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Nepangue, King V.

September 26, 2016

An Exposition On Jiddu Krishnamurti Concept Of Holistic Education


Education is life. It is a lifetime framework of the process of learning and realization. Here in our
country, a lot of people are struggling to get a good education. Many people believe that
education is a factor in achieving success. They find it as a means in attaining financial stability
in the future. They look at it as way of economic upliftment from poverty. Is it really for material
gains that people do pursue good education? There some people who pursue education as their
passion, in satisfying their curiosity in the field of science. By these, we can say that education is
acquiring considerable amount of knowledge. It is true that education is beneficial for
humankind. Through education, intellectuals were made. Some of them promote ideas and
principle for people to adhere to as they live in harmony with other. Some of them also made
some discoveries essential to the well-being of every human being. If that is the case, we can say
that education is for the betterment of people.

Anoher problem arises, Why their bad intellectuals? In this question, the reaseacher is effering to
those people who use their knowledge in a way that is determined to welfae of people. There are
some promoted ideologies that can endanger human lives. They neglect the value of a human
person just adhere their goals, amy it be for idoelogicaal or economic reasons.

With the advancement of knowledge, the reseacher think, educationis now only feeding the
minds. It helps top utilize the power of mind to its outmost capacity. With this concept of
education the huamn person tends to deminish . Mind can only percieve things as preception,
decrasing the meaning of a human being into objects, it can now be manipulate at will.

A human person has not only mind as its parts but also the heart. If mins needs to be educated,
what about the heart? Is only mind that a person consists, that many people neglects the value of
heart? The heart is not about biological hearts that pumps blood in the body. Heart is emotional
centers that carries and conveys the language called love which is universal.
The world today needs educated hearts. To be education does not imply that the heart of every
intellectuals must follow according to the books or what ever things that makes a certain person
intellegent.Eduaction mean life means to let mind look not just on a single but to look in a widetr
perspective. It helps man realize what is most important things in life which worldly goods
cannot compensate.

Our world today relying on the capacity of mind in seeking the meaning of life. Our society will
try to look at the capacity of heatss to discern what is life all about. Education of mind along with
the eduaction of the hearts may flourish, for the common good and the peace that world wishing

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