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By Venus Energy Audit System

About the boiler

The boiler parameters are 15 TPH, 64kg/cm2 g, 485 deg C with feed water temperature at 105 deg C.
Design fuel is 100% rice husk. The boiler is provi ded underbed feeding system of rice husk. The
boiler is bottom supported at water drum level. The bed coils are bottom supported. There are two
compartments. Totally six 150 nb husk feed lines are used. Boiler is with radiant SH ( prim ary) and
secondary S H, boiler bank, econom iser and airpreheat er. Husk is fed by rotary feeder. Boiler was
originally designed for under bed firing system a nd over bed fuel. Over bed feeding system was
commissioned in the month of November 2004.

Modification carried out

The boiler was later m odified for multi fuel agro fu el firing. The fuels curren tly fired are rice husk,
Channa gram straw, Ground nut shell, Soya straw.

a) Rice Husk and Rice based fuel 5-7%

b) Ground nut shell 15-20%

c) Soya straw, mustard straw, Gram straw etc. 73-80%

The boiler capacity is derated as per OEM to 80%, that is 12 TPH.

Agenda for the study- as expressed by plant personnel

The following are the problems reported and the requirements by the plant.

1. There is variance in Su perheated Steam tem perature betw een 455 0-5400C whereas the desired
range is 485 50C. This is to be reduced.
2. There is frequent variation in steam pressure w hereas the requirem ent is a constant pressure of
75.0 kg/Cm2.
3. Fuel consumption per KWH is very high 1.70 whereas the desired Fuel consumption per KWH is
4. Auxiliary power consumption of the plant is 20% and this is high.
5. There is no control on the sizing and percentage fine s, moisture content and calorific value of the
fuel being used for the boiler. But whatever is the situation, optimum output from power plant is
desired against existing reduced output of a level 80-82%. Up to Sept. 2006, a maxim um o f
40% Soya straw, Gram straw & Mustard stra w were used. The steam param eters were under
control and turbin e capacity utilisation was at 9 0-95%. But af ter increasing the fibrous fuels to
100%, overheating of super heater tubes took pl ace. Once m elting of s uper heater tubes took
place. In the month of Sept 2009, complete set of super heater tubes replaced with new one.
6. Turbines nozzle chest body cracking was expe rienced in the m onth of Nov 2011. Steam
temperature excursions need to be under control to avoid this problem.
7. An optimized fuel feeding arrangement of a combination of agro based fuels having less calorific
value compared to rice husk is required. The SPM from the boiler stack while using such fuels.
8. The suitability of existing super heater tube ar rangements in the boiler needs to be reviewed for
the fuels being used currently.
9. We want som e type of autom ation with regard to controlling the tem perature of the super heater
tubes within the OEM recommended range and its interlocking with boiler feeding system.
10. The rated MCR of the boiler is desired using a m ixture Soya straw, Gram straw, Mustered straw
and other local fuels.
11. The Superheated Steam temperature has to be under control in the desired range of 485 50C.
12. The steam pressure variance has to be avoided.
13. The boiler efficiency needs to be improved and power consumption needs to be reduced.

Combustor design review of the boiler for 100% rice husk

The rice husk fuel GCV is reported as 3150 Kcal/ kg and with a m oisture of 8.68%. This matches
with the standard analysis adopted for boiler design.

The furnace design calculations are m ade and enclosed in annexure 5. The cal culations are made for
15 TPH output. For underbed firing 20% excess air h as been considered. The findings are as belo w.
The furnace layout is made and the furnace volu me is calculated from drawing. The present furn ace
volume above the bed is working out to be 52.456 m3. The present bed cross section is 2.95 m x 2.95
m. The area is 8.7 m2. The fluidisation velocity works out to be 2.74 m/s as against a requirement of
2.6 m/s and less. The DP nozzle pressure drop with 10% secondary air works out to be 162 mmWC.
This is in order. The bed coil length imm ersed in the bed works out to be 237 m as against
requirement of 226 m. The gas residence time in the furnace works out to be 2.2 sec.

Inadequacy of furnace volume for overbed feeding of any fuel

Agro fuels are low den sity fuel s and bulk density ranges from 90 kg/m3 to 120 kg/m 3. They also
have high volatile matter with a minimum of 50%. We may see the fuel analys is report given by the
plant personnel in annexure 4. Due to this fact any overb ed feeding of agro fuels n eed more furnace
volume. As the moisture content increases, even as much as 3-4 seconds of furnace residence tim e is
provided. After the site visit a nd drawing study, it is found possible to increase the f urnace volume
by lowering the DP plate. As such the underbed feeding system is troublesome due to fibre content in
fuel and the stones. It is seen that the dechoking is being done regularly re sulting in drop in steam
pressure and temperature during such time.

Due to above problem , it is proposed to adopt open hopper design with sparger air nozzles to drain
off the stones and to go for 100% overbed feeding of all fuels. With this concept we can go for a 1.5
m pit below the open hopper.
Thermax them selves have supplied boiler for agro waste with such arrangem ent. See the
arrangement in annexure 6. Open hopper com bustor design is offered by many boiler m akers for
sponge iron plants where the fuel ash contains have iron particles.

Combustor design of the boiler for 100% rice husk by over bed feeding new

The agro fuels m oisture conten t varies and GCV also varies depend ing upon th e decay during
storage. Currently the fuel m ix GCV reported at plant is 3320 kcal/kg for underbed fuel m ix
(moisture 7.78%) and 3640 kcal/kg (m oisture 9.1%) for overbed fed soya straw. The ash for
underbed fuel mix is reported to be 5.98% a nd 2.88% for overbed. For design check, 100% overbed
firing of rice husk is considered, as this is the w orst fuel and a cons istent analysis is available from
many plants.

A layout is m ade with the proposed m odification of the boiler. See view s of the drawings in
annexure 7. The m odification suggested is extension of waterwall below the present operating floor.
With this the effective furnace volume (above bed) is seen to increase from 52.456 m3 to 85.4 m3.

The furnace design calculations are m ade and enclosed in annexure 7. The cal culations are made for
15 TPH out put. The excess air will be in the range of 35% for overbed com bustion of fuels. The
findings are as below. The furnace layout is made for the case of new com bustor and the furnace
volume is calculated from drawing. See the figure in annexure 7.

The revised bed cross section is 3.145 m x 3.145 m. The bed cross sectional area is 9.89 m2. This
is due to removal of re fractory wa ll and du e to extens ion of waterwa ll itse lf to f orm f urnace
walls. The furnace wall tube OD is 63.5 and stud lengt h is 1 6 mm. The studs will b e lined with
high alumina phosphate bonded refractory. The fluidisation velocity works out to be 2.44 m/s for
15 TPH generation. Due to overbed com bustion, actual velocity at bed will be less by a factor of
The residence time for 35% Excess air condition is seen to be 3.19 sec above the bed.
The heigh t gain by th is m odification will be 2.7 m etres. Due to th is the wate rwall pro jected
heating surface will increase by 4*3.24*2.7 = 36.72 m2. This will help in bring ing down the gas
inlet temperature at APH outle t. But the temperature can vary as per th e fines and dryness. It is
not possible to increase the furnace height any f urther. Furnaces with 4 seconds residence tim e
can handle the fuels more efficiently.
There will be no PA fan or SA fan requirem ent. Since the wind box pressu re will be around 450
mmWC and the furnace depth is 1.6 m (one side), the FD air its elf will suffice for turbu lence.
That is SA tapping will be from APH outlet itself. There will be power saving in this respect.
Since the combustion takes place overbed, the bed coil HTA comes down. The bed coil is formed
from the side waterwall tubes. The bed coils are studded with 5 x 4 pattern of SS studs. The front
wall and rearwall tubes now particip ate for heat transfer. The free b oard heat release will be as
high as 30%. Any adjustm ent required to achieve better bed temperature is possible by covering
the bed tube with refractory coating.
The new air nozzles are to be m ade of SS ti p. The DP drop is designed for 176 mmWC. About
25% of the air will be used for SA & fuel spreading.
The FD fan capacity and ID fan capacity are found to be inadequate. The fan flow and head data
are taken from the torq ue speed cu rve provided to us. See the details in the annexure 7. For 15
TPH steam generation, this will change. However looking at the present load of 12 TPH & the
high exit temperature, margin may be available to some extent. The fan KW may not change.

Some details about the modifications that are required are as below


The waterwall is extended to create additional furnace volume. In addition the openings are made
for overbed feeding of the both rice husk and mustard stalk. The over bed ports are lowered
appropriately. New seal boxes are added at all fuel feed points.
Waterwall support

At present the waterwall is supported at the extended header portion of front & rear bottom
headers. Now the waterwall is to be supported at the panel but at the sa me elevation. Support is
taken from the fins. The support is known as girth support.

The downcom er routing is changed. The waterw all bottom headers are now connected by the
four downcomers.
Bed coils

At present two rows of bed coil s are provided. For overbed feeding and for agro fuels, th e heat
transfer a rea of bed coils requ ired is less an d the extend ed waterwall area com e in to heat
transfer. For this the tw o side water wall tubes are bent to f orm the bed coils. The bed coils ar e
studded for erosion protection. Seal boxes are added at the bed coil zone. The bottom side of the
front waterwall and rear waterw all (about 1 m above air nozzle) are also studded and plastered
with heat conducting ref ractory. The refractory lining is for erosion protection of vertical tubes,
as they generally get polished in six years time.
Bottom drains

The bottom headers are now shifted below the concre te floor. There are f our drains provided in
the header ends. The drain piping are to be rerouted at site suiting the present layout.
Open hopper FBC furnace

Stones ingress in rice h usk and oth er agro fuels lead to defluidisation a nd accelerated bed coil
erosion. Open hopper FBC furnace is the ideal choice fo r rem oval o f stones without boiler
stoppage. The com bustion air is now supplied th rough five no sparger header fitted with SS
tipped air nozzles. The hopper is suspended from the waterwall bottom headers. There are four
outlets to this hopper. Each outlet is provided with roller gates for draining the bed material / bed
ash as the bottom thermocouples become dead due to settled stones. The sparger headers get air
supply from the hot FD air ducts. Each sparger header is provided with drain pipes for rem oving
the seeped bed material. These headers are provided with dampers for turning down the load and
for start up purpose.
There are six direct ash drain pipes provided directly below the over bed fuel feed points for
direct draining oversize stones.
The open hopper is sealed with waterwall bottom header with provisions for taking care of
differential thermal expansion.
In order to operate the hopper drain gates and ash drain gates, the presen t ground f loor is to be
excavated by 1.5 m. The approach to the pit is to be made from right side of the furnace.
Instrumentation for the fluidised bed

The bed therm ocouples are inserted in guide pipes from the bottom . There are eight
thermocouples envisaged. The gui de pipes are welded to the open hopper walls. The air box
pressure tappings are to be located at each of the sparger header.
Fuel feeding system- rice husk

Overbed feeding system is proposed due to reasons explained below.

