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Soal Latihan UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

1. Teacher : Would you help me move this cupboard?

Seno : All right.

What does Seno mean?

a. He agrees to help the teacher
b. He refuses to help the teacher
c. He cannot move the cupboard.
d. He wants the teacher to help him.

2. Wati : You look cute with your new hair cut.

Manto: Thank you for saying so.

What does Wati mean?

a. She congratulates Manto.
b. She compliments Manto.
c. She does not like Mantos new hair cut.
d. She wants to have a new hair cut.

3.Teacher : Congratulations on winning the Physics

Siti : .
What will Siti probably say?

a. Thank you.
b. agree with you.
c. I dont think so.
d. Thats not true.

4. Manto : I think all animals in the zoo should be locked up

in cages.
Wati : I dont think so.

What does Wati mean?

a. She agrees with Mantos opinion.
b. She disagrees with Mantos opinion.
c. She thinks that all animals should be locked up in cages.
d. She thinks that all animals should have cages.
5.Anto: Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow?
Farid : Id love to.

What does Anto mean?

a. He asks Farid to come to his birthday party.
b. He will have a birthday party.
c. He will go to the party.
d. He will not go to the party.

6.Anto : What do you think about our new teacher?

Wati : I think he is very talkactive

What does Wati mean?

a. She thinks that their new teacher is very active.

b. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractive.
c. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk much.
d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.

7. Anto I heard you bought a new red car yesterday.

Susanto: Thats not true. I just repainted my old car.

What does Susanto mean?

a. He did not buy a new car.
b. He bought a new red car.
c. He did not like a red car.
d. He sold his old car.

Text 1
Taronga Zoo
Taronga Zoo is the major zoo in Australia. It is located in
Sydney, New South Wales. It occupies a 33-hectare location.
The name taronga is an Aboriginal name. It means water
The Zoo has Australias finest collection of native Australian
animals and many exotic species. It has kangaroos,
wallabies, and koalas. Those animals can be seen from a
close distance. There are platypuses,echidnas, and New
Zealand kiwis in the Nocturnal House. There are also gorillas
in the new Gorilla Tropical Forest. All animals in the zoo are
kept very well. They are kept in the environment that is like
their natural habitat.
Taronga is usually used as a site for scientific research,
conservation, and education. It also offers a range of
educational and special interest tours.

(Adapted from: Microsoft Encarta 2006. 1993-2005

Microsoft Corporation)

8.Where is Taronga Zoo located?

a. It is located in Sydney, Australia.

b. It is located in New Zealand.
c. It is located in New York.
d. It is located in the Aboriginal site.

9.Where in Taronga Zoo can you find New Zealand kiwis?

a. In the Tropical Forest.
b. In the south of the zoo.
c. In the Nocturnal House.
d. In New Zealand.

10.Which of the following statements is true according to the

a. Taronga Zoo is the only zoo in Australia.
b. The animals in Taronga Zoo cannot be seen in a close
c. The name taronga is aboriginal for water view.
d. Taronga Zoo only has native Australian animals.
11. Which of the following words is the synonym of major?

a. Inferior.
b.. Secondary.
c. Significant.
d. Ordinary.

Text 2
My Holiday in Flores
I went to Flores last month. I went there to visit Australian
Volunteer English teachers in Maumere, Ende and Bajawa. As
a result, I also enjoyed the beauty of the island.
I started my first day in Maumere with Jo Keating. After
visiting several schools in the city, we took an amazing
journey over the mountains to the south coast. We visited a
new junior high school there. Then, I traveled to Ende to
meet Sharon Kidman. Ende has a great market with a lovely
selection of traditional woven ikat cloth, and great seafood.

My next trip was to Detusoko. It is a mountain village. I went

there with Ginny Edwards. Detusoko is not far from Mount
Kelimutu. We woke up at 4 am to see the three different
coloured lakes at dawn. It was truly inspiring.

My final trip was to Bajawa. It is a small town high in the

mountains. It was a very cold place. Yet my trip was fun and
memorable. I would like to go back to Flores one day.

(Adapted from: KangGURU, December 2002)

12. Where did the writer go on his first day?

a. Ende.
b. Maumere.
c.The mountain village.
d. Mount Kelimutu.

