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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

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Military History Timeline 1-1499 AD
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4000 BC 1000 BC 1 1000 1500 1700 1800 1850 1900 1925 1950

1 A.D.

43 Battle of Medway (England)

83 Battle of Mons Graupius (Scotland)

The battle of Soissons (486 AD) was the first recorded victory won by Clovis
486 I, king of the Franks, and saw him defeat Syagrius, the ruler of the last Roman
enclave in northern Gaul.
The battle of Tolbiac or Zulpich (496 AD) might have been a victory won by
496 Clovis and other Franks that prevented a westward movement of the

500 Battle of Mons Badonicus, c.500

The battle of the Ouche (500 AD) was a victory won by Clovis, king of the
Franks, during an otherwise unsuccessful intervention in a Burgundian family
The siege of Avignon (500) saw the Burgundian king Gundobar hold off a
besieging Frankish army led by Clovis I for long enough to convince Clovis to
offer peace terms.
The siege of Vienne (c.500-501 AD) was the final act in a Burgundian civil
500-501 war that had briefly involved the Frankish king Clovis I, but that ended with
the victory of Clovis's opponent Gundobar.
The battle of Vouille (507) was a significant victory for Clovis I, king of the
507 Franks, and allowed him to conquer Aquitaine, taking it from the Visigothic
kingdom of Toulouse
The siege of Arles (507-508) saw the Visigothic defenders of the city fight off
507-8 a Frankish and Burgundian army until the Ostrogoths of King Theodoric
arrived and lifted the siege.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

511 Death of Clovis I, king of the Franks

577 Battle of Deorham (England)

603 Battle of Degsastan

c.613-616 Battle of Chester

616 Battle of the Idle (Yorkshire)

Death of AEthelfrith, king of Northumbria, killed at the battle of the Idle

624 17 March The battle of Badr was an early victory for the prophet Muhammad over the
Quraysh tribe of Mecca

625 23 March The battle of Mount Uhud was a minor Muslim defeat in the period after the
battle of Badr

627 The battle of the Ditch was the largest and last attempt by the Qurayesh tribe
to defeat the Muslim forces of Muhammad

632 Battle of Hatfield Chase

633 Battle of Rowley Burn

Death of Cadwallon, king of Gwynedd, at battle of Rowley Burn

641 5 August
Battle of Maserfelth

654 Battle of Winwaed (England)

Death of Penda, king of Mercia, at battle of Winwd

670 Death of Oswiu, king of Bernicia and Northumbria

685 20 May
Battle of Nechtansmere (Scotland)

838 Battle of Hingston Down

851 Battle of Aclea, 851 (England)

871 8 January
Battle of Ashdown

878 May Battle of Edington

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

902 Battle of the Holme

910 5 August
Battle of Tettenhall (England)

937 Battle of Brunanburgh

991 August
Battle of Maldon


1014 23 April
Battle of Clontarf (Ireland)

1016 18 October
Battle of Ashingdon

1029 Birth of Alp Arslam, Seljuk Sultan (to 1072)

1063 Start of reign of Alp Arslam, Seljuk Sultan (to 1072)

1066 20 September
Battle of Fulford

25 September
Battle of Stamford Bridge

14 October Battle of Hastings, battle that brought William the Conqueror to the English

1068 Accession of Romanus IV Diogenes, Byzantine Emperor (to 1071)

Battle of Manzikert (Byzantine Empire), crushing defeat of Byzantine army

1071 19 August led by the Emperor Romanus IV Diogenes inflicted by the Seljouks of Alp
Deposition and murder of Romanus Diogenes

1072 Death of Alp Arslam, Seljuk Sultan (from 1063)

1081 Battle of Mynydd Carn (Wales)

1093 13 November
Battle of Alnwick (England)

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

1096 First year of First Crusade (to 1099)

1097 14 May
Start of Siege of Nicaea (to 19 June) (First Crusade)

19 June
Surrender of Nicaea to Byzantine troops, much to annoyance of crusaders

1 July Battle of Dorylaeum, Crusaders narrowly escape disaster at the hands of the
Turks of Rum
21 October
Start of Crusader siege of Antioch (to 3 June 1098)

31 December Battle of Harenc (First Crusade), defeat of Muslim force coming to relief of

1098 9 February Battle of Harenc (First Crusade, defeat of second Muslim force coming to
relief of Antioch

