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(All figures are given in pounds sterling unless otherwise stated.)


Bank Balance from Santa Rosa Fund, 31.12.14 10854.49

Petty Cash from 2014 24.45
Total balance from 2014 10878.94

Donations from supporters 7581.00

Fund Raising Events 923.95

Quiz Night 405.95
Mike Silver and Rob Barratt 518.00
Sales of cards from Nicaragua 5.00
Gift Aid 1173.18
Bank Interest 4.50

Total 20566.57


Total donations to projects in Nicaragua in 2014 9311.83

Represented by donations sent as dollars $13900.00
Please note this indented section only is represented in $ (US dollars)
equivalent to 9311.83 shown above. These monies are transferred to
Nicaragua as dollars.
Santa Rosa School
Purchases of School Supplies $1500
School Fund $750
Computer expenses and running cost
(including monthly fees to staff) $1060
Fees for disbursement of Funds in Nicaragua $90
For Berriz Sisters' Projects $8000
Los Positos $1000
Quincho Barrilete Association $1500
Total $13900
Affiliation fees to the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign 50.00
Fundraising costs (hall hire and publicity) 177.84
Printing of two newsletters 280.00
Postage for newsletters and event publicity to members 86.40
Stationery 13.19
Bank Charges (money transfers to Nicaragua) 92.46

Total 10011.72

Balance December 31st 2015 represented by: Current Account 10530.40

Petty cash 24.45

Balance on December 31st 2015 (20566.57 10,011.72) 10,554.85

Pat Mayston, Santa Rosa Fund Treasurer

Rick Blower, Auditor

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