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Assessment and Interventions for
Neurodevelopmental Disorders


University of WisconsinMilwaukee
Michigan State University

Phyllis Anne Teeter Ellison Margaret Semrud-Clikeman
Department of Educational Psychology Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin Michigan State University
2400 East Hartford Avenue 3123 South Cambridge Road
Milwaukee, WI 53211 Lansing, MI 48911
email: email:

Library of Congress Control Number: 2006938277

ISBN-13: 978-0-387-47670-4 eISBN-13: 978-0-387-47672-8
ISBN-10: 0-387-47670-9
Printed on acid-free paper.
This book was previously published by Pearson Education, Inc.
1997 by Allyn & Bacon
2007 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC
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9 876 54 321
This book is dedicated to my mother, Mae Ellison,
who taught me the love of words and reading,
and to my brother, Stan Chemacki,
who taught me how to walk, talk, and read.

This is for all the children

from whom I learned so much.
M. S.-C
List of Figures xi

List of Tables xiii

Foreword George W. Hynd xv

Preface xix

Acknowledgments xxi


1 Introduction to Child Clinical Neuropsychology 1
Theoretical Orientation: An Integrated Paradigm 1
Emergence of Child Clinical Neuropsychology 1
Perspectives for the Study of Childhood Disorders 2
Neuropsychological Perspectives on Assessment and Intervention 8
Professional Training 11
Overview of Book Chapters 13

2 Functional Neuroanatomy 15
Structure and Function of the Neuron 15
Neuronal Development 19
Structure and Function of the Human Brain 22
Structure and Function of the Brain Stem 23
Role and Function of the Meninges 28
Development of the Central Nervous System 28
Structure and Function of the Forebrain 29
Cerebral Hemispheres 31
Structure and Function of the Cortex 34
The Development of Higher Cortical Regions 39
Genetic Factors Affecting Brain Development 44
The Interaction of Biological and Environmental Factors on Brain
Development 46



3 Electrophysiology and Neuroimaging Techniques in
Neuropsychology 51
Electrophysiological Techniques 51
Neuroimaging Techniques 57
Neuroradiological Techniques 62

4 Integrating Neurological, Neuroradiological, and Psychological

Examinations in Neuropsychological Assessment 65
The Neurological Examination 65
When to Refer for a Neurological Evaluation 66
Neuroradiological Evaluation 68
Neuropsychological Assessment 69
Integration of Neurological, Neuroradiological, and
Neuropsychological Data 69
Psychological Assessment of Children with Neurodevelopmental,
Neuropsychiatric, and Other CNS Disorders 70
Impact of Psychological Functioning on Neuropsychological
Results 76

5 Neuropsychological Assessment Approaches and Diagnostic

Procedures 78
Approaches to Child Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment 78
Luria-Nebraska Assessment Procedures for Children 87
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision 92
Neuropsychological Protocol: Austin Neurological Clinic 97
Boston Process Approach 97
A Transactional Approach to Neuropsychological Assessment 103


6 Severe Neuropsychiatric and Externalized Disorders of Adolescence
and Childhood 107
Biochemical and Neuropsychological Models of Psychiatric Disorders
ofChildhood 107
Tourette Syndrome 112
Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders 114
Asperger' s Syndrome 119
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 120
Conduct Disorder 129

7 Neuropsychological Correlates of Childhood and Adolescent

Psychiatric Disorders: Internalized Disorders 135
Internalizing Disorders 136

8 Language-Related and Learning Disorders 147

Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Childhood 147
Learning Disabilities 151
Written Language Disorders 162
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities 165
Summary 168

9 Metabolic, Biogenetic, Seizure, and Neuromotor Disorders

of Childhood 169
Metabolic Disorders 169
Chromosomal Syndromes 172
Neurocutaneous Syndromes/Disorders 176
Seizure Disorders 180
Cerebral Palsy 187
Conclusions 192

10 Acquired Neurological Disorders and Diseases of Childhood 193

Traumatic Brain Injury 193
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 201
Cocaine-Exposed Infants 204
Childhood Cancer 209
CNS Infectious Diseases: Meningitis and Encephalitis 213
Summary and Conclusions 215


11 Neuropsychological Intervention and Treatment Approaches
for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders 217
Multistage Neuropsychological Model: Linking Assessment
to Intervention 217
Developmental Neuropsychological Remediation/Rehabilitation
Model for Children and Adolescents 221
The Reitan Evaluation of Hemispheric Abilities and Brain
Improvement Training (REHABIT) 222
Neuropsychological Framework for Remediation 222
Specific Strategies for Cognitive-Academic, Psychosocial, and
Attentional Disorders 223
Classroom and Behavior Management 228

Pharmacological Interventions 231

HomeSchoolPhysician Partnerships 236
Summary and Conclusions 239


12 Clinical Case Studies 241
Intractable Seizure Disorder 241
Severe Developmental Dyslexia 244
Traumatic Brain Injury 247
Severe Expressive Aphasia and Motor Apraxia with Pervasive
Developmental Delay 249
Developmental Progress 252
Specific Recommendations 253

Glossary 254

References 257

Name Index 313

Subject Index 325

Figure 1.1 Transactional Neuropsychological Model for Understanding Childhood and Adolescent
Disorders 7

Figure 2.1 Anatomy of the Neuron 17

Figure 2.2 Anatomy Showing Connections between Neuron A and B with Synaptic Cleft 18

Figure 2.3 Sagittal Section of the Brain Showing Brain Stem, Midbrain, and Forebrain Structure 25

Figure 2.4 MRI Sagittal Section of CNS Analogous to Brain Areas Depicted in Figure 2.3 25

Figure 2.5 Coronal Section Showing Structures of the Right and Left Hemisphere with Ventricular
Systems 26

Figure 2.6 Surface of the Left Hemisphere Showing Sulci, Fissures, and Major Subdivisions of the
Cortex 31

Figure 2.7 Major Structures and Functions of the Cortex 35

Figure 2.8 Visual Fields and Cortical Visual Pathways 38

Figure 3.1 Electrode Placement 52

Figure 3.2 Common BAER 54

Figure 3.3 Normal CT Scan 58

Figure 3.4 Normal Coronal MRI Scan 59

Figure 5.1 The Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure 101

Table 1.1 Guidelines for Doctoral Training in Neuropsychology 11

Table 2.1 Cranial Nerves 23

Table 2.2 Major Divisions of the Nervous System 24

Table 2.3 Developmental Milestones for Functional Asymmetry and Cerebral Lateralization 33

Table 2.4 Myelination and Cognitive Development 40

Table 2.5 Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities Associated with Neurogenesis or Abnormal Neural

Migration 45

Table 4.1 Common Anomalies Revealed during Examination of the Cranial Nerves 67

Table 5.1 Subtests of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Batteries 79

Table 5.2 Abilities Assessed by the HRNB and HDLNB in Children and Adolescents 80

Table 5.3 Right-Left Sensory and Motor Signs on the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological
Test Battery 84

Table 5.4 Selected Research with the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Batteries 86

Table 5.5 Major Systems and Behavioral Correlates of Luria's Functional Units 89

Table 5.6 Developmental Sequences of Luria's Functional Units 91

Table 5.7 Selected Research Findings with the LNNB-CR 96

Table 5.8 Factorsfromthe LNNB-CR Determined by Karras and Colleagues (1987) 97

Table 5.9 Austin Neurological Clinic: A Paradigm of Anterior/Posterior Measures 98

Table 5.10 Neuropsychological Test Procedures: Modified Boston Battery 99

Table 5.11 Domains for Neuropsychological Assessment and Suggested Measures 106


Table 6.1 Neurotransmitter Circuits, Brain Regions, and Functional Activity 108

Table 6.2 Neurotransmitter Levels, Psychiatric Disorders, and Behavioral Effects 109

Table 6.3 Medication Effects on Neurotransmitters 111

Table 6.4 A Summary of Specific Deficits Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) 124

Table 7.1 Diagnostic Criteria for a Diagnosis of Major Depression Using the DSM-IV 140

Table 7.2 Anxiety Disorders as Defined by the DSM-IV 143

Table 8.1 A Summary of Specific Deficits Associated with Reading Disabilities: Phonological
Core Deficits (PRD) 155

Table 8.2 A Summary of Specific Deficits Associated with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
(NLD) 164

Table 10.1 Transactional Features of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children 198

Table 11.1 Models for Neuropsychological Remediation and Rehabilitation: Linking Assessment
to Interventions 218

Table 11.2 Common Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects of Medications for Neuropsychiatric Disorders
of Childhood 231
The boundary between behavior and biology is arbitrary and changing. It has
been imposed not by the natural contours of the disciplines, but by lack of knowledge.
As our knowledge expands, the biological and behavioral disciplines will merge
at certain points, and it is at these points of merger that our understanding of
mentation will rest on particularly secure ground.... Ultimately, the joining of these
two disciplines represents the emerging conviction that a coherent and biologically
unified description of mentation and behavior is possible.

This book represents a unique perspective with re- tors has evolved most significantly in the past cen-
gard to the practice of clinical neuropsychology with tury and that the public at large expects this research
child and adolescent populations. In these brief re- to continue to have an impact on both our understand-
marks, I will attempt to place the practice of clinical ing of these interactions and our ability to alter the
child neuropsychology in its historically important course of potentially negative outcomes. Necessar-
context and articulate in a broad sense exactly why ily, research that addresses these interactions must be
this important volume represents a unique turning multidisciplinary in nature, and this has both blurred
point in the practice of clinical child neuropsychology. professional boundaries and encouraged a deeper
As Kandel (1985) has noted, knowledge in the understanding of the importance of communication
biological and behavioral sciences will merge at cer- between scientists and applied clinicians.
tain points, and it can no longer be argued that the Within the past century a number of important
study of behavior and its many deviations can be sepa- developments have fostered our current appreciations
ratedfromour rapidly evolving understanding of the of the neurobiological underpinnings of neuro-
complexities of the biological organism. One needs psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. First,
only to read the newspaper or watch television to despite the influences of philosophical orientations
appreciate recent research that addresses the genetic that argued against understanding behavioral, cogni-
or neurobiological basis of some forms of dementia, tive, or psychiatric disorders from a neurobiological
depression, or other "behavioral" disorders such as perspective (e.g., behaviorism), clinicians continued
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or to observe and validate observations made in the
severe reading disability (dyslexia) to appreciate ad- 1800s regarding the effects of brain damage on be-
vances in understanding some of the possible genetic, havior. Reports published in the late 1800s noted the
biological, and environmental interactions that must neurologicalbehavioral relationships observed in
occur in various neurological or psychiatric disorders. aphasic patients and in patients with alexia with and
It might be proposed that some 90% of our under- without agraphia. Clinicians in this century contin-
standing of the interactions between genetic influ- ued to observe these relationships, and this led to
ences, biological ontogeny, and environmental fac- hypotheses about brain dysfunction or damage in


children and adolescents with speech and language derstanding with clinical treatment or intervention
disorders, specific learning disability such as dyslexia, practices of proven value, although relevance was
mental retardation, and behavioral disturbance. generally acknowledged or presumed, but not dem-
Second, in the postwar recovery period after World onstrated.
War II, economic influences caused resources to be This is exactly why this book is such an important
allocated so that millions of individuals, including contribution! While this book advances our basic
veterans, were afforded an opportunity to pursue understanding ofbrainbehavior relations in child and
higher education. Not only did this influence the gen- adolescent clinical populations, it also provides up-
eral educational level in the United States, but it was to-date information for the clinician on how to treat
accompanied by legislation passed in the late 1950s neuropsychological^ based childhood and adolescent
that funded scientific research at a much higher level, disorders. The integrated transactional intervention
in large part in response to the Soviet Union launch- paradigm so articulately presented in this volume
ing Sputnik into space and accelerating the "space mandates that all clinicians who work with children
race." What this accomplished was that we now had and adolescents with neurodevelopmental or neuro-
a vastly improved appreciation of the importance of psychiatrically based disorders have this volume as a
scientific investigation and its potential to answer ready resource in providing the most current and ef-
basic questions about our existence and those genetic, fective treatments available. Further, and perhaps most
biological, and environmental influences that had an important, the authors clearly understand and address
impact on our health and behavior. the many different medical, behavioral, and educa-
Finally, advances in medical, social, and behav- tional treatment approaches summarized and advo-
ioral research in the past three decades have strongly cated in this book.
encouraged the belief that basic and applied research These authors recognize so well that children and
could provide hope in improving our health and gen- adolescents with neurodevelopmental and neuro-
eral welfare. As an example, one can well appreciate psychiatric disorders can be fully understood only in
the impact that the eradication of smallpox, the pre- a transactional context that incorporates neurobiologi-
vention of polio, the development of new and more cal, medical, familial, social, and educational perspec-
effective medicines for the treatment of epilepsy and tives. In support of their transactional model, they
infections, and the ability to visualize our internal provide richly described clinical case studies of chil-
organs through imaging techniques has had on the dren and adolescents with learning disabilities,
public. This may help us to understand why the pub- ADHD, seizure disorder, and traumatic brain injury.
lic at large now expects basic research to lead to posi- Clearly, this volume advances the potential impact of
tive outcomes in treating conditions that are either clinicians who provide neuropsychological services
life-threatening (e.g., AIDS) or have a negative im- to children and adolescents in helping their clients to
pact on achieving what are now perceived to be nor- lead more productive and meaningful lives. This vol-
mal health, educational, social, or even financial ex- ume sets a new standard for those who practice clini-
pectations in life (e.g., ADHD, dyslexia) cal child neuropsychology and thus provides parents,
Previously published volumes in either child or teachers, medical professionals, and other health care
pediatric neuropsychology, including mine, have fo- providers with an increased level of expectation for
cused primarily on providing a basic understanding the quality and impact of services provided.
of the neurobiological bases of child and adolescent In this sense, then, this book marks a turning point
cognitive or behavioral disorders due to overt dis- for the practice of clinical child neuropsychology. No
ruptions of neurological integrity, as in cases of brain longer will the neuropsychologist be viewed as a pro-
damage, or due to deviations in neurological devel- fessional who only provides a comprehensive neuro-
opment. Until the publication of this book, little at- psychological evaluation. It raises the expectation that
tention has been directed at integrating this basic un- the clinical child neuropsychologist should indeed

provide both a comprehensive and treatment-specific ity to understand and effectively treat neuro-
evaluation and should have the knowledge and profes- developmental and neuropsychiatry disorders in
sional expertise to provide the treatment themselves, children and adolescents.
whether dealing with a child or adolescent with a
neurobehavioral or neuropsychiatrically related disorder. George W. Hynd
This volume will be a highly regarded resource Center for Clinical and Developmental
for all psychologists who provide neuropsychological Neuropsychology
services to school-aged children and adolescents. It The University of Georgia
is current, accurately and comprehensively presents
our state of knowledge, and is a wonderful resource
for the provision of comprehensive neuropsycho-
logically based strategies of clinical intervention. In REFERENCE
this sense, this volume itself serves to illustrate that Kandel, E. R. (1985). Cellular mechanisms of learning
the boundaries between the neurobiological and be- and the biological basis of individuality. In . R. Kandel
havioral sciences is indeed merging and the result- & J. H. Schwartz (Eds.), Principles of neural science
ing perspectives can favorably impact on our abil- (2nded.),pp. 816833.
This book presents to psychologists the most current set the stage for early brain development long before
information about the influences of brain function on the impact of the environment comes into play. The
the cognitive-perceptual, academic-learning, behav- manner in which the developing brain affects the
ioral, and psychosocial adjustment of children and child's ability to profit from and respond to the envi-
adolescents. An integrated, transactional framework ronment is of interest to psychologists. Furthermore,
is explored across various neuropsychiatric and disturbances in early cell proliferation, migration, and
neurodevelopmental disorders, acquired injuries and myelination underlie a number of childhood disor-
diseases, biogenetic disorders, and other brain-related ders (e.g., learning disabilities, autism, seizure disor-
disorders of childhood. Thisframeworkwas devel- ders), which in turn ultimately affect cognitive,
oped to show that theory, research, and clinical find- neuropsychological, academic, and psychosocial
ings across paradigms that are often discussed in di- development.
chotomous or mutually exclusive ways (e.g., Second, in many instances brain function and
neuropsychological versus behavioral, neurocognitive psychosocial-behavioral manifestations are so closely
versus psychosocial approaches) can be integrated in linked that it is difficult to make distinctions among
meaningful ways. It is essential to view childhood contributing factors (e.g., biogenetic and neuro-
and adolescent disordersfroman integrated perspec- psychological) and their psychological outcomes.
tive so that we may better understand the dynamic Third, numerous neurodevelopmental and acquired
interplay of biological, neurodevelopmental, and en- disorders can be altered with appropriate environmen-
vironmental factors on children's learning, psycho- tal stimulation and systematic intervention (i.e., edu-
logical, emotional, and social development. Such an cational or remedial strategies). Thus, biogenetic and/
approach enables clinicians and researchers alike to or neuropsychological factors can be modified such
address these disorders more comprehensively. that negative learning and psychosocial outcomes
This book is written for psychologists and gradu- (e.g., reading disabilities, attentional deficits, and
ate students from various applied disciplines in psy- psychological disorders) can be minimized with in-
chology (child, clinical, counseling, pediatric, terventions that address the underlying neuro-
neuropsychological, and school). Other medical, psychological substrates of the disorders (e.g., pho-
mental health, and educational professionals who nological awareness deficits, disinhibition of
work with children and adolescents with learning, executive control functions). Further, interventions
behavioral, and psychosocial adjustment problems for neurodevelopmental and biogenetic disorders of-
may also find this book of interest because implica- ten require medical or pharmacological as well as be-
tions for assessment and treatment are emphasized. havioral, academic, and psychosocial strategies, so
The orientation of the book is transactional, so that an integrated, transactional assessmentintervention
professionals and students with varying theoretical paradigm is crucial.
backgrounds can develop a broader perspective on This book includes five major sections. Chapters
childhood disorders. 1 and 3 provide an introduction to child neuro-
A transactionalframeworkis important for a num- psychology. This includes a discussion of the various
ber of reasons. First, biogenetic factors influence and components of the transactional model (i.e., behav-


ioral, cognitive, neuropsychological, and psychosocial assessment and intervention practices are also con-
paradigms), and professional training issues in Chap- sidered for each major disorder.
ter 1. An overview of anatomy and physiology, in- An integrated intervention paradigm is presented
cluding neurodevelopmental stages, is explored in in Chapter 11. Specific methods for addressing
Chapter 2. neurodevelopmental, acquired, and neuropsychiatric
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 present techniques for disorders are reviewed. Combined techniques are
neuropsychological assessment. Neurophysiological explored, and the need for collaboration among pro-
and neuroimaging techniques are described in Chap- fessionals is highlighted. A number of proven educa-
ter 3, with guidelines for referring children for neu- tional techniques for addressing language, learning,
rological, neuroradiological, and neuropsychological and psychosocial problems are presented. The poten-
evaluations presented in Chapter 4. Descriptions of tial benefits and side effects of major classes of medi-
standard neuropsychological batteries and tests are cations are also discussed. Finally, case studies are
presented in Chapter 5, and a "process approach" to offered in Chapter 12 as examples to illustrate the
neuropsychological assessment is described. dynamic neuropsychologicalenvironmental transac-
Chapters 6 through 10 review selected childhood tion, and to show how a comprehensive process-ori-
and adolescent disorders within a transactional frame- ented neuropsychological assessment can inform in-
work. Neuropsychiatric disorders, including internal- tervention planning.
ized and externalized disorders (Chapters 6 and 7); Our intent in writing this book was to review and
language and learning disorders (Chapter 8); meta- to integrate childhood disorders within a transactional,
bolic, biogenetic, and neuromotor disorders (Chap- neuropsychological paradigm. We hope that by inte-
ter 9); and finally acquired disorders and diseases of grating research and clinical findings across differ-
childhood (Chapter 10) are reviewed. Each chapter ent theoretical orientations, we have shown the inter-
presents an overview of the biogenetic and environ- action among neuropsychological and environmen-
mental factors that affect the neuropsychological func- tal factors in affecting the child's cognitive, behav-
tioning of children with these various disorders. The ioral, and psychosocial functioning. We also showed
effects of neuropsychological and/or neurochemical that neurodevelopmental, biogenetic, and acquired
anomalies associated with each disorder are explored, brain-related disorders can be altered with appropri-
including the effects on the cognitive, perceptual, ate educational, behavioral, pharmacological, and
attentional, and memory functions. Finally, the im- psychosocial interventions. Thus, although biogenetic
pact of neuropsychological and environmental fac- factors influence neurodevelopment and brain func-
tors on the child's academic, behavioral, and psycho- tioning in children and adolescents, this relationship
logical development is explored. Implications for can be influenced in meaningful ways.
Writing this book was an exhilarating experience in friend. His research has advanced the field of child
much the same way that finishing a marathon is-in neuropsychology in too many ways to mention here.
the beginning it seemed like such a good idea, in the His body of work serves as a model of the excellence
middle we forgot what was so great about the half- to which we all aspire.
brained idea in the first place, and in the end we for- Finally, my family andfriendshave been forgiv-
got how long it had taken to reach the finish line. But ing of my "too busy to come" schedule that kept me
we never forgot why the goal was worth pursuing. away from summer visits to Connecticut and longer
Our interest in children and adolescents, particularly Christmas breaks. Your love and support was really a
those with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatry godsend.
disorders, was the driving force behind this project. P.A.T.
A desire to understand and to articulate this under-
standing to others was paramount. There were so I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to Anne
many children and families who brought the theory Teeter, my co-author, for introducing me to neuro-
and research to life, who made the face of neurologi- psychology and encouraging the development of my
cally based disorders so real and poignant. We will career. I would also like to acknowledge my debt to
always remember your courage and dignity. We George Hynd, Dennis Norman, Pauline Filipek,
learned so much from all of you. Ronald Steingard and Joseph Biederman for my re-
My own process of understanding has evolved over search potential and understanding of child neuro-
the years and has been shaped by a number of people. psychology. I am most indebted to my husband, John
Many friends and colleagues have influenced my Clikeman, for making the many moves to advance
thinking about brainbehavior relationships in chil- my career, for supporting me through dark days, and
dren. I must acknowledge my co-author, Margaret for always being my first and foremost cheerleader.
Semrud-Clikeman. She has been a true collaborator M.S.-C.
and friend. Her research has been informative and
serves as a solid contribution to our knowledge about We both owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Sharon
the neuropsychological foundations of dyslexia and Murphy, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
ADHD. I thank her for the many hours she spent on Chicago, for her helpful comments and suggestions
this project and for her sense of humor on those te- during early drafts of the book. We would like to thank
dious rewrites and hours spent on Medline. Marilyn Budhl, our graphics artist, for her wonderful
There are many others who contributed to my pro- and detailed drawings of the brain. Our editor, Mylan
fessional development, including Bill Gibson, who Jaixen, also deserves thanks for his patience when
taught me so much about neuroanatomy, neurophysi- we were past our deadlines, and for his encourage-
ology, and neurodevelopment; John Obrzut, who ment to develop this project in the first place. Mylan
demonstrated the power and elegance of pursuing a passed the baton to Carla Daves, who helped us
line of research to answer those basic questions about through the final stages of editing. We thank her for
how children learn; and Philip Smith, who provided her assistance. Finally, our thanks are extended to
his research and statistical experience to many Judy Ashkenaz for her meticulous editing and help-
projects. George Hynd has been both a mentor and a ful comments.


THEORETICAL ORIENTATION: interventions consider the child's functional neuro-

AN INTEGRATED PARADIGM psychological status.
Child neuropsychology is the study of brain function
and behavior in children and adolescents. Because EMERGENCE OF
brain functioning has a direct impact on the behav- CHILD CLINICAL
ioral, cognitive, and psychosocial adjustment of chil- NEUROPSYCHOLOGY
dren and adolescents, disorders must be addressed
within an integrated model of child clinical Child clinical neuropsychology has emerged as an
neuropsychology. Further, the development of the cen- important theoretical, empirical, and methodological
tral nervous system (CNS) and the neurodevelopmental perspective for understanding and treating develop-
course of childhood disorders are of importance within mental, psychiatric, psychosocial, and learning dis-
an integrated framework. orders in children and adolescents. Although a rela-
Clinical child neuropsychologists study develop- tively young science, child clinical neuropsychology
mental disorders, such as dyslexia (Obrzut & Hynd, has been significantly advanced by the use of medi-
1991; Hynd & Cohen, 1983; Hynd, Marshall, & cal technologies including magnetic resonance im-
Semrud-Clikeman, 1991) and pervasive developmen- aging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET),
tal disorders (Kinney, Woods, & Yurgelun-Todd, computerized tomography scans (CAT), and regional
1986; Ritvo et al., 1990); psychiatric disorders in- cerebral blood flow (rCBF) (Hynd & Willis, 1988).
cluding attention deficit hyperactivity (Hynd, Semrud- The potential for employing functional magnetic reso-
Clikeman, Lorys, Novey, & Eliopulos, 1990; Hynd, nance imaging techniques (fMRI) for investigating
Hern, et al., 1993), obsessive-compulsive (Luxenberg brain activity by monitoring regional changes in blood
et al., 1988), and conduct disorders (Weintraub & flow in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Mesulam, 1983); traumatic brain injury (Brown, also appears promising. In 1988, Lewis Judd, the di-
Chadwick, Shaffer, Rutter, & Traub, 1981); acquired rector ofthe National Institute of Mental Health, stated
disorders as a result of exposure to teratogenic sub- that 95% of what we know about the brainbehavior
stances such as alcohol, cocaine, lead, and radiation relationship had been discovered in the preceding five
(Cook & Leventhal, 1992); and other neurological years, primarily as a result of the medical technology
disorders including seizure (Huttenlocher & Hapke, available in the brain sciences (Yudofsky & Hales,
1990) and Tourette syndrome (Cohen, Shaywitz, 1992).
Caparulo, et al, 1978; Comings, 1990). Studies rou- The study of the brainbehavior relationship has
tinely have identified the importance of intact func- been revolutionized by these medical technologies.
tional cortical and subcortical systems in the overall Many psychiatric disorders of childhood once thought
adjustment of children and adolescents. Further, to be mental or functional in nature (Yudofsky &
researchers have recently begun to address specific Hales, 1992), and behavioral disorders presumed to
strategies for treating various brain-related disorders. be related to noncontingent reinforcement systems and
Initial results suggest reason to be optimistic when other environmental factors (Gresham & Gansle,


1992) have been found to have a neurodevelopmental ment of cortical structures and related behaviors that
or neurochemical basis. emerge in the child is important to ascertain the in-
For example, children and adolescents with atten- tactness of the child's development and to assess fur-
tion deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) may have ther the impact of the environment (i.e., enrichment,
dysfunction in alternate cortical pathways depending instructional opportunities, and intervention strate-
on the primary behavioral manifestations of the dis- gies) on this process. This book incorporates theo-
order, such as overarousal, uninhibited, or cognitive ries and researchfindingsfromdiverse fields, includ-
deficits (Hunt, Lau, & Ryu, 1991; Hunt, Mandl, Lau, ing the neurosciences, neurobiology, behavioral
& Hughes, 1991). Further, the presumed central ner- neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, cognitive
vous system dysfunction attributed to reading disabili- and developmental psychology, social and family
ties in some children (Hynd & Cohen, 1983; Obrzut systems psychology, and behavioral psychology.
& Hynd, 1986) has been traced to specific cortical Thus, an integrated neurodevelopmental framework
regions in the left hemisphere that mediate phonemic serves to inform clinical approaches for the study and
awareness and linguistic-semantic processing treatment of childhood and adolescent disorders.
(Galaburda & Kemper, 1979; Obrzut & Hynd, 1991; In this book, child clinical neuropsychology in-
Semrud-Clikeman, Hynd, Novey, & Eliopulos, 1991). corporates theories, approaches, and interventions that
The manner in which disturbances are approached address the brainbehavior relationship in select
has been revolutionized by neuroscience and medi- neurodevelopmental, acquired, and neuropsychiatric
cal technologies, such that any serious study of de- disorders of childhood and adolescence. A transac-
velopmental problems must consider neuropsycho- tional perspective is advanced to illustrate the follow-
logical theories, methodologies, and empirical find- ing: (1) how abnormalities or complications in brain
ings if the science of childhood and adolescent disor- development interact with environmental factors in
ders is to be advanced. Child clinical neuropsychology various childhood disorders; (2) how disorders de-
can be formulated and articulated within an integra- velop over time depending on the nature and severity
tive perspective for the study and treatment of child of neuropsychological impairment; and (3) how
and adolescent disorders. By addressing brain func- neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric, and acquired
tions and the environmental influences inherent in disorders (i.e., traumatic injury) need to be assessed
complex human behaviors, such as thinking, feeling, and treated within an integrated clinical protocol ad-
reasoning, planning, and inhibiting, clinicians can dressing neuropsychological, cognitive, psychosocial,
begin to meet more adequately the needs of children and environmental factors. In summary, this book pre-
with severe learning, psychiatric, developmental, and sents child clinical neuropsychology within an integrated
acquired disorders. framework, incorporating behavioral, psychosocial, cog-
A neurodevelopmental perspective is necessary for nitive, and environmental factors into a comprehensive
a better understanding of childhood disorders for sev- model for the assessment and treatment ofbrain-related
eral reasons: (1) the influence of developing brain disorders in children and adolescents.
structures on mental development is sequential and
predictable; (2) the effects of brain injury in children PERSPECTIVES FOR THE
have been documented by numerous studies; (3) the STUDY OF CHILDHOOD
nature and persistence of learning problems is depen-
dent on an interaction between dysfunctional and in-
tact neurological systems; and (4) the developing Theoretical orientations have often been pitted one
brain is highly vulnerable to numerous genetic and/ against another-"medical" versus "behavioral,"
or environmental conditions that can result in severe "within-child" versus "environmental," "neuro-
disorders of childhood (Hooper & Boyd, 1986). More- psychological" versus "psychoeducational." Further,
over, attention to the scope and sequence of develop- some have adopted one approach over others in an

attempt to describe and treat childhood disorders. 5. It provides a means for early prediction and treat-
Although each orientation provides slightly, or in ment of reading disabilities (Felton & Brown,
some cases significantly, different perspectives about 1991).
childhood disorders, research that compares orienta-
tions often oversimplifies the complexity and dynamic Gaddes and ^dgell (1994) state that "All behav-
interaction inherent in many disorders of childhood ior-including cognitive processes, which are essen-
(Gaddes & Edgell, 1994). Various theoretical orien- tially psychological-is mediated by the brain and
tations to be considered for clinical child study will central nervous system and their integrated and sup-
be discussed briefly and will be integrated through- porting physiological systems" (p. 473). Although this
out the text whenever possible. An integrated para- statement seems abundantly obvious, the exact na-
digm serves as the foundation of our conceptualization ture of brain functioning and behavior is complex,
of clinical child neuropsychology. and our knowledge is incomplete, particularly con-
Teeter and Semrud-Clikeman (1995) assert that di- cerning the developing brain. Gaddes and Edgell
verse perspectives should be integrated for a com- (1994) argue that this should not deter us from con-
prehensive approach to neurodevelopmental disorders sidering child neuropsychology or lead us to ignore
and for the advancement of the science of childhood what we do know about the developing brain when
psychopathology. To conduct a comprehensive child investigating and treating childhood disorders. Al-
study, clinicians need to incorporate various paradigms. though behavioral psychologists argue that
Child clinical neuropsychology is then viewed as one neuropsychology diverts attention from behavioral
essential feature to consider when assessing and treat- techniques with documented treatment validity
ing childhood and adolescent disorders. Differential di- (Gresham & Gansle, 1992; Reschly & Gresham,
agnosis, developmental course, and intervention efficacy 1989), clinical child neuropsychologists utilize tech-
should be explored utilizing psychosocial, cognitive, be- niques that consider the interaction of psychosocial,
havioral, and neuropsychological paradigms. environmental, neurocognitive, biogenetic, and neu-
rochemical aspects of behaviors in an effort to un-
derstand more fully the relationship between physi-
Neuropsychological Paradigm ological and psychological systems, and frequently
Neuropsychology is the study of brainbehavior rela- incorporate these same behavioral techniques.
tionships and assumes a causal relationship between the Although neuropsychological approaches provide
two variables (Obrzut & Hynd, 1990). Neuropsychology useful information for understanding and treating
offers the following advantages for child study: childhood disorders, they should not be employed to
the exclusion of other theories or methods of assess-
1. It is a well-established science with knowledge rel- ment (Gaddes & Edgell, 1994). Behavioral, psycho-
evant to childhood disorders (Gaddes & Edgell, social, and cognitive variables also should be ad-
1994). dressed in a comprehensive child clinical study. Criti-
2. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting cal aspects of each of these paradigms will be re-
that "behavior and neurology are inseparable" viewed briefly in the following sections.
(Hynd & Willis, 1988, p. 5).
3. It provides a means for studying the long-term
sequelae of head injury in children (Goldstein &
Behavioral Paradigm
Levin, 1990). Behavioral approaches have long been recognized for
4. It provides a means for investigating abnormali- their utility in assessing and treating childhood and
ties in brain function that increase theriskfor psy- adolescent disorders (Kratochwill & Bergan, 1990;
chiatric disorders in children (Tramontana & Shapiro, 1989; Shinn, 1989). Analysis of the ante-
Hooper, 1989). cedents and consequences of behaviors is an essen-

tial feature of behavioral approaches with attention sociated with right-hemisphere dysfunction (i.e., non-
to the impact of the environment on the understand- verbal learning disabilities syndrome) can be identi-
ing and remediation of learning and behavioral diffi- fied with common neuropsychological measures and
culties in children (Shapiro, 1989). Assessment and can be remediated with specific behavioral and cog-
intervention techniques in a behavioral paradigm are nitive approaches.
closely related and often occur simultaneously. For Some behavioral psychologists argue that knowl-
example, a functional analysis of behavior is ongo- edge about the neuropsychological substrates of child-
ing assessment of the efficacy of a treatment plan hood disorders is not necessary for designing effec-
(Kratochwill & Plunge, 1992). Within this perspec- tive treatment plans (Gresham & Gansle, 1992). Oth-
tive, behaviors are targeted for analysis, and subse- ers encourage the use of drug treatments and ignore
quent treatment plans are developed to address areas environmental factors contributing to childhood dis-
of concern. orders (Schmitt, 1975). Although the accumulated
Although some might suggest that behavioral and body of research is limited regarding specific types
neuropsychological approaches are mutually exclu- of behavioral therapies or techniques to utilize with
sive, important information may be lost about a child various brain injuries (Lovell & Starratt, 1992), there
when these two approaches are not integrated (Teeter is a growing literature to support the practice of inte-
& Semrud-Clikeman, 1993). The integration of be- grating these perspectives with various neurologically
havioral assessment and intervention into a clinical based childhood disorders (Semrud-Clikeman &
neuropsychological paradigm is an important aspect Hynd, & 1991b; Rourke et al., 1983; Teeter &
for developing ecologically valid treatment programs Semrud-Clikeman, 1995). Further, behavioral inter-
of children and adolescents with brain-related disor- ventions arefrequentlyincorporated in treatment pro-
ders (Horton & Puente, 1986). Behavioral factors that grams for children with disorders known to have a
interact with neuropsychological functioning include: central nervous system basis, including learning dis-
effects of malnutrition on the developing brain abilities (Wong, 1991), attention deficit hyperactiv-
(Cravioto & Arrieta, 1983); effects of parental care ity disorders (Pelham, 1993a), and traumatic brain
and early stimulation on the developing brain; the injury (Deaton, 1990).
impact of environmental demands on the child (e.g., Psychosocial and cognitive factors are also con-
school, home, and peer/family interactions) when sidered in an integrated clinical neuropsychological
making predictions about recoveryfrombrain impair- model for studying and treating childhood disorders.
ment (Rourke, Bakker, Fisk, & Strang, 1983); The importance of these nonneurologic factors will
"psychosocial adversity, family reactions, and pre- be discussed briefly in the following section.
accident behavior or temperamental features" on the
development of psychiatric disorders following brain Psychosocial and Cognitive
injury (Rutter, Chadwick, & Shaffer, 1983, p. 103);
and interventions that facilitate recovery after brain
injury (Gray & Dean, 1989). The fact that various neurodevelopmental, psychiat-
Horton and Puente (1986) argue that there is suf- ric, and behavioral disorders have associated psycho-
ficient evidence that behavioral techniques are effec- social and cognitive deficits increases the importance
tive with brain-injured and learning-disabled children. of investigating these features in child clinical
However, they suggest that more research beyond neuropsychological assessment and of addressing
single case reports is needed to determine whether these deficits in treatment programs. The relationship
neuropsychological assessment can be useful for se- among cognitive functioning, psychosocial charac-
lecting specific behavioral treatments. Rourke (1989) teristics, and neuropsychological deficits for various
also provides evidence that deficits (social/emotional, childhood disorders is multidirectional or transac-
cognitive, adaptational, behavioral, and academic) as- tional in nature. In some instances neuropsychological

functioning may help to explain many of the behav- ADHD can produce persistent social isolation and that
ioral, cognitive, and psychosocial deficits found in it has been found in adults after major symptoms of
childhood disorders such as ADHD and dyslexia hyperactivity are no longer present (Weiss &
(Semrud-Clikeman & Hynd, 1993; Teeter & Semrud- Hechtman, 1986). Reports of depression (75%), ju-
Clikeman, 1995). In other instances cognitive and/or venile delinquency (23% to 45%), and alcoholism
psychosocial features, such as premorbid intelligence, (27%) in older ADHD individuals further suggest the
language and reasoning abilities, and/or social-emo- limiting influences of this biogenetic disorder on
tional adjustment, have an impact on the recovery of psychosocial adjustment even into adolescence and
functions following traumatic brain injury in children adulthood (Barkley, 1989).
and adolescents (Bigler, 1990). Children and adolescents with ADHD also have
The relationship between brain morphology and associated cognitive disturbances that are severe and
activity on cognitive and psychosocial functioning has chronic in nature. For example, school failure
been investigated in children with neuropsychiatric (Barkley, 1990), academic underachievement, and
disorders, including ADHD. Apparently brain-related learning disabilities (Epstein, Shaywitz, Shaywitz, &
ADHD symptoms-inattention, overactivity, poor Woolston, 1992; Lambert & Sandoval, 1980; Semrud-
impulse control, and behavioral disinhibition-often Clikeman, Biederman, et al., 1992) arefrequentlyre-
result in significant social and peer difficulties (Hynd, ported in children and adolescents with ADHD; and
Lorys, et al., 1991). Moreover, children with ADHD few adolescents with ADHD complete college
frequently experience learning disabilities (Semrud- (Barkley, 1990). Difficulties in self-regulation and re-
Clikeman, Biederman, et al., 1992), depression sponse inhibition may result in academic decline, de-
(Biederman et al., 1992), and anxiety (Steingard, creases in verbal intelligence, and related psychosocial
Biederman, Doyle, & Sprich-Buckminster, 1992). problems (Barkley, 1994). Thus, basic neurochemi-
Thus, the impact of abnormal brain functioning can cal and neuropsychological abnormalities interact
be quite profound and broad-reaching in terms of the with social, psychological, and behavioral factors to
child's overall functional picture. Further, stimulants create significant adjustment problems for children
that are known to modify the neurochemical activity with ADHD.
of the brain appear to have positive impact on cogni- There are several distinct neurophysiological and
tive and social functioning in the majority of chil- neuroanatomical findings that may be related to the
dren with ADHD. associated psychosocial and cognitive problems found
Deficits in regulation, planning, and organization in children and adolescents with ADHD, including
skills have been found to have a negative impact on the following: (1) underactivation or hypoarousal of
the social and emotional adjustment of children and the reticular activating system (RAS), a subcortical
adolescents with ADHD. For example, children with region that activates the cortex (Klove, 1989); (2)
ADHD are characterized as noncompliant and rebel- subtle anatomical differences in the right caudate
lious (Johnston & Pelham, 1986) and are often de- nucleus (near the lateral ventricles) (Filipek, Semrud-
scribed as rigid, domineering, irritating, and annoy- Clikeman, et al., in press), and the frontal lobes
ing in social situations (Milich & Landau, 1989). Peer (Hynd, Hern, Voeller, & Marshall, 1991; Semrud-
rejection is also common among children with ADHD Clikeman, Filipek, et al., 1994); or (3) smaller genu
(Hynd, Lorys, Semrud-Clikeman, et al., 1991), par- and/or splenium in the corpus callosum (Hynd,
ticularly when aggression is present (Milich & Semrud-Clikeman, et al., 1991; Semrud-Clikeman,
Landau, 1989). The extent to which these social out- Filipek, et al., 1994). Right-hemisphere structures
comes are related to impulsivity, distractibility, and also appear to be involved in the regulation of atten-
disinhibition, which have been found to have a neu- tion (Riccio, Hynd, Cohen, & Gonzalez, 1993; Semrud-
robiological basis, need to be explored within an in- Clikeman, Filipek, et al., 1994; Voeller, 1995).
tegrated paradigm. What appears evident is that Lou, Henriksen, and Bruhn (1984) found that chil-

dren with ADHD displayed hypoperfusion of the me- bances and to develop treatment programs for child-
sialfrontalregions, particularly in the white matter. hood disorders such as ADHD, dyslexia, and other
Thefrontalcortex has been shown to modulate mo- learning disabilities. Psychiatric disorders such as
tor output, to organize and execute goal-directed be- anxiety and depression also may need to be investi-
havior, and to inhibit responding (Kolb & Whishaw, gated from a neuropsychological perspective. Once
1985). Frontal lobe arousal apparently occurs when neuropsychological status is assessed, the interaction
methylphenidate is administered. Once activated, the of environmental-behavioral, psychosocial, and cog-
frontal lobes exert a regulatory influence over sub- nitive factors can then be more fully explored.
cortical and cortical regions of the brain that ultimately
monitors motor activity and distractibility (Heilman,
Voeller, & Nadeau, 1991). Further, thefrontallobes Transactional Paradigm
have been found to be underactivated in ADHD par- To date, a transactional neuropsychological paradigm
ents who also have ADHD children (Zametkin et al., has not been studied systematically across different
1990). Barkley (1994) has argued that ADHD is not types of childhood psychopathology. Emerging lit-
an attentional disorder but, rather, a disorder of dys- erature suggests that this is a promising endeavor for
regulation. Thus, specific symptoms of ADHD (i.e., studying learning disabilities, ADHD, traumatic head
response disinhibition and poor self-regulation), are injury, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. This
likely a result of impairment in executive functions text discusses the neuropsychological correlates of
mediated by thefrontalcortex (Barkley, 1994). psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and acquired (e.g.,
While various neuropsychological functional sys- traumatic brain injury) disorders of childhood; the
tems are involved, children with learning disabilities neurodevelopmental course of these disorders; and
(LD) also exhibit psychosocial and cognitive deficits the impact of moderator variables such as cognitive,
that may be related to underlying neural mechanisms. social, and behavioral aspects on the overall adjust-
Nussbaum, Bigler, and Koch (1986) suggest that LD ment of children and adolescents with various disor-
children with low verbal skills and intact visual-spa- ders. The extent to which neuropsychological weak-
tial abilities tend to have high rates of depression. nesses limit cognitive and psychosocial adjustment
Nussbaum et al. (1986) postulate that the unique pat- or change across different age ranges will be explored
tern of neuropsychological deficits observed in this within a transactional model.
subgroup of LD children may further exacerbate per- In isolation, neuropsychological approaches have
sonality and behavioral adjustment. Further, children limitations in terms of definitive answers about the
with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD), presumed relationship between brain dysfunction and the cog-
to result from right-hemisphere dysfunction, tend to nitive, psychosocial, and behavioral characteristics of
have high rates of suicide (Bigler, 1989a; Rourke, childhood disorders because this is a relatively young
Young, & Leenaars, 1989; Semrud-Clikeman & science. Within a transactional model, however, it is
Hynd, 1991b). Rourke (1989) suggests that poor so- possible to investigate how intact versus impaired
cial interaction skills, inappropriate verbal inter- functional neuropsychological systems interact with
changes, and poor social adjustment are a result of and limit cognitive-intellectual and psychosocial ad-
underlying neuropsychological assets and deficits justment in children and adolescents. This text
found in children with NLD. presents a transactional model of child clinical
Investigating data across divergent paradigms neuropsychology.
makes it possible to build an integrated model for In a transactional model, basic biogenetic and en-
understanding, assessing, and treating children and vironmental factors, including prenatal and postnatal
adolescents with various disorders. Child clinical toxins or insults, influence the development and matu-
neuropsychology can serve as a vehicle for an inte- ration of the central nervous system. This relation-
grated assessment to determine the nature of distur- ship is depicted in Figure 1.1. Subcortical and corti-

Background and Developmental History

Environmental Factors
Biogenetic Factors Prenatal/postnatal toxins
Chromosomal Abnormalities or insult
Temperament Birth complications

CNS Development & Maturation

Bidirectional Cortical Structures
Subcortical Structures Feedback Mechanisms Frontal Regions
Reticular Activating System Temporal Regions
Thalamic Regions Parietal Regions
y * Occipital Regions
Association Regions

Intellectual, Cognitive, & Perceptual Capacity

Verbal Intelligence Reasoning & Abstraction
Nonverbal Intelligence Visual Processing
Auditory & Phonological
Memory & Short-term Retrieval

Academic, Behavioral, & Psychosocial Manifestations

Home Environment Social Environment School/classroom Environment
Parental psychopathology Peer rejection Expectations
Parenting styles Peer acceptance Teaching styles
Socioeconomic resources Availability of reinforcers
Psychosocial support

Figure 1.1. Transactional Neuropsychological Model for Understanding Childhood and Adolescent Disorders

cal regions have a bidirectional influence on various skills and stresses experienced in the child's life.
neural functional systems affecting the intellectual and Sameroff and Emde (1989) further state that psycho-
perceptual capacity of the child. These functional sys- pathology should be understood not only in terms of
tems ultimately interact with and influence the ex- the child's ability to cope or not cope with situations
pression of various behavioral, psychological, and but also in relation to the "continuity of ordered or
cognitive manifestations of childhood disorders. So- disordered experience across time interacting with an
cial, family, and school environments also interact in individual's unique biobehavioral characteristics" (pp.
mutually influential ways to exacerbate childhood dis- 2021). SamerofFs developmental approach attempts
orders or to facilitate compensatory or coping skills to identify the variables that impact the child's or-
in the individual child. ganization of his or her experience into a method
Sameroff and colleagues (1975, 1989) have hy- of adaptation. Such adaptation may or may not be
pothesized that behavioral and biological function- efficient or "healthy" but can be viewed as the
ing needs to be incorporated into a model for devel- child's attempt to achieve self-stabilization
opmental regulation. In other words, biological vul- (Sameroff & Emde, 1989). In such a paradigm, the
nerabilities influence and are influenced by coping individual reacts to both internal and external en-

vironments as he or she attempts to make his or her or biogenetically based disorders. For some childhood
way in the world. disorders, psychopharmacological therapy can also
In our transactional model, Sameroff s theory of a be beneficial. The important point to emphasize is
biobehavioral interaction plays a major role. The that brainbehavior relationships are dynamic and
transactional model presented in this text assumes a fluid, and this dynamic transaction should be investi-
dynamic interaction among the biogenetic, gated in the clinical assessment and treatment of child-
neuropsychological, environmental, cognitive, and hood disorders. Thus, an integrated model will be used
psychosocial systems. Further, biogenetic forces throughout this book as a method to inform neuro-
shape the child's experiences and are most predomi- psychological assessment and intervention.
nant during embryogenesis and early infancy
(Sameroff& Emde, 1989). As the child becomes more
independent, he or she begins to experience influences NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
from the social as well as the cultural environment. PERSPECTIVES ON
In turn, the child's basic temperament also interacts
with the social environment and causes changes in
that environment. For example, an infant or toddler INTERVENTION
who is "easy" to manage will fare reasonably well Child clinical neuropsychological assessment origi-
with a caregiver (parent) regardless of the parent's nally focused on identifying the presence or absence
temperamental characteristics (i.e., calm or disrup- of brain damage in individuals, comparing cognitive
tive). In contrast, a more "difficult," fussy, demand- differences among children and adults following in-
ing infant or toddler will not mesh well with a jury, and determining the specific type and nature of
caregiver who is also fussy and demanding (Scarr & cognitive deficits associated with brain damage (Boll
McCartney, 1983). This same "difficult" infant would & Barth, 1981). During this phase, the search for a
be more likely to prosper under the care of a parent single item or test to localize and lateralize brain dam-
with an even temperament. The "difficult""difficult" age was ofprimary importance (Lezak, 1994). A func-
dyad will interact in mutually unsatisfactory ways. tional organizational approach to child clinical
This parentchild interaction may be characterized neuropsychology is recommended by others, with the
as distant and nonreinforcing, which is more likely emphasis placed on assessment of the sequence and
to result in attachment or bonding problems. In this rate of skill development and on the measurement of
manner, the child's constitutional temperament forms how disabilities interfere with and disrupt normal de-
a template on which psychopathology develops or is velopment (Fletcher & Taylor, 1984). Further, psy-
forestalled. By contrast, a "difficult" child"easy" chological tests arefrequentlybeing used in conjunc-
parent match may be advantageous in that the parent tion with more direct measures of brain function, such
can help reduce the adverse affects of the child's in- as MRI and CT scans, in cases involving traumatic
born biological tendencies. So, although parental brain injury or tumor processes (Hynd, 1988).
caretaking may not change the biological tendencies Trends in neuropsychological assessment with
of the child, it may buffer biological vulnerabilities children and adolescents focus on the following
(Teeter, in preparation). variables:
While our transactional model acknowledges the
role of the developing nervous system, it also recog- 1. Neuropsychology distinguishes behaviors that are
nizes that severe childhood disturbances are not nec- considered to be within a normal developmental
essarily inevitable. Appropriate psychosocial, cogni- frameworkfromthose considered to be alterations
tive, and/or educational interventions, in conjunction of the central nervous system given the child's so-
with changes in the ecological systems of the child cial-environmental context (Hynd, 1988).
(i.e., home, school, and social environment) can re- 2. Neuropsychology seeks to identify and explain the
duce the negative effects of many neuropsychological various learning deficits or disorders that are as-

sociated with impaired brain function (Obrzut & several fallacies that now exist in the field. Fletcher
Hynd, 1991). and Taylor (1984) point out the danger in: (1) assum-
3. Neuropsychology is concerned with evaluating the ing that signs of adult brain-related disorders are simi-
neurodevelopmental course of specific subtypes lar for children; (2) assuming that tests designed for
of learning disabilities to improve early identifi- adults measure the same skills in children; (3) assum-
cation and intervention (Rourke, 1989). ing that specific behavioral deficits are direct reflec-
4. Neuropsychologists monitor the recovery of func- tions of brain disease or damage; and (4) assuming
tion following brain injury and neurosurgery, and that behavioral deficits represent brain impairment
measure the effects of possible deterioration of or deviancy on some clear continuum.
function associated with degenerative brain dis- In an effort to avoid these fallacies, Fletcher and
eases (Chadwick & Rutter, 1983). Taylor (1984) describe a procedure for conceptualiz-
5. Neuropsychologists focus on understanding the ing developmental neuropsychology. The basic
cognitive, behavioral, intellectual, attentional, mo- postulates of this model, termed the functional orga-
toric, memory, and personality deficits associated nization approach, emphasize the significance of
with traumatic brain injury (Bigler, 1990). dividing the behavioral characteristics of developmen-
6. Neuropsychology investigates the psychiatric dis- tal disorders into those that form the basis of the dis-
orders of children with severe neurological disor- ability and identifying those deficits that are corre-
ders (Tramontana & Hooper, 1989). lated with the disability. One should also consider how
7. Neuropsychology assists in the design of moderator variables, including environmental and
remediation programs, particularly when used social factors, influence the basic competencies and
within an integrated clinicalframework(Sohlberg disabilities of the child where the central nervous sys-
& Mateer, 1989). tem is viewed as one of several influences. Questions
in child clinical neuropsychology begin to focus on
Therefore, this book advances the perspective that the sequence in which skills are developed, the rate
clinical neuropsychological assessment should be at which skills are developed, and the ways these skills
comprehensive enough to answer referral questions change at each developmental stage. Further, Fletcher
while integrating the behavioral, cognitive-intellec- and Taylor (1984) suggest a need to focus on how
tual, psychosocial, and environmental variables within disabilities interfere with or disrupt normal develop-
a developmental framework. In a multidisciplinary ment, rather than on identifying which brain areas
setting these areas arefrequentlyevaluated by vari- are deficient.
ous professionals. In other settings, the child clinical Early attempts at utilizing a developmental model
neuropsychologist is responsible for evaluating all of for investigating childhood learning disorders have
these variables. In both cases, a comprehensive evalu- shown promise. For example, Satz and Sparrow
ation addresses the main referral question while also (1970) found a relationship between the types of tests
screening for additional explanations for the child's used and the discriminatory power of the tests based
areas of concern. Regardless of who actually conducts on the developmental age of the child with reading
the evaluation of psychosocial, educational, and fam- disabilities. Younger and older children show differ-
ily systems problems, the child clinical neuro- ent patterns of disabilities in such a way that those
psychologist will consider these results when formu- skills developing earlier are deficient for younger
lating diagnostic and intervention plans. children, whereas skills developing at a later age tend
to be impaired in older children. For example, younger
children tended to show deficits in visual-perceptual,
Neurodevelopmental Framework visual-motor, and directional-spatial skills, whereas
for Child Neuropsychology language based and reasoning deficits appeared more
Fletcher and Taylor (1984) provide a theoretical foun- prominent in older children. Consequently, a lag in
dation for child clinical neuropsychology and describe early skills may be overcome, and lags in skills that

are more complex and develop at later ages may be- ment procedures have been used for identifying chil-
come obvious in older children. Others have shown dren with early learning problems. Recent evidence
that specific patterns of cognitive and neuro- suggests that remediation can be successful for read-
psychological abilities and deficits vary with age in ing-disabled children with phonemic awareness defi-
learning-disabled groups (Fletcher, Taylor, Morris, & cits (Cunningham, 1990; Korkman & Peltomaa,
Satz, 1982; Morris, Blashfield, & Satz, 1986). Still 1993); however, Torgesen (1991b) suggests that chil-
others have shown that reading difficulties are asso- dren with phonological core deficits are more resis-
ciated with early language-related deficits (i.e., pho- tant to intervention than other children with reading
nemic awareness deficits) that are highly responsive problems. Tallal et al. (1996) also report that chil-
to early interventions (Cunningham, 1989, 1990). dren with linguistic or cognitive impairments show
Thesefindingshave implications both for assessment remarkable progress in language comprehension
and for treatment. when the rate of acoustic stimuli is modified using
computer programs. Rourke (1989) also found that
Rationale for an Integrated children who display arithmetic disabilities have dis-
tinct neuropsychological strengths and weaknesses
Neuropsychological Model that are responsive to treatment. Understanding the
An integrated neuropsychological paradigm is rec- nature of the neuropsychological features underlying
ommended for making accurate clinical diagnoses, specific childhood disorders allows the developmen-
for determining the course and prognosis, and for de- tal course of the disorder to be described and treatment
signing treatment interventions for childhood and ado- planning to be enhanced. Emerging literature suggests
lescent disorders. Adherence to a single theoretical that for some learning disorders, the adverse affects of
perspective or the adoption of one paradigm to the neurodevelopmental abnormalities can be altered with
exclusion of others leads to missed opportunities for effective and highly specific early intervention.
more fully understanding the nature of complex hu- Second, the nature and severity of traumatic brain
man behaviors in children (Teeter & Semrud- injury are related to cognitive, psychosocial, and ad-
Clikeman, 1995). Comprehensive clinical practice, justment problems in children (Berg, 1986). Approxi-
accurate diagnosis, and effective intervention rely on mately 1 million children a year sustain brain inju-
an integrated perspective. Further, educational pro- ries, with about 20% requiring hospitalization (Eiben
gramming, psychosocial interventions, and psychop- et al., 1984). Careful evaluation and monitoring of
harmacological regimes must be multifaceted to be these children is imperative, and recent federal legis-
most effective for many childhood disorders. lation recognizes traumatic brain injury as a special
There are several reasons that an integrated ap- education need. Nearly 50% of children with severe
proach is necessary when assessing and treating child brain injury have been found to develop new psychi-
and adolescent disorders. First, research demonstrates atric disturbances postinjury, and related behavioral
that neurodevelopmental deficits identified in young problems persist long after cognitive deficits improve
children are associated with later learning disabili- (Brown, Chadwick, Schaffher, Rutter, & Traub,
ties and adjustment problems (Berninger, 1990). In 1981). Further, social disinhibition isfrequentlyob-
some cases a fairly predictable course of development served in children with closed head injuries. Even mild
can be anticipated when specific neurocognitive defi- head injuries can result in various cognitive difficul-
cits are present, including nonverbal learning disorders ties, including grade retention, underachievement, and
(Rowke, 1989), verbal-language-related reading disabili- in some cases increased need for special education or
ties (Pirrozolo, 1981), phonemic awareness deficits resource support (Bigler, 1990). Knowing the
(Stanovich, 1986), and impaired temporal processing neuropsychological systems involved, the level and
deficits of auditory information (Stark & Tallal, 1988). degree of injury, the pervasive nature of the injury,
Neuropsychological and neurocognitive assess- and the developmental course of the injury is impera-

tive to successful rehabilitation and reintegration into Table 1.1. Guidelines for Doctoral Training
the school, social, and familial milieu for the child or in Neuropsychology
adolescent with head injuries. Education
Third, converging data suggest that many psychi- May be accomplished through a Ph.D. program in Clinical
Neuropsychology offered by a psychology department or
atric disorders have a biochemical basis, and some medical facility or through completion of a Ph.D. program in a
require psychopharmacological therapy in conjunc- related specialty (e.g., clinical psychology) that offers sufficient
tion with more traditional behavioral and psychosocial specialization in clinical neuropsychology.
interventions. Many childhood disorders are chronic Required Core
in nature and severely limit the long-term adjustment A. Generic psychology core:
of children. There is a growing need to utilize an in- 1. Statistics and methodology
2. Learning, cognition, and perception
tegrated model so that presenting problems and the 3. Social psychology and personality
core features of disorders can be understood in rela- 4. Physiological psychology
tionship to biological indices (Ewing-Cobbs & 5. Life span development
6. History
Fletcher, 1990). Further, the extent to which non-
neurological/environmental moderator variables in- B. Generic clinical core:
fluence this interaction is also of interest. Ewing- 1. Psychopathology
2. Psychometric theory
Cobbs and Fletcher (1990) suggest starting at the level 3. Interview and assessment techniques
of behavior and proceeding to the biological level of a. Interviewing
analysis to understand this complex interaction. In this b. Intellectual assessment
c. Personality assessment
manner, behavior, biology, and environment interact with 4. Intervention Techniques
resulting cognitive, social, and emotional functioning. a. Counseling and psychotherapy
b. Behavior therapy/modification
c. Consultation
5. Professional ethics
C. Neurosciences: Basic human and animal neuropsychology:
1. Basic neuroscience
Professional Training Standards 2. Advanced physiological and psychopharmacology
3. Neuropsychology of perceptual, cognitive, and
The International Neuropsychological Society (INS), executive processes
Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology) of the Ameri- 4. Research design and research practicum in neuro-
can Psychological Association (APA), and the Na-
tional Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) are D. Specific clinical neuropsychology training:
1. Clinical neuropsychology and neuropathology
major professional organizations comprising research- 2. Specialized neuropsychological assessment
ers and clinicians in neuropsychology and child techniques
neuropsychology. Professional training standards 3. Specialized neuropsychological intervention
have been of particular interest to these organizations 4. Assessment practicum with children and/or adults
in an effort to assure the expertise of those individu- 5. Clinical neuropsychology internship of 1800 hours,
als practicing clinical child neuropsychology. Table preferably in a university setting
1.1 summarizes guidelines established and endorsed Internship
by INS. The internship must devote at least 50% of a one-year full-time
Clinicians interested in becoming experts in child training experience to neuropsychology. In addition, at least
20% of the training must be devoted to general clinical training
neuropsychology should consider the recommended to ensure competent background in clinical psychology. Super-
curricula and internship standards. INS recommends visors should be board-certified clinical neuropsychologists.
Ph.D. training, with core course work in general psy-
Source: INS-APA Division 40 Guidelines for Doctoral Train-
chology, general clinical psychology, basic neuro- ing Program," Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1, 1516.
sciences, and clinical neuropsychology. Internship
guidelines specify 1800 hours, with 50% time devoted

to clinical neuropsychology, including specialization the child returns to school after brain surgery or
in neuropsychological assessment and intervention trauma. This is illustrated in the story of a child who
techniques, and clinical neurology and neuro- underwent surgery to remove a large portion of the
pathology (Hynd & Willis, 1988). left hemisphere and received intracranial irradiation
as part of his medical treatment for a brain tumor.
When the child returned to school after his surgery,
Other Professional Training Issues the educational staff were unaware of his subsequent
The guidelines described here are provided for clini- neurological status. They were unsure of how his
cians who may function as child clinical neuro- neurological status was related to his present level of
psychologists. Other professionals working with chil- academic and intellectual performance, and they did
dren and adolescents should consider different levels not know what to expect in terms of the course of
of training. Psychologists in private practice or in recovery of function for skills that were impaired.
schools as well as educational professionals, includ- Further, the school staff had little confidence in
ing diagnosticians and regular, exceptional, and re- their ability to design effective educational experi-
medial education teachers, may want to adhere to ences for the child and had little information about
guidelines suggested by Gaddes and Edgell (1994): what to expect from him in terms of psychosocial
functioning. By working with the child neurologist,
The in-depth study of the neurologically impaired the neuropsychologist, and the clinical psychologist,
learning disabled student should include a synthe- the school staff were able to develop reasonable ex-
sis of educational, psychological, social, and neu- pectations and to provide a more appropriate educa-
rological data. Such an approach is ambitious and tion for this child. When the tumor reappeared and
requires educational diagnosticians to learn some later proved fatal, school professionals, again in con-
basic neurology and neuroanatomy and a useful
body of neuropsychology, in addition to their ex- junction with the medical team, were better able to
pertise in professional education and psychology. provide the needed psychological support to the child
(p.D and his family. School staff also were able to help
peers and other school personnel deal with the un-
Others have made similar recommendations sug- timely loss of a classmate. By working in this way as
gesting that educational professionals need to become part of a collaborative team, education professionals
knowledgeable about neuropsychology and neuro- knowledgeable about brain function and recovery can
development (see Gaddes, 1980; Haak, 1989; Hynd work effectively to promote the adjustment of chil-
& Obrzut, 1981, 1986; Hynd, Quackenbush, & dren following treatment for brain tumors and other
Obrzut, 1980). diseases or injuries affecting the CNS.
Although professionals in the schools typically do In an another case, school staff were not prepared
not conduct neuropsychological evaluations (Haak, to integrate a child back into the school system fol-
1989) and are cautioned against making "diagnostic lowing severe brain injury. Medical records indicated
statements about a child's brain" (Gaddes & Edgell, that the child had suffered severe language and
1994, p. 17), there are a number of important roles memory losses following a prolonged (one-week)
that educational professionals can assume with proper coma. When the child returned to school, he was im-
knowledge about the brainbehavior relationship. mediately referred for a multidisciplinary (M-team)
First, working in teams with medical professionals, evaluation. When the school psychologist observed
education professionals can be helpful in designing the child, his language processes were significantly
educational interventions and psychosocial conditions better than described in the medical records, although
that improve the opportunity for the successful inte- he was struggling with his academic work. Further,
gration of children with severe brain injury, trauma, in discussions with the mother it became apparent
or disease (e.g., leukemia or brain tumors). Without that the family was dealing with a great deal of stress
adequate knowledge, serious problems can arise when because the child's injury was sustained during a beat-

ing from the mother's boyfriend. At the time, the Finally, by understanding the neuropsychological
mother was cooperating in a police investigation of basis of other childhood disorders, educational pro-
the incident and was unable to participate fully in the fessionals can help design and implement effective
school's attempt to evaluate her child. In this instance interventions. For example, children with phonologi-
the school staff were unsure about how to proceed in cal core deficits are at risk for developing serious read-
this complex case and needed help in determining ing deficits (Felton & Brown, 1991; Stanovich,
the best course of action for designing an educational Cunningham, & Cramer, 1984). Children with pho-
intervention plan for the child. nological core deficits are unable to access and uti-
Second, educational professionals are often the lize speechsound relationships necessary for early
front line individuals who first observe behavioral, reading. These linguistic deficits are highly resistant
psychological, and cognitive problems exhibited by to educational and remedial interventions (Wong,
children with brain-related disorders. In this position, 1991). However, specific training in phonological
knowledge about when to refer for further neuro- awareness and metacognitive strategies in preschool
psychological, neurodiagnostic, or medical evalua- and kindergarten has proved to be an effective edu-
tions is crucial for the proper diagnosis and treatment cational intervention for increasing decoding and
of some disorders (e.g. seizures, brain tumors, or reading development (Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley,
neurodegenerative diseases). 1993; Cunningham, 1989). Without systematic and
Third, early childhood specialists often play a piv- specific training, children with phonological deficits
otal role in identifying subtle neurodevelopmental dis- continue to lag seriously behind in reading despite
orders that respond positively to early intervention adequate math achievement (Torgesen, 1991b).
or in providing educational interventions for previ- The task of understanding the multiple factors af-
ously diagnosed children. A better understanding of fecting the cognitive, academic, psychosocial, and be-
various neurodevelopmental anomalies, normal and havioral development of children is challenging. In-
abnormal brain development, and effective treatments creased knowledge will require an expanded curricu-
will no doubt aid in rigorous early and effective in- lum and will no doubt be difficult to manage in rigor-
tervention programs. Early interventions are particu- ous undergraduate and graduate programs in educa-
larly important for the optimal development of some tion and psychology that are already packed with nu-
children, particularly low-birth-weight babies, infants merous course, practica, and internship requirements.
with intrauterine exposure to prenatal drugs and al- At the very least, all education professionals should
cohol, infants with congenital acquired immune de- be required to take a course in the biological basis of
ficiency syndrome (AIDS) infection, and toddlers and behavior, a requirement that APA enforces for all pro-
preschool children with significant cognitive, speech/ fessional psychology training programs. The poten-
language, and/or motor delays. tial benefits that children may reapfromcoming into
Fourth, a number of children and adolescents re- contact with educational professionals who are knowl-
ceive medication for various disorders (e.g., Tourette edgeable about neuropsychology, neurodevelopment,
syndrome, seizures, ADHD, depression, and schizo- and effective interventions for brain-related disorders
phrenia). Education professionals are in a unique po- can hardly be ignored or underestimated.
sition to provide detailed, systematic feedback to phy-
sicians and parents concerning the side effects and OVERVIEW OF
efficacy of such medications. Knowledge of common
medications and their impact on cognitive, social, and
behavioral functioning will greatly facilitate this pro- Since the purpose of this book is to provide practical
cess. A knowledgeable professional is better informed guidance to beginning child clinical neuropsychol-
about the benefits and risks of psychopharmacotherapy ogists, the remainder of the text addresses practical
and understands the need for combined psychosocial issues related to the assessment, diagnosis, and treat-
and behavioral treatments for medicated children. ment of childhood and adolescent disorders. Chapter

2 presents an overview of the functional neu- psychological perspective. Chapter 8 presents a dis-
roanatomy of neurons, subcortical regions, and cor- cussion of neurodevelopmental disorders, including
tical structures and discusses the functions of these language and articulation impairments, reading dis-
various structures. This chapter describes the stages abilities resulting from phonological core deficits,
of brain development and discusses factors affecting written language disorders, and nonverbal reading
this process. Chapter 3 reviews neuroimaging and disabilities. Select metabolic, biogenetic, seizure, and
neurophysiological procedures for assessing brain neuromotor disorders are presented in Chapter 9. Ac-
functions in children. Chapter 4 presents guidelines quired neurological disorders and diseases of child-
for making referrals for neurological and hood are reviewed in Chapter 10. Traumatic brain
neuropsychological examinations and for integrating injury, exposure to teratogenic agents (e.g., alcohol
these results with psychological assessments. Chap- and cocaine), childhood cancer, and infectious dis-
ter 5 reviews available procedures for neuro- eases including meningitis and encephalitis are dis-
psychological assessment, including the Halstead- cussed. The core characteristics of each disorder, the
Reitan batteries, the Luria-Nebraska battery, the Bos- neuropsychological correlates and the developmen-
ton Hypothesis approach, and other related tech- tal course, and the effects of neuropathology and the
niques. Aframeworkfor investigating neuropsycho- impact of moderator variables such as the environ-
logical functioning within an integrated assessment ment will be explored. Implications for assessment
paradigm, incorporating measures of psychological, and intervention are briefly discussed.
behavioral, and cognitive-intellectual functioning is Chapter 11 presents interventions and treatment
also presented. approaches for various childhood and adolescent dis-
Chapter 6 reviews severe disorders of childhood, orders within an integrated neurodevelopmental para-
including Tourette syndrome, pervasive developmen- digm. Metacognitive, academic, behavioral, psycho-
tal disorders, Asperger syndrome, and externalized social, and classroom management techniques will
neuropsychiatric disorders including ADHD and be integrated for a comprehensive, multidimensional
conduct and oppositional disorders. In Chapter 7, intervention plan to address neuropsychologically
the neuropsychological correlates of various inter- based disorders. Finally in Chapter 12, case studies
nalized psychiatric disorders of childhood and ado- will be presented that represent typical neuro-
lescent are presented within an integrated neuro- developmental disturbances.


The manner in which structures in the developing tionship to complex human behaviors has been greatly
brain are related to changes in psychological and cog- facilitated by technological advances in modern
nitive development is of interest to child neuro- neuroimaging techniques, including computed
psychologists. There are several ways that this rela- tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
tionship can be explored, including: (1) correlating (MRI), regional blood flow (rCBF), and positron-
structural changes in the developing brain with be- emission tomography (PET) (Yudofsky & Hales,
havioral changes, (2) investigating behavioral changes 1992). Neuroimaging techniques allow researchers
and making inferences about structural maturation of to gather direct evidence linking cognitive, behav-
the brain, and (3) studying brain dysfunction and its ioral, and psychosocial disorders to anatomical, physi-
relationship to behavioral disorders (Kolb & Fantie, ological, and biochemical processes in the brain
1989). Although these approaches can yield useful (Daniel, Zigin, & Weinberger, 1992). Research find-
information about the developing brain, they are not ings from these various approaches and methodolo-
without shortcomings. For example, because of the gies for understanding the developing brain will be
plasticity of the developing brain following damage, used throughout this chapter in an effort to explore
injury in a specific brain region may produce behav- the biological basis of childhood disorders. These
ioral losses that vary greatly depending on the age of findings will be further discussed in Chapter 3.
the child. Environmental factors, such as enrichment To appreciate fully the brainbehavior relationship
opportunities and social-cultural experiences, also in children, an overview of the structure and function
influence the developing brain and the manner in of the brain is necessary. This chapter reviews the
which behaviors are expressed (Kolb & Fantie, 1989). structures and functions of the neuron and the sub-
Thus, the study of the brainbehavior relationship is cortical and cortical regions from a neurodevel-
particularly complex in children, and these factors opmental perspective. This review serves as a foun-
must enter the equation when drawing conclusions dation for exploring the complex interaction between
about this relationship. anatomical development of the brain and the emer-
Some have criticized neuropsychological ap- gence of childhood behaviors and disorders.
proaches because of the level of inferences made when
relating behavior to brain structure and function, and STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
because of the correlational nature of the research
(Fletcher & Taylor, 1984). Medical technologies and
new research protocols that avoid some of these short- The neuron, the basic cellular structure of the ner-
comings are now available. It is now possible to ex- vous system, transmits nerve impulses throughout a
plore the brain during craniotomies under local anes- complex network of interconnecting brain cells
thesia (Ojemann, Cawthon, & Lettich, 1990), to in- (Rayport, 1992). The brain contains approximately
vestigate dendritic morphology with electron micro- 180 billion cells, 50 billion of which transmit and re-
scopic techniques (Scheibel, 1990), and to measure ceive sensory-motor signals in the central nervous sys-
sequential brain processing during cognitive tasks tem (CNS) via 15,000 direct physical connections
using visual evoked potentials (Halgren, 1990). Fur- (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). Investigation of the struc-
ther, our basic understanding of the brain and its rela- ture and function of neurons and their synaptic con-


nections provides insight into basic psychopharma- ganism, the exact nature of these changes is still un-
cology at the molecular level (Cooper, Bloom, & der investigation (Rayport, 1992). Genetic aberrations
Roth, 1986) and may provide a method for describ- also play a role in the way in which neurons develop
ing how various neuropsychiatric disorders emerge andftinction(Malaspina, Quitkin, & Kaufman, 1992).
and progress (Rayport, 1992). Damage to or destruction of neurons is also of con-
The CNS comprises two major cell types, neurons cern because neurons typically do not regenerate
and neuroglia (Shepard, 1994). While neurons con- (Swaiman, 1994b). Neurodevelopmental disorders
duct nerve impulses, the neuroglia ("nerve glue") pro- and issues related to recovery of function following
vide structural support and insulate synapses (the con- brain trauma will be discussed in detail in later chap-
nections between neurons). Glial cells make up about ters (see Chapter 10).
50% of the total volume of the CNS (Shepard, 1994).
Glial cells serve various functions, including trans-
mission of signals across neurons, structural support
Anatomy of the Neuron
for neurons, repair of injured neurons, and produc- The neuron contains four well-defined cellular parts,
tion of CNS fluid (Kandel, 1991a). Neuroglia infil- including the cell body, dendrites, axons, and axon
trate or invade surrounding tissue in both the gray terminals. The cell body, or soma, is the trophic or
and white matter, and in rare instances these cells rep- life center of the neuron (Shepard, 1994; see Figure
licate uncontrollably during tumor activity (Cohen & 2.1. Cell bodies vary in size and shape and contain
Duflher, 1994). Though still relatively infrequent, pe- the RNA and DNA of the neuron. RNA, the cite of
diatric brain tumors are the second most common neo- protein synthesis, transmits instructions from DNA
plasms in children under 15 years of age, and as many directing the metabolic functions of the neuron. Bio-
as 1000 to 1500 cases per year are estimated to occur chemical processes of the neuron, which take place
(Hynd& Willis, 1988). in the cytoplasm of the cell body, include the energy-
Gray matter is located in the core of the CNS, the producing functions, the self-reproducing functions,
corpus striata at the base of the right and left hemi- and the oxidating reactions, whereby energy is made
spheres, the cortex that covers each hemisphere, and available for the metabolic activities of the cell
the cerebellum (Kelly, 1993). The cell bodies, the neu- (Shepard, 1994). Destruction or damage to the cell
roglia, and the blood vessels that enervate the CNS body can result in the death of the neuron.
are gray-brown in color and constitute the gray mat- Dendrites branch off the cell body and receive im-
ter (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). White matter covers pulsesfromother neurons (Rayport, 1992). Dendrites
the gray matter and the long axons that extend from are afferent in nature, whereby nerve impulses are
the neuron. Axons are generally covered by a myelin conducted toward the cell body. Dendritic spines are
sheath, which contains considerable amounts of neu- the major point of the synapse, the area of transmis-
roglia and appears white upon inspection. White sion from one cell to another. It has been found that
matter has fewer capillaries than are found in gray individuals with cognitive retardation have fewer
matter (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985b). spines or points of contact across neurons (Kandel &
As the basic functional unit of the CNS, the neu- Schwartz, 1993; Purpura, 1975).
ron transmits impulses in aggregated communities or The axon is a long projection or axisfromthe cell
nuclei that have special behavioral functions. Neu- body. Most neurons have only one axon, usually ef-
rons can be modified through experience, and they ferent in nature, that conducts nerve impulses away
are said to learn, to remember, and to forget as a re- from the cell body (Rayport, 1992). Axons are typi-
sult of experiences (Hinton, 1993). Pathological cally longer than dendrites and can be as much as a
changes in neurons can occur as a result of early ab- yard in length. For example, giant pyramidal cells in
normal experiences. Although these alterations are the motor cortex send axons to the caudal tip of the
thought to have a profound effect on the mature or- spinal cord. The axon hillock is a slender process close

(cell body)


Axon ^^^ '.4riL

Myelin sheath

Figure 2.1. Anatomy of the Neuron

Source: From Neil R. Carlson, Physiology of Behavior, 5th edition, p. 21. Copyright 1994 by Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted by

to the cell body where action potentials arise. The & Lecours, 1967). Changes in postnatal brain weight
axon hillock is highly excitable and is activated are generally related to increases in dendritic connec-
through electrochemical processes, thereby "turning tions and to increases in the number of glial cells that
on" the neuron (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985). form the myelin sheath along the axon (Shepard,
Axons are covered by a myelin sheath made up of 1994). Axons allow the nerve cells to transmit im-
neurilemma (or Schwann), which surround the axon pulses rapidly, particularly along the Nodes of Ran-
(Shepard, 1994). The myelin sheath gives the axon a vier. During cell activation, nerve impulses skip from
white appearance and constitutes most of the white node to node, where the myelin sheath is very thin or
matter in cortical and subcortical areas. Most axons nonexistent (Thompson, 1975). Myelinated axons
are myelinated at birth, although this process contin- permit more rapid transmission of signals, and anes-
ues into early childhood (Hynd & Willis, 1988) and thetics seem to be more effective at the Nodes of
may not be completed until after puberty (Yakovlev Ranvier.

The terminal branches of the axon end at the syn- Synapses are quite large for motor neurons and
aptic telodendria (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). The pre- are smaller in the cerebellum and other cortical re-
synaptic and postsynaptic sites are both referred to as gions. Synapses usually occur between the axon of
the synapse. Synapses are specialized for the release one cell and the dendrite of another (axondendritic
of chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Neurotrans- connections) (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). Although they
mitters are released from synaptic knobs at the end can connect onto the soma or Cell body of another
foot of the neuron in the presynapse, and they acti- neuron (axosomatic connection), synapses rarely oc-
vate neurons at the postsynapse (Shepard, 1994). Neu- cur from axon to axon (axo-axonal connections).
rotransmitters are releasedfromthe presynapse (neu-
ron A), travel across the synaptic cleft, and influence
the activity of the adjoining neuron (neuron B) (see
Types of Neurons
Figure 2.2 for a depiction of these activities). There There are two basic types of neurons-efferent and
is a collection of vesicles at the synaptic knob at the afferent. Efferent neurons originate in the motor cor-
end of each synapse, where neurotransmitters are tex of the CNS, descend through vertical pathways
stored. Most neurons have thousands of synapses, and into subcortical regions, and culminate in the muscles
each dendritic spine serves as a synapse that is in the body (Carpenter & Sutin, 1983). These large
excitatory in nature, which causes neurons to fire descending tracts form columns from the motor cor-
(Thompson, 1975). tex connecting higher cortical regions, through the

Axons from other neurons

their terminal buttons NEURON B
influence neuron A Synapse

"Axons from
other neurons

Messages sent down axon

influence neuron B and
other neurons To other

Soma Hh ' ** ''HiT


Figure 2.2. Anatomy Showing Connections between Neuron A and B with Synaptic Cleft
Source: From Neil R. Carlson, Physiology ofBehavior, 5th edition, p. 23. Copyright 1994 by Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted with

brain stem and spinal cord, to the body for the activa- neoplasm thatfrequentlyreoccurs after surgery, is the
tion of single muscles or muscle groups. Various mo- second most common brain tumor in adults (Cohen
tor pathways begin to develop prenatally (Carmichael, & Duffher, 1994); though rare, astrocytomas do oc-
1970), while postnatal development is marked by cur in children as well. Astrocytomas in childhood
changes in primitive reflexes (the Babinski reflex) most frequentlyoccur in the cerebellum and the brain
and automatic reflexes (head and neck righting) stem. These tumors are found equally in males and fe-
(Shepard, 1994). males. Although astrocytomas can occur at any age, the
Afferent neurons, sensory receptors found through- most frequent incidence is between 5 and 9 years of age
out the body, transmit sensory information into spe- (Cohen & Dufrher, 1994).
cific cerebral areas. For example, afferent neurons Oligodendroglia cells form and maintain the my-
consist of rods and cones in the visual system that elin sheath and, when injured, swell in size. Tumors
project into the occipital cortex; hair cells in the au- rarely occur in oligodendroglia cells, but when they
ditory system that project into the temporal cortex; do they are slow growing and are found primarily in
and, pain, touch, temperature, and pressure sensors the cortex and white matter (Cohen & Duffher, 1994).
in the skin that project into the parietal cortex While about 40% to 60% of these tumors can be de-
(Gardner, 1975). Somesthetic senses are the first to tected by skull X-rays after they calcify (Reitan &
become functional in the fetus, as early as 7 to 8 weeks Wolfson, 1985b), radionuclid brain scans,
gestation, while auditory and visual neural matura- angiography, and computed tomography scans have
tion occurs later in embryonic development (Shepard, been helpful in the diagnostic phase of tumor pro-
1994). cesses (Vonofakos, Marcu, & Hacker, 1979).
Finally, microglia cells are predominantly found
in the gray matter (Shepard, 1994). Following dis-
Types of Neuroglia ease or injury, microglia proliferate, move to the site
The three major types of neuroglia-astrocytes, oli- of injury, and perform a phagocytic function by clean-
godendroglia, and microglia-have distinct func- ing up damaged tissue. Tumors rarely occur in
tions and serve multiple purposes in the CNS (Kolb microglia cells.
&Whishaw, 1985). The neuroglia cells serve a number of important
Astrocytes have three primary functions: (1) form- functions in the CNS: (1) providing structural sup-
ing the bloodbrain barrier; (2) supporting the cellu- port to neurons; (2) aiding in the regeneration of in-
lar structure of the brain; and (3) directing the migra- jured nerve fibers; (3) occupying injured sites by pro-
tion of neurons during early development (Rayport, ducing scar tissue; and (4) transporting gas, water,
1992). Astrocytes are the largest in size and the most and metabolites from blood, and removing wastes
abundant type of neuroglia (Reitan & Wolfson, from nerve cells (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). The pre-
1985b). These star-shaped glial cells attach to capil- natal and postnatal developmental course of the neu-
lary blood vessels and cover approximately 80% of ron will be explored next.
each capillary. Astrocytes, found primarily in the pia
matter (fine membrane on the surface of the brain), NEURONAL DEVELOPMENT
cover large blood vessels. When injury occurs to the
spinal cord or to the brain, through either disease or Prenatal Course
trauma, astrocytes go into hypertrophy (Rosman,
1994). These cells multiply quickly, forming a glial The fastest rate of brain growth occurs prenatally,
scar that fills in gaps in the cellular structure caused when it is estimated that every minute 250,000 brain
by injury. Astrocytes may also serve a phagocytic cells are formed through mitosis (Papalia & Olds,
function by removing destroyed tissue and cleaning 1992). The increase in the number of cell bodies oc-
up the site of injury. Astrocytoma, a type of primary curs most rapidly between 25 and 40 weeks gestation

(Caesar, 1993). The human brain develops in orderly Proliferation and Cell Migration
stages, beginning in the neural tube at 25 days gesta- The manner in which cells migrate is largely defined
tion and, though not fully mature, assumes adult fea- at birth, and the time and place of migration appear
tures at birth (Rayport, 1992). The spinal cord, the regulated by physical as well as chemical processes
brain stem, and a large portion of the forebrain are (Rayport, 1992). The developmental process is
developed at 40 weeks gestation, while the cerebel- marked by an intricate neuronglial interaction, where
lum has maximum growth by the time of birth and neurons are guided along radial glial fibers to their
during the first year (Jacobson, 1991). proper location. The migration process occurs rap-
Six neuronal layers make up the cytoarchitectonic idly, and several cortical layers appear visible during
structure of the cerebral cortex (Polyakov, 1961). Kolb the fifth month of fetal development (Kolb & Fantie,
and Fantie (1989) describe the sequential migration 1989). The cortex begins to thicken and shows signs
process of the cortical layers across six prenatal peri- of developing sulci during this period. Dooling, Chi,
ods. In the 5-month-old fetus, Layer I is developing; and Gilles (1983) indicate that sulci develop early,
Layers V and VI are immature; and Layers II, III, with the longitudinal fissure apparent at 10 weeks,
and IV are unrecognizable. At 7 months fetal age, all the lateral sulcus at 14 weeks, the parieto-occipital
six layers are present; and by 7.5 months fetal age, sulcus at 14 weeks, and the central sulcus at 20 weeks
Layer I and portions of Layer HI are highly devel- gestational age.
oped. During postnatal development, the cortical lay- Within six months of inception, neurons are ge-
ers become fully developed. Layers I and portions of netically programmed to proliferate so that the proper
Layers III, V, and VI are highly developed in the number of cells is available (National Institute ofNeu-
newborn; by 8 months of age, Layer II is the only rological and Communicative Disorders, 1979). Dur-
cortical layer that still is not highly developed. A ing the neonatal and postnatal periods neurons also
select portion of neurons actually begin a process of differentiate and migrate into genetically predeter-
degeneration in the postnatal period, particularly mined regions of the brain (Shepard, 1994). Aber-
neurons in Layer IV of the motor cortex (Kolb & rant neuronal development can lead to cell migration
Fantie, 1989). to wrong locations or may cause neurons to make
These cortical layers develop in an inside-out fash- inappropriate synaptic connections (Rayport, 1992).
ion, where neurons move into specific regions and For example, Weinberger (1987) suggests that schizo-
are passed by later migrating layers (Kolb & Fantie, phrenia may result from abnormal neuronal connec-
1989). For example, neurons in Layer IV, which re- tions where mesocortical regions (dopaminergic sys-
side farther awayfromexternal cortical surfaces, mi- tems) fail to connect tofrontalcortical regions.
grate the earliest. These layers migrate into various Cell death occurs during these early developmen-
regions, forming the structural organization of the cor- tal stages because more neurons are generated than
tex (Sidman & Rakic, 1973). See Luria (1973) and are necessary; thus, strategic or "selective cell death"
Sidman and Rakic (1973) for more details. appears critical in the developing fetal brain (Rakic
While neurons proliferate and migrate to different & Riley, 1983). Kandel (1985) suggests that approxi-
cytoarchitectonic regions during various prenatal mately 25% to 33% of neurons in the developing brain
stages, numerous factors can interrupt this process. die during the process of neuronal proliferation and
Environmental toxins (e.g., alcohol and drugs) pose migration; Brodal (1992) indicates that as many as
a particular threat to the migration process; and de- 50% of motor neurons in the spinal cord are elimi-
pending on the time and stage of fetal development, nated. Brodal (1992) hypothesizes that neurons prob-
different brain regions can be impaired causing sig- ably compete for a limited amount of the "trophic
nificant cognitive and behavioral deficits later in substance" that keeps the cells alive, so that only a
life. portion of fetal neurons can survive. Neurodevel-

opmental disorders caused by abnormal cell prolif- though synapses have been observed during the fifth
eration, migration, or cell death can have significant month of fetal development (Kolb & Fantie, 1989).
impacts on children's cognitive, behavioral, and The relationship between synaptic density and cog-
psychosocial potential (Falconer et aL, 1990). The nitive abilities may be an inverse one, because syn-
impact of these neurodevelopmental anomalies is re- aptic density appears to decrease with age. Whereas
viewed in later chapters of the text. synaptic density was once thought to be indicative of
increased functional abilities, the reduction of syn-
apses may be related to efficiency and refinement of
Axon and Synaptic Formations function in some qualitative sense (Kolb & Fantie,
Once they reach their destination, neurons continue 1989). Early synaptic redundancy and selective elimi-
to develop and differentiate. Axons appear to follow nation of synapses in later development have been
or to "grow along" other pioneer axons with high con- verified in PET studies (Caesar, 1993). The high lev-
centrations of chemicals that seem to set the course els of glucose metabolism recorded during the first
or direction of growth (Brodal, 1992). Brodal (1992) year of life begin to decrease during the second year
suggests that axons may recognize their developmen- through adolescence.
tal path as a result of "chemoaffinity" between the A process similar to selective cell death occurs to
axon terminals and target neurons. Further, chemical eliminate axon collaterals (Brodal, 1992). According
markers may be present only in specific phases of to Brodal, this process is best understood in the study
development and then may disappear to ensure se- of the motor neurons that enervate skeleton muscles.
lective contact with target neurons. The peripheral Whereas early stages of development are marked by
nervous system is known to have specific proteins- the emergence of numerous neurons connecting to
nerve growth factor (NGF)-that stimulate the out- one muscle, multiple synapses are eliminated in later
ward movement of axons, so that axons grow into stages of development. Once motor neurons begin to
these regions and away from areas without NGF. send signals to the muscle, it appears that the process
Brodal (1992) suggests that other proteins-brain- of synaptic elimination occurs. Brodal (1992) indi-
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-may play a cates that it is this process of synaptic elimination,
similar function in the brain. once normal activity begins, that allows for precise
Axons grow at a rapid rate, while cells are still neural connections. Apparently, according to Brodal
migrating, and cross to form commissural pathways (1992), "meaningful" information rather than simple
(Kolb & Fantie, 1989). The anterior commissure ap- activity is a key factor in this process.
pears first, at about 3 months' gestation, while the The migration of cells may be disrupted by disor-
corpus callosum develops at a slower rate (Carpenter ders in genetic programming or as a result of external
& Sutin, 1983). The hippocampal commissure appears disruption due to viral infections and disturbances to
after 3 months' gestation, followed by the appear- vascular circulation (Caesar, 1993). Recent advances
ance of another set of fibers that eventually develop in brain imaging techniques have begun to shed light
into the corpus callosum (Gilles, 1983). The corpus on differences between genetic and acquired disor-
callosum continues to develop postnatally and is fairly ders that disrupt cell migration (Nadich, 1992).
well formed at 5 years of age (Witelson, 1989). Finally, synaptic networks become more elaborate
Dendritic and spine growth (visible at about 7 in the postnatal period, where dendritic arborization
months' gestation) occurs at a slower rate than axon increases in complexity (Brodal, 1992). In the third
development and usually starts after cells have trimester the brain enters a major prenatal growth
reached their final destination. Dendritic development spurt, which continues postnatally until 2 years of age
continues postnatally and is affected by environmen- (Gardner, 1975). Antenatal insults during the third
tal stimulation after birth. trimester may result in cerebral palsy syndromes
Synaptic development is less well understood, al- (Lyon & Gadisseux, 1991).

Postnatal Course fects of medication and other toxic substances on the

developing brain during embryonic, fetal, or postna-
An individual's full quota of neurons is reached by 6
tal development may have such devastating and long-
months' gestational age, but postnatal development
term impact because these events occur before neu-
is marked by increased cortical complexity (Shatz,
rotransmitters are detected or are fully operational as
1993). In general, myelination increases brain weight
receptor sites in the young brain. External medica-
from approximately 400 grams at birth to 850 grams
tions may interfere with this process, affecting neu-
at 11 months, to 1100 grams at 36 months, to 1350 to
rological and psychosocial development.
1410 grams at age 15, and continues to increase
through age 60 (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985, 1990). Although genetic factors certainly map the nature
Myelination allows for rapid conduction velocity of and course of neuronal development, environmental
nerve impulses, increasingfrom2 meters to 50 meters factors have a significant influence on the develop-
per second (Caesar, 1993). ing nervous system. Brodal (1992) suggests that "use-
dependent stimulation" is crucial during early stages
Four postnatal growth spurts have been found that
of postnatal development. That is, the developing
correspond to Piaget's stages of cognitive develop-
brain requires proper and adequate stimulation for
ment:from2 to 4 years,from6 to 8 years, from 10 to
optimal development. This aspect of neurodevel-
12 years, and from 14 to 16+ years (Kolb & Fantie,
opment will be explored in later sections of this
1989). Although Epstein (1978, 1979) found that
these growth spurts were correlated with changes in
This brief overview of the structure, function, and
mental test performance, conclusions based on these
development of neurons serves as a foundation for
data must be used cautiously (Marsh, 1985). Although
understanding the basic structure of the CNS and will
cognitive development follows time lines similar to
be explored in more detail in a discussion of brain
anatomical and physiological growth patterns, the
tumors and head trauma (Chapter 10) and in the dis-
manner in which environmental factors affect brain
cussion of psychopharmacology (Chapter 11). In the
development through these growth spurts is unknown
following sections, the basic divisions of the nervous
(Berk, 1989). However, myelination does appear to
system will be explored. The structure, function, and
account for age differences in latency times for acous-
development of subcortical and cortical regions are
tic, visual, and sensory evoked potentials during de-
velopment (Caesar, 1993).
"It is not myelination as such which is important
but whether centers of the brain which are intensely STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
interacting are provided with fast signal-conducting
pathways" (Caesar, 1993, p. 106). Further, increased
myelination does not affect all brain areas at the same The nervous system is divided into two basic sys-
time. Myelination occurs first in the primary sensory tems- the peripheral (PNS) and the central nervous
and motor cortices (prior to birth); the secondary ar- system (CNS). The PNS consists of the spinal, cra-
eas myelinate within 4 months postnatally, while the nial, and peripheral nerves that connect the CNS to
myelination process begins postnatally in the frontal the rest of the body (Shepard, 1992). Table 2.1 lists
and parietal association regions and continues until the cranial nerves and their functions.
about 15 years of age (Kolb & Fantie, 1989). The CNS is completely encased in bone, is sur-
Myelination appears correlated to the development rounded by protective coverings, and consists of two
of and changes in visual, motor, social, and cognitive major structures: (1) the spinal cord in the vertebral
behaviors. Malnutrition, disease, injury, and inad- column, and (2) the brain within the skull. Aspects of
equate stimulation can affect the myelination process, the CNS will be further elaborated.
which in turn may affect the learning capacity of the The spinal cord serves two major functions: con-
individual. Schwaab (1991) also suggests that the ef- necting the brain and the body via large sensory-mo-

Table 2.1. Cranial Nerves the anterior root is efferent in nature and is made up
of motorfibersthat receive motor signalsfromhigher
cortical areas and communicate to muscle groups for
I Olfactory Smell movement.
II Optic Vision
III Oculomotor Eye movement Nervefibersenter and leave the spinal cord at regu-
IV Trochlear Eye movement lar intervals (dermatomes) and provide sensory and
V Trigeminal Masticatory movement motor innervation to specific body segments (Mar-
VI Abducens Eye movement
Facial Facial movement tin, 1993). There are a total of 30 segments innervat-
VIII Auditory Hearing ing the spinal cord-8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lum-
IX Glossopharyngeal Tongue and pharynx bar, and 5 sacral (Brodal, 1992). Damage to the spi-
X Vagus Heart, blood vessels,
viscera, larynx, and nal cord at specific sites produces localized sensory
pharynx movement and motor dysfunction in the body.
XI Spinal accessory Movement, strength of Unlike the brain, the spinal cord has little diversi-
neck and shoulder
muscles fication or specialization, but it does carry out sen-
XII Hypoglossal Tongue muscles sory, motor, and integrative functions. Four such func-
tions are carried out in the spinal cord: (1) reflex ac-
tivity, whereby a stimulus is followed by a coordi-
nated motor response; (2) reciprocal activity, whereby
tor tracts and integrating motor activity at subcorti- one activity starts or stops another (i.e., excitatory or
cal levels (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985). The spinal cord inhibitory); (3) monitoring activity, whereby incom-
comprises gray matter and white matter. Gray matter ing messages are controlled, coded, and transmitted;
is the central, interior region of the spinal cord and is and (4) transmission activity, whereby messages are
shaped like a butterfly. It appears gray on inspection transmitted to and from the brain through the white
and is made up of cell bodies. Neurons leave the spi- matter (Gardner, 1975).
nal cord in segments called dermatomes and enter into In summary, the spinal cord is one major division
muscles and organs. Motor commands from higher of the CNS, and the brain is the other major division
cortical centers are conducted at these sites (Shepard, (see Table 2.2). There are three major anatomical
1994). structures of the brain, including the brain stem (my-
Sensory receptors connect with motor neurons in elencephalon, metencephalon, mesencephalon, and
the gray matter of the spinal cord, via interneurons. diencephalon), the cerebellum (hindbrain), and the
Interneurons remain in the spinal cord and mediate forebrain (telencephalon). These major anatomical
motor activity with sensory stimuli (Brodal, 1992). structures will be reviewed briefly.
Interneurons also provide for cooperation among dif-
ferent spinal segments, which control distant muscle
groups. For example, interneurons connect cervical STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
and lumbar regions of the spinal cord to coordinate
forelimbs and hindlimbs for walking (Brodal, 1992).
White matter surrounds the gray matter and con- The brain stem comprises five areas, including the
sists of the myelin sheath (Brodal, 1992). The spinal fourth ventricle, the medulla oblongata, the pons
cord conducts signals to andfromhigher cortical re- (bridge), the midbrain (mesencephalon), and the di-
gions, including the brain stem, the cerebellum, and encephalon (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). See Figure 2.3
the cortex. The posterior root of the spinal cord is for a sagittal view of these regions. Figure 2.4 shows
afferent in nature, where sensoryfibersenter into the a magnetic resonance image of these same structures.
gray matter, synapse with other neurons, and ascend The major regions of the brain stem are discussed in
into higher cortical areas in pathways. Conversely, detail in the following sections.

Table 2.2. Major Divisions of the Nervous System tracts) cell columns. Projections of the major cranial
nerves occur at the level of the medulla (Carpenter &
DIVISIONS STRUCTURES DIVISIONS Sutin, 1983), including the hypoglossal (tongue), the
glossopharyngeal (pharynx and larynx), and the ac-
Telencephalon Neocortex cessory (neck muscles) nerves (Brodal, 1992).
(endbrain) Basal ganglia
Limbic system Forebrain Neural decussation takes place at the medulla,
Olfactory bulb where sensory and motor tracts cross over into the
Lateral ventricles opposite side of the brain (Brodal, 1992). The soma-
Diencephalon Thalamus tosensory (touch, pressure, pain, and temperature) and
(between- Epithalamus the motor systems are organized in contralateral fash-
brain) Hypothalamus
Pineal gland ion, such that sensory information and movement on
Third ventricle the right side of the body are primarily controlled by
Mesencephalon Tectum the left hemisphere (Shepard, 1994). Conversely, the
(midbrain) Tegmentum Brain stem left side of the body is controlled by the right hemi-
Cerebral aqueduct
sphere. The auditory and visual systems are also
Metencephalon Cerebellum
(across-brain) Pons crossed. These functional systems will be discussed
Fourth ventricle in more detail in this chapter.
The reticular activating system (RAS) comprises
Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata
(spinal brain) Fourth Ventricle Spinal cord a major portion of the medulla, extends into the mid-
brain region (Kelly, 1993), and has numerous con-
Source: Adapted with permission from Fundamentals of Hu- nections and functions (Brodal, 1992). For example,
man Neuropsychology, 3rd edition, by B. Kolb and I. Q. Whishaw
(1990). San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. some RAS functions control blood pressure, blood
volume in organs, and heart rate, whereas others regu-
late sleep and wakefulness, (Brodal, 1992). The RAS
Ventricles receives input from most sensory systems and con-
nects to all levels of the CNS (Reitan & Wolfson,
The ventricles, large cavities filled with cerebrospi- 1985b). Because the RAS is directly or indirectly
nal fluid, reside in various regions of the brain. The connected to much of the CNS, it can modulate CNS
fourth ventricle, also referred to as the aqueduct of activity. Selective stimuli activate the RAS, which
Sylvius, resides in the brain stem at the level of the then alerts the cortex to incoming stimuli.
pons and the medulla (Brodal, 1992). The third ven- The RAS, considered the arousal system, plays an
tricle is located in the diencephalon; and, the lateral important role in maintaining consciousness and
ventricles are found in the forebrain region (see Fig- attentional states for the entire brain. The RAS has
ure 2.5). Enlargement of thes6 ventricles can be use- been hypothesized as one of the critical mechanisms
ful for diagnosing tumor or disease processes, includ- involved in ADHD (Sagvolden & Archer, 1989). Re-
ing, hydrocephalus, encephalitis, and meningitis searchers espousing a bottom-up model hypothesize
(Trauner, 1994). that the RAS may be filtering too much sensory in-
formation and thereby not allowing stimulation to
reach higher cortical regions as is necessary for ad-
Medulla Oblongata equate direction and maintenance of attention (Klove,
The medulla is a continuation of the spinal cord and 1989). When enough information reaches the RAS,
contains nerve tracts similar to those found in the spi- it signals the cortex and produces cortical arousal and
nal cord (Brodal, 1992). Groups of sensory and mo- wakefulness (Gardner, 1975; Kelly, 1993). Thus, in
tor nuclei are arranged in ascending (i.e., afferent children with ADHD this subcortical filter may not
sensory tracts) or descending (i.e., efferentmotor allow sufficient stimuli to reach higher cortical re-


Figure 2.3. Sagittal Section of the

Brain Showing Brain Stem, Midbrain,
and Forebrain Structure
Source: Adapted from M. Semrud-
Clikeman and P. A. Teeter, "Personality,
Intelligence, and Neuropsychology," in
D. Saklofske (Ed.), International
HYPOTHALAMUS Handbook of Personality and
CEREBELLUM Intelligence in Clinical Psychology and
Neuropsychology, copyright 1995 by
PONS MEDULLA Plenum Press, New York.

Figure 2.4. MRI Sagittal Section of

CNS Analogous to Brain Areas
Depicted in Figure 2.3


BASAL GANGLIA J ^ \ . ^^""TA ^
INTERNAL CAPSULE ^ ^ C ^ ^ < / ^ ^ MfffM

PUTAMEN \<s^Jr%yf 1 l & 2 L ^ rj L ^ d r - M D NUCLEUS

GLOBUS PALLIDUS ^ " < F ^ ^ g ~ X 1 T^TC/^11
THALAMUS \ \ / ^ ^ ^ 1 f ? X ^
LATERAL VENTRICLE ' \ V ' C ^"^ 1 / ^ \

> V^IATERAL VENTRICLE Figure 2.5. Coronal Section

Showing Structures of the Right
THIRD and Left Hemisphere with
VENTRICLE Ventricular Systems

gions. This theory and others will be explored in later for the control of pain. Morphine and opiate-like drugs
chapters. may produce analgesic actions most likely in the raphe
Secretion of serotonin takes place at the pons, prob- system (Shepard, 1994).
ably in the raphe system. The raphe nuclei are cells
located across the medulla, pons, and midbrain re-
gions, with afferent connections to the hypothalamus Pons
and limbic system (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985b). This The pons, between the medulla and midbrain and
region also contains the locus ceruleus (LC), which above the cerebellum, serves as a bridge across the
produces 70% of norepinephrine in the brain, which right and the left hemispheres. Major sensory and
serves as a modulator for other neurotransmitters motor pathways move through the pons, a continua-
(Comings, 1990). The norepinephrine-rich cells in the tionfromthe spinal cord and brainstem regions, and
locus ceruleus connect with the serotonin-rich cells enter into higher cortical areas. The pons, in coordi-
in the raphe nuclei, and each type has a reciprocal nation with the cerebellum, receives information con-
affect on the other. Norepinephrine plays a role in cerning movementsfromthe motor cortex and helps
vigilance, arousal,filtrationof stimuli, and habitua- modulate movements (Brodal, 1992). Information
tion. from the visual cortex is also received at the pontine
Finally, the continuation of the RAS at the pon- level, which serves to guide visually determined
tine level, appears to mediate sleep. Serotonin inhib- movements. Finally, informationfromthe hypothala-
its arousal of the RAS, which then allows the thala- mus and the limbic system converge in the pons and
mus to bring the cortex to a slow-wave sleep state may influence the impact of emotional and motiva-
(Gardner, 1975; Kelly, 1993). Anesthetics appear to tional factors on motor activity (Brodal, 1992).
depress the RAS, which ultimately depresses the cor- A number of cranial nerves converge in the pon-
tex. Fibers in the RAS also project to the limbic sys- tine region. Cranial nerves innervating the face and
tem and serve behavioral and emotional mechanisms head receive sensory information and transmit sig-

nals in the pons for swallowing and chewing (trigemi- pathways ultimately radiate into the neocortex at spe-
nal nerve), moving facial muscles (nervus facilis), and cific sites in thefrontal,temporal, and occipital corti-
affecting the hearing and equilibrium in the inner ear ces (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985).
(Brodal, 1992). Cranial nerves innervating the eye The hypothalamus, anterior and inferior to the
muscles (abducens) also pass through the pons. thalamus, plays a role in controlling the autonomic
nervous system, including eating, sexual functions and
dysfunctions, drinking, sleeping, temperature, rage,
Midbrain and violence (Brodal, 1992). With connections to the
The most anterior region of the brain stem is the mid- limbic system, the hypothalamus influences motiva-
brain or mesencephalon*. The midbrain serves a ma- tional mechanisms of behavior. The pituitary, follow-
jor relay function for sensory-motor fibers. The two ing directions from the hypothalamus, secretes hor-
major divisions in the midbrain are the tegmentum, mones that regulate bodily functions (Brodal, 1992).
which falls below the ventricle and is separated by The internal capsule, situated lateral to the thala-
the substantia nigra (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985b), and mus, contains fibers connecting the cortex to lower
the tectum, which comprises the superior colliculi (up- brain regions including the brain stem and the spinal
per region involved in vision) and the inferior colliculi cord (Brodal, 1992). Majorfiberscomprise the inter-
(lower region involved in the integration of auditory nal capsule and connect the frontal cortical regions
and kinesthetic impulses). The RAS also continues to the thalamus and to the pons (Kelly, 1993a). The
into the midbrain region. genu forms the apex of the internal capsule and has
Several cranial nerves are located in the midbrain been implicated in some childhood disorders.
region. The oculomotor nerve moves the eye (lateral Finally, the optic nerve converges in the diencepha-
and downward gaze), and regulates the size of the lon and forms the optic chiasma (Brodal, 1992). Fi-
pupil and the shape of the lens (Brodal, 1992). The bers from the optic nerve cross at the chiasma and
trigeminal nerve also resides in the midbrain area and project to the lateral geniculate body (occipital cor-
serves as the major sensory nerve of the face. tex) via the optic tract (Brodal, 1992).

Diencephalon Cerebellum
The diencephalon, the superior region of the brain The cerebellum or hindbrain, behind the brain stem,
stem, contains major relay and integrative centers for connects to the midbrain, pons, and medulla. The cer-
all the sensory systems except smell (Kolb & ebellum receives sensory information about where the
Whishaw, 1985). The diencephalon is not clearly de- limbs are in space and signals where muscles should
marcated but includes the thalamus, the hypothala- be positioned. The cerebellum receives information
mus, the pituitary, the internal capsule, the third ven- from the semicircular canals (in the inner ear) con-
tricle, and the optic nerve (Brodal, 1992). The thala- cerning orientation in space. The cerebellum is in-
mus receives input from several sensory sources, in- volved in the unconscious adjustment of muscles in
cluding: (1) the visual system (projecting into the lat- the body for coordinated, smooth, and complex mo-
eral geniculate body of the thalamus); (2) the audi- tor activity. Injury of the cerebellum can result in
tory system (projecting into the medial geniculate dystaxia (movement disorders), dysarthria (slurred
body); and (3) sensory receptors in the skin for pain, speech), nystagmus (blurred vision and dizziness), and
pressure, touch and temperature (i.e., nucleus ventralis hypotonia (loss of muscle tone) (Swaiman, 1994a).
posteromedalis of lateral/posterior thalamus). The Though still relatively uncommon, subtentorial tumors
nucleus ventralis anterolateralis thalamic region re- involving the cerebellum and the fourth ventricle are
ceives inputfromthe cerebellum and other motor re- the mostfrequenttype of brain tumor affecting young
gions (i.e., globus pallidus and corpus striatum). These children (Cohen & Duf&er, 1994).

ROLE AND FUNCTION OF THE for diagnosing disease processes. CSF reproduces at
MENINGES such a rate that total replacement occurs several times
a day. The choroid plexus, located in the fourth ven-
Both the spinal cord and the brain are surrounded by tricle, produce the CSF, while the lateral ventricles
a protective layer of tissue called the meninges. The contain the highest amounts of CSF (Brodal, 1992).
meninges comprises three layers: the dura mater, the Infectious and metabolic disorders, such as meningi-
arachnoid, and the pia mater. tis, encephalitis, and tumors, as well as traumatic in-
The dura mater is the tough outer layer of the spi- jury, can cause discernible changes in the CSF
nal cord and the brain, and has the consistency of a (Bharucha et al., 1995; Heffiier, 1995).
thin rubber glove. The dura mater attaches to the bones Cerebrospinal fluid has three major functions. Spe-
covering the cranium and receives blood vessels that cifically, it (1) serves protective function against in-
innervate the brain (Carpenter & Sutin, 1983). Injury jury to the brain and spinal cord (Reitan & Wolfson,
to the head may form an epidural hematoma, causing 1985b); (2) diffuses materials into and awayfromthe
blood to accumulate in the region between the skull brain (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990); and (3) maintains a
and the dura mater. The dura mater is supplied with "special environment" for brain tissue (Wilkinson,
blood by tiny vessels on its outermost layer near the 1986). The role of the neurotransmitters found in CSF
skull. The subdural space, a fluid-filled layer, sepa- remains unknown (Brodal, 1992). Interference in the
rates the dura mater from the arachnoid. Accumula- circulation and drainage of CSF can result in hydro-
tion of blood in the subdural area following injury cephalus, which causes cranial pressure (Brodal,
can put enormous pressure on the brain (Bengali, 1992). Hydrocephalus can have a devastating affect
1992). on the developing brain and may cause cognitive de-
The arachnoid, a spiderlike web, is a delicate net- lays, particularly for nonverbal information; emo-
work of tissue under the dura mater (Kandel & tional, psychiatric, or behavioral disturbances; and
Schwartz, 1994). Blood accumulation between the slow motor development (Walsh, 1994). Surgical
dura mater and the arachnoid following injury is re- shunting drains CSF outside the skull (Brodal, 1992).
ferred to as a subdural hematoma. Finally, the pia Recent advances in microsurgery in utero have pro-
mater is the fragile, innermost layer of the meninges duced successful results by reducing some of the more
and contains small blood vessels. The pia mater sur- severe long-term negative effects of brain dysfunc-
rounds the arteries and veins that supply blood to the tion or damage that can occur when hydrocephalus is
brain; it serves as a barrier keeping out harmful sub- untreated. Residual effects of hydrocephaly, ranging
stances that might invade the brain. Bilateral infec- from mild to severe, depend on individual variables
tions that attack the meninges, referred to as menin- including the age of the child at the time of shunting
gitis, can have serious consequences for the develop- and the presence of other neurological or medical
ing brain (Weil, 1985). The first year of life is the complications that often accompany this disorder
time of greatest risk for meningitis (Bharucha, (Wald, 1995).
Bharucha, & Bhabha, 1995). The earlier the infec-
tion, the higher the mortality rate. Some of the long-
term consequences of meningitis are mental retarda- DEVELOPMENT OF THE
tion, hydrocephalus, seizures, deafness, and hyper- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
activity (Bharucha et al, 1995; Weil, 1985).
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a clear, colorless fluid, The earliest stages of brain development are marked
fills the ventricles and the subarachnoid space by rapid changes in the embryo. Within seven days
(Wilkinson, 1986). CSF contains concentrations of of inception, two layers of tissue, the ectoderm and
sodium, chloride, and magnesium, as well as levels the endoderm, are present; and, within nine days, a
of neurotransmitters and other agents. An assay of third layer, the mesoderm, develops and moves be-
the composition of these chemicals can be important tween the first two layers in a process referred to as

gastrulation (Shepard, 1994). The ectoderm forms the forebrain region, while others refer to this as a dien-
neural groove, which in turn forms the neural tube. cephalic structure (Brodal, 1992). See earlier discus-
The process of neurulation is initiated in thefirsttwo sions of the diencephalon for a review of the thalamus.
weeks, where in embryonic tissue differentiates, form-
ing the neural tube, and is completed by the fourth
gestational week (Brodal, 1992). During this process, Lateral Ventricles
embryonic tissues thicken, deepen, and close, form- Each hemisphere has a cavity in its center, surrounded
ing the basic structures of the nervous system. Neu- by large areas of white matter, that extends from the
rons and glial cells are formed on the outside wall of third ventricle via the interventricular foramen
the neural tube, and the inside wall is covered with (Brodal, 1992). The lateral ventricles are expansive,
glial cells forming a canal that becomes filled with with an anterior horn in the frontal lobe, a posterior
CSF (Brodal, 1992). horn in the occipital lobe, and an inferior horn in the
Throughout this course, neural tissues differenti- temporal lobe (Wilkinson, 1986). The lateral ven-
ate and migrate forming columns of spinal and cra- tricles are filled with CSF, and when these regions
nial nerves that keep the organism alive (Volpe, 1995). are misshapen, enlarged, or grossly asymmetrical, this
The cranial portion of the neural tube eventually de- may have diagnostic significance for the pediatric
velops into the brain, while the caudal portion be- neurologist.
comes the spinal cord (Brodal, 1992). Motor and sen-
sory columns developfromseparate structures of the
neural tube, and by the end of four weeks the neural Olfactory Bulb
tube closes (Sarnat, 1995). The olfactory system is the only sensory system that
Once the process of neurulation ends (fourth converges in the telencephalon (Castellucci, 1985).
week), three brain vesicles appear, forming the hind- The olfactory bulb receives sensory information con-
brain, the midbrain, and the forebrain. These vesicles cerning smell directly from the olfactory nerve
further differentiate into (1) diencephalon, which (Brodal, 1992) and converges with the olfactory tract;
eventually forms the thalamus, hypothalamus, and at this juncture, axons cross to the bulb in the oppo-
epithalamus, and (2) the telencephalon, which forms site hemisphere via the anterior commissure
the cerebral hemispheres. The lumina or cavities of (Wilkinson, 1986). The olfactory tract projects to the
the brain vesicles develop into the ventricular sys- primary olfactory cortex to a small region called the
tem, which can be compromised in various develop- uncus (Wilkinson, 1986), close to the end of the tem-
mental or disease processes, such as hydrocephalus. poral lobe (Brodal, 1992). Although olfactory assess-
The vesicles continue to develop into the major ment is often ignored, the sense of smell is frequently
brain regions that are discussed next. Hynd and Willis associated with various neuropsychiatric disturbances
(1988) caution that the interdependence of prenatal found in adults, particularly schizophrenia,
and postnatal development should be considered when Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, subfrontal tu-
viewing structures and functions in child neuro- mors, and some brain injuries (Ovsiew, 1992).

