fault.
where m is the midpoint of the fuzzy set and is These rules are tabulated in Table 2 for the
the uncertainty (standard deviation) associated with frequencies. The linguistic symbols used in this table
the variable. Table 1 gives the linguistic measure are defined in Table 1. These rules can be read as
associated with each fuzzy set and midpoint of follows for the moderate damage at root fault:
the set for each measurement delta. The midpoints
are selected to span the region ranging from an IF 1 is medium high AND 2 is low AND
undamaged beam (all measurement deltas are zero) to 3 is very low AND 4 is low THEN moderate
one with significant damage. The standard deviations damage at root.
for  are 0.35%, and are selected to provide for
enough intersection between the fuzzy sets so as to The rules for the other faults can be similarly
optimize accuracy of detection. Note that we have interpreted. These rules provide a knowledge base and
developed the fuzzy sets manually using a simple represent how a human engineer would interpret data
uniform discretization in the measurement variables. to isolate structural damage using frequency shifts.
For any given input set of measurement deltas, the
fuzzy rules are applied for a given measurement, we
have degrees of membership for each fault. For fault
3.3 Rules and fault isolation
isolation, we are interested in the most likely fault.
The fault with the highest degree of membership is
Rules for the fuzzy system are obtained by fuzzi-
selected as the most likely fault.
fication of the numerical values obtained from the
A close inspection of Table 2 shows that each of
finite element analysis using the following procedure
the rules is independent of the other. This is useful
[23, 30]:
for preventing confusion between the rules. The level
of discretization in the measurement deltas in terms
A set of four measurement deltas corresponding of the selection of midpoints and standard deviations
to a given structural fault is input to the FLS must be sufficiently high to make the rules indepen-
and the degree of membership of the elements of dent, for best performance of the FLS. Also note
1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 are obtained. Therefore, that the set of rules have a built-in damage detec-
each measurement has nine degrees of membership tion function, since if the first rule fires, the beam is
based on the linguistic measures in Table 1. undamaged. Firing of any of the other 15 rules indi-
cates a damaged beam. The problem of location and
Table 1. Gaussian fuzzy sets for frequencies of identification of the damage size is handled through
a cantilever beam the 15 rules shown in Table 2 after Rule 1. Thus, the
Linguistic measure Symbol Midpoints three critical functions of damage detection, location,
of  and identification can be handled by a set of simple
Negligible N 0 fuzzy rules. As shown in Figure 2, these rules can
Very low VL 1 also be used to give maintenance alarms.
Low L 2
Low medium LM 3
Medium M 4 3.4 Accessing the performance of a fuzzy
Medium high MH 5 logic system
High H 6
Very high VH 7
Very very high VVH 8
If an FLS has been developed properly, it will
give excellent results for noise-free numerical data.
8 Simulation

Table 2. Rules for fuzzy system for damage detection in a cantilever beam
Rule no. Damage Frequency measurement deltas
1 2 3 4
1 Undamaged N N N N
2 Slight damage at root VL VL N N
3 Slight damage at inboard VL N VL N
4 Slight damage at center N VL N VL
5 Slight damage at outboard N VL VL N
6 Slight damage at tip N N N VL
7 Moderate damage at root MH L VL L
8 Moderate damage at inboard LM VL L VL
9 Moderate damage at center VL LM VL L
10 Moderate damage at outboard N L LM L
11 Moderate damage at tip N N VL L
12 Severe damage at root VVH M LM LM
13 Severe damage at inboard MH VL M LM
14 Severe damage at center L H VL M
15 Severe damage at outboard N M MH LM
16 Severe damage at tip N N VL LM

In such cases of ideal data, the fuzzy rules are The example problem discussed above clearly
similar to a classical expert system. However, the shows the ability of the FLS to detect damage accu-
strength of the fuzzy system comes out when numer- rately from noisy data. For most structural damage
ical data is contaminated with noise, which is the detection problems, such a fuzzy system can be
case for most damage indicators used in struc- developed manually by engineers. However, as the
tural damage detection. The FLS is tested using complexity of the problem increases in terms of
noise contaminated simulated data. Given a computed number of measurements, damage levels, and damage
frequency measurement delta , a random number locations, it becomes difficult to develop the fuzzy
u = [1, 1] and a noise level , the noisy simulated rules manually. Each time a fuzzy discretization is
measurement delta is given as noisy = (1 + selected and rules obtained, the performance of the
u). We observe that noise addition to  accounts FLS needs to be evaluated. If the performance is not
for both model and measurement uncertainty. Five good, one has to adjust the fuzzy sets until a good
thousand noisy data points are generated for each performance is achieved. The process of adjusting
seeded fault, and the percentage success rate for the the fuzzy sets involves changing the midpoints and
fuzzy system in isolating a fault is calculated. Table 3 standard deviations of Gaussian sets, if they are
shows the average success rate of damage detection being used, calculating the new rules for the fuzzy
for increasing levels of noise. It is clear that the sets selected, and then evaluating them for ideal and
damage detection accuracy is 100% for a noise level noisy data. This process involves trial and error, and
of up to 15% in the data, and shows a gradual reduc- becomes very cumbersome with increasing number
tion after that. of fuzzy sets and rules. In the next section, we

Table 3. Average percent success rate in fault detection using frequencies at different noise levels
Damage level =0 = 0.05 = 0.1 = 0.15 = 0.2 = 0.25 = 0.3
Undamaged 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Slight 100 100 100 100 99 97.24 93.94
Moderate 100 100 100 100 99.33 97.84 96.51
Severe 100 100 100 100 99.7 98.24 96.32
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 9

discuss an approach for automating the rule develop- The objective is to find the mapping between eight
ment process for fuzzy systems by using optimization frequency measurement deltas and 10 locations of
methods such as the GA. matrix cracking.
Composite cross sections used in many applica-
tions are thin-walled and are produced with various
4 GENETIC FUZZY SYSTEM cross-sectional dimensions and ply orientations. Here,
In this section, we formulate the genetic fuzzy system a hollow circular cross section with uniform diam-
for detection of crack density and location of matrix eter and thickness along the length is considered.
cracks in a thin-walled hollow circular composite The wall consists of [m /90n ]s family of composite
beam, shown in Figure 3. Inputs to the genetic fuzzy laminates. The ply orientation angle is with respect
system are measurement deltas and outputs are crack to the longitudinal direction (along the length of
density and locations of cracks (see Lamb Wave- the beam). The dynamic analysis is done by a one
based SHM for Laminated Composite Structures). dimensional (1-D) finite element analysis. For this


Figure 3. A hollow circular cantilever beam showing a small cross section of the wall with matrix cracks.
10 Simulation

1-D model the effective elastic modulus is required, 1 , 2 , . . . , 8 are generated by taking the 
which accounts for all composite properties including values obtained by the finite element method (FEM)
the effect of matrix cracking. The effective elastic solution as midpoints of the membership function
modulus is formulated considering the small cross corresponding to a location of matrix cracking and
section of the beam as a 2-D composite plate. damage level. This strategy for selecting the midpoint
The beam length is 18 m and the outer diameter of ensures that the maximum degree of membership
the circular cross section is 600 mm. These properties ( = 1) for each fuzzy set occurs at the values of 
are taken from Polyzois et al. [31] Material proper- since the Gaussian function is highest at the midpoint.
ties corresponding to glass epoxy are E1 = 48 GPa, The standard deviation of the Gaussian membership
E2 = 13.30 GPa, 12 = 0.235, and G12 = 5.17 GPa functions are calculated using GA for optimization of
where the subscript 1 denotes the fiber direction and the success rate as discussed next.
the subscript 2 denotes the transverse direction. The Typical resolution for the natural frequencies of
other properties are material density = 1.94 g cm3 a lightly damped mechanical structure is 0.1% [33].
and the wall contains 50 plies each 0.22-mm thick. Therefore, we consider a noise level of 0.1 to simulate
The total thickness of the beam wall cross section data used for developing the genetic fuzzy system.
is 11 mm. The natural frequencies of the beam are Noise is added to the finite element simulations. Here
compared with Polyzois et al. [31]. Detailed calcula- the noise level = 0.1 corresponds to normal-quality
tions of measurement deltas (change in frequencies) data, = 0.05 to good-quality data, and = 0.15 to
for a thin-walled hollow circular composite beam low-quality data.
structure are explained in [32]. By generating noisy frequency deltas and testing
In this fuzzy system, location of matrix cracking the fuzzy system for a known damage, we can define
L10 ranges from 0 to 10% of the beam from fixed a success rate as
end, L20 from 10 to 20%, and so on, up to L100 Nc
from 90 to 100%. To get a degree of resolution SR = 100 (13)
of the extent of matrix cracking, each of these
matrix cracking locations is allowed several levels Here Nc is the number of correct classifications
of damage level and split into linguistic variables. among N number of noisy training samples. Since the
These classifications are based on the numerical midpoints of the fuzzy sets are tuned using FEM, the
results obtained for matrix cracking. The matrix crack success rate is a function of the standard deviations
density can broadly be classified as undamaged for of the Gaussian functions for the fuzzy system, i.e.,
zero crack density, as slight damage for 15 crack
density, as moderate damage for 510, as severe SR = SR (ij ) (14)
damage for 1020 and as very severe damage for
more than 20. Crack density, in this study, refers to The design of the fuzzy system can be posed as an
the number of cracks per 10 cm. optimization problem and can be written in standard
The measurement deltas 1 , 2 , . . . , 8 are form [12] as
also treated as fuzzy variables. Fuzzy sets with Maximize
Gaussian membership functions are used to define
these input variables. Change in frequency (measure- SR (ij )
ment delta) is calculated by using finite element subject to the move limits
simulations for a combination of 10 different loca-
tions and four different levels of damages (undam- min ij max ,
aged, slight damage, moderate damage, and severe i = 1, 2, . . . , M j = 1, 2, . . . , P (15)
damage). Crack densities greater than 20 represent
very severe damage and are excluded when formu- The use of formal optimization to design the fuzzy
lating the fuzzy system. system leads to an optimal diagnostic system, which
Rules for the fuzzy system are obtained by fuzzifi- provides the best results for the given structure,
cation of the numerical values obtained from finite measurement set, and noise level in the data. GAs
element analysis. The fuzzy sets corresponding to provide useful optimization tools since they can find
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 11

global optima and do not need gradient information L10 . The rules are detailed and complex due to the
that is required by most traditional optimization large number of measurements and locations, and
algorithms. Details of GAs can be found in [33]. are given in Table 4 in terms of the midpoints and
The schematic representation of the FLS and the standard deviations of the fuzzy sets.
genetic fuzzy system are shown in Figures 1 and 4, For the GA, the population size, crossover proba-
respectively. Figure 1 shows the components of a bility, mutation probability, and maximum number
classical FLS where data is fuzzified, the rules are of generations are 20, 0.8, 0.05, and 30, respec-
evaluated, and the defuzzification is used to deter- tively. These parameters are obtained by numerical
mine the final output of the system. For the current experiments. Midpoints and standard deviations are
problem, inputs are measurement deltas () and the two data sets required for the formulation of the
outputs are the damage presence, location, and size. genetic fuzzy system for damage detection of struc-
Figure 4 shows how the FLS in Figure 1 is trained. tures. These midpoints change for different structures
Data from the finite element simulation is used to and damage combinations since they are dependent
obtain the midpoints of the fuzzy system to maximize on geometrical and material properties of the struc-
the success rate (SR ) by using the standard devia- ture and on the damage model. Since this method
tions as design variables. The outputs of the genetic is based on model-based diagnostics, an FEM of the
fuzzy system are damage presence, location, and size, structure needs to be developed. Once such an FEM is
which are the same as those for the fuzzy system in developed, GA is used with this model to design the
Figure 1. However, the addition of learning using GA fuzzy system. Once the genetic fuzzy system is devel-
allows the genetic fuzzy system to optimize its rule oped, it can detect and isolate faults from measured
base. frequencies. Table 5 shows the average success rate
In this way, the undamaged level of damage is of the fuzzy system for different levels of noise in
represented by one rule and the three damage levels the data for [8 /909 ] types of composites. Here, a
slight, moderate, and severe at 10 locations are training noise level of 0.1 was used. It can be seen
represented by a total of 10 rules each. Therefore, that the fuzzy system is robust to quite high levels of
the complete matrix crack detection system can be noise in the data.
represented by 31 rules. For example slight damage An interesting feature of the genetic fuzzy system
at 010% part of the beam can be written as slight is that though damage location accuracy can decline

Fuzzy logic GA to
system maximize SR

Select new sij

i < N gen(Max)
based on GA

sj of the best SR

Genetic fuzzy system for

damage detection, location, and size

Figure 4. Schematic representation of a genetic fuzzy logic system.

Table 4. Rules for genetic fuzzy system (mean values, with standard deviations in brackets)
12 Simulation

No. Rule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Undamaged 0.00 (0.33) 0.00 (0.34) 0.00 (0.32) 0.00 (0.35) 0.00 (0.31) 0.00 (0.32) 0.00 (0.31) 0.00 (0.33)
2 Slight L10 1.11 (0.34) 1.06 (0.33) 1.02 (0.34) 0.99 (0.33) 0.96 (0.32) 0.94 (0.31) 0.92 (0.34) 0.92 (0.34)
3 Slight L20 1.03 (0.30) 0.85 (0.32) 0.80 (0.33) 0.82 (0.34) 0.88 (0.30) 0.93 (0.33) 0.94 (0.34) 0.92 (0.34)
4 Slight L30 0.96 (0.32) 0.79 (0.30) 0.88 (0.31) 0.94 (0.31) 0.87 (0.32) 0.81 (0.31) 0.88 (0.32) 0.96 (0.31)
5 Slight L40 0.90 (0.34) 0.85 (0.34) 0.94 (0.33) 0.82 (0.34) 0.87 (0.32) 0.96 (0.35) 0.85 (0.34) 0.87 (0.31)
6 Slight L50 0.86 (0.30) 0.93 (0.30) 0.84 (0.34) 0.88 (0.33) 0.93 (0.31) 0.82 (0.30) 0.96 (0.33) 0.84 (0.30)
7 Slight L60 0.82 (0.31) 0.97 (0.32) 0.80 (0.31) 0.95 (0.30) 0.82 (0.31) 0.94 (0.31) 0.86 (0.33) 0.93 (0.34)
8 Slight L70 0.81 (0.31) 0.94 (0.34) 0.92 (0.34) 0.81 (0.34) 0.96 (0.32) 0.86 (0.33) 0.86 (0.30) 0.96 (0.31)
9 Slight L80 0.79 (0.31) 0.87 (0.32) 0.98 (0.30) 0.91 (0.32) 0.81 (0.31) 0.89 (0.33) 0.96 (0.33) 0.87 (0.31)
10 Slight L90 0.79 (0.33) 0.81 (0.30) 0.89 (0.33) 0.97 (0.33) 0.98 (0.34) 0.91 (0.31) 0.84 (0.32) 0.84 (0.32)
11 Slight L100 0.79 (0.33) 0.79 (0.31) 0.80 (0.30) 0.82 (0.32) 0.85 (0.31) 0.89 (0.34) 0.93 (0.32) 0.96 (0.34)
12 Moderate L10 2.13 (0.34) 2.03 (0.31) 1.95 (0.33) 1.89 (0.35) 1.84 (0.31) 1.79 (0.33) 1.77 (0.33) 1.75 (0.35)
13 Moderate L20 1.97 (0.34) 1.63 (0.32) 1.53 (0.30) 1.58 (0.31) 1.69 (0.33) 1.78 (0.30) 1.80 (0.30) 1.75 (0.32)
14 Moderate L30 1.83 (0.33) 1.52 (0.34) 1.68 (0.33) 1.80 (0.32) 1.67 (0.34) 1.56 (0.32) 1.68 (0.31) 1.84 (0.32)
15 Moderate L40 1.72 (0.34) 1.62 (0.31) 1.80 (0.31) 1.57 (0.31) 1.66 (0.33) 1.84 (0.30) 1.62 (0.30) 1.67 (0.33)
16 Moderate L50 1.64 (0.31) 1.78 (0.34) 1.61 (0.30) 1.68 (0.33) 1.77 (0.32) 1.58 (0.31) 1.84 (0.31) 1.61 (0.30)
17 Moderate L60 1.58 (0.32) 1.86 (0.34) 1.54 (0.32) 1.82 (0.32) 1.58 (0.31) 1.79 (0.33) 1.64 (0.34) 1.77 (0.31)
18 Moderate L70 1.55 (0.35) 1.80 (0.31) 1.77 (0.31) 1.54 (0.30) 1.83 (0.32) 1.64 (0.32) 1.66 (0.34) 1.84 (0.32)
19 Moderate L80 1.53 (0.33) 1.67 (0.34) 1.89 (0.34) 1.74 (0.31) 1.54 (0.32) 1.71 (0.33) 1.84 (0.34) 1.67 (0.31)
20 Moderate L90 1.52 (0.30) 1.56 (0.32) 1.70 (0.34) 1.85 (0.30) 1.88 (0.31) 1.75 (0.31) 1.61 (0.33) 1.61 (0.31)
21 Moderate L100 1.52 (0.30) 1.52 (0.33) 1.53 (0.34) 1.57 (0.30) 1.62 (0.30) 1.70 (0.33) 1.77 (0.31) 1.84 (0.31)
22 Severe L10 3.67 (0.32) 3.50 (0.34) 3.36 (0.31) 3.25 (0.34) 3.16 (0.32) 3.10 (0.34) 3.06 (0.31) 3.04 (0.31)
23 Severe L20 3.40 (0.33) 2.83 (0.34) 2.65 (0.33) 2.73 (0.33) 2.92 (0.30) 3.08 (0.32) 3.10 (0.34) 3.02 (0.30)
24 Severe L30 3.17 (0.32) 2.64 (0.31) 2.91 (0.30) 3.11 (0.31) 2.89 (0.30) 2.70 (0.33) 2.90 (0.34) 3.17 (0.31)
25 Severe L40 2.98 (0.32) 2.81 (0.32) 3.10 (0.31) 2.72 (0.31) 2.87 (0.34) 3.18 (0.32) 2.82 (0.30) 2.89 (0.33)
26 Severe L50 2.84 (0.30) 3.08 (0.32) 2.80 (0.30) 2.90 (0.32) 3.07 (0.30) 2.73 (0.34) 3.18 (0.32) 2.79 (0.33)
27 Severe L60 2.74 (0.30) 3.21 (0.33) 2.67 (0.32) 3.14 (0.34) 2.73 (0.31) 3.10 (0.34) 2.83 (0.31) 3.06 (0.31)
28 Severe L70 2.68 (0.30) 3.11 (0.30) 3.06 (0.33) 2.68 (0.33) 3.16 (0.32) 2.84 (0.32) 2.88 (0.34) 3.17 (0.34)
29 Severe L80 2.65 (0.33) 2.89 (0.34) 3.26 (0.34) 3.01 (0.30) 2.68 (0.30) 2.96 (0.30) 3.17 (0.34) 2.89 (0.33)
30 Severe L90 2.64 (0.31) 2.70 (0.31) 2.94 (0.30) 3.20 (0.32) 3.24 (0.30) 3.02 (0.34) 2.79 (0.33) 2.79 (0.30)
31 Severe L100 2.63 (0.32) 2.64 (0.32) 2.66 (0.33) 2.72 (0.33) 2.82 (0.31) 2.94 (0.32) 3.07 (0.33) 3.18 (0.31)
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 13


Genetic fuzzy system

Rule 1 fires Rules 211 fire Rules 1221 fire Rules 2232 fire

Undamaged Slight Moderate Severe

damage damage damage

Figure 5. Damage detection and identification using genetic fuzzy system.

