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Introduction to Computer Networks and

Data Communications Eighth Edition

Chapter 1

Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter you should be able to:

Define the basic terminology of computer networks

Recognize the individual components of the big picture of computer networks
Outline the basic networks
Cite the reasons for using a network model and explain how they apply to current network
List the layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite and describe the duties of each layer
List the layers of the OSI model and describe the duties of each layer
Compare the OSI and TCP/IP models and list their differences and similarities

Chapter Outline
1. Introduction

2. The Language of Computer Networks

3. The Big Picture of Networks

4. Common Examples of Communications Networks

a. The desktop computer and the Internet
b. A laptop computer and a wireless connection
c. Cell phone systems
d. Other common network systems

5. Convergence

6. Network Architectures
a. The TCP/IP protocol suite
b. The OSI model
c. Logical and physical connections
7. The TCP/IP Protocol Suite In Action

8. Summary

Lecture Notes
The world of computer networks and data communications is a surprisingly vast and increasingly
significant field of study. Once considered primarily the domain of communications engineers
and technicians, computer networks now involve business managers, computer programmers,
system designers, office managers, home computer users, and everyday citizens. It is virtually
impossible for the average person on the street to spend 24 hours without directly or indirectly
using some form of computer network. Examples of computer networks include banking,
transportation, education, retail sales, and telecommunications.

The Language of Computer Networks

To better understand the area of computer networks, you should understand the basic broad
categories of computer networks and data communications. For example, you should be able to
define each of the following terms:

computer network
local area network
metropolitan area network
campus area network
wide area network
personal area network
data communications
voice network
data network
network management

Each of these terms is a topic area under the network umbrella. While there may be more broad
topic areas, these are the ones that will be discussed in detail in this text.

The Big Picture of Networks

Sometimes a big picture can help to give an idea of what is going on in a particular subject area.
Examine Figure 1-1. Try to reach a basic understanding of WAN to WAN connections, LAN to
LAN connections, and WAN to LAN connections. Even though each of these connections will
be covered in more detail later, they are necessary to understanding the big picture of how
networks intercommunicate. You should also know the terms server, bridge, router, hub, node,
communications network, and communications line.

Common Examples of Communications Networks

Understand each of the following networks. Examine the figure from the text or create your own
example for each. Describe how this network works in simple terms. Describe one or more
applications that use each network:

The desktop computer and the Internet

A laptop computer and a wireless connection
Cell phone systems
Other common network systems
o Sensor networks
o Business mainframe systems
o Satellite systems


Convergence is happening at all levels: convergence of products (like the Blackberry),

convergence of companies (such as SBC and AT&T), and convergence of technologies (such as
token ring giving way to Ethernet). Be sure to talk about forms of convergence in this chapter
and all subsequent chapters.

Network Architecture Models

To keep the pieces of a network working together harmoniously and to allow modularity
between the pieces, it is necessary to use a network architecture model, or communications
model, that places the appropriate network pieces in layers. Each layer in the model defines
what services are provided by either hardware or software or both. For example, most
organizations that produce some type of product or perform a service have a division of labor.
Secretaries do the paperwork; accountants keep the books; laborers perform the manual duties;
scientists design products; engineers test the products; managers control operations. Rarely is
one person capable of performing all these duties. Large software applications operate the same
way. Different procedures perform different tasks, and the whole would not function without the
proper operation of each of its parts. Communications software is no exception. As the size of
the applications grows, the need for a division of labor becomes increasingly important.

Know the TCP/IP Protocol Suite (Internet Model) layers including the basic functions performed
at each layer: Physical, Network Access Layer, Network, Transport, and Application. The
Internet model is the model used to support all activities on the Internet.
Even though the OSI model is not the actual model used to support the Internet, its
understanding is necessary as many networks and products often refer to the OSI model for

Logical and Physical Connections

To avoid future confusion, you must know the difference between a logical connection and a
physical connection. Note that the only physical connection in a network is at the physical or
interface layer. All other connections between peer layers are logical connections and exist in
the software only. Examine Figure 1-14.

The TCP/IP Protocol Suite In Action

The In Action example in this first chapter follows a packet as it moves down through the layers
of the transmitting device and then up through the layers of the receiving device. Note how a
data packet grows with additional information at each layer. This is called encapsulation. Note
further how the router only examines the data packet up to the network or IP layer. We will
return to this encapsulation numerous times in later chapters.