Limbic System
The limbic system is a complex deep structure in the
OF THE FOREBRAIN forebrain comprising the hippocampus, septum, and
The forebrain (telencephalon) comprises the lateral cingulate gyrus (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). The lim-
ventricles, the olfactory bulb, the limbic system, the bic system has widespread connections with the neo-
basal ganglia, and the neocortex (Kolb & Whishaw, cortex and with the autonomic and endocrinological
1990). Some textbooks also place the thalamus in the systems, and is considered a primitive brain structure

involved with the olfactory senses. It resides between nuclei also reach the striatum, the prefrontal regions,
two brain regions (diencephalon and telencephalon) and the limbic system (Comings, 1990). These sero-
and serves as an intermediary to cognitive and emo- tonin pathways serve to inhibit motor actions and
tional functions (Wilkinson, 1986). emotional responses.
In humans the limbic system has less to do with The basal ganglia are intimately involved with mo-
the olfactory system than with emotional and memory tor functions and, when damaged, can produce pos-
functions that are essential for the survival of the spe- tural changes, increases or decreases in muscle tone,
cies (Barr & Kierman, 1983). It also has preservation and movement changes (e.g., twitches, tremors or
functions for the individual (Wilkinspn, 1986). jerks). Sydenham's chorea, a childhood disease re-
Wilkinson (1986) describes a number of important sultingfrompoststreptoccal rheumatic fever involv-
functions of the limbic system, including: (1) analyz- ing the corpus striatum, is characterized by irregular
ing and responding to fearsome, threatening situa- and purposeless movements (Ashwal & Schneider,
tions; (2) monitoring sexual responses, including re- 1994). This disease usually appears insidiously, gradu-
producing and nurturing offspring; (3) remembering ally worsening with symptoms of hyperkinetic move-
recent and past events; and (4) sensing and respond- ment disorder, emotional lability, and hypotonia.
ing to feeling states, including pleasure. Autonomic Rheumatic heart disease is often found in conjunc-
responses (e.g., heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, tion with Sydenham's chorea and is the cause of mor-
and digestive functions) can be influenced by limbic tality in this disorder. The chorea generally dissipates
structures, especially the cingulate gyrus (Brodal, 6 months after onset, but the emotional lability re-
1992). Aggressive reactions and social indifference mains (Ashwal & Schneider, 1994).
have been associated with the cingulate gyrus, while
feelings of anxiety, deja vu experiences, and fear have
been associated with functions of the amygdala
(Brodal, 1992). With its connections with other lim- The neocortex, often referred to simply as the cortex,
bic and cortical structures, the hippocampus has broad comprises the highest functional division of the fore-
functions involving learning and memory. brain and makes up about 80% of the human brain
Seizure activity in limbic structures, particularly (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). The cortex is wrinkled and
the hippocampus (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985), some- convoluted in appearance, with various elevated
times includes temporal lobe structures as well ridges and convolutions. Ridges are referred to asgyri,
(Lockman, 1994b). Seizures at this site may result in the deepest indentations are called fissures, and the
a temporary loss of consciousness and a loss of shallower indentations are called sulci. The configu-
memory. ration of fissures and large sulci can be identified on
visual inspection of the cortex (see Figure 2.6).
The lateral or Sylvianfissureseparates the frontal
Basal Ganglia lobe from the temporal lobe, and the central sulcus
The term basal ganglia refers to all or some of the (fissure of Rolando) separates the frontal from the
masses of gray matter within the cerebral hemi- parietal lobe. The central sulcus is a prominent land-
spheres, including the corpus striatum (caudate mark separating the motor cortex (anterior to the cen-
nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus) and occasion- tral sulcus)fromthe sensory cortex (posterior to the
ally the amygdala (Shepard, 1994). The corpus central sulcus). The surface areas of posterior tempo-
striatum connects to the neocortex and to the thala- ral and parietal locations are not clearly defined from
mus, and has ascending and descending pathways to the occipital regions (Brodal, 1992). Finally, the
the midbrain structures (red nucleus and substantia calcarine sulcus extends from the occipital pole be-
nigra) and to the spinal cord (Reitan & Wolfson, low to the splenium of the corpus callosum (Carpen-
1985b). Serotonin-rich connections from the raphe ter & Sutin, 1983).




Figure 2.6. Surface of the Left Hemisphere Showing Sulci, Fissures, and
Major Subdivisions of the Cortex
Source: Adapted from M. Semrud-Clikeman and P. A. Teeter, "Personality, Intelligence
and Neuropsychology," in D. Saklofske (Ed.), International handbook of Personality and
Intelligence in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology, copyright 1995 by Plenum
Press, New York.

CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES hemispheres that may be related to neurobehavioral

differences. The left hemisphere has a greater ratio
The cerebrum comprises the right and left hemi-
of gray matter to white matter, particularly in the fron-
spheres, which appear to have anatomical (asymme-
tal, parietal, and temporal regions, compared to the
try) as well as functional (lateralization) differences
right hemisphere. Conversely, the right hemisphere
(Brodal, 1992). Asymmetry typically refers to the
has greater white-to-gray matter ratios than the left
structural or morphological differences between the
hemisphere. Major anatomical and functional differ-
two hemispheres (Rosen, Galaburda, & Sherman,
ences observed in the two hemispheres are described
1990). Although neuroanatomical differences may un-
as follows:
derlie behavioral variations documented for each
hemisphere, it is not known whether chemical as well
as structural differences between the hemispheres also 1. The left hemisphere has more neuronal represen-
account for functional asymmetries (Witelson, 1987a, tations in modality-specific regions in the three
1990). sensory cortices.
Cerebral lateralization refers to the degree to which 2. The right hemisphere has greater association zones,
each hemisphere is specialized for processing spe- where sensory modalities converge.
cific tasks. The right and left hemispheres appear to 3. The left hemisphere is structurally conducive to
differ in terms of their efficiency in processing cer- single modality processing, distinct motor activ-
tain stimuli, such that both hemispheres are "not ity, and intraregional integration.
equally good at all tasks" (Brodal, 1992, p. 421). 4. The right hemisphere is structurally conducive to
Goldberg and Costa (1981) indicate that significant multiple modality processing and intraregional
cytoarchitectural differences exist between the two integration.

5. The right hemisphere has a greater capacity for is recessive or nondominant (Brodal, 1992). Table
handling informational complexity because of its 2.3 summarizes the developmental milestones for
intraregional connections, whereas the left hemi- anatomical and functional asymmetries.
sphere seems best suited for processing unimodal Witelson (1990) suggests that it is unclear whether
stimuli (Goldberg & Costa, 1981; Rourke, 1989; functional differences betweenthe two hemispheres
Semrud-Clikeman & Hynd, 1991b). The right are "relative" or "absolute," in such a way that each
hemisphere appears better able to process novel hemisphere is able to process tasks but does so less
information, whereas the left hemisphere seems efficiently. Others have proposed that the two hemi-
able to work more efficiently with information with spheres operate in a domain-specific fashion (Fodor,
preexisting codes, such as those found in language 1983), whereby each hemisphere acts in an autono-
activities. mous manner with restricted access to information
processed by the other hemisphere.
These differences will be further explored in a later Zaidel, Clark, and Suyenobu (1990, p. 347) pro-
discussion regarding nonverbal learning disabilities. vide some evidence that the hemispheres work in a
Although the correlations between structure and parallel fashion with a "hierarchical sequence of con-
function are not perfect, cerebral asymmetry has been trol." Zaidel et al. (1990) suggest the following: (1)
of great interest to child neuropsychologists the two hemispheres can operate independently of one
(Kinsbourne, 1989). Further, particular anatomical another, which reinforces the concept of hemispheric
asymmetries between the two hemispheres are present specialization, in some domain-specific functions; (2)
at birth (Kolb & Fantie, 1989). Witelson and Pralle hemispheric specialization is "hard-wired" and is ap-
(1973) observed that measurable differences in the parently innately directed; (3) developmental patterns
left planum temporale (near the auditory cortex) are of the two hemispheres may differ; and (4) while the
evident by 39 weeks gestation, which have led some two hemispheres may share processing resources, they
to suggest that the functional lateralization of language can remain autonomous at any stage of processing.
in the left hemisphere is determined prenatally Hemisphere independence appears related to various
(Witelson, 1983, 1987b). In adults, approximately models of hemispheric functioning, including special-
70% of right-handed individuals show larger planum ized processing during domain-specific tasks; inter-
temporale in the left hemisphere, which has been active processing wherein each hemisphere adds to a
shown to be the "posterior substrate of language func- particular stage of processing; and monitoring pro-
tion" (Kolb & Fantie, 1989, p. 30). The typical asym- cessing whereby one hemisphere monitors the pro-
metry of the left hemisphere has not been observed cesses of the other. Zaidel et al. (1990) hypothesize
in those with developmental dyslexias and thus may that these functions can occur in parallel which
be related to the difficulty in encoding letters and words provides for flexibility and adaptability in process-
(Galaburda, Sherman, Aboitiz, & Geschwind, 1985; ing control. Functional neuroimaging techniques
Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, Lorys, Novey, & Eliopulos, will help answer these questions and will no doubt
1990; Hoien, Lundberg, & Odegaard, 1990). add to our understanding of the relative contribu-
Early accounts of cerebral lateralization often tion of the two hemispheres, as well as specific
listed specific functions for each hemisphere in a di- structures, during certain activities.
chotomous, all-or-none fashion, implying that all as- Although anatomical differences appear early in
pects of a given task were carried out by one hemi- development, there is insufficient evidence to con-
sphere. This all-or-none approach is probably overly clude that morphological variations between the two
simplistic because both hemispheres generally play a hemispheres predict functional capabilities in any per-
role in most complex tasks. One hemisphere, how- fect sense (Kinsbourne, 1989). This appears most ob-
ever, is usually considered dominant or most impor- vious when observing recovery of functions after
tant for a specific task, while the other hemisphere brain injury. For example, damage to the left hemi-

Table 2.3. Developmental Milestones for Functional Asymmetry and Cerebral Lateralization


Thumb sucking, 15-week fetus Left Hepper, Shahidullah, & White (1991)
right hand preference
Head turning^ Birth
Reaching 4 months Left Young etal. (1983)
Passive holding Right
Moving pegs 3 years Left Annett(1985)
Finger tapping 35 years Left Ingram (1975)
Strength Left
Gestures Left
Syllables 21 hours Left Molfese & Molfese (1979)
Speech >24 hours Left Hammer (1977)
White noise >24 hours Right
Speech sounds 1 wk10 months Left Molfese, Freeman, & Palermo (1975)
Speech (CV) 22140 days Left Entus (1977)
Music sounds 22140 days Right
Conversational speech 6 months Left Gardiner & Walter (1977)
Name of child 512 months Left Barnet, Vicenti, & Campos (1974)
Light flashes 2 weeks Right Hahn (1987)
Photograph of Mom 4 months Right de Schonen, Gil de Diaz, & Mathivet
Patterns (1986)
Global form 410 months Right Deruelle & de Schonen (1991)
Dichaptic A5 years Right Klein & Rosenfield (1980)
Approach expression 2 days Left Fox & Davidson (1986)
to sugar H 2 0
Facial expressivity Infants Right Best & Queens (1989)
Happy facial expressions 10 months Left Davidson & Fox (1982)
Crying with separation 10 months Right Davidson & Fox (1989)
from Mom
Discriminate 514 years Right Saxby&Bryden(1985)
Emotional faces
Emotional tones 514 years Right Saxby&Bryden(1984)
Emotional reaction 9 years Left Davidson (1984)
to negative expression 12 years Right
Head turning correlated to same side as thumb sucking at birth.

sphere can result in a shift of language functions to to deal with the language process, as suggested by
the right hemisphere, particularly if both the poste- the Goldberg-Costa (1981) model, the right hemi-
rior and anterior speech zones are damaged (Kolb & sphere is able to do so under specific conditions.
Fantie, 1989). While language functions can be as- However, there is a price to be paid when one hemi-
sumed by the right hemisphere, complex visuospatial sphere assumes the function of the other, usually in-
functions appear to be in jeopardy (Kolb & Fantie, volving the loss or compromise of higher level func-
1989); further, complex syntactic processing appears tions. These more complex functions also may be
vulnerable (Scheibel, 1990). So, although the left more dependent on the anatomical differences gen-
hemisphere might be better organized anatomically erally found between the two hemispheres that exist

early in the developing brain. This difference is most the occipitofrontal fasciculus connects the frontal,
likely a result of the differential ratio of gray to white temporal, and occipital lobes (Reitan & Wolfson,
matter between the two hemispheres described by 1985b); and the angular gyrus connects the parietal
Goldberg and Costa (1981). Recovery and loss of and the occipital lobes (Williams, 1993). Dysfunc-
functions will be covered in more detail in subsequent tion of these pathways can result in a variety of be-
chapters. havioral, cognitive, and personality manifestations
(Tranel, 1992), including reading, spelling, and com-
putational disorders in children (O'Donnell, 1991).
Interhemispheric Connections
Large bundles of myelinated fibers connect various STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
intra- and interhemispheric regions. The two hemi-
spheres are connected via several transverse commis- OF THE CORTEX
sures or pathways, including the corpus callosum and The cortex comprises the right and left hemispheres,
the anterior commissure. each with four major lobes: (1)frontal,motor cortex;
The corpus callosum, comprising the rostrum, the (2) parietal, somatosensory cortex; (3) occipital, visual
genu, the body, and the splenium, contains approxi- cortex; and (4) temporal, auditory cortex. (See Figure
mately 300 million nerve fibers for rapid interhemi- 2.7 for a view of the cortical regions.) The structures
spheric communication (Carpenter & Sutin, 1983). and functions of the cortex will be reviewed briefly.
The genu connects rostral portions of the right and
leftfrontallobes, while the body has interconnections
between the frontal and parietal regions across the Frontal Lobes
two hemispheres. The splenium connects temporal Thefrontallobes are the most anterior cortical struc-
and occipital regions and is reportedly larger in fe- tures and comprise the primary motor cortex, the
males (Witelson, 1989). The splenium has been im- premotor cortex, Broca's area, the medial cortex, and
plicated in various childhood disorders, including the prefrontal cortex (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990).
ADHD (Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, et al., 1991; Whereas the frontal lobes have major motor func-
Semrud-Clikeman, Filipek, et al., 1994). The ante- tions, especially the primary and premotor areas, the
rior commissure is smaller than the corpus callosum prefrontal cortex mediates reasoning and planning and
and connects the temporal lobes of the right and left monitors other cortical and subcortical functions.
hemispheres (Koib & Whishaw, 1990). Lesions or damage to the primary motor cortex
can result in paralysis to the contralateral side of the
body, whereas lesions to the premotor cortex can pro-
Intrahemispheric Connections duce more complex coordination problems because
Association fibers connect cortical regions within this region directs the execution of the primary mo-
each hemisphere (Kandel & Schwartz, 1985). Asso- tor area (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). Lesions or dam-
ciation pathways allow for rapid communication age to the prefrontal cortex, with its intricate connec-
within hemispheric regions for the perception and in- tions to other brain regions, including thalamic, hy-
tegration of stimuli and for the organization of com- pothalamic, and limbic areas, often result in affective
plex output (e.g., emotional responses to stimuli). dissociations, impaired executive functions and judg-
Short association fibers connect one gyrus to an- ment, and intellectual deficits (Tranel, 1992).
other, and longerfibersconnect one lobe to another.
For example, the arcuate fasciculus connects the fron-
tal and temporal lobes (Broca's area to Wernicke's Primary Motor Cortex
area); the longitudinal fasciculus connects the tem- The motor system comprises the primary motor, the
poral and the occipital lobes with the frontal lobe; premotor, and to a lesser degree, the prefrontal, with

Movement of muscles
Sensory information
* \ from body
Primary motor
Perceptions and memories Primary somatosensory
are translated into plans and cortex
actions by the frontal lobes Sensory
Motor association
cortex Visual

Primary auditory cortex

Auditory information
Temporal lobe
pulled down Primary visual cortex
to show primary (mostly on inner surface)
auditory cortex

Figure 2.7. Major Structures and Functions of the Cortex

Source: From Neil R. Carlson, Physiology of Behavior, 5th edition, p. 91. Copyright 1994 by Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted with

each region assuming differentiated motor functions. The primary motor cortex resides immediately an-
The primary motor cortex is involved with the ex- terior to the central sulcus and contains giant pyrami-
ecution and maintenance of simple motor functions; dal cells (Betz), which control fine motor and highly
the premotor cortex directs the primary motor cor- skilled voluntary movements (Ghez, 1993). The pri-
tex; and the prefrontal cortex influences motor plan- mary motor cortex receives afferent (incoming sen-
ning and adds flexibility to motor behavior as a re- sory) signals from the parietal lobe, the cerebellum,
sult of inputfrominternal and external factors (Kolb and the thalamus for the integration of sensory-mo-
&Whishaw, 1990). tor signals, while efferent (outgoing motor) signals

are transmitted to the reticular activating system, the red ongoing monitoring of behavior also appear to be
nucleus (midbrain structure), the pons, and the spinal regulated by prefrontal regions. Though not consid-
cord for the production of movement (Ghez, 1993). ered part of the motor area, the limbic system also
The primary cortex controls movements to the op- seems to play a role in complex, intentional, or voli-
posite side of the body and is arranged in a tional motor behaviors.
homuncular fashion. Specific muscle groups of the The development of executive control functions
body are represented in an inverted pattern stretch- is discussed in more detail in later sections of this
ing across the primary motor area (Ghez, 1993). chapter. Also see Chapter 6 for a discussion of neuro-
Stimulation to specific areas of the primary motor psychiatry disorders (e.g., ADHD and Tourette syn-
cortex produces contractions of higfily localized drome) associated withfrontallobe and executive con-
muscle areas. For example, Broca's area resides near trol damage or dysfunction.
the primary motor area in the left hemisphere, con-
trols facial musculature, and mediates speech produc-
tion (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990).
Parietal Lobes
The parietal lobe is separatedfromthefrontalregions
Premotor Cortex by the central sulcus and from the temporal lobe by
The premotor cortex, anterior to the primary motor the lateral fissure (Teeter, 1986). The parietal lobes
cortex, plays a role in controlling limb and body play a central role in the perception of tactile sensory
movements. More complex, coordinated movements information, including the recognition of pain, pres-
appear to be regulated at this level, especially fluid sure, touch, proprioception, and kinesthetic sense. The
sequential movements. The premotor cortex directs parietal lobe comprises of three areas: the primary
the primary cortex in the execution and mainte- sensory projection area, the secondary somatosensory
nance of simple movements (Reitan & Wolfson, area, and the tertiary or association area (Carpenter
1985b). The limbic system also influences the & Sutin, 1983).
motor cortex, directly and indirectly, primarily in
terms of attentional and motivational aspects of Primary Sensory Cortex
motor functions (Brodal, 1992).
The primary sensory projection area is immediately
posterior to the central sulcus, adjacent to the primary
Prefrontal Cortex motor cortex. Some have argued that there is a great
The prefrontal cortex, the most anterior region of the deal of functional overlap between the sensory and
frontal lobe, receives incoming signalsfromthe thala- motor cortical areas (Woolsey, 1958). Penefield and
mus, which then project to the hypothalamus. Fur- Jasper (1954) found that somatic-sensory perceptions
ther, connections to the limbic system allow the pre- were elicited in approximately 25% of the points that
frontal cortex to mediate, regulate, and control affec- were electrically stimulated in regions anterior to the
tive, emotional behavior (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). central sulcus. Regions anterior to the central sulcus
Prefrontal connections to the temporal, parietal, and are generally referred to as the primary motor cortex.
occipital association regions allow for a comparison Further, sensory sensations were reported when stimu-
of past and present sensory experiences (Reitan & lation was applied both in front of and behind the
Wolfson, 1985b). These intricate connections of the central sulcus. Woolsey (1958) subsequently referred
prefrontal cortex with cortical and subcortical regions to the regions posterior to the sulcus as the sensory-
allow for highly integrative, complex functions. Judg- motor area, while regions anterior to the sulcus were
ments and insights arise out of prefrontal activity, labeled the motor-sensory area. What seems most evi-
whereas motor planning, consequential thinking, and dent from this research is that the sensory-motor

regions are highly interrelated, which probably re- mation, whereas the primary areas are involved with
sults in increased functional efficiency. fine* distinctions and analysis of information.
The primary sensory projection area has three ma- The association region overlaps with other corti-
jor functions, including the recognition of the source, cal structures, including temporal and occipital areas
quality, and severity of pain; the discrimination of for the integration of sensory information from dif-
light pressure and vibration; the recognition of fine ferent modalities (Brodal, 1992). Although damage
touch (proprioception); and awareness of the posi- to the association region does not produce visual,
tion and movement of body parts (kinesthetic sense) auditory, or sensory deficits, damage to the associa-
(Kolb & Whishaw, 1985, 1990). Numerous fibers tion area can result in disorders of the integration of
converge in the primary sensory projection area, in- complex sensory information. Cross-modal match-
cluding afferents coming from the thalamus, skin, ing of visual with auditory and sensory stimuli takes
muscles, joints, and tendons from the opposite side place in the association region, which is considered
of the body. Lesions to the primary parietal regions to be the highest level of sensory analysis. Some ar-
can produce sensory deficits to the contralateral gue that this region regulates much of what is mea-
(opposite) side of the body, and other more com- sured by intelligence tests, including cognitive and
plex deficits can occur when the temporoparietal mental functions such as thinking, reasoning, and per-
and/or inferior parietal regions are involved ception (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990).
(Tranel, 1992).
Like the primary frontal cortex, the primary sen- Occipital Lobes
sory projection area is arranged in a homuncular fash-
ion, with the proportion of cortical representation re- The most posterior region of the cortex comprises
lated to the need for sensitivity in a particular body the occipital lobe (primary visual cortex), which is
region (Kandel, 1993a). For example, the region rep- further divided into dorsal (superior) and ventral (in-
resenting the face, lips, and tongue is quite large be- ferior) areas (Tranel, 1992). The inferior and supe-
cause speech production requires multiple sensory in- rior regions are divided by the lateral-occipital sul-
put from these various muscles to provide sensory cus, while the calcarine fissure extends from the oc-
feedback to orchestrate a complex series of move- cipital pole into the splenium of the corpus callosum
ments needed for speaking. The proximity of the pri- (Reitan & Wolfson, 1992).
mary parietal region to the primary motor regions The visual cortex receives projections from the
allows for the rapid cross-communication between retina in each eye via the lateral geniculate nucleus in
sensory-motor systems that is necessary for the ex- the thalamus (see Figure 2.8). The rods and cones in
ecution of motor behavior. the retina respond to photic stimulation, and photo-
chemical processes result in nerve impulses in the op-
tic nerve (Carlson, 1994). The optic nerve forms the
Secondary and Association Cortices optic chiasm once inside the cranium; where nerve
Inputfromthe primary sensory projection regions is fibers partially cross, project to the lateral geniculate
synthesized into more complex sensory forms by sec- in the thalamus, and converge in the visual cortex.
ondary parietal regions (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). The Damage anywhere along this pathway can produce a
tertiary or association region, the most posterior area variety of visual defects.
of the parietal lobe, receives input from the primary The occipital lobe comprises primary, secondary,
sensory projection area and sends efferents into the and tertiary or association regions (Kolb & Whishaw,
thalamus. The association region is involved with the 1990). The primary occipital cortex receives affer-
integration and utilization of complex sensory infor- entsfromthe thalamus, which pass through the tem-
mation (Brodal, 1992). Pandya and Yeterian (1990) poral cortex (Kelly, 1993). Damage to this tract, even
indicate that the association regions synthesize infor- if it occurs in the temporal lobe, can produce visual

Lateral geniculate Information from

nucleus ^ right half of
visual field

Optic nerve
Primary visual

Information from
left half of
visual field

Field of view
* *&& of left eye

Figure 2.8. Visual Fields and Cortical Visual Pathways

Source: From Neil R. Carlson, Physiology of Behavior, 5th edition, p. 149. Copyright 1994 by Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted by

field defects. The association region is involved with is referred to as Wernicke's area in the left hemisphere;
complex visual perception, relating past visual stimuli (2) the inferior temporal region, including the
to present stimuli for the recognition and appreciation occipitotemporal association region; and (3) the me-
of what is being seen (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985). Dam- sial temporal aspect, including the hippocampal and
age to the association region, particularly in the right amygdala regions (Tranel, 1992). The temporal lobe
hemisphere, can produce a variety of visual deficits, in- has complex interconnections, with afferent fibers
cluding recognition of objects, faces, and drawings. comingfromthe parietal lobe; efferentfibersproject-
ing into the parietal andfrontallobes; and the corpus
callosum and the anterior commissure connecting the
Temporal Lobes right and left temporal lobes (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990).
The temporal lobe, has three major divisions: (1) the Three major pathways connect the temporal lobe with
posterior region of the superior temporal gyrus, which other cortical regions for complex integrated func-

tions. The arcuate fasciculus connects thefrontaland THE DEVELOPMENT OF

temporal lobes; the superior longitudinal fasciculus HIGHER CORTICAL REGIONS
connects the temporal to the occipital andfrontalcor-
tices (i.e., the sensory and motor regions of Wernicke's The relationship between cognitive-behavioral devel-
and Broca's areas); and the occipitofrontal fasciculus opment and neuroanatomical development is rela-
connects thefrontal-temporal-occipitalregions (Hynd tively uncharted in young children, with two excep-
& Cohen, 1983). tions-motor and language functions (Kolb & Fantie,
The anatomical complexity, including large asso- 1989). Changes in myelin formation in specific brain
ciation regions, suggest that the temporal lobes have regions are correlated with increased complexity of
diverse functions, including: the perception of audi- functions and increased cognitive abilities in children
tory sensations, the analysis of affective tone in audi- from birth to 5 years of age. See Table 2.4 for an
tory stimuli, and long-term memory storage. Although overview of this interaction.
the temporal lobe has primary auditory perception and Kolb and Fantie (1989) caution that it is unclear
association functions related to speech and language which of these correlations is meaningful. Although
processing, it also plays a significant role in memory there is an obvious interaction among developing
functions and in facial (prosopagnosia) and object rec- brain structures, many of which are developing si-
ognition (Shepard, 1994). multaneously, and behavioral changes, this relation-
The primary temporal cortex is involved with the ship is highly variable (Majovski, 1989). Brains are
perception of speech sounds, particularly in the left distinct in their individual cellular and neural growth
hemisphere, and nonverbal tonal sequences, particu- patterns, but this process is affected by acculturation
larly in therighthemisphere, while the secondary and (Majovski, 1989) and chemical-environmental fac-
association regions are more complex and varied in tors (Cook & Leventhal, 1992). Despite individual
function. The secondary and association regions add variations in this process, developmental trends in
the affective quality to stimuli that is essential for structural and behavioral interactions can be inter-
learning to take place. When positive, negative, or preted with these limitations in mind.
neutral affective qualities are attached to stimuli, in- The following sections address maturational pro-
formation takes on motivational or emotional impor- cesses in specific cortical regions. In some instances,
tance to the learner. Without this association, all there is not sufficient research to determine when
stimuli would be judged as equal and we would re- structures are fully developed and how structural
spond to all stimuli with the same affect or emotion changes relate to cognitive development; however,
(Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). there is sufficient evidence to suggest that meaning-
The mesial temporal region, including the adjoin- ful patterns are emerging. The following review sum-
ing hippocampus and amygdala, appears to be linked marizes the current available research in this area.
to memory processes and plays a role in learning or
acquiring new information (Tranel, 1992). Lesions Frontal Lobe Maturation
in this area result in impaired retention of new memo-
ries, as this region appears to be related to the pro- Conel (19391959) mapped postnatalfrontallobe de-
cess by which new memories are stored or are re- velopment, showing rapid changes in density from
trievedfromstorage (Kupfermann, 1991). birth until 15 months. Synaptic density increases un-
Asymmetry of functions is evident in the tempo- til 2 years of age, when it is about 50% above that of
ral lobes. Memory functions appear to be lateralized. adults, and decreases until about 16 years of age
The recall of verbal information, including stories and (Huttenlocher, 1979). Kolb and Fantie (1989) sug-
word lists presented either orally or visually, is stored gest that a decrease in the number of synapses in the
in the left hemisphere, whereas nonverbal recall for frontal lobes may represent a "qualitative refinement"
geometric drawings, faces, and tunes is stored in the in the functional capacity of the neurons. That is,
right hemisphere (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). cognitive complexity cannot be defined in simple

Table 2.4. Myelination and Cognitive Development

Birth Sucking reflex, rooting, swallow- Motor root +++; sensory root ++;
ing, Moro reflex, grasping, and medial lemniscus ++; superior
blinking to light cerebellar peduncle ++; optic tract
++; optic radiation /+
6 weeks Neck turning and extension when Smiles when played with. Optic tract ++; optic radiation +;
prone; regards mom's face; middle cerebellar peduncle;
follows objects. pyramidal tract +
3 months Infantile grasp; volitional suck- Watches own hands. Sensory root +++; optic trace & radia-
ing; holds head up; turns to tion +++; pyramidal tract ++;
objects in visual field; may cingulum +; frontopontine tract +;
respond to sound. middle cerebellar peduncle +; corpus
callosum +/; reticular formation

6 months Grasps with both hands; puts Laughs and shows pleasure. Medial lemniscus +++; superior
weight on forearms; rolls; Makes primitive sounds. cerebellar peduncle ++; middle
supports weight on legs Smiles at self in mirror. cerebellar peduncle +; pyramidal
brief periods. tract ++; corpus callosum +; reticular
formation +; association areas +/;
acoustic radiation +
9 months Sits and pulls self to sitting Waves bye-bye; plays pat-a- Cingulum +++; fornix - ; others as
position; thumbforefinger cake; uses Dada, Baba; described
grasp; crawl. imitates.
12 months Releases objects. Cruises and Uses 24 words with mean- Medial lemniscus +++ pyramidal tract
walks with one hand held; ing; understands nouns; +++; fornix +++; corpus callosum +;
plantar reflex flexor in 50 %. may kiss on request. intracortical neuropil +/; association
areas +/; acoustic radiation ++
24 months Walks up and down stairs; (two Uses 23 word sentences; Acoustic radiation +++ corpus callosum
feet-step); bends and picks uses/, me, said you; ++; association areas +; nonspecific
up object; turns knob; par- plays simple games; thalamic radiation ++
tially dresses; plantar reflex names 45 body parts;
flexor 100%. obeys simple commands.
36 months Goes up stairs (one foot) pedals Asks numerous questions; Middle cerebellar peduncle -
tricycle; dresses self fully says nursery rhymes;
except shoelaces, belts, and copies circles; plays with
buttons; visual acuity others.
5 years Skips; ties shoelaces; copies Repeats 4 digits; names 4 Nonspecific thalamic radiation +++;
triangles; gives age. colors. reticular formation ++; corpus
callosum +++; intracortical neuropil
& association areas ++
Adult Intracortical neuropil & association
areas ++ to +++

Source: Adapted with permission "Development of the Child's Brain and Behavior*' by B. Kolb and B. Fantie (1989), in C. R
Reynolds and E. R. Janzen, eds., Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology, pp. 1740. New York: Plenum Press.
Note: +/ minimal amounts; + mild amounts; ++ moderate amounts; +++ heavy.

quantitative terms, such as the number of synapses. 3. The hemispheres develop in an uneven pattern for
These structural changes appear to correspond to the the next 5 years.
development of behaviors mediated by the frontal 4. The dendritic system in the left hemisphere ap-
lobes, namely speech, executive, and emotional pears more complex by the age of 6, and Broca's
functions. area resembles the development of adults at this
Using EEG data to map brain activity, Thatcher age (Scheibel, 1990).
(1991,1994) suggests that there are "growth spurts"
of cortical connections from the parietal, occipital, Further, these structural changes appear related to dif-
and temporal lobes to thefrontallobes. These growth ferences in functional speech mechanisms present at
spurts occur at three intervals: (1) from age 1.5 to 5 each stage.
years; (2) from 5 to 10 years; and (3) from 10 to 14 Speech during the first 6 to 12 months of age is
years. After age 14 the frontal lobes develop at the characterized by affective communication patterns,
same rate and continue until age 45. These which probably account for dendritic growth in the
corticocortical connections differ between hemi- rightfrontalregions (Scheibel, 1990). Syntactic and
spheres. The left hemisphere shows a developmental prepositional aspects of language, developed in later
sequence of gradients involving anterior-posterior and stages, appear related to the development of left fron-
lateral-mesial regions, with lengthening of connec- tal regions. Development of dendritic processes in the
tions between posterior sensory regions, and frontal language regions in the left hemisphere catches up to
areas, while the right hemisphere involves a contrac- and eventually exceeds development in therighthemi-
tion of long-distancefrontalconnections to posterior sphere corresponding to increases in the use and com-
sensory areas. Thatcher (1994) suggests that the ex- plexity of language skills. Further, Scheibel (1990, p.
pansion of the left hemisphere is due to functional 263) hypothesizes that "structural maturation devel-
differentiation of new subsystems, whereas the con- ops concomitantly with, and may in fact depend on,
traction of the right hemisphere is the functional in- functional activity."
tegration of previously existing subsystems. Thus, ex- Scheibel (1990) found that proximal and distal seg-
perience and stimulation play a direct role in the pro- ments of the dendritic branches also differed depend-
cess of redefining and differentiating neuroanatomy. ing on the hemisphere. Proximal segments (near the
cell body) develop early, with distal segments (far)
appearing later in development. Proximal segments
Expressive Speech Functions are longer in the right hemisphere, with distal seg-
Scheibel (1990) examined dendritic structures in the ments more pronounced in the left hemisphere. The
frontal lobe to determine the relationship between proximal/distal ratio appears complementary, where
functional speech abilities and cortical development. proximal segments are longer in the absence of distal
In a series of postmortem studies, electron micro- segments. The importance of distance from the cell
scopic techniques were applied to brain tissue taken body in determining the role of the dendritic processes
from 17 subjects between the ages of 3 months and 6 is unknown. However, Scheibel (1990) does suggest
years. Structural changes in dendritic growth patterns that distinct dendritic processes in the two hemi-
appear related to differences in language functions sphere are probably related to functional differences
across the ages and are summarized as follows: between the two regions.

1, Initially, dendritic growth is greater in the right

opercular region (motor speech area) than on the Executive Functions
left at 3 months. Studies have also focused on the neurobehavioral cor-
2. Dendritic systems on the left increase in higher relates of frontal lobe development, specifically the
order speech zones at 6 months and eventually sur- emergence of "executive" functions (e.g., planning,
pass the right hemisphere. flexibility, inhibition, and self-monitoring) that have

been attributed to this area. Whereas prefrontal re- Similar to Denckla's (1994) convergent/divergent
gions have been hypothesized to be involved prima- validity approach to executive functions, Becker,
rily in executive functions (Dennis, 1991; Welsh, Isaac, and Hynd (1987) found age variation in skill
Pennington, & Grossier, 1991), striatal regions also attainment. Skills thought to be mediated by the fron-
have been investigated (Denckla, 1996; Voeller, tal lobes were found to be mastered by 10 and 12
1991). Because there are rich connections between year olds; these included the capability of inhibiting
the frontal lobes and striatal regions (Hynd et al., motor responses, remembering the temporal order of
1993), it is reasonable to believe that these two areas visual designs, using strategies for memory tasks, at-
are intimately involved in executive functions. tending to relevant details and ignoring distractors,
Pribram (1992) suggests that executive functions and employing verbal mediators to enhance perfor-
are subdivided between these anatomical regions: mance. Six-year-olds had more difficulty inhibiting
dorsalfrontal,lateralfrontal,and orbitalfrontal.The motor responses and remembering the temporal or-
dorsalfrontalregion is thought to be responsible for der of visual designs. There appeared to be a devel-
determining how important a situation is; the lateral opmental shift for 8-year-olds, who were able to in-
frontal is involved in determining if the selected ac- hibit motor responses. While subjects at all age lev-
tion is worth the effort needed to obtain the result; els were able to verbalize directions, younger chil-
and the orbitalfrontalis responsible for determining dren, especially those under the age of 8, were not
the social and situational appropriateness of actions. always able to inhibit perseverative responses.
Thatcher (1991) suggests that the interaction of these Passler, Isaac, and Hynd (1985) also found that
three functionally relevant areas provides the behav- children progress through developmental stages show-
ior known as executive function. ing mastery of somefrontallymediated tasks at 6 and
In keeping with our transactional model, Denckla at 8 years, while other tasks were not mastered even
(1994) suggests that executive functions have two at the age of 12. Six-year-olds gaveflexible,correct
influences, one neuroanatomical and the other responses for a verbal conflict task but were unable
"psychodevelopmental," and that these influences not to respond accurately to a nonverbal conflict task. Al-
only interact but also modify each other. Moreover, though 8-year-olds mastered both tasks and also were
there appear to be age-related variables that demar- able to complete a perseveration task, they were un-
cate the possession of different functions believed to able to complete a series of drawings consistently or
be executed in nature (Welsh et al., 1991). For ex- to respond correctly respond to verbal and nonverbal
ample, Denckla (1994) cites the example that con- proactive inhibition task. Finally, even the 12-year-
struct validity of executive function is demonstrated olds did not obtain full mastery of the verbal and non-
by convergent (a child X age can do this when he or verbal retroactive inhibition tasks. These findings sug-
she can do that) and divergent (a child of X age can gest that the greatest period of development for ex-
do this but not that) validity. ecutive functions occurs between the ages of 6 and 8,
Some suggest that thefrontallobes of children de- with continued growth beyond the 12-year-old level
velop rather markedly between the ages of 4 and 7 for more complex tasks.
years, with steady but less dramatic increases from Kolb and Fantie (1989) also measured age-re-
12 years of age to adulthood (Luria, 1973). Others lated increases in tests of frontal lobe functioning.
suggest that development begins in adolescence and On the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, children
continues up to about 24 years of age (Golden, 1981). reached adult levels of performance by 10 years of
Still others suggest that thefrontallobes develop in age but did not reach adult levels of performance
cycles rather than with variable development between on a word fluency test even by the age of 17.
the hemispheres (Thatcher, 1994). Experimental stud- Emerging research suggests some correlation be-
ies have shown that children do exhibit behaviors tween structural and cognitive development, but
thought to be mediated by thefrontallobes much ear- much more information is needed to understand this
lier than adolescence or adulthood. dynamic process fully.

Emotional Functions nology has been used to measure brain metabolism

in order to determine regional differences in brain de-
Models of the neuropsychological basis of emotions velopment from childhood into early adulthood
indicate that the frontal lobes play a central role in (Hashimoto et al., 1995). There was a significant cor-
the processing of emotional responses (Heller, 1990). relation between age and metabolic activity in the
The two hemispheres appear differentially involved right parietal regions, suggesting rapid brain matura-
in adults, with damage to the left hemisphere result- tion in this region from one month up to the age of 2
ing in depression and catastrophic reactions; whereas or 3 years. Thefrontalregions showed less metabolic
damage to the right hemisphere results in inappropri- activation during the same time frame, suggesting
ate emotional reactions, including indifference or eu- slower development of these regions. The frontal
phoria (Heller, 1990). Developmental patterns have lobes, dense with gray matter, are slower to myelinate
been documented showing that the left hemisphere and to form synaptic and dendritic connections than
may be more reactive to emotional stimuli in younger are the more posterior brain regions.
children (9 years of age) than the adolescents (14 years The course of development for tactile perception
of age) and adults (Davidson, 1984). Heller (1990) has been most thoroughly researched for hemispheric
suggests that as the right hemisphere matures, it has asymmetries. Tactile form perception increases with
a modulating effect on the more reactive left hemi- age (from 8 to 12 years); children usually show a slight
sphere. Moreover, as the corpus callosum matures, superiority in scores using their preferred hand (domi-
the right hemisphere can inhibit or control the left nant hand); and scores on the nonpreferred hand were
hemisphere more effectively. much more variable than on the preferred (Benton,
Heller (1990) postulates that depression in chil- Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983a). For the 12- to
dren and adults may be a function of underactivation 14-year-old group, children show a more even range
of thefrontalregions, or the right hemisphere may be of scores and reach adultlike performance on these
overactivated. Apparently, it is the ratio of activation measures. Tactile finger localization develops more
between the two hemispheres that is important rather slowly, and most preschool children are unable to
than the level of activation of either one. Heller (1990) name or point to the finger that has been touched
further speculates that neurodevelopmental patterns (Benton et al., 1983a). For most 6-year-old children,
may help to explain why depression seems to increase this is a difficult task, but by the age of 9 few errors
around puberty, which corresponds to the time when are present. When errors do appear, they occur more
later-developing corpus callosal structures are becom- frequently on adjacent fingers (37.5%). 4 times higher
ing mature. Kolb and Taylor (1990) also describe the than for adults.
role of the temporal lobes in the perception of emo-
Children apparently respond differentially to tac-
tions (e.g., facial or tonal), and suggest that differ-
tile localization tests on the right and left hands, de-
ences between the anterior/posterior regions may be
pending on the type of response mode required
just as important as the right/left hemisphere differ-
(Bakker, 1972). Verbal responses seem to increase
ences in the control of emotions.
accuracy when identifying touch to the right hand,
whereas nonverbal responses enhance accuracy with
the left hand. Witelson and Pallie (1973) found that
Parietal Lobe Maturation children do recognize nonsense forms better with the
Although it is assumed that the sensory systems are left hand, but recognition of letter shapes does not
functional prior to birth, very little is known about appear to have a right or left hand advantage.
tactile-sensory development. Whereas evidence sug-
gests that somesthetic senses are the first to develop
embryonically, the course of development in infancy
Occipital Lobe Maturation
and early childhood is less well articulated (Martin, The visual system is slow to develop in humans (Hynd
1993). Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy tech- & Willis, 1988). Myelination of the optic tract is mod-

erately developed at 6 weeks of age but is heavily Rosen et al. (1990) investigated the ontogeny of
developed by 3 months of age (Kolb & Fantie, 1989). lateralization and have generated some hypotheses
The myelination of the optic radiation is somewhat about the mechanisms of asymmetry. In these stud-
slower, with minimal development at 3 months of age ies, symmetry in the brain was found to be related to
and mild development at 6 weeks of age. However, the size of the planum temporale in the right hemi-
heavy myelination occurs in the optic radiation at sphere. In brains with normal patterns of asym-
about the same time as the optic tract. metrical organization, there was a corresponding
Developmental trends in visual asymmetries have decrease in the size of the right hemisphere. This
also been investigated in children. Kplb and Fantie correspondence was not observed in brains that
(1989) found that the right hemisphere may be spe- were symmetrical, as there was an abundance of
cialized for facial recognition in children as young as neurons in the temporal regions of the right hemi-
4 years of age, and shows a steady increase in accu- sphere (Duane, 1991). Further, the corpus callo-
racy up to 5 years of age, with slower acceleration sum in symmetrical brains was found to be larger
after this age. Kolb and Fantie hypothesize that the than in those with the normal patterns of asymme-
structural hardwire of the brain is sufficiently mature try (Rosen et al., 1990). Rosen et al. (1990) hy-
by age 5 and that further growth in accuracy is de- pothesize that this variation in volume is likely a
pendent on experience. While the 6-year-old is adept result of "pruning" of the axons in the corpus cal-
at facial recognition, matching expressions to situa- losum that takes place in early developmental stages.
tions is not well developed until about 14 years of Asymmetry may be related to withdrawal of neurons
age. This finding implies that the later task may also in the corpus callosum, while ipsilateral connections
require frontal lobe maturation as well as posterior are maintained (Rosen et al., 1990).
cortical development (Kolb & Fantie, 1989). Numerous factors impinge upon normal brain de-
velopment, affecting the manner in which neural sys-
Temporal Lobe Maturation tems function and the way in which traits and behav-
iors are expressed. Genetic as well as environmental
Developmental patterns have also been investigated factors influence neurodevelopment. These factors
for hemispheric asymmetry in the temporal lobes. will be reviewed briefly in the following sections.
Asymmetries of the temporal lobe appear to have
some relationship between cortical maturation and the
development of the corpus callosum (Rosen,
Galaburda, & Sherman, 1990). There is sufficient evi- BRAIN DEVELOPMENT
dence that the left planum temporale is larger than Brain development appears to follow relatively fixed
the right and that these differences are present at birth sequences of growth and changes in the biological
(Wada, Clark, & Hamm, 1975; Witelson & Pallie, processes that are genetically specified. Defects in
1973). This developmental course is likely related to the genetic program, intrauterine trauma (e.g., tox-
functional differences between the two hemispheres ins), or other factors can result in serious malforma-
in their ability to process information. Infants appear tions in brain size and structural organization. See
to discriminate speech sounds at a young age, as early Table 2.5 for a summary of these neurodevel-
as 1 to 4 monthsof age (Eimas, 1985). Further, re- opmental abnormalities. Cell migration, axonal/
searchers have found functional lateralization of the dendritic formation and growth, synaptic develop-
left hemisphere for speech sounds in infants (Molfese ment, and myelination appear compromised.
& Molfese, 1986) and for music and nonspeech These neurodevelopmental anomalies produce a
sounds in the right hemisphere in infants (Entus, variety of functional/behavioral deficits, ranging from
1977). See Table 2.3 for a summary of developmen- life-threatening to severely symptomatic to asymp-
tal ages when asymmetry between the two hemi- tomatic. While a number of these anomalies are re-
spheres appears. lated to defects in embryogenesis (dysplasias, agen-

Table 2.5. Neurodevelopmental Abnormalities Associated with Neurogenesis or Abnormal Neural Migration


Micrencephaly Brain is smaller than normal. Involves cog- Genetic, malnutrition, inflammatory diseases (e.g.,
nitive deficits, epilepsy. rubella), radiation, maternal exposure to poisons
Megalencephaly Brain is larger than normal. Intelligence Genetic
ranges from subnormal to gifted, behav-
ioral deficits.

Abnormal Tissue Growth

Holoprosencephaly Hemispheres fail to develop. Single hemi- Neurotoxicity, genetic (trisomy 1315)
sphere or ventricle is present. Medical
problems (e.g., apnea, cardiac) exists.
Mental and motor retardation are
Agenesis of corpus Corpus callosum fails to develop (partial Genetic
callosum or complete). Linguistic and intellectual
deficits are present. Found with other
neurological disorders (i.e., hydrocephaly,
spina bifida)
Cerebellar agnesis Cerebellum fails to develop Genetic

Cortical Malformations
Lissencephaly Sulci and gyri fail to develop. Found Etiology unknown
with agenesis of corpus callosum.
Severe mental retardation, epilepsy.
Early death.
Micropolygyria Numerous small, and poorly formed Intrauterine infections
or polymicrogyria gyri. Severe retardation to LD.

Abnormalities with Hydrocephaly

Dandy-Walker Cerebellar malformations, with fourth Genetic
malformation ventricle enlargement. Other abnormal-
ities (e.g., agenesis of corpus callosum).

Abnormalities in Neural Tube and Fusion

Anencephaly Hemispheres, diencephalon, and midbrain Genetic
fail to develop.
Hydranencephaly Hemispheres fail to develop, CDF-filled Umbilical cord strangulation. Vascular blockage,
cystic sac. Looks like hydrocephaly ischemia
early. Appears normal at birth.
Porencephaly Large cystic lesion (bilateral). Mental Neonatal hemorrhaging following trauma,
retardation, epilepsy. Agenesis of ischemia
temporal lobe. Early death.
Spina bifida Neural tube fails to close. Skeletal, gastro- Maternal fever, virus, hormonal imbalance, folic
intestinal, cardiovascular, and pulmonary acid deficiency
abnormalities, bulging dura mater.

Source: AdaptedfromG. W. Hynd and W. G. Willis, Pediatric Neuropsychology, Table 4.1, pp. 7377. Copyright 1988 by Grune
& Stratton, Orlando, Florida. Adapted by permission of The Psychological Corporation, Orlando, Florida 32887.

esis of the corpus callosum, malformations of the cor- mental factors in the expression of these illnesses can-
tex, etc.), both genetic and environmental factors ap- not be overlooked (Malaspina etal., 1992). Even when
pear to be causative factors (Garg et al., 1994). single autosomal genes are known, the exact nature
The extent to which other childhood and adoles- or presentation of various disorders is unknown. Vari-
cent disorders, particularly dyslexia and schizophre- able expression of neuropsychiatric disorders depends
nia, are genetically transmitted has been investigated. on a variety of factors, including age at onset of the
Developmental dyslexia has been the focus of stud- illness. Further, Malaspina et al. (1992) hypothesize
ies demonstrating autosomal dominant (generation- that one genotype may result in multiple phenotypes
to-generation) inheritance (Smith, Kimberling, or vice versa. The latter situation, where one pheno-
Pennington, & Lubs, 1983). Lubs et al. (1991) sug- type arisesfromseveral genotypes, seems most likely
gest that autosomal recessive inheritance (normal for disorders with heterogeneous etiologies. For ex-
parents with affected siblings) are also reported, but ample, Malaspina et al. (1992) suggest that psycho-
autosomal dominant inheritance seems most frequent. sis may be the inherited trait found in both schizo-
Volger, Defries, and Decker (1984) found that less phrenia and bipolar disorders. The critical point at
than half of persons with dyslexia have parents with this juncture is that the systematic linking of heredi-
a history of reading problems. According to Lubs et tary factors with environmental factors will likely be
al. (1991), the genetic linkage will likely increase useful in advancing our understanding of childhood
when cases of dyslexia resultingfrominjury or envi- disorders. This linkage may ultimately provide some
ronmental damage are excluded from studies. Lubs insight for preventing and treating some
et al. (1991) conclude that "developmental dyslexia neuropsychiatric abnormalities (Malaspina et al.,
is a heterogeneous group of disorders, some of which 1992).
are inherited" (p. 74). Selected environmental factors known to affect
Malaspina, Quitkin, and Kaufman (1992) indicate brain development are briefly examined in the fol-
that a number of other neuropsychiatry disorders of lowing sections.
childhood and adolescents have a genetic component.
Individuals with an affected relative seem to be at a
higher risk of also developing some disorders, includ- THE INTERACTION OF
ing a 45% morbid risk for dyslexia; a 50% morbid BIOLOGICAL AND
risk for Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome (degenera- ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON
tive disease with motor signs and dementia), acute BRAIN DEVELOPMENT
porphyria (motor neuropathy with psychiatric fea-
tures), and myotonic dystrophy (motoric, intellectual, It has long been recognized that biogenetic (e.g., chro-
and psychiatric deterioration); a 25% to 50% risk for mosomal abnormalities), environmental factors, (e.g.,
leukodystrophy (hyper- or hypotonicity with psy- pre- and postnatal toxins and insults), and birth com-
chotic symptoms); a 25% risk for Lesch-Nyhan syn- plications all affect the developing brain. Traumatic
drome (spastic and movement disorders with retar- brain injury at an early age and a lack of environ-
dation); a 24% risk for Wilson disease (liver disorder mental stimulation are also known to have long-term
with neuropsychological symptoms); a 12.8% risk for affects on optimal brain development. Prenatal and
schizophrenia; an 8% risk for bipolar disorders; a 4% postnatal factors known to have an impact on the de-
risk for epilepsy; and, a 3.6% risk for Tourette syn- veloping brain will be briefly reviewed.
drome (major behavioral disorder with motor and
vocal tics). See Malaspina et al. (1992) for an in-depth
Prenatal Risk Factors
discussion of the epidemiology and genetic transmis-
sion of these and other neuropsychiatric disorders. With the advent of X-ray technology in the 1920s
The specific abnormal gene(s) involved in these and 1930s, it became apparent that the developing
disorders are unknown; further, the role of environ- fetus was susceptible to various environmental agents

known as teratogens (Berk, 1989). Moore (1983) oping brain (Humphreys, Kaufman, & Galaburda,
identified critical periods during the embryonic (sec- 1990). Fibromyeline plaques or lesions form in cor-
ond to eighth week of development) and the fetal stage tical areas called "watershed regions." These
(ninth week to birth) in which the exposure to terato- ischemic-induced alterations, caused by a temporary
gens produced different outcomes. The central ner- loss of blood (perfusion), have been found in the
vous system was particularly vulnerable from the brains of individuals with dyslexia (Duane, 1991).
fifth week of embryonic development up to birth. Ischemia may also be induced by maternal or fetal
Berk (1989) discussed several detrimental environ- autoimmune mechanisms.
mental influences, including alcohol, narcotics, The extent to which these morphological varia-
pollutants, maternal disease, and malnutrition, as tions are related to or contribute to reading disability
prenatal risk factors affecting neurodevelopment. will be explored in later chapters. The important point
here is that maternal health directly affects the devel-
oping fetal brain. Glial cells and specific molecules
Maternal Stress, Nutrition, and
that direct the migration of cells may be involved in
Health Factors
such a way as to alter the cortical architecture of the
Maternal stress. In addition to numerous prenatal fac- child's brain (Duane, 1991).
tors that place the developing child at risk for neuro- Another maternal health factor that has known ef-
logical complications, maternal stress, malnutrition, fects on the developing brain is rubella (German
poor health, and age also play a role in the ultimate measles), which often results in deafness in babies if
expression of these risk factors (Berk, 1989). Extreme the mother contracts this disease in thefirsttrimester
maternal stress is known to increase levels of stress of pregnancy (Papalia & Olds, 1992). Berk (1989)
in the fetus and has been associated with low-birth- notes that eye and heart involvement are other likely
weight babies and irritable, restless, colicky infants. outcomes if rubella occurs in the first 8 weeks of preg-
Reinis and Goldman (1980) suggest that maternal nancy, whereas deafness is more likely to occur if the
stress creates vasoconstriction reducing circulation illness occurs between 5 and 15 weeks. Maternal
that ultimately produces fetal asphyxia, which is herpes simplex 2 is also known to produce mental
known to cause brain damage in the developing fetus. retardation and learning difficulties because this vi-
rus attacks the developing central nervous system of
Maternal nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies during the the fetus (Samuels & Samuels, 1986).
last 3 months of fetal life and during the first 3 months Concerns have been recently raised about the ef-
of infancy also can have severe effects on the devel- fects of acquired immune deficiency syndrome
oping brain, particularly seen as a decrease in the (AIDS) on the developing fetus. Berk (1989) reports
number of brain cells and brain weight (Berk, 1989). that embryonic and fetal malformations are likely re-
Although proper maternal nutrition can reverse in- sults of prenatal AIDS infection. Microcephaly often
fant mortality rates (Papalia & Olds, 1992), the af- appears, together with other facial deformities, and
fects of pre- and postnatal malnutrition on the child's babies who are infected with the AIDS virus often
intellectual and behavioral development are difficult die within 5 to 8 months of symptom onset (Minkoff,
to measure (Berk, 1989). Deepak, Menez, & Firkig, 1987). Central nervous
system involvement has been estimated to be as high
Maternal health. Maternal health during pregnancy as 78% to 93% of children with human immunodefi-
is generally monitored to ensure normal fetal devel- ciency virus (HIV), with signs of motor, visual-per-
opment. Duane (1991) suggests that maternal ceptual, language, and reasoning delays (Belman,
hypotension may have an adverse affect on the fetal Lantos, et al., 1986; Belman, Ultmann, et al, 1986;
brain. A reduction of blood pressure in the pregnant Ultmannetal., 1985,1987).
woman can result in circulation failures in the devel- Diamond et al. (1987) investigated the cognitive

status of children with congenital HTV infection. In problems developing and continuing into later child-
this longitudinal study, children (aged 4-2 to 8-7 years) hood (Papalia & Olds, 1992).
were found to have prominent visual-spatial organi- The developing fetal brain is highly susceptible
zation problems, with generalized cognitive impair- to alcohol damage, and pregnant mothers are ad-
ment and motor involvement (e.g., spastic diparesis, vised to eliminate alcohol consumption entirely (Sur-
hypotonia, clumsiness, and coordination difficul- geon General's Advisory on Alcohol and Pregnancy,
ties). CAT scans also revealed mild atrophy (Dia- 1981). Even moderate alcohol consumption (i.e., one
mond et al., 1987), with progressive encephalop- to two drinks a day) in mothers who are breast feed-
athy and basal ganglia calcification. ing can produce mild delays in motor development,
Mothers who are likely to contact AIDS often including crawling and walking delays (Little,
come from high-risk populations, including intrave- Anderson, Ervin, Worthington Roberts, & Clarren,
nous drug abusers, so other health factors may play a 1989). Although not all children are equally affected,
role in the manifestation of symptoms (Berk, 1989). maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and
The extent to which other psychosocial factors play a lactation is definitely a risk factor, with deleterious
role in the long-term outcome for children with con- affects on the developing brain.
genital HIV infection needs further study.
Maternal age during pregnancy also can play a role Marijuana, Infant and fetal central nervous system
in the outcome of the developing fetal brain. Major signs have been shown to resultfromheavy maternal
medical complications in older women and poverty consumption of drugs during pregnancy, including
or a lack of "psychological readiness" in younger marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Physical signs (i.e.,
women have been found to be risk factors for the de- low weight and premature infants), neurological com-
veloping fetus (Berk, 1989). When health, poverty, plications, and central nervous system involvement
and psychological factors are controlled, infants born (e.g., tremors and startles) have been found in infants
to teenagers and mothers over 35 do not appear to be born to mothers with high marijuana usage (Lester &
at higher risk for complications (Berk, 1989). Dreher, 1989; Fried, Watkinson, & Willan, 1984).

Cocaine. Cocaine use appears to affect blood flow

Maternal Alcohol and Drug into the placenta and may affect neurotransmitters in
Addiction the fetal brain (Papalia & Olds, 1992). Infants born
Alcohol Heavy maternal alcohol consumption has se- to mothers who use cocaine are at risk for various
rious consequences for the developing fetal brain, complications, including spontaneous abortions, pre-
whereas the effects of drug addiction are less clear maturity and low birth weight, small head size, and
(Berk, 1989). Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) occurs behavioral symptoms (lethargy, unresponsiveness,
frequently in infants born to alcohol-dependent moth- irritability, and a lack of alertness) according to nu-
ers, and estimates suggest that 40,000 children are merous studies reported in Papalia and Olds (1992)
born with alcohol-related birth defects every year (see Chasnoff, Griffith, MacGregor, Dirkes, & Burns,
(Papalia & Olds, 1992). Characteristic symptoms in 1989; Chavez, Mulinare, & Cordero, 1989; Hadeed
children with FAS include pre- and postnatal growth & Siegel, 1989; Zuckerman et al., 1989, for a more
delays, facial abnormalities (e.g., widely spaced eyes, in-depth treatment of this topic).
shortened eyelids, small nose), mental retardation; Howard (1989) described the social interaction and
and behavioral problems (e.g., hyperactivity and ir- play characteristics of children with intrauterine co-
ritability) (Berk, 1989). Central nervous system caine exposure. Drug-exposed toddlers were more dis-
symptoms early in life include brain-wave abnormali- organized, showed signs of abnormal play patterns,
ties, impaired sucking responses, and sleep problems, and had trouble interacting with peers and adults.
with attentional, behavioral, motor, and learning Allen, Palomares, DeForest, Sprinkle, and Reynolds

(1991) also suggest that cognitive and behavioral ness and other sensorimotor symptoms appear as early
problems in cocaine-exposed children may not be signs (e.g., tingling, muscle tenderness, with mental
obvious until later childhood, when damage to fron- confusion and learning and memory problems appear-
tal lobes and basal ganglia is evident. ing in later stages (Reinis & Goldman, 1980). Vita-
The long-term effects of cocaine use on the devel- min B12 and folic acid deficiencies also have been
oping brain are difficult to differentiate from the ef- implicated in structural changes in myelination. Fur-
fects of other environmental conditions that might ac- ther, low levels of folic acid caused by nutritional de-
company maternal drug use. However, motherchild ficiencies in breast milk may delay the normal course
and childpeer relationships are at risk because in- of EEG development in infants.
fants with symptoms described previously often have Other postnatal factors have been known to have
trouble with bonding and attachment (Papalia & Olds, long-standing effects on the developing brain, includ-
1992). Allen et al. (1991) also suggest that confound- ing birth complications, traumatic brain injury, ex-
ing factors, such as maternal drug addiction, may se- posure to environmental toxins, and lack of environ-
riously interfere with the mother's ability to care for mental stimulation. The way in which these factors
her infant properly. affect tbe developing brain will be reviewed briefly.

Heroin. Heroin addiction during pregnancy produces

risk factors including high mortality rates, prematu-
Birth Complications
rity, malformations, and respiratory complications Birth complications during labor and delivery often
(Berk, 1989). Infants display withdrawal symptoms produce neurological insults that have been associ-
at birth (tremors, vomiting, fevers, etc), and even ated with numerous childhood disorders, including
though these decrease within months, mothers often psychiatric disorders (Yudofsky & Hales, 1992). Of
have difficulty coping with the behavioral problems particular concern are complications resulting in sig-
(i.e, irritability) that persist in heroin exposed infants
nificant or prolonged loss of oxygen to the fetus.
(Stechler & Halton, 1982). During the normal delivery process, contractions con-
strict the placenta and umbilical cord reducing the
amount of oxygen to the fetus (Berk, 1989). In ex-
treme situations, infants produce elevated levels of
Postnatal Risk Factors stress hormones to counterbalance oxygen depriva-
Many of the prenatal risk factors mentioned previ- tion and to ensure an adequate blood supply during
ously (infant nutritional deficiencies, maternal stress, delivery. Neurological insults are known to follow
etc.) continue to have an effect on the developing extreme oxygen deprivation, so electronic fetal moni-
brain in the postnatal period. toring provides needed information about the fetal
heartbeat and oxygen level (Papalia & Olds, 1992).
Nasrallah (1992) lists a number of birth complica-
Nutritional Deficiencies tions found in adults with psychotic symptoms that
Although it is often difficult to isolate the effects of are consistent with schizophrenia, including long la-
nutritional deficiencies from other socioeconomic bor, breech presentation, abruptio placenta, neck-knot
complications, severe vitamin deficiencies have a of umbilical cord, Apgar scores under 6, vacuum ex-
direct influence on the developing brain (Reinis & traction, meconium aspirated, large placenta infarcts,
Goldman, 1980). Vitamin Bx depletion can produce birth weight under 2500 or above 4000 grams, and
neurologic symptoms including ataxia, loss of equi- hemolytic disease. Although these obstetric compli-
librium, and impairment of righting reflexes. Neu- cations (when in excess) have been found in adult
rons and the myelin sheath can be destroyed, moving schizophrenics, Nasrallah (1992) cautions that the ex-
from peripheral to central brain regions. Thus, numb- act neuropathology of this disorder is unknown. How-

ever, research employing a neurodevelopmental velop into competent children. However, there ap-
model is recommended. pears to be an interplay among these genetic-envi-
ronmental influences. Children evoke differential re-
Environmental Toxins sponses from individuals in their environment de-
pending on their genotypes (Berk, 1989). These re-
Exposure to lead, even in low levels, can produce a sponses can reinforce original predispositions and
variety of cognitive and behavioral problems in chil- result in more positive interactions with adult care-
dren (Cook & Leventhal, 1992). Children with acute takers. Infants are highly responsive to attentive,
lead encephalopathy present severe symptoms, in- warm, stimulating environments that encourage self-
cluding seizures, lethargy, ataxia, nerve palsy, intrac- initiated efforts. Inadequate early environments can
ranial pressure, and death in some cases (25%) (Cook have a negative impact on a child's early develop-
& Leventhal, 1992). In about 20% to 40% of cases, ment, but children can recover if they are placed in
children develop epilepsy, severe motor symptoms more responsive environments before the age of 2
(hemiplegia and spasticity), and blindness. Inatten- years (Berk, 1989).
tion and hyperactivity are also known sequelae of lead Neurodevelopmental investigations are beginning
exposure, although this relationship is not as strong to explore how changes in brain structures are related
in cases with lower level exposure (Fergusson et al., to cognitive development, but this undertaking is far
1988). from complete (Kolb & Fantie, 1989). Further, this
area of investigation should be viewed as exploratory
and as an emergingfieldof study that no doubt will
Environmental Stimulation evolve with more research and better techniques of
Postnatal stimulation is a critical factor affecting brain inquiry. The extent to which morphological differ-
development and the child's capacity for learning. ences are related to various behavioral deficits found
Although the infant appears genetically programmed in children with learning and reading deficits will be
for many abilities (e.g., sitting, walking, talking), the explored in more detail in subsequent chapters. The
role of the environment can affect maturation rates in interaction of environmental factors with neuro-
some areas (e.g., vision) (Papalia & Olds, 1992). Ba- development and cognitive-behavioral development
bies who are well nourished, receive maternal atten- is also critical.
tion and care, and are allowed physicalfreedomto
practice and explore generally will show normal
motor development. In extremely deficient environ- Summary
ments (e.g., orphanages), motor delays have been This chapter reviewed the structural and functional
documented. organization of the brain within a transactional frame-
Although infants are born with the ability to learn, work. This review serves as a foundation for under-
learning occurs through experience (Papilia & Olds, standing how various brain regions mediate specific
1992). Language development, intellectual capacity, behaviors in children. Neurological and clinical
and social adaptations are influenced by the environ- neuropsychological assessment mthods for children
ment. The way mothers interact with, talk to, and re- and adolescents will be explored next.
spond to their infants affects the child's ability to de-


Technological advances have come about in all areas these signals through a recorder attached to a per-
of medicine, and the techniques utilized for diagno- sonal computer. Each electrode is placed on the scalp
sis of neuropsychological problems are no exception. according to various conventions, the most common
These advances have moved neuropsychology from of which is the 1020 universal system (Jasper, 1958).
a practice emphasizing assessment to determine fo- Figure 3.1 provides an overview for electrode
cal and diffuse lesions to one of developing interven- placement.
tions to compensate for brain damage or neuro- Each electrode provides a signalfroma particular
developmental differences. Historically, neuro- region, and each signal is referred to a common ref-
psychology has concentrated on the ability to diag- erence electrode. The function of the reference elec-
nose cerebral lesions on the basis of behavioral data. trode is to provide a reference to be used to subtract
This emphasis was necessary because technology was the signals from the individual electrodes. Because
unable to provide the evidence for such diagnoses. each electrode provides some natural interference to
With the advent of magnetic resonance imaging the signal, the reference electrode serves as a baseline
(MRI), lesions, brain tumors, and brain conditions for this interference, and the interference is thus sub-
that previously could be seen only with surgery or at tracted from each electrode. In this way, each elec-
autopsycan now be observed in the living patient. trode provides information about the unique degree
Because the neuropsychologist will consult on of electrical activity from that selected region of the
cases that utilize neuroradiological and electrophysi- scalp. Because muscle contractions, muscle move-
ological techniques, it is important to understand what ment, and eye movement can interfere with the sig-
these basic techniques involve and what they can tell nal, the patient is observed carefully and brain waves
the clinician. This chapter will provide information that show such movement are removed.
about common neuroradiological and electrophysi- These techniques include electroencephalography
ological techniques. and event and evoked potentials. Each of these tech-
niques will be discussed in this chapter as well as
research using such techniques for the study of
neurodevelopmental disorders such as learning dis-
TECHNIQUES abilities and attention deficit disorders.
Procedures utilizing an electrophysiological technique
provide an assessment of electrical activity associ-
ated with incoming sensory information. Electrodes
are attached to the scalp and electrical brain activity Electroencephalographs (EEGs) are recorded in pa-
is recorded through the use of a computer and an am- tients who are considered at risk for seizure disorders
plifier for the signals. Electrical brain activity is very and abnormal brain activity resulting from brain tu-
weak and requires a differential amplifier to record mors. They also have been found helpful for use with


Fp 2

F4 8

3 C3 C4 T4 A

P <>
Tf 3 f4 T6V

01 92
<D Figure 3.1. Electrode Placement
Courtesy of Beverly Wical, M.D., pediatric
neurologist, University of Minnesota.

children who have experienced febrile convulsions, 68% had normal EEGs, with 42% having abnormal
cerebral malformations, brain trauma, vascular events, EEGs, whereas 33% of normal adolescents were
and coma (Blume, 1982; Lombroso, 1985). found to have abnormal EEGs (Harris, 1983).
Different electrode selections can help in the lo- For some cases, activation procedures can be used
calization or quantification of EEG results. For ex- to document neurodevelopmental abnormalities more
ample, if seizures are thought to be temporally lo- carefully. These activation procedures include induc-
cated, more electrodes will be placed in this region. tion of sleep, sleep deprivation, hyperventilation,
Different montages can allow for the evaluation of stimulation with flashing lights, and the use of phar-
seizure activity as well as activation patterns for macological agents. These techniques may bring on
seizures. seizure activity, which can then be recorded through
EEGs are not foolproof for identifying some types the EEG procedure.
of seizure disorders (Bolter, 1986). At times an EEG Reading an EEG is a complex and difficult task,
may come out normal when in fact there is seizure particularly with children. Significant variability is
activity or, conversely, may appear abnormal when found among EEG recordingsfromdifferent children,
no seizure activity exists (Dodrill & Willkus, 1978). with the greatest amount of variability found in neo-
For example, a study of normal children found that nates (Hynd & Willis, 1988). Cerebral maturation also

can have an impact on EEG recordings. Therefore, it Early phase. The early phase is also called the
is recommended that children's mental age rather than brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER). It con-
their chronological age be used for reading the EEG sists of 5 to 7 waves that are thought to coincide with
(Lombroso, 1985). Conditions such as illness and various brain stem nuclei along the auditory pathway
metabolic disturbances can also have an impact on (Hynd & Willis, 1988). Figure 3.2 represents a com-
the EEG and alter it in such a way that it appears monly found BAER, in which thefirstfivewaves are
abnormal (Harden, Glaser, & Pampiglione, 1968; found in the first 5 to 6 milliseconds. Waves 6 and 7
Pampiglione, 1964). are not found in all people. Eighty-four percent of
people have wave 6, and 43% show wave 7 (Chiappa,
Evoked Potentials
Wave 5 is considered the most diagnostically im-
An evokedpotential is recorded using electrodes con- portant for latency measurement (Chiappa, 1985).
nected to a microcomputer and amplifier. Evoked po- This wave appears to be related to the nuclei at the
tentials are recorded in the same manner as EEGs and level of the pons or midbrain. It is relevant not only
utilize similar electrode placements. Because an for diagnosing hearing problems but also for the di-
evoked potential is considered to be a direct response agnosis of hydrocephalus, coma, and the effects of
to external sensory stimulation, it is considered to be toxins, among others (Menkes, 1985a). Wave 5 is also
relatively free from the influence of higher cortical important for mapping the neurodevelopment of neo-
processes. This type of potential is felt to be an inex- nates. As the preterm child develops, the latency for
pensive and noninvasive method for assessing the in- auditory stimulation is found to decrease and approach
tegrity of sensory pathways. that of full-term babies at 38 weeks (Monod & Garma,
Evoked potentials pose one difficulty that is less 1971).
problematic with EEGs, the difficulty of screening Research has found that the BAER is useful in
out artifacts. Another problem is that evoked poten- mapping the progression of a disorder of the central
tials have extremely low amplitude (0.120 |xV), and nervous system. Disorders such as asphyxia, autism,
with such a low voltage, artifacts can have signifi- mental retardation, and hyperglycemia have been
cant impact on the results (Molfese & Molfese, 1994). found to have differences in the amplitude and la-
The actual brain waves occurring during the artifact tency of various components (Hynd & Willis, 1988).
can be rejected when compared to typical brain waves
associated with the type of evoked potentials. There Visual evoked potentials. A visual evoked potential
are distinctive patterns associated with auditory and (VER) is a technique to evaluate the integrity of the
visual evoked potentials. These will be discussed in visual system. Generally, two techniques are used.
more detail. One involves uses a flashing light; the other presents
a reversible black and white checkerboard pattern.
Auditory evoked potentials. Auditory evoked poten- The pattern-shift paradigm is felt to provide a more
tials (AEPs) are measures of brain activityfromthe significant reading for visual deficits. This paradigm
brain stem to the cortex. The brain stem contains the results in three peaks, which occur at the following
auditory pathways leading to the cortex. AEPs are latencies: 70,100, and 135 milliseconds.
one way to assess the integrity of these auditory path- The VER has been shown to assist in evaluating
ways in infants and young children. The common the integrity of the visual system in cases of neuro-
paradigm is to present auditory stimulation in the form fibromatosis (Jabbari, Maitland, Morris, Morales, &
of tones and to evaluate the child's responses to this Gunderson, 1985). In this study, children with
stimulation. The responses have three phases: early neurofibromatosis (NF) were frequently found to
(010 jxsec), middle (10-50 |xsec), and late (>50 experience tumors on the optic nerves which are dif-
jxsec). Each of these phases will be discussed in turn. ficult to detect in the early stages of growth. These


Figure 3.2. Common BAER
Source: From G. W. Hynd and G. Willis, 1988, Pediatric Neuropsychology, p. 179. Copyright 1977 by Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted
by permission.

early signs were later confirmed through the use of nents of the electrical wave forms that are thought to
computed tomography (CT) scans. be associated with cognition. Another difference is
Similar to the BAER, the VER has been found to that an ERP requires the client to participate in the
be useful in determining the integrity of the visual data-gathering process, whereas the client is passive
system in preterm infants (Weiss, Barnet, & Reutter, with evoked potentials. ERPs are collected in the same
1984). In studies with preterm infants, the latency and manner as evoked potentials and EEGs, with elec-
amplitude of the waves appears normal with ensuing trodes, amplifiers, and a computer. The difference lies
development (Moskowitz & Sokol, 1980). in stimulus presentation and in the use of later wave
Thus, the VER has been found to be useful with components.
children for an inexpensive screening device for op- ERPs consist of complex wave forms comprising
tic tumors as well as for monitoring the development several components. Measurements of these compo-
of the visual system in preterm infants. nents can be for amplitude (size of the wave) and la-
tency (timefromstimulus onset). Some components
are exogenous (automatic responses to stimuli); others
Event-Pelated Potentials are endogenous (elicited by psychological character-
In contrast to evoked potentials, event-related poten- istics of stimuli). The endogenous ERPs are thought
tials (ERPs) provide an assessment of later compo- to reflect cognitive processes.

Dyslexia. Research utilizing event-related potentials tests were compared with previously school-identi-
has found differences in brain electrical activity in fied children for learning disabilities, an over-
children with developmental dyslexia. Generally, representation of boys in the school-identified sample
these differences have been found in the amplitude was found, whereas the objective standardized test
of the brain wave for both auditory and visual stimuli method found approximately equal numbers of girls
(Fried, Tanguay, Boder, Doubleday, & Greensite, and boys (Shaywitz, Shaywitz, Fletcher, & Escobar,
1981; Livingstone, Rosen, Drislane, & Galaburda, 1990). Similarly, when groups were selected on the
1991; Shucard, Cummins, & McGee, 1984; Zambelli, basis of objective test results, males have been found
Stamm, Maitinsky, & Lqiselle,1977), with children to show a more severe type of reading disability than
with dyslexia showing smaller amplitude to words, girls (Berninger & Fuller, 1992).
auditory stimuli, and shape/sound-matching tasks. In
addition, those with dyslexia have been found to be Attention deficit disorders. ERPs have also been found
less efficient in their processing to auditory material to be helpful with children with attention deficit dis-
and to function similarly to much younger children orders (ADD). Difficulties insustained attention may
(Hynd et al., 1988). Livingstone and colleagues cause children with attentional disorders to respond
(1991) found differences in responses of those with more slowly and variably, and make more mistakes
dyslexia to visual evoked potentials. These findings when presented with stimuli. Difficulties with selec-
may be related to neuroanatomical differences that tive attention may cause children not to respond to
subserve these functions found during autopsy stud- relevant stimuli (Douglas, 1983). Therefore, it has
ies of dyslexic brains. been important to evaluate both the amplitude and
Research utilizing event-related potentials with the latency of responses to stimulation. To evaluate
people with dyslexia has been problematic in regard this hypothesis, event-related potentials (ERP) have
to subject selection. Heterogeneous groups of dys- been used to measure sustained and selective
lexics have been utilized, and some studies utilized attention.
dyslexics who would not qualify for such a diagnosis
in current educational practice. There has been little P3b. One component of sustained attention that has
to no attention paid to subtypes in reading deficits been most frequently studied in children with
and possible differences in their event-related poten- attentional disorders has been the P3b component. The
tials. It is not known whether dyslexic children who P3b is a late positive wave with a latency of 300 to
experience difficulty with sight word reading but not 800 msec with maximal expression in the parietal
with phonics development (surface dyslexia) vary on region of the cerebral cortex. Amplitude of P3b can
electrophysiological measures from children with be increased through directing attention to novel fea-
phonological coding disabilities (phonological dys- tures presented with low probability. Several studies
lexia). Moreover, programs for wave form analysis have found smaller amplitude on P3b for children with
have now been developed that allow not only for com- ADD for both frequent and rare stimuli (Holcomb,
parison across subjects but also for intrasubject com- Ackerman, & Dykman, 1985; Klorman et al., 1988;
parisons. This development allows for comparisons Loiselle, Stamm, Maitinsky, & Whipple, 1980). How-
of reading performance with different types of read- ever, studies have also found smaller amplitude in
ing material. For example, material that requires pho- diagnostic groups ranging from autism to mental
netic processing can be compared with material that retardation, which suggests that a reduced P3b may
primarily requires visual processing. reflect cognitive disturbance rather than a unique char-
In addition to identification of subtypes being prob- acteristic of attention deficit disorder (Klorman,
lematic, the sample source for studying dyslexia is 1991).
also problematic. For example, when children iden- Administration of stimulant drugs has been found
tified as learning disabled by objective standardized to improve accuracy and speed of judgment and to

increase P3b amplitude in children diagnosed as hav- ADHD showed lower amplitude or slower responses
ing attention deficit disorder (Klorman, Bmmaghim, to incoming stimuli, it may well be that the deficits
Bdrgstedt, & Salzman, 1996). This finding has been in ADHD children often found on behavioral mea-
replicated with children with pervasive attention defi- sures of automatized skills are due to hard-wired neu-
cit disorder and children with attention deficit disor- rological deviations.
der with oppositional/aggressive features, and across
age groups (Coons, Klorman, & Borgstedt, 1987; Processing negativity. Selective attention differences
Klorman etal, 1988). using event-related potentials have also been detected
Holcomb et al. (1985) compared attention deficit in children with attention deficit disorders compared
disorder with hyperactivity (ADD/H), attention defi- to control children. Children with attention deficit
cit disorder without hyperactivity (ADD/noH), and disorders have been found to have smaller waves for
reading-disabled groups and found that only children target detection than did control children for the pro-
with ADD/noH had significantly smaller amplitude cessing negativity (N2) component (peak latency at
of their P3b wave to stimuli they were asked to at- 265 msec) independent of the electrode site (Loiselle
tend to (called target stimuli) than did controls. In a et al., 1980; Satterfield, Schell, & Backs, 1988;
later study (Harter & Anllo-Vento, 1988), children Zambelli et al, 1977). These findings have been in-
with ADD/H were found to display larger difference terpreted to reflect poorer selective attention in chil-
in brain wave amplitudes between targets versus dren with attention deficit disorder, particularly when
nontargets than did nondisabled children, whereas subjects are required to ignore sets of stimuli. When
children with learning disabilities showed the oppo- only a single dimension of a target is presented and
site tendency. selective attention is not so overloaded, these differ-
In contrast to the amplitude component, the latency ences no longer occur (Callaway, Holliday, & Naylor,
of the P3b has not been as fully studied comparing 1983; Harter & Anllo-Vento, 1988). Therefore, it
subtypes of children with attention deficit disorder to would be important to gather data on stimuli that re-
other groups. Holcomb et al. (1985) found that chil- quire the subject to attend to one task at a time and
dren with reading deficits and children with ADD/H conditions that require the subject to split her or his
and ADD/noH showed longer latencies than did attention across tasks.
nondisabled children. Although this procedure would
not be diagnostically specific for attention deficit dis-
order, it does indicate differences in P3b components Conclusions
for ADD/noH children compared to controls and sug- In summary, brain wave differences have been found
gests that there may be differences between the sub- in selective and sustained attention tasks in children
types in brain electrical activity. with attention deficit disorders, particularly when
complex tasks are utilized. There is emerging evi-
MMN. Children with attentional problems may have dence that the subtypes may differ in brain electrical
deficits in brain processes that are automatic and not activity, with children with ADD/noH showing the
under voluntary control (Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, largest difference from normal controls. If children
et al., 1991). Mismatch negativity (MMN) has been with ADHD have different patterns of selective at-
carefully studied in normal children and adults and is tention that can be measured through ERPs, it may
believed to reflect the basic mechanism of automatic well be possible to demonstrate changes in these dif-
attention switching to stimulus changes without con- ferences following treatment.
scious attention (Naatanen, 1990). MMN is the dif- For example, children with ADD/H were found to
ference in the N200 (N2) amplitude comparing rare have a larger than normal response to rare stimuli,
targets and nontargets. Because the MMN compo- which may be interpreted to mean that they overreact
nent is thought to be automatic, if children with to novel stimuli. This finding is similar to the behav-

ioral observation that ADD/H children tend to be very & Blickman, 1992). You may recall from Chapter 2
attentive to rare and/or novel situations, tasks, and that the pediatric population is susceptible to tumors
experiences. The findings of the processing negativ- of the posterior fossa, which cannot be easily visual-
ity study indicates that it is almost impossible for these ized by CT scanning. Although within acceptable
children to inhibit their responses. Therefore, not only ranges, radiation is used in CT scans in order to pro-
do children with ADD/H show better attention to duce the images (Filipek & Blickman, 1992).
novel stimuli, but they also find it extremely difficult
to ignore or inhibit responses to these rare occur- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
rences. Thus, differences in how the brains of chil-
dren with ADHD (ADD/H and ADD/noH) respond Recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging
to the environment may provide information for the (MRI) procedures allow for noninvasive investiga-
development of interventions as well as furthering tion of neuroanatomical structures in a living brain.
our understanding of the underpinnings of these MRIs allow for visualization of brain tissue at about
disorders. the level of postmortem studies, with clarity superior
to that of CT scans. Table 3.4 presents a representa-
tive MRI scan.
NEUROIMAGING TECHNIQUES The MRI consists of a large magnet with mag-
While ERPs allow for a dynamic assessment of brain netic field strengths up to 2.0 Tesla (Filipek et al.,
activity, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic 1992). The patient lies on a movable table, which goes
resonance imaging (MRI) techniques allow for com- inside a doughnut-hole opening. A coil covers the
parison of possible structural differences in children area, to be scanned with an opening over the face in
with developmental disorders compared to normal the use of the head coil.
controls. Both of these techniques will be briefly dis- To understand how MRI works, it is important to
cussed in the following sections. review briefly the physics behind MRI. In a magnetic
field, hydrogen photons align in the same direction
as the field. A radio-frequency pulse will deflect these
Computed Tomography photons into an angle predetermined by the clinician.
Computed tomography (CT) allows for the visual- Once the pulse ceases, the photons return to their
ization of the brain anatomy to determine the pres- original alignment through a series of ever-relaxing
ence of focal lesions, structural deviations, and tu- and slowing circles (Filipek & Blickman, 1992). Al-
mors. A CT scan uses a narrow X-ray beam that ro- tering the rate, duration, and intensity of the radio
tates 360 degrees around the area to be scanned. Each frequency pulses allows for the differing visualiza-
CT slice is acquired independently, and that slice can tion of the brain. An MRI is actually several comple-
be repeated if a movement artifact occurs (Filipek, mentary sequences, each an average of 7 to 10 min-
Kennedy, & Caviness, 1992). Scanning time is 15 to utes in length.
20 minutes per slice. The resulting data are trans- In clinical use, routine MRI scans utilize Tx and
formed by Fourier analysis into gray scale to create T2- weighted sequences. Tj-weighted scans provide
the image. Table 3.3 illustrates a CT scan image. visualization generated photons involved in the pulse,
One advantage of a CT scan is the short acquisi- whereas T2-weighted scans involve the interaction of
tion time. Another is the ability to repeat single slices the neighboring photons (Cohen, 1986). Tj-weighted
if movement or other artifacts occur. Limitations of scans provide excellent anatomical detail with myelin
CT scans are the relatively poor resolution of gray and structural abnormalities easily visible. In contrast,
and white matter structures. Moreover, CT slices are T2-weighted scans are sensitive to water content in
obtained in the axial plane, which limits visualiza- the tissues and are used to determine the extent of the
tion of the temporal lobes and posterior fossa (Filipek lesions.

Figure 3.3. Normal CT Scan

Courtesy of William Dobyns, M.D., pediatric neurologist, University of Minnesota.

Becayse MRIs are noninvasive and do not use ra- logical assessment continues to be sensitive to subtle
diation, they are fairly risk-free. MRIs are expensive damage or damage at the microcellular level that the
and are generally used only when there is suspicion MRI is unable to pinpoint.
of brain abnormality. They are more sensitive than
CTs for locating lesions, and, when a contrast agent
Functional MRI
such as gadolinium DTPA is used, the tumor can be
differentiated from surrounding swelling (Filipek et Functional MRI (fMRI) is a relatively new technique,
al., 1992). In the past, neuropsychological assessment which at present is used mostly for research. It allows
was used to try to localize brain tumors, lesions, and for the mapping of cerebral blood flow or volume as
the like. The MRI has supplanted neuropsychological well as changes in cerebral blood volume, flow, and
assessment for this process in cases where tumors or oxygenation (Fox & Raichle, 1986). fMRI allows for
lesions are suspected. Neuropsychological assessment the study of brain activation through the use of
is used for intervention planning and for determining echoplanar imaging (EPI). This technique may or
how the person solves the difficulty. Neuropsycho- may not use contrast agents that are injected into

Figure 3.4. Normal Coronal MRI

Courtesy ofWilliam Dobyns, M.D.,
pediatric neurologist, University of

the vascular system and exposed to EPI and thus are This technique does not use radioactive agents for
able to be visualized in a magneticfield.T2-weighted the contrast agent and is currently believed to be risk-
images are obtained which allow for visualization free. It is so new that only very limited applications
of the blood flow. Two maps are obtained: one at a are available outside of research use. The sensory,
resting state and one after activation. motor, and language centers have been mapped with

fMRI, and future use of the technique to map these Research with MRI
areas prior to neurosurgery looks promising (Jack et
MRI technology now allows us to obtain pictures of
al., 1994; Morris et al., 1994).
the brainfromliving children and also to assess the
impact of treatment on the brain's development
Research with fMRI. Binder (personal communica-
(Filipek et al., 1989). Because it may be possible to
tion, September 1994) and associates at the Medical
detect neuroanatomical differences before the behav-
College of Wisconsin are in the forefront of explor-
ioral problems emerge in response to school require-
ing functional studies in adolescents with dyslexia.
fMRI technology is one of the most advanced tech- ments, investigation of brain measures may allow us
niques available for measuring brain functions by to begin studying children at a much younger age and
detecting changes in blood flow during activation. thus to provide interventions earlier.
This noninvasive technique allows researchers to ex-
plore the relationship between increases in metabolic
activity in various local brain regions during cogni- Dyslexia
tive or perceptual tasks; thereby, mapping or identi- Research by Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman et al. (1990)
fying cortical regions involved in various functions. and Semrud-Clikeman, Hynd, Novey, and Eliopulos
Binder et al. (1994) found that several regions were (1991) utilizing MRI scans found differences specific
activated during a single-phoneme monitoring task, to dyslexia in the neuroanatomical regions involved
including Heschl's gyrus and the transverse temporal with language processing. These findings were repli-
sulcus (regional proximity to the primary auditory cor- cated in several subsequent studies (Duara et al., 1991;
tex); the lateral surface of the anterior/superior tem- Jernigan, Hesselink, Sowell, & Tallal, 1991; Larsen,
poral gyrus; the planum polare (anterior to Heschl's Hoien, Lundberg, & Odegaard, 1990). Additional
gyrus) and, the planum temporale (superior temporal findings in these studies indicated no differences in
gyrus). Roa et al. (1992) found bilateral activation in cerebral hemispheric area or posterior areas in dys-
the superior temporal gyrus during passive process- lexic subjects.
ing of lengthy phoneme clusters. The rate of stimu- The fact that thesefindingsso strongly implicate
lus presentation produced an interesting finding, as areas thought to be important in language processing
Binder et al. (1994) reported that as rate increased is very important. No differences were found in brain
there was an analogous increase in bilateral temporal size, so reported regional differences more strongly
activation. implicate the likelihood of a neurodevelopmental pro-
These fMRI findings suggest that more static or cess active during gestation of these regions. Abnor-
indirect measures of brain function may not be cap- mal.development is thought to occur somewhere be-
turing therichnessand complexity of brain function, tween the twenty-fourth and twenty-eighth week of
in that both hemispheres were activated during a task gestation.
thought to be mediated primarily by left temporal re-
gions. These results expand and may challenge fairly
well established patterns (using PET scans) of uni-
lateral left temporal-parietal activation for phonologi- For a regional difference to be predictive, it needs to
cal processing in adult populations of normal read- be unique to a specific disorder. The consistent find-
ers. Medical College of Wisconsin researchers are also ing of smaller splenial (the posterior portion of the
using fMRI scans to investigate younger subjects corpus callosum) measurements in ADHD may be
identified as dyslexic with phonological awareness unique to ADHD (Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, Lorys,
deficits in order to test empirically whether bilat- et al., 1991; Semrud-Clikeman, Filipek, Biederman,
eral temporal-parietal activation also occurs in this et al., 1994). Recent studies have documented no dif-
population. ferences in the splenial callosal regions between nor-

mal controls and those with developmental dyslexia that fewer transmission fibers in the retrocallosal re-
(Hynd et al., 1995; Larsen, Hoien, & Odegaard, 1992) gion of the brain may result in less activation in the
or autistic patients (Gaffhey, Kuperman, Tsai, & frontal parts of the brain. The findings of Zametkin
Hassanein, 1987). et al. (1990) indicate less metabolic activity in the
Using a carefully diagnosed sample of ADHD with parietal and occipital regions. These regions corre-
overactivity symptoms and no codiagnoses compared spond roughly to the regions that were found to have
to a matched nondisabled control subjects, Semrud- less matter volumetrically in the Filipek, Semrud-
Clikeman, Filipek, Biederman, et al. (1994) were able Clikeman, et al. (in press).
to demonstrate differences through MRI analysis in
the posterior regions of the corpus callosum, with par- Caudate findings. Hynd et al. (1995) found two-di-
ticularly smaller splenial regions for the ADHD mensional areas of the left caudate to be smaller in
group. No differences were found in the anterior re- the ADHD sample than in a normal control group.
gions of the corpus callosum, in callosal length, or These researchers found asymmetry differences us-
callosal total area. When response to medication was ing MRI in the caudate region of ADD/H children
evaluated, a trend also was found that may suggest compared to normal controls. In this study, children
structural differences for the ADD/H sample based with ADD/H showed reversed asymmetry (L > R) of
on medication response. Subjects who did not respond the caudate nucleus. The caudate has rich connec-
to methylphenidate but did respond to desipramine tions to the frontal lobes. Such reversed asymmetry
or imipramine showed a trend toward a smaller cor- may have a negative impact on these children's abil-
pus callosum splenial measure compared to subjects ity to inhibit motor behavior. These results relate di-
who were positive methylphenidate responders or rectly to the clinical finding that hyperactivity is a
control subjects. These results indicate that medica- common symptom in caudate infarcts (Caplan et al.
tion response may be partially mediated by fewer con- 1990). Hynd et al. (1995) suggested that such a dif-
nections between posterior regions of the brain. Given ference may be related to lower levels of neurotrans-
the small number of subjects, the area of medication mitter being relayed to thefrontallobes and resulting
response and its relationship to brain structure needs in compromised levels of complex attentional skills.
further study. In contrast, Castellanos et al. (1994) found the right
Additional studies of brain structure differences caudate to be smaller and symmetrical with the left
between ADHD and normal children using MRI scans caudate in their ADHD sample, while the control
have found no difference in brain area (Hynd et al., sample evidenced^ > L caudate volumes. Castellanos
1990; Filipek, Semrud-Clikeman, et al., in press). Al- et al. (1994) also found that the volume of the cau-
though a significant difference in total brain volume date decreased significantly with age for the normal
was not found by Filipek, Semrud-Clikeman, et al. controls, with no difference in the ADHD group.
(in press), a 5% smaller volume in children with Filipek, Semrud-Clikeman, et al. (in press) found
ADHD, which was not related to age, height, weight, smaller volumetric measurements in the left anterior
or IQ, was found by these researchers as well as by caudate of the ADHD sample compared to normals.
Castellanos et al. (1994). This finding is consistent with the results of Hynd et
One of the more intriguing findings of the Filipek, al. (1995). Symmetrical caudate volume was found
Semrud-Clikeman, et al. (in press) study was that of for the ADHD group as a result of a smaller than ex-
bilaterally smaller white matter in the region of the pected left caudate. The control group possessed left
posterior to the corpus callosum. This region may be greater than right caudate volume. Moreover, there
related to the findings of smaller splenial measures was significant medication effect related to smaller
of the corpus callosum in two previous studies of left caudate volume with the ADHD sample who re-
children and adolescents with ADHD (Hynd et al., sponded favorably to methylphenidate showing the
1991; Semrud-Clikeman et al, 1994). It is possible smallest left caudate volume, followed by the ADHD

sample who did not respond to methylphenidate, and appear that the next step would be to look at subjects
with the normal control group showing the largest with differing expressions of ADHD to determine if
left caudate volume. there are neuroanatomical differences exist between
Although there are conflicting findings as to the the subtypes.
direction of the caudate asymmetry, the studies to date
have found that there are structural differences in the
caudate regions of ADHD children compared to nor-
mal children. The caudate is intimately involved in TECHNIQUES
the dopaminergic system-a system in which methyl- Although techniques involving neuroradiology are not
phenidate is believed to correct suspected imbalances. used by neuropsychologists and are of necessity re-
Moreover, lesions to the caudate in adults and ani- search-based, it is important for neuropsychologists
mals has resulted in behaviors that are very similar to to be familiar with the burgeoning evidence these tech-
those seen in hyperactive children (Posner & Raichle, niques provide. These techniques generally involve
1994). Further study is needed in determining the role the use of radioactive isotopes and require very ex-
of the caudate in ADHD as well as the contributions pensive equipment. These techniques are also seldom
of structural differences in this disorder. used with children given that radioactivity is admin-
These studies are preliminary and must be inter- istered. However, results from studies using these
preted with caution because of small numbers and measures can provide information on the brain pro-
differing methodologies. However, their results sug- cesses at the metabolic level.
gest that neurodevelopmental anomalies may char-
acterize the brains of children with ADHD and that
deviations in structure may be associated and related PET and SPECT Scans
to prenatal deviations in cellular migration and matu- Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can
ration (Geschwind & Galaburda, 1985; Hynd & provide a direct measure of cerebral glucose metabo-
Semrud-Clikeman, 1989). lism. Zametkin, Nordahl, Gross, et al. (1990) stud-
The use of three-dimensional MRI as well as ied ADD/H adults through the use of PET with 5 to
subgrouping ADHD may provide further information 6 mm resolution. A radioactive tracer injected into
about the neurodevelopmental underpinnings of this the subjects is partially metabolized by the neurons and
disorder. Investigators have hypothesized that the emits radiation imaged through the PET scanner.
brain areas implicated in ADD/H are in the anterior These 25 ADD/H adults had onset of ADD/H in
regions involved in motor activity modulation, childhood and also were parents of ADD/H children.
whereas ADD/noH is hypothesized to be related to Subjects with conduct disorder or use of stimulant
central-posterior regions affecting attention medication in childhood were eliminated from the
(Pennington, 1991; Posner & Petersen, 1990; sample.
Schaughency & Hynd, 1989). These hypotheses have Cerebral glucose metabolism (CGM) was mea-
not been tested empirically, and MRI results may well sured in 60 regions and the ADD/H group was found
show anatomical differences among the subtypes. to have a CGM approximately 8% lower than the
As there appear to be differences in behavior be- controls, with 50% of the regions showing signifi-
tween the subtypes, it is likely that the subtypes dif- cantly lower metabolism than the controls (p <. 05).
fer neurologically. Moreover, the finding that the sub- The regions with significant hypometabolism were
types of attention deficit disorder respond differen- in the cingulate, right caudate, right hippocampal, and
tially to medication further indicates that differing right thalamic regions. In addition, reduced metabo-
brain mechanisms may be implicated in the subtypes lism was found in the left parietal, temporal, and
(Urion, 1988). Therefore, since the MRI studies to rolandic structures for the ADHD subjects.
date have utilized subjects with ADD/H, it would Statistical difficulties are present in this study in

that 60 /-tests were used for analysis, introducing ministered to the ADHD group, increased flow was
the possibility of inflated significant results due to found in the central region of the brain most likely
experiment-wise error. Zametkin has written addi- encompassing the basal ganglia region.
tional information about his study, and when his re- Theoretically these findings make sense. Frontal
sults were studied using the Bonferonni method of regions have feedback loops into the caudate. How-
correction, the areas that continued to be significant ever, the primary output for the caudate is the thala-
were in the superior prefrontal and premotor regions mus, and it is not clear why the thalamus was not
(Zametkin & Cohen, 1991). found to be hypoperfused also. The thalamic region
In contrast to PET scans, single photon emission was found to have lower perfusion in only 3 of the
tomography (SPECT) is a direct measure of regional children; 2 with mental retardation and 1 without
cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with neuronal glucose ADHD.
metabolism inferred from the rCBF. Thus SPECT is Lou, Henriksen, Bruhn, Borner, and Nielson
a vascular measure, whereas PET is a neuronal mea- (1989) expanded their study to include 19 additional
sure. Results from PET and SPECT studies may not subjects, 6 of whom were identified as "pure ADHD."
be directly comparable because of this difference in The remaining 13 had ADHD as their primary diag-
acquisition. nosis, along with other neurological deficits. Of these
Lou, Henriksen, and Bruhn (1984) utilized SPECT 13, 3 had mild mental retardation, 9 had dysphasia,
in 13 children with dysphasia and ADHD. Only two and 6 had visuospatial problems. The control group
of these children had pure ADHD. The remaining 11 was the same as in the initial study. In this follow-up
had variations of dysphasia, mental retardation, and study, the mesialfrontalregion was not found to show
visual-spatial delays, although two did not have a di- significant hypoperfusion as was found in the 1984
agnosis of ADHD. All children were attending a study. Instead, the ADHD group found hypoperfusion
school for children with learning disorders. The con- in the right striatal area encompassing the anterior
trast group was selected from the siblings of these corpus callosum, internal capsule, and part of the
children. Given that Lou et al. (1984) did not provide thalamus in addition to the caudate. Hyperperfusion
information about the functioning of these children was found in the occipital region for the ADHD
and of the finding of substantial learning and groups and in the left anterior parietal and temporal
attentional problems in siblings of ADHD children regions. Methylphenidate normalized perfusion in the
(Barkley, 1990; Biederman, Faraone, Keenan, Knee, left striatal area but not the right, as well as in the
& Tsuang, 1990; Goodman & Stevenson, 1989), it association regions in the posterior region of the brain.
may well be that the contrast group was not a true In a 1991 letter to the New England Journal of
control group. Medicine, Lou stated that statistical analysis was not
Despite these methodological problems, the find- performed on the SPECT scans in the initial 1984
ingsfromthis study are intriguing. All children with study. Scans were analyzed through "visual analy-
ADHD (n = 11) were found to have less blood perfu- sis," and when the prefrontal region measures were
sion in the white matter of the middlefrontalregions, statistically analyzed with corrections for multiple
including the region of the genu of the corpus callo- analyses performed, the regional difference was not
sum. Hypoperfusion was also found in the caudate statistically different.
region. It must be pointed out that the caudate region Therefore, Lou et al.'s (1989) statistically signifi-
was inferredfromthe scan, as the caudate nucleus is cant finding of hypoperfusion in the striatal region
smaller than the 17 mm resolution of the scanner. and hyperperfusion in the posterior regions may im-
Therefore, the hypoperfusion may also have involved plicate these regions in ADHD. With statistical cor-
the lateral wall of the anterior horn of the lateral ven- rection Zametkin and Cohen (1991) reported that the
tricle as well as the caudate, in addition to other areas superior prefrontal and premotor areas continued to
of the basal ganglia. When methylphenidate was ad- show significant differences. Further study with con-

trolled statistical procedures as well as subjects with- tionship between structural differences and behavioral
out co-morbid diagnoses would clarify knowledge in measures needs to be investigated. The question of
this area, and it is hoped that these researchers will behavioral measures predicting structural differences
pursue this end. in ADHD remains largely unexplored.
The areas found to differ on MRI may also show
differences in metabolism/blood flow as measured by
Conclusions the SPECT and PET studies of Lou and Zametkin.
In summary, MRI imaging of the brains of ADHD Methodological problems in these metabolism/blood
children and adults has found differences m the fron- flow studies make their results equivocal and further
tal regions of the brain as well as in the corpus callo- investigation appears to be warranted. The develop-
sum. The recentfindingof differences in the caudate ment of these techniques is promising not only for
nucleus is particularly interesting and important, as a clinical reasons but also for furthering our knowledge
structural anomaly in the caudate region in other dis- of brain function and links to behavior. fMRI, spec-
orders has been found to be important for the ability troscopy, and PET scans allow for the evaluation of
to inhibit behavior (Pennington, 1991). Studies have structure and function. It is likely that the next de-
not addressed issues of comorbidity of disorders nor cade will add exponentially to our understanding of
of adult-child similarities in these structures when various disorders and we hope, lead to the develop-
both present with ADHD. Most important, the rela- ment of appropriate interventions.


This chapter provides guidelines to help psycholo- cent neurology. Because it is sometimes difficult to
gists make decisions about when to refer a child or differentiate normal developmental variations from
adolescent neuropsychological assessment, for neu- abnormal neurodevelopment in the first few years of
rological examination, or other neurodiagnostic test- life, it is important to access child neurologists when
ing (e.g., CT scan or MRI). Children and adoles- there is a question about chronic and serious
cents often need neurological, neuroradiological, and/ neurodevelomental delays. The neurologist is gener-
or neuropsychological assessments. Although not ally interested in identifying disease, injury, devel-
every child seen for cognitive, academic, psychiat- opmental, or genetic processes that interfere with CNS
ric, or behavioral problems requires further assess- functioning.
ment apartfromtraditional psychoeducational evalu- The neurological examination usually consists of
ations, some disorders do need further attention by the following: (1) an in-depth review of medical and
specialists to investigate the child's neurological or developmental history; (2) an assessment of mental
neuropsychological status. status; (3) an assessment of the functional capacity
Clinical and school psychologists need to be ap- of the CNS, including the cranial nerves; (4) an evalu-
prised of conditions that typically require further at- ation of motor systems; (5) an assessment of sensory
tention. The nature of neurologic, neuroradiologic, functions; and (6) an assessment of autonomic func-
and neuropsychological assessment will be discussed, tions (Swaiman, 1994b). Each area is systematically
along with guidelines for making referrals. Further, evaluated through a series of activities designed to
aspects of psychological, psychosocial, and academic measure muscle tone, cranial nerves, and primitive
functioning are discussed, as these areas may be seri- and autonomic reflexes. Interpreting information from
ously compromised by brain-related disorders of the neurological examination is complicated by the
childhood. Integration of these various evaluation child's age and intellectual and functional capacity.
findings are discussed. A look inside the examination room with a neu-
rologist and patient would show the physician ini-
THE NEUROLOGICAL tially conducting an in-depth developmental inter-
view. In most cases the child is present during this
EXAMINATION procedure and the physician notes the child's partici-
Neurological examinations are conducted by neurolo- pation, attention, and language. Moreover, the child's
gists generally specializing in childhood and adoles- facial movements are noted with attention to head


nodding, eye blinking, staring, tics, and movement Cranial nerves are evaluated next. Congenital
disorders. In addition, the physician observes the anomalies as well as traumatic injury can produce ob-
child's behavior as far as his or her impulsivity, de- servable neurological signs. See Table 4.1 for a re-
pendence on the parent, and activity level. Additional view of some common anomalies that might be iden-
observations of parentchild interaction are obtained. tified when conducting an examination of the cranial
Swaiman (1994b) suggests that the physician ask him nerves.
or herself the following questions: "Does the child The sensory system is next assessed during the neu-
respond positively to the parent's interaction? Does rological examination. The ability to sense vibrations,
the child attempt to manipulate the parent? Is the re- position of limb, and joint sense is evaluated. For
sponse transient or persistent? Is the parent's*attitude evaluation of the child's ability to localize tactile in-
one of caring or hostility?" formation, the neurologist touches various places both
After age 4, a motor screening examination is con- unilaterally and bilaterally with the child's eyes
ducted. The neurologist has the child stand in front closed. The inability to localize touch is associated
of him or her and demonstrates the required motor with parietal lobe dysfunction (Swaiman, 1994b). The
acts. The child is asked to hop on one foot and then child is also asked to recognize various objects which
the other, to walk forward and backward, to walk on are placed in his or her hand (stereognosis) with eyes
tiptoes, and to walk on heels with toes pointed up. closed. Parietal lobe dysfunction is measured by this
Additionally, the child is asked to rise from a squat- means, but attention to task can interfere with
ting position, and to stand with feet together, eyes performance.
closed and arms and hands outstretchedfromthe body Muscle strength is also assessed. The child is asked
and parallel with the floor. These maneuvers are de- to push against the examiner's hand with his or her
signed to check for balance, extraneous unnecessary hand or foot as hard as possible. He or she also may
movement, and the Romberg sign. The Romberg sign be requested to push his/her head against the neurol-
is the inability of the child to stand still when his or ogist's hand as hard as possible. The child may also
her eyes are closed (Swaiman, 1994b). The child then be asked to walk on his or her hands while the exam-
is asked to touch his or her nose with the finger, both iner holds the child's feet. Once the child's feet are
with eyes closed and with eyes open. On the basis of placed on the floor, the child is asked to stand up.
this initial screening, the neurologist will follow up Inability to stand without use of aid is another mea-
on any abnormalities in motor coordination. sure of muscle strength.
The next portion of the examination involves test- To evaluate gait, the child is asked to walk back
ing reflexes. Both deep tendon reflexes (also known and forth and to run. Running exacerbates problems
as muscle stretch reflexes) and reflexes appropriate with gait and can show additional signs of spasticity
at various ages are assessed. For the deep tendon re- or jerking movements (Swaiman, 1994a).
flexes, the neurologist elicits the reflex with a rubber This section was a brief overview of a typical neu-
reflex hammer while the child is seated quietly. Hyper- rological examination. The interested student may
reflexes (contraction of muscles that generally are not wish to observe a neurological examination in order
involved in the reflex) are a sign of corticospinal dys- to obtain a first-hand experience. You may wish to
function. Hyporeflexes are most often associated with ask a parent if you can accompany him or her to such
motor unit abnormalities of the spinal cord (Swaiman, an examination.
1994a) or of the cerebellum. Cerebellar functions are
assessed by asking the child to first touch his or her
nose and then the examiner's finger at various posi- WHEN TO REFER FOR
tions. The child is also asked to run his or her heel
down the shin of the opposite leg. Inability to com-
plete these tasks smoothly may indicate cerebellum A neurological examination should be considered
dysfunction. under the following conditions:

Table 4.1. Common Anomalies Revealed during Examination of the Cranial Nerves


I Olfactory Asnomia-loss of smell Severe head trauma

(smell) Frontal lobe gliomas
Olfactory groove meningiomas
Temporal lobe epilepsy
II Optic Uncoordinated movement Congenital blindness
(vision) Asymmetric nystagmus Gliomas or craniopharyngiomas
Exophthalmos Congenital disorders
Papilledema Increased cranial pressure
Macula discoloration Tay-Sachs, metachromatic dystrophy,
Batten's disease
Retinal bleeding Intracranial pressure, bleeding, or
III Oculomotor Pupil dilation
(eye movement Eyes downward
IV Trochlear Depression of eye movement
VI Abducens Eye turns medially
Restricted lateral eye movement
V Trigeminal Hyperactive jaw Cerebral trauma
(masticatory movement) Pseudobulbar palsy
Hypoactive jaw Bulbar palsy
VII Facial Symmetry, upper and Lesions
(facial movement) lower face
Odd auditory perceptions Lesions
Impaired taste and BelPs palsy
VIII Auditory Vestibular dysfunction
(hearing) Vertigo, nystagmus, ataxic
Audition Medication
Neuromas or skull factures
Tinnitus (ear ringing) Otosclerosis or toxins (streptomycin
or aspirin)
IX Glossopharyngeal Taste buds
(tongue and pharynx)
X Vagus Swallowing
(heart, blood vessels, Language expression
viscera, larynx, and
XI Spinal accessory Paralysis of head/neck Lesions
(movement, strength muscles
of neck and shoulder Atrophy
XII Hypoglossal Atrophy of tongue Lesions
(tongue muscles) Protrusion of tongue
Eating problems

Note: See Hynd and Willis (1988) for more details on cranial nerve damage.

1. Sudden, unexplained, and prolonged nausea ac- diagnostic process for identifying developmental
companied by high fever, headache, and lethargy disorders unless there are other accompanying neu-
that might suggest meningitis or encephalitis rologic signs (e.g., seizures, dysphasia). CT/MRI
2. Rapid blinking eye movements, visual aura (audi- techniques are relatively expensive and for the most
tory and sensory auras are not uncommon), blank part are reserved for diagnosing and treating
stares, or head or muscle jerks/spasms that might medical or neurological conditions affecting the
suggest seizure activity CNS.
3. Visual or olfactory hallucinations
4. Sudden motor clumsiness or cerebellar ataxia
5. Prolonged viral infections producing symptoms When to Refer for
listed under item 1
6. Head trauma producing nausea, blurred vision, loss
Neuroradiological Evaluation
of consciousness, or dilated pupils A physician generally refers a child or adolescent for
7. Cranial nerve involvement producing unilateral or neuroradiological techniques under the following
bilateral motor weaknesses (e.g., droopy mouth, conditions:
eyes, or facial muscles, or tongue protrusion)
8. Sudden, unexplained diminution of cognitive, lan- 1. Head trauma
guage, speech, memory, or motor functions fol- 2. CNS tumor processes
lowing normal development 3. CNS disease processes involving white matter
A number of tumor processes, CNS leukemia, CNS 4. Neurodevelopmental anomalies affecting the size
infections (meningitis, encephalitis, and intracranial or formation of brain structures, such as
abscesses), neuromuscular diseases, and genetic dis- hydrocephaly or agenesis of the corpus callosum
orders (e.g., neurofibromatosis, Sturge-Weber syn- 5. Cerebrovascular diseases (e.g., sickle cell anemia)
drome, and tuberous sclerosis) produce some of these 6. Dyslexia or other neurodevelopmental disorders
symptoms (Hynd & Willis, 1988). These conditions when there is a history of seizures, neurological
typically require ongoing neurological examination signs, and/or significant language or speech delays.
and follow-up.
Neurologic examination is usually part of the di- Positive signs on the neurological examination (see
agnostic and treatment protocol that follows when previous section) also may warrant further neuro-
children display the symptoms described here. In radiologic evaluation.
some instances, neurologists will recommend further Children with neurodevelopmental disorders that
neuroradiological follow-up to ascertain the nature affect brain size, tissue growth, cortical formations,
and range of CNS involvement. In other instances and neural tube and fusion abnormalities usually re-
(head injury or suspected brain tumor or lesion), CAT quire initial diagnostic and ongoing neuroradiological
scans and MRI studies may be warranted immedi- follow-up. See Table 2.5 for a list of select neuro-
ately. CT scans, MRI scans, and regional cerebral developmental disorders. Finally, repeated neuro-
blood flow (rCBF) procedures were described in de- radiologic evaluations are routinely conducted on
tail in Chapter 3. children with brain trauma to measure changes in neu-
rologic status (Bigler, 1990).
NEURORADIOLOGICAL Neuropsychological evaluations utilize measures
and methods for determining the neurobehavioral sta-
EVALUATION tus of children with various disorders. Guidelines for
Despite their research potential, CT scans and MRI referral for neuropsychological evaluation will be
procedures are not necessarily part of the typical explored next.

