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Robert G. Fuller Publications and Presentations Research Papers in Physics and Astronomy


Can physics develop reasoning?

Robert Fuller

Robert Karplus
Lawrence Hall of Science and President of the American Association of Physics Teachers

Anton E. Lawson
University of California, Berkeley

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Fuller, Robert; Karplus, Robert; and Lawson, Anton E., "Can physics develop reasoning?" (1977). Robert G. Fuller Publications and
Presentations. Paper 31.

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Can physics develop reasoning?
The findings of Swiss scholar Jean Piaget suggest that it can-
by helping people achieve a series of four distinct but overlapping stages
of intellectual arowth as thev search for Datterns and relationships.

Robert G. Fuller, Robert Karplus and Anton E. Lawson

The life of every physicist is punctuated the Swiss scholar Jean Piaget. We have going less distance in the same time.
by events that lead him to discover that helped start a modest movement, ac- 3 A-Dots are getting farther apart, cart
the way physicists see natural phenomena cordingly, to inform others of the relevant is moving farther in same time (ac-
is different from the way nonphysicists findings and theories of these social sci- celerating).
see them. Certain patterns of reasoning entists. 4 D-Cart is falling through air; it has
appear to be more common among phys- T o do so we have extended the psy- a rapid acceleration.
icists than in other groups. These in- chologists' original investigations- by James (had not used ticker tape)
clude: dealing with their im~licationsfor the 1 B-At constant speed, the same dis-
b focussing on the important variables presentation of subject matter at the tance will be covered per unit time.
(such as the force that accelerates the secondary-school and college levels. 2 E-Deceleration means less velocity,
apple, rather than the lump it makes on Textbooks, laboratory procedures, so less distance per unit time.
your head); homework assignments, test questions 3 D-Acceleration is exponential, ruling
b propositional logic ("if heat were a and films may all be examined from the out A.
Iiquid it would occupy space and a cannon developmental point of view.' 4 &Assume a frictionle system, with
barrel could only contain a limited In this article we shall describe those brakes momentarily applied between
amount of heat, but this is contrary to my ideas in Piaget's work that we have found dots five and six.
abaervations, so . . ."), and most useful; you may judge for yourself The responses to the Islands Puzzle
b proportional reasoning (for example, how valid they are. We shall conclude by (see the Box on page 26) were collected
the restoring force of a s ~ r i n gincreases suggesting ways in which you can use your from a wide variety of adolescents and
linearly witkits displacement?from equi- expertise in physics and your personal adults. These two are typical:
librium). contacts--whether you teach physics or Delorls (College student, age 17)
In recent studies of the reasoning used by not-to encourage others to develop their 1 "Yes, because the people can go north
students we have discovered among them reasoning through their observations and from Island D-because in the clue it
qualitative differences similar to those analyses of physical systems. could be made in both directions."
between the reasoning patterns of physi- 2 "No; I am presuming both directions
cists and nonphysicists. Student responses to puzzles doesn't include a 4 5 O angle from B to
How can we understand these qualita- To study the differences in reasoning C."
tive differences in reasoning? What role used by students, we have devised a 3 "Yes, because Island C is right below
does physics play in the way reasoning number of paper-and-pencil puzzles and Island A."
develops in young people? given them to high-school and college Myrna (College student, age 17)
Along with a group of teachers in students. Let us examine the following 1 "Can't tell from the clues given. The
physics and other disciplines, we believe typical student responses to two of these, two clues don't relate the upper
that some of the answers to these ques- the Ticker-Tape Puzzle and the Islands islands to the lower ones."
tions can be found in the work of devel- P u z z l e , b d discuss the differences in 2 "Yes; they can go from B to D, and
opmental psychologists, especially that of reasoning displayed in them by the stu- then to C, even if there are no direct
dents. flights."
Robert G. Fuller Is a visiting professor of physics The responses to the Ticker-Tape 3 "No, if they could go from C to A, then
at the University of California. Berkeley and a Puzzle (see the Box on page 25) were the people on B could go first to D,
research physicist at the Lawrence Hall of collected from engineering and science then to C, and then on to A. But this
Science while on leave from the University of students in an introductory physics contradicts the second clue, that they
Nebraska-Lincoln. where h e is a professor of course. Some of them had completed the don't go by plane between B and A."
physics; Robert Karplus is the acting director of term covering newtonian mechanics,
the Lawrence Hall of Science and President of You will notice some similarities be-
the American Association of Physics Teachers, others had not. Here are samples: tween the responses of Fred (to the
and Anton E. Lawson is a research associateat Fred (had used ticker tape) Ticker-Tape Puzzle) and Deloris (to the
the Lawrence Hall of Science. University of 1 B-Dots are spaced equally. Island Puzzle). They both focus on the
California, Berkeley. 2 C-Dots are closing together, cart is specific details of the puzzle. Fred makes


