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Safe caress/New Love

(for e- Katharinenfelt*

running on Windows 10)

(A Silicon Valley Lament)

(scored for Electronic Narrator,

three laptops,

a printer and a fax machine;

all tuned in C)

In days long gone

A button undone

Would set the scene

For fresh caress.

In days before

You exactly wore

That same unriveted

Titillating dress.

But post Mark Zuck

The whole thing suck

For love has gone online

Where years before

A code foretold
New intimacies

Now, no more.

You click and click -

This isnt it!

The sex is in the brain.

You never meet

You never greet

Love will never come again!

Where once

Was sun

Where rivers run

Is now mere plateau:

Dry, no rain.

The silicon chip

That finished it!

Lifes no longer the same!


*Katharinenfelt is the old German name for Bolnisi

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