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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Idea Name: The Story of Water

Content Area: Environmental Science/Biology
Grade Level(s): 11th/12th
Content Standard Addressed:
SEV1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the flow of energy and cycling of matter
within an ecosystem.
SB5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the interdependence of all organisms on one
another and their environment.
a. Plan and carry out investigations and analyze data to support explanations about factors affecting
biodiversity and populations in ecosystems.

Technology Standard Addressed:

ISTE-S 1: Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating
competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

Selected Technology Tool:

Socrative iRespond Quizlet Plickers Kahoot! Office365 Forms
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Technology that student will use to respond to questions/prompts:

Computer Hand-held student response system (like iRespond) Phone Tablet (such as iPad)
Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Type of session:
Teacher-Paced Student-Paced
Blooms Taxonomy Level(s):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Describe the instructional activities that will occur PRIOR to the SRT activity and how you will introduce
the SRT activity.
Students will complete the experiment included in the link above. This experiment is on watershed balance.
First, before students receive an overview of the experiment I will give a brief introduction of the scientific
method. This is meant to be a review of previous knowledge the students will have on the scientific method.
In addition, to the review this will be an opportunity to expand the students knowledge of the scientific
method and apply it to a new experiment.

Describe the purpose of the SRT activity (check all that apply):

Summer 2017_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
Assess prior knowledge Anticipatory set (Create interest in a topic) To illuminate common
misconceptions Formative assessment of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) Summative assessment of content knowledge Test preparation
Survey/Poll Discussion starter Homework collection Other (please explain): this
iRespond Now activity is meant to be a review of content learned through an experiment. Therefore it is not
only a review of this content but it is meant to be an extension of a lab experiment in order to further the
students understanding of the concepts and skills learned in the lab. Functions as sort of the
discussion/conclusion portion of a lab experiment on watershed balance.

Briefly describe what will happen DURING the SRT activity: During this activity students will be placed in
groups of 3-4 (most likely the groups that they work in during labs). At the end of an experiment that will be
conducted in class they will participate in an iRespond Now quiz that will help inform the creation of their
discussion/conclusion for the creation of a formal lab report. This is done in a fun, engaging way through an
iRespond Now quiz that will prompt class discussion on what should have been learned and what content
should be included in their reports. Students will only need access to either one computer/i-Pad per group in
order to answer the questions. The activity should take about 15 20 minutes depending on how much
explanation is needed after each question.
Type of questions/prompts used in this activity (check all that apply):
Multiple choice Multiple select True/False Yes/No
Short open-ended response or fill-in the blank Longer open-ended response

If you are unable to provide a working sample of your questions, please list them below (8-10):
1) Choose the best description for the principle of conservation of mass.
a) A system with various inputs and outputs will lose mass over time
b) A system with various inputs and outputs will gain mass over time IF the system is closed
c) A system with various inputs and outputs will maintain a balance over time IF the system is closed
d) A system will lose mass over time if it is open
2) What are the main components of the scientific method (choose all that apply)
a) Proving a hypothesis is right
b) Generating a hypothesis
c) Observing phenomena
d) Designing an experiment from scratch
3) What is a watershed?
a) A method for storing water
b) A set area of land where water is collected for drinking
c) An area of land where rainfall is the highest
d) An area of land that is drained by one common river system
4) In the lab a watershed is said to be made up of various storage systems. What are these systems?
(choose the best, most complete, answer)
a) Atmosphere, land, and oceans
b) Land, rivers, and oceans
c) Atmosphere, estuaries, and oceans
d) Land, rivers, and atmosphere
5) Choose the correct source of water and corresponding storage system pair (keep in mind the water
system diagram learned during lab) direction of arrows is important! They tell you what direction the
water is going --- either into or out of the system
a) Atmosphere precipitation
b) Atmosphere evaporation
c) Land groundwater
Summer 2017_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
d) oceans evaporation
6) In your lab report what section identifies your independent and dependent variables?
(choose all that apply)
a) Introduction
b) Methods
c) Abstract
d) Discussion
7) According to the regional water balance equation what are a watersheds outputs?
(choose all that apply)
a) Precipitation
b) Runoff
c) Evaporation
d) Groundwater (both types, flowing in and out)

8) In a hydrograph what is plotted on the x and y axis respectfully? Which is the independent variable?
a) Flow and minutes flow is the independent variable
b) Amount of water stored and minutes minutes is the independent variable
c) Amount of water stored and area of land amount of water is the independent variable
d) Minutes and flow minutes is the independent variable
9) Why would we want to estimate the runoff of a stream or river?
a) Provides data on the amount of water being delivered through a watershed at any one time
b) Helps inform designers of dams and water management resources
c) Protect against flooding
d) All of the above * this question should allow the teacher to generate discussion on what topics
students could cover in their lab report as far as addressing the worlds water needs
10) Using the water balance equation calculate the volume of annual runoff for a watershed that is 5.4
km2 and has a mean annual precipitation rate of 2,500 m 3, 600 m3 of which was evaporated. Assume
storage and groundwater flux is negligible.
Students should be able to enter a number answer into the iRespond system, only disadvantage is
there are no unit buttons. Answer = 1,900 m3

Right/Wrong answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?

Yes No
Mixed (Some will have correct answers, other will not.)

Immediate corrective feedback: Will you pre-select correct answers to some of all of the questions and
display correct response to the class after the SRT activity?
Why or why not? I will provide correct answers after each question because I want to have discussions after
each question in order to address any confusion from the class experiment and elaborate on concepts that
are important for my students to understand.

Describe what will happen AFTER the SRT activity? Students will receive a guided notes sheet that they can
fill out to help them review the concepts covered by the iRespond Now quiz. This will help with review as well
as aid them in creating their lab report.

Summer 2017_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
How will the data be used? In iRespond Now feedback is given immediately. I think this is important for
addressing misconceptions or confusion from the lab out loud for all students to benefit from correction. I
would most likely keep this data to help inform creation of test questions/review material.

Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. Im hoping this activity will reinforce a lab that could be
hard at first for some students to comprehend. I want to challenge students to participate in higher-level
thinking by first learning the components of the scientific method then applying that knowledge to an
experiment. Students are responsible for identifying the parts of the scientific method for this experiment in
order to complete a lab report. I like the idea that this activity could be extended to include other SRS tools
geared to more continuous or formative assessment of the scientific method by applying it to various
experiments and studies that vary in difficulty levels (collect lots of data over the semester on the
understanding and application of the scientific method).

(Optional) Other comments about your SRT activity:

Summer 2017_SJB

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