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His death at such a moment, and by

/ byJeff Goldberg and Harvey Yaziiian such violent means, could not fail to
startle knowledgeable observers into

wondering if there might have been
foul play. It made one remember the
other key witnesses who had died vio-

"CRAZY BILLY" lently in recent years just as they were

about to be quizzed in Congress about
the Kennedy assassination: mobsters

SULLIVAN Sam Giancana, John Roselli and

Charles Nicoletti; ex-Cuban President
Carlos Prio Socarras; and Lee Harvey
Oswald's confidante , George
But only leftist attorney William
( ) ri November 10, 1977, the Kunstler has been willing to publicly
New York Times printed a sto- question whether Sullivan's death was
ry headlined "William C. Sul- an accident. In a letter to Attorney
livan, Ex-FBI Aide, Is Killed General Griffin Bell, Kunstier has
In A Hunting Accident." It ran on the called for a new inquiry: "... I am not
obituary pagea routine death an- suggesting that murder took place in
nouncement. New Hampshire on November 9,
Sullivan was the FBI's former assis- 1977, but simply that there is sufficient
tant to the director, the number-three smoke to indicate that it might have."
man in J. Edgar Hoover's bureau. The Privately he adds, "I have no smoking
day before. he had begn hunting in gun, just a lot of questions. In my
Sugar Hill. New Hampshire, about a heart I think Sullivan was murdered.
mile from his home. Just after day- But I'm not sure if Daniels did it."
break he was shot in the back and The arguments that the death was
killed by Robert Daniels. Jr., a 21- accidental are powerful: poor visibil-
year-old local man, who later said he ity; white clothing mistaken for the
had mistaken Sullivan For a white-tail white tail of a deer; local youth known
deer to the police chief immediately turns
The case was handled as a simple. himself in, appearing distraught and
accidenteven though it was the first genuinely sorry.
hunting Fatality in Sugar Hill in over But that, in part, is the problem. Be-
20 years. On November 19, Daniels cause the shooting looked like an acci-
pleaded nolo conlendere to Fish and dent, it was investigated like une. The
Game violation number 207:37, the probe was entrusted to the New
misdemeanor charge of carelessly Hampshire Fish and Game Depart-
shooting a human being. He was later ment, an agency qualified CO investi-
fined $500 and his hunting license was gate only hunting accidents. Its one-
suspended for 10 years. Through a page report is a bare and uncritical
spokesman, the Sullivan family said it narration of the shooting. "You've got
accepted the shooting as an accident to realize that Fish and Game are
and forgave the hunter. Case closed. trained in conservation." says John
But there remain nagging ques- Rolli, the Grafton County prosecutor
William Sullivan: The man who
tionsthe circumstances were too who tried the case. "Animals and stuff
knew the FBI's secrets
puzzling, the investigation too casual, like that. They're not trained in inves-
and the victim too important for them At the time of his death he was tigating criminal cases. They spend
to go away. scheduled to testify before the House their time studying deer herd propa-
Through the 1960s, Sullivan had Select Committee investigating the gation" Despite the victim's stature,
been chief of Division Five, the Bu- Kennedy and King assassinations. He neither the Justice Department nor
reau's super-secret intelligence was to be questioned in more than a prosecutor Rolli investigated.
branch. Division Five handled much of dozen civil suits concerning FBI A spokesman for the New Hamp-
the FBI's investigation of the John F. abuses that allegedly took place under shire State Police originally told New
Kennedy and Martin Luther King as- his command. He was to be the star de- Times his department would not be-
sassinations. It also ran the infamous fense witness in what was billed as the come involved because Daniels' father
Cointelpro (Counter Intelligence Pro- most important criminal proceeding was a state trooper (he has since re-
gram), an attempt to "neutralize"left- ever brought against the FBIthe tired from the force). However, it was
ist organizations through such tactics case against New York City Special recently learned that the State Police
as infiltration, monitoring of mail, bur- Agent John Kearney. And he would did investigate. But while insisting the
glaries and illegal bugging. So "Crazy have testified for the government in its shooting was accidental, the depart-
Billy" Sullivan, as he was called for his unprecedented prosecution of former ment refuses to release its official re-
maverick style, had been privy to the Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray port.
FBI's most sensitive secrets. He was and two other Bureau officials. Ca- New Times' investigation of the case
forced out by Hoover in 1971 (the di- reers, reputations and the integrity of has uncovered no smoking gun of con-
rector feared Sullivan was angling for the FBI would hang in the balance if spiracy. But there are enough contra-
his job), but because of what Sullivan Sullivan chose to tell the courts and dictions and flawed evidence in the
knew, even in retirement he remained congressional committee what he official version of the shooting to war-
a powerful and controversial man. knew. rant further examination.

