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1. ACCREDITATION; ‘What is your opinion regarding accreditation include benefits and disadvantages? Please describe how you would go about developing and implementing accreditation policies, tnd procedures within the Ware Police Department, including monitoring, assessment and addressing violatons. Do you feel it would benefit the Ware PD and you as Chie!” (Please limit to one-page) 2. RURAL TOWN CHALLENGE: Faced with 21" century challenges and limited resouwces, many sural communities he ours are besieged by illegal drug crime, which stirs community’s fears. Please list and describe goals and strategies you would consider to atack this problem in Ware. 3._ COMMUNITY VISION: Describe your vision forthe Police Department o work with the business community, schools und neighborhoods? 4, WARE POLICE DEPARTMENT 5 YR STRATEGIC PLAN: Pleate create a draft ofa 5 year strategic plan for the Ware Police Department. Pleass include a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. How do you propose to address these, including strategies? You willbe asked to provide a 2-3, ‘rinute presentation of a5 year plan of changes that you feel are needed that will benefit both the members ofthe department and the taxpayers, (Please limit up to two pages) Position paper on Accreditation for the Ware Police Department. John Pajak 1am presently against any attempt to engage inthe process of accreditation forthe ‘Ware Police Department at this time. Scarce resources including time, money and ‘manpower are simply not available to embark on a potential half million dollar endeavor Staffing vacancies, case overload, lack of a complete command staf, and a bleak budget forecast weigh heavily on my opinion. Achieving accreditation will also eliminate any use of part-time officers to augment the regular force, at considerable expense Lam convinced that there are adequate resources available to improve the quality of the department without a costly arrangement with an outside contractor While “Accreditation” may be seen as a “Gold Standard” for reducing lability, regionally there are only a small number of agencies that are accredited or working in that direction. ‘That is because given the current level of oversight to law enforcement agencies in Massachusets, and other available resources available, cost outweighs benefits Cost, commitment, and other not so visible complications adé up quickly when the process is closely examined, Departments in the process of accreditation almost exclusively assign the responsibility to a Lieutenant with a Masters Degree and over 20 years of service. Itis that persons’ sole responsitility. That person does not exist inthe ‘Ware PD. and even if a position were created, please realize that itis @ commitment of ‘over $100k, fora period of 3-4 years to execute fe process. With several Patrolman positions vacant already, and what is becoming a1 obvious need to hire additional patrol ‘officers andlor detectives there is insufficient Funding, There is an administrative side tothe provess as well. Rewriting reformatting, and publishing all policies, procedures, SOP"s and directives into the correct wording, format, and level of distribution to comply with accreditation standards will run ito the tens of thousands of dollars. (from a campus polize Sergeant familiar with the process) Liability is minimized by training, supervision, anda far system ofboth discipline and awarding superior performance. Adequate funding for staffing, adequate facilites and suficient and contemporary equipment round out the mix. believe we have already achieved a 90% or beter solution, ‘The Ware Police Department has rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that ‘can meet all of the aforementioned benchmarks. Utilizing intemal resources and ‘maximizing support from outside agencies like the Mass Chiefs, State Police, MPTC, FBI, and others the department can meet the challenge of providing high quality police services to the citizens ofthe town, Until such time as there is both a pressing need, and adequate resources available, {am against embarking on any type of endeavor to obtain “Accreditation” RURAL TOWN CHALLEN( John Pajak Constant and consistent engagement ofthe community coupled with intensive effons to target repeat offenders and deter first time “opportunist” is the solution to reducing crime of alltypes. Having officers enthusiastically embrace and promote programs such as “Tip Lines”, “Crime Watch” and others, can incrementally reduce crime by reducing fears and generating intelligence about eriminal activity. Involving and informing the community goes along way to reduce fears ofthe unknown, Like many small o mid-size communities, Ware faces mule challenges to residents expectations ofthe “way of life” they desire. That expectation can generally be Aeseribed as something other than dealing with the levels of crime, congestion, and ‘overall malaise that has gripped the cites inthe region, There is also a certain amount of “leave me alone” attached to this, where the expectation is that they will be fee from constant oversight of their lives by boards, inspectors, regulators, the police, and nosy neighbors. There needs to be a balance between hard core policing and community engagement. Ideally, once @ comfortable status uo is achieved, the police department can address problems by exception, as community caretakers and emergency responders, addressing each problem according tots’ unique nature Sadly, thet “status quo” is now unattainable due tothe recent onset ofthe opioid epidemic. Historically it has generally been accepted that at any given time, about 3% of the population is involved in criminal activity to some deuree, depending upon economic conditions, and the bulk of those people coming from the lower socio-economic strat, ‘That profile at least gives law enforcement an idea of where to target efforts, The current crisis affects every level without discrimination, and at every level, there is resulting crime, From shoplifting to burglary to homicide the prablem is widespread and almost ‘universal on a per capita basis in communities throughout the state So how do we deal with it? Engagement at ll levels. No one has come up with a perfect solution, and the problem is growing nationally. Locally, we can start by Awareness ~ in the schools and with community groups. Educste parents on the signs of opioid use and abuse. Educate children ofthe rapid and harmful effects both near and Jongeterm, Make ihe community aware of