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6300,North CentralExpressway -
=R SPE 8j5 \
Dallasj Texas





?3enSloat$.MemberAIME$Calgon Corp., Tulsa, Okla.

ItiRODUCTION water so we are going to keep them separate-- A

neat trick -- the only trouble is that it can not
People and.industry need water. TO manu- be done. Even in a once through system where a
facture a ton of paper requires 2t400 bbl of single supply water is used for all injection
water. 180 bbl cxfwater are needed to make a requirementsand every barrel of produced water
ton of steel andp although we are not used to is disposed of separately) ~he supply well water
thinking of oil In tons, if we did, it would tae ~d the oxig~~al formation waker have plenty Of
70 bbl of waterto produce one ton of waterflood chance to mix in,the vicinity Of the producing
oil. Every living creature and plant on the face ,weJJs , Collectingthe return water andin.jetting
of the earth has to have water sad we humans will ,Lt into a few input wells out on one end oithe
.gathro~h two barrels of it every day. , pattern does not change conditions in very many o
%he producingwells at the tim$ of water break-
With worlciwater supply constant and world through. In f8ct, a split system forces water
water demaad increasingat an,alazming:atcit troubles to localize in the produc.lngwells where
is extremely important for every water consuper they are nvt only expen&!-ve to handle mechanical
to match quality with intendeduse. CertaiYLy but also have an importantbearing on oil
all of the water needed to make a ton of sieel production.
does not needto pass U.S. Eblic Health Standards ;
nor is pumping drinkingwater into the ground to FI!iIJCASE HISTORY
produce wa%erfJ.oodoil a good match of quality
and US~o Proceedingon the premise that there is no
easy way to design around produced water problems
Fortunatelyjwater floodinghas actually the next step before startinga flood is tohave
created a demand for b~d water. the various source waters analyzed,mixed in E+
proportions.withthe formationwater for mineral
D&bead of hav&ng a nasty salt water di6posa1 compatibilityantithenthoroughly ch,eckedfor ,
problem on its hands the oll industryhas a organic growths and bactexia.
challengingopportunityto turn a liability into
a profit. Thetechnologyrequired to process and Table 1 shows typical supplywaterand Red
reuse produce! water is nowat the point where Fork formationwater analyses for Creek Countyj
costs can be estimatedwith confidenceand profit Okla. floods. Fig. 1 was prepared using the
forecastshave real meaning. Aud sibce most chlcride~hardness an~ cal}ciumvalues Tor the twc
waterfloodproducingwells will lift ten times waters and then checked initiall$by actually
as much water as oil during their economic life analyzingkuoi?nmixtures of the two waters.
we can say with tongue in cheek that opportunity
is not only at hand but is overflowingon a few Hydrogen sulfidewa~ not found In any of the
projects. original formationwater Emples and was never
detectedinthe water suppl~ well.during three
Four major water qualityproblems associated years of regular monitoring. Nevertheless,a8
with reSnJectlngproduced water are discussed in water broke through to the producingwells
this paper. Mechanicaland ch~micalprocedures hydrogen sulfide started to Bhowup in bleeder
for defining each problem, correctingitend then mampLes,Fig. 2. As the pexcartage of supply
.rnonitoring water quality to guard against any well waterin %he produced fluidincreasedt so di
recurrenceof the trouble are presented. the hydrogen sulfide values. cultures for stzlfat
reducingbacteria set up from produced $?ater
-~SEFKSYSTEMM~ ~~ ---- ---- - s~ples wliichcontairied H&d&vel@xXi asmarryas
60 coloniesper milliliter. And again, neither
~owman~ tfnieshave you heard the statement the original formationwater nor the aupplywel.1
~n water ever culturedpositive fo,rsulfate reduc-
Referencesaridilluktratione @ end Qf PaPer. ing bacteria.

. .

The unpredictableactlvityofsulfate filled up it had to be pum:>edover into.%he 1)000

reducing bacteriaand the damagingeffect of barrql taak more often. settlingtime in th(
their localizedprod.uctionof H.@ is not confined backwash pit meant more oil wet solids goirigto
to Red Fork floods. Similar conditionshave the fi~t~r by way of the 1)000 barrel tank and
developed in many Glen Sand floods of Tulsa Boon the filter waBuselese. Oil wet solids thkn
County SXIdDutcher Sand .Tloodsin Muskogee moved to the inJec%3.onwells witihplugging,
COun%Y. !CabTe2 shows that even oxygek bearing corrosionand .tncreaEiedindectionpressuresthe
injectd.onwa%ercan show up in producingwells end result.
with the original oxygdn replacedby 10 or 15 ppm

