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Cauvery tribunal overlooked equity

There was no examination of needs of riparian States, Fali Nariman tells SC

Legal Correspondent water by each State to the
NEW DELHI river valley, the population
Karnataka on Wednesday ar- of each State in the basin de-
gued that the Cauvery Water pending upon the waters
Dispute Tribunal did not ap- and the culturable area of
portion the waters of the each State in the basin. The
inter-State river on the basis culturable area in the basin
of settled principles of on Karnataka side is 5,522
equity. th.ha. and that of Tamil
Appearing before a Bench Nadu is 2,891 th.ha.
led by Justice Dipak Misra on He argued that the
the second day of the hear- tribunal should have given
ing of separate appeals filed due weight to the climatic
by Karnataka, Tamil Nadu factors, hydrological cycle,
and Kerala against the Bone of contention: A file picture of Cauvery water flowing engineering factors and geo-
tribunals final order on wa- from Karnataka into the Mettur dam. E. LAKSHMI NARAYANAN
graphical positions in the
ter sharing in 2007, Karnata- basin while assessing the
kas counsel and senior ad- lakh acres for irrigation util- same agreement, the senior needs of each State.
vocate Fali Nariman said the ising 566 tmc of Cauvery lawyer added. Mr. Nariman said the
water-sharing arrangement water. When Tamil Nadu objec- tribunal should have first ad-
decided by the tribunal did There was no examina- ted to Mr. Narimans line of judicated the shares of the
not keep in view the equity tion, whatever, of the needs argument, Justice Misra ob- States by the principles of
as also the farming families. of different riparian States served: suitable apportionment,
Mr. Nariman argued that keeping in view the equity as Every State is part of our without reference to any di-
at the time of the 1924 agree- also the farming families, nation. We do not want versions/utilisation made by
ment for water-sharing, Mr. Nariman submitted. States to quarrel. party States.
Tamil Nadu was entitled to Mr. Nariman continued It would then have be-
develop only 21.38 lakh Dont quarrel that the real shares of come apparent as to
acres for irrigation. After breaching the 1924 each riparian State should whether or not any party
However, even as the 1924 agreement, that very State be determined on the basis State had appropriated in ex-
agreement continued, the [Tamil Nadu] demanded of needs by taking into ac- cess of its equitable share in
State had developed 28.2 more water using the very count the contribution of the waters, he contended.

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