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Giving advice and making suggestions

Maybe/Perhaps you call someone.
should/could look for a new job.

Why dont you lie down?

ask a friend to help you?
I think you should see a doctor.
I dont think you should go to work tomorrow.

Shouldnt you tell someone?

If I were you, Id look on the internet.

Work in pairs:

Student A
Read these problems to your partner. Listen to his/her advice.
1. Ive got a toothache.
2. I left my wallet on the bus (on the way here tonight).
3. I want to buy a TV but I dont have much money.
4. I have a stomachache.
5. I would like to travel to London for a week but I dont know what to see or do
6. Ive just moved here and I dont have any friends.
7. Ive got a cold.
8. I would like to exercise more but I dont know what to do.

Student B
Read these problems to your partner. Listen to his/her advice.
1. Ive got a backache.
2. I cant find my mobile phone.
3. Ive just found $500 on the street.
4. Ive got a fever.
5. Im going to have a holiday on an island in Thailand but I dont know what to
take with me.
6. I want to buy a winter coat but I dont know where to buy one.
7. Ive got an earache.
8. My friends are having a 20th anniversary party this weekend and I dont know
what to buy for them.

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