Charaka Approch To Knowlage

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Indian Journal of History of Science, 51.1 (2016) 33-39 DOI: 10.


Carakas Approach to Knowledge

M S Valiathan*
(Received 25 January 2015; revised 29 January 2015)

Caraka, Suruta and Vgbhaa are known as the Great Three of yurveda and their classics
continue to be the foundational texts after many hundreds of years. Among the texts, Caraka Sahit
stands out by its emphasis on philosophical themes which potentiate the central theme of medicine. They
are to Carakas medicine what the powerful background is to the figure of Christ in the Last supper.
Among the themes of philosophy, knowledge appears in many contexts and shows Carakas notable skill
in adapting philosophical traditions to suit the demands of medicine because Carakas guiding principle
was compassion for fellow beings. This essay outlines the philosophical underpinnings of yurveda
and traces the ontological borrowings from the Vaieika, Nyya and Snkhya philosophers. Further,
Carakas own views on philosophical matters such as ethics, destiny and agency are discussed.
Key words: yurveda, Bioethics, Caraka, Nyya, Philosophy, Prama, Snkhya, Vaieika

1. INTRODUCTION examples of a priori knowledge. An even larger

segment of knowledge relates to what is derived
Knowledge can be viewed in different
from empirical sources such as for example: such
ways. In the first place, there are questions such
and such food habits produce diarrhoea; such and
as how do we know? How much do we know?
such formulations give relief to respiratory
How much can we know? These questions on the
disorders; and such and such conduct of a society
means of acquiring correct knowledge are standard
would bring about the destruction of their habitat.
in epistemology which was practiced in India as
These examples would underline the medical
part of the Nyya system of philosophies from
overlay of Carakas approach to knowledge. But
ancient times. Caraka does refer to this briefly,
there was more, which was intuition or inspiration
but brilliantly, and the means he recommended
as a source of knowledge. This called for a
were the forerunner of what appeared in the Nyya
prepared and highly focused mind, problems in
stra later (Dasgupta, 1991).
treating illness which challenged the physicians
But Caraka does deal in greater detail with intellectual limit, hard work and an element of
other areas of knowledge which are of direct luck. An outstanding example of this pathway to
relevance to the physician. There is a segment of knowledge is ancient pacakarma which attracts
knowledge derived from non-empirical sources, patients from India and abroad in droves for the
which are called a priori. The examples of this treatment of a variety of ailments and disabilities.
knowledge are the awareness that compassion to The procedure was in vogue even in Buddhas
patients is an essential part of the practice of period and was believed to eliminate the excess
medicine; and truthfulness is an essential of da-s which had caused blocks in the countless
component of a teachers duty towards his pupils. channels (srtas) which cris-cross the body
Caraka Samhit is replete with this kind of bounded by the skin outside and the alimentary

*National Research Professor, Manipal University, Manipal - 576 104; Email:

canal inside. The channels and the accumulated It is interesting that many chapters consist of the
da-s blocking them were not visible to the reports of discussions held in the gurukula of
physician except in his minds eye; and the idea treya in Himalayan surroundings, where treya
of loosening the da plugs by the ingestion of a would introduce a medical topic to be followed
fat-based preparation and the elimination of the by pupils who would discuss different aspects of
accumulated da-s which would flow into the the proposition, even express dissent, and treya
alimentary canal by emesis or purgation was would close the discussion by offering a brilliant
untested. In other words, the anxious physician summing up. The central theme of the entire text
was playing with mental images on the patients was the ways to remain in good health and stay
management when he had few means to know out of trouble (svastha-vtta) and how to treat ill
directly what had gone wrong in the patients body health and get out of trouble when necessary
and even fewer means to set things right. When (tura-vtta). However, this central theme was
the manipulation of images of various schemes supported and vivified by a rich background of
seemed to offer a flash of promise, the physician philosophy and lofty idealism, testifying to
would rush to try the method in a patient. This Carakas authority as a physician, philosopher and
was the role of inspiration or intuition in the sage.
practice of medicine, which will always enjoy a
respectable role in Religio Medici. 3. MEANS OF ACCESSING EXACT KNOWLEDGE
Caraka recognised three primary urges in
human life - the urge to live long, to earn a living
Although, the period of Caraka and even and to secure a good afterlife (Caraka Sahit :
his name are not certain, there is a consensus Stra 11 : 3-6). About afterlife, he noted that there
among scholars that he lived in the 1st century were doubts because it was not perceptible through
AD as a contemporary of King Kanika in his our senses. This was the context in which he
realm. He redacted Agnivea tantra which had introduced the subject of accessing exact
been the standard text of yurveda for centuries knowledge. There were scholars in his time who
earlier because Agnivea was already a historic claimed that perception alone should be
figure according to Pinis references to him in recognised as the valid means of accessing
the Adhyyi (4th century BC). By the 4th knowledge (pratyakaparah) but, according to
century AD, seventeen chapters of the Caraka, their minds were warped by an addiction
cikitssthna and kalpa- and siddhi- sthna-s of to the theory of chance (yadcchopahattmanah).
Caraka Sahit were lost and a Kashmiri How could perception be the sole means for
physician, Dhabala, reconstructed the text which accessing knowledge when what is perceptible is
is in current use. It enjoyed immense authority so small (alpam) and what lies beyond perception
and was translated into Arabic and Persian in the is vast (analpam)? When a number of factors such
10th century and into English in the 19th century. as minuteness, too much distance, weakness of
A group of senior physicians led by Sir William sense organs, mental instability etc. could obscure
Osler set up a Caraka Club in New York in the perception? (Caraka Sahit : Stra 11: 7-8);
19th century to celebrate Carakas heritage in the when a vast range of the energy spectrum of the
advancement of medicine.
universe and the equally vast range of
Caraka Sahit consists of prose and physiological events within the internal universe
verse, often reminiscent of the style of Brhmaas. of the body lie beyond perception? Surely,