Neuropsychological assessment procedures are de-
scribed in detail in Chapter 5. Neuropsychological NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL DATA
tests are generally administered to investigate the Medical and university labs and clinics are explor-
brainbehavior relationship in children and adoles- ing integrated research protocols including neuro-
cents and to determine whether cognitive, academic, radiological and neuropsychological data in an effort
and psychiatric disorders are related to abnormal brain to understand more fully the nature of childhood dis-
function. orders. Clinicians and researchers that are prominent
in this effort include Bigler (1991) and associates
(Bigler, Yeo, & Turkheimer, 1989); Denckla, LeMay,
When to Refer for and Chapman (1985); Duffy, Denckla, McAnulty, &
Neuropsychological Evaluation Holmes (1988); Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, et al.
(1990); Witelson and Kigar (1988); and Zaidel,
Neuropsychological evaluations are generally recom- Clarke, and Suyenobu (1990). In these efforts, re-
mended under the following conditions: searchers are revealing evidence linking neuro-
cognitive and neuropsychological deficits to func-
1. Conditions affecting the CNS that were previously tional brain regions or systems. In essence, these in-
described under neurological and neuro- vestigators are providing information establishing the
radiological referrals (e.g., head trauma, CNS bidirectional nature of the neuroanatomical/morpho-
diseases) logical neuropsychological/functional link. (This re-
2. Chronic and severe learning disabilities that do not lationship is depicted in Figure 1.1.) While the link
respond to traditional special education or reme- between anatomy and function has generally been
dial programming, particularly when there is evi- downward, these efforts start at the functional/
dence of a pattern of right or left hemisyndrome neuropsychological level and build upward, establish-
(lateralizing sensory-motor neurological signs) ing a function-to-structure linkage that may lead to a
3. Severe emotional or behavioral disturbances ac- better understanding of childhood disorders.
companied by significant learning, intellectual or Researchers postulate neurobiological models of
developmental delays (e.g., motor, speech/lan- childhood disorders, such as dyslexia, and, in an ef-
guage, perceptual) that are particularly resistant fort to test these models empirically, information from
to traditional psychopharmacological, psychologi- divergent sources is analyzed. Typically theories about
cal, or behavioral interventions how the brain functions are tested by administering
4. Acute onset of memory, cognitive, academic, mo- neuropsychological tests to carefully defined groups
tor, speech/language, behavioral, and personality of children (e.g., dyslexic children with language-re-
deficits that cannot be explained by other psycho- lated deficiencies) and then by studying morphologi-
educational evaluations. cal variations in brain structures using neuroimaging
techniques and, more recently, fMRI procedures. The
Neuropsychological evaluations can be useful for di- degree to which specific neurolinquistic deficiencies
agnosing various neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., are related to morphological abnormalities or func-
LD), brain injuries, and CNS diseases, and for mea- tional differences in brain activation can thus be in-
suring treatment efficacy and recovery of function vestigated. In doing so, researchers are beginning to
(Coutts et al, 1987). See later chapters for methods answer questions such as these: Do children with
of developing interventions for specific childhood language-related reading disorders have atypical sym-
disorders. metry in regions presumably mediating language pro-

cesses? And, are the measured linguistic difficulties it is important to explore alternative hypotheses (e.g.,
a function of these unique patterns of brain asymme- attentional deficits, motivational variations, depres-
try? Hynd et al. (1991) discussed these morphologi- sion, anxiety, and/or oppositional defiance) before
cal-functional relations for dyslexics in detail. The making inferences about brain pathology on the ba-
reader is also referred to Teeter and Semrud-Clikeman sis of neuropsychological test results.
(1995) for a better understanding of these brain Tests of psychological functioning that are com-
behavior interactions in children with ADHD. monly incorporated into neuropsychological evalua-
The next logical and critical step in developing a tions are reviewed next. Psychological factors that
neurobiological model of childhood disorders is to have a negative impact on the neuropsychological
investigate the extent to which children with cogni- evaluation are also explored.
tive-processing and/or linguistic deficits respond to
differential intervention programs. Efforts at identi-
fying cognitive correlates of reading deficits have
been conducted by Shankweiler and Liberman (1989), PSYCHOLOGICAL
Stanovich (1988, 1993), Sternberg (1985), and ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN
Wagner and Torgeson (1987). Further, attempts at de- WITH NEURODEVELOPMENTAL,
signing specific remediation programs for increasing NEUROPSYCHIATRY, AND
reading achievement for children with specific cog- OTHER CNS DISORDERS
nitive deficiencies are underway. Tallal et al. (1996)
found that children with language deficits improved Achenbach (1990) suggests that at least six micro-
dramatically after four weeks of computer-based in- paradigms be incorporated in the study of childhood
struction teaching listening and speech discrimina- disorders: biomedical, behavioral, psychodynamic,
tion skills. Cunningham (1990) also reports positive sociological, family systems, and cognitive. By draw-
gains in children who received phonemic awareness ingfromeach of these diverse approaches, questions
training and strategy instruction to increase reading about childhood disorders can be framed into an in-
achievement. Rourke (1989) is also exploring an in- tegrated "macroparadigm." Achenbach describes a
tegrative neurobiological model in a group of chil- model of multiaxial assessment with specific sugges-
dren with nonverbal learning disabilities with pre- tions for measuring child behavior:
sumed right-hemisphere weaknesses. These will be
explored in more detail in Chapter 8. Axis I: Parent reports, Child Behavior Checklist
In summary, efforts linking neuroradiological and (Achenbach, 1991)
neuropsychologicalfindingsare underway establish- Axis II: Teacher reports, Child Behavior Checklist-
ing the bidirectional nature of the relationship between Teacher's Report Form
brain structure and brain function. Integrated research Axis HI: Cognitive assessment, WISC-ffl or WAIS-R
paradigms are important in this effort, and will ad- Axis IV: Physical assessment, height, weight, and neu-
vance our basic understanding of childhood disorders. rological/medical exam
In the clinical setting, children referred for neuro- Axis V: Direct assessment, Semistructured Clinical
psychological evaluation do not necessarily receive Interview (Achenbach & McConaughy, 1989) and
neurological or neuroradiological testing unless there Youth Self Report (Achenbach & Edelbrock,
is accompanying brain damage or suspected CNS 1987).
Cognitive, academic, behavioral and psychosocial Neuropsychological evaluations could be appropri-
functioning are also of interest to the neuro- ately incorporated into Axis IV of this model.
psychologist because these factors may affect test Various components and techniques recommended
performance on neuropsychological measures. Thus for use in a comprehensive psychological evaluation

are discussed briefly. Information gatheredfromthis educational, psychosocial, and academic opportuni-
evaluation inform the neuropsychologist and others ties, which may assist in the proper diagnosis of a
about the child's overall cognitive-intellectual, disorder (i.e., reading deficits). The extent to which
psychosocial, and academic functioning. This infor- environmental, genetic., and experiential factors af-
mation is helpful in describing the extent to which fect the manner in which some CNS disorders
brain-related dysfunction affects these important func- progress or influence treatment approaches can be ex-
tional areas of the child. plored with a complete review of the child's history.
Although the neuropsychologist working in a This information is crucial for accurate differential
multidisciplinary setting may not necessarily admin- diagnoses, particularly when the clinician is trying to
ister these tests, psychological evaluation results can determine whether the problem is neurodevel-
be further analyzed from a neuropsychological per- opmental in nature or the result of a lack of opportu-
spective. Interpretation of psychological findings nity to learn or the absence of appropriate modeling,
within a neuropsychologicalframeworkwill be ex- stimulation, or reinforcement.
plored after a selective review of available instru- There are several methods for obtaining reliable
ments/methods. background information, including the structured
parent and child interviewsfromthe Child Behavior
Checklist (Achenbach, 1991) and the Behavior As-
Background and sessment for Children (Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992).
Most neuropsychological clinics use structured inter-
Developmental History views (i.e., K-SADS; Puig-Antich & Chambers,
Developmental and background history is important 1978) for gathering information, and many utilize
for a number of reasons. First, developmental history questionnaires designed specifically to investigate a
can be important for identifying risk factors during particular disorder, such as ADHD (see Barkley, 1990;
pregnancy and delivery that have been associated with DuPaul & Stoner, 1994).
neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood of a spe- Medical and school records also provide crucial
cific (e.g., learning disabilities) or global (e.g., cog- information for identifying the child's biogenetic,
nitive disabilities) nature. Second, previous head health, and environmental history of the child. A care-
trauma and/or other health factors (e.g., recurring ear ful review of these materials often reveals risk fac-
infections, high fevers, or febrile seizures) can be un- tors and predisposing conditions that may interact
covered in a review of developmental history. Third, with the child's specific problem, and this infor-
a careful history is important for determining the pres- mation may be useful in designing effective
ence of similar or related disorders in other family interventions.
members or hereditary linkages that might be helpful
for understanding the etiology of a particular disor-
der. Fourth, a history of when the child attained mo-
tor and language milestones (walking, talking, etc.) Intellectual, Cognitive, and
is essential for determining the nature and extent of
the developmental correlates of the child's problem. Perceptual Functioning
Fifth, background history is essential for determin- Selected instruments for measuring cognitive-intel-
ing the presence of coexisting disorders (e.g. conduct lectual functioning are reviewed including the
disorders, depression, anxiety) that affect long-term following: (1) the Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Bat-
outcomes for children with various neurodevel- tery-Revised (WJ-R); (2) the Weschler Intelligence
opmental disorders. These conditions often must be Scale for Children-Ill (WISC-III); (3) the Differen-
addressed separately in treatment plans. Finally, back- tial Ability Scale (DAS); and (4) the Kaufinan As-
ground information also sheds light on the child's sessment Battery for Children (K-ABC).

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of IQ (FSIQ), Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Per-

Cognitive AbilityRevised ceptual Organization Index (POI), FreedomfromDis-
tractibiiity Index (FDI), and Processing Speed Index
The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (PDI).
(WJ) was developed by Woodcock and Johnson Though not originally developed as a measure of
(1977) and was later revised (WJR) by Woodcock brain functioning, the Wechsler scales are almost al-
and Johnson (1989). The WJR is based on the intel- ways used as part of a neuropsychological evalua-
lectual model of crystallized and fluid intelligence tion (Wechsler, 1991). In studies with LD and ADHD
(Cattell & Horn, 1978) and has been found usefiil for males, the WISC-III shows moderate correlations (.36
measuring cognitive ability, scholastic aptitude, and to .64) with various Halstead-Reitan scales: Perfor-
achievement (Woodcock, 1990). There are seven mance IQ with TPT Total Time (.64), TPT Mem (.45),
scales on the WJR: Long-term Retrieval (Glr), Short- TPTLoc (.42), Trails A(.57), andTnrilsB(.42); Free-
Term Memory (Gsm), Processing Speed (Gs), domfromDistractibiiity Index with TPT Total Time
Auditory Processing (Ga), Visual Processing (Gv), (.41), Trails A (.59), and Trails B (.40); and Pro-
Comprehension Knowledge (Gc), and Fluid Reason- cessing Speed Index with Trails A (.51). Verbal in-
ing (Gf). telligence measures typically show lower correlations
Woodcock (1990) analyzed the factor structure of with neuropsychological measures.
the WJR and found that it was unique in its measure
of Gf and Ga. Further, the Gc factor was related to The WISC-III or the WJR: Which is best? Generally,
the WISC-III Verbal Comprehension factor, and Gv primarily because of time constraints, neuropsy-
was related to the Perceptual Organization Factor. In chologists do not incorporate both the WISC-III and
this study comparing the WJ-R and the WISC-III, the WJR in an evaluation of children. However, de-
there was little empirical support for the Freedom ciding which cognitive-intelligence instrument to use
from Distractibiiity (FD) factor of the WISC-III. may be a difficult choice. In making this determina-
Although it is sometimes difficult to abandon the tion, consider using the WISC-III (1) when the im-
verbal-perceptual organization model of intelligence pact of injury or CNS disease on the child's intelli-
underlying the Weschler scales, the WJR offers a con- gence is of concern, (2) when long-term intellectual
ceptual alternative to thisframeworkthat might be competencies are in question, and (3) when identify-
extremely useful for some childhood disorders, par- ing functional sequelae of focal injury is of interest
ticularly learning disabilities. The WJR has strong (i.e., verbal comprehension deficits related to injury
psychometric properties and offers a method of gath- of temporo-parietal regions or perceptual-organiza-
ering benchmark measures of visual and auditory pro- tion weaknesses following injury to parietooccipital
cessing, memory and retrieval, and reasoning abili- regions). The WJR may be more useful (1) when per-
ties in children and adolescents. ceptual processing and memory functions are of pri-
mary interest (i.e., phonological core deficits); (2)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale when deficits of concept formation and abstract rea-
soning are of concern (i.e., injury tofrontalregions);
for ChildrenIII
(3) when there are signs of visual agnosia, aphasia,
The Wechsler scales have enjoyed a long history of or significant academic deficits in language-related
use for measuring intelligence in children and ado- or math skills (i.e., dyslexia); or (4) when the WISC-
lescents (Sattler, 1988), and the Wechsler Intelligence III or other cognitive measures do not seem to reflect
Scale for Children-Ill (WISC-III) is the latest revi- adequately the child's ability, as evidenced by adap-
sion for children (Wechsler, 1991). The WISC-m pro- tive behavior levels.
vides scores on the following: Verbal Intelligence There also seems to be historical precedence for
Quotient (\TQ), Performance IQ (PIQ), Full Scale selecting the WISC-III, although important data can

be gleanedfromthe WJR that are quite distinct from In their review of the DAS, Mcintosh and Gridley
those obtained with other intelligence measures. The (1992) indicate that this measure has several advan-
WJR was developed with multiple intelligences as tages in that it has strong psychometric properties (i.e.,
the theoreticalframework,which may prove to be validity and reliability) and the standardization is sound.
very useful for articulating more clearly the complexi- The separation between cognitive abilities apart from
ties of specific cognitive abilities as they relate to spe- processing skills is also viewed as a strength, particu-
cific brain function. Further research exploring the larly for LD populations. The conorming of the cogni-
relative contributions of the WISC-III and the WJR tive and achievement batteries is also judged positively.
to neuropsychological evaluation is needed to clarify Initial studies with the scale indicate its utility for de-
these issues. scribing subgroups of LD students (Mcintosh & Gridley,
1992). The extent to which the DAS becomes a useful
tool for clinical neuropsychologists is undetermined at
Differential Ability Scale (DAS) this time, but the DAS appears to have minimized some
The Differential Ability Scale (DAS) comprises a cog- of the weaknesses inherent in less psychometrically
nitive and an achievement scale and was developed sound batteries.
for children and adolescents between the ages of 2 1/2
and 17 years (Elliott, 1990). The Cognitive Battery Kaufman Assessment Battery for
has a total of 17 subtests for the Preschool and the
School-Age Level. The Preschool Level measures the
Children (K-ABC)
following cognitive abilities General Cognitive Abil- The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-
ity (GCA), which comprises Block Building, Vocabu- ABC; Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983) was developed
lary Comprehension, Picture Similarities, and Nam- on the basis of neuropsychological theory (i.e., Sperry
ing Vocabulary for children aged 2-6 to 3-5. The and Luria) as a measure of simultaneous and sequen-
CGA is divided into Verbal Ability (Verbal Compre- tial processing (Kamphaus, Kaufman, & Harrison,
hension and Naming Vocabulary), Nonverbal Abil- 1990). The K-ABC was designed to measure how a
ity (Picture Similarities, Pattern Construction, and child processes information, where simultaneous pro-
Copying), and Early Number Concepts for children cessing is thought to be holistic in nature and consis-
3-6 to 5-11. For children between the ages of 6-0 tent with right-hemisphere processing, whereas se-
and 17-11, the GCA consists of erbal Ability (Word quential processing is linear and analytic, reflecting
Definitions and Similarities), Nonverbal Reasoning left-hemisphere processing. The battery has four glo-
Ability (Matrices, Sequential, and Quantitative Rea- bal scales: Sequential, Simultaneous, Mental Process-
soning), and Spatial Ability (Recall of Designs and ing Composite, and Achievement.
Pattern Construction). The K-ABC is nonverbal and was intended for use
The normative sample for the DAS includes chil- with minority, bilingual, speech- or language-im-
dren who are learning-disabled; speech- and language- paired, and/or learning-disabled children. The K-ABC
impaired, cognitively retarded, gifted and talented, has received mixed reviews, although strengths were
severely emotionally disturbed, and mildly impaired noted in the psychometric properties of the instru-
on visual, auditory, or motoric functions. The DAS ment, the theoretical orientation of the battery, the
was designed to measure profiles of cognitive abili- empirical nature of the scales, and the novelty of many
ties as well as differences between cognitive and of the subtests. Weaknesses include the limited "floor"
achievement abilities. The achievement battery in- of the test, which affects its use with very young or
cludes three tests: Basic Number Skills, Spelling, and cognitively limited children, and its insufficient "ceil-
Word Reading. Both batteries were normed on the ing," which affects measurement of gifted children
same group so that discrepancy scores would be ob- (Kamphaus et al, 1990).
jective and meaningful (Elliott, 1990). The K-ABC has been relatively well researched

and has been shown to be positively correlated (.47 nitive and achievement batteries are both employed.
to .65) with the Luria Nebraska Neurological Bat- There are several advantages to incorporating
tery-Children's Revised for LD students (Leark, these tests into a neuropsychological battery. First,
Snyder, Grove, & Golden, 1982). It was found to have the WJR Tests of Achievement have strong technical
higher correlations with independent measures of properties, Second, these measures are conormed with
hemispheric function for a brain-injured group than the same population as the WJR Tests of Cognitive
the Wechsler scales (Morris & Bigler, 1985). The cor- Ability. This reduces the weaknesses inherent in com-
relation between brain function and processing fell paring a child's intellectual and achievement abili-
within the predictable direction following the theo- ties on tests with different standardization groups and
retical underpinnings of the test, where right hemi- norms. Third, there has been considerable research
sphere and simultaneous processing and left hemi- with the WJR scales on LD children. Finally, the
sphere and sequential processing were related. discrepancy scores provide a method for making
Shapiro and Dotan (1985) also reported significant normative comparisons and for determining indi-
relationships between hemispheric functioning and vidual strengths and weaknesses across various
the simultaneous and sequential scales in the predicted measures.
direction. Despite these results, the K-ABC should
not be used to localize brain dysfunction in children
(Kamphaus et al., 1990). Further research is needed
Wechsler Individual Achievement
to determine the usefulness of the K-ABC for design-
ing intervention plans. Test (WIAT)
The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)
was developed and conormed with the WISC-III. Co-
norming intelligence and achievement tests on the
Academic Functioning same population decreases statistical and measure-
Most psychological evaluations include a measure of ment error present when comparing tests that were
academic achievement in a comprehensive evalua- separately normed. The WIAT provides measures of
tion of children. Generally the Wide Range Achieve- reading, math, and written language.
ment Test (WRAT) or the WRAT-Revised are used Although the Wide Range Achievement Test
as screening measures. To obtain more comprehen- (WRAT) or the revised version (WRAT-R) is often
sive measures of achievement, the Woodcock- used for screening purposes, these measures are not
Johnson Tests of Achievement-Revised (WJA-R) sufficient for making a diagnosis of learning disabilities
or the Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests in children. The WJ-R or the WIAT should be included
(WIAT) are recommended. to assess fully the academic performance of children.

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Psychosocial Functioning

AchievementRevised Assessment of a child's psychosocial adjustment is
The WJR Tests of Achievement include Reading, best accomplished using behavioral rating scales,
Mathematics, Written Language, and Knowledge. clinical interviews, and observational techniques.
Three discrepancy scores can be generated compar- These techniques are useful for determining comorbid
ing intracognitive discrepancies (e.g., Auditory ver- psychiatric problems and for ruling out other disor-
sus Visual Processing), intra-achievement discrepan- ders that may result in reasoning, problem solving,
cies (e.g., Reading versus Mathematics), and cogni- and social interaction difficulties that affect overall
tive-achievement discrepancies when the WJ-R cog- adjustment and impact on treatment plans.

Clinicians may want to start out with instruments 1. A self-report for children aged 8 to 18 years, which
that measure broad-band personality disorders, then allows the child to answer "true" or "false" to ques-
utilize tests designed for specific problems such as tions about feelings and perceptions of the self and
ADHD, depression, and/or anxiety. Several instru- of others
ments will be described briefly. 2. A teacher behavioral rating scale
3. A parent behavioral rating scale
4. A structured developmental history than can be
used as an interview or questionnaire format
Child Behavior Checklist (CBL) 5. A system for systematically observing and record-
The Child Behavior Checklist (CBL) is a well-de- ing the child's behavior
veloped, psychometrically sound instrument measur-
ing two broad-band personality syndromes-exter- The BASC allows for the measurement of both
nalizing and internalizing disorders (Achenbach, adaptive and clinical dimensions of the child's be-
1991). The CBL can be used for children and ado- havior. The wording on the BASC allows for ratings
lescents across a wide age range (6 to 18 years) and of observable behavior, thus decreasing subjectivity
includes rating scales for parents and teachers and a on the part of the rater. The system allows for mea-
self-report form for older children (Achenbach & surement of the child's behavioral and emotional func-
Edelbrock, 1987). Structured Interview and Obser- tioning from a variety of sources to provide a more
vation forms have also been developed for the CBL. comprehensive picture of the total child.
Externalizing disorders measured by the CBL in- The BASC is not intended to provide a diagnosis,
clude aggressive, hyperactive, schizoid, delinquent, placement decision, or treatment plan. It is, rather,
and sex problems. Internalizing disorders comprise designed to provide information about the child's be-
depressive, anxious, and social withdrawal problems havior from many sources and to contribute to de-
(Witt, Heffer, & Pfiffer, 1990). Teacher ratings are signing and determining the most appropriate inter-
highly correlated with observations of the child, and vention. The BASC can provide useful data to be used
parent ratings are associated with other well-estab- as a follow-up for further interviews and evaluation.
lished measures of behavior problems (Witt et al.,
1990). The CBL offers a comprehensive method for
obtaining data from a variety of sources in an effort
to identify comorbid personality disorders in children Personality Inventory for
and adolescents. See Witt et al. (1990) and Mash and Children (PIC)
Terdal (1988) for a more in-depth discussion of these The Personality Inventory for Children (PIC), a par-
techniques. ent rating scale, measures a variety of disorders in
young children and adolescents (Lachar, 1990). The
PIC includes the following scales: three profile scales
Behavior Assessment System (Lie, Frequency, and Defensiveness); an Adjustment
for Children Scale; three cognitive scales (Achievement, Intellec-
tual Screening, and Development); and nine clinical
The Behavior Assessment System for Children scales (Somatic, Depressive, Family Relations, De-
(BASC; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992) was devel- linquency, Withdrawal, Anxiety, Psychosis, Hy-
oped as a "multimethod, multidimensional approach peractivity, and Social Skills). The PIC utilizes a
to evaluating the behavior and self-perceptions of chil- branching rules system for determining profile types,
dren aged 4 to 18 years" Reynolds & Kamphaus, and provides seven classification options (Lachar,
1992, p. 1). The BASC includesfivemethods for as- 1990).
sessment of the child's behavior: Scores on the PIC have been shown to correlate

with placement in regular education or special edu- ture of the child's psychosocial status and assesses
cation classrooms for children with emotional, learn- how this affects on the neuropsychological evalua-
ing, and cognitive impairments. Lachar, Kline, and tion. A number of these factors are explored in the
Boersma (1986) systematically investigated the util- following discussion.
ity of the PIC for decision making about educational
placements. Lachar et al. (1986) found that children
across divergent categories (ED and LD) do not pos- IMPACT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL
sess independent profiles, as they share some com- FUNCTIONING ON
mon behavioral and personality characteristics.
The CBL, BASC, and PIC measure "broad-band
behavioral and psychosocial problems. When elevated RESULTS
scores are present in specific areas, the clinician may A number of psychological conditions or factors have
want to use tests designed to measure narrow-band an impact on neuropsychological evaluations that
disorders, such as the Children's Depression Inven- should be considered when evaluating children and
tory (Kovacs & Beck, 1977) and the Reynolds Ado- adolescents. These factors may interact differentiately
lescent Depression Scale (W. M. Reynolds, 1989) for depending on whether the child's condition is a re-
depression, and the Revised Children's Manifest sult of acquired anomalies (e.g., traumatic brain in-
Anxiety Scale (C. R. Reynolds & Richmond, 1978); jury) or developmental anomalies (e.g., learning or
and/or the Conners Rating Scales (Conners, 1969) neuropsychiatric disorders).
for hyperactivity. See Reynolds and Kamphaus (1990) First, children sustaining traumatic brain injury
for an in-depth discussion of other personality and may display symptoms of "psychic edema" that in-
behavioral assessment measures. terfere with performance on neuropsychological tests.
Social interaction problems have been found in a Inattention, distractibility, and motivational problems
variety of disorders, including ADHD and LD. The may be present soon after injury. Although these fea-
extent to which a child is isolated, ignored, or rejected turesfrequentlysubside within weeks of injury, once
may have an impact on how well the child adjusts in the child has stabilized, initial or baseline
school and at home. A measure of social skills ad- neuropsychological evaluation may be contaminated
justment will be discussed briefly. by these short-term problems. Furthermore, these psy-
chological aspects may mask other deficits that may
Social Skills Questionnaire ultimately be long-lasting (e.g., impaired reasoning
and planning). For example, tests of executive func-
Gresham and Elliot (1990) developed the Social Skills tioning (e.g., Wisconsin Card Sort or Category Test)
Questionnaire (SSQ) in an effort to measure social may be sensitive to these psychological problems. If
skills problems in children and adolescents system- a child is inattentive and distractible, then careful and
atically. The SSQ contains rating scales for parents, thoughtful analysis is lacking. Impulsive responses
teachers, and the child and provides a method for de- may be inaccurate. Some children with TBI do con-
termining the child's social interaction skills, prob- tinue to display ADD-like symptoms long after re-
lem behaviors in school, and overall adjustment. This covery, but the clinician is advised to consider the
is a relatively new instrument and may prove to be a initial impact on test results if inattention and dis-
valuable addition to a comprehensive evaluation of tractibility are observed, particularly when the child's
child and adolescent disorders. history does not suggest that the problems were
Psychological factors can have a negative impact present preinjury.
on a child's performance on neuropsychological mea- Second, language and/or reading delays may make
sures. It is important to determine if this is the case. some neuropsychological items difficult. If a child
The astute, experienced clinician investigates the na- does not understand the verbal directions of a test and

responds inaccurately, this may indicate a language less, impulsive errors. Testing on and off medication
comprehension problem rather than a deficit in the often gives the clinician a better picture of the child's
underlying neuropsychological function of interest. underlying neuropsychological problems beyond the
For example, instructions on the Trails B (Halstead- impulsivity and distractibility that may be paramount
Reitan) test may prove too complicated for a child in ADHD. Breaking testing periods into shorter peri-
with a receptive language delay. In this instance, it is ods may also improve performance.
imperative to determine whether low scores result Finally, depression and/or anxiety may interfere
from true reasoning/planning deficits orfromprob- with a child's ability to put forth sustained effort.
lems in comprehension. Testing the limits or simpli- Children may appear apathetic, withdrawn, or overly
fying instructions may be helpful in this determina- nervous. It is important to build rapport with the child
tion. Further, cognitive delays also may produce poor and to create a supportive, reinforcing testing climate.
performance on measures of global (e.g., reasoning, Again, testing the child both on and off medication
abstract formation, memory) versus specific brain may be indicated, especially for children who take
functioning (e.g., motor speed). antidepressants. The neuropsychological report
Third, children with conduct-related or opposi- should reflect any special testing administration
tional defiant disorders may show signs of passive changes or modifications, and should describe the
aggressiveness and poor motivation. Refusal or poor conditions under which the behaviors were elicited.
effort should not be confused with neuropsycho- It may be helpful to conduct a follow-up evaluation
logical deficits. It is also not uncommon for children (3 to 6 months later) if the clinician believes that psy-
with these psychiatric problems to have poor frustra- chological factors have rendered the interpretation of
tion tolerance. They may give up quickly and may be neuropsychological findings suspect or contaminated.
easilyfrustratedwhen they begin to struggle on items The next chapter discusses the neuropsychological
that are difficult (e.g., reasoning tasks). Efforts to im- evaluation process in depth. It includes an over-
provefrustrationtolerance may include using reinforc- view of the most frequently utilized batteries as
ers (e.g., a soda, a candy bar) or shorter testing intervals. well as suggestions for a transactional approach to
Fourth, children with ADHD also may make care- assessment.


The purpose of this chapter is twofold. First, we will in the organization and execution of behaviors than
briefly review three generally accepted approaches in intelligence per se. Second, Reitan further devel-
to neuropsychological assessment. Second, we will oped and validated clinical neuropsychological as-
present our transactional assessment approach. This sessment procedures and provided a rich body of em-
discussion will include methods of evaluation for se- pirical and clinical work in child and adult
lected functional areas of the central nervous system. neuropsychology. Although the debate over the theo-
The conceptual framework underlying each battery and retical contributions of Halstead and Reitan's ap-
research with each approach will also be presented. proaches remains lively, Reitan and Wolfson (1985a)
argue that his methods have a conceptual framework
that is useful for advancing the science of
APPROACHES TO neuropsychology. Further, the Halstead-Reitan batter-
CHILD CLINICAL ies contain measures necessary for understanding the
NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL brainbehavior relationship in children and adolescents.
Conceptual Model for the
Halstead-Reitan-lndiana Halstead-Reitan Methods
Assessment Procedures
Reitan and Wolfson (1985a) indicate that attempts to
The Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological procedures develop a set of assessment measures resulted in a
are considered the most popular commercial batter- conceptual model of brain function that is incorpo-
ies available in this country (Howieson & Lezak, rated in the Halstead-Reitan Battery. The battery con-
1992). Halstead originally developed a series of tests sists of six categories representing the behavioral
to measure frontal lobe dysfunction in adults, and correlates of brain function: (1) input measures; (2)
Reitan later added new tests and recommended the tests of concentration, attention, and memory func-
battery for various types of brain damage (Howieson tions; (3) tests of verbal language abilities; (4) tests
& Lezak, 1992). Between 1951 and 1953, Reitan of visual-spatial, sequential, and manipulatory func-
modified the adult battery and developed new items tions; (5) tests of abstraction, reasoning, concept for-
for children (Teeter, 1986). Although Reitan proce- mation, and logical analysis; and (6) output measures
dures have been criticized as being atheoretical (Luria (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985a, p. 4).
& Majovski, 1977), Hynd and Willis (1988) argue Reitan and Wolfson (1985a) further argue that a
that Reitan's contributions have been influential for neuropsychological battery must have three compo-
a number of reasons. First, Reitan offered evidence nents: (1) items that measure the full range of psy-
that intelligence was not simply a frontal lobe func- chological functions of the brain; (2) strategies that
tion and that the frontal lobes were more involved allow for interpretation of individual brain functions;


and (3) valid procedures demonstrated through em- (1986a, 1987), and Teeter (1986) for descriptions of
pirical and clinical evaluation and applications. The the various measures and scoring criteria. Table 5.2
neuropsychological batteries for children and adoles- lists the various subtests and the abilities associated
cents were developed with these components in mind with each of these measures.
(Hynd& Willis, 1988).
Interpretation of the Reitan
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Batteries
Neuropsychological Batteries
Over the years Reitan has developed and expanded
for Children his approach for analyzing the Halstead
Reitan designed two batteries for children, the Neuropsychological Test Battery for Children (914
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery for years) and the Reitan-Indiana Test Battery (58 years).
Older Children (914 years) and the Reitan-Indiana Reitan typically focuses on a Multiple Inferential Ap-
Test Battery (58 years) (Teeter, 1986); see Table 5.1. proach, including an investigation of Level of Per-
Adolescents 15 years and older are evaluated us- formance, Pathognomonic Signs, Patterns of Perfor-
ing the Halstead-Reitan Battery for Adults. See mance, and RightLeft Comparisons. Reitan (1986a,
Reitan and Wolfson (1985a) for an in-depth descrip- 1987) also developed the Neuropsychological Defi-
tion of the adult battery. The interested reader is re- cit Scale (NDS), a scoring and interpretation model
ferred to Nussbaum and Bigler (1989), Reitan for these batteries, which incorporates multiple fac-

Table 5.1. Subtests of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Batteries



Motor Functions Finger Tapping Finger Tapping

Grip Strength Grip Strength
Tactual Performance Test (total time) Tactual Performance (total time)
Marching Test
Visual-Spatiala Trails Part A Matching Figures
Matching V's
Matching Pictures
Star Drawing
Concentric Squares
Sensory-Perceptual Tactile Perception Tactile Perception
Tactile Form Recognition Tactile Form Recognition
Tactile Localization Tactile Localization
Fingertip Writing Fingertip Writing
Alertness and Concentration Speech Sound Perception Progressive Figures
Immediate Memory TPT-Memory TPT-Memory
TPT-Localization TPT-Localization
Reasoning Category Test Category Test
Trails Part B Color Form
Reitan includes Picture Arrangement, Block Design, and Object Assembly from Wechsler scales.
Reitan includes Coding from Wechsler scales.

Table 5.2. Abilities Assessed by the HRNB and HINB in Children and Adolescents


Motor Finger Tapping HINB and NRNB: Dominant hand expected Motor Frontal lobe
Children tap 10% faster speed and
mounted key coordina-
510 second trials tion
with dominant and
nondominant hand
Motor Grip Strength HINB and HRNB: Dominant hand expected Sensitive to Frontal lobe
Squeeze on dynam- to be stronger R/L weak-
ometer, alternate nesses in
hands, 3 trials motor
dominant/non- cortex
Motor Tactual HINB & HRNB: Expect 1/3 improvement Motor and Frontal lobe
Performance (a) Place 6 blocks onto over trials sensory
Test(TPT) board while blind- functions,
folded with dominant/ kinesthetic
nondominant functions
Memory (b) Draw location of No Spatial Global
blocks from memory memory
Visual Trails A a HRNB: No Motor
Child connects speed
circles sequentially Visual-
as quickly as perception
possible and symbol
Sensory Tactile HRNB and HINB: Errors on RH-implicates Sensory Contralateral
Perception Back of hand and left hemisphere and LH stimulation parietal lobe
Test face are touched errors implicate right
either separately or hemisphere
together with eyes
Auditory Examiner stands Yes Auditory Temporal lobe
Perception behind child and stimulation
Test lightly rubs fingers
together. Child
indicates where
sound is (unilateral
or bilateral
Visual Examiner produces Yes Visual fields Visual pathway
Perception a finger movement Peripheral, Visual fields
at eye level, above unilateral,
and below eye level. and bilateral
Tactile Child extends hand Yes Tactile form Parietal lobe
Form through opening in recognition
Recognition board, and a cross, (stereog-
TRF square, or triangle nosis)
is placed in hand.

TRF Child points to same

shape on front of

Table 5.2. (Continued)


Sensory Fingertip HRNB: Numbers Yes Tactile per- Peripheral

(Continued) Writing are traced on palm ception, nervous system
(FTW) while child watches. attention Parietal lobe
Then, 3, 4, 5, and can be a
6 are traced on factor in
fingertips with eyes perform-
closed. ance.
are traced.
Finger Examiner lightly Yes. Tactile Unilateral errors
Localization touches each of Errors on RH implicates perception implicatecontra-
Test child's fingers left hemisphere and discrimina- lateral parietal
with eyes closed. RH errors implicates tion and lobe-can also
Child indicates right hemisphere. attention occur with
which finger was to tactile bilateral errors.
touched. stimulation.
Alertness Speech8 60 nonsense words No Attention Global
and Concen- Sounds presented on tape Auditory Anterior left-
tration Perception recorder. Child discrimina- hemisphere
Test underlines correct tion cross- deficits (Teeter,
sound from 4 modal 1986)
alternatives. matching.
Rhythma Thirty pairs of rhythms No Attention, Global
are presented on tape auditory
recorder. Child perception,
writes S or D if pair and
is same or different. concentration.
Abstract Category 80 items HESfB, 168 No Abstract Global
Reasoning Test items HRNB: concept Sensitive to right
Logical Visual stimulus is formation, frontal lobe
Analysis projected on screen, mental effi- dysfunction in
and child selects ciency and older children
one of four stimuli flexibility, (Rourke et al.,
that corresponds to learning 1983)
the original. If correct, skills.
bell rings. Incorrect:
A buzzer sounds.
Trails B a Series of circles No Simultaneous Global
alternating between processing,
letters (AG) and flexibility
numbers (18). Child in planning.
connects circles alter-
nating numbers-letters-
numbers, etc.
Language Aphasia HRNB items: Yes Receptive Language items
Screening Naming, drawing, language relate to left
Test reading, math, and and hemisphere.
spelling. expressive Constructional
language, items related
dyspraxia, to right
word naming, hemisphere.


Table 5.2. (Continued)


Language reading,
(Continued) calculation,

The following items are in HINB for younger children pnly:

Visual- Matching Matching pictures No Perception Global
Spatial Pictures that are identical, Generalization
then in same Reasoning
Matching V's Matching group of No Visual- Association
and Figures, figures, or group of perception areas
Concentric V's of differing and motor
Square, and widths; copying abilities.
Star complex concentric
square and star
Target Test Consists of large No Visual and Association
cardboard poster spatial areas
with nine printed memory
dots. Examiner taps abilities.
out a series of dots
and after 3-second
delay child repro-
duces series on
Motor Marching Child follows a Yes Gross motor Global
Test sequence of circles function and
connected by lines coordination
up a page touching
each circle as quickly
as possible, using
right, left, and both
Alertness Progressive 8 large shapes with No Visual per- Global
and Figures small shapes inside. ception,
Concentration Child moves from motor speed,
the small shape concentra-
inside to a large tion, and
figure with same cognitive
shape. flexibility
Reason Color Form Geometric shapes of No Simultaneous Global
Test different colors on processing
board. Child touches and flexibil-
one figure then ity in
another, moving from planning
color, etc.

Note: Reitan Indiana Neuropsychological Battery (HINB); Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB).
In HRNB for older children only.

tors. The Functional Organization Approach, pro- Pathognomonic Sign Approach

posed by Fletcher and Taylor (1984), is less inferen-
One of the most common methods of analyzing
tial and places neuropsychological measures within
neuropsychological data has been the deficit or
a developmental and contextual framework. Each of
pathognomonic sign approach (Rourke, 1981). This
these approaches will be briefly described and
approach was developedfromresearch findings show-
ing that certain items on neuropsychological batter-
ies, particularly those itemsfromthe Aphasia Screen-
ing Test, occurred almost exclusively in brain-dam-
Multiple Levels of Inference aged individuals and not in normal individuals
Reitan (1969) and Selz and Reitan (1979b) developed (Wheeler & Reitan, 1962).
an interpretive system using four levels of inference: The pathognomonic approach has been moderated
Level of Performance, Pathognomonic-Sign, Differ- by other findings demonstrating that false negatives
ential/Pattern of Scores, and RightLeft Differences. can be common when this approach is used in isola-
tion (Boll, 1974). Analyzing these signs is also par-
ticularly complicated in children because of wide de-
Level of Performance velopmental variations in acquiring some skills in nor-
Interpretive guidelines for the Reitan batteries have mal children (Teeter, 1986). To be considered pathog-
discussed the importance of determining the Level nomonic, it must be proved that the child at one time
of Performance by comparing the child's scores to had acquired the skill prior to injury or insult. Al-
those of a normative group (Nussbaum & Bigler, though this is usually easier to establish in older chil-
1986; Teeter, 1986). Normative data are available dren and adults, the pathognomonic sign approach is
from Spreen and Gaddes (1969), Knights and rarely advocated in isolation.
Norwood (1980), and Reitan (1969, 1986a, 1987).
Standard score comparisons are typically employed
in this method, where two standard deviations below Pattern of Performance Approach
the mean is often used as the benchmark for consid- The differential score or Pattern of Performance ap-
eration as significantly below normal and 1.5 stan- proach involves developing an overall gestalt of the
dard deviations below the mean suggests mild various performance patterns of the individual. In this
impairment. method, the examiner builds a profile of individual
While a normative approach has been described strengths and weaknesses on test scores and begins
as essential for children in the 5- to 15-year range to make inferences about the neuropsychological sta-
(Rourke, 1981), there are reasons for using caution tus of specific and global brain function based on these
with a Level of Performance analysis in isolation. patterns. For example, a pattern of clear right-handed
First, normal or abnormal levels of performance do weaknesses on sensory and motor measures (e.g., el-
not unequivocally confirm or disconfirm abnormal/ evated time for therighthand TPT score and low tap-
normal brain function (Rourke, 1981). Recovery of ping speed with therighthand), in conjunction with
function may effect a child's level of performance poor performance on the Speech Sounds Perception
such that a brain-injured child may reach normal per- test and borderline Verbal Intelligence (IQ) scores
formance. Other children may be falsely identified (compared to normal Performance IQ), might sug-
as neuropsychological^ impaired as a result of other gest a pattern of left-hemisphere weaknesses. Reitan
factors, including motivation, psychopathology or sig- (1971) also reports that children and adults show simi-
nificant language deprivation (Teeter, 1986). To be lar patterns of performance on some tests: low scores
most reliable and valid, the Level of Performance on Part B of Trails compared to good scores on Part
approach should be used in conjunction with other A has been found in individuals with left-hemisphere
interpretive factors. weaknesses, and poor performance on the Speech

Sounds Perception Test is often found in individuals method of analysis had less overlap between normals
with left-hemisphere impairment. See Teeter (1986) and brain-damaged children when compared to the
for a review. Level of Performance or the Aphasia Screening Test.
Rourke, Bakker, Fisk, and Strang (1983) indicate Reitan also argues that it is important to identify chil-
that this method of interpretation is problematic for dren who lag behind in the basic biological organiza-
young, severely involved children. However, the Pat- tion of the brain (e.g., sensory and motor functions),
tern of Performance approach has been broadly which can be related to learning problems that may
adopted by some neuropsychologists in their quest to require remediation. Sensory and motor pathways are
identify meaningful subtypes of learning disabilities "essentially equivalent among younger children, older
(Nussbaum&Bigler, 1986;Pirozzolo, 1981; Rourke, children and adults" (Reitan, 1987, p. 40). While the
1989). rightleft approach can differentiate brain-damaged
from normal children, it is not recommended in iso-
lation or as a substitute for a comprehensive neuro-
Right-Left Differences psychological evaluation.
Reitan (1986a, 1987) suggests that RightLeft Dif-
ferences can be a useful adjunct to understanding a Neuropsychological Deficit
child's neuropsychological performance. Table 5.3 re-
ports rightleft sensory and motor signs based on the
Scale Approach
Halstead-Reitan batteries for children. Reitan (1987) The Neurological Deficit Scale (NDS) incorporates
states that right-left indices can be a useful method a method for determining the child's Level of Perfor-
for comparing the status of the two cerebral hemi- mance, RightLeft Differences, Dysphasia and Re-
spheres, because even young children (58 years) lated Deficits, and cutoff scores for differentiating
have developed consistent hand preferences for brain-damagedfromnormal youngsters for each bat-
simple motor tasks. Reitan (1987) further argues that tery. The NDS also provides a total score for measur-
rightleft differences rely on "basic neuroanatomical ing the overall adequacy of neuropsychological func-
structure and organization rather than higher-level tioning in children. Raw scores are weighted as Per-
neuropsychological functions that have been devel- fectly Normal (score = 0), Normal (score =1), Mildly
oped through educational and environmental influ- Impaired (score = 2), or Significantly Impaired
ences and experiences" (p. 6). (score = 3) on the basis of normative comparisons.
The extent to which rightleft differences differ- When using the NDS approach, the examiner takes
entiate between brain-damaged and normal children the following steps: (1) converts raw scores on each
is also of interest. Reitan (1987) found that this test to corresponding weights, 0,1, 2, or 3, based on

Table 5.3. Right-Left Sensory and Motor Signs on the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery


Finger-tapping Lower right hand tapping Lower left hand tapping

Tactual performance test Lowerrighthand scores Lower left hand scores
Grip strength Lowerrighthand scores Lower left hand scores
Finger localization Higher errors-right hand Higher errors-left hand
Fingertip writing Higher errors-right hand Higher errors-left hand
Tactile perception Higher errors-right hand Higher errors-left hand
Note: Right-dominant individuals.
"Divide nondominant hand by dominant hand and subtract from 1. Use Neuropsychological Deficit Scale to determine significant
differences between right and left hands.

normative tables provided by Reitan (1986a, 1987); (Strang & Rourke, 1983; Shurtleff et al., 1988;
(2) calculates rightleft difference scores by dividing Strom, Gray, Dean, & Fischer, 1987).
the score of the nondominant hand by that of the domi- Intelligence scores have been found to show mod-
nant hand, subtracting from 1.00, and converting to erate correlations with the HRNB (Shurtleff et al.,
weighted scores; (3) makes clinical judgments fol- 1988). In a review of studies that attempted to differ-
lowing Reitan's (1984) guidelines for scoring the entiate learning-disabled from brain-damaged chil-
Aphasia Screening Test and assigns NDS scores; (4) dren using the HRNB, Hynd (1992b) suggested that
sums weighted scores across each factor, Level of Per- differential performance on intelligence tests may ac-
formance, RightLeft Differences, and Aphasia Test; count for much of the ability of the HRNB to dis-
and, finally, (5) sums the weighted scores on 45 vari- criminate between the two groups. On the other hand,
ables for older children and 52 variables for younger Strom et al. (1987) found that the HRNB provided
children to obtain a Total NDS Score. Reitan pro- unique data that were not redundant with data from
vides cutoff scores for brain-damaged versus normal the WISC-R. Because the issue of the overlap be-
children on the Total NDS score and for each of the tween the WISC-R and the HRNB has not been
factor scores. resolved, it is important that the clinician recognize
Separate tables are available for analyzing the the overlap between the two measures and take intel-
neuropsychological test results of older children ligence into consideration in the interpretation of
(Reitan, 1986a) and younger children (Reitan, 1987). results.
Although the NDS approach seems to be an exten- In addition to the caution as to the influence of
sion of an earlier standardized scoring procedure intelligence on performance on this battery, children
("Rules for Neurological Diagnosis"; Selz & Reitan, with psychiatric disorders also have been found to
1979a), the normative group used to develop the perform poorly on the HRNB (Berman & Siegel,
weighted scores reported in the tables is not clearly 1976; Tramontana, Sherrets, & Golden, 1980;
described in recent test manuals available for the child Tramontana & Sherrets, 1985; Tramontana, Hooper,
batteries. & Nardillo, 1988). The HRNB's ability to distinguish
children with psychiatric disorders from brain-dam-
aged children is not clearfromexisting research. This
Research Findings with HRNB
finding is consistent with the adult Reitan Battery,
and HINB which also is not diagnostically specific for brain dam-
Selected research studies utilizing the HRNB and age versus psychiatric disorder (Hynd & Semrud-
HINB are reported in Table 5.4. These studies sought Clikeman, 1992).
to determine the ability of these batteries either to A further area of concern is the length and expense
distinguish between children with brain damage and of the battery for general use with clients. The aver-
those with learning disabilities or to elucidate the pro- age amount of time for administration of the battery
files achieved by differing disorders (e.g., conduct ranges from 6 to 12 hours. Reitan (1986b) has sug-
disorder, psychiatric disorders). The Category test has gested that although reducing the length of the bat-
been found to be the best discriminator for learning- tery or developing a screening protocol would have
disabled children. For example, the results of studies value, the information necessary to answer referral
attempting to distinguish learning-disabled children questions makes the development of a screening pro-
from brain-damaged and normal children found nor- tocol problematic. Although Reitan has demonstrated
mal motor development with consistent weaknesses a remarkable hit rate for his ability to determine brain
on the Category test (Coutts et al., 1987; Strang & damage (Reitan & Boll, 1973; Selz & Reitan, 1979a,
Rourke, 1983; Shurtleff et al., 1988). Moreover, a 1979b), there has not been sufficient documentation
relationship between reading and/or math difficulty of the battery's ability to localize dysfunction or pre-
and the Category test has been found consistently dict recovery from brain injury (Hynd, 1992b).

Table 5.4. Selected Research with the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Batteries


Batchelor & Dean Learning 914 years 1. Two distinct clusters across ages.
(1993) Group 1 = diffuse deficits.
Group 2 = spatial memory deficits.
2. Diffuse deficits may not change with age.
3. Specific deficits deem to change with age.
Berman & Siegal CD, normal 1. CD > normals on every HRNB task.
(1976) 2. CD lowest on verbal mediation, concept formation, and
Boyd, Tramontana, Psychiatric 916 years 1. DE = WISC-R + Aphasia test.
& Hopper (1986) 79% rate for prediction. LNNB-C status
2. DE valid as screening device.
Courts et al. LD, non-LD 1112 years 1. LD > non-LD on Category test.
(1987) 2. Minimal practice effect after 3 weeks for LD.
3. Category test may be usefiil for measuring treatment
Gamble, Mishra, Referred-learning 68 years 1. Category test loaded on Psychomotor Speed Factor.
&Obrzut(1988) 2. TPT loaded on Memory Factor.
3. Use Reitan-Indiana with caution with young LD
Newby & Matthews Clinic-referred 614 years 1. Specific neuropsychological function not predicted by
(1986) PIC.
Nussbaum et al. Referred-learning 712 years 1. Anterior deficits related to Social Withdrawal,
(1988) Aggression, Hyperactivity, and Externalized scales on
2. Posterior deficits high on ANX.
Reitan & Boll Normal, MBD, BD 58 years 1. BD > MBD > normals.
(1973) 2. 84% overall accuracy rate classification.
3. 96% BD, 89% MBD, 64% normals.
Selz & Reitan Normal, LD, BD 914 years 1. LD normal on motor tasks.
(1979a) 2. LD similar to BD on cognitive and attentional tasks.
3. 80% accuracy, error-impaired groups as less impaired.
Selz & Reitan Normal, LD, BD 914 years 1. Classification rules.
(1979b) 2. BD > LD > normals performance.
3. 73% accuracy rate for classification.
Shurtleff, Fay, Learning 1012 years 1. Low to moderate correlations of HRNB and WISC-R.
Abbott, & 2. Speech Sounds related to Reading decoding and
Berninger spelling.
(1988) 3. Category related to math.
Strang & Rourke LD 914 years 1. Low math/normal reading/spelling group scores low on
(1983) Category, bilateral tactile-motor, and visual-perceptual-
2. Low math related to low reasoning and sensory-motor.
Strom et al. LD 11 years 1. 28% variance in reading accounted for by HRNB.
(1987) 2. 15% variance in math accounted for by HRNB.
3. Unique contributions of HRNB not measured by

Table 5.4 (Continued)


Teeter (1985) Normal 58 years 1. RINB accurate for discriminating high, average, and
low readers.
2. RINB more predictive than McCarthy Scales for
spelling, reading, and math.
3. Predictive variable stable over two years.
Tramontana et al. Psychiatric 915 years 1. 60% mild impairment on HRNB using Selz and Reitan
(1980) rules.
2. 25% moderate impairment.
3. Impairment > chronic psychiatric.
Tramontana & CD, depression 1. No distinct neuropsychological features for INT and
Hooper (1987) EXT disorders.
Tramontana & Psychiatric 1. 50% abnormal HRNB or LNNB-C.
Sherrets 2. Impairment > young boys with chronic psychiatric
(1985) history.
Tramontana, Psychiatric 816 years 1. Impairment > with more severe behavior problems.
Hooper, & 2. Mostly in young children with INT disorders.
Nardillo 3. EXT disorders no distinct neuropsychological
(1988) features.

Notes: BD = brain damaged; MBD = minimal brain dysfunction; LD = learning-disabled; CD = conduct-disordered; RINB = Reitan
Indiana Neuropsychological Battery; HRNB = Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery; LNNB-CR = Luria Nebraska
Neuropsychological Battery for Children-Revised; INT = Internalized Scale on the Child Behavior Checklist; EXT = Externalized
Scale on the Child Behavior Checklist.

Finally, the HRNB requires intensive training for tions (Lezak, 1983). Luria originally described as-
administration and interpretation of results, which also sessment procedures that varied from patient to pa-
can be problematic for its use in general clinical or tient depending on the specific brain area of concern
school environments. It may be more appropriate for (Teeter, 1986). Attempts to standardize these proce-
general clinicians to use other measures to screen for dures have been met with enthusiasm by some
possible neuropsychological involvement and to re- neuropsychologists and criticism by others.
fer clients to a trained neuropsychologist for a full The conceptual model underlying the standardized
evaluation if areas of concern are identified. Some of approach will be reviewed briefly, and subtests of the
the available screening instruments are discussed in Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery for Chil-
the second half of this chapter. dren-Revised (LNNB-CR) will be described. The
research and clinical validity of the battery will also
LURIA-NEBRASKA be discussed. Computer scoring options and com-
puter-generated reports are also available for the bat-
ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES tery (Golden, 1987).
Few would question the importance of the contribu- Conceptual Model for the
tions made by the Russian neuropsychologist A. R.
Luria, although some have been skeptical about the
manner in which his clinical procedures have been Luria (1980) described brain activity in terms of func-
standardized into a battery for assessing brain func- tional systems or units that incorporated elements of

localization and equipotential theories. Localization formance affected following damage to a particular
theorists argued that specific brain regions were re- site?"
sponsible for discrete brain functions-visual func- Luria's functional systems approach conceptual-
tions in the occipital lobe, auditory functions in the izes brain function as follows. Luria (1980) discussed
temporal lobe, and so on (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985). three functional units as: (1) the arousal unit; (2) the
Equipotential theorists pointed out that complex hu- sensory receptive and integrative unit; and (3) the
man behaviors are controlled by functional CNS re- planning, organizational unit (see Table 5.5). The
gions in such a way that when one portion is dam- nature of each functional unit is briefly described.
aged, another adjacent or analogous region can as-
sume its function (Kolb & Whishaw, 1985).
Functional Unit I
Luria's theory was different from other hypoth-
eses at the time because he made four major In Luria's theory (1980) the arousal system is the first
assumptions: unit and comprises the retricular activating system
(RAS), the midbrain, the medulla, the thalamus, and
1. Luria assumed that only specific parts, not all parts, the hypothalamus. Visual, auditory, and tactile stimu-
of the brain are involved in forming a behavior. lation comes through this unit to higher cortical re-
2. No equipotentiality of brain tissue is hypothesized. gions. The structures work together in concert in Unit
Rather, brain tissue is conceptualized as being spe- I to regulate energy level and to maintain cortical tone.
cialized for function, both psychologically and This unit raises or lowers cortical arousal depending
physiologically. on internal needs. When cortical tone is too low, the
3. Behavior is conceived as a function of systems of brain loses its ability to discriminate between stimuli.
brain areas working in concert rather than unitary Another function of this unit is tofilterout irrelevant
and specific areas producing set behaviors. There- stimuli. The RAS prevents the cortex from being
fore, a given behavior will be impaired when any flooded by unimportant stimuli that could interfere
part of the functional system responsible for the with cortical functioning. If the RAS filters out too
behavior is impaired. much stimulation, sensory deprivation and halluci-
4. Luria proposed that alternative functional systems nations may be present as the cortex attempts to gen-
exist-that is, that a given behavior can be pro- erate its own activity to keep itself aroused.
duced by more than one functional system. There- Severe injury to Unit I can result in marked dete-
fore, the clinician will at times see no deficits when rioration of wakefulness, with loss of consciousness
such deificts are expected given the locus of dam- and possible death. Less severe injury can result in
age and at other times see deficits when no known disorganization of memory, distractibility, attentional
damage is present. If the nature of the task is problems and insomnia. If Units II and III are func-
changed, then the locus of information processing tional, then in later development or in adulthood these
will be changed and another input or output mo- units can take over the functions of Unit I and can
dality utilized. Thus, damage to areas controlling monitor hyperactive and/or impulsive behavior.
lower skills can be compensated for by areas con- Methylphenidate has also been found to activate Unit
trolling higher skills. I and thereby decrease behaviors of impulsivity and
poor attention.
Research supports aspects of each of these theo-
ries in various degrees because functions appear lo-
Functional Unit II
calized to some extent; however, a particular behav-
ior may be impaired because of damage to a number Unit II is considered the sensory system and consists
of different brain areas. Kolb and Whishaw (1990) of the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes; its ma-
suggest that the important question is: "How is per- jor function is sensory reception and integration.

Table 5.5. Major Systems and Behavioral Correlates of Luria's Functional Units


Unit 1: Arousal System Reticular activating system Modulate cortical arousal

pons and medulla through Filters incoming stimuli
thalamus to cortex Attention and concentration
Unit 2: Sensory System Primary temporal lobes Auditory perception
Secondary temporal lobes Analysis and synthesis acoustic sounds and
sequential analysis
Phoneme, pitch, tone, and rhythm
Primary parietal lobes Tactile perception
Secondary parietal lobes Two-point discrimination
Movement detection
Recognition of complex tactile stimuli (e.g.,
Primary occipital lobes Visual perception
Secondary occipital lobes Visual discrimination (letters, shapes, etc.)
Cross-modal integration
Tertiary parietal occipital/ Simultaneous processing
temporal region "Intelligence" (e.g., reading, writing, math,
language, syntax, grammar, stereognosis,
spatial rotation, angle discrimination)
Unit 3: Output/Planning Primary frontal lobes Simple motor output
Secondary frontal lobes Sequencing motor activity
Speech production
Tertiaryfrontallobes Decision making and evaluation
Impulse control
Delay of gratification
Focused attention

Therefore, the areas of Unit II correspond to their Primary zones. The primary zones generally consist
sensory modality (temporal for auditory, parietal for of sense receptors with point-to-point relationships
sensory tactile, and occipital for vision). to the peripheral sense organs. These zones are pre-
Unit II has been hypothesized to be guided by three determined by genetics and are the most hard-wired
functional laws: (1) hierarchical structures of corti- of the areas. The primary auditory zone is in the tem-
cal zones do not remain the same during ontogen- poral lobe and involves auditory perception. The pri-
esis; (2) hierarchical zones decrease in their specificty mary tactile zone is in the sensory strip of the parietal
of function with development; and, (3) progressive lobe and involves tactile perception. Finally, the pri-
lateralization of function within hierarchical zones in- mary visual zone is in the occipital lobe and involves
creases with development (Luria, 1980). This hierar- visual perception.
chy is further divided into three zones: primary, sec-
ondary, and tertiary. The primary zones are respon- Secondary zones. The secondary zones are generally
sible for sorting and recording sensory information. involved in input of data and integration of informa-
The secondary zones organize the sensory informa- tion. These zones process information sequentially
tion and code it for later retrieval. The tertiary zones and have a link, with more than one stimulus being
combine datafromvarious sources in order to lay the received by the brain at a time. For the auditory sec-
basis for organized behavior. ondary zone, the locus is in the secondary regions of

the temporal lobe and involves the analysis and syn- measure directly. Damage to this association area can
thesis of sounds and the sequential analysis of pho- result in lowered IQ, poor reading, writing, and math-
nemes, pitch, tone, and rhythm. The secondary tac- ematics ability, and understanding of language.
tile zone is in the parietal lobes next to the sensory
strip and is involved in two-point discrimination,
movement detection, and recognition of complex tac-
Functional Unit III
tile stimuli (i.e., identifying shapes by touch). The Unit III is considered to be responsible for output and
secondary visual zone surrounds the primary visual planning. It is located in thefrontallobes which are
center of the occipital lobe and is involved in visual further demarcated into three hierarchical zones. The
discrimination of letters, shapes, and figures. primary zone, in the motor strip of thefrontallobe, is
There is specialization in the secondary zones, with concerned with simple motor output. The secondary
the left hemisphere predominantly responsible for zone, in the primary premotor regions, is involved in
analyzing verbal material and language while the right sequencing motor activity and speech production. The
hemisphere is important for the analysis of nonver- tertiary zone is located in the orbitofrontal region of
bal material such as music, environmental sounds, thefrontallobe, also referred to as the prefrontal re-
and prosody of language. Both hemispheres play a gion. This zone is the last region to myelinate and
role in reading, with the right hemisphere important develop, with development continuing until the third
for recognizing unfamiliar shapes. Once words and decade of life.
letters have been learned, recognition of these shapes The tertiary zone of Unit III is primarily involved
becomes a process of the left hemisphere. Both hemi- with planning, organization, and evaluation of behav-
spheres are involved in comprehension, with the left ior, functions similar to the executive functions de-
hemisphere more involved with semantic and syn- scribed in Chapter 2. Damage to this area has been
tactic analysis and the right hemisphere with process- linked to problems in delaying gratification, control-
ing the emotional quality and tone of the passage. ling impulses, learningfrompast mistakes in behav-
Lateralization of function is also found for writing, ior, and focusing attention. In many cases damage to
with the right hemisphere activated primarily when this zone can be difficult to distinguishfrompsychi-
the task is a novel visual-motor task and the left hemi- atric and behavior problems. When dysfunction oc-
sphere activated primarily once a task is learned. curs in Unit I, later development of Unit III can com-
Intelligence tests are hypothesized to measure Unit pensate or modulate levels of arousal. Moreover, Unit
II functions. Given that Unit II is the center for the III can activate other parts of the brain and has rich
analysis, coding, and storage of information, damage connections to all regions of the brain (Shepard,
to this region results in difficulty in learning basic 1994).
reading, writing, and mathematics skills. The LNNB-CR procedures are based on a
neurodevelopmental model of assessment, which is
Tertiary zones. Tertiary zones allow for cross-modal discussed in the following section.
integration of informationfromall sensory areas. In-
formation is processed simultaneously and involves
integration of various modalities. For example, the Developmental Considerations
reading process is an integration of auditory and vi- The LNNB-CR is based on the theory that certain
sual material; language is an integration of grammati- skills are acquired at different rates depending on the
cal skills, analysis of auditory information, and com- neurodevelopmental stage of the child (Golden,
prehension of auditory material; and mathematics 1981). Further, specific problem-solving strategies,
involves the integration of visual material with knowl- behaviors, and skills are dependent on biochemical
edge of number and quantity. These zones are the as well as physiological maturation, including
primary region that intelligence tests are thought to myelination and the growth of cells, dendritic net-

works, and interconnecting neuronal pathways. Al- opmental stage is likely to produce more serious defi-
though physiological development is related to psy- cits, there are still compensatory factors that play a
chological maturation, this relationship can be altered role in recovery of function. Golden cautions, how-
by adverse environmental events. These factors will ever, that bilateral damage is more serious, produc-
be explored in later chapters investigating childhood ing deafness, blindness, and/or paralysis, where com-
disorders and brain injury. Table 5.6 outlines the five pensation is less likely.
major developmental stages described by Golden During Stage 3 development, the two hemispheres
(1981). begin to show differentiation of function in terms of
Injury during any one of these stages is thought to verbal and nonverbal abilities (Golden, 1981). Uni-
produce various deficits depending upon the site and lateral damage is likely to result in loss of language
severity of injury. Golden (1981) suggests that dam- functions if injury is sustained in the left hemisphere
age to the developing brain during Stage 1 is likely to once verbal skills are present, at about the age of 2
produce deficits in arousal and that, when severe dam- years. Damage prior to age 2 may result in transfer of
age ensues, death or mental retardation may result. language to the right hemisphere, whereas damage
Damage after 12 months of age is less likely to pro- after age 2 begins to mimic recovery of functions simi-
duce attentional deficits, although physiological hy- lar to what is seen in adults (Golden, 1981). How-
peractivity is associated with damage prior to 12 ever, Golden (1981) suggests that plasticity (i.e., trans-
months. Paralysis, deafness, blindness, or tactile defi- fer of function) is less likely when injuries are dif-
cits may result from unilateral injury to the primary fuse in nature, or in cases of mild injury. Thus, small
sensory areas during Stage 2 development. In some injuries early in development can have more delete-
instances, sensory or motor functions may be trans- rious effects than larger injuries later in life. Recov-
ferred to the opposite hemisphere if damage occurs ery of function will be explored in more detail in later
during this stage. Although damage after this devel- chapters.

Table 5.6. Developmental Sequences of Luria's Functional Units


Birth12 months Arousal Unit 1 Disorders of arousal

Physiological hyperactivity
Death in some severe cases
Severe retardation
Stage 2 Biilh12 months Primary zones Sensory-motor deficits in contra
Sensory Unit 2 lateral hemisphere
Stage 3 Birth5 years Secondary zones Hemispheric differentiation
Sensory Unit 2 (language-left hemisphere)
Damage prior to 2 years-some
transfer of function
Small injury-no transfer
Diffuse injury-no transfer
Single modality deficits
Stage 4 58 years Tertiary zones Learning deficits
Sensory Unit 2 Mental retardation
Learning disabilities
Stage 5 Adolescence- Tertiary zones Frontal lobe symptoms
24 years Unit 3

Golden (1981) suggests that learning during the and still are incomplete at age 12 (e.g., verbal
firstfiveyears of life is primarily unimodal in nature, proactive inhibition). Neurodevelopmental stages are
with little cross-modal, integrative processing. Early of primary importance in child neuropsychology, and
reading during this stage is characterized by rote strat- further research is needed to map more clearly these
egies involving memorization of individual letters, stages of brain development.
words, or letter sounds. The visual symbol is mean- Although the question offrontallobe development
ingful only in its relationship to spoken language. will be of continued interest to researchers and clini-
Cross-modal learning is possible during Stage 4 when cians in the next decade, the relationship between
tertiary, association regions of the sensory cortices brain development and psychological and behavioral
are developing. Injury to these association regions can function has a strong empirical base as previously
result in significant learning impairments, such as described in Chapter 2. In the design of the LNNB-
mental or cognitive retardation or learning disabili- CR, Golden and associates have utilized the stages
ties. The type of deficit depends on the location and of development discussed earlier.
severity of the injury, and even small insults can af-
fect the integration of one or more sensory modali-
ties (Golden, 1981). LURIA-NEBRASKA
Golden (1981) suggests that injuries to tertiary NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
regions are not always evident until Stage 4 develop-
ment. Injury in one stage may not produce observ-
able deficits until a later stage because the brain re- REVISION
gions subserving specific psychological and behav- Although Anne-Lise Christiansen first provided a de-
ioral functions are not mature. For example, a child scription of Luria's neuropsychological methods and
sustaining injury to tertiary regions at the age of 2 compiled these into a battery format, it was Golden
may appear normal at age 3 but may show serious and associates who formalized and standardized these
learning deficits at age 10 (Golden, 1981). Golden procedures for adults and children. The Luria-Ne-
further indicates that prediction of future deficits is braska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Re-
complicated by these neurodevelopmental factors, and vision (LNNB-CR) went through four revisions
that neuropsychologists must consider these issues (Plaisted, Gustavson, Wilkening, & Golden, 1983)
when injury is sustained early in life. and was developed for children between 8 and 12
Finally, according to Golden (1981), Stage 5 in- years of age. An advanced scoring procedure is avail-
volves the development of the prefrontal regions of able for computers (Golden, 1987).
the brain, which begins during adolescence. The The battery consists of 11 clinical scales: motor,
LNNB-CR thus does not attempt to measure prefron- rhythm, tactile, visual, receptive speech, expressive
tal activities. According to this neurodevelopmental language, writing, reading, arithmetic, memory, and
theory, deficits resultingfrominjury tofrontalregions intelligence (Golden, 1981, 1989; Plaisted et al.,
may not begin to emerge until 12 to 15 years of age 1983). A brief description of each scale follows.
or later. Others have argued thatfrontallobe devel-
opment may occur at earlier stages than suggested by
Golden (1981). For example, Becker et al. (1987) and C1: Motor
Passler et al. (1985) describe a progression of frontal The Motor Scale consists of 34 items to measure
lobe development beginning at age 6. In these stud- motor coordination, motor speed, and constructional
ies it was found that some tasks thought to be medi- apraxia. At times the child must repeat a motor pat-
ated by thefrontallobes begin at 6 years of age (e.g., tern demonstrated by the examiner, or draw geomet-
flexibility during verbal conflict tasks), continue to ric designs (Teeter, 1986). Golden (1989) suggests
emerge at age 8 (e.g., inhibition of motor responses), that elevations on this scale typically resultfromsec-

ondaryfrontallobe lesions, although poor scores may C5: Receptive Speech

occur with some parietal and temporal lobe or ante- Speech-language abilities are measured on this scale.
riorfrontallobe problems. T-scores above 80 are most The child discriminates phonemes, reads words, com-
frequently associated with the motor system. prehends the meaning of words and sentences, and
follows verbal commands (Teeter, 1986). Left hemi-
C2: Rhythm sphere impairment often results in elevated scores on
the Receptive Language Scale (Golden, 1989).
Eight items of this scale measure the child's ability
to perceive, discriminate, and reproduce rhythmic
patterns. Auditory perception and motor reproduc- C6: Expressive Language
tions of rhythmic patterns, tones, or melodies are re- Expressive language and grammar skills are measured
quired (Teeter, 1986). Lesions in either the right or on this scale. The child is asked to repeat simple and
the left hemisphere may interfere with performance complex phrases, describe pictures, and make
on this scale (Golden, 1989). Golden further suggests speeches on a given topic after seeing a picture or
that in combination with high scores on the Arith- hearing a short story. Left-hemisphere function are
metic (C9) and Memory (CIO) scales, high scores on primarily the target of this scale, although right-hemi-
C2rightanterior regions are likely to be involved. sphere weaknesses are implied when impairment is
Left anterior lesions also may result in this profile observed on some items when sequencing or sponta-
especially with verbal skill deficits. Golden adds that neous speech is the focus (Golden, 1989).
the Visual Scale (C4) may help to differentiate ante-
rior or posterior cortical problems, with C4 implicat-
ing posterior regions. C7: Writing
This scale measures writing, spelling, and copying
C3: Tactile skills. The child must write sounds, letters, and words
from dictation; copy letters and words; and write
Right and left sided tactile perceptual abilities are names (Golden, 1989). The angular gyrus of the left
measured using 16 items. The child identifies and lo- hemisphere (temporal-parietal-occipital regions) is
calizes tactile stimuli under unilateral and bilateral thought to be the underlying mediating structure for
conditions. Elevated scores on this scale may be these tasks (Golden, 1989).
caused by lesions in the secondary parietal region or
the parietal-occipital regions when visual and tactual
functions are both impaired (Golden, 1989). C8: Reading
Simple to complex reading activities make up this
scale. The posterior region of the left hemisphere is
C4: Visual most frequently involved with these activities, al-
Visual perception and visual-spatial discrimination are though Golden (1989) suggests that other regions
measured on a variety of tasks. For example, the child (temporal lobe or occipital-parietal or right hemi-
is asked to identify pictures, memorize and draw fig- sphere) may also produce difficulties on these items,
ures, or determine similarities and differences between particularly when specific error patterns are present.
visual stimuli (Teeter, 1986). C4 elevations often ac-
company impairment in posterior-occipital regions of
the right hemisphere or in anterior (parietal) regions C9: Arithmetic
when complex visual tasks are the only visual defi- The Arithmetic scale comprise computation problems
cits observed (Golden, 1989). Although the left hemi- (addition, subtraction, and multiplication), number
sphere may be implicated, this is uncommon. recognition, and number reasoning (Teeter, 1986).

Posterior, left-hemisphere regions are most likely in- mean(Gustavsonetal., 1981; Golden, 1987). Devel-
volved with these tasks when reading skills have been opmental norms are available for each item and are
acquired (Golden, 1989). Right-hemisphere regions incorporated into the test protocol. A computer scor-
may be implicated if reading has not been acquired. ing and computer-generated test report service is also
available (Golden, 1987). The battery is fairly well
C10: Memory self-contained, and the test protocol is easy to use. T-
scores are calculated for each scale.
The Memory Scale consists of both verbal and non-
verbal items, under immediate recall, interference, and
cued/noncued conditions (Teeter, 1986). This scale
Clinical Interpretation
is most susceptible to verbal deficits, although mod- There are several levels of interpretation of the LNNB-
erate elevations may accompany right-hemisphere CR incorporating qualitative, as well as quantitative
lesions (Golden, 1989). analysis of the child's performance. Golden (1989)
discusses four levels of qualitative interpretation.
C11: Intelligence 1. It is important to determine whether the child
This scale comprises a variety of measures similar to has sustained brain injury, and, if so, the neuro-
items on the Wechsler intelligence scale, including psychologist should refer for further evaluation.
similarities, vocabulary, comprehension, picture ar- Golden suggests that this level of interpretation is most
rangement and completion, and arithmetic (Teeter, frequently employed when there may have been some
1986). Both hemispheres may be implicated with el- insult or injury, when screening for unexplained or
evated scores on Cll, although the left parietal re- unusual behaviors, or when a neurological evalua-
gion is most likely involved (Golden, 1989). Again, tion does not yield significantfindingspost injury.
laterality may be determined on the basis of the pat-
2. It is important to describe what the child is and
tern of scoresfromother scales. For example, right-
is not capable of doing (Golden, 1989). Inferences
hemisphere involvement is likely with elevated Cll,
are not drawn at this point.
in combination with C2, C4, C9, and CIO, while the
left hemisphere may be implicated with associated 3. It is important to determine the underlying
elevations in C6, C8, and CI (Golden, 1989). causes of the behaviors observed in the evaluation.
Theoretical models of how the brain relates to be-
havior are applied, and extensive knowledge is re-
Interpretation of the Luria- quired for this level of interpretation.
Nebraska Battery 4. It is important to integrate the neuropsycho-
Scoring procedures and clinical interpretation of the logical findings and to draw conclusions about the
scales include both qualitative and quantitative ap- brain functioning of the child under study. Golden
proaches. These are described next, with a summary (1989) outlines numerous factors that might affect
of select researchfindingswith the battery. this level of interpretation (e.g., sites of injury, when
the injury occurred, emotional sequelae, preinjury sta-
tus, subcortical involvement) and cautions that this
Scoring Procedures level of interpretation is complex. Further, at this level
The scoring procedures for these scales are fairly uni- identifying or localizing the site of injury is not of
form and are based on three criteria: (0) for a normal primary importance; rather, the ability to make hy-
performance; (1) for a performance falling 1 to 2 stan- potheses about the child's deficits and possible
dard deviations below the mean; and, (2) for perfor- recovery process is of interest. Identifying the ana-
mance more than 2 standard deviations below the tomical site of the lesion is in most cases only an

intermediary step, and is useful insofar as it helps in with higher abilities prior to injury will have higher
understanding the nature of the deficits, the course of skills postinjury than will a child with generally
the injury, and what might be expected given this par- lower preinjuiy cognitive abilities (Golden, 1989).
ticular injury. Golden does, however, acknowledge
that site of injury may be of utmost importance in Research and Clinical Validation
legal cases, when it is important to determine whether
a set of behaviors or deficits is related to a particular
of the LNNB-CR
injury. Research with the LNNB-CR has been extensive, and
the battery has been continually modified based on
From a quantitative perspective, the LNNB-CR these research findings. Table 5.7 summarizes selected
provides a method for determining a Critical Level research studies with the LNNB-CR.
of performance to determine abnormal functioning Three factors have been found to be present on
that is likely a result of brain injury (Golden, 1989). the LNNB-CR: Language-General Intelligence; Gen-
The Critical Level approach uses an age-adjusted for- eral Academic; and Sensory-Motor (Snow & Hynd,
mula (i.e., Critical level = 82.01 (0.14 X age in 1985a, 1985b). The scales are heterogeneous and have
months) and represents the highest score that is still been found to be highly correlated with each other
within a normal range on the LNNB-CR. The num- with a fair amount of redundancy of items (Karras et
ber of scales (CI to CI 1) above this level are then al., 1987). Such redundancy makes interpretation dif-
calculated, and scales above this score is considered ficult and compromises the ability to determine
abnormal. Three or more scales above the Critical whether specific brain damage exists is compromised.
Level are generally judged to be an indication of brain Moreover, Snow and Hynd (1985a, 1985b) found the
damage; while no scales or one scale above the criti- effects of general ability on performance on the
cal level probably indicates an absence of damage, LNNB-CR to be significant and advise caution as to
and two scales above may be considered borderline the interpretation of such overlap.
(Golden, 1987, 1989). As Table 5.7 shows, the LNNB-CR has shown
Golden (1987, 1989) provides useful guidelines ability to discriminate learning-disabled from non-
to be considered when interpreting scale patterns, and learning-disabled children with a significant amount
cautions that an experienced neuropsychologist of accuracy on some subscales (Geary, Jennings,
should make diagnoses of brain damage. Factors of Schultz, & Alpers, 1984; Lewis, Hutchens, & Gar-
interest to be considered when interpreting the child's land, 1993; Teeter, Uphoff, Obrzut, & Malsch, 1986).
performance include the following: These discriminatory scales appear to be language-
based and academically oriented subtests, which Hynd
1. Receptive and expressive language skills may af- (1992) suggests can be better assessed by instruments
fect a large number of items. designed for that specific purpose.
2. Children with severe peripheral or brain stem dam- The battery has not been shown to be as effective
age may appear more impaired; acute damage may in the discrimination of ADHD children. Moreover,
produce significant elevations in scores compared the ability of the battery to discriminate brain-dam-
to 3 to 6 months postinjury. agedfromnormal controls is not as strong as its abil-
3. The size and location of the injury is important, ity to select LD from non-LD populations (Hynd,
and the LNNB-CR tends to be more sensitive to 1992b; Karras et al, 1987). It has been suggested that
left-hemisphere deficits. other clinical groups, such as those with genetic dis-
4. The cause of the damage may affect the child's orders and neurologically based disorders, be assessed
performance, such as focal or diffuse disorders by the LNNB-CR to determine if the scales can iden-
(e.g., epilepsy). tify these children (Tuma & Pratt, 1982). Little evi-
5. The premorbid status of the child, such that a child dence has been provided that correlates known lesions

Table 5.7. Selected Research Findings with the LNNB-CR


Geary, Jennings, LD, non-LD 915 years 1. 87% classification accuracy

Schultz, & 2. Motor with WISC-R, r = .30
Alper(1984) Writing with WISC-R, r = .70
3. LD > non-LD on 10 of 11 LNNB scales
Lewis, Hutchens, LD, non-LD 1318 years 1. LD > non-LD on 12 of 14 scales
& Garland 2. 95% classification accuracy criteria 3+ scales elevated
(1993) 3. 81% classification accuracy criteria localization scales
Myers, Sweet, RD, normals 812 years 1. RD > Normals overall
Deysach, & 2. RD > Reading, Writing, and Expressive Speech
Myers (1989) 3. RD > Normals Rhythm, Motor and Tactile scales
4. 81% classification accuracy
12.5% false negatives
6% false positives
Nolan, Hammeke, Reading LD, 1. READ LD > Expressive Speech Writing and Reading
& Barkley MathLD scales.
(1983) Control 2. LNNB did not discriminate MATH group from control
Schaughency ADHD 812 years 1. ADD/H did not differ from ADD/WO on LNNB-CR.
etal.(1989) 2. No neuropsychological deficits^ for ADD/H or
Snow, Hynd, Mid LD, 1. Severe LD > Mild LD on Receptive Language, Writing
& Hartlage Reading, and Arithmetic scales.
(1984) 2. Three-factor structure language-general IQ, academic-
achievement, and sensory-motor.
3. Critical cutoff criteria 2+ scales may result in too many
false positives.
4. Critical cutoff level not appropriate for LD.
Teeter, Uphoff, LD, Non-LD 1. LD > Non-LD all LNNB except Visual scale.
Obrzut, & 2. T > 70 Receptive Language Expressive Language,
Malsch (1986) 3. 95% classification accuracy criteria 2+ elevated scales.

Note: LD = learning-disabled; RD = reading disabled; ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ADD/H = attention deficit
with hyperactivity; ADD/WO = attention deficit without hyperactivity.

with performance on these scales and determination of assumption that the prefrontal region of the brain does
brain damagefromthem is speculative at best. Further, not mature until adolescence is not supported by
Teeter et al. (1986) found that suggested cutoff scores Luria's (1980) theory nor by the research literature
for identifying brain damage are too liberal, in that a (Becker et al, 1987; Passler et al., 1985). This as-
large number of children with LD without known brain sumption resulted in too few items to assess execu-
injury would be considered brain-damaged. tive function and thus removed a whole domain from
One of the major criticisms of the LNNB-CR may being assessed. Moreover, Hynd (1992b) takes ex-
stem from the theoretical base provided by Golden. ception to the use of above-average-achieving chil-
There is little or no empirical data to support the five dren in the standardization of the LNNB-CR in order
stages of development (Hynd, 1992b; McKay et al, to determine items and instructions as to which items
1985). Hynd (1992b) makes the point that Golden's required modifications.

In summary, the LNNB-CR should be used with NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL

caution. In many instances it may be more useful to PROTOCOL: AUSTIN
use different measures to assess reading, math, lan-
guage, and writing skills and to employ those scales
that are not redundant with other materials (e.g., Nussbaum et al. (1988) describe a neuropsychological
rhythm, motor, and tactile). Because the battery re- protocol that reflects neurobehavioral functioning
quires 1.5 to 2.5 hours to administer, Hynd (1992b) along an anterior/posterior (A/P) axis or gradient. This
suggests the use of items by Karras and colleagues framework is formulated on the anatomical divisions
(1987) that do not appear to be redundant with other of the cortex along thefrontotemporaland parieto-
items and/or measures (see Table 5.8). occipital axis. Frontal (A) regions have been associ-
The complexity of child neuropsychological evalu- ated with motor, attentional, sequential processing,
ation seems evident from the foregoing discussions, reasoning, and abstract thinking abilities, while
and various batteries approach this task quite differ- parietotemporal (P) regions have been associated with
ently. While the Halstead-Reitan and the Luria bat- tactile, visual perceptual, word recognition, and spell-
teries are prominent instruments with theoretical as ing functions (Nussbaum et al., 1988).
well as empirical support, a number of other ap- On the basis of theoretical and research findings
proaches and instruments are currently in use in with children and adults, Nussbaum et al. (1988) have
different medical centers across the country. Vari- included test items from the Halstead-Reitan battery
ous neuropsychological protocols adopted by ma- (i.e., finger tapping, tactual performance test, sensory
jor medical centers, including the Boston and Aus- perceptual exams), the Benton Visual Retention Test
tin Neurological Clinics, are discussed next. Other (BVRT), the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Chil-
measures not previously described are also briefly dren (K-ABC) (i.e., Number Recall, Word Order,
reviewed. Gestalt Closure, and Spatial Memory), the Wechsler
Scales for Children-Revised (WISC-R) (i.e., Simi-
larities, Digit Span), and the Wide Range Achieve-
ment test (WRAT). See Table 5.9 for a detailed de-
scription of Anterior and Posterior measures.
While Nussbaum et al. (1988) recognize that this
Table 5.8. Factors from the LNNB-CR Determined conceptualization is somewhat artificial, they provide
by Karras and Colleagues (1987)
this model for heuristic purposes and discuss the im-
FACTOR DESCRIPTIONS ITEM NUMBERS portance of developing models to investigate func-
tional asymmetries in children with various learning
Academic Skills 91-92, 105-106, and personality disorders. Initial findings with the A/
110-112, 115-121,
123, 126 P model suggest that children with weaknesses on
Spatial Integration 11-12, 65, 79, 127, anterior measures are likely to exhibit psychological
149 and behavioral problems. Thesefindingsmay be im-
Spatially Based Movements 4-7, 13-14 portant for clinicians when developing behavioral
Motor Speed 1-3, 15-17 management interventions.
Drawing Quality 21,23,25,27,29,31
Drawing Time 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32
Rhythm Perception and 39-42
The Boston Hypothesis Testing Approach utilizes
Somatosensory 43-48, 51-52
an initial cadre of tests to sample specific behav-
Receptive Language 67-69,71,75
iors, including memory, language, visual-motor
Abstract Verbal Reasoning 142, 144-145, 147
skills, and attention. From these measures, addi-

Table 5.9. Austin Neurological Clinic: A Paradigm of Anterior/Posterior Measures


Finger .oscillation, dominant and non- Fine motor coordination

dominant hands
Similarities-WISC-R Verbal abstract reasoning, cognitive
Digit span-WISC-R Sequential processing, attention, cognitive
Number recall-K-ABC Sequential processing, attention
Word order-K-ABC Sequential processing, attention
Tactual Performance Test (TPT)-both handsa Motor coordination

Posterior Function Assessed

Sensory Perceptual Exam
Tactile Tactile perception
Visual Visual perception
Finger Recognition Tactile gnosis
Sensory integration
Fingertip Number Writing Tactile graphesthesia, Sensory integration
TPT-both hands3 Tactile perception, Spatial abilities, Sensory
TPT memory Memory for tactile information
TPT localization Spatial memory
Testalt Closure-K-ABC Simultaneous visual processing, Figure-
ground discrimination
Spatial Memory-K-ABC 1 memory
Wide Range Achievement Test
Reading Reading recognition skills
Spelling Spelling skills

aThe TPT for Both Hands is included in the Anterior composite score when the TPT-Both
Hands is impaired, and when the Sensory Perceptual Exam (SPE) and the Benton Visual Reten-
tion Test (BVRT) are in the normal range. The TPT for Both hands is included in the Posterior
composite score when the TPT-Both Hands is impaired, and when the SPE and the BVRT are
Source: AdaptedfromArchives of Clinical Neuropsychology, Vol. 3, N. L. Nussbaum, E. D.
Bigler, W. R. Koch, J. W. Ingram, L. Rosa, & P. Massman, "Personality/Behavioral Characteristics
in Children: Differential Effects of Putative Anterior versus Posterior Cerebral Asymmetry,"
pp. 127135, copyright 1988, with kind permission from Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard,
Langford Lane, Kidlington 0X5 1GB, UK.

tional tests may be added to further evaluate areas tive nature of behaviors and the quantitative scores
of possible deficit. are important in order to understand the client's defi-
The Boston Process Approach is not a published cits and to develop the treatment programs (Milberg,
approach and can vary depending on the clinician. It Hebben, & Kaplan, 1986).
is also called the Boston Hypothesis Testing Ap- The Boston Process Approach emphasizes the uti-
proach. The approach suggests that basic areas of lization of information about the client's age, hand-
functioning are screened andfromthis screening hy- edness, and previously developed skills, which is
potheses are developed and additional measures are gathered through the interview process. Such infor-
added (Lezak, 1983). The Boston Process Approach mation not only informs the conduct of the evalua-
has its foundation in the belief that both the qualita- tive process but also puts into focus how these skills

are affected or spared from brain damage. In addi- utilized in the Boston Process Approach are described
tion, these skills are assessed to determine which strat- in the following section; they include tests of reason-
egies the client may employ to compensate for his or ing, verbal language and memory, and perception.
her impairments. Emphasis is also placed on "testing
the limits"-that is, asking the client to answer ques-
tions above the ceiling level. Because patients with
brain damage have been found to be able to do diffi- Tests of Reasoning
cult tasks past their ceiling level (Milberg & Blum-
stein, 1981), it is important to determine these limits
Stroop Color Word Test
through testing, whethef the reason for failure lies in The Stroop, modified as described in Comalli,
the client's inability, retrieval problems, or less effi- Wapner, and Werner (1962), consists of 100 words
cient strategies due to brain damage. This modifica- (random color names) printed in three different col-
tion is important not just for verbal tasks but also for ors. In separate trials, the child will be asked to read
timed performance tasks. On these timed tasks it is the color word (maybe printed in different color) then
important to determine whether the problem is one to call out the color (maybe a different color word).
of power (mastery) or speed. The time taken to read the color words is usually re-
A process approach allows flexibility in assess- corded. Young ADHD children had trouble inhibit-
ment with an eye to how this assessment informs the ing habitual responding on this task (Boucugnani &
treatment plan. Kaplan (1988) suggests that the pro- Jones, 1989).
cess approach is helpful to provide insights into brain
behavior relationships. Both standardized and experi-
mental measures are utilized. Therefore, the goal of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
the process approach is to evaluate the current be-
The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was de-
havioral functioning in light of intuited brainbehav-
ior relationships. veloped by R. Heaton (1981) as a measure of frontal
lobe dysfunction. The child must match 128 cards to
The initial tests suggested for the Boston Approach
4 key cards on the dimensions of color, form, or num-
with children are listed in Table 5.10. Instruments
ber. The criteria for correct responses change unex-
pectedly, and the child must alter the response pat-
tern. Several scores can be derived from the test, in-
cluding the total number of errors and the number of
Table 5.10. Neuropsychological Test Procedures: perserverative errors. Heaton, Chelune, Talley, Kay,
Modified Boston Battery
and Curtiss (1993) provide a revised and expanded
History manual for the WCST, with extensive norms for chil-
Neuropsychological Screening Examination dren and adolescents.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-3rd Edition
Symbol Digit Modalities Test (optional if Digit Symbol not The WCST measures reasoning, concept forma-
used) tion, and flexibility, and has been shown to be sensi-
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test tive to frontal lobe activity in children (Chelune,
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Ferguson, Koon, & Dickey, 1986).
Neuropsychological Screening Test
Boston Naming Test
Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure
Finger Tapping Test WRAML
Hooper Visual Organization Test
Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (optional) The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learn-
ing (WRAML; Sheslow & Adams, 1990) contains a
Note: September 1986. Screening Index for memory and new learning abil-

ity. This screening index includes the ability to scan Tests of Verbal Language and
pictures and then recall items that have been changed. Memory
In addition, the child is shown four pictures of in-
creasing complexity and, after a 10-second delay, is Boston Naming Test
asked to reproduce the figure. The screening index
also includes a measure of verbal learning. This The Boston Naming Test (BNT), developed by
subtest, requires the child to learn a list of simple Kaplan, Goodglass, and Weintraub (1978), requires
words within four trials. This test yields a learning the child to name increasingly difficult black and
curve over trials. The child then goes on to an addi- white pictures. If the child misperceives or fails to
tional test with delayed recall of this list following recognize a picture, he or she is given a cue as to a
the intervening task. Finally, the child is read two sto- category (i.e., if a banana is called a "cane," the ex-
ries and is asked to recite the stories back to the ex- aminer might say, "No, it's something to eat"). Pho-
aminer. The child is asked to recall these stories nemic cues are also provided by giving the child the
after an intervening task. An optional story recog- beginning sound of the target word. This cue is to be
nition format presents the details from a story in a given after an incorrect responses or no response.
multiple-choice manner. Children who are unable Norms for children are being developed for this test
to recall story details spontaneously may be able but remain incomplete at this time.
to elicit this information from memory when The BNT has been found to be successful in dif-
prompts are provided. ferentiating children with reading problems from
those without (Wolf & Goodglass, 1986; Klicpera,
1983). Resultsfromchildren with language disorders
Rey-Osterreith Complex found their performance to be similar to that of learn-
ing-disabled children (Rubin & Liberman, 1983).
Figure Test McBurnette et al. (1991) also found that conduct dis-
The Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test was stan- ordered males show significantly discrepant scores
dardized by Osterreith in 1944. This task requires the on this measure, suggesting that these children have
child to copy a complex figure, which is presented verbal expressive disabilities. A total error score can
in Figure 5.1. The child is asked to draw the figure be derived for this instrument.
using six different colors: red, orange, yellow, blue,
green, and purple. Every 45 seconds, the child is asked Controlled Oral Word
to switch colors. If the child completes the figure
before using all colors, the examiner notes the final
Association Test
color utilized and the time needed. After 20 minutes, The Controlled Oral Association Test (COWA), de-
the child is asked to draw the figure from memory. veloped by Benton et al. (1983), requires the child to
The figure can be scored using the various methods say as many words as he/she can think in one minute
developed by Waber and Holmes (1986) and as pre- which begin with the letter F, then the letter A, then
sented in Lezak (1983). The method includes analyz- S. These letters were selected by howfrequentlythey
ing how many of the original elements are present, as appear in the English language. This test has been
well as the process the client used to draw the figure. found to be sensitive to brain dysfunction in adults,
See Kolb and Whishaw (1990) for a suggested scor- particularly in the leftfrontalregion followed by the
ing method. rightfrontalarea (Lezak, 1994).
Additional measures thatcan be utilized depend-
ing upon the referral questions under study are
listed next. For a more detailed list and explana-
California Verbal Learning Test
tion of tests, see Lezak (1994) and Spreen and The California Verbal Learning Test-Children's Ver-
Strauss (1991). sion (CVLT-C) was developed to assess memory-

Figure 5.1. The Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure

related strategies and processes for verbal material Free-Recall; List A, Short-Delay Free-Recall; List
for children 5 to 16 years of age (Delis, Kramer, A, Short-Delay Cued-Recall; List A, Long-Delay
Kaplan, & Ober, 1994). The test was developed to be Free-Recall; List A, Long-Delay Cued-Recall; and
used as an adjunct to intellectual and neuro- List A, Long-Delay Recognition. The Test Manual
psychological evaluations for children with learning, presents normative data; a description of the stan-
attentional, intellectual, psychiatric, and other neu- dardization group; administration, scoring, and in-
rological disorders. The test measures memory and terpretation guidelines; and reliability and validity
verbal learning skills using a hypothetical shopping studies with the CVLT-C. Nine hundred twenty chil-
list in an effort to use everyday, meaningful stimuli. dren were selected from a representative sample
Learning strategies, learning rate, interference across gender, racial, and age categories using U.S.
(proactive and retroactive conditions), memory en- Bureau of Census data.
hancement using cuing, and short and longer delay Initial research suggests that the CVLT-C has ad-
retention are variables of interest in the CVLT-C. equate reliability and validity (Delis et al., 1994). The
The CVLT-C comprises the following subtests: CVLT-C may have some utility for investigating
List A, Immediate Free-Recall; List B, Immediate memory and verbal learning abilities of children with

various disorders, including Down syndrome and fe- tive data for 6- to 13-year-old males and females who
tal alcohol syndrome (FAS) (Mattson, Riley, Delis, arefreefrommedical, neurological, and achievement
Stern, & Jones, 1993), ADHD (Loge, Staton, & impairments. The sample was selected from western
Beatty, 1990), developmental verbal learning disabil- Canada, and these data may not generalize to chil-
ity without ADHD (Shear, Tallal, & Delis, 1992), and dren in the United States.
dyslexia (Knee, Mittenburg, Burns, DeSantes, &
Keenan, 1990). Developmental differences appear on
the use of semantic clustering (Levin et al., 1991) and
Tests of Perception
on beginning (primacy) and ending (recency) portions
of the lists. Learning curves (average number of words
Hooper Visual Organization Test
learned across five trials) also were found to differ The Hooper Visual Organization Test comprises 20
across ages, with older children displaying steeper cut-up pictures and the subject is asked to write or
curves than younger children (Delis et al., 1994). Fi- name the object. The test has been shown to be re-
nally factor analysis yielded six major factors that lated tofrontallobe functioning in children (Kirk &
appear consistent with the theoretical principles of Kelly, 1986). A total accuracy score can be derived.
the CVLT-C. The factor structure is also similar to
the solution found on the Adult CVLT.
Benton Visual Perceptual Tests
At present, the CVLT-C appears psychometrically
sound and appears to measure skills not readily mea- The Benton Visual Retention Test, the Benton Facial
surable with other neuropsychological tests. Recognition Test, the Benton Judgment of Line Ori-
entation Test, and the Benton Visual Form Recogni-
tion Test are described in detail by Benton, Hamsher,
Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Varney, and Spreen (1983a, 1983b, 1983c). Hynd
Examination for Aphasia (1992b) reports that these measures are well validated
The Spreen-Benton Aphasia Tests or the Neurosen- and that developmental norms are available for chil-
sory Center Comprehensive Examination for Apha- dren between the ages of 6 and 14 years. Hynd (1992b)
sia (NCCEA) comprises 20 subtests measuring lan- further suggests that the Facial recognition and the Line
guage functions and 4 subtests measuring visual and Orientation tests may be most the useful clinically.
tactile skills (Spreen & Benton, 1969). Spreen and
Benton (1977) describe the revised NCCEA tests in
Judgment of Line Orientation
detail and list the following tests for the language
domain: Visual Naming, Description of Use, Tactile The Judgment of Line Test requires the child to esti-
Naming (right hand), Tactile Naming (left hand), mate the relationship between line segments by
Sentence Repetition, Repetition of Digits, Reversal matching a sample to an array of 11 lines in a semi-
of Digits, Word Fluency, Sentence Construction, circular array of 180. The test includes 30 items,
Identification by Name, Identification by Sentence with 5 practice items to teach the test. There are
(Token Test), Oral Reading (Names), Oral Reading two forms, H and V, which present identical items
(Sentences), Reading Names for Meaning, Reading in different order. This test has been found to be
Sentences for Meaning, Visual-Graphic Naming, sensitive to posterior right hemispheric deficits
Writing Names, Writing to Dictation, Writing from (Benton et al., 1983c).
Copy, and Articulation.
The NCCEA items cover a range of language func-
Test of Facial Recognition
tions and were selected to be sensitive to aphasic
symptoms but not to mild intellectual impairment. This test requires the child to match faces with three
Gaddes and Crockett (1973) provide detailed norma- different conditions: identical view orientation, match-

ing front view with three-quarter views, and front to improve greatly the prediction of brain damage
view with lighting differences. The first 6 items re- found on radiological evidence to upwards of 90%
quire a match of only one pose with six selections. (Milberg et al., 1986). Heaton, Grant, Anthony, and
The final 16 items require the child to match three Lehman (1981) also found that qualitative data gath-
selections to the sample. This test is sensitive to lan- ered by clinicians using the Reitan battery also showed
guage comprehension difficulties as well as to visual- significant improvement over quantitative scales.
spatial processing problems. Bilateral posterior defi- The weakness of the Boston Process Approach lies
cits have been found to be most significantly identi- within the examiner. To avail him- or herself of this
fied by this task (Benton et al., 1983b). approach, the clinican not only must have a wide ar-
ray of measures in his or her knowledge base, but
also must have sufficient experience in which to ap-
Cancellation Tasks ply behavioral observations to brainbehavior rela-
The Cancellation Task requires the child to select a tionships. It is also imperative that the clinician have
target visually and repetitively, as quickly as possible. a good database of a "normal" child's performance at
One task may be used is the D2 task. This task re- various ages.
quires the child to cross out all the D's with two marks Although there is a beginning database for the use
above them. There are 15 lines of D's, and the child of the Boston Process Approach with adults (Lezak,
is asked to cross out the D's in each line for 20 sec- 1994; Milberg et al., 1986), data on its efficacy with
onds and then to switch to the next line. Lower scores children are limited. The astute clinician will recog-
may indicate problems in visual scanning, inhibition nize that best practice will always dictate careful ob-
problems, and inattention. It has been found that cli- servation of how the child solves the tasks presented
ents with difficulties in sequencing and inattention to him or her. Although the Boston Approach may be
do poorly on this task compared to those individuals intuitively appealing, further research is needed to
without these problems (Spreen & Strauss, 1991; determine the benefit of this approach with children.
Sohlberg & Mateer, 1989). The Symbol Search task
from the WISC-III and the Visual Matching and
Cross-Out Tasksfromthe Woodcock-Johnson are ad- A TRANSACTIONAL
ditional tasks that require quick visual scanning and APPROACH TO
attention to task and which may be utilized if this NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
area is of concern. ASSESSMENT
There are several more measures which may be
utilized to more fully evaluate various aspects of func- Neuropsychological assessmentfroma transactional
tioning. The astute clinician will seek out these mea- model encompasses evaluation of a child's function-
sures in order to determine their appropriateness for ing in many areas of his or her life. Given the basic
various children or adolescents. premise of our model that the child's biobehavioral
status acts and is acted on by the environment, it is
important that this assessment evaluate home, school,
Summary and Conclusions and community functioning as well as neuropsycho-
In summary, the Boston Process Approach begins logical performance. The assessment is generally
with a sampling of behaviors and then fine-tunes the based on the referral question but also must address
evaluation depending on the initial findings. The additional issues that may be raised during the evalu-
strength of the Boston Process Approach is also its ation process.
weakness-namely, the ability to determine the This approach is consonant with the functional or-
client's areas of strengths and deficits through quali- ganization approach of Fletcher and Taylor (1984)
tative data. Qualitative information has been found for interpreting neuropsychological data. This ap-

proach avoids many of the shortcomings inherent in any medications the child's currently taking. Not
other methods of interpretation. The functional ap- only is it important to gather this information, it
proach emphasizes the major behavioral characteris- is also crucial to gather as much information from
tics of each disorder, analyzes how behavioral and parents about their perceptions of the child's
cognitive variables correlate with one another, ana- strenghts and weaknesses, as well as questions they
lyzes how these behaviors affect development and may have about their child's neuropsychological
change over time, and investigates the neurological functioning.
substrates of behavioral and cognitive characteristics The evaluation also needs to contain reports from
of a disorder (Teeter & Semrud-Clikeman, 1995). the child's teacher, which should include the comple-
Further emphasis is placed on determining how non- tion of behavior rating scales by at least two teachers
neurological factors (e.g., family and education) in- who know the child well. Wefindit instructional to
teract with and moderate biological factors (i.e., neu- use the main teacher plus a teacher of a subject that is
rochemical imbalances or structural damage). less structured than formal academics, such as art or
In concordance with the functional organizational gym. These less structured classes can provide a win-
approach, the transactional neuropsychological ap- dow onto the child's ability to handle situations that
proach includes the following: (1) a description of may be less predictable. Art, music, and gym classes
the neuropsychological correlates of the disorder; (2) alsofrequentlyprovide additional information about
identification of behavioral characteristics of various the child's social skills. If a special education teacher
childhood disorders; (3) takes into consideration mod- is providing any services to the child, it is very im-
erator variables such as family, school, and commu- portant that this teacher also complete a behavior rat-
nity interactions; and (4) determines how the exist- ing scale.
ing neuropsychological constraints interact with the The next part of the evaluation involves direct
child's coping ability and developmental changes that observation of the child. If the child is to be observed
occur at various ages. in his or her classroom, this should be done before
The transactional model further provides a system- the assessment begins. Although it is always good
atic study of the interaction of the child's behavior practice to observe the child in the classroom setting,
with his or her neurobiology not only as a means of clinicians in private practice or in clinics generally
assessment but also for measuring treament efficacy. are unable to do so. If this is the case, then a phone
This approach is ecologically valid and recognizes interview (with the parents' permission, of course)
the interplay of the child's acts and predispositions to with the teacher is strongly suggested to ascertain
his or her environment and the resulting neuro- areas of concern in that setting, consistency of be-
psychological findings. Thus medical interventions havior across settings (particularly important with
such as psychopharmacology will be measured in regard to assessment of behavioral problems such as
juxtaposition with psychosocial interventions and ADHD, conduct disorders, and social skills deficits),
vice versa. and interventions that have been attempted and that
In keeping with these assumptions, a neuro- have failed or succeeded. Observation of the child
psychological assessment based on the transactional also takes place during the assessment process. How
approach includes several domains for examination. the child separatesfromhis or her parents, how he or
The initial approach would be a comprehensive de- she relates to the examiner and copes with a novel
velopmental interview with the parents. Such an in- situation; and his or her language skills, affect, and
terview would detail information from the child's problem-solving strategies during the session are all
birth, temperament, developmental milestones, and important areas of observation.
social, medical, family, and school history. Medical Finally, the transactional assessment process in-
history needs to include information about the exist- cludes information about the presenting problem and
ence of seizure disorder, head injury, illnesses, and selection of measures for that concern as well as any

additional areas that emerge during the assessment. problem that requires a full neuropsychological evalu-
Incorporation of these data and evolution of an evalu- ation or to gain needed information for the develop-
ation strategy are integral parts of the transactional ment of an intervention program.
approach to neuropsychological assessment. The do- Several of these measures were described earlier
mains to be assessed will vary depending on the re- in Chapter 4. The interested reader is also referred to
ferral question and on the child's age and develop- the test manuals of standardized tests for more de-
mental level. Screening of areas not believed to be tails (e.g., Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational
involved is desirable but not always possible. For ex- Battery-Revised: Cognitive; Clinical Evaluation of
ample, a child who is suspected of having ADHD but Language Fundamentals; Token Test; Differential
who is performing adequately academically does not Ability Test). Many of these measures take little time
need a full achievement battery-if there are recent to administer and can be used as screening devices to
standardized test scores or group achievement tests rule out or rule in a diagnosis or area of concern.
exhibit, then further evaluation is not required. The Many of the measures listed in Table 5.11 are rou-
examiner can then concentrate on measures of dis- tinely used by the generally trained clinical or school
tractibility, attention, impulse control, and activity psychologist. The interpretation of these measures
level. In contrast, a child referred for an assessment from a functional neuropsychological perspective is
of a possible learning disability may not need a full what differs between the evaluations. In the transac-
assessment of attention or emotional functioning par- tional approach it is important to be able to assess the
ticularly when there is no evidence that these are prob- varying domains and to determine how the results
lem areas. The assessment should be tailored to the affect the child's ability to relate to his or her envi-
child and not the child to an assessment protocol. ronment and to adapt to the resulting environmental
Therefore, we recommend this approach over a bat- reaction. The transactional model interprets the re-
tery approach. sults of these measures and develops an appropri-
Table 5.11 contains the various domains that are ate intervention program. Further discussion of the
often evaluated in a neuropsychological assessment, process underlying this type of assessment is con-
along with some suggested measures. It is hoped that tained in descriptions in the case studies presented
these suggestions will assist the clinician in using in Part III.
these measures either to determine the existence of a

Table 5.11. Domains for Neuropsychological Assessment and Suggested Measures


Marching (HINB) Grooved Pegboard Matching Figures, V's, Concentric Squares, and Stars
Motor Scale (MSCA) Purdue Pegboard (HINB)
Motor Scale (LNNB-CR) Finger Tapping K-ABC subtests
Grip Strength Test Tactual Performance Test Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure
Bender-Gestalt Test Judgment of Line Test
Trails A Facial Recognition
Rhythm (LNNB-CR) Bender-Gestalt Test
Beery Visual-Motor Integration Test
Hooper Visual Organization Test


Tactile, Visual, Auditory Controlled Oral Word Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-R)
(HRNB,HINB) Association-FAS Vocabulary Subtest (SB:FE & WISC-IH)
Tactile Form Recognition Verbal Fluency (MSCA) Boston Naming Test
Fingertip Writing (HRNB, Aphasia Screening Test (HRNB)


CELF-R Benton Visual-Retention Category Test (HRNB, HINB)

Token Test Tactual Performance Test Wisconsin Card Sort (WCST)
Peabody Picture Wide Range Assessment of Concept Formation Test (WJ-R)
Vocabulary-Revised Memory and Learning Trails B (HRNB)
Picture Vocabulary (WJ-R) (WRAML) Color Form Test (HINB)
Children's Auditory Verbal Ravens Progressive Matrices
Learning Test (CAVLT)
Rey Auditory Verbal
Learning Test
Sentence Memory (SB:FE)


CAVLT Wisconsin Card Sort Continuous Performance Test

WRAML Category Test Cancellation Tests (WJ-R; D2)
Rey-Auditory Verbal Matching Familiar Figures StroopTest
Learning Test (HINB) Seashore Rhythm Test (HRNB)
Auditory-Verbal Learning Verbal Fluency Tasks Speech-Sounds Perception Test (HRNB)
(WJ-R) Progressive Figures Test (HINB)
Serial 7*s

Note: Halstead-Indiana Neuropsychological Battery (HINB); Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery for Children (HRNB);
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC); Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children Revised (LNNBB-CR);
McCarthy Scales of Children's Ability (MSCA); Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (SB:FE); Woodcock-Johnson Cog-
nitive Battery-Revised (WJ-R); Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-Third (WISC-III).


Externalizing disorders have been defined as those (SE), (2) dopamine (DA), and (3) norepinephrine
disorders in which overt behavior is present (Ameri- (NE). Neurotransmitters are not evenly distributed
can Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994). External- throughout the brain but appear concentrated in spe-
ized disorders are characterized by numerous dysfunc- cific brain regions (Comings, 1990) (see Table 6.1).
tional behaviors, which pose difficulties in manage- High levels of DA appear in the caudate, putamen
ment in the social and psychological aspects of the (striatum), andfrontallobes. In general, NE is more
child's life. The externalized disorders to be reviewed widespread in the brain. The hypothalamus has high
include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and concentrations of SE and NE, while the limbic and
conduct disorder. Severe neuropsychiatric disorders, frontal lobes also have high levels of SE. These vari-
including Tourette syndrome, Asperger's disorder, ous brain regions play different roles in the control
and autism (pervasive developmental disorders of and regulation of motor activity, emotional
childhood), are discussed here because of the simi- responsivity, and emotions. Neurotransmitters are part
larities in the brain areas that are implicated and in of the electrochemical mechanisms by which neurons
the neurotransmitter systems that are thought to be communicate to initiate, regulate, and inhibit simple
involved. Comings (1990) suggests that many of the and complex activities.
symptoms of ADHD andfrontallobe dysfunction are An over- or underabundance of neurotransmitters
also shared with autism and Tourette syndrome. appear related to some psychiatric problems in chil-
Biochemical and neuropsychological models of dren and adults (Comings, 1990). See Table 6.2 for a
these disorders will be discussed in more detail in the summary of the behavioral effects of neurochemical
following sections, including the effects on these levels and psychiatric disorders. Although evidence
neuropsychiatric disorders on the psychosocial and suggests that neurotransmitter models are viable ex-
academic functioning of children. planations for psychiatric disorders, there are billions
of neurons in the brain and the complexity of the in-
teractions are almost unfathomable (Comings, 1990).
BIOCHEMICAL AND The chemical balance of neurotransmitters is inter-
NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL active; that is, increases or decreases in one neuro-
MODELS OF PSYCHIATRIC chemical affect the levels of other chemicals in vari-
ous brain regions. For example, decreased SE levels
DISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD that may be present individuals with Tourette syn-
Investigation into the causes of neuropsychiatric dis- drome (TS) interact with levels of NE (in the locus
orders of childhood has led researchers to appreciate ceruleus) which subsequently affect DA metabolism
the role of neurochemicals, specifically neurotrans- (Comings, 1990). Furthermore, medications that
mitters, and their effect on behavior. Three major neu- move one transmitter to normal levels may influence
rotransmitters have received attention: (1) serotonin other transmitters in negative directions.


Table 6.1. Neurotransmitter Circuits, Brain Regions, and Functional Activity


Dopamine Nigrostriatal pathway Stimulates movement

(DA) Substantia nigra-> caudate I DA T muscle rigidity & tremors (e.g., Parkinson's)
- striatum
I DA T jerky movements, tics (e.g., Tourette)
Mesocortical-limbic pathway Modulates emotions
Brainstem prefrontal T DA T hallucinations and paranoia (e.g.,
Brain stem-> limbic system schizophrenia)
I DA disinhibition of subcortex
I DAT hyperactivity
T inattention
T temper
t aggression
Tuberoinfundibular pathway
Hypothalamus pituitary
Norepinephrine Locus ceruleus (LC) - spinal cord
(NE) LC -> cerebellum
LC -> thalamus
LC -> frontal -> limbic Regulaes DA and NE in prefrontal
Alternative hypothesis for Tourette syndrome
and ADD
Serotonin Caudal raphe nuclei - cerebellum
Rostral raphe nuclei - thalamus Inhibits large brain regions
Rostral raphe nuclei - prefrontal Frontal (ADHD)
- limbic Striatum (tics)
Hippocampus (memory and learning)
Septum and limbic (emotional lability)
Feedback loop May increase/decrease symptoms
Raphe nuclei inhibits
Habenual - feedback - inhibits
raphe nuclei
Decreased serotonin
Borderline personality
Impulsivity & inattention
Self-mutilation (Lesch-Nyhan)
Tourette syndrome
Violent behavior
Violent suicide

Table 6.2. Neurotransmitter Levels, Psychiatric Disorders, and Behavioral Effects


Tourette syndrome i DA frontal regions Frontal lobe syndrome

T DA nucleus accumbens Motor and vocal tics
and striatum
i DA substantia nigra ADHD symptoms
Learning and conduct problems
Mimics frontal lobe syndrome
iSE Aggression and self-injury
ADHD I DA frontal regions Disinhibition of subcortex
Hyperactivity and irritability
iSE Aggression
Schizophrenia TNE Hyperarousal
TSE Particularly in brain atrophy
iSE Two types of schizophrenia
Depression 4NE Depression
TNE Mania
iSE Severe depression
Anxiety TNE Anxiety and fear
Obsessive-compulsive disorder Hypersensitive SE receptors OCD symptoms
(OCD) Linkage of depression, anxiety, and
aggression in OCD

Note: DA = dopamine; SE = serotonin; NE = norepinephrine.