IV-ANTDESIGN The first step;ls to stay constantlyon the

lookoutfor oil in the injection system. Install.
The basic f16w diagramfor the waters in and keep an eye on wellhead filtiercartridges
Table 1 provided tor mixing Red Fork return water check for oil In the backwash water from conven-
from the.%riiaiier
supply water in a J.$OOO %ional filters> and inspect the media regularly.
barrel steel tankand then pumping from this tank Most importantof all, climb up and take a look
threugh a presstu, filter directly to the suction in the raw water and filteredwater.storagetanks
of the %iioH.P.P.s. To backwash the filter the and as goon as any traces of oil show up start
plant had to be shut doti. Backwashwater wa~ checkingback through the productng side of the
taken from the 1)000 barrel raw wa%er storage, system.
tank end dischargedinto an unlined pit. After a
little sun and fresh air plus occasionalrain the Most oil carryoverproblems can be corrected
Qater in the backwash pit was pumped back to the by a~~le mechanicalor design change.
1)000 barrel tank and reused aiong with the
return water and water from the supply well. All Siphons and partially open valves are no
piping in the system was bare steell.
with most trouble to fix once they have beetilocated. If
iaput wells taking water through the casing. an unexpected Increase In produced fluid volume
over loads existing otl-w.aterseparationequLp-
OIL CARRYOVER- TEE NUMSER 1 PROBLEM men%, shu+ in t,heblg water wells until more tank
or a IWKO can be set. A temporary drop in produc
Probablythe worst sin@.e problem associated tion has a way of alertingmanagement to the need
with the.reuse of produced water is oil carrying for some changes and in any eve~itis much better
over into the lnJection System- Among other and less expensivethan fouling the injection
things: system.

1. 011 collectson raw water storage tanicti The second ,atep,after making all the
with the resultingoil-water interface ideally mechanical and design changes necessaryto cu~
suited for bacterial growth and slime development. down on oil carryover, is $? see what
2. Oil mixes with the water when storage done chemically. One of the first things to
tanks roll due to gas break out or sudden water check is the use of oil soluble -- water disper-
entry and.agglomerateseuapendedmaterfal. sable corrosionInhibitors. !Ihisis not to tinply
3. Oil wet solids and free oil foul Tilter that products in this category are not effective
media rapidly. Longer and more frequentback- corrosion inhibitors,butj it does mean that
washing is the immediateresult with chemical these products are supposedto catch and hold oil
cleaning or media replacementsoon to follow. in their dolecular strbcture. 2 If the weakly
k. Oil contributesto corrosionin the ,polar hydrophilic end happens to prefer @av-
injection system by Ioca&izingthe attack whether .tngalong with the free water phase to hanging on
due to bacterial action or agglomerate~kolids the rods and tubingl considerableoil carryover
such as iron sulfide which are cathodicto steel. into the injection system can result from the
5. Oil wet particles plug inJectionwells addition of just a few gallons a day of oil
and run up work-over expense because the oil has solublewater-dlspernableinhibitor. A better
to be removed before the conventionalacid treat- choi.cefor corrosioninhibition,at least in
ments a~e very ~ffective. those wells making appreciablewaterj would be a
highly polar completelywater dispensablematerie
In Ol&homaJ the Red Fork is fracturedand that tioesnot have any affinity for oil.
after a few months of water injectionone or two
produc%ngwells usually show a sharp increase In Recently weight
water ~roduction. This was the case on the flood polymers used primarily for coagulationgd pre-
In question and as the amount of fluid passing treatment of mixed brines are in many cases -
through the treater increased>oil carryingover effective ile-tiilers. Properlyatlaedto produced
totheraw water tank also increased.Oil Wet - -
sol%ds soonoverloadedand fouled the filter. Rnulsion breaking is noi coneidereahere since
that art usually deals with removing trace amount
Frequentbackwashingwith oily-unfilteredwater.
only made matters worse and as %hebackwashpit of water from the oilrather tharismall amouqts
of oil from the watex.