The wheels are turning as these two students compare the angles of when to apply this pattern of thought. The ability to handle functional
rotation of three intermashing gears. Their search for numerical rela- relationships such as proportionality is a characteristic of formal rea-
tionships will help them develop proportional reasoning and understand soning, the fourth of Ptaget's stages of intellectual development.

direct correspondence between the ar- displayed. For an understanding of these mechanics. In this spirit, we should not
rangement of the dots and the physical differences, let us turn to the work of Pi- expect that most people during their pe-
examples given Although he introduces aget. riod of development will exhibit all the
the idea of "acceleration," he does not reasoning characteristics of, say, stage A
indicate that he has any more than a The development of reasoning for a certain period of time and then
vague general idea of its meaning. In a Jean Piaget began his research on suddenly change to all the reasoning
similar way, Deloris concentrates on the children in about 1920. The results of his patterns appropriate to stage B. Rather,
spatial arrangement of the islands. Her work of primary concern to us are re- the development of a person's reasoning
explanations have more to do with her ported in the book, The Growth of Logical should be thought of as gradual, a t a par-
perception of the physical arrangement of Thinking from Childhood to Adoles- ticular time showing the features of stage
the islands than with the clues given in cence." In this book the responses of A on some problem while exhibiting
the puzzle. Both Fred and Deloris appear young people to various tasks concerning certain features of stage B on others. The
limited in their reasoning to the specific physical phenomena are described. stage concept therefore may be more
details of a puzzle, and do not readily re- These tasks included physics experiments useful for classifying reasoning patterns
late the facts of the puzzles to more gen- such as those on the equality of the angles than for describingthe overall intellectual
eral principles. of incidence and reflection, the law of behavior of every particular person at a
Consider, on the other hand, the re- floating bodies, the flexibility of metal given time.
sponses of James and Myrna. Both of rods, the oscillation of a pendulum, the The first Piagetian stage is called sen-
them have made conjectures to facilitate motion of bodies on an inclined plane, the sory-motor. This stage is characteristic
answering the questions. James, who had conservation of momentum of a horizon- of children's thinking from b i i h to about
not previously used a ticker tape, begins tal plane, the equilibrium of a balance and two years of age. Piaget's work with in-
his explanations with generalized con- the projection of shadows. fants provided an explanation for the
cepts such as constant speed, decelera- On the basis of the responses, Piaget humor of the "peek-a-boo" game:
tion, acceleration and a frictionless sys- and his co-workers developed a theory for The young infant appears to think that
tem. Even when his explanation is wrong interpreting the development of what he the only objects that exist are the objects
("acceleration is exponential") he dem- considers to be universal patterns of rea- that can be seen. The sudden "creation"
onstrates that he is reasoning within a soning. Pivotal to this theory is the con- of a large person by removing a blanket
system of deduction from hypotheses, in cept of stages of intellectual deuelop- covering him does seem to be a funny
which a ticker tape can serve as one spe- ment. The stages-there are four in the event. Subsequent experiences provide
cific example representative of a more theory-are characterized by distinctive the child with the opportunity to develop
general pripciple. features in the patterns of a person's an awareness of the permanence of ma-
Myrna, as she reasons about the Islands reasoning. It was hypothesized that each terial objects.
Puzzle, fits the clues into an overall of Piaget's four stages serves as a precur- The concept of permanence provides
scheme for explaining the air travel be- sor to all succeeding stages, so that rea- the basis for the child's need for language.
tween the islands. She suggested a hy- soning develops sequentially, always from If objects do exist when they are out of
pothetical trip, demonstrating the cor- the less effective to the more effective sight, then it is useful to have symbols (or
rectness of her answer by reasoning to a stage, although not necessarily a t the words) to represent them. So the sen-
contradiction. James and Myrna display same rate for every individual. sory-motor stage serves as the precursor
patterns of reasoning commonly used by Like a concept in any theory, a stage of for the next, pre-operational, stage.
physicists. intellectual development is a simplifica- During the pre-operational period the
Even in the responses to these simple tion that is helpful in analyzing and in- child is learning words and trying to fit his
written puzzles, the qualitative differ- terpreting observations, somewhat like a experiences of We world together. The
ences in student reasoning are vividly point particle or a frictionless plane in pre-operational child lives in a very per-


