AFM Mi-171 Weight Limitation

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1. Helicopter mass limitations

1.1. Category A.
Normal takeoff (landing) weight. ............................................ 111 00 kg.
Maximum takeoff weight:
- at takeoff at a runway ....................................................... 12000 kg;
- at takeoff at ground restricted sites ............................................ 10500 kg;
- at takeoff at elevated restricted sites ...................................... 11000 kg.

Maximum allowable takeoff weight (m A max allowable) depending on actual conditions ontakeoff
place is defined by the chart (fig. 3.1.3).

At takeoff at restricted sites the maximum allowable takeoff weight, defined by the chart (fig.
3.1.3), should be decreased:
- at takeoff at ground sites - by 1700 kg;
-at takeoff at elevated sites -by 1200 kg.

Maximum landing weight:

- at landing at a runway ......................................................... 12000 kg;
-at landing at ground restricted sites ............................................... 12000 kg;
- at landing at elevated restricted sites ........................................ 11 000 kg.

Maximum allowable landing weight depending on actual conditions on landing place is defined
by the chart (fig. 3.1.3). At landing at elevated restricted sites the maximum allowable landing
weight, defined by the chart (fig. 3.1.3), should be decreased by 1200 kg.

On all conditions the maximum allowable takeoff (landing) weight of helicopter, defined in
accordance with indicated requirements, should not exceed the maximum takeoff (landing)

1.2 Category B

Normal takeoff (landing) weight ................................................. 11100 kg.

Maximum takeoff (landing) weight .............................................. 13000kg

Maximum allowable helicopter weight depending on actual conditions on takeoff and landing
places is defined by the charts (fig. 3.1.3 ... 3.1.4).
Minimum gross weight ............................................................ 7500 kg

Notes: Above mentioned minimum gross weight provides keeping ofMR speed not less than
80% at autorotation descend under conditions of ambient air below zero temperatures.

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