One is that the furnace has to be lowered to have additional furnace volu me for burning of fuel
fed from overbed. For this total underbed feed sy stem has to be lowere d. Then the pit a rea will
have to be including the underbed and for the f uel cross drains. At present stone ingress is there
with rice husk. The mixing nozzles and cross dechoking requirement is quite frequent. Hence the
objection was about the free access for operat ion. When the bed is present with ash
accumulations falling from superheate r, the b ed fluidisa tion gets dis turbed. Hen ce overbed
feeding system was chosen.
Rotary feeder system i s now rem oved. To take of horizontal transportation to overbed feed
points, screw feeders are proposed. Screw feeders drop the fuel in to the over bed feed chutes
provided at the left side waterwall.
The air for pushing the fuel and fo r sealing is taken from main FD air duct itself. A 100 nb line
with a damper is provided at each of the four feed chutes.
Part of the overbed feed chute will be of SS material.
Screw feeders are to be provided with VFD. Each screw feeder is prov ided with slide ga te for
isolation purpose.
Fuel feeding system Fibrous fuels

At present there is single feed point at the furnac e. This is made as two num bers for better use of
furnace volume.
At present there is no control of over feeding of the fuel. In case of excess feeding the
superheater tem perature will shoo t and ther e is risk of hea der f ailures. To contro l this, a drum
feeder is added below the present hopper. This drum feeder is sa me as the one used in bagasse
fired boiler at sugar mills. This drum feeder is also to be provided with VFD.
The drum feeder discharge is bifurcated in to two and connected to over feed chutes. The furnace
side of chute is made of SS. Air for pushing and sealing is taken from FD header. Two no 100 nb
pipes with dampers are considered for this.
Secondary air system

The secondary air (SA) system is now m odified as explained he re. The existing SA headers are
used. New SS tube tips are welded to waterwall. These tips are inclined to promote turbulence for
volatile matter combustion and increased residence time for particles.
The air tapping for SA system is taken direc tly f rom the APH outlet. The SA headers a re
provided with draft tappings to indicate SA head er pressure. Two num ber draft gauges are to be
provided. The SA tappings are provided only at front and rear walls.
Refractory in seal boxes, waterwall and open hopper

Refractory castables are to be poured in all over bed chute seal boxes.

In the front and rear waterwall tubes at bed zone, refractory lining is done. This refractory is high
alumina plastic refractory. This is done only up to stud tips. Sa me is applicable for two vertical
tubes in side walls.
The bottom headers are refractory lined to protect direct heating of the headers. This is done by
high alumina castable to a thickness of 75 mm.
The open hopper is provided with 40 thick refractory tiles of IS 8 grade


The extended portion of the waterwall is to be insulated with 100 mm t hick light resin bonded
mattress. The seal boxes are to be insulated with 40 mm thick mattress. Open hopper is not to be
insulated. The air ducts are to be insulated with 50 mm thick Light resin bonded mattress.
For further details, the detailed drawings would have to be referred.


The boiler was inspected during the shut down. Further the boiler was seen in operation as well. The
following are the observations at the plant. Some recommendations are given as well.

See annexure 1- ash fouling and combustion at superheater section

The fuel fee d point at present is with horizontal spreading air. The height of the SH coil bottom
from the fuel feed point is 2.3 m . This is too less. Hence the com bustion takes place around
superheater area resulting in te mperature swings. This has resulte d in burning of the superheater
alignment bands. When the modification is taken up the alignment bands have to be reinstated.
Mustard straw, GN she ll and soya straw contain alkali (Sodium , Potassium ) ash and this can
form ash de posits. The deposit effect is reduced by the silica ash from rice husk. Deposits are
seen at superheater sections. However it is seen, it is not to extent of blocking the passage.
APH tube plugging & failure occurs due to condensation of fuel moisture & fuel hydrogen. The
presence of rice husk ash m ay reduce the plugging to som e extent. The cold end tubes of APH
need replacement every two years.
See annexure 2- Fuel handling / feeding system

The m ix of fuels for underbed con tains fibres and long pieces. Generally th is poses bridging
problem above feeder and above venturi.
The stones present in this fuel m ix can block th e ventu ri. The stones settle at fuel cross and
demand frequent dechoking. The fu el consumption goes high due to this. Whenever fuel feeding
is disturbed in the furnace, the steam pressure & steam temperature would swing.
By overbed feeding both the proble ms are eliminated. At p resent, only 25% of the tota l fuel is
being handled by underbed. Open hopper desig n will eliminate the pro blem of PA line choking .
However hopper drains have to be operated as required to lower the settled stones.
The overbed feeding system needs an im provement. A rotating lev eller is required at the m ain
conveyor to ensure a fairly constant feeding is available. The present capacity of the conveyor
seems inadequate. Spillage is seen. The conveyor may be provided with skirt board to com plete
length or the increasing of belt speed may be reviewed with manufacturer.

See annexure 3- Flame test and air ingress report

The boiler is not leak proof on gas side. There ar e air ingress points. T hey can be seen in the
photographs in annexure 3. The air ingress from outside loads th e ID fan. This increases the
power consumption.
There is considerable air ing ress in the roof pane l. This m atters a lot with resp ect to second ary
combustion in superheater area.
Such leakag es are enco untered at m any plants . The causes are design defects, inc omplete seal
box work during boiler installation / maintenance. It is advised to seal the roof from leakages by
using plaster of paris. A typical photograph at another plant and the a pplication procedure are
presented in annexure 3.

See annexure 4- Observations in boiler operation

Stones are present in the fuel fed in to th e b oiler. This af fects the f luidisation and leads to
overbed burning. The bed coil erosion also would ta ke place due to haphazard gas flow in the
The dechoking process in underbed is a nuisance for boiler operation personnel. There is no way
the stone ingress can be avoided. Also the sepa ration by any m echanical s creen system is not
Due to inad equate furnace volum e & heating s urface, the b oiler exit gas tem perature goes up to
211 deg C, even for a load of 12 TPH. There is a need to increase furnace heat transfer area to
reduce the exit gas temperature.
Due to bed defluidization, the bed tem peratures are seen to be haphazard. This m akes the bed
coils inefficient to heat trasfer. Thus freeboard temperatures rise further.
It is seen that the Trem a cyclone outlet draft is as high as -350 mmWC , whereas the fan design
itself is 370 mmWC.
It is seen that fuel m oistures are under control. This is seen to be less than 10%. As the
percentage goes higher, the boiler efficiency com es down and the flue gas quantity increases.
Boiler capacity will be derated mainly due to this factor.
Ash fouling is related to ash chem ical analysis. Presence of sodium and potassium in straw leads
to fouling and calls for periodi cal cleaning. This is unavoidable. Usage of sand as bed m aterial
and the mix of rice husk can bring down the fouling to some extent.


1. Combustor volum e can be increas ed to th e extent possible to take care of residence tim e
requirement. Thus problem s related to high exit temperature & high steam tem perature can be
2. Elimination of PA fan results in power savings.
3. For em ission control Electros tatic p recipitator is advised. T his will r esult in power savings as
well. The fan head req uirement will com e do wn to 150 mmWC as agains t the present 370
mmWC. The power required by ESP is much lesser.
4. Overbed fuel feed control is the key point on swings of steam temperature. A leveller would help.
Further the rotary feeder, below the fuel su rge hopper will avoid the excess feeding even if there
is more feeding from conveyor.
5. Boiler efficiency is dependent on excess air, boiler exit temperature and fuel m oisture. The
combustion efficiency will be 80% theoretically. Actual efficiency would by lower by 2% due to
blow down, fuel GCV variance and fuel m oisture variance and fuel m ix consistency. Online O 2
meter / CO meter is recommended so that the incomplete combustion can be known immediately
by the operator.

It is fea sible to inc rease the furnace volum e in th e present boiler layout. The feasibility of lowering
the com bustor was studied at plant by our engi neer and discussions we re held. Based on the
problems fa ced in underbed feed system , it was proposed to switch over to open hopper system.
Accordingly the detailed layout drawings, produc tion drawings and specifications would be

Photo 01: Generally the boiler designed for Biom ass fuel should have large furnace volume in order to make
effective combustion. This boiler is originally designed for Underbed and later overbed provisions were made.
The free board height is physically measured to be 23 00mm only. So once the fuel enters the boiler it will fly
away to superheater zone allowing the combustion to occur in Superheater area. The least residential time of 3
Secs will not be able to achieved here.

Photo 02: The above picture shows the boiler design data. The boiler is originally designed f or rice husk f uel
and the fuel firing is only through underbed system. Hence furnace volume was designed optimally.
Photo 03: T he above photo is showing the condition of Secondary superheater support clamps. The clam ps
were seen to have failed long time ago. This is due to high gas temperature.

Photo 04: In one of the RSH coils, the binding clamp is bur nt off. The furnace te mperature so metimes
touches even 1000 Deg C. Due to this some clamps have got melted.

Photo 0 5: Along the CSH zone most of the suppo rt cl amps have failed and the coils have co me out of
position. This will restrict the flue gas path and thus leading the way to ash choking along the CSH flue path.

Photo 06: The Supports given for coil expansion for CSH coils have failed.
Photo 07: The Ash deposi tion is also seen in Economiser coil but its deposition rate is low as compared to
Superheater coils and Bank tubes. Sonic soot blower is installed in economiser zone.

Photo 08: It is seen that around 15 APH tubes are dum mied because of leakage. APH tubes are subject to
corrosion in agro waste. The flue gas moisture condenses inside the tube.
Fuel Mixing Ratio:

Rice Husk - 16 Scoops per Shift

Ground nut Shell + Gram staw - 35 Scoops per Shift (Grounut Shell 90% , Gram Straw 10% if

Soya Straw - 20 Trolley per Shift.

1 Scoop of rice husk / Gn shell = 180 Kg.

1 Trolley = 1200 Kg.


Rice Husk = 2880 Kg (8.7%)

Ground nut Shell + G. Straw = 6300 Kg (19.0%)

Soya Straw= 24000 Kg (72.3%)

Note: Soya straw alone is fed into the bunker through Overbed. Other fuels are fed through Underbed.

Photo 01: The above photo shows the grinding of Ground nut shell and Channa straw together. Channa straw
will be fed into the bunker only if it is available.

Photo 02: The above photo shows the mixture of ground nut shell and gram straw. The size of Chan na straw
is vary ing and som etimes it causes choking above the ro tary fe eder. As the fiber content increases ro tary
feeder will not be able to handle this.

Photo 03: A tractor brings the rice hus k from nearby place and mixes it with Ground nut shell and Chann a
straw. The mixing is done by tractor.
Photo 04: The above photo shows the fuel mix done by tractor. At some place the volume of Ground nut shell
seems to be more and in some place the volume of rice husk is more.

Photo 05: This is the closer view of Ground nut shell, Rice husk & Gram straw mixed together. The size of
gram straw alone not uniform as this may sometime leads to choking in rotary feder, mixing nozzle throat.
Photo 06: There is an vibratory feeder in the fuel yard into which Soya straw is fed manually by worker. There
is no controlling for the size, foreign particle of the fuel.

Photo 0 7: Since the fuel is fed manually, there is n o regularity i n fuel flow in the overbed Conve yor. This
irregular fuel flow highl y impacts the main steam para meters as there is no R otary or Screw feeder on the
overbed bunker.
Photo 08: Irregular fuel flow throug h Overbed belt conveyor. Skirt board system is advised to avoid sp illage.
In addition a rotary leveller can be added to achieve somewhat uniform feeding. The belt spe ed may have to
be increased to avoid spillage.

Photo 10: Recently VFD i s installed at Overbed conveyor motor to control the convey or RPM and there by
controlling Steam parameters. This will work better with uniformity in fuel flow to the conveyor.
Photo 11: Irregular fuel flow through Overbed belt conveyor.

Photo 12: Recently the y had gone for VFD to Over bed conve yor motor to control the conveyor RPM an d
there by controlling Stea m parameter s. This will not wo rk unless there i s uniformity in fuel flow in the
Photo 13: This panel phot o shows th e interlock made between main st eam pressure and overbed conveyor
motor. The steam pressure set point is 62 Kg/cm2.

