Bill Goldman - Boomerang

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Laughing Room
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Every time I've performed this, invariably someone would come
back to me and say "I heard about that trick you did- it sounds
impossible." The trick really has legs; it goes on well after you
perform it. It bears a resemblance to the Open Prediction and One
For The Money. However, it doesn't adhere to the challenge
conditions of the former and uses a different method than the

Effect: The magician writes a prediction on a piece of paper, folds
it and gives it to a spectator to hold. He asks her to then name a
number less than 52. After she does, he deals the cards one at a
time onto the table FACE UP until he reaches the card at the
selected number. The spectator opens the paper and reads the
prediction- it is the card at the selected number.

I think in could only do one card trick it would be this one- it hits
the audience like a freight train!
There is no pick-a-card aspect to this effect-that is important. It is
far more profound. The set-up can be done on the fly- that's how I
do it- but let's start with the deck already "set." You need an
ordinary deck, a piece of paper and a pen.

Have the spectator(s) sign the paper; this is not part of the
mechanics- it creates some involvement and a sense of normalcy.
You don't have to understand that, just do it that way and reap the
benefits. I mean that in the nicest way! L
Let me go over the set-up: The bottom 8-10 cards are secretly
reversed and you know the identity of the fifth card from the
bottom. Let's say it's Debbie's card- the four of hearts. See the

Back to the performance in progress:

Take back the paper and write this prediction-

Fold the paper and ask someone to put it in his pocket. Needless to
say, and this is when I say it, don't let anyone see what you wrote-
that will be the ending!

Point to the deck and say "There are 52 cards- name a number less
than 52." If he says a number over 40 or less than 10, say
"Keep it between 10 and 40 to make it interesting." He'll make
some sense out ofthis comment and change the number. For our
example, let's say he picks 28.

Pick up the deck being careful not to reveal the reversed cards on
the bottom. Secretly subtract 5 from the number he names- in this
case, the answer is 23. That number is the key to the trick. Deal
the cards face down on the table, counting each card out loud. Do
this slowly and deliberately. After you deal the 23rd card, stop
dealing as though you just thought of something. Say "Actually,
the cards should be dealt face up- I don't want you to think they're
all the same or in any particular order."

Because the deck is in dealing position, you must turn your hand to
place it on the table.
Here is the timing ofthe action:
Assuming you are right handed, the right hand reaches for the
dealt cards to turn them face up. As the hand reaches the cards, the
left hand sets its cards on the table, secretly revolving the deck,
and immediately joins the right hand to assist in turning over the
cards. The cards on the table are turned so that the audience can
see the faces, so using both hands, spread the cards about to
facilitate this. THisaction draws all attention to the face up cards
and away from the "face down" remainder of the deck. Don't
make a fuss about it, all your attention should be on the face-up
Spread the face up cards about in a messy manner to show all the
"Okay, where was I?" They should say "23." If they don't, say
"Are you sure?" Pick up the face down cards and count them face
up (scattered, not neatly) and count out loud. "Twenty three."

Pick up the un-dealt packet and resume the count, slowly and
deliberately turning each card face up. When you reach the 28th
card, deal it to the side. This looks so fair and above board that
when you turn that card face up, I suggest you act as though you
have no idea what it will be. Don't act triumphant here- the
moment will come when the spectator reads the prediction.

If you don't realize at this time how incredibly powerful this is,
what stunning impact it can produce, you will when you perform

Enjoy the moment.

"I think if 1 could only do one
card trick it would be this
one- it hits the audience like
a freight train!"

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