Dopamine Activity and Genetic links (e.g., Gts gene) may account for this
Psychiatric Disorders dynamic neurochemical and behavioral interaction.
Injury to brain stem regions also can cause TS-like
DA pathways are found in three brain regions: (1) symptoms, especially when mesolimbic and meso-
the substantia nigra to the caudate and striatum or cortical DA pathways are involved. Damage to the
putamen; (2) the brain stem to the prefrontal and lim- caudate nucleus also results in full TS symptoms.
bic regions; and (3) the hypothalamus and pituitary Other evidence shows that acute encephalitis may
(Comings, 1990;Heimer, 1983). Disturbances in DA result in TS symptoms.
activity can result in various disorders, which are Haldol stimulates the synthesis and turnover of DA
briefly reviewed next. at the presynapse and decreases DA release at the
postsynapse. This balance in effect reduces the pres-
DA Hypothesis of Tourette Syndrome ence of Tourette symptoms. Medications that stimu-
late DA receptors (e.g., Ritalin and Cylert) increase
In this model, there is a deficiency of DA in the prefron- TS symptoms and tics.
tal lobes with a corresponding sensitivity of DA recep-
tors in the striatal and nucleus accumbens regions, re-
sulting in disinhibition of subcortical regions (Comings,
1990). The changes in striatal regions produce motor
DA Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
and vocal tics, while subcortical disinhibition produces The same theories underlying TS symptoms appear
characteristics offrontallobe syndrome. to explain the presence of schizophrenia.

DA Hypothesis of ADHD Serotonin Activity and

When there is too little DA in the prefrontal regions, Psychiatric Disorders
subcortical regions are disinhibited which increases Serotonin (SE) plays a central role in impulse control
hyperactivity and irritability (Comings, 1990), Stimu- disorders because of its inhibitory affects on the
lants facilitate prefrontal DA, which in turn inhibits striatal and limbic system regions (Comings, 1990;
subcortical regions, returning activity and behaviors Panksepp, 1982; Soubrie, 1986). SE is derived from
back to "normal" levels. Ritalin also may affect the tryptophan, which must comefromthe diet (aided by
action of norepinephrine. vitamin B^ because the body does not produce it
Comings (1990) suggests that frontal lobe syn- (Comings, 1990). SE is concentrated in the raphe
drome, resultingfroman imbalance of DA in the pre- systems in the midbrain and nerve fibers project to
frontal lobes, accounts for many of the symptoms the prefrontal, limbic, thalamic/hypothalamic, striatal,
associated with ADHD and Tourette syndrome. Fur- and cerebellar regions. Defects in these SE pathways
ther, it may explain the comorbidity of schizophre- can result in ADHD (frontal signs), motor tics (striatal
nia, ADHD, and Tourette symptoms in some chil- signs), learning and memory problems (hippocam-
dren and adolescents. pal signs), and emotional disturbances (limbic signs),
While DA appears to play a role in psychiatric which are all symptoms associated with Tourette syn-
disorders, SE and NE levels also have been impli- drome (Comings, 1990). When functioning properly,
cated. Further, the delicate interaction among neu- SE excites or inhibits these various brain regions for
rotransmitters with behavioral and psychiatric dis- dynamic impulse control.
turbances may help explain comorbidity of disor- Thefrontallobes have the highest concentration
ders (Tourette syndrome with ADHD, ADHD with of SE receptor sites, and SE deficiencies may result
depression, etc.). in numerous behavioral disorders (see Table 6.1 for a
summary of these various behavioral disorders). A
number of antidepressant medications, including
Norepinephrine Activity and chlorimipramine,flenfluramine,fluoxetine (Prozac),
Psychiatric Disorders and trazedone, alter SE levels in the brain, and haldol
inhibits SE. Antidepressants affect SE as well as DA
Norepinephrine (NE) activity also seems related to and NE (Comings, 1990). Violent suicide attempts
psychiatric disturbances. NE functions as a modula- are also high in individuals with low levels of SE
tor of other neurotransmitters and is structurally very (vanPraag, 1982). Extremely violent criminals (con-
similar to DA (Comings, 1990). [The adrenal glands, victed of murder or attempted murder) have been
connected by pathways to the locus ceruleus, pro- found to have low levels of SE, and all these indi-
duce the majority of NE, and NE nerves pass into viduals also had histories of ADHD and/or conduct
almost every other region of the brain (e.g., cerebel- disorders and violent suicide attempts (Linnoila et al.,
lar and cerebral cortices, limbic system, brain stem, 1983).
and spinal cord) (Heimer, 1983).] The interaction of Comings (1990) also describes a cycle of SE deple-
NE and DA has been the focus of recent studies, and tion and alcoholism, where alcohol ingestion produces
stress has been found to affect this interaction. a short-lived "high" as SE levels increase. SE levels
Clonidine is the most effective medication for TS, ultimately decrease, leading to more alcohol con-
and its action stimulates receptor sites that ultimately sumption. The behavioral picture that resultsfromim-
inhibit the release of NE (Comings, 1990). Clonidine balances of SE is complex, although a susceptibility
also may increase SE in the and DA in the prefrontal to increased aggression, impulsivity, and depression
region. seems likely (Comings, 1990).

Medication Effects on Transmitters can stimulate or inhibit neural activ-

Neurotransmitters ity and are classified as either agonists, because they
stimulate receptor activity, or antagonists, because
Neurotransmitters are released at the synaptic cleft they inhibit receptors (e.g., Haloperidol inhibits
(see Chapter 2 for an explanation of the neuro- dopamine). Further, neurotransmitters can serve to
anatomy of the neuron), and if they remained at the stimulate or inhibit cell activity (e.g., serotonin in-
synapse the neuron would continue to fire (Comings, hibits cellular activity). See Table 6.3 for a summary
1990). To keep neurons from constant firing, neu- of medication effects on neurotransmitter systems.
rotransmitters are either broken down or reabsorbed Although the neurochemical model of psychiatric
into the presynapse (neuron originating the signal). disorders is farfromcomplete, many researchers sug-
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is one of the enzymes gest that the biochemistry of neurotransmitter sys-
that breaks down neurotransmitters. Thus, medica- tems holds the key to better understanding and treat-
tions that inhibit this breakdown process (MAO in- ing many severe disorders of childhood. Further, re-
hibitors) allow for the neuron to continue firing. search that investigates the effects of combined psy-
MAO inhibitors are used to treat depression and serve chopharmacology and psychosocial interventions
to increase the amount of neurotransmitters at the may shed further light on how biochemical and envi-
synapse. Other antidepressants, such as the tricyclics, ronmental factors interact. It may also indicate how
inhibit the reuptake process thereby enhancing the psychosocial or behavioral therapies augment medi-
activity of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. cation and vice versa. Future clinical and research

Table 6.3. Medication Effects on Neurotransmitters


Stimulants t DA in frontal regions Frontal lobe inhibits subcortex

Decreases ADHD symptoms
Increases Tourette symptoms
Haldol Stimulates synthesis and turnover of DA
tSE Decreases aggression
Decreases Tourette symptoms
Decreases self-injury
Cylert TSE Decreases ADHD symptoms
Clonidine iNE Decreases anxiety and panic attacks
t SE T DA frontal regions Decreases ADHD
Inhibits production of NE Decreases Tourette symptoms
Tricyclics I Locus ceruleus activity Decreases depression
Imipramine Inhibits reuptake of NE Decreases depression
Clomipramine TSE Decreases obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Decreases panic attacks
Prozac TSE Decreases depression
Increases synthesis or decreases reuptake
of SE

Note: DA = dopamine; SE = serotonin; NE = norepinephrine.


trials should investigate this interaction. Pelham et words being quite common. The compulsive, repeti-
al. (1993) have initiated such research for combined tive nature of the swearing has a negative impact on
treatments for ADHD. Efforts of this nature may the individual's ability to interact with others. Al-
prove useful for other disorders, such as conduct dis- though swearing may be high in severe TS (60%), in
orders and depression. milder cases swearing appears to occur less frequently
The following sections provide a review of select (from 8% to 33%) (Comings, 1990).
severe neuropsychiatric disturbances, including An interesting aspect of the disorder is the child's
Tourette syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and autism. ability to control the tics for periods of time during
the day. This often leads to misunderstanding and
misdiagnosis, as the child may display the symptoms
while at home but not in school. Stress appears to
Tourette syndrome (TS) is classified as a tic disorder increase the rate of tics, and the presence of early TS
that is marked by multiple motor and vocal tics (APA, symptoms appears related to more severe cases of the
1994). TS is associated with significant social im- disorder.
pairment and often interferes with'normal school ad-
justment. For diagnostic purposes, symptoms of TS
must be present before 18 years of age and must not Biogenetic Correlates of TS
result from medication effects (e.g., stimulants) or Although TS appears to be an inherited disorder in a
other medical conditions (e.g., encephalitis). majority of children, approximately 35% of cases may
Tics may include the following: facial regions not be inherited (Comings, Comings, Cloninger, &
(e.g., eye-blinking, eye rolling, squinting, licking Devor, 1984). Single-gene rather than multiple-gene
lips, sticking tongue out, smacking lips, etc.); head transmission is most likely, and in some cases obses-
and neck movements (touching shoulder to chin, sive-compulsive disorders are seen in some family
throwing head back); shoulders (e.g., shrugging); members. Pauls and Leckman (1986) found that ap-
arms (failing, extension, or flexion); hands (e.g., proximately 1 in 83 people are carriers of the gene
biting nails, finger signs or copropraxia, picking at that transmits TS.
skin); diaphragm (e.g., inhaling or exhaling); legs TS appears to be transmitted through the Gts gene
and feet (e.g., kicking, stooping, stamping, tapping, and visual-field defects are associated with defects in
toe curling); or others (e.g., banging, chewing on Gts (Comings, 1990). Comings (1990) further indi-
clothes, flapping arms, smellingfingers,body jerking, cates that TS is a semidominant, semirecessive trait
picking lint) (Comings, 1990). Complex tics involve carried on the Gts gene, and that a "percentage of
several muscle groups, arefrequentlystereotypic in individuals in the general population with ADHD,
nature (e.g., grooming, kicking, stamping, smelling, learning disabilities, obsessive-compulsive behaviors,
facial grimaces), and may occur in sequences like com- conduct disorder, phobias, depression, addictive be-
pulsive behaviors. Comings (1990) list the most com- haviors including alcoholism and compulsive eating,
mon tics as eye-blinking (69%), shoulder shrugging and other related disorders may have these same prob-
(47%), mouth opening (40%), arm extending (25%), lems because they are carrying a Gts gene" (p. 519).
facial grimacing (23%), and licking lips (21%).
Vocal tics present unique problems for individu-
als with TS and are involuntary in nature. These may
Frequency of TS
include (in order offrequency)throat clearing (56%), TS may occur more often than previously suspected.
grunting (48%), yelling/screaming (29%), sniffing While early studies reported rates at about 1 in 1000
(28%), barking (22%), and snorting (20%) (Comings, in boys to 1 in 10,000 in girls (Burd, Kerbeshian,
1990). Compulsive swearing or coprolalia is one of Wikenheiser, & Fisher, 1986), others report that
the more disturbing features of TS, with fit and sh school-aged males observed over a two-year period

demonstrated higher rates, about 1 in 100 (Comings, should be included. Neuropsychological evaluation
1990). The fact that TS may occur with other disor- may be helpful for identifying frontal lobe deficits,
ders also may mask an accurate diagnosis when symp- speech, language, memory, and learning problems
toms are mild. associated with TS. Visual-field defects were found
in a number of TS subjects (Enoch et al., 1988a,
1988b), so neuropsychological evaluation may un-
Associated Features of TS cover these related problems. Medical consultation
TS has been found to coexist with numerous other may be helpful for identifying genetic linkages and
childhood disorders, including autism, Asperger's for ruling out other neurological disorders (e.g.,
syndrome, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, Lesch-Nyhan and myoclonus) that may present like
schizophrenia, and manic-depressive and depressive TS symptoms.
disorders (Comings, 1990). The linkages among these
various disorders may depend on activity levels and
the intricate balance among the neurotransmitters
Implications for Interventions
(DA, SE, and NE), as well as on the site of primary Interventions may include medication in conjunction
neurological involvement (frontal, striatal, or limbic with other psychosocial and behavioral therapies de-
regions). Other associated features of TS include pending upon the diagnostic picture. The selection of
learning problems, reading and speech deficits, mo- intervention strategies also depends on the number
tivational problems, sleep disorders, attentional defi- and severity of other comorbid disorders (e.g., ADHD,
cits, and motor coordination problems (Comings, depression). Individual case analysis with careful
1990). monitoring is then the key to successful programming
for children with TS.
Implications for Assessment
Comings (1990) suggests that TS is often misdiag-
Pharmacological Interventions
nosed for the following reasons: (1) misunderstand- Comings (1990) indicates that medication should be
ing that the child must swear; (2) mislabeling TS as considered only when the child's behaviors signifi-
"habits"; (3) failing to ask about tics; (4) discomfort cantly interfere with adjustment, and when the be-
in making the diagnosis; (5) ignoring parental reports havioral pattern cannot be controlled through other
of symptoms, particularly if the tics did not appear behavioral and psychosocial interventions. Increased
during evaluation; (6) inadequately exploring family structure at home or in school may be warranted, and
history; (7) reaching inaccurate conclusions about the educational interventions such as tutoring may alle-
symptom picture; (8) failing to consider longitudinal viate learning and academic difficulties.
history so that when tics subside, other disorders (e.g., Common medications that control TS symptoms
alcoholism) appear primary; (9) failing to identify tics are haloperidol and clonidine. The child's overall
when individual is on medication; and (10) lacking quality of life should be considered when assessing
knowledge about TS. Further, TS can rangefrommild the need for medication. Dosage levels should be "the
symptoms to severe tics with the associated behav- smallest dose that provides just enough change in the
ioral deficits described here. Careful consideration chemical balance so the child, or adult, can function
should be given especially when behaviors are mild as near to normal as possible" (Comings, 1990, p.
in nature. 538). Tics may be the easiest to control for, while
The diagnosis of TS depends on a comprehensive other associated behaviors may require additional medi-
evaluation, including careful history taking and be- cations. For example, stimulants may be useful for
havioral descriptions. An assessment of psychosocial ADHD symptoms. In some instances, haloperidol and
interactions and cognitive-academic functioning clonidine are administered together, and clonopin may

be added for children who do not respond to single from Patterson's work with oppositional and con-
medications (Comings, 1990). It is always best to duct-disordered youth. The clinician should work
start with low doses and to increase dosage levels closely with the parent to have a plan of action and
when needed. This basic approach may reduce the to seek out alternatives if the plan fails. These types
negative side effects associated with medications. of interventions are time-consuming and can be taxing
for the family, so family therapy may be necessary to
address the stress involved in raising a child with TS.
Psychosocial and Behavioral It is important to address family dynamics and
stress factors. A patient who was treated by one of
the authors was placed in an out-of-state residential
It should be clear that nonpharmacological interven- treatment facility because his parents could no longer
tions will do nothing to reduce tics but may be help- tolerate his behavioral problems and he was an em-
ful for reducing associated behavioral problems barrassment to the family. When discussing his feel-
(Comings, 1990). It should also be emphasized that ings about this rejection, the teenager became more
many children do not get better when the only treat- agitated, and his tics and involuntary swearing in-
ment is medication, so combined interventions are creased. It was important to improve the family co-
recommended. hesion and to initiate efforts to reinstate the young-
Medication may be the first line of treatment when ster back into the family.
TS significantly interferes with the child's function- School-based interventions should focus on the
ing, and may increase the likelihood of success of child's strengths and should attempt to bypass weak-
nonpharmacological treatments (Comings, 1990). nesses if possible (Comings, 1990). Strength ap-
Comings (1990) suggests that parents can and should proaches may include untimed tests, small work units,
discipline for antisocial behavioral problems (e.g., simple instructions, child-paced work, reduced work
lying, stealing, refusal to complete chores, disrespect, load, reduced rote activities, oral exams, the use of
talking back, oppositional/confrontational, temper tape recorders and computers, and individual tutor-
tantrums) but not for tics, attentional problems, ob- ing. Children with TS may require special-education
sessive-compulsive behaviors,or learning problems. services, and an individualized educational plan (BEP)
Thus, parenting techniques may be the focus of in- may be needed.
tervention plans. Autism and Asperger's syndrome are reviewed
Some techniques that Comings (1990) has found next.
useful in his treatment of 1400 TS patients include
short-term natural consequences, rewards, behavioral
contracts, skill building for appropriate behaviors, and AUTISM/PERVASIVE
family/sibling therapy. Avoid prolonged restrictions,
spankings, arguing back and being drawn into the
angry outburst, abdicating the parenting role, and in- Although autism and pervasive developmental dis-
consistent parenting. A careful plan for handling rage orders (PDD) are relatively rare, Cook and Leventhal
attacks is needed. Some parents find that holding the (1992) indicate that autism is one of the most severe
child until the rage subsides works well, while others forms of childhood neuropsychiatric disorders. Inci-
find that removing themselvesfromthe the angry out- dence estimates rangefrom4 to 5 cases per 100,000
burst works, too. For example, if the child loses con- (Rutter, 1978b) to 10 to 11 per 10,000 (Bryson, Clark,
trol and begins to yell obscenities, the parent disen- & Smith, 1988; Tanoue, Oda, Asano, & Kawashima,
gages by repeating that the decision stands and that 1988). The ratio of females to males is approximately
the conversation is over. Other techniques for con- 3 or 4 to 1 (Rutter & Lockyear, 1967), with females
trolling physical or verbal outbursts can be gleaned having somewhat lower Full Scale IQs than males

(Lord & Schopler, 1985). Autistic disorders are char- Associated Features
acterized as impaired social reciprocity, communi-
Children with autism have high rates of cognitive
cation disorders, and cognitive deficits (Cook &
retardation (70%), epilepsy (25%), attentional defi-
Leventhal, 1992).
cits, and aggressive and impulsive disorders (Cook
Comparisons between autistic and cognitively re-
& Leventhal, 1992). Comings (1990) also indicates
tarded children have found a differing cognitive pro-
that autism and TS overlap and share common be-
file. Autistic children show high scores on measures
havioral problems (e.g., eye-blinking, echolalia, hy-
of visual-spatial ability and rote memory, with very
peractivity, mood lability, perseverations, poor speech
poorly developed verbal comprehension, whereas
control, and stereotypic movements). Other associ-
cognitively retarded children generally show uni-
ated features of autism include self-injury; hypersen-
formly delayed performance (Dawson & Castelloe,
sitivity to touch, sounds, or odors; eating disorders
1995). Moreover, autistic children have a poorer
(e.g., pica); sleep disturbances; and mood or affect
prognosis for employment compared to cognitively
disorders (i.e., lack of emotional response or inap-
retarded children. Therefore, although both popu-
propriate emotional response) (APA, 1994). Minshew
lations show severe impairment, they are believed
and Goldstein (1993) also found that high-function-
to be different syndromes (Dawson & Castelloe,
ing autistic individuals (aged 12 to 40 years) have
difficulty organizing information and may use rigid,
One of the cardinal symptoms of autism is signifi-
inflexible strategies for encoding visual material.
cant impairment in social reciprocity, which is evi-
dent soon after birth (Rutter, 1978b, 1985). Autistic
infants generally do not show normal patterns of so-
cial responsiveness when being held, and do not en- Prenatal and Postnatal Factors
gage in social smiling. Impaired motherchild reci- An increase in the incidence of prenatal and perinatal
procity (Mundy & Sigman, 1989), regression or ar- complications in autistic individuals compared to
rested social interactions (Dahl, Cohen, & Provence, normal children has been found (Funderbuck, Car-
1986), and ritualistic or stereotypic behaviors (Rutter, penter, Tanguay, Freeman, & Westlake, 1983). Some
1985) appear as basic characteristics of this disorder. of the morefrequentcomplications are meconium in
Language and communication disorders are also ma- the amniotic fluid, bleeding during pregnancy, and
jor features of autism, with signs of delayed speech; use of doctor-prescribed hormones (Deykin &
echolalia; idiosyncratic speech; vocabulary and com- MacMahon, 1980; Gillberg & Gillberg, 1983).
prehension disorders; grammatical immaturity; and
rate, tone, and pitch abnormalities (APA, 1994). Rutter
(1985) indicates that some features (i.e., stereotypic
behaviors and gaze avoidance) may be most evident Genetics
between 3 and 5 years of age, while communication The heritability of autism is supported by two impor-
and social interaction patterns persist throughout the tant findings: the rate of autism in siblings of autistic
life span. Preschool children with autism show se- individuals is approximately 50 times that of the gen-
verely impaired language and social skills as well as eral population (Smalley, Asarnow, & Spence, 1988;
a paucity of imaginative play. In addition, these chil- Rutter et al., 1990); and there is a high concordance
dren also show deficits in understanding of object rate of autism in monozygotic twins compared to
permanence and spatial relations (Dawson & Adams, dyzygotic twins (Ritvo, Freeman, Mason-Brothers,
1984). In contrast, autistic adolescents show severely Mo, & Ritvo, 1985). Genetic subtypes in autism may
impaired abilities in language and concept develop- also exist, and the disorder has been linked to other
ment, with average to superior visual spatial skills genetic disorders such as fragile X syndrome and
(Dawson & Levy, 1989; Firth, 1993). untreated phenylketonuria (Folstein & Rutter, 1987).

Neurological Features tory stimuli to each ear while wearing headphones.

When asked to report what they hear, most individu-
Theories suggesting impaired parentchild relation-
als report only one of the stimuli-linguistic stimuli
ships as causative factors in the development of au-
are reportedfromtherightear (left hemisphere). Stud-
tism have been replaced by neurodevelopmental theo-
ies have repeatedly found that autistic individuals
ries (Minshew & Goldstein, 1993). Hypotheses con-
report stimuli to the left ear (right hemisphere) or no
cerning the neurological mechanisms of autism in-
ear preference (Blackstock, 1978; Prior & Bradshaw,
clude reports of EEG abnormalities (APA, 1994), hip-
1979; Hoffinan & Prior, 1982). Further, (Chiron et
pocampal abnormalities (Minshew & Goldstein,
al. 1995) contend that children with more severe struc-
1993), ventricular enlargement (Bigler, 1989a;
tural abnormalities are most resistant to interventions
Hauser, DeLong, & Rosman, 1975), cortical atrophy
because of the cognitive disorders associated with
(Bigler, 1989a),rightleftasymmetry abnormalities
(Prior & Bradshaw, 1979), reticular activating sys-
Datafromelectrophysiological studies are consis-
tem dysfunctions (Rimland, 1964), limbic system
tent with the results of dichotic listening techniques;
involvement (Boucher & Warrington, 1976), and cer-
that is, autistic children tended to either have domi-
ebellum abnormalities (Courchesne, 1989). Further,
nantright-hemisphereresponse to linguistic stimuli
Chiron et al. (1993) found that autistic children be-
(Dawson, Finley, Phillips, & Galpert, 1986) or no
tween the ages of 4.5 and 17 years had a range of
dominant language hemisphere (Ogawa et al., 1982;
abnormalities using rCBF and SPECT imaging, in-
Tanguay, 1976). When EEG recordings are made
cluding slight subcortical atrophy, ventricular enlarge-
during completion of cognitive tasks, a reversed pat-
ment, and hypofiinction of the left hemisphere. Indi-
tern of brain activity during language tasks and use
viduals with autism had similar activation patterns as
of the right hand (normally left-hemispheric-medi-
a control group in posterior brain regions, with sig-
ated tasks) has been found (Dawson et al., 1982;
nificant differences apparent in sensorimotor, tempo-
Dawson, 1983). These researchers concluded that
ral, and Broca's regions. These findings correspond autistic individuals exhibit abnormal brain activity and
roughly to differences revealed on neuropsychological development (Dawson & Levy, 1989).
measures (e.g., impaired motor and language func-
Consistent with the above-average findings are the
tions with intact visual-spatial abilities).
resultsfromthe P300 component of the event-related
Neurodevelopmental anomalies have been postu-
potential (ERP). As you will recall from Chapter 3,
lated given that abnormal cell density and reduced
the P300 component has been associated with the de-
dendritic growth have been observed (Raymond,
tection of novel and unpredictable stimuli. In autistic
Bauman, & Kemper, 1989). Hynd and Willis (1988)
individuals this component has been found to have
also indicate that autistic children have high rates of an extended latency; that is, it occurs later than ex-
associated neurological disorders, including PKU, pected (Courchesne, Lincoln, Kilman, & Galambos,
seizures, and tuberous sclerosis. 1985; Dawson, Finley, Phillips, Galpert, & Levy,
Although the exact etiology of autism is still un- 1990), and the amplitude (degree of response) is
known, resultsfromelectrophysiological and dichotic smaller (Dawson et al., 1990). Additional work in
listening techniques suggest that autistic children may this area has led researchers to hypothesize that the
not show the expected pattern of hemispheric spe- foregoing results may be due to the possibility that
cialization. Research has documented that normally autistic children react to novel stimuli as aversive
the two hemispheres are functionally and structur- and/or as overstimulating (Dawson & Levy, 1989).
ally asymmetric at birth (Best, Hoffman, & Glanville, Moreover, there is emerging evidence that autistic
1982; Molfese & Molfese, 1979). Autistic children individuals are chronically overaroused (Kootz,
do not show such hemispheric specialization. The Marinelli, & Cohen, 1982). Furthermore, lower func-
dichotic listening technique requires the child to lis- tioning autistic individuals showed the highest level
ten to a simultaneous presentation of differing audi-

of overarousal compared to higher functioning au- Hoshino, 1987), with approximately 40% having SE
tistic individuals. Such overarousal has been found levels in the top 5% of the population. High levels
to be negatively associated with good information- of SE also have been found in cognitively retarded
processing abilities. individuals.
These findings have led some researchers to hy- Dopamine may also play a role in the expression
pothesize that autism involves dysfunction of the of autistic behaviors. Autistic children have been
cortical-limbic-reticular system (Heilman & Van Den found to have an elevated level of the DA marker,
Abeli, 1980). Courchesne's study (1987) found that which has been linked to symptom severity (Garreau
the first exposure of a novel stimulus on a P300 re- et al., 1980). Elevated levels of DA excretion also
sulted in a large amplitude. Following additional ex- have been found in psychotic children.
posure, the amplitude decreased. Dawson and Levy
(1989) interpreted these findings as reflecting over-
arousal from novel stimuli experienced as aversive, Implications for Assessment
with failure to attend to subsequent stimuli. There- The DSM-IV (APA, 1994) provides separate diag-
fore, there does not appear to be a mechanism in place nostic criteria for autistic disorders that are to be
that can assist in filtering out perceived aversive differentiated from Rett's disorder (morefrequentin
stimuli and reducing cortical arousal. Dawson and females), Childhood Disintegrative Disorders (two
Levy (1989) further speculate that social processing, years of normal development), Asperger's disorder
which isfraughtwith novelty, would be perceived by (language development is normal), and Pervasive De-
autistic individuals as extremely aversive and there- velopmental Disorder (including atypical autism).
fore would be avoided. Furthermore, the more con- Cook and Leventhal (1992) indicate that assessment
trol the autistic individual has over the novelty of the may include the following: Autism Diagnostic Inter-
stimuli, the more likely he or she is to interact with it. view (Le Couteur, Rutter, Cord, et al., 1989); Child-
hood Autism Rating Scale (Mesibov, Schoper,
Neuropsychological Factors Schaeffer, et al., 1989); and Autism Diagnostic Ob-
servation Schedule (Lord, Rutter, Goode, et al., 1989).
On measures of executive control and frontal lobe Intellectual assessment will be helpful in identify-
function, children with autism have performed be- ing the nature of verbal and visual-spatial strengths
low expected levels (Bishop, 1993). Perseverative and weaknesses. Verbal fluency, language compre-
errors were noted high on the Wisconsin Card Sort- hension, and word knowledge should also be assessed.
ing Task, and performance on the Tower of Hanoi Measures of frontal lobe function (e.g., WCST and
was inefficient (Ozonoff, Pennington, & Rogers, Tower of Hanoi) may yield important information.
1990). The Tower of Hanoi was the single best pre-
dictor for discriminating normal from autistic chil-
dren, although performance was impaired for chil- Implications for Intervention
dren with Asperger's syndrome as well (Ozonoff,
Pennington, & Rogers, 1991). Bishop (1993) suggests Psychopharmacological Treatment
thatfrontallobe and limbic systems are implicated in Interventions for children with autism often are simi-
autism, although our understanding of the neurobio- lar to programs for children with cognitive retarda-
logical nature of the disorder is still incomplete. tion, although Cook and Leventhal (1992) recom-
mend employing intervention techniques to reduce
stereotypic behaviors and to improve communication
Neurochemical Factors skills. Medication to reduce anxiety and compulsive
Mean levels of serotonin in autistic individuals have behaviors includes anticonvulsants, stimulants, neuro-
been found to be higher than normal (Anderson & leptics, fluoxetine and clomipramine, fenfluramine,

and most recently opiate antagonists. Stimulants, by Strain and colleagues (Strain et al., 1985) uti-
lithium, and megavitamin therapy have not been lizes typically developing children to facilitate so-
found to be helpful (Aman, 1982; Campbell et al., cial interactions with autistic children. Preliminary
1972; Gualteri, Evans, & Patterson, 1987). Neuro- results from this program following a two-year in-
leptics have been found to be most useful for reduc- volvement showed increases in motor, academic, and
ing severe aggressive and self-injurious behaviors play skills, as well as an increase in social interactions.
(Cohen et al., 1980; Dalldorf & Schopler, 1981).
Unfortunately the side effects of these medications Language and Communication
can be severe (Dawson & Castelloe, 1995). Fen-
fluramine, a serotonin reducer, has been found to have
good effects early on autistic symptoms, but this re- These interventions emphasize the need to teach
sponse diminishes with time and an increase in dos- preverbal skills as a necessary foundation for spoken
age has been found to be only moderately helpful language. Some of the preverbal skills necessary for
(Holm & Varley, 1989). The newest type of psychop- intensive training are communicative intent (Prizant
harmacological intervention is the use of opiate re- & Wetherby, 1987) and turn-taking (Dawson &
ceptor antagonists such as naloxone or naltreione. Galpert, 1986). In addition, the teaching of these skills
Opiate receptor antagonists do not allow the postsyn- have been found to be facilitated by treatment occur-
aptic receptors to absorb the brain endorphins. Be- ring in naturalistic settings (Carr, 1985; Koegel &
ginning evidence shows that low doses of this agent Johnson, 1989).
have reduced many maladaptive behaviors while high Motivational aspects have been found to be very
doses improve the child's ability to relate to others important and when combined with traditional lan-
(Campbell et al., 1988). guage training approaches, have been successful in
improving generalization of language ability (Koegel
& Johnson, 1989). Autistic children's language skills
Behavioral Treatments
are found to improve with age, as well as their social
Behavioral interventions have been most successful interactions with adults (Baltaxe & Simmons, 1983)
with autistic children, although the long-term prog- but not with peers (Attwood, Firth, & Hermelin,
nosis for children with this disorder is guarded. In 1988).
the current view, some behaviors seen in autistic chil-
dren-self-stimulation, self-injury, and aggression-
are seen as attempts by the child to communicate with Conclusion
the outside world (Donnellan, Mirenda, Mesaros, & The etiology, effective psychopharmacological treat-
Fassbender, 1984). Behavioral techniques are used ments, and productive educational interventions for
to teach the child alternative communication meth- autism are currently being developed and researched.
ods. These techniques also have been used to improve Much is unknown about this disorder, but gains are
language skills, imitative abilities, and play skills being made in our understanding. It is likely that a
(Lovaas, 1987; Koegel, Firestone, Kremme, & transactional approach, utilizing neurological/neuro-
Dunlap, 1974). psychological knowledge of this disorder in conjunc-
Psychoeducational strategies have also utilized tion with work with the child's two major environ-
behaviorally based paradigms. Programs that have ments, namely home and school, will be most effec-
been successful stress early intervention, predictabil- tive. Evidence of an exquisite sensitivity to environ-
ity and structure, and parent involvement (Schopler, mental stimulation has led to a new understanding
Mesibov, Shigley, & Bashford, 1984; Simeonsson, of the autistic child's behavior and language skills.
Olley, & Rosenthal, 1987; Strain, Jamieson, & Effective pharmacological treatment continues to
Hoyson, 1985). For example, an innovative program elude practitioners, and additional work is needed

in that regard. Researchers are beginning to develop course suggests a chronic, lifelong disturbance. Many
programs across the life span for individuals with of the behaviors displayed by children with Asperger
autism, and promising vocationally based programs are similar to TS symptoms, and TS may develop with
have been started for adolescents and adults (see age (Comings, 1990). Associated features include
VanBourgondiem & Mesibov, 1989). resistance to change, good rote memory, and obses-
sive-compulsive rituals.
Implications for Assessment
Asperger's disorder is characterized by significant and
chronic impairment of social interaction and/or re- At present, there is no general agreeement on diag-
petitive patterns of behavior (APA, 1994). Asperger's nostic characteristics (Ehlers & Gillberg, 1993;
differs from autism in that language impairment is Szatmari, 1991). Gillberg and Gillberg (1989) sug-
not present, and speech and cognitive developmental gest using a two-tiered assessment approach. Stage 1
may be age-appropriate. Self-help skills are adequate, includes screening for social impairment, narrowness
although school, occupational, and social attainment of interests, presence of repetitive routines, speech
is often compromised. and language problems, nonverbal communication
Prevalence rates vary depending on the study, but difficulties, and motor difficulties. Stage 2 involves a
estimates have suggested that Asperger is a rare dis- more comprehensive assessment employing reports
order occurring in approximately 0.26% of the popu- from the child's parents and teachers.
lation (Gillberg & Gillberg, 1989). Using a compre- Clinicians should rule out Autism, Pervasive De-
hensive two-stage evaluation process, Ehlers and velopmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, Obsessive
Gillberg (1993) found higher rates in children between Compulsive Disorder, and other dissociative or schiz-
the ages of 7 and 16 years (0.71% of the population), oid disorders (APA, 1994). Behavioral and
and of the children who were identified, 0.97% were psychosocial evaluations may be the primary focus,
males and 0.44% were females. See the following with a qualitative analysis of the child's social inter-
discussion for more details about a possible assess- actions and interests. High-functioning children with
ment battery for diagnosing Asperger syndrome. Asperger's syndrome may be difficult to differenti-
ate from children with TS (Comings, 1990). Ehlers
Characteristics of and Gillberg (1993) also suggest including
neuropsycholgical (e.g., the Token Test and a neuro-
Asperger's Syndrome linquistic test), intelligence, language, and neuro-
Children with Asperger's syndrome often are de- psychiatric measures (e.g., parent/teacher interviews
scribed as having flat affect and dull, monotonous and rating scales).
speech patterns (Asperger, 1944). Social interactions
are impaired, with little reciprocity. Generally, chil-
dren with Asperger syndrome show a lack of interest
Implications for Interventions
in others and appear to lack empathy. Individuals may Interventions for children with Asperger syndrome
appear apathetic and withdrawn, and nonverbal in- often focus on reducing bizarre and stereotypic be-
teractions (e.g., eye contact, facial expressions and haviors. Medication may be warranted, particularly
gestures) are impaired. Stereotypic behaviors, where if obsessive-compulsive, attentional, or Tourette-like
body movements (e.g., hand flapping, twisting), and symptoms are present. Individuals with Asperger syn-
preoccupation with objects or idiosyncratic interests drome can be intellectually capable and, depending
are present. on their degree of social isolation, may lead semi-
Asperger syndrome often appears before the age independent lives. Even in these individuals, how-
of 4 years (Comings, 1990), and the developmental ever, social withdrawal and isolation often remain.

ATTENTION DEFICIT neuroanatomically based theories about the under-

HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER lying causes (Zametkin & Rapaport, 1986). These
various formulations include hypotheses ranging
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from dysfunctional diencephalic (thalamus, hypo-
has been conceptualized as a disorder involving dis- thalamus) structures (Laufer & Denhoff, 1957), de-
turbances in attention span, self-regulation, activity creased reticular activating system excitation
level, and impulse control. ADHD includes symp- (Wender, 1974), and deficient forebrain inhibition
toms of poor attention to task, impulsive behavior, (Dykman, Ackerman, Clements, & Peterson, 1971).
motoric overactivity, and an inability to consider con- Depending on how the ADHD pie was sliced, differ-
sequences of behaviors. As a heterogeneous disor- ent behavioral characteristics, neurological under-
der, ADHD is thought to affect between 3% and 5% pinnings, and treatment choices could be made. In
of the school population (Barkley, 1989). The disor- this way ADHD became like the proverbial elephant
der has been found to persist into adulthood and has being described by the blind man. Whatever charac-
been linked to psychopathology in later life teristic was salient (whether attention or activity
(Gittelman, Mannuzza, Shenker, & Bonagura, 1985; level) became a definition for this disorder. These
Weiss & Hechtman, 1986,1993). difficulties are now being resolved as research con-
The literature on attention deficit disorder in child- tinues to develop our understanding of this complex
hood is replete with contradictions. Confusion is disorder. Further discussion of the neuroanatomical
present in the diagnosis, behavioral characteristics, correlates of ADHD can be found in Chapter 4.
and etiology for this disorder. Over the past 45 years, The experimental literature strongly suggests that
attention deficit disorder has been variously termed ADHD encompasses clinically meaningful and dis-
minimal brain damage; hyperkinetic syndrome; tinct subtypes. A large number of factor-analytic stud-
hyperkinetic reaction in childhood; attention deficit ies using a variety of scales with diverse samples to
disorder with and without hyperactivity; attention describe ADHD symptoms consistently indicate two
deficit hyperactivity disorder (Barkley, 1990); and, largely independent dimensions: (1) symptoms de-
finally, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder pre- scribing motor hyperactivity and (2) symptoms de-
dominantly inattentive, predominantly overactive, and scribing inattention (Frick & Lahey, 1991; Lahey et
combined (APA, 1994). al., 1988). These dimensions may also be thought of
Inhibition difficulties are particularly important for in terms of inhibitory systems. Motor hyperactivity
the understanding of ADHD. An inability to delay a can be conceptualized as difficulty with motor inhi-
response long enough to evaluate various alternative bition, which is thought to be a task mediated by the
behaviors makes it difficult to learn new behaviors frontal and prefrontal regions of the brain. Inatten-
or to develop compensatory skills. Children with tion may be viewed as interference sensitivity. Inter-
ADHD often have difficulty delaying their responses ference sensitivity involves difficulty infilteringout
to environmental stimuli. They have also been found extraneous stimulation, which is the mechanism in-
not to respond readily to environmental feedback con- volved in sustained and divided attention.
cerning their behavior (Douglas, 1983). This inabil- Interference sensitivity likely corresponds to the
ity to utilize feedback may be grounded in difficulty classification of Attention Deficit Disorder without
in inhibiting their responses long enough to profit Hyperactivity (ADD), and motor inhibition relates
from this feedback. to the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder with
Hyperactivity (ADD/H). The subtypes probably also
Neuropsychological Correlates differ in facets other than the presence or absence of
motoric activity. In fact, there are likely differences
Given the heterogeneity of attention deficit disorder, in attention processing for the subtype. Inconsistent
it is not surprising that there have been 11 different differences have been found between ADD/H and

ADD/noH on neuropsychological measures. ADD/ Stress on the attentional system occurs when there
H have been found to have longer reaction time than is conflict between signals. Activating any of the
ADD/noH or control children (Hynd et al., 1988; components of attention involves the conscious pro-
Sargeant & Scholten, 1985a, 1985b) and more diffi- cessing of input with some mental operations while
culty in completing finger sequential tasks and fron- preventing access of other signals to those same lev-
tal lobe tasks than ADD/noH, whereas ADD/noH els of processing (Posner, 1988). Even simple cog-
children were found to have deficiencies in percep- nitive tasks involve the orchestration of a network
tual-motor tasks (Barkley, 1996); and ADD/noH were of brain areas. It is likely that a breakdown in the pro-
found to have a cognitively sluggish style versus im- cessing of temporal information would have an impact
pulsive and sloppy responding by ADD/H (Hart, on classroom tasks, which often require bit-by-bit in-
Lahey, Loeber, & Hanson, 1990; Healy et al., 1987). formation processing as well as reconstruction of in-
Attention is complex and multifaceted. It is made formation into a whole. In line with these findings,
up of multiple processes/components that interact with children with ADHD have been found to experience
motor, cognitive, and social development (Sohlberg difficulty in selective and sustained attention while not
& Mateer, 1989). Thus, disruption of any component experiencing problems in orienting or reactive atten-
may compromise the efficiency of the total system. tion (Douglas & Peters, 1979; Porges, Walter, Korb, &
Moreover, disruption of a component will have a Sprague, 1975; Sykes, Douglas, & Morgenstern, 1973;
negative impact on aspects lower in the hierarchical Sykes, Douglas, Weiss, & Minde, 1971).
chain (i.e., ability to shift set may be disturbed and Barkley (1994) presents a transactional approach
may consequently affect responses to temporally pre- to understanding the underlying mechanisms in
sented information or vigilance). ADHD. He suggests that measures of attention need
Mental control of attention may involve two dis- to assess the interrelationship between the environ-
tinct but interconnected pathways (Benson, 1991). Ba- ment the child is in and his or her behavior. Further,
sic mental control refers to the level of general aware- there is a functional relationship between the behav-
ness that activates either increases or decreases in ior and the environment; that is, each influences the
arousal (via midbrain reticular activating systems) and other. Thus, in his view, attentional problems are defi-
the ability to maintain attention in a fully alert state cits in facilitating, sustaining, or disengaging these
(via the posterior, inferior medial areas of frontal behaviors in relation to the environment. Moreover,
lobes). Higher mental control refers to the ability of attention involves rules and instructions that are as-
the executive function to monitor and regulate widely sociated with the task either explicitly or implicitly.
distributed networks of complex operations, such as Given that ADHD children have been consistently
motor activity, motivation, and abstract thinking (via found to be contingency-governed, the rules inherent
the prefrontal lobes). in tasks are not effective in interventions with them.
Because attentional processes are widely distrib- Differences in subtypes of ADHD have been sug-
uted throughout many brain structures, the ability to gested by Barkley (1994) and Denckla (1994). Chil-
select, sustain, and control attention may involve the dren with ADD: Combined Type show poor sustained
ability to access and direct resources on both sides of attention, with improved response to novel stimulation.
the brain (Colby, 1991). When a stimulus is high- Those with ADHD: Inattentive Type show problems in
lighted for potential action, a competition among re- focused attention, and this appears to be more of a
sponses may occur that requires the mutual inhibi- cognitively driven (as opposed to behavioral) disorder.
tory interaction of structures on opposite sides of the
brain that are responsible for directing attention. This
Behavioral Inhibition
interhemispheric regulation may be compromised in
children with ADHD (Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, Behavioral disinhibition or the inability to control
Lorys, Novey, Eliopulos, & Lyytinen, 1991). and direct attention to the demands of a task is cen-

tral to ADHD (Loge, Staton, & Beatty, 1990). In fact, tal lobes, which regulate behavior. Because the frontal
attention problems may be secondary to a disorder lobes are the last areas of the brain to develop folly, it
of behavioral regulation and inhibition, and poor may be that hyperactive symptoms are due in part to a
regulation with inhibition of behavior, rather than significant maturational lag in the development of the
inattention, may be the hallmark of ADHD (Barkley, inhibitory mechanisms of motor responses controlled
1990). The term distractibility is often used to de- by the frontal lobes (Becker, Isaac, & Hynd, 1987;
scribe a deficit in focused attention pr an inability to Passler, Isaac, & Hynd, 1985). Suggestion that these
focus attention (Mirsky, 1987; Posner & Boies, 1971). regions are at least partially compromised has been
Brain structures in Luria's first functional unit, the found in the perfusion studies of Lou et al. (1984,1989)
reticular formation, control basic alertness and atten- and the metabolism studies of Zametkin et al. (1990),
tion, with higher functions of disinhibition controlled where hypometabolism has been found in striatal ar-
by the network of connections to the upper brain or eas believed to control motor activity.
cortex. Focused attention is thought to be one of the Selective attention is a complex behavior that re-
first aspects of attention to develop. quires the maintenance of a response involving acti-
Research on distractibility has found ADHD chil- vation or inhibition of another response. These filter-
dren to be no more distractible than normal children ing mechanisms, which are necessary to block out or
(Barkley, 1990). Instead, the problem appears to be attend to input, probably involve maintaining arousal
one of declining persistence or effort in responding of the first functional unit as well as the information-
to tasks that have little intrinsic appeal or minimal processing capacity of the primary and secondary
immediate consequences for completion. When al- zones of the second functional unit. This component
ternative activities are available that promise imme- of attention is most easily measured using cancella-
diate reinforcement or gratification, children with tion tasks, the Stroop, and the Trails tests.
ADHD may appear distracted because their attention Dysfunction in selective attention would certainly
shifts off task in order to engage in the more reward- compromise academic achievement, especially when
ing competing activity. Thus, the problem may be one the information presented is complex and of some
of disinhibition rather than distraction. The child with length, requiring both sustained attention and infor-
ADHD is capable of orienting to specific stimuli but mation processing simultaneously. This area is also
unable to resist or disinhibit responses to competing thought to be implicated in sensory localization. When
stimuli that appear more interesting and reinforcing. the symptoms of cognitive sluggishness, confusion,
Disinhibition of response to extraneous stimula- hypoactivity, and anxiety are displayed,fingeragnosia
tion is also implicated in the second component of on the left side was found with ADD/noH and may
attention to develop: sustained attention, or the abil- relate to difficulties in selective attention (Goodyear
ity to maintain a behavioral response for a continu- & Hynd, 1992; Lorys, Hynd, & Lahey, 1990).
ous or repetitive activity. Vigilance is the term often There is support for the hypothesis that children
used to describe this type of attention. This compo- with ADD/H may have difficulties in sustained at-
nent of attention is most easily measured using a con- tention while selective attention is related to ADD/
tinuous performance test and K-ABC hand move- noH. Trommer, Hoeppner, Lorber, and Armstrong
ments. Difficulties with maintaining attention while (1988) found significant differences between the
resisting other impulses indicate that there may be a ADD subtypes in impulse control. ADD/noH chil-
basic problem at the arousal level within Luria's first dren were as impulsive as ADD/H children on a
functional level and may explain why the use of stimu- choice task in the initial portion of the task. How-
lants helps attention, because stimulants may raise ever, ADD/noH children displayed significant im-
the level of basic arousal to within a normal range. provement as training continued, while ADD/H
Sustained attention for more complex tasks is showed no lessening of impulsivity. Similarly, ADD/
probably controlled in later development by the fron- noH have exhibited slower rates of processing speed

and more difficulties in selective attention than chil- In addition to interhemispheric disinhibition,
dren with ADD/H (Barkley, Fischer, Edelbrock, & frontal lobe inhibitory mechanisms are also believed
Smallish, 1990; Sargeant & Scholten, 1985b). to play a role in ADHD (Chelune et al., 1986). The
The most complex forms of attention are alternat- prefrontal regions of the frontal lobes have a rich
ing attention and divided attention. Both of these in- network of reciprocal pathways with the reticular for-
volve the ability to time-share mental operations when mation and diencephalic structures that regulate
there is competition for attention. Alternating atten- arousal and the ability to suppress responses to stimuli
tion includes measures such as the WSCT and the that are not task-relevant. The failure of children with
Category test. There is no current measure for divided ADHD to inhibit inappropriate responses and sustain
attention. These functions are highly dependent on goal-directed behavior may be due to their inability
the executive functioning of Luria's third unit to or- to suppress and control higher level inhibitory corti-
ganize and orchestrate the associated complex re- cal reflexes. This theory would support age-related
sponses. Dysfunction at the executive level would be changes in some of the symptoms of ADHD children
seen in diminished complex problem-solving strate- as they grow up. During adolescence, many of the
gies, organizational skills, and less efficient memory hyperactive symptoms diminish in intensity, and the
strategies characteristic of ADHD children (Barkley, teenager seems to have calmed down (Mendelson,
1990). The impact of executive control dysfunction Johnson, & Stewart, 1971; Minde et al, 1971; Weiss,
has profound effects on the child's overall adjustment Kruger, Danielson, & Elman, 1975). However, this
and may be more devastating than effects of over- does not completely explain the fact that although
activity or inattention. This line of research may pro- the primary symptom of hyperactivity may diminish,
vide a better understanding of ADHD and warrants many of the secondary symptoms persist and cause
further inquiry. increasingly greater difficulty for the adolescent
(Fischer, Barkley, Edelbrock, & Smallish, 1990).

Transactional Model of ADHD Genetic Factors

Our conceptual model of ADHD is transactional in A family history of ADHD has been found to be four
nature, where neuropsychological dysfunction arises times more common for children with ADHD than
from genetic factors and/or temperamental variations. for a sample of normal controls (Cantwell, 1975).
While prenatal or postnatal insult may result in ADHD Biederman et al. (1990) found that the first degree
characteristics, environmental factors are not consid- relatives of children with ADHD not only have an
ered causal. See Table 6.4 for an overview of the in- increased incidence of ADHD but also are more likely
teractional nature of ADHD. to have members diagnosed with antisocial or mood
Neuropsychological tests that measure complex disorders. Lahey et al. (1988) found a higher rate of
problem solving, response inhibition, and sustained parental psychopathology in the fathers of children
effort believed to be primarilyfrontallobe functions with ADHD. Frick et al. (1992) found that 80% of
are more likely than other tests to reveal differences their sample of children with ADHD had at least
between children with ADHD and normal children one first-degree biological relative who had ADHD
(Chelune et al., 1986). Given the complexity of the as a child. Although it is likely that a form of ge-
third unit, it may well be that the neuroanatomic analy- netic transmission for this disorder is present, this
sis will not provide insight into ADHD. The use of hypothesis is speculative at this time. It is presently
SPECT and PET may eventually provide answers unclear whether the familial association is genetic,
about the mechanisms involved, and it is likely that psychosocial, or both in nature. Further study is
differences will be at the neuronal and metabolic sub- needed to separate out genetic factors from environ-
strates rather than at the gross anatomical level. mental and familial difficulties.

Table 6.4. A Summary of Specific Deficits Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Biogenetic Factors Environmental Factors/Prenatal/Postnatal

59/*-WoMZ Multifactorial, polygenetic, cultural, and environmental
33%29% DZ transmission seem unlikely
Independent genetic code differs from reading Poverty, overcrowding, chaotic family style, pollution, food
Familial ADD transmitted single gene additives account for very little variance
Single gene has not been isolated; probably domapamine Common environmental factors: 030% variance
receptor gene

Temperament Birth Complications

Genetic linkage No known correlates
Activity level
Psychomotor activity
Attentional problems, school competence, and
behavioral problems

CNS Factors
Underactivated frontal lobe
Bilaterally smaller anterior cortex
Reversed asymmetry of anterior cortex (right < left)
Reversed asymmetry of caudate nucleus (left < right)
Reduced metabolic activity inrightcaudate region
Smaller left caudate nucleus
Right-hemisphere deficits (disinhibition of left hemisphere)
Left-hemisphere underactivation
Genu (corpus callosum) smaller
Rostrum and rostral bodies smaller

Intellectual Perceptual Memory Attentional

Range of IQ Low verbal Sustained
Low coding Less efficient Selective

Response inhibition
Sustained effort
Complex problem solving
Executive functions
Organizational skills

Academic/Behavioral Psychosocial Family

Motivational problems Rejected Disorder exacerbates
Underachievers Ignored Parental psychopathology
ComorbidLD Comorbid INT/EXT Related to CD/ADHD
Work completion Comorbid aggression

Note: DZ = dyzgotic; MZ = monzygotic; INT = internalized disorders; EXT = externalized disorders; LD = learning disabilities;
CD = conduct disorders; ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Family Factors this disorder. Some researchers have found that psy-
chiatric difficulties in the parents of these children
Given that a higher incidence of parental psychopa-
are related more to the child's conduct problems than
thology is present in families of children with ADHD,
to the ADHD (Frick et al., 1990; Stewart, deBlois, &
it may well be that a chaotic and/or conflictual fam-
Cummings, 1980).
ily environment exacerbates or increases the signs of

Just as ADHD children have negative interactions nent of attention, speed of cognitive processing, and
with their peers, they also experience similar diffi- mental preoccupation. They are exquisitely sensi-
culties in the home environment. Dysfunctional in- tive to environmental interference. In contrast, chil-
teraction patterns have been found in families with dren with ADD/H may possess more of a deficit in
ADHD children, with these parentsfrequentlyengag- sustained attention and the disinhibition component
ing in highly directive, controlling, and negative in- of attention. They are unable to inhibit their motoric
teractions with their child. Fewer incidences of re- behavior, which in turn negatively correlates with
ward and responsivity to the child's needs has also maintaining attention to task.
been found (Befera & Barkley, 1985; Mash & Children with ADD/H evidenced problems with
Johnston, 1982). Moreover, these interactions have behavioral organization and disinhibition, whereas
been found to improve when the child begins medi- those with ADD/noH demonstrated a slow cognitive
cation and parentchild relationships improve tempo and inwardly directed attention problems.
(Barkley, Karlsson, Strzeleck, & Murphy, 1984). Thus, a different cognitive and attentional pattern is
Therefore, while the symptoms of ADHD appear to suggested for children with ADD/H and those with
be improved or worsened depending on environmen- ADD/noH.
tal factors as well as by adding psychopharmo- Studies using teacher ratings of DSM-III symp-
cotherapy (Horn & Ialongo, 1988), the disorder is toms for clinic-referred and nonreferred samples iso-
most likely neurologically based (Frick & Lahey, late two factors in both samples in diagnosing ADHD
1991). (Hart et al, 1994; Lahey et al., 1988). These studies
identified inattention and hyperactivity as the factors,
Intellectual, Perceptual, Attention, with impulse control items being split between the
two factors. Disorganization and need for adult su-
and Memory Functioning pervision were related to the attention factor while
Qualitative differences in cognitive processing defi- items dealing with an impulsive tempo were associ-
cits and in types of attentional difficulties were also ated with the hyperactivity factor.
suggested in the Barkley, DuPaul, and McMurray
study (1991). Children with ADD/noH had fewer
problems with off-task behavior during a vigilance
Academic and School Adjustment
task, performed worse on the Coding subtest of the ADD/noH children more often show difficulty with
WISC-R, and had greater problems on a measure of social isolation and nonverbal reasoning than do
consistent retrieval of verbal information from ADD/H children who, in turn, tend to be more fre-
memory than children with ADD/H. quently socially rejected and have a higher incidence
Other studies have not found differences between of oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder than
these subtypes on measures of achievement, cogni- ADD/noH (Cantwell & Baker, 1988; Hynd et al.,
tive skills, or verbal learning skills (Carlson, Lahey, 1989; Lahey et al., 1987). When children with ADD/
&Neeper, 1986; Conte, Kinsbourne, Swanson, Zirk, H have significant conduct problems, they also ap-
& Samuels, 1986). However, many of these studies pear to be at higher risk for learning problems and
have not controlled for conduct disorder/oppositional poorer information-processing ability (Semrud-
disorder or learning disabilities, nor have they sepa- Clikeman, Hynd, Lorys, & Lahey, 1993).
rately evaluated children who respond differentially Barkley et al. (1991) reported several differences
to treatment-namely, children who are treatment re- that distinguished children with ADD/H from chil-
sistant versus those who respond to treatment. dren with ADD/noH. Children with ADD/H were
The emerging behavioral/cognitive profile indi- rated by their parents and teachers as more aggres-
cates that children with ADD/noH may have more of sive and antisocial than children with ADD/noH. Chil-
a problem with the information-processing compo- dren with ADD/H had been suspended from school

more frequently and were more likely to have been of these aspects need not be present, but the major-
placed in special education programs for children ity should be for a complete assessment of attentional-
with behavior disorders. They were described as more executive functions.
noisy, disruptive, messy, irresponsible, and immature. The role offrontaldysfunction in ADHD contin-
Families of children with ADD/H exhibited more sub- ues to be widely discussed (Benson, 1991). Beyond
stance abuse and aggression compared with families the neuroanatomical findings of possible frontal in-
of children with ADD/noH. volvement in ADHD, recent research has suggested
In contrast, children with ADD/noH displayed a that children diagnosed with ADHD display neuro-
different behavioral profile (Barkley et al., 1991). logical deficits with greater consistency on tests evalu-
They showed less aggression, impulsivity, and ating neuropsychological functions mediated by the
overactivity, both at home and at school, and less situ- frontal and prefrontal cortex (Hynd, Voeller, Hern, &
ational pervasiveness of their behavioral problems as Marshall, 1991). The frontal lobes are important in
rated by parents and teachers; they were more likely the regulation of motor output and in the organiza-
to be ignored rather than rejected as were the ADD/ tion and management of behavior, such as develop-
H children. Moreover, children with ADD/noH were ing plans, allocating resources, and inhibiting behav-
rated as more confused, daydreamy or lost in thought, iors that interfere with goal achievement. An indi-
apathetic, and lethargic. Families of children with vidual sufferingfrontaldisturbance may have totally
ADD/noH were more likely to have anxiety disorders normal basal-posterior functions, including normal
and learning problems compared to families of chil- or even high intelligence, but be unable to use these
dren with ADD/H. abilities effectively.
Chelune et al. (1986) found that subjects with at-
tention deficits were impaired in the Wisconsin Card
Implications for Assessment Sorting Task (WCST). The WCST, which requires
Objective assessment of attention and behavioral dis- sustained attention, cognitive flexibility, and regula-
inhibition may have inherent difficulties with eco- tion of goal-directed activity through the use of envi-
logical validity; that is, many tasks may not be de- ronmental feedback, is believed to reflectfrontallobe
manding enough to tax the attentional system. Often functioning (Heaton, 1981). Chelune et al. (1986) sug-
the tasks utilized are initially interesting, last only a gest that the WCST may be assessing disinhibition
few minutes, and are administered under direct adult and not hyperactivity or attentional deficits. Other
supervision. To measure the component of sustained studies (Fischer et al., 1990; Loge et al., 1990) failed
attention accurately, for example, the tasks must be to find any differences in performances on sorting
of sufficient length and repetition to ensure potential and verbal fluency tasks. Reports from other mea-
boredom. In addition, adult supervision must not be sures, such as the Stroop Test, also have been incon-
seen as a discriminating stimulus to remain on task. sistent in finding differences between subjects with
These findings suggest that neuropsychological tasks ADHD and normal controls. These inconsistent re-
should not be used alone to diagnose ADHD; how- sults may be a function of the use of varying ADHD
ever, such tasks may be useful in describing the cog- subtypes, failure to control for co-occurrence of
nitive and neuropsychological functioning of a sub- comorbid disorder, or severity of ADHD. Each of
group of ADHD (Schaughency & Rothlind, 1991). these factors may influence the subject's performance
Denckla (1994) suggests that assessment of atten- on the WCST.
tion and executive functions need tasks that provide A study utilizing attentional components training
a delay between stimulus and response, require an found significant improvement in posttraining in-
internally represented view of the task, require re- formation processing in an ADHD sample. This
sponse inhibition and efficiency of response, and re- improvement generalizedfromtest materials to class-
quire active and flexible strategies for solutions. All room materials and was maintained at a 90-day post-

test (Williams, 1989). In this unpublished disserta- O'Neill, & Britton, 1988). An inability to inhibit
tion, however, these subjects were also learning-dis- excess behavior and stimulation has a negative im-
abled. Therefore, it is not clear whether the effects pact on the child's ability to learn in the classroom
ofthe attentional training were due to the learning not only in terms of negative classroom behavior but
problems or to the attentional difficulties. also in terms of impacting on attentional resources.
On a continuous-performance test developed by Because attention is not directed, the child takes in
Gordon (1987), hyperactive subjects showed signifi- irrelevant as well as relevant detail. Thus, an inter-
cantly poorer sustained attention and impulse control action between inattention and disinhibition would
on the vigilance task but not on the distractibility task have a negative impact on information processing
(Fischer et al., 1990). These results suggest that tasks and thus on school achievement.
presumed to reflect attention that are relatively short These deficits may also be dependent on the situ-
in length and administered under direct adult super- ation the child faces. For children with ADHD,
vision may not be measuring the problems that chil- attentional problems become more evident in situa-
dren with attentional difficulties experience when tions where attention is required to be sustained on a
tasks are tedious and not directly supervised. repeated task (Milich, Loney, & Landau, 1982) or in
More complicated tasks pose greater demands for structured situations (Porrino et al., 1983). Moreover,
planning, organization, and executive regulation of on tasks that are novel or when behavioral conse-
behavior. Children with ADHD display fewer quences are immediate, children with ADHD show
attentional or behavior problems in novel or unfa- great ability to contain attentional problems (Doug-
miliar settings or when tasks are unusually different, las, 1983). Some suggest that the primary difference
colorful, or highly stimulating (Barkley, 1990). Symp- in ADHD children may not be in attention but in the
toms of ADHD are noticeable when the demands of way the child's behavior is regulated by consequences
the environment or the task exceed the child's capac- (Barkley, 1989; Frick & Lahey, 1991). Other investi-
ity to sustain attention, regulate activity, and/or re- gators suggest that children whose hyperactivity is
strain impulses. Examples of this poor regulation and "pervasive" across situations have a poorer progno-
inhibition of behavior include responding quickly to sis, more comorbid diagnoses, and more differences
situations without understanding what is required, in neurodevelopment than children with "situ-
failing to consider consequences, having difficulty ational" hyperactivity (Rutter, 1983a). There may
waiting one's turn, and seeking immediate gratifica- also be differences in how children with ADD/H
tion or rewards that require less work to achieve rather and ADD/noH respond to consequences and to their
than working toward a long-term goal and a larger environment. All of these areas deserve further em-
reward. Thus, poor inhibition and regulation of be- pirical investigation.
havior may appear as an attention deficit but is ex- Children with ADHDfrequentlyhave been found
plained more clearly as a dysfunction of behavioral to experience concomitant learning difficulties
inhibition. This complex interplay of attention, be- (Lambert & Sandoval, 1980; Semrud-Clikeman,
havioral inhibition, motivation, overactivity, and brain Biederman, et al., 1992). A review ofthe literature
maturation needs to be addressed in treatment of by Semrud-Clikeman, Biederman, et al. (1992) found
ADHD children. that 30% of children with ADHD also have learning
In addition to attentional difficulties in ADHD, disabilities while another 25% to 35% have learning
recent studies have supported a hypothesis of a gen- delays. The extent of learning difficulties found in
eralized self-regulatory deficit that affects informa- over 50% of the ADHD population may relate not
tion processing, inhibition of responses, arousal/ only to attentional problems but also to the self-regu-
alertness, planning, executive functions, latory deficit proposed by Douglas et al. (1988). If
metacognition, and self-monitoring abilities that children with ADHD cannot learn to plan, organize,
span the various sensory modalities (Douglas, Barr, and evaluate their learning (i.e., metacognitive skills),

it is likely that they will experience significantly more calizing, playing with objects, and out-of-seat behav-
problems performing academically as they develop, iors during independent performance of math prob-
since most of their educational experiences after grade lems) and were significantly better at abstract prob-
3 will require independent work skills. Moreover, if, lem-solving skills as assessed by the WCST. To the
as Sohlberg and Mateer (1989) propose, attentional extent that these measures reflect neuropsychological
resources are hierarchical, then difficulties with se- functions mediated by thefrontallobes, these results
lective or sustained attention may predispose a child suggest that the maturation offrontallobe functions
to self-regulatory deficits. Thus, regulation of self and continues well into late adolescence and are consis-
others and attention are not dichotomous characteris- tent with patterns of neuroanatomical maturation of
tics of ADHD. It is reasonable to speculate that regu- these brain regions.
lation and attention may be inextricably interrelated
and mutually reciprocal. Age. Differences in age at diagnosis differ between
Thus, a child who is motorically active may not ADD/H and ADD/noH children. ADD/H children are
necessarily show significant attentional problems or generally identified approximately 6 months younger
learning deficits once the overactivity is controlled. than ADD/noH children (Lahey, Schaughency, Hynd,
These children respond readily to medication and may Carlson, & Nieves, 1987). This finding suggests that
be the children who are later found to "outgrow" their ADD/H children may be identified younger than
hyperactivity. Conversely, a child who has attentional ADD/noH because their behaviors are more notice-
and self-regulatory deficits may respond partially to able and more disturbing for parents and teachers.
medication but often will continue to have learning dif-
ficulties and require additional support (Barkley, 1990). Gender. Gender also plays a part in identification in
It is these children who may need continuing support that most of the ADHD population is male. However,
throughout life (Weiss & Hechtman, 1986,1993). studies that have not utilized clinic-referred children,
Tasks that have been found to be sensitive to fron- have found more females with ADHD than did stud-
tal lobe functioning (i.e., executive function deficits) ies with referred subjects (Berry, Shaywitz, &
include perseveration score on the WCST, Tower of Shaywitz, 1985; Lahey, Schaughency, Frame, &
Hanoi and London, Go/No-Go tasks, motor sequenc- Strauss, 1985). There may well be an under-
ing, and continuous-performance tests. These tasks identification of girls with ADHD, and currently it is
require either flexible problem solving (WCST, Tower unknown if girls are more likely to show ADD/H or
of Hanoi or London) or response inhibition (continu- ADD/noH than males. This area of interest requires
ous performance test, Go/No-go). further evaluation.
Therefore, an assessment of a child for possible
ADHD needs to be multifaceted and take into con-
Developmental Contributions sideration developmental, familial, and environmen-
Barkley et al. (1991) found that several of the tal variables. It is important not only to assess whether
attentional measures demonstrated significant changes an attentional difficulty exists, but also to determine
within both hyperactive and control subjects as a func- the extent to which it impairs the child's functioning.
tion of the age groupings (1214 years versus 1520 Such impairment needs to be present in two or more
years). Older adolescents made fewer errors of omis- of the child's environments and should be significant
sion on the distractibility task and exhibited less off- enough to cause difficulties (APA, 1994).
task behavior than did younger adolescents, suggest-
ing that sustained attention continues to improve
across these age levels of development. Older ado-
Implications for Treatment
lescents improved in the inhibition and regulation of Reviews of the literature suggest that the most effi-
activity (reflected in significantly less fidgeting, vo- cacious understanding of ADHD would combine edu-

cational, medical, and environmental components ciety. Individuals who display such behaviors often
(Conners & Wells, 1986). Although teachers and par- have a history of antisocial behavior stretching back
ents struggle daily with the behaviors associated with into early childhood. Conduct disorder is defined as
ADHD, its treatment has historically been medically chronic and severe antisocial behaviors that include
based. Double-blind medication trials have found im- some combination of physical and verbal aggression,
provement for 70% to 90% of ADHD children stealing, lying, and lack of feeling for other people
(Barkley, 1977; Conners & Werry, 1979; Pelham, (Short & Shapiro, 1993). These behaviors are frequent
1993a). Moreover, medication shows differential re- and severe and have an impact the child's academic
sults with ADD/H and ADD/noH children. Both and social functioning.
groups respond to stimulant drugs, but dosage differs The diagnosis of conduct disorder appears to be
between the groups (Barkley et al., 1991; Dykman, stable across environments and informants (Patterson,
Ackerman, & McGray, 1980) and there are fewer 1986). It has been hypothesized that there are three
nonresponders among the ADD/H group (Barkley et major subtypes of conduct disorder: solitary aggres-
al, 1991). sive, group, and undifferentiated (APA, 1994). The
In conjunction with stimulant medications, the solitary aggressive type possesses aggressive behav-
major targets of cognitive-behavioral intervention ior, poor self-control, and interpersonal difficulty
have been the child's poor attention span, lack of self- (Quay, 1986b). The group type of conduct disorder
control, and noncompliance with authority figure di- includes children who engage in delinquent behav-
rectives (DuPaul, Stoner, Tilly, & Putnam, 1991). In iors in a group context and has a more positive prog-
any treatment paradigm, it is important to take into nosis. Finally, the undifferentiated subtype includes
consideration the child's age and developmental level. a combination of the other two types.
In infancy and toddlerhood emphasis is recommended Children with serious conduct disorder appear to
to be placed on building positive parentchild rela- evidence symptoms at a very early age, with the dis-
tionships (Teeter, 1991). Teeter (1991) suggests that order developing into delinquency and antisocial be-
a warm and responsive style coupled with flexibility havior in adolescence and adulthood (Wolf, Brauk-
would be the best parenting response to an infant and mann, & Ramp, 1987). Wolf et al. (1987) suggest
toddler with ADHD. As the child matures the par- that severe conduct disorder runs in families and is
ents need to develop effective parenting skills that treatment-resistant. Although the prognosis for con-
utilize consistent limit setting and tying consequences duct disorder is poor (Dumas, 1989; Loeber, 1990),
to both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. In only 50% of children with severe conduct disorder
addition work with children in developing appropri- have been found to develop adult antisocial person-
ate social skills, self-control, and organization/prob- ality disorder (Kazdin, 1987; Robins, 1966). A fam-
lem-solving techniques needs to be started in elemen- ily history of conduct disorder/antisocial personality
tary school and continued throughout the school ex- disorder appears to be the most predictive variable
perience (Abramowitz & O'Leary, 1991). In adoles- for the course of conduct disorder (Tramontana &
cence, additional instruction in social judgment, prob- Hooper, 1989).
lem solving, and management of typical teen-age
concerns, including substance abuse, sex, and peer
pressure (Robin & Foster, 1989).
The incidence of conduct disorder in the general popu-
lation ranges from 3% to 7% (Costello, 1989). Con-
CONDUCT DISORDER duct disorder has been found to be the most common
Aggressive behaviors that do not take into consider- reason for referral to mental health services (Wells &
ation the feelings of others and that can be dangerous Forehand, 1985). Moreover, children with conduct
and hurtful are becoming more visible in today's so- disorder are heavily represented in school classrooms

for children with behavioral disturbances (Epstein, esized to seek out situations that trigger aggressive
Kaufman, & Cullinan, 1986; McGinnis & Forness, behavior (Plomin, Chipuers, & Loehlin, 1990).
1988; Pullis, 1991). Biederman and colleagues (Biederman, Munir, &
Knee, 1987, Biederman et al, 1990) have found a
relationship between parental antisocial personality
Gender disorder and childhood conduct disorder.
Conduct disorder may vary as a function of sex (Gil- Twin studies have found a higher incidence and
bert, 1957). Males are three times more likely to be concordance of criminality and antisocial behavior
diagnosed with conduct disorder than females (Gra- among monozygotic than dizygotic twins
ham, 1979). Sex differences are also present in the (Christiansen, 1974; Cloninger, Christiansen, Reich,
age of onset of conduct disorder, with males showing & Gottesman, 1978). Adoption studies of monozy-
conduct problems at a much earlier age than girls gotic and dizygotic twins have found that antisocial
(Robins, 1966). For example, the mean onset of symp- behavior occurs morefrequentlythan would be ex-
toms for males was in the 8- to 10-year-old level, pected by chance alone in those twins with a family
while for girls it was 14 to 16 years of age. The pat- history of conduct problems (Cadoret, 1978; Crowe,
tern of characteristics was also different, with boys 1974). Moreover, these studies found that in cases
showing aggression as a reason for referral while for where antisocial behavior is present in both adoptive
girls it was sexual acting out. and biological parents, the impact of the biological
parents' influence is more pronounced (Mednick &
Hutchings, 1978).
Developmental Course Kazdin (1991) suggests that the concordance of
There is a high concordance between conduct prob- conduct disorder in twins from families with a his-
lems in early childhood and these same difficulties tory of antisocial personality disorder may point to
in adolescence (Loeber, 1990; Rutter, 1983a). It has the fact that while genetics plays some role in the
been suggested that there may be at least two dif- development of this disorder, environment also con-
fering expressions of conduct disorder (Patterson, tributes a significant amount of influence. For ex-
DeBaryshe, & Ramsey, 1990). Thefirstis that of the ample, siblings of conduct-disordered children also
child who begins with oppositional behaviors in pre- are morefrequentlyconduct-disordered than would
school and the elementary years and develops into be expected solely on the basis of genetic factors
aggressive behavior and lying and stealing in middle (Cloninger, Reich, & Guze, 1975). Particular contri-
childhood, with significant behavioral difficulties in butions to conduct disorder are family characteristics
adolescence. The second pathway is that of the child such as marital discord, psychiatric dysfunction, dis-
who first evidences conduct problems in adolescence continuous mothering, and substance abuse
after a fairly normal childhood. The prognosis is (Hutchings & Mednick, 1975). These studies suggest
poorer for the early starter than the later starter; fur- that there is an interplay of genetics and environment
ther, oppositional defiant disorder in early childhood for the development of this disorder. These studies
is considered a significant risk factor (White, Moffitt, are just beginning to attempt to document the com-
Earls, & Robins, 1990). plex relationship between environmental and genetic
influences on this disorder.
Genetic Factors
It is likely that conduct disorder is the result of the
Family Factors
interaction of several genetic correlates and environ- The most well documented related variable to con-
mental variables. Moreover, children with a genetic duct disorder is parent and family attributes and be-
predisposition to conduct disorder have been hypoth- haviors. Families of children with conduct disorder

evidence considerable stress (McGee, Silva, & Wil- ment except that they tend to be small for their gesta-
liams, 1984; Patterson, 1982), with frequent sub- tional age (McGee et al., 1984). There are few stud-
stance abuse and criminal activity (West, 1982) and ies of young conduct-disordered children. Most of
a higher incidence of familial psychopathology the studies are related to older children. Given the
(Frick, Lahey, Christ, Loeber, & Green, 1991). highfrequencyof accidental head injury in this popu-
Particularly problematic in families with a history lation (Pincus & Tucker, 1978), the neuro-
of conduct disorder are patterns of inconsistent and psychological profile of these children is confounded
highly punitive child control procedures (Dumas, by these injuries.
1989; Loeber & Dishion, 1983). Similarly, these fami- Cognitive factors have been found to be related to
lies very infrequently reinforce positive behaviors or conduct problems (Dodge, 1993). Children with con-
evidence prosocial relationships (Dumas & Wahler, duct disorder have been found to have a negative re-
1985). Therefore, the parentchild interactions are sponse bias and to interpret even ambiguous stimuli
fraught with negative interactions and very few posi- as negative and hostile toward them (Dodge, Price,
tive exchanges and are highly predictive of childhood Bachorowski, & Newman, 1990). Difficulties with
conduct disorder (Pettit, Bates, & Dodge, 1993). problem-solving skills, a rigid response style, and ste-
In addition to negative parentchild interactions, reotyped responses to conflictual situations have fre-
the families of children with conduct disorder are quently been found in children with conduct disorder
more likely to engage in substance abuse than are (Short & Shapiro, 1993; Spivack, Piatt, & Shure,
those of other children (Frick et al., 1992; Lahey, 1976).
Piacentini, et al., 1987). These parents also have a In a study designed to isolate neuropsychological
higher incidence of antisocial personality disorder correlates offrontallobe dysfunction in two groups
(Cadoret, Troughton, & O'Gorman, 1987). In stud- of adjudicated adolescents, Linz, Hooper, Hynd, Isaac,
ies designed to untangle the relationship between sub- and Gibson (1990) did not find a profile of
stance abuse, parental antisocial personality disorder, neuropsychological dysfunction to be diagnostic of
and childhood conduct disorder, parental substance conduct disorder. Some studies have found that ver-
abuse was not associated with criminality in children, bal mediation does not appear to be as well devel-
while parental antisocial personality disorder was oped in children with conduct disorder as in other
highly associated (Frick etal., 1992;McCord, 1991). children (Hare & Jutal, 1988; Raine, O'Brien, Smiley,
Children with conduct disorder have been found to Seerbo, & Chan, 1990). Similarly, Moffitt (1993)
be more likely than control children to have parents found deficits in verbal and auditory-verbal memory
with antisocial disorders (Faraone, Biederman, skills in conduct-disordered children compared to
Keenan, & Tsuang, 1991; Frick et al., 1992; Lahey, normal controls. In this study the children with con-
Piacentini, et al., 1987). Finally, a study of adopted duct disorder scored more poorly on the Rey Audi-
children found that these children's conduct problems tory Verbal Learning Test; Verbal Fluency; and the
were highly correlated with antisocial personality dis- WISC subtests of Information, Similarities, Arith-
order in their biological parentage and not correlated metic, and Vocabulary. Tramontana and Hooper
with their adoptive family (Jarey & Stewart, 1985). (1989) suggest that this difficulty in language may
Therefore, a specific relationship between parental an- translate into impulsive acting out when the child
tisocial personality disorder and conduct disorder has faces a provoking situation because verbal reasoning
been documented and appears specific to this disorder. and judgment skills are deficient. Support for this hy-
pothesis comesfromstudies that have found 15-point
verbal < performance scores on the WTSC-R to be
Neuropsychological Correlates highly predictive of recidivism in adjudicated delin-
Children with conduct disorder have not been found quents (Haynes & Bensch, 1981).
to differ from normal controls in perinatal develop- Moffitt (1988, 1993) and colleagues (Moffitt &

Henry, 1989) have found executive function deficits gether and form gangs that become involved in de-
in a sample of children with conduct disorder. When linquent behaviors in adolescence (Cairns, Cairns,
conduct disorder co-occurred with ADHD, the scores Neckerman, Gest, & Gariepy, 1988; Dishion &
were poorer than for either disorder alone. White et Loeber, 1985).
al. (1991) found that children with conduct disorder
showed higher measures of impulsivity than other
groups even with IQ and social class controlled.
Implications for Assessment
Pennington and Bennetto (1993) suggest that chil- Because conduct disorder is rarely diagnosed before
dren with conduct disorder with concomitant verbal age 6, most young preschoolers with behavioral dif-
and executive function deficits are at higher risk for ficulties arefrequentlydiagnosed as having opposi-
significant aggressive and antisocial behaviors. tional defiant disorder (Webster-Stratton, 1993). A
Children with conduct disorder also have been diagnosis of conduct disorder requires that the be-
studied as to their response to reward and punishment. havioral difficulties must have lasted for at least six
These children have been found to show a greater months and that at least three of the following symp-
tendency to respond to the cues of a reward toms are present (APA, 1994):
(Gorenstein & Newman, 1980; Newman, Patterson,
& Kosson, 1987) and are unable to delay responding Cruelty to people and/or animals
for a reward (Shapiro, Quay, Hogan, & Schwartz, Stealing or breaking and entering
1988). A study investigating sensitivity to reward Lying and cheating in school activities
found that conduct-disordered children are exquis- Aggression
itely sensitive to reward and unable to inhibit respond- Setting fires
ing in mixed-incentive situations (Shapiro et al., School truancy
1988). Daugherty and Quay (1991) also found a per- Running awayfromhome at least twice
severative response set for reward in conduct-disor-
dered children. Children in this study continued mal- Diagnosis of conduct disorder is behavioral in na-
adaptive response patterns even though such re- ture, and a clinical structured interview is the pre-
sponses resulted in loss of rewards. ferred method of analysis (Webster-Stratton, 1993).
The key elements for diagnosing a severe conduct
disorder are as follows: (1) early onset of conduct
School and Academic Correlates problems; (2) presence of the problem behaviors in
Children with conduct disorder have been frequently many settings; (3) greater frequency, intensity, and
found to be poor readers (Bale, 1981) and to experi- severity of conduct difficulties; (4) presence of sev-
ence poor academic performance (Frick et al., 1991; eral types of misbehavior; (5) covert behavioral dif-
Tremblay et al., 1992), in addition to their commonly ficulties such as stealing and lying; and (6) family
expected disruptive behavior and poor school atten- characteristics (Kazdin, 1987).
dance (Finn, 1988; Herbert, 1987; Rincker, 1990).
Children with conduct disorder also have been found
to have poorer verbal skills, difficulty with informa- Implications for Intervention
tion processing (Semrud-Clikeman et al., 1992), and Given thefindingthat the earlier the child develops
deficient reasoning abilities. oppositional and conduct problems, the more severe
In addition to difficulties in learning, children with the problem, it is surprising that there so few early
conduct disorder experience peer rejection (Ladd, screening and intervention programs. Webster-
Hart, & Price, 1990; Patterson et al., 1990). Perhaps Stratton (1993) suggests that early intervention pro-
in reaction to such rejection, children with similarly grams would be appropriate to allow parents and
disruptive and aggressive behavior tend to group to- teachers to modify target behaviors before peer

rejection has taken place and negative school reputa- haviors to other settings (Patterson & Fleischman,
tions are in place. 1979; Webster-Stratton, 1984) and to untreated be-
Intervention programs have focused mainly on par- haviors (Arnold, Levine, & Patterson, 1975; Fore-
ent training programs. An exemplary training pro- hand & Long, 1986; Webster-Stratton, 1990).
gram was developed by the Oregon Social Learning Unfortunately, these improvements do not gener-
Center (Patterson, Reid, Jones, & Conger, 1975). The alize to the school setting (Breiner & Forehand, 1981).
parents are taught parenting skills by utilizing a task Direct child training combined with the parent pro-
analysis approach that breaks down the task and builds grams has been found to be the most effective and
each succeeding skill on skills already mastered. As ecologically valid method of intervention. These pro-
part of this approach, the parent is directly taught how grams include social skills training (Gresham &
to reward appropriate behavior and modify inappro- Nagle, 1980), academic and social skills training
priate behavior, as well as discipline procedures, how (Coie & Krehbiel, 1984), and training in behavioral
to supervise children, and problem-solving and child self-control skills (Bierman, Miller, & Stabb, 1987).
negotiation skills. Patterson and Chamberlain (1988) Additional programs target helping children to de-
reported that almost one-third of the time in training velop cognitive awareness of their feelings and their
is devoted to dealing with parental adjustment issues. ability to see situations from more than one perspec-
Another program developed by McMahon and tive (Camp & Bash, 1985; Kendall & Braswell, 1985).
Forehand (1984), based on a model introduced by Lochman, Lampon, Gemmer, and Harris (1987)
Hanf and Kling (1973), was specifically developed developed a school-based anger control program for
for working with younger conduct-disordered chil- CD youth between the ages of 9 and 12 years. Eigh-
dren. This program stresses teaching the parent to play teen sessions are designed to teach interpersonal prob-
with his or her child and, in so doing, to teach lem solving, awareness of anger signals, self-talk, and
prosocial behaviors. The goal is to teach the parent to self-control strategies. Role playing, modeling, be-
reward appropriate behavior and forestall the puni- havioral contracting, goal setting, reinforcement,
tive parenting process frequently seen in these and monitoring are built into this program.
families. Teacher training programs are also an important
Finally, a program developed by Webster-Stratton ingredient in working with conduct-disordered chil-
(1984) combines the McMahon and Forehand ap- dren. Interventions with conduct-disordered children
proach with the Patterson strategies. In addition, a generally have not involved their teachers. Such an
program to deal with the parents' personal issues of oversight might help to explain the difficulties with
the parent has been developed that encompasses skills generalization outside the clinic and home settings.
such as anger management, developing coping skills Kellam and Rebok (1992) have conducted one of
for negative feelings, promoting effective communi- the few studies utilizing a school-based intervention.
cation skills, and improving problem-solving skills In this study, children in first grade are trained in co-
(Webster-Stratton, 1993). This program utilizes video- operative behavior. Significant improvements have
taped vignettes of models appropriately demonstrat- been found in academic performance, social relation-
ing the necessary skills as well as less appropriate ships and disruptive behaviors.
methods of discipline. Thus, it appears that, given the myriad of difficul-
All of these programs have evidenced good re- ties of conduct-disordered children, the most appro-
viewsfromparents and short-term evaluation (Cross priate intervention plan must include parent, home,
Calvert & McMahon, 1987; Webster-Stratton, 1989; and school. Moreover, these interventions must be
Webster-Stratton, Hollinsworth, & Kolpacoff, 1989). appropriate to the age of the child; be initiated at an
Improvement has been documented in parental change early age; teach prosocial behaviors; provide conse-
through home observation (Patterson, 1982; Webster- quences for inappropriate behaviors; and develop aca-
Stratton, 1985) and generalization of appropriate be- demic, verbal, and reasoning skills. In this manner,

thefrequentfinding of adult antisocial personality dis- Research on the neuropsychological and neuro-
order resulting from childhood conduct disorder can chemical underpinnings of these disorders is in its
be forestalled and reversed. infancy, and the contribution of neuropsychological
measures to treatment planning is just beginning. The
extent to which executive control deficits can be reli-
Conclusion ably measured and ultimately altered through psycho-
Futher research is necessary to shed light on the neu- social or behavioral interventions may presage future
rological and neuropsychological underpinings of models of neuropsychiatric disorders of childhood.
severe psychiatric and externalized disorders of chil- The child neuropsychologist and the clinical or
dren. Although there appear to be strong neurochemi- school psychologist have a wealth of information
cal models that help to explain the high rates of among them, none of which is solely within the pur-
comorbidity of these disorders, it is still unclear why view of one specialty. Neuropsychological assessment
neurotransmitter imbalances result in different behav- should add to an educational assessment or a child
ioral patterns (e.g., TS versus ADHD or TS versus clinical assessment and can provide knowledge about
conduct disorders). The picture is further complicated the child's functional level. Differential diagnosis of
by the repeated finding thatfrontallobe dysfunction ADHD versus depression or anxiety of conduct dis-
is prominent in so many neuropsychiatric disorders order versus information-processing deficits and of
(e.g., TS, ADHD, autism). It may be that further re- obsessive-compulsive disorder versus ADHD are just
search using rCBF imaging techniques will be help- some of the possibilities.
ful in this investigation, particularly if this technol- This chapter was designed to give the reader an
ogy can more clearly demonstrate differences in acti- overview of the genetic and neuropsychological cor-
vation in the variousfrontal-limbicregions that cor- relates of the more commonly seen neuropsychiatric
respond to specific neurochemical pathways (e.g., NE, disorders. A further goal of this chapter was to dis-
DA, and SE brain circuits). cuss these disorders so that astute school and clinical
In externalizing disorders, the environment, ge- psychologists, in addition to the neuropsychologist,
netics, and behavior interact with the child, and he or recognize the interplay of brain function and behav-
she in turns acts on the environment. The genetic and ior and glean suggestions for assessment that are
neurochemical evidence discussed in relation to the within his or her expertise. The two roles are comple-
disorders in this chapter sets the stage and needs to mentary and not distinct. One of the purposes of this
be considered as a constraint the child works against, book is to provide the child clinician with basic un-
works with, or works around. Family interactions are derstanding of these disorders, as well as methods
another level that overlay the child's genetic back- for screening these possibilities when confronted with
ground and development. Assessment of all of these the dilemma of differential diagnosis.
areas is crucial to a full understanding not only of the
child but also of brain-behavior functioning.


Neuropsychiatric disorders in children are believed and anterior regions on the CT scans. These chil-
to "occur because the normal processes of brain matu- dren also had neuropsychological deficits consistent
ration do not occur in a sufficiently organized man- with right-hemispheric-mediated disorders. Thus,
ner" (Cook & Leventhal, 1992, p. 640). These disor- children with psychiatric difficulties appear also to
ders arise as a result of pathoanatomic differences experience neuropsychological difficulties.
present either pre- or postnatally. Axons myelinate, Environmental variables may well interact with
synaptic connections are formed, and the arrangement neuroanatomical differences to produce various types
of these synapses into networks continues into ado- of comorbid disorders. In a review of 100 studies,
lescence and young adulthood and corresponds to the Werry, Reeves, and Gail (1987) concluded that chil-
develop of complex human behavior. Abnormalities dren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
in the regulation of axonal-synaptic processes have (ADHD) with comorbid anxiety disorder showed less
been hypothesized to underlie such childhood disor- disturbed and deprived backgrounds than did chil-
ders as obsessive compulsive-disorder, attention defi- dren with conduct disorder and comorbid anxiety dis-
cit hyperactivity disorder, and Tourette syndrome order. It was also concluded that the ADHD-plus-
(Cook & Leventhal, 1992). Moreover, interference anxiety children exhibited more internalizing than ex-
in the developmental process of one brain region most ternalizing problems, were less impulsive, and had
likely affects the development of other areas as well fewer neurodevelopmental disorders than those with
(Reitan & Wolfson, 1985a; Tranel, 1992). For ex- conduct disorder plus anxiety.
ample, preschool children with developmental delays Neuropsychiatric disorders have generally had the
in language frequently experience developmental emphasis placed on the psychiatric portion of the la-
delays in cognition and motor skills (Semrud- bel and not on the neuro segment. Although much of
Clikeman & Hynd, 1991a). the data available for these disorders comesfromthe
Neuropsychological difficulties have been found psychiatry and clinical psychology literature, neuro-
in groups of children with undifferentiated psychiat- psychologists arefrequentlyfaced with distinguish-
ric diagnoses. Tramontana and Sherrets (1985) com- ing between attentional problems due to ADHD and
pared CAT scans and neuropsychological test data those due to depression; the overlap of anxiety and
for children with psychiatric diagnoses without a his- depression with some types of learning disabilities
tory of brain damage. The results of this study found (Rourke, Young, & Leenaars, 1989) and ADHD
that 50% of the sample had neurologic abnormalities (Biederman, 1990), and distinguishing psychiatric
with signs of lower density in the right hemisphere disorders from organic disorders. While many of the


same measures may be utilized by the child clinical INTERNALIZING DISORDERS

psychologist and the child neuropsychologist to iden-
Internalizing disorders have been defined as those
tify psychiatric disorders, the interpretation ofthe data
disorders that are covert in nature and are experienced
may differ. The child neuropsychologist gives addi-
internally by the client. Such disorders include the
tional emphasis to possible organic involvement and
diagnoses of anxiety, depression, obsessive-compul-
a thorough understanding of the brainbehavior func-
sive disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, and
tion. Utilizing a transactional approach to assessment
somatic disorders. These disorders have recently be-
enables both types of clinicians to recognize the in-
come of interest to researchers and clinicians alike,
terplay between the environment and the individual.
perhaps because of the emergence of cognitive-be-
Thus, a child who is biologically predisposed to an
havioral perspectives (Meichenbaum, Bream, &
affective disorder will interact with the environment-
Cohen, 1985, Reynolds, 1990a). For example, knowl-
and the environment in turn will react and then act on
edge of the nature and correlates of depression, anxi-
the individual-in a manner different from that of a
ety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and somatic dis-
typically developing child. These transactional dif-
orders has appeared in the past 10 to 15 years
ferences likely shape the child's perceptions of the
(Reynolds, 1990b).
environment, and in turn, how he or she reacts to the
world. In contrast to externalizing disorders (discussed
in Chapter 6), which are characterized as behavioral
As you will read in this chapter and the next, it is
in nature, internalizing disorders are viewed as emo-
important to recognize that there is a great deal of
tionally driven. As with all taxonomies, the distinc-
overlap between clinical psychology, school psychol-
tion between externalizing and internalizing disor-
ogy, and neuropsychology. Very few measures are
ders becomes blurred in real practice with children
within the sole domain of any one specialty. It is,
and adolescents qualifying for both diagnoses. For
rather, the interpretation and the planning that may
example, a sizable minority of children with atten-
differ between the specialties.
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, an exter-
Although there is evidence that some disorders
nalizing disorder) have also been found to present
have specific neuropsychological profiles (i.e.,
with depression (Biederman, Baldessarini, Wright,
Tourette; Sutherland, Kolb, Schoel, Whishaw, &
Knee, & Harmatz, 1989) or anxiety (Biederman,
Davis, 1982), and others do not (i.e., schizophrenia;
Munir, Keenan, & Tsuang, 1991). Moreover, some
Heaton, Badde, & Johnson, 1978), Kolb and Whishaw
children with depression can be found to experience
(1990) suggest that use of neuropsychological knowl-
significant behavioral difficulties (Semrud-Clikeman
edge in assessment of the traditional psychiatric pa-
& Hynd, 1991a). Further, internalizing disorders also
tient can add valuable information about cognitive
may comorbid with one another (Strauss, Last,
abilities and aid in establishment of appropriate treat-
Hersen, & Kazdin, 1988). To complicate matters
ment protocols. With this view in mind, the follow-
further, there is considerable disagreement as to the
ing sections briefly review the neuropsychological un-
methods for diagnosis and treatment (Cantwell,
derpinnings of selected neuropsychiatry disorders.
1988; Quay, 1986a). Given the very nature of in-
This chapter will explore childhood internaliz-
ternalizing disorders, the severity and observability
ing disorders within a transactional model. Genetic,
of symptoms may not be easily recognized by the
prenatal, and postnatal history will be discussed in
child's caretakers and/or teachers. Therefore, these
light of how these factors interact with neuro-
disorders are challenging for the main players in
psychological, cognitive, perceptual, and memory func-
the child's life as well as for clinicians.
tioning. Moreover, the impact of these factors will be
Neuropsychological correlates of these disorders
interpreted in theframeworkof the influence of these
are just beginning to be assessed, and research in
factors on the child's functioning (family, school, and
this area is sketchy at best.
social interactions).
The following sections are not meant to be exhaus-

tive of all internalizing disorders. The disorders that bouts of depression. Twenty to thirty percent of chil-
are included in this review are depression and anxiety. dren and adolescents with depression have been found
to have a bipolar disorder when followed over time
(Waterman & Ryan, 1993). Bipolar depression is rare
Childhood Depression in children, with greater frequency of occurrence
Childhood depression as defined by DSM-IV requires found in adolescents (Goodwin & Jamison, 1990).
that child must have experienced the following symp- Unipolar depression has been found to be more het-
toms for 6 months or longer nearly every day: sad or erogeneous in genetic origin as well as more suscep-
dysphoric mood (in children, mood can be irritable), tible to familial and environmental contribution
loss of interest in previously enjoyable events, sig- (Waterman & Ryan, 1993).
nificant weight gain or loss, sleeping problems (e.g., Issues of comorbidity need to be considered, as
too little or too much sleep), lack of energy; exces- depression may underlie disorders that are classified
sive guilt or feelings of worthlessness, difficulty with as externalizing in nature.
concentration, and thoughts of death or suicide (APA,
1994, p. 327). In the school setting, children with de-
pression may appear withdrawn, resist social contact,
at times refuse to attend school and show academic Depression in childhood has been found to co-occur
difficulties (Shaw, 1988). with anxiety, ADHD, and conduct disorder. Kovacs
Depression in childhood may last for years and et al. (1984) found in their sample of depressed and
extend into adulthood (Kovacs, 1985; Kovacs et al., dysthymic children that 33% of the depressed chil-
1984), lead to suicidality (Reynolds, 1990a), and be dren and 36% of the dysthymic children also had anxi-
more widespread than has previously been recognized ety disorders. Tisher (1983) found that 42% of chil-
(Silver, 1988). Silver (1988) reported that a diagno- dren with school refusal had low self-esteem and de-
sis of depression was present in 17.9% of all children pressive symptoms. He concluded that the high pro-
under age 18 admitted to psychiatric hospitals. Over- portion of school refusers with a comorbid major de-
all prevalence has been estimated to be between 6% pression may raise the hypothesis that children with
and 12% in adolescents (Kashani, Rosenberg, & Reid, school phobia represent a subgroup of those with
1989), with a lower incidence present in childhood major depression.
(Anderson, Williams, McGee, & Silva, 1987; Biederman et al. (1991) found that depression co-
Reynolds, 1990a). There are no gender differences in occurs with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at
childhood depression until the middle to late teenage approximately an incidence level of 30% to 40%. For
years (Semrud-Clikeman & Hynd, 1991a). these children, prescription of an antidepressant re-
Depression has been found to occur concurrently solved the depressive symptoms as well as the inat-
with anxiety disorders (Munir, Biederman, & Knee, tention and hyperactivity.
1987; Strauss et al., 1988), conduct disorders (Alessi Puig-Antich (1982) found that approximately one-
& Magen, 1988), and attention deficit hyperactivity third of his sample of preadolescents with major de-
disorder (Steingard, Biederman, Doyle, & Sprich- pressive disorder also met the criteria for conduct dis-
Buckminster et al., 1992; Biederman et al., 1989). It order. A strong majority of these children responded
has been hypothesized that a child with a dual diag- favorably to antidepressants for the depressive symp-
nosis will evidence a more severe disorder, with a toms, with the conduct problems also being resolved
poorer prognosis (Kovacs, 1989). following medication. Kovacs et al. (1984) found that
It is also important to recognize that major depres- conduct disorder predated the major depressive symp-
sion can be subdivided into bipolar and unipolar toms in 7% of a depressed sample as well as in 11%
forms. The bipolar form of depression requires that of the sample of children with dysthymic disorder.
one or more episodes of mania occur, in addition to Therefore, it may well be that major depression

puts the child at risk for the development of anxiety ence between the two groups in terms of demograph-
disorders and externalizing behaviors. It is crucial that ics, health, or other maternal health areas. There were
the child be evaluated for these disorders as well as three conditions: (1) mother playing with the infant,
for the presenting problem of depression. It is also (2) mother walking to the door, and (3) mother out of
possible that there is a tendency to develop an affec- the room. The groups differed in the EEG patterns
tive disorder and that the environmental and familial for all conditions. There was less frontally based
aspects of the particular child mediate how the disor- arousal during all of the conditions in the depressed
der is expressed. Although work in the area of co- infants. These electrophysiological findings were sig-
morbidity is currently progressing, there arefewstud- nificant for the conditions even when the behavioral
ies that have evaluated these disorders outside of a manifestations of the babies did not appear to be ob-
clinical sample. servably different.

Genetic Factors Neuropsychological Correlates

Bipolar and unipolar depressive disorders have been Childhood depression has been found to be associ-
found to differ not only in terms of symptomatology ated with a highfrequencyof neurological soft signs
but also in terms of genetic contributions (Gershon, compared to normal children (MacAuslan, 1975), and
1990). Bipolar depression has been found to be most has also been found to be afrequentsequela to head
likely a genetically based disorder, whereas unipolar injury in children (Rutter, 1983b). Several studies
depression is related to both genetic and environmen- have found evidence of right-hemispheric involve-
tal contributions. Torgesen (1986) studied 151 same- ment in children with depression, with antidepres-
sex twins for incidence of bipolar and unipolar de- sants improving performance on tasks sensitive to
pression. He found that 10 had bipolar depression, frontal and right-hemisphere functioning (Staton,
92 had major depression, 35 had dysthymia, and 14 Wilson, & Brumback, 1981; Tramontana & Hooper,
had adjustment disorder with depressed mood. He 1989).
further found a 75% concordance rate for bipolar de- Electrophysiology has been found to be helpful in
pression in monozygotic twins and close to 0% con- evaluating the neuropsychological correlates of de-
cordance in dizygotic twins. Furthermore, he found a pression. Right-hemisphere cognitive dysfunction and
27% concordance rate for major depression in mono- EEG hyperarousal in unipolar depression were found,
zygotic twins and a 12% rate for dizygotic twins, with whereas bipolar depression was found to be associ-
a 40% concordance rate for psychotic depression in ated with right-hemispheric abnormalities in depres-
monozygotic twins compared to 15% in dizygotic sion and lef- hemispheric abnormalities during the
twins. Torgesen (1986) concluded that unipolar and manic episodes of this disorder (Sackheim, Decina,
bipolar depression are two different disorders, with & Malitz, 1982). Other studies have produced con-
bipolar and severe (i.e., psychotic) depression more flicting results, with some finding EEG patterns dif-
likely to be genetically transmitted. fering in depressed children (Mendlewicz, Brown,
Minichiello, Millican, & Rapoport, 1984; Rochford,
Weinapple, & Goldstein, 1981), while others have not
Prenatal and Postnatal Factors found evidence of specific hemispheric abnormali-
A study by Geraldine Dawson and colleagues (1992) ties on EEG (Knott, Waters, Lapierre, & Gray, 1985).
of depressed teenage mothers with 11- to 17-month- Therefore, it appears that additional studies investi-
old infants found similar slowing of the left frontal gating die neuropsychological correlates of childhood
EEG brain waves in both mothers and infants. No depression are needed in order to determine more
such slowing was found in a matched group of teen- firmly which brain abnormalities exist in depression.
age mothers and their babies. There was no differ- Moreover, research that evaluates different types of

depression and their relationship to child psychopa- Family and Home Factors
thology needs to be completed in order to provide us
Children with depressionfrequentlyhave been found
with more information about the underpinnings of this
to have parents with affective disorders (Reid &
Morrison, 1983). Beardslee, Keller, and Kierman
(1985) found the presence of depression in 24% of
the children from 37 families in which at least one
Intellectual, Perceptual, Attention, parent was found to be diagnosed with major depres-
and Memory Functioning sion. Moreover, severity of depression in the parent
was strongly positively correlated with greater im-
PET scans and blood flow studies (Kolb & Whishaw,
pairment in children. Beardslee et al. (1985) also
1990) have indicated a bilateral reduction of cerebral
found that maternal depression was strongly related
activity. This diffuse reduction of activity may be
to greater impairment in the child. No such relation-
neuropsychological^ reflected in poorer cognitive
ship was established for paternal depression.
processing on many tasks. It is believed that the se-
Beardslee et al. (1985) concluded that this finding
verity of the deficit would be related to the difficulty
may suggest an X-linked transmission of depression
of the task rather than to any specific type of task.
and/or environmental factors involved in the etiol-
Therefore, overall intellectual functioning would be
ogy of depression.
depressed, as would attention span and memory. Dif-
Similarly, in a sample of mothers with affective
ficulties would not necessarily be related to these tasks
disorder, Hammen (1990) found that children of
but would relate to the ability of the subject to garner
affectively ill mothers had higher lifetime rates of
cortical arousal to solve the problems. Children with
psychopathology as well as higher lifetime rates of
depression often are found to experience difficulty
affective disorders compared to children from par-
with new learning, completion of work assignments,
ents who were medically ill or without psychiatric
and concentration. These difficulties may be related
disorders. Hammen (1990) found that when both par-
to lower cortical arousal than to any regional or task-
ents possessed affective disorders, the child had an
related deficit.
80%riskfor development of psychopathology; when
Another strategy for studying the neuro-
one parent was affected, the risk dropped to approxi-
psychological correlates has been to evaluate the per-
mately 67%. Weissman (1987) found that a child who
formance of depressed children on neuropsycho-
had an affective disorder and was younger than 20 at
logical measures. Kaslow, Rehm, and Siegel (1984)
onset was 1.6 times more likely to have a family his-
found that higher scores on the Children's Depres-
tory of depression compared to a normal control popu-
sion Inventory (CDI) were negatively correlated with
lation. For this sample, the peak onset of depression
scores on Block Design, Coding and Digit Span on
was at 12 years of age. Moreover, alcoholism was
the WISC-R. Similarly, Blumberg and Izard (1985)
found 2.3 times more often in these children than in
found that their sample of girls performed more poorly
the normal control sample.
on the Block Design, particularly when elevated
scores on the CDI are found.
Children with bipolar depression also have been
found to experience difficulty on performance-based
Implications for Assessment
tasks rather than on verbal measures (Dencina et al., Depression has been found to affect performance on
1983). Tramontana and Hooper (1989) suggest that neuropsychological and psychological assessment
children with depression may show these types of (Flor-Henry, 1986). Slower response time and de-
patterns because of their depressed concentration and pressed completion times on speeded tasks are an area
motor speed rather than as a result of right-hemi- the examining neuropsychologist needs to pay par-
spheric dysfunction per se. ticular attention. For example, a child or adolescent

who is severely depressed may have decreased atten- Table 7.1. Diagnostic Criteria for a Diagnosis of Major
tion to detail or lowered reaction speed which can Depression Using the DSM-IV
reduce scores on the performance subtests of the Major Depressive Episode
WISC-in as well as on timed tasks such as Trails Aand 1. At least five of the following signs which have been present
B, the Tactual Performance Test, Stroop, and others. for two consecutive weeks with an accompanying depressed
mood or loss of interest or pleasure:
In addition to attention problems, depressed cli-
a. Depressed or irritable mood for most of the day and
ents have been found to experience problems with nearly every day (can be by self-report or observation)
new learning (Caine, 1986). When the same infor- b. Pronounced diminishment of interest and pleasure in
mation is presented in a very structured format, learn- previously enjoyed activities
c. Significant weight loss or gain; a decrease or increase in
ing improves dramatically (Weingarten, Gold, appetite
Ballenger et al., 1981). Therefore, it is not a learning d. Difficulty sleeping or too much sleeping nearly every
problem per se but, rather, a presentation problem. day
e. Agitation or lethargy
For something to be learned, it must first be attended f. Lack of energy or overwhelming feelings of fatigue
to, and if attention is deficient poorer performance g. Feelings of excessive or inappropriate guilt and worth-
follows (Cohen, Weingarten, Smallberg, & Murphy, lessness
h. Difficulty with concentration and ability to make every-
1982). Retrieval deficits are also frequently seen in day decisions
depressed clients (Firth, Stevens, Johnstone, et al., i. Thoughts of death or suicidal ideation
1983). Problems in both remote and newly acquired Under DSM-IV criteria (APA, 1994) these symptoms must also
information are found. These difficulties ameliorate cause significant distress or impairment in an important part of
after recovery from depression (Caine, 1986). the client's life. These symptoms also must not be due to phys-
iological effects of a substance, be due to a general medical
Therefore, clients with depression may present in condition, or be associated with delusions or hallucinations. In
much the same manner as those with organic prob- addition, if the symptoms are due to the loss of a loved one, the
symptoms must be present for more than two months and
lems. The astute clinician will recognize such over- involved functional impairment.
lap and sekk to differentiate, if at all possible, be-
tween the two types of disorders. Clues for differen- Source: Reprinted with permissionfromtheDiagnostic and
Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Copy-
tiation may be found in specific areas of the child's right 1994 American Psychiatric Association..
social functioning/relationships (e.g., isolation, rejec-
tion, withdrawal, etc.) and emotional adjustment/well-
being (e.g., overwhelming feelings of sadness, pro-
longed/chronic feelings of sadness/depression, etc.). depression (Kazdin, 1987). Therefore an assessment
In cases where such a distinction is not possible, re- for suspected depression needs to include informa-
testing should be pursued after a trial of medication tion directly from the child or adolescent as well as
and/or therapy is attempted. information from teachers and parents.
Diagnosis of depression involves gathering infor-
mation about the client and matching this informa- Clinical interviews. Clinical interviews have been
tion to the DSM-IV criteria for a diagnosis of depres- found to be one of the most sensitive methods of as-
sion. Table 7.1 presents these criteria. It is recom- sessment (Puig-Antich & Gittelman, 1982; Reynolds,
mended that the diagnosis be made on the basis of a 1990b). Interviews allow information to be gathered
multi-informant, multimethod procedure. Although from multiple sources, answers more fully queries
multimethod procedures provide the best information, about the severity, duration, andfrequencyof depres-
it is important to recognize that poor concordance has sive symptoms and provides a comparison of the child
been found between raters (Semrud-Clikeman & or adolescent's feelings with his or her developmen-
Hynd, 1991a). Particularly important is the finding tal and mental age. For the interested reader, a re-
that the child/adolescent is a reliable source of view of the various clinical interviews is presented in
information about his or her subjective feelings of Semrud-Clikeman and Hynd (1991a).