sonal world with his own ego at the center
("The Sun is following me!"). He puts
The ticker-tape puzzle facts together to produce ad-hoc expla-
nations, such as, "My dad mows the yard
The puzzle below is a task designed to display the variety of student reasoning patterns used because he's a physicist."
in a typical physics c l ~ o o m
activity. R Is taken from materials for the workshop on Physics The pre-operational child does not use
Teaching and the Development of Reasoning offered at the 1975 AAPT-APS meeting in causal reasoning. Some authors have
Anaheim. California (reference 1). used children's pre-causal explanationsas
the motif for humorous books. For Pi-
aget, such explanations are clues as to how
Start End

A f . . . . w
children think about the world in which
they live.
The first two Piagetian stages are usu-

B . . 0 . 0 . e . . . .
ally completed before a person is nine
years old. The child's interaction with

c I* . o . . . . . .
physical systems plays an essential role in
his or her intellectual development during
the first two stages. The role of physics

D em.. . . . . 1 in the development of reasoning in the

elementary-schoolyears was discussed in

E \* . . . . .... a special issue of PHYSICS ' ~ O D A Y . ~

Concrete reasoning
To explain the qualitative differences
in the reasoning patterns of older stu-
dents' responses to the two puzzles de-
Many physics labs allow you to study motion by making timer tapes like the five illustrated scribed earlier we must look to Piaget's
above. These are strips of paper attached to a moving object and passing through a timing third and fourth stages of intellectual
mechanism that makes a row of small dots by striking regularly at equal time intervals, usually development, con,crete reasoning and
five to ten times per second. formal reasoning. Certain characteris-
Have you ever used or watched such a device?
Identify the tape that fits each of the examples below and justify your answers, taking tics help identify reasoning patterns as-
special care to mention any tapes that a less experienced student might easily mistake for sociated with these two stages.
the correct one. Here are some of the characteristics of
concrete reasoning patterns; illustrative
1. A student walking through the laboratoly at constant speed ABCDE examples are added in parentheses:
Justification? Class Inclusion A person at this stage
2. A cart gradually slowing down on a level plane ABCDE understands simple classifications and
Justification? generalizations of familiar objects or
3. A cart rolling freely down an inclined plane ABCDE events (can reason that all aluminum
Justification? pieces can close an electric circuit, but not
4. Explain how one of the two remaining tapes might have been made, and briefly justify all objects that close a circuit are made of
your hypothesis. aluminum).
Consewetlon Such a person reasons
that, if nothing is added or taken away,
the amount or number remains the s&e
even though the appearance differs (that
when water is poured from a short wide
container into a tall narrow container, the
amount of water is not changed).
Serial ordwlng The person arranges a
set of objects or data in serial order and
may establish a one-to-one correspon-
dence ("The heaviest block of copper
stretches the spring the most.").
Reversibfllty A person using concrete
reasoning mentally inverts a sequence of
steps to return from the final to the initial
conditions (reasoningthat the removal of
weight from a piston will enable the en-
closed gas to expand back to its original
Concrete reasoning enables a person
b understand concepts and simple hy-
potheses that make a direct reference to
familiar actions and objects, and can be
explained in terms of simple associations
("A larger force must be applied to move
a larger mass.");
b follow step-by-step instructions as in
Srjarka mark the pwltlon of the falling object on the tlcker tape. The dot patterns can not be a recipe, ~ r o k d e deach step is specified
anhlysed readily by that third of U S adolescents and adults who use only concrete reasoning. (carry out a wide variety of physics ex-