3 June
City of Antioch falls to the Crusaders (from 21 October 1097)

5 June
Start of Kerboga's siege of Antioch

28 June
Crusaders win battle of the Orontes, ending Kerboga's siege of Antioch

1099 Last year of First Crusade (from 1096)

9 June
First day of Siege of Jerusalem (to 18 July), First Crusade

18 July
Fall of Jerusalem (from 9 June), First Crusade

12 August
Battle of Ascalon, final victory of the First Crusade

1106 28 September
Battle of Tinchebrai (France)

1128 21 June Battle of Thielt (or Hackespol), (Flanders), victory for William Clito in fight
for county of Flanders

1138 22 August
Battle of the Standard

1141 2 February
Battle of Lincoln

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

14 September
Rout of Winchester

1147 Start of Second Crusade (to 1149)

1149 End of Second Crusade, 1147-1149

1164 First of Nur ad-Din's three invasions of Egypt. Egypt is finally conquered
during the third campaign of 1168-69.

The battle of Babain (18 March 1167) was an inconclusive battle during Nur
1167 18 March
ad-Din's second invasion of Egypt that is best know for being Saladin's first
recorded major battle.
The siege of Alexandria (April-August 1167) was Saladin's first recorded
independent command, and he managed to hold the city until both sides were
exhausted and a peace treaty could be negotiated.
25 October-19 The siege of Damietta (25 October-19 December 1169) was the main event in
1169 December a failed Crusader and Byzantine attempt to conquer Egypt and undo the Syrian
occupation of that country.

The siege of Darum (Mid December 1170) was part of Saladin's first major
1170 Mid December
offensive against the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, and was abandoned
after a relief army appeared on the scene.
The siege of Ayla/ al-Aqaba (31 December 1170) was one of Saladin's earliest
31 December
successes against the Crusaders and saw him gain control of a key point on the
pilgrim route from Egypt to Mecca and Medina.
21 September- The siege of Montreal (21 September-October 1171) was a controversial
1171 October episode of the career of Saladin after he lifted the siege, probably because his
overlord Nur ad-Din was approaching with a second army.

1174 13 June
Battle of Alnwick

29 July-2 The siege of Alexandria of 29 July- 2 August 1174 was a brief and very
August unsuccessful attempt by the Normans of Sicily to play a part in the overthrow
of Saladin, then vizier of Egypt.
Saladin leaves Cairo and moves to Damascus at the start of the series of
campaigns that eventually secure his control of Syria (to 1186)
Start of the siege of Aleppo (30 December 1174-March 1175), Saladin's first
30 December
attempt to capture Aleppo and take control of Nur ad-Din's young son and

1175 March
Saladin lifts the siege of Aleppo

13 April The battle of the Horns of Hamah (13 April 1175) was an important battle
during Saladin's campaign to gain control of Syria and saw him defeat a

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

combined army from Aleppo and Mosul.

The battle of Tall as-Sultan (22 April 1176) was a major victory won by
1176 22 April
Saladin during his conquest of Syria, and saw him defeat the allied armies of
Aleppo and Mosul.
The siege of Azaz (15 May-21 June 1176) was one of a series of successes for
15 May-21 June
Saladin in the aftermath of his victory at the battle of Tall as-Sultan (22 April
1176) and helped put pressure on the authorities in Aleppo.
29 May Battle of Legnano (Italy), victory for league of Italian cities led by Milan over
the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.

1177 25 November Battle of Ramleh, defeat that ended an early invasion of the Kingdom of
Jerusalem by Saladin

1178 The battle of Gujarat or Kayadara (1178) was a defeat suffered by Muhammad
of Ghur during his first campaign against a Hindu ruler in India

1186 Start of Saladin's Holy War (t0 1192)

Treaty between ruler of Mosul and Saladin ends his conquest of Syria, giving
3 March
Saladin a united empire that stretches from Egypt, through Syria and into

1187 4 July
Battle of Hattin, defeat that ended the existance of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

1189 Start of Third Crusade (to 1189-1192)

Start of Crusader Siege of Acre (to July 1191)

1190 Birth of Subatai Ba'adur (to 1242), Mongol general

The first battle of Taraori (or Tarain) of 1191 was a rare defeat suffered by
1191 Muhammad of Ghur during the series of campaigns in Northern India that laid
the foundations of the Delhi Sultanate

12 July
Fall of Acre to Crusaders now led by Richard the Lion Heart (from August
7 September
Battle of Arsuf

The siege of Bhatinda of 1191-2 took place between the two battles of Taraoir
1192 (1191 and 1192) fought between Muhammad of Ghur and Prithviraja
Chauhana III of Delhi, and saw Prithviraja recapture the fortress before
suffering defeat and death during the second battle of Taraoir

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The second battle of Taraori (or Tarain) of 1192 was a decisive victory won by
Muhammad of Ghur one year after he had suffered a rare defeat on the same
site and that left northern India vulnerable to conquest
End of Third Crusade (from 1189) and Saladin's Holy War (from 1186)

1193 or
The battle of Chandwar (1193 or 1194) was the second major victory won by
1194 Muhammad of Ghor in northern India, after the second battle of Taraori.

