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Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328

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The impact of aging wine in high and low oxygen conditions on the
fractionation of Cu and Fe in Chardonnay wine
Nikolaos Kontoudakis a,b, Anque Guo a,c, Geoffrey R. Scollary a,d, Andrew C. Clark a,b,
National Wine and Grape Industry Centre, Mambarra Drive, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia
School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia
College of Enology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Vic. 3010, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solid-phase extraction has previously been used to fractionate copper and iron into hydrophobic, cationic
Received 23 November 2016 and residual forms. This study showed the change in fractionated copper and iron in Chardonnay wines
Received in revised form 3 February 2017 with 1-year of bottle aging under variable oxygen and protein concentrations. Wines containing protein
Accepted 14 February 2017
in low oxygen conditions induced a decrease (2050%) in total copper and increased the proportion of the
Available online 15 February 2017
hydrophobic copper fraction, associated with copper(I) sulfide. In contrast, protein stabilised wines
showed a lower proportion of the hydrophobic copper fraction after 1-year of aging. In oxidative storage
conditions, the total iron decreased by 60% when at high concentration, and the concentration of the
residual fraction of both copper and iron increased. The results show that oxidative storage increases
Iron the most oxidative catalytic form of the metal, whilst changes during reductive storage depend on the
Fractionation extent of protein stabilisation of the wine.
Bentonite 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction bound to organic acids in model wine systems but can still interact
with phenolic and thiol compounds resulting in redox reactions
Metal ions are known to impact the colloidal, oxidative and (Clark, Kontoudakis, Barril, Schmidtke, & Scollary, 2016; Clark &
reductive stability of wine, and recent research has centered on Scollary, 2006; Clark et al., 2015; Danilewicz, 2014). In addition,
the role of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in the latter two processes hydrogen sulfide can bind Cu in wine conditions to such an extent
(Clark, Dias, Smith, Ghiggino, & Scollary, 2011; Clark, Prenzler, & that it can form an insoluble dispersed Cu(I) complex that does not
Scollary, 2003; Clark, Wilkes, & Scollary, 2015; Danilewicz, 2007; tend to aggregate and settle in wine conditions (Clark, Grant-
Danilewicz, 2014; Li, Guo, & Wang, 2008; Lukton & Josyln, 1956; Preece, Cleghorn, & Scollary, 2015; Kreitman, Danilewicz, Jeffrey,
Ribreau-Gayon, Glories, Maujean, & Dubourdieu, 2006; Viviers, & Elias, 2016). This form of Cu(I) sulfide has been shown to be suf-
Smith, Wilkes, & Smith, 2013). Mn has also been the subject of a ficiently bound to the extent that the Cu is not able to be detected
recent study on its ability to influence wine oxidation in the pres- on analysis of the wine by the electrochemical technique of strip-
ence of high Fe and Cu concentrations (Danilewicz, 2016a). How- ping potentiometry (Clark et al., 2016). However, the formation of
ever, many of these studies were conducted in model wine the compound is reversible and the Cu can be released from the
systems, and the complexity of the wine matrix with its multitude sulfide via volatilization of hydrogen sulfide (Clark et al., 2015,
of potential binding agents, or components able to interact with 2016), heating (Clark & Scollary, 2006), dilution with salt followed
the metals, complicates the assessment of metal activity in wine. by heating (Clark & Scollary, 2006; Franco-Luesma & Ferreira,
The metal ions Cu and Fe, in their respective oxidation states 2014), or with sufficient oxidation (Kreitman et al., 2016). Macro-
found in wine, that is Cu(II), Fe(III) and Fe(II), are predominantly molecules present in wine also have the potential to interact
and/or bind metals, and may include tannins, polysaccharides, pro-
Corresponding author at: National Wine and Grape Industry Centre, Mambarra teins, and complex/aggregate combinations of these macro-
Drive, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia. molecules. Past work has shown the ability of Cu to interact with
E-mail addresses: (N. Kontoudakis), guoanque@ proteins and induce protein-hazes in wines, particularly in wines (A. Guo), (G.R. Scollary), with elevated Cu concentrations, low oxygen conditions and with
au (A.C. Clark).
0308-8146/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
320 N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328

