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- Jacques Derrida
Derridean structure has no center. It is a decenterless structure.Derridean
structure has no sense of origin,no sence of reference and no sense of ending. It
is radically different from Barthian structure(bipolar structure). Derridean
structure has no sence of origin,no centre and no telos.

Derrida make use of Claude Levi Strauss concept Bricoleur inorder to

explain decentring in his book The Savage Mind. Bricoleur is a native expert.
His construction is called Bricolage. It is a mythical narrative in which existing
signs are used in a new sense. Bricolage is a narrative which makes new tools. It
is a narrative made out of existing signs. He has no scientific knowledge.

Derrida argues that bricolar is another myths. There is no other expert called
Bricolar, it is a creative myth because Bricolar is considered as totalising
systemof signs. That is why Derrida argues that Bricolar is myth constructed
against an engineer. It is impossible for a system to use totalizing system of
signs. Structure has no origin,no telos and therefore no totalizing system of
signs. There is no point of reference in structure. Derrida excludes origin,centre
and telos. The process of excluding origin,center and telos of structure is called

Excentering is choosing a center outside the text is called Excentring.In

Derridean deconstruction he used traces than for conventional
meaning.Excentring is related to text whereas decentering is related to structure.


According to Derrida there is an endless sliding of signifiers over

signfieds.Atext has endless chain of signifiers and there is an endless sliding of
signifiers over signifieds.The same Signifier is related to other signified.At any
moment any particular signifier is related to signified.

Signification is the construction of meaning from signifier and signifieds.The

process of construction of meaning is incomplete and Derrida called it
unlimited Semiosis.The meaning of text is unlimited.The meaning is
indefinitely Deffered.Differance is combined from Differ and defer.
The differ means difference between signs.Every sign is unique,every sign is
distinct,no two signs are identical.defer means defferance of meaning.According
to Derrida meaning is endlessly deffered.

Free Play

Every Signifier is unfixed and refixed in the process of Signification.This

constitute the free play.There is no fixity of Signifiers.This instability or
flexibility constitute free play.This instability cause instability of meaning.In
Derridian,there is no correspondence between signifier and signified.The
meanings continuous to change .The process is unlimited.

Deconstruction is never a destruction of a text,it is a constructive reorientation

of signs.Teliology is study of end causes.In autotelic,origin and telios are
same.They are self contained.In heterotelic,Origin and Telios are different.


Derrida differentiates speech and writing.He underlines privacy of speech over

writing.Inorder to explain the privacy of speech over writing he introduced a
concept called Logocentrism.According to Derrida ,speech is logocentric which
means speech is always reffered with respect to the speaker.Therefore,speech is
more authentic.writing is not logocentric.Logocentrism is important especially
for subaltern narratives.Subalterns are theorized and showcased.Orality is
authenticity.Derrida combined Lacans phallocentrism and formed
Phallogocentrism.It is the authenticity of phallocentric discourses.

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