13.Fredy: May I help you carry those books?

Sanusi: . I can do it myself.

a. No, thanks
b. Sure
c. Of course
d. Yes

14.Tantri : What a clever boy! Do you agree with me?

Andi : . He always gets the best mark.

a. I dont think so
b. I do
c. I disagree
d. Not really
15 Wayan : Congratulations on your 13th birthday.
Anto : .

a. No, thanks
b. Thank you very much
c. Oh, not really
d. Well done

16.Putri : Would you like to come for dinner at my house?

Ida : . I have to visit my grandmother today.

a. Id love to
b. That would be great
c. I would
d. Im sorry, I cant

17.Sanusi : Shall we go hiking to Puncak next Saturday?

Asep : . We really need fresh air after a busy week.

a. That would be great

b. That would be tiring
c. Im sorry, I cant
d. That would make us busy

18.Andi : What do you think about our new classroom?

Fredy : . We need to clean it.

a. I think its too cozy

b. I think its very tidy
c. I think its very dirty
d. I think its very neat

19. Sanusi : Adi told me that you won the ticket to see
Noahs concert.
Asep : . I actually bought the ticket.

a. Thats true
b. Im afraid, its correct
c. Its not correct
d. Thats it
20. Natasha : Hello? Can I speak to Fredy?
Leman : Sure. Wait a minute.

What does Natasha mean?

a. She wants to talk with Fredy on the telephone.

b. She wants to speak to Leman about Fredy.
c. She wants to talk about Fredy.
d. She wants Leman to talk to Fredy.

21.Natasha : Anyway, Its time for me to hang up. Bye.

Leman : Bye.

What does Natasha mean?

a. She will hang the telephone.
b. She wants Leman to hang the telephone.
c. She will end the conversation on the telephone.
d. She wants to start a conversation.

22. Dina : Well, Im afraid I must go now. I have to take my

sister to school.
Lina: Okay. Take care.

What does Dina mean?

a. She is afraid of her sister.
b. She wants to take leave.
c. She has to take care of her sister.
d. She is afraid that her sister does not want to go to school.

23. Dian : Do you think you can help me clean this room?
Edo : Why not?

What does Dian mean?

a. She does not want to help Edo clean the room.
b. She wants Edo to help her clean the room.
c. She will not help Edo clean the room.
d. She will help Edo clean the room.

24. Gita : May I borrow your pencil?

Andre : Im sorry. Im using it at the moment.
What does Andre mean?
a. He cannot lend her his pencil.
b. He wants to borrow a pencil.
c. He can lend her his pencil.
d. He does not want to borrow a pencil.

Text 3

The Old Grandfather and His Grandson

Once upon a time there was a very old grandfather. His eyes
were almost blind, his ears were deaf, and his knees shook.
When he sat at the table, he could not hold a spoon strongly.
He spilled soup on the tablecloth. Besides this, some of his
soup would run back out of his mouth.

His son and his sons wife were annoyed by this. Finally, they
made the old grandfather sit in the corner behind the stove.
They gave him not enough food in a clay bowl. He sat there
and looked sadly at the table. He was almost crying.

One day the old grandfather could not hold the bowl because
his hands were too weak. The bowl fell to the ground and
broke. The woman scolded. However, the old grandfather did
not say anything. He could only cry. Then, they bought him a
wooden bowl and made him eat from it.

Once when they were all sitting there, the four year old
grandson put some pieces of wood together on the floor. His
father asked him what he was doing. The little grandson said
that he was making a little trough for his father and mother
to eat from when he was big.

The man and the woman looked at one another. They began
to cry. They brought the old grandfather to the table
immediately. Since then, they always let him eat there. If he
spilled a little, they did not say anything.

(Adapted from:

25.How did the old grandfathers son and his sons wife treat
a. They treated him nicely.
b. They treated him very badly.
c. They treated him like a child.
d. They treated him very carefully.

26.How did the old grandfather feel about his sons and his
sons wifes behavior
toward him?

a. He felt very sad about it.

b. He felt satisfied about it.
c. He was really angry with them.
d. He was always complaining about it.

