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Date:10th September 2016

Rakesh Sharma

Bachidharma Halduchaur


Dear Hemant,

With reference to your application and the subsequent interview, we have pleasure in
offering you an appointment as "Sales Manager" in Saraswati Traders a group company of
Kajaria Ceramics. The terms and conditions of your appointment are as follows:


1.1 your date of joining is July 1,2006. The terms and conditions of appointment shall be
effective from your date of joining. 1.2 yourAnnual Costto Company is Rs 121,344t-. Fordetails
referto AnnexurenA'.


2.1 you will be paid remuneration as per the details provided in Annexure rA' annexed

2.2 you shall be solely responsible for paying any taxes, direct or indirect, state or local,
whether payablei n India or elsewhere, which may result from your

remuneration. The Company shall be entitled to deduct from your remuneration, income
tax, other taxes and levies which it is liable to deduct at source.


3.1 you shall initially be on probation for a period of six months from the date of joining the
Company. The same may however, be extended if so deemed necessary by the management
of the ComPanY'

3.2 On completion of probation period, either initial or extended, as the case may be, the
A..r Management may in its sole discretion confirm your employment with the llll) ^ t|4r,t


BhartlGomtel Limited itl ilil || llillliilllrtiilllliilll llllillffil


bhgrti Company, by issuing a letter to the said effect. You will be deemed to be on
probationt ill you receive the letter of confirmation from the Management'


During the probation period, your services may be terminated by the Management without
notice and without assigning any reason therefore' After your confirmation, the
Management may terminate your employment' by giving two month's written notice or
basic salary in lieu thereof without assigning any reasons. Similarly, you can leave the
services of the Company witht wo month's notice in writing or basic salary in lieu thereof
after your confirmation'

your employment shall stand terminated forthwith on the happening of the


i. lf you are held guilty of any offence involving moral turpitude; or ii. lf you do not join
within the stipulated date, unless extended in writing'

Upon termination of your employment, you (or your legal heirs as the case may be) shall
immediately return to the Company, any and all documents' manuals' documented
confidential information (without making any copies thereof and/ or extracts there from),
kits and other propertyb elonging to the company that may be entrusted to and/ or placedin
your possessiobny virtue of and/ or during the course of your employment with the
company. You (or your legal heirs as the case may be) shall also deliver to the company
immediately all notes, analyses,

summaries and working papers relating thereto'


Your initial placeo f postings hall be at any location within NCR'

However, at the sole discretion of the Management, you will be liable to be transferred
/deputed from one place to another any where in India or abroad and/or from one
department to another or from one establishment to another and/or to any other concern
including to any of company's affiliates, associates,






group companies and/ore ntities in which the Company may be having any Intereswt hether
existingo r which may be set up in future.

5.3 You will also work, if requiredf,o r the Company's affiliates/associates/group

companiesT.h e salarya nd emolumentms entioned herein cover your servicefo r BHARTI
COMTELL IMITED, as well as for anyo f its affiliates/associates / group companies.



During your employmenwt ith us, you shall not be engaged, concerned or interested
directlyo r indirectliyn anyo ther occupationb,u siness or employment whatsoever (either
for remuneratioonr on a honorary basis), and shall devote your whole time,a ttention and
abilitiese xclusively to the performance of your duties and shallf aithfully servet he Company
and use your best endeavotro promote the interest andb usiness thereof.

You shallb e governed by the service rules and regulations of the Company, as amendedb y
the Managemenftr,o m timet o timeI ncluding the Codeo f Conduct, the termso f whicha re
herebyin corporated by referenceY. ou shalla bide by and carry out operationailn
structlons/procedures as containedin the Company's guidelines and other administrativien
structions as may be issued by the Managemefnrto m timet o tlme.

Thew ork producgt enerated by you while performing the services duringt he term of your
employmentin, cluding all electronic data, papers, worksheetslo, gs, recordsr,e ports,
documentstr,a ining material ando ther materials developed or prepared by you, shall be the
sole and exclusive property of the Company. Withoutl imiting the generality of the
foregoing, the Company will own all intellectual property rightsi n any work, invention,
discoveryi,m provement or designw, hich you makeo r conceive:

While employed by the Company and in connectionw ith the businesso f

the Companyo r a related body corporate; or

By using the resources, facilities, or confidential Information of the

Companyo r its affiliates/associates/group companies.

