Lahore Grammar School: Good Luck

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Lahore Grammar School


Pre-Final term Examination 2017

Due Time 120 Minutes Marks 100

Do not forget to pray before starting to attempt the paper. Trust me it helps.
Remember! SOMEONE is always with you (Be Relaxed), and HE is also watching you (Be Honest)
No Excuse will be entertained after due Date & Time
Error in Question will be advantageous to Student.
Read the Questions carefully before attempting.
Solve your paper using Black/Blue Pen only.
Attempt All Questions in a Precise Fashion.
You may use rough sheets.
There is no negative marking.
Double marking will be considered wrong.
To change your answer, erase completely your previous answer.
All questions are compulsory.
Use of mobile phones, calculators and any other electronic device is not allowed during the test.
Manage Your Time.

Good Luck
NAME: Section:

Date: may 18, 2017 sign:

Q1. Q2. Q 3. Q 4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. Total

12 10 10 10 08 10 10 10 20 ------ 100

Invigilators Signature Examiners Signature

Think Beyond the Limit

Q1 Section Factors and multiples

6 marks
1. Find the 3 factors of each followings from these( 2 3 5 8) numbers

a. 90
b. 72
c. 96

4 marks

2. Find the common factors of the followings & and list the factors (under the heading of odd, even and
prime numbers).

a. 45 & 56
b. 32 & 16
2 marks

3. A given number is a multiple of 3. it is between 7 and 15. And it is also the factor of 18. What is the

Q2 Section Checking Answers

4 marks
5. Find the answers

a. What is difference between 1.45 & 0.87

b. Take 0.570 away from 2.92
c. How much 0.75 is bigger than 0.43
d. Find sum of 12.09 & 4.509

6 marks

6. Crack the code by finding missing numbers and place them under the letter Blocks
F 23 + [ ] = 123
A 432 - [ ] = 253 F A T
T 685 [ ] = 31

Q3 Section Ratios
5+5 marks
7. Fahad Spent 60 Rs and had 12. Find the ratio of the amount of the money, he spent to
the total amount of money he had in the beginning?

8. Assad cut the rope into two pieces in the ratio 1: 5. If the total length of rope is 76cm what
was the length of longer and shorter piece of rope?
Q4 Section Order and Operations
2+2+2+2+2 marks
9. Find the Value of the Followings
a) 13 6 x 2 + 12 / 4 =
b) 200 + 56 / (90 -83) 50 =
c) 154 / 7 + 9 x (17 -9) =
d) 3 x (20 2) (85 + 17) =

Q5 Section Perimeter & Area

10. Give the answers of followings

4+2+2 marks
a) Formula of Perimeter and area of each Square and Rectangle.
b) If the perimeter of square is 50 cm find its side, length?
c) If the perimeter of rectangle is 25 and breath is 5, find the other side of rectangle


d) ABCG and CDEF are rectangles find BD & FG

E 27cm

Q6 Section Graphs
10 marks
11. The line of the graph shows the height of a balloon above the ground between 1 p.m. &
6 p.m. on Friday.

of the


1. Pm 2. Pm 3. Pm 4. Pm 5. Pm 6. Pm

a) What was the height of the balloon at (3 pm) & (5.30 pm)
b) What was the greatest balloon height reached and at on what time it reached?
c) In which time interval greatest decrease occur in height?
d) What is the difference between of highest and lowest heights reached by balloon?

Q7 Section Angles
6+4 marks
12. Define acute, obtuse & right angle
13. Label the angles (acute, obtuse & right angle) and mention the angle in degrees figure also
in the following diagram.

Q8 Section Symmetry
5+5 marks
14. Fill in the blanks
Name of polygon Number of sides Number of lines of
A Trapezium

B Rhombus

C Pentagon

D Hexagon

E Heptagon

F Octagon

Draw a symmetric line in the following below figures and tells either it is symmetric or not?


Q9 Section Percentages
20 marks
15. A bottle contained 650 g of sugar. Asad used 80% of it to make coffee. How many gram of
sugar did he used to make a coffee?
16. Asma daily allowance was $50 on Friday. She spent 65% of her money on food
o How much money did she spend on Friday?
o How much percentage and money she left on Friday?
17. Calculate the percentage of followings
o 63/350
o 9 * 6/25
18. Calculate in the fraction
o 2.5%
o 342%
19. In a pound there are 400 fish. 30% of them are guppies. 25% of them are mollies. The rest
are swordtails. How many more swordtails than guppies are there?

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