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Making A Map : Google My Maps

Teacher Name: Ms. Bennington

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 25 20 15 0
Title of Map Title gives the viewer There is an There is a title but it Map does not have
foresight about what appropriate title gives NO foresight title.
the map is about. however it does not
grab the viewer's
Location Label Location is labeled Location is labeled Location is labeled Does not have neither
and has a description and has a description without a description. a location label or
that is appropriate for that is not appropriate or Location has a description.
the subject matter.d for subject matter. description without
Spelling/Capitalization All words are spelled Some words are 50% of the words are No words are spelled
and capitalized misspelled and/or misspelled and/or or capitalized
correctly. capitalized incorrectly. capitalized incorrectly. correctly.

Image Images are Images are Images are NOT There are no images
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for within the map.
subject matter and subject matter and subject matter and
location. There is an location. Not all location.
image for each locations have an
Total Points Possible location. image. Total Points Earned
Date Created: Jul 19, 2017 10:32 am (CDT)

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