element theory of color vision),
Control of varlaMes In establishing the
The islands puzzle truth or falsity of hypotheses, a person
recognizes the necessity of taking into
The puzzle below is a written task designed to display the variety of deductlve-loglc slmtegies consideration ail the known variables and
used by adolescents (reference2). designing a test that controls all variables
but the one being investigated (for ex-
ample, changing only t.he direction of the
light to detect the possible existence of the
Concrete reasoning about constructs A
person applies multiple classification,
conservation, serial ordering and other
reasoning patterns to concepts and ab-
stract properties (for example, applying
conservation of energy to propose the
existence of the neutrino),
Functional relationships A person rec-
ognizes and interprets dependencies be-
tween variables in situations described by
observable or abstract variables, and
states the relationships in mathematical
form (for example, stating that the rate of
change of velocity is proportional to the
net force),
Probabilistic correlations A person rec-
ognizes the fact that natural phenomena
themselves are subject to random fluc-
There are four islands in the ocean, lslands A. B. C and D. People have been travelling these tuations and that any explanatory model
islands by boat for many years. but recently an airline started in business. Carefully read must involve probabilistic considerations,
the clues about possible plane trips at present. The trips may be direct or include stops including the comparison of the number
and plane changes on an island. When a trip is possible. it can be made in either direction of confirmingmd disconfirming cases of
between the islands. You may make notes or marks on the map to help use the clues. hypothesized relations (for example,
First clue: People can go by plane between lslands C and D.
Second clue: People can not go by plane between Islands A and 8. arguing from the small number of alpha
Use these clues to answer Question 1. 00 not read the next clue yet. particles scattered through large angles
1. Can people go by plane between lslands B and 0 7 from gold foil to suggest a nuclear model
Yes N o - Can't tell from the two c l u e s Please explain your answer. for the atom).
Third clue (do not change your answer to Question 1 now!): People can go by plane between Formal reasoning patterns, taken in
lslands B and D. concert, enable individuals to use hy-
Use all three clues to answer Questions2 and 3. pothesis and deduction in their reasoning.
2. Can people go by plane between lslands I3 and C? They can accept an unproven hypothesis,
Yes- N o Can't tell from the three clues -
deduce its consequences in the light of
Please explain your answer.
3. Can people go by plane between lslands A and C? clther known information and then verify
Yes No Can't tell from the tttree clues-- empirically whether, in fact, those con-
Please explain your answer. sequences occur. Furthermore, they can
reflect upon their own reasoning to look
for inconsistencies. They can check their
results in numerical calculations against
periments in a "rookbtmk" laboratory), applying a related but not necessarily order-of-magnitude estimates. James
and correct algorithm (uses the formula s = and Myrna, in their responses to the
) relate his own viewpoint to that of an- at "2 to calculate displacement, even puzzles, gave evidence of using formal
other in a simple situation (be aware an when the acceleration is not a constant), reasoning.
automobile approaching a t 55 mph ap- and In the table on page 28 we summarize
pears to be travelling much faster to a b processes information, but is not some differences between reasoning at the
driver moving in the opposite direction at spontaneously aware of hi own reasoning concrete and formal levels. I t is quite
55 mph). (does not check his conclusions against char that a successful physicist makes use
However, persons whose reasoning has the given data or other experience). of formal reasoning in his area of profes-
not developed beyond the concrete stage The puzzle responses given by Fred and sional expertise. In fact, formal reasoning
demonstrate certain limrtat~onsin their Deloris are examples of concrete rea- is prerequisite for producing quality work
reasoning ability. These are evidenced as soning. in physics.
the person: Many theoretical and experimental
) searches for and identifies some vari- Formal reasonlng issues relating to Piaget's work are still
ables influencing a phenomenon, but dtas The following are characteristics of being investigated. Piaget's original nn-
so unsystematically (investigates the ef- formal reasoning patterns and examples tion was that all persons use formal rea-
tects of one variable without holding all from the history of physics to illustrate soning reliably by their late teens. Yet
the others constant); them: recent studies strongly suggest that, al-
) makes observations and draws inf'er- Combinatorial reasoning A person sys- though almost everyone becomes able to
ences from them but without considering tematically considers all possible relations use concrete reasoning, many people do
all possibilities (fails to see all of the major of experimental or theoretical conditions, not come to use formal reasoning reliably.
sources of error in a laboratory experi- even though some may not be realized in These persons often appear to be rea-
ment); Nature (for example, using the spectral soning at the formal level andlor com-
) responds to difficult problems by response of the eye to develop the three- prehending formal subject matter when