residual protein present (Peterson, Josyln, & Durbin, 1958). Alter- at equilibrium was wine dependent. Under accelerated oxidation
natively, Fe has been linked to the development of hazes through conditions (in darkness, 45 C), Clark and Scollary (2006) demon-
interactions with phenolic compounds or phosphates when it is strated an increase in electrochemically measured labile Cu con-
at high concentrations in oxidative conditions (Joslyn & Lukton, centration in four white wines with the rate of increase being
1953). dependent on the specific wine. It was proposed that the labile
The fractionation of wine with solid phase extraction (SPE) car- Cu would be the more reactive in terms of catalyzing oxidative
tridges is an approach taken to provide the broad categories of reactions than the non-labile Cu. Related to the release of labile
metals present within a wine (Pohl & Prusisz, 2009; Pohl & Cu is the earlier work by Singleton (1987) that showed whites
Sergiel, 2009; Rousseva, Kontoudakis, Schmidtke, Scollary, & wines browned at a progressively faster rate as they consumed
Clark, 2016). The advantage of this approach is the ability to ana- oxygen, and coined the term that browning begets browning,
lyze a range of metals simultaneously at low concentrations if an implying that wines were more easily oxidised as they become
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technique (OES or MS) is utilised oxidised.
for metal quantification in the subsequent fractions. The disadvan- This present study was undertaken to assess how the fraction-
tage may be the ability of the solid phase extraction cartridges to ation of metals may change with bottle aging (1 year) of wine
perturb the normal metal binding/interactions during the extrac- under low and high oxygen conditions. The study was conducted
tion process. However, with clearly defined methodology, the frac- with the Chardonnay wine from Rousseva et al. (2016) prepared
tionation can be performed reproducibly to provide an from juice of different metal concentrations, and with various ben-
operationally defined measure of metal fractionation in wine. tonite treatments and consequently different protein concentra-
A previous study has used this approach to identify a fraction of tions (Table 1). The fractionation of these wines at bottling was
metal that provided the best correlation with the metals ability to described in a previous work (Rousseva et al., 2016). The results
induce loss of oxygen in wines containing ascorbic acid (Rousseva after 1-year of bottling were examined with emphasis on the
et al., 2016). The wines were passed sequentially through C18 and changes in the residual and cationic fractions of Cu that are known
cationic exchange SPE cartridges to provide measures of three to be correlated well with oxygen decay in wine. Furthermore, the
metal fractions: hydrophobic, residual and cationic. The hydropho- fraction of Cu corresponding to Cu(I) sulfide was also to be
bic fraction was that retained on the C18 cartridge, the residual established.
fraction passed through both cartridges, and the cationic fraction
was retained on the cation exchange cartridge. In assessing the
2. Materials and methods
oxygen consumption in the wines, by utilizing ascorbic acid at an
elevated concentration (200 mg/L), the study was able to offset
2.1. Reagents and general instrumental analysis
the inherent variability of oxygen consumption between different
wines by ensuring not only similar pH and temperature conditions,
All glassware and plastic-ware were soaked for at least 16 h in
but also eliminating the influence of the phenolic profile of the
10%(v/v) nitric acid (BDH, AnalaR, Poole, UK) and then rinsed with
wines. The lower redox potential of ascorbic acid in wine favors
copious amounts of water (18.2 MX). Solutions and dilutions were
its reaction over the phenolic compounds during oxygen consump-
prepared using 18.2 MX water. Metal salts were obtained from
tion (Danilewicz, 2003). Consequently, it was only the variable
BDH (Poole, UK) (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (AnalaR)), AJAX
metal concentration in the wine, and their different forms, that
(Taren Point, Australia) (iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate (98%)) and
were able to influence the rate of oxygen consumption. The results
Sigma-Aldrich (iron(III) sulfate nonahydrate (97%)).
(Rousseva et al., 2016) showed, similar to other studies
Cu and Fe concentrations in Chardonnay wine were determined
(Danilewicz, 2007), that total Cu concentration correlated better
with a Varian 710 ICP-OES (California, USA) as described by
with oxygen consumption than total Fe concentration. Further-
Rousseva et al. (2016). To assess the efficacy of the dilution
more, it was the residual fraction of Cu that provided the best cor-
approach in allowing the total Fe and Cu concentrations to be
relation with oxygen consumption followed by the cationic
assessed, a subset of two Chardonnay wine samples described in
fraction, whilst the hydrophobic fraction had poor correlation with
this study were quantified after pre-treatment of the wine with
the rate of oxygen consumption by the wine (Rousseva et al.,
4-fold dilution with 5%(v/v) nitric acid as well as by digestion (with
2016). The binding agents responsible for classification of the met-
concentrated nitric acid). The results showed no significant differ-
als to specific fractionation categories were not ascertained in this
ence between the determined total concentrations by these two
study, other than the tartrate complexes of Cu(II) and Fe(II) con-
strategies and hence pretreatment of wines via dilution was
tributing to their respective cationic fractions. It was speculated
adopted. The concentrations of total and free sulfur dioxide (SO2)
that the cationic fraction may also include protein-metal com-
was measured with a flow injection analyser (FIAstarTM 5000, FOSS,
plexes, whilst the residual fraction may include metal complexes
Denmark), connected to an auto-sampler (5027, FOSS, Denmark).
of acidic-polysaccharides, phenolic acids or citric acid, with an
overall negative charge on the complex (Pohl & Prusisz, 2009;
Pohl & Sergiel, 2009; Rousseva et al., 2016). However, it must be 2.2. Wines and bentonite treatment
noted that the SPE fractionation technique does not always result
in a specific metal ligand combination being measured in a single The Chardonnay wines utilised were those prepared in a previ-
fraction, but instead they can be distributed amongst several frac- ous study (Rousseva et al., 2016) and the experimental design is
tions (i.e., residual and cationic) (Pohl & Prusisz, 2009). In this case, shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. Chardonnay juice was used for
it is likely that the equilibria between the different ligand com- six different metal ion treatments with each treatment prepared
plexes of Fe(II) (i.e., complexes with different ratios of ligand to in triplicate (6  3  12.0 L demijohns). The treatments included
metal) and their speed of re-equilibration during passage through no addition (T1), 2.9 mg/L Cu (T2), 5.8 mg/L Cu (T3), 6.3 mg/L Fe
the SPE cartridges, influences the overall partitioning of Fe. (T4), 12.5 mg/L Fe (T5), 5.8 mg/L Cu and 12.5 mg/L Fe (T6). Table 1
The general change in metal species during the oxidative and shows the metal concentrations in the juice and those in the bot-
reductive aging of wine is not well understood. Danilewicz tled wine. Cu was added as copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate and
(2016b) showed that in model wine systems, oxygen consumption Fe was added as iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate. After fermentation
occurred most rapidly until a redox equilibrium between Fe(II) and (see details within Rousseva et al. (2016)) the wines were racked
Fe(III) forms was reached, and that the favored proportion of each twice.
N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328 321

Table 1
The Cu and Fe concentrations, as reported in Rousseva et al. (2016), in the juice and corresponding wine samples, and the first order oxygen decay rates determined for each of the
wines. The oxygen decay rates were assessed after addition of 216 mg/L ascorbic acid and 232 mg/L sulfur dioxide to the wines and incubation at 25 C.
Juice Cu total (mg/L) Juice Fe total (mg/L) Wine Cu total (mg/L) Wine Fe total (mg/L) Wine oxygen decay (min )
a,b a a a a
T1 0.77 0.03 0.37 0.01 0.083 0.008 0.423 0.006 0.00020 0.00003
T2 3.61 0.09c 0.38 0.02a 0.233 0.005c 0.425 0.009a 0.00045 0.00002b,c
T3 6.35 0.03d 0.31 0.02a 0.293 0.006d 0.421 0.006a 0.00054 0.00007b,e
T4 0.69 0.02a 6.0 0.1b 0.068 0.014ab 6.20 0.05b 0.00038 0.00006c
T5 0.80 0.03b 11.1 0.1c 0.052 0.011b,e 11.7 0.1c 0.00038 0.00005c
T6 6.52 0.06d 11.3 0.1c 0.288 0.007d 11.8 0.1c 0.00072 0.00003d
A 0.77 0.03a,b 0.37 0.01a 0.076 0.001a 0.400 0.001d 0.00023 0.00003a
A + Bent 0.77 0.03a,b 0.37 0.01a 0.034 0.002e 1.39 0.02e 0.00043 0.00005b,c
B 6.35 0.03d 0.31 0.02a 0.290 0.002d 0.41 0.02a,d 0.00046 0.00001b
B + Bent 6.35 0.03d 0.31 0.02a 0.046 0.002b 1.55 0.02f 0.00054 0.00005b
C 6.52 0.06d 11.3 0.1c 0.35 0.02f 12.3 0.1g 0.00064 0.00002e
C + Bent 6.52 0.06d 11.3 0.1c 0.092 0.003a 12.7 0.2h 0.00061 0.00002e

