Tools Resource Section

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Tools/Resources Needed

- Communication with the counselors, the people in charge of registration, is crucial to

expanding the registration process. Also members of the PTO, PTA, PTSA, HTA, Helix

Board members, and the teacher in charge of Family First Thursdays will also need to be

spoken to. Keep an email correspondence and regularly communicate with the new

members willing and able to participate. This is important to add so that parents know

who to contact when and how they can be more involved in the decisions that go on

involving their childs education. (Henderson et al., 159)

- Rooms, Tables, and Decorations will be needed to add new groups to registration.

Currently every group has its own decorated room, so this will need to be planned and

budgeted to include more rooms.

- Flyers around the community, Phone Callers Home, and Flyers given to the middle

school students in the area are needed to better advertise our Excellence in Education

Tours on campus. Currently there is only one banner at the entrance of campus that

advertises the great things we are doing at Helix, but we need more advertising for these

tours. I believe that after the tour we should have the attendees fill out a short form that

asks how they would rate the tour and how they heard about the tour, something that is

not being done currently. This way we are able to see where attendees are hearing about

the program from and what can be improved upon.

- Canvas Dropout Detective or similar program will need to be introduced and

implemented by the entire staff. In the past this feature was introduced to the staff when

being trained on the new Canvas system, but has not been mentioned since. I would like

it to be enforced that every teacher and administrator log communication with parents of
any notable communication with student. It can be as simple as putting a short sentence

as to what the conversation was about, the teachers name, and date. This is crucial to see

an overall picture of what is going on with students, discipline records, and parent

response. Training will need to be conducted in a professional development.

- The Course Level Team Project may need different resources and budgets depending on

what is chosen and approved to be implemented throughout the year. In the past we have

done CLT projects, but never involving parents or the community and I would like to

open up this idea to include this aspect. Depending on the type of project, field trips,

resources, or talks may need to be budgeted for.

- Surveys and/or Focus Groups for parents will be given in the beginning of the school

year on what programs they would like to see on campus and what activities they may be

involved in (Henderson et al., 200-202). This is something that I would like to add to the

school to get more feedback from parents and as far as I know has never been formally

done for the entire parent population.

- A Parent/Community Resource Center would be an amazing addition to my campus. I

would like to see if we could get one funded on campus, as well as see if there is money

to add a family and community coordinator (FCOC) and classes at the center for the

community as well as parents (Henderson et al., 239) . I would like to keep a log of what

parents are using this resource as well as what types of services the parents are taking

advantage of as well as what classes are the most taken or asked about.

- Training on TIPS Homework will need to be conducted in the beginning of the school

year so that teachers understand the need and want for this type of parental involvement.
As far as I am aware my school has never implemented a program like this, so lots of

support should also be budgeted for. (Henderson et al., 98)

- Training and Budget for Home Visits will also need to be added. This is something new

that we have never done, but given the amount of research done on these visits I believe it

is worthy of attempting. Research says that this creates a relaxing environment for

parents to discuss their childs needs and that often times the parents become more

involved with the school afterwards. (Henderson et al., 67-68)

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