therefore, one should go beyond perception and (Caraka Sahit : Stra 11: 23-24). This was not
apply other means as well. surprising because Caraka had sought to make
yurvedic practice yuktivyapraya. His idea of
3.1. Testimony of Sages (ptopadea) reason in this context involves a series of
Sages are exceptional individuals who reasonings to reach a conclusion. For example,
personify profound knowledge, long experience, one could not predict a good or poor harvest from
truthfulness, freedom from passion and a noble the quality of the seed alone; it would be necessary
character (Caraka Sahit : Stra 11: 18-19). to look at other factors such as the quality of the
They could always be counted upon for counsel, soil, amount of rain fall, manure and so on. Only
to dispel ones doubts and provide a means to exact on a consideration of these related factors could
knowledge. This is especially true for a physician one make an informed prediction of the harvest.
who is faced with difficult issues in diagnosis and This is obviously not inference.
treatment for which the standard texts and his own
resources of knowledge may not provide the 4. CARAKAS LINKS WITH VAISES. IKA, NYAYA
answers. AND SANKHYA
Among the six systems of Indian
3.2. Perception (Pratyaka)
philosophy, Caraka had close links with Vaieika,
Knowledge from direct perception arises Nyya and Snkhya. The first century AD was a
as a result of the combined action of sense objects, vibrant period in Indias intellectual history when
sense, mind and self, each of which is the six systems of Indian philosophy were in the
indispensable for perception (Caraka Sahit : process of evolution and were involved in serious
Stra 11: 17). Though perception has been sub- debates with Buddhism. As a physician and
classified into five subtypes based on contact with philosopher, Caraka was not only interested in the
substance, gua etc., authorities agree that, in philosophic debates but he also made significant
reality knowledge that results as the effect of sense contributions of his own. Dasgupta rates Caraka
contact would fulfil the definition of perception. highly as a philosopher especially with reference
to Vaieika, Nyya, and Snkhya. But Carakas
3.3. Inference (Anumna) approach was always influenced by his basic
Perception leads to inference which was a commitment to the discipline of medicine.
powerful means for gaining exact knowledge
(Caraka Sahit : Stra 11: 21 22). Inference 4.1 Vaieika
has three types; from effect, the cause could be Vaieika was an ancient system dating
inferred e.g. pregnancy and insemination; from back to the time of the Buddha and drew within
cause, the effect could be known e.g. seed and its fold physics, metaphysics, and logical
fruit; and by constant association, one of a pair discussions skillfully dovetailed (Caraka
could be known e.g. smoke and fire. These Sahit: Stra 11: 44 - 56). Its first authoritative
methods were used extensively by physicians in exposition was made by Kada whose view of
diagnosis and treatment. the atomic basis of the physical universe is famous.
Vaieikas main concern was the categorisation
3.4. Reason (Yukti) of padrtha-s which included all that exists, all
Caraka assigned an independent status to that can be named, or experienced. The primary
reason among the means to access knowledge classification of padrtha-s into substance
while other authorities included it under inference (dravya-s), quality (gua), activity (karma),

Table 1
Term Vaieika Caraka
Para / Apara Indicate remote/near in time and space. Superior/Inferior in reference to geography,
season etc. Eg. A dry country is para (superior),
a moist, humid country is apara (inferior).
Samyga / Vibhga Union of things which were separate/ Mixing up two or more substances/their
separation of things which were in union. separation.
Smnya / Viea A certain property resides in many things When a like substance is added to another like
and is shared/when the property is regarded substance they increase the bulk/when unlike
as distinguishing them from other things. substance is added, the bulk reduces.