---, m. BEN SLOAT -1-IC

fluids at pQlnts of good mixing such as FWKOS) precipitatedand either se%tled out in pits and
skimmer teak inlets and troughs leading to tanks or removed by illtration.Ideally$ open
settlingp?.tsthis new class of water treating system injectionwater should contain less than
chemicalswill improve oil-water separationand 0.1 @/l of dissolved Iron. In closed systems
also coagul.a+esolids so *hat they can be either the iron value a% the H.P.P. should be matched
set%led out, floated off or filtered more out at the more remote I.W.s.
If thedissolved iron cotrbent of $he
IRON finishedwa%er is more than:O.lmg/l and there is
.-.> still a tendency to form precipitatesafter the
Second onlyto oil carryover is the impoz%- filter> then the thirdstep of stabilizingtihe
snce ofeither dissolvedorprecipitat&i iron in dissolved iron should be taken. In the prenence
*he return wa$er. Most of ~he formationwater of oxygen or chlorine iron csn be efficiently
originallypresent in sand reservoirscontains stabilized~y metaphosphate.3 IX the iron prec-
dissolved iron naturallyand water from any for- ipitating in the injection system is a result
mation will usually pick up iron on the way to of bacterial ar:tionthen the only course is to
the surface during the never ending process of kill Iihebacteria.
corrodingproductionequipment. iron is a prob-
lem because: BAclEmA
1. Dissolvqd iron can be preclpitateclby Most experiencedwaterfloodoperatorsare on
either.oqygenor chlorine in the form of red iron the lookout for severe bacterialproblems any
oxide [Fe203]. time a produced brine is mixe$ with fresh or low
2. Iron can be precipitatedin ~he form of salinitywater for injection.~ Normal monitorin~
black ma~etic iron~xide [Fe304]by trace of the water going intothe ground is a must
amounts of oxygen. under these conditions,although,in many systems
3. Iron can be precipitatedin theform of the problem first.showsup in the producing
brown iron carbonate [Fe[C03]]in the Presence of wells at the= of water breakthrough.
csrbon dioxide. The hydroscopicformof LrOn
carbonate is often the end tiroductof corrosive Since most organic biocides require a com-
carbon dioxide attack on bare steel. bination of lethal.dosage end contact time to be
4. ~ron.canbe precipitatedin the form of effectivethe cost of treating iB dlrec%ly
black [nonuagnetic] irons proportionalto the amount of water to be-treatet
contactWt<h hydrogen ~ti.l~ideor by theupon
[FeSl action For exsmple, the treatment of mixed waters --
of sulfate reducingbacterli. brine plus fresh water %s much more expensive
Iron c%nbe precipitatedin.the form of than treating theoffender separatelybefore
cltunp~ofred hydrated ferric oxide [Fe[OH]3]by mixing. Similarly$if _the>roduced tiateris the
the action of iron bacteria, !. transporterof the organic growth load then
rather thqn treat it as tt enters the plant a
pli changes>pressure drops -- better . ),cewould be to select skveral of the
anything khich happens to produced water on the producingwells and treat them down hole.6
way to the ~Jection side of the system has an .
influenceon the ironequilibrium. Iron pre- Early detection of 6 bacterial,p~oblemin
effectivelyplug inJectionwells, mete~ the producingwells, either by direct cllzures o~
screens and filters. Oil wet iron sulfide is in %he ca8e of sulfate reducersby II@ B.ndiron
practicallyimpossibleto baclniashfrom filters measurementsmakes selectivetreatmentpractical<
and even more trouble to removed from InJection In many systems a gallonof biocide added to a
wells. Iron sulfide Lb cathodic%0 steel end differentproducingwell each day is of much mor(
when precipitatedcan often aggravate corrosion benefit than five times this much added each day .-
by promoting the formationof pits in the snodi< to the mixed water at the plant.
areas of the pipe.
In addition to.mineral incompatibilityin
WHAT TO DC)ABOUT IRON? - producingwel.lstit is also pos5ible to have
serious chemicaltreatment incompatibilities.
There are three ways to bring iron problems Most effectivebiocidee sad corrosionic~ibitoxw
under control. are cationt~in nature md react readily with
ani.onicssuch as the metaphosphatesused for
Firs,t#and very importantIs to set up a scale prevention. There is no way Iiochemiccliy
gooflcorrosion contrglprogrsm,forthe producing overcomethis t?undwentalincompatibiliky so the
wells. The object being to simply cut down on only choice is to apply the orgaaics on as
the amount of iron which gets iwto the water in infrequenta slug basis as possible and recognize
the .fLrs%place. . .: ---- ~hat @ring the=%ime the.COIIC@@JX%_kiOIL of.
cationic is hi&- the systei wLll not receiye &Y
Second$is to blend return water back inth scale protectionfrom the phasphate. Since most
the system so that as much iron as possible is of the newer organic corrosioninhibitorstreat

,.. ... ... .. -

,> .._ ... ., ,,. . .. . . ---- .. .. .. . ...
.- ,.. .