Quick Quiz

1. Identify each of the different forms of networks and list an example of each.

Business mainframe systems motor vehicle licensing branch

Desktop computer and the Internet business employee accessing corporate database;
student in school lab; home user via Internet service provider
Laptop computer and a wireless connection student at school; hanging out at the coffee
Sensor network manufacturing plant; traffic control systems
Satellite network GPS

2. Define the five layers of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite and the seven layers of the OSI

See pages 14-17 for the TCP/IP layers and pages 17-19 for the OSI layers.

3. Show how a web browser request message originates at the application layer of one
computer and proceeds down through the layers, across the network, and up through the
layers of the receiving machine.

See Figure 1-16.

Discussion Topics
1. Ask each student how they have used a network today.

2. Discuss an example of a business that incorporates layers of management and show how the
work progresses through the layers.

3. Are there any networks that have not been addressed in the chapter? What are their

4. Are there any other examples in business where one particular technology or method has won
out over the competition? What were the reasons that lead to this particular technology winning?

Teaching Tips
1. Be sure to emphasize that each of the terms introduced in the Language of Computer
Networks section will be discussed in detail in future chapters.

2. Emphasize that telecommunications is the study of voice systems but that the distinction
between data and voice is growing smaller each day.

3. Emphasize the important reasons for using an architectural model: compatibility,

encapsulation, separation of work responsibilities, and a good pedagogical tool for learning

Further Readings and Resources

For each chapter, please visit the Instructors web site ( for
the latest references to relevant materials.

Solutions to Review Questions

1. What is the definition of:

a. a computer network?
b. data communications?
c. telecommunications?
d. a local area network?
e. a personal area network?
f. a campus area network?
g. metropolitan area network
h. a wide area network?
i. network management?
j. convergence?

a. Computer network: interconnection of computers and computing equipment using either wires
or radio waves over small or large geographic areas.
b. Data communications: transfer of digital or analog data using digital or analog signals.
c. Telecommunications: study of telephones and the systems that transmit telephone signals.
d. Local area network: networks small in geographic size spanning a room, a building, or a
e. Personal area network: a network of a few meters, interconnecting wireless devices such as
PDAs, laptops, and other devices.
f. A campus area network is a set of local area networks extending between nearby buildings on
a college or business campus.
g. Metropolitan area network: a network covering a metropolitan area and offers high speed
connections between businesses
h. Wide area network: large networks encompassing parts of states, multiple states, countries,
and the world.
i. Network management: design, installation, and support of a network and its hardware and
j. Convergence: coming together of two areas of technology or two companies.

2. What is the relationship between a subnetwork and a node?

A subnetwork is composed of nodes and communication links.

3. What kind of applications might use a desktop computer to Internet network?

Web browsing, office management software, entertainment

4. What kind of applications might use a business mainframe network?

Service industry, retail industry.

5. What language does a microcomputer have to talk to interface to the Internet?

Some form of TCP/IP.

6. What kind of applications might use a sensor network?

Assembly line.

7. Why is a network architecture model useful?

Allows for compatibility between products and allows products to interoperate.

8. List the five layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite.

application, transport, network, network access, physical.

9. List the seven layers of the OSI model.

Physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, application.

10. How do the layers of the OSI model compare with the layers of the TCP/IP protocol

Network access layer covers OSI physical and data link layers; TCP/IP application layer covers
OSI presentation and application layers; no session layer in TCP/IP; other layers similar between
two models.

11. What are some of the more common applications found in the TCP/IP protocol suite?

FTP, Telnet, mail, web browsing.

12. What is the difference between a logical connection and a physical connection?

Logical connection exists in software but physical connection is a communication link.

13. How does convergence apply to the communications industry?

Companies are always converging; technologies are converging.

Suggested Solutions to Exercises

1. Create a list of all the things you do in an average day that use data communications and
computer networks.

Answers will vary. Could include riding mass transit, driving on highway, 24-hour banking
withdrawal, work on homework on computer, and check your e-mail.

2. If you could design your own home, what kinds of computer network or data
communications labor-saving devices would you incorporate?