27.What did the old grandfathers son and his sons wife do
after they realized their

a. They scolded their son.

b. They let their son eat at the table.
c. They let their father eat at the table.
d. They did not say anything.

28.What does the word he in paragraph 2 sentence 4 refer

a. The old grandfather.
b. The old grandfathers son.
c. The wife of the old grandfathers son.
d. The four year old grandson.

29.What does the word they in paragraph 5 sentence 2

refer to?
a. The man and the grandson.
b. The man and the woman.
c. The woman and the grandson.
d. The man and the grandfather.

30 Which of the following words is the antonym of weak?

a. Feeble.
b. Fragile.
c. Strong.
d. Frail.

31. Which of the following words is the synonym of

a. Less.
b. Correct.
c. Many.
d. Adequate.

Text 4
A Stupid Man and His Cows

One day, a stupid man went to market. He bought six cows.

After that, he rode one cow home and made the others walk
in front of him. On the way he counted them, but he could
only see five cows. He counted them again and again. He
was certain that he had lost one. He was afraid that he would
be scolded by his wife.

His wife was waiting for him in front of their house. As soon
as he saw her, he said sadly that he had lost one of their
cows. He did not know how it could happen. He was very

Then, his wife asked him how many cows he bought. The
stupid man answered that he bought six cows. However, he
could only see five of them. His wife looked at him and
laughed. She said that he was very stupid. There was not
one cow less. There was one more.

(Adapted from:

32. How many cows did the stupid man buy?

a. One.
b. Five.
c. Six.
d. Seven.
33. On his way home, how many cows did he see?
a. One.
b. Five.
c. Six.
d. Seven.

34. Which of the following statements is true according to

the text?

a. The stupid man spent much money on cows.

b. The stupid man was scolded by his wife.
c. The stupid man thought that he had lost one of his cows.
d. The stupid man lost one cow on his way home.

35.What does the word them in paragraph 1 line 2 refer


a. The others.
b. The cows.
c. The lost cows.
d. One of the cows.

36.Which of the following words is the synonym of stupid?

a. Unlucky.
b. Diligent.
c. Bright.
d. Dull.

37.Which of the following words is the antonym of certain?

a. Sure.
b. Unsure.
c. Positive.
d. Clear.

38. Arrange the following utterances into a good dialogue

between Adi and Sanusi

1. Im Sanusi. Is that you, Adi?

2. Hello? Who is calling please?
3. Of course. Its 021641667.
4. Okay, thanks for the information. Anyway, Ill hang up
now. Bye.
5. Yes, there is. I want to know Angelinas phone number. Do
you have it?
6. Yes, it is. By the way, is there any business?
7. Bye.

The correct arrangement is

a. 2 1 6 5 3 4 7
b. 2 1 6 5 4 3 7
c. 1 2 6 5 3 4 7
d. 1 6 2 5 3 4 7

39. Asep: Would you pass me the sugar, please?

Sanusi: Here you are.

a. I dont think I would

b. Sure
c. I dont think I could reach it
d. Im sorry, I do not like sugar

40.Fredy : What do you think about this building?

Wayan : It looks fragile.
a. I think this building is very old
b. I think it is new
c. I think it is dirty
d. I think this building is very beautiful

41.Andi : Fredy is very careless. What do you think about

Sanusi: He often forgets where he puts his keys.

a. I cannot feel that it is right

b. I dont think so
c. I think thats wrong
d. I think you are right

42.Asep : You look very busy with that assignment. Would

you like me to help you?
Adi : I must do it by myself.
a. Thank you, I would
b. That would be very nice
c. Thats very kind of you, but its an individual assignment
d. Yes, please. I really need a help

43. Angel : Fredy is a nice person. Dont you think so?

Alice : He always likes to help anyone in need.

a. Youre right
b. Im not sure
c. Thats wrong
d. I really dont think so

44. Man : What do you feel about the movie we watched last
Woman: I feel sad that it ended tragically. I hate sad endings

What does the woman mean?

a. She should not have watched the movie.
b. She missed the ending.
c. She hates movies.
d. She does not like movies that end sadly.

45. Woman: Can I offer you a drink?

Man: Oh, yes, please.

What does the man mean?

a. He is very thirsty.
b. He accepts the womans offer.
c. He declines the womans offer.
d. He wants to offer the woman a drink.