Rating scales. The Children's Depression Inventory extremely painful and have repercussions for present
(CDI; Kovacs, 1979) is the mostfrequentlyutilized and future adjustment. Relapses following treatment
rating scale and has had the greatest amount of re- or poor progress in the initial stages of treatment may
search. The CDI consists of 27 items with three alter- exacerbate the disorder and prolong the subjective
natives to each question measuring severity of symp- feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and sadness
toms (the higher the number, the more severe). A cut- (Reynolds, 1990a). Treatment of depression often
off of 13 is recommended for a diagnosis of depres- combinespharmocotherapy and psychotherapy. Each
sion (Kovacs, 1979). However, a cutoff this low has of these treatment strategies will be discussed further.
been found to overidentify children (Semrud-
Clikeman & Hynd, 1991a). The CDI may be best used Pharmocotherapy. The etiology of depressive disor-
as a screening measure, after which further diagnosis ders has been explored through examining neurotrans-
may rest on clinical interviews and other rating scale mitter systems affected by antidepressant medications.
measures. Antidepressant medications affect the systems in
Other rating scales include the Reynolds Child which the primary neurotransmitters are norepineph-
Depression Scale (W. M. Reynolds, 1989), the rine and/or serotonin. These medications affect the
Children's Depression Rating Scale (Poznanski et ability of systems to increase or decrease the release
al., 1984), and the Hamilton Depression Rating of these neurotransmitters or to affect the ability of
Scale (Hamilton, 1967). Although these scales may the postsynaptic receptors to absorb these neurotrans-
also be used (or if the CDI has been used most re- mitters (Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessel, 1993). Although
cently), the results may be redundant with the CDI, it is not clear what the pathophysiology of unipolar
and all of these measures take a longer time to or bipolar depression is, both of these systems ap-
administer. pear to be involved in mood disorders (Comings,
If depression is suspected, use of both the struc- 1990; Waterman & Ryan, 1993).
tured interview and the CDI can most efficiently and For bipolar depression in children and adolescents,
reliably answer the diagnostic questions posed to the lithium carbonate is the most commonly used phar-
examiner. In cases where difficulty remains in diag- macological agent. When lithium carbonate is utilized,
nosis due to an unwillingness by the child or adoles- kidney and thyroid functions need to be monitored
cent to discuss his or her feelings, projective tech- every six months. The primary pharmacotherapy for
niques such as the Rorschach, Roberts Apperception unipolar depression is the use of tricyclic antidepres-
Test, or Thematic Apperception Test should be con- sants. These medications block the reuptake of nore-
sidered. These measures are beyond the confines of pinephrine and/or serotonin, which in turn increases
this book, and the interested reader is referred to Mar- the effect of these neurotransmitters on the synapse
tin (1988) or Exner (1993). If an omnibus rating scale (Waterman & Ryan, 1993). Several studies have found
is indicated, then the Self-Report Scale of the Behav- improvement in children and adolescents when these
ioral Assessment Scale for Children (Reynolds & compounds are used (Preskorn, Weller, & Weller,
Kamphaus, 1992) is recommended. See Chapter 5 for 1982; Preskorn, Weller, & Hughes, 1987; Puig-Antich
a brief review. et al., 1987). Other studies have not conclusively
found improvement from the use of antidepressants
(Geller, Cooper, & McCombs, 1989; Kramer &
Implications for Intervention
Feiguine, 1981).
Treatment of depression must be conducted by pro- In a review of psychopharmocology in childhood
fessionals with training and sensitivity to the subjec- and adolescent depression, Waterman and Ryan
tively felt distress of the child or adolescent. Distur- (1993) suggest that studies demonstrating the effi-
bances in concentration, feelings of guilt and worry, cacy of medications for depression do not now exist.
self-destructive thoughts, and social withdrawal are Despite this finding, these clinicians suggest that

given the long-term course of depression, the pos- discover the most efficacious methods of treatment.
sible morbidity, and the psychic pain experienced, Unipolar depression may be related to environmen-
medication is warranted if the child shows a severe tal factors as much as to biological factors. Treatment
form of depression, psychosocial treatment has not of familial difficulties along with psychopharmo-
been successful, and hospitalization is considered. cology and child treatment may bethe best avenue
Frequent communication between home, school, and for success.
physician is recommended, particularly with regard
to assignment completion and rate of social
Anxiety Disorders
Therefore, it is important that the child's progress There are three major subdivisions of anxiety disor-
be closely monitored; that consultation between ders as defined by DSM-IV (APA, 1994): Separation
school, home, and physician be maintained; and fi- Anxiety Disorder, Overanxious Disorder, and
nally, that psychosocial interventions be continued. Avoidant Disorder. The common theme in these dis-
orders is intense subjective distress which in turn is
Psychosocial interventions. Treatment case studies of related to maladaptive behaviors developed as a
depressed children have indicated that a multimodal means for coping with the child or adolescent's feel-
(psychotherapy plus pharmocology) treatment for ings. The manifestations of the disorder vary in rela-
depression is effective (Frame, Matson, Sonis, tion to the object of fear or anxiety. For separation
Fialkov, & Kazdin, 1982; Petti, Bornstein, Dalamater, anxiety disorder the emphasis is on separationfroma
& Conners, 1980). Control group treatment of de- caregiver; for overanxious disorder the crux of the
pression have been found to have mixed results. One anxiety is related to worry and fear concerning a
of the few treatment studies conducted in a school myriad of different situations and events; finally, for
setting found children who received social skills train- avoidant disorder social interactions are excessively
ing or cognitive restructuring therapy improved (But- feared. Francis, Last, and Strauss (1992) found that
ler, Miezitis, Friedman, & Cole, 1980). However, a in clinic-referred children anxiety accounts for 84%
control group of depressed children also improved of diagnoses with 16% having a diagnosis of avoidant
during this same time. Another study utilized cogni- disorder. Table 7.2 presents the criteria associated
tive-behavioral treatments including problem-solving with each of these types of anxiety disorders. Over-
therapy, training in self-monitoring, and self-control anxiousness is found to be comorbid with depression
training (Stark, Reynolds, & Kaslow, 1987). This and with avoidant disorder; rarely is avoidant disor-
study found an 88% improvement rate for the self- der a reason for referral.
control group, in contrast to a 67% improvement rate Additional types of anxiety disorders found in
for the control group. Similarfindingswere presented childhood include obsessive-compulsive disorder and
in a study by Kahn, Kehle, Jenson, and Clark (1990). posttraumatic stress disorder. Obsessive-compulsive
Thus, it appears that psychosocial training that in- disorder is diagnosed when recurrent and distressing
volves cognitive restructuring, training in self-moni- thoughts or drive lead to a repetitive or irrational be-
toring, and problem solving can be successful when havior, which in turn causes anxiety when resisted
used by a trained clinician. (Baer & Jenike, 1990). This disorder more typically
In summary, the efficacy of psychopharmoco- is found in adolescence (Strauss, 1990) but can also
logieal intervention for childhood depression is not be found in childhood (Hollingsworth, Tanguay,
clear at this time. The beginning emergence of stud- Grossman, & Pabst, 1980; Rapoport et al., 1981). In
ies that utilize psychosocial intervention indicates im- the early stages of this disorder, the child or adoles-
provement when cognitive-behavioral treatment is cent may experience relatively little impairment and
used. As controlled studies of psychopharmocology the symptoms are generally manageable (Adams,
and therapeutic techniques appear, the field may well Waas, March, & Smith, 1995). The symptoms in-

Table 7.2. Anxiety Disorders as Defined by the DSM-IV Avoidance of any stimuli associated with the traumatic event
and numbing, including at least three of the following:
Separation Anxiety Disorder 1. Avoidance of thoughts, feelings, or talk about the event
Anxiety that is developmentally excessive and inappropriate 2. Avoidance of places, activities, or people associated with or
involving separation from home or caretakers, and with three of resembling the event
the following signs present: 3. Amnesia for the event or important parts of the event
1. Extreme distress when separated from home or caretakers 4. Diminished interest in previously enjoyed activities
2. Fear of losing or harm happening to the caretakers 5. Detachment and separation from others
3. Fear of permanent separation from caretakers 6. Constricted affective behavior
4. Inability to go to school or anywhere without the caretakers 7. Sense of not expecting to live long or to fulfill commonly
5. Fear of being home without the caretaker experienced life events
6. Inability to sleep without the caretaker close by Persistent behaviors including at least two of the following:
7. Nightmares having separation themes
8. Physical symptoms such asfrequentheadaches and stomach 1. Problems with insomnia or hypersomnia
aches happening when separation from the caretakers is 2. Irritability and volatility
imminent 3. Problems with concentration
4. High awareness of environment; on guard for environmental
These symptoms must occur for at least four weeks, and onset threats
is before 18 years of age. 5. Jumpy and nervous
Overanxious Disorder of Childhood Source: Reprinted with permissionfromthe Diagnostic and
Recurrent anxiety and worry occurring for at least six months Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Copy-
nearly every day with an inability to control these thoughts. right 1994 American Psychiatric Association.
This anxiety is associated with at least one of the following:
1. Overactivity and restlessness
2. Feelings of fatigue, problems sleeping
3. Problems with concentration
4. Irritability
5. Tight muscles crease in severity over time and eventually the child
or adolescent becomes dysfunctional (Leonard &
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts and image Swedo, 1996).
occur, causing anxiety. Posttraumatic stress disorder is characterized by anxi-
These are not excessive worries about current ety symptoms following a emotionally distressing event
experiences. that is unusual in normal human experience. A sum-
Attempts are made to ignore or suppress such
obsessions. mary ofthe criteria for a diagnosis ofposttraumatic stress
The person recognizes that these obsessions disorder is also contained in Table 7.2.
are a product of his or her own imagination.
Compulsions The person is driven to perform repetitive
behaviors. Incidence
The behaviors are performed to decrease or The incidence of anxiety disorders is approximately
prevent distress and/or some event.
7% to 8% in children (Graziano, DeGiovanni, &
The person recognizes that the obsessions/compulsion are ex-
cessive or unrealistic. The obsessions and compulsions cause Garcia, 1979). In a study utilizing a sample from a
great distress and interfere with the person's life. general population, Anderson et al. (1987) found that
separation anxiety was the most common type of anxi-
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
The person has been involved either directly or indirectly with ety disorder (3.5%); overanxious disorder and simple
a situation that involved extreme stress to the self or others, and phobia were in an intermediate range (2.9% and 2.4%,
the person's response involved an intense emotion. The event is respectively); and avoidant disorder (0.9%) was the
reexperienced in one of the following manners:
rarest type of anxiety disorder. Girls have been found
1. Recurrent recollections of the events-for children, there
may be repetitive play involving these themes to report more separation anxiety and avoidant dis-
2. Recurrent dreams or dreams that arefrighteningbut not well order than boys (Francis et al., 1992; Last, Hersen,
formed Kazdin, Finkelstein, & Strauss, 1987), while over-
3. Reenactment of the event; flashbacks
4. Overreaction, both physically and emotionally, to cues that anxious disorder was found to be comparable between
represent the traumatic event the sexes (Strauss et al., 1988).

Comorbidity ordered. A review of twin studies by Rapoport (1986)

found a concordance of 80% for obsessive-compul-
Children with anxiety disorders have been found to
sive disorder in monozygotic and dizygotic twins.
be at higher risk for the development of concurrent
This high rate of concordance is suggestive of ge-
depression (Brady & Kendall, 1992; Finch, Lipovsky,
netic transmission and needs to be studied further.
& Casat, 1989; King, Ollendick, & Gullone, 1991).
This area of study is just beginning, and further in-
In a school-based study of children in grades 4 through
formation is needed to determine the relationship of
7, Laurent, Hadler, and Stark (1995) found 5.5% of
genetics and environment to the risk factor of later
the sample of 746 children exhibited an anxiety dis-
development of an anxiety disorder.
order, while 25% of the children with anxiety disor-
der also had a diagnosis of childhood depression.
Children and adolescents with school refusal have Neuropsychological Correlates
been found to possess a major depressive disorder as
well (Bernstein & Garfinkel, 1986; Kolvin, Berney, Elevated blood pressure and heart rate responses have
& Bhate, 1984). In a sample of inpatient children, been found to be related to anxiety arousal (Beidel,
Alessi and Magen (1988) found that 25% of those 1988; Matthews, Manuck, & Saab, 1986). Evidence
children who were diagnosed with a major depres- for the existence of increased arousal in the limbic
sive disorder and 88% of those diagnosed with system of inhibited children has been found through
dysthymia were found to have a concurrent anxiety the use of electrophysiology (Kagan, Arcus, Snidman,
disorder. & Feng-Wang-Yu, 1994). It has been hypothesized
Externalizing behavioral difficulties also have that such arousal may contribute to the development
been found to co-occur with anxiety disorders. Last of anxiety disorders. It also may be that biological
et al. (1987) found that attention difficulties and op- dispositions interact with environmental stressors,
positional behavior are highly associated with anxi- subsequently resulting in the higher-than-expected in-
ety disorders. Further, these researchers found that cidence of anxiety disorder in children of parents with
between 15% and 27% of children with diagnosed anxiety and/or depressive disorder (Biederman et al.,
anxiety disorder also met criteria for a diagnosis of 1990). Evidence gained through PET and CT scans
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or oppositional has found increased metabolic rates for glucose, par-
defiant disorder. ticularly bilaterally in the left orbital gyrus and cau-
date nucleus, in OCD clients (Baxter et al., 1987;
Luxenberg et al., 1988)
Genetic Factors
Proneness to develop an anxiety disorder may be in-
herited. Studies utilizing twins have found a high
Academic and School Adjustment
concordance rate for anxiety disorder in identical Anxiety disorders have not been found to be related
twins (Torgesen, 1986). There is a tendency for chil- to low intelligence. In contrast, children with anxi-
dren who are behaviorally inhibited at an early age to ety disorders tend to have at least average ability
have parents who are under treatment for panic dis- (Rachman & Hodgson, 1991). Anxious children have
order and agoraphobia (Rosenbaum, 1988). On fol- been found to experience significant psychosocial
low-up these children were found to be at increased difficulty, including impaired peer relations, depres-
risk for anxiety disorders in late adolescence and sion, low self-concept, poor attention span, and defi-
early adulthood (Biederman, 1990; Rosenbaum, cits in academic performance (Strauss, Frame, &
1988). It appears that biological dispositions may Forehand, 1987). Children with anxiety disorder have
interact with environmental stressors and result in been found to be as disliked by their peers as those
the increase of anxiety disorder in children born to children with conduct disorder (Strauss et al., 1988).
parents who have been diagnosed as affectively dis- Anxious children also have been found to be socially

neglected, isolated, withdrawn, and lonely (Strauss, Implications for Assessment

1990). Anxious children have also been found to be
As with depression, it is important to utilize a multi-
more likely to experience test anxiety and difficulty
method approach to the diagnosis of anxiety disor-
in presenting before their classmates. Children with
ders. Semistructured interviews, rating scales, self-
obsessive-compulsive disorder have been found to be
report scales, and observations are important pieces
absent from school frequently because of peer ridi-
of an assessment. As discussed in the section on child-
cule (Clarizio, 1991) and social isolation (Allsop &
hood depression, semi-structured interviews are help-
Verduyn, 1990), and are at higher risk for suicide
ful in diagnosing anxiety disorders. Last et al. (1987)
(Flament et al., 1988, 1990) and substance abuse
has found good concordance across informants us-
(Friedman, Utada, Glickman, & Morrissey, 1987).
ing a semistructured clinical interview to diagnose
It is important to note that anxious children rarely
anxiety disorders. Children have been found to re-
pose significant overt behavioral difficulties in school
port more anxiety symptoms than parents, possibly
and often are not referred for assessment by their
indicating that because of the internal nature of these
teacher. Teachers havefrequentlydescribed these chil-
signs, children are more aware of these types of dif-
dren as well behaved and eager to please (Strauss,
ficulties than their caregivers (Edelbrock, Costello,
1990). However, such anxiety has been found to im-
Dulcan, Kalas, & Conover, 1986).
pair the child's social and academic functioning, and
teachers need to be familiarized with these difficul-
ties through inservice and direct training. Rating scales. Self-report rating scalesfrequentlyare
used to assess general anxiety levels. These scales
are not developed to determine various types of anxi-
ety disorders. One of the most popular rating scales
Family and Home Factors used is the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale
There appears to be a relationship between socioeco- (Reynolds & Richmond, 1978), which provides a glo-
nomic status and anxiety in children (Strauss, 1990). bal score. It is confounded by symptoms of depres-
Separation anxiety disorder has been found to be more sion in the scale and may be best utilized as a general
prevalent in families of lower socioeconomic status measure of psychic distress.
(SES) (Last et al., 1987), while overanxious children Behavioral rating scales such as the Achenbach
are found in greater concentration in middle to higher and BASC are useful for screening for anxiety disor-
SES families. Moreover, avoidant disorder also has ders with children showing elevated scores on more
been found to be more prevalent in middle to higher intensive measures, including a structured clinical in-
SES families than in lower SES families (Francis et terview and observations. Such a multistage method
al., 1992). In addition, there is an increased incidence of evaluation can serve to decrease false positives and
of psychopathology in close relatives of obsessive- increase the specificity of diagnosis in order to facili-
compulsive-disordered (OCD) children and adoles- tate selection of the most appropriate treatment.
cents (Templer, 1972). Families of children with OCD
have been found to be highly verbal, were socially
isolated and withdrawn, emphasized cleanliness and
Implications for Treatment
etiquette, and had a tendency to be extremely frugal A number of strategies exist for treatment of anxiety
with money (Adams et al., 1995). Clark and Bolton disorders. These methods include behavioral tech-
(1985) found that OCD adolescents believed Iheir par- niques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic
ents held very high expectations for them, and these therapy, and psychopharmacology. Psychopharma-
expectations were higher than those percevied by ado- cology will be discussed in Chapter 11 in this book.
lescents with anxiety disorders. These authors reported Behavioral approaches view anxiety as a combina-
that the parents of OCD and anxious adolescents did tion of three variables: motor, subjective, and physi-
not differ in their expectations for their children. ological (Izard, Kagan, & Zajonc, 1984) and devise

techniques for reducing all of these components. Spe- portant components of this technique is to reduce
cific techniques include systematic desensitization, parental attention when the child becomes fearful, thus
flooding, modeling, and reinforcement (Strauss, removing a very powerful reinforcement for the anx-
1990). Systematic desensitization involves the gradual ious behavior. Modeling is another behavioral tech-
exposure of fear-evoking situations paired with a non- nique in which the child watches a model become
anxiety-arousing situation. This technique has been involved in the feared situation. This technique has
most successful with phobias (Strauss, 1990). Flood- been found to be helpful in reducing common child-
ing involves placing the child in the feared situation hood fears (Strauss, 1990).
for an extended period of time to evoke an intense Cognitive-behavioral interventions are used to
reaction which gradually diminishes. Although this modify cognitions that underlie the anxiety and emo-
technique has been found to be most effective with tional distress. Included in this type of intervention
school phobia (Kennedy, 1965), it is not recom- are methods of cognitive restructuring, self-instruc-
mended for other types of disorder because of the tion, and self-monitoring. These techniques have been
aversive nature of the treatment and the availability found to be successful in treatment of anxiety disor-
of less stressful methods. The use of positive rein- ders in childhood and are continuing to be developed
forcement, shaping, and extinction has been found to (Ross, 1981).
be most helpful with phobias. One of the most im-


Neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood, includ- formation, they summarize 15 years of research ef-
ing language-related and learning disabilities, con- forts exploring this possibility.
stitute a large percentage of the disorders of children The extent to which temporal processing deficits
seen by child clinical neuropsychologists. Language underlie language disorders in children is reviewed,
impairments and learning disabilities resulting from with an emphasis on the relationship among difficul-
phonological core deficits are featured, as are math ties with processing auditory signals presented at a
difficulties resulting from nonverbal, reasoning, and rapid rate, phonological awareness in language pro-
perceptual deficits. cesses, and reading impairment (Montgomery et al.,
Each of these neurodevelopmental disorders will 1991).
be explored within a transactional model, where the
genetic and prenatal/postnatal history affecting neuro-
psychological, cognitive, perceptual, and memory
Specific Language Impairment
functions will be reviewed. The manner in which fam- Children with specific language impairment (LI) or
ily, school, and social factors interact with and ulti- developmental dysphasia have been to found to have
mately influence the manifestation of these disorders a number of difficulties, including significant defi-
will also be discussed. Research and clinical litera- cits in expressive and/or receptive language, with nor-
ture will be incorporated, and implications for assess- mal abilities in nonverbal areas (Montgomery et al.,
ment and intervention will be addressed. 1991); deficits in speech perception and poor vocabu-
lary skills, including naming, memory, syntax (gram-
NEURODEVELOPMENTAL mar), and semantics (word meaning) (Mann, 1991);
and impaired temporal sequence of nonverbal audi-
DISORDERS OF CHILDHOOD tory stimuli and poor discrimination of sounds, par-
ticularly when auditory signals are presented rapidly
Language Impairment (Tallal & Percy, 1973). Speech articulation, syntac-
Language impairment and speech disorders are con- tic, and semantic deficits may also be present.
sidered to be communication disorders, and are often
discussed with reading impairment (Stark & Tallal,
1988). Further, Montgomery, Windsor, and Stark
Neuropsychological Correlates of LI
(1991) indicate that impairment of spoken language It is difficult to determine a causal link between brain
and the underlying neuropsychological mechanisms functions and language impairment in children (Mont-
may be the common thread between production and gomery et al., 1991). However, several tentative hy-
comprehension language difficulties, reading prob- potheses have been proffered. One is that atypical pat-
lems, mathematics problems, and social difficulties terns of symmetry of the planum temporale are asso-
in children with learning disabilities. Stark and Tallal ciated with verbal comprehension problems, phono-
(1988) hypothesize that language disorders are a re- logical processing deficits, and expressive language
sult of impaired temporal processing of auditory in- difficulties (Morgan & Hynd, in press, Semrud-


Clikeman et al., 1991). The other assumes that in processing auditory signals that have short seg-
perisylvian temporal cortical activation is present for ments or are presented rapidly in a series (Montgom-
processing auditory speech stimuli (Galaburda et al., ery et al., 1991). Some suggest that this is the basic
1985). deficit that underlies many of the neuropsychological
Both the right- and left-hemisphere temporal re- and cognitive features associated with LI (Stark &
gions appear activated, and each hemisphere may have Tallal, 1988). Rate-processing weaknesses were found
a different role to play in the analysis of sounds in rapid speech production; finger identification (two
(Binder et al, 1994). Preliminary studies using fMRI fingers); association of consonants and vowels (ba
technology in adults with notmal language abilities versus da); processing of cross-modal, nonverbal
suggest that the superior temporal lobes are involved stimuli; and simultaneous tactile stimulation (face and
in the decoding of acoustic signals of speech, whereas hand). Auditory masking may explain some of the
the leftfrontallobes are involved in semantic opera- auditory deficits found in LI children, where the rapid
tions (Binder et al., 1994). Binder et al. (1994) sug- presentation of signals runs on top of or masks other,
gest that language processing is probably hierachical later occurring signals. Masking also may account for
in nature, involving primary sensory levels and other problems observed in both the tactile and mo-
intermodal association regions for higher cognitive tor areas, where a sequence of stimuli or movements
activities. As processing demands movefromsimple interferes with discrete single stimuli.
(unimodal) to complex (multimodal), more brain re- Tallal (1988) concludes that there may be com-
gions are likely to be involved. Further research into mon though interacting neural substrates for both
these mechanisms is underway and will undoubtedly speech and nonverbal processing that "incorporate
shed more light onto the neurological basis of lan- rapidly changing temporal cues" that appear to be de-
guage, and further clarify the role of selective atten- ficient in children with LI (p. 163). In fact, normal
tion, memory, cognitive associations, and semantic infants were able to discriminate subtle temporal sig-
functions on language processes. nals (i.e., speech and nonverbal stimuli), that were
Other research indicates that children with LI are problematic for LI children 5 to 9 years of age. Their
less efficient on neuropsychological tasks involving research suggests that children with LI are character-
rate of motor performance (rapid alternating finger ized by deficits in the ability to perceive and to pro-
movements); dihaptic stimulation (simultaneous per- duce information in rapid time sequences. This defi-
ception of bilateral tactile stimulation); and leftright cit is not specific to language but includes other pro-
discrimination (Stark & Tallal, 1988). LI children also cesses (e.g., motor, tactile, memory). Stark and Tallal
had less control over involuntary movements than did (1988) hypothesize that "a basic neural timing mecha-
control children; and although signs of involuntary nism" interferes with the simultaneous processing and
movements are observed in both groups, LI children production of information. While other higher level lin-
have movements of longer duration. Stark and Tallal guistic deficits may also be present, thetimingmecha-
(1988) were careful to screen for children with se- nism deficit seems to have a significant negative impact
vere LI and to exclude other children with disabili- on various processing skills. Ways to alter the function-
ties so that these findings would not be confounded ing of this "neuraltimingmechanism" are explored in
with disorders also known to have mild neurocog- the discussion on intervention implications.
nitive deficits (e.g., articulation or reading disorders). Although rate-processing deficits appear in both
LI and LD children, Montgomery et al. (1991) indi-
cate that language impairment is not a direct result of
Cognitive-Processing Features of LI
these difficulties, and, "It may be that auditory per-
Children with language impairments evidence prob- ceptual and linguistic disabilities co-occur in LI chil-
lems with rate-processing deficits; that is, children dren and are related to a third variable, that is, a more
with LI have auditory-processing deficits or difficulty general information-processing deficit" (p. 381).

Academic Correlates of LI Articulation Impairment

Children with LI frequently develop later reading In the past, children with articulation impairments
problems, and as many as 40% of kindergarteners (AI) were considered to have primary motor system
with impaired language also show math difficul- problems, and therapies were devised to address mo-
ties and reading problems in elementary school tor-learning patterns (Stark & Tallal, 1988). Recent
(Aram & Nation, 1980). Tallal (1988) suggests that conceptualizations suggest that linguistic abilities,
the underlying mechanism involved in language particularly phonological processing skills, play an
impairment is shared with other learning disabili- important role in AI. From this perspective, speech
ties. Others estimate that children with speech and sound production is viewed in light of global language
language deficits show reading problems at six functions, including syntax, semantics, and pragmat-
times the rate of control children (Ingram, Mason, ics (Tallal & Percy, 1973). Although attempts have
& Blackburn, 1970). been made to determine whether children with ar-
ticulation disorders also have general language defi-
cits, it is unclear whether AI should be considered a
Social-Psychological Correlates linguistic (phonological disorder) or a neurogenic
ofLI (developmental motor apraxia) disorder.
The psychosocial functioning of children with lan-
guage problems often is not investigated separately
from that of children with learning disabilities. In gen-
Neuropsychological Correlates ofAl
eral, discussions of social difficulties in children with On a number of measures of nonverbal sensory-motor
learning (liabilities have focused on the communica- skills, children with AI performed in a manner similar
tive competency of children in social situations, level to normals (Stark & Tallal, 1988). AI children did have
of moral development, perspective taking, and em- more difficulty on items where flashes of different hues
pathy for others, understanding of nonverbal cues, were projected in a rapid sequence. Difficulty on tasks
and problem-solving abilities (Bryan, 1991). Further, of cross-modal, serial memory were also evident.
in a review of childhood psychopathology and learn- Differences were pronounced on tests of verbal
ing disabilities, Nieves (1991) summarized findings sensory-motor skills, when language-impaired and
of various research showing that low verbal intelli- articulation-impaired children were contrasted. Chil-
gence is correlated with high rates of conduct disor- dren with LI had more trouble on speech perception
ders and juvenile delingency, regardless of socioeco- capabilities, whereas children with AI performed bet-
nomic and race variables. ter than control children on these measures (Stark &
The extent to which social-emotional difficulties Tallal, 1988). Speech production errors were made
are related to language-impaired children without by children with AI, although their errors were less
learning disorders in general needs further explora- serious than those of the LI group (AI children had
tion. It does seem evident that communication and fewer omisions, transpositions, and syllable additions
verbal intelligence are important variables in deter- than LI children).
mining social adjustment, in conjuntion with other In a multivariate analysis differentiating AI from
cognitive and behavioral factors. Further, Spreen normal children, the following variables were pre-
(1989) suggests that constitutional as well as envi- dictive of group membership: weight, temporal or-
ronmental factors contribute to emotional and learn- dering of visual graphemes (e and k), and identifica-
ing problems in children. Again, this supports the tion of syllables /bae/ compared to /daef (Stark &
theoretical orientation of a transactional model of Tallal, 1988). In a smaller group of children with AI,
childhood disorders, in which biological factors and weight, family history of speech disorders, history of
environmental conditions are interdependent. motor delays, difficulty identifying syllables (/bae/

/dae/), and problems discriminating lightflasheswere ditory commands with increasing length and gram-
significant in differentiating AI children from nor- matical complexity
mal controls. In this study, AI and LI children were 2. Curtiss and Yamada Comprehensive Language
all heavier and taller than the control group. There Evaluation-Receptive (CYCLE-R) (unpub-
are no clear-cut answers as to why weight is associ- lished): Grammar, morphology and syntax
ated with LI and AI, but speculations suggest that 3. Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Diagnostic Auditory
heavy children may be more socially awkward, par- Discrimination Test (American Guidance Service,
ticularly if they are also clumsy; that low self-esteem Circle Pines, Minnesota, 1974): Speech-sound dis-
may be manifested in less spontaneous speech^ espe- crimination
cially if accompanied by poor expressive language 4. Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (American
skills; or that uneven or rapid growth periods may Guidance Service, Circle Pines, Minnesota, 1986):
place challenges on speech musculature (Stark & Speech articulation
Tallal, 1988). Other unknown genetic linkages may
account for this relationship.
Implications for Interventions
While children with AI also had difficulty con-
trolling involuntary movements of arms and had Interventions for language disorders may be (1) pre-
trouble with rapidfine-motorcoordination tasks, they ventive, by reducing the probability of reading disor-
were able to produce CV syllables in rapid succession ders; (2) remedial, by addressing the language or com-
when speaking (Stark & Tallal, 1988). Compared to LI munication deficits; or (3) compensatory in nature
groups, children with articulation disorders did not show (Stark, 1988). Early identification and intervention
difficulty on measures of verbal auditory processing or are crucial and are best initiated at the preschool age,
speech discrimination. Further, children with AI who when the associated features of severe communica-
also had mild expressive language problems had simi- tion disorders are best prevented. However, most in-
larities to both normal and LI children, and in general tervention research has focused on children with cog-
very few children with articulation disorders looked like nitive delays or hearing impairments, a fact that com-
the more serious language-impaired groups. plicates the picture when evaluating the efficacy of
such research when these disorders are not also
present. Stark (1988) suggests that the heterogeneity
Implications for Assessment
of children with language impairments further com-
There is a paucity of decent measures for language plicates the intervention process and that speech, read-
impairments in both young and older children (Mont- ing, and articulation disorders varyfromchild to child.
gomery et al., 1991). It is especially difficult to find Recently, Tallal et al. (1996) found that children
one adequate test that measures phonemic awareness, with language-learning impairments (LLI) showed
syntax, and semantic skills; and analyzing subtests significant improvement following a four-week train-
from more than one instrument presents psychomet- ing program to improve language processing. The
ric measurement problems (e.g., comparison of grade intervention consisted of two-stage computer-gener-
or age levels from different tests with dissimilar reli- ated lessons. In stage 1 of the training, speech was
ability and validity standards). Language pragmatics temporally modified by lengthening the speech sig-
also are often overlooked, so it is difficult to deter- nal by 50%; during stage 2, fast (3 to 30 Hz) transi-
mine the effects of LI on communication in general. tional features of speech were enhanced by as much
The following list has been found helpful in the as 20 db. The speech tracks were presented on CD-
assessment of language-related deficits in children: ROMs. The speech sounds had a staccato quality, with
consonants (usually fast elements of speech sounds)
1. Token Test (Teaching Resources Corporation, Bos- exaggerated compared to vowels (typically slower
ton, Massachusetts, 1978): Comprehension of au- speech sounds).

After training LLI children, who had originally into the strength area, such as vocabulary, if recep-
showed speechlanguage delays from one to three tive phonological abilities are weak. Intervention in
years below their chronological age, made remark- this case would begin with helping the child distin-
able gains. Speech discrimination and language com- guish CV, then CVC syllables, words, or words in
prehension improved significantly with approxi- sentences. This approach allows for a progressive
mately two years' growth in a four-week period. development of skills that might not be possible if
Further these gains generalized to natural speech intervention focused on vocabulary development at
conditions. the start. In situations where the deficit is profound,
Intervention outcome may be best for children with intervention may need to focus on compensation us-
expressive language problems who do not have ac- ing special technologies (e.g., touch-talker or other
companying receptive language disorders (Tallal, computer systems).
1988). It appears that auditory-processing deficits may Motivational, attentional, and impusive problems
result in both expressive and receptive language defi- may also interfere with intervention programs for both
cits, while speech motor deficits may result in ex- young and older children and efforts should be taken
pressive problems. Further, if auditory-processing to minimize these effects (Montgomery et al., 1991).
abilities are intact, these abilities may facilitate the Children with severe language-related deficits are apt
development of expressive language and speech mo- to demonstrate behavioral problems, including resis-
tor problems; while the opposite does not appear to tance and opposition when challenged, particularly
be the case. That is, intact speech motor abilities have at the end of long therapy sessions. Reinforcers,
little impact on improving language problems result- praise, and other management techniques may be
ingfromauditory processing deficits. helpful in these instances. The length of therapy ses-
The best treatment approach is not always evident. sions should also be monitored; shorter sessions can
Should intervention address the deficit or should it be lengthened as the child becomes more successful
be compensatory in nature? Stark (1988) provides and less resistant or fatigued. In summary, Stark
some general guidelines for determining whether (1988) indicates: "Failure to adhere to the principle
strengths or weaknesses should be the focus. First, if of beginning at the child's own lowest level of func-
remediation is the focus, weaknesses should be con- tioning may be positively harmful and may inhibit
sidered. For example, children with articulation dis- language development" (p. 178). See Chapter 11
orders and intact auditory processing skills may profit for issues related to addressing neurocognitive
from speech therapy where the placement of strengths and weaknesses when designing reme-
articulators in the speech musculature and successive dial interventions.
phonetic segments are emphasized. Conversely, if the Learning disabilities, particularly reading disabili-
disorder is phonological in nature, then the focus ties, often accompany language disorders and may
should be on developing the phonological rules of arise from the same neuropsychological weak-
language, with an emphasis on semantic contrasts and nesses-phonological awareness deficits, especially
auditory sensitivity. in early reading. Learning disabilities are reviewed
Second, intact mechanisms should be coupled with next.
impaired functions. It is important to fully assess the
child's functional skills across all domains of language
(e.g., speech motor, speech perception, visual, and
linguistic) in order to provide an integrated interven- Children with learning disabilities (LD) constitute the
tion plan (Stark, 1988). Therapeutic interventions then largest and fastest growing population of special-
should begin at the level where the language break- needs children in schools (Lerner, 1993; Torgesen,
down or weakness occurs. For example, Stark(1988) 1991b). Currently the field is replete with controver-
suggests that intervention should not jump too quickly sies affecting how we think about, diagnose, and

design educational interventions for children identi- area and thus have more domain-specific deficits. Fur-
fied as LD. These issues may even threaten the exist- ther, Stanovich (1993) states that problems in phono-
ence of thefield(Torgesen, 1991b). Torgesen (1991b) logical awareness are shared by the two groups and that
suggests that the major controversies focus on: (1) these deficits serve as causal factors for reading prob-
defining LD, (2) establishing LD's diagnostic integ- lems. However, members of the dyslexic group, unlike
rity separate from other achievement or adjustment garden-variety or other slow learners, have key perfor-
problems in school, (3) determining whether LD has mance deficits specific to the phonological domain.
a different developmental course than other school- Second, "developmental lag" theories may be more
related difficulties, and (4) determining whether chil- appropriate for children with mild reading problems
dren with LD require unique educational interven- than for children with severe reading deficits or dys-
tions. Research efforts addressing these controversies lexia (Stanovich, Nathan, & Vala-Rossa, 1986).
have questioned the assumption that LD is a biologi- Stanovich et al. (1986) illustrated this point in a study
cally based disorder and have investigated the het- in which groups were matched on reading levels. In
erogeneity of the disorder (Torgesen, 1991b). Selected this research design, third-grade readers were com-
research findings addressing these controversies may pared to a less skilled fifth-grade group. The less
shed light on a number of these issues. skilled older children appeared similar to younger
First, learning problems can arise from divergent children on measures of vocabulary development,
sources including genetic, neuropsychological, cog- pseudoword decoding, phonological processing,
nitive-perceptual, social-psychological, and environ- verbal fluency, and picture naming tasks. These find-
mental (i.e., home and school or classroom) factors. ings lend preliminary support to the developmental
The extent to which we can identify reliably which lag theory for children with mild reading problems.
factors or combination of factors affects a child's The developmental lag theory is not as robust for
learning may be helpful in distinguishing children severe reading disabled and dyslexic groups. When
with LD from other slow learners or "garden-vari- matched on reading skills with younger children, stud-
ety" poor readers. For example, we might expect to ies of children with specific reading disabilities show
see differences across variables depending on whether mixed results. Some studies indicate that LD chil-
the learning difficulties result from neurobiological, dren have lower scores on measures of phonology
cognitive-perceptual, intellectual, or instructional but are higher than younger reading-matched subjects
opportunities and experiences. Research on this is- on vocabulary knowledge and strategic skills (Olson,
sue has yielded mixed results. Kliegl, Davidson, & Foltz, 1985); others have not
LD and nonidentified slow learners do not differ found this pattern (Treiman & Hirsch-Pasek, 1985).
in terms of demographics or psychoeducational test In a meta-analysis of numerous studies, Rack,
scores, including both cognitive and affective mea- Snowling, and Olson (1992) conclude that older dys-
sures (Ysseldyke, Algozzine, Shinn, & McGue, lexic children do have phonological deficits compared
1982). Further, slow learners and LD groups show to younger children when matched on reading abil-
similar skills on cognitive tasks related to reading ity. See Stanovich (1993) for an in-depth discussion
(Seigel, 1989), including phonological awareness, and of this meta-analysis.
on measures of reading achievement. However, LD In a critical review of studies, Stanovich et al.
and garden-variety poor readers do differ on cogni- (1986) concluded that, "The presently available evi-
tive tasks not directly related to reading, such as non- dence would appear to suggest the hypothesis that
verbal reasoning skills and verbal-conceptual abili- the * garden-variety' poor reader is characterized by a
ties which in turn may ultimately affect intervention developmental lag; whereas the much rarer, dyslexic
efficacy (Torgesen, 1991b). Stanovich( 1993) suggests child displays a specific phonological deficit, in con-
that garden-variety poor readers have global deficits junction with compensatory use of other skills and
across a variety of cognitive measures, whereas dys- knowledge sources" (p. 280). Stanovich et al. (1986)
lexic subjects have core deficits in the phonological also suggest that the majority of children with read-

ing problems possess mild but pervasive, rather than groups. Phonological awareness appears essential to
specific cognitive deficits. Further, although mildly early reading achievement, and a variety of children
reading-impaired children should not be overlooked respond favorably to techniques employing these prin-
in our schools, they may be expected to progress in ciples. The data lend support to Stanovich's (1993)
reading when given instructional resources and will contention that phonological deficits underlie read-
eventually develop reading abilities similar to their other ing deficits for both groups, although garden-variety
cognitive skills (Stanovich et al., 1986). The same may poor readers may have more generalized cognitive
not be the case for the more severe and specific reading deficits beyond the phonological weaknesses.
problems found in LD and dyslexic children. Other studies suggest that students respond differ-
Third, LD and garden-variety poor readers may ently to instruction based on cognitive factors. For
have a different developmental course and outcome. example, Torgesen, Dahlem, and Greenstein (1987)
This assumption seems to be supported by research suggest that adolescents with specific reading defi-
findings. In one study, garden-variety poor readers cits may respond better to comprehension enhance-
achieved at higher reading rates than children with ment techniques than adolescents whose IQ scores
higher IQs who had severe reading disabilities (Rutter are consistent with their reading levels (i.e., both read-
& Yule, 1975). Conversely, the reading disabled group ing and intelligence low). Wong and Jones (1982) also
obtained higher achievement in the math domain. found that self-questioning techniques increased com-
Torgesen (1991b) also reports that LD children with prehension for reading-disabled students, while this
specific phonological coding deficits made markedly method lowered the performance of non-LD adoles-
less progress in reading than another group of LD cents. However, Swanson (1989) found that strategy
children with similar IQs. Children with severe pho- instruction benefited gifted, average, and slow learn-
nological deficits showed a 1.3 grade level increase ers but was not effective for reading-disabled groups.
in reading over a 10 year period (9 to 19 years), while Research in strategy instruction is inconclusive; thus,
other LD children in the same class increased read- Torgesen (1991b) and Stanovich (1989) argue that
ing skills by 6.3 grade levels. This differential learn- more research is needed to help resolve this issue.
ing pattern was not observed in nonreading areas, as The extent to which researchers and clinicians are
the two groups made similar progress in math over more explicit when classifying children with specific
the same period. Further, some studies have shown reading problems and/or dyslexia, and particularly
that once decoding skills have been attained, com- when differentiating these from garden-variety poor
prehension skills may be slightly better for children readers, may make definitional and intervention is-
with specific reading disabilities than for children with sues less controversial. Further, when reading disabled
generalized cognitive deficits (Stanovich, 1989). groups are more clearly defined, empirical and theo-
Finally, evidence that children with severe read- retical inconsistencies seem to be less pronounced.
ing disabilities respond differently to specific inter- Despite these findings, definitional issues remain
vention techniques than garden-variety poor readers controversial
has not been clearly established (Torgesen, 1991b).
Reading programs emphasizing phonemic awareness
training have been successful for preschool children
Defining Learning Disabilities
(Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley, 1993; Cunningham, Controversies over definitions of learning disabili-
1990; Lundberg, Frost, & Peterson, 1988), at-risk ties have been long-standing (Lerner, 1993).
readers (Iverson & Tunmer, 1993), and children with Stanovich (1993) and others (Shepherd, 1988;
severe reading deficits (Wise & Olson, 1991; Wise et Torgesen, 1988) advocate that we stop using the term
al., 1989). Although these studies indicate that spe- learning disabilities, particularly in scientific realms,
cific instruction in phonemic awareness instruction and adopt terms such as reading disability or arith-
improves reading, that is not necessarily to suggest metic disability to describe the specific domain or
that different models of instruction are needed across deficit area where the problem exists. Berninger and

Abbott (1994) call for a redefinition of LD, depart- Reading Disabilities:

ing from the concept of discrepancy between apti- Phonological Core Deficits
tude and achievement; they advocate defining LD
instead as a failure to respond to validated interven- Phonological awareness deficits have been found to
tion and treatment programs. Further, Berninger and be a primary cause of reading deficits (Liberman &
Abbott (1994) indicate a need to develop validated Shankweiler, 1985; Mann, 1986; Stanovich, 1986;
treatment approaches, so that variability in instruc- Wagner & Torgesen, 1987). Fletcher, Shaywitz, and
tional patterns can be reliably excluded as a causative Shaywitz (1993) indicate that "It is presently diffi-
factor contributing to learning disabilities. cult to imagine a study of reading disability without
At present, the definition of LD revised in 1988 reference to the role of phonological awareness skills
by the National Joint Committee on Learning Dis- in decoding" (p. 109). Torgesen (1994) indicates that
abilities (NJCLD) represents the broadest consensus children with phonological reading disabilities (PRD)
in the field to date (Torgesen, 1991b). The definition experience trouble in early reading and also have as-
states: sociated difficulties in speech perception, speech pro-
duction, and naming tasks. Wagner and Torgesen
Learning disabilities is a general term that refers to (1987) report that phonological skills predict later
a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested as reading achievement better than any other measure
significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of for preschool children. Further, Montgomery et al.
listening, speaking, writing, reasoning, or math- (1991) suggest that rapid auditory-processing defi-
ematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to
the individual, presumed to be due to central ner- cits may be at the root of reading deficits and may
vous system dysfunction, and may occur across the result in inefficient decoding skills.
lifespan Phonological awareness is the ability to use the
Problems in self-regulatory behaviors, social phonemic segments of speech (Tunmer & Rohl,
perception, and social interaction may exist with 1991), including the awareness and use of the sound
learning disabilities but do not by themselves con-
stitute a learning disability. structure of language (Mattingly, 1972). Mann (1991)
Although learning disabilities may occur con- identifies other language-processing deficits that ap-
comitantly with other handicapping conditions (for pear related to phoneme awareness deficits, includ-
example, sensory impairment, mental retardation, ing difficulties with speech perception when listen-
serious emotional disturbance) or with extrinsic in- ing, naming and vocabulary ability, and short-term
fluences (such as cultural differences, insufficient
or inappropriate instruction), they are not the result memory involving phonetic representations in linguis-
of those conditions or influences (NJCLD Memo- tic tasks. Reading requires learning the relationship
randum, 1988, cited in Torgesen, 1991b). between graphemes (written letters) and phonemes
(sound segments) (Iverson & Tunmer, 1993). Thus,
Although there appears to be acceptance of the children with phonological deficits have difficulty
NJCLD definition, Torgesen (199 lb) suggests that the applying the "alphabetic principle" when reading
definition is so broad and inclusive that it creates dif- unfamiliar words (Torgesen, 1993). Another group
ficulties, particularly when comparing research. Re- of children may struggle in the reading process as a
search findings across laboratories and clinics are result of deficits in their ability to process the visual
fairly consistent when more homogeneous groups are or orthographic features ofprinted words (Stanovich,
considered (Hynd & Cohen, 1983), specifically chil- 1992; Stanovich & West, 1989). Orthographic or vi-
dren with reading disabilities as a result of phono- sually based disorders will be reviewed briefly fol-
logical core deficits and math disabilities as a result lowing the description of phonologically based read-
of nonverbal learning disabilities (Morrison & Siegel, ing disorders (PRD).
1991). The cognitive, neuropsychological, and aca- Children with PRD exhibit a variety of disorders
demic correlates of specific reading and arithmetic that may be related or associated with their linguisti-
disorders will be explored separately. cally based learning disorder. The nature and extent

of the interaction between neurocognitive deficits, Transactional Model of PRD

intellectual and academic progress, and psychosocial
In order to clarify some of these issues, conceptualiz-
adjustment needs further research. However, avail-
ing PRD within a transactional model maybe help-
able research addressing these factors will be
ful. Table 8.1 summarizes selected research findings.

Table 8.1. A Summary of Specific Deficits Assocviated with Reading Disabilities: Phonological Core Deficits (PRD)

Biogenetic Factors Environmental Factors: Prenatal and Postnatal

- 40% variance in word recognition is genetic - Orthographic deficits related to exposure to print and
- h2g = .62 phonology/reading deficits learning opportunities
- h2g = .22 orthographic/reading deficits - Development of speech and vocabulary related to language
acquisition and reading
- Growth spurt in phonemic awareness at 6 years related to
reading efforts
- Despite strong heritability of phonological awareness,
deficits can be modified
Temperament Birth Complications
- No known correlates - No known correlates
CNS Factors
- Gray matter dysfunction
- Left temporal anomalies
- Larger plana in right hemisphere
- Symmetrical R/La temporal lobes
- Symmetrical or reversed parieto-occipital regions
- Abnormal asymmetry (R > L) in prefrontal regions
- Abnormal asymmetry in parietal regions
Neuropsychological Factors
- Rapid naming
- Abnormal hemispheric lateralization
- Attention activation of RH interferes with
LH verbal processing
- Attentional control mechanisms between hemispheres
- Phonemic hearing, segmenting, and blending

Intellectual Perceptual Memory Attentional

- Verbal weaknesses - Phonemic - Digit span - Strong comorbidity of reading
- Vocabulary knowledge -Speech - Speech sounds problems and ADHD
- Verbal associations - Word series - Attention to phonemes
- Word similarities - Letter strings
- Verbal fluency - Phonetic strategies
- Receptive language
- Expressive language
- Verbal IQ
Academic/Behavioral Psychosocial Family
- Motivational problems - Research is sparse - Research is sparse on PRD
- Chrome reading problems - RD in general show - Prenatal and postnatal risk
- Disengaged in learning internalized disorders factors related to general learning
- Spends less time reading (e.g., depression) and behavioral problems
- Reading and spelling - "Disorganized" and/or poverty,
environment more important
with age

Note: PRD refers to phonological reading disabilities, while RD refers to reading disabilities in general. L and LH refer to left
hemisphere, R and RH to right hemisphere.

Guidelines for classifying and treating LD may be Wise and Olson (1991) suggest that orthographic
more clearly articulated and systematically investi- skills may be due largely to environmental factors
gated within this transactionalframework.Although such as opportunity and exposure to printed material,
not every child is expected to demonstrate all of the whereas, phonological skills are more dependent on
associated features presented, Table 8.1 suggests an genetic influences. Further, when disabled readers
interaction among the neuropsychological, cognitive, who had good phonological skills were excluded from
academic, and psychosocial problems that may ac- group comparisons, the heritability indices dropped
company reading disabilities resulting from phono- significantly (Olson, Rack, Conners, DeFries, &
logical core deficits. Fulker, 1990). Olson, Fosburg, Wise, and Rack (1994)
report that although the group deficient in phonological
decoding was influenced largely by genetic factors, com-
Genetic Factors puter-based remediation techniques in reading have been
The search for the genetic basis of reading disabili- quite successful for this group (Olson, 1994).
ties has been helpful in determining the relationship In summary, genetic studies suggest that phono-
between environmental and genetic factors. The Colo- logical decoding problems are largely genetic and that
rado Reading Project (Decker & Vanderberg, 1985; these deficits have a negative impact on a child's abil-
DeFries, 1985), one of the largest studies of its type, ity to develop word recognition skills and to sound
found a strong relationship between reading disabilities out new words. However, with specific interventions
in identical or monozygotic twins (MZ) and in same- genetically based deficits can improve.
sexfraternalor dizygotic twins (DZ), The concordance
rate was 71% for MZ twins and 49% for DZ twins, con-
firming a strong genetic basis of reading disabilities in Prenatal/Postnatal Factors
children. DeFries and Fulker (1985, 1988) proposed a To date, prenatal factors affecting a child's capacity
regression model to measure the proportion of variance to develop phonological awareness deficits are virtu-
accounted for by both genetic and environmental fac- ally unknown; however, there are several environ-
tors, and reported that genetic factors were more impor- mental factors that have been found to be related to
tant than environmental factors for explaining differ- general language deficits and reading disabilities. Al-
ences in reading between MZ and DZ twins. though a biogenetic foundation for language is virtu-
Olson, Wise, Conners, Rack, and Fulker (1989) ally indisputable, postnatal factors associated with lan-
also investigated the role of heredity in examining guage development typically emphasize the influence
reading skills. Specifically, Olson et al. (1989) re- of environmental stimulation. Infants 1 to 4 months
ported a greater similarity in reading abilities in MZ of age are quite adept at discriminating speech sounds,
than in DZ twins, even though both twin groups had and can make discriminations between ba andga, ma
similar environments. Further, genetic factors ac- and na (Eimas & Tartter, 1979), and preschool chil-
counted for approximately 40% of the variance in dren seem to utilize phonetic representations when
word recognition deficits. Phonological coding prob- processing language in short-term memory (Eimas,
lems were linked more strongly to reading deficits 1975). Mann (1991) suggests that children at this age
than were orthographic deficits. With more precise may be aware of and able to discriminate phonemes,
measures (described by DeFries & Fulker, 1985), even though they may not be aware that phoneme
Olson et al. (1989) found even higher covariance fac- units exist. For reading to develop, the child must
tors with phonological deficits and reading problems become aware of phonemes when approaching writ-
(h2g = .62) than with orthographic factors (h2g = ten language (Mann, 1991). Mann (1991) indicates
.22). Scarborough (1990) also found that 2-year-olds that experience plays a role in the child's develop-
with a family history of reading problems and diffi- ment of speech perception and vocabulary, both of
culties in syntacticfluencyhad an extremely high risk which are related to language acquisition and read-
for also developing reading problems. ing; however, the role of the environment on these

factors have not been adequately investigated for poor cause of its proximity to the auditory association re-
readers. gion and Wernicke's area (Geschwind & Levitsky,
Mann (1991) illustrates how the environment in- 1968). The expected leftward asymmetry is rare in
fluences phonemic awareness. A predictable growth dyslexics, whereas symmetry in the temporal regions
spurt in phonemic awareness occurs in children at is more frequent (Hynd et al., 1990; Larsen et al.,
about the age of six years, which appears related to 1990; Leonard et al., 1993). A number of studies re-
efforts in teaching children to read (Liberman, port that the symmetrical patterns appear to be the
Shankweiler, Fisher, & Carter, 1974; Liberman, result of larger plana in the right hemisphere
Shankweiler, Blackman, Caurp, & Werfelman, 1980). (Galaburda, 1989; Larsen et al., 1990). Although oth-
However, Mann (1991) does suggest that while ex- ers found smaller left plana (Hynd et al. 1990), dif-
perience plays a prominent role in the development ferent measurement techniques may be responsible
of phonemic awareness, children with phonological for these divergent findings (Galaburda, 1993; Mor-
deficits appear to have some biogenetic factor that gan & Hynd, in press).
limits their ability to profitfromexposure. Like Olson Second, dyslexics show symmetrical or reversed
(1994), Mann (1991) stresses the importance of pho- asymmetry (R > L) in parietooccipital regions, which
netically based remedial techniques, and cites numer- is found less frequently in normal groups (Haslam,
ous studies facilitating phonemic awareness in chil- Dalby, Johns, & Rademaker, 1981; Hier, LeMay,
dren using such techniques. Rosenberger, & Perlo, 1978; LeMay, 1976; Rumsey
et al., 1986). Third, Jernigan, Hesselink, Sowell, and
Neuroanatomical Variations and Tallal (1991) found rightward asymmetry in prefron-
tal regions (R > L), as well as aberrant asymmetry in
Neuropsychological Correlates
parietal regions. While Jernigan et al. (1991) did not
CNS variations. Children with a language-based read- find abnormal asymmetry in the plana region, this
ing disability, particularly with PRD, have been found may be a result of the method of measurement uti-
to show behavioral as well as neuropsychological lized in this study. Jernigan et al. (1991) included the
delays (Torgesen, 1991b). When discussing the eti- plana, a larger cortical region, so that actual differ-
ology of problems associated with reading, Torgesen ences in the planum temporale may have been inad-
(199 lb) indicates that developmental anomalies in the vertently masked by methodological differences in
left temporal region of the brain are causative factors measurement.
in phonological processing deficits. Further, Torgesen Semrud-Clikeman et al. (1991) specifically ad-
(1993) suggests that children with phonological read- dressed the relationship between atypical symmetry
ing disabilities have gray matter rather than white of the plana and linguistic deficits. Semrud-Clikeman
matter dysfunction, which has been associated with et al. (1991) found that atypical symmetry was re-
nonverbal learning disabilities). lated to reduced verbal comprehension abilities and
Although a number of CNS irregularities are found to expressive language deficits. Other corroborating
in subjects with dyslexia, these studies should be evidence supports thesefindings;in particular, Larsen
viewed as preliminary (Hynd, Semrud-Clikeman, & et al. (1990) also found that dyslexic subjects with
Lyytinen, 1991; Morgan & Hynd, in press). First, the phonological deficits all had symmetrical plana.
planum temporale in the left hemisphere is consis- Although dyslexics and normals differ in their pat-
tently larger in a majority of adults (Galaburda, tern of symmetry/asymmetry in the left planum
Corsiglia, Rosen, & Sherman, 1987; Geschwind & temporale, the exact nature of this relationship is not
Livitsky, 1968; Steinmetz et al., 1989) and in fetuses, fully understood (Morgan & Hynd, in press). The re-
newborns, and infants (Chi, Dowling, & Gilles, 1977; lationship between symmetry/asymmetry of the
Witelson & Pralle, 1973). The left planum temporale planum temporal and dyslexia is still unclear because
is thought to be the primary site for linguistic pro- this feature alone does not necessarily result in dys-
cesses and reading (Morgan & Hynd, in press) be- lexia (Steinmetz & Galaburda, 1991). Further research

may help to clarify whether patterns of symmetry/asym- tivation between hemispheres suggestive of an
metry are related to dyslexia or if this pattern varies in a attentional-control dysfunction" (Obrzut, 1991, p.
predictable manner with linguistic skills in other 195). Obzrut (1991) further suggests that the "source
nondyslexic populations (Morgan & Hynd, in press). of the reading-disabled child's difficulties may be
Wise and Olson (1991) suggest that even though primarily in the inability of either the left or the right
phonological deficits have a neurobiologies basis and hemisphere to assume a dominant role in the process-
appear highly heritable, these deficits can be modi- ing of only verbal material" (p. 191). These studies
fied. However, Wise and Olson (1991) do acknowl- raise questions about whether learning disabled chil-
edge that "extraordinary efforts" may be required to dren have attentional imbalances between the two
improve these phonological deficits. Effective instruc- hemispheres or whether there are problems in inter-
tional techniques will be explored in a later section. connected attentional systems (Obrzut, 1991).
Further research is necessary to determine the re-
Neuropsychological correlates. Although further re- lationship between morphology and attention control
search investigating the relationship between morpho- mechanisms during language tasks in children with
logical variations in the plana and neuropsychological/ LD. The extent to which these neuropsychological
linguistic deficits is needed, there are some initial aspects are further related to the cognitive, academic,
results clarifying this relationship. Semrud-Clikeman and perceptional deficits associated with LD also
et al. (1991) found that atypical patterns of symme- needs further exploration. These will be reviewed
try in the planum temporale were related to word at- briefly in the following sections.
tack skills, passage comprehension skills, and rapid
naming abilities. Thus, the left planum was postu-
Intellectual, Perceptual, Memory,
lated as a central language processing center. Atypi-
cal symmetry of the planum has also been associated and Attentional Functions
with phonological processing deficits (Larsen et al., Intellectual junctions. Children with phonological
1990; Semrud-Clikeman et al., 1991). Rourke (1994) core deficits evidence weaknesses on a variety of
also reports that children with phonological deficits verbal measures, including vocabulary knowledge
show deficits on neuropsychological measures, in- (Mann, 1991); auditory memory and verbal associa-
cluding phonemic hearing, segmenting, and blend- tions (Rourke, 1994); receptive vocabulary, word
ing; verbal reception, repetition, and memory stor- similarities, and verbal fluency (Fletcher & Satz,
age; and verbal output. 1985); and receptive and expressive language (Newby
Researchers have also explored other neuropsycho- & Lyon, 1991). However, Stanovich (1993) argues
logical postulates and have focused on deficient or that performance on intelligence measures, particu-
abnormal patterns of hemispheric lateralization re- larly verbal abilities, may be directly related to the
lated to attentional activation processes as plausible child's reading disabilities. Specifically, reading prob-
explanations for the academic deficiencies exhibited lems interfere with vocabulary development, com-
by LD children. In a series of dichotic listening stud- prehension abilities, and Verbal IQ (Stanovich, 1986).
ies, Obrzut (1988,1991), Obrzut, Conrad, and Boliek Stanovich (1986,1993) refers to the Matthew ef-
(1989), Obrzut, Conrad, Bryden, and Boliek (1988), fect to describe the readingIQ relationship, where
and Boliek, Obrzut, and Shaw (1988) investigated the reading has "reciprocal causation effects" on other
role of attention and its effect on asymmetry during cognitive skills. Further, impaired listening compre-
language tasks. In general, these studies found that hension and verbal intelligence may in fact be a "re-
LD children have deficits in auditory processing in sult of poor reading" (Stanovich, 1993, p. 293). Chil-
the left hemisphere (Obrzut, 1991). Apparently, right- dren with reading deficits read less, acquire less gen-
hemisphere "attentional activation interferes with left- eral and specific knowledge, and in essence may fall
hemisphere verbal processing," and "learning dis- further and further behind in achievement and verbal
abled children experience a greater imbalance in ac- skills (Wong, 1991). Stanovich (1993) cautions

against the use of intelligence measures in the diag- ders is strong and that there is a strong heritability for
nosis of reading disabilities (see implications for as- both. However, genetic studies appear to show that
sessment below). the two disorders are independent (Gilger, Penningon,
& DeFries, 1992). Fletcher et al. (1994) indicate the
Perceptual Junctions. Difficulty in phonemic pro- necessity of differentiating attentional problems that
cessing underlie reading deficits in many children are a result of cognitive deficits from those that are
(Liberman & Liberman, 1990; Mann, 1991). The primarily a function of noncompliance, failure to fol-
child's ability to perceive spoken words appears low rules, and difficulty sustaining attention, as is
related to reading difficulties and is less than accu- typically found in children with ADHD.
rate, particularly under adverse or noisy conditions
(Mann, 1991). Deficient speech perception seems evi-
dent, but children with phoneme awareness deficits may
Academic and School Adjustment
also have poor memory for speech sounds as well. Early reading failure has been shown to create moti-
vational problems in children (Torgesen, 1977). Chil-
Memory functions. Research does provide evidence dren with chronic reading problems often hate school,
that children with reading disabilities do poorly on a and develop secondary self-esteem problems (Wong,
variety of memory functions, including deficits on 1991). These motivational problems generalize to
digit span, recall of letter strings, nonsense words, other academic areas, where children become more
and word order (Mann, 1991). Mann and Liberman disenfranchised from the learning process
(1984) investigated the developmental course of re- (Butkowsky & Willows, 1980). Wong (1991) further
call and found that the ability to remember a series of reports that remedial classes often drill in phonics or
words preceded reading disabilities rather than being word recognition but may deemphasize passage com-
a consequence of reading problems. Poor readers are prehension, so that the child spends less time read-
unable to use the phonological structure of language ing. Eventually the child develops more generalized
for holding letter strings in short-term memory (Mann cognitive deficits involving numerous subject areas.
& Liberman, 1984; Shankweiler, Liberman, Mark,
Fowler, & Fischer, 1979).
Social-Psychological Adjustment
There is little evidence to suggest that poor read-
ers avoid phonetic strategies during memory tasks. Research addressing the socioemotional functioning
Mann (1991) further suggests that poor readers rely of children with phonological core deficits is sparse.
on word meaning in an effort to remember words, Other research shows that LD children who demon-
and do not appear to use visual rather than phonetic strate distinctively lower verbal abilities with intact
memory strategies. Error pattern analysis suggests that visual/spatial skills were rated by their parents as hav-
poor readers make "phonetically principled errors" ing more internalizing disorders, particularly depres-
in a manner similar to good readers, but that their sion (Nussbaum, Bigler, & Koch, 1986). These
error scores are quite high (Mann, 1991, p. 145). authors conclude that the "unique pattern of neuro-
psychological deficits exhibited in this LD subgroup
Attentional functions. The extent to which children may be serving to accentuate their personality and
with learning disabilities also have attentional defi- behavioral characteristics" (Nussbaum et al., 1986,
cits is of interest. Rourke (1994) indicates that chil- p. 66). The extent to which this applies specifically
dren with phonological deficits often fail to attend to to children with phonological core deficits is yet to
auditory-verbal material. Further, the overlap between be established.
ADHD and learning disabilities is quite high, rang- Rourke (1994) suggests that children with basic
ing from 26% to 80% depending on the study (Tee- phonological processing disorders may develop
ter, 1991). In their review, Fletcher et al. (1994) indi- psychosocial disturbances if parents and teachers have
cate that the comorbidity between these two disor- unrealistic expectations or if social reinforcers are

available for acting out. Further, Rourke (1994) sug- identified as at risk for reading problems but who
gests that when psychopathology does occur, it may later show normal achievement progress. See
be expressed in acting-out behaviors or in anxious/ Keogh and Sears (1991) for a more in-depth re-
depressed symptoms. Others have found that children view of these studies.
with conduct disorders (CD) also have lower verbal It is premature to generalize conclusions reported
intelligence (Teeter & Smith, 1993). The extent to in studies investigating children with general learn-
which CD and language-based difficulties are asso- ing problems to students with phonological core defi-
ciated with poor achievement and learning problems cits. However, stable and consistent home situations,
needs further study (Nieves, 1991). strong emotional family bonds, and child character-
Spreen (1989) suggests that brain dysfunction is istics (e.g., easy temperament) appear to be impor-
the underlying common feature of learning disabili- tant factors associated with the "resilient" child who
ties, psychopathology, and other disorders of children appears less susceptible to the adverse effects of risk
and adolescents, although these disorders may coexist. factors (Keogh & Sears, 1991).
While Spreen (1989) did notfindevidence of LD sub-
types and specific forms ofpsychopathology, he did find
Implications for Assessment
that LD children with neurological signs were more
likely to experience emotional disturbance. See Nieves At least average intellectual functioning or potential
(1991) for an in-depth discussion of this topic. The LD/ has been one of the hallmarks of learning disabili-
psychosocial line of inquiry needs to be explored more ties, and historically definitions include the criteria
fully before definitive answers are available, particu- of an aptitudeachievement discrepancy (Lerner,
larly for children with phonological core deficits. 1993). Despite this history, aptitude-achievement dis-
crepancies have been criticized for statistical and
Family and home factors. There are few studies ad- methodological weaknesses (C. R. Reynolds, 1990)
dressing family home factors and reading disabili- and on developmental grounds as well (Stanovich,
ties, specifically for children who display phonologi- 1993). C. R. Reynolds (1990) recommends using a
cal awareness deficits. The research that has been multiple regression approach rather than an intelli-
conducted generally shows genetic linkage to be stron- genceachievement discrepancy method for determin-
ger than environmental variables (DeFries & Gillis, ing eligibility. Stanovich (1993) is critical of the use
1991). of intelligence for defining reading disabilities on the
Studies investigating family and home influences basis of questionable construct validity. These criti-
on learning disabilities in general have found that pre- cisms are briefly discussed.
natal and postnatal conditions are highly related to First, Stanovich (1986) found that the relationship
risk factors, including the development of general be- between intelligence and reading changes with age.
havioral or learning problems during the first 20 There is a developmental trend such that intelligence
months of life (Werner & Smith, 1982). Further, risk and reading skills are more highly correlated for older
conditions were found in families that were charac- children. Second, Stanovich, Cunningham, and
terized as "disorganized" and/or in poverty, and these Feeman (1984) report that, although intelligence is
environmental factors became more significant as the clearly related to reading ability, intelligence mea-
children became older. Children who continued to sures do not have an advantage over other variables
demonstrate moderate to severe problems tended (e.g., verbal comprehension, phonological awareness,
to come from families with low economic status decoding speed) for predicting reading problems in
and with a high degree of disruption and psycho- children. Finally, Stanovich (1993) challenges the
pathology in the family. Badian (1988) also found practice of using intelligence measures when defin-
that socioeconomic status, home conditions, and ing reading disorders, because reading problems may
educational attainment of family members may act in effect be a causal factor in reduced intelligence,
as compensatory variables for children initially particularly verbal IQ. Stanovich (1993) advocates

employing other cognitive measures (e.g., listening 1. Tests of Phonological Awareness (Torgesen &
comprehension) for assessing reading disabilities. Bryant, 1994): Standardized measure of individual
A number of neuropsychologists employ sound awareness for children in grades K2
Stanovich's theoretical orientation when evaluating 2. Test of Word Finding (German, 1989): Standard-
children with PRD. In research and clinical trials, ized measure of speed and accuracy of word
Felton and Brown (1991) have found that the follow- retrieval
ing measures are useful for predicting reading abili- 3. Comprehensive Test of Phonological Skills
ties in young children. (Torgesen, in development, available in 1997; cited
in Felton & Pepper, 1995): Standardized measure
Language, Verbal Memory, and Learning of phonological awareness, word identification,
1. Phonological awareness: Final Consonant Differ- and rapid naming for grades K2
ent and Strip Initial Consonant Tasks; Lindamood 4. Kaufman Brief Survey of Early Academic and
Auditory Conceptualization Test and Mann and Language Skills (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1991):
Liberman's syllable counting test Standardized measure ofreading readiness, expres-
2. Phonological recoding in lexical access: Rapid sive and receptive language, prereading, and
automatized naming tasks and Boston Naming Test premath readiness skills, articulation, and word
3. Verbal memory and learning: Rey Auditory Ver- naming for 3- to 6-11-year-old children.
bal Learning Test
Visual-Spatial and Visual Memory These measures are used to identify children who are
1. Perceptual organization: Rey's Complex Figure at risk for reading problems. Thus, finding deficits in
Test phonological awareness and/or word naming skills
2. Visual-spatial: Judgment of Line Test. would be helpful in that early intervention programs
could be implemented prior to the development of
Achievement serious reading disorders.
1. Woodcock Psychoeducational Battery- Reading
Implications for Intervention
2. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Reading.
Evidence indicates that phonologically impaired chil-
Felton and Brown (1991) found that the measures dren show normal progress in math but continue to
of phonological awareness and lexical access were show severe delays in reading despite remedial at-
the strongest predictors of reading skills, whereas vi- tempts in school (Torgesen, 1991b). When remedial
sual-memory, verbal learning, perceptual organiza- techniques specifically address phonological core
tion, and visual-spatial skills were less powerful. Early deficits, the outcome is more positive for at-risk stu-
reading was dependent on phonological awareness dents and children with PRD (Byrne & Fielding-
skills rather than intelligence. However, Felton and Barnsley, 1993; Cunningham, 1990; Iverson &
Brown (1991) suggest that intelligence may be re- Tunmer, 1993; Molter, 1993; Vellutino & Scanlon,
lated to overall prognosis in that children with spe- 1987). Studies also have shown increased reading
cific cognitive deficits may compensate for weak- abilities when phonological awareness is combined
nesses, whereas children with more generalized cog- with metacognitive techniques (Cunningham, 1990);
nitive deficits may not have the same intellectual re- and, when phoneme awareness is contextualized
sources to overcome academic weaknesses. within the reading curriculum (Cunningham, 1989).
Felton and Pepper (1995) reviewed other tests of The Reading Recovery Program (Clay, 1993) has
phonological processing that might prove useful in proved effective in increasing reading achievement
the assessment of reading readiness skills in of children (Stahl & Kuhn, 1995). The program in-
kindergarden and early elementary school. These in- corporates aspects of whole language while also em-
clude the following: phasizing decoding instruction. Decoding is taught

in the context of reading and writing, where the alphabetic, and orthographic. During the logographic
teacher selects strategies depending on the child's stage, reading occurs through a visual or graphic
unique reading problems. Iverson and Tunmer (1993) analysis of letters and words (lexical system). Visual
found that a modified version of the Reading Recov- memory plays an important role during this stage, and
ery teaching word families (ight in sight, light, fight, the child begins to develop a sight-word vocabulary.
etc.) was extremely effective. The alphabetic stage is characterized by the phono-
Early identification and remediation also seem im- logical decoding (phonological system) of words us-
perative to avoid some of the secondary motivation ing graphemephoneme (letter-to-sound) conver-
and psychosocial deficits that may accompany chronic sions. To develop into afluentreader, the child must
academic failure (Felton & Pepper, 1995; Wise & then proceed to the orthographic stage, where larger
Olson, 1991). Specific training in phonemic aware- morpheme units (i.e., syllables) are used. Decoding
ness for young children in kindergarten and early el- is quicker during this last stage, and this model as-
ementary grades has proved successful and seems sumes that later stages are dependent on skills ac-
preferable to control conditions where children are quired at earlier stages. This sequential model has
not exposed to these skills (Ball & Blackman, 1991; been challenged, and recent research suggests that
Felton, 1993). Further, Scarborough (1990) found that reading is most likely an interactive process whereby
children as young as 2 years of age are at extreme children "decode from sound to print as well as print
risk for severe reading problems when they have a to sound" (Chase & Tallal, 1991, p. 208).
family history of dyslexia and they also possess even Olson et al. (1994) describe numerous measures
mild syntactic fluency problems in language devel- of orthographic coding skills and methods for assess-
opment. See Wise and Olson (1991) and Stahl and ing the lexical processes of reading. A number of re-
Kuhn (1995) for a more in-depth review of remedial search tasks have been employed to measure ortho-
programs for reading disabilities, including whole lan- graphic coding skills, including pseudohomophone
guage, learning styles, Comprehension Strategy, and choice (e.g.,rain--mne), letter verification, homonym
computer-assisted instruction. Also see Foorman verification, recognition of orthographic patterns,
(1995) for clarification of the whole language versus rhyme judgments with orthographically dissimilar
decoding debate, and a review of related research. words (e.g., greatestate), and brief exposure of words
These data suggest that intervention techniques (Olson etal., 1994).
must specifically address the phonological core defi- Lexical impairments have been found in a small
cit that seems to be the basis of many reading defi- proportion of children with dyslexia, although im-
cits. Although phonemic awareness is essential for pairment in the phonological system seems to be a
early reading success, several researchers have found more consistent finding across studies. Written lan-
that orthographic and visual-spatial deficits are present guage disorders are briefly reviewed next.
in some children with severe reading disabilities.
These correlates will be briefly reviewed next.
Visual/Orthographic Deficits DISORDERS
in Reading
Written language impairments are often overlooked
Although PRD seems well established, there also ap- in discussions of learning disabilities. However, writ-
pears to be a smaller group of children who have major ten language disorders (WLD) can have profound
difficulties accessing the orthographic or visual fea- effects on the academic attainment of older children
tures of written words (Stanovich, 1992). Chase and and adolescents. In fact, young learning-disabled chil-
Tallal (1991) describe the sequential order of reading dren differfromnormal children on writing conven-
proposed by Firth (1985), including the logographic, tions, while older LD children show significant defi-

citsfromcontrols on composition skills (Poplin, Gary, Various developmental dysfunctions and their impact
Larsen, Nauikowski, & Mehring, 1980). Further, LD on writing include the following. Selective attention
children have difficulty writing narrative text (Nodine, problems may result in planning problems, erratic and
Barenbaum, & Newcomer, 1985), generating exposi- inconsistent writing, poor self-monitoring, careless
tory prose (Thomas, Englert, & Gregg, 1987), and errors, and low persistence. Simulataneous produc-
finding ideas to write about (MacArthur & Graham, tion difficulties may affect spatial planning, visual-
1987). ization of words, organization, and spelling. Sequen-
tial production deficits may relate to delayed learn-
Neuropsychological Correlates of ing of motor movements of letter forms, deficient
Written Language Disorders narrative sequencing, and organization deficits.
Memory problems affect word retrieval; spelling;
The extent to which written language disorders re- memory for rules of grammar, punctuation and capi-
sultfromright- or left-hemisphere lesions or dysfunc- talization; and dysfluent writing. Language problems
tion is still not resolved. Satz (1991) argues that lan- may result in impoverished vocabulary, decreased
guage-related disorders, including reading and writ- written expression, dysphonetic (phonemegrapheme
ten language disorders, may be a function of bilateral irregularities) spelling patterns, and poor narration.
hemispheric substrates. The two hemispheres appear Finallyfinemotor problems can result in decreased
to play complementary roles in these processes, with amounts of writing, slow productivity, effortful
the right hemisphere (anterior, central, and posterior writing, illegible writing, and awkward pencil/pen
regions) involved in the visual-spatial, emotional, and grip.
affective components of language skills, while the left Levine (1993) provides detailed discussion on de-
hemisphere (temporal-parietal and anterior regions) is velopmental variations that result in numerous aca-
involved in linguistic, speech, and reading processes. demic and learning problems in children. The extent
The neuropsychological substrates of WLD have to which these variations specifically relate to brain
not been researched as thoroughly as reading and dysfunction in children needs further investigation,
speech-language disorders. However, Aram and but this particular model provides a strong theoreti-
Ekelman (1988) did investigate the academic sequalae cal model for understanding how language,
of 32 children who had sustained prenatal or child- attentional, memory, motor, and higher order cogni-
hood cerebral vascular lesions, insults, or arterio- tive processes affect learning processes.
venous malformations. The majority of the lesioned
group had neurological early onset, before the age of Assessment of Written Language
8. In general, the lesioned group was remarkably simi-
lar to a control group, except for math aptitude and
written language. Written language deficits were as- Written language disorders can be measured usung
sociated with theright-lesionedgroup. Despite rela- writing samples takenfromthe child's academic work
tively high achievement scores, the lesioned group or structured tests. Portfolio or authentic assessment
did show high rates of grade retention, special class procedures typically include an analysis of writing
placement, and/or remedial help. samples generated by the child. Goetz, Hall, and
Fetsco (1990) provide strong arguments, based on
Cognitive Correlates of Written cognitive theories, for using alternatives to standard-
ized assessment tools. Task analysis, error pattern
Language Disorders analysis, application of the academic skill, dynamic
Levine (1993) suggests that WLD is a function of asessment (e.g., learning efficiency), and process as-
multiple developmental processes that impede au- sessment using the child's curriculum for determin-
tomatization and sophistication in written language. ing the learning processes used by the child are sev-

Table 8.2. A Summary of Specific Deficits Associated with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD)

Biogenetic Factors Environmental Factors/Prenatal/Postnatal

- No known correlates - NLD appear at or soon after birth
- Neurodevelopmental disorder or may be caused by
traumatic injury
- Few details on environmental impact

Temperament Birth Complications

- No known correlates - No known correlates

CNS Factors
- White matter dysfunction
- Intermodal integration (callosal fibers)
- Right-hemisphere involvement

Neuropsychological Factors
- Bilateral tactile deficits (pronounced on left side)
- Visual-spatial-organizational deficits
- Complex psychomotor deficits
- Oral-motor apraxia
- Concept formation and problem-solving deficits

Intellectual Perceptual Memory Attentional

- Concept formation - Visual discrimination - Tactile -Tactile
- Strategy generation - Visual detail - Nonverbal - Visual attention
- Hypothesis testing - Visual relation - Complex information - Attends to simple, repetitive
- Cause-effect relations verbal material
- Little speech prosody
- Formal operational

Academic/Behavioral Psychosocial Family

- Graphomotor - Adapting - Research is sparse
- Reading comprehension - Overreliance on rote behaviors
- Mechanical arithmetic - Externalized disorders (conduct,
- Mathematical reasoning acting out)
- Science - Social perception and judgment
- Social interaction skills
- Social withdrawal or isolation
- May develop internalized disorders
(e.g., depression, anxiety)

eral of the alternative methods suggested by Goetz et Interventions for Written Language
al. (1990), Also see Shinn (1989) for a discussion of Disorders
reliability and validity issues related to behavior/ally
A number of cognitively based intervention proce-
based curriculum assessment procedures. Levine (1993)
dures have been developed for remediating written
also describes a unique neurodevelopmental assessment
language disorders. See Chapter 11 for a discussion
process that may prove helpful to clinicians.
of these techniques.
The following standardized instruments have good
Rourke and his colleagues, who have been explor-
psychometric properties: (1) Woodcock Psycho-
ing the nature of learning disability subtypes over the
educational BatteryWritten Language and (2) Test
past 20 years, have investigated a group of children
of Written Language (TOWL).
who show relatively normal reading and spelling

skills, with deficient math abilities. The nonverbal is more important than the left for activating the en-
learning disability (NLD) syndrome will be discussed tire cortex, processing novel information, develop-
in the following sections. ing new descriptive systems, and processing complex
information. The left hemisphere is more adept than
therightat applying already learned descriptive sys-
NONVERBAL LEARNING tems that use discrete units of information (like lan-
guage), and for storing compact codes (Rourke, 1989).
In a series of studies (Rourke, 1985, 1989, 1991;
Rourke & Finlayson, 1978; Rourke & Strang, 1978,
Genetic Factors
1983), Rourke and colleagues provide empirical sup- To date there are no studies addressing the genetic basis
port for a syndrome, nonverbal learning disability for the NLD syndrome. The extent to which genetic fac-
(NLD), based on the presence of an intact left hemi- tors play a role in this neuropsychological^ based learn-
sphere with dysfunctional right-hemisphere systems. ing disorder certainly warrants investigation.
The interplay between basic neuropsychological defi-
cits and assets result in complex social-emotional and
academic difficulties. See Table 8.2 for an summary
Prenatal/Postnatal Factors
of research investigating the neuropsychological, cog- The NLD syndrome is described as a neurodevel-
nitive, academic, and psychosocial features of the opmental disorder-that is, one that is present at or
NLD syndrome. soon afterbirth (Rourke, 1989). While Rourke (1989)
The NLD model is a culmination of 20 years of does assume that the neuropsychological patterns of
research investigating the neurocognitive basis of assets and deficits are developmental in nature, ap-
learning and social-emotional functioning in children pearing at birth, he does acknowledge that traumatic
(Rourke, 1989), and is an extension of the Goldberg injury or trauma may result in a similar pattern. Few
and Costa model (1981). Rourke (1989) summarizes other details are available describing prenatal and
two major functional-anatomical differences between postnatal factors associated with the NLD syndrome.
the hemispheres:

1. The left hemisphere has greater cortical represen-

tation in specific sensory modalities (in temporal,
CNS Variations
occipital, and parietal areas) and in the motor cor- The right hemisphere is thought to be primarily im-
tex, whereas the right hemisphere has more asso- plicated in the NLD syndrome (Rourke, 1989). Spe-
ciation cortex (temporoparietal and prefrontal ar- cifically, Rourke (1989) indicates that "destruction
eas) than the left. or dysfunction of white matter that is required for
2. The left hemisphere has more intraregional con- intermodal integration" is most likely involved in the
nections, while the right has more interregional NLD syndrome (p. 114). Further, reduction of callosal
connections. fibers may be a key to explaining intermodal integra-
tion problems, such that right-hemisphere systems
These basic differences led Goldberg and Costa cannot be accessed adequately.
(1981) to conclude that the right hemisphere has a
greater capacity for dealing with "informational
Rourke (1989) further incorporates neurodevel-
Neuropsychological Correlates
opmental theory and discusses the role of the right Rourke (1989) lists the neuropsychological assets of
hemisphere cognitive and emotional adjustment in the NLD child as auditory perception, simple motor
children. Rourke proposes that the right hemisphere skills, rote memory, verbal and auditory memory, at-

tention to verbal and auditory information, and ver- Attentionalfunctions. Attentional skills are impaired
bal reception, storage, and associations. Normal scores for tactile and visual information, and these deficits
were found on Verbal Scale of the WISC-R (Infor- become more pronounced with age (Rourke, 1989).
mation, Similarities, Vocabulary, and Digit Span) and Attention to complex, novel information is particu-
the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. larly difficult, and children with NLD are more at-
Neuropsychological deficits associated with the tentive to simple, repetitive tasks than to tasks that
right-hemisphere NLD syndrome include tactile and are verbal or auditory in nature. This attentional
visual imperception, impaired complex psychomo- bias makes new learning particularly difficult, and
tor skills, inattention to tactile and visual informa- this pattern continues to become more prominent
tion, poor memory for tactile and visual information, with age.
and some verbal skill deficits (i.e., prosody, seman- Children with NLD often appear overactive ini-
tics, content). Scores are also below average on sub- tially, but this apparent hyperactivity does not per-
tests of the Performance Scale of the WISC-R (Block sist. Rourke (1994) suggests that NLD children even-
Design, Picture Arrangement, and Object Assembly): tually look normal on this dimension and may even
the Tactual Performance Test, left hand; the Pegboard become hypoactive. The hypoactivity, however, may
Test, both right and left hands; and the Category test be a function of psychosocial factors rather than
(Rourke, 1989). neuropsychological deficits.

Intellectual, Perceptual, Memory Academic and School Factors

and Attentional Functions
The interaction between right-hemisphere weaknesses
Intellectual functions. Children with the NLD syn- and left hemisphere assets is manifested in good
drome typically demonstrate at least average verbal graphomotor skills (usually later in life), word-
intelligence, have well-developed vocabulary knowl- decoding skills, spelling skills, and "verbatim
edge, and generally have strong language skills memory" (Rourke, 1989). Because NLD children rely
(Rourke, 1989, 1994). heavily on intact left-hemisphere functions, they of-
ten develop excellent reading decoding and spelling
Perceptual Junctions. Perceptual functions vary de- skills (Rourke, 1994). NLD children tend to perform
pending on the verbal nature of the task. For example, well on academic tasks that rely on rote verbal
NLD children have excellent phonological decoding memory.
skills, especially early in their development (Rourke, Academic deficits include poor academic achieve-
1994). Conversely, NLD children have marked defi- ment in mathematical reasoning and computation and
cits in visual-spatial organization, impaired visual low scores on measures of reading comprehension
recognition, and failure to appreciate visual details and science (Rourke, 1989). These academic areas
(Rourke, 1989). These visual deficits appear to in- are particularly compromised by difficulties with ab-
crease with age and become more problematic in later stract reasoning and deduction. NLD children fail to
childhood and adolescence. develop complex concept formation and problem-
solving abilities needed for advanced subject matter
Memory functions. Memory skills in children with such as physics (Rourke, 1989). However, Rourke
NLD tend to be extremely well developed for ver- (1994) suggests that when rote memory strategies are
bal material, with significantly impaired memory used to teach science and math, NLD children can
for nonverbal material (Rourke, 1989). Children learn these materials. Although NLD children start
with NLD are more adept with rote memory, espe- out with slow development of early graphomotor
cially with information that lends itself to verbal skills, these improve with age.
mediation. Academically, NLD children appear to be com-

promised by their extreme difficulties with under- istic of all LD children; and, that most LD children
standing cause-and-effect relationships, and problems are well adjusted.
generating age-appropriate problem-solving skills.
These deficits are particularly evident during novel
Implications for Assessment
tasks, and subsequent learning is negatively affected.
Comprehensive neuropsychological assessment is
necessary to identify the NLD syndrome in children.
Social-Psychological Functioning Rourke (1994) recommends a developmental model
In a series of studies, Rourke (1985, 1989, 1994) of assessment, where evaluations are repeated over
found that a complex set of symptoms develop in the time and form the basis for remedial programs. A stan-
social-emotional functioning of NLD children as a dardized, comprehensive assessment is recom-
result of and as an interaction with the neuropsycho- mended, including the following: tactile, visual, and
logical assets and deficits present. Behavioral symp- auditory-perceptual components of the Reitan batter-
toms associated with the NLD syndrome include the ies; motor tasks, Trails B; and the Tactile Performance
following: (1) poor social judgment as a result of rea- testsfromthe Reitan; portions of the Klove-Mathews
soning and problem-solving deficits; (2) difficulties Motor Steadiness test; the Underlining Test; and the
identifying and understanding facial expressions and WISC Coding subtest (Rourke, 1989, 1994).
nonverbal communication as a result of poor visual-
spatial-organizational skills; (3) poor social interac-
tion skills as a result of inappropriate verbal inter-
Implications for Intervention
change (e.g., dull, repetitious speech); (4) reduced According to Rourke, when systems of the right hemi-
physical "intimate" encounters as a result of poor tac- sphere are dysfunctional and systems of the left hemi-
tile-perceptual and motor skills in conjunction with sphere are relatively intact, there is a tendency for
poor judgment of nonverbal information; and (5) poor the child to engage in perseverative or stereotypic
overall social adaptation as a result of an interaction responding because of the overreliance on informa-
of all of the other symptoms (Rourke, 1989). tion that has already been learned. This often results
Children with the NLD syndrome often develop in difficulties in developing problem-solving strate-
social withdrawal and depression in adolescence due gies and generating alternative solutions. Children
to the interactions of these neuropsychological assets begin to develop compensatory skills that are primarily
and deficits. According to Rourke (1989), children verbal in nature, and they begin to avoid novel situa-
move "from apparent hyperactivity through tions. Because of tactile deficits and slow maturation of
normoactive behavior and then on to a hypoactive early psychomotor skills, NLD children have a tendency
response style. This occurs largely, if not exclusively, to avoid active exploration of the environment.
as a result of the rebuffs and outright physical pun- Rourke (1989) recommends intervention programs
ishments that NLD children experience as a result of that incorporate the following. First, in early devel-
their failure to anticipate the consequences of their opment intensive physiotherapy including sensory-
actions," and "there is good reason to infer that the motor integration may be necessary to "stimulate the
negative consequences of their behavior will eventu- functioning of remaining white matter to the maxi-
ate in the reduction of activity level," resulting in "an mum" (Rourke, 1989, p. 130). Second, if interven-
even further reduction in exploratory behavior" tions do not occur early, then compensatory strate-
(Rourke, 1989, p. 99). Rourke (1989) has not identi- gies using verbal skills may be effective. Third, in-
fied specific socioemotional or adaptational assets tervention should be implemented across all domains
associated with the left hemisphere in NLD children (i.e., academic and psychosocial) and should include
who show right-hemisphere weaknesses. Further, the child as well as the parent. Fourth, specific meth-
Rourke (1994) cautions that there are no unitary psy- ods for increasing social awareness, teaching prob-
chological, social, or adaptational patterns character- lem-solving strategies, encouraging generalization of

strategies, and improving verbal skills should be part ing that is associated with social-emotional function-
of the intervention plan. Methods for strengthening ing. Rourke does provide a viable model for a "right-
areas of weakness in visual-spatial areas, interpret- hemisphere syndrome" that can be tested empirically
ing competing stimuli, teaching nonverbal behaviors, with children experiencing academic disabilities (pri-
providing structure for exploration, using concrete marily in math) and psychosocial adjustment diffi-
aids, teaching self-evaluation, and developing life culties using standard neuropsychological and psy-
skills are described in detail by Rourke (1989). chological tests.

Summary and Comments about SUMMARY

NLD Syndrome The purpose of this chapter was to describe the neuro-
Rourke and his colleagues demonstrate a need to un- psychology of language disorders and learning dis-
derstand the dynamic interaction between psychologi- abilities in children. In all these disorders, the child's
cal and emotional problems in light of neuro- genetic inheritance and neurological makeup inter-
psychological assets/deficits in children with learn- act with the environment. A child with language and
ing disabilities. Although further research is neces- learning disorders is born with neurological con-
sary to verify these relationships and to determine straints that make up the beginning points of the
how learning disabilities change over the ages, an in- child's interaction with the world. In these disorders,
tegrated neurodevelopmental model provides the early interventions that combine phonological aware-
framework for such study. ness training and direct instruction of the child in the
Although Rourke has developed a model based context of reading have been most successful. The
on a series of related studies spanning two decades, neurobiological constraints are the backdrop for what
subtypology research has been criticized. Reynolds develops, and, although they are limiting in some
(1989) asserts that models relying on profile analysis manner, they are also malleable through environmen-
must take into account the reliability (i.e., stability) tal interventions.
of profiles. The extent to which profiles change over A transactional approach allows for a simultaneous
time and how these changes might affect the original understanding of the biology, neuropsychology, and
clinical decision need further study. The ratio of sub- family systems of children with neurodevelopmental
jects to variables is also crucial because random or disorders. Such an understanding is imperative in
chance variation "takes maximum advantage of cor- order to work effectively with children with neuro-
related error variance" (Reynolds, 1989, p. 160). Oth- biological vulnerabilities. As one parent of a learn-
ers have pointed out weaknesses in using correlational ing-disabled child reminded the second author: "You
methods to imply similarity among subjects (Fleiss professionals give us [the mother and father] lots of
& Zubin, 1969). Correlational methods also are in- suggestions-do you not recognize that we also have
appropriate for studies when the linearity of variables learning disabilities? How do you expect us to fol-
is questionable. Satz and Morris (1981) also point to low through when we have the same problem?" The
weaknesses in applying Q-techniques for the statisti- wisdom of this father's statement cannot be lost on
cal analysis of subtype data. us as we work with families of children with neuro-
Despite criticisms of subtype research, Rourke's developmental disorders. Familiesfrequentlyshare,
NLD model provides a foundation for further research to some degree at least, the problems of their child.
and contributes to our preliminary understanding of Even when they do not, the stress, concern, frustra-
how neuropsychological, cognitive, and social-emo- tion, and disappointment families routinely feel is
tional functioning interacts with and influences the often ignored when developing treatment plans for
development of children. This model describes a children and adolescents with disorders. These con-
complex interaction among deficient and intact neuro- textual variables also need to be assessed and planned
psychological systems, early experiences, and learn- for in effective interventions.


Various metabolic, biogenetic/chromosomal, seizure, METABOLIC DISORDERS

and neuromotor disorders (e.g., cerebral palsy) are
Metabolic disorders have been linked to various neu-
the focus of this chapter. These neurological disor-
rological disorders including cognitive retardation,
ders frequently result in accompanying neuro-
with over 100 single-gene disorders identified in chil-
psychological, social/emotional, and behavioral dif-
dren and adolescents (Menkes, 1990). Phenylketonia
ficulties that place stress on the child, family, and
(PKU) and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) are only
school. As with other neurological and neurodevel-
two metabolic disorders that will be discussed here.
opmental disorders, the child neuropsychologist needs
These disorders could easily be listed under chromo-
to be particularly sensitive to these stressors when
somal abnormalities, as each has a genetic basis (Cook
assessing and planning intervention programs. Rec-
& Leventhal, 1992). SeeHynd and Willis (1988) for
ognition of these variables is just beginning to be stud-
a more in-depth treatment of other disorders affect-
ied, but clinical practice indicates that children with
ing metabolic processes that ultimately result in neuro-
these various disorders require support in all envi-
psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescents.
ronments-home, school, and social. A transactional
approach to the deficits experienced by children with
these disorders would be most ecologically valid
while also providing information for the most appro-
priate interventions. Phenylketonia (PKU) is a rare (affecting 1:16,000 to
A number of select metabolic, biogenetic, seizure, 1:18,000) autosomal recessive disorder that affects
and neuromotor disorders will be discussed in this males and females equally (Cook & Leventhal, 1992;
chapter, with attention not only to the neuropsycholog- Hynd & Willis, 1988). Characteristics of the disorder
ical assessment of deficits but also to the contribu- and assessment and intervention implications are
tions of the family and school for remediating these briefly discussed.
difficulties. Research on intervention outcome and is
sparse is sorely needed. For each of these disorders, a Characteristics and Associated
review of the literature indicates that more knowl-
edge is needed, not only concerning the neuro-
Features of PKU
psychology of the disorder but also in planning for PKU is a chronic disorder that affects the metabo-
these children throughout the life span. The demar- lism of phenylalanine to tyrosine (Fehrenbach &
cation of biogenetic, neurocutaneous, and metabolic Peterson, 1989). Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine
disorders is one of convenience and does not imply (DA), and when phenylalanine is too low, the pro-
that a biogenetic basis may underlie some of these duction of DA may be altered and may result in
various conditions. The demarcations are used only changes in bones, anemia, antibodies, and cognitive
for ease of discussion. development. Phenylalanine is a protein and, when it


is not metabolized, it begins to be stored in the body. tors (intake of foods), which directly affect the mani-
When phenylalanine levels are too high they can pro- festation and control of the disorder. It is important
duce serious negative consequences, including cog- to initiate dietary treatment early in life (within the
nitive retardation (Hynd & Willis, 1988; Michaels, first 3 months) to reduce the possibility of cognitive
Lopus, & Matalon, 1988). retardation.
PKU can produce neuropsychiatry disorders in Although early treatment appears to reduce sig-
children, including behavioral disruption and antiso- nificant cognitive impairment, children with PKU
cial problems (Fehrenbach & Peterson, 1989). Life- may still have minor cognitive deficits. There is some
time ADHD was also associated with PKU even af- evidence to suggest that the child's cognitive outcome
ter successful dietary control (Realmuto et al., 1986). is dependent on a number of factors, including ma-
In rare instances, PKU can result in death (Hanley, ternal IQ level, the age at which treatment is initi-
Linsoa, Davidson, & Moes, 1970) or in seizure ac- ated, and dietary compliance (Williamson, Koch, Aze,
tivity, abnormal EEGs, spasticity, and reflex and & Chang, 1981).
tremor disorders (Hynd & Willis, 1988). The devel-
opment of neural tissues appears to be affected, with Family factors related to dietary compliance.
cellular abnormalities and incomplete myelination Fehrenbach and Peterson (1989) investigated the af-
resulting. fects of other family factors, including organization,
cohesion, stress, and conflict, on the child's compli-
ance with dietary restrictions. The families of 30 chil-
Implications for Assessment
dren were followed, and the level of parental prob-
Early medical screening for PKU is widespread and lem solving was related to disease control. Specifi-
can be extremely effective in reducing the progres- cally, Fehrenbach and Peterson (1989) found that ver-
sive, deleterious developmental and medical difficul- bal problem-solving abilities were related to children's
ties associated with the disorder (Hynd & Willis, compliance. Further, parents with highly compliant
1988). Neuropsychological assessment may also be children were able to provide a number of solutions
important in efforts to identify the presence of cogni- and parenting options available in problem situations.
tive, reasoning, and visuospatial deficits that have Family cohesion, level of conflict, and support were
been reported in some children with PKU. Psycho- not related to compliance.
educational evaluation appears effective for determin- Although family SES, age, and education of par-
ing academic (e.g., learning disabilities, deficits in math- ents were unrelated to problem-solving measures,
ematics), and behavioral adjustment difficulties (e.g., these variables were related to stress levels and fam-
disruptiveness, antisocial behavior, low self-esteem). ily functioning (Fehrenbach & Peterson, 1989). In-
Effective interventions focus on dietary control and duced stress conditions affected both groups of fami-
compliance with these restrictions. Family issues ap- lies (high- and low-compliant groups) and thus was
pear to affect dietary compliance, so strategies that not considered predictive of compliance. While stress
address these related factors are discussed. did reduce the number of alternative strategies that
were generated by both groups, the high-compliant
parent group demonstrated higher quality solutions
Implications for Interventions
and reported stressful situations as less stressful. These
The negative effects of PKU can be controlled through findings are important because they point out the need
dietary changes whereby foods containing high lev- to consider family members in the treatment plans
els of phenylalanine (e.g., meats, milk, and milk prod- for children with PKU.
ucts) are reduced or eliminated (Fehrenbach &
Peterson, 1989). Thus, PKU is clearly a genetic dis- Preventive measures. Recent research suggests that
order that can be influenced by environmental fac- maternal hyperphenylalanemia should be monitored

during pregnancy (Menkes, 1990). Dietary control 1995). Hypotonia may be present in infants, but hy-
(i.e., phenylalanine-restrictions) during pregnancy pertonia and hyperreflexia develop.
does have preventive effects, thereby reducing fetal Self-mutilation is characteristic of children be-
complications including microcephaly. tween the ages of 3 and 5 years, when injuries to fa-
Ongoing treatment monitoring appears prudent and cial areas (i.e., eyes, nose, lips) and appendages (fin-
may increase children's compliance with dietary re- gers and legs) resultfromchewing and biting oneself
strictions and other intervention strategies. Medical, (Hynd & Willis, 1988). Almost all children with LNS
psychological, and educational interventions should show self-injurious behaviors by age 8 to 10 years,
be coordinated, with the child and the family as the with spasticity, choreoathetosis, opisthotonos, and
focus of treatment. facial hypotonia also evident (Matthews et al., 1995).
Malnutrition may resultfromsevere self-injury to the
mouth orfromvomiting (Nyhan, 1976).
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome Communication is also hampered because of poor
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) is a progressive meta- articulation from the palsy in speech musculature
bolic disorder that results in cognitive retardation and (Matthews et al., 1995). Although cognitive retarda-
is often accompanied by choreoathetoid movements tion has been reported, individuals with LNS may be
(Matthews, Solan, & Barabas, 1995). LNS is a sex- brighter than measured abilities suggest (Nyhan,
linked disorder that is usually inherited, although it 1976). Many of the studies to date have relied on
can occur through a spontaneous genetic mutation single subjects, so it is difficult to ascertain the exact
(Davidson et al., 1991). Females rarely have LNS but nature of the deficits that have been reported. One
can be carriers of the disorder. study with a comparatively large sample (N= 42) re-
LNS is associated with an abnormality or near ab- ported that cognitive impairment was not present in
sence of an enzyme (hypoxanthine-guanine phos- 41 subjects, although the study relied on parental re-
phoribosynltransferase, HGPRT) that appears promi- ports of the children's mental abilities (Anderson,
nent on the X chromosome (Cook & Leventhal, Ernst, & Davis, 1992). Using the Stanford Binet In-
1992). This abnormality has an effect on the telligence Scale, fourth edition (SB-IV), Matthews et
individual's ability to metabolize purines, which in al. (1995) investigated intellectual levels for seven
turn has in profound neurological and behavioral con- subjects. Subjects showed ability levels ranging from
sequences (Matthews et al., 1995). Dopamine activ- moderate cognitive retardation to low average abil-
ity appears altered in various brain regions (putamen, ity. As a group, the sample performed equally well
caudate, and nucleus accumbens), with other neuro- on verbal and nonverbal tasks, although individually
chemical imbalances that may explain the movement they did show a strong preference for either the vi-
and psychiatric problems associated with the disor- sual or the verbal modality. Further, attention and
der (Jankovic et al., 1988). higher level intellectual abilities appeared most com-
promised in this group. Memory, word definitions,
Characteristics and Associated and comprehension of complex speech were impaired.
Memory deficits affected mental computation, recall
Features of LNS of digits backward, visual reasoning, and verbal rea-
At birth, there are no abnormal characteristics, but soning. It is also important to note that the youngest
motor delays and choreoathetoid movements appear children performed the best, suggesting that there may
within thefirstyear and progressively worsen for in- be a ceiling for cognitive development for individu-
fants with LNS (Cook & Leventhal, 1992). Children als with LNS.
with LNS often develop normally until about 8 to 24 Seizure disorders are common in LNS patients
months of age, when choreoathetosis appears and (maybe as high as 50%). Other neuropsychiatry prob-
earlier motor milestones are lost (Matthews et al., lems may include aggression. Finally, the long-term

outcome is poor, as LNS usually results in premature Psychoeducational interventions have not been de-
death (the patient may reach young adulthood) from scribed, although children with LNS may benefit from
renal failure. programs that emphasize functional life skills. Rep-
etition and visual cues may be helpful. The extent to
which computer-assisted approaches would be help-
Implications for Assessment ful with this group has not been researched, but com-
Neuropsychologists play a role in the treatment of puter usemay be warranted in individuals with sig-
children with LNS by providing baseline data to sub- nificant motor involvement.
stantiate initial cognitive and psychiatric features of
the disorder. To date there is no prescribed assess-
ment protocol for this group, but comprehensive, mul- CHROMOSOMAL SYNDROMES
tifactorial assessment is needed to evaluate the full Selected biogenetic disorders of childhood, includ-
range and extent of deficits across motor, cognitive, ing Down, Fragile X, and Klinefelter syndromes, are
academic, and psychosocial areas. Significant physi- reviewed next. See Dill, Hayden, and McGillivray
cal involvement may restrict the type of intellectual (1992) for a more extensive review of chromosomal
and neuropsychological measures that can be used abnormalities.
reliably with this population. Therefore the clinician
needs to incorporate functional, ecologically based
assessment procedures to ascertain skill levels.
Down Syndrome
Efforts should be made to assess functional skills Down syndrome, the most common chromosomal dis-
through interview and observation of the individual order, occurs when there is a triplication of a chromo-
in a natural setting (e.g., in a classroom or home en- some (it may resultfromtrisomy 21 or afragmentof
vironment). Careful evaluation of family stress and 21q22) during meiosis (Cook & Leventhal, 1992)
coping patterns will also be helpful to aid in the plan- (Papalia & Olds, 1992). Although Down syndrome can
ning of interventions. be inherited, the majority of cases are noninherited, with
as many as 90% of cases resultingfroman accident in
the chromosomal distribution in the development of the
Implications for Interventions ovum, sperm, or zygote (Smith & Wilson, 1973).
LNS can be detected during the fetal stage, and re- Risk factors increase dramatically depending on
search into various medical interventions is under- the age of the mother, from 1 in 1420 births in moth-
way. To date, behavioral interventions have been ef- ers in their twenties to 1 in 30 for mothers over 45
fective for reducing self-mutilation; although in some years of age (Dill & McGillivray, 1992). Although
cases self-restraints may be required. the mother is typically implicated in the appearance
Psychopharmacotherapy may be helpful in treat- of Down, the syndrome also increases (20% to 30%
ing individuals with LNS, but haloperidol, L-dopa, greater chance of occurrence) when fathers are be-
pimozide, diazepam, and clomipramine have been tween 50 and 55 (Erickson & Bjerkedal, 1981). Less
limited in there effectiveness (Watts et al., 1982). Se- frequently, occurrences of Down syndrome are asso-
rotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., fluoxetine) may ciated with translocation of chromosomes other than
prove useful for reducing the compulsively self-inju- 21 (Emery, 1984).
rious behaviors (Cook, Rowlett, Jaselskis, &
Leventhal, 1990), and other medications have been
suggested for use (i.e., 5-hydroxytryptophan, flu-
Characteristics and Associated
phenazine, and naltreone) (Cook & Leventhal, 1992). Features of Down Syndrome
Controlled research into psychopharmacological trials Down syndrome is a disorder associated with mild to
is needed before these avenues can be fairly assessed. severe cognitive retardation (Papilia & Olds, 1992).

Physical anomalies include small head;flatnose; folds Screening of women presents numerous ethical as
at the corners of the eyes; protruding tongue; and well as medical dilemmas. Even though amniocente-
heart, eye, and ear defects. Although infants with sis is commonly used on mothers over 35, 95% of
Down syndrome may show slower development, they pregnant women are under 35 years of age, so initial
follow the same sequence of development as normal screening may miss 80% of Down syndrome prena-
children (Cicchetti & Beeghly, 1990). tally (Kloza, 1990). Other measures of detecting high-
Children with Down syndrome are also prone to risk mothers may help. For example, significant low
spinal cord injuries due to lax ligaments between the levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) have been found in
first and second cervical vertebrate (Heller, Alberto, blood samples of pregnant women, and AFP levels
Forney, & Schwartzman, 1996). Dislocation of this are routinely measured to identify neural tube defects.
area may weaken the child's arms and legs or, in rare Once chromosomal abnormalities have been de-
instances, may result in paralysis; thus, some activi- tected, the treatment options are not always preferred
ties that put strain on the neck (e.g., diving and tum- or optimal. Genetic counseling may help parents by
bling) should be avoided (Shapiro, 1992). Children with providing information about the presence of the dis-
Down syndrome also have higher than normal rates of order so that they can decide for or against a thera-
hip dislocation and dysplasia (Shaw & Beals, 1992). peutic abortion (LeFrancois, 1995). Counseling may
Alzheimer's disease may be linked to the same differ depending on whether the family sees an ob-
chromosome associated with Down syndrome. stetrician, a clinical geneticist, or a genetic nurse. In
Alzheimer's is a progressive loss of memory and brain a study conducted in England, Marteau, Drake, and
function associated with tangling/plaguing of nerve Bobrow (1994) found that obstetricians are more di-
tissue (LeFrancois, 1995). Older individuals with rective than genetic nurses, while clinical geneticists
Down syndrome have shown physiological abnor- fell somewhere between the two other groups. Ob-
malities similar to those seen in Alzheimer's patients, stetricians tended to recommend termination of preg-
and apparently the underlying pathology in both dis- nancy morefrequently,whereas termination recom-
orders occurs from a defective gene on chromosome mendations from the other two professional groups
21 (Goldgarber, Lerman, McBride, Saffiotti, & were more related to the specific conditions. For ex-
Gajdusek, 1987). ample, 94% of nurses, 57% of geneticists, and 32%
of obstetricians recommended termination when
Down syndrome was present.
Implications for Assessment
Important ethical and psychological factors influ-
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) ence process counseling. Psychological support for
can detect Down syndrome (LeFrancois, 1995). In parents-to-be is essential to address the complex emo-
amniocentesis, amniotic fluid is drawn and fetal cells tional reactions that accompany genetic counseling.
are examined for the presence of chromosomal ab-
normalities. CVS also involves testing of fetal cells,
but these are drawn from samples of chorion (pre-
Implications for Interventions
cedes placenta) (Liu, 1991). CVS can be performed The finding that children with Down syndrome can
early (within 7 weeks after conception) and tests can be taught skills that will allow independent living as
be conducted on the same day. Amniocentesis requires adults has led educators to increase their expectations
two- to three-week laboratory time to grow cultures, for their overall development (Hayden & Harding,
so that results are not available until well into the sec- 1976). In supportive, enriched environments, young
ond trimester of the pregnancy (LeFrancois, 1995). children with Down syndrome can approach normal
However, CVS may cany higher risks for complica- functioning, particularly when programs are initiated
tions, resulting in a loss of the fetus in 3% to 4% of in infancy (Cicchetti & Beeghly, 1990).
cases (Gilmore & Aitken, 1989). Children with Down syndrome may experience

multiple disabilities that influence their physical, com- more intensive intervention is needed for children
munication, cognitive, and psychosocial performance with Down syndrome to be more fully integrated into
(Heller et al., 1996). The manner in which one de- society.
signs an intervention program depends on the unique
combination of disabilities and the severity of symp-
toms the child displays. Cognitive retardation affects
Fragile X Syndrome
learning in general and may result in longer learning Fragile X occurs when the X chromosome is com-
curves, necessitating repetition and increased drill and pressed or broken (LeFrancois, 1995). Although Frag-
practice for academic and/or self-help, daily living ile X occurs in females, it is more common in males
skills. Antecedent or response cues may be effective and may explain why cognitive retardation is more
for children with cognitive disabilities (Heller et al., frequent in males than in females (Zigler & Hodapp,
1996), and increased rates of reinforcement may be 1991). Females with Fragile X syndrome appear to
required. have higher rates of normal intelligence (70%) than
Basic instruction in daily self-care skills may be do males (20%) affected by the disorder (Dill &
needed using reinforcement and modeling techniques. McGillivray, 1992).
Social interactions skills also may be enhanced As a sex-linked genetic disorder, where the X chro-
through direct instruction in specific skills and rein- mosome is abnormal, the defective recessive gene
forcement of appropriate behaviors in naturally oc- appears to have more of a profound effect on males,
curring situations. who have only one X chromosome, whereas females
Heller et al. (1996) suggest that children with con- may inherit one good X chromosome to counterbal-
genital heart disorders need to be monitored carefully ance the other defective gene (LeFrancois, 1995). The
in the classroom depending on the nature and sever- defective gene is inheritedfromthe mother, who does
ity of the heart defects. Physical restrictions may be not manifest the disorder because it is recessive. Frag-
necessary for those with severe forms of heart de- ile X syndrome also increases infrequencyfor moth-
fects, while milder forms may not necessitate such ers over the age of 40 (Hsu, 1986).
restrictions. Adaptive physical education, shortened
days or special rest times, and homebound education Characteristics and Associated
may be needed in some cases. Further, Heller et al.
(1996) suggest that children with congenital heart
Features of Fragile X
problems should be taught about heart defects, should Fragile X syndrome is associated with mild to severe
be taught to identify their own symptoms, should retardation (Papilia & Olds, 1992) and is considered
become aware of their own limitations, and should to be the most common cause of inherited cognitive
be encouraged to be their own advocates when deci- retardation (Wolf-Schein, 1992). Although Down syn-
sions about the level of their activities are discussed. drome may account for more cases of cognitive re-
Although Carr (1994) found that individuals with tardation, it is not considered to be inherited from
Down syndrome are living longer lives and are in parent to child but occurs from abnormal chromo-
better health than in past years, the long-term out- somal divisions (LeFrancois, 1995). Unlike Down
come is still unsettling. The gradual decline of intel- syndrome, cognitive retardation in Fragile X may not
lectual abilities into adulthood poses problems and be obvious until later stages of development, where
many individuals with Down syndrome lead restricted marked intellectual deterioration may occur between
lives with few interactions with the general popula- the ages of 10 and 15 years of age (Silverstein &
tion. Many of the individuals who were followed in Johnston, 1990).
this study received early intervention, so it is not clear Dykens et al. (1989) suggest that the drop in IQ,
whether children born with Down syndrome today which may be as dramatic asfroma high of 54 points
will have a better outcome. It appears that a longer, (between 5 and 10) to 38 points (at older ages) may

be due to a "plateau" effect rather than a loss of pre- ventions are not well investigated to date, and Cook
viously acquired intellectual skills. Nevertheless, and Leventhal (1992) suggest that "molecular under-
impairments in visual and sequential processing skills standing of pathogenesis may contribute directly to
appear prominent (Cook & Leventhal, 1992). Hyper- the development of therapeutic strategies" (p. 657).
sensitivity to auditory stimuli, self-injury, and inter-
est in unusual sensory stimuli (smell) may also be
Klinefelter Syndrome
Fragile X is also considered to be one of the pri- Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is a chromosomal varia-
mary causes of autism (Papalia & Olds, 1992), with tion whereby an extra X chromosome is present on
as many as 12% of autistic children display Fragile chromosome 47 (47, XXY) (Sandberg & Barrick,
X (Wolf-Schein, 1992). Males appear to have more 1995). KS is considered the most common of the chro-
severe symptoms, including language delays, slow mosomal abnormalities, and estimates suggest that it
motor development, speech impairments, and hyper- occurs in approximately 1 in every 1000 male births
activity. Rapid speech, echolalia, and impaired com- (Grumbach & Conte, 1985) or 1 in 700 (Hynd &
munication skills have been reported (Cook & Willis, 1988). Autosomal abnormalities like KS, in-
Leventhal, 1992). Social interactions also appear com- cluding Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edward syn-
promised. drome (trisomy 18), Patua syndrome (trisomy 13),
Cri du Chat syndrome (deletion on Chromosome 5),
and Turner syndrome (XO), affect CNS development
Implications for Assessment and are characterized by physical variations (Hynd
Cytogenetic screening can detect Fragile X syndrome & Willis, 1988). KS is considered an endocrine dis-
in almost all affected males, although false negative order resulting from hyposecretion of sex hormones
rates may be as high as 50% in heterozygotic female (Sandberg & Barrick, 1995).
carriers (Cook & Leventhal, 1992). However, there
are more sensitive molecular genetic probes for di- Characteristics and Associated
agnosing Fragile X syndrome in males, carrier fe-
males, or unaffected males.
Features of KS
Diagnosis may be aided in less severely affected Characteristics of KS include: infertility, male breast
individuals by physical characteristics, including long development, underdeveloped masculine build, and
face; prominent ears, jaw, and forehead; hyper- social-cognitive-academic difficulties (Grumbach &
mobility and hypertonia; mitral valve prolapse; and Conte, 1985). Physical characteristics (e.g., long legs,
macro-orchidism in postpubescent males (Cook & tall stature, small testes and penis for body) may be
Leventhal, 1992). distinguishing features for diagnosing KS (Ratcliffe,
Butler, & Jones, 1990).
Implications for Interventions Psychosocial andpsychoeducational correlates ofKS.
The extent to which social interaction, intellectual, Males with KS often have associated behavioral dif-
and communication abilities are involved may deter- ficulties (i.e., anxiety, immaturity, passivity, and low
mine the long-term outcome. Recent investigations activity levels), and may present with various prob-
show that 10 of 17 individuals with Fragile X syn- lems in peer relations as well as academic, and be-
drome also have autistic or pervasive developmental havioral problems (e.g., impulsivity, aggressiveness,
disorders (Reiss & Freund, 1990). Preliminary treat- withdrawal) (Sandberg & Bairick, 1995). Because KS
ment efficacy suggests that hyperactivity and atten- children appear shy and withdrawn, teachers may de-
tional problems improve with stimulants (Hagerman, scribe these boys as lazy or daydreamy. Although
Murphy, & Wittenberger, 1988). Therapeutic inter- most KS males are not psychiatrically disturbed, they

may have difficulties with psychosocial adjustment come, although for some individuals it has been suc-
because of passivity and withdrawal (Robinson, cessful (Nielsen, 1991).
Bender, & Linden, 1990). Further, schizophrenia ap- Individual and family therapy may be needed to
pears higher among KS children (Friedman & address the psychosocial needs of the individual with
McGillivray, 1992). KS. Sandberg and Barrick (1995) suggest implement-
Language and speech delays may be present in ing opportunities for structured social interactions.
about 50% of individuals with KS (Walzer, 1985), Finally, educational interventions may address lan-
with typically average IQ (Pennington, Bender, Puck, guage- and speech-related difficulties with vocabu-
Salbenblatt, & Robinson, 1982). Fine and gross mo- lary development and comprehension training.
tor delays have been found in some individuals, where Three of the more common neurocutaneous dis-
dexterity, speed, coordination, and strength may be orders are discussed separately.
affected (Mandoki & Sumner, 1991). Considerable
evidence of academic weaknesses, including difficulty NEUROCUTANEOUS
in reading (Netley, 1987; Ratcliff et al, 1990), spell-
ing (Netley, 1987), and reading comprehension (Gra-
ham, Bashir, Stark, Silbert, & Walzer, 1988), has been Neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, and Sturge-
reported. Weber syndrome are among the more common
neurocutaneous syndromes. Tuberous sclerosis and
neurofibromatosis both involve the failure of cells to
Implications for Assessment differentiate and/or proliferate during early neuro-
Sandberg and Barrick (1995) indicate that most males developmental stages (Cook & Leventhal, 1992).
with KS are not identified in adolescence or in adult- Morphological changes in the brain occur following
hood, so present research may be skewed toward those these early developmental abnormalities, and these
individuals with more medical and/or psychological morphological differences result primarily from a
difficulties. Chromosomal analysis is necessary to failure of control of cell differentiation and prolifera-
identify KS, and is not routinely conducted. Careful tion. Hynd and Willis (1988) suggest that these ab-
history taking, in light of psychosocial, behavioral, normalities may occur during the eighth and twenty-
and academic problems, may suggest the need for a fourth week of gestation, when migration of embry-
medical consultation and genetic screening. Thorough onic cells is at its height.
psychological and educational assessment may shed Most of these neurocutaneous disorders are geneti-
light on other language and academic delays. To date, cally transmitted through autosomal dominant means.
very little has been written about the neuropsycho- Thus, neurocutaneous disorders could just as easily
logical correlates of KS; however, neuropsychological be discussed under biogenetic diseases.
assessment may be helpful in determining the nature
and extent of motor and language difficulties. Re-
search into this avenue would be useful.
Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a rare disorder and has
been referred to as Von Recklinghausen's disease in
Implications for Interventions honor of the physician who first identified the disor-
Medical intervention may include testosterone re- der (Hynd & Willis, 1988). The manner in which NF
placement at about the age of 12, when levels are is expressed varies dramatically; parents may show
lower than expected; in cases where gynecomastia few abnormalities, while one child may show severe
(breast development) is present, surgery may be war- symptoms and a sibling may show no signs (Hynd &
ranted (Sandberg & Barrick, 1995). Testosterone re- Willis, 1988). It has been shown that when the child's
placement may or may not result in a favorable out- father is affected by NF, the child's symptoms are

less severe than when the mother is affected (Miller dal distribution in intelligence scores was found, sug-
& Hall, 1978). Furthermore, children with affected gesting that the group may have subtypes-those with
mothers have higher morbidity, and show symptoms and those without cognitive deficits. Individuals with
at an earlier age (38% show signs in infancy and 76% lower IQs do show abnormal MRI scans (increased
by age 3 years). For a more detailed discussion of T2 signal intensity) in a number of studies (Hofman
neurofibromatosis, see Riccardi (1992). et al., 1994; North et al., 1995). These lesions are
There are two major forms of NF-NF1 and thought to arisefromglial proliferation and aberrant
NF2-involving either chromosome 17 (NF1) or myelination. Speech-language, attentional, organiza-
chromosome 22 (NF2) (Phelps, in press). NF1 is an tional, and social difficulties were present, although
dominant, autosomal (nonsex) inherited disorder hyperactivity and oppositional and conduct disorders
which occurs in approximately 1 in 3000 births, while were not apparent.
NF2 occurs in approximately 1 in 50,000 births. In a The physical features of NF1 varyfrommild, with
cross-cultural study, Garty, Laor, and Danon (1994) cafe au lait spots, to extensive pigmentation and
found that NF1 may occur at two to five times the neurofibromas all over the body (Phelps, in press).
prevalence rate. Incidence rates appeared higher for Neurofibromas and brain lesions may not appear un-
individuals with North African and Asian families as til later childhood and adolescence, and with the on-
opposed to European and North American. Garty et set of puberty they have a tendency to increase. While
al. (1994) suggest these higher incidence rates in spe- the cafe au lait spots may be present immediately,
cific populations may be explained in part by the older they too increase with age, along with increased Lisch
age of the parents in these groups. Further research nodules (Listernick & Charrow, 1990). Symptoms
along these lines may prove helpful in addressing this may become so severe in a large number of adoles-
variable. NF1 and NF2 have different features, al- cents that by the age of 15 as many as 50% of indi-
though NF2 occurs rarely in pediatric populations. viduals with NF1 may have health-related problems
(Riccardi, 1992).