Photo 14: The closer picture showing th e physical appearance of Soya straw. This fuel can be fed in over bed
Photo 15: Stones present in fuel.

Photo 16: Bulk density of different fuels. The bul k densitie s are f airly sa me. Howe ver flowability
can vary due to size distribution.
Photo 01: It i s found that t here is so me leakage in Eco/APH hopper. Due to this additional atm ospheric air
gets into the boiler leading to ID fan loading.

Photo 02: Some Air ingress has been observed in t he seal box where the Soot blower line i s located. All seal
box should be fully welded to avoid air ingress.
Photo 03: Air ingress along the boiler rear side panel.

Photo 04: Air ingress along the Radiant SH O/L header. It is seen that the sealing is not proper at roof.
Photo 05: The condition of roof panel is very poor as there is considerable amount of ash seen above the roof.
Entire roof panel needs in sulation rework as this lead s to poor efficiency and secondary com bustion at SH

Photo 06: It is seen that the sparks are coming out of the roof panel. This is because the sealing is not good.
Photo 07: The above photo shows the application of Pl aster of paris for better sealing of roof. Thi s
avoids the air ingress from the roof. This insulation is so hard finished; the persons can walk over the

Photo 08: General drawing of plas ter of paris / Ce ment + Mineral wool + Sand m astic finishes on
insulation which helps on sealing. This shall be done at roof tube area.
Photo 09: This is a t ypical sealing arrangem ent in the roof zone where the superheater coils enters. 150 thk
mineral wool should be applied over t he seal box. Above that 12 thk plaster of paris has to be applied. Fi nally
it shall be covered with Hessian cloth with two coats of black bitumen paint.
Photo 1: Stones present in bed ash.

Photo 2: Fuel lines being dechoked due stones ingress. Due to stones, there is fuel loss and there i s
operational disturbance.

Photo 3: Th e economiser outlet g as temperature will have to be around 260 deg C and APH outlet
gas temperature has to be around 160 deg C. The AP H outlet gas temperature is 211 deg C. There is
considerable heat loss roughly th e loss can be around 4.5%. The be d tem peratures are haphazard
indicating settling of bed with stones. The low temperatures can be due to over bed firing. The higher
amount of bed coil also causes this low temperature. This is with a less load of 11.5 TPH.

Photo 4: Trem a cyclone outlet dr aft is -350 mmWC. This is too high. Across dust collector nearly
290 mmWC drop is seen. The hot air tem perature is quite high. Normally it is designed for 150 deg
Photo 5: The as fired moisture in fuel is well within control. GCV of fuel mix is also good.
Photo 6: The above is the data collected from plant on fuel ultimate and proximate analysis. The ash
analysis was not available. The fuel ash from mustard straw / soya straw / gra m straw can contain
alkalis which can deposit over the superheater tubes.
EWS 604

PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


Ta Ambient temperature 40 Deg C

P1 Relative humidity 60 %
Ma Moisture in dry air ( from tables) 0.02851 kg/kg
E Excess air 20 %
Te Boiler outlet gas temperature 160 Deg C
El Site elevation 300 Metres
P Flue gas pressure 5 mmwc
Constituents of fuel
FUEL Rice husk Std husk
C Carbon 35.51 % by wt 38.5
H Hydrogen 5.08 % by wt 3.7
O Oxygen 34.55 % by wt 36.31
S Sulphur 0.01 % by wt 0
N Nitrogen 0.12 % by wt 0.46
M Moisture 8.68 % by wt 8
A Ash 16.06 % by wt 20
GCV Gross GCV of fuel 3150.00 Kcal /kg 3200


HLS1 Carbon loss ( calculated ) 1.36 %

HLS6 Radiation loss ( assumed ) 1%
HLS7 Manufacturer margin (assumed ) 0.5 %
A1 % Ash collection at location 1 Bed 5 %
A2 % Ash collection at location 2 Bank 5 %
A3 % Ash collection at location 3 Economiser 5 %
A4 % Ash collection at location 4 Airheater 5 %
A5 % Ash collection at location 5 MDC 60 %
A6 % Ash collection at location 6 Trema 20 %
T1 Temperature of ash at location1 900 Deg C
T2 Temperature of ash at location2 300 Deg C
T3 Temperature of ash at location3 250 Deg C
T4 Temperature of ash at location4 140 Deg C
T5 Temperature of ash at location5 140 Deg C
T6 Temperature of ash at location6 140 Deg C

Steam generation rate Nett 15000 Kg/h

Main steam pressure 64 kg/cm2 g
Main steam temperature 490 Deg C
Feed water inlet temperature 105 Deg C
Superheater Pressure drop 3 kg/cm2 g
Saturated steam flow from drum 0 kg/h
EWS 604
Boiler efficiency Calculated 80.86
Boiler efficiency 80.00 %


Flue gas ducting Gas temp

Boiler bank outlet 350 Deg C
Economiser outlet 235 Deg C
Airheater outlet 160 Deg C
Air ducting Air temp
Airheater outlet 150 Deg C
Design velocities
Design velocity in gas duct 14 m/s
Chimney design gas velocity 15 m/s
Design velocity in air duct 12 m/s


Design air velocity in fuel piping 16 m/s

No off compartments 2
Total no of fuel feed points 7
Fan sizing
FD fan capacity (% MCR ) 100 %
FD fan efficency 75 %
ID fan capacity (% MCR) 100 %
ID fan efficency 75 %
PA fan capacity (% MCR ) 100 %
PA fan efficiency 70 %

FD fan design head 750 mmwc

PA fan design head 700 mmwc
ID fan design head 370 mmwc

Margin on FD fan flow 20 %

Margin on PA fan flow 20 %
Margin on ID fan flow 20 %


Design bed temperature = 850 Deg C

Fluidisation velocity = 2.6 m/s

Percentage ash entering dust collector = 50 %

Efficency of Dust collector = 99.5 %
EWS 604
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C

P1, Relative humidity = 60 %
Ma, Moisture in dry air = 0.02851 kg / kg
E, Excess air = 20 %
Constituents of fuel ( % by weight )
C, Carbon = 35.505 %
Carbon lost in ash = 0.53 %
carbon burnt = 34.975 %
H, Hydrogen = 5.077 %
O, Oxygen = 34.546 %
S, Sulphur = 0.009 %
N, Nitrogen = 0.119 %
M, Moisture = 8.68 %
A, Ash = 16.063 %

Air requirement calculations

O2 reqd, kg/kg of Carbon in fuel = 2.644 kg/kg
O2 reqd, kg/kg of Hydrogen in fuel = 7.937 kg/kg
O2 reqd, kg/kg of Sulphur in fuel = 0.998 kg/kg
Solid crbon unburnt from Efficiency calc, = 0.0053 kg/kg
O2 reqd, for the Carbon in fuel =( 0.35505 - 0.0053)x2.644 /100) kg/kg
= 0.925 kg/kg
O2 reqd, for the Hydrogen in fuel =( 7.937x5.077 /100) kg/kg
= 0.403 kg/kg
O2 reqd, for the Sulphur in fuel =( 0.998x0.009 /100) kg/kg
= 0.000 kg/kg
Stochiometric O2 reqd / kg of fuel = O2 reqd for C,H,S in fuel - O2 in fuel) kg/kg
Stochiometric O2 reqd / kg of fuel = ( 0.925+0.403+0.000) -(34.546 / 100) kg/kg
= 0.98254 kg /kg of fuel
Excess O2 required / kg of fuel = ( 0.98254x / 100 ) kg /kg of fuel
= ( 0.98254x 20 / 100 ) kg /kg of fuel
= 0.196508 kg/kg
Total O2 required / kg of fuel = ( 0.98254+ 0.196508) kg/kg
= 1.179048 kg/kg
Weight fraction of O2 in atmospheric air = 0.23 kg/kg
Dry air required for Combustion, kg/kg of fuel =( 1.179048/ 0.23) kg/kg
= 5.126 kg/kg
Due to relative Humidity, wet air reqd, kg/kg of fuel =( 1 + 0.02851) x 5.126) kg/kg
Wet air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.272 kg/kg
Dry air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.126 kg/kg
EWS 604
Gas weight constituents calculations
CO2 produced, kg/kg of Carbon in fuel = 3.644 kg/kg
H2O produced, kg/kg of Hydrogen in fuel = 8.937 kg/kg
SO2 produced, kg/kg of Sulphur in fuel = 1.998 kg/kg

CO2 produced, for the Carbon in fuel =( 3.644x34.975 /100) kg/kg

= 1.274 kg/kg
H2O produced, for the Hydrogen in fuel =( 8.937x5.077 /100) kg/kg
= 0.454 kg/kg
H2O in combustion air = 0.02851x5.126 kg/kg
= 0.146 kg/kg
H2O due to moisture in fuel = 8.68/100 kg/kg
= 0.0868 kg/kg
H2O due to air & H2 combustion& fuel moisture =( 0.146+0.454+0.0868) kg/kg
= 0.6868 kg/kg
SO2 produced, for the Sulphur in fuel =( 1.998x0.009 /100) kg/kg
= 0.000 kg/kg
O2 in flue gas ( Excess O2 added ) = 0.196508 kg/kg

N21,Nitrogen due to fuel = N kg/kg

= 0.00119 kg/kg
Weight fraction of Nitrogen in Dry Air = 0.77 kg/kg
N22 due to Air, kg per kg of fuel = 0.77 x 5.126 kg/kg
= 3.947 kg/kg
Total N2 in flue gas , kg/kg of fuel fired = N21+N22 kg/kg
= ( 0.00119+3.947) kg/kg
= 3.94819 kg/kg of fuel
Qfgw, Total wet flue gas produced per kg of fuel fired = 1.274+0.6868+0.000+0.196508+3.94819
= 6.105498 kg/kg
Wet flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.105 kg/kg
Qfgd, Total dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel fired = 1.274+0.000+0.196508+3.94819
= 5.419 kg/kg
Dry flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.419 kg/kg

Composition of Flue gas

wet gas Flue gas ( wet ) composition Mol. No of moles / kg of Flue gas ( wet ) composition by %
kg / kg of by % wt weight fuel vol
CO2 1.274 100x1.274/6.105498=20.866 44.04 1.274/44.04 = 0.029 100x0.029/0.214=13.55
H2O 0.687 100x0.6868/6.105498=11.249 18.02 0.6868/18.02 = 0.038 100x0.038/0.214=17.76
SO2 0.000 100x0.000/6.105498=0.000 64.06 0.000/64.06 = 0.000 100x0.000/0.214=0.00
O2 0.19651 100x0.196508/6.105498=3.21 32.00 0.196508/32 = 0.006 100x0.006/0.214=2.80
N2 3.94819 100x3.94819/6.105498=64.66 28.01 3.94819/28.01 = 0.141100x0.141/0.214=65.89

Total 6.1055 Total moles = 0.029+0.038+0.000+0.006+0.141=0.214

Mole.wt of flue gas = ((13.55x 44.01)+(17.76x 18.02)+(0.00x64.06)+(2.80x32)+(65.89x28.01)) / 100

Mole.wt of flue gas = 28.52
EWS 604

Results Summary
Dry air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.126 kg/kg
Wet air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.272 kg/kg
Dry Flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.419 kg/kg
Flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.105 kg/kg

