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(DENG 1)

B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.B.A./B.H.M. DEGREE
(Examination at the end of First
Part - I: English Paper
30 Answer ALL
Q1) A) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
You look like a wrestler yourself, I said. Theres nothing like flattery to break
the ice! So do you, he replied, which put me off for a moment because at that
time I was rather thin and bony. Well, I said modestly, I do wrestle a bit.
Whats your name? Hari Singh, I lied. I took a new name every month, which
kept me ahead of the police and former employees.
i) Why did the narrator call the man a wrestler?
The narrator called the man a wrestler because he was interested in wrestling.

ii) Why did his reply put off the narrator?

The reply put off the narrator because he was called wrestler even though he
was thin and bony.

iii) Why did he lie about his name?

He lied about his name because every time to escape from police.
iv) From which lesson is this passage taken?
The Thiefs story

v) Who is the author?

Ruskin Bond

B) Read the following passage and answer by choosing the right answer :
The air was filled with the cries of survivors searching for loved ones. A father
frantically called for his missing children. Over and over, the man called out their
names but received no answer. People appeared from every direction, many
covered in blood. Others lay where the tsunami had left them, too injured to do
more than moan. Some survivors set up a makeshift hospital. Using scraps of
clothing, sheets and whatever else they could find, they bandaged those who could
i) What did the survivors do?
a) They were sleeping
b) Searched for loved ones
c) Found missing children
d) None of the above

ii) Who set up the makeshift hospital?

a) Survivors
b) Children
c) Women
d) None of the above
iii) Name the calamity mentioned in the passage.
a) Frantic
b) Blood
c) Tsunami
d) None of the above
iv) What were the bandages made of?
a) Scraps of clothing
b) Makeshift
c) Hospital
d) None of the above
v) Which word in the passage means Painful murmur?
a) Cries
b) Moan
c) Frantically
d) Injured

Q2) A) Correct the following sentences.

i) They lived at Pune. (in)
ii) The crocodiles are reptiles. (remove the)
iii) Where is the scissors? (the pair of scissors)
iv) The bowl of nuts are on the table. (is)
v) Why you have come so early? (have you)
B) Rewrite the sentences as directed :
i) She made a salad. (Change the voice)
She said I made a salad.

ii) He did not write his exam. (Add a question tag)

He did not write his exam, did he?

iii) The boy said, I am not well. (Change into indirect speech)
The boy said that he is not well

iv) He is the tallest boy in the class. (Change into positive degree)
He is taller than all other boys in the class.

v) It was not dark even at seven in the evening. (Change into a complex sentence)

Ii was seven in the evening, but it was not dark.

C) Change into direct speech.

i) Rohan told me to buy some fruits.
Rohan said Buy some fruits.

ii) The man asked me where I was going.

The man asked, where are you going?

D) Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verbs given in the brackets.
i. Many students _______ (do) engineering. (doing)
ii. The painting ______ (be) very good (is)
iii. She ______ (give) me a book. (gave)
iv. When I was ______ (eat), she came. (eating)
v. He _______ (watch) T.V. every evening. (Watches)
E) Fill in the blanks with suitable words given at the end of the list.
i) Rohit ______ beside the lake.(camped)
ii) The earth _____ on its axis (rotates)
iii) Rekha _____ hockey to football. (prefers)
iv) The volume _____ twenty papers. (comprises)
v) He _____ to wait at the airport. (chose)

(rotates, prefers, chose, camped, comprises)

F) Rewrite the following set of jumbled sentences to make a coherent passage :
i) She lived in salem.
ii) She went with her aunt to Delhi.
iii) Payal was a sixteen year old girl.
iv) Her aunt took Rs. 50/- as her commission.
v) Her aunt gave her a job as a domestic servant.
Ans: iii,i,ii,v,iv

G) Write a dialogue between two friends discussing hobbies.

Anil : Hello Jamal. good morning. what are you doing in this early morning?
Jamal : very good morning. I am working in my garhden.

Anil : Oh! what a beautiful garden it is! who helps you in your work?
Jamal : I myself have done this. It is my hobby.

Anil : I think it is not only a flower garden.