The uncertainty indicated is the standard deviation. Concentrations of a given metal with the same superscript letters in a given column are not significantly different at
p = 0.05.

A heat stability test (Iland, Bruer, Edwards, Weeks, & Wilkes, immediately after preparation to prepare 1.0 mg/L or 10.0 mg/L
2004) was conducted on the wines and all failed, indicating the samples, and once prepared the samples were immediately frac-
presence of proteins within these wines capable of inducing haze. tionated by the SPE method outlined in Section 2.4. The 100 mg/L
A bentonite trial (Iland, Bruer, Ewart, Markides, & Sitters, 2004) stock solutions of Cu(II), Fe(II) and Fe(III) were utilised to generate
using SIHA ActivBentonit G (calcium bentonite by EnolTech (Grif- calibration standards in model wine solution. The calibration
fith, Australia)) was conducted and established that 1.6 g/L of ben- standards were diluted 4-fold with 5%(v/v) nitric acid prior to
tonite was required to afford sufficient removal of protein from the analysis. During automated flow to the ICP-OES, all samples and
wines to allow them to pass the heat stability test. Consequently, standards were mixed (1:1), via a t-piece, with a stream of
before bottling, the volume of one replicate of T1, T3 and T6 was 10 mg/L Lu in 5%(v/v) nitric acid. The calibration graph for Cu
halved and one half of each treated with an equal amount (1.6 g/ (324.754 nm) and Fe (259.940 nm) utilised Lu (261.541 nm) as
L) of the SIHA ActivBentonit G bentonite and the wines were left an internal standard.
to settle for 5 days at 4 C before racking and bottling. The samples
without bentonite addition were designated wines A, B and C (Sup-
plementary Fig. 1), respectively, whilst the equivalent wines with 2.4. Solid phase extraction scheme
bentonite treatment as +bent (i.e., wine A + bent). Wines were
bottled, without filtration, under screw cap in 375 mL capacity bot- The fractionation of the different metal species was performed
tles with inert gas coverage for the wines with standard low oxy- as described previously (Rousseva et al., 2016) (Supplementary
gen conditions. Wines A, A + bent, B + bent, and C + bent were also Fig. 2). Strata C18-E (non-polar extraction) and Strata SCX (cation
bottled with 190 mL of wine in a 375 mL and the ullage left with exchange) cartridges were used in series (both supplied by Phe-
air before sealing under screw cap to afford high oxygen condi- nomenex, Torrance, USA). The Strata C18-E cartridge (1 g/6 mL)
tions. Wines were stored in cellar conditions (17 C) for 1-year was conditioned with 20 mL methanol, followed by 40 mL water,
prior to analysis. 10 mL 1.0 M HCl, and finally with 20 mL of a model wine solution,
The following are the combined compositional details of all consisting of 12% aqueous ethanol, 0.011 M potassium hydrogen
wines at bottling (average stdev.): ethanol 12.8 0.2%(v/v), pH tartrate, and 0.007 M tartaric acid (pH 3.25). The cartridge was
3.13 0.01, titratable acidity 6.3 0.01 g/L (tartaric acid equiva- then dried under vacuum prior to usage. The second cartridge
lents to pH 8.2), free sulfur dioxide 39 2 mg/L and total sulfur (Strata SCX, 1 g/6 mL) was conditioned with the following solu-
dioxide 169 6 mg/L. tions in sequence: 40 mL of water, 10 mL of 1.0 M HCl, 20 mL of
water, 10 mL of 1.0 M NaOH and finally with 20 mL water. The car-
tridge was then dried under vacuum.
2.3. Preparation of Cu(II), Cu(I) sulfide, Fe(II) and Fe(III) in model wine The outlet of the conditioned cartridge was attached to a peri-
staltic pump via 0.76 mm (internal diameter) polyvinylchloride
Cu(I) sulfide was generated in the model wine using similar tubing (Gilson, Middleton, USA) and 30 mL of each filtered wine
conditions as that described by Kreitman et al. (2016). A standard sample (0.45 lm polyethersulfone membrane) was passed through
of 491 mg/L sodium sulfide was prepared in chilled water (4 C), the Strata C18-E cartridge at a rate of 1 mL/min. A 10 mL aliquot of
and 0.100 mL was added to 100 mL of model wine (12% aqueous the eluent was used for measurement of the metal ions not
ethanol, 0.011 M potassium hydrogen tartrate, 0.007 M tartaric retained by the C18 cartridge, allowing calculation of the hy-
acid, pH 3.25) to afford a concentration of hydrogen sulfide of drophobic metal fraction, being equivalent to the total metal con-
6.30 lM (or 0.214 mg/L). Then 0.40 mL of a 50.0 mg/L Cu(II) stan- centration in the wine minus the metal not retained by the C18
dard in model wine (as copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) was added cartridge. The remaining 20 mL aliquot of the solution eluted
to the 100 mL to afford a concentration of 3.15 lM (or 0.200 mg/L) through the C18 column was then passed through the second col-
and providing a mole ratio of 2:1 for hydrogen sulfide to Cu(II). The umn (Strata SCX) at a rate of 1 mL/min. The eluent from this second
Cu(I) sulfide solution was prepared in triplicate and analysed column was measured for the residual fraction of metal ions. To
within 10 min of preparation. A Cu(II) standard in the model wine obtain the third and final fraction of metals found in the sample,
was prepared in an identical manner but without addition of the 10 mL of 2.0 M HCl was passed through the Strata SCX column at
sodium sulfide. a rate of 1 mL/min. This 10 mL fraction was collected and quanti-
A stock concentration (100 mg/L) of both Fe(II) and Fe(III) were fied for metal ions (termed cationic fraction). Thus, three metal
prepared in model wine, utilising Fe(II)SO47H2O and fractions were obtained hydrophobic, residual and cationic. It
Fe(III)2(SO4)39H2O, respectively. The stock solutions were utilised must be reinforced that the cationic fraction does not imply
322 N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328