1202 Start of Fourth Crusade (to 1204)

1204 End of Fourth Crusade (from 1202)

1213 13 October Battle of Steppes (Belgium), victory of bishop of Liege over raiding forces of
Henry, duke of Brabant, during period of anarchy in the Holy Roman Empire

1214 27 July Battle of Bouvines, defeat of King John's allies by Philip Augustus of France;
key battle in establishing French kingdom

1215 Start of First Barons War (to 1217)

1217 20 May
Battle of Lincoln

1218 Start of Fifth Crusade (to 1221)

1221 End of Fifth Crusade (from 1218)

The battle of the Indus, 24 November 1221, marked the first appearance of the
Mongols in India, but the battle was the final stage of Genghis Khan's war
against Khwarazm, and after his victory Genghis left India alone.

1223 Battle of the Kalka River, Mongol victory over much larger Russian army

1228 Start of Sixth Crusade (to 1229)

1229 End of Sixth Crusade, Sixth, (from 1228)

1241 March
Battle of Chmielnik, Mongol destruction of the Polish royal army.

5 April Battle of Liegnitz (Poland), Mongol defeat of a large Polish army raised by
the Polish nobility
27 April Battle of Sajo, (Hungary), Mongol victory over a huge Hungarian army led by
King Bela

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The siege of Lahore (to 22 December 1241) was an early Mongol success
22 December
against the Delhi Sultanate, and took advantage of a state of political
confusion in the Sultanate.
Mongol army withdraws from Hungary and Poland, probably due to death of
1242 Oktai Khan
Death of Subatai Ba'adur (from 1190), Mongol general

1248 Start of Seventh Crusade (to 1254)

1250 8 February Battle of Mansura (Egypt), bloody victory during Seventh Crusade that left
the crusaders too weak to achieve their aims

6 April
Battle of Fariskur (Egypt), final defeat of the Seventh Crusade

1254 End of Seventh Crusade (from 1248)

1264 Start of Second Barons War (to 1267)

14 May 1264
Battle of Lewes

1265 4 August
Battle of Evesham

1266 June
Start of the siege of Kenilworth

Surrender of Kenilworth castle

1270 Eighth Crusade bogs down in Tunisia

1277 Start of the Welsh Wars of Edward I (to 1282)

1282 11 December Battle of Orewin Bridge (Wales). Death of Llewellyn ap Gruffyd marks
effective end of the Welsh Wars of Edward I, (from 1277)

1289 Othman, founder of Ottoman power, inherits his fathers realm.

1295 22 January
Battle near Conway

1296 27 April
Battle of Dunbar (Scotland)

1297 11 September
Battle of Stirling Bridge (Scotland)

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

1298 22 July
Battle of Falkirk

The battle of Jalandhar (modern Jullundu) of 5 February 1298 was the first of
5 February
a series of four major battles that dramatically reduced the Mongol threat to
the Delhi sultanate.

1299 The battle of Kili of 1299 ended a Mongol siege of Delhi, and was the second
of four major battles that reduced the Mongol threat to the Delhi Sultanate.

The battle of Amroha (20 December 1305) was a major victory for the Delhi
1305 20 December
Sultanate over a Mongol army, and was the third of four Mongol defeats that
greatly reduced the threat they posed to India.
The battle of Ravi (1306) was the fourth and last of a series of defeats suffered
1306 by Mongol armies in the Delhi Sultanate that greatly reduced the Mongol
threat to northern India.
20 June
Battle of Ruthven

1307 May
Battle of Loudun Hill (Scotland)

1314 24 June
Battle of Bannockburn

November Battle of Morgarten, (Switzerland), victory of Swiss infantry over invading

Hapsburg army

1318 14 October 1318

Battle of Dundalk

1319 20 September
Battle of Myton (Yorkshire)

1322 16 March
Battle of Boroughbridge

1326 Death of Othman, founder of Ottoman power, succeeded by his son Orkhan
(to 1361), probable organiser of the Ottoman state.