Table 5. Average success rate of genetic fuzzy system at Fuzzy systems have enormous potential in SHM
different noise levels as they can handle uncertainty in measurements and
Ply angle = 0.05 = 0.1 = 0.15 models. They can be used for addressing uncertainty
in finite element models due to variations in material
0 100 97.31 89.40 and geometric properties. However, fuzzy systems
30 100 99.80 96.27
60 100 100 100
suffer from the curse of dimensionality as the
number of measurements and damage levels increase
since the number of fuzzy rules can become very
at higher noise levels, the estimate of damage detec- large. In general, it is advantageous to use fuzzy
tion remains good for high levels of damage [32]. systems for SHM where the number of measurements
Figure 5 shows how the rules in Table 4 can be used and damage levels is relatively small.
to detect whether damage is present and also to iden-
tify the size of damage.
I acknowledge my former PhD student Prashant
5 CONCLUDING REMARKS Pawar for his work on the genetic fuzzy system and
Fuzzy logic provides a powerful approach for solving project assistant Arun Kumar for help in preparing
the inverse problem of structural damage detection the manuscript.
from noisy data. The use of linguistic rules and
a built-in fuzzifier at the front end of the fuzzy
system provides an elegant approach to handling REFERENCES
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[9] Nag A, Mahapatra DR, Gopalakrishnan S. Identifi-
cation of delamination in composite beams using [23] Wang LX, Mendel JM. Generating fuzzy rules by
spectral estimation and genetic algorithm. Smart learning from examples. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy
Materials and Structures 2002 11(6):899908. Systems 1992 22(6):103111.
[10] Xu YG, Liu GR, Wu ZP. Damage detection for [24] Ross TJ. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications.
composite plates using lamb waves and projection John Wiley & Sons: 2004.
genetic algorithm. AIAA Journal 2002 40(9): [25] Harris J. Fuzzy Logic Applications in Engineering
18601866. Science. Springer: 2005.
[11] Zadeh L. Fuzzy logic = computing with words. IEEE [26] Mukaidono M, Kikuchi H. Fuzzy Logic for Begin-
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1996 4(2):103111. ners. World Scientific: Singapore, 2001.
[12] Pawar PM, Ganguli R. Genetic fuzzy system for
[27] Mengali G. The use of fuzzy logic in adaptive flight
damage detection in beams and helicopter rotor
control systems. The Aeronautical Journal 2000
blades. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering 2003 192:20312057.
[13] Hornik K, Stinchcombe M, White H. Multilayer [28] Chi Z, Yan H, Pham T. Fuzzy Algorithms: with
feedforward networks are uniform approximators. Applications to Image Processing and Pattern
Neural Networks 1989 2(3):359366. Recognition. World Scientific: Singapore, 1998.

[14] Hong XL, Chen PCL. The equivalence between [29] Chi Z, Yan H. ID3 derived fuzzy rules and
fuzzy logic systems and feedforward neural optimized defuzzification for handwritten character
networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks recognition. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
2000 11(2):356365. 1996 4(1):2431.
[15] Ramu SA, Johnson VT. Damage assessment of [30] Abe S, Lin MS. A method for fuzzy rules extraction
composite structures using fuzzy logic integrated directly from numerical data and its application
neural-network approach. Computers and Structures to pattern recognition. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy
1995 57(3):491502. Systems 1995 3(1):1828.
[16] Nyongesa HO, Otenio AW, Rosin PL. Neural fuzzy [31] Polyzois D, Raftoyiannis G, Ibrahim S. Finite
analysis of delaminated composites from shearog- elements for the dynamic analysis of tapered
raphy imaging. Composite Structures 2001 54(23): composite poles. Composite Structures 1998 43:
313318. 2534.
Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location 15

[32] Pawar PM, Ganguli R. Matrix crack detection in FURTHER READING

thin-walled composite beam using genetic fuzzy
system. Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Friswell MI, Penny JET. Is damage detection using vibra-
Structures 2005 16(5):395409. tion measurements practical? In EUROMECH 65 Interna-
[33] Goldberg D. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Opti- tional Workshop: DAMAS 97; Structural Damage Assess-
mization and Machine Learning. Pearson Education: ment Using Advanced Signal Processing Procedures.
2001. Sheffield.
Chapter 53
Operational Loads Sensors
William F. Ranson and Reginald I. Vachon
Direct Measurements, Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA

The transition from usage monitoring to individual

1 Introduction 1 component damage tracking is the challenge for these
types of sensors. The areas of regime recognition,
2 Accelerometers 1
loads, strain prediction, and component serialization
3 Strain Gauges and Strain Measurement 4 need to improve for enhanced structural health assess-
4 Concluding Remarks 8 ment. Of these three requirements, loads and strain
References 9 prediction along with serialization represent the direct
application for SHM.
The current developments of sensors of this
type are to overcome the limitations of complex
instrumentation, long wiring lengths, and in rotating
1 INTRODUCTION components of the elimination of slip rings.
Load sensors for structural health monitoring (SHM) Strain sensor development is focused on wireless
measure force, torque, pressure, and strain. The technology, serialization, and energy harvesting for
data are translated into information to determine power. The accelerometers used in health usage
the effect of loads and/or vibration on operating monitoring systems (HUMS) such as the Navy V-22
dynamic systems and static infrastructures. Sensors and the Army Apache and Blackhawk helicopters are
used to make these measurements are accelerometers, incorporating regime recognition in the onboard data
frequency devices, or strain gauges. The theory of acquisition systems.
operation of each is fundamental. Nonetheless, there
are a number of manifestations of theory for each
by commercial companies and research laboratories 2 ACCELEROMETERS
providing accelerometer, frequency, and strain gauge
2.1 Overview
devices. Some of these devices are described and the
general theory for the major types of accelerometers Accelerometers are one of the basically three vibra-
and strain gauges are presented. tion measuring instruments, which measure displace-
ments, vibrations, and accelerations as a result of
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by harmonic motion of a base relative to a mass system.
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 The most common types are the displacement and
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. acceleration measurement instruments. They consist
2 Sensors

The solution yields

Y /n
Z =  (2)
2 2  
1 /n 2 /n
2 /n
tan =   (3)
Figure 1. Schematic of an accelerometer.
1 /n

where = c/cc is the viscous damping ratio and n

of a case containing a spring mass damper system of is the seismic mass natural frequency.
the type shown in Figure 1 and a device measuring Accelerometers have a small frequency ratio /n
the displacement of the mass relative to the case. The  1 and  1 (small damping); then
mass is usually constrained to move along a given
axis. Measurement of the mass relative to the case 2 Y Base acceleration
Z= = (4)
is measured electrically. When the frequency of the m2 n2
base is low relative to the spring mass damper of the
system, the instrument is proportional to the acceler- The crystal accelerometer behaves like an under-
ation of the case. damped, spring mass system with a single degree
of freedom. Equation (1), a classical second-order
differential equation, can be used to describe the
behavior of the electromechanical crystal accelerom-
2.2 Theory eter system.
Piezoelectric crystals subjected to a force exhibit
A single-degree-of-freedom mechanical model with an electrical charge. Slicing a quartz crystal, for
viscous damping as shown in Figure 1 can be used example, relative to an xyz axis results in a sensor
to describe the mechanical behavior of instruments to producing a charge based on the direction of the
measure force, pressure, and motion. Accelerometers applied force. This fact is used to design accelerom-
are a special case of this type of instrument where eters used in dynamic systems as well as for quasi-
a component with frequencies far below the natural static measuring systems using a quartz crystal with
frequency of the transducer, the relative motion special signal conditioning. Examples can be given
between the base and the transducer, is proportional for quasi-static measurements over periods of minutes
to the base acceleration. Figure 1 is a schematic that and even hours.
represents the vibration of a base by y(t) = Y sin t. Piezoelectric crystal sensors are of high impedance
From Newtons second law of motion [1], the equa- or low impedance. Low-impedance sensors have a
tion of motion for the seismic mass is obtained. Thus built-in charge-to-voltage converter and require an
external power source to power the device and to
separate the output voltage from the bias dc voltage.
d2 z dz
m + c + kz = m2 Y sin t (1) These low-impedance systems are tailored to a partic-
dt 2 dt ular application. High-impedance units require a
charge amplifier or external impedance converter for
where m is the mass of the seismic body, charge-to-voltage conversion. The high-impedance
k is the linear spring constant, and c is the sensors are more versatile than the low-impedance
viscous damping constant, z = x y is the relative devices.
displacement between seismic mass and the base, Time constant and drift are two terms associated
and z, dz/dt, d2 z/dt 2 are the relative displacement, with the use of charge amplifiers with piezoelectric
velocity, and acceleration. devices. The time constant is the discharge time of an
A steady-state solution is assumed in the form ac-coupled circuit. One time constant is the period of
z = Z sin(t ) and Z = m2 Y . time the input decays by 6337% of its original value.
Operational Loads Sensors 3

The product of the time constant resistor Rt and range where Ct is the sensor capacitance, Ri is the cable
capacitor Ct yields the time constant. Figure 2 depicts and sensor resistance, Cc is the cable capacitance, Cr
a high-gain inverting voltage amplifier typically used is the range capacitor, Rt is the time constant, A is
with crystal sensors. the open-loop gain, and Q is the charge generated.
The amplifier yields an output voltage that can be When the open-loop gain is high, the output
expressed by voltage is a function of the input charge and range

Q 1 V = (6)
V =
(5) Cr
Cr 1
1 + Cr (Ct + Cr + Cc )
A High-impedance crystals coupled with an amplifier
with a high open-loop gain produce a usable
output voltage. Quartz-based piezoelectric sensors are
widely used because they operate up to temperatures
Rt Cr of 498.9 C, and stresses of up to approximately
137 895 Pa, ultrahigh insulation resistance of 1014 ,
which permits low frequency (1 Hz), negligible
V hysteresis, high rigidity, and high linearity.
Ct Ri Cc
There are a variety of accelerometers. Listing
includes capacitive spring mass based; electrome-
chanical servo; null balance; resonance; magnetic
induction; optical; surface acoustic wave; laser; bulk
micromachined piezoresistive; bulk micromachined
capacitive; capacitive spring mass based; piezofilm;
Figure 2. Typical accelerometer circuit. piezoelectric; shear mode accelerometer; thermal

Hanger bearings
O/C bearing


Torque Speed Temperature AE Vibration

Control /data acquisition


Control data Analysis

Figure 3. Schematic of the test stand (courtesy of Dr Abdel Bayoumi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
of South Carolina). [Reproduced with permission from Dr. Abdel Bayoumi.]
4 Sensors

Figure 4. Photograph of the test stand (courtesy of Dr Abdel Bayoumi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
of South Carolina). [Reproduced with permission from Dr. Abdel Bayoumi.]

(submicrometer CMOS process); and modally tuned data measures of torque, speed, and temperature,
impact hammers. which are collected every 2 s. All vibration and
acoustic emissions data are collected every 2 min.
Operational load sensors of this type have been
2.3 Example of operational load sensors developed for rotary wing aircraft. References 25
for SHM describe applications in maneuver regime recognition
and SHM using drivetrain, gearbox, engine, rotor
An excellent example of operational load sensors is track, and balance accelerometers as part of the
the University of South Carolina (USC) drivetrain test HUMS onboard system.
stand laboratory. The test stands (see Figures 3 and
4) in this facility are capable of testing drivetrain
components (bearings, gearboxes, swashplates, oil 3 STRAIN GAUGES AND STRAIN
coolers, and shafts) of AH-64, UH-60, and ARH- MEASUREMENT
70 aircraft. Additionally, they are able to provide
up to 150% of aircraft power at full speed for 3.1 Overview
the components under testing. These stands are also
capable of handling shaft misalignment requirements Strain gauges measure the relative displacements
while remaining safe. Other stands at USC include of a small straight line segment between usually
AH-64, ARH-70, CH-47, and UH-60 hydraulic pump undeformed and deformed configurations of a body
stands, as well as AH-64, ARH-70, CH-47, and UH- subjected to loads. The electrical resistance strain
60 main rotor swashplate bearing assembly stands. gauge is based on this principle and was first estab-
All test stands utilize several data acquisition systems, lished by Lord Kelvin in 1856 and accounted for
including current in-flight monitoring systems such as more than 80% of the stress analysis applications in
the HUMS (Multi Signal Processing Unit (MSPU) the 1980s. Also, electrical resistance strain gauges
and/or Integrated Mechanical Diagnostics (IMD)- are widely used as sensors in transducers that have
HUMS), as well as a specialized laboratory data been developed to measure load, torque, and pres-
acquisition system capable of recording torque, speed, sure. Historically, strain measurement for opera-
temperature, vibration, and acoustic emissions. All tional SHM has relied on electrical resistance strain
test stands are controlled on the basis of monitored gauge applications. In recent years, optical-based
Operational Loads Sensors 5

techniques have been developed to measure strains. where dR is the change in resistance, R is the initial
Some of these very useful laboratory technologies resistance, dl is the length change of a small line
[6, 7] include digital image correlation, interferom- segment, and l is the initial length of a small line
etry, photoelasticity, holographic interferometry, and segment.
fiber-optic strain gauges. Equation (7) can be now expressed in terms of the
The concentration here is the electrical resistance strain:
strain gauge and one optical technique suitable for in-
the-field measurement and verification of engineered g = SA (8)
residual strains intended to enhance fatigue life for R
operating systems such as fastener holes in aircraft where g = dl/ l is the gauge strain from the mea-
structures. The theory of each is discussed and exam- sured resistance change.
ples are given. Theoretically, the change in the resistance of the
gauge is a function of surface deformations. Real
considerations that affect the change in resistance
3.2 Electrical resistance strain gauge include the adhesive used to affix the gauge to the
surface, stability of the surface, temperature, and
The characteristics for electrical resistance gauges
the material. Also, axial strain measurement is not
are listed in [6, 8] based on the premise that they
sufficient to achieve complete analysis. A combina-
are usually the most economical. Some of the gauge
tion of gauges is required to yield orthogonal strains
characteristics are as follows:
and associated shear strains. The electrical resis-
1. The gauge constant should be stable with respect tance strain gauge has wide use and utility. There
to both temperature and time. are a variety of gauge configurations and wire fila-
2. Strain measurement accuracy of 1 m m1 ments used to achieve stability, temperature sensi-
(in./in.) over a range of 5% strain. tivity, and strain characteristics of the sensor. Many
3. The gauge length and width should be small. strain gauge filament materials degrade over time and
4. The inertia of the gauge should be minimal for are temperature sensitive. Thus, long-term continuous
the measurement of dynamic strains. applications require attention to drift and tempera-
5. The response or output of the gauge should be ture compensation. Selecting a gauge is based on
linear over the entire strain range of the gauge. the gauge characteristics that include gauge factor,
thermal coefficient of resistively, resistance, and
These characteristics are not only criteria but also temperature coefficient of gauge factor. There are
constraints predicated on the limitations of the elec- several manufacturers of gauges and the wide variety
trical resistance gauge. They also provide a basis for of gauges can be appreciated by reviewing available
comparison and contrasting of other strain gauges products.
such as inductance, capacitance, and optical gauges.