measurement of only positively charged metal ions and/or com- 3. Results and discussion
plexes from a sample, but rather that it is any metal species
extracted by a cationic exchange cartridge during passage of a 3.1. Fractionation of Cu(II), Cu(I) sulfide, Fe(II) and Fe(III) in model
sample through the cartridge. Blank samples were performed using wine
a model wine system (12% aqueous ethanol, 0.011 M potassium
hydrogen tartrate, 0.007 M tartaric acid, pH 3.2) which identified In a model wine system buffered to pH 3.25 with tartaric acid
background Fe contamination stemming from the cation exchange (3 g/L) and with the addition of 0.2 mg/L Cu(II), fractionation
cartridge. The background contamination was identified as arising and Cu measurement in each fraction by SPE ICP-OES showed that
from the 10 mL of 1.0 M NaOH utilised to wash the cartridge, and the Cu(II) was fractionated predominantly (>95% of total measured
was able to be accounted for in all analyses. Cu) in the cationic fraction. The remaining Cu portion (<5%) was
Prior to ICP-OES analysis, the primary eluents from the C18 and found in the hydrophobic fraction, most likely as a consequence
cationic columns were diluted 4-fold with 5.0%(v/v) nitric acid. The of incomplete recovery of the entire sample volume from the SPE
acidic secondary eluent from the cation exchange column was C18 cartridge. Given that ion selective electrode studies have pre-
diluted 8-fold, allowing for the 2-fold concentration in the SPE car- viously showed that the majority of Cu in this model wine system
tridge, as an 1.25 mL aliquot was treated with 1.00 mL of 1.0 M is in the form of Cu(II) tartrate (Clark et al., 2015), it is evident that
sodium hydroxide, 0.25 mL of water and 7.5 mL of 5.0%(v/v) nitric Cu tartrate is measured in the cationic fraction of Cu by SPE ICP-
acid. Lu was introduced into the sample flow during ICP-OES anal- OES. This does not imply that Cu tartrate is positively charged,
ysis and all samples were quantified using Lu as the internal stan- but rather that the Cu is predominantly dissociated from tartrate
dard. All uncertainty quoted is the standard deviation (n = 3) and and sequestered by the cation exchange material before it can pass
stated significant differences are at the 95% confidence limit and through the cation exchange cartridge and be measured as residual
calculated according to the Student-t test. Cu. Using a related SPE methodology, Pohl and Sergiel (2009)
showed that the proportion of Cu measured in the cationic fraction
decreased as the pH in a 0.5 g/L tartaric acid solution increased
2.5. GC analysis of sulfur compounds from 3.5 to 5.0, while the residual fraction increased. The pH
3.25 was adopted for the results in our current study to ensure that
Analysis was carried out with an Agilent 7890B gas chromatog- the results would be consistent with the wines analysed in Sec-
raphy system (Santa Clara, CA, USA) equipped with a CombiPal tions 3.2 and 3.3, and it is evident that under these conditions Cu
auto-sampler (CTC Analytics, Zwingen, Switzerland) and coupled tartrate is measured in the cationic fraction.
to an Agilent 355 SCD Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector. The col- Given that Cu(I) sulfide is known to be the predominant form of
umn was an Agilent J&W DB-sulfur SCD 60 m  0.32 mm  4.2 lm. Cu when Cu(II) interacts with hydrogen sulfide in a model wine
GC conditions were adapted from the work of Siebert, Solomon, system (Kreitman et al., 2016), it was desirable to identify the frac-
Pollnitz, and Jeffery (2010). Helium (BOC, NSW, Australia-ultra tionation category for this Cu complex. After the addition of Cu(II)
high purity) was used as a carrier gas at a linear velocity of to a model wine containing hydrogen sulfide, at a mole ratio of 2:1
34.8 cm/s and a constant flow of 2.8 ml/min. The initial oven tem- for hydrogen sulfide to Cu, the model wine system was fraction-
perature was 35 C and held for 5 min, followed by an increase to ated. The results showed that the Cu(I) sulfide formed was pre-
150 C at a rate of 5 C/min and holding at this temperature for dominantly fractionated as hydrophobic Cu (98%). This
10 min. SCD parameters were adjusted based on recommendations association with the hydrophobic fraction meant that copper(I)
by Agilent. SCD burner temperature was 800 C, burner base tem- sulfide was most likely retained on the C18 SPE cartridge due to
perature was 150 C, hydrogen (BOC-ultra high purity) flow rate a filtration effect, with the capture of dispersed Cu(I) sulfide parti-
was 44.5 sccm and oxidizer flow low rate was 63.0 sccm (instru- cles, but also possibly through non-polar interactions.
mental grade air-BOC). The ozone regulator pressure was 6 psig, When the model wine was prepared with 1.0 mg/L of either Fe
the SCD pressure was 6 Torr while the dual plasma controller pres- (III) or Fe(II), the subsequent fractionation provided no significant
sure was 378 Torr. differences with 60% (of measured total Fe) contributing to the
The total and free concentrations of both hydrogen sulfide and cationic Fe fraction and the remaining 40% to the residual Fe frac-
methanethiol were determined. The free forms were analysed tion, irrespective of the initial oxidation state of the Fe. There was a
adapting the protocol of Franco-Luesma and Ferreira (2014). negligible amount of hydrophobic Fe. However, when the concen-
10 ml of sample was added into a 20 ml standard headspace vial tration of Fe was increased to 10 mg/L, the cationic fractions
(CrossLab, Agilent). The vial was tightly sealed with a PTFE/silicone became 74 10% for Fe(III) versus 94 1% for Fe(II), and the resid-
lined screw cap and immediately put in the sampler tray at 10 C. ual fractions became 30 10 and 5.4 0.8%, respectively. This
The vial was incubated at 45 C for 5 min with agitation at demonstrated a higher fraction of residual Fe for Fe(III) in the
400 rpm. Then 800 ll of the headspace was taken, with a 1 ml model wine compared to Fe(II), but the difference was only signif-
heated headspace syringe (MSH 01-00B, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) icant at the high concentration of Fe. It also shows that, unlike the
thermostated at 60 C, and further injected into the injector (at case for Cu tartrate at pH 3.25, Fe(III) tartrate and Fe(II) tartrate can
150 C under a 1:8 split ratio). Quantification was performed using presumably both be distributed amongst two different fractions
an external calibration graph. rather than being measured within one fractionated category. Sim-
Determination of total concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and ilar results were observed by Pohl and Prusisz (2009) for Fe(III),
methanethiol was adapted from Siebert et al. (2010), whereby where the distribution of 10 mg/L Fe(III) in 0.5 g/L citrate solution
10 ml of sample and 50 ll of EMS internal standard were trans- at pH 3.5 and 3.0 was 16% and 27% in the cationic Fe fraction,
ferred to a vial containing 3 g of NaCl. The vial was incubated at respectively, with the remaining Fe measured as residual (84 and
45 C for 30 min and injected as described for the free forms. Stock 73%, respectively). The residual Fe(III) was attributed by Pohl and
solutions of both Na2S and NaSCH3 were prepared in chilled water Prusisz (2009) to be due to the presence of neutral and anionic
and used to make external calibration standards in model wine for citrate complexes of Fe that were able to induce more Fe to elute
determination of free concentrations, and to prepare internal stan- through the cationic exchange material. However, it is more likely
dard calibration standards in model wine for determination of total that the overall equilibrium between the different complexes of Fe
concentrations. (II) and tartrate, or Fe(III) and tartrate, and their speed of
N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328 323