1327 25 January
Start of reign of Edward III, king of England, (to 1377)

The Genko War (1331-33) was a struggle between the supporters of the
Emperor Go-Daigo and the Kamakura Shogunate which ended as an Imperial
1331 victory and led to the short-lived Kemmu restoration, the only period in which
the Emperor held direct power between 1192 and the fall of the Tokugawa
Shogunate in the nineteenth century
The battle of Karasaki Beach (October 1331) was the first battle of the Genko
War (1331-33), and saw the Monastic supports of the Emperor Go-Daigo
defeat a cavalry force sent to capture him.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The siege of Kasagi (3-31 October 1331) saw the forces of the Kamakura
3-31 October
Shogunate capture the Emperor Go-Daigo's refuge at Kasagi, a success that
for a time appeared to have crushed the Imperial cause (Genko War, 1331-33).
The siege of Akasaki (c.31 October-20 November 1331) saw the forces of the
c.31 October-20
Shogunate attack and capture the castle of Kusunoki Masashige, a supporter
of the Emperor Go-Daigo, although Kusunoki escaped and continued the fight
from nearby mountains.
The capture of Akasaki Castle (28 April 1332) was achieved by a surprise
1332 28 April attack and saw Kusunoki Masashige recapture his own castle at Akasaka,
which had fallen to the forces of the Shogunate in the previous year (Seige of
Akasaka, November 1331).
The battle of the Yodo River (14 June 1332) was a victory won by Kusunoki
14 June
Masashige over the forces of the Shogunate at the Yodo River (modern
11 August
Battle of Dupplin Muir

1333 28 January The battle of Hoshigaoka (28 January 1333) saw the revolt against the
Shogunate spread onto Shikoku Island (Genko War, 1331-33).

February The siege of Yoshino Castle (February 1333) saw a large Bakufu army capture
the castle after an eight day siege, forcing Prince Norinaga to flee to safety.

18 February-14 The siege of Akasaka (18 February-c.14 March 1333) was one of the few
March successes won by a massive Bakufu army at the start of the last year of the
Genko War (1331-33).

The battle of Maya (27 March 1333) was the first of a series of victories won
27 March
by Akamatsu Norimura, a supporter of the Emperor Go-Daigo, during an
unsuccessful attempt to capture Kyoto.
The siege of Chihaya (March-22 June 1333) was the turning point in the
March Genko War (1331-33). The Shogunate's failure to capture the castle meant that
their main army was pinned down, encouraged pro-Imperial revolts around
Japan and forced them to commit ever more troops to the fighting.
The battle of Sakabe (24 April 1333) was a minor skirmish in which the
24 April
Imperial loyalist Akamatsu Norimura was nearly captured by the forces of the
25 April The battle of Segawa (25 April 1333) was the last real success during the
Imperial loyalist Akamatsu Norimura's attempt to capture Kyoto.
The battle of the Twelfth Day of the Third Month (26 April 1333) was an
26 April
unsuccessful attempt by the pro-Imperial Akamatsu Norimura to try and
defeat the Shogunate's garrison in Kyoto
The battle of Yamazaki (29 April 1333) saw a force from the Rokuhara
29 April
garrison of Kyoto fail to drive away a pro-Imperial army under Akamatsu
Norimura that was threatening to cut off supplies to the city.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The battle of Funanoe (13 May 1333) was an unsuccessful attempt by the
13 May
exiled emperor Go-Daigo's jailor to recapture the emperor after he had
escaped from exile on Oki, an island to the north-west of Honshu.
The battle of the Third Day of the Fourth Month (17 May 1333) was a second
17 May
failed attempt to take Kyoto made by the pro-Imperial leader Akamatsu
The battle of Koganawate (10 June 1333) was notable for the death of Nagoya
10 June Takaie, one leader of a Shogunate army that had been sent to Kyoto to secure
control of the area around the Imperial capital and attack the Emperor
Go-Daigo's new court at Funanoe.
The battle of Rokuhara (20 June 1333) was one of the decisive battles of the
20 June Genko War, and saw the Shogunate general Ashikaga Takauji turn on his
former allies, side with the Emperor Go-Daigo and drive the forces of the
Shogunate out of their headquarters in Rokuhara.
22 June
End of the siege of Chihaya (from March)