where the problemi) lie. Continue t0 discourage diversion of prescription meds and provide drop off boxes for unwanted medications. ‘The “Crime Watch” program of the 80's addressed housebreaks and personal security, ofboth ones’ person and property. While no longer federally funded, there is room to initiate a similar program focally with minimal funds, Itis both a deterrent as well asa source of information and intelligence gathering and involves the entire ‘community, (Note tat “tip lines”, “See Something, Say Something” and similar programs are spin-offs from the formes “Crime Watch") ‘Then there is deterrence, dealing with the small issues before they become big, issues, Utilizing local department resources, start with the shoplifters feeding their habits, Involve the department in county and regional drug task forces to facilitate ‘argeting anyone dealing and/or distributing, including physicians and pharmacies. Seize personal asseis ofthe dealers, particularly Vehicles. Push judges to impose maximum Penalties on repeat offenders. Clearly, we ean not arrest ourselves out ofan epedemic problem such as this, but at leat it will address the worst of the offenders and deter further suppliers, Drugs are motivated by profit, remove the profit and increase the risk, and you reduce the drug supply. “The police department can provide services to families of addicts seeking kguidence as to how to deal with the problem. This includes how to address the issue through the courts as either a “Section 12” or “Section 35” civil commitment. Working ‘withthe local medical and mental health communities, identify the most significant “at risk” individuals and support early intervention by professionals and families, Lastly, the {department should be open 24/7 for walk-ins for anyone seeking treatment, transportation to initia treatment, or voluntary Section 38 commitment ‘The drug problem has been deemed a medical and mental health crisis both state ‘wide and nationally. The responsibility for dealing with it falls on those communities and not the police. However, it is seems thatthe police are required to play a supporting role regarding those who seek treatment and assistance. As to the ancillary crime associated with the drug problem, tat is clearly a mater forthe police to deal with through both deterrence and direct action. ‘The department faces a two-pronged challenge. First is support to the medical and mental health communities, and that requires an assessment of heir particular requirements, which are evolving, Constant involvement with the local task force can address this aspect, ‘Suppor to those seeking help or treatment, including users and Family and friends of users, as described above. Within the more traditional role of the police, as far as dealing with criminal ‘activity the department needs tobe extremely prosctive. Enforcing drug laws and any spin off's tied to drugs, including lareeny,thef/diversion of drugs, assaults connected to drugs, including domestic violence, and deaths reslting from illegal drug use there must bea “no compromise” approach. Engagement, deterence and enforcement are the keys to reducing the impact on ‘the community from the opioid epidemic. COMMUNITY ViSiON dJobn Paja 1 se the fuse Ware Police Department a a well-respected pat of the government of the Town of Ware. Officers will be highly trained, responsive to community needs i the Tong erm, and 10 immediate emergency situations in the short-term, | also fel that many of the perceived shortcemings of the department are more of image than substance, and can be remedied by education and publi relations. There ae currently some very dedicated officers ‘who are involved and are an integral par of the community, yet go mostly unrecognized for their effors, atleast publicly. Not a week goes by where there are’t at least a couple of “Thank You” cards a letters sent tothe department for the actions of an or several offices, ‘As to ther connection to the community, to begin with, the School Resource Officer, K.9 officer, and Admin Officer are fully engaged and well received in their respective Positions. { have pesonally witnessed day shift officers weleaming children to school on the first day of elementary school, much to the pleasure of parents and kids alike, These are the same officers who (cok it upon themselves to form a "Warrant Apprehension Team. Other officers are involved in coaching youth atheties in their off-duty time. Yet other officers teach firearms safety for licensing purposes in their off-duty time for a minimal cost. I all of the aforementioned areas, irespective oftheir roles at the time, they are still identified as ‘members of the Ware Police Department. This is my vision of “success” and the model upon ‘which to build “My vision isto have every single offcer specialize in something that suits them, that is anasst tothe degartment andthe community, and that they take personal responsibility for. Subject mater experts, the "Go 10" when needed. By doing so, the officer builds credibility, professionalism, experise, and is seen both by the community and within the department as a valable team player. Capitalizing on off-duty skills and interest is a pathway to further engagement withthe citizens. (Coach thir kid in lite league, ete) (Creating lions and partnerships with the various groups such as the business community, schools and various neighbochoods plays right into this strategy. Support 10 business gamers support tothe agency, to address issues of mutual concem, The same holds ‘ve with the Senior community. They want tobe informed, they want thir needs and concems addressed, they want 10 be assured that they will besa in their homes, and in their community. Direct communication and information exchange is essential to meeting these needs, While creating liaisons is part ofthe solution, use ofthe media a a tol is just as important. Througt both conventional sources and contemporary social media, keeping the public informed ofboth the actions and concers ofthe police department has proven to be 1m overwhelming success in other places. Itis essential that we embrace this concept. In summary, success is measured by ensuring that each officer within the department is technically and tctically competent; s self-motivated toward excellence both individually and collectively, is stuationally aware oftheir responsibilities, and is engaging with the ‘community in a manner appropriate to their audience The ultimate goal is having a police

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