Answers will vary. Could include alarms, remote control of appliances, remote monitoring of
windows and doors, indoor and outdoor video surveillance, motion sensors, and distributed video
and music systems.
3. Two companies consider pooling resources to perform a joint venture. The CEO of the
first company meets with his legal team, and the legal team consults a number of middle
managers in the proposed product area. Meanwhile, the CEO of the first company sends
an email to the CEO of the second company to offer a couple suggestions concerning the
joint venture. Does this scenario follow the OSI model? Explain.

No, this does not follow the OSI model. Upper layers do not communicate directly. All physical
communications proceed only through the lowest layer.

4. Using a laptop computer with a wireless connection into the companys local area
network, you download a Web page from the Internet. List all the different networks
involved in this operation.

Possible answers might include:

Laptop using a wireless connection into companys local area network, which is connected to the
Internet (a wide area network).

5. You are working from home using a microcomputer, a DSL modem, and a telephone
connection to the Internet. Your company is connected to the Internet and has both local
area networks and a mainframe computer. List all the different network connections
involved in this operation.

Possible answers might include:

Desktop computer connected to an Internet service provider which is connected to the Internet.
Your company is connected to the Internet via a router and is connected to a local area network.
The local area network is connected to the mainframe.

6. You are sitting at the local coffee shop, enjoying your favorite latte. You pull out your
laptop and, using the wireless network available at the coffee shop, access your e-mail. List
all the different network connections involved in this operation.

Laptop computer is connected to wireless connection in the coffee shop, which is connected to
an ISP which is connected to the Internet.

7. With your new cell phone, you have just taken a snapshot of your best friend. You
decide to send this snapshot to the e-mail account of a mutual friend across the country.
List all the different network connections involved in this operation.

Your cellphone is connected to the cellphone network, which is connected to an ISP which is
connected to the Internet.

8. You are driving in a new city and have just gotten lost. Using your cars built-in
navigational system, you submit a request for driving directions from a nearby intersection
to your destination. List all the different network connections involved in this operation.
Your GPS device connects to a satellite network.

9. The layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite and OSI are different. Which layers are
missing from the TCP/IP suite? Are they really missing?

TCP/IP doesnt have session layer, but if it wants to create a session, it can do so at the transport
or application layer.
TCP/IP doesnt have a presentation layer, but these features are often done elsewhere, such as in
the application layer.

10. If the data link layer provides error checking, and the transport layer provides error
checking, isnt this redundant? Explain.

Not exactly. The data link layer performs the error checking when the data arrives at the next
computer on the transmission path. The transport layer performs the error checking only when
the data arrives at the final destination machine.

11. Similarly, the data-link layer provides flow control, and the transport layer provides
flow control. Are these different forms of flow control? Explain.

Once again, the flow control provided by the data link layer is between two adjacent devices at
the data link level, while flow control provided by the transport layer as only between the end-
points of the connection (at the transport level).

12. You are watching a television show and somebody is suing somebody else. The lawyers
for both parties meet and try to work out a settlement. Is there a logical or physical
connection between the lawyers? What about between the two parties?

Physical between the lawyers but logical between the two parties.

13. You want to download a file from a remote site using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
To perform the file transfer, your computer issues a Get File command. Show the
progression of messages as the Get File command moves from your computer, through
routers, into the remote computer, and back.

Answer should be very similar to Figure 1-16. Replace Get Web Page in application layer
with Get File and at all other similar points.

14. What characteristics distinguish a personal area network from other types of

Very short distance and wireless, essentially used for eliminating wires between electronic and
peripheral devices.

15. Isnt a metropolitan area network just a big local area network?
Many similarities, but a metropolitan area network is almost always fiber optic, very high speed,
and very resilient to failures.

16. List the TCP/IP protocol suite layer that performs each of the following functions:
a. data compression
b. multiplexing
c. routing
d. definition of a signals electrical characteristics
e. e-mail
f. error detection
g. end-to-end flow control

TCP/IP answers are:

a. application
b. network access, transport
c. network
d. network access/physical
e. application
f. network access, transport
g. transport

17. For each of the functions in the previous exercise, list the OSI layer that performs that

OSI answers are:

a. presentation
b. physical, transport
c. network
d. physical
e. application
f. data link, transport
g. transport

18. You are sending and receiving e-mail messages with a friend. Is this e-mail session a
logical connection or a physical connection? Explain your answer.

This is a logical connection. The physical connection is a wire or airwave that is used to transmit
the e-mail as a signal.

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