46. Woman: Do you agree if I meet you tomorrow morning?

Man: Yes, I do. I will need you to tell me more about the

What does the man mean?

a. He will not meet the woman tomorrow morning.
b. He lets the woman meet him tomorrow morning.
c. He will tell her the news tomorrow morning.
d. He asks the woman to meet him tomorrow morning.
47 Woman: I think I cannot go to Putris birthday party. My
parents will not let me
go out alone after 7 pm.
Man: I see. Maybe you should ask your brother to
accompany you.

What does the man mean?

a. He will accompany the woman to go to Putris birthday
b. He asks the womans parents to let her go to Putris
birthday party.
c. He tells the woman to ask her brother to go with her to
Putris birthday party.
d. He does not want to go to Putris birthday party with her.

48. Use the gloves to avoid the dangerous chemical

What does the notice mean?
a.It will be safe to use gloves when you hold the chemical
b.It is not necessary to use any protective instrument when
you touch chemical substance
c.It will be unsafe for you to use eye protectors
d.It will not be dangerous to touch chemical material without

49.Dear Samson,
My friends and I are going to go camping in Bandungan
tomorrow. If you are free, please join us. Ill be waiting at
the bus station at 07.00 a.m.
See you

Where will Budi and his friends wait for Samson?

a. In Budis house
b. In Samsons house
c. In Bandungan
d. At the bus station.
50 Why did the writer write the text?
a. To ask Samson to go camping with him.
b. To give information about going camping.
c. To ask permission to go camping.
d. To explain how to go camping.

51.Nina : Have you finished typing your report?

Linda : Not yet. I have no paper left. .
Nina : Of course. Here you are !

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ..

a. Lets use your paper. b.Can you finish it?
c. Could you finish it? d.Can you give me some?

52. Dinar :Have you read the story of The Beauty and the

Intan : Yes it is a nice story.

Dinar : What do you think of Beauty?
Intan : I think she is a good girl.

The underlined expression is

a.Expressing opinion c. expressing agreement
b.Asking for direction d.asking for information

53. Dinar :I have read the story of The Babu and the Lion.
Intan : It is a good story.
Dinar :What do you think of Babu?
Intan : How brave he is !

The underlined expression is

a. Expressing opinion c. expressing inviting someone
bAsking for a permission d. expressing appreciation

54. Lola : I have read the story of The Mantu and the

Intan : It is a nice story.

Lola :What do you think of Mantu?
Intan : What a brave boy is !
The underlined expression is
a.expressing opinion c. expressing inviting someone
b. asking for a permission d. giving appreciation

55.Nina : Niko, can you help me?

Niko : Of course, what can I do for you?
Nina : Would you be so kind as to take care of my cat? Im
going to Bogor tomorrow to
visit my uncle, he is sick. Ill be there for about two days.
Niko : Id be very happy to take care of your cat. I love cats.
Nina : Great. Thanks.
The bolded expression is
a.responding opinion c. expressing inviting someone
b.asking for a permission d. giving appreciation

56. Roni : Do you know birds that cant fly?

Restu : Hmm, ostriches, emus, and the bird from Papua
whats its name?
Roni : Oh, cassowary, right?
Restu : Yeah, thats right.

The underlined expression means ..

a. Is not able to fly to show on the air
b.Is an ability to fly d. not to show ability


Where do you find the sign?

a.In the park c. in the parking lot
b.In the safari park d. in the mall


What does the sign mean ?

a. We are prohibited to feed the animal

b. We are allowed to give food to theme
c. We are forbidden to eat animal food
d. We are allowed to take animal food
59.Teacher : Attention,please !
Students: Yes,Maam
What does the underlined sentence mean?

a.The teacher is checking the

b.The teacher is checking the studentsattention
c. The teacher is checking the studentsunderstanding.
d.The teacher is checking the studentsanswer.

60. Teacher : Is that clear ?

Students: Yes,Sir. We understand It.
What does the underlined sentence mean?

a.The teacher is checking the studentsattendance

b.The teacher is checking the studentsattention
c. The teacher is checking the studentsunderstanding.
d.The teacher is checking the studentsanswer.

61.Farah :Wow,this picture is so beautiful. Its great !