generality (smnya), particularity (viea) and earlier than Carakas in Hindu, Buddhist or Jain
inherence (samavya) was adopted by Caraka literature treats logical subjects including
without changes. But other adoptions from inference and parameters of debate found in
Vaieika were qualified. Qualities (guas), for Caraka Sahit (Dasgupta, 1991: II: 399). It is
example, are inherent in substances and have no however possible that these ideas may have been
independent existence. The Vaieika stra laid discussed in Agnivea tantra which Caraka
down 17 qualities originally such as colour, taste, redacted and which is unfortunately lost. But the
smell, touch, size, conjunction and disjunction etc., absence of terms like prvavat, eavat etc. in
and the list was expanded by Praasthapda later relation to inference in Caraka would suggest a
by the addition 7 more qualities including process of subsequent refinement in nomenclature
heaviness/lightness, solidity/fluidity, merit in the Nyyastra. This is equally true in regard
(dharma) and so on. From this total list, Caraka to Carakas definition of perception as a combined
adopted 20 but limited their practical use to 10 operation of sense object, sense, mind and soul,
which were physical qualities such as heaviness/ and its more elaborate treatment in Nyyastra.
lightness and solidity/fluidity. What is also striking The seamlessness between medicine and
is the meanings he assigned to the terms adopted philosophy in Caraka is again evident when his
from Vaieika (Table 1). detailed discussion on the logical parameters of
debate appears in a chapter on Roga-bhiag-
The direction of Carakas changes
jityam (features of therapeutics) and is presented
indicated a change of the abstract categories of
in the context of a students training as a physician.
Vaieika into the more concrete ones of
Following an exhortation there is no finality in
yurveda: therefore one should devote himself to
it constantly and without any negligence, Caraka
4.2 Nyya
advised physicians to confine their discussion
Nyya existed prior to the Nyyastra of among professional peers and to yurvedic topics.
Akapda (2nd century AD) and had an earlier He was a strong advocate of sambha
name Anvkik which was referred to in (discussion) as it promotes advancement of
Kauilyas Arthastra. Nyyastra refers to three knowledge, fluent speech; enhances fame;
kinds of inference i.e. cause to effect (prvavat), removes doubt; creates confidence, and uncovers
from effect to cause (eavat) and from a pair of new ideas. In a long chapter on the logical
similarities (smnyatoda). This was exactly parameters of debate, he gave definitions of no
the classification Caraka had used, which was less than 36 technical terms (Caraka Sahit :
Akapdas source. Dasgupta states that no work Vimna 8: 27- 65). This kind of description of the

logical aspects of debate is unique to Caraka and

the Nyyastra.
Training in debate was important for
physicians who were bright and ambitious and
who wished to establish their doctrines among
peers or win recognition as royal physicians. The
debates were classified as vda, jalpa and vita;
vda seeks to ascertain truth, jalpa seeks to
overthrow the opponents view rightly or wrongly,
and vita seeks to pick holes in the opponents
thesis without any attempt to present an
alternative. Reading the long section on debate
and the importance attached to debates in all
branches of learning philosophy, medicine, art
as a means to win peer cognition, one is tempted Fig. 1. Evolution of twenty four tattvas
to believe that special training schools may have
existed to hone debating skills among different supplications. The ultimate state is absolute
professional aspirants in Ancient India. annihilation or an indefinable Brhma state
(Caraka Sahit : arra 1: 98-100). This
4.3. Snkhya conception would place Caraka among the best
A key concept of the Snkhya relates to of ancient Indian philosophers. In subsequent
evolution (parima) which continues to evoke versions, Snkhya had 25 tattva-s (Ivaraka;
admiration and criticism (Caraka Sahit : arra purua independent) and theistic Snkhya
1: 63-65). What is of importance in the present (mentioned in Bhgavata) had 26 tattva-s (26th in
context is the observation of Dasgupta that the paramtma).
original concept of evolution (mlasnkhya)
consisting of 24 tattvas attributed to pancaikha 5. CARAKA AND THE HUMAN CONDITION
in the Mahbhrata finds full expression for the Carakas vision was universal in so far as
first time in the Caraka Samhit. The twenty four it transcended philosophical systems and
tattvas evolve as shown in fig. 1. medicine. His reflections on destiny, bioethics and
According to Caraka, the initial the habitat were profound and sounded a note
perturbation in avyakta which triggers the which resounds even today. Carakas
evolutionary process is not predictable or consideration of destiny is as follows: Is life span
controllable. However, the subsequent changes predetermined? (Caraka Sahit: Vimcna 3: 29
ending in sense objects are fixed, irreversible and 38). This was a question of vital concern to
necessary. It resonates with the scientific concept patients and physicians at all times. Indeed the
of chance and necessity in evolution. But Carakas question uppermost in the patients mind is what
evolution is not open ended like Darwins would happen to me? And not what is my
evolution; parima will terminate in infinite time disease? If life span is predetermined and destiny
and the universe with its stupendous diversity will (daiva) is irrevocable, what would a physicians
dissolve into avyakta to begin the cyclical process treatment or patients prayers avail? True, the
of evolution again. The whole process has no strong belief in the immutability of destiny had
external control and is deaf to human been countered in India from ancient times by the