Workshops and programs
based on Piaget's concepts
Workshops that focus on physics teaching
and the development of reasoning have been
offered at professional meetings and on in-
dividual college campuses. The workshop
materials for examing instructional aids in
various subject areas are available from
several sources:
) Physics Teaching and the Development
of Reasonlng Workshop Materials, AAPT
Executive Office, Graduate Physics hilding.
S.U.N.Y., Stony Brook. N.Y. 11794;
) Biology Teaching and the Development
of Rwoning Workshop Materials, Lawrence
Hall of Science, Berkeley. Cal. 94720;
) Science Teaching and the Development
of Reasoning Workshop Materials (includes
physics, chemistiy, biology, general science
and earth sciences), Lawrence Hall of
Science, Berkeley. Cal. 94720. and
) College Teaching and the Development
01 Reasoning Workshop Materials (Includes
anthropology, economics, English, history,
mathematics. philosophy and physics rna-
terials),ADAPT, 213 Ferguson Hall, University By cornparlng the extensions of a coil spring at various points, these students are gaining insight
of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln. Neb 68588. into proportionality; such formal-reasoning patterns are attained through self-regulation.
Another such workshop is being spon-
sored by the American Association of
Physics Teachers at the joint APS-AAPT for this, let us tuln to another concept in ) an analysi of the situation to locate the
meeting inChicago this month. Piaget's theory of intellectual develop- source of difficulty and
College students are being encouraged ment, that of self-regulation. b formation of new hypotheses and plans
to develop their reasoning in several pro- of attack.
grams, including: Self-regulation is the process whereby
b physical-science programs, such as those an individual's reasoning advances from Just how this is done varier; from person
led by Arnold B. Arons. University of Wash- one level to the next, an advance that is to person and depends upon his analytical
ington (Amer. J. Phys. 44, 834; 1976) and always in the direction toward more suc- and problem-solving abilities. The re-
John W. Renner, University of Oklahoma cessful patterns of reasoning. Piaget sults of these reflective and experimenting
(Amer. J. Phys. 44, 218: 1976); considers this process of intellectual de- activities are new reasoning patterns that
) the introductory physics laboratory c o w velopment as analogous to the differen- may include new understandings. In
for engineering students developed by Robert tiation and integration one sees in the terms of assimilation and accommoda-
Gerson, University of Missouri-Rolla, and biological development of an embryo, as tion, self-correcting activities (accom-
) two Piaget-based multidisciplinary pro-
grams for college freshmen. ADAPT at the well as analogous to the adaptation of modation) are constantly being tested
University of Nebraska-Lincoln and DOORS evolving species. (assimilation) until this alternation of
at Illinois Central College. East Peoria. A person develops formal reasoning phases produces successful behavior.
only through the process of self-regula- The whole self-regulation process, di-
tion. Concrete reasoning thus is a pre- rected a t a stable rapport between pat-
requisite for the development of formal terns of reasoning and environment, is
they are actually only applying memor- reasoning. often called "equiIibration" by Piaget.
ized formulas, words or phrases. The process of self-regulation is one in Recall the self-regulation process that
The development of formal reasoning which a person actively searches for re- Count Rumford recounts in his essays on
represents an extremely worthwhile ed- lationships and patterns to resolve con- heat." Piaget's terms, Rumford ex-
ucational aim. Formal reasoning is fun- tradictions and bring coherence t o a new perienced cognitive conflict by the ex-
damental to developing a meaningful set of experiences. Implicit in this notion traordinary ability of apple pies to retain
understanding of mathematics, the sci- is the image of a relatively autonomous their heat, by the fact that heat had no
ences and many other subjects of modern person, one who is neither under the effect upon the weight of objects and by
life. The finding, by a wide variety of constant guidance of a teacher nor strictly the intense heat of the metallic chips
studies," that more than one third of the bound to a rigid set of precedents. separated from the cannons he bored. He
adolescents and adults in the United Self-regulation can be described as could not assimilate these experiences
States do not employ formal reasoning unfolding in alternating phases, beginning with the caloric theory of heat, so he re-
patterns effectively presents a real edu- with assirnilatinn. The individual's jected that theory. He accommodated
cational challenge. What can be done reasoning assimilates a problem situation his reasoning to experience by developing
about the significant fraction of the pup- and gives it a meaning determined by the idea that heat was excited and com-
ulation that appears to be stuck a t the present reasoning patterns. This mean- municated by motion.
stage of concrete reasoning? ing may or may not, in fact, be appropri- The development of reasoning has two
ate. Inappropriateness produces what is requirements: Exploratory experiences
Self-regulation called "disequilibrium," "cognitive con- with the physical world, and discussion
As physicists, we can see the advan- flict" or "contradiction," a state that, ac- and reflection upon what has been done,
tages to our profession of more wide- cording to Piaget, is the prime mover in what it means and how it fits, or does not
spread use of formal reasoning patterns. initiating the second phase--accomodo- fit, with previous patterns of thinking.
T o see the role that physics would have b tion. This suggests that experiences gained
play in creating the necessary atmosphere Accomodation entails through physics can play a key role in the