3.4 Example of operational strain gauge

3.3 Theory of electrical resistance strain application
The need exists to improve the accuracy of load/strain
The electrical resistance strain gauge uses the analog prediction by directly measuring data in flight.
of the change in resistance to resistance ratio to Microstrain has demonstrated a sensor that relies on
translate the change in resistance of the wire gauge piezoelectric energy harvesters capable of measuring
as it undergoes strain into strain readings. The strain strain, acceleration, and temperature. This type of
sensitivity (SA ) is termed the gauge factor. This is sensor is a powerful combination of real-time samp-
expressed by ling rates up to 4 KHz and onboard data storage.
Microstrain sensors are configured to be efficient
dR/R when using energy to sample, record, and commu-
SA = (7)
dl/ l nicate over a bidirectional radio link. Microstrain has
6 Sensors

following formulas:

EMN = (9)
ENO = (10)
EOP = (11)
EPM = (12)
This type of strain gauge [11] has further properties
of serialization as shown in Figure 7. The encoded
serialization is shown in the boundaries of the gauge
similar to a bar code. The target gauge can be in
the form of a thin polymer with the gauge design
laser machined into the multilayer polymer to achieve
the light and dark patterns or the gauge can be laser
bonded onto the surface. The polymer gauge can be
affixed to the surface with M-Bond 200, which is the
same process used for thin-film electrical resistance
Figure 5. Wireless strain gauge on a Bell pitch link. gauges. The other alternative application is to laser
bond the pattern onto the surface.
successfully demonstrated this technology to measure This is accomplished by spraying the surface with
operational loads/strains on a Bell 412 helicopter fine metallic particles suspended in a vehicle of water
pitch link as shown in Figure 5 [9]. or alcohol in a normal hand-held aerosol spray can.
When the surface has dried, a low-power laser is
used to fuse the particles to the surface to create
the pattern. The surface is then cleaned with a cloth
3.5 Theory of optical strain gauge and water. A third application is to paint the surface
with a specialized paint that discolors in response to
The theoretical basis for the optical strain gauge exposure to a low-power laser. The result is that the
is shown in Figure 6. Straight line segments are gauge is integral to the paint layer. Examples of the
recorded in the undeformed and deformed config-
urations with the end points MNOP mapped to
the endpoints M N O P [10]. The strains along
these orthogonal directions are calculated from the

Y Y* P*

O P O*

N M N*
X X*
Figure 6. Optical strain gauge in undeformed and defor-
med configurations. Figure 7. Gauge serialization.
Operational Loads Sensors 7

US and International
Patent Pending

(a) (b)
Figure 8. (a) Polymer gauge with serialization and (b) laser-bonded gauge.

polymer gauge and the gauge laser bonded around a not denigrate material/mechanical properties of host
hole are shown in Figure 8(a) and (b). material; and (xii) gauge contains binary encoded
information (for gauge location, serial number, or
asset management) up to 4 billion unique numbers
3.6 Features of the technology for each gauge.
(i) Self-contained strain/fatigue monitoring system;
(ii) minimal skilled labor required; (iii) nonlinear,
multicomponent strain sensor: two orthogonal exten- 3.7 Cold-working validation using optical
sional strains and shear strain from a single gauge; strain gauge
(iv) resting system error <5 ; (v) measurement
repeatability: <30 ; (vi) accuracy increases as A 7075-T6 specimen with five fastener holes was
strain increases; (vii) temperature compensation ena- used to demonstrate the application of the tech-
bled; (viii) no fragile electrical components, connec- nology to validate cold working [11]. Wire-free Direct
tion free; (ix) line-of-sight target acquisition; (x) Measurements, Inc. (DMI) gauges were applied
material independent (works on plastics, metals, around each hole as shown in Figure 9 (front) and
composites, etc.); (xi) gauge application process does baseline readings made and recorded. The specimen

Front: DMI gauges

Gauge 95 Gauge 96 Gauge 97 Gauge 98 Gauge 99

Back: photoelastic fringe patterns

Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 3 Hole 4 Hole 5

Figure 9. 7075-T6 test specimen front and back.

8 Sensors

Table 1. Cold work by hole and gauge

Hole # CX type DMI E1
gauge #
1 None 95
2 2%CX (under expanded) 96
3 CB minimum (minimum standard) 97


4 CB maximum (maximum standard) 98
5 CA nominal (over expanded) 99
CX, Cold Work Expansion

was cold worked by Fatigue Technology Inc. (FTI). E3

Prescribed expansions were achieved according to
Table 1. After FTI completed cold-work expan-
Figure 10. Gauge 96 surrounding hole 2.
sion, each gauge was read and the residual strain
was measured and recoded. This summary presents
boundary gauge damage during cold-work expansion.
the results of the strain measurements and shows
Nonetheless, the remaining components give suffi-
the applicability of DMI technology to cold-work
cient indication of the degree of cold working. In
addition, DMI gauges can be produced with dimen-
Residual strain measurements were made on both
sions that better match holes sizes, thereby avoiding
the inner and outer boundary of each gauge and
measured strain components E1, E2, E3, and E4
were recorded according to Figure 9. The holes and
corresponding gauge codes are shown in Table 1 and
Figure 10.
The DMI gauge outer and inner boundary measure- Operational load sensors that measure force, torque,
ments are shown in Figures 11 and 12. This demon- pressure, and strain have been successively employed
strates that the residual strain magnitudes follow the in operating mechanical systems for many years.
trend in photoelastic patterns in Figure 9. Note that Specific applications of accelerometers that are used
the right-hand side fringe order is slightly higher in in HUMS systems for rotary wing aircraft measure
holes 3, 4, and 5. Accordingly, the strain component data associated with exceedance monitoring, rotor
E2 measured on the right-hand side of gauges 97, 98, track and balance, operational usage, regime recog-
and 99 is also slightly higher. In this figure, gauge 98 nition, and drivetrain diagnostics. Strain gauges are
fails to indicate higher E2 components due to inner ideal for dynamic load measurements such as the

Gauge 95 Gauge 96 Gauge 97 Gauge 98 Gauge 99


E1 outer
E2 outer
0.025 E3 outer
E4 outer
Figure 11. Outer boundary gauge residual strains.
Operational Loads Sensors 9

Gauge 95 Gauge 96 Gauge 97 Gauge 98 Gauge 99

Strain 0.005

E1 inner
E2 inner
0.025 E3 inner
E4 inner
Figure 12. Inner boundary gauge residual strains.

axial load application for the pitch link illustrated Presented at the American Helicopter Society 50th
in this article. The electrical resistance strain gauge Annual Forum. Washington, DC, 1113 May 1994.
has been an important sensor for measurements in [4] Dora R, Baker T, Hess R. Application of the IMD
full-scale fatigue tests in both fixed and rotary wing HUMS to the UH-60A Blackhawk. Presented at the
aircraft. The need to develop small scale gauges of American Helicopter Society 58th Annual Forum.
this type for operational aircraft has led to the devel- Montreal, QC, 1113 June 2002.
opment of energy harvesting wireless strain gauges [5] Hiatt DS, Hayden R. Concepts for certifying a data-
such as the one by Microstrain. Strain gauge appli- driven HUM system. Presented at the American
cations of this type measure strains that can be cali- Helicopter Society 58th Annual Forum. Montreal,
brated to axial, bending, pressure, and torque loading. QC, 1113 June 2002.
The application of the optical strain gauge while used [6] Kobayashi AS (ed). Handbook on Experimental
to measure strains due to cold working are not a Mechanics, Society for experimental Mechanics,
measure of loads directly. Cold working of fastener Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.
holes increases aircraft fatigue life; however, due to [7] Sohn H, et al. A Review of Structural Health Moni-
overloads, these compressive residual strains can be toring Literature from 19962001. Los Alamos
relaxed, thus reducing the expected fatigue life. The National Laboratory, report LA-13976-MS, 2003.
optical strain gauge measures the compressive strain qa5348/is
relaxation and is thus an indirect measure of the 200403/ai n21346075/pg 4.
effects of overload conditions. [8] Dally JW, Riley WF. Experimental Stress Analysis,
Fourth Edition. College House Enterprises, LLC:
Knoxville, TN, 2005.
REFERENCES [9] Maley S, Plets J, Phan ND. US Navy roadmap to
structural health and usage monitoringthe present
[1] Curtis D. Johnson Process Control Instrumentation and future. Presented at the American Helicopter
Technology. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, Society 63rd Annual Forum. Virginia Beach, VA,
1993. 13 May 2007.
[2] Brandt G, Moon S, Miller SM. Manuever regime [10] Novozhilov V. Foundations of the Non-Linear
recognition development and verification for H-60 Theory of Elasticity. Graylock Press: New York,
structural monitoring. Presented at the American 1953.
Helicopter Society 63rd Annual Forum. Virginia [11] Ranson WF, Vachon RI. Crack detection and growth
Beach, VA, 13 May 2006. monitoring in holes using DMI SR-2 technology.
[3] Brandt G. Moon S. Development of a fatigue Paper # 17 2007 SEM Annual Conference. Spring-
tracking program for navy rotary wing aircraft. field, MA, 36 June 2007.
Chapter 56
Damage Presence/Growth Monitoring

Hua Gu1 and Ming L. Wang2

Advanced Structures Group, Caterpillar Production System Division, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL, USA
Department of Civil and Materials Engineering, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA

tests. Other environmental and operational variations,

1 Introduction 1 such as varying temperature, moisture, loading condi-
2 Design and Fabrication of a PVDF tions, and the complexity of the structure itself, make
IDT 2 damage detection more challenging [1].
The employment of Lamb waves in nondestructive
3 Experimental Setup 3
testing has attracted more and more attention in struc-
4 Results and Discussion 5 tural health monitoring research community. Lamb
5 Conclusions 5 waves are able to propagate over a long distance with
Acknowledgments 5 very little amplitude loss. If a receiving transducer
References 6 is positioned at a remote location on the structure,
the received signal contains information about the
integrity of the line between the transmitting and
receiving transducers. The test thereby monitors a line
1 INTRODUCTION rather than a point and so considerable testing time
may potentially be saved [2, 3].
Most damage detection methods are based on the Perhaps the most important work in Lamb
fact that damage will change the stiffness, mass, or wave inspection is conducted by three groups
energy dissipation properties of a system. As a result, of researchersPeter Cawleys group from the
the measured dynamic response will change as well. Imperial College, London, Joseph Roses group
Most global damage detection methodologies suffer from the Pennsylvania State University, and Victor
from lack of sensitivity. Since damage is a local Giurgiutius group from the University of South
phenomenon, it may not tremendously influence the Carolina. Work from these researchers can be found
global response of a structure, which usually deals in numerous literatures [234].
with lower frequencies measured during vibration The excitation and reception of Lamb waves in
structures can be carried out by using interdigitated
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by transducers (IDTs). These transducers have a comb
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 structure composed of sets of periodically distributed
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. fingers with a spatial period equal to the excited
2 Sensors

l w S

composite Epoxy
Figure 1. Schematic of a PVDF IDT.

Lamb wavelength [12, 35]. It is a common application Figure 1. , w, and s represent wavelength, finger
to have an interdigital electrode on the surface of width, and finger spacing, respectively. These param-
a piezoelectric material form an IDT. Owing to its eters along with the length of the transducer are the
broad bandwidth and low unit price, polyvinyldine criteria that need to be considered during a design
fluoride (PVDF) film has envisioned itself to be process.
a suitable substrate for surface and guided-wave It has been proved that as long as 50% w+s w

transducers that are required to couple electrical 90% holds true, there is little difference among
energy with the piezoelectric material to detect the different finger widths [19]. As for the length of the
wave. The advantages of using PVDF IDTs are as transducer, a single pair of electrodes/fingers cannot
follows. Firstly, PVDF IDTs are low profile and excite surface acoustic waves very efficiently. There-
unobtrusive compared with other types of Lamb wave fore, several pairs of electrodes/fingers are commonly
devices. Secondly, PVDF-based IDTs are flexible, so seen in an interdigital transducer. A long transducer
that they can be used on convex or concave surfaces with many pairs of electrodes/fingers tends to be effi-
such as pipes and pressure vessels [7]. cient for exciting and receiving signals only over
Lamb wave signals are usually complex and a narrow frequency range. Consequently, it is also
nonstationary. At least two Lamb wave modes can easier to generate a certain wave mode. However, it is
propagate at a given frequency. Conventional fast practically not possible to build a sensor with infinite
Fourier transform (FFT) is unable to reveal the length. Besides, the more finger pairs the sensor has,
nature of Lamb wave signals containing frequency the narrower the bandwidth of the sensor becomes.
information that varies with time. To solve this It is undesirable to design a sensor with very narrow
problem, timefrequency representations (TFRs) (see bandwidth that limits its applications. Therefore, it
Timefrequency Analysis) are commonly employed is common to have IDTs with five or six pairs of
for signal analysis in Lamb wave applications. The electrodes/fingers.
continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is used as a The wave length is determined depending on
TFR in this work. the dispersion curves of the materials to be tested.
Figure 2 displays the phase velocity dispersion curves
of the tested structure used in this study. It is a
2 DESIGN AND FABRICATION laminated structure composed of 3 layers of carbon
OF A PVDF IDT fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) material. As the
dispersion curves have explained themselves, the
A successfully designed PVDF IDT will have a finger wave propagation in this structure, composed of
pattern sitting on top of a PVDF film as indicated in anisotropic material, is much less dispersive than that
Damage Presence/Growth Monitoring Sensors 3

Carbon fiber composite material

Three layers (1.35-mm-thick each) with two layers
(0.085-mm-thick each) of epoxy phase velocity 05/17/05

Mode 2
Mode 4 Mode 6 Mode 7 Mode 9

Mode 3
Mode 5 Mode 8

15 000
Vph (m s1)

10 000



2.4 mm

200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 2. Phase velocity of laminated CFRP plate.

in an isotropic material, such as steel. Since the wave PVDF film at low frequencies. Secondly, gold has
length of IDT is determined by = fph , a straight superb conductivity. After the surface is cleaned,
design line starting from the origin of phase velocity a thin layer of photoresist is evenly spun on top
diagram is drawn to help the design process. The of the gold coating. The finger pattern design is
slope of the line represents a certain wavelength that carefully printed out on transparencies and transferred
if intersects with a dispersion mode will excite that to the photoresist layer through exposing. After being
mode at the corresponding frequency. To simplify the developed, the pattern then stays on the film. The
wave signal that is to be received, a sensor with a finger pattern is revealed by etching out gold not
wavelength of 2.4 mm is designed, which ideally only covered by the resist and the transducer is finalized
generates symmetric and antisymmetric wave modes by removing the photoresist.
in a large frequency band.
The fabrication of PVDF IDTs is realized by using
the etch-back photolithography technology adopted
from semiconductor industry, which is carried out in The test sample structure is 915 mm long, 51 mm
a photolithography bay inside a clean room. PVDF wide, and 4.22 mm thick. Through voids of different
films with gold coating on one of the surfaces are sizes have been introduced to the middle layer of the
acquired from manufacturer. The reason for choosing laminated structures. They are 0, 1, and 5 mm wide.
gold is twofold. Firstly, backing with a high-density Figure 3 shows the schematic of the experimental
material such as gold enhances the performance of setup. A tone burst sinusoidal signal with a Hanning
4 Sensors

Function generator
Matching circuit
(constructed from torodial
inductors, produces electrical
fields strongest in y direction)


Sample plate

Matching circuit Oscilloscope

Figure 3. Schematic of the experimental setup.

Plate with no void

0.01 Laminated carbon fiber composite
0.015 material with no void 600 kHz8c
sine with hanning window
Amplitude (V)

Amplitude (V)

0 PVDF 2.4 mm to PVDF 2.4 mm

0 0.005

0.005 0.01
0.01 0.015
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
0.015 Time (s) 105
0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004
Time (s)
10 Plate with 1 mm void Laminated carbon fiber composite
0.015 4 material with 1-mm void 600 kHz8c
3 sine with hanning window
Amplitude (V)

0.01 2 PVDF 2.4 mm to PVDF 2.4 mm

Amplitude (V)

0.005 0
0 1
0.005 3
0.01 5
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
0.015 Time (s) 105
0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004
Time (s)

103 Plate with 5 mm void

Laminated carbon fiber composite
0.015 material with 5-mm void 600 kHz8c
Amplitude (V)

sine with hanning window
0.01 2
Amplitude (V)

PVDF 2.4 mm to PVDF 2.4 mm

0 4
0.005 6
0.01 8
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
0.015 Time (s) 10

0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004
Time (s)

Figure 4. Response from PVDF IDTs on CFRP plates with different void sizes.
Damage Presence/Growth Monitoring Sensors 5

window is sent to the function generator as the exci- Plate with no void
tation signal. The signal is then amplified by a high-
voltage amplifier before passing through a custom-
designed circuit. This circuit applies antiphase voltage

on these two groups of fingers of PVDF IDT. As 60
a result, these fingers move in opposite directions, 40
and Lamb waves are generated. After propagating 20

on the plate, wave signals are acquired by another

piece of PVDF IDT functioning as a receiver. Another 0.8
customized matching circuit similar as before is used


and converts antiphase voltage into a single-phase

0.2 400 450 500

300 350

voltage before the wave signals are eventually sent 200 250
0 50 100 150
to the oscilloscope.
Plate with 1-mm void


Signals received from PVDF IDTs on CFRP plates 60
with no void, 1-mm void, and 5-mm void are plotted 20
in Figure 4. Part of each signal has been extracted
and downsampled to reduce the amount of data the 0.8
computer has to deal with as well as de-noise 0.6

the signals. Conventional FFT is unable to reveal

0.2 450 500

350 400

250 300

the nature of signals containing frequency infor- 0 50 100 150

mation that varies with time, such as Lamb wave
signals. TFRs are usually used for Lamb wave signal Plate with 5-mm void

processing, among which the CWT is one of the most

widely used TFRs for Lamb wave signals. CWT uses 100
Mode 2, 3
Mode 5
a window function called mother wavelet to chop 80 Mode 4

the original signal into small sections (see Wavelet 60

Analysis). Wavelet transform is then applied on each 40

section. The CWT has been performed on the down- 20

sampled signals as illustrated in Figure 5.