the p%pe andno% the water thk chemical incom- question,rests with a strai&tforwara estimate of
pa%ib%l%ty is not as bad as it m%hti seem. Once what it.will cost to.properly conditionand
the i&ibitor has been transportedby the water process this produced water for +einJecticn.
to the metal andthe,surface has been effectively Some broad problem - cost guidelinesare as
coatedthe film persiktanceof th? inhibitor follows:
becomes the controllingfactor and in most cases
this film persistfwiceis no% alteredby the 1. Producingwellcorrosionproblems due to
continuousfeed of 6 ppm of metaphosphatencr- low pH or acid gas attack can be brought under
mally used for scale preventtoti. control for $1 a week for each 17000 ft of hole.
Wells producing from 2,000ft shouldreceivegood
SCALE FOR!YATIONIN PRODUCINGWELLS projection ~or $8 to $10 per month per well.
2. Producingwell bacterialproblemsj
!fhemost widely used material for scale properly dkzgnos~d$seldom cost more than $5 for
prevention in pxc?ducing wells is glassy phosphate every l)OOO,barrelsof water producedduring.the
usually in the form of a controlled solution rate required two to four week clean up period. Once
OP.self feeding phosphateti7To be ef.fectlvej under control the combination.ofreguiar monitor-
ph+phates must be fed continuouslywhich means ing andselectivechemical treatment usually droti!
that return water systems with most of the the total cost for both service &nd biocide to
producingwells treated for scale are going to less than $2 per 19000 BWPD. Recently developed
have UD to 10 mm ofmetaphosphatein the water solid biocides with self limiting solub.llity
as it &ters t~~ plant. ~pe~ding on the type propertiespromise,to reduce treating cost even
of system, this metaphosphatewill either re- fuz%her.
enforce the treatmenton the injection side or 3. Productngwell scale.problemscan be
be of no benefit. preven%ed by standard downhole treatmentwith a-
controlledsolubilltyphosphate at a cost of 42
In opes systems,the presence of phosphate in to $3 for every I.)OOO~PD* The new C.S.P. well-
the return water can affect cocigulation and bore packing technique costs about 25 per cent ..
filtra;ian. Normal procedure M toemploy a less than standard downhole treatment.
minimum treatment in the producing wells and
carry no more than 1 ppm of metaghosphatethrough WaterflO@ operators plagued wikh twc or
the pits to the filters, If the water after the even all three of.,theseproduced water problems still unstable this is he@Xled by a can still correct them for much less than one.
supplementtim etaphosphate feed to the fil~er cent a barrel includingthe cmt of anY I@nksj
effluentto prevent scale buildap in %he injec- aeratorsJponds and filters which mitit be
tion system. neces&ary. On the other bend, neglectingproduce
wate???roblems and going tlieleak Clampj damage .,
Closed systems vitih,acaletrouble in *he claim, pulling uuit, .pump-tubing-roareplac ment
producingwelle only usually adopt stemdard down: route can cost from 5 to20 cents a barrel.f
hole treatmentwi%h a C.S.P. If.tlie scale prob-
lem is worse after the return water is mixed with In most cases the costof preparing produced
the supply waters then the treatment cd?Lnd%vidua water for reinductionIs less by far than the cos
producingwells is usually beefed up to take care of lifting sad treating a subsurfacesupply ox
of the suppiy.waterdi@tion factor or the puxchasfngwater outright from another operator.
supply well.itself is put on treatment.
This paper has pointed out that fo~ conunon
During the economic life ~f moat waterflood injectionwater treatment,problemscan get
producingwells the cost of lifting th& water started In ?he pZOdUCing wells. Oil carryover
which has to be pumped to the surface in order iron precipitating>bacterial,contaminationand
to get the oil ustiytakes $0.30 off the scale depositionin the injectionsi~e of the
selling price of every barrel of oil.. or looked system can often be controlledby properly blencl-
at another way] the cost of handling produced Ing Xetm water with supply water,andby chemica:
water-shrinksrecoverableoil in the resexvoirbY treatment of selectedproducingwells.
at least 10 per cent - thereis no way around *hi,
cost because it is as fixed as the power btll. I-. OKI.carryover CS.Uusually be prevented.
On the o+her hand)supply water .whetherpurcha?eil mechanically. Oil soluble-titerdf.spersable
outright or developed from subsurfacezones usu- corrosioninhibitorsaggravatetheproblem. High
ally costs the same or tiorethan the fixed molecularweight polymerslisedin corurentional
price of produced water. Three to five cents a ad Zn I*ne coagulationoften improve oil-waker
barrel for purchased or subsurfaceWatei?vs 3 separationin ski.rmnertanksand baffle ponds=
. -..
forproduced wirteti.~ A?idasince tliepro-
auced water is usually convenl.efrtly located and 2. D?On prec~pitation csn be controlledby:
already acquainted!with the resemoir why not An effective corrosion inhibitionprogram to
put it to work? Often)the answek to *his prevent iron from entertng the system and proger :,

