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Mrs. Kumar (young) Danlayon

Mrs. Kumar (old age) Villas
Sheila Kumar Galla
Ajay (young) Lumban
Agay (professional) Bontilao
Ajays Mom Laguna
Classmates Tagud, Bolivar, Galla
Storekeeper Cobar
Secretary: Sajulga
Mailman: Tagud
Narrator: Bolivar


Narrator: Teaching is a noble profession. A lot of people had said that it is the mother of all profession.
When one is a teacher, tasks and paperworks wear him out day in and day out. But when all has been
said and done, is there any good outcome you will have after all the years of service youve done to
teach young children? Lets find out about this story titled Roses of Gratitude.

McCon (Ajay) in his office (professional look)

Sajulga enters

Sajulga: Engineer, here are the papers that you need to review.
McCon: Okay. Did Engineer Yasir sent the documents as well?
Sajulga: Yes, sir. I have it on my desk. I still have to check it and then bring it to you.
McCon: It would be best that I sign them as soon as possible as I will be off tomorrow.
Sajulga: One moment, sir. Ill bring the pile of papers to you.
McCon: Thank you.

(Tagud enters)

Tagud: Delivery for Mr. Ajay Prasad.

Sajulga: Let me receive that. Im his secretary.
Tagud: Please sign here.
Sagud: Done.
Tagud: Thank you, maam.

(Sajulga enters McCons office again)

Sajulga: Sir, a letter has been delivered for you. Its from a certain Yasir Kumar.
McCon: Good. Ive been waiting for this letter for quite some time. Thank you.
Sajulga: Okay, sir.

McCon (talking to himself): Oh, so Mrs. Kumar is retired now and she has now moved to

(McCon calls on the telephone)

(Phone ringing)

Galla: Hello, Kumars residence.

MCon: Hello, Im looking for Mrs. Kumar, the retired teacher.
Galla: Mom, someones calling, looking for you.
Villas: Who is it?
Galla: May I know whos on the line, please?
McCon: Its Ajay.
Galla: Ajay, mom.
(Galla gives the phone to Villas)

Villas: Hello? Im sorry, who is this again?

McCon: Ms. Kumar, Im your former student in Chikuwadi Elementary School. I would like to visit you,
Maam, because I never forgot your goodness to me. You always gave me food and also clothes to
wear during my difficult years.

Villas: Ajay, Im sorry. I dont remember you. There were so many hungry and Ill-clothed children

McCon: Thats okay. I will be coming tomorrow in your place, Dehradun, to visit you maam.

Villas: Oh, Ajay, thats too much trouble.

McCon: I dont care. I want to do it.


Villas: You visualize me the way I looked then. I am old and wrinkled now.

McCon: I am not young either.

Villas: Are you absolutely sure you want to come?

McCon: Ive never been more sure of anything in my life.

NARRATOR: After Ajay talked to Mrs. Kumar on the phone, he then remembered his elementary

SCENE 2 - When I was Young (at home)

The house is a bit chaotic, and Laguna is preparing food on the table. Lumban enters the scene with
his back pack.

Laguna: Oh, Ajay, youre prepared already?

Lumban: Yes, mom. Im about to go off to school.
Laguna: Have some breakfast first. Im sorry, this is all weve got, some dried fish, some bagoong, a
little bit of rice, and a little bit of fish.
Lumban: How about my sisters, mom?
Laguna: Dont worry, Ill feed them later. Hurry now so you wont be late.

(Lumban eats breakfast)

(Laguna is busy with the household chores)

Lumban: By the way mom, wheres father?

Laguna: He has left for work earlier this morning.
Lumban: Oh, I see. Im done mom.
Laguna: Dont forget to brush your teeth before going to school.

(Lumban brushes his teeth and then went off to school)

Lumban: Bye mom.
SCENE 3: School Area

Classmates enters

Renz: I need to prepare my seat because Mrs. Kumar will arrive soon.
Bolivar: Hi Ajay! Whats your baon for this lunch?
Renz: Well, I only have rice and dried fish.
Galla: Ew, do you eat dried fish Ajay? Thats a bit smelly
Tagud: I think that is not good for us kids, Ajay.
Sajulga: Ill share my baon to you later Ajay.

Renz: Its all right, classmates. Im fine with this. My mom prepared this for me so I better eat this.
Besides, I find this delicious.

(Danlayon enters)

Danlayon: Good morning class.

Class: Good morning, Mrs. Kumar.
Danlayon: How are you today?
Class: By the grace of God, we are fine.
Danlayon: Good to know that. Settle down, children. Lets start our class.