Bharti Comtel Limited (A 100%s ubsidiary of BhartAi irtel Limited)




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For the purposes of this clause,in tellectual property rightsi nclude, but are not limitedt o,
rightsi n relationt o or arisingf rom patents, designr egistrations, trademarkas nd copyright.
You undertaketo executen ecessary documentas nd do all sucha cts, at the requesot f the
Companyth at may be required to give effect to this provision. Yous hall return to the
Companys uch materials upont he terminatioonf your employment or at the request of the
Companya t any time duringth e term of your employment.

Youw ill be responsiblfeo r the safec ustody of all documentsm, anuals and kits and other
property belonging to the Company that may be entrustedto and/o r placed in your
possession by virtueo f and/ or duringt he courseo f your employment witht he Company.

You shall keept he Managemenint formed of your latest postal addressa t all times and
intimatein writing in caseo f change of address.A ny communication sent to you by the
managemenotn your lastk nown address (as intimatedb y you) shallb e deemedto have
been dulys erved notwithstanding the factt hat you havec hanged your address.




7.1 You shall not, except as authorized or required by your obligationsi n terms hereof,
reveal to any person or entity any of the trade secrets, secret or

confidential information, informationc ontained in any manuals or dealingso r any

informationc oncerning the organization,b usiness, finances, transactions or

affairs of the Company and/or its affiliates/associates/groupc ompanies

('confidential information')w, hich may come to your knowledge and/ or be

impartedt o you by the Company during his employmenth ereunder. You shall

hold in strictc onfidence, all such confidential information.T his restriction shall

survive termination of your employment with the Company without limit in point of

time but shall cease to applyt o informationo r knowledge which may come into the public
domain withouta ny of faulto n your part. You shall not duringt he term of your
employmenot r at any time thereafter, use

or permit to be used, any information,n otes or memorandar elating to the

business and/ or transactions of the Company and/or its

Bharti Comtel Limited liillf fiilt iltliillill]iliilltl 1 illttirlli lfiffi|


bhgrti affiliates/associates/group companies which may come to your knowledge and/ or

possession by virtue of his employment with the Company for any purpose other than for
the benefit of the Company'

7.3 you acknowledge that the violation of any of the provisionso f clause 7 hereof will cause
irreparable loss and harm to the Company which cannot be reasonably or adequately
compensated by damages in an action at law, and accordingly, the Company will be entiiled,
to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent or cure any breach or threatened breach
thereof, but no action for any such relief shall be deemed to waive the right of the company
to an action for damages.


you will be entifled to leave, holidays and other service benefits as per the rules of the
Company as amended from time to time. After confirmation, you will be entiled to leave,
holidays and other service benefits as per the rules of the

management as framed from time to time and applicable to your cadre in the

office/establishmenUdepartment in which you are for the time being posted.

RETIREMENT: *l Hill [::|{[ nffi H";}} :::: Yr: ilffi :;:


10.1 lt is understood thatthis employment is being offered to you on the basis of the
particulars submitted by you with the company at the time of recruitment process.
However, if at any time it shourd emerge that the particulars furnished by you are
false/incorrect or if any material or relevant information has been

suppressed or conceared this appointment wiil be considered ineffective and irregurar and
wourd be riabre to be terminated by the management forthwith without notice. This will be
without prejudiceto the right of the management to take disciplinary action against you for
the same'

ffillillrtill tililtl


10.2 Your appointment and its continuation is subject to your being medically fit and the
Management reserves its right to ask you to undergo medicale xamination,

as and when deemed necessary.


This appointment letters hall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of
India. lt is agreed that any dispute of whatsoever natureb etween you and management will
be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of courts of [Delhi] whether they be civil courts, labour
courts, industrial tribunals or any other courts or

authority of whatsoever nature. In case this offer of employment is acceptable to you,

please sign the duplicate copy of this lettera nd return to us as a token of your acceptance of
the terms and conditions of employment offered to you. You are also requested to indicate
the date on which you are willing to join the Company.

12. Please note that your appointment letter is subject to your submission of all below
mention documents and satisfactory verification by us.

o 10 Passport size color photographs . Proof of age certificate along with a Photocopy. r
Proofo f Academicffechnical qualifications along with their photocopies.

Yours faithfully, For Bharti Comtel Ltd. .

I have gone through the aforesaid terms and conditions / and have fully understood the
same. I hereby accept the the terms and conditions stated herein above.



Bharti Comtel Limited ffllf lfl lffil-T of Bha*i Ai*et Lim'led)

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