paurueya view of Ygavsia which upheld the 6. DESTRUCTION OF THE HABITAT

supremacy of human effort. Caraka dealt with this (JANAPADDHVAMSANA)
question in his own way by treading the middle
Caraka was probably a witness to wars,
ground. He disagreed with the view that life span plunder, punitive taxation, famine, pestilence,
was predetermined and nobody could do anything mass evacuation of towns and places and the total
to alter the predetermined span of life. He pointed collapse of civilized living (Caraka Sahit:
out that this view would make human effort Vimna 3 : 20 24). He traced these disasters to
including yurveda meaningless and futile. While the greed, corruption and aggression of rulers and
errors small and large committed in the past the progressive decline in the moral fibre of the
would have generated negative forces of karma, entire society. The sovereign prophylaxis and
subsequent actions undertaken in accordance with remedy for the destruction of the habitat was the
a virtuous code of life would generate positive recovery of a righteous code of living. Anything
forces which could neutralise or even overcome less would fail to prevent ruin and extinction.
the burden of the negative forces from the past.
There is no point in being weighed down by grief, 7. CONCLUSION
brooding over the past and entering into fatal
In summing up, it is appropriate to study
lethargy. Action, vigorous and righteous, should
Carakas views on knowledge with reference to
be the watchword of every wise individual.
yurveda. He held that knowledge of life
Vgbhaa endorsed this view on the potency of
yurveda is without beginning. It dealt with the
human endeavour.
characteristics of life endowed by nature, which
Bioethics (Sadvtti) in Carakas view, is are eternal (Caraka Sahit : Stra 30 : 27). There
much more than biomedical ethics in so far as it was never a time when the flow of life and intellect
takes its stand on the principle that the well-being did not exist. Nor was there a time when the
of humanity is integral to the well-being of our knowers of yurveda did not exist. Health and
planet (Caraka Sahit: Stra 8: 18-29). It is not disease, happiness and sorrow, their material
enough that we have concern for our fellow beings substrates and many interrelations are also eternal.
today but we need to show equal concern for all Similarly, substances and their inherent properties
living creatures today and for the generations to such as heavy and light, cold and hot and the law
follow. Carakas repeated exhortations that one of generality and particularity which determine
should learn to see oneself in all living beings and the union and disunion of substances are also
appeal to avoid the overuse and misuse (atiyga eternal. The knowledge of yurveda did not arise
and mithyyga) of physical resources have a out of nothing or from a moment of creation. It
contemporary ring because we hear more and was only the organisation of timeless concepts and
more about sustainable consumption. The oath traditions which crystallized as a treatise or a
which he prescribed for initiates into a physicians system that was looked upon as the genesis of
training covered the personal, professional, social yurvedic knowledge which is, in fact, eternal and
and spiritual aspects of the candidates life in so without beginning (vata, andi).
lofty a manner that it has few parallels in the The enduring lesson to be taken into
history of medicine. The code of conduct consideration here is Carakas willingness to draw
stipulated sadvtti as a way of life for everyone, upon the philosophical and intellectual frames of
which would ensure happy life, wholesome life the Vaieika, Nyya and Snkhya philosophers
(bahu-jana-sukhya, bahu-jana-hitya). without treating them as frozen dogma. Instead

he built upon and refashioned their concepts to Dasgupta, S.N. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. II,
suit his own intellectual conception of science Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi 1991.
yurveda. The other noteworthy point is the Kaviratna, A.C. and P. Sharma, tr., The Caraka Sahit, 5
discussion of social awareness and professional Vols., Indian Medical Science Series, Sri Satguru
ethics in a scientific-technical treatise, which is a Publications, Delhi, 1997.
lesson modern scientists could do well to learn. Sharma, P. V. Caraka-Sahit: Agniveas Treatise Refined
and annotated by Caraka and Redacted by Dhabala
(text with English translation), Chaukhambha
Chattopadhyya, D. Case for a critical analysis of the Orientalia, Varanasi, 1981-1994.
Caraka Sahit, in D. Chattopadhyya ed. Studies
in the History of Science in India, Vol. 1. New Delhi, Valiathan, M. S. The Legacy of Caraka, Orient Longman,
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