Jamal : You are right. There are two parts in my garden. In one part i have planted flowers and
in another
part i have cultivated vegetables. Anil : How long have you been doing this.
Jamal : For the last tree years.

Anil : How do you feel?

Jamal : this is a great source of joy and pleasure to me. It also keep my body strong and fit.
May i ask you to tell me about your hobby?

Anil : My hobby is fishing.

Jamal : It is really a very interesting thing.

Anil : Of course. I get much pleasure from it. it makes us patient.

Jamal : Oh! It is time to go to school. See you again.
Anil : All right see you again.

H) Write a paragraph using the following hints :

TV powerful medium used for entertainment education programmes
depends upon the way used should be aware of its bad effects.

TV is a Powerful medium used for entertainment and educational programmes. Depending

upon the way it is used, one should be aware of its bad effects
I) Write in about 100 words on the following.
i) Importance of English

English plays an important role in our everyday life. There is great utility of English in modern
world. So, the use of English should be continued along with Hindi and other regional languages.
In this land of innumerable regional languages in different States, English serves as a link-
language in the country. English remains a major medium of instruction in schools. There are
large number of books that are written in English language. If English is abolished today, it will
affect the education system in India. So, unless and until we translate these books into various
regional languages, it will affect education. But this work is very hard and time-consuming
indeed. Their command over English is poor, then they may face difficulty in adjusting with the
alien environment.

ii) Pollution

Pollution occurs in different forms; air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, heat/ thermal and light.
Every form of pollution has two sources of occurrence; the point and the non-point sources. The
point sources are easy to identify, monitor and control, whereas the non-point sources are hard to
control. Air Pollution is the most prominent and dangerous form of pollution. It occurs due to
many reasons. Excessive burning of fuel which is a necessity of our daily lives for cooking,
driving and other industrial activities; releases a huge amount of chemical substances in the air
every day; these pollute the air. Water Pollution has taken toll of all the surviving species of the
earth. The industrial wastes dumped into the rivers and other water bodies cause an imbalance in
the water leading to its severe contamination and death of aquatic species. Soil pollution occurs
due to incorporation of unwanted chemicals in the soil due to human activities. Use of
insecticides and pesticides absorbs the nitrogen compounds from the soil making it unfit for
plants to derive nutrition from. Noise pollution is caused when noise which is an unpleasant
sound affects our ears and leads to psychological problems like stress, hypertension, hearing
impairment, etc. It is caused by machines in industries, loud music, etc.
Radioactive pollution is highly dangerous when it occurs. It can occur due to nuclear plant
malfunctions, improper nuclear waste disposal, accidents, etc. It causes cancer, infertility,
blindness, and defects at the time of birth; can sterilize soil and affect air and water.

iii) Corruption

Corruption is the use of unethical methods to get some advantage by others. It has become one of
the big factors of obstructing the development of the individual and country. You can use this
Corruption essay for your kids and school going children for essay writing purpose at home or
schools. Following Essay on Corruption are written using very simple and easy to understand
English language. Corruption is a poison which has been spread in the mind of wrong people of
the society, community and country. It is the mistreatment of public resources just for getting
some unfair advantage to fulfill little wish. It is concerned with the unnecessary and wrong use
of both power and position by anyone whether in the government or non-government
organization. It has affected the growth of the individual as we well as the nation and reduces
income. It is a big reason of inequalities in the society and community. It affects the growth and
development of the nation in all aspects like socially, economically and politically
Q3) Write the following:

a) Sketch the character of Dasa.

Dasa was an old servant of the household. Dasa was too lazy. His prudence at demanding openly
for a grass cutter when accused of not working properly highlights his taking advantage of the
familys financial situation. Dasa probably knows that the family cant afford a better servant
and thus throws his weight around. His laziness is further highlighted when he sulks about and
reluctantly tries to find the snake.
The lazy Dasa does not, ironically, go to rest in the verandah with the others. He is nowhere to
be seen. Suddenly he appears with a pot covered with stone claiming that he had caught the
cobra in it. The group is astounded at this. The group including the mother is too pleased with
Dasa and applauds him for his bravery. Dasa who was earlier ridiculed for being lazy and useless
had suddenly become the hero.

