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July 1, 2014

5 Reasons Men Only Want Sex From Women

Nikolao Montaya

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A lot of women have been complaining about the end of courtship and chivalry and the general disinterest in commitment from men lately. Real men, the ambitious kind with high standards and great
thirst for success, the breed you want to attract and keep in your life, have stopped pursuing you. They have become lazy courters, showing little effort or interest in the process, except when sex is
readily available. For the good honest girls out there who genuinely dont understand these men, I believe your complaints are legitimate and I sympathize with you. But youve got to understand the
rules of the dating game have changed dramatically and men had to adjust their attitude for the following reasons.

Complementarity between men and women has been impaired

Quality men like to work hard. When they come home, theyre tired and they need to relax. They dont want to deal with house chores, over excited kids or cooking. They need someone to ease their
day. They want their beautiful girlfriend to welcome them with a warm smile and a good delicious meal ready to be shared. Additionally, they need something only women can give: the joyful
lightness and innocence of femininity, an inexplicable energy that soothes a mans heart and make him ready to outperform himself again the next day.

The problem arises when a man is coupled with the typical independent woman who is also career oriented. She comes home in the same mental state as him: tired and stressed. She is understandably
uninterested in doing house chores and dont have the energy to take care of the kids. She is drained, roughed and rugged from a day of confrontation and office politics. She is not light; in fact, shes
become more masculine. In this situation, both the man and the woman need the nurturing and caring that neither can offer now that they have the same problems and needs. They cant complement
each other anymore.

Men dont want to pay for something thats been free

Nowadays, girls typically enjoy a lot of casual sex up until they hit thirty years old. Nothing wrong with that. However, you need to be honest with yourself and realize that certain things in life are
mutually exclusive. You cant have it both ways: dont expect to be treated like a lady if youve never been one. Dont expect flowers, romance and commitment if you have a past of hooking up with
strangers at 3 am after having paraded your cooch Snooki style in front of the crowd all night. Youre not a wife; youre a naughty little girl. Men wont wine and dine you well have some
passionate lusty sex with you and leave before the sun rises, like the other studs before us.

The father is not the head of his own household anymore

Men like to lead. They like to be masters of all areas of their lives, from their work and hobbies to their relationships. Their home is no exception. However, being the boss has become quite a hassle
since disciplining your own children has been forbidden, as authority equates oppression in the eyes of many now. Society expects parents to treat their child as an equal, which prevents them from
leading them in a desired direction. If men invest all their time and money into their family and they cant be their leader, it becomes a rotten venture. A wise business man once said to not accept
important responsibilities if the necessary power and authority that should come with them dont.

The family laws are against men

You want the ultimate commitment: marriage. But men get destroyed and humiliated in courts. You good women out there might not know how bad it has become, but its a big factor in the equation
for us. Why would we sign a contract that gives the other party all the advantages in case something goes wrong? Unfair divorce laws are a problem that is barely addressed. The bottom line is
marriage is a suicidal deal for us wed rather just cruise along and see how it goes instead.

People are not compelled to grow up

Commitment and families are strongly correlated. Yet, society does not put enough demand on adults to form them anymore. More so, people are not required to accomplish anything at all: its
possible to experience a life of party and frugality until you die. If a man can spend his entire time having satisfying noncommittal sex, traveling around the world visiting awesome landscapes, eating
exquisite foreign cuisine, enjoying gorgeous sunsets on the beach, while being carefree with no responsibilities, then why the hell wouldnt he? This also applies to women who just opt out of the
family life despite their much stronger urge to have children.


In this world of short term pleasures and sexual relationships, nobody wants to catch feelings. Lazy courtship is just a way to maximize mens investment by playing a numbers game. We want the sex
without the strings, because nowadays, the strings stink. Men are busy enjoying the YOLO chicks who dont give a fuck about anything, and you serious women out there who want a serious
relationship are left with their desire unfulfilled.

This is not a hopeless situation however. While some of the influences mentioned above are out of your control, some are not. You can still make certain choices in your life to be more desirable and
catch your man, even if the odds are against you. Its not going to be easy, but if you understand the current situation and you persevere, you will find your happiness like all winners do.
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Nikolao Montaya

Conquers mysteries and shares the spoils with the people. Tweets here.
Follow Nikolao on Twitter
Cataloged in 20 Somethings, Commitment, Dating, Gender wars, Love & Sex, Marriage, Men, Sex, Women

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Charles Hurst 25 days ago

That's exactly right. Which is why I went MGTOW (men going their own way) years ago. I no longer am interested in relationships with women. Especially now as I have money--way
too much to risk for someone who has none.

