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First Grade Social Studies Lesson

1. Grade Level and Subject Area

a. First Grade Social Studies: Give examples of natural and human resources used in the
production of a good. (MCPS 4.1.A.2.)

2. Instructional Goal(s):
a. Students will be able to identify and label the natural and human resources of Pancakes,
Pancakes by Eric Carle.
i. UDL
1. Recognition
a. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
i. Clarify vocabulary and symbols
b. Students will classify pictures based on resource type.
i. (LCP 5, 11)
ii. UDL
1. Strategic
a. Provide options for physical action
i. Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
b. Provide options for executive functions
i. Enhance capacity for monitoring
2. Affective
a. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
i. Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
ii. Foster collaboration and community
b. Provide options for self-regulation
i. Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation

3. Objectives:
a. I can sort pictures of resources and explain my thinking.
b. I can use my listening skills to label the materials used to make a pancake.

4. Variability Statement:
a. Video can be viewed and heard by all students.
i. (LCP 6)
ii. UDL
1. Recognition
a. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
i. Illustrate through multiple media
b. Teacher will read aloud; Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle and discussion examples from the
i. (LCP 7, 11)
ii. UDL
1. Recognition
a. Provide options for comprehension
i. Activate or supply background knowledge
c. Pictures are identified and sorted both with paper and dragged on the promethean board.
i.(LCP 5, 11)
1. Strategic
a. Provide options for physical action
i. Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
b. Provide options for executive functions
i. Enhance capacity for monitoring
2. Affective
a. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
i. Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
ii. Foster collaboration and community
b. Provide options for self-regulation
i. Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation
d. Acti-Vote is used for formative assessment with picture support as well as read orally.
i. (LCP 6, 14)
ii. UDL
1. Affective
a. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistance
i. Increase master-oriented feedback
2. Recognition
a. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
i. Illustrate through multiple media
b. Provide options for comprehension
i. Activate or supply background knowledge
5. Assessment: A clear assessment plan includes all of the following:
a. Formative Assessment(s): Acti-vote will be used for 3 questions of fill in the blank, with picture
support, to label the resource of the given example.
i. (LCP 6, 14)
ii. UDL
1. Affective
a. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistance
i. Increase master-oriented feedback
2. Recognition
a. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
i. Illustrate through multiple media
b. Provide options for comprehension
i. Activate or supply background knowledge
b. Questions to Lead Discussion:
i. (LCP 4, 5, 11)
ii. UDL
1. Affective
2. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistance
a. Foster collaboration and community

iii. What did you notice in the video?

iv. What were you curious about?
v. Can you think of anything from the video that is a natural resource? Human resource?
Capital resource? (share with an elbow buddy)
vi. How did you know that ______ is a _______ resource?
vii. Can you think of any other natural resources that could make pancakes? (share with an
elbow buddy)
c. Acti-vote data will be categorized and used to identify areas to review before the next lesson.
i. (LCP 6, 14)
ii. UDL
1. Affective
a. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistance
i. Increase master-oriented feedback
2. Recognition
a. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
i. Illustrate through multiple media
b. Provide options for comprehension
i. Activate or supply background knowledge
d. The overall presentation created by the students will be a tree map in which the students have
classified nine items used in the final lesson to create cookies. The students may draw or write
the nine items in their tree maps. The students will make cookies to lead the lesson and offer
visual examples of what their tree map will classify.
i. (LCP 6, 7, 9, 14)
ii. UDL
1. Strategic
a. Provide options for expression and communication
i. Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and
2. Affective
a. Provide options for recruiting interest
i. Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity

e. The summative assessment will be used to reflect upon all lessons for the unit that identifies
what the three types of resources are, and varies examples for each. Teachers will oversee what
students have or havent grasped the concepts and vocabulary.
f. UbD: Backward mapping was used to create this lesson! Learning goals were established for
teachers, as well as in kid-friendly terminology. A performance task would be the group sorting

F. Opening (Anticipatory Set): The lesson will begin with students viewing the How Crayons are
Made Discovery Education video clip. A discussion following will allow the students to identify, label,
and elaborate on examples of the three types of resources; human, capital and natural.
1. (LCP 6)
2. UDL
a. Recognition
i. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
1. Illustrate through multiple media
Vocabulary will be orally and visually provided, as well as picture cutouts of resource examples from the
video for scaffolding and connection.
1. (LCP 3)
2. UDL
a. Affective
i. Provide options for recruiting interest
1. Optimize relevance, value and authenticty
b. Recognition
i. Provide options for comprehension
1. Activate or supply background knowledge

G. Instructional Methods: The book; Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle will be read and shown to
students. Discussion questions will follow to promote vocabulary usage, connect resource types and
engage student collaboration.
1. How did you know that ______ is a _______ resource?
2. Can you think of any other natural resources that could make pancakes? (share with an elbow

1. (LCP 7, 11)
2. UDL
a. Recognition
i. Provide options for comprehension
1. Activate or supply background knowledge
Teacher will model sorting expectations with six resource pictures from the crayon video, that on the
board will visually remind students of what to do. Students will partner up with table buddies to sort,
each table will have a different collection of nine pictures, along with a group of icons on the
promethean board. Every 4 minutes, groups will rotate so all collections are used once, and each group
is able to technologically participate as well. Teacher will cruise around groups offering support, asking
guided questions and taking notes on those struggling.
1. (LCP 5, 11)
2. UDL
a. Strategic
i. Provide options for physical action
1. Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
ii. Provide options for executive functions
1. Enhance capacity for monitoring
b. Affective
i. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
1. Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
2. Foster collaboration and community
ii. Provide options for self-regulation
1. Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation

H. Closing: Acti-vote will be implemented to collect data based upon three fill in the blank questions
that will be verbally asked by the teacher. A picture will accompany each slide, as well as underlined
vocabulary asking students to click in the missing word with multiple choice answers. This will allow
for students to show what they know, connect to the expected vocabulary, and use context clues from
the pictures. Teacher will review and briefly explain correct answers. As always, students will be asked
to verbally discuss whether or not the learning objective was met.
1. (LCP 6, 14)
2. UDL
a. Affective
i. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistance
1. Increase master-oriented feedback
b. Recognition
i. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
1. Illustrate through multiple media
ii. Provide options for comprehension
1. Activate or supply background knowledge

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