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Caught in a lie

Antoine / France
I've been caught in lies several times. One I remember, it was when I was like still young, I was
maybe fifteen and I was supposed to go to a friend's house just to sleep, but in fact I just went to a
party with some friends and I drank some alcohol and then we got caught by the police so I had to
lie to my mother I'm afraid. After that she had been aware of this like two weeks after maybe and it
was like a really bad moment for me.

Hoa / Vietnam
As a matter of fact, no, I have not because I'm quite an honest person I would say. But on April
Fool's day, I used to have a white lie to my friends, but it's not a big deal because I just lied to her
about the class was cancelled, then she kind of believed and she didn't go to class that day. The
next following day she found out and she was really mad at me, but she said, "Well, because of
your lie, I had a day off so, thank you!"

Jonathan / Canada
Have I ever been caught in a lie? To be honest, I don't think I have. The reason is not because I'm
such a good person and an honest person who never tells a lie, but actually I'm such a good liar that
no one ever knows when I'm telling a lie. It can be a little bit dangerous so sometimes I have to stop
myself from telling a lie.

Jeff / Canada
Oh yeah, I lie all the time. I've been caught many times in lies and I think you should not lie because
it always catches up with you but yeah, I'm a bad person and I lie often and I get caught many

Emily / Djibouti
Yes, I've been caught in a lie by my father. I used to know how to lie to him but this moment it was
quite hard because he saw a lighter in my bag and I couldn't lie because he saw it and he was like,
"Do you smoke?" And I said, "No, no." But then I laughed and since we are very close together so
he just didn't say anything and put the lighter back in the bag.

Mauro / Brazil
Have I ever been caught in a lie? Well, actually, I can't remember any moments in my life where I've
been caught in a lie. I know everyone plays Pinocchio sometimes, but when we are kids we tend to
make little lies when we tell little lies but I don't remember a single moment where I've been
caught in a lie. Not in a serious lie though. I really can't remember.

Caught in a lie

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) Antoine was afraid of _____ .

1. a) the police
2. b) his mom
3. c) his friends

2) Hoa says that her lie _____ .

1. a) wasn't serious
2. b) was a white lie
3. c) made her friend angry

3) Jonathan is ______ .
1. a) a good person
2. b) a good liar
3. c) a dangerous person

4) Jeff ______ .
1. a) lies a lot
2. b) has never been caught
3. c) is a bad person

5) Emily couldn't lie well because _____ .

1. a) it was too obvious
2. b) she started laughing
3. c) her dad smokes too

6) Mauro has never ______.

1. a) told a serious lie
2. b) been caught lying
3. c) told any lie

Complete the sentences with the words below.

been caught as a matter of fact a white lie

a big deal catch up with you

1. I used to be afraid to speak in class but now it's not _____________________.

2. Sometimes I tell _____________________ so I don't hurt people's feelings.
3. ____________________________, I saw that movie yesterday.
4. Don't drink too much beer because it will ______________________________.
5. Have you ever ______________________ stealing?

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