As the MGTOW philosophy states: "disregard women, acquire currency." All the women out there angry about that comment? Blame yourselves and the modern western harpy known
as the Feminist.
Charles Hurst. Author of THE SECOND FALL
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tim 3 months ago

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Mr. Triggered 3 months ago

This is pretty sad. As a male, it's unfortunate that most women think that all men want is sex and power. Please note that this is not all of them and there are some who'd rather not
have sex until marriage even. And even then we'd be more into cuddling. It's wrong to state all men are like this
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Segue 4 months ago

Wow, you basically confirmed my suspicion that for most men, sex is about power, not love. In fact, i question whether most modern men even have souls anymore, or whether they
sold them to the Devil long ago for more power over the others around them. A tragedy, but nothing I can do anything about, except start pursuing other women instead. Modern men
just dont know what they're missing, but perhaps someday the impulse to evolve will again strike them and we will be off and running...
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ThothAmon > Segue 2 months ago

For me, sex is about sex. Extreme pleasure. Not about power, but fulfilling desire.
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conroy123 > Segue 4 months ago

You're generalizing all men based on this guys article, and bashing them at the same time? Lol, you are a pathetic soul
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Joshua > conroy123 2 months ago

Why are you generalizing all men? Not all men are like that, you can't judge the whole entire gender for few of them.
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Segue > conroy123 3 months ago

It appears that you are like many men, deriving a personal ego boost by putting women down and generally insulting them and trying to make them 'lesser' or 'more
insecure.' Yelling things out car windows like 'bitch' or 'whore' as you 'drive by,' or the internet version of it. Enjoy your life; I'm very glad to not be a part of it.
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conroy123 > Segue 3 months ago

You berate and called men devolved then when you get criticized you immediately assume the victim role. You deserve to get called a bitch
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conroy123 > Segue 3 months ago

I will most definitely enjoy my life as I am happy with myself, unlike you lol. I'm also glad you aren't part of my life as well. Who wants a whiny little bitch around
anyway hahah
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islander 4 months ago

islander 4 months ago
how in world can one have money to >

experience a life of party and frugality until you die. If a man can spend his entire time having satisfying noncommittal sex, traveling around the world visiting awesome landscapes,
eating exquisite foreign cuisine, enjoying gorgeous sunsets on the beach.
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mrswhugy 5 months ago

ill tell you why no one stays married anymore, where all the good men have gone, and why you men don't want to get married: ... you're not christian. or religious in general. If you're
agnostic or atheist or what have you, you don't see a value in marriage or commitment. it just doesn't hold the same value. that's why in the 50's so many people stayed married. its a
vow. till death due us part. its a mortal sin unless completely necessary to get divorced. and not just that, no one takes marriage seriously anymore. and just because people stayed
married back in the day doesn't mean their marriages were any good. i have heard many stories of bad marriages in my family, and in my friends family's, that have stayed together
although there marriage wasn't perfect. And also the whole idea of dating these days is completely corrupted. its nothing like it used to be. and also the statement "wined and dined" as
if that's what life and real relationships are about, heh. relationships are a soul connection where you truly get to know each other, not where someone just buys you things, shows you
a good time and puts on a facade. Also women, dont respect themselves anymore. so men dont respect them. you want to know the problem with women? other women. we dont teach
eachother the right things. Our idea of feminism is having fat women on magazines, are you fucking kidding me? no wonder men dont respect us. how about integrity, intelligence,
compassion, philosophy, spirituality, nurturing. why dont we push these things?
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JustAStraightWhiteAtheistMale > mrswhugy 4 months ago

Being an atheist or agnostic has nothing to do with not marrying. Not believing in a higher power doesn't mean that things like trust and intimacy don't matter anymore. Being
religious doesn't make you a descent person. The problem is that people don't ask questions, they don't ask am I being a good person? How might I be better? If you don't ask
questions you will remain ignorant and make the same mistakes over and over again. We shouldn't return to the past but learn from what we did right as well as wrong. As
Frederick the Great said "The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths and the next is to shake off old prejudices."
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islander > JustAStraightWhiteAtheistMale 4 months ago

my sister asks question but the men keep it on sex level as if its all about sex, not knowing the person
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ICouldHaveLied > mrswhugy 4 months ago

No one stays married anymore because women are parasites. Has nothing to do with men.
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > ICouldHaveLied 4 months ago

Women are a major risk with very little reward.