Ida : Yeah.Its my sisters work What does the underlined
sentence mean?

a.Giving opinion c. Asking permission

b.Giving compliment d Getting someones attention

62.Azis : I dont see your old handphone. Youve sold

it,havent you?
Wira: Yes. Heres the new one. ?
Aziz: Thats great !

a.Whats about yours? c.Can you operate it?

b.What do you think? d.Will you buy a similar handphone?

63.On the train. The girl notices that a woman is getting

off,leaving her wallet.

The girl : Excuse me,maam. I think you have left your wallet
Woman : Oh,thank you very much !
What does the underlined sentence mean?

a.Giving opinion c. Asking for permission

b.Giving compliment d Getting someones attention

68. At a students meeting. The teacher is addressing the

The teacher : Dear audience,boys and girls ! May I have your

What does the underlined utterance mean?

a.The teacher is checking the studentsattendance
b.The teacher is checking the studentsattention
c. The teacher is checking the studentsunderstanding.
d.The teacher is checking the studentsanswer.

69. Via : What do you think of my new bag?


a.I think its a beautiful bag. c.I dont think so

b.I dont understand you d.I know you

70.Nina: Dad,tomorrow is Mothers Day,what are we going to

buy for mom?
Father: Lets go to the optician after school. We can buy her
a new glasses.
Nina : Thats good. I think she needs new ones.

What does the underlined sentence mean?

a.Giving opinion c. Asking for permission
b.Giving compliment d Asking someones attention

71. Anto : Can you dance traditional dance?

Rio :
a.Yes, I can c. Really?
b.No,thank you d. Good dance

72. Putri wants to apply for a job. Now the manager is

interviewing her.
Manager: What foreign language can you speak?
Putri : English and French.
Manager: ..
Putri : Yes,fifty words a minutes.

a.Can you help me? c.Can you type?

b.Would you type this letter? d.Can you operate computer?

73.Regina : ..
Sarah : I am sorry. I cant join in your party because my
grandma will come to my
house at the same day.

a.Lets come to my party c.Let;s do homework together

b.Lets go there d.Lets make same party

74. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence.

Come tonight you my like would

party to dinner- ?
7 8 9 10

The best arrangement is

a.6 3 5 8 1 4 9 7 2 10 c.6 3 1 5 8 4 7 2 9 10
b.1 3 8 5 4 9 7 2 6 10 d.3 6 8 5 4 1 9 7 2 10

75. Ajeng : Happy birthday,Ayu !

Ayu : Thanks. Will you come to my party tonight?

Ajeng : Of course. I will

The underlined sentence is expression of

a.Stating ability c. Asking for permission
b.Asking an ability d Getting someones attention

76. Iwa : I heard your brother worked as a tour guide.

Yani : Right ! He can speak many languages like
English,French,Dutch and even Japanese
Iwa : Wow ! What an awesome man is
The underlined sentence is expressing .
a.Ability c. certainty
b.Pleasure d. permission

77. Secretary : I have typed the letter. What do you

Boss : I think its good. write it into English letter?

a.Can you c. You dont

b.Have you d. You wont

78. afternoon the please flowers water

The best arrangement is ..
a.1 2 3 5 4 6 c. 3 5 2 4 6 1
b.1 3 2 4 5 6 d. 5 3 2 4 6 1

79.Dio : What do you think about the new student?

Ria : Wow. I think he is great ! He speak English well.
Dio: Really?
Ria: Yes. Hes been in Australia for about five years.

a.Ability c. can not

b.Able d. can

80. Joe : .
Bob : Yes. I start to practice piano since I was 8.

a.Can you buy a piano? c.Can you play a piano?

b.Can you tell me what it is? d.Can you lend me a piano?

81. Jim : Can you do this math problem?

Joe : Sorry.

a. I can do it c.I understand it

b. I will not do it now d.I cant do it

82.The weather is cloudy. Your little sister wants to go out.

What is the best instruction for her?
a.Wear your shoes c. Take your medicine
b.Bring your umbrella d. Put your shoes on the table

83.The room is too hot.What will the teacher ask the

a.Turn on the fan c.Open the book on page 12
b.Need food? d.Sorry I come late

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