re-equilibration during passage through the cation exchange car- concentrations of Cu resulted in the largest proportional decreases
tridge, influences the overall partitioning of the Fe between the in total Cu during the 1-year storage period (see T2, T3 and T6,
residual and cationic fractions. In terms of our increased residual Fig. 1a). Presumably this Cu was encapsulated into the protein
Fe concentrations for Fe(III) compared to Fe(II) at 10 mg/L, the deposit.
complexes formed between Fe(III) and tartrate are known to be It is also evident that the wines maintained a similar rank order
stronger than those between Fe(II) and tartrate (Danilewicz, with respect to Cu concentration as was the case at bottling
2014; Timberlake, 1964). At pH 3.25, a dimeric form of the com- (Fig. 1a) and also as the Cu concentration in the juice prior to fer-
plex (2:2 complex for Fe(III):tartrate) dominates but the mono- mentation (Table 1). Although the magnitude of concentration of
meric form (1:1 complex) is also present (Timberlake, 1964). the Cu in the juice is around 10 times higher than in the wines,
Hence, the relative stability of the Fe complexes is consistent with and much of the Cu was lost during fermentation, the juices with
the stronger Fe(III) tartrate complexes surviving the cation higher initial Cu led to wines with higher Cu concentrations and
exchange column and inducing more residual Fe than the Fe(II) consequently to aged wines (at 1-year) with higher Cu
tartrate complexes. This would be particularly the case at higher concentrations.
Fe(III) tartrate concentrations when the ratio of cation exchange In terms of the fractionated forms of metal, the concentrations
sites to Fe(III) tartrate complexes would be lower. Indeed, Fe(II) of cationic and residual fractions of Cu decreased during the 1-
and Fe(III) have been separated in a pH 2.0 tartrate medium using year aging period (Supplementary Fig. 3), while the hydrophobic
an anion exchange column (Morie & Sweet, 1964), and the tech- Cu concentration remained constant (T1-T5) or increased for T6
nique makes use of the different stability constants of tartrate with (high Cu and high Fe). Consistent with the total Cu concentrations,
Fe(III) or Fe(II). Also, in acidic aqueous solutions (0.2 M H2SO4), a the highest proportional losses in cationic and residual fractions
cation exchange column has been used to retain both redox forms were evident for the samples with elevated Cu concentrations
of Fe and then oxalic acid used to elute only Fe(III) from the column (T2, T3 and T6). In terms of proportions of fractionated Cu (Fig. 1b),
(Zagorchev & Balushev, 1960). the general trend was towards an increase in the hydrophobic frac-
tion of Cu and decrease in the proportion of residual and cationic
3.2. Measured sulfur dioxide and calculated oxygen consumed in wines fractions of Cu. The increase for hydrophobic Cu was only signifi-
after 1-year cant for T5 and T6. Such a result is consistent with the formation
of hydrogen sulfide during the aging of wine in low oxygen condi-
The decrease in total sulfur dioxide for the wines in the 1-year tions (Ugliano et al., 2011, 2012; Viviers et al., 2013). Such hydro-
storage period was used to provide an estimate of the oxygen con- gen sulfide formed would be able to bind with Cu(II) tartrate (i.e.,
centration consumed over the same period and thereby define the
low and high oxygen storage conditions. The wines stored in low
oxygen bottling conditions resulted in an average consumption of
total sulfur dioxide of 29 5 mg/L (stdev, n = 9). On the assumption
that two molecules of sulfur dioxide are consumed for each mole-
cule of oxygen, as proposed in white wine (Danilewicz, Seccombe,
& Whelan, 2008), then this equates to a consumption of 7 1 mg/L
molecular oxygen. Although recent research suggests this stoi-
chiometry of sulfur dioxide consumed to oxygen consumed is wine
dependent (Waterhouse et al., 2016) and often smaller than 2:1,
this ratio still provides an approximation of the amount of oxygen
consumed. This oxygen would be oxygen dissolved in the wine at
bottling and oxygen trapped within the head-space of the wine
bottle (between the closure and the surface of the wine). It would
also include oxygen that permeated through the screw cap closure
although this is usually quite low for this type of closure (0.3
0.9 lg/day (Lopes, Saucier, Teissedre, & Glories, 2006)). For the
wines stored in high oxygen conditions the average consumption
of total sulfur dioxide was 118 12 mg/L, and hence a calculated
oxygen consumption of 30 2 mg/L.