Dasas catching the snake In everyones absence makes the reader suspect his sincerity. If the pot
really contained the snake is not known. To call Dasa a snake can be apt since he was sly enough
to exploit the situation and cheat the group with a false claim of having caught the snake.

b) What did Nehru write to his daughter from prison?

Jawaharlal Nehru began writing letters to his young daughter, Indira, who was in Mussoorie at
that time. In the first letter, 'Book of Nature, he talks about how life began in the universe. In the
following letters, he speaks to his daughter on a wide range of topics, including languages, trade,
history, geography, science, epics and evolution.
When Indira was about to turn 13 in 1930, Nehru started sending her more detailed letters. These
letters contained his understanding of the world which he wanted to further impart to his
daughter. Even while he was in prison, he wanted to make sure that his child is not devoid of her
father's teachings. Over the next 4 years, Nehru continuously wrote to his daughter from prison
and his words are still inspiring.
c) Summarize Churchills speech in your own words.

Churchill, who had been defeated for re-election as prime minister in 1945, was invited to
Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri where he gave this speech. President Harry S.
Truman joined Churchill on the platform and listened intently to his speech. Churchill began
by praising the United States, which he declared stood at the pinnacle of world power. It
soon became clear that a primary purpose of his talk was to argue for an even closer special
relationship between the United States and Great Britainthe great powers of the English-
speaking worldin organizing and policing the postwar world. In particular, he warned
against the expansionistic policies of the Soviet Union. In addition to the iron curtain that
had descended across Eastern Europe, Churchill spoke of communist fifth columns that
were operating throughout western and southern Europe. Drawing parallels with the
disastrous appeasement of Hitler prior to World War II, Churchill advised that in dealing
with the Soviets there was nothing which they admire so much as strength, and there is
nothing for which they have less respect than for military weakness.
(DENG 1)
B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.B.A./B.H.M. DEGREE
(Examination at the end of First Year)
Part - I: English Paper I
Answer ALL Questions

Q1) Write short notes on the following.

a) Summarize the poem, The Express.

Stephen Spenders The Express glorifies the express train. The train here is a symbol of the
modern industrial civilization. The glorious running of the train to its destination is vividly
pictured by the poet. The whistle that announces the departure of the train is described as a
manifesto. The movement of the train is like the majestic movements of a queen. The express
speeding through the open country is then compared to an elegant ship on ocean. The train
begins to sing when it reaches the open country. It is quite low at the beginning and then
becomes louder. Finally it acquires the madness of jazz music. She is also compared to a comet
blazing through the sky.

The glorification of the train reaches its summit when the poet says that no natural sound, not
even the song of a bird can equal the music of the train. Thus the poem offers a sharp contrast to
the traditional nature poems. Romantic poets often leave the city and find solace in the lap of
nature. But Spenders poem makes the express train a true romantic subject. He is trying to say
that the beauty of the world of machines excels the beauty of nature. The rhythmic movement of
the poem indicates the majestic journey of the train.

b) What are the qualities of science according to Poe?

Poes first important treatment of the poets relation to the world is found in his SonnetTo
Science, published when he was twenty. It is an important question for Poe because, according to
his theory, the poet will find much in the world that is a barrier to the attainment of ideal beauty.
This poem begins by seeming to hail science, but its purpose is actually the reverse, as quickly
becomes apparent. Like time itself, the speaker says, science alters everything without regard for
human feeling. It peers into every corner of human lives, preying especially on the poets heart. In a
series of effective rhetorical questions, the speaker demands to know how the poet can love science
when it deprives the imagination of inspiration, destroys the power of myth, and prevents him from
soaring into worlds of ideal beauty. For Poe, science was synonymous with logic and truthall
representing an approach to reality by means of consecutive reasoning, attention to material objects,
and mathematical calculation.

c) Bring out the message of the poem, Laugh and be Merry.

In the poem 'Laugh and be merry' by John Masefield, the poet examines the theme of living life
to the full. He urges us to be cheerful and to enjoy our beautiful environment and is also sure to
remind us that it is the lovely world that God has provided for us. He suggests that we make the
most of the time we have here to enjoy it, and evokes a merry image of us all enjoying our
environment in the company of good friends. There is also a note of caution as towards the end
of the poem he reminds us that life is short, and that we won't always be around to enjoy it.