I was single for 3 years and loved it. Then I made the mistake of getting involved with a younger woman.

She ended up cheating on me and leaving me for another dude. Why? Well, cuz he was "soexciting" and interesting to her. And why was that? Well he could solve a
Rubik's cube in 30 seconds.

I kid you not. When she broke up with me she sent me some sappy letter about needing to "find herself" and figure out what "relationships mean to her". (I never
understood how women "find themselves" at the end of a cock, and that second bit about "what relationships mean to her" - that just beggars explanation. What does that
even MEAN?). Now, one could imagine had that same scenario played out in a marriage setting. Holy. Crap.

These days women experience no immediate consequences or penalties for bad behavior. They're unleashed in all their shallow fickleness to flit from guy to guy, leaving
a trail of shattered relationships and betrayal in their wake. And they're ENCOURAGED - everyone rushes to defend and rationalize these bad decisions.
a trail of shattered relationships and betrayal in their wake. And they're ENCOURAGED - everyone rushes to defend and rationalize these bad decisions.
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ICouldHaveLied > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 4 months ago

"When she broke up with me she sent me some sappy letter about needing to "find herself" and figure out what "relationships mean to her"."

Oh god no I hate when they do that shit. Women can't just let you hate them as they would hate any man who betrayed them in such a way and move on. They
have to try to manipulate your emotions after the fact.

"I never understood how women "find themselves" at the end of a cock"

This is just women's way of trying to take the moral high ground. They want to feel like they're different from men who cheat on their girlfriends/wives. They aren't
just looking for someone to fuck like men are, they're "finding themselves" or some similar bullshit. But really, they just want new dick, the same way guys want
new tail after enough time with the same chick. The difference is, most guys won't seek out sympathy from the person they betrayed. They won't try to justify it and
claim that it was anything more than just wanting casual sex.

"Now, one could imagine had that same scenario played out in a marriage setting. Holy. Crap."

Yep, that's truly one of my worst nightmares. The anger, the bitterness, the hate, and on top of that losing at least half of my things and if we had kids, god forbid, I
would only get to see them on weekends at best but I'd still be paying. I don't know how I could let that shit go, I would just end up going on a mass shooting
rampage. That's why I'm never going to get married so I'm never that vulnerable to be utterly destroyed by a woman.

see more

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erinbyilmaz > ICouldHaveLied 8 days ago

My brother went through a divorce and it was very hard to watch. It seemed so unfair, I don't understand why custody of children can't be 50/50, but supposedly
it's easier on the kids if they spend most of their time with one parent because it makes their life slightly more stable and maybe that is true, I really don't know. But
it is almost impossible in Kansas for the father to get the majority custody, preference is given to the mother even if the father might actually be the more
responsible parent (something that is hard to prove of course).

Anyway, all my brother could do is stay strong for the kids and make as much good use as he could with his time with them.
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James Guthrie 6 months ago

Western women will put any man in a option status that will allow her to.
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marcos_marcotron 6 months ago

"Dont expect flowers, romance and commitment if you have a past of
hooking up with strangers at 3 am "

So a guy that would have been romantic and committed, will be non-romantic and not committed just because she's had sex more than a couple of times previously? I seriously doubt fact I seriously doubt in most cases the guy would even be aware of most of who she's slept in the past anyway.
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Yeah > marcos_marcotron 6 months ago

Yeah > marcos_marcotron 6 months ago
Something changes inside a girl who sleeps around. She's not the same afterwards, and she has bagged all around her. Besides no serious men will settle down with a hoe,
unless he's stupid.
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ThothAmon > Yeah 2 months ago

Yeah, the vagina is what changes. No man wants a worn out one. That's why society used to tell females to keep their legs closed, but they didn't listen. Now they're just
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hellothere > Yeah 6 months ago

thats BS haha, you wouldn't say that about a man. There shouldn't be double standards for men and women. if a girl wants to sleep around and then decide she's ready
for something she has every right to want commitment. If you think otherwise you're an ignorant loser.
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > hellothere 4 months ago

"if a girl wants to sleep around and then decide she's ready for something she has every right to want commitment."