3.3. The aging of wines without bentonite addition in low oxygen


Cu. The wines prepared without bentonite treatment were all

found to fail the heat stability test (Iland et al., 2004), indicating
the presence of residual protein. A bentonite fining trial estab-
lished that the concentration of protein in the wines was such that
1.6 g/L bentonite would have been required for its removal. For all
the wines bottled with residual protein (i.e., no bentonite treat-
ment), a deposit was evident at the bottom of the bottle after 1-
year of aging. The amount of deposit was visually assessed to be
similar regardless of the sample treatment. Such deposit is well
known to occur in wines with residual protein (Waters et al.,
2005; Wilkes, Hart, Clark, Blackman, & Scollary, 2013) and is attrib-
uted to the gradual denaturing, aggregation and settling of the Fig. 1. The total Cu concentration (a) and proportion of fractionated forms (b) in
grape-derived protein over time (Joslyn & Lukton, 1953). In terms wines T1-T6 at bottling and after 1 year in low oxygen conditions. The uncertainty
of total Cu, it was observed that the samples bottled with higher shown corresponds to the standard deviation (n = 3).
324 N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328

cationic Cu fraction), to increase the Cu(I) sulfide concentration after the gradual protein-induced loss, correlates best with total
and hence the hydrophobic fraction of Cu. The production of and bound hydrogen sulfide (positively) and total methanethiol
hydrogen sulfide has been observed to occur in non-protein sta- (negatively) in the wine after 1 year.
bilised wine (Wilkes et al., 2013), and would be described as de The results (Table 2) also show that at bottling (year 0), it is the
novo formation of hydrogen sulfide by Franco-Luesma and cationic and residual fractions of the total Cu that correlate best
Ferreira (2016). It must be noted that the T5 sample, which has with total hydrogen sulfide concentration (positive correlation)
the largest deviation between summed Cu fractions compared to and methanethiol concentration (negative correlation) after 1 year
the measured total Cu (80% versus 100%, Fig. 1b), was the sample of aging. It was these same fractions of Cu that also correlated best
with the lowest Cu concentration (<0.050 mg/L). It is likely that with oxygen consumption in these wines (Rousseva et al., 2016),
at such low Cu concentrations the measurement uncertainty opening the possibility that they may be reactive in terms of both
would have contributed significantly to the deviation. A similar oxidative and reductive reactions (Bekker, Smith, Smith, & Wilkes,
deviation (125% versus 100%) is observed for sample WB + Bent 2016). The cationic fraction of Cu includes the Cu(II) tartrate com-
in Fig. 3b, and the total Cu concentration in this sample is less than plexes, whilst the residual fraction of Cu has been observed to
0.03 mg/L. increase with concentrations of organic acid Cu complexes that
The total, bound and free concentrations for hydrogen sulfide may have a negative charge at wine pH (Pohl & Sergiel, 2009)
and methanethiol for samples T1-T6 after 1-year of bottle aging (i.e. citrate complexes). Correlation of the total hydrogen sulfide
are shown in Table 2. The bound form of hydrogen sulfide is pre- after a year with these two different fractions of Cu at bottling sug-
dominantly attributed to the formation of Cu(I) sulfide (Kreitman gests they may be active in the production of hydrogen sulfide in
et al., 2016), although other metal ions can contribute to the bind- the protein-containing wine during bottle aging. A similar outcome
ing of hydrogen sulfide as well (Franco-Luesma & Ferreira, 2014). is evident for methanethiol and the cationic and residual fractions
The concentrations of the sulfur compounds were measured after of Cu, although in this case the correlations are negative instead of
the wine was aged 1-year in bottle (Table 2), but analysis was positive. Consequently, it is the cationic and residual fractions of
not performed at bottling (Rousseva et al., 2016). This means that Cu that have an inverse relationship with the concentration of
it is not possible to directly distinguish between the amounts of methanethiol.
sulfur compounds at bottling versus those generated during bottle When measured after one year of bottle aging (year 1, Table 2),
aging. From the six protein-containing samples (T1-T6), there is a the cationic fraction of Cu correlates best with total hydrogen sul-
trend towards higher total and bound hydrogen sulfide and lower fide, while the residual fraction has poorer correlation than when
total methanethiol concentrations with increased total Cu concen- measured at bottling. For residual Cu, the poorer correlation after
tration (Table 2). These relationships are evident in the correlations a year of aging is most likely due to the significantly decrease of
for total Cu and the sulfur compounds (r2 = 0.750.99) shown in residual Cu during bottle aging to concentrations that are similar
Table 2. The correlations are higher when the total Cu concentra- in all the samples (Supplementary Fig. 3).
tions utilised were those measured at bottling rather than those The results for bound hydrogen sulfide concentration at 1 year
measured a year later. Hence the total Cu that was initially present versus Cu fractions are similar to that of total hydrogen sulfide,
in the wine at bottling, rather the total Cu remaining in the wine which is consistent with the fact that the majority of hydrogen

Table 2
Concentration of total, free and bound forms of hydrogen sulfide and total and free methanethiol after 1 year of wine storage, and their correlation with total Cu and fractionated
Cu when measured at bottling (0 year) or 1 year after bottling.