Flue gas composition summary

Wet by vol % Dry by vol%
Carbon di oxide = 13.55 % = 16.48 %
Water vapour = 17.76 % =0%
Sulfur di oxide = 0.00 % = 0.00 %
Oxygen = 2.80 % = 3.40 %
Nitrogen = 65.89 % = 80.12 %
EWS 604
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


HLS1, assumed unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %
HLS6, Assumed radiation loss =1 %
HLS7, Manufacturer margin = 0.5 %
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Rh, Relative humidity = 60 %
Ma, Moisture in dry air = 0.02851 kg / kg
E, Excess air = 20 %
Te, Boiler outlet gas temperature = 160 Deg C

A1, % Ash collection at location 1 =5% Bed

A2, % Ash collection at location 2 =5% Bank
A3, % Ash collection at location 3 =5% Economiser
A4, % Ash collection at location 4 =5% Airheater
A5, % Ash collection at location 5 = 60 % MDC
A6, % Ash collection at location 6 = 20 % Trema

T1, Temperature of ash at location1 = 900 deg C

T2, Temperature of ash at location2 = 300 deg C
T3, Temperature of ash at location3 = 250 deg C
T4, Temperature of ash at location4 = 140 deg C
T5, Temperature of ash at location5 = 140 deg C
T6, Temperature of ash at location6 = 140 deg C

Constituents of fuel
H, Hydrgen = 5.077 %
M, Moisture = 8.68 %
A, Ash = 16.063 %
GCV, Gross calorific value of fuel = 3150 kcal /kg


Assumed heat loss through unburnt carbon in ash
Heat loss through unburnt carbon in furnace ash
A, Ash content in fuel = 0.16063 kg/kg
M1, % ash collection in furnace hopper = 5 % 5
LOI in ash = 1 %
Calorific value of carbon = 8050 kcal/kg
Fuel GCV = 3150 kcal/kg
Carbon Loss =M1x A x LOI x 8050 / ((100-LOI) x 3150) %
=5 x 0.16063 x 1 x 8050 /( (100-1 ) x 3150) %
HLS1-1, Unburnt carbon loss in furnace ash = 0.0207 %
Heat loss through unburnt carbon in furnace ash
A, Ash content in fuel = 0.16063 kg/kg
M1, % ash collection in furnace hopper = 90 % 90
EWS 604
LOI in ash = 3.5 %
Calorific value of carbon = 8050 kcal/kg
Fuel GCV = 3150 kcal/kg
Carbon Loss =M1x A x LOI x 8050 / ((100-LOI) x 3150) %
=90 x 0.16063 x 3.5 x 8050 /( (100-3.5 ) x 3150) %
HLS1-1, Unburnt carbon loss in furnace ash = 1.3400 %

HLS1, Total unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %

Solid carbon loss = 1.36x3150 / 8050 %
= 0.53 %

HLS1, Unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %

Calculations for Heat loss though ash
A, Ash content in fuel = 0.16063 kg/kg
C, Specific heat of ash = 0.22 kcal/kg Deg C
HLn, % Heat lost through ash at n'th location = A x (An /100 ) x C x (Tn-Ta) x 100 / GCV

HL1, % Heat lost through ash at a location 1 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (900-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL1, % Heat lost through ash at a location 1 = 0.05 %

HL2, % Heat lost through ash at a location 2 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (300-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL2, % Heat lost through ash at a location 2 = 0.01 %

HL3, % Heat lost through ash at a location 3 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (250-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL3, % Heat lost through ash at a location 3 = 0.01 %

HL4, % Heat lost through ash at a location 4 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (140-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL4, % Heat lost through ash at a location 4 = 0.01 %

HL5, % Heat lost through ash at a location 5 = 0.16063x (60 / 100 ) x0.22x (140-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL5, % Heat lost through ash at a location 5 = 0.07 %

HL6, % Heat lost through ash at a location 6 = 0.16063x (20 / 100 ) x0.22x (140-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL6, % Heat lost through ash at a location 6 = 0.02 %

HLS2, Total Heat loss through the ash = HL1+HL2+HL3+HL4+HL5+HL6

= ( 0.05+0.01+0.01+ 0.01+0.07+0.02 )%
HLS2, Total Heat loss through the ash = 0.17 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture in air

Ww, wieght of water in air = 0.02851 kg/kg

Wd, Dry air required per kg of fuel = 5.126 kg/kg from combustion calc
Cp1, specific heat of water vapor at boiler exit temp = 0.4872 kcal/kg C
Cp2, specific heat of water vapor at ambient temp = 1 kcal/kg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 160 deg C
EWS 604
HLS3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = Ww x Wd x{(Cp1x Te)-(Cp2 x Ta)}x100/(GCV)
= 0.02851x5.126x[(0.4872x160)-(1x40]x100 /(3150)
HLS3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = 0.18 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture & hydrogen in fuel

H, hydrogen in fuel = 0.05077 kg/kg

M, moisture in fuel = 0.0868 kg/kg
Cp1, Specific heat of water vapor at boiler exit temp = 0.4872 kcal/kg
L, latent heat of water = 595.4 kcal/kg
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 160 deg C
HLS4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={M+(8.94 x H)} x [595.4+(Cp1 x Te) -Ta] x 100 / (GCV)
HLS4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={ 0.0868+ (8.94 x 0.05077)}x [ 595.4+(0.4872x 160) -
40]x100/(3150) %
HLS4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 10.87 %

Calculations for Heat loss through dry flue gas

Qfgd, Dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 5.419 kg/kg

Cp3, specfic heat of flue gas at boiler exit temp = 0.243 kcal/kg deg C
Cp4, specfic heat of flue gas at ambient temp = 0.236 kcal/kg deg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 160 deg C
HLS5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas =Qfgd x{ (Cp3 x Te) - (Cp4 x Ta)} x100/(GCV)
=5.419x { ( 0.243 x 160) - (0.236x40)} x 100/(3150) %
HLS5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas = 5.06 %

Assumed heat loss through radiation

HLS6, Radiation loss = 1 %

Manufacturer margin
HLS7, Manufacturer margin = 0.5 %
Total efficiency break up
HLS1, Unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %
HLS2, Total Heat loss through the ash = 0.17 %
HLS3, Heat lost through moisture in air = 0.18 %
HLS4, Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 10.87 %
HLS5, Heat lost through dry flue gas = 5.06 %
HLS6, Radiation loss = 1 %
HLS7, Manufacturer margin = 0.5 %

Total losses = 1.36+0.17+0.18+10.87+5.06+1+0.5

= 19.14 %
Therefore, Boiler efficiency, = 100 - 19.14 %
Boiler Efficiency = 80.86 %
EWS 604

BOILER HEAT DUTY CALCULATIONS Date & time: 12/30/12 7:50 AM

PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


Steam generation rate Nett = 15000 Kg/h

Main steam pressure = 64 kg/cm2 g
Main steam temperature = 490 Deg C
Feed water inlet temperature = 105 Deg C
Superheater Pressure drop = 3 kg/cm2 g
Saturated steam flow from drum = 0 kg/h
Selected boiler efficiency = 80 %


Msup, Steam generation rate = 15000 kg / h
P1, Main steam pressure = 64 kg/cm2 g
Ts, Main steam temperature = 490 deg C
Tw, Feed water inlet temperature = 105 deg C
Hw, Feed water inlet enthalphy = 105 kcal / kg
Hs, Main steam enthalpy = 810.47 kcal / kg
H, Heat added per kg of water = ( Hs - Hw )
= ( 810.47 - 105) kcal / kg
H, Heat added per kg of water = 705.47 kcal / kg
Heat output of the boiler ( SH steam) = ( Msup x H) kcal / hr
= ( 15000 x 705.47) kcal / hr
Qo Heat output of the boiler ( SH steam) = 10582050 kcal / h
Msat Saturated steam flow from drum = 0 kg / h
Saturated steam enthalpy = 663.44 kcal/kg
Heat output thorugh the sat. steam = 0x( 663.44-105) kcal/kg
Qs heat output of the boiler ( saturated steam) = 0 kcal/hr
Qt Total heat output of the boiler = Qo+Qs kcal/hr
= ( 10582050 + 0 )kcal/hr
Qt Total heat output of the boiler = 10582050 kcal/hr
Calculated Boiler efficiency = 80.86 %
Selected Boiler Efficiency = 80 %
Fuel GCV = 3150 kcal /kg
Fuel firing rate = Qt x 100 / ( Eff x GCV )
= 10582050 x 100 / ( 80 x 3150 ) %
= 4,199 kg / hr
Total heat output of the boiler = 10582050 kcal / hr
Calculated boiler efficiency = 80.86 %
Selected boiler efficency = 80%
Fuel firing rate = 4,199 kg / hr
Steam fuel ratio = 3.57 kg / kg
EWS 604
FAN SIZING CALCULATION Date & time: 12/30/12 7:50 AM
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


Site elevation = 300 metres
Gas temp at Airheater outlet = 160 deg C
Air temp at Airheater air inlet = 40 deg C
Airheater outlet = 150 deg C

Design air velocity in fuel piping = 16 m/s

Fan details No off compartments =2

No of PA lines per compartment =7
FD fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
FD fan efficiency = 75 %
ID fan capacity (% MCR) = 100 %
ID fan efficiency = 75 %
PA fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
PA fan efficiency = 70 %

FD fan design head = 750 mmwc

PA fan design head = 700 mmwc
ID fan design head = 370 mmwc

Flue gas generated per kg of fuel = 6.105 kg/kg

Molecular wt of flue gas = 28.52
Actual Fuel burnt rate = 4,199 kg/h
Wet air required per kg of fuel = 5.272 kg/kg

Margin on FD fan flow = 20 %

Margin on PA fan flow = 20 %
Margin on ID fan flow = 20 %


Calculations of volumetric gas flow rate

Wet flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 6.105 kg/kg

Fuel firing rate = 4,199 kg/h
Wet flue gas flow rate = 6.105 x 4,199 kg/h
= 25634.895 kg/h
Molecular wt of flue gas = 28.52 from air & gas calc
K, altitude correction factor = 0.965
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 25634.895 x 22.4 / ( 28.52 x 0.965 )
= 20,864.25 Nm3 /hr
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 5.80 Nm3 / sec
EWS 604
Boiler exit temperature, deg C = 160 Deg C
Gas flow at boiler exit temperature = ( 5.80x ( 273 + 160 ) / 273 )m3 /sec
= 9.20 m3 /sec

Calculations of volumetric Air flow rate

Wet air required per kg of fuel = 5.272 kg/kg

Fuel firing rate = 4,199 kg/h
Wet air flow rate = 5.272 x 4,199 kg/h
= 22137.13 kg/h
Molecular wt of wet air = 28.50
K, Altidue correction factor = 0.965
Wet air volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 22137.13 x 22.4 / ( 28.50 x 0.965)
= 18,030.06 Nm3 /hr
Wet air volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 5.01 Nm3 / sec
Air temp at Airheater air inlet = 40 Deg C
Hence, Volumetric Air flow rate = ( 5.80x ( 273 + 40 ) / 273 )m3 /sec
Volumetric air flow rate = 5.74 m3 /sec

Estimation of Fuel transport air flow

No of compartments =2
No fof fuel lines =7
Fuel flow per line = ( 4,199 / 7) = 600
Selected fuel line size, mm Nb, 100 / 125 / 150 = 150
Design air velocity in fuel piping = 16 m/s
Total Fuel air flow rate = 7 x 3.1416 x (150/2000)^2 x 16 m3/s
Total Fuel air flow rate = 1.979 m3/s