The battle of Kotesashi (23 June 1333) was the first battle in the campaign
23 June that led to the capture of Kamakura and the final fall of the Kamakura
Shogunate (Genko War, 1331-33). It was an inconclusive battle, and the
fighting resuming on the following day.
The battle of Kumegawa (24 June 1333) was the second of two battles in two
24 June days in the campaign that led to the capture of Kamakura and the fall of the
Kamakura Shogunate (Genko War, 1331-33), and was won by the
pro-Imperial forces of Nitta Yoshisada.
The two-day long battle of Bubaigawara (27-28 June 1333) saw the defenders
27-28 June of Kamakura miss an opportunity to defeat the pro-Imperial army of Nitta
Yoshisada, thus ensuring that the fighting would move to the Shogunate's
capital at Kamakura
The siege of Kamakura (30 June-4 July 1333) was the final major battle of the
30 June-4 July
Genko War (1331-33) and saw the army of Nitta Yoshisada capture the capital
of the Kamakura Shogunate after a five-day long battle.
The battle of Tsukushi (7 July 1333) was the final event in a complex plot
19 July
against Hojo Hidetoki, the military governor of Kyushu, and saw him defeated
by two of the three original plotters against him.
7 July
Battle of Halidon Hill

1337 Outbreak of Hundred Years War (to 1453)

1339 21 June Battle of Laupen (Switzerland), victory of fledgling Swiss confederacy over
league of local feudal lords.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

1340 24 July
Battle of Sluys, great English navel victory in Hundred Years War.

1346 26 August
Battle of Crecy

4 September
Start of the siege of Calais by Edward III

17 October
Battle of Neville's Cross (Northern England)

1347 27 June Battle of La Roche Derien (Brittany), English victory over Charles of Blois,
French claimant to duchy of Brittany

4 August
Surrender of Calais to Edward III

1351 8 April
Battle of Taillebourg (France)

1352 14 August
Battle of Mauron (Brittany)

1356 19 September
Battle of Poitiers, major English victory in Hundred Years War

1361 Death of Orkhan, son of Othman, early Ottoman ruler (from 1326), succeeded
by Murad, (to 1389), his second son

1364 Birth of Henry Percy, 'Hotspur'

1365 The battle of the Mire or Tashkent (1365) was a rare defeat for Tamerlane, and
came during a struggle for power within the divided Chaghatay Khanate.

1367 3 April
Battle of Najera (Castile)

1370 The battle of Balkh (1370) was a key success in Tamerlane's rise to power,
and established him as the ruler of the western Chaghatay in Transoxiana

1372 Death of Sir Walter de Mauny, one of Edward III's most important
commanders during the Hundred Years War

The siege of Kath (1372) was an early success during Tamerlane's first
expedition into Khwarezm, and was followed by one of the first examples of
the atrocities that so often followed when Tamerlane captured a city.

1377 21 June
Death of Edward III, king of England, (from 1327)

1379 The siege of Urganch of 1379 was the key victory during Tamerlane's fourth
war in Khwarezm, and saw the city fall after a siege of three months.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

1380 13 July Death of Bertrand du Guesclin, constable of France, successful French

commander during Hundred Years War.

1381 The siege of Fushanj (1381) was Tamerlane's first military successes in
Khorasan, and a precursor to his first short siege of Herat

The siege of Herat of 1381 was an easy success that ended Tamerlane's first
major campaign in Khorasan and saw his empire expand out of its original
base in Transoxiana into the former empire of the Il-Khans in Persian for the
first time
The revolt of Herat of 1383 was a short-lived rebellion against Tamerlane that
1383 ended with a massacre and the increasingly familiar site of towers of skulls
outside the city
The siege of Isfizar (1383) saw Tamerlane put down a revolt in a city south of
Herat, and ended with yet another of his trademark atrocities

1385 14 August Battle of Aljubarotta (Portugal), victory for John, master of Avis, establishing
him as king of Portugal

1386 9 July Battle of Sempach, (Switzerland), Swiss victory over Leopold, duke of
Austria, who died in the battle

1387 11 March Battle of Castagnaro (Italy), victory by Paduan army led by John Hawkwood,
over a larger Veronese army

19 December
Battle of Radcot Bridge, victory by Richard II's enemies over a loyalist force.

1388 5 August
Battle of Otterburn

1389 20 June Death of Murad, Ottoman Sultan (since 1361) at Battle of Kosovo (Serbia),
Ottoman victory over last Serbia resistance led by Prince Lazar

The battle of Shiraz (1393) was the final clash between Tamerlane and the
1393 Muzaffarid Dynasty of southern Persia, and was a victory for Tamerlane that
was followed by the total destruction of the dynasty.
20 November-11 The siege of Takrit (20 November-11 December 1393) was an example of
December Tamerlane's skills in siege warfare and saw his army capture a bandit
stronghold said to be impregnable
The battle of the Terek River (22 April 1395) was the final clash between
1395 22 April
Tamerlane and Toktamish, leader of the Golden Horde, and ended in a
decisive victory for Tamerlane.