.,, ,
**, m

rgi-w IJ -.. -----

blendlng of return water wi%lieupply,water to take REFERENCES

maximum advantageof natural precipitatio~
reactions so bha% iron already in the water ean 1. API - Division of Production: Subsurface
be remove&. ~ Salt Wa%er.Disposal.
2. API and NationalAseocia_kion Qf Corrosion
3. ~dividual producingwe~s are ideal for Engineers: Corrosionof Oil and Gas Well
selectiveand inexpensiveuse of a biocide. Equipment.
Small wate.rvolumespermithigh dosage rates and 3. Hatcht G. B. Z@ Ralstonj P* H.: Controlof
contacttime is usua~y sufficientto ki~.the Oxygen Corrosion in Flood Waters) Paper
bacteria before the water is blend@ back into presented.SouthCentral Regional Meeting
the-system. NACE, Oklahoma City, Okla. [Oct..16, 19631.
k: Eernardz Gee. C. and chamberlain,Henry L.:
k. Producingwell scale problems are ,: %OWPH Controls Contsarinated Flood Waterer
usually treated with metaphosphatewhich in turn Oiland~s ~our. [March} 19611 156.
affects coagulationand filtration. Recognizing 5. Awtutz, RwW. and Reynoldsj L. C.: Engi-
this effect and regulatingdosage ~evels so that neering Aspects of Waterflood %cteriology.
they are consistentwith plant design omd injec- 6. Baumgartner,A. W.t Doubie-BarreledAttack
tion water treatmentpractice is imPotimte on Microbial CsurosLonfj
Pet. Eng. [Nov.,
5. !Checost of.preparing produced water.for 7. Sloat, Ben: contro~eas olubility
reinJect.ionis usually le8s tihanthe cast of Phosphates~NewApplicationTechni~uesSimpli-
Mdt.ingmd treating a subsurfacesupply. fy Scale Preventionin Waterfloods and
Producln:.:!ellsjPaper preeented California
IX is the authors estimate that between now Regionai Keetlng SPE of Amt Santa Barbara$
end 1~70 the.Oil tidustry will have to make Calif. [Oct. 24, 19631.
decisions concerningreuse or disposal of pro-
duced water volumes amountingto twenty million . .
barrels a day. If even one ger cent of this
total goes astray, it would be enough to make all
thew@er in a r3ver the size of the Adomsas ,.
unfit,forany but,the most margtnal fndustr~al
and humanneeds.

,-. .

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~,...-,. .. .. . .. . ..- .. . . . . ,., -. . . ... . .... .
-,-. . ;; ,. --:- , ...-.,.:. -_ :.-:,-
. ..,..._. . >..--:.- .- ------ .. . . . . ..

TA6LB #2
Tin.! 41
(Ii,,tc, 5P..,,*4 la IIIIEIIX-* w au..) Lwchersandflood

%F:tltian % 5UPP1Y Chlorid* Dlmolvad My&awI

et water OH oxvm?n.
mm Sulf ide.

109 b .5 101,5W lb, mn IL, SW i

100 0 64,000 6 NMacive Nqwt We
11.5 a.0 92,CW 33,000 10,: w
9.m 40 60 24,$00 7A Ne6.atfvO 12
15 a.Q $1,%.a W,dw I
62.S 5d 76,9X 21,020 S,m n 65 21,000 7,5 Nesicfve 18
w sJ 66,C.W Z40wn 7,400
27 73 16,200 7!4 NwaCiVe NE@chIc
375 6.0 mm at,cw 6,4W
n 6.0 mom-l ls,cm 3.!44 17 83. 10,000 7.7 Negative 4
12.5 6,5 it,= 1*,x+ k, MO
0 100 boo 6,5 i 9.4
Me .
0 ?.0 M,* 10,w 3, q
,,, t

z *
0. 15 _
a. \
,5 10 I
9 t
z e
0; 1,
i= ., I
<5 -
;4 I
z I
U13 I
:2 I
:1 ~,1 i
% , / ,, I ..
o 20 40 --60 eo 100
3,000 1 I I 1 I I I I 1>
0 20 40 60 00 100

.,. <
i , FIG. I - FIG. II

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