FD fan sizing
FD fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
MCR airflow required for combustion = 5.74 m3/s
MCR airflow of FD fan = ( 5.74x 100 / 100 ) m3/s
MCR airflow of FD fan = 5.74 m3/s
Margin on FD fan flow = 20 %
Design Flow for FD fan = 5.74 x ( 100 +20 ) / 100 m3/s
= 6.89 m3/s
FD fan Design head = 750 mmwc
Assumed FD fan efficiency = 75 %
FD fan operating power required = 100 x 6.89 x 750/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 68.2 kw
FD fan operating power BKW required = 100 x 5.74 x 750/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 56.8 kw
Minimum motor power required = 1.15 x 68.2 kw
Minimum motor power required for FD fan = 78.4 kw
EWS 604

PA fan sizing
PA fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
MCR fuel transport airflow required = 1.979 m3/s
MCR airflow of PA fan = ( 1.979x 100 / 100 ) m3/s
MCR airflow of PA fan = 1.979 m3/s
Margin on PA fan flow = 20 %
Design Flow for PA fan = 1.979 x ( 100 +20 ) / 100 m3/s
= 2.37 m3/s
PA fan Design head = 700 mmwc
Assumed PA fan efficiency = 70 %
PA fan operating power required = 100 x 2.37 x 700/ ( 101 x 70 ) kw
= 23.5 kw
PA fan operating power BKW required = 100 x 1.979 x 700/ ( 101 x 70 ) kw
= 19.6 kw

Minimum motor power required = 1.15 x 23.5 kw

Minimum motor power required for PA fan = 27.0 kw

ID fan sizing
ID fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
MCR gas flow produced = 9.20 m3/s
MCR gas flow of ID fan = ( 9.20x 100 / 100 ) m3/s
MCR gas flow of ID fan = 9.2 m3/s
Margin on ID fan flow = 20 %
Design Flow for ID fan = 9.2 x ( 100 +20 ) / 100 m3/s
= 11.04 m3/s
ID fan Design head = 370 mmwc
Assumed ID fan efficiency = 75 %
ID fan operating power required = 100 x 11.04 x 370/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 53.9 kw
ID fan operating power BKW required = 100 x 20 x 370/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 44.9 kw
Minimum motor power required = 1.15 x 53.9 kw
Minimum motor power required for ID fan = 62.0 kw
Results summary
FD fan PA fan ID fan supply
Design flow m3/s 6.89 6.83 2.37 2.17 11.0 10.5
Design head mmwc 750 750 700 700 370 370
Design temperature Deg C 40 150 160
Assumed effciency % 75 70 75
Operating power kw 68.2 23.5 53.9
Min motor power kw 78.4 27.0 62.0
Selected motor Kw kw 90 90 30 30 75 75
EWS 604
UNDER FED FLUIDISED BED SIZING Date & time : 12/30/12 7:55 AM
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


Vf, Fluidisation velocity = 2.6 m/s
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 Deg C

Steam generated nett = 15000 kg/h

Main steam temperature = 490 Deg C
Main steam pressure = 64 kg/cm2 a
Fuel burnt rate = 4,199 kg/h
Wet air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.272 kg/kg
Flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.105 kg/kg
Flue gas molecular weight = 28.52
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 160 Deg C
Tca, Combustion air temperature = 150 Deg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 Deg C
Assumed carbon loss = 1.36 %
Ts, Saturation temperature = 283.9 deg C

Constituents of fuel
H, Hydrgen = 2.484 %
M, Moisture =8%
A, Ash = 46.65 %
GCV, Gross calorific value of fuel = 3515.42 kcal /kg


Calculations for bed cross sectional area

Wet flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 6.105 kg/kg

Fuel firing rate = 4,199 kg/h
Wet flue gas flow rate = 6.105 x 4,199 kg/h
= 25634.895 kg/h
Molecular wt of flue gas = 28.52 from air & gas calc
K, altitude correction factor = 0.965
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 25634.895 x 22.4 / 28.52 x 0.965
= 20,864.25 Nm3 /hr
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 5.80 Nm3 / sec
Design bed temperature = 850 Deg C
Gas flow at bed temperature = ( 5.80x ( 273 + 850 ) / 273 )m3 /sec
= 23.86 m3 /sec
Factor for over bed combustion = 1
Vf, Fluidisation velocity = 2.6 m/s
Therefore, bed cross sectional area = 23.86 x 1 / 2.6
Bed cross sectional area required = 9.18 m2
EWS 604
bed length = 2950 m
bed width = 2950 m
Bed cross sectional area available = 8.7 m2
Therefore, corrected fluidisation velocity = 2.6x9.18 / 8.7
= 2.74 m/s
Calculations for bed heat transfer area
Unburnt carbon loss
HL1, % design Unburnt carbon loss = 3.5 %

Calculations for Heat loss though ash

A, Ash content in fuel = 0.4665 kg/kg
C, Specific heat of ash = 0.22 kcal/kg Deg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C
HL2, % Heat lost through ash = A x C x (Tb-Ta) x 100 / GCV
= 0.4665x 0.22x (850-40) x 100 / 3515.42 %
HL2, % Heat lost through ash = 2.36 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture in air

Ww, weight of water in air = 0.02851 kg/kg
Wd, Dry air required per kg of fuel = 5.126 kg/kg from combustion calc
Cp1, specific heat of water vapor at bed temp = 0.5685 kcal/kg C
Cp2, specific heat of water vapor at ambient temp = 0.3592 kcal/kg C
Tca, Combustion air temperature = 150 deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C

HL3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = Ww x Wd x {(Cp1 x Tb) -(Cp2 x Tca)}x 100 / GCV
= 0.02851x5.126x[(0.5685x850)-(0.3592x150]x100 /351
HL3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = 1.78 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture & hydrogen in fuel

H, hydrogen in fuel = 0.02484 kg/kg
M, moisture in fuel = 0.08 kg/kg
Cpb, Specific heat of water vapor at bed temp = 0.5685 kcal/kg
L, latent heat of water = 595.4 kcal/kg
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C

HL4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={M+(8.94 x H)} x [595.4+(Cpb x Tb) -Ta] x 100 / GCV
HL4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={ 0.08+ (8.94 x 0.02484)}x [ 595.4+(0.5685x 850) -
40]x100/3515.42 %
HL4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 8.92 %

Calculations for Heat loss through dry flue gas

Qfgd, Dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 5.419 kg/kg
EWS 604
Cpb, specific heat of flue gas at bed temp = 0.285478044013218 kcal/kg deg C
Cpa, specific heat of flue gas at Tca = 0.242431854976819 kcal/kg deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C
Tca, Combustion air temperature = 150 deg C

HL5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas =Qfgd x{ (Cp1 x Tb) - (Cp2 x Tca)} x 100 / GCV
=5.419x { ( 0.285478044013218 x 850) -
HL5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas = 31.80 %

Calculation for Heat loss through radiation to waterwall

Ab, Bed cross sectional area = 8.7 m2
e, Emissivity of waterwall surface = 0.9
S, Steafan boltzmann constant = 4.9 x 10 ^ -8
Tb, bed temperature = 850 Deg C
Ts, saturation temperature = 283.921318253176 Deg C

Radiation heat loss to waterwall =Ab x e x S x {( Tb + 273 )^4 - ( Ts + 273 )^4}

= 8.7x0.9x4.9 x 10^-8x{( 850+273)^4-(283.9213182531
= 573,297 kcal/h
Fuel heat input in the bed = 4,199x 3515.42= 14761248.58 kcal/h
HL6, % Radiation loss to waterwall = 100x 573,297/ 14761248.58
HL6, % Radiation loss to waterwall = 3.88 %
Bed heat balance & HTA required
HL1, Unburnt carbon loss = 3.5 %
HL2, Total Heat loss through the ash = 2.36 %
HL3, Heat lost through moisture in air = 1.78 %
HL4, Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 8.92 %
HL5, Heat lost through dry flue gas = 31.80 %
HL6, % Radiation loss to waterwall = 3.88 %

Total losses = 3.5+2.36+1.78+8.92+31.80+3.88

= 52.24 %
Therefore, % heat to be transferred to Bed coil = 100 - 52.24 %
% Heat transferred to Bed coil = 47.76 %
Fuel heat input in the bed = 14761248.58 kcal/h
Actual heat to be transferred to Bed coil = 47.76 x 14761248.58/ 100
= 7,049,972 kcal/h
Tb, bed temperature = 850 Deg C
Ts, Saturation temperature = 283.9 Deg C
Temperature difference = (850 - 283.9)= 566.1 deg C
Heat transfer coeff = 220 kcal / kg m2 Deg C
Bed coil area required = 7,049,972/ ( 220 x 566.1)
Bed Coil HT area required, if plain = 56.61 m2
free board combustion = 20 %
Then, Bed Coil HT area with free board combn = 45.288 m2
EWS 604
Bed Coil length required = 45.288/ ( 3.1416 x 0. 051)
= 282.6592 m
Bed coil required after considering stud effect = 226.12736 m
Checking the available bed area
Bed coil length per coil- type 1 = 2633 mm
No off bed coils- type 1 = 36 No
Bed coil length per coil- type 2 = 2068 mm
No off bed coils-type 2 = 36 No
Total eff length of bed coil = 169.236 m
Total length of bed coil with studs = 236.9304 m

Furnace residence time

Furnace volume as existing = 52.456 m3
Flue gas quantity at furnace temperature = 23.86 m/s
Furnace residence time = 52.456 / 23.86
= 2.2 sec
Summary of results
Bed cross sectional area required = 9.18 m2
Bed cross sectional area available = 8.7 m2
Bed Coil length required = 226.12736 m
Bed Coil length available = 236.9304 m
Fluidisation velocity = 2.74 m/s
Furnace residence time = 2.2 sec
EWS 604
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- underbed


Air temp at Airheater air inlet = 40 deg C
Airheater air outlet = 150 deg C
No off compartments =2
No of PA lines per compartment =7
Bed cross sectional area available = 8.7 m2
Volumetric air flow rate = 5.01 Nm3/s
Fuel transport air flow = 1.979 m3/s

Air nozzle hole size 5 mm

No of hole per nozzle 9
fuel Line size 150 nb
Equiv no of nozzles per fuel feed point 0
No of air nozzles selected 641
Selected distributor plate length 2950 mm
Selected distributor plate width 2950 mm

Calculations of volumetric Air flow rate and air densities

Total airflow at 0 deg C = 5.01 Nm3 / s

Ta, ambient temperature = 40 deg C
V 40, Total airflow at ambient temperature = 5.01x ( 273 +40 ) / 273
V 40, Total airflow at ambient temperature = 5.744 m3/s

Air temp at Airheater air outlet = 150 Deg C

V 150, Total airflow after airheating = 5.01x ( 273 +150 ) / 273
V 150, Total airflow at after airheating = 7.763 m3/s

Air nozzle hole diameter = 5

No of holes per air nozzle = 9
Flow area per nozzle = 9 x 3.1416 x (5/ 2000 )^2
= 0.00018 m2
D0, Density of air at 0 deg C with elevation corr. = 1.233
D1, Density of air at 40 deg C = 273 x 1.233/ (273 +40)
= 1.075 kg/m3
D2, Density of air at 150 deg C = 273 x 1.233/ (273 +150)
= 0.796 kg/m3
Pressure drop in distributor plate during MCR flow condition
V 150, Total airflow at after airheating = 7.763 m3/s
Sa + spreader % = 10 %
= 0.7763 m3/s
PA flow = 1.979 m3/s
MCR air flow through DP at hot condn = 7.763 - 0.7763 - 1.979