He expresses the view that God made us and the world only because he enjoys a little fun too,
and also uses the image of red wine to add to the scene of merriment. The port suggests that we
should have a positive attitude in life and enjoy happiness on the earth to the fullest as life is very
short. All humans are welcome in the inn of the world as guests and they should enjoy
everything. The poet also uses 'thread' as a metaphor to show that life is being drawn out with
each passing day.
d) Write an appreciation of Wordsworths Poem, The Tables Turned.

"The Tables Turned" consists of eight four-line stanzas in interlocking rhymes (abab). It is in
ballad form, written in iambs with four beats in the first and third lines of each stanza, and three
beats in the second and fourth lines.

It certainly seems strange to find a poet telling his friend (and through his friend his readers) to
stop reading, and yet much of what Wordsworth is saying in "The Tables Turned" fits perfectly
with the Romantic Movement, which emphasizes the importance of being a part of nature. For
Wordsworth there is much more to be learned by watching, listening to, and simply taking in
one's surroundings than by studying books. At the same time, there is a strong element of irony
at play here. First of all, Wordsworth is making these statements in a poem, which will become
(as he knew it would) a part of a book meant to be read. Even though he believes that nature is a
great teacher, he is not ready to throw away books altogether.

It is important to note the poem's title: "The Tables Turned." The title leads us to believe that
Wordsworth is reacting to the status quo, or to the way that people usually think, which in this
case is that books are the best way to learn. In order to make the strongest statement possible,
Wordsworth goes to the opposite extreme, even though his true feelings probably lie somewhere
in the middle.

e) Why is it difficult to kill a tree?

It is harder to kill a tree than it is to kill a man. According to the poet, the reason it is so hard to
kill a tree is that its entire being is fundamentally connected to the earth. The trees growth and
development has come from the nourishment it has derived from the soil that covers the crust of
the earth. For years, it has drawn its vitality from the light of the sun, from the air of the earths
atmosphere, and the water that can be found beneath its surface. And finally, the tree has risen
above the level of the soil, with its green leaves leading the way above. Green is a colour that we
connect with life, and brown is a colour that we connect with dirtiness and disease (for example,
in the case of muddied water). Patel uses the connotation of these very colours to set up a
contrast between the green leaves of the tree, and the brown earth that it rises out of. The
message is that a beautiful and vital being can survive even the harshest environment.

Q2) Write the following.

a) Describe the pathetic condition of the refugees.

Audens Refugee Blues laments the plight of the Jews who were forced to flee Europe when
the Holocaust started and they were rounded up and killed or imprisoned under the cruel regime
of Hitler. The poem starts with a narrator, who is later revealed to be a German Jew, describing a
large city which is home to ten million people some of whom are well off and live in luxurious
large houses while others make do in slums and shabby houses. Yet, the narrator tells the person
with him, presumably a woman, that there is no place for them there. He remembers that they
once had a country long ago, speaking of Palestine, and they thought the world of it. But now
their own country is so distant to them that to see it they have to browse through an atlas and he
knows that they cant go there either.

Conveying the utter lost and pathetic state of the German Jewish refugees who had been forced
to leave their homes and find sanctuary in other countries. For a few years these people had been
welcomed into other countries and given meager yet sustainable jobs and accommodations. But
then as war threatened to break out and Hitlers word became law in Germany, these people were
no longer allowed entry into other countries, and were persecuted in their own. They were called
sub-humans, a term which Auden explores by making the narrator realize that the animals he
sees are treated better than them because they arent German Jews. The sense of being hunted, of
being sought out, persecuted is apparent throughout the poem, as one by one all the doors to a
better future are shut on the narrators face and it reaches its climax in the last stanza when the
narrator witnesses the thousands of people who are raging war against his people, imprisoning
them and killing them. The inhumanity with which Jews were treated during those times and the
Holocaust and its terrible tales which few lived to tell are already well known today, but this
poem highlights what these people must have felt, when they had no place to call home, nowhere
to go and no one to turn to.
b) Summarize Tolstoys story, God sees the truth but waits.