Characteristics and Associated Cognitive and psychosocial correlates ofNFL Aca-

Features of NF demic problems including learning disabilities occurs
in about 50% of children with NF1 (Riccardi, 1992).
Features of NFL NF1 is characterized by the follow- Visual spatial disorders, with accompanying reading
ing: spots of skin pigmentation that appear like birth- problems are common (Eliason, 1986; Hofman et al.,
marks (cafe au lait maculas); benign tumors on or 1994; Riccardi, 1992). Compared to noninvolved sib-
under the skin (neurofibromas); tumors in the iris that lings, NF1 patients have lower cognitive skills
are also benign (Lisch nodules); focal lesions in vari- (Hofman et al., 1994). Global and verbal intelligence
ous brain regions (e.g., basal ganglia, subcortical appear somewhat compromised, although these skills
white matter, brain stem, and cerebellum); and freck- are within the average range (Phelps, in press).
les in unexposed body areas (e.g., armpit or groin area) Psychosocial adjustment appears problematic in
(Phelps, in press). NF1 also is associated with learn- that NF1 children are often teased because of their
ing problems, anxiety related to physical appearance, appearance, which worsens with age. Children with
malignant tumors in the CNS, cluster tumors (plexi- NF1 often do poorly in school and have trouble es-
form neurofibromas), optic tumors, and seizure dis- tablishing friendships. NF is a disfiguring disorder
orders (Phelps, in press). that produces stress and anxiety in individuals with
North, Joy, Yuille, Cocks, and Hutchins (1995) this disorder (Benjamin et al, 1993). Attempts to hide
found that children with NF1 displayed high rates of the condition often lead to isolation, and high levels
learning disabilities; poor adaptive social function- of anxiety are not uncommon in adolescents (Ben-
ing, and high rates of behavioral problems. A bimo- jamin et al., 1993).

Features ofNF2. NF2 involves the eighth cranial often are not well informed about the disorder (Ben-
nerve, which results in hearing loss, imbalances, pain, jamin et al., 1993). Further research is needed to
headaches, and ringing in the ears (Phelps, in press). establish more clearly how these factors affect
These are late-appearing tumors (in the twenties or interventions with this population of children and
thirties), although it is possible to diagnose NF2 in adolescents.
children, particularly when there are multiple skin (ab-
sent cafe au lait or Lisch nodules) or CNS tumors.
Tuberous Sclerosis
Implications for Assessment Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is a neurocutaneous disorder
The presence of cafe au lait spots is often used as a affecting about 1 in 150,000 infants (Dawson, 1954).
clinical marker for the presence of NF1. However, CNS symptoms are present, with a majority of indi-
the number of spots needed to make a diagnosis is viduals also showing other physical symptoms involv-
controversial, ranging from 5 to 6 distinct spots at ing the heart, lungs, bones, and kidneys. Distinct fa-
least 1.5 cm in diameter (Hynd & Willis, 1988). Di- cial lesions-adenoma sebaceum-that appear like
agnosis of NF2 is often made following MRI scans, acne are present in approximately 53% of 5-year-olds
genetic analysis, and review of family history of the and 100% of 35-year-olds with the disorder (Bundey
disorder, particularly when the physical appearances & Evans, 1969). Other white spots-amelanotic
described above are present (Mautner, Tatagiba, naevus-may be present on the face, trunk, or limbs
Guthoff, Samii, & Pulst, 1993). in half of patients with TS (Chalhub, 1976). A rough
Neuropsychologists may be called on to assess the discolored patch also may be observed in the lumbar
child to establish a base rate of cognitive and aca- region in a smaller number of individuals (20& to
demic deficits and to ascertain any subsequent dete- 50%).
rioration that may occur. Thus, the use of a broad- CNS lesions resultfroman abnormal proliferation
based assessment protocol is advised, including mea- of brain cells and glia during embryonic development
sures of intellectual, language, motor, academic, and (Chalhub, 1976). Tubers occur in the convulsions of
psychosocial ability (North et al., 1995). brain tissue and ultimately interfere with the lamina-
tion of the cortex. Tumorlike protrusions also may
enter the ventricular regions from an outgrowth of
Implications for Interventions astrocytes. These calcium-enriched tubers are visible
Although specific treatment plans have not been in- on CT scans. White matter heterotopias also may be
vestigated, techniques for addressing learning, behav- one of the CNS lesions found in patients with TS.
ioral, and academic difficulties may prove helpful. When tumors are present near the lateral ventricular
Access to special education services may be appro- region, hydrocephalus may appear.
priate under the category of "Other Health Impaired"
(Phelps, in press). It is apparent that children with Characteristics and Associated
NF require academic as well as psychological sup-
port. Furthermore, surgical removal of tumors may Features of TS
be necessary (Hynd & Willis, 1988). Long-term fol- Children with TS often show signs including: cogni-
low-up is needed because children with NF may show tive retardation, epilepsy, and hemiplegia (Hynd &
deficits at a later age as demands increase (Montgom- Willis, 1988). Seizure activity is common in individu-
ery, 1992). als with TS, and maybe as high as 85% to 95% of
Parents may also benefit from counseling and re- those affected. Infantile spasms are common and may
alistic planning for the child's future. Family educa- worsen with age (Friedman & Pampiglione, 1971;
tion and support is also recommended, as families Pampiglione & Pugh, 1975). However, there appears

to be little connection between physical signs anomalies appear to result from various neuro-
(lesions), seizure activity, and intracranial lesions. pathologies involving (1) intracranial calcification in
Psychological and behavioral characteristics have the occipital and parietal regions, and sometimes in
been noted in children with TS, including hyperac- the temporal region, and (2) abnormal production of
tivity, aggression, destructive tantrums, and other endothelial cells, which leads to leptomeningeal
behavioral control problems (Hunt, 1983). Autism angioma and, in some cases, to subarachnoid or
also has associated with TS (Cook & Leventhal, subdural hemorrhage (Chalhub, 1976). Calcification
1992), as has schizophrenia (Herkert, Wald, & usually is not observable during infancy but is ob-
Romero, 1972). servable through CT and skull X-rays at a later age.
Vascular lesions and abnormal blood flow have also
been found using carotid angiography. Facial naevus
Implications for Assessment (port wine staining) is characteristic of SWS.
Children may require medical evaluations including
ultrasound to identify tumors in visceral regions and Characteristics and Associated
EEGs for seizure activity or spasms. Surgical removal
of CNS tumors (near the ventricular region) may be
Features of SWS
necessary but does not always produce good results SWS is associated with seizure activity usually oc-
and may have a high morbidity rate (Hynd & Willis, curring early in the child's life, within the first two
1988). Neuropsychological assessment, including years, and progressively worsening with age
academic and psychological evaluation to identify (Chalhub, 1976). The extent to which seizures can be
associated features such as hyperactivity, aggression, controlled often predicts later outcome of the disor-
autism, and other behavioral/psychiatric disorders, is der. Cognitive and behavioral problems are common.
recommended. Some patients also have glaucoma.

Implications for Interventions Implications for Assessment

As with other neurocutaneous disorders, little is
and Intervention
known about a specific course of action to take for Medical follow-up is required to identify the nature
interventions, other than medical treatment and sei- of neuropathology and to treat seizure activity. In rare
zure control. Although psychoeducational interven- cases, hemispherectomy has been completed to con-
tions for school-related difficulties seem reasonable, trol seizures. While the outcome of neurosurgery has
efficacy and outcome research has not been con- been variable, seizure control was effective, although
ducted. Thus, careful follow-up and monitoring of severe cognitive retardation was an outcome when
specific interventions need to be conducted on an in- the left hemisphere was removed early in life (Fal-
dividual basis to determine which strategies and ap- coner & Rushworth, 1960). Severe behavioral dis-
proaches are most effective for addressing educational turbances were also reduced following surgery.
and psychological problems. Medical follow-up Neurosurgical intervention is used with caution
seems essential. because of the serious complications associated with
hemidecortication, including hemorrhaging into the
open cavity, hydrocephalus, and brainstem shifts
Sturge-Weber Syndrome (Cabieses, Jeri, & Landa, 1957; Falconer & Wilson,
Sturge-Weber syndrome (S WS) is characterized by a 1969; McKissock, 1953). Furthermore, improved
number of significant neurodevelopmental anomalies, medications for seizure control have reduced the need
including seizure disorders, cognitive retardation, be- for such invasive techniques (Hynd & Willis, 1988).
havioral difficulties, and infantile hemiplegia. These Seizure disorders are reviewed next, with atten-

tion paid to the transactional nature of the associated Stages of Seizure Activity
features and the need for a transactional, multifac-
The seizure itself may be divided into stages: the
eted intervention plan including medical, academic,
prodome, aura, automatism, and postictal changes
and psychosocial approaches.
(Besag, 1995). According to Besag (1995), the
prodome is the time before a seizure or cluster of sei-
zures occurs. The child may show irritability, leth-
SEIZURE DISORDERS argy, or apathy during this period, with these symp-
Seizure disorders can occur in children with devel- toms ending when the seizure begins. The aura oc-
opmental disorders and may be caused by metabolic curs just prior to the seizure and has been described
disorders, hypoxia, or other congenital problems as a seizure itself. The aura is a simple partial seizure
(Black & Hynd, 1995; Heller et al., 1996). Epilepsy type that can lead into a complex partial seizure. The
refers to chronic disturbances in brain functions af- aura, which occurs while the child is fully conscious,
fecting perceptions, movements, consciousness, and has been described as more distressing to the child
other behaviors, while seizures refer to individual than the actual tonic-clonic seizure (Besag, 1995). The
episodes (Bennett & Krein, 1989). Neppe (1985) de- aura is actually a seizure with a focal charge, lasts a
scribes seizures as paroxysmal firing of neurons, few seconds, and can occur many times a day. Besag
which may cause perceptual, motor disturbances or (1995) reports that auras can result in mood (mainly
loss of consciousness. Although epilepsy occurs in anxiety) and behavioral change. Thus, the aura may
only 1% to 2% of the population (Hynd & Willis, herald not only the beginning of a seizure but also
1988), it is considered to be the most prevalent of significant behavioral change in the child.
neurological disorders of childhood (Black & Hynd, Automatisms have been defined as a "clouding of
1995; Bolter, 1986). Seizures, or single episodes, consciousness, which occurs during or immediately
caused by high fevers (above 102F) are the common after a seizure and during which the individual re-
cause of convulsions. Febrile seizures are most com- tains control of posture and muscle tone but performs
mon in children between 3 months and 5 years of age simple or complex movements and actions without
(Hynd & Willis, 1988). Most children (70%) experi- being aware of what is happening" (Fenton, 1972, p.
ence only one seizure episode; when a second sei- 59). Automatisms may include lip smacking, hand
zure does occur, it is usually within a year of the first flapping, eye blinking, twirling, and other similar
episode (Hynd & Willis, 1988). behaviors.
There are several classification systems based on Postictal changes are behaviors that occur after
changes in EEG activity during (ictal) and between the seizure and vary depending on the parts of the
(interictal) seizures (Neppe & Tucker, 1992). Most brain involved, the duration of the seizure, and
recent systems ignore neuroanatomical sites of sei- whether the seizures come in clusters. Behaviors dur-
zure activity, age, gender, and pathological explana- ing the postictal stage can range from drowsiness to
tions of epileptic seizures, and emphasize major de- significant behavioral and cognitive changes such as
scriptions, including partial (i.e., simple, complex, paranoid ideation. Usual symptoms include irritabil-
generalized tonic-clonic), generalized (i.e., absence, ity and confusion. Besag (1995) strongly recommends
myoclonic, clonic, tonic, etc.), or unclassified gener- that parents and teachers realize that these postictal
alized seizures (Neppe & Tucker, 1992). Older clas- changes are related to the seizure and require under-
sification systems for seizure disorders (grand mal, standing and empathy for the child.
petit mal, psychomotor), have been replaced (Hartlage
& Hartlage, 1989). Seizures that appear for unknown
reasons (idiopathic) typically are differentiated from Partial Seizures
those occurring from known reasons such as brain Partial seizures are associated with diagnosable struc-
trauma or tumor activity (Hynd & Willis, 1988). tural lesions. These seizures do not involve a loss of

consciousness but can evolve into generalized clonic- abrupt loss of consciousness. The child's eyes may
tonic seizures (Dreifuss, 1994). flicker, roll back, or blink rapidly. When the seizure
ceases, the child resumes his or her activity as if noth-
Simple partial seizures. This type of seizure results ing untoward has occurred (Lockman, 1994a). These
from a specific focus in the gray matter of the brain, seizures may occur very frequently; some children
which causes an abnormal electrical discharge. The have been known to have over 100 in a day (Hartlage
most commonly seen seizure of this type involves & Telzrow, 1984). Age of onset is 4 to 8 years. School
the jerking of one part of the body without loss of performance is often seen to fall off, and the child
consciousness. The foci for this type of simple par- may be described as dreamy or unmotivated.
tial seizure is the motor strip area. Other types of The diagnosis of absence seizures is confirmed by
simple partial seizures include sensory (simple hal- EEG. The EEG will show spikes that are synchro-
lucinations), autonomic (sweating, pallor, hair stand- nized bilaterally andfrontally(normal brain activity
ing on end on limbs), and psychic (affective prob- is not synchronized), with alternating spike and slow
lems, speaking, distortion of time sense) seizures with wave patterns (Lockman, 1994a). To induce a sei-
no impairment of consciousness (Hartlage & Telzrow, zure during an EEG, hyperventilation is used whereby
1984). the child is asked to take 60 deep breaths for 3 or 4
minutes (Lockman, 1994a).
Complex partial seizures. Complex partial seizures Although the etiology of absence seizures is sus-
generally involve a loss or impairment of conscious- pected to be genetic in origin (Degen, Degen, & Roth,
ness. This alteration of consciousness occurs before 1990; Metrakos & Metrakos, 1970), the genetic
the attack or shortly after its beginning. These sei- mechanism has not yet been identified. The risk of
zures involve behavioral automatisms such as lip siblings also showing absence seizures is approxi-
smacking, hair twirling, and hand patting. Problems mately three times greater than for the general popu-
in orientation in time and space also occur. The focus lation (Ottman et al., 1989).
of this type of seizure is in the temporal lobe as well The treatment of absence seizures is generally with
as the frontal lobes. Some believe the complex par- one medication. Zarontin is the medication with the
tial seizures arisingfromthefrontallobes are associ- fewest side effects (Dooley et al., 1990), followed by
ated with automatisms, while those with a temporal valproate (Sato, White, & Pemy, 1982) and clonazepam
focus relate to a cessation of activity (Delgado- (Hartlage & Telzrow, 1984). Absence seizures have been
Escueta, Bascal, & Treiman, 1982). known to worsen with the use of carbamazepine (Horn,
Ater, & Hurst, 1986; Snead, 1985).
The prognosis for absence seizures is favorable,
Generalized Seizures
with approximately half of affected children becom-
There are three main types of generalized seizures. ing seizure-free. The other 50% may develop tonic-
Of the three, febrile seizures are not considered a sei- clonic seizures or may continue to experience absence
zure disorder. This type of seizure is associated with seizures (Lockman, 1994a). Sato et al. (1983) found
a fever experienced by a previously neurologically that 90% of children of normal intelligence and neu-
intact child. Although these seizures may reoccur, rological function with no history of tonic-clonic
medication is not used because of the benign nature seizures were seizure-free in adolescence. Conversely,
of the seizure (Hartlage & Telzrow, 1984; Lockman, those children with automatisms and motor responses
1994b). The other two types of generalized seizures during the absence seizures had a poorer prognosis
are absence and tonic-clonic. (Loiseau et al., 1983). Lockman (1994a) concluded
that typical absence seizures are not necessarily be-
Absence seizures. This type of seizure was previously nign and that medical management of these seizures
labeled petit mal. Seizures of this kind involve an does not necessarily influence the eventual outcome.

Tonic-Clonic Seizures Further, increased seizure activity is correlated with

This type of seizure was formerly called grand mal more severe cognitive deficits (Farwell et al., 1985).
seizure. Epidemiological studies have shown this type It is also important to note that children with early
of seizure to be the most commonly found in chil- seizure onset are likely to have lower IQ (Aldenkamp,
dren (Ellenberg, Hirtz, & Nelson, 1984; Juul-Jensen Gutter, & Beun, 1992).
&Foldspang, 1983). Curatolo, Arpino, Stazi, and Medda (1995) inves-
Tonic-clonic seizures begin with a loss of con- tigated risk factors associated with the comorbidity
sciousness and a fall accompanied by a cry. The limbs of partial seizures, cerebral palsy (CP), and cognitive
extend, the back arches, and breathing may cease for retardation in a group of children from Italy. Cere-
short periods of time. This phase can last from sev- bral malformations (e.g., agenesis of the corpus cal-
eral seconds to minutes. The limb extension is then losum, NF, cortical dysplasia, lissencephaly) were
followed by jerking of the head, arms, and legs. This found in half of the group of children. Children with
is the clonic phase, which can last for minutes or may an early onset of seizures were likely also to have CP
stop with intervention (Dreifuss, 1994). Most com- and cognitive retardation. Children with a family his-
monly, the jerking decreases and the child regains con- tory of epilepsy may have a "genetic predisposition
sciousness. Headaches and confusion usually ensue. to neurological disorders in general which range from
Generally the child falls into a deep sleep lasting from epilepsy to CP" to cognitive retardation (Curatolo et
30 minutes to several hours. al., 1995, p. 779). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was
also found to be a risk factor only in the group of
Tonic-clonic seizures can occur after focal dis-
children who did not have cerebral malformations.
charges and then are labeled as secondary generali-
These authors suggest that resuscitation may be the
zation (Dreifuss, 1994). Tonic-clonic seizures have
first neurological abnormality that appears in this
been found to be related to metabolic imbalances, liver
group, rather than a cause of the cerebral palsy.
failure, and head injury.
Academic problems also may occur in children
On rare occasions, tonic-clonic seizures may per-
with seizure disorders (Pazzaglia & Frank-Pazzaglia,
sist for extremely long periods of time or may be re-
1976), and LD may occur in approximately 15% to
peated so close together that no recovery occurs be-
30% of children with epilepsy (Matthews, Barabas,
tween attacks. This type of seizure is called status
& Ferrai, 1983). Epidemiologic studies of children
epilepticus (Lockman, 1994b). Underlying conditions
with epilepsy have found that approximately 50%
such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, metabolic distur-
have school difficulty ranging from mild to severe
bances, and fevers (e.g., bacterial meningitis) can trig-
difficulties (Ross et al, 1980; Pazzaglia & Frank-
ger status epilepticus in children (Phillips &
Pazzaglia, 1976; Sillanpaa, 1992). In a study of Finn-
Shanahan, 1989). Treatment for status epilepticus in-
ish children with epilepsy compared to nonepileptic
cludes medication using very high dosages and in
controls, Sillanpaa (1992) found that the most fre-
some case inducing a coma (Young, Segalowitz,
quent associated problems were mental (cognitive)
Misek, Alp, & Boulet, 1983).
retardation (31.4%), speech disorders (27.5%), and
specific learning disorders (23.1%).
Children with seizure disorders have shown im-
Associated Features
paired performance on tests of reading, written lan-
While seizures can occur in children with normal cog- guage, and spelling (Gourley, 1990; Stedman et al.,
nitive abilities (Hartlage & Hartlage, 1989), seizure 1982; Seidenberg et al, 1986), as well as on teacher
disorders occur more frequently in individuals with reports of attention, concentration, and information
depressed intelligence (Cook & Leventhal, 1992; processing (Bennett-Levy & Stores, 1984). Reading
Farwell, Dodrill, & Batzel, 1985). Low IQ (less than comprehension appears to be more compromised than
80) with intractable epilepsy usually has a poor out- word recognition skills. However, social and cultural
come for remission (Huttenlocher & Hapke, 1990). factors may also influence academic outcome and IQ

for children with epilepsy-related disorders, as fam- going assessment of neuropsychological, cognitive,
ily factors (e.g., family setting and parental attitudes) and psychosocial functioning is useful for measuring
were significantly correlated with underachievement the long-term effects of chronic seizure disorders. Be-
(Mitchell, Chavez, Lee, & Guzman, 1991). Finally, cause many children with epilepsy are not easily cat-
psychomotor and visual-motor coordination problems egorized, each child would benefit from a team that
also have been found to be poorer in children with includes a physician, psychologist, teacher, and coun-
seizure disorders than in typically developing chil- selor (Black & Hynd, 1995).
dren (Cull, 1988).

Psychosocial correlates. Although children with epi-

Moderator Variables
lepsy differ from normal peers on a number of so- There are a number of moderator variables which need
cial-emotional variables, they do not appear to have to be recognized when evaluating the performance
higher rates of psychopathology than do children with of a child with a seizure disorder. These variables are
other chronic medical or neurological conditions etiology of the seizure disorder, age of onset, seizure
(Hartlage & Hartlage, 1989). Psychosocial features type, seizure frequency, medication, and family en-
often include external locus of control, poor self es- vironment. Each of these moderator variables will be
teem (Matthews, Barabas, & Ferrai, 1982), and in- discussed in the following sections.
creased dependency (Hartlage & Hartlage, 1989).
Neppe (1985) indicates that individuals with epilepsy Etiology. The main classes of etiology for seizure dis-
do experience psychosocial stress due to the effects orders are idiopathic, where the cause is unknown,
of having a chronic illness, anxieties over social in- and symptomatic, where the cause is associated with
teractions, and restrictions in everyday life activities organic and/or identified neurologic problems (Cull,
(e.g., driving). 1988). Children with symptomatic epilepsy generally
Seizure disorders in childhood are related to other have lower IQ scores, with many showing mental
psychiatric conditions. The majority of children (85%) (cognitive) retardation (Bourgeois, Prensky, Palkes,
with temporal lobe epilepsy have cognitive retarda- Talent, & Busch, 1983; Sillanpaa, 1992), whereas
tion (25%) and disruptive behavior disorders includ- those with idiopathic epilepsy show normal distribu-
ing hyperactivity and "catastrophic rage" (Cook & tion of intellectual ability. Symptomatic epilepsy is
Leventhal, 1992). Psychopathology, including psy- also associated with poorer academic and intellec-
choses, has been described in individuals with epi- tual outcome (Dam, 1990).
lepsy (Neppe & Tucker, 1992), and psychiatric dis- Recently, neural developmental abnormalities have
orders (i,e., cognitive retardation, hyperkinesis, and been implicated in the development of seizure-related
rage disorders) have been reported in 85% of chil- disorders. Specifically, abnormal cell migration has
dren with temporal lobe epilepsy (Lindsay, Ounstead, been associated with both mental retardation and epi-
& Richards, 1979). Cook and Leventhal (1992) sug- lepsy (Falconer et al., 1990). As cells migrate and
gest that the loss of control children may experience move into their final destinations during embryonic
as a result of epilepsy may be a special challenge development, genetic and/or environmental factors
during development, and children may react either may disrupt this process and ultimately result in
passively or aggressively. However, these reactions epilepsy.
may be related to how seizure activity affects cogni-
tion and impulse control. Age of onset. The majority of studies evaluating the
significance of age of onset in relation to cognitive
development have found a direct relationship between
Implications for Assessment the two, with children with early onset generally
Children with seizure disorders require medical showing poorer cognitive attainment (Seidenberg,
diagnosis and follow-up by a child neurologist. On- 1988). Ellenberg and Nelson (1984) reported that

children with normal neurological development prior are important variables to consider when evaluating
to first seizure have a better prognosis for intellectual children with seizure disorders, particularly when
development at age 7 than did those who had earlier planning for etheir ducational and vocational needs.
seizures and poorer neurological attainment.
O'Leaiy, Seidenberg, Berent, and Boll (1981) com- Seizure type. The relationship between seizure type
pared the performance of children with tonic-clonic and intellectual and educational attainment is cur-
seizures on the Halstead-Reitan Test Battery for Chil- rently unclear. Some investigators have found
dren. Those children with seizure onset before the memory deficits to be associated with partial-com-
age of 5 years were more impaired on measures of plex seizures with a temporal lobe focus (Fedio &
motor speed, attention and concentration, memory, Mirsky, 1969), whereas others have found that chil-
and complex problem solving than those with a later dren with mixed seizures perform more poorly on
onset. These researchers then evaluated the relation- measures of ability and achievement (Seidenberg et
ship between age of onset and partial seizure type. al, 1986). However, O'Leary et al. (1981) found few
O'Leary et al. (1981) found that children with partial differences between seizure types, and those signifi-
seizures and early onset performed more poorly than cant differences that did appear occurred more fre-
those with later onset, regardless of whether their sei- quently in children with generalized seizures.
zures were partial or generalized. Seidenberg (1988) concludedfromhis review of this
Similarly, Hermann, Whitman, and Dell (1988) literature that further study is needed using subtypes
found that children with early onset performed more of seizure disorders. Most research has not identified
poorly on 8 of 11 scales of the LNNB-C. Evaluating subtypes of the seizure disorders when evaluating
age of onset with seizure type found that children with neuropsychological functioning.
complex-partial seizures and early onset performed
more poorly on Memory, Expressive Speech, and Seizure frequency. The relationship between seizure
Reading, whereas generalized seizures and early on- frequency and cognitive development is presently un-
set were associated with poorer performance on Re- clear. Methodological considerations may account for
ceptive Speech, Writing, Mathematics, and Intelli- this difficulty, as many studies have not subtyped the
gence Scales. seizure group, thus possibly obscuring important find-
Duration of seizure has been found to co-occur ings (Dodrill, 1981).
with age of onset as a crucial variable and is frequently Studies that have looked at seizure subtypes have
difficult to evaluate apart from age of onset. Gener- generally found an inverse relationship between sei-
ally, the earlier the onset, the longer the duration zure duration and cognitive performance (longer du-
(Black & Hynd, 1995). Early onset and long dura- ration = poorer test performance). Seidenberg (1988)
tion appear to be associated with a poorer prognosis found that with increasing frequency of seizure ac-
for learning. The number of seizures over the life span tivity, performance on the full, verbal, and perfor-
is a contributing factor to poor outcome as well mance intelligence scales (FSIQ, VIQ, and PIQ) of
(Aldenkamp, Gutter, & Beun, 1992). the Wechsler, and the Trailmaking and Tactual Per-
Seidenberg (1988) makes the point that further formance of the Reitan Battery significantly declined.
study is needed in this area to determine whether the When seizure type was also factored into the analy-
neuropsychological impairment is broad-based and sis, significant correlations for seizure duration, sei-
general or whether there are specific areas of func- zurefrequency,and seizure type were found only for
tioning that are more vulnerable during specific peri- tonic-clonic subtype. Thisfindinghas been replicated
ods of development. This may be a likely case given by Dean (1983). Both of these studies used measures
what we know about neurodevelopment and increased of lifetimefrequencyrather than setting a time frame
cognitive, language, memory, and reasoning abilities of the previous month or year.
in children. Thus, age of onset and seizure duration Seizure control is also related to seizure frequency.

Hermann et al. (1988) found that poor seizure con- of peers and teachers to the child's behaviors can have
trol was related to poorer neuropsychological perfor- a significant deleterious effect on the child's school
mance only for generalized epilepsies. Such a find- attainment (Dreifuss, 1994). As discussed earlier, be-
ing was not present for those children with partial havioral changes during aura and postictal stages are
seizures. frequently seen. When peers and teachers interpret
Seidenberg (1988) suggests that not only is these behaviors as willful and deviant, significant ad-
subtyping of seizures important, but that researchers justment problems can arise. Research evaluating in-
need to pay attention to seizurefrequency,age of onset terventions such as educating the child's peers about
and duration, seizure type, and seizure control when seizure disorders and any resulting changes in atti-
evaluating neuropsychological functioning. He also tudes has not been conducted. Such investigations are
suggests that seizure severity may be an overlooked sorely needed. These influences on the child with a
variable in all investigations. Thus, etiology, age of seizure disorder are probably more easily solved than
onset of a seizure disorder, duration and frequency, variables such as age of onset,frequencyof seizures,
type of seizure disorder, and possibly severity of the and severity of seizures.
seizure all appear to contribute to the neuropsycho- Socioeconomic status (SES) has been found to be
logical impairments that children may experience. significantly related to intelligence. Singhi, Bansai,
In addition to these intraindividual variables, two Singhi, and Pershad (1992) in a study with Indian
major extra individual variables interact with the sei-children, found that SES was the second most pow-
zure disorder-namely, medication effects and fam- erful indicator of cognitive impairment, second only
ily environmental influences. Each of these will be to status epilepticus. This finding is similar to that of
developed in the following sections. American white and African-American children
(Dodson, 1993).
Medication. Antiepileptic drugs such as phenobarbital Family variables such as stress, divorce, parental
and clonazepam have been associated with cognitive control and dependency,financialdifficulty, and fewer
difficulties (Besag, 1995). Others, including etho- family social supports have been shown to have a
suximide, sodium valporate, and carbamazepine gen- negative impact on cognitive development in chil-
erally have been found to be beneficial (Cull, 1988). dren with seizure disorders (Austin, 1988; Hermann
Carbamazepine has been found to impair memory et al., 1988; Mulder & Suurmeijer, 1977; Hoare &
(Forsythe, Butler, Berg, & McGuire, 1991). Kerley, 1991). Austin, Risinger, and Beckett (1992)
Some researchers have found that decreases in dos- sought to evaluate the relative importance of demo-
age are associated with better performance, while in- graphics, seizure, and family variables on the behav-
creases show no such effects (Cull, 1988). Moreover, iors of children with seizure disorders. In this study,
children with more than one antiepileptic medication no differences were found between boys and girls,
show more cognitive impairment. Whether polydrug children with mono- versus polydrug therapy, one-
treatment is related to a more severe seizure disorder parent versus two-parent homes, or seizure type in
and therefore to more cognitive impairment is un- behavioral problems. Significant findings were
clear at the current time. present for age, seizurefrequency,family stress, and
extended family social support. When stepwise mul-
Family influences. Family and environmental influ- tiple regression techniques were employed, intra-
ences on children with seizure disorders are just be- family strain and marital strain emerged as the most
ginning to be explored. Given our transactional model, significant predictors of behavioral problems. This
it would appear very important to gather information finding is similar tofindingslinking family discord
concerning important influences such as the family to psychopathology in nonepileptic children (Breslau,
and school environments. 1985; Austin, 1988).
Preliminary data indicate that negative reactions Hoare and Russell (1995) describe an assessment

measure for identifying quality-of-life issues for chil- ables are very important to keep in mind in treatment
dren with chronic epilepsy and their families. This planning for these children, as they have been found
scale measures the impact of the illness on the child, to be potent predictors. The following section dis-
the parents, and the family, and the cumulative im- cusses intervention strategies for children with sei-
pact. Further research is needed to determine the ef- zure disorders.
ficacy of this scale for intervention planning, but ini-
tial reports suggest that parents do have significant
concerns, and these appear related to age of onset and
Implications for Intervention
seizure frequency. Interventions addressing pharmacological, environ-
Austin et al. (1992) suggest that the relationship mental, and educational strategies are reviewed
between seizure variables (age of onset, duration, briefly. In many cases, a dynamic plan may include
medication effects, frequency) and family variables one or more of the following strategies.
(marital stress, lack of extended family support) may
be bidirectional. Moreover, it has been hypothesized Pharmacological and Surgical
that family variables may have more influence on the
child than seizure variables (Drotar & Bush, 1985).
Models such as those of McCubbin and Patterson Anticonvulsant medications are commonly prescribed
(1983) and Wallander, Varni, Babani, Banis, and for children with nonfebrile seizure disorders (Cook
Wilcox (1989) suggest that adaptive skills of fami- & Leventhal, 1992). However, anticonvulsant medi-
lies may inoculate the child against stress (i.e., of a cations (e.g., phenobarbital) produce side effects (e.g.,
seizure disorder). For example, Patterson (1983) hy- sedation) that may interfere with academic perfor-
pothesizes that irritable behavior by a child may pro- mance (Cook & Leventhal, 1992) and may increase
voke a like response in the parent and thus provoke hyperactivity (Vining et al., 1987) or depression
an escalating behavior in the child. Given the finding (Brent et al., 1987) in children.
that antiepileptic drugs increase a child's irritability, In rare cases of intractable seizures, surgical re-
it is likely that in families with underdeveloped adap- moval of involved brain tissue may be an option. Sev-
tive skills, for example in family interactions, such eral studies document resiliency in the developing
negative cycles of escalation may frequently occur brain, where intact brain regions compensate for dam-
(Austin et al., 1992). This hypothesis is supported by aged regions. For example, Meyer, Marsh, Laws, and
the finding of Hoare (1984) of a higher prevalence of Sharbrough (1986) found that children who had un-
psychic disturbance in mothers and siblings of chil- dergone surgical removal of the dominant temporal
dren with chronic epilepsy compared to those with lobes, including the hippocampus and amygdala,
newly diagnosed seizure disorders. showed no significant decline in verbal, performance,
or full-scale IQ scores. Smith, Walker, and Myers
(1988) also found that a 6-year-old made remarkable
Summary postoperative recovery following surgical removal of
Seizure variables interact with family variables to the right hemisphere. The child had perinatal epilepto-
influence the child's intellectual and educational at- genic seizures that worsened and spreadfromthe right
tainment as well as his or her emotional adjustment. to the left hemisphere. Postsurgical test scores showed
Investigators are just beginning to evaluate these average verbal intelligence (96), low-average perfor-
transactional relationships and their contributions to mance abilities (87), and average full-scale (90) po-
appropriate interventions. It is not clear, at present, tential. The extent to which cognitive abilities im-
whether interventions that target environmental prove or develop following surgical interventions de-
(school and family) influences can improve the child's pends on a number of factors, including the age of
eventual cognitive attainment. However, these vari- the child and the location of the lesion, once intact

brain regions arefreedfromthe abnormal influences ers and staff. Generally, little action is needed except
of the lesioned regions. when the child needs to be protectedfrominjury. It is
not appropriate to place items in the child's mouth, to
restrain the child, or to perform cardiopulmonary re-
Environmental Interventions
suscitation (Hartlage & Telzrow, 1984).
Given the findings of Austin et al. (1992) discussed Communication between the school and the phy-
previously, it would appear imperative not only to sician is important for monitoring the child's seizure
assess variables such as family strain, behavioral con- frequency and medication response (Gadow, 1985).
cerns, and discipline, but also to plan interventions The neuropsychologist may serve a much needed ser-
taking these factors into consideration. Assistance, vice in interpreting medical information for school
as needed, in parenting, stress management, and epi- personnel and parents. Linking of these services is
lepsy education are likely avenues for intervention. not only desirable for understanding the child's needs
It is important in the course of epilepsy education but also crucial for developing a comprehensive in-
to discuss the potential for parents to overcompen- tervention program for the child. Formulating the pro-
sate for their child's illness and the possible guilt that gram can assist in planning for psychosocial stres-
may accompany a diagnosis. It has been found that sors that may occur at home or in school, monitoring
parents who expect to provide lifetime care for their medication compliance and effectiveness, and enhanc-
child do not facilitate the development of indepen- ing the child's school performance in either special
dent behaviors (Safilios-Rothschild, 1970). Moreover, or regular education (Sachs & Barrett, 1995). Help-
it has also been found that parents may lower expec- ing peers to understand the child's needs and his or
tations for their child's academic performance her occasional unusual behaviors (during seizure ac-
(Ferrari, 1989). Therefore, it would appear to be cru- tivity) may smooth the way for children with seizure
cial to discuss these possibilities with parents and to disorders to develop healthy peer relationships.
help them set realistic goals for their child and en- In summary, a transactional approach is an impor-
courage coping skills for the epileptic child. When a tant vehicle for understanding and planning for the
transactional approach is not taken, the child's pro- needs of children with seizures disorders. Similarly,
gram will be incomplete and most likely will be at children with head injuries would benefit from this
least partially unsuccessful. type of integrated approach. See Chapter 10 for a dis-
cussion of interventions for children sustaining trau-
matic brain injury. Cerebral palsy is reviewed next.
Educational Interventions
It is very important that the school not only be aware
of the diagnosis of epilepsy but educational staff
should develop and institute a plan for working ef- Cerebral palsy is not a unitary disorder but, rather,
fectively with the child who has a seizure disorder. consists of many subtypes, which share the common
The child neuropsychologist can be helpful in the symptoms of movement disorder, early onset, and no
initial planning and implementation phase of the edu- progression of the disorder (Nelson et al, 1994). Ce-
cational program. At the very least, medication moni- rebral palsy can be subtyped by the area of the body
toring is important. Sachs and Barrett (1995) list be- involved, level of difficulty experienced, and con-
havioral side effects of medication, such as drowsi- comitant disorders.
ness, lethargy, overactivity, confusion, and motor
signs (e.g., clumsiness), and suggest that teachers
should be on the look-out for these signs. Moreover, Etiology of Cerebral Palsy
information on what action should be taken in the Cerebral palsy (CP) has been estimated to occur in
event of a seizure in school is very important for teach- 1.2 to 2.5 children per 1,000, with at least 5,000 new

cases diagnosed yearly in the United States (Grether, at high risk for CP, with the risk decreasing as the
Cummins, & Nelson, 1992). A minority of identified number of presenting symptoms decreases (Ellenberg
cases can be traced to documented brain injury from & Nelson, 1984; Seidman et al, 1991).
infection or trauma after 4 months of life (Nelson et Subtypes of CP appear related to different causes.
al, 1994). Most children and adults with CP did not experience
oxygen deprivation during birth. Interuterine infec-
tion have been associated with CP, as has strokes at
Low-Birth-Weight Factors birth. Asphyxia has been most closely related to quad-
riplegia (Nelson & Leviton, 1991). In most cases,
Low-birth-weight babies are at high risk for the de-
however, it is not possible to determine the cause of
velopment of CP. As a result of increased rates of
survival, CP in low-birth-weight babies is increasing
(Hagberg, Hagberg, & Zetterstrom, 1989; Pharoah et
al., 1990; Stanley, 1994). Survival rates for CP ap- Brain Malformations
pear to depend on the severity of the disorder and the
Children with CP appear to have structural brain dis-
level of intelligence. Children with severe motor in-
orders which appear to be related to abnormal neu-
volvement and extremely low IQ have a shorter life
ronal migration (Volpe, 1992). In these cases cells
expectancy (Eyman et al., 1990).
have migrated to the wrong place and thus brain lay-
Premature infants who are significantly smaller
ers are disordered, cells are out of place, and/or there
than expectations appear to be at high risk for CP
are too many or not enough cells in certain critical
(Nelson et al., 1994). Frequent medical difficulties
brain regions. Volpe (1992) estimates that approxi-
found in these infants may contribute to the develop-
mately 33% of CP in full-term infants involves some
ment of CP. These complications include intraven-
disordered cells and layers due to cortical malforma-
tricular hemorrhage, white matter necrosis, and varia-
tion deficits.
tion in cerebral bloodflow(Leviton & Paneth, 1990).
Evidence for the involvement of these complications
in CP has been found by ultrasonography in infants Subtypes of Cerebral Palsy
and neuroimaging for older children and adults
Six subtypes of CP are currently identified, although
(Krageloh-Mann et al., 1992).
some controversy exists in thefieldas to their delin-
Twins who are low birth weight appear to be at
eation. The subtypes presented in this book have been
special risk for CP as well (Nelson et al., 1994). If
adopted by many pediatric neurologists (Nelson et
one of the twins dies at or before birth, the remaining
al., 1994). They are spastic hemiplegia, spastic quad-
twin appears to be at highriskfor CP (Szymonowicz,
riplegia, spastic diplegia, extrapyramidal, atonic,
Preston, & Yu, 1986). In fact, the incidence of twins
ataxic, and mixed. These subtypes are based on the
in the general population is 2%, with a 10% inci-
motor systems, the body regions, and the amount of
dence rate of CP within this sample (Grether et al.,
impairment involved.

Spastic Hemiplegia
Newborn Illnesses Children with this subtype show difficulties on one
Babies born with damaged brains from the delivery side of their body, with more arm than leg involve-
are atriskfor CP. These infantsfrequentlyshow low ment. The right side of the body (left hemisphere)
tone, breathing problems, low APGAR scores, de- appears to be at the highestriskfor involvement and
layed reflexes, and seizures (Nelson & Leviton, 1991). is found in two-thirds of patients (Byers, 1941;
When all of these symptoms are present, the child is Crothers & Paine, 1959). The child's walk is charac-

terized by toe-walking and swinging the affected leg Spastic Diplegia

in a semicircular movement when taking steps. More-
Spastic diplegia generally involves both legs, with
over, the affected arm does not follow the reciprocal
some arm involvement. This type of CP is commonly
movement usually seen in walking. The foot faces in
found in premature infants, with approximately 80%
toward the middle of the body, with hypotonia present
of infants with motor abnormalities showing this type
throughout the limbs. The affected side often appears
of CP (Hagberg et al., 1989). These children may later
smaller and during development becomes noticeably
develop ataxia andfrequentlytoe-walk (Nelson et al.,
smaller than the unaffected side. This condition fre-
1994). The clinical picture of children with spastic
quently causes lower spinal and walking difficulties
diplegia includes hypertonia with rigidity. Many chil-
as the child develops (Nelson et al., 1994).
dren show generalized tonic-clonic seizures (27%;
Children with this type of CP may show cognitive
Ingram, 1955), strabismus (43%; Ingram, 1955), and
retardation (28%) and seizure disorders (33%)
cognitive retardation (30%, with increasingly higher
(Aicardi, 1990; Perlstein & Hood, 1955). In addition,
rates as more extremely low birth-weight babies sur-
brain studies using MRI and CT scans have frequently
vive; Hagberg et al., 1989).
found atrophy of the affected hemisphere with areas
The brains of these children often evidence
of cortical thinning, loss of white matter, and expan-
porencephalic cysts and microgyria (many small gyri)
sion of the same-side lateral ventricle (Uvebrandt,
with abnormalities in tracts which serve the legs as
1988; Wiklund, Uvebrandt, & Floodmark, 1991).
they transverse the internal capsule (Christensen &
Melchior, 1967). Atrophy, abnormal cortical forma-
tion, and periventricular lesions have been found to
Spastic Quadriplegia correlate strongly with severe impairment (Hagberg
et al., 1989; Yokochi, Hosoe, Shimabukuro, &
In contrast to spastic hemiplegia, spastic quadriple- Kodama, 1990).
gia is characterized by increased muscle tone, with
the legs the most involved (Nelson et al, 1994). Some
difficulty with articulation and swallowing may be
present when the corticospinal tract is involved. Al-
Extrapyramidal Cerebral Palsy
most half of children with this subtype are cognitively This type of CP involves problems with posture, in-
retarded or learning disabled (Crothers & Paine, 1959; voluntary movements, hypertonia, and rigidity
Robinson, 1973), and a large percentage have tonic- (Nelson, Swaiman, & Russman, 1994). Extrapyra-
clonic seizure disorders (Ingram, 1964). These chil- midal CP can be further divided into choreoathetotic
dren also frequently have visual impairments and dystonic CP.
(Preakey, Wilson, & Wilson, 1974).
Children with this type of CP often have morpho- Choreoathetotic cerebral palsy. This type of CP is
logical abnormalities, generally in the white matter, characterized by involuntary movements that are very
including death of white matter, edema, and cysts large and one marked by slow, irregular, twisting
(Chutorian et al., 1979). In addition to missing white movements seen mostly in the upper extremities. This
matter in specific areas, the cortex underlying the type of CP has been most clearly associated with birth
white matter is also affected with accompanying thick- asphyxia and oxygen deprivation (Nelson et al.,
ening of the meninges and gliosis in the white matter 1994). Use of ventilation and brain lesions due to as-
(Nelson et al., 1994). Nelson et al. (1994) further re- phyxia are frequently seen directly after birth.
port that these lesions can vary from one full hemi- Changes in the caudate nucleus are generally found,
sphere to one lobe, to a specified portion of a lobe. with cysts present where arteries and veins have
Some structural deviations are also found in the swelled and neighboring cells are negatively affected
brainstem (Wilson, Mirra, & Schwartz, 1982). (Volpe, 1987). Demyelinization is often present, with

deviations in critical columns and neuronal loss in 1990), while others have found differences in the ce-
corticospinal tracts. An MRI study by Yokochi, Aiba, rebral hemispheres (Miller & Cala, 1989).
Kodama, and Fujimoto (1991) reported that a major-
ity of children have basal ganglia, thalamic, and white Neuropsychological Aspects of
matter lesions.
In this subtype of CP, muscle tone will fluctuate
Cerebral Palsy
between hypertonic, normal, and hypertonic (Thomas, There appears to be a progression in deficits as high-
1985). Choreiform movements are present in the face risk children mature (Majnemer, Rosenblatt, & Riley,
and limbs, and are asymmetric, involuntary, and un- 1994). In a study by Majnemer et al. (1994), 23
coordinated (Nelson et al, 1994). healthy and 51 high-risk neonates were tested at birth,
Children with choreoathetotic CPfrequentlyhave 1 year, and 3 years. Findings included 13 (7%) de-
speech production problems, with unexpected layed at age 1 year, increasing to 39% at age 3. Those
changes in rate and volume. The upper motor neuron subjects who were high-risk and normal at the neo-
unit appears to be affected, and this isfrequentlyac- natal stage had the most favorable outcome. Addi-
companied by seizures and cognitive retardation tional studies have found a decline in abilities in life
(Nelson etal., 1994). (ages 1825 years) that is attributed to ongoing psy-
chological stress rather than to medical reasons
Dystonic cerebral palsy. This form of CP is believed (Pimm, 1992).
to be uncommon, with the trunk muscles being mostly The finding that many children with CP have con-
affected. The trunk may be twisted and contorted, comitant learning disabilities, cognitive retardation,
which involves the head movement (Nelson et al., and attention deficit disorders has implications for
1994). educational planning (Blondis, Roizen, Snow, &
Accardo, 1993). This result, coupled with the find-
ing by Majnemer et al. (1994), indicates not only that
Atonic Cerebral Palsy the needs of these children are multiple but that they
Children with atonic CP have hypertonic and muscle become more evident as the child matures.
weakness in the limbs. This type of CP is less com- In addition localization of brain damage also has
mon than the other subtypes and is associated with an impact on the type of learning difficulties experi-
delayed developmental motor milestones. Its cause enced by children with CP. Children with motor dif-
is unknown, and it is not known which brain region ficulties appear to be at higher risk for deficits in arith-
is affected in this subtype of CP (Nelson et al., 1994). metic and visual-spatial skills than those who do not
have such difficulties (Roussouris, Hubley, & Dear,
1993). In a further study of motor effects on
Ataxic Cerebral Palsy visuospatial abilities, Howard and Henderson (1989)
Ataxic CP is associated with dysfunction of the cer- found that compared to athetoid CP and normal chil-
ebellum leading to difficulty with skilled movements dren, children with spastic CP showed more difficulty
(Hagberg, Hagberg, & Olozo, 1975). Hypotonia, poor in visual-spatial judgment. These researchers also
fine motor skills, and clumsiness are seen and identi- found that experience and training can improve skills
fied late in the first year of life. Walking develops dramatically.
very late (3 or 4 years of age), andfrequentfalling is Right-sided hemiplegia (left-hemisphere involve-
observed in children with ataxic CP (Nelson et al., ment) has been found to result in language impair-
1994). ment in girls but not in boys (Carlsson et al., 1994).
Findings of brain pathology in ataxic CP are in- Similarly, in a study by Feldman, Janosky, Scher, and
consistent. Some researchers have found abnormal- Wareham (1994) preschool boys with CP did not show
ity in the cerebellar vermis (Bordarier & Aicardi, language impairment. In children with right and left

hemiplegia, both boys and girls showed significant in focussing of attention, while those with bilateral
impairment on nonverbal tasks. It was not clear why posterior lesions showed slower reaction times. These
boys showed less language impairment. The extent researchers interpreted theirfindingsto indicate prob-
to which these findings are related to other research lems in visual attention when anterior lesions, par-
showing gender differences between normal males ticularly in the left hemisphere, occur. Using a di-
and females for language lateralization is unknown. chotic listening paradigm, Hugdahl and Carlsson
For example, Witelson (1990) indicates that women (1994) found significant auditory attentional difficul-
have more focused representation of language and ties in children with both left and right hemiplegia.
speech functions in the anterior left frontal regions The most striking finding in the neuropsychology
than do men. Further research may add to our under- of CP children is the heterogeneity of problems ex-
standing of these gender differences in language defi- perienced by this varied population. Early identifica-
cits in children with CP. tion of CP, development of appropriate intervention
Working memory, a skill associated with attention, program, and the use of a multidisciplinary team ap-
has not been found to be an area of impairment for proach have been found to relate strongly to later suc-
children with CP (White, Craft, Hale, & Park, 1994). cess in school and life (Rowan & Monaghan, 1989).
White et al. (1994) taught children with spastic CP to Kohn (1990) found a strong link between psycho-
utilize memory strategies such as covert and overt educational, family, and vocational support and posi-
rehearsal in order to improve articulation skills. Im- tive outcome. She strongly recommends that
pairment was found in phonemic discrimination in pediatricians acquaint themselves with community re-
children with CP and speech impairment. Bishop, sources and utilize early referrals to appropriate early
Brown, and Robson (1990) also reported that chil- childhood programs for young children with CP.
dren with impaired speech and CP show difficulty
discriminating samedifferent nonwords. There were Psychosocial Correlates of
no difficulties found in receptive language skills or
in their ability to discriminate altered sounds in real
Cerebral Palsy
words. Therefore, it appears that CP children with Although parents of children with motor disabilities
speech impairment do not show concomitant language have been found to report more sadness, these symp-
problems but do show phonological-processing dif- toms have not been found to be strongly related to
ficulty. Speech production ability has been found to the child's rate of development or to parentchild in-
correlate significantly with sound-blending skills teractions (Smith, Innocenti, Boyce, & Smith, 1993).
(Smith, 1989). Reading difficulties have not been Further studies of mothers with CP children have
found in this population to the same degree as arith- found that professionals who interact with these fami-
metic-based learning disabilities and visual-percep- lies disregard information provided by mothers (Case-
tual deficits (Rowan & Monaghan, 1989). This is Smith & Nastro, 1993). These difficulties are com-
somewhat surprising given the relationship between pounded by thefrequentchange in professionals who
phonemic awareness deficits and reading disabilities work with families. Perrin, Ayoub, and Willett (1993)
in learning-disabled samples. Reading deficits also found that mothers' feelings of control over their
have been shown in children who have both phono- child's program were a potent predictor of the child's
logical and visuospatial deficits; so the absence of adjustment. Thisfindingis important to consider when
high rates of reading problems in CP groups is designing intervention programs for children with CP,
interesting. and provides further evidence of the need for an inte-
Attentional skills in children with CP have been grated, transactional model.
found to be deficient (Blondis et al, 1993). White, Family interactions have been linked to the psy-
Craft, Park, and Figiel (1994) found that children with chological adjustment of children regardless of age
bilateral anterior lesions showed significant problems and socioeconomic status (Perrin et al, 1993). Dallas,

Stevenson, and McGurk (1993a) found that CP chil- Restall, 1991). A cognitive-behavioral approach to
dren often are more passive and less assertive than social skills and assertiveness training appears to meet
their siblings and generally were treated as if they the needs of adolescents with CP.
were younger than their chronological age. Maternal
intervention between CP children and siblings was
found to be more common than with nondisabled sib- CONCLUSIONS
lings. Similarly, Dallas et al. (1993b) found that the Children with CP are more different from one an-
tendency toward sibling and maternal control of in- other than the same on neuropsychological measures.
teractions resulted in lower self-efficacy and poorer What they seem to have in common is the need for
development of social skills in children with CP. early intervention that is tailored to their specific needs
The findings of Dallas et al. (1993a, 1993b) were and provides vocational and family support. A trans-
supported by results of a study by King et al. (1993), actional approach is particularly relevant for this
who found lower self-efficacy and self-control on self- population given the findings that when psycho-
report measures in a group of male and female chil- educational objectives, vocational training, and pa-
dren with CP. Level of social self-efficacy was found rental support are interwoven, the child's later out-
to be a good predictor of the adolescent's later inde- come is most optimal. For these children, the neuro-
pendence and persistence. A follow-up study of adults psychologist needs to move beyond the diagnostic
with motor disabilities found that they were more fre- role into the role of advocate and counselor (Sachs &
quently unemployed, left the parental home at a later Redd, 1993). The Americans with Disabilities Act of
age than normal peers, and completed less schooling 1990 empowers disabled adults, children, and ado-
(Kokkonen et al., 1991). Recommendations were for lescents to gain the vocational and educational train-
earlier vocational training and support and additional ing needed for life success. The extent to which we
family assistance for individuals with CP. Moreover, can foster this kind of ecologically valid intervention
for adults who received such support in adolescence, may mean the difference between developing indi-
self-esteem and self-efficacy measures have not found viduals who are self-reliant, self-sufficient, and inde-
them to differ from typical adults (Magill-Evans & pendent or semi-independent.


Though relatively rare compared to neuro- ity of head injuries sustained by children. Silver,
developmental disorders, acquired neurological dis- Hales, and Yudofsky (1992) report that child abuse is
orders and diseases represent some of the more com- the most common reason for head injury in infants,
mon disorders seen by child clinical neuro- and indicate that the figure is quite high-64% (De-
psychologists. This chapter reviews traumatic brain partment of Health and Human Services, 1989). De-
injury in children; exposure to teratogenic agents, spite these figures, Ewing-Cobbs and Fletcher (1990)
including alcohol and cocaine; childhood cancer; and report that very few systematic studies have been
infectious diseases of the CNS, including meningitis conducted to assess the neuropsychological recovery
and encephalitis. Research into these various disor- process in children or to address the educational needs
ders and diseases suggests the need for a transactional of children sustaining TBI.
approach to assessing and treating children with these Kraus (1987) found that childrenfrombirth to age
neurological conditions. 24 years have higher injury rates than older individu-
als, and males have twice as many injuries as females
TRAUMATIC (Kraus et al., 1984). Injury rates decrease for females
during the first 15 years, while incidence rates in-
crease for males between 5 and 15 years. Children
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a relatively common and adolescents may be at risk for TBI as a result of
occurrence in childhood (Berg, 1986). Although sports activities, including football (Gerberich et al.,
trauma can occur at any developmental stage, chil- 1983) and soccer (Tysvaer, Storli, & Bachen, 1989).
dren are at particular risk of accidents (Hynd & Willis, Recent evidence suggests that soccer players who
1988; Spreen, Tupper, Risser, Tuokko, & Edgell, engage in repeated "heading," a technique whereby
1984). Goldstein and Levin (1990) suggest that head the child hits the soccer ball with his or her head,
trauma to children and adolescents results in high rates scored lower on the Trails A and B and the Shipley
of mortality and morbidity, and most estimates sug- Estimated IQ (Witol & Webbe, 1994). Others have
gest that as many as one million children a year sus- not found major differences between adolescent and
tain closed head injuries. Approximately 500,000 young adult tennis players and soccer players on com-
children incur head injuries in bicycle accidents, and mon neuropsychological measures; however, within-
about 400 children die each year as a result of these group differences were observed in soccer players
injuries (Department of Health and Human Services, who played the most games (Abreau, Templer,
1989). Schuyler, & Hutchison, 1990). There was a negative
Cook and Leventhal (1992) suggest that car acci- correlation .41) between the number of soccer games
dents involving adolescents and older children, home played and scores on a measure of attention and in-
injuries in preschool children, and falls for children formation-processing (Paced Auditory Serial Addi-
between 6 and 12 years of age account for the major- tion Task). Thus, Abreau et al. (1990) concluded that


soccer players do not "warrant a clean bill of neuro- Early observations suggested that brain injury in
psychological health," and that "soccer provides mi- children had less severe and more short-term side ef-
nor damage or dysftmctioning" (p. 179). Professional fects than in adults (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). This
soccer players also show signs of mild to moderate observation has been challenged by more recent find-
neuropsychological impairment (81%), with central ings, and some conclude that "itfirstbecame evident
cerebral atrophy in one-third of the group (Tysvaer, that earlier may not always be better, and then it be-
1992). came apparent that earlier may actually be worse"
(Kolb & Whishaw, 1990, p. 695). O'Leary and Boll
Neurobehavioral Sequelae of (1984) further contend that the developing brain is
more vulnerable to damage during rapid growth pe-
Head Injury riods, and that factors usually involved in early dam-
The neurobehavioral sequelae of head injury may age (e.g., toxins, anoxia, nutritional deficiencies) of-
include declines in nonverbal intelligence; visual- ten produce general, diffuse rather than discrete, fo-
motor impairment; attentional and memory deficits; cal damage. Closed-head injuries may not follow this
decreases in oralfluency,comprehension, and verbal general rule (O'Leary & Boll, 1984) and may have a
association; achievement declines in reading; and an better prognosis than injuries caused by other factors
increase in psychiatric disorders (Ewing-Cobbs, (Chelune & Edwards, 1981). However, Isaacson
Fletcher, & Levin, 1986). Obviously, deficits will vary (1975) argues that even with focal injuries, perma-
across children depending on their age at injury and nent structural changes in the brain occur following
on the nature, type, and severity of injury sustained. early injury.
The extent to which TBI alters brain development Kolb and Whishaw (1990) indicate that there are
and functional capacity of the CNS depends on a va- three critical age divisions influencing the loss of func-
riety of factors, including the age of injury, the etiol- tion and outcome of the injury: less than 1 year of
ogy and severity of the injury sustained, the neuro- age; between 1 and 5 years of age; and more than 5
logical complications, and the treatment protocol years of age. Damage occurring prior to age 1 most
(Fletcher, Levin, & Landry, 1984). These factors are often results in significant impairment compared to
reviewed in detail in following sections. later injury, whereas injury between 1 to 5 years of-
ten results in reorganization of functions and recov-
ery of language ability (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). In-
Age of Onset of Brain Injury jury after age 5 likely results in more significant loss
Early research investigating the effects of brain in- of function. Not only are damaged regions impaired,
jury in childhood revealed that children showed spon- but O'Leary and Boll (1984) argue that the normal
taneous or eventual recovery of language functions process of brain development is impaired as well.
(i.e., aphasic symptoms) within 6 months of injury
(Alajouanine & L'Hermittee, 1965). These findings Transient and Permanent Reactions
suggested that children had remarkable resiliency and
potential for recovery due to the rapid changes in Following Injury
neurodevelopment that facilitated recovery of func- Isaacson (1976) identified ten major transient reac-
tion. More recently, these notions have been chal- tions following brain injury:
lenged by findings showing that early injury may have
more deleterious effects than later injury (Teeter, 1. Cells at the site of injury are destroyed.
1986). Apparently, transient and permanent effects 2. Cellular activity in nearby cells is disrupted.
of injury may have a significant impact on the recov- 3. Phagocytic and astrocytic reactions occur at the
ery process, and these factors are particularly sensi- border of the injury.
tive to the age of the child. 4. Blood vessels are changed at the site of injury.

5. Edema or swelling occurs. cognitive consequences of early brain injury are re-
6. Swelling disrupts the functioning of normal, un- lated to the changes in function of the remaining brain
damaged cells. systems. Specifically, damage to brain tissue early in
7. Cerebrospinal fluid is altered. life may change growth patterns, "neurogenesis,"
8. Undamaged cells are no longer monitored or in- neuronal proliferation and migration, and neural con-
hibited by the damaged cells. nections in remaining neural systems (Isaacson &
9. Newly developed axon collaterals move into re- Spear, 1984). Secondary features of brain injury,
gions once occupied by the damaged cells. including alterations in developing structures, neuro-
10. Cellular makeup and brain size are affected. chemicals, and hormones, affect how behaviors may
be compromised as well as the developmental course
Neurobehavioral deficits that result from these tran- and adaptation at any given age. Further, Isaacson
sient factors may improve quickly once these tran- and Spear (1984) suggest that unanticipated con-
sient reactions are stabilized (Teeter, 1986). However, sequences of early damage can result but that effec-
these transient factors may result in more serious per- tive interventions may alleviate or alter these
manent changes in brain structure and function that consequences.
result in dramatic and long-term losses. Taylor (1984) indicates that normal cognitive de-
Permanent changes in the brain that may occur velopment is extremely complex and that numerous
following early injury include the proliferation of other variables (e.g., learning environment) preclude
axon collaterals and the development of major ab- meaningful generalizations about the effects of early
normal motor tracts. Although newly formed axon brain injury. Taylor argues that increased emphasis
collaterals allow for recovery to occur, Isaacson should be placed on determining the conditions that
(1976) suggests that abnormal patterns may be formed facilitate or impede cognitive and behavioral spar-
when these collaterals assume regulation over dam- ing. Fletcher et al. (1984) propose that neuroimaging
aged regions. New synaptic contacts may facilitate technologies be employed with indices of environ-
recovery, but they also may produce abnormal brain mental factors and age-appropriate developmental
activity as major tracts move into regions normally measures to study the effects of early injury on
regulated by areas that have sustained damage (Teeter, children.
1986). Isaacson (1976) points out that the develop- Another critical point to consider when investi-
ing brain is highly susceptible to the influences of gating brain injury in young children is that damage
these new neuronal contacts compared to the brain of to later-developing brain regions (e.g.,frontallobes)
an adult. Further, the reduction of brain size that may may not be obvious until years after injury has oc-
accompany early injury is a serious problem. Thus, curred (Rourke et al., 1983). Children may actually
Isaacson (1976) suggests that "from a structural point "grow into a deficit" when developing brain struc-
of view early damage must be considered to be more tures that normally control and regulate a particular
disastrous than damage occurring later" (p. 42). Brain behavior become more important for the execution
damage in adolescents does not result in changes in of the activity. Kolb and Fantie (1989) concur and
the size of the brain but begins to follow a course indicate that this makes it very difficult to assess the
similar to that found in mature adults. Damage for impact of early injuries tofrontaland posterior brains
both adolescents and adults thus often results in more regions, as these areas do not assume adult-like func-
discrete and localized deficits than damage to young tioning until about 10 to 12 years of age. Further,
children. Rourke et al. (1983) found that in some cases initial
Isaacson (1975) further suggests that the normal deficits are replaced by other deficits. In young
developmental process is altered as a result of struc- chikldren attentional problems are more pronounced
tural changes in the brain following injury. Isaacson than cognitive deficits, whereas the opposite pattern
and Spear (1984) contend that the behavioral and is found in older children with brain damage. Rourke

et al. (1983) suggest that attentional deficits may ac- neck or head may occur when there is both accelera-
tually mask other cognitive problems; once this "psy- tion and deceleration, and this results in shearing.
chic edema" subsides, more discrete cognitive defi- Although the skull is less rigid in children than in
cits may be observed. adults, shearing may still cause significant distortions
and damage.
Nature, Type, and Severity
of Injury Unilateral Damage
The nature, type, and severity of brain injury affects The effects of lateralized damage has been investi-
the outcome and long-term sequelae associated with gated extensively, and it has been found that func-
such injury in children. Further, Kalsbeek, McLaurin, tional loss following injury may be recovered by the
Harris, and Miller (1980) report that injury type (e.g., intact hemisphere when injury occurs early (Rourke
falling versus being hit on the head) will produce very et al., 1983). Although Woods and Teuber (1978)
different cognitive, behavioral, and neuropsycholog- found that the right hemisphere can assume language
ical impairment, which should be carefully assessed functions following damage to the left hemisphere, it
and monitored. does so at the expense of reduced right-hemisphere
The mechanisms of closed-head injury involve (i.e., visual-spatial) functions. Rasmussen and Milner
several factors, including compression of neural tis- (1977) also suggest that transfer of language occurs
sues, which are pushed together; tension as tissues primarily when the speech regions of the left hemi-
are torn apart; shearing as tissues slide over other tis- sphere are involved. In instances where the Broca's
sue; and skull deformations that change the volume area remains intact, the left hemisphere may reorga-
of cerebrospinal fluid (Berg, 1986). Brain injury may nize rather than transfer language functions to the right
occur in three basic ways. First, acceleration occurs hemisphere.
when a moving object (e.g., baseball bat) makes sud- Evidence from hemidecortications in early child-
den contact with the skull. This type of injury may hood provide insight into recovery of function as well.
result in bruising or contusions in the brain stem, under Kolb and Whishaw (1990) indicate that although the
the corpus callosum, in the cerebellum, or in the oc- two hemispheres are functionally specialized at birth,
cipital lobes. Contre coup is common in these condi- both are relatively flexible in their capacity to pick
tions and results in more severe damage in regions up functions of the hemisphere that has been surgi-
opposite the point of contact. Berg (1986) indicates cally removed. The price of transfer, however, seems
that pressure waves spread out from the injury site to be a loss of functions of higher level abilities and
and cause tissue tearing. The frontal lobes are par- generalized lower intelligence. For example, simple
ticularly sensitive to this kind of injury because of language functions appear intact following left
the bony protrusions in the anterior skull. Second, hemispherectomy, but complex language skills (e.g.,
deceleration occurs when the head is moving faster complex syntax) are compromised. Conversely, right
than a stationary object (e.g., the dashboard of an au- hemispherectomy results in normal language func-
tomobile), causing abrupt deceleration of the skull. tions and in decreased complex visual-spatial skills
Contusions occur at the site of injury, and contre coup (e.g., visual organization, perception of mazes). Thus,
may also result as the brain is thrust back against the while both hemispheres can assume functions of the
skull. Occipital impact may causefrontaland tempo- opposite hemisphere if it has been removed early,
ral involvement. Midbrain injury also may involve neither can mediate all of these functions.
temporal lobe injury to the opposite lobe, while im- While these findings support the notion of brain
pact to the frontal regions is less likely to result in plasticity, Boll and Barth (1981) cite studies indicat-
occipital damage because the surface of the posterior ing that surgical removal of one hemisphere follow-
skull is smooth (Berg, 1986). Third, rotations of the ing injury may actually produce fewer problems than

occur when surgical removal is not feasible. It may ing the birth process. Postnatal factors generally are
be that the damaged hemisphere exerts abnormal in- most important, including both child and family char-
fluence as the intact hemisphere attempts to assume acteristics associated with increased rates of TBI in
the functions of the damaged hemisphere, an influ- children. See the discussion on genetic factors. The
ence that is not possible when the damaged hemi- level of violence and child-related homicides appears
sphere is removed. to be on this rise, and one can only wonder how many
children and adolescents sustain TBI as a result of
gunshot wounds and physical attacks.
Transactional Features of TBI Parental behaviors, particularly avoidable situa-
tions such as drinking and driving or not restraining
The neuropsychological, academic, and psychosocial children while driving (Cook & Leventhal, 1992),
sequelae of TBI depends on numerous factors (e.g., may also place children at risk for TBI. However,
age, severity and site of injury). Further, environmen- family socioeconomic status and parental employ-
tal and premorbid status, including IQ level and pres- ment history do not appear related to increased rates
ence of psychiatric or behavioral problems, is an im- of TBI (Klauber, Barrett-Connor, Hofstetter, & Micik,
portant factor affecting outcome. 1986). Child abuse victims do sustain high levels of
Table 10.1 presents a summary of select research brain injury, especially for young children (Depart-
findings for children sustaining TBI. This summary ment of Health and Human Services, 1989).
suggests that a variety of domains are affected by trau-
matic injury. Individual children will vary in terms
of the specific features and dysfunctions manifested Neuropsychological Correlates
following injury. The various domains are reviewed Neuropsychological correlates usually relate to the
next. major areas that have been damaged. Patterns in chil-
dren begin to mimic those of adults in late childhood
Genetic Factors or early adolescence. See the following discussions
for detailed deficits associates with various injury
Although traumatic brain injury is not a result of ge- sites.
netic factors, there is some evidence that certain chil-
dren may be at higher risk for sustaining brain injury.
In a discussion of risk factors associated with TBI, Intellectual, Perceptual, Memory,
Goldstein and Levin (1990) indicate that children who and Attentional Functions
sustain injuries may not be a random group. Preex-
isting conditions often include hyperactivity and an- Intellectual functions. Persistent intellectual deficits
tisocial behavioral problems (Craft, Shaw, & have been found in children sustaining brain injury
Cartlidge, 1972); developmental learning problems, with coma status for more than 24 hours (Levin &
particularly in young males (Klonoff & Paris, 1974); Eisenberg, 1979). Chadwick, Rutter, Brown, Shaffer,
reading difficulties, impulsivity, and overactivity and Traub (1981) found that Performance IQ was
(Brown, Chadwick, Shaffer, Rutter, & Traub, 1981). lower than Verbal IQ in children suffering posttrau-
Goldstein and Levin (1990) suggest that preexisting matic amnesia. Winogron, Knights, and Bowden
behavioral patterns may increase risk-taking behav- (1984) found similar Performance IQ deficits in chil-
iors, leading to traumatic injuries. dren with low Glasgow Coma scores (7 or less).
Ewing-Cobbs and Fletcher (1990) suggest that intel-
ligence seems most compromised for severe injuries.
Prenatal/Postnatal Factors While personality factors following injury in chil-
There are no known prenatal factors that predispose dren are somewhat similar to patterns found in adults,
a child to TBI, although brain damage can occur dur- Berg (1986) reports that cognitive deficits appear less

Table 10.1. Transactional Features of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

Genetic Environmental
- No genetic linkage - No known prenatal factors
- TBI children may not be random group - Birth process may produce brain damage
Hyperactivity - Level of violence in environment
Antisocial behavioral problems - Parental behaviors place child at risk
Reading problems, impulsivity, and Child abuse
hyperactivity Drinking while driving
Not restraining child in car

Neuropsychological Correlates
- Patterns depend on site and type of injury.
- Begin to mimic adult patterns in later childhood.
- Mild injury show few NP deficits.

Intelligence Perceptual Memory

- Persistent deficits coma (24 hrs +) - Severity of injury - Common in TBI
- PIQ > VIQ with amnesia - Hmed conditions - Verbal learning and memory
- Low PIQ with low Glascow (7 or less) - Visual-spatial - Visual-spatial
- Less specific cognitive deficits - Selective reminding
- Lateralized damage not always clear-cut - Memory improves first year
- Left hemispherelanguage deficits - Verbal learning of new information
- Right hemispheredesign deficits deficits persist with severe injury
- Lateralization of higher level skills not - Even mild injury can affect
always predictable
- Laterilization of sensoryperceptual
and motor deficits more clear-cut

Attentional and Executive Functions

- Disinhibition
- Impulsivity
- Attentional deficits
- Excessive verbalization
- Socially inappropriate
- Insensitivity

Academic Psychosocial Family

- Not well researched - Changes in personality - Disruptive to relationships
- Recognized as handicapping condition - Increased psychiatric - Home environment impacts
(IDEA, 1990) disorders in severe
- Problems persist after EEGs and injury (not mild)
neurological exams appear normal
- Language difficulties
- Writing to dictation and copying
- Verbal associations
- Left hemisphere damagedeficits across
all areas (injury before 5 years of age)

specific and not as clearly lateralized. For example, (1984) states that there does not appear to be a strong
there is only a mild tendency for injury to the left relationship between the lateralization of damage and
hemisphere to produce language-related deficits and higher level dysfunction in children, although infer-
for injury to therighthemisphere to produce deficits ences can be drawn based on sensory-perceptual and
in memory for design (McFie, 1961, 1975). Reitan motor deficits. Further, Chadwick et al. (1981) did

not find lateralizing signs on the Wechsler scales, Academic and School Adjustment
but more diffuse impairment was apparent, particu-
The academic consequences of TBI have not been
larly with more severe brain injury. However, ado-
adequately researched, and this seems particularly
lescents begin to show adultlike patterns of later-
problematic given that TBI has recently been recog-
alizing signs.
nized as a separate handicapping condition that may
require special education support (Individuals with
Perceptual Junctions. Perceptual problems appear
Disabilities Act, 1990). Until 1990, children with TBI
related to severity of injury, particularly under timed
did not qualify for special-education services under
conditions (Bowden, Knights, & Winogron, 1985),
existing categories (Virginia Department of Educa-
and visual and visual-spatial impairment have been
tion, 1992). However, academic problems may per-
identified in children following injury (Levin &
sist in some children long after EEGs and neurologi-
Eisenberg, 1979).
cal evaluations appear normal (Fuld & Fisher, 1977).
Language-related deficits that accompany some in-
Memory Junctions. Memory deficits appear to be fairly
juries often result in academic difficulties (Ewing-
common in children following TBI (Levin &
Cobbs, Levin, Eisenberg, & Fletcher (1987) found
Eisenberg, 1979). Verbal learning and verbal memory
that children sustaining injury resulting in a loss of
(Delis et al., 1994; Levin & Eisenberg, 1979; Levin,
consciousness for a minimum of one day or display-
Eisenberg, Wigg, & Kobayashi, 1982), visual-spatial
ing CT abnormalities demonstrated language-related
(Levin & Eisenberg, 1979; Levin et al., 1982), and
deficits. Deficits were found on tasks measuring writ-
selective reminding (Buschke & Fuld, 1974) deficits
ing to dictation, copying, and verbal associations, all
have been reported in various studies investigating
of which may adversely affect school performance.
memory functions in children following TBI. Al-
Ewing-Cobbs, Fletcher, Levin, and Landry (1985)
though memory deficits may improve within one year
found that even mild language problems are detri-
postinjury, difficulties in verbal learning of new in-
mental to academic performance. Chadwick et al.
formation persist in a number of children, particu-
(1981) also found a slight tendency for children sus-
larly those with severe injuries (Levin & Eisenberg,
taining left-hemisphere damage to show academic
1979; Levin et al., 1982). However, Levin and
deficits across all areas, particularly for those chil-
Eisenberg (1979) didfindthat even children with mild
dren sustaining injury prior to 5 years of age.
injuries (brief coma or no loss of consciousness) evi-
Another major concern related to academic adjust-
denced neuropsychological deficits. Verbal learning
ment is that new learning is often affected by TBI.
measures are often powerful for identifying problems
Residual attention, concentration, personality, and
associated with TBI.
behavioral problems also may interact with overall
school and academic functioning.
Attentional and executive control Junctions. Berg
(1986) indicates that closed-head injuries in children
can produce changes in personality, academic dete-
rioration, memory deficits, visual-spatial deficits, and
Social-Psychological Adjustment
processing speed deficits. Brown et al. (1981) found New psychiatric disorders postinjury appear signifi-
that severe-injury children were more likely to show cantly more often in children with severe head injury
signs of disinhibition, impulsivity, socially inappro- (in 50% of cases), whereas children with mild head
priate behaviors, excessive verbalization, and insensi- injury do not differ from a control group (Brown et
tivity compared to mild-injury and control children. al., 1981). Most studies investigating head injury in
Attentional difficulties, as measured by continuous per- children stress the importance of considering
formance tasks, have also been documented (Chadwick premorbid status in order to assess the full impact of
et al., 1981) in children sustaining brain damage. injury on the child (Goldstein & Levin, 1990).

Family and Home Factors neuropsychological deficits, but improvement con-

tinued over a five-year period for these children.
TBI can be disruptive of family interactions (Rourke
Postinjury Full Scale IQ and coma duration were the
et al., 1983), and the home environment can have an
most powerful predictors for those children with per-
impact on the recovery process following TBI (Mar-
manent deficits. Approximately 43% of the groups
tin, 1990; Rourke et al., 1983). Rourke et al. (1983)
demonstrated significant residual deficits, and one-
describe detailed intervention plans to address these
quarter of this group required special education or
failed one or more grades.

Implications for Assessment Implications for Intervention

Due to the various neuropsychological, cognitive, Cognitive and personality characteristics of the child,
academic, and psychosocial disorders accompanying as well as family resources, marital stability, and so-
TBI, a broad-based evaluation is imperative. An ap- cioeconomic status, have an impact on outcome vari-
proach such as the following is typically recom- ables measuring the child's recovery. With this in
mended (Ewing-Cobbs & Levin, 1990; Rourke, 1994; mind, developmental history and circumstances in the
Silver et al., 1992), including the following: (1) se- child's environment must be carefully considered,
lected, relevant subtests of the Halstead Neuro- according to Goldstein and Levin (1990). Further,
psychological Test Battery for Children; (2) a mea- teacher reports and a review of history help to deter-
sure of intelligence (Wechsler scales); (3) tests of mine the presence of preexisting disorders like hy-
achievement (Woodcock-Johnson Tests); (4) tests of peractivity, attentional problems, social interaction,
auditory perception, verbal fluency, rapid naming, and academic difficulties (Craft et al., 1972). Rutter
receptive vocabulary (i.e., Peabody Picture Vocabu- (1981) cautions that postinjury deficits may in fact
lary Test, Token Test); (5) tests of visual perception reflect premorbid problems rather than being a direct
(e.g., Beery Visual-Motor Integration, Rey's Figure); result of the brain trauma. Rutter (1981) also suggest
(6) tests of memory and learning (i.e., selective re- that premorbid characteristics such as impulsivity and
minding, continuous recognition memory); (7) tests hyperactivity may lead to higher injury rates in chil-
of reasoning and abstraction; and (8) tests of atten- dren who are more likely to take more risks than other
tion (i.e., continuous performance test). Ewing-Cobbs children.
and Fletcher (1990) and Silver et al. (1992) also rec- The Virginia Department of Education developed
ommend selected tests of behavioral and psychologi- Guidelines for Educational Services for Students with
cal adjustment, including the Vineland Adaptive Be- Traumatic Brain Injury (1992), emphasizing home
havior Scales, the Child Behavior Checklist, and the school partnerships. Meeting the needs of families
Personality Inventory for Children. See other mea- and children is an essential feature of this program.
sures listed earlier in Table 5.11. The guidelines cover conducting assessments, mak-
Periodic and ongoing evaluations are particularly ing placement decisions, planning and implementing
important for children following TBI in order to as- individual educational plans (IEPs) or 504 plans, and
sess the extent of recovery. Berg (1986) suggests that improving the behavioral and academic problems with
the most rapid recovery occurs during the first year effective strategies and classroom modifications.
postinjury. Klonoff, Low, and Clark (1977) found that In summary, studies indicate the need to integrate
children show abnormal functioning on a majority of datafromvarious sources in order to measure the full
neuropsychological measures (65% of all measures) impact of head injury on children, and support the
within one year, but that they continue to improve need for an integrated paradigm for developing edu-
two to five years postinjury. Klonoff et al. (1977) cational and psychosocial treatment programs for
found that 57% eventually showed no measurable brain-injured children.

Prenatal exposure to teratogenic agents, including be distinguished on the first day of life and continued
alcohol and cocaine have been known to produce throughout development. Children exposed to alco-
various neuropsychological, neurocognitive, and hol prior to birth showed difficulties including cog-
neurobehavioral disorders in children. Complications nitive delays, memory and attentional problems,
associated with fetal alcohol syndrome and cocaine motor difficulties, organizational and problem-solv-
exposure are reviewed in the following sections. ing problems, and social and adaptational behavioral
The threshold for alcohol use during pregnancy
FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME appears to be between 7 and 28 drinks per week in
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) describes children who early and mid-pregnancy. This level of alcohol in-
evidence a growth deficiency, facial anomalies, and take appears to be highly related to neurobehavioral
GNS dysfunction (Streissguth, 1949). It is caused by sequalae (Jacobson & Jacobson, 1994).
prenatal exposure to alcohol. FAS was initially de- Although the mechanism behind FAS is not fully
scribed by Jones and Smith (1973) over two decades understood, nutritional and metabolic effects of al-
ago. Children with FASfrequentlyshow delayed de- coholism along with the teratogenic effects of the al-
velopment, overactivity, motor clumsiness, attention cohol itself are believed to play a role (Williams,
deficits, learning problems, cognitive retardation, and Howard, & McLaughlin, 1994). Animal models have
seizure disorders. The prevalence of FAS is estimated begun to be used in order to understand the etiology
to be 1 to 3 per 1000 live births (National Institute on of FAS. In a study of rats prenatally exposed to alco-
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1990). hol in the third trimester of pregnancy, Melcer,
Differences in incidence rates of FAS depend on Gonzalez, Barrow, and Riley (1994) found that those
community, ethnic, and cultural mores, and on geo- who received a high dose of alcohol had resulting
graphical area. For example, although the estimated overactivity. Haynes, Hess, and Campbell (1992)
incidence is 1 to 3 per 1000 live births, in Seattle the found that pregnant rats that were fed large daily
incidence is 1 per 700 live births (Hanson, Streissguth, amounts of alcohol gained less weight during preg-
& Smith, 1978); and on Native American reserva- nancy, and their pups weighed less and showed less
tions the incidence ranges from 1 to 97 in 750 live weight gain after birth.
births (May, Hymbaugh, Aase, & Samet, 1983). May Studies of the brains of children diagnosed with
(1991) suggests that drinking in Native peoples of FAS show decreases in total brain size, particularly
North America varies greatly in communities and in in the cerebrum and the cerebellum (Mattson, Riley,
relation to specific cultural norms. He suggests that Jernigan, Garcia, et al., 1994). Moreover, smaller
these normative patterns hold the answer to amelio- volume of the basal ganglia was also found, with
rating maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy and smaller area or nonexistent corpus callosum (Mattson,
should be utilized in any intervention program. Riley, Jernigan, Ehlers, et al., 1992; Mattson, Riley,
Jernigan, Garcia, et al., 1994). EEGs did not show
Etiology of Fetal Alcohol focal abnormalities for the child's age group (Mattson
etal., 1992).
The type and severity of FAS appears to depend on Implications for Assessment
when gestation the mother drank, how much alcohol
was consumed, how frequently it was used, and the
and Diagnosis
age of the mother (Overholser, 1990; Russell et al., The diagnosis of FAS is generally accomplished by
1991). Streissguth, Sampson, and Barr (1989) stud- the medical community. Facial features usually as-
ied 500 children, of whom 92 had been exposed to sist in the diagnosis and are more prominent on the
alcohol in utero. Moderate exposure to alcohol could left side of the face. The discriminating facial fea-

tures of FAS include a shorter than expected eye open- in neuropsychological and emotional status.
ing, flattening of the mid-face, a short nose, indis- Steinhausen, Wilms, and Spohr (1994) followed 158
tinctridgesbetween nose and mouth, and a tiny upper children who had been diagnosed with FASfrompre-
lip. Associated features include small folded skin at school through adolescence. Intelligence testing found
the inner corner of the eye, low nasal bridge, ear that the majority of children were cognitively retarded
anomalies, and an abnormally small jaw (Streissguth, as well as having processing problems, attention defi-
1994). In addition, the child's growth is generally cits, sleep disorders, stereotyped and perseverative
delayed. The facial features generally become less behaviors, and emotional disturbance. These findings
evident after puberty, and diagnosis at that point be- are similar to those reported by Streissguth, Randels,
comes problematic (Streissguth, Randels, & Smith, and Smith (1991). These researchers found IQs to
1991). A small head continues to be a distinguishing remain stable over time.
feature, with only 28% of samples showing normal
head size (Streissguth et al., 1991). Attentional problems. Attentional problems are fre-
FAS is diagnosed when the facial characteristics quently found in children with FAS. In the absence
are present, a growth deficiency is present, and CNS of the full syndrome,findingsof attentional problems
malfunctioning occurs in conjunction with a mater- are equivocal (Boyd et al., 1991). A study that com-
nal history of alcohol abuse. If the child shows some pared Native American children with FAS, those with
of the facial characteristics of FAS and/or CNS signs FAE, and normally developing samples found con-
along with maternal drinking, the diagnosis of fetal sistent delays in attention, language, and cognition in
alcohol effect (FAB) is given (Streissguth et al., 1991). the FAS group but not in the FAE or the normally
developing groups (Conry, 1990). A further study of
Neuropsychological Aspects attentional deficits compared children with FAS/FAE,
ADHD, and typically developing samples on several
of FAS and FAE measures of attention. The FAS/FAE children were
The evidence from longitudinal studies of children found to be similar to the ADHD group in activity
with FAS indicates that this disorder persists through- level and attentional functioning (Nanson & Hoscock,
out the life span (Streissguth, 1994; Streissguth, 1990). Unfortunately, the results of this study are dif-
Sampson, Olson, et al., 1994). Difficulties are present ficult to interpret, as the FAS sample was confounded
with cognitive retardation, attention, and adaptive with FAE children, who most likely show less prob-
behaviors. Information-processing skills also appear lematic neuropsychological profiles.
to be significantly affected and sensitive to the ef-
fects of maternal binge drinking (Olson, Sampson, et Adaptive behavioral problems. Adaptive behavior
al., 1992). skills appear to be most problematic for FAS chil-
Newborns of alcoholic mothers have been found dren. Streissguth, Clarren, and Jones (1985) found
to be delayed in their response to the environment that daily living skills, though below expectations for
and to be born with low birth weights (Day, 1992; chronological age, werefrequentlyan area of strength
Greene et al., 1991). These difficulties continue into for these children, with socialization skills being the
adulthood. Early diagnosis of FAS appears to be cru- most deficient. This finding held true for those chil-
cial for later outcome as well as prevention programs dren who were and those who were not cognitively
for alcoholic women (Niccols, 1994). However, these retarded. Areas that were particularly difficult for chil-
women responded well to supportive counseling for dren were acting without considering the conse-
alcohol control. quences, problems with initiative, inappropriateness
There is a high incidence of cognitive retardation of behaviors due to an inability to read social cues,
and ADHD in children with FAS. A long-term out- and inability to establish social relationships (Streiss-
come study of children with FAS has found stability guth, Aase, et al., 1991).

Academic achievement. Academic achievement also with both biological parents, and 3% were still with
poses difficulty for children with FAS. In a major the biological mother. In fact, 69% of the biological
study of adolescents with FAS, Streissguth, Randels, mothers were dead 5 to 12 years after the original
and Smith (1991) found that 6% were in regular edu- evaluation. Streissguth, Aase, et al. (1991) report that
cation with no support, 28% were in self-contained approximately 33% of FAS children were given up
special education classrooms, 15% were not in school for adoption or abandoned in the hospital.
or were at work, and 9% were in sheltered workshops. Severe behavioral problems are also frequently
Academic attainment was at the fourth-grade level in found in the FAS population. These difficulties make
reading, third-grade level in spelling, and second- traditional vocational training problematic. Psycho-
grade level in arithmetic. Arithmetic skills were most pathology appears to create the greatest difficulty in
impaired for this group of children and appear to be adolescence and later adulthood (Dorris, 1989). Age
exquisitely sensitive to the amount of alcohol drunk effects on the expression of psychopathology have
at one point in time (Streissguth et al., 1994). This been found, with younger children showing difficulty
finding also held true for word attack skills. Importantly, in response inhibition, hyperactivity, and learning,
Streissguth et al. (1994) found that arithmetic and work while older children show difficulty with self-regu-
attack skills were significantly delayed when other lation, problems understanding social cues, planning
confounding variables such as SES, exposure to tobacco and organization, and persistence (Steinhausen et al.,
and other drugs, and postnatal trauma were covaried. 1994; Streissguth, 1994). Many of these deficits ap-
pear to be related to a form of disinhibition and ex-
Language skills. Language skills in FAS children have ecutive control problems, particularly where higher
not been found to be generally deficient. It appears level functions are required (e.g., in social relations).
that language development is more closely related to It is also difficult to ascertain the degree to which
the quality of caretaking independent of SES and/or psychopathology is a function of abnormal neuro-
alcohol exposure (Greene et al., 1990). psychological and cognitive development, and where
Language difficulties seen in children exposed it reflects the troubled family environment. At any
prenatally to alcohol appear to change depending on rate, the interaction of these factors should be con-
age considerations. In a study of 10 FAS Native sidered when designing intervention programs.
American children and 17 Native American controls,
Carney and Chermak (1991) found that the younger
FAS children showed global language deficits,
implications for Interventions
whereas the older ones showed syntactic deficits. Studies evaluating interventions with children with
Although this study was too small in sample size to FAS are just beginning to establish treatment para-
make generalizable statements, it does sensitize us to digms. For preschool children, early identification is
the need to compare children within different ethnic crucial. Many children are cognitively retarded, show
groups as well as to recognize the age effects on quali- language delays, have problems with attention and
tative language performance. This finding has been memory, and have delayed social skills (Phelps,
replicated, again in a very small sample, by Becker, 1995). Interventions such as early referral by physi-
Warr-Leeper, and Leeper (1990). cians to the school or educational multidisciplinary
team is improving (Morse et al., 1992), and medical
education in this regard is sorely needed. Early child-
Psychosocial Considerations hood special-education services are invaluable for
Many children with FAS come from chaotic home these children and their families. It is particularly
environments where alcohol and other drugs are used. important to involve families in any intervention pro-
In one longitudinal study, Streissguth, Aase, et al. gram (Shriver & Piersel, 1994). Federal regulations
(1991) found that only 9% of the sample remained provide for Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs)

as part of special education for young children (see ficulties for children with FAS, specifically in terms
P.L. 94-357). of attention, self-regulation, problem solving, and
For elementary-aged children, continued special- social awareness. These difficulties continue into
education services are needed for academic and so- adulthood and create significant adjustment problems.
cial support. Medication for distractibility and over- Intervention programs have been developed for aca-
activity may be considered for ADHD symptoms. demic skills, but progress in adaptive behavior skills
Social skills training can be helpful to assist with de- and basic living skills have been sorely lacking. Re-
velopment. Skills training needs to focus on founda- search investigating appropriate vocational training
tional skills of learning social cues and gestures and is needed, and the need for earlier training in this area
should be conducted in a school setting or in another is probably necessary. Moreover, using a transactional
setting where natural, ecologically valid social situa- approach to the neuropsychology of FAS necessitates
tions serve as the training ground. Minimizing sen- that interventions be developed for both the child and
sory overload, recognizing sleep and eating disorders, the family. Community-based interventions that rec-
and establishing a specialized curriculum have been ognize the particular values and culture of the com-
found to be helpful (Weinner & Morse, 1994). munity are also needed. Efforts to alert the medical
Emphasis should be placed on appropriate voca- profession to the need for early educational interven-
tional training for adolescents. In addition, structured tions also would be advised.
behavioral and vocational training is crucial for these
students because social judgment, consequential
thinking, and risk-taking behaviors are problematic
for FAS adolescents (Phelps, 1995). The incidence of infants born exposed to cocaine has
There is no research currently published that evalu- risen in the past decade (U.S. General Accounting
ates intervention programs with families. Streissguth Office, 1990). It has been estimated that more than
et al. (1991) report that few children remain with their 100,000 babies are born annually with exposure to
biological parents. Interventions would differ depend- cocaine and/or other drugs (Chasnoff, Landress, &
ing on whether the child remains in a chaotic home Barrett, 1990). Research investigating the effects of
or is placed in a more stable environment. cocaine exposure to the developing fetus has produced
Some success has been found in utilizing cogni- mixed results. Early studies indicated that there were
tive-behavioral techniques for preventing alcohol use statistically significant abnormalities across many
in women who are drinking during pregnancy. measures of behavior, temperament, and cognition in
Peterson and Lowe (1992) have had success with this early development (Singer, Farkas, & Kliegman,
technique in improving self-esteem and self-efficacy. 1991). These abnormalities were well publicized, and
Additional research is sorely needed in both inter- many believed that the school systems would be
vention efficacy and family interventions. Hankin flooded with "crack-cocaine children" with severe
(1994) found that although beverage warning labels developmental and behavioral disabilities (Blakeslee,
are somewhat effective, community-based interven- 1990; Chira, 1990). These children were character-
tions appear more successful. At any rate, prevention ized as listless, without affect, difficult to soothe,
seems to be a more effective way of reducing the very unmotivated, unable to establish attachments to care-
serious deleterious effects to unborn infants, and givers, and hyperactive or aggressive.
should be a priority. To place these studies in social context, it is im-
portant to recognize that these reports are likely to
have been affected by the milieu existing at the time
of publication. Coles (1993) declares that the early
FAS is a leading and preventable cause of cognitive research was a "scramble for funds and influence, a
retardation in children. Research has pinpointed dif- rush to judgment, and a credulity in the assessment

of both clinical and research results which was un- 1991). The cocaine also causes uterine vessel vaso-
professional at best" (p. 290). This echoes a senti- constriction, which results in reduced blood and oxy-
ment first espoused by Mayes, Granger, Bornstein, gen flow to the fetus (Woods et al., 1987).
and Zuckerman (1992). Hutchings (1993) along with Variables that are just beginning to be studied in-
several other commentators (Day & Richardson, clude the individual differences in ability to metabo-
1993; Frank & Zuckerman, 1993), suggests that early lize cocaine, the difference in frequency of use of
research did not evaluate mediating factors such as cocaine, and variations in placental perfusion. Koren
amount of drug use, nutrition, polydrug use, and lack (1993) suggests that these variables may account for
of appropriate control groups. Moreover, Day and the variation in expression of severity of symptoms
Richardson (1993) suggest that the earliest cases pub- in children prenatally exposed to cocaine. Use of co-
licized were likely "the most severe, the most com- caine at high levels and atfrequentintervals appears
plicated, the most obvious, and seldom accurately to have more adverse effects on the fetus than does
represent the real natural history of a disease" (p. 293). low use (Chasnoff, 1993). Some pregnant women
They also caution about overinterpretation of statis- using cocaine appear to have a lower activity level of
tical correlation as "causative" in nature. Many au- a primary enzyme (choline esterase) that metabolizes
thors in the special issue of Neurotoxicology and Tera- cocaine. For these women's babies, there is an in-
tology (1993) suggest that crack cocaine is but one creased risk of high exposure. Additionally, the hu-
piece of the puzzle to understanding these children, man placenta also has been found to be variable in its
and that poverty, nutrition, violence, demoralization, ability to metabolize cocaine (Hoffman et al, 1992).
and the interaction of these factors may be necessary Some fetuses have been found have higher exposures
for a full understanding of the developmental out- to cocaine compared to others when mothers from
come of these children. both groups consumed equivalent doses (Pellegrini,
Koren, & Motherisk, 1990). Moreover, some fetal
placental vessels appear to restrict blood and oxygen
Effects of Cocaine
flow more than others when cocaine is ingested by
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that can be ingested the mother (Simone, Derewlany, Knie, & Koren,
by snorting, "freebasing," or smoking. Crack is a form 1992). This variable may have significant effects on
of cocaine that is increasingly popular because of its the level of exposure to cocaine, regardless of the
lower cost. Cocaine or crack produces an intense feel- amount of cocaine taken.
ing of euphoria, with increased energy and self-es- To understand the effect of cocaine on the devel-
teem and decreased anxiety. The rebound effects, oping nervous system, it is important to evaluate a
which include increases in anxiety, exhaustion, and number of related variables before describing exist-
depression, are so emotionally painful that the ad- ing research on behavioral and cognitive outcome for
dicted person will continually smoke cocaine or crack these children. The following sections will discuss
to avoid them. Chronic use is associated with para- environmental variables, pre- and postnatal compli-
noid and affective disorder, weight loss, and poor cations, animal models of the result of cocaine expo-
judgment and insight (Gawin, 1988). Thus, cocaine's sure on a fetus, previous studies on the result of co-
effect on the CNS is evident in adults and is related caine exposure on the fetus, and current knowledge
to the chemical properties of the drug. of the behavioral and cognitive status of these
Cocaine is readily water- and lipid-soluble and children.
passes easily across the placenta (Woods, Plessinger,
& Clark, 1987). Moreover, the fetus is exposed for a
longer period of time than adults because of a defi-
Environmental Variables
ciency in the mother's ability to chemically deacti- Socioeconomic status has beenfrequentlycited as an
vate the drug action (Singer, Garber, & Kliegman, important variable in the evaluation of newborns for

cocaine exposure. Many studies used nonrandom sub- animals and humans found that "If a particular agent
ject selection from large urban hospitals that prima- produced, for example, cognitive or motor deficits in
rily have indigent and minority women as patients. humans, corresponding deficits were also evident in
Results from these studies indicated that minority laboratory animals. This was true even when the spe-
women and poor women were more likely to have cific endpoints used to assess these functions were
drug-exposed children (Singer et al., 1991). In con- often operationally quite different across species"
trast, a recent study found that poor, urban, minority (Stanton & Spear, 1990, p. 265).
women were no more likely to use illegal drugs than A study of offspring from Sprague-Dawley CD
were white middle-class women, with approximately rats given multiple daily doses of cocaine found that
15% of both groups using such drugs during preg- exposure to cocaine produced poorer performance on
nancy (Chasnoff, Landress, & Barrett, 1990). The more complicated cognitive tasks when the rats were
drug of choice for these women, however, did differ. fully mature (Vorhees et al., 1995). Problem-solving
Minority women used cocaine more frequently, and socialization behaviors have been found to be
whereas white women in private care used marijuana. particularly susceptible to cocaine exposure in utero
The use of cocaine in pregnant minority women (Goodwin et al., 1992; Heyser, Spear, & Spear, 1992;
has been found to interact with such variables as Smith, Mattran, Kurkjian, & Kurtz, 1989). Alterations
polydrug use, less prenatal care, lower weight at time in neural function have also been found, lending sup-
of delivery, and less weight gain during pregnancy port to the hypothesis that cocaine, usedfrequentlyand
(Frank et al, 1988). Moreover, these women are more in large doses, acts as a neurobehavioral teratogen
likely to be single and have more sexually transmit- (Stanton & Spear, 1990). Controlled studies utilizing
ted diseases (Singer et al., 1991). These women are animal models have been conducted only in the past six
also found to show to provide a poorer caregiving to eight years, and data are continuing to emerge. These
environment for the infant, possibly due to poor ma- findings can inform clinicians as to the possible action
ternal mental status (Cregler & Mark, 1986). of cocaine on the developing nervous system.
Elliott and Coker (1991) found nonnurturing home
environments to be related to prenatal use of crack
cocaine. Moreover, the use of crack cocaine has been
Pre- and Postnatal Medical Effects
found to be deterimental to the mother's functioning, Neuspiel and Hamel (1991) have hypothesized five
a problem that increases in severity over time mechanisms for the effect of cocaine on the CNS of a
(Gonzalez & Campbell, 1994). Lester and Tronick developing fetus. Decreased regulation of the recep-
(1994) suggest that understanding of the dynamics tors for neurotransmitters are believed to result in
of cocaine use during pregnancy requires a systems defective synaptic development, thus altering vari-
model that interrelates polydrug use with environmen- ous structures and cerebral activity. Prenatal vascular
tal and/or lifestyle issues. These authors caution disruption has been linked to malformations in vari-
against shifting to an emphasis on environmental ef- ous organs and the brain. Fetal and maternal malnu-
fects and now ignoring drug effects on these children. trition can result in growth retardation or
microcephaly. All of these effects can significantly
alter the child's development. Mayes (1994) suggests
Animal Models that cocaine use in the early portion of pregnancy
Animal models are helpful in understanding the places the fetus at highriskfor experiencing changes
mechanisms underlying the effects of various neuro- in brain growth, synaptic formation, and cell migra-
toxic agents. Application of the results of animal stud- tion. In addition, in postnatal development, exposure
ies to human behavior has been found to be helpful to cocaine through breast mile also may interfere with
with these agents. A summary of studies looking the normal brain development (Chasnoff, Lewis, &
effects of various toxins on the nervous systems of Squires, 1987).

Increasedriskof spontaneous abortions, abrupted groups. Cocaine-exposed infants were found to have
placentas, and meconium-stained amniotic fluid has a lower birth weight than the control group; however,
been found to be associated with maternal cocaine this difference was no longer present at age 3 months.
use (Frank et al., 1988). Increased rates of prematu- Head circumference remained smaller for the cocaine
rity have been found (MacGregor, Keith, Bachicha, group through 36 months of age. While global scores
& Chasnoff, 1989) and may be related to the early on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development and the
neurodevelopmental effects found in these children Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition did
(Oro & Dixon, 1987). Singer, Garber, and Kliegman not differ at age 3, a direct relationship was found
(1991) suggest that premature birth may be a indica- between prenatal drug exposure and IQ in all drug-
tion that the mother with a history of drug abuse has exposed groups. Language skills were found to be
a heavier use of drugs and/or significant socioeco- particularly vulnerable to in utero drug exposure.
nomic disadvantage. In a study of 21 preschool children of mothers par-
Intrauterine growth retardation has been found to ticipating in a drug treatment program, impairment
be present in cocaine-exposed compared to non-co- in a receptive rather than expressive language was
caine-exposed infants (Chasnoff & Griffith, 1990). found (Malakoff, Mayes, & Schottenfeld, 1994). This
Both small head size and slower brain growth have difficulty can translate into later problems in new
been found in these children (Coles, Platzman, Smith, learning as the child has difficulty understanding di-
James, & Falek, 1991; Eisen et al., 1991; Hamel, rections, absorbing new information, or categorizing
Hochberg, Green, & Campbell, 1991). When very low information into networks. The relationship between
birth weight babies were studied on follow-up who early language delays and in utero cocaine exposure
had been diagnosed with chronic lung disease, 25% has been reported in several studies (Angelilli et al.,
of these babies were found to be cocaine-exposed; 1994; van Baar, 1990; van Baar & de Graaff, 1994;
double the rate of cocaine exposure generally seen Malakoff etal., 1994).
(Singer, Farkas, & Kliegman, 1991). Neurological ab- Unfortunately, studies looking at long-term effects
normalities found in these neonates prenatally ex- have not been conducted, as these children are not
posed to cocaine include cerebral infarcts and EEG old enough to be evaluated. It is very possible that
and BAER abnormalities (Chasnoff et al, 1989; the subtle language deficits currently found may be-
Dixon &Bejar, 1989). come more evident at later ages, particularly in un-
derstanding abstract language and making inferences
Cognitive and Language in written material. Moreover, there are subtle indi-
cations of problem-solving difficulties that may trans-
Development late into later difficulties in executive functioning.
The early development of the child exposed to co- These are areas that need to be studied carefully as
caine in utero has been studied more extensively than the opportunity arises, and of which clinicians need
later development. Most studies have found that at to be aware.
early ages these children showed few global deficits.
However, these children did display subtle language Social/Emotional/Behavioral
delays and problem-solving skills (Hawley, Halle,
Drasin, & Thomas, 1995). In a combined study, 93
cocaine-exposed children were studiedfrombirth to Studies of the neonatal behavior of cocaine-exposed
age 3 (Griffith, Azuma, & Chasnoff, 1994). This infants have found that these children may show no
sample was compared to a sample of infants exposed to mild withdrawal behaviors (Coles et al., 1991;
to alcohol or marijuana but not to cocaine, and to 45 Dixon & Bejar, 1989; Finnegan, Kaltenbach, Weiner,
drug-free infants. Maternal age, SES, marital status, & Haney, 1990). Sensory and behavioral deficits con-
and use of cigarettes were comparable between sistently have been found (Chasnoff et al., 1989; Coles

et al., 1991; Neuspiel et al, 1991). In particular, these with attachment to significant persons in the child's
children have been found to have difficulty screen- life may be an early signal of later difficulties in
ing out upsetting stimuli and decreased habituation socioemotional development. These findings are con-
to environmental stimuli. These difficulties may be sistent with the concern about these children's diffi-
related to cocaine-exposed neonates' reported irrita- culty with social cognition.
bility and poor sootheability (Singer, Farkas, & Tying in with the emerging evidence of behavioral
Kliegman, 1991). and social difficulties are the findings that the rear-
Children at 6 months of age who were exposed to ing environment plays a primary role in the develop-
cocaine in utero have been found to show tempera- ment of these difficulties. Disturbance in the
mental differences, primarily in their difficulties with caregiverinfant dyad has been found and negatively
cooperation, manageability, and responsiveness to influences the child's ability to regulate his or her
routine (Edmondson & Smith, 1994). These children behavior on the basis of feedback from the affective
were also less responsive and showed less interest in environment (Beeghly & Tronick, 1994). Maternal
communication and participation in activity, while depression and poor psychololgical adjustment have
their cognitive development did not differ from that been found to impair motherchild interactions sig-
of nonexposed 6-month-olds. nificantly and thus impact on the child's developmen-
Two-year-old children exposed to prenatal drugs tal pattern (Chethick, Burns, Burns, & Clark, 1990).
were found to be more immature and to show less In addition, infants and children who suffer physical
sustained attention, more deviant behaviors, and fewer and emotional neglect by the crack-addicted mother
positive social interactions than nonexposed children. experience more sadness and a more chaotic envi-
Although these children were exposed to several drugs ronment than do nonexposed children (Hawley et al.,
in utero, many believe that children exposed to co- 1995). In homes where domestic violence, child ne-
caine are frequently bora to polydrug mothers glect and abuse, and poor health care are present,
(Chasnoff, 1993). It also appears that children with a children have been found to have significant behav-
history of prenatal cocaine exposure may be less pas- ioral and emotional difficulties (Bateman & Heagarty,
sive when not stimulated by an adult (Rotholz, Snyder, 1989).
& Peters, 1995). A three-year longitudinal study of Beckwith et al. (1990) studied home environments
cocaine-exposed children found that environmental of drug-exposed children. Positive early experiences
and behavioral factors explained most of the variance were found to offset later difficulties in caregiving.
of their performance from that of nonexposed chil- Prenatally cocaine-exposed children with adequate
dren (Chasnoff, 1993). care in thefirstyear of life were within age expecta-
The finding of behavioral and emotional difficul- tions at age. Comparisons of these children with drug-
ties in cocaine-exposed children was present in a study exposed children without such care found that they con-
of 3 to 5-year-old children. These children were found tinued to show age-appropriate behaviors at age 2.
to show significantly higher T-scores (58.5 versus
46.9) on the Internalizing Scale of the Achenbach
Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1991) than the
nonexposed children (Hawley et al., 1995). External- Contrary to the concerns of the 1980s and early 1990s,
izing scores, though approaching significance, did not these children are not showing the long-term global
discriminate between the groups. cognitive deficits that were predicted. It is too early
Attachment to caregivers has also been studied. to say that these children will have no deficits. Cur-
Insecure and disorganized attachment to the caregiver rent evidence suggests that cocaine exposure during
has been repeatedly found by investigators pregnancy may predispose the child to later difficul-
(Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978; Rodning, ties in attention, social development, and emotional
Beckwith, & Howard, 1989, 1991). Such problems regulation and development. Some children appear

to evidence subtle language deficits in the preschool Brain Tumors

years. Abilities that are unable to be measured in the
Brain tumors are estimated to constitute 20% of ma-
first three years of life may emerge poorly at later
lignancies of childhood and are mostfrequentlydi-
ages. The subtle deficits in organization, regulation
agnosed in children between the ages of 3 and 9 years
of behavior, and problem solving may later translate
(Carpentieri & Mulhern, 1993). Kun (1992) suggests
into difficulty with abstract thinking skills. Moreover,
that between 1200 and 1500 new cases are identified
one of the best predictors of later social and emo-
each year, but there have been relatively few studies
tional adjustment is attachment to the caregiver
investigating the psychosocial effects of CNS tumors
(Stroufe, Fox, & Pancake, 1983). As we have seen
(Mulhern, Hancock, Fairclough, & Kun, 1992). Treat-
from the foregoing review, cocaine-exposed children
ment protocols often include whole-brain radiation,
not only have difficulty with attachment, but their
chemotherapy, and/or surgical interventions, and 50%
caretakers arefrequentlyunavailable to them because
to 60% of children are cancer-free after 5 years
of the addiction.
(Carpentieri & Mulhern, 1993).
A transactional approach to understanding these
children is paramount. It appearsfromthe emerging
research that the environment the child is in may be Associated Features
just as important as whether he or she was exposed to
cocaine in utero. Children from impoverished, cha- Etiology. Risk factors that have been associated with
otic, abusive homes will do poorly no matter what the development of brain tumors include: (1) genetic
the pregnancy history. To understand the functioning syndromes, including neurofibromatosis and tuber-
of these children, the clinician must take these vari- ous sclerosis; (2) presence of epilepsy and stroke in
ables into consideration in interpreting the data. More- families of children with brain tumors; and (3) im-
over, these children should be monitored for progress, munosuppression prior to organ transplant (Cohen &
as early subtle deficits may translate into later diffi- Duffiier, 1994). Some environmental toxins (e.g., aro-
culties with more complex learning. Although fur- matic hydrocarbons) have been implicated (Zeller,
ther study is needed on the long-term effects of co- Ivankovic, & Hxx, 1982), as have maternal use of
caine exposure, control of these various moderator barbituates (Savitz et al., 1988) and prenatal expo-
variables (maternal addiction, poverty, nutrition, etc.) sure to X-ray (National Radiological Protection
is necessary in order to isolate the effects of cocaine Board, 1981).
on the fetus.
Types of tumors. The mostfrequentlydiagnosed type
of tumor is the astrocytoma (Cohen & Duffiier, 1994).
In an epidemiological study of malignant brain tu-
CHILDHOOD CANCER mors in children under the age of 15, Duffher et al.
Childhood cancers, though relatively rare, are found (1986) found that astrocytomas accounted for 57%
in children at all ages, the two most common forms of the tumors, while 23% were medulloblastomas and
of childhood cancer are childhood leukemia and brain 8% were ependymomas.
tumors. Although the etiologies for these disorders Although brain tumors can occur at any age, the
differ, treatment frequently involves chemotherapy 5- to 9-year-old interval shows the largest occurrence
and cranial irradiation. The chemotherapy regimen of brain tumors, followed closely by ages 0 to 4 years
has not been found to have the same effects on later and then by 10 to 14 years of age (Duffiier et al.,
outcome that irradiation produces. It is these "late 1986). In children under age 2, the most common
effects" that most concern the child neuro- types of tumors are medulloblastomas (in the medulla
psychologist. Each of these types of childhood can- portion of the brain stem), low-grade astrocytomas,
cers will be discussed in the following sections. and ependymomas (arisingfromthe lining of the ven-

tricles and spinal cord or ependyma). At ages 5 to 9, points, while older children showed no such decrease.
the most commonly diagnosed tumors are low-grade The decline in IQ points occurred within thefirsttwo
astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, high-grade years. Moreover, children younger than 7 years at diag-
astrocytomas, and cerebellar astrocytomas (Cohen & nosis were receiving special education, whereas the older
Duffher, 1984). Children with astrocytomas in the group required only academic modifications within their
cerebellum have been reported to have the highest regular education programs. In another study by Moore,
survival rates, while those with brain stem gliomas Copeland, Reid, and Levy (1992), children who had
have the poorest survival rate (Duffher et aL, 1986). cranial radiotherapy as well as chemotherapy showed
Astrocytomas are graded from 1 to 4 depending on more compromised neuropsychological functioning than
the degree of malignancy (Cohen & Duffher, 1994). those with chemotherapy with no radiation or those who
The lower the grade, the less the malignancy. received no form of CNS therapy.
Additional studies of children who received cra-
nial radiation have found declines in intelligence, with
Implications for Assessment the steepest decreases found on measures of verbal
Accurate and timely diagnosis of brain tumors is es- fluency, visual attention, and the WISC subtests of
pecially important (Price, Goetz, & Lovell, 1992). Picture Arrangement and Block Design (Garcia-Perez
Clinical manifestations may include changes in per- et al., 1994). Additional difficulties were found in
sonality and cognition, and neuropsychological memory skills. These declines were found to vary with
changes, depending on the type, size, and location of the level of irradiation dose, separatefromthe effects
the tumor and on the presence of cerebral edema (e.g., of the tumor. It was hypothesized by Garcia-Perez et
hydrocephalus and/or increased intracranial pressure) al. (1994) that attentional and memory difficulties
(Price et aL, 1992). Tumors may be preceded by nau- were directly related to structures that were irradi-
sea, headaches, visual deficits (e.g., blurred or double ated because they were in the path toward the tumor,
vision, visual field blindness), lateralized sensory or and include connections with the limbic system, basal
motor impairments, vomiting, or seizures. Presence ganglia, thalamus, and orbitofrontal regions of the
of these symptoms warrants immediate referral to a frontal lobe. These results have been replicated by
child neurologist and may necessitate CT scans or other studies reporting memory, attention, and intel-
other neuroradiological scans (e.g., MRI). Low-grade ligence deficits (Moore, Ater, & Copeland, 1992;
tumors often have a slow rather than an acute onset, Morrow, O'Conner, Whitman, & Accardo, 1989;
with neural tissues becoming compressed or displaced Riva, Milani, Pantaleoni, Ballerini, & Giorgi, 1991).
at a slow rate (Carpentieri & Mulhern, 1993). Conse- Dennis et al. (1991a) examined the types of
quently, neurological signs may not always appear memory deficits in children and adolescents with
early (Price et aL, 1992). brain tumors. Working memory was not found to be
Brain tumors have been shown to produce behav- related to age of tumor onset; that is, the later the
ioral, personality, academic, intellectual, and neuro- onset of the tumor, the lower the memory score. Den-
psychological deficits in children (Mulhern, Kovnar, nis et al. (1 99 lb) found that memory for time sequence
Kun, Crisco, & Williams, 1988). appears to be related to structures in the limbic sys-
tem, hypothalamus, hippocampus, pulvinar nucleus
of the thalamus, pituitary, andfrontallobes. Working
Implications for Intervention memory that was less affected appeared to be related
to the anterior and medial thalamic nuclei. When there
Late effects of treatment. The age at which treatment was damage to the putamen and/or globus pallidus,
commences appears to have a significant effect on all memory skills were disrupted. This finding led
resulting intelligence test scores (Lockman, 1993). Dennis et al. (1991b) to theorize that the putamen
In a study by Radcliffe et al. (1992), children younger and globus pallidus may involve a "final common
than 7 years at diagnosis showed a mean loss of 27 pathway" for memory functions (p. 839).