Design by: Approved by:

Name: Name:

Sign: Sign:
EWS 604
= 5.0077 m3/s
Cd, Coefficient of discharge = 0.7
Actual No of air nozzles = 641
Air velocity through a nozzle hole = 5.0077/ (641x0.00018)
= 44.21 m/s
Pressure drop at MCR condition = 0.796 x 44.21^2 / ( 2 x 9.81 x 0.7^ 2)
Pressure drop at MCR condition = 162 mmwc

Pressure drop during MFC ( minimum fluidisation condition )

Selected distributor plate length = 2950
Selected distributor plate width = 2950 mm
Actual Distributor plate area provided = 2950 x 2950/ 1000000
= 8.7025 m2
Minimum fluidisation velocity at cold condition = 0.7 m/s
Minimum fluidisation airflow = 0.7 x 8.7025
= 6.09175 m3/s
Density of air at ambient condition = 1.075 kg/m3
No off nozzles provided = 641
Flow area per nozzle = 0.00018
Velocity through air nozzle hole = 6.09175 / ( 641x0.00018)
= 54 m/s
Pressure drop at Min fluidisation condition = 1.075 x 54^2 / ( 2 x 9.81 x0.77^2)
= 326 mmwc

Results summary
No off nozzles provided = 641
Selected distributor plate width = 2950 mm
Selected distributor plate length = 2950 mm
Pressure drop at MCR condition = 162 mmwc
Pressure drop at Min fluidisation condition = 326 mmwc

Design by: Approved by:

Name: Name:

Sign: Sign:
Photo 1: Open hopper design supplied by Thermax for high ah coal.

Photo 2: Typical FBC boiler with sparger nozzle system.

EWS 604

PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


Ta Ambient temperature 40 Deg C

P1 Relative humidity 60 %
Ma Moisture in dry air ( from tables) 0.02851 kg/kg
E Excess air 35 %
Te Boiler outlet gas temperature 165 Deg C
El Site elevation 300 Metres
P Flue gas pressure 5 mmwc
Constituents of fuel
FUEL Rice husk Std husk
C Carbon 35.51 % by wt 38.5
H Hydrogen 5.08 % by wt 3.7
O Oxygen 34.55 % by wt 36.31
S Sulphur 0.01 % by wt 0
N Nitrogen 0.12 % by wt 0.46
M Moisture 8.68 % by wt 8
A Ash 16.06 % by wt 20
GCV Gross GCV of fuel 3150.00 Kcal /kg 3200


HLS1 Carbon loss ( calculated ) 1.36 %

HLS6 Radiation loss ( assumed ) 1%
HLS7 Manufacturer margin (assumed ) 0.5 %
A1 % Ash collection at location 1 Bed 5 %
A2 % Ash collection at location 2 Bank 5 %
A3 % Ash collection at location 3 Economiser 5 %
A4 % Ash collection at location 4 Airheater 5 %
A5 % Ash collection at location 5 MDC 60 %
A6 % Ash collection at location 6 Trema 20 %
T1 Temperature of ash at location1 900 Deg C
T2 Temperature of ash at location2 300 Deg C
T3 Temperature of ash at location3 250 Deg C
T4 Temperature of ash at location4 140 Deg C
T5 Temperature of ash at location5 140 Deg C
T6 Temperature of ash at location6 140 Deg C

Steam generation rate Nett 15000 Kg/h

Main steam pressure 64 kg/cm2 g
Main steam temperature 490 Deg C
Feed water inlet temperature 105 Deg C
Superheater Pressure drop 3 kg/cm2 g
Saturated steam flow from drum 0 kg/h
EWS 604
Boiler efficiency Calculated 79.95
Boiler efficiency 79.00 %


Flue gas ducting Gas temp

Boiler bank outlet 350 Deg C
Economiser outlet 235 Deg C
Airheater outlet 160 Deg C
Air ducting Air temp
Airheater outlet 150 Deg C
Design velocities
Design velocity in gas duct 14 m/s
Chimney design gas velocity 15 m/s
Design velocity in air duct 12 m/s


Design air velocity in fuel piping 16 m/s

No off compartments 2
Total no of fuel feed points 0
Fan sizing
FD fan capacity (% MCR ) 100 %
FD fan efficency 75 %
ID fan capacity (% MCR) 100 %
ID fan efficency 75 %

FD fan design head 750 mmwc

ID fan design head 370 mmwc

Margin on FD fan flow 20 %

Margin on PA fan flow 20 %
Margin on ID fan flow 20 %


Design bed temperature = 850 Deg C

Fluidisation velocity = 2.6 m/s

Percentage ash entering dust collector = 50 %

Efficency of Dust collector = 99.5 %
EWS 604
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C

P1, Relative humidity = 60 %
Ma, Moisture in dry air = 0.02851 kg / kg
E, Excess air = 35 %
Constituents of fuel ( % by weight )
C, Carbon = 35.505 %
Carbon lost in ash = 0.53 %
carbon burnt = 34.975 %
H, Hydrogen = 5.077 %
O, Oxygen = 34.546 %
S, Sulphur = 0.009 %
N, Nitrogen = 0.119 %
M, Moisture = 8.68 %
A, Ash = 16.063 %

Air requirement calculations

O2 reqd, kg/kg of Carbon in fuel = 2.644 kg/kg
O2 reqd, kg/kg of Hydrogen in fuel = 7.937 kg/kg
O2 reqd, kg/kg of Sulphur in fuel = 0.998 kg/kg
Solid crbon unburnt from Efficiency calc, = 0.0053 kg/kg
O2 reqd, for the Carbon in fuel =( 0.35505 - 0.0053)x2.644 /100) kg/kg
= 0.925 kg/kg
O2 reqd, for the Hydrogen in fuel =( 7.937x5.077 /100) kg/kg
= 0.403 kg/kg
O2 reqd, for the Sulphur in fuel =( 0.998x0.009 /100) kg/kg
= 0.000 kg/kg
Stochiometric O2 reqd / kg of fuel = O2 reqd for C,H,S in fuel - O2 in fuel) kg/kg
Stochiometric O2 reqd / kg of fuel = ( 0.925+0.403+0.000) -(34.546 / 100) kg/kg
= 0.98254 kg /kg of fuel
Excess O2 required / kg of fuel = ( 0.98254x / 100 ) kg /kg of fuel
= ( 0.98254x 35 / 100 ) kg /kg of fuel
= 0.343889 kg/kg
Total O2 required / kg of fuel = ( 0.98254+ 0.343889) kg/kg
= 1.326429 kg/kg
Weight fraction of O2 in atmospheric air = 0.23 kg/kg
Dry air required for Combustion, kg/kg of fuel =( 1.326429/ 0.23) kg/kg
= 5.767 kg/kg
Due to relative Humidity, wet air reqd, kg/kg of fuel =( 1 + 0.02851) x 5.767) kg/kg
Wet air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.931 kg/kg
Dry air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.767 kg/kg
EWS 604
Gas weight constituents calculations
CO2 produced, kg/kg of Carbon in fuel = 3.644 kg/kg
H2O produced, kg/kg of Hydrogen in fuel = 8.937 kg/kg
SO2 produced, kg/kg of Sulphur in fuel = 1.998 kg/kg

CO2 produced, for the Carbon in fuel =( 3.644x34.975 /100) kg/kg

= 1.274 kg/kg
H2O produced, for the Hydrogen in fuel =( 8.937x5.077 /100) kg/kg
= 0.454 kg/kg
H2O in combustion air = 0.02851x5.767 kg/kg
= 0.164 kg/kg
H2O due to moisture in fuel = 8.68/100 kg/kg
= 0.0868 kg/kg
H2O due to air & H2 combustion& fuel moisture =( 0.164+0.454+0.0868) kg/kg
= 0.7048 kg/kg
SO2 produced, for the Sulphur in fuel =( 1.998x0.009 /100) kg/kg
= 0.000 kg/kg
O2 in flue gas ( Excess O2 added ) = 0.343889 kg/kg

N21,Nitrogen due to fuel = N kg/kg

= 0.00119 kg/kg
Weight fraction of Nitrogen in Dry Air = 0.77 kg/kg
N22 due to Air, kg per kg of fuel = 0.77 x 5.767 kg/kg
= 4.441 kg/kg
Total N2 in flue gas , kg/kg of fuel fired = N21+N22 kg/kg
= ( 0.00119+4.441) kg/kg
= 4.44219 kg/kg of fuel
Qfgw, Total wet flue gas produced per kg of fuel fired = 1.274+0.7048+0.000+0.343889+4.44219
= 6.764879 kg/kg
Wet flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.765 kg/kg
Qfgd, Total dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel fired = 1.274+0.000+0.343889+4.44219
= 6.060 kg/kg
Dry flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.060 kg/kg

Composition of Flue gas

wet gas Flue gas ( wet ) composition Mol. No of moles / kg of Flue gas ( wet ) composition by %
kg / kg of by % wt weight fuel vol
CO2 1.274 100x1.274/6.764879=18.833 44.04 1.274/44.04 = 0.029 100x0.029/0.238=12.18
H2O 0.705 100x0.7048/6.764879=10.419 18.02 0.7048/18.02 = 0.039 100x0.039/0.238=16.39
SO2 0.000 100x0.000/6.764879=0.000 64.06 0.000/64.06 = 0.000 100x0.000/0.238=0.00
O2 0.34389 100x0.343889/6.764879=5.08 32.00 0.343889/32 = 0.011 100x0.011/0.238=4.62
N2 4.44219 100x4.44219/6.764879=65.66 28.01 4.44219/28.01 = 0.159100x0.159/0.238=66.81

Total 6.76488 Total moles = 0.029+0.039+0.000+0.011+0.159=0.238

Mole.wt of flue gas = ((12.18x 44.01)+(16.39x 18.02)+(0.00x64.06)+(4.62x32)+(66.81x28.01)) / 100

Mole.wt of flue gas = 28.51
EWS 604

Results Summary
Dry air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.767 kg/kg
Wet air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.931 kg/kg
Dry Flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.060 kg/kg
Flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.765 kg/kg

Flue gas composition summary

Wet by vol % Dry by vol%
Carbon di oxide = 12.18 % = 14.57 %
Water vapour = 16.39 % =0%
Sulfur di oxide = 0.00 % = 0.00 %
Oxygen = 4.62 % = 5.53 %
Nitrogen = 66.81 % = 79.91 %
EWS 604
PROJECT : Deepak spinners - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


HLS1, assumed unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %
HLS6, Assumed radiation loss =1 %
HLS7, Manufacturer margin = 0.5 %
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Rh, Relative humidity = 60 %
Ma, Moisture in dry air = 0.02851 kg / kg
E, Excess air = 35 %
Te, Boiler outlet gas temperature = 165 Deg C

A1, % Ash collection at location 1 =5% Bed

A2, % Ash collection at location 2 =5% Bank
A3, % Ash collection at location 3 =5% Economiser
A4, % Ash collection at location 4 =5% Airheater
A5, % Ash collection at location 5 = 60 % MDC
A6, % Ash collection at location 6 = 20 % Trema