1396 25 September Battle of Nicopolis (modern Bulgaria), Turkish victory over a strong
Hungarian and crusader army.

The siege of Yazd (1396) saw an army led by two of Tamerlane's grandsons
defeat a rebellion centred on the city of Yazd and ended with a rare example
of clemency on the part of Tamerlane.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The siege of Baghdad (May-9 July 1401) was one of Tamerlane's most
1401 May-9 July
destructive victories, and saw the city virtually destroyed after it was taken by
storm at the end of a forty day long siege
The battle of Ankara or Angora (28 July 1402) was a major victory won by
1402 28 July Tamerlane over the Ottoman Army of Sultan Bayezid that nearly destroyed
the Ottoman Empire, and as a side-effect gave the Byzantine Empire another
fifty years of life.
14 September
Battle of Homildon Hill

December The siege of Smyrna (December 1402) saw the armies of Tamerlane capture
the last Christian stronghold on the mainland of Anatolia

1403 21 July Battle of Shrewsbury

Death of Henry Percy, 'Hotspur', killed at the battle of Shrewsbury

1408 19 February
Battle of Bramham Moor

1415 19 August
Start of the siege of Harfleur

22 September
Capture of Harfleur by Henry V

25 October
Battle of Agincourt

1420 Outbreak of Bohemian War (to 1434), Czech rebellion triggered by

martyrdom of John Huss.

1421 21 March Battle of Bauge (France), rare French victory in open battle during Hundred
Years War.

1422 30 June
Battle of Arbedo (Italy), defeat of an invading Swiss army by Milanese forces.

1424 17 August
Battle of Verneuil

1428 September
Start of siege of Orleans

1429 12 February
Battle of the Herrings (France)

Relief of Orleans by Joan of Arc

18 June
Battle of Patay

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

1434 16 June Bohemian War ends (from 1420) with the victory of the moderate faction over
the religious 'taborite' faction at the battle of Lipan

1444 26 May Battle of St. Jacob, (Switzerland) Pyrrhic victory for the French over a much
smaller Swiss army after which the French withdrew.

1449 Battle of T'u-mu (China), Mongol victory over Chinese army that resulted in
the capture of the Emperor.

1450 15 April
Battle of Formigny

1453 2 April Start of siege of Constantinople, by the Ottoman Empire led by Sultan
Mahomet II

29 May Fall of Constantinople, to Ottoman forces led by Sultan Mahomet II, ending
the Byzantine Empire
17 July Battle of Castillon, French victory that ended the Hundred Years War (from

The 'battle' of Heworth (24 August 1453) was a skirmish between the Neville
24 August
and Percy families that raised tension in the north of England in the period
immediately before the outbreak of the Wars of the Roses
The battle of Stamford Bridge (31 October or 1 November 1454) was a clash
31 October or 1
1454 between the Neville and Percy families fought in the year before the outbreak
of the Wars of the Roses, and a sign of the increasing instability brought on by
the mental illness of Henry VI.
The first battle of St. Albans (22 May 1455) was the first battle of the Wars of
1455 22 May
the Roses, and was a Yorkist victory that saw Richard, duke of York
temporarily take control of Henry VI's government.
The battle of Blore Heath (23 September 1459) was the only significant
1459 23 September
Yorkist success after the resumption of open warfare in 1459, part of the first
phase of the Wars of the Roses.
The battle of Ludford Bridge (12-13 October 1459) was a humiliating defeat
12-13 October
that appeared to have ended any hopes of a Yorkist victory in the Wars of the
The raid on Sandwich of 15 January 1460 saw a Yorkist force based at Calais
1460 15 January
attack Sandwich, capturing both a Lancastrian fleet being built in the port and
the commander of the garrison (Wars of the Roses).
The capture of Sandwich (June 1460) was a key Yorkist success that allowed
June the exiled earls of Salisbury, Warwick and March to invade England from
their base at Calais at the start of the campaign that ended with the great
Yorkist victory at Northampton.
The siege of the Tower of London (2-19 July 1460) saw the Lancastrian forces
2-19 July
in London isolated in the Tower while the main Yorkist army moved north to
victory at Northampton (Wars of the Roses)