Sample Total H2S Bound H2S Free H2S % Free H2S Total H3CSH % Free H3CSH
T1 3.4 0.6a,b,c 2.1 1.3 0.3a,b 38 10a,b,f 4.3 0.3a,c 71 12a,b
T2 3.8 0.1a 3.4 0.5 0.2a,c 12 4a,c,d 2.2 0.3b,d 59 14a,b,c
T3 4.9 0.9a,b,c 4.2 0.7 0.3a,b,c 14 6a,c,d 2.0 0.1b 55 15a,b,c
T4 3.2 0.5a,b,c 2.0 1.1 0.1b 36 5b 3.9 0.6a,c,d 66 2a
T5 2.7 0.3b 1.6 1.17 0.05b 43 2b 4.3 0.1a 60 6a,b
T6 4.4 0.2c 4.1 0.32 0.04c 6 1c 1.9 0.2b 51 3b
WA 3.4 0.6a,b,c 2.1 1.3 0.3a,b 38 10a,b,f 4.3 0.3a,c 71 12a,b
WB 4.9 0.9a,b,c 4.2 0.7 0.3a,b,c 14 6a,c,d 2.0 0.1b 55 15a,b,c
WC 4.4 0.2c 4.1 0.3 0.1c 6 1c 1.9 0.2b 51 3b
WA + bent 2.6 0.4b 2.2 0.4 0.2a,c 16 9a,c,d 2.8 0.5c,b 54 7a,b,c
WB + bent 2.6 0.4b 2.3 0.32 0.04c 12 2d 1.4 0.2b,e 38 3c
WC + bent 3.6 0.9a,b,c 3.3 0.3 0.1c 7 3c,d 1.8 0.3b 47 4b,c
WA ox 0.94 0.04d 0.3 0.66 0.02a 70 2e 1.06 0.03e 42 1c
WA + bent ox 1.13 0.01e 0.4 0.76 0.05a 68 5e 0.94 0.05e,f 42 10b,c,d
WB + bent ox 0.63 0.02f 0.6 0.32 0.02c 51 2f 0.71 0.02g 34 16a,b,c,d
WC + bent ox 0.55 0.04f 0.3 0.31 0.02c 57 4f 0.79 0.04f,g 20 4d

Correlation of sulfur compound concentration in T1-T6 after 1 year with total Cu and fractionated Cu after 0 or 1 years
Year 0
Total Cu 0.9013 0.9863 ( ) 0.8374 ( ) 0.9446 ( ) 0.9566 ( ) 0.6440
Hyd Cu 0.5981 0.5204 ( ) 0.6826 ( ) 0.5997 ( ) 0.4914 ( ) 0.5136
Res Cu 0.9343 0.9512 ( ) 0.6947 ( ) 0.8851 ( ) 0.8606 ( ) 0.0287
Cat Cu 0.9108 0.9719 ( ) 0.8041 ( ) 0.9029 ( ) 0.9135 ( ) 0.6877
Year 1
Total Cu Y1 0.7506 0.8760 ( ) 0.8393 ( ) 0.8632 ( ) 0.8088 ( ) 0.6945
Hyd Cu Y1 0.3654 0.6311 ( ) 0.6162 ( ) 0.6474 ( ) 0.6881 ( ) 0.2106
Res Cu Y1 0.2899 0.3529 ( ) 0.3639 ( ) 0.4517 ( ) 0.3223 ( ) 0.3899
Cat Cu Y1 0.9500 0.9799 ( ) 0.7175 ( ) 0.8437 ( ) 0.8783 ( ) 0.6666

The uncertainty indicated is the standard deviation. Concentrations of a given metal with the same superscript letters in a given column are not significantly different at
p = 0.05.
N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328 325

sulfide in the wine is in the bound form (Table 2). The total, resid- tion is known to have little effect on the concentration of Fe, unlike
ual and cationic fractions of Cu at bottling showing the highest cor- the outcome for Cu (Hsia, Planck, & Nagel, 1975).
relation, followed by the total and cationic Cu after 1 year aging. The cationic fraction of Fe dominated the wines after 1 year as
The bound hydrogen sulfide measured after 1-year correlates was the case at bottling (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Fig. 4), and this
poorly with the hydrophobic fraction of Cu at bottling was true for both absolute concentrations and proportion. As noted
(r2 = 0.5204), but the correlation is improved against the above (Section 3.1), the cationic fraction is the major fraction of Fe
hydrophobic fraction of Cu at 1 year (r2 = 0.6311). However, the (II) that was found for the model wine system containing added Fe
magnitude of this latter correlation (being less than the other Cu and supports the observation that Fe is mainly bound by organic
fractions) suggests that hydrogen sulfide may be bound to other acids in wine conditions. A decrease was also evident in the pro-
wine components (i.e., metals (Franco-Luesma & Ferreira, 2014)), portion and concentration of the residual Fe present in the wines,
or that the smaller CuS particles in wine (Clark et al., 2015), com- significant for T1-T4, which accounts for the increase in the catio-
pared to the large CuS particles formed in model wine system (see nic fraction of Fe (Fig. 2b). The presence of some Fe(III) at bottling,
Section 3.1), may be partly measured in the cationic fraction of Cu. induced by the total packaged oxygen, and then the gradual con-
The influence of the CuS particle size on the SPE fractionation war- version of Fe(III) to Fe(II) as the oxygen became depleted during
rants further investigation in future studies. The correlation bottle aging, may have contributed to the decrease in residual frac-
between the total Cu concentration and the free hydrogen sulfide tion of Fe. As noted in Section 3.1, the Fe(III) organic acid com-
concentration (in both lg/L and percentage of total) was negative plexes contributed more to residual Fe than Fe(II) organic acid
as expected by the ability of Cu to convert free hydrogen sulfide complexes, albeit at high total concentrations of Fe. A small
to bound hydrogen sulfide (Franco-Luesma & Ferreira, 2014). The increase was evident in the hydrophobic fraction of Fe concentra-
cationic fraction of total Cu had the highest magnitude of the neg- tion and proportion in the samples with high Fe concentration
ative correlation inferring the more of this fraction of Cu the less (T5-T6) (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Fig. 4).
free hydrogen sulfide. Fe at bottling or after 1 year, and regardless of the fractionated
Fe. In contrast to Cu, no loss in total Fe concentration was evi- form, showed negligible correlation with total hydrogen sulfide,
dent after the wine (without bentonite treatment) was aged for methanethiol or any of the free and bound forms (data not shown).
1 year in bottle (Fig. 2a). This is consistent with Fe being associated For example, the correlation of total Fe at bottling with total hydro-
more with oxidative colloidal instability in wine rather than reduc- gen sulfide after a year in bottle was r2 = 0.0924.
tive colloidal instability. Furthermore, the concentration of Fe in
the wines are similar to the concentration at bottling and also 3.4. The aging of wines with bentonite addition in low oxygen
the concentrations in the juice (Fig. 2a and Table 1), as fermenta- conditions