T1, Temperature of ash at location1 = 900 deg C

T2, Temperature of ash at location2 = 300 deg C
T3, Temperature of ash at location3 = 250 deg C
T4, Temperature of ash at location4 = 140 deg C
T5, Temperature of ash at location5 = 140 deg C
T6, Temperature of ash at location6 = 140 deg C

Constituents of fuel
H, Hydrgen = 5.077 %
M, Moisture = 8.68 %
A, Ash = 16.063 %
GCV, Gross calorific value of fuel = 3150 kcal /kg


Assumed heat loss through unburnt carbon in ash
Heat loss through unburnt carbon in furnace ash
A, Ash content in fuel = 0.16063 kg/kg
M1, % ash collection in furnace hopper = 5 % 5
LOI in ash = 1 %
Calorific value of carbon = 8050 kcal/kg
Fuel GCV = 3150 kcal/kg
Carbon Loss =M1x A x LOI x 8050 / ((100-LOI) x 3150) %
=5 x 0.16063 x 1 x 8050 /( (100-1 ) x 3150) %
HLS1-1, Unburnt carbon loss in furnace ash = 0.0207 %
Heat loss through unburnt carbon in furnace ash
A, Ash content in fuel = 0.16063 kg/kg
M1, % ash collection in furnace hopper = 90 % 90
EWS 604
LOI in ash = 3.5 %
Calorific value of carbon = 8050 kcal/kg
Fuel GCV = 3150 kcal/kg
Carbon Loss =M1x A x LOI x 8050 / ((100-LOI) x 3150) %
=90 x 0.16063 x 3.5 x 8050 /( (100-3.5 ) x 3150) %
HLS1-1, Unburnt carbon loss in furnace ash = 1.3400 %

HLS1, Total unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %

Solid carbon loss = 1.36x3150 / 8050 %
= 0.53 %

HLS1, Unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %

Calculations for Heat loss though ash
A, Ash content in fuel = 0.16063 kg/kg
C, Specific heat of ash = 0.22 kcal/kg Deg C
HLn, % Heat lost through ash at n'th location = A x (An /100 ) x C x (Tn-Ta) x 100 / GCV

HL1, % Heat lost through ash at a location 1 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (900-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL1, % Heat lost through ash at a location 1 = 0.05 %

HL2, % Heat lost through ash at a location 2 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (300-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL2, % Heat lost through ash at a location 2 = 0.01 %

HL3, % Heat lost through ash at a location 3 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (250-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL3, % Heat lost through ash at a location 3 = 0.01 %

HL4, % Heat lost through ash at a location 4 = 0.16063x (5 / 100 ) x0.22x (140-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL4, % Heat lost through ash at a location 4 = 0.01 %

HL5, % Heat lost through ash at a location 5 = 0.16063x (60 / 100 ) x0.22x (140-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL5, % Heat lost through ash at a location 5 = 0.07 %

HL6, % Heat lost through ash at a location 6 = 0.16063x (20 / 100 ) x0.22x (140-40) x 100 / 3150 %
HL6, % Heat lost through ash at a location 6 = 0.02 %

HLS2, Total Heat loss through the ash = HL1+HL2+HL3+HL4+HL5+HL6

= ( 0.05+0.01+0.01+ 0.01+0.07+0.02 )%
HLS2, Total Heat loss through the ash = 0.17 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture in air

Ww, wieght of water in air = 0.02851 kg/kg

Wd, Dry air required per kg of fuel = 5.767 kg/kg from combustion calc
Cp1, specific heat of water vapor at boiler exit temp = 0.4853 kcal/kg C
Cp2, specific heat of water vapor at ambient temp = 1 kcal/kg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 165 deg C
EWS 604
HLS3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = Ww x Wd x{(Cp1x Te)-(Cp2 x Ta)}x100/(GCV)
= 0.02851x5.767x[(0.4853x165)-(1x40]x100 /(3150)
HLS3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = 0.21 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture & hydrogen in fuel

H, hydrogen in fuel = 0.05077 kg/kg

M, moisture in fuel = 0.0868 kg/kg
Cp1, Specific heat of water vapor at boiler exit temp = 0.4853 kcal/kg
L, latent heat of water = 595.4 kcal/kg
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 165 deg C
HLS4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={M+(8.94 x H)} x [595.4+(Cp1 x Te) -Ta] x 100 / (GCV)
HLS4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={ 0.0868+ (8.94 x 0.05077)}x [ 595.4+(0.4853x 165) -
40]x100/(3150) %
HLS4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 10.91 %

Calculations for Heat loss through dry flue gas

Qfgd, Dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 6.060 kg/kg

Cp3, specfic heat of flue gas at boiler exit temp = 0.243 kcal/kg deg C
Cp4, specfic heat of flue gas at ambient temp = 0.236 kcal/kg deg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 165 deg C
HLS5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas =Qfgd x{ (Cp3 x Te) - (Cp4 x Ta)} x100/(GCV)
=6.060x { ( 0.243 x 165) - (0.236x40)} x 100/(3150) %
HLS5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas = 5.90 %

Assumed heat loss through radiation

HLS6, Radiation loss = 1 %

Manufacturer margin
HLS7, Manufacturer margin = 0.5 %
Total efficiency break up
HLS1, Unburnt carbon loss = 1.36 %
HLS2, Total Heat loss through the ash = 0.17 %
HLS3, Heat lost through moisture in air = 0.21 %
HLS4, Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 10.91 %
HLS5, Heat lost through dry flue gas = 5.90 %
HLS6, Radiation loss = 1 %
HLS7, Manufacturer margin = 0.5 %

Total losses = 1.36+0.17+0.21+10.91+5.90+1+0.5

= 20.05 %
Therefore, Boiler efficiency, = 100 - 20.05 %
Boiler Efficiency = 79.95 %
EWS 604

BOILER HEAT DUTY CALCULATIONS Date & time: 12/30/12 8:20 AM

PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


Steam generation rate Nett = 15000 Kg/h

Main steam pressure = 64 kg/cm2 g
Main steam temperature = 490 Deg C
Feed water inlet temperature = 105 Deg C
Superheater Pressure drop = 3 kg/cm2 g
Saturated steam flow from drum = 0 kg/h
Selected boiler efficiency = 79 %


Msup, Steam generation rate = 15000 kg / h
P1, Main steam pressure = 64 kg/cm2 g
Ts, Main steam temperature = 490 deg C
Tw, Feed water inlet temperature = 105 deg C
Hw, Feed water inlet enthalphy = 105 kcal / kg
Hs, Main steam enthalpy = 810.47 kcal / kg
H, Heat added per kg of water = ( Hs - Hw )
= ( 810.47 - 105) kcal / kg
H, Heat added per kg of water = 705.47 kcal / kg
Heat output of the boiler ( SH steam) = ( Msup x H) kcal / hr
= ( 15000 x 705.47) kcal / hr
Qo Heat output of the boiler ( SH steam) = 10582050 kcal / h
Msat Saturated steam flow from drum = 0 kg / h
Saturated steam enthalpy = 663.44 kcal/kg
Heat output thorugh the sat. steam = 0x( 663.44-105) kcal/kg
Qs heat output of the boiler ( saturated steam) = 0 kcal/hr
Qt Total heat output of the boiler = Qo+Qs kcal/hr
= ( 10582050 + 0 )kcal/hr
Qt Total heat output of the boiler = 10582050 kcal/hr
Calculated Boiler efficiency = 79.95 %
Selected Boiler Efficiency = 79 %
Fuel GCV = 3150 kcal /kg
Fuel firing rate = Qt x 100 / ( Eff x GCV )
= 10582050 x 100 / ( 79 x 3150 ) %
= 4,252 kg / hr
Total heat output of the boiler = 10582050 kcal / hr
Calculated boiler efficiency = 79.95 %
Selected boiler efficency = 79%
Fuel firing rate = 4,252 kg / hr
Steam fuel ratio = 3.53 kg / k
EWS 604
FAN SIZING CALCULATION Date & time: 12/30/12 8:20 AM
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


Site elevation = 300 metres
Gas temp at Airheater outlet = 165 deg C
Air temp at Airheater air inlet = 40 deg C
Airheater outlet = 150 deg C

Design air velocity in fuel piping = 16 m/s

Fan details No off compartments =2

No of PA lines per compartment =0
FD fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
FD fan efficiency = 75 %
ID fan capacity (% MCR) = 100 %
ID fan efficiency = 75 %

FD fan design head = 750 mmwc

ID fan design head = 370 mmwc

Flue gas generated per kg of fuel = 6.765 kg/kg

Molecular wt of flue gas = 28.51
Actual Fuel burnt rate = 4,252 kg/h
Wet air required per kg of fuel = 5.931 kg/kg

Margin on FD fan flow = 20 %

Margin on ID fan flow = 20 %


Calculations of volumetric gas flow rate

Wet flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 6.765 kg/kg

Fuel firing rate = 4,252 kg/h
Wet flue gas flow rate = 6.765 x 4,252 kg/h
= 28764.78 kg/h
Molecular wt of flue gas = 28.51 from air & gas calc
K, altitude correction factor = 0.965
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 28764.78 x 22.4 / ( 28.51 x 0.965 )
= 23,419.87 Nm3 /hr
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 6.51 Nm3 / sec
Boiler exit temperature, deg C = 165 Deg C
Gas flow at boiler exit temperature = ( 6.51x ( 273 + 165 ) / 273 )m3 /sec
= 10.44 m3 /sec
EWS 604
Calculations of volumetric Air flow rate

Wet air required per kg of fuel = 5.931 kg/kg

Fuel firing rate = 4,252 kg/h
Wet air flow rate = 5.931 x 4,252 kg/h
= 25218.61 kg/h
Molecular wt of wet air = 28.50
K, Altidue correction factor = 0.965
Wet air volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 25218.61 x 22.4 / ( 28.50 x 0.965)
= 20,539.84 Nm3 /hr
Wet air volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 5.71 Nm3 / sec
Air temp at Airheater air inlet = 40 Deg C
Hence, Volumetric Air flow rate = ( 6.51x ( 273 + 40 ) / 273 )m3 /sec
Volumetric air flow rate = 6.55 m3 /sec


FD fan sizing
FD fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
MCR airflow required for combustion = 6.55 m3/s
MCR airflow of FD fan = ( 6.55x 100 / 100 ) m3/s
MCR airflow of FD fan = 6.55 m3/s
Margin on FD fan flow = 20 %
Design Flow for FD fan = 6.55 x ( 100 +20 ) / 100 m3/s
= 7.86 m3/s
FD fan Design head = 750 mmwc
Assumed FD fan efficiency = 75 %
FD fan operating power required = 100 x 7.86 x 750/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 77.8 kw
FD fan operating power BKW required = 100 x 6.55 x 750/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 64.9 kw
Minimum motor power required = 1.15 x 77.8 kw
Minimum motor power required for FD fan = 89.5 kw

ID fan sizing
ID fan capacity (% MCR ) = 100 %
MCR gas flow produced = 10.44 m3/s
MCR gas flow of ID fan = ( 10.44x 100 / 100 ) m3/s
MCR gas flow of ID fan = 10.44 m3/s
Margin on ID fan flow = 20 %
Design Flow for ID fan = 10.44 x ( 100 +20 ) / 100 m3/s
= 12.528 m3/s
ID fan Design head = 370 mmwc
Assumed ID fan efficiency = 75 %
ID fan operating power required = 100 x 12.528 x 370/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 61.2 kw
EWS 604
ID fan operating power BKW required = 100 x 20 x 370/ ( 101 x 75 ) kw
= 51.0 kw
Minimum motor power required = 1.15 x 61.2 kw
Minimum motor power required for ID fan = 70.4 kw
Results summary
FD fan Supply ID fan supply
Design flow m3/s 7.86 6.83 12.5 10.5
Design head mmwc 750 750 370 370
Design temperature Deg C 40 165
Assumed effciency % 75 75
Operating power kw 77.8 61.2
Min motor power kw 89.5 70.4
Selected motor Kw kw 90 90 75 75
EWS 604
UNDER FED FLUIDISED BED SIZING Date & time : 12/30/12 8:20 AM
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