development of reasoning aod under-
Concrete versus formal reasoning
Role of the physics community
Let us examine how physics could be In concrete reaoonlng, a person
used to foster self-regulation in a person. ) needs reference to familiar actions, objects and observable properties;
Two factors appear to be required: ) uses classification, conservation, serial Ordering and one-bone correspondence in
) He must be faced with a physical sit- relation to concrete items above;
uation that he can only partially under- ) needs step-by-step instructions in a lengthy procedure, and
) is not aware of his own reasoning, Inconsistencies among various statements or con-
stand in terms of old ideas and tradictions with other known facts.
) he must have sufficient time to grapple
mentally with the new situation, possibly In formal reasoning, a person
with appropriate hints, but without being ) can reason with concepts, relationships, abstract properties, axioms and theories;
told the answer-people must be allowed ) uses symbols to express ideas;
to put their ideas together for them- ) applies cornbinatorial, classification, conservation. serial ordering and proportional
selves. reasoning in these abstract modes of thought;
The ideal situation would be one in ) can plan a lengthy procedure to attain given overall goals and resources, and
which the problems experienced are felt ) is aware of and critical of, his own reasoning, and actively checks on the validity of his
to be solvable. The Piaget hypothesis is conclusions by appealing to other Information.
that a challenging but solvable problem From Module 9 of the Science Teaching and the Development of Reasoning
will place persons into an initial state of workshop materials (see the Box on page 27).
disequilibrium. Then, through their own
effo& a t bringing together this challenge
with their past experiences and what thev
learn from teachers or peers, they wiIl photographs to analyze the collisions of human potential. Perhaps our efforts to
gradually reorganize their thinking and two objects appear to be a t least as de- increase the appropriate~people-physics
solve the problem successfully. This manding as the Ticker-Tape Puzzle; yet interactions are as imwrtant to the future
success will establish a new and more we have seen that the solution t.o the of mankind as our cbntinuing efforts to
stable equilibrium with increased un- Ticker-Tape Puzzle was inaccessible to increase our fundamental understanding
derstanding of the subject matter and students who used only concrete rea- of physical systems.
increased problem-solving capability, that soning.
is, intellectual development. In short, our fixation on the formal as-
One example of such a use of physics is pects of physics instead of its concrete This material is based upon ururh done as a
an exhibit of a spring scale and an equal- experiences has made physics unneces- part o f ,\iisf,fJ
(Ad~tuncingEducation through
arm balance mounted on the wall of an sarily difficult and dry. We have re- Scrpnce-0rien.tud Prc~grams),supported by
elevator in a public building.' The riders moved the sense of exploration and dis- the CIS National Science k'oundatinn under
covery from the study of physics for the Grant No. SED7.I- 18950 The opinions are
in the elevator noticed that the "weight" those of the authors and do not n~cessarily
of the object on the scale varied while the majority of students. Several generations reflecl lhe views of the I'iundatior~.