The results in Figure 5 reveal the fact that if 0.8
no voids exist in a plate, all the wave modes are


450 500

integrated in a single pack; once voids appear, wave 0.2 350 400

200 250 300


0 150
modes tend to separate from each other; and they get 50 100
more separated as the size of the void increases.
Figure 5. CWT of signals from plates with different void

5 CONCLUSIONS severity of damage with the assistance from advanced

digital signal-processing methods such as CWT.
A PVDF IDT has been built and used for damage
detection in structural health monitoring by gener-
ating and receiving Lamb waves. The fabrication of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the sensor is achieved on the basis of the etch-back
photolithography technology, which gives the sensor This research is supported by the National Science
a monolithic structure. Results have shown the ability Foundation under grants CMS-0220027. This support
of this PVDF IDT to detect the existence and the is gratefully acknowledged.
6 Sensors

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Chapter 54
Nondestructive Evaluation/Nondestructive
Testing/Nondestructive Inspection
(NDE/NDT/NDI) SensorsEddy Current,
Ultrasonic, and Acoustic Emission Sensors
Mark Blodgett, Eric Lindgren, Shamachary Sathish
and Kumar V. Jata
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, USA

wave propagation methods, while the electrical and

1 Introduction 1 magnetic properties can be measured using eddy
current and microwave propagation. The thermal
2 Eddy-current Sensing 2
property measurements are often performed using
3 Ultrasonic Sensors 6 infrared detection.
4 Summary 8 The eddy-current method utilizes a coil energized
References 9 by a sinusoidal electromagnetic signal. When the coil
is brought near an electrically conductive material,
the changing magnetic field induces eddy currents.
The eddy currents oppose the changing magnetic
1 INTRODUCTION field causing changes in the impedance of the coil.
The magnitude of the impedance change is directly
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) exploits the related to the electrical conductivity of the mate-
measurement of changes in physical properties of rial. Presence of defects in a material will signifi-
materials using methods that leave the material in cantly affect eddy-current generation that is detected
undisturbed state after measurements. The basic NDE as impedance changes in the coil. The frequency of
methods most often exploit electromagnetic, elastic, the electromagnetic signal and the electrical conduc-
and thermal properties of materials. Elastic prop- tivity of the material determine the penetration depth
erties are often measured using acoustic/ultrasonic of the eddy currents. The resolution and size of the
defect that can be detected depends on the diameter
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by of the eddy-current probe. Since eddy current can
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 be generated only in electrically conductive mate-
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. rials, the technique is excellent for crack and defect
2 Sensors

detection in metallic materials and structures. This coils windings and their spread is limited by the
article describes in detail the basic principles, coil size of the inducing magnetic field. Eddy currents
design, application to defect detection, and advanced concentrate in the near-surface layers adjacent to
developments in material characterization using eddy the excitation coil and their strength decreases with
current. distance from the coil according to Maxwells equa-
In general, ultrasonic waves propagated into a tions, which show that eddy-current density decreases
material or structure measure the elastic proper- exponentially with depth, known as the skin effect.
ties (velocity/modulus, attenuation/damping). When- The depth that eddy currents penetrate into a mate-
ever the propagating ultrasonic waves are obstructed rial is affected by the frequency of the excitation
by defects, the energy is reflected, transmitted, and current, the electrical conductivity, and the magnetic
scattered. Examination of the reflected/transmitted/ permeability of the specimen (Figure 1). The depth
scattered signals is used to locate and identify the of penetration decreases with increasing frequency
defects in the material. The frequency and wave- and increasing conductivity and magnetic perme-
length of the ultrasonic wave determine the size of ability. The depth at which eddy-current density
the defect that can be detected and the attenuation has decreased to 1/e, or approximately 37% of the
in the material determines the penetration depth into surface density, is called the standard depth of pene-
the material. In systems that use scanning mode of tration, . Standard penetration denotes the use of
operation, the physical dimensions of the transducer a plane-wave approximation to the electromagnetic
limits the resolution. One of the major advantages of field interaction with the test sample and is unaffected
ultrasonic NDE is the ability of ultrasonic waves to
by the size of the coil. The eddy-current inspection
propagate through any type of material. The section
methodology is widely regarded as the most common
on ultrasonic sensors describes in detail the gener-
electromagnetic NDE tool and is used in many appli-
ation, detection, and the interaction of ultrasonic
cations for detection and quantification of defects
waves with defects in varieties of materials for NDE
in strength critical structures like pipelines and
aircraft, thickness measurements, coating measure-
Some NDE sensors are also used to detect signals
ments, and various applications involving measure-
emitted by a material when a component is under
external load. Strain energy is released when exces- ment of conductivity.
sive deformation, crack initiation, and certain types
of crack propagation occur, and this energy is then
converted to acoustic energy. The sudden bursts of
acoustic energy can be listened to by an acoustic
emission sensor. The acoustic emission monitoring Magnetic field
is a passive listening method and the sensors can be
attached to the structure permanently and can be used 1 Probe coil
d =
for periodic or continuous interrogation of the mate- pfms
rial. This method is gaining popularity in structural
health monitoring applications.

Eddy currents
2.1 Background
Figure 1. An illustration describing the interaction of
Eddy currents are closed loops of induced current the alternating current excited eddy-current probe coil
with a conducting specimen to generate eddy currents.
circulating in planes perpendicular to the magnetic The standard penetration is shown as, (mm), where
flux, making them useful for nondestructive inspec- = 3.14, f = frequency (Hz), = magnetic permeability
tion (NDI), thickness gauging, and position sensing. (H mm1 ), and = electrical conductivity (%IACS) Inter-
Typically, eddy currents travel parallel to the exciting national Annealed Copper Standard.
NDE/NDT/NDI Sensors 3

2.2 Early discoveries oppose the applied magnetic field thereby affecting
the impedance of the probe coil, which is the basis
Contemporary eddy-current sensors and instrumenta- of most modern eddy-current testing.
tion are the result of decades of development and
have an even longer history in terms of the funda-
mental principles on which the technology is founded. 2.3 Measurement and testing applications
Electromagnetism was discovered in 1820 by Hans
Christian Oersted when he demonstrated the effect Modern eddy-current testing has evolved over the
of electricity in a wire on a compass needle. He course of more than a century of research and devel-
discovered that the wire conducting electric current opment and finds its origins in metal sorting and
generated invisible magnetic lines of force, which comparing. During this long development period
when placed above the compass needle caused it to tremendous advances have been made in sensors,
swing perpendicular to the direction of the current electronics, integrated circuitry, microprocessors, and
flow and to swing in the opposite direction upon computers leading us to todays handheld, portable
reversal of the current flow. Of course, magnets eddy-current NDE instrumentation geared for field
also have invisible lines of force and several years applications. In the latter part of the 1930s, Friedrich
later, Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry made nearly Forster, the person widely regarded as the fore-
simultaneous independent discoveries of electromag- father of modern eddy-current testing, began to
netic induction, in 1831. Both men used iron bars make significant advances to the field by developing
bent into a circle and wrapped in copper wire to theory for complex impedance analysis, experimental
create an electromagnet, and then in different arrange- equipment, calibration procedures, and nondestruc-
ments demonstrated the principle of electromagnetic tive techniques to quantitatively test the properties
induction, namely that the induced current is propor- of metals [2]. These early developments led to the
tional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through production of commercially available electromagnetic
a coil. Some time later, Leon Foucault discovered induction testing equipment in the United States in
in 1851 that a changing magnetic field produces a the 1950s. Todays eddy-current test devices and
circulating current upon intersection with a conductor. instrumentation are available for a wide range of
These swirls or eddies of current produce magnetic industrial applications such as aerospace (see Mili-
fields that oppose the applied magnetic field, which tary Aircraft; History of SHM for Commercial
created them in the first place and are only present Transport Aircraft; Fatigue Monitoring in Mili-
when the applied magnetic field is either physically tary Fixed-wing Aircraft; Monitoring of Aircraft
moving or changing in strength. Capping off the early Engines), energy (see Fiber-optic Sensor Princi-
discovery era is the influential work of D. E. Hughes ples; Wind Turbines; Large Rotating Machines),
[1], who demonstrated in 1879 that eddy currents can marine (see Monitoring Marine Structures; Ship
be used as a basis to compare and sort materials by and Offshore Structures), and automobile (see
virtue of differences in electrical parameters, such as Sensor Technologies for Direct Health Monitoring
conductivity and permeability. Hughes showed that of Tires) industries. An extensive accounting of
the principle of electromagnetic induction can be used contributions by early researchers in this field is docu-
to measure properties of coinage and the relative mented in the NDT Handbook on Electromagnetic
conductivities of metals and also demonstrated tech- Testing [3].
niques for enhancing sensitivity. By combining these Eddy-current testing techniques are primarily used
seminal early discoveries, it is possible to begin to to measure material properties such as conduc-
see the foundation of modern eddy-current testing tivity and permeability, discriminating components
take shape, given (i) an alternating current (ac) used based on the presence of flaws or discontinuities,
to excite a probe coil that gives rise to a changing and precise measurement of displacement, thickness,
magnetic field; (ii) when placed near a conductor positioning, and proximity. Many critical applica-
the energized probe produces eddy currents in the tions require automated computer-controlled handling
solid, which have their own magnetic fields; and of eddy-current sensors and test objects due to the
(iii) the magnetic fields of the induced eddy currents large scale of the inspection area, which allows the
4 Sensors

inspection area to be mapped to the component number of things including residual stress, chemical
requiring inspection. For example, turbine engine composition, microstructure, hardness, surface rough-
components are designed to optimize aircraft perfor- ness, and temperature. Therefore, it is essential to
mance, while accommodating the adverse effects use stable quantitative test equipment and reliable
of high temperatures and dynamic loading condi- procedures to assure integrity of the acquired exper-
tions. In critical components such as turbine disks, imental data and repeatability of the measurements.
the hardware is closely monitored throughout its Calibration and reference standards are also essential
service life using eddy current and other NDIs. for accurate eddy-current measurements and typically
Some United States Air Force ((USAF)) turbine consist of materials with either known conductivities
engines are entirely disassembled and components are (or permeabilities for magnetic materials) for mate-
subjected to intensive NDIs to ensure that dimen- rials property characterization or with known flaw
sional tolerances are met and surfaces are free sizes for defect detection and characterization.
from life-limiting flaws. Many individual compo- Eddy-current inspection is often used to detect
nents are cleaned and prepared for eddy-current corrosion, erosion, cracking, and other changes in
inspections in an effort to detect surface-breaking tubing. Heat exchangers and steam generators, which
fatigue cracks, fretting damage, and foreign object are used in power plants, have thousands of tubes
damage along with other detrimental features such as that must be prevented from leaking. This is espe-
dents and gouges. Moreover, with appropriate cali- cially important in nuclear power plants where reused,
bration standards and tracking methods based on contaminated water must be prevented from mixing
the initial fabrication conditions, microstructure, and with freshwater that will be returned to the environ-
alloy composition, quantitative eddy-current conduc- ment. The contaminated water flows on one side of
tivity measurements could be potentially made to the tube and the freshwater flows on the other side.
complement eddy-current flaw inspections, which are The heat is transferred from the contaminated water
based on probability-of-detection standards, for the to the freshwater and the freshwater is then returned
same critical engine components. back to its source, which is usually a lake or river. It
Eddy-current NDE techniques have been prac- is very important to keep the two water sources from
ticed for several decades, primarily as a means of mixing, so power plants are periodically shut down so
flaw detection in the near-surface of metallic parts. that the tubes and other equipment can be inspected
For turbine engine applications, eddy-current testing and repaired. The eddy-current test method provides
is the primary method used to inspect the surface high-speed inspections for these types of applications.
for life-limiting surface flaws, and a great array of
probes have been manufactured to allow comprehen-
sive inspections of these complex components. The 2.4 Basic measurement instrumentation
optimal frequency range of a given probe, and there-
fore its sensitivity and effective penetration depth, Most modern eddy-current testing equipment consist
may be selected by manipulating the probes diam- of a probe coil, an ac source, a voltmeter (or
eter, the number of wire turns in the coil, and the ammeter), and a display for analysis of the data. Most
impedance matching circuitry. Eddy-current inspec- instruments used to measure eddy-current NDI data
tion is based on the electromagnetic induction prin- are based on the electromagnetic principle of mutual
ciple, i.e., that a changing magnetic field will induce induction, which can be illustrated as an electrical
electrical currents in a nearby conductor, which in circuit between the energized eddy-current probe and
turn will load the coil and affect the phase and the conductive object undergoing testing. Since eddy
magnitude of its impedance. Accurate measurement currents generate their own magnetic fields that affect
of these eddy-current loading effects on the probes the primary field of the coil, it is essential that the
impedance is the basis of most eddy-current measure- instrument is capable of measuring the changes in
ments and provides the means to evaluate materials resistance and inductive reactance of the probe coil
for near-surface cracking and inclusions, heat treat- at a given frequency. The mutual inductance between
ment verification, and thickness gauging. It is well the probe and the test object is affected by elec-
known that eddy-current conductivity is affected by a trical conductivity, magnetic permeability, and liftoff,
NDE/NDT/NDI Sensors 5

I1 I2

V V1 V2

F11 F12 = F21 F22

Imaginary part

0.6 curves
0.2 1 (frequency)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Real part
Figure 2. Some commonly available eddy-current probes, flexible coil and associated instrumentation; resonance
eddy-current probe circuits and an impedance plane diagram showing the result of an eddy-current scan of a conducting
material including the effects of lifting the probe from the surface of the material.

which is the distance between the inspection object Eddy-current probes typically consist of a primary
and the probe. Most commercially available eddy- coil, which is capable of being brought into close
current instruments have a broad range of excitation proximity with the test object, and an identical
frequencies from, for example, 100 Hz to 6 MHz. reference coil housed in the body of the probe
The basis for the eddy-current measurement is the to accommodate temperature changes and minimize
(Maxwell) ac bridge, which is used to measure thermal drift (Figure 2). Probes are essentially reso-
unknown inductances in terms of calibrated resistance nant circuits, but operated well below the reso-
and capacitance. Since the phase shift between induc- nance to avoid stray capacitance and other parasitic
tors and capacitors is 90 out of phase, capacitive affects. A wide variety of eddy-current probes exist
impedance can be used to balance out an inductive today for different types of inspection applications
impedance if they are in opposite legs of the ac including absolute probes for conductivity measure-
bridge. The eddy-current instrument display is essen- ment or thickness gauging, differential probes for
tially an impedance plane with resistance along the crack detection complex geometry, and reflection
abscissa and inductive reactance along the ordinate probes for materials characterization. Hybrid probes
and the measured impedance is the vector addition of exist for applications such as detection of tiny surface
the two components. cracks in aerospace components, where a split-D
6 Sensors

type of transducer might be used, which consists moves to generate and detect the ultrasonic mechan-
of a drive coil encompassing two D-shaped sensing ical waves and converts this energy into electrical
coils. Other types of eddy-current probes also exist, signals that can be viewed and/or recorded on oscil-
which might use giant magnetoresistive elements, loscopes or similar displays. This article will provide
Hall-effect sensors, or flexible thin-film sensors for an overview of piezoelectricity and a review of
specialized applications (see Eddy-current in situ the key components that are typically required in a
Sensors for SHM; Electric and Electromagnetic contact piezoelectric transducer. It will also provide
Properties Sensing). Similarly, a wide variety of a brief description of other methods to generate and
probe configurations exist for surfaces, bolt-holes, detect ultrasound, plus a summary of noncontact
and inner- and outer-diameter inspections of pipes methods, including the use of lasers. It is impor-
and tubing. Often, probes will have a ferrite core tant to note that this article is a short summary
to intensify the magnetic lines of force near the of these items. There is a substantial volume of
core or take advantage of shielding to limit the literature, including books, monographs, and confer-
spread of the probes magnetic field and therefore that ences, dedicated to the design, development, and
of the eddy currents. In most applications, sensing evaluation of ultrasonic transducers [58] and the
the eddy currents involves assessing the impedance reader is encouraged to explore these for additional
changes of a detector coil using an ac bridge where information.
the impedance of the probe is compared to known Piezoelectricity is described as a material prop-
impedances, forming a balancing arm in the bridge erty that converts electrical signals to mechanical
circuit. High sensitivity is achieved by matching deformation and vice versa. This behavior was first
the impedance of the probe to the impedance of the observed by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880 by
measuring instrument, otherwise known as nulling detecting the presence of an electric charge when
the instrument. The fundamental science of elec- certain materials were compressed. Later work indi-
tromagnetic nondestructive test methods and appli- cated that inverse behavior can occur. This behavior is
cations for engineers and students can be found caused by the crystallographic structure of the piezo-
in [4]. electric crystal. The most commonly cited natural
piezoelectric material is quartz, which has a hexag-
onal crystal structure [9]. To obtain the piezoelectric
3 ULTRASONIC SENSORS behavior, single crystals of this material are needed
and they have to be cut along specific axes to obtain
Ultrasound is the commonly used technique in NDE the desired deformation. Figure 3 illustrates the appli-
to detect the presence of defects or determine cation of an electric field to a single hexagonal
the elastic properties of materials. Ultrasound is a crystal to generate a longitudinal ultrasonic wave and
linear elastic mechanical wave that propagates at Figure 4 shows how a transverse, or shear, wave is
frequencies greater than 20 kHz. Typically, frequen- generated from a single crystal cut along a different
cies between 1 and 10 MHz are used in production plane.
NDE, but frequencies in the range of hundreds of
megahertz have been used in specialized inspec- No charge Positive charge Negative charge
tions. The most common method to generate and +
detect ultrasonic waves is to place a sensor in +
contact with the material being evaluated. These

sensors are called transducers and use a variety
of material properties to generate and detect the + + + +
+ +
mechanical wave. The most common class of trans-

ducers is based on piezoelectricity. However, other
types of transducers can be based on magnetostric- Negative charge Positive charge
tive, electromagnetic, or capacitive behavior of the Figure 3. A schematic demonstrating the generation of
element in the transducer, where the element refers longitudinal ultrasonic waves by applying an electrical pulse
to the component of the transducer that physically to a hexagonal quartz crystal.
NDE/NDT/NDI Sensors 7