4 NEW TIMES 7/24/78

P...61.01, UrI
A hunter must lead" his shot by winter clothing would hardly be visible hear the shot? Tim Casey declines to
firing slightly ahead of the animal if it from the rear, he agreed and hypothe- comment, saying only, "I refuse to get
is moving and some distance away sized that the white Daniels saw was involved." Mrs. Sullivan also declines
usually aiming to hit the chest or Sullivan's Irishman-pale face! to comment. Sullivan's lawyer, Joseph
shoulder area. As one gun shop owner Then there is the pair of gloves Casey, says, "Sullivan wasn't going to
says, "An experienced hunter never officials found near Sullivan's body. meet anybody. He was out on his
shoots at just a part of an animal; he Daniels said they weren't his, nor did own."
shoots at the whole animal." But after he remove them from Sullivan's Inconsistent accounts do not neces-
identifying only what he thought was hands. Whose were they? Detective sarily indicate foul play. But these in-
the tail of a deer, Daniels fired di- David Lennon of the State Police, who consistencies make some observers
rectly at it, attempting to hit what was received the gloves and the other ex- wonder if the investigation was thor-
certainly an unlikely spot to make the hibits, would not comment. ough enough. The extent of the inves-
kill. Had he led his target, the bullet tigation, of course, cannot be known
would have passed in front of Sullivan. without the State Police report, which
Another detail nagging for expla- remains confidential.
nation is how Daniels was able to spot Because the shooting Chief Young, who had jurisdiction
over the matter, properly removed
movement with the naked eye and fail looked like an accident, himself from the inquiry because of
to better identify , it through his rifle-
mounted scope (which would make his it was investigated like his dose associations with the princi-
quarry appear about four times larg- pals. However, it was Young who de-
er). William Kunstler can't believe this: one cided to assign the inquiry to Fish and
"A four-power sight, at that distance, Game, thereby concluding before-
would enable him to see a pimple on a hand, in effect, that the shooting was
man's neck." Yet Daniels says that with There are other troubling questions. accidental.
the scope and without,The saw only "a For example, was anyone else The investigation was limited to the
brown and white flicker." out hunting near the backyard that perimeter of the field. Even then, how
The "brown and white" is the real morning? Did anyone know of Sul- precise was the official reconstruction
cause of the accident, prosecutor John livan's intentions or direction? of events? For example, Sullivan's
Rolli said at first, because Daniels mis- After the shooting, the New York body had already been moved before
took white clothing for a deer's tail. Tuna reported that Sullivan had been authorities saw itDaniels says he
Even as he approached Sullivan's fall- on his way to meet two "hunting com- dragged it 15 feet in a vain effort to get
en body Daniels thought he saw white, panions" when he was killed. The it to his truck. Did authorities try to de-
according to his signed statement to probable source of this report was termine Sullivan's exact location at the
Fish and Game. He wrote, "I was Charles Brennan, Sullivan's dose time of death? Or did they just take
about 50 yds. when I saw white and friend and former assistant in the Bu- Daniels' word? And was Daniels' posi-
thought it was a deer." So we must as- reau. He says Marion Sullivan, the vic- tion independently confirmed? Was an
sume Sullivan was wearing white that tim's wife, told him Sullivan had been effort made to locate any footprints,
morning. Was he? en route at 6:15 to an unknown loca- tire tracks or other evidence of Da-
Rolli stated in court last November tion to go hunting with Gary Young, niels' and Sullivan's movements, or
that Sullivan was wearing a brown hat the police chief, and Tim Casey, a re- those of others? Were neighbors inter-
and a green and black jacket, over a tired FBI agent who lives in the area viewed? On all of these questions, au-
white turtleneck shirt. (He failed to (no relation to Sullivan's lawyer). Yet thorities give unsatisfying or imprecise
mention that Sullivan was also wearing both Daniels and Young say the chief answers. And although the autopsy re-
a wool shirt buttoned to the neck.) Six was asleep at 6:30, a mile or so from port makes no mention of it, did au-
months after the shooting, Joseph the field, when Daniels stormed into thorities seek to medically confirm the
Casey, Sullivan's Washington lawyer, his bedroom to report the shooting. time of death? None of the doctors
corrected this version: Sullivan, he Young acknowledges he was to go would comment.
said, was wearing a white T-shirt, not a hunting with Sullivan that morning, A State Police spokesman says the
turtleneck. Casey said the T-shirt was but he insists they were to meet at his department's report is confidential be-
bunched up on Sullivan's neck and vis- house at 9:00 a.m. Young says he has cause it is policy not to release such re-
ible under the flannel shirt and mack- no idea where Sullivan's wife got the portsand because, in this case, civil
inaw. On the other hand, the official impression the three were to meet at proceedings may follow. However, the
autopsy report says Sullivan was clad 6:30. shooting has been adjudicated an
in a "red and white-checked mackinaw" New Times has learned from Thom- accident, and six months later the Sul-
(emphasis added) with no mention of a as Hannigan, senior resident agent of livan family has not brought civil
turtleneck or T-shirt. On the one-page the FBI's Concord office, that Tim charges against Daniels. In fact, Chief
forth report of the New Hampshire Casey spent the night at Young's Young. speaking on behalf of Mrs.
Fish and Game Department, the house, a fact Young has confirmed. Sullivan, told the court. "The family
prominence of color in the victim's Asked where Casey was at 6:30 a.m., holds no animosity toward Bobby Da-
clothing is checked off as "unknown." Young told New Times that the retired niels. They would like any leniency on
Asked about these contradictions, agent was already hunting then and sentencing that the court could offer."
Richard Dufour, Fish and Game's 'in- did not return until several hours lat- If the State Police report resolves, or
vestigating officer, responded that Sul- er. Prosecutor Rolli, who was unaware at least grapples with, some of the
livan was wearing no white at all. until recently of Mrs. Sullivan's claim unanswered questions, then its release
"Nothing that I saw would have shown that her husband planned to meet could put the Sullivan case to rest.
white," Dufour said. Recently, Rolli Casey and Young, says he has learned Otherwise, the doubts will continue
admitted he had been in error in court that Casey had been hunting on the until there is a thorough public investi-
and had misidentified Sullivan's white other side of the hill from Daniels and gation.
T-shirt as a turtleneck. When it was Sullivan. As William Kunstler says, "There
pointed out that, in either case, a T- Did Casey know of Sullivan's plans was never more of a motive to kill a
shirt or a turtleneck bundled up under that morning? Was he close enough to man."

I NEW TIMES 7/24/73

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7/24,78 NEW TIMES a

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