(Danlayon walks around the room and stops at Renz seat. She looks at him, his clothes, and his

Danlayon: Okay, lets have a review first before we proceed to our next lesson, which is pronoun.
Based on our lesson yesterday, what is noun?

(Renz raises his hand)

Renz: Teacher!

Danlayon: Yes, Ajay?

Renz: Noun is a name of a person, a place, a thing, an idea, or an event.

Danlayon: Good, good, good.

NARRATOR: And so Ajay did his best to participate in the class and to do the classroom tasks. However,
he was not sure why he saw Mrs. Kumars disapproval earlier.

Renz: (talking to himself) Why did Mrs. Kumar looked at me earlier as if she disapproves me? I did my
best to participate but it seems that she really looked at me as if something is wrong.

NARRATOR: Ajay went home with such question in his mind. The next morning.

Danlayon: Ajay, come with me.

Renz: Where are we going, Mrs. Kumar? To the principals office?

Danlayon: Just follow me.

(Store area setup. Cobar is on standb as a storekeeper)

Danlayon: Do you have a pair of shoes to fit this little boy?

Cobar: Let me measure his feet first.

(Cobar measure Renz feet)

Cobar: I think I have one thats just about his size.

Danlayon: Good. And can you also see if you clothes that would fit him as well?

Cobar: Im pretty sure we have. Just a moment please.

(Cobar brought all the things and packed it.)

Danlayon: Here is the payment of these items.

Cobar: Thank you. Anything else?

Danlayon: This is it for now.

Renz: (Talking to himself) Wow, that was a lot of money Mrs. Kumar paid for the shoes and clothes.

Danlayon: Hurry, Ajay. We need to go back to school.


(Danlayon prepares two cups of tea)

Renz: Mrs. Kumar, I would like to say

Danlayon: Finish your cup of tea, Ajay. We need to hurry as the classes will start soon. No time to talk.

Renz: Okay, Mrs. Kumar.

NARRATOR: So Ajay was not able to say thank you to Mrs. Kumar for what she did for him, buying him
shoes and clothes. However, Ajay said that he will never forget the good deed that his teacher did for


McCon: Ms. Sajulga?

Sajulga: Yes, Engineer?

McCon: Are the papers now ready? As I said, I wont be here tomorrow.

Sajulga: Just right in time, sir. Here they are.

McCon: Good.

(Mccon signs all the papers.)

McCon: Cancel all my appointments tomorrow, but you can voicemail me if theres an emergency.

Sajulga: Noted, sir.

(McCon goes to the store. Bolivar and Cobar selling roses)

McCon: Is this the best bouquet of roses that you have?

Bolivar: We have another one sir, with longer stem.

McCon: Id like to have that one.

Bolivar: Its a bit expensive than the ordinary one, sir.

McCon: Thats all right. Its for a special someone.

Bolivar: Your girlfriend, sir?

McCon: Special than a girlfriend.

Bolivar: Here it is, sir.

McCon: Heres my payment.

Bolivar: Heres his payment.

Cobar: Heres your change, sir.

McCon: Thank you.

Cobar: Good luck, sir.

McCon: Thank you.

LAST SCENE: Mrs. Kumars residence.

(McCon knocks)

Galla opens the door.

McCon: Hi, good afternoon. I am Ajay. I called yesterday. Im here to visit Mrs. Kumar.

Galla: My mother is expecting you. Please follow me.

(They enter the sala)

Galla: Mom, Ajay is here.

Villas: Oh, my Ajay.

(mcCon showed a sign of respect)

Villas: So how have you been? Its been a long time.

McCon: Yes, a long time indeed. How are you, Mrs. Kumar.

Villas: Well, Im not getting any younger. As you can see, old age has take a toll on me.

McCon: Me, either. How time flies.

NARRATOR: And Mrs. Kumar and Ajay chat and reminisce the past that they have as a student and a

McCon: Heres a bouquet of roses for you, Maam.

Villas: Oh, thank you. They are so lovely.

(Galla serves the snacks)

Galla: Please have something to eat. Coffee or tea?

McCon: Coffee, please.

(Everyone eats)

McCon; I think its getting late, Maam and the train will be off soon. I wont stay long. Thank you so
much for your time.

Villas: Oh, thank you so much for visiting me Ajay. How can I ever thank you for all the troubles youve

McCon: Just think how much interest I owe you for the shoes and clothes.

(The song Thanks to you plays in the air)


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