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God is love But why is there suffering in this world?

Christian writer and apologist C.S. Lewis wrote a book talking about the death of his wife and his
struggle to come to terms with that death. In it he wrote, Not that I am (I think) in much danger of
ceasing to believe in God. The real danger is of coming to believe such dreadful things about Him. The
conclusion I dread is not So there is no God after all, but So this is what Gods really like. Deceive
yourself no longer. A Grief Observed (San Francisco: Harper San Francisco)

None of us can escape the fact that we all, as humans, experience suffering and sorrow in this world.
Even the whole creation itself experience the same. Anywhere we look, there is death, sickness, troubles
and distress, and yet, we always speak of a God Who is love. Then if God is love, then why is all these

We may come to recall one of the greatest stories ever told, that is, the story of Job. Job is a wealthy and
righteous man. In his time, he was considered wealthiest and most righteous. He was very close to God
and he lives a God-centered life. Even so, he did not escape the realities of this sinful and harsh world.
What do these show us? That is, whoever and whatever we are, we are not exempted from the sorrow
and pain. Instead, these trials, teach us to become more hopeful, trustful, patient, merciful, loving and

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