Cu. The wines treated with bentonite exhibited significantly

lower Cu concentrations at bottling compared to those wines not
treated with bentonite as already reported (Rousseva et al., 2016)
(Fig. 3a). Bentonite would appear to be particularly efficient in
removing the Cu that survives the fermentation process, when uti-
lised with grape-derived protein still present in the wine. For the
wines with bentonite added, after 1 year aging in bottle, there were
slight (but not significant) decreases in total Cu concentrations for
wines A and B, whilst wine C had a significant loss albeit of low
magnitude (<0.04 mg/L) (Fig. 3a). The lower Cu concentration in
the wines treated with bentonite (Fig. 3a), in combination with
the lack of protein present in the wine, was most likely responsible
for the minimal Cu lost during bottle aging. Although a minor
amount of deposit was observed after 1-year in the bentonite-
treated wines, it was much less than observed for the wines bottled
without bentonite treatment.
After 1 year of aging there were decreased concentrations and
proportions of hydrophobic and cationic fractions of Cu in the
wines with bentonite treatment, while the concentration of resid-
ual Cu remained constant with a consequent increase in its propor-
tion (Fig. 3b, Supplementary Fig. 5). This residual fraction of Cu was
previously shown to have the strongest positive correlation with
oxygen consumption in the wine (Rousseva et al., 2016), and the
previous section (3.3) showed this it was correlated with hydrogen
sulfide production in the protein-rich wine. The largest loss in
hydrophobic fraction of Cu was for the bentonite treated wine with
the highest total Cu concentration (WC + bent, Fig. 3b, Supplemen-
tary Fig. 5). After bentonite treatment it must be noted that the
rank order of Cu concentrations in the wines after 1 year, no longer
reflects the concentration present in the wines at bottling, prior to
bentonite treatment or in the original juice (Table 1 vs Supplemen-
tary Fig. 5). Such an outcome is consistent with the ability of ben-
tonite to remove both Cu and proteins, the latter being a potential
Fig. 2. The total Fe concentration (a) and proportion of fractionated forms (b) in
source of de novo hydrogen sulfide formation, and hence limit for-
wines T1-T6 at bottling and after 1 year in low oxygen conditions. The uncertainty mation of Cu(I) sulfide that contributes to the hydrophobic fraction
shown corresponds to the standard deviation (n = 3). of Cu. Without a source of hydrogen sulfide, the initial Cu(I) sulfide
326 N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328

Fig. 3. The total Cu concentration (a) and proportion of fractionated forms (b) in
Fig. 4. The total Fe concentration (a) and proportion of fractionated forms (b) in
wines A-C, with and without bentonite treatment, at bottling and after 1 year in low
wines A-C, with and without bentonite treatment, at bottling and after 1 year in low
and high oxygen conditions. The uncertainty shown corresponds to the standard
and high oxygen conditions. The uncertainty shown corresponds to the standard
deviation (n = 3).
deviation (n = 3).

present at bottling would gradually diminish presumably as oxy- nance of the residual fraction of Cu both in terms of concentration
gen consumption occurs within the wine. Indeed, Table 2 shows and proportion (Fig. 3b, Supplementary Fig. 5), apart from wine C
a trend to lower concentrations of total hydrogen sulfide and + bent(oxidised), which had equal amounts of the cationic and
methanethiol in the wines that underwent bentonite treatment. residual fractions of Cu. After 1 year aging in bottle, the concentra-
Fe. The treatment of wine with bentonite is well known to tion of the residual fraction of Cu was higher in the oxidised wines
increase the concentration of Fe in the wines (Catarino et al., than that for the wines aged in low oxygen conditions. The increase
2008), and this was evident in this wine (Fig. 4a) as reported by in the residual fraction of Cu, the form with the strongest correla-
Rousseva et al. (2016). The higher Fe concentrations as induced tion to oxygen consumption rates (Rousseva et al., 2016), is consis-
by bentonite fining were maintained in the wines after 1 year of tent with the report that oxidation of wines can progressively
aging and unlike Cu, no loss of Fe was evident. Similar to the wines cause them to oxidise more rapidly (Singleton, 1987). In this pre-
without bentonite treatment, after 1 year of aging, the bentonite sent study, it is possible that the loss of the hydrophobic fraction
treated wines showed slight decreases in the concentration of of Cu during oxidation may be a consequence of Cu(I) sulfide being
the residual and hydrophobic fractions and increases in the catio- gradually converted to Cu(II) and oxidised products of sulfide (such
nic fraction (Supplementary Fig. 6), the latter being the dominant as elemental sulfur, sulfate or polysulfides (Kreitman et al., 2016)),
fraction in the wine. This result is particularly evident in the pro- and the released Cu(II) then binding with other wine components
portional representation of the data (Fig. 4b). to form the residual fraction of Cu. At this stage it is not certain
which components of wine contribute to Cu forming the residual
fraction of Cu and this is the subject of an on-going study. One pos-
3.5. The aging of wines in high oxygen conditions sibility is that the oxidation of wine can generate degradation
products of organic acids (i.e., oxalic acid (Clark, Prenzler, &
Wines A-C, without bentonite treatment, and wine A, with ben- Scollary, 2007), which subsequently may bind Cu(II) sufficiently
tonite treatment, were aged in high oxygen conditions for 1 year. to allow its elution through the cation exchange column
Under these conditions, only wine C, with bentonite treatment, (Zagorchev & Balushev, 1960). Consequently, future work may
and wine A, without bentonite treatment, showed significant investigate whether the proportion of residual Cu fraction in a
amounts of deposit (as assessed visually) in the bottle after 1 year. wine may provide an indication for the extent of oxidation of a
Cu. In high oxygen conditions (Fig. 3a) no loss of Cu during aging wine. The oxidised samples all have lower total hydrogen sulfide
was evident, supporting the requirement of low oxygen conditions, and methanethiol concentrations than the corresponding non-
in combination with protein, to afford the loss of Cu in the form of oxidised samples (Table 2).
a protein haze. Of particular note was the near absence of the Fe. For the wine aged in high oxygen conditions, the total Fe
hydrophobic fraction of Cu in the oxidised wines, and the domi- concentration remained unchanged from their initial level at
N. Kontoudakis et al. / Food Chemistry 229 (2017) 319328 327

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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
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the online version, at and flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of inorganic
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