No charge Positive charge Negative charge Housing

+ +
Electrical lead
+ Backing material
+ +
Piezoelectric material
Negative charge Positive charge Wear plate
Figure 4. A schematic demonstrating the generation of Figure 5. A cross section of a typical commercial trans-
shear, or transverse, ultrasonic waves by applying an elec- ducer showing the typical components of such a transducer.
trical pulse to a hexagonal quartz crystal.
a representative cross section of a transducer in
When an electrical spike is applied to the crystal, Figure 5. The transducer is typically a metallic case.
it will deform to either attract or repel the electrical The active element is protected from the inspec-
charge in response to the asymmetric balance of
tion surfaces by a wear plate, which is made of
charges in the signal crystal. The linear deflection
a material that minimizes wear and matches the
of the single crystal generates a longitudinal wave,
acoustic impedance of the active element as much as
whereas the rotational deformation will generate a
possible. Electrical leads are coupled to either surface
shear, or transverse, wave. Note that a much thicker
of the piezoelectric material to apply the voltage spike
couplant capable of supporting shear motion must
or tone burst to excite the element. A significant
be used when generating or detecting shear waves
amount of the volume of a transducer is dedicated to
using a piezoelectric element. Alternative methods,
the dampening material that minimizes the resonance
such as those using angle-beam techniques, generate
of the piezoelectric element. The dampening mate-
shear waves using refraction, which can occur with
less viscous couplants, such as water or inert gels. rial decreases the number of cycles the piezoelec-
Subsequent developments in piezoelectric mate- tric material will resonate, which assists in resolving
rials resulted in the discovery and development of multiple reflections from the material being inspected.
ceramic materials, such as lead zirconate titanate For example, this minimizes the interference of these
(PZT) and lead metaniobate. An advantage of these signals when trying to detect damage close to the
materials is that they do not need to be single crystals location of the transducer. Note that electrical wire
to demonstrate piezoelectric behavior. These mate- failure and disbanding of the dampening material
rials are poled at elevated temperatures to align their are the most common causes of failure in a trans-
piezoelectric properties, which yield a deformation in ducer, which would lead to a diminished response or
these materials when they are exposed to an elec- a perturbation in the received signal from damage.
trical field. Using this approach, the physical motion A more recent development in transducer design
of these materials enables the preparation of trans- is the emergence of composite elements. These trans-
ducers that can generate and detect both longitudinal ducers, which have been commercially available for
and shear waves. This eliminates the need for careful approximately 10 years, combine a polymer material
sectioning of a ceramic crystal, as required for quartz, together with the piezoelectric material, usually to
but has the disadvantage that these materials can assist in the dampening process. The polymer-based
only be used at temperatures below the depolariza- material is commonly introduced into the transducer
tion temperature, which can range between 130 and by cutting thin channels in the ceramic element and
575 C. These materials are very sensitive to surface filling the channels with the polymer material. The
displacements, which make them ideal transmitters polymer can dampen the vibration of the ceramic
and receiver of ultrasonic energy that remains in the while minimizing the effect on the sensitivity of
linear elastic regime [10]. the ceramic when compared to a traditional damp-
Commercially available transducers typically use ening backing layer. Thus, composite transducers are
these materials as their active element. Common frequently used when high sensitivity and resolution
features of commercial transducers are shown in are needed.
8 Sensors

A multitude of other materials and methods have through air, these transducers do not require couplant,
been explored to generate and detect ultrasonic but typically must be in close proximity of the
waves. Several polymer materials, most notably surface of the specimen in which the ultrasonic wave
poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), have been shown is propagating. Electromagnetic acoustic transducers
to have piezoelectric properties. This material can (EMATs) are used with electrically conductive
be configured into relatively thin films and retains materials. These sensors use an radio frequency (RF)
its piezoelectric behavior when flexed, making it a coil to generate eddy currents in the specimen. When
desired sensor when trying to conform to a complex the coil is placed inside a permanent magnetic field,
geometry. These materials are typically very effec- the eddy currents interact with the magnetic field to
tive detectors of ultrasonic signals, but are not very generate mechanical waves in the material. Note that
efficient transmitters. In addition, their response can these three effects occur in reverse order when the
be very dependent on temperature, requiring these ultrasonic signal is detected. Several efforts have used
sensors to be used in a stable environment. piezoelectric materials for air-coupled transducers.
The transducers described above are used in most They are most effective in a through transmission mode
bulk material ultrasonic NDE applications. However, for composite materials, which have a lower acoustic
for acoustic emission (AE), the performance require- impedance when compared to metallic structures.
ments of transducers change as these sensors are Another noncontact method that has been re-
tailored to detect ultrasonic signals emitted from searched extensively is the use of lasers to generate
crack propagation, delaminations, and similar types of and detect ultrasound. For generation, it is common
damage. To maximize the detection of these signals, to use a short pulse laser that causes very rapid
AE transducers typically have a response that is and localized heating to thermoelastically generate a
very flat as a function of frequency. With conven- mechanical wave. If too much energy is deposited
tional piezoelectric transducers, this performance on the surface, the generation method becomes abla-
characteristic is typically obtained by increasing the tive, which will cause material to be removed from
dampening of the piezoelectric element. Therefore, the surface. Detection is typically performed using
these sensors are commonly larger than conven- an optical interferometer, such as Michelson or
tional transducers and frequently have broadband FabryPerot. Extensive literature exists that explores
preamplifiers to amplify the dampened signal. An multiple laser-based variations to generate and detect
alternative approach is to make the contact area of ultrasonic signals [9].
the sensing element very small, which can be exem- A final type of transducer to consider is array trans-
plified by conical transducers and pinducers. With ducers. These transducers include multiple piezoelec-
these small contact areas, extra dampening material tric elements sufficiently small to be considered as
is not required as the sensor functions as a point point sources of ultrasonic signals. These elements
detector. Owing to the requirement that these sensors are excited in a controlled manner to use the principle
be very broadband, they are also very inefficient and of superposition to direct the effective wavefront in
are not commonly used as transmitters. Note that different directions. There are limits to the amount an
other broadband sensors, such as PVDF, can also be ultrasonic wave can be directed and controlled, which
is determined by the material, the number and size
very effective AE sensors.
of the individual elements, and the physics of ultra-
Alternative materials have been used for generation
sound. However, the use of arrays is growing in popu-
and detection of ultrasonic signals. Magnetostrictive
larity, especially in structures that do not contain an
materials convert magnetic fields into mechanical
excessive number of scattering features that can inter-
deformation by the alignment of their magnetic
fere with the superposition of the ultrasonic waves
moments [11]. These materials are commonly used for
generated from the point sources of ultrasound.
sound navigation and ranging (SONAR) applications
as they are very effective and efficient at low
frequencies. Capacitive transducers use changes in 4 SUMMARY
capacitance between the sensor and the material in
which the ultrasonic wave is propagating to sense This article described some introductory ideas of
ultrasonic signals [12]. As this behavior can occur eddy-current coils used for material characterization
NDE/NDT/NDI Sensors 9

and detecting damage in materials and structures. [4] Libby HL. Introduction to Electromagnetic Nonde-
Similarly, ultrasonic transducers were described for structive Test Methods. Wiley-Interscience, 1971.
the generation and detection of ultrasonic waves. [5] Silk MG. Ultrasonic Transducers for Nondestructive
There are extensive volumes of literature that describe Testing. Adam Hilger, 1984.
the material properties and physics that enable these [6] Krautkramer J, Krautkramer H. Ultrasonic Testing of
NDE transducers to work as designed and the reader Materials. Springer-Verlag, 1990.
is strongly encouraged to explore this literature before
[7] Bray DE, Stanley RK. Nondestructive Evaluation.
embarking on research and development efforts in McGraw-Hill, 1989.
this field.
[8] Van Vlack LH. Elements of Materials Science and
Engineering. Addison-Wesley, 1980.
REFERENCES [9] Kossoff G. The effects of backing and matching on
the performance of piezoelectric ceramic transducers.
[1] Hughes DE. Induction balance and experimental IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics SU-
researches therewith. The London, Edinburgh and 13(1):2030.
Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of
Science. Fifth Series, 1879, Vol. 8, No. 46, pp. [10] Savage HT, Clark AE, McMaster OD. Rare Earth-
5057. Iron Magnetostrictive Materials and Devices Using
These Materials, US Patent Number 4,308,474,
[2] Forster F. The first picture: A Review of the December 1981.
Initial Steps in the Development of Eight Branches
of Nondestructive Material Testing. Materials [11] Schindel DW, Hutchins DA, Zou L, Sayer M. Air-
Evaluation 1938 41(3):14771488. coupled capacitance transducers. IEEE Transactions
on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
[3] McMaster RC, McIntire P, Mester ML (eds). Nonde-
structive Testing Handbook, 2nd Edition. The Amer-
ican Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1986, [12] Scruby CB, Drain LE. Laser Ultrasonics Techniques
Vol. 4. and Applications. Taylor & Francis, 1990.
Chapter 66
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs)
for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges

Xiaolin Meng1 and Wei Huang2

Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Centre, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

and positioning system that was designed in the

1 A Brief Introduction to the Global early 1970s by the US military to allow soldiers to
Positioning System 1 autonomously and continuously determine their posi-
2 GPS for Structural Health Monitoring tion within 1020 m of accuracy, at any point on
(SHM) 4 the earths surface and under any weather condi-
tions. Providing precise timing information is another
3 Implementation of GNSS Centered
important function of GPS. GPS was originally
Sensor Systems for SHM 8
utilized even for the military operations of US mili-
4 Future Vision 15 tary forces; the last two decades have seen a rapid
References 16 expansion of civilian GPS user groups. The current
GPS configuration consists of three segments: the
space segmenta constellation of 24 (nominal) satel-
lites distributed in six orbital planes of 55 incli-
1 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO nation to the equator with an altitude of 20 200 km
THE GLOBAL POSITIONING above the earths surface as shown in Figure 1; the
control segmentcomprises a master control station,
SYSTEM worldwide distributed monitor stations, and ground
1.1 GPS constellation control stations; and the user segmentanyone who
receives and uses GPS signal with any type of GPS-
The full term of the well-known acronym GPS enabled devices. More detailed information about
is NAVSTAR global positioning system, where GPS segments can be found in [1, 2].
NAVSTAR stands for NAVigation System with Time
And Ranging [1]. GPS is a satellite-based navigation
1.2 GPS measurements

Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by Each GPS satellite transmits at least two carrier
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 signals in an L-band, such as L1 and L2 carriers,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. and more signals are available for the modernized
2 Sensors

centimeters or even subcentimeters (carrier phase) is

the effective cancelation of various ranging errors.
The number of satellites tracked by a GPS receiver
and their spatial distribution are also major affecting
factors to the achievable positioning accuracy.
Generally, the GPS relative positioning technique
involves a pair of GPS receivers simultaneously
tracking at least four well-distributed identical
satellites for solving the position of an unknown
stationary GPS antenna and at least five satellites
for a moving antenna. For canceling out spatially
correlated GPS ranging errors, one GPS receiver
must be installed on a precisely measured benchmark
called a reference station to help solve the unknown
coordinates of another receiver called a rover, either
in a stationary mode or a continuous motion mode.
GPS nominal constellation When relative positioning is utilized in surveying,
24 satellites in six orbital planes
Four satellites in each plane differencing the GPS ranging measurements made to
20 200 km altitudes, 55 inclination two satellites simultaneously by a reference receiver
Figure 1. Current GPS constellation ( and a rover receiver could eliminate both the satellite
about/office org/headquarters offices/ato/service units/tech clock and the receiver clock biases. Carrier and/or
ops/navservices/gnss/). code pseudorange measurements can be used in GPS
relative positioning and the positioning solutions in
GPS satellites. The L1 and L2 carriers are modulated the form of 3D coordinate time series can be obtained
by ranging codes and navigation information such as either in real time or through postprocessing of
orbital parameters. The carriers together with ranging collected GPS measurements.
codes are used mainly to determine the distance from
the antenna of a users receiver to the GPS satellites in
view [3]. These uncorrected distances are called code
or carrier pseudoranges since they include the true 1.4 Achievable positioning accuracy and
geometric distance between the receiver antenna and major inhibitors to GPS positioning
the tracked satellites plus small range corrections to accuracy
account for the orbital and clock errors, signal delays
caused by the atmosphere, and multipath due to the Both code and carrier phase pseudorange measure-
signal reflection by the surroundings in the vicinity ments are polluted by errors that originate from
of the GPS antenna [1]. For determining a three- GPS receivers, GPS satellites, signal propagation
dimensional (3D) location of a GPS antenna, simul- medium, and observation environment [1, 3]. In the
taneous tracking to three GPS satellites is adequate. data processing stage, incorrect processing models
However, since a GPS receiver is normally equipped adopted and/or bugs in the software packages also
with a much cheaper clock, compared with the atomic cause positioning errors. There are many studies in
ones used by the GPS satellites, tracking to at least this area on how to effectively reduce, mitigate,
one more satellite is required to solve the clock bias and eventually eliminate GPS error sources through
of the GPS receiver for achieving a higher positioning mathematical modeling, software development, and
accuracy. digital signal-processing approaches, and hardware
design and configuration. Some error sources, which
1.3 GPS relative positioning are observation environment oriented and change
from place to place, prove very difficult to be modeled
A prerequisite for achieving GPS positioning or mitigated. For instance, pervasive multipath effect,
accuracy of a few meters (code pseudorange) to which is a major error source for both the carrier
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 3

phase and the code-pseudorange-based GPS posi- the internal processor of a GPS receiver can be
tioning, makes the effort for achieving highly accu- streamed to a control center via cable connection or
rate GPS positioning elusive. Most GPS antenna through wireless communications for further analysis
will not be able to detect which signals are directly and visualization of resulting solutions. However, the
transmitted by the satellites and which are reflected collected raw carrier phase measurements, which are
from the objects surrounding a GPS antenna. As a recorded with memory cards inside the GPS receivers,
result of the complexity of objects surrounding an can be decoded as American Standard Code for Infor-
antenna, there is virtually no versatile model or phys- mation Interchange (ASCII) data files in a receiver
ical antenna design to effectively reduce multipath, independent exchange (RINEX) format. These data
which introduces a maximum error of up to about files can be postprocessed in a kinematic mode by
5 cm for carrier-phase-based positioning, a quarter using the OTF approach with any commercial or
of its L1 wavelength, and several meters for code- household GPS postprocessing software to output
pseudorange-based GPS positioning. each epoch positioning solution. More accurate posi-
tioning results can be obtained because of the possi-
bility to edit and clean GPS measurements.
1.5 Integer ambiguity resolution for high
accuracy positioning
1.6 Communication links
Centimeter or even subcentimeter positioning accu-
racy can be achieved through using carrier-phase- Radio modems provide wireless communications
based GPS relative positioning under the condition between GPS reference receivers and rover receivers
of successful resolution of the initial integer ambigu- for carrying out real-time relative positioning. When
ities. When carrier phase measurements are employed a reference GPS receiver broadcasts the corrections
in positioning, only a fraction of the wavelength of via its radio modem transmitter, an unlimited number
the carrier phase is recorded by a GPS receiver, but of rover GPS receivers can pick up these data via
the whole number of carrier wavelengths or cycles their own radio modems. The transmission range
between a GPS antenna and the tracked satellites depends on the power of the radio modem trans-
remains unknown. Reliable and quick resolution of mitter and also on the terrain and the radio antenna
the unknown number of cycles from a tracked satel- setup. There are many different radio modems in
lite to a GPS antenna is vital in using carrier phase the market and ultrahigh frequency (UHF), very high
measurements for subcentimeter positioning. Until frequency (VHF), and spread spectrum are the most
the early 1990s, GPS was only used to monitor static commonly used in RTK GPS positioning. Govern-
deformation of structures with low dynamics, for ment authorization may be required for using certain
example, dams and low buildings. The least squares types of radio modems. In some countries, there are
adjustment, Kalman filtering, statistical process, and bands that are allocated for public use without the
other search techniques can resolve this ambiguity need for any special authorization. For instance, the
and determine the most probable solution [4, 5]. 900-MHz band in the United States and 2.4 GHz in
Furthermore, the invention of integer ambiguity on- most European countries are allowed for spread spec-
the-fly (OTF) algorithms by different researchers trum communications without any special authoriza-
around the world in the beginning of 1990s made the tion (but there are limitations on the amount of power
real-time kinematic global positioning system (RTK that one can use to transmit signals, for instance,
GPS) a viable tool for monitoring more flexible struc- in the United Kingdom, only 0.5-W carrier power
tures such as long suspension bridges, high-rise build- is allowed). More recently, some GPS manufac-
ings, and slender TV or communications towers [6, turers adopted cellular communication technology or
7], or for tracking high-speed moving objects such as the third-generation (3G) wideband digital networks,
low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, because of its high such as global system for mobile communications
accuracy, productivity, flexibility, and simplicity in (GSM) and general packet radio service (GPRS),
data processing (conducted by the embedded receiver as an alternative GPS communication link. Since
firmware). The positioning solutions produced by subscribers only pay for the data amount that they
4 Sensors