Once there lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitri Aksenov with his family in the land of
Vladimir, who in his younger days lived life to the fullest by experiencing all the material things
world has to offer. Until he got married.
One summer, he planned to go to Nizhny fair but his wife warned him that she had a bad dream
of her husband-- she dreamt about Ivan that he returned from the town with hair of grey. Ivan
laughed as if he doesn't care and went on the fair.
He travelled half way and met a merchant, whom he spent the night drinking tea with and shared
an adjoining room in the inn. Since Aksenov is not used of sleeping for long hours he decided to
wake up and continued his journey.
Along the way of his journey, two soldiers in a troika stopped him, and began asking questions,
for the merchant he met halfway on his travel was found dead. Since all evidences of the crime
are pointing Aksenov guilty he was imprisoned.
Learning the sad fate of Aksenov, his wife remembered her dream about Aksenov and was
worried and even considered the thought of her husband being guilty. The thought made
Aksenov even sadder.26 years in prison made Aksenov a well-grounded and God-fearing man.
In spite the fact that his family has completely forgotten him, he still serves as a Grandpa to
the other prisoners. Then came a new prisoner named Makar Semyonich.
After months of knowing each other, Aksenov discovered that Makar is the one who killed the
merchant whom he was told he murdered. He was furious with what he found out but didn't
speak or uttered a word about it.
Until one night, Aksenov heard some earth rolling under where the prisoners were sleeping. He
went out and saw Makar. Makar told him not to tell a word about what he had witnessed or else
he will kill him.When they were led out to work, a soldier noticed a prisoner took of some earth
off his boots. The soldier searched for escaping plans and found the tunnel. Then, they asked
each of them who knew about this but they denied for they knew they will be killed before the
one who did it as Makar warned them. Finally, the governor asked Ivan for he knew he was a
just man. But then Ivan said it wasn't his right or his will but God's to tell such name.
Night fell and Makar went to Ivan. He thanked him and felt sorry for what he had done to him a
long time ago that made Ivan suffer for all this years. He sobbed as well as Ivan and said that the
Lord will forgive you. Makar said that he will confess to the governor so that Ivan would be sent
free--back to his home.
Ivan did not want to go out of prison for he has no family neither home to back to; rather, he
waited for his last hour to come.
In spite of what they've talked about, Makar Semyonich confessed his guilt. But when the order
for Ivan Dmitri Aksenov's release came, he was already dead.

c) Sketch the character of Sudarshan Sharma in The Gold Watch.

Srijut Sudarshan Sharma was a dispatch clerk in the distribution department of the great
Marmalade Empire of Henry King and Co. He was not even a matriculate but was employed in
the company twenty years ago as a special favour. Known in the company as a loyal and sincere
employee, Sharma was fifty and was scheduled to retire at fifty-five. After retirement, Sharma
has planned to settle in his native town of Jullandar where his father still ran a confectionary
shop. He had a wife and a son who was yet to matriculate.

Q3) a) Explain the following.

i) Shes coming over here to study.

ii) I could live like an oil-rich Arab for a week or two.

The Phrase is taken from the lesson The thiefs story by Ruskin Bond where the
thief got 600 rupees which was huge money for him which was sufficient enough
for him to survive for a week or two.

iii) The only person I knew really well was the man I had robbed.

The Phrase is taken from the lesson The thiefs story by Ruskin Bond where the
thief Hari singh was new to the town and the only person that he really knew
well in town was Arun whom he had robbed.
b) Explain the following.
i) God made heaven and earth for joy.
The stanza is taken from the poem Laugh and Merry. By John Masefield .In this stanza of the
poem The poet expresses his opinion about the creation of Earth! According to him, God made
Heaven and Earth for joy and took in a rhyme! Mark, there is no mention of Hell! The poem is
actually an attempt to look into the brighter side of creation without depicting instances of the

ii) Up ! Up ! My Friend,
Why all this toil and trouble.

The stanza is taken from the poem, The Tables turned by William wordsworth.Here, the poet
is telling his friend to leave all his books, and get up to come along with him. He says that if he
doesnt quit so much reading, then he would grow bigger in his mind than he actually is. The
friend is baffled at his behavior, and looks at him. The poet asks him to get up again, and asks
why he is looking at him so troubled and confused.

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