A study by Packer, Meadows, Rourke, Goldwein, Genetics, environmental factors, and viruses have
and D'Angio (1987) found that long-term survivors been implicated in the etiology of ALL. There is a 1
of medulloblastomas of the posterior fossa generally in 5 chance that an identical twin of an ALL child
had IQs in the average range, with several specific also will have the disease. Moreover, Diamond and
intellectual and academic problems. Academic prob- Matthay (1988) report that many heritable syndromes
lems were most pronounced in mathematics, with as well as immunodeficiency disorders appear related
generally normal reading abilities. Similar to Dennis to an increased risk of developing leukemia. Expo-
et al. (1991a, 1991b), Packer et al. (1987) found sig- sure to X-rays either pre- or postnatally is also asso-
nificant memory deficits in 73% of their sample. Fine ciated with a higher risk for leukemia. Finally, sev-
motor speed and dexterity were also found to be de- eral viral infections seem to co-occur with childhood
layed, as were visual-motor skills. These researchers leukemia (e.g., Epstein-Barr, human T lymphonea-
found that, in general, their sample of children with leukemia virus).
brain tumors were functioning adequately in the
psychosocial domain. In addition, factors such as pre-
and postoperative mental status, need for a shunt,
Important Variables
extent of the tumor, and postoperative infections were Factors that have been found to be important prog-
just as important predictors of later neuropsycho- nostic indicators are initial white blood cell count,
logical outcome as amount of radiation utilized in the sex, age at diagnosis, CNS therapy, degree of lymph
treatment. node enlargement, hemoglobin level, and platelet
count at diagnosis (Robison et al., 1980). Robison et
Summary. Thus, late effects of treatment for brain al. (1980) found that the initial white blood cell count
tumors generally have an impact on academic and (WBC) and age at diagnosis were strong predictors
neuropsychological functioning. Mediating factors for length of remission and survival. Thus, patients
such as amount of radiation, pre- and postoperative with high WBC and who are younger than 2 or older
status, complications (e.g., shunts, infections), and the than 10 have the poorest prognosis.
extent of the tumor, as well as the age of onset, all
affect the child's outcome. Additional study is needed
on the quality of life children with brain tumors enjoy
Implications for Interventions
and on the level of their psychosocial functioning. Treatment differs depending on the risk factors, with
patients with more risk factors generally treated more
aggressively. In contrast, those children who are felt
to be at lower risk are treated by less toxic and less
Childhood Leukemia intensive means (Robison et al., 1980). Chemo-
Children with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) therapy, either alone or in conjunction with additional
experience significant learning difficulties similar to chemotherapy agents and/or radiotherapy, is the gen-
those of children with brain tumors. ALL accounts eral treatment for ALL. If leukemia cells reoccur any-
for 80% of leukemia in children and is the most com- where in the body of a child receiving chemotherapy,
mon type of cancer in childhood (Poplack, 1985). the outcome is generally poor (Diamond & Matthay,
ALL generally presents with initial symptoms of 1988). In addition, children who have had chemo-
bleeding, fever, irritability, fatigue, and bone pain. therapy for ALL are at a higher risk for the develop-
Ninety-five percent of children with ALL survive, ment of brain tumors (Meadows et al., 1981).
and 55% of those continue in remission 5 years after
treatment (Diamond & Matthay, 1988). The peak age Late effects. Neuropsychological impairment has been
of onset; is between the ages of 3 and 5, and ALL is found in children treated with low doses of cranial
more common in whites than in African Americans radiation (1800 rads). Declines in intelligence have
and in boys more than in girls (Poplack, 1985). been found in children who have undergone cranial

radiation, with the most profound effects in the concentration and sustained attention. Consistent with
younger and brighter patients. the problems in mathematics, Peckham (1991) found
Attentional deficits that affect the encoding of new that the posttreatment children had problems remem-
materials have been found to be the most significantly bering, sequencing, and following directions.
affected (Brouwers & Poplack, 1990). An earlier At the center Virginia Peckham coordinates at
study by Brouwers, Riccardi, Poplack, and Fedio Temple University, treatment has been multidimen-
(1987) found slower reaction times for children with sional. Inservice training is provided for teachers and
ALL after treatment with cranial radiation. These re- parents to inform them of the associated learning dif-
searchers suggested that the decline in IQ is not, due ficulties that children with ALL can experience. In
to cognitive factors but, rather, to a slowing of cogni- addition, educational interventions center on teach-
tive processing where children are not given "bonus ing the child strategies for "how to learn." Cogni-
points" for quick and accurate completion of test tive-behavioral techniques that stress verbal self-in-
items. The results of some studies that have found struction and problem solving have been successftd
lower performance scores than verbal scores (Mead- with ALL children. The child is taught to monitor his
ows et al., 1981; Schuler et al, 1981) may be due to or her attention, to rehearse new information, to use
this cognitive slowing. Moreover, Brouwers et al. mnemonic devices, to recall material, to use visual-
(1987) suggest that lower scores on the Arithmetic ization for recall, and to use multisensory approaches
subtest (a timed test on the Verbal scale) of the (i.e., seeing, touching, hearing, doing) when learning
Wechsler tests may be due to this cognitive slowing. new material. High school students are taught study
Several reviews of the neuropsychological litera- techniques and test-taking strategies. These strategies
ture on late effects have produced mixed results. Re- have been adaptedfromthose used by long-term sur-
views by Fletcher and Copeland (1988), Brouwers et vivors who have been academically successftd.
al. (1987), Waters, Said, and Stevens (1988), and Finally, Peckham (1991) recommends that any
Packer et al. (1987) found neuropsychological defi- child who has had cranial radiation should be consid-
cits to be related to the treatment of ALL. In contrast, ered at risk for academic problems. These problems
reviews by Williams and Davis (1986) and Madan- may show up years after treatment has ended. It is
Swain and Brown (1991) did not find such a direct particularly important that school personnel and par-
effect. ents be vigilant about the child's progress, and ef-
Butler and Copeland (1993) suggest that signifi- forts should be made to assess, periodically and sys-
cant methodological problems plague these studies tematically, the effectiveness of the educational in-
and may account for the disparity of findings. When terventions that are utilized.
global measures are considered, it is likely that more Another program for long-term cancer survivors
subtle effects of radiation may be missed. Butler and has been developed by Robert Butler previously at
Copeland (1993) make the telling point that there are Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and now at
more long-term survivors of ALL with subtle neuro- the Oregon Health Sciences. This program combines
psychological deficits that will have an increasingly cognitive-behavioral therapy with the attention-train-
negative effect on their adaptive behaviors, academic ing program developed by Sohlberg and Mateer
performance, and vocational abilities. (1989). This program is in the developmental stage
and is being piloted at several hospitals across the
country. Dr. Butler's program involves training spe-
Educational Interventions cific processes such as attention and concentration
A study by Peckham (1991) evaluated the school while also providing the child with strategies that can
performance of ALL children whose pre- and post- assist in the learning process. These strategies may
treatment IQ scores were available. Mathematics skills include self-monitoring, rehearsal of new material,
were found to be most affected, with difficulties in overleaming critical material, and organizational strat-

egies such as making lists and keeping an assignment date, cancer survivors may access special-education
notebook. Several of these techniques are described services under the category "Other Health Impaired."
in more detail in Chapter 11. Further study is pro- Schools can use this avenue to develop individual-
gressing on this program, and interested readers may ized educational plans for children with support ser-
contact Dr. Butler. vices for psychosocial problems that may arise. This
particular practice allows for a mechanism to access
Psychosocial issues. Just as the disease and treatment educational and psychological resources available
have physical side effects, there are also psychologi- through the school system, and may ultimately in-
cal difficulties that may arise with long-term cancer crease overall school and vocational attainment for
survivors. The study of these issues generally takes survivors. Educational practices need further research
one of two approaches: evaluation for possible psy- to test this hypothesis.
chiatric disturbance and assessment of quality-of-life
issues. Chang (1991) reviewed studies of childhood Family issues. The ability of parents to cope with the
cancer survivors using these broad areas. Although child's disease appears strongly related to the child's
survivors were not found to have significant psychi- level of coping (Pless & Pinkerton, 1975). Some of
atric disturbances, these children did have school ab- the difficulties found in these families include in-
sences not due to physical reasons and had high rates creased marital discord, financial difficulty brought
of school phobia (Lansky et al, 1985). Issues such as on by medical costs, anxiety, sibling adjustment prob-
fear of death, fear that remission will end, and hope lems, and discordant family life (Bruhn, 1977). De-
for a cure were the primary areas of concern, not only spite all of these stressors, however, Koocher and
for the child but also for the parent. Chang (1991) O'Malley (1981) found that nearly 70% of these par-
reports that this uncertainty can create havoc for the ents reported stable and close marriages. These rates
parent when trying to develop consistent and realis- may not reflect present divorce rates, which have risen
tic expectations for the child. Consequently, parents in the general population over this time period.
can become overprotective as well as too indulgent
with their child, thus promoting the social immatu-
rity that is often seen in these children. Social isola- CNS INFECTIOUS DISEASES:
tion is alsofrequentlyexperienced by survivors and MENINGITIS AND
adversely affects the normal acquisition of peer in-
teraction skills (Spirto et al., 1990). However, these
researchers also found that these social skills im- Infections of the brain at an early age may result in a
proved in older children, particularly in families who variety of outcomes rangingfrommental retardation
encouraged the child to interact with peers and who to normal development (Taylor, Schatschneider, &
were not overly protective of the child. Reich, 1992). Central nervous system infections can
Quality-of-life issues such as educational, voca- be the result of bacterial, viral, and/or fungal inva-
tional, and social attainment are strongly linked to sions of the brain and spinal cord through the sinuses,
the child's as well as the family's adjustment to this ears, nose, and mouth. Meningitis refers to an inflam-
disease. Chang et al. (1987) found that almost three- mation of the meninges or protective layers of the
quarters of the survivors experienced school prob- brain and spinal cord, whereas encephalitis is a gen-
lems, with 41% being diagnosed as learning disabled eralized inflammation of the brain. In addition to the
and 21% as having severe motivational problems. medical conditions, social and environmental factors
Following high school graduation, many cancer sur- have been found to be predictive of later sequelae
vivors experience some form of employment discrimi- from early infections (Kopp & Krakow, 1983). Thus,
nation (Counts, Rodov, & Wilson, 1976). the infections interface with environmental factors in
Although it has not been addressed in research to the resulting deficits, if any, for these children. The

social factors cannot, of course, fully account for the of appetite, nausea, irritability, jaundice, respiratory
deficits, as children with early insults to the brain have
problems, and a bulging fontanel (Snyder, 1994). In
constraints placed on their development, and such older children there may be fever, headache, general-
constraints are tempered by how the environment ized seizure activity, nausea, vomiting, a stiff neck,
handles them (Sameroff & Chandler, 1975). Thus, a and depressed consciousness. There may also be cra-
transactional model for understanding these infectious nial nerve deficits in that visual field defects and/or
processes is important. Both meningitis and encepha- facial palsy may be present along with ataxia, paraly-
litis will be discussed briefly. sis, and seizure activity. Other neurological indica-
tors are present through CT scans, including
hydrocephalus, edema, or cortical atrophy with ab-
normal EEG results (Taylor et al., 1992).
Meningitis The diagnosis is confirmed by a sample of cere-
The meninges, as mentioned in Chapter 2, protect the brospinal fluid (CSF) being taken through a lumbar
brainfrominfections, cushion itfrominjury, and serve puncture and bacterium assayed in the sample. In
as a barrier to foreign objects. However, they are not meningitis the CSF is generally cloudy, and pressure
impervious to damage or disease, and meningitis re- is elevated. Treatment generally consists of high doses
sults when the meninges become inflamed, particu- of antibiotics, frequently ampicillin, for 10 days.
larly in the arachnoid and pia mater layers. Bacterial Chloramphenicol isfrequentlyalso prescribed in the
meningitis, the most common form, affects approxi- event that the bacteria are resistent to ampicillin (Klein
mately 40,000 people a year in the United States et al, 1986). Fluids are carefully monitored, and CT,
(Green & George, 1979). The most frequent age at MRI, and EEG studies are ordered as needed (Schaad
which children are affected with meningitis is between etal., 1990).
1 and 5 (Taylor et al, 1992). The sequelae from meningitis depend on the age
The more common sources of bacterial infection of onset, how long before the disorder is diagnosed,
are Escherichia (E.) coli, which is most common the infectious agent and severity of infection, and the
among infants; Hemophilus (H) influenza type Bf treatment used (Weil, 1985). Neonates are at highest
Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria mening- risk for mortalityfrommeningitis. Children who ex-
itidis, which are most common among children (Hynd perienced coma and subdural infections have been
& Willis, 1988). The Hemophilus (Hib) meningitis found to evidence the most severe neurological and
has been found to be related to significant develop- neuropsychological sequelae (Lindberg, Rosenhall,
mental disability (Jadavji, Biggar, Gold, & Prober, Nylen, & Ringner, 1977). Moreover, those children
1986; Klein, Feigin, & McCracken, 1986) and to have who evidenced seizures prior to onset of meningitis,
an incidence of approximately 30 to 70 per 100,000 had a longer duration of illness and higher fevers,
children (Snyder, 1994). Some ethnic groups have a and were younger at onset had the poorest cognitive
higher incidence of this disease, with the Navajo and result following treatment (Emmett, Jeffrey, Chand-
the Alaskan Yupik Eskimos showing the highest in- ler, & Dugdale, 1980; Klein et al, 1986). In a study
cidence (Coulehan et al., 1976; Fraser, 1982). looking at long-term effects of meningitis, Sell (1983)
Usually these infections are spread by the blood found that 50% of the children showed significant
as a result of poorly formed blood vessels or neuro- cognitive and physical difficulty, with language dif-
surgical procedures. In children, the infection can be ficulty, hearing problems, cognitive delays, motor
related to sinusitis, ear infections, and other types of delays, and visual impairments being the most fre-
abscesses. In neonates the infection may be acquired quent complications.
from the mother in the birth canal. Children who have recovered from the disease
The clinical presentation of meningitis varies with process need a comprehensive neuropsychological
age. In very young children there may be fever, lack battery to monitor their progress. Such an assessment

should be accomplished serially in order to detect any SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

difficulties. Hearing and vision should be screened
Children with various acquired neurological disor-
repeatedly, and parent and school personnel need to
ders and diseases have become a focus of study, and
be well versed in attending to possible difficulties in
researchers have investigated the links between psy-
these areas. Moreover, given the importance of pa-
chological, behavioral, and neuropsychological func-
rental support and social development, these areas
tioning in traumatic injury, infectious diseases, and
need to be attended to not only in any evaluation but
also in any proposed treatment paradigm. prenatal exposure to teratogenic agents, including
alcohol and cocaine. Children who experience con-
genital brain dysfunction tend to have problems with
neuropsychological development. These difficulties
Encephalitis arefrequentlysubtle and appear related to difficulty
Encephalitis refers to a generalized inflammatory state in learning new material. Attentional and organiza-
of the brain. This disorder is frequently associated tional skills are also sensitive to these disorders and
with an inflammation of the meninges as well. The may emerge at older ages, when these skills normally
incidence of encephalitis is reported to be approxi- develop. These deficits have a negative impact on the
mately 1400 to 4300 cases in the United States annu- adolescent and eventually the adult, and interfere with
ally (Ho & Hirsch, 1985). Viruses arefrequentlythe adjustment and overall adaptation.
culprit in this disease, which can occur perinatally or In children and adolescents exposed to toxins,
postnatally. Encephalitis can be caused by viral dis- childhood cancer, traumatic brain injury, and other
eases such as Herpes simplex or through insect bites. CNS infectious diseases, it is recommended that fre-
For the majority of cases, however, no cause can be quent neuropsychological evaluations be conducted
pinpointed (Adler&Toor, 1984). to monitor progress and to evaluate possible regres-
There are two forms of the disease: acute and sion. The use of ability and achievement tests needs
chronic. Acute forms are evidenced within days or to be suspended because the performance of children
weeks of infection, whereas chronic forms can take with neurological problems can not be predicted as it
months to become symptomatic. Fever, headache, can be for typically developing children.
vomiting, loss of energy, lassitude, irritability, and Parents and teachers have been found to play cru-
depressive-like symptoms are frequently seen, with cial roles in the adjustment and recovery of children
increasing confusion and disorientation seen as the with various neurological disorders and diseases. Too
disease progresses. At times speech processes are af- often support for the home and school environments
fected, paralysis or muscle weakness is seen, and gait is not present although research indicates the need
problems occur (Hynd & Willis, 1988). for this type of service in the treatment plan. If the
Diagnosis is through examination of the CSF for educational needs of the child are not sufficiently
viral agents, with CT scans and EEG analysis also impaired to qualify for special education services,
being found useful. Treatment is generally through modifications of the regular education program are
antiviral agents if a viral cause has been discovered mandated under Section 504 of the Americans with
or through the monitoring of the disease process, an- Disabilities Act of 1973. Virginia Peckham, as previ-
tibiotics, and fluids no virus has been identified. ously discussed, has provided intervention sugges-
Sequelae are generally related to the type of infec- tions that can be implemented in mainstream class-
tion and the duration of the infectious process. Gen- rooms. Children with TBI may qualify for services
erally mental retardation, irritability and lability, sei- under P.L. 94-142 or Section 504; while children with
zure disorder, hypertonia, and cranial nerve involve- other neurological diseases/disorders may be consid-
ment can be seen with the more severe disease pro- ered as "Other Health Impaired" under the same leg-
cess, while in mild to moderate cases there are few, if islation. In any case, regular education teachers need
any, sequelae (Ho & Hirsch, 1985). inservice training to assist them in recognizing the

needs of neurological-impaired children and in de- parent, school, and child by assisting not only during
veloping effective intervention strategies for the class- the diagnostic phase but also during the diagnostic
room. Parents certainly need support not only for the phase but also during the planning and implementa-
stress the disorder places on the family but also for tion phase. Serial neuropsychological assessments can
planning for the child's long-term development. be helpful in this process, can assist in this planning,
A transactional approach to neuropsychological and can be sensitive to the not-always-anticipated
assessment can provide the needed support for the changes in the child's development.


Information about the child's neuropsychological, MULTISTAGE

cognitive, academic, and psychosocial status forms NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
the basis for designing integrated intervention and MODEL: LINKING
treatment plans for children and adolescents with
brain-related disorders. Efforts in developing mod-
els of neuropsychological intervention have been INTERVENTION
expanding in recent years. Two models are de- While the need for neuropsychological and
scribed in this chapter: the Multistage Neuro- neuroradiological evaluations may be obvious for
psychological Assessment-Intervention Model and conditions where traumatic brain injury or CNS dis-
the developmental neuropsychological remedia- ease is suspected, there also may be reasons to use
tion/habilitation framework designed by Rourke these techniques for neurodevelopmental disorders,
(1994). Systematic rehabilitation procedures devel- such as learning disabilities and attentional disorders.
oped by Reitan and Wolfson (1992) are also briefly It is sometimes difficult to determine when to pro-
reviewed. This chapter presents the underlying fea- ceed with a comprehensive neuropsychological evalu-
tures of each model. ation, particularly for school-related problems, and
Specific techniques for designing intervention how to integrate neuropsychological evaluations into
programs addressing cognitive, academic, psycho- ongoing intervention plans. Teeter (1992) first de-
social, and attentional problems associated with scribed a multistage neuropsychological model as a
various childhood and adolescent disorders will be guideline for linking neuropsychological assessment
explored. Common medications useful for neuro- and intervention, and it serves as a foundation for the
psychiatric disorders of childhood and issues re- expanded model to be described (see Table 11.1). The
lated to medication monitoring, consultation with multistage neuropsychological model begins with
school staff, and integrated medication protocols structured behavioral-observational assessment tech-
will be presented. Issues related to professional and niques, and proceeds to more extensive cognitive and
family collaboration will be addressed, including psychosocial, neuropsychological and/or neuro-
guidelines for developing homeschoolphysician radiological evaluations if problems are not effectively
partnerships for treating childhood and adolescent remediated at any given stage. This model recommends
neuropsychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and brain- that systematic interventions be developed and imple-
related disorders. mented at each stage based on evaluation results.


Table 11.1. Models for Neuropsychological Remediation and Rehabilitation: Linking Assessment to Interventions


Stage 1: Problem identification Behavioral assessment
Stage 2: Behavioral-based intervention Self-management
Learning strategies
Peer tutoring
Stage 3: Cognitive child study Comprehensive cognitive, academic, psycho-
social assessment
Stage 4: Cognitive-based intervention Pattern analysis
Phonological awareness
Activating schemata
Organizational strategies
Stage 5: Neuropsychological assessment Comprehensive neurocognitive assessment
Stage 6: Integrated neuropsychological Compensatory skills
intervention Psychopharmacology
Stage 7: Neurological and neuro- Neurological, CT, MRI
radiological assessment
Stage 8: Medical-neurological Rehabilitation and medical management

DNNR (Rourke, 1994)b Step 1: Neuropsychological assets, Neuropsychological profile

deficits; academic and psychosiclal Ecologically based evaluation
Behavioral, academic, and psychosocial
Step 2: Demands of environment challenges within contextual framework
Formulate short- and long-range predictions
Step 3: Short and long-term Which deficits will decrease?
Specific treatment straegies
Step 4: "Ideal" remedial plans "Ideal" plans
Monitoring and modification
Step 5: Availability of resources Therapeutic goals
Reduce redundant services
Step 6: Realistic remedial plan Compare differences between steps 4 and 5
Step 7: Ongoing assessment and

REHABIT (Reitan & Tract A: Verbal-language Materials to increase expressive-receptive

Wolfson, 1992) skills
Tract B: Abstraction and reasoning Materials to increase analysis, organization
Tract C: General reasoning Materials for general reasoning
Tract D: Visual-spatial Visual-spatial manipulation
Sequential skills
Tract E: Visual-spatial and manipulation
Multistage Neuropsychological Model (developed by Teeter & Semrud-Clikeman).
Developmental Neuropsychological Remediation/Rehabilitation Model (Rourke, 1994).
Reitan Evaluation of Hemispheric Abilities and Brain Improvement Training (Reitan & Wolfson, 1992).

The following multistage neuropsychological as- deficits) may undergo an initial evaluation using well-
sessment-intervention model (MNM) should be con- established behavioral and curriculum-based assess-
sidered when treating children and adolescents with ment (CBA) approaches. There are excellent re-
neurodevelopmental and/or neuropsychiatric disor- sources describing these procedures, including work
ders. This paradigm assumes a linkage between as- by Shapiro (1989) and Shinn (1989).
sessment and intervention, where competent evalua- Shapiro (1989) provides a flowchart indicating the
tion of a problem or disorder leads to effective inter- steps involved in CBA, including (1) a teacher inter-
vention strategies or plans. It is possible that at early view; (2) classroom observation and examination of
stages of this model effective interventions may elimi- the child's classwoik; (3) CBA procedures (e.g., prob-
nate the necessity for further, more in-depth evalua- lem identification, problem analysis, problem verifi-
tion of the child. However, ongoing treatment evalu- cation, and remediation); (4) analysis of classroom
ation is needed to verify the efficacy of the problem resources; and (5) remedial decisions. Data gathered
identificationintervention link at all stages. For some from these steps would then be used to develop Stage
childhood problems (e.g., traumatic brain injury, CNS 2 intervention plans.
diseases, seizure activity), the clinician is advised to
immediately proceed to more advanced stages of the Stage 2: Behavioral-Based
MNM model (i.e., neuropsychological evaluation and
Intervention Plan
neurodiagnostic examination).
The MNM paradigm comprises eight assessment- In Stage 2, educational professionals develop and
intervention stages. Stages 1 through 4 can reason- implement an intervention plan based on data derived
ably be conducted by school-based professionals, in- from the initial behavioral-observational assessment.
cluding school psychologists and educational diag- CBA and ecobehavioral procedures can be helpful
nosticians. Stages 5 and 6 are likely conducted by for determining a child's instructional, frustrational,
trained clinical child neuropsychologists in private and mastery levels for academic materials (Shapiro,
practice, university, or medical clinics; Stage 7 is re- 1989). Once specific strategies are selected (e.g., self-
served for physicians in hospitals or medical centers. management or contingency management tech-
Stage 8 most likely requires at least short-term hos- niques), a task analysis of the skill to be taught is
pitalization in a medical or rehabilitation center. conducted. Specific learning strategies may also be
At each stage of the MNM, accurate diagnosis or the focus of instruction (e.g., summarizing and
problem identification forms the basis for develop- memory strategies), and other curricular procedures
ing specific intervention strategies and for conduct- may be implemented (e.g., peer tutoring). Interven-
ing ongoing monitoring and modification of interven- tion monitoring, use of CBA and behavioral measures,
tion plans. One of the most common errors in imple- and modification of the instructional plan would be
menting intervention programs occurs when treatment ongoing during this phase.
strategies are continued long after they are effective. This Curriculum-based procedures contribute a num-
may occur when evaluations are scheduled years apart ber of important factors to the assessment-interven-
without systematic documentation of how the child is tion process, including a means for (1) identifying
actually progressing (e.g., triennial evaluations con- current levels of academic skills; (2) monitoring
ducted by schools when children are placed in special- intervention strategies or plans; (3) assessing the in-
education classrooms). Therefore, ongoing assessment structional context, particularly related to eco-
and modification of the intervention plan is essential. behavioral factors (e.g., rate of presentation, reinforce-
ments, contingencies, prompting, cueing, and feed-
back mechanisms) that affect learning; (4) assessing
Stage 1: Problem Identification mild to moderate reading/learning problems; (5)
During Stage 1, children with mild neurodevel- evaluating skills, particularly at the elementary level;
opmental disorders (i.e., mild academic delays or (6) reducing time-consuming and expensive evalua-

tion; and (7) conducting data-based consultation for for learning new information. Study skills and orga-
remediating academic difficulties in children nizational strategies may also be targeted. Specific
(Shapiro, 1989). These contributions are important techniques for various academic deficits (e.g., read-
and may alleviate the need more in-depth evaluations. ing) are discussed in subsequent sections of the
In some cases, Stage 1 evaluation and Stage 2 inter- chapter.
vention may not be sufficient, and learning problems Attention would also be paid to the child's
may persist that require further clinical evaluation and psychosocial functioning, and attempts to increase the
intensive remdiation. child's self-esteem, social interaction, and psychologi-
cal well-being may be a focus. Although Stage 4
Stage 3: Cognitive Child Study interventions would systematically address psycho-
social factors, these could also be the focus of inter-
Some conditions (e.g., reading disabilities resulting vention in Stage 2. In cases where interventions are
from phonological core deficits) may not respond to not initially effective, however, there is an increased
interventions developedfrombehavioral assessments probability of the child developing secondary psy-
and thus may require more in-depth evaluations. In chological problems, as a cycle of academic failure,
these instances a comprehensive psychoeducational social rejection, and low self-esteem often ensues with
evaluation is warranted. Measures of intellectual, aca- repeated or prolonged academic deficiencies. Inter-
demic, and psychosocial functioning usually make vention plans would be systematically monitored and
up this phase of assessment. Evaluation at this stage modified based on the child's progress.
would seek to identify underlying cognitive, percep- There are instances in which traditional psycho-
tual, memory, and reasoning deficits associated with educational evaluations and interventions are not suf-
particular academic deficiencies. Word fluency, pho- ficient, and some children require more in-depth
nological awareness, prior knowledge (e.g., vocabu- neuropsychological evaluations.
lary knowledge), and listening comprehension skills
are also of interest in this phase. The child's meta- Stage 5: Neuropsychological
cognitive strategies and approaches to learning tasks
may be helpful for understanding the nature and ex- Evaluation
tent of their learning difficulties. Children with severe speech-language, learning, and/
Intervention plans would incorporate information or motor difficulties may require neuropsychological
gleaned during this stage, and may include multiple evaluations in an effort to assess effectively the na-
targets (i.e., academic, cognitive, and psychosocial) ture of their delays or deficits. In these instances clini-
for intervention. cal child neuropsychological assessment is warranted.
The need for neuropsychological assessment is par-
Stage 4: Cognitive-Based ticularly crucial for children who do not respond to
the interventions described in earlier stages in the
Intervention Plan
MNM model, or for children who have neurological
Interventions developed at this stage would address symptoms associated with their learning and/or
patterns of the child's specific cognitive strengths and psychosocial problems.
weaknesses as the basis for designing effective aca- Children with traumatic brain injury or CNS dis-
demic programming. Depending on the patterns of eases also typically require more in-depth neuro-
strengths/weaknesses, efforts at this level may include psychological evaluations, and would benefit from
training in phonological awareness for explicit de- baseline information about how the brain is function-
coding skills, strategic instruction in comprehension ing and about changes in this baseline with age and
(e.g., use of context for gleaning meaningfromtext), effective interventions. Neuropsychological testing
and methods for developing and activating schemata also may be necessary for children sustaining birth

complications (e.g., prematurity, hypoxia) or expo- In summary, the MNM decribes a process for link-
sure to teratogenic agents. ing multilpe stages of evaluation into intervention
plans. Rourke (1994) describes a remediation model
Stage 6: Integrated specifically for children with learning disabilities.
This model is briefly reviewed below.
Neuropsychological Intervention Plan
Interventions developed from neuropsychological
data typically address compensatory skills and long- DEVELOPMENTAL
term management. Psychopharmacology may also be NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
needed by some children at this level. See discus- REMEDIATION/REHABILITATION
sions in later sections of the chapter for more details MODEL FOR CHILDREN AND
about neuropsychological interventions.
Stage 7: Neurological and/or Although Rourke's (1994) Developmental Neuro-
Neuroradiological Evaluation psychological Remediation/Rehabilitation Model
(DNRR) was designed specifically for children with
Finally, some children may need intensive medical learning disabilities, the basic steps of the model serve
and/or neuroradiological evaluations and interven- as a usefulframeworkfor identifying critical elements
tions. Although only a small portion of children re- of a remedial/rehabilitation plan for other brain-re-
quire this stage of evaluation, this stage is crucial for lated childhood disorders. Rourke et al. (1983) and
some childhood disorders. Oftentimes children with Rourke, Fisk, and Strang (1986) first introduced this
life-threatening conditions (e.g., tumors, injury, and/ model within a comprehensive assessment paradigm.
or intractable seizures) need ongoing Stage 7 evalua- The DNRR comprises seven major steps, which are
tions and medical treatment (e.g., neurosurgery, che- described briefly.
motherapy, and/or CNS irradiation). However, evalu-
ations and interventions described at other levels may Step 1: Interactions of neuropsychological assets/defi-
also be incorporated into treatment plans for children cits, learning disabilities, academic learning, and
with these conditions. psychosocial adaptive junction. In the first step, the
clinician determines the child's academic capacity and
Stage 8: Medical-Neurological potential for social learning based on his or her neuro-
Rehabilitation psychological profile. During this step, factors that
influence learning capacity are assessed. Rourke
Medical-neurological rehabilitation efforts may be (1994) recommends using valid neuropsychological
required for a small number of children with severe assessment techniques within an ecological paradigm.
brain injuries or CNS diseases. These services may In this paradigm, assessment is broad-based, with the
require placement in a rehabilitation center for short- intent of measuring principal areas of brain function-
term or long-term medical management. In these ing (content validity or "coverage") and answering
cases, a medical team including physicians (e.g., pe- the clinical questions at hand. A variety of functions
diatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, and are assessed in order to answer relevant questions
pediatricians), neuropsychologists, psychologists, about the child's abilities within developmental stages.
speech-language and physical therapists, and social
workers design interventions to help remediate or re- Step 2: Demands of the environment At this step,
habilitate the child's problems. Programs are gener- neuropsychological functioning is related to the be-
ally comprehensive in nature and include the child havioral, academic, and psychosocial challenges that
and his or her parent. face the child. Without understanding the functional

status of the child within his or her specific context final step, the neuropsychologist must think of as-
(classroom, social, cultural, etc.), intervention plans sessment as an ongoing process with the intent of
may be rendered meaningless or counterproductive modifying, clarifying or changing intervention plans
(Rourke, 1994). (Rourke, 1994). This is particularly crucial given that
the present state of knowledge about the efficacy of
Step 3: Short- and long-term behavioral predictions. specific remediations is rather limited.
Short-term and long-term predictions are formulated
considering (1) which deficits are expected to decrease
regardless of intervention plans and (2) which spe- THE REITAN EVALUATION OF
cific treatment strategies will improve the identified HEMISPHERIC ABILITIES AND
deficits (Rourke, 1994). Neuropsychological assets BRAIN IMPROVEMENT
and deficits are considered as these interact with the
developmental challenges, and are influenced by the
resources available to the child (family, psychosocial, Reitan (1980) designed REHABIT as an intervention
community, etc.). Rourke (1994) indicates that clini- program for rehabilitating brain-related deficits.
cal judgement is important at this step. REHABIT encompasses three stages, including as-
sessment, training with Halstead-Reitan test items,
Step 4: "Ideal" short- and long-term remedialplans. and rehabilitation with special REHABIT materials
"Ideal" plans are generated on the basis of evaluation (Teeter, 1989). Comprehensive evaluation of brain
information and the clinical judgment gleaned when functioning using the Halstead-Reitan neuro-
proceeding through steps 1 to 3. Particular emphasis psychological test battery is an integral phase of this
is placed on determining or predicting the relation- program. After carefully identifying the child's neuro-
ship between short- and long-term intervention strat- psychological status, a program is designed to
egies, with ongoing monitoring and modification of remediate specific brain dysfunction. Techniques for
the plan on an as-needed basis. addressing abstract, concept formation, and reason-
ing deficits are essential components of this program.
Step 5: Availability of remedial resources. Rourke REHABIT comprises five tracts for training spe-
(1994) advocates developing explicit intervention cific abilities, including verbal-language deficits, ab-
strategies, including identifying specific details about stract reasoning and logical deficits, visual-spatial
the therapeutic goals, length of intervention, and what problems, and rightleft hemisphere deficits (Reitan
to expect over time (prognosis). Specificity at this & Wolfson, 1992). Individualized remedial programs
stage, both in identifying recommendations and in can be designed based on the child's neuropsycho-
measuring treatment efficacy, is necessary to reduce logical profile. REHABIT materials have different
redundant and expensive services when taking or levels of difficulty, and training usually begins at a
applying assessment datafromthe neuropsychologist level where the child is successful and then proceeds
to the schools. to more difficult levels. Ongoing evaluation is rec-
ommended in an effort to monitor the child's progress
Step 6: Realistic remedial plan. Realistic plans are throughout the training program.
constituted by comparing differences that might
emerge between steps 4 and 5. Rourke (1994) cau-
tions that without solid data, requests for specific ser- NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL
vices will most likely be denied because of funding FRAMEWORK FOR
Step 7: Ongoing relationship between neuro- Neuropsychological approaches to remediation often
psychological assessment and intervention. In this can be classified into three major categories, includ-

ing approaches that focus on improving the child's stages may also influence which orientation we might
neurocognitive deficits, accessing the child's neuro- initiate. For example, early remedial strategies for
cognitive strengths or assets, and a combination ap- children with disorders affecting the white matter may
proach addressing both neurocognitive assets and benefit from methods designed to attack the child's
deficits (Teeter, 1989). Principles underlying each of deficits. In these cases, intact cortical regions are
these theoretical orientations will be briefly reviewed. stimulated and grey matter connections can be facili-
tated. However, in older children with persistent dis-
orders (e.g., nonverbal learning disabilities), compen-
Attacking Neurocognitive Deficits
satory strategies may be more beneficial.
Attempts to strengthen the child's weaknesses have Regardless of the theoretical orientation of the
historically included techniques such as psycho- clinician, there continues to be a need for carefully
linquistic training, sensory integration, perceptual- designed research programs to demonstrate the effi-
motor training, or modality training. These techniques cacy of specific approaches. The following section
have generally produced little improvement in the describes techniques that have been found useful in
child's academic performance, although modest suc- remediating specific deficits in cognitive-intellectual,
cess has been documented with a few specific prob- academic, and psychosocial interventions. Depend-
lems/disorders. For example, in his meta-analysis of ing on the child's particular pattern of neurocognitive
psycholinquistic training procedures, Kavale (1990) strengths and weaknesses, the clinician may select
reported moderate gains for reading-disabled children specific strategies.
when given specific instruction in verbal-comprehen-
sion and auditory-perceptual skills. In some instances,
then, remediation of the weakness may be warranted. SPECIFIC STRATEGIES FOR
Teaching to Neurocognitive PSYCHOSOCIAL, AND
This orientation suggests that intervention programs
should be designed to access the child's unique
Cognitive and Academic Training
neurocognitive strengths and to avoid their deficits/ There are number of intervention strategies with docu-
weaknesses. In some cases where motivation is a sig- mented efficacy for reducing academic deficits in
nificant issue, this approach makes sense (Rourke et children and adolescents. Techniques for addressing
al, 1983). Gaddes and Edgell (1994) describe spe- reading, written language, and arithmetic disorders
cific situations in which it is imperative to teach to are reviewed, including strategies for teaching study
the child's intact brain systems. For example, in chil- and organizational skills. Social skills training is also
dren with bilateral cerebral dysfunction, cognitive discussed briefly.
retardation, and language deficits, techniques that ac- These techniques are offered as possible strategies
cess relatively intactright-hemispheresystems were based on the child's particular neuropsychological,
quite successful in increasing the child's reading cognitive, and psychosocial profile, and should not
abilities. be automatically adopted for every child. Various
techniques should be carefully selected following an
in-depth evaluation and a clear understanding of the
Combined Treatment Programs child's neuropsychological assets and deficits, and his
Rourke (1994) recommends intervention approaches or her developmental, cognitive, academic, and so-
that address the child's unique neuropsychological cial-emotional needs. An in-depth interview with the
assets and deficits, and are primarily compensatory child's teacher and a record review is critical for
in nature. Rourke (1994) argues that developmental determining remedial techniques that have been

attempted in the past and have proved effective or Palincsar, Brown, and Martin (1987) used a "recip-
ineffective. rocal teaching" method whereby teachers used pre-
dicting, questioning, and clarifying strategies to im-
prove comprehension skills in slow readers. These
Reading Disorders skills were maintained two months after instruction
Phonemic awareness. To date, "the phonological cod- and were generalized to other content areas (see Wise
ing deficit is clearly established as the strongest pre- & Olson, 1991, for a review).
dictor and correlate of reading disabilities" (Wise & Bos and Van Reusen (1991) describe several tech-
Olson, 1991, p. 638). Remedial techniques that have niques that have been effective for increasing com-
proved most effective incorporate strategies for teach- prehension and vocabulary knowledge, including "in-
ing children phonemic awareness skills and typically teractive learning strategies." This model emphasizes
include segmenting, blending, and analyzing sounds cooperation between the student and the teacher,
(Tunmer&Nesdale, 1985; Williams, 1980). Preven- where the student helps to identify their prior knowl-
tion efforts have also shown effective, where pre- edge about a topic and then proceeds to link that prior
school children have been successful in developing knowledge with new information. Students are then
phonemic awareness skills (Byrne & Fielding- taught how to scan reading material, to develop
Barnsley, 1993; Lundberg, Frost, & Petersen, 1988). "clue lists," "relationship maps" or charts, and to
Phonological recoding skills are stressed, where the predict relationships across concepts (Bos & Van
child is taught to translate letters and letter patterns Reusen, 1991). The teachers role begins as an in-
into phonemes (Iverson & Tunmer, 1993). Knowl- structor working together with the student through
edge of the grapheme-phoneme correspondences are these stages, then moves to facilitator where stu-
usually integrated within reading instruction, and are dents begin to work with each other. These tech-
not taught in isolation. Phonograms, common sound niques have shown effective in bilingual LD classes
elements in word families (e.g., ight in light eaidfighf),for social studies and reading (Bos & Van Reusen,
may also be stressed in beginning stages to increase 1991), and for middle-school children for science
vowel generalizations (Iverson & Tunmer, 1993). (Bos & Anders, 1990).
While children are instructed to categorize words on
the basis of their phonemic similarity (Bradley & Computer and speech feedback. Olson, Foltz, and
Bryant, 1983), phonemic awareness is most effective Wise (1986) developed a reading program for the mi-
when contextualized using words takenfromregular crocomputer utilizing a speech synthesizer (i.e.
reading lessons (Cunningham, 1989). DECtalk). Wise et al. (1989) found that below-aver-
Training programs in phonological awareness and age readers (lowest 10% of readers from selected
phonological recoding often incorporate metacognitve classrooms) improved in phonological coding and
strategies. Children are made aware of the visual and word recognition skills using a computer reading pro-
phonological similarities in words, and are taught gram. When children were unable to read a word,
strategies of how and when to use this knowledge segmented feedback was available whereby the com-
(Iverson & Tunmer, 1993). Cunningham (1990) in- puter highlighted and simultaneously "spoke" the
corporated similar metacognitive techniques and word with the child. Comprehension questions were
found this instruction extremely beneficial. Other also incorporated into the program, and corrective
metacognitive strategy methods have also proved ef- feedback was provided. These results are promising
fective (Duffy et al., 1987; Gaskins et al., 1988). and efforts are underway to improve these computer-
based technologies (Olson et al., 1994; Wise & Olson,
Comprehension. Wise and Olson (1991) reviewed 1991).
techniques for improving reading including strategies Lewandowski and his colleagues at the Syracuse
to increase reading comprehension. For example, Neuropsychology Laboratory have found that read-

ing-disabled students also recall more words when Written Language Disorders
stimuli are presented in two modalities-computer
Many techniques to improve written language skills
screen and computer voice synthesizer-simulta-
use cognitive and metacognitive strategies (Bos &
neously. Montali and Lewandowski (1996) showed a
Van Reusen, 1991). Strategy instruction usually in-
memory advantage for reading-disabled students who
volves teaching students how to plan, organize, write,
experience short-term memory weaknesses, when
edit, and revise their writing samples (Englert, 1990).
words were presented bimodally. The performance
Several structured curricular programs are available,
of the reading-disabled group approached that of nor-
including Cognitive Strategy Instruction Writing
mal readers. Further, this performance advantage was
(Englert, 1990) and Self-Instructional Strategy Train-
also shown for reading conditions. When text was
ing, which teaches story grammar techniques (e.g.,
highlighted on the computer screen and the computer
who is the main character, when does the story take
also read (spoke) the words at the same time, spon-
place, how does the story end), and self-regulation
taneous word recall and reading comprehension
with self-monitoring (Graham & Harris, 1987,1989).
were improved. Students with reading disabilities
These programs have been shown to increase writing
expressed a preference for this computer-based
performance in learning-disabled students, although
reading format.
self-regulation training did not appear to have addi-
Steele, Lewandowski, and Rusling (1996) repli-
tive effects on performance (Bos & Van Reusen,
cated these findings with a mixed (LD, ADHD, and
emotionally disturbed) group of children with read-
ing problems. Bimodal facilitation was found in al-
most every student when data were analyzed using
single-subject methodology. In summary, Lewan-
Mathematic Disorders
dowski and colleagues suggest that bimodal computer Mathematic problem-solving skills were not viewed
reading methods can be helpful for a variety of poor as a priority until the past decade (Bos & Van Reusen,
readers in grades 3 through 12. Future research needs 1991). Reasoning, metacognitive processing, and
to address the issue of long-term benefits for such reading delays have been associated with deficits in
methods and to identify which children specifically solving word problems (Bos & Van Reusen, 1991).
benefit the most from these procedures. At present, Remedial techniques designed to address mathemati-
there are a number of commercial computer programs cal problem-solving disorders often reflect cognitive
available that combine highlighted and/or bigger text and metacognitive approaches, where students are
with speak-aloud capacities for spelling, writing, and taught to understand the nature of the problem, plan
literacy activities for Macintosh or IBM computers. a solution, carry out the solution, and assess the ac-
These commercial programs may prove useful when curacy of the solution. Similar problem-solving strat-
incorporated into remedial programs for poor read- egy instruction has been shown to be effective in a
ers, and certainly warrant further research. number of studies (Montague & Bos, 1986; Smith &
Alley, 1981).
Whole language programs. Advocates of whole lan- Fleischner (1994) cautions that few studies with
guage programs stress the importance of teaching math learning disabilities have adequately addressed
reading as a language activity, linking reading to writ- the neuropsychological characteristics of the subjects;
ing, and incorporating children's literature as a source or, when these data are available, the cognitive strat-
for reading activities. Wise and Olson (1991) describe egies employed by the subjects are not described. In
whole language techniques as a "strength" approach this regard, Fleischner (1994) suggests using the Test
and further suggest that word recognition and of Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA-2) or the Di-
metacognitive techniques can be incorporated into this agnostic Test of Arithmetic Strategies to gain infor-
framework. mation about which strategies are being employed.

On the other hand, Rourke (1989) provides an exten- and parent involvement in the treatment plan. Tech-
sive description of the neuropsychological character- niques are also developed to increase the child's ex-
istics of children with specific deficits in the math ploratory behaviors and interactions with the envi-
area, with relative strengths in reading and spelling; ronment. Rourke's (1989) methods emphasize the
and, describes a comprehensive intervention program need for a step-by-step problem-solving approach, in
for this problem. which feedback is provided in a supportive manner.
Children are encouraged to "lead with their strong
NLD syndrome. Rourke (1989) and his colleagues suit" and are also taught more appropriate ways to
(Rourke et al., 1983; Rourke, Del Dotto, Rourke, & utilize their relative strengths (i.e., verbal-language
Casey, 1990; Rourke & Fuerst, 1991) have described skills).
numerous remedial techniques for addressing the aca- Rourke (1994) has used single-subject investiga-
demic and psychosocial problems experienced by tions to validate his remedial techniques and has found
children with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD). support for treatment plans that are based on a model
NLD children have the most difficulty in the academic of identifying the interactions of neuropsychological
areas of mathematics reasoning, calculation, and prob- assets/deficits on academic and psychosocial func-
lem solving, with basic social-emotional problems tioning. Rourke (1994) acknowledges the need for
(Rourke, 1989). These problems appear related to a more systematic empirical study of remedial strate-
pattern of right-hemisphere weaknesses (e.g., tactile gies based on neuropsychologicalfindings,particu-
and visual perception, concept formation, novelty, and larly to investigate whether interventions should be
complex psychomotor skills), with relative strengths deficit-driven or compensatory in nature. Develop-
in left-hemisphere activities (e.g., phonological skills, mental considerations appear important in this deci-
verbal abilities, reading, spelling, verbatim memory) sion, as Rourke (1994) suggests that when deficits
(Rourke, 1994). resultfromearly white matter disease or dysfunction,
Rourke (1989) suggests a remedial approach that remediation might focus on attacking the deficit. If
acknowledges these assets and deficits and encom- the diagnosis is made later or if the syndrome per-
passes techniques for improving academic skills as sists, compensatory strategies are most likely to be
well as social relationships. Strang and Rourke (1985) the best approach.
describe a series of teaching strategies to enhance
mathematics calculation and reasoning, which involve
verbal elaboration of the steps, written cue cards with
Study and Organizational Skills
the rules for solving the problem, and concrete aids Systematic strategy instruction for high school
(e.g., graph paper and color-coded columns). Students students has been the focus of a program-the Strat-
are encouraged to use calculators to check for errors, egies Intervention Model-developed by the Univer-
and teachers use error pattern analysis to modify the sity of Kansas Institute for Research on Learning Dis-
remedial plan (Teeter, 1989). Lessons utilize relevant abilities (Ellis & Lenz, 1991). This programs was
and practical problem solving situations (e.g., developed to teach students learning strategies to ac-
shopping). quire and store knowledge, and to demonstrate this
Further, Rourke (1989) describes techniques for knowledge (Ellis & Friend, 1991). For strategies to
increasing problem-solving skills, generalization of be effective, they must be useful, efficient, and memo-
strategies and concepts, appropriate nonverbal skills, rable. Ellis and Friend (1991) describe several effec-
accurate self-evaluation, and life skills-preparing for tive strategies, including setting priorities; reflecting
adult life. Because of the very serious psychosocial on how a task can be attacked and accomplished; and
limitations inherent in the NLD syndrome, Rourke analyzing the task, setting goals, monitoring, and
(1989) stresses the need for social problem-solving checking to see if goals were accomplished.
skills, social awareness, structured peer interactions, Archer and Gleason (1989) also developed Skills

for Success (Grades 36), a structured curriculum to involvement of either the right or the left hemisphere.
teach students study and organization skills. This pro- Right-hemisphere dysfunction was postulated in
gram features lessons on reading, organizing and sum- learning-disabled children with a variety of deficits,
marizing information, test-taking, anticipating test including math, visual-spatial, and social perception,
content, how to study, and responding to various test and left-sided motor weaknesses, with verbal reason-
formats (DuPaul & Stoner, 1994). DuPaul and Stoner ing, social gesturing, and social linguistic problems
(1994) also describe a program for organizing school (Denckla, 1978,1983). Voeller (1986) also described
materials, making an assignment calendar, and orga- a group of children with abnormal right-hemisphere
nizing and completing a paper for children with signs based on CT scans, EEGs, and neuropsycho-
ADHD. Although these study and organizational logical measures. These children were unable to in-
skills have not been thoroughly researched, initial evi- terpret others' emotions and had trouble displaying
dence suggests that they are promising procedures appropriate emotions. Further, there was an increased
that can be employed for learning-disabled youth rate of attentional and hypermotoric behaviors as well
(Ellis & Friend, 1991), and warrant further investi- in children withright-hemisphereinvolvement.
gation for children with ADHD (DuPaul & Stoner, There are a number of social skills training pro-
1994). grams, including the ACCEPTS program for elemen-
tary children (Walker, McConnell, Todis, Walker, &
Golden, 1988); and the ACCESS program for ado-
Social Skills Training lescents (Walker, Holmes, Todis, & Horton, 1988),
Interest in the remediation of social skills deficits has to name a few. These programs are highly structured,
increased over the years, due to the growing aware- and have proven efficacy for children with mild to
ness that social skill development is linked to learn- moderate handicaps.
ing disabilities (Semrud-Clikeman & Hynd, 1991b); Interventions designed to address social skills defi-
school dropout, delinquency, and emotional distur- cits in children with various learning and social in-
bance (Barclay, 1966); and attention deficit disorders teraction problems have met with mixed if not disap-
(Carlson, Lahey, Frame, Walker, & Hynd, 1987). Spe- pointing results (Vaughn, Mcintosh, & Hogan, 1990).
cifically, it has been shown that peer rejection as a When positive behavioral changes have been noted
result of aggression is predictive of criminal behav- in children with social skills problems, peers and
ior later in adulthood (Parker & Asher, 1987). Re- teachers do not readily acknowledge or perceive these
cently, proposed definitions suggest including social gains (Northcutt, 1987). Another concern that is of-
problems as characteristics of learning disabilities ten raised by researchers is that children "trained" in
(Bryan & Lee, 1990; Gaddes & Edgell, 1994; Lerner, social skills often display appropriate social skills in
1993). Advocates of this proposal assert that to focus controlled, therapeutic settings, but fail to interact
solely on academic gains in reading and math, while appropriately in natural settings.
ignoring social interaction skills, will limit the use- A couple of therapy caveats illustrate this point.
fulness of our remediation efforts for children with One of the authors conducted a 15-week social skills
learning disabilities (Bryan, 1991; Rourke, 1994). training program with four monthly booster sessions
Social skills problems appear related to a number for children with ADHD. At the end of the 15-week
of factors including self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus sessions, one 12-year-old girl threw her "graduation"
of control, social cognition, comprehension of non- gift on the floor. When confronted by her inappropri-
verbal cues, moral development, comprehension of ate behaviors, she commented, "Well, you told me I
social rules, problem-solving skills, communication should be honest. Did you want me to he when I didn't
disorders, and classroom behaviors (Bryan, 1991). like my present?" Despite weeks of modeling, role
Semrud-Clikeman and Hynd (1991b) further describe playing, corrective feedback, videotapings, and be-
several neuropsychological syndromes resulting from havioral reinforcement on expressing feelings ap-

propriately, when disappointed in a "real-life" situ- La Greca (1993) indicates the need for training
ation, she was unable to apply the skills she had programs that address the broader social milieu of
demonstrated on numerous occasions during group. the child. Rather than focusing solely on the social
When processing the incident, she could generate skills deficits of the "problem child," programs should
alternative behaviors, but in the heat of her emo- also include high-status or nonproblem peers. La
tions she was unable to exercise control over her Greca (1993) recommends the following: (1) chang-
disappointment. ing peer acceptance through multisystemic interven-
On another occasion, a 13-year-old ADHD male tion models; (2) employing prevention models at the
pushed one of his peers and kicked his books across school level; (3) utilizing peer-pairing or cooperative
the parking lot on his way out of the hospital. This activities with children of mixed social status; (4)
situation followed an evening when alternatives to changing the ways teachers select groups in the class-
anger was the focus of the group session. This ado- room to avoid cliques and child-picked teams; (5) on-
lescent wasn't even an aggressive child, but when he going teacher monitoring of social skills interventions
was teased about something that was particularly pain- in the classroom; and (6) involving parents in inter-
ful for him, he reacted inappropriately. Not to be over- vention efforts. La Greca (1993) also suggests that
looked was the other 12-year-old who was baiting one or two close friends might buffer a child who
his peer. He too was part of the group and obviously does not enjoy peer acceptance with the larger group.
was acting inappropriately. Even though both boys Helping the child develop supportive friendships
were progressing nicely in therapy, in a more natu- might be worthwhile for reducing anxiety, stress, de-
ral, less structured situation both were unable to pression, and low self-esteem.
generalize skills that had been the focus of numer- In summary, social skills training can be effective
ous sessions. when it involves broader goals than increasing skill
In a critical review of 20 studies conducted be- deficits in the targeted child. By expanding treatment
tween 1982 and 1989, Vaughn et al. (1990) did indi- goals to include peers, teachers, and parents, social
cate that programs for LD students were most effec- skills intervention can be helpful for many children
tive when the following conditions were true: with learning problems.

1. LD students received part-time versus full-time LD

2. LD were in either elementary or high school;
middle school students showed fewer gains.
3. Regular class students were included in the inter- Behavior management has long been used as an ef-
vention program. fective remediation strategy for a variety of learning
4. Programs were individualized to the student's and behavioral problems in the classroom. The lit-
needs. erature base demonstrating the positive effects of be-
5. Children are selected for social skills training on havior management are too extensive to review here.
the basis of deficits rather than LD placement The reader is referred to DuPaul and Stoner (1994)
alone. and Witt, Elliott, and Gresham (1988) for a detailed
6. Training programs were long term (average 9 review of research on token economies, contingency
weeks, 23.3 hours) and included follow-up contracting, cost response, and time out from posi-
sessions. tive reinforcement. This section reviews selected strat-
7. Instruction is conducted in small groups or one- egies that have proved helpful for classroom man-
to-one. agement and instructional techniques, including self-
8. Programs included coaching, modeling, corrective management, attention training, home-based contin-
feedback, rehearsal, and strategy instruction. gencies, and peer tutoring.

Self-Management/Self-Control Attention may well contain multiple aspects, which

Techniques are arranged in hierarchical order and which may in-
teract with motor, cognitive, and social development
Self-management techniques have grown in popular- (Sohlberg & Mateer, 1989). Thus, disruption of any
ity in an effort to help children develop control over component may compromise the efficiency of the total
their own behavior. Self-control techniques generally attention system. Moreover, disruption of a compo-
include self-assessment (observing one's own behav- nent will have a negative impact on aspects lower in
ior), self-evaluation (comparing one's behavior to a the hierarchical chain of attention (e.g., ability to shift
"standard"), self-recording, and self-reinforcement set may be disturbed and consequently affect re-
(Lloyd & Landrum, 1990). Although these techniques sponses to temporally presented information or vigi-
have been used for a variety of behaviors, attending lance). It is likely that a breakdown in processing of
to task has been a major thrust in the literature. temporal information would have an impact on class-
Lloyd and Landrum (1990) surveyed 37 studies room learning which requires processing of sequen-
using self-recording techniques for children with tial instructional language.
learning, cognitive, and behavioral disorders from 4 Differential components of attention may show
years of age to adolescence. Self-recording was found deficits in various subtypes of attention deficit disor-
to be effective for the following variables: increasing der. Although attention deficit disorder implicates
attention to task, decreasing disruption, work produc- attention as a problem in these children, it is not cur-
tivity, work accuracy, task completion, and, sustained rently known which aspect or aspects of attention are
schoolwork. Depending on the child's individual disordered. Thus, it is likely that no one cognitive
needs, self-recording can focus on academic accu- task will provide a diagnosis of attention deficit dis-
racy, productivity, or attention to task; and all areas order. The tasks that are sensitive to children with
seem to improve regardless of which is targeted attentional disorders are just beginning to be explored.
(Lloyd & Landrum, 1990). A system that combines training on the aspects of
Typically self-recording is most effective when attention involving selective and sustained attention
cueing occurs (Heins, Lloyd, & Hallahan, 1986), has been developed by Sohlberg and Mateer (1989).
and may take many forms (e.g., tape-recorded This system teaches the individual to identify targets
beeps at 1 -, 2-, or 3-minute intervals, or kitchen tim- as quickly and with as few errors as possible. The
ers thatringevery 5 minutes). Fading of taped cues is subject is asked to mark targets embedded in non-
often built into self-recording procedures, and main- targets. For example, a page may consist of several
tenance appears quite good after the treatment has rows of numbers, and the subject is asked to select all
been discontinued (Lloyd & Landrum, 1990). See the 4's as quickly as possible. As the subject scans
Shapiro and Cole (1994) for a more in-depth treat- the page, he or she utilizes selective attention. The
ment of self-management techniques for the class- tasks require the subject to use sustained as well as
room. selective attention. The same tasks can also be used
to improve divided attention. In this paradigm, the
subject is asked to select two targets at the same time.
Attention Training On the auditory attention training, the subject lis-
Investigations in the field of attention disorders are tens to a cassett tape and is asked to count how many
adopting a componential approach, which recognizes targets he or she hears during the tape. For example,
different components of attention. The emphasis has the subject is asked to count how many ft's he or she
shifted from motoric hyperactivity to determining hears from a list of nontarget letters. Or, the subject
which aspects of attention discriminate children with may be asked to count how many words begin with
attention deficit disoders from normal children the letter b from a list of words. This task requires
(Pennington, 1991). selective as well as sustained attention.

These tasks have been used mostly with head-in- Home-Based Contingencies
jured adults, but we have adapted them for use with
Home-based contingencies arefrequentlyused as a
children displaying significant attentional difficulties
supplement to school-based token systems (DuPaul
(Semrud-Clikeman et al., submitted). The tasks were
& Stoner, 1994). Generally, these procedures employ
provided in 24 sessions, with two adults assisting
daily or weekly rating forms that are filled out by the
twice a week over a 12-week period. Each child
teacher. Several classroom or academic behaviors can
worked in a group of five to six children, and charts
be targeted, including attention to task, work comple-
were kept of the child's progress. The charts were
tion, homework completion, compliance, and social
reviewed at each session, and problem-solving tech-
interactions. The teacher rates the child by class peri-
niques were discussed to help the child consider the
ods or subject areas, using a point scale (e.g., 5 =
most efficient alternative as well as to learn to self-
excellent, 1 = terrible), and provides written com-
monitor his or her progress. At the end of the 12-
ments. The child is responsible for taking the rating
week sessions, teachers were asked to report on the
form to the parent, and the parent then discusses the
child's ability to complete assignments. In 20 of the
child's performance with the child and provides rein-
22 cases, improvement was seen in the number of
forcement based on the points earned at school.
completed assignments. Of the 22 children enrolled
DuPaul and Stoner (1994) indicate that delay of
in the study, approximately 50% were on medication
reinforcement can be a problem for children with
for ADHD. At the end of the study, there was no dif-
ADHD, particularly with younger children. How-
ference between the medicated and the nonmedicated
ever, home-based contingencies have proved effec-
children in their performance on measures of selec-
tive for increasing school performance, particularly
tive and sustained attention. Moreover, there was a
when used with classroom behavior management
significant improvement in the auditory attention of
children who participated in the groups. Such im-
provement on the auditory attention task was not
found for children without attentional problems or
for ADHD control children. Therefore, it would appear
Peer Tutoring
that children with attention and work completion Peer tutoring techniques have been developed for
problems can benefit from direct teaching in prob- reading, spelling, and math activities, and participants
lem-solving skills as well as practice in selective have demonstrated significant gains (Greenwood,
attention. Maheady, & Carta, 1991). DuPaul and Stoner (1994)
Although this project is a pilot study, it lends cre- indicate that peer tutoring is an attractive technique
dence to the hypothesis that attentional skills can be because it is time- and cost-efficient. In peer tutoring
addressed when specific training is provided. Cer- the class is divided into dyads, and tutortutee pairs
tainly further investigation into appropriate interven- work together during learning activities (Shapiro,
tions for children with attentional problems is war- 1989). The Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) pro-
ranted. Second, the extent to which improvement in gram provides systematic and detailed training guide-
attentional skills persists over time is also of interest. lines for implementing this intervention technique
Third, although medication helped these children to (Greenwood, Delquardi, & Carta, 1988).
remain seated, it was not related to measures of sus- Shapiro (1989) indicates that these procedures have
tained and selective attention. This finding is consis- produced positive academic and behavioral gains for
tent with Barkley's (1990) finding that medication children with a variety of disorders, including slow
does not improve academic performance. Though learners, learning-disabled children, and behaviorally
preliminary, this research appears promising, and at- disordered children. DuPaul and Henningson (1993)
tention training (with problem-solving techniques) also reported positive gains for a young ADHD child
may prove useful as an intervention strategy for chil- when a classwide peer tutoring program was initi-
dren with attentional deficits. ated. The second-grade ADHD child showed less

hyperactivity and improved on-task behavior and aca- of these disorders, however, require combined treat-
demic performance in math. ments, and "appropriate psychosocial and psycho-
These techniques offer a number of viable strate- educational interventions should form a component
gies for improving the academic, behavioral, and so- of treatment for most children with these disorders-
cial functioning of children and adolescents with vari- even those where pharmacotherapy is helpful"
ous disorders. Individual educational planning is nec- (Pelham, 1993a, p. 161). A select list of common
essary to decide which of these techniques are most medications will be reviewed briefly, including those
appropriate. These interventions are usually used in designed to control for major depressive disorders,
combination, and careful monitoring is essential to psychotic disorders, ADHD, Tourette syndrome, and
determine their effectiveness. See DuPaul and Stoner seizure disorders.
(1994) and Shapiro (1989) for detailed information
on intervention monitoring.
Specific Classes of Medication
Some disorders with biomedical or neuropsycho-
logical causes may require biological treatments, usu- Medications are typically classified as stimulants,
ally in the form of psychopharmacology (Pelham, antipsychotics, tricylic antidepressants, or monoam-
1993a). The following section reviews selected psy- ine oxidase inhibitors (MOIs); antioxiolytics, and
chopharmacological interventions for various child- anticonvulsants, depending on their behavioral effects
hood and adolescent disorders. on the CNS (Green, 1991). Table 11.2 presents a sum-
mary of common medications currently in use to treat
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGICAL children and adolescents, and includes an outline of
their potential benefits and side effects.
INTERVENTIONS Psychopharmacological agents may affect more
A number of neuropsychiatry disorders of childhood than one neurotransmitter, and specific neurotrans-
and adolescence are treated with medications. Most mitters may be implicated in more than one neuro-

Table 11.2. Common Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects of Medications for Neuropsychiatric Disorders of Childhood


Methylphenidate ADHD 75% children responders Insomnia, appetite loss, nausea,
(Ritalin) Decreased motor activity, impulsivity, vomiting, abdominal pains,
and disruptive behaviors thirst, headaches
Increased attention Tachycardia, change in blood
Improved socialization pressure
Improved ratings (teacher, physician, Irritability, moodiness
parent) Rebound effects
Increased work completion and Growth suppression (can be
accuracy monitored)
Improved test scores (mazes, PIQ, Lower seizure threshold
and visual memory) Exacerbate preexisting tics
Dextroamphetamine ADHD Similar to methylphenidate Similar to methylphenidate
(D-amphetamine) Subdued emotional response Hallucinations, seizures, and
Increased reflectivity and ability to drug-induced psychosis (rare
monitor self occurrences)
Increased interest level
Improved school performance
Improved parent ratings (conduct,
impulsivity, immaturity, antisocial,
and hyperactivity)

Table 11.2. (Continued)


Stimulants (Cont.)
Magnesium pemoline ADHD Similar to methylphenidate Similar to methylphenidate
(Cylert) Improved teacher ratings (defiance,
inattention, and hyperactivity)
Improved parent ratings (conduct,
impulsivity, and antisocial
Improved test scores (mazes, PIQ,
visual memory)

Haloperidol (Haldol) Psychosis Reduces aggression, hostility, Behavioral toxicity with pre-
Tourette negativity, and hyperactivity existing disorders
Autism Reduces psychotic symptoms Dystonia, loss of tone in tongue
PDD Reduces Tourette symptoms and trunk)
ADD with CD Reduces fixations, withdrawal Parkinsonian symptoms (tremors,
stereotypes, anger, and fidgetiness mask face, and drooling)
in autism Dyskinesis (mouth, tongue, and
Increases social responsivity and jaw)
reality testing in PDD Dose reduction decreases motor
side effects
Intellectual dulling and dis-
organized thoughts

Chlorpromazine Psychosis Reduces hyperactivity Similar to haloperidol

(Thorazine) Severe aggression, Reduces tantrums, aggression, Dermatological problems
explosiveness, and self-injury Cardiovascular problems
hyperexcitability Not effective for young autistic Lowers seizure threshold
in MR children Endocrinological problems
Ophthalmological problems
Hematological problems

Thioridazine Psychosis Reduces hyperactivity Similar to haldol

(Mellaril) Severe behavior Improves schizophrenic sympto Sedation, cognitive dulling, and
disorders Similar to Thorazine impaired arousal

Thiothixene (Navane) Psychosis Similar to Mellaril Less sedating than Mellaril

Loxapine Succinate Psychosis Similar to haldol Similar to haldol


Fluphenazine Psychosis
(Prolixin, Permitil)

Pimozide (Orap) Psychosis Clinical improvement High doses-death and seizures

Tourette (resistant

Clozapine (Clozaril) Severe psychosis Clinical improvement Life-threatening

(resistant type) Hypertension, tachycardia, and
EEG change

Table 11.2. (Continued)


Tricyclic Antidepressants
Imipramine Depression Improves depression (not severe) Potentially life-threatening
hydrochloride Enuresis Inhibits bladder muscles cardiovascular problems
(Tofranil) ADHD Reduces hyperactivity CNS symptoms (EEG changes,
School phobia Reduces separation anxiety confusion, lowers seizure
Improves sleep disorders) threshold, incoordination,
drowsiness, delusions, and
Blurred vision, dry mouth, and

Nortriptyline Depression Low rate of clinical improvement Withdrawal symptoms

hydrochloride in children and adolescents

Desipramine ADHD Improved ratings (parents and Dry mouth, decreased appetite,
hydrochloride ADHD with Tics teachers Conners) tiredness, dizziness, insomnia
(Norpramine) Clinical improvement EEG changes at high doses

Clomipramine Obsessive-compulsive Reduces obsessions Withdrawal symptoms

hydrochloride disorders Reduces school phobia/anxiety Seizures
(Anafranil) Severe ADHD Reduces aggression, impulsivity, Somnolence, tremors, dizziness,
Enuresis and depressive/affective headaches, sweating, sleep
School phobia symptoms disorder, gastrointestinal
problems, cardiovascular
effects, anorexia, and fatigue

Monoamine Osidase Inhibitors

Fluoxetine Depression Effective for adults Nausea, weight loss, anxiety,
hydrochloride Obsessive- Clinical improvement for OCD nervousness, sweating, sleep
(Prozac) compulsive disorders

Bupropion Depression Adolescents 18+ improve Seizures, agitation, dry mouth,

hydrochloride ADHD Improved global ratings insomnia, nausea, constipation,
(Wellbutrin) Not Conners tremors

Chlordiazepoxide Anxiety with Clinical improvement Drowsiness, fatigue, muscle
(Librium) hyperactivity and Reduced hyperactivity, fears, enuresis, weakness, ataxia, anxiety, and
irritability truancy, bizarreness depression with high doses
School phobia Decreases emotional overload

Diazepam (Valium) Mixed psychiatric DX Improved global ratings Relatively low toxicity
Anxiety and sleep Better results for adolescents

Alprazolam (Xanax) Anxiety Clinical improvements Mild drowsiness

Panic attacks Responders (premorbid, personality
Separation anxiety were shy, inhibited, nervous)

Phenobarbital Seizure disorders Reduces seizures Lethal at high doses
Cognitive impairment, rigidity,
and depression

Diphenylhydantoin Seizure disorders Reduces tonic-clonic seizures Cognitive impairment

sodium (Phenytoin) Drug toxicity

Table 11.2. (Continued)


Anticonvulsants (Cont.)
Carbamazepine Seizure disorders Reduces generalized and tonic- Fewer adverse side effects than
Manic-depression clonic seizures other drugs
Psychotropic effects Less cognitive dulling, motoric
and affective

Sodium valporate Seizure disorders Reduces seizures Low cognitive symptoms

Petit mal + tonic-clonic Relatively nontoxic in adults
Rare but potentially fatal
hepatoxicity in children

Note: Data taken from Green (1991), Neppe & Tucker (1992), and Dubovsky (1992).

psychiatric disorder (Green, 1991). These GNS af- movement (Zametkin & Rapoport, 1987). DA sys-
fects will be discussed in the following sections. tems are involved in a variety of cognitive and per-
ceptual functions, including attentional gaiting, sus-
taining focus, short-term memory, and allocation of
Stimulants memory, while NE systems are involved in cortical
Stimulant medications are the most common treat- arousal, filtering of incoming stimuli, excessive
ment for hyperactivity and attention problems in chil- arousal, restlessness, and hyperactivity (Hunt &
dren and adolescents (DuPaul & Barkley, 1990), and Mandl, 1991; Hunt, Lau, & Ryu, 1991).
more recently with adults (Weiss & Hechtman, 1993). Serotonin has also been implicated in ADHD, par-
Although a majority of children with ADHD are con- ticularly as it relates to cortical inhibition, direction
sidered to be positive responders to psychostimulants, of motor activity, control of impulses and aggression,
approximately 25% to 30% do not respond favorably and complex judgment (Hunt, Mandl, et al., 1991;
(DuPaul & Barkley, 1990). Schaughency and Hynd Hunt, Lau, & Ryu, 1991). Increased levels of seroto-
(1989) suggest that "perhaps there are correlated, par- nin produce obsessional thoughts, while decreased
allel, or even orthogonal neurotransmitter systems im- levels result in increased impulsivity, aggression, and
plicated in ADD" that account for these differences fragmentation (Hunt, Mandl, et al., 1991). Comings
in response rates (p. 436). Further, Hunt, Mandl, Lau, (1990) suggest that serotonin may be less important
and Hughes (1991) propose that "multiple neurotrans- for understanding ADHD but may be more useful for
mitter systems may be involved in integrated cogni- children with conduct disorders and aggression.
tive/behavioral functioning," and "the relative bal- Although biochemical research is difficult to con-
ance of these transmitters and these neurofiinctional duct because of developmental changes in neurotrans-
systems determines the modulation of behavior" (p. mitters systems, the use of peripheral measures, and
272). Thus, individual response rates may be a func- the complexity of neurotransmitter action (Zametkin
tion of the ADHD child's primary dysfunction in cog- & Rapoport, 1986), several hypotheses have been gen-
nitive/perceptual systems, arousal systems, or inhibi- erated to explain how medications affect various neu-
tory systems. This perspective still needs further veri- rotransmitters. For example, medications affect DA,
fication in controlled studies. NE, and serotonin in different ways:
Disturbances in dopamine (DA) and norepineph-
rine (NE) levels have been carefully studied in ADHD 1. d-amphetamine may inhibit NE while enhancing
children, including how stimulants affect these cat- DA activity (Shekim, Javid, Davis, & Bylund,
echolamines for the ultimate control of attention and 1983).

2. Mmethylphenidate appears to facilitate the release ments in peer relations following medication are most
of DA and NE at the presynapse, and may reduce evident in situations where other psychosocial and
the uptake of DA at the postsynapse (Hunt, Mandl, behavioral interventions are in place.
etal., 1991). Pelham (1993a) indicates that short-term psycho-
3. Clonidine may inhibit release of NE at the pre- pharmacotherapy is more effective for treating ADHD
synapse (Hunt, Brunstetter, & Silver, 1987). than are other educational or behavioral treatments.
4. Tricylcic antidepressants (e.g., desipramine and However when behavioral management programs are
imipramine) block the uptake of NE and seroto- added to medication regimens, dosage levels may be
nin (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). decreased (Carlson, Pelham, Milich, & Dixon, 1992).
Pelham (1993a) recommends establishing baseline
These various actions facilitate neural transmission data for compliance and work productivity, then vary-
by either increasing the amount of neurotransmitters ing medication to determine effective doses. Meth-
or prolonging the time the transmitters are active at ods for medication monitoring in school and home
the synapse (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). environments will be discussed in subsequent
Other medications have been used for children con- sections.
sidered nonresponders to stimulant medications, in-
cluding imipramine (Copeland & Copps (1995), and
MAO inhibitors (Zametkin, Rapoport, Murphy,
Linnoila, & Ismond, 1985). Desipramine selectively Two major classes of antipsychotic medications (i.e.,
blocks the uptake of NE, and imipramine may block neuroleptics or major tranquilizers), phenthiazines
the uptake of serotonin. While antidepressants may (e.g., chlorpromazine), and butyrophenones (e.g.,
increase NE availability at the synapse (Hunt, Mandl, haloperidol), are used to treat a variety of neuro-
et al, 1991), these are not thefront-linemedications psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, in-
of choice for most children with ADHD. cluding schizophrenia (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990); per-
The potential benefits of stimulant medications, vasive developmental delays (Joshi, Capozzoli, &
particularly methylphenidate, are well documented. Coyle, 1988); chronic motor tics and Tourette
They include enhanced performance on impulse con- (Comings, 1990); severe aggression and conduct dis-
trol, motor coordination, and vigilance (Gadow, orders (Green, 1991); cognitive retardation with psy-
1985); increased academic productivity and accuracy chotic symptoms (Gadow & Poling, 1988); and ex-
(Balthazor, Wagner, & Pelham, 1991); decreased off- cessive or severe hyperactivity, lowfrustrationtoler-
task behaviors (Barkley & Cunningham, 1979b); de- ance, and poor attention (Weizman, Weitz, Szekely,
creased aggression (Hinshaw, Henker, Whalen, Tyana, & Belmaker, 1984). Although both classes of
Erhardt, & Dunnington, 1989); improved peer rela- antipsychotics affect NE and DA systems, benefits
tions (Hinshaw, 1991); fewer negative commands for appear related to their ability to block DA receptors,
teachers (Barkley, 1990); and improved interactions thereby reducing psychotic symptoms (Kolb &
with parents (Barkley & Cunningham, 1979b; Whishaw, 1990). However, Kolb and Whishaw
Pelham, 1993b). Despite these positive results, indi- (1990) caution that neurotransmitters have intricate
vidual responsivity remains highly variable (DuPaul, interactions with each other that may not be immedi-
Barkley, & McMurray, 1991); and children should ately obvious.
be carefully monitored for negative side effects Weizman et al. (1984) indicate that neuroleptics,
(DuPaul & Barkley, 1990). Also, a number of envi- in combination with stimulants, might be effective
ronmental factors may affect a child's responsivity to for a small number of ADHD children who do not
medication. For example, Barkley and Cunningham respond to either medication alone. Apparently, when
(1980) found that the better the motherchild rela- these drugs are used in combination, the stimulants
tionship, the greater the positive response rate in the increase the release of DA while the neuroleptics
child. Pelham (1993a) further reports that improve- block DA thereby suggesting synergetic effects

between the two agents (Green, 1991). Zametkin and although this trend has recently been reversed
Rapoport (1987) indicate that antipsychotics are not (Dubovsky, 1992). MAOI-Type A deactivates NE and
as effective as stimulants, but these medications do serotonin; while MAOI-Type B deactivates DA and
seem to decrease motoric activity and inattention. phenylethylamine (Zametkin & Rapoport, 1987).
Because of the serious side effects associated with Prozac does not appear to act on NE or DA uptake,
neuroleptics, these medications require careful moni- although it does affect the serotonin reuptake pump
toring. Green (1991) suggests that cognitive dulling, (Green, 1991). Wellbutrin is not related to other anti-
sedation, and irreversible tardive dyskinesia (abnor- depressants, and Green (1991) suggests that MAOIs
mal involuntary movements) are of particular con- should be tried before starting a trial on Wellbutrin.
cern when treating children and adolescents. Children Like other antidepressants, MAOIs also require care-
and adolescents are prone to exhibit acute dystonic ful plasma-level monitoring.
reactions (e.g., neck spasms, mouth and tongue con-
tractions, eyes rolling upward) within the first five
hours of ingestion, and are more atriskwhen taking
high-potency, low-dose antipsychotics versus low- Antioxiolytics, specifically benzodiazepines (BZDs),
potency, high-dose regimens. are typically administered for the control of severe
anxiety, sleep disorders (e.g., insomnia, sleep terrors,
Tricyclic Antidepressants/ Monoamine and/or sleep walking), and overinhibition disorders
(Green, 1991). Relatively little research has been con-
Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI's)
ducted on these medications with children and ado-
Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., imipramine, lescents, although the American Psychiatric Associa-
desipramine, nortriptyline, and clomipramine) act on tion Task Force on Benzodiazepines reported that
DA and selectively block the reuptake of NE and se- these drugs have low toxicity and abuse potential
rotonin (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990). Tricyclics are (Salzman, 1990).
effective for treating a variety of childhood and ado- Benzodiazepines appear to affect GABA recep-
lescent disorders, including (1) imipramine for de- tors, which in turn enhance chloride channels to pro-
pression, enuresis, school phobia, and sleep disorders; duce hyperpolarization of neurons (Dubovsky, 1992).
(2) desipramine for ADHD and ADHD with tics; (3) This neurochemical (BZD-GABA) process has inhibi-
nortriptyline for major depressive disorder; and (4) tory affects in arousal and affective brain centers, and
clomipramine for obsessive-compulsive disorders thus reduce anxiety. Potential side effects (e.g., seda-
(Green, 1991). Plasma levels should be monitored to tion, muscle relaxation, and elevated seizure thresh-
identify toxic effects, including affective (mood, con- old) appear related to the effects BZD receptors have
centration, lethargy, social withdrawal), motor (i.e., on cortical, pyramidal, and spinal neurons through-
tremor, ataxia, seizures), psychotic (thought disorders, out the brain (Dubovsky, 1992). Withdrawal symp-
hallucinations, delusions), and organic (disorientation, toms (e.g., dysphoria, anxiety, heightened sensitivity
memory loss, agitation, confusion) symptoms, or to to light and sound, headaches, sweating, tremors, in-
identify subtherapeutic levels of medication (Green, somnia, nightmares, delirium, and paranoia) have
1991). been reported with BZDs and are similar to the ef-
MAOI's have recently been investigated for treat- fects of withdrawal from other CNS depressants.
ing childhood disorders, including Prozac for depres-
sion and obsessive-compulsive disorders and
Wellbutrin for depression and ADHD (Greene, 1991).
Because of their potential for hepatotoxicity, the need Anticonvulsant medication is the major form of thera-
of food restrictions, and questionable effectiveness, peutic intervention for children and adolescents with
MAOIs were not commonly administered to children, nonfebrile seizure disorders (Cook & Leventhal,

1992). Phenobarbitol and phenytoin both have ad- questionnaires, etc.) are also collected in order to
verse affects on academic work, due to their sedative measure the effects of medication.
affects. Phenobarbitol has been known to decrease Once psychopharmacotherapy is initiated, objec-
memory in some children and has been known to tive measures of medication effects are needed to
contribute to disturbed behaviors in other children determine individual response rates and to assess the
(Green, 1991). However, when the children are given side effects of various medications (Barkley, 1990;
other anticonvulsants, these behavioral and cognitive DuPaul & Stoner, 1994; Pelham, 1993a). A number
side effects improve. Carbamazepine also has adverse of rating scales are available for measuring classroom
side effects, but these seem to be less severe than those behaviors and side effects for ADHD (see Barkley,
ofthe other two agents. All three medications are com- 1990; DuPaul & Stoner, 1994; Pelham, 1993a), but
monly used, either in combination or as single agents, fewer scales are available for other childhood
and require careful blood level monitoring (Cook & disorders.
Leventhal, 1992). Pelham (1993a) suggests that when monitoring
Anticonvulsants act as enzyme-inducing agents in medication it is advisable to measure ecologically
the liver, which in turn appears to reduce the valid behaviors in order to assess the effects of medi-
"bioavailability of almost all psychotropic agents" cation on a child's performance in the classroom and
(Neppe & Tucker, 1992, p. 417). Anticonvulsants ap- in social situations. Pelham (1993a) employs daily
pear to modulate DA, serotonin, and GABA receptor report cards that target behaviors such as work
sites. completion, compliance, and accuracy in order to de-
termine the effects of stimulant medications. Although
Pelham (1993a) specifically addresses medication
monitoring of psychostimulants for ADHD children,
Monitoring Medication Efficacy ecologically valid measurements would also seem
A key question prior to selecting pharmacological appropriate for other childhood disorders, including
intervention is whether medication is warranted. This depression, anxiety, and conduct-related problems. To
decision typically requires a comprehensive assess- assess whether a particular medication is helping a
ment of the problem and a careful review of the child's child, the behaviors of concern (e.g., sadness, panic
medical, educational, and psychosocial history. It is attacks, or anger outbursts) may need to be defined
important to determine the exact nature and severity more explicitly and monitored on a regular basis.
of the disorder prior to medicating and, in some cases, Thus, for medication monitoring to be ecologically
to determine if other psychosocial or behavioral in- valid, it should occur in the child's natural setting,
terventions have been attempted. Information con- home and school, and not solely in the clinic or the
cerning previous nonmedical interventions is particu- doctor's office.
larly important for such disorders of children as
ADHD, depression, anxiety, and conduct disorders. Combined Pharmacological and
When nonmedical interventions are not success-
ful in ameliorating the child's problems, then a con-
Behavioral Interventions
trolled trial of medication may be considered. Physi- Psychopharmacotherapy is rarely advised in isolation.
cians usually obtain baseline data prior to medica- Earlier reviews have shown that most childhood and
tion trials, which may include electrocardiogram adolescent disorders are complex and affect multiple
(ECG); electroencephalogram (EEG); urinalysis; facets of the child's cognitive, academic, and psycho-
liver, thyroid, and renal function tests; blood pres- social adjustment. Medications also have their limi-
sure; and serum blood levels when administering anti- tations and may not uniformly improve all areas of
psychotics, antiepileptics, and antidepressants (Green, the child's functioning; thus, most physicians com-
1991). Other baseline behavioral data (rating scales, bine pharmacological interventions with psychosocial

interventions. Psychosocial interventions may include psychosocial, behavioral, and medical interventions
behavioral treatments (e.g., contingency management, from a number of different professionals, and coor-
homeschoolnotes), individual or group therapy for the dination of these services is required. It is not un-
child or adolescent, parent training, and family therapy. common for a child with a neuropsychiatric disorder
Combined therapeutic interventions have been to have a psychiatrist or physician prescribe medica-
more thoroughly researched with ADHD than with tion, a clinical psychologist conduct therapy, and a
other childhood disorders. For example, medication school psychologist and/or counselor address school-
combined with parent training and behavior manage- related academic and psychosocial problems. These
ment was more effective than either medication or various professionals often target the same behaviors
behavior management alone for "normalizing" chil- and have similar therapy goals, but they may use dif-
dren with ADHD (Pelham et al., 1988). Low doses ferent techniques. It is important that therapeutic ef-
of medication (methylphenidate) were considerably forts in one setting not be counterproductive to the
enhanced with combined behavioral interventions. efforts in another. These situations occur when pro-
Pelham (1993a) suggests that "an important result of fessionals have diametrically opposed theoretical ori-
combined treatments may be that maximal improve- entations or utilize drastically different approaches
ment in behavior may be reached without resorting for the same behavioral, psychological, and/or aca-
to high dosages of stimulant medication," which may demic problem. Parents may pursue the course rec-
lower adverse medication effects (p. 220). Further, ommended by one professional, only to hear a com-
combined behavioralmedication interventions for pletely opposite opinion from another. This not only
children with ADHD appear to complement the short- creates stress and confusion for the parent, it may set
comings of either treatment alone (Carlson, Pelham, a course of action that is completely counterproduc-
Milich, & Dixon, 1992), and add incremental effects tive for the child.
that do not occur with either intervention alone Second, because of the concern over high costs of
(Pelham, 1993a). comprehensive assessments and interventions, dupli-
The extent to which similar effects will be shown cation of services should be avoided whenever pos-
for combined pharmacological/psychosocial/behav- sible. Professionals in different settings may utilize
ioral interventions with other childhood disorders similar evaluation procedures (e.g., rating scales, in-
needs further investigation. Research investigating tellectual measures). It is not uncommon for a child
combined interventions is needed to determine the to be assessed using the same instruments, for par-
short-term and long-term effects of psychopharma- ents to fill out the same rating scales, and for teachers
cotherapy and individual responsivity to various to respond to the same questionnaires for different
aspects of the other behavioral, academic, and psycho- professionals (e.g., psychiatrist, clinical psychologist,
social interventions. and school psychologist) within a relatively short
Given the need for assessing medication affects in period of time. Interventions also may be similar
the child's natural setting, there is an increasing need across therapeutic settings. Coordination of services
for schools, physicians, and parents to work together and communication between professionals and par-
to produce the most benefits from pharmacological ents helps to reduce needless redundancy.
approaches. The following section discusses these Third, a number of children receive medication
partnerships. on a daily basis. Medication monitoring is an impor-
tant element of pharmacotherapy and is most helpful
HOME-SCHOOL-PHYSICIAN when conducted in the child's natural environment-
the home or school, where the behaviors of concern
PARTNERSHIPS can be systematically observed. Physicians need care-
Homeschoolphysician partnerships are necessary ful and systematic information about how the child is
for several reasons. First, children often receive responding to medication, and whether there are side

effects at various dosage levels. Properly trained information should be kept confidential. A case il-
school professionals (e.g., school psychologists) can lustration may help clarify this point. A child had been
be extremely helpful in this process. School psycholo- severely beaten by his mother's boyfriend and sus-
gists may observe the child, collect behavioral data tained serious brain trauma. When the child reenters
(e.g., work completion rates), and assess psychosocial school, should the source of the child's injury be
adjustment at various dosage levels. These data can shared with school personnel (e.g., child's teacher,
be communicated directly to the physician (with pa- school psychologist)? If there is continued concern
rental permission) or to the parent for proper medica- about the safety of the child or concern about the psy-
tion monitoring. Information concerning individual chological trauma suffered by the child, then sharing
responsivity needs to be communicated on a regular this information with the educational professionals is
basis in order to ascertain the child's progress. appropriate. Ifpsychoeducational services are needed,
Fourth, when children with various brain-related then the school psychologist and other educational
diseases or disorders (e.g., brain tumors, traumatic professionals also may need to know. If the child has
brain injury) reenter the school system, the profes- already stabilized (i.e., medically, neuropsycho-
sional staff needs to be knowledgeable about the logically, and emotionally), then the cause of the in-
child's medical, psychosocial, academic and behav- jury may not be all that pertinent. Most often the
ioral needs. In order to be knowledgeable about the school administrator would be informed under both
ramifications of brain-related disorders, educational conditions.
professionals need to be in regular contact with at- Most of the reasons discussed here suggest the need
tending physicians (e.g., neurologists, neurosurgeons) for communication and coordination of services
and other medical specialists (e.g., speech and physi- across agencies. Many parents feel that they have been
cal therapists). Information in these situations needs placed in the role of coordinator of services for their
to be bidirectional -from the physician to the teacher child-a role that parents do not always want to as-
or school psychologist and vice versa. Physicians need sume. Thus, it is imperative that school and medical
information from the school about how the child is professionals discuss these issues and identify an in-
progressing and if relapses or other secondary prob- dividual who will be responsible for coordinating
lems are emerging. Educational professionals need assessment and intervention plans across the various
to understand the nature and course of recovery of settings. Regular communication among all parties
the child's injury or disease. is needed, and a plan or systematic schedule may be
Fifth, parents and family members may need help helpful, particularly during the assessment and early
in coping with the demands and stresses of dealing intervention stages. Contact may be lessfrequentonce
with the child's neuropsychiatric disorders, diseases, the child stabilizes and shows steady progress in meet-
or trauma. While each professional may play a dif- ing the therapeutic or intervention goals. Regular fol-
ferent role in this process, each may also possess im- low-up at 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-month intervals may
portant information that may be useful to the other. be sufficient in later stages when the child has shown
Again, communication between the physician and the adequate recovery or is progressing on target.
school is essential.
It is important to remember that when developing
homeschoolphysician partnerships, confidentiality SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
is required. Parental permission is required to obtain This chapter presented a model for comprehensive,
and share information, and sensitive or personal in- multimethod assessment and intervention for children.
formation should be discussed only on a need-to-know Five basic assumptions underlie this model. First, the
basis. That is, teachers and other school personnel model assumes that many childhood disorders have
may be informed when information directly affects a biogenetic basis, such that neuropsychological as
the intervention or treatment plan; otherwise, personal well as cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial fac-

tors must be considered for assessment and treatment. crease the probability of obtaining the best treatment
Second, a single theoretical paradigm (e.g., behav- for children with serious disorders. Finally, advance-
ioral, cognitive, or neuropsychological) is rarely de- ment of a science of childhood disorders will not oc-
fensible when applied in isolation. One-dimensional cur in the form of dramatic discoveriesfromor within
explanations for complex, multidimensional condi- a single paradigm, but will occur through patient
tions are not scientifically founded (Doehring, 1968). working and reworking of complex sets of experi-
Third, many developmental disorders of childhood mental variables, with clinical validation (Doehring,
present symptoms early in life and respond favorably 1968).
to early intervention. Neurocognitive paradigms of- The last chapter presents a number of case studies
fer strong theories and methods for addressing child- to illustrate asessment and intervention practices for
hood disorders within a developmental framework. children with traumatic brain injury and various
Fourth, various paradigms make important contribu- neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.
tions for different reasons and, when combined, in-


Four cases are reviewed in this chapter. Each case had been completed by his teacher, and his average
represents a childhood disorder that might be referred score did not indicate ADHD. He had received occu-
for a neuropsychological evaluation. The cases were pational, speech and language therapy. His develop-
selected to show the variety of assessment protocols mental history was generally normal with his mile-
that might be used by neuropsychologists, to illus- stones attained within normal limits. Language de-
trate issues of comorbidity of disorders, to highlight velopment had begun normally, but he stopped talk-
the importance of serial evaluations, and to present ing from 18 months to 2 1/2 years of age. At that
possible treatment options. time he began speaking again in single words, but
did not put simple sentences together until the age of
3 1/2 years. During this same time, Sasha began hav-
INTRACTABLE SEIZURE ing severe temper tantrums and attentional difficul-
ties. He also experienced difficulty falling asleep, and
DISORDER his motor skills began to be below age expectations,
This case illustrates intractable seizure disorder and with descriptions of clumsiness andfrequentfalling.
the impact of this disorder on a child's learning and A chromosomal study was negative. Sasha's family
overall development. Initially, contact with the school history was positive for epilepsy on the maternal side.
was intermittent, but following indications of ongo- His mother's epilepsy is successfully treated with
ing seizure activity, such contact was encouraged and Depakote.
continued for over a year. Initially this child was re- Sasha's original evaluation indicated scores in the
ferred for "attentional" problems, which were actu- mildly mentally handicapped range on the K-ABC.
ally seizures in disguise. It is particularly important Of the seven subtests administered, Sasha was able
that the attentional difficulties in children with a his- to perform on Hand Movements (scaled score = 3),
tory of seizure activity be assessed in relationship to Gestalt Closure (scaled score = 3), and Matrix Analo-
the seizures as well as to developmental history. This gies (scaled score = 7). He was also administered the
case also illustrates the importance of serial evalua- Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition.
tions that incorporate similar or identical assessment On this measure he achieved a test composite score
measures to evaluate progress. of 59. The individual domain scores were as follows:

Verbal Reasoning 68
Abstract/Visual Reasoning 63
Sasha was originally referred for neuropsychological Quantitative Reasoning 60
evaluation at age 5 1/2. The referral question was to Short-Term Memory 58
determine the extent of developmental delay and at-
tention problems. Sasha had been diagnosed earlier Additional language assessment indicated signifi-
with partial complex seizures and was initially pre- cant difficulties in receptive and expressive language
scribed Depakote and Zarontin. His early childhood skills. He achieved scores in the mildly mentally
teacher described him as a "slow learner" with handicapped range on several language scales. They
attentional difficulties. The Conner's Behavioral Scale were:


Receptive and Expressive Emergent Second Evaluation

Language Scale
Sasha was reevaluated six months later. He had con-
Comprehension 30 months
tinued on Depakote and Zarontin for seizure control,
Expression 30 months
with no noted seizure breakthroughs. An EEG per-
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised formed at the time of the first evaluation resulted in
Standard Score 53 findings of rhythmic 3.5- to 4-second spikes in the
Age Equivalent 2-41 left and right midtemporal regions, with an additional
3.5-second spike and wave activity in the occipital
Woodcock-Johnson Picture Vocabulary Test region. Sasha had continued to attend a special edu-
Standard Score 49 cation program, and his parents had reported progress.
Age Equivalent 2-7 Blood levels for antiepileptic medication had indi-
cated that the Depakote was elevated, and the dose
Visual motor skills could not be assessed, as Sasha was subsequently lowered. During this evaluation,
was unable to copy any design successfully. This find- one 10-second or shorter episode of staring and eye-
ing indicated that his skills fell below the 2 year 11 blinking was noted.
month level-the lowest age measured on this test. The K-ABC was readministered, and Sasha
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales were used showed relative strengths in copying hand movements
to assess adaptive behavior skills. Sasha achieved and remembering word order. The raw scores from
scores in the mildly delayed area, with relative the first assessment are presented along with those
strengths present in socialization. from die second assessment:

Standard Scores Raw Scores Scaled Scores

Communication 60 First Second Second
Daily Living Skills 66 Subtest Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
Socialization 70 Hand
Movement 1 2 4
Therefore, at the time of this initial evaluation, Closure 2 1 1
Sasha showed relative strengths in nonverbal prob- Number
lem solving for visual-spatial tasks that involved com- Recall 0 1 1
pleting pegboards and form boards. Relative strengths Triangles 0 1 5
also were found in his ability to match colors, shapes, Word Order 0 1 4
and forms. Weaknesses were most apparent in Sasha's
language skills, with his ability to use words falling Achievement testing on the K-ABC yielded the
at the 30-month level and his comprehension skills at following scores:
the 30- to 35-month level. His gross motor skills (i.e.,
ability to button clothing, copy designs, cut with a Raw Scores Scaled Scores
scissors) were relatively well developed, but his fine First Second Second
motor skills were significantly delayed. Although Subtest Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
attentional deployment difficulties were also noted, Faces and
his attentional skills were found to be commensurate Places 63
with his developmental level. Oppositional behavior Arithmetic 58
was noted, and recommendations were made for the
use of behavioral management. No breakthrough of The PPVT-R was repeated and resulted in a stan-
seizures occurred at the time of the evaluation. dard score of 50. Of more concern, Sasha's raw score

increased onlyfrom22 to 23 in the 6-month interval. Raw Scores

The Picture Vocabulary subtest from the Woodcock First Third
Johnson Cognitive Battery showed a moderate in- Composite Evaluation Evaluation
crease from a raw score of 14 to 19, resulting in a Vocabulary 10 13
standard score of 67. Comprehension 7 10
Absurdities 2 1
Fine motor speed was assessed with the Purdue
Pattern Analysis 6 6
Pegboard Test Sasha placedfivepegs with each hand, Copying 4 1
significantly below average for his age. Moreover, Quantitative 1 0
his dominant hand, the left, placed significantly fewer Bead Memory 4 6
pegs than would be expected. Sasha was unable to Memory for Sentences 4 7
place pegs using both hands simultaneously.
Conclusions at this time were that little progress
had been made in cognitive and academic skills. Con- There had been minimal progress in a year, with
cerns were that underlying seizure activity and/or in- some skills showing an increase of 3 raw score points,
terferencefromantiepileptic medication was prevent- while others showed either the same score or lower.
ing progress. Sasha's behavior continued to be poorly The largest decrease was found on copying ability.
regulated. During this subtest Sasha had numerous incidents of
seizure breakthrough. Recommendations were for a
reassessment by Sasha's neurologist of his medica-
tion regimen, as well as behavioral assistance for the
Third Evaluation parents by the school district. His parents reported
Sasha was reevaluated six months after the second that the school district had not followed up on IEP
evaluation. At this time Sasha's behavior had begun recommendation for behavioral assistance. The
to escalate at home, with destructive behavior and neuropsychologist agreed to consult with the special
aggression toward family members. Behavioral ob- education director to assist with the implementation
servations indicated several breakthrough seizures of such a program. Moreover, recommendation was
that had a significant impact on his performance. for one-half day of kindergarten with an aide and one-
Behaviors included eyelid fluttering or slow blink- half day of an early childhood program, as well as
ing, lip smakcing, face rubbing, blank staring, and speech and language therapy. Further recommenda-
general lack of awareness. These behaviors were felt tion was made for a return in six months to assess
to have a significant impact on Sasha's ability to per- Sasha's improvement.
form on any of the tests. The Stanford Binet Intelli-
gence Scale-Fourth Edition was administered to
compare with scores obtained approximately one year
Fourth Evaluation
earlier. A comparison of standard scores and raw
scores is: Sasha was reassessed approximately 18 months fol-
lowing hisfirstvisit. At that time parents reported no
further seizure activity. His medication had been
Scaled S'cores
changed following the last visit to Depakote sprinkles
First Third
Composite Evaluation Evaluation and 75 milligrams of Dilantin twice daily. Just prior
Verbal Reasoning 68 65 to this visit, Sasha's 2-year-old sister had been diag-
Abstract/Visual nosed with partial-complex seizures. Behavioral dif-
Reasoning 63 49 ficulties had continued at home; the behavioral spe-
Short-term Memory 58 59 cialist was sporadic in visiting, and Sasha's parents
Total Composite 59 50 werefrustrated.They also were concerned about his

teacher and felt she "just wants Sasha out of her class." SEVERE DEVELOPMENTAL
He had continued to receive speech and language DYSLEXIA
therapy and occupational therapy. As with the previ-
ous evaluation, several incidences of seizure break- The following case describes an assessment of a 10-
through were noted that had a negative impact on his year-old boy who had received excellent special-edu-
performance. Some improvement was found on the cation services for several years, but who had contin-
K-ABC achievement tests, with Sasha now being able ued to be unable to read beyond a primer level. The
to count using one-to-one correspondence up to 3. case demonstrates the need to evaluate reading diffi-
His visual motor skills also showed improvement. culties comprehensively, as well as to obtain a family
Previously on this test Sasha had been unable to copy history.
any of the figures; in this session he was able to copy Allen is a fourth-grade boy who was referred to
fourfiguressuccessfully. His raw score on the PPVT- the clinic for ongoing reading difficulties despite hav-
R test declined from 22 to 18. ing had three years of special-education services. He
An MRI was performed and a porencephalic cyst had been diagnosed with ADHD and had responded
was found in Sasha's rightfrontallobe. This cyst was favorably to Ritalin. In kindergarten, Allen was first
determined not to be responsible for the seizure ac- identified as experiencing difficulty with readiness
tivity and was to be monitored for growth over the skills. He was very active and had great difficulty
coming months. Moreover, an EEG indicated almost staying in a group and participating in activities. He
constant seizure activity, some of which showed clini- started taking Ritalin in first grade and was kept in
cal signs in eye-blinking and lip-smacking. This con- first grade an additional year because of significant
tinual activity had a significant impact not only on delays in academics. Allen was evaluated in second
Sasha's cognitive and academic development, but also grade and placed in a learning-disability program.
on his emotional and behavioral controls. Recommen- Behaviorally and socially he was reported not to ex-
dations were for a referral to an epilepsy specialist as perience any difficulties, and was well accepted by
well as contact with the school to assist with educa- his peers. He was also reported to be hard working
tional programming. The epilepsy specialist recom- and motivated.
mended a ketogenic diet for the seizure disorder. This Allen was the product of a normal full-term birth,
diet consists of a significant reduction in fat in the labor, and delivery. Developmental milestones were
diet, and has been found to be successful in suppres- generally attained within normal limits for age. At an
sion of intractable seizures in some children. It was early age Allen was noted to display an extreme level
felt that the diet should be attempted prior to consid- of overactivity and inattention. He was diagnosed with
eration of surgery. ADHD in first grade. His Ritalin dosage has gradu-
Sasha's teacher indicated that numerous break- ally increased from 5 milligrams (mg) twice a day to
through seizures occurred at school. The teacher a current dose of 20 mg in the morning, 20 mg at
was also concerned about Sasha's poor academic noon, and 15 mg at 3:00 P.M. His paternal history is
progress. Discussion of the course of his epilepsy, remarkable for reading difficulties. His father, his
the intractable nature of the seizures, and the im- stepsister, a paternal uncle, and a grandfather have
pact of these problems on learning assisted the all experienced significant reading difficulties, which
teacher and language therapist in programming for continued throughout school and into adulthood. Al-
Sasha. The teacher also agreed to assist in obtain- though Allen's father's intelligence is above average,
ing behavioral assistance for Sasha's parents. It was he is unable to read and is currently employed as a
also agreed to contact the neuropsychologist for grocery stocker. Allen's neurological examination and
any unusual or different behaviors. Sasha is due MRI were normal. He has not had any head injuries,
back to the clinic in 6 months following the seizures, or serious illnesses.
ketogenic diet routine. Evaluation of Allen indicated an average ability

with strengths in vocabulary and comprehension as Standard Score

Trial 1 Recall
well as perceptual organization. Relative weaknesses 85
Trial 5 Recall
were found in visual memory and motor speed. The 85
following results were obtained on a WIS-III: Total Recalled A 71
List B Recall 85
Short Delay Free Recall 100
Short Delay Cued Recall 100
VerbalIQ 83 Performance IQ 89 Full Scale IQ 84 Long Delay Free Recall 85
Information 5 Picture Completion 10 Long Delay Cued Recall 85
Similarities 6 Coding 4 Recognition 78
Arithmetic 5 Picture Arrangement 10 False Positives 92
Vocabulary 9 Block Design 8 Perseverative Errors 92
Comprehension 10 Object Assembly 9
Digit Span 4 Symbol Search 6
Allen's learning of List A fell significantly below
average over the five trials. Although the learning
Achievement testing indicated severe deficits in curve rose steadily over the five trials, suggesting that
all areas of reading, with math skills also depressed, Allen benefitedfromrepetition of the words, the num-
particularly in applied problems. The Woodcock- ber of items recalled after each trial fell below expec-
Johnson Achievement Battery-Revised was admin- tations compared to same-aged peers. Allen's recall
istered and the following scores obtained: of List B also fell below average. Both short-term
free recall and cued recall fell within average levels
for his age. Allen holds onto information that he has
Subtest Standard Score learned. His memory skills are problematic in that
Letter-Word ID 46 Allen has difficulty encoding new information.
Reading Comprehension 64 Language assessment indicated that Allen has dif-
Word Attach 51 ficulty in both receptive and expressive language
Applied Problems 75 skills. The Clinical Evaluation of Language Funda-
Arithmetic Calculation 83 mentals-3 was administered, and the following re-
sults were obtained:
Allen is a choppy and dysfluent reader. He ap- Scaled Score
peared unsure of vowel and consonant sounds and Receptive Language
consequently relied on a "best-guess" strategy for Concepts and Directions 4
reading (e.g., using a word's visual characteristics as Word Classes 9
an aid to decoding). The Lindamood Auditory Con- Semantic Relationships 3
cepts test was also administered to further evaluate Expressive Language
Allen's word attack skills. Allen performed at the mid- Formulated Sentences 5
first-grade level on this test, with significant difficul- Recalling Sentences 4
ties with soundsymbol relationships even at the in- Sentence Assembly 3
dividual phoneme levels. Blending and the ability to
combine sounds were delayed. Allen experienced This assessment indicated pervasive language
difficulty at the primary level of distinguishing simi- problems in Allen's ability to understand and use lan-
lar but different sounds at the beginning and ending guage. In expressive language, Allen's ability to fol-
of words. low directions using visual cues that increase in com-
Memory skills were found to be deficient on the plexity was quite poor, and likely a reflection of his
Children's Version of the California Verbal Learning previously identified difficulty with adequately en-
Test. The following results were obtained: coding verbally based information. Allen's perfor-

mance on a task that tapped his understanding of com- dose, however, his response time and ability to sus-
parative, temporal, quantitative, and spatial concepts tain and deploy attention consistently fell significantly
in language also fell significantly below average. In below average.
contrast, Allen's ability to see relationships between Allen's visual-motor integration skills were as-
words was age-appropriate. sessed using the Developmental Test of Visual-Mo-
In receptive language, Allen demonstrated signifi- tor Integration. Consistent with teacher reports regard-
cant weakness on a series of structured tasks that re- ing illegible writing and poor copying skills, Allen's
quired him to create sentences about pictures using reproductions on this task fell moderately below age
stimulus words. He had difficulty integrating words expectations (standard scores = 76).
into a relevant sentence while maintaining appropri- Personality and behavioral assessment indicated
ate grammatical structure. Consistent with his diffi- no areas of concern. Teacher reports indicated con-
culties with encoding verbally mediated information, cerns only in the area of academic progress. Both pro-
Allen evidenced a significant weakness in his ability files indicated that Allen is perceived as well adjusted,
to repeat progressively longer and syntactically com- without any behavioral problems.
plex sentences.
The Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) was
used to measure attentional functioning. Testing was
done off Ritalin, on 15 mg of Ritalin, and on 20 mg
Summary and Recommendations
of Ritalin. Measures of vigilance (omissions), impul- Allen is a 10-year-old boy with speech and language
sivity and inhibition of responding (commission), problems as well as difficulty with the acquisition of
speed of information processing (reaction times), and reading skills. He also has a history of ADHD and is
variability of reaction time (variability) were obtained currently being treated with Ritalin. This evaluation
with the following results: was requested by his mother to determine current
reading skills and to offer treatment recommendations.
Assessment of Allen's academic achievement con-
Measure 20 mg 15 mg firms school and parental reports that he is experi-
Omissions 98 98
encing persistent and severe difficulties in acquisi-
Commissions 90 90
tion of beginning reading skills. Evaluation revealed
Response Time 67 54
Variability 63 26 that his reading skills fell significantly below aver-
age, and well below what was to be expected on the
basis of his intellectual profile. Allen's reading skills
Results indicated that on his current 20 mg dose, fall approximately at a mid-first-grade level and are
Allen demonstrated age-appropriate gross attention limited to inconsistent identification of high-fre-
to task and impulse control. In contrast, reaction time quency sight words. He shows little in the way of
and sustained attention fell significantly below ex- word attack skills and is deficient in other phono-
pected limits for age. On a 15 mg dose of Ritalin, logical coding skills that have been found to be highly
Allen's gross attention and impulse control were iden- related to the normal acquisition of reading. Relative
tical to that observed on the higher dose. However, to an assessment completed more than two years ago,
his reaction time and sustained attention were much Allen shows little progress. Overall, resultsfromthe
poorer on the lower dose of Ritalin. With the excep- present testing indicate the presence of a verbally
tion of his impulse control, Allen's performance on based learning disability. Testing of language func-
the TOVA off medication fell significantly below tions revealed striking weaknesses in both receptive
average on all attentional parameters. Overall results and expressive language skills. Although parental
indicated that Allen exhibits a beneficial response to reports indicated that Allen has made a stable pattern
his current Ritalin dose of 20 mg. Even with the higher of gains since speech therapy was initiated this year,

his language problems are of such severity that they units of language. The program starts with oral motor
are continuing to have an impact on his ability to use activities (e.g., noting the position of the mouth and
and understand language effectively. tongue when a certain sound is produced), and gradu-
Testing of memory and learning indicated that ally builds up to working with words. For the pro-
Allen experienced difficulties in encoding and memo- gram to be effective for Allen, it should be intensively
rizing verbal information, such as stories and lists of incorporated into his reading program. For many chil-
words. Allen's ability to remember verbal informa- dren with phonological-processing difficulties, this
tion is constrained by problems with encoding and program has been helpful in diminishing their decod-
inputting. He does not have difficulty in retrieving ing difficulties. The Lindamood Program, including
and outputting informationfrommemory; that is, once the associated manual and step-by-step program in-
information is encoded into memory, he can retain it structions, can be obtained through Riverside Press.
for relatively long periods of time. His encoding prob- It is further recommended that Allen be provided
lems also affect his ability to process verbal material with a computer for rehearsing reading skills. More-
such as instructions adequately. It is important to over, a language experience approach should be in-
emphasize that despite his encoding difficulties, Allen corporated into Allen's classroom program. This
has the potential to learn and memorize new informa- method, which will encourage Allen to use his own
tion, but he will do so at a rate that is significantly slower words, includes writing his own book by dictating a
than his same-aged peers, and he will require more than story to a teacher or aide who provides him with a
die usual amount of repetition. Allen does not appear to written transcript. Allen would then read the story
have significant difficulty memorizing material that is back and accumulate flashcards of unknown words
visual in nature, such as designs and pictures. that he encounters. Taped books should also be avail-
Recommendations include an intensive learning able for Allen. The benefits of taped books are two-
disabilities program to work on his phonological cod- fold. They will assist with the acquisition of infor-
ing difficulties while simultaneously strengthening his mation that would ordinarily be available only through
sight-word vocabulary. Given Allen's good visual- written text. Taped books also provide a way to en-
perceptual and visual memory abilities, it is recom- hance Allen's reading skills by allowing him to listen
mended that teaching strategies focus on a sight-word to a tape as he follows along in a book. Language
approach with the high-frequency words he encoun- therapy is also required to assist with his skill devel-
ters. For Allen to become a fully functional reader, it opment. Intervention that focuses on his organization
is crucial that he become adept at decoding unknown of language output, pragmatics, and repair strategies
words. Teaching Allen how to decode words will not (e.g., using an alternative word or phrase to accom-
be an easy task, given that he lacks a number of the modate his word-finding difficulty), will be especially
essential phonological-processing skills necessary for helpful to him at this point.
effective decoding. To help Allen develop the These recommendations have been put into place.
phonological processing skills that are critical to be- Allen will return to the clinic in approximately 6
coming an effective reader, the Lindamood Auditory months to assess his progress.
Discrimination In Depth Program is recommended.
This program, multisensory in nature, recognizes that
some children have great difficulty in recognizing and
perceiving the association between sequences of Stan's car was hit head-on by a drunken driver. He
sounds in spoken words and sequences of letters in was 17 years old at the time of the accident, and he
written words. It provides experience at a level prior had been a straight A student in his junior year of
to that of most beginning phonic programs by teach- high school. He was comatose at the accident site but
ing soundsymbol correspondences through activi- was moving and breathing spontaneously. Intracra-
ties that allow students to hear, see, and feel sound nial pressure was initially a problem but improved

during his hospitalization. An intracerebral hematoma Language assessment found Stan's receptive lan-
in the left basal ganglia and internal capsule was di- guage to be in the above-average range on the PPVT-
agnosed. Stan had right-sided hemiparesis with a mild R (standard score =115). His ability to name objects
right facial droop. Oral motor skills were observed to also was well within the average range on the Boston
be below average and speech production was diffi- Naming Test (raw score = 55). Performance on the
cult, hearing and vision were normal. Stan was hos- Boston Aphasia Screening Test was well within nor-
pitalized for five weeks after the accident. He under- mal levels and showed good ability to compose para-
went neuropsychological assessment during his stay graphs and stories. Verbal fluency scores as measured
at the hospital. Findings at that time were difficulties by the Controlled Word Association test were in the
with attention, memory and verbal learning problems, low average range and below what would be expected
and difficulty with verbal concept formation, with given his previous history. Stan experienced difficulty
abstract reasoning and visual-spatial skills intact. naming words beginning with the letters F, A, and S.
Stan was reevaluated three months later by a pri- This finding was consistent with a below-average
vate neuropsychologist using the WRAML and the performance on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning
Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Reading Test. Stan was able to remember 11 of 15 words over
Subtests. Scores showed average skills in all areas of five trials. His performance did not improve with a
memory, with relative strengths in visual memory. second trial. When asked to recall these words after a
Achievement testing showed average performance in twenty-minute delay, Stan was able to recall 10 cor-
reading with slight difficulties in writing. Attentional rectly, a performance in the average range.
difficulties continued to be present. Motor testing indicated significant right-sided
Stan was referred for reevaluation eleven months weakness. On the Grooved Pegboard, Stan with his
after his dischargefromthe hospital. He was succeed- right hand performed over two standard deviations
ing in a limited educational program and was slated below expectations for his age. He had been right-
to graduate from high school that spring. Continued handed prior to the accident. His performance with
weakness was present in his right arm and leg, and his left hand was within normal limits. Performance
writing was extremely painstaking and difficult for on the VMI with his left hand was well within the
him. He wished for additional information to aid in normal range (standard score =115).
his selection of a college as well as assistance in ob- Executive function assessment indicated above-
taining help for his college program. Stan presented average performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting
as a well-groomed young man with a ready wit and Test. This finding was consistent with the results of
smile. He was cooperative throughout the assessment testing during his hospitalization.
and was well motivated. Stan's attention was good, Impressions were of a young man with at least
and he was not easily distracted by extraneous noises. average ability who has shown improvement in all
Stan achieved a Full Scale IQ of 106 on the areas. Continued difficulty was present in word re-
WAIS-R, which placed him in the average range of trieval and motor skills. These motor difficulties were
ability for his age. His verbal IQ of 99 was also in the hampering Stan's progress in school, and it was rec-1
average range, with more well developed skills found ommended that a peer note-taker be secured for him |
on the performance subtests, resulting in an IQ of 116. and that alternative methods be provided for him to |
The following subtest scores were obtained: demonstrate his knowledge. Writing could be accom-1
plished on a specially designed computer for ease of j
writing. It was further recommended that Stan attend j
Information 9 Picture Completion 15
Digit Span 9 Picture Arrangement 11
a college with support present for students with dis-
Vocabulary 13 Block Design 14 abilities. It was also suggested that he take no more
Arithmetic 14 Object Assembly 11 than two reading courses per quarter. Follow-up of
Comprehension 7 Digit Symbol 11 Stan's progress indicates tht he has made the transi-
Similarities 11 tion to college, that he has a peer note-taker, and that

his professors have adapted their requirements to fit Scales, however, Teddy showed near average abili-
his needs. He continues to be well motivated and has ties at the age of 5 1/2 years.
decided to major in special education. Teddy was enrolled in a preschool program for
children with significant developmental delays. He
was transferred to a regular elementary school in first
grade and received special education services.
Speech-language, occupational, and physical therapy
SEVERE EXPRESSIVE APHASIA were the major interventions in the special-education
AND MOTOR APRAXIA WITH program at the public school. Although he was taught
PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL sign language, which he readily picked up, articula-
DELAY tion of vowels and consonantvowel combinations
was the major focus of speech therapy over a four-
This last case illustrates the complexity of diagnos-
year period. At the time of the last evaluation, the
ing children with severe expressive aphasia with
therapy goal was to attain expressive language to the
motor apraxia and pervasive developmental delays
5-year-level. After four years of speech therapy, Teddy
at an early age. Furthermore, this case demonstrates
had not reached his milestone.
the need for collaboration between neuropsychol-
Teddy was mainstreamed for part of the day for
ogists and public school staff so that neuropsycho-
socialization, but received services for learning dis-
logical findings can be integrated into the classroom.
abilities 55% to 60% of the day, 12% to 15% of which
Initial contact with the child came at the family's
were for speech. Although he learned to read, Teddy
request to verify previous evaluations and diagnoses
appeared hyperlexic as his rate and speed of reading
conducted at another neuropsychology clinic and an
outpaced his reading comprehension skills. Despite
educational evaluations were conducted to determine
two years of extensive physical therapy and a full-
the child's neuropsychological, academic, cognitive
time aide who helped Teddy trace, cut paper, and draw
and social-emotional functioning, and to develop an
lines and letters, he was unable to print his name, cut
appropriate intervention program. Serial evaluation
with scissors, or draw simple figures. While he did
results were presented at the school's multidiscipli-
not approach age-appropriate levels for fine motor
nary team meetings.
skills, Teddy did learn to use a computer and was
able to type (onetwo finger technique) on the key-
board. Gross motor skills were also delayed but were
Teddy not as significantly affected.
Attempts to increase his socialization skills showed
First and Second Evaluations
some progress in that Teddy became more respon-
Information gatheredfromthe first (age 5 1/2 years) sive to others. Although he was encouraged to use a
and second (age 7 1/2 years) evaluations was based combination of speech and sign language for com-
on observational methods, because Teddy was unable munication, Teddy remained isolated despite attempts
to respond adequately to verbal or nonverbal test to increase socialization with normal and handicapped
items. A number of methods were attempted during peers. Recommendations at the end of the second
thefirstand second evaluations, including items from evaluation urged the school to make a transition into
the Stanford-Binet, the McCarthy Scales, the computer technology so that Teddy could make bet-
Wechsler Scales, the Reitan-Indiana Battery, the ter progress with communication and academic skills.
French Pictorial Test of Intelligence, and the Leiter
International Scales. Severe motor apraxia affected
his ability to complete nonverbal measures, and his Third Evaluation
severe expressive language deficits interfered with The third evaluation was conducted when Teddy was
verbal measures. On several subtests of the Leiter 9-3 years of age, and in the third grade. This was the

first evaluation where Teddy was able to complete compared to same-age peers. Further, his associational
subtests on standardized assessment measures. Dur- learning was much better when pictures were used
ing individual testing sessions, Teddy was able to instead of more abstract visual stimuli, like rebus
work for periods up to about 45 minutes long. Teddy's figures.
attention span was best when activities required read- On another measure of short-term memory, Teddy
ing or when pictures were used to elicit a response. scored within the average range of ability as he was
Teddy was able to indicate when he did not know able to recall a series of unrelated words in the proper
an answer, and occasionally it appeared that he sim- order. Teddy also showed at least average potential
ply said he didn't know when the answer required a on a task measuring comprehension-knowledge or
complex verbal response. His expressive language crystallized intelligence (standard score = 86). When
was difficult to understand, and Teddy became frus- asked to name familiar and unfamiliar pictured ob-
trated when the examiner could not understand what jects Teddy identified "waterfall," "grasshopper,"
he was saying. He always repeated his answer, but as "magnet," and "theater." While Teddy scored within
the session progressed this was obviously frustrating the average range on this subtest, several of his ver-
for him. When speaking, Teddy tried hard to enunci- bal responses were unintelligible. Thus, his academic
ate individul letter sounds, especially the T and C potential may be higher than can be measured at this
sounds. On numerous occasions, he used the proper time.
speech inflection and rhythm, but it was difficult to Teddy had more difficulty on tasks that required
determine if his verbal responses were correct. visual processing when objects were distorted or su-
Because of severe limitations in responding, for- perimposed on other patterns. He also had trouble on
mal evaluations may underestimate Teddy's actual a test where he had to remember a series of objects
level of academic and cognitive development. Por- when similar or "distractor" picures were included
tions of the Tests of Cognitive Abilityfromthe Wood- (standard score = 73). While this test is a measure of
cock-Johnson Psychoeducational Test Battery (WJR) visual processing, teddy often did not study the pic-
were administered in an attempt to determine Teddy's tures for the full five-second interval before the
cognitive potential. The following scores were taken distractors were presented, so his lack of interest in
from age-based norms and must be analyzed with or attention to this task reduced his score.
caution because of Teddy's severe expressive lan- Subtest scores on the Stanford Binet Intelligence
guage delays secondary to motor apraxia. Scale-Fourth Edition revealed similar patterns as did
the WJR Cognitive subtests. Teddy scored above age
Standard Score Grade Level Percentile level on terms where short-term memory for objects
Memory for Names 109 8.2 73 was required, and had difficulty on items requiring
Memory for Names complex verbal or motor responses.
(delayed 4 days) 105 8.0 63
Memory for Words 89
Picture Vocabulary 86 Educational Implications
Visual Closure 79
Academically, Teddy appears to show improvement
Teddy's most outstanding strengths were revealed in the areas of reading recognition and comprehen-
on tests of associational learning and long-term re- sion. On standardized measures, Teddy identified
trieval. Specifically, Teddy was able to learn associa- words such as special straight, powder, and couple.
tions between unfamiliar auditory and visual stimuli, While he was able to read sentences, he made errors
and scores on the subtest reached the average to high when responding to questions. For example, he
average range of ability. He was able to remember clapped five times instead of two and identified his
these auditoryvisual associations after a four-day "eyebrow" instead of his elbow. At other times it was
delay, and his scores fell within the average range impossible to understand his verbal responses; as a

result, Teddy's reading comprehension may be small group activities. In large open classroom set-
slightly higher than reported. He also showed slightly tings, Teddy was less adaptable, showing more dis-
higher comprehension scores on the Woodcock Read- tractibility and off-task behaviors. He was unable to
ing Mastery Test than on the K-ABC test. According complete worksheets without the help of a teacher's
to his teacher, Teddy is reading and understanding aide, who helped Teddy print the answers on his pa-
vocabulary slightly above grade level and is reading per. When working in pairs, Teddy attempted to an-
from a fourth-grade book at school. swer the questions his partner read aloud to him and
was more successful when questions were not too
K-ABC Standard Score Grade Level complex. Teddy was able to answer 21% (3 out of
Reading Decoding Test 93 2.8 14) of the questions read to him and guessed at oth-
Reading Comprehension 79 1.9 ers. He was unable to print any answers on his
worksheet, although his aide traced all the answers
Woodcock Reading with him.
Mastery Test
In less structured story time, Teddy sat on the floor
Word Identification Skills 2.6
Passage Comprehension 2.3 with the rest of his class and showed appropriate be-
haviors. Generally Teddy's behaviors were not dis-
Teddy's math skills are less well developed than tinguishablefromthose of his peers during story time.
his reading abilities. While math skills are emerging, He did, however, move close to his teacher and sit up
this area is a weakness for Teddy (below the 1.0 grade on his knees to see the pictures of the book better.
level). Teddy was able to identify numbers and to When his classmates signaled for him to sit down, he
determine if there were "just as many" puppets and complied. On several occasions Teddy rested his el-
people in different pictures. However, he could not bows on his teacher's lap, and he seemed comfort-
complete simple addition or subtraction, and he was able and close during story time. He smiled sponta-
unable to identify the "third" position in a line. Vi- neously, and he seemed very attentive throughout this
sual-perceptual deficits appear to be having an im- session, which was 25 minutes long.
pact on his ability to develop math skills. In speech therapy Teddy was careful when articu-
Spelling skills were not formerly measured be- lating and appeared highly motivated and spontane-
cause severe apraxia interferes with teddy's printing ous in his interaction with the speech therapist. His
skills. However, Teddy can spell some words with articulation of individual sounds was clear, distinct,
his Touch Talker that he is unable to write. For ex- and at a more normal pace. He played the message
ample he was able to type the words to and be. At on the Touch Talker, and he seemed genuinely spon-
this point he spontaneously remarked, "To be or not taneous and interested in interacting. Teddy was able
to be. Shakespeare." He obviously associated this to introduce the neuropsychologist to his teacher when
phrase with something he had learned at home, and prompted. He practiced muscle control infrontof the
he was able to further associate it in the testing ses- mirror, and he used the proper hand and finger cues
sion. Severe motor apraxia severely limits Teddy's to remind himself where his tongue belonged when
written expressive skills, and he remains virtually a reproducing individual sounds. His speech produc-
nonwriter because of his motor limitations. tion of individual sounds was about 80% intelligible,
while his production ofc-v-c combinations and words
were about 25% to 30% intelligible. He produced the
Classroom Observations K sound at the beginning and end of words, he read
Because standardized assessment tools may be under- out of a "book" he created about Mickey Mouse, and
estimating Teddy's academic progress, a school-based he played a Mickey Mouse game.
observation was conducted. Teddy seemed aware of Teddy showed some signs of anxiety during the
the routine and reacted appropriately to directions for speech therapy session that were not present at any

other time during the entire day. Teddy repeatedly In a small-group reading lesson with his LD
stomped his feet, clapped his hands, and laughed out teacher and one other student, Teddy read and an-
loud. He would stop for a short time when his teacher swered questions in a fourth-grade book. His intelli-
told him to, but he would continue to act out when gibility continues to be a problem, but his teacher
frustrated. Despite these problems, Teddy was more appears to understand his responses. His inflections
intelligible, happy, interactive, and spontaneous during and rhythm follow the sentence structure, which sug-
speech therapy then at any other time during the day. gests that he is processing written material. He was
Teddy showed appropriate lunchtime behaviors. able to answer questions showing that he understood
He turned in his lunch ticket by himself, carried his the difference between fiction and nonfiction, and he
tray with some assistance from his aide, ate quietly, was able to answer questions such as "Which animal
and cleaned up by himself. He used his utensils cor- is extinct?" "Why was the place terrible?" "Where
rectly and opened his milk carton on his own. He sat did the bugs go?" His teacher also reported that his
next to his homeroom "buddy" and smiled but did recognition vocabulary is at the level of the fourth-
not communicate further with him. grade reading book, and that his comprehension skills
During recess another child gave Teddy a "high are improving.
five" and he responded appropriately. Other than this
5- or 10-second interchange, Teddy did not interact
with anyone else. When left by himself, he walked
up and down an asphalt square. His aide told him to
play on the equipment, and he methodically walked There have been remarkable gains in several areas
over to each piece and climbed up a ladder and over since Teddy's initial evaluation. First, the most ap-
two arches. Before climbing over the ladder, Teddy parent developmental progress is in the area of be-
walked around a square area for seven minutes wait- havior and classroom adjustment. Teddy seems to be
ing for two children to leave. Once they left, he very much aware of classroom expectations, although
climbed the ladder once and then left. Although he he is not always able to respond to everything re-
went through the motions of play, Teddy did not ap- quested of him, especially for writing on worksheets.
pear enthusiastic or involved. He is able to walk to his different classes without
In the afternoon sessions, Teddy worked on a getting lost, make transitions with relative ease, and
worksheet counting the number of units of 10 and sit in his seat and attend to lessons for longer periods
units of 1. He was able to count the units by himself, of time.
but his aide had to trace the numbers on the worksheet Second, Teddy appears to initiate interactions with
with him. When he played a game of Addition Bingo, teachers and several peers at a rate higher than previ-
the aide helped him count problems like 7 + 3,1 + 1, ously observed. Although Teddy is still isolated be-
3 + 0, 4 + 5, 3 + 4, 2 + 3, and 5 + 1. Teddy was not cause of his communication difficulties, he sponta-
independent on any of these problems, but he was neously interacts and seeks to communicate more
able to count out loud when the aide pointed to the often. Third, Teddy seems more tuned into and aware
edge of each number. No other concrete objects were of his surroundings. He responds more appropriately
used during this lesson. to the directions of his teachers and he redirects
In language arts, Teddy did one computer reading quickly when reminded. Fourth, Teddy spends less
lesson in which he had to read a short passage and time daydreaming and staring off. Although he still
answer questions. He was able to turn the computer has a tendency to watch others, he is more attentive
on, type his first and last name, and select the correct to his lessons and to his teachers. Fifth, Teddy has
sequence to start the lesson. His accuracy rate was made remarkable academic gains, especially in read-
about 75% for the comprehension questions for a story ing and in reading comprehension. Math continues
about dinosaurs. to be a weakness.

Sixth, Teddy's expressive skills are improving. His 1. The school staff was encouraged to focus on func-
sound repertoire is larger than before and his intelli- tional communication skills with an integrated
gibility is much better. Teddy is also using speech to speech-language program rather than primarily a
communicate. Seventh, Teddy has learned to use the therapy-articulation focus.
Touch Talker to communicate. This involves sequen- 2. Augmented speech technology should be incor-
tial associative learning whereby icons and words or porated throughout Teddy's academic lessons. At
sentences are combined to communicate. Finally, this time, the Touch Talker is used as a secondary
Teddy shows more independence for everyday activi- rather than primary method for inputting and out-
ties, such as going to the bathroom and eating lunch. putting communication. This should be reversed.
Gains are apparent in speech production and Teddy 3. The educational environment and expectations
is communicating with a higherfrequencythan pre- should be modified to include computer technol-
viously noted. His articulation has improved, although ogy for written and reading lessons. Computer
he still has a tendency to speak quickly, which re- technologies are only intermittently used at
duces his intelligibility. Teddy also appears more present. Again, this should be shifted, with the
mature, and his classroom behaviors are more age- majority of assignments produced on the computer.
appropriate. Although he still is not fully integrated
into his surroundings because of his developmental Efforts to encourage Teddy in social interactions
problems, Teddy responds more appropriately to with peers were recommended. Social skills training
classroom rules, is more attentive, and is more inde- may be initiated to teach appropriate communication
pendent for everyday self-help skills at school. and joining-in skills. Teddy should be reinforced for
Although Teddy remains isolated from his peers, social interactions and should be assigned a "buddy"
he is more spontaneous than ever and he initiates in- for portions of the day during recess or lunchtime.
teractions morefrequently.He spontaneously inter- Other cooperative learning experiences also should
acts with his teachers more often, and he smiles and be incorporated into daily lessons. Socialization
laughs appropriately. Although he remains delayed should be closely monitored and reassessed periodi-
in overall social interaction skills, his progress over cally to determine whether goals and recommenda-
the last year has been substantial. tions are realistic.

To meet Teddy's needs, it was suggested that the
school consider the following shifts in program

Afferent: Sends impulses toward the cell body; are found Cell body: The life center of the neuron; contains the RNA
throughout the body and transmit sensory information and DNA of the neuron; serves as the energy-produc-
to specific sensory areas. ing region for the cell.
Amygdala: Located in the temporal lobe and involved in Central nervous system (CNS): Made up of the brain
the limbic system. Thought to be involved in reactions and spinal cord.
of anger and rage. Central sulcus: Separates thefrontalfromthe parietal lobe
Angular gyrus: Association fibers that connect the pari- as well as separating the motor cortexfromthe sensory
etal and occipital lobes. cortex.
Arachnoid: Spiderlike web that is a delicate netword of Cerebellum: Connects to the midbrain, pons, and medulla;
tissue under the dura mater. receives sensory information about where the limbs are
Arcuate fasciculus: Association fibers connecting the in space and signals where muscles should be
frontal and temporal lobe. positioned.
Associationfibers:Connect cortical regions within each Cerebral lateralization: The degree to which each hemi-
hemisphere. sphere is specialized for processing specific tasks.
Astrocytes: A type of neuroglia. Serves to form the blood Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): A clear, colorless fluid that
brain barrier, support the cellular structure of the brain, fills the ventricles and subarachnoid space. Contains
and direct the migration of neurons during early concentrations of sodium, chloride, and magnesium.
development. Choroid plexus: Located in the fourth ventricle; produces
Astrocytoma: A type of brain tumor, most frequently CSF.
found in the cerebellum and brain stem. Commissure: A connection between brain regions. Three
Auditory evoked potential: Measures of brain activity main commissures are present in the cerebral cortex:
from the brain stem to the cortex; one way to assess the anterior, posterior, and corpus callosum.
integrity of auditory pathways in infants and young Craniotomies: Surgery of the brain in which the skull is
children. removed in certain regions.
Axon: A long projection from the cell body; efferent in Computed tomography (CT): A narrow X-ray beam that
nature. provides for the visualization of the brain anatomy.
Axon hillock: A slender process close to the cell body Dendrites: Part of the neuron that branches off the cell
where action potentials arise. body and receives impulses from other neurons; den-
Basal ganglia: Includes the caudate nucleus, putamen, and drites are afferent.
globus pallidus and is intimately involved with motor Dendritic arborization: Increasing connections between
functions. dendrites; is believed to be affected by environmental
Biogenetics: The influence of biology and genetics on the exposure.
environment of the child. Dermatomes: Specific body segments that are innervated
Brain stem: Comprises the fourth ventricle, medulla ob- by sensory and motor spinal nerves.
longata, pons, midbrain, and diencephalon. Developmental dyslexia: A childhood condition wherein
Brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER): Early reading skills are significantly below ability level;
phase of an auditory evoked response;frequentlyused thought to involve deficits in phonological coding.
to map the development of neonates. Diencephalon: Includes the thalamus and hypothalamus,
Calcarine sulcus: Extendsfromthe occipital pole below pituitary gland, internal capsule, third ventricle, and the
to the splenium of the corpus callosum; an anatomical optic nerve.
feature of the visual cortex. Dura mater: Tough outer layer surrounding the brain and


spinal cord. A subdural space separates the dura mater Hypothalamus: Controls the autonomic nervous system
from the arachnoid. and also has many connections to the limbic system.
Dysplasias: Cells out of place in the cortical layer of the Inferior colliculi: Contained in the midbrain; involved in
brain. the integration of auditory and kinesthetic impulses.
Dystaxia: Movement disorder in which there is poor co- Internal capsule: Contains fibers connecting the cortex
ordination in smooth coordinated movements. to lower brain regions; connects thefrontalcortical re-
Ectoderm: A layer of tissue formed during early embry- gions to the thalamus and the pons.
onic development; the outermost layer of the neural Interneurons: Small neurons in the spinal cord that con-
tube. nect motor neurons with sensory neurons.
Efferent: Conducts impulses awayfromthe cell body of Lateralfissure:Separates thefrontallobe from the tem-
a neuron; originate in the motor cortex and end in the poral lobe.
muscles of the body. Limbic system: A complex deep structure in the forebrain
Electroencephalography (EEG): A recording of the elec- consisting of the hippocampus, hypothalamus, septum,
trical activity in the brain through electrodes attached and cingulate; serves as an intermediary to cognitive
to the scalp;frequentlyused to diagnose epilepsy. and emotional functions.
Endoderm: A layer of tissue formed during early embryonic Longitudinal fasciculus: Association fibers connecting
development; the innermost layer of the neural tube. the temporal and occipital lobes with thefrontallobe.
Endogeneous components: Later aspects of an ERP Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A large magnet with
thought to be related to cognitive processing. a magnetic field that allows the visualization of indi-
Event-related potential (ERP): Provides an assessment vidual brain structures.
of later components of brain wave activity; these wave Medulla oblongata: Continuation of the spinal cord. Sen-
components are thought to be related to higher cogni- sory and motor tracts cross in the medulla; contains the
tive functions. reticular activating system; responsible for respiration,
Evoked potential: Brain electrical activity recorded us- heartbeat, and temperature regulation.
ing electrodes connected to a microcomputer and am- Meninges: Protective layer of tissue surrounding the brain
plifier; thought to be a direct response to external sen- and spinal cord.
sory stimulation and relativelyfreefromthe influence Meningitis: Bacterial infection of the meninges with long-
of higher cortical processes. term consequences to the developing brain if not caught
Executive functions: Planning,flexibility,inhibition, and early and treated.
self-monitoring; thought to be functions of the prefron- Microcephaly: Small brain; related to mental retardation.
tal cortex. Microglia: A type of glial ceil found mainly in the gray
Exogeneous components: Automatic response to stimuli matter; Serve to provide structural support; aid in
as measured by evoked potentials. regeneration of injured nerve fibers; transport gas,
Fissures: Deepest indentations in the cerebral cortex. water, and metabolites; and remove wastes from
Frontal lobe: The most anterior cortical structure; com- cells.
prises the primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, Midbrain: Serves as a major relay function for sensory-
Broca's area, medical cortex, and prefrontal cortex. motor fibers; includes the tegmentum, substantia ni-
Have major motor functions as well as mediating rea- gra, superior colliculi, and inferior colliculi.
soning and planning skills. Mismatch negativity: Believed to reflect the basic mecha-
Functional MRI (fMRI): A relatively new technique that nism of automatic attention, switching to stimulus
allows for the mapping of cerebral blood flow or changes without conscious attention.
volume. Myelin: Comprises Schwann cells and surrounds the axon.
Gray matter: Comprises neuroglia and blood vessels; in- Allows for impulses to be transmitted rapidly.
cludes the corpus striatum, the cortex that covers both Neocortex: Makes up 80% of the brain and is the highest
hemispheres and the cerebellum. functional division of the forebrain.
Gyri: Ridges in the cerebral cortex. Nerve growth factor: A specific protein that stimulates
Hippocampus: Portion of the temporal lobe and involved the outward growth of axons.
in the limbic system; involved in short-term memory Neuralation: The process of forming the neural tube; oc-
storage. curs during the second to fourth week of gestation.

Neural tube: Formed in the first two weeks of gestation Positron-emission tomography (PET): The use of a ra-
and develops into the nervous system. dioactive tracer to provide an image of cerebral glu-
Neuroglia: One of the two major cell types: provides struc- cose metabolism.
tural support and insulates synapses. Processing megathity: The ability to detect targets using
Neuron: The basic cellular structure of the nervous sys- ERPs; occurs at approximately 200 msec and is related
tem; transmits nerve impulses through a complex net- to selective attention.
work of interconnecting brain cells; composed of a cell Reticular activating system (RAS): Part of the medulla;
body, dendrites, axon, and axon terminals. controls blood pressure, blood volume in organs, heart
Neuropsychology: The study of brain function and rate, sleep and wakefulness.
behavior. Single photon emission tomography (SPECT): Provides
Neurotransmitter: A chemical contained in the synaptic a direct measure of regional cerebral blood flow.
knobs that allows for impulses to be carried across Spinal cord: Comprises gray and white matter; serves two
synapses. major functions-connecting the brain and body via
Node of Ranvier: Gaps in the myelin that allow impulses large sensory-motor tracts and integrating motor activ-
to skip more quickly along an axon. ity at subcortical levels.
Occipital lobe: Plays a central role in visual processing. Sulci: The valleys between the ridges in the cerebral cor-
Occipital-frontal fasciculus: Association fibers that con- tex and cerebellum.
nect the frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes. Superior colliculi: Contained in the midbrain; involved
Oligodendroglia: Cells that form and maintain the my- in vision.
elin sheath. Synapses: Connections between neurons.
P3b: Late positive wave with a latency of 300 to 800 msec. Syndehams chorea: Childhood disease resulting from
Parietal lobe: Plays a central role in the perception of tac- poststreptoccal rheumatic fever characterized by irregu-
tile sensory information, including the recognition of lar and purposeless movements.
pain, pressure, touch, proprioception, and kinesthetic Temporal lobe: Involved in auditory processing, short-
sense. term memory, and phonological coding.
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): Consists of the spi- Thalamus: Serves as a relay station for many sensory re-
nal, cranial, and peripheral nerves that connect the CNS gions, including vision, hearing, sensory, and motor in-
to the rest of the body. put; contains pathways that go to the several areas of
Pia mater: Surrounds the arteries and veins and serves as the cerebral cortex.
a barrier to harmful substances; innermost layer of the Teleodendria: The terminal branch of the axon; region
meninges; contains small blood vessels. where neurotransmitters are released into the synapse.
Pituitary gland: Secretes hormones that regulate bodily Ventricles: Large cavities in the brain filled with cere-
functions. brospinal fluid.
Planum temporale: A structure in the temporal lobes. The Visual evoked potentials (VER): Technique to evaluate
left planum temporale is believed to be involved in pho- the integrity of the visual system; can be used to evalu-
nological coding. ate the integrity of the visual system in the preterm
Pons: Between the medulla and midbrain, and above the infant.
cerebellum; the pons, in conjunction with the cerebel- White matter: Comprises the axons covered by a myelin
lum, receives information concerning movements from sheath; is covered by the gray matter in the cerebral
the motor cortex and helps modulate movements. cortex.

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Aboitiz, F., 32 Ater,J.L.,210 Batzel,L.W., 182
Abramowitz, A. J., 129 Ater, S. B., 181 Bauman, M., 116
Abreau,F., 193 Attwood,A., 118 Baxter, L. R., 144
Accardo, P. J., 190,210 Austin, J. K., 185,186, 187 Beals,R.K., 173
Achenbach, T., 70, 71, 75, 208 Ayoub, C. C , 191 Beardslee, W. R., 139
Ackerman, P. T., 55, 120,129 Azen, C , 170 Beatty,W.W.,122
Adams, G. B., 143, 145 Azuma, S. D., 207 Beck, A. T., 76
Adams, W., 99 Becker, M. G., 42, 92,96,122,203
Adler, S. P., 215 Babani, L., 186 Beckett, L. A., 185
Aiba, K., 190 Bachen, N. I., 193 Beckwith, L., 208
Aicardi, J., 189,190 Bachicha, J., 207 Beeghly,M., 173,208
Ainsworth, M. D. S., 208 Bachorowski, J., 131 Befera, M. S., 125
Aitken,D. A., 173 Backs, R.W., 56 Beidei, D. C , 144
Alajouanine, T. H., 194 Badde, L. E., 136 Bejar, R., 207
Alberto, P. A., 173 Badian,N., 160 Belmaker, R. H., 235
Aldenkamp, A. P., 182,184 Baer, L., 142 Belman, A. L., 47
Alessi, N. E., 137, 144 Baker, L., 125 Bender, B., 176
Algozzine, B., 152 Bakker, D. J., 4,43, 84 Bengali, V., 28
Allen,L.F.,49,91 Baldessarini, R. J., 136 Benjamin, C. M., 177,178
Alley, G., 225 Bale, P., 132 Bennett, T. L., 180
Allsop, M., 145 Ball, E.W., 162 Bennett-Levy, J., 182
Alp, I. E., 182 Ballenger, J. D., 140 Bennetto, L., 132
Alper, T. G., 95, 96 Ballerini, E., 210 Benson, D.F., 121,126
Aman,M. C , 118 Baltaxe, C. A. M., 118 Benton, A. L., 43,100,102, 103
American Psychiatric Association, 107, Balthazor,M.J.,235 Benton, A. L., 102
112,115,116,117,119, 120, 128, 129, Banis, T., 186 Berent, S., 184
132,137, 140, 142,143 Bansai, U., 185 Berg, L, 185
Anders, P. L., 224 Barabas, G 171,182,183 Berg, R. A., 10, 193,196, 197, 200
Anderson, G. M., 117 Barclay, J. R., 227 Bergan, J. R., 3
Anderson, J. C , 137, 143 Barenbaum, E., 163 Berk, L. E., 22,47,48, 49, 50
Anderson, K. W., 48 Barkley, R. A., 5, 6, 63, 71, 96,120,121, Berman, A., 85, 86
Anderson, L., 171 122,123,125,126,127,128,129, Berney, P., 144
Angelilli, M. L., 207 230,234, 235,237 Berninger, V. W., 10,55, 86,154
Anllo-Vento, L., 56 Barnet, A. B., 33, 54 Bernstein, G. A., 144
Annett, M., 33 Barr, H. M., 201 Berry, C. A., 128
Anthony, W. Z., 103 Barr, M. L., 30 Besag, F. M. C , 180,185
Aram, D. M., 149,163 Barr, R. G, 127 Best, C. T., 33,116
Archer, A., 226 Barrett, M., 204, 206 Beun, A. M., 182,184
Archer, T., 24 Barrett, R. P., 187 Bhabha, S. K., 28
Arcus, D., 144 Barrett-Connor, E., 197 Bharucha, E. P., 28
Armstrong, K. J., 122 Barrick, C , 175,176 Bharucha, N. E., 28
Arnold, J. E., 133 Barrow, S., 201 Bhate, S. R., 144
Arpino, C , 182 Barth, J. T., 8, 196 Biederman, J., 5, 60, 61, 63, 123,127,
Arrieta, R., 4 Bascal,F.E., 181 130,131,133,135,136, 137,144
Asano, F., 114 Bash, M. A. S., 133 Bierman, K. L., 133
Asarnow, R. F., 115 Bashford,A., 118 Biggar,W.,214
Asher, S. R., 227 Bashir,A. S., 176 Bigler, E. D., 6, 79, 83, 84, 98,160


Bigler, E. R., 5, 6,9,10, 60, 68, 69,116 Bruhn, J., 213 Cartlidge,N.E., 197
Bigler, E., 74 Bruhn, P., 5, 63 Casat, C. D., 144
Binder, J. R 60,148 Brumaghim, J. R., 56 Case-Smith, J., 191
Bishop, D.V.M., 117,191 Brumback, R. A., 138 Casey, J. E., 226
Bjerkedal, T., 172 Brunstetter, R., 235 Castellanos, F. X., 61
Black, K., 180,183,184 Bryan, T., 149,227 Castelloe,P., 115,118
Blackburn, I., 149 Bryant, B. R., 161 Castellucci,V.F.,29
Blackman, B. A., 157,162 Bryant, P. E., 224 Catteil, R. B., 72
Blackstock, E., 116 Bryden, M. P., 33,158 Caviness, V., 57
Blakeslee, S., 204 Bryson,S.E., 114 Cawthon, D. F., 15
Blashfield, R., 10 Bundey, S., 178 Cermak, G. D., 203
Blehar,M.C.,208 Burd,L., 112 Chadwick, O., 1,4,9,10,197,198,199
Blickman, J. G., 57 Burns, K., 48,208 Chalhub, E. G., 178,179
Blondis, T. A., 190,191 Burns, W. J., 102,208 Chamberlain, P., 133
Bloom, F.E., 16 Busch, S. G., 183 Chambers, W. J., 71
Blumberg, S., 139 Bush, M., 186 Chan, C , 131
Blume, W. H., 52 Butkowsky,J. S., 159 Chandler, D., 214
Blumstein, S. E., 99 Butler, G. E., 175 Chandler, M. J., 214
Bobrow, M., 173 Butler, L., 142 Chang, C , 170
Boder, E., 55 Butler, R.W., 185,212 Chang, P. A., 213
Boersma, D. C , 76 Byers,R.KL, 188 Chapman, C. A., 69
Boies, S. J., 122 Bylund, D. B., 234 Charrow,J., 177
Boliek,C.A., 158 Byrne, B., 13,153,162, 224 Chase, C.H., 162
Boll, T. J., 8, 83, 86,184,194,196 Chasnoff, I. J., 48,204,205,206,207,
Bolter, J. F., 52,180 Cabieses, F., 179 208
Bolton, D., 145 Cadoret, J. R., 130 Chavez, G.F., 48
Bonagura, N., 120 Cadoret, R. J., 131 Chavez, J. M., 183
Bordarier, C , 190 Caesar, P., 20,21,22 Chehrae, G. J., 99,123,126,194
Borgstedt, A. D., 56 Caine, E. D., 140 Chethick, L., 208
Borner, H., 63 Cairns, B. D., 132 Chi, J. G., 20, 157
Bomstein, M. H., 142, 205 Cairns, R. B., 132 Chiappa, K. H., 53
Bos, C. S., 224,225 Cala, L. A., 190 Chipuer, H. M., 130
Boucher, J., 116 Callaway, E., 56 Chira, S., 204
Boucugnani, L., 99 Camp, B.W., 133 Chiron, C , 116
Boulet,R., 182 Camp, L., 157 Christ, M.G., 131
Bourgeois, B.F.D., 183 Campbell, B. A., 201 Christensen, E., 189
Bowden,H.N., 197,199 Campbell, M., 118,206 Christiansen, K. O., 130
Boyce, G. C , 191 Campos, S. M., 33 Cicchetti, D., 173
Boyd, T. A., 2, 86, 202 Cantweil, D. P., 123,125, 136 Clarizio,H.F., 145
Bradley, L., 224 Caparulo, B., 1 Clark, B.S., 114
Bradshaw, J. L., 116 Caplan, L. R., 61 Clark,C, 200
Brady, E. U., 144 Capozzoli, J. A., 235 Clark, D. A., 145
Braswell, L., 133 Carlson, C. C , 125,227 Clark, E., 142
Braukmann, C. J., 129 Carlson, C. L., 128,235,238 Clark, K.E., 205
Bream, L. A., 136 Carlson, N. R., 17 (fig,), 18 (fig,), 35 Clark, M., 32,69
Breiner, J. L., 133 (fig,), 37, 38 (fig,) Clark, R., 44,208
Brent, D. A., 186 Carisson, G., 190,191 Clarren, S. K., 48,202
Breslau, N., 185 Carmichael, K., 19 Clay, M. M , 162
Britton, B. G., 127 Carney, L. J., 203 Clements, S. D., 120
Brodal, P., 20, 21, 22,23,24,26, 27, 28, Carpenter, J., 115 Cioninger, C. R., 112,130
29,30,31,32,36,37 Carpenter, M. B., 18,21,24,28, 30, 34, Cocks, N., 177
Brouwers, R, 212 36 Cohen, D. J., 1,115,116
Brown, A., 224 Carpentieri, S. C , 209,210 Cohen, I. L., 118
Brown, B. D., 191 Carr,E.G., 118 Cohen, J. C , 136
Brown, G., 1,10,138,197,199 Carr, J., 174 Cohen, M. D., 57
Brown, I. S., 3,13, 161 Carta, J. J., 230 Cohen, M. E., 16,19,27,209,210
Brown, R. T., 212 Carter, B., 157 Cohen, M. J., 5

Cohen, M., 1,2, 39,154 Curatoio, P., 182 Deykin,E.Y.,115

Cohen, R. M., 63,140 Curtiss, G., 99 Deysach, R., 96
Coie, J. D., 133 Diamond, C. A., 211
Coker, D. R., 206 D'Angio,G.,211 Diamond, G. W., 47,48
Colby, C.L., 121 Dahl,E.K., 115 Dill, F. J., 172,174
Cole, E., 142 Dalamater, A., 142 Dirkes, K., 48
Coles, C. D., 204,207208 Dalby,J.T.,157 Dishion, T. J., 131,132
Comalli, P., 99 Dallas, E., 191192 Dixon, M., 235,238
Comings, B. G., 112 DaUdorf,J.S.,118 Dixon, S. D., 207
Comings, D. E., 1,26, 30,107,109,110, Dam, M., 183 Dixon, S., 207
111, 112,113,114,115,119,141,234, Daniel, D. G., 15 Dobyns, W., 58 (fig.), 59 (fig.)
235 Danielson, U., 123 Dodge, K. A., 131
Conel, J., 39 Danon,Y.L.,177 Dodrill, C. B., 52,182,184
Conger, R.W., 133 Daugherty, T. K., 132 Dodson,W.E.,185
Conners, C. K., 76,129,142 Davidson, B., 152 Doehring, D. G., 240
Conners, F., 156 Davidson, R. J., 33,43 Donnellan, A. M., 118
Conover, N. C , 145 Davidson, W., 170 Dooley,J.M.,181
Conrad, P. E., 158 Davis, D., 136 Dooling, E. C , 20
Corny, J., 202 Davis, J. M., 234 Dorris, M., 203
Conte, F. A., 175 Davis, K. S., 212 Dotan, N., 74
Conte, R., 125 Davis, S. V., 171 Doubleday, C , 55
Cook, E. H., 1,39,50,114,115,117, Dawson, G., 115,116,117,118,138 Douglas, V. L., 55,120,121,127
135,169,171,172,175,176,179, Dawson, J., 178 Dowling, E. C , 157
182,183,186,193,197,236237 Day,N.L.,202,205 Doyle, A., 5,137
Coons, H. W., 56 Dean, R. S., 4,85,86,184 Drake, H., 173
Cooper, J. R., 16 Dear, P. R., 190 Drasin, R. E., 207
Cooper, T. B., 142 Deaton,A.V.,4 Dreher, M., 48
Copeland, D. R., 210,212 DeBaryshe, B. D., 130 Dreifuss,F.E., 181,182,185
Copeland, E. D., 235 deBlois, C. S., 124 Drislane,F.W.,55
Copps, S. C , 235 Decina, P., 138 Drotar,D., 186
Cordero,J.F.,48 Decker, S.N., 46,156 Duane, D, 44,47
Corsiglia, J., 157 Deepak, N., 47 Duara,R., 60
Costa, L.D., 31,32,33,34,164 DeForest, P., 49 Dubovsky,S.L.,234,236
Costello, A. J., 145 DeFries,J.C.,46,156,160 Dufmer, P. K., 16,19,27,209,210
Costello, E. J., 129 DeFries, J. D., 159 Duffy, F.H., 69
Coulehan, J., 214 DeFries, J., 156 Duffy, G., 224
Counts, S., 213 Degen, H. E., 181 Dugdale, A., 214
Courchesne, E., 116,117 Degen, R., 181 Dulcan, M. K., 145
Coutts, R. L., 69,85,86 DeGiovanni, I. S., 143 Dumas, J. E., 129,131
Coyle, J. T., 235 deGraaff,B.M.T.,207 Dunlap,G., 118
Craft, A. W., 197,200 Del Dotto, J. E., 226 Dunnington, R. E., 235
Craft, S., 191 Delgado-Escueta, A. V., 181 DuPaul, G., 71,125,129,227,228,230,
Cramer, B., 13 Delis, D. C , 101,102,199 231,234,235,237
Cravioto, J., 4 Dell, J., 184 Dykens, E. M., 174
Cregler, L. L., 206 DeLong,G.R., 116 Dykman,R.A.,55,120,129
Crisco, J. J., 210 Delquardi, J., 230
Crockett, D. J., 102 Dencina, P., 139 Earls, F., 130
Cross Calvert, S., 133 Denckla, M. B., 42, 69,121,126,227 Edeibrock, C. S., 123,145
Crothers,B., 188,189 Denhoff, E., 120 Edelbrock, S., 70, 75
Crowe, R., 130 Dennis, M., 42,210,211 Edgell, D., 3,12,193,223,227
Cull, C. A., 183,185 Department of Health and Human Edmondson, R., 208
Cullinan, D., 130 Services, 193,197 Edwards, P., 194
Cummings, C , 124 Derewlany, L., 205 Ehlers, C. L , 201
Cummins, K. R., 55 Deruelle, C , 33 Ehlers,S., 119
Cummins, S. K., 188 DeSantes, M., 102 Eiben, C. G., 10
Cunningham, A. E., 10,13,70,153,161, de Schonen, S., 33 Eimas, P. D., 44,156
162,224 Devor,R., 112 Eisen, L., 207

Eisenberg, H. M., 197,199 Filipek, P. A., 5, 34,57,58, 60,61 Frost, J., 153,224
Ekelman, B. L., 163 Finch, A. J., Jr., 144 Fuerst, D. R., 226
Eliason, M. J., 177 Finkelstein, R., 144 Fujimoto, J. M., 190
Eliopulos, D 1,2, 32, 60,121 Finlayson, M. A. J., 164 Fuld, P. A., 199
Ellenberg, J. H., 182,183,188 Finley,C.,116 Fulker,D.W.,156
Elliot, S., 76 Finn, J. D., 132 Fuller, F., 55
Elliott, C. D., 73 Finnegan, L. R, 207 Funderbuck, I. J., 115
Elliott, K. T., 206 Firestone, R B., 118
Elliott, S., 228 Firkig, S., 47 Gaddes, W. H., 3,12, 83,102,223,227
Ellis, E. S., 226, 227 Firth, C. D., 140,162 Gadisseux,J. F.,21
Elman, M , 123 Firth, U., 115,118 Gadow,K.D., 187,235
Emde, R. N., 7, 8 Fischer, F.W., 157,159 Gafmey, G., 61
Emery, A. E. H., 172 Fischer, M., 123,126,127 Gail, S., 135
Emmett, M., 214 Fischer, W. E., 85, 86 Gajdusek, D. C , 174
Englert, C. S., 163, 225 Fisher, R, 199 Galaburda, A. M., 2, 31, 32,44,47, 55,
Enoch, J. M., 113 Fisher, W., 112 62,148,157,158
Entus, A. K., 33, 4 Fisk, J. L., 4, 84, 221 Galambos, R., 116
Epstein, H. T., 22 Flament, M. F., 145 Galpert,L., 116,118
Epstein, M. A., 5 Fleischman, M. J., 133 Gamble, C. M., 86
Epstein, M. H., 130 Fleischner, J. E., 225 Gansle,K. A., 12,3,4
Erhardt, D., 235 Fleiss, J., 168 Garber,R.,205,207
Erickson, J. D., 172 Fletcher, J. M., 1, 8,9,10,11,15,83,5t Garcia, A., 201
Ernst, M., 171 104,154,158,159,193,194,195, Garcia, K., 143
Ervin, C. H., 48 197,199, 200, 212 Garcia-Perez, A., 210
Escobar, M. D., 55 Floodmark, O., 189 Gardiner, W., 33
Evans, K., 178 Flor-Henry, R, 139 Gardner, E., 19,21,23,24,26
Evans, R.W., 118 Fodor, J., 32 Garfinkel, B. D., 144
Ewing-Cobbs, L., 11,193, 194,197, Foldspang, A., 182 Garg,R.K.,46
200 Folstein, S. E., 115 Gariepy, J. L., 132
Exner, J. E. 145 Foltz,G., 152,224 Garland, B. L., 95,96
Eyman, R. K., 188 Foorman, B. R., 162 Garma, L., 53
Forehand, R. L., 129,133,145 Garreau,B., 117
Fairclough, D., 209 Forness, S., 130 Garty,B.Z.,177
Falconer, J., 21,183 Forney, R E., 173 Gary,R., 163
Falconer, M. A., 179 Forsythe, I., 185 Gaskins, L., 224
Falek, A., 207 Fosburg, H., 156 Gawin, F., 205
Fantie, B., 15, 20,21,22, 32, 33, 39,40, Foster, S., 129 Geary,D.C.,95,96
42,44,50,195 Fowler, C. A., 159 Geller,B.,142
Faraone, S. V., 63,131 Fox, N. A., 33, 58 Gemmer, T. C , 133
Farkas, K., 204, 207, 208 Fox, N. E., 209 George, R. H., 214
Farwell, J. R., 182 Frame, C. L., 128,142,145, 227 Gerberich, S. G., 193
Fassbender, L. L., 118 Francis, G., 142,144,145 German, D.F., 161
Fay, G. E., 86 Frank, D. A., 205, 206, 207 Gershon, E. S., 138
Fedio,R, 184,212 Frank-Pazzaglia, L., 182 Geschwind, N., 32,62,157
Fehrenbach, A. M. B., 169,170 Fraser, D., 214 Gest, S. D., 132
Feigin, R., 214 Freeman, B. J., 115 Ghez, C , 35,36
Feiguine, R. J., 142 Freeman, R. B., 33 Gibson, L. J., 131
Feldman, H. M., 190 Freund, L., 175 Gil de Diaz, M., 33
Felton, R. H., 3,13,161,162 Frick, R J., 120,123,124,125,127,131 Gilbert, G. M., 130
Feng-Wang-Yu, 144 132 Gilger,J.W.,159
Fenton,G.W., 180 Fried, L, 55 GiUberg,C.,115,119
Fergusson, D. M., 50 Fried, R A., 48 Giliberg,I.C.,115,119
Ferrai,M., 182,183 Friedman, A. S., 145 Gilles,F.H.,20,21,157
Ferrari, M., 187 Friedman, E., 178 Gillis, J. J., 160
Fetsco,T. G., 164 Friedman, J. M., 176 Gilmore, D. H., 173
Fialkov, M. J., 142 Friedman, R., 142 Giorgi,C.,210
Fielding-Barnsley, R., 13,153,162,224 Friend, R, 226,227 Gittelman, R., 120,140

Gianville, B. B., 116 Gustavson, J. C , 92 Hauser, S.L., 116

Glaser, G. H., 53 Gustavson, J. L., 94 Hawley, T. L., 207,208
Gleason, M , 226 Guthoff, R., 178 Hayden,A., 173
Glickman,N.W., 145 Gutter, T., 182,184 Hayden, M. R., 172
Goetz, E. T., 164 Guze, S. B., 130 Haynes, H., 201
Goetz, K. L., 210 Guzman, B. L., 183 Healy, J. M., 193
Gold, P., 140 Heaton, R. K., 99,103, 126,136
Gold, R., 214 Haak, R. A., 12 Hebben,N.,98
Goldberg, E., 31,32,33,34,164 Habs, M., 209 Hechtman, L., 5,120,128
Golden, C. J., 42,74,85,87,90,91,92, Hacker, H., 19 Heffer,R.W.,75
93,94,95 Hadeed,A.J.,48 Hefmer, R. R., 28
Golden, H., 227 Hadler, J. R., 144 Heilman, K. M, 6,117
Goldgarber, D., 174 Hagberg,B., 188,189,190 Heimer,L.,109,110
Goldman, J. M., 47,49 Hagberg, G., 188,190 Heins, E. D., 229
Goldstein, F. C , 3,193,197,199 Hagerman, R. J., 175 Heller, K.W., 173,174,180
Goldstein, G., 115,116 Hahn, W. K., 33 Heller, W., 43
Goldstein, L., 138 Hale, S., 191 Henderson, S. E., 190
Goldwein,J.L.,211 Hales, R. E., 1,15,49,193 Henker, B., 235
Gonzalez, D., 201 Halgren, E., 15 Henningson, P. N., 230
Gonzalez, J. J., 5 Hall, J. G., 177 Henriksen, L., 5, 63
Gonzalez, N. M., 206 Hall, R. J., 164 Henry, B., 131-132
Goode,S., 117 Hallahan, D. P., 229 Hepper, P. G., 33
Goodglass, H., 100 Halle, T.G., 207 Herbert, M., 132
Goodman, R., 63 Halton, A., 49 Herkert, E. E., 179
Goodwin, F. K., 137 Hamel, S. C , 206 Hermann, B. P., 184,185
Goodwin, G. A., 206 Hamilton, M., 141 Hermelin, B., 118
Goodyear, P., 122 Hamm, A., 44 Hern,K.L., 1,5,126
Gordon, M., 127 Hammeke, T. A., 96 Hersen, M., 136,144
Gorenstein, E. E., 132 Hammen, C , 139 Hess, M., 201
Gottesman, 1.1., 130 Hammer, M., 33 Hesselink, J. R., 60,157
Gourley,R., 182 Hamsher, K. deS., 43,102 Heyser, C. J., 206
Graham, J. M , 176 Hancock, J., 209 Hier,D.B., 157
Graham, R, 130 Haney, B., 207 Hinshaw, S. P., 235
Graham, S., 163,225 Hanf, E., 133 Hinton, G. E., 16
Granger, R. H., 205 Hankin, J. R., 204 Hirsch, M. S., 215
Grant, I., 103 Hanley,W.B.,170 Hirsch-Pasek, K., 152
Gray, J. W., 4,85,86 Hanson, J. W., 201 Hirtz,D. G., 182
Gray, R., 138 Hanson, K., 121 Hiscock, M., 202
Graziano, A., 143 Hapke,R.J., 1,182 Ho, D. D., 215
Green, S.H., 131,214 Harden, A., 53 Hoare, P., 185, 186
Green, W. H., 231,234,235,236,237 Harding, N., 173 Hodapp,R.M., 174
Greene, T. H., 202,203 Hare, R. D., 13 Hodgson, 144
Greensite, M., 55 Harmatz, J. E., 136 Hoeppner, J. B., 122
Greenwood, C. R., 230 Harris, B. S., 196 Hoffinan,H.,116
Gregg, S., 163 Harris, K.R., 225 Hoffinan, R. S., 205
Gresham, F. M., 12,3,4,76,133,228 Harris, R., 52 Hoffinan,W.,116
Grether, J. K., 188 Harris, S. R., 133 Hofinan, K., 177
Gridley, B. E., 73 Harrison, P. L., 73 Hofstetter, C. R., 197
Griffith, D., 48,207 Hart, C. H., 132 Hogan, A. E., 132
Gross, M., 62 Hart, E. A., 121,125 Hogan, A., 227
Grossier, D. B., 42 Harter, M. R., 56 Hoien, T., 61
Grossman, L., 143 Hartlage, L. C , 180,181,182,183,187 Holcomb, P. J., 55, 56
Grove, T., 74 Hartlage, L. H., 96 Holliday,R.,56
Grumbach, M. M., 175 Hartlage, P. L., 180,182,183 Hollingsworth, C , 143
Gualteri,T., 118 Hashimoto, T., 43 Hollinsworth, T., 133
Gullone, E., 144 Haslam, R. H., 157 Holm, V. A., 118
Gunderson, C. H., 53 Hassanein, K., 61 Holmes, D., 227

Holmes, J. A., 69 Jack, C. R., 60 Kawashima, K., 114

Holmes, J. M., 100 Jacobson, J. L., 201 Kay, G. G., 99
Hood, P., 189 Jacobson, M., 20 Kazdin, A. E., 129,130,136,140,142,
Hooper, S. R., 2,3,9, 85,86,87,129, Jacobson, S. W., 201 144
131,138,139 Jadavji,T., 214 Keenan, K., 63,131,136
Horn, C. S., 181 James, M., 207 Keenan, M., 102
Horn, J. L., 72 Jamieson, B. J., 118 Kehle, T. J., 142
Horn, W.F., 125 Jamison, K. R., 137 Keith, L., 207
Horton, A. M., Jr., 4 Jankovic, J., 171 Kellam, S. G., 133
Horton, G., 227 Janosky, J. E., 190 Keller, M.B., 139
Hoshino,Y.,117 Jarey,M.L., 131 Kelly, J. P., 16,24,26,27,37
Hosoe,A., 189 Jaselskis, C , 172 Kelly, M., 102
Howard, E. M., 190 Jasper, H. H., 36, 51 Kemper, T. L., 2,116
Howard, J., 48, 208 Javid, J., 234 Kendall, P. C , 133,144
Howard, V.F., 201 Jeffrey, H., 214 Kennedy, D.N., 57
Howieson, D. B., 78 Jenike, M. A., 142 Kennedy, W. A., 146
Hoyson,M.H., 118 Jennings, S. M , 95, 96 Keogh, B. K., 160
Hsu,L.Y.F.,174 Jenson, W. R., 142 Kerbeshian, J., 112
Hubiey, P. A., 190 Jeri, R., 179 Keriey, S., 185
Hugdahl, K., 191 Jernigan, T. L., 60,157,201 Kierman, G. D., 139
Hughes, C.W., 141 Jessel, T. M., 141 Kierman, J. A., 30
Hughes, M., 2,234 Johns, R. D., 157 Kigar, D. L., 69
Humphreys, P., 47 Johnson, J., 118 Kilman,B.A., 116
Hunt, A., 179 Johnson, K. L., 136 Kimberling, W. J., 46
Hunt, R. D., 2,234, 235 Johnson, M. B., 72 King, G. A., 192
Hurst, D. L., 181 Johnson, N., 123 King, N. J., 144
Hutchens, T. A., 95, 96 Johnston, C , 5,125 Kinney, D. K., 1
Hutchings, B., 130 Johnston, E. C , 140 Kinsboume, M., 32,125
Hutchings, D. E., 205 Johnston, M. V., 174 Kirk, U., 102
Hutehins,R, 177 Jones, K. L., 102,201,202 Klauber, M. R., 197
Hutchison, H. T., 193 Jones, M , 175 Klein, J., 214
Huttenlocher, P. R., 1, 39,182 Jones, R. R., 133 Klein, S. P., 33
Hymbaugh, K. J., 201 Jones, R. W., 99 Klicpera, C , 100
Hynd, G, W., 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 8, 9,12,16, Jones, W., 153 Kliegman, R., 204,205,207,208
17, 29, 32, 34, 39,42, 43,45, 52, 53, Joshi, P. T., 235 Kline, R. B., 76
54 (fig.), 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 67,68, 69, Joy, P., 177 Kling, J., 133
70, 78, 79, 85,95,96,97,102,116, Jutal, J., 13 Klonoff, H., 197,200
121,122,125,126,128,131,136, Juul- Jensen, P., 182 Klorman, R., 55,56
137,140, 141,147, 154,157, 158, Klove, H., 5, 24
169,170,171,175,176,178,179, Kagan, J., 144,146 Kloza, E. M., 173
180,183, 184,193, 214, 215, 227,234 Kahn, J. S., 142 Knee, D., 63,130,136,137
Kalas,R., 145 Knee, K., 102
Ialongo,N., 125 Kalsbeek, W. D., 196 Knie, B., 205
Individuals with Disabilities Education Kaltenbach, K., 207 Knights, R. M., 83,197,199
Act, 198,199 Kamphaus, R. W., 71, 73, 74,75,76,141 Knott, V., 138
Ingram, D., 33 Kandel, E. R., 16,20,28, 34, 37,141 Kobayashi,K., 199
Ingram, J. W., 98 Kaplan, E., 98, 99,100, 101 Koch, R., 170
Ingram, T. T. S., 149,189 Karlsson, J., 125 Koch,W.R.,6,98,160
Innocenti, M. S., 191 Karras, D., 95, 97 Kodama, K., 189
Isaac, W., 42,122,131 Kashani,J.H., 137 Kodama, M., 190
Isaacson, R. L., 194,195 Kaslow,N.J., 139,142 Koegel,R.L., 118
Ismond, D., 235 Kaufman, A. S., 73,161 Kohn, J. G., 191
Ivankovic, S., 209 Kaufman, C. A., 16,46 Kokkonen, J., 192
Iversen, S., 153,224 Kaufman, J. M., 130 Kolb, B., 6,15,17,18,19, 20, 21, 22,23,
Izard, C. E., 139,146 Kaufman, N. C , 73,161 24,27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
Kaufman, W.E., 47 38,39,40,42,43,44, 50, 88, 100,
Jabbari, B., 53 Kavale, K., 223 136,139,194,195,196,235,236

Kolpacoff, M., 133 Leenaars, A. A., 6,135 Lorber, R., 122

Kolvin, I., 144 Leeper, H. A., 203 Lord,C, 115,117
Koocher, G. P., 213 LeFrancois, G. R., 173,174 Lorys, A. R., 1, 5, 32, 60,121,122,125
Kootz,J.R, 116 Lehman, R. A., 103 Lou, H. C , 5, 63,122
Kopp, C , 213 LeMay,M.,69,157 Lovaas, O. I., 118
Korb,R.J., 121 Lenz, B. K., 226 Loveli,M.R.,4,210
Koren, G., 205 Leonard, C. M., 157 Low, M. D., 200
Korkman, M., 10 Leonard, H. L., 143 Lowe, J. B., 204
Kosson, D. S., 132 Lerman, M. I., 174 Lubs,H.A.,46
Kovacs, M., 76,137,141 Lerner,J., 151,153,160,227 Lundberg, L, 32,60,153,224
Kovnar, E. H., 210 Lester, B. M., 48,206 Luria, A. R., 20,42, 78, 87, 88, 89, 96
Krageioh-Mann, I., 188 Lettich,E., 15 Luxenberg, J. S., 144
Krakow, J., 213 Leventhal, B. L., 1,39, 50,114,115,117, Lyon, G., 21
Kramer, A. D., 142 135,169,171,172,175,176,179, Lyon, R., 159
Kramer, J. H., 101 182,183,186,193,197,236237 Lyytinen,H., 121,157
Kratochwill, T. R., 3,4 Levin, H. S., 3,102,193,194,197,199,
Kraus, J. F., 193 200 MacArthur, C , 163
Krehbiei, G., 133 Levin, H.W., 199 MacAuslan, A., 138
Krein, L. K., 180 Levine, A. G., 133 MacGregor, S., 48,207
Kremme,K.W.,118 Levine, M. D., 163,164 MacMahon, B., 115
Kriegl, R., 152 Leviton, A., 188 Madan-Swain, A., 212
Kruger, E., 123 Levitsky,W.,157 Magen,J., 137,144
Kuhn, M. R., 162 Levy, A., 115,116,117 Magili-Evans, J. E., 192
Kun,L.E.,209,210 Levy, B., 210 Maheady,L.,230
Kuperman, S., 61 Lewandowski, L., 225 Maitinsky, S., 55,56
Kupfermann, I., 39 Lewis, D. E., 206 Maitiand, C. G., 53
Kurkjian,M.F.,206 Lewis, R. D., 95,96 Majnemer, A., 190
Kurtz, S. L., 206 Lezak, M. D., 8, 78, 87,98,100,103 Majovski,L.V.,39,78
L,Hermittee,F.,194 Malakoff,M.E.,207
Lachar,D.,75,76 Liberman, A. M., 159 Malaspina, D., 16,46
Ladd, G. S., 132 Liberman, I. Y., 70,100,154,157,159 Malitz, S., 138
La Greca, A. M., 228 Lincoln, A. J., 116 Malsch, K., 95,96
Lahey, B. B., 120,121,122,123,125, Lindberg, J., 214 Mandl, L., 2,234, 235
127,128,131,227 Linden, M. 176 Mandoki,M.W., 176
Lambert, N.M., 5,127 Lindsay, J., 183 Mann, V., 147,154,156,157,158,159
Lampon, L. B., 133 Linnoila,M., 110,235 Mannuzza, S., 120
Landa, R., 179 Linsoa, L., 170 Manuck, S. B., 144
Landau, S., 5,127 Linz,T.D., 131 March, J. S., 143
Landress, H., 204,206 Lipovsky, J. A., 144 Marcu, H., 19
Landrum, T. J., 229 Listernick, R., 177 Marinelli, B., 116
Landry, S. H., 194,199 Little, R. E., 48 Mark, H., 206
Lansky, S. B., 213 Liu, D. T., 173 Mark, L. S., 159
Lantos, G., 47 Livingstone, M., 55 Marsh, R.W., 22.197
Laor,A., 177 Lloyd, J. E., 229 Marshall, R. M., 1, 5,126
Lapierre,Y., 138 Lloyd, J. W , 229 Marteau, T., 173
Larsen,J.R,61,157,158 Lochman, J. E., 133 Martin, D. A., 200
Larsen, S., 163 Lockman, L. A., 30,181,182,210 Martin, R. C , 23,43,141
Last, C. G., 136,142,144,145 Lockyear,L., 114 Martin, S., 224
Lau, S., 2, 234 Loeber,R., 121,129,130,131,132 Mash, E. J., 75,125
Laufer,M.W.,120 Loehlin, J. C , 130 Mason, A. W., 149
Laurent, J., 144 Loge,D.V.,122,126 Mason-Brothers, A., 115
Leark, R. A., 74 Loiseau, P., 181 Massman, P., 98
Leckman, J. F., 112 Loiselle, D. L., 55, 56 Matalon, R., 170
Lecours, A. R., 17 Lombroso, C , 52,53 Mateer, C. A., 9,103,121,128,212,
Le Couteur, A., 117 Loney, J., 127 229
Lee, H., 183 Long, N., 133 Mathivet, E., 33
Lee, J., 227 Lopus,M., 170 Matson, J. L., 142

Matthay,K.K.,211 Milani, N., 210 Murphy, M. A., 175

Matthews, C. G., 86 Milberg,W.B.,98,99,103 Myers, deR., 96
Matthews, K. A., 144,171 Milich, R., 5,127,235, 238 Myers, F. C , 96
Matthews, W. S., 171,182,183 Miller, C. M., 133 Myers, G., 186
Mattingly, I. G., 154 Miller, G., 190
Mattran, K. M., 206 Miller, J. D., 196 Naatanen, R., 56
Mattson, S. N., 102,201 Miller, M., 177 Nadeau, S. E., 6
Mautner,V.F.,178 Millican,F., 138 Nadich, X P., 21
May, P. A., 201 Milner,B.,196 Nagle,R.J.,133
Mayes, L. C , 205,206,207 Minde, K. K., 121 Nanson, J. L., 202
McAnulty, G. B., 69 Minde, K., 123 Nardillo, E. M., 85,87
McBride, O. W., 174 Minichiello, M., 138 Nasrallah, H., 49
McBurnette, K., 100 Minkoff, H., 47 Nastro, M. A., 191
McCartney, K., 8 Minshew,N. J., 115,116 Nathan, R., 152
McCombs, H. G., 142 Mirenda, P. L., 118 Nation, J. E., 149
McConaughy, S., 70 Mirra, S., 189 National Institute of Neurological,
McConnell, S. R., 227 Mirsky,A.F.,122,184 Communicative Disorders and Stroke,
McCord, J., 131 Misek,R, 182 20
McCracken, G. J., 214 Mishra, S. P., 86 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
McCray,D.S., 129 Mitchell, W.G., 183 Alcoholism, 201
McCubbin, H. I., 186 Mittenburg,W., 102 National Radiological Protection Board,
McFie, J., 198 Mo, A., 115 209
McGee,M.G.,55 Moes, C. A., 170 Nauikowski, A., 163
McGee,R., 131,137 Moffitt,T.E,130,131132 Naylor,H.,56
McGillivray, B., 172,174,176 Molfese,D.L.,33,44,53,116 Neckerman, H. J., 132
McGinnis, E., 130 Molfese,V.J.,33,44,53,116 Neeper, R., 125
McGue, M., 152 Molter,J., 162 Nelson, K. B., 182,183,187,188,189,
McGuire, R.,185 Monaghan, H., 191 190.
McGurk,H.,191192 Monod, N., 53 Neppe, V. M., 180,183,234,237
Mcintosh, D. E., 73 Montague, M., 225 Nesdale, A. R., 224
Mcintosh, D.W., 73 Montali, J., 225 Netley,C.,176
Mcintosh, R., 227 Montgomery, J. W., 147,148,150,151, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 205
McKay, S. E., 96 154,178 Neuspiel, D. R., 206,208
McKissock,W., 179 Moore, B.D., 47,210 Newby,R.F.,86,159
McLaughlin, T. F. 201 Morales, J., 53 Newcomer, P., 163
McLaurin, R. L., 196 Morgan, A. E., 147,157,158 Newman, J. P., 131,132
McMahon, R. J., 133 Morgenstern, G., 121 Niccols, G. A., 202
McMurray,M.B., 125,235 Morris, R., 168 Nielsen, J., 176
Meadows, A. T., 211,212 Morris, G. L., 60 Nielson, J. B., 63
Medda, E., 182 Morris, J., 74 Nieves,N., 128,149,160
Mednick, S. A., 130 Morris, L. M., 53 Nodine,B.F., 163
Mehring, T., 163 Morris, R., 10 Nolan, D. R., 96
Meichenbaum, D. H., 136 Morrison, H. L., 139 Nordahl, T. E., 62
Melcer, T., 201 Morrison, S. R., 154 Norm,K., 177,178
Melchior,J., 189 Morrissey, M. R., 145 Normcutt, T. E., 227
Mendelson,W., 123 Morrow, J., 210 Norwood, J., 83
Mendlewicz, E. J., 138 Morse, B. A., 203,204 Novey,E.S., 1,2,32,60,121
Menez, R., 47 Moskowitz, A., 54 Nussbaum, N. L., 6,79, 83, 84, 86, 97,
Menkes, J. H., 53,169, 171 Motherisk, L, 205 98,160
Mesaros, R. A., 118 Mulder, H. C , 185 Nyhan, W.L., 171
Mesibov, G. B., 117,118,119 Mulhern, R. K., 209, 210 Nylen, O., 214
Mesulam, M. M., 1 Mulinare, J., 48
Metrakos, J. D., 181 Mundy,P.,115 O'Brien, M., 131
Metrakos, K., 181 Munir,K., 137 O'Conner,D.,210
Michaels, K., 170 Munir, K., 91,130,136 O'Donnell, J. P., 34
Micik, S. H., 197 Murphy, D. L., 140,235 0 , Gorman,T.W., 131
Miezitis, S., 142 Murphy, J., 125 0'Leary,D.S., 184,194

O'Leaiy, S. G., 129 Penefield,W.,36 Pugh, E., 178

O'Malley, J. E., 213 Pennington, B. F., 42,46, 62, 64,117, Puig-Antich,J.,71,137,140
O'Neill, M.E., 127 132,159,176,229 Pullis, M., 130
Ober,B.A., 101 Penry, J. K., 181 Pulst, S. M., 178
Obrzut, J. E., 1,2,3,9,12,86,95,96,158 Pepper, P. P., 161,162 Purpura, D. P., 16
Oda,S., 114 Percy, M., 147,149 Putnam, D., 129
Odegaard, H., 32, 60, 61 Perlo,V.P.,157
Ogawa,T., 116 Perlstein, M., 189 Quackenbush, R., 12
Ojemann, G. A., 15 Perrin, E. C , 191 Quay,H.C 129,132,136
Olds, S. W., 19,47,48,49,50,172,174, Pershad, D., 185 Queens, H. F., 33
175 Peters, G., 208 Quitkin, H. M., 16,46
Ollendick, T. H., 144 Peters, J. E., 120
01iey,J.G.,118 Peters, K. G., 121 Rachman, S. J., 144
01ozo,L, 190 Petersen, O. P., 153,224 Rack, J. P., 152,156
Olson, H. C , 202 Petersen, S. E., 62 Radcliff, J., 210
Olson, R. K., 152,153,156,157,158, Peterson, L., 169,170 Rademaker,A.W.,157
162,163,202,224,225 Peterson, P. L., 204 Radov,M.H.,213
Oro, A. S., 207 Petti, T. A., 142 Raichle, M. E., 58,62
Osterreith, P. A., 100 Pettit,G. S., 131 Raine, A., 131
Ottman, R., 181 Pfiffer,J.,75 Rakic, P., 20
Ounstead, C , 183 Pharoah, P. O. D., 188 Ramp, K. A., 129
Overholser, J. C , 201 Phelps, L., 177,178,203,204 Ramsey, E., 130
Ovsiew,F.,29 Phillips, S. A., 116,182 Randels,S.P.,202,203
Ozonoff,S., 117 Piacentini, J. C , 131 Rapoport, J. L., 120,138,143,144, 234,
Piersel,W.,203 235,236
Pabst, P., 143 Pimm, P., 190 Rasmussen, T., 196
Packer, R.K., 211 Pincus,J., 131 Ratcliffe, S. G., 175,176
Paine, R. S., 188,189 Pinkerton, P., 213 Raymond, G., 116
Palermo, D. S., 33 Pirozzolo, F. J., 10,84 Rayport, S. G., 15,16,19,20
Palincsar, A., 224 Plaisted, J. R., 92 Realmuto, G. M., 170
Palkes, H. S., 183 Piatt, J. J., 131 Rebok,G.W.,133
Pallie,W.,32,43,157 Platzman, K., 207 Redd, C. A., 192
Palomares, R. S., 49 Pless, I. B., 213 Reeves, J. S., 135
Pampiglione, G., 53,178 Plessinger, M. A., 205 Rehm, L., 139
Pancake, V.R., 209 Plomin,R., 130 Reich, D., 213
Pandya, D., 37 Plunge, M., 4 Reich, T., 130
Paneth,W.,188 Poling, A. G., 235 Reid, H., 210
Panksepp, J., 110 Polyakov, G. I., 20 Reid, J. B., 133
Pantaleoni, C , 210 Poplack,D.G.,211,212 Reid, J. C , 137
Papalia, D., 19,47,48,49, 50,172,174, Poplin, M. S., 163 Reid, W.H., 139
175 Porges,S.W., 121 Reinis, S., 47,49
Paris, R., 197 Porrino, L. J., 127 Reiss,A. L., 175
Park, T. S., 191 Posner, M. I., 62,121,122 Reitan, R. M., 16,19, 24,26, 27,28, 30,
Parker, J. G., 227 Poznanski, E., 141 34, 36, 37, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 86,105,
Passler, M., 42,92, 96,122 Pratt, J. M., 95 198,217,218,222
Patterson, C. M., 132 Prensky,A.L., 183,189 Reschly, D. J., 3
Patterson, D.R., 118 Preskorn, S. H., 141 Restall, G., 192
Patterson, G. R., 131,133,186,129,132, Preston, H., 188 Reutter, S. A., 54
130,133 Pribram, K. H., 42 Reynolds, C. R., 49, 71, 75, 76,141,145,
Patterson, J. M., 186 Price, J. M., 131,132 160
Pauls, D.L., 112 Price, T. P., 210 Reynolds, W. M., 76,136,137,140,141,
Pazzaglia, P., 182 Prior, MR., 116 142,168
Peckham,V.C.,212 Prizant, B. M., 118 Riccardi, R., 212
Pelham, W. E., 4,5,112,129,231,235, Prober, C , 214 Riccardi,V.M.,177
237,238 Provence, S., 115 Riccio, C. A., 5
Pellegrini, E., 205 Puck, M., 176 Richards, P., 183
Peltomaa, A. K., 10 Puente, A. E., 4 Richardson, G. A., 205

Richmond, B. O., 76,145 Rutter, M., 1,4, 9,10,114,115,117,130, Seerbo,A., 131

Riley, E. P., 102,201 138,153,197,200 Segalowitz, J., 182
Riley, K.R, 20 Ryan,N.D., 137,141,142 Seidenberg,M., 183,184,185
Riley, P., 190 Ryu, J., 2,234 Seidman, D. S., 188
Rimland, B., 116 Seigei, L. S., 152
Rincker, J. L., 132 Saab, P. G., 144 Sell, S. H., 214
Ringner, A., 214 Sachs, H.T., 187 Selz, M., 83, 85, 86
Risinger, M. W., 185 Sachs, P. R., 192 Semrud-Clikeman M., 1,2,3,4, 5,6,10,
Risser, A., 193 Sackheim, H. A., 138 25 (fig.), 31 (fig.), 32,34, 56,60,61,
Ritvo,A.M., 115 Saffiotti, U., 174 62,69, 70, 85,104,121,125,127,
Ritvo,E.R., 1,115 Safilios-Rothschild, C , 187 132,136,137,140,141,147148,157,
Riva, D., 210 Sagvolden, T., 24 158,160,218,227, 230
Roa, S. M., 60 Salbenblatt, J., 176 Shaffer, D., 1,4,10,197
Robin, A. L., 129 Salzman, C , 236 Shahidullah, S., 33
Robins, L.N., 129,130 Salzman, L. F., 56 Shanahan, R. J., 182
Robinson, A., 176 Sameroff, A. J., 7,8,214 Shankweiler, D., 70,154,157,159
Robinson, L. L., 211 Samet, J. M., 201201 Shapiro, D. K., 74
Robinson, R., 189 Samii, M., 178 Shapiro, E. S., 3,4,129,131,132,173,
Robson, J., 191 Sampson, P. D., 201,202 219,220,229,230,231
Rochford, J., 138 Samuels, J. W., 47 Shatz, C. J., 22
Rodning, C , 208 Samuels, M, 125 Shaw, D. A., 158,197
Rogers, S. J., 117 Samuels, N., 47 Shaw, E.D., 173
Rohl, M., 154 Sandberg, D., 175,176 Shaw, J. A., 137
Roizen,N.J., 190 Sandoval, J., 5,127 Shaywitz, B. A., 1, 5, 55,128,154
Romero, O., 179 Sargeant, J. A., 121,123 Shaywitz, S. E., 5, 55,128,154
Rosa, L., 98 Sarnat, H., 29 Shear, P. K., 102
Rosen, G.D., 31,44, 55,157 Sato, S., 181 Shekim,W.O.,234
Rosenbaum, J. F., 144 Satterfield, J. H., 56 Shenker, R., 120
Rosenberg, T. K., 137 Sattier, J., 72 Shepard, G. M., 16,17,18,19,20,22,
Rosenberger, P. B., 157 Satz,P.,9,10,158,163,168 23,24, 26,29, 30, 39,90
Rosenblatt, B., 190 Savitz, D. A., 209 Shepherd, L., 154
Rosenfield,W.D.,33 Saxby, L., 33 Sherman, G. F., 31,32,44,157
Rosenhall, U., 214 Scanlon, D. M., 162 Sherrets, S. D., 85, 87, 135
Rosenthal, S.L., 118 Scarborough, H., 162 Sheslow, D., 99
Rosman,N.P., 19,116 Scarr, S., 8 Shigley,H.,118
Ross, A. O., 146 Schaad,U.,214 Shimabukuro, S., 189
Ross, E. M., 182 Schaeffer, B., 117 Shinn, M. R., 3,152,164,219
Roth, C , 181 Schatschneider, C , 213 Short, R. J., 129,131
Roth, R. H., 16 Schaughency, E. A., 62,96,126,128, Shriver, M. D., 203
Rothlind,J., 126 234 Shucard\D.W.,55
Rotholz, D. A., 208 Scheibei, A. B., 15,33,41 Shure,M.B., 131
Rourke, B. P., 4,6, 9, 10, 32, 70, 83, 84, Schell, A. M., 56 Shurtleff;H.A.,85,86
85, 86,135,158,159,160,164,165, Scher, M. S., 190 Sidman, R. L., 20
166,167,168,195,195-196,196, Schmitt, B. D., 4 Siegal, A., 85,86,139
200,217,218, 221,222,223,226, Schneider, S., 30 Siegel, L. S., 154
227 Schoel,W.M., 136 Siegel, S. R., 48
Rourke, L. B., 211 Scholten, C. A., 121,123 Sigman, M., 115
Rourke, S. B., 226 Schopler,E.,115,117,118 Silbert, A., 176
Roussouris, S. H., 190 Schottenfeld, R. S., 207 Sillanpaa, M., 182,183
Rowan, N., 191 Schultz, D. D., 95, 96, 212 Silva,P.A., 131, 137
Rowiett, R., 172 Schuyler, B. A., 193 Silver, J. M., 193,200
Rubin, H., 100 Schwaab, D. F., 22 Silver, L. B., 137,235
Rumsey,J.M., 157 Schwartz, J. F., 189 Silverstein, F. S., 174
Rushworth, R. G., 179 Schwartz, J. H., 16,28,34,141 Simeonsson, R. J., 118
Rusling, 225 (96) Schwartz, K. P., 132 Simmons, J., 118
Russell, M., 185,201 Schwartzman, M. N., 173 Simone, C , 205
Russman, B. S., 189 Sears, S., 160 Singer, H. S., 206

Singer, L. T., 204,205,207,208 Starratt, C , 4 93, 94, 95,96,104,129,159,160,

Singhi, P. D., 185 Staton, R. D., 122,138 194,195,217,218,222,223,226
Singhi, S., 185 Stazi, M. A., 182 Telzrow,C.F.,181,187
Smallberg, S. A., 140 Stechler, G., 49 Templer,D.I.,145,193
Smalley, I. L., 115 Stedman,J., 182 Terdal, L. G., 75
Smallish, L., 123 Steingard, R., 5,137 Teuber,H.-L.,196
Smiley, N., 131 Steinhausen, H. C , 202,203 Thatcher, R.W., 41,42
Smith, A., 186 Steinmetz, H., 157,158 Thomas, C. L., 163,190
Smith, C. S., 191 Stern, C , 102 Thomas, N. G., 207
Smith, D.F., 202,203 Sternberg, R., 70 Thompson, R. F., 17,18
Smith, D.W., 172,201 Stevens, M., 140,212 Tilly, W.D., 129
Smith, E., 225 Stevenson, J., 63,191192 Tisher,M.,137
Smith, I. M., 114,207 Stewart, M. A., 123,124,131 Todis, B., 227
Smith, M. C , 143 Stoner, G., 71,129,227,228,230,231, Toor,S.,215
Smith, M.N., 191 237 Torgesen, J. K., 10,13,70,138,144,151,
Smith, R. F., 206 Stores, G., 182 152,153,154,157,159,161,162
Smith, R. S., 160 Storii,O.V.,193 Tramontana, M. G., 3,9,86, 87,129,
Smith, S. D., 46 Strain, P. S., 118 131,135,138,139
Smith, T. B., 191 Strang, J. D., 85,86,164,221,226 Tranel, D., 34,37,38,39,135
Smith, T. M., 208 Strang, J., 4,84 Traub,M., 1,10,197
Snead,0. C. 111,181 Strauss, C. C , 128,136,137,142,144, Trauner, D., 24
Snidman, N., 144 145,146 Treiman, D. M., 181
Snow, J. H., 95,96,190 Strauss, E., 100,103 Treiman, R., 152
Snowling, M. J., 152 Streissguth, A. R, 201,202,203,204, Tremblay, R. E., 132
Snyder, P., 208 Strom, D. A., 85, 86 Trommer, B. L., 122
Snyder, R.D., 214 Stroufe, L. A., 209 Tronick, E. Z., 206,208
Snyder, T., 74 Strzelecki, E., 125 Troughton, E., 131
Sohlberg, M. M., 9,103,121,128,212, Sumner, G. S., 176 Tsai,L.,61
229 Surgeon General's Advisory on Alcohol Tsuang,M.T.,63,131,136
Sokol, S., 54 in Pregnancy, 48 Tucker, G. J., 131,180,183,234,237
Solan, A., 171 Sutherland, R. J., 136 Tuma,J.M.,95
Sonis, W. A., 142 Sutin, J., 18,21,24,28, 30, 34,36 Tunmer, W. E., 153,154,162,224
Soubrie,R, 110 Suurmeijer, T. P., 185 Tuokko,H., 193
Sowell, E., 60,157 Suyenobu, B., 32,69 Tupper, D., 193
Sparrow, S. S., 9 Swaiman, K. F., 16,27,65,66 9 189 Turkheimer, E., 69
Spear, L. P., 195,206 Swanson, H. L., 153 Tyana, S., 235
Spear, N. E., 206 Swanson, J., 125 Tsyvaer, A., 193,194
Spence, M. A., 115 Swedo, S. E., 143
Spirto,A.,213 Sweet, J. J., 96 U.S. General Accounting Office, 204
Spivack,G., 131 Sykes,D.H., 121 Ultmann, M. H., 47
Spohr,H.L.,202 Szatmari,P., 119 Uphoff, C. A., 95,96
Sprague, R. L., 121 Szekely, G. A., 235 Urion, D. K., 62
Spreen, O., 43, 83,100,102,103,149, Szymonowicz, W., 188 Utada, A. X, 145
160,193 Uvebrandt, P., 189
Sprich-Buckminster, I., 5,137 Talent, B.K., 183
Sprinkle, B., 49 Tallal, P. A., 10,60, 70,102,147,148, Vala-Rossa,M.,152
Squires, L., 206 149,150,151,157, 162 van Baar, A., 207
Stabb, S., 133 Talley,J.L.,99 VanBourgondiem, M. E., 119
Stahl, S. A., 162 Tanguay, P. E., 55,115,116,143 VanDenAbell,T 117
Stamm, J. S., 55,56 Tanoue,Y.,114 Vanderberg, S. G., 156
Stanley, F.J., 188 Tartter,V.C.,156 van Praag, H. M., 110
Stanovich, K. E., 10,13, 70, 152,153, Tatagiba, M., 178 Van Reusen, A. K., 224,225
154,155,159,160,161,162 Taylor, H., 8,9,10,15, 83,104,195,213, Varley,C.K.,118
Stanton, K. E., 206 214 Varney,N.R.,43,102
Stark, K. D., 142,144 Taylor, L., 43 Varni,J.W.,186
Stark, R. E., 10,147,148,149,150,151, Teeter, P. A., 3,4,5,10,25 (fig.), 31 Vaughn, S., 227,228
176 (fig.), 36, 70, 78,79,83, 84, 87,92, Vellutino,F.R.,162

Verduyn,C, 145 Weller,R.A.,141 Wilson, J., 189

Vincentini, M., 33 Weils, K.C., 129 Wilson, M.T., 213
Vining, E. P. G., 186 Welsh, M.C., 42 Wilson, P. J. E., 179
Virginia Department of Education, 199, Wender,R,120 Windsor, J., 147
200 Werfelman,M.,157 Winogron,H.W., 197,199
Voeller, K. K. S., 5, 6,42,126,227 Werner, E.E.., 160 Wise, B. W 153,156,158,162,224,225
Volger,G.R,46 Werner, H., 99 Witeison, S. F., 21,31,32,34,43,69,
Volpe,J.J.,29,188,189 Werry, J. S., 129,135 157,191
Vonofakos,D., 19 West, D. J., 131 Witoi,A., 193
Vorhees,C.V.,206 West, R.F., 155 Witt, J. C, 75,228
Westlake,J.R.,115 Wittenberger, M. D., 175
Waas,G.A 143 Wetherby,A.M.,118 Wolf, MM., 100,129
Waber,D.R,100 Whalen, C. K., 235 Wolf-Schein,E.G., 174,175
Wada,J.A.,44 Wheeler, L., 83 Wolfeon, D., 16,19,24,26,27,28,30,
Wagner, R.K., 70,154,235 Whipple, S. C, 55 34, 36, 37, 78,135, 217,218,222
Wahler,R.G., 131 Whishaw, L Q., 6,17,19,22,23,27,30, Wong,B.Y.L.,4,13,153,159
Wald,A., 179 37, 38, 88,15,18,22,23,24,29, 34, Woodcock, R.W., 72
Wald,S.L.,28 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 88,100,136,139, Woods, B.T., 196
Walker, H.M., 227 194,196,235,236 Woods, J. R., 205
Walker, J., 227 White, B.G., 181 Woods, B.T., 196
Walker, M.L., 186 White, D. A., 191 Woolsey,C.N.,36
Wail, S., 208 White, J., 130,132 Wooiston, J. L., 5
Wallander,J.L., 186 White, R., 33 Worthington Roberts, B., 48
Walsh, K., 28 Whitman, B., 210 Wright, V., 136
Walter, G.F., 121 Whitman, S., 184
Walzer,S.,176 Wical,B.,52(fig.) Yakovlev,P.E., 17
Wapner, S., 99 Wigg,N.R., 199 Yeo,R.A.,69
Wareham,N.L., 190 Wikenheiser, M., 112 Yeterian, E. H., 37
Warr-Leeper, G. A., 203 Wiklund,L.M. 189 Yokochi,K., 189,190
Warrington, E.K., 116 Wilcox, K., 186 Young, G.C., 6,33,135,182
Waterman, G. S., 137,141,142 Wilkening,G.N.,92 Ysseldyke, J. E., 152
Waters, B., 138 Wilkinson, J. L., 28,29,30 Yu,V.Y.,188
Waters, E., 208 Willan,A.,48 Yudofsky,S.C.,l,15,49,193
Watkinson, B., 48 WilletU.B., 191 Yuille,D.,177
Watts, R.W., 212 Williams, B.F., 201 Yule, W., 153
Webbe,F.,193 Williams, J. M., 210,212 Yurgelun-Todd,D.,l
Webster-Stratton, C, 132,133 Williams, J. P., 127,224
Wechsler,D.,72 Williams, J. R., 34 Zaidel, E., 32,69
Weil,M.L.,28,214 Williams, S.M., 131,137 Zajonc, R. B., 146
Weinapple, M., 138 Williamson, M. L., 170 Zambelli, A. J., 55, 56
Weinberger, D. R., 15,20 Willis, W. G., 1, 3,12,16,17,29,43,45, Zametkin, A. J., 6,61,62,63,120,122,
Weiner,S.,207 52, 53, 54 (fig.), 67, 68, 78,79,116, 234,235,236
Weingarten,H., 140 176,178,179,180,169,170,171, Zeller,W.J.,209
Weinner,L.,204 175,178,193,214,215 Zetterstrom, R., 188
Weintraub, S., 1,100 Willkus, R. J., 52 Zigin, J. R., 15
Weiss, G., 5,120,121,123,128 Willows, D.M., 159 Zigler,E.,174
Weiss, I. P., 54 Wilms, J., 202 Zirk, H., 125
Weissman, M. M., 139 Wilson, A. A., 172 Zubin, J., 168
Weitz,R.,235 Wilson, B., 189 Zuckerman, B. S., 48,205
Weizman, A., 235 Wilson, E.R., 189
Weller,E.B.,141 Wilson, H., 138
Academic skills, 74,223227, Asphyxia, 53 neurotransmitters and, 62,109,110
228231 Assessment, 65 problems associated with, 5,124128,
anxiety disorders and, 144145 for autism, 117 132,135,202
ADHD and, 125127 and CNS disorders, 7076 psychosocial and cognitive paradigms,
classroom behavior and 228231 for childhood depression, 139141 4
nonverbal learning disabilities and, and diagnostic procedures, 78105 reticular activating system, 24
166 examinations and 6568 skills training and, 227228
reading disorders and, 158159,224 multistage neuropsychological model subtypes of, 120121. See also
225 (MNM),217221 Attention deficit disorder (ADD);
Achenbach scale, 145 neurological perspectives on, 89, 69 Attention deficit disorder with
Acquired neurological disorders, 1, and nonverbal learning disabilities, hyperactivity (ADD/H)
193201,215216. See also 166167 theories about, 120123
Cocaine-exposed infants; Fetal observation in, 104105,251 transactional model of, 123126
alcohol syndrome; Traumatic brain paradigms for, 7071 treatment for, 128129
injury, 193201 psychological functions and, 7677 Auditory functions, 10,24, 35
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). See reading disabilities, 160161 deficits in processing, 147,148,151
Leukemia transactional approach to, 103105 evoked potentials and, 53
Acute porphyria, 46 for written language disorders, 163 Austin Neurological Clinic, 97,98
Adopted children, 131 Association region (cortex) 37 Autism, 53,55,114119,175,179
Agenesis, 45 Ataxic cerebral palsy, 189190. See also Autism Diagnostic Interview, 117
Aggression, 5 Cerebral palsy Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule,
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Atonic cerebral palsy, 190. See also 117
Syndrome), 13,4647 Cerebral palsy Avoidant disorder. See Anxiety disorders
Alcohol abuse, 1,5,47 Attention/concentration deficits, 212, Axons, 1618,21
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 229230,234,245
192,215 measurement and tests for, 106 Babies, 188. See also Postnatal risk
and fetal alcohol syndrome, 48, Attention deficit disorder (ADD), factors
201204 55-57,120121 low-birth-weight, 13,188
Alertness/concentration P3b component of, 5556 prenatal drugs and, 13
Halstead-Reitan Test Batteries and, with hyperactivity (ADD/H), 5657, Basal ganglia, 30
79-S2 6263,120121,125126,128 Beery Visual-Motor Integration Test, 200
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), 173 with no hyperactivity (ADD/noH), Behavior Assessment System for
Alzheimer's disease, 173 122123,125126,128 Children (BASC), 75, 76,145
American Psychological Association Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders Behavior management, 228231,238
(APA), Division 40,10 (ADHD), 1,2,56,56,120129, Behavioral disorders, 1,45,121123,
Amniocentesis, 173 135 179,222
Amygdala, 30,39 academic adjustment and, 125127 Behavioral therapy, 4,116
Anencephaly, 45 assessment and, 126128 as intervention model, 219,
Antidepressants, 110,111,236. See also cognitive deficits, 125 228231
Medications computer feedback and, 224225 paradigm for, 34
Anxiety disorders, 77,109,137,140, developmental aspects of, 128 Benton Visual Retention Tests (BVRT),
142146,236 distractibility and, 122123 97,102
Aphasia, 249252 family factors and, 124125 Biological vulnerabilities, 7
measurement tests for, 102 genetic factors and, 123 and environmental factors, 4650
Aphasia Screening Test, 84,85,245 measurement/tests for, 72,102,105 Bipolar disorders, genetic factor in, 46
Arithmetic disabilities, 10 medication for, 110,129,230, Birth complications, 49
Arousal system, 24,8889,236 234235,236,237238,244,245 Boston Aphasia Screening Test, 245
Articulation impairment, 149151 neuroimaging and, 6062,64 Boston Hypothesis Testing Approach,
Asperger's disorder, 117,119 neuroradiology and, 6264,70 95^-99


Boston Naming Test, 100,245 Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), other disorders and, 137, 144
Boston process approach, 103 76,139,141 rating scales for, 141
Brain. See also Central nervous system Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, 145 Developmental disorders, 1. See also
(CNS); Peripheral nervous system Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 173 Neurodevelopment abnormalities,
(PNS) Chromosomal syndromes, 172176. See 45
abnormalities and, 45,52 also Down syndrome; Fragile X measurement tests for, 102
anatomy of, 1550 syndrome; Genetic factors; myelination and, 40
cells in, 15,19,2021 Klinefelter syndrome prenatal period, 1920,131132
disorders of, 45 Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT), 230 postnatal period, 21,22
lateralization of, 24,31,3234,8485 Clinical Evaluation of Language Developmental lag theory, 152
speech/language and, 33,44 Fundamentals, 245 Developmental neuropsychological
memory and, 39 Cocaine, 1,4849 remediation/rehabilitation model
medications and, 22 infants exposed to, 204209 (DNRR),221222
neuroimaging and, 58 Cognitive-based intervention, 220,223 Diagnostic Test of Arithmetic Strategies,
postnatal development and, 22 and academic training, 223227 225
prenatal development of, 1922 Cognitive Child Study, 220 Diencephalon, 27,29,45
structure and function, 2250 Cognitive deficits, 45. See also Reason- Dietary factors. See Nutrition
Brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), ing Differential Ability Scale (DAS), 7173
21 Halstead-Reitan Test Batteries and, DNA, 16
Brain stem, 2328 79-32 Dopamine, 62
Brain stem auditory evoked response Cognitive-intellectual measurements, medications and, 234,235
(BAER), 53, 54 7174 psychiatric disorders and, 107110,
Brain tumors, 19,51-52, 58 Computerized tomography (CT) scans, 1, 171
assessment of, 68 15,144 Down syndrome, 102,172174
cancer and, 209211 assessment and, 8, 54, 65, 68,179, Drug abuse, 47
214,215 Drug therapy, 4
California Verbal Learning Test, description of, 5758 Dyslexia, 1,152153,156157,
100102,245 Conduct disorders, 1,77,129133 244247
Cancellation Tasks, 103 cognitive problems and, 131 and event-related potentials, 55
Cancer, in children, 209213 early intervention and, 132134 genetic factors and, 46
brain tumors and, 209211 measurement scales and, 8687 measurement tests for, 102
Cardiovascular system, 24 other disorders and, 135,137,159 and neuroimaging, 60,61
Category Test, 123 school and academic factors, 132 and neuroradiology, 68,6970
Cells, 15,19,2021 Congenital heart disorders, 174 Dysphasia, 63,84. See also Language
Central Nervous System (CNS), 1-2 Conners Rating Scales, 76,241 impairment
assessment and, 72 Controlled Oral Word Association Test
cells in, 16 (COWA), 100 Early intervention
development o 2829 Corpus callosum, 34,44 conduct disorders and, 132134
diseases of; 68,156157,213215, abnormalities in, 45 and infancy, 13
216,219 Corpus striatum, 30 EEG. See Electroencephalography
and transactional paradigm, 67 Cortex, 3438 Electrocardiogram (ECG), 237
Cerebellum, (hindbrain), 27, 33, 35 higher regions of, 39 Electroencephalography (EEG), 41,51
abnormalities of, 45 Cortical system, 12 53,116,138,179,180,181,199,
Cerebral hemispheres, 3134 Cranial irradiation, 209,211212 214,215,237,244
asymmetry of; 3132,33,39,44,61 Curriculum-based assessment (CBA), 219 children and, 5253
lateralization of 31,3234,39,44 Electrophysiological techniques, 5157.
Cerebral palsy syndromes, 21, 182183, Dandy-Walker malformation, 45 See also Electroencephalography;
187192 Death, 45 Event-related potentials; Evoked
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 28,214,215 Dendrites, 1617,21,41 potentials;
Cerebrovascular diseases, 68. See also Depression, 5, 77 Emotional functions, 30,43
Sickle cell anemia assessment of, 76,87,139141 computer feedback and, 224225
Chemotherapy, 209,211 in childhood, 137142 developmental milestones for, 34
Child Behavior Checklist (CBL), 75, 76, and frontal lobes, 43 neurotransmitters and, 110
200 genetic factors and, 138 Encephalitis, 24,68,213,215
Child clinical neuropsychology, 12 interventions for, 141142 Event-related potentials (ERP), 5456t
Childhood Autism Rating Scale, 117 medication for, 142143 116
Childhood disintegrative disorder, 117 neurotransmitters and, 109 Environmental influences, 2, 50

and biological factors, 4650 Growth spurts, 41 Children (K-ABC), 71,7374,97,

and poverty, 48 Guidelines for Educational Services for 122,241,242,244,251
Environmental toxins, 50,53 Students with Traumatic Brain Klinefelter syndrome (KS, 175176
Epilepsy, 45,178,180. See also Seizure Injury (Virginia Department of
disorders Education), 200 Language disorders, 10,68,70,
and environmental toxins, 50 147168,220. See also Articula-
genetic factor in, 46 Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological tion impairment; Language
Epithalamus, 29 Batteries (HRNB), 7883,97,167, impairment
Epstein-Barr disease, 211 184, 200, 222 measurement and tests for, 7982,
Evoked potentials, 5354 interpretation o 8384 100-102,106
Executive functions 4142,117,132. See research and 8587 Language development, 50,7677,135
also Planning system Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 141 Language impairment (LI), 147151. See
measurements and tests for, 106 Heart disorders, 174 also Dysphasia
Externalized disorders. See also ADHD; Hemiplegia, 178 Lateralization, 24,31,3234,8485
Conduct disorder Heroin, 49 speech/language and, 33,44
research on, 134 Holoprosencephaly, 45 memory and, 39
Extrapyramidal cerebral palsy, Hooper Visual Organization Test, 102 Lateral ventricles, 29
189190. See also Cerebral palsy Hydranencephaly, 45 Lead poisoning, 1,50
Hydrocephalus, 24,28, 53 Learning disabilities/disorders (LD), 55,
Family factors, 114 Hydrocephaly, 45 151162,220. See also Reading
anxiety disorders and, 145 Hyperglycemia, 53 disabilities
childhood depression and, 139 Hyperkinetic movement disorder, 30 and ADHD, 56
conduct disorders and, 130131 Hypothalamus, 27,29 and behavioral therapy, 4,220,224
and home-based contingencies, 230 Hypotonia, 30,171 computer feedback and, 224225
reading disabilities and, 159 developmental model for, 9
schoolphysician partnerships, 238 Impaired temporal processing, 10 measurements/rating scales/tests for,
Fetal alcohol effect, 202 Individual Family Service Plans (IFSP), 72,74,8687,100102,106,
Fetal alcohol syndrome, 48,100, 203 160161
201204 Integrated neuropsychological model, neurotransmitters and, 110
Fragile X Syndrome, 174175 13,10-11 psychosocial and cognitive paradigms
Frontal lobes, 3436,134 Intellectual capacity, 50 and, 46
maturation o 3943 Intelligence (IQ) tests, 132,153,183, remediation/rehabilitation and,
Functional MRI (fMRI), 5860, 64,69, 184,187,197,200,211,212,245 158159,221222,224225
148 mterhemispheric connections, 34 social skills and 227228
Internal capsule, 27 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 46,171172
Genetic counseling, 173 International Neuropsychological Society Leukemia, 68,211213
Genetic influences, 2,16 (INS), 11 Leukodystrophy, 46
and ADHD, 123 Internalized disorders, 135146. See also Limbic system, 26,27,2930,36
and adopted children, 131 Anxiety; Depression; Lindamood Auditory Battery, 245,247
and anxiety disorders, 144 Interventions, 217240. See also Early Linguistic deficiencies, 69. See also
andautism, 115116 intervention Language disorders; Speech
and childhood depression, 137 multistage neuropsychological model Linguistic-Semantic processing, 2,10
and conduct disorders, 130 (MNM),217221 Lissencephaly, 45
and depression, 138 for nonverbal learning disabilities, 167 Logical analysis, Halstead-Reitan Test
and Down syndrome, 173 for reading disabilities, 161,224225 Batteries and, 7982
and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 171 for written language disorders, 163, Luria Nebraska Neurological Battery-
and neurodevelopmental abnormali- 225 Children's, 74,8797,184
ties, 45,46 Intracranial abscesses, 68 developmental considerations,
and neuropsychiatric dyslexia Intractable seizure disorder, 241244 90-92
disorders, 46 Intrahemispheric connections, 34
and nonverbal learning disabilities, Intrauterine growth retardation, 207 Magnetic Resonance Imagine (MRI),
164165 Intrauterine infections, 45 MRI, 15,25,51. See also
and reading disabilities, 155 medication for, 241,242 Functional MRI
and Tourette syndrome, 109,112 assessment and, 8, 65,68,214,244
twin studies and, 130,155,211 Juvenile delinquency, 5 clinical interpretation of, 9495
Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome, 46 description of; 5758,9297
Glial cells, 29,47 Kaufman Assessment Battery for psychological disorders and, 9597

research/validation of, 62, 64, Myotonic dystrophy, 46 depression and, 109

95-47 emotional functions and, 110
scoring procedures for, 94 Narcotic use, 47. See also Cocaine learning disabilities and, 110
Malnutrition effects of, 4 National Academy of Neuropsychology, medication and, 109,111112,
and neurodevelopmental abnormali- 11 234235
ties, 45,4749 National Institute of Mental Health, 1 memory functions, 110
Marijuana, 48 National Joint Committee on Learning obsessive-compulsive disorder and,
Maternal health 47 Disabilities (NJCLD), 1.54 109
and substance abuse, 48,201202 Neocortex, 30 schizophrenia and, 109
Maternal hyperphenylalanemia, 170 Nerve growth factor (NGF), 21 tourette syndrome and, 109,135
Mathematical disorders, 225226 Neural tube, 45 Nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD), 6,
Medical rehabilitation, 221 Neuroanatomy. See Brain 10,32,70,163168,226
homeschool partnerships, Neurobiology, 69 Norepmephrine, 26,107109,110,141,
238239 Neurocutaneous syndromes/disorders, 234
Medications, 13, 22, 55, 77,204, 176180. See also Nutrition, 170171
231234. See also Psychopharma- Neurofibromatosis, Sturge-Weber and brain development, 49
cological therapy syndrome; Tuberous sclerosis and brain injury, 47
for ADHD, 110,129,230, Neurodevelopmental disorders, 45,69
234235,236,237,244,245 models for, 910 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 1,
for anxiety, 236 Neurofibromatosis (Van Reckling- 135,142,145
for autism, 117118 hausen's disease), 5354,68, neurotransmitters and, 109
for depression, 142143,236 176178 Occipital lobes, 3738
efficacy of, 237 Neuroglia, 19 maturation o 4344
for Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 172 Neuroimaging techniques, 15,21,32, Olfactory bulb, 29
monitoring of, 238239 5762. See also Computed Oppositional defiant disorder, 132
for obsessive-compulsive disorder, tomography(CT); Magnetic Optic nerve, 27,37
236 resonance imaging (MRI); Oregon Health Sciences, 212
for schizophrenia, 235 Regional blood flow (rCBF); Oregon Social Learning Center, 133
for seizure disorders, 181,185, Positron-emission tomography Organizational skills, 226227
186187,236237,241,242,243 (PET) Overanxious disorder. See Anxiety
side effects of, 236 Neurological Deficiency Scale (NDS), disorders
for Tourette syndrome, 113114,235 7^-80,84-85
Medulla (medulla oblongata), 24,26,27 Neuromuscular diseases, 68 Parents, 4, 8,104,128
Megalencephaly, 45 Neurons, 29 substance abuse and, 208209
Memory functions, 30, 35 structure and function, 1519 training of, 133,238
measurements and tests for, 7982, types ot 1819 Parentchild interaction, 8
100102,106 Neuropsychiatric disorders. See Parietal lobes, 35,3637
neurotransmitters and, 110 Asperger's disorder; Autism; maturation of 43
Meninges, 28, 68 Tourette syndrome Peabody Individual Achievement Test,
Meningitis, 24,213,214215 Neuropsychology, 3 245
Mental retardation. See Retardation and neuroradioiogical data, 6970, Peer rejection, 5
Mesencephalon (midbrain), 27,45 76-77 Peer tutoring, 230
Metabolic disorders, 169172. See also organic vs. psychiatric disorders, Perceptual function, 35
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS); 135136 measurement and tests for, 7982,
Phenylketonia (PKU) protocol for, 97 102103,106
Micrencephaly, 45 Neuroradiology, 6264,68,221. See also Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), 22
Micropolygyria, 45 PET scans; SPECT scans Personality Inventory for Children (PIC),
Microsurgery, 28. See also Surgery and neuropsychological data, 6970 7576,200
Mismatch negativity (MMN), 56 Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD),
Motherchild interactions, 50 Examination for Aphasia 1,114,117,235
Motor system, 24,29,30,3536 (NCCEA), 102 Pervasive developmental delay, 249252
development milestones for, 33 Neurotransmitters, 18,26,134. See also Phenylketonia (PKU), 169171
measurement and tests for, 7982,106 Dopamine; Norepinephrine; Phonemic (phonological) awareness, 2,
Multistage neuropsychological model Serotonin 10,13,70,152,154155,156,158,
(MNM),217221 ADHD and, 62,109,110 224
Muscle movement, 35. See also autism and 117, Phonological Reading Disabilities (PRD),
Neuromuscular diseases ascription of, 107108 154155,160,161

Pituitary, 27 Reasoning, measurement and tests for, Sickle cell anemia, 68

Planning system, 35, 89,90. See also 7932,99100,106 Single photon emission tomography
Executive functions Rebelliousness, 5 (SPECT) scans, 6264,116,123
Pollution. See Environmental toxins Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), 15, Skills training, 133,142,204, 224, 225,
Pons, 2627 68,116,134 226
Porencephaly, 45 Rehabilitation. See also Remediation Sleep state, 26
Positron emission tomography (PET), 1, developmental neuropsychological Social skills training, 227228
15,60,144 remediation/rehabilitation model Social Skills Questionnaire, 76
and ADHD and ADD/H, 6264, (DNRR),221222 Somatosensory system, 24, 35
123 Reitan evaluation of hemispheric abilities Spastic diplegia, 189. See also Cerebral
and childhood depression, 139 and brain improvement training palsy
Postnatal/prenatal risk factors, 4950, (REHABIT), 222 Spastic hemiplegia, 188189. See also
115,137 Reitan-Indiana Test Battery (HINB), 79, Cerebral palsy
and autism, 115 85 Spastic quadriplegia, 190. See also
brain injury and, 4647 Remediation, 222223,224. See also Cerebral palsy
childhood depression and, 138 Rehabilitation Special education, 199,203
nonverbal learning disabilities and, Retardation, 45, 53, 55, 178,235 Speech 41,44. See also Language
165 Reticular activating system (RAS), 24, disorders
reading disabilities and, 156 26, 88 computer feedback and, 224225
substance abuse and, 206208 Rett's disorder, 117 and dendritic growth, 41
Posttraumatic stress disorder, 142 Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety disorders of, 68,220
Poverty, 48 Scale, 76 Spina bifida, 45
Prefrontal cortex, 36 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, 245 Spinal cords, 2223,29
Premotor cortex, 34,36 Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test, 100 Spreen-Benton Aphasia Tests, 102
Prenatal risk factors. See Postnatal risk Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, 171,
factors 76,141 242
Preservation functions, 30 Rheumatic heart disease, 30 Stimulants, 234235,237
Primary auditory cortex, 35 RNA, 16 Stress, and psychiatric disorders, 114
Primary motor cortex 3436 Rubella (German measles), 47 Stroop Color Word Test, 99,126,140
Primary sensory cortex, 35,3637 Study skills, 226227
Professional societies, 11 Schizophrenia, 179 Sturge-Weber syndrome, 68,178179
Professional training, 1113 genetic factors and, 46 Subcortical system, 1
educators and, 13 medication and, 235 Substance abuse, 47,131. See also
Psychopharmacological therapy, 11,13, neurotransmitters and, 109 Alcohol; Drugs; Narcotic use
16,104,221,231234. See also School-based interventions, 114,133, Suicide, 6
Medications 219,224227,228231. See also Surgery, 186187,209. See also
anticonvulsants, 236237 Academic Adjustment; Special Microsurgery
antidepressants, 110,111,236 education; Teachers Sydenham's chorea, 30
antipsychotics, 235236 homephysician partnership, 237238 Synapses, 18, 21
antioxiolytics, 236 School-based observations, 251252
behavioral therapy and, 237238 Seizure disorders, 30, 50, 5152,171, Tactile perception, 34,43
efficacy of, 237 180IS7,219. See also Teacher, role of, 104,133. See also
neurotransmitters and, 111112 Epilepsy; Intractable seizure School-based observations
stimulants, 234235,237 disorder; Tonic clonic seizures Telencephalon (Forebrain), 2930
Psychosocial and cognitive paradigms, Self-management/self-control techniques, Temporal lobes, 35,3839
4-6 229 maturation of, 44
Psychosocial functioning, 7475 Self-Report Scale of the Behavioral Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA),
Purdue pegboard test, 243 Assessment Scale for Children, 245
141 Thalamus, 27,29, 30, 35
Radiation, 1 Semantic clustering Third ventricle, 27
Radiotherapy, 211 measurement tests for, 102 Tonic clonic seizures (grand mal),
Raphe nuclei, 30 Sensory system, 29,43, 8889 182187
Reading disabilities, 2,10,13, 69, 76, measurement and tests for, 7982,106 Tourette syndrome, 1,112114
153,154161. See also Phonologi- Separation anxiety disorder. See Anxiety genetics and, 46,109,112
cal reading disabilities (PRD) disorders biochemical models of, 107112,135
and visual/orthographic deficits, Serotonin, 26,30,107108,109,110, medication for, 113114,235
161162 141,234 neurological factors, 109,135

Tower of Hanoi (and London), 117,128 maternal health and, 4749 Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children
Trails Tests, 77,140,184 MNM model and, 219 (WISC), 7173,71,74,97,103,
Transactional paradigms (models), 68, nutrition and, 47 125,139,140,165,184,200,
118,135,155 prenatal risk, 4647 245
and ADHD, 121 transactional features of, 197200 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT),
and children of substance abusers, 209 Tuberous sclerosis (TS), 68,178179 74,97
and nonverbal learning disabilities, Twin studies and, 130,155,211 Wide Range Assessment of Memory
167168 and Learning (WRAML), 99100,
Traumatic brain injury, 1,10,68, Ventricles, 24 248
193201,247249 Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 200, Wilson disease, 46
behavioral therapy and, 4 242 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST),
biological and environmental factors Visual evoked potentials (VERS), 5354 42,76,99,126,128,245
in, 4 6 - 5 0 Visual functions, 24,35,3738,4344 Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Batteries,
and children, 76 developmental milestones for, 34 7172,103,105,200,243,245
Guidelines for Educational Services tests for, 7982,200 Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, 251
for Students with Written language disorders, 162163,
Traumatic Brain Injury (Virginia Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests 225
Department of Education), 200 (WIAT),74

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