have actually transmitted or received, the use of [15], dams [11], buildings [1621], and bridges
GPRS technology is more flexible and much cheaper [2229]. In general, these applications can be roughly
compared with a GSM communication link. Dedi- categorized into three levels, i.e. large, medium,
cated local area network (LAN) can also be utilized and local scales, according to the separations of
to transmit GPS corrections from reference stations to the GPS stations. A variety of regional continuous
the rovers over the Internet. Satellite-based wireless global positioning system (CGPS) networks, such
communication approach is becoming popular and as EUREF Permanent Network (as of March 04,
has already been employed to transmit corrections to 2007, it has 199 permanent GNSS tracking stations,
the rovers in the area where there is no GSM/GPRS which cover the European continent); the OS Net of
coverage and the use of radio modems is constrained the Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom, which
by the local terrain and transmission power limitation. consists of more than 100 permanent stations; and
the Geographical Survey Institutes GPS Network,
which comprises 1224 GPS real-time stations in
HEALTH MONITORING (SHM), are typical examples of the first cate-
gory applications. These networks play a vital role in
2.1 Brief history of GPS for SHM monitoring crustal movement, which is crucial for the
evaluation process of seismic and volcanic activity as
According to [8], the process of implementing a well as the extraction of geodynamic information. On
damage detection strategy for aerospace, civil, and a medium scale, GPS-based volcano eruption moni-
mechanical engineering infrastructures is referred toring presents a good example. The last level of
to as structural health monitoring (SHM) and a GPS-based monitoring applications takes place on a
damage is defined as changes to the material and/or variety of natural or artificial structural deformation
geometric properties of these systems, including and deflection monitoring in the local scale, which is
changes to the boundary conditions and system the main scope discussed in this article (see Ambient
connectivity, which adversely affect the performance Vibration Monitoring).
of the systems. The SHM process involves the obser-
vation of a system over time, using periodically
sampled dynamic response measurements from an 2.2 Case studies of GPS for SHM of long
array of sensors, the extraction of damage-sensitive suspension bridges
features from these measurements, and the statistical
analysis of these features to determine the current Under different loading conditions, a suspension
state of system health. The output of this process bridge generally experiences two distinct types of
is periodically updated information regarding the deformations, i.e., the long-term movement caused
ability of the structure to perform its intended func- by the foundation settlement, bridge-deck creep, and
tion in light of the inevitable aging and degradation stress relaxation; and the short-term motion of the
resulting from operational environments. An SHM bridge, or bridge deflection, such as those activated
system should have the capacity to provide, in near by wind, tidal current, earthquake, or traffic [27, 30].
real time, reliable information regarding the integrity The latter deformation is recoverable in most cases
of the structure after earthquakes or blast loading. and the bridge will resume to its original status from
Recent advances in GPS positioning, computer the deformation with the release of external forces.
science, telecommunications technologies, and When GPS is utilized to monitor bridges, it has the
advanced digital signal processing have made GPS capacity to detect two different kinds of deformations
a much more robust, reliable, convenient, accurate, simultaneously [25, 31]. Analyzing the response of
and cost-effective tool for the deformation moni- a long bridge to the short-term irregular loading
toring of natural and artificial structures. To date, is much more important in terms of risk level of
GPS is widely used to monitor volcano eruptions major damage and its significance for the improve-
[9, 10], crustal movements [11, 12], vertical land ment of design code. However, it is more difficult
movements [13], landslides [14], earth structures to be measured compared with the identification of
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 5

long-term foundation settlement, concrete creep, loss and locate the changes to the materials and/or
of prestress, and thermal expansion or contraction. In geometric properties of bridges. Of various moni-
monitoring foundation displacement, averaging GPS toring tasks, measuring short-term dynamic behavior
time series of a few hours or more can be used, of such structures is of particular interest.
producing positioning accuracy of a few millimeters, The Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong, China, is
since error sources such as multipath (an unwanted the sixth longest suspension bridge in the world
indirect signal reflected by the surroundings before and it is the longest single-span suspension bridge
reaching a GPS antenna), which characterizes as that carries both road and rail traffic [32]. The
a low period of movement, could be effectively Tsing Ma Bridge and other two cable-stayed linking
removed. To measure the deformations occurring over bridges are perhaps the only bridges around the world
a time interval of a few seconds, there is a much that are equipped with the most comprehensive and
shorter or even no averaging time available for miti- sophisticated sensor systems, forming a part of six
gating errors; the time interval may not even be long whole SHM components. The six integrated modules
enough for resolving the critical initial integer ambi- include the sensory system, the data acquisition and
guities. This significantly restricts the usage of GPS transmission system, the data processing and control
positioning in monitoring short-term movements of system, the structural health evaluation system, the
more flexible structures. Also, to measure short-term structural health data management system, and the
effects, sampling rates of GPS sensors must be signif- inspection and maintenance system.
icantly increased, which will incur heavier onboard The main objective of the Tsing Ma SHM system
data processing and communication overloads if RTK is to monitor the loading and structural parameters
GPS positioning is required. so that the performance of the bridge under current
In the last decade or so, with rapid advances and future loading conditions can be evaluated and
in GPS technology, digital signal processing (DSP), predicted. Such evaluated results will facilitate the
telecommunications, and computing science, as well planning of bridge inspection activities, and help the
as with the continuous efforts conducted by the determination of not only the causes of damages, but
researchers around the world, GPS positioning is also the extent of remedial works, once the damage
gradually being accepted by the civil engineering is identified [33, 34].
community as a viable monitoring tool and has started There are nine different types of sensors to form
to play an important role in SHM. This is mainly due the sensory systems, which include anemometers,
to the advent of OTF integer ambiguity resolution thermometers, servo-type accelerometers, dynamic
technology. As discussed in the previous section of weigh-in-motion sensors, GPS receivers, leveling
this article, solving the unknown number of cycles sensing stations, displacement transducers, weldable
from a tracked satellite to the GPS antenna is vital in strain gauges and monitoring CCTV cameras, making
using carrier phase measurements for subcentimeter a total of 848 sensors on the Tsing Ma and two other
positioning, which is a prerequisite for GNSS-based adjacent cable-stayed bridges [33]. GPS technology
SHM. The significant increase in the GPS sampling was introduced because of its improved measurement
rate from 1 Hz to rates higher than 50 Hz currently is efficiency and accuracy [29]. Of a total of 29 high-
another reason for the acceptance of GPS-based SHM grade geodetic-type dual-frequency GPS receivers
of long suspension bridges. (using both L-band carries), two GPS receivers were
Structural aging and degradation resulting from set up as the reference stations. On the Tsing Ma
changes in the materials and operational environments Bridge, 14 GPS receivers were permanently installed
such as significantly increased traffic volume and as the monitoring stations at the critical locations of
weight, as well as the boundary conditions and the bridge deck where maximum displacements are
system connectivity, and flaws in design are the main expected: four pairs on the bridge deck itself, one
reasons for many recent bridge closures and failures pair on the each side of the supporting towers, and
around the world. Transport agencies and researchers one pair on the cable at midspan. The remaining
have strong interests in finding appropriate sensor 13 GPS receivers were installed onto two cable-
systems and computational models to implement stayed bridges near the Tsing Ma Bridge to form a
on-line monitoring and diagnosing systems to detect large monitoring system in the region. Both chokering
6 Sensors

and lightweight antennas were used for the reference sensors, and strain gauges. Only a very few long
stations and monitoring stations, respectively. Most suspension bridges in the mainland China such as
GPS stations were installed close to the leveling and the Jiangying Bridge (main span of 1385 m) and the
sensing stations or to the accelerometers for vali- Runyang Bridge (main span of 1490 m), both over
dating and comparing the data sets from different the Yangtze River were installed with permanent GPS
monitoring sensor systems. GPS data were collected monitoring systems. Like the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge,
at a sampling rate of 10 Hz continuously, and optical only a limited number of monitoring GPS stations
fibers were used to transmit the positioning results have been installed at the critical locations on the
from each monitoring station to a processing center bridge deck and supporting towers. For instance, there
for further analysis and visualization purposes. are nine permanently installed dual-frequency GPS
The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is the worlds receivers forming an important part of the monitoring
longest road suspension bridge. It was constructed system for the Jiangyin Bridge. One GPS receiver is
using a newly developed wind- and seismic-resistant used as the reference station and other eight receivers
design and it is necessary to verify the design assump- are placed atop the two bridge towers, and at the
tions and constants during strong winds and severe 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 points of the bridge span [35]. The
earthquake loadings [25]. Navigation is extremely sampling rate of the GPS receivers is set to 20 Hz.
difficult and there have been many shipping accidents In other countries, GPS has been used in a number
in the Akashi Strait because of the hostile envi- of bridge monitoring studies, mostly carried out by
ronmental conditions. To keep the worlds longest GPS receivers temporarily installed on the bridge
suspension bridge in a safe operating condition and decks or supporting towers to collect sample data
also to study the dynamic response to various load- sets. For example, GPS receivers were employed
ings, an experimental trial was carried out by using to monitor the displacement of Frances Normandy
dual-frequency GPS receivers in 1999 to monitor Suspension Bridge under controlled traffic loading to
bridge deformation in a real-time mode. The first verify whether the performance of the bridge was
results from the monitoring of the Akashi Kaikyo consistent with the design specifications [36]; the
Bridge were presented in [25]. GPS receivers were set Danish Road Directorate used GPS to determine the
up at three locations, constituting a reference station as-built geometry and assess temporal deformations
at the anchorage on the Kobe side of the bridge and of Denmarks Storebaelt Bridge and other bridges
two monitoring stations on the top of a supporting [37]; and the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) of
tower and at midspan, to monitor three-dimensional the University of Texas at Austin in the United States
displacements. Wind loading and temperature data has conducted a series of research on GPS-based
were also collected simultaneously. The displacement structural deformation monitoring since the beginning
time series of six months were analyzed together with of 1990s and published many valuable articles on
recorded time series of wind and temperature load- relevant topics [26, 3843]. The research conducted
ings. The instantaneous gradients of displacement and by the ARL is perhaps the earliest practice in GPS-
temperature were calculated. The regression functions based bridge deformation monitoring.
established could be used to identify future abnormal The results of a three-day experiment, in which
deflections after attacks of strong wind loading or GPS technology was used to measure the motion of
earthquakes. Data from other sensors are also avail- a cable-stayed suspension bridge over the Missis-
able for this bridge, but for a bridge of this size, three sippi River near New Orleans, were presented in
GPS receivers seem inadequate for even picking up [26]. The goals of this experiment were to verify
global displacements. the feasibility of using GPS to achieve centimeter-
China has many of the worlds longest suspension level accuracy in bridge deflection monitoring, and
bridges, which were constructed in recent years as a to evaluate the practicability and limitations of the
result of the high demand for land transport infras- whole monitoring system. Twelve Trimble 4000
tructure. Structural safety has already caused great SST GPS receivers were used in the test. Two
concern and many SHM systems have been installed receivers were located on the shore at known refer-
in many new bridges. The most commonly used ence sites about 10 m apart, approximately 1.6 km
sensors are anemometers, accelerometers, temperature away from the bridge. This approach made it possible
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 7

to distinguish real bridge motion from GPS-induced using state-of-the-art dual-frequency GPS receivers
biases or errors through a thorough data processing. to monitor the movements of a number of long
The remaining 10 GPS receivers were situated at the suspension bridges and other structures in the United
critical bridge sites where minimum and maximum Kingdom [22, 28, 44]. In particular, several trials
bridge displacements were expected. A 10-s sampling were conducted on the Humber Bridge under both
rate was chosen because the expected bridge motion a controlled loading environment and using ambient
during a 10-s period was considered to be negli- vibration to monitor the bridge deflection [22, 45].
gible, and this allowed all the data to be stored on The viability of GPS technology to monitor the
receivers for the whole monitoring period. The result displacements of the Humber Bridge subjected to
showed a maximum relative vertical displacement of known loading conditions was verified. The initial
about 7 cm caused by a change in ambient temper- research of the IESSG was focused on the viability
ature during the experiment. The results revealed of GPS technology to monitor both long-term bridge
a strong relationship between the vertical posi- settlements and dynamic response to external loading,
tion of the bridge roadbed and the change in and the latest work is on the development of a
ambient temperature. Multipath also made signifi- systematic approach for the sensor integration, field
cant error contribution to the positioning solution test arrangement, data collection, algorithm, and soft-
and caused problems in the displacement analysis. ware development, quality control, advanced signal
It was clear that the cables and metal surroundings, processing, and multipath mitigation techniques, data
the bridge sites, coupled by the passing vehicles, had analysis and dynamic response identification, and
created a severe multipath environment and addi- result visualization [4653] (see Modular Architec-
tional multipath analysis and mitigation techniques ture of SHM System for Cable-supported Bridges;
are apparently essential for achieving high accuracy Monitoring of Bridges in Korea; Bridge Moni-
positioning. Other GPS-based bridge deformation toring in Japan; Continuous Vibration Monitoring
trials were also carried out by the ARL team with the and Progressive Damage Testing on the Z24 Bridge
attempt to monitor more dynamic bridge performance and SHM of a Tall Building).
induced by traffic and wind loadings with 10-Hz GPS
receivers, identify the multipath signature and quan-
tify the measurement quality, compare GPS-measured 2.3 Advantages and limitations of GPS
displacements with those of servo accelerometers, for bridge deformation monitoring
and assess the reliability and performance of system
components [42]. Very few conventional bridge monitoring sensor
Preliminary results from ARL and other research systems have versatile capacities like GPS. In
teams around the world proved that GPS is a summary, the advantages in using GPS for SHM
viable tool for detecting both transient deforma- of long bridges are as follows [27, 3841,
tions of flexible bridge structures and long-period 54, 55]:
movements. It was also recognized that the big
challenge with GPS-based bridge deformation moni- monitoring both static and dynamic movements;
toring was how to effectively eliminate or reduce fully automatic, real-time, all-weather, and long-
the impact of multipath. Other factors restraining life data acquisition;
large-scale GPS applications to structural deforma- 3D absolute displacements linked to a global
tion monitoring are the high price of dual-frequency datum WGS84 (World Geodetic System of 1984
GPS receivers, the large amount of data gener- very important for foundation moni-
ated during data collection when a high sampling toring);
rate is used, and the existing gaps between the accurate velocity and acceleration extractions
demanded high precision with what can be offered from 3D displacements, which can be validated
by current GPS positioning technology of centimeter by the measurements of other sensors such as an
accuracy. accelerometer;
Researchers at the IESSG in the University precisely synchronized positioning solutions for
of Nottingham have conducted a series of trials all GPS monitoring sites;
8 Sensors

a precise time source for time stamping/synchro- The positioning accuracy of the vertical compo-
nizing other measurements/sensors (accelerome- nent is worse than the horizontal one and the ratio
ters, weather station, strain gauge, of the positioning accuracies of two horizontal
etc.); components changes with geographical locations.
continuously increasing sampling rate (50 Hz for Unmodeled residual tropospheric delays, such as
dual-frequency GPS receivers and up to 100 Hz those induced by the height differences, might
or higher for single frequency GPS receivers); cause a few centimeter errors.
no long-term positioning accuracy degradation At the moment, high level of multipath caused
like accelerometers; by surrounding reflection cannot be effectively
a data fusion platform for integrating GPS with mitigated.
other sensors for a more robust monitoring The relatively slow sampling rate is not adequate
system; for monitoring short span bridges or the higher
continuous improvement in space segments, frequency band of a long span bridge.
regional augmentation systems, ground tracking Data processing and interrogation can be compli-
facilities/algorithms, and end-user hardware cated.
(futuristic GGGGPS, GLONASS, GALILEO There has not been a thorough research into the
receivers will be able to track more than 80 integration of GPS measurements with a compu-
satellites); tational model, nor has there been a successful
in the near future, a single GGG receiver demonstrator to justify the high investment in the
based real-time solution of millimeter positioning establishment of the sensor system.
accuracy at a sampling rate for at least 100 Hz
will be possible.
GPS also has some inherent disadvantages, which
are the potential inhibitors to a wide acceptance of CENTERED SENSOR SYSTEMS
GPS for SHM. The main disadvantages are as follows FOR SHM
[27, 3841, 54, 55]:
3.1 Reference and monitoring GPS
The high price of GPS hardware and software is stations
the major inhibitor for a wide application of GPS
for SHM; a much cheaper single frequency GPS For the establishment of a permanent GPS-based
receiver cannot fix its initial integer ambiguity, bridge monitoring system, monuments need to be
which prohibits centimeter positioning accuracy. installed for mounting both the reference and moni-
Line of sight to at least five well-distributed toring antennas as shown in Figure 2(b, c). Different
satellites poses a current challenge for GPS owing GPS antennas have different weights, physical dimen-
to signal obstruction by surroundings. sions and multipath mitigation capacity, and can

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. (a) A chokering antenna; (b) a reference station set up on the Jingyin Bridge in China; (c) a monitoring station
atop the Akaishi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan [photos courtesy of Leica Geosystems].
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 9

be used for different GPS sites. For instance, a failure caused by either of the reference stations.
chokering antenna covered with a dome could be The antennas of the bridge monitoring sites can be
used for the reference station since its location is locked to the bridge handrail using specially designed
usually lower than the bridge deck. High multipath clamps. A direct access to power was made available
signature caused by the supporting towers, dense by the bridge authority. Figure 3(b) shows a typical
cables, passing vehicles, and buildings is evident example of a monitoring station setup on the Forth
and can be mitigated by a chokering antenna. A Road Bridge [51].
chokering antenna consists of a series of cylinders At the moment, the sampling rate of the operational
that stop reflected signals from the ground and from or experimental bridge monitoring systems is set to
nearby reflective surfaces as shown in Figure 2(a). To 10 Hz or a maximum of 20 Hz. At such a sampling
significantly reduce multipath induced by the refer- rate, it is estimated that the average data volume in
ence stations and for designing a more secure and a binary format is 7 Mb h1 . For a permanent moni-
robust monitoring system, a reference configuration toring system, the GPS receivers at the monitoring
comprising multiple GPS receivers is highly recom- sites will conduct real-time coordinate computation
mended [27]. An inexpensive and lightweight patch and then stream these continuous time series to the
antenna as shown in Figure 2(c) can be used for the control center for a further analysis. These receivers
monitoring sites on the bridge sites. This antenna has might also be able to log the raw measurements into
a metallic ground plate, which can effectively stop the onboard flash memory cards and send the data sets
reflected signals coming underneath the antenna but to the center on a regular basis in case of some
will not be able to reject multipath from surrounding important event analysis, for instance, an earthquake.
objects such as cables, towers, and passing vehicles. For the experimental tests, raw data is recorded into
This is why the high monuments for monitoring sites the flash memory cards and up to 4-GB cards are
are preferred as shown in Figure 2(c). currently available, which means that raw data sets
For temporary bridge deformation monitoring of more than 574 h (equivalent to an observation of
practices, antennas of the reference stations can 23 days) can be continuously recorded. However, it
be mounted on tripods, which are centered to might cause computation problem with a postpro-
the precisely measured ground marks as shown cessing GPS processing software package due to the
Figure 3(a) (the Forth Road Bridge). In this huge file size after uncompressing the binary data. It
monitoring, two adjacent reference stations about is recommended that a data set of 12 h should be used
6 m apart were used to reduce multipath caused since this data size can be handled by any commer-
by the reference stations through a data processing cial GPS software and a standard desktop PC. The
procedure. The other reason for this reference station use of two flash cards at one site could assure nearly
setup is to reduce the risk of potential hardware continuous measurements at each site.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Reference stations setup and a monitoring station on the Forth Road Bridge [51].
10 Sensors

3.2 GPS sensor locations on the bridge be easily identified. Figure 5 shows the vertical
deflection of a 100-t lorry that passed each of the
As previously discussed in this article, a widely monitoring sites from south to north on the Forth
adopted sensor configuration for most bridge Road Bridge. Whether this configuration is optimal
monitoring systems is to install the GPS sensors and adequate for detecting global bridge deformation
onto both sides of the supporting towers, at the and deflection is still an unanswered question. Some
1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 points of the bridge span, with preliminary research was conducted using a short
the attempt to extract structural dynamics [29, 51, span suspension bridge as a case study for the optimal
56]. With a sensor configuration as described in determination of the number and locations of GPS
Figure 4, special events or structural response can sensor [56].

