Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Memberi Saran-TITA

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Contoh Teks Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Memberi Saran ( Suggesting / Giving


A : We have been waiting nearly three quarters of an hour.

B : Yes, I think the bus will never come.

A : Would it be an idea to walk?

B : Yes, Its a good idea.

A : Has the new restaurant opened today?

B : It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu.

A : Why dont we eat there?

B : It is a wonderful idea.

Contoh dialog yang menggunakan asking and giving suggestion:

A: I have a task from my teacher. I must search a song in English. Do you have any ideas?
B: It's okay. Let search in internet.
A: I know, but what song must download?
B: Greenday song in DOS album. That must be great.
A: That's a good idea. Thanks for your advice.
B: Never mind.

A : tomorrow I'll attend my friend's birthday party. what should I wear?

B : I suggest you to wear a long dress, you'll look graceful in it
A : what dress will suit me?
B : a black silk dress will look good on you
A : that's great. do you have any idea about the shoes?
B : how about this silver high heels? they will match your dress
A : oh, right..thanks for your suggestion!

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