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Decreasing Sugar Consumption for 9 Days for Healthier Kids

NBC News stated that kids who decreased processed-sugar consumption for nine days had
lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. A study supports that sugar is a factor to
heart disease and diabetes. This study definitively shows that sugar is metabolically harmful
not because of its calories or its effects on weight; rather sugar is metabolically harmful
because it's sugar, said Robert Lustig of the University of California San Francisco, the
leader of the study. The study was conducted by Lustig and Jean-Marc Schwarz of the
College of Osteopathic Medicine at Touro University California. They ran their experiment
on 43 obese Latino and black children who were 9 to 18 years old. These children had high
blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels or signs of having too much fat in their livers.
These all show people that they are at high risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes due to
unhealthy weight, poor eating habits or lack of physical exercises. During the study, the kids
were put on a diet. The researchers took out the added sugar from sodas, sweets and other
foods. The kids consumed the same number of calories as they usually ate in a day. Besides,
the team reduced sugar consumption in the diet from 28 percent of total calories to about 10
percent. They took the processed sugar only. Then they reported that the effects were
surprising. After nine days, they found that blood pressure went down by an average of five
points. Furthermore, the triglyceride fell by 33 points. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which
is known as bad cholesterol, fell by 10 points. Another result was that blood sugar and insulin
levels also fell. Then, the kids' weight decreased about two pounds after 10 days. The kids
also said that they did not really feel hungry. They were consuming the same number of
calories as before, but with less sugar. Some kids said that the researchers were given them so
many food. I have never seen results as striking or significant in our human studies; after
only nine days of fructose restriction, the results are dramatic and consistent from subject to
subject. Researchers have shown that eating too much sugar can lead to several health
problems. Too much sugar killed 184.000 people a year, based on a study publised in June.
The researchers agree that it was a short study with a very small number of group, only 43
people. Besides, there was no control group, a group of kids whose diets were not changed.
Those limitations were not a serious problem because the study have showed amazing results
in 9 days to have healthier kids by reducing processed-sugar consumption.

Verb Phrase

Decreasing Sugar Consumption for 9 Days for Healthier Kids

NBC News stated that kids who decreased processed-sugar consumption for nine days
had lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. A study supports that sugar is a factor
to heart disease and diabetes. This study definitively shows that sugar is metabolically
harmful not because of its calories or its effects on weight; rather sugar is metabolically
harmful because it's sugar, said Robert Lustig of the University of California San Francisco,
the leader of the study. The study was conducted by Lustig and Jean-Marc Schwarz of the
College of Osteopathic Medicine at Touro University California. They ran their experiment
on 43 obese Latino and black children who were 9 to 18 years old. These children had high
blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels or signs of having too much fat in their livers.
These all show people that they are at high risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes due to
unhealthy weight, poor eating habits or lack of physical exercises. During the study, the kids
were put on a diet. The researchers took out the added sugar from sodas, sweets and other
foods. The kids consumed the same number of calories as they usually ate in a day. Besides,
the team reduced sugar consumption in the diet from 28 percent of total calories to about 10
percent. They took the processed sugar only. Then they reported that the effects were
surprising. After nine days, they found that blood pressure went down by an average of five
points. Furthermore, the triglyceride fell by 33 points. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which
is known as bad cholesterol, fell by 10 points. Another result was that blood sugar and insulin
levels also fell. Then, the kids' weight decreased about two pounds after 10 days. The kids
also said that they did not really feel hungry. They were consuming the same number of
calories as before, but with less sugar. Some kids said that the researchers were given them so
many food. I have never seen results as striking or significant in our human studies; after
only nine days of fructose restriction, the results are dramatic and consistent from subject to
subject. Researchers have shown that eating too much sugar can lead to several health
problems. Too much sugar killed 184.000 people a year, based on a study publised in June.
The researchers agree that it was a short study with a very small number of group, only 43
people. Besides, there was no control group, a group of kids whose diets were not changed.
Those limitations were not a serious problem because the study have showed amazing results
in 9 days to have healthier kids by reducing processed-sugar consumption.

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