Pokemon Treasure Map UDL

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Pokmon Treasure Map UDL (Universal Design Lesson)

YOUR NAME: Taylor Clingaman

Learn the basic elements of graphing
Learn how to plot a point when given coordinates
Learn how to identify coordinates when given points

TECHNOLOGIES USED FOR ACTIVITY (please provide a URL link to it if applicable):

GeoGebra app used for graphing - https://www.geogebra.org/

(adapted from CAST UDL curriculum self-check)

Flexible media and materials play an essential role in helping students achieve activity/lesson goals. The
principles below help you consider what could/could not work for all your students with the media and materials
included in your activity.

UDL principle Example Explain how the technology you picked

for the activity provides that?
(add URL links, descriptions,
screenshots, etc if necessary)
By using a computer to learn graphing,
Multiple and varied media are used Text, images, graphics, audio, students can use the app to explore at their
to present concepts and content video, and multimedia own pace. By using a computer, they have
room for manipulating tools to do their
exploring. They can create shapes and on
the side of the app, it shows what is being
done. Therefore, when the students graph
their points, they can not only see the graph,
but they can see the coordinates of the point
they just plotted on the side and compare
that to the labels on the graph. They can
also change the colors of points and lines
they are making to determine what is what.
After they have practiced with the
technology and gotten the hang of graphing,
then they will use normal graph paper to
complete the project. That way, if a student
struggles with the technology aspect, they
can still thrive with the regular paper and
I can create an instruction video on how to
Materials and media provide visual Captions for videos, text outlines use the GeoGebra app and show that to the
equivalents for auditory information for lectures, text-to-speech or students first, then I can go through
and vice versa as needed digital voice tools for text everything with them step-by-step so they
are actively involved. Finally, I can print out
written instructions, or have it on a word
document for them to read as they are
Students have access to the internet right in
Options for diverse Hyperlinked multimedia glossary front of them while they are working so that
linguistic/language abilities are definitions; foreign language they can translate words, or look things up
provided in materials and media translations; language modality as they go. They can also be given
translationsASL/speech headphones to plug into the computer they
are using.
The left side of the app shows what the
Visual organizers, rubrics, and Using advanced organizers students have done in the app in an
checklists are available to help organized fashion. It automatically labels
students to learn, plan, and complete points and the students can choose if they
lessons want the labels to show on the graph or not.
It also shows the coordinates with each
labeled point. I will also have a checklist for
the students to check off as they go with the
things that they understand and the steps to
the project. They will be placed in the proper
places in the instruction sheet so that the
students can develop their understanding of
one aspect before moving onto the next. As I
am teaching, I will also do a physical check
for understanding with either thumbs up if
you understand or something similar so I
can see who still may need some help.
Having the coordinates visible on the side of
Materials and media are designed to Comparing work over time the GeoGebra app allows students check
help students monitor their own during the activity, picking their and see if the coordinates they came up with
progress and promote self-reflection best work, choosing new are correct. It also provides a guidance in
personal goals plotting points. Also, having a check list of
things that they should understand before
moving on and the steps of the project they
are to complete will make sure that they
have a full understanding of each step.
Using the computer app for graphing allows
Materials and media provide More structured vs. open-ended for more open-ended exploring. There are
students with varied levels of tasks in the activity, different many tools the students can play with, which
challenge and support to address levels of difficulty could possibly prompt some challenging
diverse abilities and challenges questions from students who need a
challenge. Having the students recreate their
partners work on graph paper provides a
little more structure for the students who
need it in order to complete a task.


Based on your responses, how would you modify your media and materials to address the diverse challenges,
talents, and preferences of your students? (answer one)
If your technology provides support for UDL principles (e.g., 4 out of 6 principles), what are other
student challenges or preferences that you could anticipate in this activity?
o I can see some students struggling with the technology. If they watch the video, do the step-by-
step with me, read the printed instructions, and ask me for extra help and are still struggling,
they can choose to opt out of the technology portion of the assignment and do their practice,
exploration, and creation on graph paper.
o I can also see some of the students who get distracted easily doing a little too much exploration
and not enough of the practice. They could either be playing around with the app itself, or they
could be using the computer in ways they shouldnt like playing games and other things they
shouldnt be doing. If I see this happening, I will give them a warning and then if that doesnt
work make them complete the assignment on graph paper.

If your technology does not provide support for UDL principles (e.g., less than 4 principles), how would
you modify your media and materials to address the diverse challenges, talents, and preferences of
your students?

(participation points for this week).

Briefly describe your thoughts about the UDL-ization process:

1) How is UDL changing how you view technology for teaching and learning?
a. I have heard about UDL before, but have not been taught extensively on it or have been
required to create a lesson plan solely for it. The different categories have forced me to think
about all possible issues my students might have with my lesson and how to fix it. The other
lesson plan templates I have done for my classes have asked for modifications but never
specified what kind like this one has. If I would have had this chart to fill out the first, my lesson
would have been a lot smoother when I went to teach it. Using technology as a tool for my
teaching will allow me to reach even more students with the UDL planning method.

2) How will you implement UDL in your future classroom?

a. I liked the chart that was provided above and I think it will be useful in my future planning. Also,
the diagram provided in the UDL description will be helpful in my planning. It will give me a
systematic checklist for myself to check my planning and understanding of my students. It may
not be realistic for every single lesson to be UDL, but for the big lessons that are information
heavy, it will be essential to make sure all students are reached.

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