Class 10

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Holiday Homework Class 10

Q1(a) I got up in the middle of the night I was sweating profusely..complete the story in 150-200

(b) It was raining heaving the street lights had gone off and I was returningcomplete the story
providing an appropriate title to it.

Q.2 (a) You decide to write an article for the school magazine on how it is important to save the planet
Earth. Write the article in about 180 words.

(b) Write an articleon the given topic using hints given below in not more than 150 words.

Mobile phones: A modern utility or a health hazard.


Use of mobile phones-growing at fast rate- utility of mobile phones- keeps us well connected -Inexpensive
Handy- Health Hazards- Electromagnetic radiations Distraction while driving.

Q.3 You are Rachana/ Raghav, 15 MG Road Agra You happened to see the following news item in a
newspaper. Write a letter to the Editor of the times of the Times of India New Delhi expressing your views
on the matter. New Delhi- the Supreme Court has passed an order that it is the responsibility of every
citizen to look after their aged parents. If they fail, they will have no right of inheritance.

Q.4 Editing

Error Correction

Time is very precious than money (a) ..

Money once lose can be regained (b )

But time once lost was lost forever (c)

Time and Tide waits for no one. A (d) . .

lost opportunities may spoil ones life (e) .

Those who did act in time (f) ..

Has to repent after wards. An intelligent (g) .

Student prepares his lessons an advance (h) ..

Hence proper using of time is essential (i) ..

Q.5 Omission

Before Missing After

Space Shuttle Atlantis which is arbiter . ..

began its first flight October 1985 and . . .

retired recently after completing last flight .. ..

in July 2011 weighed around 80 tonne. It .. .. ..

Spent 306 days, 14 house 12 minutes . ..

43 seconds in space. .

Q.6 Sentence Reordering

1. of /case/is important/post-operative/quick recovery /for/a patient

2. the / first doctor/ a diagnosis / makes /an illness /of

3. he or she/what /then find/decides/ of treatment/ needed / is

4. can / treated with / many /be / a course of / drug / illnesses

5. may/the doctor lit /is serious /the case/operate

1 History of Mathematics Include the following sub topics;
a) Story of digits 0-9
b) Story of
c) History of Pythagoras Theorem
2 Geometry in real life: In this students should try to find situations in daily life where
mathematical concepts can be effectively used.
3 Contributions of the following Mathematicians;
a) Aryabhatta
b) Euclid
c) Pythagoras
Chap-1 Chemical reactions and equations

1. NCERT text questions

2. NCERT Exercise questions
3. NCERT Exemplar Problems
4. Define Following- Rancidity, Corrosion, Electrolysis, Displacement


Q1. What does an electric current mean?

Q2. A torch bulb has a resistance of 1 when cold. It draws a current of 0.2 A from a source
of 2 V and glows.
Q3.Calculate the resistance of 1 km long copper wire of radius 1 mm. (Resistivity of copper =
1.72 x 1 0-8.
Q4.Calculate the number of electrons constituting one coulomb of charge.
Q5. Define the unit of current.
Q6. Why are coils of electric toasters and electric irons made of an alloy rather than a pure
Q7. Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of a battery of three cells of 2 V each, a 5
resistor, an 8 resistor, and a 12 resistor, and a plug key, all connected in series.
Q8. If four resistances, each of value 1 ohm, are connected in series, what will be the
resultant resistance?
Q9. A resistance of 6 ohms is connected in series with another resistance of 4 ohms. A
potential difference of 20 volts is applied across the combination. Calculate the current
through the circuit and potential difference across the 6 ohm resistance.
Q10. Calculate the equivalent resistance when two resistances of 3 ohms and 6 ohms are
connected in parallel.
Q11.How should the two resistances of 2 ohms each be connected so as to produce an
equivalent resistance of 1 ohm?
Q12.Three resistances of 12, 15 and 20 ohms are connected first in series and then in parallel.
What is the equivalent (or combined) resistance in each case?
Q13.How can three resistors of 2, 3 and 6 ohms be connected in a circuit to give a total
resistance of 1 ohm? 7. What possible values of resistance are get by combining two
resistance, one of value 2 W and other 6 W?


1. fgUnh izfr;ksfxrk gsrq Lihp rS;kj djuk

fo"k; & pquko izfdz;k esa bySDVkfuDl ehku egRoiw.kZ gSA

2. d`frdk & ekrk dk vkpyA

3. f{kfrt x| & usrk th dk pek]

dkO;a & in ikB ds lkjkak] izuksRrj fy[kuk ,oa ;kn djukA
Social Study
Q 1-Show the different kinds of soils in political map of India and describe important characteristics
Of each type of soil available in India.

Q 2-Imagine if oil supplies get exhausted how this will affect our life style.

Q 3- Which values are associated with afforestation? Mention any five.

Q 4 Write in detail the main features of Majoritarianism.

Q 5 Prepare a list of dams along with the river name.


Q 6- Home Assignment of DISASTER MANAGEMENT .Guidelines for Home Assignment

1: Assignment to be done on A4 size sheet.

2: It should be hand written.

3: On the first page student proforma to be given-NAME, CLASS, ROLL NO. , NAME OF SCHOOL




1Define search and rescue. Mention the precautions that a Search and Rescue team is expected

to take in the following situations:

a) Before entering the building (b) While moving inside the damaged building

(c) On entering the building.

2: How would you define tsunamis? Discuss the important things to do during tsunamis.

3: What is the importance of alternative communication systems during disasters?

4: Earthquake does not kill people but buildings do. Discuss the statement with reference to

Damage caused to buildings by earthquakes and the protection measures to be adopted in

this regard.

5: Present the outlines of Disaster Management Committee at the district level and describe its

main functions.

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