She has the right to WANT it. However, she doesn't have "the right" to HAVE it.
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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 4 months ago

nither do men
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 4 months ago

I never said they did? But okay.
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ICouldHaveLied > hellothere 4 months ago

And men have every right to not want and refuse to commit to a woman who has been pounded out by every loser player in a 10 mile radius. If you think
otherwise you're an ignorant loser.
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islander > ICouldHaveLied 4 months ago

and women have same right to not be with a dick that's been dipped into every gal on his street corner .
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ICouldHaveLied > islander 4 months ago

That's fair. And you won't find me whining about it the way women do. Fact is, it's so much easier for a woman to be a whore, so it's almost a certainty a woman
will have out-whored you by the time you're both ready to settle down if she went down that path, as many women do.
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islander > ICouldHaveLied 4 months ago


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ConsistentStandards > islander 4 months ago

To Dstar - you... contradict (best word I could immediately think of)... your own comment. A few posts above you defend a woman's right to not be with a man who
has slept around ("and women have same right to not be with a dick that's been dipped into every gal on his street corner"), and yet now you are asking why it
matters how many a woman has slept with. So it's perfectly fine for a woman to judge a man for relationship status based on how many gals he's dipped his wick
in, but it's wrong for a man to apply the same standard to a woman? Hypocritical much?
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islander > ConsistentStandards 4 months ago

glad to see ur reading my comments ! yes when it comes to the sexes things do get muddled hu .anyways that guy just wants women for sex, to cook, clean,
make babies for him is bottom line . its ok if she wants that too but,hell to look at all women that way is !@#$% ludicrous
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ICouldHaveLied > islander 4 months ago

Keep upvoting your own comments because nobody else will, because you have nothing profound or intelligent to say, loser.
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islander > ICouldHaveLied 3 months ago

how bout voting down ur comments instead lmffo
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ICouldHaveLied > islander 4 months ago

Why does it matter? Because you can't turn a whore into a wife and I'm not going to love and respect a woman as a man does a wife if she's allowed herself to be
used as nothing more than a semen receptacle by numerous men. Nothing wrong with whores, they serve their purpose for pump and dump, but stop thinking I or
any other man will respect you as nothing more than a cum dumpster.

It doesn't matter what standards I hold men to because I don't date them you fucking retard, lmfao. But I especially wouldn't want any females in my family to be
with a guy who has slept around because that means he uses women, and he's likely going to use my female family member the same way. So your point is as
dumb and weak as you are.

And of course you never fail with the typical dumb cunt response. Get over yourself you pathetic drama queen, I know you want me to hate you so you can feel
sorry for yourself, but as I told you whores serve their purpose and are great. They just aren't marriage or committed relationship material and you delusional idiots
need to accept this fact.
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islander > ICouldHaveLied 3 months ago

bottom line is u hate women unless they are at your beck and call
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 4 months ago

Generally speaking women are attracted to men that are attractive to other women. So a man having had a lot of partners probably isn't a big factor here.
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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 3 months ago

women are attracted to men who are attractive to other women hmmmmm intriguing alternative thought process you got there
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 3 months ago

Projecting now?
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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 3 months ago

yep ur alternate thought processes doesn't work on me dude!! sorry !lmffo ...

ur using ur own words against me !!!lmffo and u don't oven know it lmffo
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 3 months ago

Let me guess: English is not your first language?
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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 3 months ago

LETS guess, u barley past high school and didn't go to college. DUH!! and u live near, if not in the region with lowest SAT scores.
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Junebug > islander 8 days ago

Barely passed

Or maybe you were being funny ;)

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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 3 months ago

let me guess ur from the dummy down region with lowest SAT scores hu!

keep up that fake alternate thinking, see what it gets you. so far,I don't see anything worth while on ur part!
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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 3 months ago

You're hilarious. :)
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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 3 months ago


happy to see that u had a good laugh !

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Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 3 months ago

Merry Christmas Mr Cricket > islander 3 months ago
So where did you learn English? You should get your money back. :P
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islander > Merry Christmas Mr Cricket 4 months ago

interesting gig u got there, who u trying to convince ur self ? cause u damn shure haven't convinced me.
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ICouldHaveLied > islander 4 months ago

Nobody cares whether you're convinced or not you irrelevant half wit. Get over yourself.
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islander > ICouldHaveLied 3 months ago

I didn't ask if any one cared lmffo
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