balance remained stationary, a paradox of public-school students have been
t,hat gave rise t,o some cognitive conflict. alienated from
A small card beside t,he exhibit asked What can you do to make the study of References
questions and offered hints to encourage physics less a slave to the formal structure 1. Proceedings of the Workshop of Physics
the riders to accomodate to this experi- of the discipline and more of a servant to Teaching and the Development of Rea-
ence. the development of reasoning? You soning (Anaheim, Calif. January 19751,
Physics programs, done properly, can can American Association of Physics Teachers.
be effective means of promoting intel- ) become more familiar with the appli- Stony Brook. N.Y. (1975).
lectual development. Such develop- cations of Piaget's ideas to learning from 2. E.F. Karplus, R. Karplus. School Sci. and
mental-physics programs are not aimed physics; Math. 70,5(197Q).
a t producing more physicists, but at en- ) learn about the present attempts to 3. R. Inhelder, J. Piaget, The Growth of
abling people to develop their potential offer Piaget-based programs for large 1,og:ical Thinking from Childhood to
for formal reasoning. This reasoning can numbers of students; Adolescenc~, Basic Hooks, New York
serve them well in many aspects of our ) encourage your school or college to (1958).
technological society. initiate some programs that focus on the * ~ ~ u Adune
4. ~r*vsrc-s s. 1972.
If physics is an essential element in the deveIopmenl of reasoning rather than the 5. D. Griffiths, Amer. J. Phys. 14,81 (1976);
growth of reasoning, why are persons so mastery of content; G. Kolcdiy,d. Co11. Sci. Teach. 5,20 (1975);
turned off by physics? It seems to us that ) assist service clubs and other groups to A. E. Lawson, F. Nordland, A. DeVilo, d.
present physics to the citizens by means Res. Sci. Teach. 12, 423 (1976); J . W.
the physics community has chosen t o McKinnon, d. W. Renner, Amer. J. Phys.
isolate itself from individuals using pri- trfdisplays, exhibits and media, and 39,1047 (19711;J. W. Renner, A. E.Law-
marily concrete reasoning patterns. It ) develop your skills as a facilitator of son, Phys. Teach. 11, 273 (1973); C. A.
has been suggested that all of the junior self-regulation in others. Tomlinson-Keasey, Dev. Psychol. 6. 364
and senior high-school physics curricula The Box on page '37lists some sources (1972).
that have been developed in t.he last 25 of workshop materials, as well as current 6. The Cull~ctedWorks of Clount Humford
years have been intended for stu3ent.s college programs based on the Piaget (S. C1. Brown, ed.). Harvard U. P., Cam-
who typically use formal reasoning. concepts. bridge, Mass. (1988).
True, modern secondary-schcol physics 7. L. Eaqun, A.J. Friedman. Phys. Teach. 13.
courses, such as PSSC Physics and the The human potential 491 (1975).
Project Physics course, have directed As a result. of our professional experi- 8. P. de H. Hurd, School Sci. and MaLh.53,
students toward laboratory experiments. ences, we of t.he physics community may 439 (1953).
Yet many of the experiments can only be possess a valuable insight: that carefully 9. M. R. Rowe. The Science 'reacher 42,21
understood within the hypothetical planned interactions of persons with the (1975).
structure of the formal laws of physics. experimental systems and concepts of 10. A. B. Arons, Amer. J. Phys. 14,834 (1974).
For example. the use of stroboscopic physics can contribute vitally to the full


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