Plaza 420 M Viaduot 402 M Sidespan 402M Sidespan 252M Viaduot
251.5 m 125.8 251.5 m

South 125.8 m North

The forth road bridge

looking west

A1/A2 B C D E
Ref 1 & Ref 2
Figure 4. GPS antenna layout for monitoring the Forth Road Bridge [51].

Mean vertical movement caused by 100-t lorry passing

Site E (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Site D (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Site F (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Site B (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Site C (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Sample number (s)
Figure 5. Vertical deflection of five GPS sites caused by a 100-t lorry passing.
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 11

3.3 Coordinates and coordinate diurnal change of temperature is a very slow process.
transformation Figure 6(a) shows wind speed measured in a period
of 48 h and Figure 6(b) shows the lateral responding
The reference datum adopted by GPS positioning is deformation at a midspan point of the Forth Road
called the World Geodetic System of 1984, or WGS84, Bridge. The cross-correlation coefficient between
which is a 3D, earth-centered earth-fixed (ECEF) wind speed and lateral deformation is 77%, demon-
system. Under this reference system, the coordinates strating a very high level force and response effect
determined by a GPS receiver are expressed as [49]. Figure 7 describes the relationship between the
either geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, and thermal loading and the vertical bridge deformation.
ellipsoidal height) or Cartesian coordinates (x, y, Delay in the deformation is evident. The calculated
and z). These coordinates do not make sense for correction coefficient is 39%. In considering the
many engineering applications such as analyzing deformations caused by other affecting factors, such
3D bridge deformation, since they are not aligned as traffic and wind loading, this correlation is still
with the bridge axes. So, these geodetic coordinates very high. From these two figures, the capacity of
within WGS84 must be transformed into rectangular GPS for monitoring both dynamic and semistatic
grid coordinates (easting and northing). With the deformations is further confirmed.
information about the local mean sea level, which
defines a local height datum, geoid, the difference
between WGS84 (ellipsoid) and the geoid can be 3.5 Deformation analysis and interface
estimated, which is called as geoidal height. By using with computational models
this geoidal height the measured ellipsoid height of
a point on the earth surface can transformed as the A simple bridge deformation analysis is to draw 3D
orthometric height, a height referred to as the local deformation time series and compare these defor-
geoid. For GPS-based SHM application, using either mation curves with safety thresholds. Fast Fourier
orthometric height or ellipsoidal height does not make transform (FFT) algorithm can be used to iden-
any difference if only one height datum is chosen tify dominant vibration frequencies and maybe the
for whole data analysis. However, the engineering changes of these frequencies could provide some
coordinate system of a bridge, or a bridge coordinate information about the change of the bridges prop-
system (BCS), is normally defined as a right-handed erties. A more complicated time-frequency anal-
Cartesian coordinate system using the longitudinal ysis approach has attracted the interest of many
axis of the bridge as x axis, the lateral direction as the researchers around the world and can also be emplo-
y axis, and the vertical direction as z axis [27]. Hence, yed to analyze the change of these frequencies against
a second coordinate transformation for transforming time [18, 27, 57]. When all the deformation time
the coordinates in a local coordinate system to those series collected from each monitoring site are gath-
in a BCS involving translation and rotation is further ered, it is expected that GPS can be used for the global
conducted through the determination of a rotation monitoring of a bridge dynamics with the possibility
angle of the bridge main axis from the north direction to connect to localized sensors for detecting potential
and the coordinates of BCS origin in the local grid damage, as proposed in [34]. Hence, correct inter-
coordinate system. pretation of GPS data for structural dynamics forms
an important and unique part of an SHM system.
From field data collection point of view, any proce-
3.4 Identification of wind and thermal dures that could assure the measurement quality in
induced bridge deformation through a cost-effective manner should be taken. However,
GPS positioning more study should be initiated in the near future for
the interpretation and analysis of field measurements
GPS is a very useful tool in detecting deforma- (see Timefrequency Analysis).
tions induced by wind and thermal loadings. The Some preliminary research has been carried out
bridge response to wind loading characterizes a short- to extract dynamics from GPS-measured coordinate
term vibration but the deformation induced by the time series [58]. How the GPS measurements could
12 Sensors

11.00 11.00

10 Feb 5.00 10 Feb

23.00 23.00

17.00 17.00

11.00 11.00

9 Feb 5.00 9 Feb

23.00 23.00

17.00 17.00

8 Feb 11.00 8 Feb

50 60 70 80 90 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) Wind speed (km h1) (b) Mean lateral movement (m)
Figure 6. Wind loading and the lateral deflection of the Forth Road Bridge (a 48-h period).

be synergized with a computational model such as the instruments used must be lightweight, portable,
a finite element (FE) model is recommended in [58] reliable, and easy to install and the results must
and the whole loop of a practical SHM comprises the be easy to interpret. These are of great importance
following steps: under extreme loading scenarios such as strong
wind, volcanic eruption, and earthquake. At the
Step 1initial FE model creation; same time, for correctly interpreting the dynamics
Step 2optimal sensor placement;
of monitored bridges, the measurements should meet
Step 3bridge monitoring data collection;
accuracy specification requirements. This means the
Step 4model updating (correlation of the FE
deflections of the bridge should be measurable
model to the test data);
with available surveying instruments. For instance,
Step 5further bridge monitoring data collection;
to measure centimeter-level deflections the internal
Step 6FE model/real data comparison (compar-
accuracy of a GPS receiver should be better than
ison between the predictions of an FE model with
real bridge deformations during its operational a few millimeters level, and multipath and other
life). error sources should be appropriately mitigated or
Conventional surveying methods such as leveling
3.6 Integrated sensor systems have been used in the past to monitor static displace-
ments of engineered structures with millimeter level
Owing to the severe environmental conditions or higher accuracy, and will certainly continue to be
encountered in the bridge deflection monitoring, used in the future.
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 13

Height (m, site F)






11 a.m. 8 Feb 5 p.m. 11 p.m. 5 a.m. 9 Feb 11 a.m. 5 p.m. 11 p.m. 5 a.m. 10 Feb

Temperature change (, site F)


11 a.m. 8 Feb 5 p.m. 11 p.m. 5 a.m. 9 Feb 11 a.m. 5 p.m. 11 p.m. 5 a.m. 10 Feb
Figure 7. Diurnal temperature change versus the height variation at the midspan of the Forth Road Bridge (a 48-h period).

Modern leveling sensing stations could provide batch mode analysis (data is collected, transmitted
one-dimensional accuracy of about 2 mm at a to a computer, and evaluated a few hours later).
sampling rate of 2.56 Hz [29]. Surveying robots, elec-
tronic distance meter (EDM), theodolites, surveying Because of the above limitations of these terrestrial
total stations, photogrammetry, and other surveying surveying methods, they cannot be employed to
instruments could be employed to monitor struc- monitor structures with dynamic structural deflection
tural deformation. However, the inherent disadvan- and semistatic movements at the same time.
tages of these terrestrial surveying systems have Accelerometer is used as an indispensable sensor
greatly limited their applications. Previous research in SHM of bridges for the identification of its
reveals that the main disadvantages of these surveying dynamic characteristics. A triaxial accelerometer
approaches can be summarized as follows: could measure three orthogonal accelerations simul-
taneously. Compared with other surveying systems,
a triaxial accelerometer has some special advantages
long-term intervals between measurements (days when it is used for bridge monitoring. For instance,
or even months); the sampling rate can reach several hundreds of hertz
averaging of data over a relatively long time span depending upon application requirements. Triaxial
(often some hours are smoothed, which leads to accelerometers are superior to other sensors since
smoothing effects that could hide real movements they are not dependent on propagation of electro-
of the stations); magnetic waves, and therefore avoid the problems
relatively low data sampling rate and a poor level of signal reflection or refraction and line-of-sight
of automation; connections to the terrestrial or space objects. An
14 Sensors

accelerometer could form a completely self-contained

monitoring system, utilizing only measurements of
accelerations to infer the positions of the system,
through integration based on the laws of motion.
However, the positional drift of an accelerometer
grows extremely rapid with time and can reach
hundreds of meters after an interval of several
hours [59]. The main error sources come from the
instrumental biases and scale factor offsets and the
unknown gravity of the earth. Continuous updating
such as zero velocity update (ZUPT) or coordinates
update (CUPT) is used to avoid error accumulation.
It is the need to update that has severely restricted
the wide applications of accelerometer technology
as a standalone positioning method in surveying.
In bridge deflection monitoring, it is impossible to
conduct ZUPT; CUPT aided with GPS fixes could
be a realistic option to overcome drift problem of
An integrated monitoring system consisting of GPS
Figure 8. Device for integrated GPS antenna and a
receivers with triaxial accelerometers could overcome triaxial accelerometer.
the shortcomings of each individual sensor system
and provide a much improved overall monitoring
it will significantly enhance the satellite geometry
system in terms of productivity and reliability. To
and positioning accuracy, especially in the vertical
eliminate any potential sensor misalignment errors,
the researchers in the University of Nottingham direction [47]. Pseudolites were used for the proof
designed a cage that hosts both GPS antenna and of GPS concept in the 1970s, before the launch of
a triaxial accelerometer as shown in Figure 8 [27]. real GPS satellites. In the 1990s, due to the high
Detailed GPS and accelerometer data fusion tech- demand in highly precise positioning solutions and
nique was also introduced by the same author and the deficiency of current GPS constellation, the pseu-
other researchers [30, 60]. dolite concept was reinvented for augmenting GPS
As discussed by [47, 50, 61], current GPS constel- satellites.
lation causes an uneven distribution of satellites in A joint research has been conducted by the Univer-
view: in the equatorial area a more scattered satel- sity of New South Wales and the University of
lite distribution is possible, which means a nearly Nottingham to verify the effect of introducing extra
identical easting and northing positioning accuracies; ground-based pseudolite transmitters for bridge defor-
but in the polar areas, no satellites above 45 elevation mation monitoring [48, 6264]. Data processing of
angle are visible, which causes degraded 3D posi- both GPS and pseudolite measurements reveals that
tioning accuracies. The worst factor prohibiting wide if they are used correctly pseudolites can augment
GPS application for SHM of bridge is that the vertical GNSS satellite geometries and improve 3D posi-
positioning accuracy is always the worst component tioning accuracies to several millimeters. For the
in the three coordinates and this might lead to wrong Wilford Bridge monitoring trials in Nottingham, three
interpretation of actual bridge deformation [50]. In pseudolites were set up on the northern side of
addition to the introduction of high-level multipath, the bridge to fill the hole as shown in Figure 9
dense cables, supporting towers, and other surround- for obtaining more complete transmitter geometry.
ings also cause satellite visibility problem, making Compared with GPS-only solutions, the actual accu-
the visible satellites less than adequate for starting a racy improvements in the north, east, and vertical
positioning fix. If several ground-based pseudolites directions are 14, 36, and 46%, respectively. The
could be installed with very low elevation angles, simulated accuracy improvement in the north, east,
GNSSs for Monitoring Long Suspension Bridges 15

Lat: 52.9333 Lon: 1.1392 Ell Ht: 78.4 (m)
GPS Time: Start 2002/06/20 00:00:00 Stop 2002/06/20 23:45:00

315 25
3 7 45

21h 25h 28
5 15h
17h 8h 1h11h
21h 7h
9h 7h
5h 7h 31 5h 4 10h
2h 9h 8
15 14 10h
7 5h 7h
71h10h 9h 17h
1h 11h 71
1h 13 0 E
W 107 21h 90 10h 60 30 6
17h 5h 31
281 51 21h
7h 11h10h
30 22h 51 1
21 3h 1h 9h 5h 2h 0h
13 9
7h 20 10h
31 13h 7h 21h h1
23h 21h

17h 10
18 76h 1h
5h 5h
27h 13h
7h 3h
21h 11
24 3 135
225 23 36
31 1120
5h 2h
10 31

Figure 9. Skyplot of GPS satellites in Nottingham, showing the deficiency of GPS constellation.

and vertical directions are 19, 34, and 59%, which system (INS) and GPS. But the cost of this system
confirms the feasibility of an integrated GPS and could dramatically increase because of the high cost
pseudolite monitoring system for achieving more of an INS device.
robust, accurate, and reliable results, especially in the
vertical coordinate. However, since the early pseudo-
lites transmitted on L1 frequency band, which could 4 FUTURE VISION
potentially interfere with GPS signals, the use of For improving positioning accuracy and availability,
pseudolites was banned in many countries and its system integrity, and reliability, GPS is currently
use was restrained in the United Kingdom. Collab- under its modernization through updating its space
orative research has lead to further cooperation in segment, improving signal quality and computation
using a new generation pseudolite, Locatalite, which algorithms. Of course, the revival of Russias
was pioneered by the Locata; it transmits at the 2.4- GLONASS, and the development of European
GHz frequency band to avoid the interference with Galileo system will significantly increase signal
the GPS signals [62]. availability and improve space geometry. China is
Other integration approaches can also be employed expanding its regional navigation system, Beidou
in the SHM of long bridges, such as an integrated or COMPASS system, to a global coverage.
monitoring system consisting of an inertial navigation Within a five-year period, the total number of
16 Sensors

navigation satellites could reach more than 110 RTCM corrections from the reference stations to
and this will make high and pervasive real-time the rover receivers and also sending the positioning
positioning less of a challenge. For solving the solutions to the control center for further analysis?
problem of signal obstruction by surroundings and Will GNSS positioning also be able to help predict
making positioning in severely obstructed areas the existing life span of a bridge effectively? More
possible, R&D of regional space-, ground-, and effort is required to address these questions through
aircraft-based SatNav augmentation systems such individual or collaborative research around world and
as Australias Ground-Based Regional Augmentation this will eventually make GNSS positioning a feasible
System (GRAS), Indias GPS and GEO Augmented technology for SHM of not only bridges but any civil
Navigation (GAGAN), Japans Quasi-Zenith Satellite engineering structures as well.
System (QZSS) system and MTSAT Satellite-
based Augmentation System (MSAS), the European
Geostationary Navigation Service (EGNOS), the REFERENCES
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Chapter 58
Eddy-current in situ Sensors for SHM