Vf, Fluidisation velocity = 2.6 m/s
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 Deg C

Steam generated nett = 15000 kg/h

Main steam temperature = 490 Deg C
Main steam pressure = 64 kg/cm2 a
Fuel burnt rate = 4,252 kg/h
Wet air required, kg /kg of fuel fired = 5.931 kg/kg
Flue gas produced, kg /kg of fuel fired = 6.765 kg/kg
Flue gas molecular weight = 28.51
Te, Boiler exit temperature = 165 Deg C
Tca, Combustion air temperature = 150 Deg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 Deg C
Assumed carbon loss = 1.36 %
Ts, Saturation temperature = 283.9 deg C

Constituents of fuel
H, Hydrgen = 2.484 %
M, Moisture =8%
A, Ash = 46.65 %
GCV, Gross calorific value of fuel = 3515.42 kcal /kg


Calculations for bed cross sectional area

Wet flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 6.765 kg/kg

Fuel firing rate = 4,252 kg/h
Wet flue gas flow rate = 6.765 x 4,252 kg/h
= 28764.78 kg/h
Molecular wt of flue gas = 28.51 from air & gas calc
K, altitude correction factor = 0.965
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 28764.78 x 22.4 / 28.51 x 0.965
= 23,419.87 Nm3 /hr
Flue Gas volume flow rate at 0 deg C = 6.51 Nm3 / sec
Design bed temperature = 850 Deg C
Gas flow at bed temperature = ( 6.51x ( 273 + 850 ) / 273 )m3 /sec
= 26.78 m3 /sec
Factor for over bed combustion = 0.9
Vf, Fluidisation velocity = 2.6 m/s
Therefore, bed cross sectional area = 26.78 x 0.9 / 2.6
Bed cross sectional area required = 9.27 m2
EWS 604
bed length = 3144.5 m
bed width = 3144.5 m
Bed cross sectional area available = 9.89 m2
Therefore, corrected fluidisation velocity = 2.6x9.27 / 9.89
= 2.44 m/s
Calculations for bed heat transfer area
Unburnt carbon loss
HL1, % design Unburnt carbon loss = 3.5 %

Calculations for Heat loss though ash

A, Ash content in fuel = 0.4665 kg/kg
C, Specific heat of ash = 0.22 kcal/kg Deg C
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C
HL2, % Heat lost through ash = A x C x (Tb-Ta) x 100 / GCV
= 0.4665x 0.22x (850-40) x 100 / 3515.42 %
HL2, % Heat lost through ash = 2.36 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture in air

Ww, weight of water in air = 0.02851 kg/kg
Wd, Dry air required per kg of fuel = 5.767 kg/kg from combustion calc
Cp1, specific heat of water vapor at bed temp = 0.5685 kcal/kg C
Cp2, specific heat of water vapor at ambient temp = 0.3592 kcal/kg C
Tca, Combustion air temperature = 150 deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C

HL3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = Ww x Wd x {(Cp1 x Tb) -(Cp2 x Tca)}x 100 / GCV
= 0.02851x5.767x[(0.5685x850)-(0.3592x150]x100 /351
HL3, % Heat lost through moisture in air = 2.01 %

Calculations for Heat loss through moisture & hydrogen in fuel

H, hydrogen in fuel = 0.02484 kg/kg
M, moisture in fuel = 0.08 kg/kg
Cpb, Specific heat of water vapor at bed temp = 0.5685 kcal/kg
L, latent heat of water = 595.4 kcal/kg
Ta, Ambient temperature = 40 deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C

HL4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={M+(8.94 x H)} x [595.4+(Cpb x Tb) -Ta] x 100 / GCV
HL4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel ={ 0.08+ (8.94 x 0.02484)}x [ 595.4+(0.5685x 850) -
40]x100/3515.42 %
HL4, % Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 8.92 %

Calculations for Heat loss through dry flue gas

Qfgd, Dry flue gas produced per kg of fuel = 6.060 kg/kg
EWS 604
Cpb, specific heat of flue gas at bed temp = 0.284594539902954 kcal/kg deg C
Cpa, specific heat of flue gas at Tca = 0.242476289357631 kcal/kg deg C
Tb, Design bed temperature = 850 deg C
Tca, Combustion air temperature = 150 deg C

HL5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas =Qfgd x{ (Cp1 x Tb) - (Cp2 x Tca)} x 100 / GCV
=6.060x { ( 0.284594539902954 x 850) -
HL5, % Heat lost through dry flue gas = 35.43 %

Calculation for Heat loss through radiation to waterwall

Ab, Bed cross sectional area = 9.89 m2
e, Emissivity of waterwall surface = 0.9
S, Steafan boltzmann constant = 4.9 x 10 ^ -8
Tb, bed temperature = 850 Deg C
Ts, saturation temperature = 283.921318253176 Deg C

Radiation heat loss to waterwall =Ab x e x S x {( Tb + 273 )^4 - ( Ts + 273 )^4}

= 9.89x0.9x4.9 x 10^-8x{( 850+273)^4-(283.921318253
= 651,714 kcal/h
Fuel heat input in the bed = 4,252x 3515.42= 14947565.84 kcal/h
HL6, % Radiation loss to waterwall = 100x 651,714/ 14947565.84
HL6, % Radiation loss to waterwall = 4.36 %
Bed heat balance & HTA required
HL1, Unburnt carbon loss = 3.5 %
HL2, Total Heat loss through the ash = 2.36 %
HL3, Heat lost through moisture in air = 2.01 %
HL4, Heat lost through moisture & H2 in fuel = 8.92 %
HL5, Heat lost through dry flue gas = 35.43 %
HL6, % Radiation loss to waterwall = 4.36 %

Total losses = 3.5+2.36+2.01+8.92+35.43+4.36

= 56.58 %
Therefore, % heat to be transferred to Bed coil = 100 - 56.58 %
% Heat transferred to Bed coil = 43.42 %
Fuel heat input in the bed = 14947565.84 kcal/h
Actual heat to be transferred to Bed coil = 43.42 x 14947565.84/ 100
= 6,490,233 kcal/h
Tb, bed temperature = 850 Deg C
Ts, Saturation temperature = 283.9 Deg C
Temperature difference = (850 - 283.9)= 566.1 deg C
Heat transfer coeff = 220 kcal / kg m2 Deg C
Bed coil area required = 6,490,233/ ( 220 x 566.1)
Bed Coil HT area required, if plain = 52.11 m2
free board combustion = 30 %
Then, Bed Coil HT area with free board combn = 36.477 m2
EWS 604
Bed Coil length required = 36.477/ ( 3.1416 x 0. 0635)
= 182.8502 m
Checking the available bed area
Bed coil length per coil- type 1 = 2673 mm
No off bed coils- type 1 = 22 No
Bed coil length per coil- type 2 = 1923 mm
No off bed coils-type 2 = 22 No
Total length of bed coil = 101.112 m
Total length of bed coil with studs = 101.112 x 1.4 m ( 1.4 effectiveness)
= 141.5568 m
rearwall & front wall tube area with studs = 2 x 26 x .85 x 1.4 m ht
= 61.88 m
Total length tubes for heat transfer = 203.4368 m

Furnace residence time

Furnace volume as modified = 85.4 m3
Flue gas quantity at furnace temperature = 26.78 m/s
Furnace residence time = 85.4 / 26.78
= 3.19 sec
Summary of results
Bed cross sectional area required = 9.27 m2
Bed cross sectional area available = 9.89 m2
Bed Coil length required = 182.8502 m
Bed Coil length available = 203.4368 m
Fluidisation velocity = 2.44 m/s
Furnace residence time = 3.19 sec
EWS 604
PROJECT : - 100% rice husk- as per lab report- OVERBED


Air temp at Airheater air inlet = 40 deg C
Airheater air outlet = 150 deg C
Bed cross sectional area available = 9.89 m2
Volumetric air flow rate = 5.71 Nm3/s
Fuel transport air flow = 0.000 m3/s

Air nozzle hole size 3.4 mm

No of hole per nozzle 30
No of air nozzles selected 529
Selected distributor plate length 3144.5 mm
Selected distributor plate width 3144.5 mm

Calculations of volumetric Air flow rate and air densities

Total airflow at 0 deg C = 5.71 Nm3 / s

Ta, ambient temperature = 40 deg C
V 40, Total airflow at ambient temperature = 5.71x ( 273 +40 ) / 273
V 40, Total airflow at ambient temperature = 6.547 m3/s

Air temp at Airheater air outlet = 150 Deg C

V 150, Total airflow after airheating = 5.71x ( 273 +150 ) / 273
V 150, Total airflow at after airheating = 8.847 m3/s

Air nozzle hole diameter = 3.4

No of holes per air nozzle = 30
Flow area per nozzle = 30 x 3.1416 x (3.4/ 2000 )^2
= 0.00027 m2
D0, Density of air at 0 deg C with elevation corr. = 1.233
D1, Density of air at 40 deg C = 273 x 1.233/ (273 +40)
= 1.075 kg/m3
D2, Density of air at 150 deg C = 273 x 1.233/ (273 +150)
= 0.796 kg/m3
Pressure drop in distributor plate during MCR flow condition
V 150, Total airflow at after airheating = 8.847 m3/s
Sa + spreader % = 25 %
= 2.21175 m3/s
PA flow = 0 m3/s
MCR air flow through DP at hot condn = 8.847 - 2.21175 - 0
= 6.63525 m3/s
Cd, Coefficient of discharge = 0.7
Actual No of air nozzles = 529
Air velocity through a nozzle hole = 6.63525/ (529x0.00027)

Design by: Approved by:

Name: Name:

Sign: Sign:
EWS 604
= 46.05 m/s
Pressure drop at MCR condition = 0.796 x 46.05^2 / ( 2 x 9.81 x 0.7^ 2)
Pressure drop at MCR condition = 176 mmwc

Pressure drop during MFC ( minimum fluidisation condition )

Selected distributor plate length = 3144.5
Selected distributor plate width = 3144.5 mm
Actual Distributor plate area provided = 3144.5 x 3144.5/ 1000000
= 9.88788025 m2
Minimum fluidisation velocity at cold condition = 0.7 m/s
Minimum fluidisation airflow = 0.7 x 9.88788025
= 6.921516175 m3/s
Density of air at ambient condition = 1.075 kg/m3
No off nozzles provided = 529
Flow area per nozzle = 0.00027
Velocity through air nozzle hole = 6.921516175 / ( 529x0.00027)
= 48 m/s
Pressure drop at Min fluidisation condition = 1.075 x 48^2 / ( 2 x 9.81 x0.77^2)
= 258 mmwc

Results summary
No off nozzles provided = 529
Selected distributor plate width = 3144.5 mm
Selected distributor plate length = 3144.5 mm
Pressure drop at MCR condition = 176 mmwc
Pressure drop at Min fluidisation condition = 258 mmwc

Design by: Approved by:

Name: Name:

Sign: Sign:

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