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The battle of Northampton (10 July 1460) was a major Yorkist victory that
10 July transformed their fortunes after their disasterous failure at Ludford Bridge in
1459, and that ended with the capture of Henry VI and the death of several
important Lancastrian leaders.
The battle of Wakefield (30 December 1460) was a major Lancastrian victory
30 December
that resulted in the death of Richard, duke of York, his son Edmund of Rutland
and one of his most important followers, Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury.
The battle of Mortimer's Cross (2 February 1461) was Edward, earl of March's
1461 2 February
first battlefield victory and was the start of a campaign that would end with
him securely crowned as King Edward IV.
The second battle of St. Albans (17 February 1461) was a Lancastrian victory
17 February that opened the road to London and appeared to give them a chance to take
advantage of their earlier victory at Wakefield, where Richard, duke of York,
had been killed.
The battle of Ferrybridge (27-28 March 1461) took place on the day before the
27-28 March
battle of Towton and saw the Yorkists force their way across the River Aire at
Ferrybridge, defeating a Lancastrian attempt to hold the line of the river.
The battle of Towton (29 March 1461) was the decisive battle of the first
29 March
phase of the Wars of the Roses and saw the young Edward IV defeat one of
the largest Lancastrian armies to take to the field during the war.
The battle of Twt Hill (16 October 1461) was a Yorkist victory that ended
16 October
open Lancastrian resistance to Edward IV in most of Wales, leaving only
Harlech in Lancastrian hands.

1462 July The siege of Alnwick Castle (July 1462) saw a Yorkist army capture the
castle, which changed hands repeatedly between 1461 and 1464.

The siege of Bamburgh Castle (December 1462) was a Yorkist victory that
briefly gave them control of Bamburgh Castle, on the Northumbrian coast.

The siege of Dunstanburgh Castle of December 1462 was a Yorkist victory

December that helped secure temporary control of the main Northumbrian castles but
that was soon undone.

The siege of Alnwick (December 1462-6 January 1463) saw the castle
captured by the Yorkists, although only after a Lancastrian and Scottish relief
army had rescued the garrison.

1463 6 January
Surrender of Alnwick Castle at end of short siege.

The siege of Norham (June-July 1463) was the most active Scottish
June-July intervention in the fighting in Northumberland in 1461-64 but ended as an
embarrassing fiasco after the Lancastrian-Scottish army fled in the face of a
Yorkist relief force.

30 September The siege of St. Michael's Mount (30 September 1473-February 1474) was the
last military threat to Edward IV's rule, and saw two of the last Lancastrian

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

peers hold the castle for five months before finally surrendering

1464 February
End of the siege of St. Michael's Mount (30 September 1473-February 1474)

25 April The battle of Hedgeley Moor (25 April 1464) was a Yorkist victory that
marked the beginning of the end of Lancastrian resistance in Northumberland.
The battle of Hexham (15 May 1464) was the final battle of the first phase of
15 May the Wars of the Roses and saw the Yorkists defeat a Lancastrian army led by
Henry Beaufort, duke of Somerset, ending a dangerous Lancastrian revolt in
The siege of Bamburgh Castle of June-July 1464 was a Yorkist victory that
June-July ended the Lancastrian campaign in Northumberland that had begun in the
aftermath of the battle of Towton, and was also the first occasion when an
English castle was defeated by gunpowder artillery.
The siege of Harlech Castle (1461-14 August 1468) is famous as the longest
1468 August siege in British history. For the last four years of the siege Harlech was the
only place in England or Wales in Lancastrian hands, and acted as a base for
their plots.
The battle of Edgecote (26 July 1469) was the first fighting in the second
1469 26 July phase of the Wars of the Roses and saw a rebel army supported by the earl of
Warwick defeat a Royal army led by the earls of Pembroke and Devon,
leaving Edward IV vulnerable to capture.
The battle of Losecote Field (or Empingham) of 12 March 1470 saw the
1470 12 March 1470 defeat of Richard Neville, earl of Warwick's second attempt within a year to
gain power over Edward IV and saw Warwick forced into exile, where he
formed a surprising alliance with the Lancastrians.
The battle of Barnet, 14 April 1471, was the first of two victories that
re-established Edward IV on the throne after he was briefly deposed late in
1471 14 April
1470. The battle ended with the death of Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, the
'kingmaker', the man whose ambitions had caused the renewal of the Wars of
the Roses after half a decade of peace.
The battle of Tewkesbury (4 May 1471) was a Yorkist victory that saw the
4 May
death of the Lancastrian heir, Prince Edward, and ended any realistic chances
that the Lancastrians could overthrow Edward IV.
The siege of London (12-15 May 1471) was a brief attack on the city that
12-15 May threatened to revive the Lancastrian cause, which had appeared to be lost after
the disaster of Tewkesbury, but that failed after two attacks on the city
defences were repulsed.