Neil Goldfine, Vladimir Zilberstein, Darrell Schlicker

and Dave Grundy
JENTEK Sensors, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA

expected to have some knowledge of eddy-current

1 Introduction 1 methods.
2 Examples of Advanced Eddy-current Generally, eddy-current sensors include both scan-
SHM Implementations 4 ning sensor arrays and sensors mounted at selected
3 Fatigue Monitoring 5 critical locations. This article describes primarily
capabilities of surface-mounted and embedded eddy-
4 Corrosion Monitoring 9
current sensors for detection and monitoring of
5 Stress Monitoring 10 damage states as well as for monitoring of usage state
6 Temperature Monitoring 11 variables such as stresses and temperatures.
7 Composite Disbond/Delamination Eddy-current SHM sensors described here are
Monitoring 11 either permanently or temporarily placed in close
8 Conclusions 13 proximity of, directly on, or within a structure at
End Notes 13 selected locations to provide enhanced observability
of damage and usage state variablesspecifically
References 13
to support life management decisions. Arrays, as
defined here, are local sensor constructs with a
common drive (primary winding) and multiple one-
1 INTRODUCTION dimensional or two-dimensional sensing elements
that form an array in a plane positioned parallel to
This article complements Eddy-current Methods. the surface of a component. One such sensor is the
The focus is on surface-mounted and embedded JENTEK MWM -Array (MWM stands for mean-
eddy-current sensors, arrays, and sensor networks for dering winding magnetometer) [110]. Networks
structural health monitoring (SHM). The reader is of sensors and sensor arrays can be distributed
throughout a structure to provide coverage of crit-
Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring. Edited by ical locations. Either (i) portable data-acquisition
Christian Boller, Fu-Kuo Chang and Yozo Fujino 2009 and analysis units, (ii) central onboard electronics,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-05822-0. or (iii) distributed electronics modules can be used
2 Sensors

to acquire data from eddy-current SHM sensor reinvigorated, thrusts in SHM development have
networks. emerged. These include the need (i) to replace, or at
When used for damage detection and monitoring, least supplement NDT, which is typically performed
embedded or surface-mounted eddy-current sensors with off-board sensors/probes, by direct onboard
perform a function similar to the function of eddy- damage and condition monitoring, both continuous
current sensors for nondestructive testing (NDT) and intermittent, in difficult-to-access critical loca-
applications described in Eddy-current Methods. tions and (ii) to provide direct monitoring of local
The advantage of permanently mounting these eddy- stress/strain, temperature, and environmental condi-
current sensors and arrays is that they can be used to tions at the critical locations that are most likely
inspect difficult-to-access locations without requiring to accumulate damage or experience changes associ-
disassembly or surface preparation. The principal ated with relevant events, e.g., overloads and foreign
disadvantages of such permanently mounted sensors object damage (FOD) for metals and composites.
for damage detection and monitoring are that (i) once To enable life extension and predictable perfor-
in place, they cannot be scanned to sample areas mance for subsystems and components of high-value
that have no damage for relative comparisons with assets, such as aircraft, rotorcraft, ships, pipelines,
defect indications; (ii) they are limited in surface bridges, etc., the often-stated goal of replacing or at
imaging resolution by the size of the individual least reducing the use of conventional NDT by intro-
sensing elements in an array (note that imaging reso- ducing onboard SHM for direct damage and mate-
lution should not be confused with the crack detec- rial condition monitoring comes from (i) the need to
tion capability since detectable cracks may be either mitigate life cycle cost escalation while improving
bigger or smaller than the size of the sensing element readiness for aging aircraft and (ii) the need, on
depending on the signal-to-noise ratio); (iii) they new platforms and in platform upgrades, to improve
cannot be removed for calibration in air or on stan- mission readiness/capability rates, reduce field and
dards at the time of the inspection; and (iv) in general, depot logistics footprints, to enable more aggres-
they can only detect damage directly under the sensor sive component/platform designs using less conser-
(or sensing elements of an array)a . vative safety margins and using advanced mate-
Historically, SHM successes have been limited to rials (composites, functional coatings, multi-material
usage and diagnostic state monitoring. There has systems), to reduce overall aircraft weight by enabling
been wide use of temperature, pressure, strain, and application of damage tolerance methods by making
vibration sensing onboard aircraft and on other high difficult-to-access areas inspectable, to avoid collat-
value assets. This includes SHM implementations eral damage associated with disassembly for inspec-
in aviation, automotive, energy, and many other tion, better manage mission loads, to alert to events
market sectors. For example, vibration sensing, using such as excessive FOD and consequences of inade-
inductive sensors, is common. These more tradi- quate maintenance actions, and to remove the human
tional SHM uses are not addressed in this article. from the field maintenance loop.
However, some of these more traditional uses can Thus, the expanded use of onboard sensors for
gain from the sensor technology described here. One SHM is inevitable, particularly when advanced
example is weight and balance monitoring for aircraft surface-mounted and embedded sensors have proven,
that is limited by the ability of strain gauges or for some applications, to be far less invasive, with
other load monitoring methods to provide reliable lower total implementation costs, than conventional
measurement of loads over long service periods. off-board NDT methods in both logistics support
Attempts to implement reliable systems have gener- requirements and practical impact on asset readiness/
ally not been successful. This article describes the availability.
approaches that can address the need for improved This article addresses the need for enhanced
stress/load monitoring of both static and dynamic monitoring of (i) damage states, (ii) usage states,
stresses. (iii) diagnostic states, including (iv) detection of
To enable individual component life management upset events.
beyond the push over the last few decades for indi- Damage states are scalar, vector, or multidimen-
vidual aircraft tracking, two new, or at least recently sional quantities that (i) can be used in models to
Eddy-current in situ Sensors for SHM 3

predict damage behavior progression, e.g., degree difficult-to-access locations. These portable units can
of relaxation of compressive residual stresses inten- support onboard NDT, diagnostic, or usage survey
tionally introduced to mitigate damage such as function.
fatigue or stress corrosion cracking or (ii) provide Onboard instrumentation, when available, would
a measure of one or more damage features (e.g., provide continuous monitoring capabilities for
crack size, material loss from corrosion, or composite damage, diagnostics, and usage recording. Such
disbond/delamination area). onboard resources could be queried in parallel,
Usage state variables of interest include stresses through prescribed multiplexing. Alternatively, they
and temperatures that directly affect cumulative expo- can be allocated using a concept named neural
sure to mechanical and/or thermal conditions at crit- plasticity by analogy to a phenomenon related to
ical locations on individual components, for which human neurological development. Neural plasticity is
damage evolution needs to be monitored. Enhanced a concept that enables the use of limited onboard
stress, temperature, and environmental monitoring are resources that learn and grow in capability with
continually identified as necessary to achieve the experience by reallocating limited resources.
promise of SHM for aircraft and rotorcraft. Onboard SHM applications of eddy-current sensors
Diagnostic states of interest include geometric are beginning to transition to operational fleet use,
misalignment, vibration levels, thermal effects, and having been proven extensively in the laboratory and
overload events. The focus of new developments in more recently in full-scale component and full-scale
this area of SHM development is to enable onboard or aircraft tests. Extensive flight testing of eddy-current
temporarily installed monitoring capability for such sensors for fatigue monitoring and stress monitoring
diagnosis at reduced cost and with limited logistics with portable data-acquisition systems is expected
support requirements. to occur within the next few years, followed by
Upset event detection through monitoring of event- transition to fully integrated onboard systems using
dependent states of a material (e.g., impact or over- eddy-current sensors. One example of a potential
heating in metallic or composite components) is often application would be fatigue-critical locations on
identified as a separate requirement that must be landing gear components (see Landing Gear).
addressed. Event detection is particularly important In Eddy-current Methods, the concept of
to components managed on a safe-life basis (as prac- mapping and tracking of fatigue damage using time-
ticed by the US Navy). sequenced scanning with advanced eddy current
Of course, there is an inevitable overlap and inter- methods is introduced. For example, in some critical
dependence in the above definitions, for example, areas in aircraft components, such as engine disk
between some diagnostic states and upset events. slots, where early damage detection using onboard
Upset event identification is certainly a part of SHM sensors is not feasible, the only means for early
diagnostics. Also, detected upset events should be detection is mapping and tracking with improved
accounted for in the assessment of usage. scanning NDT. On the other hand, integration of
This article specifically discusses eddy-current onboard SHM sensor data with such mapping and
sensor capabilities demonstrated over the last decade tracking, when practical, would significantly enhance
to provide material damage monitoring, including health monitoring capabilities.
fatigue, corrosion, and overloads, as well as stress and In general, (i) onboard SHM sensors for damage
temperature monitoring. The focus of this article is detection and monitoring, (ii) traditional scanning
on the MWM and MWM-Array eddy-current sensors NDT methods, (iii) advanced NDT using new
[1115, 1822], since these sensors address the mapping and tracking methods for damage evolution,
above categories of interest (damage, diagnostics, and and (iv) enhanced direct load monitoring capability,
usage). using onboard SHM sensors, are all needed to
For detection and monitoring of damage or parame- implement next-generation adaptive life management
ters of interest with the available mountable programs.
eddy-current sensors, such as MWM sensors or One advantage of using MWM-Array eddy-current
MWM-Arrays, portable units plug into onboard sensors in support of adaptive life management is
sensors for inspection or short duration monitoring at that eddy-current measurements in scanning mode
4 Sensors

and with onboard SHM sensors are complementary scanning of selected locations. The goal is to provide
(providing self-consistent data formats). For fatigue the required observability of damage, diagnostics,
damage, for example, each of these methods provides usage state variables, and significant events.
a measure of the effective electrical conductivity or For aluminum and titanium structural components
magnetic permeability variation, with the damage in aircraft and rotorcraft, there are practical onboard
level of interest, for the material under test. SHM sensing alternatives to scanning NDT inspec-
One proposed adaptive life management approach, tion methods. This article focuses on these applica-
described by Goldfine et al. [13] and modified here tions for onboard SHM damage monitoring. Also,
to include mounted onboard sensors, is outlined in this article describes the value of surface-mounted
the flow chart in Figure 1. and embedded sensors for laboratory fatigue and
This approach relies on the availability, reliability, corrosion testing. Furthermore, new magnetic (eddy
and reproducibility of the NDT scanning/imaging current) stress gauge capabilities are described for
capability and surface-mounted or embedded capa- direct load monitoring.
bility for both coupons and in-service components.
Until recently, there were no depot/field inspection
tools that could meet this requirement. Now, not 2 EXAMPLES OF ADVANCED
only the MWM-Array sensors can meet this need
and enable the adaptive life management approach, EDDY-CURRENT SHM
but other advanced methods, including Ultrasonic IMPLEMENTATIONS
Testing (UT), laser UT, thermography, and digital
radiography, offer the potential to deliver the previ- In the following five main sections, examples of
ously unattainable level of reproducibility needed detection/monitoring of damage and measurements
to support mapping and tracking of relatively early related to diagnostics as well as to usage state
damage behavior. Also, onboard MWM-Array, UT, variables are described within the following cate-
and alternative SHM sensors are becoming available. gories: (i) fatigue, (ii) corrosion, (iii) stress, (iv) tem-
We anticipate that many such technologies will be perature, (v) mechanical damage, and (vi) composite
proven and reach commercial maturity during the disbonds/delaminations. These sections rely on
next decade. MWM-Array implementations to frame the discus-
In the near term, the approach described above sion of in situ eddy current sensor applications, since
is envisioned as an integration of advanced scan- the authors are most informed on this advanced sensor
ning NDT (mapping and tracking) with periodic or implementation. Some of these sections include a
scheduled data from onboard SHM sensors recorded discussion of performance evaluation needs and
using portable (not onboard) data-acquisition units. methods for surface-mounted and embedded SHM
In a more broadly integrated approach, onboard sensors.
SHM sensors might provide continuous monitoring, The focus here is on the use of permanently
with onboard electronics, along with periodic NDT surface-mounted or embedded sensors. However,

(1) Generate empirical

database of sensor data (5) Make inspection,
from laboratory fatigue (3) Record and (4) Identify statistically
store time- significant early fatigue maintenance, repair,
coupon data with mounted replacement decisions
and scanning sensors sequenced data damage trends,
of fatigue-critical using models of damage for individual
(2) Set detection/ areas at evolution behavior (if components and
characterization depot/field available), and recalibrate populations of
requirements empirical database using components
depot/field inspection data using depot/field
inspection data

Figure 1. Flow chart of proposed adaptive life management framework.

Eddy-current in situ Sensors for SHM 5

some discussion is included on integrated methods

that combine such SHM data with more conventional
NDT data, including mapping and tracking using
repeated NDT type imaging.


3.1 Fatigue case study 1: linear 9.000

MWM-Arrays inside bolt holes
In Eddy-current Methods, an example of a mapping
and tracking application for crack detection and
monitoring using scanning MWM-Array bolt-hole
inspection, with C-scan imaging, is provided. In
Figure 8 of Eddy-current Methods, permanently
mounted MWM-Array data is also provided for the
same coupon test.
As shown in Figures 7 and 8 of the same article
(see Eddy-current Methods), the combination of
MWM-Array scanning and permanently mounted Figure 2. Schematic and photograph of a customized
sensor data provides valuable insight into the crack Ti-6Al-4V coupon with exposed fatigue-critical surfaces [8].
growth behavior. This format of coupon testing, using
both sensing modes, is useful for generating and sites was described (see Figure 9, Eddy-current
calibrating damage behavior databases, as well as Methods). Figure 2 shows the customized titanium
for generating real-crack specimens that can be used coupon designed for that test. In Figure 3(a)
for sensor performance verification and for building and (b), a special scanner is shown for periodically
probability of detection curves for both scanning and scanning the fatigue-critical area on the coupon to
permanently mounted sensors. simulate in-service time-sequenced NDT imaging.
Figure 3(c) shows a 7-channel MWM-Array designed
for this purpose. Figure 2 of Eddy-current Methods
3.2 Fatigue case study 2: detection of illustrates the measurement grid approach developed
small fatigue cracks at a dimple by Goldfine et al. [5] for this purpose. This
method enables real-time conversion of thousands of
Also, in Eddy-current Methods and in [15], a digital eddy-current measurements into two images:
method of detecting cracks at mechanical damage (i) conductivity imageused to detect cracks and


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. (a) Photograph of the coupon scanner used in support of the fatigue testing, (b) solid model representation of
the coupon scanner showing the sensor position, and (c) MWM-Array FA43 sensor.
6 Sensors

(ii) liftoff (sensor proximity to the material surface) and military aircraft and rotorcraft, the need to detect
imageused for self-diagnostics to ensure that liftoff early fatigue damage and deliver on-condition main-
is within an acceptable range at each of the thousands tenance is critical. For example, titanium alloys are
of points within an image. typically notch sensitive. Thus, small nicks, dings,
Furthermore, this approach uses air calibration, and scratches introduced during handling, assembly
as described in ASTM Standard Practice E2338-04 or in service can initiate cracks at fatigue-critical
[16], to improve robustness compared to conventional surfaces earlier than predicted by design life esti-
eddy-current testing (ET) methods that use crack mates. Blending of such surface defects is sometimes
(or simulated crack, e.g., EDM (electrical discharge allowed followed by, for example, re-shot peening
machining) notch) standards to calibrate. This proven to enhance remaining life. However, many parts are
method is now a standard practice at US Navy and not re-shot peened because of quality control issues;
US Air Force bases, and is in use by foreign military thus, their fatigue resistance is not fully restored.
services (FMS) as well. In other cases, components are simply replaced, if
This test and the data provided in Figure 9 of surface defect depths exceed a prescribed limit (often
Eddy-current Methods illustrate the value of a just a few thousandths of an inch). This is extremely
combined approach that integrates NDT and perma- costly. Thus, methods are needed to provide early
nently mounted sensor data. This combination could detection of damage for critical titanium alloy compo-
be implemented in fatigue tests and on actual struc- nents, as well as to image and size surface defects
tural members. For example, when localized mechan- to support on-condition maintenance decisions. The
ical damage or a small crack is detected using a combination of surface-mounted sensor monitoring
scanning array, the damage can be either repaired or and mapping and tracking has proven to be very
left in place, and then a permanently mounted sensor effective for such applications. Moreover, surface-
could be applied at this location to monitor initiation mounted sensor monitoring followed by a one-time
and/or growth of cracks at the location. One goal MWM-Array scanning of the suspect areas can be
is to estimate the probability of failure before the sufficiently effective, as well.
next inspection for the purpose of scheduling inspec-
tion intervals and enabling life extension. The coupon
fatigue test data and in-service data obtained from
such combined monitoring can also be used to cali- 3.3 Fatigue case study 3: embedded
brate databases of damage evolution behavior. MWM-Arrays for crack initiation
Eventually, this should also enable reliable life and growth monitoring
extension through restoration of parts with local-
ized damage using laser shock processing, low plas- In a series of fatigue tests, MWM-Arrays embedded
ticity burnishing, laser additive manufacturing, or between two aluminum alloy layers (Figure 4) moni-
other repair methods. It is anticipated that substantial tored crack growth in both 4-hole and 10-hole
(possibly over additional 100% of design life) life lap joint tests. These MWM-Arrays retained their
extension for many components is possible if such integrity as they were removed and reused for a
health control actions are implemented. number of successive tests to failure of the lap joints.
One key attribute is the portability of experience The four-hole tests were performed under NAVAIR
from one component to the next. If the entire process (The Naval Air Systems Command) funding, and the
must be repeated for each new component, then ten-hole tests were performed under US Air Force
this is not a practical approach. Thus, coupon tests funding for Lockheed Martin to address a specific
and NDT databases must be sufficiently generic to need for the F-16 aircraft as described previously
adapt (i.e., recalibrate) with limited effort for the next [17]. A variety of precrack configurations were tested
application. with larger (primary) precracks at the center hole
Reliable mapping and tracking with MWM-Arrays and smaller (secondary) precracks at the other
has been demonstrated for titanium alloy components, holes. The crack tip progression data are shown in
in coupon fatigue tests and on engine components. Figure 5. The lines indicate the progression of crack
With the use of titanium alloys on both commercial tips from one hole towards another as a function
Eddy-current in situ Sensors for SHM 7

Hole Test panel MSD-39

6 12 13 19 20 26 27 33

(a) sensors
Reaction panel MSD-40


MWM-array sensors

Host laptop
with gridstation

39-channel MWM-array probes


(c) (d)
Figure 4. (a) Four-hole lap joint test specimen with embedded MWM-Arrays, (b) the 10-hole specimen with embedded
MWM-Arrays shown prior to bolting up, (c) the 10-hole specimen mounted in the load frame, and (d) laboratory fatigue
test setup for the 10-hole test.

numbers 33 27 26 20 19 12 6

Location of EDM notches and

precracks at start of test

Fracture surface
Original hole size hole with starter notches

LM-MSD 39/40 Type E
Crack Precrack Visual MWM
Cycle number (103)

20 None
growth Sec.
Failed at 10 872 cycles
Hole 2
Hole 1

Hole 3

Hole 4

Hole 5

End of test


0 Start of test
4 2 0 2 4

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