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OQFL is not the only one trying to come-up with a French alternative for English terms, Lacadmi

franaise is involved too. Unfortunately, the institutes cannot come up with creative ideas every
time and often just translate the word directly without undue consideration, often resulting in words
that sound a bit weird.

Im referring to words like gazouillis = tweet or mot-dise = hash-tag, which do not sound right in
French. Indeed, I am not sure if these two words would be considered acceptable by a French
native speaker.

The ugly
However, sometimes we have no choice other than to translate some English words. If we do not
do it, it can be very awkward. Pinner, such as (to pin) would be a big no-no. Pinner has a
sexual meaning in French (pinner = to fxxx). So we have to use the French alternative pingler.

But enough of this short introduction to the complexities of translating todays fashionable jargon,
lets learn some new French words related to social media.

Note: (CA)= Words use in Canada not in France.

Abonne Subscriptions

abonnement (n.m.) subscription

Actualisation de statut Status Update

Ajouter Add

ajouter sa liste dami(e)s un(e) ami(e) to friend

ajouter ami ( e ) (fb terms) Add Friend

amiradier; dsamicaliser; dcopiner unfriend

amis en commun Mutual Friends

annuaire (n.m.); rpertoire (n.m.) directory

application mobile (n.f.); appli mobile application; mobile app

mobile (n.f.)

bloquer Block

clavardage (n.m.) (CA) / chatter chatting

commentaire Comment

compte Facebook Facebook account

Time before this 06 23

Get it
offer runs out: Now! x
connect 57 35
minutes seconds

connexion Log in

contenu (n.m.) content (n.)

contributeur (n.m.), contributrice (n.f.) contributor

copier coller to copy and past

crer Create
de pointe state of the art

Dconnect Disconnected

Dconnexion Log out

Demandes dajout la liste damis Friend Requests

dmod outdated

devenir viral go viral

disponible available, free, Qexible

go-portraits (CA) selJes

en temps rel real time (adj.)

envoyer un message to send a message

Envoyer un Poke To Poke

pingler ("pinner" has a different pin

meaning in French)

tre connect to be online

tre en volution constante/ to be changing all the time


Exprimez-vous (Express yourself) (FB) Whats in your mind?

faire face to confront, face up to

faire gagner du temps to save time

faire parler de soi to get onesself talked about

FAQ (n.f.); foire aux questions (n.f.) frequently asked questions; FAQ

fermer (une) session to logout

Jl (n.m.); Jl de discussion (n.m.) discussion thread; thread (n)

Qux dactivits (n.m.) activity stream

foodographie food porn

fouiner creep

gazouillage (n.m.) (CA); tweetage (n.m.) tweeting

gazouiller (CA); tweeter tweet 2

gazouillis (CA.); tweet (n.m.) tweet 1

Groupes Groups

historique personnel (n.m.) activity log

IdentiJcation Tag

IdentiJer une photo To tag a picture

J'aime Like

Je naime plus Unlike

la chance oppurtunity

la comptence en informatique computer literacy

la couverture mdiatique media coverage

la disponibilit Qexibility, availability

la messagerie computerised mail

la page d'accueil homepage

la toile / le web the Web

la vie prive des personalits private lives of celebrities

l'achat en ligne online shopping

l'appartenance belonging, being a member of

le bloggeur blogger

le Jchier Jle

le fournisseur d'accs service provider

le mel, le ml email
le mot de passe password

le moteur de recherche search engine

le piratage illegal downloading

le pirate informatique hacker

le rseau network

le vecteur d'information vehicle for information

l're informatique (f) information age

les amateurs de bonne cuisine/ foodies foodies

les donnes (f) data

les ragots, les potins gossip

l'essor growth

l'internaute (m) web user, surfer

mdias sociaux (n.m.) social media

Membres Members

Mot de passe Password

Mot-dise Hash-tag
Mur Wall

navigeur, surfer to browse, surf

ne plus suivre unfollow

Nom dutilisateur Username

Nom du groupe Group Name

nouveau (nouvelle) new

partager to share

Photos de proJl ProJle Pictures

poster quelquechose sur le mur de to post something on somebodys wall


Publier Publish

Rechercher des amis Find Friends

rechercher la gloire to seek fame

rdiger to compose (post)

Rdiger un commentaire Add a description

rpingler repin

rpondre au courrier to reply to emails

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