1476 2 March Battle of Granson (Switzerland), Swiss victory over invading forces of
Charles the Rash, duke of Burgundy

22 June Battle of Morat (Switzerland), Swiss victory over second invading army led
by Charles the Rash, duke of Burgundy

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The battle of Bosworth Field (22 August 1485) was the final major battle of
1485 22 August
the Wars of the Roses, and saw the Lancastrian claimant to the throne, Henry
Tudor, defeat and kill Richard III, the last of the Yorkist monarchs.

1487 16 June The battle of Stoke (16 June 1487) was the last battle of the Wars of the Roses
and saw Henry VII defeat the pretender Lambert Simnel and his allies.

The First Italian War/ Italian War of Charles VIII (1494-96) was an
1494 unsuccessful French attempt to conquer the Kingdom of Naples, and helped
trigger over half a century of warfare in Italy, which ended with Spain as the
dominant power. The Italian Wars last until 1559.

1495 The battle of Kan-Bai (1495) was an early battle in the series of struggles that
followed the death of Sultan Mahmud Mirza of Samarkand in January 1495

The siege of Asfara (May-June 1495) was an early success for Babur, then the
recently installed king of Fergana, and saw him defeat a rebellion raised in the
name of Sultan Baisanghar Mirza of Samarkand
The battle of Seminara (28 June 1495) saw the first appearance of the great
28 June
Spanish general Fernndez Gonsalo de Cordoba in Italy, and was a rare defeat
at the hands of the French (First Italian War).
The battle of Fornovo (6 July 1495) was an unsuccessful attempt by an Italian
6 July
army to stop Charles VIII of France during his retreat from Naples in the
summer of 1495.
The siege of Hisor in the late winter and spring of 1496 was the main event in
1496 Winter-Spring
a brief war between the Timurid sultans of Samarkand and Khorasan, and the
successful defence of the city effectively ended the war.
The siege of Samarkand of July-October/ November 1496 was the first of a
series of attempts made by Babur to seize the city

May/ The siege of Samarkand of (May/June to November 1497) saw Babur and
1496 June-November Sultan Ali Mirza resume their unsuccessful siege of 1496, this time capturing
the city after a siege that lasted for much of 1497.
The siege of Andijan (to February 1498) was the end result of a conspiracy in
1498 his original kingdom of Fergana that forced Babur to abandon Samarkand
only 100 days after it fell into his hands after a siege that ended in November

1499 The battle of Marghinan of 1499 was a minor conflict that helped to secure
Babur's come-back after his disastrous occupation of Samarkand in 1497

The Battle of the Ailaish River (1499) was a defeat suffered by Babur's
supporters soon after he had regained control of his original kingdom of
Fergana after a year spent in exile.
The siege of Andijan of 1499 was an unsuccessful attack on Babur's recently
regained capital made his chief rival Tambal in the aftermath of a revolt
amongst Babur's Mongol mercenaries.

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Timeline 1-1499 AD A.D.

The siege of Madu (1499) was a minor victory for Babur in the civil war that
followed his return to power in Fergana in 1499.
The battle of Khuban (1499) was Babur's first battle as a commander, and was
a victory that should have helped secure his position as ruler of Fergana.
The Second Italian War or Italian War of Louis XII (1499-1503) began with
July the French conquest of Milan, which was followed by a joint Franco-Spanish
campaign in Naples, and that ended with a war between the former allies that
began the long period of Spanish rule in Naples.
The siege of Alessandria (25-29 August 1499) was the main military action
25-29 August during the French invasion of Milan in 1499, and the fall of the city helped
force Ludovico Sforza to flee from Milan (Second Italian War/ Italian War of
Louis XII).
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