Narnia, The Multiverse, and Christianity

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Narnia, The Multiverse and Christianity

Even though my personal belief in Judeo-Christianity is

quite broad, I am also aware that there are ideas and belief
systems that can be dangerous, such as hurting others to build
spiritual power, etc. Therefore, even though I may experience
something profound or come across an idea that I find to hold
truth, it is still important for me to study these things deeper
to make sure no one is trying to pull a fast one on me (not even
the Universe!).

One of these ideas that I have been thinking about is the

Multiverse. First of all, I have to say I adore the Multiverse.
I can’t see how the universe cannot be a multiverse. My bias is
what has driven me to think about it so in depth. Just to make
sure that we’re on the same page, the multiverse is the idea
that there are many (perhaps an infinite number) of realities
(or universes) existing side by side. Some of these differ from
our universe in nearly unperceivable ways, while others are
vastly different. This idea has been explored every from
Einstein to DC Comics and The Simpsons.

There are two main reasons I believe in the multiverse.

First, God himself has said we are created in his image (Genesis
1:27). I take this not only to mean physically, but in Mind and
Spirit as well. This has always manifested, in my eyes, as
humanity’s ability to create new things. God created us and the
World and gave us the gift to do the same through Art, Writing
Architecture, Landscaping, etc.. Now, being an artist myself, I
know I cannot stop after one project, neither can any of the
other artists I know. I believe this need to constantly explore
new creations is why the multiverse exists. God must have way
more ideas than anyone one Earth and can explore them as freely,
if not more freely, than us.

Secondly, it is readily apparent that almost everything in

the universe works on a fractal model. A fractal is "a rough or
fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of
which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the
whole," a property called self-similarity. Here are two
examples from nature, where the same shape is repeated on a
larger and smaller scale. The first is a type of
broccoli, the other is a fern. It
makes sense that our Universe
would hold the same
characteristics as the things in
it, since they all derived from
the same source. So, God,
essentially, is the source of the
greatest fractal of all, the stem of the multiverse, all
worlds springing from his will.

Many Christians believe that this idea somehow

devalues our Universe or God, by making our universe seem
unimportant. But, God is an infinitely powerful being who can
give the same amount of attention to a billion things as he
gives to one. This again further illustrates the fractal idea.
Just like God has the ability to attend to each being in this
world, he therefore has no limit to the amount of things he can
attend to in any amount of worlds.

Many Christians do not realize that they have an excellent

model of a Christian multiverse right under their noses in C.S.
Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. In these stories, Lewis
outlines a completely separate universe with a vastly different
flow of time, co-existent to our own. Christianity clearly
exists in this world, though it has manifested in entirely
different forms, such as the savior, Jesus Christ, being
substituted with the lion Aslan. Lewis shows us that the core
essence of Christianity is not locked into a rigid set of
symbols. The truth of God’s love comes through clearly, no
matter what form they appear in.

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